UNITEDSTATES DISTRICT COI'RT FORTHESOUTHERN DIS1RICT OFNEWYORK LAI4ONTHAWKh,ISp/k/e,U.OODt CASENO.: 08Civ 001f9 Plaintiff COMPLAIIVT lrs. DEMalriD F\oR JURY TRIAT. WUMUSICCROI,JP, LLC. Dcftndant lamont Hawkins professionalry known as (,,p/h/ar),rj-God,' (hercinafrer "Plointiff') by andthroughhisundersigned anorncyqeltoges uponknowledge to hinsclf anduponinfrrmetionandbelicfesto ail othernurtcrs,ssfofiows: NATUREOF TIIE CASE l' This civil actionftr breachof contra$arisesour of de&ndantWu Music (iroup, LLC's (horeinefter "Defeudrnt')feilureand/orrefirsslto fut{ill irs tinanciat paymentobligationsto Plaintiffas required!y the musicalrecalgiqgand livc musical performance agrcamcnt entcrcdinto belweeoDcftndantand,amongothers,plaintiff (hereinaft er the',Conrract'J. Z. TheContractrcquired.h perl,irrcnt pan,that:(r) Plaintiffpe,rbrnce,itain musicnlrccordingantl live musicalpcrformance servicesto, and/oron bchalf of Deftndant; and(b) Detlndantmrliccertainfinancialpayments ro plaintiiT3. Plaintiff fulfilled his obligationsundetrthe Contractan4 rhsreallcr, demandcd thatDetbndam payhimapproximrrcly $170,000.00 rrprcsenting rhcf,nancial psyments eurenrlydueandowingto plainriffunder ttreconhact. 4, Defendant brcached the tcrns sndconditioas of the Comractby refir-sing and/orftiling to makecenainfinauciqlpayments orrrenrlydue audowingto plaintitT undothcconuEct.despitcplaintifpsrcpcatod demands thatit do so. 5. As a resultof Dofendant's breachof the Couuactplaintiffis entitlodto reliefrcquested hercin. JTru$)ICTION AIYDW"\U-E. 6. Plaintiffis a citizenof the stateof New Jerseyfor purposes of divcrslty jurisdictioo under28 U.S.C.g| 332. 7. Upou informationand belicf,Defondrntis a limited liabilitycomprny Qrtanized andexistingunderthe lawsof theitateof NelwYork br pr.l;poses of diversiry under28 U.S.C.$1332. Jurisdiction E. This Courthasoriginalsubioctmatterjurisdisrien with respectto this actionpufsuontto 2t u.s-c. $1332(a)(l) because thereexisrscomplete dlvcrsiryof citizenshipbctweenPlaintiffand Defrndant;andthe amountin controvcrrsy excceds seventyFrve'lhousaod nollars($75,000,00), exclusive of interestandcosrs. 9. ThisCourthaspcrsonaliwisdictlon overDefrndantbecouse Doft,ndanr (i) is a lcgalentity orgonizedand existingunderthe lawsof thc stateof Ncw yo*; (ii) solicits,ttsrlsscts audconducts busincvs in thestmEofNsw york andln thisDistri* and is regularlydoingor solicitingbusiness or engagirrg in a persistent courseof conductin thc stst€of Ncw York a.ndin this Distria; (iii) receivee subsrantial revenuewilhin the stateof New York and in this Disrrict;and (iv) oommhtodthc acts givi€ rise ro Plaintift-sactionit| theffatBofNerpyork )0. Vcnueis properlylaidin rhisDistriapursuaflr ro ZBU.S.C.g l39r(aX2) theContractwasexecutod because in thcstateof NewYork anda sub*antialpartof thc wsntsgivingriscto Plaintiffs elaimagainstDc&udsnt,as detailedherern,occurrcdin thestitaof NewYork andinthis Dlstrict. PARTIES I l. PlaintilTisa wcUknownmtsicalrccording artia in the,.rap"or ,,hlp-hop,, musicgenrc. For monl ttraDten (10) yearsPlaintifrhasbccr; rnd contlnucsto bc, a nxnber of the inlernationally knownmusicalrecordinggroupprofessionally knownas the"Wu-Ta[gClan.i' Plnintiffhas recorded albums musical endcondncted livemusical perfonnanccs bothasan individnalartirt an<lrg e member ofthe "Wu-TangClan" 17. Uponhforrnalionandbelief DcfendqtiBo limitedlhbiliry company duly endocistingunderthelawsof thestatcof NowYork with itsprincipalplacoof organized