December/January - The Feingold Diet
December/January - The Feingold Diet
PureF=ac{s r"'ffi1 Newsletter of the FeingoldoAssoclationof th€ United Stat€s December2lXl5/ January 2006 FEtItGoLD@ Vol. 29,No. 10 The Food and Drug Law - one hundred yearslater foodsbecameknownto In 1906,after the problemsof filth andthe adulterationof processed the public, Congresspassedthe Pure Food and Drug Act and createdthe agencythat would laterbe namedthe Food andDrug Administration(FDA) ven before the country's first laws were passedto IJprotect the consumer,specialinterestsfought hard to In the FI)A's own words: changedis that now the pressureto weakenthe laws is coming not only from the corporations,bd also from the federal agenciesthat are supposedto be concemedwith the welfareof the citizen. In 1\4tythe FDA, alongwith the Departnentof Health and Human Services,announced their proposal to "modemize" principles for food standards of identty. So what are "itandardsof identity" them? andwhat'swrons with modemizins. be used in the manufactureof the food. Food standards ", 'jH*:tTi:l:hffff ensure that consumersget what they expect when they purchasecertainfood products." The new proposal would "stimulate technological innovatjon" and "optimize the useof new food processing and packaglngtechnologiesin the developmentof food Products geared to the needs of today's consumer" accordingto the proposal' protect rhatparthasnotchange.d.. whathas theirpronts. [llt;sJ# *S,x':*T ti.#.*#*+f;l:oks*f, ',;{-*r<ff'$%t}":g*itrf g.:.X{F Schools,drugs, kids and their parents Shouldschoolsestablishmental health screeningprograms for students? What qualifies as a mental health issue? Depression?ADHD? Or maybejust beinga teenager? I n idea that was first proposedtwo years ago could gain new life with the .lll,ne>ic teen who brings a weapon to school and causes bloodshed. At first glance,the prospectof screeningchildren for mental health problems sounds like it has merit; certainly, there are youngsterswho need help and are not receiving it. But it conld start this country down a slippery slope and completelyfail to accomplishany real benefitfor our children. The first problem is that the term "mental health" has different meanings for differentpeople. For the professionalcommunityin this corntry, it is generallytranslatedto meaneither cormselingor the use of prescriptiondnrgs. Since counselingis time consumingand costly, it is being replacedwith medicine. The most likely medicinewould be antidepressants and thousands of ciildren are taking them despitetheir lack of effectivenessand potential for harm. A leading British medical joumal, The Lancet, has writen critically of the testing that dnrg companieshave carried out, testing that is rife with poor design and manipulateddata. They also cite the U.S. Food and Drug Adminstration's (FDA) continuing supportof such drugs despitetheir serious risks. Continuedonpage3 For decadesit has been the standardsof identity that have slowed down the adulterationof food, making it more difficult for a company to substitute cheaper ingredients.Consideringhow many foodless items are being used in processedfoods, the standardsof identrtyhavevery little clout as it is. The proposalto officially altered them would allow even more questionableadditives and processing manipulations. We are already being offered a d ie t o f g e n e t ic a ll y m o d i f i e d , chemicallyfertilized, irradiated, fluoridated,cloned,gassed,flavor enhanced,over-heated,smashed, mashed,extruded,synthetically c o lo re d , a rt if ic ia l l y f l a v o r e d . chemicallypreservedand otlerwise tortured food. How much worse can it get if the official standards- which are routinely ignored- aretrashed? Confinuedonpage 6 The Feingold@Associationo{ the United States,Inc., founded in 1976, is a non-profit organizationwhose purposesare to support ib membersin the implementationof the FeingoldProgramand to generatepublic awarenessof the potential role of foods and synthetic additivesin behavior,learningand health problems. The programis basedon a diet eliminatingsyntheticcolorg syntheticllavorl aspartame, and the preservatives BHA, BHI and TBHQ. Bouncy Boo BecomesBetter By Eileen Mynes Our little Emily has had many nicknamesin her short life: Wild Child EnergizerBumy, BorurcyBoo, etc. After