2011 Annual Report - Building Hope in the City


2011 Annual Report - Building Hope in the City
annual report
Our Vision
A vibra n t C h u rc h i n t he
c ity, sha ring t he ho p e o f
C h rist w i t h al l p e o p l e.
Our Values
THE POWER OF GOD – We believe that God has infinite
power to bring hope to urban communities. People who’ve
lived separated from Him and one another because of their
wealth, poverty, culture, past or present can be restored to a
relationship with Him by faith in Jesus.
THE PRIMACY OF THE CHURCH – God’s instrument
for delivering His peace and forgiveness to the city is the
church. We encourage and enable congregations, new and
old, to embrace the city ministry in order to meet people’s
needs, engage culture and society, and effectively connect
people to Jesus.
O u r M is s ion
Restoring the city to G od by
d evel oping a nd link ing people,
communitie s a nd c h u rc hes .
LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT – We are a people- and
leadership-development organization. We invest heavily
in equipping indigenous leaders, especially missionaries,
church planters and community developers, providing
training, resources and support.
CHRISTIAN LAITY – Within the city resides an immense
and passionate engine for Kingdom advancement: Christians.
We facilitate networks of learning, knowledge sharing, prayer
and support among people serving in urban ministry.
COLLABORATION – For the sake of stronger missionary
and community development efforts, we forge new
partnerships, both across the Christian community, as well as
between the church and secular domains in society.
BRIDGING CULTURES – We build linkages between
people of differing cultures as a means of increasing love
for neighbor and enriching the church and society with the
viewpoints, talents and assets of diverse people.
MINISTRY RESEARCH – We serve as a “testing ground” for
new ministry approaches and invest resources in exploring
new and improved means of delivering faith-infused hope to
people, neighborhoods and whole cities.
GENEROSITY – We share our knowledge, successes and
failures with others who have a passion for this work. The
process regularly brings us in contact with others from
across the country. We serve as a hub of information and
learning for these urban ministries.
Building Hope in the City | Annual Report | 3
Mis s i o n and M inist ry Re po rt
201 1 Board
of Directors
To the Building Hope Faithful:
Debra Griest, Chair
Welcome to our first official annual report. We hope
you find the information in this document helpful as
you continue to pray and support Building Hope in the
City. On behalf of the Board and the Staff, I would like
to thank you for the blessing you are to us and to the
many people who are touched by this ministry. You
have changed lives!
As you will see in the pages that follow, 2011 was a great
year for Building Hope. We were able to continue and
expand our ministry due to income increases from
both donors and grant making organizations. This was
truly amazing given the slow economic recovery we’re
experiencing as a society. We can only attribute these
blessings to answered prayer and God’s continued favor.
into over the previous two years. Thank you for allowing
us to maintain a sound financial foundation.
As we look back and forward, we see God’s hand at
work. In 2011, the Board and Staff completed a ten-year
strategic plan, which you will soon be hearing more
about. Some of you will get an insider view of this in the
coming months as we ask for your reaction and feedback
through a formal feasibility study. Please agree to
participate in this, if you are asked, so that we can further
discern the directions in which God is leading us.
Thanks again so much for your ongoing commitment
and support. We take very seriously our job as stewards
of your volunteer time, dollars and prayers.
William Fecht,
Vice Chair
Rebecca Raymer,
Staci Lowell
Phil Neumann
Jon Reitz
Mark Zimmerman
Colin Bell
Pamela Juris
Our blessed financial situation in 2011 allowed us to
recover from two previous years in which our income
did not keep pace with our opportunities for ministry. In
2011, we were able to not only expand in some areas, but
were also able to replenish all the reserves that we tapped
Debra Griest Jeff Johnson
Board Chair Executive Director
Leadership Deve lopme nt
and Church P lanting
Mission: Provide training, mentoring, peer support and resources so that traditional
and emerging non-traditional leaders grow into God’s calling of starting new
churches and ministries throughout the city.
2011 Accomplishments
Westown Church Plant
BHITC partnered with Trinity Lutheran Church to assist in the start of a satellite
congregation of Trinity’s by 2013. Currently, 25+ people gather weekly for small group
Bible studies, and the church plant leaders are expanding relationships with several
domains of society in the Westown neighborhood.
