September - The Feingold Diet
September - The Feingold Diet
PumeFaefrs'"-;if?' Newsletter of the FeingoldoAssociationof the United Stat€s September,2005 FEI GoLD@ VoL 29. No. 7 wrv.feingold,org Many work for healthier schoolfood The obesity and accompanyinghealth problemschildren face continueto stir interestin providinghealthierschoolfood; meanwhilethejunk food industryfights to preventchanges. F . >o4reO au(n4 New Jersey - In Jr,ne New Jersey's acting govemor, Richard Codey, announced new nrles that would ban much of the junk food from the state's schoolsbeginning in the 2007-08 academic year. Wit.h more than one New Jerseystudentin three now overweight, the new regulationswill ban sodaand candy sales - ur vending machinesand in the school cafeteria - during school hours. In the Passaic schools, Superintendent Robert Holster is recommending healthier beverages Arhona is taking some modest stepstoward good food by a proposal to ban the sale of soft drinks, candy and gum during the school day, beghning in 2006. Suchaction may not necessarilyget rid of other junk food like doughnutsand potato chi,ps. Some advocatesare recommendinB these things be allowed if, they, are lower-fat versions or packaged in smallerportions. Arizona state r€presentativeMark Andersonis promoting lSprtl*,, improve the foods sold in schoolsHe notesthat schoolsdr:j, hale lr]ted vending machines with healthrer snacks have not seen lo:r.,T " doesn't work. Local school boards often don't take action becausethey believe the argument that their revenueswould decrease. and AAe*e h44eO In Connecticut, a proposalto ban junk food and soda in schoolscame ;.," ; gining appro.rat, bri was vetoed by"Govemor Jodi Rell. The bill,s srryporters blamepressurefrom tne soi' drink and snack food industry,including the $250,000spent ;; l;ilG, for the Govemor,s decision.'Gov.Rell saidher vetowas U""J on- her objection to the mandatory 100 minrtes per week of r.1;$;."txl', n"l pr'vsiJ eau""ti* and totheract thar "..oi""?,|ffi}i",,|,i. ffi Tjil:#til"o"'i;,,o poo. p"rro.,na'c". ,"r'oot airtri.t", n"Jr'lllltttTrt'otffj r"rroor $: [?:|1TH"tH:ff"]?H -o theroods Back to schoolwith goodfood #;:ifit;i.1fr-'ine Healthy lunches can be cool tool For a switch from the usualsandwichsendin a lunch "kit" filled with favorites by CindyHarrell & LorraineCorda l. purchase a package of "tunchabtes"and throw awav the rbod. Rinseout theplastic.""L'"., anduseit to pacl you, "hld;. tunch. Be suretheplasticpJ;;; comeshomeeachday ,o yni,"Jri reuse ir. Youcan,rro nnaf,'r.iT.' conainers with liftle compartsnents at dollar stores. continued onpageJ ffi ^ -r Fl M Wffi WW %-.da \SS4> \= - a new twiston someold favorites continued onpose 6 I efw/ Ar& U a{ltt u a{ltt I Iaptop l-unches laptop l;rnches was was created createdI | nuo moms momsseeking uy two seekinga way way to to I I by enable their children children to avoid .avoidI | :Toll school *"". foods. rht{.-*t." to"e. They make a I l::n:9l plastic container container with divider divider I Ptastic just I -with right for.sending. for sections,iustright sendingin I sections, I homemadetoodl nomemaue food. their Their site.irso site also | offers I lunch ideas and environo":1:,,loi".n envron| mentally 1ltT. I -o mentallyfriendly lrlendly tips. tlps' I I Seewww. I I The Feingold@Associationof the United Statet Inc., founded in 1975, is a non-proft organizationwtrosepurposesare to supportmembers in $e implementation of dre Feingold Program and to generate puHic awarenessof dre potential role o{ foods and synthidc additives in behavior, leamjng and_health p-roblerns. The program is based on a diet eliminating synthetic colors, synthetic fla'rors, aspartamg3nd the preservatives BHAVBHT, and TBHQ. My son,Ross I rememberwhen I first l<newthat Rosswas different from my other