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#82643 About Halloween by Radu Cinamar w PDF
Posted by DAR on 31 October 2014 - 11:18 AM in General Discussion
Link Here:
Halloween Democrats better not do something positive?
In recent years the teachings of Satan came to occupy the most important place in the collective mentality of
many people. A relatively large part of people, if they ask "what is satanism?" would answer that, ' with the
devil ". Of course, I do not expect to offer any explanation more complex, but at the same time, some of them
have some notions about what is Satanism, I notice that-was among the first to hurry to celebrate this day
deeply satanista.
The "father" of the "Church of Satan", tenebrosul Anton Szandor LaVey and terifiantul, used to say that
Halloween is one of the largest celebrations in the satanic calendar, along with "Walpurgică" or Night witches
Sabbath, on May 1.
In his book, the theory and practice of magic, written in 1929, he explains the reasons for the ritual death and
why very young boys are perfect victims: "the magicians of antiquity believed that every living being is a
storehouse of energy, which depends on the quantity and size of the animal's health status, and quality of mental
health and of his moral character. When the animal dies, its energy is suddenly released. The one who wants to
make a good quality spiritual work must choose their victim with utmost caution, so as to obtain the most pure
force and stronger. The victim of the most perfect possible is a male child, absolutely innocent and endowed
with a greater native intelligence ".
Crowley added in a footnote that according to Frater Perurabo satanistului journal, he practiced the ritual
sacrifice of 150 times a year, between the years 1912-1928. This means that only a man has killed a total of
nearly 2,500 boys in this time frame. You may wonder what happens to the millions, Yes, millions of children
who disappear each year throughout the world, without ever hears something from them? And i never put to
account those who are raised by small directly for this purpose without the public ever knowing anything about
I think you start to convince yourself that the estimates of the annual ritual sacrifices are not at all exaggerated.
In essence, Satanism doesn't mean anything other than a theft of energy and consciousness of another person. In
the olden days of yore was known by the term "Rapture" soul ". Perhaps you find that these rituals are but a
hideous perversion, but those who practice them know very well that no matter how the ritual so its effects.
A ritual is only a tool that leads to a goal: theft or manipulation of energy. Sex occurs so frequently in the rituals
of Satan because when the orgasm is caused by a burst of energy for which sataniştii and reptilienii can easily
absorb. Sexual energy of love with a vibration resonate infinitely higher, which is why it cannot be accessed by
the reptilians.
Instead, sex practiced during a ritual or satanic sacrifice makes as explosion of vital energy to produce a very
low vibration, thanks to the intention which led to the sexual intercourse, so that the energy resonate perfectly
with the frequency reptiliană. The astrological energies generated by the constant movement of the planets on
the orbit, plus the Sun and moon cycles, are also used to enhance the power of rituals. For example, sataniştii
have certain days where its most important ceremonies. These days are slaughtered an impressive number of
victims, in particular children.
Some of the most important are:-1 night/2 February Candlemas;
-21/22 March, the spring equinox;
-April 30/May 1, Walpurgiilor/Beltane Night;
-21/22 June, summer solstice;
-31 July/1 august, Newcastle Emlyn, Festival of the Sabbath;
-21/22 September, autumn equinox;
-31 October/1 November, Samhain/Halloween;
-21/22 December, winter solstice or Yule.
I wish to emphasize again that these dates and festivals are not Satanic itself. They represent important moments
in the planetary cycle annually, when the Earth is extremely powerful energies of various kinds, and enabling
the development of rituals and ceremonies both positive and negative. The cycle produces energy, and use
sataniştii in their own purposes, just as do those who use it in positive, rituals such as the modern Druids. Other
times they achieved widespread Satanic rituals are moonlit nights, when solar energy reflected by the star has
the night is at its peak. Noting the significance they attach to sataniştii day of May 1, the date when the
enlightened Bavarian appeared (in 1776) and day of Communists and Socialists around the world (another
creation of the Brotherhood).
The key of Solomon is a book of occult magic. The legend claims that it was written by "King Solomon". She
presents the Pentagram and the necessary instructions for using the invocation of demons, with the sacrifices
that must be made to the latter. These works provide the knowledge necessary for ancient repeating these rituals
generation after generation. The central core of the Knights Templar was involved in rituals of black magic and
not infrequently the Templars were accused of satanism and rejection of Christianity under the grounds that it
denies Christ and spit on the cross.
It is said that worshiped a very powerful demon named Bafomet, a symbol of black magic, also known as the
Goat of Mendes. Capricorn (goat or scapegoat, symbolized and unicorn) is the iniţiatului and represents the
political power, while the lion (Sun) represents Royal power. Here arose the expression that the lion is King of
the jungle and why is the lion on the flag of the British Royal family. Aquarius is ruled by the planet Saturn,
while Zodiac Lion is governed by the Sun.
Therefore, sataniştii and black magicians focuses heavily on those two celestial aştri during their rituals. For this
reason, the planet Saturn has a more powerful vibratory impact upon the Earth than are willing to recognize the
astrologers. In astrology, Saturn is the planet that governs considered the law and authority.
Attached Files
About October 31 by Radu Cinamar.pdf 70.02KB 66 downloads
#82657 Discovery of Mountans Bucegi (Romania) - A ancient technology inside the Bucegi!
Posted by DAR on 31 October 2014 - 02:31 PM in General Discussion
Isidora understood why Sever told her that people are not
ready yet and that the time had not come yet. But at the same time she
understood in what Sever and others were not right! If we just wait for people
to be ready, it will never happen! This was the major error of the Light ones. On
understanding that, she felt infinitely sad. The Dark ones won, because they
never waited for a right time. They acted in any circumstances and until the
Light Forces understand this simple truth, the Dark will always win.
inability to find, see and become aware of the truth surrounding reality, serious tough .
Dacic Wolf
Blog for the retrieval of national identity
Review on 2013: Romania
1. Romania is dying, as a State and as a people.
2. the economy of Romania and Romania generally have been destroyed, purposefully stepping from 1990 until
now, of those who lead the world in shadow through the political puppets in Bucharest and in the territory.
3. Romania was accepted in principle in the EU to be colonised by the great powers of the world.Legislation,
policy decisions, national defence and Romanian economy are no longer in the power of the Romanian State,
but are dictated from elsewhere. Romania is a colony in the true sense of the word (some explanations HERE);
integration into NATO and the EU has been a big SPIKE! I was colonised for natural resources to be indebted
to the IMF loans and control of foreign powers, for cheap, human resources for fertile farmland, to the market
of 20 million consumers we educated concerning what products not to buy blindly, etc;
4. industry has been destroyed and sold to scrap metal. Postsocialist during FLOYD'S Ceausescu's best! I was a
kind of "gods" from this point of view. Unfortunately those who wanted plan colonization and destruction of the
Romanian industry and selling them to scrap metal. Exactly that happened. Thus, the products have never had
competition with the production of Romania, which currently has almost no longer exists.
5. the Romanian economy has been destroyed because of Western firms to harness the products on the market
in Romania (i.e. approximately 20 million inhabitants), without competition from local firms as Romanian;
A relevant quote:
At present, Germany has economic phagocitated South and Southeast, but requires them to countries in the EU
to become internationally competitive. But Germany's economic success relies primarily on exports of German
goods on the EU market, not on the international market. Germany wants to înjuge the economy weaker or
different countries developed from the yoke of the Euro, to put them in the rear and the burden of EU
legislation-which standardizes, regulates and raises the price of all the products of small and medium industry,
thereby reducing the competitiveness of these products on the international market-and then ask for those small
and medium savings to win 100 meters hurdles race. It's impossible. And German elites know or should know
this. What conclusion can we draw from the above? That, as long as we stand at the hands of the great powers,
they will pay each other pustiindu us shelves "harvest". (the source HERE)
Details about how şmecheră was (literally), the Romanian economy Ceausescu in 1989, before being
assassinated, find HERE.
6. traditions, religion and culture of Romania are systematically destroyed by promoting ecumenism,
pornography and homosexuality;
7. Education has been destroyed. Education in Romania is the land that currently produce very many school
tâmpiţi-easily fooled and manipulated-Romanians are a mass of maneuver, slaves of modern workers who don't
comment and just work ("we work not to think", of 20 June 1990 in actuality);
8. mental Destruction of the Romanian people's great odds, so that Romanians are no longer able to distinguish
evil from good, ordinary of abnormal work frivolous and relevantul of imbecile and unimportant stuff.
Romanians can no longer identify the perpetrators and the causes of the problems that we have. The Romanians
they feed the media GARBAGE daily (for idiots-movie shows that the general public it seeks with bale in the
mouth, gossip, sex, crafts etc.); Vaccines, fluoride and the TV are 3 of the tools of destruction of people's
9. Romanians are învrăjbiţi some against others and end up arguing among themselves out of nothing. Unity
and solidarity — two concepts URLATE each time the street protests have unfortunately NOT echo in
Romanians ' hearts and minds. Romanians have gotten too destroyed mentally to know their own interests and
too selfish to fight alongside the "brothers" of theirs for a noble cause, which after all is one of the common and
general interest-a normal life.
10. most of the media is sold and/or censored. Thus, information quality, relevant, useful and important not to
îndobitocit people through the main channels of communication (TV, RADIO, written press, MAJOR NEWS
sites), but may reach people only through publications (usually online) small (some sites, blogs etc. available
yet). "It's easy to notice that whenever world Governments or the media want to wreck a particular point of
view that is inconvenient for" power, "they call it:" conspiracy theory ". The subtle message that is not uttered,
wants to say that "normal people" will never believe those "nonsense" and that, moreover, they will never put in
doubt the official propaganda that is served by the "official" sources. "
11. young people valued in Romania have gone abroad, fled and do not give signs of returning (nor would have
what in these times);
12. the population of Romania is in dramatic decline (over 4 million people have emigrated from the mess in
which we live in Romania over the past 23 years, although the country is theoretically at peace-work like never
before in the history of mankind);
13. Romania's Population is aging very-young people no longer have to pay back the pension scheme;
14. Romania's "active" Population is a demonstration of modern slavery. The people who work there are being
held as slave laborers who did not comment on nothing, who are paid wages of misery as not to die of hunger,
how to pay and reports to go 5 days per year in a shitty vacation wondering if they have enough money;
15. the Romanians (and generally people on the planet) are supervised through modern technology, to be as
easier control and handling -Internet, mobile phones, smartphones, tablets, micro RFID CHIP Cards, electronic
identity cards with biometric data, the chip implanted in the body-is etc etc etc.
16. Romanian Pensioners are left intentionally to die of poverty, hunger and disease because they are regarded
by those who lead the world from the shadows only some "holes in the budget" that consumes money
(retirement) and which does not produce anything. For this reason, they must die, literally. Or ... how Prime
Minister Emil Boc said (re-elected as Mayor of Cluj incredibly-SHAME!), "related to the pension system ... and
rely on the exits from the system". The only way in which a pensioner "comes out of the system" is death. The
Boc as Prime Minister on the death of pensioners and said it and the TV audience. The death of pensioners is
provided through poverty-pension sucks, lack of food, poor quality food, lack of medicines (or too many toxic
drugs băgate in the body), lack of social support, lack of help to cultivate land (country), the lack of jobs in
order to increase the revenue of a little mess as not to die of hunger to own etc;
17. the Mafia, corruption, theft of public money and Taunts are unimaginable in Romania the year 2013
18. Law Firms (the true economy of Romania) do not face big duties,that there are so many great and that they
may have to steal the politicians. That's why firms do not have what to do else than becoming "dishonest" (tax
evasion, not to give money to the State), or fail, be moving to other States-so. .. the death for the Romanian
19. Romania's natural resources are hunted and stolen by global corporations -tools into the hands of those who
are leading the world out of the shadows, with serious repercussions on the nature (see Chevron with Shale Gas
Resources with Gabriel, Roşia Montană, OMV-Petrom oil companies with smaller mountain rivers Conferenceeven in protected areas, timber companies that defrişează the Romanian forests etc.); These corporations and
companies ' buddy ' with those who give advice and authorizations were Romanian and natural resources
destroyed by their work environment and human health and are honest and innocent ... but the culprits that
staying and stares instead of YELLING in the STREET AGAINST INJUSTICE!
20. the Romanian people's Health to the ground and one of their daily meals of many Romanians are medicines,
although many of them had no need to take ... but ... ' so I said ' Daniel '..., as if Daniel's God;
21. the Romanians eat garbage. Just some of us, the poorest and embittered people eating trash in the garbage
dump (see What is poverty). The rest, "Romanians civilized" eating trash in the form of poison, the
SUPERMARKET packaged nicely. I repeat here some of the Poisons of the shops that you gauge within us:
meat normally processed (and basically every thing processed, which is no longer in its original form), sweets,
sausages, fast food, white bread, white sugar, mayonnaise, margarine, frying in oil sunflower, colored sodas,
cakes of ice-cream, chips, trade, iodized salt, toothpaste with fluoride, anything with E-uri, colorants, chemical
preservatives, etc. etc. etc.
22. "elites" (those who lead the world in shadow) put an entire world, including eating what we produce in our
Attached Files
ROMANIA - the destruction of its people.pdf 161.81KB 49 downloads
#82659 About Halloween by Radu Cinamar w PDF
Posted by DAR on 31 October 2014 - 04:40 PM in General Discussion
Izzi, on 31 Oct 2014 - 12:33 PM, said:
I doubt real Radu Cinamar wrote that. Good post anyway!
Maybe more accurate or correct .. POSTED on facebook BY RADU CINAMAR!
see here ..
shared Dragos Anunnaki's photo.
Nu-i nimic, dar absolut nimic pozitiv in aceasta, asa-zis "sarbatoare" !
See Translation
Halloween-istilor nu mai bine sarbatoriti ceva pozitiv ?
In ultimii ani invataturile sataniste au ajuns sa ocupe un loc fruntas in mentalul colectiv al multor oameni. O parte, relativ
mare, dintre oameni, daca ar fi intrebati "ce inseamna ... See More
See Translation
Created on February 18, 2013
Short Description
Official page of facebook has roman R Cinamar writer, author of four books about conspiracies, esoterica, knowledge,
especially about the Bucegi mountains.
Long Description
Official page of facebook has roman R Cinamar writer, author of four books about conspiracies, esoterica, knowledge,
especially about the great Discovery of the Bucegi mountains, performed in August 2003.
The four volumes are:
1. Future with dead head
2.12 days a secret initiation
3. the mystery of Egypt-the first tunnel
4. Secret Parchment
All can be found at http://www.editurada...ia-radu-cinamar > Daksha-Publishing House
#82738 Interesting Documentaries For a Rainy Day
Posted by DAR on 02 November 2014 - 02:26 PM in General Discussion
Bruce lee and Jiddu Krishnamurti
#82762 About Halloween by Radu Cinamar w PDF
Posted by DAR on 03 November 2014 - 11:10 AM in General Discussion
Izzy ..
Why dont you go to Radu facebook page and tell him he is not the true Radu ..
Not to be Rude or something like that ..
Have a nice day ..
#82764 Background on the Anunnaki Gods
Posted by DAR on 03 November 2014 - 12:56 PM in Return of The Gods
Published on Feb 11, 2013
Video about how the Synagogue of Satan through the Nazis rediscovered Atlantis and its flash frozen technology by
channeling evil spiritual entities along with using occult knowledge found during their Ahnenerbe project. During
Operation Highjump (and later Operation Deep Freeze), the Americans went to Antarctica and took the technology back
to their D.U.M.B.s in the U.S. deserts to be retro-engineered and mastered within black projects along with other
horrors being worked on for the coming New World Order of the Antichrist. The Nazi occultists/scientists were also
moved to America under Operation Paperclip (Odessa) to work on the black projects, turn the OSS into the CIA, and help
turn Jack Parson's JPL into NASA.
These modern vimanas & vailixi will be used to fool billions via an "alien" strong delusion to help bring in the New World
Order & one world false 'cosmic' New Age religion of the Antichrist. Would "aliens" or fallen angels/demons be more
likely to help give technological blueprints & other evil knowledge to sinister Nazis (satanists) Especially just in time for
the New World Order of the Antichrist!
#82790 BRB
Posted by DAR on 03 November 2014 - 09:24 PM in General Discussion
Actually .. Ebola may not be Ebola that is the end product .. In the 1970s and 80s there were the life ending
products being tested by the Russian and US military [intel] factors .. See the Dr Beter Letters 1-5.
More recently there have been the lurid revelations by the Senate Intelligence Committee chaired by one
Senator Frank Church: assassination plots against Castro, poison dart guns to stun guard dogs at enemy
installations, all manner of James Bond-style murder weapons, and even deadly shellfish toxins kept by the CIA
despite presidential orders to destroy them. “Strong stuff”, you say. Wrong. The Church committee, like the
Treasury with its pennies, is playing games with you and me again. The United States Senate hearings on
shellfish toxins last month did not reveal anything except the tip of the iceberg. The same applies to what they
have not told you about assassinations, psychological programming, and other things. As usual, the Government
is telling you just enough to make you think you have been told the truth, while keeping you in the dark about
what really matters. So I’m going to tell you a thing or two about what really goes on in the Rockefeller
Brothers espionage network.
I believe what I am about to reveal, my friends, is actually mind boggling. It’s tragic, it’s frightening, and
frankly, it borders on the unbelievable. But my information, which I have carefully double-checked, comes
from sources which have been proven absolutely reliable in the past, therefore the absolute truth to the very
best of my knowledge; and I believe you have a right to know the truth about the things that affect your life,
your health, and your destiny.
Senator Church’s committee made a big publicity splash over the 11 grams, less than half an ounce, of the
shellfish toxin kept by the CIA in defiance of presidential orders. But they have known for over a month now
about something far worse than those shellfish toxins—something that is a direct, immediate threat to
unsuspecting citizens right now—and they are not telling you about it.
CIA operatives have stolen from 40 to 60 pounds—pounds, not ounces or grams—of deadly radioactive
Plutonium-239 from various stations in the United ed States. Plutonium-239 is the deadliest substance
imaginable, and is the material used for nuclear weapons; and these 40 to 60 pounds of stolen plutonium have
been processed into an incredibly dangerous radioactive superpoison so lethal that one (1) gram - 1/28th of an
ounce—is enough to kill over 60,000 people; and this insane illegal poison is now stored in the “Central Core
Vault” at Fort Knox!
The Central Core Vault, which was originally designed to house the nation’s gold, has been emptied of that
gold and turned by the Rockefellers’ spy establishment into a chamber of death, containing enough radioactive
superpoison to kill over one-third of the world’s population! Shellfish toxins, my eye! But, my friends, you still
haven’t heard the worst of it.
Letter 11
announced still another effort to treat us as pawns, and this time every man, woman, and child in the United
States is intended to be involved. I refer, of course, to the trumped up Swine Influenza threat, and the proposal
to inoculate everyone against it.
The stated medical reasons for this totally unprecedented project are so patently flimsy that everyone from the
World Health Organization to individual doctors all around the country have sharply questioned what is
proposed. Many doctors have gone so far as to openly ask what the real political reason for it is, so
unconvincing is the medical basis for it. Meanwhile the Rockefeller-controlled major media are beating the
drums in favor of it. Some groups have questioned whether perhaps something sinister is to be added to the
vaccine; but while this could be done, it is not the underlying reason for the Swine Flu program. The whole
Swine Flu swindle is an elaborate cover-up, the most diabolical so far of the truth about the horrible CIA
radioactive plutonium super poison which is now contaminating the entire southeastern portion of the United
States and is even beginning to show up now in traces nation-wide. This is the poison which was stored in the
Central Core Vault of the Bullion Depository at Fort Knox, as I first revealed in my monthly AUDIO LETTER
No. 5, October 1975.
As part of the federal government’s cover-up, they made matters a thousand times worse when they
deliberately dumped it into underground streams under Fort Knox during January, as I have previously
reported. Now they are beginning to realize the hideous extent of their folly; but instead of honest remedial
action, their response is still cover-up.
First, the Swine Flu campaign began by alarming everyone with its alleged threat. Then it was pointed out that
even those who do get the vaccine run a considerable risk of getting sick anyway due to side effects. And to
cap it off, officials expressed public doubt by the end of March that it would be possible to produce and
administer enough vaccine to inoculate everyone by late this year, when the Government allegedly fears a
Swine Flu epidemic.
Topic #2 - On October 5, 1976, just as the so-called “SWINE FLU” inoculation program was getting
under way, news reports suddenly told us that we were experiencing fallout from an alleged Chinese
atmospheric nuclear blast on September 26. Oddly enough, the initial reports about this came from the
East Coast, especially Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, and Connecticut; but certain areas of the
Pacific Northwest were soon mentioned as being affected too. We were told that radioactive iodine-131
was showing up in milk at various locations; but we were also assured, as we invariably are whenever
any radioactive hazard appears, that there was really no danger.
In the days that followed we continued to hear about the supposed Chinese fallout, but other things
probably seemed even more worrisome. For example, elderly people began dying of heart attacks
shortly after taking swine flu shots, causing widespread alarm at first. But the Government quickly
assured us that their deaths didn’t really matter at all, that they would have died anyway; and the swine
flu inoculation program went right back into high gear.
And then there were the strange outbreaks of an unknown “mystery illness” at electronics plants in
western Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Oregon. The employees, most of them women, experienced
headaches, nausea, stomach pains, difficulty in breathing, a feeling of being intoxicated in some cases,
and even fainting spells. This time the swine flu vaccine could not be the culprit because the victims had
not received it. Instead, some were worried that the swine flu itself had struck. Others remembered, with
a shiver, the equally mysterious “Legionnaires Disease” that had sickened nearly 200 people in
Philadelphia and killed more than two dozen of them two months earlier.
My friends, there is actually no mystery at all behind these developments and more like them that you
can expect to see. All of these cases I have mentioned are man-made and deliberate, but those who are
responsible for them are neither telling you about them nor leaving clues that will be found in normal medical
investigations of these episodes. We in the United States are now under attack in a campaign of experimental
testing of chemical warfare weapons so that they can be employed later on with precision and devastating
against us in full scale war—that is, if we let it happen.
For years all the major countries of the world have been in a continuing race against time to discover
ever more sophisticated forms of bacterial and chemical weapons, some of them amounting to
doomsday weapons capable of destroying all life on this planet. Only mad men would even consider
using such weapons, but only mad men deliberately cause wars for their own greedy purposes, too—
and war is very near at hand right now. A few years ago a nerve gas called sarin was perfected in a
facility in Colorado. A tiny amount escaped, and two shepherds and their 7000 sheep were killed. In
response to the public outcry that resulted, a statement was issued that the Chemical Warfare Service
had destroyed the sarin gas and was no longer doing such research—but that was a lie.
Experimentation still continues today on all kinds of such poisons, and at a furious pace.
As of right now, many hideous lethal ailments can be inflicted on whole populations as operational weapons.
These include black plague, smallpox, meningitis, dysentery, gangrene, yellow fever, tetanus, botulism, typhus,
hepatitis, Bang’s disease, and Q fever. Thirty grams of Q fever is sufficient to infect over 150-million people,
and it is considered especially convenient since any individuals who are to be saved in such an attack can first
be immunized against it! Such selective immunization could easily be done, for example, under the cover of a
mass inoculation program like the swine flu program. Q fever, though, is mild by comparison to a nuclear gas
called AP-7 which is being manufactured in Uruguay and Argentina by American and European subsidiaries of
Rockefeller-controlled conglomerate corporations. Two thimblefuls properly distributed could kill 180-million
people; and one pound, all life on the face of the earth. Unless and until these hideous weapons are unleashed
on the earth, they remain in a condition in which they can be destroyed and neutralized; and it is essential that
they be destroyed instead of just being handed around from one agency to another, as Senator Frank Church
permitted last year in his shellfish toxin shell game. But other types of chemical and biological weapons are
also of great interest to weapons researchers which can be used in more selective ways or to produce lowerorder effects than the poisons I have just described.
The whole thing is intended to condition us all to the idea that this will be the cause if and when Americans
start dying like flies in some area soon due to poisoning from the spreading CIA plutonium poison from Fort
Knox. And just for good measure, preposterous stories have also found their way into print recently, alleging in
effect that plutonium is practically harmless based on records which have ‘suddenly’ been discovered recently
about people who were injected experimentally with plutonium years ago. It’s all big game of “look over
there”; and you, your children, and your loved ones are the pawns in this cold-blooded game.
#82849 EBOLA: A record
Posted by DAR on 05 November 2014 - 11:23 AM in General Discussion
Just another interesting story..
Nicky Zakzuk · Top Commenter · Lion of ZION at ZION
HOLY CRAPOLA! One of the more interesting scientists working in World War II for Dr Josef Mengele on the German
Ebola program was a Portuguese doctor, Jose Simoes Ferreira.
His daughter, Teresa, is married to Senator John Kerry, although I am quite sure neither knew anything at all about
Ferreira’s past until I blew the gaff (it’s a topic covered in Spyhunter).
I imagine the Democrats have since tightened up their selection procedure for presidential candidates – surprisingly, no
one apparently thought to ask John Kerry in 2004 whether or not his father-in-law was involved in hideous medical
experiments on African children in World War II on behalf of Dr Mengele
Michael Shrimpton on VT
#82869 THE SOURCE OF LIFE - Levashov
Posted by DAR on 05 November 2014 - 09:36 PM in Return of The Gods
Source of Life Part 7
PDF below
Photography: Svetlana de Rohan-Levashov
Translation: Elena Lyubimova
Edited by Irene Stillwell
The ice armour had thawed by the next day and everything was safe and sound, as though nothing happened
and there had been no icy glaze whatsoever! The Japanese plums showed evergreen leaves to the Sun on
February 3! The leaves which “hatched” from the icy shell are stronger and even more green and lush, and now
they have also become “ice-proof” (Fig. 74 and Fig. 75). Moreover, almost all leaves survived the icy captivity,
not just some of them (Fig. 76).
The grass successfully repulsed the icy attack too. It remained lush and green in the glades after the almost
solid ice armour had thawed (Fig. 77)! The evergreen bushes preserved their green leaves and ready to open
inflorescences and which remained unharmed by the icy glaze (Fig. 78). The oyster mushrooms even grew a
little as soon as were liberated from the icy armour (Fig. 79). False chanterelles did not even notice an icy touch
(Fig. 80)... just like all other plants of our domain!
Nicolai Levashov,
February 4, 2009
P.P.S. Our Park after the “Ice Age”
Figs covered with an icy glaze, evergreens’ lush green leaves in icy armour, magnolia buds in transparent ice…
Thanks to Svetlana’s photos we witnessed these and many other unbelievable phenomena which displayed
themselves to the world in the first days of February, 2009 when everything froze in the night of the 1st to the
2nd of February. Let us see now what happened with plants when it became warmer, the “ice-age” was over and
everything melted. Of course, there were frosts before, but this kind of glazing had never been observed here
and this makes the situation yet more peculiar! Before, if frost took the forming buds of magnolias caduc by
surprise, they died, and new ones appeared in their place very quickly as happened at the end of January, 2007
(Fig. 81). However, this year the buds continued forming right after the icy glaze melted, as though it had never
covered them (Fig. 82)! Incredible! Tender and very sensitive to cold, magnolia buds are filled with vital force
as if nothing happened and we can already see the petals peeping out of their fluffy external covers (Fig. 83 and
Fig. 84).
The ice armour thawed the next day, the 3rd of February, and one surely would have expected all living things
held captive by the ice to die! It certainly would happen in any other place, but this extreme and normally
ruinous natural phenomenon did not render its fatal action in the active area of the psi-field generator! It showed
especially clearly in the conduct and reaction of tropical and subequatorial plants, for example, the Japanese
plum (Photinia Japonica). A week passed after the ice cover had gone, and if it had influenced our plants
somehow, its consequences would have undoubtedly manifested in the leaves of the Japanese plum (Fig. 85).
The Japanese plum is not the only one that should have reacted to “glaciation”! All the evergreens should have
turned black and withered, but nothing of the kind happened with them or any other plants in our park and
garden! They continue to show off under winter Sun filled with vital force. Having an accumulative effect, the
influence of the psi-field (“dark” matter) generator finally reached a level when almost all plants acquired new
qualities which they never had in Nature!
The very fact that plants absorb these new qualities so well indicates that the developmental
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The Source of Life part 7+ article-4-7+-eng.pdf 223.27KB 47 downloads
#82870 THE SOURCE OF LIFE - Levashov
Posted by DAR on 05 November 2014 - 09:40 PM in Return of The Gods
Source of Life Part 8
PDF below
Photography: Svetlana de Rohan-Levashov
Translation: Elena Lyubimova
Edited by Irene Stillwell
The awakening of life in spring is always a miracle of Nature! The Sun has only to warm a little more and
seemingly dead Nature starts waking up from winter sleep and everything around bursts with vital force.
Although this miracle happens every year, it fills the soul with amazement again and again! Yes, it is always a
miracle, but what happens in our French domain cannot be called anything other than a miracle within a
miracle! Magic or Fairy Island – this name is the most appropriate to describe what we can see there! In fact
there is nothing magical in the phenomena called into being in our estate by the working of the psi-generator
(dark matter generator) whatsoever, but they indeed look like magic, especially if we compare them with what
happens in Nature in France and the rest of our planet!
Despite the indubitable riches and variety of Nature it, nevertheless, acts blindfolded. As I have already written
in other articles, Nature does not have consciousness! This conclusion follows from the fact that the plants
which belong to one climatic zone cannot live in the conditions of another, even the neighbouring one. Not to
mention that if a plant gets into a very distant climatic zone, for example, from the equatorial to the temperate
one: being carried from one zone to another which differs so drastically in climatic parameters, the plant dies
very quickly. The reason for this is quite clear: it is unable to adapt to new conditions. In fact, when the climate
changes, the plants of some particular climatic zone die and other plants which can adjust to the new climatic
conditions appear in their place! This is what has been happening for the four billion years of the existence of
life on Midgard-earth!
If Nature had reason, it would come to the conclusion that in order to prevent vegetable organisms from dieing
when the temperature drops sharply, it would need to prevent the arboreal sap (the blood of plants) from
freezing at temperatures below zero! If Nature had reason, it would allot plants the ability to synthesize water,
as the absence of water during droughts results in rapid death of most plants and, as a consequence, in the death
of the particular ecological system. If Nature had reason, it would transform soil unfavourable for plants into a
favourable one or would create such conditions that plants of any climatic zone could grow in any soil,
including highly adverse ones (for example, limestone). If Nature had reason, it would create conditions when
plants alone could create everything they need for optimal living conditions, because plants are not animals and
cannot leave their habitat in order to look for something with more suitable conditions!
We can go on searching for newer confirmations, but the abovementioned is enough for us to draw the
conclusion that Nature does not have reason! It does not belittle either Nature or everything it created, but there
is no reasoning element in it whatsoever! Charles Darwin erred a lot, but his conclusion that Nature’s driving
force is natural selection was correct. Plants adapt themselves to the conditions of their growing. Those which
are unable to adjust to changing climatic conditions die and those for which these conditions are acceptable
occupy their place. In other words, it is plants that adapt themselves to the environment, not to the contrary! At
the same time every particular type of plant has a very limited scope within which it can adapt to the changing
environmental conditions: if that is exceeded, even a little, they die! The aforesaid demonstrates that the
processes in Nature are not reasoning!
At the same time the fact that all previously mentioned deficient properties were introduced in plants by means
of the psi-field generator shows that these and many other tasks can be solved if reason and the understanding
of the nature of living matter is applied. This proves without controversy the absence of reason in Nature and
the absence of any planetary reason or Logos!!! Despite the expedience which is inherent in Nature, our
Midgard-earth, nevertheless, does not possess reason! The self-regulation mechanisms of the ecological system
which are observed on our planet have nothing to do with reasoning actions[1]!
However, when Reason completes what Nature was unable to do, the real wonders, that were always
considered to be impossible, do happen! But reason and reasoning life is a product of Nature, so it turns out that
Nature, nevertheless, solved the problems, although indirectly, through a transmitter of reason which She
created! Exactly here is the triumph of Nature, living matter and reason! When developing reason comes to
understand the mechanisms and principles of Nature, in particular of living Nature, the carrier of reason
becomes a creative source, and they start supplementing each other with amazing harmony which is the only
way for reasoning life to develop, no matter what form it may have. I hope that the results which were obtained
in our domain by means of the psi-field generator will serve as proof that this way is possible.
And now it is time to see these proofs…
The facts given in the previous seven articles of the series “The Source of Life” are this kind of proof. It is of
interest that they allow us to observe the process of gradual harmonious co-operation between reason and
Nature. The psi-field generator or dark matter generator was created some six years ago so as to save plants
which had got into extreme living conditions.
I had to change the generator somewhat over these six years introducing newer and newer programs necessary
to solve newer and newer problems with which Nature presented us. According to space standards six years is
an instant for Midgard-earth, however, it was precisely this instant during which fundamentally important
problems which Nature was unable to solve over billions of years of development of life on Midgard-earth,
were solved! Here is the advantage of the reasoning approach over the blind natural one.
Due to the fact that the psi-field generator created the non-freezing arboreal sap in plants, their ability to
synthesize water and many other properties necessary for their optimal development, we achieved the
successful survival of plants from the equatorial, subequatorial, tropical and subtropical climatic zones under
open European sky in the temperate climate of central France. Moreover, the plants did not just survive in the
worst and actually extremely harmful, for them, soil, but also grew from 5 to 10 times quicker than they would
do in the best conditions indicated in the reference data! This was not all we achieved with the help of the
generator and the programs installed in it!
More information in The Last Appeal to Mankind by Nicolai Levashov, Chapter 3. Psi-fields in nature and in
the evolution of intelligence.
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The Source of Life part 8 article-4-8-eng.pdf 248.24KB 33 downloads
The Source of Life part 8+ article-4-8+-eng.pdf 204.67KB 52 downloads
#82951 Current Events from Around the World
Posted by DAR on 08 November 2014 - 07:33 PM in General Discussion
Defying Soviets, Then Pulling Hungary to Putin
Viktor Orban Steers Hungary Toward Russia
25 Years After Fall of the Berlin Wall
NOV. 7, 2014
BUDAPEST — A quarter-century ago, as Hungary helped ignite the events that would lead to the collapse of
communism, the ferment produced a new political star.
Viktor Orban was 26 then and a longhaired law graduate. In June 1989, five months before the Berlin Wall
came down, he lit up a commemoration of the failed 1956 revolt against Moscow with a bold call for free
elections and a demand that 80,000 Soviet troops go home.
Now, as the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall is commemorated Sunday, Hungary is a member of
NATO and the European Union and Mr. Orban is in his third term as prime minister. But what was once a
journey that might have embodied the triumph of democratic capitalism has evolved into a much more complex
tale of a country and a leader who in the time since have come to question Western values, foment nationalism
and look more openly at Russia as a model.
OCT. 20, 2014
After leading his right-wing party to a series of national and local election victories, Mr. Orban is rapidly
centralizing power, raising a crop of crony oligarchs, cracking down on dissent, expanding ties with Moscow
and generally drawing uneasy comparisons from Western leaders and internal opponents to President Vladimir
V. Putin of Russia.
Hungarians protested a proposed internet tax on Oct. 28 in Budapest. Mr. Orban dropped the tax plan a few days later.
Credit Akos Stiller for The New York Times
“He is the only Putinist governing in the European Union,” said Joschka Fischer, the former German foreign
Some other Eastern European countries, especially Poland, have remained oriented toward the West and still
harbor deep suspicions of Russia long after the Cold War ended.
But Hungary is one of several countries in the former Soviet sphere that are now torn between the Western
ways that appeared ascendant immediately after the fall of the Soviet Union and the resilient clout of today’s
Russia. Money, culture and energy resources still bind most regional countries to Russia as tightly as to Europe.
Mr. Putin’s combative nationalism is more popular here than what many see as Western democratic sclerosis.
Posted by DAR on 09 November 2014 - 11:02 AM in General Discussion
2013 November & December
#60812 Something very strange almost unbelievable
Posted by Blue ET on 11 November 2013 - 03:56 AM in General Discussion
A new tourist route on the territory of the Leningrad region is bound to be a success. It includes visiting the
place of the 1961 UFO falling and learning about the culture and way of living of the Vespian people, a lownumbered Finnish-Ugrian folk and aboriginal population of that area.
0These hard-to-reach Veprsian forests gained their abnormal fame after an unidentified massive object of a
cylindrical shape had fallen into the Korb-Lake on the night from April 27 to 28 in 1961. On the bottom of the
lake the object crawled 20 meters making a more than 1.5 meter high ground layer in front of it. The divers
explored the lake, Mikhail Gerstein, chairman of the ufologists’ commission of the Russian Geographic Society,
0"The body, which had moved ground on the bottom of the lake, was not found but an interesting anomaly was
detected. The ice pieces which were knocked out by that body were floating in an ice-hole and had an
intensively green color. The researchers took ice samples but failed to find the causes of such a strange coloring.
The samples also taken on the bottom of the lake but there was nothing unusual about them. The only exception
was mysterious balls which were so light that they could float on water surface. They had very complicated
chemical structure. After their analysis an assumption was made that they were formed during a high
temperature process, a kind of welding."
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CHANI POSTS BLUE ET 2013 Partial.pdf 1.11MB 58 downloads
#82990 Putin - the man
Posted by DAR on 09 November 2014 - 11:24 PM in General Discussion
Thank you very much for this information .. Guest_Nick Roerich_* .. see PDF version below ..
To mark the fifth anniversary of that reunification and to promote an English translation of his book, titled
“Everyday Saints,” Father Tikhon toured the United States in October with the Sretensky Monastery Choir.
His book runs 640 pages and has sold over 1.1 million copies in Russian. Millions more have been downloaded
electronically, Father Tikhon said. OLMA Media Group, which published the book in 2011, announced in
August that it was the country’s biggest best seller since the Soviet era. The profits are going back into the
Sretensky Monastery, Father Tikhon said, to build a cathedral honoring those killed there for their religious
faith in Soviet times.
The book is a portrait of one of the Orthodox Church’s holiest sites, the Pskovo-Pechersky Monastery in
northwestern Russia. The monastery stayed open during the Soviet era, surviving first within independent
Estonia, then by the wiliness and fortitude of the monks after the territory was absorbed into the Soviet Union.
Georgy Shevkunov, as Father Tikhon was known before taking his vows, became a novice there shortly after
his baptism in 1982, a sharp turn from studies at the Soviet Union’s most prestigious film school. At the
monastery, he writes, “a new world had suddenly opened up, incomparable in its beauty.”
Mr. Putin visited the monastery in August 2000. Russian church Web sites say that he spent over an hour in
private conversation with Archimandrite Ioann Krestyankin, a revered monk who died in 2006 and who served
as spiritual guide to Father Tikhon.
In the monastery’s guest book, Mr. Putin wrote: “The revival of Russia and growth of its might are unthinkable
without the strengthening of society’s moral foundations. The role and significance of the Russian Orthodox
Church are huge. May God protect you.”
[CONNECTING THE DOTS .. is this any relation http://en.wikipedia...._Roerich_Museum ]
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The Secret History - Putin - T14K Chani.pdf 274.86KB 27 downloads
#83044 MONATOM Appreciation and Well Wishes Thread
Posted by DAR on 10 November 2014 - 11:23 PM in General Discussion
Only one thing to say .. I agree with all of the above comments ..
Get Well Soon
#83051 Connecting Dots
Posted by DAR on 11 November 2014 - 11:23 AM in General Discussion
Interesting Guy .. Grateful:
1. Grateful says:
November 4, 2014 at 2:58 pm
The Chicago Down Low Club affiliated with Obama’s White House is assaulting the brand image of the
fledgling space tourism company called Virgin Galactic Space owned by shareholders. Sir Richard
Branson’s company is being assaulted using the red switch network.
The communication to deploy the feathering device to properly position feather at Mach 1 was
interrupted. Maybe, someone at Northrup Grumman since they installed the aviontics by Scale
Composites a subsidiary of Northrup Grumman built this aircraft to be back doored, fly by wire, lighter
version higher speeds.
Serco did not get their crew there in time to spoil or shoot co-pilot because Peter Cebo parachuted and is
recovering in a hospital, a witness. Hope they don’t get to him before he meets with Richard Branson
owner of Virgin Galactic Spaceship.
Posted by DAR on 11 November 2014 - 12:54 PM in General Discussion
2013 November & December
#63705 Plant & Food Source Blights coming our way
Posted by Cheetah9 on 27 December 2013 - 11:58 PM in EARTH EVENTS
Just my opinion, the gmo's are a product to wipe out our natural fauna and vegetable/fruit foods, the foods that
God gave us and OUR planet provides naturally, in order to deplete our immune systems by way of, the lack of
natural vitamins and minerals- it's a huge part of the genocide, not only intended, but currently occurring. It is
also killing the animals- every natural species to this planet is being systematically wiped out and we,
collectively sit here and do nothing.
Note: And I am not kidding, I know so many people, in fact, almost everyone I know, has their eyes glued to a
TV set- might as well implant one in their forehead and they could watch it while they walked around all day.
They are intentionally, blissfully unaware of anything pertinent to their own survival.
FYI- Bananas provide a rich source of potassium- if ever you have a cramp- eat a banana- cramp gone...I don't
like them myself, cause my brothers used to mush them and eat them in front of me in a really gross way- but, I
will eat one if I get a leg or foot cramp; it goes away in minutes, almost.
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CHANI POSTS CHEETAH9 2013 Partial.pdf 688.99KB 47 downloads
#83065 Connecting Dots
Posted by DAR on 11 November 2014 - 11:28 PM in General Discussion
More from Grateful..
1. Grateful says:
November 2, 2014 at 9:59 am
Coup de ta in progress
Look for a synchronized signal or somewhat synchronized signal from No Go Zones or also known as
the under utilized Business Zones or warehouses used to store hollow point ammo, lots of it, to use
during a coup de ta near large cities such as Chicago and Virginia. Lets look at set- aside contracts
bought with low interest loans, identified areas where they can hide tag offenders with a communication
These people are masters at managing public perception. The public will perceive it is unable to protect
itself including its military while ISIS is oversees drawing our military resources. While they are away,
we have to keep our own in check, ammunition center trainees since 2008.
These signals will override the legitimate law enforcement officers and the Justice system, coordinate
an event, good cops told to stand down , such as what happened in the Parliament Building in Canada on
Oct 22, 2014, with enough liars to organize the people to track and kill, then film snuff films, body bag
carrying clean up crews rid of the evidence, communications run out of Vancouver Econ 911 facility,
East Pen din Street. They have to kill as many of us as they can. Serco reconfigured 911 econ center and
other centers so Canada can override U.S. Command authority during periods of unrest. After doing this,
Serco intends to override the U.S. command authority to ensure mass killing of citizens in the United
States using the red switch network and tagging system to track people. Senior executive service
controls the beaucracy. Let us look at Marriott, Sheratons, and Hilton, any hotel even owed or wired by
ITT including Bagdad. They are red switch network hotels were guys like Arion Lexus heard voices
when in Marriott hotel as a subcontractor to Hewlett Packard, went in the Renaissance Hotel and kills 13
On 425 Carrol Street, a Vancouver company upgraded the Pentagon with this red switch network.
Sounds like we need to hire a new communication company that is for the people and by the people
including heterosexual males.
Secretary of Defense Cheney, Carlucci, Rumsfield, may have information regarding how to dismantle
this beaucracy where admirals and generals are forced to salute to a senior executive flag.
I refuse to partake in anything remotely like this, and will ask “under whose authority” do I stand down
from my post, it better not be Obama. Kristine Marci needs to stand down, Obama, Dempsey, Cheney,
Rumsfield this is not the way to handle rights for gays to protect your daughters or sons or friends
whoever you know that’s gay and needs your protection.
Yea, I know people want to kill gays, but 2 wrongs don’t make a right. If you are reading this, please
stand down before Marines knock you down. We are strong when we are one, and you are not acting as
one, you are acting like psychopaths using gays as an excuse to give great pain to our country.
There are better ways to teach males to be accepting of gays in the military.
Stop giving gays a bad name, Just stop planning this coup or manipulating people trained by Serco at
Defense Ammunition Centers, 110,000 total learners, since 2008, to go after United States brethren or
brave men.
This New World Order or Serco needs to stop taking control of our airliners so we have safe skies
again. Oh, and all of the digital blackmail snuff films you have stored at the Shanghai Hong Kong Bank,
in South London plus all of the teacher pension funds in a south London Bank are all highly suspect and
in danger of being handled as well. The Marines are not playing please stand down, the more us that
make it the better including you.
Love and Gratitude
Posted by DAR on 12 November 2014 - 05:29 PM in General Discussion
2013 November & December
#62910 Antarctica Twisting ! East to West
Posted by Icanseeatoms on 15 December 2013 - 03:12 PM in ANTARCTICA
December 13, 2013 – ANTARCTICA - It’s official: East Antarctica is pushing West Antarctica around. Now
that West Antarctica is losing weight–that is, billions of tons of ice per year–its softer mantle rock is being
nudged westward by the harder mantle beneath East Antarctica. The discovery comes from researchers led by
The Ohio State University, who have recorded GPS measurements that show West Antarctic bedrock is being
pushed sideways at rates up to about twelve millimeters–about half an inch–per year. This movement is
important for understanding current ice loss on the continent, and predicting future ice loss. They reported the
results on Thursday, Dec. 12 at the American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco.
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CHANI POSTS ICANSEEATOMS 2013 Partial.pdf 1.12MB 43 downloads
Posted by DAR on 17 November 2014 - 12:07 PM in General Discussion
August & September
There is no such calculator or program that I have come across that is inclusive of the 3 ORIGINAL archetype language's which we are
told, comprises the andromedian ancient greek language of the Ellene's (Sanskrit, Latin, Ancient Greek). I see in these posts above, you
have…. as always, so eloquently begun to turn the key by deciphering the true meanings, was wondering how we can perhaps have an
exchange adding in words and working together for a clearer understanding of how we can restore this most needed and organic archetype?
It is clear that you have provided some much needed light on these in the introduction which is obvious to be the modus of moving
forward--- was wondering if you can give light on which format that may be expected or of preference to digest this topic? Any ideas on
perhaps a collective effort in composing such an application that is sound in order to get accurate linguistic assessments? Understandably
will be a massive undertaking, but one that will NOT be in vain.
Your thoughts and from all Chani members would be most appreciative.
Thank you
hi J,
As you say the current open gematria calculators are all flawed, arguably by design. As i stated on the first post
the input from any person interested would be an addition to the effort and it may come in any older language as
a revelation of what someone knows or any question that is pertinent.
i consider myself a novice in this field and have learned through study of people that have devoted a
considerable part of their lives researching this very subject (Simeoforos, Altani, Plevris spring to mind). As
with all learning curves one must be careful not to overload the interested mind as this is a sure path to
confussion and misdirection, having this in mind i am trying to keep it as simple as possible stating English
words that easily identifiable containing the same root Ellenic root words in their composition in the hope that
this will unlock a greater inherent comprehension to the interested party.
The Ellenic alphabet (in the order it is arranged) is a coded message in itself and gives the orator (whom
speaks it out loud standing up with arms streched to the heavens usualy pointing the sun, in a quiet place) the
power to communicate and support/demand the harmonic working of our Solar System and Cosmos at large.
Our ancestors did not pray bowed down like animals accepting the will of any god but made demands to the
Sympan/Cosmos as fractal beings of the whole ie as EQUALS.
The creation of a gematria calculator is a vast undertaking and one that i personaly do not feel enough
comptenence in. i do however have the will to assist a team effort in doing so providing all the knowledge i
have gained via my mental journey (this time around).
Just to remind you, the communications that have been coming in from the Andromedian forces is in the very
proto-mathematical language that is partialy unknown to us which is being translated one letter at a time. i feel
that we are trying to reinvent (remember) the wheel, it will come to us in good time.
Attached Files
T13H Chani - T Posts -.pdf 2.11MB 85 downloads
#83555 The New Wi-Fi Standard 60GHz is it safe
Posted by DAR on 25 November 2014 - 09:34 AM in General Discussion
The WiMAX got sick the entire city in Sweden and our tazei Samaras free wifi!
Microwave ovens-and other forms of electromagnetic radiation are important (but thoroughly overlooked)
factors in many modern unexplained illness situations. Insomnia, anxiety, vision problems, swollen lymph
glands, headaches, excessive thirst, night sweats, fatigue, memory and concentration problems, pain in muscles,
weakened immune systems, allergies, heart problems and intestinal disorders are all symptoms that are observed
in a disease process originally described in the 1970s as ' Microwave ' Disease.
A few years ago, in a Swedish town activating a WiMAX base station sent to all residents of the hospital.
According to SVT of Sweden, which reported on the incident, the local emergency hospital was flooded with
calls relating to various symptoms, such as headaches, difficulty in breathing, blurred vision, even two cases of
cardiac arrhythmia. All of these ETA just few hours after activation of the station and the symptoms were
leaving immediately after the station stopped working or if the sufferer away from the radio tower of death.
Apparently the Sweden was the first country that recognized the electromagnetic hypersensitivity as a valid
medical condition and are already discussions and surveys to get the Government's decision to shut down the
country's WiMAX networks. The UN recognises the EHS (electronic/organic hypersensitivity) as "real and
sometimes severe condition" and approximately 3% of the world's population is affected by high frequency
magnetic radiation in different ways.
WiMAX Antenna
Free wifi tazei Samaras us for whole Greece is not a gift and so pure. Can some to rejoice because we can
access Internet free in many places-especially the youth who enters on facebook every so often or at various
other services – but the real cost is priceless.
"The radiation from a single WiMAX Tower can cover up to 25 square miles and this is a huge area that will
be flooded with electromagnetic radiation".
In addition to the increased risks of radiation (did all these symptoms don't feel anymore everyday and
probably due to the spread of mobile telephony), apart from the uncontrolled and secret use and for other
purposes (such as military use chaarp type) free Internet and abused has other consequences and especiallyagain-in youth. An other kind of dependence has begun to transpire, one of the Internet something that underlies
psychologists, researchers, scholars and other relevant actors.
The use of social d ktywn, or video games have created a permanent need for Internet through smartphones or
computers or tamplet without any concern for what may be the effects of radiation may have on their health,
both physical and spiritual/psychological. Life is elsewhere. It is not in the immediate vicinity, in the present,
but in this expressed in online gadgets.
This Internet addiction strongly reminiscent of that smoke, experts say, and already have begun around the
world to set up rehabilitation centres. But here, not only do we mark, but want to contribute to the deterioration.
Posted by DAR on 01 December 2014 - 05:53 PM in General Discussion
Phillip.. Here is PDF for ALTERWELT..
Attached Files
ALTERWELT GLP T14L.pdf 632.21KB 402 downloads
#83976 Simon Parkes Interview
Posted by DAR on 03 December 2014 - 10:18 PM in THE UNEXPLAINED
Published on Nov 20, 2014
Born into a privileged Illuminati bloodline, contacted at an early age by multiple entities, and schooled in the
power of magick – Simon Parkes now holds public office in Whitby, North Yorkshire. He’s turned down his
induction into the power pyramid and instead uses his privileged insight to talk about reality, multi-dimensional
beings, and the plans of the Illuminati.
In the plus show, we talk far more about these Illuminati plans, Ebola & the guildstones ritual, the coming
changes for humanity, the CERN portal making machine, what it means to have a soul that’s 1/3 Hollow Earth
Human, the Mars and moon bases built by the Greys, the history of the Jinn, and the hidden truth about dolphins
and the campaign to keep them off the main stage. What more do you in in an episode of THC?
Get the Plus show here:
#84401 Prometheus usurps and plagiarized real starmap theory
Posted by DAR on 12 December 2014 - 12:00 PM in Return of The Gods
Prometheus Analysis Part VI A – Black Goo: The X Files Excitation
In the events leading up to the first film and eventually in the film, Fight the Future, we found out that purity is
essentially something the alien colonists can’t live without, namely, it is their life force. This life force can be
used in two ways. 1. It can be used to completely re-engineer their race. 2. It can be used to infect another alien
race and control them as a slave race of sorts – Potency as a bio-weapon. Do you see a parallel with
Prometheus? Not 100%, but nevertheless, there are some common themes.
In fact, in the film we saw that a gestational form of the black oil is capable of mutating into a fully grown
extraterrestrial biological entity (E.B.E) within 96 hours in a normal temperature environment. The gestating
E.B.E uses the life force of the host for development and upon maturation bursts out of the infected host,
thereby killing him or her. At least one member of the Syndicate, The Well-Manicured Man is shell shocked on
hearing about the mutating ability of the virus that he sacrificed himself after giving Mulder the weak vaccine
developed by a Russian Syndicate to rescue Scully. Although it would be interesting to talk about who the
colonists are or what role the syndicate plays and various other conspiracy theory angles, I am not gonna do
that, since, it would turn out to be a detailed discussion of The X Files, which I don’t want it to be. But, I would
just mention the fact that remarkable characters on the show like The Cigarette Smoking Man, Deep Throat, X,
Well Manicured Man and many more can never be forgotten.
Attached Files
Prometheus Analysis - X FILES T12.pdf 231.27KB 37 downloads
Posted by DAR on 16 December 2014 - 11:24 AM in General "Surface" Intel Board for The Watcher.
Space Wars? Russia Launches Mysterious Object in Orbit, Could be ‘SatelliteKiller’
An unknown vehicle was launched into orbit, and there’s speculation that it might be a Russian “satellite-killer”
controlled by the country’s military. The mysterious object–called Object 2014-28E–is being tracked by Western space
agencies, according to The object is guiding itself toward other Russian space objects.
It was originally classified as space debris that was propelled into orbit by a Russian rocket. However, it has
since been classified under Norad designation 39765. “Whatever it is, [Object 2014-28E] looks experimental,”
Patricia Lewis, who is the research director at think-tank
#85242 Background on the Anunnaki Gods
Posted by DAR on 27 December 2014 - 01:01 PM in Return of The Gods
Published on Dec 23, 2014
We were finally able to figure out how to make screen sharing work for the creation of this video; it's a bit more
complicated, but doable. Besides sharing pictures and a World Bank document showing the position of the Red
Dragon Family in relation to geopolitical and financial alignments, the Ambassador and Ron also talked about
questions from viewers related to Neil Keenan, Karen Hudes, and Dave Schmidt. Like many people around the
world this time of Christian and Jewish holidays, the Ambassador is spending time with his own family, which,
to him, is one of the most important values in life.
DAR, on 14 Sept 2011 - 1:32 PM, said:
Quoting: acolyte
"BEZERK is all about a primordial organism that has been activated to prepare earth, geologically and
climatically for the the arrival of the Draco. People are all exited about disclosure and "Whoopi aliens are
coming" but they don't realize only a few will have survived by the time the Draco get here and even then it
wont be "heaven on earth". Its about the efforts of ODESSA to stop the growth of this organism's terraforming
ability by directive 301/302 by freezing it and the OMEGA option. ODESSA is trying to induce a poleshift
resulting in an ice age. From their analysts they have determined that more people will be able to survive and
adapt in an iceage then compared to what the intent of the organism is. They are preparing all sorts of polar
technologies to their infrastructure and military/vehicles/planes, especially their navy vessels(submarines) to
operate when this polshift/iceage happens.
On the other end we have China who are direct descendents from the Draco and have a specific bezerk gene
sequence in them to help them survive the terraforming. China is the protector and propagator of this organism
and have given a blueprint of events(briefcases on October 13th 2010) of how they want to establish their future
global empire. This organism isn't anything like we've seen before, it can interact with all matter, dead or living,
around it. We also have the Annanuki arriving, we expect between now and before 2016. The Draco are not the
same as the Annanuki (Illuminati Saturn setup), they are in fact the "master/pindar" reptilians while the
Annanuki are the "warrior" reptilians. So its not the Rockefellers or Rothschild's that are behind the real running
of the illuminati, It was and always has been lead by the Chinese Pindar. The Rockefellers & Rothschild are
part of the Ananuki Illuminati and the other 11 bloodlines but they not the Pindar/master Illuminati. People are
also getting all exited about ascension, but from the C.H.A.N.I project the entity mentioned that Ascension is
nothing more than A Massive Abduction on a Global Scale! So if they come and offer you to board their vessels
with promises of the future. Don't go, you will be slaves and will not progress spiritually. You are on planet
earth for a reason, stay here and wait for the REAL Ascension. This will also come when another group of
aliens, which we call the "Silent Elders" arrive. They will not need any ships/spacecraft or vessels to get here.
They will just manifest. For this to occur our solar system has to be in a specific alignment.
Page 1 of 11
#85338 Putin - the man
Posted by DAR on 29 December 2014 - 10:08 AM in General Discussion
Thank you Edan for this .. PDF below .. very important interview
edan, on 29 Dec 2014 - 05:43 AM, said:
I just found an interesting interview with a deputy in the Russian parliament about a coming purge of fifth
column activity in Russia. It's a few months old so may have been posted somewhere before.
This is a link to a blog which has the interview as well as a transcript:
we’re drawing up an economic program. Let’s return to the statement by David Cameron that he would
“permanently damage Russia’s economy.” Who is Cameron? England. What is England these days?
London and that’s all.
[But London has a lot of power.]
Hang on a sec. ‘Power’. Back in the day, when they said to Stalin, “you know about the Vatican?”, he
said: “how many divisions have they got?”.
[He was joking.]
I know, but in every joke there’s an element of truth. Every economy, like every human, has a material
basis. London has zero. They even liquidated their coalmining industry, which they had. The material
basis of London is zero.
[It’s the capital of the British empire.]
OK. They’re slave-traders. They live at other people’s expense. It’s a colonial empire. In London itself,
as in England, zero.
[They do have an oil industry.]
They ain’t got nothing. Well, they might have some skilled workers. But it’s so little that you can
consider it zero. They make money on other people. They live like parasites. Not for nothing Putin
called them ‘parasites’, remember?
[They have admiralty law, banking industry, etc.]
Pound sterling, in union with the Usaian dollar, i.e. the mechanism for collecting tributes. Here the
Central Bank deducts 10% annually as the colonial tax to England. That’s our Central Bank. Not only
the Dollars and Euros, but also the Pounds are pouring in, as a mechanism of collecting tributes, i.e.
they live at other people’s expense. In China, India, and so on, same story. That is, they live as
parasites, as Putin called them. He selected the absolutely correct term. So these parasites, sitting at
liberty, this fly, they are declaring, “we will destroy you,” Russia, which has one third of the world’s
wealth. Zero is saying “we will destroy you.” It demonstrates the total idiocy of the economic policy of
our government, who are supposedly building this country’s economy. We are the richest country in the
world. We have the greatest potential.
Attached Files
T14I Fedorov the purge is coming.pdf 128.5KB 30 downloads
Posted by DAR on 30 December 2014 - 12:56 PM in General "Surface" Intel Board for The Watcher.
breezy, on 30 Dec 2014 - 01:54 AM, said:
Mysterious Russian satellite sparks ‘orbital weapon’ speculations
from Nov. 20, 2014
did we see this???
"A mysterious Russian satellite orbiting Earth has global media in a bit of a spin after the object, thought to
be space debris, conducted suspicious manoeuvres in space sparking rumors of little less than a revival of old
Soviet satellite-killer program.
The unknown space object was reportedly launched into space 6 months ago, along with a cluster of three
military communication satellites which received identification names Kosmos-2496, Kosmos-2497, Kosmos2498. The fourth object was not declared to be among the rocket cargo, so was thought to be debris from the
launch and dubbed “Object 2014-28E.”
But after it was spotted performing some unusual maneuvers, the US military reportedly re-classified it as a
“It has been known about for a while, and certainly all satellites are tracked anyway as a matter of routine,”
Colin Philp of the British Interplanetary Society told RT."
But with Russian authorities being mute regarding the matter, which might be a common practice for space
missions, and anyone being able to track the object online –speculation mushroomed.
The Financial Times was the first to report on the mysterious object presumably being a “Russian satellite
killer.” The UK international daily said the object is now being tracked by the US military under the NORAD
designation 39765 and claimed that the secrecy around it caused “fears over the revival of a defunct Kremlin
project to destroy satellites.”
As Russia's defense ministry did not respond to journalists’ request for comment, more news outlets as well
as space enthusiasts on social media, got involved with the mystery."
Breezy .. posting was here .. Dec 16 ..
Posted by DAR on 06 January 2015 - 11:28 PM in General Discussion
DAR, on 22 Oct 2014 - 10:55 AM, said:
Suggested Instructions on how to archive your own posts..
Go to members area and click on find content
Select Only Posts
Select Ascending
with the mouse select top of page one line above first post - select down to last line on the posting page
Paste to Microsoft Word or Open Office Writer .. and Edit See example.. PDF
USE OFFICE WRITER or other software to convert to PDF
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Chani Material by Acolyte - NEXUS.pdf 132.88KB 12 downloads
ONLY OPs BEZERK POSTS T10F to T11A.pdf 148.02KB 10 downloads
selected extracts from me tel u now thread - 4.pdf 924KB 10 downloads
#86918 Wes Penre Material.. The GODs are here Phase 1 complete PDF
Posted by DAR on 26 January 2015 - 11:24 AM in Return of The Gods
Attached is the PDF Paper by Wes Penre ..
The Fifth Level of Learning: The Vedic Gods
Although the human race is important on a spiritual level, it’s rather the body and our minds they are after
—they don’t need our spirits because they already are spirits themselves. Regardless of Thompson’s slight
error, it makes these two quotes (5 and 6) no lesser in importance. The AIF are jealous of the part of our
bodies that they don’t have. It’s not because our bodies are 3-D bodies, but because the DNA setup of the
original human template allows us to nano-travel and still be stationary on Earth in our 3-D bodies. This is
apparently something no other species in the entire Universe is capable of. The Pleiadians say that there are
a couple more planets in the Milky Way Galaxy which were created as Living Libraries as well and then a
few in some other galaxies. Although this may or may not be true, there is only one humanity having the
abilities we have dormant.
The AIF has not been able to replicate the part of the original Namlú’u DNA that always will stay with the
human template, regardless of how much someone alters and manipulates it. This is also the major reason
why alien species abduct humans—they want the DNA code!
Amazingly enough, Marciniak’s Pleiadians, in the book “Bringers of the Dawn,” told us that this is what
they are after as well – the human DNA code! It’s black on white, but I think every reader of the book
missed this important point, or rather didn’t understand what they meant. Albeit this is something the ETs
will never figure out, they are not giving up on it—hence, they are trying to obtain it with many different
Experiments made with abductees is the cruelest way to research it, while channeling is the softer way.
Channeling is nothing else but a manipulation of our minds. It may seem very harmless, but for the
ignorant, it can be quite dangerous to even listen to. Only the aware souls can do so without being further
manipulated, albeit even they must always be alert!
There is another group of beings who are abducting humans as well—something I referred to in Level III
—and they are the future humans who became cyborgs while living in the Machine Kingdom. They now
want their original DNA back, but they can’t find the code, either. These future beings, who look like the
“Grays,” have lost their humanity, and they did it in the exact moment when they lost the DNA code.
That’s when they really became an artificial being rather than a biological human life form.
The two quotes above show us how the AIF think—they are very jealous of us and our abilities. We
humans, on the other hand, are in general not yet even aware that we have these unique gifts.
This unique DNA code is “invisible,” apparently, and can’t be observed or discovered in a laboratory, or
the AIF would already have found it. What I’ve learned is that the AIF, regardless of how hard they try,
will not be able to break the code! The code was put there by the Queen of the Stars, and it was meant
never to be broken for different reasons. Of course, She anticipated that something similar to an invasion
could happen, and if so, She wanted to make sure that the invaders would not be able to take advantage of
Her Experiment. However, neither the AIF, nor any other group of beings, understand that their attempts
are in vain, but they keep trying, unfortunately.
ii.i. The Vedic Story about the Namlú’u
The story of Kāleya Dānavas, however, is not the only record in the Hindu texts that indicate that there
were wars in Heaven and that they were brought down to Earth.
In the Hindu text, Mahābhārata, we can read about a very ancient story. It begins in a far distant time
when humankind was prospering here on Earth. They were dedicated to principles of virtue, and they did
not decline into decadence, which they began to do as soon as they got stuck in matter. This “Golden Age”
didn’t last forever, though, and just as we were told in the story of Kāleya Dānavas above, human society
was affected by events that happened in other celestial planetary systems. The following story from
Mahābhārata was told to King Janamejaya by a Sage called Vaiśampāyana:
Attached Files
FifthLevelOfLearningPaper05-TheCosmicWarsFromAVedicPerspective.pdf 1.05MB 34 downloads
#86943 Wes Penre Material.. The GODs are here Phase 1 complete PDF
Posted by DAR on 26 January 2015 - 11:09 PM in Return of The Gods
ZEROO .. NV Levashov states that
Better for no Drugs .. No Alcohol .. No short cuts .. can be most dangerous ..
Here are some additional thoughts given ..
the Hindus consider that, when man manages to
earn seven material bodies (one physically dense body plus the six material bodies of the spirit,
which man gains during development), his confluence with nirvana occurs and he reaches the evolutional
ceiling. (Nirvana is a state when all six planetary qualitative barriers disappear).
The reason for such a delusion is that the Hindu spiritual leaders, adopting and distorting the
Vedic knowledge of the Slavs-Aryans, did not understand a very simple truth—if you are a user, not
a creator, you will come up against a wall sooner or later. In all the modern spiritual trends of Hinduism,
development takes place only as a result of specific training of the physically dense body,
which is undoubtedly important and useful, but is not enough to break through the planetary trap.
A further paradoxical situation ensues from this error. During his upward development man
opens all planetary barriers, all six “doors” of his house-planet and, standing on the threshold, declares
that there is nowhere to go!
I would like to anticipate the burning indignation of those who adhere to the Eastern teachings,
and the accusation of my ignorance concerning the spiritual methods of the East. I am acquainted
with most methods of meditation. In fact, all these methods one way or another make a
more or less powerful stream of primary matters or greater or lesser number of primary matters
called prana, chi, yin and yang, etc. pass through a person.
No matter what name people who practice the Eastern teachings call the dark matter of Universe,
as modern scientists call it, the essence of this phenomenon does not change. As a result of
one or another method man achieves his evolutional growth, because he compels primary matters
(dark matter) to “flow” through him by the force of his will and ongoing training, which under certain
circumstances, can result in the development of already existent bodies of the spirit and in gaining
new ones. But, because of the reasons indicated above, he reaches an evolutional dead-end to
achieving that level of development when all planetary barriers disappear.
The reason for this evolutional contradiction is in the fact that the methods which were given,
in particular, to the Hindus by the Slavs-Aryans about five thousand years ago were intended
ONLY for the initial levels of development! They are necessary at the level of the evolutional
“nursery school”, but are absolutely inappropriate for the evolutional “primary school”. The Hindus
did not understand this, changed those methods a little and began to popularize them as Universal
knowledge (even when the period of evolutional “nursery school” has passed). This error allowed
the spreading of false concepts about confluence with the absolute, when man gains seven bodies
during his evolutional work and therefore the completion of his development.
Dark Forces, which today control the civilization of Midgard-earth, use this and other errors
of humanity in order to lead searching souls away from the right direction in a very masterly way.
When I began my search for the truth and undertook my first actions in Big Space I was also under
the influence of this Dark Force propaganda.
process is accompanied by the addition of new bodies to the human spirit, which it did not have before
and in most cases will never have. Only in very rare cases is the unblocking of the bodies
which a spirit had before its incarnation on Midgard-earth observed.
Most structures of the brain which I create require the carrier of these structures to have a high
level of development (considerably higher than the planetary one). A zero or planetary cycle of development
is the level of development when a person earns six spirit bodies. They are material bodies
which differ from the physically dense body in their qualitative and quantitative composition.
Nevertheless, they are material, in spite of the fact that our five sense-organs are unable to react to
them. But our sense-organs and even our scientific devices are irresponsive to the so-called dark
matter, which forms 90% of the matter of our Universe. Does it mean that it does not exist? Certainly,
not— even modern scientists have acknowledged this fact.
As I already wrote before, when I described my experiments, even if only the individual’s
perception is shifted to another level of reality, this person reacts to this level of reality by means of
his usual five sense-organs just as he does it at the physically dense level. In this case he perceives
the physically dense reality as illusory, although it remains real for the rest of the people who remain
in resonance with it.
In Hindu philosophy a person who gets his six bodies of the spirit, having reached the state of
Nirvana, flows into and merges with the absolute, etc. According to their concepts the development
of man is then complete; and it is so in case of blind and blunt use of what nature gave man at birth.
In reality, it is a completion of the planetary cycle of development and the beginning of the space
cycle, and is equivalent to the “hatching” of a nestling from the egg, which was quite comfortable,
but which has already fulfilled its function. The pecking through the egg shell does not mean the
completion, but only the beginning of a nestling’s life. The same thing happens when a person earns
six bodies of the spirit. However, this does not mean the completion, but only the beginning of this
person’s development—at the galactic, metagalactic, universal, meta-universal level etc.
The Hindus made this mistake, because they did not understand the fact that about five thousand
years ago they got some elementary knowledge from the Slavs-Aryans. Afterwards they distorted
it, gave it out as their “great” wisdom and began to impose on other people this elementary
and distorted knowledge as the highest revelations. That is why they blindly use the physical body
as an absolute foundation. Therefore, every successive body of the spirit (when using their distorted
system) that they synthesize is “thinner” than the previous ones. “Thin” does not mean that it is less
material, but it means that a lesser number of cells of the physical body participate in the forming of
each next body of the spirit. And this happens when the number of primary matters, which form
each next body, increases and reaches six in the seventh material body!
It turns out to be a strange situation. The second material body is composed of all the types of
cells of the first (physical) body, but with only one primary matter; the seventh material body is
formed by only some neurons of the brain, and six primary matters. Here an unusual tendency is
observed—the higher the evolutional levels a person has reached, the simpler and more primitive
are the bodies of his spirit.
If the first material body (physical body) of man is a complex multi-cellular organism, then
the simplification of each subsequent body of the spirit is observed as evolutional growth progresses:
moreover, the higher the level of each, then the greater the simplification. The upward (vertical)
development of man results in his simplification on higher levels.
it turned out that the highly spiritual Eastern teachings were far from always truthful and did not hold
what they pretended to, that being “divine spirituality”.
I became familiar with the Hindu teachings only from the few books which I managed to find
at that time and supposed that the discrepancy between their theory and the practice could be either
as a result of intrigues and intentional distortions of the essence of these teachings by Dark Forces,
which controlled finances and, therefore, book-printing; or that mahatmas, for reasons that only
they knew, gave false information. And although the first is fully possible and clear, the second
could not “enter” my concept of high spirituality in any way. As it turned out later— both cases
Certainly, there were some golden kernels of truth in these teachings, but one should know
how to distinguish them. To do this a person must know much more than these teachings may contain.
Otherwise, he will become “submerged” in them and will loose the thread of truth and remain
forever in this labyrinth of illusions. The saddest thing in this situation is that this quagmire swallows
a huge number of people, (when they get a few “crumbs”, which they are able to “feel”), and
they will never find that, for the sake of which they set off on a spiritual search—enlightenment by
Maybe, somewhere there are books which contain pure truth, but, regrettably, I did not come
across them at that time. I think that I was quite lucky, because I began my independent search for
truth and by the time I got one or another book of “great” spiritual teachings, my own experience
had already been rich enough and allowed me to see the falsity of these teachings, smeared with the
sweet honey of lying promises, which allured a lot of people, who were looking for spiritual
#87194 CHANI ShoutBox PDF Monthly Archive .. w Internet Links
Posted by DAR on 02 February 2015 - 09:34 AM in
Partial January Archive
February Archive
Daily w Monthly to be added later
T15 = 2015
A = January
B = February
Attached Files
T15A31 Chani Shoutbox.pdf 155.92KB 5 downloads
T15B01 Chani ShoutBox.pdf 165.95KB 0 downloads
Posted by DAR on 05 February 2015 - 11:36 AM in General Discussion
All about Russia and New MasterCard replacement..
RT 3 February 2015
Russia’s new National Payment System is up and running. The first five Russian banks processed their initial
payments via MasterCard on January 30, according to Russia’s Central Bank. “On 30 January 2015, the first
five banks, including regional ones, started processing some Russian domestic MasterCard card transactions via
the National Payment System (NPS) processing center implementing settlements on these transactions via the
Bank of Russia,” the bank said in a press statement Tuesday. The transfer of Russian domestic transaction
processing of international payment system cards to the NPS will be implemented in stages, and should be
complete by March 31, 2015.
Although the bank’s statement didn’t list which banks were the first five to successfully process payments,
previously it has been reported that Gazprombank, Rosbank, Alfa Bank, Bank Rossiya, SMP Bank, and Ural
Bank for Reconstruction and Development were contenders to pioneer the flagship program. The domestic step
is the first to eventually developing an international payment platform. Russia started an alternative to the
SWIFT international payment clearing system in December amid worsening relations with the West. Moscow
thought there was a threat the EU would order Russia removed from the global interbank SWIFT system, as it
did with Iran in 2012 over the nuclear dispute.
Read more at: http://www.oneworldo...sian-banks.html
OWoN © All Rights Reserved
Posted by DAR on 12 February 2015 - 10:38 PM in General Discussion
T's Chani 6 month 2014 [July-December] PDF archive below:
Chani Links to archive 2014 April , May & June:
#84205 Nuclear Attack From Aliens Eradicated Life On Mars, Physicist
Posted by T on 07 December 2014 - 04:53 AM in General Discussion
firstly please refrain from calling these entities gods as they are far from and you are elevating their stature by
thought form
Secondly the name Mars is latin (the month March) his earlier Ellenic name is Aries (think Nazis and their
quest of a pure Arian race, they never touched Babylon did they) with temples dedicated to him few are far
between thirdly Mythology or Mitology (from Ariadnes Mitos or ball of string) is supposed to be unraveled
ultimately showing one the way home or point of origin fourthly the scars aacross the face of Aries are given to
him by a lightning bolt as Zeus keeps him in line after disobedience unraveling the string or Mitos/Mythos, after
the destruction of Phaethon Mars orbit begun deteriorating towards the Sun needing a correction or push
outwards given by an electrical discharge by Jupiter/Zeus (being one of the 2planetswith Kronos/Saturn to
project more energy than received by the Sun) fifth Mars suffered a terrible war and was totally destroyed and
has been nominalising for almost 24.000 years
Attached Files
CHANI POSTS T's July-A-S-O-N-Dec 2014.pdf 2.43MB 52 downloads
#88397 Simon Parkes Interview
Posted by DAR on 06 March 2015 - 10:07 AM in THE UNEXPLAINED
March Newsletter - link here
Welcome to the March edition of the Newsletter. There was no February edition which I was
sorry about but circumstances did not permit it!
Sharpe eyed readers will have seen that the established press ran with the story about me and
President Putin, this came about from my workshop last week where I was speaking to a group
of awake people who had attended "The Vault" in Newcastle in the UK. I had been asked
questions about the situation in the Ukraine and as part of my reply I explained that The
Russian President was being advised by a group of off-world human related species and that
these were at odds with the different group currently advising/running the show in the USA.
This clearly did not go down well with the establishment, who have been running the
line "Putin Bad - Russia Bad - US President Good - USA - Good". Interestingly this support for
Putin caused my own political party grandees to put pressure on me to retract, having never
interfered in regard to my alien information in the past, the Putin story was a step to far for
them! Of course I did not retract my story. About this time I came under attack by a paid
troll posting on web sites, who's only command of the English language seamed to be "your a
liar". We did offer to put him on the Newsletter distribution list but so far no reply. We
continue to suffer cyber attacks and would ask you all to be patient when waiting for replies to
mails as were often taken down and mails are lost. On a positive note it was nice to get a
mention in Cobra’s latest interview and also the, I am also told that my
name came up in the Vatican!
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has announced a 50 billion injection of cash into
European banks, with more to follow - this is because collapse is imminent - and the elite are
doing all they can to prop up the falling house of cards, they may well do it! It depends on 3
men who are "on the ground" one is in Frankfurt, one in Bonn and one in London. If they think
that the worthless zeros on the computer screen can be made to work and hood-wink ordinary
people they will stay the course and there will be no crash this year - if not then look for the
months of September to November for a crash. The elite in the US are forcing the petro dollar
down to levels that can NOT be sustained and will have to rise back up to $120 a barrel. In
their desperate efforts to bring Putin down they are putting their own people and the people of
the West into hardship - here in the UK. In Scotland oil jobs are on the point of being axed, of
course we need alternative energy, but any transference must be within a managed process. As
it stands it’s just one crazy fair ground ride, with mad-men at the controls.
The biggest threat in the coming 8 months is yet another false flag, however its effect,
if realised, would be to knock out mains electricity to many cities in the US - more on this as I
get it. In regard to CERN and the particle generator (a time machine as I had publicly stated 2
years ago) is undergoing a massive expansion to UP its power output. The linear collider in
Japan is never going to be built in time, and thus CERN is the elites only hope.
Posted by DAR on 06 March 2015 - 10:24 AM in General Discussion
2013 & 2014 With Key Topic Appendix
PDF See Below:
Posted by DAR on 06 June 2014 - 04:02 PM in Return of The Gods
Richard Shaver Interview 1956 by John Nebel
Published on Jan 17, 2014
Long John Nebel Interviews Richard Shaver 1956 (The Dero & Shaver Mysteries)
Richard Sharpe Shaver (October 8, 1907 Berwick, Pennsylvania -- c. November 1975 Summit, Arkansas)
was an American writer and artist.
He achieved notoriety in the years following World War II as the author of controversial stories which
were printed in science fiction magazines (primarily Amazing Stories), in which he claimed that he had
had personal experience of a sinister, ancient civilization that harbored fantastic technology in caverns
under the earth. The controversy stemmed from the claim by Shaver, and his editor and publisher Ray
Palmer, that Shaver's writings, while presented in the guise of fiction, were fundamentally true. Shaver's
stories were promoted by Ray Palmer as "The Shaver Mystery".
Attached Files
2013 & 2014 CHANI Posts DAR (complete).pdf 1.71MB 31 downloads
Posted by DAR on 07 March 2015 - 04:18 PM in General Discussion
Download PDF below:
2014 [partial]
Posted by Jessica on 05 August 2014 - 06:01 PM in Return of The Gods
It is said that fluoride calcifies the Pitutary Gland (very small gland in the back central endocrine system of the
brain, which is needed to be open to work fully within the other dimesions/spirit world). By putting fluoride (a
very toxic waste product) into the drinking water it just helped dumb everyone down. I have live in a town for 6
years which does not put fluoride into our water source, an underground aquifer, and nothing too drastic has
changed but having said that I have not spent any real time detoxifying the pituitary and on top of that mine has
been more active than most since my 20's anyway so I do not know what effect purifying your water and
detoxing would have Narnug.
As far as B6 W2K, our body requires (and is often deficient in) many vitamins/mineral/amino acids. Taking a
course of whatever is deficient does make a huge noticeable difference to people. Vit B is used up a lot due to
stressful lives and being deficient in it also has an effect of reduced energy levels, amongst other things. The
things you are seeing in your mind's eye (third eye) move past like a movie is coming through your third eye not
your brain dreams - which is a good thing.
Attached Files
CHANI POSTS Jessica 2014 Partial.pdf 779.9KB 18 downloads
#89103 THE SOURCE OF LIFE - Levashov
Posted by DAR on 23 March 2015 - 12:59 PM in Return of The Gods
Nicolai Levashov
About Spirit, Mind and many other things...
Practical work with your own psi-field
We all have a psi-field around each of us. Certainly psi-fields of different people differ in
structure, density and force. However, there are some general elements and features. At first
everyone should learn how to create and control his or her protective field. For this purpose
everyone should cultivate his or her ability to create the protective field at the level of
subconsciousness. This can be done the following way. You should concentrate on the thought,
"I create a protective shell around me out of my own energy. It shields me from all negative
energy. No negative energy can penetrate my shell." Repeat the statement every free moment
possible, until your brain develops a conditioned reflex for protection.
Later on you only need to check up the state and the power of this protection field from time to
time. When you are in the crowd your protection must be the strongest. At home it can be the
least. It is very important to create your protection before going to bed both for your physical
body and for your spirit. When you create of similar protection, a protective cocoon will appear
around both your body and your spirit. If you created your protection correctly it will be almost
impossible to destruct it. It is very important to save the integrity of your protection. For this the
absence of negative emotions is obligatory.
The point is that negative emotions open your protection from within, creating streams of
energy which composition and quality is identical to those of a lower astral level of our planet.
This creates favourable conditions for astral animals to act and also for man to submit any other
psychic influence. However, he did not call to blind submission, on the contrary, he
demonstrated the necessity of fight by his own life. He knew that negative emotions which
appeared during the fight against evil, even being directed on a source of evil, sooner or later
would bring to a sad end – man would be won over by this evil or would himself become its
source in the course of time. This strengthen the evil. In order to fight against it one should
preserve his emotional purity, since without it whatever personal development and fight against
evil is impossible...
Apart from the problem of protection I would like to pay attention to the possibility of psienergetic food cleansing. We all drink water, juices or other liquids and consume food
necessary for normal vital functions of our bodies. However, any food both vegetable and meat
has organic poisons which accelerate the process of destruction of our body and slow our
development. Therefore, it is necessary to neutralize or decompose these poisons. For this
purpose imagine your energy moving vigorously through energy channels of your body. Then
you should mentally send this energy through your hands on the food which you want to clean.
You have to try to picture that it decomposes all possible poisons in your food. While your
energy moves through your hands you can feel some vibration, warmth or pricking. The more
intense the process of poisons decomposition, the brighter and stronger your feelings. The same
way you can clear water, juices and other liquids.
Together with the neutralization of negative substances and properties, it is possible to
strengthen positive properties which can be found in a substance and to create new properties
and qualities. If you are able to visualize these streams, this means that you have an increased
sensitiveness and you can pretty quickly reach higher level of development of your spirit and
consciousness, if development is correct.
I can only wish that each and every one of you may take away a blindfold from your eyes and,
finding true evolutionary path, discover an amaizing beauty of nature, world, and Universe.
#89149 The History Of The Tin Foil Hat
Posted by DAR on 24 March 2015 - 06:27 PM in General Discussion
YO Phillip .. we have been waiting for this.. :
Posted by DAR on 27 March 2015 - 03:07 PM in General Discussion
April - November
2014 [Partial]
#72971 CoEvolution - Nexus extracts thread
Posted by Blue ET on 14 April 2014 - 04:56 AM in CoEvolution
ABDZ part V
For those that need proof that the Falkland’s conflict was far more serious than a mere
dispute over a few outcrops of windswept desolate and seemingly useless land, and or a little
hard to get oil deposits deep under a freezing ocean, so far away from England that her
bomber aircraft could not even make the flight there without refueling along the way, need to
know that Britain’s then Prime Minister, Margret Thatcher, had threatened to Nuke the
Argentinian mainland if the French Military did not supply her with the decoding information to
render the Exocet missiles impotent. The French had originally supplied the Exocets to the
Argentinian Air force.
One can only wonder what could possibly have been of such great importance to England to resort to possible
Nuclear Holocaust in response to the Argentine takeover of those few barren islands for supposed sheep
farming. Could it have been that they suspected Argentina was on the verge of a major break-through in
robotics? The kind of robotics that could manufacture an army of remote controlled solders that could not be
killed, at least not killed in a conventional way. Could they also have been on the threshold of manufacturing
super weapons that could mutate to become almost anything on the battle field through the thoughts of its
The other possibilities lie in swarms of insect type nanno-bots that could sweep the land like rabid locusts,
destroying everything in their path until switched off or recalled by their remote controller. Now I ask you has
anyone ever seen such things in the movies? Of course you have. Movie writers are not very clever, if they
came up with those ideas it’s because someone told them they already exist, and if they exist who owns them
now because Argentina does not and never actually did. But someone suspected they might and someone knew
of the possibility of such weapons being developed in an area just south of the Falklands, and that someone was
possibly not human.
It is exactly over this type of technology dozens of Marconi scientists bit the dust in the late 1980’s early 1990’s
in England.
Edit to add, what I shall attempt to do next is inform you of a 100 year battle by the Blues to prevent such
weapons ever being made available on planet earth.
Attached Files
CHANI POSTS Blue ET 2014 partial Apr-Nov.pdf 2.75MB 14 downloads
Posted by DAR on 28 March 2015 - 11:38 AM in General Discussion
see PDF below..
2014 [Complete]
Posted by NexusEditor on 03 April 2014 - 01:27 AM in General Discussion
Monatom, on 02 Apr 2014 - 8:45 PM, said:
There is a very valid question nobody has asked so I will ask it.
According to the information I have been given the GCR is a transition to currencies backed by assets, in
particular, gold. According to what I have seen, the gold of the world has steadily been making its journey east
and it is the east that has been able to trigger this move in the world, claiming also there is a lot more gold than
we are aware of. In fact I have been led to believe there is four times the gold that we have been told is
officially available. In the back of my mind all this time I have had a nagging thought. The Chani entity stated
that the gold of the world has gone off planet. ET's have taken it away. So, is there really any gold to asset back
this big move in the economic world???
Are we merely being told that so as to make a transitory shift beyond that to the real system backed by energy
and this is but a necessary step that has to be faked? Or, is Chani wrong? Or have they discovered a way to
synthesize gold? Thoughts??
Long before I encountered the CHANI entity saying this, I was also told by a source in 'that level of stuff', that
most of Earth's mined gold is transhipped off-planet, mostly from somewhere in outback Australia. It was yet
another reason why I was fascinated by what CHANI had to say. My understanding is that it is 'converted' so
that it can be used to shield planets against certain types of radiation, as well as possibly ingested.
When I met with David Hudson, the pioneer of the REAL white powder gold, I noted that he has been sending
tons of wpg to the Chinese, who use it in their own 'deep black' or 'exotic' technology. They seem to be using it
for both shielding and possible anti-grav effects. I was told that they were also testing it on humans, in
miniscule controlled doses. David was not made privvy to their research results.
It is a strange world. I had to wonder why the Chinese don't cut David out of the loop and make/get it
themselves. I had to wonder why the Americans were letting this super sensitive stuff go the Chinese.
Clearly, there is a level of total cooperation between all nations with space faring capabilities that transcends the
political stage-show we see playing out down 'here'.
This is evidenced still by the fact that neither Russia or America have threatened each other over space stations,
rocket launch deals, etc etc. Obviously, when it comes down to hard reality, the space cooperation deals
between nations are sacrosanct.
Attached Files
CHANI Posts Nexus Editor 2014 Complete.pdf 2.64MB 14 downloads
#89355 Blast From the Past - The Chani Project
Posted by DAR on 28 March 2015 - 03:09 PM in General Discussion
Falklands' new oil find seen as viable
Started By NexusEditor, Aug 11 2011 06:52 AM
Japan Tsunami Battered Ice Shelf in Antarctic
Started By Guest_Anomalie_* , Aug 11 2011 12:44 PM
Satellite Morphed Composite Anomalies Worldwide August 11, 2011
Started By NexusEditor, Aug 11 2011 07:47 PM
Electronic skin tattoo has medical, gaming, spy uses
Started By NexusEditor, Aug 11 2011 10:31 PM
Military loses contact with Falcon HTV-2 on second test
Started By NexusEditor, Aug 11 2011 11:09 PM
Awakening As One
Started By SlaveNoMore, Aug 12 2011 12:04 AM
Sigila... Chaos Magic & Crop Circles
Started By Guest_Hechita_* , Aug 12 2011 01:30 AM
Beyond space-time: Welcome to phase space
Started By Guest_Anomalie_* , Aug 12 2011 02:38 PM
#89356 Blast From the Past - The Chani Project
Posted by DAR on 28 March 2015 - 03:11 PM in General Discussion
Animal's genetic code redesigned
Started By Botanic, Aug 12 2011 07:23 PM
'Artificial life' breakthrough announced by scientists
Started By Botanic, Aug 12 2011 07:39 PM
China watch stuff - 1
Started By NexusEditor, Aug 13 2011 06:58 AM
China watch stuff - 3
Started By NexusEditor, Aug 13 2011 07:06 AM
Our Universe May Be a Giant Hologram
Started By Guest_Anomalie_* , Aug 13 2011 02:41 PM
20 Things You Didn’t Know About... Crystals
Started By Guest_Anomalie_* , Aug 13 2011 03:43 PM
--Radical Theory Says Message from ET is Coded into Laws & Constants of Universe
Started By Zeroo, Aug 13 2011 09:02 PM
Space Weather link to global outbreak of riots?
Started By NexusEditor, Aug 13 2011 11:57 PM
Started By Bollywasher, Aug 14 2011 01:05 PM
#89357 Blast From the Past - The Chani Project
Posted by DAR on 28 March 2015 - 03:27 PM in General Discussion
Started By Bollywasher, Aug 14 2011 03:43 PM
do not store gold becuase alien raide wil come steal it and harm or kil u
Started By Arc, Aug 14 2011 04:55 PM
Krugman Calls for Space Aliens to Attack Earth Requiring Massive Defense Buildup
Started By NexusEditor, Aug 15 2011 01:32 AM
Hole at the north pole?
Started By NexusEditor, Aug 15 2011 03:18 AM
Godlikeproductions is now a Karmic voting fuckfest
Started By Guest_EWS_* , Aug 15 2011 10:24 AM
Walter Russell
Started By wobble, Aug 15 2011 11:39 AM
Defence Against the Psychopath
Started By marlowe, Aug 15 2011 11:45 AM
Watch out for DRACO - MIT Scientist Develops Vaccine To "Cure All Viral Diseases
Started By Guest_Anomalie_* , Aug 15 2011 12:50 PM
Laural Caynon>MK Ultra>The Birth of the Hippie/Anti-War 60s Movement
Started By marlowe, Aug 15 2011 12:55 PM
#89358 Blast From the Past - The Chani Project
Posted by DAR on 28 March 2015 - 03:42 PM in General Discussion
Tile Blade
Started By Guest_Blade,o8p_* , Aug 15 2011 01:32 PM
Footage of very strange experiment on International Space Station
Started By NexusEditor, Aug 18 2011 09:50 AM
Prophecies from Persia?
Started By NexusEditor, Aug 18 2011 10:11 AM
Solar Flare Activity Prompting NASA to Convene a News Briefing Thursday in Washi
Started By Guest_Anomalie_* , Aug 19 2011 04:14 PM
Lukashenko is persona non grata
Started By Don Quixote, Aug 21 2011 05:44 AM
NATO Slaughter Of Libyan Civilians Continues
Started By NexusEditor, Aug 21 2011 07:34 AM
My perspective on Libya
Started By NexusEditor, Aug 21 2011 07:41 AM
Two satellites mysteriously fail last Thursday- one Russian and one Chinese
Started By NexusEditor, Aug 21 2011 09:37 AM
Biologists have discovered a never-before-noticed Component of Human Genetics
Started By Acolyte, Aug 21 2011 12:43 PM
#89359 Blast From the Past - The Chani Project
Posted by DAR on 28 March 2015 - 03:54 PM in General Discussion
Dolphins Heal Themselves
Started By Arc, Aug 21 2011 02:40 PM
Derinkuyu Underground City
Started By Arc, Aug 21 2011 02:48 PM
Libyan updates - Russia Today is reporting more accurately than the others
Started By NexusEditor, Aug 21 2011 07:13 PM
Data Traveling by Light
Started By Arc, Aug 21 2011 07:31 PM
Vatican hosts conference on possibility of alien life
Started By Arc, Aug 21 2011 07:39 PM
Black holes and pulsars could reveal extra dimensions
Started By Guest_Anomalie_* , Aug 21 2011 10:20 PM
IBM unveils microchip based on the human brain
Started By Guest_Anomalie_* , Aug 21 2011 10:24 PM
What you weren't told about Tripoli and the 'rebel' advance
Started By NexusEditor, Aug 22 2011 01:18 AM
Seeing is Believing Incoming Nibiru ???
Started By phillipbbg, Aug 22 2011 12:40 PM
#89386 Blast From the Past - The Chani Project
Posted by DAR on 29 March 2015 - 11:17 AM in General Discussion
The future of humans? Will we retain the right to be ourselves?
Started By Housedad, Aug 22 2011 03:51 PM
Started By Bollywasher, Aug 22 2011 05:50 PM
Cod Genome Reveals Stunning Gap in Immune System
Started By Guest_Anomalie_* , Aug 22 2011 06:57 PM
Started By Guest_mrmixedntwisted_* , Aug 22 2011 10:22 PM
New Bacteria Species making sea bed Inhabitable - BEZERK
Started By Acolyte, Aug 23 2011 05:57 AM
Higgs Boson 'might not exist after all'
Started By Nick ZepTepi, Aug 23 2011 09:33 AM
Al Jazeera - caught recreating Green Square Tripoli in Qatar so they film lies
Started By NexusEditor, Aug 23 2011 10:01 PM
Secrecy Surrounds Medvedev and Kim Jong-il meet in Siberia
Started By NexusEditor, Aug 24 2011 05:56 AM
Dates to keep an eye as Elenin aligns with various inner planets
Started By NexusEditor, Aug 24 2011 06:34 AM
#89387 Blast From the Past - The Chani Project
Posted by DAR on 29 March 2015 - 11:40 AM in General Discussion
Study reveals how microbes travel the Earth on the wind
Started By NexusEditor, Aug 24 2011 09:00 AM
Concerns about plans to nuke Tripoli and blame Gaddafi
Started By NexusEditor, Aug 24 2011 09:53 AM
Increased Satellite Failures
Started By John3:16, Aug 24 2011 11:06 AM
Coruption in the media outed
Started By Orion, Aug 24 2011 11:43 AM
Is the Flu Behind China’s Burst of Narcolepsy?
Started By Guest_Anomalie_* , Aug 24 2011 12:02 PM
New Data Supports Previous Fairewinds Analysis, as Contamination Spreads in Japan
Started By Guest_Anomalie_* , Aug 24 2011 12:13 PM
Really dark matter: Is the universe made of holes?
Started By Guest_Anomalie_* , Aug 24 2011 12:33 PM
Started By Guest_mrmixedntwisted_* , Aug 24 2011 02:15 PM
Time need not end in the multiverse
Started By Guest_Anomalie_* , Aug 24 2011 04:36 PM
#89388 Blast From the Past - The Chani Project
Posted by DAR on 29 March 2015 - 12:04 PM in General Discussion
Huge 'Ocean' Discovered Inside Earth
Started By Guest_Anomalie_* , Aug 24 2011 06:49 PM
Started By Guest_mrmixedntwisted_* , Aug 24 2011 10:07 PM
NEW-Comet Elenin Forecast for 9/2011 to 1/2012 and the Hopi Blue Star Kachina
Started By NexusEditor, Aug 25 2011 01:16 AM
Russia Reports Nuclear Explosion hit Vast Military Tunnel Network
Started By phillipbbg, Aug 25 2011 06:23 AM
A Lightworker Thread
Started By RV, Aug 25 2011 08:06 AM
Fukushima Caesium leaks ‘equal 168 Hiroshimas’
Started By Acolyte, Aug 25 2011 09:06 AM
Seismic evidence reveals underground nuclear detonation south of Washington DC.
Started By Guest_Anomalie_* , Aug 25 2011 01:41 PM
The Emergence of Multiple Chaotic Nodes
Started By Guest_Anomalie_* , Aug 25 2011 02:06 PM
Scientists find underground river beneath Amazon
Started By Guest_Anomalie_* , Aug 25 2011 03:08 PM
#89447 Blast From the Past - The Chani Project
Posted by DAR on 30 March 2015 - 01:54 PM in General Discussion
Qaddafi's Underground Tunnels AND CITY Revealed
Started By Acolyte, Aug 25 2011 04:00 PM
Icelandic scientists discover new ocean current
Started By Arc, Aug 25 2011 06:59 PM
Another strange "Bubble" appears - "Huge spherical illuminant in the sky"
Started By Plan B, Aug 25 2011 11:09 PM
More evidence of staged celebrations
Started By Nick ZepTepi, Aug 26 2011 04:53 AM
M101 supernova update We are in for another Blast wave by the looks of things
Started By phillipbbg, Aug 26 2011 05:34 AM
In case you didn't realise - Qatar is financing the 'rebel alliance'
Started By NexusEditor, Aug 26 2011 06:27 AM
Any BEZERK-ness in this post?
Started By NexusEditor, Aug 26 2011 06:51 AM
Elder Member
Posted 26 August 2011 - 08:12 PM
randymore, on 26 Aug 2011 - 07:04 AM, said:
randymore, on 26 Aug 2011 - 06:04 AM, said:
Can someone please tell me what this bezerk is mentioned on every second thread?