Urban Ministry Leadership Institute
BHITC provided coaching and mentoring services to several pastors of existing
congregations. In May 2011, more than 30 ministry leaders took part in an urban
ministry conference organized by BHITC in Washington, DC.
Since 2007, BHITC has been consulting with a group of churches and leaders about
new urban ministry efforts in Cincinnati. In 2011, the blossoming group began
making plans to incorporate in 2012 as a separate nonprofit, which will be called
Building Hope in the City-Cincinnati.
Building Hope in the City | Annual Report | 5
Re fu g e e a nd I m m i g ra n t
Mi n is t ri e s
Faith-Based Neighborhood
and Community Minis tries
Mission: Meet the social, educational and spiritual needs of refugee and immigrant
communities through a variety of relational-based ministries that build trust between
Christians and non-Christians and enable these people to thrive.
Mission: Effectively address “urban life” issues from the congregational and
neighborhood level with Christ-centered ministries (BHITC’s “Toolbox”) that bring people
into deeper relationship with God and one another.
2011 Accomplishments
2011 Accomplishments
65 adult students served through weekly English instruction and small group mentoring in
learning jobs and life skills, citizenship preparation and understanding American culture.
Urban Issue: Youth Literacy and Academic Achievement
139 school-aged students served at five different church partners (Cleveland and Akron)
that provided free weekly one-on-one tutoring and mentoring with an adult volunteer.
70 refugees (adult and children) were paired by family units with BHITC volunteers, who
encouraged self-sufficiency through mentoring processes that led to continued education
opportunities, higher employment and the launch of a refugee-owned small business enterprise.
42 refugee and immigrant school-aged students served through intensive Summer
Reading Programs.
Six BHITC “New American Cafe” events were held, that provided 110+ refugee and immigrant
adults and children with skills-building lessons.
Urban Issue: Unemployment/Underemployment
Seven urban adults provided with jobs skills courses and personal mentoring on life issues.
60 Arabic-speaking women were served by more than 40 BHITC volunteers through tailored
ministries that include women’s care groups, Bible studies and other activities. In addition,
two large-scale events were held where personal testimonies of faith in Jesus were shared
with 300+ people in combined attendance.
Urban Issue: Financial Literacy
Ten adults completed an eight-week course on the fundamentals of money management
and Christian stewardship.
25 refugees from Burundi, Congo and Rwanda gathered as a Christian community at Trinity,
including for weekly worship services in Swahili and Kirundi.
Urban Issue: Recovery Support
20 adults participated in a weekly, faith-based 12-step ministry.
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Volunteer Training and
Deployment for Urban Mission
Mission: To identify and recruit new volunteers with a passion for urban
ministry, and assist them in determining and developing their God-given
gifts and abilities for His service.
201 1 Financial Ove r v iew
3% Consulting/
Training Income
22% Volunteer/
Special Events
41% Gifts from Individuals
and Organizations
14% Management
and Fundraising
14% Volunteer
Programs and Training
2011 Accomplishments
Volunteers donated 25,636 hours to Building Hope in the City — a value of
more than $560,000!
2011 Income
120 new volunteers incorporated into city ministries.
250 volunteers received additional training in urban ministry, attending
BHITC-led workshops on poverty, cross-cultural awareness, refugee/immigrant
mentoring, teaching English, and tutoring children with special needs.
45 ministry leadership volunteers participated in the vision casting and team
building exercises with BHITC staff and board.
625 volunteers participated in Building Hope’s two annual days of service.
These volunteers blessed the work of 48 different city ministries, churches,
and agencies in Cleveland, Akron, and Massillon. In addition, 70 additional
volunteers, all from outside of Ohio, were brought to Cleveland to serve for
week-long service projects in city mission.
Grants and
Designated Income
2011 Expense
Refugee and
Immigrant Missions
• Revenues increased 22% over the prior year.
• Financial audit completed by Weible & Associates, May 2012.
Urban Mission
Leadership, Church Planting
and Outreach
• $.86 of every dollar was invested in mission and ministry.
• Net assets totaled $263,504 as of December 31, 2011.
• BHITC’s Endowment totaled $12,275 as of December 31, 2011.
