2014 Annual Report - Roper St. Francis Foundation


2014 Annual Report - Roper St. Francis Foundation
Your 2014 Annual Report
Through Giving
Last year marked a significant milestone for Roper St. Francis as we celebrated the Foundation’s 10th
anniversary Roper Xavier Society Donor Appreciation Gala. This special event recognized ten years
of changing moments through giving; a decade of improving patients’ lives through your generosity.
It is my honor and joy to say “thank you.” I am humbled and grateful to know that our donors have
committed over $58 million in gifts and grants since 2005. This annual report outlines some of the ways
your support of the Roper St. Francis Foundation has helped us make every moment matter for the
people we serve.
Donors have been a part of our health system since our very beginning. In fact, Roper Hospital itself
was created with a gift from its namesake, Colonel Thomas Roper, who left an estate gift that enabled
the Medical Society of South Carolina to build the first community hospital in the Carolinas. For over
150 years, your impact on the quality of care we provide has been both felt and seen. You have
provided life-saving minutes on the Roper Rooftop Helipad and a place of peace and comfort in the
Meditation Garden at Bon Secours St. Francis Hospital. With your support, our nationally accredited
Roper Rehabilitation Hospital and Cancer Care programs are giving more life-changing moments to
our patients and their families.
Thank you for helping us create countless moments of healing and hope. The projects and stories you
will read here would not be possible without your commitment to helping us achieve our mission of
healing all people with compassion, faith and excellence.
David L. Dunlap, FACHE
President and Chief Executive Officer
Roper St. Francis
What an exciting year 2014 was for the Roper St. Francis Foundation! As we reflect on a decade of
We would also like to recognize Telfair H. Parker, MD, for his commitment to the
advancing the Roper St. Francis mission through philanthropy, we celebrate the loyalty and dedication
Roper St. Francis Foundation. Dr. Parker is the recipient of the 2014 Roper St. Francis
of our donors, patients and community. With your support, the Roper St. Francis Foundation raised
Foundation Physician Champion Award, sponsored by Lillibridge Healthcare Services,
over $7.6 million in 2014. Thank you for making every moment matter for thousands of people in the
Inc. This prestigious award honors a distinguished physician who champions the
development efforts of the Foundation.
We are also grateful for the support of our wonderful Foundation volunteers, many of whom have
Dr. Parker strongly believes in Roper St. Francis’s mission and has continued his father’s legacy of
worked passionately by our side for the past decade to improve the quality of healthcare in our
exceptional care and service. He has been a member of the Roper Xavier Society for the past seven
community. Your hard work and deep commitment is crucial to our success and growth. You help
years and understands the importance of philanthropy in advancing the healthcare mission of providing
us connect with our community and celebrate the generosity of our donors every year at our Donor
excellent, comprehensive and compassionate care.
Appreciation Gala. Thank you for sharing your time and talents with us.
On behalf of the Roper St. Francis Foundation, thank you to Dr. King, Dr. Parker and all of our generous
We would especially like to recognize two volunteers who have gone above and beyond
donors and volunteers for helping us bring more life-changing moments to our patients and their
in their dedication to Roper St. Francis in 2014. We are honored to recognize Gerry King,
families. You are the Foundation’s firm foundation, and we are deeply grateful.
MD, as the recipient of the 2014 Board Leadership Award sponsored by Haynsworth
Sinkler Boyd, P.A.
Dr. King has been a dedicated member of the Roper St. Francis Foundation Board of Directors since
2005. As a leadership-level donor and member of the Roper Xavier Society, he has served as a catalyst
for others to declare their support for Roper St. Francis. We are grateful for Dr. King and his wife Betty,
Ashley Wieters Redmond
who have graciously hosted several events to introduce community members to the Roper St. Francis
Executive Director
Roper St. Francis Foundation
John B. Holloway, Jr.
2014 Chairman
Roper St. Francis Foundation
Board of Directors
YOUR GIFTS ARE… giving more moments with the ones we love.
“In some health systems you might feel like a number, but at Roper St. Francis I felt like part of a family.
Everyone treated me as though I was their own mother, wife or daughter. Dr. Jeffrey Rose, Dr. Eleanor
Oakman, Dr. Stan Wilson and Dr. Mary Decker all saved my life—and in the most compassionate way, they
truly exemplify the Roper St. Francis mission.
During my cancer journey I was fortunate to have the Roper St. Francis Cancer
Center, with its support groups, writing classes, healing boutique and radiation
therapy, all conveniently located in one place. Knowing those resources were close
to home was very comforting. The support group I attend is like a sisterhood,
not one I ever thought I would belong to, but it’s been a wonderful outlet for
sharing stories of hope and rejoicing for those who are healed. Now one year after
diagnosis, I am cured, and I’m grateful to have the opportunity to enjoy more
time with my husband, children and grandchildren.”
- Mary Slotterback, breast cancer survivor
Roper St. Francis Cancer Care
With your support, Roper St. Francis Cancer Care continues to be a regional leader in exceptional
cancer care. We treat more adults with commonly diagnosed cancers with exceptional outcomes than
anyone else in the Lowcountry. And our charter member partnership with the Levine Cancer Institute,
which treats approximately 14,000 newly diagnosed cancer patients each year, means our patients
now have access to one of the largest cancer care networks, with cutting edge clinical research, in the
We are particularly proud that Foundation donors helped make possible the Donna Fielding Cancer
Wellness Institute, which in 2014 began providing a full range of integrated care dedicated to holistic
YOUR GIFTS ARE… supporting those bravely battling cancer.
“After I lost my sister to melanoma, I wanted to find a way to continue her fight.
I couldn’t give up because she never would have either. I started the Rina Agriss
Blair Foundation in her name to help continue her fight, to give an opportunity
for our family and friends to celebrate her life and to bring awareness about
melanoma to the Charleston community. While Rina was a Roper St. Francis
patient for many years, she would consistently say, ‘I don’t know how others with
melanoma could do this without a support group.’ She was so fortunate to have such a large one.
When we decided to partner with a local hospital, that statement stayed near and dear to my heart.
Assisting patients at Roper St. Francis Cancer Care was the perfect choice.”
– Christina LaFountain, Founder/President, Rina Agriss Blair Foundation
support for cancer patients’ needs—those of mind, body and spirit. This care includes support groups,
yoga classes and a Cancer Wellness Navigator who helped 700 patients and their families in 2014
In 2014, Rina’s 13-year-old daughter Reyla presented a $17,000
navigate the complexities of cancer treatment along with providing emotional support and guidance.
check from the proceeds of their annual Run 4 Rina to Roper St. Francis
Thanks to you, Roper St. Francis Cancer Care will continue to expand their resources to be in the
Cancer Care. We are grateful for their support and together we will
forefront in the fight against cancer. Together we can help give more patients and families the life they
work to honor Rina’s giving spirit by helping cancer patients and
envision—a life with more tomorrows, a life enhanced and touched by generosity.
their families at Roper St. Francis.
YOUR GIFTS ARE… empowering heros.
“On November 6, 2010, my life changed in an instant – I broke my spine in
a motorcycle accident. Fortunately the Center for Spinal Cord Injury gave
me access to the specialized care I needed. Without the Center I would
be lost—they helped me fit into a correct wheelchair and reassert myself
back into the community. Before my accident I was a competitive archer,
and now, after a decade of not holding a bow and arrow, I am able to enjoy
the sport of archery again. Last October, I took home a bronze metal at the
Para Pan American Archery Championship in Argentina. Now I‘m looking
forward to pursuing my goal of qualifying for the 2016 Paralympics in Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil.”
- Ben Thompson
YOUR GIFTS ARE… helping people take steps forward.
Roper Rehabilitation Hospital and Center for Spinal Cord Injury
“After having three surgeries on my legs, Roper Rehabilitation Hospital
Since its inception in 2011, the Center for Spinal Cord Injury has been able to offer the best chance
gave me my life back. When you suddenly loose mobility, you begin to
of recovery for every patient, every time. Your generosity has enabled the Center to serve more than
realize how important your legs are in doing everyday activities like
300 men and women with debilitating injuries from across the state of South Carolina. In 2014 alone,
washing your hair or preparing a meal. I was afraid I’d never have a
82 patients were given life-changing moments through this monthly clinic. Survivors of spinal cord
normal life again. Now, thanks to the wonderful staff and the attentive
injuries have complex rehabilitation needs, and we are grateful that the Center gives patients access to
care I received, I enjoy walking in my neighborhood and spending time
innovative, quality care closer to home.
with my grandchildren again.
Also in 2014, we are delighted to announce that Roper Rehabilitation Hospital received the world’s
highest certification for rehabilitation facilities by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation
Facilities (CARF). Our team of certified Brain Injury and Neuro-Clinical specialists sees some 1,100
patients a year and helps them recover from illness or injuries including stroke, brain injury or spinal
cord injury, aiming to help them reach their highest possible level of independence. Your continued
support means that Roper Rehabilitation Hospital will expand its specialized Wendy and Keith Wellin
Neuro-Stroke Unit, offering our patients the best chance possible for making moments matter,
moments of improved health and better quality of life.
I am grateful that my husband and I have the opportunity to support
Roper St. Francis. I know firsthand how important it is that our
community has a hospital that will be able to take care of me and my
family in the future.”
- Betsy Jones, former Roper Rehab Hospital patient
YOUR GIFTS ARE… providing life-saving technology.
“After our own life-saving experience at Roper St. Francis,
Charlotte and I wanted to give back and say thank you.
Philanthropy gives us an opportunity to leave a mark on
this community, but it works both ways. We are given an
opportunity to feel good about our impact and our financial
support gives Roper St. Francis the ability to excel.
We are delighted to help Roper St. Francis achieve its goal of
providing 3D mammography technology. With the addition
of this innovative technology, Roper St. Francis can continue
to be a leader in this community and in the fight against
breast cancer.”
- Gene and Charlotte Zurlo
YOUR GIFTS ARE… advancing women’s healthcare.
“We are very excited to have the opportunity to provide
3D mammography to women in the Tricounty area. For
the patient, the experience will be almost identical to the
standard mammogram. And for me as an interpreting
radiologist, the new 3D images will increase my ability to
Area of Greatest Need
detect cancer at earlier stages, and equally important, it
Donations designated to the area of greatest need allow Roper St. Francis to fulfill the immediate
will also decrease our call back rate for follow-up images,
needs of its patients, teammates, facilities and community. One such need that your unrestricted gifts
which will lessen anxiety for our patients.
from 2014 helped us meet is enhancing early breast cancer diagnosis. Through your generosity, the
The tomosynthesis technology will be a tremendous
Foundation funded the first 3D Genius with low dose tomosynthesis mammography machines in the
addition to other breast imaging options, including
Lowcountry. This state-of-the-art technology creates a 3D image of the breast, making cancer easier
ultrasound and MRI and we are grateful for the donors
to detect. Now the 25,000 women who choose Roper St. Francis for their mammography and breast
who contributed to making this possible.”
diagnostic services will have the comfort of knowing that our specialists will have the most advanced
breast cancer diagnostic technology available.
