PureF-acts {tf,--,


PureF-acts {tf,--,
Associationsof the United States
Newsletterof the Feingold@
Yol. 14,No.3
April, 1990
Researchersfrom the MassachusettsInstitute of Technologyand the Uuiversity of TexasHealth ScienceCenter conlum
that chemical sensitivityis a real medical problem for many. They noted, "The existing evidencedoes suggestthat chenical
sensitivityis increasingand could becomea large problem with significantecononic consequencesrelated to the disablement
of productivemembersof society."
TD a report preparedfor the New
lJersey Deparlmenlof Health,tbe
authors Nicholas A. Ashford and
Claudia S. Miller consideredthe
evidenceto be "highly suggestive"that
exposureto toxic substancescan result
in medicalnroblems. Thesetoxic substarces car be found in our everyday
surroundings. New carpeting,office
machinery plastic and particle board
furniture, perfumes, construction
materialsandinsulation,paints,andinsecticidesall releasegases.When they
are found in tightly sealedbuildings,the
problem is magaified. While some
people havethe ability to tolerate even
utrasweet has taken the diet
food industrvbv storm. Re-
high levels of these fumes,others have
a lower threshold, and can react with
symptoms such as respiratory
problems,headacheand mental confusion. People who are exposed to
agricultural and industrial chemicals
are alsoat highrisk.
The symptoms of chemical sensitivitycanalsobe inducedby products
of an unhealthyenvironment,such as
diesel fumes,toxic waste dumps and
Another source of sensitivity includes chemicalsused in consumer
products,foodsand drugs.
Chemicallysensitiveadults are in-
debted to Mary Lamielle for her tirelessefforts to bring this problem to the
attentionof the public and the legislatorsof her state. Mary is directorof
the NationalCenterfor Environmental
Health Strategies,1100Rural Avenue,
Voorhees,NJ 08043. The Centeris a
nonprofitorganizationprovidinginformationand supportfor the chemically
In a relatedstudy,the Environmental Protection Asencv measuredthe
levelsof 32 gardei and householdpesticides in 4,000homes. The agency
found contaminationinsidethe houses
to be far geater than outdoors.
furu .x< f,L
By VirginiaMessina,M.P.H.,R.D. "'\L1\
Wu man had beenhired as a consultant to G.D. Searle and Co.,
cal sweetenermay be inadvertently
causinga storm of a different sort, a
storminsideour brain cells.
Aspartame,the chemicalmarketed
as Nutrasweet,is made from a combination of two amino acidsphenylalanine and aspartic acid.
RichardWurtman,M.D., a researcher
InstituteofTechat the Massachusetts
in Cambridge,MA, found that
He publishedin the medicaljournal,
The Lancet, reports of three people
who had had grand mal seizures,collapsingastheir musclesjerkedviolently, after consuminglarge amountsof
Nutrasweet-flavoredsoft drinl<s.
working with Searle,Wurtman found
and reported on the seizure cases.
Thesepeople had never had seizures
before. Therewasno reasonwhy they
should have had seizures,exceptfor
the effect Wurtman suspectedNutra
Sweethadhadon theirbraincells.
The company did not listen to
Wurtman's concerns. He came to
believethat Searlewasnot particulady
interestedin what he had to say. He
broke off his relationshipwith Searle
and went to work to investigatethe
chemicaladditiveandto bring his findingsto federalauthorities.As the case
reports of seizures accumulated,
Wurtman becamemore and more con-
cernedabout the connectionbetween
' -n'il*;;;;;.ume
are consuming a rich source of
phenylalanine. Phenylalanine can
damagebrain cells. High levels of
pheylalaniredevelopin childrenwith a
disease called phenylketonuria, or
PKU. Profound brain damageand
mental retardation can result.
affectsbraincellsdirectin the
ly, andinterfereswith substarces
brain which are responsible for
How muchNutrasweetcanwe consume and still be sure that the
phenylalaninelevels in the brain are
safe? No one knows. Children and
pregnant women should never conuedonpage 6
The Feingpld@Associationsofthe UnitedStates,Inc., founded in 1976,arc non-prcfi!volunteerorganizationswhosepu4)osesarc to suppoit theirmember
in the implementation of the Feingold Program ard to generatepub:ic awarenessof the potential role of foods and sydtheticadditives in bchavioi, leatning
and health problems, The progtam is basedon a diet elimiflating ry[theric colors, syntheticflarors, and the presenr'ative6BHA, B[IT, and TBHQ.
