1 Aspartame as a cofactor in the Autism Epidemic? The US is in the
1 Aspartame as a cofactor in the Autism Epidemic? The US is in the
The chemicals we ingest The chemicals we ingest may may affect more than our own health. They affect more than our own health.affect the health and vitality of future They affect the health and vitalitygenerations. The danger is that many of these chemicals may of future generations. The not harm us but will do silent violence to our danger is that many of these children. chemicals may not harm us but Senator Abraham S. Ribicoff (l971) will do silent violence to our children. Aspartame as a cofactor in the Autism Epidemic? Kenneth Stoller, MD, FAAP President, International Hyperbaric Medical Assoc. Medical Director, Hyperbaric Medical Center, New Mexico Medical Director, Hyperbaric Oxygen Clinic Sacramento Senator Abraham S. Ribicoff (l971) AutismOne May 27, 2006 Chicago 1965 GD Searle Chemist accidentally discovers a substance 180 sweeter than sugar with no calories Aspartame The US is in the midst of a DEVASTATING EPIDEMIC of neurodevelopmental disorders Pentagon lists Aspartame as prospective biochemical warfare weapon 1 1967 1971 University of Wisconsin Monkey study Seven monkeys fed Aspartame mixed with milk. One dies, 5 have Grand Mal seizures St Louis School of Medicine Washington University Dr. Harry Waisman, director Joseph P Kennedy Jr memorial Lab of Mental Retardation Research Mice study Aspartic acid, one of the main constituents of aspartame, causes hole in the brains of infant mice Dr. John Olney, professor of neuropathology and psychiatry Ann Reynolds of GD Searle confirms Olney’s findings In 1973, Searle applies for FDA approval and In 1973, Searle applies for FDA approval and submits over submits overit100 studies it claims support 100 studies claims support aspartame’s safety 1973, Dr Martha Freeman of the FDA Division of Metabolic and Endocrine Drug Products sends Memo: aspartame’s safety Neither the dead monkeys nor the mice with holes in their brains are included in the submission. Neither the dead monkeys nor the mice with holessubmitted in their brains are Information by Searle included in thewith submission. inadequate regard to the toxic breakdown product diketopiperazine (DKP) Dr John Olney, 1974 James Turner & the group Legal Action for Buyer’s Education and Labeling file formal objection to aspartame’s Neither approval citing the dead monkeys nor evidence miceit could with holes in their brains cause brain damage, included particularly in in the submission. children Dr John Olney, James Turner & the group Legal Action for Buyer’s the Education and Labeling are file formal objection to aspartame’s approval citing evidence it could cause brain damage, particularly in children 1974 1974 In 1973, Searle applies for FDA approval and submits over 100 studies it claims support aspartame’s safety FDA commissioner Alexander Schmidt grants aspartame its first approval as a “food additive” in dry goods despite FDA scientists finding serious deficiencies in the data submitted by Searle HEW Secretary Caspar Weinberger appointed Schmidt Commissioner of Food and Drugs in July 1973 2 19751975 In 1973, Searle applies for FDA approval and submits over 100 studies it claims support aspartame’s safety Concerns about the accuracy of test data submitted to the FDA by Searle prompt Schmidt to appoint a special task force to examine irregularities in 25 key studies for aspartame. 1975 1975 In 1973, Searle applies for FDA approval and submits over 100 studies it claims support aspartame’s safety Searle withdraws aspartame from the market pending results of an FDA inquiry. The inquiry board doesn’t convene for another four years HEW Secretary Caspar Weinberger appointed Schmidt Commissioner of Food and Drugs in July 1973 FDA Task Force 1976 FDA Task Force 1976 500 page report of Searle’s testing procedures New Task force formed headed by Jerome Bressler Schmidt: “[Searle’s studies were] incredibly sloppy science. What we discovered was reprehensible.” 1977 Grand Jury FDA chief counsel Richard Merrill requests US Attorney‘s office to investigate whether indictments should be filed against Searle. This task force would look into the irregularities in Searle’s aspartame studies uncovered by the original task force. While the grand jury investigation is underway, Searle‘s law firm recruits Samuel Skinner, the US attorney in charge of the investigation. Skinner takes job with Searle‘s law firm Sidley & Austin. 1977 3 The legal case is passed to William Conlon, and despite complaints from the Justice Department, Conlon stalls the grand jury until the statute of limitations on the aspartame charges runs out and the investigation is dropped. 