Your unrestricted gifts are also enhancing our radiation oncology services through the purchase a of
a new CT Simulator at Roper Hospital. These important investments in technology ensure that our
patients have access to the most advanced resources right here in their local community.
- Amy Bethea, MD, Roper Radiologists, PA
Nursing Scholarships and Education
Roper St. Francis knows that well-trained nurses are vital to the health and safety of our patients. We
are committed to nurturing and assisting nurses as they develop and refine their clinical skills through
continuing education. The Foundation’s Nursing Scholarship Program supports those pursuing an
advanced nursing degree. Through your generosity, the Nursing Scholarship Program was able to
award 55 new nursing scholarships for continuing their education.
YOUR GIFTS ARE… preparing and nurturing the nurses of the future.
“I have worked as an RN for Roper St. Francis for 21 years, and a few years
ago I decided to obtain my Master’s of Science in nursing in order to work in
nursing education. I have always had a special place in my heart for new grads,
and enjoyed mentoring them in the ER more than I ever expected I would. I
feel that it is our professional duty to nurture and encourage the nurses of our
future, but as a single mom, I wouldn’t have had the resources to achieve my
dream. The Nursing Scholarship Program enabled me to complete my MSN,
and I am filled with more joy than ever now doing clinicals with my students.”
- Susan Weick, MSN, RN, Roper Rehabilitation Hospital
GRANTS: Navigating Patients to Care in 2014
Each year, the Foundation applies for and receives grants from governmental agencies, foundations,
non-profit organizations and corporations to fund health and give hope to patients across the
Lowcountry. Grant awards large and small have a profound impact on the lives of patients who benefit
from the services provided by departments across the healthcare system, from newborn hearing
screening grants to funds to help hospice patients at the end of life.
Roper St. Francis’s largest grant programs, the Ryan White Wellness Center and AccessHealth
Tri-county Network, focus on helping enrolled chronically ill and disadvantaged clients get access to
the right care in the right place at the right time.
Peer Mentoring Grant
In 2014, the Ryan White Wellness Center received a nationally competitive Capacity and Development
Grant in the amount of $69,910 from the HIV/AIDS Bureau of the Health Resources and Services
Administration to establish a peer mentoring program. This one-time grant will help establish a
program that strikes at the heart of one of the greatest challenges to stemming the growth of HIV/AIDS
transmission in our area: getting and keeping HIV-positive adults in care.
Led by program director Kimberly Butler Willis and program analyst Aaron O’Brien, the
project will improve the program’s capacity to prevent people living with HIV/AIDS from
falling out of care and to re-engage those who have been lost to care. A team of peer
navigators is being recruited and trained from enrolled clients to work directly with those
most at risk of falling out of care, including newly referred clients. These peer navigators work alongside
medical case management staff to provide non-clinical support during the re-engagement process.
The Ryan White Wellness Center: Removing Barriers for Those Living with HIV/AIDS
“Peer mentoring programs have proven to make a difference in keeping clients in care,”
Thirty years ago, being diagnosed with HIV/AIDS was considered to be a death sentence. Now,
said Aaron O’Brien, a leader in the National Quality Center’s In Care Campaign. “This
thanks to advances in antiviral drugs, care coordination and increased awareness on how to prevent
grant provides the resources for us to bring in nationally recognized facilitators to train
transmission of the virus, HIV/AIDS is considered a chronic rather than terminal condition.
our peer navigators in motivational interviewing, mentoring and engagement skills that
Yet in the Lowcountry and in the state at large, the
incidence of HIV continues to grow: the greater
Charleston metropolitan area ranks 17th in the nation
for incidence per capital of new infections. A recent
Duke University study shows that newly infected
patients living in South Carolina and eight other
southern states are more likely to be diagnosed and
die from HIV and AIDS than patients in other parts of
the country.
In 2014, grant funding through the Foundation helped more than 700 residents of the Lowcountry living
with HIV receive specialized outpatient clinical care, find primary preventative care and maintain stable
housing and financial conditions through the Ryan White Wellness Center.
Federally-sourced funds, including nearly $800,000 in grant awards, help finance the Ryan White
Wellness Center. The program’s doctors, clinicians, case managers, social workers, program analysts
and clinical assistants treat HIV-positive clients holistically, keeping each in HIV-specialized clinical
care while ensuring delivery of supportive services such as housing and utility services, spiritual
counseling and advocacy.
empower patients to take ownership in their care and, most importantly, stay in care.”
AccessHealth Tri-county Network: Providing Access for the Lowcountry’s Uninsured
Funded by grants from The Duke Endowment and Trident United Way, AccessHealth helps adult
uninsured Tri-county residents living at 194% of the Federal Poverty Level who are chronically ill and are
high-utilizers of the Charleston area safety-net system.
In 2014, AccessHealth assisted nearly 2,500 clients in finding access to primary and specialty clinical
care as well as governmental benefits and supportive services such as behavioral health and housing
services, transportation, food, eye exams and preventative and health screenings. Working collectively
with funders, other hospitals and healthcare providers and safety-net organizations, Roper St. Francis
addresses these identified priorities through community-based grant programs.
“AccessHealth was awesome. They changed me….They have been my angels.”
For most of her 30 years, Shekana hasn’t had a primary care doctor. Instead,
she went to the Bon Secours St. Francis Hospital Emergency Room whenever
she had a medical need, even minor ones. After a string of 12 ER visits, an
AccessHealth care navigator helped her enroll in the program, find her “own
doctor” and have painful chronic gallstones removed. Now she has changed the
way she accesses care and trusts her healthcare providers.
Photo Credit: Brad Nettles/Staff, Post & Courier
$1 to
In 2014, the Foundation is proud to have secured more than $4.5 million in grants and grant-related
program income from 18 funding sources that include federal, state and local government agencies,
foundations, associations and corporations to benefit programs in 12 departments across the Roper
St. Francis system.
$10,000 & above
Trident United Way
AccessHealth Tri-county Network
C.R. Bard, Inc.
Berkeley Women’s Health Education & Awareness
Medical University of South Carolina
CBRI ADMET2 Research Project
Medical University of South Carolina
Medical Society of South Carolina
CBRI Innovation Program
Wells Fargo
CBRI Innovation Program
Bon Secours Health System
Employee Health & Hardship Mission Fund
Trident Area Agency on Aging
Lowcountry Senior Center Regional Wellness Program
South Carolina Department of Health &
Environmental Control
Newborn Hearing Screening at Mount Pleasant
South Carolina Department of Health &
Environmental Control
Newborn Hearing Screening at St. Francis
Bridges for End-of-Life
Roper Hospice Patient Assistance Fund
Sisters of Bon Secours
Roper Hospice Patient Assistance Fund
SC Department of Disabilities and
Special Needs
Roper Rehabilitation TBI/SCI CARF Certification Program
Medical Society of South Carolina
Roper St. Francis Physicians Endowment Nursing Scholars
$1 to $9,999
Physician Providers
Ryan White HIV Clinical Provider In-Kind
Health Resources and Services
Administration HIV/AIDS Bureau
Ryan White HIV Early Intervention Services
Ryan White HIV Hope Housing Program
City of Charleston Department of
Housing & Community Development
Ryan White HIV HOPWA Hope Housing Program
Health Resources and Services
Administration HIV/AIDS Bureau
Ryan White HIV Peer Navigation Program
South Carolina Department of Health &
Environmental Control
Ryan White HIV/AIDS Drug Assistance Program
Craig H. Neilsen Foundation
Spinal Cord Injury Closing the Gap in Care Clinic Expansion
Senior Services
Pfizer Medical Education/MUSC
TelASK IVR Inpatient Smoking Cessation Program
USDA/Hampton Regional Medical
Telemedicine Rural Health Hub Site
World Aids Day 2014
Quality & Capital Improvements
Documented Future Planned Gifts
Heart & Vascular Services
Roper Rehabilitation Hospital and
Center for Spinal Cord Injury
Nursing Scholarships & Education
Community & Mission Support
Ryan White HIV Program*
Greatest Need
Home Health & Hospice
Cancer Care
Emergency Services
$10,000 & above
Clinical Biotechnology
Research Institute
Ryan White HIV/AIDS 340B Pharmaceuticals Program
(Grant-related Program Income)
Health Resources and Services
Administration Office of Pharmacy
Women & Children
*does not include HIV pharmacy-related program income
Roper Xavier Society
Mr. and Mrs. J. Patrick Barber
Joseph Caddell
Bart and Cindy Daniel
Drs. Frank and Izabela
Eugene P. Cahalan
Dr. Steve and Charlene Daniel*
Kenny and Marianne
Cas and Karen Danielowski
Dr. and Mrs. Lynn Feldman*
Dr. Susan and Mr. Joy Datta*
Ms. Allison Fennell
Scott and Lesly Davidson*
Mr. and Mrs. G. Scott Fennell
Gary and Jackie Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T.
Named for our founders, Colonel Thomas Roper and Sister Xavier Dunn, the Roper Xavier Society
recognizes those leaders who support the Foundation with an annual gift of $1,000 or more. The Roper
St. Francis Foundation is grateful for the 572 members of the 2014 Roper Xavier Society.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W.
Drs. Lisa and Paul Baron*
Dr. Sy Baron and Gloria
Bob and Mary Barrineau
Chairman’s Circle
Mrs. Karyn Lee
Benefactors’ Circle
$1,000,000 or more
Lillibridge Healthcare
$5,000 to $9,999
Ronald H. Fielding
President’s Circle
$100,000 to $999,999
Mrs. Emmy Lou Anderson
Belimed, Inc.
Karl Storz EndoscopyAmerica
Morrison Healthcare Food
Mr. and Mrs. David Bauhs
D. Todd Detar, MD*
Lonnie and Laurie Carter
LS3P ˚
Susanne and Willis Cantey
Dr. Denise H. Devine and
The Alwyn Berlin Family
Dr. and Mrs. William C.
Mr. and Mrs. James R.
Carnes Crossroads Associates
Mrs. Jaclyn S. Berlinsky
Allen and Mindy Carroll
Publix Super Markets Charities
Ms. Miriam Bernstein
Moore & Van Allen
Charleston Ride For Hope
Dr. and Mrs. Steven Shapiro*
Helen Read Bertrand, MD*
Bob and Glo Novello
Dr. and Mrs. Brian G. Cuddy*
Woodie and Carleen Smith
Dr. Joe and Melissa Bianco*
Ms. Laura J. Celia
Novus Architects
Dr. David and Julie Ellison*
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
John and Judy Bleecker
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Cella
John and Norma Palms Family
Dr. and Mrs. John M. Ernst
Debbie Dingler
Jerry W. Flury
Dr. and Mrs. Walter D.
