Iglesia Episcopal Santo Tomas Apostol
Iglesia Episcopal Santo Tomas Apostol
Iglesia Episcopal Santo Tomas Apostol Bo. Martin Gonzalez Carr. 860 Km. 1 Apartado 757, Carolina, Puerto Rico 00630 5to. Tomas Rdo. P. Jorge J. Rivero, Vicario Telefono 762-7770 1905 \ THE BISHOP'S CO.NOCATION DDRESS To the riembers of Christ' s Body, the Church, in the Miss ionary District of Puerto Rico, Greeting:-Grace, Mercy and Peace be mu tiplied upon you. To- da y marks an era of progress in our work , Ive are assernb ed in convocation for the first time" to perfect the organization of our for= ces; not only for the sake of further advance, but a so for the sake of carrying out the law and principle of ecclesiastical ife in virtue of wh i.chwe are not a llere group of individuals, but a family; not a mere cluster~of segregated parishes and missions, having no mor0 cohe~ sion than the dead timbers and fragments of wood that happen to have been piled up or thrown together haphazard; but as "a tree planted by the wat er-s Lde? , wherof each Parish and Mission is a living br-anch , some larger~ some smallerp each made up of individuals who are as the twigs that bear the fruit all deriving their life throul"2:thhe trunk which is the Holy Church, through which we are joined to David: and that Root and Stem is Christ. There ween dead timber and the living tree; that the fruit in due season", as the Psa Lrnlst :says, and er", as he further observes. the Root and Stern of is this difference het~ tree "bringeth forth her "its eaf sha 1 not wh i t h- In the Church thus organized every part is interested in every ther part. T'Tobranch can prosper without adding to the beauty and fruitfulness of the who Le tree, no new twig can be added w Lthout; en t st Lng the sympathetic interest of all the existing branches. ~'o part can suffer through misfortune or through the lack of vita connection with the Root, without in so far forth enfeebling the tv-holet ree . reo e111- ich we sha 1 i here adopt, it must be inventIn the Church in Puerto ~icop we are not pc arbered, we are not creat ing . 1and He are s irnp y reco~n1zina b -'tc' . principles for its guidance. . ~ . v'e eXl·Rted from the day t.ng ·8'-.... exl. , Wl1lCll na ing the principles which already the Laws or canons "1,'1 J~ I .• ' - ~2- when first years ago, lain a feeble mission was p l.ant e in the r own of Ponce f some ay the ~other C urch of :::ngland; pr i nc i.p es \;'J ri.ch 'Tlav have dormant until plant to assert secret of past In the ted tome, -to nurse gr'owt h , the ions of progress this pleasure v igorous could of the joined possession, ty has lain, C urch's This borders, in the the great necessary b less and reward their faces fice all from the I know ful but a sacrifice cessary helpers Lor: in this home and, where the four years frontier hardest need anel opportunity absent and for to \vit~ en the part to the p~\var<i a of my of the post months in the asking the ''0- us here. IT'yse f from the city, part pr tnc lo e other open befot'P stx 11t and co onial s' pnly of year of has heen generous, the cooperation has bpE'n of t t e work have now to be rev tevert'tlay GOr] those who have he Lperl me, and have not voice of my appeal. 'le past, ar- o s serrt t a from one en and from city '""he r hr-ee "i8s- Goo , aDO ask Him to here I should COlL.d to whose fi- been cooperation whi.ch is I can aye g:Lm.;ni'1 sr r=r-e 'rt , only that to parish, your need. The response w i Ll.Lng , and the results times, cooperat not to which I have been appointed, go from parish aithful The feeble had tLere not name y: Bur these new ones. , in the in making known to people has made it service this therein, but also t h 1.S wor-k was e nt r'us i which no one man alone heen and zr owth , T thank I who have not have hecome ten 'lot have happened Church slife 0f whi ch we f i.nd ou se Lve s to-day schools. for h ar8 thp H11i in acknov Iedg i.ng my ob l.i gati0n. ~fission of many -nernbe r s . hu in ~ho and on y two, and establish at had there whi.ch I found here three to do two things an amount of rietail not ha e been reached I take '1 alty, existing missions, now involve of strength years _ _s i (1Ce t he ca re-: has been necessary The point delity the degree essent La I of f'ut ure progress. and a half the eAisting two duties fulfil. wa s a suff" cient and formulate four it there 1, at t.e cost "II h St1 ,we ave By their r urn=o away coopera-<-ion of a w l Tl i ng sacrifice een enabled to do the J of tell- hut a s a cr i« fo lowing ne- things. 