Annual Report 2014 - Sara Holbrook Community Center


Annual Report 2014 - Sara Holbrook Community Center
Annual Report 2014
Reflections from the Director’s Desk
Leisa Pollander, Executive Director
Educating Children. Supporting Families. Instilling Hope.
The Center was bursting at the seams during the summer months. The New Arrivals program, designed to
maintain literacy, math and science skills for English Language Learners was maxed out at 80 children. Sixty
Elementary Summer Campers were engrossed in art activities, reading, sports and beach time. The Green
Family Youth Adventure Program was trekking around Vermont with 69 teens. Over 250 middle school students from Burlington and Winooski were engaged in fun enrichment activities that helped prevent summer
learning loss. Staff couldn’t run any faster!
Nearly all the programming offered at the Center happens as part of a collaborative effort. The Center’s philosophy is deeply grounded in the knowledge that we can offer more expansive programming that reaches
more families by linking arms with our community partners than we can by working in isolation. Burlington
Parks and Recreation Department, Champlain Valley Head Start, Vermont Adult Learning, King Street Center, Burlington School District, Winooski School District, the First Congregational Church Youth Program,
Shelburne Farms, Burlington Schools Food Service, Circus Smirkus – these are just a few examples of entities that work with us to improve the lives of kids and families in our community. We can’t do the work
without the generous support of donors and volunteers who want to see kids and families have opportunities that might not otherwise be available to them. Thank you all - for helping to educate children, support
families and instill hope!
The mission of the Sara Holbrook Community Center is to develop responsible and productive children, youth and
families through social development, educational and recreational opportunities. The Center serves Chittenden County
primarily focusing on the North End of Burlington.
Leisa Pollander
Executive Director
Kathy Olwell
NNEYC Director
Kathy Schirling, President
Debbie LaRosa, Vice President
Diane Chattman, Secretary
Bruce Chattman, Treasurer
Mary Ann Blaisdell
Karen Bresnahan
Gary Coffey
Ducky Donath
Brent Farrell
Ross Fenderson
Janet Hayden
Chip Spillane
Jonathan Sternberg
Liz Swim
Sue Victory
Bill Whitman
Bill Aswad
James Handy
J. Marie Kieslich, RSM
Lyn Leavitt
Ruth Mackenzie
Corrine Maietta
Eli Moulton
Jane Murphy
Ron Seeley
Elisabeth Weltin
Jenny Evans
Development Director
Kathy FitzGerald
Development Assistant
Mellisa Cain
Teen Director
Esther Maguire
Preschool Director
Linda Hamlin
Preschool Assistant
Brett Mashteare
After School &
Summer Camp Coordinator
Educating Children…
To learn is to grow, and what better way to grow, surrounded by nature, new
opportunities, and enthusiastic, innovative counselors and teachers leading the
way? This year at Sara Holbrook Community Center, over a thousand children
stepped through our doorways, seeking stimulating and enriching opportunities
to make positive connections, to increase mastery, and self-confidence.
In our preschool classroom where many students are (also) learning a new language and culture, there was strong emphasis on hands-on curriculum in science
and nature, where discovery centers were created to help kids understand how
things move, change, react, and grow. Our afterschool and summer programs
offered well over 75 activities created to enhance learning in music, art, nature,
health & fitness, science, and technology. Our middle school students took full
advantage of piano lessons, pottery classes, food growing, field trip exploration,
and STEM educational options such as computer programming, website design,
and astronomy. Delving in all kinds of arts and crafts activities inspired creative
exploration and self-expression. Groups visited Shelburne Farms, where they
explored food making from gathering wheat berries to making wheat flour baked
goods. When disaster struck another part of the world in November, our elementary students sought to learn more about global issues and how they might
make a difference. They hosted a bake sale at UVM’s Davis Center, earning over
$200 to send to Typhoon Haiyan survivors in the Philippines. English Language
Learners balanced morning academic coursework with afternoon recreation in
summer programing. And as always, accessing supportive space to complete
homework assignments during the school year helped our kids keep up with academic workloads in addition to freeing up evenings for family time.
