Women`s Retreat - Neabsco Baptist Church
Women`s Retreat - Neabsco Baptist Church
DREAMS & GOALS COME ALIVE, IT'S HERITANCE Women’s Retreat focus TIME! MONTHLY NEWSLETTER OF NEABSCO BAPTIST CHURCH JULY 2012 – VOLUME 1 Women Destined for Greatness For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end Jeremiah 29:11 For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father's house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this? Ester 4:14 Many of us today do not realize how close we are to the success or greatness God has destined you for. Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that we were set apart for a special purpose in life. We were all chosen, purposed through redemption with all blessings in Christ before the foundation of the world. God is the one who holds our eternal destiny. Philippians 2:12 tells us to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. Our salvation is a very serious matter and will not happen by accident. With that said, know there is a dream in you that is great, that is the destined for greatness God has chosen for you. The enemy has put you in a box and labeled it. This box that I speak of has many labels and some of these labels are called Low Self Esteem, Depressed, Fat, Grief, Unattractive, Single, Divorced, Uneducated, Poor, Broken, No Children, Abrasive Husband, Kids on drugs, Homelessness, Adultery, Alcoholic and Bond by things of this world… You have to learn to fight against these labels in the box and tell yourself I’m getting out of this box, because I’m destined for greatness! In our 1st edition of the Women’s Retreat Newsletter I would like to share 5 Steps to getting out of the box to move forward in the purpose God has destined for you:1st – If you do not see the potential or seed in yourself, God has ordained someone to recognize the seed of greatness in you. Ester had Mordecai, he was her cousin and he saw the beauty in her that would make her a queen. 2nd – You have to learn to turn lemons into lemonade. To excel you must take the gift that is in you and maximize it. God has deposited a gift in you, it might be that you love children, playing with games, helping the elderly, speaking, taking care of your husband, cleaning, cooking, sewing etc. Start rejecting rejection. Look at what you have and don’t compare yourself to others. 3RD – Get off the excuse freeway! Stop making excuses; they are the crutch of the uncommitted. Excuses cause you to do 3 things: Continued on page 2 MATURE YOUR SOUL WOMEN DESTINED FOR GREATNESS pg. 1 & 2 MATURE YOUR SOUL pg. 1 & 4 GOD’S ETERNAL PROMISE pg. 2 & 5 REFRESH YOUR HEART pg. 2 WORDS FROM OUR FIRST LADY pg. 3 FOCUS ON PRAYER & FASTING pg. 4 LAUGH OUT LOUD STRONG vs STRENGTH RETREAT UPDATE UPCOMING EVENTS pg. 5 SPOTLIGHT RETREAT PURPOSE Ladies, God has destined us for greatness, he has a plan for our lives. How do we know what the plan is that God has for us? The only way to know the plan is to spend time with God. One way to spend time with God is prayer. By putting prayer first we can accomplish much as we build an intimate relationship with God. Continued on page 4 pg. 6 GOD’S ETERNAL PROMISE Shift the Atmosphere! Isn’t it good to know that God has plans for our lives and that He has made us promises that are eternal. Psalms 103:3 tells us, to “Bless the Lord … and forget not his benefits.” Living in the kingdom of God has tremendous benefits. As believers, we must make it a priority to do things God’s way so that we can access what He has made available to us in His Word. In the 29th chapter of Jeremiah we will find that the Prophet Jeremiah sent word to the Israelites, who were in captivity in Babylon, that after 70 years, the Lord God Almighty promised to return and restore them back to the place from which He carried them into exile. He also gave them instructions on how to live while in captivity. Even in times of suppression, they did not have to live oppressed lives. God told them that while they were in the city that they should build houses, marry, have children, pray, seek peace and prosperity. In short, God told them how to live in their circumstances. Even though the circumstances were not by choice, they could still prosper where they were. If they were to pray for the city, and the city prospered, they would also prosper. The Israelites received Jeremiah’s message from God and God did just what He said He would do. How many of us are living in captivity (bondage) to debt, sickness, broken relationships, or fear? Is anyone holding on to anger, fear, jealousy, or resentment? Has your circumstances taken your eyes off of God and caused you to forget His promises to you? Whatever your challenge or situation, find the answer in the Word of God and remember that God’s Word is the final authority. When you find the answer, sow the Word into your heart. Speak God’s Word. You have the power to shift the atmosphere. RELEASE YOUR FAITH! Continued on page 5 THE OAK TREE A MIGHTY WIND BLEW NIGHT AND DAY IT STOLE THE OAK TREE'S LEAVES AWAY Refresh Your Heart THEN SNAPPED ITS BOUGHS AND PULLED ITS BARK UNTIL THE OAK WAS TIRED AND STARK BUT STILL THE OAK TREE HELD ITS GROUND, WHILE OTHER TREES FELL ALL AROUND THE WEARY WIND GAVE UP AND SPOKE, HOW CAN YOU STILL BE STANDING OAK THE OAK TREE SAID, I KNOW THAT YOU CAN BREAK EACH BRANCH OF MINE IN TWO CARRY EVERY LEAF AWAY, SHAKE MY LIMBS, AND MAKE ME SWAY BUT I HAVE ROOTS STRETCHED IN THE EARTH, GROWING