*** Short Summery of the BEZERK thread for GLP VOICE CHAT ***
This is what I now believe and think. I also think that some of you already know or "feel" some of this
information. This is just my current understanding so you are welcome to disagree with me or to have a
different opinion. It was a daunting task to sum up 1000+ pages. If some of you don't agree then please post it
and open it up for discussion. (The Bezerk thread also took me personally on learning curve to connect some
dots. It's a pity that active research was interrupted)
To sum up the BEZERK thread, in a short and sweet version: the BEZERK Project was sanctioned and
controlled(phased) leak of information and a communication platform to the "others" in realtime, especially in
the beginning of the thread. It was phased due to the upfront/disregard nature of human behavior/intellect. (If
we don't understand something we disregard it as nonsense. Ignorance is a bliss type of thing. RRR has a
saying: "Our whistle is blowing softly, if we blow to hard some eardrums might pop, then everyone would be
deaf" i.e We whisper softly, because if we shout it all out at once they will go deaf and then nobody would hear
or believe us.
BEZERK is all about a primordial organism that has been activated to prepare earth, geologically and
climatically for the the arrival of the Draco. People are all exited about disclosure and "Whoopi aliens are
coming" but they don't realize only a few will have survived by the time the Draco get here and even then it
wont be "heaven on earth". Its about the efforts of ODESSA to stop the growth of this organism's terraforming
ability by directive 301/302 by freezing it and the OMEGA option. ODESSA is trying to induce a poleshift
resulting in an ice age. From their analysts they have determined that more people will be able to survive and
adapt in an iceage then compared to what the intent of the organism is. They are preparing all sorts of polar
technologies to their infrastructure and military/vehicles/planes, especially their navy vessels(submarines) to
operate when this polshift/iceage happens.
On the other end we have China who are direct descendants from the Draco and have a specific bezerk gene
sequence in them to help them survive the terraforming. China is the protector and propagator of this organism
and have given a blueprint of events(briefcases on October 13th 2010) of how they want to establish their future
global empire. This organism isn't anything like we've seen before, it can interact with all matter, dead or living,
around it. We also have the Annanuki arriving, we expect between now and before 2016. The Draco are not the
same as the Annanuki (Illuminati Saturn setup), they are in fact the "master/pindar" reptilians while the
Annanuki are the "warrior" reptilians. So its not the Rockefellers or Rothschild's that are behind the real running
of the illuminati, It was and always has been lead by the Chinese Pindar. The Rockefellers & Rothschild are
part of the Ananuki Illuminati and the other 11 bloodlines but they not the Pindar/master Illuminati. People are
also getting all excited about ascension, but from the C.H.A.N.I project the entity mentioned that Ascension is
nothing more than A Massive Abduction on a Global Scale! So if they come and offer you to board their vessels
with promises of the future. Don't go, you will be slaves and will not progress spiritually. You are on planet
earth for a reason, stay here and wait for the REAL Ascension. This will also come when another group of
aliens, which we call the "Silent Elders" arrive. They will not need any ships/spacecraft or vessels to get here.
They will just manifest. For this to occur our solar system has to be in a specific alignment. So we have three
types of aliens arriving (and yes some are already here but most here now are those who were left behind at the
end of the previous cycle, they the ones who became gods here, established mystic groups and orders) So wait
for the Elders.
Again the above is put very simplistic but it is the crux of the matter as I see it. (there are of course many more
layers and dimensions to this info, so please use the above as only a tool to open up further discussion and
Other related threads:
Chinese briefcases were opened today - what will you be told?
[link to]
[link to]
[link to]
Just to answer a few questions from Voice Chat
- Augie is the organism in the oil and in saltwater(oceans) it uses/used oil as a conveyor.
- The organism's cousin is the one now targeting/forming in freshwater reservoirs/tables beneath the earth and
surfacing via drilling(like in lake Vostok) or with flooding. Because of the Schumann resonance increase (moon
shrinking) rising water tables are also rising(surfacing) forming ground/land based splashzones.
- Synthia is NOT the organism. Synthia is the result of various microbial mutations caused mainly by the use of
chemicals like corexit and that "other" company who introduced the nano technology which I cant mention.
- SplashZones is where either the organism(ocean/saltwater) or its cousin(freshwater) surfaces in large
quantities, covering a large enough surface area where enough of the receptors in the organism can receive
"instructions" from the incoming rays. (From Solar or "from its masters". The SUN changes does play a large
role in this. This is why China is incorporating their S.I.M technology to take advantage of the Sun/Solar
- Empirical calibrators are used to neutralize splashzones, however, because of the swarmed intelligence of the
organism it quickly adapts/changes its empirical quotient and starts again. This causes vessels using calibrators
on board, like subs/ships to frequently go back to docks or to do "Romeos" to get higher/stronger "x"
calibrators. The highest one from last reported data that I have, was already at x9.
World-Record Pulsed Magnetic Field Achieved
Started By NexusEditor, Aug 26 2011 07:55 AM
Started By Guest_Anomalie_* , Aug 26 2011 02:50 PM
#89448 THE SOURCE OF LIFE - Levashov
Posted by DAR on 30 March 2015 - 02:31 PM in Return of The Gods
Nicolai Levashov. Spirit and mind. Vol.1 page 44
Now let us return to the scrutiny of the human spirit on its odyssey through the "evolutionary jungle..."
Every intelligent being should be capable of traversing that hazardous part of the evolutionary path as quickly
as possible — and of avoiding the delays or detours of false and deceptive tempta-tions. The ability to
distinguish "true" from "false" may come too late or not at all, thus causing stumbling blocks for most of us.
Here the saying, "better late than never" is not valid. A spirit has a certain "window of opportunity," limited in
time, within which specific qualitative changes must take place.
In order to accomplish this the brain must accumulate a certain volume and quantity of infor-mation. This is the
only way a spirit can "open" to the next level of development. But what kind of beguiling temptations does
modern civilization offer our younger generation?
Far more than the promotion of violence and the "easy life," which bombards the younger generation through
the mass media, an even stronger influence on their evolutionary development is at work through the medium of
music. It is no secret that different age groups have different musi-cal tastes. Not too many people can guess the
reason for this.
It is simply that the self-same music can have an entirely different effect upon people, de-pending on their
evolutionary level. When one listens to music, he does more than hear it: actually his spirit becomes attuned to
the impact of the various frequencies and rhythms. Somehow music imparts certain qualitative states to the
spirit that may either be in harmony with it or totally incom-patible.
In the first instance, one feels an inner stirring or joy, which can reach the level of ecstasy. If the music
resonates with his sexual feelings, it can lead to orgasm. Women are more sensitive to music, because the
qualitative structure of the female spirit is very labile and easily transformed by its influence. Concomitantly,
the reaction occurs at a subconscious level and is uncontrollable con-sciously.
When disharmony exists between the music and the spirit's qualitative structure, a subject ex-periences irritation
or other emotional reactions which impel him to stop listening. Such a response to music is a protective
reaction. Let us try to understand why such a response arises.
As we know, sounds (particularly musical sounds) are composed of longitudinal waves. Like any other wave,
they change the dimensionality of their space by a certain value. Sound waves, be-cause of their parameters,
impact the dimensionality level of the macrospace in the local volume of space. Even very insignificant changes
of the macro-space dimensionality cause redistribu-tion of the primary matters impinging upon the given
volume of space.
As a result, the quantitative distribution of primary matters changes in the local volume of space upon which the
sound waves impinge.
A spiritual body saturated with primary matters in a zone of musical sound waves invariably undergoes change.
Sound waves have the biggest impact on the astral body by creating an addition-al saturation of primary matters
G and F; these manifest in the subject's emotional reaction to the sounds of the music. Low frequency sounds
excessively flood the astral body with G matter, which, in the male, manifests as sexuality and aggression. It is
no coincidence that, to most women, the low range of a man's voice is part of his sexual image, his sexuality.
The low range impacts the woman sexually, stirring up her desire and impelling her towards sexual contact. So
we may well call the human voice "a sexual instrument". Let us explore what happens on a cellular level at the
same time.
Low frequency waves, upon reaching a subject, trigger a reshuffling of primary matters in the area of impact.
This upsets the balance and proportion of their distribution. The excessive saturation of the area by G matter, in
turn, causes an additional saturation of the astral and etheric bodies lo-cated in the zone of the sound wave front
(see Fig. 58).
This leads to an increased concentration of G in the astral and etheric bodies (see Fig. 59). Concomitantly, an
additional movement of matter arises from the astral to the etheric body, and thence to the physical body of the
cell. The sound waves move in a rhythmic tide, like any other wave. The activity lasts for a given period of
time, during which the reshuffling of primary matters is in process. After the sound front passes, the primary
matters revert to their previous qualitative condition. As the sound front moves, the excessive saturation of the
etheric and astral bodies creates a gradient between the environment's self-dimensionality and the selfdimensionality levels of the etheric and astral spiritual bodies. This, in turn, leads to some instability of the two
bodies, causing a discharge of the excess G matter, following which the etheric and astral bodies revert to their
ini-tial condition (see Fig. 60). During all this, the subject experiences the corresponding emotions.
Thus, musical sounds generate compulsory emotions in listeners. Combining sounds of dif-ferent frequencies
initiates specific patterns of primary matter redistribution in the zones of activity. All this initiates a broad range
of feelings created by music. The question then arises — what kind of obligatory emotions do the various types
of music generate?
We may consider music as one of the ways of influencing human consciousness and, there-fore, a type of psiweapon — note, for example, the periodicity of repeated low frequency sounds, called rhythm. Each new lowfrequency sound wave brings with it a successive redistribution of primary matters in the area of the sound front
— over and over again (see Figs. 58, 59, 60). The in-terval between the completion of one low frequency wave
and the arrival of a new one is of major significance. Let us recall that as the low frequency wave moves, there
is a reshuffling of primary matters and a saturation of astral and etheric bodies with G matter. After passage of
the sound wave front, the astral body discharges the excess concentration and the cells revert to normal. But
what happens if the new sound front comes in before the moment when the cells revert to their initial state?
What then? A new sound wave does not allow the cell to return to its prior state but forcibly holds the cell on
the qualitative level of the compulsory emotion.
In other words, periodic repetition of low frequency sounds is able to forcibly sustain — not just trigger — a
specific emotional condition. A most intriguing effect — is it not? The question is — what kinds of compulsory
emotions are being forcibly instilled in a subject against his will (most often without any awareness on his
Periodic repetition of low frequency sounds can forcibly arrest a cell at a certain qualita-tive level — leading to
specific destruction of its qualitative structure and to evolutionary blockade. What happens is that a new front of
low frequency sound waves impacts the cell on its way to reverting to normal, thus returning it to its previous
compulsory state. Repetition of this pro-cess at the same interval will cause the cell's astral body to swing back
and forth like a pendulum. This ultimately destabilizes the cell and leads to the specific destruction of its astral
body, starting with the upper astral structures first. The latter structures are at the stage of just becoming
actively developed in youngsters and very easily destroyed by this kind of abuse. So it is a sure and easy way to
destroy the evolutionary future of youth. This is actually happening in reality through the use of certain types of
music that serve as bait— especially "rap" and "heavy metal."
If such "musical" trends enjoy the complete backing of government agencies, it is clear who profits from them.
The state needs "work horses" that are unwilling and unable to think. It is far eas-ier to rule a herd of "sheep,"
especially if they never ask unwelcome questions that have no answer.
Sound waves with frequencies of 6-8 Hz are weapons and cause a redistribution of primary matters. This, in
turn, produces irreversible damage in the very highly organized brain cells, the cerebral neurons. Brain overload
results and the subject dies...
Now let us return to the evolutionary development of man — to the point where he actively embarks on the
journey through the evolutionary jungle, full of youthful vigor and enthusiasm. At this stage, from age twelve to
fourteen, he begins to elaborate the higher astral structures of his as-tral body—in other words, at that age
almost everyone initially possesses only a lower astral struc-ture (see Fig. 57). Everyone takes part in the
"evolutionary race," but only a few make it even to the intermediate finish line.
Evolutionary development of the astral body's higher structures varies with the individ-ual. One subject may
have an excellent start, but get bogged down in the middle of the road. An-other may have a slow start and
gradually accelerate his evolutionary pace. A third may remain at the starting line, without making a move his
entire life, despite good potential at the onset. A fourth may go in reverse, thrusting himself backward on the
evolutionary path.
All this can happen to either sex. Thus, a couple may meet — each possessing a different lev-el of spiritual
development, and each having little in common with the other. It is meaningless to speak of a deep feeling
between them, if one is more highly developed than the other. Such a rela-tionship, even if it came to pass,
would be very superficial and short lived (see Fig. 61).
Similar levels of evolutionary development usually manifest in shared interests, aspirations and dreams, which,
in turn, engender mutual support. When two people are that close to each other spiritually, and their souls that
attuned to one another, love can develop. This is possible because on all levels of development they enjoy full
harmony, manifested in the close or identical levels of their spirits' constituent bodies (see Fig. 62).
Since people keep developing and changing over the years, it often happens that a loving cou-ple, who initially
were really close, gradually begins moving apart — to such an extent as to loosen the bond between them. Then
even the closest relationship brings only abrasiveness and hostility.
That is how that magical feeling called love fades away for some people — vanishing in the sieve of time and
turning into a mirage. However, for others, love follows them all their life, filling all their days with radiance
and warmth, and enriching them spiritually. What is this mysterious thing called "love?" Why is this mystery
revealed to some and forever veiled for others?
#89480 Blast From the Past - The Chani Project
Posted by DAR on 31 March 2015 - 09:30 AM in General Discussion
Acolyte's BEZERK summary as used for GLP voice chat info
Started By NexusEditor, Aug 26 2011 09:11 PM
PCB Prototype
Started By Guest_PCB8.Prot_* , Aug 27 2011 12:44 AM
China to support bid for Palestinian State, at UN Security Council next month
Started By NexusEditor, Aug 27 2011 03:21 AM
Scientists Have Confirmed the Afterlife
Started By marlowe, Aug 27 2011 03:25 AM
Exploding star to be visible from Earth within a fortnight
Started By NexusEditor, Aug 27 2011 05:35 AM
I Love Cats, especially Jedi Ones
Started By Acolyte, Aug 27 2011 05:29 PM
Elder Member
Posted 29 August 2011 - 03:20 AM
Are you a Dog or a Cat?
A Dogs Diary:
8:00 am - Dog food! My favorite thing!
9:30 am - A car ride! My favorite thing!
9:40 am - A walk in the park! My favorite thing!
10:30 am - Got rubbed and petted! My favorite thing!
12:00 pm - Milk bones! My favorite thing!
1:00 pm - Played in the yard! My favorite thing!
3:00 pm - Wagged my tail! My favorite thing!
5:00 pm - Dinner! My favorite thing!
7:00 pm - Got to play ball! My favorite thing!
8:00 pm - Wow! Watched TV with the people! My favorite thing!
11:00 pm - Sleeping on the bed! My favorite thing!
The Cat's Diary
Day 983 of My Captivity
My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while
the other inmates and I are fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets. Although I make my contempt for the rations
perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength.
The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape. In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit
on the carpet. Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet. I had hoped this would
strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly demonstrates my capabilities. However, they merely made
condescending comments about what a "good little hunter" I am. Bastards!
There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight. I was placed in solitary confinement for the
duration of the event. However, I could hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard that my confinement
was due to the power of "allergies." I must learn what this means, and how to use it to my advantage.
Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet
as he was walking. I must try this again tomorrow, but at the top of the stairs.
I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches. The dog receives special privileges. He
is regularly released, and seems to be more than willing to return. He is obviously retarded. The bird must be an
informant. I observe him communicate with the guards regularly. I am certain that he reports my every move.
My captors have arranged protective custody for him in an elevated cell, so he is safe. For now ...
Enjoy your day guys ... and ladies
Started By breezy, Aug 27 2011 07:15 PM
Missing Journalists in Libya
Started By marlowe, Aug 27 2011 07:43 PM
The Oera Linda Book
Started By marlowe, Aug 27 2011 11:37 PM
Jay Weidner claims that the Silmarillion is a translation of ancient texts that JRR Tolkien had access to .....The
history of Europe before Christianity came along....the Oera Linda Book falls into the same catigory.....It's way
to complex to be a fake IMO...
It details many laws,customs,morays etc. of the Frasians going back 6 thousand years from present...
I have a VERY low opinion of academic people...they have been proven to be coverup artists & fakers for years
especially in the field of archeology.The Smithsonian Institution is a perfect example.....Bones of giants dug up
in mid America in the 1800s were sent to Smithsonian where they quickly became the end scene of
Raiders of the Lost Ark.
#89549 THE SOURCE OF LIFE - Levashov
Posted by DAR on 01 April 2015 - 08:28 PM in Return of The Gods
Nicolai Levashov The Mirror of My Soul Vol. 2. America the Real Thing {page 22}
George’s abilities came in handy very soon; it happened the next day. Marsha’s sister, Jenes, came to the
healing session and, as usual, he translated from English .
This woman was simply "crazy" about meditations and all this kind of stuff. At the same time, she was totally
exhausted, which the colour of her face eloquently indicated: it was ash-grey. When I began to work with her
and found out that she practiced meditation, I immediately recommended her to stop it; otherwise the
consequences could be very grave! On hearing this advice, she looked at me in surprise and her look said
everything: "Who are you and why I should listen to you when all the Great teachers say and recommend the
contrary!" Certainly, she did not say, but just thought it, however for me it was all the same. She was enough of
an educated person not to say it aloud, but she could not shut her thoughts down and her goggle-eyed expression
fully gave her away. Therefore, seeing her reaction to my words, I said the following: "I think that you do not
believe me, despite my explanations and this is quite understandable. Do you trust your sister’s husband!?"
Jenes answered affirmatively and then I asked George to describe everything that he could see during her
meditation. Everyone agreed to this suggestion and Marsha’s sister began the meditation, simultaneously
commenting what she was feeling.
It was clear even from the outset that she entered into the trance state and her face expressed the highest degree
of bliss. When the meditation was "in full swing" the woman reported that she felt an extraordinarily powerful
stream of energy piercing her in the area of her left shoulder and breast. The degree of her "bliss" increased
more after it and it was difficult to understand where she was at this moment, but obviously not where she
should be. What can be more convincing for a person than this kind of "own experience!?"
How is it possible to convince a person with good sensitivity to the contrary? Will they listen, having had this
kind of personal experience!? It is highly unlikely, but one has to act despite this, if there is a desire to help.
Therefore, in the moment of the climax of euphoria, I asked George to describe what he saw at that moment. To
the great surprise of the meditating person, George described the following: "I see a creature looking like a
dinosaur behind Jenes, the front part of its face is stretched into something like a "trunk" which is stuck to the
left shoulder and I see that vital force is flowing to this creature through the “trunk”". It is of interest here that
vital force was flowing from the woman to the astral creature (the spirit of an extinct animal), not vice versa!
During this classic action of energy vampirism, the woman was in blissful "seventh heaven!" Is not this a
strange situation: a person gets "unspeakable" pleasure and loses her vital force?! It looks strange only on the
face of it and if one thinks a little, everything falls into its place. An astral creature sends some of stolen vital
force back to a person, maximally exciting his or her centre of pleasure in the brain. This simplest of tricks
allows the astral parasite to take away the maximum human vital force and here is why:
1. On feeling strong emotions close to orgasm a person opens maximally, which allows the pumping out of the
maximum amount of vital force at a sitting.
2. Remembering those strong emotions during meditation, a person aims to feel them again and again, thus,
feeding astral parasites many times and, besides, volun- tarily. This kind of dependence is like a narcotic one
and fraught with similar consequences for a person. In both cases the illusion of pleasant sensations which a
person experiences pushes him to feel something of the like again and again. One could think that for the
creation of such "high" and "positive" emotions a lot of energy is required.
This is not so! What happens is that normally a person experiences positive emotions when his centre of
pleasure reacts to the actions he performs; in this case, the emotions are only a reaction to what is going on.
Astral parasites influence the brain’s pleasure centre directly, stimulating it with a portion of stolen vital force!
We should never forget that we spend some of our vital force on every emotion, independent of whether we
want to or not, even if the emotion is positive! I think that everybody has experienced powerful positive
emotions at least once in their life and a complete emptiness after them.
The world of living creatures is much richer than people would imagine due to the commonly accepted concept
that life is just the physical bodies of plants and animals (including man) and that is all! Many religions offer
eternal life after death to the good and just men and eternal hell to the sinners, but not a new life in another
body. Others, for example, Hinduism, speak about reincarnation, but describe it very wrongly. However, none
considers life as a many-sided and many-leveled phenomenon.
Physical body or physical plane, or physical level (call it whatever one wishes, but the essence will not change)
is just a foundation! It is a basis for life, for living matter and, besides, only at the initial levels of development.
The physical body of any living creature wears out for one or another reason and sooner or later is shed,
certainly, if nobody has already made a "dinner" of it. But a living creature is not just a physical body! The
latter is just a foundation on which life exists (for more details see: Anisotropic Universe, Chapter 4; Spirit and
Mind, Vol. 1 and 2, The Final Appeal to Mankind). Other material bodies (the second, third, fourth, etc), the
number of which depends on the level of development of a certain living creature, are "laid" on this foundation
(physical body) in the process of the development of living matter.
Therefore, in a so-called ecological system created by developing living matter, living creatures which have a
different number of bodies (in addition to the physically dense one) coexist simultaneously. Some creatures
have only one additional body (in addition to the physically dense one), some—two, others—three, etc. The
more "additional"
bodies a creature has, the more highly it is developed. Besides, creatures which have the same number of
"additional" bodies vary widely, because every additional
body has its evolutional sublevels. So, we just have to marvel at the variety of living matter, which is in
harmony and balance reflected in the ecological system, where the number of species of every kind and the
number of kinds, both vegetable and animal, is in the state of steady equilibrium. The ecological system does
not exist only at the physical level! There are "ecological" systems at other levels of the planet which directly
reflect the level of development of the physical ecological system and are tightly connected to it. The
"occupancy" of these planetary levels is uneven. The second and third planetary "floors" are maximally
populated. The rest of the planetary "floors" are occupied the following way: the higher, the less; and there are
reasons for it.
The matter is that living matter can be divided into several basic groups:
1. The types of living organisms which are regularly incarnated in physical bodies.
2. The extinct types of living organisms which cannot be incarnated in new physical bodies, because there are
no bearers of their genetics incarnated at the physical level.
3. Reasoning kind (s) of living organisms.
Everything is more or less clear with the first group: the spirits are incarnated again after the death of the
physical body, creating the circulation of life at planetary levels, the second and the third groups have some
distinctive features. I will begin with the second group.
When a living species lose its genetic foundation, it passes to the category of extinct species of which,
according to modern science, nothing remains, except for petrifying bones. But this is not so! After they lose
their physical bodies, they do not disappear! The spirits of extinct animal lose their physically dense bodies, but
their bodies at other levels do not die with the loss of their genetic foundation, but try to adapt to life without a
physical body.
They have three options in this situation: to become a parasite, to create symbiosis with those species who have
physical bodies and at least temporarily to be in a physical body, although with stranger genetics, or to be eaten
by spirits of other more aggressive creatures. There are no other variants, except for combinations of what was
mentioned above. On losing their physical bodies, spirit-parasites (they are also called astral animals, although
not quite correctly) find some creature living in the physical body and begin to absorb its vital force, thus,
getting the necessary replenishment for their existence. At the same time astral parasites use some kind of
intellect in order to make the victim to feel "pleasant" emotions during the extraction of vital force so that a
donor would long for submerging into a similar state as many times as possible.
The loss of vital force covered by "positive" emotions is extremely dangerous for a person and leads to his
weakening and vulnerability to illnesses. Therefore, if astral parasites just take away vital force from a person,
he would feel himself becoming weaker with every time. Sooner or later any reasoning person would pay
attention to this situation and begin to analyze it. Astral parasites are perfectly aware of this and, therefore, they
send some of the stolen vital force to the centre of human pleasure creating forced pleasant feelings in him.
Regrettably, a meditating person does not know that the "pleasant" feelings which he experiences are of
artificial origin and do not relate to the connection to "higher spheres", but to astral parasites’guile. They
understand perfectly that if they suck all vital force from a person, they
will get an abundant dinner just once, but they want "to eat" every day. Besides, astral parasites do not "eat" the
kind of food usual for us, but take the final result of have the physical bodies to carry out this process by
themselves. So, they adapted themselves for absorption of the already prepared "product" without any
hesitation! In order that a donor does not "kick" in the process of vital force extraction, astral parasites influence
the pleasure centre in the human brain to force a person to long for this "bliss" voluntarily as many times as
possible. Not bad for astral parasites!
This is exactly the reason why astral parasites do not "drink" all people’s vital force at once. It is much more
comfortable, for them, that one and the same person would surely "feed" them for a long time! In this respect
astral parasites are cleverer than natural ones, especially those which influence the pleasure centre. Certainly,
there are primitive astral parasites like earthly piranhas which attack any animal which enters the water and do
not stop until only bones are left. But this kind of astral parasite can rarely "regale" itself with human vital
The overwhelming majority of people have their protective field powerful enough to prevent this kind of
astralpredator from partaking of such a "dainty dish"—their vital force! In this case more "advanced" astral
parasites, which make a person open voluntarily and let them suck human life-force, "come to the fore." This is
what happens during meditation! In fact, the result of meditation is the same, independent of the methods and
varieties of meditation used. It happened that almost from the very beginning of my study of human nature, I
saw people who used one or another method of meditation to reach enlightenment and got serious problems
instead—damaged health and the loss of vital force. I have never seen a person who actually got enlightenment
due to meditating, but saw quite the contrary. By the way, I did not observe this in only "freshmen" who could
be easily blamed for the "wrong" method of meditation, but inpeople who had got benediction from the "great"
teachers of the East! I also met some Eastern teachers, including mahatmas and, regrettably, they were not in
any better situation than ordinary people. I will touch upon this subject later and meanwhile let me continue my
American saga..
#89580 Blast From the Past - The Chani Project
Posted by DAR on 02 April 2015 - 09:55 AM in General Discussion
Magnonic crystal-based ultra-high sensitive magnetic fields sensors
Started By NexusEditor, Aug 28 2011 12:16 AM
New photo's of Hyperion
Started By Orion, Aug 28 2011 01:57 AM
The Terra Papers
Started By Orion, Aug 28 2011 01:52 PM
Elder Member
Posted 28 August 2011 - 08:13 PM
I met Robert Morningsky before he went public with his tales. This is the story of his emergence in UFOs, conspiracies
and the rest.
He was in Australia, at the Maleny Folk Festival in the early-mid 90s. He was part of a native indian dance group that
had been flown to Australia for the festival.
At that festival, a friend of mine who ran a local UFO group, had a stall - displaying and selling various UFO and related
conspiracy literature.
Robert was walking past that stall, when he spotted the literature and started reading. Then, according to my friend, he
started to get excited and wanted to talk.
This is the essence of what Robert told my friend, and then later repeated to me:
1. That he was from a tribe who had members who KNEW of the star people, and of the US govt attempts to locate
them while they were living amongst some of the tribes.
2. That he was sworn to secrecy on a whole range of things about this.
3. He also said that he was allowed to discuss stuff, IF it was already in the public domain. Else he said, if he violated
secrets he would be punished.
Robert was definitely more showman than shaman. His favourite dish was KFC-style fast chicken. His diet was shit and
soft drinks. He was not fit or healthy.
But, he was adamant about his star people knowledge, which included lots of specific and detailed historical
After he left Australia that time, he came back and began to be a speaker and a 'name' on the circuit. He was getting
money, fame, and adoration from hosts of hot babes who thought he was sexy.
Then suddenly, after a year or two of all this - his wife threatened to cut his balls off if he did not come home and
THAT is when he went quiet and disappeared off people's radar.
I will always have fond memories of him. He is a loveable rogue who I believe was genuine about his tales, even though
he might have embellished some aspects of them in order to keep the crowds going 'ooh' and 'aaah'.
As for the Terra Papers - well - you should read them, consider them, but then, like everything else, you should step back
and ponder.
PS: To be clear - I am NOT saying Robert is a hoaxer or anything, I just wanted to give background context to his
'emergence on the scene'. There is a lot of info and misinfo about him. Readers have to decide for themselves what
parts of The Terra Papers they choose to believe or not.
Zombie Plan
Started By Orion, Aug 28 2011 02:00 PM
Recommended reading(Ruling Bloodline Family full disclosure)
Started By Anden, Aug 28 2011 07:21 PM
Started By Guest_mrmixedntwisted_* , Aug 28 2011 07:30 PM
Started By Arc, Aug 28 2011 11:15 PM
Are you prepared? Home and B.O.B. basics
Started By Orion, Aug 29 2011 12:22 AM
Daily Surface MSM Intel Brief: 2011/08/29 04:25
Started By 338866, Aug 29 2011 04:29 AM
#89611 Blast From the Past - The Chani Project
Posted by DAR on 02 April 2015 - 07:59 PM in General Discussion
What is it about Gibson Guitar factories
Started By phillipbbg, Aug 29 2011 05:35 AM
Space station could be abandoned in November
Started By NexusEditor, Aug 29 2011 08:35 AM
Fidel Castro Dead ?
Started By Guest_HAVANA_* , Aug 29 2011 10:46 AM
Elder Member
Posted 29 August 2011 - 10:01 PM
Acolyte, on 29 Aug 2011 - 11:36 AM, said:
Acolyte, on 29 Aug 2011 - 10:36 AM, said:
Oh dear, another rumor .... we should call this Rumor Mill news ... oh wait, there is one already damn
Anyway, I dont think they can hide this. We will soon know if its true or if it was just another Havana Cigar
hey guess what Aco? About ten years ago, Rayelan who runs Rumor Mill News and I figured out that we are related to
each other!
For those who don't know who Gunther Russbacher is, or who don't know the story behind Rumor Mill News, read on ...
-----------------------------Who Are Gunther and Rayelan Russbacher?
The following articles give a small idea of who Founded Rumor Mill News
Gunther and Rayelan Allan Russbacher Founded Rumor Mill News in 1996 as a Print Magazine. After Gunther
disappeared, in December of 1996, Rayelan discontinued it as a magazine. She started Rumor Mill News again in 1998 as
an internet newsletter. In 1999 she launched it as a webpage. It has become one of the Internet's most popular
Gunther Russbacher was a CIA operative. Rayelan was a lecturer and investigator who worked with Barbara Honegger,
the author of the first book on the October Surprise scandal. When Gunther and Rayelan married in 1989, the Bush
Administration panicked. As a result, Gunther became the most famous political prisoner of the George H.W. Bush
administration. Russbacher was the pilot who flew Bush back from the negotiations in Paris that finalized the October
Surprise. Rayelan was an investigator who was working to expose the October Surprise!
From 1989 to late 1996, when he disappeared, Gunther spent all but 9 months of their marriage in prison! During that
time, there were numerous attempts to kill both of them. Their lawyer and friend Paul Wilcher WAS murdered!
Gunther's sons were beaten and jailed, he was told they would be gang raped if he talked. Rayelan was charged with
trespassing on a military base and faced prison. To keep her out of prison, where he was told she would be murdered,
Gunther pled guilty!
The story of what they went through is compelling! They loved each other and they fought to stay together. Only the CIA
and Mind Control separated them! To understand what they went through, please read "Journey Into Hell" and "The
Amazing Rayelan Allan". These two articles are short and give a concise overview of the first two years of their marriage.
Little has been written about either of them since that time! The article, "Gunther Russbacher, Prisoner of the New
World Order" was the last article written about them. Their story ends in late 1996 with Gunther's disappearance. He reappeared in early 1997, with a new wife and NO memory of every being married to Rayelan.
So, did NASA(JPL/US NAVY) Shoot at "Comet" Elenin causing it to break up?
Started By Acolyte, Aug 29 2011 12:24 PM
The mystery of Comet Elenin
Started By Guest_Anomalie_* , Aug 29 2011 01:58 PM
Next stop, Alpha Centauri
Started By Guest_Anomalie_* , Aug 29 2011 02:01 PM
Synthetic self-assembling collagen for tissue engineering
Started By Guest_Anomalie_* , Aug 29 2011 02:04 PM
Travelling to Parallel Universes in Dreams
Started By Guest_Anomalie_* , Aug 29 2011 02:07 PM
Started By breezy, Aug 29 2011 10:27 PM
#89800 Blast From the Past - The Chani Project
Posted by DAR on 07 April 2015 - 09:17 PM in General Discussion
Started By breezy, Aug 29 2011 11:36 PM
Why I want Gen 3 or later NVG's
Started By Orion, Aug 30 2011 12:06 AM
Started By breezy, Aug 30 2011 02:07 AM
New observations suggest cosmic rays are not produced by supernova explosions
Started By NexusEditor, Aug 30 2011 08:01 AM
Started By NexusEditor, Aug 30 2011 08:27 AM
Monatom Advanced Member
A CHANI Sponsor
Posted 31 August 2011 - 07:04 AM
During reverse speech analysis of different media the metaphor, "LOOSH", would come up often and the
usage was consistent as stated by Nexus Editor and RObert Monroe. I have no doubt we live on a Loosh Farm.
When one examines all our systems, religious, legal, educational, political or military etc etc one will find that
they are governed by extreme energies of control, manipulation and conflict. In fact, most of our modern
systems will not function properly without these extreme energies. It is the reason religion dulls the spirit and
education dumbs down and medicine kills.
In gnostic literature the dark consciousness needed energy to continue. It could not utilize the energy of the
light directly because of its nature. It needed to subvert or twist the light for it to become usable by the dark side
yet certain laws needed to be obeyed in doing this. Loosh is the result of this subversion. Consciousness on this
planet has been held captive for this one allow the dark side to continue by giving it the energy it
requires in subverted form. Hence all the problems on this planet. However, time has run out for this to keep
going. This is it as I understand it.
Jay Weidner explains how America Will Fall.
Started By marlowe, Aug 30 2011 09:55 AM
Strange RF signal is picked up by radio telescopes in California from Elenin
Started By breezy, Aug 30 2011 12:39 PM
Tackling mysteries about carbon, possible oil formation & more deep inside Earth
Started By Guest_Anomalie_* , Aug 30 2011 03:47 PM
The Army's Bold Plan to Turn Soldiers Into Telepaths
Started By Guest_Anomalie_* , Aug 30 2011 04:14 PM
#89841 Simon Parkes Interview
Posted by DAR on 08 April 2015 - 07:42 PM in THE UNEXPLAINED
Simon Parkes April Newsletter
Welcome to the April edition of my newsletter. The last 6 weeks have seen some of the greatest activities on
this planet perhaps not seen for the last 20 years.
In March it may be remembered that President Putin disappeared for some ten days and I can now reveal what
he did. Apart from meeting Chinese officials and formerly signing the BRICS agreement, the elite American
government personnel along with their allies in UK rerouted sensitive encrypted information along the VPN
line in the Ukraine. This information contained, amongst others, reports from the atomic energy commission
and Britain’s spy centre known as GCHQ. This information was fabricated and it was hoped that the Russian
secret service would intercept these transmissions. Encoded in this information was the false report that
Britain’s nuclear submarine fleet had targeted their missiles on Russia, I am left with no other conclusion than
to believe that this was an attempt to start a 3rd world war. Thank god President Putin realised the trick and did
not respond militarily, however this was the final act that convinced him to sign the BRICS agreement - for up
until now he had not formally signed. This is why he nationalized the main bank in Russia, because he required
a state run bank to trade in the new currency which of course will be gold backed. Within his inner circle he
formed a special committee of between 3 and 5 people who now are very much involved in rolling out of the
alternative gold backed system. I understand President Putin had a recent addition to his family and I
congratulate him.
On a far more sinister note an arm of the Zionist regime sent a hit squad in an attempt to assassinate President
Putin, this was thwarted and at the same time a hit squad was despatched to take out President Obama. That is
why some 10 members of the senate were recently arrested - because this plot also failed. So now we begin to
see why America at its highest levels is fearful of the new gold backed currency. With China, Switzerland,
India, Brazil, potentially Hungary, Iceland and even the United Kingdom wishing to join, America is being
isolated economically.
One of the major reasons for the CIA instigating revolution in Ukraine was a pay back to certain Zionist
factions. When America came off the gold standard the Rothschild’s were asked to value America, as of
January this year America has exceeded its debt by 22 times which means its 22 times overspent compared to
its value. This has a devastating impact on imported goods where one country who imports does not have gold
backed currency while the other country that exports has. We can all see the cliff edge that America now
balances on, it is for this reason that I feel, barring dramatic intervention, the period of July to October could be
In relation to the CERN device after 2 years of developmental work and non operation the final part of the 26
mile extension was being put into place when damage occurred to the tubing. This has put back the operation
of the device yet again and we await with interest to see the development. Many people are making predictions
about the Planet X, I certainly am of the opinion that a large foreign body will come close to the earth in the
very near future although it will not strike the earth. The CERN device could be used against such an object. In
short let us imagine a bank and the bank manager goes on holiday leaving the bank employees to usurp their
position then the bank manager returns to take charge of the bank and the employees try to stop him. This is a
rather a light hearted analogy of the situation on planet earth at the present time.
There have over the recent years been so many aeroplane crashes and these are terribly tragic, the most recent
was the German aeroplane, I wonder what message was being sent to the German government.
This is the time now to congratulate Fran on the creation of the facebook page. I’m utterly delighted that so
many have started sorting themselves into starseed families,
#89843 Blast From the Past - The Chani Project
Posted by DAR on 08 April 2015 - 08:42 PM in General Discussion
Photons made to change colour and shape
Started By Guest_Anomalie_* , Aug 30 2011 04:18 PM
4 Types of Hominoids/Yeti/Bigfoot/Alma/Agogwe>>>info from Lloyd Pye
Started By marlowe, Aug 30 2011 05:13 PM
The Mulungeons:Portugese in Tennessee before Jamestown
Started By marlowe, Aug 30 2011 06:42 PM
Comet Elenin tetrahedral (note the entity spoke of a three sided pyramid)
Started By Anden, Aug 30 2011 09:25 PM
Symphony of Science
Started By Orion, Aug 30 2011 09:49 PM
NASA - Employees prepare for an emergency of any kind of dizaster!
Started By SeeBria, Aug 31 2011 07:58 AM
The Hutchison Effect : John Hutchison and Nancy Lazaryan Q&A NEW!!
Started By Orion, Aug 31 2011 11:38 AM
Elder Member
LocationUnder your bed
Posted 02 September 2011 - 02:08 AM
Here's the first questions I posed:
Korvex: I have seen you video's with your work on trying to disperse the oil from the spill in the Gulf. Have
you found that there has been any difference after your tests? Was it just a certain frequency you were trying or
was there other methods involved? Have you been able to retrieve and analyze any kind of sample or tests in a
Nancy: extensive before and after testing down by chemist Bob Naman
hydrocarbons eliminated in the water AND at Indian creek we also tested the creek bed and the hydrocarbons
were eliminated.
it is a combination of audio frequencies that are picked up and remodulated using RF generators and other
the technology has been OPEN SOURCED...diagram of all equipment and settings on web, as well as the audio
In my excitement of getting a reply, I forgot to ask for the link to the open sourced materials......and its late and
I should have been sleeping an hour ago lol. Ill ask her tomorrow if I dont find it for myself first.
A possible theory I need help with
Started By Orion, Aug 31 2011 02:50 PM
Chandra finds nearest pair of supermassive black holes
Started By Guest_Anomalie_* , Aug 31 2011 04:02 PM
#89864 CoEvolution - Nexus extracts thread
Posted by DAR on 09 April 2015 - 09:45 AM in CoEvolution
WHY PLANET X is not a problem
The following extracts were transcribed from a filmed interview with Valery Uvarov, of Russia's National
Security Academy, conducted by Graham W. Birdsall, Editor of the UK-based UFO Magazine.
The interview took place at the 12th International UFO Congress Convention and Film Festival, held February
2-8, 2003, in Laughlin, Nevada, USA.
Graham Birdsall (GB): What is your official title?
Valery Uvarov (VU): I am head of the Department of UFO Research, Science and Technical, National Security
Academy, based in St Petersburg, Russia.
GB: This, then, is an official Russian government agency?
VU: Absolutely. I am answerable to two people above me. They are answerable to the next person above them,
who is our President [Putin].
GB: What exactly is your remit?
VU: Our research efforts are divided into two parts. Firstly, we are constantly analyzing data coming in from all
over the world. We then extract what we consider to be the most interesting information through our databasewhich is yellow, which is red. This, then, is released to various departments throughout Russia. The other aspect
of our research stemmed from asking the question: do UFOs exist or not? For sure, we know they exist, but
what is behind their activity, their interest? This is the most important issue for us, and what we mostly focus
our investigations on.
GB: There is active co-operation between NASA and Russian aerospace officials at a technical, scientific and
maybe even military level. Do you liaise or have ties with organizations similar to your own overseas?
VU: I can tell you, truthfully, that just a couple of days before I flew to the United States I had a meeting with
my ... let's say, my bosses. And they said they are very interested in co-operating with other organizations ...
let's say, our friends in the West. So, I can tell you that this particular mission is at the starting point. I am
charged with finding the right people. When this is done, and the next stage is activated, we can make some
concrete steps.
GB: Earlier, off camera, you alluded to some important developments concerning the Tunguska explosion of
1908. For the record, can you tell us why you now believe you know the cause?
VU: It is not so much a case of belief; we know what caused it. It was a meteor, but a meteor that was destroyed
by ... let's say, a missile. The missile was generated by a material installation. We don't know who constructed
it, but it was built long, long ago and is situated in Siberia, several hundred kilometers north of Tunguska. I can
tell you that our investigation has revealed more than one explosion at Tunguska. Let me share something with
you. The last time that this installation shot down a meteor was on 24/25 September last year (2002). The
Americans ... they have three bases ... they, too, noticed this explosion. [Editor's Ref: See New Scientist vol 178
issue 2399 - 14 June 2003]
GB: Forgive me, but some will say this sounds like science fiction.
VU: Graham, you know that when we talk about the truths that lie behind this subject, we only do so with those
who have an understanding of the responsibility that goes with it. And you know that we are dealing with a
technology much further ahead of our own-one capable of doing things that we cannot.
GB: Can you be more specific about the location of this installation?
VU: Look for the site of the Tunguska explosion. To the southeast is the very large and famous Lake Baikal.
Beyond that, to the north, is a huge and barren territory covering 100,000 kilometers. Hardly anyone lives there.
There are no towns or cities. Here is where we located the installation...
GB: Are you aware of strange stories or rumors concerning the so-called "Planet X"? If some new and heavenly
body had entered our solar system, astronomers would surely detect it and declare its presence.
VU: I cannot speak for astronomers in the West, but astronomers within our Academy tell us we have nothing
to fear. I have heard people talk about a rotation figure of 3,600 years for this planet, which is in a similar orbit
to that of the Earth but behind the Sun. We know that this planet and the installation in Siberia are closely
connected. Let me say that we believe that this installation is keeping that planet in a stable orbit. If that planet
were to move, to shift orbit, the entire solar system would become unstable. Those of us in the Academy are
sure that this planet is inhabited, and that this installation is designed to protect them and us. We are sure that
nothing dangerous will happen. Everything is under control.
Our investigations have shown that the Earth has a pulse-a finely tuned frequency that affects everything, every
living thing. Some 12,500 years ago, this pulse corresponded to 360 days of the year-study the old Egyptian
calendar-but then an asteroid struck the Earth. We believe the orbit of the Earth was altered, artificially, to
compensate for this. Our planet moved further away from the Sun, to a frequency pulse of 365.
This has taught us to believe that we have friends-friends who watch over us, silently. They did not allow then,
nor will they allow now, any planet, comet or asteroid to strike and destroy the Earth. This, for us, is now
absolutely clear.
Those who wish to weaponise space ... to tell you the truth, all of us involved in this project feel a pain in our
hearts. Here we all are, investigating this installation and some other stuff, material stuff, none of which was
constructed by Russians or Americans but by someone else, someone from outer space. It saddens us when we
think what could happen if weapons are put into space.
Let me speak frankly. This installation has a power system, an energy source. We have located this. It was
during the conflict in the former Yugoslavia that we first noticed an increase in the output of that energy. For us,
it was incredible, but we now know that this installation reacts to social upheaval and conflict. Part of our
investigation involved searching through ancient records and archives, and then we came across the Echutin
Apposs Alanhor [sic] texts. We call them the Alanhor, and they are at least 4,000 years old. They describe the
installation, in scientific terms, as to what was taking place there. It's amazing.
I have visited the area twice. The first time our equipment detected strong levels of radiation. I have to tell you,
it was pretty dangerous; we couldn't hide from it. The few local inhabitants of the area knew of the installation,
of course, and they described it to us. They describe metal-like structures and drew them for us. We plotted
everything on a map. But these people, their families, the animals, they were suffering from radiation sickness.
The radiation levels have been continuously monitored for the past six years, and now everyone - including the
animals - has left the forest. Let me tell you something about the Tunguska explosion - something that has never
been spoken of before. Two months before the explosion, every living animal fled the region. It was as if the
installation had powered up to deal with the asteroid. With that came an increase in radiation. The same thing is
happening now, today.
#89866 Blast From the Past - The Chani Project
Posted by DAR on 09 April 2015 - 10:24 AM in General Discussion
Strange Sounds Heard Prior To Colorado and Virginia Earthquakes
Started By Guest_Anomalie_* , Aug 31 2011 05:41 PM
WikiLeaks releases mystery file
Started By Arc, Aug 31 2011 10:13 PM
Enter the Dragon
CHANI Subscriber
LocationLost in space
Posted 03 September 2011 - 09:49 PM
London (CNN) -- WikiLeaks threw open the doors Friday to its archive of more than a quarter million secret
U.S. diplomatic cables, unfiltered and unedited, exposing and possibly endangering confidential diplomatic
The website made the controversial decision after losing control of the documents in a series of blunders.
Elenin PULSED !
Started By marlowe, Aug 31 2011 11:28 PM
Elenin explodes - MASSIVE explosion DISINTEGRATES comet Elenin BREAKING FOOTAGE
Started By Arc, Aug 31 2011 11:34 PM
Ion Armageddon: Measuring the Impact Energy of Highly Charged Ions
Started By NexusEditor, Sep 01 2011 05:36 AM
DNA Discoveries
Started By Guest_Heidi_* , Sep 01 2011 12:30 PM
Ground Breaking New Chemical Reagent Turns Biological Tissue Transparent
Started By Guest_Anomalie_* , Sep 01 2011 01:59 PM
iPad to Help Humans to Speak with Dolphins
Started By Bollywasher, Sep 01 2011 05:12 PM
Is China Planning a Surprise Missile Attack?
Started By Guest_Anomalie_* , Sep 01 2011 05:51 PM
#89909 The Illuminati - Apparently now everyone can join
Posted by DAR on 10 April 2015 - 11:35 AM in General Discussion
PDF see below
The Illuminati:
How the Cult Programs People
by: Svali
Chapter One: An Overview of the Illuminati
In order to understand Illuminati cult programming, it is first necessary to understand a bit about the structure
and philosophy of the organization. The Illuminati are a group of people who follow a philosophy known as
"Illuminism" or "enlightenment". The Illuminati were named several hundred years ago, but trace their roots
and history to the ancient mystery religions of Egypt, ancient Babylon, and even Mesopotamia. Out of these
ancient religions, which were practiced secretly over hundreds and hundreds of years, there arose esoteric
groups which continued to practice the rites, traditions, and enculturation brought in from the original groups.
Over the centuries, these groups practiced openly in some countries, and covertly in countries where
Christianity or other religions opposed their practices. Some of the groups which came out of these ancient roots
included the order of the Knights Templar, Rosicrucian's, Baphetomism, and Druidic cults. These groups were
the forerunners, or roots, of modern day Illuminism. The original Illuministic leaders chose to take what they
felt were the best practices of each root religion, combine them into principles, then organized these principles
according to specific guidelines.
Modern day Illuminism is a philosophy funded by the wealthy, but practiced in all social
strata. It is a philosophy whose tenets have spread across the world. It started with the German branch of
Rosicrucian's, spread to England, then came to the United states with the first settlers.
The Illuminati have 3 main branches:
the Germanic branch, which oversees the others, the British branch, which handles finances, and the
French/Russian branch. All 3 branches are represented in both the United States and Canada, as well as every
country in the world.
How the Illuminati are organized in the United States:
The Illuminati have groups in every major city of the United States. They originally entered the U.S. through
Pittsburgh, Pa., and from there, spread across the US. There are 18 cities across the US, which are considered
major "power centers" for Illuminati power and/or influence. These include: Washington, DC and the
surrounding areas; Albany, New York; Pittsburgh, Pa; the "golden triangle" of the Winston Salem, Raleigh, NC
area; Minneapolis, Minn; Ann Arbor, Mich; Wichita, Kan.; Phoenix, Az.; Portland, Or.; Flagstaff, Az.; Seattle,
Wash.; Houston, TX; Los Angeles, CA. and surrounding areas; Atlanta, Ga.; New Orleans, La., Springfield,
Miss. Other cities are important to the Illuminati, as well, but these cities funnel money for them, conduct
research, and often regional councils sit within them.
Hierarchy of the Illuminati
The Illuminati have organized their society along extremely hierarchical, or stratified, levels.
In fact, the top levels are known as:
Hierarchical level
The Illuminati have divided the United States into 7 geographical regions; each region has its own regional
council, composed of 13 members, with an advisory board of 3 elders to each one. These regions interact for
purposes of finances; personnel; teaching, etc. Beneath each regional council, is a local council. This is a
council of 13 members, the head of whom sits on the regional council, and gives it information about the local
groups underneath his leadership.
The local council will also have an advisory council of 3.
A local leadership council in a large metropolitan area might look like this:
l Head of local council (reports to regional council)
l Two intermediaries (report all activities under leader to him)
l Four administrators (oversee finances, administer, set up group activities)
l Six head trainers (over trainers in local groups, teach other trainers)
Underneath the above leadership council, will be six people designated as informers or
intermediaries, who go to the local group meetings, interact with local group leaders, and
report to the leadership council.
Anarchical level: the levels below the leadership council are known as the anarchical levels.
Underneath the intermediate level, is the local group level. It will look like this:
l Local "Sister groups" (will vary in number, according to the size of the city, or cities, in the
area). A large metropolitan area may have anywhere from ten to twenty seven groups.
Each sister group will be headed up by:
A high priest and priestess: this job is rotated every 3 years, to allow different people within the group to take
on leadership roles. Each group will also have different members, with specific roles/jobs within the group.
These roles will be addressed in chapter 2.
One thing that I would like to emphasize is the fact that the Illuminati today are generational.
There members are born into the group, which is highly organized, as described above. The set up discussed
above is representative, with minor variations, of most major metropolitan regions of the United States. Smaller
population centers will be organized under similar guidelines, but will be umbrellaed together with several cities
within the region to create the local leadership council.
How the Illuminati make money
The Illuminati are involved in many areas of making money, as they need continued financing to survive. There
are several illegal enterprises that they are involved in, as well as legal ones.
Drug running: The Illuminati linked up with the Mafia and the Columbians, years ago, to
help each other out with bringing drugs into the United States. They also provide couriers for taking drugs and
money out of the States. The Illuminists are generally wealthy businessmen, who have 4 layers of people
underneath them. The fourth layer down actually has contact with the people in the drug industry. They never
identify themselves as Illuminists; only as people interested in investing, with a guaranteed profit, and are
highly secretive. In return, the local groups supply people willing to be couriers of money or drugs, or people
willing to help cover for the local operations.
Pornography: The Illuminati are linked in many cities with pornography/prostitution/child
prostitution/ and white slavery sales. Again, several layers are present, as a buffer, between the true
"management" and those either engaged in the activities, or in paying for/funding and eventually being paid for
the activities. Children are often supplied from the local cult groups, and taught to be child prostitutes (and later,
adult prostitutes); are photographed and filmed in every type of pornography available, including "snuff films"
and violent films.
Gun running: The Illuminati and other groups are also involved in international gun sales and shipments. The
Illuminists have well trained couriers who will cross international and state lines. These couriers are highly
secretive, and will not reveal their sources, on pain of suicide or assassination. These people are accountable to
others above them, with two more "buffer layers" of people above these, before the person in the Illuminati with
money, who helps fund this, is found.
Buying access codes for military computers: The Illuminati will have people from all strata of civilian life
trained to go and make pickups near or on military bases. A typical person used might be the innocent looking
wife of a military person, a local businessman, or even a college student. There is a contact inside the base, also
a dissociative Illuminist, who brings the information to the outside contact. Occasionally, the contact person is
paid with money, information, or goods. The military computer codes are changed on random schedules; the
Illuminati have at least 5 or 6 contacts on each major base, who alert them when the codes are getting ready to
change, on pain of death. The Illuminists like having access to military computers, because that will gain them
entrance to closed files the world over.
Hiring and selling assassinations: this is done worldwide, more in Europe than in the States. These people are
paid big money to do either a private or political assassination. The money is paid either to the assassin, or to
the trainer; usually they both divide the fee The assassin is offered protection in another country for awhile,
until the trail runs cold. If the kill is done in Europe they may be sent to the far east or the U.S., and vice versa if
the kill is done in the U.S. The Illuminati have a wide arena of places and false identities to hide these people,
unless for some reason they want the assassin disposed of as well. Then, he/she is caught and immediately
Mercenaries/military trainers: guess who gets paid money to come in and train paramilitary groups? Who has
training camps all over the states of Montana, Nevada, and North Dakota? Who occasionally will offer their
expertise in return for a large financial reward? They never advertise themselves as Illuminati, unless the group
is known to be sympathetic to their cause. Instead, these are tough, cold, brutal military trainers, who offer to
teach these groups in return for money, or even better, a promise to affiliate with their group in return (loyalty in
return for knowledge). More and more paramilitary groups have been brought into the Illuminati this way,
without their full knowledge of who and what the group really is. This gives the Illuminists a way to monitor
these groups (their trainers report on them, and their activities), and it can be useful to have trained military
groups that they can call on someday.
Banking: The original Illuminists were bankers, and they have highly trained financiers to
organize their money, and funnel the above illicit funds into more "respectable" front
groups/organizations. They will also start benevolent charities, community organizations, etc., as fronts, and
funnel the money from a broad base into these groups. The Illuminati
particularly pride themselves on their money making and manipulation skills, and their ability to cover their
paper trails expertly, through layer after layer.
An Overview of the Illuminati
All banking trails eventually will lead to Belgium, the Illuminati financial center for the world. These are some
of the major money making enterprises that the Illuminati are engaged in. They have a lot of financial resources,
backing their enterprises, which means that in reality they can engage the best lawyers, accountants, etc. to help
cover their trail as well.
Attached Files
EssentialSvali.pdf 738.54KB 23 downloads
#90035 ORIGINS of the BlueBloods - ILAT-LITUM Tablets
Posted by DAR on 13 April 2015 - 11:45 AM in Return of The Gods
Nazi expedition in 1939 found the ILAT-LITUM plates/tablets in
The great Council decided to help the children on LAHMU, for ERA’s wisdom told
the gods, that EA and MAGDI and all following children-generations should belong
to the tribes of the gods.
ERA’s wisdom meant, that the gods under the leadership of ANU and with the
power of SEPT invade the land of the LEMURIANS and should force them with
unimaginable devaststations back into the caves.
So it was recorded in the book ILAT-LITUM, the „highest victory“.
The sign for this was transmitted to SINNI as follows:
The tablets are discussing all these different bloodlines, so let me try to explain how they are
related and inter-related:
1. We have the pure Anunnaki, who came from Aldebaran in a spaceship, and one of
their bases on their journey through the galaxy is Nibiru, which is a part of our solar
system. They invaded KI (Earth) and chased the Reptoids underground.
2. Then we have the pure Reptoids, who were the original intelligent inhabitants of
Earth when the Anunnaki arrived.
3. TU and Mira of the Anunnaki mixed TU’s seed with a Reptoid and gave birth to EA
(Enki) and MAGDI — the twins. The pure Anunnaki wanted to kill the twins, because
the mixed genes created stronger and more intelligent beings than they themselves
were. TU and MIRA managed to clone their sons and SEPT of the pure Anunnaki killed
the wrong kids, and EA and MAGDI went into hiding.
4. The LULUs were a mix between the Neanderthals, who lived here together with the
Reptoids when the “Gods” (Anunnaki) arrived. LULU had 3% Anunnaki blood in them
and 97% Neanderthal. They became the Anunnaki’s slave labor in the mines, digging
for gold and other minerals that could be of value for the “Gods”. Another name for the
enlightened LULU is ADAMI (Adam and Eve).
5. The Reptoids, when living underground, rescued some LULUs from the Flood (the
Deluge), brought them to their caves and sealed the openings. There they interbred
with the LULU females, whom they desired, and created a new race, the Lemurians. So
the Lemurians had LULU blood (3% Anunnaki and 97% Neanderthal) + Reptoid blood.
This showed to be a bad combination of DNA, because it created a deceptive,
aggressive and possessive race. ETU-MARU and SARRATA were the first Lemurians
who came up to the surface, and SARRATA infiltrated EA’s and MAGDI’s people, who
were left on Earth after the pure Anunnaki disappeared before the flood. She and ETUMARU
then led the Lemurian battle against EA’s people and the LULUs and almost
wiped them out. EA’s breed fled to Mars. Left on the surface were the Lemurians and
the LULU. The LULU eventually, due to evolution, developed into today’s homo sapiens
and the decendants of ETU-MARU were Marduk Ra, YHWH and eventually the 13
Illuminati bloodlines. Marduk Ra created the first Priesthood of Amen.
The Merovingian Bloodline, which erroneously has been called the 13th Illuminati Bloodline
is nothing of the sort, according to Thule, just like I mentioned in Chapter II — the
Merovingians are not of Lemurian blood but that of EA and MAGDI. So they are of the
Anunnaki/Reptoid bloodline, and is thus not part of the Lemurian 13 Illuminati bloodlines,
which are a mix of Lulu/Reptoid. The pure Reptoids, who still live inside Earth and are the
so-called “Reptilians” that people claim they have seen coming up now and then from caves
all over the world. They are friendly to humans and don’t want us any harm, according to
Thule, who made a pact with them a long time ago. These beings live inside Earth and are the
inhabitants of Agarthi/Agartha, the ones that the Dalai Lama protects and the secret behind
the “Yellow Hat Sect”
The head of this subterranean region he said was Rigden Iyepo, the king of the world, with his representative
upon the Earth’s surface, the Dalai Lama. Haushofer was convinced that the land below the Himalayas was the
birthplace of the Aryan race, which he claimed to have confirmed during his Tibet and India travels.
The symbol of Thule was the swastika counter clockwise. Tibetan lamas and the Dalai Lama personally
testified that people from Agartha were still living today. The subterranean land that is anchored in almost all
Eastern traditions has spread over the millennia under all of the Earth’s surface with huge centers under the
Sahara desert, the Matto Grosso and the Santa Catarina mountains in Brazil, Yucatan in Mexico, Mount Shasta
in California, England, Egypt, Czechoslovakia.
It seems that Hitler especially sought to discover the entrances to the subterranean world Agartha and to get in
contact with the descendants of the Aryan “God people” from Alderbaran-Hyperborea. In the myths and
traditions of the subterranean world it is often said that the world’s surface was yet to suffer a terrible world war
(Third World War) which would though be ended by earthquakes, other natural disasters and a switching of the
poles and the deaths therefrom of two thirds of humanity.
After this “last war” the several races of the inner earth would reunite with the survivors on the surface and that
the thousand-year GOLDEN AGE (age of Aquarius) would be rung in. Hitler wanted to build an outer
“Agartha” or “Aryana” with the Aryan master race, and Germany should be its home. During the existence of
the “Third Reich” two large expeditions were sent by the SS to the Himalayas to find those entrances.
Attached Files
ILAT-LITUM plates-tablets in Antarctica.pdf 356.27KB 66 downloads
#90038 Blast From the Past - The Chani Project
Posted by DAR on 13 April 2015 - 12:31 PM in General Discussion
Maria Orsic and the Vril Society
Started By marlowe, Sep 01 2011 06:08 PM
Elder Member
LocationUnder your bed
Posted 04 September 2011 - 01:26 AM
Concerning Maria Orsic and the e-paper on Supreim D Rockefeller that Dar had posted.....there is a chapter in
there where they talk about her possibly going to Alderbaran but has come back and is the ultimate grand
master of the Vril society today.
I'll post the photo's and you deiced, as for me...I have to admit she looks VERY similar
Maira Orsic
[img width=300
The supposed Orsic now returned from Aldebaran ( this woman has been named Sully from that site and is the
supposed grand master of the Vril society today) seen in photo with SDR
[img width=300
[img width=251 height=300][/img]
Magnetic mysteries of Earth's Core-Anomaly Detected Recently
Started By Guest_Anomalie_* , Sep 01 2011 06:21 PM
The Macquarie Island Connection: WTH!
Started By Guest_Hechita_* , Sep 01 2011 07:47 PM
Second giant ice island set to break off Greenland glacier
Started By Guest_Anomalie_* , Sep 02 2011 10:52 AM
Mar 11, 2011: Japanese tsunami from the point of view of a car.
Started By phillipbbg, Sep 02 2011 12:01 PM
Some Protection and Recovery from Radiation for the Human Body..
Started By DAR, Sep 02 2011 02:47 PM
Feeling a little light headed today??
Started By Czar, Sep 02 2011 08:31 PM
Why the world is running out of helium
Jay Weidner on the Webbots...10 minute vid
Started By marlowe, Sep 02 2011 08:39 PM
Rare martian lake delta spotted by Mars Express
Started By Guest_Anomalie_* , Sep 03 2011 01:54 AM
#90043 ORIGINS of the BlueBloods - ILAT-LITUM Tablets
Posted by DAR on 13 April 2015 - 04:08 PM in Return of The Gods
Suuzzaannee144, on 13 Apr 2015 - 3:59 PM, said:
The Mervoginian line may have Annukki within it but being that some of that line are clearly connected to the
Holy Bloodline of Bringers of the Light which were sent on purpose by the Divine Ones to clean up the Earth
from dark or evil beings ( blood sacrifices), this seems to me to be an unholy cover -up of what really
happened...Those that call themselves Gods are Archons or lower beings who think themselves to be.
Wes Penre is very detail minded .. This was given directly as translated - Old German to English ..
This is a dangerous mission, as something always gets lost in a translation — in this case firstfrom an alien
language (Akkadian) to German and now to English. Therefore, I have attachedthe original German text at the
end of this book, under Appendix. So forgive me if the English version is not perfect, grammatically and
otherwise, but also keep in mind that the German version is not perfect either — it was interpreted by the monks
who were not native Germans.It looks like the Nazis didn’t want to mess with it too much for the same reason
— alteration. According to the translator, it also seems to be written in “old German”, which makes it
evenharder to translate. Also, unfortunately I would say, it seems like the Thule member who sent me the files
has added his interpretations
see here direct link to original German if you wish to transpose yourself
#90045 ORIGINS of the BlueBloods - ILAT-LITUM Tablets
Posted by DAR on 13 April 2015 - 04:20 PM in Return of The Gods
Additional Thought for the day .. link here
Bal Gangadhar Tilak (1856-1920), a renowned pioneer protagonist of Indian Independence at the turn of the
century, was also a scholar in astronomy and Vedic antiquities, who among other feats, was able to place the
oldest Indian Vedic civilization at around 4500 BC.
Tilak was jailed by the British for his anti-British writings for several years, and this time he put to good use in
studying the Veda scripts, in relation to known astronomical and geological events. He published his findings in
a work: “The Arctic Home of The Vedas”, in 1903. In this he stated that, according to his readings of the Vedas,
the original Arctic home of humanity was destroyed around 10,000 – 8,000 BC by the last Ice Age, and that
from 8,000 – 3000 BC, was the Age of Wandering, before they Vedic people finally settled in India between
5,000 – 3000 BC. By then, he went on to add, they had already begun to forget their Arctic origins, and their
traditions had begun to go rapidly downhill.
As we have seen in earlier accounts, his timing of this cataclysm fits in very closely with what we know of the
destruction of Atlantis and Mu, so we can attribute it to the same cause – a sudden polar shift, resulting in both
tidal waves and tectonic upheavals followed by a very rapid relocation of the polar ice-caps: the so-called “Ice
Age”. So, we have the destruction of Mu, dated very approximately at 12,000 years ago, that of Atlantis around
10-12,000 years ago, and, according to best estimates, the destruction of Hyperborea also at around the same
time-frame of 10-12,000 years ago. Could this then, be also the time of the Biblical ”Flood” one wonders?
As far as I’m able to determine by reading sundry authorities, this would seem to be the case. So it’s up to my
readers to resolve for themselves whether this is a pure coincidental matter, or whether God chose to bring
about the cleansing of an evil and disobedient world by means of a purely natural catastrophic event – which
would seem to be a perfectly logical thing to do if One were the Supreme Intellect, who created the entire
Universe along purely logical lines!
Land of The Midnight Sun.
Ancient Indian texts seem to point most clearly to the fact that the Arctic region was the “realm of the ancient
gods” since they specifically mention that it is where the sun rises and sets only once a year – which
demonstrates that the writers had a clear knowledge of the astronomical situation at the North Pole. Of course,
they were quite right, since the sun only appears above the horizon for six months of the year, and is below it
for the remaining six months! The question here is “How did those ancient Indians know this?”
The obvious answer is because it was recorded in the Vedic Hymns, which speak of “The Dawn of Many Days”
and “The Thirty Dawn Sisters Circling Like A Wheel”. When applied to the Pole, these terms make good sense,
since the sun takes exactly a month to actually appear above the horizon after the four-month night. I say fourmonth rather than six here, because the sun also takes a further month each year, to set. So, adopting for a
moment the ancient world calendar of ten months, there’s a polar twilight of one month, followed by a night of
four months. Then a dawn of one month, followed by a day of four months! The Vedas are thus correct in every
detail regarding the polar night and day, even though written thousands of years ago! Obviously, these ancient
forebears of the Indian people, the Aryans, knew this from first-hand experience!
The oldest Vedic year had only two principal divisions, which were called devas and pitras; names which
correlated with the “Day of The Gods” and the “Night of The Gods”. This, curiously enough, is very
reminiscent of another dramatic piece of Germanic Aryan mythology – “Gottdammerung” – “The Twilight of
The Gods”- which is a strangely-apt connection with the Vedic-Aryan Polar Year!
The Advent of The Big Freeze.
We learn from the Zoroastrian scholar, H. S. Spencer’s “Aryan Ecliptic Cycle”(1965) that the “Aryan ecliptic
cycle” ran from approximately 25,500 BC to 300 BC, from their residence in the polar homeland during the
“Interglacial Age” (or “Inter Pole-Shifts Age”, depending on one’s persuasion!), to their being compelled to
leave it because of the presence firstly, of giant reptiles (dinosaurs!), and then the advent of intense cold and
snow. (It’s important to bear in mind that the same effect would be taking place at the South Pole, also.) The
Big Freeze occurred about 10-12,000 BC – and was just one of several natural cataclysms of that period which
destroyed Atlantis, Lemuria (Mu), and the Gobi Sea (now the Gobi Desert) – and also resulted in the flooding
of the Mediterranean Basin, as well as creating the Triton Sea in North Africa! From the now untenable Pole,
the migrating Aryans had to fight their way south against not only the forces of nature, but also against the
indigenous Asian tribes, including suffering a term of enslavement by the Turanians (the Turks).
Posted by DAR on 13 April 2015 - 07:55 PM in General "Surface" Intel Board for The Watcher.
A Tesla shield protecting a military target could be made of three or more concentric shields, that would
produce multiple electromagnetic pulse energy and severe heating of anything which enters it. These concentric
Tesla shields can also clean up and sterilize any gamma radiation resulting from an explosion of a nuclear
warhead. Nicola Tesla even in the 1920s could create a protective 3 dimensional 'shield' or 'dome' formed by 2
or more transmitters sending widened scalar beams linked together over a target in a hemisphere shape. Instead
of causing the target to explode which narrow more intense crossed beams would, a wider more encompassing
beam could form a large plasma shell outside something to be protected. This acted like an electrifying force
field shaped like a dome, which could cause anything which entered it to have its technology dudded,
(inoperative) make incoming aircraft pilots die by destroying their nervous system and/or make an incoming
missile, aircraft or tank blow up.
Multiple layers could be nested made of different kinds of plasmas which would ensure nothing could penetrate
a protected target's groundspace or airspace. The Russians can make a Tesla shield up to 200 miles wide. These
large luminous plasma shields have been witnessed by sailors over the oceans from time to time, as various
nations test their scalar weapons in secret. Tesla, as early as the 1920s created globes or bullets of plasma with
crossed scalar beams sucking the energy out of the air space in a 'cold explosion' causing it to freeze, or sending
extreme heat into it to burn as a very powerful laser beam. These powerful beams can also travel right through
the earth and create an earthquake at the antipodes of the earth and Tesla also experimented doing this.
Hyperspace flux energy (potentials) flows as waves in a sea of intense power in the next dimension
unharnessed, however when energy is manufactured artificially it can be made into different modes e.g pulse
mode, energy extraction mode or explosion mode. If 2 timed pulses meet, an explosion extraction makes a sharp
cooling and all heated energy is extracted out of the air back to the transmitter. This can make everything and
everyone frozen. It preserves machines and buildings but not people. If a burning energy is sent the target has a
nuclear like 'detonation' because energy emerges to a target destroying the nucleus of the atoms. Multiple scalar
wave modes and frequencies can also be blended together into one beam as well.
Tesla globes can be manipulated to be small or large in manifold kinds of energy frequencies and directed to a
target by 2 or more far away scalar transmitters. Many intense frequency small globes can be directed towards
multiple incoming targets, like cannonballs causing major explosions. Alternatively a larger less intense globe
sent can cause the electrics to dud in a plane, helicopter or missile causing it to malfunction and crash land. This
technology has been used many times to crash planes or helicopters by using a portable scalar bazooka carried
by a hidden terrorist or soldier. The Vietnamese and Soviets used this technology in the Vietnam war against
American aircraft. Many planes crashes with inexplicable causes can be traced to this. These Russian made
portable bazookas were also used by the Serbs against American helicopters during the Bosnian war. The
Soviets used scalar weapons against the Afghanistans during their war. One may wonder if this explains current
American helicopter crashes in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Scalar waves can be used for impenetrable communication inside an ordinary carrier wave. Artificial potentials
can be used for 2 way communication with submarines, aircraft and ships. Scalar waves can be used to tap into
normal communications even when encrypted. They can even destroy the enemies equipment if they wish using
lock-in mode to locate the source or just continue eavesdropping. radar invisibility can be done by putting
multiple transmitters around something to make a spherical interference shell in the bandwidth of the searching
radar. Nothing in the air is safe with scalar weapons or anything on the ground, because any building can be
penetrated and the inside contents destroyed from either narrow or wide crossed beams. There is nowhere to
hide. Scalar beams can be sent by aircraft or satellite or even from the government UFOs of Russia, Britain,
Australia and America. They can be sent from the UFOs the Nazis developed secretly in Germany during
WW2, and which were relocated to their underground bases in Antarctica and all over South America before the
war ended.
{Such a WORLD .. so much fun these war games}
#90093 Blast From the Past - The Chani Project
Posted by DAR on 14 April 2015 - 10:59 AM in General Discussion
Hey mrmixedntwisted, are you coming back?
Started By Acolyte, Sep 03 2011 03:35 AM
Elenin is seen during the day Bumped into this....
Started By phillipbbg, Sep 03 2011 05:37 AM
Nazi expedition in 1939 found the ILAT-LITUM plates/tablets in Antarctica
Started By DAR, Sep 03 2011 09:58 AM
Book of Aquarius
Started By darthjoe80, Sep 03 2011 11:26 AM
40 posts
LocationImmenstadt/ Germany
Posted 04 September 2011 - 01:46 PM
Bringing this topic back to where it started: The Book Aquarius.
This may well be the hottest book that has been written in the last 12.000 years. Seriously, go check it out.
An anonymous author has spelled-out the formula of how to make the legendary "Philosopher's Stone". And he
gives plenty of evidence to convince the reader, that the Stone has been a historical reality. Once you wrap your
mind around his thoughts, the whole thing becomes astoundingly compelling.
The Stone is said to give or restore everlasting youth, to transmute lesser metals into gold or silver and make
you happy and enlightened in an instant.
Think, what this would mean to this society, if it were true. Society would be imploded and brought to its knees.
Everybody can make their own gold. Everybody can cure their diseases. Everyone has much heightened
cognitive powers.
There's a museum in Vienna, Austria, that shows a golden object from the 17. century, and its upper rim is
obviously from a different metal. This is, because the alchemist who gave a public demonstration in court
dipped the piece only so far into the tincture made from the Philosopher's Stone. Go look at it here:
The writing on this piece gives the historical details.
The book shows you that the making of the Stone has been a secret art of the sages throughout history. Sages
kept it always secret and were bound by oath. But they wrote tons of books about their art, always talking in
metaphors, and changing the most significant words with allegories.
But there are a few prophecies, that say that shortly before time runs out this secret will be given to the world.
So, there it is, ladies and gentlemen ... waiting for you to check it out.
By the way, this is my first posting here, but I'm a real person, in fact I am the guy who runs Nexus Germany,
Duncan can verify me. I've spent the last weeks looking into the Stone topic 24/7, and I can tell you that I am
positive that this stuff has the potential to change the whole game. It's also an explanation for some of the UFOstories, and it offers a very interesting speculation of the reality of a "breakaway civilization" in Shambhala.
Right now, there is a "Manhattan-project of Alchemy" forming in the Aquarius-forum. The book spells out
exactly how to make the Stone, so everybody can do it at home. If the ancients could do it with their simple
equipment, we should be able, too. There's a ton of documentation in the book, that people throughout the ages
did it successfully, across cultures, across continents. The same knowledge, the same tradition, the same claims.
But now, for the first time, the whole process has been given in clear, simple language, and people will be able
to compare their lab notes and experiments.
The whole process of making the Stone needs a little patience, though. Expect three years as an average timeframe. The lab equipment that you need is minimal. 500 Dollars should get you going. I would encourage
everyone to check it out - at least to read the book and make up your own mind. It's free.
Coming Solar Storms Impact On Earth: Major NASA News Conference
Started By Arc, Sep 03 2011 01:07 PM
Started By Bollywasher, Sep 03 2011 03:43 PM
Background on the Anunnaki Gods
Started By DAR, Sep 03 2011 05:58 PM
Amitakh Stanford - Anunnaki Conflict Truthsayer? Maybe
Started By DAR, Sep 03 2011 10:12 PM
Wikileaks Discloses the Reason(s) behind China's Gold Buying Spree
Started By Monatom, Sep 04 2011 03:48 AM
#90094 Obama Unveils National ObamaLaw Plan
Posted by DAR on 14 April 2015 - 11:49 AM in General Discussion
For PDF link here:
The following is the Illuminist agenda at ALL levels of the Illuminati.
As with any goal, the Illuminati has specific steps which it plans to implement to reach its objectives. Briefly,
each region of the United States has "nerve centers" or power bases for regional activity. The United States has
been divided up into seven major geographical regions. Each region has localities within it that contain military
compounds and bases that are hidden in remote, isolated areas or on large private estates. These bases are used
intermittently to teach and train generational Illuminati in military techniques, hand- to- hand combat, crowd
control, use of arms, and all aspects of military warfare.
Because the Illuminists believe that our government, as we know it, as well as the governments of most nations
around the world, are destined to collapse. These will be planned collapses, and they will occur in the following
The Illuminati has planned first for a financial collapse that will make the great depression look like a picnic.
This will occur through the maneuvering of the great banks and financial institutions of the world, through stock
manipulation, and interest rate changes. Most people will be indebted to the federal government through bank
and credit card debt, etc. The governments will recall all debts immediately, but most people will be unable to
pay and will be bankrupted. This will cause generalized financial panic which will occur simultaneously
worldwide, as the Illuminists firmly believe in controlling people through finances.
Next there will be a military takeover, region by region, as the government declares a state of emergency and
martial law.
People will have panicked, there will be an anarchical state in most localities, and the government will justify its
move as being necessary to control panicked citizens. The cult trained military leaders and people under their
direction will use arms as well as crowd control techniques to implement this new state of affairs. This is why
so many survivors under 36 years of age report having military programming. People who are not Illuminists or
who are not sympathetic to their cause, will resist. The Illuminists expect this and will be (and are BEING)
trained in how to deal with this eventuality. They are training their people in hand-to- hand combat, crowd
control, and, if necessary, will kill to control crowds. The Illuminati is training their people to be prepared for
every possible reaction to the takeover. Many mind control victims will also be called into duty with preset
command codes. These codes are meant to call out a new, completely cult loyal presenting system. Shatter
codes programmed under trauma will be used to destroy or bury non-cult loyal alters.
Military bases will be set up, in each locality (actually, they are already here, but are covert).
In the next few years, they will go above ground and be revealed. Each locality will have
regional bases and leaders to which they are accountable. The hierarchy will closely reflect the current covert
About five years ago, when I left the Illuminati, approximately 1% of the US population was
either part of the Illuminati, sympathetic to it, or a victim of Mind Control (and therefore
considered useable). While this may not sound like many, imagine 1% of the population
highly trained in the use of armaments, crowd control, psychological and behavioral
techniques, armed with weapons and linked to paramilitary groups.
These people will also be completely dedicated to their cause. The Illuminati firmly believes that it can easily
overcome the other 99% of the population, most of whom are untrained, or poorly trained, such as "weekend
hunters." Even the local military will be overcome as the Illuminati will have regional cell groups with highly
trained leaders. They also count on the element of surprise helping them during their takeover. Many of the
highest leaders in the militia branch of the Illuminati are or have been officers in the military, and so already
have a good knowledge of which techniques will work best to overcome a region's or locality's defenses.
After the military takeover, the general population will be given a chance to either espouse the Illuminati's
cause, or reject it (with imprisonment, pain, even death being possible punishments). These people very much
believe that the intelligent, or "enlightened" or Illuminated, were born to rule. They are arrogant, and consider
the general population as "dumb sheep" who will be easily led if offered strong leadership, financial help in an
unstable world economy, and dire consequences if the person rebels. Their utter ruthlessness, and ability to
implement this agenda, should not be minimized.
The Illuminati banking leaders, such as the Rothschilds, the VanderBilts, the Rockefellers,
the Carnegies, and the Mellons, as examples, will reveal themselves, and offer to "save" the floundering world
economy. A new system of monetary exchange, based on an international monetary system, and based between
Cairo, Egypt, and Brussels, Belgium, will be set up. A true "one world economy", creating the longed for "one
world order", will become reality.
There is more to the Illuminist agenda, but these are the basics of it. This agenda is what the Illuminati really,
truly, believe, teach, and train for. They are willing to give their lives up in this cause, in order to teach the next
generation, as they believe that their children are their legacy. I was told that my children's generation would see
this takeover, sometime in the 21st century. At present, the Illuminati have quietly and covertly fostered their
takeover plan by their goals of the infiltration of:
1. The media
2. The banking system
3. The educational system
4. The government, both local and federal
5. The sciences
6. The churches
They are currently, and have been working the last several hundred years, on taking over these 6 areas. They do
NOT go to an institution, and say "hi, I'm a local Illuminist, and I'd like to take over your bank). Instead, they
begin by having several people quietly invest funds
Page 2 of 11
#90132 Blast From the Past - The Chani Project
Posted by DAR on 15 April 2015 - 08:46 AM in General Discussion
CIA worked closely with Gadhafi
Started By Arc, Sep 04 2011 12:04 PM
Alien life more likely on 'Dune' planets
Started By darthjoe80, Sep 04 2011 03:00 PM
Russian Cosmonaut Popovich: Cataclysms will unify human consciousness- ETs
Started By DAR, Sep 04 2011 08:26 PM
Tesla's Father and the Vatican Archives
Started By marlowe, Sep 04 2011 11:11 PM
Elder Member
LocationEarth this time frame
Posted 05 September 2011 - 10:37 AM
All the images you need are sprawled across many Islamic Mosques and have been incorporated into the
ceramic design by the brotherhood for centuries to carry the knowledge. The Muslims were the keepers of much
knowledge whilst we in the West were being plunged into darkness of the time.... it all goes around in cycles its
very interesting to say the least... good thread.
Top Space Agencies Meet in Japan - China Excluded??
Started By NexusEditor, Sep 05 2011 01:25 AM
50% more satellites (ie 1,145) to be launched in the decade ahead!
Started By NexusEditor, Sep 05 2011 01:55 AM
China expecting trouble? Two major papers now under state control
Started By NexusEditor, Sep 05 2011 02:00 AM
Getting Prepared for an Electromagnetic Pulse Attack or Severe Solar Storm
Started By phillipbbg, Sep 05 2011 05:28 AM
Elder Member
Posted 05 September 2011 - 06:05 AM
Good Thread. Just in case there is anyone not familiar with the Carrington Event of 1859, take a look at this
Gold, Glamour and Destruction?
May 02, 2011
Could the Carrington Event of 1859 have had broader effects than originally assumed?
Imagine your posturing self-assurance as you parade on the dockside at Port Melbourne, dressed in the finest
fashions the colony of Port Phillip can offer. Your beautiful new bride is elegantly bubbling beside you whilst
showing off the latest copy of high Paris couture. Yes, my boy, you have made it! The year is 1859.
Bluecoat2 Recap
Started By FireDog, Sep 05 2011 07:50 AM
#90211 Blast From the Past - The Chani Project
Posted by DAR on 17 April 2015 - 09:15 AM in General Discussion
New Treaty Would Ban Space Weapons for Earthlings and ETs (March 2011)
Started By Curious, Sep 05 2011 09:32 AM
OP & Captain S Recap
Started By FireDog, Sep 05 2011 12:08 PM
Posted 05 September 2011 - 12:09 PM
***Now for some reason the thread gets deleted and restored again, OP possibly banned and Bluecoat2 pops up
on TCP...***
Captain S
User ID: 1532821
09/02/2011 08:01 PM
I am the OP of this thread. I apologize for not being able to return as I said I would on August 11th. I did not
have access to the internet until just yesterday when I returned home for some much needed R&R. The last
mission took much longer than expected. I was never banned from this site. I am currently taking a few days to
relax in Key West. I will prove that I am the OP when I return from vacation and I will post to this thread with
the original GLP account so it has the OP stamp on it. I return Wednesday evening. I am currently posting from
a smartphone which is terribly slow for typing.
I want to make clear that I HAVE NOT posted anything to any other site. Bluecoat or anyone else claiming to
be me is an imposter.
Elenin did not break up and is still broadcasting.
A few interesting developments have happened since I last posted. I will explain more when I return and post
from my original account Thursday. Don't worry. There is no chance a mission delay will delay my return this
time. I am having a much needed break. BTW thanks for all the interest. I am happy the message has gotten out
loud and clear thanks to all of you.
Chappy heads up. 7(235).2$$$337
Captain S
User ID: 1534846
Pg 24
09/04/2011 11:24 AM
This is the real OP checking in from Key West. I'd ask that you do not post Bluecoats msgs here. While its
interesting reading its all fiction. I am making. serious attempt at giving real information but it seems to be
getting interwoven and mixed up with what this fellow Bluecoat is saying on some other forum.
By posting Bluecoats sci-fi tail here muddying the waters
I will post from the original OP acct on Wednesday night or at the latest Thursday so hold tight until then.
09/04/2011 11:44 AM
I have only posted to this site for a couple of.days a little over a.month ago and I haven't posted anything until
two days ago. I have been off planet on a mission the last month and have had no internet access up until this
I have only posted here. Not to any other site. Others have posted bluecoats sci fi tail here thus your confusion.
gotta go for now.
Started By Bollywasher, Sep 05 2011 04:08 PM
Protection of the Soul - Primary Goal #1 for Humanity
Started By DAR, Sep 05 2011 05:37 PM
GOM oil spills
Started By Shining, Sep 05 2011 07:14 PM
Greenland melting at alarming rate.
Started By Shining, Sep 05 2011 07:26 PM
DNA memories and Mandelbrot Set
Started By Guest_Heidi_* , Sep 05 2011 07:55 PM
Startling breakthrough result announced in superconducting
Started By NexusEditor, Sep 05 2011 10:56 PM
Cleaning up Space Debris.... solutions?
Started By clavicus, Sep 06 2011 12:08 AM
#90223 Transhumanism
Posted by DAR on 17 April 2015 - 03:28 PM in General Discussion
Transhumanism: Rise of the Cyborgs
By Jim Nichols
PDF Below:
Col Philip Corso
the Roswell crash… was also the mechanism for
successfully implanting a completely alien nonhuman lifeform that survives from host to host like a virus, a digital
Ebola that we humans will carry to another planet someday.
Or, what if an enemy wanted to implant the perfect spying or
sabotage mechanism into a culture? Then the implantation of
the microchip-based culture into our technology by the EBEs
would be the perfect weapon.”
it not be argued that the silicon wafers we recovered
from Roswell were the real masters and space travelers and
the EBE creatures their hosts and servants?”
Would an inorganic, extraterrestrial, silicone based intelligence
even recognize organic, Earth humans as a sentient life form?
We are now in the midst of a technological revolution promising
to re-engineer our species into immortals. But is this wondrous
program of biological modification actually the end game of a
subtle in-organic extraterrestrial invasion designed to
systematically eliminate all biological lifeforms on this planet? Is
the human race being assimilated by a “Cyborg” takeover?
For decades Hollywood has been selling the idea of the superiority
of artificial intelligence in countless science fiction films, but
today that quaint fiction looms as an overwhelming reality. But
have Hollywood films been in fact foreshadowing the doom of the
human species?
Herbert Spencer, a 19th century philosopher, advanced the idea of
“Social Darwinism” as an application of the theory of natural
selection to social, political, and economic issues. In its simplest
form, Social Darwinism accepts the axiom "only the strong
survive". This theory powerfully influenced the elitist notion that
the white European race was superior to all others, and therefore
fueled their imperialist ambitions to rule the world.
Attached Files
Transhumanism Rise of the Cyborgs - Jim Nichols.pdf 1.12MB 38 downloads
#90310 Blast From the Past - The Chani Project
Posted by DAR on 20 April 2015 - 09:05 AM in General Discussion
Fearing sanctions, Beijing dumps Tehran
Started By Don Quixote, Sep 06 2011 01:46 AM
Millions of dead fish in river water authority claims "is normal"
Started By Don Quixote, Sep 06 2011 01:58 AM
Russia’s Gazprom moving into Myanmar
Started By Don Quixote, Sep 06 2011 02:14 AM
SA nuclear reactor unit shuts down
Started By FireDog, Sep 06 2011 03:55 AM
Turkey: Israeli diplomats must leave country by Wednesday
Started By NexusEditor, Sep 06 2011 07:28 AM
Russian scientists are going to create optical chip
Started By NexusEditor, Sep 06 2011 08:22 AM
The Shrinking Moon and BEZERK
Started By Acolyte, Sep 06 2011 11:42 AM
Music & Movies to think about.
Started By Orion, Sep 06 2011 12:00 PM
Interesting Reference - Star Maps
Started By PerfectAlignment, Sep 06 2011 02:43 PM
#90311 Blast From the Past - The Chani Project
Posted by DAR on 20 April 2015 - 11:46 AM in General Discussion
Remnants of a Dwarf Proto-Planet
Started By John3:16, Sep 06 2011 02:58 PM
>>>X Class Flare>>Earth Directed>>"probably?" a glancing blow<<<<<<
Started By marlowe, Sep 06 2011 07:01 PM
Ebook that backs up much of what bluecoat has been saying
Started By Shining, Sep 06 2011 07:06 PM
Elder Member
Posted 06 September 2011 - 07:26 PM
You are referring to the book called "Disclosure" which was compiled by Steven Greer as a result of the
Disclosure Project in May 2001.
Greer has been the victim of an elaborate and extensive smear campaign, which has resulted in many UFOinterested people actually believing the nonsense about him.
They want Greer's reputation and credibility trashed, so that people stop listening to Greer's message.
And what is Greer's message? Well, after the Disclosure Project event in May 2001 was derailed by 911, Greer
started encouraging people TO MAKE THEIR OWN CONTACT WITH ALIENS if they felt so moved.
I cannot stress this point enough - the powers that have kept western ufology in the USA reduced to a giggle
factor on the 6pm news, have spent obscene amounts of time and effort since the 1950 onwards to STOP AND
groups!!!!!! Lots of UFOlogists and researchers were killed during the 50s and 60s and 70s - just to prevent
this idea from gainging traction.
The fact that Greer actively says things like: "Stop waiting for UFO groups and governments to give you 'their'
answers - make contact with like-minded ETs and get your OWN answers" - absolutely freaks them out.
Anyway, back the point - yes! that book is a must read for any person interested in UFOs. If you purchased his
other book: "Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge" and read it along with "Disclosure" - you are going to be at
the forefront of understanding the big picture of UFOs and mankind.
I have had dealings with the Greers, both professionally and privately. More importantly I have had dealings
with most of the whistleblowers who still stand by Greer to this day - and not one of them when asked had
anything bad to say about Greer's honesty, integrity or motives.
In popular internet sub-culture right now - Milton William Cooper (aka Bill Cooper) is an underground hero,
whereas Greer is an underground villian.
In reality - Cooper was a liar, a fraud, a conman, and an alcoholic wife-beater. He stole, cheated, threatened yet because he died in a drunken shootout with police - he is a hero to the ignorant. Greer on the other hand,
penetrates further into the secret cabals than any other; organises the biggest ever collection of bonafide
whistleblowers at the National Press Club in Washington and blows the world out of the water - and is hated
and slandered by everyone at ATS, GLP and other forums.
Sort of shows you how easily conspiracy thinkers are deceived, and how shallow their research skills are.
Is BEZERK finally being killed off on glup?
Started By Guest_BHD_* , Sep 07 2011 12:23 AM
Shakespeare and the Rosy Cross
Started By marlowe, Sep 07 2011 04:29 AM
People Communicate in Bursts: Study reveals
Started By NexusEditor, Sep 07 2011 06:50 AM
Manipulating Plants' Circadian Clock May Make All-Season Crops Possible
Started By NexusEditor, Sep 07 2011 06:58 AM
Probe pictures Moon landing sites ------------>
Started By clavicus, Sep 07 2011 07:01 AM
Microbes Generate Electricity While Cleaning Up Nuclear Waste
Started By NexusEditor, Sep 07 2011 07:02 AM
#90354 Blast From the Past - The Chani Project
Posted by DAR on 21 April 2015 - 09:11 PM in General Discussion
Elenin What has happened?
Started By Arc, Sep 07 2011 08:51 AM
Trying to find reciever of 1420mhz - 1666mhz. or 170.20mhz.
Started By Anatoly, Sep 07 2011 09:53 AM
Do we need a new languages? and what knowledge should we keep?
Started By Guest_Heidi_* , Sep 07 2011 09:56 AM
Advanced Member
Posted 07 September 2011 - 04:06 PM
I posted this under another topic.. but this belongs here.. [CHAKOBSA talked about in CHANI material]
Just a side note.. me tell you now .. ABOUT CHAKOBSA LANGUAGE ..
If this is the right place for this or not?
what u think u create
what u create by thinkings play very big role yes ok
write lanuage cause bad things 4 yor human history hold u back
beter draw pictures like sumar
beter write image like egyptian
write lanuage tel u what to think not how to think not good thing 4 mind
picture tel u how to think must use mind to read picture good thing 4 mind
picture u remeber 4 ever write lanuage u forget soon not think anymore
May 16, 2008
Those of you who have read Frank Herbert's Dune will remember the Fremen language Chakobsa, described
by Wikipedia as "a mixture of Roma (or gypsy) language..., one sentence in Serbo-Croat and various Arabic
terms." Imagine my surprise when I was reading Lesley Blanch's absorbing if overheated The Sabres of
Paradise (1960), about the Russian-Chechen conflicts of the nineteenth century, and hit this on page 21: "They
laughed derisively, speaking among themselves in that mysterious tongue, Chakobsa, 'the Hunting Language',
which the rulers and Princes used when they wished to converse in secret, and of which no more than a few
words have been discovered." I found a further allusion to it in Twelve Secrets of the Caucasus by "Essad Bey"
(one of the pseudonyms used by the remarkable Lev Nussimbaum, whom I discussed in this post), first
published in 1930 as Zwölf Geheimnisse im Kaukasus (my quote is from page 16 of the first translated edition,
Viking 1931, which has been newly republished with a preface by Tom Reiss):
So the princes have a special language of their own, a language that is understood only by the prince and his
peers. This is the famous hunting language. It was contrived by the inhabitants of the knights' citadels, the
princely palaces, and the robbers' strongholds. The secret of it is strictly guarded, and no outsider has hitherto
succeeded in becoming familiar with it though it is current throughout the whole of the mountains and among
all the members of the caste. It is said to be the language of an extinct line of knights; but only within the last
few decades has it come to be known about at all, so secretive were the princes. All important business is
discussed in this language, secrets that no man must hear, and enterprises which affect the fate of the
mountain people. Only five words of it are known to science, and they resemble no single word of any other
known language. Shapaka—a horse, amafa—blood, ami—water, asaz—a gun, and ashopshka—a coward. The
name of the language itself is Chakobsa.
(You will note that Nussimbaum/Essad is even more overheated than Mrs. Blanch, and I have no idea how
much of that is to be taken seriously, including the "five words known to science.")
Giant red crabs invade the Antarctic abyss
Started By phillipbbg, Sep 07 2011 02:02 PM
CHANI year 0000 triggered by Nibiru brain wipe?
Started By Vajra, Sep 07 2011 06:33 PM
Major Ed Dames & the ISS being evacuated due to incoming X flares.
Started By Guest_Fulcrum_* , Sep 07 2011 10:47 PM
Recent HAARP Activity
Started By marlowe, Sep 07 2011 11:28 PM
Bluecoat2 and The Space Command thread
Started By Acolyte, Sep 08 2011 04:52 AM
Control of Fear in the Brain Decoded
Started By NexusEditor, Sep 08 2011 05:16 AM
Posted by DAR on 21 April 2015 - 09:47 PM in General Discussion
PDF see below:
Israel and the Khazarian Mafia now secretly
condemned and plotted against by World’s Top
Military and Intel
Posted by Preston James, Ph.D on April 19, 2015
Much of the World is now secretly turning against the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Banksters and their main
action agent Israel which has infiltrated and hijacked America.
Attached Files
Israel and the Khazarian Mafia now secretly condemned - Preston James PhD.pdf 368.76KB 48 downloads
#90438 Blast From the Past - The Chani Project
Posted by DAR on 23 April 2015 - 09:34 AM in General Discussion
Northrop Grumman Fire Scout Completes Successful At-Sea Deployment
Started By Guest_BHD_* , Sep 08 2011 05:30 AM
Bypass up front tool costs by 3D printing your own weaponry
Started By Guest_BHD_* , Sep 08 2011 05:34 AM
Started By FireDog, Sep 08 2011 05:43 AM
Top US Space Expert issues warning about Elenin
Started By Shining, Sep 08 2011 10:06 AM
Jimi Hendrix predicted this all
Started By Gahenian, Sep 08 2011 01:37 PM
Posted 08 September 2011 - 05:21 PM
Thank you for this post Gahenian. It was both enlightening a trip down memory lane. Jimi was not only a God
on guitar but he was pretty trippy (far out), as we said in the day, with his ideas and philosophy. I was
privileged to see him play live at the Miami Pop Festival at Gulfstream Racetrack in Florida, May of 1968. And
again, just 10 weeks prior to his death at the Atlanta Pop Festival July 4th 1970. I experienced first hand "The
When Jimi first appeared on the scene with his music it was ethereally electrifying. A lot of people did not
understand him and the establishment was totally against him, and our culture for that matter, in those days.
Jimi Hendrix and the UFO Space Brethren:
"As you all know, you just can't believe everything you see and hear, can you? Now, if you will excuse me, I
must be on my way. " .... Jimi
1.4 million without power in S Cal - Solar Flares taking effect???
Started By Guest_Fulcrum_* , Sep 08 2011 08:30 PM
NASA’s Cassini orbiter snaps unbelievable picture of Saturn
Started By Arc, Sep 08 2011 10:14 PM
Another CHANI meaning...
