PERÚ Ministerio de Agricultura Dirección General Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre National Forest and Wildlife Information System CONTROL MODULE OF THE NATIONAL FOREST AND WILDLIFE INFORMATION SYSTEM (SNIC PROJECT) Conceptual Document DGFFS - USFS Technical Work Group 0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The regulations established under the Forest and Wildlife Laws and their Regulations, sought to implement a series of efforts to have mechanisms that allow an adequate forest management and control, including the setting up of a Forest Statistical Information Center (CIEF), the use of the application called Local Application Forest Information System (SIF-AL), among others. The building process of the currently called Control Module of the National Forest and Wildlife Information System (SNIC Project) started by the end of 2007 with the signing of the amendment to the Peru - United States Trade Promotion Agreement (TPA) and its Annex on Forest Sector Governance (Annex 18.3.4) in which, among others, the Peruvian Government is committed to “develop systems to verify the legal origin and chain of custody of CITES-listed tree species and develop systems, including requirements for management oversight and record keeping, to reliably track specimens from harvest through transport, processing and export.” In 2008, that commitment resulted in a series of efforts by the Peruvian government, through the Forest Authority: i) the issuing of a number of legal instruments that aimed to give legal certainty to the establishment of a national system, ii) the development of a functionality proposal of the National Forest and Wildlife Information and Control System (SNIC), iii) the management of mechanisms as well as national and cooperation funds for the development of an Implementation Project for the SNIC, and iv) the holding of a series of outreach meetings based on the future process of decentralization. All these efforts were affected by structural changes resulting from the reorganization of the Ministry of Agriculture (MINAG), and the creation of the Ministry of Environment (MINAM) and the Forest and Wildlife Resources Supervisory Organism (OSINFOR). In 2009, with the Peru-United States TPA coming into effect and as a result of the efforts made in 2008, important steps were taken for the implementation of a national system: i) the assignation of State funds for the amount of S/. 7.5 million for the acquisition of goods and nonfinancial assets; ii) the establishment of special committees to carry out the bidding process for the acquisition of goods and assets (computer equipment, printers, electricity generators, ARCGIS and image processing software, high-powered server and FieldMap integrated systems) required for the SNIC Project iii) obtaining technical assistance from the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and the and its Peru Forest Sector Initiative (PFSI) project and iv) procurement of goods and services for the SNIC. Under the technical assistance agreement between PFSI and the General Direction for Forest and Wildlife (DGFFS), national and foreign experts agreed that since the time frame for SNIC implementation is limited a joint work plan would be prepared in order to carry out certain actions in three timeframes. In the short-term, actions like the following would be conducted: i) a study tour for Peruvian experts to the US in order to learn and evaluate control mechanisms and technology used by USFS; ii) a Government sponsored workshop on information systems to learn from other experiences and exchange ideas about the SNIC proposal. In the midterm, introduction of improvements to current forest and wildlife control mechanisms (SIF-AL management and administration) would be carried out, such as: i) preparing standards for the use of single identification codes for logs, ii) development of protocols for the use of unforgeable paper and creation barcode algorithms for the Forest Products Transportation Guides (GTF), iii) improving the operations book and adaptation of the 1, RIPUF iv) implementing interconnected online systems, v) increasing specialized staff to carry out verifications and inspections at checkpoints and sawmills, vi) signing interinstitutional collaboration agreements with SUNAT, INEI, Office of the Attorney General, etc. And, in the long term: carry out the construction of the Control Module of the National Forest and Wildlife Information System (SNIC Project). On 2010, a series of activities were executed aimed to achieve the aspects mentioned above, for that, a government workshop was held whose product was the creation of an Interinstitutional Work Group (IWG) to design the National Forest and Wildlife Information System and from which a Technical Work Group (TWG) was created exclusively to build a new proposal of the Control Module of the National Forest and Wildlife Information System (SNIC Project). Also, a fieldtrip was made to the U.S., the result of which was the 1 Permanent Physical Inventory Records (SUNAT format) 1 agreement with U.S. experts on the basic structure of the guidelines for Module which the TWG is using to make the proposal. This TWG started working on late May 2010 on the Mapping of the Business Process for the Current Situation of the Forest and Wildlife Control Mechanisms. This map will be the base for the redesign process and for the development of the architecture of what the system will be by the end of 2014. Additionally, as part of the work of internalization, participation and commitment a socialization process is carried out in parallel at i) the political level so as to engage and involve the regional authorities and administration related to forest and wildlife control in the construction and use of the system, and at ii) the general level, so as to integrate and internalize the actors on the importance and benefits of using the system. CONCEPTUALIZATION OF THE CONTROL MODULE The Control Module of the National Forest and Wildlife Information System (SNIC Project) is created as part of a broader system known as the National Forest and Wildlife Information System. The module will help to manage resources to guarantee sustainable trade of Peru’s forest products. The system will provide information which government institutions related to the management require in order to guarantee and ensure that products have been legally obtained and that these comply with applicable international agreements. DGFFS Objectives National Forest and Wildlife Information System (SNIF) Quality Control Mechanisms Input Module Y Information Processing Output Storage of Information Connectivity Module X Connectivity Forest and Wildlife