consumers` product recommendations insights through social
consumers` product recommendations insights through social
SOCIAL SOLUTIONS CONSUMERS’ PRODUCT RECOMMENDATIONS INSIGHTS THROUGH SOCIAL NETWORKS IN LATIN AMERICA What we wanted to know: What we did: Where do Latin American consumers go for products and brand recommendations before making a big purchase? How about before making a smaller purchase? What social networks do they use to ask questions about products or brands? Our investigation covered 9 Latin American markets and hundreds of participants who voluntarily filled out an MSN Survey with specific questions on how they go about getting products recommendations, what social networks they use to get this information and how this shapes their purchase decision based on more or less expensive product recommendations. What we learned: Despite the rise of social networks and common believe or apparent perception that a great amount of information we receive from products and brands is through these social networks, ‘In person recommendations’ and ‘Product review websites’ still dominate the product recommendation space in Latin America. The fact that consumers look for recommendations on a more or less expensive product didn’t make that big of a difference. Although obviously the more expensive the product the more consumers go for ‘In person recommendations’ and ‘Products review websites’. The online service consumers used the most to discuss products recommendations is ‘Email’. ‘MSN Messenger’ comes in second and ‘Facebook’ is a far third. MSN SURVEY RECOMMENDATIONS BEFORE PURCHASING A PRODUCT Research Objective To understand Latin American consumers’ behavior and conversations about product recommendations and brands before making a purchase. Markets Covered & Survey Timeframe Markets Argentina Brazil Chile Columbia Latin America Mexico Peru Venezuela Base Data collection period: : 12th Dec11 to 4th Jan 2012. 34 156 4 36 28 51 9 6 Methodology Web based online interviews were conducted. The survey was published on MSN Homepages of 9 LATAM markets. Key Information Areas Source of recommendation before purchase of expensive/moderately expensive/less expensive product. Online service primarily used to discuss purchase of expensive/moderately expensive/less expensive product with friends and family. MSN SURVEY RECOMMENDATIONS BEFORE PURCHASING A PRODUCT Source of Product Recommendation Across LATAM 57% ‘IN PERSON’ 60 percentage of recommendations across three product types 50 ‘In Person’ recommendations are the first source of recommendations - across the three product types (expensive, moderately expensive and less expensive products) is high. ‘In Person’ is significantly higher for expensive products compared to the other two types of products in Brazil. 57% 40 30 31% 31% ‘PRODUCT REVIEW WEBSITES’ 20 10 15% 0 12% ‘Product review websites’ is the second main source of recommendations. ‘Product review websites’ is significantly higher in Brazil and Mexico. 15% ‘OVER THE PHONE’ In third place is ‘Over The Phone’. Types of recommendations 12%* ‘MSN MESSENGER’ & ‘FACEBOOK’ ‘MSN Messenger’ & ‘Facebook’ closely following together at 12% MSN Messenger Younger audience (between ’22-35’ years) getting recommendation from ‘MSN Messenger’ AND using MSN Messenger as their main online service to discuss these recommendations for expensive products is significantly higher than older population (between 46-55 years) (33% vs 15%). *Avg 12% before purchasing all three types of products. LATAM MARKETS JANUARY 2012 Online Service for Discussion of Product Recommendation Across LATAM ‘Email’ is the primarily used online service to discuss purchase of the three product types (expensive, moderately expensive and less expensive products). 21% ‘MSN MESSENGER’ ‘MSN Messenger’ is the second main online service used to discuss purchase of the three product types (especially in Brazil). 17% FACEBOOK Facebook comes in third at 17% percentage of online service to discuss purchase of three product types 26% ‘EMAIL’ 30 20 26% 21% 17% 10 0 Online Service Mexico is the exception Mexico is the exception where ‘MSN Messenger’ and ‘Facebook’ are the primary online services used to discuss purchase of the three product types when compared to ‘Email’ (Avg 24% each respectively vs Avg 17% ‘Email’). 24% This document is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY. © 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft and Windows Live Messenger are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.