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PDF - Sharon Towers
...a year of planning and renewal
Board of Advisors
Resident Sue Kornegay gives a sign she has finished the 2014 Alzheimer’s Walk.
Our Mission
We enrich the lives of those we serve by providing a nurturing environment
that fosters joy, purpose, and well-being.
Board of Directors
Resident Judy Thatcher enjoys a cruise
around Lake Norman following a lunch at
Davidson’s North Harbor Club.
On the cover: Sharon Towers proudly presents the
2014 Averill C. Harkey Award of Excellence to Angela
Rigsbee, Chief Operating Officer and Dot Godwin,
Sharon Towers’ resident and Treasure Chest volunteer.
Defloris M. Baldwin
Sadler H. Barnhardt
Veronica E. Cannon
Jane C. Cunningham
Paul H. (Woody) Efird, III
Michael W. Fischer
Mary T. Hammond
Charles William Keith, Jr.
Katherine L. Lambert
Ned B. McConnell
Janet M. Morgan
Walter R. Nelson
Nancy B. Norelli
Don E. Olmstead
Cookie F. Parnell, Chair
L. Vincent Pratt, Jr.
Katherine K. Richards
Randal L. Ripple
Thornton W. Tucker
Judith C. Walker
Carol S. Young
Gloria H. Anderson
J. Murrey Atkins, Jr.
Calvin B. Baird, Jr.
Richard A. Bigger, Jr.
Douglas W. Booth
Emily D. Booth
James L. Calder
Lillian M. Chapman
Jean M. Cochrane
Mildred D. Cox
John T. Crawford
W. Ray Cunningham
Paul W. “Ned” Davis
Frances D. Evans
Richard S. Felkner
Rosanna B. Fountain
William H. Fox, Jr.
Kenneth S. Garfield
B. Kelly Graves
Jean A. Hammons
Linda K. Hawfield
Katherine W. Hodges
Robert C. Hord, Jr.
Rebecca S. Hovis
Ernest B. Hunter, Jr.
Leslie B. Jenkins
William E. Keenan
Robert W. King, Jr.
T. Scott King
Margaret A. Martin
M. William McCollum, Jr.
Pender R. McElroy
Robert B. McNeill
G. Dan Page, Jr.
E. Fitzgerald Parnell
Kathryn C. Raby
Clyda S. Rent
W. Allen Rogers, II
Kathryn L. Shoemaker
William H. Smith, III
William J. Spears
Frances J. Thompson
Claire W. Trexler
Rita E. Vandiver
Emily H. Warnke
K. Martin Waters, Jr.
Agnes B. Weisiger
C. Rex Welton
W. Murray Whisnant
Betsy S. White
J. Worth Williamson, Jr.
Charles B. Wilson
Anthony A. Windell
W. Allen Winget
Jere W. Witherspoon
Dear Friends,
We are pleased to present the 2014 Sharon Towers’ Annual Report for your review.
The year was one of thoughtful planning, welcome renewal and continued giving.
After many months of hard work Sharon Towers was successful in obtaining its
Medicare certification, which allows our residents to access their Medicare Part
A benefits while in our Health Care Center. Plants to admit outside community
members in need of short-term rehabilitation stays are scheduled for the first quarter
of 2015.
Our Board of Directors also completed a new strategic plan for our community. Key
initiatives within the plan include developing a culture of wellness and vitality and
creating a memory care continuum. The Board, residents and staff are excited about these initiatives and the
possibilities they provide moving forward.
We were also fortunate to reach an agreement with our neighbors to purchase the two parcels immediately
adjacent to our entrance/exit drive. This additional 2.5 acres will provide Sharon Towers’ options as the Board
plans for the future of our community. We are pleased to say that Sharon Towers now owns all the property
fronting Sharon Road from Hazelton Drive to Eastburn Road.
We continue to work on renewing our campus and facilities. Our year began with the re-landscaping of our
front circle and main entrance. Trees were removed to open the area up and bring in more light. A beautiful
statue, lovingly named “Joy” by our residents, was placed as a focal point and is surrounded by comfortable
seating and lovely plantings. We also completed a major redecoration project, totally refurbishing our first
floor south and west lobbies and corridors. The residents have been very pleased with the finished product and
enjoy seeing the artwork and photography created by local artists, including a few of our residents.