Control Module (SNIC) SUNAT RGs OSINFOR MINAM USERS Diagram of the Information System The Control Module of the National Forest and Wildlife Information System (SNIC Project) will allow to ensure the efficient use of control mechanisms by public entities involved in forest resource management, while at the same time, strengthening inter-sector cooperation. In order to achieve this, a first phase, national standards, processes, and procedures will be set up for the Timber Forest Control. This will allow to guarantee the adequate management of resources and the legal origin and sale of forest products; something beneficial for all the stakeholders in the production chain. The Control Module of the National Forest and Wildlife Information System (SNIC Project) will be applied to National and Regional government bodies involved in the administration, control, supervision, and monitoring of forest resources at a national level, as well as to the different stakeholders of the production chain through differing access levels. This Module, as an IT solution, consists of a series of processes, logical models, programs, and components that systematize information gathered from a specific field. This information is thus integrated and standardized and then made available to operational management and decision making aspects. 2 The Control Module of the National Forest and Wildlife Information System (SNIC Project) is characterized for being: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Open: Because it will allow the exchange of information between users and differentiated access to the public and private information. Decentralized: Because it will be accessed from the different public entities related to the management activities of the forest resources. Dynamic: Because it will be updated in real time. Normalized: Because it will allow uniformity of the management, gathering and treatment of the data. Standardized: Because it will have technical, computing, administrative, and legal standards. Safe: Because it will provide trust on the management and disposition of the information. Easy to use: Because it will allow to have a friendly environment for its use. Flexible: Because it will be easy to modify and update in the future in case of future structural changes that could affect it. The advantages of implementing the Module will be reflected in: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. The speed of procedures followed by users, because times and administrative processes will be reduced; The timely disposition of information at different levels, because the information will be accessed in real time; The reliability of the information, because information gaps that currently raise suspicions on some forest activities will be eliminated; The Integration of information between agencies, because information will be able to be reconciled depending on the competence and functions of the agencies; The increase of the consumers’ level of trust, because legal produces will be able to access and provide general or specific information for the management of their transactions; The improvement of the forest management, because the sustainability an legality of the products will be guaranteed through the management and control documents; Increased use of non valuable species, derived from the identification of said potential, among others. ORGANIZATION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CONTROL MODULE The process of building the Control Module of the National Forest and Wildlife Information System (SNIC Project) is carried out through a Technical Work Group (TWG) composed especially by professionals and specialists with expertise in specific subjects of the processes that involve the forest administration and control. Such specialists have been properly accredited and come from institutions directly related to the 2 3 management of resources, such as the National Forest Authority (ANF ), the Regional Forest Authority (RFA ), the Forest and Wildlife Resources Supervisory Organism (OSINFOR) and the National Service of Natural Areas Protected by the State (SERNANP). Other strategic institutions include the National Superintendency of Tax Administration (SUNAT), the CITES Scientific Authority, the IT Unit (UTI) of the Ministry of Agriculture, among others. This TWG is organized by a Core and a Permanent Committee. The Core is led by the ANF with the assistance of the USFS through the PFSI project, it meets daily, and its main function is to perform the activities outlined in the Work Plan for the construction of module. The Permanent Committee is composed of accredited prominent members from the agencies mentioned above, it meets regularly, and its function is to develop activities related to the mapping of processes from the current control mechanisms and their redesign. Al members of the TWG extraordinarily meet to validate and approve business processes and documents related to the current control mechanisms and the redesign of these processes. 2 3 General Direction for Forest and Wildlife (DGFFS) and Forest and Wildlife Technical Administration Forest Agencies from the Regional Governments that have been transferred forest-related functions 3 IWG (Interinstitutional Work Group) Socialization Team TWG (Technical Work Group) Core Permanent Committee IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CONTROL MODULE CONSTRUCTION PROCESS OF THE CONTROL MODULE The construction of the Control Module basically depends on the development of business processes within the forest sector production chain, since the methodology includes the following activities: 1. 1.1 Process Mapping: which involves: Preparing the current business process map, This involves analyzing the current situation of the control mechanisms. In order to achieve this it is necessary to: a. Prepare a discovery map showing the current situation: Identify the stages of the production chain Identify the activities involved in each stage Have an first matrix for analysis Diagram the current business processes: Provide details of activities, tasks, and actions Determine levels of importance and frequency Identify the problems Adjust roles Identify inputs and outputs 1.2 Redesign the business process map: consists in analyzing the problems identified in the current process map as well as proposing solutions and enhancements. In order to achieve this it is necessary to: a. Analyze the problems and identify improvements. b. Obtain a new discovery map: Identify assumptions (conditions for solutions) Review, analyze and identify the applicability of the regulations for the new processes Inventory roles, identify interface, according to other agencies Identify and classify inputs and outputs Correct problems from the Mapping of the Current Situation c. Obtain a new diagram of processes: Identify critical points Identify obsolete or fused activities, inputs, and outputs Map the new business process 4 Map the new or merged independent processes Identify the specific interface points Interface Control Tools (Forms) Data Migration 2. 