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Narrator: 8' Story 1350 (15169 Tape 5) Unidentified - Location: - Date: Canak<;1 village, Siran kaza, Gumu$bane Province Augu~t C'Dllected The Persecuted goes to Flocks are cont:rolled The jug That's is those his the and in wifE~ became that stepmother WclY the to their your daughter~i "Alas, like father, carne to her "Oh, disappear Wj.fe, from woman meant what she said, her wish carrj,ed one morning ca~lled out. his the them; vineyard andlthat is 1 life who ~ad~h~d~~~ the ~an married again, have alsteprnother. ~~~~~~rt, Husband, how could who work the hardest; go, and died, girls dicL not said ill ""'1R 1..9'f.- by ~hose who herd There were once a man and wife After Saim Sakao(jlu )y sister 1flho visits! how thinc;Js 1969 by Dr. YI:)uggest Wealth male and one do scl>mething day to s] make IllY sight." I do such But the a thing?" and she was determined Helples~~ in this daughteJ:'s togetheJ!; to have situation, the man and "Girls, said, IThis mo:r'alistic verse is atypical qf introductions to Turkish tales. The conventional beginni~g is a nonsensical jingle known a.s a tekerleme. bundles. 29 Story 1350 us go to started for girls the forest ropes When the:if tie After them 'llp in forest, the the cut wood into man cut wood into began to stack of the right these size grew thirsty, So they an axe and the to tie to and they we are very thirsty. together be carried said to the Where can we find some drin:k.?" The man said, this the bundles the girls "Father, to which and the girls a while water with reached lengths, some wood today." the man carrying t:he forest, carryiw~ short and cut way and that benea th a larlge "You will way, go along and then I shall tree. yonder you will path, turning come to a fountain finish cutting w'e be able to the wood while are gone "But, Father, how shall find you when we return?" pipe "As I move along cutting on one pine after tree wood, I shall an.other, and it a~, ~ sound as the wind swings it Listen for the ~, "All the right," fountain ~ said in order and YCIUwill the giI'ls, to drink: keep hanging will against know where and they some water. my keep making these trees. I am." went and found As soon as they 1 ~ them. story 1350 had left, the:ir the girls had had enough to drink, place where Is thley to tr:y knowing which who rids find their way to go, they hi.mself for the father himself of the again daughters." forest. one of to whetrever day they behind and over some time, of selected it tree, had been left way out and began following Toward the end of their the going~, that and say over and cried to pipe reached they cry returned father's but that had cried to they their began to "the father decided forest they After axe and went home. there, Realizing in the forest, his When they J?ipe hanging had disappeared. the hear tJrle pine tree. saw his After took t]~ey could against they father emerged the it they Not paths might in lead from the for' 2There are two Moslem pra.yers that take place during what most people would call ev'ening: Yatsl., which occurs a sunset, and Ak~am, which comes: a couple of hours later. The word ak~am means-evening, and so if the reference here is taken-rIterally as the Ak~am F'rayer, the plain would be dar . Since they are able to see the~ trapdoor and see their way down the stairs, the prayer may have been the earlier se~rvice ~~. refe,rred to passingly '\ point. Story \'" 1350 up this stone, leading down into the earth. of this stair'Nay, they different there they foods--all subterranean not to the from t::rypt :in the surface of the quickly outside with rid shee]? the the monkey. powered hot oven, sight. entered next day, a house the house, After a flock they ~key, of sheep could see and so th~ the sheep in the girls threw Thenl the a slept had departed tha~ night, and girls had returned made a plan house way. bpt the the was a(~~~ke~ thelmonkey the girls the at this that which The monkey put When he returned him in that story they enoug~, of this of nor(i1~3 by a(~~~fr~who night. bottom many plates o~ the heard close led the fO dessert--but After they much afraid that of light.:..! got stairway one m~y conclude cellar him w]:len he entered kil:1ing --, - set with control follows, the plain, f:rom his in hiding the of what fading were very shed and he h:imself reached human be~ng lost c3.nd when it hid a table neither shee]? were being The girls was a long When they was the seen approaching, it the way from bread has clearly JudgiJilg beneath found was no I:>ne there, {The narrator that saw that to get they him over- into the house and 3The word il:EE- suggests two very dibferent kinds ofsupernatural4::reat The first is tht huge supernatural being who comes forth from a bottle or appears in response 3 I:l.. Story 1350 everything the in it, three around lived SIDnof