JUNE 1, 2014 - Holy Infant Catholic Church
JUNE 1, 2014 - Holy Infant Catholic Church
ASCENSION OF THE LORD JUNE 1, 2014 HOLY INFANT CATHOLIC CHURCH 627 DENNISON DRIVE BALLWIN, MO 63021 636-227-7440 FAX: 636-227-4548 www.holyinfantballwin.org REV. CHRISTOPHER DUNLAP WITH GRATITUDE AND THANKS FOR YOUR MINISTRY TO THE PEOPLE OF HOLY INFANT PARISH May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you His favor and give you His peace. Numbers 6:24-26 REV. EDWARD STANGER, PASTOR REV. CHRISTOPHER DUNLAP, ASSOCIATE PASTOR THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD REV. DONALD ANSTOETTER, ASSOCIATE PASTOR JUNE 1, 2014 ASCENSION OF THE LORD L S JUNE 1, 2014 S ,J ,J 8 A M -F 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. S Thomas Byrne Paul Menner Bob Hauf Maggie Dunne S ,J ,J ,J Paul Dannegger Josh Dazey Madelyn Deister Joseph Dickson Sarah Peiffer Marion Winkeler B ,J 4:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. S R P T C S S 7 M ,J 4:00 p.m. 7 Team 3 H ,J 7:00 a.m. 10:15 a.m. Team 2 B 8 Team 2 Team 3 N 8:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. R R M O G S ,C T M W E M M , R.S.M., S P C , R.S.M., C P S R Y S D L : M ,O ,O ,O S ,A ,B M A A C E P H I Team 2 Team 3 ….due on Fridays at 8:00 a.m., nine days before the weekend bulletin: [email protected]. C H I S P R : 636-227-9184 . . S R 248 N B R P : 636-227-0802 E 3 @ . C 239 N P Y 237 N -F 8:00 . . - 4:00 . . 12:00 - 1:00 . . 248 N B : 636-227-0802 F . @ 5:30 p.m. S C M S C S ,D ,D ,D [email protected] Frank and Susan Tusinski Laura and Abbey Waller Maureen Duffy Family E P F B M M K M 8 7:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 10:15 a.m. Saturday: 3:30 p.m. until all are heard or by appointment Kevin and Kelly Himstedt Tom and Sharon Myers ,J W Cass Bednarek Luke Bremer Riley Brientnall Claire Buehrle Meagan Campbell Tommy Crawford E Monday - Friday: 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. Saturday: 8:00 a.m. S Saturday: 4:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:15 a.m. and 12 Noon 8 G S S 7 7:00 a.m. Megan Crawford Michael Crawford 8:30 a.m. Anna Culver Lauren Dawson 10:15 a.m. Grace Deister Mary Kath. Deister 12:00 p.m. Rachel Nolan Tony Perez V Kevin Bainter Ashton Auberry Sofia Belisle Sean Bender Gaby Bond 8:00 a.m. Jake Beach 4:00 p.m. Jennifer Bosche Jack Brewer 5:30 p.m. Emily Buehrig Jack Burton S M 2-6 Nathan Adler Brandon Auberry Bailey Beason Joey Bender Libby Bischof O We extend a very special welcome to our friends, and visitors who have joined us this weekend as we complete our celebration of the Easter season. We pray that we may experience in our worship the depth of God’s love for us. May our hearts be overflowing with the joy of the Gospel! Please call us at the rectory office, (636) 2277440, if we can be of help to you or if you would like to become a member of our parish. Elizabeth DeRum Ken Daues 7:00 a.m. Tom Pandolfo 8:30 a.m. Albert Bouckaert 10:15 a.m. Jody Hauf 12:00 p.m. Will Diedrich 7 4:00 p.m. Mardi Berkner 5:30 p.m. Joan Daues S W P 636-391-1528 H 636-227-7440 E 128 ASCENSION OF THE LORD JUNE 1, 2014 MASS INTENTIONS S A ,J 1 L A 1:1-11; P 47:2-3, 6-9; E 1:17- 23; M 28:16-20 7:00 a.m. Living and Deceased Members of Holy Infant Church 8:30 a.m. Intentions of Beata and Tony Gordon 10:15 a.m. William Stanley 12:00 p.m. Frank Rumping M ,J 2 S .M P A 19:1-8; P 68:2-3 , 4-5 , 6-7 ; J 16:29-33 6:00 a.m. David Lang 8:00 a.m. Barbara Blassie T ,J 3 S .C L C A 20:17-27; P 68:10-11, 20-21; J 17:1-11 6:00 a.m. Intentions of Daisy Saldana 8:00 a.m. David Linneman W A ,J 4 20:28-38; P 68:29-30, 33-36 ; J 17:11 -19 6:00 a.m. Purgatorial Society 8:00 a.m. Bernadette Deveney T ,J 5 S .B A 22:30; 23:6-11; P 16:1-2 , 5, 7-11; J 17:20-26 6:00 a.m. John Powers 8:00 a.m. Helen Stadnick F ,J 6 S .N A 25:13 -21; P 103:1-2, 11-12, 19-20 ; J 21:15-19 6:00 a.m. Intentions of Joyce and Dan Messmer—50th Wedding Anniversary 8:00 a.m. Intentions of Fr. Ed Stanger S A S P 7 ,J 28:16-20, 30-31; P 11:4, 5, 7; J 21:20-25 8:00 a.m. James H. Smith 4:00 p.m. Joy Gillion 5:30 p.m. Robert Mueller ,J 