5t J13oO39 - OregonLive.com
5t J13oO39 - OregonLive.com
1 ILED IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OUrITY OR i iGm 7 UIT QU ikC FOR UmATItJI A COUNTY STATE OF OREGON TRIAL CGUR RETURN OF SEARCH WARRANT ss County ISTRATOR ADt11 EY at the Umatilla s Sheriff County and state Chat the searched photographed pursuant evidence locker at the Sport to a No items Office following is A red American Tourister was PPi 3 40 of Umatilla I the under signed police officer executed the attached Oregon PR 4 gDl3 i duffle search were Umatilla a 4700 NW Pioneer warrant oo 4 2013 at OOpm 2 Place Pendleton Umatilla County true list of things seized bag April by me pursuant to the warrant with black straps belonging to Matthew HERMANN The contents of the dufte bag were examined and warrant seized The duffle County bag and its contents have been secured in Sheriffs Office r Signature t of OFficer fi L c Title J13oO39 5t or Badge 309 Z G Number an ILcCi F UPir COUE TILLA TY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF li1 G OREGF3 OUr27 2013 APR 4 FOR UMATILLA COUNTY Pry 3 40 tL CBURT i I n 1 D I 1 41STRATOR t COUNTY OF UMATILLA SEARCH WARRANT IN THE NAME OF TO ANY POLICE OFFICER You 1 are IN THE STATE OF OREGON GREETINGS hereby commanded to A red American Tourister search seize Sport duffle belonging to Matthew HERMANN locker at BY THE STATE OF OREGON the Umatilla open examine test and bag with which is analyze the following black straps and its contents currently located in a secure evidence s Sheriff Office County For evidence and or fruits of the crimes of 415 164 Robbery I 185 Assault I 163 Including 1 but not limited to the Search seize or 2 control following open examine and over analyze documents which tend manner or show ownership said property contained therein Search seize open examine and analyze all property used any to part to commit or or intended for use in facilitate the commission of the crime of Robbery I and Assault I 3 Search seize open examine test and limited to blood hair fibers but not fiberslimited or victim suspect and analyze forensic and fingerprints or trace evidence including evidence of any injuries to which could beconnected to the crimes of Robbery I and Assault I 36 the 4 Search seize any manner or and Assault 1 open part examine to and commit including or analyze any weapons used or intended for use in facilitate the commission of the crime of but not limited to firearms blunt objects edged Robbery I weapons etcetera Search seize 5 worn by Robbery open examine the suspects or and victim analyze during any clothing items which may have been the commission of the crimes of Assault I and I 6 Search seize open examine and s from the victim analyze any but not residence including property which may have been taken limited to U S currency jewelry or other valuables This warrant may be executed more than five 5 but not more than ten 10 days from its date of issuance Issued over my hand this day of Circuit Court 37 tit t Judge 2013 at 3 am I I IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF FOR UMATILLA COUNTY GF Ui OI G 4p Y y l r y OFff A r i t c FtA COURT 1SiR LN THE MATTER OF THE EY APPLICATION FORA SEARCH WARRANT APPLICATION AND SUPPORTING AFFIDAVIT Application foi a Search Warrant is based upon the affidavit of Detective for a warrant to search seize open Kacey Ward examine A red American Tourister 1 belonging to Matthew locker at the Umatilla hereby Sport 525 et seq and made pursuant to ORS 133 which is set forth below This test and duffle analyze bag with the following black straps and its contents HERMANN which is currently located in County application is made a secure