and when evening the girls. inside for some time, to in he saw the lights that area, inside the windows, to what the three work- every evening. went hunting Going up to one of son of from sister of jus't so large the that said, the padi~ah, girls the house he looked were talking "If I I were ever should to be the wife cook him forty pots of one egg." The middle wife belonged as they crocheted. the food of sheep, comifortably the padi9ah arrived, The oldest of there and listened about flock th,e house by day and crocheting One day the of as the girls. The girls ing as well sister then said, S4:>nof the padi9ah, all of his "If I were ever I would soldiers to be the make a rug could sit for upon just him one side of it." When it "If I were 1flas the ev~~r to turn be the of wife the of youngest the sister, son of the she said padi9ah, I to some signal, such as the rubbing of a magic lamp or ring. This creature then proceeds to give the caller supernatural or magic aid 'to achieve what. he wishes. The other kind of J~nn ~s never seen. It ~s a sp~r~tual some Sufi belief and in other mystical force referred systems. to ~n joking! deceit. sisters. ~ 3LJ Story 1350 so large that all of my soldiers could sit on just one side of it." midd:le sister answered, "Of course I was only How c~ould anyone make such a huge rug?" he heard this at once and refused middle sister.. same time :Eor his led was ma]:-ried to the nu]?tial to become my wife, a daughter "Yes, if it is you would bear wi 1:h tight golden I J:-emember that the 'viII of and reported time three youngest to her, "Remem- you were ever and I Everything golden with this and then minutes',4 4Biology to the contrary scheme for human gestation intend is to bangs and as his wife. In -=. keep it and he a:shbrt time -~ after~~~~nths, nine she gave birth notwithstanding, in Turkish to in His hands." answer, C~:. £.~~~;~~~~~:~~e the When she was said if her the me a son with pro:mise, welcomed the ~roungest sister she became prE~gnant, of padisah. that the to make celebration, the room cl1rls." Allah. The prin(~e was pleased father the prince You once said the to do with to the youngest son of chamber, her your prorn:Lse. father wedding the left further he asked his marriage AftE~r the third sister the prince to have anything He went to his At the arrangements response, days, to two this folktales. is the Now, ~:5 '3 fjStory 1350 beautiful wi th chi:ldren: tight go:lden a son with sisters- grew very wo~~i~;~~ut said rejected living cast to the their middle us a:3 his wives, comfor1tably us out in the OJr perhaps with our sister." to them :Ln this The witch childbirth took put to the wife pl1ppies. son of has given he has allowed palace. they The oldest "Even though the prince us to continue however, They decided he may while to hire two newborn puppies and took ---, he lives a(~~~=~~ She then them to the When no one was looking, from the cradle the padisah birth this, matter two (~hildren two about own welfare. sisterr:, room in the palace. the the got heard even send us to prison happily help bangs and a daughter curls. When th~c.::Jf~l~er sister golden and in their had the two older and announce, to two puppies." place sisters "Our prince, she she go YOU!; \ 5In Turk:Lsh folktales the word witch has various con-notations. I1t. may be a person associated with cosmic evil. It may be a person with supernatural powers who mayor may not also be a ghoul. with or without supernatural powers, it may be an old woman available for hire to undertake nefarious deeds of various kinds. In this latest capacity, she may be simply a shrewd, wily, and unscrupulous accomplic in covert act:Lon against someone. That seems to be the case in this 'tale. Story 1350 When the prince ~ ~~"J, ~ his men, "Go .~nd bury my wife two puppies ~,9, she bore presence and c::arried turn attention our -" . r.}:"':sf ~ box, took and thre~., the the river unt:LI between to his wife, )q ~r mill, ~ turning. ..,)Io::t- out it You hold the and see what has happened." carried it They were the in1:o the grecitly box the wi th two of tight fifteen their us now ca'Llsed the floated down became caught that ran the waterwheel to D:)r me, and I shall found stop climb the down box He removed the box bu,t very goldl~n a The~~:~said wherl~ he and his bclby boy with wife pleased bangs opened to and the see baby it inside girl goJLden curls. The miller as if it the waterwheel T:he miller surprised his them inside The box There the paddles. mill, and throw Let put to stop turning. light of babies th,e river. of several Those men left two children, has to exactly. carne to a~91. "Something jammed between orders twin into the wheel he said up to her waist his those box news, the river." two o:E the paddles causing Ml\ (~I/ into to the The witch """--'" ~y heard this they had been their years foster and