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Gifts to Mission and Ministry
Martin & Helen Bicker
Martha Bomba
Mary & Harry Eggert
Helmut & William Eisenloeffel
Paul G. Elbrecht
Alfred Fitz
David Forsythe
Tim Gatzke
Elvera Hess
Virginia Huge
Rev. & Mrs. David Jewel
Lyn Kirst
Charles & Hattie Moyer
Paul & Wilma Markworth
Francis Pieper
Arnold Rathje
John & Sue Rokfalusi
Roland Ruhrkraut
Russell H. Schulte
Ronald F. Tabor
Jeannette Taylor
Carol Toelke
Richard Wagie
Lucia Walker
Arthur & Ruth Ziegler
Mr. & Mrs. William Ziegler
Bethel Lutheran Church Choir
David & Dorothy Domin
Lois & Dorsey Engle
Lesa Hess
David Hessler
Rev. Don King
Daniel Moore
Peter & Bonnie Raquet
James & Patricia Raquet
Carol Schneider
Brian Upton
Akhia Public Relations
Bay Presbyterian Church (Bay Village)
Bethlehem Lutheran Church (Parma)
Cleveland Foundation
Cleveland Lutheran High School Association
Cleveland Lutheran Veterans Club
Commission on Minority Health
Community West Foundation
Concordia Christian Fellowship
Cozza & Steuer
Cross of Christ Lutheran Church (Bloomfield Hills, MI)
East Cuyahoga Chapter,
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Edward & Barbara Bell
Family Foundation
Ernst & Young
Eva L. and Joseph M. Bruening Foundation
Following Christ International
Girl Scouts of NE Ohio Troop 70273
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church (Hudson)
Grace Church (Middleburg Heights)
Grace Lutheran Church (Thompson)
In His Steps Foundation
Jochum-Moll Foundation
King of Kings Lutheran Church
(Cedar Rapids, IA)
Lake-Geauga Chapter
Thrivent Financial
LCMS Foundation, John & Harriet Wiebe Mission Advancement Fund
Lorain County Chapter,
Thrivent Financial
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
Lutheran High School West Class
& Club
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
LWML / Our Redeemer Lutheran Church (Solon)
LWML / Trinity Lutheran Church (Willoughby)
Medina County Chapter,
Thrivent Financial
Messiah Lutheran Church (Fairview Park)
Northwest Cuyahoga County Chapter, Thrivent Financial
Ohio District - Church Extension Fund
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (Medina)
Printing Partners (Lakewood)
RE May
Royal Redeemer Lutheran Church
(North Royalton)
Saint Ignatius High School
Shore Haven Lutheran Church - Endowment Fund (Euclid)
South Cuyahoga Chapter,
Thrivent Financial
St. Colman Catholic Church (Cleveland)
St. John Lutheran Church (Stryker)
St. Mark Lutheran Church (Chesterland)
St. Paul Lutheran Church (Westlake)
St. Philip Lutheran Church (Cleveland)
Summit-Portage Chapter,
Thrivent Financial
The Ellie Fund
The Lubrizol Foundation
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans - Employee Matching Funds
Women of Concordia Lutheran Church (Independence)
Zion Lutheran Church (Akron)
Zion Lutheran Church (Sandusky)
CityLights Donors
"CityLights" are our most generous individual
donors, who gave $500 or more in undesignated
support! Thank you, CityLights, for your leadership!
Donors who appear in bold are CityLights.
Ms. Nadia Abuamsha
Dr. & Mrs. Kevin Aiken
Ms. Patricia Albanese
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Albers
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Albrecht, Sr.