evidence s Office Sheriff or fruits of the crimes of For evidence and 415 164 Robbery 1 185 Assault I 163 Including 1 but not limited to the Search seize or 2 control any open examine and over Search seize manner or following analyze documents which tend to show ownership said property contained therein open part examine and analyze to commit or all property used or intended for use in facilitate the commission of the crime of Robbery I and Assault T 1 5 1300 3q 3 Search seize open but not limited to suspect examine test and analyze forensic and trace evidence blood hair fibers fingerprints or evidence of any including injuries to the or victim which could be connected to the crimes of Robbery I and and Assault I 4 Search any seize manner or and Assault open examine part to commit I including and or analyze anyweapons used or intended for use in facilitate the commission of the crime oP Robbery I but not limited to firearms blunt objects edged weapons etcetera 5 Search seize worn by Robbery 6 open examine and the suspects or victim analyze during any clothing items which may have been the commission of the crimes of Assault 1 and I Search seize open examine Prom the victim s residence and analyze including other valuables 2 but any property which may have been taken not limited to U S currency jewelry or AFFIDAVIT STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF UMAT LLA I Kacey Ward being first duly described in ORS 133 and Chapter Police Officer for seventeen addition to my related subsequent over oath depose and say That I am a Police Officer as make this request for aSearch Warrant Ihave been to seven 7 months I have been involved in burglaries thefts sexual a That as a Police Officer and in substantial number of abuse homicides a and investigations narcotics the interviewof suspects and the recovery of evidence and stolen property I have received I have received 2000 hours of training criminal investigations and of eligible years and 17 experience as such to the commission sworn on preservation of homicide and death evidence apprehension search and seizure am 600 hours of over investigation of violent currently assigned as a specialized training in the violent crime of areas investigation acquisition criminals investigation management and Criminal Detective with the Umatilla County Sheriffs Office As part of my who are duties citizen informants have been trained on how T frequently giving to interview persons who are involved in law enforcement officers information about criminal establish the reliability of said persons As been involved in several search warrants that have been issued based Executions ofthose warrants have led to criminal course evidence in order to of investigations on arrests and convictions activity I have obtained result I or this type of information ofpersons responsible for Ihave found it necessary to obtain many types of physical obtain the level of proof needed to arrest and prosecute Included in that evidence is the evidence from the present seizures a or activity In the crimes illegal activity s victim containing trace evidence various person for evidence from the suspects themselves physical trace evidence from the crime scene and trace at the crime scene which may have or other and a come in contact with either the evidence from items suspect or the victim This evidence includes but is not limited to blood buccal cells I also know that bodily 3 fluids such as blood physical semen saliva and and saliva semen can be compared through Based from one materials standards analysis the above on evidence such DNA blood as item to another to prove to a information semen saliva through