Program booklet -


Program booklet -
Program 29th and 30th November 2011
Water management tour in The Netherlands
for Mr. Hristo Stankov - Director of Division "Water utilities with state owned equity shares", ministry of Regional
Development and Public Works of Bulgaria and a delegation of public officers and representatives of Bulgarian
water companies
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Organized by Marnix de Vriend of Aquae Nijmegen (
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
 Mr. Hristo Stankov - Director of Division "Water utilities with state owned equity shares", ministry of Regional Development and Public Works
of Bulgaria
 Mr. Yavor Dimov Dimitrov, consultant;
 Mr. Todor Ivanov Kuncev, TBS consultant;
 Mr. Stoyan Yordanov Radev;
 Mr. Vladimir Georgiev Vasilev;
 Mr. Emil Stefanov Inkov;
 Mr. Georgi Stoyanov Georgiev;
 Mr. Valentin Nikolov Vasilev;
 Mr. Asen Avramov Avramov;
 Mr. Petar Dimitrov Mitev;
 Mr. Bozhidar Yordanov Spasov;
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
 Mr. Mitko Nikolaev Spasov;
 Mrs. Iskra Toteva Zlatanova;
 Mrs. Penka Markova Trendafilova;
 Mrs. Emiliya Atanasova Bozhinova;
 Mr. Todor Iliev Gikinski;
 Mr. Georgi Vladimirov Vladov;
 Mr. Ognyan Georgiev Devedzhiev
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
The Netherlands
 Mr. Ir. Mark van Eekeren, Senior consultant water at Royal Haskoning Nijmegen;
 Mr. Dr. Ir. Tjeerd Blauw, Coördinator at Province of Zeeland;
 Ir. Hans Dekker, director DN Urbland;
 Mr. Ir. Arjen Frentz, VEWIN (Association for drinking water companies in the Netherlands);
 Mr. Ir. Paul Oostdam, director projects at Delfluent Services;
 Mr. Rob Noordhuizen, manager pump stations Pouderoyen and Brakel at drinkwater company Dunea;
 Mr. Jos Geluk, Communication officer Neeltje Jans, Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment;
 Mrs. Ien Stijns, Director Loevestein Castle and museum;
 Drs. Rob Uyterlinde, project manager National Water Policy document, Dutch Ass. of Regional Water Authorities;
 Mr. Ing. Ger de Vrieze, project manager Dyke replacement Munnikenland, Waterboard Rivierenland;
 Mr. drs. Marnix de Vriend, Director Aquae, President Bifae, Senior consultant Royal Haskoning.
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Sites en route
: first day 29th November
Amsterdam (Inntel hotel) –
Hoek van Holland
(Maeslantbarrier) – Brakel
(DWTP) and Loevestein
castle/ Woudrichem
(restaurant) - Amsterdam
: second day 30th
Harnaschpolder WWTP
The Hague
Eastern Scheldt Barrier
DWTP Brakel and
Loevestein castle
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Amsterdam – Neeltje Jans
(Eastern Scheldt strom surge
barrier) – Delft
(Harnaschpolder WWTP) –
The Hague (Office
Association Regional Water
authorities, restaurant) Amsterdam
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
TUESDAY 29TH November 2011
10.00 – 10.30 General introduction on Dutch water management issues confronting climate change in the (south)western part of the Netherlands and explanation
on the excursion program in lobby of Inntel Hotel Amsterdam by Marnix de Vriend, your host;
10.35 – 11.30 Bustrip to Maeslantbarrier near Rotterdam/ Hoek van Holland
11.30 – 13.45 Visit (inside and outside) with expert guide of ministry of Infrastructure and The Environment to the famous Maeslantbarrier, the final part of Delta
works (completed 1997), designed to protect a million people from flooding, demonstration of closure in scale-model at Keringhuis (visitor’s centre), simple lunch
with soup, sandwiches and drinks in restaurant at place
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
14.05 - 14.55: Boat trip by with fast ferry “De Nieuwe Prins” to Landtong, Maasvlakte and to Hoek van Holland through the western part of Rotterdam Harbor with documentation
and explanation on development of Europe’s biggest harbor by Marnix de Vriend;
14.55 – 15.45 Bus trip from Hoek van Holland to Pouderoyen/ Brakel/ Loevestein to pump stations (DWTP) of Dunea;
15.45 – 16.30 Short visit Pump station and micro strainers of Dunea at Pouderoyen and explanations at High pump station in Brakel both by Mr. Rob Noordhuizen
of Dunea, drinking water company who will stay with us the rest of the evening including dinner;
16.40 – 17.40 Reception by director Ien Stijns in Schotse Kamer of medieval castle of Loevestein. Two short presentations: “Room for the River at Munnikenland/
Loevestein” by Ger de Vrieze of Waterboard Rivierenland (20 minutes) and ”Past, present and future challenges for intelligent drink water supply in the
Netherlands” by Marc van Eekeren, former senior from Vitens, now working as senior consultant at Royal Haskoning Nijmegen (20 minutes) and some time
questions/ discussion also at dinner where speakers stay;
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
17.45 – 17.50 Riverferry will take us over to village of Woudrichem where we will dine privately in the exclusive medieval “Gevangenenpoort (Tower of prisoners) Restaurant”
enjoying some live Balkan music by Mile Lukic;