A letter from Feinsold volunteers in NorwaY
he association was founded in
Februarv. L979. At that time a
couole of fanilies had used the Ferngold Program after readiag the book,
WhyYour Child is Hypemctive.
Among Norway's 4.2 million people
we have a.nswereda500 to 3,000 inquiries about the program.
We give adviceso families can help
tlemselves. That is quite possiblehere
in Norway since we haveonly 130permitted additives. Anong these130additives, 19 are natural colors and just a
few are synthetic.
Norwegian law requires all of these
additives to be declared with their
narne or number [a systemused by
European countries] or j ust
"aromatics" [flavoring]. There are an
unknownnumber of aromatics,in addition to the 130additives,but they have
to be labeled. Most of our comnon
food is plain and natural all over the
country. Our greatgst problem is the
hidden anti-oxidants BHA and BFIT
which are allowed to be used ir small
amountswithout labeling.
Another problen for us are the doctors; a few of them are interested.But
the most positive support has come
from alternativeprofessionalshomeopaths,chiropractors, etc.
Several studies are now underway
on cows milk as a cause of A.D.D.
(Here, theyusethe term M.B.D.)
Many of our schoolteachers have
taken the Feingold program seriously
from thefust moment,however.Those
people who have to take responsibfity
[or the children - the families,
teachers,nurses,etc. - haveseenwhat
the programis doing. I feel we are in
an explosion of interest now, after 13
It's very difficult to arrange meetings. The Feingold fannilieslive so far
apart, all over the country, and long
travel is not sasy. We use the phone a
lot and write letters. There are about
12 contact persons spread over tho
couatry; they receivePure Facts ftom
me every month and can guide other
farniliesil their area.
Many students, especially in hone
economics. have received naterial
from us to help them write their final
I find our mostimportant thing to do
is sayasloud aspossible: "Here we are,
use us!" Membersof our association
have writteu articles in weekly
magazines,talked on our Norwegian
broadcasting, made speechesfor
teachersand doctors,etc. We still have
not yet beenon a TV progranqbut with
the videotapefrom FAUS I will try.
Twice a year we print a newsletter
for our members. We translate a lot
from PureFotts,write aboutsalicylates,
write about food and recipes and hidden additives.We are alsoconcerned
about sick buildings, fumes from paint
ald. gasoline,and questionsabout our
Someof our membershavenoticed
the samereaction using a combination
of the diet and Ritalin asyou have. The
discussionof Ritalin was very useful to
us. [Editor's note: PureFactsfor AprI,
the association's
on drugs and how parents have combined diet and drugs.l
I am a farmer, studied home
economicsyearsago, and work for the
FeingoldAssociationin my free time.
My Feingoldsonis 21and is doing quite
well in univeristy studies. He doesn't
follow the program strictly now, but his
life is quite normal.
My best geetings to all of you from
Hanne-SofieJ. Lillewedt, Chairman,
Norsk Feingold Forening, N-5210
Artificial FatApproved
Now that the Food and Drug Administration has apconsumersare beingofferedfood made
with fake fat aswell as fake sweetners.
Cr implesse,which is manufactured by the Nutrasweet Company, does not
Dappear to havethe samesafetyhazardsas aspartame.It is madefrom egg
and mill protehs. SinceSinplesse camot be heated,it will be.usedin foods such
as salad dressingsand frozen desserts,and is now available in a dessert called
Simple Pleasures. (At this time we do not have any information about whether
products containing Simplesseare suitable for Feingold members')
2 Pure FactslApil, 190
Letters toFAUS:
Tlvo Little Girls
"Dear FAUS: PleaseseDdmea diet
plan for a hyperactivechild. Sbe is
going to be six this Decemberand can't
evensit long enoughto eat her supper.
Sheis evenfailing kindergarten."
"Dear FAUS; This morniag I called
your telephonenumber to askfor additional informationfor usinglhe Feingold Diet. We are trying the diet with
our six-yearold daughter for hyperactivity, using limited materials from a
friend whoseson is on the diet.
"Our daughter has already commentedthat with the diet her "bottom
Holly l. Kooistra
...andOne Boy
"Dear FAUS; Ttre proof is in the
pudding! My son Steven,has been on
the Feingold Program for about three
week now, and we have such a sweet,
loving child who makesterrific grades
in school and has simply improved so
"I besan diet modification about
four mon-thsago, though mostly on my
own, but I did see a big changein his
behaviorand attentionspan.