8 S : G 11:1-9 E 19:3-8 , 16-20 E 37:1-14 J 3:1-5; P 104:1-2 , 24, 35 , 27-28, 29 -30; R 8:22-27; J 7:37-39 D : A 2:1-11; P 104:1, 24, 29-31, 34; 1 C 12:3 -7, 12-13; J 20:19-23 7:00 a.m. Dolores McDonough 8:30 a.m. Albert Stanger 10:15 a.m. Lynn Herndon 12:00 p.m. Living and Deceased Members of Holy Infant Church V “He was lifted up, and a cloud took him from their sight.” —Acts 1:9 Dear Parishioners, This weekend we celebrate the exceptional gifts that Fr. Chris Dunlap has offered at Holy Infant parish these past four years as our wonderful associate pastor! It has been a great joy to live and work with Fr. Chris. I first worked in ministry with Fr. Chris 10 years ago when he was assigned to serve as an acolyte at Sacred Heart parish in Old Town Florissant. Who knew that we would have the privilege of working together as brother priests here at Holy Infant! We have certainly been blessed by his lively and engaging presence in his faithful service here. I am confident that he will be an excellent pastor at St. James the Greater parish in Dogtown and that the good people of that wonderful parish family will welcome Fr. Chris with open arms! All are welcome and encouraged to come to the Upper Cafeteria immediately following our 12:00 noon Mass this Sunday (June 1st) for a Farewell Reception. Please stop by to express appreciation and to wish Fr. Chris well on his new priestly assignment. This week we will also celebrate Vacation Bible School. This is one of the largest enrollments we have had in recent years. This year, over 190 children are participating and over 130 individuals have volunteered to assist at Vacation Bible School. Thanks to Jennifer O’Brien for her great leadership and for all who so faithfully support this valuable ministry here at Holy Infant! On another note, thanks to all who continue to respond to the request for donations for our upcoming Holy Infant Rummage Rampage which will take place on Friday, June 20th through Sunday, June 22nd. I know that many people have been doing some great Spring cleaning and are getting donations ready for this special event. Thanks to all who are so very generous to this big event. I always remind our school children – day school and P.S.R. – that just because we are on holiday for the summer does not mean that we are on vacation from our prayer, Sunday Mass or works of charity. The Christian life continues through the summer months! I realize that many travel on these days, and it is for that reason that I encourage our parishioners to consider their tithing on line through Faith Direct. It is not a matter of folks not wanting to support the parish; it‘s more a matter of being “on the run” during these days. Please pray over what you want to give to the parish and then you may enroll by visiting www.faithdirect.net. Our church code is MO31. If you do not have access to a computer, please call our parish office (636-227-7440, extension 100) and we would be happy to send you an enrollment form. This practical approach to giving very much helps us to manage cash flow and budget much more effectively. Thank you for your continued support of our parish family with your great stewardship of time, talent and treasure. God’s blessings to you and your family for a great beginning to your Summertime! ASCENSION OF THE LORD H I JUNE 1, 2014 P C S S ,J - 1 Pictorial Directory Signups, Church Lobby after Mass Farewell Mass for Fr. Chris Dunlap, 12 Noon, Church Reception for Fr. Chris, 1:00 p.m., Upper Cafeteria Inside the Vatican Presentation by Fr. Don Anstoeller, 7:00 p.m., Rosario Hall M ,J 2 - Financial Accountants, Team 2 - Vacation Bible School, Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 12 Noon, Cafeteria and Parish Center - Finance Committee, 7:00 p.m., Holy Infant Room T ,J 3 - Maintenance Committee, 7:00 p.m., Lower Cafeteria - St. Vincent de Paul Society, 7:00 p.m., Holy Infant Room - Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions, Evening Prayer and Rosary, 7:15 p.m., Chapel W ,J 4 - Joyful Hope Prayer Group, 7:00 p.m., Holy Infant Room - Rosary, Intentions of