sons.who were 14 and 19 whenhe wasbom. children. By the time Ross was six and went to kindergarten I had already had him evaluatedby a neurologist who said he was ADHD. In November of that year he was expelled for running aiound the classroom and hiting everyone on the head. In February, after a special ed evaluation and a court order to get him back in school, he was placed in a private school for multiply disabledchildren. He was restrainedby the staff severaltimes a month due to his rages. As Ross got older I beganto worry about his future. He was big for his age, very strong, had no impulsecontol, and was unable to calm himself. I was afraid he'd end up in jail for hurting or killing someone. Rosswas a biter until he was four years old, and he hit and kicked when he was angry. He bangedand crashed into everything and everyone,knocking over tlte daycare worker more than once. He would run back and forth, ftom the kitchen sink (bang into the cabinets) to the couch (bang into the couch), back and forth for hours. My son raged when things didn't go the way he wanted. I could not take him shoppingor to church or to anything wherehe had to sit, as his behavior was so unmanageable,and I had to resuain him more times than I care to remember. I did see a relationship with his behaviorand food, but I just didn't understand it. I remember one Thanksgiving grving him red gelatin jigglers, and he went from calm (for him!) to ballistic, to a screaming, crying mess writhing on the floor. Another time I gave him chocolate cream-filled cookies, and he just ran and ran and ran around, that same maniacalgrin.on his face. I knew a little aboutFeingold, as my sister-inJaw had used it for about a year before she gave up. But this was years ago when all she had was Dr. Feingold's original book and she was not aware of the Feingold Association and all the materials and help available. She had read labels and cooked many things from scratch, and now I was single and working and didn't think I could do it. e was about 6-months-old, lying on his back on a blanket, pulling the blanket down over his eyes and up again to play peek-a-boo. He got so extremely excited - his limbs sticking staight out, trembling with excitement, his eyes opened wide, and a maniacal grin on his face. I looked at him and said to myself, "Oh no, I'm in trouble!" My sister nicknamed him the White Tornado becauseof his very pale skin and the wake of destruction he left in his path. The only reasonhe wasn't expelled from daycare is because they were founded to help special needs 2 hrre Fac'ts/,9eztetnber 2405 But by the time Ross was '7 Ll2 | was ready to try AIIYTHING to help, except meds. I had researched the meds used for ADHD and was aftaid of the common side effects. We had reached'tle point where notling was helping him. Not the behavior modification at his school, not the counselingwe attended,and not the consistent,loving discipline I fied to administerat home. So I joined the Feingold Association and began the Program. By eight weeks I noticed a difference in his behavior, even though I wasn't following StageOne completely. After a few months I started thinking he was just outgrowing his bad behavior, so I slackedoff. I quickly realizedI was wrong, finally went to the menber's bulletin board for help, and began 100%StageOne. Within four week I was seeinga calmer child. Ross started the program with 47 of the checklist symptoms and after three years it was down to 14 and is now 12. I think because he was so severely ADHD it has been a slow healing process, but we are both pleased with the results. Our lives are so different now. Ross is a pleasant, kind, compassionate,loving and helpful 11 year-old child. He is still very active, but I don't consider that a disorderso I'm not worried