1977 Conlon leaves the Justice Depart. and joins Searle‘s law firm, Sidley & Austin Bressler Report 1977 1977 Rumsfeld CEO “The question you have to ask yourself is: why wasn’t greater care taken? Why didn’t Searle, with their scientists, closely evaluate this, knowing full well that the whole society, from the youngest to the elderly, from the sick to the unsick…will have access to this product.” Former Congressman and Secretary of Defense under Ford is hired to turn things around for Searle Verrett Report 1977 FDA is pressured to create another task force to review the Bressler report. The new task force is headed by Jacqueline Verrett. FDA publishes a report exonerating Searle of any wrongdoing in its testing procedures. 1978 Conlon leaves the Justice Depart. and joins Searle‘s law firm, Sidley & Austin • Tumors were removed from live animals and then put back into the studies. • Various rats were reported alive, then dead, then alive again 1979 • Verrett will later testify to the US Senate (1987) that her team was forced into validating data from experiments that were clearly a FDA finally holds a public board of inquiry (PBOI) - to review the objections of Olney & Turner “disaster” 4 John W. Olney, MD John W. Olney, MD Professor of Psychiatry & Neuropathology, Departments of Psychiatry & Pathology, Washington University School of Medicine Professor of Psychiatry & Neuropathology, Departments of Psychiatry & Pathology, Washington University School of Medicine “The FDA has a special obligation to protect children” “There is no margin of safety for the use of aspartame in the child’s diet” Aspartame Board of Inquiry Aspartame Board of Inquiry 1980 The FDA’s PBOI votes unanimously against aspartame’s approval John W. Olney, MD Professor of Psychiatry & Neuropathology, Departments of Psychiatry & Pathology, Washington University School of Medicine Neither the dead monkeys nor the mice with holes in their brains are included in the submission. “Aspartame will contribute to the incidence and severity of mental retardation in fetuses and children” “it has not been presented with proof of reasonable certainty that aspartame is safe for use as a food additive” Aspartame Board of Inquiry 1981 1981 Rumsfeld vows to use political rather than scientific means to get the FDA to approve aspartame Arthur Hull Hayes, Jr pharmacologist and Defense Department contract researcher Becomes FDA Commissioner Brags he will “call in his markers” Searle sales meeting? 5 1981 Arthur Hull Hayes, Jr He ignores the recommendations of the FDA’s commission to review the PBOI’s decision and approves aspartame to be used in dry goods, tabletop sweetener, for breakfast cereals, chewing gum, instant coffee, tea, and in dairyproducts 1983 z Secret human studies were done in Mexico City by Searle, an unpublished study that reportedly showed that aspartame destroyed the brain and central nervous system, and hardened the synovial fluids. Some people got brain tumors and others had seizures. A pregnant woman lost her baby. 1981 Rumsfeld CEO Gets $12 million Bonus 1983 – First Secret human studies were done in Mexico carbonated beverages 1983 First carbonated beverages City by Searle, in l983 unpublished studies containing aspartame go on sale that showed that aspartame destroyed the containing aspartame brain and centralin nervous system, and USA hardened the synovial fluids. Some people gogoton saleandin USA brain tumors othersthe had seizures. A z pregnant woman lost her baby. 6 1983 1978 Conlon leaves the Justice Depart. and joins Searle‘s law firm, Sidley & Austin Arthur Hull Hayes, Jr Resigns as FDA commissioner for using the General foods corporate jet multiple times (GF was and is a major purchaser of aspartame) Hayes takes $1000/day job at BurstonMarsteller, the PR firm for both Searle and Monsanto 1984 FDA denies Turner & Monte’s requests for a hearing. The FDA states it reviewed all data and concluded that “the studies demonstrated the safety of these (aspartame’s) components.” But then asks the CDC to investigate a number of cases of adverse reactions to aspartame coming into the FDA Woodrow Monte is the Director of ASU’s Food Science & Nutrition Lab 1984 – CDC’s review of public complaints “Evaluation of Consumer Complaints Related to Aspartame Use” Use” Notes re-challenge tests show that sensitive individuals consistently produce the same adverse symptoms each time they ingested aspartame REPORTED SYMPTOMS INCLUDE Aggressive behavior Disorientation Hyperactivity Memory loss Seizures Mood swings Cardiac arrest Liver impairment Suicidal tendencies Death 7 CDC coverup of the report A summary was added to this investigation that contradicted the report saying that the findings were "mild". By virtue of this short oneparagraph summary (to a 146 page report) the term "mild death" is now a defacto part of CDC jargon 1984 – study at ASU in Journal of Applied Nutrition determines that soft drinks stored at elevated temperatures promote deterioration of aspartame into methanol (and DKP) 1985 Monsanto, the