World Peace, 7:00 p.m., Chapel T ,J 5 - Parish Council, 7:00 p.m., Holy Infant Room - Stephen Ministry Supervision, 7:00 p.m., Upper Cafeteria F ,J 6 - Legion of Mary, 9:30 a.m., Holy Infant Room S ,J 7 - First Saturday Devotions and Video, 8:30 a.m., Church - Pictorial Directory Signups, Church Lobby after Mass - K of C Food Drive, Upper and Lower Lobby after Mass S ,J 8 - Pictorial Directory Signups, Church Lobby after Mass - K of C Food Drive, Upper and Lower Lobby after Mass - Diaconate First Mass and Reception, 10:15 a.m., Church; Reception in Upper Cafeteria following Mass S .V P F M People helped: 15 Shelter: 2 Expenses: $ 2,206 Utilities: 2 “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.” Matt. 25:40 To help, please make your check payable to “St. Vincent de Paul Society”, put in an envelope marked “SVDP” and drop it in the collection. If you are in need of help or know of another in need, please call us at (314) 289-6101 voice mail box 2265. Leave us a message. H L C S R C S T B C 13,404 36,224 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 823,013 576,570 82,093 1,805 46,191 15,784 1,666,304 $ 49,628 $ 3,211,760 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 67,826 $ (18,198) $ 345 $ $ 58 $ $ 100 10 503 3,119,996 91,764 67,313 2,845 12,027 81,390 P Quarter to Date 4/1/14 - 6/30/14 $ 402 $ 6,743 Each quarter, three percent of our offertory collections will be tithed to the poor and needy. P Jim Cox Colleen Donnelly Joan Duncan Sharon Girth Rosemary Girth Emma Guffey Owen Guffey Dorothy Hanes Jim Heddinghaus Josie Kopet R , $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Weekly S Joan Litzau Carol McElroy Michael McKillips Jim McWay Dorothy Melton Kimberly Meyer Kathy Mitchell Don Modde Mother Theresa of Belleville, Ill. W Year-to-Date Quarter O Offertory Received Offertory Received - Electronic Special Donations Business Donations Holy Day Collections End of Year Contributions Tuition Earned: Total Income: Budget Required: Over/(Under) Budget Building Repair Fund Endowment Fund Tuition Assistance Fund Special Collections: Cardinal Glennon Hospital Other Families Enrolled in Faith Direct 11, 2014 Families helped with: Transportation: 1 I M Weekly S Receipts: $ 979 Through May 18, 2014 (Week 46) B F A Angelina Nocifora Jay Redick Richard Rosebush Samuel Rongey Sam Taylor Marian Verlot Fr. Joe Welschmeyer Liz Yettke L ASCENSION OF THE LORD 2014R S JUNE 1, 2014 T S R N The Athletic Association is looking for boys and girls in 7th grade and older to referee SOCCER for the upcoming season. Adult referees are also needed. Please email Michelle Bess at [email protected] to be added to the ref list. Bring a pen and paper for notes. First, 2nd and 3rd year refs must attend the entire 9 hour training session at one location. Returning referees, 4th year and up, need to come to the 3 hour Saturday class only for mechanics, review, and test. St. Alban Roe Tuesday, July 8th from 6 to 9 p.m. Thursday, July 10th from 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday, July 12th from 8 to 1 p.m. (returning 4th year and up be there by 10 a.m.) Holy Infant – Upper Cafeteria Friday, August 1 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. (training class) Saturday, August 2 from 8:30 to 11:45 a.m. (training class) Saturday, August 2 break, from 11:45 a.m.-12:30 p.m. — bring lunch Saturday, August 2 from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. (for updates, review, & test) in the Upper Cafeteria 4th year referees and up: Come on August 2 only at 12:30 p.m. PLEASE ARRIVE 15 MINUTES EARLY TO GET SIGNED IN. COST: $25 for new refs who will be taking the full 9 hours; $15 for returning refs (4th year and up) who will be taking only the 3 hour Saturday session. Please bring checks only, made payable to the Holy Infant clinic. Happy B irthday J 6,1964—50 B We wish you many blessings on this special birthday. May God continue to fill you with his love and grace and lead you in ways of joy and peace. “I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe.” Ephesians 1:17-19 Thank you for your