threeweekson Feingoldsomethingremarkablehappened. I s an ADHD adult, I needsystem -l-l,and organization to accomplish basic tasks, like feeding the family. Every evening, I demand that the floor be cleared and toys put away. Once, when my older daughterwas four- she wouldn't do it. so I took a trash bag and scoopedup all the toys off the floor. The next dav. she personallyhandedit to t}re woman at the Medina Children's Home. My rationale was that if she didn't care enoughabouther toys to take care of them, then anotherchild neededthem more. Shenever gave me an excuse aboutcleaning€ain. I tried using the same method on Emily from thd early age,but instead of working, she would sit and cry abod how she couldn't do it - even up to age seven. I tried to help her by sayrng,"Pick up the red toy, and put it in the toy box," etc. She couldn't do even that. She just talked, played and cried some more. Experts in ADHD told me that I would haveto be with her throughout the entire cleaningprocess,and even then, shemay never be able to handle it alone without.medicdion. But she was already on medication and still had so manyproblems- Finally, we found the FeingoldProgram. Here's Ernily af&r a short time on Feingold" The puffiness under her eyesis now gone. She was thin as a rail with dark circles urder her eyes. We always had plenty of protein, fruit, and vegetablesfor snacksand meals, but for years she ate only apples and pean$ buler sandwiches. (I would later leam that the peanutbutter was not a Feingold-acc€ptable brand.) At a medicalcheckupfor my older daughter,five year old Emily had squirmed,hopped,climbed, htmrmed, fell, bounced,and tried 1o ei1 rgain The parenting techniques all in the space of about a minute. This doctor askedme if I wantedto that had been successfulwith have her tested for ADHD. Thus my first child didn't work for beganmy searchfor what would help my yormgerdawhter. We agrcedto Emily. try drugs, behavioral modification, and orgarucs. Her pediatriciantold us that one nutritronalsr,pplements Everything worked a little or cannottell if a baby will become sometimes, but Emily continued to hyperactive, but something seemed panic when it time to clean her was different abord her from 5 weeks of age. Emily moved continuously room. In the springof 2005,we decided every waking moment, and fell into we couldn't keep her on Ritalin that an exhaustedsleep every night. As anymore, and the next day the she grew, she was like a ping pong Canadians bannedAdderall. We ball, bouncing from activity to weaned her off all drugs and tried activity, but not completing any. organics. She was better, but still parts Parts of her advanced,but of had bad days weeks. Shelostalot or her brain fi.rnctionseemedto be stuck of tovs. at agetwo. 2 Pure Facts/December2005/Januam2006 Severalweeks ago I posted our good news on an ADHD message board, "Yesterday, for the first time ever, Emily cleanedher room. She did it without any impetus at allll She vohmteered,did it on her own, and told me about it later! She also cleanedher sister'scloset. She said that shejust felt like it. I had to sit down and take slow bredhs! "I had put so mudr effort into this one issue,thd the day she did it on her own floored me. I've beentelling everybodythat the Feingold Program is responsiblefor the "New Emily". "We are starting our fourth week, but saw results within three days. Although we had made changesin her diet. I hadn't consideredher toothpaste, shampoo,and other non food, plus her favorite macks were salicylates: cucumbers,apples, grapes,and Texasorarges." We saw results in just three days, and in the third week Emily decidedshe wantedto cleanher room. Since I also have ADHD, I joined my litde dear,and guesswhat? I quit "flfing off the handle" and cryrng over minor things. There are people on the e-loop who say they've been with Feingold for over twenty years. It would have been wonderfr if I could have said that, but I wasn't listening then It took having a child facing her own difficulties for me t care enoughto search for the solution. We have slippedup on the diet now and agam, but it only servesto show us how goodit is. We havea BefierBoo. Thanksfor caring enoug! to do the researchneededto tell peoplelike us hovvto stay sdle. Who would pay? Perhaps the