"I've begun trying some of the "extras" on the food list to give him some
sweets. Recently I bought a brand of
pudding I saw on the Foodlist, but I
bousht a different flavor.
'iwell, let me tell you that I noticed
an almostimmediate changein my son.
He threwa terribletempertartrum, hit
both of his brothers several times,
velledat all ofus. and so on and on. It
Lasbeensolong sincewe haveseenthis
behavior in Steven,that we alnost forgot aboutit (thaakgoodness!).
"Well, whoueveranyoneattemptsto
tell me that it's just becauseof matudty
that Stevenis so much sweeterand
clamer, I can just continue to remind
myself that "the proof is in the puddins!"
thank you, FAUS, for being
Lea English
GreenwellSpings, LA
A letter from Feingold volunteers in Norway
he association was founded in
Februarv. 1979. At that time a
counle of farnilies had used the Femgold Prograrn after reading the book,
WhyYour Child is Hyperactive.
Among Norway's 4.2 million people
we have answered 2,500 to 3,000 inquiries about the program.
We give adviceso fa.miliescan help
themselves.That is quite possiblehere
in Norway since we haveonly 130permitted additives. Arnong these130additives, 19 are natural colors ald just a
few are synthetic.
Norwegian law requires all of these
additives to be declared with their
name or number [a systemused by
European countriesl or j ust
"aromatics" [flavoring]. There are an
unknownnumber of aromatics,in addition to the 130additives,but they have
to be labeled. Most of our common
food is plain and natural all over the
country. Our greatest problem is the
hidden anti-oxidants BIIA and BHT
which are allowed to be used in small
amouatswithout labeling.
Another problem for us are the doctors; a few of them are interested.But
the most positive support has come
from alternativeprofessiooalshomeopatbs,chiropractors, etc.
Several studies are now underway
on cows milk as a cause of A-D.D.
(Here, theyusethe term M.B.D.)
Many of our schoolteachers have
taken the Feingold program seriously
from the first moment,however. Those
people who have to take responsibitty
[or the children - the families,
teachers,nurses,etc. - haveseenwhat
the programis doing. I feel we are in
an explosion of iaterest now, after 13
yei s.
It's very difficult to arrange meetings. The Feingold families live so far
apart, all over the country and long
travel is not easy. We use the phone a
lot and write letters. There are about
12 contact persons spread over the
country; they receivePure Facls fron
me every month and can guide other
families in their area.
Many students, especially in home
econonics, have received material
from us to help them wdte their final
I find our mostimportant thing to do
is sayasloud aspossible: "Here we are,
use us!" Membersof our association
have written articles in weekly
magazines,talked on our Norwegian
broadcasting, made speechesfor
teachersand doctors,etc. We still have
not yet been on a TV Fogram, but with
the videotapefrom FAUS I will try.
Twice a year we print a newsletter
for our members. We translat€ a lot
fromPureFarts,write aboutsalicylates,
write about food and recipes a:rd hidden additives. We are also concerned
about sick buildings, fumes from paint
and gasoline,and questionsabout our
Someof our membershavenoticed
the samereaction using a combination
of the diet and Ritalin asyou have. The
discussionof Ritalin was very useh to
us. [Editor's note: Pure Factsfor Apfil,
1989discussesthe association'spolicy
on drugs and how parents have combined diet and drugs.l
I am a farmer, studied home
economicsyearsago, aad work for the
FeingoldAssociationin my free time.
My Feingoldsonis 21and is doing quite
well in univeristy studies. He doesn't
follow the program strictly now, but his
life is quite normal.
My best greetingsto all of you from
Hanae-Sofie J. Lilletvedt, Chairman,
Norsk Feingold Forening, N-5210
Artificial FatApproved
Now that the Food and Drug Administration has apconsumersare beingofferedfood made
with fake fat aswell as fake sweetners.
Ct implesse,which is manufacturedby the NutrasweetCompany,does not
D appear to have the samesafety hazardsas aspartarne. It is made from egg
and m k-oroteins. SinceSimplessecannotbe heated,it will be usedin foods such
as salad Sressirrgsand frozen desserts,arrd is now availablein a dessert called
Simple Pleasurei. (At this time we do not have any information about whether
products containing Simplesseare suitable for Feingold menbers.)