STRONGER SINCE MY BIRTH. YOU’LL NEVER TOUCH THEM, FOR YOU SEE THEY ARE THE DEEPEST PART OF ME UNTIL TODAY, I WASN'T SURE OF JUST HOW MUCH I COULD ENDURE, BUT NOW I'VE FOUND, WITH THANKS TO YOU I'M STRONGER THAN I EVER KNEW Johnny Ray Ryder Women Destined for Greatness cont. - Cover Up – Don’t waste your energy covering up excuses. - Speed Up – Moving forward and never acknowledge you’re making excuses. - Give Up – People who make excuses are not defeated, but they quit. Don’t forget the box! The enemy has placed labels on you and you use these labels as excuses not to move forward into your destiny and purpose. “It’s time to wake up and stop making excuses! Mordecai could have had the excuse of having to care for Esther, than he would have missed her destiny to save a nation. The only way to get off the excuse freeway is to take full responsibility for yourself and your mistakes. Change your excuses by accepting responsibility. Develop a plan to build on your strengths and know things will change when you change yourself. 4th – Say good bye to yesterday’s tragedies and baggage so you can move forward into your greatness. I’ve learned that the problems of one’s past impact you in two ways… Breakdown or Breakthrough. Mordecai did not let the fact that Esther was an orphan stop him from entering her into the beauty contest. He did not let her past paralyze her future. It’s time to be loosed from your infirmity. Acknowledge the pain, forgive others, forgive yourself, release and move on. My personal experience: Most of you are aware that my oldest son at the age of 16 was killed by a drunk driver. Because of my abusive childhood, family value and love was significant to me, I was very much devoted. I believed and trust that a family that prays together stays together… howbeit my son at a young age was now in heaven, leaving our family circle to be broken. The brokenness was trying to destroy me. By the grace of God I came face to face with my inadequacy and only then was I able to release it and move forward. 5th – Be Bold, Don’t Dare Miss It! You cannot afford to miss any opportunity that comes up to propel you into your destiny. Mordecai saw the opportunity to enter Esther into the beauty contest and she became queen. If you recall, Esther almost missed the opportunity to save her nation. She became a Don’t Dare Miss It Person. I believe Esther got out the box, faced her inadequacies, searched for solutions and finalized her decision with “If I Perish, I Perish. As women of God, I encourage you to get out of the box, take 5 Steps and stand of the word of God as He leads you into your divine purpose that is Destined for Greatness. It’s Time To Get Out Of The Box! Greater Love, Deaconess Renee’ Edwards 2012 Retreat Chairperson 2 Words from our First Lady Why Do We Need A Retreat? According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, RETREAT is defined as (the comments in red are my thoughts concerning the NBC Women’s Retreat - not Merriam-Webster Dictionary) 1. an act or process of withdrawing especially from what is difficult, dangerous, or disagreeable (The "World") 2. (a) the process of receding from a position or state attained (fear, frustration, worry, stress . . .) ( b ) the withdrawal of troops from an enemy . . . (Satan and those who follow him) 3. a place of privacy or safety; refuge (NBC Women's Retreat) 4. a period of group withdrawal for prayer, meditation, study, or instruction under a director (The director? GOD, the Holy Spirit, the Bible) With those definitions in mind, prayerfully during this time of spiritual retreat, you will hold yourself and your sisters to a higher standard by: Providing a place of safety for healing, understanding and growth Helping Women Grow Closer to God Providing an Opportunity for Mentoring Relationships - Sometimes it is structured; sometimes it simply happens in casual conversation, like the lunch line. Demonstrating a Need for Spiritual Growth as it applies to the scriptures Building Relationships and Beginning New Ones Showing How the Bible Applies to Women, God will provide guidance for every unique aspect of our lives Promoting Understanding, Recognition and Development of God given gifts and talents Generating Laughter Encouraging & Increasing the Participation Of All: WE are all equally part of Neabsco and God’s Kingdom Building Relaxation, by eliminating the fear of being embarrassed What we need for a successful retreat? Our Foundation - For everything we do must come from the word of God. This is the foremost and most basic need. Otherwise, all would be a failure. Never Put Anyone On the Spot – Do not make your sister feel that she must participate vocally or physically. Her attendance is proof that she is participating in her heart. Prayer (in your heart or vocally) - We need God to be in charge. Without prayer we may find ourselves doing or saying things that do not please Him. Testimonies - What can be a more useful tool than to share with others the real life experiences of God in our lives? Not all will want to share a testimony, but all will list en. Provide Studies and Activities - That are helpful in any stage or circumstance of a woman's life. Enthusiasm - What kind of a retreat would we have if we have lost our zeal for the Gospel and our chance to share it with each other and the world? A Desire To Participate - in fellowship, edification, peace, laughter, sharing. Remember to encourage each other