love and your continual guidance, wisdom and joy! From your family at Holy Infant Parish. Happy, Happy Birthday to you! Insider’s Look at the Vatican If you are attending a session at a different parish, checks should be mailed to: Michelle Bess, 486 Westglen Village Drive, Ballwin, MO 63021. Checks will not be collected at other parishes. Additional training sessions will be on Holy Infant‘s Athletic Association Website as they are scheduled. Please check the “soccer” link at: http://athletics.holyinfantballwin.org. R B jxÄvÉÅx àÉ ZÉwËá YtÅ|Äç Nolan Emmitt Crust, son of Jacob and Allyson Crust Thomas James Davis, son of William and Amanda Davis Chase Riley Hertzel, son of Patrick and Krista Hertzel Cole Restivo Hertzel, son of Patrick and Krista Hertzel Maiya Ann-Marie Honaker, daughter of Melissa Honaker Nathan Xavier Kinder, son of Devin and Elizabeth Kinder Evan Albert Kuelker, son of Eugene and Kathryn Kuelker Sunday,June17:00p.m. RosarioHall Join Holy Infant’s own Fr. Don Anstoetter for an insider’s look behind the scenes at the Vatican. Fr. Anstoetter will share his experiences of living in Rome during the historic papal conclave of 2013 that elected Jorge Mario Bergoglio—Pope Francis. All are welcome to this presentation! No reservations necessary. A program from Holy Infant’s Adult Faith Formation Committee. F ASCENSION OF THE LORD JUNE 1, 2014 Holy Infant Youth Ministry LIFE TEEN (high school teens) Kickoff tonight from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Will you help the Haitian People? We will be accepting donations in the church lobby until June 8th. Make sure and visit our giving tree. Here is a list of high priority items needed: Portable radio Large post-it boards Machine screwdrivers Allen wrench sets Berkey Water Filter or equivalent Clorox wipes Pens and printer paper Crazy glue Jumper cables Chisels Batteries: AAA,AA, D Actual razor blades Jerusalem Bibles in French Benedictine crosses, necklaces Neosporin and saline wash Inhalers Afterbite Instant cold and heat packs Tailoring measuring tape Rulers and erasers Sewing pins and needles Ribbon Platter for food and bowls Thread Size 3,4,5 diapers Fragrance free wipes Surge protectors Hand sanitizer Work gloves Paint brushes Dress shoes in good condition Modest bras for teens Holy medals and crucifixes Any Ryobi/Porter cable power tools Ryobi or Porter cable batteries (lithium) and charger External back-up battery charger for iPhones/smartphones Energizer flashlights (they plug in, no batteries needed) Spiritual reading for adults, French or English Hygiene products (shampoo, soap conditioner, deodorant, tooth paste, toothbrushes, floss, sanitary pads, mouth wash) Prayer cards and religious items in French or Haitian Creole DVDs dubbed in French, children’s, religious Dress clothes (mostly smaller sizes; dresses/skirts) Tissue paper/Crepe paper/Card stock Cotton fabric that doesn’t stretch (not scraps) Carbon paper and roller for carbon paper EDGE (middle school youth) Our next EDGE night is June 18. We welcome all 6th graders to our summer kickoff. For information and updates, please go to holyinfantballwin.org/youth-ministry. V B S VBS starts this Monday! We can still use some supplies. If you would like to donate, please take a tag from our Wall of Giving and bring it to the gym this Saturday (5/31) or Sunday (6/1). We appreciate your generosity! We also would greatly appreciate your prayers for our volunteers and our youth as they explore how Jesus’ love is One-of-a-Kind! C C L A , ….. As we all know, Fr. Chris has made an impact on many lives throughout the Holy Infant community. A committee is putting together a memory book for Fr. Chris to take with him as he assumes the pastoral role at St. James the Greater. We would like your help! Have your family or committee members create a memory page (or multiple pages) of great times shared with Fr. Chris! Ideas include photos, poems, prayer, letters or anything that reminds you of the impact Fr. Chris has made on your life. Please use 12 x 12 scrapbook paper which can be purchased at any craft