1---------'1 I Starting Puerto the out wi t Rico Equipment amount, want Lng. and have This and private but es appeals, the the to accept San Juan. thus account For the humdreds have purchase out Treasurer t he rof $10,Ono tne some $2Q,000 I L not speak over Rico of Ion? DP and make public ano r~ollsands and travel Puerto for of cir~ l"[lilchterritory. in February ado re s se s in the of 1901, va i.ous ip>arish- , it of land of a total of some Puerto of wh i ch has Board of \1is8 ions passed who has f my habit never under any ircumswithout some such safeguard, the follow- being and erection cost (not $2Q,OOO, of this Lnc Ludi nc the the $6,000; I i.co , not church came as a from $4, 000. building in part ding in w i.ndow nor supplierl, f'o Tl ows r f'und The balance, and has hui Sanctuary :::quipme'1t Fund has The balance Board of Missions for of the trust and on my own notes, ced by the dollar been made:- C. Thomas of Philadelphia, but ions wi of letters, 100 s in raisinp I should gat ne re d , every f i gure s , some $12,000. $ 2,000, that I came to a fiduciary furnishings) round of r'a t i.on he balance summer, more than and s of the ing expenditures the elieve articles, since nr succeeded necessary many magazine funds IKept a strict tances e home land. ivith through to send out have made, each Lr-r I have reason had no vacation in the declared Fund, has made it cu Lar-s , publish I have the h of $4, 000 been extinguished ot he rwi.se des ignated. ~fr. Gen. From raised f in here adva n- was hy contri- J he 1Leve there is a ualance still awaiting that form of ex~inguishmpnt of some $1,500. last summer I succeeded in. paying from the i::quipment Fund $2,oon of 'l1Y persona loan and $360 that amount from a generous paid by the lender to me by the interest. late Another himself; Hr. note friend here and the Dumaresq, for $1,000, in San Juan, remaining he left or wh i ch I harrowed $1,000, as a legacy is bein~ ~radllally which was loaned to the Parish at his decease. Of the articles of church furnishine; which have heen placed here, many of lTIypersonal friends in t ,le States have heen the donors. The r h i.s bu i Ldi.ng its architect ire and details, were the su ject of 1 af .f .' c ~ lese ro exPan h i -1 7er p wa t t i.ns lor i::1 .,", ~ . the t'o-vo''learv years \v L e ''Ie V\ ~ stu d y durLng T. " t the respon" ch stood here when we bought. . accep " p i re on t he house \'lh l l' " lve it be i na sibility and the criticisms whi ch this building may l.DVO -, L L J L - 1905 due to the Vestry not im accordance ed to its erection to state that the type of architecture emoloypr} was with the w i she of the majority, hav i ng conSAnt"under protest and in deference to my wi.shes . s r hev Thus, to continue the history of the Equipment Fund, we re expended toward the casto of the erection of this curch a out $12,000. In necessary repairs of All Saints Church, Vieques, and in t"he ptIrchase of a building that wa s being erected on land adjacent to the church, about $500. For the purchase of a lot adjoining Church property in Ponce, which will forever prevent the shutting out of light and ventilation, by making the Church property face on three streets w i t h a park on the sou h side. the Equipment Fund has supplied $4,000. In the purchase of land and erection Rio Piedras, about $7,000. a the Bishop's residpnce in In the cost of raising the money of the 'Squipment Fund, I have spent some $1,500. There is on hand an unexpended balance, of the Board of Hissions1 of about $2,500. - deposited tvithnthe Treasurer i~ith this ba lanee I am in possess ion of a be z i nn i.nz towar a numher of enterprises 0 rrference to wh i.chv7i11 be made later on. have at the present time t"he f o l LowLng points at wh i ch we are holding services f either in the form of Parish organizations, or as the order of their ages) (1 try to falla,,,, hissions: ~"le 1. 