19.30 Bus will take you back in about 1 hour to Inntel hotel in Amsterdam.
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
WEDNESDAY 30TH November 2011
09.45 – 11.25 Bus trip from Amsterdam Inntel Hotel to the artificial island of Neeltje Jans, passing Rotterdam as well as several dams and sluices
all being part of the famous Deltaworks with explanations en route by Marnix de Vriend.
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
11.30 – 13.00 Neeltje Jans, Topshuis (Storm surge barrier of the Eastern Scheldt), reception by Rijkswaterstaat repr. Mr. Jos Geluk,
simple lunch with sandwiches and drinks, personal tour and explanation barrier, movie (Delta final) and presentation by Mr. Dr. Ir.
Tjeerd Blauw, coordinator development of Province of Zeeland “Adverse effect/ challenges as a result of the Delta works”;
13.00 – 14.05 Bustrip to WWTP Harnaschpolder close to Delft south of The Hague;
14.05 – 15,30 Coffee and explanation on site of huge and innovative WWTP Harnaschpolder by Ir. Paul Oostdam, director projects
at Delfluent Services, managing the WWTP;
15.30 – 15.45 Bustrip to the Hague passing the Hofvijver with premises Dutch government and parliament (see page 4);
15.45 – 17.35 The Hague, office Dutch Association of Regional Water Authorities (Unie van Waterschappen) that promotes the
interests of Dutch water boards at (inter)national level. Reception by representitive of the Association of Regional Water Authorities
(UvW), Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment and VEWIN, the Association for drinking water companies in the Netherlands;
Short introduction on water governance in Bulgaria by Yavor Dimitrov, consultant. Three 20’ presentations by UvW (by Drs. Rob
Uijterlinde, former program manager international, innovation and governance, now project manager for the National Water Policy
document), VEWIN (by Ir. Arjen Frentz) and a combination of Ir. Hans Dekker (Director DN Urbland, The Hague) and Marnix de
Vriend (Director Aquae Nijmegen) on “Delta Holland in times of Climate Change”. Time for discussions also during drink offered by
Dutch Association of Regional Water Authorities and during diner at restaurant;
17.40 – 19.15 Dinner in Restaurant Oker, Denneweg 77, the Hague with speakers and representatives of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and
the Environment in The Hague and bus trip back to Intel hotel in Amsterdam (outside period with traffic jams).
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Aquae Excursions Nijmegen
Aquaexcursions offers you a unique insight in Dutch and/ or British water management and climate change expertise. Marnix de Vriend, senior
consultant, is your personal host. You can come alone or with a group (max. 30 pp). You can choose from a 1 to 4 day tailor suit program.
Thorough preparation, expert guide, transport, hotel, beverage and a cultural performance are all inclusive. You will be offered a mixture of lectures
from outstanding experts and visit real-life projects on site. The Dutch Delta works, Dyke replacements (Room for the River Program), Weak Links
approach in coastal defense, TE2100 in London can all be included. Marnix is involved as manager/consultant in most of these projects.
Bifae Cameroon and Cultural Program
A fixed percentage (10%) of all payments to Aquae is transferred to the Bifae foundation, supporting a community development project at Shisong, NW
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Cameroon (mixed farm and four primary schools). See
Between lectures and site visits one performance by local artists is included. Contents vary and will remain a surprise.