bushesslocalctwithinthisDlstrict. Uponin'formation andbelie[Defendnm furnishes, andat all timesrelevarilhorein{irrnished, the musicalrecordingand live perfbrrnance group"Wu-TangClan." ofthe reoording ioruioos I'^ CTs COMMONTO AJ.L,9T,AIMSFORRELIEF 13, andbclicf onor aboutlvlty2007,Defendant Uponinformation secured a recordingcontractwlth thenusic rtcordinganddistribution oompanies StreetRecords andUniversalMotownRecords Corporation Oroup(collcctivcly'Universal')r in which wouldfirmishthe rnusicalrccordingscrvicesof the"WtpTangCloi" for 0rc t-)eftndant purposeof recordinga new mrsical album(the "Wu-TangClan Album') to be commcrcinlly distributedandsoldto the gcneralpublicby Universal(the "Univcrsal Recolding furecmenf). 14. Uponin$rmationaadbelie{,theUniversalltccording roquired Agreemenr Univcrsalto, inler alta, gay Defendantan initial monetaryadvancc,for the musical to beprovidedhy the"Wu TangClan,"uponDefendant's scryices tegording st(ocution of (the'Universal theUniversal Recording Agrcement Advance'). I5. Uponinbmation andbclief,dueto theorcitemerrrt andanticipatioa of the upcoming"Wu-TangClanAlbum."Defendant unsableto s€cu(qseveraladditionol deels for the"Wu-TangClon." 16. Uponinformation ud beliel on oraboutMay2007,Dcfendartsecured an agreement with the musicpublishingcompanyBMG MusicPublishing. Inc. ('tsMO'), undcfwhichBMG wouldbgvethe riglrr to sdminister thepnrblishing incomegenerated of the"WrTang ClanAlbum"(the"BMG Agcement'). bytheexploitation 17. Uponin6rrnationandbcliefithc BMO Agreement rcquircdBMG to pay Deftndant.Iwer alia I moneoryadvance: a portionof whichhadalreadybeenpaidto ptior to iis executionof lhe BMG Agrocmont; Defendant a portionof whichwouldbc paiduponDefcndant's exccutionof tho BMG Agrcemcnt; of wbich ondthe rernainde'r rcleasoof thr:"Wu TangClrn Albrmr"in the United wouldbepaiduponthc commercial States(the*BMG Advance"). 18. Uponinbrmationandbelief,sometime in May 2007,Deftndantsecurcd an exclusivemasterlicenc agreenrsnt with a GermancompanyBodogMusicGmblI ("Bodogl).underwhichBodogwouldhavethe exclusive right to commercially exploit the"Wu-TangClanAJbum"in EuropeandSouthAfica (the'Bodogfurqement"). 19. andbeliEf,theBodogAgreement Uponinformation requlrcdBodogto pay (507o)ofwhiohwouldbepaidto Defeodmt,irtteralia, a rronetaryadvancc: fifty-percem DeftndantuponDefindant'ssxeclrtionof the BodogAgreement; andthe remaildcrof whichwould be paid to DcFndantuponDefondant's dcliverysf thE "Wu Turg Clan Album"to Bodog(tbe"BodogAdvancc'). 20. Upon inbrmationandbelief,somctirno bctws€oMarchandMqy 200?, Defendaotentersdivrtout agteemen!or aFr€rnEnts, wilh unknownthird-partlcsunder whichDeftrdsnt would firrnlsbths setvigesof the ','WuTlqg Chn"t o conducrlive musicalpcformrnce$st sev€ralrnusicalconcensin Eumpe(thc tsuropcanTotu Agreement'). 21. Upon hftrmation and bolief,ths EuropeanTour Agreemententltlcd Defendant to receivgin edditionto otherincome,a certainporcaltrgeofthe grosstickct sahsgoneretcd at eachmusicconc€f,t in Europe(the"ewbpeanTourIncomc")22- Upon informstionaod belief,somerirnc bctrvcenMorchandMay 2007, Defrndant enteredinto an agrecmcnl wifi a compsnyknownas'Rock the Bolls,LLC' ("RTB') underwhicbDcftndantwouldfuraishthe senicesof the "Wu TengClan"to conductlivc musicalperformalces eigbtear(1t) musioaloonoerts at approximatcly in thc UnitedStatcs(0tctrRockthoBellsTourAgrccnrcnt'). ?3. Uponinlbrmaionandbolicf,thc RocktbeBellsTourAgrecmont rcquired RTB to pay Deftndanl,inler alia, a sumccrtah for "IVu Targ Clan's' live musical (18) conccrtsh theUnitedStates(thc "Rockthe at eachof the eighteen paformances EoUsTourlncome'J. 24. andbelief,onor aboutMay2007,Dcftndarrtsecured Uponinfotnation, a knownas*AnthillTradingLtd,,LLC- ("Anthilt"), ilarkethgqgreement wilh a company t'rghtto marhetandscll"Wu-TangClant'nerchandise whichgaveAnthitltho exclueive for a periodnot to e:taeed theconchrsion of tlreRockfte BellsTour andthe European Tour(the'Anthill Agreement"). 