producer of bovine growth hormone, genetically engineered soy, and the pesticide Roundup, purchases Searle for $2.7 billion National Soft Drink Association objects to aspartame’s approval for carbonated beverages 1985 Section 402 of the FDC Act 21 provides a food is adulterated if it contains, in whole or in part "...a decomposed substance or if it is otherwise unfit for food.” "Searle has not demonstrated to a reasonable certainty that aspartame and its degradation products are safe for use in soft drinks. ... Aspartame is inherently markedly and uniquely unstable in aqueous media. In a liquid, such as a soft drink, aspartame will degrade as a function of temperature and pH." Congressional Record of May 7, l985, Page S 5509, Senate 1985 Metzenbaum introduced a Bill entitled, “The Aspartame Safety Act of 1985.” He considered this the absolute minimum that Congress needed to do in Howard M. Metzenbaum (D-Ohio) served for 19 years in the U.S. Senate, where he order to protect the was a champion for working families and health and safety of an active member of the Senate Labor and Judiciary Committees the public. 8 1986 US Supreme Court, lead by Justice Clarence Thomas, a former Monsanto attorney, refuses to consider arguments from consumer groups that the FDA did not follow proper procedures in approving aspartame. US Senate Hearing 1987 “It was pretty obvious that somewhere along the line, the bureau officials were working up to a whitewash.” Jacqueline Verrett Verrett reveals that while compiling its 1977 report, her team was instructed not to comment or be concerned with the validity of the studies. She states the questions of birth defects have not been answered and notes that increasing the temperature of aspartame increase DKP The Guardian (UK) 1990 – The Guardian publishes a major investigation of aspartame and delivers to UK government officials “a dossier of evidence” (excerpts of the Bressler Report) and demands a review. Instead the The Guardian is taken to court by Monsanto and forced to apologize for printing the story. US Senate Hearing 1987 held to address the issue of aspartame safety and labeling This is where it was revealed that aspartame was once on a Pentagon list of prospective biochemicalwarfare weapons 1989 Dr. HJ Roberts, director of the Palm Beach Institute of Medical Research, claims that several recent aircraft accidents involving confusion and aberrant pilot behavior were caused by aspartame 1989 1992 What corporations have known for some time is discussed, albeit it briefly, in the press- the “Science Mob” is for sale and most of them will keep secrets if it means keeping their jobs. 9 HHS compiles a report listing all CDC and FDA complaints against aspartame which now accounts for 75% of all the complaints in the US adverse-reaction monitoring system. 1994 Betty Martini uses the Freedom of Information Act to force the FDA to release an official list of adverse effects associated with aspartame. Complaints now exceed 10,000 – the FDA states < 1% of those who have problems report it to the FDA which means over a 1 million people have been experiencing adverse effects from aspartame. Betty Martini 1995 1996 The FDA promptly announces it will not continue to collect adverse reaction reports or monitor research on aspartame. Dr. David Kessler, FDA Commissioner, granted aspartame blanket approval to be used the same as sugar... in everything! He did so without public notification, and shortly after being requested by retired Senator Metzenbaum to initiate additional safety testing. Now Dean of Yale Med School 1995 Olney publishes peerreviewed research showing that brain tumor rates have risen in line with aspartame consumption. 1996 Independent scientists from the University of Barcelona publish landmark study showing aspartame is transformed into formaldehyde in the living animals and transported to all organs throughout the animal. 1998 10 2000 1999 An investigation by The Independent on Sunday reveals that aspartame is made using a genetic engineering process. 1999 Monsanto, under pressure – not least from the worldwide resistance to genetically engineered food and ongoing lawsuits – sells Nutrasweet to JW Childs Associates, a leading private equity firm specializing in leveraged buyouts and recapitalizations. 