2. 3. Rev. vm. 1\fatson,Rector; Ponce, Church of the Holy Trinity. Re. Leonard Read, Assistant. Rev. J. Bean, Minister in cnarae Vieques, All Saints Church. trie Baptist. ev . T'alter 'Aitchel , San Juan, Church of St; John T. Rector. Puerta de Tierra, Minister I in Charge St. Luke:' s t1ission. .ev. i,Jalter["'itehe1, e 1905 5. Porice i P'Laya , St. in Charge; 6. ~ission. Leonard Read, Fonce , ('ivest e nd ~rinister 7. Rev. Peter's St. in Charge; Central Aguirre, l'tinister Rev. Nr. 8. La Carmelita, 9. ter in Charge; t-1r. P.J. Esperanza, Hope t:rission. 10. St. Mary's Leonard of the Rev. Head, l'!atson, l·Jm. Deacon assisting. Epiphany. Rev. Wm. l~7atson Geo. L. 'Te son. ~'lission. ,,1m. Rev. Fatson, ~Ajnis- Cabrera, }lissionary a s s Ls t Lns; , Rev. 1'101. \ryatson, Minister in Charge; fv1iss tv!.· L. Fordham, Teaching Mayaguez, St. Andrew's !'-.lission. ev. ter Mini..stp.r Deacon assisring. Thomas ~fission. ~1ission in Charge; Rev. Ivm. fatson, a s s Ls r anr , David .rJ. Band, r Mini_s- in Charge. [). lJe have tree f ourishing ':i5S ion Schoo Is, ar t sh Schoo Is, 6r as follows:1. In 'the parish t'!. Reed, 2. of St. Baptist, San Juan. Teache r , nSS Ls t ed hy Do ores enrollment of 75 chi dren. In the parish of t e Holy Trinity, Cuddy, Teacher, 3. John the Qui fione s Donce, and ~1iss Sarh Davidson, ~iss 1 Vies Parish Ana th an ,,,' Frances Helper, having 50 pupils. At Esperanza. Mi.ss Minnie 1,. Fordham, Teacher, wi r h an enrollment of 30 children. At this point a night school for adults has also been held the past wintPr wit"h some 25 pupils. For the of Missions maintenance of the makes an appropriation Church's of a litle This appropriation is applicable only founds of the Board being insufficient This year property of Tv[issions, I now held as Trusted, Rico forever. the the Board to the payment of sa arips, the for the acquirement of property. by us in Puerto to hold Rico, more t an $10,000 a year. is the reason why it is necessary for the Bishop in quest of funds for the equipment and extension A11 the Puerto work in Puerto Ri.co is same for t to RO north each of the (;"1urch. ve sr ed in the e use of the Boarn Church in 190 -6The funds of the Board of ~issions tributions whereby of ~he Parishes, each Parish its ability an in accordance wi lingnesss according to an esti ate of For the first time, this Missionary into a share of this privilege, from the selera I see by a recent wi~h a sys~em of apoortionment, is asked to contrihute is asked th"s year to coroe contribution, are d8rived main y from the con- Parishes and Missio thc items of appropriation Dishop a discretionary and to.mak~ a s, of $50. report of the Board, has nearly a. Pistrict This amount, heen paid. Among for the work here, t e Board grants to the fund of $400 a year. With this fund various needs of the Hissions and Schools have een met. Under the Bishop's house at Rf'o Pedras, I have ha wha t I call an Episcopal carpenter shop. native carpenter there has made, from des igns w ieh I gave him the pas r w lnter , some fourteen art icles of Churc f'u r-t i.t.u.re , t nc Iu iog a tars, Iccr erns I Prayer desks. etc. The cost has been about seventy co lars, and ~he valuE" as indicate '!JycatalOlSl1€an1 freig'll:"" h.arges someth"og i1<e S2()O, effecting thus a saving to t he l'~issionsan the Bishop's d t screr Lonar'y fun of a considerable In sum. v i.ew of the fact that the Boar in its revenues those revenues maintenance amounting of \:i8sions is fa 1.rg to about $ 25,00 are raised by contibutions to privede of Paris ies wh i have the larger Par" shes of the Church do not contri~lte means, it is incumbent as r ne fact r ha+ , as we I for and in view of the further wea l.t h , t he buLk o-F the revenue a d<..-f ~ Le ncy eing received jn fa t that somp proportion from Parishes on us who enjoy the benefits t te i r own of to thp;r of moderate of thpir saeriftce1 to work along toward a mesure of self-fupport as radidly as eircu~stances will a t low. I an happy to believe that this is be i.r g done in some of t he " " b'" " "an Iuan i and I 1,-/01 ri not i'~iss ions and Par1.snes j nota -,-y nus one J In -J •• ., . be thought to ignore it in reminding you that the sooner Ne c9ase.to ~e _ ~ ~ OC tho oour.t y of the hurch.J t ,e sooner ,\"i .