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
DN Urbland
DN Urbland was founded to make a difference in
Management and staff are inspired to get the
utmost out of themselves and their products.
Serving the client. Loyal but critical. We visualize
concept and plans for long and short term
development, infrastructure, city- and village
planning, landscaping, spatial quality, public
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
space, quays, Room for the River projects,
Sustainable urban drainage, etcetera. Partners:
Hans Dekker & Marja Nevalainen.
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Dunea (visit to Pumpstations in Brakel and Pouderoyen)
Dunea stands for drinking water and nature conservancy. The Dunea name is your guarantee for the excellent
and efficient production and supply of drinking water that ranks amongst the world’s best, 24 hours a day and with the least possible service
disruption. The dunes between Monster and Katwijk are crucial for the purification and production process. That’s why we ensure the best possible
nature conservation in the Solleveld, Meijendel and Berkheide dunes.
Dunea produces good and reliable drinking water to 1,2 miljon clients in the western part of the Province of South-Holland. Annualy we have 1 million
tourists in our dunes between Monster en Katwijk. We combine managing nature and protecting drinking water storage since 135 years. Reliable
drinking water, peace and the environment determine the quality of life. We are always looking for (new) sollutions and possibilities for drinking water
and nature.
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Delfluent Services (WWTP Harnaschpolder, Delft)
Delfluent Services BV, sub-contractor of Delfluent BV (Shareholders: Veolia Water and Evides Industriewater) for a period of 30 years has the
responsibility for the management and the maintenance of WWTP Harnaschpolder as well as the management of the transport system and pumping
stations. In the Harnaschpolder in Midden-Delfland, bordering Rijswijk/Delft, Delfluent has designed and constructed one of Europe’s largest a waste
water treatment plant (WTTP) for Delfland Water Board. A classical and environmentally-friendly plant with a max. capacity of 35,800 m3 of water
per hour. This allows the need of 1.3 million inhabitants to be met. Inconvenience for people living in the surrounding area is limited since the waster
water treatment plant is surrounded by a wide architect-designed green strip for camouflage and a recreational function, with attention being given to
archaeological finds discovered on the site, a walking route and a viewpoint with ‘windows’ towards the waste water treatment plant. The plant was
opened by crown prince William of Orange in 2007.
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Keerhuis (visitors center) Maeslant Barrier
The Maeslant storm surge barrier (1991- 1997) marks the completion of the Delta Works. It is the result of a competition in which construction
companies were asked to come up with a feasible and relatively cheap alternative for a 30 years job of reinforcing 50 km’s of dikes and disruption in
several historic town centers, which would have costed 660 M€. The winning plan with two large floating gates did not block the shipping route,
construction could take place under dry conditions and maintenance of it’s vital parts could be done in the dry docks. The actual barrier was built for
450 M€ and consists of two 22m high and 210m long steel gates and 237m long steel arms each as high as and weighing two times more than the
Eiffel Tower. A ball shaped joint of 10m and 680 tons made in the Czech republic at Škoda Works works like a human shoulder and gives the gate
the opportunity to move freely under the influences of water, wind and waves.
A working 1:250 scale version of the barrier can be seen in visitors centre het Keringhuis next to the Maeslantkering.
The barrier is connected to a self-operating computer system linked to weather and sea level data and closes automatically when a storm surge of 3
meters above normal sea level is anticipated in Rotterdam. This occurs once every ten years or with climate change every 5 years. Beside annual
test closures the barrier was actually used for the first time on November 8th 2007 (see picture). As the barriers in Hartelkanaal and Eastern Scheldt
were also closed at that event the entire Dutch coast was protected against flooding for the first time. The closing procedure of the Maeslantkering
started at 23.10h. The barrier was completely closed at 01.00h and was reopened on 9 November around 18.00h.
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Loevestein Castle, Brakel
Opposite the village of Woudrichem, where the rivers Maas and Waal meet Loevestein Castle (“stein” = stone house of “Loef”) was built between 1357
and 1368 by Dirk Loef van Horne, who was then Lord of Altena, vassal to the Count of Holland. Owning the castle included the right to charge tolls
from passing ships. In 1385 regent Albrecht van Beieren took over possession of the castle. Jacoba van
Beieren started using the castle as a prison for political opponents. In 1570 during the abolition war with Spain
eight Calvinist rebels disguised as monks, managed to get into the castle and shoot the keeper but the
Spanish army recaptured the castle after a short siege. The rebel leader committed suicide by setting fire to
his room. The Spanish later decapitated his corpse and nailed his head to the gallows in 's-Hertogenbosch.