aboutit. He is imaginative and creative and has insight into human natwe beyondhis years. I am so proud of him. He wan6 to be a movie director/producer/writer. I see a good future for him now and Feingold was the key to unlocking my son's potential. Deborah L. Jones D.ackto schoolrJrompage 1 Suggestionsfor your own lunchables meals: use homemadeor refer to your Foodlisf for brands. Peanr.tBrdler Cracken Carrot Sticks Fredr Pears,Asian Pearsor Cumed pearsin juice ChocolateChip Cookie Lemonade Med Roll Ups (Lay ora med slices and top with cheeseslices. Roll up into a tube and crt through the roll. Inserttoothpicksinto eachlittle roll.) Tortilla Roll Ups (Spread cream cheese& finely choppedveggiesonto soft flour tortilla shells. Roll up and cut into small rolls. Insert toothpicks into eachroll.) Pretzelsor Com Chips Celery Sticks PineappleChrurks(cannedin its own juic€) Kozy ShackPudding WholeMlk Taco cooked grourd meat, shredded carrots, shredded dreese, (diced tom*oes for Stage Two), shreddedleuuce,flour taco drells Tortilla Chips Suzanne'sl\{arshmallowCreme StageOre Fruit to dtmk in the marshmallowcreme PearIuice (babyfood seaion of store) Tuna Fish or LunciheonMeat Sandwich,crt in smallsections Cheesehrffs Broccoli Floras / RanclrDressinc for dipping Banana Brownie Fruit Drink Box Yogurt or Cotage Cheese PastaSalad HomemadeGelatin Austin Zoo Animal Crackersor Keebler's ScoobySnacks Melon Pieces Mlk or Horizon Organics CtrocolateMlk HomemadeSotp or Chili SaltineCrackers Pedrs Bdler/Crsam Cheeseblend Canot Sticks HomemadeCqcake Botled Wder Lundreon Med squares Cheesecut into moon shapes Sar Fruit Pretzels Elyon's Marshmallow I\fnu@ Maid All Ndural Cooler: Pink Lemonade 2. To keep food cool in warm weather: Add a ftozen water bottle to the lunchbox, or freeze the juice box the night before and it will be melted by lunch time. 3. To keep food warm in cold weather: Fill your thermos with boiling water and leave it while you prepare the other foods. Pour out the hot water and replace it with boiling soup- This will help keep the soupwarm for lunch. Sugar Highs and FoodlessFoods Someamazingfacts aboutwhat schoolsactually serve. you believethat the worst ]\o l-,,ffoods found in schoolsare in their vending machines? Think again! In addition to containing artificial colors, flavors and preservatives,many of the main dishesare loadedwith sugars. The "sugar high" some children experience after lunch could be coming ftom the school cafeteria's meatloaf! In additionto the pork, here are some of the ingredientslisted in a typicalbarbecuedrib pattie: 4 ingredientscontainmonosodium glutamate: texhrredvegetableprotein product hydrolyzedsoy protein ndural flavor naturalflavor 12 ingredientsin the rib patie are forms of sugar: st€ar powder molasses maltodefrin com syrup solids sugar com synrpsolids maltode rin high fructosecom synrp invert sr8ar molasses com syrup sugar The rib pdies also have sodium l!€nzoxs and sulfiting agerits as preservdives. The beef teriyaki nuggetscontain: groundbeef texhfed v(gdable protein (MSG source) artificial flavor sodiumbenzoate sodiumbenzoate 7 of the ingredientsareforms of swiu: refiners sugar canemill molasses canecaramel brown sugar canest€ar maltoderdrin maltodedrin Even the hunble honburger has not be€n spared. It conains 6 MSG sources,including tenrred vqaable protein, and 2 sugars. Pur.eFadslSqtember 2005 3 Taking care of business The Feingold Association's 30th annual membershipmeeting, held this past June, was a busy,exciting(anddelicious)time. ptr{Jg flrnks the following companies for donating food and other natural products that were enjoyed and distributed at the meetingand at our open house: A PerfectPearfrom NapaValley Alvarado StreetBakery American Pop Corn Company AnnalissaSkin Care ApplegateFarms Barbara'sBakery