In keeping with our mission, Sharon Towers provided $836,860 in financial assistance to both residents
and prospective residents unable to financially qualify to come to our community. This monetary support is
representative of the true caring nature of our donors.
We both want to thank you for your interest and support of our community.
Anne O. Moffat
Brenda F. Parnell
2014 Board of Directors, Chair
2014 Annual Report
Sharon Towers’ Community Benefit
Seeking opportunities to serve each other and the greater community is a value held high by the residents and team
members at Sharon Towers. Throughout 2014, we partnered with several local non-profit organizations to provide
goods, services and meeting spaces.
We continued to support the Carolina
Piedmont Chapter of the ALZHEIMER’S
ASSOCIATION throughout the year. On
a monthly basis, Sharon Towers hosts an
Alzheimer’s and Related Diseases Support Group
for family and friends of those who have or are
in the early stages of dementia. In the summer,
we also raised funds for increased awareness and
medical research through our participation in the
annual Walk to End Alzheimer’s. This year, the
Sharon Towers team won the “Senior Cup” by
Members of Sharon Towers show their team pride before the Alzheimer’s
walk begins.
raising $9,135 for Alzheimer’s research.
Our Dining Services Department and resident
volunteers help us make sandwiches for the
assemble meals for the homeless and/or those
waiting in line for services at CRISIS. In 2014,
our “sandwich makers” produced 6,540 lunches.
Residents and team members happily welcome the Alzheimer’s
Association “Senior Cup” back to Sharon Towers after raising nearly
$10,000 for Alzheimer’s research.
We collect school supplies and Boxtops for
Education for CLASSROOM CENTRAL. Our
resident Knitter’s Unite group meets monthly to
share patterns, knit, crochet, spend time together
and support CLASSROOM CENTRAL with
their craft. Our residents provided over 850
hand-made hats and scarves for children who
could not afford warm clothing.
Sharon Towers
Members of Sharon Towers Knitter’s Unite: Jane Perkins, Emily Booth,
Betty Mulliss, Mamie-Clara Baker, Nancy Nickels, Iris Kimble,
Jackie Ardis and Pat Arnold display just a few of their handmade
items made for Classroom Central.
“It’s not how much we give, but how much love
we put into giving.” - Mother Teresa
Our Health Care and Assisted Living residents
volunteer hours of their time clipping coupons
month residents clip coupons, which are then
sorted and mailed to a military base. Servicemen
and their families are able to use the coupons on
the base, even if they are expired!
Sharon Towers is blessed to have many rooms
available for groups, church circles and
community organizations to meet. More
than ten churches and several community
Residents Virginia Brookshire, Frances Taylor, Susanne Faust and Betty
Kirby enjoy the camaraderie at Bingo every Friday.
organizations use our facilities throughout the
year for meetings and gatherings. PROVIDING
A MEETING SPACE for various organizations
allows Sharon Towers to showcase our beautiful
community, all while providing a convenient
meeting space to our friends in the community.
The TREASURE CHEST, our in-house thrift
store, has a staff of 15 highly dedicated resident
volunteers who invest countless hours of time
Volunteer Services Manager Derek Melum and residents Lib Astin, Pat
Arnold and Elgerine Elliott tour the grounds of the Crossnore School.
and tons of energy working to collect, market
and sell clothes, shoes and accessories with all
profits going to fund needed equipment for
our Assisted Living and Health Care residents.
Treasure Chest volunteers occasionally identify
goods that do not fit in with our regular
merchandise and these items are delivered to
CRISIS ASSISTANCE with our bi-weekly
lunch ministry. Our grand event for 2014 was a
Fashion Show that raised funds, showcased staff
and resident models. The celebrity host for the
evening was Charlotte Observer Fashion Editor,
Sandi Vincent, Director of Wellness and Homecare, takes her turn
modeling on the red carpet during Sharon Towers’ Treasure Chest
Fashion Show.
Anne Parris Corley.
2014 Annual Report
Endowing the Future of Sharon Towers
As a member of the Sharon Towers’ family you have the opportunity to
help shape the future of our community through a planned gift to our
Residents’ Assistance Endowment. A strong endowment forms a longterm foundation for providing financial assistance to our residents and
prospective residents in need. Planned gifts made to the endowment
fulfill a donor’s wish in perpetuity as endowment principal is invested
and the annual income is used toward the monthly service fees of
residents in need.