25. Upon informiltionandbclie[ the Anthill Agrccnrenrt requircdAnthill to pay Defendant, in additionto otherincome,an initialmonetarl&dvancc: fifty.pcrccnt (507o)of whichwouldbepaid to Defendam uponDcfendaDt's s(acutionof ttn Anthill Agreerront;and the remaindcrof which would bo paid to Dcftndantupon tlro of theEuropean commencsncnt Tour(the',AnthillAdvance',). 26. It is undlgutedthrt in orderto fulfill hs obligations underthe Universal ReoordingAgrocmcntthe BMo AgrcemEnL thc BodogAgreememL the EuropcanTour Agroemcnlthe RocJ< thc BellsTour AEeemontandtheA,rrthillAgecmcnt(collectively tlte "Wu Music Agreemcnts')Dcfcndsntneedd to securethe publishingrights,the mugicalrecordingurd livc musicalporformance services of cachmemberof the "lilu TangClu1" irtcludingPlaintilf. 27. On or aboutMay 2007,De&ndeffbcgttl contrqcflial negotiatlons with cachmemberof "Wu-TangClan""includingPlahti$, to scsureeachmanbc's: ([ a$resrnsnt to firrnish,oollectively asthegroup"Wu-TangClan,"theirindividrulmusical rccordingandlivomusicalperformance services; and(ti) r$pcctivepublishingrightsin andto themushalcornpositions embodied in thc "Wlr.TurgClanAlburq" to thc crdent necessary for Defendant to meciitsobllgotiont undertheWuMusicAgrecmen$. 2t. in Mayor April2007,Deftndrntandeachindividualmember Sometime of the "Wu-TangClan,' inctudingPlaintifr,oxecutoda trtilten agrccment (i.e. thc Contraot).undg the contract:(i) eaclrmenrberof thc "wu TangClaq' including Plaintifr agreedto ftrnish certainscrvhcsand providecellain publislringrights to Defendant to thc extentnecessary for Defendant to meotits furnishing obligations under tle Wu-TargAgrecmerts; and(ii) Defendant agroed to payeachmenberof ..WuTrng Clan,"includingPfaintifi,a certainperc"fltage alt of rhe hcomeDe&ndanrreoeived undcrthe wu MusicAgreernents includingbut not limitedto, r.hcmoniesDeftndant reccivcdfrorn thc uaiyersarAdvancqtbe BMG Advanoe, trre Bodog Advance,rhe AnthillAdvance(sometimes coilectivery referrcdto asthe ..wu M^sicAdvances,), the European Toru Incomoandtbe Rockrhc BollsTour Incorne(sometimes collectively ,Tour rcfbrred to aslhe lncomc'). 29. Thecorhact rcquircdDcfcndant to paypraintiffandcachmember of the 'Wu.TangCIxn,"a ccrtainportionof allthc income. moniesand/oradvances paylbleto Defendurtundet the Wu Music Ageomcntsas and when De&ndantreceirredsuc' income, nronicrand/oradvoncas. 30' Plaintiff complctclyfulfitlcd all of his obligations rcquiredundorthe Contrrano hter thanSeptenrber or October2007. 3l' Upon informationand beUefDofrndantreceivqdthe ernirc Universat Advance no latarthanSeptember 2007. n' Ltpon inbrmrtion and bcliefl Defendantreceivedtho cnrire BMG Advlnceno lsterthanOctober2007. 33. upon informaion and betief Defendantr€ceivedthe emire Bodog Advance no hter thanOctsber2002. 34, Uponinfonnation andbeliefDcfendant rcccivedtheeNDeEuropean.t.our Incornsnolder thanSeptcrnber 2007. 35. andbclief Defendant Uponinfurmation rccoivedfie cnttsRock thpBells Tourlocomenolarr thrn October2007. 