Barry's Bakery Bellows House Big Y BioKleen,Inc. Bionaturae Boar's HeadProvisions Bob's Red Mill NaturalFoods The Breadery Brent & Sam'sCookies CabotCreamery CaliforniaBaby Clif Bar CocoaPete'sChocolate Adventures DagobaOrganicChocolate EccePenis EconaturalSolutions Edward & SonsTrading Company Eden Foods Enjoy Life Foods Food For Life Baking Cornpany Gluten-FreeSavonnerie GorgeDelights GoldenTemple Healthy Handfuls HoneyBeeGardens Humm Foods Ian's NaturalFoods ImmaculateBakingCompany India Tree In the Potter'sHand Izze's BeverageCompany Jill's Jams& Jellies JohnB. Sanfilippo& Sons Kofkoff Egg Farm Late July Crackers Leed Products Little Crow Foods LundbergFamily Farms Mary's GoneCrackers Miss Roben's Natural OvensBakery Nspired Foods Nutribiotic Nutrilicious Natural Bakery PooreBrothers,Inc. RoadsEnd Organics San-JIntemational SimonCandyCompany Smucker'sQualityBeverage Spice Hunter StrerchIsland Fruit SunRidgeFarms Super Stop & Shop The Kitchen Table Crackers Tom's of Maine Uts Quality Foods Verve Wax Orchards Wellshire Farms White Wave Wholesoy& Company Whole Foods Market Wild Oats FAUS also thanks Elaine Solarz who helped make our fliers and Kathy Cole for her generous donationto our auction. Classroomcandyshop Sinceso manyclassesusefood for partiesanddaily snacks,be swe your child's teacherhas a bagofgoodiesthat areacceptable.Hereis a list of StageOneFeingold-friendlytreats: GleeGum (CS) St. Clahe's Tarts- Guava,kmon, Lime, Watermelon Iate July SnacksPeanutButter Crackers SpongeBob Animal Crackers(CS) Ghirardelli ChocolateSquares- Milk, Dark MicrowavePopcorn- seeFoodlistfor brandnames SunspireSundrops- plain or peanut Canel'sMilk Lollypops(CS) Life Saver'sPep-O-Mint(CS) Pearson'sChocolateCoveredMint Patties(CS) Mary JanePeanutButter Kisses (CS) FisherHoneyRoastedPeanuts,Cashews(CS) CrackerJacks(CS) Also, 4 Pure Facts/Seotember2005 You can askyour child's teacherif frozentreatsmay be kept in a freezer in the teacher'slounge or cafeteria. Here are someStageOne choices: Dreyer'sor Edy's Whole Fruit Bars: CreamyCoconut (CS), lrmonade Fruitful FrozenBars: Guava,I-emon(CS), Mango Cream(CS), Pina Colada(CS) HaagenDazsIce CreamBars: Chocolatew/ Dark Chocolate.Vanilla w/ Milk Chocolate Minute Maid Soft FrozenLemonade(CS) Luigi's RealItalianIce - l-emon(CS, SB) Real Fruit Non Fat Chunky Sorbet: kmon Peel (CS) Homemadefrozen fruit popsiclesand yogurt bars Conpiled by Cindy Hanell and Innaine Cordo Alvarado Street Bakery If you're having ffouble finding acceptablebread and other baked goods in your area, or if you're searching for genuine Soft Drink Tfirn-around After trying to fight what appears to be a losing battle, the American BeverageAssociation(ABA) hasjust onJine and in selectedstores. announced it supports limiting the Alvarado Street Bakery is a availabilityof soft drinks in schools. fhe I San Franciscoinstitution that The ABA says it will work with has been producing healthy whole school districts to ensure that grain breads for over twenty years. vending machinesstock only bottled The businessis a cooperativethat is water and lffi% jnlce in elementary owned and run by its workers; it schools,althoughmany such schools BAKERY grew frorn the idealism of the havealreadyremovedsodas. seventies, but many such Despite the efforts of the beverage ventures,this idealism continuesto and snack food industry to defend There is a large selectionof Stage drive the company. More than 100 junk food, parents and educators peopleproduce a large selectionof One bagels, breads and buns, have hot bought into their claims that baked goods that are shipped to including hot dog and hamburger junk food is not a major causeof consumersaroundthe globe. They buns. They have tortillas in both obesity. It appearsthat the industry use organicgrainswheneverpossible