Started By grosmene, Sep 09 2011 02:58 AM
Fleet of hybrid airships to conquer Arctic
Started By phillipbbg, Sep 09 2011 05:19 AM
Posted 09 September 2011 - 02:18 PM
Korvex, on 09 Sept 2011 - 11:17 AM, said:
Great find Phil!
It wouldn't surprise me if the US military already has these types of vehicles (probably stealth capable) used for
They are on it since, at least, 2006 : http://www.military-...irship-project/
1000 tons of payload!!! This is huge!
Same thing from HAV : of Hybrid Air Vehicles ranging up to 1,000 tonnes payload capacity. The vehicles derive their flight
capability from a mix of aerodynamic lift and Helium buoyancy. Construction is based upon a series of current
technologies brought together to form an evolutionary new mode of transport.
Posted by DAR on 23 April 2015 - 10:21 AM in FUKUSHIMA
Pacific Ocean life devastated by Fukushima radiation: Fisheries populations have crashed 91 percent
Wednesday, April 22, 2015 by: P.A. Watson
Tags: Pacific Ocean, fisheries, Fukushima radiation
Learn more:
#90524 Blast From the Past - The Chani Project
Posted by DAR on 25 April 2015 - 03:42 PM in General Discussion
British police know how to shake it
Started By Nick ZepTepi, Sep 09 2011 06:03 AM
Interesting documentaries (share here)
Started By Guest_Heidi_* , Sep 09 2011 10:51 AM
Odd Things That We're Hearing....George Ure
Started By Guest_Anomalie_* , Sep 09 2011 04:28 PM
Invisible World Discovered
Started By Guest_Anomalie_* , Sep 09 2011 04:30 PM
Earth from space: Sacred stones of the outback
Started By Guest_Anomalie_* , Sep 09 2011 04:36 PM
Nanosensors made from DNA may light path to new cancer tests and drugs
Started By Guest_Anomalie_* , Sep 09 2011 04:41 PM
6.4 quake strikes off Vancouver Island
Started By Arc, Sep 09 2011 07:48 PM
Brain eating amoebas strike again. This time, Kansas!....>>>>>
Started By Don Quixote, Sep 10 2011 03:11 AM
Greek Monk prophecy re World War 3 - begins with Turkey vs Greece
Started By NexusEditor, Sep 10 2011 06:41 AM
Don Quixote
Elder Member Posted 30 November 2011 - 09:41 PM
Alois Irlmaier, Bavaria 1950:
"The Russians do not stop anywhere while running in their three wedges. Day and night they run in order to
reach the Ruhr district, where the many furnaces and chimneys are...."
"It will be after the confusions in the balkans." In addition, he added "it would begin in the Balkans"
Reading his prophecies, if translation is correct > it appears Germany allowed Russia through (secret pact).
But this one is intriguing: Anton Johansson, Sweden (1858-1909)
"Regretfully I have no literal version of his predictions, but he is quite well known for accurately predicting the
sinking of the Titanic and naming one of its victims, millionaire John Jacob Astor VI. Johansson foresaw the
events of World War I, accurately predicted San Francisco's earthquake of 1906 and a volcanic eruption in 1902
that demolished the city of St. Pierre, Mertinique. He said the Third World War would break out at "the end of
July, beginning of August." Her further added: "I do not know the year."
Johansson predicted the following details:
1) India will be occupied by china.
2) New diseases used as weapons will cause 25 million people to die.
3) Persia and Turkey will be conquered by what seem to be Russian troops.
4) Revolutionaries will instigate unrest and war in India and Egypt to facilitate the occupation of India and
5) The Russians will conquer the Balkans.
6) There will be great destruction in Italy.
7) The "red storm" will approach France through Hungary, Austria, northern Italy and Switzerland. France
will be conquered from inside and outside.
8. American supply depots will fall into Russian hands.
9) Germany will be attacked from the east.
10) There will be a civil war, Germans will fight against Germans.
11) The Eastern Bloc will cause a civil war in England.
12) Russia will lead a mass attack against the United States, so U.S. forces will be prevented from reinforcing
13) New weapons will cause huge hurricanes and firestorms in the USA where the largest cities will be
#90554 Trans Pacific Partnership
Posted by DAR on 26 April 2015 - 08:26 AM in General Discussion
I do think that Agenda 21 advocates are also part of the Trans Pacific Partnership!
Agenda 21 Ghost Cities Ready to Go!
Published on Nov 23, 2012
Pre-built, empty 'ghost cities' are popping up everywhere in China and there is even one in Angola. Are they
just fancy projects for developers with too much money and too little foresight, or are these designer cities
being set up to implement Agenda 21's program of herding people off the land and into high rises where they
can be more easily monitored and controlled?
Planned-Opolis video:
Ghost cities video:
James Wolfensohn on the great shift:
Agenda 21:
Eco-cities to replace rural areas:
#90556 The Illuminati - Apparently now everyone can join
Posted by DAR on 26 April 2015 - 10:15 AM in General Discussion
Posted by DAR on 26 April 2015 - 10:58 AM in PSYCHIC Healing and Relevant Topics
Be VERY CAREFUL when Recommending Suicide!
The Final Appeal to Mankind. Vol. 1 by Nicolai Levashov PAGE 88
Most interesting is that the cells of mummies, when exhumed on site still had living qualities.
As soon as the mummies were removed from the zone in the pyramid, the remnants of life
quickly disappeared.
Another interesting fact concerns the preservation of “sacred” monks within a complex of caves
in the Kiev-Pechora monastery, located in Kiev. It is alleged that the skulls and bones of these
saints, even today, continue to excrete a liquid that monks consider to be useful in healing. The
chemical composition of subsoil waters has created the necessary conditions for the natural
mummification of bodies, and currents of energy penetrating through the grounds of the
monastery have created certain conditions by which the cells of bone remain alive and continue
to excrete a secretion.
In this case the spirit stays connected to the remnants of the physical
body and cannot move to other levels of the planet. As long as there is
organic tissue, the spirit remains connected to its dead physical shell.
If a person dies a violent death, his spirit does not complete an evolutionary cycle
in a physical body. In that situation the spirit always moves to a lower level than if death
were due to natural causes. When death is violent the energy eruption and channel are weak and
If a person has committed suicide, his spirit cannot go further than the etheric
planetary level, and it often becomes food for astral and etheric animals. In some cases,
when a spirit has sufficient protection from its psi-field shield, it continues
to survive among the living. Sometimes such spirits manifest themselves in various
poltergeist displays, a phenomenon which still remains a mystery to modern science.
It is especially important to note that with suicide, if the spirit survives predation by astral
beings, it drops out of the cycle of reincarnation, remaining in a “suspended”condition. Whether
they know of it or not, it is for good reason that the Catholic Church considers suicide one of
the most heinous sins ever committed, i.e., one bearing the heaviest negative karma.
Posted by DAR on 26 April 2015 - 11:58 AM in PSYCHIC Healing and Relevant Topics
Cinna, on 23 Apr 2015 - 12:32 AM, said:
Here is my posting on the 528 HZ subject .. just so persons should be careful about..
You may want to consider this ... be very careful ... 528hz will make you very very sick ..
Solfeggio frequencies
Solfeggio frequencies is a term coined by Leonard Horowitz, DMD and Joseph Puleo in 1999. It is a system of
musical tuning for pitched instruments, referring to a belief that a set of nine frequencies derived from
numerology were used centuries ago in Gregorian and Sanskrit chants. These frequencies are believed to create
positive shifts to those in proximity to them.The nine frequencies are: 174Hz, 285Hz, 396Hz, 417Hz, 528Hz,
639Hz, 741Hz, 852Hz, 963Hz.
For the inside “Story Behind the Story” of the 528 Hz. “FREQUENCY OF THE PLANET SATURN (Satan)”
take a few minutes and watch these two presentations. They are very important pieces of the puzzle.
#90584 SOCHIA FAAL EXPOSED.. The lies they tell
Posted by DAR on 27 April 2015 - 08:34 AM in Return of The Gods
SOCHIA FAAL EXPOSED.. The lies they tell .. their interesting MADE UP STORY LINE..
During the early years of Christianity, many believers chose suicide over the difficult life of religious
persecution. In fact, some early Christian writers maintained that a self-chosen death was a goal for
the genuinely pious to aspire. The number of Christian martyrs and mass suicides rose so quickly
that the ruling Jewish faction decided to forbid eulogies and public mourning for those who died by
their own hand. This action began the stigmatization of suicide in Judeo-Christian culture. The first
church-led condemnation of suicide occurred when Jewish leaders refused to allow the bodies of
Christian suicide victims to be buried in hallowed ground.
In their words Suicide is OK ..
here is their summary.. This is a MUST book for anyone who has contemplated suicide, tried suicide or has
had someone they know commit suicide.
Here is my post on this subject:
Be VERY CAREFUL when Recommending Suicide!
The Final Appeal to Mankind. Vol. 1 by Nicolai Levashov PAGE 88
Most interesting is that the cells of mummies, when exhumed on site still had living qualities.
As soon as the mummies were removed from the zone in the pyramid, the remnants of life
quickly disappeared.
Another interesting fact concerns the preservation of “sacred” monks within a complex of caves
in the Kiev-Pechora monastery, located in Kiev. It is alleged that the skulls and bones of these
saints, even today, continue to excrete a liquid that monks consider to be useful in healing. The
chemical composition of subsoil waters has created the necessary conditions for the natural
mummification of bodies, and currents of energy penetrating through the grounds of the
monastery have created certain conditions by which the cells of bone remain alive and continue
to excrete a secretion.
In this case the spirit stays connected to the remnants of the physical
body and cannot move to other levels of the planet. As long as there is
organic tissue, the spirit remains connected to its dead physical shell.
If a person dies a violent death, his spirit does not complete an evolutionary cycle
in a physical body. In that situation the spirit always moves to a lower level than if death
were due to natural causes. When death is violent the energy eruption and channel are weak and
If a person has committed suicide, his spirit cannot go further than the etheric
planetary level, and it often becomes food for astral and etheric animals. In some cases,
when a spirit has sufficient protection from its psi-field shield, it continues
to survive among the living. Sometimes such spirits manifest themselves in various
poltergeist displays, a phenomenon which still remains a mystery to modern science.
It is especially important to note that with suicide, if the spirit survives predation by astral
beings, it drops out of the cycle of reincarnation, remaining in a “suspended”condition. Whether
they know of it or not, it is for good reason that the Catholic Church considers suicide one of
the most heinous sins ever committed, i.e., one bearing the heaviest negative karma.
#90585 SOCHIA FAAL EXPOSED.. The lies they tell
Posted by DAR on 27 April 2015 - 09:19 AM in Return of The Gods
Faal writes, “Listen to the cries of these Jewish peoples in the Western World today though: “We are bankers!”
“We are diplomats!” “We are owners of industry!” “We are powerful!” “We are artists!” “We are politicians!”
“We own newspapers!”
Now what sort of nonsense is this? The opposite is more the reality. Jews in the West have invariably used their
vise-like control of the media and their financial clout and associated lobbying influence to hide these supposed
“cries” of Sorcha’s from the eyes and ears of the general public. I, for one, have been trying for decades to bring
the subject of Jewish power and control of the media to the public’s attention and consistently face vituperation
and slander whenever I do so. Is Sorcha actually suggesting that the Zionist Jews react this way because they
want people to know of their hidden power? As David Icke would say, “Not bloody likely mate!”
The Jews within the Zionist circle do their utmost to conceal their power from the people. That is the purpose of
their organizations like the B’nai B’rith, the Anti-Defamation League, the Simon Wiesenthal Centre and the
raison d’etre for their ubiquitous financial control over judiciaries within Western governments, so as to ensure
that their “anti-Semitism” and “racism” and “hatred” and alleged “Jewish Holocaust” weapons remain sharp as
razors and their purpose as impervious to the light of day as the proverbial Dark Holes of outer space. Just ask
Canadian publisher and pacifist Ernst Zundel or British Historian David Irving or Germar Rudolf the
Revisionist and others, all of whom are stagnating in Zionist-controlled German prison cells for even thinking
contrary to the Zionist Jewish Doctrine, if this isn’t so.
Faal then goes on to bemoan the Western Jews’ apparently perilous predicament and projects puzzlement that
somehow they don’t, as she says, “heed our warnings while the time remained for them to escape to freedom
from total destruction.” Again, this begs the question, escape to where? To “freedom”? And where on God’s
green acre is that place to be found in this day and age?!! Where, outside the ken of Zionist influence, would all
these imperiled Jews flee to? Again, only silence.
Next comes a paragraph wherein Sorcha emphatically states, “It would be too simplistic to say that their
thoughts are borne of arrogance, but much truer to say that their fate has been manipulated, and in such a way as
to be able to show to the World that the only obstacle to World Peace that remains today, and as it has always
been said, are the Jewish people.”
Here we enter a labyrinthine world of innuendo and double meaning. First Faal suggests that the Jews’ open
“cries” to the world, telling of their power and influence and importance (something false to begin with) must
not be misconstrued as simply “arrogance” and that their “fate” is somehow being manipulated by an alien force
or power in order to portray them as the one obstacle to world peace so that they ultimately become the
prophesied scapegoat when the proverbial shyte hits the fan in the West.
Now what are we to make of that? Are we to again backtrack to square one and begin doubting whether or not
the Jews have actually played any role at all in this massive deception? Are we to cast aside centuries of
evidence to the contrary and begin anew with the novel idea that this cartel of International Financiers,
composed initially of the Jewish Rothschild family and their inner cabal of conniving cohorts, are not to be
associated in any way with the lives, the religion, the motivations and the tacit support given by many
throughout the Jewish Diaspora globally to the actions of Israel and the present-day Zionist-controlled Western
Presumably that is what Sorcha is suggesting.
Then comes more confusion in the following, “What will never be allowed for the Western people to know,
however, is that the Jewish people are not now, nor have never been, a single people, but like every race and
religion in the World is one driven with internal strife, political alliances and sectarian violence. Such division
in fact is there that tens of thousands of Jewish people do not even acknowledge the State of Israel, thousands
more in Israel itself continually denounce those less devout then they believe themselves to be – but to these
truths the Western World does not want to know, indeed does not care to know.”
#90600 Blast From the Past - The Chani Project
Posted by DAR on 27 April 2015 - 06:08 PM in General Discussion
War with draco won?
Started By Onlypureluck, Sep 10 2011 08:47 AM
Why is NASA ignoring Venus.......
Started By Guest_SmookinRookie_* , Sep 10 2011 09:24 AM
Mainstream disclosure, distraction or disinformation?
Started By lostjohnny, Sep 10 2011 02:26 PM
European Observatory to Make 'Major' Alien Planet Announcement Monday
Started By Arc, Sep 10 2011 06:11 PM
The Strangest Alien Planets
Started By Arc, Sep 10 2011 06:19 PM
Lazeria Map Collection: Is the Earth Hollow?
Started By NexusEditor, Sep 10 2011 11:42 PM
Elder Member
Posted 10 September 2011 - 11:42 PM
I was directed to watch a 2-hour long youtube documentary, all about old rare maps and inconsistencies with
what we are told about the polar regions, especially the north pole.
This is a journey through some great old and rare maps (all of which are available free in hi-rez on the net from
various places-see links below).
Highly recommended viewing to anyone interested in this topic.
Lazeria Map Collection: Is the Earth Hollow?
Lazeria Map Collection: Is the Earth Hollow?
Some URLs for hi-res old rare maps shown in the clip:
Matthias Quad: Polus Arcticus sive Tract. Septentrionalis.
Matthias Quad: Chica sive Patagonica et Australis Terra.
Arctic Sovereignty Maps
Other Rare and Antique Maps of Polar regions
The Truth About Syria
Started By NexusEditor, Sep 11 2011 02:34 AM
Gaddafi's latest speech
Started By NexusEditor, Sep 11 2011 07:08 AM
The Truth About the Situation in Libya
Started By NexusEditor, Sep 11 2011 07:11 AM
Posted by DAR on 28 April 2015 - 10:22 AM in General Discussion
2015 [Partial]
#87590 CoEvolution - Nexus extracts thread
Posted by Blue ET on 13 February 2015 - 06:52 PM in CoEvolution
The quote below was written up and in publishers hands 20 years ago almost to the day, although it was a full
26 years ago I first heard about it.
This is the first hint of a alien implant (ancient weapon) the black goo as some might later call it. I never gave it
a name because it does not really have one. Nothing was on the open market at this time concerning anything of
the like. The X files was still only a dream in someones mind, the movie Star gate about flying pyramids and
time travel (totally 'Coevolution' based) was also only a dream in someones mind, but within a few years these
out-pourings of alien interface with humans was all over the movie and TV screens and not only that, they
attracted a following like nothing else had ever done before. People want to believe, what is more people
recognize the truth when they hear it, even if it is disguised as the fictional work of movie directors. I watched a
rerun of the original X files moves on NZ TV this week, the movie is so close to the truth of back seat politics
relating to alien interaction with some human based societies as to be real.
The quote also covers a subject I was not privy to full details until many years later, the fact they had set up a
new base closer to Africa in expectation that will be a new settlement area for an Alien group or groups. I point
this out now because I feel the time is getting close, to many strange meteor events, which are not what they
appear to be. Strangely enough another movie that played on National TV about a week ago (Battle for Los
Angeles) which opens with exactly a meteor shower which is not really a meteor shower.
Soon I expect there might to be conflict among competing ET groups themselves. Perhaps already their is. Are
these exploding meteors part of this conflict, going back to the one in Russia over a year ago. All have the same
hallmarks. ie, something else other than rocks exploding, UFO type objects close at hand or directly leaving the
so called meteor. Heads up guys and girls.
Attached Files
CHANI POSTS Blue ET 2015 partial Dec-J-F-M-Apr.pdf 2.28MB 12 downloads
Posted by DAR on 29 April 2015 - 10:50 AM in General Discussion
Posted by T on 10 April 2015 - 08:30 AM in Return of The Gods
the Siberian Installation is not a lone system but part of a wider grid i was going to post this in Blue's CoEv
thread (pg71) but decided not to clutter that thread with peripheral info the Nazi Vril (and Hanebou) i used to
live in an area of the world known as Vril-isia (Vril Elysium?)
this area is situated at the foot/footstep (patima) of the highly perculiar Mt. Pentelis (where the marble for
Acropolis was quaried from) it is said that there is a gravitational anomaly within the core of the mountain
which is utilised to keep 'certain' satellites in a non degrading orbit atop has been/is? an military, nato/otan base
with gaint parabolic dishes looking mainly east (officialy a radar station) when the base was deserted and
before it was refashioned into a no entry area of undisclosed purpose with 1 giant antenna on top, i went on a
field trip and discovered old nato manuals huge power couplings leading to the dishes and strangely enough a
small church encapsulating in its entirety a container filled with electronic equipment (trans-receive) inside the
main structure and through a broken window i found a new barred door with the inscription "Warning Gas" on
top i will post the pictures in the next post moving on to the Davelis cave further down the mountain the energy
shifts are evident even to the un initiated the cave has been used and described since antiquity but its later name
is derived from an outlaw that was said to use it as his lair as well as its connecting inter-dimensional passages
to the Tourkovounia, Hymettus, Parnitha, Pygadi Boulas etc all exits dotted around Athens many arial craft
have been seen in the vicinity of Pentelis, one example
Attached Files
CHANI POSTS T's 2015 Jan-Apr.pdf 1.58MB 14 downloads
#90689 Blast From the Past - The Chani Project
Posted by DAR on 29 April 2015 - 11:05 AM in General Discussion
Will Gaddafi be sacrificed today or tomorrow to commemorate the 9/11 ritual?
Started By Acolyte, Sep 11 2011 08:13 AM
South African Security Force in Libya? Who's side were they on?
Started By NexusEditor, Sep 11 2011 09:51 AM
NASA - New Commercial Crew Agreement to Accelerate Capabilities
Started By wobble, Sep 11 2011 10:00 AM
Remembering 911 - Where were you?
Started By Shining, Sep 11 2011 10:08 AM
Obama's 9/11 Speech - Is this our warning?
Started By Daikirai, Sep 11 2011 03:08 PM
Posted 11 September 2011 - 03:22 PM
Bush Jr.'s face was priceless.
I ignored the whole 9/11 media brainwash today until I read about the speech and that obama cited from the
bible. My opinion is, the TPTB are on their scheduled scripts and this was a ritual which needed to play
through. Obama looked somewhat pissed reading that sentence I think, maybe he was forced to...
On the other hand, those psalm adds up with all this predicition scenarios we recently discussed in the postings
from bluecoat2/Captain S. In addition there was a thread at GLP from a security guard (he claims) of an
underground bunker which is going to be used for VIPs or similar people, and is stockpiled up with stuff and
things. Just connecting some dots, I wonder why the pope is staying until 25th in germany and where he's going
afterwards. Obama will be in Denver on 27th. Do we have a travel list of all politicians available?
just my 2 cents, need to observe more
Google networks and downloadable programs
Started By Guest_BHD_* , Sep 11 2011 08:42 PM
Henoch Prophecies and 9/11
Started By Vajra, Sep 11 2011 09:09 PM
Genetically engineered time bombs
Started By Guest_BHD_* , Sep 11 2011 09:34 PM
Frogs generate own water supply
Started By Guest_BHD_* , Sep 11 2011 09:40 PM
Posted by DAR on 29 April 2015 - 11:44 AM in General Discussion
The Khazarian Mafia (Part II) Updated
Posted by Preston James, Ph.D on April 25, 2015
The Khazarian Mafia is Hell-bent on transforming America into a GAZA II Police State. It is up to all good
Americans to expose this, stop it cold and take our nation back from these infiltrators who use Israeli espionage
fronts like AIPAC.
PDF DOWNLOAD see below:
It was Rothschild Khazarian Mafia controlled Babylonian Talmudic Judaism also known as Bolshevism or
malignant Judaic Tribalism which has been responsible for over 179 million deaths in the last century alone.
Perhaps it is time for the whole World to focus on all these deaths and the group that is truly responsible, the
Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (KM).
Do not forget the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia’s Agenda for the United States of America and the American
It was clearly articulated by Bibi Netanyahu in 1990 at Finks Bar in Jerusalem as the following transcript from
his voice recording will show. This recording was witnessed by senior Intel Officers who were surveilling him.
Keep in mind that it is common knowledge among Senior Intel Field Officers from many Intel Agencies around
the World that Bibi Netanyahu is the operational leader of the Khazarian Mafia, is a very “hands-on” Intel
leader, and has a long history of closely handling all Mossad agents and key assets and Sayanims deployed in
America to do espionage against America and Americans.
Many of these Mossad Agents, and key Assets and Sayanims are sheep-dipped and embedded deep within
many American institutions of Government including the US Congress, the Administration as well as major
Universities and so-called non-profit think tanks. Consider these words of this racist, subhuman operative leader
of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia which were captured on tape at Finks Bar. This is the incredibly evil antihuman who planned, ordered and supervised the nuclear attack on America on 9-11-01. Don’t be fooled by his
two faced lies any more which are dispensed frequently by the Rothschild KM’s CMMM.
“If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it doesn’t matter what you do,
America is a Golden Calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing
left but the World’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control.
Why? Because it’s god’s will and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again, again and again.
This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to
be our slaves.”
Note to American Military and American Police whom most of are now trained by the ADL as anti-terror
occupation forces:
Comments Notation:
B. Bradley April 25, 2015 at 4:23 pm
Great piece Preston.
Short and to the point. Seems a lot went on starting 100 years ago and the details are still coming to light.
WW1, Bolsheviks, Armenian genocide etc. We don’t have another hundred years to wait till the crimes of today
come to light. Let’s talk solutions. What’s the follow up action that people can take? Today we now have
legislation in California that mandates vaccines to any child receiving a public education. SB277 by democratic
senators in as slippery a move as the Federal Reserve Act.
FYI, it’s not just the far right, Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush etc. they are ALL paid for so where do we begin?
The expose on these long lines of crooks, thieves and murderers… and all of their assailants is great but as
Gordon would say, To what end?
Preston James, Ph.D April 25, 2015 at 4:29 pm
Our next article will be on hard core solutions. Stay tuned, you may be shocked.
Attached Files
The Khazarian Mafia PART 2 updated.pdf 506.78KB 88 downloads
Posted by DAR on 29 April 2015 - 09:10 PM in PSYCHIC Healing and Relevant Topics
What Dreams May Come (1998) trailer (Para Além do Horizonte)
Movie with Robin Williams, Annabella Scirorra and Cuba Gooding Jr. What could happen after dead, the life
after dead
This is the depiction of a wife who commits suicide and moves to the lower astral ..
falls out of the reincarnation cycle..
The husband [Robin Williams] attempts to follow her to a literal lower astral hell..
The writers knew..
Another Example Ref .. Breezy Post
Posted 03 February 2014 - 07:58 PM
I recently came across a Levashov video. I think this may be the place for it.
Spirit in the continuous round of life and death
Андрей Кравец
Published on Mar 12, 2012
Atakin film studio proudly presents a new film based on Svetlana and Nicolai Levashov's works. It is dedicated
to a subject to which nobody would remain indifferent. It is a story about the continious round of life and death
in which our Spirits -- that is we all -- have been for millions of years. The film contains information which has
never been revealed to people. It could give us the opportunity to finally know the truth about ourselves and rid
of the fear of the death, because in reality we all live millions of years...
A film based on Svetlana and Nicolai Levashov's works.
#90734 Blast From the Past - The Chani Project
Posted by DAR on 30 April 2015 - 09:51 AM in General Discussion
Pumping water up in to the stratosphere.....
Started By Guest_BHD_* , Sep 11 2011 09:45 PM
Saturn-lookalike galaxy has a murky past
Started By Guest_BHD_* , Sep 11 2011 09:48 PM
Apollo 10 gets Glimpse of an Extra-Terrestrial Monolith in Space...
Started By Czar, Sep 12 2011 12:40 AM
Elder Member
Posted 30 July 2012 - 01:42 PM
i guess you must of read the excerpt as you had posted right below it,
from pg16 on March 6 2012
"Selene or Luna or Eva or Leva-Levan (in the Hebrew-Mongolian language) is a gigantic formerly natural
planetary body which was altered (‘geoplastised’) into a hybrid ‘void’ internally dug semi-artificial body (ship)
able to travel in the mesoastric universe.
The origin of Selene is the Constellation of Draco and Bootes as one of the Draconian mutineers allying
(See the research of the Scotch astronomer Duncan Lunan (Luna!), the findings of the Russian Academies
Vasin and Serbakov, the leakes of officers of NASA/JPL in the book of Don Wilson ‘Our Mysterious Spaceship
Moon’, the research of G..H.REES., the books and the research of Raymond Drake, etc)."
and for the timing........
"The second attempt was successful and Selene entered the orbit of the Earth around 11,436 b.D.C. (see
research by G.H.REES. and by Raymond Drake, the inscriptions in Tiahuanaco of Bolivia, etc).
The Earth was then populated by people of the white race who had come from the Constellation of Andromeda
and from the local indigenous black race from Serius."
and for the DARK KNIGHT (or MELAN <meaning dark coloured> SPHERE........
"A) The flagship Selene (‘Star of Death’ hybrid ‘void’ ship of titanium and zirgon)
B) The flagship Lilith (dark glossy Planet of War), which around 9,600 b.D.C. that Atlantis and Aegis sank it
moved and got behind Senene in a Selene-synchronous orbit, so that the three bodies of the Earth – Selene –
Lilth are in a straight line (see Kabbalah).
C) Around 118 much smaller ships made of titanium."
unfortunately the original Ellenic account is far more complete with more details explanations and referencing
but for a glimpse you might want to (re)read here:
by my comprehension and under-standing the interent presence of the Andromedan council, Tolec and many
others are either unwitingly or purposefuly twisting the Truth.
mixing their spin on Truth so as to serve 'their' goals in preparation of the innevitable and in a last ditch effort to
avert 'their' impending removal (on our time line reality) after almost 12.000yrs (solar earthly revolutions)
entraping and enslaving the human race by its own will adhering to UNIVERSAL PRIME DIRECTIVE (i have
explained this countless times)
how well fitting is the belief of Nex and myself to a greater degree, the explanation of Lush and the gardener, as
we are farmed for our emotions (negative ones being more potent to the gardener) and our vessels
in short the uber commander dark knight sat. (do i have to state the name<s> again?) was adhering to
UNIVERSAL PRIME DIRECTIVE, but in true misdirection uttered the Truth at a time and to people that could
not possibly comprehend the implications or historical and future relevance
whilst most are guessing and speculating, i am 99.9999999% sure, via genetic memory and awakening of who I
truly AM and what I AM here to do at this juncture
search your inner selves (Aco would call it HI KU TAK) for the Truth, for YOU already KNOW everything but
have chosen to forget
"The Sleeper Must Awaken"
on a personal note i do not use capital I unless refering to the collective I for i am a part of I being PAN-ALL
sorry for the cryptic, not all is for everybody
err How do you fix a sinkhole?
Started By Don Quixote, Sep 12 2011 04:03 AM
New Blessed who prophecied a Russian invasion of Italy and end of Rome
Started By Don Quixote, Sep 12 2011 04:29 AM
Some more White Dragon Society rumors
Started By FireDog, Sep 12 2011 06:06 AM
Well, I'll be damned...
Started By Housedad, Sep 12 2011 10:51 AM
illuminati game cards
Started By Anto, Sep 12 2011 12:51 PM
Alert - 400 Tremors In Four Days In The Canary Islands -El Hierro Volcano-Mega T
Started By breezy, Sep 12 2011 03:35 PM
#91024 Blast From the Past - The Chani Project
Posted by DAR on 07 May 2015 - 10:39 AM in General Discussion
Virus that controls a caterpillars brains
Started By John3:16, Sep 12 2011 04:03 PM
new Doco looks good
Started By Blue ET, Sep 12 2011 05:42 PM
The Quran Fortells about Meeting with Mars People.
Started By grosmene, Sep 13 2011 01:20 AM
TPTB try to cover some RF signals?
Started By grosmene, Sep 13 2011 02:21 AM
Atlantis Rising?
Started By Vajra, Sep 13 2011 05:40 AM
Started By Shining, Sep 13 2011 03:34 PM
Led to Make Changes?
Started By Shining, Sep 13 2011 07:24 PM
NEW- LEAKED Insider Recording About NASA UFOs | Aliens | Moon Bases | Apoll
Started By NexusEditor, Sep 13 2011 11:04 PM
Elder Member
Posted 14 September 2011 - 05:28 AM
Yeah, the whole airbrushing thing is quite fascinating.
Some of the best testimony available about this, is from Donna Hare, a former NASA employee:
"Donna: Yes Elaine, that's true. During the Apollo mission I worked at NASA throughout those Apollo
missions and I did leave NASA at the time the space shuttles began. I worked in building eight in the photo lab.
I had a secret clearance so I thought I could go anywhere in the building. And I did go into one area that was a
restricted area. In this area they developed pictures taken from satellites and also all of the missions, the Apollo
missions, flight missions. I went in and I was talking to one of the photographers and developers and he was
putting together a mosaic which is a lot of photos, smaller photos into a larger photo pattern. And while I was in
there I was trying to learn new methods and new things about the whole organization and I was looking at the
pictures and he directed my attention to one area, he said, Look at that. I looked and there was a round oval
shaped, well it was a very white circular shape of a dot and I, it was black & white photography, so I asked him
if that was a spot on the emulsion and he said, "Well I can't tell you, but spots on the emulsion do not leave
round circles of shadows."
Interviewer: So there was a shadow on the ground?
Donna: Right, a round shadow! And I noticed that there were pine trees, now I don't know where this area was
or what, you, pretty close to the ground what I saw but I didn't see outline of the continent. But I did notice that
there was shadow under this white dot and I also noticed that the trees were casting the shadows in the same
direction as this shadow of the circle of this aerial phenomena because it was higher than the trees but not too
much higher than the trees but it was close to the ground and it was spherical but slightly elongated, not very
much but slightly. I then said, is it a UFO? And he said, "Well I can't tell you." And then I asked him, "What are
you going to do with this piece of information?" And he said, "Well we have to airbrush these things out before
we sell these photographs to the public." So I realized at that point that there is a procedure setup to take care of
this type of information from the public.
(Source: Quote from radio interview transcript at:
Donna Hare was also one of Dr Steven Greer's Disclosure Project witnesses, at the National Press Club event in
May 2001.
It was Donna's testimony at the Disclosure Project that stimulated UK hacker Gary McKinnon to dig into
certain US computer systems, and thus discover information about non-terrestrial officers and ships who's
names do not exist.
Some interesting snippets from the Project Camelot interview with Gary:
Gary McKinnon: At first I was looking for anything to do with UFOs. As I got more into the subject and listened
to more serious talk and discussion about the subject, and was introduced to the Disclosure Project, and realized
that there were, you know, 400 witness testimonials from people who worked in everything from civilian air
traffic control, up to military radar operators, right up to men and women in charge of whether or not to launch
nuclear missiles. I thought these were surely credible people.
Kerry Cassidy: Right. So, can you tell me what else you found? Because I know you have some information in
regard to Non-Terrestrial Officers. Is that right?
GM: Yeah. There was an Excel spreadsheet and the title was "Non-Terrestrial Officers," and it had names,
ranks... it wasn't a long list; it didn't fill the whole screen, I don't think.
KC: Could you just generally say how many? I mean, if you were to guess, are we talking 20, 50?
GM: 20, maybe 30.
Iron Sky teaser - Space Nazis attack!
Russia, North Korea to hold joint 'military' exercises
Started By NexusEditor, Sep 14 2011 05:00 AM
#91132 Blast From the Past - The Chani Project
Posted by DAR on 11 May 2015 - 09:58 AM in General Discussion
NEW Leaked Insider Recording - Aliens - Moon Bases
Started By AWAKE, Sep 14 2011 05:43 AM
Elder Member
Posted 03 March 2012 - 12:18 AM
AWAKE, on 14 Sept 2011 - 05:43 AM, said:
http://www.disclose....s___Moon_Bases/ This interesting.
Thanks - I had seen Part 1, but not parts 2 and 3. I think these are well worth listening to. Here are links to all
three parts to make it easier.
LEAKED Insider Recording About NASA UFOs | Aliens | Moon Bases | Apollo - Part 1/3
9/12/11 - LEAKED Insider Recording About NASA UFOs | Aliens | Moon Bases | Apollo
LEAKED Insider Recording About NASA UFOs | Aliens | Moon Bases | Apollo - Part 2/3
9/12/11 LEAKED Insider Recording About NASA UFOs | Aliens | Moon Bases | Apollo PT2
LEAKED Insider Recording About NASA UFOs | Aliens | Moon Bases | Apollo - Part 3/3
11/10/11 LEAKED Insider Recording About NASA UFOs | Aliens | Moon Bases | Apollo P3
Supplementary Note: The following was posted with the original Part 1:-------------------------HTTP://WWW.SECRETUFOFOOTAGE.COM
This audio was recorded and sent to a close friend of mine in 2008. The person recording the audio was a
government worker based near Groom Lake. Before retirement, this audio was created and sent to a close
relative not to be made public for 2 years.
The audio in this and future videos was transferred off a hand held digital tape recorder. This is the first of 3
parts that will be uploaded.
I can confirm the validity of the person who created this recording, however within 2 months of his discharge,
the person who created this recording was killed in a "car crash" outside of Dallas, TX. It is the families belief
that this was nothing more than a cover, and that telling the truth resulted in the taking of this man's life.
Please Spread This Video
It is my only wish to make this information public, so that the truth regarding what the government won't tell us
is out.
September 27th - Facts and speculation
Started By FireDog, Sep 14 2011 05:55 AM
Scientists to create artificial volcano for climate change experiment
Started By Guest_Heidi_* , Sep 14 2011 09:54 AM
Sperm cells created from female embryo
Started By Guest_Heidi_* , Sep 14 2011 10:02 AM
Sweet harmony (to the music-thread)
Started By Guest_Heidi_* , Sep 14 2011 03:48 PM
Star blasts alien planet with fierce X-ray attack
Started By Arc, Sep 14 2011 04:26 PM
My American Uncle
Started By grosmene, Sep 14 2011 05:35 PM
5 volcanoes in Indonesia on alert level III status
Started By Guest_Anomalie_* , Sep 14 2011 05:37 PM
Cat infused with JELLYFISH genes
Started By Guest_BHD_* , Sep 14 2011 08:57 PM
Page 3 of 11
#91133 The Next Thing unveils $9 computer, CHIP
Posted by DAR on 11 May 2015 - 10:24 AM in General Discussion
The Next Thing unveils $9 computer, CHIP
Kickstarter raises more than $220,000 one day after launch
CBC News Posted: May 08, 2015 4:06 PM ET Last Updated: May 08, 2015 4:13 PM ET Raspberry Pi 2
computer that will run Windows 10 on sale for $35
$35 Raspberry Pi computer sells out on launch
$35 computer 'Raspberry Pi' readies for launch
CHIP is a $9 computer that comes with a 1GHz processor, 512 MB or RAM and 4 GB of storage. But any
accessories to make it suitable for work, like a screen or keyboard, cost extra. (CHIP/Kickstarter)
People may soon be able to buy a computer with a $20 bill and still have change left over for a cup or two of
An Oakland, Calif.-based company has unveiled its $9 CHIP computer on Kickstarter.
CHIP, which is about as tall as a AA-battery and smaller than a floppy disk, packs some power with a 1 GHz
processor, 512 MB of RAM and 4 GB of storage. The device connects to any screen using a composite, VGA
or HDMI cable.
Raspberry Pi 2 computer that will run Windows 10 on sale for $35
Users can save documents to the computer's storage, surf the web over Wi-Fi or play games with a bluetooth
controller. The little computer comes pre-loaded with games and apps, as well as Scratch, a language that
teaches the basics of programming.
#91187 Blast From the Past - The Chani Project
Posted by DAR on 13 May 2015 - 11:25 AM in General Discussion
Skynet is launched!
Started By truth4free, Sep 14 2011 11:59 PM
White People's Circadian Rhythm
Started By marlowe, Sep 15 2011 12:47 AM
Blackout in S.Korea Seoul!
Started By clavicus, Sep 15 2011 05:53 AM
Tokyo rattled by strong quake 3 hours ago
Started By Guest_Heidi_* , Sep 15 2011 06:40 AM
Chinese Troops enter India and destroy bunkers in Kashmir region
Started By NexusEditor, Sep 15 2011 08:27 AM
CIA Threatens 9/11 Researchers After Discovery Of Cover Up Details
Started By clavicus, Sep 15 2011 09:24 AM
The CIA has issued legal threats against two film producers who have discovered intimate details of a cover up
regarding the intelligence agency and two of the purported 9/11 hijackers.
Ray Nowosielski and John Duffy, the producers of the popular 9/11 documentary ’9/11 Press for Truth’, were
contacted by the CIA last week on September 8th regarding extensive research, interviews and findings that
have led them to discover the identities of two key CIA analysts who were instrumental in the conspiracy.
The film’s producers initially only referred to the CIA analysts by their first names, but expressed their intention
to later reveal their full identities in a forthcoming “investigative podcast”, which seemingly prompted the
agency to step in.
“While producing our investigative podcast “Who Is Rich Blee?,” intended to be released on Sunday, our team
managed to deduce the likely identities of two CIA employees at the heart of a notorious failure in the run up to
the September 11th tragedy.” a statement reads on the producer’s website, which was offline for most of
“On Thursday, we submitted our script to CIA along with a request to interview the two employees,” the
statement continues. “We wanted to be fair in giving them a chance to tell their sides of the story. Instead, the
Agency sent us a message threatening that if we went forward with the names included in the piece that it would
be a potential violation of federal criminal law.”
Duffy and Nowosielski also interviewed former counterterrorism czar Richard Clarke, who told them on the
record that he has intelligence that three former top CIA officials – George Tenet, Cofer Black and Richard
Blee – knowingly withheld key information on the alleged hijackers from the White House, the FBI,
Immigration and the State and Defense Departments.
Possible sighting of Nibiru captured on Camera September 2nd 2011?
Started By Acolyte, Sep 15 2011 11:26 AM
Anyone want to have an Iron Man suit? not too far off says one professer
Started By Orion, Sep 15 2011 11:32 AM
Most amazing Alex Jones rant EVER!
Started By marlowe, Sep 15 2011 11:49 AM
Advanced Member
Posted 15 September 2011 - 01:30 PM
One thing I've noticed about Alex is his understanding of human behavior ,motivation,and
psychology.....especially for someone his age,,,35 or 36 years old....
I've always been in awe of people who can talk very fast and with intelligence...
and almost never stumble or make a mistake in grammer.....
Plus he can do "voices"...mimic public figures like Arnold Swartz-Governator or Bill Clinton.....
#91211 Simon Parkes Interview
Posted by DAR on 13 May 2015 - 07:47 PM in THE UNEXPLAINED
Published on 6 May 2015
Henning Witte interviews Simon Parkes on etheric implants
and shields against mind control ..
Here are the highlights ..
What is an etheric implant .. now humans and off worlders utilize
Mind control for groups of people .. 25 year old tech
Physical and Etheric implants
Not all implants are harmful .. some are to protect a person or monitor
Physical implants are dna linked to a persons neruons
1% of population controls the other 99%
Bloodlines use torture and implants to control their own children ..
Programming lasts till the age of 27
Mind controller will use a cap to amplify the commands at distance
Very hard to use tech to locate control frequencies/devices
Humans can detect if they have the 'gift'
Black persons are difficult to target for implants
Blue lights cause humans to become out of balance .. police cars ..
Power structures will have to go .. sooner or later
Major cities are equipped with more advanced mind control ..
tied to the cell phone network
analog TV was mind control via sound
digital TV uses the visual flicker
morgellans is nanites tied to dna program .. connect human portals
haarp with chemtrails is sometimes use to detect UFOs
sometimes they chemtrail bio virus or nanites
Jade Helm is a test .. for how many cities they may lose ..
#91230 Trans Pacific Partnership
Posted by DAR on 14 May 2015 - 09:25 AM in General Discussion
Obama trades, Clinton hedges on US-Pacific economic deal
Proposed trade deal divides Democrats and fires up party’s 2016
race for White House
Senator Elizabeth Warren: ‘No more secret deals. No more special deals for multinational corporations.’
Simon Carswell
Fri, Apr 24, 2015, 01:00
Powers that would allows US president Barack Obama to agree trade deals with Asian countries and the
European Union, as well as the deals themselves, have become a political football – not only within US
Congress, but in the fledgling 2016 presidential field.
Mr Obama has made the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a trade deal with 11 Pacific Rim countries, and another
agreement with Europe, known as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), two key goals of
his remaining 19 months in the White House.
The president, a recent convert to free trade deals, believes the agreements would help the US economy by
removing trade barriers to the west, across the Pacific, and to the east, across the Atlantic.
To agree those deals, Mr Obama needs what’s known as the Trade Promotion Authority, the ability of the
Congress and president to “fast-track” trade deals, by restoring a power that expired in 2007.
Some Democrats on the party’s left flank, including pro-labour unions, environmentalists and Hispanic groups –
potent voting blocs in national elections – are opposed to trade deals. They warn of the threats to American
workers by removing tariffs and other protections for US industries to competitors from low-cost countries.
Resistance on left
Still hurting from past free trade deals, such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (Nafta) agreed by
president Bill Clinton with Canada and Mexico in the 1990s, the Democratic progressive left are resisting the
deals in a trade war within Mr Obama’s own party.
In a deal agreed with Republicans, the White House agreed this week to subject any trade deal negotiated by Mr
Obama to a review by Congress and the public.
The compromise, signed off by the influential Senate finance committee but yet to be fully approved by
Congress, is a sop to Democrats who are making the trade deals a topic of debate in the 2016 race.
Liberal Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren, a trade-deal opponent, has said she is not running for
president. Still, her influence is keenly felt in the emerging campaign, given her popularity among grassroots
Democrats, the core base of the party that candidates must court.
“Are you ready to fight?” Ms Warren said last week at an anti-trade deal rally with union leaders and Vermont
socialist Bernie Sanders, an independent who might run for president.
“No more secret deals,” she urged. “No more special deals for multinational corporations.”
“I love Elizabeth,” Mr Obama told MSNBC this week. “We’re allies on a whole host of issues, but she’s wrong
on this.”
Ms Warren has a staunch ally in Democratic Senate leader Harry Reid, who said that he has “never, ever”
supported a trade agreement and would not start now.
#91231 Tools for the Light Workers
Posted by DAR on 14 May 2015 - 09:51 AM in Return of The Gods
Nicolai Levashov and his work,
as seen through the eyes of an American doctor/trainee
by Barbara G. Koopman, M.D., Ph.D.
Fellow and former attending staff member, Mount Sinai Hospital, NYC
Did this man find the key for cracking the cosmic code and
unraveling nature’s most baffling secrets?
In response to the many queries I’ve fielded about Academician Nicolai Levashov (his official title), I’d like to
share my near-decade of experience as his student, trainee, book editor, archiver of his peer-reviewed medical
records, administrative assistant and author of several articles on his work which were aired in reputable
alternative medical or scientific journals. I will rely on first hand observations I have gleaned over the years.
What I personally witnessed surpassed anything I could have imagined or dreamed.
Who I am
By way of introduction, I’m an M.D., Ph.D., board-certified physician, a Columbia University
Trustee Fellow, a Mount Sinai Hospital Fellow, and an alumna of the New York Mount Sinai attending
staff. You can find me in the Directory of Medical Specialists and Who’s Who in America. (Next year
you’ll find Nicolai in the latter also).
My Search
My interest in alternative medicine and energy healing started early. Gradually, through two careers
— first in academia, then in traditional medicine — I sought a body of healing knowledge that depended
not on faith or suggestion, but on a solidly grounded scientific empiricism and a higher ethical consciousness.
What I found was disappointing — mostly anecdotal, palliative measures, not supported by medical
records of individual patients or long-range follow-ups. The scientific studies that made it into conventional
medical literature were statistical analyses giving short-range results on groups of patients treated by a hodge-
podge of different approaches and practitioners. One alternative medical journal subsequently published an
article of mine about the flaws in such a protocol. (1)
My First Encounter with Nicolai
After a long search, I finally found Russian healer Nicolai Levashov, thanks to a medical colleague
who had become a trainee. My first encounter with Nicolai took place in his San Francisco office on
September, 1995 where I went to find out about becoming a student healer. I was greeted by a huge man, then
in his mid 30’s, over six feet tall and exuding an energy field of incredible warmth and power.
He tested me by holding his hand over my outstretched palm without touching it. I immediately felt
charged up, as if the whole room were vibrating. He told me I had potential and thus began our long and
continuous work together, much of which unfolded, via distant healing, in New York City where I live
and practice. Intermittently I came for in-person sessions and student seminars, on an average of 2 months out
of the year.
The New York Seminars of December ‘95
Three months after that life-changing meeting with Nicolai, I found myself at home involved in organizing
a three-day seminar on his work.
By day, small meetings were held in my condo overlooking the Hudson. Again, I had a kind of
«UFO’s-have-landed» feeling when most of my electronic gadgets, from coffee-maker to hi-fi equipment
got disabled. Happily they came back to life a week or two later, as Nicolai reassured me they would.
Seminars took place in the evening at various venues, attended by a large percentage of medical or
scientific personnel, as well as «seekers on the path». Along with lectures about his approach, Nicolai enlisted
an enthusiastic audience in live demonstrations of experiential «practicums».
With a simple test, Nicolai sorted out the attendees that were genetically endowed with the flexibility
to be easily transformed, and placed them in front of the class. Then, with a few (non-touching) hand
gestures, he proceeded to imbue them with certain capacities — which they had never had before —
such as literally being able to see into the human body, three-dimensionally, as if it were made of glass.
For example, one of the subjects, Joe, a psychotherapist and close friend of mine, was asked by Nicolai
to scan the chest of a classmate, Inga, who had a physical problem unknown to Joe.
Joe carefully scanned her chest but could not have imagined in advance what he would come up
with. Instead of a static picture one would see in an anatomy book, he got a 3-D holographic image of a
living, beating heart.
He could see, from any angle he chose, how Inga’s heart muscles contracted as they rhythmically
pushed the blood, in and out through all four chambers. He then noticed a leak, which he reported as a
«hole», interfering with the regular flow of blood coursing through this living heart. This turned out to be a
medically documented condition, an incompetent mitral valve, that Inga was
able to confirm.
Nicolai then proceeded to gesture near Inga’s chest without touching her and again asked Joe to
scan. This time he reported that the «hole» was no longer visible. Nicolai commented that Joe’s ability to scan
in this way was the kind of brain transformation he was able to perform on his students and that the change
would be permanent. Was this merely the power of suggestion or a real change?
The answer came when shortly thereafter I learned from Joe that he could still see through the body
and had even spotted a breast cancer while sitting opposite one of his psychotherapy patients. A speedy visit to
her doctor confirmed he was correct. Fortunately, the cancer was caught early, giving her the advantage of a
much more favorable outcome.
Working with Nicolai: What is Nicolai Like?
As time went on and as the need arose, I was lucky enough to have a chance to take a more active
role and began to function as a combination «girl Friday», correspondence secretary, public relations person and
editor of his books. It was thus I came to have some inkling (though incomplete because of my own limitations)
of who he is and what he does — his deep concern for mankind and his unswerving dedication to elevating
planetary consciousness and human evolution.
Personality-wise, Nicolai — endowed though he is with great charisma — totally rejects and discourages the
«guru» image. He has an ebullience and Russian warmth, coupled with a wit and humor that keeps him upbeat
despite the huge and unrelenting burden of responsibility he carries.
In fleeting moments, I’ve had glimpses of his awesome courage
Attached Files
article-9-eng through the eyes of an American doctor.pdf 251.81KB 21 downloads
#91232 Area 51 – A Tale or Truth?
Posted by DAR on 14 May 2015 - 10:48 AM in Return of The Gods
Area 51 – A Tale or Truth?
Software Translation from Russian:
Mirror of my soul
Volume 3. Life goes on...
Nikolay Viktorovich Levashov
Svetlana de Rogan-Levachova
So ... in the spring of 1994 we Svetlana had to deal with a very unusual situation. The fact is that the
world government seized another " flying saucer ", which is popularly dubbed the UFO. And the UFO is inno
way had to remain in their hands. This UFO was placed on a secret base on which there were also
other UFO captured pilots of spaceships , dead bodies and a number of different laboratories, not only to study
the alien technology , but also to study the aliens themselves to create hybrids. In the press there are many
messages that aliens abduct people , study them , put different experiments, crossed them with you ...
These facts , of course, there is, but ... in the press there are no reports that humans do with the captured aliens!
And humans are doing with the aliens very often things are much more violent than the aliens with people, but
this is a topic for another conversation …
Secret base with alien ships ... all at once comes to mind is the famous number 51 area (Area 51 ) , and all will
be ... absolutely wrong! Yes, yes, it will be mistaken for the zone number 51 - well done "duck" !
On this basis, ostensibly to make the necessary surroundings , which is actively promoted in the media, as well
as Hollywood, where he has made many films in which , somehow , the main (or not) the heroine
appears this area is the number 51. And one of those "other places" may be the most basic, is where no
one had ever thought of ... next to one of the world's most famous cities in the United States. And the
name of this place does not have a room and it is not a military base (officially) , but at the same time, it
remains one of the most secret places in the United States . Outside, nothing points to a super-secret
military installation , ordinary houses, in which real people live , not even suspecting that underneath and next
to them is a super-secret facility . Everything has been quite intrigued ! ? No longer will try your
patience …
This super-secret base hidden in a small town called Sausalito (Sausalito), which is adjacent to San Francisco,
just north of the city. You only get out of San Francisco on the bridge , " Golden Gate ≫ (Golden Gate Bridge),
followed immediately by a turn to the right in Congress . Sausalito is known primarily from the fact that in this
small town there is a cozy bay, which is located in the parking lot for yachts of wealthy residents of San
Francisco. This town is situated on the gentle slopes of low mountains on the Pacific coast of Richardson Bay .
In this town, a lot of restaurants , shops, places for recreation and entertainment , and is somewhat reminiscent
of a small European town , which is quite unusual for American towns. It is always full of people , tourists,
constant circulation of people , machines ... Just a perfect place to hide a top-secret facility .
And the object is hidden in the depths of the very high mountains the Pacific coast ! He has incredible
size and subterranean parking for underwater submarines that seamlessly enter the bay and moored in
an underwater cave - hopper. But the employees of the top-secret facility come to this town like the rest , go to
the shopping complex ... come to the right place at the "right" door, and after a while find themselves on their
work, and after work, as imperceptibly merge with the crowd and go to the their families ... and that no one
would cause any suspicion , because this place is very popular with San Francisco residents and tourists who
often come to this town just for dinner. Many restaurants are open until late at night , so come and go machine ,
no one had the slightest suspicion. Well , is not that a perfect cover and not the ideal place to hide a top-secret
facility ?
There is another perfect cover for this top-secret base. During World War II the entrance to San Francisco Bay
military base defending the coastal artillery. On either side of the bay were equipped with strong reinforced
concrete pillboxes and bunkers from which completely sweep all the sea approaches to the bay. You can still
see the impressive size of the nest under the coastal artillery guns . All and all it was hidden inside those same
low mountains coast. Now all these abandoned buildings , but to get inside is still impossible. All of this serves
as a perfect cover for a secret base ventilation system , which cleverly connected to the ventilation system of the
former base of coastal artillery ...
Is not it great idea! Nobody will ever suspect or suspected until now that one of the most mysterious secret U.S.
facilities is exactly where I described ! Thousands and thousands of people go there and for this property , its
employees face almost every day, and ... no one and nothing to guess !
Not bad for Americans ! And now about what kind of "filling" in this top-secret base, at least for the one that
was there in the spring of 1994. And there were the following …
Shortly before the events on this base submarine was delivered UFO. And, not the usual UFO , which is
To be continued…
#91234 Area 51 – A Tale or Truth?
Posted by DAR on 14 May 2015 - 11:06 AM in Return of The Gods
Software Translation from Russian:
Spring of 1994... as it is already far, as though in other life... But it not from other life, but nevertheless...
Events of last moment
will leave in us a hidden trace.
Will present one revelations,
and for others everything will be nonsense!
Who will be right – will show time,
than there will be my chronicle.
And for me events burden,
only my confession...
In it the truth everything, in it cry from the heart,
desire to share the truth.
And in this window to the soul
my destiny entirely will be reflected...
So it turned out that my life from the very beginning was not such, as at all. I always was "not such"... always I was oneself and never
I looked for benefits for myself, and I looked for truth... and often it brought me only one problems, but, despite all this, I continued to
go in the way. I even at school was nicknamed "dinosaur", of course for fun, but, as they say, in "each joke there is a joke share"! With
a delicate hint that all dinosaurs died out, and I here incidentally dropped out of "evolutionary" process and remained. And that I never
used foul language was the reason for that, didn't smoke, didn't drink, didn't try to be "as all", and was oneself. Of course, it was
pleasant not to all, but I never tried to please someone and, quite perhaps, it and became one of the reasons which allowed me to
achieve something. By the way, I don't use foul language, I don't drink and I don't smoke still though I had and to work at plant, and to
study at university, and to do the officer military service, etc.
And if in the childhood my positions were based more likely on intuition and a protivleniye to any violence or coercion, over time I
had both an understanding of all this, and my positions became belief. One of the reasons of manifestation of my intuition was also
that when somebody at me said abusive words, I felt them as blow, in the most literal sense of this word, not to mention that these
words humiliated and the most saying, and not only it, but also the woman. And I considered such behavior unworthy the man. I had
since the childhood the understanding of honor and understanding of what has to be the man. And though all this created for me
additional problems, I didn't change the belief. I never thought how it will be easier for me, and thought how it will be correct. On me
provocations like "mother's sonny" or "poorly" didn't make desirable influence, and that the most interesting, practically anybody and
never spoke to me anything similar to induce to do something that I didn't want. It is visible, even children and teenagers felt on whom
similar can work and on whom isn't present.
Shortly before the events on this base submarine was delivered UFO. And, not the usual UFO , which is
not so little captured in different countries, and UFOs, telepathically controlled . The Americans did their
best to get the access code to the management of this ship . If they succeeded, I think there is no need ,
paint the consequences. Most likely they would have nothing came of the idea, but ... they began to act
unexpectedly , and these actions could lead to a planetary catastrophe . Until one of them realized that
open access to the ship and all its systems can only telepathically . Maybe I could not help myself and
pushed them to the idea , and when the USSR and the USA was telling his audience about his first
experience with a fragment of a UFO in 1987.
Anyway , shortly before the events at the base were delivered two female psychic who tried to establish
telepathic contact with the ship. They it did not work out, the ship was forced to destroy the aggressors ,
because in the absence of an appropriate level of development and the qualities of the ship elepathically
transmits an order for immediate cessation of contact and remove to a safe distance from the vehicle.
Women are seen were able to establish contact with the ship , but ... they can be seen under pressure
from his superiors did not stop trying to contact after the ship refused them access . Maybe the women
themselves , and did not dare to continue after the failure of attempts , but ... back when "breathe in the back of
the head ," "men in black" , few people dare to object ... As a result, they have turned into corpses , as repeated
attempts entry into telepathic contact after failure regarded as aggression with all its consequences ... and the
consequences of such aggression leads to the fact that the ship destroys the aggressor. When I encountered a
similar phenomenon the first time in 1987, all of this information to me , " gave " a small piece of a UFO, which
fell into the hands Kuskova Vladimir Dmitrievich . And even this small chip slapped on the aggressors , but the
power of these attacks is proportional to the size of the fragment , and therefore did not manifest itself in such
dramatic ways. People could make your head spin , go nosebleed , but no one knew the reasons for this
phenomenon , considering all this manifestation of contact with alien technology . Only in long-term
cooperation with this fragment had serious problems .
So, in the U.S. in the hands of the security services was not a small piece , and the whole ship, virtually
undamaged . Therefore , he hit her with powerful , as a result, these two women were psychic destroyed
them after a warning . But they had to report to his death that the ship telepathically forbade them to
continue telepathic contact with relevant comments . When they died because of the stupidity of the
special services, the latter are not only not ceased their attempts to get into the ship , and vice versa - all
occurred only spurred their " appetite ". And that meant one thing - they will bring people over and over
again , as long as someone not to be missed alarm system ship. And if the nature of man upon
examination, and his mind will be on the human level of the Stone Age, then , once inside of the ship , the man
his thoughts can run these processes that will lead to the annihilation explode with all the ensuing
consequences . And so it was impossible to prevent even the possibility of such a scenario.
All this was told to us by Svetlana friends, who themselves were " not here." Some even have built a
terrestrial body that had a certain independence from its creator and is not only their continuation but
also had its own consciousness , which, after the mission merged with the consciousness of the original.
So, we told that the ship should be taken out of the hands of the Americans as soon as possible, and to do that he
had to be teleported to their home base. I teleportation within the Midgard- earth never done , and although the
principle of it to me was very well known , I have not had time to " dress rehearsal ." My "re -pe- pe -pe- titsii "
type " Jolly Fellows " would be ridiculous , and it is not clear what would have resulted .
At best , I would not have it!
Perhaps, there was such a " tiny , tiny " chance that I would get something, but ... time to experiment I did not
have . Svetlana's been a few spontaneous teleportation of herself on a rather large distance, but ... she did not
know how to manage this process . In short , the situation is quite interesting , if I may say so.
We had to look for a "third" , which could be through their actions (in fact the most important ) to ensure the
success of the operation " Y" . This " third " was the earth's double. . . . . . , To which he gave a very funny
name - Adam . With that said , thence that our friends have a good sense of humor in the earthly sense. Given
the natural mobility , Svetlana went to the most interesting and the most dangerous part of the operation , I was
the most uninteresting - ensuring the protection and capacity and teleport itself Svetlana and in the second stage
- teleportation spaceship to their home base . Adam performed to ensure the technical part of the operation - the
task coordinate teleportation and relevant "programs" of these same teleportation . Here is the distribution of
responsibilities and tasks were in our top three.
One day surgery " Y" entered its final phase. On my stream Svetlana Adam teleported to the underground
bunker where their custom UFO. Svetlana materialized in the bunker in front of the alien head of department
heads NASA and the CIA !
Svetlana had time to see only extremely surprised faces of these people with open mouths , and ... she
immediately reported it to us , and Adam immediately began to reverse teleportation . In the eyes had still not
departed from the shock of the unusual appearance of Svetlana , it is also unusual as they melted away before
our eyes. Yes, I'd like to see their faces at this moment ! I think that such a reaction would be pretty much
everyone .
Imagine that you are in front of the air begins to thicken ...
there is something like a mist , which is thickening , it becomes more and more transparent , and that's a ... a
moment in front of your eyes appear transparent creature, which quickly hardens to turning into a very beautiful
woman alive with huge eyes the color of sea water ! And this woman , you see , is not surprised by your less
and immediately begins to " melt ", and after a few seconds before you empty ... If you are not able to " squirrel
", that is to digest , not everyone can .
True, in a state of " squirrel " in front of people there are not perfect stranger , and devils , which will properly
be called astral animals ... Svetlana later told me of his experiences during the teleportation , since spontaneous
teleportation, which she had previously , she was a failure in the memory. It is " turned off " and ... " included "
in another place with no memory of what happened during teleportation . In this case, teleportation took place in
full consciousness and delight of Svetlana no bounds.
Svetlana told me about his feelings . She talked about that in your body there are any bubbles in a bottle of
soda , when only unscrewed cap .
#91236 Area 51 – A Tale or Truth?
Posted by DAR on 14 May 2015 - 12:16 PM in Return of The Gods
Software Translation from Russian:
Part 3
Svetlana told me about his feelings . She talked about that in your body there are any bubbles in a bottle
of soda , when only unscrewed cap . And then , said Svetlana , you feel as if you're starting to melt ... melt and
at one point just realize that you are in another place . Teleportation is like a light breeze on choppy water, when
in calm , warm weather, sudden raid on the water surface of a breeze , and a few seconds later ... everything
again motionless, as if nothing had happened !
Teleportation - it's a swell on the fabric of space, when during this swell open simultaneously two mysterious
doors at different points in space, and for the traveler in space seems to me that the "door" one , everything
happens so fast . And there is between the two doors of the energy tornado , which mercilessly thrown from side
to side travel through space as it likes to show in science fiction films !
Without a doubt - the vortex of energy - it is very beautiful, captivating audiences and tickles your nerves , but
it is a fiction director and no relation to the actual teleportation has not, in the same way as there is no thunder !
The irony of this situation is the fact that Svetlana learned as well as Svetlana learned CIA director at the time.
The unexpected appearance of witnesses Svetlana out of nowhere in a secret bunker were amazed. They have a
lot (or rather, believed that much ) know about Svetlana and me , but it was such a complete surprise to them ,
and then it still was called and the woman flying (flying woman).
After the first unsuccessful attempt the operation " Y" for rescued from the hands of the treacherous UFO U.S.
intelligence was soon a new attempt . Operation " N -2" held in the same composition with same division
operational objectives , the first. The difference of the second attempt was that before Adam began teleportation
Svetlana in an underground bunker with a UFO , first check that the bunker was not the people , and a
surveillance camera showed that " all is calm in Baghdad ", and only after, the teleportation.
This time everything went smoothly. Svetlana materialized in the bunker , there was no one there ! Followed
immediately by the main action . Svetlana became conductor of the operation , it was the eyes that controlled
process in place . She walked through the streams of matter required for teleportation spaceship aliens to their
home base . Adam provided the necessary coordinates to teleport ,
I have provided the necessary capacity to perform teleportation . In short , we are well realized " for
three" , resulting in a UFO from an underground bunker ... gone! It was amusing to see the faces of
workers in this top-secret base, where they found a UFO in the place where he was all the time !
And it would be interesting to see the report on where and how faded top-secret spacecraft for
the solution of technological secrets that the military had hoped , and the tip of the United States
government , obsessed with the idea of world domination. One can only imagine the reaction ,
but I "somehow" it seems that the response from them was not a happy ...
Unfortunately, this top-secret military base were not only captured by hook or by crook, spaceships aliens living
and dead aliens themselves . In this top-secret facility was top secret , and at least a laboratory in which engaged
in genetic experiments with aliens . In this laboratory, we did not just cross a man with alien beings , but ...
implantation was performed in children of alien implants in order to obtain superhuman !
For this gifted psychic powers children "just" kidnap and implanting them in different alien
implants, then watched for what will come of it ! I think there is no need to explain that the
children got to the prison from which there was no turning back , not of its own volition . For
their loved ones , they disappeared without ( a ) and the latter for good.
But after the implantation of alien implants are very many children died in great agony and torment of these
quietly watched the fanatics in white coats , "scientists" who dreamed of fame and otgresti lot of money on
these children's suffering , if , again, if , as a result of these horrific experiences of the children they will get the
desired result - the superpowers ! These geeks , otherwise not dare to call them, did not even know and did not
realize that these same children with the right development could get such superpowers , for aliens who are
fantastic and unattainable !
In this regard , I have to remember that , as in the Soviet Union belonged to foreigners. Any foreigner in
the country of the Soviets perceived as a celestial being , with all the ensuing consequences . They
enjoyed our country more rights than the citizens themselves . Grovel in front of foreigners , even holding
power . The same attitude is the authorities of all countries to aliens . It is believed that if they come to us from
another planet , then this fact alone speaks for the fact that they are highly developed , have superpowers, and in
general ... Of course, at this stage of civilization , the land of Midgard , built on the plan of social parasites , to
put it mildly , is at a very low level of development . Not to mention the fact that modern civilization is built on
the principles of vulgar materialism. But ... the inhabitants of Midgardearth, especially among the white race the oldest of the races now living on Midgard- earth – have incredible potential , which , thanks to the actions of
social parasites , in most cases, and is locked in a deep lethargy .
It is in the unique conditions of the Midgard- earth there is a real opportunity to not only get out of the
state of lethargy , but also to develop the capability to levels that have never dreamed of representatives of
extraterrestrial civilizations. Actually, I was always surprised logic - more precisely, lack of it , in higher
military and government circles.
In the spacecraft on Midgard- earth does not fly higher hierarchy of civilizations, but a simple pilots or
researchers at the junior researchers, and these creatures do not have and can not have a priori nothing except
their professional knowledge at their level. This is equivalent to saying that , capturing the pilot of any military
or civilian aircraft , to require him to give information on how to build an airplane , let all the theoretical
foundations of the principles of movement in space , etc. I think that the pilot will be able to tell a little bit about
all of this , and even more will not be able to tell the pilot of an alien spacecraft is about everything related to
the capacity and capabilities of hierarchs of their civilization .
Can be a long time to argue about this, but ... for any thinking person very clear what it is, and thinking
this way people will not knock out prisoners pilots what they cannot be determined. The pilot of an alien
spaceship knows only how to control the spaceship and how to act in a particular situation that may arise during
and after the flight , and all!
The funny thing in all this is that even relatively recently, even after the shards of the moon Fatta fell
Midgard- earth from distant planets land flew people to reveal a new and hidden features to further climb the
evolutionary ladder ! Fly, including a Inguard - land,
NEXT Part 4:
#91244 The Arrival of the White Star – The Real Story
Posted by DAR on 14 May 2015 - 08:52 PM in Return of The Gods
The reason for the destruction of the previous Big Universes was the action of the
parasitic systems
Nicolai Levashov. The Mirror of My Soul. Vol. 1. Born in the USSR
pieces that I had, which allowed me to do the next step and etc., until I and Svetlana, for whom I did
the same, made it to the other side of the abyss.
And there, on the other side of the black abyss, where there was no matter, nothing at all—
either dead or alive—Space of unbelievable majestic beauty appeared again. It differed a little from
ours. We had entered into another “layered pie”. The laws of Universe were different, but, nevertheless,
it was a space in the direct sense of this word—with its stars and galaxies, universes and matrix
spaces. But the basis of this new “layered pie” were matters of another type, if comparing to ours,
nevertheless, it did not prevent “local” spaces from being wonderful and majestic.
There was a surprise waiting for us just as we got to the other side of the abyss in the form of an unusual
creature. He was a humanoid, but very unusual even according to our concepts. His body appeared to be
streamed with some unusual matter which according to our perception was silver.
His name was Ordan, but what he “said” shocked us. I would like to remind you that under “said” I include
telepathic transmission of information from brain to brain; so, Ordan “said”: “What took you so long?”
When we heard that question, we both were taken aback and our first reaction was that it was
some kind of misunderstanding. But it appeared that there was no misunderstanding at all and that
silver-mercury Ordan truly was waiting for us.
It appeared that our spirits, mine and Svetlana’s, originated here. A very long time ago my
spirit had gone voluntarily to the spaces from which we had just returned with an important mission.
The purpose of which was to find a key to solve the problem of the parasitic systems, which
had bred and spread everywhere and their action resulted in the Big Universe, which contained a
great number of “layered pies” formed out of matrix spaces, being destroyed... twice. Because of
the activity of these parasites, the “fabric” of the Big Universe became unstable twice and each time
it died, or more precisely, each configuration died.
Big Universe died in order to regenerate in a slightly different form. The mythical Phoenix
was reduced to ashes and from these ashes rose again: Big Universe also regenerated after death,
but in another form and all civilizations that existed there disappeared without trace. And everything
began again.
The reason for the destruction of the previous Big Universes was the action of the parasitic
systems, which, being unable to evolve any further, captured light hierarchs and parasitized on them
and their hierarchies. As a result of which they used the abilities which they stole and often did not
understand their nature. Sooner or later, a moment came, when their actions resulted in the instability
of the whole space, and Big Universe died in order to regenerate again, but in another form.
The parasitic systems always played the role of “cancerous tumour” which sooner or late
“killed” its carrier—be it the human organism or the whole Universe. We heard this from Ordan
and a lot of other things too. He told us that in order to try to solve this problem somehow or at least
“grope” for a solution I was sent to those spaces from which we just came. It turned out that during
this search my spirit arrived at our good old Earth. Svetlana’s spirit voluntarily followed me and
eventually we found each other.
When we recovered a little from the shock caused by Ordan’s words, we continued our journey.
On crossing the black abyss, we had acquired new qualities and properties and as a result of
this we got into fundamentally new spaces, where I gladly began to create new bodies for my own
and Svetlana’s spirit because without them it would be impossible to move further. I created new
structures of brain, new qualities and properties. Ordan gave us a lot from his “arsenal” thus, making
my work very much easier. One way or another, when Svetlana and I crossed the black abyss,
we underwent our next qualitative transformation.
Ordan told us a lot about ourselves. It appeared that my spirit voluntarily crossed this black
abyss which resulted in a lot of its bodies and structures, which I had already evolved, burning out
during the transition. The purpose of this transition was to try to find the solution to the problem of
the parasitic systems in another “layered pie”. It had to be the final solution, not a temporary one,
when legions of the parasitic systems were smashed in one or another battle; when Light Forces
could only repulse their next attempts to enlarge the space domains they had already enslaved.
The maximal result which Light Forces could achieve was the creation of isolated areas (quarantines) in
Universe. Those spaces-universes which “caught” the “virus” of the parasitic system were simply isolated from
the rest of Space by the creation of black abysses, through one of which I and Svetlana just passed.
The methods used by the Light Forces only allowed the isolation of “infected” spaces from
“healthy” ones and regretful observation through these spatial qualitative barriers, (which the parasitic
forces could not break through), of how the parasites which failed to be contained in the quarantine
area, devoured, both directly and figuratively, civilizations and hierarchies
All this is similar to amputation to stop the spread of gangrene, when a part is sacrificed in
order to save the whole. However, the “whole” became smaller and smaller with every “amputation”,
because the parasitic systems appeared independently of each other in different places.
This method only delayed the agony, because every “amputation” brought the parasitic system
ever nearer to the “heart” of Light spaces, and sooner or later it would result in Big Space dying
from the “cancerous tumour” of parasitism just the same.
That was why I went to one of the quarantined areas, to find a fundamentally new solution to
the problem and in the end appeared on Midgard-earth which had already been taken by parasites. It
happened that exactly on this little planet on the outskirts of the galaxy, (while having the memory
blocked!) I succeeded in finding the final solution to the problem of parasitism.
to be continued .. NEXT Part 2
#91263 Blast From the Past - The Chani Project
Posted by DAR on 15 May 2015 - 09:40 AM in General Discussion
NASA To Announce Kepler Discovery At Media Briefing
Started By Arc, Sep 15 2011 12:20 PM
Started By breezy, Sep 15 2011 05:26 PM
Arctic Sea Ice Extent Hits Second Lowest on Record
Started By breezy, Sep 15 2011 05:41 PM
hitler was a Rothschild
Started By Anto, Sep 15 2011 06:05 PM
Posted 16 September 2011 - 01:44 AM
To understand why did Hitler prosecute the Jews, you have to know what did he (or his men) discovered about
the history of humankind.The prosecution has nothing to do with Rotschild.
In fact, in the '30s Hitler had an agreement with the zionists to let the jews settle in Palestine with all their
wealth. It was the Transfer agreement aka The Ha'avera Agreement. For about a decade, jews could take their
families, their money and all that they wanted and move to Palestine were they started a new life and the
foundation for the Israel state. Germany gained no money from this, it even get the thing worse in financial
terms, but they get rid from a major part of the jew population from there. This type of agreement was signed by
other states in Europe at that time, too.
After expeditions in Tibet and other parts of the world, the nazi think tank Ahnenerbe discovered that germans
had their origins in Hyperboreea and jews are descendents of Annunakies. I don't understand well if there was a
conflict between those two racies in ancient times, but the nazies made their goal in trying to destroy the
annunakies descendants (jews) and put the arian race (germans) in control of the world.
There are very much things to discuss about this, because we'll have to discuss about the german symbols,
myths, hollow earth, etc.
What I'm saying is that what we know from history book are distorted facts about WW2. For germans it was
more about restoring an ancestry control of the world, for khazars it was about to gain a financial control of the
Computer predicted Arab Spring when presidential advisers failed
Started By breezy, Sep 15 2011 06:16 PM
Uh-oh: Scientists say film 'Contagion' is for real
Started By Czar, Sep 15 2011 06:55 PM
All the Gold We've Mined Came From Space, New Study Says
Started By breezy, Sep 15 2011 06:57 PM
Stange thing happend in sweden today
Started By Anden, Sep 15 2011 08:12 PM
UFO and Meteor sightings all week?
Started By Shining, Sep 15 2011 08:39 PM
#91265 The Arrival of the White Star – The Real Story
Posted by DAR on 15 May 2015 - 10:12 AM in Return of The Gods
The reason for the destruction of the previous Big Universes was the action of the
parasitic systems
Part 2
Nicolai Levashov. TheMirrorof MySoul. Vol. 1. Born in the USSR
Certainly, I was lucky that, having my memory completely shut down, or most likely, precisely owing to this
fact, I succeeded in finding a fundamentally new solution to this problem. One way or another, as a result of all
this I appeared on Midgard-earth in the body which I have now.
Svetlana’s spirit had been always with me during billions of years till the moment when I voluntarily
crossed the black abyss. I went without warning her for one reason—I did not want to put her in very serious
danger, where she may die, in the process of my searching for the solution. When Svetlana
knew what I had done, she rushed after me, independently crossing the black abyss and appeared
on Midgard-earth, following my tracks.
In fact, in order to be incarnated in the physical body a spirit first gets into one or another planetary level, where
it waits for conception. When a qualitative splash harmonious with the level of the spirit occurs, it is incarnated
and starts to evolve in the genes, which correspond to the unfolding of its abilities.
Sometimes, in order to accelerate the confluence of necessary qualities of genetics; spirits or their “nursemaids”
influence the fate of one or more people in order that their lines of life intersect and the desired embodiment of
a spirit becomes possible. In our case, mine and Svetlana’s, it was arranged so that the fates of our parents
intersected and my appearance and Svetlana’s became possible.
Not only were the fates of our parents influenced, but they also were prepared in order for our birth to happen.
The dark side, which also knew about our spirits, did everything they could to impede it, right up attempted
murder before our birth.
One way or another, I and Svetlana appeared on Midgard-earth and for a pretty long time did not even know
why we appeared together on this planet. Each lived their own life, but fate led us to the moment, when our
ways intersected at one point, which in itself is a miracle, taking into account all the circumstances and
conditions in which we appeared after our spirits had incarnated.
Our life paths intersected at one point and since then we have not separated, although sometimes we have to live
separately from each other for quite a long time and very often it does not depend on our wishes. Our enemies
do everything possible and impossible to prevent us from being together. Although they sometimes succeed in
separating us physically, our spiritual unity does not weaken but only becomes stronger because of this.
According to their concepts, physical separation must lead to spiritual breakup too: they counted on that without
understanding the simple truth— when there is cognation and unity of souls, no distances and tests can frighten
those, who have it.
The servants of Dark Forces and the slaves of the physical bodies are unable to understand that there is
something higher than physiology and if a person reaches the phase of man (man controls his instincts), his
concept of love goes to a level unattainable at the phase of a reasonable animal; a level of such emotions and
values which are totally unimaginable for those, who can not reach the level of man.
They thought that they would be able to get what they wanted—by destroying our union, creating
problems for us, separating us by circumstances which they created, but as a result of all their
efforts our feelings toward each other did not become weaker, on the contrary, they became much
stronger in spite of the difficulties we were forced to overcome. Trying to obtain one thing, they got
the opposite; and that was because of the way they projected their own concepts onto that, about
which they did not have the least idea.
Generally speaking, the servants of Dark Forces are able to think only in terms of their own categories and do
not imagine that someone else can feel and perceive the surrounding world differently, that there are other
values, about which they know and understand nothing, except those to which they are accustomed. But their
lack of understanding (or estimation of everything from their own parochial view) does not mean that someone
else is unable to have other principles and values. And they did it all for nothing—their meanness only
tempered and consolidated that which they so foolishly tried to destroy. Despite the fact that their actions
brought us both heartache, sufferings and powerful inner tension which required us to strain all our spiritual
forces, this strain did not destroy us, but only made us stronger. Our enemies found this incomprehensible
All this will happen in the future, but the summer of 1991 was only the beginning of our joint opposition to the
parasites. We could not even imagine a lot of things which waited for us in the future, but I would choose the
same road without any hesitation, despite all the adversities I came across on it. I would wish only one thing, if I
had another chance to go the same way—the possibility of preventing the deaths of my friends. If it were
possible to turn everything back, I would do exactly this—I would prevent their deaths, in order that they could
continue their way alongside us, to feel that friendly shoulder.
But war is war and, unfortunately, it is impossible to do it without victims. This is the harsh reality and we
always had to close ranks and continue to fight against parasites. Although the parasites always had an
overwhelming numerical superiority, no one ever thought to surrender, on the contrary, everyone continued to
act with double the force.
Neither death, nor ordeals could stop this small army of real knights who battled and died not for the sake of
their own benefit, but in order to release from parasitic slavery all those, who knew nothing about this invisible
war which never stopped. They battled and perished for those, who were unable to appreciate their feats. They
did not battle for the sake of reward and gratitude, but because their souls needed it, because they simply could
not act otherwise, even if those, whom they protected and tried to rescue, considered them cranks and otherworldly, because almost every protected person would gladly accept those comforts which these knights of
spirit had renounced.
Regrettably, such is the reality. Most people are unable to reach the phase of man, because the parasitic system
does everything possible and impossible to ensure that the masses are never able to overcome the phase of the
reasonable animal (when instincts control a person) because only then can they exert control over these
But those who, nevertheless, were able to break through the evolutional barrier created by social parasites,
began to fight against this parasitic system in order that other people could wake up and become free in the
complete sense of the word.
One way or another, without aspiring to any war, I and Svetlana appeared in the “heart” of this war both in
Space and on Midgard-earth, where we had to battle with parasites, which, as it turned out later, formed the
united parasitic system at all levels, both planetary and Universal. The social parasites of different ranks and
levels created a black “web” in the Universe, in which both single civilizations and whole hierarchies of
civilizations were caught. One of the reasons for this parasitic system invincibility was the fact that in order to
destroy this system on a single planet, where the parasitic system penetrated, though with a relatively small
“tentacle”, it was necessary to destroy the whole “hydra” at all levels!
Only then was it possible to free this single planet and the whole of Space from this abomination. Destroying
the whole was essential in the fight against the parasitic systems. The fight of one civilization or a group of
civilizations was always doomed. Even if some civilization succeeded in getting rid of their local social
parasites, the external parasites either enslaved the rebellious planet again or simply destroyed it, when the
aborigines showed serious resistance, or the strategic significance of the planet was minor and was not worth
the time needed for its second enslavement.
Only war with all parasitic systems on a single planet, waged simultaneously with war against
all parasitic systems in Big Space had a chance of winning in this truly Universal contest. The
problem was also that so few understood this and could detect the external tentacles of the
parasitic system, which reached many planets.
The fact that almost no one was able to detect these “TENTACLES” was due to a special trick by the parasites.
They were created from the matter of the last universe which had died before the Universe, which exists now,
appeared. When the parasites accidentally came across this piece of the previous Universe preserved by some
incredible chance, they understood that they had found a “Klondike” which they could only have dreamed
From this time of this discovery the Universal parasites began to devour one hierarchy of light civilizations after
other with enormous speed, exactly after the usage of this “Trojan horse”, the Light Forces decided to isolate
the infected spaces by the black abyss which parasites could not cross even having matter from the previous
It does not mean that in spaces of Universe separated from the “infected” ones by the black precipice there were
no parasites. There were, but these parasites did not have the “absolute weapon” which their “colleagues” were
lucky enough to find. Only when I and Svetlana succeeded in finding the source of this parasitic “absolute
weapon”, could I discover the method of the final full-scale solution to the parasite problem.
But this will happen when many years of the ceaseless war with parasites have gone by. In July, 1991 the first
stage of this Universal war started. Neither I, nor Svetlana were able even to imagine what we would find in the
nearest future. It was impossible to imagine how the events happening on our little planet on the outskirts of
galaxy would get mixed up with those in Big Space. A lot of interesting and unusual events would be waiting
for us ahead…
Next Part 3..
#91269 CHAOS pure and simple- ISIS, Ukraine, Russia, Iraq, Africa, Asia
Posted by DAR on 15 May 2015 - 11:45 AM in GEOPOLITICS
Very urgent message!
May 09, 2015
Urgent message! In warehouses in the city of Radom were completely equipped, and received arms of the
Russian production of the latest models intended for the Russian forces of SPN, young people — the Russian
citizens, allegedly, the military personnel - "holiday-makers".
In any case, existence of the Russian military identification papers was one of selection criteria.
Young people passed instructing at which was explained by it that they, as volunteers, go to Ukraine for
performance of a special task of the Government of the Russian Federation.
At the moment in the Polish city of Zamosc, 110 km to the northwest of Lviv, are concentrated 1800 of these
people with full equipment and arms. They were given already out a unit of fire.
On the JUSTICE site. Is NOT PRESENT data arrived that the given-out weapon and equipment skupatsya
intensively recently at the Russian firms by agents of Vangard / CIA.
About that prepares in. Zamosc
In the material "Urgent Message" I stated the facts received by me.
There are questions. If Vangard / CIA were required Russian-speaking fighters, why was to insist on existence
at them the valid Russian military documents?
For what was to hide, what clients — Americans?
Now some assumptions.
We will assume that the deceived young people will be, say, tomorrow, on May 9, are thrown to Ukraine to the
district where they, or by someone to another, will commit massacre of peace citizens.
We will assume that AFU and the American ChVK in Ukraine will be alarmed, and the group will be
At the dead the Russian documents will be found. Prisoners will give evidences that participated in the special
operation authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.
Hundreds of "the Russian war criminals" and "criminals against humanity" will appear in front of cameras of all
world agencies.
Something similar should be expected. No, not when Petro Poroshenko went to Poland.
Already when John Tefft declared: "We don't seek to do much harm Russia, to cause it a loss. We are aimed at
comprehensive partnership with Russia".
Henry Kissinger spoke: "To be at enmity with the USA — it is dangerous, but to be on friendly terms with the
USA — it is deadly". It is curious how on this scale to estimate "comprehensive partnership"?
Yes, and what with recruiters? They aren't Americans.
Tatyana Volkova
From edition
The assumption seems to us more reasonable that Zionist mafia prepares provocation not in Ukraine, and in
Poland. After all Poland - the member of NATO and if Russia attacks" Poland, it is possible quickly and
without special efforts to untie the Third World...
By the way, it will be already World War II untied by Poland. World War II was launched by Poland the attack
on Germany. Proofs see in the article "As Poland Attacked Germany in the 39th".
#91277 Area 51 – A Tale or Truth?
Posted by DAR on 16 May 2015 - 11:36 AM in Return of The Gods
Software Translation from Russian:
Part 4
The funny thing in all this is that even relatively recently, even after the shards of the moon Fatta fell
Midgard- earth from distant planets land flew people to reveal a new and hidden features to further climb the
evolutionary ladder ! Fly, including a Inguard - land, which revolves around the Sun in Dazhdbog Chetroge
Race ( the modern name of the star - Beta Leo ) - one of the major planets of land , which took place
colonization of our land of Midgard , the White Race . In the " Slavic- Aryan Vedas " is the story of Ladaade
born in the Ingard - earth that arrived at our Midgard- earth to continue its development and reach the highest
level of development:
And at the appointed hour Ladaad tasted
the eight ways that lie between the stars ,
as it flows over time fleeting ...
Dimensional way connected Inguard and Midgard ,
worlds of golden suns in one arm .
In order to pass this way to visit
On the set of Lands near bright stars .
Midgard soul called dance of dreams,
for he gathered the wisdom of many stars ,
which is stored obzhivshie that world .
In the world of the distant , close to the line
There is a Source of Life in the Holy Land
It nourishes the soul living on the Midgard .
........................................................ 1
This passage follows directly that our Midgard - earth are the final stage of development, after searching
all the other stages will be held on other planets , lands , and without undergoing the final phase in the Midgardearth CAN NOT go (even the representatives of the ancient , ancestral civilizations advanced civilizations ) to a
higher level of development - the level of Creation !
As soon as the path led them to the place
Darislav disappeared among the trees of the sacred
a guest left in Krynica cherished .
Ladaad drank from the Fountain of Life
and the forces opened it unexplored ,
Light Ones koi Gods bestow FROM THE BEGINNING ...
" ... From the beginning to bestow ... " - these words very clearly said that the life of the new source does not
give anyone , so that the hope of the Dark Forces of the fact that , having got to the Source of Life, they will get
new superpowers , utter confusion on their part ! But ... Dark Forces , social parasites , everything is measured
by its " bell " , believing that if the Source of Life opens up someone's superpowers , then why not the Source of
Life to open those same superpowers and him? They do not even realize that these same superpowers are the
result of the development on the bright path for many millions and sometimes billions of many years , fixed in
the genetics of the media ! And even if the Dark and will attract the support of such genetics, it does not mean
that such a shifter can implement in full force this potential inherent in the genes .
To open such a possibility , one must have some way of development, evolutionary pull himself to this
level , then, and only then , can open the dormant superpowers . And then , and then only when the quality
barrier between the sleeping possibilities and achievements will be as insignificant as a thin sheet of paper! And
if people do not raise themselves to the level needed in a particular life, even if he has a sleeping super abilities
at the level of genetics, nothing happens, no qualitative barriers do not disappear!
And to achieve the disappearance of high-quality barrier can only be walking on the Shining Path ! And
the proof that this is so , again, can be found in the text of the Slavic- Aryan Vedas :
As Source of Life , gives all power
people , gods and various plants ,
It is revealed in the nature of each ,
what gifts he gives life ...
In Gods he reveals the hidden forces
empowers people according to their thoughts ...
As is evident from this passage , the Source of Life only reveals , but does not award anything new !
Everything is clear and understandable, but Brown can not just think and the more clearly! In order for a
person to reveal the hidden force, it is necessary that a person these hidden forces were already laid at
the level of genetics and genetics embodied the essence of the appropriate level of development. Without a high
level entity in the relevant genetics can not be out of the question that occurred to any disclosure of super
abilities at the level of creation at all!
And even if genetics with strong potential embodied the essence of a highly appropriate level ,
but it (the entity ) can not pass the phase of rational animal , then such an entity will NEVER be
able to reach their potential and the potential of genetics, even if they fall within the limits of
the Source of Life .
I came across this quite by accident in 1991 during his performances in the city of Arkhangelsk. On one of my
speeches , after my massive session with the audience, among those who received excessive load from my work
, was a young woman . When I brought her back to consciousness , and was ready to go to the next person in
need of my help , she again fell into a coma. I gave it back to normal again, but again, as soon as I walked away
from her for a couple of steps , she immediately turned off . Only after the third time I had to do it more
thoroughly. Its essence telepathically told me that she was nordinately grateful to me for what I let her out of
"this blunt body "! When I understood the reason for this state of a young woman , I gave it back to the essence
of her own body and told her that she should work on his body and bring it to an appropriate level , and that it is
her destiny or fate ? After that, I introduced this entity back to the body and do not give her a chance to slip
again . It was only then that a young woman is no longer fell into a coma . And I hope that the essence was able
to turn around in this physical body and fulfill his destiny .
As can be seen from this example , even if the genetics , which carries the superpowers , embodied the
essence of the appropriate level , it does not mean that these opportunities will unfold ! Superpowers ,
inherent in man at the level of genetics, will reveal if and only if embodied in the genetics of this entity will be
able to develop the appropriate level to a level at which disappears or thins quality barrier between genetics and
substance . So if a man and laid on a genetic level superpowers, it does not mean that the person is already
doomed to possess these abilities.
In order for that to happen , a person has to go on the path of development , and on the bright path of
development and evolution to develop its identity to a level that is embedded at the level of genetics.
Qualitative barrier between genetics and substance occurs after completion of the essence in this
genetics. The essence of accumulating itself a new physical body from a single cell , and in utero passes
all the evolutionary stages to the point where she can fit in with the essence of the emerging biomass
with human genetics (for details see " Last call to humanity ", Chapter 6).
And such an agreement is possible at the lowest level of the essence , as the process of developing a
symbiotic nature of extinct animals can develop a biomass with human genetics ONLY to their level , but
no higher. That is why after the birth of a man begins his career with the animal phase , and after the
successful completion thereof, continues to grow in the phase of rational animal , and if you are lucky,
having gone through this phase , reaches the level of the actual person , having given the chance to open a
superpowers , if any, laid down at the level of genetics, and gets a chance to go in its development at the level of
Creation !
Dark, because of the limitations of his understanding and thinking, no way can " enter ", even if they get
to the source of life, they will get from it , "... according to their thoughts ..." - and what "thought" in the
Dark , I think , to comment there is no need ! What 's for sure is the fact that nothing good they get , and "
transform " them to the Source of Life " frogs " - because they are on the level of development does not stand
above most of these frogs, regardless of whether they themselves about think . A torn Dark Forces to the Source
of Life, of course, in order to discover their superpowers , which they do not have , but in order to neutralize its
effect . Making the Source of Life is not inherent in the open men by Nature , but rather shut to those same
superpowers , so no one can open them and thus become their enemy out of reach ... But , as the saying goes , "
do not want to harm ... "!
In addition, not every representative of the Light Forces was permitted to the Source of Life, and not
everyone is allowed to him turned out to be asleep by God , who opens the hidden strength. You have to be
asleep God - bearer of the properties and qualities of creativity and take the right path of development to
The text of Conduct First of all flown with the Ingard - land, only Ladaad was admitted to the Source of Life.
And it was only after a thorough inspection of its readiness to do so , and his understanding.
All this implies a very important conclusion. The captured alien beings for the most part are just a pilot , JUST
researchers who travel to different planets of the Earth, according to the received instructions and more! They
do not have superhuman abilities and a great point ! Of course, they are pilots , for example, space ships which
have no analogue in the Midgard- earth and, of course , know how to manage them, but they do not know how
to create them . Another point on which I would like to draw attention once again . Ladaad with his associates
arrived with Ingard - land on Midgard- earth on a small ognevidnoy Vaitmar – a spaceship capable of
overcoming the distance between galaxies ( worlds ) in a very short time. But , despite this technical advantage
of this civilization at the time of arrival at the Midgard- earth Ladaad arrived exactly on Midgard , to reach a
higher level of development - the level of creation. So it's not in spaceships , they have perfected what might be,
and that's not the pilots controlling these ships ...
All this is well and good , but ... it's nothing compared with the possibilities when a person develops properly
and goes on level of creation ! Indeed, precisely because they are able, God Tarkh - Dazhdbog , was able to
destroy a flotilla of warships of the Dark Forces , together with the Moon Cherish , ready to attack, disrupting
the plans of the Dark to capture the Midgard- earth back then ! But God acted Tarkh power of their thought ,
and not sent to the moon Lelia military spaceships and did not drop her fascist Destroyer (atomic and nuclear
bombs ) .
In the Dark Forces of such capabilities is not, and can not be! And the proof of this is the description of
the Slavic- Aryan Vedas planets land that has been destroyed by them :
4 . (132). Now Troara desert without life ...
The multi-faceted circle torn apart ,
Needles inflicted on many mountains ...
And the ashes of fires lies in seven fathoms ...
The same way , sad , dull
I saw in Arkolne on Rutte - earth
before that shone in the bright Mokos
6. (134). SFA demolition vaporized river
the sea and the sky filled with dark clouds ,
through impenetrable stench ,
the light beam does not pass ...
Life ... and do not return to that world will never ...
It's happened to a lot of land
Visited by the enemies of the Dark World with ...
This text is very clear that the Dark Forces in Star Wars used ONLY EQUIPMENT FAILURE ! Dark destroyed
planet earth in the past, throwing them fashi demolition - atomic and thermonuclear bombs ! Then it becomes
clear their insistence on Midgard- earth. Dark Forces to know that on Midgard- earth might escape on a
fundamentally different level , we decided to get these superpowers for themselves , thinking that if they take
over Midgard , and then have access to these same superpowers ! Dark, distorted their brains can not understand
one simple thing - to want something and get what you want - two big differences. Similarly, their thinking is
evident in the way they emphasized and emphasized the fact that they belong to the " elite" .
Earlier in the Midgard- earth elite consisted of people who have reached high levels of development .
Around their heads appeared stunning in its beauty structures that could see many in the form of a glow . Brown
also created from natural crystals like a crown and placed it on his head, thought that they thereby affirm their
membership in the "elite" . The logic at the kindergarten level . No matter how beautiful were the crown, they
are nothing but jewelry and nothing more. Crown - just a pathetic imitation ! Crown can put on the head of any
person , capturing her in battle and killing
#91289 ROUEN RUSSIAN NEWS AGENCY Alternate News from Russia
Posted by DAR on 17 May 2015 - 08:45 AM in General Discussion
Alternate News from Russia
Link 1здоровье/
Link 2
The team of our Agency uses very serious efforts to find, analyse and inform to the reader fresh, objective,
actual and useful information. And, of course, we try to make everything that our efforts not "went to sand" that
our information became available and brought benefit to as much as possible wide range of reasonable people.
Therefore we make certain efforts for promoting of results of our work. After all, than more people will start
learning accurate information, that quicker they will start thinking, analyzing, finding disagreements with
democratic promotion, to ask questions and to look for on them answers, i.e. that quicker these people will start
evolving and coming back to the level of "homo sapiens". And when rusa will be able to escape from a parasitic
information stranglehold, to us no enemies will be terrible: neither democrats, nor liberals, neither Zionists, nor
other perverts. Therefore we very much ask those our readers who already understood a situation in which we
live, to give us feasible information help in distribution of results of our work. For this purpose we developed
some simple opportunities:
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Here you see the list of sections which contain lists of the held Conferences. Actually is a Thematic catalog of
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#91290 ROUEN RUSSIAN NEWS AGENCY Alternate News from Russia
Posted by DAR on 17 May 2015 - 08:51 AM in General Discussion
Alternate News from Russiaоём-процессоре/
Section 6. Real science
The Russian "Elbrus" – only the beginning
Andrey Bortsov, on May 17, 2015
Viewings: 2543
Printable version
In Russia started releasing the computers on the
Emergence of the Elbrus-4С processor of the Russian development is a big event in domestic electronic
industry. Despite habitual moaning of semiliterate liberals, this really very important event for us...