wodd's wealthiest business:the If the FDA is not up to the job pharmaceuticalindustry. In addition perhaps we should tum to the to mantfacturing drugs, Big Pharma N*ional Institutes of Mental Health. gives generouslyto doctors,paysfees But a look at their literature on to the FDA to approve new drugs ADHD showsthat they have not done quickly, funds support groups that their homework. They cite poorly- promote dn€s, and of coursespends designedstudiesfrom the 1970sand largesumson donationsto politroans ignore newer shrdiesthat demonstrate and salaries for their armv of the link betweenfood additives and lobbyists. ADHD. What's more, the agency An industry frmded mental health confusesthe Feingold Program with screeningprogram would be the first sugar-free diets, a distinction our st€p toward gaining many thousands youngest children can understand. of new customersfor their newesl Can we trust that they will have a mostexpensive drugs. beEer grasp of the complex issues involved in a child's menal health? \trental Health,from page I Non drug approaches that work! Feedingchildren real food, free of petroleum-basedadditives,is a good place to begin. The work Dr. Feingold startedin 1965cortinuesto this day, with 40 yean of successful expenence. New researchis showingthe value of supplementinga child's diet with the important essentialfatty acids, especiallythe omega-3oils. They have beenfound to enhanceleaming, improve behavior, and alleviate deoression. Heading down a slippery slope Schools ue already pushing medication on unwilling parents. Patricia Weatherswas pressuredinto putting her son on Rrtalin and he becamepsychoticas a result. This experienceled to the formation of the non-profit supportgroup Ablechild. Her experienceis shared by many otherparents,who have beencoerced and threatened that their children would be taken from tlem if they did not comply with using drugs, even when a child has had a very bad reactionto thern. Now that we know of the many damagingside effects from various drugs being Biven to children the practiceis all the more appalling. (Among the potential dangersfrom drugscommonlyusedfor ADHD are: liver damage,suicidal thoughts, cancet stunt€dgroMh, strokes,heart problerns,death.)Evena drugwith a serious potential danger can be valuableif there is no altemdive and if the benefit is so great it is worttr the risk. This is not the case with ADHD dnrgs, and it is not the case with antidepressants, which list depression asone sideeffect. Chromium Chromium,a tracemineral,can also play an importantrole in treatingsomefonns of depression. Malcolm Mcleod is a psychiatristand professorof psychiatryat the ]\r. I;funiversiw of North CarolinaSchoolof Medicine. He hasdiscovered that a form of the mineral - chromium picolinate - can be as effective as antidepressantmedicine, at a fraction of the cost, and with no adverseside efrects. Individuals who suffer from what is called "atypical depression"appearto be excellentcandidatesfor this therapy. The name "*ypical" is misleading, since more than half of depressedpeople sufrer from it. The individual is typically: overweight, craves carbohydrates,is chronically tired, overly sensitiveto perceivedcriticism, and say their armsandlegsfeel veryheavy. Although the value and safety of chromium supplementationhas been known for decades,it was Dr. Mcleod who listenedto hrs patients,delved into the history of the research on the mineral. and conducteda series of experimentaltrials to validate the astonishing benefits this inexpensive srpplement can offer. He worked with colleagues,collected clinical data and published articles in peer-revrew joumals. ".-.our theory was that Most Americans are deficient in this Who would pay? chromium helps depression by mineral and our diets, high in simple Schoolsdon't haveenoughmoney increasing the sensitivity oJ the carbohydrates,further deplete our to pay for all their current programs. body to insulin and improving resources. The lack of chromiumis ln fact some schoolsare suing the glucose metabolism, which result believedto affect many parts of the body federalgovemmentfor mandding the in an increase in brain chemicals and has been associaGdwith diabetes, "no child left behind" initiative wolved in depression, " heart disease,PMS, as well as weight