regular size and fajita size, as well is now trying to prevent schools and support both sustainable as two types of pizza crusts. from getting rid of their vending agricultural practices and healthy To orderonlinesee machines. livins. The cola giants are suddenly expressing their eagerness to California district opts for Green Schools The Emeryville Unified School District has passedthe country's first cooperate. Pepsi North America's resolutionto removenot only junk food, but also to erxure that the school presidentand CEO, Dawn Hudson, buildingsand groundsare fiee of pesticidesand other toxic chemicals. It is says, "Parents tell us they'd like basedon the work of the GreenSchoolInitiative, a new organizationwhose help in determiningwhat products missionis to improvethe healthand ecologicalsustainability of schoolsin the are sold in schools, and we're listenins." U.S. naturalgoodness, take a look at the deliciouschoicesavailable SuperSizeMe is now available for children The ground-breaking film, SuperSizeMe, has beeneditedto removesomeof the graphic portionsand add new leaming tools to teach children about the importanceof a healthy lifestyle and the consequencesof poor nutrition. \ /iewers warchedin amazeY ment as Morgan Spurlock recordedhis one month experiment of consumingonly fast food for all of his meals. They saw a healthy young body grow old and organs beginto fail. While the McDonaldcorporation will not say that they droppedthe "super size me" option as a result of this film and the enormous publicity it received,they dropped it nonetheless. Teacherscanusethe DVD as the focal point for lessonplans or to reinforce lessonsthey are teaching. There is a series of menu options, including24 standards-based lessons in health education,life skills and languagearts, integated with math, scienceand socialstudies. Teachers can use games that challenge studentsand test their understanding. Spurlockhopesthis resourcewill help changeyoung people'sawareness and lifestyles before bad health habits set in. It can be ordered ft om Pure F^6slseptember2005 5 geoing rid of healthy regulations,and One 8 year-old sfudent commetrttSometimes,when I eat sugar, "big ted, Americans cry brother," the problems One of the with the bill lobbyists are having some success it just feels frrnny up in ny brain" was thd it would have allowed diet convincing local citizens tlat sodas and sports drinks to be sold. healthier food legislation poses a In 1991 a half-day preschoolwas many nutrition threatto their personalfreedom. Unfortmately, establishedat Rutgers University in advocates believe that synthetic New Jersey. Called the Nutritional sweetsnersare preferable to sqars Sciences Preschool, it focuses on Critics claim that such bans will and that anything labeled a "sports create a "black market" for junk teaching 3 to s-year-old children drink" must be healthy. food, where children bring them about good food, using stories, Note: According to the Centerfor from home and sell these items to songs, puzzles, art projects and Science in the Public Interest their classmatesat inflated prices. puppet shows. Children can pretend "Coca-Cola's fight against this bill (We are not awareof this happenirg to cook or play restaurant in the was led by a former top campaign at any of the schools that have play kirchen and help preparesnacks advisorto GovemorRell." improvedtheir food.) in the real kitchen. The director, Harriet Worobey, can call on the A Kansas initiative that would <;lehe., Rutgers education and nuEition have mandated healthy foods and oGb' studentsto help out in the classes. .t drinks in vending machines, and -t The approach is working, with Ctud. eft6hn42Q4': would have prohibited teachersfrom children as young as 3 expressing The Hope Charter School in handing or-t