36. Upon informationand bclicf Deftndantreceivedthe entire Anthill Advence no ltrterthanAuguet2007, 37. Upon inlbrrnationand belie(, the '.Wu-Tang Clan Albnrnlt ura:l commercially released on or abou Decernber I l, 2007. 38. Defendent breaohed theContractby biling and/orrefirsingto payPlainttf FiftyThousand representing approximately Dollan ($50,000.00), thatportionoftheTour Incomersceivedby Dcfcndut,currentlydueandowingto Plaintiff. 39. Defendant breaohed tbeConlractbyfailingand"/or refusingto payPlointiff Sixty ThousandDollors($60,000.00), approximatety rnpresenting that ponlon of the BMGAdvancc receivcdby Deftndrrt.curentlydueandowingto Plaintiff. 40. Dcfendanl theContfectby failingand/orre'fusing brcachcd to peyPlshtitr approximately 40,000Euros(or the UnitedStatesDolhr cquivalcnt). representing that portionof the Bodog Advancereceivedby Deftndunt,cunentlydue and owing to Plaintlff. 41. breachod Dcfcndarrt theContractby fbilingand/orrefusingto pry Plailiff represoming approximately Dollars($6,000.00), thatportionofthc 'tackSix Thousaad end" of the UniversalRecordingAdvanceroceivedby Defurdantcunentlydue and owingtoPlrintifi 42. Dsfondsnthrs friled and/orrefusedto pay certainmonles,describedin paragrapbs 38 to 4l hereirl cuncutlyduc and owlngto Plahtifl despitcPlaintiffs dsnrurds thatit do so. rcpcated CAUSEOF ACTION COUNTI EREACKOFCONTRI\CT 43. eachand evcry allcguion containcdin Plaintifl rcpeatsand realleges paragraphs I through42 asif fully wt farth hcrcin44, agreement. TheContractis a validandenforceable 45- Delpndanlmaterinllybrerohed lhc Contractby refusingand/orftiling to paycertainmonies,asdescribed in paragaphs38ro 4l herein,cunentlyducandowing to Plaimif[,despitePlaintiffsrcpcated dernands thotit do rc. 46, Defendaut's breasbof tbe Contractwaswillf,rl, intsntionrlandwithout justification. 47. of theC.ontrac[ Plaintiffhasbeen As a directrcsultofDcfendail'sbreach in a surneqtr,al to hisopectatlondamagus undertheContractandis entitledto damaged in paragraphs 38 to 4l hcrcin,orrmtly described rceovorfull paymentof thc nnonies. ducandowingto Plaintifftn additionto prcjudgnentintcrcstat an m.ntnl:,ateof 9Yo, ofthc Connast. breach calculatcd fiornthedoteofDeftndantns 48. at nial, will bedetefinined daarages Plaintiffsexactamountof contractual Dollars($170000.00). Thousand butareln no sveotlpssthanOnel{undredSeventy PRAYERF'ORRELIEX' WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays to the Court for a judgrnent againstthe Deftndant: A. AwardlngPlaintltfhis contreartaldrmeges, togetherwith prcjudgrnent fronrthe dateof Dcftndartt'sbroachof the interestat an annualrateof 9% calculaled Contract,in anamountto bc dstenninsd at rrial,but in no ewnt lessthanOneHundred Thousand Dollars($17Q000,00); Seventy B, AwandingPlaintifl his reasonable attorneyr'fees,cost$and ocpenses rehtcdto thisat:tioruand C. Awardingsuohotherandftrthet reliefasthe Coufi may deemjust and Propcr. Datcd:Nar YorlqNewYork January 8, 200E Regactfirltysubmined, c/ PaulA-Chin PaulA.Chi4Esq.(Fe9656) LAW OTFICBS OTPAULA. CHIN TheWoolworthBuilding 233Broadway, 5s Floor NewYork,}.ry 10279 (212)964.E030 Attoncy.tlor Plointiff DEMANDF'OR.JURYTBIAI to Itulo38(b)of theFederalRulesof Civil a jury trlal pursuanr Plaintifrdemands Proccdurc. Datod:NcwYork, Ne{pYork Jarruary E.2008 Rcspectflrlly submined, s/ PaulA. Chin PaulA.Chin,Esq.(PC9656) OFPAULA. CHIN IAW OFFICES ThoWoolworthBlilding 5hFloor 233Broadway, NewYork,I{Y 10279 (2r2)96+E030 Attornrysfor Plailallf l0