Ms. Emily Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Andrews
Ms. Helen Andrukat
Ms. Margaret Andruscik
Ms. Ruth Eleanor Anselm
Dr. & Mrs. James Arbogast
Mr. & Mrs. David Atkins
Ms. Walaa Ayoub
Ms. Kimberly Bahleda
Mr. John Baker
Rev. & Mrs. Kenneth Ballas
Mr. & Mrs. David Banas
Ms. Marlene Barry
Ms. JaNae’ Bates
Ms. Norma Bean
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Beastrom
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Becker
Dr. & Mrs. David Beckman
Mrs. Jean Beckman
Mr. & Mrs. David Bell
Mr. & Mrs. Colin Bell
Rev. & Mrs. Ronald Bergen
Mr. & Mrs. David K. Berghaus
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Berghaus
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Berghaus
Ms. Marilyn Bernthal
Mr. & Mrs. David Beyersdorf
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Bickel
Mr. & Mrs. John Blackburn
Mrs. Dianne Blackburn
Ms. Lillie Blair
The Bliese Family
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Boerwinkle
Ms. Phyliss Boggs
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bohning
Ms. Mary Bole
Ms. Laura Bomgardner
Ms. Hilda Boone
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Bower
Mr. & Mrs. David Bowers
Ms. Claudia Bowling
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Braatz
Ms. Helen Brabander
Ms. Tina Brandes
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Braun
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Braun
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Brcak, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bremke
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Breznai
Ms. Wendy Brickman
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Brinkmann
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Brown
Mr. & Mrs. David Brueggemann
Rev. & Mrs. Alton Bruning
Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Bruno
Mr. Thomas Buford & Ms. Diane Fedak
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Bullock
Ms. Cynthia Bunge
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Busam
Mr. & Mrs. John Busch
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Buselmeier
Ms. Marla Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Capretto
Ms. Rita Carey
Mr. Blake Beharry & Ms. Darlene Carr
Rev. & Mrs. W. James Case
Mrs. Joan Catalano
Mr. & Mrs. William Chapman
Mr. Ken & Ms. Lauren Chelko
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Christ
Mr. & Mrs. David Cisco
Mr. John Clark & Ms. Debra Griest
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Clark
Mr. Daniel Coleman
Ms. Beverly Costello
Ms. Janice Craig
Mr. & Mrs. James Crytzer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cunningham III
Mr. & Mrs. James Darrow
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Day
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Deatley
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Deau
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher DeVito
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Dillemuth
Mr. & Mrs. Robert DiNardo
Mr. & Mrs. James Ditata
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Dixon
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Dlugoss
Mr. Henry Doll
Mr. & Mrs. David Domin
Dr. & Mrs. Brian Donley
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dowell
Ms. Marilynne Dowling
Ms. Sharon Dragon
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Dress
Ms. Jean Driggs
Ms. Ann Droste
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dudzinsky
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Duesing
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Duffy
Mr. & Mrs. David Dugan
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Duncan, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Duran
Mr. & Mrs. Court Durkalski
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Edwards
Mr. Robert Ehlers
Mrs. Dwight Eigenbrod
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Eigenbrod
Mrs. Helmut Eisenloeffel
Rev. & Mrs. John Eiwen
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Ellsworth
Mr. Arthur Engelmann
Mrs. Margaret Esser-Losik
Ms. Jeanne Evers
Dr. & Mrs. Ehab Farag
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Faust
Mr. & Mrs. William Fecht
Ms. Eleanor Feierabend
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Fidler
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Filus
Ms. Donna Fittro
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fitzpatrick
Mr. Alan Fodor
Mrs. Richard Foote
Mr. David Forni
Ms. Peggy Forni
Mrs. David Forsythe
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Foust
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Fricke
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fristik
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Fronius
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Fuchs
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fulk
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Furr
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gaeta
Mrs. Donna Gahr
Mr. & Mrs. John Gajewski
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Galen
Ms. Meg Garner
Mr. & Mrs. George Gatzke
Ms. Maria Geier
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Gesch
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Geske
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Gibbons
Ms. Bernice Gibson