Supporting Families…
One often hears the African proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child.” At the
Center, we take this seriously. Parenting is the most important job in the world,
and with that knowledge comes the kinds of concerns SHCC programming helps
families manage. SHCC has a dedicated staff that goes above and beyond to ensure that families are meeting their needs in order to be healthy, productive
members of our community. Staff members sit on committees that work with
families to navigate the social system and figure out ways in which they can improve their situations. Home visits are conducted that build relationships and
trust so that families are comfortable asking for help. Additionally, families are
engaged daily to ensure that communication is ongoing.
Just days before summer programs started, and without a true understanding of
this as a problem, almost 20 New American families had not yet found a way to
fully complete the application process to enroll their children. They and/or their
children could not read the provided forms and didn’t understand what was involved in the registration process. With little or no access to interpreters, SHCC
staff drove to family’s homes to guide them through the process of completing
enrollment forms. To their delight, they were welcomed into homes, and even
shared a cup of tea with some families, as they struggled to communicate. Hand
gestures and symbols, and lots of smiles and laughter went a long way. Eventually, with the help of family members with English language skills, and persistence
and patience, the forms were completed, and the children were able to begin
summer programming with their peers. Children were happy to have exciting
adventures in front of them, and parents were relieved to have a safe place for
their children to flourish while they were at work.
Instilling Hope…
Instilling hope starts with helping those we serve believe in a better future, and we
strive to do that by offering a welcoming and supportive environment where educational, recreational, and community-building programs are responsive, affordable, and
A very special program for middle school-aged girls called the Thursday Night Girls’
Group formed this year at SHCC’s New North End Youth Center. Each week the girls
and two dynamic SHCC staff members cooked and ate dinner together. They expressed themselves through different types of dance, worked on arts and crafts projects, and talked about what matters most to them. They also went out into the community, exploring new places and events together. As the group evolved, it became a
safe haven for the breaking down of barriers. One 7th grader wrote, “Girls’ Group is
the best part of my week because I can be me here and no one makes fun of me.”
Another member said how much she liked cooking and eating foods different from
what she had at home. She also enjoyed the opportunity to meet new people.
For one second-year SHCC preschool student, becoming the scientist he wants to be,
has already begun. In his classroom, it is no longer a surprise to see him (along with
his peers) assessing the amount of water and light needed to grow the classroom’s
newly planted seeds, or building rocket ships from recycled gadgets, or investigating
how shape and weight variations affect an object’s movement. Preschool curriculum
doesn’t just cover academic goals—it also supports the exploration of budding artists,
performers, scientists, engineers, horticulturists and pastry chefs. Seeds of hope
spring eternal in our little classroom; with all the nutrients one can imagine to make
them grow.
The Sara Holbrook Community Center would like to acknowledge the fact that we could not run our programs
without the help of volunteers. We greatly appreciate all the work that volunteers do for us. Thank you to the
following volunteers for sharing your talents and time with/or on behalf of SHCC kids between April 2013-March 2014!
Robert Alvarez • Sage Barton •
Shavonna Bent • Vika Bespalor •
Mary Ann Blaisdell • Julia Bliss •
Karen Bresnahan • Richard Brunelle • Jacob Bucci • Jensen
Burke • Emily Cass • Bruce
Chattman • Diane Chattman •
Marianne Chayer-Randall • Gary
Coffey • Jeannine Cole • Julie
Collins • Joe Connors • Miriam
Crampton • Angelina Deflorio •
Michael Delange • Vanessa Diambou • Bela Dobkowski •
Ducky Donath • Frank Donath •
Jacob Dubois • Laura ElderConners • Brent Farrell • Tanner
Faucett • Ross Fenderson •
Krysta Groves • Paige Hauke •
Janet Hayden • Paul Hobday •
William Hoffman • Maya Hornziak • Jasmine Jiron • Ethan
Jones • Theodore Kenyon • Larry
Lane • Debbie LaRosa • Amy
Lawliss • Donna Lee • Christian
Lewis • Caroline Loveland •
McKearin • Beth McKegney •
Beth Moore • Mary Pat Morgan • Giuliana Nuovo • Lynn
Pare • LilliAnn Plourde • Ava
Raku • Lucy Samara • Christine
Sandbach • Wendy Saville • Tom
Schersten • Kathy Schirling •
Sarah Scott • Brianna Sibley •
Amber Silloway • Alana Smith •
Chip Spillane • Chase Spinks •
Alexia Spinney • Jonathan Sternberg • Liz Swim • Elijah Thielman • Anisha Vadehra • Susan
Victory • David Waller • Rebecca
Watson • Bill Whitman • Caroline Wolf • Cathy Yang • Tobias
Young •
Thank you!