2004 The documentary that examines how inadequate food safety requirements gave birth to toxins being accepted into our food supply. QuickTime™ and a Sorenson Video 3 decompressor are needed to see this picture. Includes interviews with Dr. Russell Blaylock, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Jim Turner, ESQ, Dr. Michael Ruff, Dr. Candace Pert, Noam Chomsky, Sheldon Rampart, Jeffrey Smith, Jack Samuels, Dr. Janet Starr Hull, Mary Nash Stoddard, Spice Williams Crosby, Bob Wall, Larry Hagman, David Getoff, Howard Glasser, Sally Fallon, Robert Scott Bell, Arthur Evangelista, Betty Martini, and many more. 2005 2006 The Ramizzini Institute in Bologna, Italy - a non-profit, private institution set up to research the causes of cancer. The 3-year Ramizzini study condemned aspartame as a "multipotential carcinogen." In the USA Merisant's sales dropped 22% and Holland Sweetener, Europe's largest aspartame producer said they were out of the aspartame business. Dr. Morando Soffritti who led tests at Ramizzini A dose-related statistically significant increase of lymphomas and leukemias in female rats. This statistically significant increase was also observed at a dose level of 20 mg/Kg of body weight, a dose inferior to the accepted daily intake permitted by current regulations (50-40 mg/Kg of body weight). So something had to be done and fast. Denying any link to aspartame manufacturers, the EFSA group lead by Dr Herman Koéter dismissed the Ramizzini cancer study and pronounced aspartame safe for all to consume. But “all” have outside careers with financial ties to aspartame producers. 11 z z New Mexico Senator Ortiz y Pino, February 10, sent a letter signed with 10 other state legislatures asking that Governor Richardson declare a state of Public Health Emergency on or before February 13, 2006 regarding the effects of aspartame/methanol/formaldehyde poisoning. Ajinomoto hired the Governor’s best friend, Walter “Butch” Maki and his affiliates, former Governor Jerry Apodaca, and former Governor David Cargo, Former House Majority Leader Richard MINZNER to make sure nothing was done to interfere with the sale of aspartame products. The New Mexico Food Act (25-2-1 to 25-2-19 and 25-2-20 NMSA l978) on adulterated and poisonous foods is a strong, clear law with its criminal prosecution provisions for violators. The Statute provides that: A food shall be deemed to be adulterated, (1) if it contains any poisonous or deleterious substance which may render it injurious; (2) if it contains any added poisonous or added deleterious substance which is unsafe, and (3) if it consists in whole or in part of ... decomposed substance, or if it is otherwise unfit. Just keep postponing the hearing Ajinomoto Corp of Japan (the world's largest aspartame and MSG manufacturer) Senator Ortiz y Pino's SB 654, the Bill to Ban the neurotoxic carcinogenic poison Aspartame from human consumption in New Mexico SB 654 was tabled in the Senate Public Affairs Committee. The committee voted 5-2 after being heavily lobbied by COCA COLA, PEPSI COLA, "CALORIE CONTROL COUNCIL," AND AJINOMOTO. NIH, NCI halt spin on bogus aspartame study z The Calorie Control Council (CCC) has been boasting about a 1996 AARP and NIH "Diet & Health Study" they say proves aspartame doesn't cause cancer. z On April 18, 2006, Don Harkins, editor of the Idaho Observer, called the press secretary for NIH and NCI, Jennifer Thompson, to see what they think of CCC's use of AARP's "study" to exonerate aspartame. Ms. Thompson said the conclusion is "premature" and is "an interesting piece of evidence" but not scientific proof. Harkins reports: "Thompson didn't disagree when I indicated it was irresponsible for the CCC, which has a special interest about claims aspartame is safe for human consumption, to have used the abstract from an UNPUBLISHED study to claim aspartame safety. Further, AARP isn't qualified as a scientific research entity to make any claims one way or another. That means CCC, as a special conflicted interest, has no backing for these claims. Likewise, the American Dietetic Assn. And the American Beverage Assn. are conflicted interests unsupported in their claims." z 12 Corruption, Deception and Depravity and Depravity Each of us are obligated to vote with our feet, our wallets and our voices to claim the rights and powers that were taken from us while we slept to end the unholy alliance between corporation & state that demonstrates over and over that it will poison all of us to make a buck. Deception ManyCorruption, within our government are loyal public servants dedicated to their mission of protecting the United States and serving its people no matter in what agency they serve. Those in lower ranking positions don't know what happens in the higher levels of authority, much less that some of their colleagues are rogue agents carrying out the biding of their nefarious handlers. The chemicals we ingest affect more than The chemicals we ingest may may our own health. They the health and affect more than our own health.affect vitality of future The They affect the health and vitalitygenerations. danger is that many of these chemicals may of future generations. The not harm us but will do silent violence to our danger is that many of these children. chemicals may not harm us but Senator Abraham S. Ribicoff (l971) will do silent violence to our children. Senator Abraham S. Ribicoff (l971) 13
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