2 Ptre FactsApil, 190
TWoLittle Girls
"DearFAUS; Pleasesendme a diet
plan for a hyperactivechild. She is
going to be six this December and can't
evensit long enoughto eat her supper.
Sheis evenfailing kindergarten."
"Dear FAUS; This morning I called
your telephonenumber to askfor additional informationfor usingthe Feingold Diet. We are trying the diet with
our six-yearold daughter for hlperactivity, using limited materials from a
friend whoseson is on the diet.
"Our daughter has already commentedthat with the diet her "bottom
doesn'twiggle"durirg school."
Holly I. Kooistra
"Dear FAUS; The proof is in the
pudding! My son Steven,has been on
the Feingold Program for about three
weeksnow, arrd we have such a sweet,
loving child who makes terrific grades
in school and has simply improved so
"I besan diet modification about
four mon-tbsago, though mostly on my
own, but I did see a big cha:rgein his
behaviorand attentionspan.
"I've begun trying some of the "extras" on the food list to give him sone
sweets. Recently I bought a brand of
pudding I saw on the Foodlist, but I
bousht a different flavor.
'iwell, let me tell you that I noticed
an almostimmediate changein my son.
He threwa terribletempertantrum,hit
both of his brothers several times,
velled at all of us. and so on and on. It
Lasbeensolong sincewe haveseenthis
behavior in Steven,that we almost forgot aboutit (thankgoodness!).
"Well, wheneveranyoneattemptsto
tell me that it'sjust becauseof maturity
that Stevenis so much sweeterand
clamer,I can just continueto remind
myselfthat "the proof is in the puddins!"
thank you, FAUS, for being
Lea English
GreenwellSpings, I-A
Main Dishes
Sweetand Sour Meatballs
Beef Strips Oriental
1 lb. round stsk, 3/4 itch thick
I C. water
2 Tbs. soy sauce
1 garlic clove, minced
1.C. carot slices
1 C. celery slices
2 C. (12 lb.) mushroom halves
1/4 C. cold water
2 Tbs. cornstarch
12 c. grated Parmesanche€se(optional)
hot cooked rice
Cut meat into strips 1/4 inch wide aod 3 to
4inches long. Brown meat in oit drain. Add
water, soy sauc€and garlic Cover; simmer 45
minutes. Add vegetables;cover and continue
cooking 15 to 20 minutes. Combine
cornstarch and water, sttring uttil well
blended. Gmdually add cornstarch mixture to
hot meat and vegetables,stirring constantly
until mixture boils add thickens. Remove
from heat;stir in cheese.Serveover rice.
1 lb. ground beef
1/4 C. dry bread crumbs
12 tsp. instant minced onion
12 tsp.salt
1t8 tsp. pepper
1 Tbs. oil or shortening
1/4 C. sugar
2 Tbs, cornstarch
2 Tbs. soy sauce
2 Tbs. vinegar
1lZ C. water
12 C. reservedpineapple slrup
I can (15 1/4oz) pineapple tidbits or chunks
packedin own juice, drained (reserve
In large mixing bowl, combine ground beef,
breadcrumbs,onion, salt and pepper;mix
well. Shapeinto l-inch balls. Brown in hot
oil in fry pan. Drain off drippings; remove
meatballs. Combine sugar and cornstarch in
fry pan; stir in soy sauc€,vinegar, water and
pineapple juice. Cook, stirring contantly,
until mixture boils and thickens. Add
pineapple and meatballs. Cover and simmer
15 minutes. Serveover rice. Serves4-5.
StoveTop T[na Macaroni And Cheese
1 12 C. elbow macaroni. uncooked
12 lb. mushrooms,sliced
2 Tbs. butter
2 Tbs, flour
1/8 tsp. pepper
1C. milk
6 oz Monterey Jack che€se,cubed
2 cl'ns nra (6 l2 oz, each),drained
Z,esty Chicken Oregano
2 12 -3 lb. ftyer chicken, cut up
l2 C. oil
U4 C. lemon juic€
2 tsp. oregano
1 rsp.salt
12 tsp.pepper
1 clove garlic, chopped
lemon slic€s
Cook macaroni according to package
dircctions. Sautemushrooms in butter until
all liquid is evaporatedand they are lightly
bro\rned. Stir in flour, salt and pepper.