the suspect for affidavit in the successful prosecution the comparison f this o and otherbodily fluids can will of the source experience and materials or comparisons myjudgment can can be obtained be transferred bodily fluids and it is necessary to have that based identify the principal This evidence person I know that trace be recovered from such purposes It is requested case identity training perform DNA analysis the evidence contained in this as contact and DNA I know that in order to from and from my well as certainty on information suspect and will result by the service of a search warrant HISTORY OF 07 tall 5 approximately HERMANN has Social 915342JD5 Matthew The following is a L70 Security pounds number Raymond Walla Walla College Place date ofbirth Raymond HERMANN Matthew SINVOLVED SUSPECT 1992 described 11 12 with brown hair 5980 WA 43 543 HERMANN has a as a white male and blue eyes Matthew Raymond SID number 25862776 and FBI number last known address of 422 SE Date Raymond HERMANN based on LEDS and NCIC records 1992 11 HERMANN MATTHEW RAYMOND DOB i2 DATE OF ARREST 01 2013 11 NAME USED HERMANN MATTHEW RAYMOND CONTRIBUTING AGENCY WA0360000 LOCAL ID 40141 Avenue County Washington list of arrests for Matthew ARREST 5 adult PCN 948309106 WALLA WALLA COUNTY SHERIFF TCN WA3600000100205656 4 DISPOSITION ARREST OFFENSES 0763300 DRIVE W LICENSE SUSP OR REVOKED 3 CONTRIBUTOR OR RESPONSIBLE AGENCY WA036011J C 1 20342 46 RCW COLLEGE PLACE MUNICIPAL COURT MISDEMEANOR ORIGINATING AGENCY WA0360200 COLLEGE PLACE POLICE DEPARTMENT STATUS DISPOSITION NOT RECEIVED OIN 01201300071 TY WA0360llJ DISPORESPONSIBIL DATE OF OFFENSE 2013 11 01 DATE OF ARREST 12 2012 10 ARREST 4 NAME USED HERMANN MATTHEW RAYMOND CONTRIBUTING AGENCY WA0360200 LOCAL ID P006863 PCN 004474546 COLLEGE PLACE POLICE DEPARTMENT TCN WA4000300000410366 DISPOSITION ARREST OFFENSES 3 CONTRIBUTOR OR RESPONSIBLE 0763300 DRIVE W LICENSE SUSP OR REVOKED AGENCY RC W WA0360200 COLLEGE PLACE POLICE C 1 342 20 46 DEPARTMENT MISDEMEANOR ORiGiNATEVG AGENCY COLLEGE PLACEPOLICE WA0360200 STATUS DISPOSITION NOT RECEIVED DEPARTMENT OIIV 2012123452 DISPO RESPONSIBILITY WA0360200 DATE OF OFFENSE 2012 10 12 5 DATE OF ARREST 09 2011 21 ARREST 3 NAME USED HERMANN MATTHEW RAYMOND CONTRIBUTING AGENCY WA0360000 LOCAL ID 40141 01 01909 PCN 948281503 2011 ARREST OFFENSES CONTRIBUTOR OR RESPONSIBLE AGENCY WA036015J WALLA WALLA COUNTY 6 300 56 9A SUPERIOR COURT CLASS B FELONY WARRANT NO TCN WA3600000100177744 DISPOSITION 0294700 THEFT OF A FIREARM RCW WALLA WALLA COUNTY SHERIFF COURT CASE NO 11100003091 PCARREST ORIGINATING AGENCY WA0360000 WALLA WALLA COUNTY SHERIFF GUILTY STATUS 0294700 THEFT OF A FIREARM OIN 01201101909 6 300 56 9A DISPO RESPONSIBILITY WA036015J RCW DATE OF OFFENSE CLASS B FELON STATUS DATE 2011 02 09 2011 14 11 0052100 PISTOL LOADED IN VEHICLE RCW COUNTS I 41 9 B 2 050 MISDEMEANOR WARRANT NO SENTENCE PCARREST ORIGINATING AGENCY WA0360000 SENT DESC JAIL 65DS WALLA WALLA COUNTY SHERIFF OIN 01201 101909 CREDIT 65DS 6MOS COMM CUSTODY 62 00 SHERIFF DISPO RESPONSIBILITY WA036015J DATE OF OFFENSE 2017 02 09 00 FEES 500 6 310 56 9A VICTIM ASSESSMENT 100 00 RESTITUTION 0294800 POSSESSION STOLEN FIREARM RCW SUPERVISION COURT COSTS 6 00 200 00 1349 DNA CLASS B FELONY ATTORNEY FEES 775 00 ORIGINATING AGENCY WA0360000 WALLA WALLA COUNTY SHERIFF STATUS DISPO RESPONSIBILITY WA036015J 0294700 THEFT OF A FIREARM DATE OF OFFENSE 201 1 21 09 RCW GUILTY 6 300 56 9A CLASS B FELONY STATUS DATE 0052900 FIREARMS DANGEROUS WEAPON VIOL RCW 000 41 9 2011 14 11 1 COUNTS MISDEMEANOR ORIGINATING AGENCY WA0360000 WALLA WALLA COUNTY SHERIFF STATUS DISPO RESPONSIBILITY WA036015J 0294800 POSSESSION STOLEN