withor.t providing frmding for it. Dr. Mcleod gain anddepression. Pllrc FrctslDecember 2005/Jouary 2006 3 Accountabilitv Industry giants are beginning to face the consequencesof their actions. study published in the New 'ngland Journal of Medicine in November of 2000 showed lhd Merck & Company's expensivenew painhller, \Aonx, was superior to naproxen, an older pain medicine, and that pdients taking Viopr had less stomach bleeding. Brtr on December8 of this year the Joumal editors accusedthe study ar,thorsof withholding important data about the risk of the drug, which has since beenwithdrawn by Merck. Information on three heart afiacks from Vioxx were removed from the manuscript sent to the Joumal, utd the authors withheld data about strokes and other heart problems, accordingto the charges. Among the researchersin the study were two Merck employeesand eleven other scientists who all hadfinancialties to the dnrg giart. The Joumal ditnrs have requeseda correctionfrom the authon, and expressedtheir concem that doctor would have viewed the dng differently if they had all of the information. The disclosure is bad news for Merck, which is involved in 7,000 law suits brought by families of Vioxx victims. h has been known sincethe eady 1990sthat diacetyl can causesevere lung damage;the workers who make the artificial flavoring wear respiratorsto protectthemselvesfrom harm. But the Intemational Flavors and Fragrancescompany failed to warn the popcorn maker of the dangersto employeeswho breathein the fumes or are exposedto the dust from the chemicals. IFF has reachedseulementswith a total of 54 plaintiffs, who suffer from what has been dubbed by the media as "popcom lung." The National Institute for OccupationalSafety and Health is now concemedabout the dangerthat this additive posesfor workers at other snackfood factones. New Mexico takes on Aspartame The New Mexico Envi ronmental Improvement Board is planning to hold hearingsin July of 2006 on the use of aspartame(NutraSweet, Equal). the state'sgovemorbelieves the US govemmentis not protecting citizens from this additive, which a recent study has linked with malignantbrain twrors, leukemiaand kidney cancer. Aspartamecritics say the additive can be bannedfrom the state since it is consideredby the Board to be a adulteran! poisonous,deleteriousand misbranded. The defense of the synthetic sweetener will be offered by the Japanesemanufacturer,Ajinomoto (the world's largest maker of aspartameand MSG) and the Calorie Control Council, an organization representing the manufacturersand users of artificial sweeteners. They are lining up powerful, welllaw firms to fend off the connected Lawsuit againstWyeth potentialfinancial and l"gd damages. Ten families around the United Since the US Food and Drug States have joined in a law suit Administration allows aspartame, againstWyeth Pharmaceutical.They many assume that a federal law allege that the anti depressant, Effexor, caused suicides and would take precedenceover a state law- But consumer advocate. attempted suicides in family members. The suit is basedon the StephenFox explainsthat the FDA's rulings are actually "policies," not plaintifFs claim that Wyeth knew for federal laws. This conceptwas put years that the drug causedsuch side to in Minnesotain March of the test effects, but chose to keep this 2005. The widow ofa suicidevictrm information from doctors in order to sued Pfizer on the groundsthat their avoid losing sales. The Food and drug, Zoloft" was responsible. The Drug Administration now requires Mirmesota Attomey General argued Effexor to carry a "black box" listing Food additive damage that the fzct Zoloft was FDA side effects, which is the strongest The giant additive manufacturer, waming of the potential harm of a approved did not shield the manufacturerfrom liability. Intemational Flavors and Fragrances drug. (IFF), haslost its mostrecentlawsuit to a former employeeof a Missouri Aspartamedecomposesat 86 Consumersseek popcom plant. In 2000 a rash of degrees,and in New l\zlexico'swarm unusualrespiratoryillnessesalerted climate the breakdownis likely to be solutionsat statelevel an areaphysicianthat somethingwas rapid. A food productthat containsa Unable to obtain protection from going on at the factory. Eight decomposedsubstanceis considered