Our programs are made possible by the generous support of the community. The following individuals,
corporations, businesses, and foundations have contributed to our success. The following donors made
their gifts between April 1, 2013 and March 31, 2014.
James & Barbara Adams • Peg Adams • Saul & Kathy Agel • Alex and Ani Retail, LLC • Judith L. Allard • Allen & Brooks, Inc. •
Amanda Amend & Craig Olzenak • Amy E. Tarrant Foundation • Kevin & Melissa Andersen • Jean Anderson • Meredith L.
Anderson • Sam & Emily Ankerson • Timothy Ashe & Paula Routly • Mr. & Mrs. Henry Atherton • August First Bakery &
Café • Mr. & Mrs. Edward Austin • Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Babits, Sr. • Nancy Bagot • Lucinda Bailey & Fred Weingarten • Kate
and Scott Baldwin & Family • Barbara Bardin • Alison Barges • Deborah & Starr Barnum • Kristen & Matt Bartle • Mr. &
Mrs. Walter Baumann • Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bayer • Paul Behrman & Adriana Taylo-Behrman • Jean M. Bergman • Melanie
Bernstein • Robert G. Betz • Elisabeth Beukenkamp-Delsing • Marian Doty Bickford • Ronald Bishop • Donna L. Bister &
Marc Estrin • Mary Ann Blaisdell • Judith Blank • Mr. & Mrs. Scott Boardman • Holly Bode • Ms. Christina V. Bolan • Sally
Borden & Joe Arioli • David Borsykowsky & Sarah Klionsky • Elizabeth K. Bouchard • Shirley Boucher • Dale & Joseph
Boutin • The Boutin Family Foundation • Mr. & Mrs. James Lee Bouyea • Anne Bove • Michael & Camilla Bowater •
Catherine S. Boyan • Joan S. Briggs • Michael Brigham • Frances Brock • Leman F. Bronson & Melinda H. White-Bronson •
Al & Sue Brooks • John Camm Broughton • Christian Brown & Rachel Inker • E. Leslie Brown • Gus & Kara Buchanan •
Michael & Stella Bukanc • Barbara K. Bull • Dan & Jane Burchard • Sara N. Burchard • Burlington School District • Burlington
Students Foundation • Mellisa Cain • Sister Virginia Cain • William & Marilee Cain • Anna T. Carey • L. Diana Carlisle &
James Inman • The Carmel Hill Fund • Mr. & Mrs. Peter Carney • John T. Carpenter • Diana Carris • Edward Carroll • Linda J.
Carroll • Peter Cataldo • Champlain Investment Partners, LLC • Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Charron • Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Chasan •
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Chattman • Greta Chattman • Robert Chiabrandy • Christopher Shatagin Sports Foundation • Claire
Cinque • Ron & Julie Citorik • City of Burlington CEDO • Diana Clark • Mr. & Mrs. David Coates • Gary & Barrie Coffey • K.L.