FIREARM DATE OF OFFENSE 201 I 21 09 RCW GUILTY 6 310 56 9A CLASS B FELONY 0294700 THEFT OF A FIREARM STATUS DATE COUNTS 6 56300 9A RCW 2011 14 11 I CLASS B FELONY ORIGINATING AGENCY WA0360000 WALLA WALLA COUNTY SHERIFF STATUS DISPO RESPONSIBILITY WA036015J 0052100 PISTOL LOADED IN VEHICLE DATE OF OFFENSE 09I 201 21 RCW DISMISSED 41 9 8 2 050 MISDEMEANOR STATUS DATE COUNTS ARREST 2 NAME USED 2011 14 11 1 201 1 15 DATE OF ARREST 05 MATTHEW HERMANN RAYMOND WALLA WALLA COUNTY SHERIFF CONTRIBUTING AGENCY WA0360000 7 LOCAL ID 40141 01 00947 2011 PCN 948272784 ARREST OFFENSES TCN WA3600000100168907 DISPOSITION 0221800 CIVIL ANTIHARASS PROTECTION ORD CONTRIBUTOR OR RESPONSIBLE AGENCY WA036013J WALLA WALLA COUNTY VIOL DISTRICT COURT RCW 10 170 14 COURT CASE NO GROSS MISDEMEANOR ORIGINATING AGENCY WA0360000 STATUS WALLA WALLA COUNTY SHERIFF GUILTY 0841000 MUNICIPALITIES COUNTY CODE OIN 1105094 DISPO RESPONSIBILITY WA036013J DATE OF OFFENSE 2011 15 05 STATUS DATE VIOLATION RCW 000 00 36 35 CLASS UNKNOWN 16 5 COMMENT TO 0800 DC 11 COUNTS 120332296 2011 09 11 1 COMMENT VIO OF RESTRAINING ORDER SENTENCE JAIL 360 D JAIL SUS 360 D FINE 300 00 DATE OF ARREST 09 2010 21 ARREST 1 NAME USED MATTHEW HERMANN R CONTRIBUTING AGENCY WA036025J WALLA WALLA COUNTY DEPT OF COURT SERVICES LOCAL 1D 965364 ARREST OFFENSES 4 OI 13400 ASSAULT PCN 953735881 TCN WA3600000200024829 DISPOSITION CONTRIBUTOR OR RESPONSIBLE AGENCY 8 RCW 1 WALLA WALLA COUNTY WA036015 2 041 36 9A GROSS MISDEMEANOR WARRANT NO SUPERIOR COURT 098002200 ORIGINATING AGENCY STATUS DISPOSITION NOT RECEIVED WA036015J WALLA WALLA COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT DISPO RESPONSIBILITY WA036015J DATE 2009 JUVENILE 08 10 OF OFFENSE Caleb Leon John SCOTT date of birth 10 1992 described OS 02 tall 167 6 approximately Social Security number following is a a SID number 24383241 last known address of 1595 N Fork white male adult and FBI number 967466VC2 Coppei list ofarrests for CALEB Leon John SCOTT based on Rd Waitsburg Wa Crecords LEDS and NC I 2013 DATE OF ARREST 01 ARREST 9 NAME USED CALEB SCOTT LEON CONTRIBUTING AGENCY WA0360000 LOCAL ID a with brown hair and blue eyes Caleb Leon John SCOTT has 540 WA 7186 74 Caleb Leon John SCOTT has The pounds as 39308 Ol 00075 20L3 PCN 948309149 CONTRIBUTOR OR RESPONSIBLE AGENCY 0993000 FAIL TO COMPLY WA036013J WALLA WALLA COUNTY CLASS UNKNOWN WSP2Z0384663 ORIGINATING AGENCY DISTRICT COURT WA0070000 STATUS DISPOSITION NOT COLUMBIA COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE RECEIVED DISPO RESPONSIBILITY WA036013J DATE OF OFFENSE TCN WA3600000100205697 DISPOSITION ARREST OFFENSES WARRANT NO WALLA WALLA COUNTY SHERIFF 2013 11 01 9 COMMENT TO D C 01 13 12 @ 0800 I 0993000 FAIL TO COMPLY CLASS UNKNOWN WARRANT NO WSP2Z0325456 ORIGINATING AGENCY WA0070000 COLUMBIA COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE DISPO RESPONSIBILITY WA036013J DATE OF OFFENSE 2013 11 01 COMMENT TO D C 01 13 @ 0800 12 DATE OF ARREST 09 2012 23 ARREST 8 NAME USED CALEB SCOTT LEON CONTRIBUTING AGENCY WA0360000 WALLA WALLA COUNTY SHERIFF 01915 2012 PCN 948303400 LOCAL D 39308 01 ARREST OFFENSES DISPOSITION CONTRIBUTOR OR RESPONSIBLE AGENCY 0993000 FAIL TO COMPLY WA036013J WALLA WALLA COUNTY CLASS UNKNOWN WARRANT NO DISTRICT COURT WSP2Z0384663 ORIGINATING AGENCY WA0360000 STATUS DISPOSITION NOT RECEIVED WALLA WALLA COUNTY SHERIFF OIN 01201201915 DISPO RESPONSIBILITY WA036013J DATE OF OFFENSE TCN WA3600000100199955 2012 23 09 10 2012 25 DATE OF ARREST 06 ARREST 7 NAME USED CALEB SCOTT LEON WALLA WALLA COUNTY SHERIFF CONTRIBUTING AGENCY WA0360000 PCN 948297710 LOCAL 1D 39308 O1 01223 2012 ARREST OFFENSES TCN WA3600000100194202 DISPOSITION