ALLORA AGRICULTURAL SHOW SATURDAY 6TH FEBRUARY, 2016 MINIATURE GOAT SHOW RESULTS Ribbons Supplied by: ALLORA AGRICULTURAL SHOW SOCIETY & ATV MECHANICAL PTY LTD Trophies Supplied by: AABMGS.INC (Australian All Breeds of Miniature Goat Society Inc.) CLASSES: 1. Kiddie Klass 1) Layla Jane 2. Junior Handler any Breed 1) Georgie Kellam 3. Adult 1) 2) 3) Handler any Breed Allan Purton Grace Bilson Equal 3rd - Bree Heffernan & Therese Purton AUSTRALIAN MINIATURE GOATS (AMG) 4. AMG Doe under 6 months (under 54cms) 1) Enchanted Hope - Max Hunter & Bree Heffernan 2) Dundula Black-Caviar - Grace Bilson 3) Pickwil Panda - Wilhelmina Pickles 5. AMG Doe 6 to 12 months (under 54cms) 1) Mya-Ora Prim-Rose - Max Hunter & Bree Heffernan 2) Dundula Blue Saffire - Grace Bilson 3) Pickwil Princess Phoebe - Wilhelmina Pickles Champion AMG Kid Doe Reserve Champion AMG Kid Doe MYA-ORA PRIM-ROSE DUNDULA BLUE SAFFIRE 6. AMG Doe 12 to 24 months (under 57cms) 1) Pickwil Skye - Wilhelmina Pickles 2) Pickwil Indra - Grace Bilson 3) Enchanted Hannah - Max Hunter & Bree Heffernan 7. AMG Doe 24 to 36 months (under 60cms) 1) Pickwil Velvet - Wilhelmina Pickles 2) Mya-Ora Over The Moon - Allan & Therese Purton 3) Pickwil Eve - Wilhelmina Pickles Champion AMG Junior Doe Reserve Champion AMG Junior Doe PICKWIL SKYE PICKWIL VELVET 8. AMG Doe 3 to 4 years (under 63.5cms) 1) Minique Echo In Tyme - Wilhelmina Pickles 2) Pickwil Scooter - Wilhelmina Pickles 3) Dundula Sofie - Grace Bilson 9. AMG Doe over 4 years (under 63.5cms) 1) Pickwil Isoloma - Wilhelmina Pickles 2) Minique Swingtime - Wilhelmina Pickles 3) Kazoo Took Took - Max Hunter & Bree Heffernan Champion AMG Adult Doe Reserve Champion AMG Adult Doe PICKWIL ISOLOMA MINIQUE SWINGTIME 10. AMG Buck under 6 months (under 53.5cms) 1) Mya-Ora James Dean - Allan & Therese Purton 2) Mistique Creek Benjamin Button - B. Heffernan & T. Purton 11. AMG Buck 6 to 12 months (under 57cms) 1) Mya-Ora Mr Grey - Max Hunter & Bree Heffernan 2) Briawell Déjá vu - Max Hunter & Bree Heffernan 3) Dundula Blue Topaz - Grace Bilson Champion AMG Kid Buck Reserve Champion AMG Kid Buck MYA-ORA MR GREY BRIAWELL DÉJÁ VU 12. AMG Buck 12 - 24 months (under 65.5cms) 1) Pickwil Tippy - Max Hunter & Bree Heffernan 2) Tiny Feet Geronimo - Grace Bilson 3) Dundula Black Onyx - Grace Bilson 13. AMG Buck 24 - 36 months (under 65.5cms) 1) Petite Bleat Peter Pan - Allan & Therese Purton 2) Dundula Wendell - Grace Bilson Champion AMG Junior Buck Reserve Champion AMG Junior Buck PICKWIL TIPPY PETITE BLEAT PETER PAN 14. AMG Buck 3 to 4 years (under 65.5cms) 1) Minique Tuffy - B. Heffernan & T. Purton 15. AMG Buck over 4 years (under 