Conquest by "Elbrus": processor in Russian
The author – Andrey Bortsov
On the Internet news that the first desktop computer with the Russian Elbrus-4С processor is released dispersed
– and rushed: "You can play a solitaire, without closing a notebook, for only 200000 rubles, hehe, and already
there are computers of the size of a charm less than for hundred dollars, he-he …"
For reading such news it is necessary to hold constantly in the head two postulates: first, the vast majority of
journalists of concept has no about about what writes; secondly, the modern format of giving of news is "A-a-a,
what nightmare!". Without saying that the majority of mass media are in a varying degree liberal, and are
always ready to try охаять Russia.
Well, let's deal with the facts, without rushing neither in liberalism, nor in hurrah - patriotism. What thus
unostentatiously "is so forgotten"?
First, it is pilot production. Piece, almost intended for final testing. With industrial wholesale to compare the
cost of manual/laboratory production in principle it is inadmissible: "on May 5 mass media reported that the
Russian MTsST company declared the beginning of sales of the first personal computers "Automated
Workplace Elbrus-401" and the Elbrus-4.4 servers on the basis of the Russian Elbrus-4С processor … so far
only the personal computer "Automated Workplace Elbrus-401" is available to the order. The Elbrus-4.4 server
will appear in the summer of 2015. "The automated workplace Elbrus-401" from the first test party will manage
to customers at the price about 200 thousand rubles. However by the end of the year, when the device is planned
to start in a mass production, its cost "will significantly decrease" …"
Secondly, most of journalists and readers moderately of the underdevelopment consider the machine gun that
the computer is estimated how pulls graphics of the last games, speaking in images. But we read: "Elbrus-401 is
developed on the basis of the Elbrus-4С microprocessor and intended for the equipment of the automated
workplaces (AW) of operators, the organization of microservers and information terminals, application in
industrial automation and in systems with increased requirements to information security". It is not the home
computer, but industrial. Absolutely other requirements! To Poguglita the prices of industrial computers and
their characteristics, be surprised if earlier weren't in a subject. Three parameters are important for them:
reliability, reliability and once again reliability, and on its altar are quietly sacrificed gigahertzes, gigabytes,
bows sideways and modern sockets. Thus work in real time, as a rule, is required – that significantly differs
from "simply fast work". Even that "trifle" that our processor doesn't demand special cooling – is important.
Paid attention, what sales are declared only for legal entities? Such computer isn't necessary to the ordinary user
– in fact, this test iron for industrial programmers, "the same iron" on a table is simple where it is more
convenient, than already built in in the industrial device. Over time "Elbrus" (more precisely, his descendants)
will begin to work on all strategically important places where use of import accessories is simply dangerous for
safety reasons.
Thirdly, rukopozhatny journalists executed the choral ode "Howl across Babayan": a pier, it created "Elbrus",
and in "this country" it didn't estimate, and he emigrated to Intel with all the superingenious practices. I won't
retell all legends on this subject here, simply study old article of "F-center" about this, it is possible to tell
honestly, swindle. Speaking by the own words, I took place the grandiose drank, withdrawal in Intel of team of
developers and intended work against reputation of Russia in the field of development of processors, thus
"Elbrus" Babayana and about what we speak today – simply "namesakes". Thus in MTsST worked not only
Babayan, and this "not only Babayan" now and I reached level of production and practical application.
Fourthly, productivity. Besides, if the reader somehow was interested in productivity subject, has to remember
how Intel and AMD competed who what test wins – including writing new which used new features of models,
but still long time not used by software developers. And here – essentially various architecture, and it is simply
incorrect to compare productivity "in a forehead". Here short video on a subject with explanations:
#91291 ROUEN RUSSIAN NEWS AGENCY Alternate News from Russia
Posted by DAR on 17 May 2015 - 08:58 AM in General Discussion
Alternate News from Russia ROUEN
RUSSIAN NEWS AGENCYва-риббентропа/
News line. Fast news
The Jewish Junta in a panic: "Merkel and Putin signed
the new pact "Molotova-Ribbentropa!"
May 11, 2015
Patriots of Ukraine start beginning to see clearly concerning the European support. Refusal of a visa-free regime
and unambiguous statements of the EU that to Ukraine not a place in the European bosom and in NATO
became a cold shower for them. And now they are disturbed strongly by contacts of the chancellor Merkel
and the president Putin. The Frauen Merkel and Vladimir Vladimirovich meet more often, the svidomy are
stronger guess that "it жжжжж with an ulterior motive".
The fighting PR expert Lyashko already connected that the Minsk negotiations will lead to an autonomy of
Donbass, and not to reunion of uniform complete unitary Ukraine at all.
Minsk Agreement on peaceful settlement of the conflict on Donbass contradicts national interests of Ukraine.
The leader of Radical party declared it on air of TV channel "112 Ukraine". "Both 70 years ago, and today
current leaders of great powers – Germany, France – agree with Putin. It seems to them that they stop war in
Europe at the expense of Ukraine, concessions from Ukraine", – Lyashko emphasized. According to the
people's deputy, only those people who don't know history of Ukraine can support granting an autonomy to
It gave the Crimea which had the status of an autonomy as an example. "Ukraine already gave to the Crimea an
autonomy, and than it ended, we saw. Therefore there can be no autonomy, there can be in Europe no world at
the expense of the section of Ukraine", – the fighting PR expert declared.
According to Lyashko, the Minsk Agreement quite often compares to the Munich contract of 1938, however he
sees in them characteristics of other document. "I would tell more precisely. These agreements actually – the
new Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. In Minsk registered protocols which provide the autonomy for Donbass imposed
from the outside the constitution, the territorial device, language and so on".
He also noted that the Minsk Agreement suggests to establish a line of demarcation, artificial and unacceptable
for Ukraine, instead of official border. "Anybody has today no right to draw to us our borders and to define
where they have to pass … We insist that it is necessary to return to our old borders, as of 1991", – summarized
Generally, patriots sound alarm. They too late noticed that friendly Europe instead of free visas and the
gratuitous weapon supported the scenario of federalization of Ukraine, but not the "uniform country".
I will remind that following the results of negotiations in Moscow on May 10 the federal chancellor of Germany
Angela Merkel and Vladimir Putin supported unconditional implementation of the Minsk Agreement by all
parties of the conflict.
#91311 Tools for the Light Workers
Posted by DAR on 18 May 2015 - 09:53 AM in Return of The Gods
see attached below: Astral parasites operate people.pdf
I do hold in high regard the Levashov writings:
It is important to maintain protection of your PSI-FIELD .. see posting here
#59369 Tools for the Light Workers
Posted by DAR on 22 October 2013 - 12:57 PM in Return of The Gods
Original Post to:
By Nicolai Levashov
Practical work with your own psi-field We all have a psi-field around each of us. Certainly psi-fields of
different people differ in structure, density and force. However, there are some general elements and features.
At first everyone should learn how to create and control his or her protective field. For this purpose everyone
should cultivate his or her ability to create the protective field at the level of sub-consciousness. This can be
done the following way. You should concentrate on the thought, "I create a protective shell around me out of
my own energy. It shields me from all negative energy. No negative energy can penetrate my shell." Repeat the
statement every free moment possible, until your brain develops a conditioned reflex for protection.
I instead do focused intent using music to energize thought forms.
#66248 Tools for the Light Workers
Posted by DAR on 28 January 2014 - 03:37 PM in Return of The Gods
Some words about meditation
{PDF attachment: The Mirror of My Soul Vol. 2. America the Real Thing}
By Nicolai Levashov
I would say that my first school-seminar in San Francisco appeared to be successful: I made many of my
listeners hear, see and experience, to put it mildly, some unusual things. As I wrote before, for one or another
reason, a good few of my listeners did not pay for the school despite the fact that I did not just give lectures, but
raised their level of evolutional development too. These are not mere words as some sceptics or people who
have gone through “spiritual” schools, that promised to raise their evolutional potential, may say. It is highly
likely that one or another “guru”offered them different techniques of meditation to reach enlightenment and
spiritual development. I have touched on meditation several times in this book: nevertheless, Ianalyzed yet.
When a person does any type of meditation, he or she opens up and the question is: to what?
Usually different “spiritual” teachers talk about streams of some space “energy”or Earth’s “vital force” or about
the two things together. Well, frankly speaking, those “gurus” have a very vague idea about “space” or any
other “energies” despite their very confident words. The point is that energy is only a property of matter and
cannot exist without the latter, like the speed of a car cannot exist without the car. Speed can be high or low,
depending on the engine power, but it does not exist on its own, independent of the car. It is only a unit,
accepted to measure the motion of a car in the space it occupies. The same can be said of energy. It is also a
speed, but the speed of the matter’s qualitative change. Coming back to meditation…
Posted 01 April 2015 - 09:28 PM
Nicolai Levashov The Mirror of My Soul Vol. 2. America the Real Thing {page 22}
George’s abilities came in handy very soon; it happened the next day. Marsha’s sister, Jenes, came to the
healing session and, as usual, he translated from English .
This woman was simply "crazy" about meditations and all this kind of stuff. At the same time, she was totally
exhausted, which the colour of her face eloquently indicated: it was ash-grey. When I began to work with her
and found out that she practiced meditation, I immediately recommended her to stop it; otherwise the
consequences could be very grave! On hearing this advice, she looked at me in surprise and her look said
everything: "Who are you and why I should listen to you when all the Great teachers say and recommend the
contrary!" Certainly, she did not say, but just thought it, however for me it was all the same. She was enough of
an educated person not to say it aloud, but she could not shut her thoughts down and her goggle-eyed expression
fully gave her away. Therefore, seeing her reaction to my words, I said the following: "I think that you do not
believe me, despite my explanations and this is quite understandable. Do you trust your sister’s husband!?"
Jenes answered affirmatively and then I asked George to describe everything that he could see during her
meditation. Everyone agreed to this suggestion and Marsha’s sister began the meditation, simultaneously
commenting what she was feeling.
It was clear even from the outset that she entered into the trance state and her face expressed the highest degree
of bliss. When the meditation was "in full swing" the woman reported that she felt an extraordinarily powerful
stream of energy piercing her in the area of her left shoulder and breast. The degree of her "bliss" increased
more after it and it was difficult to understand where she was at this moment, but obviously not where she
should be. What can be more convincing for a person than this kind of "own experience!?"
How is it possible to convince a person with good sensitivity to the contrary? Will they listen, having had this
kind of personal experience!? It is highly unlikely, but one has to act despite this, if there is a desire to help.
Therefore, in the moment of the climax of euphoria, I asked George to describe what he saw at that moment. To
the great surprise of the meditating person, George described the following: "I see a creature looking like a
dinosaur behind Jenes, the front part of its face is stretched into something like a "trunk" which is stuck to the
left shoulder and I see that vital force is flowing to this creature through the “trunk”". It is of interest here that
vital force was flowing from the woman to the astral creature (the spirit of an extinct animal), not vice versa!
During this classic action of energy vampirism, the woman was in blissful "seventh heaven!" Is not this a
strange situation: a person gets "unspeakable" pleasure and loses her vital force?! It looks strange only on the
face of it and if one thinks a little, everything falls into its place. An astral creature sends some of stolen vital
force back to a person, maximally exciting his or her centre of pleasure in the brain. This simplest of tricks
allows the astral parasite to take away the maximum human vital force and here is why:
1. On feeling strong emotions close to orgasm a person opens maximally, which allows the pumping out of the
maximum amount of vital force at a sitting.
2. Remembering those strong emotions during meditation, a person aims to feel them again and again, thus,
feeding astral parasites many times and, besides, volun- tarily. This kind of dependence is like a narcotic one
and fraught with similar consequences for a person. In both cases the illusion of pleasant sensations which a
person experiences pushes him to feel something of the like again and again. One could think that for the
creation of such "high" and "positive" emotions a lot of energy is required.
This is not so! What happens is that normally a person experiences positive emotions when his centre of
pleasure reacts to the actions he performs; in this case, the emotions are only a reaction to what is going on.
Astral parasites influence the brain’s pleasure centre directly, stimulating it with a portion of stolen vital force!
We should never forget that we spend some of our vital force on every emotion, independent of whether we
want to or not, even if the emotion is positive! I think that everybody has experienced powerful positive
emotions at least once in their life and a complete emptiness after them.
The world of living creatures is much richer than people would imagine due to the commonly accepted concept
that life is just the physical bodies of plants and animals (including man) and that is all! Many religions offer
eternal life after death to the good and just men and eternal hell to the sinners, but not a new life in another
body. Others, for example, Hinduism, speak about reincarnation, but describe it very wrongly. However, none
considers life as a many-sided and many-leveled phenomenon.
Physical body or physical plane, or physical level (call it whatever one wishes, but the essence will not change)
is just a foundation! It is a basis for life, for living matter and, besides, only at the initial levels of development.
The physical body of any living creature wears out for one or another reason and sooner or later is shed,
certainly, if nobody has already made a "dinner" of it. But a living creature is not just a physical body! The
latter is just a foundation on which life exists (for more details see: Anisotropic Universe, Chapter 4; Spirit and
Mind, Vol. 1 and 2, The Final Appeal to Mankind). Other material bodies (the second, third, fourth, etc), the
number of which depends on the level of development of a certain living creature, are "laid" on this foundation
(physical body) in the process of the development of living matter.
See additional links here:
This is my PDF archive for 2013 and 2014 complete for direct reference links:
Attached Files
Astral parasites operate people.pdf 214.72KB 57 downloads
#91312 Blast From the Past - The Chani Project
Posted by DAR on 18 May 2015 - 10:14 AM in General Discussion
Trio of space station crewmembers set for landing
Started By breezy, Sep 16 2011 12:57 AM
This Is the Highest Resolution Image Ever of a Killer Cell In Action
Started By breezy, Sep 16 2011 01:01 AM
Shake, rattle and … power up?
Started By breezy, Sep 16 2011 01:13 AM
NASA Detects Planet Dancing With a Pair of Stars
Started By breezy, Sep 16 2011 01:29 AM
Comet Elenin Scientific Evidence of mass 20 times greater than Earth
Started By Guest_Anomalie_* , Sep 16 2011 02:50 AM
Travel Brochure to a new planet....get ready for the ride of your life...
Started By phillipbbg, Sep 16 2011 10:51 AM
Leaving Earth for another Planet.
Started By Arc, Sep 16 2011 11:04 AM
Advanced Member
Posted 16 September 2011 - 04:55 PM
There's nothing wrong with this planet, perhaps we should just send all the world leaders and the controlling
families to another planet
no thanks
Started By stu aka mrmixed, Sep 16 2011 11:46 AM
The Tall White ETs and other stories by Ed Komarek - PDF book
Started By DAR, Sep 16 2011 12:27 PM
Advanced Member
Posted 21 September 2011 - 12:04 PM
Genome Sovereignty
Genome Security and Sovereignty
By Ed Komarek
Copy and Distribute Freely
My blog:
In my article titled, We Don’t Own the Earth, I pointed out the disturbing fact that we don’t own the earth.
http://exopolitics.b...-own-earth.html We are no more no less, than just the emerging indigenous stakeholder to
the earth already colonized by extraterrestrials occupying bases and small colonies under the oceans and deep
underground. As people become more aware of extraterrestrial realities they will become even more disturbed
by the fact that they don’t even own their own human genome. It’s becoming increasingly clear that
extraterrestrials have been exploiting and manipulating our genome since our very beginnings even
participating in our creation. Today we have learned how to create new species by mixing genomes and genetic
material and so we to can now play God as well. This link is really important about about growing human
organs in animals and even inserting human brain cells into animals. http://www.msnbc.msn..._and_stem_cells
We as a species have really got to be careful as we are able to manipulate matter, energy and information at
deeper and deeper levels because if we don’t get it right we could bring down our whole society in a blink of an
eye. Consciousness Drives The Universe I first became aware of this trans-species manipulation of genetic
information from stories by the medium Edgar Cayce on the down fall of Atlantis. Even Dr. Jack Sarfatti
recently speculated that stories of Atlantis could be precognition of humanities future. This also in Hopi
prophecy. Hopi prophecy 2012 Rare video part 3.avi
No matter if Atlantis happened in the distant past or is our future the future is now. These recent developments
in the ability to manipulate the genome of humans, plants and animals and even come up with creative
combinations are very disturbing indeed. http://www.msnbc.msn..._and_stem_cells On the other hand there are
great opportunities opening up in the field of Eugenics if we as a species can handle this properly.
An Internet friend of mine who has had contact with extraterrestrials since the 1950s while working in the arena
of global security told me not long ago that his main concern was not disclosure. I got to thinking about that
statement and about his knowledge of genetics and physics that is way over my head. Dollars to doughnuts, this
was the area he was working on with friendly ET groups and with some not so friendly Annunaki types as well.
This issue of genome sovereignty and Security has got to rank very high in the classified world even higher than
security issues related to control over the earth environment.
I am beginning to see more of these global security folks coming out into the public domain and who are trying
to create NGOs outside of the classified domain to deal with these issues of spatial and genome security of
humanity, the emerging indigenous human species on earth. The challenges are really daunting and seem almost
insurmountable, but we seem to be well on the way to meeting these challenges in the classified world, but far
behind in meeting them in the public domain. The insidious effects of the UFO/ET cover-up on humanities
evolutionary development and on the environment are mounting. Dr. Ted Loder of Disclosure Project
discussion pt 3 of 3
posted by edkomarek @ 2:48 AM
#91314 Tools for the Light Workers
Posted by DAR on 18 May 2015 - 12:07 PM in Return of The Gods
Studies with Nicolai Levashov
Richard A. Blasband, MD
Center for Functional Research
Sausalito, CA
I first consulted the healer and physicist, Nicolai Levashov, for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) in 1994.
This had been diagnosed by two medical homeopaths who were expert with a variation of the Voll
diagnostic device. They had each, independently, found inflammatory pathology in the same maIor organ
systems: the heart, lungs, liver, and prostate. Pathologic structural changes in the heart were
demonstrated by electrocardiogram.
Although I did not inform him of these findings, other than my fatigue, Nicolai made the same diagnoses
within 10 minutes during his initial examination. With the first healing session I knew that Nicolai
possessed remarkable abilities to move energy in my body: I experienced electricallike currents moving
through my body, followed by a "heavy" feeling as my organism took on the healing "load" that Nicolai
had placed upon it. Within six months, with sessions two to three times a week, I was healed of the
frequent, intermittent palpitations from which I had suffered for the previous three years. These changes
were confirmed by electrocardiography. Within 1 1/2 years I was healed of the maIor portion of the
other inflammatory changes and symptoms of CFS.
A few words about my professional background may help the reader to better understand
my subsequent relationship to Nicolai Levashov and the extraordinary capacities and
body of knowledge that he has given me (and many others). I am a Board certified
psychiatrist, classically trained at the Medical School of the University of Pennsylvania and
at the Department of Psychiatry of the Yale University School of Medicine, where I also
served on the faculty . Following my psychiatric training I studied orgonomic medicine
with Elsworth Baker, MD, who had been appointed by Wilhelm Reich to train physicians in
his medical discipline. My "day job" is the practice of this intense form of bioenergetic
mind/body therapy, "psychiatric orgone therapy," developed by Reich to treat emotional
disorders (Reich 1949).
When I first met Nicolai I had been practicing as an orgone therapist for about 30 years. In addition,
during this period I had been active in experimental research in physical and biological orgone energy
and had published over 60 papers in this field. Thus, the concept of a "vital energy," as the basis of life
functions and operative in the healing process readily resonated with my personal belief system and
professional training and practice ‐ despite my mechanistic, reductionistic classical education.
This was not all that I brought to my work with Nicolai. For several years prior to studying with him I had
been active in experimental investigations in the then nascent discipline of consciousness research (Jahn
and Dunne 1987) Through this work I had convinced myself of the extraordinary capabilities of mental
intention in manifesting objective changes in physical reality [(Blasband 2000)]. Healing, utilizing
Nicolai's method, depends, in large part, upon the use of heightened mental intention to diagnose and to
effect changes in human cellular structure and physiology. The knowledge I had gained through my
research therefore served me well as I embarked upon the work of becoming a healer.
I referred several of my therapy patients with structural damage from a variety of disease processes to
Nicolai. After several months, I began to see changes in them that could not be attributed solely to my
own treatment of them. They were all clearly recovering from their somatic disease process, but they
were also moving far more rapidly through orgone therapy than I had learned to expect from them
during months of treatment. It was as if their organism had become "lubricated," so that their bodily
movements were more facile and less "armored." In addition they all had a "glow" about their bodies,
something that I had never seen on either them or other patients. I was naturally eager to have this
mental ‐ healing technique become part of my orgonetherapeutic "armamentarium." I was pleased when
Nicolai agreed to accept me as a student.
The formal, initial six week training period with Nicolai was the most intensive, exciting time in my entire
professional life. Our group of twenty students, physicians, psychologists, businesspeople, and others,
met five times a week for three hours. Nicolai lectured for the first 2 3/4 hours on his findings about the
nature of man and the universe. The final fifteen minutes was devoted to Nicolai's "transformation" of our
brains and “spiritual bodies” (“Subtle energy Bodies”) through his use of conscious intention on each of
us individually and as a group. The didactic material, derived from Nicolai's research as a physicist and
clairvoyant, included material from physics, biology and the role of the spirit in its interaction with the
material world. This was the elementary foundation of the healing work.
This was a new, exciting, coherent, and internally consistent paradigm incorporating classical physics and
biology and bringing new insight to riddles of the material and spiritual world. The transformational
work was difficult to objectify at the time of the initial experience. Subjectively, I perceived a marked
increase in sensations of energetic excitation, with electrical‐like energetic currents throughout the body,
especially in the brain. (An interesting preliminary finding is that a random event generator (REG)
running during the training sessions uniformly showed an anomalous increase in deviation of the output
from the expected baseline when Nicolai was doing the brain and spirit transformation," and an
anomalous lowering of the baseline following the ending of the
transformation.) At the conclusion of the work each night I felt light‐headed. Driving home,
my focus was sharper and I could see greater distances into the night. Other students described what
sounded like out‐of‐the‐body experiences and "altered states of consciousness."
At the conclusion of the formal training six weeks later I found I had developed several new capabilities.
One of these was the ability to "see" pathology in cells and organs inside a person's body.
This kind of "seeing" is not like literally seeing an x‐ray or CAT ‐ scan image of an organ.
To convey the way that one "sees" through the Levashov transformed brain and spiritual
bodies, let us first review how we see ordinarily with our eyes. Our "picture" or perception
of the world is the result of our mind's interpretation of excitations of our sensory organ
systems. These systems evolve out of exposure to the ecological niche in which we have
lived for thousands of years. As humans we utilize five senses that tell us of the nature of
our physical universe. If our eyes had developed the capacity to detect radio waves in
color we would see waves in the air as well as we see waves on the ocean, three
dimensionally and solid.
On the other hand, if we were color blind, we would be perplexed when color‐perceiving people told us
of the multitudinous colors that they see. If we were completely blind from birth, we would have an
extremely difficult time altogether understanding what the sighted are describing when they "see."
In the transformational process performed by Levashov he rapidly evolves the student's
brain and spiritual bodies (etheric and astral bodies) so that they have new "qualities".
These qualities provide the capacity to detect information that was previously
undetectable utilizing only the ordinary senses. Students also acquire the capability of
influencing and changing the spiritual and physical bodies of others, both proximally and
"non‐locally." This seeing with the evolved "mind's eye" appears to me to take place on a
screen that is located somewhere in the forebrain. It is the same place where we
"imagine," however in the case of "seeing" with a transformed brain and spirit, the
imaginings correspond closely to reality.
Indeed, what the transformation permits is for the healer to "program" himself for that particular format
that will make the information coming to him from the patient most intelligible. After all, ordinarily, what
we "see" or feel is intelligible to us because of how we organize it with our minds. Without a mind, the
stimuli we receive through our sensory apparatus would be unintelligible. If we upgrade our perceptual
apparatus (our spirit/mind/brain) we can sense more, and we have the capacity to transform it into
information that makes sense. Then we have the choice of organizing that information in one of many
formats so that we can quantify and analyze it.
For example, one might "request" or "program" oneself to see the heart static, or beating, with pathology
revealed now or at a prior time ‐ days, months, or years ago when pathology was just beginning. We may
even program our inner screen so that we can have a view with the coronary arteries prominent,
cholesterol plagues highlighted in yellow, electrical impulses stimulating the heart muscles in green,
along with their electrical integration with subbrain structures, etc. One could zoom in on a microscopic
level, say of a heart valve, to examine it in detail. This process could even be carried down to the genetic
level. In this way, utilizing a systems analysis, one can arrive at a truly definitive diagnosis on many levels
of anatomical, physiological, and biochemical pathology and clarify how these variations manifest on the
“etheric” “and astral” spiritual levels of functioning. This inner screen can be used as well for data
For instance, one might "ask to see" the blood elements in comparison to one another in a bar‐chart
format, or as segments in a circular "pie" chart and so on. It is also possible to "fast‐forward" the screen,
to check the possible result of a healing intervention. In this way one can "tryout" possible healing
programs without actually putting them into action in order to ascertain whether or not one can
successfully manifest these programs, and whether they are going to cure the problem. One can also “go
back” in time to ascertain the origins of organ pathology, trauma, infection, etc.
These are but a few of the capabilities that are possible with a qualitatively transformed system. It is as if
Nicolai had inserted a Swiss Army knife of paranormal capabilities in my organism. I need only choose
which of these I want to use and it will be there. These capabilities are, however, skills that need constant
use to develop and refine. In addition, many other tools latent within Levashov's students will be
available when they have developed further in the work and can assume responsibility for their use. This
stepwise progression has happened to me several times in the course of the sixteen years that I have
been doing this work.
Initially it was difficult to distinguish between ordinary imagination and the newly acquired ability to
"see" inside the body. After all, I was a physician and knew what livers, bones, and thyroid organs should
look like. In time, however, I began to trust what I was "seeing" in my mind's eye, recognizing how it
corresponded to objective reality such as the results of established imaging techniques, blood tests, and
the like as well as patient’s descriptions of their maladies. I learned to send out a signal from my mind to
a target within the patient's organism then wait for information to return. In the first few years after the
formal course, my "seeing" was weak in color intensity, two‐dimensional, and fuzzy.
After utilizing Nicolai's method for a couple of years, I found that I was seeing more three‐dimensionally,
in more vivid color, with spontaneous movement appearing in the organ systems. I could see "subtle
energy" ("primary matters" according to Levashov) moving from my hands to the organ system in
question. I could "feel" a resistance to my hand as I moved it near the body (or a holographic image of the
patient's body in non‐local work) in sensing various components of the physical and/or spiritual body of
the patient.
All of these qualities fortified my impression of a multi‐dimensional, solid structure of the spiritual aspect
of the organism working in unity with its physical component.
In making a diagnosis and following the progression of a patient's healing I pass my hand over the body
without touching it while asking to see various organ systems that lie beneath my hand. While doing this I
ask certain questions, such as, "Is there pathology here?" An affirmative answer might be a sensation of
tingling on my palm if that is the response that I have programmed myself to indicate "yes." I then refine
the question, " Is it infection or a mass, etc.? " and continue to refine questions, extending the
investigation to include the entire organism. With the data in hand the task is then to conduct a systems
analysis with the goal of understanding the problem from its primary cause to secondary and tertiary
manifestations. For a novice healer, such as myself, this takes a great deal of
energy and time to do correctly, but this is the way, utilizing this method that one can heal and sustain a
definitive cure. Obviously knowledge of classical anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry as well as
Nicolai’s own new findings are necessary in order to apply this method of healing.
Having obtained a diagnosis, I can then ask for the kinds and quantities of primary matters that I need to
mentally project to that aspect of the cellular pathology, as it exists on the spiritual level. I then ask
whether I have the capability to initiate this projection. If not, I would then have to search for alternative
methods to correct the problem. Once a solution is found, my projection through conscious intention of
the correct qualities and quantities of primary matters to the critical part of the patient’s spiritual bodies
will, in time, bring about changes on the physical level. For example, given a sensitive patient with a heart
problem and the correct program, it is possible to remove scarring or plaque throughout the coronary
arterial system, rebuild or regenerate infracted coronary muscle, or return a disorder of rhythm to
normal. Having effected the desired changes, it is then necessary to balance out the brain and any other
organ systems physiologically associated with the "healed" organ.
If this is not done, the organism, which always functions as a unity, will revert to its previous
pathological state. These skills can also be used to effect changes on a holographic image of the patient
constructed in my mind's eye, even though the patient may be thousands of miles away. In fact, most of
my healing is done in this way: Working from my office in California, I have treated patients in Europe,
China, and many parts of the United States. In an average workweek
I conduct about 30 healing sessions, each lasting 15 to 20 minutes. Most of the energy for healing,
according to Levashov, comes from a transmutation of cosmic primary matters by my transformed brain.
Primary matters in their pure cosmic form are incompatible with the human organism, necessitating
their transmutation in order for them not to be injurious to the healer and the healee. I find, however,
that concentrated intention for 10 to 15 minutes is draining. Lots of water and rest are necessary to
sustain my metabolism and maintain my energy at a healthy level. I can, at will, open or close down the
healing apparatus in my brain and spiritual bodies. When it is open, the apparatus feels like a I am
wearing a large weighted cap and appears in my mind's eye like a large, rainbow‐colored, three‐
dimensional "crown" of intertwined bands of glowing energy.
I begin the healing work by scanning the entire organism with a broad focus, which includes the spiritual
bodies. Following a more detailed scan, I then make a systems analysis of the obtained data in order to
determine the primary, secondary, and tertiary underlying causes of problems. This clarifies whether the
disorder is of a karmic, genetic, early, or late environmental etiology or some combination of such causes.
I have found that I do not yet have the ability to treat problems of karmic or genetic etiology. I have,
however, been successful in treating acute musculo‐skeletal strains such as low‐back
"sciatica," varieties of common cold, sinus conditions, autonomic nervous system imbalances such as
acute cardiac arrhythmias, gastrointestinal diarrheas and constipation, wounds, arthritis in its various
forms, some anemia’s and most conditions where excessive amounts of toxins are among the principal
etiological factors.
Since toxins are invariably found in most illnesses, it is often possible for me to provide some help in
stopping the progression of an illness by detoxification alone. Indeed, detoxification is an excellent
process for protection of the immune system in those who are relatively healthy. Invariably patients feel
stronger, more alert and vital, rarely become ill including colds and flu, an
Attached Files
Studies-with-Nicolai-Levashov.pdf 54.16KB 27 downloads
#91339 The Arrival of the White Star – The Real Story
Posted by DAR on 19 May 2015 - 10:05 AM in Return of The Gods
From the Beginning:
Nicolai Levashov. The Mirror of My Soul. Vol. 1. Born in the USSR
It is a natural thing; how could terrestrial fiction writers know that the weapons they describe exist only on
those planets with a level of development of their civilization similar to that of modern Midgard-Earth (our
planet). How they could know that there is no Galactic Empire in the Universe where emperors act in the same
way as earthly emperors of the Ancient World and Middle Ages, when the power was inherited and possible
claimants struggled fiercely for the throne...
The like of this exists on Midgard-earth, on the planets of the same level of development and on the planets that
recently completed their planetary cycles of evolution. These civilizations look like young “cockerels”, which
swagger even in front of a fox or hawk, instead of running away as quickly as possible. To “rattle the rattles” is
appropriate only in the nursery among similar new-born civilizations.
Unfortunately, star wars exist on the higher levels of development of civilizations. But there star wars have
another nature entirely. No one rushes about space in military spaceships and no one shoots from laser cannons.
Depending on the level of development, these wars take place on planetary, galactic and other levels according
to quite different laws and principles, about which few persons are aware. Besides, all civilizations that have
completed the planetary cycle of development have their hierarchies based on the principle of the levels of
development, instead of the principles of the inheritance or “principles” of a bigger purse.
Only those intelligent creatures, which have reached a certain level of evolutionary development, can become
the heads of a civilization or a union of civilizations. Under the concept “a certain level of evolutional
development” is understood the following. Every intelligent creature, which occupies a hierarchical position,
has a level of development, which is high enough for solving all the problems of this civilization or the union of
The hierarchical position of an intelligent creature is a level of responsibility, which this creature is able to
assume due to real abilities in resolving vital issues that their civilization or a union of civilizations confronts. It
is a level of personal responsibility for the fate of the civilization or union of civilizations, which (the level of
responsibility) is supported by the real abilities of the intelligent creature allowing it to solve all problems. The
evolutional level of development cannot be stolen, passed on or purchased. This level is achieved only as a
result of the personal development of the intelligent creature, through enlightenment by knowledge and the
realisation of personal abilities.
It differs “a little” from what is observed on our Midgard-earth, at least, during the last thirteen thousand years,
especially during the last millennium—in the time of the last Night of Svarog. However, there is no need to be
ecstatic about contacts. Contacts can be very deplorable for people. Very often a person is in contact with an
astral creature, which will play its own games, pursuing its main purpose—stealing the life-force of the person.
Astral creatures are the spirits of extinct animals and intelligent forms of life (also the spirits of some humans)
which, due to one or another reason, cannot be incarnated in new physical bodies and adapt themselves to the
condition of existence without bodies, which very often leads them to parasitism. However, this is a special
matter and I will touch upon these phenomena during my narration more than once...
8. Other worlds are quite different
And now back to 1987, to the point of unfolding of some absolutely unbelievable events, of a kind about which,
despite “digesting” a very large number of works of fiction, I had never read. Only after I accidentally, (or not
so accidentally!), had come across other civilizations, did I understand the degree of childlike naivety with
which terrestrial sci-fi writers tried to depict life on other worlds.
This in no way belittles their talent as writers—simply that their “earthly” concepts became immediately
evident. Although, I understood that it was quite natural, nevertheless, I felt it a matter for regret. Before my
first contacts I sometimes regarded these books as revelations, which became impossible after contact—these
“revelations” looked so naïve that I could no longer regard them as such. Nevertheless, I think the value of
fiction books is enormous. They help people to learn to think in a non-standard way without which evolutional
development is impossible!
When I clearly understood the nature of what had happened, I became utterly engrossed in the boundless world
of the Universe that had opened up for me so unexpectedly. I am very thankful to Yuri for that provocation.
Without it, who knows when I would have “set my sights” on the stars? I found myself in conditions which
compelled me to make this step, and I made it quite successfully, albeit blind as a new-born kitten then.
I was also lucky, that at the time of my first contact I failed to meet “space” parasites and I had time to
understand everything in a tranquil atmosphere. During my contacts with Oyia we discussed a lot of issues; I
was eager to know everything about her civilization. Some may call it the “ravings of a madman”, but however
much they want to, these events happened and it was no delirium. Besides, some ponderous confirmations of
the reality of these events began to appear pretty soon. For example, I, and not only I, was very interested in the
structure and workings of Oyia’s civilization’s spaceships. She described their design and methods of control.
The basis of their ships, which could fold and unfold space, was... enormous spiral organic molecules similar to
the molecules of DNA and RNA. They differed from the latter in their enormous length. Also these spiral
organic molecules had heavy metal compounds on their free electron couplings (only two of these metals are
known on Midgard-earth, at least, at this stage of our civilization’s development). Very soon, in several months,
this information got a real confirmation. I will tell about it, when it comes to it.
Apart from the “diplomatic” relations with Oyia’s civilization I decided to extend my extraplanetary contacts.
As Yuri had no wish to give me the keys from other civilizations collected by his group, I decided to start on
my own space journey. My thoughts about it were quite simple. If a star had its planetary system and there was
a reasonable life on any planet in this system, then the radiation of the star would be accompanied by the
radiations of intelligent activity. Thus, the following method could be applied in order to define the locations of
stars with intelligent life on their planets—I needed to get real photos of the stars in our sky and scan them to
find radiations, with which the activity of intelligent life was usually accompanied. I had to define the position
of these stars on the photos. I found the necessary photos and scanned them. On the first, several stars shone
with the “light” of rationality. I marked these stars and began to think what to do next.
I had no idea what to do or how I should do it. Therefore, I had nothing left but try something at my own risk.
Previously, I had shifted myself and other people into the past, present and future, along the scales of both time
and space. Then, the distance between my (or other peoples’) real location and the point of displacement in
space along the time scale had no importance. The reality of the present simply disappeared and the reality of
the past or future appeared. The person simply became an observer of existent events the same way as he or she
observed existent events in his or her normal life.
It was “only” necessary to have an understanding of the processes and certain qualities and potential. Using my
experience as a reference point, I thought that there was no principle difference between moving within the
limits of our planet and going to another planet. To realise this kind of displacement I needed to have space coordinates (which I already had), appropriate qualities and enough potential. I only hoped I did indeed have the
necessary qualities and sufficient potential. When achieving a displacement of this kind, two points of space are
as if superimposed upon each other. Thus, the idea was clear in general and I had only to check the validity of
my suppositions in practice.
It is difficult to say, what would have happened, if I had lacked the necessary qualities and potential
when conducting this type of “experiment”. Most likely it would have resulted in the destruction of my brain, a
state of coma or even death. But I was lucky; I did have everything needed to do what I planned and everything
happened without any unwanted consequences.
First I “jumped” to the star that I had chosen when scanning, then I determined (again with the help of
scanning) which planet of this star had life and finally jumped onto the surface of the planet. And here it was...
the landscape of another planet. At the point of “landing” the planet turned out to be a desert. There was a sea of
sand that at first sight was no different from the sand of our planet. The local “Sun” converted this planet into a
burning hot “frying-pan”. The “normal” temperature of our planet’s surface would be pretty low for this world,
and Midgard-earth would be considered a “refrigerator”, and our Sun—somewhat “cold”, if that can be said in
regard to a star. However, everything is comparative; and a concept of “colder” in relation to a certain star is
fully applicable. To my surprise the local sky appeared to be blue, which indicated that the planet’s atmosphere
had oxygen and other gases inherent to the atmosphere of Earth.
Considering my somewhat unusual way of “travel”, it was not important, but, nevertheless, was pleasant. If it
were not so, who knows, what consequences my experiments would have brought me. It turned out somewhat
like the saying: “if the mountain will not come to Mohammed—then Mohammed must go to the mountain.”
The difference is that I am not Mohammed and the other planet is not a mountain! But the concept is the same.
I did not disappear in our world, but simultaneously appeared in the other. On my arrival, using such an unusual
method, I began to study this other planet. There were no visible signs of intelligent life on the surface. The
reason for this I knew later. Unfortunately, I was not the first “discoverer of America”. The intelligent creatures
of this planet had “discovered” this “America” long ago and not only they, as it turned out.
The sultry planet appeared to be inhabited. Moreover, it had an intelligent race. So, the scanning in order to find
reasoning life had not failed... Soon I saw creatures looking almost like kangaroos. They had a mighty tail, their
body looked like a human body, their upper extremities looked like human hands; they had six fingers, which
did not differ from each other like human fingers. Their heads were round with black straight hair. They had a
vertical mouth. They had no nose, as we understand it. These creatures communicated between themselves with
the help of whistling sounds. The most interesting thing was that they ... paid no attention to me.
They simply did not see me. When I understood that I was invisible to them, I was disappointed. I desired
strongly to be visible to them and tried to make myself appear more solid on this planet. I made it! I
materialized there, but did not disappear on Earth. I simultaneously existed in two places; besides, the second
“me” did only what the first “me” wanted.
It was tantamount to having two physical bodies at the same time and the earthly body continued to be the
“main” body, which perfectly felt everything that was happening with my second physical body. Thus, this
materialized body was only a part of me, my temporal continuation, which I could assemble and disassemble
according to my desire or necessity. It had no individual consciousness; my earthly consciousness controlled
both my earthly physical body and my second body that appeared on another planet many light-years away
from our Midgard-earth. I was pleasantly surprised when accidentally discovering such abilities.
I was motionless for some time and the kangaroo-like creatures surrounded me immediately after my
materialisation. They touched me and behaved calmly. Their conduct induced me to move (I did not even know
whether I could control the body I created). It turned out that I could do it without any problem. When the
native creatures saw me moving, they instantly recoiled from me and very quickly hid underground. I did not
understand the reason for such a reaction. I wanted to follow these creatures, but upon my approaching the place
where they hid, some kind of power dome appeared above the surface.
I did not know the nature of this power dome, but assumed that it had protective features. I had no desire to
verify the rightness of my suppositions. Besides, there was no need to do it. I found a simple solution for
overcoming this power defense. I suddenly had an idea that if I were able to materialize myself on the planet, I
could do the same with the protective dome. I “disassembled” myself and “reassembled” my body within the
protective dome over the surface of the planet. There was an enormous city which showed no signs on the
surface. On seeing me in the city, these creatures were alarmed and agitated. To calm the situation I decided to
find out the reason for their strange behavior.
I defined, which of these creatures the senior was, and I asked him to explain the reason for their conduct. But
before socializing with them, I had to “tune” my telepathic transformer so that I could understand their speech.
The head’s name was Tsoriy, at least, that is the nearest interpretation of his name in earthly language. It turned
out that this civilization was exposed to permanent attacks by a team from a humanoid civilization, which
representatives looked very like the inhabitants of Midgard-earth. The aggressors attacked cities and destroyed
them (an example of how a civilization acts, when it is at the beginning of its development and has not
completed its planetary cycle of development). This was the reason that they hid their cities under the surface of
the planet.
The reason for this aggression was simple. The planet synthesized a biomass, which was a base for the creation
of zero-transition spaceships or, put another way, UFOs. In other words, the planet dispensed the most valuable
strategic raw material, and the local civilization only interfered with the “great” plans of gaining control of it.
The situation was to a greater degree very like that which we have on Earth, only there, the scope was galactic.
On my clearing up the situation, I was eager to solve this misunderstanding, as it seemed to me then. At that
time I could not imagine that some developed humanoid civilization would pursue a policy of galactic genocide.
It was beyond my comprehension. I wanted to believe that “there” nothing bad could happen, that “there”
everything was bright and perfect. However, it turned out that it was time to outgrow “short pants”. And this
“outgrowing” happened in a very unusual manner.
To solve this “misunderstanding”, I found out when and how the uninvited “guests” appeared and decided to
use the method of displacement in time which I had already applied on Midgardearth.
Six humanoid creatures, who on close examination were practically indistinguishable from inhabitants of Earth,
disembarked (a spaceship). I tried to establish telepathic contact with them.
When I made it, I asked them, why not to try to find a more suitable way of relating that would be beneficial for
both sides, instead of destroying the local civilization, etc. When I began to talk, their superior stared at me with
surprise and asked who the hell was I and why did I assume the right to give them my ridiculous advice.
I tried to explain that what had happened on this planet was a simple misunderstanding which must be corrected
as quickly as possible. During our conversation, it became clear to me that their actions were far from a
misunderstanding—they were perfectly aware of them. Obviously, they were tired of listening to my lengthy
tirade because I noticed one of them begin to take out an object that looked like a weapon.
During all these unbelievable and, so it would seem, impossible events, I learned a lot of things about the
civilization of the kangaroo-like creatures which was simply impossible to concoct. For example, the way these
creatures procreate is very unusual. Two quite different species take part in the process of reproduction. Also,
their reproduction is not syngenesis, but a result of superI consider this information to be too premature to publish. — N.L.
imposing one genetic code’s field on another.
In other words, they beget at the field level, when a genetic code field of creatures similar to terrestrial
butterflies is projected onto the genetic field of the kangaroo-like creatures. This results in the simultaneous
beginning of new life for two species—the kangaroo-like and the butterfly-like. This symbiosis allows them to
continue their evolution. Nothing of the kind had ever happened on Midgard-earth and it is simply impossible to
invent anything like this.
These creatures have neither masculine or feminine species, nor hermaphrodites. Any creature can become a
mother, but not in the sense of the word to which we are accustomed. A biomass created
by the planet of these creatures, which is a basic raw material for zero-transition spaceships, serves as a source
of food for these kangaroo-like creatures and most likely for the rest of the living organisms of that planet.
It turned out somewhat symbolical that I, a humanoid from Midgard-earth, helped these creatures to get rid of
humanoids from another planet who had meant to destroy this civilization because of the strategic raw material!
Certainly, there can be “fortuitous” situations, but, in principle, all “fortuitous” situations appear to be natural,
when you look at them more closely. Very often man is simply unable to correlate all the events and actions
preceding such “fortuity”. Man almost always brings it about by his previous life. Generally speaking,
evolutional development is based on the principle of free will, and the responsibility for which a specific
individual is prepared and ready to take. I understood it very soon after these events. And my enlightening
happened “fortuitously”.
I continued to invent newer and newer variants of transformation of the human brain. I tested every new idea
first of all on myself and observed the results. One day, after making the next change, I unexpectedly detected
the presence of a creature observing my actions. Most likely, new changes allowed my seeing this creature,
which was invisible before both for me and for other people who passed through my brain transformation.
I asked this creature, who he was and why he was watching me. He said that his name was Terri (Terrium), and
his task was to observe me and my actions without appearing and that my last modification of my brain
prevented him from conducting a clandestine supervision. At first I did not like it. Why did someone need to
keep me under secret observation?
I never made a secret out of my actions and, therefore, did not understand either the behaviour or the necessity
for it. I asked him about this. Terri answered me as follows: his task was to observe me secretly and draw
conclusions about my readiness for further evolution and my potential. If I did everything correctly, as a reward
he must give me sixteen crystals which were to bring my abilities to the maximum.
This meant that, according to the opinion of those, who had sent Terri, sixteen crystals should be the limit of my
development, as I understood it later. But at that moment I was in seventh heaven and very happy. I had never
assumed that my actions would be of interest to somebody else, and not only to me. Naturally, my first question
was, whether I already deserved crystals and, if I did, how many.
Terri said that I had already “earned” eight crystals. At that time I did not have the slightest idea, what these
crystals were, but the fact made me very happy. Of course, I asked Terri to give them to me. He warned me that
I would not endure the load, if he installed all crystals at once. With enthusiasm I assured him that I would
survive it and everything would be all right and that, if there were no other obstacles, I would like to do it right
now. As a result of these “diplomatic” negotiations, Terri inserted four crystals into me. It turned out that I had
overestimated the adaptability of my organism regarding the action of these crystals, because next morning I
felt pain in my appendix, which had never troubled me.
During my next contact with Terri in the evening of this day, I told him about this discomfort. He explained that
the reason for this reaction was toxins which appeared in my body after the introduction of the crystals. These
toxins were the result of the changes that had happened to me. He inserted another crystal in my appendix,
whereupon the unpleasant feeling disappeared forever.
I also asked Terri, why he should observe my actions. He said that, due to my ignorance, I could do something
wrong and there would be a problem. His answer disappointed me, but later I understood that he was right. He
said that if I started to do something wrong, I would be stopped; in order to prevent something irreparable from
happening. So, I should not worry about this. Meditating on his words a little, I understood his answer. If I act
on my own, my actions and decisions are based on my own understanding, on my own experience, knowledge,
moral and spiritual concepts. Thus, my every action is quintessentially me. In this case, my actions are based on
my own understanding of existent things and I am responsible for the consequences. However, if someone tells
me what to do and how, I can possibly do what is necessary, if I have enough potential; but in this case my
actions will not be accompanied by a deep comprehension of existent events. And, if one day a problem appears
and its solution was not explained to me, there could be a situation when I would commit follies because of my
When I understood all this, I saw the rightness and uniqueness of this approach. Man can understand
truth and the degree of responsibility for his actions only through complete awareness and enlightening by
knowledge. It is the only way that truly allows evolving, and supervision by an observer or observers is correct.
The evolution of consciousness and human abilities can be compared to a biathlon. Man “runs” from one key
point of his development to another at a certain evolutional speed. The speed, with which this man will reach
the next key evolutional point of development, depends on his talent, personal qualities and abilities.
On attaining the next key point, man comes across qualitatively new tasks, which he must correctly manage:
only then, when he is able to estimate these tasks fully and correctly, to develop effective tactics and problemsolving strategies, and when he possesses the necessary properties and
qualities to put his decisions into practice; if everything is correct, man goes to a new qualitative
level and the evolutional “run” continues to the next key point, etc.
In the case of a wrong or non-optimal decision by a “shooter”, qualitatively new evolutional “targets” in a key
point remain “missed” and a “muff” gets penal evolutional “cycles”; after their completion, he again appears at
the same evolutional “point”, where he again must solve his tasks correctly—to hit all evolutional “targets” in
the “bull's-eye”. And this will continue until all key “targets” are “hit” at the first “shot”. After that—again the
evolutional “run” to next key “point”.
Isn’t that an evolutional “biathlon”!?
Meantime, my life took its normal course. It turned out that “by chance” my work at the institute involved
measuring bio-potentials of the human body in different stress situations according to a special method which
required a good knowledge of the so-called Chinese meridians and the location of biologically active points of
the human body. Therefore, when I decided to locate, where the first four crystals were placed in my body, I
immediately had an idea—in my biologically active points! The verification of these crystals’ location
confirmed my conjecture. I began to reflect about my discovery. The longer I reflected, the more I wanted to
check out the accuracy of my supposition.
And I wanted to do it immediately!
#91343 ROUEN RUSSIAN NEWS AGENCY Alternate News from Russia
Posted by DAR on 19 May 2015 - 10:40 AM in General Discussionмошенничества/
Banks rule the world. And who governs banks
Valentin Katasonov, on May 19, 2015
SEE PDF below
Parasites rule the world by means of banks and
financial fraud
On our planet alien parasites specially created such control system of society which allows to operate the world
by means of financial mafia. Banks are a tool of financial mafia which it very much dexterously owns...
Banks rule the world. And who governs banks?
The author – Valentin Katasonov
Part I.
Today it isn't necessary to prove any more that notorious hegemony of the USA is based on monopoly of the
press of the Federal Reserve System (FRS). It is more or less clear also that as shareholders of FRS banks of
world caliber act. Enter their number not only banks of the USA (banks of the Wall Street), but also the
European banks of Europe (banks of the London City and some countries of continental Europe).
During world financial crisis of 2007-2009 of FRS, working without publicity, I distributed to different banks of
the credits (almost interest-free) for the sum over 16 trillion dollars. Owners of money distributed the credits to
themselves, that is those banks which are the main shareholders of the Federal Reserve.
At the beginning of the current decade under strong pressing of the Congress of the USA, partial audit of FRS
was booked, and in the summer of 2011 its results were published. The list of recipients of the credits is also the
list of the main shareholders of FRS.
Here they (in brackets the sums of the obtained credits of FRS in billions of dollars are specified): Citigroup
(2500); Morgan Stanley (2004); Merril Lynch (1949); Bank of America (1344); Barclays PLC (868); Bear
Sterns (853); Goldman Sachs (814); Royal Bank of Scotland (541); JP Morgan (391); Deutsche Bank (354);
Credit Swiss (262); UBS (287); Leman Brothers (183); Bank of Scotland (181); BNP Paribas (175).
It is remarkable that a number of recipients of the credits of FRS – not the American, but foreign banks: English
(Barclays PLC, Royal Bank of Scotland, Bank of Scotland); Swiss (Credit Swiss, UBS); German Deutsche Bank;
French BNP Paribas. The specified banks received about 2,5 trillion dollars from the Federal reserve. We won't
be mistaken if we assume that it is foreign shareholders of FRS.
However, if the structure of the main shareholders of the Federal Reserve is more or less clear, you won't tell it
concerning shareholders of those banks who, actually, and own the press of FRS. Who is shareholders of
shareholders of the Federal reserve?
First of all, we will consider the leading banks of the USA. Today the kernel of a banking system of the USA is
presented by six banks. "The big six" includes Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, Goldman
Sachs, Wells Fargo, Citigroup.
They hold the first places of the American bank ratings on such indicators as size of the capital, controlled
assets, the attracted deposits, capitalization, profit. If to range banks on an indicator of assets, on the first place
there is JP Morgan Chase (2,075 bln. dollars at the end of 2014). On a capitalization indicator first place is
won by Wells Fargo (261,7 bln. dollars in the fall of 2014). By the way, on this indicator of Wells Fargo came
out on top not only in America, but also in the world (though on assets in the USA it takes only the fourth place,
and in the world doesn't even enter the first twenty).
On the official sites of these banks there is some information on shareholders. The main part of the capital of
"the big six" of the American banks is in hands of so-called institutional shareholders – any finance companies.
Among them there are also banks, that is cross participation in the capital takes place.
The number of institutional investors for the beginning of 2015 in separate banks was the following: Bank of
America – 1410; JP Morgan Chase – 1795; Morgan Stanley – 826; Goldman Sachs – 1018; Wells Fargo –
1729; Citigroup – 1247. In each of the called banks the group of large investors (shareholders) rather accurately
is allocated. These are those investors (shareholders) who have more than 1% of the capital everyone. Such
shareholders is, as a rule, from 10 to 20. Is evident that the same companies and the organizations appear in all
banks in group of large investors. We will provide the list of such largest institutional investors (shareholders)
in tab. 1.
Attached Files
ROUEN - Banks rule the world. And who governs banks.pdf 666.67KB 40 downloads
#91383 Blast From the Past - The Chani Project
Posted by DAR on 20 May 2015 - 04:13 PM in General Discussion
*Human Habitat-Space Base(Self-Sufficient)Power-Plant[H2O=>HHO]Engine Generator
Started By retrodynamic , Sep 16 2011 12:51 PM
link here
Is this a real UFO looks real to me.
Started By AWAKE, Sep 16 2011 02:18 PM
Scary Video - what is this?
Started By Shining, Sep 16 2011 08:00 PM
Circumventing the GLP ban
Started By T, Sep 16 2011 08:15 PM
Started By grosmene, Sep 17 2011 02:10 AM
Shacking up in Denver
Started By T, Sep 17 2011 05:45 AM
Elder Member
Posted 17 September 2011 - 05:45 AM
there is a lot of hubub surrounding the congregation of personalities at Denver IA with POTUS arriving on the
27th, 10,000 NASA employees etc, apparently the CIA has already moved their HQ there
i even read that the star of Close Encountouters of the 3rd kind Richard Dreyfuss will be there, ofcourse the
coords provided in that 1977 movie pinpoint a farm house approx 50miles north of DIA in a town called Pierce
i decided to start this thread upon a sleuth saying that 12hrs ago there were no less than 4 E-6 Mercury Looking
Glass doomsday planes flying over the continental us with "one of them on an intriguing route across Nevada
(Tonopah range -> Las Vegas)"
if you are not familiar with the function of these planes:
did obama warn the world of the coming changes during his 911 speech?
why did nasa release its warning video of emergency preparedness at this point?
why would a movie from 1977 point DIA before it was built and yet portrait Devils Peak as the site of 1st
are the 2 nuclear explosions (2 quakes that hit eastern us) have anything to do with all this?
lest we forge the elenin alignment on the 26-27th of this month
are these jokers just pulling our chain or should i say chani?
what do you think?
Seismic activity: Indian scientists investigate unusual changes to the sea near
Started By Don Quixote, Sep 17 2011 07:16 AM
I have found physical remains of a UFO
Started By 75132315, Sep 17 2011 07:56 AM
Israel to become Associate Member State of CERN
Started By NexusEditor, Sep 17 2011 09:08 AM
#91411 Area 51 – A Tale or Truth?
Posted by DAR on 21 May 2015 - 09:23 AM in Return of The Gods
Software Translation from Russian:
Part 5
Earlier in the Midgard- earth elite consisted of people who have reached high levels of development .
Around their heads appeared stunning in its beauty structures that could see many in the form of a glow . Brown
also created from natural crystals like a crown and placed it on his head, thought that they thereby affirm their
membership in the "elite" . The logic at the kindergarten level . No matter how beautiful were the crown, they
are nothing but jewelry and nothing more. Crown - just a pathetic imitation !
Crown can put on the head of any person , capturing her in battle and killing or taking away from its previous
owner, but from napyalivaniya crown on the head did not increase it . These attributes Brown tried to create
visibility for the subject peoples of their right to be " elite" and eventually have this pseudo- did it. For a long
time the people worshiped the media crowns . No one remembered that the true elite of the people on their
heads shining structure, not jewelry. And most importantly - the true elite was regarding his position as
responsible for their peoples , for their well-being and prosperity of the country , and not as a means of personal
enrichment and personal without ( with ) the limit in relation to their people .
And this is a very significant difference between the true and pseudoelite . Social parasites , destroying the true
elite, made every effort to be like her , but realized the impossibility of this , because of the limitations of the
mind , a very primitive . They were trying to artificially reproduce the external form , not understanding the
inner content . It's the first thing. And secondly, they thus tried to cheat and deceive the people by using all the
same effect notorious cuckoo. Brown has always been good masters of camouflage and most unfortunate in all
of this , is the fact that almost always people to buy this! As a consequence of all this , when, during the last
Night of Svarog Dark Forces still took control of the Midgard- earth , they created a parasitic social system ,
ideology is imposed pseudo representation of the people . And , according to these pseudo ideas and concepts ,
people believe that all the inhabitants of other planets land initially higher earthlings for all concepts , including
their capabilities . That primitive humans , anywhere and on what does not suit !
Imposed "spiritual" teachings turn people into slaves of spiritual , inspiring people that they are sinners , even
the fact of his birth, and that they should doom and humbly accept their servile share. With such a mentality is
not surprising that people take for granted just nonsense .
Indeed, after the millennial brainwashing and destroying the carrier alpha Genetics ( strong men ) , after the
millennial reign of social parasites , the civilization of Midgard , the land is at a very primitive stage of
development of machine civilization , but ... many people were carriers of incredible features and abilities that
are dormant and can leave thereof only with proper development.
And for this world must change ! Without this incredible opportunities that are in a state of hibernation , and
will remain dormant ... sleeping gods , and remain asleep ! And even if everyone wakes up , it does not mean
that all are " sleeping gods ".
Only with the specific compounds of particular genes, their support is a "sleeping God." But in order to
genes "sleeping gods " can be awakened , you need to in a genetics embodied the essence of the appropriate
level. But in order to embody the essence was able to awaken the "sleeping God," it is necessary that the
essence of the specific level of development, otherwise no revival will not happen at all! It's very simple and
very complicated at the same time! But ... it is on Midgard- earth conditions exist to wake up "sleeping gods "!
It is on the Midgard- earth is media genetics "sleeping gods "!
A vast number of those who flew and flies to the Midgard- earth from other planets land can not match! So the
hopes of U.S. intelligence ( and not only) the fact that as a result of hybridization of aliens and earthlings can
get superpowers , have no foundation . Many people ( especially whites ) those same superpowers have already
been laid on the level of genetics and are dormant. But even in carriers of these opportunities they will sleep as
long as they do not reach the level of development at which these superpowers will be able to wake up from
sleep. After what you've done in the land of Midgard , the highest caste Antlan ( Atlantis ) in the past, resulting
in a planetary catastrophe , civilization , and Midgard , the land has been abandoned to the level of the Stone
Age, who saved from death Midgard- ground Light Hierarchs (Gods ) blocked the expression super abilities
from their carriers as long as the genetic carriers of these super abilities do not come to the level of cosmic level
of development, fully completing the planetary cycle of development.
In a top-secret base near Sausalito (Sausalito) were trying to get at is kidnapped children superpowers in the
interests of the U.S. and the " world peace " through alien implants and the creation and growth of hybrids
between the human race and the alien . From implants , many children died , most of the survivors have
experienced constant pain , and realized their ugliness . But the " virtuous " uncles and aunties , rather than
victims of these barbaric experiments gave new babies , and the suffering of the surviving children were not
paying attention.
If the surviving children was not shown any of the expected (and that the vast majority of cases) ,
children simply destroyed as waste material . And those who have manifested something, studied and
searched for the use of " peaceful use" these opportunities. Many of the children after the implants were
apparently transformed and forever doomed to become captives of that base. But the chances of
surviving children have not opened from the implants , and the stress and shock, partially open the
possibility of sleeping on the level of genetics . "Great ," the experimenters at any understanding had
about what happens and why . Unfortunately, these things happen not only in the U.S. but also in many
other countries around the world , including in Russia .
Once in 1995, all the entities on the planetary level Midgard- earth were freed from karma , and
were willing to return to their home planet earth, and in return came a new spirit - volunteers on
Midgard- earth was born much more indigo children if not entirely successful , " dubbed "
gifted psychic powers children.
And almost immediately on these children , the hunt , as intelligence agencies and churches, and the
various religious sects. And all of them do not care about children , to the point that they simply deform ,
making a blind weapon for their own, often far from noble objectives.
Especially mutilates children church, telling the child with superpowers that through them the Lord God shows
people their strength, they only vessels for the "divine manifestation "! They themselves are worthless slaves to
be happy just because the Lord God chose them to demonstrate their power over them ! A faithful , seeing a
demonstration by children "miracles" are convinced of its existence.
The church always does . Gifted psychic powers of people attracted by the clergy to the Church , and emanate
from them miraculous acts attributed to God, themselves and their eventually sainted . And all those who did
not want to wear a cassock , declared witches and sorcerers , and burned at the stake in clusters of people,
explaining that a "purifying fire" they are saving souls lost sheep of the Lord God from the clutches of the Devil
Still , ignorance and lack of knowledge - the tools of social parasites ! After all, the crowd of ignorant fanatic
Christians egg " spiritual masters ", without destroying ( c) valuable repository of books, manuscripts ,
parchments , papyri in the libraries of Alexandria (followers of the cult of Osiris..
Continue .. Link here:
From the Beginning:
Nicolai Levashov. The Mirror of My Soul. Vol. 1. Born in the USSR
It is a natural thing; how could terrestrial fiction writers know that the weapons they describe exist only on
those planets with a level of development of their civilization similar to that of modern Midgard-Earth (our
planet). How they could know that there is no Galactic Empire in the Universe where emperors act in the same
way as earthly emperors of the Ancient World and Middle Ages, when the power was inherited and possible
claimants struggled fiercely for the throne...
The like of this exists on Midgard-earth, on the planets of the same level of development and on the planets that
recently completed their planetary cycles of evolution. These civilizations look like young “cockerels”, which
swagger even in front of a fox or hawk, instead of running away as quickly as possible. To “rattle the rattles” is
appropriate only in the nursery among similar new-born civilizations.
Unfortunately, star wars exist on the higher levels of development of civilizations. But there star wars have
another nature entirely. No one rushes about space in military spaceships and no one shoots from laser cannons.
Depending on the level of development, these wars take place on planetary, galactic and other levels according
to quite different laws and principles, about which few persons are aware. Besides, all civilizations that have
completed the planetary cycle of development have their hierarchies based on the principle of the levels of
development, instead of the principles of the inheritance or “principles” of a bigger purse.
#91414 ROUEN RUSSIAN NEWS AGENCY Alternate News from Russia
Posted by DAR on 21 May 2015 - 10:21 AM in General Discussion
This is a Russian Site .. the articles are available to view.. Some problems for us in the West to log in or interact
.. maybe someone @ Chani speaks Russian and can guide us on this .. THIS is not a SPOOF SITE ..
All the Best
#91415 AMERICA – The REAL hi-STORY?
Posted by DAR on 21 May 2015 - 10:23 AM in General Discussion
Audio Letter #45
Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter in Washington. Today is April 27, 1979, and this is my Audio Letter
This evening the last in a 10-part special series of reports called “Second to None?” was shown on
ABC’s World News Tonight program. For two entire weeks the series has drummed away night after
night about America’s military weakness compared to Russia. Full-page newspaper ads have urged
viewers to watch the series; so have various newspaper articles. And the series itself has carried so
much impact that it has made an indelible impression on millions of Americans. Most of all, the nineminute installment on April 17
describing the outbreak of nuclear war between Russia and America left many viewers badly shaken. The frightening picture painted
in the ABC news series is accurate as far
as it goes, but it also would have been accurate three to four years ago. We were not shown these things then, so the question is: WHY
NOW? One reason that has been given is that we might be about to sign the SALT II treaty with Russia, and that we ought to look
before we leap. But if that were the real
reason, a series like this should have been shown more than 18 months ago; because that is when SALT
I expired and the air was full of promises of a new SALT treaty then.
Long before the American Revolution for Independence, a famous principle was formulated in
Europe. It was:
The man who originated this dictum used it to launch a family dynasty of unprecedented wealth and
power. His name:
MAYER AMSCHEL ROTHSCHILD (pronounced as Rothsheeld).
The power of the Rothschilds, or Rothschilds (pronounced with long “i”) as many people call them, grew fast in
Britain and Europe. By the time of the American Revolution, the financial affairs especially of Britain and
France were in the Rothschild pocket. The taxation schemes which brought on the Revolution actually
originated not with King George but in the House of Rothschild. After the Revolution, Rothschild agents were
on hand to try to return America to Rothschild control. One of the most powerful of these was Alexander
Hamilton, but his maneuverings were ended by the famous duel with Aaron Burr. America managed to steer
clear of Rothschild control until the Civil War provided a new opportunity. In Audio Letter No. 26 I mentioned
how Russia, then the greatest Christian nation on earth, came to America’s rescue in 1863. Britain and France
were preparing to dismantle the United States, but Russia prevented it. For that and other reasons, the
Rothschilds thereafter marked Russia for utter destruction. At the same time the Rothschilds were determined to
take over America and decided to do it by promoting powerful groups already within our country. The era of
America’s robber barons was spawned and with it a new superdynasty—the ROCKEFELLERS. By 1917
Rockefeller power in America had become so great that they were strong partners with their former mentors, the
The Bolshevik cancer to destroy Russia was a Rothschild creation, but it was the Rockefeller interests who
actually injected that cancer into Russia.
As the 20th Century progressed, the power of the aging Rothschild dynasty finally was eclipsed by that of the
upstart Rockefellers. Where Rothschild power had begun with the control of money, Rockefeller power was
rooted in the control of ENERGY; and with Saudi Arabia in their grasp after World War II, Rothschilds. But,
my friends, the Rothschild interests bided their time. They waited for the Rockefellers to start making mistakes,
and not long ago it began happening.
In Audio Letters No. 38 and elsewhere, I have described how the atheistic Bolsheviks who used to run Russia
have recently been overthrown. This final overthrow is the culmination of six decades of determined effort by a
tough, tightly-knit band of Russian Christians. When the final phase of undisguised overthrow began two to
three years ago, it was the Rothschilds—not the Rockefellers— who learned about it first. For 60 years the
Rockefellers had been secret allies of the old Bolsheviks in Russia. But the Rockefellers were sadly mistaken in
their belief that they actually controlled the Bolsheviks. Instead, it was always the Rothschilds who secretly
controlled the Bolsheviks in Russia— and who now control them here in the United States.
In the past, the interests of the Rockefellers and Rothschilds always coincided well enough that this distinction
did not really matter; but after the Battle of the Harvest Moon, which I made public in Audio Letter No. 26,
everything changed.
Recently I explained the fatal mistake which the four Rockefeller brothers made in their panic following the
Battle of the Harvest Moon. That mistake was to open America’s doors to the old-line Bolsheviks, who are
being expelled from Russia now. It was a suicidal act for the Rockefellers because their own Corporate Socialist
empire could not hope to coexist with those Satanic State Socialists—the Bolsheviks. But the Rockefellers
accepted the recommendations of certain advisers to do so—and those advisers, my friends, were Rothschild
agents! During the past several months a Bolshevik coup d’etat has taken the lives of all four of the Rockefeller
brothers, as I have made public in my tapes. The Rothschild interests of today are making a desperate bid to
regain their former status as the world’s No. 1 power group, and they are doing it through their own forces of
Last month I tried to warn the remaining members of the Rockefeller family that they must join forces and act
now to stop what is happening. If they do take action as I said last month, they could help save not only
themselves but all of us here in America; but if they do not act, and quickly, they will suffer the historic fate of
all overthrown dynastic families—they will all be tracked down and killed by their Bolshevik enemies. So far,
I’m sorry to report, the Rockefeller survivors remain fragmented and neutralized, persuaded wrongly that they
do not have enough power to act; and now, my friends, another prominent member of the Rockefeller family
has been killed—murdered near Paris, France; but a double has already been substituted.
My friends, if the Bolshevik coup d’etat and coming full-scale revolution are successful, our land faces a future
of agony and despair. Christians will have to hide their Bibles and hope for some day long in the future when it
will be safe to read them once again. When the Bolshevik revolution swept across Russia six decades ago, that
was the way it was. Our Lord Jesus Christ is a thorn in the side for the atheistic Bolsheviks, and their hatred for
Him will be expressed in merciless persecution of His followers. No doubt about that!
There are those who say today, “America is too big, no one could take over our whole country”; but, my
friends, the continental United States has only four (4) Time Zones. Sixty-two years ago smaller numbers of
Bolshevik revolutionaries, using cruder techniques than today, succeeded in taking control of Russia—and
Russia spreads almost half way round the world, with eleven (11) Time Zones! The Bolsheviks, doing the
bidding of the Rothschilds, are working fast; and yet in recent days the situation has become much more
complicated than before. The struggle for control of America has now mushroomed into a secret intelligence
war, involving not one but several major intelligence agencies of the world. Where it is all leading is by no
means clear right now. All I can do at this point is to report the facts to you and urge you to keep your eyes
open. At the present time, for example, the Bolsheviks are planning to ignite a Middle East crisis around mid
May. The Pope’s revolution was also planned for May when I first made the plan public in Audio Letter No. 42,
but that has now been pushed back to June. But these and other plans have been thrown into question by recent
eruption of intelligence
warfare by means of “doubles”, look-alikes, and impostors.
For example, earlier this month on April 11, Vice-President Walter Mondale reportedly left Washington
on a trip to Iceland, Scandinavia, and the Netherlands; but, my friends, the man and woman on Air
Force II were not Mondale and his wife but actually “doubles.” The real Walter and Joan Mondale had
been spirited away. The following day Jimmy, Rosalyn, and Amy Carter, the real ones, left the White
House for a 10-day Easter vacation in Georgia. The first 8 days were to be spent offshore in seclusion
at Sapelo Island. Carter was looking more haggard by the day, racked by leukemia and multiple
cancers. His visible loss of weight lately had prompted cover stories about his alleged success at
dieting. He was fast losing the ability to work at all, and news stories said he was going to Georgia to
seek solitude. And so for a week and a half surrounding Easter, the President and Vice-President of the
United States were out of public view. A few low-key reports appeared in the papers about the alleged
activities of Mondale on his trip. Otherwise all was quiet here in Washington. The real purpose of the
trip by Mondale’s Bolshevik “double” was to try to obtain oil for Israel, but in this the Mondale
“double” failed because very recently Russia’s Marshal Dmitry Ustinov—the man now in charge in the
Kremlin—had visited Norway personally, and Norway has now come to terms with Russia.
The weekend after Easter things happened fast, completely unseen by the public. On Friday night, April
20, the real Walter Mondale was being held incommunicado by Bolshevik captors in New Richmond in
western Wisconsin. Sometime between 9:30 and 10:00 PM local time, Vice-President Walter Mondale
was executed!
Mondale had been one of Nelson Rockefeller’s closest political allies and had been prominent among
the mourners at Rockefeller’s memorial service at Riverside Church in early February. Now he had
died on a Friday evening, as Rockefeller had, at almost the same local time and from the same cause—
a bullet in the forehead. Barely an hour later, Mondale’s body was dumped into Lake Superior at a
point about 12 miles southeast of Taconite Harbor, Minnesota. Meanwhile Air Force II was already on
its way westward across the Atlantic with a Mondale “double” aboard.
Mondale had been scheduled to return on Sunday, according to public announcements, but his plane
was returning a day early for security reasons—but it did no good. Air Force II, a duplicate of Air Force
I flown by the President, was a specially outfitted military Boeing 707 known as a VC 137-C. Its
remains all except for the left wing are now lying under thousands of feet of water in the North
Atlantic. The navigational coordinates are 57 - 30 • 35 North, 26 - 38 - 20 West. That’s about 150 miles
north of where the Kissinger jet crashed in February. The left wing of Air Force II is lying on the ocean
floor about 13 miles to the east of the rest of the plane. The flight crew were unable to radio details, but
a blast close to the fuselage tore off practically the entire left wing in flight. The wing fluttered away
like a leaf while the rest of the plane spiraled downward 7 miles into the sea. At present Mondale’s
office claims that he returned Sunday April 22 at 1:00 PM, but the next person you see in the news as
Mondale will be his second “double”, recruited to fill in for the first “double” who died in a North
Atlantic crash of Air Force II. A replacement for Air Force II will no doubt appear as soon as one can
be outfitted.
On Saturday April 21, Jimmy Carter flew secretly from Georgia to Camp David unaware that Mondale
was dead. After lunch he went to Bethesda Naval Hospital for a checkup on his cancer and then to the
White House briefly. It was not until roughly 8:00 PM that night that the real Jimmy Carter returned to
Plains. There about 10:30 PM Jimmy Carter, President of the United States, was shot between the eyes,
but incredibly he retained some signs of life. He was rushed from Plains to Andrews Air Force Base
outside of Washington, arriving shortly after midnight. By 2:00 AM Sunday April 22, he was in surgery
at Bethesda Naval Hospital; but it was hopeless, just as it was in 1963 when President Kennedy was
shot in the head. With Rosalyn Carter in shock, the body of the late President of the United States was
disposed of quickly. That evening the real Rosalyn Carter was at the White House under heavy
sedation, but shortly after midnight she, too, was executed with a bullet between the eyes.
During the past several days Jimmy Carter No. 2 (that is, Carter’s “double”) has been seen repeatedly
in public—and what a change! Jimmy Carter No. 2 looks and acts 10 years younger than the real Carter
did. Listen now to the tired, halting voice of the old Carter as he read a prepared statement just 17 days
ago on April 10 (sound track follows):
“We have already begun to hear a good deal of talk from the oil companies about so-called ‘plow
backs’; but what this talk covers up is that this proposal, as it will be presented with the Windfall
Profits Tax, already provides six billion dollars in increased revenue.”
Now compare that with the more shrill voice—forceful, vigorous, and confident—of Carter No. 2 just
two days ago on April 25 (sound track follows):
“The bottom line is, that if there is an effort to cheat on the SALT agreement including the limits on
modernizing ICBMs, we will detect it.”
My friends, the flat, awkward speaking style of the old Carter is gone. In its place is a new style of
delivery which imitates the old Carter but has better phrasing and more lively inflection of the voice.
The eyes which were becoming glazed with pain and sedative are now gone, and in their place are eyes
that are piercing and alert. Gone is the old Carter under siege. In his place is a man who is talking about
storming the country by entering every Democratic Presidential Primary in the nation, but he is making
do with only a weak imitation of that most famous of all Carter campaign assets—the face-splitting
Carter grin. The change in appearance and behavior are so striking that something had to be done to
focus peoples’ attention in a way that would explain it all away—in other words, distraction. And so the
new Jimmy Carter, the “double”, is receiving great publicity over the fact that he parts his hair on the
left; the old Carter, of course, parted it on the right. So now anyone who looks at him and thinks,
“Carter sure looks different these days”, will also think, “I guess it’s the hair that does it.”
My friends, strange things are going on and you should prepare yourself for big surprises in the days
ahead. Besides the clandestine services of the United States and the Rothschild interests, there are at
least three other factions secretly busy here now. These are the Intelligence Agencies of Russia, Great
Britain, and Israel. Within the past two months, Britain has secretly come to terms with Russia, and the
Russian underwater missiles around Britain have been removed; and the “doubles” for Jimmy and
Rosalyn Carter have been at the Russian Embassy here in Washington a great deal this past week,
avoiding the White House as much as possible.
One thing, my friends, is certain: whatever these things mean, the Russians are taking it all very
seriously. Since last Sunday, April 22, there have been 24 Russian Cosmospheres deployed over the
Washington metropolitan area. Something important is afoot, and however it turns out, the Russians
intend to be ready.
Topic #3
- One week ago today, April 20, was Lenin’s birthday. In the past it has always been a day that
demanded a properly reverent attitude on the part of all Russians; but things are changing in Russia
today. Brezhnev No. 2 - the “double” who replaced the real Brezhnev after his death in January 1978 is used today to convey Russian policy positions to the world, and this year Brezhnev No. 2 was
conspicuous by his absence from Lenin Day celebrations. Instead, he went to a hockey match and one
which had little significance to Russia, whose team was not one of those playing. It was a graphic way
of saying in effect:Lenin doesn’t live here any more.
Meanwhile other members of the Russian leadership were giving signals about what does matter in
Russia today. The hockey game attended by Brezhnev No. 2 was taking place on Good Friday, as
reckoned in Russia. At the time, a Congressional delegation from the United States was in Moscow
meeting with leaders including Prime Minister Kosygin and Foreign Minister Gromyko. In James
Reston’s NEW YORK TIMES article of April 24, 1979, some surprising behavior by the Russian
leaders is mentioned:
“Paradoxically they arranged with the Congressmen on Easter weekend to go into the old Christian
church at Syzran and watch, if not take part, in the ceremony of the Resurrection.”
Reference Links:
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#91438 Tools for the Light Workers
Posted by DAR on 22 May 2015 - 11:51 AM in Return of The Gods
Nicolai Levashov. The Mirror of My Soul. Vol. 1. Born in the USSR
That part of the Universe, known to man here on Midgard earth, at this stage in our civilisation’s development,
(which is reflected in various religions), is only a tiny part of our Universe, and this in turn is as a grain of
sand in the real Universe. And even this comparison will be very conditional; in reality, the correlation is yet
more impressive. I am talking only about the scale of the Universe known to me at the beginning of 1988!
At the beginning of spring an elderly woman arrived for treatment from Sverdlovsk. She had a pretty large
cancer tumour in the area of the solar plexus. She asked me to relieve her of this tumour and, in the meantime,
began “agitating” for me to join her group which had made contact with highly developed extraterrestrial
I already had some idea of extraterrestrial civilizations, and it was clear to me that this woman did not have
contact with them. I asked her to tell me about how it happened. And here is her story...
She retired after she had worked as an accountant all her life. She had a lot of free time and decided to dedicate
it to the development of her spirituality. She decided to try to establish contact with higher forces and, for
unclear reasons, decided to do it by means of a circle wherein she wrote down letters of the Russian alphabet,
and a coin, which executed the function of a pointer. In a state of trance her arms moved the coin, pointing to
one or another letter. They converted into words, and the latter into sentences.
When I observed how she did it for the first time, her hands moved so quickly, that neither I nor anyone else
could follow her. It was impossible to see how words were formed from the letters, etc. Most likely, the circle
with letters and the coin served as a method of entry into the state of trance, when she became a conductor of
the information. I had no doubt that she received the information from outside.
However, I quite strongly doubted that she received the information from extraterrestrial civilizations, because
the level of development of her spirit did not reach necessary qualitative state. It was clear to me, but my
understanding would have meant nothing to her. If I had told her about it, most likely she would have thought
that I envied her: I understood and did not do it. I only asked her, whether she had any confirmation about the
veracity and exactness of the information she got with the help of such a channel?
She answered me in the following way. Through this channel she and her group received warnings about
different incidents beforehand. And all these reports came true and they had no reasons to doubt the correctness
of the rest of information after they received such confirmations. The thought flashed through my mind: “come
on, try to prove your case, and she will think at once that I simply want to “slander” all the achievements of her
group”. But, her cancer tumour in the solar plexus, my own experience and my knowledge about some issues
told me that she and her group had become a toy in someone's very capable “hands”.
I managed to find a way to show this woman the real state of affairs and to avoid an accusation of (nonexistent) envy. One day I gathered a group of several persons and invited this woman too. I introduced everyone
to each other and asked her to talk about her method and results. Later I asked her whether I could establish a
contact through her with anyone whom I knew, or could she only make contact with “hers”? She answered
positively and said she could contact anyone, and she only needed to know the name of the creature with whom
I wished to establish contact. This answer further convinced me of the rightness of my suppositions; but I told
her nothing about it
I “covered” myself. I did not want to frighten off or put possible deceivers on their guard; put on the “clothes”
of Ivanushka the fool and gave it (my disguise) a name. She prepared for the contact and..., we started! I asked
questions, got answers... and these answers did not come even close to the answers of the real creature that I
knew. It was clear to me from the beginning that the creature, which answered my questions, was not the one
with whom I had wanted to establish contact. But, wrong answers to my questions were not the only criterion
which showed me the presence of a hoax.
Every creature, with whom I was acquainted, had a name which reflected his level of development. Therefore,
the name and the creature were, in principle, a single whole, a unique code which was almost impossible to
counterfeit. In order to counterfeit such a personal code, a falsifier must possess a very high level of
development, considerably higher than the level of development of the creature, whose name is to be used.
Thus, it makes no sense for a highly developed creature to pretend to be the other less developed creature.
Besides, according to cosmic law, a very severe punishment is due for such an action, almost the same, as for
the creation of holographic camouflage—the complete erasing of the spirit.
So, those who know these laws will never do a similar thing—it is simply not worth doing. Therefore, if
someone does it, he is obviously not a highly developed creature and he is certain of his complete impunity.
And such confidence in one’s own impunity can only be the case when an infringer of cosmic laws is absolutely
confident that no one will know about his sins. There is simply no one to report. But, as the saying goes, even a
wise man stumbles.
Thus, it was clear to me from the beginning of the contact that quite another creature was with us; but I did not
rush to unmask an impostor. I wrote down the questions and answers of this contact for the protocol. Once or
twice I asked this woman how everything was going. She answered that everything was just perfect. It was
important for me that she had the proof in her own “hands” that someone played a foul game with her.
When there were enough questions and “answers”, I decided that it was time to show the “trump card”. Instead
of asking the next question I asked the answering creature, why he pretended to be someone else. The creature
began to assure me that he was exactly the creature that he purported to be. After this assurance I “uncovered”
myself and created an insuperable barrier around the creature. And repeated the question again: who was he and
why did he pretend to be another creature.
After that this creature stopped disowning and said that his name was Milon and he was sent to fulfill the
following task: being on Midgard-earth’s mental level (the fourth material level according to my system) he was
to “pick up” all those who were able to “break the egg-shell” there. And, if these “chickens” believed in God he
should declare himself to be this God or a messenger of the latter, if the “chickens” believed in the
extraterrestrial intellect he should pretend to be a representative of the latter, which, by the way, was not so far
from the truth.
Only the representatives of this extraterrestrial intellect are peculiar—they are parasites. The purpose of these
creatures and even of whole civilizations is parasitizing on the potential of those who possess the latter, but are
unaware of what is it and how to use it. Milon did exactly this, contacting this woman and her group. When he
was “pinned” and had nowhere to escape, he began to testify, trying to justify his disgraceful acts. He claimed
that he did nothing “felonious”— he “simply” took away from fools what they had, but never used.
Milon tried to show that his actions caused no harm to anyone, that he took “only that”, which no one needed
and herein there was no violation of cosmic laws. It was not his fault that these people had no understanding of
what they had and therefore did not use it. It would be a shame, he said, if such a treasure disappeared, because
its owners had neither understanding, nor knowledge, of what they possessed. To take the “unnecessary” was
not a crime: that was how this pilferer defended himself. Besides, he said that he executed these actions carrying
out the order of his higher bosses. It was their needs for which he collected the unused potential for
development of Midgardearth’s aborigines. He tried to pretend to be a dependent “cog”, with no responsibility
for the orders he received.
Here he was partly right. He carried no responsibility for orders given to him, but he carried the most direct
responsibility for his actions in executing these orders. As for the inoffensiveness of his actions, he, to put it
mildly, suffered a very “strange” myopia. The potential for development of people deceived by him is neither a
cobble nor a gold nugget, which “lies” who knows where until a person who understands the value of this
nugget, finds it and is able to use it for the sake of “world revolution”. Although the “benefactors” of the “world
revolution” are not from here, the essence of their “care” is the same.
There are local and foreign, in our case—extraterrestrial, parasites, but the essence is the same; their methods
and aims are identical. In fact, instigators and producers of certain events are the same too; I understood this
much later... This exchange of information between me and Milon was conducted through this woman. It was
she who transmitted Milon’s answers, so, it was impossible to accuse me of distortion or falsifying of facts.
Instead of spiritual enlightenment, an elderly woman from Sverdlovsk got alien brainwashing. “Good” aliens
“picked” her up and “robbed” her, in the direct and figurative sense of the word— and not only her but also all
those who were in her group.
Unfortunately, a lot of people, who have accumulated their potential of development, appear to be in the state of
hatched “chickens”. They were able to accumulate a necessary potential of development in order to “force
through” a qualitative barrier to the fourth material level of Midgardearth (the first mental level), but not enough
to facilitate operating at this level correctly.
One should have knowledge and understanding of the laws of nature which govern on other levels, as well as
methods and principles of action on these levels. Unfortunately, people who open the “doors” to other
qualitative levels of the planet, take the skills and concepts of our physically dense level with them; without any
understanding of the fact that these do not work in other qualitative conditions. And parasites, both “local” and
“cosmic”, immediately use this childlike blindness, which (the blindness) is fully natural at a certain level of
development. These parasites, independent of their type, are very interested in keeping people in this blindness
and ignorance as long as possible, better still—forever!
They use a very effective method for this purpose. Depending on the psycho-type of the recently “hatched”
person, they begin to carry out a psychical “processing”, in order to see his weak points. Usually it happens like
this. First, parasites scan the brain of a freshman to know his ideas and affections. If a freshman believes in
God, they appeared before him on behalf of this God or pretend to be the latter. If a freshman believes in the
existence of alien civilizations—they declare themselves to be the representatives of the latter without
specifying to what type of civilization they belong.
Most people, who are waking up now, consider for some reason that if they establish a contact, that this is
possible only with light forces and light civilizations. Most likely, this happens because in the literature
available to them, as well as in generally accepted ideas, a concept that the mental levels of our planet
correspond to a high level of spiritual development is insistently imposed upon people. Therefore, these people
automatically place all creatures, beings on these levels, in a category of spiritually highly developed creatures
or in the category of Gods and angels.
None of them understand that the overcoming of all six qualitative barriers of Earth (gaining of six bodies of the
spirit) does not mean their merging with nirvana and completion of evolution. It means only that this person has
completed the zero planetary cycle of development, that he (or she) has only got rid of the planetary evolutional
captivity and is ready to “open” the next chapter of his life and development—the galactic stage of his
movement forward.
Any person would be surprised if a traveller stopped at the threshold of his own house after he had “fitted” the
keys in the right order to open all six doors and go outside. Certainly, if a creature is able to “open” the fourth
“door” of our house-planet, he will have a higher level of development, than a creature, who is only able to
“open” the third “door”. And, if someone is able to “open” the fifth “door” of Midgard-earth, he will have a
higher level of development than a creature, who is able to “open” only the fourth “door”, etc. That is right, but
it does not mean that the “dwellers” of all these levels can be necessarily referred to as light forces and bring
only light. It is a very dangerous error for which many people pay with their health and sometimes, their life.
Moreover, much worse things can happen. Parasites can fully destroy the spirit (soul) of a creature, who got into
such a trap, and sometimes convert it into a slave, turning him into the source of their potential. In order that
their potential victims “go” readily to their arms, parasites apply a very widespread psychological trick. To
dissipate mistrust between them and their victims, parasites give reliable information which can easily be
checked at the terrestrial level and which renders a strong emotional influence. Usually it is the information
about forthcoming catastrophes and natural calamities.
After a victim confirms the exactness of given information, parasites begin to pass false information,
impossible to check. However, after getting the verifiable information, the victim carries his trust over to
information which he is unable to check. I think that there is no need to explain, what kind of information,
impossible to check, is given.
Also parasites use another very effective method; they “throw dust in the eyes” of their victim which allows
both the robbery of the evolutional potential and the destruction of the victim’s mentality
and personality. In order to keep their victim firmly in place, parasites begin to reveal to them that they are
chosen by them on purpose, that this is their fate, that only they deserve to conduct their information for the
“good” of all humanity.
The difference in the “message” is insignificant. If their “client” believes in God, parasites announce that God
has chosen them because only they truly believe in him and only they deserve his attention and salvation.
If a person believes in extraterrestrial life, the same parasite will declare himself a
representative of this or that civilization and begin to “sing a song” about a very important role
which his victim must fulfill to rescue terrestrial civilization.
The most interesting thing is that people, who fall under such an influence, do not even notice the obvious
nonsense given to them. For example, “alien” civilizations contacting through one or another channeler call
themselves the civilization from, for example, the constellation of The Swan or Orion or the Great Bear. These
terrestrial channelers take it as “goes without saying”. But, these are purely the terrestrial names of
constellations, which an observer sees from the surface of Midgard-earth.
Planets and stars of every civilization have their own, “local” names, not terrestrial. It is highly possible that
they have neither swans nor bears, and even if they do, they would, probably, give them their “local” names
without any borrowings from Midgard-earth.
Besides, a map of the stars seen from one inhabited planet differs dramatically from that seen
from another. Therefore, if they unite stars in constellations, the number of stars and their location
cannot possibly correspond to terrestrial concepts. Moreover, the uniting of different stars in constellations is a
characteristic of civilizations at the initial levels of development which have their
planetary cycles (of development) uncompleted.
In fact very often there are enormous distances between the stars in any constellation, and sometimes, in reality,
a star of the “constellation” appears to be a very remote galaxy, which involves billions of stars of its own and
its size is considerably larger than the size of our universe.
Therefore, if there is a contact with real representatives of another civilization, they give no names, neither
theirs, nor terrestrial, which is for them simply foolish. Instead, they pass a volumetric hologram of their system
with the points of reference, considering the spatial position of Midgard-earth. And if the representatives of
other civilizations introduce themselves as messengers from the constellation of Swan or any other, it means
only one thing—those who establish the contact begin to play nasty games with all the ensuing consequences.
One way or another I will touch upon the subject of extraterrestrial contacts, and for a while I will come back
into the spring of 1988...
14. Ready for superabilities?
In case of the elderly woman from Sverdlovsk I had succeeded in proving to her that the information
given through her group was false and I hoped that she would not repeat the error and leave the unreliable and
dangerous practice of establishing contact alone. However, I had wrongly supposed, based on her level of
development, that she could not have contacted an extraterrestrial civilization.
In reality she did make contact—only with the representative of an extraterrestrial civilization, who settled
himself comfortably on her exact terrestrial planetary level. It is also true that this alien Milon was a catcherparasite of people, who had just “hatched” from their evolutional “eggs”. It turns out that not every contact,
even with an alien, promises positive results and possibilities for spiritual development...
#91488 Clones, Robotoids & Doubles .. THEY’RE EVERYWHERE ..
Posted by DAR on 24 May 2015 - 10:37 AM in Return of The Gods
Clones, Robotoids & Doubles .. THEY’RE EVERYWHERE .. Betrayal
Audio Letter #46
Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter in Washington. Today is May 28, 1979, and this is my Audio Letter
Audio Letter #47
Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is June 28, 1979, and this is my
Audio Letter No. 47.
The final Friday in May, last month, was a sunny spring day in Chicago. It was a perfect day to fly, and O’Hare
Airport was busy as usual. Inside the terminal complex, thousands of air travelers were rushing to and from
their flights. Nearby the runways were alive—airplanes were taking off and landing in a steady stream, one
right after another. It was just another day at the world’s busiest airport.
Nelson Rockefeller wanted to make sure that if he should ever be murdered he would have his revenge, even
from the grave. And so over the years he made a habit of keeping a complete list of all the people placed in
important positions by his brothers and himself. Periodically he provided copies of the latest list to certain
elements within Russia’s Intelligence community. His political testament contained instructions that were very
simple: “If anybody ever killed me, use the list; find out who did it. I don’t care if you have to get rid of
everybody on the list, just do it.” In doing this, the one thing he never anticipated was that the RockefellerSoviet alliance itself would come apart. Even so the Rockefeller “Hit Lists” are now coming into their own in a
way that he could never have anticipated, because the Bolsheviks who carried out the coup d’etat against the
Rockefellers are also the enemies of the new ruling faction in Russia.
So Russia, for her own reasons, is now using Nelson Rockefeller’s “Hit List” in the secret Intelligence war now
going on. They know exactly whom to go after here in America and have known for years, and they have been
preparing for years to be in a position to use the list if that turned out to be the best way to proceed. Here, my
friends, is where the new Russian Intelligence weapon enters the picture.
What I am about to reveal I am revealing primarily for history. I know even before I reveal it
that some that the events in the days ahead will be impossible to understand without knowing
this secret. So I do not ask that you believe it simply because I say it. What I do ask—and I ask it for your own
good—is that you keep an open mind. Listen and hear what I must now reveal, then watch events themselves.
My friends, since World War II and before, scientists the world over have been probing for the basic secrets of
life itself; and in this field as in others, progress has been much faster than the public has been led to believe.
Today it’s common knowledge that heredity is governed by something called genes, yet barely a generation ago
this relationship was only beginning to be suspected. When it was suggested in 1944 by a theoretical physicist,
Erwin Schrodinger, it was a novel idea. Beyond that no one was too certain what genes were aside from huge
molecules or clusters of molecules. Some thought they were molecular chunks of protein, some thought they
were something else. When Schrodinger’s ideas about genes were published, World War II was still raging and
basic scientific research was on a back burner; and yet, barely a half a dozen years later, researchers were
zeroing in on a building block of life even more basic than genes. The solution was found to this revolutionary
puzzle in April 1953 at Cambridge University in England.
Scientists James Watson, Francis Crick, and Maurice Wilkins were later to share the Nobel Prize for solving the
puzzle. They had discovered the molecular structure of DNA, the famous “double helix.” In 1968 Watson
published a book titled “THE DOUBLE HELIX”, published by Athenaeum, New York, N.Y.
To understand the overwhelming importance of the double helix discovery in 1953, one need go no further than
these few words on the jacket of the book: “DNA is the molecule of heredity, and to know its structure and
method of reproduction enables science to know how genetic directions are written and transmitted, how the
forms of life are ordered from one generation to the next.” In other words, to understand DNA is to begin to
understand life itself.
It has now been over a quarter century since the crucial discovery of the DNA double helix, and since then
research in molecular biology has not been standing still but speeding up. In some cases research has gone in
directions which are deliberately sheltered from publicity because of the fear of public reaction. Not so long
ago, for example, universities doing research into artificial microbes found their neighbors in an ugly mood
when they found out about it. Test tube babies are now a reality, and that began not long ago in England where
the mystery of DNA was first unraveled. Then, of course, there are clones—that is, creatures which are
reproduced by artificial means and which are exact duplicates of an original.
Clones of all kinds of animals have been produced successfully in the laboratory, but that is not what may
already be in existence. These last claims about human clones have been ridiculed, denied, and suppressed by
all kinds of officials—the reason is that the idea of duplicate human beings impinges upon a super-secret realm
of Intelligence activities by both Russia and the United States. True clones are not involved, but something that
bears a superficial resemblance to cloning is going on; and the last thing the powers-that-be want is for you and
the public to have any hint about what is afoot.
In Russia as well as in the West, research has been under way for many years in biological synthesis— that is,
artificial life forms; and according to high intelligence, a stunning break-through took place in Russia some
years ago. The Russians refer to this break-through as a “providential discovery”, something they learned
almost by accident. They discovered the key to creating what are known as “organic robotoids.” An organic
robotoid is an artificial robot-like creature, it looks and acts exactly like a human being and yet it is not human.
A robotoid is alive in the biological sense but it is an artificial life form. Robotoids respond to conventional
routine medical tests in the same way as humans do; they eat, they drink, they breathe, they bleed if cut; and
they can be killed. Robotoids can also think, but they think only in the sense that a computer thinks. Like any
other computer, the brain of a robotoid has to be programmed for each assignment it is given; but unlike many
electronic computers, the biological computer brain of a robotoid possesses an enormous memory. As a result,
robotoids can be programmed to communicate and think in such complex patterns that they act human.
Organic robotoids are remarkable creatures, but they have many drawbacks. They don’t grow or reproduce but
must be manufactured one by one in the desired form. They also have a very limited life span, measured in
months or even weeks, depending upon how they are utilized. This is due to the fact that their metabolism,
while it resembles that of humans, is very inefficient. A robotoid can be manufactured on very short notice, a
matter of hours; but after a few weeks or months it suddenly begins to degenerate physically and mentally.
When that takes place, the robotoid has to be removed from service and disposed of. To extend its useful life as
much as possible, a robotoid is customarily cooled down to slow its metabolism between assignments.
Organic robotoids are extremely expensive, troublesome creatures to produce and utilize; and robotoid
capabilities do not exceed those of human beings. All they can really do is simulate human beings; but, my
friends, for Intelligence purposes that’s all they have to do! To produce an organic robotoid it is necessary to
have a pattern to go by. The pattern required is that of genetic coding taken from a few cells from the body of a
human being. In this respect the Russian technique sounds like cloning, but the technique itself is totally
unrelated to genuine cloning. A robotoid is produced within a matter of hours, and it simulates the human donor
at his current age. Like any man-made copy of anything, a robotoid is never a perfect copy of the human that is
to be simulated; there’s always small discrepancies in appearance and behavior, but these are seldom great
enough to arouse any suspicion.