Remove from heat and slowly stir in milk
Coolq stirring constantly until thickened. Add
che€seand tuna and cook slowly until che€se
is melted and mixture is bubbly. Stir in
Placechicken in 9 x 13 pan. Mix next 6
ingredients and pour over chicken. Cook for
30 minutes, uncovered,in 375 degreeoven,
spooning oil mixture over chicken
occasionally. Turn chicken piecesover and
continue cooking for about 30 mirutes, or
until thickest piecesare done. Garnish with
lemon slic€s.
#3 in a series
Pure FactslApil, 1903
Turkey Tetrazzini
1/4 C. butter or margarine
1/4 C. flour
I tsp.sall
1/4 tsp. pepper
1 C. chicken broth
1 C. milk
2 to 3 C. cut-up cooked turkey or chicken, or I
lb. ground turkey, cooked and
I pkg. (8 oz) spaghetti, cooked and drained
1 can (4 oz) sliced mushrooms
1/4 C. grated Parmesar cheese
Paprika (optional--use on StageII)
In 3-quan microwave casseroledish, heat
butter on HIGH I to 2 minutes or until
melted; stir in flour, salt and pepper.
Gradually add broth and milk, stirring until
smooth. Heat on MEDIUM for 4 12 to 5
minutes, stirring twice. Stir in turkey,
spaghetti, and mushrooms; top with parmesan
che€se. Optional--Sprinue with paprika
(Suge n). Heat uncoveredon MEDIUM for
6 to 7 minutes. l€t stand, covered,for 7
NOTE: May be prepared aheadand
refigerarcd before firal cooking. Heal for
about 11 minutes on MEDIUM.
Foil-Baked Fish with Vegetables
1/3 C lemon juice
1 to 2 Tbs. soy sauce
4 sole or flounder fillets (1 lb.)
1 c. chopped broccoli
I C 1 x l/rt-inch carrot sticks (2 medium
I c' 1 x 1/,finch c€lery sticks (3 ribs)
Prepare sauce: Stir together lemon juice
and soy sauc€in small cup.
CJnter eachfillet on a l2-inch squareof
foil. Anange vegetablesin thre€ piles on each
fillet. Spoon sauc€over,
Fold foil over eachfillet to make packets;
pleat seamsto securelyenclose. Placeon
cookie she€L
Bake in preheated oven at 450 degre€sfor
30 minutes, or until fsh just begins to flake
when testedwith a forll Serves4.
Note: Other vegetables,such as zucchini,
may also be used.
Chicken Parmesan
2 bonelesschicken breasrs,skinned, split and
pounded thin (about 1 to 1 1/4 lb.)
3/4 C. seasoneddry bread crumbs
1/4 C, gated Parmesancheese
1/4 tsp. paprika
1 egg,b€aten with l/4 C.waret
2 Tbs. oil
1 can (8 oz.) tomato sauc€or 1 C. spaghetti
1 C. shreddedMozzarella cheese(about 4 oz.)
4 hlre FactslApil, 1990
Dip chicken in bread crumbs mixed with
parmesancheeseand paprika, then in eggand
again in bread crumb mixture. Coat bottom of
microwavesafeoblong baking dish with 1 Tbs.
oil. Placechicken in dish; sprinHe with
remaining oil. Heat itr mocaowaveoven on
HIGII for 2 ro 2 llZ minutes; turn chicken
over and heat an additional 2 to 2 1/2 minutes
on HIGH. Top with tomato sauceand s€ason
with oregano; heat on HIGH for 3 12 to 4 12
minutes or until sauc€is hot. Sprinkle with
mozzarellacheeseand let stand, covered,5
mirutes or until cheeseis melted.
April Foolers- No Foolin'
RedLips and Pot
The March issue of Pure Facrs disOur Februaryissuecontaineda story cussedthe versatiledyeRed No. 3, which
about ono of our members, NancY doublesas a oesticide. Now, the U.S.
Kemble, who makesnatural candy and Department of Agriculture has mme up
sellsit in her store in Dover, Delaware. with an alternateuse for Red No. 22, a
Nancywasbegin"i"g a mail order ser- dye approved for use iu cosmetics,parvice which would provido hard-to-find ticularly lipstick.