employeeshad developed a rare federal agencies,the Congressor the to be adulterated and subject to respiratory diseasethat severely Execrtive Branch. some activists are seizure. As the sweetenerbreaks tuming to statesfor help. Iowa was down it losessweebress. damagedtheir lungs; some are now b$ - much awaiting lung transplants. The cause the first state to ban the use of the more important - it forms the toxic mercury preservativc, thimcrosol, chemicals.formaldehydeand DKP was found to be the artifrcial butter fiavoringadded to the popcorn, in most vaccines,and this has been (dik*opiperazine), whidr is believed particularly a chemical in the followed by California and is to be the causeof the brain hrmors urderwav in manv other states. fl avoringcalled diacdyl. associdedwith the su'eetener. 4 Pnrc Facts/December2005/Janmrv 2006 74%S Ea4&b Sa4lcro 64tq/ko do filtl4r/p Hearty thanksto all of you who participatedin our fund raiser, this has beenthe "sweetest" way we have ever generatedsupport for our programs! We are also grateful to the many productsfor the baskets: companieswho donatedtheir Feingold-acceptable Bellows HouseBakery FudgeBrownies Barbara'sBakeryPuffins Captain'sCatchCheeseBaked Crackers www.myfamilyfarrtorg Chocletos ChewyFudgeSquaresand WalnettosCaramelWalnut Chews Enjoy Life Snickerdoodles GorgePear/BlueberryBars Glee Gum India TreeNatural Colored Sugars Jolly Beans- naturaljelly beans Jolly Th.mePopcom Late July PeanutButter SandwichCrackers Mary's Gone Crackers Nature's PopsIollipops www. Pearson'sChocolateCoveredMnt Patiies Squirrel'sNest CandyShop www. Sundrops(M&Ms type candy) SpanglerPeppermintCandyCanes St. Claire's GuavaTarts www.econatural StretchIsland Fruit Leather SrmnyBears- sugarcoatedgummy bears Valomilk - marshmallowf led chocolatecrps One mom postedthis on the Feingoldmembe/s bulletin board: My basket of goodies anived today! DS was so excited. He said, "Everything is okay? | can eat it all?" lt is reallynice. Thank you FAUS! Anothermemberthankedus for solvingone of his "hard{o-buy-fof'Christmasgift recipients. Tlaelo a: Nancy Kemble at the Squinel's Nest Candy Shop for helping us with this project. Cindy Harrell for donating recipe cards for using the colored sugars,and for donating Mary JanePefiiut Butt€r Kisses. Lorraine Cordofor donatingCanel's CaramelLollipops. Danielle Robinson, Marilee Jones, Shula Edelkind, and I{arry Herseyfor their many hours of help. Taleattna'oO*t b etftaq And wittt Valentines day come thoqhts of chocolatel Our Product Research Committee has found a candy company that produces a line of delicious, all natural chocolatecandiesthat are suitablefor diabeticsas well as thoseon gluten-freeand low caft diets! Thelcompanybeganwith chocolatestlat usedthe usual ingredients. But their suga.r-freeversions were so well received, they eventually switched the whole line. Nexl they focused on a "healthy indulgence" that eliminatedall synthetic ingredients,as well as sugar, while keeping the samestandardsfor tastethat had won so many fans. The entire line of Yamante Chocolates and YC Chocolatesare sugar-free;tlre sweetenerused is maltitol, derivedfrom com. They offer both milk chocolateand dark chocolateproducls. YC Chocolatesare availablefrom the Squirrel'sNest CandyShop. ( They are also sold in Whole FoodsMarkets,somespecialty stores,and on-line at out their FAQs for details on ingredients and special dietary uses. The companyoffers a SamplerSet for just $9.95,which includesthe cost of shipping in the US. You can call their toll-free numberat (800\ 433-2462. Plnre Eacts/December 2005/Jmuary 2006 5 Food and Drug Laws,from page I What do "today's consumerri"actually need? Today's consumers are not physically much different from our great grandparents,or from theirs. We need what humans have always needed: food that provides n o u r i s hm e n t. S ince"today's consumen" are ingesting far less of the importanttrac€ minerals,vitamrrs and esspntialfatty acids tlan past generationswe need less "modemization" and a retum to real food. Good Food, Bad Food The further degradationof the regulationsgoveming our food is likely to acceleratea trend that has beentaking place for severaldecades: bad food gets worse and good food gets better. While some types of foods continueto deteriorate,others have