store! Be creative! Completed pages should be submitted to the rectory or PSR office (attention Patricia Foley) no later than June 10th. Holy Infant Catholic Church Blood Drive Tuesday, June 10, 2014 2:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Held in the Upper Cafeteria 248 New Ballwin Road To schedule an appointment go to redcrossblood.org, enter sponsor code: HolyInfant or you may call Linda or Harold at (636) 227-6742. Everyone welcome. Please bring a valid photo ID. Blood is especially needed this Ɵme of year, so please schedule your donaƟon today! ASCENSION OF THE LORD JUNE 1, 2014 THANK YOU FROM A GRATEFUL PARISH Holy Infant Parish has been richly blessed during these past four years through your generous and faithful service to our parish community. You have helped us to grow in faith, love and service. Your gregarious, faith-filled approach to priestly service has been a strong witness to your love for life and for the Lord. We have been encouraged as we continue to grow in love and service to others. Thank you for your wonderful leadership! Thank you for your preaching, teaching and giving of yourself. You are an inspiration to us as you have used your gifts to serve us. We all join together in offering you our prayerful support and sincere thanks. May God bless you and your ministry as you continue to serve God’s people. With deep appreciation and love, The People of Holy Infant Parish Alzheimer’s Disease is a Heart Breaker Stephen Ministry presents “LOOP”, a one act dramatization of a family member slipping into dementia. The play is followed by a panel discussion and question and answer period. June 28 at 7:00 p.m. Holy Infant School Cafeteria at 248 New Ballwin Road in Ballwin. Watching someone you love drift away brings pain to all the family. How do you cope? What do you do? Where can you find help? What can you expect from doctors and family? Alzheimer's is the most common form of dementia, a general term for memory loss and other intellectual abilities serious enough to interfere with daily life. Alzheimer's is not a normal part of aging, although the greatest known risk factor is increasing age, and the majority of people with Alzheimer's are 65 and older. But Alzheimer's is not just a disease of old age. Up to 5 percent of people with the disease have early onset Alzheimer's (also known as youngeronset), which often appears when someone is in their 40s or 50s. Alzheimer's is a progressive disease, where dementia symptoms gradually worsen over a number of years. Alzheimer's has no current cure, but treatments for symptoms are available and research continues. This one act play is performed by the Slaying Dragons actors. After the play there is a panel for questions and discussions. The panel will include David B. Carr, MD of the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center at Washington University Medical School and Elyse M. Murrell, MSW Candidate Concentration Practicum Student from the Alzheimer’s Association. There is no charge and anyone is invited to attend. ASCENSION OF THE LORD JUNE 1, 2014 W AÙ Rù FÊÙ YÊç AÄ YÊçÙ GÄã½ù UÝ IãÃÝ! Now is the time to clean out your closets, your garage and your basement! Workers are needed during drop off dates and for the sale. Work five or more hours before the sale and shop early Thursday, June 19 from 6 8 p.m. Contact Rita Adolphson to work the sale at 636-527-0543 or [email protected]. Drop off dates: th Monday June 16 11 am-7 pm Tuesday June 17th 11 am-7 pm Wednesday June 18th 8 am-12 pm Sale Dates: Friday June 20th – EARLY BIRD SHOPPING 6-8 pm ($5 donation/person) Saturday June 21st - 7 am-3 pm Sunday June 22nd - 8 am-2 pm (1/2 price sale) DON’T FORGET THE POT O’ GOLD RAFFLE BASKET Worth over $1,650!!! $1.00/Ɵcket 6 for $5.00 15 for $10.00 33 for $20.00 Unacceptable items: Guns, magazines, TVs, computers, Ɵres, water beds, paint, solvents, chemicals, exercise equipment, gas cans, baby cribs, infant/toddler seats, large appliances, maƩresses, recliners and sleeper sofas. Call Mary Oestreich 314-803-0055 with quesƟons concerning acceptable donaƟons. K