As you consider your financial and estate planning, we hope that you will
consider Sharon Towers. Not only can we put your gifts to good use,
Named for Conger and Dorethea Stroupe,
we can also save you tax dollars through a charitable deduction and the
the Stroupe Legacy Circle honors all
avoidance of capital gains. Each gift to our endowment will continue
Sharon Towers’ friends who have notified
to make a difference well beyond a donor’s lifetime.
us that they have included Sharon Towers
in their wills, trusts or other planned
Planned giving at Sharon Towers is guided by the Development Office,
gifts. To date, more than 170 names are
however, Sharon Towers’ staff does not financially represent donors.
displayed on our Legacy Tree. Please feel
Donors are encouraged to consult with their own professional advisors
free to contact Kimberly Flack, Director
regarding planned gift arrangements. Once a donor has made a
of Development at (704) 553-3817
planned gift to Sharon Towers they become a member of the Stroupe
or [email protected] with any
Legacy Circle.
questions you may have.
Left: Residents Charlie Trice and Nancy Dooley celebrate catching a fly ball during a Knight’s game at BB&T Stadium uptown.
Center: Resident Betty Patterson gets up close and personal with residents of a different community-the Lazy Five Ranch in
Mooresville. Right: Resident Iris Kimble enjoys making homemade cards during one of the many activities offered at Sharon Towers.
Sharon Towers
Financial Report
Cash & Cash Equivalents
Accounts Receivable
Prepaid Expenses & Other
Property & Equipment (Net)
TOTAL ASSETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63,598,000
Accounts Payable
Accrued Payables
Refundable Entry Fees
Deferred Income
Bonds & Notes Payable
Interest Rate Swap Contract
TOTAL LIABILITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31,308,000
Temporarily Restricted
Permanently Restricted
TOTAL NET ASSETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32,290,000
& NET ASSETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63,598,000
Independent Living
7,462,000 Assisted Living
1,852,000 Health Care
4,817,000 Other Operating Income
1,251,000 Entrance Fees Amortized
3,125,000 Contributions
821,000 Investment Income
REVENUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,710,000
Salaries & Payroll Taxes
8,537,000 Employee Benefits
1,128,000 Depreciation
1,917,000 Food & Dietary Service
1,452,000 Housekeeping & Maintenance
1,424,000 Utilities & Communications
1,053,000 Charity Care & Community Benefits
837,000 Interest Expense
535,000 Insurance
349,000 Medical Supplies & Services
504,000 Capital Expenses
203,000 Professional, Supplies & Other
EXPENSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,240,000
ASSETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,470,000
Restricted Contributions
Restricted Investment Income
TOTAL CHANGE IN NET ASSETS . . . . . 1,802,000
2014 Annual Report
Recognizing Gifts to Sharon Towers
January 1, 2014 - December 31, 2014
($5,000 and above)
Alwinell Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Mark B. Ardis
Mr. J. David Barnhardt
Mrs. Orpha R. Baxter
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Booth
George W. and Ruth R. Baxter Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Gilreath
Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Graper
Mrs. Jeannette P. Helms
Miss Iris N. Kimble
Mrs. Jane M. Perkins
Estate of Wilda B. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Schott
Mr. and Mrs. C. Brent Trexler, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin S. Ward
Estate of Jane Wolfe
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus E. Yandle
Mr. and Mrs. Sadler H. Barnhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Blankenship, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Boulware
Dr. and Mrs. Donald V. Chamblee
Mr. Rufus M. Dalton
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Howell
Mr. William E. Keenan
Mr. and Mrs. M. William McCollum
Estate of William R. and Jean S. Muller
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Offerdahl
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Parish
Mrs. Ida H. Parnell
Mrs. Pam Phipps
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Trice
Mr. and Mrs. W. Kent Walker
Estate of Elizabeth B. Will
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon T. Anderson, Jr.
Mrs. Bobbye W. Ashmore
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Baker
Mrs. Mary Barry
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Bigger, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Brown
Mrs. Grace H. Burton
Mr. Hugh H. Cranford
Mr. and Mrs. Benner B. Crigler
Mr. and Mrs. W. Ray Cunningham
Sharon Towers
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Dimmette
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Dooley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Fountain, Jr.