to interact with women that are not in their usual "circle". This makes us step outside of our normal comfort zones. Part of fellowship and Spiritual growth is to mix with women of all ages and life stages. How can we build relationships and begin new ones if we isolate ourselves from all but those we usually spend time with? Begin to invest in yourself; begin to prepare yourself to step into a future that God has already created for you. 3 MATURE YOUR SOUL cont. Simply put, prayer is communication with God; it is talking to God. We can talk to God about anything, big things, little things, silly things, scary things, sad things, happy things, everything. He cares about us and knows what is going on in daily our lives. We are important to God; he loves us and cares deeply for us. He wants to hear from us regularly so that He can supply our every need. Everyone who believes that Jesus is their personal savior has a link, a connection to God and they can pray, they can communicate with God. Jesus is our helper and our friend; he sits on the right hand of God being an advocate for us. The scripture Matthew 6:9-13 has been called the Lord’s Prayer, but more correctly it should be called the Model Prayer. Jesus was teaching His disciples how to pray. As we spend time with God in prayer we have some lessons to learn from the Model Prayer: Person Recognize who God is. “Our Father which art in Heaven.” He is our creator, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last. We would not even exist if God had not created us. Praise Praise Him because He is worthy. “Hallowed be thy name.” He is God. He is Holy. We are to be Holy as well. In 1 Peter 2:9 God’s word tells us that “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” Purpose Seek God’s will not your own. “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” Jesus prayed in the garden when He was facing the cross for the Father’s will to be done. We can learn God’s will by reading and studying His word, the Bible. If Jesus, who is God himself, even wanted to do God’s will how much more should we want to do his will? Petition State our requests for others and ourselves to God. “Give us this day our daily bread.” Jesus is our intercessor and we should be intercessors for others. God already knows what we stand in need of, but He wants a close relationship with us and wants to hear from us on a regular basis. Pardon Ask God for forgiveness. “And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.” God has forgiven us of all our sins, so we need to be forgiving to those who have wronged us. Protection Ask God for a way of escape from evil situations. “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” God always makes a way out for us when we are tempted as 1 Corinthians 10:13 tells us. Praise and Person This is both a benediction (blessing) and a doxology (praise). “For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.” Again we are recognizing God for who is and that everything is his. As we take these lessons we can apply them to our personal prayers with God. Focus on Prayer & Fasting How To Begin Your Fast Step 1: Set Your Objective Why are you Fasting? Is it for spiritual renewal, for guidance, for healing, for the resolution of problems, for special grace to handle a difficult situation? Ask the Holy Spirit to clarify HIS leading and objective for your prayer fast. This will enable you to pray more specifically and strategically. Through fasting and prayer we humble ourselves before God so the Holy Spirit will stir our souls, awaken our churches, and heal our land according to 2 chronicles 7:14. Make this a priority in your fasting and let God show you the way. Resource used from: Bill Bright "7 Basic Steps to Successful Fasting and Prayer" Love and Blessing Prayerfully Submitted, 2012 Retreat Program Committee 4 GOD’S ETERNAL PROMISE cont. A Strong Woman vs. A Woman of Strength Many times a person’s heart is full of faith but that faith is not released. Release your faith by speaking God’s words over your circumstances and LIVE……. A strong woman works out every day to keep her body in shape … but a woman of strength kneels in prayer to keep her soul in shape… We have all gone through something that God has delivered us from. We may not feel as though our lives can have an impact on others, but if we’re believers, we have a compelling testimony to share. Our Father’s love not only healed us from the fatal disease of SIN, but also gave us new life that will never end. That is our eternal promise. A strong woman isn’t afraid of anything… but a woman of strength shows courage in the midst of her fear… Be Bless and always be a blessing. NBC Deaconess Ministry A strong woman won’t let anyone get the best of her … but a woman of strength gives the best of her to everyone… A strong woman makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future… A woman of strength realizes life’s mistakes can also be God’s blessings and capitalizes on them… LAUGH OUT LOUD! One day three men were walking along and came upon a raging, violent river. They needed to get to the other side, but had no idea of how to do it. The first man prayed to God saying, "Please God, give me the strength to cross this river." Poof! God gave him big arms and strong legs, and he was able to swim across the river in about two hours. Seeing this, the second man prayed to God saying, "Please God, give me the strength and ability to cross