Colman • Martha J. Cooper • Cooper Family Foundation • Robert & Emilie Crawford • Mr. & Mrs. Dale Critchlow • Margaret
Cunningham • Liz Curry & Brian Pine • Lois D'Arcangelo • Jennifer S Davidson • John Davis • Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Delaney,
Jr. • Mary Desautels & David Littlehale • Mr. & Mrs. Karl W. Doerner • Frank & Ducky Donath • Siobhan Donegan & Vince
Brennan • Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Drake • The Duck Hunters - Jim, Sid & Gene • Jean Markey-Duncan & Bob Duncan • Duncan
-Wisniewski Architecture • Mr. John K. Dunleavy • Kirby Dunn • Brian & Margaret Eagan • Mr. & Mrs. Murray Edelstein •
Wallace Elliot & Phyllis Palmer • Christina Erickson & John Marius • Jenny Evans • John & Jane Ewing • Faith United
Methodist Church • Jenn & Nick Faitoute • Brent Farrell • Gary & Jane Farrell • James Farrell • Daniel Feeney • Ross &
Deirdre Fenderson • Joseph & Susan Finnigan • First Congregational Church • Dr. & Mrs. Lewis First • Kathy FitzGerald •
Paula M. Flaherty • Dr. & Mrs. Stevenson Flemer, Jr. • Gary Flomenhoft • Fusun T. Floyd • Frances Foster • Lisa Jeanne
Freda & Paul Caleen • Funraising 101, LLC • Tom Garrett & Barbara Murphy • GE United Way Campaign • Suzanne
Geoffroy • Geri Reilly Real Estate • Constance S. Germain • Mr. & Mrs. Gary G. Gile • Sandra & Joel Gluck • Lillian Golovin &
Bert Hoffman • Golub Foundation • Ann Goodrich • Louise E. Goodrich • Henry Goss • William & Debra Gottesman •
Samuel J. Graulty • Dean T. Gray II • Almina & Edin Grbic • Bruce & Kelly Green • Michael & Karen Green • The Green
Family • Jerry Greenfield & Elizabeth Skarie • Mr. & Mrs. Maurice A. Gregoire • Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Gretkowski • Hugh and
Shana Griffiths • Deborah Grimley • Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Gross • Linda J. Gross • Kelley & Corey Hackett • Dr. & Mrs. Joseph
F. Hagan, Jr. • Colleen Miller Hale • Tony & Cyndy Hall • Hallam-ICS • Linda & Ed Hamlin • Briant Hamrell • Harriet Hand •
Ilana Hand • Mr. James Handy • David & Anne Hauke • Holly Hauser • Terry & Janet Hayden • Colleen Heaslip • Michael
Hehir & Denise Aronton • Carl and Carlanne Herzog • Bob & Laurie Hickey • Andi Lerdy Higbee • Steffen & Korinna
Hillemann • Erik Hoekstra • Mr. & Mrs. Clem Holden • V. L. Hood • Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Horbar • Jessica M. Hyman • IBM •
Mousa Ishaq & Kristin Peterson-Ishaq • J.A. Morrissey, Inc. • Bryan Jackson & Nancy Jenkins • Guy & Betty Jarvis • Rita K.
Johnson • Anne Judson & Tim Parsons • Timothy & Frances Kahn • Dr. & Mrs. Jay E. Keller • Diana Kelly • Key Bank • Mr. &
Mrs. Haven King • Bob Kiss & Jackie Majoros • Brenda Kissam • Harvey & Debra Cohen Klein • Mr. & Mrs. Peter
Klinkenberg • Jane E. Knodell & Ted A. Wimpey • Vicki Knoepfel & John Cane • Mr. & Mrs. Larry Kost • Arnold D. Krieger •
David & Carlie Krolick • Madeleine Kunin & John W. Hennessey, Jr • Larry Kupferman & Susan Schoenfeld • Monica
Lafayette • Fred Lager & Yvette Pigeon • Ellen Laird • Lake Champlain Chocolates • Lance Foundation • Mr. & Mrs. Douglas
O. Lantagne • Larkin Realty • Deborah Yuen LaRosa • Leslie Larrow • Laura K Winterbottom Memorial Fund • Dean Lea &
Debra Gibbs • Kathy Leahy & Bob Goulette • Senator & Mrs. Patrick J. Leahy • Carolyn Leavitt • Kristin Leavitt • Edward K.
LeClair & Elizabeth H. Comolli • Donna A. Lee • Tonda & Patrick Lefebvre • Jim & Karen LeFevre • Michelle Lefkowitz &
Stuart Weiss • Ruth Letorney • Mr. & Mrs. Larry A. Limoge • Bernard Lisman • Betty Little-Royer • Charles & Jean Lord • Mr.