Ms. Muffin D. Grant
Mr. Price H. Gwynn, III
The Harkey Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hawfield
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Hord
Mr. and Mrs. William Lee Kinney
Ms. Katherine L. Lambert
Mrs. Virginia M. Lewis
Mr. George K. Livingston
Mr. Joel E. Martin, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Woods McKay
Mr. William H. Meanor
Mr. and Mrs. Chris E. Moffat
The Herschel H. &
Cornelia N. Everett Fdn.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Fitzgerald Parnell, III
Mr. and Mrs. B. Gale Pendergraph
Mr. Thomas O. Ponsonby and
Ms. Catherine Stadelman
Mr. William V. Porter
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Ripple
Mrs. Laura Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stewart
Mr. K. Martin Waters, Jr.
Wells Fargo Insurance Services
Mr. and Mrs. W. Allen Winget
Mrs. Carol S. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Donald Dartnall, Sr.
Mr. G. Don Davidson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Gourley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Hodges
Dr. and Mrs. Leroy L. Holt
Mr. and Mrs. James Hovis
Mrs. Frances K. Jenkins
Mr. Charles William Keith, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Richard Kelly, Jr.
Rev. and Mrs. Charles L. Kirby
Mrs. Janet R. Lee
Mrs. Nellie C. Lesnick
Ms. Virginia G. Lewis
Mr. Bob McCaughelty
Mrs. Sue C. Montague
Mrs. Martha T. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Humbert S. Nelli
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. L. Vincent Pratt, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Rich
Ms. Katherine K. Richards
Mrs. Mary V. Allison
Residents Marvin and Pam Ward celebrate the season
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Anderson
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Astin
at Sharon Towers’ annual Halloween costume party.
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin B. Baird, Jr.
Baird Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Rigsbee
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Barnhardt, III
The Reverend Earle D. Roberts
Mrs. Thomas M. Belk
Mr. W. Allen Rogers, II
Mr. Ralph W. and Dr. Marinell Bostian
Mrs. Eloise W. Rushforth
Mrs. Mary Manning Boyer
Ms. Dorothy Davis Smith
Ms. J. Helen Brackett
Mrs. Marjorie W. Tate
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Brice
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Thatcher
Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Bridges, Jr.
Mrs. Letitia Evans Thompson
The Katherine and Thomas Belk
Dr. Thornton W. Tucker
Mrs. Frances B. Wansker
Carolinas Investment Consulting LLC
Mr. and Mrs. William A. White
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Carver
Mrs. Meda Whitescarver
Mrs. Helen D. Cathey
Mr. and Mrs. J. Worth Williamson, Jr.
Mrs. Barbara D. Cooper
Miss Arlene Wilson
Mrs. Anna B. Councilman
Mr. and Mrs. Jere W. Witherspoon
Drs. James and Jane Crostwaite
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Alexander, Jr.
Mrs. Sallie Alexander
Mrs. Becky B. Allison
Mr. William L. Anderson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Rod Armstrong
Ms. Patricia Turi Arnold
Mrs. Elaine Ashley
Mrs. Lula Ashley
Dr. and Mrs. C. Brantley Aycock
Mr. Frank B. Aycock
Mrs. Nell M. Aycock
Mr. and Mrs. William Darrell Ayers
Mr. and Mrs. Morris B. Bagwell
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Bailey
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry L. Baker
Dr. Defloris M. Baldwin
Ms. Alice J. Ballenger
Mrs. Johnsie P. Barefoot
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Barone
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Barts
Mrs. Grace Batten
Mrs. Susan Battle
Ms. Patricia Baumann
Mrs. Frances L. Beach
Mrs. Ann E. Belk
Mr. Douglas S. Bell
Mrs. Patricia Poe Bennett
Mrs. Patricia W. Benton
Mr. and Mrs. L. David Berryhill
Mrs. Dee Bessey and Mr. Tom Yopp
Mr. Richard H. Blackwell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Blair
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold R Boggs
Mr. Derek Boggs
Mrs. Mildred P. Bost
Mr. and Mrs. Alan A. Bowen
Mrs. Anne R. Brade
Mrs. Lois Brantley
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Briggs
Mr. and Mrs. John Broadway, Jr.