his of age, parents. w:ife own. these After reared the By the time two children t]t1e miller children they had lost and his reached both wife of had Later, are. ~7 Story 1350 both died, tight the golden (~urls at the palace the boy's boy with of father, other, and prince saw hi!3 he was strong:Ly strongly drawn knowing but the fath,er they her again wi1:h those If that what these said, the padi~ah son did not was recogto when the tight h,er also. golden In fact, to should p]:-ince youngeJ': They decided marry curls, he was so her, to from his h,e would not the situation all who they their becomes own welfare. too who they certainly really punish us "We must do something to that they ,of our secret same(ritc~ are the will who had helped "'before. found this to well family. learning or about he may learn answered, They finally the:Lr 'worry recognized th,e prince happen, sister, 1:0 hire to children, we hcive done the children "If The midd:Le sister explained The boy worked str~¥~racted with he 'wanted began acquainted our with golod friends. to that clunts of si!;ter of and the the girl attracted to the house. h'Dwever, became daughter, and the)( prevent in The son of They were, The oldest for alone sister who she was But the were, lived bangs and his the padisah. nize each other. each golden her. old woman again, children be exposed. them and they . 39 "'" Story 1350 you bring her'~ the most beautiful my companion. this me my horse," which horse could said run faster wal3 brought Ya~~~ r. to him, and rode a~rra.;; hors - the boy. than 6:~=~~! ~ man riding in the world to be 11 "Bring horse girl He had a marvelous a bird could fly. shouted,~ he mounted it, off. After 7 and hie shouted a while to When "Ya he met a him, ~a-mtinft:l:eyJd~ II "~.!~ ~~ II8 answered -- 6This in a time next to is the traditional of (~risis. Allahl, 1Nay of One more often HJ.zJ.r is Once a wclter the man. deity the most and fe:r-tility He then said, calling for appeals to Allah, likely source god--and "My divine of still help but emergencyaid. both those figures to most farmers in southern Turkey--H1z1r is more widely known now as a gra:rlter of wishes, a last-minute rescuer from disaster, and a slpecial messenger and agent of God. In these latter three fu:rlctions he appears fairly frequently in Tu],:kish folktales. Not mentioned by name in the Koran, a chap1:er of that work 1/las later is assumed to be the person instructing XVIII of the lCoran, where he is referred "our servant." 7H1Z1r, :Like many a Turkish hero, named after him. Moses in Chapter to by God simply rides a gray horse. 8~'leYkiim/AleYkiimse~--traditional exchange of greetings bet"een Moslems not 'llell acquainted with eachother. It means roughly ~"ace be unto you/And may peace be unto you t(~. If Selamiinal'~ is not responded to, the speaker should be wary of the ,one so addressed. He as +0 story 1350 poor boy, you are under understand th,~t and I also :Let me tell going upon. The most beau"tiful girl, ~.f J assistanc::e to secure "1- rescue hot water f 1°'.,5. far Jr: l.--IL trap roots of that tree it aside yourself into the promises not 1:0 kill of hiding;- her breast." 9This plain and escape well that but first a well well the which have to Dig all loosened e.3.t you. t~) her giantess has has fallen around the enough so that from beneath you and from which She has been lying it. a:rld hide rush a fairy assistance. is tree shaft you must is special there be:rleath is time goal own by a great it I you are now your you will seven :'fears. until but by a certain(i!~~:~~ of her her for at this giantess, to the ground in grea1: pain can throw that on this enou~Jh to a witch, the quest her without At the mouth of there ut capture can be provided along been pinned over understand from a difficulty "Farther of in the world the help of her influence you how to accomplish girl and you cannot This the Then throw it. there until As soon and suck she she (:: as you come some milk from It just 9 is the concept of m:ilk siblings. is not a convention of the folktale bl1t of Turkish real life as well. Nursin~r mothers sometimes nurse each other's infant briefly is in thought orcler to to create establish "this milk a bond no"t only relationship. between This the sucklings Story 1350 The boy ~vith the golden Afi:.er the weight catch of he had the tree, him and kill he had been told Then she said" great pain none of directed. and him, -~ for self want to eat you." beneath one of not of I have harm you." from the well She then picked but while. they him for there him what she said It see you, The golden-banged the breasts in Wherever thanked a short as a way to release boy rushed my seven sons to come home, and if at first shaft, Although tree. the giantess. again to seven years and I shall the from in an effort find They went to her house, yol1rself pain now you have done so. c:ome out of hiding, of acute had eased greatly. and~~~~~~~~~~)yesl0 he had done. "Hide that them could but as the man had in the well I spent of she even saw him, up carefully around her pain the weight and suc~~~_~ast KISr;~ until just woman in The boy hid "Oh, human being, me from my su:Efering, Before the she looked to do, sons, you are now, freed him. beneath seven giant bangs did is time to for they will boy hid him- the giantess. but also betw~~en their families. It is not as strong a bond as a family 0:[' clan tie, but it is one more way of gaining a meaningful alliance, a special kind of strong friendship. 