Emma J. Chambers
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. DiNicola
R. Patrick and Anne Flynn*
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph C.
DKG Media LP
Amy Forren, DO*
Dr. Matt and Amanda Blue*
James E. Warmoth, MD*
Dr. John G.P. and Dr. Barbara
Company, Inc.
Air Methods
Physicians Eyecare Plan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Fisher
Wells Fargo
NBM Construction Company
Mrs. Susan T. Friberg
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Wilson*
Gene and Charlotte Zurlo
Edmund and Janice Puckhaber
Mr. Richard C. Gallier
Dr. and Mrs. G. Fred
Rina Agriss Blair Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. J. Michael
Dixon Hughes Goodman
Pamela and David Dunlap
Dr. and Mrs. William J. Fogle*
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph
Henry and Laurel Greer
Hagemeyer North America
Hinchey, Murray &
Pagliarini, LLC
Mrs. Marilyn Hoffman
HR Allen, Inc.
Huron Healthcare
Wilbur E. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Jordan, Jr.
Kiawah Island Golf Resort
Mrs. Carole Wayne King
(Carol and Leo Fishman)
Casey and Sue Fitts
Drs. Jon and Hayley Carter*
PepsiCo Company
Charles and Joanne Cole
Derrick Jr.*
Susan M. Bennett
Louise B. Clay*
Dr. and Mrs. Fletcher C.
Bennett Hospitality Company
O. L. and Toni Thompson
Mrs. Angela L. Carwile
Piggly Wiggly Carolina
First Citizens Bank and Trust
Mr. D. Grant Carwile and
Herzman-Fishman Foundation
The Boeing Company
Foundation of SC
Mrs. Kay Burner
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Finn
Paul M. Deaton, Jr., MD*
Long’s Drugstore of SC, Inc.
$50,000 to $99,999
Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Bottcher
Clydie and Sumter de Brux
Charles and Mary Page
Mr. Lewis P. Palombo
Tanger Outlets
Angelica Corporation
Brian Carmody
Ms. Renee M. Black
Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Fennell
Anonymous (4)
Bill and Joan Davis
William J. Carroll III, MD*
Fund of Coastal Community
$10,000 to $49,999
Cindi May*
Ms. Melinda Cardell
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Beall
Trustees’ Circle
Directors’ Circle
Drs. Lori and Stephen
Drs. Steven Feingold and
Joseph J. Schott Foundation,
Elizabeth S. Saal, W. Dunne
Mr. and Mrs. Karl V. Green
Saal, Jr., Trustees
Dr. Jeb Hallett and
Share Our Suzy - SOS
Dr. Linda Austin*
Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd, P.A.
The John von Lehe Cast &
Ann and Leo Higdon
Blast Tournament
Linda and Bill Hollingsworth
Trident Construction, LLC
John and Martha Holloway
TRUMPF Medical Systems, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hoover
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson
Bret and Kelly Johnson
Martha and Pat Waters
Mr. and Mrs. Claudius E.
Watts IV
Dr. Pat and Carol Kelly*
Dr. and Mrs. George H.
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald W. King
Young Clement Rivers, LLP
A. Lawrence Lemel, MD*
Anita Zucker, Jonathan M.
Levern and Larry Livingston*
and Laura F. Zucker, Andrea
Mr. and Mrs. James Marianski
Zucker Muzin and Jeffrey M.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan H. Martin
and Jessica G. Zucker
Ms. Carol McGill
Mr. and Mrs. F. Duffield
Mr. Kelly Molony
Susan and Chris Momeier
Audrey and Bill Moody
Society Members
$1,000 to $4,999
Anonymous (7)
Dr. and Mrs. John F. Abess*
Reverend David M. Adams
Dr. and Mrs. Francis W.
Adams Jr.*
Dr. Judd and Lori Adelman*
Dr. Jill Aiken and Mr. Michael
S. Smith II*
Steve Akman and Anita Leonard*
Etoile M. Alexander
J. Robert Alexander Jr., MD*
Ms. Donna Allen
Dr. and Mrs. James C. Allen*
Drs. Lou and Arnie
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C.
Dr. and Mrs. Randal Atkinson*
Mr. and Mrs. Billie F. Attaway Jr.
Jennifer E. Avenel
Mickey and Patti Bagg*
Susan Parsons and Angus
Baker, MD*
Blessing Jr.*
S. Boatwright*
Bon Secours St. Francis
Mr. J. Sidney Boone Jr.
Carter III*
Mr. and Mrs. James A.
Cathcart III
Mr. Ron McNutt*
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Dhein*
Dr. and Mrs. Richard H.
Fitzgerald Jr.*
Rear Admiral and Mrs. James
H. Flatley III
Mark C. Dickson
Mr. Kevin F. Fleming
Dr. Alison E. Dillon and
Rev. Dr. Terence K. Fleming
Mr. Matt Dillon*
Dr. David and Amy Florez*
Andrew and Stacey Dodd
Mr. Jeffrey J. Forte
Dr. and Mrs. Buyng Choi*
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Dodds*
Mr. John Fowler
Elizabeth Christian*
Larry Dodds
Francis Marion Hotel
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Clark
Faith and Doug Dodge
Chris and Karen Fraser
Dr. Anc Clarkson and Dr. M.J.
Jon and Berta Donaldson*
Mary and Richard Garcia
Mrs. Carolyn Donohue
Dr. and Mrs. A. Eugene Geer*
Douglas and Regina Bowling
Mrs. Andrea S. Clements
George W. Douglass, MD*
Mr. Charles C. Geer
Dr. and Mrs. Alex Boyer*
Brenda E. Cleveland, RN
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J.
C. J. Geilfuss, MD*
Dr. Susanne Bradford and
Stu and Jan Cline
Mr. David Martin*
Dr. and Mrs. George F. Geils Jr.*
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Coen
Marc and Kris Dubick
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brams
Tracey J. Cole, MD
Katherine and Michael Duffy
Joan and Bob Breyer
Linda Collins
Dr. and Mrs. Ted A. Dunn*
Ms. Robyn Getsinger
Dr. and Mrs. Theodore E.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Condon
Dr. and Mrs. Hugh D.
Mr. and Mrs. Stan F. Gibson
Judith M. Brock
Wanda J. Brockmeyer
Dr. Christopher and Jessica
Alton G. Brown, Jr., MD*
Eugene G. Brown, MD*
Dr. and Mrs. David Cook*
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T.
Greg and Jenny Edwards
Nancy and Ralph Edwards
Geils Sr.*
Gilead Sciences, Inc.
Drs. Douglas and Kenosha
C. Ronald Coward
Philip L. Edwards
Christopher and Lindsay Glenn
Robby and Kim Cox
Dr. and Mrs. Haskell Ellison*
Dr. and Mrs. Peter D.
Dr. Mary Hart and Dr. Brian
Morris and Deborah Ellison
Glen and Grier Brown
William E. Cramer, MD*
Ms. Carol C. Bryson
Phil and Sandra Creger
Merritt and Eddie Buck
CresCom Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar A. Buck Sr.
Bonita W. Crosby, RN
James and Barbara Buckley
Dr. and Mrs. William B.
Bill and Sharon Buehler
Dr. and Mrs. George Frederick
Crymes Jr.*
Dr. and Mrs. William B.
Ellison Jr.*
Mr. and Mrs. N. Keith
Emge Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. William J.
Robin S. Googe
Dr. and Mrs. John Graham*
Mr. and Mrs. J. Peter Grant
Tab and Melissa Gravlee
MAJ GEN and Mrs. John S.
Grinalds, USMC (RET)
Jan and Manly Eubank
John D. Gross, MD*
Dr. and Mrs. William J.
Dr. and Mrs. Scott Burns*
Dr. and Mrs. William B. Crymes*
Theresa and Tom Evans
Beth and Larry Burtschy
Hutchie and Jerry Cummin
Charlotte and Strait Fairey*
Mrs. Julian T. Buxton Jr.
Philip and Patricia Dalpiaz
Frank and Dorothy Farfone
Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Gudas*
Mr. and Mrs. James T. H.
Dr. David Dalu and Dr. Olivia
Paul and Jessica Farthing
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Gunter
Kathy and Wayne Hall
Clay and Karen Hallmark*
Hall’s Chophouse
Dr. and Mrs. Forrest
Cleave Ham*
Lauren and Christopher
Mrs. Maureen Smith
Drs. Jennifer and Christopher
Kenneth W. Johnstone, MD*
Andrew N. Jones
Dr. Cameron and Michelle
Foundation, Inc.
Hepburn Jr.*
Ms. Penelope Vachon, APRN
Ms. Lynn Adams, RN
Mrs. Judith S. Vane
Sister Mary K. Adamski
Dennis and Margaret O’Brien
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Rieder*
Dr. and Mrs. D. Tod Sokevitz*
Dr. John and Martha Walters*
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Adler
Thomas P. O’Brien, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Rife
Southeastern Freight Lines
Elizabeth Henry Warner
Advanced Health Media
Dr. and Mrs. Troy J. Ockerman*
Ms. Lori R. Roberts
Southern Lumber and
Phillip D. Warr, MD*
Mr. Eric C. Aichele
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Oliverio*
Christopher Robinson, MD,
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander E.
Ms. Kathleen Q. Aiken
Dr. and Mrs. Ram and Ayala
Cathy Hallman Kenner
Dr. and Mrs. George P. Keogh*
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A.
Drs. Jonathan and Amy
Sam and Mitzi Kirshtein
Drs. Richard and Elizabeth
Kline & Family*
Dr. and Mrs. Marc H.
Dr. and Mrs. Gary F. Kuhns*
Delta Pharmacy by H.D. and
Martha B. Lackey
Barbara and John Hildreth*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Charles K.
Ashley McCormick, Novus
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S.
McCoy Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. John J.
Jonathan Oakman*
Mr. Robert P. Olson
Ms. Anna N. W. O’Quinn
Dr. Ed and Karen
Beth M. Stone
Ms. Andrea G. Weathers
Mrs. Sylvia Amaya
Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Allison
Dr. Lynn W. Crymes and
Ms. Ashleigh Anderson
James and Brenda Orcutt*
Dr. and Mrs. W. Stanley
Mr. Randall W. Owen
Mrs. Kelly Pabst
Kathi and Rick McDaniel
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert West
Drs. Rick and Danyel
Mr. and Mrs. Telfair Parker Jr.
Christopher Rose, AIA, ASID
Anne and Doug Surrett
Dr. Janet O. White and Mr.