Mrs. Mary K. Broadway
Ms. Ann Brookshire
Mrs. Virginia M. Brookshire
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kent Brotherton
Ms. Mary Collins Brotherton
Mrs. Helen Lois Brown
Mr. John W. Brown, Jr.
Mr. Mack P. Brown
Ms. Susan G. Brown
Mr. Herbert H. Browne, Jr.
Mr. G. Sidney Buchanan and
Ms. Nell A. Richardson
Ms. Kathleen Buckfelder
Mrs. Dona W. Burroughs
Mr. and Mrs. C. Robert Butler
Ms. Mary F. Butler
Mrs. Sadie W. Byerly
Ms. Barbara Freil Caine
Caldwell Academy
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cameron
Mr. and Mrs. J. Randolph Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Carter, Jr.
Mrs. Ruth B. Carver
Ms. Dorothy S. Caudle
Mrs. Louise P. Chambers
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip C. Chapman
Charlotte Miniature Society
Mr. Robert E. Chinn, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Clapp
Ms. Julie C. Clarkson
Mr. Kenneth S. Coe
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Combs, III
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Commander, III
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Connell
Mrs. Toni Corpening
Mr. F. S. Cosby
Cover & Rossiter, P.A.
Ms. G. Patricia Cox
Mr. William J. Craemer and
Mr. Guy H. Huggins
Mr.and Mrs. John T. Crawford
Mrs. Emilie Crigler
Dr. and Mrs. Norris Crigler, Jr.
Ms. Mary Frances Crowell
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Croxton
Mr. and Mrs. H. Dixon Crum, Jr.
Mrs. Jane Crutchfield
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Culbreth
Miss Betty G. Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Currie
Mr. W. R. Cuthbertson, Jr.
Mrs. Eugene L. Daniel, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene O. Daniels
Ms. Diana M. Daughtridge
Mr. and Mrs. George Davis
Mrs. Sara H. Davis
Ms. Susan Baird Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford M. Deal, Jr.
Mr. Charles Deason
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. DeLancey
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Deligdisch
DeSignia, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Charles Dickerson
Mrs. Mary Digby
Mr and Mrs. Kerry D. Draeger
Mrs. Ruth H. Drum
Duke Energy Foundation
Ms. Anne Dulin
Mr. C. Jordan Dulin
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Dulin, Jr.
Ms. Lucy B. Dulin
Ms. Dee Ferrell Eaker
Ms. Mary Lane Early
Mr. Richard M. Earnhardt
Mr. and Mrs. T. Arthur Edgerton
Mrs. Mary B. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Edwards
Mrs. Lynn Efird
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Efird, III
Mrs. Nancy R. Ehringhaus
Mrs. Elgerine S. Elliott
Mr. James S. Emmanuel
Mrs. Billie Sledge Erwin
Ms. Marion F. Erwin
Mr. Allen Wesley Estridge
Mr. and Mrs. H. Malloy Evans, Jr.
Ms. Carolyn S. Fakadej
Ms. Helen D. Faris
Mrs. W. Susanne Faust
Dr. and Mrs. Richard S. Felkner
Ms. Marcia Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. James Flack
Mrs. Mildred Folk
Mr. John M. Foschia, Jr.
Mrs. Ellen L. Foster
Mr. Cody Fountain
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Fox, Jr.
Mr. Joseph E. Franzle
Mrs. Kathy McSpadden Frost
Mrs. Anne Gaede
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Gaither
Mr. Bill Gamble
Lt. Col. Joseph G. Gamble
Mrs. Sue M. Gamble
Mrs. Margaret B. Gatewood
Mr. and Mrs. Roy R. Gilbert
Ms. Donna C. Gilliam
RADM and Mrs. Walter Lewis Glenn, Jr.
Mrs. Dorothy B. Godwin
Mr. Robert G. Goodman
Mr. Everett E. Gourley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Kelly Graves
Ms. Helen Green
Ms. Shirley L. Griffin
Mr. Robert R. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hammond
Ms. Mary T. Hammond
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Hammons
Ms. Marsha Miller Hanna
Mrs. Kathleen Foard Harkey
Mrs. Dottie Ellis Harloe
Mr. Thomas Harris
Mr. Lloyd H. Harrison, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Harriss
Mr. and Mrs. Charles U. Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver R. Head, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Hice, Jr.
Miss Jocelyn Hill
Mr. Edmund H. Hillis
Mr. and Mrs. Jack T. Hoffman
Ms. Kathryn R. Holder
Mr. Thomas M. Holland
Ms. Jane B. Hollar
Dr. and Mrs. Claude Hollingsworth
2014 Annual Report
FRIENDS – continued.
Mr. and Mrs. George Robert Hollis
Mrs. Margaret G. Holroyd
Mr. David Hood, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Howell
Ms. Billie Grace Howell
Ms. Paula S. Huffines
Mrs. Jeanette G. Humphries
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Hunter, III
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest B. Hunter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Ivey, Jr.
Mrs. Mary Iwaoka
Mr. Robert Iwaoka
Mrs. Runa W. Jackson
Drs. Allen N. Jelks and Mary L. Jelks
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Jenkins, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis C. Jenkins, III
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Johnson
Mrs. Mae Delle Johnson
Mrs. Mary S. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Johnson
Ms. Sarah F. Jones
Ms. Mary B. Keith
Ms. Danielle O. Kidd
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Killian, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray A. Killian, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray A. Killian, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Kilpatrick
Mrs. Jo Ann Kimball
Mrs. Betty G. Kirby
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kjos
Mr. and Mrs. Dan A. Knee
Mrs. Edgar G. Kornegay
Mrs. Elizabeth W. Kuester
Miss Louise A. Lawing
Ms. Virginia Baughman Lawing
Mr. and Mrs. J. Mark Leggett
Mr. and Mrs. Gaines H. Liner
Mrs. Sara Hill Loftin
Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Lohr
Mrs. MaryGene Longenecker
Mr and Mrs. W. F. Lowry, Jr.
Dr. Albert M. Lyles
Mr. and Mrs. John C. MacNeill, Jr.
Ms. Carol Maddox
Ms. Jane Carol Maddox
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon V. Mai
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Manson, III
Mr. and Mrs. David L. March, Jr.
Mrs. Blake L. Marler
Mrs. Helen C. Marple
Ms. Anne T. Martin
Mrs. Helen M. Martin
Mr. James E. Martin, III
Mr. and Mrs. James Martin, Jr.
Mary Snead Boger Book Club
Mr. Q. Maver
Mr. Thomas M. Mayfield, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Maynor
Sharon Towers
Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. McConnell
Ms. Elizabeth D. McCoy
Mrs. Frances M. McCoy
Ms. Cynthia McCullough
Mr. John K. McGill
Mr. and Mrs. Reeves McGlohon
Mrs. Doris H. McInturff
Mrs. Sara F. McKee
Ms. Hulene McLean
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. McNeill
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Meanor
Mrs. Pauline L. Mickle
Ms. Elizabeth T. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Miller
Ms. Anna K. Moeller
Mrs. Doris E. Moore
Elizabeth Coulter Moore
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Moore, Jr.
Ms. Rebecca Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. J. Lee Morris
Mrs. Susan B. Morris
Ms. Ellen Motley
Dr. and Mrs. Brent Mullis
Miss Lillian B. Neal
Mrs. Virginia S. Neely
Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Nelson
Miss Nancy Nickels
Mrs. Sarah Nixon
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus S. Nobles
Mrs. Nancy B. Norelli
Mr. and Mrs. David B. O’Neal
Mr. and Mrs. John Packard
Mr. and Mrs. G. Dan Page, Jr.
Ms. Lois L. Pantazis
Mr. O.J. Paris
Dr. Franklin D. Pattishall, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin M. Pearce
Mrs. Evelyn Pharr
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon J. Phillips, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo H. Phillips, Jr.
Mrs. Margaret B. Pierce
Mrs. Jackie Plott
Mr. and Mrs. Blair Plyler
Mr. and Mrs. Joe D. Pool
Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Poore
Mrs. Kathryn C. Preyer
Mr. Norris Preyer, Jr.
Mr. Francis E. Price
Miss Jane Price
Ms. Phyllis F. Pruitt
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Rahe
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Randall
Mrs. Margaret A. Ranson
Mr. Richard Ranson
Mr. Steve Ray
Miss Ginger Reeves
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin L. Reid
Ms. Elizabeth Rich
Mrs. Barbara Crow Rivers
Mr. Arthur C. Roberts Jr.
Mrs. Linda C. Roberts
Ms. Nora Tucker Rockecharlie
Mrs. A. Buren Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Chet S. Ross
Mrs. Lucille Ross
Mrs. Beverly N. Rotert
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Roux
Mrs. Cynthia Salvia
Mr. Bob Scheible
Mrs. Rebecca S. Schenck
Mrs. Judith Schmitz
Mr. and Mrs. Blair M. Schrum
Mr. and Mrs. Wade N. Seymour
Ms. Sharon Sharp
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Shaw, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sheaffer
Ms. Linda T. Sherrill
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Shoaf
Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh A. Shoemaker
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Shroyer
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Sloan
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald K. Smith
Mrs. Marjorie B. Smith
Ms. Pauline T. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. R. Clayton Smith
The Reverend Catherine C. Snyder
South Hill Condominium
Owners Association, Inc
Ms. Joy Sparrow
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Stanley
Mrs. Susan Stanton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Stiegel
Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Stokes
Mrs. June G. Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon E. Stout
Mrs. T.D. Stowe
Dr. and Mrs. W. Frank Strait, III
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Stroup
Mrs. Jan D. Sullivan
Ms. Betty J. Swanquist
Sweet Repeats
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick L. Swisher
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Teague
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Thompson
Ms. Lindsay K. Tice
Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Tindal
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Townley
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Trotter
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Trotter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Usilton
Ms. Evelyn C. Walker
Mr. Robert J. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Walker, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Simon V. Ward, III
Mr. and Mrs. R. Freman Wardell
Ms. M. Carol Weeks
Mr. Raymond R. Weidler
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Westra
Mr. Ralph W. Whitfield, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Whitmer
Ms. Virginia S. Wilson
Dr. and Mrs. Joe H. Woody
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Woollen
Dr. and Mrs. H. Linton Wray
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wren
Mr. and Mrs. Joe R. Wren
Dr. Benjamin H. Yarborough
Dr. Edwin S. Young, Jr.
Ms. Katharine K. Zambetti
Ms. Jan Ahern
Mrs. Eleanor H. Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Alexander, Jr.
Mrs. Susan Sams Allen
Ms. Carol Ann Allen
Miss Margaret L. Allison
Mrs. Becky B. Allison
Ms. Nancy H. Amos
Dr. and Mrs. Mark B. Ardis
Ms. Patricia Turi Arnold
Mrs. Lula Ashley
Mrs. Bobbye W. Ashmore
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Astin
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin B. Baird, Jr.
Mr. David S. Ball
Mr. and Mrs. C. Robert Beaird
Mrs. Anna Marie Bertram
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Bertram
Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Blankenship, Jr.
Mrs. Pat Blumer
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Boggs
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Booth
Mr. Ralph W. and Dr. Marinell Bostian
Mrs. Mary K. Broadway
Ms. Mary Collins Brotherton
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Brown
Mrs. Dona W. Burroughs
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Calder
Mr. David Caudle
Ms. Amanda Cipolletti
Mr. and Mrs. John Cranford
Mr. and Mrs. Benner B. Crigler
Dr. and Mrs. Norris Crigler, Jr.
Drs. James and Jane Crostwaite
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Croxton
Mr. and Mrs. H. Dixon Crum, Jr.
Mr. G. Don Davidson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Edwards
Mrs. Ann M. Elliot
Mrs. Elgerine S. Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Faircloth
Mrs. Mildred Folk
Mrs. Kathy McSpadden Frost
Mr. Bill Gamble
Mrs. Margaret B. Gatewood
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Goolsby
Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Graper
Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Graper
Mrs. Robin Waters Griffith
Mr. Howell K. Hallett
Elizabeth A. Harkey
Mrs. Dottie Ellis Harloe
Mr. Rick Harper
Mr. Thomas Harris
Mr. Frank E. Hawfield
Ms. Sally Hayes
Mrs. Jeannette P. Helms
Ms. Libby Higgins
Mr. Edmund H. Hillis
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Howell
Mrs. Sue Howell
Mr. Tom Hunter
Mrs. Ralph H. Husband
Mrs. Mae Delle Johnson
Mr. Thomas Daniel Johnson
Mr. William E. Keenan
Mr. and Mrs. Ray A. Killian, Sr.