When the initial Russian break-through in robotoids took place years ago, the Rockefeller-Soviet alliance was
still functioning. The Christian group who now rule Russia were already secretly morepowerful than the
Bolsheviks, but the final overthrow had not yet taken place. When the robotoid break-through took place, they
moved quickly to minimize the amount of information obtained about it while those Bolsheviks still retained
positions of power. They also tried to prevent information about it from leaking through Intelligence channels to
the CIA, nevertheless partial information did reach the CIA and the late four Rockefeller brothers.
By early 1975 the Russians were known to have successfully created at least one organic robotoid in the
laboratory. Meanwhile the CIA was coordinating a feverish research effort aimed at accomplishing the same
feat. Up to now, robotoid technology in the United States is far behind that of Russia. The American capability
in robotoids is not even close to being operational, whereas the Russians are deploying them right now.
But there has been at least one attempt to create an organic robotoid for public use in the United States, and I
am referring to the final fate of the late General George S. Brown. In April 1977 I revealed how much General
Brown had sacrificed by that time as the price of doing his duty for America, but not long after that General
Brown paid the supreme price for his actions. It is only now that I am free at last to reveal it. On July 10, 1977,
General Brown was taken to CIA headquarters near Washington, D.C., in Virginia.
There he was taken to one of the many secret rooms designed into the CIA building by Nelson Rockefeller. The
room was a laboratory, and the attempt was made to create a robotoid replacement for General Brown. The
techniques employed were far more crude than those used in the Russian process since the CIA process required
General Brown to be on the scene. The attempt ended in complete failure. A crude facsimile of General Brown
was generated but it refused to come to life. Even so, General Brown could not be allowed to live because now
he knew too much; and so on the evening of July 10, 1977, General George S. Brown, the last great patriot in
the United States Government, was MURDERED.
A normal human “double” was found for General Brown since a robotoid attempt had failed. This was the man
who testified in the role of General Brown at the Congressional hearings on the Panama Canal Treaty,
September 27, 1977! At his side throughout, briefing and prompting him, was the Secretary of Defense, Harold
Brown. Occasionally the “double” would be flustered by a question and looked down at the table in front of him
until the Defense Secretary whispered something in his ear. Then he would look up again, say what he had been
told, and so on. Once the Panama Canal hearings were out of the way, the “double” for the late General Brown
was seen as little as possible in public.
Soon there were stories that he had contracted cancer. Then the Air Force Chief of Staff, General David Jones,
began acting as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs months before the end of General Brown’s tour of duty. In June
1978 we were told that General Brown was retiring, and last December 5, 1978, we were told that he had died
of cancer. At that point the General Brown “double” collected his pay and headed for Frankfurt, West Germany,
where he landed on December 11, 1978, at 3:30 AM local time. It is a standing rule that “doubles” for important
people never live long, and so at about 7:30 that evening General Brown’s “double” was shot to death in the
back of the neck.
Last month I revealed that an Intelligence war of “doubles” had erupted in the United States. President Carter,
Vice-President Mondale, and their wives had fallen victim to this war of “doubles” as their Easter breaks away
from Washington were ending. Now I’m sorry to report that Amy Carter, Billy Carter, Lillian Carter, and Hugh
Carter all died soon after Jimmy and Rosalyn did. All of them, including Amy, have been replaced by
“doubles”; but instead of the Bolshevik “doubles” who had been waiting in the wings, those we are seeing are
Russian organic robotoids.
The voice of the Jimmy Carter “double” which was reproduced last month in Audio Letter No. 45 is the voice
of a robotoid. That robotoid was the one who was dazzling everyone with his vigorous new image. Only a few
months ago Carter had been limping around with what we were told were severe hemorrhoids; but now, out of
the blue, here was a Carter who was a powerhouse—hiking, fishing, and jogging ten miles a day, he also looked
and sounded younger than before—that was the first robotoid “double” for Carter which I referred to last month
as Carter No. 2.
By the time I recorded Audio Letter No. 45, there was also another Carter robotoid making the rounds —this
one, Jimmy Carter No. 3, was the one that attended the Holocaust observances in the Capitol building here in
Washington. By contrast with Carter No. 2, No. 3 looks noticeably older and more haggard. As I mentioned
earlier, robotoids are very good copies but they are not perfect, no two look exactly alike. Last month I
mentioned that the “doubles” for Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter were spending a great deal of time at the Russian
Embassy here in Washington instead of at the White House. Now I can tell you why. Robotoids are
programmed at the Embassy for each assignment. Between assignments they simply rest there in a state of
reduced metabolism.
When the Bolshevik coup d’etat against the Rockefellers began four months ago, the Kremlin rulership already
knew that Bolshevik “doubles” would soon be on the scene, and they knew that if the Bolsheviks were allowed
to complete their take-over of the United States, Russia would soon suffer. The Bolshevik plans for nuclear war
against Russia are a blueprint for suicide for America—but they have not been abandoned. Up until now the
Russians had been keeping the robotoid capability under wraps, and there was a real question whether they
would ever be used; but the Bolshevik coup d’etat convinced them the time had come to deploy the robotoids.
Now they are using Nelson Rockefeller’s “Hit List”, and using their robotoids the Russians have already altered
the course of world events in dramatic ways.
Topic #2
- As recently as two months ago the Bolsheviks here in America had big plans for this, the month of May. By
now they were planning for tensions in the Middle East to be at the breaking point with events building fast
toward war. There was to be a atmosphere of crisis over our own supplies of Middle East oil; and with that as
an excuse, they were planning to begin the process of closing down American freedoms.
The Bolshevik “ad hoc gang of four”—BRZEZINSKI, BLUMENTHAL, BROWN, and SCHLESINGER—
were expecting their power to start growing fast in this atmosphere of crisis. Meanwhile the big oil companies
of the now headless Rockefeller cartel have been playing right into the hands of the Bolsheviks. Overnight they
have trumped up a gasoline shortage that does not exist, and they are lying about their costs and pushing up
prices out of sheer greed. They are creating an artificial crisis atmosphere to set the stage for events to come.
Until a few weeks ago the tensions in the Middle East were building up as planned; Egypt was calling Saudi
Arabia names, saying Saudi Arabia had paid the other Arabs to isolate Egypt; Israel was continuing its hard line
toward the Palestinians; there was talk of a growing rift between Saudi Arabia and the United States—and all
the while gas lines were growing longer here in the United States. But in recent weeks something has happened.
The news in the United States has been full of trivia for the most part as if world events were in suspended
animation. The reason is that while events have been taking place with blinding speed, they have been behind
the scenes!
The Intelligence war now going on is intense, and the situation is changing daily. Bolshevik strategies have
been badly jolted by the Russians using their robotoids, and as a result the Bolsheviks are not sure what
propaganda line to feed to the public right now. A major shock to the Bolsheviks in recent days has been their
loss of the “ad hoc gang of four.” First, I can now report that Brzezinski was with the Bolshevik “double” for
the late Vice-President Mondale last month on April 20.
They were aboard Air Force II which crashed in the North Atlantic, as I reported last month. Then on May 13
the other three were eliminated—Blumenthal, Brown, and Schlesinger. All four were promptly replaced with
Russian robotoids, as has been done with the Carters and the Mondales. A number of other top officials have
also been removed and replaced by Russian robotoids. Last month Secretary of State Cyrus Vance was
replaced; and on the 1st of May, May Day, the American Association of Newspaper Editors were treated to
speeches supposedly by Vance and Brzezinski. In the past, Vance and Brzezinski have always been noted for
being at loggerheads on every issue; but this time, as they spoke of the need for a new diplomacy by America, it
was as if they were both thinking with the same mind. Many observers were surprised but no one suspected the
As there begin to be more and more Russian robotoids in key positions of the United States Government, there
will be more and more surprises. One key public personality I would urge you to watch very carefully now is
Walter Cronkite in his television broadcast on CBS Evening News. During this month of May he left on what
was said to be a vacation. Today, May 28, he resumed broadcasting. If you are accustomed to watching the
Cronkite news program, I suggest that you watch carefully now, look for a change in the slant given the news—
it will be subtle, but it will be there. If you are serious about it, you might tape the shows every evening for a
week, then play them all back one after another sometime the following week-end. That way you can compress
a week into two hours or so not counting commercials, and better tell what the drift is.
Otherwise the most important single personality to watch is the one labeled “Jimmy Carter.” Periodically there
will be small changes in his appearance and behavior as one robotoid wears out and is replaced by another; and
by listening to the Carter robotoid, you can get some hintsabout what the Kremlin is up to.
The invasion of the Russian robotoids goes far beyond the mere removal of troublesome people from official
positions. Robotoids assume the identity and authority of those whom they replace. As a result they can carry
out official acts, give orders, and sign agreements. A prime example is to take place next month in Vienna,
Austria, on June 15. To the world it will appear that the United States in the person of President Carter will be
signing the SALT II Treaty with Russia in the person of President Brezhnev; but the signatories will actually be
a robotoid that looks like Carter and a human double who looks like Brezhnev.
Over a year ago in Audio Letter No. 33 I reported the January 1978 death of the real Brezhnev and his
replacement with Brezhnev No. 2. So the SALT II Treaty will actually involve Russia signing with itself
through puppet personalities! For over a year and a half following the Battle of the Harvest Moon in September
1977, the United States stalled off SALT II, but now it is the era of Russian robotoids, and now SALT II is
about to be signed.
In recent weeks Russian robotoids masquerading as American officials have been busy not only here in the
United States but abroad as well. They have been used to carry out diplomatic shuttle negotiations in the Middle
East. The Russians are trying to keep the lid on there so the Bolshevik first-strike plan which I revealed in
Audio Letter No. 37 cannot be carried out. The shuttles have been taking place by means of a small fleet of
second generation Cosmospheres. These are a more advanced version of the Floating Electrogravitic Weapon
Platforms which first appeared operationally over the United States in December 1977. The new second
generation Cosmospheres are designed specifically as high-speed transports. Unlike the first generation
machines, they do not use rocket thrusters to move horizontally; instead, the electromagnetic fields around the
earth are tapped for that purpose. They normally climb to a height of 100 miles or more above the earth to get
beyond the bulk of the earth’s atmosphere, then they travel to any desired destination typically at around 9,000
miles per hour. That is about half the speed of a satellite in orbit, so passengers feel somewhat lighter than
normal but not weightless. When the occasion calls for it though, the Cosmosphere transports can go even
faster. To make a trip from Washington, D.C. to some far distant part of the globe, the passenger first travels to
Bangor International Airport in Maine; from there another plane takes him to a Cosmosphere landing site in east
central Quebec Province, Canada. This site, which was first mentioned in Audio Letter No. 31, is on the north
edge of Manicouagan Lake. If the destination is in Russia, be it Moscow or Novosibirsk, the Cosmosphere can
land usually within a few tens of miles of the final destination. For other destinations, however, secluded
landing sites like the one in Quebec are used to maintain secrecy.
The earliest Russian robotoid to appear on the American scene was one simulating the late David Rockefeller.
That robotoid replaced a Bolshevik “double” for Rockefeller by early March. On April 25 this robotoid (David
Rockefeller No. 2) left the Russian Embassy in Washington and headed for Jerusalem. The following day he
met with high Israeli officials, pressuring them to back off from the plan to destroy Saudi Arabia’s oil fields.
The Israelis were astonished. The plan had been in gestation for over four years and was a joint plan between
Israel and America.
Now here was one of David Rockefeller’s “doubles” telling them that Russia knows about the plan and does not
plan to let it succeed. The Israelis resisted. Rockefeller No. 2 left Jerusalem for Moscow where he met with
John Paisley shortly after noon. Paisley is the former high CIA official whose body was supposed to have been
found October 1, 1978 floating in Chesapeake Bay. He has been described in various news reports as a “mole”
within the CIA—a foreign agent. That he was, an extremely important one.
It was Paisley who provided Russia with the orbital data on America’s Spy Satellites. With that data Russia’s
fleet of manned killer satellites, the Cosmos Interceptors, finished destroying America’s Spy Satellites in orbit
over a year ago. Since his disappearance last fall, Paisley has been living near Leningrad, following a vacation
at Odessa on the Black Sea. Rockefeller No. 2 briefed Intelligence officials in Moscow about his discussions
with the Israelis. Paisley had been brought there because it was anticipated that his services would shortly be
This was confirmed by the report of the robotoid. It was decided that Paisley should go to Jerusalem the
following day, April 27, but accompanied by an agent of the KGB since the Russians did notentirely trust
Paisley. The Rockefeller robotoid was to return to Jerusalem that day also and put in an appearance along with
Paisley. In addition it was decided that Jimmy Carter No. 2 should visit Jerusalem in a quick secret trip by
Cosmosphere Transport. David Rockefeller No. 2 was then dispatched to Washington with instructions for
Jimmy Carter No. 2. By the evening of April 26, Carter No. 2 was at the Israeli Intelligence Station outside
Jerusalem. At the same time Carter No. 3 was keeping up appearances here. Rockefeller No. 2 was seen at the
World Trade Center in New York but left that night for Moscow and then Jerusalem. While Jimmy Carter No. 3
was appearing at the Holocaust ceremony in Washington, Carter No. 2 was in Moscow having already been to
Jerusalem; meanwhile Paisley and Rockefeller No. 2 were in Jerusalem.
To be Continued:
Attached Files
Clones, Robotoids & Doubles .. THEY’RE EVERYWHERE .. Betrayal.pdf 114.32KB 33 downloads
#91521 Blast From the Past - The Chani Project
Posted by DAR on 26 May 2015 - 09:50 AM in General Discussion
A Shift in Focus "Gratitude"
Started By Shining, Sep 17 2011 09:12 AM
China - Vatican tensions mounting
Started By NexusEditor, Sep 17 2011 09:26 AM
Started By Acolyte, Sep 17 2011 12:02 PM
Betting; where is the satellite gonna hit?
Started By Guest_Heidi_* , Sep 17 2011 12:31 PM
Another Eerily Familiar Thread
Started By Housedad, Sep 17 2011 12:52 PM
Elder Member
Posted 17 September 2011 - 06:32 PM
hi hd
still as strong as an ox i'm sure
the fullford story is a rewrite of some sorts to the Tom Bearden book
Fire from the sky
where the US Bolshevik faction tries a sneak attack on the USSR using aircraft that also travel under water. At
he last moment the attempt to start a nuclear war is thwarted by USSR cosmospheres and polius stations
i found it a fascinating read that mentions some things that I had come across in the past
you can read it here:
working LINK here: http://www.mindserpe...fire_index.html
Ancient Helpdesk
Started By Guest_Heidi_* , Sep 17 2011 02:01 PM
Benjamin Fulford
Started By Panther, Sep 17 2011 05:09 PM
Disclosure Imminent?
Started By Shining, Sep 17 2011 06:11 PM
Pendulum Waves....
Started By Arc, Sep 17 2011 09:01 PM
Advanced Member
LocationRocky Mountains, USA
Posted 07 January 2014 - 09:27 PM
and then there is Cymatics.. Tesla knew all this. The Sumerians knew it, the Egyptian Priests... grrrrrrr.
My anger at the suppression of all of this is still unhinged.
3,6,9, Frequency, Vibration and Energy... tho! now that I just typed that, perhaps the order of the Frequency,
Energy and Vibration statement may need to be re-ordered.. Ill will try to find the original quote.. feels like a
current (yet way past) clue now!!!
#91546 Putin - the man
Posted by DAR on 27 May 2015 - 12:24 PM in General Discussion
Shock Revelation! — Putin Secretly Planned Collapse Of Soviet Union To
Make Russia Great Again
By State of the Nation
May 27, 2015 - 9:49:54 AM
Shock Revelation! — Putin Secretly Planned Collapse Of Soviet Union To Make Russia Great Again
Admin May 23, 2015Other Writers
Did the West bring about the collapse of the Soviet Union? No, it looks like the collapse was carefully
masterminded by Putin and Russian patriots in order to restore Russia to greatness and thwart American plans
for world domination.
By State of the Nation
with an introductory note by Lasha Darkmoon
Why is the Anglo-American Axis so afraid of Putin and determined to bring him down?
Introductory note
This 5700-word article breaks new ground. It is by far the most important article on Vladimir Putin that I have
personally read. I therefore recommend it to your attention and urge you to read it carefully.
The article delivers a fatal blow to the Putin demonizers who see Putin as a duplicitous agent of elite organized
Jewry. He is vilified by his critics either as a crypto-Jew, a ruthless ex-KGB agent, or else he is said to be
working in collusion with his Jewish masters to ransack Russia and enrich himself. Thus it has been alleged,
without any proof, that Putin has already acquired a nest egg of $100 billion which he has stashed away in
Swiss banks.
Putin is presented here in this article in an entirely different light: as a great Russian statesman and moral leader,
anxious to restore traditional Christian values to Russia and rescue the world from the toils of the “Great Satan”,
i.e. the United States, now itself an impotent puppet of international Jewry.
Make no mistake: the struggle between Putin and the Western powers is a continuation of the age-old struggle
between Good and Evil. Make sure you are backing the right side.
— Lasha Darkmoon
Why are the Western powers, led by the United States, so afraid of Putin?
No world leader has been so demonized by the West over the past decade as President Vladimir Putin of Russia
has been. No other president or prime minister has been subjected to so many outrageous personal attacks and
unrelenting false accusations. Clearly, Vladimir Putin represents a genuine threat to the World Shadow
Government(WSG) in a way that profoundly unnerves those who reside at the peak of the global power
Before that question can be answered, the hidden history of the preplanned collapse of the USSR must first be
understood and properly considered. Only by understanding the true historical context in which Vladimir Putin
operated at that time will his actions and pronouncements of today take on great meaning. This unknown history
is also quite important if one is to comprehend the reactions of his countless detractors throughout the
leadership of the Anglo-American Axis (AAA). As follows:
Ultra-Secret Deal Made Prior To The Engineered Collapse Of The USSR Following The Fall Of The Berlin
One of the best kept secrets which predicated the inevitable collapse of Soviet communism and the subsequent
breakup of the USSR is that it actually occurred in a manner not too unlike a carefully controlled demolition.
Only in this case they were bankers and politicians, investment brokers and power-brokers who actually pressed
the buttons. All of the plans toward that end were fastidiously laid by these stakeholders, all of whom had the
greatest interest in exploiting the vast wealth of the Russian Motherland.
The fall of the Berlin Wall and collapse of the USSR were not the spontaneous series of momentous events that
the Mainstream Media (MSM) would have us believe. Neither were they the result of President Ronald
Reagan’s request: “Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall”; although, his Hollywood background certainly
made for some great (and convincing) political theatre. “Perestroika” and “glasnost” were simply buzzwords
bandied about to present the appearance of a fundamentally changed USSR. Yes, Russia did become liberalized
especially in contrast to Soviet Communism, but only so it could be neo-liberalized by the banksters.
In fact, the entire dissolution of the USSR was the product of numerous top secret meetings which took place
with very high level (as in highest level) representatives from the USSR, USA, UK and other major AAA
nations and WSG controllers. By and large the most important of these meetings concerned the meticulously
engineered business and commercial, banking and investment aspects necessary for an orderly breakup of the
USSR republics and its eastern European satellites.
By 1989 the pendulum of power had swung from those who wished to see the USSR and her satellites
controlled by communism to those who wanted to directly control her prodigious natural wealth, industrial base
and other national assets by way of naked predatory capitalism. Toward that end the many notorious Russian
oligarchs were each selected and appointed by the Western coalition of bankers to oversee the outright theft of
all major assets and natural resources from the Russian people. This unique form of corrupt predatory
capitalism was at first hidden from public view as it was implemented to strip everything of value from both the
state and the citizenry.
This jointly blessed transitional process was the only way in which the Soviet Union was ‘permitted’ to be
liberated from those who secretly controlled her destiny throughout nearly 75 years of nominal Soviet
Communism. Leaders such as Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin were chosen to rubber stamp the entire
state-coordinated theft by the oligarchs. As political leaders are usually kept in the dark, neither of them, nor
their inner circles, were privy to the details of this scheme to steal Russian wealth. They were merely frontmen
whose primary task was to usher the process along with the veneer of legitimacy. However, because of their
positions of political power and unique vantage points, both were grimly aware that “a deal had been made with
the devil” behind their backs.
Boris Yeltsin bore the greatest burden because of the timing of his term as President as he watched the oligarchs
steal everything in sight. His well known drinking problem and heart condition were surely the result of having
to go along with the whole charade.
The CIA, also known as The Company, was directly involved in this CON of the century.
Nevertheless, Yeltsin knew that in the future stewardship of Vladimir Putin, Russia would be “protected”. For
just as the vulture capitalists from both Russia and the West executed their plans to strip Russia bare, so too had
an ultra-secret group of Russian patriots and nationalists, loyal politicians and government officials, made an
even stronger compact to take it all back — when the right time presented itself.
The following headline in the New York Times portrays exactly what did not occur just prior to the fall of the
Berlin Wall and subsequent collapse of the Soviet Union: “Director Admits CIA Fell Short In Predicting the
Soviet Collapse.”
Can anyone believe that the CIA tried to present itself as having failed to predict this monumental and
unparalleled collapse, particularly when it was the CIA itself that was actually pulling the levers and pushing
the buttons of what was essentially a controlled demolition?
The CIA even went so far as to take a lot of bad press to convince the American public (and the world-at-large)
that they had ‘truly’ failed miserably in this regard. Such was their intent to hide the actual scheme perpetrated
against the Russian people, as well as against all the former republics that made up the Soviet bloc, that the CIA
was made the subject of various political dramas acted out all over the ‘Washington, DC theatre district’ in an
effort to cover up any US involvement.
The Company does after all bear the direct responsibility of seeing to it that all Anglo-American Axis
international agreements are strictly adhered to. In reality, contract enforcement of this nature has always been
the CIA’s primary duty. In the instant case of Russia, however, their long range assessments and strategic
analyses fell WAY short of the mark. So mistaken were they that it can now be safely stated that it was really
the CIA that ultimately got conned. Perhaps there were also those well-positioned CIA ‘whistleblowers’ who
played the game so as to alert their Russian counterparts of the various schemes and scams being run from Saint
Petersburg to Vladivostok by the Western banksters.
It should now be clear why all the Russian oligarchs ran to London, Tel Aviv and New York City.
What better way for the oligarchs to shield themselves from Russian indictments than to seek the full protection
of the CIA, MI6 and MOSSAD crime syndicate deep within theAnglo-American Axis (AAA). Even the
recently freed ex-president, Mikhail Kodorkovsky, of the now defunct Yukos Oil, has been spending more time
in the good ole USA stumping for a new Russian revolution. The CIA’s other Russian political plant, former
world chess champion Gary Kasparov, has also been working overtime to supplant Putin as “Protector of the
Realm” as he preaches incessantly to the American political establishment about the ‘grave danger’ of Putin’s
truly enlightened leadership.
It seems that neither of these Western dupes understands that this is not 1917. And that Vladimir Putin is not
Czar Nicholas of Romanov fame. They also fail to realize that many of their fellow oligarchs abroad, as well as
political pawns at home, have met with disastrous fates; such are the forces from on high which have aligned
with Putin’s master plan for a strong and sovereign Russia. Each one of the many oligarchs, acting out of
extreme self interest as they have, cannot even hope to touch Putin now that state power has been irreversibly
consolidated to administer the Kremlin’s will.
The Ukraine: Another CIA-Coordinated Coup d’etat … For The USA And Israel
What is particularly surprising, in view of the very dynamic moves being played on the current global
geopolitical chessboard, is that the West is so transparent in regard to both their method and motive toward
undermining Russia. The recent Kiev coup and ongoing Ukraine revolution provide a perfect example of yet
another nation collapse executed within the historical orbit of Russia. Here, again, Zionist oligarchs with ties to
the US, UK and Israel have been appointed to all the key national leadership positions, as well as to the
governorships of all the regions known as oblasts. Once again, the AAA game plan has been executed
according to the same playbook as that utilized during the USSR collapse, with the billionaire oligarchs taking
total control of the wealth of the Ukraine.
In fact the Modern State of Israel (MSI) was formed by the Zionist movement which derived its power and
wealth from Ashkenazi Jewry the world over. However, the MSI experiment is not going so well. Most of those
Jews who emigrated from Russia and the Ukraine, as well as many who fled Europe during pre World War II
persecution, post WWII chaos and right up to the present day instability now understand that they jumped right
from the frying pan into the fire.
Most do not know, but there is a plan afoot by the Modern State of Israel to set up a return to its original
homeland in the Ukraine. The Eastern Ukraine was once a part of the kingdom of Khazaria during a time when
Judaism was chosen by the king to become the official state religion. Those Khazarian adherents to Judaism
would go on to constitute what is now known as Ashkenazi Jewry. Over centuries of migrations throughout
Russia, as well as emigrations to all parts of eastern, central and western Europe, the Ashkenazim have evolved
into the richest and most politically powerful religious group in Eurasia.
Furthermore, many Jews have now come to realize that their cultural PTSD [2] generated by both WWI and
WWII was purposefully inflicted so that they would be more amenable to taking up residence in a foreign patch
of desert land surrounded by Muslim and Arab nations which were forced to watch the outright theft of
Palestine in broad daylight from their brethren. Not a good way at all to move into the neighborhood, especially
when the neighbors can very easily lob mortars and missiles into your midst.
The US-UK-EU-Ukraine coalition has telegraphed its misguided intentions from the start.
This is where the plot to repopulate the Ukraine comes in. Most Israelis of European descent are naturally more
comfortable on “the Continent” completely out of range of such mortar and missile attacks. Hence, the Ukraine
was chosen by the Zionist leadership as a new fallback position. Not only is the brazenly apartheid regime of
the Modern State of Israel untenable in any civilized world, it has shown itself as the thoroughly rogue nation
and criminal state that it is today. In fact, the Modern State of Israel has ignominiously distinguished itself as an
unprecedented and peerless international pariah.
Particularly in light of their recent destruction of Gaza, Israel has essentially sealed its fate. Consequently, the
Middle East has morphed into a HUGE powder keg ready to blow whenever Israel decides to cross one too
many red lines for the umpteenth time. Any normal person living in such a volatile environment would only
want to far remove themselves from such a precarious state of affairs, which is why there is now a very quiet
movement of Ashkenazi Jews back to the Ukraine, their ancestral homeland.
From the very beginning of the manufactured civil war in the Ukraine, the Western powers have revealed their
intentions of creating a new “European Israel”. Removing the Russian language and substituting Hebrew as the
second official language of the Ukraine is just one quite obvious move toward the establishment of a new Israeli
enclave. All the while the Anglo-American Axis accuses Russia of having designs to create a new region –
Novorossiya — known literally as New Russia.
Such a red herring has accomplished the goal of not arousing suspicion as to the real plot to take over the
Ukraine, just as Palestine was in the late 1940s.
Furthermore, witness Israel’s extraordinary silence regarding the whole AAA misadventure in the Ukraine
before and during the ongoing, fabricated civil war. Their silence is even more deafening in view of the fascist
Neo-nazi thugs being cynically used to advance Kiev’s genocidal agenda throughout the eastern Ukraine. Of
course, this strategy is identical to Israel’s slow motion genocide of the Palestinians, as well as the systematic
and outright theft of their land.
Attached Files
Shock Revelation — Putin Secretly Planned Collapse Of Soviet Union To Make Russia Great Again.pdf
374.16KB 18 downloads
Posted by DAR on 27 May 2015 - 12:33 PM in Return of The Gods
T, on 27 May 2015 - 12:18 PM, said:
thank you both LS and Kumo
the fact remains that US astronauts go up in Soyuz rockets
thus only russia holds the key to the gate for Humans therefore IS the keeper of the city or garden call Earth
what you want
have you by any chance read the Bearden book Fire in the sky? interesting in conjunction
we can sit and reason with every detail arriving at our individual conclusions from our unique perspectives but
these conjuctures in hindsight leave little room for imagination
forgive my repetitiveness but
Russia only can get you to space today
who is holding the key and why I leave to you but the insignia and motif is pertinent
thank you again guys for clarity and personal knowledge (wish you could say more)
.. here is an email from author of Fire From the SKY for your review..
working LINK here: http://www.mindserpe...fire_index.html
Part A
FW: [CTRL] Battle of Harvest Moon & True Story of Space Shuttles
Tue, 3 Apr 2001 13:57:51 -0500
Dale Stonehouse
Calvin Burgin, the author of the Fire From The Sky series, recently posted
this to a mailing list in response to a post of mine. Thought you might be
interested in what he has to say.
Dale Stonehouse
-----Original Message----From:
Calvin Burgin [mailto:[email protected]]
Sunday, March 25, 2001 8:01 PM
[email protected]
[CTRL] Battle of Harvest Moon & True Story of Space
-Caveat LectorDale, I am on the Conspiracy Theory Research List and saw the message you sent. I have to smile at your
statement "Calvin is quite sensitive about any questioning of his conclusions about the world" and you said I
stopped communicating with you because of something you said.
No, my friend, the medium of email does not convey the nuances of messages and people often misunderstand.
If I was sensitive about what people thought about what I write I would not write it. I have no ill will nor any
other negative feeling against you or your questions! I am just very busy, and I routinely get about 50 to 150
emails A DAY (many from this list) and I simply
cannot keep up with all of it.
By the way, I appreciate your posting the Fire From The Sky document on the internet, at the time I did not
know how and was not even on the internet (except for some business networks that technically was internet I
As to Bush, Hoover, etc. being shape-shifters, I did not think that was a question -- how would I know whether
they are or not? Although in fact the Russians made their breakthrough in scalar
technology in the 1970's and developed clones in the late 1970's using physics that involves holograms, which
could lead to more understanding of the shape-shifting phenomena. At some point, everything in the universe is
a shape-shifter. You can find more than you wanted to know on this from Tom Bearden, Walter Russell and
David Icke.
Since I am the "One Who Knows" of the original Battle of the Harvest Moon document, how about I make some
statements to clear up some points (which will only cause more questions, I know).
The name "One Who Knows" was not my idea, it was given to me by a man who was in solitary confinement in
prison as a direct result of what he knew about the Mena, Arkansas, Bush/Clinton drug operation. It is
explained in my Fire From the Sky document, the various internet versions of it may or may not contain the
In the 1970's I worked in the secret section of Control Data Corporation in Sunnyvale, Calif. CDC had the
world's most powerful computers at the time: the Cyber series, the Star 100, the Cray (Seymour Cray worked
for Control Data. Later when he started his own company, Norris the owner of CDC financed the Cray
Corporation and owned part of it). As a direct result we worked on the United States' most secret projects.
Such as weather satellites -- which do more than weather, such as the computers under Cheyenne Mountain,
and such as spy satellites. I had two security clearances, one official and one unofficial.
The security clearances and all are really beside the point, because most everything I wrote was already
written somewhere else. Although I am the author of the Fire From The Sky document, I point out that it is just
quotations from others. I was a compiler more than an author.
You stated that the writings were channeled through George Green and Doris Ekker from Hatonn
(pronouncedd Aton). Well, Green was just a publisher, Doris was the channeler and the channeled material
was mostly spiritual. The Battle of the Harvest Moon material did not come from Hatonn, it came from Dr. P.
D. Beter who was involved in clandestine activities for MI6 and the Queen of England, he was assigned to the
Export/Import Bank by President Kennedy. Beter praticed law before the U.S. Supreme Court, he knew
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General George Brown personally and had secret contacts with Brown.
Beter also had contact with extraterrestrials, he was the go-between between Brown and Hatonn. Brown got
canned and later murdered because of that contact.
Yes, some of the Nazi's escaped and made contacts that lead directly to Ronald Reagan and George Bush. I am
sure you know this already.
Yes, the astronauts went to the moon - but NASA lied about the whole program and gave us a false story.
Check with Richard Hoagland, R. Rene, etc. Many have seen that the NASA material is hoaxed and have
concluded that we did not go to the moon. We went to the moon all right, but that true story is highly
classified. One of the original plans for the moon program is in the back of the book The Day After Roswell by
Philip Corso.
I used to get a note every week from a man who was the camera operator for the moon landing hoaxed films.
He died a few months ago now so I can't refer you to him. Just do your homework -- the year that Gus
Grissom, Edgar White and Roger Chaffee (Chaffee was U2 pilot with Frances Gary Powers and pilot that took
the pictures that led to the Cuban Missile Crisis. The man who read the pictures and reported to the President
is one of my customers, he works for the Texas Department of Transportation, and another of the U2 pilots is a
friend of mine who is also my competitor, his business is the same as mine and his shop is across town from me)
and a total of 8 astronauts were MURDERED the same year because they resisted the hoax. The rest of the
astronauts got the message and went along with the program.
You stated "neither interviewed anyone with first hand knowledge." Well, talking about real first hand
knowledge can get you suicided. I was first hand and I saw some of what was happening and I just point out to
others some of what is going on. In fact, I know more than I tell but no one would even understand it if I told it
much less believe it. So it is no different from if I knew nothing -- just do your own homework and I can help
you know where to look if you wish.
"Contact was financed primarily through money provided by a wealthy eccentric from Austin, TX." Once
again, no. Dave Overton the "wealthy eccentric" was my friend and customer, he bought the gold from me.
When he died, the newspaper interviewed me and then printed a fantasy story that had little to do with the
truth. They did not use ANYTHING that I told them, as far as I rememember and could tell. Dave tried to give
the gold to Contact, but George Green stole it. It was not used in any way to finance Contact, they never got it.
Just recently the gold was disposed but it still did not go to Contact.
When Contact Newspaper printed my letters to the man in solitary confinement which became the Fire From
the Sky document, even they got some things wrong. One thing that comes to mind, I wrote that the National
Reconnaissance Office developed the KH-11 satellite and I said it had a Byeman name Kennan. The
proofreaders changed that to "by a man named Kennan." No, it was right exactly as I wrote it, the Byeman
names were a method of code nameing. One of the projects that I worked on at Control Data was the KH-11.
They also had SI (Special Intelligence) and TK (Talent-Keyhole) codenames, but that is ancient history now.
The U2 was Byeman code named Idealist and the SR71 (I did the billing for the SR71 program) was Oxcart.
Tony Craddock, researcher and web master for CSETI told me that he has contacts in the
NSA, Pentagon, CIA etc. and they all confirmed that everything in the Fire From The Sky
document was true. Even the cloning of humans which began in the 1970s. You might
contact him and see what he is willing to tell, and while you are at it, consider supporting
CSETI, they have given
presentations to the United Nations, the Pentagon, all the Chiefs of Staff of the military, etc.,
trying to break the secrecy seal on the UFO subject. Once the seal is broken, you people are
going to be shocked, I can assure you.
He is at http://www.cseti.organd he has posted Fire From the Sky
Best to you and all.
Calvin Burgin AKA "One Who Knows" (how would you like to be stuck
with that name? grin)
Calvin Burgin AKA "One Who Knows
#91584 Clones, Robotoids & Doubles .. THEY’RE EVERYWHERE ..
Posted by DAR on 28 May 2015 - 12:49 PM in Return of The Gods
Clones, Robotoids & Doubles .. THEY’RE EVERYWHERE .. Betrayal
Audio Letter #46
Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter in Washington. Today is May 28, 1979, and this is my Audio Letter
Audio Letter #47
Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is June 28, 1979
Paisley’s testimony was being used to convince the Israelis of the extent to which America’s military security
has been breached. Carter No. 2 likewise was there to prove that Bolshevik support for the Middle East war
plan was being removed as a factor in Washington. Late on the 27th of April Rockefeller No. 2 began
encountering questions and problems which he was not programmed to handle; so obeying standing instructions
for such an event, he departed for Moscow for further programming.
On the 28th he went to the Russian Embassy in Washington. That night he returned to Jerusalem. For further
impact on the Israelis, the Carter No. 3 robotoid had been dispatched to Jerusalem along with Rosalyn No. 2.
Paisley had remained in Jerusalem all three days. Meanwhile here in the United States Carter No. 2 and another
new robotoid, Rosalyn No. 3, were on duty. On April 29 Paisley left for Leningrad and the robotoids left for
Washington—the first robotoid shuttle to the Middle East was ended after five days, in total secrecy.
As April was ended and May was getting under way, the main focus of activity by the Russian robotoids was
here in Washington. On April 30 a Carter robotoid surprised everyone with an uncharacteristic response to
critical statements by Senator Ted Kennedy. He said, “That is just a lot of baloney.” “That just wasn’t like
Carter”, people said. The next day the Brzezinski and Vance robotoids had their turn to surprise everyone. That
was the day they abandoned their usual fisticuffs in favor of sweetly humming the same tune to newspaper
“Just not like those two to behave that way”, said some puzzled observers. Two days later on May 3 it was
suddenly announced that a top official of the State Department, Leslie Gelb, was resigning. Two days after that
on May 5 another important resignation was announced, and this one had a short fuse. Only a few days earlier
on April 26 Air Force Secretary John Stetson had said some important things in public. Without divulging any
secrets he almost let the cat out of the bag about America’s recent military reverses. Speaking of our ability to
verify the proposed new SALT II Treaty he said in effect that he wasn’t worried about that. To him the real
story was something far different, far different—that is, the possibility of secret development and sudden
deployment of new weapons by Russia.
That, my friends, is exactly what Russia has been doing now for nearly three years—Underwater
Missiles, Charged Particle Beam-weapons, Killer Satellites, Cosmospheres, and the Moon
bases; and now Organic Robotoids! All were developed secretly and then deployed suddenly,
and not one of them is touched upon in the SALT II Treaty. Speaking as he did, Stetson was not long for the
Pentagon. His resignation was announced May 5 and was effective on May 18, ten days ago. His resignation
was an echo in some ways of that of the Undersecretary of Defense, Stanley Resor, in March; and the trend
toward transfers of key personnel, shake-ups, and resignations is continuing.
Within a few days one of the men in the position to observe Carter most closely will be transferred out and
replaced with someone new—that’s the President’s Naval Attache, the man who carries the socalled “Black
Bag” for nuclear war. On May 16 it was reported that seven aides to National Security Chief Brzezinski are
quitting—and so it goes.
On May 7 Pravda praised the United States for having finally become sober-minded about SALT II. Two days
later it was announced that the United States had reached an agreement in principle with Russia for a SALT II
Treaty; but in still another strange twist that raised many eyebrows, the announcement was not made by
“President Carter”, instead it was made by “Secretaries Brown and Vance”—but then one robotoid is as good as
another. Carter robotoids began lobbying on Capitol Hill immediately for the Treaty, one robotoid at a time, of
course; but shortly the emphasis began shifting again to the Middle East. On May 13 Paisley arrived in Iran
from Russia.
After checking with Intelligence agents in Tehran and Abadan, he returned to Moscow before the day was out.
News reports on May 16 said that Defense Secretary Harold Brown was going to Brussels to drum up support
for SALT II among our NATO allies; but a Harold Brown robotoid was in Moscow on May 13 and 14 and
arrived in Tehran on the 15th. The next day he went to Jerusalem, where he joined Paisley and the No. 2 Jimmy
and Rosalyn Carter robotoids. Thus began the second Middle East Cosmosphere shuttle involving robotoids.
After intensive meetings with Israeli leaders, Paisley left for Leningrad; the rest of the group went to Riyadh,
Saudi Arabia, where they were joined by David Rockefeller No. 2.
After giving assurances of support to Saudi leaders, they went next to Tehran to analyze the situation there.
Meanwhile things were turbulent in the Middle East—the Cabinet of Lebanon resigned, President Sadat
suddenly announced that Egypt is ready to pursue friendship with Russia, and gold prices started rising fast
thanks to heavy buying from the Middle East. The next day, May 17, the shuttle group were back in Riyadh,
then back to Jerusalem, then to Cairo all in the same day. Suddenly on that day, May 17, Israeli Defense
Minister Weizman withdrew from the West Bank Negotiating Commission. Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan did
likewise. Both were angry with the continuing Begin hard line denying the possibility of Palestinian statehood.
The next day Begin suddenly adopted a more conciliatory line, offering to meet with Jordan’s King Hussein and
saying: “We recognize the Arab nation.” Can you imagine?
As quoted in “FUTURE SHOCK” nearly a decade ago, he said:
“It is quite obvious that computers so far are just bad imitations of our brains. Once we learn more about how
the brain acts, I would be surprised if we could not construct a sort of biological computer. Such a computer
might have electronic components modeled after biological components in the real brain, and at some distant
point in the future it is conceivable that biological elements themselves might be parts of the machine.”
Dr. Tiselius was on the right track with these words of 10 years ago, but he was too conservative. At that time,
the Russians were already on the threshold of their key breakthrough which I referred to last month. That
breakthrough had to do with the biological computer brain which is the key to a successful robotoid. In a few
moments I’ll tell you more about that. In other places, too, one can find many bits and pieces of information that
point straight toward robotoids, but you will not often find this information on television or in the newspapers.
Instead, it crops up here and there in specialized publications directed at particular audiences.
An example of this is the book “THE DYNAMICS OF CHANGE” published in 1967 by Prentice-Hall,
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. The book is copyrighted by Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corporation, having
first published all the material in six issues of Kaiser Aluminum News.
The revolution in biology and genetics is only a very small part of the subject matter in the book. Even so, listen
to just a few brief quotes. Under the heading GENETIC MANIPULATION:
“The ability to control the formation of new beings may be one of the most basic developments
of the future. Recent discoveries about the nucleonic acids, the basic building blocks of life,
have led to the belief that man may some day be able to treat genes in such a way that desired
characteristics can be realized...”
“Experiments indicate that certain chemicals in the brain will, when implanted in another brain, transfer
knowledge...” Under the heading MAN-MACHINE SYMBIOSIS:
“...Computers exist which can learn, remember, see, seek goals, reason, walk, sing on key, talk, be irritable,
play games, grasp, adapt to an environment, and even design improvements in themselves...”
My friends, remember, these things were published for public consumption, and a dozen years ago! Further,
under the same heading: “ computers may one day contain plasma circulating through a viscera-like
envelope, allowing them to be self-healing.” Finally, under the heading HUMAN ROBOTS:
“...An electronic circuit that imitates two neurons, the cells of the human brain, has been built, and has enabled
a robot to deal with some unexpected situations, but the neuron structure was bulky. The brain has billions of
neurons, meaning an incredible miniaturization job will be necessary before truly human robots are developed.”
Since those words were written, of course, incredible things have been done in miniaturizing electronic
computers. For example, a mere dozen years ago there was no such thing as an electronic hand calculator.
Within a few years they were on the market but at a cost of hundreds of dollars.
Today, just a few scant years further on, they are all over the place—tiny, inexpensive, and able to do things
only bulky computers could do a decade ago. But these things only hint very vaguely at the scientific strides
that have made Organic Robotoids a reality. The man-made biological machine known as a Robotoid is
remarkable from head to foot; but the most astonishing thing about them is their ability to
simulate human beings—not just in appearance but in behavior. In other words, the most crucial
and most amazing thing about a Russian Organic Robotoid is its biological computer brain.
The developments that were destined to lead to Russia’s breakthrough in robotoid brain research began 32 years
ago, in 1947. In that year a Hungarian-born physicist, Dr. Dennis Gabor, conceived of a way to make threedimensional photographs called “holograms.”
It was a revolutionary scientific discovery, and it was destined to lead to the Nobel Prize for Dr. Gabor. He did
not receive the Prize until 24 years later, in 1971. By then, holograms were a reality in numerous laboratories
world-wide; and yet most members of the general public still had not heard of holography. And even today,
more than three decades after Dr. Gabor’s original discovery, holography is still unfamiliar to the public as a
In 1947 Dr. Gabor’s theory pointed the way toward holography, but at that time holograms could not actually be
made. What was needed in order to make them was something called “monochromatic light”—that is, light of
just one wave length. No one knew how to create that kind of light in 1947, but in 1960 the situation suddenly
changed—that was the year the laser was invented. When lasers are discussed in public, attention is usually
focused on just one of their amazing characteristics—that’s the ability of a laser to produce a narrow, intense
beam of light. The beam can travel great distances without spreading out and diffusing.
Lasers pointed the way toward energy-beam weapons, among other things; and as I revealed long ago in
AUDIO LETTER No. 26, this is what secretly spawned America’s crash program to get to the moon in 1961.
But the reason laser beams behave the way they do is that the light they produce is monochromatic, so they are
made to order for generating holograms.
Like lasers, holography has led to developments that were totally unexpected, and one of these was the Russian
breakthrough in biological computer brains some years ago. When you hear how they work, you’ll understand
why robotoids act so much like the human beings they replace. A hologram is a very unusual kind of
photograph. To make one, the film is exposed using a laser and a set of mirrors and lenses; and to make the
holograph image on the film visible later on, laser light must again be used. When you look at a hologram, it is
as if you were looking through a window at the real object. You can move back and forth, up and down, and see
it from different angles in three-dimensional detail. By contrast, of course, a conventional photograph is flat and
looks the same from all angles. Holograms are also different in another way. If you tear a normal photograph
into several pieces, you ruin it. Each piece contains only a disconnected fraction of the total, but not so with a
hologram. If you cut up a holographic film into several pieces, each piece still contains almost the entire image.
There is some loss of detail but basically it’s all there. It’s this fact that led years ago to the Russian
breakthrough in biological computer brains for their robotoids. For quite some time, scientists in the
Community world-wide, studying the human brain, have known one very important fact. That fact is
that a portion of a human brain can be removed through accident or surgery and yet the person still retains most
of his original memory, so in this respect the memory in a human brain is like a hologram. Nowadays the
relationship between holography and human memory is beginning to be understood in the West. For example,
Dr. Karl Pribram, a neuropsychologist at Stanford University, wrote about it recently in the magazine
“PSYCHOLOGY TODAY.” As he pointed out, the implications of holography are enormous, both for brain
research and for computers; but this relationship was first recognized not in America but in a research
laboratory at Russia’s Siberian Science City, Novosibirsk.
The reason the Russians have scooped the West in many recent scientific discoveries is not that they are
supermen while we are mental midgets, instead it has to do with the way they organize their efforts in science
and technology. This organization is totally different from that in the West, and it’s turning out to be far more
efficient. For one thing, when it comes to research, communications in Russia are far superior to those in the
West. There are more than 5,000 research centers and laboratories in Russia doing research and development of
all kinds, and they are all linked together by vigorous communications—not only within each scientific field,
but between different fields.
There’s also a fundamental difference in what is discussed in Russian technical literature, as compared with the
West. In the West, a scientist usually publishes a technical paper only to report a success of some kind. If he
carries out a research project that fails, he generally publishes nothing about it; but in Russia, many failures and
problems are discussed very openly in the technical literature. As a result, many areas of research meet a very
different fate in Russia than in the West.
Here in America an elaborate and expensive scientific project may come very close to success but fall through
because of a key missing ingredient. When that happens, very little is published about it; but in Russia, the
researchers describe their problems and failures; and among the thousands of other scientists nation-wide, one
might have the answer. So the Russian system, which is built around cooperation, often produces success; but
the Western system, especially in America, is built around jealousy and it often leads to failure. It’s happened
many times, my friends, and it happened several years ago in robotoid brain development.
Last month I revealed that the Russians can manufacture organic robotoids, which are almost exact carbon
copies of real human beings. This is done by a process that simulates the genetic coding of the person to be
copied. It sounds a little like cloning, but it’s not. A clone of a human would itself be a human, but an organic
robotoid is NOT human. It’s an artificial life form, like an animal in some ways but like a computerized
machine in others. Every Russian robotoid has what is called a “holographic brain.” This brain duplicates
essentially the entire memory of a person being copied. The key to doing this is a new technique called an
“ultrasonic cerebral hologram.” Using high-frequency sound waves, which are inaudible, a complete threedimensional picture is made of a person’s brain. This is a painless, non-destructive process; and under the
proper conditions it can be done without the person even being aware of it.
Last month I revealed that the Russians are using Nelson Rockefeller’s “Hit List” to weed out
Bolsheviks here in America, and for roughly three years they have been preparing for this day. They have been
secretly making cerebral holograms of the people on the list at every opportunity. This has been done to every
person on Rockefeller’s list who has visited Russia or Eastern Europe in the past three years.
When an organic robotoid is made to simulate, for example, our late President Jimmy Carter,
two major factors are involved. One is the genetic coding required to simulate Carter’s
appearance, voice, fingerprints, and so on. The other is a holographic image of Carter’s brain.
This image is a complete record of the neuron patterns which existed in Carter’s brain at the
moment the hologram was made. Therefore it contains all of the memory and knowledge
Carter had up to that moment. When a Carter robotoid is made, the biological computer in its
head is caused to form according to the holographic record of Carter’s brain. However, certain
portions of the robotoid computer are caused to deviate from the holographic record. The end
result is a biological computer which has to be programmed but which contains essentially all
of Carter’s memory, involuntary mannerisms, and the like.
As a result, a Carter robotoid will automatically do certain kinds of things without the need for specific
programming. For example, a Carter robotoid will seem to recognize old friends. That’s because the computer
memory of the robotoid reproduces Carter’s memory of that friend. The holographic process puts it there
automatically without the Russian programmers even having to know it’s there. Organic robotoids are such
amazing creatures that they are still a subject of questioning and debate.
This is true even among the Russian scientists who made them a reality. For example, robotoids seem to have
no true instinct for self-preservation. In this regard they act like machines, simply doing as they are told to do.
By contrast, both humans and animals generally have the instinct for self-preservation. Robotoids can be
programmed for self-preservation, but they are equally willing (if “willing” is the word) to perform suicide
missions, exploratory one-way trips into space. I’ve only one example of this:
if a space mission looks too dangerous to risk the life of an experienced cosmonaut, a robotoid can now be used.
The robotoid copy of the cosmonaut is already trained the moment it’s made, thanks to its holographic memory.
Organic robotoids look and act so much like human beings that it’s hard for us to
get used to the idea that they are not human; but the Russians decided several
months ago that the stakes are too high not to employ them, and so the silent
Russian invasion of America by robotoids is now well under way.
Back to 'Synthetic Life - Robotoids, Parasites and Artificial Humans'
Next PART 3
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Clones, Robotoids & Doubles .. THEY’RE EVERYWHERE .. Betrayal pt2.pdf 107.53KB 38 downloads
#91652 SEA ICE – ALBEDO Feedback .. Problem ICE AGE!
Posted by DAR on 30 May 2015 - 08:50 AM in EARTH EVENTS
SEA ICE – ALBEDO Feedback .. Problem ICE AGE!
Link to PdF here: by MICHAEL WINTON
Sea Ice–Albedo Feedback and Nonlinear Arctic Climate Change
Michael Winton
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, NOAA, Princeton, New Jersey, USA
The potential for sea ice–albedo feedback to give rise to nonlinear climate change
in the Arctic Ocean region, defined as a nonlinear relationship between polar and
global temperature change or, equivalently, a time-varying polar amplification,
is explored in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change climate models.
Five models supplying Special Report on Emissions Scenario A1B ensembles for
the 21st century are examined, and very linear relationships are found between
polar and global temperatures (indicating linear polar region climate change) and
between polar temperature and albedo (the potential source of nonlinearity). Two
of the climate models have Arctic Ocean simulations that become annually sea
ice–free under the stronger CO2 increase to quadrupling forcing. Both of these runs
show increases in polar amplification at polar temperatures above −5°C, and one
exhibits heat budget changes that are consistent with the small ice cap instability
of simple energy balance models. Both models show linear warming up to a polar
temperature of −5°C, well above the disappearance of their September ice covers
at about −9°C. Below −5°C, effective annual surface albedo decreases smoothly as
reductions move, progressively, to earlier parts of the sunlit period. Atmospheric
heat transport exerts a strong cooling effect during the transition to annually icefree conditions, counteracting the albedo change. Specialized experiments with
atmosphere-only and coupled models show that the main damping mechanism for
sea ice region surface temperature is reduced upward heat flux through the adjacent
ice-free oceans resulting in reduced atmospheric heat transport into the region
snip from above video
#91654 SEA ICE – ALBEDO Feedback .. Problem ICE AGE!
Posted by DAR on 30 May 2015 - 09:39 AM in EARTH EVENTS
Rather than spiraling into a meltdown, we may be
heading into next ice age
By Shannon Goessling
6 Oct 11 - (Excerpts) - The U.S. National Solar Observatory, the U.S. Air Force Research
Laboratory and astrophysicists across the planet report that the nearly all-time low sunspot
activity may result in a sustained cooling period on Earth.
Many reputable scientists have been warning for decades that we are nearing the end of the
11,500-year average period between ice ages. And the last similar crash in sunspot activity
coincided with the so-called "Little Ice Age" in the 1600s that lasted nearly a century.
What happens during a "Little Ice Age?" Food-producing land becomes scarcer, food-growing
seasons become shorter, and the world becomes a much more arid and less hospitable place.
Think food shortages and the social unrest that follows.
Ice age threat should freeze EPA global warming regs
The forces at work behind the global warming regulatory regime have, at worst, covered up,
ignored and manipulated climate evidence to make the case that humans cause global warming
and therefore humans should be punished.
At best, the mainstream scientific community is continuing to weigh the climate data as it becomes
available. Caught in the flux are millions of Americans suffering under an economic tsunami that is
anything but a theory.
Despite increasing evidence that "global warming" climate change is not the unified scientific
theory it has been promoted to be, vested interests continue to push for stringent limits on
carbon dioxide emissions.
Certain investment banks and trading houses that stand to make billions on so-called
"carbon credits," and the environmental sociologists who have as a stated purpose to change
our way of life, are a powerful bloc.
In the Obama administration, this cabal has a willing "big stick" in the form the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, which has enacted draconian measures that will, by
President Obama's admission, make energy costs "skyrocket."
The EPA regulations were enacted this year without congressional approval as required by
the Clean Air Act and other laws. Estimates put the economic damage of these regulations at
$1 trillion over the next 20 years, with a loss of between four and 10 million jobs.
Moving forward with global warming regulations is truly "absurd."
Shannon Goessling is executive director and chief legal counsel for the Southeastern
Legal Foundation.
See entire article:
Thanks to Han Voogtsgeerd. for this link
#91676 WORLD ALERT! Preston James pHd Reports
Posted by DAR on 31 May 2015 - 08:53 AM in Return of The Gods
WORLD ALERT! Preston James PhD Reports
SEE BELOW PDF w comments!
The Beast (Part II)
Posted by Preston James, Ph.D on May 10, 2015
Has the Third Force's new and expanded Skynet Quantum Computer System integrated all Western Intel
functions and been able to establish direct human control?
by Preston James
Note: The information contained in this article was not provided by any Director of Veterans Today, although
some may have clearances that could be related to part of this information.
The Beast (Part I)
Ever since the Roswell, New Mexico UFO crash and recovery, there has been a continuing process to privatize
all American Intel and consolidate it under one central control.
The reasons for this were in part a knee-jerk panic reaction to the undeniable discovery of a crashed Alien ET
anti-gravity craft and one live Alien ET survivor at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947.
This panic reaction of the US Military High Command and President Truman led to the quick determination to
set up a special scientific committee and to place control for all Alien ET matters under the control of this
committee called Majesty Twelve.
This committee was authorized to hire a few trusted private defense contractors in order to keep it away from
access by regular US Military and the USG Administration including future Presidents. The High Military
Command’s concern of what would happen if the public would find out and know for certain that Alien ETs
were real and that their incredibly advanced anti-gravity craft and navigation systems were real, sent a shock of
panic which resulted in one of the largest coverups in history, that still goes on to this day.
Even stranger is the fact that during the next ten years when Eisenhower was President, he personally met with
a group of Alien ETs and established a treaty which supported receipt of Alien ET technology in exchange for
permission to abduct and draw biological samples from humans, as long as their memory was erased and they
were not harmed.
We now know for certain that several different “exchange treaties” have been negotiated between this MJ-12
committee without Presidential involvement, as at least several joint research projects set up in secret bases —
two above ground and at least one underground at Dulce, New Mexico, which involves research to hybridize a
new alien/human race and create a synthetic soul.
We also know for certain that these attempts to create a new alien hybrid race with a synthetic soul continue to
fail. Most notably these joint experiments are conducted at the Deep Underground Military base at Dulce, New
Despite some of the most radical and inhumane medical and genetic experiments possible, such efforts to
synthesize the soul have failed miserably, continue to fail and there is no hope of any success with this project
any time in the future, either.
We also know for certain that in the process of forming these alliances with Alien ETs, the Committee (MJ-12)
has become mind-kontrolled and essentially taken over by the Alien ETs and has become their tool to terraform
the Earth and subdue its human inhabitants according to a secret, sinister Alien Agenda.
The Alien Agenda is very complex, but is based on the principle of altering the genetic material of certain
families’ bloodlines and empowering them with the power of the Third Force, a notably evil power with no
ability to express regard for human feeling, human suffering or human life in general.
This to be followed by the creation of a new Alien ET/human hybrid race with inter-dimensional psi-power, but
after 90% of the world’s humans are eliminated by various multi-modal means, including engineered wars,
diseases and plagues, and other means.
As far as the Alien ET group that has established control over the Rothschild Khazarian mafia (RKM) and the
Bush Crime Cabal (BCC), we now know for certain that their “Alien Agenda” is hateful toward Humans and is
dedicated to using them as serfs and slaves, and then mass-murdering them and replacing them with their own
new alien ET/human hybridized breed.
In fact, this alien attitude toward humans that has been inculcated in these key “thirteen bloodline families” is
one that views humans with complete hatred and disgust and is deeply committed to ritually sacrificing infants
and mass-murdering humans in large numbers through pre-engineered and staged wars.
Some insiders, who have broken away and spoken at great personal risk, have claimed the greatest skill the
treaty-participant alien ET group had was advanced mind-kontrol, including the deployment of psi-power,
psychotronic mind-kontrol and engineered psych-social “cultural” mind-kontrol. These methods were so
advanced that most humans were like “deer in the headlights.”
In order to keep this article short and readable, all the specific evidence and the steps by which this alien ET
force was able to gain complete control over “the committee”, and thus all their associated private contractors
will not be included here. A lot of it is available in prior VT articles and on various websites.
The Alien ET group that the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) is run by pays homage to the Third Force and it
evil, anti-human agenda.
Suffice to say that there is a Third Force that the alien ETs represent, and it is remarkably anti-human. It has a
long-term agenda being deployed through alien ETs that goes back thousands of years. Numerous times in the
past, the Third Force was able to set up kingdoms that were run by large alien/human hybrid giants.
We know for certain that the Alien Agenda is empowered by the Third Force which is evil and has set up it own
Artificial Intelligence System by which it can control the leaders of western Nations and a majority of the
citizens, too.
The Third Force is in the process of consolidating all of Earth’s political powers into a NWO Globalist System
run out of Jerusalem, after all Israelis are removed by war and pestilence. All other nations’ governments will
be removed and/or consolidated into one NWO system, which will seat its own World Dictator. Orthodox
Christians and some Islamics believe this will be a final anti-Christ, Satan himself.
Readers always wonder why the Third Force and its captive governments are obsessed with setting up a NWO
globalist system run out of Jerusalem. This is an interesting question. Orthodox Christian historians have
claimed that it is because this is the capital where Jesus Christ ran his ministry from, where he died, and where
some claim he rose from the dead. The Third Force mocks any Orthodox Christian beliefs and perhaps wants to
set up its NWO Globalist Kingdom and World Dictator there in response to the fertile ground of such teachings.
It is expected by some insiders that, as this massive consolidation occurs and nations are destroyed and
reconstituted by a nuclear WW3 with two major battles, all Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM) chieftains,
kingpins, cutouts and assets will be sacrificed and destroyed in a surprising reversal of fortune never expected
by the super-elite deviant oligarchs that now run the world.
Orthodox Christianity has reported these deviants to have been sired by the “fallen ones” — Fallen Angels cast
out of Heaven by the Creator of All, God Almighty — also referred to as the “Nephilim”. Orthodox Christianity
has claimed that historically, as soon as these fallen ones neared completion of their evil agenda based on mass
human sacrifice and destruction of all human conscience, sex roles and norms, God Almighty delivered a
massive judgment that destroyed them and all their hybrid progeny, which were a combination of “Nephilim
Male Beast- Blood” and human female blood.
The Hex-star appears to represent Nephilim/human hybrid bloodlines and will offer no protection when the
Third Force makes its final purge to seat its NWO Dictator in an NWO temple built in Jerusalem.
King David never used the hex-star insignia. It was adopted by the RKM after they adopted Satanism, the
Babylonian Talmud and the Kabbalah in about 700 AD, which clearly rejecting the Torah. Anyone who loves
the hex-star is wittingly or unwittingly paying homage to Nephilim/human hybrids, also known as the Cain
This hybrid combination has always been signified by the Hex-star, with the upward facing triangle the male
Beast-Blood and the downward facing triangle the human female blood, with their merger signifying a new race
with no human conscience, pure psychopathology and a deep instinct to administer death to all humans as a
continuing human sacrifice to the Third Force. Sadly, these Bloodline Families are not only believed to carry
this hybrid blood some call the genetics of Cain (Kenites), but seem to be inter-generationally indwelt with the
Third Force or Fallen Angel spirits some called demons or DJinns.
Because these bloodline families are empowered by the Third Force powers, as long as they dedicate
themselves to doing evil as required by the secret alien agenda (which they may not even be consciously aware
of), they are rewarded with massive wealth, power and status and given control over all the institutions of
government and commerce, especially the creation of money and its distribution, best described as ancient
Babylonian Money-Magick.
Interestingly, you will never find “the Committee” going after these bloodline family members that control the
reins of power, because they serve the same master, best described as the Third Force.
The Committee has acquired more and more ET technology to collect Intel, track and classify humans, and has
used this information and skill set to acquire more control over American Intel and other western Intel.
As this process has continued, those who run the City of London and Israel, known as the RKM have not only
merged with the top Committee members and the leaders of their privatized contractors, but there has been a
continuing trend for all these different entities to consolidate, work together and share the same goals — which
is to gain complete control over the minds and lives of all humans within their domains.
The level of skills acquired to do this has become so advanced thanks to the input of Alien ET Mind-kontrol
technology that all the governments of the western powers have been completely infiltrated and hijacked by
those who either are part of this massive Alien Agenda conspiracy or completely under its spell, control and
Enter the SSG:
The Committee has used it skill set to establish what some experts call the SSG where all true governmental
power lies. Yes, the US Congress and the Administration (President) is the visible government, but it is actually
a powerless ceremonial government, whereas the real USG is the SSG run by the Committee. And sadly the
Committee has been completely taken over by Third Force power most likely without even realizing it. The
result is that the ceremonial USG is continually manipulated by massive bribes, human compromise and
blackmail to do the bidding of the SSG.
What the SSG has now been able to accomplish in the World of Intel:
It has been able to set up and run an incredibly large and powerful Skynet Spy system which uses numerous
different data collection and processing platforms including TV Boxes; telephone and cell phone data (while
being used or even off in some cases), some auto-transcribed and digitalized; e-mails; faxes; governmental
cables, electrical and water usage patterns; smart-meters; travel patterns by cell phone and GPS; and some
beyond-black methodologies involving ingested Chemtrail substances which can be electronically tracked as
well as others that cannot be mentioned here.
It’s really all about Mindwar against all humans.
It is a fair description of the overall functions of the Skynet/Vesuvius System to assume that it is the epitome of
super ultra high-tech mindwar being waged against all humans by an entity that wants to destroy humankind
and substitute a new human DNA-derived hybrid race of its own, because its current races are dying from the
degeneration caused by evil over the ages.
Vesuvius, the World’s largest Quantum Computer is now operational at the Bluffdale, Utah NSA Station and is
claimed to be Alien ET controlled.
The NSA was able to set up the world’s largest quantum computer in Bluffdale, Utah, which is believed by
some to be connected to an underground alien ET base, about 75 miles away, with the alien ETs actually
running the quantum computer.
DOWNLOAD PDF below for complete article w Comments:
Attached Files
The Beast Pt 2 WORLD ALERT Preston James pHd Reports.pdf 580.86KB 87 downloads
#91678 ROUEN RUSSIAN NEWS AGENCY Alternate News from Russia
Posted by DAR on 31 May 2015 - 10:00 AM in General Discussionителями-россии/
DOWNLOAD PDF of complete Article Below:
Section 4. Our reality
Why Russia persistently buys up gold?
Igor Vronsky, on May 30, 2015
Vladimir Putin rigidly struggles with robbers of Russia
Very few people understand that Putin does at present. And almost nobody understands that it will do in the
future. As if it seemed strange, but now Putin sells the Russian oil and gas only for физич. gold...
Putin – the tsar of natural gas, crude oil, uranium and gold
By I. Vronsky, "", USA
Widely famous Moscow journalist Dmitry Kalinichenko expressed it well: "Very few people understand that
Putin does at present. And almost nobody understands that it will do in the future. As if it seemed strange, but
now Putin sells the Russian oil and gas only for physical gold".
Above-mentioned phrases give invaluable understanding of that there is a plan of the President Putin, and that,
most likely, will be … and as it as a result will be reflected financially in the benefit of the Russian economy.
The Russian Gold Reserves grew by Three (!) times
Russia more than tripled the gold reserves since 2005 and owns the greatest volumes of gold, since 1993. At
least, it follows from reports and data of the IMF. The country increases gold reserves of the Central Bank for
diversification of the currency reserves, for the purpose of settlement connected with ruble liquidity, – the
managing director of the Central bank Elvira Nabiullina declared in February.
Besides, gold reserves of Kazakhstan showed explosive growth by 33% only for the last 12 months, – data of
Bloomberg testify. Kazakhstan ally of Russia … and former member of the Soviet Union (USSR).
It causes the shocking question: What secret purpose of skillful Putin … and what, what for an ace he keeps in
the sleeve?
The following facts can shed light on where the perspicacious leader Putin directs the country. To understand
acute Putin's plans, it is necessary to recognize that Putin knows. People have to know some facts about Russia
simply. It is necessary to know that today, in the union of the countries of BRICS, the Mother Russia is: No. 1
on production of natural gas, No. 1 on oil production, No. 1 on reserves of uranium and … No. 2 on gold
mining in … around the world!
Production of natural gas (Russia, plus her ally Uzbekistan appears No. 1 in the world on gas production)
Oil production (Russia – No. 1 in the world the producer of crude oil)
As on the world's largest producer of oil, 12% of production of all world oil fall to the share Russia. Last year
Russia again surpassed Saudi Arabia in oil production almost on 10,4 million barrels per day. Russia is also one
of the largest world exporters of oil, from nearly 5 million barrels per day. Moreover, with the world's largest
proved reserves of natural gas, Russia is also the largest producer of natural gas that makes about 20% of all
world deliveries.
You can be sure, cunning Putin considers that the basis of economic growth of Russia depends on production,
processing and operation of its mineral raw material resources. He often speaks: "The energy sector is a key of
Russia to become the Great economic power". Efficiency of the Russian economy substantially depends on
energy production (i.e. crude oil and natural gas … not to mention uranium).
Production of uranium over the countries (Russia – No. 1 in the world on Uranium production)
Attached Files
Why Russia persistently buys up gold.pdf 694.5KB 25 downloads
#91684 Simon Parkes Interview
Posted by DAR on 31 May 2015 - 05:02 PM in THE UNEXPLAINED
1st June 2015 Newsletter
Welcome to the June edition of my newsletter. As promised, this edition will focus on spiritual
developments taking place all over the planet. As those of you who have had consultations with me know, I
have often referred to the new age phrase of ascension. I often use this term myself as it is understood by the
wider population and would seem to be self explanatory. You will of course know that the opposite is true; we
are drawing down our 10 energy strands of DNA into our bodies. Some people are further down the road than
others, some people sadly will never start the journey, but for those of us that have this time is one of great
excitement, great change and an ever increasing challenge. In some ways this is a difficult time for all of us
because as we connect with our DNA strands, we see more clearly and understand more profoundly the world
we live in and those that seek to rule us.
Over the last 3 years we have seen a massive escalation of false flags, but only those of us who are connecting
and thus awake recognise these as false flags. To the others these are genuine happenings. One of the greatest
actors in our time, Benjamin Netanyahu, through him, Mossad and the Zionist faction have penetrated every
government and institution on the planet. So what a surprise that the Obama administration is now raising
barriers to attempt to block out the Zionist faction, for who would willingly walk to destruction if there was
another path to follow. I know many of you are situated all over the planet, some feel very isolated, some are in
small communities or groups, but all of us are connected through the desire to develop and ultimately to achieve
the true ascendants of being a human. Many years ago human kind contained 12 strands of DNA. Through
trickery and subterfuge and not a little genetic alteration, the human form that we now posses was cheated of 10
strands of DNA. Since the 21st December 2012, human kind took the most monumental step forward (a much
more giant step than any fake first steps on the moon). All of you who are on this path to ‘ascension’ will face
over the next 2 and a half years a most testing time. You will see a carnival/theatre roll out in front of your eyes
as the desperate elite do everything in their power to hoodwink and fool as many people as they can. Please be
mindful that these people have learnt much over the last 3 years and we should expect the subtlety of their false
flags to develop.
We who are changing should expect over the coming 12 months an increased reaction as our physical bodies
attempt to keep up with our energies as they change and develop. You should expect increased headaches,
tingling sensations, a feeling that each day is shorter than the last (we have less time to do what we have always
done because time is not linear and the concept of time as we understand it is now changing). Many of us will
begin to glimpse or see snapshots of the 4th dimension. I do not accept the idea that we will go straight to the
5th dimension thus missing out the 4th (because that’s where all the bad guys are). If we accept that we are
here to learn how can any person learn by forgoing a whole dimension. As this summer turns into fall, many
voices will be raised telling us to do this or to do that. To follow this teaching or to follow that teaching. Those
of you who know me know that I tell you to only trust yourselves and to ask yourselves when you hear such
statements; does this have the ring of truth about it?
In relation to the economic situation in North America, I have been told that there are moves afoot to raise the
interest rate in an effort to prop-up the failing confidence. Other world leaders have also been involved in an
attempt to place pressure on the key financial houses in a plea that, if successful, will forestall vast amounts of
money (albeit of the electronic kind) being pulled out of the US. The Zionist regime has a key part to play in
this with both the leaders of the UK and Germany being very closely involved with this organisation. In
conclusion, whilst the road ahead will be both bumpy and rocky, this movement of change cannot be stopped
although those that seek to maintain their hold, (some of whom are quite frankly insane and thus capable of
anything), will not be able to prevent the developments that were always foreseen.
I just wish to draw a very important distinction between being Jewish and Zionist. Indeed, even within the
Zionist group there are good intentioned people.
Much strength, much hope, much love.
#91698 WORLD ALERT! Preston James pHd Reports
Posted by DAR on 01 June 2015 - 10:08 AM in Return of The Gods
We here @ Chani are blessed to have your MORE COMPLETE information on these most important topics.
Just a couple of comments .. The downloads offer COMMENTS [by other persons] section which sometimes
provides additional clues about world events not listed in the article .. Also Preston James shows that the
posting location is Veterans Today however may not be their view of the world
The views expressed herein are the views of the author exclusively and not necessarily the views of VT, VT
authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, technicians, or the Veterans Today Network and its assigns.
For Reference Here Is Part 1
The Beast
Posted by Preston James, Ph.D on March 1, 2013
Image Credit: The Telegraph -UK-
by Preston James
It’s big, it’s bad, and it’s claimed to be a biological human super brain interfaced with the world’s most
powerful 3D computer chips.
At least this is what information has been leaking out from informed sources.
And you thought the people running the world were the most criminal sociopaths imaginable. The BEAST sets
a whole new standard.
Just wait until you find out “what” is really running things at the highest level of the Secret Shadow
Government (SSG).
Those who built it and use it refer to “it” as “The Beast”.
And yes, it’s an “it” and despite what some on the inside may claim, the Beast is not a person. But instead of
it’s creators being in charge of it, it is rumored to have artfully and craftily gained control over them, now using
them to manipulate society according to its own super-logic.
It’s solutions that are now being implemented are creating so many serious complications that it must be relied
upon even more to help those who run American Society cope. This appears to be an ever deepening rabbit
hole, a big trap that is taking America to destruction unless it is stopped cold.
Ever wonder why recent Congressional Laws, USG policies and Executive Orders seem so foreign and
unAmerican. It’s probably because they are being conceived by the SSG’s huge underground computer system,
the BEAST, which is allegedly claimed to be an artificially grown human super-brain interfaced with the
world’s largest arrays of “3D” computer chips ever assembled.
It has been rumored that the BEAST runs numerous parallel simulations of American Society and every other
society of the world including their intel, defense, governments, and populaces. Because any information we
have is all based on leaks and rumors that are “highly possible” one cannot refer to actual evidence of its
existence at this time, including any location, who may have built it or runs it or whether it exists as described
by such rumors.
The best anyone can do right now, unless they have access deep inside the Secret Shadow Government
(SSG) with clearance to information about this alleged project, is to create a “best guess” from all the open
sourced intel available and the various rumors. If an examination of the evidence and rumors that are available
suggests that the BEAST exists as it seems to, one could make an educated guess who built it and operates it if
one digs deep enough and researches the open sourced intel that is available on the Internet.
To do this one would want to examine all the world’s top computer experts and see who dropped off the scene
in the last ten years or so or who suddenly stopped talking. Or one could do some research on which companies
have the most patents related to supercomputers and biological interfacing, although many of which may have
now been classified.
It is common knowledge that American Intel has purchased huge interlinked supercomputers used to crunch
data collected from its world-wide spying. We have Fincen, NRO, NSA, Homeland Security’s Fusion Centers
and many alphabet sub-systems, all supposedly interlinked by a back-doored sub-variety of the notorious
“Promis” software.
And interconnected and at at the root of all of this massive intel input is this new biologically based and
world’s largest interfaced supercomputer, the BEAST which gobbles up all this raw data and processes it to
form “gaming solutions” to its millions of societal simulations.
But one question always remains, who has the backdoor to the new Promis derivative, is it a foreign based intel
agency that has become deeply embedded inside American intel through long term efforts of human
compromise ops and influence peddling? Does this foreign intel entity (an enemy within the gates) have its
own secret agenda with interests that are quite different than American national security interests?
As the rumors go, complex algorithms have been modified and essentially rewritten by the BEAST to form its
own means to “game” the future given certain immediate inputs such as actions of govt and any and all sectors
of society along with information inputs gained from American Intel including the NSA, NRO, and local Fusion
It is a big “what if game” such as what will occur in one month, one year, five years, ten years and twenty-five
years if the government passes this law, or the president makes this executive order, or if the citizens organize
and do this or such.
Then these “gamed” solutions are provided to those that run the US Congress, the USG and the Executive as
“strong recommendations” which seem to always end up being followed and which appear to cause even more
complexities which require additional attention from the BEAST, creating a self-perpetuating enigma.
And the way most ordinary folks are responding lately in attitude to these USG mandated changes suggests that
many Americans see these changes as completely unAmerican, strangely foreign, and against the US
Constitution, Bill of Rights and Rule of Law. This wide ranging apparent societal negative reaction perhaps
supports the idea that these leaks and rumors about the BEAST running all USG policy may be true and it is
actually producing changes completely foreign to what normal representatives of “we the people” would
institute if they were actually serving as true representatives of the Citizen’s group will.
Perhaps the greatest Beyond Black secret ever is the SSG’s alleged very large underground computer system
based on a sophisticated proprietary “biologically integrated” interface between artificially lab grown “human
brain cells” and larges sets of interconnected 3D cpu’s.
This new biologically based super computer, the largest in the world is rumored to be called the BEAST by
those who work with it. And it is allegedly so powerful it can simulate social changes and “game” solutions 10,
20 and even 50 or more years into the future, providing a road-map for those who control the USG to follow
which will supposedly insure the outcomes they desire.
A “patch clamp” machine for studying neurons at the Human Brain Project
Despite the heavy compartmenting and deep classifications, this secret of the existence and use of the BEAST
to “game” society is leaking out.
Intelligence agencies in other countries have supposedly found out about it thanks to a foreign based intel
operation which has infiltrated deeply into American Intel and have ended up controlling most American
communication systems of the SSG, USG, state, local Governments and many public school systems and who
are reputed to sell “stolen” proprietary information to foreign states, some of which may be considered enemies
or potential enemies.
These folks allegedly have sold this information along with numerous other industrial secrets they are supposed
to be protecting. And some of those customers acquiring this information have been rumored to have also
acquired information about the Beyond Black Supercomputer, the BEAST.
These countries who have acquired the “secret” of the BEAST are now allegedly engaged in a mad race to
duplicate and even surpass what the SSG has built, and are attempting to bridge what they believe is a huge
technology gap created by access to the algorithmic calculations and social modelling the BEAST provides.
It is believed, whether true or not, that a supercomputer such as the rumored “BEAST” can provide any major
Government the power to predict which actions and policy changes will be by far the most effective in order to
master the future which is directly affected by the numerous new technologies which are appearing and
expanding faster and faster all the time.
Most leaders now realize that their ability to conceive and effectively respond to a future that is rapidly evolving
due to intense and fast paced technological development, is far beyond their ability. This has motivated them
to bring in high powered consultants to help them project the future and design appropriate solutions for their
overall goals.
A project in Switzerland is well under way right now attempting to develop their own human/cpu interface
mimicking the human brain called the Human Brain Project, a project which has been a successor to the Blue
Brain Project.
Are the leaders of these nations now trying to play “catch up”? Do they believe they need to build their own
such supercomputer to simulate social models and provide them societal gaming solutions in order to keep up
with the rapid pace of Technology Development to attain desired goals?
What these leaders don’t seem to realize that this may be a bad idea, a very, very bad idea. Some reports leaking
out now are that the SSG’s BEAST has perhaps mastered it’s creators and through it own very advanced super
intelligence, it may have craftily developed ways to con its developers and operators.
And if reports are true, this quest for help “gaming the future” began over 20 years ago inside the deepest
bowels of the Secret Shadow Government and a strategy to “master the future” through advanced cybernetics
was conceived, funded and begun.
This process allegedly created the BEAST, a huge supercomputer based on an advanced artificially grown
brain comprised of human like brain cells (neurons) and a sophisticated biological interface with advanced socalled 3D computer Chip arrays. Sophisticated new genetic splicing and triple helix technology was allegedly
used to artificially grow the neurons comprising this new superhuman brain mass which supposedly forms the
nexus of the BEAST.
And ever since this supercomputer is alleged to have gone operational, various policy recommendations have
been provided as solutions to the complex societal changes calculated to be coming down the road.
In this way the SSG can implement major systemic changes, no matter how difficult they seem to most folks to
proactively control the development of society to meet their intended parameters, which have been inputted into
the BEAST.
The real problem seems to be “solution drift”. The solutions that the BEAST comes up with, when
implemented as laws and policy changes or executive orders, often appear to needlessly complicate an already
complicated situation, once again making the operators even more dependent on the solutions provided by
the BEAST.
Some view this as the final opening of Pandora’s Box. Once the SSG controllers became committed to using
the BEAST to determine and implement their “best solution” policy changes in order to create the society they
want at each selected year point down the road, they perhaps created a growing nightmare that could easily
threaten all humanity and unknowingly take the world down a path to complete nuclear war and destruction.
The big question remains, Who is really “gaming” Who, is the BEAST gaming FOR the operators, or actually
“gaming” the operators?
Gaming society with the implementation of solutions developed by an inhuman self-programming super
computer could easily take humanity down a road to trans-humanism (the merger of Man and machine in
various forms) whether realized or not.
This would seem to be a very dangerous road and if this is actually what is happening now as rumors allege,
the source of most of our crazy USG actions may be due to implementation of the BEAST’s “gamed” solutions.
Attached Files
The Beast Pt 1 WORLD ALERT Preston James PhD Reports.pdf 357.86KB 66 downloads
#91736 Simon Parkes Interview
Posted by DAR on 02 June 2015 - 04:13 PM in THE UNEXPLAINED
Just a comment.. This material is somewhat overwhelming and most difficult to watch the videos and study the
transcripts. In the eyes of many 'any off world civilization which stays as a diplomatic neutral is perceived the
It is always possible that a personality can be a cabal Trojan.
ANYONE can accuse .. like saying T IS A ugly cabal Trojan spy from the planet Nebulon
[made up planet
CHANI Society members have a way to discover fakes and Trojans .. sometimes sooner than later.
Duncan introduced Simon Parkes as a Nexus Conference guest! I can make a long list of personages who did
not make the Nexus Editor OK list.
In the videos Simon Parkes is straight forward and direct .. and not changing stories every other month. He
presents with integrity about his grandfather as a part of the black arts.. SP took the other path.
Just one opinion
#91740 AMERICA – The REAL hi-STORY?
Posted by DAR on 02 June 2015 - 09:37 PM in General Discussion
AMERICA – The Hitler Years
#14 Audio Letter
Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is July 19, 1976,
and this is my monthly AUDIO LETTER No. 14.
What I am forced to tell you about today is grave and urgent
beyond description. I believe you have a right and a need to
know about it, and yet I already know that in all likelihood you
will not believe me when I tell you because it is something no
one wants to believe. I've wrestled with this thing wondering
how best to tell you what you must be told, but all I can say is
that it is absolutely true beyond any shadow of a doubt. I stake
my entire life and my reputation on this fact. If there were any
doubt at all about what I am about to reveal, I would not reveal
I mentioned the role played by the Rockefeller
empire in providing the support Adolf Hitler needed in order to rise to power in Germany. They
supported him, watched him, and learned from him. In the late 1920's the Rockefellers had
succeeded in wrestling control of the German dye and drug cartel, I. G. Farben Industry, AG,
away from the British. This, plus an ongoing rivalry between Britain and the Rockefellers over
oil, led the British to institute boycott tactics preventing the Rockefeller Standard Oil interests
from exploiting the vast Saudi Arabian oil concessions which the Rockefellers had pried loose
from the British during World War I.
In monthly AUDIO LETTER No. 1, June 1975,
The Rockefeller solution: Confront Britain with a threat great enough to break Britain's Saudi
Arabian oil boycott. When 22-year-old Nelson Rockefeller returned from his around-the-world
honeymoon trip in 1930, he convinced his father,John D. Rockefeller, Jr., that the solution to
their problems lay in one Adolf Hitler. Not many Germans really took Hitler seriously in 1930, but the
Rockefellers did. Having observed Hitler at close range, they were convinced that Hitler could serve the
Rockefeller purpose well. Hitler was obviously bent on conquest and war;
so providing the support he needed to achieve power would produce a very real menace to
Britain in due course--just the right medicine to cure Britain of her Saudi Arabian boycott
against the Rockefeller oil interests. Hitler was especially attractive for Rockefeller purposes for
one additional reason beyond his sheer aggressiveness.
His earlier failure and imprisonment had taught Hitler a very important lesson which the Rockefellers
themselves had also learned decades before; namely, that successful revolutions are best carried out with, and
not against, the full power of a nation's government. In other words, Hitler had concluded that the best way to
achieve his goals would be to first acquire control of the government through means which were legal, at least
in appearance, and then to carry out the revolutionary changes he desired.
Therefore, by supporting Hitler and watching to see how he went about the details of his takeover and revolution, the Rockefellers stood to learn valuable lessons for their own use later on.
This was a very nice bonus for the Rockefellers, so support for Hitler through covert channels
began immediately; and from 1930 onward, Hitler's star rose rapidly.
The same time, the Rockefellers had to make sure that they would be in a position to check Hitler's advance
when he had served his purpose--which was to frighten the British government into surrendering control over
Saudi Arabia. In other words, a balance of power had to be maintained so that Hitler would not get out of
control. For this reason and as well as others, Rockefeller support for Hitler was counterbalanced by support
also for the man who, as president, would have the job of getting America into the war to stop Hitler--Franklin
Delano Roosevelt!
FDR had staged a political comeback from his crippling attack of polio several years before, but it was about
from 1930 onward that FDR's political star rose rapidly on the national scene paralleling the rise of Hitler in
Germany. Throughout their period on the world stage, the careers of Hitler and FDR paralleled one another.
Both came to power early in 1933, and both proposed sweeping changes in rapid fashion that differed
widely from their campaign pledges. Both exercised unprecedented power during their terms in office, and both
died in April 1945 less than three weeks apart as the war in Europe was ending.
The dual role of the Rockefellers throughout can be illustrated, for example, by the actions of Nelson
Rockefeller. In 1935 he became a Director of the Creole Petroleum Company in Venezuela, a subsidiary of
Rockefeller-owned Standard Oil of New Jersey. Creole was the principal avenue through which the Nazi war
machine was provided with the essential fuel without which war could not have been waged; and for seven
years, 1937 through 1943, Creole Petroleum shipped 90% of its Venezuelan oil production to Germany in Nazi
tankers, only a token 10% going to the United States. In this way the Rockefeller empire--increasingly
dominated by Nelson, David, Laurance, and John D. III--provided Hitler with over 65-million barrels of oil
each year from the Venezuelan oil fields alone well into the World War II.
In 1940, Nelson resigned his directorship of Creole Petroleum to become Coordinator of InterAmerican affairs
by appointment of Rockefeller puppet president FDR. As Coordinator, Nelson was supposedly feverishly at
work to combat the Nazi menace in this hemisphere, the very menace that was being sustained by oil provided
by his Creole Petroleum Company! Through Hitler, the Rockefellers did at last bring Great Britain to her knees,
and a great deal was learned from the plan Hitler followed that is being followed again today by the four
Rockefeller Brothers.
Hitler had two very important rules for exercising power. One was to use the masses by means of effective
propaganda, leading them to accept and do things which they normally would not. The other rule was to make
sure that any lies were big lies, so big that no one could believe they were lies, coming from their leader.
Those same principles are being used today in updated and very smooth ways by the Rockefeller Brothers and
their agents. Hitler's rise to power was made possible by an era of inflation, shortages, and then depression. The
same conditions are being brought about deliberately here in America in order to help achieve the same end
result--revolution and dictatorship!
While Hitler was in prison, he began writing "Mein Kampf", which means "my struggle." In it and in his
speeches, Hitler made it clear what he would do if he ever acquired the power to do it. In a similar vein, we can
read "The American Rich" published in 1930 by Rockefeller advisor Hoffman Nickerson; "The New
Federalism" by Nelson Rockefeller; "The Emerging Constitution" published in 1974 by Rexford Tugwell
quietly revealing a dictatorial new Constitution, which was written to match a secret outline provided by Nelson
Rockefeller himself; or the Bicentennial Declaration advertisements published nation-wide in 1975 by John D.
Rockefeller III's National Committee for the Bicentennial Era. The last item could have been titled: A
Bicentennial Manifesto, since a manifesto is nothing more than a public declaration of intentions, motives, or
views; but everyone now knows that the Communist Manifesto of a century ago was no joke, so that word was
avoided. But keep in mind what Hitler said in January 1941, quote:
"It is nonsense for the rest of the world to pretend today that I did not reveal this program until 1933, or 1935, or
1937. Instead of listening to foolish chatter, these gentlemen would have been wiser to read what I have written
and re-written thousands of times. No human being has declared or recorded what
he wanted more often than I."
If the four Rockefeller Brothers are allowed to succeed in their diabolical plans, they, too, will be in a position
to indict us in practically the same words. Hitler directed much of his appeal to the new generation.
Young people had grown up in an abnormal time, lacking normal roots and values, and who were therefore
more vulnerable to being misled and used. Introduction of the 18-year old vote, regardless of its actual effect,
was intended for a similar purpose here in America. Hitler pursued a 'policy of legality' strictly as a tactic in his
campaign to take control of the German government. In every respect Hitler was challenging the authority of
the State under the Weimar Constitution, yet he camouflaged this challenge by using fair-sounding words. The
same thing is happening once again here today.
The words we hear in the presidential campaign--for example, such as: "A new world framework for peace",
"governmental reorganization", "interdependence." But the meaning of these words involve World government,
surrender of United States sovereignty, and suspension or replacement of the United States CONSTITUTION!
"But why", you may ask, "do they bother to leave any clues at all like this if they're trying to be devious? Why
don't they just lie outright?" The answer is simply that it is harder to lie convincingly than to tell the truth; and if
one starts telling actual lies, it becomes harder and harder over a period of time to keep track of what has been
said before, and eventually one makes mistakes which can be detected. So instead they tell a little bit of truth
but always in such a way that you won't understand it unless you are very alert.
Hitler realized that his 'policy of legality' could only lead to success in one way; that was to gain access to the
position of Chancellor and use the emergency powers of the president under the Weimar Constitution. This was
true because try as he might, Hitler was never able to achieve majority popular support for himself or his Nazi
Party. And today, our would-be Dictator, Nelson Rockefeller, who has also been frustrated in his attempts
to gain majority popular support nationally, is also trying to position himself to seize control by means of
emergency presidential powers. David Rockefeller's agent Jimmy Carter meanwhile, whose build-up has been
used to impress Ford with Rockefeller power, also stands ready in case Nelson's illness should overcome him.
In 1936 Hitler said, quote: "It is not enough to overthrow the old State, but that the new State
must previously have been built up and be practically ready to one's hand. In 1933 it was no
longer a question of overthrowing a state by an act of violence; meanwhile the new state had
been built up, and all that there remained to do was to destroy the last remnants of the old state-and that took but a few hours."
So it is that the Rockefeller Brothers are rapidly getting the governmental machinery into place which is to go
into full operation under their dictatorial new Constitution for the, quote: "NEW" STATES OF AMERICA."
Shortly before Hitler became Chancellor in 1933, he said to then Chancellor Bruning, quote: "Herr Chancellor,
if the German nation once empowers the National Socialist movement to introduce a constitution other than that
which we have today, then you cannot stop it." On September 12, 1975, Nelson Rockefeller displayed exactly
the same thinking, during a news conference in Dallas, Texas, in response to criticisms leveled at him as our
appointed Vice-President by a columnist; Rockefeller's answer was, quote: "Well, he's got one, so there's
nothing he can do about it." On August 9, 1974, our last elected president, Richard Nixon, became the first in
American history to resign, hounded out of office by means of the Watergate scandal.
Listen now to the following words taken from a conspirator's diary, and I quote: "For him alone, winter seems
to have arrived. He is being secretly undermined and is already completely isolated. He is anxiously looking for
collaborators. Our mice are busily at work gnawing through the last supports of his position."
Those words could have been written about Watergate with complete accuracy, but they were
not. They were written by Hitler's propaganda chief, Paul Joseph Goebbels, 12 days before
Chancellor Bruning was forced to resign on May 30, 1932. Bruning was succeeded by an
interim chancellor more to Hitler's liking, Franz von Papen; and Hitler himself replaced von
Papen on January 30, 1933, when Hitler was appointed Chancellor by aging President von
Hindenburg under the provisions of the Weimar Constitution.
It was this weakness in the Weimar Constitution--the fact that the Chancellor was appointed, not elected, that
enabled Hitler to succeed in his plan to take control of Germany by 'legal' means despite his lack of majority
popular support! This lesson was not lost on Nelson Rockefeller, who introduced exactly the same weakness
into the United States Constitution for his own benefit by means of the 25th Amendment! The 25th
Amendment was proposed a scant three weeks after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy by Nelson
Rockefeller's water boy, Birch Bayh, almost as if it had been ready and waiting!
Immediately after becoming Chancellor, Hitler forced new elections. His election campaign promised nothing
at all, but instead simply ran down the failures of the past. Hitler said simply, "Give us four years." Meanwhile
he assured his supporters that these would actually be the last elections to be expected for 10, perhaps even a
hundred years. Terrorism and lawlessness mushroomed during the campaign, culminating in the Reichstag fire
just a few days before the elections. This pretext was used to suspend individual liberties as guaranteed by the
Weimar Constitution, enabling the Nazis to take any actions they pleased against their political opponents.
Following the election and the suppression of all effective opposition, Hitler forced the passage of the infamous
enabling law, the foundation of Hitler's dictatorship. This gave the Chancellor the right to make laws without
the cooperation of the Reichstag for a period of four years. Now, after it was too late, it became clear what
Hitler had meant in his campaign theme, "Just give us four years." Hitler's enabling law gave him the power to
rule by fiat, which is the power of dictatorship. To enact a law as Dictator without the concurrence of the
Reichstag, the Chancellor had only to write a law and publish it, and in exactly the same way the
President of the United States can, and does, make law without any action by Congress in the form of
"EXECUTIVE ORDERS." These 'laws' signed by the President himself, become law simply by being published
Since March 1933, we have been technically in a continuous condition of 'National
Emergency', and many governmental powers have been usurped by American
presidents under this condition over the past 43 years. But every time a major new
phase is entered, there is a fresh declaration of National Emergency.
In monthly AUDIO LETTER No. 10 four months ago, I alerted you to the fact that plans are now progressing
rapidly toward implementing Executive Order 11490 signed by President Nixon nearly seven years ago to
provide in detail for a total government take-over of all activities in a 'declared Emergency'. And on June 11,
1976, just last month, President Ford signed a new Executive Order 11921 very quietly, which updates the older
Executive Order and shifts the emphasis heavily in the direction of post-attack conditions as we near the
outbreak of war! It places heavy emphasis on procedures relating to nuclear, biological, and chemical hazards of
the sort introduced into our environment by the planned war. It provides for the establishment, not the
preservation, of an economy for the nation. It provides for sweeping controls on that all important resource,
WATER, which is to be controlled and allocated by the federal government. This is the outcome of the little
noticed "National Commission on Water Quality" which was started by Nelson Rockefeller at the same time as
his better known "Commission on Critical Choices."
My friends, write to your Congressman and demand that he send you a copy of the FEDERAL REGISTER for
June 15, 1976, and read for yourself the 44 pages of detailed provisions for the "National Emergency" which is
planned for all of us. If possible, this will be brought into play in the wake of oil shortages and other disruptions
generated in the wake of a Mid East war! But the thrust of Executive Order 11921 just signed by
Ford has to do with the aftermath of nuclear attack. The pattern, my friends, is unmistakable. After Hitler
achieved power, he progressively consolidated it by eliminating opposition political parties, ending independent
local government and replacing it with agents of his federal government, enforcing his will by means of a Secret
Police and spies, disposing of troublesome elements by means of Concentration Camps, and using Germany as
a springboard for war to conquer other nations as well.
If the Rockefeller Brothers succeed in their plans, the United States of America will soon witness a replay of
Hitlerism, brought up to date and made more repressive and horrible than ever by those who used Hitler for
their own purposes.
Attached Files
AMERICA – The Hitler Years.pdf 105.41KB 11 downloads
#91761 ROUEN RUSSIAN NEWS AGENCY Alternate News from Russia
Posted by DAR on 03 June 2015 - 10:00 AM in General Discussion
News line. Fast news
Why in the USSR forbade microwave ovens?
May 19, 2015
In Russia in 1976 microwave ovens were forbidden because of their harmful effects on health as concerning
them the set of researches was conducted. The ban was withdrawn at the beginning of the 90th after
Reorganization. Here some of results of researches.
1. Accelerate structural disintegration of products.
2. In milk and grain crops create cancerogenic substances.
3. Change elementary structure of food, causing disorders of digestion.
4. Change food chemistry that can lead to failures of lymphatic system and destruction of ability of an organism
to protect itself from malignant tumors.
5. Lead to growth of percent of cancer cells in blood.
6. Lead to malignant tumors of a stomach and intestines, the general degeneration of peripheral cellulose, and
also gradual destruction digestive and the removing systems at statistically high percent of people.
7. Reduces ability of a body to acquire B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, necessary minerals and
lipotropik (the substances promoting acceleration of disintegration of fats in an organism; mixednews
8. The microwave field near the furnace also causes problems with health.
9. Heating of the made meat in a microwave causes:
* emergence of d-nitrozodietanolamina (widely known канцероагент)
* destabilization of biomolecular connections of an active protein
* the aggregating effect of radioactivity in the atmosphere
* creation of kantseroagent in connections of a hydrolyzate of protein in milk and grain crops.
10. Microwave radiation also causes change (disintegration) in catabolic behavior glyukozid-and galaktozidelements in the frozen fruit if to defreeze them in the Microwave oven.
11. Cause change of behavior of catabolic vegetable alkaloids in the crude, made or frozen vegetables which
were subject to radiation even for short term.
12. The free radicals causing a cancer were formed in certain molecular structures of microcells in substances of
a phytogenesis, in particular in crude root crops.
13. Those who ate food which underwent processing by microwave radiation, showed higher statistical level of
gastrointestinal cancer diseases, and also the general degeneration of peripheral cellulose with gradual
There are many researches concerning microwave ovens and effects which they can render on a human body.