Ms. Leslie Gicei
Ms. Mary Giese
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Giguere
Ms. Kathryn Gonzalez
Mr. & Mrs. Randolph Graham
Mr. & Mrs. P. James Greig
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gress
Mrs. Norelle Gress
Ms. Jeannette Greve
Mr. & Mrs. Leopold Gross
Mr. John Gruner
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Gusich
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Guzik
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Haines
Ms. Gretchen Hallerberg &
Mr. J. Walton Tomford
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hammond
Building Hope in the City | Annual Report | 11
Ms. Elizabeth Hanak
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Hanley
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Hanson
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffry Hanwell
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Happel
Mr. & Mrs. Lester Happel
Mr. & Mrs. David Hart
Mr. & Mrs. Vern Hartenburg
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Haskell
Mr. & Mrs. Herman Hasselbrack
Ms. Marlene Hatton
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Hazzard II
Ms. Martha Hecock
Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Heidmann
Mr. Charles Heindrichs
Ms. Jennifer Heine
Mr. Gregory Helms
Mrs. Gordon Helms
Ms. Lesa Hess
Mr. & Mrs. David Hessler
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hessler
Rev. & Mrs. James Hicks
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Himmelein
Ms. Gloria Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hollars, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Holub
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Hottle
Ms. Donna Homberg
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hribar
Mr. & Mrs. James Hughes
Ms. Jane Huml
Mr. & Mrs. John Hunger
Mr. & Mrs. William Hunger
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hurst
Mr. Brett Iafigliola
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Ina
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Incandela
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Ingram
MG & KM Jagusch
Mr. David Janetzke
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Janke
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Janmey
Mr. & Mrs. John Jenks
Mrs. Emil Jochum
Mr. & Mrs. John Johnson
Rev. & Mrs. Jeffrey Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Luke Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Juris
Mr. & Mrs. David Allan Just
Mr. & Mrs. James Kaehler
Ms. Lauren Kallie & Mr. Adam Bradley
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Kananian
Ms. Jennifer Kananian
Mrs. Ewald Kane
Mr. & Mrs. Miles Kanning
Mrs. Louise Kates
Mr. & Mrs. John Katzenmeyer
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Keehl
Ms. Lyn Kelley
Ms. Cherise Kent
Rev. & Mrs. Dale Kern
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Kicielinski
Mr. & Mrs. William Killian
Mr. & Mrs. Richard King
Mr. & Mrs. Howard King, Jr.
Mr. Edward Kirst
Mr. & Mrs. James Klann
Ms. Donita Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Klouda
Ms. Deborah Klusak
Mr. & Mrs. William Knaggs
Mr. Stephen Knisely
Mr. & Mrs. W. Douglas Knowles
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Koch
Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Koenig
Ms. Janet Koerwitz
Ms. Karen Koliha
Mr. & Mrs. John Konscak
Dr. Daniel Koplow
Ms. Susan Koshel
Ms. Cara Krach
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kraemer
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Krafft
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Kramer
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Krane
Mr. & Mrs. Regan Krause
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Krause
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Krauss
Mr. & Mrs. H. John Kreinheder
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Kremer
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Kressierer
Mr. Kenneth Krubsack
Mrs. Walter Krubsack
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Krupp
Ms. Doris M. Kruse
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Kuenzer
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Kuhar
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Kunze
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Kvasnicka
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Labus
Mr. Adrian Lammi
Ms. Vanessa Lange
Mr. & Mrs. David Laux
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Lavery
Ms. Tracy Leach
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Lelle
Rev. & Mrs. Ronald LePere
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Lessing
Mrs. Robert Leu
Mrs. Richard Levtzow
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Liese
Ms. Teresa Linehan
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Ling
Mrs. Reidun Livingston
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Long
Mr. Paul Lonsway
Mr. Marcelo Loureiro & Ms. Bernice Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Lowell
Ms. Staci Lowell
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Luecke
Mr. & Mrs. William Lull
Mrs. Barbara Luttner
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Lutton
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Mackay
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Macko