candy rewards was their love of broccoli. Not only do Winter Garden, FL allows or y defeated. Each time such a "threat" the children enjoy fruits and arises,the soft drink industry sendsa healthy food and has seen a big vegetables, they are having a difference in the behavior of their team of lobbyiststo the stateto wo* students as a result. The school's positive effect on their parent's to preventrt. director, Crystal Yoakum says diets. In addition to the lure of money, "When we go on a field trip, In Marblehead, Massachusetts, one of the arguments against new everybody comments on how regulations is based r.pon a local well-behaved kids nutrition servicedirector Bill Idell, a our are." community having control over their Yoakum stadedthe schoolin 2001 former chei teachesstudentsabout schools. Most of the decisions and has drawn upon her own the wonderful food from southern France. Eachmonth studentsenjoy conceminga school systemare made experience of seeing how artificial by std€ depaftn€nts of education,by additivestriggered behaviorproblems foods basedon fresh produce, whole the US Departrnentsof Agriculture in her own children. When parents gains, fish and olive oil, that are and Education, and various other enroll their children at the Hope typical of Provence. Dishes like regulatory agencies. But just as school they agree to follow the white bean soup, goat cheese Britain and Australia have used the school's guidelines for sending in croutons on mesclun greens, and healthierlunchesand snacks. slogan of "nanny state" to justi$ ratatouille, have proven to be very popular with the students. SchoolFood,y'om page 1 -4 .,J tlitoddl any people in this debate believe that "You can't have it both wavs" -- that it is not Dossiblefor a school to orovide food that is affordable, nutritious, and that studentswill enjoy. The good news is that you really can have it both ways. Schools around the US and in other countries have found solutions. and manv of them are described at *vrv. As far as cost is concerned,studentsare already spendingtoo much for the food that is being served in their school cafeterias. Only a fraction of the cost of junk food goes toward paying for what little "food" is acurally used; most of dle expenseis in processing,packaging,promoting and (of course) profits. The school systemthen faces enormouscosts in providing specialservicesfor children whose poor diet results in behavior and learning problems. Finally, everyonepays the cost of bad health. 6 PrureFads/Seotenber 2005 Chicago's PerspectivesCharter Schoolis a public schoolthat serves a low income neighborhood. But unlike other schools, there is a strong focus on healthy food. The school's chef prepares delicious breakfasts and lunches made with fresh fruits and vegetables,whole grains, plus organic rnilk. Even these middle and high school students are changing their food preferences, and it is paying off. 100% of the seniorshave graduated and all of them are college-bound. PIGReport The followingproductshavebeenresearchedor reresearchedand may be addedto your Foodlistor Mail OrderGuide. Stage One 365 (\Mole Foods)ClubSoda(SF),TonicWater, Peanutsin shell(bags):salted& unsalted 365 (\AholeFoods)FrozenFruitBars- Mango(cS) Milk Lowfal,Nonfat 365 ORGANIC(VlfroleFoods)CashewButter ARICO"CookieBar:ChocolateChip,DoubleChocolate, (866)g8-ARlCo PeanutButter BILLINGTON'S MilledGoldenCane Sugar HEARTLAND'S FINEST"GlutenFree Pasta:Linguini, Macaroni,Rotini,Spaghetti,Zti MADHAVA* AgaveNedar MARIPOSACinnamonToastBiscotti;Brownies:Triple ChocolateTruffle,! hlnut Truffle - sold in Nofthern califomia only MISSROBEN'S*Soy-FreeChocolateChipCookieMix MOTHERLOVEGreenSalveAnti-ltchCream,Nipple Cream,RhoidBalm TOFURKr StuffedRoast Stage Two CLOUDNINE-ChocolateBar:CoconutAlmond, ToffeeCrunch(almonds) EMPIREKOSHERPizza:4 