10Kissinl~ of the eyes gesture of affection often children. (actually, (but not the eyelids) is a always) extended to "Son, ~~.:i:E!L Lf1Story 1350 When her smell or sons arr i ved hom~=, they human fJ.esh. there was one There is here no, Sons," be doing But noses an isolated her EiOns did do not ].ie, The giant:ess being did leased had then me for Mother," brothers but After believe human being great A human who re- pain that He sucked my breast, they answered. and that "We were once seven eight. seven giants from me anything my sons. harm him. I:LOWwe are the human flesh." cind from the yeaJ':s. "Our They said, well, wa~3 that the! golden-banged of her. 1:hey smel]. tree any human being this:'" ""ery it seven I do not want you to :Like said, me from the great here somewhere, "What would and and we 1'1 place Mother, come! here, tormented mother earlier. not "Mother, a human being she said. in scl.id, boy came out said to him, from hiding, the you may wish you want is to take home ",i th me the\:~~~~autiful -~ ~~~-~~~=~~.Y) "Alas, pclor boy, evil person or you would task, but I shall help you are under not you." the influence bE~undertaking ~)aying this, of some such a difficult she went out to Lf3 Story her 1350 garden and picked three The goldE~n-banged palace L-l3) ~v{ of roses boy and the giantess the most beauti.ful girl outside voice here that from for that, from palace stood wi thin 1~ horse, horse sclid into by touching and all said, rows and rows of "Ch, me, t:hen turn into stone. .-stone. .!!~1~~me in~;ide the boy's now turn ~J.A the world. went to the Everywhere r--~ When 1:he golden-banged ~ ,-j;;1J; ~ in then turned into nOh, I~ut the giantess aJ.l of the rE!stored to The boy t:hen said, wj. th me, everything heavy The giant:ess then and my work ends here. time if the the you want boy himself fairy me, turned girl's spell from her garden~ boy and his cigain. " 0h, ~~~lf-U~.!.!:~~ he you aJ':e my destiny." thai: was light prepaJ':ed said, come Then the voice ~.,ith the roses flesh for they stone. the golden-banged from her palace in ValUE! I and you have a As soon as she said broke stones including if hl1man being, And thi:~ into on the door, h1lInan being, stone!" stone!" of them, were boy knocked into again, men turned to ":[ have I shal:L They took in weight but depart. done now return what I can home to for you, my seven sons." The goldE~n-banged boy and the most beautiful girl in 4Lf Story 1350 the world his sister curls wa:Lted for was glad dismayed the then went to his at witch, return, them. to see them, seeing their thE~Y said, but he did! The OldC~ place said, their house and knocked curls started 1:0 the abou1: the witch \J and turned tha t broom in 1:0 the Then the curls, her fairy were boy could not do now?" I shall with send him off tight golden curls were sitting in woman came to the door of The girl but with tight the world herself. Although the beauty into 'world beauty golden stopped no one had already the door quickly, knew all,/ she struck a bathroom broom. She then the threw bathroom. girl "Go and invite and such a stJceet there to the waist. that in the world Opening abou t tha t WOItlan. girl on it. witch, aunts is no return." the door, door golden Going at once to wait! The witch toward house where tight two evil 'we to "Wait, girl home ta:Lking. the with us that day the their her but What are and the most beautiful and went The girl "You told following and to the nephe'w again. from which there On the told country said to the the padisah is girl here for with and bring her golden On such dinner. a woman who has long Have her dug out, tight been buried here for world. Story 1350 They were the ones who caused The padi~?ah was at this news, ~ he 1:.ook appropriate sisters celebration for After and forty had all executed. his this nights, of their may we also of this ,quite bu1:. when he understlDod happened, older first all pain." bewildered everything ,action. by all that the bride wishes had lasted girl forty and groom were married. fulfilled, have our wishes for fulfilled. and, if two evil a wedding son and thl~ most beautiful celebration had He had the Then :he had prepared of Allah in the days They is willing,