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Maffett
Ms. Jean Malick
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Marinko
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Marlette
Ms. Maureen Marshall
Rev. & Mrs. James Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Matlus
Mr. & Mrs. Gustav May
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Mayfield
Mr. & Mrs. Richard McClain
Mr. & Mrs. Kenrik McConnell
Mr. & Mrs. John McDonnell
Mr. Thomas McGinness &
Ms. Evelyn McGinness
Ms. Jean McIntosh
Mrs. Laurie McKee
Dr. Lawrence & Dr. Sharie McNamee
Dr. & Mrs. Peter Mealwitz
Mr. Roy Meister
Mr. William Meixner
Mr. & Mrs. James Mercer
Mr. & Mrs. Evan Meredith
Mr. & Mrs. Emery Merkle
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Mertz
Mr. & Mrs. Claus Meyer
Mr. Joshua Milburn
Mrs. Lawrence Miller
Mr. Robert Miller
Ms. Ruth Miller
Ms. Susan Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Milroy
Mr. James Miner
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Minnick
Mr. & Mrs. John Minnick
Mr. & Mrs. William Miralia
Ms. Diane Mirola
Rev. & Mrs. Jerry Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Monkiewicz
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Neumann
Rev. & Mrs. Thomas Niermann
Ms. Mary Ellen Nolder
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Norman
Ms. Norma Novak
Mrs. Liza Oaksford
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Ohr
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Olesinski
Ms. Barbie Oliver
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ols
Mr. & Mrs. William Pachinger
Mr. & Mrs. William Paganelli
Ms. Barbara Palmer
Mr. & Mrs. John Pangrace
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Pangrace
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Peters
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Petersen
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Peyton
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Pieper
Mr. & Mrs. John Pieplow
Mrs. Ruthanna Pieplow
Rev. & Mrs. Marion Pierson
Ms. Paula Pietch
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Pietrzyk
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Placko
Ms. Maria Podsiadlo
Mr. & Mrs. John Poffenberger
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Pogue
Ms. Elizabeth Pogue
Mr. David Pohlod
The BHITC Endowment Mission and Ministry
The BHITC Endowment Fund can accept many kinds of gifts, including cash, securities, real estate/
property, IRA and life insurance designations and bequests. Many of these gifts may create income or
a tax deduction for you during your lifetime while also leaving a lasting legacy and witness. Consult
your tax advisor to explore such benefits for you and your family, or call Brian Upton at (216) 281-4673.
Ms. Kathleen Moran
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Morgan
Rev. Ronald Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Morron
Mr. & Mrs. Gilmore Moyer
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Moyer
Mr. Patrick Murray & Ms. Susan Greene
Mr. Newton Muthunayagam &
Ms. Neena Newton
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Myers
Ms. Debra Nelson
Dr. Leslie Netland
Mr. & Mrs. Gunter Neumann
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Panik
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Papatonis
Ms. Kelly Park
Ms. Carol Patz & Mr. Dave Stueve
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Paulus
Ms. Gayle Rusnak Pavlik
Mrs. Albert Pawlisch
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Payne
Ms. Anita Peeples
Mr. Paul Penler
Ms. Lalita Pereira
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Persson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Peters
Rev. & Mrs. George Pohlod
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Pohlod
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Poley
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Ponstingle
Mr. Thomas Popelka
Mr. & Mrs. Klaus Preen
Mr. & Mrs. John Prim
Mr. & Mrs. James Prohaska
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Prokop
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Proper
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Prusinski
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Rader III
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Raquet
Mrs. Arnold Rathje
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ratvasky
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Raymer
Mrs. Elmer Recksiedler
Mr. & Mrs. Eldon Reiboldt
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Reiss
Mrs. Barbara Reitz
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Reitz
Mr. Thomas Reitz
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Repak
Mr. Robert Ress
Mr. Ronald Ristau
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Robards
Mr. Paul Robards
Mr. & Mrs. Dallas Rodgers
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Roe
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Rogers
Ms. Vivian Rokfalusi
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Rollins
Ms. Lana Rook
Mrs. Jane Roth
Ms. Elsie Ruhrkraut
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rummel
Mr. & Mrs. William Ryan II
Mr. Michael Sanders
Ms. Sheri Sanders
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Sardiga
Ms. Dorothea Sauerman
Rev. & Mrs. Michael Saylor
Ms. Lisa Scaccianoce
Mr. Robert Schaefer