Cheese(tomaloes), Mushroom(tomaloes),Spinach(tomatoes), SupremeCheese(red& greenpeppers,tomatoes) GARNERPineapplePreserves(CS, SF, nectarines, tangelos,tangerinesin citruspectin) GLUTENFREEFORTITUDECasabeRainforest Crackers:Wld Onion(bell& red peppers); OrangeCookie (866)NO-GLUTEN coRGE DELIGHTS*PearSlrawbenyBar; Just FruitBar:Apple,AppleBlueberry,AppleCherry, AppleRaspberry HANSEN'SNaturalSoda:BlackCherry(CS), (CS), CherryVanillaCreme(CS),Kiwi Stra\^berry MandarinLime(CS,oranges,tangerines), Orange Mango(CS),Raspberry(CS),Tangerine(CS) LARABAR*CocoaMole(almonds,chili peppers), GingerSnap(almonds,cloves) LAURA'S\/\|I-IOLESOME JUNKFOOD"Bite-lettes: Anna-Banana Split(SF,apples,grapes,raisins), LemonVanilla(SF,apples,grapes,raisins), OatmealChocolateChip(SF,apples,grapes,raisins), OatmealRaisin(SF,apples,grapes),Xtreme ChocolateFudge(SF,apples,grapes,raisins) LAURA'S\ /I-IOLESOME JUNK FOOD"GlutenFree Bite-leftes: Charlotte'sChocolateChip (SF,apples, grapes,raisins),BetterBroMie (SF,apples,grapes, raisins), Sally'sRaisin(SF,apples,grapes) ProductAlertl \/VHOLEFooDS 365 Non DairyEnrichedSoy Beverage- both Soy Originaland Soy Vanillahave been discontinued. Pleasebe awarethat at this time do not have any acceptablebrandsof \/VholeFoodssoy beverage. DOMINEXltalianStyleEggplantCutletsneedsto be movedto the Slage T\ ,o sec{ionof yout Foocist & shopping Guidebecauseit now containspaprika. gage Two,cott. MARIPOSABiscottiCrumbs(almonds,cloves,oranges); Biscotti:Almond,AniseAlmond,GingerSpice(doves), OEnge\ hlnut; MochaTrumeBrownie(coffee) MOTHERLOVE. DiaperRashRelief(grapes), PregnantBellySalve(apricots,grapes,rosehips) PLATSDU CHEF*FrozenFrenchonion Soup (tornatoes) PREMIERJAPAN"GingerTamariSoy Sauce (cidervinegar) MPUNZEL" Bars: Senisr /eet EspressoChocolate (coffee),Senisweetwith Almonds; Sticks: Latte Macchiato(coffee),RaspberryYogurt (800) 23ffi090 STRETCHISLAND*FruitLeather10oo/o FruitSnack: BerryBlackberry(apples),ChunkyCherry(apples, oranges),GreatGrape(apples),MuchoMango (apples),OrganicApple,OrganicGrape(apples), OrganicRaspberry(apples),OrganicStrav\/berry (apples),Rare Raspberry(apples),SweetStra!,\,berry (apples),TangyApricot(apples),TrulyTropical (apples,oranges,tangerines), V\IldApple TEXASPETEHot Sauce(SB,chili peppers),Original BBQ Saucr (SB,SF, cidervinegar,red & chili peppers),\ ,brcestershire Sauce(SF,chili peppers, cloves) TRADERJOES (TraderJoe's)5 LayerDip (applecider vinegar,chili peppers,tomatoes),HandCrafted Chicken& CheeseTamalesVvrappedin Com Husks (bell& chili peppers),OrientalRiceCrackers(CS, chili peppers,paprika):98yoFat FreeChickenBean& RiceBunito(CS, MSG/HVP,bell peppers,chili peppers,tomatoes,paprika);OrganicPasteurized AppleCranberryJuice TMDER JOE'S(TraderJoe's)DarkChocolateCovered Raisins(CS),MilkChocolateCoveredRaisins(CS) KITCHEN(\/\iholeFoods)3 CheeseMini Pizza \/VFIOLE (tornatoes,bell peppers) ffiOLE KITCHEN(V\holeFoods)FrozenSoups: Asparagus(tomatoes),FrenchOnion (tomatoes), Minestrone(tomatoes) \ /I-IOLESOY & CO. CulturedSoy Smoothie:Apricot Mango,Peach,Raspberry,strawberry; FrozenCulturedSoy:BlackCherry,MochaFudge (coffee),Very Strawberry(citruspectin) The Feingold@Associationdoes not endorse,approveor assumereryonsibilityfor any product,brand, method or treatment. The presence (or absence)of a prcduct on a FeingoldFoodlid, or the discussionof a method or treatmengdoes not constituteapproval(or disapproval). The Foodli*sare basedprimarilyupon informationsuppliedby manufacurersand are not basedupon independentte$ing. PtulneFadslSeuenber 2005 7 School Year Calendars Funky fruits & Yegetables Ffust,tattooswere just for sailors, then for bikers, eventuallythey were for women,and now...cucumbers? Produce is being tattooed with lasers to etch the information now found on little stickers. When