continuedto improve. Synthetic dyes, artificial flavors and preservatives,synthetic sweeteners, high fructose com syrup and MSG clonesare used in ever-increasing amountsin the worst food choices, but at the same time organic sales continueto climb. Healthy food storesare openingaroundthe country, and supermarketsare forced to competeby offering naturalproducts. Ice cream - FDA style Americanshave loved this treat sinceColonialtimes, and understand that ice cream is made from cream that is chilled and beaten,with added sweetenersand flavoring. Most Americansassumethat ice cream starts with milk and cream produced by dairycows. In responseto a proposalfrom the Intemational Ice Cream Association, made up of the major ice cream manufacturers.the FDA wants to changethe standardof identityfor ice cream. They proposeto allow milk from "source animals other than cows" to be used. 6 Purc Facts/December2005/Januarv 2006 For the Feingoldshopper,the "artificial flavor" will be words It can be any animal that produces enough to causethemto steerclearof milk, including sheep,goats, water such ice cream,but the majority any buffalo and yaks. This milk would of consumers will unknowinglybe be imoorted from countries where powerful ingesting neurotoxin. a there would be no U.S. supervision What's a sourceanimal? over the sanitaryconditions. It would be changedinto a powder called "milk protein concentrate"and shipped to this cormtry. The FDA calls this a "safe and suitable milk-derived ingredient." The dairy industry can call it a financial bonanzasincethey will be ableto use cheapermilk. Water buffalo milk sells for about 45 cents a gallon, vs. cow's milk which retailsfor between $2 and$3 a gallon. Yak milk ice cream- just what "today'sconsumer" wantsl The purposeof food standards is to be sure that lhe consumer receiveswhat they expectin their food. Next time you shop for ice cream and end up bringinghome water bufialo vanilla fudge swirl, with hidden aspartame,keep in mind that hwv seriouslythe FDA takes its responsibility for (in their o\/n words) "ensudngthat food labels are truthful and not misleading." A child studies aspartame Hiding Aspartame It's goingto get evenharder for shoppersto avoidthis syntheticsweetener. The FDA also wants to allow (NutraSweet, aspartame Equal)to be addedto ice cream as an "artificial flavoring" and no longer require companiesto list it specificallyby nameon the package. Aspartame,first developedas a drugto treatpeptjculcers,is the most notoriousof all the syntheticadditives in the American food supply. It breaks down into a variety of poisonoussubstancesand has been linked with a huge list of toxic side effects, including malignant brain tumors. More than 10,000reportsof adverse reactions did nothing to changethe FDA's position on this chemical, nor have the countless studies showing its harmful effects, nor the many scientists who have Soken ort agalnstit, While the aspartameindustry vigorously defendsthe use of its product and the Food and Drug Admini stration refusesto take action, an eleven-year-oldgid put them to shame. After her grandmothernearly died, sixth-graderJennifer Cohen conducted an experimentto determineif the asoartamein her grandmother'sDiet Coke may haveplayeda part. She placed7 cansof the soft drinl in the refrigeraor, 7 cansin her room where they stayedat room temperature,and 7 cans rn an incubator set at 104 degrees Fahrenheit. The cans were left for l0 weeks, after which they were tested by the Winston Laboratoryin Ridgefield,NJ. The lab analysisfound that all of the drinks, including those rn the refrigerator,had brokendown to formaldehydeand DKP. Jennifer paid for the expenses of her scienceexperimentwith the money sheeamedbaby sitting during the previousyear. This experimentwaspublished tn Food ChemicalNews. PIGReport The following productshave been researchedor reresearchedand may be added to your Foodlistor Mail OrderGuide. Stage One Product Alert! OCEANSPRAYCran€rape Juice, Cran-Raspberry Drink, CranApple,Cran-RaspberryDrink in asceptic packagesnow conlainsyntheticdyes and need to be removedfrom yourFoodlist& ShoppingGuide. \ /EGMAN'S Pink Lemonade Naturally Flavored Drink now containssyntheticdye; pleaseremovethis productfrom your Foodlist& ShoppingGuide. AUBREYoRGANlcs" Men'sstock: BasicCleansing