C H Please support the Knights Food Drive benefiting our sister parish St. Wenceslaus Food Pantry the weekend of June 7 and 8. You can drop off your donations in the upper and lower Church vestibules. Items needed: S ’C N PICNIC—PICNIC—PICNIC—PICNIC—PICNIC—PICNIC—PICNIC The Holy Infant Seniors’ Club annual summer picnic will be on Thursday, June 5 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Bussman Shelter in Blue Bird Park, Ellisville, MO. Pasta and Sauce Pancake Mix Toothpaste Shampoo Potatoes (box) Jello Chicken & Dumplings Pudding (box) Canned Fish (tuna, salmon) Canned Meat (chicken, ham, Spam) Free lunch, drinks, fun and friends will be in abundance. Please bring lawn games to jump start the day. Afternoon cash bingo will keep us awake. Friends and lots of yak-i-t-yak will fill the day. Be prepared to laugh, have fun, and enjoy living. (Recycle the drink cans, please. HIS needs the money.) Parishioners donated over 850 lbs. for our March Food Drive! Many thanks from your Holy Infant Council #10794 Knights of Columbus. MOPS(M I P ) Do you love reading stories, playing games, giving hugs, and receiving little smiles? Would you love to give some moms of little ones a break? If so, the Holy Infant MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group could use your help! We are in need of paid caregivers to join the team of helpers who care for our children (under the age of 5) during our twice monthly meetings. Our meetings are held the first and third Wednesdays of the month (September through May) from 9:00 a.m.11:15 a.m. Caregivers must take or have taken the Protecting God’s Children Workshop. Please contact Joanna Villhard [email protected] or (636) 207-1241 for more information. ASCENSION OF THE LORD JUNE 1, 2014 DIACONATE ORDINATION INVITATION Everyone from Holy Infant Parish is invited to attend our Ordination to the Permanent Diaconate of the Roman Catholic Church on Saturday, June 7th, 10:00am, at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis. A brief re- ception at Boland Hall (next to the Cathedral) will follow immediately after Mass and Ordination. Early arrival is recommended to insure parking and seating. You are also welcome to join us as we celebrate our First Mass of Thanksgiving the following day, Sunday, June 8th, 10:15am, at Holy Infant Catholic Church. There will be a reception immediately following this Mass in the upper cafeteria. All are invited to this as well! We would like to thank everyone from Holy Infant for their prayers and encouragement through these last five years of formation. We could not have made it to this point without you. It has been a beautiful journey with you and we look forward to serving this wonderful, dynamic parish in the years to come. Ordinations are beautiful celebrations; this ordination will be all the more beautiful because the Holy Infant Choir will be singing with the large choir at the Cathedral Basilica. We hope to see you at either or both of these events! No gifts please – your attendance would be more than enough! Thank You and God Bless, Dan Henke & Dan Raidt A New Holy Infant Parish Pictorial Directory is Coming! Register today for your complimentary session at: www.holyinfantballwin.org or look for sign-up tables after Masses. Questions: Contact Nicole Dresser: [email protected] or (516) 652-7193. SESSION DATES: July 8-11 July 12 July 15-18 July 19 July 22-25 July 26 July 29 2:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Msgr. Buchheit Parish Center • • • You will receive a complimentary 8x10” photo AND a printed Pictorial Directory just for participating in a photo session! Lifetouch will donate the value of 4 meals per sitting to our parish food pantry, St. Wenceslaus! Bring canned goods to your photography sitting & receive a $5 coupon towards any purchased prints! Donations are part of Lifetouch’s Feed The Need Program & will be donated to St. Wenceslaus Food Pantry. ASCENSION OF THE LORD JUNE 1, 2014 ASCENSION OF THE LORD JUNE 1, 2014 ASCENSION OF THE LORD JUNE 1, 2014
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