65.5cms) 1) Drovers Hill Dr Pepper - Wilhelmina Pickles Champion AMG Adult Buck Reserve Champion AMG Adult Buck DROVERS HILL DR PEPPER MINIQUE TUFFY ELF GOATS (ELF) 16. ELF Doe under 6 months (under 53.5cm) 1) Briawell Pheobe - Max Hunter & Bree Heffernan 2) Pickwil Priscilla - Max Hunter & Bree Heffernan 3) Equal 3rd Pickwil Pumpkin - Wilhelmina Pickles Equal 3rd Pickwil Stella - Max Hunter & Bree Heffernan 17. ELF Doe 6 to 12 months (under 53.5cm) No Entries Champion ELF Kid Doe Reserve Champion ELF Kid Doe BRIAWELL PHOEBE PICKWIL PRISCILLA 18. Elf Doe 12 to 24 months (under 54cm) 1) Pickwil Tiffany - Wilhelmina Pickles 2) Pickwil O'Pix - Wilhelmina Pickles 19. Elf Doe 24 to 36 months (under 54cm) 1) Tiny Feet Waltzing Matilda - Wilhelmina Pickles 2) Pickwil Nebony - Wilhelmina Pickles Champion ELF Junior Doe Reserve Champion ELF Junior Doe TINY FEET WALTZING MATILDA PICKWIL TIFFANY 20. ELF Doe 3 to 4 years (under 63.5cms) No Entries 21. Elf Doe Over 4 years (under 63.5cm) 1) Pickwil Honey - Wilhelmina Pickles 2) Pickwil Spotty - Wilhelmina Pickles Champion ELF Adult Doe Reserve Champion ELF Adult Doe PICKWIL HONEY PICKWIL SPOTTY 22. ELF Buck under 6 months (under 53.5cms) No Entries 23. ELF Buck 6 to 12 months (under 60cms) No Entries Champion ELF Kid Buck Reserve Champion ELF Kid Buck 24. ELF Buck 12 - 24 months (under 63.5cms) 1) Pickwil Buffo - Wilhelmina Pickles 25. ELF Buck 24 - 36 months (under 63.5cms) No Entries Champion ELF Junior Buck Reserve Champion ELF Junior Buck PICKWIL BUFFO N/A 26. ELF Buck 3 to 4 years (under 66cms) No Entries 27. ELF Buck over 4 years (under 66cms) 1) Pickwil Jupiter - Wilhelmina Pickles 2) Serendipity Aztec Warrior - Max Hunter & Bree Heffernan Champion ELF Adult Buck Reserve Champion ELF Adult Buck PICKWIL JUPITER SERENDIPITY AZTEC WARRIOR MINIATURE NUBIANS (MN) 28. MN Doe under 6 months (under 53.5cms) 1) Mya-Ora Khaleesi - Allan & Therese Purton 29. MN Doe 6 to 12 months (under 60cms) 1) Mya-Ora April Mist - Allan & Therese Purton 2) Mya-Ora Autumn - Allan & Therese Purton Champion MN Kid Doe Reserve Champion MN Kid Doe MYA-ORA APRIL MIST MYA-ORA AUTUMN 30. MN Doe 12 to 24 months (under 66cms) 1) Mya-Ora Maple - Allan & Therese Purton 2) Mya-Ora Billie Jean - Allan & Therese Purton 31. MN Doe 24 to 36 months (under 68cm) 1) Mya-Ora Willow - Allan & Therese Purton Champion MN Junior Doe Reserve Champion MN Junior Doe MYA-ORA WILLOW MYA-ORA MAPLE 32. MN Doe 3 to 4 years (under 70cms) 1) Utopia Ky Kotinka - Allan & Therese Purton 2) Mya-Ora Klareece - Allan & Therese Purton 33. MN Doe over 4 years (under 70cm) No Entries Champion MN Adult Doe Reserve Champion