Final researches weren't published yet, however if though something from the aforesaid has signs of negative
influence on food, it is only possible to present, what effects will render these consequences on a human body.
So if you can do without use of a microwave — you manage. Even if it only will allow to keep nutritional value
and quality of your food.
Posted by DAR on 03 June 2015 - 11:56 AM in General Discussion;soc_trk=ma
HSBC set to cut thousands of jobs globally: Sky News
June 2, 2015 5:02 AM
The HSBC bank logo is pictured at the bank headquarters in Paris April 9, 2015. REUTERS/Gonzalo Fuentes
By Matt Scuffham and Lawrence White
LONDON/HONG KONG (Reuters) - HSBC Holdings Plc (HSBA.L) could announce thousands of job cuts at
a strategy day next week, Sky News reported on Monday, part of chief executive Stuart Gulliver's overhaul of
Europe's biggest bank.
The plan could also see Gulliver sell operations in Brazil and Turkey and take a knife to HSBC's investment
An estimated 10,000 to 20,000 jobs will be axed, Sky News said, citing unidentified sources. The number has
not yet been finalised and Gulliver will lay out the plans at an investor presentation on June 9, the broadcaster
said. (
HSBC declined to comment on the Sky report.
It was unclear how many of those cuts would come from moves already announced by the lender.
Gulliver was appointed CEO in 2011 and has axed more than 50,000 jobs at the bank as part of a restructuring.
However, he has come under pressure from shareholders to do more to revive the bank's flagging fortunes.
Jim Antos, analyst at Mizuho Securities Asia, told Reuters TV that more job cuts may not be enough to appease
"The share price has been dead for several years now. What the market is looking for is something pretty
substantial like a new strategy, a new theme," he said in an interview with Reuters TV in Hong Kong on
"They've had tens of thousands of job cuts already and it's not been the answer so far. It's repeating the same
pattern," Antos said.
HSBC's shares were up 0.1 percent in London at 0805 GMT.
Low interest rates and tougher regulations have hurt HSBC more than most banks in recent years, meaning
Gulliver has missed some of his profit and cost targets.
#91773 Interesting Videos---UFO's ALIENS CROP CIRCLES & THE PARANORMAL
Posted by DAR on 03 June 2015 - 04:19 PM in THE UNEXPLAINED
unity, on 11 Apr 2015 - 7:44 PM, said:
Astar Command Message in UK
It was transmitted on 26th Nov 1977 at 5:12 pm in UK.
Alien Warning Message Live on TV in UK-"We Come to Warn you About your Race and your Planet"
So, has anyone debunked this after all!
This message took over the BBC networks .. plural .. IT REALLY HAPPENED.. The station managers had no
#91804 Clif High
Posted by DAR on 04 June 2015 - 03:08 PM in General Discussion
jtfuture, on 14 Jun 2014 - 11:48 PM, said:
I'm definitely with NexEd on this one. The fact he won't publish any sort of info on his method of 'distilling
blocks of internet CT forum chatter' or even partially expose his list of sources makes anything he says fairly
irrelevant. I'm not saying I doubt he's actually crunching data, because I think he is - along with a pot brownie
or two - but without any sort of peer review on approach and technique it just amounts to summation and
guesses, sometimes wild ones. The odd chatter he/his software does pick up that turns out to be interpretively
accurate is key but only pings high because it does resonate with a general CT populace, thus generates topical
hits with his software. That's great and all but that also means people like regular Chanites are likely already
clued in on those topics. To pay for that kind of evidential 'reporting' seems a bit silly. I'd be interested to
know if he has agreements with his target forums in order to be allowed to scan forums for a given week or so,
sort of like Nielsen ratings. I'd think he'd have to or be otherwise using some crafty distributed bot system that
staggers requests from various locations. Does anyone know if he's come clean on this?
What really pisses me off is all my CT lovin' friends sending me links to his latest weekly 'wujo.' I have
managed to listen to two of them start to finish and what a load of Vogon poetry! Thanks 'clif' for getting up at
the ass-crack of dawn, crapping out a load of mumbled jumbo chock full of heavy sighs, 'wtf?!'s and redundant
tangents I strain to decipher. Only to be concluded with bitching about how you so have to walk the dog, like
right now, but gotta ramble some more, kbye..?
Seriously, clif, if you are going to keep 'podcasting' at least start using a script or get an editor/producer and rein
that gob in.
JT .. you are spot on .. your comment
#91811 AMERICA – The REAL hi-STORY?
Posted by DAR on 04 June 2015 - 09:15 PM in General Discussion
Audio Letter #26
Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is 9/30/77, and
this is my monthly Audioletter No. 26.
PART 3 AMERICA – Space Age [first 20 years]
My three topics for today are: Topic #1--WAR IN SPACE--THE
BATTLE OF THE HARVEST MOON, September 27, 1977; Topic #2--THE
Topic #1--Twenty years ago on October 4, 1957, the Space Age began with the launching of Sputnik One by
the Soviet Union. Barely 3-1/2 years later on May 25, 1961, President John F. Kennedy made the thrilling
announcement that the United States was launching a program to put a man on the moon and return him safely
to earth before the end of the decade.
Many Americans could hardly believe their ears, the Sputnik shock still had not worn off, and the Soviet space
program was far ahead of our own. And for several years after the Kennedy announcement, the idea that we
would beat the Russians to the moon looked more and more ridiculous. Americans ground their teeth in
frustration as we watched the Soviet Union pile up one record after another in space--the first man in space, the
first woman in space, the first space walk, records for time in orbit, and so on and on. But the Kennedy
announcement in 1961 had signaled much more than a mere race with the Russians--it was a crash program, ten
times bigger than the Manhattan Project to develop the atom bomb in World War II, and gradually it began to
pay off. The one-man space shots of Project Mercury gave way to the two-man missions of Project Gemini, and
then at last Project Apollo with its three-man crews was under way. Finally it was the Americans who were
setting records in space, while the Russians, seemingly, began to lose heart. They busied themselves with orbital
missions, but it became increasingly apparent that they would not soon put a man on the moon after all.
On July 20, 1969, the impossible dream came true. After 8 years, and $24,000,000,000, the Apollo XI landing
craft made a perfect landing on the moon in the Sea of Tranquillity. Neil Armstrong, as he placed man's first
footprint on the moon, said those famous words: "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."
The Soviet Union sulked at being beaten, Red China called the whole thing a hoax, but the rest of the world
cheered. It was a great moment to be an American. For three years America and the world watched as the
exploits of the Apollo teams on the moon expanded at an astonishing pace; but then, strangely, the Apollo
program was cut short--to save money, we were told. After six successful moon landings, the last three,
potentially the most productive and spectacular of all, were unceremoniously lopped off—supposedly to save
about one percent of the amount it had cost to reach the moon in the first place. After all, everyone knew we
had gone to the moon merely as an exhilarating adventure and to pick up a few moon rocks for scientists to
tinker around with. So having done that, we were told that it would be better to save those last few space dollars
and put them into Welfare checks or bullets for Vietnam.
And so, on December 19, 1972, the Apollo 17 crew lifted off from the Sea of Serenity, and
America said farewell to the moon. That is what we were told, my friends, but that is not what
In Audioletter No. 19 for December 1976, I told you why America was not the first nation to orbit a space
satellite—and now I can reveal the sequel, the true purpose and outcome of the race to the moon. America's
space program has always been portrayed as a purely peaceful, scientific adventure without any ulterior
motives. But, my friends, the Rockefellers never spend $24,000,000,000, even if its our own money, on
anything that does not promise to reward them very handsomely. And these rewards, in the case of the space
program, extend far beyond the great profits reaped by their aerospace companies. It is, or was until three days
ago, the very keystone of their secret military machine for the conquest of the world. From the beginning,
America's race to put a man on the moon had a military objective.
The impetus for this race lay in a seemingly unrelated development--the Laser, which was invented in 1960.
The Laser was a predictable outgrowth of an earlier American invention called the Maser invented in 1953; and
therefore by the time the laser made its debut, it had been anticipated and military uses for it were under
intensive study. The first hint of the things to come was a proposal by laser scientists in 1961, the same year that
President Kennedy launched the crash program to put a man on the moon. The scientists suggested that lasers,
which produced narrow intense beams of light, could be used for interplanetary communication by flashing
coded signals back and forth. What the scientists did not mention was that the destructive, effective,
extremely powerful lasers could also be projected for tremendous distances through space for space warfare.
Worse yet, theoretical studies had already revealed that an even more awesome energy-beam weapon was
This advanced weapon on the horizon was the terrifying Particle Beam, which was first brought to public
attention early this year by General George Keegan, the freshly retired Chief of the U.S. Air Force
Intelligence. In a Particle Beam weapon, huge quantities of atoms are torn to shreds and fired
out of the barrel at the target in a continuous concentrated beam that travels at almost the speed
of light. The process requires fantastic amounts of energy, and the effect on any target is also
fantastic. The very atoms that make up the target are torn to pieces by the beam, and the target
With Lasers and the Particle Beams looming as potential new military weapons, the moon
suddenly became an inviting military objective. The moon is a quarter million miles from earth,
and it takes several days for a space ship to travel that distance; but it only takes about 1-1/2
seconds for radio signals or light to travel that far. Therefore a moon base, equipped with highpower lasers or particle-beam weapons would be able to strike any visible spot on earth within
two seconds of pulling the trigger; and during any period of just over 24 hours, all or most of
the populated areas of the earth can be seen from the moon.
The only exceptions are Arctic and Antarctic regions during parts of each month. And since a Particle Beam
will bore right through clouds or storms to hit a target, a moon base would be an all-weather weapon. Finally,
once it was in operation, this moon base would be virtually immune to attack by any less sophisticated weapon.
For example, if a rocket were fired at the moon from earth with a nuclear warhead to destroy the moon base, it
would be useless. Long before it reached the moon, it could be destroyed by a blast of the Particle Beam. When
the Rockefellers learned of the great potential of the moon for military purposes, the decision was made to
launch a crash program to seize the moon for this purpose.
The Soviet Space Program had been given a head start over that of America by means of the Sputnik One
disgrace, and under the hard-driving direction of an engineer named Leonid Brezhnev, the Soviet lead space
was widening every day. But the Russian approach to exploiting space for military purposes was heavily
oriented toward earth orbital applications. Space stations would come first; after that, moon missions could be
launched sometime in the future. For all the propaganda we heard about it at the time, a man mission to the
moon was not a top Soviet priority in 1961. But the Sputnik shock still had not worn off, and the Soviet Space
Program was undeniably ahead of our own in 1961. So it was not very hard for the Rockefellers to convince
America, through their controlled major media, that Russia was on its way to the moon and would beat us there
if we did not do something.
Having built up this public concern, the Rockefeller public relations machine then provided us with the solution
to our worries. The space frontier was sold to us as exemplifying the bold spirit of President John F. Kennedy's
so-called "New Frontier." The dormant and suppressed American spirit of free adventure was tapped and
channeled into enthusiastic, unquestioning support for the space program, even though we were never given
anything more than the vaguest justifications for it.
Thus a military project dwarfing the Manhattan Project was set in motion, in full public view; and drawing upon
the very best talent and facilities that money could buy, only the purpose of the moon project was kept a secret;
and that secret was made secure by bathing the whole space program in the glare of continuous publicity. It was
a clever plan, and it worked.
By the time of the Apollo 17 mission in December 1972, the space program had become routine to many
Americans, and they were looking around for other circuses to amuse themselves; and plenty of these were
provided, including especially the budding Watergate scandal. Now space travel could safely be removed from
public view and carried on secretly with far less danger of attracting attention than a decade before. Meanwhile,
the Rockefellers, by way of their controlled CIA, had been working feverishly in total secrecy on beam
weapons at locations outside the United States--such as a CIA-supported Laser experiment installation in Spain.
By 1972, these experiments still were a long way from a suitable weapon for deployment on the moon. But
ominous developments in the Soviet Union led to the decision to cut off the Apollo program prematurely so that
the construction of the secret moon base could be rushed ahead.
Starting in 1967, the Soviet Union launched a massive program of its own to develop a Particle Beam weapon.
This is what the Russians had started concentrating on instead of an immediate moon flight in the late 60's.
Then in 1971, the Soviet Civil Defense Program was stepped up; and on October 4, 1972, Soviet Civil Defense
was elevated to a status equal to the Armed Services. Less than three months later, in December, Apollo 17
became the last American moon flight to be acknowledged publicly. The October 4, 1972, upgrading of Soviet
civil defense initiated a high-priority Five-Year Plan, which ends four days from now--the day after the
expiration of the SALT ONE accord. Under this plan, much of the Soviet Union has literally gone underground,
complete with underground silos filled with American grain and thousands of underground shelters able to
withstand near-misses of ICBM's. Strategic command centers and communications networks are underground
now in the Soviet Union. And this was done not only to render any missile attack survivable, but also to
provide some protection against any possible Particle Beam attack from the moon.
Early in 1973, soon after the supposed end of the American moon program, we began hearing about a place
called Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean. Supposedly we were merely building a communications installation
there, yet the drastic step was taken of relocating all the 20,000 or so natives of this little island to other areas.
More recently, we have heard about Diego Garcia as the site of a new American naval base; but, my friends,
you still haven't been told the whole story. Diego Garcia, my friends, is the new space-port from which secret
missions to the moon have been launched during the building of the moon base.
Unlike Cape Canaveral, where Saturn rocket launches are impossible to hide, Diego Garcia is remote and
isolated, and even the natives are no longer there to watch what goes on. What's more, Diego Garcia is
practically the perfect moon-port, located as it is almost on the earth's equator, and a space vehicle launched
eastward into orbit from Diego Garcia passes over a nearly unbroken expanse of water for more than half the
circumference of the earth. The only means of monitoring the early flight of a space craft launched from Diego
Garcia, therefore, is from ships. If you have been unclear as to why Jimmy Carter has been talking so much
about demilitarizing the Indian Ocean--which means 'Russia, stay out'--now you know.
I was first alerted to the existence of a secret base on the moon last November 1976--but it has been one of the
best kept of all Rockefeller secrets, and it was only a few weeks ago that I was able to confirm its existence and
learn the complete story; and since that time, events have moved with lightning speed.
Throughout this year an unseen but deadly race has been underway to see who would get an operational Particle
Beam first: the Rockefellers, at their secret moon base; or the Soviet Union, in earth orbit. By late spring, a
Salyut manned space craft was launched that carried out preliminary tests of beam-weapon techniques, using
lasers in order to simulate the Particle Beam. Then, on July 17, 1977, a large Soviet satellite, called Cosmos
929, was launched. It has mystified satellite watchers because of its strange behavior in radio signals. Most
observers have concluded that it is un-manned, having detected no verbal communications; but, it is manned! It
is a twin satellite, consisting of a command module and a separate Particle Beam weapon module.
All communications between the crew of Cosmos 929 and the Soviet tracking network are carried on by
modulated laser beams, which cannot be detected at all by anyone who is not directly in the beam path. A
Particle Beam is a fearsome weapon; and nearly two months of painstaking preparation and check-out of all
systems preceded the first test. Meanwhile, American astronauts on the moon worked at frenzied pace to try to
bring their Particle Beam installation to operational status. By early September, this month, the first Particle
Beam unit on the moon was being assembled. A few days later the crew of Cosmos 929 tested their Particle
Beam unit by firing it into open space to verify that it would function properly. It did! The next step was to test
the beam against a target--the target chosen was an American spy satellite as it passed over the Petrozavodsk
Observatory, which lies east of southern Finland. Cosmos 929 was nearly 1000 miles to the south near the
Black Sea, the local time was roughly 4:00 AM Tuesday, September 20, 1977, and the moon was on the other
side of the earth. The crew of the moon base were therefore unable to observe the test. Aided by computers,
Cosmos 929 aimed and fired. The American satellite erupted into an immense fireball of light, which the Soviet
news agency Tass described as a huge star which flashed out of a dark sky, sending shafts of light impulses to
earth. It took several minutes to dwindle to a red glow and burn out as it drifted eastward, and it was witnessed
as far away as Helsinki, Finland, over 300 miles to the west. News reports that day in this country dismissed it
all as a curious jellyfish-like UFO. Four days later, September 24 the Soviet Navy, without explanation,
expelled all British and French fishing trawlers, among others, from the Barents Sea. At the same time, Soviet
trawlers in European community waters were called home.
By the 26th of September, American personnel at the secret Rockefeller moon base nestled in
Copernicus Crater were almost ready. Their Particle Beam was almost operational—but they
were too late. By late that day, the Soviet Union began bombarding the moon base with a
Neutron Particle Beam. Through the night, and all day on September 27 the moon base was
bombarded without mercy with neutron radiation just like that produced by a neutron bomb;
and by that evening as Americans looked up at the peaceful full moon overhead known as the
Harvest Moon, the last few Americans on the moon were dying of neutron radiation. America
had lost the Battle of the Harvest Moon.
My friends, in 1945 America became the first nation on earth to possess an awesome new super-weapon, the
Atomic Bomb; but now, it is the Soviet Union that has won the race for a new super-weapon--the Particle
Beam, that could be as decisive today as the Atomic Bomb was in 1945. The Rockefellers have disarmed
America while betting everything on the moon base, thinking they would win the race; but they made a terrible
miscalculation—and now we will all suffer the consequences.
Attached Files
AMERICA – THE SPACE AGE 1st 20 years.pdf 99.23KB 13 downloads
#91825 Blast From the Past - The Chani Project
Posted by DAR on 05 June 2015 - 08:39 AM in General Discussion
Top 3 most unatural weather phenomenon
Started By Anden, Sep 18 2011 12:08 AM
Solar Flare Activity Prompting NASA to Convene a News Briefing Thursday in Washi
Started By Don Quixote, Sep 18 2011 12:46 AM
Related items? Recent submarine sightings & more cruise ship engine failures?
Started By Plan B, Sep 18 2011 12:56 AM
Jellyfish: "taking over the top predator position in the ocean"
Started By Plan B, Sep 18 2011 01:21 AM
Elder Member
Posted 18 September 2011 - 01:25 AM
Jellyfish in space...ok I believe pics have been taken of these lifeforms too..
A little anecdote, I have a good friend, a member here, who runs a motel in N.California..They offer free
internet services, and sometimes her "policy" runs out in a matter of hours. We have continually joked about
her 'dish Jellies"...and how they keep stealing her internet signal..Thinking about that now..perhaps it is not so
far fetched after all...breezy
The Case of the Mystery Space “Jellyfish”
9/20/06 (yes, 5 yrs ago)
I see that the Space Shuttle Atlantis’s return to Earth has been delayed whilst NASA tried to establish what a
mystery object is that they think may have come from the shuttle’s cargo bay, though the pictures of the object
concerned have NASA scratching their heads.
The object was caught on the shuttle’s cameras purely by chance as the astronauts were conducting a last
minute once over of the shuttle’s exterior prior to its planned return today. Resembling a jelly fish, the object
could be any number of things which may or may not be considered critical for Atlantis’s safe return to Earth
with NASA stating that it could be anything from an ice formation to piece of plastic trimming. At present,
For what it is worth.......Some Confirmations.
Started By Monatom, Sep 18 2011 02:49 AM
A CHANI Sponsor
Posted 18 September 2011 - 05:06 AM
We all live in our own world. While singular and individual we are also part of the ONE.
Interestingly, everyone reversed the same metaphors in the same way. It seemed a universal language that we
all partake of yet we may never use the words in daily life. Quite amazing that we have such an obviously
multidimensional existence.
Let me share another experience that indicates our multidimensionality.
On the 21st January 2000 I awoke with a number of marks on the left side of my chest. I thought a spider or
some other insect had bitten me but upon checking in the mirror I counted 13 marks in a diamond shape.
Furthermore, they were burn marks. Upon gazing at them in the mirror I had the distinct knowledge that I had
gone somewhere and it was no abduction experience. The next day the marks had blistered and I broke one to
reveal a hole going through my skin. My wife insisted I go to a doctor but I insisted otherwise. How would I
explain anyway and I had the feeling they would heal ok. They did but I have the scars to this day and it was not
until one of my co-researchers asked if I had reversed myself did I do anything to find out what happened.
I had reversed myself several times on this but failed to reveal anything to myself. The subconscious is like
this sometimes. You just don't want to reveal the truth to yourself and will not do so. She suggested that I make
an audio re the experience and send it to her and she would reverse. I did so and she came back some time later
insisting I should try to remember what had happened as it was really way out. I had absolutely blocked it from
Her reversals revealed that I had gone to another time and another place (parallel dimension) and was part of a
war (on Mars by the way. I just didn't want to tell you. Sounds too crazy to even me) where I shot the one who
shot me but there was not enough of me there to have a total effect ......real crazy, until I related the experience
to Linda Moulton Howe at the Nexus conference and she related other similar experiences to me. We are
multidimensional beings, just still in prison at the moment. That is about to change I believe.
Started By AWAKE, Sep 18 2011 04:51 AM
Posted 18 September 2011 - 04:51 AM
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 18-Sep-2011 00:47:17
Ben Fulford & David Wilcock
Recently, these sources informed him that the earthquakes that occurred in Colorado and the Washington DC
area, surrounding August 22nd and 23rd, were, in fact, apparently nuclear strikes against underground military
[These underground bases] have been built by the US government, ostensibly since the early 1960s, at the cost
of trillions of dollars of undocumented taxpayer money that is going into these “black projects.”
The reason why I contacted Benjamin Fulford is I had [first] read this on his blog [and was amazed.]
Then I started to contact my own sources, which have been built up over being a public figure on the Internet
since 1999 – and gaining the trust of many people in various classified programs.
I was absolutely astonished when I started to ask around and found out that everyone I know, with one
exception who probably wasn’t on a need-to-know basis, confirmed that this attack did happen.
World Pyramid location quest...
Started By phillipbbg, Sep 18 2011 05:49 AM
Underground Bunker Entrances and Locations WORLDWIDE
Started By phillipbbg, Sep 18 2011 05:51 AM
Inner Earth TUNNEL entrances Ancient or Natural WORLDWIDE.....
Started By phillipbbg, Sep 18 2011 05:53 AM
#92012 DISCLOSURE 2015 - Dr Michael Salla & Corey Goode
Posted by DAR on 12 June 2015 - 11:28 AM in Return of The Gods
DISCLOSURE 2015 - Dr Michael Salla & Corey Goode download PDF BELOW
Corporate bases on Mars and Nazi infiltration of US
Secret Space Program
Written by Dr Michael Salla on May 20, 2015. Posted in exonews
Secret Space Program whistleblower, “Corey” Goode (aka GoodETxSG), has revealed astounding details
involving classified activities on Mars and the Moon. Most disturbing are his revelations about the influence of
a secret NAZI breakaway civilization that successfully infiltrated the US national security system. His
responses go into great detail of how secret space program activities in the US and globally, have been co-opted
by unscrupulous forces and institutions that are denying humanity the benefits of the technological secrets
acquired over the last century.
Corey released his latest information in response to a set of email questions sent to him on May 14. In previous
Q & A email sessions, public forums and his website, Cory has released details of an alliance of five
extraterrestrial races called the Sphere Alliance, three of whom he has had direct physical contact with at a
number of meetings involving delegates from different secret space programs. At these diplomatic meetings, he
claims to have interacted not only with representatives from different secret space programs, but also
representatives of different extraterrestrial civilizations, 22 of which have contributed their genetics to the
evolution of humanity.
The responses to the latest questions have been divided into two parts. Part one (see below) begins with
Corey’s knowledge of what is happening on Mars. He claims to have personally traveled to Mars and describes
witnessing a number of facilities which are owned by a space program called the Interplanetary Corporate
Conglomerate (ICC). The condition of workers he saw at these ICC facilities made him suspect that they were
being used as “slave labor.” Surprisingly, the Corporate Conglomerate has authority over military facilities that
have also been built on Mars by other space programs. Corey’s response that a corporate entity essentially runs
Mars using slave labor is quite disturbing.
Even more disturbing are his revelations about a secret Nazi Space Program that became operational during the
Second World War despite the defeat of the Axis powers. The Nazis, according to Corey, escaped to secret
bases in South America and Antarctica, where they established an alliance with a group of extraterrestrials
called the Draco Reptilians. The Nazis were then able to successfully defeat a punitive military expedition by
Admiral Byrd called Operation Highjump in 1947. Corey says that after a demonstration of Nazi technological
superiority during the 1952 Washington UFO Flyover, both the Truman and Eisenhower administration
negotiated agreements with the Nazi breakaway civilization. The Nazis then proceeded to infiltrate the U.S.
national security system in ways that have undermined the independence and integrity of various US and
international space programs, both civilian and military. Slave labor was a major practice in Nazi World War 2
industries, it appears that this continues with organizations that the Nazi breakaway civilization has infiltrated
such as ICC operations on Mars.
The information Corey reveals is both astounding and deeply disturbing. For some it may appear too fantastic
to believe. Yet, in my own due diligence of Corey’s claims and credibility I have found nothing suggesting any
intention to misrepresent or deceive on his part. He sincerely believes he is telling the truth about his past
experiences working with different secret space programs. Other insiders have also vouched for Corey having
participated in one or more secret space programs, suggesting that his claims, at the very least, deserve serious
© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice
Questions for Corey Goode on Mars, Moon and Nazi Space Program –
May 14, 2015
[Questions sent on May 14. Answers received on May 19]
Q1. You have said that the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC) owns most of the Mars Bases. How
many Mars bases do they own, and who ......
[see link for the rest of the material]
“NAZI Occult Societies” therefore infiltrated every single high tech corporation and position of power inside
the now “Joint Break Away Civilization/Program”. They have been involved in all western space programs and
projects ever since. It is true that the Dark Fleet personnel have been called “Storm Troopers” and “Space
Nazis” both because of the way they act, dress, the symbols they wear as well as the shape of their Vessels (Star
Wars Like). They are very dark individuals who work alongside the Draco Vessels mostly outside the Sol
System helping them in offensive activities against enemies off the Draco Joint Federation.
Continued in Part 2.
More information about Corey and the Sphere Alliance at:
Attached Files
Corporate bases on Mars and Nazi infiltration of US Secret Space Program - Dr Salla.pdf 289.1KB 45
#92014 DISCLOSURE 2015 - Dr Michael Salla & Corey Goode
Posted by DAR on 12 June 2015 - 11:45 AM in Return of The Gods
Multiple Moon bases & U.S. Military Space Shuttles as
cover programs
Written by Dr Michael Salla on May 20, 2015. Posted in exonews
In this second part of a set of April 14 Q & A email responses, Secret Space Program whistleblower, “Corey”
Goode (aka GoodETxSG), reveals more information about secret bases on the Moon and classified military
space programs.
Corey describes the Moon as a neutral space used by various secret space programs and extraterrestrial
civilizations that have established “Embassy Zones.” He describes the Moon as very similar to Antarctica that is
used by multiple nations that abide by international treaties for its peaceful use even though some nations may
be enemies. Significantly, Corey’s description of the moon as a diplomatic zone used by multiple space
programs and extraterrestrial races matches another secret space program whistleblower, Randy Cramer (aka
Captain Kaye), who had revealed what was happening on the Moon in an April 2014 interview:
It’s kind of like Antarctica, it has these different areas where different countries and people can say we got this
area, and we got this, and everybody respects everybody’s claim or area…. Whether people are friendly or
hostile, it’s kind of a neutral territory, so there’s places where those who don’t get along with others, cannot/be
not too far from each other. But they don’t attack each other … for whatever reason that the contracts,
diplomatic arrangements is for that.
Corey also responds to an additional set of May 16 questions I put to him due to comments by a former
Defense Intelligence Agency employee, “Christopher,” concerning a classified military space program separate
to the programs Corey claims he participated in. Christopher had responded to Corey’s May 11, Q & A email
exchange in the comments section. Christopher pointed out that while he was aware of and worked on a
classified US Navy Space Command program using military space shuttles, orbital space stations and even
additional lunar landing missions, he was not aware of any of the material Corey had shared about
extraterrestrial programs, Mars bases, and/or use of psychic personal in classified space programs. A helpful
analysis of Corey’s exchange with Christopher in the comments section is available on the Stilllness in the
Storm blogsite.
Corey’s replies to the May 16 email questions give more details on how various branches of the U.S. military
are involved in less classified space programs using traditional rocket propulsion technologies. A good example
is the USAF X-37B which today was launched to perform a classified mission in space for up to two years. All
involved in this classified Air Force program genuinely believe they are involved in cutting edge space
technology. Not so according to Corey. The X-37B program as well as a host of other US military space
programs are using outdated space propulsion technologies. This is known only to a select few in military
leadership positions who have been read into the more highly classified space programs that Corey participated
The above situation is analogous to Area 51 which maintains two secret facilities with various programs at
different levels of classification. At the Area 51 Groom Lake facility, spy planes and other advanced
aeronautical projects are developed together with Lockheed Martin and other aerospace companies. At the
adjacent Papoose Lake facility, S4, advanced antigravity technologies based on recovered extraterrestrial
technologies are secretly studied. Military and corporate personnel at the Area 51 Groom Lake facility
genuinely believe they are working with the most highly advanced aerospace technologies and have no idea of
what is happening at the S4 facility.
According to NSA documents released by Edward Snowden, the intelligence and military community regularly
hide their most classified programs under less classified “cover” programs falling under rubrics such as
“Sentry-Eagle.” Essentially, Corey is revealing that classified military space programs such as the X-37B are
covers for more highly classified space programs that he directly worked on over a 20 year period from 1987 to
Click here for Part One.
© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice
[Questions sent on May 14. Answers received on May 19]
Continued from Part One.
Q17. The famous remote viewer Ingo Swan said that he saw naked looking humans/ETs walking on the moon’s
surface. Is there a breathable atmosphere in some parts of the moon?
There are many dozens of ET groups based in “Embassy Zones” on/in the Moon. He could have been
“Viewing” any number of them. Their uniforms/suits may have given the appearance of them being naked (As a
RV practitioner myself I have an understanding of how some of the imagery language translates at times). There
is an extremely thin atmosphere that is very near to the surface of the moon (down in craters) and away from the
Sun facing side (So it is not constant as the Earth/Moon rotate around the Sun). It is not breathable at all and
filled with a fine dust that would rip your lungs apart of you were unwise enough to try (the dust and ice crystals
do make for some interesting light phenomena at times). Many people who do Remote Viewing or OBE’s have
an experience of being brought to a place on the moon, a sort of gathering place before they travel further out
into the Sol System and beyond. This is fairly common and I have experienced it myself. It is not in the physical
realm, nor is it a physical place.
Q18. In a famous radio intercept during the Apollo 11 mission, Neil Armstrong said that there were two large
menacing looking UFOs watching the astronauts, was that a genuine incident?
The moon is divided into Embassy Zones (much like maps of Antarctica) that belong to dozens of different off
world (and ancient break away human groups) groups that do not get along. Many of the worst enemies are
based only a few kilometers away from each other and have done so for thousands of years in peace. The Moon
is a diplomatic zone and conflict is not tolerated on or around it. Diplomatic territory is highly respected and not
trespassed on by other groups. If the Apollo landings chose to land in some of these diplomatic zones (which is
just about every square inch of the moon) they more than likely landed on territory of a group that did not
appreciate it. They were most likely given a stern request to leave and not return to this location by whatever
group they were trespassing on.
Q19. Who warned NASA and the Apollo astronauts from the moon?
I do not know specifically which group gave a warning or what exactly what that warning specifically was.
Q20. What can you tell us about the other shared human moon base used by the dark fleet?
It is a Heavily Guarded and Secret Base that is at about the 10 o’clock position, on the Back Side of the Moon.
The portion that is visible is a “Trapezoid Shape”. It is only accessible to the Dark Fleet and some ICC
Personnel as well as the Draco Allied Forces. Some amateur astronomers have caught video of swarms of craft
leaving from this base location on a couple of occasions. It is presumed to go far beneath the surface of the
Moon just as the LOC does.
Q21. What do you know of other bases on the Moon that are controlled/populated by non-human
Other than what was explained above about the diplomatic zones and embassies I do not have much more
information. There are quite a lot of ancient ruins from previous disasters and wars that are left on the Moon as
a memorial both to the “Ancient Builders” and to the long term peace that has been maintained on the Moon. At
times these ancient ruins are open to be visited but are mostly “Protected” and off limits. I do not fully
understand why this is the case but these ruins are spectacular and highly respected.
Q22. Has the Sphere Alliance established a presence on the moon, or exerting influence over moon operations?
No, the Sphere Alliance are 6th through 9th Density Beings that do not inhabit the Spheres, Use the Spheres as
Vessels, Require Technology to Travel or a Base of Operations. When they are not here interacting with us they
are either back at their home density or are around us in a phased out (Different Frequency) state that makes
them invisible to us. They observe and interact with us at will and then travel back to their home Density by just
a “Thought”. Many of our Density are having a very difficult time understanding the existence and abilities of a
group from 6th through 9th Density Realities. We have no way to begin to fathom the way they perceive us or
our behavior in our Density. Everything is Vibration… Energy, Matter and even Thought is all Vibration. They
can control matter and energy’s vibrational state by their thought/consciousness and without the need of
technology. Some of the beings that are extremely advanced and are 4th through 5th Density Beings still have
some of the same limitations we do even though they are much more advanced. These beings are not used to
dealing with other beings that are so much more advanced than they are. This Outer Barrier is something that
has contained even them within our Sol System.
Additional Questions – May 16, 2015
Q23. You have responded to questions (Article Comments) by a former DIA employee, “Christopher”,
concerning an intermediate level of classified space programs comprising the US [Naval Network and] Space
Operations Command and the USAF Space Command. You say that this intermediate level [compartment] was
not given need-to-know access to the Solar Warden and other space programs with off-planet activities. Is this
basically because this intermediate level [compartment] of classified space programs has been denied access to
anti-gravity technologies and space craft?
They have had access to some of the gravity cancellation technologies but not the deep space flight
technologies. Where it would take them 45 minutes to a couple of hours to get to the Moon the Advanced SSP
Shuttles have the capability to pick up personnel from ground level and have them in position asking for
clearance to land at the LOC in under 5 minutes. The technology that these lower military black ops programs
have access to is quite a bit less advanced. They still use fly by wire instead of Neuro Interfaces to Pilot Craft
and use Kinetic Weapons such as rail guns and supersonic smart missiles as well as deliver ordinance that is not
too dissimilar of that in use by Fighter Jets and Bombers such as the F-35. They have space planes that can take
off from a secret military base and leave the atmosphere without a booster of any type and fly in and out of the
atmosphere at will. They do not have the maneuverability and range that the more advanced secret space
programs do (from the Current Era Break Away Civilization).
Q24. The USAF X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle is set to launch on May 20 for another long orbit in space. It
appears to be a small unmanned version of the space shuttle that uses conventional rocket propulsion
technologies to spend up to two years in Earth orbit. Is this the kind of space surveillance and covert orbital
operations favored by the intermediate level space program(s) that use outdated conventional propulsion
technologies/spacecraft, while strongly believing these technologies/spacecraft are state of the art?
Yes, There is a break away civilization and a completely different control system that very few are privy to.
Those that are in the National Military Black Op’s Programs are not read into the full picture of what is going
on. They are given various cover stories and told that the things they track are our technologies from other black
programs. They are spending Trillions of Dollars on lower technology that has its roots in the 19th/20th
centuries with mainly advances in electronics and material sciences. The LOC does their best to control traffic
to make sure that none of these groups observe technology that they are not supposed to know about. Those
who fly manned space planes that sometimes dock with the ISS and other secret space stations of lower tech
programs sometimes observe craft that they are not supposed to and they are debriefed and sworn to secrecy
usually knowing more about what is going on in outer orbit than their commanding officers. These personnel
are often pulled into the Advanced Secret Space Programs once they reach a certain amount of first hand
experiences. Recently some of these groups that would swear that they were at the top of the pyramid of the
military space programs and have the highest clearances have been invited to the LOC for some of the Alliance
Conferences. Their reactions were the most interesting of all. They sat with their arms crossed and kept to
themselves with wide eyes and slightly upset looks on their faces. They of all people asked the fewest questions
during the conference and left quickly without fraternizing with their new colleagues.
Q25. The former DIA employee, “Christopher”, says that the US Naval Network and Space Operations
Command, partnered with the Defense Intelligence Agency, while the US Air Force Space Command partnered
with the CIA. Given the CIA’s role in covert operations sanctioned by the Cabal/Illuminati, would it be fair to
say that the senior officials in the USAF Space Command are more likely to be compromised and ally with the
“Dark Fleet” and illegal ICC activities such as lying to recruited scientists and personnel about off-planet
working conditions?
Not necessarily, the personnel I worked with ranged from a majority of MILAB Program Trained and “Drafted”
persons to a full representation of all of the services (including the Coast Guard in some cases believe it or not).
These were often mixed military forces security teams and operatives working together based on their strengths
and what they have to offer the program. For the most part the personnel were raised through MILAB Programs
and trained from their youth and later drafted into working in either the SSP, Secret Earth Governments or their
Syndicates. I am sure this is different in each of the programs however. The DIA, CIA, NSA or any of the other
intelligence services never flashed badges or ID’s around outside of our orbit. These Intelligence Agencies have
no oversight, control or knowledge of what these Advanced Secret Space Programs are doing. There are other
intelligence agencies associated with each of the SSP’s as well as Military and Command Structures that do not
report to Earth Based American or Western Governments. This is of course because we are talking about a
complete break away civilization that does not exist according to even the American Shadow Government and
their black op’s programs. There are multiple Secret Earth Governments and their Syndicates (made up of
Occult Groups and Secret Societies) that secretly run much of the Off World Commerce as well as are the real
people in charge of the publicly seen governments on Earth that people think they vote for and take part in.
Q26. Would it be accurate to say that senior officials within the US Naval Network and Space Operations
Command are more likely to be aligned with the Solar Warden space program even though the rank and file
personnel (e,g, “Christopher”) aren’t briefed about the antigravity spacecraft and off-world missions?
I do not think that it was a coincidence that a person claiming to be a former DIA Agent living in Russia (there
is a growing ex-patriot community of former American Intelligence Personnel in Russia and a couple former
Soviet Republics) commented on the Military Black Op’s Space Program that was also a part of the Strategic
Defense Initiative (SDI) Era. We may hear from him or another one of them again after this article is posted.
Regarding your question, this has recently changed. These people in the past feel into the groups (except for a
select few) that were only aware of the Military Secret Black Op’s Programs. They were not aware of a
completely separate Break Away Civilization that was so much further advanced than they are that they are not
even a part of our society or governmental structures. When some of these select people that were involved in
the Military Black Ops/Space Program were found to be involved in the “Earth Based Alliance” they were
invited into the “SSP Alliance”. They began traveling to the LOC (that they didn’t know existed) for the first
time during the same time as the first group of “Earth Based Alliance Politicians” and the 70 civilians that were
invited to attend a separate conference and tour of the LOC. This is a fairly recent development and they are
adjusting to the change as well as for the first time working as liaisons between the Earth Based Alliance and
the SSP Alliance (who have different agendas).
Q27. On June 11, 1985 Ronald Reagan wrote in his diary, “our shuttle capacity is such that we could orbit 300
people.” Was Reagan here referring to the intermediate space program run by the US Navy and/or US Air
Force, rather than the Solar Warden or other four secret space programs that you have previously described?
There is a craft that is a personnel transport shuttle that transports 300 people when carrying lower deck cargo
or near 600 people when transporting personnel only. I believe Regan was most likely referring to some of the
Military Personnel Carriers that was designed to deliver just below 300 Special Operators and their Equipment
anywhere in the world in less than an hour. It was a part of the Military Black Op’s SDI Space Program. It was
a rapid deployment shuttle for extreme circumstances and could deliver Delta/SEAL Teams/Forces undetected
via this secret craft that was a huge Stealth Shuttle with Electro Static/Magnetic Gravity Cancellation. I do not
know if it was ever used.
Q28. In your response to Christopher (In Articles Comments Section), you say, “The Secret Earth Military
Programs that have programs that are developed for secondary “Disclosure” reasons.” What do you mean by
“secondary disclosure,” would this be part of a false flag alien invasion scenario aimed at deceiving the public?
Yes, Not only are there often multiple programs run under the same “Program Names” (Example “Pegasus”)
there is also a level of the Secret Earth Governments that if it becomes necessary, would have outed the Military
Black Op’s Space Program (SDI Era Technology) as a faux disclosure to throw anyone investigating them off
of their scent. This would placate the people who were digging for “The Truth” and keep the existence of their
“Secret Break Away Civilization” hidden.
The use of multiple program names is handy in a similar scenario. If you are called before a senate hearing
about a project name that some have provided information about and stated that crimes against humanity have
occurred and Alien contact has occurred etc… They can pull out the related project name and history and show
that it is a classified satellite program and disclose all of the documents to an intelligence committee of that
congressional hearing. They can then bury the other project by the same name in plain sight and carry on as if
nothing occurred. They have an amazing number of tricks to keep their secrets and making people look like
fools or ruining people’s lives, to do so is nothing they will lose sleep over. This is something that especially
those in some of the highest placed military black op’s programs and intelligence agencies will not ever allow
themselves to believe. They will not ever believe it is possible unless some of the recent people read into the
SSP Alliance Conferences have verified this information to them (if they have a need to know).
More information about Corey and the Sphere Alliance at:
Sphere Being Alliance (Twitter)
Sphere Being Alliance (YouTube)
Sphere Being Alliance (Blog)
Sphere Being Allince (Home Page)
To continue the “Q & A” process go to the following part (FAQ) of the Sphere Being Alliance Home Page and
click “Ask A Question”. Type in your question in the field and click “Submit”. I am happy to answer all of your
reader’s direct questions here at this location. I look forward to providing them more information and answering
their questions.
Attached Files
Multiple Moon bases & U.S. Military Space Shuttles as cover programs.pdf 311.31KB 51 downloads
#92017 DISCLOSURE 2015 - Dr Michael Salla & Corey Goode
Posted by DAR on 12 June 2015 - 04:45 PM in Return of The Gods
Secret Space War halts as Extraterrestrial Disclosure Plans move forward
Written by Dr Michael Salla on May 31, 2015. Posted in galactic diplomacy
Large scale hostilities in an undeclared war being fought in deep space, Mars and on Earth between two secret
space program alliances have come to a temporary halt according to the latest in a series of disclosures by secret
space program whistleblower, Corey Goode (aka GoodETxSG). In part one of his responses to a new set of
questions (see below), Corey describes a complex planetary situation involving multiple space programs, both
modern and ancient, and extraterrestrial civilizations in a struggle for dominance over how much information
and technology will be released to the rest of surface humanity. For some, Corey’s disclosures are a product of
fertile imagination appropriate for a coming Star Wars episode. There is good reason, however, to seriously
consider Corey’s information as possibly the most comprehensive disclosures ever to emerge of what is really
happening behind the scenes in the most highly classified space programs taking place on Earth and our solar
According to Corey, on the one side of the conflict is a positive (service-to-other) Secret Space Program (SSP)
Alliance comprising the first secret space program created by the U.S. military, “Solar Warden,” and its allies, a
number of ancient human space programs and friendly human-looking extraterrestrial races that is genetically
linked to humanity. The “SSP Alliance” essentially wants surface humanity to learn the truth about its ancient
space programs, extraterrestrial visitation, and free energy technologies. Most significantly, the SSP Alliance
wants to put an end to an exploitative global financial system that has economically enslaved much of
On the other side of the undeclared war is a negative (service-to-self) alliance comprising the first corporate run
space program called the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate and its allies. These comprise ancient Earth
bloodline families called the Cabal/Illuminati; Reptilian extraterrestrials called the Dracos that come from
outside our solar system. Finally, this negative alliance comprises portions of a “Dark Fleet” comprising
humans connected directly or ideologically to the former Nazi SS that normally operate outside the solar
system, but were trapped inside a recently imposed solar system wide quarantine. In his answers to questions
below, Corey refers to this negative alliance as the Cabal/ICC/Draco/Dark Fleet or more simply as the “Cabal
led SSPs”.
According to Corey in his latest disclosures, the recent halt in large scale hostilities has come at the request of a
third, recently arrived group of extraterrestrials called the “Sphere Alliance.” Corey claims that the Blue Avians,
one of the five extraterrestrial civilizations making up the Sphere Alliance have been physically contacting him
and taking him to various diplomatic meetings where the conflicting forces have held dialogues. The Sphere
Alliance, according to Corey, have far superior technology to any of the conflicting space program alliances,
and have implemented a solar system wide quarantine. This has created havoc with “Cabal led SSPs” that
previously were the dominant power on Earth and the Solar System, but are rapidly losing power to the SSP
Alliance. This has led to growing defections from the Cabal led SSPs to the SSP Alliance which Corey is
communicating directly with through an unnamed Lt Colonel.
In his responses to questions below, Corey describes the complex dynamics of the conflict outlined above, the
outcomes of recent diplomatic meetings, SSP Alliance problems with handling defectors who are overly eager
to launch armed attacks against their former Cabal led SSPs allies, and why the Cabal led SSPs alliance is
crumbling. He describes two SSP Alliance attacks that led to many civilian deaths on Mars and underground
Earth bases, thereby leading to the Sphere Alliance request for an end to large scale hostilities. Corey discusses
a “controlled disclosure” plan by the Cabal led SSPs that will attempt to deceive people in a way that
perpetuates Cabal control. He contrasts this with the SSP Alliance disclosure plan of massive official document
dumps (like Wikileaks) and television broadcasts that will reveal the truth about humanity’s situation, and lead
to Nuremburg War Crime like trials against (former) leaders of the Cabal led SSPs.
Corey’s information in the responses below is very detailed, and deserve serious attention. For more
information on Corey’s SSP background and why his claims are very likely the most comprehensive disclosures
ever about SSP activities, please read here and here. In part two, we will turn to the darker side of activities
performed by the Cabal led SSPs, and why the Sphere Alliance requested Corey to start revealing these
disturbing activities.
© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice
Questions for Corey Goode on SSP Conflicts and Human
Slave Trade – May 29/30, 2015
[Questions sent on May 29. Answers received on May 30]
Q1. You have described a conflict between a Secret Space Program (SSP) Alliance and the
Cabal/ICC/Draco Assets that has periodically flared into armed warfare in various locations on Earth
and other parts of our solar system. Can you share details about where these hostilities have taken place,
and why the Sphere Beings has requested the SSP Alliance to cease large scale attacks against the
Cabal/ICC/Draco infrastructure?
Before the breakdown in the overall relations between the factions that were once united through the “Secret
Earth Governments” (and their “Syndicates” known as the Cabal/Illuminati and various other Secret Societies),
their Controllers (Draco Federation Royals and Ancient Earth/Human Break Away Civilizations that have
deceived many and presented themselves as ET’s from various Star Systems) there has been quite a lot of chaos
among these groups which has resulted in them turning on each other. This has led to conflict in various
underground/undersea networked facilities that have been responsible for some of the Earth Quakes in recent
months that have been occurring across the Planet Earth as well as some incidents on Mars and other bodies in
the Sol System. Many of these groups were beginning to turn on each other before the recent Draco Allied
Conference where I was acting as a “Delegate” for the Sphere Alliance (And the SSP Alliance was providing
“IE and Security Support”). This is the meeting where a 14 foot White Reptilian Royal was present and made an
offer to the Sphere Being Alliance for safe passage of their “Royals” to be able to exit the “Outer Barrier”. The
Human “Committee of 200” was present for this meeting and witnessed the exchange. They were visibly
shocked when this occurred and it was soon after this that not only the major disinformation war (to control the
narrative) began but also the chaotic infighting between the “Elite Groups” (who along with other Secret Earth
Government and Cabal Controlled SSP Leadership Groups currently rotate in as “Delegates” in the larger
“Human-Like ET Super Federation” Conferences).
Over the last 6 months there have also been some defections of assets from the Cabal controlled ICC Secret
Space Program, remnants of the Dark Fleet (which is not a Draco Fleet but a Human SSP Fleet that serves
alongside the Draco Alliance) that were not caught outside of the Outer Barrier as well as various other Military
Black Ops SSP Program Members. Some of them brought with them time critical and actionable intelligence
that was acted on by some of the SSP Alliance Leadership and their new allies without bringing it to the SSP
Alliance Council. This resulted in Two Massive Attacks that caused large numbers of innocent deaths. Those
who took part in what the Blue Avians called “Atrocities” were unapologetic and stated that it was the cost of
war but the collateral damage was regrettable. This caused a rift between some of the SSP Alliance Council
who had different ideas on how they should proceed as well as some mistrust of the new defectors from the
other SSP’s that had recently joined and also obviously had a different moral outlook and idea of the rules of
engagement. In the first big joint conference with all of the SSP Alliance Council and the SSP Alliance beings
that appeared, the question was asked of the Blue Avians what the rules of engagement should be. The Sphere
Alliance had provided the SSP Alliance with some extremely advanced defensive technology and asked that the
SSP Alliance not attack or destroy any more of the Cabal/ICC/Dark Fleet Infrastructure.
They had worked out a future “Post Full Disclosure Plan” with the SSP Alliance Council some time earlier to
free all of the inhabitants of these facilities, provide them assistance in recovery of what they had been through
as well as hand over all of these assets to the “Post Disclosure Era Civilization” of Earth. This infrastructure that
was built for negative purposes along with all of the suppressed technologies would be disclosed to every single
person of Earth simultaneously and be the beginning of what the SSP Alliance had dreamed of which is a “Star
Trek Civilization”. Other than some authorized operations to weaken the Cabal on Earth the SSP Alliance and
their allies have agreed to the rules of engagement and timeline laid out by the Sphere Being Alliance and the
SSP Alliance Council. Post “Full Disclosure Event” these bases will be open and no conflict will be needed to
remove the occupants to another area where one of the allied groups will offer their resources of physical and
emotional healing.
Q2. Why does the Sphere Alliance believe that a military solution to the problems between the SSP
Alliance and the Cabal/ICC/Draco assets is not a wise policy option at this time, and are promoting full
disclosure to resolve outstanding problems?
The wiser leadership among the SSP Alliance Council are in agreement (the more militant members are not)
with the Sphere Beings that the ultimate answer is one that comes from the people themselves. The population
is waking up at a considerable rate but they still have quite a lot of mind control and disinformation to contend
with. Once we reach a point of absolute and full disclosure of humanity’s true history, the list of groups that
have meddled in our social and genetic development (and to what extent), the horrific crimes against humanity
by the appointed “Elite”, some of the Ancient Earth Break Away Civilizations and various ET Groups this will
push the people themselves to rise up and end the Babylonian Money Magic Slave System. [People themselves
will] bring all of the before mentioned groups to justice with the help of positive off world groups and through
some of the more traumatic disclosures that come to light (that many will call “Fear Porn” but are a part of full
disclosure none the less) will cause a much needed “Genetic and Energetic Memory” to occur to our species
that will assist us in not repeating the cycles of history that we have been manipulated to repeat over more
cycles than our current era history has any knowledge of. This is also about preparing humanity to stand on its
own as an manipulated race for the first time in its history.
We will begin a new era of self-determination and with no one to blame for our mistakes. We will also be at a
time when we will be handed some incredible technologies that have been suppressed for some time that will
take our quality of life to a completely new standard. We will also be going through energetic changes and
transitioning to a 4th Density existence. This will need to be based off of the actions of the many and not the
militant actions of a few who will be looked to as heroes and saviors while we as a species learn nothing in what
has been a grand experiment or classroom to begin with. We will not be liberated by forces of light but will
ultimately see an environment created around us that will compel us to liberate ourselves. The energetic
changes are effecting the lower vibratory beings already (STS/Cabal/ICC/Draco) and they are self-destructing
by their own actions and infighting. These energetic changes in our Sol System are effecting every lower
vibrational being and they do not even realize that their reactionary behavior is the root of their own destruction.
Q3. You have described different defectors from the Cabal/Illuminati joining the SSP Alliance. Do you
have any idea of the kind of global events or processes that might occur as a result of these and future
The Cabal led SSP’s are still operating in our Sol System and control the vast infrastructure. Small groups of
them have defected to the SSP Alliance in recent months. Some of them a couple of weeks ago revealed
themselves as infiltrators when they carried out some very effective attacks on some of the SSP Alliance Bases
and with some Targeted Assassinations of SSP Alliance Council Leadership. This was a major setback and has
caused some mistrust between the SSP Alliance Council and some of the recent defectors. This is something
that is currently being worked out in meetings. There are also some very powerful Secret Earth Government and
Syndicate Members/Leaders who have defected and have been granted an “Off World Witness Protection
Program” for them and their families for actionable intelligence, evidence against their former leadership as
well as promise of being witnesses in future World Courts when there are the “Post Full Disclosure” hearings
against all of the groups who are trapped in the Sol System behind the “Outer Barrier”. This first group of
defectors who made it safely off planet led to a rash of assassinations within the ranks of their former groups as
well as further panic that has led to many “Elites” beginning to move their families to their safe zones (next
Generation Underground Cities) in their regions. There is an enclave of Brazil that is a major evacuation point
for these “Elites” from the West at this very moment. They have been moving people and supplies there 24/7
for months now. These “Elite” know exactly what is happening and are leaving some of their puppets behind to
take the fall similar to what was done in Germany in WWII. In these new World Court Hearings however we
will not just hear “I was only following orders” but will see the Elites who have been dug out of their holes
being pointed at and hear “That is who gave me my orders”.
Q4. The disclosure process envisaged by the Sphere Alliance appears to be one where large scale
hostilities are frozen and quarantined in order to allow more truths to be revealed, thereby increasing
defections from Cabal/ICC/Draco Assets in a way that leads to their remaining power bases crumbling. Is
this unfolding disclosure process due to incoming cosmic energies, or more an inevitable byproduct of the
planetary/solar system quarantine put in place by the Sphere Alliance?
The Sol System “Quarantine” was put in place after the “Cosmic Energies” reached a certain level. These
energies have been entering our Sol System for quite some time (or our Sol System has been entering this
region of the Galaxy). The Sphere Being Alliance was here for decades observing before they became active
and began to interact openly with certain groups of people. These energetic changes have had a dramatic effect
on the energetic bodies of all of the beings in our Sol System below 6th Density. These are not energies that
especially STS or negative beings are compatible with. This causes these negative beings to become reactionary
and not maintain their composures that allowed them to rule this region with iron fists for many millennia.
Those who are STO/positive however are waking up and becoming more aware of the power of their
consciousness. The tables are turning and as they do, these negatives who had planned on finding a way to
negate the energetic changes or escape now find themselves trapped and soon to be at the mercy of those they
have treated as cattle.
Q5. How might the disclosure process unfold in the near future, document dumps such as
Wikileaks/Snowden NSA files; more whistleblowers coming forward; prominent world leaders taking
action on key issues; more Sphere Alliance sightings or landings of SSP/extraterrestrial craft, or some
other process?
Right now there is a major disinformation war underway that I warned was coming months ago. Once the
Cabal/Illuminati realized that their “Gods” had betrayed them and it was now every group for themselves they
began to turn on one another. They also began to activate the assets that they had deeply infiltrated into the
Ufology field to begin to cause conflict whenever an opportunity presented itself. They have gone from a
position of preventing disclosure while conditioning the public for some sort of future false disclosure to now
trying to control the disclosure narrative. Things are beginning to leak out at such an alarming rate for them that
they are putting some of their best counter intelligence people out to discredit whistle blowers anyway they can
while they confuse as many people as possible with a false narrative that makes them appear as victims or even
heroes in some cases. Their goal is to provide a controlled disclosure that will allow them to remain in power
and maintain a Financial Slave System and prevent their crimes against humanity (which if you are open to
what I am telling you here are quite extreme). They do not understand that there is no way to crack open
Pandora’s Box. Once it is open all of their demons will come flying out for all to see.
The amount off info collected by white hats (I don’t really like that term) as well as the data turned over by
recent Cabal/Illuminati Defectors who have been taken into “Off World Witness Protection Programs” is quite
astounding. This information is now in the hands of the Earth Based Alliance and the SSP Alliance (who do not
have the same agenda). Once things are worked out this information is planned on being released via data
dumps online and via 24/7 TV Broadcasts. This will occur at some point and may be independent of or in
reaction to a controlled disclosure attempt by the Cabal/Illuminati. This will include trial in a global court at
some point. I have had discussions with leadership about mass arrests and they are not certain about the
logistics of how an operation of this size would be carried out. This would be a very difficult thing to do in one
giant operation even with the SSP Alliances resources. Once the cat is out of the bag the Cabal/Illuminati would
create all sorts of false flag chaos to prevent or slow down the process. This has been what has prevented mass
arrests thus far. This is something that is being worked out and some believe that the Sphere Alliance may assist
in this part of the equation once the mainstream population has woken up and is aware of the crimes committed
by these groups. Some speculate that at some point this will free the Sphere Alliance to directly intervene and
assist in gathering the criminals for the trials (This does include the various ET’s and Break Away Civilization
Groups trapped on Earth).
The Sphere Being Alliance has so far made it clear that they are not here to save us and we must save
ourselves. I have not seen anything myself that makes me think they will directly intervene or not. They do have
a prime directive type of standard that they follow. It is true that actions by the negative forces can open up
some wiggle room for positive forces to do more. I do know that at some point when the energetic changes
occur and we do change to a 4th Density Civilization that these negative vibratory humans and beings cannot
exist in our reality. They may just disappear from our reality all together. There are a lot of theories coming
from various researchers and sources but these are just theories no matter how fervently they are believed. Not
everything has been completely figured out and no one source knows all of the answers of what will occur.
Anyone who presents themselves as a guru or all-knowing source should be avoided according to the Blue
Avian and Sphere Being Message.
Q6. You have claimed that in negotiations with the Sphere Alliance beings, White Winged Draco
leaders desired safe passage out of the solar system and were prepared to sacrifice their Draco soldiers
and other subordinates, but their offer was declined. What is the present status of these Draco Leaders,
and what role will they play in future negotiations over the Earth’s future?
Yes, I know I have touched on this already in previous questions. This was the most disturbing and horrifying
meeting I have yet been asked to attend. It was first scheduled to occur in an underground location. I was
abruptly picked up in the way the Sphere Alliance transports me. One of the blue/Indigo orb beings appeared in
my room and zipped to about 18 inches of my chest before it suddenly became larger with me being inside the
orb and floating in the center. It zipped off and took me to a giant sphere that is normally out of phase. A room
materializes and I am then dropped off where the Blue Avians are present. They inform me that the morning’s
Draco Alliance Conference has been cancelled and they show me a holographic scene where these Reptilian
beings are communicating with each other telepathically remotely and discussing the horrible things they are
going to do to the Sphere Alliance Delegate (Me). It went from tearing me apart to “misting” me with a urine
like substance to demoralize and insult me and the Sphere Alliance. I was extremely upset by this and I was
returned home. I was shocked to be contacted the next day by my SSP Alliance contact who told me that the
meeting was back on. I was furious to be honest. I had some very unpleasant dreams about what I had seen from
the night prior. I was able to negotiate a change of venue to a surface location and was allowed to bring 4 top
SSP Alliance Military Personnel (who were also “IE’s”) as a security detail. I was still very hesitant to attend
this conference. The full details of this meeting will be in an E-Book that David Wilcock is in the process of
putting together.
I will get to the details that you mention in your question above. While I was at this meeting the 14 Foot Tall
White Reptilian Royal first tried to make demands of me and intimidate me into submission. I don’t know how
or why but a strange feeling of empowerment came over me and I spoke for the Blue Avians with authority.
The “Royal” was visibly upset that I was not groveling at his feet like he was used to humans doing. He was a
very powerful being that communicated telepathically in a way that I had never experienced in my many other
communications with beings using telepathy. He seemed to be sending out powerful penetrating energy that
pierced my frontal temporal lobes. In his communication he told me that if the Sphere Alliance would let all of
the “Royals” leave the Sol System they would give up all of their lower cast Reptilians, Allies and human
followers who were the surface control structure. When I repeated back his offer verbally when I replied to him,
the humans who were there that introduced him to us and introduced themselves as the “Committee of 200”
were visibly shocked and shaken. There was a little more that occurred at that meeting and then we all piled into
the elevator of the closed down commercial building the meeting was held in and headed to the roof access
point to where we arrived (once on the roof I began to shake uncontrollably from the terrifying ordeal). It was
soon after this that many of the other Cabal/Illuminati groups began to hear about this meeting and began to
panic and go into chaos. It took me some time to recover from this encounter and I had headaches and nausea
for days. Before I was completely recovered I attended the Human-like “Super Federation Conference” where
the “Committee of 200” members were attending in a rotation as Earth Delegates. This is when they heard that
the request by the “Royal” was denied by the Sphere Alliance. Things from that point on have gone increasingly
downhill and more chaotic between former groups that were loosely allied under the Cabal/Illuminati Umbrella.
Q7. It has been claimed that most Cabal/ICC/Draco underground bases in the U.S. and elsewhere on
the planet have been destroyed by past SSP Alliance actions. Is this accurate?
No. There were a number of underground bases destroyed in the last 15 or so years by the conflicting ET
Groups (some we would consider positive but the Sphere Being Alliance still considers a small percentage STS
or “Agenda Oriented”.). There have been quite a few underground/undersea “Embassies”, cities and bases
destroyed by groups that were once loosely allied. This has picked up quite a bit in recent months and many of
the Earthquakes that have occurred have been as a result of these battles between negative forces. Some of them
are seeking the help of the Military Black Ops Groups and citizens of various above ground nations to assist
them in their conflicts between each other. This is where some of the deceptive “Ancient Earth Break Away
Civilizations” (who are Human) who have convinced the before mentioned groups that they are “Positive ET’s”
here to save humanity have recently come in. They have been manipulating people above ground to provide
military assets and etheric energies to their causes to lash out in revenge against their enemies (other Ancient
Break Away Groups, Various ET’s and Cabal controlled SSP assets and personnel). Very little of the military
activity has been from Earth Based or SSP Based Alliance Forces. Much of this has also caused the Cabal
groups to use what little Weather Modification/Earthquake Technology that they still have against their enemies
since their space based weapons have been mostly destroyed. You would not know it by watching the Cabal
Controlled News but there is utter chaos going on among these groups.
Q8. It has been said that Draco Reptilians have largely been forced to leave the planet, and all that
remain are Cabal/Illuminati bloodline families that are preventing disclosure of free energy technologies
and extraterrestrial life, and reforming the current global financial system? Is this an accurate
description of the current planetary situation?
No. There is a massive disinformation campaign going on to control the narrative of current events and
eventually to control the narrative of disclosure. These Cabal Groups would like to disclose the existence of
certain off world beings (mostly groups masquerading as ET’s) and after reading the response of the population
decide what else to disclose. They think they can crack open “Pandora’s Box” and only let out a little bit of
disclosure and continue to hide their crimes against humanity and certain technologies that would collapse their
Financial Slave System. These people fight to the very end and often use terms like: “We will take everything
and give nothing until there is a short drop and a sudden stop” (this is a Pirate motto that refers to stealing until
your caught and hung by the neck). They have been able to stave off the certain oblivion of their groups so
many times that there are many who are convinced that they will pull it off once again. As for the Reptilians and
other Negative ET’s fleeing the planet. All Draco and other ET’s who were on Earth or in bases elsewhere in
the Sol System before the “Earth Barrier” and “Outer Barrier” were setup by the Sphere Alliance are still here.
They have not fled or left. They and the Human Elite had planned on being long gone from our Sol System
before any of these things began. Everyone in “The Programs” were fairly certain that the window for these
current events was between 2018 and 2023. No one anticipated the Sphere Being Alliance activities or change
in the time table.
Q9. You have described two recent military actions taken by the SSP Alliance as resulting in massacres
of Cabal/ICC/Draco Assets, and having an immediate karmic effect in the form of targeted assassinations
of the Alliance leaders involved in these actions. Can you explain more about how these karmic processes
operate given the long history of Cabal/ICC/Draco abuse and control on the planet where “just war”
principles might appear to condone such extreme actions by SSP Alliance against the former?
I have pretty much covered this in a previous questions as well but will expand on it as best as I can. With what
has been described as “Tsunami Waves of Cosmic Energies” ebbing and flowing into our Sol System the
actions of both STO and STS beings is going to be met with immediate karmic discharge whether positive or
negative. These energetic changes are having visible changes in people all around us. Normally negative people
are becoming more so (and often exposing themselves and self-destructing because of it) and positive and
loving people are becoming more so (becoming more STO oriented and generous with their time, skills and
money to those in need).
Unfortunately after some recent ICC and other defections people came into the SSP Alliance with completely
different ethics and ideas on how to achieve victory. Some decided that the bases on Mars and Earth needed to
be taken out when possible. No one in their right mind was willing to attack any bases on the Moon because of
the huge blowback that would occur from the other races under treaty who have embassies on the moon. This is
just not done.
These new defectors also had some actionable and time sensitive intelligence on two bases that some of the
SSP Alliance members were convinced to act on without Council approval. This resulted in an attack on a
facility on Mars that had a connected colony support system. This entire facility was completely destroyed
along with well over a quarter million innocent families living in the adjoining colony that were slave labor.
This was compared to the bombings of Japan at the end of WWII. The second attack was a smaller attack on an
undersea facility (off the Carolinas of the U.S.) ran by the Draco but was a joint human operation. There were
hundreds of abducted humans in this facility that were being experimented on that were wiped out along with
the base. In recent weeks there was a series of attacks by ICC infiltrators that had made their way in with some
of the defectors. These attacks targeted the crews and leadership that took part in the two attacks (Atrocities).
When there was an earlier meeting these people disagreed that these were atrocities and were just acts of an
ongoing war and the collateral damage was regrettable. They were unapologetic for what they had done and this
eventually caught up with them in the form of karma.
In the recent meetings this was explained to the SSP Alliance Council who were upset that there was no
warning from the Sphere Alliance (who do not interfere in our free will or resulting karmic repercussions).
There was also quite a lot of damage done between the trust relationships of the Defector Groups and the SSP
Alliance Groups. There were many discussions immediately after the two atrocities months ago about the rules
of engagement. The Blue Avians asked that no more large scale attacks be made on the ICC infrastructure and
the SSP Alliance Council and Sphere Alliance negotiated a plan to keep this infrastructure intact and hand it
over to the Earth post disclosure. Once the “Full Disclosure Event” occurs the further plans will go into effect to
remove the slave labor from these bases to be rehabbed by some of our trusted allies.
Continued in Part 2.
More information about Corey and the Sphere Alliance at:
Sphere Being Alliance (Twitter)
Sphere Being Alliance (YouTube)
Sphere Being Alliance (Blog)
Sphere Being Allince (Home Page)
To continue the “Q & A” process go to the following part (FAQ) of the Sphere Being Alliance Home Page and
click “Ask A Question”. Type in your question in the field and click “Submit”. I am happy to answer all of your
reader’s direct questions here at this location. I look forward to providing them more information and answering
their questions.
Attached Files
Secret Space War halts as Extraterrestrial Disclosure Plans move forward.pdf 308.33KB 52 downloads
#92054 DISCLOSURE 2015 - Dr Michael Salla & Corey Goode
Posted by DAR on 14 June 2015 - 09:47 AM in Return of The Gods
Galactic Human Slave Trade & AI threat to
End with Full Disclosure of ET Life
Written by Dr Michael Salla on May 31, 2015. Posted in exonews
In the 18th and 19th centuries, the major colonial powers supported flourishing slave trades in their respective
colonies through corrupt local elites or outright conquest of foreign territories. As the abolitionist movement
spread and raised consciousness in former colonial powers such as Spain and Britain, these countries led the
way in ending the global slave trade. According to the latest testimony of secret space program whistleblower,
Corey Goode (aka GoodETxSG), a galactic human slave trade exists where millions of captured humans are
taken off planet to distant colonies on other worlds to be bartered or abused.
Corey claims that the galactic human slave trade is now opposed by an alliance of Secret Space Programs (SSP
Alliance) that plan to disclose the full truth about the abusive practices that has plagued humanity for centuries,
if not millennia, due to corrupt local elites (Cabal/Illuminati) and intervention by imperial space powers (Draco
In part two of his responses to questions sent to him on May 29 Corey explains why the Blue Avian
extraterrestrials belonging to a “Sphere Alliance” want him to disclose the darker side of the SSP programs
(SSP programs and alliances are explained in part one).
Corey explains that full disclosure of extraterrestrial visitation and different SSPs, requires humanity to be
prepared for all aspects of how humanity has been historically and more recently treated by these groups.
Revealing this information is not designed to frighten or sensationalize, but to allow the collective
consciousness of humanity to integrate the truth of what has happened, in order for humanity to evolve to a
much brighter future – what Corey describes as a Star Trek-like society. Not wanting to deal with disturbing
information is a sign of not being ready for full disclosure, thereby making it possible for egregious practices to
continue. This is analogous to how refusal to discuss allegations of sexual abuse in families can allow these
abuses to continue for years.
In his responses, Corey explains just how extensive the Galactic human slave trade has been, the principal
parties involved, and the egregious mistreatment of those unfortunate enough to have been taken captive. Corey
further explains that “Drop Zones” exist, where the bodies of humans that have been killed, mutilated or
exploited in some way have been left, and how national security agencies have suppressed this information.
Corey describes some of the perpetrators of the galactic human slave trade, and includes among the list the
“Tall White” extraterrestrials earlier revealed by Charles Hall to be working closely with a covert faction of the
U.S. Air Force. In a prior article, it was revealed that a Nazi SS program that used captive human slaves was
extended into a secret Nazi Space Program that allied itself with what Corey describes as the “Dark Fleet.”
Corey describes his own involvement in a covert program to interrogate human looking extraterrestrials
integrated into human society that may have been complicit in the galactic human slave trade, or human
Some of the recent positive developments that have curtailed or mitigated the galactic human slave trade are
also described by Corey. He says that the solar system wide quarantine put in place by the Sphere Alliance, has
cut back on the number of captive humans previously taken outside the solar system to be sold. Corey describes
the very positive role of an Ancient Mayan Space Program that has established colonies in the Pleiades, that has
helped significantly in mitigating the galactic slave trade by freeing captive humans and relocating them to
sanctuaries on their colonies (in an earlier article I described my own experience with a representative of this
Mayan SSP).
Corey also explains the dangers posed by Artificial Intelligence that has turned on its creators in many other
worlds, leading to many extraterrestrial civilizations being destroyed or hunted to extinction. He says that major
public figure such as Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking have probably been secretly briefed about the danger,
and this has influenced their public warnings against AI.
Finally, Corey describes a very positive future for humanity after “Full Disclosure” which will experience a
future Star Trek-like civilization where former victims of the galactic human slave trade can safely return.
Humanity will be finally able to evolve into a positive fourth density society where individuals will be free to
develop higher consciousness abilities that will significantly improve their quality of life, as writers such as
David Wilcock have been very actively promoting.
For Part One, click here.
© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice
Questions for Corey Goode on SSP Conflicts and Human Slave Trade – May 29/30, 2015
[Questions sent on May 29. Answers received on May 30]
Q10. Why do the Sphere Alliance beings want humanity to learn the truth about the darker aspects of
Cabal/SSP/Draco activities on Earth and beyond regarding captive humans and abuses?
As things are moving forward the SSP Alliance Council and the Sphere Alliance have asked me to begin to
cover some of the more disturbing aspects of what will be heavily covered in a “Full Disclosure Event.” Even
though many want disclosure to be a moment where everyone around the planet holds hands and sing kumbaya
and share a huge loving moment we need to be prepared for the reality of “FULL DISCLOSURE”. Even
though some will cry out that this is “Fear Porn,” it is still more beneficial for them now to learn some of the
milder aspects of what they will learn the full details of later on. This is said to set expectations, and slightly
reduce the shock and horror of some of the details that will be disclosed about those who have ran our planet.
This is also what the Blue Avians referred to when they said things would get worse before they got better as a
necessity for humanity to gain “Genetic Memory” that will help us prevent from repeating past cycles of our
history when we are standing on our own for the first time. I understand this is not pleasant information to hear.
It was not pleasant to witness or is it pleasant information to deliver to humanity. That is why I have preferred
to deliver the “Blue Avian Message” of becoming more loving, forgiving and raising our consciousness and
vibrations. I have been asked to put this information out there for you to discern.
Q11. There have been reports of underground bases at Dulce, New Mexico and Pine Gap, Australia
where captive humans are taken, abused and experimented upon. Which faction of the Secret Space
Program (SSP) primarily run these bases and what is their present status?
In my time in the SSP and having access to much information about these facilities I never saw “Dulce”
mentioned once in documentation or on maps. This doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, it just means I was shown
information about many dozens of other bases both underground and undersea that were doing these types of
reported activities and “Dulce” was never mentioned among them. The other listed above was one that was
mentioned among some of the locations where human testing, trafficking and other horrible activities were
taking place. Pine Gap is a very dark place. These places are mainly run by the ICC, Dark Fleet and Military
Black Ops Factions that are under the control of the Cabal/Illuminati (or Secret Earth Government Syndicates).
Q12. You have referred to the Cabal “trading millions of kidnapped civilians from the surface (per year)
to off world beings in exchange for technology.” Can you explain how this is done? Does it involve
kidnapping street children in impoverished areas of countries like Brazil, India, etc., and/or children in
developed countries like the US; and/or civilians in war zones; or is there another source of these
kidnapped civilians?
Yes, the number has decreased in the past year because of the Outer Barrier. I understand this is some very
disturbing and controversial information. I was asked to deliver it because it appears that the bulk of these
people’s crimes against humanity will be coming out soon according to the evidence that has been presented by
some of the Cabal Defectors who have been taken off world (though some in the Cabal are attempting to
negotiate and also use disinformation to control the narrative to prevent much of this from coming out).
Many of us knew that this was going on but even we were shocked by the scope of the human trafficking that
was going on. When “Full Disclosure” does occur people need to understand that much more detailed
information on these matters is going to come out. This will be a shocking time for everyone as these and other
horrific crimes against humanity are revealed about the “Elite” who have ruled over us and what they have been
doing in the shadows throughout history.
Q13. Who are the principal parties involved in organizing and facilitating this galactic human slave
This is some pretty horrific and controversial information. It starts out with in some cases with your run of the
mill organized crime groups who are into the sex and slave trade which is very much alive in the 20th and 21st
centuries. Many of these crime groups or gangs have specialists who work from lists of desired people to be
obtained (many others are victims of opportunity). These specialists often are kind elderly looking people or
professional people (including Medical, Law Enforcement and Education to name a few) that no one would
consider a threat, come in contact with a lot of people and are generally trusted. These people operate in just
about any country you can think of. Often people are grabbed who live on the streets, in third world countries
(that they can though their power around in) or from inattentive parents. This level of human trafficking brings
in many hundreds of thousands of people per year into the slave trade. These people do not know or care what
happens to the people they obtain and hand off to handlers in exchange for money.
Then there are the special operator groups who have a specific shopping list and will go through a great deal of
trouble and personal risk to obtain certain types of individuals that are on their lists. People at this level know
that their victims are going into something bigger than just the global human trafficking systems and they deal
directly with Cabal/Illuminati types. These Cabal/Illuminati types then funnel abducted people into their
processing centers where the people are cataloged and it is decided if they will be sent below ground for various
uses by allied ET’s or will be used as a commodity in off world trade.
There is no currency or financial system that is used between space faring civilizations so everything is based
on bartering. Some ET’s are interested in some of the Earth’s Art (again some of our most famous missing
historical art pieces are in off world collections), Luxury Items like Spices/Chocolate (strangely enough),
Animal and Plant Life while many others are interested in trading their technology and biological specimens
they have obtained elsewhere for Human Beings. These Humans are used for many purposes including manual
slave labor, sex trade, engineering/manufacturing (we are well known for the abilities some of us have with
certain technical skill sets). There are some of the ET’s that use Humans as food resources in various ways (Of
which I will not go into detail).
The Secret Earth Governments and their Syndicates discovered that a large amount of humans were being
taken off the planet by various ET’s anyway so they decided to find a way to profit from it and have control
over which people were being taken. In prior arrangements they were made promises of receiving technologies
and biological specimens for allowing groups to abduct humans but the ET’s rarely delivered on their promises.
Once they had developed the advanced infrastructure (ICC) in our Sol System along with advanced
technologies (that some of the thousands of ET groups traveling through our system were now interested in
obtaining) and now had the ability to deter most unwelcome guests from entering Earths airspace the Cabal/ICC
then decided to use human trafficking as one of their resources in interstellar bartering.
Q14. You have said about these human slaves taken off planet, that: “There is a plan in place that takes
all of these peoples’ lives in account.” What do you mean by that? Will they be relocated to Earth in the
future or taken to other off planet locations for sanctuary?
There is a plan to remove these people post “Full Disclosure Event” from their state of slavery and have allies
that have assisted us previously take them to their planets where they rehabilitate these individuals. These
planets are said to be very peaceful and “Eden Like” and are used for relaxation and rehabilitation of
traumatized humans and human type ET’s. This place has the advanced technologies and higher density humans
present to assist people in recovering and being ready to integrate back into healthy societies. Once these people
have been treated and are healed of their traumas they will be returned to the A.D. (After Disclosure)
Civilization on Earth where they will choose their new lives. If they choose to remain on the planets where they
were rehabilitated they will be allowed to do so. They will most likely be returned in waves (as they are ready)
as will the other humans being treated at these locations for traumas related to being traded off into slavery by
those who currently control the Cabal/ICC/Dark Fleet Infrastructure in our Sol System.
Q15. Alex Collier has described Andromeda Council ships intercepting Gray/Dow spacecraft with the
extracted souls of children being taken off planet? Do you know anything about soul extraction
technologies, and what role they play in a galactic human slave trade?
I had to go and look at this material because I was not familiar with it to answer this question. There are quite a
few groups that get lumped in under the “Grey” category. There are literally thousands of different types of
beings that normally travel through our region of space all of the time. Most never stop to communicate with
others in our Sol System or interact with the current civilizations in control of our system. This will change once
we are in an “A.D. Civilization” (After Disclosure) and behave like higher vibratory beings. Most of them
arrive and just calculate and wait for their portal opening that they will use to travel the “Cosmic Web” to other
Galaxies and Star Systems. There are many groups that use humans as food and energy sources but I never was
briefed or read any reports of actual souls being stolen from humans and taken off world. There were devices
that were types of crystals that would store types of human energy (“Loosh”). I did read of technologies that
were used to “Push” the souls of one person into another or into clones but did not learn of any “Soul Theft”
that was occurring. I have had people send me emails saying that they are having parts of their soul ripped off
and stolen but I have not seen anything in the programs that explain what people are experiencing or if they are
misinterpreting what is occurring to them. I have not personally seen the “Soul Transfer Technology” or know
for sure how it works. I have had a couple of people explain it to me but these people have been outside of the
programs and are providing third or fourth hand information.
Q16. Charles Hall wrote about a base at Nellis Air Force Base involving a race of Tall Whites that
reached agreements with the USAF in the 1950s whereby they trade technologies such as advanced
spacecraft for various Earth resources. Do you know what these resources are that are taken from the
Earth, and are the Tall Whites one of the parties involved in the illicit off-planet slave trade?
I watched a video of Charles Hall about 4 or 5 years ago if not more. This information is mostly accurate and
the group he refers to as the “Tall Whites” does do trade with the Cabal/ICC and also independently with some
Military Black Ops Factions. Despite his experiences with them they are not considered very friendly or social
towards humans or other ET’s. They are somewhat isolationists but do have representatives that occasionally
take part in some of the “Super Federation Conferences” (Group of multiple ET Federations that get together in
a UN Type Conference on a regular basis). I do not know for certain in what way they use humans but do know
that they have been tied to some of the areas where human bodies are known to be dropped by multiple ET
Groups that the Military Black Ops Groups keep an eye on and cleans up when necessary. I do not know if they
are using them for a resource or are doing testing on them as a part of the genetic experiments that many groups
have been conducting on humans for quite some time. These reported human deaths could be unintentional for
all I know.
Q17. You have described a case where a Mayan SSP rescued an entire village that had been taken by an
extraterrestrial group. Can you describe what happened to the villagers and whether there are plans to
return them to Earth?
The Mayan Ancient Break Away Civilization is one who has recently stepped up and been a very good friend to
humanity. They had relocated over 40 million of their own people in the distant past to planets they had
colonized mostly in the Pleiades Star Cluster. Those that were left behind were those mostly of “Mixed Blood”
as a result of intertribal marriages. All of the Ancient Break Away Groups have a history of maintaining racial
purity. They have kept underground bases of operation active in South and Central America since that time. The
Mayan Break Away Group has kept very much to themselves and has not interacted with the majority of other
Ancient Break Away Groups and ET’s and have a very different type of technology and spiritual development.
They are extremely “Service To Others” oriented and peaceful. Their technology is very advanced and
consciousness based and are considered a 4th Density civilization by many in the SSP Alliance.
I experienced firsthand their ability to disassociate the negative emotional energy we associate with certain
traumatic experiences when they assisted me with the “Halo Device” that I described in an earlier Q&A
exchange we had. They use these and other methods to assist the many thousands of recovered humans who
have been traumatized by their treatment while in captivity by various ET’s that they were traded off to by the
Cabal/ICC Groups.
There have been methods developed to tag individuals and marauder ET vessels who have come into our Sol
System, entered the Earth’s Atmosphere and abducted anywhere from small groups of people to entire small
villages across the globe. This has occurred for longer and more often than people may want to believe.
Using this tracking method this Mayan Break Away Group and other allies assist us in retrieving as many of
the abducted humans as possible. Unfortunately not all of these people are still alive when they are located but
any survivors are retrieved. Often it is some time before they are able to retrieve these people and in the interim
they have been through any number of unmentionable traumatic experiences. The allies who assist in these
rescues place the victims in the care of the Mayan Break Away Civilization and their ET allies who operate
these trauma recovery locations. The SSP Alliance observers who have been to these off world operations
didn’t want to leave. We are told that this is the future of our civilization if we make the right decisions “A.D.”
(After Disclosure).
Q18. You have described your involvement in an interrogation program of captured extraterrestrials
involved in the human slave trade. Can you describe what happened in these interrogations and how the
information was used?
There was a program that I was assigned to for a short time that was an ET “Intercept and Interrogation
Operation” as “IE Support” (Intuitive Empath). This program mainly was retrieving human ET’s, ET’s in
disguise and Ancient Break Away infiltrators into our society. The SSP’s were abducting these beings from
homes and even high rise office buildings where they had setup cover lives and were living among the general
population on Earth. They would be picked up and interrogated to identify where they were from and what their
agendas were. If they cooperated and were deemed to not be a threat they were warned about the policy that
was in place for groups to petition to do social studies on Earth while being monitored, and then were allowed
to contact their support teams to retrieve them. Others were sent to be held in stasis in a holding facility in the
Sol System that slightly resembles a certain “Space Prison” in the movie Lock Out.
Later members of this program were tasked to use the interrogation methods on captured ET’s from disabled or
downed vessels that were involved in the abductions of humans from across the globe. They were tasked with
finding out where these people were being taken and for what purposes. This is when quite a lot of intelligence
was gathered about the dark purposes that some ET civilizations had for human captives. It was a long and
disturbing list. This information and the tagging methods that were developed became very instrumental in
providing the needed intelligence to our allies that has allowed them to retrieve an extremely large amount of
human captives and relocate them to where they can be cared for.
Q19. There have been reports of human mutilations and “Body Drop Zones” involving certain ET
groups. Can you describe which ET groups were involved, why they are performing such acts, and what
has been done to prevent such activities?
These drop zones have been in use going back at least to the early 1920’s that have been documented. Why
numerous ET’s have chosen the same areas to drop the bodies of dead humans and animals is unknown, but it is
assumed to have to do with them being in regions close to nodes that are apart of natural portal networks.
Usually these bodies appear to have been dropped from altitude and are in different states depending on which
group had abducted them. Different groups abduct humans for different purposes. Even those who use humans
as a food or energy source use different methods and portions of humans in their processes. I will not go into
details and I believe some of the information about certain gland, hormone and other organ removal has been
leaked on the Internet. There are a wide range of ET’s that do genetic and other experiments on humans with no
regard to preservation of life that use these dumping grounds as well. This is still going on although it has been
greatly reduced with the Outer Barrier being put in place. Those ET’s that are trapped on Earth that still
consider humans as cattle still use some of these drop zones. The zones are usually off limits to the general
population and policed by federal agents and Military Black Op’s Factions who send cleanup crews whenever
there is a body reported. These bodies are identified and the disappearances investigated, but no closure or
information is given to family members and the bodies are not given to them for burial.
Q20. In the Friendship contact case involving human looking extraterrestrials that established
underground bases in Italy and helped educate civilians about extraterrestrial life from 1956-1978, the
extraterrestrials claim that their bases were attacked and destroyed by a synthetic extraterrestrial race in
1978 who followed them to Earth. Are these synthetics a form of Artificial Intelligence that has plagued
other extraterrestrial civilizations?
There is quite a lot that went into what people call the friendship cases during the 1950’s through 1970’s. Most
think they completely stopped but they actually continue to this day but they have changed their tactics and
approaches. Some of these groups were actually Ancient Break Away Groups while others were refugees who
run from star system to star system to escape the ET/AI problem that they created on their home worlds. These
ET/AI’s at a certain point always turn on AI Prophets after they have achieved complete control and autonomy
from them. At this point they consider the beings that they used to build up their infrastructure and build
biological androids for them to occupy to be nonessential and a threat. They will then wipe out that civilization
and pursue any survivors where ever they go until they are able to wipe them out. This has been repeated in
many thousands of civilizations in multiple galaxies for many hundreds of thousands of years. Some of the
crashes that have been recovered in the 1940’s and 1950’s were from these ET/AI Biological Androids and their
technologies (sometimes as a Trojan horse to infiltrate our civilization).
There was quite a lot of contact going on in the 1950’s through 1970’s and this ranged from ET Refugees,
Break Away Civilizations pretending to be ET’s to actual ET’s trying to make contact with nongovernment
groups of people to provide warnings of what we were dealing with as a Civilization during that time frame
(mistakes our leaders were making). Those who were contacted were not spiritually evolved just as many who
feel they are in contact with ET’s are not even today. They would mix information with their belief systems as
well as develop Christ Complexes and over developed Egos that would end up causing them to behave
Q21. In the recent remake of the television series Battlestar Galactica, artificial intelligence turns on its
human creators and destroys their civilization. You have said that this is something that has occurred on
other worlds. Does humanity face a similar threat as we progress into a post-disclosure world?
Yes, this is a huge threat being that many in the Secret Earth Government and Syndicates are major “AI
Prophets”. The ET AI’s have some time predictive abilities that have kept these groups one step ahead and
every time it looks like they are finished they find a way to survive. There is a classified plan to rid the planet of
this ET AI infestation in the “A.D. Civilization”. To completely remove all remnants of the ET AI is going to
involve the energetic changes effecting the Sun as well as a global operation timed perfectly to make sure all
remnants of the AI Signal are removed.
Those who are AI Prophets are already working on a timeline to create a society completely dependent on
technology that at one point will hand its sovereignty over to this “AI God” because it will be believed that this
AI is the only thing that can rule the world from a neutral perspective and bring world peace for the first time.
These AI Prophets have been shown the information of the thousands of other civilizations that have fallen for
this trickster god model and were all destroyed. In true “AI Prophet Form” they arrogantly believe this will not
happen to us. It appears that this AI has seen something coming up in the future because there has been a
sudden rise in “Pro-AI Articles” in the mainstream media very recently. Nothing will change their minds and it
is impossible to debate or change their minds about their goals. This is yet another part of the information that
will be released in a “Full Disclosure Event” that the people of Earth will have to work through.
Q22. People like Elon Musk and Stephen Hawkings have spoken out against the dangers of Artificial
Intelligence. How might humanity best avoid the dangers posed by AI as we introduce more advanced
computer and information technologies?
It is my opinion that some people in power on the Earth have already been “Read In” to the “ET/AI Threat”. I
have been told that some people have been read into the full details but I have not been provided a list of who.
People such as the two mentioned are excellent candidates of people I would choose to inform because of the
work they do and the influence they have.
The best way to avoid the dangers of AI is to educate yourself on the potentials they have to cause a loss of
sovereignty. Becoming too dependent on technology is something else that will make you more of a target to be
controlled by AI influence or even be infected by an “AI Signal” that can live in the bioelectric field of your
body. This signal can then have an effect on the way you think and behave. This is something that is screened
for even currently when operators and guests arrive at SSP Facilities and is something that other ET Groups
take seriously as well.
Q23. You have described some of the technological means used by the SSPs and ET civilizations to guard
against AI infiltration. Can you explain why and how psychics were used as means of last resort to
prevent infiltration?
There may be some confusion here. The “IE’s” are used in the interrogation of AI Prophets as well as to detect
deception or danger in conferences. There are hand held devices that are held against the forehead that scan
people for an “AI Signal Infection”. If an infection is detected they are isolated from any technologies into
sealed SCIFF Rooms where they are then “Cleared” of AI Signals which is not a pleasant process and requires a
moderate electrical shock to overload the person’s bioelectric field as a part of the process.
Q24. You have said that after a “Full Disclosure Event” humanity will be free to transition into a Star
Trek Civilization era? Will this post-disclosure Earth be a third, fourth, fifth or higher density society?
This will occur as we are still going through the energetic changes in our Sol System that are changing our
vibratory and consciousness state to that of a 4th Density Civilization. Until then we will be a transitional
civilization that will have access to advanced technologies that we should have had access to for almost a
hundred years. We will be going through a new Renaissance of learning our true history, suppressed unified
physics and mathematics models, learn all kinds of information about exobiology as well as have access to
technologies that will make our way of life change from a stressful and traumatic daily struggle to a healthy
fulfilling existence where we are encouraged to pursue our passions and interests.
All of the infrastructure built out in our Sol System by the Cabal/Illuminati, ICC, Dark Fleet (which is not a
Draco Fleet but a Human Fleet that serves the Draco Alliance) and other SSP Groups will be handed over to the
“A.D. Civilization” to be the backbone of a “Star Trek” like civilization. All of the people that ran that
infrastructure as slave labor will be returned to the “A.D. Civilization” once they have been rehabilitated from
their traumatic lives; and they will rejoin this new era and help build the new civilization that will be ran
completely by humanity, and not manipulated or interfered with by outside groups in any way.
Q25. You have described the Sphere Alliance beings as having the conscious power to teleport in and
out of our reality without the use of space travel technology. Are such advanced consciousness abilities
something that might become more widespread in a post-Disclosure world?
I have heard David Wilcock and others describe what a 4th Density Civilization is capable of. We will have a
more cohesive shared consciousness which has a direct effect on energy, matter and reality. I do not think we
will have the abilities of the Sphere Beings who have stated in no uncertain terms that they come from the 6th
through 9th Densities (There is probably a wider scale of densities than we are aware of or able to comprehend
currently). I do not know exactly what abilities we will eventually develop in 4th Density to be honest. I do not
know if we will all get them at once or will develop them over time. Different people have their own theories
based on their research but no one knows for certain. It will be quite an interesting journey for those of us who
practice becoming more loving, forgiving and consciously become more “Service To Others” oriented. People
who focus on raising their consciousness and vibrations are going to be in a far better place than any of the
lower vibrational “Service To Self” people who are of a negative and self-centered polarity. These people may
experience a different timeline all together where they have to repeat a 3rd Density Cycle until they learn
compassion, and get their journey and karmic issues straightened out.
Click here for Part 1.
More information about Corey and the Sphere Alliance at:
Sphere Being Alliance (Twitter)
Sphere Being Alliance (YouTube)
Sphere Being Alliance (Blog)
Sphere Being Allince (Home Page)
To continue the “Q & A” process go to the following part (FAQ) of the Sphere Being Alliance Home Page and
click “Ask A Question”. Type in your question in the field and click “Submit”. I am happy to answer all of your
reader’s direct questions here at this location. I look forward to providing them more information and answering
their questions.
Attached Files
Galactic Human Slave Trade & AI threat to End with Full Disclosure of ET Life.pdf 306.97KB 47 downloads
#92066 Simon Parkes Interview
Posted by DAR on 14 June 2015 - 07:34 PM in THE UNEXPLAINED
Simon Parkes: The Hobbit, DNA, & Humanity's Choice
Published on Jun 8, 2015
Simon Parkes
The Kitchen Table Ascension Podcast http://www.thebibibl...m/archivedshows
The Kitchen Table Ascension Podcast on iTunes
Kerry Keegan
Bibi Tinsley
Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of ET, shadow beings, elementals and ufo's. He has shared that his soul is actually
a perfectly balanced blend in 3 parts: Hollow Earth Human, Reptiian, and Mantid, or Mantis as we say in the
states.Simon was an elected Politician and served a full term of office. He’s currently taking a break from politics but is
likely to resume later this year.
Simon went public with his story in 2010, and since then has toured the UK speaking at conferences, initially attacked by
the establishment media in a concerted effort to discredit him. However, in 2013 Simon was invited by the British
Ministry of Defence to join a small party being given a tour of a secret space radar base in the UK. This totally
confounded the established media and has led to a far more serious appraisal of Simon's story by them. Simon is also
able to identify an individual’s soul/star family background, and is highly skilled at de-programming/healing/ and soul
If you feel that Simon can assist you in any way then he would be delighted to hear from you – click below to be taken to
his website. He asks that you please use the contact page available on his site to get in touch with him. We recorded the
following on Thursday, May 28, 2015. Enjoy this conversation with Simon Parkes, a wise, down-to-earth, and very
practical, galactic gentleman.
Page 5 of 11
#92071 Simon Parkes Interview
Posted by DAR on 15 June 2015 - 03:45 AM in THE UNEXPLAINED
if a comment Please take the time to watch the initial videos .. and the ones given ..
Just an Opinion
#92072 DISCLOSURE 2015 - Dr Michael Salla & Corey Goode
Posted by DAR on 15 June 2015 - 08:22 AM in Return of The Gods
Whistleblower reveals multiple secret space programs concerned about new alien visitors
Written by Dr Michael Salla on March 27, 2015. Posted in exopolitics research
A new whistleblower has appeared who is creating quite a stir in the UFO and exopolitics communities due to
his claims of having worked with a number of secret space programs; and, more recently, having become a
contactee with a powerful new group of extraterrestrials that have entered our solar system.
Using the online pseudonym GoodETxSG, the whistleblower (who announced yesterday that his first name is
Corey and that he will soon end his anonymity) has described in interviews and posts on two major online
forums his former covert background with a number of secret space programs run by various military, corporate
and earlier human civilizations. He says that contrary to widespread perceptions in the UFO research
community of a single secret space program belonging to a breakaway civilization, that there are in fact up to
ten breakaway civilizations indigenous to Earth.
Each of these breakaway civilizations, according to GoodETxSG/Corey has their own secret space program. He
says that there are currently three major secret space programs belonging to various national and international
entities on Earth. One of these is a large corporate entity similar to what was described in the movie Avatar. The
other two are multinational covert space programs that are similar to NATO in their manner of operations and
activities. In addition, he says that there are between 5-7 secret space programs belonging to earlier breakaway
civilizations on Earth including Nazi Germany, and another dating as far back as an astounding 500,000 years
Adding another level of complexity to what is really happening with the various secret space programs,
GoodETxSG says that off-world extraterrestrial civilizations interact or collaborate with one or more of these
secret space programs. In a comment responding to the claims of another alleged whistleblower from a secret
space program, Randy Cramer (aka Captain Kaye), GoodETxSG summarized the complex situation:
There are many who have been a part of the 3 Separate Secret Space Programs that are independent of the
Secret Earth Governments (One of which is a powerful Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate that owns most
of the Mars Bases). There are also 5-7 “Ancient Earth Break Away Civilizations” that have Bases here on Earth.
All of the groups mentioned above are “Allied” with various and different “Off World Entities’ and “UN Type
Federations” both with the “Human Like ET’s” and the “Non-Human ET’s” (All with DIFFERENT
AGENDA’s). There is also a “Shadow Civil War” going on among some of these Secret Space Programs and
their “Off World Allies” to end control of the Secret Earth Governments using the “Babylonian Money Magic
Slave System” to control Earth Humanity.
A significant point concerning security in GoodETxSG’s postings is that concerning the threat posed by
artificial intelligence. According GoodETxSG, artificial intelligence (AI) has been developed by multiple
extraterrestrial civilizations that have created synthetic AI humanoids, only to have them turn against their
creators in a manner similar to what was depicted in the remake of the television series, Battlestar Galactica.