From 1614 on the castle was used as a state prison. In 1619 the famous Dutch and international renowned
scholar Hugo de Groot, was imprisoned in the castle to serve a life term sentence. In 1621 however he escaped by hiding in a big wooden bookcase.
In the 16th century an earthwork fortress was put up around the castle of which some can still be seen today. In the 19th century the castle was
incorporated into an enlarged earthwork fortress which made the castle an important stronghold in the New Holland Waterline (a line of defensive
works using water throughout Holland). Loevestein Castle lost its military function in 1952.
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Neeltje Jans (Eastern Scheldt storm surge barrier)
The Netherlands, or Holland, has a long history of battling the sea. With 60% of the population living below sea level, sophisticated flood control
systems are essential. Between 1950 and 1997, the Dutch built the Deltaworks, a complex network of dams, sluices, locks, dikes, and storm surge
barriers. One of the most impressive Deltaworks projects was the Eastern Scheldt Storm Surge Barrier, or the Oosterschelde. Instead of building a
conventional dam, the Dutch constructed the barrier with movable gates. After 1986, when the Eastern Scheldt Storm Surge Barrier was completed,
the tidal height was reduced from 3.40 meters (11.2 ft) to 3.25 meters (10.7 ft). Thanks to the storm surge barrier, this risk has been reduced to less
than once in 4000 years. Take the opportunity to visit this construction inside and outside. You will be surrounded by concrete with a 200-year
guarantee, 45 metre wide steel doors are raised to let the tides rush through below them.
In the original plans for the Deltaworks, the Eastern Scheldt would be completely closed off with a regular dam. In the late 1960’s and early 1970’s
the construction of this dam was already underway. However, opposition against a complete closure of the Eastern Scheldt mounted, because of the
unique ecology in this area that needed to be preserved. In 1978 it was decided that the Eastern Scheldt wouldn’t be completely closed off from the
sea. Instead a barrier with movable components would be built, that would only have to be closed in case of storms. To be able to do this, a lot of
problems had to be overcome, using completely new technologies. The seafloor of the Eastern Scheldt had to be strengthened to be able to place
the very heavy pillars with which the dam was being built, mats had to be placed on the seafloor to be able to place these huge pillars that were
constructed in giant docks and moved to the site of the dam. The Eastern Scheldt storm surge barrier was finished in October 1986.
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Oker restaurant, Dennenweg The Hague
Your choice on 30th November 2011
1 Caesar salad with cajun chicken, croutons, Parmesan and a garlic dressing
Small Thai coconut-lime soup with tiger prawns and shii-take
2 Fillet of seabass with a Thai salad, crispy smelt and a lime dressing
Truffle risotto with mushrooms, Parmesan and rocket lettuce
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Chocolate truffles with crispy coffee, cacao crumble and orange ice cream
Champagne cheesecake with a strawberry coulis and champagne sherbet
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
RET (Public transportation Rotterdam) ferry “De Nieuwe Prins”
Since 2008 you can travel with our new Fast Ferry - De Nieuwe Prins. This vessel connects the Hoek van Holland with the Maasvlakte
(Antarticaweg) which is a large industrial area constructed in the North Sea.
The Fast Ferry:
- Navigates the shipping lane from Rotterdam harbour.
- Offers a fast connection across the Nieuwe Waterweg.
- Sails every half an hour to de Maasvlakte in the mornings and afternoons.
- Also moored during the day at de Landtong (Rozenburg) and de Maeslantkering.
- Capacity: 130 passengers and 50 bicycles.
- Sails at a speed of 40 kph.
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Restaurant “De Gevangentoren” in Woudrichem
Woudrichem is a small historic medieval fortified city just opposite Loevestein Castle just south of the junction of the largest Dutch rivers: Maas
(Meuse) and Waal (Rhine). Throughout the centuries not many changes took place. In the old harbour (see opposite page) you can find historic
salmon scows: silent witnesses of the rich maritime history. The restaurant is in one of Woudrichem’s oldest city gates: “The Gevangenpoort” from the
15th century (Prisoner’s gate). It is the only remaining of once five gates, part of the old town fortifications which were finished in 1587.