Dr. and Mrs. Telfair Parker*
Dick and Helen Rose
Judy and Larry Tarleton
Susan and Ned Payne
Dr. and Mrs. Sam Rosen*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C.
Dr. Rebecca L. Payne and Mr.
Barbara and Danny Rowland
Bill and Kathryn McGowan
Michael P. Dussel*
John White*
Means & Alisha and Jamie
Ms. Barbara L. Armstrong
Jonathan and Alexis Wilks
Ms. Juliette Armstrong, RN
Elizabeth and Gardi Willis
Karen M. Arnold, RN
Ron Roy
Michael and Kimberly Taylor
Leah S. Willis, RN
Aspen Advisors, LLC
Peter Tecklenburg
Donna J. Wilson
Mr. James Assid
David and Pennie Peralta
John and Joanne Russ
Ms. Roseann Teckman
Ms. Karen Wilson
Ms. Merribel Ayres
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene D.
Dr. Delinda and Mr. Steve Terry*
Mr. and Mrs. John Winthrop
Mrs. Lorraine C. Backman
Leading Edge Software
Carin and Robert Hosler
Drs. Daniel and Madelene
Limehouse Produce
Ms. Annelle C. Limehouse
Dr. and Mrs. Chris Line*
Dr. and Mrs. Brian M.
Alfredo and Maria Lopez
Lou Holtz Foundation
Lynn and Keith Merrill*
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J.
Michael Mitchell Interiors
Dr. and Mrs. Francis G.
Rutland Jr.*
The Farmington Company
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Witz
Mrs. Suzannah K. Bagwell
Rogan and Dunne Saal
The MacIntosh
Beth Wolf and Mr. Fiorenzo
Ms. Andrea M. Bailey
Mr. Gregory Pfeninger
Maria I. Sample
The Oak Steakhouse
Mr. and Mrs. Alton C.
The Sonny Mevers
Phillips Sr.
Anne and Douglas Sass
LaVonne N. Phillips
Drs. Gene and Julia Saylors*
Dr. Elizabeth Philp
The Doctors Matthew and
Leslie Scarlett*
Mrs. Phyllis P. Miller
Sheila and Bill Prezzano
Richard and Sharon Mills*
Dr. and Mrs. James L. Price Jr.*
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Schabel*
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph F.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J.
Dr. Katherine A. Minnick and
Dr. Frank Karpiel*
Schoderbek Jr.*
Jason, Cathy and Michaela
Kathy and Denny Thomas
Dr. and Mrs. W. Bonner
Mr. and Mrs. Dan A.
Ms. Jeanne E. Ballard
Thomas D. Wooten, Jr., MD*
Ms. Susan E. Ballard
Dr. and Mrs. Paul L. Yantis III*
Ms. Carolyn M. Ballenger
Dr. and Mrs. John W. York*
Ginger Ballentine
Mr. and Mrs. Dieter zur Loye
Mr. and Mrs. James L.
Sean Zyblewski, MD and Sinai
Choi Zyblewski, MD*
*Roper Xavier Society
Physician Members
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Banov
Ms. Suzette Baragona
Jamie L. Baranowski
Jacobo Mintzer, MD, MBA*
William H. Prioleau Jr., MD*
Dr. Del and Linda Schutte*
Dr. and Mrs. C. Kenneth
Kim B. Pugh, MD*
Valerie Ann Scott, MD*
Dick and Susanne Query
Bill and Sarah Settlemyer
Matt and Ashley Severance
Dr. Mary Thornley
Ms. Jeannie Baroutsis
Gerald J. and Donna Shealy*
Joseph J. Tierney, Jr.
Ms. Wanda G. Barrett
Mitchell Jr.*
Mitch and Vivian Mitchell
Dr. and Mrs. H. Edward
Ms. Kristen E. Barfield
Mrs. Cynthia A. Barnett
Dr. and Mrs. Hunter Louis Jr.*
Mr. David L. Mitchell
Daniel and Lisa Quirk
Dr. and Mrs. Brian Ralph*
Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. W.
Dr. Chris and Allyson Moe*
Rapid Deployable Systems, Inc.
Kim Sheldon
Rebecca A. Timmons
Ms. Josephine Y. Basconcillo
Mary Helen Condon Moore
Dr. and Mrs. James Morris
Bob and Beth Shepard
M. Keith Tomlin, MD
Ms. Megan P. Bates
Ellen and David Lucas*
and Jimmy Moore Sr.
Elden P. Sherman, MD*
Town of McClellanville
Ms. Jennifer K. Bawden
Dr. and Mrs. Todd Shuman*
Leah S. Trantham, MD*
Ms. Jeanie R. Baxley
Dr. and Mrs. John A.
BB&T Equipment Finance
Dr. and Mrs. Matt Jenkins*
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Lucas
Edward C. Morrison, MD*
Stephen and Jill Rawe Family*
Dr. Noelle Jennings and Mr.
Ms. Laurie Lybrand-Busby
Karen Moylan
Dr. and Mrs. James T. Rawls*
T. Grange Simons
William R. Muirhead, MD*
Ashley and Mark Redmond
James G. Simpson, MD*
Alexander Jennings Jr.*
Loretta Arms, Rod and Debbie
Dr. and Mrs. Henry C. West*
Goose Creek
William and Bonnie Mello
James and Miriam Leib
Janssen Biotech, Inc.
Ms. Carol S. Anthony
Kathy and Joe Landing
Lisa and John Horvath
Ivester Jr.*
Ms. Lindsay N. Wells
Edwin Pearlstine
Ted and Tricia Legasey
Dr. and Mrs. Julius R.
Frances C. Welch
Wm. Sandy Stuhr
Animal Medical Clinic of
The McNair Group, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Hood
Nancy Strother
John and Mary Sullivan
Dr. and Mrs. John A.
Ms. Jeanne Anderson
Jorge Lagares-Garcia*
Ms. Marie E. Lee
Executives and Suppliers,
Johnny C. Weeks*
Ms. Julie G. Weiss
Pat and Donna Runey
Shanon W. Honney, MD*
Institute of Healthcare
Dr. and Mrs. Edward
Diane Story
Patricia Sturbaum, RN
David and Maemillicent
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Hydrick
Roper Hospital Auxiliary
Julie J. Mendenhall RNC
David and Jane Hummel
Mr. and Dr. Robert T.
Dawn Ludwig
Kathy LaPorte
Greg and Tina Padgett
Mr. Christopher W. Altman
Ms. Tammy B. Altman
Diane and Bruce Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Calvert W.
Wattay Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick O’Neill*
Joan Perry
Peter and Judy Hubbard
Dr. and Mrs. John A. Spratt*
Ms. Gwendlyn Adams
Mary Ellen and Charles Way
Mended Hearts Charleston
Howell Ventures Ltd.
Millwork Corporation
Melanie and Anthony Stith
Vincent and Joanne Lannie
Mr. James Holtzclaw*
Mrs. Irene Smith
Dr. and Mrs. David Robinson*
Dr. and Mrs. Charles S. Hill*
Dr. Priscilla W. Holtzclaw and
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Acanfora
Dr. Billy and Gina Snyder*
Cary and Renee Hickman*
Margaret High
Mr. and Mrs. H. Manning
Dr. Todd and Michelle Snyder*
Adriane and John McAvoy
Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd E.
Charles L. Smith, MD*
Ms. Georganne Ridgill
Lois D. King and James
Henry M. Blackmer
Anonymous (47)
Dr. and Mrs. Jack W. Rhodes*
Jim and Barbara Hayes*
Mr. Frederick J. Heldrich*
Dr. Ron and Patricia Turner*
of Mercy
Dr. Ellie Oakman and Mr.
Mr. Kenneth A. Mattox
Foundation of SC
James S. Tucker, Pharm.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Sloan
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Marino*
Jimmy and Bunny Kerr
Dr. Cynthia M. Heldrich and
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Jones*
Drs. Andrea and James Hawk*
Fund of Coastal Community
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Nistad
N. T. Tsai and Michael Quayle*
Neda and Alan Nussbaum*
Susan and Neel Keenan
The Glasspro-Heinauer Family
Dr. and Mrs. Marc New*
Reed Jr.*
Geoffrey Renk and Lisa
Sisters of Charity of Our Lady
Bruce and Cheryl Manigo
Congressman and Mrs.
Hayne Hipp Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick E.
Greg and Elizabeth Jones
Dr. and Mrs. William S. Kanich*
Dr. and Mrs. J. Chris Hawk III*
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick J.
Republic Reign LLC
Ken and Robin Hanger*
Thomas F. Hartnett
Dr. and Mrs. John C.
Meghan E. Lynch, MD*
Dr. Thomas G. MacDonald*
Sisters of Bon Secours
Beverly and Don Truslow
Ms. Barbara G. Beach
Beam & Associates
Ms. Ellen C. Beckmann
Jane and Chuck Brewer
Charleston Sampler Guild
Ms. Denise Darling
Mr. Tad C. Ensley
Ms. Tammy Gaskins
Mrs. Geraldine I. Guerry
Ms. Renee Hilburn
Pam Beckwith and Judy
Mr. Jake C. Bright
Ms. Peggy Chausse
Ms. Sheila J. Davidson
Mrs. Patricia Enter
Gatch Electrical
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Guerry
Ms. Bobbi Hill
Ms. Vermelle E. Chisolm
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley R. Davis
Ms. Karen Evanosky
Ms. Alison Gulledge
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hill
Ms. Karen Christenberry
Mr. Gary Davis
Ms. Barbara C. Evans
Ms. Juanita S. Gatch, RN
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gunther
Ms. Paige G. Hilton
Ms. Dolly Gault
Ms. Ruth E. Gureley
Mr. Kirk E. Hinders
Mr. and Mrs. William J.
Ms. Gretchen M. Beissel
Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Contractors, Inc.
Ms. Charlene M. Bell
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Brooks
Ms. Terry Clarkin
Ms. Joanne S. Davis
Ms. Patricia A. Evans
Drs. Beall, Beck and Netzler
Ms. Cheryl M. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T.
Joy Davis, RN
Ms. Sylvia F. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Craig R. Gaunya
Ms. Christine Gwinn
Mr. and Mrs. Norman E.
Ms. Jacverelette W. Everett
Mariko S. Geffert
Ms. Chellon N. Habersham
Mr. Michael K. Fabrizio
Ms. Darlene M. George
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W.
Belvedere Elementary School
Faculty and Staff
Lynn Brown, RN
Glenda Brunette, RN
Christie Clerc
Davis Jr.