Testscarried out in Hawaii found Red
candy for Feingold families. We were
saddenedto learnof a seriousillnessin 22 is a very potent herbicide and is effecthe family; this has forced Nancy to tive in killing marijuanaplants,according
closeher shop,and put asidethe plan to a report in theZor AngelesTimes. The
for use in other
for mail order candy. It is too early to dye has been suggested.
say if she will be able to resume her countrres where marrJuanars growa,
especiallyMexico. Satelliteswhich can
businessand proceed with the nail
identi! crops haveshownthat Mexico
order plansin the future.
Check your Foodlist and Feingold U.S. officials had believed.
'fhe Timeslearr.ed.that the FDA was
School Year Calendar for information
of how potent this dye is when the
on finding natural candy.
agencyapproved it for use in cosmetics
ill 1982. "But experts maintaitr that the
chemical loses its toxicity when comFeingold Camp
binedwith otherineredients."
Linda Bryan is proceedingwith
plansto bold a summercampsessionin
"Healthy'' Smoking?
thebeautifulPoconoMountainsofPendon't look good for the
nsylvaniaon the weekofJune 17- 23 the same week of the FAUS con- cigaretteindustry. R. J. Reynoldshas
ference. Hawley, where the camp is been sharplycriticized for designing
located,is in the Northeasternpart of ciearettesaimedat blackconsumers
the state,about285miles
to the
PhillipMorris haspaid$600,000
conference site. Naturally, the food
National Archivesto haveits name afservedwill all be "Feingoldsafe."
For information, contact Linda at filiatedwirh the u.s. Bill of Rights. The
SpecialMenu Tours, RD 3, Box 1.063, major portion of this moneyis slatedto
Honesdale,PA 18431(7r7) 253-0385. be usedto build a commercial exhibit in
Shewill need to hear from interested the gallery of the National Archives
families right away in order to make Building (whichhousesthe Declaration
andthe Constitution).
of Independence
plansfor the camp
The Secretaryof Health and Human
Serviceshas lambastedcigarettecompaniesfor trying to polish their imageby
Now we haveAmerican Spirit, a new
cigarettewithout the artificial flavoring
Royal Fig Bars now contain
and other chemicalsgenerally added to
artihcial flavoring and should be
tobacco. According to BusinessWeek,
removedfrom your StageI Foodtho SantaFe Natural TobaccoCompany
advertisesits smokesas "a cigarettefor
The Royal Cake Company
the'X)'s. I(XVa free of chemicaladdirecently began having the bars
made for them by another
The Feingold Associationapplauds
manufacturer,who usessynthotic
when they remove harmful
flavoring and the preservative
syntheticadditives,but we'll declineto
researchthis one.
A New Morning "High"
If vou liked the "Coke in the Morning" iampaignof a fewyearsago,you'll
fewer bubbles and more caffeine, it's
designed to compete with coffee as a
waker- upper. The consumptionofsoft
drinks is already nearly twice that of
coffee,havingedgedout what wasonce
the leading beverage.
Although [regular] cola drinks
generallydo not containartficial colors
or flavors, their high sugar content
make them an poor choice - particularly if they are consumedon a
regularbasisandou an emptystomach.
'6Fetid Flavorings"
Thisis thenameof afumestablished
by two industrial chemistsin New York.
Terrible tasting chemicals have a
practical use. Applying them to electirodentslrom
cal cablesdiscourages
chewing on them. Some are added to
industrial chemicalsin order to prevent
people from accidentallydrinking
Although these foul flavored substancesare incredibly potent, Fetid
Flavoringshasfound a way to ma-kethe
potions ten to twenty-five times more
bitter. Theyaddedthe syntheticsweetner saccharine,usedin mar:ydiet foods
and beverages,
(Shouldthesefetid tlavon berequired
to carry the same labeling asfoods - n
warn health conscious rodents that
chewingsacchaine may causecancer?)
Whatts in a Name?
To borrow a phrasefrom a popular
jelly advertisement,
"With a namelike
Feingoldit's got to be misspelled."We
delight in the mary original spellingswe
receive,and evenhavestationarymade
un with someof them listed. In honor
oiApril Fool'sday,herearesomeofthe
Flungold, Twiryold, Feins Gold, Fringold, Fuagold, Sane Gold, Fetingold,
Feingolf, Fangled, Find Gold,
Goldfiad, Fingold, Feinberg Fengold,
and Goldfinser!
aproduct-on a Feingol<tfoodlist, or the diocussionof a method or treatment doesnot codstitltc appro\al (ot disaPPiolal). The foodlis6 are basedpdmarily
upon information supplied by manufactue$, and arc not basedupon indepetdent testing.