Bar; NaluralLips:CrystalClear,MochaBrown, NaluralRed,PetalPink(SB);SilkenEarthMakeup Po\/ders:Light,Mediumand RoseTones; Stage Two UltimaleMoistUnscentedHand& BodyLotion Cresm AFFUSIONSKINCAREHerbalReplenishing CHOGLETTOS ChocolaleCaramels(CS) with No AddedScent(almonds,grapes),SoothingLip EPIC*All NaturalEuphoriaXylitolSweelener BalmwithZnc Oxide(grapes,almonds) EPIC*NaluralFlavorSpearmintO|.aIRinse(SB), FIZZYLIZZY*SparklingJuice:ConcordGrape, Xylitol& Fluoride,XylitolSpearmint; Toothpaste: Cranberry(grapes),FujiApple,Grapefruit(grapes), Gum:Cinnamon,Peppermint, EPIC*Peppermints; (grapes), Orange(grapes),Passionfruit Spearmint RaspberryLernon(grapes) FLEISCHER'S BAGELSFrozenBagels:Onion12oz& FLEISoHER'SBAGELSFrozenBagels:CinnamonRaisin 15.602(CS),Plain12oz& 15.602(CS); (CS):OrganicFrozenBagels:cinnarnon 12oz& 15.60.2 OrganicFrozenBagels:AncientGrain,Onion, Bagels:CinnamonRaisin(CS,CP) Raisin;Refrigerated Bagels:Onion(CS,CP), Plain(CS); Refrigerated FLORIDA'SNATURALAu'someFruitJuiceNuggets: Plain(cS, cP) Apple& Granberry(CS,oranges),Blueberry(CS, KIKKOMANSoy Sauce(SB) (CS, apples,oranges),Orange(CS,apples),Strawberry KIRKMANAminoAcids:AminoSupportHypoallergenic apples,oranges,bluebenies);Au'someFruitJuice Capsules,Creatine500m9,GABAPluswith String:Apple& Cranberry(CS,oranges),Blueberry Niacinamide & lnositol,Glycine250m9,L-Camosine (CS,apples,oranges),Orange(CS,apples),Strawberry 200m9,L-Glutamine 250m9,Taurine325m9& 1000m9; (CS,apples,oranges,bluebenies) ColostrumGoldUnflavoredLiquid; JILL'SSugarFreeSpread:Blackberry(apples),Blueberry DMG& TMG:DMG 125m9Capsules,DMGwith Folic (apples),MixedBerry(apples,blackbenies, raspbenies, Acid& 812 Caosules. DMGwith FolinicAcid& 812 strawberd es) TMGCapsules 500m9& 175m9,TMGwith Capsules, KIKKOMANStir-FrySauce(SB,wine,red peppers), FolicAcid& 812 CaDsules. TMGWth FolinicAcid& Sweet& SourSauce(SB,tomatoes,bell& red B12capsules500m9& 175m9; peppers),TeriyakiBaste& Glazewith Honey& EssentialFattyAcids:Cod LiverOil Gel Caps Pineapple(SB,lornatoes,wine,red peppers); . MRS.MAY'SNATURALScrunchysnacks- All Natural Marinade& Sauce:LiteTeriyaki(CS,SB, red peppers, BananaPeanut,All NaluralNori Peanut,All Natural wine),RoastedGarlicTeriyaki(SB,wine),Teriyaki(CS, Sunflowercrunch,All Natural\ hlnut Crunch, SB, red peppers,wine);Quick& Easymarinade: All Natural\Mite Sesamecrunch GourmetTeriyaki(wine),HoneyMustard(CS,wine, So/d at Cosfco,Sam's CIub, BJs WholesaleClub, cidervinegar),RoastedGarlic(cS, wine) Whole FoodsMatkefs,Super Taryet,and selected KIRKMANDMG& TMG: DMGLiquid(raspbenies) Targetstores MRS.MAY'SNATURALSAll NaturalAlmondCrunch, NORDICNATUMLS"Omega3, 6, 9 JR, Omega\ ,bmen All NaturalBlueberryPeanut POM\ iI3NDERFUL 100%Pomegranate Juice [rlY FAMILYFARM*SurfSnacksPizzaBakedCrackers (paprika,red peppers) ROBERTSAMERICANGOURMETPirateBooty, NORDICNATURALS*BerryKeenCod LiverOil VeggieBooty (strawbenies) SEROYALHMFForteDietarySupplement OMEGASMART*Bar:ApricolAlmond,BananaChocolate STRAUSFAMILYCREAMERY*MintChocolaleChiD Chip(tea),CanotCake(raisins,oranges,cloves), lce Cream;Yogurt:OrganicMapleNonfat,Organic CinnamonApple,Pineapple(almonds),RaisinSpice MaDle\ iholeMilk.VanillaNonfat,VanillaVvloleMilk (cloves) www.strausmilk.comTheseproductsappearedin YC CHOCOLATIER SugarFree Bar:DarkChocolale october, b.rt the companyname was misspelled. with OrangeBits (CS),DarkChocolatewithV\ihole TRADERJOE'S(TraderJoe's)100%CanolaOil RoastedAlmonds(CS),Milk Chocolatewith Orange WALNETTOS DeliciousCaramelCandywith\ hlnuts (CS) Bits (CS),MilkChocolatewith V\,holeRoastedAlmonds SugarFreeBar: DarkChocolate YC CHOCOLATIER (CS); MasterPiece:Caramel& \MroleRoasted 7Oo/o Cocoa(CS),MilkChocolate500/o Cocoa(CS) Afmonds(CS) The Feingold@As5ociationdoes not endorse,approveor assumeresponsibility {or any product,brand, method or treatment. The presence (or absence)of a product on a FeingoldFoodlist,or the discussionof a method or treatment,does not constituteapproval(or disapproval). The Foodlisbare basedprimarilyupon informationsuppliedby manufadurersand are not basedupon independenttesting, Pure Fa,cts/December 2005/Jamary2006 7 Past fssuesof Pure Facls During the past year major articles which have appeared in Pure Facts include: December 2004/January 201)5 Natural foods in supermarkets Virginia PTA & food additives Vitanin E - the real story Flu shots and mercury February 2005 Our unhealthy health care system Anxiety & depression ADHD drug risks Teething and behavior problems March 2fi15 Commercials assaultour kids Caqadapulls Adderall Grapefruit seedexfact Food industry "solutions" April 2005 Stay away from Nootame New synthetic sweeteners Diet, ADHD and heart disease Lima bean sciencefair project May 2lD5 Help for busy moms Following FeingoldI 00%? 