& Mrs. Joseph D. Lorraine • Walter & Louise Luchini • Jeanne Lynch • Terence & Kathleen Lynch • Francis & Beth
MacCormack • Leslee MacKenzie • Ruth H. Mackenzie • Sylvia & Larry Mackinnon • Ms. Ellen B. MacLellan • Susannah
Magee & Scott McGrath • Esther Maguire • Main Street Landing • William & Dana Mann • Rita Markley & Katy Farnham •
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Marsh • Brett Mashteare • John & Donna Mathias • Nancy McClellan & Elliot Douglas • Ann E.
McCluskey • John McCormack • Barbara McGrew • Bruce McKenzie • Timothy J. McKenzie • Ron & Kathy McLean •
Nicholas & Bridget Meyer • William Mierse & Florence Helen Wagg • James Miller • The Morris & Bessie Altman
Foundation • Eugene F. Morrissey • Jeanne Morrissey • Matt Mullen • Craig Murray & Beth Tanzman • William T. Murray •
Dorothy Myer • Marcia G. Nappi • Leonie A. Nelson • New England Federal Credit Union • Mr. & Mrs. John R. Newell • Lan
& Loc Nguyen • Eric Nichols & William Averyt • Spencer Noble • Georgine Nolan • Todd Nordblom & Amy Laverack • North
Star Leasing Company • Northfield Savings Bank • Mary Northrup • Mr. & Mrs. Leo O'Brien • O'Brien Brothers Agency, Inc. •
Paul & Carol Ode • Lawrence O'Keefe • Kathy Olwell & Wolfgang Weise • Joseph Oppenlander • Mr. & Mrs. Bernard
O'Rourke • Pamela Ouellette • Roberta Overson & David Stuller • Betsy Pardi • Nancy L. Parker • Nancy M. Parker • PC
Construction • Mr. & Mrs. David Pearl • Rose Pels • People's United Bank • People's United Bank Foundation • Richard &
Mary Jane Peters • Mr. & Mrs. James Pizzagalli • Irving Pollander • Leisa Pollander • Sandy Post • Victoria J. Poulin • Marian
E. Price • Nancy & Lynn Pruitt • Queen City Pool League • Joanne & Patrick Quinn • Michael S. Raab • Brad & Nancy
Rabinowitz • Nancy Radley • Joanna Rankin • Margaret Redfield • Mr. & Mrs. Wendell G. Reed • Kristie Reed • The Richard
E. & Deborah L. Tarrant Foundation • Mr. & Mrs. S. Brown Richardson • Jeffrey Rimmer • Barbara Rippa • Rivendell
Foundation • Ryan Roberge & Mariam Alhadis Roberge • Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Robinson • Andrea Rogers & Avery Hall •
David L. Rome & Diane C. Rippa • Alfred & Maggie Rosa • Lori Rosendale • Mary Rosmus • Lili Ruane • Barbara Russ &
Dean Williams • David Sachs • Jim Sackett & Suzanne Geoffroy • John & Linda Saia • Samuel De Champlain Club • Leigh
Samuels • Santa Night • Gina A. Scafa • Krista Scheele • Kathy & Mike Schirling • SecurShred • Catharine F. Seigel • Abi &
Bill Sessions • Tabatha L Shall • Joan Shannon & Ken Grillo • John & Susan Sharp • Marc Sherman • Marianne W. Shibata •
Lynda Siegel & Gillard Mathys • Joyce Sillito • Michael Simoneau & Geri Reilly • Harold & Wendy Simpers • Sisters of
Mercy • Marjorie N. Skiff • Beverley Slocum • Smart Girl LLC • Ann R. Smith • Brett & Elisa Smith • Deborah N. Smith •
Priscilla & Evan Smith • Margaret Smith • Vicky Smith & David Porteous • Michael Smolin & Lorna-Kay Peal • Mr. & Mrs.