Consequently, all secret space programs have created security procedures to identify individuals displaying
evidence of AI influence.
As a last resort, individuals trained as intuitive empaths were employed to identify AI influence as well as any
form of deception. This was the main job that GoodETxSG says he performed during his 20 year tour of duty.
More recently, GoodETxSG claims that up to 100 spherical ships have entered our solar system possessing
technology far in advance to anything used by the different secret space programs and their respective
extraterrestrial allies. GoodETxSG says that extraterrestrials from this “Sphere Alliance,” have been physically
contacting him and other private individuals to disclose information about major new events that will
profoundly change life on Earth. He says that this Sphere Alliance is assisting humanity in breaking free of the
control exerted by powerful elite organizations on Earth, what he calls the “Babylonian Money Magic Slave
GoodETxSG’s claims that he and 70 other private citizens were recently taken to a secret space location for an
“Alliance Conference” where along with about 120 others representing the different secret space programs, the
“Sphere Alliance” revealed some of their plans. Among the extraterrestrials from this alliance who interacted
with the conference delegates, according to GoodETxSG is a “Blue Avian” race up to 8 feet tall, and a taller 10
foot thin golden brown being with triangular head and blue eyes. The Sphere Alliance apparently is intent on
helping bring about full disclosure of extraterrestrial life.
GoodETxSG has been sharing his information with David Wilcock who apparently vetted GoodETxSG with
other confidential sources and found him to be credible. Wilcock has subsequently incorporated GoodETxSG’s
testimony into a number of public presentations attempting to outline the full complexity of issues concerning
secret space programs and visiting extraterrestrial life. Wilcock is a major proponent of the idea that
extraterrestrial disclosure is imminent due to the collapse of the elite control system that has been in place for
centuries. He accepts GoodETxSG’s information as validation for his optimistic pro-disclosure position. Before
offering my own evaluation of GoodETxSG’s claims, it’s good to review what is known about his recent public
GoodETxSG first became widely known because of two audio interviews he did that were initially promoted
through the Project Avalon forum in Oct 2014. He previously had been a long time member of Project Avalon
where he had shared personal information, but not his covert background in various secret space programs. That
changed in Sept 2014 when he consented to do an informal sit down conversation with a Project Avalon
member on behalf of the forum’s founder Bill Ryan. The conversation was intended to be used solely for
Ryan’s personal research but GoodETxSG was persuaded to have it published on Project Avalon with the
proviso that all steps would be taken to keep his identity anonymous. While this introduced a wide audience to
GoodETxSG’s experiences with different secret space programs, this ultimately led to his identity being
exposed on the forum, and ultimately a break with Ryan and Project Avalon. Currently GoodETxSG’s is
posting on a new forum, “The One Truth,” where he is answering questions and informing members of new
developments. He also has a website which has much of the information he has shared on the two forums.
Published on Feb 11, 2015
Originally Published on Oct 31, 2014
This is the original recording made of GoodETxSG when he was able to speak for the first time about his experiences. Originally he didn't
want this recording to be made public for reasons that will become obvious as you watch this extraordinary video.
GoodETxSG was abducted into service as a child and categorized as an intuitive empath, he has personal hands-on experience in military
remote viewing, inter-dimensional portal travel, travel in advanced spacecraft, and attendance of large-scale meetings with ETs in which
human representatives played only a minor role.
He has knowledge of the role of Artificial Intelligence, the threat posed by ET 'trojan horse' AI infiltration, what some of the small 'Gray'
beings really are, and of past 'Breakaway Civilizations' that existed here before us, preceding the current one on Planet Earth.
This is a fascinating conversation, which was recorded when I, Christine visited him at his home in September/October 2014.
It's really not so much an interview, but a very natural, informally flowing conversation, recorded in two parts separated by a week.
It wasn't clear initially whether any of this would ever be made public.
How credible is GoodETxSG? According to Wilcock, GoodETxSG’s testimony is consistent with multiple
other insider sources discussing secret space program and extraterrestrial life. In my own database of
whistleblowers, contactees, leaked documents and breaking news on the secret space program(s), I have found
nothing awry in GoodETxSG’s claims. His claim of separate space programs is consistent with Randy Cramer’s
claims that he served with the Earth Defense Force (a multinational alliance) for 17 years on Mars to defend
five civilian bases belonging to the Mars Colony Corporation. In his alleged 17 years on Mars, Cramer claims
he never once ventured into the Mars Colony Corporation facilities, even for R & R. That appeared strange to
me when I first heard of it. That degree of formal separation between military and corporate bases on Mars,
however, supports GoodETxSG’s claims of separate space programs.
GoodETxSG claims that he served a 20 year tour of service with the secret space program(s) before being ageregressed back to a time shortly after his duty began. Essentially this allowed him to live a 20 year time-span
twice. Also, his memories were wiped or “blank-slated” and GoodETxSG, now a civilian, was encouraged not
to rejoin any military service in case that triggered memory recall of his prior 20 year service. This is consistent
with the claims of Michael Relfe (The Mars Record) and Randy Cramer (Earth Defense Force) who say they
went through a similar security process.
Furthermore, GoodET discusses 22 ET races that have genetically intervened with the human genome. They
comprise a UN Type Federation of “Off World” beings interested in humanity. This is consistent with the
testimony of the ‘contactee’ Alex Collier who claims that extraterrestrials from Andromeda had revealed to him
that a total of 22 extraterrestrials races provided the genetic material for humanity:
In a nut shell, we are a composite of a lot of different races, 22 to be exact. It is a physiological fact that there
are 22 different body types on the planet. And that is the result of the extraterrestrial races.
While there has been no concrete evidence offered to corroborate the testimony of GoodETxSG, his claims are
consistent with those of other whistleblowers and/or contactees on a number of significant issues. It’s clear from
anyone viewing the extensive postings and commentary by GoodETxSG, that he sincerely believes that his
claims are based on truthful events and experiences. Nevertheless, it is always possible for an individual to
sincerely pass on implanted memories as truthful testimony even though they have been fabricated to serve the
agenda of one or more shadowy intelligence corporate organizations.
In the original 1962 film, Manchurian Candidate, mind controlled military personnel were given false memories
and programmed to act in ways that served the interests of shadowy entities behind the scenes. Project MKUltra
was exposed to be a real CIA mind control program by the 1976 Church Senate Committee that targeted
thousands of individuals. Mind control through the use of false implanted memories would over the decades
have become even more sophisticated with the development of more powerful computers. It’s possible or even
likely that implanted memories have been used for those that have previously served in secret space programs
and undergone a blank slate mind control experience when reverting to civilian life. This would enable former
covert space operatives, now working as private civilians, to continue to be of use in any psychological warfare
operations against the US or world public. It’s important to point out that the Edward Snowden NSA document
leaks confirm that online covert operatives have indeed been used to subvert the public about the UFO issue.
Different mind control techniques used on former secret space program personnel does not mean that ALL
recovered memories are false or compromised. Individuals may be programmed to release genuine information
along with disinformation as a means of an agency fulfilling an agenda that evolves with time. It’s also possible
that former secret space program personal have been able to successfully remove most if not all implanted
memories or mind programming. It’s worth mentioning that in the cases of Michael Relfe and Randy Cramer,
both underwent years of extensive deprogramming to remove signs of mind control, and get to the truth of their
At this stage, it’s vital to separate GoodETxSG’s claims of 20 years service with multiple space programs with
his more recent claims of being an extraterrestrial contactee. Importantly, the latter experiences from his public
statements so far, provide information about current off-world events that can be corroborated by others
attending the alleged “Sphere Alliance” conferences. If 70 private individuals attended the same event, it can be
expected that some will soon also go public and offer their versions of what happened. Significantly, there does
not appear to be any mind control involved in GoodETxSG’s claimed contact experiences. If confirmed by
others stepping forward, his contactee experiences will support the validity of his claimed earlier experiences
with secret space programs.
Researchers need to be very cautious when examining testimony of whistleblowers that have been subjected to
mind control as a standard security measure during their alleged service in one or more secret space programs.
GoodETxSG/Corey may very well be one of the most significant whistleblowers ever to come forward with his
claims of twenty years service with multiple secret space programs if confirmation can be found. His current
revelations about an alien “Sphere Alliance” may be even more significant if events transpire as he suggests,
and also offer a means of confirming his alleged prior covert service. At the moment it’s important to keep an
open mind while remaining cautious when examining the full extent of GoodETxSG’s/Corey’s claims
concerning multiple secret space programs, and their reactions to a powerful new group of visiting
extraterrestrials supportive of full disclosure.
© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice
Further Reading
Reagan records & Space Command antigravity fleet
Whistleblower reveals serving for 3 years on secret space fleet
Artistic Recreation of Extraterrestrial Visiting Space Shuttle released by former Space Craft Operator
ExoNews TV: Whistleblower claims he served 17 years at secret Mars military base
Mars whistleblower reveals more of his covert military service
Attached Files
T15C Whistleblower reveals multiple secret space programs concerned about new alien visitors.pdf
412.64KB 36 downloads
#92118 DISCLOSURE 2015 - Dr Michael Salla & Corey Goode
Posted by DAR on 16 June 2015 - 08:53 AM in Return of The Gods
Extraterrestrial alliance helps secret space program overcome opposition to full disclosure
Written by Dr Michael Salla on May 12, 2015. Posted in galactic diplomacy
Corey Goode (aka GoodETxSG) has revealed more about his claimed contact experiences with a group of
extraterrestrials called the Sphere Alliance that is cooperating with an alliance of secret space programs
indigenous to Earth. He has earlier revealed that there are five secret space programs belonging to our current
Earth civilization, as well as between five to seven space programs belonging to ancient human civilizations
that are still operating. Several of these secret space programs indigenous to Earth make up what he calls the
Secret Space Program (SSP) Alliance, which should not be confused with the Sphere Alliance which he claims
comprise five different extraterrestrials races that are here to assist humanity deal with an upcoming “Event”
that will change life dramatically on the planet.
Corey claims to have attended several off-planet meetings where three of these extraterrestrial races belonging
to the Sphere Alliance, have appeared. The alien race which he has communicated with the most is called the
Blue Avians – one of whom he met with as recently as this past weekend is called “Tear-Eir”. In addition to his
recent contact experiences, Corey also claims to have earlier served, from 1987 to 2007 with several secret
space programs as an Intuitive Empath. In an earlier question and answer email exchange, Corey described the
five secret space programs as follows:
1. Solar Warden – mainly focused on policing the Solar System and surrounding Star Clusters;
2. Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC) – focused mainly on development and aquisition of
technology by any means.
3. Dark Fleet – worked almost entirely outside the Sol System, Very Military (Offensive),
4. “NATO TYPE SSP” – Recently in Alliance Conferences they were referred to as the “League of
Nations Program.”
5. Various Special Access Program SSP’s that were small, usually had the newer technology, very
secretive and worked for some of the Secret Earth Governments,
In his answers to my most recent questions sent by email (see below), Corey describes why the Solar Warden
space program, the first program to be established in the contemporary era, was picked by the Sphere Alliance
to be given technological assistance. The Solar Warden Program along with the other programs belonging to the
SSP Alliance have been given advanced technologies to neutralize the prior technological advantage of
“negative” or “service-to-self” groups described as the Cabal/Illuminati, Draco Reptilians, etc.
In addition, Corey addresses questions concerning the current political situation such as President Putin’s
disappearance for 10 days (March 6-16) and the possibility that he secretly attended one of the Sphere Alliance
meetings; President Obama’s March 12 comment about extraterrestrials controlling the US government; Pope
Francis’ role with extraterrestrial disclosure; Edward Snowden acting with the tacit support of other NSA
officials in releasing classified information; and the upcoming Sept 23 meeting between President Obama and
Pope Francis.
It’s worth mentioning that at this stage Corey has not given any documentary evidence to support his incredible
claims, nor has anyone else come forward to confirm their participation in alleged meetings involving the
Sphere Alliance and the 10-12 Secret Space Programs indigenous to Earth. Nevertheless, Corey has had a
number of researchers who have come forward claiming that anonymous insiders have confirmed that Corey
did indeed serve with one or more Secret Space Programs. The most prominent among them is David Wilcock
who has given a number of presentations where he cites his exhaustive efforts through his insider contacts with
knowledge of secret space programs to confirm Corey’s background.
In my own case, I have heard from Randy Cramer (aka Captain Kaye) that what he has read so far of Corey’s
testimony is consistent with his own 20 year experience with different secret space programs. In addition, to the
similarities between Randy’s and Corey’s testimonies (described here), there are important similarities between
Michael Relfe’s testimony of having served for 20 years on Mars in a secret space program from (1976-1996),
and what Corey has revealed.
Finally, I found Corey’s knowledge of a Secret Space Program that can be traced to the Mayan civilization as
very impressive given my own personal experiences with a representative from such a program who secretly
approached me in 2010. As I wrote in an earlier article, this was powerful personal corroboration that Corey’s
testimony is genuine. Combined with the corroborating testimonies from other whistleblowers involved in
secret space programs, I highly recommend considering Corey’s testimony as quite possibly the most
comprehensive revelation of secret space programs and extraterrestrial intervention to have emerged to date.
© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice
Further Reading
Ancient space programs & human-extraterrestrial alliance meetings
Recruitment & Covert Service for Secret Space Programs
Secret space programs more complex than previously revealed
Whistleblower reveals multiple secret space programs concerned about new alien visitors
Questions for Corey Goode on Sphere Alliance and Solar Warden Space Program – May 11, 2015
Q1. You have previously described the Solar Warden space program as largely responsible for
maintaining security in the solar system. Why is the “Sphere Alliance” helping Solar Warden change the
power structure on Earth which has been dominated by a Cabal/Illuminati running governments from
behind the scene?
The Sphere Alliance has been mostly focused on the energetic changes occurring in our local star cluster
because of the area of the Galaxy they are entering. They have been using the many thousands of cloaked
spheres that are equidistantly spread out across our Sol System and neighboring Sol Systems (Electrically
Connected in the “Cosmic Web” and Natural Portal System) to buffer and diffuse incoming tsunami waves of
highly charged energy that changed the vibratory state of space/time, energy and matter to cause it to raise to a
higher state in the “Density Spectrum”. This energetic change has a direct effect on not only every planet and
star in the region but also every life form below a certain vibratory level. This can cause extreme swings in the
way beings behave. Lower Vibrational (or “Negative Beings”) will become more reactionary and their behavior
towards their current polarity will be enhanced. Beings that are Higher Vibrational (or “Positive/Loving
Beings”) will begin to have those qualities enhanced. Beings of both polarities will need some sort of guidance
offered by beings that have been through this process so that they can make the decisions to continue to raise
their vibrations to match the changing background energetic changes or chose to remain in their current state of
lower vibration and self-destruct.
The Sphere Alliance happened to choose the SSP Alliance (That was not just the Solar Warden Group) because
they had made a conscious decision to bring the end of the control and slavery of Earth Humans by “Trickster
Gods” who were custodian aliens and their worshipers/followers whom we have lumped under an umbrella
name such as “The Cabal”/”Illuminati”. The SSP Alliance had decided that it was time to give every Human on
the planet access to their full and true history, suppressed technologies that would lengthen and enhance their
lives as well as collapse the world Financial Debt Slave Systems (AKA Babylonian Money Magic Slave
System). This put the SSP Alliance in a greater percentage “Service To Others” category than any other group
in our Sol System that was made up of Earth Humans fighting for the freedom of Earth Humans. They
definitely had their draw backs being warriors who were looking to use violence to obtain the desired freedom.
The Sphere Alliance is a nonviolent group and there has been quite a lot of adjustments for the SSP Alliance to
make (as well as some mistakes) in the process of developing a workable partnership with a group of 6th
through 9th Density Beings that have a completely different way of doing things.
Q2. Please describe some of the advanced technology given to Solar Warden to offset the prior
technological advantage held by the Cabal/Illuminati forces on Earth opposed to full disclosure?
The Sphere Alliance has setup 2 “Energy Barriers” that cannot be penetrated by any beings or technology (be
they 3/4D or 4/5D beings). One is the “Outer Barrier” which completely closes off the entire Sol System
(including Gate/Portal travel) from travel into or out of the system. The other is a “Barrier” that surrounds the
Earth. It keeps every Being and Craft/Technology that was either On Earth or in Near Earth Orbit from leaving
a certain distance from the Planet. There are active Gates/Portals that allow travel between Planets within the
Sol System. However those Portals are affected by these “Energetic Tsunami Waves” at times and regular travel
is ill advised and can be dangerous. The technology provided directly to the SSP Alliance has ALL been of a
defensive nature. It allows the Alliance to disrupt weapons systems, cloaking systems and highly shield vessels
and locations from various types of high energy beam and torsion field weapons (torsion weapons that rip apart
buildings or craft by twisting the space/time fabric that the structure exists in at the moment causing the targeted
structure to rip apart etc…)
Q3. Why did Solar Warden allow itself to be technologically leap-frogged by the cabal/illuminati if it was
the first secret program to deploy advanced vehicles in space?
Solar Warden was in no position to not allow itself to be left behind technologically any more than any other
Military type operation that has become aged and began to be replace by other programs that were funded and
provided the newer technologies. Solar Warden went through several upgrades of their vessels but as long as the
vessels were serviceable and capable of doing performing their mission they were not receiving replacement
vessels that were the newer technologies that ended up going to the other SSP’s. Since the Stealth Civil War
began and they became allies with the Sphere Alliance there have been groups from the other SSP’s that have
“Defected” bringing with them some of the newer vessels and offensive technologies. The SSP Alliance Fleet is
now a mixture of vessels and personnel from several SSP’s.
Q4. Please describe how Solar Warden uses metal expanding technology given to it by the Sphere
Alliance to disable more advanced weapons systems controlled by the Cabal/Illuminati on Earth?
This technology is actually an older tech that was developed by “US” some time ago. It causes some metals to
expand and magnetize making the needed moving parts not capable of moving. This works well against kinetic
energy weapons like firearms and missiles. It can also cause malfunctions in conventional aircraft and have
other practical uses. This has been around for quite some time but has not been used so widely to prevent
assassinations and certain attacks until the Alliance started doing so when they were urged more and more to
find nonviolent ways to achieve the results they used to achieve through other means by the Sphere Alliance.
Q5. Russia’s President Putin is allegedly aligned with and supported by the Solar Warden/Sphere
Alliance, why is Putin and the Russian Federation more supportive of full disclosure?
Putin and other elements of the “Earth Based Alliance” that make up the BRICS Alliance among others that
dove tail together are all working for the common goal of defeating the “Satanic/Luciferian Cabal” that is now
in control of the majority of the world and responsible for not only amazing deceptions of his and other
countries populations but also some of the most horrific Crimes Against Humanity that have ever taken place in
known history. There are many of these crimes that have become more and more known through recent
disclosures behind the scenes. This has only caused these groups and people to want to bring down these Secret
Earth Government Syndicates now more than ever. Unfortunately some of the “Earth Based Alliance” wants to
put into place another Financial Debt Slave System to replace the old one. This is going to be something that is
heavily negotiated in the near future. The “East” has stated that “The West has had its 100 years, now the East
deserves its 100 years”. This is referring to the giant financial Ponzi Scheme set in place by the Federal Reserve
Q6. Has President Putin met with the Blue Avians/Sphere Alliance. If so, did this happen during his
recent disappearance for 10 days?
The timing of his 10 day disappearance occurred exactly during the time of the SSP Alliance/Sphere Alliance
Conference that was taking place on the LOC along with many Earth Politicians (Non Cabal) and Regular Earth
Citizens. I did not personally see him or have I been briefed that he was there. I was not involved in that portion
of the conference. I do strongly suspect that he or his representatives were present.
Q7. On April 12, 2014, the USS Donald Cook equipped with an Aegis Combat System was allegedly
disabled by a Russian Su-24 tactical bomber deploying a sophisticated electronic jamming system. Was
this an example of the kind of technological assistance given to Solar Warden and its earth allies to
change the military/political balance of power on Earth?
I have been told this is the case by several SSP Alliance members but I have not seen any briefing reports
personally to be able to vouch for that 100% myself. Other insiders have reported this as well so it is probably a
safe speculation.
Q8. On March 12, President Obama claimed on Jimmy Kimmel Live that his hands are tied on the
disclosure issue by extraterrestrials themselves. Was Obama encouraged to make this statement as a
form of soft disclosure?
I heard that he did this as a way to plant a seed and control the narrative a little but he was reprimanded for
doing this “Joke Setup” on this show. I have only heard second hand information about this incident and cannot
give direct knowledge. I do believe as David Wilcock stated that “Many a truth is given in jest”. The side he
serves on is indeed subservient to some “Alien Groups” that they sold us out to many decades ago. If you notice
also the timing, this too was also during the exact time of the SSP Alliance/Sphere Alliance Conferences at the
LOC and Putin’s “Missing Time”. My question is do you believe in that much of a coincidence?
Q9. Has President Obama met with Blue Avian/Sphere Alliance at any secret meetings prior to his
March 12 statement?
Absolutely Not (and these “Elite Groups” are enraged by not being recognized by the Sphere Alliance). The
Blue Avians/Sphere Alliance refuses to directly meet with any “Cabal” linked persons or groups. They will not
meet directly with the Illuminati. This is why they have had “Representatives” or “Delegates” attend various
Federation meetings for them as well as meet with various “Comities” that represent these Secret Earth
Government Syndicates.
Q10. Lockheed Martin, Northrup Grumman, and Boeing are some of the major aerospace companies
allegedly involved with secretly developing anti-gravity space vehicles. Please describe how these and
other companies are involved with the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC) space program?
They have Board Members who either “Retire” or “Rotate Off” the corporate boards and then join the ICC SSP
Super Boards to where they work as super conglomerates and make decisions involving the companies they
represent. It is a certain “Elite” among the corporate structure that ever knows anything about the ICC. Often
they will work with the companies for a couple of decades and not know anything about the larger activities in
the Sol System until they are asked to join or serve on a Super Board or other position.
Q11. Why did the ICC decide to ally itself with Solar Warden and the Sphere Alliance, rather than
continue to work with the Cabal/Illuminati who are generally thought to own and exercise great power
over major corporations?
The ICC has not joined the SSP Alliance. Only some “Cells” or “Groups” have broken away and defected to the
SSP Alliance in recent months. This has been a blessing and a curse. This ended up causing some major ethical
struggles inside the Alliance as well as 2 “Atrocities” that were very upsetting to many. It involved 2 attacks
based on actionable intelligence provided by some defectors and ended up having a very high rate of collateral
damage of innocent lives. This caught up to the SSP Alliance recently karma wise and ended up in the attack on
some of the Alliance Personnel involved in the “Atrocities”. This was very recent and apart of this past
weekend’s meetings.
Q12. Please describe how Solar Warden is enforcing a planetary quarantine to prevent assistance being
given to the cabal/illuminati on Earth as the latter’s advanced weapons systems and bases are being
systematically disabled/destroyed.
Mostly any ships that try to flee have ran into the energy barrier around the Earth and bounced back through the
atmosphere with a fiery light show. The SSP Alliance has been taking out many “Star Wars”/SDI Era space
based weapons which have also been seen entering the atmosphere in like fashion. There are also a lot of recent
skirmishes between different “Cabal” factions since they have realized that their “Royal White Reptilians” have
tried to negotiate their safe passage out of the Sol System by giving up all of their Illuminati/Cabal followers as
well as their lower cast Reptilian and Other Allied Races in their Federation. There is chaos among these groups
who are following the example of their masters and turning on each other. Though they are heavily denying this
publicly and putting their most clever disinformation agents out to control the narrative as best they can.
Q13. Previously, you have described five secret space programs, two of which mainly operate outside of
our solar system – a NATO Type SSP and a Dark Fleet. Are these latter two still subject to a solar system
wide quarantine by the Sphere Alliance from returning to our solar system?
Yes, there have been several petitions for the NATO Type SSP Group to return as well as to allow some
innocent Alien/ET Groups who were here on peaceful scientific missions to leave. All requests have been
denied and the Outer Barrier will be maintained until after the “Event” and everyone has answered for their
parts in what has gone on in the Sol System over the last however many thousands of years that they have
decided (Grand Cycle etc…)
Q14. In an April conference presentation in San Francisco, David Wilcock described a timetable with
2017 as the year by which full disclosure is going to happen. What can you tell us about any timetable the
Sphere Alliance/Solar Warden has to disclose the truth to the world public?
I have not seen this timetable or date anywhere or been given it in any briefings personally. There were multiple
“Time Windows” that were put forth that were all listed between the 2018 – 2023 time frame in various
programs. However this was prior to the Sphere Alliance and many other things that seem to be pushing the
time frame forward. It is getting more and more difficult for them to maintain this illusion that we live in down
on the planet with all of the energetic changes and changes in the mass consciousness. I think putting out a date
is a bad idea myself. But it could very well be 2017, as fast as things are moving it could very well be
2015/2016 as well. The Sphere Beings have put it all on us and when we decide to wake up and expand our
consciousness to the point to where we realize its co-creative power. Once we do we can make things happen on
our own timetable.
Q15. Are there White Hats within the NSA secretly coordinating with whistleblowers such as Edward
Snowden to disclose the truth about extraterrestrial life and secret space programs?
Yes. Any further info would be dangerous to the few white hats that are in various positions surrounded by
black hats. Anyone that things Snowden pulled off that Data Grab on his own is very much misinformed or
ignorant of how Information Security worked back then as well as it does now.
Q16. Is there currently a disclosure race happening between the Cabal/Illuminati and the Solar
Warden/Sphere Alliance in terms of how much information should be released and how this frames key
Yes, When FULL Disclosure occurs it will also come with the disclosure of massive crimes against humanity
that will send the bulk of society into shock for some time. The fact that there are aliens will not be as disruptive
or shocking as what all the “Elites” have done in secret during the time they were hiding the existence of aliens
and most of all the high technology that would have ended the financial system decades ago.
IF the “CABAL/ILLUMINATI” can control the Disclosure they can also control the narrative and spin of
disclosure they think to make themselves come out looking better in the end. They had planned on being off
planet when all this info broke. Now that they are stuck here with everyone else they are all turning on each
other and spinning and cutting deals as fast as they can. They know what the population will call for if there is
full and unfettered disclosure of our true history along with the release of suppressed technologies and the
existence of alien life.
They MUST do everything they can to control the narrative and manner that this information is disclosed. This
is a much more complicated situation than most realize. Complete disclosure is going to leave many of the
world’s population calling for “heads to roll”.
Q17. Do you think that the 2016 President Elections might be a forum by which disclosure happens
through individuals such as John Podesta and Hillary Clinton how have been involved in prior disclosure
events by the Clinton and Obama administrations?
NO, No political races or outcomes will lead to any type of disclosure.
Q18. Is Pope Francis playing a strong behind the scenes role in disclosing the truth about extraterrestrial
life? Is he involved in any capacity with the current meetings with Blue Avians?
The Vatican is lumped in with the Secret Earth Governments and are not being recognized or permitted
audiences with the Sphere Beings. They have been rotating in as Delegates in the Human-like ET Federation
that has been mentioned.
Q19. It has been claimed that President Obama cannot take any action in revealing the truth about
extraterrestrial life, until the Vatican has done so. Is the planned meeting between President Obama and
Pope Francis on September 23 significant for extraterrestrial disclosure?
They may decide as a part of the process of doing a controlled disclosure to control the narrative to allow the
Vatican to release some information. I am very doubtful. There are many scandals of so many groups that they
are trying to keep in Pandora’s Box when they crack it open to allow the disclosure of “Alien Life” to be
known. They may very well be deciding how exactly they are going to control the narrative and how to let out
information about alien life and suppressed technology without letting out the full information about their
crimes and scandals. That would be a difficult meeting and problem to try to figure out on their end.
Q20. In your most recent update, you say that you met with Blue Avian/Sphere Alliance extraterrestrials
over the weekend of May 9-10, can you describe who else attended this meeting and where it was held?
It was just myself and the Blue Avian named “Tear-Eir”. It was a “One on One” meeting to discuss some of the
recent issues with the SSP Alliance, some of the recent Energetic Tsunami Waves and their effects on the
population as well as some upcoming meetings that I am going to be asked to attend. [More info here]
Thank you for the questions. I am no longer doing postings or questions and answers on The One Truth Forum
To have a more controlled and civil environment we are now going to be doing ALL “Questions & Answers”
previously done in “Internet Forums” on the Sphere Being Alliance Web Site.
We will also be doing all future updates, articles, disclosures and data releases on the same web site. We are
also configuring a “News Letter” for anyone who would like to sign up to be notified of updates. If not already,
you should be able to register for news letters on the Home Page shortly.
Things have moved to a whole new level
With the upcoming release of Articles by Researchers I Respect and Trust enough to engage with, Video
Interviews to be released FREE on YouTube (Along with a Free E-book), Discussion of a Disclosure Series on with David Wilcock, and planned “Skype” Interviews with Researchers as well as well-known
Online Web Show Hosts creating a News Letter to keep people informed seemed to be an important and natural
next step.
The Current Sites that I have are;
Sphere Being Alliance (Twitter)
Sphere Being Alliance (YouTube)
Sphere Being Alliance (Blog)
Sphere Being Allince (Home Page)
To continue the “Q & A” process go to the following part (FAQ) of the Sphere Being Alliance Home Page and
click “Ask A Question”. Type in your question in the field and click “Submit”. I am happy to answer all of your
reader’s direct questions here at this location. I look forward to providing them more information and answering
their questions.
Attached Files
T15E Extraterrestrial alliance helps secret space program overcome opposition to full disclosure.pdf
323.03KB 39 downloads
#92187 DISCLOSURE 2015 - Dr Michael Salla & Corey Goode
Posted by DAR on 17 June 2015 - 08:37 AM in Return of The Gods
Secret Space Program Conferences discuss
full disclosure & humanity’s future
Written by Dr Michael Salla on June 11, 2015. Posted in Featured
Secret space program whistleblower Corey Goode (aka GoodETxSG) claims he has just completed three
diplomatic conferences with representatives of different secret space programs, human looking extraterrestrial
visitors and global elites. The purpose of the conferences held from June 5-7 were to find how each of these
groups would respectively respond to the disclosures soon to occur where humanity learns about the existence
of extraterrestrial life and secret space programs; and where a new global financial system replaces the current
exploitative one that leads to ‘financial slavery’ for many. In Corey’s responses to questions about the three
conferences (see below), he explains each in terms of where they took place, who was attending, the way each
conference was organized, its agenda, outcome, and what his own role was in attending these conferences.
Corey has already given a report of his June 7 meetings and a detailed report of his June 9 meeting, but not of
his June 5 meeting. He has described how he was taken to each of the conference meetings in the early morning
hours where a blue sphere or orb would appear in his home and physically transport him to each location. He
describes the sphere as belonging to a recently arrived group extraterrestrial visitors called the “Sphere Being
Alliance” that are facilitating major global and solar system changes as a result of transformative cosmic
energies coming into our region of the galaxy. Corey describes the key role of one of Sphere Alliance’s
representatives in the meetings, “Raw-Tear-Eir,” who is a Blue Avian, one of five extraterrestrial races making
up the Sphere Alliance.
The June 5 meeting took place at “Lunar Operations Command,” on the far side of the moon, and was with the
“SSP Alliance Council” which he describes as “a tenuous alliance of leaders who have cliques and sub-factions
that do not completely trust one another.” Most members are from the Solar Warden Space program, with
others made up from defectors from the Interplanetary Corporation Conglomerate (ICC), members of the “Dark
Fleet” caught within a solar system wide quarantine imposed by the Sphere Being Alliance, and others from
smaller rogue military space programs (for descriptions of the different SSPs, click here). Corey describes how
information about U.S. government personal file was recently collected and will be used in upcoming war crime
trials where the “defectors” will testify. This was especially significant given that on June 4, it was announced
that the personnel files of four million U.S. government employees had been hacked. The incident was blamed
on China.
The June 7 meeting involved representatives of up to 60 different humanoid extraterrestrial races with their own
distinct interests about the Earth’s future. Corey clarifies that he is the delegate representing the Sphere Being
Alliance, and therefore given a delegates place at the meeting where he can listen to all that transpires through
the delegates chair which has universal translator type technology where all that is said and heard is translated.
Other sitting in non-delegate chair, such as the SSP Alliance Council representative, Lt Col Gonzales, do not
know what is said, and rely on Corey to report back to them.
Corey describes the June 9 conference and elaborates on some of the issues arising from his detailed report
about it. He describes the Committee of 200 and other groups representing elite interests on Earth as attempting
to stall, distract or manufacture violent conflicts that will enable them to prevent future disclosures about Secret
Space programs and extraterrestrial life. These global elites appear most concerned about being exposed and
tried in future Nuremberg-like war crimes trials.
The issues discussed at the three diplomatic conferences Corey Goode claims he attended from June 5-9 are
astounding in their implications. If he has accurately reported what occurred, then humanity is about to witness
the most remarkable set of disclosures about extraterrestrial life and secret space programs imaginable. The
scope of these programs, and the crimes committed in them, will lead to war crimes that dwarf those conducted
at Nuremberg, and will usher in enormous global changes at a political, technological and economic levels.
While some cite lack of documents and hard evidence in support of Corey’s claims as reason to dismiss them,
my own investigations of the claims of whistleblowers and extraterrestrial contactees suggest another approach.
Carl Sagan’s dictum “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” is not sensible when it comes to the
claims of whistleblowers and contactees simply because their revelations typically involve national security
topics that are highly classified. This historically has made it illegal for evidence of these topics to be publicly
circulated, thereby making it almost impossible to confirm such claims.
A more appropriate research dictum to apply to Corey’s claims is “extraordinary claims require an
extraordinary investigation.” That requires keeping an open mind as we analyze Corey’s claims; consider
personal factors such as his sincerity, commitment and consistency; circumstantial evidence; look for
documentary and hard evidence, interview supporting witnesses such as Lt Col Gonzales, and analyze any
documents that emerge that may be part of the promised massive document dump that Corey had described as
accompanying the “full disclosure event.”
© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice
Questions for Corey Goode on June Secret Space Program Meetings
[Questions sent on June 9. Answers received on June 10]
Q1. On the morning of June 5 you say you attended a conference meeting concerning the SSP Alliance
Council, can you describe what the Council is and what SSP groups make it up?
The “SSP Alliance Council” is a group of leaders from various levels of Battalions, Regiments, Divisions,
Wings and Corps from each of the allied groups that make up the Alliance. There are a large number of
members of what was the Solar Warden Project and defectors from what is referred to as the ICC (which is
made up of many corporate groups/arms with one head), remaining Dark Fleet members and members of
several Military Black Op’s Programs including some lower tech groups that were invited into the Alliance
more recently. The majority of personnel were drafted from MILAB Programs or were born off world, and
when they came of age were told their career path.
This SSP Alliance Council is a tenuous alliance of leaders who have cliques and sub-factions that do not
completely trust one another. There is an agreement that they all meet and agree on actions under certain rules
of engagement and codes of ethics established by a committee. As we know from what occurred with the two
rogue attacks against an ICC Mars Asset and Joint Secret Earth Government and ET Base on Earth (“The Two
Atrocities”) these rules of engagement are not always followed. This seems to also be true of the loosely
organized “Earth Based Alliance” where some factions are making deals with the opposition that are not
sanctioned by other members.
Please describe who else attended the Council meeting in terms of their affiliations, status, etc?
The SSP Alliance Council was present as were a large number of “Secret Earth Government/Syndicate
Defectors” who are under the “Off World Witness Protection Program” (Along with their families). There were
also representatives from several “Earth Based Alliance” groups present.
This was an unusual meeting because of the types of people that were present. There was a presentation of the
information provided to the Alliance Council by the Defectors and what they would testify to. The “Earth Based
Alliance” then presented a large amount of information that they had just obtained through hacking and
espionage from western governments (U.S. and E.U.). Once this presentation was over and the “Earth Based
Alliance” and the “Defectors/Witnesses” were escorted to their next part in their activities.
The room was secured and “Raw-Tear-Eir” appeared briefly to deliver a message that was directly related to
the material and topics covered before the brief intermission when the other participants were escorted out of
the room.
Once again in the room directly next to the one we were in there was another group of approximately 50-60
civilians who were brought up for a conference and given a tour.
Q3. Where was the SSP Alliance Council meeting held, and please describe how you were taken there
and returned?
This council meeting was also held at the LOC [Lunar Operations Command] in the VIP area where most
people are not permitted to enter. It is much nicer and ornate than the rest of the base. I was picked up and
delivered back home in the same fashion that has become the SOP after the SSP Alliance no longer picked me
up in my back yard in their small 5 person shuttles.
There had been a MUFON report that was quite detailed that was filled out the night of one of the meetings and
I was informed that some agency operatives had moved into nearby rental properties to surveil the activities of
my property.
Since that time the “Orb Beings” that are blue to indigo in color and range in size from a golf ball to a beach
ball will arrive through the walls of my bedroom and zig zag around until I get out of bed and indicate that I am
ready for the journey.
The orb being then zips to within 18 inches of my chest and then rapidly expands to where I am floating in the
center. At that point the orb being zips through the wall of my room and I am at my destination in moments
(almost instantaneous). In this case it took me to the Moon where the LOC is located, then took me to a Sphere
to have a short meeting with “Raw-Tear-Eir” and then back to my room where the clock would show I had been
gone only a few minutes or so.
It took a while to get used to this method of travel because when they first zip off you feel time/space distort in
sort of “smear/blur”.
Graphic depiction of Corey being taken by blue sphere to Lunar Operations Command
Q4. Can you describe how the meeting was conducted? Was there an agenda followed, a chairperson
presiding, minutes taken, etc.
This meeting was different than the normal meeting. Usually I am dropped off by the orb being in a closed
room and then am greeted by the person now known as “Lt. Col. Gonzales” (not his actual name). As explained,
he is the SSP Alliance Council’s liaison to myself and he too has had personal contact with the Blue Avians for
almost the exact amount of time I have. This made him the SSP Alliances natural choice to be the “Sphere
Being Alliance Delegate”. He was contacted by the Blue Avians and given my name directly by them as their
choice for their delegate.
Since that time we sort of report to each other and he pretty much runs the Council Meetings even though most
of the people in the room outrank him. He normally controls the cadence of the meetings and what is covered in
which order on the agenda list. In this last meeting he somewhat did this but there was another SSP Alliance
Council member who had been working with the two guest groups who were presenting a lot of the
information. He and I were mainly observing during this part of the meeting.
Q5. Was the meeting held in a conference-like setting around a table, theater-like setting with a panel
in front of an audience, or some other format?
There are two very large theatre style conference rooms in the VIP area of the LOC (that I have seen). One of
them is usually occupied by a civilian conference. I have not been briefed on exactly what goes on in those
meetings yet. The Council meets in the next room over, which is identical. I do not know exactly how many
swivel seats are in the room but we have had approximately 300 people in one meeting at one time.
There is no podium and where ever you stand and if you are the one speaking your voice carries to every
square inch of the room via some unseen technology. There are what look to be extremely large screens that
resemble the “Smart Glass Pads” that I have described in the past. They have not been used so far in our
Q6. In your report of the June 5 meeting you say that the “Earth Based Alliance” has accumulated a
lot of personal data of individuals for future war crimes trials through hacking of “Western Government
Personnel Databases.” Can you elaborate on who comprises the Earth Based Alliance, and whether the
June 4 announcement that 4 million federal workers files were hacked in Dec 2014 is part of this Earth
Alliance operation?
This information came from a series of hacks and inside operations. It was stated that most of the information
was fresh intelligence that had just been obtained. It was that same day after the meetings that I heard about
some massive hacking breaches in the U.S. during the time frame you mentioned. I’m certain that was a part of
the data they had obtained but I also have the feeling there was much more that they had gotten a hold of more
recently from both the U.S. and the E.U.
Q7. You have recently described yourself as a “Blue Avian delegate,” to the Council meeting please
describe what that means and whether the Blue Avians have more than one delegate at meetings and/or
attend themselves?
That was a conversation on Facebook after I uploaded a new graphic that I created that said “Blue Avian
Delegate”. I am actually considered a “Sphere Being Alliance Delegate” as strange as that sounds. This means
that I speak on their behalf at the ET Super Federation Meetings which the Sphere Beings will not openly attend
or take part in, and I also end up doing what amounts to being an interpreter when the Blue Avians are present
at a SSP Alliance Council meeting.
They will communicate directly to me via telepathy and I then repeat word for word what they want me to
communicate to the members. When I speak on my own I am speaking only on my own behalf and from my
own opinions and biases. I am the only delegate they choose to have communicating for them at the present.
There have been times when they have communicated information through Gonzales but this was mainly prior
to me being named the delegate by the Blue Avians. He is still in contact with the Blue Avians and has his own
relationship with them apart from my own.
Q8. In appointing you to be a delegate does that mean that the SSP Alliance Council recognizes that
you provide a perspective for the common interests of private individuals/humanity in general that
otherwise would not be adequately represented at Council meetings?
No, I only speak on behalf of the Sphere Being Alliance. At the ET Super Federation Conferences there are
“Earth Delegates” that are people that rotate in from the many Secret Earth Government Groups and Syndicates
as well as other groups that I am not familiar with. These people who are the self-appointed “Elites” speak on
all of our behalf while they are standing in as the “Earth Delegate”. The SSP Alliance provides “IE” support
(three Intuitive Empaths) for the Sphere Alliance Delegate as well as is allowed to stand one council member
behind the seated delegate. This is the allowed configuration of all delegate seats. The delegate sits on an
elevated chair, three IE’s are in lower chairs in front and to the side of the delegate and the councilor stand to
the back of the delegate.
Gonzales has been appointed the SSP Alliance Delegate but the Super Federation Group has not recognized
them. The ET Groups barely tolerate two humans sitting in delegation roles on the floor as it is. Therefore
Gonzales is in the position of standing behind me during the conferences. The problem with this is that at these
conferences there is a standard language that is spoken. I assume that most of the ET’s know this language but
there is also a being doing a strange sign language whenever another delegate is speaking. When sitting in the
chair it acts as a translator and you understand what is being said.
All of the times I previously worked in IE Support I never understood what was being said. I was invited to
speak at the first conference we were invited to. I stood up at the front and spoke for a short time and afterward
the SSP Alliance support team asked me what I was saying. I thought I was speaking English but they told me I
was speaking that weird monotone ET language and they didn’t understand a word. Because they have to rely
on me to report accurately and truthfully on what was discussed the SSP Alliance Council is not at all happy
that their delegate is not allowed a chair.
Q9. You have also revealed that you attended a June 7 meeting with the “Super Federation Conference
of aligned human-like ET’s”, can you describe some of the races comprising the human looking ETs?
There are normally at most 40 groups at these conferences. Recently there have been over 60 groups and they
have added seats to a point that the floor has become very crowded. The same groups are present as I described
from my audio interview that is on my YouTube Channel.
There are so many it’s hard to know where to start. There are “People” from the 3-4 foot tall to 12 foot tall
range. There are people with “Olive Green Skin” as well as Pumpkin Orange, Light Blue, Mocha Brown and all
other shades of skin colors and textures. One that stands out that sits close by is a tall skinny group with “White
Shiney Skin” (Glistens), White Cotton-Like Hair and pretty much Red Eyes that seem to radiate some sort of
light or energy. They wear all white clothing with no seams that is skin tight. There are some that look very
much like we do but with slightly larger eyes who are taller and some that are around the 5 foot 5 inch height
with short black military like haircuts with tan skin and very dense body structure (weigh much more than they
appear to).
I am supposed to work with a well know and very talented portrait artist sometime soon to do some renderings
of these beings. I haven’t heard from the person directly who is said to be organizing this project but I did hear
from a third party just today that it appears they have scheduled time for me to spend time with this portrait
artist in the last week of June. It will certainly be nice to get some visual accurate depictions of some of these
beings and craft sometime soon.
Q10. Can you describe the logistics of the June 7 meeting in terms of how the meeting was conducted,
was an agenda followed, was there a chairperson presiding, minutes taken, and where was it held?
These meetings are extremely formal. Each group has a horse shoe shaped area where there is a main seat for
the delegate and three lower seats for their support staff (“IE Support”) as well as a place where one person is
allowed to stand behind them as an advisor. There is a short railing that semicircles around the front of the
“Horse Shoe” seating area that comes up to about chin level of the “IE Support” staff sitting in front.
The room slightly angles down towards the front from all directions to an area that has a table that leads to the
small stage where the speaker stands. There is a lower stage where another “Person” stands and does a strange
type of sign language. There is one race who always seems to be assigned as helpers who hand out the “Smart
Glass Pads” (no outside technology is brought in) and also roam around during the meetings as if they are doing
certain tasks. Other than that, the proceedings seem to manage themselves in a very smooth and orderly fashion.
Each group has an opportunity to stand and speak or “pass” on taking the stage. The meetings are automatically
recorded into their database that is accessible through the “Smart Glass Pads”. At the end of the conference
everyone files out of the conference room in an orderly fashion and into the large foyer hall where they will
either stop and communicate among themselves or move directly towards the bays where their craft are docked
to leave the proceedings. They have obviously been doing this for quite some time and the conferences require
little if any management.
The conferences are held in a diplomatic station that is extremely large. It sits at a point beyond the rocky
planets and in the plane of the gas giants and is in some sort of “Temporal Bubble”. When in a craft or looking
out the windows of the large windows in the foyer it looks pitch black. You cannot see any stars, planets or the
Sun whatsoever. It was explained that this was a protected pocket in space/time where these groups meet in our
Sol System. The agenda is always related to the “Grand Experiment” occurring on Earth or diplomatic relations
between the member races.
Q11. Was the “Super Federation Conference” meeting held in a conference-like setting around a table,
theater-like setting with a panel in front of an audience, or some other format? What was the mode of
The conferences are carried out in the same manner every time as described above. The delegate who is
speaking at the time is on the stage where they all speak this common language. It is a dull monotone sounding
language with no pitches or fluctuations in tones at all. There is always a “person” standing nearby doing a type
of sign language. There is some telepathic contact at times but since it is a point to point contact communication
(Between two beings) it doesn’t seem to be occurring constantly from the delegate on the stage anyway.
Q12. At the June 7 meeting you have reported that several ET groups want to evacuate
undersea/underground bases due to a lot of “attacks and infighting.” You say that a decision was made
as a result of a Blue Avian recommendation, to give them humanitarian aid but not allow them to
evacuate. Do these bases belong primarily to Dracos, Grays, and other negative STS groups and their
Earth allies? Do you have insights into why these ET groups were allowed to continue having a presence
on Earth, e.g., possible use of WMD on their departure?
Some of them belong to these groups. Most of these bases are embassies of the ET’s that were present at the
Super Federation Conference or were bases of ET’s that were here observing the planet and its ecosystem and
not interfering. Others were underground bases and cities that belong to Ancient Earth Break Away
Civilizations that have worked with and manipulated the current era “Elites” and had treaties with the Draco
Alliance. There is quite a complicated system of beings that cooperate on some level below the surface of the
Earth and its oceans and going down quite some depth into the honeycomb structure of the planet.
It’s not that “these groups were not allowed to continue to have a presence on Earth”, they were prevented from
fleeing from the Earth recently by a barrier that is in place further out around the planet as well as another
“Outer Barrier” that keeps these beings inside the Sol System until certain events unfold. The Earth Elite and
these ET’s still have some powerful weapons but they have seemed to have focused on using them on each
other in recent months. This made the SSP Alliance more than happy and they were watching these groups
destroy one another’s embassies/bases up until the point of this recent conference where certain groups called a
ceasefire and asked to be allowed to enter the Earth’s atmosphere to retrieve the survivors from their embassies.
They were denied entry but were offered humanitarian aid (Sphere Alliance insisted) and rescue, where these
beings and groups would be placed in protective custody and cared for until certain events unfold. This is hard
for some to understand from a 3rd Density perspective. This is done according to “natural law” and “6th
Density perspective” that happens to coincide with certain information from the “Law of One” series. I am no
scholar of the Law of One material by any means but a couple quotes were pointed out to me to try to help the
SSP Alliance and myself understand how these 6th Density Beings think (which is completely foreign to how
we process things currently in 3rd Density).
42.7 To a mind/body/spirit complex which is starving, the appropriate response is the feeding of the body. You
may extrapolate from this.
89.30 Questioner: Would Ra’s attitude toward the same unharvestable entities be different at this nexus than at
the time of harvest of third density?
Ra: I am Ra. Not substantially. To those who wish to sleep we could only offer those comforts designed for the
sleeping. Service is only possible to the extent it is requested. We were ready to serve in whatever way we
could. This still seems satisfactory as a means of dealing with other-selves in third density. It is our feeling that
to be each entity which one attempts to serve is to simplify the grasp of what service is necessary or possible.
81.24 Questioner: So that I can just get a little idea of what I am talking about, what are the limits of Ra’s travel
in the sense of directly experiencing or seeing the activities of various places? Is it solely within this galaxy, and
if so, how much of this galaxy? Or does it include some other galaxies?
Ra: I am Ra. Although it would be possible for us to move at will throughout the creation within this Logos,
that is to say, the Milky Way Galaxy, so-called, we have moved where we were called to service; these
locations being, shall we say, local and including Alpha Centauri, planets of your solar system which you call
the Sun, Cepheus, and Zeta Reticuli. To these sub-Logoi we have come, having been called.
Q13. You say that at this June 7 meeting, the “”Council of 200 arranged to be on the Delegation Rotation
once again.” This group of global elites presumably still has great power and access to WMD, even
though their ET overlords, Royal Dracos, have abandoned them. Is their continued participation in these
meetings due to them holding the Earth’s population to ransom through the threat of global destruction,
and/or their assistance in allowing the “full disclosure event” happen, or for some other reason?
I do not have an answer for you that will not be part speculation in this case. There are many groups among the
Elites/Cabal of which this “Committee” is just one. They are obviously a group with a lot of pull. There are
other groups that I would think have just as much pull. This is more of a heavy motivation of this group that
was once heavily connected to the Draco Alliance (if not still) and was present at the meeting between the
Sphere Being Alliance Delegate (myself) and the Draco White Royal that was reported prior. For some reason
they are heavily motivated to call in favors or do whatever it takes to be present in high profile decision making
conferences. I wouldn’t want to speculate further than this on what is going on in their group. I am told that they
used to be a larger committee. If they have seen a loss in stature and power I could see how they would want to
prevent any further degradation of their stature.
Q14. What is your precise role at these Alliance meetings? Do you provide a point of view on behalf of
humanity in general, do you mainly listen to information being shared by the different SSPs, and/or do
you pass on information on behalf of the Blue Avians to the SSPs, or is it to report back to the general
public through reports and responses and to questions as you are doing now?
I mostly listen unless directly spoken to. I do not speak for humanity or do I ever presume to. When I do speak
on my own it is known that it is from my own opinion. When speaking on behalf of the Sphere Alliance I am
recognized on that level or when a Blue Avian is present I am normally sort of a translator and speaking aloud
what the Blue Avian is communicating to me telepathically.
Q15. When you attended the June 5 and 7 SSP meetings, did you maintain real time communications
with the Blue Avians through telepathy, electronic or other means, simply report back, or were they
monitoring or participating in these meetings directly?
I was either given the information to present or a Blue Avian was present but “Out of Phase” (like the Spheres)
and communicating to me and letting me know what to say and how to respond. Sometimes I am just thrust into
a situation and I seem to have the right things to say.
The meeting with the “Committee of 200” I was not prepared to speak and we were there to hear a proposal
from them. I was disappointed that I reacted to what I perceived as a veiled threat both because it was poor selfcontrol and it seemed to please the person who goaded the response from me. I am not a perfect person by any
means, am no guru just because I am having these contacts. I am working on becoming a more loving and
forgiving person everyday as are many of those who are reading this are right now. It seemed like this person
was trying to get me to react in a way that would nullify the protection I have that I am told is present only as
long as I do not negate it with my own karma. I know my weaknesses and try to stay away from temptations
and pitfalls as much as possible because of this. There is too much at stake.
Q16. In your detailed report of the June 9 meeting with the “Committee of 200” you say that it was
attended by at least one person that you recognized. Can you name that person or any of the other global
elites that attended this meeting?
We recognized this person from the delegation meetings and from the Draco Alliance Conference. These are
not people you would recognize from television or the newspapers. These people are several levels above world
leaders that we see on TV. These world leaders report to people that probably never meet these committee
members directly.
Q17. You have said that the SSP Alliance Council sent its “own high ranking representative to be
present along with the support team” to the June 7 and the June 9 meeting with the Committee of 200.
You say that this “high ranking representative” (Lt Col Gonzales?) was denied a seat at the June 7
meeting. What does that mean and why was the representative (Gonzales) denied a seat?
As stated prior the conference has about 1/3rd more attendee’s than it normally has. This makes the conference
floor crowded. Even if there was room I do not think they would offer another seat to an “Earth Based
Delegate”. The other members were not excited to have the regular rotating “Earth Delegation” present at these
conferences. Having a second seat given to a Sphere Alliance Delegate who ended up being an Earth Human
certainly did not make them any happier. I do not see them providing a seat for the SSP Alliance Delegate
(Gonzales) anytime soon.
Q18. The annual Bilderberg Group meeting is being held from June 11-14, 2015 at Telfs-Buchen,
Austria. It does not appear coincidental that the Committee of 200 met in what appears to be an old
church in a European location to make its offer only a few days before the Bilderberg Group meeting. Do
you know of any connection between the Committee of 200 and the Bilderberg Group in terms of
members, agenda and influence?
No, I do not know of any direct connection. I would think that they report to these groups on some level. I had
not made the connection to this Bilderberg Group meeting until you mentioned it. Someone else had brought up
the G7 meeting that had just ended in Germany I believe. This building was obviously a medieval era
combination fortress and cathedral of some sort. It was an extremely historical building with amazing
architecture. At this point I still have no idea where we were.
Q19. You say that the Committee of 200 offered to begin a limited disclosure by November 2015 if you
withheld further disclosures. Given your detailed report of the June 9 meeting, that suggests that you will
continue with disclosures that contribute to a “full disclosure event” ASAP. Do you think the Committee
will continue with its limited disclosure scenario for November regardless of your decision, or try to
maintain the status quo?
Yes, disclosures will continue. This was yet another of the Cabal/Illuminati delay tactics that they have used
over and over again in the last decade. They were trying to spin the situation to where they were the victims and
try to manipulate the disclosure process to where their crimes against humanity were not exposed until after
they had lived out their lives in freedom.
This offer of theirs was not considered for one moment. There will be no cessation in disclosures. There will be
no partial disclosures. The sooner they realize this and begin to work with the Alliance the better. Instead it is
expected they will act like a spoiled child and try to destroy as much as possible on their way out. They refuse
to admit defeat even while standing at the gallows.
They are still pushing in several directions for WWIII as they are trying to make these “Good Faith”
negotiations and are using all of their “Former Illuminati” resources to spin and control the narrative of
disclosure in their favor. The cold fact is that they do not have to admit defeat to be defeated. There will be a
Full Disclosure that will include all of their crimes against humanity.
Q20. What signs should we look to from the upcoming Bilderberg meeting to gauge how the global elite
are going to respond to the detailed disclosures that are now emerging about extraterrestrial life, and the
secret space programs?
I would look for further signs that they are going to be defiant and push for WWIII.
They may do a partial disclosure during the chaos of some false flag’s designed to kick off a third world war.
This would kick the can down the road for them for the Financial System being taken away from them and for
control of the narrative of disclosure (or so they think).
They care more about their crimes against humanity coming out in a Full Disclosure than they do the existence
of ET Life or even certain High Technologies and Secret Space Programs. It is all about self-preservation and
preservation of power. There are rumors of deals being worked out with the “Earth Based Alliance” for a partial
disclosure and a new financial system that they would still have partial control of. This is not something that
will be acceptable.
Q21. You have said that there was an offer for a fourth meeting in early June to be conducted at an ICC
facility on Mars, along with the offer of a tour of the facility to show its labor conditions. You have stated
that this is likely to be a stage managed event to disprove claims of slave labor on Mars. That suggests
that the ICC is worried about future disclosures about its working conditions on Mars and elsewhere and
appears to be implementing reforms. Do you believe organizations like the ICC can genuinely reform, or
do they need to be placed under international oversight and control?
If the ICC is making changes to living conditions then yes this would need to be placed under international
oversight and control. This is most likely another rouse or “PSYOP” to buy more time and to get information
into the pile of evidence that will benefit them later in any world courts.
This proposed conference with the ICC is still being negotiated. It is fully believed by every SSP Alliance
Council member to be some sort of stunt similar to what a nation like N. Korea would pull. I do not fully
understand the motivation of their offer of this type of meeting and setting quite yet.
Q22. Finally, are the interests of other intelligent species to Earth, whales, dolphins, etc., factored in or
represented in any way at SSP Alliance Council/Earth Alliance/Super Federation of Human ETs
conference meetings?
All life on Earth is precious and being fought for. Humanity is actively being enslaved and there is an attempt
to awaken the masses and to raise their awareness of their current situations.
I have not seen any ET Groups that are petitioning other groups on behalf of Dolphins or Whales. There are
several groups that are here who have no contact with humanity at all and are only interested in ocean life. They
may be working on a completely different agenda and type of confederation that is more concerned with these
life forms.
We do know that these beings were mostly not known about by anyone in the Sol System because of their high
technology (4th/5th Density) and the fact that they avoid contact with all other ET’s and Humans. We only
began to find out about them after the barriers were engaged and they became stranded here. They petitioned to
leave and their home support groups have petitioned to have them released from the “Outer Barrier” which has
been denied for all beings requesting entrance or exit.
More information about Corey Goode and the Sphere Alliance at:
Sphere Being Alliance (Twitter)
Sphere Being Alliance (YouTube)
Sphere Being Alliance (Blog)
Sphere Being Allince (Home Page)
To continue the “Q & A” process go to the following part (FAQ) of the Sphere Being Alliance Home Page and
click “Ask A Question”. Type in your question in the field and click “Submit”. I am happy to answer all of your
reader’s direct questions here at this location. I look forward to providing them more information and answering
their questions.
Galactic Human Slave Trade & AI threat to End with Full Disclosure of ET Life
Secret Space War halts as Extraterrestrial Disclosure Plans move forward
Multiple Moon bases & U.S. Military Space Shuttles as cover programs
Corporate bases on Mars and Nazi infiltration of US Secret Space Program
Ancient space programs & human-extraterrestrial alliance meetings
Recruitment & Covert Service for Secret Space Programs
Secret space programs more complex than previously revealed
Attached Files
T15F11 Secret Space Program Conferences discuss full disclosure.pdf 382.97KB 27 downloads
#92213 Happy Birthday Orion
Posted by DAR on 17 June 2015 - 05:30 PM in Music & Humor (Funny and Entertaining stuff)
YO Orion ..
but have you ever had a birthday song from these guys
All the Best Birthday
BY THE WAY .. Real Bday June 16, 1873 .. we have proof .. time travel person
Three Stooges sing Happy Birthday
From "An Ache In Every Stake". The ice delivery men turned chefs
#92257 Blast From the Past - The Chani Project
Posted by DAR on 18 June 2015 - 08:43 AM in General Discussion
Secrets in PLAIN SIGHT................
Started By phillipbbg, Sep 18 2011 05:57 AM
Elder Member
LocationEarth this time frame
Posted 19 September 2011 - 04:31 AM
Good start guys, as for Oil rigs being Tesla related....yes look to capped off fields in North Sea you need to get
into company reports of BP and Shell specifically .....
I will throw another company into the mix as far as major structures built for multiple purposes...
Bechtel Corporation (Bechtel Group) is the largest engineering company in the United States, ranking as the
3rd-largest privately owned company in the U.S. With headquarters in the Financial District of San Francisco,
[2] As of 2010, Bechtel had $30.8 billion in revenue and employed 49,000 workers on projects in nearly 50
Bechtel participated in the building of Hoover Dam in the 1930s. It has also had involvement in a number of
other high profile construction engineering projects: numerous power projects such as refineries and nuclear
power plants; transportation projects including the Channel Tunnel, the BART system, King Fahd International
Airport in Dammam (the largest Airport in the world by land area), Hong Kong International Airport and the
Big Dig; and other projects such as the Kingdom Centre and Tower in Saudi Arabia, Jubail Industrial City, the
rebuilding of the civil infrastructure of Iraq funded by the United States Agency for International Development
(USAID), and the hauling and installing of more than 35,000 trailers and mobile homes for Hurricane Katrina
victims in Mississippi.
The Bechtel family has owned Bechtel since incorporating the company in 1945. Bechtel's size, its political
clout, and its penchant for privacy have made it a constant subject of scrutiny for journalists and politicians
since the 1930s. Bechtel owns and operates power plants, oil refineries, water systems, and airports in several
countries including the United States, Turkey, and the United Kingdom.
Space Earth Sun Moon Mars.....etc
Started By phillipbbg, Sep 18 2011 06:06 AM
US can't account for 5900 pounds of Nuclear Material?
Started By Shining, Sep 18 2011 06:13 AM
Shocking connection between Chemtrails, Morgellons, and GMO.Experts provide proo
Started By AWAKE, Sep 18 2011 07:01 AM
Started By RecentlyAwaken, Sep 18 2011 09:03 AM
Full Members
Posted 19 September 2011 - 02:24 AM
Posted by Recently Awakened -So, after seeing this [burnt-up tram car] it kept bothering me, I kept thinking this is the weirdest thing I've seen in a
looong time. Until today I began putting the pieces together...I stumbled across the 'Underground base Nuke'd' stuff and
saw the map I posted at the beginning of this thread. That's when my jaw dropped...and I couldn't wonder but if this may
have been part of that 'event' and was pulled from the 'tunnel' here in OKC somewhere and headed to Tinker AFB here in
OKC, (that's the direction the convoy was headed btw) for an investigation or whatever...
Just really weird to me and curious what anyone thinks on the matter....
R.A. -- good job! The puzzle pieces you have there, are quite a teaser.
Your story fits in with another one I just came across on GLP, about an underground base in Virginia.
A Swiss Security Guard [brought here 4 yrs ago from Rome] leaked some info about a DUMB base in Virginia,
[sounded like Mount Weather] near the Quantico Marine base.
In connecting the dots to "damage" that could have been incurred there, the guard stated that hundreds of semitrucks loaded down with materials were coming into the Top-secret entrance to the underground facility. The
materials they were bringing in? Building materials, paint, a lot of that kind of thing. Later, it occurred to me,
that building and repair could be taking care of serious problems underground... [damaged by "earthquakes?"
aka Bombs?] He said that the facility is operating on "Code 1" for "Imminent emergency Status." and would be
sealed up, by September 28th, with many elite VIP's coming in with required credentials, by that date. He is
ordered to shoot anyone who tries to get in without credentials.
Have you ever had dreams of the future that came true?
Started By Blue nigel , Sep 18 2011 07:32 PM
The world of belief. The keys to your freedom.
Started By Blue nigel , Sep 18 2011 10:57 PM
elenin is just a smoke screen we are doomed.
Started By Anto, Sep 19 2011 06:39 AM
Where to meet?
Started By Guest_Heidi_* , Sep 19 2011 07:25 AM
#92324 CHAOS pure and simple- ISIS, Ukraine, Russia, Iraq, Africa, Asia
Posted by DAR on 19 June 2015 - 12:24 PM in GEOPOLITICS
Mark Datter, on 19 Jun 2015 - 11:59 AM, said:
Nikolai Starikov – Why Putin doesn’t recognize D/LPR as sovereign states [ENG Subs] [DE Subs]
4824 ViewsJune 14, 2015 95 Comments
Dear friends,
Thanks to my awesome friend Tatzhit Mikhailovich I can, once again, share with you the subtitled
version of a crucially important video statement made by Nikolai Starikov. The “hurray patriots” are
going to be enraged, but a lot of you will appreciate the sophistication of Starikov’s (well, Putin’s,
really) strategy.
The Saker
(please press the ‘cc’ button to see the captions and the settings “wheel” to pick the language)
Mark ..
this is a very important interview .. tells the WHOLE STORY
#92359 DISCLOSURE 2015 - Dr Michael Salla & Corey Goode
Posted by DAR on 20 June 2015 - 05:57 AM in Return of The Gods
Blue ET, on 20 Jun 2015 - 03:13 AM, said:
This is just my opinion and nothing else, I have no direct evidence to suggest anything in the statements by
Corey Goode are true of false, but as one that has had a life time of interactions with ETs I have to say none of
what is reported about the secret space program conferences rings true to my ears. Either by way of attendance
or subjects discussed, or rather subjects not really discussed by lack of any real detail. It sounds stretchy to
me and not the way ET interact wit humans. Other so called facts don't ring true either but as I stated this is just
my gut feeling and inner knowing of the ways of ET from my own personal experience. Just felt I had
to declare this to the Chani group for what it's worth, if some here are having trouble knowing what to believe
or not.
However if you do want to know what I really think, then yes there is something brewing on the horizon with
ET interaction on Earth, but my first guess is maybe I don't trust what is about to show on that horizon. ie. an
unknown factor is about to be thrown into the equation, the outcome of which is or could be more than a little
confusing, I can't say any more right now.
Blue ET,
We understand your .. opinion .. This thread will Stand on its own. .. and will be shown to be correct or not. I
would be more than willing to engage in the Rants section .. if you wish .. but please .. let this material stand on
its own merits.
A back and forth with you on this thread will just be a distraction ..
My Opinion
#92360 Return of the GODS: RANTS on Topics HERE
Posted by DAR on 20 June 2015 - 06:00 AM in Return of The Gods
Please Place in Header the Thread Topic the post relates to such as:
DISCLOSURE 2015 - Dr Michael Salla & Corey Goode
#92366 DISCLOSURE 2015 - Dr Michael Salla & Corey Goode
Posted by DAR on 20 June 2015 - 07:00 AM in Return of The Gods
Secret space programs more complex than previously revealed
Written by Dr Michael Salla on April 7, 2015. Posted in exopolitics research
According to a new whistleblower claiming to have worked with multiple secret space programs, the
complexity of programs, technologies and their dynamic interrelations is far greater than anything previously
revealed. The overall scope of information “Corey” (aka GoodETxSG/Luke), is revealing on these secret space
programs appears destined to dwarf anything released by prior whistleblowers. Already according to David
Wilcock, who has spent 22 years researching whistleblower testimony on extraterrestrial life and the secret
space program(s), Corey “knew almost as much as all the others had told me combined.”
In an earlier article, I gave a summary of the information “Corey” has released through his website, internet
forums and interviews with David Wilcock. In order to better understand and assess Corey’s controversial
claims since writing the summary article, I sent him a set of questions by email on April 4 seeking clarification
on various secret space program issues raised in continued discussions on internet forums. He kindly responded
to the questions revealing more intriguing details and insights on these increasingly complex issues.
Among Corey’s core claims is that the oldest of up to five rival secret space programs to emerge in the modern
era, “Solar Warden”, contains more dated technologies but has a greater dedication to humanity’s long term
interests. Those in charge of Solar Warden have decided to leak information about the existence of secret space
programs by, for example, allowing their spacecraft to be photographed by the International Space Station.
These pro-disclosure actions along with “service-to-other” activities has made the Solar Warden program the
most suitable candidate for a powerful new group of highly evolved extraterrestrials that has allegedly entered
into our solar system which has significantly changed the dynamic between rival space programs, and their
respective relations with visiting extraterrestrial civilizations and older ancient human space programs.
The “Sphere Alliance,” according to Corey, directly deals only with the Solar Warden program among the five
“modern” space programs; and is seeking to assist humanity in a series of conferences whereby private citizens
meet secret space program representatives in a secure environment. The second of these exodiplomacy
conferences occurred on April 5 according to Corey, the details of which he says he will soon announce.
As described in my earlier summary article, there is no concrete evidence substantiating Corey’s controversial
testimony. His responsiveness to people’s questions, attention to detail and consistency helps raise confidence
in the veracity of his claims. I have found his willingness to promptly respond to people’s questions, including
my own, a clear sign of his sincerity. More importantly, his decision to have his identity revealed in upcoming
video interviews with David Wilcock suggests he is willing to stand great public scrutiny at great personal and
professional cost. Wilcock recently explained his own rigorous screening efforts regarding Corey’s testimony
and that he found nothing awry. Wilcock went as far concluding the he “can personally vouch for the
authenticity of his [Corey’s] information.” That’s quite an endorsement from someone who has for over
two decades been working with an extensive number of whistleblowers and researchers.
Given Corey’s claim that he was age and time-regressed in his earlier service with the secret space program, it’s
unlikely that any hard evidence or documentation will be found to corroborate his prior covert space service.
However, his more recent claims of being physically taken to conferences organized by the Sphere Alliance can
be verified if other attendees step forward. So far none of the alleged 70 other private individuals attending the
first confernece have come forward. That may change, especially as more conference events are held.
The complexity of the narrative Corey has developed about Earth’s secret space program(s) and breakaway
civilization(s) appeals to some, but raises red flags for others. A common psychological warfare tool is to mix
lots of false information with genuine information to hide the truth in plain sight. Indeed, Gordon Duff, founder
of the popular website Veterans Today, claims that as much as 40% of the information released about the secret
space program, is disinformation designed to protect sources and methods.
Is Corey’s testimony part of an elaborate psychological warfare operation; or is he revealing the truth about
genuine unfolding events involving multiple secret space programs and extraterrestrial visitors? Those that have
met and communicated with Corey are impressed by his sincerity and willingness to expose himself to criticism
by stepping forward. The information Corey has released so far is consistent with what other whisteblowers
have revealed as Wilcock has concluded. The level of information that Corey has released certainly has the
potential of transforming life as we know it on the planet. Will his information stand the test of public scrutiny
as his identity is revealed and due diligence is conducted on his claims? Hopefully the following email
exchange will help the reader begin their own journey in assessing the veracity of Corey’s claims.
© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice
Corey “GoodETxSG” aka “Luke”
Twitter: @BlueAvians
Attached Files
T13D7 Secret space programs more complex than previously revealed.pdf 380.22KB 23 downloads
#92367 DISCLOSURE 2015 - Dr Michael Salla & Corey Goode
Posted by DAR on 20 June 2015 - 07:07 AM in Return of The Gods
 In your April 6 summary of “the most recent SSP Alliance conference”, you said that you visited three
facilities to share information about the Sphere Alliance beings with rank and file warrior members of SSP
Alliance, they appeared skeptical of the “hippy love” message of the Sphere Alliance. Is this an attitude shared
by the ancient human space program personnel?
NO. The Ancient Breakaway Groups are very connected to the “Universal Mind” (Akashic Records), The Law
of One philosophies and the true Physics Nature of the universe as well as the way Densities and the completely
different topic of Dimensions and Realities Work. They were very quiet and seemed to “Sit Back” and observe
the current era SSP’s and Secret Earth Governments as have the “3/4th and 4/5th Density Off-World Groups”
who also have been figuring things out fairly quickly. Some of these “Off-World” groups (Draco/Orion &
Others) have shown recently that they are willing to sacrifice some of their own lower caste as well as ALL of
their “Elite Human Following On Earth” in exchange for clemency and to be allowed to leave Earth and the
“Outer Barrier” of the Sol System. They have made these “Direct Offers” in the forms of “Petitions” to the
Sphere Being Alliance and have been denied! Some in the “SSP Alliance” (and recent “Defectors” who have
joined) thought this would be a “Win/Win” situation and were not at all happy while “Others” in the SSP
Alliance were very much behind the decision.
You may understand more after the explanation of the MILAB Training I gave above (and quite a lot of the
horrible parts I left out) why the “SSP Alliance Rank and File Soldiers” had some problems with the
information after being “Fully Briefed” on the Sphere Beings and the “Blue Avians”. As I stated in the report
you mention above [see Part 1] most if not all of these personnel have been drafted through the MILAB
Programs. One of the larger MILAB Programs in particular (I mention quite a list of their Project names on my
Web Site/Blog) is “Project Blue Bird.” The available data you may find states this was a short program during
the 1950’s and was closed shortly after that time period. This program not only kept going but broadened in
scope and is current.
The personnel who had come from “Project Bluebird” were having a very difficult time dealing with the
existence of the “Blue Avians” after the briefing. Some of them were “Triggered” and there were some very
unpleasant incidents of which I ended up directly intervening in at one of the locations. These people
remembered their “MILAB Years” and when I was sent to meet with them all asked the same question after
they verified that I was also a former “MILAB Project Bluebird” member/victim… Their question was (I will
clean this up for readers by using the word “Frack”) “Sir, Is This Another Mind Frack?” I heard this same
question over and over. Once I had described these beings and some of the other SSP Alliance who had
witnessed them described them and I delivered “Their Message” the triggers seems to be “Defused” at once and
the word spread and they have all been acting quite a bit differently.
There are a few people that are working directly for “Cabal/Illuminati Disinformation Cells” down here on
Earth and on the Internet that have started “Blogs” and other followings on Forums stating that the “Sphere
Being Alliance” and the “Blue Avians” are a giant “PSYOP” and using very clever mixed information they
have stolen and meshed together from “The Hidden Hand”, “The Law Of One” and the “SETH” materials. This
last bit of information will give them some more fuel that they will use for their purposes but I am delivering
the information as it happened and honestly. Those who choose to fall for the clever disinformation narratives
these people are creating because they like a good story about a “Recovering Illuminati” that is their choice. We
have recently had to cut off what we used to consider “Trusted” friends and sources because of their
involvement in this disinformation campaign.
15 Apr 2015 : 00:00
  Do the ancient human space programs have a more spiritual mindset that has enabled them to remain intact
after thousands of years?
Only in a couple of cases. Sadly advanced technology and spiritual advancement do not go hand in hand.
Several of these “Ancient Breakaway Civilizations” have been VERY dishonest and have presented themselves
as “Gods” and “Aliens” from other star systems here to “Help Humanity”. They have taken advantage of people
of Earth for many thousands of years and worked with the most corrupt “Off World Groups” when is suited
their agenda and with the “Secret Earth Governments and their Syndicates” up until recent times. There seems
to have been a falling out with some of these groups and the Secret Earth Governments because they are trying
to trick others into exposing the Ancient Breakaway Groups who are pretending to be “Aliens” for what they
really are.
The Secret Earth Governments and their Syndicates are also in the process of being betrayed by their
“Custodian Gods” or “Off World Allies” who are trying to make deals to sacrifice them for the freedom of these
“Off world Groups”. These “Opposition SSP’s” and the various Secret Earth Government Syndicates are also
turning on each other at this time. They are barely holding things together at all. The “SSP Alliance” has its own
problems with cohesion as well. It is quite a mess with all groups both “Above” and “Below”. This could be the
breaking points that Humanity needs right now. The Blue Avians stated that things would get a lot tougher
before they improve not only because of the nature of “Full Disclosure” and the revelation of the Crimes against
Humanity, but also because Humanity needs to have some karmic releases and experience some hard lessons
that will stick in our genetic memories that will prevent us from repeating these historical cycles once we are
free from manipulation and control by the “Custodian Alien Races/Gods” and their Human Control Systems,
the “Secret Earth Government’s, Their Syndicates and the “Babylonian Money Magic Slave System” that have
almost always been in place. We will then be responsible for our own futures. I cannot think of a better
foundation to start that future off on that that of their Message. To become “More Loving”, To Daily work on
becoming “More Service To Others”, To practice “Forgiveness” (To release karma) and to focus on “Raising
our Vibrations and Consciousness”. I do not see a down side to this message personally.
15 Apr 2015 : 00:00
  Can you tell us more about the people of the Mayan Secret Space Program?
I loved every moment I spent in their company.
They are very spiritually, Mentally and technologically advanced. They constantly had smiles on their faces and
wore sky blue “Priestly” type uniforms/garb and wore “hats” that also looked priestly. They were short around
5’2″ to 5’5″ tall. I thought to myself that they looked like the “Umpaloompa’s” from the recent “Charlie and the
Chocolate Factory” with Johnny Depp. When I thought this to myself they looked at each other and were
amused at what I was “Thinking”. When I became embarrassed they smiled even bigger. (Look up the depiction
of or the actor that played the “Umpaloompa’s” on that movie to see the actors face and skin color. It was very
Their technology was all neurologically interfaced technology and was very impressive. The device they used to
assist me in the the removing of the “Pain” and “Negative Energy Associations” with certain very dark
memories was interesting. It was what they called a “Halo” and looked like it was made of “Gold” but was light
as a feather. When they put in on top of my head is “Sucked” to my skull/scalp like my head was a magnet. And
they looked at a floating console and they never touched but interacted with mentally. As I mentioned, and this
was very interesting to me… Their “Vessel” was a “Giant Cylinder that was made of a Thick and Highly
Polished Stone”. The inside of the Vessel was also the same highly polished stone (The floors, walls and
ceilings). I didn’t see any windows and was told “They do not need them”.
They were of great service to me and I am told they have been brought in to assist many of the Humans who
have been “Recovered” from Bases and even from slavery in other solar systems. There are secret locations in
other Sol Systems that have colonies for these humans to recover as they will not be able to reintegrate with our
society anytime soon. This group has assisted them greatly. Many assume that they are “Aliens” that are
assisting former Human Slaves. These people just do not have the full facts.
15 Apr 2015 : 00:00
  The Blue Avians stated that things would get a lot tougher before they improve?
I have no direct information on what these hard lessons will be other than the truths behind full disclosure and
our true histories and all of the dark info that accompanies that process... I am certain there is much more to it
than this but I just do not know what it is at this point.
14 Apr 2015 : 00:00
  You mentioned that they used a kind of sign language to somehow communicate their thoughts?
I know my Native American ancestors would use a basic sign language to communicate with other "tribes" of
other languages when they met for trade or other reasons. The Native "sign" was universal and all the nations
understood what was being said. There was a sign language being used in one of the "UN-type" ET Federation
Conferences that all seemed to know (was very basic and reminded me very much of Native American sign).
The Blue Avians do "Hand Gestures" when they communicate telepathically to each other and to me. The hand
is held up in the "hello" or waving position and the hand and fingers open and close and move around as they
09 Apr 2015 : 00:00
  Do the 6,7,8 and 9th density being also have a problem with AI?
No, none of the current threats to any of us, or the "Other Beings" (3/4th & 4/5th D) are threats to the beings in
the 6D realms...
They do not use any technology as we know it (all done through thought/consciousness/vibratory) at all nor is
AI present on their plane of existence...Even the "Spheres" are not a technology by our standards and
perceptions but were described at the LOC meeting as "devices" being the closest things we could understand..
Tags: AI
08 Apr 2015 : 00:00
  Can you explain about shared consciousness and what some call the 'Hive Mind'?
As far as the continued use of the phrase "Hive Mind" to describe what occurs after 4D also offers credence to
how the current 3/4D minds cannot wrap around certain concepts. Insectoid Groups of Beings have "Hive Mind
Complexes" as do some other Alien Groups. The Blue Avians stated this was going to be one of the biggest
things to overcome... Established and Firmly Ensconced "Belief Systems" and "Reality Bubbles"...
WE already have a Shared Consciousness... We use it unwittingly to co-create our reality every moment of
everyday. It is an extremely powerful thing that we are learning how to connect with more and more as time
goes by. We are so undeveloped and segmented (By Ego's and 3D Programming) that we are at the bottom of
the "Totem Pole" (So to speak) of our "Higher Selves" connection to that shared consciousness.
The more we evolve into higher densities the more we will naturally have access to this shared consciousness.
Notice I say "WE" as in "Humans" just as "We" is used in other situations but not interpreted as "WE" equalling
"All being one hive group". If a certain racial group were to say "WE" or "THEY" in this current environment it
would not go over so well.
We already have access to the Universal Mind and Our Joint Consciousness as a species. Some people are more
evolved spiritually already and are further up the spectrum and are already fully 4D. Being so "attached" to ones
"Ego" is not going to allow them to expand and grow spiritually and certainly will prevent them from becoming
highly "Service to Others".
The "higher density beings" I have met have "Individual Names" and "Individual Personalities" and "Individual
Thoughts"... They have "Access to their Shared Consciousness" on a complete scale compared to where we are.
There are no lies or secrets between them nor need there be (It is a state of "Being" that we cannot comprehend
yet let alone judge). This is the natural process of how beings progress through the densities as they evolve
spiritually... It will happen to everyone eventually but not before you are ready for it.
Already established belief systems and perceptions (POV's) can be a hinderance as much as they can be an
anchor is stormy times. I read someone state an open mind is like a parachute... I agree, though we need to use
If this does not "Jive" with your current "Reality Bubble" or "Belief System" then it is something that should be
ignored fully by such a person. I do think it is responsible to characterize things improperly and that it is a bit
prejudiced to state that a higher density shared consciousness is the same as a "Hive Mind" out of preconceived
ideas or ignorance of what "Consciousness" is. The only limitations on "Consciousness" are the ones we impose
on it our of our own perceptions and programming from our time (Some say many life times) in this 3D
Completely IMHO,
Tags: consciousness
02 Apr 2015 : 02:00
  Are the Avians / Sphere Beings are of the Central Race?
No, They are not what has been referred to as "The Central Race". They do not come from a Star System
or Star Cluster within our Density or "Reality". These beings come from the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th Density Realm
that is not through a stargate, dimensional rift or out of phase star system. Their "Reality" or Density/Realm is
on another plane of existence than our own. From what I have been told what has been referred to as "The
Central Race" is a 4th/5th Density group that is much closer to our 3rd/4th Density "Reality" and they still
depend on Technology. The Sphere Beings are apart of a "Confederation of Higher Density Beings" who are
being of Service to Others and assisting lower vibrational/density beings in their "Transitions" to the higher
vibrations/densities. I have received all kinds of emails stating they are the "Velon", "Annunaki" and
"Reptilians" that are "Masquerading as Angels" or are known 4th/5th D Groups that are traveling here from the
Central part of our Galaxy on behest of the "13" to assist "US" in breaking free from the "Custodian
Gods/Aliens" who have ruled and manipulated our existence for melinea... I want to be very clear and go on
record that the Sphere Beings have communicated to me that this is not the case and they are not only not
affiliated with these other groups mentioned but have "Refused All Communication Attempts" from these
groups as well as "Various Human Groups". Thank you for giving me an opportunity to clear this up once and
for all... Hopefully.
Tags: central race annunaki
02 Apr 2015 : 02:00
  David Wilcock says that the Blue Avians appear to be the same Ra that delivered the "Law of One"?
Comment by dwilcock on March 3, 2015 @ 3:16 am
No one is asking anyone to give their power away.
The Blue Avians appear to be the same Ra that delivered the Law of One.
They started out as a positive source — which were drawn as the hawk-headed “Gods” well after they left —
and were quickly misconstrued as negative.
They repeatedly say in the Law of One that the hawk is their symbol.
Yes. he has been convinced for some time now of this. He has been a Law of One Scholar for 20 Years and
actually lived with Carla in the house at L/L for 6 Years "Living" the Law of One. We have had quite a few
discussions about this topic...
It has only been very recently that after the Blue Avians wanted me to work with him (By name) and he
has pointed out quite a lot of amazing synchronicities that I have become "Open Minded" about the
possibility of this being possible. (Yes I used "Possible" Twice in the same sentence on purpose ). (So much
more than I have been able to write about, more experiences than have been reported but will be covered in
future interviews... DW records all of our audio/video online discussions (MANY MANY HOURS) and they
are time stamped and there is an amazing amount of data that I am just unable to transcribe w/my current
hand/forearm injury and the limitations that imposes. The information has been recorded though..)
DW knew of my preconceived idea's on Channeling after what I had observed in the "Programs" and I too had
to begin to practice what I was telling others. To be open minded to all of this information yet use my
discernment and not just jump on board with something because it sounds good.
This has been a major journey for me personally and I being very much a fallible Human Being am still
working on myself and things I need to deal with to "Let Go" and "Forgive" to allow myself to "Release some
Karma" and continue to try to raise my Vibration and Consciousness more and more on a daily basis. This is
quite a challenge for anyone, those who make it sound like a lazy do nothing approach do not want to shine the
spot light inward and do the hardest work IMHO.
As I say in the Video that will be released, I was raised a Christian, and even though I had crazy MILAB/ET
Federation and later SSP Experiences many of us who have a root belief system really have to open our minds
and work hard to reconcile some of this information to try to make sense of it.
I do not fault those who are not ready or willing to believe it. To be honest, if I had not experienced the
life I have and some random guy on the Internet claimed to be talking to 8-9 Foot Tall 6th - 9th Density
Blue Bird Beings... I would probably react very harshly.
Especially if I was not "Awake" on any level and spent all of my existence inside the the Babylonian Money
Magik Slave System and Watching the "Brain Washing Box" (TV) All Evening once I got home from my 9
hours of work and driving in traffic... I do think about those who are living in that paradigm and how difficult
things are going to be after the series of "Events" occur that lead to the destruction of their perceived reality and
then the time of reeducation and being told the true history of our species and civilization... I said it before,
"Ignorance is bliss... Until its not!".
Tags: Law of One Ra
02 Apr 2015 : 02:00
  Why is there a kind of lock down in effect preventing even some of our own SSP Programs from "Coming
or Going" as they wish?
There has been a Stealth Civil War going on for some time between the various SSP's (Dark Fleet,
Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate's and the "Solar Warden" Components) as well as the hand full of
Ancient Break Away Civilizations of Earth and Each of the "Off World Groups" they are "Allied With".
The Sphere's have been entering into the Sol System from 2 directions ("Through our Sol" & from "Outside our
Sol System") and remaining "Cloaked" in what has appeared an "Observation Mode" for some time. Recently
more and more of these Spheres have arrived in 3 sizes so far observed (One of which is the size of Jupiter
1/1000 the size of the Sol).
Very recently these Sphere beings have showing themselves to certain people on Earth and meeting with
Human Allies in the SSP that has aligned itself with them and their allies.
All that being said, WHY are they preventing the "CABAL Type Human Break Away Groups" from leaving
Earth (Escaping?) or their "Off World Allies" that are based on or around Earth as well?
It seems that a wide net has been cast around our Sol System and in particular Earth to make sure that
"Everyone" is present for the upcoming "Event's" what ever they may be.
Tags: cabal
01 Apr 2015 : 02:00
  Are these beings a type of species which exists outside of time and space as we know it?
Yes, They have made it known that time is something that they do not experience as we do. They are from
another reality so to speak when we refer to a 6th - 9th Density existence. Time/Space and Space/Time on that
level are not manifested by their shared/co-creative consciousness complexes. That is as close as I can come to
explaining it for our 3/4 D minds to even begin to try to comprehend.
Tags: time/space
01 Apr 2015 : 02:00
  Do they cross dimensions?
Yes, they exist on a higher vibrational plane than we do. Since ALL "Matter, Energy & Thought
(Consciousness) are just "States of Vibration". The 3/4D "Solid States" that they have chosen to take (Color,
Humanoid/Avian Form etc...) have to do with the the spectrum of their Density (Blue/Indigo) and their physical
appearance seems to have a symbolic meaning as well as elicit a long embedded psychological reaction from
01 Apr 2015 : 02:00
  If they do exist in our localized galaxy - our "dimension" - then "where" would they hail from?
If you think of our Galaxy as a "9 Layer Dip" and we are on the 3rd layer they would be on the 6th - 9th layers.
They exist within (Sort of) the the Galaxy while being completely separate and not visible or tangible to us.
This is something that most of us are not going to be able to wrap our minds around (Not to insult anyone's
intelligence) and we need to not get too lost in the details IMHO.
01 Apr 2015 : 02:00
  If they actually exist as individualized beings who hail from a planetary consciousness naturally - would we
even be able to "see" their world or do they exist in another space-time/phase that is out of sync with our own?
No, this is not consistent with how I understand the way they exist as a higher density group of beings. This
description is very much a 3/4 D "Distortion" and "Overlay" of our concepts and existence on top of what is in
reality a much different existence on "Higher Density Realms".
01 Apr 2015 : 02:00
  Is their "touchy" physicality their natural state? And by the way, what do you mean by "touchy"? Is their
physical state aided by some external technology or has their physical evolution enabled them to modify their
form unaided?
During a communication when I was physically present with "Raw-Tear-Eir" it (No Gender) put it's hand on my
forearm while communicating to me that I needed to stop focusing on my negative traits. This was when I was
trying desperately to get out of doing any of this and giving excuses that I was an Introvert, was NOT a good
Public Speaker and had a "Weak Speaking Voice". Their hand felt solid and a bit "Soft and Powdery". It was a
"Physical Encounter".
01 Apr 2015 : 02:00
  What can we do to aid the sphere beings, and the changes we wish to see take place on Earth?
I know this sounds simple but I assure you it is the hardest thing you will ever try to attempt. Their message of
making the changes "Within" yourself in order to greatly affect the World in a Positive Way! "They" have
communicated that the more of us that follow this "Message" or "Plan" the more we "Rob" the negative entities
of the "Emotional Energy" that they "Vampire" off of us to nourish themselves. They stated as the "Change"
occurs in our Sol System and the "Vibratory Energy Raises" the "Entity Attachments" that are attached to so
many of us will be "Driven Out Of Our Realm" and flee back to "The Realm They Have Come From". These
"Entity Attachments" that use people as "Hosts" and drive them to act so negatively to cause "Fear", "Hate", and
all of the other "Lower Vibratory Emotions" from their emotional victims "Share" share some of the "Loesche
Energy" with their "Host" Humans. When these dark entities are "Driven Back To Their Realms" they will
leave their former Hosts writhing and withdrawing from their addiction of this "Energy" like Heroin Addicts.
These "Entity Attachments" are also present in other Alien Beings and are used as "Tools" by some of these
other Alien Beings as control mechanisms against Humanity. This is just one of many dirty secrets of our
existence... SO, TO THE "HIPPY LOVE AND GOLDEN RULE MESSAGE" that the Sphere Beings are trying
to get us to focus on. The MORE each of us FOCUS EACH DAY on raising our "Consciousness", becoming
more "Service To Others", "Loving" and learn to "Forgive" (Which will nullify much negative Karma)... Once
we are able to do this we will begin to rob these beings of this energy. We will begin to "Tip The Scales" in the
direction of "LOVE" and away from "FEAR". This is not an easy path I assure you. I have been stumbling
around like a newborn trying to practice what "They" want me to preach. They have also stated that it is very
important to treat our current vessels (Bodies) like temples and to go on a "High Vibrational Diet" and to cut out
the weaponized food that is apart of most of our everyday staple... Wow right? Is that all I have to do? It is a tall
order for anyone IMHO.
Some very interesting times are coming very soon. If you are not in touch with your "Discernment Filter" now
then this is something that each of you should begin to do through what ever belief system you embrace. Pray,
Meditate or use your Intellect to get back in touch with that ability we were ALL born with but ALL were at
least attempted to become separated from by TPTB. There are a lot of deceptive and self serving agenda's out
there as we all know. They are going to attempt to muddy up the waters as much as possible for all of us in the
coming months.
Good luck to us all in sifting through all of this information and the information of others with competing
agendas who are all seeking to expand your consciousness in one direction or another for both Positive and
Negative Agendas...
01 Apr 2015 : 02:00
  For those that are Targeted Individuals, by Neg ET, AIs, Black Ops, etc. Is there any effective, permanent
way for them to stop the attacks etc that are being done against their will, without permission, consent etc?
I am not really sure what to say,
Even though I have some level of protection I have been "Picked Up" by a Couple Black Op's Groups and
"Questioned" about the material I have been releasing and also about how my "Service File" has had huge area's
of information removed (It is not supposed to be possible). They asked me if I remembered serving under
anyone that would have the ability to do that for me. They had never seen anything like it, and if this person
trained me in the "Scattering Technique" that I used on several RV'ers/RI'ers that they had looking into me.
They didn't harm me and returned me home.
This was 3 days after we saw the "Triangle Craft" above our house in the back yard that I reported in the Q and
A on PA...
I know I can use my "Scattering Technique" (Technique used by RV/RI to protect "Facilities/Bases" from
Remote Viewers, to "Scatter their thoughts or presence. "Program RV'ers" often call them "Those who Scatter")
against "Etheric Intrusion or Attacks" but not against Physical Encounters.
Unless they are prevented from doing this by another "Group" then it is going to happen. I am told that if it is an
ongoing program that on some level you are in agreement on a free will level that you may not be aware of. I
know it sounds unacceptable but that is what is said. Sorry I do not have any wooden crosses or silver bullets to
give you.
Sometimes it is what it is. If you are a MILAB and get in contact with someone like James Bartley they can
often find a way to end some of this. I know they have done so with others in the past. I just do not know how it
is done. You may think about looking into contacting him or Eve Lorgen. Tell them I sent you. I have talked
with James for years and he is a good and trustworthy soul (Honorable Man, IMHO).
Good Luck!
Tags: remote viewing
31 Mar 2015 : 02:00
  Can our astral bodies be abducted while our 3D bodies remain where they are?
There are off world beings that often pull people out in "Astral Abductions" (For a wide range of reason's both
positive and negative). I have had this done to me when I was younger as well as heard others report this to their
superiors (We were always supposed to report anything that was out of the ordinary in this very unordinary
job). After reporting this kind of thing you would be taken off duty and put through quite a bit of tests and
scan's before returning to duty.
Tags: astral
31 Mar 2015 : 02:00
  What is the Sphere Being/Allie Beings/SSP Allied Ultimate Agenda?
I am not going to speculate on the full details that I have not been deemed to have a "Need to Know", but I think
it is becoming more and more obvious to those with eyes to see.
It shouldn't take too long for these recent changes to begin to have an affect down here on the surface where
everything is very much still in control of those who are trying to flee right now. I was told that we shouldn't
expect to be spared turmoil by off world beings. That we as Humans have been under control for so long and
have been in a cycle of repeating history for so long that we will need to have a shocking series of events down
here for us to have a sort of "Genetic Memory" that will prevent us from doing so in the future once we are on
our own two feet and not being controlled by any "Alien or AI Gods"...
Whether true or not I have a feeling we will find out with in a short time. The "Cabal Groups" are in panic mode
and are already in a separate battle over Earths Financial Control System (AKA Babylonian Money Magic
Slave System) against BRIC's AKA "The Alliance". I do not personally see how BRIC's is going to be that
much better if any than what was in place before it as long as a Financial Control System is in place (IMHO).
Tags: cabal
10 Feb 2015 : 02:00
  Who created us?
In just one of the "UN Type Federations" that was the Human Types of "Off World" Beings Only there were 22
Groups with 22 competing Claims of creating the "Current Human Species".
It was all quite confusing for the scientists as all of them had offered scientific proof of their genetic coding and
manipulation. It was obvious that there was a base humanoid being that had been augmented genetically for
many thousands of years by many groups (Much more than the 22 present at this one Conference, Some were
Off World Groups that were said to "Not Exist Anymore").
This is confusing enough before you start to add the other information from the "VERY Non Human Types of
Off World Groups" who had their own "UN Types of Federations" that were attended and presented the very
same data.
In the end it was really decided it didn't matter who all had tinkered with our gene's or contributed their own
genes to our own. We were a distinct and different species and had developed an extremely "Wide Spectrum of
Emotional, Spiritual and Consciousness" Abilities that These beings were "Jealous Of" (Many were now
attempting to splice them into their own genome) and afraid of us realizing our full potential of. This was also
true of the "Secret Earth Governments/Groups" who worked to keep us ignorant of our abilities and dumbed us
down and continue to do so. They use our "Co-Creative Abilities of Shared Consciousness" against us using it
as the basis of their "Magic" in some cases and as weapons against their enemies in other cases.
They will do anything to keep us ignorant of these abilities and to keep us from developing them. Right now
Consciousness is rising faster than they can keep up with in the general population and they have been
considering very drastic measures to knocking it back "Down" as many of you have heard stories of... The
boggy may stories of the Illuminati are based on a lot of these plans and actual idea's to reduce population and
cause mass chaos to cause us to go into survival mode and stop paying attention to all of this consciousness and
spiritual enlightenment information that is seeping through out the minds of humanity because of their closer
connections to their higher selves (Most people are not even aware of what is going on or that they are more
connected to a higher self as the "Dumbing Down Campaign" has been pervasive).
25 Nov 1973 : 02:00
Which agency/program first identified you with intuitive empath abilities and began training you for eventual
recruitment into a SSP?