Ms. Felecia B. Hodges
Kimberly Bennett, RN
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bryan Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary K. Cline
Mr. Richard A. Davis
Mrs. Karen B. Farmer
Ms. Carmen J. Bentz
Ms. Lesley A. Bryan
Coastal Plains Golf Course
Donna S. Dawson
Mr. Michael Farmer
Ms. Edwina Germain
Mr. Curtis Hagfeldt
Ms. Lisa M. Holum
Habersham Properties
Ms. Diane S. Hader
Mr. and Mrs. James Kevin
Ms. Maria A. Berry
Ms. Veronica G. Bryan
Ms. Heather Coble
Ms. Alice D. DeAntonio
Ms. Christy G. Farrell
Ms. Bobbie Jo Bible
Ms. Kimberly F. Bryant
Jessie A. Coccaro
Ms. Nancy Deason
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Farris Sr.
Ms. Nina Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Hagler
Mr. David M. Honour
Ms. Elizabeth S. Giguere
Ms. Courtney B. Hall
Ms. Patricia H. Hopper
Ms. Karen Biggs
Tamara and Steve Bryant
Ms. Norma J. Cole
Martine and Ted Deloach
Ms. Millie Feagin
Mr. and Mrs. John C.
Ms. Tavia E. Buck, RN
Mr. Denzil Coleman
Ms. Martha C. DeLong
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Federle
Mr. Richard E. Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Regis M. Hallisey
Ms. Tabitha Horlback
Ms. Pamela Gillard
Ms. Paula Hamblin
Mr. and Mrs. James E.
Bigham III
Dr. James C. Bishop
Mr. and Mrs. F. Carey Budds
Ms. Josephine Collins
Delta Dental of Missouri
Ms. Monica H. Fichman
Ms. Kathleen A. Bulson
Ms. Kaitlyn P. Collins
Mrs. Miriam B. Deolloqui
Mary H. Fields, RN
Ms. Courtney L. Gilllet
Ms. Carolyn Hamilton
First Baptist Church of
Ms. Jayne T. Gimber
Sureko A. Hamilton
Ms. Judy Hovinga
Ms. Ann E. Bivens
Ms. Lynn W. Buncum
Ms. Rhonda Collis-Yoder
Ms. Kathryn T. Derrick
Ms. Patricia Bivins
Alice M. Bunnell, RN
Mr. and Mrs. Harold S.
Mr. Jack Desjardins
Mr. Myles C. Bland
Ms. Kara E. Burgess
Ms. Linda D. Blanton
Ms. Jackie Burman
Gail E. Connelly, RN
Ms. Bethel Girolama
Mr. Jamie M. Hamric
Ms. Carla G. Howard
Reverend and Mrs. Rob Dewey
Mrs. Helen E. Fischer
Mr. Ron Girotto
Ms. Denise A. Hanak
Ms. Edith Howle and Mr. Rick
Mrs. Linda L. Dewitt
Ms. Kathryn A. Fitts
Ms. Linda M. Givens
The Hanauer Family
Chaplain Jay Glasgow
Ms. Janice M. Hankins
Ms. Karalyn M. Hoyle
Mr. Steven J. Blanton
Ms. Cathleen Burnell
Diane M. Connolly, RN
Ms. Karen B. Dickson
Mrs. Maureen Fitzsimons
Ms. Donna G. Blew
Ms. Julia M. Burns
Mrs. Karen Cook
Mrs. Jacqueline J. Dioses
Mr. Patrick J. Flanagan
Ms. Gwyneth L. Glenn
Ms. Sherry L. Hankins
Ms. Katrina M. Hreha
Ms. Arlene R. Glum
Mr. Joseph Harle
Ms. Jocelyn S. Hubbell
Ms. Marcy Blitch
Ms. Sherrill N. Burns
Mr. Matthew Cook
Mr. Robin A. Dispenza
Mrs. Margaret E. Flores
Reverend and Mrs.
Ms. Deborah L. Bussey
Mrs. Cynthia Cooper
Mr. David B. Dixon
Ms. Jennifer Floyd
Mr. Ernest B. Godsey Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Harmon
Jim and Deb Hudyma
Ms. Stacey Goelz
Ms. Erin Harrison
Ms. Angela Y. Huffman
Richard Blocker
Ms. Nancy E. Butters
Mr. Paul A. Cooper
Ms. Deborah Dolny-Korasick
Mrs. Rosalind C. Floyd
Ms. Dana Blomquist
Ms. Allyn W. Calaman
Ms. Celeste Cornish
Mr. and Mrs. W. Patrick
Ms. Mary I. Foley
Mr. Seth C. Goldwire
Ms. Jarelle P. Harrison
Mr. Bruce Huffman
Ms. Helen Ford
Ms. Julia D. Gore
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Harrop
Ms. Laura Huffman
Ms. Karen M. Dorsey
Ms. Eileen Forsgren
Mr. Darwin Goucher
Ms. Ann Hart
Ms. Tammy M. Huggins
Dr. and Mrs. William H.
Debra R. Graf, RN
Hartnett Realty Company Inc.
Mr. Matthew W. Hulburt
Ms. Charline R. Grafton
Mr. Gary Harvey
Ms. Linda L. Hundley
Mr. David Graham and
Ms. Jayne Harvey
Mr. R. Walter Hundley
Mr. Patrick J. Boehrig
Mrs. Leslie Z. Calcote, RN
Ms. Joanne Cornish
Mr. Michael Boensch
Mrs. Sherry W. Cales
Ms. Anne Costa
Dorn Jr.
Ms. Emily C. Boesner
Ms. Jessica M. Campana
Ms. Kristen M. Coupland
Ms. Rebecca Doscher
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Bohn
Mr. Jeffrey E. Canfield
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crates
Ms. Kymberly Dowd
Ms. Sherry L. Bohne
Ms. Debra Cannon
Ms. Jean Ann Craven
Drayton Hall-National Trust
Ms. Michelle P. Fraser
Mr. William H. Bohne
Mr. Ronald E. Cantrell Jr.
Mr. Earl Crawford
Ms. Siana S. Duckworth
Mr. Michael D. Frayer
Ms. Aileen P. Hatcher
Ms. Susan F. Hurley
Mr. Austin J. Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. William Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Hawk
Linda M. Hutchinson, RN
Ms. Faith L. Freeman
The Granary, LLC
Edward L Hay, MD
Sharon G. Hutchinson, RN
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L.
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Stanko,
Ms. Susan G. Haynes
Leslie E. Hutto
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Justus &
HCCG, Inc.
Ms. Martha L. Hutto
Mrs. Betsy Conner
Ms. Carolyn L. Heath
Ms. Jennifer Hynes
Walter and Beverly Bonner
Ms. Jennifer R. Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bonney
Ms. Jeannette Capps
Ms. Pamela Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent L. Duffy
Ms. Barbara Dugas, RN
Ms. Gail Picard
Mr. William B. Boring
Ms. Lynette D. Carlucci
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Creasy
Ms. Laura E. Dunlap
Mrs. Kimberly F. Borts
Mr. and Mrs. E. R.
Ms. Alicia M. Crosby
Mr. Walter M. Dunlap
Ms. Leigh A. Crosby
Ms. Rebecca G. Dunn
Mrs. Susan Frick
Cru Cafe
Mr. Robert E. Dunn
Gene and Cheryl Frier
Mr. D’Angelo Grant
Ms. Leslie S. Heath
Laura Icard
Mr. Samuel Crum
Ms. Nancy J. Durham
Sharon F. Fries, RN
Ms. Shaniquia Grant
Ms. Ann Hebert
Ilderton Conversion Company
CSX Transportation, Inc.
Forrest P. Dwyer, RN
Ms. Ann C. Fuller
Ms. Janet L. Grantz
Ms. Donna L. Heins
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Fulmer
Ms. Vista A. Grayson
Willemine S. Hennessy, PhD,
Mr. and Mrs. Glen I. Ingram
Ms. Yolanda L. Bostick
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W.
Mr. William E. Boyd
Carmichael Jr.
Ms. Patricia Carney
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Mr. Michael E. Boyer
Ms. Paula H. Carrelli
Ms. Carolyn R. Culberson
Stewart and Sharon Eads
Ms. Karen C. Brabham
Ms. Barbara A. Casayuran, RN
Ms. Joye C. Cumbee
Ms. Mary H. Easterlin
Fulton Five
Marilyn P. Green, RN
Fund for Special Children
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Green
Mrs. Deronda Bradford
Cast Iron Food Truck
Ms. Jennifer L. Cummings
Mr. John Edenfield
The Bradley and Detlefsen
Ms. Halley E. Cella
Ms. Nancy A. Cunniffe
Ms. Marian T. Edens
Mr. and Mrs. Don T.
Mr. Frederick Edgar
Mr. Claude E. Gable
Ms. Kathryn T. Edwards
Ms. Latoya S. Gailliard
Ms. Debra H. Gallagher
Ms. Tana M. Greer
Ms. Jean Bradley
Ms. Nancy L. Chalmers
Mrs. Aleta Chancey
of CCF
Ms. Sarah E. Greene
Mr. and Mrs. James C.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A.
Insight Imaging
Mr. Brandon Jacobs
Mrs. Jenny James
Mr. E. F. Herrington III
Constance H. Jeffcoat, RN
Mrs. Vicky L. Herriott
Mrs. Marilyn Jeffers
George Hertzschuch
Ms. Carolyn Jenkins, LPN
Ms. Eugenia T. Brady
Charleston Pathology, P.A.
Mr. Leonard K. Cuzzell Sr.
Mrs. Linda G. Edwards
Ms. Martha Brailsford
Charleston Pulmonary
Ms. Michelle L. Dallas
Mr. Edward Effler
Fielding and Gally Gallivan
Ms. Edith Gregg
Ms. Emily R. Hickenbottom
Mr. Thomas Jennings
Ms. Amanda E. Dangerfield
Mr. Michael Ehrler
Mr. Richard C. Garbett
Ms. Terri S. Gregory
Ms. Amy B. Hider
Mrs. Bobbie E. Jett
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Daniels
Ms. Shannan Eichelberg
Ms. Adrienne K. Garris
Ms. Julia A. Griffin
Ms. Lynda Higgins
Ms. Deborah Johnson, RN
Ms. Catherine H. Danner
Ms. Crisha N. Eldridge
Miss Heidi Garvin
Mr. Edward Guerry
Ms. Jean B. Hilaire
Ms. Kristy M. Johnson
Ms. Leigh I. Darby
Mr. Mark W. Ellison
Ms. Cathleen Brannigan
Mr. and Mrs. Henry B.
Ms. Mary Pat Brennan
Associates, P.A.