2.1 Elaborate the architecture of the system: which implies: Design the architecture: includes defining the output and input formats, information needs and tools to manage the new system. 2.2 Remodeling the Networks: consists in defining the communication lines of the new system. The location and quantification of servers and users’ access points to the new system. 3. 3.1 Software development or adjustment: which involves: Develop the IT solution: consists in developing software according to approved requirements for the new system. Establish protocols for external interfaces (applications from other agencies) and conduct test trials with established units based on the interface requirements. 3.2 IT Solution Functionality Tests: consists of testing the integrated solution and its security mechanisms. 4. Conduct a functional test: consists of conducting a pilot program using the IT solution to track logs from the forest up to the export phase in a specific travel corridor, in order to make adjustments for its final use. 5. Implement the system nationwide: consists in implementing the system nationwide. In that order of activities, 09 stages of the forest productive chain have been identified. The business processes of this chain will be mapped in the context of the current situation and later be subjected to a redesign. The identified stages are: Stage I Stage II Stage III Stage IV Stage V Stage VI Stage VII Stage VIII Stage IX : Forest Zoning : Granting Authorization Rights : Forest Planning : Forest Management : Primary Transportation : Transformation : Secondary Transportation : Product Trading : Renewal or End of Authorization Rights, and destination of products from the sanctioning process For the mapping of the processes from the current situation and later redesign, the BlueworksLive software from IBM is used. For the design of the architecture, it will be necessary to evaluate a compatible software that allows that work. THE SOCIALIZATION PROCESS The socialization process is carried out by a special team composed of representatives from the ANF with the assistance of the USFS through its PFSI project, which is responsible for developing the meetings program in coordination with the TWG, manage and coordinate all the logistics (location, material, contacts, invitations, etc.) needed for the scheduled meetings. The socialization process is intended to involve both the regional government authorities and the agents involved in the production chain in the construction of the Control Module. 5 To this end, decentralized meetings are held at a political level with the regional government authorities (president, regional forest agencies and authorities) from the coastline, mountains and jungle to commit efforts and give priority to this initiative. Decentralized meetings are also held at a general level with the agents (producers, industrialists, professionals, civil society, population, etc.) to engage them in the construction of the Control Module, taking into consideration their contributions (observations, approaches, etc.) from their role as users. The socialization process also involves the diffusion of the construction process of the Control Module using electronic (web) and printed (publications, brochures, etc.) media. This is conducted by the ANF with the logistical support from PFSI. WORK PLAN FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CONTROL MODULE It is estimated that the implementation process and final implementation of the Control Module, considering the mapping of the current processes, redesign, architecture, bidding process for the IT solution and pilot testing should take about 4 to 5 years, as shown in the summary of the work plan. Even though the module building process will take time, it is important to note that this time would be appropriate if we compare the time it took the USFS to build its Timber Information Manager (TIM) system as seen in the attached table. However, the fact remains that there are significant differences between the realities in Peru and the United States for the development and implementation of these systems, so the development of the Control Module is a great challenge for the Peruvian Government. 6 Peru–United States Trade Promotion Agreement Work Plan for the construction of the SNIF Control Module (SNIC Project) (Document Adjusted on September 2011) WORK PLAN (PHASE / ACTIVITY / TASK /ACTION) 1 PHASE I: Project Planning and Management for the Control Module of the National Forest and Wildlife Information System (SNIC Project) 1.1 Activity 1.1: Comparative evaluation of information systems with the systems of the USFS 1.2 Activity 1.2: Organization of the Technical Work Group (TWG) for the development of the guidelines for the SNIC Project 1.3 Activity 1.3: Internalization of the Stakeholders from the Intersectoral Work Group (IWG) on the aims of the National Forest Information System Activity 1.4: Development of guidelines for the construction of the SNIC 1.4 Objective 1.4: Adjust the base proposal of the SNIC to the basic structure 2 2.1 PHASE II: Development or Acquisition of the IT Solution for the implementation of the SNIC Activity 2.1: Evaluation of proposals from IT System providers related to the SNIC Project Activity 2.2: Determination of the acquisition strategy for the IT solution 2.2 Objective 2.2: Establish requirements, conditions, features, etc. to Activity 2.3: Carry out the process of acquisition of the IT solution 2.3 Objective 2.3: Acquire the IT solution 3 PHASE III: Adaptation of the IT solution and implementation Activity 3.1: Implementation of infrastructure and equipment 3.1 Objective 3.1: To have necessary requirements at a national level to control Activity 3.2: Adaptation of the IT solution 3.2 3.3 Objective 3.2: Prepare the IT solution according to national requirements Activity 3.3: Conduct a pilot program for the implementation of the SNIC project Activity 3.4: Implementation of the System (SNIC) 3.4 Objective 3.4: Implement the SNIC validated nationwide 4 WORK PLAN MONITORING Activity 4.1: Hold meetings with the DGFFS (DIC) - USFS (PFSI) core team 4.1 Objective 4.1: Assess progress, propose and approve adjustments to the activities outlined in the work plan Ejecutado Ejecutar Por Real PROGRAMMING 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014