Pure FactslApi4 19905
Nutrasweet J?ompo8e 1
sume it, ald there is no reason for
anyoneelse to, €ither. The irony is that
there is not good evidencethat artificial
sweeteners help with weight control.
Aspadame was marketed before the
full ra:rge of its effects were known.
Many scientistsnow believe that it was
a mistaketo market it at all.
Reprintedwith permissionfrom The
PCRM Guideto HealthyEating,Ian\aryFebruary,1990,publishedby Physicians
Committeefor ResDonsible
DC 20015.
The FeineoldAssociationrecommends
membenovu:idtlu we of aspaname,
A SpecialGift
Beautiful Babies
Feingold member Karen Keough's
ministei received an eady Easter gift'
Karengavehis familya membershipil
the Feingold Association in hopesthat
our program would help his very aggressivefrve-year-old.Three daysafter
beginning the program, Pastor Rick
told the Keough's the aggressionwas
The Feingold Association of Northern Maryland will be holding a fund-
gone, and "lt's like we have a new
As you make your summer plans,
contactthe FAUS Travel Aid Committee for a copy of a foodlist for the part
of the country you will be visiting.
Members may purchasefoodlists at
cost ($3.00each) by writing to: TravelAid, 12708NorwoodLn., Ft. Washiogton. MD 20744. Allow severalweeks.
FAUS lsth Annual Conference
Towson,Maryland - June 21 -23r1990
raisingBeautifulBabycontestto help
for theupcomingFAUS
Conference and for the operation of
their supportgroup.
Were you a beautiftrl baby, or do you
have a beautiful baby? Send in your
photo(s) and participate in the contest
to be held during the FAUS conference
ia June. You need not be at the conferencein order to participate.
Here are the sound rules:
1. The entrani must be a Feingold
2. Entrants can be any age,but the
Dhotomust be of the individualunder
ihe ageof 3.
3. Photoscan be any sizeup to and
rncluorns) x/
4. ClEar! mark the back of each
photo with the name, address,phone
number, aswell asthe presentageofthe
entrantandthe agewhenthe photowas
5. Enclosea self-addressed,
envelope if you want your photo
6.Sendthephotos,anda $2entryfee
for each photo, to: Joan Ruggles,1235
Wine Spring Lane, To.tson, MD 21204.
Pleasemakecheckspayableto the Feingold Assoc.of Norlhern Maryland.
Plan your summervacation arouad our conference,to be held in Towson,MD,
just north of Baltimore. Most people will arive on Wednesdayevening,June 20,
aad leaveon Sunday,June 24.
Deadline Enties mustbereceivedby
Iune 10. Photoshutnotnames) willbe
displayedat the conference. Prizeswill
This will be an opportunity to meet other Feingold familiesand learn more about beawardedand the winningphotowill be
our program. Saturday will feature a panel discussionmade up of supportive pinted. in PureFatts. (Thepin wi be
professionalswho will addressthe questionswe have about dealing with doctors, determinedby the numberof entriessubcounselors,and other professionals.Additional information on the conference mitte4 and thefunds collected)
agendaand activities will be provided.
The total cost of $250will coverlodging, all meals,materials,activities,speakers
and workshipsfor the four nightsand three days.This fee doesnot include the
Pure Facts
Friday outilrg.
Yes! I am planning to attend the conferencefor all three days and four nights.
Enclosedis my depositof $25to coverpre-registration.
sendme a rate schedulefor attending asa day delegate.
in ratesfor non-participatingadultsand children.
Mail this form, along with a checkfor $25 made out to "FAUS Conference"to:
Lutherville,MD 21093
6 Pure FactslApil, 190
Editor: JaneHers€y
Fort Worth: C-arolynAllen
Iowa: BarbaraKeele
I-os Angeles: Crlleen Smethers
New York Pat Palmer
Ontario: Iris Gowans
SanFrancisco: L),nn Murphy
St.Paul: SueMaldonado
ftre FactJ is publishedten times a
year and is a portion of the material
provided to membersof the Feingold
Association. For fu rther information
write to: Feingold Association of the
United States,Inc., P.O. Bo)r 6550,
Alexandria, VA 22306. (703) 768FAUS.