it is used on fruit the process removes the outer pigment, leaving the contrasting color of the fruit. The laser seals tfie cut so there is no exposureto the air. Sunkist is testing a blueberry based ink that is added to make the A gift for your child's teacher In additionto keepingtrack of dates markings show up on lemons. Since and activities, the calendar features the natural coloring tends to run someof the hard-to-findproductsthat when it gets wet, be aware that we makeour lives easier. might be seeing petroleum-based Orre again, the calendar high- dyes used with laser tatooing in the lights our own "Feingoldkids." Be fuhrre. sureyou sharetheir photosand stories with your children, especiallyif they don't know many other children using our program. Even if they do not live near eachother, our kids have lots of company. Calendarsare mailed out bulk rate (in the United States)based on our currentmailing list. If you would like to order one, pleasecontactthe FAUS offrce in New York at 554 East Main Street.Riverhead.NY 11901. The suggested donationis $10. Proceeds help us to fild many of our programs to betterserveyou. FAUS Internet Woes Thanks to the persistenceof our webmaster and the friends she Another Way to Help enlisted, our web site is up and Please keep the Feingold running again. The unfortunate Association in mind when the "down interfered with our time" United Way or CombinedFederal people, ability to help disrupted the Carnpargn(CFC) comes to your serviceswe provide to members,and placeof work. Although rules differ greatly dealt FAUS a real financial blow. from one areato another,many of Pleasehelp us get back on our feet our memberswill be able to fill by contributing to our calendarfundout a fonn for their "desigmted raiser or by designatingyour United donation" to be sent to the Way or CFC donation. Asociation. Thesefinds are put to work to improveour servic€sto membersanl to educate parents F'AIJS fLats the and professionalsabout the help -A.l""r^dr Sfreef B.kery available. N""di. N"6,r"Js f"" Contact FAUS at (631) ""'dfLeir supporf of our 369-9340if you would like more rnission. inforrnation. Calendars are being sent to Feingold Association members in the United States. 2005 8 Pure Facts/,Septetnber Pure Facts Editor: Jane Hersey Conlribating to this issue: Lorraine Cordo Donna Curtis Markey Dokken Shula Edelkind Cindy Hanell Barbs'a Keele Gail Wachsmuth Pure Fqcls is published ten times a year ond is a portion of the material provided to members of the Feingold Assooistion ofthe United States. Membership provides the Feingold Program book which inoludes Reoipes & Two Week Menu Plan, a regional Foodlist containing tbousands of acc€ptable U.S. brand name foods, a telephoue and E-mail Help-Line, and a subsoriptiou to Pure Fqcts. T\e clst in the U.S. is $6Cl- $ll shipping. A Pure Facts subscription plus bulletm board accessis S38!ear uihen ordered sepantely. For more information or details on membership ortside the U.S., oontaot FAUS, 554 East Main St., Suite 301, Riverhead,NY ll90l or phoue (631) 369-9340. The artioles in this nersletter are ofierpd as information for Pure Facts readers, and are not intended to provide mediosl advice. Please seek tho gui<lonoeof a qualifiod health core professional oonce;rningEpdical issues. @ zoosby theFeingold Association of theUnitedStates, Inc. Permissionto reprint You arc welcometo circulde adiclesthat appearin Pure Facts. This can be in the form of photocopiesto sharewith others,or the reprinting of articlesin another newsletteror in an Intemet newsletter or on a web site. When you rcprint, pleaseusethe following aclnowledgmern: Reprintedfrom Pzre Facts, tle newsletterof the Feingold@Association of the United Srates(800) 321-3287,
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