My name is Erik van der Stelt, chef at this
great beautiful renovated restaurant. Since a few
years I'm the proud owner of restaurant
De Gevangenpoort. During the renovation, I
was not only chef but also contractor, accountant,
and stylist. After this intensive rebuilding I am
back on my passion: cooking! And I'm just back
chef Erik. Delicious! Happy to receive the
guests of Bulgaria at the 30th November.
Culinary greetings of Erik.
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Royal Haskoning, Nijmegen
Royal Haskoning is an independent international consultancy with 57 offices in 17 countries. Working with our clients we develop solutions for issues
related to the sustainable interaction between people and their environment. We contribute to our client’s success with innovative and sustainable
solutions that enhance society. With a global network of professionals and strong relationships established over 130 years ago, our expertise and
experience is far reaching. Through our personal service in consultancy, we contribute effectively to the successful planning, design, implementation,
commissioning and operation of projects and programs. We provide an extensive range of multi-disciplinary services that relate to urban areas,
buildings, infrastructure, ports, industry, energy, water and environment. We designed dozens of water pumps and purification plants and managed
their construction. All the necessary technical, structural, electrical, mechanical and automation knowledge is available in-house. We have our own
biochemical patent for radical phosphate and nitrate removal and knowledge of and experience in anaerobic and aerobic purification, biological,
chemical and biochemical, bio-membrane plants, sand filters and halophyte filters.
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Bringing drinking water to the people requires significant investments in extraction, production and distribution. We assist water companies in
identifying sources of water, technical design of purification process, structural, electrical and mechanical design, automation and building of
production plants and in the design and building of the distribution network.
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Unie van Waterschappen (Association of Regional Water Authorities)
The Association of Regional Water Authorities (Dutch: Unie van Waterschappen) is the umbrella organisation of all 25 regional water authorities in the
Netherlands. The Association promotes the interests of its members both at a national and at an international level. A majority of the policies with an
impact on the core functions of the regional water authorities is made by the EU, which is why an effective promotion of interests in Europe is of the
utmost importance. The Brussels Bureau was set up to represent both the Association and Vewin at relevant EU organisations. In addition, the
Association is a member of 3 European umbrella organisations: EUREAU, EUWMA and EWA. Apart from the promotion of interests, the Association
advises the member regional water authorities, draws up guidelines and model regulations and model plans and supports them with the
implementation of European regulations. The Association participates in water management research and supports international projects set up by its
members. Finally, as an employers’ organisation the Association conducts negociations with the central organisation of civil servants about binding
terms of employment or regional water uthority personnel.
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Vewin (Association of drinking water companies in The Netherlands)
Vewin is the association of the ten drinking water companies in the Netherlands. When Vewin was founded in 1952 there were 198 Dutch water
companies. Vewin´s most important activity is to represent the common interests of its members in The Hague and Brussels. The
water companies supply clean and safe drinking water of the highest quality standards. Water is the most essential component for life, something that
has been taken for granted by everyone in the Netherlands for decades. Members produce a total of some 1.2 billion m³ of drinking water annually
(1952: 378 million m³). The organisation consists of a General Meeting of Members, a Committee, comprising the representatives of the members and
an independent chairperson. The Vewin office is managed by a nominee of the Committee. The sector strives to maintain and strengthen the high
degree of confidence of its consumers. The strategy is to achieving effective lobbying in The Hague and Brussels and inform members well through a
monitoring system for key stakeholders and issues. Vewin regularly conducts research into how it can meet the changing needs of its members,
stakeholders, consumers and society. Innovation in lobbying/communication/technology is key for a water sector that serves as a global example.
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Waterschap Rivierenland (Water Board Rivierenland)
On January 2005 Water Board Rivierenland merged with the Alm and Biesbosch dike board, the Alblasserwaard and Vijfheerenlanden dike board and
part of the Hollandse Eilanden and Waarden sewage treatment board. These water boards continue under the name Water Board Rivierenland.