MN Adult Doe UTOPIA KY KOTINKA MYA-ORA KLAREECE 34. MN Buck under 6 months (under 55cms) 1) Mya-Ora Arden Jag - Allan & Therese Purton 35. MN Buck 6 to 12 months (under 63.5cms) 1) Mya-Ora Anzac - Allan & Therese Purton Champion MN Kid Buck Reserve Champion MN Kid Buck MYA-ORA ANZAC MYA-ORA ARDEN JAG 36. MN Buck 12 - 24 months (under 68cms) 1) Stoney Creek Tumble Gum - Max Hunter & Bree Heffernan 37. MN Buck 24 to 36 months (under 72cms) No Entries Champion MN Junior Buck Reserve Champion MN Junior Buck STONEY CREEK TUMBLE GUM N/A 38. MN Buck 3 to 4 years (under 75cms) 39. No Entries 40. MN Buck over 4 years (under 75cms) 41. No Entries Reserve Champion MN Adult Buck Champion MN Adult Buck IMPORTED BREED CLASSES (IB) 41. Imported Doe any age 1) Pickwil Miss Piggy - Wilhelmina Pickles 42. Imported Buck any age 1) Trinity Dominic Savio - Allan & Therese Purton 2) Mya-Ora Prince of Penzance - Allan & Therese Purton Champion Imported Breed Reserve Champion Imported Breed TRINITY DOMINIC SAVIO PICKWIL MISS PIGGY MINIATURE BOER CLASSES (MB) 43. Miniature Boer Doe any Age 1) Briawell Letti - Max Hunter & Bree Heffernan 2) Briawell Lucy - Max Hunter & Bree Heffernan 3) Briawell Rose - Max Hunter & Bree Heffernan 44. Miniature Boer Buck any Age 1) Briawell Teddy Bear - Max Hunter & Bree Heffernan 2) Briawell Lightning - Max Hunter & Bree Heffernan Champion Miniature Boer Reserve Champion Miniature Boer BRIAWELL TEDDY BEAR BRIAWELL LETTI GRAND CHAMPIONS, BEST IN SHOW & SUPREME GRAND CHAMPION Miniature Goat Kid Doe BRIAWELL PHOEBE GRAND CHAMPION Miniature Goat Junior Doe MYA-ORA WILLOW GRAND CHAMPION Miniature Goat Adult Doe PICKWIL ISOLOMA BEST IN BREED DOE MYA-ORA WILLOW GRAND CHAMPION Miniature Goat Kid Buck MYA-ORA MR GREY GRAND CHAMPION Miniature Goat Junior Buck PICKWIL TIPPY GRAND CHAMPION Miniature Goat Adult Buck PICKWIL JUPITER BEST IN BREED BUCK PICKWIL JUPITER SUPREME ALL BREEDS MINIATURE GOAT MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR MYA-ORA WILLOW WILHELMINA PICKLES - PICKWIL STUD (Automatic Entry) PROGENY CLASSES 41. Sire or Dam with 1 Progeny 1. i. Dundula Wendell 2. i. Rivergate Gretal 3. i. Pickwil Skye ii. Dundula Black-Onyx ii. Briawell Déjá vu ii. Pickwil Miss Piggy - Grace Bilson - Max Hunter & Bree Heffernan - Wilhelmina Pickles ii. Dundula Black-Onyx ii. Dundula Sofie ii. Pickwil Poppy iii. Dundula Black-Caviar iii. Dundula Katie Que iii. Pickwil Flanders 42. Sire or Dam with 2 Progeny 1. i. Dundula Wendell 2. i. Dundula Wynona 3. i. Pickwil Echo In Tyme TO CELIA PERRY For all your time and hard work being Ring Steward And a EXTRA SPECIAL HUGE THANK YOU to the Judge LYN GASTEEN