Dennis Snyder • Kathleen Speedy • Chip & Shelley Spillane • Scott & Julie Springer • Dr. & Mrs. J. Ward Stackpole • Kay
Stambler & Stanley Greenberg • State of Vermont- Combined Federal Campaign • Lisa Steele • Margie & Peter Stern •
Jonathan Sternberg & Gretchen Farrar • Caryl J. Stewart • Richard Stoner & Theresa Hyland • Nancy Strong • Liz Swim •
Gaye Symington & Charles Lacy • Dr. & Mrs. John P. Tampas • Temple Sinai Sisterhood • Charles & Joan Tetzlaff • Time
Warner • The Tipper Family • Mr. & Mrs. John Patrick Tracy • Mr. & Mrs. B. Albert Trono • Thu Truong • Trust Company of
Vermont • Tracey Tsugawa • Turrell Fund • United Methodist Women • Helen Valine • Elizabeth S. Van Buren • Barbara Van
Raalte • Michael Veilleux • Mr. & Mrs. Bruce T. Venner • The Vermont Agency Foundation • Vermont Department of
Children and Family Services Special Accommodations • Vermont Department of Education • Vermont Federal Credit
Union • Vermont Lake Monsters • Charles Veronneau • Susan Victory • Annie Voldman • Sue & Clayton Wagner • Twedis C.
Walker-Merrell • Elizabeth T. Wall • Linda Walsleben • Lisa Watts • Jodi Whalen & Phillip Merrick • Kate & Erik Wheeler •
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Whitman • Kim & Sally Wichert • Mr. & Mrs. James Wilhite • Mary Wilkens & Ann Sicurello • Ross &
Susan Williford • Ann S. Wittpenn, M.D. • Women's Health Care Service at FAHC • Barry & Heather Woodworth • Brenda J.
Wright • William Wright • Mr. & Mrs. Alexander C. Zabriskie • Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Zenaty • Richard & Jeannine Ziemba •
Jaime L. Zuri •
The following loved ones were remembered with a gift to the Center:
Cynthia Antell • Anthony Bove • Barry Carris • Sarah Carrol • Ed Comolli • Buddy Floyd • Mary Golec • Harriet Hand • Sara
Holbrook • Robert Jarvis • Reverend Bob Lee • Fr. John McSweeney • Raymond Naymie • John P. Nolan • Wil Parker •
Janice Wilkens •
The following loved ones were honored with a gift to the Center:
Mary Ann Blaisdell • Jason Boutin & Cay Tolson • Anna Carey • Bruce & Diane Chattman • Frank & Ducky Donath • Emilie
Donath Crawford • Ross Fenderson • Michael Flaherty • Samuel Frank • Burt & Marge Hamrell • Linda Hamlin • Ilana
Hand • Sally Hand • Marci Hand-Raab • Debbie Johnson • Larry Kupferman • Susan & Jim Larche • Lyn Leavitt • Georgine
Nolan • Kathy Olwell • Leisa Pollander • Mr. & Mrs. Quek • Gus Rosendale • Jocelyn Secker-Walker • Pricilla & Evan Smith •
The Tegeder Family • Ann Tewsbury • Lucy L. Wells • Robert Wilkens •
SHCC does our best to recognize those who have supported us. We try to ensure that this list is as accurate as possible. If you find an
error or an omission, please accept our apology and contact Leisa Pollander at (802) 862-0080. Thank you for your understanding.
Financial Report
The Sara Holbrook Community Center’s fiscal calendar begins April 1st and closes March 31st of the following year.
The following financial information reflects the 2013-2014 fiscal year. This statement is a combined and condensed
unaudited balance sheet and profit & loss statement. Upon completion, a set of audited financial statements will be
available upon request.
Current Assets
Cash and Equivalents
Accounts Receivable
Total Current Assets
Fixed Assets
Other Assets
Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable
Other Current Liabilities
Total Current Liabilities
Unrestricted Net Assets
Temp. Restricted Net Assets
Net Income
Total Equity
United Way
Program Services
Special Events
Other Income
$ 13,085
Salaries & Benefits
Contract Services
Professional Fees
Other Operating Expenses
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage Paid
Permit No. 651
66 North Avenue, Burlington, VT 05401
Burlington, VT
This publication was produced with the help of
Duncan Wisniewski Architecture