Water Board Rivierenland works on water in the area that broadly speaking lies between the rivers Rhine/Lek and Meuse, from the German border
up to Kinderdijk. This area has some 950,000 inhabitants. Water Board Rivierenland is responsible for water control in one of the most attractive
areas of the Netherlands. Some 700 staff work on the following (main) tasks of the water board: Water management (maintenance, water levels,
water quality), dykes and ‘boezem’ (drainage) levees, management and maintenance of roads outside the built-up areas in the Alblasserwaard and
the Vijfheerenlanden, treatment of waste water, managing the waterways of, among others, the Linge, Smoutjesvliet, Alblas, Giessen and
Graafstroom. Rivierenland was the projectmanager for the dyke replacement project Room for the Rivers in Munnikenland (Brakel, Loevestein area).
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Watertaxi Loevestein - Woudrichem
Over water, the shortest and nicest way to travel! The Gorinchem passenger ferries travel back and forth between the beautiful fortified cities of
Gorinchem and Woudrichem and the Brabant village Sleeuwijk In summer months and on special requests we also take you to Loevestein Castle.
Enjoy this original way to discover the local area. The ferry service is available to pedestrians, cyclists and wheelchair users. Sitting on the deck of
the 'Gorinchem VIII' ferry you have a magnificant view of the banks, beaches, river forelands and fortifications. You are travelling on the most
heavily-trafficked river in Europe, the waterway between Rotterdam and Germany. But the trip is not just a pleasurable journey; it is also one of the
most direct connections between the provinces of South Holland, Brabant and Gelderland!
The unique thing about the Gorinchem ferry service is that it operates in the 'Fortiefied Triangle': three medieval fortresses of Woudrichem, Loevestein
and Fort Vuren.
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Zealand Province
Zeeland (Zealand) is the westernmost province of the Netherlands. The province, located in the south-west of the country, consists of a number of
islands (hence its name, meaning "sea-land") and a strip bordering Belgium. Its capital is Middelburg. With a population of about 380,000, its
area is about 2930 km², of which almost 1140 km² is water. Large parts of Zeeland are below sea level. The North Sea flood of 1953 inundated vast
amounts of land that were only partially reclaimed. The subsequent construction of the Delta Works changed the face of the province. The
infrastructure, although very distinct by the amount of bridges, tunnels and dams, has not shaped the geography of the province so much as the
geography of the province has shaped its infrastructure. The dams, tunnels and bridges that are currently a vital part of the province's road system
were constructed over the span of decades and came to replace old ferry lines.
Tourism is an important economic activity. Its beaches make it a popular holiday destination in the summer. Most tourists are Germans. In some
areas, the population can be two to four times higher during high summer season.
The coat of arms of Zeeland shows a lion half-emerged from water, and the text "luctor et emergo" (Latin for "I struggle and I emerge").[The Pacific
nation of New Zealand is named after Zeeland.
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Mile Lukićwas born in Sarajevo. He studied journalism and worked for a numer of magazines about music and culture. As a senior assistent at
Sarajevo's television channel he directed cultural broadcasts. However, Mile always had taken a lot of interest in making music himself and ever since
he was twenty he was occupied with composing, arranging, producing and performing music on a professional level. "I belong to the generation that
grew up with rock 'n roll, symphonic rock, reggae, but also with the traditional music of my native soil. In addition, I felt a strong appeal to classical
music. Amidst all of these reference points I succeeded in displaying my own musical expression. I composed and wrote songs for several
Yugoslavian top artists. Some of these songs now belong to the anthology of the ex-Yu popular music. In 1989, the song Ja vi se was voted a
chart-topper and became translated and published in Norway, Finland and South-Africa. During the years 1989-1992 more than one miljon cd's,
records and music cassettes were sold holding songs written and composed by me. Besides my work in the world of pop I wrote music for theatre
performances, radio- and television." In 1992, due to the turbulent and grim events in Bosnia, Mile was compelled to leave his home country and
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
settled in The Netherlands, where he and his family still live and work. After some time he managed to take up the thread and established himself a
place in the Dutch musical landscape. He now leads the orchestra Etno Saraj.
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Practical information: Transport, food and beverages, entrance fees, presentations and personal insurance are all covered by Aquae Nijmegen.
Contact point: Marnix’s mobile ++31 (0)6 51558523.
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011
Water management tour Bulgarian delegation, The Netherlands, 29th and 30th November 2011