Charleston Rifle Club Ladies
Ms. Pamela Johnson
Mr. James Laurey
Ms. Ida M. Martin
Mrs. Yvonne Mills
Mr. Edward J. O’Brien
Ms. Susan T. Porter
Mrs. Karen Rollins
Ms. Stephanie Singleton
Ms. Shelley Johnson
Ms. Martha J. Lawton
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Osteen Mishoe
Dr. and Mrs. Terrence and
Mr. Brandon A. Poston
Mrs. Glorie A. Romanski
Ms. Caroline Sinkler
Mr. Jamee M. Pounds
Bonnie Ross-Dunn, RN
Ms. Nadezda Sisova
Ms. Elizabeth Ohlandt
Pratt-Thomas Walker, P.A.
Marianne E. Rowland, RN
Ms. Elizabeth Slaybaugh
Ms. Carol Preacher
Ms. Erica Rudd
Sloppy Cow LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde D. Mizzell
Mr. Graham Oleson
Mr. John E. Priesing
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Ruppert
Ms. Jessica F. Smeltzer
Ms. Janice Sakash
Smith Shanafelt, LLC
Dr. Wendell S. Johnson
Mrs. Virginia S. Ledbetter
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Martin
Mrs. Sandra Mitchell
Reverend Amanda Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Lee
Meri Mastrianni, RN
Ms. Ashley M. Mitchum-
Mr. Terrell Jones
Ms. Michelle D. Legare
Mr. and Mrs. James Matthews
Ms. Eleanor Jordan
Ms. Barbara Lesieur, RN
Ms. Elizabeth A. Mawyer
Karen O’Brien
Ms. Laurie M. Josiger
Mr. Nathaniel N. Levine
Laurel Hill Primary School
Ms. Allyson V. Moe
OLGC Women’s Guild
Linda and Wayne Juchatz
Lewis, Babcock and Griffin,
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas S.
Linda M. Moeller, RN
Ms. Debra J. Olin
Ms. Kathryn A. Prouse
Mr. Lloyd Saladino
Kay Smith
Susan and Chris Momeier
Ms. Dorian O’Murray
Ms. Cameesa A. Pyburn
Leslie M. Salkeld
Ms. Rebecca W. Smith
Mr. Rodriguez Y. Monet
Deloris L. Orange, LPN
Ms. Joyce Pyle
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene B.
Ms. Rita Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Chester W.
Mr. John Robert Quarles
Julia Yost Sunday School
Ms. Liza M. Jurey
Mr. Jerry L. Lewis
Ms. Jessica McAnnar
Mr. J. Kaiser
Mr. and Mrs. Kem K. Lewis
Ken McArver
Mr. Jeff Moretz
Mr. Legare C. Kane
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lewis
Ms. Molly A. McBrayer
Ms. Ashley E. Morgan
Samuel Sr.
Sonde I. Smith, RN
Ms. Lisa M. Quimby
Ms. Holly A. Sanders
Starr and Philip Snead
Mr. and Mrs. Eric E.
Mrs. Susan M. Scheeler
Ms. Roberta Sokolitz
The Family of Frances Paulette
The Reverend and Mrs.
Mr. Ronald D. Kanehl
Ms. Isabell Liggins
Ms. Beverly J. Mccarty
Ms. Gail W. Morgan
Ms. Deborah S. Ostrander
Ms. Martha H. Kaye
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D.
Ms. Erin Mccauley
Ms. Mary Jo Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Al Oswald Jr.
Ms. Cynthia B McConnell
Margaret and Dick Morgan
Joe A. Padgett
Mr. Michael B. Ramey
Ms. Charlene N. Mccord
Ms. Gretchen L. Morin
Ms. Lindsey Palmer
Mr. Jefferson R. Ramsey
Eles W. Schmidt, LPN
South Aiken Baptist Church
Ms. Barbara C. Morris
Ms. Patricia M. Palmer
Ms. Juliann C. Rattley
Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Schult
Mr. and Mrs. Hay F. Sparks Jr.
Florence Morris
Pantheon, Inc.
Ms. Leisa M. Rauch
Ms. Christine A. Schultz
Ms. Leah Sparks
Mr. Arthur Ravenel Jr.
Mr. Lester S. Schwartz, Esq.
Ms. Leigh A. Spearman
Mr. and Mrs. William B.
Wynde Limehouse
Mr. Robert L. Kee
Ms. Emmie L. Lindner
Ms. Lydia R. Keener
Dr. Justin Lindquist
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny M.
Frederick S. Sosnowski
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Kegebein
Teresa M. Link, RN
Ms. Allyson McDermott
Mr. Scott Morris
Ms. Nicole Parker
Ms. Cynthia R. Kendrick
Dr. and Mrs. I. Grier Linton Jr.
Mr. James McDonald
Ms. Rose’s
Ms. Aleshia Parrish
Mrs. Alfred E. Rawl Jr.
Ms. Connie Scott
Lucy and Lenny Spears
Mrs. Benny C. Parsons and
Ms. Traci Ray
Ms. Earlene Scott
Ms. Calandra J. Spell
Ms. Lucy F. Kennedy
Mrs. Sandra G. Lipton
Mr. John McDonald
Mr. Peter R. Mugglestone
Ms. Kelly F. Kessler
Ms. Gail S. Litchfield
Ms. Marcela McGeorge
Ms. Reena Mukherjee
Ms. Deborah Reddish
Ms. Joyce R. Scott
Ms. Donna L. Spencer
Ms. Kelly E. Redick
Ms. Paula G. Scott
Ms. Carla P. Spitzer Hughes
Ms. Selena G. Khouri
Mr. Raymond Lloyd
Ms. Jeanne M. Mchugh
Ms. Gretchen A. Muller
Ms. Norine J. Parsons
Kiawah Island Community
Linda Lockamy, RN
Mrs. Teresa McKenzie
Mrs. Helen D. Mullison
Ms. Ashley S. Patrick
Ms. Loretta A. Redwood
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Seabrook
Mr. Dennis B. Spring
Mrs. Myra McLaughlin
Melissa and Brent Munsell
Mr. Dwight Patterson
Mr. Nathan C. Reid
Mr. Brian Seagraves
St. John’s Lutheran Church
Mrs. Rachelle McLees
Ms. Marsha Murray
Mr. Dwight F. Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Rephun
Mr. William D. Self
Ms. Crystal L. Stafford
Ms. Sshune Rhodes
Clayre and Ken Sharrett
Ms. Gaye M. Stahl
Association, Inc.
Ms. Annie Kimbrell
The Lois Hauber Memorial
Lifeline Fund of CCF
Ms. Karen L. Kimm
Ashley Long
Ms. Donna Mclin
Mr. Justin Murrie
Ms. Tracy Patterson, RN
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon King
Ms. Tanya Lott
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J.
Ms. Catherine A. Myers
Ms. Polly C. Peagler
Ms. Yolanda S. Rhodes
Mrs. Charlotte Shaw
Mrs. Elizabeth K. Stamper
Ms. Lois Myers
Calvin and Shirley Peeples &
Wilma W. Rice, RN
Mrs. Michelle Shaw
Stasmayer, Incorporated
Ms. Lynne Rich
Leonard and Dianne Madison
Mr. and Mrs. Eric N. Stech
Ms. Julia Kirk
Ms. Margaret E. Lovein
Ms. Marilyn Knapp
Ms. Kristen H. Loveland
Mrs. Helen K. Knepper
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Low
Mr. William Knight
Lowcountry Radiation
Mr. Charles Knox Sr.
Mr. John K. Krajick
Oncology, PA
Mr. Matthew Lowe
Ms. Janie E. Kramer
Ms. Brenda Lundstrom
Ms. Angela Krouse
Martha E. Lundstrom, RN
Ms. Mary L. Kruger
Dr. and Mrs. Josh Kurtz
Mr. and Mrs. Walter R.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kutz
Ms. Carla W. Lutz
Ms. Patricia J. LaChance
Ms. Teresa S. Lynch
Ms. Sara D. McNeil
Linda A. Nance, RN
Gary and Kim Everett
Stephanie T. Naumann, RN
Ms. Judith S. Peloquin
Mr. Austin D. Richards
Ms. Deborah K. Neapolitan
Laurie and Allen Pendarvis
Ms. Carol B. Richards
Ms. Debra M. Sheldon
Mr. Rick McUmber
Ms. Mitzi D. Neely
Ms. Ruby E. Pennington
Ms. Cheryl Richardson
Ms. Annette Sheppard
Mr. and Mrs. Danny K.
Mrs. Angela S. Neitzel
Ms. Tara W. Pickett
Ms. Janice C. Richardson
The Sherman Agency
Ms. Ellen W. Stevens
Mr. Marion Nelson III
Felicia C. Pierce, RN
Ms. Tiffany E. Richter
Ms. Mary Shockley
Ms. Juanita Stevens
Heather A. Nemeth
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Pike
Ms. Pamela Rickenbaker
Ms. Catherine P. Shoemaker
Ms. Lisa C. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Nesmith
Mrs. Roberta H. Pinckney
Ms. Betty B. Riggs
Ms. Krista T. Shorey
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Nettles
Ms. Lisa B. New
Mrs. Eloise Pingry
The Rihs Family
Ms. Vicki L. Shoup
Ms. Brooke Pinkerton
Mrs. Catherine Risher
Ms. Molly L. Shultz
Ms. Rebecca H. Stokes
Mrs. New, Bill, Terry, Leslie,
Ms. Christine Pinkerton
Ms. Sharyl A. Ritchey
Mrs. Lori Sidelinger
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Stoltz
Mr. and Mrs. Bart A.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Rivers
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C.
Mr. Eric M. Stone
Mr. and Mrs. John E.
Ms. Amy D. Medeiros
Mr. and Mrs. Donald K.
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo
Megna III
Kyle, Christopher and Ryan
and Mrs. Jennie Blackmon
Ms. Michelle K. Steinbrecher
Mr. and Mrs. Mark N.
Ms. Sharon C. Lacy
Ms. Kathryn T. Lynn
Ms. Michelle Mejia
Angus and Cary Lafaye
Ms. Ellen G. Lyttle
Ms. Shayla Melson
Mr. Randall Newell
Ms. Cindy Plavney
Ms. Dawn Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Simmons Jr.
Ms. Heather A. Stone
Mr. and Mrs. William E.
Lynn Roberts
Ms. Jennifer S. Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. H. Donald Stone
Ms. Roffin Roberts
Ms. Juanita W. Simmons
J. Wade Strong, MD
Lake Point Association
Ms. Colette Machnik
Leslie Mercado
Mr. Duncan C. Newkirk Sr.
Mr. Hugh C. Lane Jr.
Ms. Julia Mackey
Ms. Kathy A. Mesclier
Ms. Deborah Newsome
Ms. Faye W. Robbins
Fred and Georgette Stone
Allison A. Lanford
Ms. Melissa A. Magee
Ms. Jeanne C. Meyers
Mr. Tracy R. Nichols
Ms. Lindsay C. Lanker
Mr. and Ms. Gerald J. Malia
Ms. Diana M. Michalic
Ms. Angela L. Nix
Katherine W. Pogorzelski, RN
Mr. Douglas D. Robertson
Ms. Keisha L. Simmons
Ms. Sarah M. Strong
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Poiencot
Mr. Harold H. Robinson Jr.