this river." Poof! God gave him a rowboat and he was able to row across the river in about three hours. The third man had seen how this worked out for the other two, so he also prayed to God saying, "Please God, give me the strength, ability, and intelligence to cross this river." And Poof! God turned him into a woman. She looked at the map, and then walked across the bridge A strong woman walks sure footedly … but a woman of strength knows God will catch her when she falls… A strong woman wears the look of confidence on her face … but a woman of strength wears grace… A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey … but a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong… (Author Unknown) (Author Unknown) The 18th annual Women’s Retreat will be September 7-8, 2012. The retreat will be held at the Crowne Plaza in Williamsburg, Va. We are blessed this year to have Reverend Dr. Janice Jenkins Pastor of Judah Praise Fellowship Christian Church as our guest speaker. We’re just about a month away from the registration deadline. All ladies who will be participating in this year retreat must be registered and paid in full before July 31. To register or make payments, please see one of the registrars. Katrina Edward Mary Keith Registrars: Jacqualine Lewis Betty Norwood Juliet Watt Upcoming Events July 13 – WOW Meeting July 28 – WOW Tea July 31 – Retreat Payment In Full Aug. 17 – WOW Meeting Anyone who is interested in riding a bus to the retreat location must sign up on the bus survey list. The cost of the bus will be $15.00. For additional information, please contact Deaconess Delphia Ligon or Sister Monique Wood. 5 Aug. 25 – Pre-Retreat Event! Sept. 7 – Women’s Retreat Building on the foundation of Jesus Christ as a Good Neighbor How many of you grew up in a small church with less than 100 or members? If you can relate to that, do you remember what it was like going to church each Sunday? Walking into church and seeing everyone you knew and knowing that everybody knew you as well. The same Deacon would start singing a song for devotion. Deacon So and So would start praying (for 30 minutes) and Sister So and So would lead the choir in the opening hymn. Pastor would preach loud and long and everyone would “get their shout on”. At the end of service we would hug, laugh and fellowship for a little while and go home. If during the week any member was sick, we would all pray. If anyone needed help, everyone tried to help. We were good neighbors, caring for each one and treating each other like we wanted to be treated. I’m sure some of you can relate to being a part of some small organization where everyone knew your name and exhibited a spirit of “neighborliness”. . In a large congregation, sometimes it is difficult for everyone to feel connected the way we did back in the day. As we (Neabsco Baptist Church) increase in physical size, we’ll also increase in membership. We need to work at being or continuing to be good neighbors now. The word tells us to “love one another as Christ loved the church” and “to esteem others higher than ourselves”. “Beloved, let us love one another; for love is of God; and everyone that loveth is born or God, and knoweth God” (1John 4:7). Love is not just a feeling, but it is also a choice and an action. Truly “charity” (love) does begin at home. It is extremely important that we are attractive to believers and non-believers if we are to fulfill the Great Commission in Matthew 23: 19-20. We must be attractive in the sense that everyone can see Christ within us; in the way we talk, walk, live, and fellowship. We must ”Let our light so shine that men (women) might see our good works and glorify our Father who is in heaven” ( Matthew 5:16). So, turn your light on and show yourself friendly; turn your light on and walk across to the other side of the church to speak to someone you may not know; turn your light on and help the new mother with her baby; turn your light on and encourage a young adult to get into a closer relationship with God; turn your light on and get to work in the vineyard; turn your light on and pray on someone else’s behalf; turn your light on and share your testimony with someone who is about to give up on God; turn your light on and proclaim that Jesus is risen to save a dying world. We must submit to God and “pick up our cross” to follow Him, daily dying to self so that we may be able to live a life in Christ. Sisters, we must be about our Father’s business. Let’s work together in preparation for God’s blessings of increase. Let’s be real, reflecting Christ’s love in all we do. Peace, love and blessings, WOW Ministry 6 Retreat Purpose To endeavor to empower, motivate and inspire women to pursue their purpose, goals, visions and dreams! Equipping each to be leaders, women of God, better wives, and mothers. Encouraging each to come together in sisterhood that we may discover the greatness that is inside of us. “And the angel came in unto her, and said, hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee, Blessed art thou among women.” Luke 1:28 As God’s “QUEENS”, know that your past does not determine your destiny in God. We have each been called to various areas of influence throughout the world. God is the one who holds our eternal destiny; we are God’s modern day Esthers and we are destined for Greatness …for such a time as this. “It’s time to get out the box, you are destined for greatness”! Let Your Light Shine!