Mrs. Jeanette Schaeffer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schanz
Mr. Roger Scheve &
Mr. Russell Cendrowski
Mrs. Bette Schmeling
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Schnabel
Building Hope in the City | Annual Report | 13
Ms. Judith Schneider
Mr. & Mrs. Rodolfo Schneider
Mr. George Schoeffel
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Schoger
Mrs. Jean Schramke
Mr. & Mrs. James Schuerger
Rev. & Mrs. Robert Schuler
Mrs. Patricia Schuller
Ms. Gayle Schulte
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Schultz
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Schuster
Ms. Nancy Schuster &
Mr. David Cimperman
Mrs. Herta Schwaiger
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Schwartz
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Senney, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Sereika
Mr. & Mrs. John Shaw
Mr. & Mrs. John Shellenberger
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sieving
Mr. Jeffrey Simske &
Ms. Heather Vallier
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Sipos
Ms. Susan Sklenicka
Mr. Paul Skoch
Ms. Carol Smith
Ms. Kathryn Smith
Mr. & Mrs. David Snyder
Ms. Emily Sobeck
Rev. & Mrs. Thomas Soltis
Ms. Helen Soucek
Mr. Theodore Specht
Mr. David Starke &
Mrs. Heidi Minnick-Starke
Mr. Alan Steffen
Mr. Scott Stettin & Ms. Meredith Pangrace
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Steinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stoddard
Ms. Jane Stolzenburg
Mr. & Mrs. David Stough
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stover
Ms. Winifred Strnad
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Stroll
Mr. Michael Stuber
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Stuckert
Ms. Paula Jean Stumph
Mr. & Mrs. Method Sulak
Ms. Karen Suttman
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Sutton
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Swanson
Ms. Jan Swetel
Mrs. Ute Swift & Ms. Irene Swift
Mr. Bruce Szczepinski
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Szekely
Ms. Mary Jo Szivan
Mrs. Edna Tabor
Mr. George Taras, Jr. & Ms. Donna Ratliff
Mr. & Mrs. John Tarter
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Taylor
Ms. Sherry Thaler
Rev. & Mrs. Paul Thielo
Ms. Kathleen Thomas
Ms. Diana Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Thompson
Mr. David Tidyman
Mr. & Mrs. George Tomko
Mr. Alfred Tont
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Tornberg
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Trausch
Mr. & Mrs. James Traxler
Ms. Cheryl Trozzo
Mr. & Mrs. Stephan Turnbull
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Uhle
Mr. & Mrs. Brian S. Upton
Ms. Arlene Valderama
Mr. & Mrs. John Vannorsdall
Ms. Terri Vicarel
Rev. & Mrs. Mark Viets
Mr. Stephen Vinciguerra
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Voldrich
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Wadel
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Wadle, Sr.
Mrs. Richard Wagie
Ms. Faith Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Walsh
Ms. Christine Wanchick
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Wank
Mr. & Mrs. James Ward
Mr. Doug Ward & Mrs. Vicky Byers-Ward
Mr. Paul Warren
Ms. Brenda Watkins
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Watkins
Mr. & Mrs. John Watkins
Mr. & Mrs. David Waugh
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Waugh
Rev. & Mrs. Richard Weaver
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Weber
Mr. & Mrs. James Weigelt
Ms. Sherry Weinschreider
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Welker
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wendt
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wentsch
Mr. Brian Wentzel
Mr. & Mrs. Charles White
Ms. Susan Wiedmann &
Mr. Geoffrey Whidden
Ms. Sylvia Wildner
Ms. Judy Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Williamson
Mr. & Mrs. Wendel Willmann
Ms. Kathryn Wilmer
Ms. Barbara Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Wimer
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Winkelbauer
Mrs. Anne Wise
Ms. Anne Wise & Mr. Michael Rubicz
Mr. & Mrs. John Wojslaw
Mrs. Marlene Yacso
Mr. & Mrs. George Yanda
Mrs. Jean Yeigh
Mr. & Mrs. Wayde Yeoman
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Young
Mr. & Mrs. David Zabawski
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Zannoni
Mr. & Mrs. David Zastawny
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Zellmer
Mr. & Mrs. George Zollos
Heroes of Hope are some of our most
passionate supporters! They take it upon
themselves to raise financial and material
support for BHITC on their own. Some
do it by asking others to join them in
giving; others collect needed supplies;
still others organize fundraising events
from among their personal networks of
friends and family. We were blessed by
the following Heroes in 2011.
Mr. & Mrs. James Crytzer
Ms. Lesa Hess
Ms. Karen Wittrock
The students and faculty of
Lutheran High School West
Mr. Bruce Szczepinski
Mr. & Mrs. John McDonnell
Ms. Connie Abood
Dr. & Mrs. Brian Donley
Mr. & Mrs. David Olenik
The students and faculty of
Royal Redeemer Lutheran School
St. Paul Lutheran Church
Messiah Lutheran Church
Building Hope in the City | Annual Report | 15
Building Hope in the City
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