Mr. Michael K. Simmons
Plyler Jr.
Ms. Sue G. Larimore
Mr. Stephen Malley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Miles
Ms. Norma Norman
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Larkin
Ms. Tracey Manasco
Mr. David D. Miller
Ms. Amanda L. Norris
Ms. Pamela J. Polzin
Bill and Betsy Robinson
Mr. Reginald B. Simmons
Ms. Crystal L. Suarez
Ms. Marilyn Pontius
Mr. John Rodgers
Ms. Rokesha Simmons
Mr. William W. Sullivan
Ms. Alice Larson
Mrs. Betty Jane Manigault
Ms. Elizabeth Miller
Ms. Laura E. Nunn
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald B. Larson
Mr. and Mrs. John Manzi
Mr. Leroy T. Miller
Ms. Margaret Nutt
Ms. Mary F. Poole
Ms. Karen S. Rogers
Mr. William Simmons
Ms. Melainey B. Susong
Miss Lindsey Marschke
Ms. Linda Miller
Mr. Paul Nutt
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Popek
Lydia Rogers, LPN
Mr. Michael D. Sims
Ms. Annette L. Sweeney
Ms. Elizabeth A. Martin
Ms. Tyna L. Miller
Mrs. Cassandra O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip A.
Ten Year Members
In honor of our 10th Anniversary, we are excited to celebrate the loyal donors who have given
generously for the past 10 years.
Pamela and David Dunlap
Kenneth W. Johnstone, MD
Dr. and Mrs. Randal Atkinson
Dr. David and Julie Ellison
Greg and Elizabeth Jones
Drs. Lisa and Paul Baron
Dr. and Mrs. William B.
Mr. and Mrs. John M.
Dr. Joe and Melissa Bianco
Dr. John G.P. and Dr. Barbara
S. Boatwright
Mr. and Mrs. Steven P.
Douglas and Regina Bowling
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar A.
Buck Sr.
Bill and Sharon Buehler
Mr. James R. Sykes
Kelly C. Tapp
Town & Country Golf
Carts, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M.
Mr. Mark Wilson
Ward Sr.
Ms. Nancy Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Guy F. Taylor
Ms. Jennifer Traglia
Ms. Mary A. Ward
Mrs. Susan Wilson
Ms. Luella K. Taylor
Ms. Jessica Trego
Ms. Theresa Ward
Winkler’s Grove Baptist
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Taylor
Ms. Lynn R. Turner
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Ward
Mrs. Patricia Tector
Ms. Michele Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Craig M.
Ms. Nancy Terr
Mr. Frank W. Tuten
Ms. Bridget M. Tetor
Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Tuten
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Warner
Ms. Kelly A. Wise
Texican Natural Gas Company
Mrs. June Ubel
Ms. Daphine D. Warren
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wolff
The Bluerose Cafe
Ms. Karen Washington
Daran and Linda Womack
The Cocktail Club
Ms. Tammy Ulm
Kurt and Joan Wassen
Ms. Chanda Woodard
The Decker Family Fund of
Ms. Melody Underwood
Susan N. Waters, RN
Ms. Vanetia B. Wornick
Mr. Thomas W. Utsey
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl L. Watson
Mr. Francis Wyckoff Jr.
The McNeill Group
Mr. Cliff Utstein
Ms. Janis M. Webb
Ms. Frieda Wynn
The Pines Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Grace Vanderhorst
Ms. Melody M. Weidman
The Saltwater Sports Club
Ms. Mary Beth Vanlerberghe
Ms. Yvonne Welch
The Roper St. Francis
Mr. Dewey Thomas
Ms. Pamela J. Varner
Mr. Trenholm D. Wells
Foundation also extends its
Joey and Carol Thomas
Ms. Linda Victurine
Ms. Brett M. West
appreciation to the sponsors
Ms. Lakesha D. Thomas
Ms. Monique C. Vinagre
Mr. and Mrs. J V. Whetsell
and participants of events
Mr. Michael Thomas
Ms. Lisa F. Vining
Ms. Tressa White
in 2014 that supported the
Ms. Christina M. Thompson
Mrs. Alice F. Vitro
The Whitfield Family
mission of Roper St. Francis.
Mr. John E. Thompson
Ms. Anne D. Wagner
Ms. Lisa D. Thompson
Ms. Amanda M. Wagoner
Ms. Nannette Whitt
Ms. Shannon Thornton
Ms. Jessica J. Walker
Ms. Sandra Wilder
Ms. Jessica E. Thorpe
Ms. Mollianna Walker
Ms. Heather M. Will
Jaime G. Thurmon
Ms. Joanne Walter
Jennifer Willett, PA
Maureen and Jason Tokarczyk
Mr. Ryan Walters
Mrs. Ann E. Williams
Ms. Patricia F. Toole
Ms. Charlene Walthour
Mr. Steven F. Williams
the CCF
Total Comfort Solutions
Charitable Trust
Ms. Donna G. Williamson
Ms. Jane C. Wirszyla
Ms. Diana Wise
Ellison Jr.
Jordan Jr.
Dr. Ed and Karen
Dr. Pat and Carol Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. G. Scott Fennell
Dr. and Mrs. George H.
Mr. and Mrs. George W.
Casey and Sue Fitts
Rear Admiral and Mrs. James
H. Flatley III
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Schabel
Matt and Ashley Severance
Drs. Jonathan and Amy
Drs. Lori and Stephen
Dr. and Mrs. George Frederick
James and Miriam Leib
Lonnie and Laurie Carter
Mr. D. Grant Carwile and Mrs.
Angela L. Carwile
Dr. and Mrs. J. Michael
Dr. and Mrs. William J.
Dr. Jeb Hallett and Dr. Linda
Ron Roy
Lois D. King and James
Sam and Mitzi Kirshtein
Geils Sr.
Roper Hospital Auxiliary
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald W. King
C. J. Geilfuss, MD
Allen and Mindy Carroll
Dr. and Mrs. Jack W. Rhodes
Susan and Neel Keenan
Dr. and Mrs. A. Eugene Geer
Stephen and Jill Rawe Family
Ms. Allison Fennell
Mrs. Julian T. Buxton Jr.
Charles and Mary Page
Charlotte and Strait Fairey
Beth and Larry Burtschy
Dr. and Mrs. James Morris
Dr. and Mrs. Steven Shapiro
Elden P. Sherman, MD
T. Grange Simons
Sisters of Charity of Our Lady
of Mercy
A. Lawrence Lemel, MD
Dr. Billy and Gina Snyder
Lillibridge Healthcare
Dr. and Mrs. D. Tod Sokevitz
Services, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. John A. Spratt
Levern and Larry Livingston
Wm. Sandy Stuhr
Dr. Thomas G. MacDonald
Jason, Cathy and Michaela
Mr. and Mrs. Dan H. Martin
Dr. Chris and Allyson Moe
Kathy and Denny Thomas
Louise B. Clay
Dr. and Mrs. J. Chris Hawk III
Mr. Kelly Molony
O. L. and Toni Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Coen
Jim and Barbara Hayes
Moore & Van Allen
Trident Construction, LLC
Charles and Joanne Cole
Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd, P.A.
Novus Architects
Dr. John and Martha Walters
Dr. and Mrs. William B.
Dr. and Mrs. Charles S. Hill
Neda and Alan Nussbaum
James E. Warmoth, MD
John and Martha Holloway
Greg and Tina Padgett
Martha and Pat Waters
Dr. and Mrs. Brian G. Cuddy
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hoover
PepsiCo Company
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Wilson
Bill and Joan Davis
Dr. and Mrs. Julius R.
David and Pennie Peralta
Dr. and Mrs. G. Fred Worsham
David and Maemillicent
Gene and Charlotte Zurlo
Larry Dodds
Ivester Jr.
Jon and Berta Donaldson
Dr. and Mrs. Matt Jenkins
Marc and Kris Dubick
Bret and Kelly Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph F. Principe
Katherine and Michael Duffy
Wilbur E. Johnson
Edmund and Janice Puckhaber
The Roper St. Francis Foundation gratefully acknowledges the following individuals as Charter and
Many donors give in honor or in memory of a loved one, friend, colleague or caregiver. Tribute gifts in
Legacy Circle members.These generous and visionary friends have made a planned gift to the Roper
2014 were made in honor or memory of the individuals listed below.
St. Francis Foundation to impact the future health of the Lowcountry.
Learn more about honoring a caregiver or loved one through philanthropy at
Steve and Marge Bottcher
Strait and Charlotte Fairey
Judith M. Brock
George and Sandra Fennell
The Estate of Jon Burgin*
Ronald H. Fielding
Susan and Neel Keenan
Bob and Glo Novello
In Honor of a Caregiver
In Honor of
Mrs. Margaret J. Garvin
Mrs. Mary A. Munoz
Julian Thomas Buxton, Jr.,
Richard H. Fitzgerald, MD
Pat and Carol Kelly
Joan Perry
Dr. Angus S. Baker
Ms. Cynthia Bunce
Mrs. Nora L. Geiger
Mrs. Deborah Neal
Lecture Series in Pastoral
Carole Wayne King
Dr. and Mrs. Harold S. Pettit*
Dr. Brett M. Baker
Ms. Halley E. Cella
Mr. John Gervais
Mr. James R. Nesmith
Education Endowment
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A.
Lisa and Danny Quirk
Dr. David M. Ellison
Mr. Charles T. Cole Jr.
Mr. Gilbert M. Gillespie
Mrs. Yvonne H. Oliver
Patricia A. Rabun
Ms. Savannah Bottkol
Mrs. Joanne Cole
Mr. Linwood C. Grady
Mrs. Fay Ozmore
Hall B. and Carolyn Liles
Dr. and Mrs. James M. Ravenel
Ms. Lynn Brown
Ms. Amelia Crain
Mr. Edward J. Green
Dr. Teofil Pacult
Dr. R. L. Livingston and Mr.
Anne Weston Sass
Dr. Troy Bunting
Ms. Amy Crain
Mr. Leonard C. Greenebaum
Ms. Sherry Palombo
Matt and Ashley Severance
Ms. Donna Crolley
Mr. David L. Dunlap
Mrs. Gladys P. Harmon
Mr. Robert Pugh
Dr. Steven and Katharine
Ms. Ashley E. Cunningham
Mr. Harlan Greene
Mr. Raymond Hawes
Mrs. Grace M. Quillian
Ms. Rebecca Dickert
Mr. Francis Gross
M.D. Education Endowment
D. Grant and Angela L.
The Estate of Mary G. and
Paul A. Castillo*
Dr. and Mrs. J. Michael
Mr. and Mrs. Karl V. Green
Mr. and Mrs. John M.