•.l other pa rr s 01 reC1.pLenL51. ,-,.. . . the f i.eLd be reached that are qu i t e as needy as we , ar-o that the +oac -> that leads to self-support is t e road to 5e1f-r spec . 1905 -7You '17i1 be as. ed to and increase your an En owmerrt Funf Bishop receives apport ionment, of the of the dollars for this the .tioard· s annual wi I have during enumerated, expen the the the of a _i.shop , Ar pr=se nt the e xpe nd i t ur= s J ven ure of the way of you as a ove r a mi.Ll Lon A worl. is. as YOIJr except f'r aerne nt , ret .rr ns to Treasurer best ~ico, r he annua of a litt in all as to to es~ab e nr e r-s into iture w it h h among orlPrs, from Puerto im some small t L confer in Puerto support year, of Missions valua J1.e a vice Episcopate above cause Committee and obtain and the support $ 50 this wh i.ch is the for pone of his Board of r:issions, port ion that a pp o iIn t a Commlrtee, ", he Lpi.nc to hope Board of l\Aissions j n the support of Rico. year as well visited as the each schoGls; of the Parishes and ~nsstons in some I have made more than one visitation, as will be seen from a perusal of the record of Episcopal Acts, which will be appended to this address, when it is pub ished .. t present therefore I w i Tl conf i.ne myself to the ist of Conf Lrmar i.ons subsequent to the latest entFY in the journal of last year, which was clateo August 31, 1904. c Sept. 18 1.904, at Io Ly Tr-i.n i t y Chur ch , "Lnaeapo l t s , for r he Bis op of 1905, at " at " at " " at Cn T at a As the together • .. _.••• vatous with an appointed other time ~ II • I ••••••• , Nissionaries workers, t o-mo .- •••••••••••.••• , and Teachers to tell r row , I will of the not take •••••• are wo rk time II to 64 ••••• have an opportunity, entrusted to now to them, at say mo.re than this, that I know their work an w i.sh the oth~r members to know it ~t:o~. Iw their trials and their sacrifices', t.he i r courage. and the d i f f Lou I kno . . 11 i.ve s all new ties under vrh i.ch they are laboring, and I am sure i.t W1. !S1.V u . h" w'th rem and to w1.sh strength and new hope to hear them, to sympatl l.ze 1. -' ~ > > them God-speed. , 190 his ~ The Canons of the Church make it the duty of - Ihe Bishop to reco-d ~piscopal acts,and it is cuslomary to publish h .. ion wi h h" suc recora ~n connectt ~s annua Address. For further detai R of m k h -I wi.Tl F Y "lor t t e re f ore , " re..... er you to the journal, wh i.ch wt l.Ibe published a f rer-th ~ng of Convocation. -~ e meet< . A resident Bishop having been chosen and consecrated for Cuba. I am relieved oft that extremely pleasant addition to my responsibilities, an d I ask God to bless the new Bishop of Cuba) and those who labor wt t b him in that most interesting Missionary District. Turning from this imperfect outline of the past to the propecls of the future, I ask your attention to the f o l.'l ow i.ng f Lv= places, whe re our Church serv ices wi 11 be opened as soon as I can find t-he men and the means. (a) On the Hi.Lt.t ar'y Road, some 7 or ~ miles wesl of- the t own of Bayaman t in the barrio of Cande Lar i.o I whe re I am affered four acres of and 7 on condition that I build a church there w i.t.h i.n one year. I have visited the district and arrange to hold a 'ission Service rhere next Sunday, and shall probably accept the offer. (b) At Pueblo Viejo, a similar offer has been made and will prohah y be accepted. I am hoping to go there for a similar service on the fo1 owing Sunday; that is, May 21. This might be connected w it.h Candelario as one mission. (c) At Aguas Bue na s , an offer of land has been rnade , w lrh the promise of ~50 r owa rd the erection of a church. I hope to be able to acce pr t h i s also. (d) At .::>emi 1, an nac i.enda not far from the t own of Juana nfaz, an urgent request for the ministrations of the Church has come, and I am hoping to supply the need by making that point a mission in connection with the ~ission at Aguirre as soon as I can secure a clergy~an or Ihe work at the latter point. (e) At Hormigueros, Mr. Bland thiks of establishing soon as his wo rk at Hayaguez will a lIow. I the Church as 1905 Besides these points of growth in the mumbers of our Missions, I am negotiating for the enlar~ement of the church at Vieques to doub e its present capacity. This work :::: expect w i.Ll. be done at once. Unde r f'.1r. Hean, the !·1inisterin Charge for the past 26 years, much faithful service has been rendered at Vieques, which it is a pleasure to recognize. Rut l'1r.Bean having entirely lost the use of his eyes, I havR obtained for him a pension which will enable him to retire'~ the Rev, Mr. Leonard Read taking up the work at that po i nr as soon as I can ordain him to the Priesl~ hood, he having been ordained Deacon by me on the 2d of last February, in the Church of the Holy Trinity, Ponce. At La Carmelita, steps have been taken, and land secured on a 99 years' lease, for the erection of a suitable church, and t R layins.sout of a burial ground, it bei~g necessary now to carry t e dead from that place to Ponce, a distance of some 15 miles, most y by mountain trail whe re no whee Led vehicle can pass, I have made an appropriation of $100 tOHarn this church building, and am expecting to help along the vork as fast as means at my disposal will permit, until the whole is completed. Thanks are due to ~~r. Van Leenhof and to the Company 0 La Carmelita, and are grateful y ren ered. On the lot recently acquired by purchase, in Ponce, I am expecting, with the cooperation of the Rector, Ivardens and Vestrymen, to beg i n the erection of a suitable School building and Teacher's house, as soon as plans can be perfected. The Church building there is sadly out of repair, and I am hoping soon to get the funds necessary for the erecti.on of a new one. But the work which seems most conspicuous in i,s need is the Church Hos p i t a l.. In the outskirts of the city of Ponce, we have bought four cuerdas of land, high and we 11 adapted for the purpose whe re it is contemplated to erect the Memorial Hospital of St. Luke, t~e Beloved Fhys'cian, in "memory of "Jr. Charles Henry Thomas. Thomas was roy rooro-mate at Ya e College, many tears ago, and in my senior year, when T fell sick with typhoid fever, he put aside all other duties,and gave himself to the care and nursing of his sick friend and class:mate. It is due to his care ~nd attention, together with the ministrations of other well-remembered f:~e~ds, that I regained my health, under the providence of Almighty G?d f and i r 1_S only right that I shoul do what I may be able to perpetua-c8 h~s memory, by cont inu ing the work of healing the sick, to wht ch he gave the. best ~ears of his noble, self-sacrificing life. Of the need of good hop~tals ~n 1905 -10that part of Puerto Rico I need not speak at length. It si planner'!to make this a hopital of up-to-date features, whose benefirs shall be besrowed on those who need them, regardless-of r ace , creed, political or any other discrimination. The plan involves prohably some years of work and the raising of one hundred thousand dollars, of which half is for rhe buildings and equipment, and the other half for an endowmenr , the income to be expended in maintenance of the hospital. It is expected that the revenue arising from the fees paid by such as are able to pay, ",71 be sufficient to meet he balance of the expenses. A Committee has been formed, consisting of the Bishop, the Rector of Holy Trinity Church, the P Physician (Dr. Carl Vogel), and the two lJardens of the said Parish, who are to serve as the local board of Trustees. The title to the land is already vested in the Board of Missions. Among the things that w i 11 occupy your attention is whar is knO'N11 as the Thank Offering of the rlen of the Church for the 300 years of Church Life in this we st e rn hemisphere. This offering w i 11 be made at the next General Convocation. wh i ch is to be held at Rt.chmond t Va., in Ocr obe r , 1907. The Women of the Church made their triennial offering for Missions last October, and it reached the sum of $150,000. They are in the habit of making such offerings every three years, although this is the largest amount they have ever given. It is devoted to the training and support of women wor'ke r s in the 1'1iss ion fie Ld . The Chi dren of the Church make and offering of more than ,$100,000 each Lent. Last year r he Lr- Lenten offering, for general missionary work, amounted to $117, 000. The returns for this year are not all in. granting that what the women and children give is supplied by the men, (wh i ch is not true ent ire Ly , but has some truth in t t , the time seems to have come for the men of the Church a"2..so 10 be up and doing something on the ir own part and of their own free-\'>7l11. II is hoped that the offering a 1 Richmond w l.11 reach the sum of$ 500 ,000; and there is nothing sta;ling in that idea, "Then once it is remembered hOH. abun antly money is spent by the sons of the Church for business ent~rprlses or for perhaps it may .e Pleasure. And in case such a hope should r1be relized, f ~,f' ""'"1S TO so supp ly t he .b 1e For the Treasurv of the -,car,,, o. 1',lSS ~.Lvl. •... c , B rna d e pass Lfr L ~ .c: : P 1 d -t-l'1~1 t he l'~iss t ona rv needs of the varuous part s ofehe MlSS l.ons .L l~ ~ ,.L.o... ,_. {=".' _ y Bishops will not be obliged to leave their prope~. u. and become .L~~an~lal agents for the solicitation to the funds where w i.t h 1:0 meet the r-equ i.r'e ments of the advancing frontier line of the Kingdom of God. Now, J I • •• .. 1905 Under the provisions of the ed~ when I became bishop. West Vt rg i.ni.a to the be an Bouse of Bisnops and Canons has the General Canons of the Constitutto'l continue ara Cano'Ls of the O'Jr Law , as or he rwl de order. now been prepared A new draft by me, whi.ch your attention exceptin~ to with say that since election of various who find themse Lve s thus is not of men but nest and faithful Rico has enjoyed any discussion they customary will officers you w i 1 ca lIed to of God, and that new service a mere "clergyman's There is chancel child It req ires which does not require the presence committee, in the pew, on the To the end that for is ca 1 e hy an ear- f" be at of every ~ui d, In not e of ev~r - member . his post in the man~ woman and al th~ aux' you may he Lnt e 11i2:ent workers and read and affect some hurch in the larv, paper. The SQirit 0 ations should of the progress be in every house, and affairs I have been pained ne a Le ct 1:. is means of o importance. paper if o~ the to find informing seems to you are progress or ''3 eve rv f'aro i Lv ~'ic;sions, at Churcb Standard, excel ent puh ic- to know anythin2 and affairs 0 whatever the Tin~clom how many of our Church people themselves In a Baptist, Master Lonat e ly r'econmenn that Living denominational the thos~ surely anci safely. strength. This is servi to that that 0 or The Church in Puerto of ria ny fe Ll.ow-worke r s J is within the reach of aIL The Churchman. Church, Southern Churchman~-some one of these deepest con- enactments, I ~rust $1 a year, of God. to may be. do earnestly f subscribe duty unr i. appoin~me~t 1 fee wi hut our the on a minister the vineyard church". resting wherever the honor perhaps multiply no ob igation in the proposed discharge of its reponsibilities. the cooperat ion, as I have said, whereby it has advanced, no radidly extending that cooperation we shall he asked committees, each wi 1 of of the appr ova of 'the Q. I 'vi not" a pre sent e for an e, » aSonstitution 0 of these provi I se Lect I'iocese a r as apolicab sider, a.nend and adopt I subject t.o the aptrrova House of bishops which meets in .TewYork, june occupy Church, in regard Vethodist be regarc:1e to t e sub tef or Preshyterian as a necessity, . of f'am l v . a and the 1905 2necessity is not is so. recognized It be evolved seems to from the newspaper. This is of misinformation terest and met; about an egregious Ei.xhop Alaska on the evoid to know of the Delaration part to of the of Congress Principles service reduplicate i s efficiency 3hould it bear e t h the lead and wor sh Lp no lost is keeping contribute is the art, socu Ia r thipgs amounr of most vital we 1 in- Lnf ormed . to a Churchman to k now pr