100% complianceneeded? Mom as detective June 2005 Medical freedom wirs in Califomra Omega-3oils and ADHD - study Supplementsor diet? StageOne and Italian July/August 20115 Turkey Twizzlers in Britain Gourmet school lunches Toxins and children Sciencefair - fuzzy brained mice September 2fi)5 School food actions Back to school with good food Schools serve foodless foods Super SizeMe DYD fot kids October 20115 Bipolar disorderand diet Depression,drugs, deceit Omega-3deficiencies Child Medication Safety Act November 2005 Britain to reform school food ADHD drug use in US Holiday Goodiesbaskets Sleep Copiesare available. Pleaseinclude your n:ameand fi.rll address,plus $2 for each newsletter. Mail to: FAUS-PF, 554 East Main St..Ste301-RiverheadNY 11901. E Purt. Eads/December 2005/Januarv 2006 The Land of the Censored? A proposedlaw would restorethe -fa.riqhts of Americans to free speech-on mafiers of health. In a strongly worded addressto the House of Representatives, Congressmar/ physician Ron Paul of Texas called for new legislationto rein in the many abuseson the part of federalagencies, especially the Food and Drug Administration(FDA) andthe Federal TradeCommission(FTC). The bill, named the Health FreedomProtection Act, HR 4282, was co-sponsoredby congressmen from nine other slates. Rep. Paul cites instanceswhere both the FDA and FTC have preventedconsunersfrom receiving informdion on proven altemativesto drugs. While 55,000people died from taking Viopc the FDA was busy making swe we did not leam of the benefits of supplementsto help osGoarthritis,heart attacks and bone fractures. While the €ency was ignoring the potential damagefrom the ADHD dnrgs Stratteraand Cylert, they were also prohibiting consumersfrom leaming that folic acid supplements could reduce neural tube defects. Paul accusesthe agency Congressman of bearingtlle responsibilityfor an estimated10,000casesof preventable neuralttrbe defects. While pharmaceutical companies are permitted to advertise their prescription drugs directly to consumers, the FDA and FTC continueto censor truthful information about beneficial non-drugtherapiesand to prohibit the distribution of scientific articles and publications regarding the role of nutrientsin protectingagainstdisease. This speech makes for very interestingreading,and can be found at: Pure X'acts Editor: JaneHersey Contributing to this issue: Lorraine Cordo Markey Dokken Shula Edelhnd Cindy Harrell Kathy kion Barbara Keele Pure Facts is publishedten times a year and is a portion of the mderial provided to rnembersof the Feirgold Associationof tlle United States. Membershipprovidesthe Feirgold Program book which includes Recipes& Two Week Menu Plar\ a regional Foodlist containing thousards of acceptableU.S. brmd name foods, a telephone and E-mail Helpline, and a subscriptionto Ptrre Facts. Tln cost in the U.S. is $6q$11 shipping. A Pure Facts sul> scription plus bulletin board accessrs $38/yearwhen orderedseparately. For more information or details on membership outside the U.S., contact FAUS, 554 East Main St., Suite 301, Riverhead,NY 11901or phone (631)36F9340. The articles in this newsletterare offered as i/Jform?fionfor Pure Facts readers, and are not intended to provide medical advice. Please seek the guidance of a qualitied heallh care professionalconceming medicalissues. www.feingold.ory @ ZOOS by fte feingold Association of the United States,Inc. Permissionto reprint You are welcome to circulate articles that appear in Pure Facts. This can be in the form of photocopies to share with others, or the reprinting of articles in another newsletter or in an Intemet newsletter or on a web site. When you reprint, pleaseuse the following aclnowledgment: Reprinted from Pure Facts, the newsletter of the Feingold@ Association of the United States (800) 321-3287,
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