Miss Iris N. Kimble
Mrs. Berma Jean Kincaid
Mr. and Mrs. John Larrabee
Mr. and Mrs. J. Mark Leggett
Mr. and Mrs. Gaines H. Liner
Mr. George K. Livingston
Ms. Debbie Love
Dr. Albert M. Lyles
Mr. Bob McCaughelty
Mr. and Mrs. John C. MacNeill, Jr.
Mrs. Blake L. Marler
Mr. and Mrs. James Martin, Jr.
Mr. Gary W. McCoy
Mr. Jim McEwen
Mr. and Mrs. John Woods McKay
Mr. Derek Melum
Ms. Dana Mitchell
Ms. Anna K. Moeller
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Moore, Jr.
Mrs. Doris E. Moore
Elizabeth Coulter Moore
Mr. David Moore
Ms. Susan Morse
Mr. and Mrs. Erskine Neel
Mrs. Virginia S. Neely
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Neill, Jr.
Mrs. Betty E. Neill
Miss Nancy Nickels
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Offerdahl
Mr. and Mrs. Tom L. Ogburn, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Parish
Mrs. Ida H. Parnell
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Patterson
Mr. David J. Paul
Mr. Michael Payne
Mrs. Jane M. Perkins
Mrs. Pam Phipps
Mr. Douglas Pratt
Ms. Bridget Pratt
Mr. Frank Rankin, III
Ms. Ellen C. Rhyne
Mrs. Barbara L. Riggins
Mr. and Mrs. Randy M. Riley
Ms. Rachel Robinson
Mrs. Eloise W. Rushforth
Mr. Arthur R. Sams
Ms. Billie Jean Satterfield
Mrs. Rebecca S. Schenck
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Schott
Mrs. Joyce R. Sloan
Ms. Dorothy B. Smith
Ms. Joann S. Speas
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Sumner
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Thatcher
Mrs. Letitia Evans Thompson
Mr. William H. Town
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Trice
Mr. Patrick Twiest and Dr. Holly Smith
Ms. Mary Emogene Utting
Mrs. Lee Van Malssen
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Vincent
Mr. William H. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Walker, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Wansker
Mrs. Angela Wassil
Mr. Raymond R. Weidler
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Weisiger
Mr. and Mrs. Stokes White, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence H. Wise
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wren
Circle 7 Sharon Presbyterian Church
Covenant Presbyterian Church
Covenant Presbyterian Women
Fellowship Class Myers Park
First Presbyterian Church of Albemarle
Gilwood Presbyterian Church
Lydia Circle at Covenant Presbyterian Church
Myers Park Presbyterian Church
Paw Creek Presbyterian Church
2014 Annual Report
5100 Sharon Road
Charlotte, North Carolina 28210
PERMIT #1341
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Residents’ Assistance Program
Since our doors opened in 1969, Sharon Towers has been guided by our
mission to be a retirement community that provides a loving and caring
atmosphere and meets the needs of those who live here. One part of
this mission is to provide financial assistance to residents and prospective
residents through our Residents’ Assistance Program.
Gifts made annually by donors to the Residents’ Assistance Fund allow
Sharon Towers to provide financial support in the form of waived
Entrance Fees or, most commonly, monthly service fee assistance
to residents and potential residents. These recipients, who remain
anonymous, are our friends and neighbors who have proudly paid their
way their entire life but now find themselves unable to afford the increased
costs of care during retirement.
Sharon Towers is blessed by donors who choose to share their material blessings with us either by making an in-kind
or monetary contribution to Sharon Towers and the Residents’ Assistance Fund. Funds raised each year ensure that
Sharon Towers can continue to meet the overall needs of our residents and provide financial assistance to those who
need it. In 2014, thanks to the generous support of foundations, churches and individuals, Sharon Towers received
$687,225, with $296,025 designated toward the Residents’ Assistance Program.
Thanks to the kindness of donors like you, Sharon Towers in 2014 was able to help twenty-five individuals through
the Residents’ Assistance Program and continue our mission of caring for all those who call Sharon Towers home.