Jordan Jr.
Kirkland Jr.
Mr. William B. Momier*
Audrey and Bill Moody
Joe and Bettye Anne Chambers
Henry and Laurel Greer
Charles and Joanne Cole
Jeb Hallett and Linda Austin
Mr. and Mrs. Dan H. Martin
The Estate of Stephen R.
Dr. and Mrs. J. Chris Hawk III
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Mason
Mr. Daniel E. Heible
Mrs. Helen Race
Jim and Barbara Hayes
Drs. Rick and Danyel McEvoy
Tommy Smith
Dr. Jonathan T. Donaldson
Dr. A. Lawrence Lemel
Mr. Billy L. Hendricks
Ms. Cleopatra Roberts
Ann and Lee Higdon
Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas
O. L. and Toni Thompson
Ms. Danielle Grigioni
Mr. Raymond Lloyd
Mr. Taylor Honour
Mrs. Harriet R. Robinson
Martha and Pat Waters
Ms. Telisa S. Heyward
Mr. Michael Mitchell
Mr. Michael Honour
Mrs. Agnes G. Rogers
Dr. Alison Dillon and Mr.
Matthew Dillon
Dr. Katherine H. Duffy and
John and Martha Holloway
Larry Livingston
Julius and Rebecca Ivester
Daniel Edward Mengedoht, MD
Elizabeth and Gardiner Willis
Mrs. Karen K. Hodge
Mrs. Pennie Peralta
Mr. Theodore L. Hostetter
Mrs. Juanita Rogers
The Honorable Patrick M.
Dr. and Mrs. S. Edward Izard*
Marjorie Merritt
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Wilson
Dr. Shanon W. Honney
Mr. Robert Polite
Mr. Richard Hunt
Mrs. Frances P. Schilling
The Estate of Josephine
Dr. and Mrs. G. Fred Worsham
Mr. Jerry Hurst
Mrs. Ruth B. Stoney
Mr. Samuel Jeffers
Mrs. Mary Sheleby
Mr. and Mrs. Duff Meyercord
Gene and Charlotte Zurlo
Ms. Amy N. Jones
Mr. Clinton Terrell
Mrs. Rosemary Jones
Mrs. Laura N. Shelters
James R. and Ann J. Middleton
Ms. Margaret G. Kinloch
Mrs. Stephanie Tucker
Mr. Norman Joy
Mr. E. R. Shokes
Mr. Robert Kaufman
Mrs. Pansy Simpson
Mr. James Kearney
Mr. Charles R. Smith
Mrs. Anne Kemp
Mrs. Martha J. Smith
Mr. Billy Kent
Ms. Ruth J. Smith
Mr. Daniel King
Mr. Wattie Smith
Ms. Florene W. Kraai
Dr. J. Richard Sosnowski
Mrs. Henrietta Laurey
Mrs. Sheila M. Spung
Dr. Morey J. Lipton
Ms. Muriel Stillman
Mrs. Kathleen O. MacKay
Mrs. Patricia Tenney
Mrs. Winifred I. Marianski
Mr. Leonard C. Thomas
Mr. R. C. Matthews
Mr. Fred Walker
Ms. Jean McCaskill
Mr. Keith S. Wellin
Mr. Elwood McDowell
Mr. Arthur M. Wilcox
Mr. Bobby Mellott
Mrs. Margaret A. Williams
Dina L. Miller
Mrs. Martha C. Williams
Mary Elizabeth, Pete, and
Mr. Zagloul Yacoub
Pamela and David Dunlap
Dr. David and Julie Ellison
Neil Jones*
Ms. Danya M. Jordan
Mengedoht, MD
Ms. Lauren Kolwelter
Ms. Elise Landers
Mrs. Karen A. Lloyd
The Roper St. Francis Foundation would like to recognize those who have reached a milestone in their
commitment to Roper St. Francis through their significant lifetime giving.
Ms. Dana Kennedy
Mrs. Pennie Peralta
Dr. Stephen E. Rawe
Roper Hospice
$1,000,000 or more
The Duke Endowment
Mr. and Mrs. Steven P.
Ronald H. Fielding
The Estate of Jon Burgin
Medical Society of South
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Burner
Harold and Corrine Pettit
Wendy and Keith S. Wellin
Air Methods
Mrs. Emmy Lou Anderson
Anesthesia Associates of
Angelica Corporation
Belimed, Inc.
Berchtold Corporation
Bon Secours Health
System, Inc.
Mr. D. Grant Carwile and Mrs.
Angela L. Carwile
Charleston Pathology, P.A.
Jack and Carole King
Lowcountry Affiliate of Susan
G. Komen for the Cure
Lillibridge Healthcare
Services, Inc.
The Sonny Mevers
Joseph J. Schott Foundation,
Elizabeth S. Saal, W. Dunne
Mrs. Cathy Therrell
Saal, Jr., Trustees
Mr. John Vorlick
Share Our Suzy - SOS
Ms. Orpria L. Walker
Karl Storz Endoscopy-
Dr. Stanley M. Wilson
O. L. and Toni Thompson
Charles and Joanne Cole
Moore & Van Allen
Trident Construction, LLC
Louise B. Clay
Morrison Healthcare Food
Trident United Way
Complete Building
Craig H.Neilsen Foundation
TRUMPF Medical Systems,
Dixon Hughes Goodman
Bob and Glo Novello
Martha and Pat Waters
Mr. and Mrs. George W.
Novus Architects
Wells Fargo
PepsiCo Company
Anita Zucker, Jonathan M.
Gail and Parker Gilbert
Edmund and Janice Puckhaber
and Laura F. Zucker, Andrea
W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc.
Robins & Morton
Zucker Muzin and Jeffrey M.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hoover
Roper Emergency
and Jessica G. Zucker
Physicians, PC
Gene and Charlotte Zurlo
Addie Howell Fund
The Estate of Josephine
Neil Jones
Roper Hospital Auxiliary
Ms. Megan Spencer
In Memory of
Mrs. Elizabeth Anderson
Mrs. Margaret P. Anderson
Mr. James M. Aymond
Ms. Deborah L. Barwick
Mrs. Margaret Bauer
Mr. Matthew Blaylock
Mr. Robert Bright
Mr. Bobby D. Brown
Mr. David Churchill
Mr. James G. Collins
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Cuddy
Mr. Douglas DeLong
Dr. Maier Driver
Ms. Mary Ellen Duffy
Mr. Roy Fry
Mr. Irvin Futeral
Vernon Morgan
Mr. Robert Skipper L. Munn
Mrs. Renee Zepp
Roper St. Francis Foundation 2014 Audited Financial Information
2014 Gift Revenue
2014 Disbursements
Hospital Service Lines
Hospital Service Lines
Indigent Care, Community
Health & Other
Indigent Care, Community
Health & Other
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
$ 7,974,959
Total net assets
Fellows Program
Foundation Staff
John B. Holloway, Jr.,
Allen P. Carroll
Kimberly F. Borts, Chairman
Ashley Wieters Redmond,
David L. Dunlap, FACHE
Shelly Aldret
Ashley Wieters Redmond
Beth Bailey
Matthew J. Severance
Ryan Coker
Steven D. Shapiro, MS,
Charles Cole
$ 7,964,726
Edmund C. Puckhaber,
Steven P. Bottcher
Hospital programs and services
Board of Directors
Charles T. Cole, Jr., Vice
Susanne B. Cantey
$ 5,053,475
Sandra P. Fennell
Stan F. Gibson
Foundation expenses
Total expenditures
Changes in net assets from operations
Net investment activity
Total increase in net assets
$ 1,714,740
$ 6,768,215
$ 1,196,511
$ 1,196,511
$ 2,814,713
Hope Grayson
Karl V. Green
Henry H. Greer
Ann Higdon
John M. Jordan Jr.
Patrick J. Kelly, MD
Gerald W. King, MD
Frank E. Lucas
Dan H. Martin
Joseph C. McDonald
F. D. Meyercord
William A. Moody Jr.
Betsy S. Saal
Matthew R. Sloan
Anne K. Surrett
Toni Thompson
Claudius E. Watts IV
G. Fred Worsham Jr., MD
Eugene J. Zurlo
John Sullivan
Physician Advisory
G. Fred Worsham, Jr., MD,
Lisa Baron, MD
Paul L. Baron, MD
Bill Carter, MD
Brian G. Cuddy, MD
Alison E. Dillon, MD
David M. Ellison, MD
David Grubbs
PollyBeth Hawk
Robert Hawk
Carole King
Ken McArver
Bryan Paylor
Heather Saal
Vitre Stephens
Executive Director
Allison Lanford, Executive
Assistant and Office
Halley Cella, Director of
Annual Giving
Lauren Johnson, Director of
Major Gifts
Anne Weston Sass, Director of
Annette Sheppard, Finance
and Database Administrator
Maureen Tokarczyk,
Development Specialist
Lindsay Wells, Director of
Major Gifts
F. Strait Fairey, MD
The Foundation wishes to
J. Michael Grayson, MD
acknowledge Susan Keenan
John W. Hallett Jr., MD
and Danya Jordan, former staff
J. Chris Hawk III, MD
members, for their contributions
Patrick J. Kelly, MD
to the Foundation’s success in
Robert B.W. Lowery, MD
Telfair H. Parker, MD
Stephen E. Rawe, MD
Matthew D. Scarlett, MD
Steven D. Shapiro, MS,
Stanley M. Wilson, MD
Continue supporting Roper St. Francis by visiting www.rsfhfoundation.org. Large or small, gifts make
every moment matter for our patients and the community we serve.
Donors who advanced the Roper St. Francis mission through philanthropy
Individuals and organizations who joined the Roper Xavier Society
10 year Consecutive Roper Xavier Society Members
Number of patients that received comfort and reassurance by the Wellness
Navigator in the Donna Fielding Cancer Wellness Institute
Minutes saved using the rooftop helipad, funded 100% through philanthropy
Total flights to the rooftop helipad
Nurses who benefited from donor-funded scholarships
Number of programs enhanced through philanthropy
Contributions to Roper St. Francis Foundation in 2014
$7.6 million
Number of HIV clients that received care
Number of spinal cord injury patients that received care
Roper St. Francis is the South Carolina Lowcountry’s only private, not-for-profit healthcare system.
Our healthcare system consists of more than 90 facilities across seven counties. With more than 5,200
employees, Roper St. Francis is one of Charleston’s largest non-governmental, private employers. Its
medical staff of more than 800 physicians represents every specialty.
125 Doughty Street, Suite 790 I Charleston, SC 29403
(843) 720-1205 P (843) 724-2820 F