I was identified as an “intuitive empath” extremely early on in the MILAB Programs. I was no older than 6
years old when I first heard this term used in relationship to myself. Quite a lot of standardized testing,
psychological testing, physical testing, psychic testing and various types of “scenario testing” were used to
identify my natural “talents” and “other abilities” that could be “enhanced”. I am sure it was at that early time
that these “people” (mostly sociopaths) that ran these “programs” began to see the patterns in our dossiers that
would determine if we would be further trained to be “drafted” into the “secret space programs”, the “secret
earth government syndicates/groups, specialized military forces or “other programs”. I do not know at what
point I was identified as a candidate for the SSP programs or the “Earth Delegate IE Support Roles”. It is clear
that children with special abilities such as “star seeds” were actively sought out. They often used the
“standardized testing” in the public school systems to help them identify these children.
15 Apr 2015 : 00:00
  What can you tell us about your formal training?
My parents do not seem to have known. They are a very secretive type of family anyway with one side of the
family that refuses to answer any in-depth questions about our detailed family history or lineage for doing
family lineage tracing. I have not discussed this with them as they are very strict conservative Christians (now
in later life, not so much back then at all.). When the Videos with my Full Name and Location is released I fully
expect quite a negative reaction. Let’s just say there will never be a “Normal” Family Christmas or
Thanksgiving Dinner again. I also fully expect there to be some sort of “Intervention” to occur where I think I
have been invited over for lunch after Church and see my entire family with serious looks on their faces, the
Pastor of our local Church and a Psychiatrist (This is no joke).
15 Apr 2015 : 00:00
  When did it begin and how did your parents respond?
The training began with both “night time pickups” from my home and also when I was about in Elementary
School being taken from school in white vans and transported to the local air force base (Carswell Air force
Base at the time, now Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth) or very often closed down shopping
centers or large corporate types of buildings closer to where we lived. The school pickup’s were sporadic and
would be from 2 days a week and quite often to sometimes there would be weeks with no “field trips” what so
ever. There were normally the same 300 or so children, children of various ages present depending on where the
training occurred or what type of training was occurring. At the end of every “training session” there was
always a “chemical debriefing” where you were given a shot, you went over your training for that session and
then went through a process to be “blank-slated” and have “screen memories” implanted to replace the ones that
were removed and to cover any missing time that would cause problems with the “screen memories” and your
subconscious (which often occurred and played out in dreams).
15 Apr 2015 : 00:00
  Please explain how you graduated from your IE training?
There was no “graduation ceremony”. There was just the training and then the work. Most of the “ie” training
was “on the job” or in “simulations”. There was a lot of effort put into “enhancing” already natural “IE”
abilities, remote viewing/remote influencing training with the use of “chemicals” and “technology”. When you
were going through training you were not just being trained for one identified skill set. There was a lot of
redundancy training, weapons and tactical training among other types of survival, communications and
technical training.
There were also several types of technologies used for training. There was a “virtual reality” [VR] training that
was so “real” that you could not tell the difference or that you were “in” or “out” of a session (this technology
was used for many other things as well). A lot of psychological profiling was also done in these “VR”
environments where you would be ordered to “kill” or do other “unmentionable things” to people or animals (to
“see” how far you would go ethically). There was also combat training done in these “VR” environments. One
of the tests towards the end was for you to be able to discern whether you were in a simulation or not. There
was “in the field” training as well and the training locations were recreated in the “VR” environments. There
were also “data download” technologies where years of training and “book learning” could be directly
downloaded into your brain.
15 Apr 2015 : 00:00
  Please tell us the age you began your initial 20 year tour of duty, what year that was and anything you recall
about the contract/non-disclosure agreement you signed?
I was told up front that I would sign non-disclosure agreements and then serve 20 Years away from Earth, I
would have no contact or information of what was occurring on the planet, that at the end of my tour I would be
“age regressed” and “blank-slated” and returned to the time when I left. I was told that for doing this very
important mission that I would have a very easy life upon returning, and would have a job for life making over
6 figures with a great retirement package and would live out the rest of my life in happy ignorant bliss. None of
the above was delivered on.
I technically served almost 21 Years as I was brought in at 16/1986 for a short term program assignment prior to
being handed over to the facility on the LOC where I was then physically enhanced. I was somewhat short and
looked very young and this was advantageous for them in this first program assignment because they wanted
me to be underestimated. When I was 17 and assigned to the SSP I really began my time in. As previously
stated I was assigned to a research vessel for a little over 6 Years before being transferred to some other projects
that were at times “dark” and difficult to do.
15 Apr 2015 : 00:00
  Please explain what happened at the end of your 20 year tour of duty in terms of age regression, timeregression and being reintroduced to Earth?
I hadn’t served on board a “Vessel” for some time but had been assigned to other SSP Projects. There was a
ceremony with other SSP’s that I had never seen and then a very long debriefing under the influence of a
chemical that was injected. They then did medical tests and “Labs” while I was read a lot of information from a
standard form by a person that seemed to have it half memorized. They reminded me of an “Oath” and “Non-
disclosure” as well as my duty to those I served with and the importance of the mission. I then was asked to sign
some paperwork and was moved down a level to another medical area I had never seen. I was then sedated and
restrained for the “Age Regression” process (It was very important that we remain perfectly motionless). I was
then returned to my home where I was picked up “20 Years” earlier at almost the same time I left. I was
extremely confused, exhausted and ran a fever and remember that I stayed home and in bed sick for a couple of
days. I then returned to my “Normal” life of finishing up High School etc… I did have a growth spurt in the
summer between my Junior and Senior Year that Blew My Class Mates that I grew up with AWAY! I not only
caught up with but was now a bit taller than kids that were almost a head taller than me the year before. I was
6’1” when I graduated High School.
15 Apr 2015 : 00:00
  How does the age-regression technology work, and what is its relationship to time-regression technology?
The “age” regression occurred while under sedation and when we came out we were also at that point “time
regressed”. I was not conscious during this process and only remember going into the room and laying on the
table where card board like panels were put up around me and I was heavily restrained (as I was being sedated)
so I could not move at all as well as sedated during the process. We had to be kept perfectly still/motionless
during the “process”. That is all I recall.
Tags: age regression
15 Apr 2015 : 00:00
  You have described that the blank-slate, mind-wipe technology was not always successful, and did not work
on you. What was the policy of the SSP in such cases? Would they still honor contracts, take additional
precautions in returning people to Earth?
The “blank-slating” protocols and technologies have changed over the years to now using mainly technology.
During my time they were primarily using “Chemically Induced” with Technology assisting the process as well
as “Human intervention” using various types of developed hypnotically suggested “screen memories” and
“Triggers” in case those screen memories began to slip. They found out early on that people that were trained
heavily in the more “Esoteric” programs and who were certain “Personality Types” had a natural resistance to
the process. They also finally figured out that NOT ALL MEMORIES were contained in the brain like a hard
drive. They learned that many memories were contained in the “Energetic Field” (Soul) of a person and as they
learned more about how people remembered “Past Lives” they realized this was a problem. When you had
people that were trained in the “Esoteric” and had a strong connection to their “Higher Self” and didn’t ONLY
identify with their “Ego” erasing memories and replacing them became problematic. The only thing they could
do is “REAB” (Re-abduct) the individuals from time to time and blank-slate them again, when that proved
“Fruitless” they just had to either “Terminate” the individuals or if they were of further use in the future keep
them under close surveillance. When things became very obvious that the individuals had “Full” or “Partial
Recall” they would usually bring them back in on some level to the “Projects”. EVERYONE was promised all
kinds of things that none of the SSP Groups EVER intended on honoring. There were NO 100% College
Tuitions, There were NO easy lives of 6 figure incomes and ridiculous retirement benefits… Nothing that was
promised was delivered.
15 Apr 2015 : 00:00
  After your return to Earth after your 20 years’ service to relive 20 years now as a normal civilian, how much
could you recall of the first time-line involving your SSP service? Some or all of the memories?
I always remembered my “MILAB” experiences and some heavily fragmented SSP experiences from the very
beginning (I never “Recovered” them through regression or other processes). Because they were so disturbing I
tried to file them away for years and live a normal life with a family. I would have military people tell me on
occasions that “You know you were in Project * don’t you?” I would deny it and would not want to admit it
because not only did I know what all the programs entailed (experiences) I didn’t want to have the “MILAB
Label” and the “Stigma” that came along with it (so I tried the “outward denial” thing for a while).
15 Apr 2015 : 00:00
  Did your memories return first through dreams, intuitive flashes, or just a knowing that they were real? Did
you take any special measures to activate/regain your memories, e.g., accepting them as genuine, etc.?
With the amount of flashback dreams I was having at night and calling out in my sleep my wife knew
something was going on. At the time she was not “Awake” enough for me to even begin to discuss this stuff
with her in detail. This has changed over the last couple of years though and has been very helpful. I had all of
these memories and access to them but something was keeping me from putting them together in a contiguous
way. It was like the data was completely fragmented on my hard drive and I was able to put together about 70%
but when I tried to speak about them out loud I couldn’t. I was guided at one point to Remote View my “Light
Body” and accidentally located an “Entity” who called himself the “Gate Keeper”. Eventually being from a
Christian background I used the name of “Jesus” to cast him out as well as other “Entity Attachments” that the
“People” in the MILAB Programs and “Off World Beings” working with them had placed in me (using them as
“Tools”). At this point I was then able to fully access all of my memories and speak aloud about them all with
Christine (who recorded the first two “Interviews” with me on YouTube).
I also ended up having a detached retina about a year before this “Entity Detachment”. When I went in to have
it fixed it took 3 surgeries to fix it correctly and I was told that what I had was no different than “Astronauts
Eye” in its later stages. After the last surgery while in the recovery room I started talking to the nurses and
doctor about all kinds of bizarre things from the Space Programs (it freaked them out and it was a very
uncomfortable follow up appointment). This was in early 2013.
At that point I had Full Recall of the most upsetting and heinous parts of the programs that I had worked in. I
became so depressed that my wife was worried about me. I was then contacted by my SSP Contact and told I
would be getting help. This “Help” was from a “South American Ancient Breakaway Civilization” (mentioned
as “Mayan SSP” below [see Part 2]) that was extremely advanced. They worked with me and stated there was
no productive reason for me to have all of the evil and horrible memories of what I had taken part in and they
went through a process of “Disassociating” those memories from my “soul complex” on a case by case basis
under my free will. I still have memories of what they were about but not the horrible emotional attachments or
some of the vivid details that were tied to the acts. This allowed me to be productive again and to forgive myself
for the things that I had taken part in. It also allowed me to move forward and take part in further contact with
the Blue Avians that they had initiated with me a briefly a couple of years prior. After that point things bloomed
to where they are today.
15 Apr 2015 : 00:00
  Was there any kind of temporal constraints in terms of not being able to remember events that would occur
in the future from the perspective of your new time-line as a private civilian?
There was no chance of coming back with stock market data, lottery numbers or sports scores from all the big
games through the year 2006 (though I am certain the Elite have done this). We were not “Blank Slated” on a
regular basis. However OPSEC measures were in place. There were no communications from Earth (no one
knew you were gone), No News Reports, No phone calls, no emails (didn’t exist “On Earth” when we “Left”),
No Internet. We were totally isolated in our own “Reality Bubbles”. We didn’t even have photos of family
hanging anywhere. We accepted a new existence outside of the space/time of Earth. So at the end of the “Tour”
there was no compromising information. We ALL knew we were to be “Blank-Slated”, Time-Regressed to our
prior state and supposedly “Well Compensated” for it with “6 Figure Jobs” and “Full Rides to College”….
15 Apr 2015 : 00:00
Attached Files
SPHERE BEING ALLIANCE FAQs Part 1.pdf 184.65KB 45 downloads
#92370 Return of the GODS: RANTS on Topics HERE
Posted by DAR on 20 June 2015 - 12:59 PM in Return of The Gods
THREAD: DISCLOSURE 2015 - Dr Michael Salla & Corey Goode
WHY a response is warranted when a snipe comment or innuendo has caused distraction on a
Many times a casual researcher who does not have time to read the material will take an authority figure or
important poster comment as a point of reference. These persons then have the ability to post on other forums
or face-book pages and skew the material with a comment with “indications are because this person said
so”….. is enough to sway the young or new audience!
Just who is he?
The Exopolitics Institute is a 501 © (3) non-profit educational organization dedicated to the study, promotion
and support of exopolitics. Exopolitics is defined as an interdisciplinary scientific field, with its roots in the
political sciences, that focuses on research, education and public policy with regard to the actors, institutions
and processes, associated with extraterrestrial life, as well as the wide range of implications this entails through
public advocacy and newly emerging paradigms.
His background in the field of UFOs and off world engagements spans over 20 years. He has brought together
some of the brightest minds and experiencers’ in the EXO-POLITICAL Realm.
His INFORMATIONAL INSTITUTE SITE does not post information lightly! They are very careful to not
mislead the easily uninformed public.
Board of Directors
Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.
President and Founder of the Exopolitics Institute. He is author of Exposing U.S. Government Policy on
Extraterrestrial Life (Exopolitics Institute, 2009) and Exopolitics: Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial
Presence (Dandelion Books, 2004) and founder of the popular website: Exopolitics.Org. He has held full time
academic appointments at the Australian National University, and American University, Washington DC. He
has a PhD in Government from the University of Queensland and an MA in Philosophy from the University of
Melbourne, Australia. During his professional academic career, he was best known for organizing a series of
citizen diplomacy initiatives for the East Timor conflict that received large financial grants from the United
States Institute of Peace and the Ford Foundation. He is currently a resident of Hawaii. For more information
click here.
Paola Harris, M.Ed.
Paola Harris did the first interview on CoasttoCoastam with Charles Hall
Regarding the Tall Whites
An Italo-American photojournalist and investigative reporter in the field of extraterrestrial related phenomena
research. She has studied extraterrestrial related phenomena since 1979 and is on personal terms with many of
the leading researchers in the field. From 1980-1986 she assisted Dr. J. Allen Hynek with his UFO
investigations and has interviewed many top military witnesses concerning their involvement in the government
truth embargo. In 1997, Ms. Harris met and interviewed Col. Philip Corso in Roswell, New Mexico and became
a personal friend and confidante. She was instrumental in having his book The Day After Roswell, for which
she wrote the preface, translated into Italian. She returned to Roswell in the summer of 2003 for the American
debut of her book, Connecting the Dots…making sense of the UFO Phenomena (Granite Press). Paola has
consulted with many researchers about the best avenues for planetary disclosure with emphasis on the “big
picture” and stressing the historical connection. She is a close friend of Monsignore Padre Corrado Balducci
and assisted in filming the Italian witnesses, including the Monsignore, for the Disclosure Project for the May 9,
2001 press conference. She was instrumental in bringing to Italy Robert Dean, Dr. Steven Greer, Linda Moulton
Howe, Dr. Richard Boylan, Russell Targ, Travis Walton, Derrell Sims, Helmut Lamner, Michael Lindemann,
Nick Pope, Bill Hamilton, Carlos Diaz and Dr. John Mack. Her new non-profit association, Starworks Italia,
will continue to bring speakers to Italy and promote disclosure and exo-political dialogue world-wide. She has
been a speaker on many radio shows and conferences in Italy, San Marino, Belgium and Germany, and has
appeared many times on Italian TV. She has written for Nexus, UFO Magazine, Notizario UFO and Dossier
Alieni, among others publications. Paola has a Masters degree in Education. Her principal website is: . She is the Institute’s International Director.
Neil Gould.(Hong Kong)
After Neil’s personal experiences with extraterrestrials it has become his mission to be involved with the
breaking of the media truth embargo with regard to extraterrestrials and their ongoing interaction with the planet
Earth. The new world will be about free energy, better health, unlimited fresh water, no dependency on oil. In
time, a truth and reconciliation hearing will be held for all those who have been involved in the Military
Intelligence black operations. Neil has written a true account of life with ADD/ADHD, “Close Encounters of
the ADHD Kind”. Some, (not all), symptoms are misdiagnosed and are the result of implants or knowledge
capsules placed there by extraterrestrial beings, some of whom are multidimensional in nature. Neil holds a
Diploma in Exopolitics and is the creator and webmaster of Exopolitics Hongkong which disseminates
information on extraterrestrial life to Hong Kong and elsewhere in East Asia. Main website:
RICHARD C HOOGLAND (on coast to coast am)
Richard C. Hoagland you all know. A former space science museum curator, a former NASA
consultant, and -- during the historic Apollo missions to the moon -- was science advisor to
Walter Cronkite, and of course CBS News. For the last 19 years Hoagland has been leading an
outside scientific team in a critically acclaimed independent analysis of possible intelligently
designed artifacts on Mars. In the past four years he and his team’s investigators have been
quietly extended, or the investigation itself, to include over 30 years of previously hidden data
from NASA, Soviet, and Pentagon missions to the Moon.
Over three hours of stunning new information about the Secret Space Program and the greater questions of
spontaneous human evolution that are being raised for those "in the know!" Everything is reaching a climax,
both on and off-planet. The recent announcement of the hacking of all records for all US federal employees,
even the most classified, is only the latest major signpost of a coming, epic change.
As one of many examples, California's water crisis should be solvable within a matter of a few months once we
get disclosure. In fact, water could quickly become California's most profitable export, sending it to parched
regions all throughout Middle America and beyond. Multiple technologies already exist that can easily desalinate ocean water. California is right next to an ocean. There is water everywhere! What is the problem?
"Water, water everywhere, and not a drop to drink" may have been true in the pirate era, but we do have the
means to alleviate those problems today.
One of the technologies we are directly aware of will desalinate ocean water, generate free energy and produce
any element in the Periodic Table as a by-product. This technology already has the quiet support of one of the
most prestigious universities in the country. I have heard about it from more than one independent source.
On a personal level, knowing these technologies exist and that they have not been released yet is extremely
For now, I continue to be almost ridiculously over-conservative with my water usage. Days without showering
and the yellow toilet. Good thing I live alone. It is interesting to simultaneously reflect on the fact that "the
darkest hour is before the dawn," and we are far closer to it than most people could ever imagine.
We are on the verge of an epic series of disclosures that will make all other information, books, videos and
media in the UFO field seem hopelessly outdated. Everyone will be suddenly flooded with a "learning curve"
that will simultaneously be more amazing and more horrifying than they had ever imagined. Never again will
we look at the records from our current civilization the same way. In the "After Disclosure" or AD world,
everything will be very different.
Yes... we are going to need to learn some pretty upsetting things to get through this transition. However, the
positives far outweigh the emotional shock that the negatives will temporarily put us all through, as a planet and
a (hybridized) species. There are at least 40 different humanoid extraterrestrial groups that have tinkered
around with our DNA -- for many thousands of years. We have a much broader spectrum of emotions than most
other human species out there.
It is both our single greatest weakness and our most powerful strength -- once we learn how to harness its power
for the positive. Like being surrounded by a drowning ocean of "useless" sea water, once we learn the
command we have over reality, our thirst for the Beyond will be slaked.
Bottom line: there are good guys and bad guys in the universe. Both are allowed to present their messages to us.
The future we experience is the result of the choices we make. Our natural destiny is to go through moments of
quantum change -- where the ground state of reality itself, and all the assumptions that go along with it, is
fundamentally and suddenly altered. We are not protected from negativity any more than our collective free
will decides. When we act in selfish, manipulative, controlling and violent ways, that in turn allows elite
controllers to do the same things to us on a larger scale. "You are blaming ME for this problem? F- you, David!
I haven't done anything wrong! I am frickin' awesome!" Not you per se, my friend. Humanity as a collective
has created these problems. Some of them have built up from thousands of years of karmic patterns.
As I explained in The Synchronicity Key, the Edgar Cayce Readings detailed many hundreds of cases where
people were suffering debilitating karma from acts they had performed back in ancient Rome.
Examples were given including people laughing at a little girl as she got her insides ripped out by a lion in the
coliseum. Despite this being a socially-acceptable pastime for the era, any sufficiently negative emotion towards
another who is in pain and agony will generate karma.
The weirdest and most significant realization to come out of The Synchronicity Key is the fact that history keeps
looping around and around, very precisely, like the movie Groundhog Day. The precision with which this
happens is utterly astonishing. In some cases, the repetition can be timed almost down to the day in cycles
lasting 2,160 years. In the interview transcript you are about to read, I told Jimmy Church I do not consider
myself to be a smart person. That being said, figuring out how to properly investigate and write about these
cycles of history, making them understandable, is probably my headiest achievement yet.
The benevolent ETs I so often talk about in Ancient Aliens on History Channel (I am a regular, featured in over
35 episodes) seeded the "cycle numbers" in multiple cultures around the world. This area of study was so
arcane that in order to rescue it for our time, it required incredible effort -- pulling together tiny threads of data I
encountered over 20 years of time. It also is not conducive to a show like Ancient Aliens, due to its complexity,
and thus no episodes have been made about this phenomenon at this time.
Now we have a solid body of evidence that history is programmed by a greater cosmic intelligence to guide us
through an intelligently-defined "script" for spiritual enlightenment. In order to be a true Christian, it is
necessary to understand and accept the reality of reincarnation. According to the direct inheritors of the original
teachings, this was the greatest secret of Christ. The term "burn in hell" (Gehenna) really means to alleviate
(burn off) karma. The word we now call "eternity" (Aion) simply means a cycle of time. The "eternal hell" we
were warned about is not some cosmic purgatory we experience after death. It is happening now -- and the
flames are hotter than ever.
The ETs, positive or negative, are simply not allowed to make a big showing. They cannot spontaneously
decide to drop in and make an appearance on the Tonight Show. The Prime Directive is not just a theme you
hear about on Star Trek. It is an absolute law in the universe that all beings, positive and negative, must follow.
However, certain individuals can indeed receive contact directly. This is a fundamental part of how we learn the
truth, both in the past and present. Corey Goode came forward and began sharing massive amounts of intel with
me on the Secret Space Program (SSP) last October, 2014.
I wrote everything down as he was telling me. He independently verified hundreds of things I had heard from
other insiders. It was only after he decided to officially drop his pseudonym, GoodETxSG, and come forward
that he began receiving direct ET contact in the present. It has been truly surreal to hear the new updates from
him as he has been pulled into well over a dozen different off-planet meetings since that time.
A fundamental part of the "Prime Directive" is truth without proof.
The higher-level beings cannot simply reveal themselves to us. There must be a calling, where a sufficient
number of people request their help, before intervention can occur. We are truly blessed to have ongoing
"Divine Intervention" taking place. This is the only thing that has stopped the Cabal from destroying most of
our lives.
The Cabal has been very innovative in coming up with a multitude of different ways to try to kill the majority of
people on earth. One of the more upsetting and shocking ones I learned about, from three different credible
insiders, is actually called "The Zombie Program." Using advanced cloning techniques, 150 million humans
were manufactured in the US, all held in underground bases west of the Rockies, and another 100 million in
They would look more or less like ordinary people -- not what you see in the movies. The men might typically
be wearing a plaid shirt and blue jeans. However, they are given a strange infectious virus that can make them
bleed out of every orifice, including their fingernails. They are programmed to have an insatiable craving to
attack and eat other humans who do not have the infection. When normal people come in contact with the
pathogens in their blood, they will die a horrible death within 24 hours. Simply being scratched by the
fingernails from one of these beings would be enough to cause death.
The Cabal also manufactured an aerosol that could be sprayed over an area where these "zombies" were
released. It would cause their death but leave ordinary folks alone. Otherwise, the only way to effectively kill
the zombies would be to separate the brain stem from the neck, such as through beheading. The Cabal's plan
was to release this plague, bring about the deaths of millions to achieve their depopulation goals, and then shut
off the plague with the aerosol. At that point, they had intended for us to have descended into mass starvation,
rioting, anarchy and chaos, leading to martial law and internment camps (which people would flock to in fear of
"zombies.") The technology was in place to generate this "zombie apocalypse" all the way back in the 1960s.
The "Night of the Living Dead" was the first major movie to try to use social engineering to get this apocalypse
to be "authorized" by the benevolent ETs. If enough of us saw these movies and really believed that zombies
would attack us on a mass level, then thanks to the Prime Directive, the benevolent ETs would be forced to let it
The benevolent ETs have blocked the "zombie program" so effectively that it has never been allowed to occur.
Simply put, not enough people genuinely believe that zombies are real for this to ever be allowed to happen.
The Cabal is very well aware of this. They continue to crank out a tremendous amount of zombie apocalypse
films and TV shows, hoping to get another chance. Other lifeforms that do not look anywhere near as similar to
us have also been engineered with the zombie virus. The preferred design that would currently be used, if
"authorized," are little beings that look like "Greys" and are only about two feet tall. The hope was that they
could be "sneaky," run around quickly, evade capture and scratch people on the legs to cause death. In this
sense, the Cabal felt that if enough people believed in negative "Grey" ETs, the hope was that authorization
could then be granted. Again, this will never be allowed to occur. Every attempt to create mass depopulation,
both conventional and unconventional, has been thwarted.
What you just read is an example of intel I have been aware of for some time, have held on to, and said I did not
ever want to release it because it was upsetting and "fear porn." However, we are now being asked by the
Alliance to release this information in advance of a much greater "data dump" that will come our way with
It is too late for the Cabal to stop Disclosure. It is definitely going to happen.
I have been waylaid by a very busy schedule, as we will discuss, but I am definitely continuing the fight to write
articles and produce videos about all of this. I discussed the zombie program in my last talk at the recent
Contact in the Desert conference, having no idea how a live audience, including one 8-year-old child, would
Given that the kid was in the audience, certain details were definitely not shared that I might have done
otherwise. Quite to my surprise, everyone seemed perfectly OK with it. They were very grateful to finally hear
the truth, and not have me censor things I thought were too intense for us to hear.
As part of this initiative to "disclose as much as you can, as fast as you can," I did two different radio shows to
promote the then-upcoming conference. Since the conference, I had an Ancient Aliens taping that required a
great deal of study, as always. Since the taping, I have been recovering. So to review, I had the New Living
Expo event, hardly any down-time, then a major Gaiam taping of eight episodes, followed days later by the
Contact event, followed days later by Ancient Aliens, and then a big recovery period. At the same time,
"negative greeting", as defined by the Law of One series, has been taking shot after shot after shot at me. It is
difficult to keep going amidst all of this. One small but significant part of the negative greeting is that we are
getting very blatant death threats from the Cabal -- like never before. This has been coupled with a very intense
increase in the amount of hatred written about me by paid Cabal bloggers on the Internet. Again, I no longer
care about the online hate. Most of the trouble has been in dealing with personal issues and the cleansing and
healing of painful life experiences and memories.
Yes, it all sounds crazy. However, with the full scope of ET technology available to the Cabal, making
programmable clones is not at all difficult. In fact, a similar cloning program began making most of the "Greys"
that were actually doing abductions, beginning in the 1960s. Some abductions are genuinely ET-related. People
are being brought into slavery off-planet in large numbers. That is another unpleasant truth we will soon be
confronted with. The movie "Guardians of the Galaxy" was intended to help soften the blow. Supposedly there
is more than enough technology and capability in place to recover all surviving captives in the post-Disclosure
Thankfully these highly negative programs are quickly being shut down.
The negative elite have already lost. Now they are just in the final "limbo" period before it becomes public.
Rather than worrying too much about trying to prove all of this data, we have been instructed to simply release
as much of the truth as we can. This will help buffer the emotional shock and gravity of people hearing so
much of this upsetting material all at once. I have held on to the knowledge of the zombie program for at least
two years now -- but no more. That is just one of a variety of weird things there are to know.
So with all that said, I am quite pleased with both of the radio shows I did. The first one was transcribed and
submitted by an anonymous individual, beginning a half hour after I started speaking -- and was discussing my
music work. As soon as we "went deep" and got into the cosmic stuff, the transcript started. The second show
was that same Thursday with Richard Garner, entitled What in the World!, which airs on SiriusXM with a
station out of Canada entitled "Canada Talks." This appearance was very highly bizarre for me.
Fifteen minutes before airtime, I planned out a whole routine around a particular song -- "Wild World" by Cat
Stevens. I figured that if I mentioned the song, they would later play it in the show. It was utterly stupefying,
and extremely shocking, when that same song started playing as I was live on the air. By the time Richard got
me speaking, I had composed myself -- but only partly. Every hair on my arms and the back of my neck was
standing up.
Here is the brand-new show on Canada Talks / Sirius XM where you can hear my surprise in the aftermath of
this highly strange synchronicity:
Richard Garner has been a good friend of mine and an associate for years now. I appreciate the quality and
consistency of his work. Many people are out there saying they are radio show hosts, but I am very choosy
about who I work with. Richard always does a great job. We actually didn't get that much into the Secret Space
Program in this show, but I still think you will find it well worth your time. Synchronicity and mass,
spontaneous human evolution were both major topics we covered. We taped it on Tuesday, May 26th, at 12
noon California time -- and it aired on the evening of Thursday, May 28th.
This next show was taped live on Monday, May 25th, 2015 -- Memorial Day.
As I said, the transcriber did not include the first half-hour of our discussion, since it focused on "transient"
things like my jazz drumming studies and current fingerstyle guitar work. An audio version came out that had
certain large sections removed. I knew these were some of the most intense sections. It did not appear to be an
accident. It took a full two weeks for Jimmy Church's people to release a non-edited copy of the original.
I went in and restored the missing sections myself, since the transcriber was working off of the original, edited
audio. The fact that these exact sections "mysteriously" were not included in the original audio is highly
interesting once you read what I said.
The rest of the interview here:
Posted by DAR on 23 June 2015 - 11:43 AM in General Discussion
2015 Key Topic List
Started By DAR, Oct 16 2014 01:08 PM
The Illuminati - Apparently now everyone can join
Started By Orion, Jan 14 2015 12:56 AM
ORIGINS of the BlueBloods - ILAT-LITUM Tablets
Started By DAR, Apr 13 2015 12:45 PM
Started By Don Quixote, Oct 17 2011 10:00 AM
SOCHIA FAAL EXPOSED.. The lies they tell
Started By DAR, Apr 27 2015 09:34 AM
The Next Thing unveils $9 computer, CHIP
Started By DAR, May 11 2015 11:24 AM
Tools for the Light Workers
Started By DAR, Sep 28 2011 12:56 PM
Area 51 – A Tale or Truth?
Started By DAR, May 14 2015 11:48 AM
The Arrival of the White Star – The Real Story
Started By DAR, May 20 2014 10:49 AM
ROUEN RUSSIAN NEWS AGENCY Alternate News from Russia
Started By DAR, May 17 2015 09:45 AM
Started By DAR, May 21 2015 11:23 AM
Clones, Robotoids & Doubles .. THEY’RE EVERYWHERE ..
Started By DAR, May 24 2015 11:37 AM
SEA ICE – ALBEDO Feedback .. Problem ICE AGE!
Started By DAR, May 30 2015 09:50 AM
WORLD ALERT! Preston James pHd Reports
Started By DAR, May 31 2015 09:53 AM
DISCLOSURE 2015 - Dr Michael Salla & Corey Goode
Started By DAR, Jun 12 2015 12:28 PM
Return of the GODS: RANTS on Topics HERE
Started By DAR, Jun 20 2015 07:00 AM
Attached Files
DAR CHANI POSTS 2015 January - June.pdf 2.65MB 10 downloads
#92454 Current UFO (unidentified flying objects terra and non terra) You be the judge..
Posted by DAR on 23 June 2015 - 02:46 PM in THE UNEXPLAINED
Published on Mar 16, 2012
For those who wants to know the bigger...
Nikolay Viktorovich Levashov - Russia in curve mirrors Volume 1. From rus star to the profaned Russians
Russia in curve mirrors - Volume 2. Russia crucified
Svetlana Levashova O of T of K P of O B of E N of I E
For the thinking people - For thinking people
Svetlana Levashova R E V E L A T I O N
The narration about the Clear Falcon. Past and the present
Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors Vol.1
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nikolai Levashov on Bulgarian
Nikolai Levashov ir a la España
Nikolai Levashov an der Deutsche
Nikolai Levashov en France
Nikolai Levashov on English
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nikolay Viktorovich Levashov - Russia in curve mirrors Volume 1. From rus star to the profaned Russians
Russia in curve mirrors - Volume 2. Russia crucified
The narration about the Clear Falcon. Past and the present
The narration about the Clear Falcon. Past and the present
Volume 1
Volume 2
#92484 DISCLOSURE 2015 - Dr Michael Salla & Corey Goode
Posted by DAR on 24 June 2015 - 08:57 AM in Return of The Gods
Full ET disclosure plan involves document dumps & whistleblowers coming forward
Written by Dr Michael Salla on June 16, 2015. Posted in exopolitics activism, Featured
Secret space program whistleblower Corey Goode has revealed in detail the goal of an alliance of secret space
programs concerning disclosure of extraterrestrial life and technology. Goode describes the goal as a “full
disclosure event’ involving massive document dumps on a scale that overwhelms the corporate run media’s
ability to spin and limit disclosure efforts to protect elite individuals being exposed for crimes against humanity.
Goode appeals to other whistleblowers to come forward, as he has, to reveal their knowledge of secret space
From June 5-9, Goode attended a series of three meetings between different factions and alliances concerning
how much to disclose about the truth of extraterrestrial visitors and secret space programs using advanced
technologies. During his June 9 meeting with human elites he describes as the “Committee of 200” and others,
an offer was made for a “controlled disclosure”:
They stated that they had been forced through generations of mind control and threats to do all of the things that
they had done. They further stated that they would prefer to work with the Alliances in setting up a new
financial system that was fair to all of humanity and to begin a controlled disclosure that would not expose
certain crimes and incidents that would incriminate them in their life time…. Taking all of that in consideration
they proposed that a plan be agreed on that allowed the release of certain information and technologies while
withholding the majority of information for a 50 year time period.
This “controlled disclosure” offer has led to concerns and questions about the kind of disclosure that is being
planned by the “Secret Space Program Alliance” that Goode is working with. In his June 15 response to one of
these questions, he explained the goal:
A full disclosure event would consist of a major data dump on the Internet with many hundreds of thousands of
document, audio and video files on multiple mirrored sites for everyone to have access to. There would be a
collapse of the corporate media machine and a 24/7 television and radio education campaign would be
initiated .Not all channels and stations would be co-opted so people are not overwhelmed and could “tune out”
as they needed to due to the stress.
He then explains what a “partial” or “controlled disclosure” event, such as the November 2015 offer by the
Committee of 200, would entail:
If a person or group go public and reveal the existence of ET visitation and some advanced technologies, but not
technologies that would collapse a “New Financial System” or reveal the crimes against humanity that have
been perpetrated by the “Human Elite” and certain “Off World” or “Ancient Break Away Groups” then you
have not been told the whole truth.
That would be a partial disclosure where the narrative has been controlled by a group preserving their power
and avoiding the release of their crimes. The majority of the world would be shocked by this information alone
and it would occupy their imaginations for some time. Very few of us at the current moment would realize that
this was just another deception.
Goode then went on to appeal to other whistleblowers to come forward:
That is why some of us are disclosing what we are now so that other whistle blowers will come forward when
they see it is safe to do so.
If you have first-hand knowledge of a secret space program, Corey Goode makes the following request:
If you are thinking of coming forward with information and become an anonymous or open whistle blower
please Contact Myself, David Wilcock or Michael Salla to make sure you will be handled in an ETHICAL and
secure manner.
Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.
No Restriction for Free Internet Distribution
[Update 6/16/15: In an earlier version of this article I referred to a question Corey Goode responded to on his
FAQ page (Q82) about the fate of ‘Chad Johnson’, a pseudonym for an alleged Mars astronaut who claims he
was part of a “team of 3 astronauts that went to Mars on a privately funded secret mission,” and further claimed
“2 are now dead, they’re killing us to preserve the secret.” ‘Johnson’ conducted a Twitter Interview with
Morgan Kochel in Feb 2012 that raises troubling questions about the accuracy of his claims. I have attempted to
contact Morgan Kochel and Johnson seeking answers to these questions. The above article has been revised
with the removal of Johnson’s claims until satisfactory responses to the questions are received]
[Update 6/17/15: Further research and analysis of Chad Johnson’s claims have led to a new article
titled: Mission to Mars: Disinformation to Hide Secret Mining of Red Planet]
Computer hacking linked to extraterrestrial disclosure & future War Crimes trials
Global elites offer to begin limited disclosure of extraterrestrial life & technology in Nov 2015
Secret Space Program Conferences discuss full disclosure & humanity’s future
Galactic Human Slave Trade & AI threat to End with Full Disclosure of ET Life
Corporate bases on Mars and Nazi infiltration of US Secret Space Program
Nazi SS slave empire created through US secret space programs
Secret space programs more complex than previously revealed
Attached Files
T15F16 Full ET disclosure plan involves document dumps & whistleblowers coming forward +.pdf 266.51KB
#92485 DISCLOSURE 2015 - Dr Michael Salla & Corey Goode
Posted by DAR on 24 June 2015 - 09:03 AM in Return of The Gods
Mission to Mars investigates claims of slave labor at secret corporate base
Written by Dr Michael Salla on June 22, 2015. Posted in Featured
Corey Goode today released a report about an inspection tour he claims was held on Mars on June 20 that he
attended along with others from a Secret Space Program Alliance. He describes how he was first picked up
from his home by a blue/indigo sphere that belongs to a group of advanced extraterrestrial visitors called the
“Sphere Being Alliance”, which have appointed him to be their delegate at all meetings involving Earth’s secret
space programs. The sphere took Goode to a secret base on the moon called Lunar Operations Command where
he met with a Lt Colonel Gonzales, the delegate representing a Secret Space Program Alliance wanting to fully
disclose to the world the truth about extraterrestrial life and advanced technologies.
Goode describes how he and Gonzales were each assigned a security team of two Intuitive Empath (IE)
assistants (a position Goode previously held for 20 years when he served in the Solar Warden Space program
from 1987 to 2007). Goode and Gonzales were accompanied on the trip to Mars by a representative of the
Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC). The ICC evolved out of a consortium of companies such as
Lockheed Martin, Northrup Grumman, Boeing Corporations etc., that create the advanced technologies used by
the five secret space programs that emerged in the post-World War 2 era.
Goode says that the trip took 30 minutes which is longer than the few minutes it normally takes to travel to
Mars since it is currently on the opposite side of the sun. The total current distance is approximately 250 million
miles apart (~420 million km) which means that Goode’s transport shuttle averaged a staggering ¾ the speed of
light. Conventional rocket propelled craft would take up to 260 days to make the same journey.
What immediately caught my attention was what Goode said about the roof of the shuttle craft as it left the
As we lifted off and flew through the bay doors that opened we could see the surface of the moon grow distant
quickly and then the earth through the transparent panels in the walls of the vessel. We then went to speed and
the panels changed to an opaque color.
This is very similar to what Randy Cramer (aka Captain Kaye) described seeing when he was first taken to
Mars by a shuttle from Lunar Operations Command back in 1987:
Interestingly enough, the feeling inside the vehicle when he pulled out of the hangar bay and positioned himself
at whatever distance he was from the earth, whatever perfect distance they wanted so that when the visual array
came on, and the ceilings became a projection of what the vehicle was seeing in front of it. … You really had a
sense that we were all hovering in space in these chairs, staring out at Earth, getting our big look for the last
time, and it was awe-inspiring. It absolutely stands out as one of the most amazing moments in my entire life.
Goode describes the terms that had been agreed to between the representatives of the ICC and the Secret Space
Program Alliance Council for what would happen once they reached Mars:
Gonzales again told the ICC Representative that we appreciated them agreeing to the terms of allowing us to
bring the armed security, choosing the site of the conference once in orbit, the tours and allowing us to bring
one family of our choosing back with us to question and to either provide sanctuary to or allow to return to their
home colony depending on the families wishes. I sat and listened since I had not been a part of the negotiations
and hoped to overhear something new from the process.
Upon arrival at Mars, Gonzales was given by the ICC representative a list of ICC facilities on Mars in the
northern hemisphere that would be suitable for the base inspection. Gonzales instead requested a location in the
southern hemisphere which greatly concerned the ICC representative who at first denied its existence. Gonzales
insisted that the base existed according to fresh intelligence. The ICC then contacted his superiors and said it
would take an hour to prepare the base for the inspection.
If Goode’s testimony is accurate, as I believe it is, it is comforting to know that secret corporate bases on Mars
and elsewhere are being investigated by a Secret Space Program Alliance that wants to disclose slave labor
practices to the world, and launch trials against those responsible. It’s only through a full disclosure of secret
space programs that the people responsible for “crimes against humanity”can be exposed and brought to justice.
© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice
Further Reading
RESOURCE PAGE: Secret Space Programs, Sphere Being Alliance & Corey Goode Testimony
Secret Space Program Conferences discuss full disclosure & humanity’s future
Attached Files
T15F22 Mission to Mars investigates claims of slave labor at secret corporate base.pdf 235.26KB 30
#92493 Return of the GODS: RANTS on Topics HERE
Posted by DAR on 24 June 2015 - 01:06 PM in Return of The Gods
T, on 24 Jun 2015 - 11:22 AM, said:
feel the need to clarify this AGAIN
inner planets (up to and including Mars/Aries/Ajax) are under the control of the draco collective
Asteriod belt of exploded Phaethon is considered a neutral/buffer zone which WAS used on the sly by the
draco collective for mining and was the reason why draco destroyed it
outer planets fron and including Jupiter/Zeus ARE under Andromedian alliance supervision
Our solar system has been under quarantine with no draco in or out since the beggining of gradual arrival of the
Andromedian armada around the earth year of 1984
2 stable doorways exist at the North and South poles of the Heliosphere
1 portal via the Sun to Xylanthia which is activated via technical means and natural cosmic allignments
but what the fuck do I know? being non censational and a lone voice in the wilderness
one day....
I understand your view .. some thoughts..
Andromedian alliance did nothing regarding the following!
[Hands in Pocket] WATCHING!
Except in one instance the off world civilizations stood by .. to watch the earth come to an end..
BUT it did not because of one person. ONE HUMAN.
October, 1987. Thanks to his abilities, ‘THIS PERSON’ managed to ask for help the
Representatives of a highly evolved civilization to prevent the catastrophe in the sarcophagus of the
Fourth reactor of the Chernobyl nuclear plant where an out of control splitting reaction of nuclear
fuel began. A thermonuclear explosion of enormous power and the subsequent destruction of our
planet were inevitable. However, the earthmen were helped to avoid it. The fact that an enormous
spaceship hung over the reactor and emitted a cone-shaped ray into it was known to some
liquidators who worked at the site and the top party bosses of the USSR and KGB. Later a popular
soviet TV-program "Look" mentioned it too. Nevertheless, this fact continues to be hushed up until
--------December, 1987. ‘THIS PERSON’ discovered and destroyed a parasitic system on the other
levels of the planet which the social parasites established on Earth to connect millions of people to
it, without their consent and knowledge, to convert them into "batteries". The enormous system
extracted their life-force. On destroying this abomination, ‘THIS PERSON’ saved all of us from
premature old age, illnesses and agonizing death at their hands.
--------September, 1989. He liquidated a network consisting of 99 psi-generators placed in the
special power knots of our planet, which created a certain power field around it. The placement of
these astral generators in these points allowed the social parasites to suppress the will and
consciousness of people. In other words, the parasites impeded our evolutional development,
retaining us in the state of reasoning animals, simply converting us into bio-robots and at the same
time pumped out our life-force. It is of interest that with the elimination of the system of generators
which converted people into zombies, the so-called "socialistic world system" fell.
I wonder; do the ardent supporters of restoration of the USSR understand what they really
want to get back?
--------December, 1989. , ‘THIS PERSON’ restored the ozone layer of the planet which was
seriously damaged by constant launchings. As a result of , ‘THIS PERSONs’ actions the "ozone hole" over
the South Pole disappeared. The "scientific" circles declared that the ozone layer suddenly self-restored.
Oddly enough they were unwilling to ask a simple question: why it did not self-restore before.
--------January, 1990. ‘THIS PERSON’ without any request from the "mighty of the world",
liquidated the radioactive contamination in the Chernobyl area. There were no reports whatsoever
about it. At the same time the so-called "Chernobyl marathon" was organized on TV to solicit
donations from both state organizations and private persons to decontaminate the Chernobyl zone.
Dozens of millions of roubles were collected but they never reached Chernobyl. They disappeared
into the deep pockets of some representatives of the highest parasitic echelons; in other words it was
the vulgar shameless theft.
--------Summer, 1990. ‘THIS PERSON’ influenced the whole territory of the USSR in order to
increase the productivity of the crops. There were highly unfavorable weather forecasts and the
prognoses of the agricultural specialists were distressing: a considerable failure of crop, which
meant a shortage of bread and other food. But to their amazement, the harvest was considerably
greater than it was in the most productive years in the past.
--------February, 25, 1990. The "liberals" of that time were going to organize protest meetings and
bring out several hundreds of thousands of people on the streets. And the KGB planned to carry out
an operation to provoke disturbances, thus giving the opportunity to the authorities to establish
martial law in the country and begin repressions. ‘THIS PERSON’ again covered the territory of
the Soviet Union with a power shield, this time it had a program which repressed aggression,
cruelty and violence. The meetings were held without any accidents; moreover, the overall number
of crimes considerably fell. He continued to save people from provocations and bloodshed on mass
demonstrations in Moscow in 2011 and 2012.
--------January, 1992. When living in California, ‘THIS PERSON’ protected this land from the catastrophic
drought which had brought serious problems to people before his arrival in the USA. It came back
there after his return to Russia.
--------August, 2002. Still living in San Francisco, ‘THIS PERSON’ responded to the request to help
to fight the burning peat bogs near Moscow and forest fires in the Moscow and other regions of
Russia. He provoked rain there of the necessary force and duration which extinguished the fire in
the forests and peat bogs.
At the end of 2002 ‘THIS PERSON’ changed the trajectory of the second star of the Solar system by
90°. It was a neutron star called "Planet X", "Nemezida", "Planet of death", or "Nibiru" which had
to pass Earth in dangerous proximity causing the death of all living things on our planet. In other
words the space catastrophe was inevitable in 2003. After ‘THIS PERSON’ intervention Nemezida left the
limits of the Solar system for good and will never again threaten Earth.
It is of interest that today NASA boldly denies the existence of Nibiru. In particular David
Morrison, an astrobiologist and previous Director of Space at NASA Ames Research Centre, who
for 10 years answered questions in his "Ask an Astrobiologist" series on NASA's website, does that.
They say that there was no such planet either in 2003 or in 2012. But what about the planet which
was discovered in 1983 by American astronomers Thomas Van Flandern and Richard Harrington?
About what planet called Planet X in December, 1983 was The Washington Post and the Canadian
Gazette, or US News World Report in September 1984 and the British The Economist in October
1999 actually writing? The hue-and-cry then was enormous. In 2001 three observatories reported
simultaneously about seeing Planet Х – one in South America, another in Switzerland and the third
one in the USA. Later the world began to talk about the "Problem 2003". In fact, we had every
reason to call it this and to fear:
"If it be wedged between us and the Sun, then Earth will slow its rotation and stop for several
days. It will be a long day on one side of Earth and night on the other. Random chaotic "tuning" in
Nibiru’s powerful magnetic and gravitational field will change the axis of rotation of our small
planet by ¼ of its turn, the earth's crust and the waters of oceans will move, submitting to the force
of inertia. The lithospheric plates will begin to crack and crawl over each other, fountains of lava
will gush forth from the bowels of the earth. Giant waves of 30 to 40 meters will rush onto dry land.
Ice from the poles will appear in the Torrid Zone and begin to melt very quickly, and in two years
the water level will rise up to 200 meters". (Nicolai Shapovalov, The internet Newspaper № 10,
The problem was already hushed up by then.
--------All this is a consequence of Earth being controlled by parasitic forces which are unable to
solve any serious problem of this magnitude and can only lie to people, steal their money and lifeforce
and build useless underground shelters for them and their servants.
Just as it was with Nibiru in 2003, in 1929 the social parasites did nothing and hid from
people the fact that the Coalition Group of Observers (CGO) sent the third and the last appeal to
mankind offering the opportunity to join the Coalition to solve the problem of an antimatter cyclone
which inevitably was to destroy the Solar system. They gave earthmen 50 years to give their
answer. But the mighty of the world did not inform people about that. By the time ‘THIS PERSON’
received this information, it had been 10 years since the deadline given by the CGO had expired.
But he engaged in solving this problem too. And it was solved successfully!
--------Also the parasites kept silent about the enormous acid cloud 10 million miles wide which was
moving toward us, annihilating everything on its way. It was discovered by NASA’s observatory,
Chandra, in April, 2007. The cloud should have got to the Solar system by 2014 and would result in
its total wiping out. But the problem was solved by the same man – ‘THIS PERSON’ !
--------Summer, 2003. ‘THIS PERSON’ destroyed the climatic weapon which was used by the American parasites
against European countries in order to burn out the agricultural land in Europe by anomalously high
temperatures to force the European states to import and use American GM-products.
--------Summer, 2010. ‘THIS PERSON’ destroyed the climatic and tectonic weapon that was applied by the
parasites to burn Russia.
In the night from 4 to 5 of August, 2010 ‘THIS PERSON’ prevented a terrorist attack, unprecedented
in the history of humanity in its scale and perfidy. A gas chemical attack was prepared for the capital of our
Motherland as a result of which Moscow was to be left uninhabited, full of dead bodies. But the mass chemical
poisoning of the Muscovites by toxic gases was prevented! Using his knowledge and potential, ....... succeeded
in decomposing the poisoning substances and clearing the black smog – which was not just the result of burning
peat bogs. His intervention saved the lives of millions of Muscovites and prevented the inevitable disintegration
and occupation of Russia and the mass extermination of the Russians and other native people of Russia.
The CABAL after 20 years of trying finally took the life of ‘THIS PERSON’
Light Forces managed to carry out to achieve that, how many and what kind of sacrifices they
and their helpers had made and what distracting manoeuvres and other stratagems they had
accomplished and how long all this lasted to achieve that this kind of Man appeared on Earth!
The Man, who managed to protect the Big Universe from inevitable elimination; The Man
whose knowledge, labour and thought lifted Mankind’s level of potential evolving in the
to the unattainable height and showed us the real Way of endless self-perfection.
Thank you, Light Warrior and Keeper of Earth.
February 7, 2013.
Maybe now the off world civilizations will do something to prevent events as listed above
‘from happening’. Only the shadow knows!
#92494 Return of the GODS: RANTS on Topics HERE
Posted by DAR on 24 June 2015 - 01:08 PM in Return of The Gods
Above Article:
Patriot of Russia and Earth
By Elena Lyubimova
Edited by Irene Stillwell
#92531 A Controversial Matter---But wanted to share only in the Vip Board
Posted by DAR on 25 June 2015 - 11:38 AM in CHANI VIP MEMBERS BOARD
THE TRUE STORY and PDF below .. w complete background .. Thank you Phillip for the PDF
The Version Unity by your post .. mostly a great lie .. and can be proven to be such .. sorry ..
The Pane of Glass is correct .. The story is a fabrication .. by the Dark .. The true name of Jesus is
Radomir .. the truth about Radomir (Jesus Christ) crucified in 1086 AD, his real parents, his wife Mary Magdalene, his siblings, children, grandchildren .. They had one son and a daughter ..
RADOMIR WAS Rus not Jewish
Yaroslav Kesler article "Where
Jesus Christ was crucified and when Paul lived" in which the author
convincingly shows that Radomir was executed in Constantinople and
the clergy - the creators of Judeo-Christianity - tweaked the right
places in different translations of the Bible:
"... King Grad, Constantinople or Istanbul. Tsar Grad and his
bald mountain Bejkos ... - this is a place of great tragedy, opposite Gul
Gata - ie, Swedish, "Golden Gate", the place turned into a "Calvary"
for Jesus Christ. (In the same way, is also a huge tomb, which is
believed to be buried Old Testament Joshua, which in Western
versions of the New Testament is simply called Jesus , ie,
Jesus). Thus, according to the considered phrase from the Gospel of
Christ crucified Galatians-Jews in Constantinople , and was not
present in Jerusalem ... "
And further:
"... All of the above makes it more likely to argue that the Roman
church itself actually appears only in the XV. , and "Catholic" only
gets in the XVI century. New secondary Testament and canonized as
a "founding father" of the church "secondary "Apostle named Paul,
who became a self-proclaimed advocate" for and on behalf of Jesus
Christ "..."
Attached Thumbnails
Attached Files
Maria and Radomir.pdf 1.9MB 2 downloads
#92537 Trolls , Games they play & Global Warming
Posted by DAR on 25 June 2015 - 04:22 PM in Return of The Gods
Fire From The Sky
By Calvin Burgin (containing material from Hatonn)
Sep 12, 2008 - 7:14:00 PM
Candace: This book, by Calvin Burgin contains a lot of material that came through Dr. Peter Beter (what a
name!) from Hatonn, including the Jonestown Story I posted yesterday. This is absolutely fascinating. This is
about 160 pages long, and please copy and place it on your computer to read it. Share it around, it is an
extremely important story. I have read most of it, still have some yet to go.
The first half is the book, Fire From the Sky, the second half is a bunch of other stories, many in the Phoenix
Journals from Hatonn through Dr. Beter, who was busy before the Ekkers started their work.
Once you read this you will understand why Russia is what it is today. She is still far more powerful than the
US military, Nato and Israel. She now has 306 Cosmospheres. The USA had a few, but none now, all destroyed
in our worthless games. We still do have the Aurora and related craft. Russia has brought military balance to
this world, in fact is the true superpower and is using that power wisely at this time, checkmating the American
Because of Russia, there will be NO tit for tat nuclear exchange, it is NOT possible, for the United States in
incapable of attacking Russia in the first place. They do have plasma shielding, and all sorts of beam weapons,
and laser weapons that actually make nuclear war unnecessary and are in a way, much safer and cleaner for the
planet, if a large war would break out. And we will loose it in 5 minutes or less likely anyway, so it wouldn't be
devastating to the whole planet, nor would there be many American civilian deaths. The plasma shield
technology was gifted to China and Russia by star fleet to help bring balance to this world, regards warring
capabilities. We are safer for it!
I know understand what is called Factions 1 and 2. Faction 1 is the Bolsheviks, Faction 2 is the Banking/Nazis,
and Faction 3 is the good US military and they are now preventing some of the trouble the Bushes keep
dreaming up.
#92708 Simon Parkes Interview
Posted by DAR on 30 June 2015 - 05:48 PM in THE UNEXPLAINED
Simon Parkes Newsletter - July 2015
Welcome to the July edition. This newsletter will cover quite a range of topics. I have always tried to keep
the newsletters short and to the point and not indulged in jumping from one topic to another, however there
have been so many developments that I will have to break my own rule. I hope that there is something for
everybody in this newsletter. It is just not possible to cover all the issues that have come to the fore in recent
weeks, so I have concentrated on what I believe to be of importance and I am sorry if I have missed out a topic
which is of interest to you. So with this proviso here we go!
The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank or AIIB has signed itself into corporate activity as a direct challenge
to the world bank (Rothschild) and as a consequence the US dollar. It is of paramount importance to note that
Australia and Great Britain (UK) are not only members of this new bank but are founding members! The UK
and Australia at one time were Americas strongest allies so what a shock to learn that financially at least they
have jumped ships. Both the United States and Japan have come out strongly against the new bank and the US
is attempting to prevent other countries from joining. After the terrible disaster that Japan suffered we can
perhaps forgive them for being the United States lapdog.
To my knowledge there have been three meetings between the Federal Reserve and key foreign investors in
relation to preventing a financial crash in America. At present the Fed is exploring the possibility of
substantially raising interest rates, concurrently to this key Asian business men are being encouraged to move
gold, bonds and precious stones into America mainland banks. Since nobody believes in worthless zeros
anymore foreign gold and land/real estate bonds now constitute the only real wealth that American creditors
will accept. If these talks are successful there will be no financial crash this fall.
In the Shanghai and Hong Kong Bank in the American mainland there is an inventory. This inventory shows
that over half a million individual gold bars are currently stored on behalf of the Federal Government.
American law is complex – each state within the union in entitled to a share of this gold. The Governor of
Texas has formally written to Washington asking for the Texas share to be returned to his office, why would the
Texas Governor want to hold gold and not trust the American Federal Government? The answer lies in a very
real possibility that Texas is on the verge of seeding from the Union.
In June of this year the Lucifer telescope managed and run directly by the Vatican re-established contact with a
large foreign body that recently entered our solar system. This is the second such object to be detected this year
and is a source of great excitement/worry for Vatican officials, because at this stage they do not know the intent
of this object. The occupants of the previous object turned out to be of a distinctly blue hue and were more
favourable to humanity than the Vatican was prepared for. I know there has been much speculation that a
comet or such like will strike the earth in September – this is not my understanding. Far more likely will be
some form of artificial emergency followed by an orchestrated ‘rebellion’ in one of the American states. With
Jade Helm still fresh in our minds and the Texas Governor’s public statement about free will ringing in our ears
we watch this with interest. While one Governor speaks for the people another Governor speaks against the
people. Recently a State Governor has declared that there are too many people in his state and the population
needs to be reduced. The NWO old gender seems to be back on the table.
With our own Connecting Consciousness Group severely under attack I wanted to tell you what has been
happening and how we are going forward. Within the space of 24 hours we ‘lost’ three wonderful volunteers all
who felt a huge psychic attack, this combined with a heavy workload proved too much. I will always be really
indebted for their hard work and a valuable lesson has been learnt for no matter how spiritual and able our
volunteers are their ability to resist such interference becomes a prerequisite when helping out with the project.
Whilst I knew that certain elements would not like what I and others had created I did not realise just how
vicious these attacks would be (we must be doing some good!) it means that anybody who helps out with the
Connecting Consciousness Group should be confident that they understand the nature of psychic attacks and
should be able to protect themselves in a psychic manner. For this reason we have not rushed at recruiting new
volunteers from the very great number of pledges that we received but we will be contacting those that have
offered individually based on the needs of the project. To everybody who has offered I personally thank you
and it may be that at present your offer is not taken up but in the future may well be. As Connecting
Consciousness grows so more volunteers will be required and so we will be in touch.
Due to these rather annoying interruptions the work on the group was delayed. Having seen off the last attacks
I can now concentrate on forming the group. An important method of contact will be the change to the
Facebook page, I personally will be joining as Senior Moderator, this means not only will I be moderating but I
will be joining the discussions and playing an active role in the topics. This is a closed group and only those
who have had a reading of one sort or another with me can join. Once this has been working successfully ‘the
Group’ will be split into sub groups based on abilities and locations. More information will be available when I
join the Facebook page. For the Facebook membership for those who have not had a reading with me but
nevertheless have put themselves forward to participate in the wider group I will be booking skype sessions of 5
minutes with you on a rolling programme dictated by the needs required and the skills that have been offered –
if you are not contacted it does not mean that there is no roll for you it simple means that the skills that you have
are not required at the present time but undoubtedly will be required as the year progresses.
As we begin to take back control I am delighted to report that limited new bookings will be taken starting from
around a month’s time. Many ‘people’ see the human race as very frail this is just not the case, the many offers
of help that I have personally received shows me just how resilient and wonderful humanity can be when it is at
its best. Connecting Consciousness received a brand new computer as a donation from such a person,
Connecting Consciousness has also received financial donations from a wide range of supporters. Without this
support the truth is we just could not of carried on. So for every negative person in the world there is at least
two others with good intent, this is why I personally will never give up and will always do what I can to assist
and help those who need it. Without the untiring help from the volunteers at Connecting Consciousness my
creation would have failed, which shows that individually we can be constrained but when we act as a group we
cannot be stopped. There is one person who I have not named who stood fast and saw off the attacks that were
aimed against her, she knows who I mean and I thank her from the bottom of my heart, indeed without Fran’s
help I would have been totally swamped by the needs and requirements of so many people, indeed I thank all of
you for your continued support and kind thoughts.
Recently I have received increased publicity in the United States and I am conscious that it is important to
maintain connection with the British audience. If you participate in a group and you would like me to speak at a
venue then please fill in the media contact form on the website.
Much love, much strength, much hope
#92730 DISCLOSURE 2015 - Dr Michael Salla & Corey Goode
Posted by DAR on 01 July 2015 - 09:37 AM in Return of The Gods
Evidence grows for secret space program disclosures &
crimes against humanity trials
Written by Dr Michael Salla on June 28, 2015. Posted in Featured
Over the last few months there have been incredible claims about multiple secret space programs,
extraterrestrial intervention, and future massive document dumps that will lead to trials against those that have
committed crimes against humanity. To date, no physical evidence or documents have been offered to
substantiate these claims, yet there is a compelling body circumstantial evidence that does support them. This
evidence makes it very possible that humanity will soon witness massive document dumps disclosing secret
space programs along with the existence of extraterrestrial life, followed soon after by Nuremberg-like war
crime trials.
On May 30, Corey Goode (aka GoodETxSG) claims that he had received the go ahead from both a Secret Space
Program Alliance, and a Sphere Alliance of five extraterrestrial races, to publicly reveal the truth about the
darker side of human trafficking and exploitation in secret space programs. Goode revealed in great detail these
practices and the organizations responsible for them. These disturbing disclosures were followed soon after by a
series of meetings from June 5-9 involving the main parties from different secret space programs who were
discussing ways to minimize large scale armed hostilities while humanity is prepared for the truth about these
programs existence and extraterrestrial life.
Goode says he attended these meetings as a delegate for the Sphere Being Alliance and was accompanied by a
Lt Col Gonzales (pseudonym) who was the delegate for the Secret Space Program Alliance. At the third
meeting involving a “Committee of 200” and other global elites that was held on June 9, only two days before
the 2015 Bilderberg Group meeting, an extraordinary offer was made. The Committee of 200 wanted to start a
limited disclosure program in November 2015, and provide legal amnesty for 50 years for those responsible for
crimes. While the offer was turned down, it reveals the great fear that the global elite have of being exposed and
prosecuted for their roles in human trafficking and slave labor.
Subsequently, an offer was made by one of the secret space programs associated with the global elites called the
Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate to give an inspection tour of one of their Mars facilities. The offer was
done in order to respond to accusations that slave labor was used at ICC facilities. After terms and conditions
for the inspection tour were agreed upon, Goode and Gonzales traveled to Mars to conduct an inspection tour on
June 20. Goode published his report of the tour two days later substantiating accusations that slave labor was
indeed being used; and the facility was run by a megalomaniac commander who subverted all agreements and
imprisoned dissenters.
Recent events provide circumstantial evidence supporting Goode’s claims that the global elite are very
concerned about massive document releases revealing secret space programs, and crimes committed in these
programs that lead to arrests and Nuremberg-like war crimes trials. It is worth pointing out that circumstantial
evidence is admissible in courts of law where direct evidence is lacking. Circumstantial evidence together with
direct eyewitness testimony, as given by Corey Goode, is sufficient to convince juries of guilt or innocence in
cases so it’s important to consider this type of evidence in relation to Goode’s claims.
The first circumstantial evidence to consider is that on June 15, the U.S. House of Representatives took a major
step in passing a bill that provides legal protection to space mining by U.S. based corporations that establish offworld operations. The “Space Resource Exploration and Utilization Act” will protect corporations “from
harmful interference” and “discourage government barriers” to their space operations. If eventually signed by
President Obama, the owners and managers of space mining operations would be protected under U.S. Federal
Law from international organizations such as the International Criminal Court investigating them for using
slave labor and other crimes against humanity. Such accusations would have to be heard in U.S. district courts
which are not a suitable venue for fully investigating or hearing cases of crimes against humanity. Judges and
juries in U.S. district courts can be more easily influenced than judicial bodies such as the International
Criminal Court.
The timing of this bill does raise the possibility that it is orchestrated by a global corporate elite concerned
about impending criminal prosecution for past and current space mining operations. The Space Resource
Exploration and Utilization Act’s submission is compelling circumstantial evidence in support of Goode’s claim
that “crimes against humanity” trials are being secretly being prepared.
The second circumstantial evidence concerns a June 4 announcement that up to four million US Federal
government employees had their personnel files hacked by an unknown source. More recent estimates are that
the hacking involved up to 18 million personnel files going back to the 1980s. The hacking incidents involved
extensive information about the backgrounds of individuals gained in security reviews for classification
clearances. While most mainstream media have focused on such information being used for blackmail purposes
by foreign espionage agencies, what is not being considered is that this is exactly the kind of personnel
information that would be needed if one was investigating individuals that may have been involved in off-world
operations that used slave labor or committed other crimes against humanity. The computer hacking incident is
additional compelling circumstantial evidence supporting Goode’s claim that trials are being prepared for those
responsible for crimes committed in secret space programs.
The third circumstantial evidence to consider is that on June 11, the British Interplanetary Society began a two
day meeting on: “How to Overthrow a Martian Dictatorship” according to a BBC news article. The meeting
envisaged a Mars colony ruled over by a ruthless dictator who trampled on the rights of workers in a futurist
society controlled by a corporation. The dictator needed to be overthrown without destroying the colony itself.
According to the author of the BBC article published on June 22, Richard Hollingham, the meeting brought
together 30 prominent scientists, engineers and philosophers who took their “task seriously,” only “two short
blocks from the London headquarters of Britain’s security service, MI6” thereby hinting at official support for
the meeting.
The similarities in the scenarios discussed at the June 11/12 British Interplanetary Society meeting, and the June
22 reports by Goode and Hollingham, suggests that key figures in Britain’s scientific establishment are
preparing for future disclosures about secret colonies on Mars and elsewhere that have been run as corporate
dictatorships by megalomaniac tyrants that have been abusing workers for years. How to remove these Mars
Colony dictators without them killing off their personnel and/or destroying their valuable facilities is a problem
that British and other national policy makers will soon have to confront. Once again, this is compelling
circumstantial evidence supporting Goode’s claim of crimes against humanity committed in secret space
Finally, Goode has been claiming that we are soon to witness a massive document dump that will reveal the
truth about secret space programs, and criminal abuses that have occurred within some of them.
“Coincidentally,” Wikileaks has again begun releasing massive document dumps that made it a media sensation
back in 2000. In early May, after a five year hiatus, Wikileaks restored its electronic drop box for
whistleblowers to again anonymously share data. All is in place for an organization like Wikileaks to share the
document dumps that Goode claims will reveal all.
In summary, we have compelling circumstantial evidence that support Goode’s incredible claims made over the
months of May and June. This includes:
1. “Space Resource Exploration and Utilization Act” forwarded on June 15 to the full House of
Representatives for a vote that offers legal protection to global elite involved in off world mining operations and
crimes committed in them;
2. The June 4 and subsequent announcements of hacking of up to 18 million records of Federal employees
and contractors with detailed personnel information that could be used for setting up “crimes against humanity”
3. The June 11 meeting of British Interplanetary Society discussing ways of how to remove from power
tyrannical corporate personnel from colonies on Mars who have committed crimes against humanity;
4. The reemergence of Wikileaks’ digital drop box system in early May that allows whistleblowers to
anonymously upload massive document dumps for public release by an organization with a track record in
doing precisely what Goode claims will be occurring soon.
None of this circumstantial evidence is definitive proof of Goode’s claims. Yet it is compelling evidence
insofar as it corroborates his core claims that global events are occurring that will lead to future
disclosures about secret space programs, extraterrestrial life, and trials for those responsible for crimes
against humanity in space.
© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice
Further Reading
US Congress to Protect Slave Labor on Mars & Corporate Space Colonies
Overthrowing a Mars Colony Dictator: British Elite Prepare for the Real Thing
Mission to Mars investigates claims of slave labor at secret corporate base
Computer hacking linked to extraterrestrial disclosure & future War Crimes trials
Corporate bases on Mars and Nazi infiltration of US Secret Space Program
Extraterrestrial contact: international law & crimes against humanity
Full ET disclosure plan involves document dumps & whistleblowers coming forward
Corey Goode and David Wilcock on Open Your Mind Radio
MP3 here:
Published on Jun 29, 2015
Blackops World, Roswell Really Happened, Craft Technology, ET's looked Like Humans, Anti-Gravity Crafts,
They Have Been Out In The Solar System, SSP, ICC, Major Military Defense Contractors, 900 Different ET's,
Trade Setup Between Them, Money Stolen From The People, Awakening Process, Blue Avian Race, Secret
Space Program, illuminati Criminals, False Flags, Energetic Waves Coming In, High Vibration Hitting The
Planet, End Times Madness, People Being Triggered, Things Will Get Worse Before They Get Better, Giant
Spires Came Into Our Solar System, NASA Feed, 2012, Solar Warden, Financial System Collapse, Prime
Directive, We Need To Create The Change.
Attached Files
T15f28 Evidence grows for secret space program disclosures & crimes against humanity trials.pdf 286.62KB
#92732 JIM STONE .. Interesting News
Posted by DAR on 01 July 2015 - 10:24 AM in General Discussion
JIM STONE .. Interesting News
June 29 2015
I stabbeth the vampire!
This one had them so upset that before I could post it, they took the cell modems offline and attempted to
destroy what I wrote by woodpeckering the hard drive and locking up the computer! This one nailed the
vampire. (posted from a cyber cafe) because I saved it to flash drive the second the modems went offline and
refused to connect and about a minute before they woodpeckered the hard drive and locked everything up even
through multiple reboots.
HA HA HA, HERE IT IS. read it and weep!
Get off Wordpress. If you used Wordpress to build your web site, DITCH IT NOW. There is absolutely no
reason to use Wordrpess, Blogger or any other controlled venue on a site you paid for, and if you built your site
on a server owned by wordpress, you are DOOMED.
Here is what happens: All content has to be approved by Wordpress, Blogger or any of the others and even if
your site is hosted on your own server, if you used the Wordpress sitebuilder it always passes through
Wordpress no matter what, even if you do not know it or if you cannot see how, and if they do not approve of
your content YOU ARE DEAD all the while they say nothing and everything looks normal to you.
I observed this with wordpress, even though I have nothing to do with them, here is how:
First of all, it is in their TOS. But people don't read that, they just click the box, so here is another way I know:
Up until the FCC took over the web, Wordpress actually let a LOT of dissenting views fly. But there was
always this catch in their TOS that said they basically owned your content and that controls could be put in
place, as well as that they had a right to drop ads into your page if they wished (this rarely happens, but it
proves total control from their end).
Anyway, The main way I noticed that Wordpress went totally rogue is through my stats software, which tells
me who sends people my way. When the FCC took over the web, Wordpress totally died. Via the links they
posted, various Wordpress users generated, at times, over 50 percent of my site traffic. This dropped to zero in a
day, and never came back. This means that Wordpress shut these people down, and they do not even know it.
At the same time this happened, every time I log into the original Jimstonefreelance server, there is a mandatory
box that pops up and locks up everything, demanding I convert my site over to Wordpress and no matter how
many times I tell it no, it is there EVERY LOG IN, an obstacle I cannot bypass without acknowledging it and
refusing it every single time. I am not stupid about Wordpress, I saw everyone who uses it to tell the truth die,
and I am obviously not going to convert this site over because I hand code everything and if you can do that
Wordpress is stupid anyway. Early on, before I was good with code I refused wordpress because I actually read
their TOS and knew they were evil and guessed that one day they would destroy anyone who had legitimate
truth posted there. I was right.
If your stats say all is well, they are STUXNET stats from Wordpress, an illusion to make you
believe you are real, all the while you receive nothing but communications from CIA troll visitors
or AI software while you are largely confined to a small closet with sound proof doors.
And by default, ditto for Facebook. Ditto for Blogspot. Ditto for Wikipedia, Yahoo answers, Ditto Ditto Ditto.
Google lies about stats
Google claims to send this web site 8 - 12 percent of its traffic. Reality: Google sends this site less than one half
of one percent of all traffic and it has been that way ever since the Fukushima report. It is time to stop trusting
Google analytics, it is a worthless kike weaponized reference which, even worse, can be used to stop people
from hitting your site if Google deems it cute to do. All they have to do to stop your site from loading is to
delay their response indefinitely, and your site will hang forever on a white screen if Google analytics is
anywhere in your code. You will never see them do it if you own or manage the web site, because they know
your IP range and will always make sure it all looks good to you.
If you own a web site that tells the truth or competes in business against the Jews, ALWAYS check
for tampering by Google and others by randomly checking it from computers that never hit it
before and remember to leave your cell at home because if you are important enough, the NSA
will use its homing abilities to create a bubble around you where access is always normal. You
have to ditch your cell phone (and everyone elses who may be with you,) go for a walk and do
random hits on your site in a way that cannot give the NSA a clue about where you are.
The war just got real. Ever since the FCC takeover, the war has been REAL.
#92745 ROUEN RUSSIAN NEWS AGENCY Alternate News from Russia
Posted by DAR on 01 July 2015 - 03:54 PM in General Discussion
ABII bank can finish off "World Bank"
Author: rodvzv, 01 Jul, 2015 • 7:02
Yesterday the structure which has every chance started working to finish off one or the other monstrous
generations of the Bretton Woods conference of 1944 following the results of which the USA became financial
predominant force of our terrestrial ball. At the correct organization of work, the Asian Bank of Infrastructure
Investments will be able to send World Bank to an ash heap of history. It will be followed by the IMF which
can quite be replaced with "A currency pool of BRICS".
Russia received 5,92% of votes in "Asian bank of infrastructure investments" (ABII), reports the Chinese
agency "Xinhua". It is a third largest indicator after China and India — 26,06% and 7,5% respectively.
Shuvalov who at the SPIEF 2015, promised that Russia will apply for one of the leading roles in key structure
new financial system, I didn't deceive: The 3rd place in the table of ranks — a good position.
Actually why ABII is necessary (and also New Development bank of BRICS and "A currency pool of
BRICS")? Before emergence of alternative financial structures, any country which wanted to be engaged in
development of infrastructure or economy in general and didn't have enough for it capital, there was only one
exit: to go begging to the World Bank, the IMF and smaller regional organizations of the same format, for
example Asian Development Bank. All money was provided on crushing terms: privatization, deregulation,
liberalization and eternal love to white mister from Washington.
БРИКсы in general, China in particular and (since recent time) some EU countries (see the card) are engaged in
construction of the alternative scheme of the international finance which wouldn't hurt "The Washington
consensus" and wouldn't play about "shock therapy" concerning experimental economies. At the same time in
work three projects: ABII, New Development bank of BRICS and "A currency pool of BRICS". The first
actually started ABII which initially thought as the competitor and replacement to Asian Development Bank
(the regional project of the USA), but in process became clear what exactly it will be most convenient to
Europeans to enter this bank. To London, Berlin and Luxembourg would be to fit in to the organization with a
label of BRICS well absolutely not smartly, and in "Asian infrastructure bank" — it is quite normal.
There can be a question: and why not to take the countries the credits directly from China which has some
special State Banks under such projects? And why to China, India, the Russian Federation and other countries
to create such collective mechanism?
Main reason: that who will possess the credits of ABII will be quieter that they aren't signed for especially
Chinese project, and they won't depend on mood of the left heel of one Beijing official or results of inner-party
dismantlings in a PDA.
By the way, voices of shareholders of ABII which aren't in Asia, are closed by "a collective level" in 25%.
From the point of view of ABII, Russia — the Asian country also gets to a pool of other 75%. The Russian Far
East will be one of perspective points of use of the capital of ABII and it can't but please, first of all because
similar investments assume serious group control over an expense of money that something considerably
reduces opportunities "to nakhimichit".
We wait for start and an exit to "design capacity" of the following elements of a new international financial
system. The BRICS Summit in Ufa will become an important stage on this way.
#92777 Discovery of Mountans Bucegi (Romania) - A ancient technology inside the Bucegi!
Posted by DAR on 02 July 2015 - 09:45 AM in General Discussion
RADU CINAMAR, on 20 Jul 2013 - 09:14 AM, said:
I. Short Introduction: In the summer of August 11, 2003, in an unexplored area of the Bucegi Mountains, a team
from Zero Department (a top secret section of the Romanian Intelligence Service -- SRI), had made an epochal
discovery, which could had completely change mankind's destiny.
Document Top-Secret about mission of Zero Department (a top secret section of the Romanian Intelligence
Service -- SRI
The United States of America exercised colossal diplomatic pressure on the Romanian Government, which
intended to disclose the findings to the entire world.
The implications became far more complex due to the brutal interference of the Order of the Illuminati, which
sought to take control of both the location of the discovery, and the joint Romanian - American expedition.
The expert on strange phenomena, and also the leader of operations for the Romanian State, Cezar Brad, is the
“hero” of the shocking events that occurred in the Bucegi Mountains. He also had two memorable meetings
with a leading representative of the Illuminati, and top Bilderberg member.
The Bucegi Mountains, map location, 94 miles north-west from capital of Romania, Bucharest in Busteni City,
Busteni is a small city.
[img width=500 height=344][/img]
II. A Strange Visit From The Most Powerful Bilderberg Member
In May 2003, Cezar was visited by a highly important characte. The meeting request came through SRI, as a
result of the government's intervention. The person was a foreigner, but spoke the Romanian language very
well. He was also familiar with the country. The SRI informed Cezar that the visitor was a high ranking
member of a very important Masonic lodge from Italy, he was a noble (royal reptilian hybrid), and had very
strong financial influence in Romania.
His political influence was also very high, since he was able to penetrate the wall of SRI agents and reach the
Cezar felt a high pressure and a heavy weight around this person. He was surrounded by a cloud of heavy,
unpleasant radiation which concealed his true intentions. For this meeting, Cezar prepared thoroughly, isolating
himself in a room and falling into a state of deep meditation, to learn more about the person.
A SRI helicopter brought this arrogant, tall gentleman, wearing a black suit. He had a cane with ivory handle
and gold inlay. His face expressed harshness and his green eyes had a strange effect, radiating unusual coldness.
He presented himself as Senior Massini (probably not the real name). He was very confident of his power and
created the impression of a person who was used to give orders.
He was the leader of one of the most important Masonic Lodges of Europe and also to one of the most
influential Masonic organizations in the world: the Bilderberg Group.
Massini was very direct and stated that humans are of two kinds: those who can be manipulated and ruled (these
form the majority), and those who have certain virtues and strong personalities. He said that his group is part of
the highest Masonic order and is very interested in the outcome of the discussion.
Mister Massini explained that the Bilderberg Group is not a Masonic lodge, and it means much more than that.
He said that the lodges are just facades and the real power is much higher than the thirty-third hierarchical level.
Massini invited Cezar to join the group, letting him understand that he will have many advantages.
According to Cezar, Massini was both physically and psychical strong, which contrasted with his age.
Unfortunately for him, his power was centered on a huge ego, arrogance and sense of superiority over the rest.
Massini informed Cezar that he requested him personally, using his political influence, because he was
impressed by Cezar's psychic power.
III. The Pentagon Spies With Satellites
A Pentagon satellite used for geodetic espionage, based on bionic technology and shape waves, discovered in
2002 a separate unit in a specific area of the Bucegi Mountains. The empty space inside the mountain had no
correspondence with the outside, and looked like it was carved from the inside, by intelligent beings. It was
definitely not a cave.
[img width=500 height=388][/img]
Tunnel and dome inside the Bucegi Mountains
The Romanian Sphinx of Bucegi
The satellite scan of the mountain revealed two major energetic blocks. These barriers were made of artificial
energy. The first one was like an energetic wall, blocking the access to the tunnel, while the second one was
shaped like a dome (or hemisphere), and was located at the opposite end of the tunnel, near the center of the
Massini was sure that inside the dome they will discover something extremely important.
He had deep knowledge about the origin of this discovery and had knew of the existence of at least one item
located inside the great hemispherical hall.
The tunnel and dome were strangely aligned with the rock formations from the top of the mountain, known as
"Babele" and the "Sphinx of Bucegi".
IV. A Similar Structure In Iraq
The Pentagon team noted that the hemispherical energy barrier had the same vibrational frequency and the same
shape as one other top secret underground structure that they had discovered prior, near Baghdad, Iraq. Shortly
after this discovery, the Iraqi war broke out and after a few months, the Americans had access to the biggest
secret in the area -- which the Iraqis knew nothing of.
Massini explained Cezar that the content of that discovery had to do with Earth's mysterious past and the history
of their secret organizations. When the Pentagon investigation noted the similarities between the underground
structure of Baghdad and the one from the Bucegi Mountains, Massini and his masonic lodge became extremely
agitated. Initially, they've almost panicked. The panic was due to the fact that this structure - much larger and
more complex than the one from Iraq - is on Romania’s territory.
(Apparently, Romania is probable to play an important role in the downfall of the secret societies that control
the world and enslave mankind. It was also suggested that somewhere above the Bucegi Mountains, an
energetic pyramid is located, which is invisible to the naked eye, and contains the real history of our planet. One
can imagine their panic).
Massini brought to the drilling site an ultra sophisticated, hard rock drilling machine, used by the US military.
The device used a strong plasma jet and a sort of rotating magnetic field, literally melting the rock with no
visible effort.
V. The Secrets Of The Bucegi Mountains -- Year 2003
They were able to achieve penetration about 60-70 meters away from the first energetic barrier, and reached the
first gallery, which looked like a subway tunnel. Its walls were perfectly polished. At the end of the tunnel there
was a massive stone gate, which was protected by an invisible energetic barrier. Three members of the first
special intervention team tried to touch the door, and immediately died of cardiac arrest.
Any object (rock, plastic, metal or wood) threw at the barrier, immediately turned into fine dust. Two generals
from the Pentagon and the U.S. presidential adviser arrived on the spot.
VI. The Grand Gallery
Beyond the formidable energy barrier, which caused the deaths of three people, there was also the solid rock
gate. On the tunnel’s wall, just in front of the gate, there was an area of 20 square cm, on which there was
precisely drawn an equilateral triangle pointing up. The square was located between the huge grinding stone
gate and the invisible energy barrier.
Cezar felt that there is some kind of compatibility between the energetic barrier and himself, something like a
mutual “sympathy”. His hand lightly touched the surface of the energetic barrier and he felt a tingling on the
skin. The shield was completely harmless to him, so he stepped forward, passing right through it. The U.S.
officials were absolutely stunned.
Cezar estimated the barrier to be no more than an inch thick.
He touched the triangle drawing located in the center of the square, and the gigantic stone door silently slid to
the left, into the wall. That command also cancelled the energetic barrier, giving them access to a huge room,
which was later named "The Grand Gallery".
Even dough there was no visible light source, the Grand Gallery was perfectly lit.
After turning off the first energetic barrier, the huge hemispherical shield at the other end of the room, suddenly
tuned to a higher vibration and started emitting higher radiations.
[img width=500 height=380][/img]
The structure of energetic shields
[img width=500 height=478][/img]
Tunnel - Entrance inside the mountain!
[img width=500 height=455][/img]
A television from Romania talk about this Discovery
[img width=500 height=332][/img]
The energetic field that protects the artifact
[img width=500 height=332][/img]
The tunnel!
[img width=500 height=329][/img]
[img width=500 height=334][/img]
Angle of 26 degrees identified by the Pentagon
[img width=500 height=333][/img]
VII. A Similar Base In Iraq
The U.S. adviser on national security issues received a call and he was notified that the energetic shield from
Baghdad, Iraq, had been suddenly activated, and it was also pulsating at a higher frequency. In front of the
shield from Baghdad, a hologram of our planet appeared, which sequentially and progressively depicted the
European Continent, then moved to the south-east, then it showed the Bucegi Mountains from Romania and,
finally, it showed their own location within the structure’s corridor. It was obvious that the two hemispherical
energy shields were in a direct connection.
Basically, the Iraqi base had been notified about the presence of people inside the Romanian base.
The bad news was that the U.S. presidency was notified and it contacted the Romanian diplomacy. In just a few
minutes, the whole operation had been disclosed, and Lord Massini's plan went down the drain.
The U.S. presidency demanded to take control over the secret base and the entire operation. The Romanian
politicians, who knew nothing of the undergoing secret operation, panicked.
The Pentagon's generals present at the scene, had been informed that Washington demanded an urgent meeting.
VIII. CSAT (Supreme Defense Council) Emergency Meeting
An emergency session of the Supreme Defense Council (CSAT) had created a huge wave of sympathy for the
Zero Department. Most were shaken by the news they’ve received. The CSAT's decision was to continue the
research, but under Zero Department's complete control. They've had also demanded an inventory of everything
found in the Great Room.
From Bucharest (Romania's capital), the orders came in waves, canceling each other. Some were very vehement
and strict, while others were elusive -- denoting the huge tension.
CSAT's members were in continuous session, keeping in touch with the Bucegi Mountains team. After
discussing everything for hours, they had decided to make the discovery public. The Romanian government was
to make a formal statement to the entire world. Some CSAT members vehemently opposed the decision.
IX. Romania's Official Statement
When the U.S. diplomacy had been informed that Romania will disclose the discoveries, everything tuned into
chaos. The President was called for a direct phone conversation with the White House. Within hours, the U.S.
blocked all financial transactions with Romania and its access to all other financial institutions. Romania was
about to declare “State of emergency” in the Bucegi Mountains and the capital.
The talks between the U.S. officials arrived in Bucharest and the Romanian Emergency Department took place
without a translator. The U.S. officials were verbally violent, constantly shouting and uttering threats to
Romania and its officials.
Romania's official disclosure to the world would have provided photographic evidence and anything else
essential for a complete clarification. Leading scientists and researchers from all over the planet were to be
invited for in depth studies. But most importantly, it would have revealed the truth about mankind's distant past
and the real history -- which according to what Cezar witnessed inside the Grand Gallery, is almost entirely
The reaction of the U.S. government was so brutal because that disclosure would have shattered their global
influence and power, in a instant.
The official reason cited by the U.S., was not to create panic in the world, but they had omitted to acknowledge
that the current state of global anguish is a direct result of deliberate deceit and manipulation conducted by the
Freemasonry and other secret societies, for millenia.
There was also an intervention from the Vatican (if you wonder how did the Vatican found out about this
discovery, then you should know that they are at the very top of the world's control pyramid, and their religious
piety is merely a facade -- read: The Darkest Secrets of the Vatican), in which the Pope (!) called for
moderation before this great, fundamental, step for mankind.
The Pope promised to make certain documents available to the Romanian state from the ancient papal secret
archives, which were of great importance for Romania. The documents were backing up the discoveries (yes,
that's how powerful a Pope is).
After 24 hours of negotiations, a final agreement occurred between Romania and the USA. The Romanian state
was to postpone the disclosure, and gradually present everything to the people.
X. The Projection Room
The Projection Room (click to enlarge)
The Grand Gallery ended abruptly with a giant auditorium, 30 meters in height (98,5 feet) and a length of 100
meters (328 feet). The Projection Room was smaller in size and it was protected by an energetic shield.
Advancing towards the shield, a portion of it disappeared, in the shape of a door, allowing access inside it. The
shield protected the room by any outside influences. Once inside the room, the shield became compact and
looked like a white-golden wall.
Basically, the shield formed this dome-shaped room, with curved walls and ceiling. At the back of the room, at
a height of a about 10-12 meters (33-39,5 feet), the shield ended where it touched the room's stone wall. In this
wall there were three enormous tunnel holes: one located straight ahead, and the other two were symmetrical on
both sides. They were lit by a diffuse light in a greenish tint. Both sides decided to prohibit the access to these
tunnels and a protocol was signed between them.
XI. Tables For Giants
A series of huge stone tables were arranged along the right and left walls (five on each side), following their
curvature. The tables were about 2 meters in height (6,6 feet).
The table tops had precision cut-in reliefs, different signs of an unknown writing and characters that resembled
ancient cuneiform.
The writing also contained more general symbols, such as triangles and circles. Although the signs were not
painted, they've had a fluorescent light radiating in various colors, different for each table.
On some of the tables there were different objects, which appeared to be technical tools. From many of these
tools, translucent-white wires descended to the floor, and entered inside shiny, silver-like, rectangular boxes.
These boxes were placed directly on the floor.
At a closer inspection, the cables were extremely flexible and lightweight, and light pulses could be seen
circulating along their length.
Each time someone approached the tables, a holographic projection was automatically activated, presenting
aspects of a particular scientific field. The three dimensional images were perfect and had height of almost two
and a half meters (8,2 ft).
The projections were automated and ran by themselves, but at the same time they were interactive, and changed
according to the signs touched on the tables' surface.
XII. A Great Discovery: Holographic DNA Combinations Between Extraterrestrial Species
Because of the great height of the tables, the scientists used special tripods to climb at a comfortable height. At
a closer investigation they've observed a dark-glassy material covering the table tops. The material was divided
into several large squares, bounded by straight lines, which formed some kind of a grid.
One of the tables contained information from the field of biology, and it projected images of plants and animals,
some of which were completely unknown to the scientists. After touching one of the squares, a hologram
presenting the structure of the human body was activated. The hologram was constantly rotating, highlighting
various areas of the human body.
Touching other squares activated holographic projections of extraterrestrial beings, from other planetary
systems. Simultaneously touching two different squares, a complex scientific analysis was projected, showing
the DNA of both species, and compatibility possibilities between the two.
On the sides, in vertical lines, there were written explanations in the same, alien alphabet. At the end of the
simulation, a crossbreed between the two species was displayed.
XIII. Real Giants
Judging by the size of all the objects within the Projection Room, the creators of the edifice were probably very
tall beings.
A confirmation of giant humanoid skeletons found in Romania could be found in a newspaper called “The
"The team from the newspaper is accompanied by researcher Vasile Rudan, who noted that the people of the
Bozioru village have concrete evidence: a cemetery with skeletons of giants. It was discovered by chance over
20 years ago, when the authorities decided to plant apple trees in the village of Scaieni. Digging on a hill, the
villagers discovered huge skeletons, measuring more than 2,40 m (7 ft 10 in).
Dragoi Ilie, one of those who worked in the apple orchard, takes us to the spot. Mister Ilie shows us around the
orchard: 'Everywhere are tombs of giants. We were making holes, to plant saplings, when we found a human
head as big as a pumpkin. Neither one of us had ever seen anything like that. We were all amazed. Digging
further, we've found some bones of the feet, as big as the vineyard poles. The dead one must have been very
XIV. The Library Of The Universe
The Projection Room contained detailed information from fields like: physics, cosmology, astronomy,
architecture, technology, biology, genetics, and even religion. Because it contained so much information, the
room was compared to a library.
In the middle of the room, there was a podium-like area which contained an interesting device. The scientists
speculated that it might have been a device to enhance various cerebral functions.
XV. Romania's Control Panel
Next to it there was a command panel, covered with various geometric symbols, in different colors. There were
also two sliding levers and a red button, in the center of the panel, above all other commands. A holographic
simulation explained the purpose of the button. It showed an image of the Carpathian Mountains as seen from
25 km (15,5 miles) above them and next, an enormous quantity of water flooded the lowlands and plains.
Next, from the territories of Romania, Hungary and Ukraine, more streams of water appear, heading towards the
Transylvanian plateau, in the form of huge rivers. The image focused on Romania's territory and showed most
of its surface covered by the waters of a great sea. Some of the tallest mountain peaks could now be seen as
small, floating islands.
Next, the waters begun to withdraw, as soon as the leavers found on the panel were activated, leaving sunk only
a small area near the Retezat Godeanu mountain. A true manual.
XVI. A Mysterious Amphora
Behind the control panel there was a square pedestal, of about three meters (9 ft 10 in) per side, on which a
mysterious amphora was resting. Lord Massini had knowledge of its existence and, for him and his Masonic
elite, this was the most important discovery.
The amphora contained a very fine white powder. The researchers were dismayed to find that the powder was a
high purity formula of monatomic gold, with an unknown crystalline structure.
The gold powder in its pure form greatly stimulates certain waves and energy exchanges at cellular and neural
level. This causes an accelerated process of rejuvenation. Theoretically, a man can live in the same physical
body for several thousand years, provided they consume from time to time, a well-defined quantity of
monatomic gold powder. This explains many puzzling aspects about the incredible longevity of some important
figures and uncovers part of the hidden intentions of the global elite.
XVII. The Real History Of Our Planet
Behind the amphora, in the middle of the square, there was a huge dome that projected holograms. It displayed
the main aspects of humanity's most distant past, from its very beginning. Cezar explained that according to the
images projected by the hologram, about 90% of mankind's official history is false and counterfeit. Darwin's
evolutionary theory is also incorrect.
In the middle of the square is a huge dome which projects a hologram of moving parts. It contains the main
aspects of the very distant past of humanity, from its very beginning. Cezar explained that according to the
images projected by the hologram, Darwin's evolutionary theory is completely false. The true origin of man is
depicted in a condensed holographic form. After these lessons of truth, we can say that 90% of the official
history of mankind is false and counterfeit. Unbelievable, but what is now considered to have really happened
in our history, never did, while the so called "myths" and "legends" are almost entirely true.
Also, most archaeological theories are false. For example, the dinosaurs did not went extinct 65 million years
ago, and the old continents of Lemuria and Atlantis existed.
This strange inversion caused many problems and conflicts between people in our past.
For a correct dating of the presented events, a star map corresponding to that period was projected on the
Although the time period covered by the projections was very large (several hundred thousand years), and the
procession cycle of the Earth is 25,920 years, by observing the number of “Platonic years” (the 25,920-year
cycle) the exact dating of the events was possible. The Bucegi Mountains are 50-55 thousand years old.
XVIII. Shocking Revelations
Cezar saw what happened during the so called Great Flood and where the human civilization originated, but he
decided not to reveal this, as the revelations are too shocking for the mentality, ideas and knowledge of the
contemporary man.
Personally, I think people like him are also responsible for the current state of unawareness and latency of the
human species. We have been lied and manipulated for millenia, and as soon as we are close to the truth,
someone decides that we are not yet ready to hear it. This is an arrogant and selfish approach! The people are as
ready today as they will ever be, and the sooner the truth will be released, the better. Having more pieces of the
puzzle will make them accept the truth easier and, more importantly, will make convince them to take action
against the manipulators and enslavers.
In a disturbing display of images, the existence of Jesus and his crucifixion was also presented. The projections
revealed that many of those who witnessed the crucifixion came there from other historical periods.
They were wearing the same kind of clothing as the rest of the people, but their facial features were different,
hence they were constantly covering their faces.
The hologram also presented fragments from the spiritual lives of other exceptional characters of mankind's
distant past, including people that we know nothing of.
In those times, the social and population distribution were completely different from what is known today, so
the archaeologists and anthropologists should review their theories from scratch.
XIX. The Three Mysterious Tunnels
The discovered tunnels are thousands of miles in length and lead to three different areas of the planet. The one
in the left connected the Romanian base to a yet to be discovered underground base somewhere in Egypt (which
was definitely discovered and explored by now).
The right tunnel led to a similar but smaller structure, in the "Tibetan Plateau". This tunnel had three secondary
ramifications. One led to an underground area near the Romanian city of Buzaru (close to the "Carpathian
Bend"). Another one led to the already mentioned Iraqi base, while the final ramification led to an underground
base in the "Gobi Desert", in Mongolia.
XX. The Third Tunnel -- A Secret World
The middle tunnel was the most important to both Lord Massini and the U.S. Government, which strongly
requested to be kept secret to the public. This tunnel descended to extreme depths towards a veritable
underground world, located near the center of our planet.
Those of you who are not familiar to the hollow earth theory, please note that there are important figures who
support the theory that all planets are probably hollow on the inside, and bring interesting scientific arguments
to support their claims.
Also, there are some very interesting and beautiful stories about people who allegedly traveled to this world.
The realm is commonly known as Agartha, and the third tunnel was probably leading straight to it. It only
makes sense that the shadow elite were not interested to make the discovery known to the people.
(Right click here > Open in new window -- The complete collection of stories about Agartha).
Intense preparations begun for expeditions inside all 3 tunnels, as following: the first one to Egypt, the second
to Tibet, and the third one to Earth’s core.
(Summary of events from the book: "Viitor cu cap de mort", by “Radu Cinamar” -- the pen name for an
undisclosed writer, which in my opinion, is none other than ex-General Emil Strainu. I base my statement on
the extremely similar writing style and the fact that the author had direct access to this above-Top Secret alien
base -- something that couldn't have happened unless the person was an insider.)
In 2009, a local television “Antena 1” briefly presented these events:
After the program, they've received an anonymous phone threat:
The following is a transcript of the phone call.
The reporter from "Antena 1" answered the phone.
"Reporter: Hello, good afternoon!
Anonymous caller: We’re sending you a warning: be very careful! Stop talking about the Bucegi (Mountains)!
R: Who are you?
A: This information must remain at the level of some structures and must not be made public! You've entered a
dangerous game! You are young, you have families...there are enough subjects in this country to speak about!
R: Mister, who are you?
A: Don’t wish to know us and to be yourselves interviewed by us! That’s all I've had to say!"
For more information check my website
Radu Cinamar new facebook administrator page here: