the nation`s children`s hospital - Children`s National Medical Center


the nation`s children`s hospital - Children`s National Medical Center
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The nation’s children deserve nothing less.
Annual Report 2009
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At Children’s National Medical Center,
our physicians and researchers have pioneered
treatments used around the world to cure cancer
in children. One of our scientists helped identify
the gene that causes the most common type of
muscular dystrophy. And our team performs
nearly 15,000 surgeries a year on children—
from babies a few hours old to teenagers. We
care for patients and families from around the
world who want renowned specialists in new,
family-centered facilities.
The nation’s children deserve nothing less.
Table of Contents
Message from the President and CEO, Chairman of the Board,
and Chairman of the Foundation
Our Stories
FY09 Operational Highlights
FY09 Financial Highlights
Children’s Hospital Foundation
Board of Directors and Faculty
All About Children’s National
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Edwin K. Zechman, Jr.
President and CEO
Children‘s National Medical Center
Richard W. Snowdon, III
Chairman of the Board
Children‘s National Medical Center
James W. Lintott
Chairman of the Board
Children’s Hospital Foundation
The last year marked a critical year for our country, the future of health
care, and Children’s National Medical Center. With an historic election in the
wake of a slumping economy, and the much discussed move to reform our
health system, there is little doubt that we’re at a crossroads for health care.
As the nation’s children’s hospital located in the heart of the nation’s capital,
we understand that these momentous events will have major implications
for children’s health, and we’re uniquely positioned to advocate for
children nationwide.
In July, President Obama came to Children’s National to meet with our
pediatric specialists. The physicians, nurses, and physician assistants he met
helped him to better understand the unique challenges facing pediatric health
care. Our team continues to play an instrumental role in shaping the health
reform debate by participating in briefings on Capitol Hill, educating key
stakeholders locally and nationally, and providing interviews to national media.
It was an exciting year at Children’s National as we continued to expand
our facilities to provide better care to our patients and families. In November
2008, we dedicated new research facilities, bringing our total research space
to 100,000 square feet. In March, we opened two state-of-the-art operating
rooms, and in May we transported 28 newborns into our new 54-bed
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in a carefully orchestrated move.
In addition to facilities, Children’s National has continued to recruit some
of the top minds in pediatrics from around the globe. D. Ashley Hill, MD,
is the chief of Pathology, Charlie Berul, MD, is chief of Cardiology, and
Anastassios Koumbourlis, MD, is chief of Pulmonary Medicine. We’ve also
added a Center to Children’s Research Institute: the Center for Molecular
Physiology, led by Pedro Jose, MD, PhD.
In September, Children’s National announced the creation of the Sheikh
Zayed Institute for Pediatric Surgical Innovation, funded by a generous
$150 million gift from the Government of Abu Dhabi, marking the largest
gift ever to pediatric surgery. The Institute brings together surgeons and
researchers with the ambitious goal to transform pediatric surgery.
We have treated children from all 50 states and 50 countries. We remain
committed to caring for children throughout the Washington, DC, region,
while we continue to expand our reach to help children nationally and
It’s been a historic year for our country and our institution. We’re pleased
to share some highlights from this past year with you. We look forward to
what the future holds.
2009 Annual Report
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Defining a New Era in Pediatric Surgery
On September 16, 2009, Children’s National Medical Center announced the
creation of the Sheikh Zayed Institute for Pediatric Surgical Innovation,
made possible by an historic philanthropic gift from the Government of
Abu Dhabi. The $150 million gift will allow the hospital to bring together
surgeons and researchers to make surgery more precise, less invasive,
and pain-free for children around the world.
The Institute will focus on four initiatives that together will open a new era
for pediatric surgery:
• Pain Medicine: The team’s goal is to eliminate pain before, during,
and after surgery, by accurately measuring pain and identifying more
effective medications and treatments.
• Bioengineering: Surgeons and researchers will harness the full
power of biomedical imaging and the computational sciences to
achieve unprecedented levels of precision.
• Immunology: The Institute team will seek innovative immunotherapies
to suppress or stimulate a child’s own immune system to cure disease
– in many cases, eliminating the need for surgery.
• Systems Biology: The decoding of the human genome will allow
surgeons and researchers to personalize surgery for every child based
on his or her specific genetic makeup.
These four initiatives will be guided using business model principles of
innovation management to expedite discovery and bring new therapies to
children as quickly as possible.
At the announcement event, His Excellency Ambassador Yousef Al Otaiba,
UAE Ambassador to the United States, said, “We know illness and disease
know no boundaries or borders. Medical advances require cooperation,
partnership, resources, and determination. This new institute will bring
together the best minds in the field of pediatric surgery, pain management,
and medical research all with a singular focus to initiate breakthroughs
and find solutions.”
The gift also will create eight fellowships in pediatric surgical innovation.
Named the Robert Fellowships, in honor of longtime supporter Joseph E.
Robert, Jr., the two-year fellowships will allow promising young surgeons
and researchers to study the innovation management framework and apply
it to surgery and research.
Through these efforts, the Sheikh Zayed Institute for Pediatric Surgical
Innovation aims to quickly translate research to care, share new knowledge
and medical discoveries, and benefit children across the country and
around the world.
Breaking boundaries in pediatric
surgery at the nation’s children hospital.
His Excellency Yousef Al Otaiba, Ambassador of the United Arab
Emirates to the United States of America, and Joseph E. Robert,
Jr., with children who participated in the September 16
announcement of the Sheikh Zayed Institute for Pediatric
Surgical Innovation. Children from left to right: Mamush Mesfin,
Amanda Merrell, Mansour Albaloushi, Charles Reges, Olivia
Jones, and Jessica Gregory.
Children’s National Medical Center
Watch a video at
detailing the transformational gift to Children’s National and the
creation of the Sheikh Zayed Institute for Pediatric Surgical
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Last year, surgeons at the
nation’s children’s hospital
performed nearly 15,000
operations on children.
That’s experience unmatched
any place else in the
Washington, DC, region.
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At the nation’s
children’s hospital,
our neurosurgeons write
textbooks used across the
country to teach advanced
techniques in surgery of the
central nervous system.
Children’s National Medical Center
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Transforming Lives
In the October 2008, 7-year-old MaryEmma deGaris was experiencing
such painful headaches that she couldn’t function or focus in school. Her
pediatrician in Florida ordered an MRI, and MaryEmma was diagnosed
with a Chiari malformation.
“With five attending neurosurgeons, Children’s National is one of the
leading destinations in the country for the treatment of children with
Chiari malformations, and evaluates approximately 80 patients each year,”
said Robert Keating, MD, chief of the Division of Neurosurgery.
A Chiari malformation is a congenital defect where the bony space at the
base of the back of the head is too small. This abnormality causes the
cerebellum to be pushed downward, which can cause pain and affect
neurologic function, such as vision, balance, and coordination. The condition
is relatively uncommon, and often remains undetected for years.
Dr. Keating and the deGaris family communicated over e-mail and the
family made plans to come to Washington, DC. In July, MaryEmma had
minimally invasive neurosurgery at Children’s National to address the
malformation. Just a few days after the surgery MaryEmma exclaimed,
“I didn’t know I could feel this good!”
“It was very frustrating figuring out the problem,” said Lauri, MaryEmma’s
mom. “After months of unanswered questions and no treatment plan from
local doctors, we knew we had to find a specialist.” Lauri did research on
the Internet and found Children’s National. Children’s neurosurgeons are
leaders in the field who teach other neurosurgeons and pediatricians about
the disease.
The full extent of the problems associated with a Chiari malformation may
be revealed as a child grows and develops. MaryEmma will be followed
closely by her pediatrician in Florida to monitor any future symptoms.
In the meantime, she has discovered a love for karate, which she decided
to pursue after Dr. Keating told her a story about another little girl who
had a similar diagnosis and is now a black belt. “I want to show Dr. Keating
that I can do it, too!” says MaryEmma.
“Dr. Keating adopted our family and has made a lasting impression on
us,” said Lauri. “Children’s National has set such high standards for
compassionate care.”
Preparing a child for surgery
at the nation’s children’s hospital.
Children’s National has resources online to help children
understand what to expect when they need surgery.
Watch a video explaining the importance of pediatric
anesthesiologists or take a pre-surgical tour at
2009 Annual Report
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Advocating for Children’s Health
Visiting with pediatric leaders from Children’s National, President Obama
held a roundtable discussion on healthcare reform on July 20. The discussion
focused on the unique needs of children and the challenges of ensuring
quality health care for all children.
“As the nation’s children’s hospital, located just a few miles from the steps
of the Capitol, Children’s National knows firsthand about the challenges
facing our healthcare system,” said Edwin K. Zechman, Jr., president and
chief executive officer at Children’s National.
The panel addressed the following topics:
Universal coverage does not translate to universal access.
More than one in four children nationwide relies on Medicaid for health
coverage. Because Medicaid reimburses an average of 20 to 30 percent less
than Medicare, many providers significantly restrict the number of
Medicaid patients they’ll see, if at all. This limits children’s access to the
care they need. Delayed care is more expensive care; delayed care can be
devastating to children.
Pediatric workforce challenges are different than adult
medicine. Adult medicine faces a shortage of primary care physicians,
but in pediatrics the shortage is in specialties. As an academic medical
center, Children’s National is committed to training the next generation of
pediatricians and specialists, but national funding for pediatric graduate
medical education (GME) lags behind adult GME funding.
Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and other technologies
need to be customized for pediatrics. Standard EMRs are designed
to meet the healthcare needs of the adult population. To ensure safety and
cost-effectiveness, currently hospitals must customize EMR systems for
pediatrics—at great cost—to meet the needs of the pediatric population.
Children’s National is committed to meeting the primary care
needs of children in our community, as well as the specialty
care needs of children from across the country. As the single
largest provider of pediatric services in the District of Columbia, Children’s
National touches the lives of more than 600,000 children annually.
President Obama’s visit to
the nation’s children hospital.
to view photos and watch a video from the
President’s visit.
Children’s National Medical Center
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More than 30 years ago,
the nation’s children’s hospital
established the nation’s
first hospital-based office
focused exclusively on
child health advocacy.
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The nation’s children’s
hospital developed the
international standard
for the most malignant
childhood cancers.
Children’s National Medical Center
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Discovering Miracles
John Medero was 7 years old and living in Florida when he was diagnosed
with renal cell carcinoma in 2005. During that summer, he had two surgeries
to remove his left kidney and lymph nodes, which were infiltrated with
cancerous tumors. John lived in remission for three years until he relapsed
in May 2008, when doctors found more than 20 tumors throughout his
body, with the majority in the pelvic and lungs area, and a large mass in
his chest and abdomen.
His family moved to South Carolina in June 2008, where they live today.
John’s pediatric oncologist referred the Medero family to Children’s
National, which has several renowned oncologists in not only treating
childhood kidney tumors, but developing the treatment protocols used
around the world. Jeffrey Dome, MD, PhD, chief of the Division of Oncology,
oversees treatment studies for childhood kidney tumors at more than 200
children’s hospitals worldwide, as the chairman of Children’s Oncology
Group’s Renal Tumor Committee. Children’s patients have access to the
most current therapies in treating pediatric cancer through clinical trials.
John participated in two different Phase I clinical trials at Children’s National
from February to July of 2009. Phase I trials use experimental medications
that have not yet received FDA approval, and these types of studies are not
available at most institutions. While participating in these studies, the Medero
family traveled to Washington, DC, for treatment and care on a weekly basis.
Children’s social worker Sharon Fyffe helped the family coordinate travel
plans, accommodations, and appointments for their visits. “We love her
and couldn’t do this without her,” said Carmen, John’s mom. As an integral
part of the Children’s care team, social workers, psychologists, child life
specialists, and art therapists provide support to patients and families during
and after treatment.
Carmen says that John’s treatment is going well. Currently, he is on three
different chemotherapies, which he receives weekly in South Carolina. In
October, tests showed that the tumors in John’s pelvic area have decreased
in size, but the abdominal tumor is larger. “We hope that this treatment will
work,” said Carmen. “But if it doesn’t, we will enroll in another clinical trial
at Children’s National. We are thankful to the team caring for our son.”
Meanwhile, John is a happy sixth-grader whose favorite subjects are literature
and social studies. He often says, “Don’t worry Mom, I feel good.”
Research, leading to cures, at the
nation’s children’s hospital.
Children’s National recently opened new research space
atop the main hospital. Watch a video about the space
or learn more about groundbreaking clinical trials at .
2009 Annual Report
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The Obesity Institute convenes an inaugural symposium,
gathering experts from many disciplines to share ideas, failures
and successes, and the future promise of prevention and
intervention strategies to fight childhood obesity, both in the
District of Columbia and nationwide.
The Committee on Trauma of the American College of Surgeons
verifies Children’s National Trauma Center as a Level I Pediatric
Trauma Center. Children’s National is the only hospital in the
DC-Baltimore region to receive this verification.
The Child Health Advocacy Institute and the Bobby Engram
Foundation announce a national sickle cell collaboration
on behalf of sickle cell families.
Children’s National opens two new operating rooms with
state-of-the-art technology, increasing the hospital’s capacity
to provide surgical services to children. Along with the ORs,
Children’s also opens an expanded waiting area for families
whose children are having surgery.
The Children’s Research Institute dedicates new research
facilities, increasing the space of one of the nation’s top
pediatric research facilities to more than 100,000 square feet.
Children’s National Medical Center
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The Academic Pediatric Association awards Children’s National
with the 2009 Health Care Delivery Award, recognizing the
institution’s work to advance two nationally benchmarked child
health quality measures: immunization compliance rates and
preventive care visits.
Children’s National becomes the first in the region to have a
portable CT scanner, allowing imaging of critically ill children
to be done with minimal disruption and risk. The new CT
scanner, called a CereTom®, is one of only a handful in use
in pediatric hospitals around the country.
The new Edward J. Miller, Sr., Blood Donor Center
opens. It is larger and brighter than the previous space and
designed to make the donation process smoother for donors
and to enable staff to see every donor from anywhere in
the center.
Children’s National opens a new 54-bed, state-of-the-art
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). At 35,000 square
feet, the new NICU is approximately four times larger than the
old unit and was designed with input from families, nurses,
and medical care team members.
Children’s National is once again ranked
among America’s best pediatric institutions
by U.S.News & World Report and
the Leapfrog Group.
Children’s National dedicates the Baier Media Room, which
enables critical care staff to have unprecedented ability to
make diagnostic and treatment decisions in a time-sensitive
manner. The large format screen in the intensive care unit
permits display of real-time and stored images from multiple
sources during telemedicine conferences with our colleagues
around the globe.
2009 Annual Report
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As of June 30, 2009
in Thousands
Cash and short-term investments on hand
Amounts owed by insurance companies, government agencies, patients, and other entities
Inventory on hand to meet the needs of our patients
Net value of property, plant, and equipment
Investments to be held longer than one year
Proceeds from the sale of bonds to pay for capital expansion, renovation, and equipment
Funds contributed over the years by our friends in the community to pay for specific projects
Other assets
Total assets, the strong financial base that ensures our ability to continue to care for sick children
As of June 30, 2009
in Thousands
Amounts owed to vendors, employees, and other third parties
Amounts borrowed to fund the projects and purchase the equipment needed to serve our patients, payments due within a year
Amounts borrowed to fund the projects and purchase the equipment needed to serve our patients, payments due in the future
The difference between what we own (our assets) and what we owe (our liabilities), representing the community’s interest in
Children’s National Medical Center
Our current liabilities, plus the community’s interest, equals our total assets
As of June 30, 2009
As of June 30, 2009
Services provided for inpatients and outpatients, including
physician care, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, nursing care,
and room and board
Because government and other insurance carriers do not pay
the total charges on the care delivered, we did not collect
in Thousands
Salary and benefits for our
medical, professional,
and support staffs
Operating supplies
and services
in Thousands
Depreciation and interest
on plant and equipment
Professional liability protection
The use of restricted charitable gifts to support operations
Contributions from our friends in the community who understand
and support our mission to care for children
Total expenses required to
meet the needs of serving
our patients and mission
Reduction of the value of the reserved funds from community and
other outside support
Excess of expenses incurred
to support our mission over
available income
Because we provide care to the indigent and children with families
unable to pay their full bill, we did not collect
We received additional income from other sources, including
research grants and other programs sponsored by outside support
Total income available to care for the children who need our
special services
Opposite page: Jessica Gregory, the 2009 Washington, DC
Children’s Miracle Network Champion, stands in front of
the U.S. Capitol Building.
Children’s National Medical Center
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At the nation’s children’s hospital,
more than two-thirds of all cardiovascular
surgeries are performed on patients younger
than 1 year old. Half of these are on newborns,
less than 1 month old.
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Philanthropists: Partners in a Shared Vision
to Transform Medicine for All Children
Each generation has the opportunity to effect transformational change. For 7
generations, Children’s National Medical Center’s philanthropists have been
catalysts for dramatically advancing pediatric health around the world.
For the past 140 years, philanthropic support and the extraordinary skill of
our physicians and researchers have allowed us to reach further – to become
a destination hospital for families seeking world-class care for their children,
wherever they live. Over the years, we have treated children from every state
and 50 countries. With the use of telemedicine, advocacy, and a number of
international partnerships, our reach extends even further – improving the
lives of children we may never even meet.
Just as the children we treat come from all parts of the country and the
world, so do our donors. The support of the community of Washington, DC,
Maryland, and Virginia has remained strong since our founding, enabling
us to serve all children who come to us for care, regardless of their families’
ability to pay. And increasingly we have attracted generous support from
other parts of the country – and around the globe.
Most recently, the $150 million gift from the Government of Abu Dhabi
emphasizes our position as the nation’s children’s hospital, and the
responsibility that comes with that position. The Sheikh Zayed Institute
for Pediatric Surgical Innovation, which that gift created, aims to make
surgery more precise, less invasive, and pain free.
We are deeply grateful to all of the people and organizations who are
helping us transform pediatric medicine around the world.
Edwin K. Zechman, Jr., President and CEO, Kurt D. Newman, MD, Senior Vice President Joseph E. Robert, Jr., Center for Surgical Care, Joseph E. Robert, Jr., Philanthropist,
His Excellency Yousef Al Otaiba, Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates to the United States of America, His Excellency Zaid Al Siksek, CEO of the Abu Dhabi Health Authority,
Richard W. Snowdon, Chairman of the Board, Children’s National Medical Center Board.
Children’s National Medical Center
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On May 19, Children’s National celebrated the
establishment of the Diane and Norman Bernstein
Endowed Professorship in Pediatric Surgery. Norman
and Diane Bernstein stand proudly in their honorary
white coats beside the first chair recipient Anthony D.
Sandler, MD, chief of the Division of General Thoracic
Surgery, Joseph E. Robert, Jr., Center for Surgical Care,
and Kurt D. Newman, MD, senior vice president,
Joseph E. Robert, Jr., Center for Surgical Care.
James M. Johnston Trust for Charitable and
Educational Purposes
Mr. and Mrs. Evan L. Jones
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth McGehee Joyce **
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kay
The Kettering Fund
The Estate of Rhonie U. King
Kohl's Department Stores
Children’s gratefully recognizes the following generous donors who have made gifts
and commitments of $1 million or more during their lifetime. Thank you for your
extraordinary support.
The Kresge Foundation
Mr. James A. MacCutcheon
Marriott International
Martin's Food Stores
The Estate of Margaret McCreary
Mrs. Anne R. Bord **
Estate of Francis X. McGonagle
The Government of Abu Dhabi*
Florence T. Bosworth Trust
Lenore Williams McKnew Trust
Mrs. Florence K. Brody
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Miller, Jr.
The Estate of Ella Poe Burling
Estate of Helen Misler
The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation
Monte Carlo Group
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Goldberg
The Clark Construction Company
Chevy Chase Bank
Ms. Lissa Muscatine and Mr. Bradley L.
Child Health Center Board
Mary Alice & Thomas D. O'Malley Foundation
The Children's Cancer Foundation
Nancy M. Perkins Trust
Mr. Joseph E. Robert, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. A. James Clark
RE/MAX International
Nannie T. L. Clayton Trust
The Estate of Ruth W. Saks
Marcella and Neil Cohen
The Colonel Harland Sanders Foundation, Inc.
Ryna and Melvin Cohen Family Foundation
Embassy of Saudi Arabia
Estate of Max M. Blumenthal
Mr. and Mrs. B.F. Saul, III
General Motors Foundation
Marshall B. Coyne Foundation
Edna Shelton Trust
Johnson & Johnson
Credit Union Miracle Day, Inc. - Proud
sponsor of the Credit Union Cherry
Blossom Ten Mile Run
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Snowdon, III
Alexander and Margaret Stewart Trust
Elsie and Marvin Dekelboum Family
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Snyder
Ms. Marian M. Spong
State Farm
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart M. Elsberg
H.R.H. Prince Bandar Bin Sultan
Elizabeth H. Diamond Trust
The Charles Engelhard Foundation
Toys R Us Children's Fund, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin P. Edlavitch
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Ewing, Jr.
Albert and Elizabeth Tucker Foundation
Fight For Children, Inc.
Van Metre Companies
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Gilbert
Food Lion, LLC
Wal-Mart and Sam's Club
The Foundation to Eradicate Duchenne/
Mr. and Mrs. Joel R. Wood
Washington Nationals Dream Foundation
Freddie Mac Foundation
Winslow Residuary Trust
Anonymous (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Morton I. Funger
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Baier
The Ruth Pack Wolf and William B. Wolf, Jr.
Mary Estelle Beane Trust
The James M. Green Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin K. Zechman , Jr.
Genevieve Bellis Trust
The Estate of Roy E. Hale
Jeffrey and Mary Zients
Diane and Norman Bernstein
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Hills
Board of Visitors
Ms. Margaret S. Hunter
* Gift confirmed in FY10
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
** Deceased
Washington Area Lexus Dealers
2009 Annual Report
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Kohl's Department Stores
The Lemon Foundation
Mr. B. Thomas Mansbach
Marriott International
Martin's Food Stores
Mr. and Mrs. John M. McMahon
MIX for Kids Radiothon
Monte Carlo Group
Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Nulsen, III
Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott Pastrick
Robert and Cheryl Post Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Raber
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Rabil
Rosen Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Snowdon, III
The Summit Fund of Washington
Team One
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Toll
Yardley Manfuso, Suzanne and Tim Davis, and Susan Faries, gather in Palm Beach, Fla., to attend a presentation
on New Frontiers in Pediatric Surgery at Children’s National Medical Center.
Wachovia Securities, LLC
Wal-Mart and Sam's Club
Washington Area Lexus Dealers
The Washington Children's Foundation
Children’s National gratefully recognizes new pledges, new gifts, or payments on
past years’ pledges of individuals, family foundations, and corporations during the
Hospital’s 2009 fiscal year, July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009.
Washington Nationals Dream Foundation
Jay and Dorothy Weinstein
$50,000 - $99,999
$100,000 TO $499,999
93.3FM WFLS Children's Miracle Network
The Government of Abu Dhabi*
Anonymous (4)
Aetna Foundation Incorporated
Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure
Mr. and Mrs. Masud Akbar
Cidalia Akbar and Natalia Luis
Autism Speaks
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Baier
Bernstein Management Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Ewing, Jr.
Child Health Center Board
Board of Visitors
The Children's Health Fund
The Brick Companies Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. A. James Clark
Britax Child Safety, Inc.
Johnson & Johnson Corporate
The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth McGehee Joyce **
Marshall B. Coyne Foundation
Compass Group, The Americas Division
* Gift confirmed in FY10
Credit Union Miracle Day, Inc.- Proud
sponsor of the Credit Union Cherry
Blossom Ten Mile Run
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart M. Elsberg
Fischer Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Morton I. Funger
$500,000 - $999,999
Elsie and Marvin Dekelboum Family
Anonymous (1)
Fight For Children, Inc.
GEICO Philanthropic Foundation
Bernstein Family Foundation
Food Lion, Inc.
Genzyme Corporation
Diane and Norman Bernstein
The Foundation to Eradicate Duchenne/
Mr. and Mrs. Joel R. Wood
Georgetown University Dance Marathon
Mary Alice & Thomas D. O'Malley Foundation
Freddie Mac Foundation
Alexander and Margaret Stewart Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick T. Goldberg, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Hills
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Goldberg
Norma and Thomas Hoff
Golfstyles Solstice
Mr. and Mrs. Evan L. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kay
The Isadore and Bertha Gudelsky Family
Kettering Family Foundation
Honeywell Hometown Solutions
** Deceased
Children’s National Medical Center
Dr. and Mrs. Edward M. Connor
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The JBG Companies
Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Battles, III
CB Richard Ellis
JCM Associates, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Berman
Mr. and Mrs. Giuseppe Cecchi
Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies
Matching Gifts Program
Mr. and Mrs. Lane Blumenfeld
Bill and Anne Charrier
Beers & Cutler, PLLC
Chef Geoff's, Tysons
James M. Johnston Trust for Charitable and
Educational Purposes
Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. Berman
Chevy Chase Bank
Mr. and Mrs. C. Richard Beyda
Childhood Brain Tumor Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Blair
Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Christopher
Blair, Inc.
Citi Foundation
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Clark
Blue Cross Blue Shield Association
Clark Wamberg, LLC
Blue Earth Foundation
CMG Heart Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Monteiro
Blum-Kovler Foundation
Mr. Ty R. Cobb and Mrs. Leigh S. Cobb
Morrison Healthcare Food Services
Mr. and Mrs. Norman L. Blumenfeld
Marcella and Neil Cohen
NHTSA Treas 220 Edi Misc
The Boeing Company
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Cohen
The Ochsman Foundation, Inc.
Booz Allen Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas G. Paleologos
Ms. Jacqueline D. Bowens and Mr. Curtis
Jones, Jr.
The Ryna and Melvin Cohen Family
Foundation, Inc.
Kid's Care Classic
The Larry King Cardiac Foundation
The May Liang and James Lintott Foundation
Mr. James A. MacCutcheon
Mr. Arnold B. McKinnon and Mrs. Oriana
Phillips-Van Heusen Foundation, Inc.
Colonial Parking, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander R. M. Boyle
Commonweal Foundation, Incorporated
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Bradley
Consumer Health Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence N. Brandt
The Container Store
Marian and James Brodsky
Mr. and Mrs. M. Scott Copeland
Walter Brownley Trust
Dr. and Mrs. Max J. Coppes
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Sparks
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Bruce, Jr.
The Thomas Family Foundation
Ms. Jody M. and Mr. Victor Burdell
Dr. Denice Cora-Bramble and Mr. Lloyd
TMA List Brokerage & Management
Ms. Mindy Buren and Mr. Jerry Stouck
Credit Unions for Kids
Washington Capitals Charities
John Burgess Real Estate Group
Cummins-Allison Corporation
Washington DC Design House 2008
Capitol Hill Golf Tournament
Dairy Queen
World Bank Community Connections Fund
CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield
Dart Group II Foundation Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin K. Zechman, Jr.
Carmike Cinemas
Cora & John H. Davis Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Cary
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd E. Davis, III
Rite Aid Corporation
Derald H. Ruttenberg Foundation
Stafford David Schreyer Trust
The Frederick and Elizabeth Singer
* Deceased
$10,000 - $49,999
Anonymous (3)
2006 JHW IV Charitable Lead Trust
William S. Abell Foundation, Inc.
ACE Hardware
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford K. Ain
Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Alessi
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Akerson
Amgen, Inc.
Mrs. H. Max Ammerman and Mr. Andrew R.
Applied Knowledge Group, Inc.
Mr. William S. Armistead
Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bainum, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Baldacci
Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Barker
Barr Concrete
Dr. and Mrs. Mark L. Batshaw
On May 1, Bret, Amy, and Paul Baier join Amy’s parents, Barbara and Paul Hills, to celebrate the opening of the
Paul Francis Baier Comprehensive Media Room, advancing Children’s telemedicine capabilities.
2009 Annual Report
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On May 14, Edwin K. Zechman, Jr,. President and CEO, and faculty and staff celebrated the NICU opening along with donors, Cidalia and Masud Akbar and sister,
Natalia Montiero, and other distinguished guests.
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Davis
Ms. Susan Fisher
HITT Contracting, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Fonvielle
Dr. and Mrs. Peter R. Holbrook
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Delaney
Fox News Network, LLC
The IDI Group Companies
Edith Delman *
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff B. Franzen
Mr. Edward A. Delman
Deloitte & Touche LLP
The George Washington School of Medicine
and Health Sciences, Class of 2008
International Neuroscience Network
Ms. Georgia Derrico and Mr. Roderick Porter
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Gersten
Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Ishol
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Dockser
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gess
Jackson & Campbell, PC
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell F. Dolin
Ms. Mindy Ginsburg and Mr. Gregg Elias
Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Dougherty
Global Pay
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Jaffe
Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Dreyer
Marilyn and Michael Glosserman
Mr. James M. Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Drumheller
Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Gottfried
Johnston, Lemon & Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Duncan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin P. Edlavitch
Dr. and Mrs. Don P. Greenberg
Dr. Richard A. Jonas and Mrs. Katherine
Dr. and Mrs. Martin R. Eichelberger
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gregg
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kies
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Eppler
Ms. Jenny Hahn
Dr. Sarah H. Evans
Harvard Mutual Foundation
Ms. Pam King Sams
Exxon Mobil Corporation
Hasbro, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Kirsch
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Faries
Mrs. Audrey H. Hatry
Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Koenig
Mrs. Nancy Ferris
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Hennessy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Koger
FD Associates, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Herman
The Koonce Foundation, Inc.
Federal Policy Group
Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Kovler
George Ferris Jr. Foundation
Joe Higdon and Ellen Sudow Fund of the
Community Foundation for the National
Capital Region
Mr. and Mrs. Burton H. Finkelstein
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Hilliard
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard R. Lear
Children’s National Medical Center
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kret
Labtest International, Inc.
3:36 PM
Page 19
Alan and Agnes Leshner
Quinn Gillespie & Associates, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Singer
Mr. G. Seth Leyman
Mr. and Mrs. Scott S. Ramminger
Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Singleton, Jr.
LMI Associates, Inc.
Ms. Adrienne Ris
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Skafte
The Mary and Daniel Loughran Foundation,
Mr. William K. Ris, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Smallwood
Mr. and Mrs. Lenn Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Smith
Rock Against Cancer
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Snyder
The Rocking Moon Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Snyder
Eric and Laurie Roth
Southwest Airlines, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Russell
Mr. Carl H. Spatz and Mr. Thomas D.
Magic Johnson Foundation, Inc.
Make Change Trust
Mrs. Yardley Manfuso
The Thomas Allen Manfuso Foundation
Ms. Miriam A. Markowitz and Mr. Stephen A.
Marlo Warehouse/Showroom
Ms. Hattie Ruttenberg and Mr. Jonathan T.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Stavins
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan R. Sabel
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian L. Steel, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Craig A. Sable
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Steinberg
Safe Trap Company
The Steuart Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Nader H. Salehi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Stewart
Stingl Products, LLC
Ms. Priscilla Mason
Dr. Anthony D. Sandler and Dr. Nancy M.
Mayer Brown LLP
Miss Jessica Sauber
Dr. and Mrs. Joel M. Taubin
McLane Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Saylor
Mr. and Mrs. R. Howard Taylor
Mega Brands, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. John Wm. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. Meltzer
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick D. Schaufeld
Tinicum Investors
The Meltzer Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Schwartz, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven B. Tomares
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Mersereau
Robert and Caroline Schwartz Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Miller, Jr.
Scott Management, Inc.
Torch Relay For Childrens Miracle Network,
Onerva Laine Miller Charitable Trust
Mr. Raymond S. Sczudlo and Ms. Deborah L.
Toy Industry Association, Inc.
Mr. Joseph C. Morris
Mrs. Suzanne P. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Shaw
Dr. Mendel and Mrs. Aviva Tuchman
Mustaches for Kids DC
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Shiff
Albert and Elizabeth Tucker Foundation
N.V.P., Inc.
Ms. Marsha Shiff
Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Nadeau
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence C. Siegel
Laura and Peter Unger
Marpat Foundation, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Gerard R. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Martin
Marwinco, LLC
Suntrust Mid-Atlantic Foundation
Mr. Geoffrey Tracy and Ms. Norah O'Donnell
Mr. and Mrs. Shekar Narasimhan
National Association of Chain Drug Stores
National Financial Services, LLC
Neurofibromatosis, Inc. - Mid-Atlantic
Dr. and Mrs. Kurt Newman
Outback Steakhouse
Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Dr. and Mrs. Roger J. Packer
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Parsons
Mr. and Mrs. B. Waring Partridge, III
Passion Food Hospitality, LLC
Ms. Helene Patterson and Mr. Leo C. Mullen
Margaret M. Paul
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Paul
Paulen Industrial Center, Inc.
PNC Foundation
PND Association
Polo Ralph Lauren Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas H. Poretz
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Ms. Sarah P. Pyle
The Questers, Incorporated
Mr. and Mrs. Whayne S. Quin
Doreen Hamilton admires the new Surgical Operating Suite donor plaque in recognition of her husband, George E.
Hamilton, which was unveiled in April 2009.
2009 Annual Report
10:48 AM
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US Bank
James F. and Christine M. Young Foundation
The Bernstein, Estrin and Lemer Families
US Treasury 310 Edi Misc
U.S. Trust
Judy Ann and Charles Young
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Beyda
U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth
Stuart and Bonnie Youngentob
Ms. Judith H. Bishop
Vac-Alert Industries, LLC
* Deceased
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Best
BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina
Mrs. Sonia Vargas and Mr. Larry McDaniel
BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee
Mr. and Mrs. Todd J. Boehnlein
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Veatch
Boston Scientific Corporation
Verizon Foundation
$5,000 - $9,999
Bowl America Charity Fund
The Honorable and Mrs. Lee L. Verstandig
Anonymous (5)
Brewster/Jory Associates, LLC
Visa U.S.A. Inc.
The 5801 Foundation, Inc.
Scott & Patrice Brickman Family Fund
The Craig Walden Foundation Inc.
AB + M Partners
The Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel K. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Burr II
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Ware
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Adkins
Calvert Elks Lodge 2620
Washington Management Corporation
Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP
Capitol Children's Foundation, Inc.
American Continental Group Inc
The Washington Post
Mrs. Ellen MacNeille Charles
American Petroleum Institute
Washington Redskins Charitable Foundation
Dr. Sukgi S. Choi and Mr. Charles F. Monk
Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Watson
Clark Construction Group, LLC
AT&T Services, Inc.
Wawa Inc.
Clark Realty Builders, LLC
Auntie Anne's, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Weber
CO-OP Financial Services
Wells Fargo/Eastdil Secured, LLC
The William F. and Karin M. Banks
Dr. and Mrs. John T. Cockerham
Ms. Evelyn L. Wagman
Bates White, LLC
Dr. Elizabeth K. Weisburger
The Batir Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. David L. Wessel
Bender Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Williams
Dorothy G. Bender Foundation, Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilner
Mr. David P. Bennett
Mr. John M. Devaney and Ms. Deborah A.
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne L. Berman
Dickstein Shapiro, LLP
CompSec, Inc.
Joan A. Conry, MD
Cymaron Foundation
Mr. John Darvish
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Donohue
Mr. David F. Dorros
Mr. Matthew Downs
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. DuBois
Mr. Michael F. Dugan
James L. Eichberg Foundation, Inc.
Energy Federal Credit Union
Mr. and Mrs. Richard England, Sr.
Evergreen II Fund
Everyday Heroes Like You
Mr. Fred Eychaner
Ms. Susan Falk and Mr. Randall T. Odeneal
Mr. and Mrs. Prentiss E. Feagles
Mr. Christopher C. Finlay and Mrs. Rebecca
J. Finlay
Mrs. Nancy M. Folger and Dr. Sidney
Fort Myer Construction Corporation
French International School
FTI Consulting, Inc.
German Armed Forces Command
Gift of Life International, Inc.
Mr. Allan Glass
Sara Reges and Karen Morgan, whose families’ fundraising efforts brought a state-of-the-art portable CT scanner
to Children’s National, learn more from Raymond Sze, MD, chief of the Division of Diagnostic Imaging and
Radiology, about how the equipment has revolutionized patient care at the hospital.
Children’s National Medical Center
Golden Corral
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Gordon
10:48 AM
Page 21
GTSI Corp.
Thomas L. Hance, Inc.
Hanger Orthopedic Group, Inc.
Mr. Richard A. Herman
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Hirschel
Hirschel, Savitz, Parker & Hollman
Mr. and Mrs. Joel J. Hochman
Host Marriott
Ms. Emily P. Huang
IBM Employee Service Center
Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association,
Dr. and Mrs. Nathan T. Katz
Eileen Kaufman *
Stuart and Eileen Kaufman Foundation Inc.
Kenair Apartments Limited
The Honorable Gladys Kessler
In May, the Washington Area Lexus Dealers present their title sponsorship check to Edwin K. Zechman, Jr., President
and CEO, and Emcee Bret Baier at the 3rd Annual Lexus Presents Children’s Ball.
The Robert P. and Arlene R. Kogod Family
Mr. and Mrs. Esko Korhonen
The Ronald O. Perelman Family Foundation,
T.A. Beach Corporation
Sandra and James Langdon
Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Langsdorf
Perkins Coie Company
The Jacob and Charlotte Lehrman Trust
Dr. Marilyn L. Pifer and Mr. Steven K. Pifer
Mr. Alain Taghipour and Mrs. Elizabeth
Dr. and Mrs. David H. MacAnlis
Prevent Cancer Foundation
Mr. Kevin J. Tighe
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Machir
The Rappaport Companies
Dr. John N. Van Den Anker and Dr. Natella Y.
Dr. and Mrs. Floyd J. Malveaux
Mr. Don Rennie
Mustaches for Kids, DC
Republic National Distributing Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce P. Mehlman
Mr. Nathaniel Rhodes
Merck Partnership For Giving
Right Brain Partners, LLC
Merrill Lynch
Sylvia Ritzenberg Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Metzner
RNDC Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Michael
Rodney Thompson, Richard Menard
Miss America Organization
Ms. Francie Rose
Kenneth and Harle Montgomery Foundation
The Marion and Robert Rosenthal Family
Stephan and Brigitte Ladisch
Montgomery County Department of
Technology Services
Morgan Keegan & Company, Inc.
NALC Health Benefit Plan
National Capital Pond
Navigation Arts
Taishoff Family Foundation
Dr. Michael Van Vleck
Wachovia Bank
Washington Brick & Terra Cotta Companies
Washington Real Estate Investment Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Watson
Ms. Katharine Weymouth
Wilbert Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ashton Wiltshire
Mr. Andrew Winter
Mr. John Rusinko and Ms. Elizabeth J.
Robert A. Wright Memorial Golf Tournament
Mr. and Mrs. B.F. Saul, III
The Zurich US Foundation
Mrs. Roslyn D. Young, Jr.
Mr. Matthew G. Schmidt
Seagears Family Foundation
* Deceased
Sestak for Congress
Mr. Mark S. Nestler and Ms. Karen M.
Seyfarth Shaw, LLP
$1,000 - $4,999
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Newton
George L. Shields Foundation, Inc.
Anonymous (7)
Northwestern Mutual Financial Network
The Carlynn and Lawrence Silverman Family
7-Eleven, Inc.
Novartis Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. O'Flinn
PNC Bank
Mrs. Faye Panasci
Mr. and Mrs. Scott L. Parker
Ms. Erin Peart
The James and Theodore Pedas Family
Mr. Homer R. Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Skidmore
Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal, LLP
St. John's Capital, LLC
St. John's Episcopal Church
Stanford Financial Group Global
Management, LLC
Mr. Chip Stelljes
A-TEK, Inc.
Mr. Ben Abramovitz
Abramson Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Adkins
Adobe Systems Incorporated
Ms. Lucretia Adymy Risoleo
The Ahn Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Lee E. Alderdice
2009 Annual Report
10:48 AM
Page 22
Mr. Terry G. Aldridge and Ms. Patricia
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad V. Aschenbach
Brent A. Berger
The Ashley Foundation Fund
Linda E. Berkeley
Mr. Russell J. Alessi and Mrs. Roberta Alessi
Association For Advanced Life Underwriting
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Berlow
Alion Science & Technology
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Berman
All Saint's Chapel
AT&T United Way Employee Giving
Dr. Darlene Allen and Mr. Eugene Allen
AutoTrader.Com, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam K. Bernstein
Ms. Kay F. Allen
AV Automotive
The Honorable and Mrs. Stuart A. Bernstein
American Airlines, Inc.
Dr. Gordon B. Avery and Dr. Penny Glass
Mr. and Mrs. Carl T. Berquist
American Performing Arts Network
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bainum, Sr.
Ms. Gwendolyn Best
Mr. Sharon Amir
Michael Baker Jr., Inc.
Mr. Dinkar S. Bhatia
Susan and Robin Baker
Bingham McCutchen LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Amunson
Ms. Christina Baldridge
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Birnbach
Jessica Amunson
Balfour Beatty Construction
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. F. Bixby
Mr. and Mrs. David Anderson
Ball Aerospace & Technologies, Corp.
Bladensburg High School-Class Of 1950
Andre Chreky - The Salon Spa
Bank of America United Way Campaign
Mr. Philip Blando
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Andreotta
Mr. Wayne B. Bardsley
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Blatchford
Anna A. Moldrup Foundation
Mr. Lee H. Barton
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Blount
Anthem LemonAid
Mrs. Elaine L. Bassford
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Blue
Applied Materials Charitable Match Trust
Ms. June J. Batcheller and Mr. Robert A. Vogt
Blue Duck Tavern
Ms. Margaret L. Bates
Mr. Anthony Arden
Blue Goose of the National Capital Pond
Lashaun Washington Batts
Ariel Investments, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Boak
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis H. Batty
ARINC Incorporated
Ms. Doyce Boesch
Stephen Baumgart, MD
Arlington Gateway Investors, LLC
Ms. Jessica Boger
Mr. Samir Arora
Mr. and Mrs. Erik Bolog
Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Arthur
Bombay Curry Company, Inc.
Mr. Robert Beckwith, Jr.
Ms. Patricia W. Arthur
Ms. Joyce Bookstein
Mr. Simeon Bedeau
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Artisst
Booz Allen Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Rand Beers
Ascension Catholic Church
Bella Italia, LLC
Booz-Allen & Hamilton Inc. Employees and
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Berneski
Richard Bosco, MD
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Boshnick
Ms. Ann K. Adams and Mr. Kent C. Bostick
Boston Properties
Mr. Jeffrey M. Boswell
Ms. Glennis G. Botelho
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Bourque
BOWA Builders, Inc.
Mr. Brent G. Bowen
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Boyle
Mrs. Elizabeth Brackett
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bradley
Ms. Josephine Bramble
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas M. Brand
Mr. Gerald P. Brawner
Mrs. and Dr. Suzanne F. Briguglio
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Broder
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Brody
Mr. Keith D. Bronstein
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Brophy, Jr.
Brother To Brother Sister To Sister United, Inc.
In August 2008, Children’s National traveled to Nantucket, Mass., for a night of cocktails and conversation, hosted
at the home of Cindy and Evan Jones. Peter Holbrook, MD, chief medical officer, and Pam King Sams, executive vice
president for Development, join Cindy and Evan for a photo.
Children’s National Medical Center
Ms. Deborah Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brown
Ms. Judyth Brown
10:48 AM
Page 23
Ms. Sharie A. Brown
Ms. Beth C. Brummel and Mr. Michael Beresik
Mr. Richard S. Bryant
Ms. Veronica Bryant
Buffalo Wings and Beer, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Z. Bulman
Ms. Elizabeth A. Burch
Ms. Patricia A. Burda and Mr. Joseph R.
Mr. C. John Buresh
Ms. Heather L. Burns
Ms. Allegra Burrell
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Burroughs, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Bushkoff
Dr. Tracy G. Bushkoff and Mr. Robert M.
Mr. Landon H. Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Butler
Butsavage & Associates, P.C.
Ms. Cynthia A. Bynum
Ms. Rebecca Cady
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Cafritz
Mr. Ron Cage
In the fall, GEICO held its annual Employee Campaign to benefit Children’s National. In March, Cheryl Ibanez
(far left), Don Lyons, and Rynthia Rost presented Peter Holbrook, MD, chief medical officer, with the proceeds - $150,000.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Calaco
Calvert School
Dr. Joseph M. Campos
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Choquette
Coors Brewing Company
Ms. Angie Cannon
Mr. Glen Y. Chow
Corbett Construction
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Carbonell
Mr. and Mrs. Andre Chreky
Mr. Richard Corey
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Carey
Christian Lives Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Christine Corkran
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Carey
Ms. Haeok Chung
Corman Construction, Inc.
Mr. and Ms. Gregory D. Carlsen
Ms. Tracy C. Church
Corporate Office Properties Trust
Mr. William Carrington
Cisco Systems Capital, Inc.
Christiane Corriveau, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Casper
Citi Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc.
Ms. Rita Corwin
Catto Charitable Foundation
Citigroup-Global Markets Inc
Mrs. Isabelle Couperthwaite
Nicola Caul and Tom Shelley
Ms. Ruth Clark
Ms. Dolly Cox
The CBC Foundation Bond Account
Mr. and Mrs. John Clarke, Jr.
Ms. Rebecca L. Craig
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Clubok
Mr. John Crane
Cedar Point Federal Credit Union
Daniel and Dianne Cochran
Ms. Denise D. Craven
Century 21 New Millennium
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cochran
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Creighton
Mr. Jesus Cepero
Mr. Jon Cofield
Mrs. Valli R. Criss
Cerner Corporation
Fran R. Cogen, MD
Mrs. Susan A. Critchfield
CGH Technologies, Inc.
Mrs. Margaret Cohen
Ms. Bridget M. Cronin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Chalker
Ms. Shelley Cohen
Mr. George B. Cronk
Dr. Neil Charaipotra
Mellanknese Coker
Dr. Russell R. Cross
Charles Schwab & Co.
The Colbert Report
Arie and Ida Crown Memorial
Myron M. Cherry & Associates, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Colgate
Ms. Dawn R. Crumel
Chesapeake Dining, LLC
Mr. R. Timothy Columbus
Cultural Academy for Excellence
Chesapeake Performance Events LLC
Communications Workers of America
Local 2108
Mr. and Mrs. Lester G. Cummins
Chicago Board Options Exchange
Chicago Mercantile Exchange
Company's Coming
Custom Cruisers of NO VA
Chicago Title Insurance Company
Mr. Jason Connery
Child's Play Charity
Constellation Energy Group Employee Fund
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Pharmacy, LLC
Children's Hospital Richmond
Cooper Thomas, LLC
Mr. Gary Daigle
Mr. Mackenzie Curtis
2009 Annual Report
10:48 AM
Page 24
The Division of Biology
DMC Companies, Inc.
DNF, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Dolecki
Dr. Jeffrey Dome
Mr. Tripp Donnelly
Douglas Development Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Dowd
Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Downs
The Dozoretz Family Foundation
Ms. Lori Draheim
Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP
Ms. Elizabeth Dromerick
Drs. Mocknick & Way, P.C.
Mr. Robert D. Litowitz and Ms. Karen Dubin
Ms. and Mr. Judith L. Duffield
Ms. Bonnie Durant
Mr. Robert L. Durfee and Mrs. Jean H. Durfee
Dynanet Corporation
Ms. Yolanda Dyson
EADS North America Inc.
Ms. Christina Eaglin-Hawthorne
Mr. Ronald K. Eby
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Eccles
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Eden
Edmunds White Partners, LLC
Mr. Michael Edwards
Ms. Lisa D. Eggers
Mr. and Mrs. Grant M. Ehat
Mr. Jason Eig
Mr. and Mrs. Eric N. Einhorn
Chukuemeka Emenanjo
Mr. and Mrs. Larry F. Eisenstat
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Eisig
Ms. Jacqueline Elder
Guests gather in the main atrium of Children’s National to celebrate the announcement of the Sheikh Zayed
Institute for Pediatric Surgical Innovation on September 16.
Eli Lilly and Company
Elizabeth & Richard Dubin Foundation
Mr. Bruce C. Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Dale III
Democracy In Action
Employee's Community Fund of the Boeing
Ms. Jeanne Dandridge
Democratic County Chairmen's Assocation
of Illinois
Emstat, LLC
Michael & Raya Daniel
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Darocha
Mrs. Eleanor T. Depenbrock
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davidow
Ms. Wai M. Der
Ms. Tensie Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene W. Desaulniers
Davis & Harman LLP
Nina Deutsch, MD
Mr. Mark B. Dayton
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Devol
DC Chartered Health Plan, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Dewitt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Debell
Mr. Wesley C. Dias
Deco Recovery Management, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Dickenson
Captain Victor Delano
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Dickinson
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Delman
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Didawick
The Charles Delmar Foundation
Mr. Matthew P. Dillon
Children’s National Medical Center
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. England, Jr.
Ms. Kathleen Ennis-Durstine
Environmental Fund for Maryland
Epilepsy Foundation
Roselyn E. Epps, MD
Dr. Duane Erickson
Ev-Air-Tight, Shoemaker, Inc.
Betty Evans Charitable Foundation
Ms. Rose Marie Evans
Evelyn Ettleman Revocable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Ewing
Express Employment Professionals
10:48 AM
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Ms. Merle G. Fabian
Ms. Judith A. Galvach
Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Glassman
Mr. and Mrs. David Faeder
Gamma Phi Beta Sorority George Mason
Mrs. Catherine B. Gleason
Ms. Lisbeth Fahey
Dr. Mary E. Fallat and Mr. Tom Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Garman
Mr. and Mrs. Larry R. Godla
Fannie Mae Help the Homeless Fund
Mr. Ryan Gaskell
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Goettman
Mrs. Kathleen E. Fast
Ms. Ghislaine Gautier
Gold Family Foundation
FCN, Inc.
GE Foundation
Leslie Gold Memorial Fund
Mr. Dave Feldman
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Geist
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Dr. and Mrs. Melvin L. Feldman
George Washington University Dance
Marathon (Hippothon)
Ms. Lauren B. Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Fern
Mrs. Carol Fink
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Fink
Finmarc Management, Inc.
Finnegan Henderson Farabow Garrett &
Dunner LLP
Ms. Lisa S. Gelb and Mr. Gregory R. Duffee
Mrs. Sharon Gerber, LCSW
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Gerstenfeld
Bernard & Sarah Gewirz Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Gewirz
Ms. Eunice A. Finney
Mrs. and Mr. Katrina H. Gewirz
First Baptist Church of Highland Park, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Gewirz
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Firstenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Steven B. Gewirz
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Fisher
GHC Associates, Inc.
Ms. Ruth Fisher
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene T. Giannini
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. James Gibson
Mr. and Ms. Oscar P. Fitzgerald
Gilbane Building Company
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. FitzGerald, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. William J. Gilchrist
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fitzgerald
Gill Family Fund of SEI Giving Fund
Ms. and Mr. Toby L. Fitzgerald
Mr. John L. Gillespie and Ms. Anne S. Rubin
Dr. and Mrs. Peter L. Flaherty, Jr.
Mr. T. E. Gingrich and Mrs. Julie WollamGingrich
Mr. Jamil A. Fletcher
Flowserve Corporation
Mr. Nathaniel T. G. Fogg
Mr. Charles Follman
Mr. and Mrs. Andre Fontaine
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Fontaine
Gerard Gioia, PhD
Drs. Afaf and Zaiful Girgis
Benjamin A. Gitterman, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Glander
Penny Glass, PhD
Ms. Maggie Godbold
Irwin and Margaret Goldbloom
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Goldstein
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Goodfriend
Google Matching Gifts Program
Mrs. Barbara Gordon
Dr. John D. Gordon and Dr. H. Allison Smith
Ms. Kathleen Gorman
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gorrell, Jr.
GPR, Inc
Peggy S. Graeter
Ms. Judy Graham
The Grainer Family Foundation
Grandstand Sports and Memorabilia, Inc.
Ms. Miriam Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Burton C. Gray, Jr.
Ms. Norma C. Gray
Greater Washington Partnership Palliative &
End of Life Care
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Greenan
Jay Greenberg, MD
Dr. Jeffrey D. Greenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Norman G. Greenberg
Greenberg Traurig, LLP
For Our Children and Theirs, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Formisano
Ms. Kerry E. Fortune
Ms. Florence B. Fowlkes
Mr. Howard L. Fox
Fox Hunt Realty
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore D. Frank III
Scott Frederick
Ms. Deborah A. Freiburg
Ms. Debra Freimarck
Ms. Stephanie A. French
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Frend
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Fri
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Fried
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Friedlander
Dr. Leonard M. Friedman and Mrs. Colleen
M. Ryan
Dr. Terry Fry
Yvonne Gaffney
Ms. Meanavy U. Gallagher
In May, Marriott International held its annual Spirit to Serve Day at Children’s National. Bringing toys, coloring
books, and games, the Marriott Public Relations team had a great time while putting smiles on the faces of children.
2009 Annual Report
3:36 PM
Page 26
Mrs. Nasima A. Hossain
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Houstoun
HSBC Philanthropic Programs
Hudson Legal
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Huguely, III
Mr. Hugh Humphrey
Hunt & Walsh, Inc.
IBM International Foundation
The Insurance Exchange, Inc.
International Monetary Fund
International Society for Clinical
Magdolna A. Iranyi, MD
Ms. Margaret R. Ishak
Peter Holbrook, MD, chief medical officer, welcomes Shirley Howard, president and founder of the Children’s
Cancer Foundation, Inc., to celebrate the foundation’s generous support of the waiting area in the Center for
Cancer and Blood Disorders in the East Inpatient Tower.
J & C L Charitable Remainder Trust
J. Bark Smart Enterprise
J. Choo USA, Inc.
Ms. Evelyn Clark Jackson
The Greene-Milstein Family Foundation
Dr. J.C. Hayward
Mr. Anthony Jacobik, Jr.
Ms. Shana Greenwald
HC Land Company, LC
Dr. Brian Jacobs
Ms. Dosinda I. Greenwood
Heartsongs Luncheon Fund
Mr. Robert Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Grennan
Dr. Christine Heath
Mr. Jerry Jaffe
Ms. Justine Griffin
Mr. Mark T. Heeg
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Jankowsky
Mr. and Mrs. Barry H. Helfand
Dr. Barbara Jantausch
Mr. Glenn Guilott
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Henderson
Jasculca/Terman & Associates, Inc.
Guru Gobind Singh Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Hendrix
The Gutman Family Foundation Trust
Ms. Margaret F. Hennessey
JBG/Rosslyn Gateway North, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Philip C. Guzzetta
The Henry Foundation
Mr. James Jefferson
Drs. Marlene and William Haffner
Ms. Theresa D. Herman
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Jennings
Mr. Michael Hagan
Ms. Jill Herscot and Mr. Andrew Bartley
Mr. Joseph E. Hall
Ms. Ella Herz
The Jenny Fund Against Cancer in Children
Charitable Trust
Ms. Lenore J. Hall
Julio E. Heurtematte, Jr.
Mr. John F. Hallam, Sr.
Hillson Financial Management, Inc.
Mr. Kevin Hanley
Dr. Pamela S. Hinds
Harbor Real Estate Group, LLC
The Hippodrome Dry Cleaning, Inc.
Hariton, Mancuso & Jones, PC
Mr. Christopher Hobbs
Ms. Susan Harper
Mr. John T. Hockmeyer
Ms. Frances A. Harris
The Hogettes
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce Holcomb
Mr. Christopher T. Harrison
Ms. Anne Holder
Mr. Timothy Harrison
Holland & Knight Charitable Foundation Inc.
Mr. Ryan D. Hartman
Mrs. Kat Hollis
Dr. and Mrs. Gary L. Hartz
Ms. Leslie Hollowell
Catharine A. Hartzenbusch
Mr. R. E. Holtz, III
Mr. Craig D. Hartzman
Home Run for Diabetes
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Harvey
Home-Kim Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic C. Hassani
Ms. Grace Hong and Mr. David L. Olsen
Mr. Christopher A. Havener, Jr.
Mr. Jeffrey Hooper
Havtech Corporation
Dr. Marianna Horn
Ms. Maria Green Hawkins
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Horne
Mrs. Marion Dunlop Haynes
Mr. and Mrs. Craig M. Horowitz
Ms. Mary Anne Haynes
Mr. Francis Horvath Jr.
Children’s National Medical Center
Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Jensen
Mr. Juaquin Jessup
Jim Beam Brands Company
JM Zell Partners, LTD
Mrs. Leslie Joberdorfer
Mr. Alan C. Johnson
Mr. John Johnson
Ms. Maggie Johnson
Ms. Barbara J. Jones
Ms. Blair Jones
Curtis Jones
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Jones
Ms. Jennifer Jones
Ms. Margaret M. Jones
Ms. Susan M. Jones
Jones Day
Embassy of Jordan
Mr. Arif Joshi
Dr. Paramjit T. Joshi and Dr. Jai H. Joshi
Jouvence Aveda Pentagon Row
Dr. Lawrence Jung
10:48 AM
Page 27
Ms. Rhonda M. Lancaster
Dr. William J. Lewander
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome H. Kahan
Mr. Nathan Landow
Mrs. Bonnie P. Lewin
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Kahn
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Landres
Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Lewin
The Kandell Fund
Ms. Julia Lane
Ms. Terri Libby
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Kane
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip E. Lantz
Miss Paula L. Liebrecht
Richard P. Kane
Mr. and Mrs. John H. LaPorte
Mr. Thaddeus A. Lindner
Dr. Amy Kaplan and Dr. Philip Kaplan
Ms. Karin L. Larson
Mr. and Ms. Robert D. Litowitz
Dr. Richard F. Kaplan
The Lauer Philanthropic Foundation
Local Ind Char CCA 07 DIS
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Kaplowitz
Mr. Michael Lavorel
Dr. and Mrs. Norman A. Lockshin
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Karp
Mr. Andrew B. Law
Ms. Patricia H. Loechel
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kator
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Lawler, Jr.
Dr. Brett J. Loechelt
Mr. Andrew Kauders
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lawrence, III
Log A Load
Drs. Susan and Robert Keating
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk A. Leach
Logistics Management Institute
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Leachman
Mr. John Lorah
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kennedy
Mrs. Danielle W. Leahy
Loudoun Gymnastics Center, Inc.
Mrs. Mary A. Kenny
Learning Curve Brands, Inc.
Love's Travel Shops & Country Stores
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Kerley
Ms. Katie Leavy
Dr. John A. Lowe
Mrs. Karen Y. Kerley-Schwartz
David and Dale Lehner
Vinh Lu
Mr. Charles Kerr
The Jacob and Charlotte Lehrman Trust IV
Sonia and Benny Kerzner, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Lenkin
Dr. Norman A. Luban and Dr. Naomi C.
Mr. and Ms. Charles F. Keyes
Dr. and Mrs. Robert T. Leshner
Mr. Kevin Lucey
Dr. and Mrs. Kanwal K. Kher
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Leuck
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Lynn
Kiddie Country
Abraham Leventhal *
The M &T Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Kiernan
Mr. Norman P. Leventhal
Keith Madsen
Kiplinger Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Levin
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Magney
The Kiplinger Washington Editors, Inc.
Ms. Marjorie Levitan
Mr. and Mrs. Rafat Mahmood
Ms. Carolyn M. Kirkland
Louis E. Levitt, MD & Marc B. Danziger, MD,
Mr. Thomas Mahr
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Kissire
Kiwanis International
Nola Klamberg
Mr. Wayne R. Kleczek
Dr. Bruce L. Klein and Ms. Regina Engel
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan B. Kling
Mr. Bruce J. Klores
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Knise
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Konigsburg
Korzeniewski Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Kozel, Jr.
Kraft Foods Global, Inc.
Ms. Elizabeth Kramer
Mr. Larry Kramer
Ms. Laurie L. Kramer
Mr. William J. Kramer and Ms. Judith L.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Krueger
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Kruse
Karen S. Kuehl, MD
Mr. and Ms. Sanjiv Kumar
Mrs. Karen J. Lacy
Ms. Deborah A. Lafond
Mr. Paul N. Laliberte
Mrs. Janet V. Lambert
Ms. De Aunte Lancaster
The Hagerstown Wal-Mart and Utz partnered to donate a percentage of each bag of Utz chips sold during the
month of September to benefit Children’s National.
2009 Annual Report
10:48 AM
Page 28
Mr. and Mrs. Donald McIntyre
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Morin
Mrs. Suzanne G. McIntyre
Ms. Jeanette J. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Jack McKay
Mrs. Joanne Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. Bart McKenzie
Mr. John K. Morrison
Ms. Stacy McKissick
Mr. and Mrs. Todd A. Morrison
Ms. Barbara H. McKittrick
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore H. Morse
Ms. Adrian McLarty
Lucille Ann Mostello, MD
Mrs. Kelly McMahon
Motorola, Inc.
Ms. Denise McMillan
Dr. Asha Moudgil
Mr. Phillip McMillan and Ms. Catherine
MPG Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce B. McNair
Ms. Barbara A. Murphy
Ms. Leslie E. McNair
Mr. and Mrs. N. James Myerberg
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. McNamara
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Myers
Medlaw Corporation
National Capital Optimist Club
Mrs. Dorothea D. Megna
Ms. Laverne G. Naughton
Ms. Tigist Mekonnen
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Needham
Joseph Melia
Mr. Mark Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Melideo
Neurofibromatosis, Inc.
Alan & Amy Meltzer Family Foundation
New Bethel Baptist Church
Mercedes Benz of Fredericksburg
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Mergner, Sr.
The New Washington Land, Co.
Merlin International
Next Generation Choices Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Katina Maison
Ms. Carole O. Messenger
Mr. and Mrs. Olza M. Nicely
Ms. Lucy B. Mallan
The Milton M. Meyer, Jr. and Mildred B.
Meyer Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Dan H. Nicolson
Mr. Richard C. Michael and Ms. Roberta B.
Northrop Grumman
During the MIX for Kids Radiothon, DJs interviewed
patients and doctors alike, including Gerard Martin,
MD, senior vice president for the Center for Heart,
Lung, and Kidney Disease, to learn more about the
cardiology program.
Dr. Peter Malnati
Management Analysis Inc.
Mr. Carlton I. Mann
Dr. Bruce M. Markle
Mr. Arthur Marks and Ms. Nancy Casey
Mr. and Mrs. David Marriott
Martin Reddy Architects
Maryland & District of Columbia Credit
Union Association
Ms. Eileen Mate
Matisse Restaurant
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Mazer
Dr. and Mrs. Michael B. Mazis
Mr. and Mrs. James M. McAllan
Mr. and Mrs. George McCabe
McCandlish & Lillard, PC
Mr. Joel McCarty
Mr. Dennis K. McClellan
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. McConoughey
Ms. Cathryn R. McCulloch
Mr. and Mrs. David V. McDaniel
Ms. Sally McDaniel
Mr. Kevin McDermott
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. McDowell, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Willis A. McGill
Mr. Keith McGlen
Ms. Joan F. McIntrye
Children’s National Medical Center
Muchnic Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton O. North
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Novonics Corporation
Mid Atlantic Construction Group
Mrs. Margaret Saer Nowlin
Dr. and Mrs. Frank M. Midgley
Ms. Elizabeth J. Noyes
Mr. and Mrs. John Miklos
Nugent Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Randal S. Milch
Number One Stunnas Motorsports
Ms. Donna R. Miller
Mr. James O'Brien
Mr. Jon Miller
Mr. Joseph L. O'Connor
Mr. Joseph H. Miller Jr.
Chris & Dianne O'Flinn Foundation
Ms. Margit K. Miller
Mr. David O'Hayre
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. O'Leary
Miller & Long Concrete Construction, Inc.
Mr. David Tallant and Ms. Sharon A. O'Meara
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Milner
Mrs. Elizabeth W. Oberdorfer
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Milstein
Occasions Caterer, Inc.
Mingle with Singles
Mr. John Oliver
Minkoff Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Sergey Mironov
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Olson
Mission Fish
Mr. and Mrs. Nels B. Olson
Elliot Mitchell Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Edward D. Opp
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Mitchell
Dr. Jeremy D. Orchin
Mr. and Mrs. Farhad Moghadam
Mr. Roland Ordona
Money Mailer, LLC
Orlando Health
Montview Realty Advisors, LLC
Terry and Ed Orzechowski
Mrs. Lilli Ann Morales
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Osnos
Moran Family Charitable Foundation
Mr. David G. Ottaway, Jr.
Mr. Bud Morgan
Ovation, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Overvold
10:48 AM
Page 29
The Owen Family Foundation
Mr. James R. Potter
Ms. Jean M. Reardon
P.G. County School Psychologists'
Mr. Brent Powell
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Reedy
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Power, Jr.
Renaissance Mayflower Hotel
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Page
Power Solutions, LLC
Ms. Julie M. Rendina
Ms. Alma J. Pait
Dr. Martha G. Price
Mr. Tom Repke
Ms. Lisa Panciocco
Price, Rosenberg & Bassik, CPA's, PC
Research in Motion
Panda Express
Protect and Serve the Children
Reston Square Office, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas C. Pappas
Prudential Financial
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory E. Reynolds
Pete Pappas & Sons, Inc.
Mr. Michael Pumple
Ambassador and Mrs. Dennis Richardson
Mr. Timothy Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Quamme
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Richardson
Mrs. Trudy Parker
Mr. Roger A. Quick
Ms. Pauline Jeffries Richardson
Mr. Richard Parrish
R. M. Thornton, Inc.
Ms. Jeanne R. Ricks
Dr. Ramesh I. Patel and Mrs. Jaya R. Patel
Rachel's Ribbons of Hope Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Ries
Patricia M.F.Q. Paulino
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Radebaugh
Ms. Kathleen R. Rigney-Radford
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Paull
Radford University Student Activities
Mr. Raymond G. Ripley, III
Mr. Alfonso P. Paz
Miki Rankin
Mr. Tom Ripp
Dr. Phillip L. Pearl and Dr. Maria T. Pearl
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ratner
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Pearson
Dr. Judith B. Ratner and Mr. Kenneth Geller
Ms. Patricia F. Rissler and Mr. James A.
Pearson & Associates
Ms. Marily F. Rauber and Mr. Charles F.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Ritz
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Peduzzi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Pence
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rayis
Mr. David W. Robey
Mr. Herbert A. Pennock
Captain Peter R. Raymond USN
Ms. Charlene Rodriguez
Mr. John W. Rogers, Jr.
Dr. Evelio D. Perez-Albuerne
Raymond James Charitable Endowment
Ms. Nancy K. Persley
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Rolle
Sophie R. Pestieau, MD
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory H. Reaman
Ms. Deborah L. Rooney
Riverbed Technology
Mr. Larry R. Rogers
Peterson Family Foundation
Ms. Michele A. Petrillo
Mr. and Mrs. Devereaux J. Phelps
Phi Mu Fraternity Foundation
Mr. Carter G. Phillips and Ms. Susan J. Henry
The Honorable and Mrs. Howard Phillips
Leland H. Phillips
Ms. Bathsheba Philpott
Ms. Vivian Piang
Mr. Jefferson Pickard
Dr. Jon A. Pike and Dr. Diana M. Gaviria
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy F. Pingho
Mr. Fred Pitman
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Pittleman
Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Plein
Plushland, Inc.
Ms. Mary Ann Pohlmann
Police Federal Credit Union
Mr. John J. Pollock
Ms. Patricia M. Pope
Ms. Susan Porter
Mr. Joseph P. Portera
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Portnoy
Ms. Jessica E. Posner and Mr. Steven L.
Potomac Mechanical Contractors, Inc.
Potomac Rotary Charities, Inc.
Paul and Liz Dougherty enjoy dinner, a live auction, and dancing at the 3rd Annual Lexus Presents Children’s
Ball, which raised more than $830,000 for Children’s National.
2009 Annual Report
10:48 AM
Page 30
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Ryan
S. Kann Sons Company Foundation, Inc.
SAB Family LP
Ms. Robyn M. Sachs
Sack, Harris & Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Sadow
Jane Sande, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Savary
Mr. Nick Scanniello
Mr. William Schaefer
Ms. Carole Schor
Ms. Barbara W. Schroeder
Mr. Vincent Schuyler
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Sciambi
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Scordy
Sebia Electrophoresis
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Seelig
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott M. Segal
SEI Giving Fund
Mrs. Mary D. Sella
Ms. Patricia V. Senchur
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sestak
Mr. Chester H. Shaddeau, Jr.
Mr. Frank Shafroth and Ms. Marcia Evans
Mr. John M. Shama
Mr. Dan Shapiro
Shapiro & Duncan, Inc.
She Sings Inc.
Ms. Christine Sheehy
Ms. Kathyann Sheehy
Ms. Leslie Sheldline and Mr. David Raim
Mr. Neel B. Shepard, Jr.
Ms. Jacqueline Sheppard
Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton, LLP
Dr. Dashuang Shi
Committee members celebrate another successful year for DC Design House in spring 2009, showcasing the talents
of 15 of the area's finest designers and attracting over 4,000 visitors. Top: Sandy Steele, Brent Thomas, and Susan
Hayes-Long Middle: Christina Emmerman, Taylor Wells, Kathy Clarke, and Mary Kate Cary
Front: Deb and Skip Singleton, Co Chairs, DC Design House
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Shiff
Mr. Patrick J. Shooltz
Dr. Billie Lou Short
Ms. Robyn Shrater-Seemann
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Shulman
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Rose
Ms. Evelyn Ruelaz and Mr. Paul K. O`Leary
Shulman, Rogers,Gandal,Pordy & Ecker, P.A.
Dr. Mary C. Rose
Ms. Marie Lourdes Garcia Ruiz
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Mr. and Mrs. Barry P. Rosenthal
Mrs. Terry Cornwell Rumsey and Mr. William
H. Rumsey, Jr.
Sigma Chi
Dr. H. Guilford Rushton
Sigma Chi Fraternity, George Washington
Mr. Joseph Y. Ruth
Dr. Tomas J. Silber and Mrs. Rosa M. Silber
Ruth & Jack Glantz Family Foundation Inc.
Dr. Brenda Simmons
Mr. George D. Ruttinger and Ms. Camille A.
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Sims III
Ms. Emily Rowe
Mr. Robert Rubinoff
Mr. Anthony D. Ruvolo
Ms. Alison Skeete
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Ruder
Mr. Bob Ryan
The Sloman Foundation
Ms. Amy Rudnick and Mr. Michael Zeldi
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W. Sloter
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce G. Rosenthal
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Rothstein
Ms. Maureen M. Roult
Dr. Gordon H. Rovelstad *
Children’s National Medical Center
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, LLP
10:48 AM
Page 31
Mr. Reuben D. Slotsky
Sr. Juan Carlos Vargas
Mr. and Ms. Michael C. Smith
Mr. David M. Tafuri
Mr. Dale Vaughan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Smith, Jr.
Mr. Robert M. Talbert
Victoria Neale Interiors, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Smith
Ms. Claudine R. Tali-Kimmons
Mrs. Gertrude C. Viner
Ms. Shirley M. Smith
Mrs. Jo Ann A. Talley
VisualCV, Inc.
Mr. Thomas Smith
Tandberg, Inc.
Mr. Adam Volanth
Mr. Todd A. Smith
Ms. Elizabeth Tanner
Mr. Leonard Volin
Smoothie King
Tarplin, Downs & Young, LLC
Mr. Michael Volpe
SMPS Washington DC
Anupama R. Tate, MD
Dr. Pranav Vyas
Ms. Lorraine C. Snell
Dr. and Mrs. Howard L. Taubin
W.L. Gary Co. Inc.
Mr. Clement Snetter
Mrs. Julia R. Taubman
Mr. Gregory Wagner
Mr. Ed Sobansky
Ms. Shaheen Taylor
Mrs. Victoria D. Waizenegger
The Society Of Government Meeting
Team Awesome, LLC
Dr. Eva Perdahl Wallace
Tech Painting Company, Inc.
Mr. David N. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Simister
Mr. Juan Teigeiro
Ms. Jacqueline Walker
Softek Solutions, Inc.
Ms. Katharine H. Teitel
Ms. Kelly Walker
Dr. Steven J. Soldin
Mr. Arvinder Thethi
Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Walker
Southampton Middle School
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Thiede
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Walker
Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative
Mr. Brent L. Thomas
Mr. Ron Stern and Ms. Elisse B. Walter
Southern Maryland Promoters, Inc.
Ms. Clarine Thomas
Mr. Larry Warner
Sovereign Order of Saint John Commandery
of Washington,DC
Ms. Marlene B. Thomas
The Warren Capital Foundation
Ms. Sheri Thompson
Washington Bullets Limited Partnership
Dr. Wanda Thompson
Ms. Melissa Webb
Thompson Miller & Simpson PLC
Mr. and Mrs. Alfons Weber
Ms. Ruth Ann Stansbery
Ms. Bonnie E. Thomson and Mr. Eugene
Weber Ghadban & Associates Realty, Inc.
Star Beads, LTD
Ms. Diane H. Thorgrimson
Mr. Patrick Startt
Dr. and Mrs. Steven L. Weinstein
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Thornell
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Staufenberger
Judith S. Weisman
Tiff Advisory Services
Mr. Welsh Stawbridge
Mr. Marvin F. Weissberg
Tiffany & Co.
Steptoe & Johnson
Welch & Rushe, Inc.
Tisseront Orthodontics
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Stern
Dr. Leila G. Welborn
Mr. and Mrs. L. Brian Tommer
Mr. David Stertzer
Mr. and Mrs. William K. West, Jr.
Ms. Jennifer U. Toth
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Steuart
WFU Health Sciences
Toys R Us Children's Fund, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert F. Stevens
Cliff and Deborah White Family Fund
Dr. and Mrs. David G. Stockwell
Ms. Lolita White
Ms. Constance L. Trexler
Mr. Mark C. Stokrp
Mr. Shomari White
Mr. Gregory Trimmer
Mr. Richard Stone
Mr. Kenneth L. Whitestone
Mr. Stephen S. Trundle
Stone Center
Ms. Dianne Wicklein
Mr. and Mrs. Stefan F. Tucker
Stone Mill Elementary School
Mr. Terry M. Wight
Ms. Lillian Turner
Stonegate Elementary School
Mr. and Mrs. J. Carter Wiley
Mr. Ralph E. Turner
Mrs. Paula Strickland
William C. Smith & Company
Ms. Sanya Tyler
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Strong
Mrs. Kazuko Uchimura
William R. Singleton Hope-Lebanon Lodge 7,
Strong Foundation of New York
United Bank and Trust Company
Albert Edward Williams
Strosniders Hardware
United Business Technologies, Inc
Mr. and Mrs. B. John Williams
Dr. Sheela Stuart-Ammons
United HealthCare Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Sullivan
Jennifer C. Urquhart
Ms. Joycenette Williams
The Sundial Foundation, Inc.
The US Army Band
Mr. Marcus Williams
Suntrust Bank
USA Gymnastics
Ms. Patricia B. Williams
Susan Gage Caterers
Utz Quality Foods, Inc.
Col. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Wilson, Ret.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Swanson
Dr. Songyos Valairucha
Wiltse Family Foundation
Swart, Lalande & Associates, P.C.
Van Scoyoc Associates
Mr. Andrew N. Winfree
Ms. Gloria M. Swisher
Francine Vannicola
Wired Up Fiber & Data, Inc.
Ms. Tracy Spicer
Spring Valley Pediatrics
St. Thomas A. Becket Catholic
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Weiner
2009 Annual Report
3:36 PM
Page 32
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Wise
Ms. Bonnie Yates
Ms. Jerilyn Woelfel
Mr. F. Robert Yates, Jr.
Caroline R. Wohlgemuth and Mr. James W.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Zahler
Mr. and Mrs. Dale B. Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Shariar Zaimi
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wolfram
Ms. Harriet Zaretsky
Mr. David W. Lloyd and Ms. Andrea J. Wollock
The JV Schiro Zavela Foundation
Dr. Edward C. Wong
Ms. Samantha Zeeks
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Woodall, II
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Zellner
Mr. Reginald D. Woodson
Zeta Associates
Mr. Bernard F. Woolfley
Mr. Robert E. Ziegler
Ms. Norma Worden
Mr. Roger P. Ziegler
Ms. Karen Woronick
Drs. Paul N. and Marcia A. Zimmet
Ms. Clare Wright
Mr. David M. Zinn and Ms. Ellen Harris
Mr. and Mrs. John O. Wynne
Zotos International, Inc.
Ms. Margaret A. Yacovone and Dr. Jeffrey A.
Ms. Nancy E. Yanofsky
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Zahurancik
* Deceased
Mrs. Helena Yao
Megan MacCutcheon enjoys Children’s National’s
second annual Dancing After Dark event in January.
Children’s National gratefully recognizes estate distributions received during the
Hospital’s 2009 fiscal year, July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009.
Sundari Nagaratnam Trust
Estate of Mildred P. Reel
Estate of Alice S. Rowen
Estate of Helen W. Scheuch
Edna Shelton Trust
Anonymous (2)
Anita B. Hazen Trust
Devora R. Alexander Trust
Estate of Mary L. Hollomon
E.J. Bartenstein Living Trust
The Estate of Barbara M. Johnson
Estate of Max M. Blumenthal
Estate of Miriam B. Johnson
The John K. Cochran Trust
Mary Elizabeth Joyce Revocable Trust
Susan M. Cromer Trust
The Frances Mayer Kahn Trust
Estate of Susanne B. Deitz
Helan W. Kirkpatrick Revocable Trust
The Estate of Elizabeth Diamond
Estate of Margaret W. Kirwan
Elizabeth H. Diamond Trust
Tolbert Lanston Trust
Estate of Cornelia A. Fugate
Kate S. Marsh Trust
The James M. Green Trust
C. Herbert Marshall Trust
Gertrude Haves Trust
Estate of Francis X. McGonagle
Children’s National Medical Center
Lizzie Cook Smith Trust
Stavins Family Trust
William B. Streater Trust
Estate of Lucienne R. Strocker
Estate of Frances J. Taylor
Marion E. Towns Trust
The Estate of Elisabeth L. Vetter
Estate of Eleanore F. Voss
Winslow Residuary Trust
Estate of Sylvia Wubnig
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Children’s Circle of Care honors donors who generously provide support to advance the work of their local pediatric hospital.
The list below represents annual gifts of $10,000 or more made to Children’s National Medical Center by individuals, family
foundations, and privately held corporations between January 1, 2008 and December 31, 2008.
For more information about joining Children’s Circle of Care, please call 301-565-8509 or e-mail [email protected].
Anonymous (6)
Mr. and Mrs. C. Richard Beyda
Mr. and Mrs. Ty R. Cobb
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford K. Ain
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Blair
Marcella and Neil Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Masud Akbar
Mr. and Mrs. Lane Blumenfeld
Mr. and Ms. Richard S. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Akerson
Mr. and Mrs. Norman L. Blumenfeld
Ryna and Melvin Cohen Family Foundation
Mr. Russell J. Alessi and Mrs. Roberta Alessi
Ms. Jacqueline D. Bowens and Mr. Curtis
Jones, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Edward M. Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander R. M. Boyle
Dr. and Mrs. Max J. Coppes
Mr. William S. Armistead
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Baier
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence N. Brandt
Dr. Denice Cora-Bramble and Mr. Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bainum, Jr.
Marian and James Brodsky
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd E. Davis, III
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Baldacci
Mrs. Florence K. Brody
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Barker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Bruce, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Davis
Dr. and Mrs. Mark L. Batshaw
Jody and Victor Burdell
Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Battles, III
Mary Kate and Robert Cary
Elsie and Marvin Dekelboum Family
Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. Berman
Mr. and Mrs. Giuseppe Cecchi
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Delaney
Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Berman
Bill and Anne Charrier
Mr. Edward A. Delman
Bernstein Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Christopher
Ms. Georgia Derrico and Mr. Roderick Porter
Diane and Norman Bernstein
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Dockser
Mrs. H. Max Ammerman and Mr. Andrew R.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Scott Copeland
Dr. Bear cozies up with young guests at the Children’s Circle of Care National Zoo event in fall 2008.
2009 Annual Report
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Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell F. Dolin
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard R. Lear
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Saylor
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Dougherty
Mrs. Irene A. Leikin
Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Drumheller
The Lemon Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight C. Schar
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Duncan
Dr. and Mrs. Alan I. Leshner
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick D. Schaufeld
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin P. Edlavitch
Mr. and Mrs. Christian J. Lessard
Ms. Mindy Ginsburg and Mr. Gregg Elias
Mr. G. Seth Leyman
Mr. Raymond S. Sczudlo and Ms. Deborah L.
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart M. Elsberg
The May Liang and James Lintott Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Eppler
Mr. James A. MacCutcheon
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Shiff
The Ewing Family Foundation
Mrs. Yardley Manfuso
Ms. Marsha Shiff
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Ewing, Jr.
Mr. B. Thomas Mansbach
The Frederick and Elizabeth Singer Foundation
Mrs. Nancy Ferris
Dr. and Mrs. Gerard R. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Singleton, Jr.
Burt and Ina Finkelstein
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Skafte
Fischer Family Foundation
Ms. Priscilla Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Smallwood
Ms. Susan Fisher
Sonia A. Vargas and Larry V. McDaniel
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Fonvielle
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold B. McKinnon
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Snowdon, III
Mr. and Mrs. Morton I. Funger
Mr. and Mrs. John M. McMahon
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Snyder
Melvin & Estelle Gelman Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Mersereau
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Gersten
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Miller, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gess
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Monteiro
Mr. Carl H. Spatz and Mr. Thomas D.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Gilbert
Mr. Joseph C. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Glosserman
Mrs. Suzanne P. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. Shekar Narasimhan
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick T. Goldberg, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Kurt Newman
The Wolf Pack Fund - Mrs. Marcia W.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Nulsen, III
Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Gottfried
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. O'Malley
Mr. Donald E. Graham
Dr. and Mrs. Roger J. Packer
Dr. and Mrs. Don P. Greenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas G. Paleologos
Ms. Jenny Hahn
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Parsons
Mrs. Doreen B. Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas T. Parsons
Mrs. Audrey H. Hatry
Mr. and Mrs. B. Waring Partridge, III
Mr. Daniel J. Hennessy
Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott Pastrick
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Herman
Ms. Helene Patterson and Mr. Leo C. Mullen
Mr. Joseph Higdon and Ms. Ellen Sudow
Ms. Margaret M. Paul
Mary Anne and Thomas Hilliard
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Paul
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Hills
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas H. Poretz
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hoff
Ms. Sarah P. Pyle
Dr. and Mrs. Peter R. Holbrook
Mr. and Mrs. Whayne S. Quin
Ms. Margaret S. Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Raber
Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Ishol
Ms. Adrienne Ris
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Jaffe
Mr. Joseph E. Robert, Jr.
Dr. Richard A. Jonas and Mrs. Katherine
Mr. and Mrs. Lenn Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Evan L. Jones
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth McGehee Joyce
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kay
Mr. Ralph Ochsman
Mr. Craig A. Rosen and Ms. Cynthia Goodrich
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Roth
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Russell
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Steinberg
The Steuart Foundation
Mr. and Ms. Robert A. Stewart
Ms. Mindy Buren and Mr. Jerry Stouck
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Tanenbaum
Dr. and Mrs. Joel M. Taubin
Mr. and Mrs. R. Howard Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. John Wm. Thomas
The Thomas Family Foundation
Mr. Robert P. Thome
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Toll
Mr. and Mrs. Steven B. Tomares
Dr. Mendel and Mrs. Aviva Tuchman
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Veatch
Mr. James Ventura
The Honorable and Mrs. Lee L. Verstandig
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel K. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Ware
Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Watson
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Weber
Jay and Dorothy Weinstein
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Wenzel, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. David L. Wessel
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Williams
The Wolf Pack Fund - Mrs. Audrey R. Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Joel R. Wood
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Wright
Kettering Family Foundation
Ms. Hattie Ruttenberg and Mr. Jonathan T.
Ms. Pam King Sams
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan R. Sabel
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Youngentob
Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Kirsch
Dr. and Mrs. Craig A. Sable
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin K. Zechman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Koenig
Mr. and Mrs. Nader H. Salehi
Zickler Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Koger
Dr. Anthony D. Sandler and Dr. Nancy M.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Zients
Dr. and Mrs. Calvin S. Koonce
Ms. Bertha E. Lambertson
Mr. John R. Sanfilipo
Children’s National Medical Center
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Young
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Children’s Hospital Foundation honored its illustrious
Guardian Society members and welcomed new friends at the
2nd Annual Luncheon at the Cosmos Club in Washington, DC.
Pictured are Guardian Society members and guest speakers.
Drs. Naomi and Norman A. Luban
Mrs. Florence Lunger
Dr. Maureen E. Lyon
Mr. James A. MacCutcheon
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Manfredi, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Gerard R. Martin
Mr. Arthur H. McGonigal
Mr. and Mrs. John K. McIlwain
Mr. Alan L. Meltzer
Ms. Sandra A. Mercer
Dr. Frank M. Midgley
Dr. and Mrs. Roger J. Packer
The Guardian Society recognizes the very special people who have included Children’s
Hospital Foundation in their wills and other estate gifts. Through their forethought and
generosity, they inspire others to ensure world-class care, advocacy, research, and
education at Children’s National through a lasting legacy. We gratefully recognize the
following generous donors who have made provisions for Children’s National to ensure
the future of excellent health care and cutting-edge research for all children, in our own
community and around the world. Our future will be built on the foundation of today’s
planned and deferred gifts. Thank you for your foresight.
Mrs. Cynthia C. Payne
Mrs. Gloria A. Peacock
Ms. Carol D. Pickens
Mrs. Gloria R. Plante
Mr. and Mrs. Whayne S. Quin
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Ries
Mr. Joseph E. Robert, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lenn Robinson
Mrs. Terry Cornwell Rumsey and Mr. William
H. Rumsey, Jr.
Ms. Jeraldine H. Rush
To learn more about The Guardian Society and how to become a member, please call
Rita Corwin, Director, Gift Planning, at 301-565-8524 or e-mail [email protected].
Or, visit
Mr. Raymond S. Sczudlo and Ms. Deborah L.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Smith, II
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sowler
Mr. Manfred L. Spengler
Ms. Marian M. Spong
Anonymous (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh E. Eagleton
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Stavins
Mr. Jack Adelman
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin P. Edlavitch
Dr. Wayne Sternberger
Ms. Kate B. Alfriend
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Ewing, Jr.
Ms. Sharon L. Stover
Dr. Norma M. Allewell
Ms. Merle G. Fabian
Dr. Belinda Straight
Patty Perkins Andringa
Mrs. Phyllis Fineshriber
Mr. Everard S. Taylor
Dr. and Mrs. Mark L. Batshaw
Ms. D. Carolyn S. Ford
Mr. Akgun Temizer
The Honrable DeLawrence Beard and Dr.
Lillian M. Beard
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. John Wm. Thomas
Ms. Janice Halleran
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Thompson
Dr. Jocelyn M. B. Hicks
Dr. Luis F. Vera
Dr. and Mrs. Peter R. Holbrook
Ms. Evelyn L. Wagman
Ms. Margaret S. Hunter
Miss Marianne Walther
Ms. Lillie B. James
Dr. Elizabeth K. Weisburger
Mrs. Katherine B. Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. David L. Wessel
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Jones
Ms. Anne W. Witt
Ms. Catherine Joyce
Mr. Paul S. Woehrle
Ms. Karel J. Kidwell
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Wright
Ms. Pam King Sams
Ms. Nancy E. Yanofsky
Mr. Wayne R. Kleczek
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin K. Zechman, Jr.
Dr. Seth A. Koch and Ms. Barbara Bellman
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Zients
Dr. Gaetano Lotrecchiano and Mr. Paul
Drs. Paul N. and Marcia A. Zimmet
Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Benes
Ms. Monique Boulanger
Ms. Jacqueline D. Bowens and Mr. Curtis
Jones, Jr.
Ms. Beth C. Brummel
Mrs. Jody M. Burdell
Mr. Leon A. Bush, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Chabot
Dr. and Mrs. John L. Chamberlain, III
Fran R. Cogen, MD
Mr. Morris S. Cohen
Dr. and Mrs. Max J. Coppes
Mrs. Rosina L. Corton
Dr. Dolores and Dr. Lawrence D'Angelo
Dr. and Mrs. John A. Lowe
Ms. Lisa Kay Zirkin
2009 Annual Report
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Children’s National BOARDS AND FACULTY
Robin Wilder
Amy Baier
Joseph Wright, MD
Bret Baier
Edwin K. Zechman, Jr.
Audrey Wolf
Susan Baker, MD
Stephen Baldacci
Mark L. Batshaw, MD
C. Richard Beyda
Mark L. Batshaw, MD
Andrew C. Blair
(Vice Chairman)
Fred T. Goldberg, Jr.
(Vice Chairman)
Louis Christopher
Val G. Hemming, MD
Marcella Cohen
Susan Kettering
Max Coppes, MD
Scott Koenig, MD
Denice Cora-Bramble, MD
Alan Leshner
Floyd E. Davis, III
Floyd Malveaux, MD
Paul Dougherty
Debra Drumheller
Jutta Parsons
Betty G. Ewing
Richard A. Sauber
Henry Fonvielle
Elizabeth Singer
Norma Lee Funger
Daniel Gilbert
Diana L. Goldberg
Evan Jones
Joel Wood
Edwin K. Zechman, Jr.
Wendy Goldberg
Eric Hoffman, MD
Peter R. Holbrook, MD
Lawrence Ishol
Jacqueline D. Bowens
Richard Jonas, MD
John Claster
(Vice Chairman)
Kathy Kies
Kimberly Egan
Pam King Sams
Martin Eichelberger, MD
James W. Lintott
John Formisano
Allan Berman
James MacCutcheon
Mary Kate Cary
B. Thomas Mansbach
Diana L. Goldberg
John Cockerham, MD
Gerard Martin, MD
Stephen O’Toole
Norman A. Barker
Elizabeth Duggal
Alan Meltzer
Dana Points
Mark L. Batshaw, MD
Debra Friedman
Edward J. Miller, Jr.
Raymond S. Sczudlo
Allan J. Berman
Alberto Gomez
Kurt Newman, MD
Orly Silbinger
Warren Graves
Charles Nulsen
Mitchell Stoller
Peter R. Holbrook, MD
Roger Packer, MD
David Swearingen
Kathy Kies
Ramu Potarazu
Robert McDowell, MD
Richard W. Snowdon, III
Edwin K. Zechman, Jr.
Gregory O’Dell
Tanya Snyder
Terry Cornwell Rumsey
Marla Lerner Tanenbaum
Elizabeth A. Singer
Ivan Sabel
Laura Unger
Richard W. Snowdon, III
Carolyn Thornell
(Vice Chairman)
David Wessel, MD
Edwin K. Zechman, Jr.
Edwin K. Zechman, Jr.
Andrew C. Blair
Diana L. Goldberg
Peter R. Holbrook, MD
Evan Jones
James W. Lintott
(Vice Chairman)
Terry Cornwell Rumsey
Children’s National Medical Center
John Wm. Thomas
Toni G. Verstandig
Jody M. Burdell
Douglas T. Myers
Raymond S. Sczudlo
Edwin K. Zechman, Jr.
(Chairman & President)
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Irwin P. Edlavitch
Ashley Johnston
Bert T. Edwards
Susan Ashburn
Emily Kane
Dianna Abney, MD
Bruce A. Feldman, MD
Colleen Avis
Smythe Kannopeli
Annelise FitzGerald
Patti Beatty
Kathy Kies
Frederick C. Green, MD
Stacie Benes
Sandy Langdon
Charles Greener
Cherry Bourque
Jennifer Manders
Jeffrey Becker, MD
Jody M. Burdell
Linda Goldstein, MD
Larrie C. Greenberg, MD
Jill Bushkoff
Dianne O'Flinn
Peter R. Holbrook, MD
Marlene E. Haffner, MD
Vicki Campbell
Claudia Parker
William Madigan, MD
Robert R. Hagans, Jr.
Karen Carey
Helene Patterson
James Mattey, MD
Doreen Hamilton
Becky Casey
Michele Petersen
William Rees, MD
(Vice Chairman)
Theodore M. Hester
Arty Coppes
Eloise Poretz
Margot R. Howar
Lisa Dale
Jeanne Reid
Melvin S. Stern, MD
Beverly H. Johnson
Bonnie DeWitt
Bobbi Smith
Eugene Sussman, MD
Katherine B. Johnson
Carol Dickenson
Christina Staufenberger
Edwin K. Zechman, Jr.
James M. Johnston, III
M. V. Dye
Ellyn Sudow
James W. Jones
Gail Feagles
Denise Warner
Charles N. Kahn, III
Frances Fitzgerald
Cheryl Weiner
Clarence E. Kettler
Barbara C. Flynn
Kathie Williams
Richard L. Kettler
Blair Wittmer Giannini
Diana Wright
Jody M. Burdell
James H. Lemon, Jr.
Peggy Graeter
Melvin Feldman, MD
Terry L. Lierman
Beverly Groom
Peter R. Holbrook, MD
Sara T. Machir
Lyn Cumming Hart
Robert A. Malson
Diana Hosford
Douglas T. Myers
Oriana McKinnon
Carol Jankowsky
Frank A. Pedreira, MD
Paul F. Mickey, Jr.
Kitty Johnson
Edwin K. Zechman, Jr.
(President & Vice Chairman)
Jerry A. Moore, III
Denice Cora-Bramble, MD
Raymond S. Sczudlo
Edwin K. Zechman, Jr.
(Chairman & President)
Elizabeth J. Noyes
Beale H. Ong, MD
Leland H. Phillips
Elizabeth M. Puckett
Douglas T. Purvance
Whayne S. Quin
Sally Quinn
Judson G. Randolph, MD
Alan E. Reider
Norma Allewell, PhD
M. Jude Reyes
Theodore Anders, MD
Thomasina V. Rogers
Patricia Perkins Andringa
Alison K. Russell
Gordon B. Avery, MD
B. Francis Saul, III
Philip M. Battles, III
Edwin C. Schonfeld
Lillian M. Beard, MD
Lewis P. Scott, MD
Diane Bernstein
Frances V. Sharon
Gwendolyn E. Boyd
Daniel M. Snyder
Benjamin C. Bradlee
Thomas D. Walsh
Raymond C. Brophy
Cole P. Werble
John L. Chamberlain, III, MD
Anne R. West
George Cohen, MD
Anne Witt
Ryna G. Cohen
James N. Corrigan
Christopher D. Coursen
Donald W. Delaney, MD
Stephen C. Duffy
Hugh E. Eagleton
2009 Annual Report
10:49 AM
Page 38
Muffin Lynham
Cynthia Advani
Shaista Mahmood
Christopher C. Addison
Gene Bebedict Asmuth
Tracie Mancabelli
Cynthia L. Bolton
Kathy Barker
Helaine Mario
Blaine Carter
Lynne Beauregard
Mary E. Martin
Diana Clagett
Jill Bell
Snookie McInnis
James Corrigan, Jr.
Janet Bill
Kathy McKay
Mrs. Robert Gabriel
Winnie Blatchford
Bonnie Norman
Courtney S. Hagner
Lisa Blue
Christi Perez
Mrs. Stuart D. Halpert
Carolyn Vinson Bou
Ami Susan Edds Petrucelli
Gilbert R. Herer, PhD
Marian Brodsky
Susan Plaine
Jason Herrick
Meg Carter
Michele Ridge
Honor W. Ingersoll
Mary Kate Cary
Charlotte Safos
R. Brewster Knight, Jr.
Therese Ann Castellani
Jinny Saylor
Wendy Makins
Mandy Delk
Diane Schaefer
Dr. Lynn McKinley-Grant
Ellen Clare Dreyer
Michelle Schoenberger
Jill Neilson
Anne Saer Driscoll
Amanda Sheehan
Robert C. Nicholas, III
Carolyn Fownes Dunne
Helen Marvel Strong
Ian O’Neil
Nancy Ferris
Kim Summerville
Stephanie O’Neil
Maria Elena Fisher
Haas Wallace
Mrs. Devereaux Phelps
Ruth Fisher
Ann Watkins
Dr. Charles E. Rackley
Sonya Burlingame Flanagan
Jill Neff Watson
Shelley C. Rodgers
Diana Goldberg
Carleta Arniece Wayles
Georgia C. Shallcross
Louise Grant
Dorothy Weinstein
Jennifer C. Urquhart
Edith Hessel
Debbie Whyte
Karen Quirk Johnsen
Susan Saylor Wisor
Mary Barr Johnson
Eda Joyce
Anne Marie Kirlin
Karen Lee Kirlin
DeAunte Lancaster
Jennifer Guste Leonard
Gari Lister
Cidalia Luis-Akbar
Edwin K. Zechman, Jr.
President & CEO
Roberta Alessi
Vice President, Operations
Mark L. Batshaw, MD
Executive Vice President & Chief
Academic Officer & Director,
Jacqueline D. Bowens
Executive Vice President & Chief
Government and External
Affairs Officer
Jody M. Burdell
Executive Vice President & Chief
Operating Officer
Max Coppes, MD, PhD, MBA
Senior Vice President, Center for
Cancer and Blood Disorders
Denice Cora-Bramble, MD, MBA
Senior Vice President, Diana L.
and Stephen A. Goldberg
Center for Community
Pediatric Health
Mary Anne Hilliard, Esq.
Chief Risk Counsel
Peter R. Holbrook, MD
Executive Vice President & Chief
Medical Officer
Children’s National Medical Center
Pam King Sams
Executive Vice President,
Development & Chief
Development Officer,
Children’s Hospital Foundation
Miriam Markowitz
Corporate Vice President,
Strategic Planning and Business
Gerard Martin, MD
Senior Vice President, Center for
Heart, Lung, & Kidney Disease
Douglas T. Myers
Executive Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer
Kurt Newman, MD
Senior Vice President, Joseph E.
Robert, Jr., Center for Surgical
Roger Packer, MD
Senior Vice President, Center for
Neuroscience & Behavioral
Nellie C. Robinson, RN
Executive Vice President & Chief
Nursing & Patient Care
Services Officer
Carole Schor
Corporate Vice President, Human
Raymond S. Sczudlo, Esq.
Executive Vice President & Chief
Legal Officer
David Sparks, CPA
Vice President & Chief
Financial Officer
Carl H. Spatz
Corporate Affairs Manager
Mitchell Stoller
President & CEO, Safe Kids
Mendel Tuchman, MD
Chief Research Officer, CRI
Mark Weissman, MD
Medical Director, CNHH
David Wessel, MD
Senior Vice President, Center for
Hospital Based Specialties
Joseph Wright, MD, MPH
Senior Vice President, Child
Health Advocacy Institute
F. Robert Yates
Vice President, CP&A
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Page 39
Jeffrey Dome, MD
Jay Greenberg, MD
Marianna Horn, MD
Katherine Deye, MD
Shana Jacobs, MD
Tanya Hinds, MD
Christopher Lawlor, MD
Allison McCarley Jackson, MD, MPH
Holly Jane Meany, MD
Wanda Thompson, PhD
Eva Perdahl-Wallace, MD, PhD
Herman Tolbert, Jr., PhD
Evelio Perez-Albuerne, MD, PhD
Gregory Reaman, MD
Samira Zaza Rifai, MD
Kristina Biggs, DDS
Brian Rood, MD
Golnar Jahanmir, DDS
Reuven Schore, MD
Rishita Jaju, DMD
Nita Seibel, MD
Hilary Sherman-Weiss, DMD
Amanda Thompson, PhD
Anupama Tate, DMD
D. Ashley Hill, MD
Roselyn Epps, MD
Nikki Mourtzinos, MD
Christine Reyes, MD
Christopher Rossi, MD
Lee Ann Savio Beers, MD
Edith Schmidt, MD
Nathaniel Beers, MD, MPH
Alsan Bellard, MD
Dana Best, MD, MPH
Jason Corcoran, PharmD, BCPS
Cara Biddle, MD, MPH
Richard H. Parish, PhD, RPh
Miriam Bloom, MD
Kathy Pham, PharmD, BCPS
Rosella Castro, MD
Jefferson Pickard, RPh
Candace Chen, MD, MPH
Emily Rowe, PharmD
Viola Cheng, MD
Brenda Jo Simmons, PharmD,
Dale Ann Coddington, MD
Hamet Toure, PharmD, MPH
Linda Fu, MD, MSc
Devona Williams, PharmD
Benjamin Gitterman, MD
Terry Fry, MD
Rhonique Shields Harris, MD, MHA
Naynesh Kamani, MD
John van den Anker, MD, PhD
Tanya Hinds, MD
Max Coppes, MD, PhD, MBA
Senior Vice President
Terry Fry, MD
Naynesh Kamani, MD
Brett Loechelt, MD
Evelio Perez-Albuerne, MD, PhD
Jane Sande, MD
Ching Voss, MD
Patrick Chang, MD
Jennifer Dean, MD
Jay Greenberg, MD
Michael Guerrera, MD
Helge Hartung, MD
Marianna Horn, MD
Lewis Hsu, MD, PhD
Christopher Lawlor, MD
Naomi L.C. Luban, MD
Lori Luchtman-Jones, MD
Emily Meier, MD
Amanda Thompson, PhD
Eva Perdahl-Wallace, MD
Clarissa Dudley, MD
Yolandra Hancock, MD
Brett Loechelt, MD
Ruth Hollo, MD
Jane Sande, MD
Ivor Horn, MD, MPH
Hemant Sharma, MD, MHS
Lawrence Jung, MD
Nike Iamu-Usagie, MD
Claas Hinze, MD
Anjali Jain, MD
Joseph Campos, PhD
David Leitenberg, MD, PhD
Naomi L.C. Luban, MD
Wendy Paul, MD
Geeta Jain, MD
Sarika Joshi, MD
Denise Cora-Bramble, MD, MBA
Senior Vice President
Cara Lichtenstein, MD
Mendel Tuchman, MD
Terry Kind, MD, MPH
Sahira Long, MD
John Lowe, MD
Nazrat Mirza, MD
Darlene Atkins, PhD
Rachel Moon, MD
William Barnes, PhD
Monica Pourrat, MD
Anne Angiolillo, MD
Lawrence D’Angelo, MD, MPH
Nathalie Quion, MD, MPH
Patrick Chang, MD
Maureen Lyon, PhD
Jennifer Tender, MD
Mwe Mwe Chao, MD
Tomas Silber, MD, MAAS
Susma Vaidya, MD, MPH
Max Coppes, MD, PhD, MBA
Lisa Tuchman, MD
Mark Weissman, MD
Jennifer Dean, MD
Kathy Woodward, MD
Muriel Wolf, MD
Edward C.C. Wong, MD
2009 Annual Report
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Page 40
Jai Nahar, MD
Zarir Khademian, MD
Gail Pearson, MD, ScD
Steven Lossef, MD
Kanishka Ratnayaka, MD
Massoud Majd, MD
Roger Ruckman, MD
Bruce Markle, MD
George Ruiz, MD
Eglal Shalaby-Rana, MD
Carig Sable, MD
Raymond Sze, MD
Daniel Schmorhun, MD
Gilbert Vezina, MD
Michael Slack, MD
Pranav Krishnakant Vyas, MD
Christopher Spurney, MD
Bhupender Yadav, MD
Linda Bradley Tiernan, MD
David Wessel, MD
Muriel Wolf, MD
Dewesh Agrawal, MD
Shireen Atabaki, MD, MPH
Oluwakemi Badaki, MD
Richard Jonas, MD
Deena Berkowitz, MD, MPH
Pranava Sinha, MD
Douglas Boenning, MD
Dalip Srinath, MD
Kristen Breslin, MD
Kathleen Brown, MD
James Chamberlain, MD
John Hurley, MD
Jennifer Chapman, MD
Kanwal Kher, MD
Herlen Chatha, MD
Kirtida Mistry, MD
Elizabeth Edgerton, MD, MPH
Asha Moudgil, MD
Daniel Fagbuyi, MD
Douglas Silverstein, MD
Robert Freishtat, MD, MPH
Shamir Tuchman, MD
Dafina Good, MD
Jeffrey Greenberg, MD
Jay Slater, MD
Rhonique Harris, MD, MHA
R. Michael Sly, MD
Christina Johns, MD
David Wessel, MD
Senior Vice President
Julia LaJoie, MD
Kenneth Keyes, DDS, MPH
Jamila Marcus, MD
Yolanda Lewis Ragland, MD
Jeffrey Becker, MD
Marcee White, MD
Stanley Beder, MD
John Berger, MD
Charles Berul, MD
Gerard Martin, MD
Senior Vice President
Sarah Clauss, MD
John Cockerham, MD
Russell Cross, MD
Susan Cummings, MD, MPH
Richard Jonas, MD
Niti Dham, MD
Gerard Martin, MD
Robin Doroshow, MD
Hollis Chaney, MD
Anastassios Koumbourlis, MD
Jenny Lew, MD
Suja Nair, MD
Folsade Ogunlesi, MD
Dinesh Pillai, MD
Iman Sami, MD
Saumitra Biswas, MD
Children’s National Medical Center
Mary Donofrio, MD
John Berger, MD
Saumitra Biswas, MD
Christiane Corriveau, MD
Nathan Dean, MD
Brian Jacobs, MD
Jennifer Schuette, MD
Aditi Sharangpani, MD
Sophia Smith, MD
David Stockwell, MD
Lillian Su, MD
David Wessel, MD
Angela Tardif-Wratney, MD
Elizabeth Anne Greene, MD
Ashraf Harasheh, MD
Bruce Klein, MD
Sephora Morrison, MD
Karen O’Connell, MD
Michael Quinn, MD
Jamal Rana, MD
Eric Rosenthal, MD
Alexandra Rucker, MD
Leticia Ryan, MD, MPH
Mohsen Saidinejad, MD, MPH
Deepak Sheth, MD
Stephen Teach, MD, MPH
Ann Thomas, MD
Zev Waldman, MD
Theresa Walls, MD, MPH
Joseph Wright, MD, MPH
Amy Yeager, MD
Yvette Young, MD
Deneen Heath, MD
Jonathan Kaltman, MD
Ali Allawi, MD
Joshua Kanter, MD
Anna Blask, MD
Anita Krishnan, MD
Dorothy Bulas, MD
Audrey Austin, MD
Karen Kuehl, MD, MPH
Alexia Egloff, MD
Fran Cogen, MD, CDE
Linda Leatherbury, MD
Thomas Fearon, MD
Paul Kaplowitz, MD, PhD
Gerard Martin, MD
Stanley Fricke, MD
Rinku Mehra, MD
Jeffrey Moak, MD
Nadja Kadom, MD
Elizabeth Parker, MD
Pavan Zaveri, MD
Priya Vaidyanathan, MD
10:49 AM
Page 41
Pranoot Tanpaiboon, MD
Francisco Alvarez, MD
Melanie Anspacher, MD
Francisco Alvarez, MD
Madison Berl, PhD
Dina Zand, MD
Prita Bhansali, MD
Leo Altamirano, MD
Jay Salpekar, PhD
Miriam Bloom, MD
Andrea Brown, MD
Amanda Yaun, MD
Kristen Breslin, MD
Jean Laurore, MD
Jessica Carpenter, MD
Tommie Robinson, Jr., PhD
Aisha Davis, MD
Kijana Nix, MD
Taeun Chang, MD
Sheela Stuart, PhD
Mendel Tuchman, MD
Joan Conry, MD
Craig DeWolfe, MD
Karin Gray, MD
Dewi Depositario-Cabacar, MD
Tina Halley, MD
Roberta DeBiasi, MD
William Gaillard, MD
Maria Acosta, MD
Michael Hauser, MD
David Hyun, MD
Christine Heath, MD
Lucy Civitello, MD
Wendy Hoffner, MD
Barbara Jantausch, MD
Robert Leshner, MD
Marc DiSabella, DO
Jeremy Kern, MD
Sumathi Nambiar, MD
Phillip Pearl, MD
Donald Fishman, MD
Evelina Krieger, MD
Natella Rakhmanina, MD, AAHNS
Joseph Scafidi, DO
Andrea Gropman, MD
Heather Levens, MD
Tamara Rakusan, MD, PhD
Tammy Tsuchida, MD
Tarannum Lateef, MD
Paul Manicone, MD
Alan Shapiro, MD
Tesfaye Zelleke, MD
Bennett Lavenstein, MD
Julie Marx, MD
Nalini Singh, MD, MPH
Mary Ottolini, MD, MPH
Xiaoyan Song, PhD, BM, MSc
Karin Nelson, MD
Laurie Pane, MD
Bernhard Wiedermann, MD, MA
Mark Batshaw, MD
Phillip Pearl, MD
Eric Hoffman, PHD
Joseph Scheller, MD
Kavita Parikh, MD
William McClintock, MD
Padma Pavuluri, MD
Uta Lichter-Konecki, MD
Samuel Shelburne, MD
Jehanna Peerzada, MD, MPH
Stephen Baumgart, MD
Thomas Markello, MD, PhD
Gabor Szuhay, MD
Carrie Rassbach, MD
Taeun Chang, MD
Kenneth Rosenbaum, MD
Adeline Vanderver, MD
Elizabeth Berry Seelbach, MD
An Massaro, MD
Susan Sparks, MD, PhD
Neha Shah, MD
Khodayar Rais-Bahrami, MD
Marshall Summar, MD
Elizabeth Shashaty, MD
Mary Revenis, MD
Karen Smith, MD
Louis Scavo, MD, PhD
Sophia Sterner, MD
Billie Lou Short, MD
Ajija Van Gieson, MD
Brian Stone, MD
James Von Beyen, MD
Tammy Tsuchida, MD
Zev Waldman, MD
Joseph Scafidi, MD
John van den Anker, MD, PhD
Patricia Callaghan, MD
Bruce Klein, MD
Rebecca Carlisle, MD
Billie Lou Short, MD
Sandra Cuzzi, MD
Sophia Smith, MD
Cynthia Lauta, MD
Phyllis Lewis, MD
Nicole Rochester, MD
Roger Packer, MD
Senior Vice President
Rebekah Conroy, MD
Mark Batshaw, MD
Michelle Elmson, MD
Jacquelyn Calbert, MD
Elaine Goldberg, MD
Elliot Gersh, MD
Michael Hauser, MD
Phillip Pearl, MD
Samar Hussein, MD
Susan Pratt, MD
Eric Scott, PhD
Catherine Scheiner, MD
Carolyn Wurm, MD
2009 Annual Report
10:49 AM
Page 42
Herman Tolbert, Jr., PhD
Benny Kerzner, MD
Laura Anthony, PhD
Chandan Vaidya, PhD
Parvathi Mohan, MD
Sona Sehgal, MD
Michael Boyajian, MD
John Snyder, MD
Albert Oh, MD
Kurt Newman, MD
Senior Vice President
Priya Venkataraman, MD
Jaime Wolfe, MD
A. Barry Belman, MD
Kathleen Atmore, PsyD
Madison Berl, PhD
Angela Bollich, PhD
Gerard Gioia, PhD
Joette James, PhD
Laura Kenealy, PhD
M. David Gibbons, MD
Lauren Kenworthy, PhD
Naida Kalloo, MD
Lauren Krivitsky, PhD
Claude Abdullah, MD
Randall Burd, MD, PhD
Hans Pohl, MD
Christopher Vaughan, PsyD
Jennifer Anderson, MD
A. Alfred Chahine, MD
H. Gil Rushton, MD
Karin Walsh, PhD
Susan Baker, MD
Martin Eichelberger, MD
Shailinder Singh, MBBS
Lisa Banta, MD
Cynthia Gingalewski, MD
Matthew Becker, MD
Veronica Gomez-Lobo, MD
Derek Bruce, MD
Richard Bosco, MD
Phillip Guzzetta, Jr., MD
Robert Keating, MD
Marjorie Brennan, MD
Louis Marmon, MD
Suresh Magge, MD
Ira Cohen, MD
Evan Nadler, MD
Leon Moores, MD
Nina Deutsch, MD
Kurt Newman, MD
John Myseros, MD
Rosemary Eyre-Brook, MD
David Powell, MD
Amanda Yaun, MD
Julia Finkel, MD
Faisal Qureshi, MD
Raafat Hannallah, MD
Anthony Sandler, MD
Yewande Johnson, MD
Shailinder Singh, MBBS
Sally Evans, MD
Barbara Koch, MD
Marion McAlpine, MD
Olga Morozova, MD
Irene Chatoor, MD
Peter Daniolos, MD
Bhavin Jagdish Dave, MD
Parmajit Joshi, MD
Miguel Macaoay, MD
Eleanor Mackey, MD
Edgardo Menvielle, MD
Nasima Nusrat, MD
Adair Freeman Parr, MD, JD
Adelaide Robb, MD
Jay Salpekar, MD
Jorge Srabstein, MD
Richard Kaplan, MD
Angela Lee, MD
Richard Levy, MD
Marlet Bazemore, MD
Andrew Matisoff, MD
Brian Brooks, MD, PhD
Willis McGill, MD
Kelly Hutcheson, MD
Lucille A. Mostello, MD
Mohamad Jaafar, MD
Barbara O’Neill, MD
William Madigan, Jr., MD
Thalia Palmer, MD
Marijean Miller, MD
Ramesh Patel, MD
Jonathan Taylormoore, MD
Sophie Pestieau, MD
Zena Quezado, MD
Leila Reduque, MD
Teodoro Reyes, MD
Renee Roberts, MD
Domiciano Jerry Santos, MD
Karen Thomson, MD
Songyos Valairucha, MD
Janelle Vaughns, MD
Susan Verghese, MD
Leila Welborn, MD
Kami Yang, MD
Candice Alfano, PhD
Kimberly Burgess, PhD
Michele Dadson, PhD
Lisa Efron, PhD
Randall Burd, MD
Penny Glass, PhD
Martin Eichelberger, MD
Renette Belizaire, MD
Herbert Berkowitz, MD
Gilliam Brubaker, MD
James Burgin, MD
Jeannie Chang-Pitter, MD
Margaret Delaney, MD
Dinea DeSouza, MD
Ariel Dubelman, MD
Melvin Feldman, MD
Dan Glaser, MD
Art Guarinello, MD
Ellen Hamburger, MD
Robert Hudson, MD
Kathleen Kadow, MD, MPH
Jennifer Kaplan, MD
Carol Ann McHugh, MD
Frank Pedreira, MD
Jill Ann Pellicoro, MD
Nailah Coleman, MD
Judith Ratner, MD
Edward Fink, MD
Laura Roseman, MD
Jeffrey Hanway, MD
Lynne Schoonover, MD
Emily Hattwick, MD, MPH
Stacey Scott- McKinney, MD
Robert Henshaw, MD
Edward Sepe, MD
John Lovejoy, MD
Melvyn Shapiro, MD
Shannon McClure, MD
Susan Shuls-Scarlett, MD
Matthew Oetgen, MD
Kermit Simrel, MD
Laura Tosi, MD
Alan Smith, MD
Suzanne Walters, MD
Eleanor Smith-Khuri, MD
Robert Wilson, MD
Teekie Wagner, MD
Monika Woods, MD
Sukgi Choi, MD
Donna Marschall, PhD
Nicole Monteiro, PhD
Ali Bader, MD
Diego Preciado, MD, PhD
Randi Streisand, PhD
Laurie Conklin, MD
Rahul Shah, MD
Wanda Thompson, PhD
Elizabeth Hart, MD
George Zalzal, MD
Children’s National Medical Center
Lillian Beard, MD
Lisa Rainey, MD
Britlan Malek, PsyD
Laurel Blakemore, MD
Nancy Bauman, MD
Daniel Lewin, PhD
Clarivet Torres, MD
Maria Pena, MD
Jennifer Young, MD
10:49 AM
Page 43
Laura L. Tosi, MD
Ivor Braden Horm, MD, MPH
Mendel Tuchman, MD
Brian Jacobs, MD
Adeline Vanderver, MD
Anjali Jain, MD
Barbara Jantausch, MD
Yewande Johnson, MD
Vittorio Gallo, PhD
Paul Kaplowitz, MD
William D Gaillard, MD, PhD
Associate Director
Max Coppes, MD, PhD, MBA
Anamaris M. Colberg-Poley, PhD
Lawrence J. D’Angelo, MD, MPH
Roberta L. DeBiasi, MD
Amanda Thompson, PhD
Stanlislav Vukmanovic, MD, PhD
Steve Zeichner, MD,PhD
Jeffrey Dome, MD
Eric Hoffman, PhD
Terry Fry, MD
Ljubica Caldovic, PhD
Cynthia Gingalewski, MD
Yi-Wen Chen, DVM,PhD
Lewis Hsu, MD, PhD
Joseph Devaney, PhD
Shana Jacobs, MD
Robert J. Freishtat, MD, MPH
Naynesh R. Kamani, MD
Stanley Fricke, PhD
Stephan Ladisch, MD
Yetrib Hathout, PhD
David Leitenberg, MD, PhD
Richard Kaplan, MD
Kanwal Kher, MD
Terry Kind, MD, MPH
Maria Acosta, MD
Catherine Klein, PhD, RD
Candice A. Alfano, PhD
Karen Simpson Kuehl, MD, MPH
Laura Anthony, PhD
Amy B. Lewin, PsyD
Madison Berl, PhD
Uta Lichter-Konecki, MD
Li-Jin Chew, PhD
Naomi L.C. Luban, MD
Joshua Corbin, PhD
Maureen Lyon, PhD
Gerard Gioia, PhD
Robert J. McCarter, Jr, ScD
Penny Glass, PhD
Edgardo Menvielle, MD, MSHS
Andrea Gropman, MD
Nazrat M. Mirza, MD, ScD
Tarik F. Haydar, PhD
Rachel Y. Moon, MD
Richard A. Jonas, MD
An Nguyen-Massero, MD
Parmajit T. Joshi, MD
Khodayar Rais-Bharami, MD
Lauren Kenworthy, PhD
Natella Y. Rakhmanina, MD
Lauren Krivitzky, PhD
Adelaide S. Robb, MD
Uta Lichter-Konecki, MD
Cynthia R. Ronzio, PhD
Roger J. Packer, MD
Leticia Ryan, MD
Phillip L. Pearl, MD
Xiaoyan Song, PhD
Jay A. Salpekar, MD
Randi Streisand, PhD, CDE
Billie Lou Short, MD
Anupama Tate, DMD
Chandan J. Vaidya, PhD
Jean M. Thomas, MD
Louis-Gilbert Vezina, MD
Susan Thomas Verghese, MD
Hui Xie, MD, PhD
Jichuan Wang, PhD
Irene Zohn, PhD
Edward Wong, MD
Angela Wratney, MD, MHSc
Joseph L. Wright, MD, MPH
Jill G. Joseph, MD, PhD, MPH
Stephen Teach, MD
Associate Director
Pedro Jose, MD, PhD
Associate Director: John Van Den
Anker, MD, PhD
Ines Armando, PhD
Susan Knoblach, PhD
Yihui Liu, PhD
Linda Leatherbury, MD
Claude Abdullah, MD, MSc
Brett J. Loechelt, MD
Robert T. Leshner, MD
Shireen M. Atabaki, MD, MPH
Jeffrey Lukish, MD
Nazrat M. Mirza, MD, ScD
Mark L. Batshaw, MD
Parvathi Mohan, MBBS
Hiroki Morizono, PhD
Stephen Baumgart, MD
Kurt D. Newman, MD
Kanneboyina Nagaraju, PhD
Dana Best, MD, MPH
Evelio Perez-Albuerne, MD, PhD
Terence A. Partridge, PhD
Kathleen Brown, MD
Sasa Radoja, PhD
Maria T. Pena, MD
James M. Chamberlain, MD
Tamara A. Rakusan, MD, PhD
Hans George Pohl, MD
Irene Chatoor, MD
Gregory H. Reaman, MD
Diego Preciado, MD
Avital Cnaan, PhD
Brian R. Rood, MD
Mary Callaghan Rose, PhD
Denice Cora-Bramble, MD, MBA
Anthony Sandler, MD
Jinwook Seo, PhD
Julia Cole Finkel, MD
Nalini Singh, MD, MPH
Dashuang Shi, PhD
Linda Yu-Sing Fu, MD, MSc
Raymond Sze, MD
Christopher Spurney, MD
Raafat S. Hannallah, MD
Laureano Asico, DVM
Crisanto Escano, DVM
Angel Soler-Garcia, PhD
Marina Jerebtsova, PhD
John E. Jones, PhD
Hewang Li, PhD
Annabelle Morano Pascua, DVM, MS
Patricio Ray, MD
Pingtao Tang, MD, PhD
Van Anthony Villar, MD, PhD
Xiaoyan Wang, MD, PhD
Zheng Wang, MD
Peiying Yu, MD
2009 Annual Report
10:50 AM
Page 44
Children’s Health Center
111 Michigan Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20010
Adolescent Health Center
888 Bestgate Road
Suite 320
Annapolis, MD 21401
Good Hope Road
2501 Good Hope Road, SE
Washington, DC 20020
Martin Luther King
3029 Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20032
Shaw (Comp)
2220 11th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001
Adams Morgan (Dorchester House)
1630 Euclid Street, NW
Washington, DC 20009
Children’s Health Center at THEARC
1901 Mississippi Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20020
Children’s Center for Cancer and Blood
Disorders of Northern Virginia
6565 Arlington Boulevard
Suite 200
Falls Church, VA 22042
703-531-DOCS (3627)
5910 Frederick Crossing
First Level
Frederick, MD 21704
Laurel Lakes Corporate Center
13922 Baltimore Avenue
Laurel, MD 20707
Montgomery County
Shady Grove Medical Park
9850 Key West Avenue
Second Floor
Rockville, MD 20850
Northern Virginia
Prosperity Medical Complex
8501 Arlington Boulevard
Second Floor
Fairfax, VA 22301
Children’s National Specialists
of Northern Virginia, LLC
3023 Hamaker Court
Suite 500
Fairfax, VA 22031
Spring Valley
4900 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Suite 320
Washington, DC 20016
Upper Marlboro
Melwood Professional Building
9440 Pennsylvania Avenue
Suite 210
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
Edwin K. Zechman, Jr.
President and Chief Executive Officer
Jacqueline D. Bowens
Executive Vice President and
Chief Government and External Affairs Officer
Pam King Sams
Executive Vice President, Development and
Chief Operating Officer, Children’s Hospital
Corinne Ahrens
Managing Editor
Design Central, Inc.
Silver Spring, MD
Design and Production
HBP, Inc.
Hagerstown, MD
The 2009 Annual Report is published by
Children’s National Medical Center
111 Michigan Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20010-2970
Children’s National Medical Center
Corporate Entities:
Children’s Hospital
Children’s Hospital Foundation
Children’s National Health Network
Children’s National Specialists of Northern
Virginia, LLC
Children’s Pediatricians & Associates
Children’s Research Institute
Children’s School Services
Safe Kids Worldwide
We would like to thank all of the donors,
volunteers, employees, parents, and
children who graciously gave their time
in support of this annual report.
Children’s National Medical Center
10:50 AM
Page C3
As the nation’s children’s hospital, the mission of
Children’s National Medical Center is to excel in
Care, Advocacy, Research, and Education.
We accomplish this through:
• Providing a Quality Healthcare Experience for our
patients and families.
• Improving Health Outcomes for children regionally,
nationally, and internationally.
• Leading the creation of Innovative Solutions to
pediatric health challenges.
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Page C4
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are service marks of Children’s National Medical Center and/or its affiliates.
A member of the Children’s Miracle Network.
Children’s does not discriminate on any grounds prohibited by applicable law, including race, color, religion, age, sex, national
origin or ancestry, sexual orientation, marital status, status as a disabled or Vietnam veteran, or as a qualified disabled individual.