oducr of Dakota concerning touching and not the the heroism gole Unity. and your and be Lgnor-arrr mines of Bishop to know of the of ~mve; C. icago-Lambeth Inform yourselves, be Thus ivi 1 your fip-hting be not as thp fighr- air". to a deeper study of the and YJorship, so much the to t on may in a starrling "a cco rd Lne r o knowledge." that Should this lead doctrines, disCipline wheat of Christian w i t.h a zeal "one t .at t.nf ormar it to know r he name of th,"" lVTlerican be posted zealous i ng of a disgrace the of information acts resulting of pe op e otherwise is to know about Hare and ~iann; and Church touchinp genera 1 and not even in Japan; of Bishops mistake, "gnorance come when it he Japanese accurate cons c i ous ne s s c r a b s or be d from the or absolute has in many of our Church faT11ies be a s surned that inner and importance, The time but discovery should it that reveal Church's better. theology is the that fact history, not re pace with the advancing progress of science, to the sum total of your happiness, since it a dean her subject, i.e:ious r houehr that also would mip:ht make you aware that the limited apprehension of divine truth whi ch be l onae to a former and more limited age has been outgrown, and that there is a larger grasp of the eauty and trut and power of the ancient gospel in r he mtn+s of thinking The truth have and reading has climbed thereby. He live not Christians changed in religion to h i ahe r altitudes, Nar row and tigoted in a time med Christian of freer to-day ever any more than and their misconcept vision t ons have ventilation. to know and rejoice than in thiS. It is existed heforp. in science. But men is w i.der ann clearer been the La rr-e 1y abandoned . duty of a we 1-infor- 1905 -13- As you ta-e yourselves an to love its prevai 1. up the varied iscussions of t is work , may the An may God's Jonvocation, counsels Holy Spirit of f r-ar e t n Lt y , J Hay 9, I P. R. , 190 . 1\1 s om be ~vith us no", and a wavs . James H. Van nuren. San Juan an~ ad ress I 1905 EPI3CO AL ACTS, fro~ Sept. ~, 14th SUND. Y AFT",:q TRHTITY. llunion an preached =':eck~ L.I. " 11, lZ, If l~ f Q, 19, 16-;-h 1 Saints e , Church, r-n.nn . ~, , L" ~ Great" at St". John's Preached 1 at open s se Pr'eache air ~roun~s. .hur ch , l"ash ifl?,tOll, John's • ~<inneapo .1.S, "j nn , Pre.qrh,o re five t in i 0'18 pari one person fer Bishop "dsa 1, at Foly add s Chur ch , , -Svg. Io l.v Corn- sa'11e. D. C. Aft. SU"DAY AF'T'SR:RI TT and ':::vg., Confirmed ~'on. Celehrate Officiated 1 §ervice, Cathedral ~.Y. Marriage, St. Trinity " at T\7ashington, rna " Ev a . A.}':" 3GNDAY AFTER TRINITY. A.~1.~ Pr~acherl 15th Church, It 1, lqO~ Sept. Lme s va 'inneapo 1is, at All =+ie s • "Ii 'On. Sa i-vt s ' S irch , 1\To:.thfie1~, 1;' • If ZO, Tues. , . J Fari bau 1t , at •• " 21, ::inneapo is, at Gethsemane Church, at Ascension hurch, 25,17th at Church, Z, e Church the r "i Christ "loman's ~inneapolis. EVR. StilliVaier, f hu r s . , A_~::.,. Church, the same, r:l'ib Sunday nneapo I Church, is. L'vr-~., at ~ed Pi Addr e s s T'!i'lona, , at at the ')\. "i.."-'n. ~hl:rch of S, r i.sr ' a. Vg., 0-, ~linn. dd re s s ed ',7oman \, '. f S • ux i liary J01..,rningto,\·n, Address J Scr-oo 1 Inst it ute A.Y., Freached at '::;v., S-;-. au l , "i, n . -r: ig., preache Aux i Lt.a ry , 1in'l. ::::T ~-DAYA::-,r:::? ~~.L'ITY. St , , John II 1, t Branch Pau 1 • s hur ch , 1"i noria , >'lin'l. A.M.l ddressed the High Schoo A dress II ddr'e s sed r he ~iocesan ZZ, Thur s . , A. ~~. Ad res sed Z3,Fri., Zvg., .'illD. ~'l d . , A.~'·' Addressed Pro-Cathedra II ii. 'l.n, a sr . Jarr8s I -21905 Church, II " " Boston, ~ss. ::':Vl2:., St. Jo~~'s ~is~'on C urc " O~ient Heights,-East .os r on , Preached. 3, 1 ~cn., Aft. A dressed the 1re r i• ca Cluh at Providence, -:vg., . ddressed 1,Toman'sAux i iaryat St. John's C urch, Providence, R.I. 5, Wed. Attended opening service of General Convention, at Trinity Church, Boston, Mass. S-2~, In daily attendance on Gen. Conven _ion, Boston. 9,19th SUN.vAY FT"s~ LII ITY. _ ,~~., Preached at 1 Saint' Church, Brookline, rv1ass."Cv!2'., ?reachect at Sr. James' Church, hlest Somerville, Mass.