LICENSE SUSP OR 0763300 DRIVE W 3CONTRIBUTOR REVOKED OR RESPONSIBLE AGENCY RCW 1 WA0360L3 WALLA WALLA COUNTY C I 342 20 46 MISDEMEANOR WARRANT NO DISTRICT COURT WSP2Z0384663 ORIGINATING AGENCY STATUS DISPOSITION NOT WAWSP0000 RECEIVED WASHINGTON STATE PATROL DISPO RESPONSIBILITY WA036013J DATE OF OFFENSE 2012 25 06 201 1 16 DATE OF ARREST 01 ARREST 6 NAME USED CALEB SCOTT LEON CONTRIBUTING AGENCY WA0360000 LOCAL ID WALLA WALLA COUNTY SHERIFF 201 I 00089 39308 01 PCN 948265397 ARREST OFFENSES 0993000 FAIL TO COMPLY DISPOSITION CONTRIBUTOR OR RESPONSIBLE AGENCY WA036015J WALLA WALLA COUNTY CLASS UNKNOWN WARRANT NO TCN WA3600000100161398 101001252 SUPERIOR COURT 11 ORlG1NATiNG AGENCY WA0360100 COURT CASE NO 10100001252 WALLA WALLA POLICE DEPARTMENT OIN REFER TO 04 2010 30 01201100089 SPO RESPONSIBILITY WA036015J D DATE OF OFFENSE COMMENT S C 0845 2011 16 01 18 I 1 201 2010 25 DATE OF ARREST 08 ARREST 5 NAME USED SCOTT LEON CALEB CONTRIBUTING AGENCY WA0360000 01676 2010 LOCAL ID 39308 O1 PCN 948257262 CONTRIBUTOR OR RESPONSIBLE AGENCY 0993000 FAIL TO COMPLY WA036013J CLASS UNKNOWN COURT CASE NO 000321191 WA0360000 REFER TO 03 2010 30 WALLA WALLA COUNTY SHERIFF OIN WALLA WALLA COUNTY DISTRICT COURT 101001252 ORIGINATING AGENCY TCN WA3600000100153095 DISPOSITION ARREST OFFENSES WARRANT N0 WALLA WALLA COUNTY SHERIFF 201001676 0 CONTRIBUTOR OR RESPONSIBLE DISPO RESPONSIBILITY WA036013J AGENCY DATE OF OFFENSE WA036015J 2010 25 08 WALLA WALLA COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT COURT CASE NO 10100001252 0993000 FAIL TO COMPLY REFER TO 04 2010 30 CLASS UNKNOWN WARRANT NO WWPC00321191 ORIGINATING AGENCY WA0360100 WALLA WALLA POLICE DEPARTMENT 12 01201001676 OIN DISPO RESPONSIBILITY WA0360L3J 2010 25 08 DATE OF OFFENSE DATE OF ARREST 05 2010 21 ARREST 4 NAME USED CALEB SCOTT LEON CONTRIBUTING AGENCY WA0360000 00980 2010 LOCAL ID 01 WALLA WALLA COUNTY SHERIFF PCN 948251507 TCN WA3600000100147214 DISPOSITION ARREST OFFENSES 0763300 DRIVE W LICENSE SUSP OR 3 CONTRIBUTOR REVOKED OR RESPONSIBLE AGENCY WA036013J WALLA WALLA COUNTY C 1 20342 46 RCW DISTRICT COURT MISDEMEANOR ORIGINATING AGENCY WA0360000 STATUS DISPOSITION NOT RECEIVED WALLA WALLA COUNTY SFIERIFF 01201000980 OIN DISPO RESPONSIBILITY WA036013J DATE OF OFFENSE 2010 21 05 10@ 0800 22 COMMENT C D OS 2010 30 DATE OP ARREST 04 ARREST 3 NAME USED CALEB SCOTT LEON CONTRIBUTING AGENCY WA0360000 00834 2010 LOCAL ID O1 ARREST OFFENSES WALLA WALLA COUNTY SHERIFF PCN 948250209 TCN WA3600000100145895 DISPOSITION 13 0761800 ATTEMPT TO ELUDE CONTRIBUTOR OR RESPONSIBLE AGENCY WA036015J WALLA WALLA COUNTY l 024 61 46 RCW CLASS C FELONY WARRANT NO SUPERIOR COURT PCARREST ORIGINATING AGENCY COURT CASE NO 10100001252 WA0360000 STATUS WALLA WALLA COUNTY SHERIFF OIN 0761800 ATTEMPT TO ELUDE 01201000834 RCW DISPO RESPONSIBILITY WA036015J DATE OF OFFENSE GUILTY 2010 30 04 1 024 61 46 CLASS C FELONY 2010 15 07 STATUS DATE 0042600 RECKLESS ENDANGERMENT 2 050 36 9A RCW GROSS MISDEMEANOR WARRANT NO SENTENCE JAIL PCARREST ORIGINATING AGENCY 17DS CREW SHERIFF FEES 00 99 VICTIM ASSESSMENT 500 00 01201000834 DNA 100 00 COURT COSTS DISPO RESPONSIBILITY WA036015J DATE OF OFFENSE CREDIT 13DS CONVERTED TO WORK WA0360000 WALLA WALLA COUNTY SHERIFF OIN 30DS SENT DESC 2010 30 04 00 200 ATTORNEY FEES 775 00 LICENSE SUSP OR 0763300 DRIVE W RCW C I 342 20 46 STATUS PCARREST ORIGINATING AGENCY RCW 2 050 36 9A GROSS MISDEMEANOR WA0360000 STATUS DATE WALLA WALLA COUNTY SHERIFF OIN DISMISSED 0042600 RECKLESS ENDANGERMENT MISDEMEANOR WARRANT NO 3 REVOKED 07 5 2010 01201000834 DISPO RESPONSIBILITY WA036015J DATE OF OFFENSE 2010 30 04 STATUS 14 DISMISSED 0763300 DRIVE W LICENSE SUSP OR 3 REVOKED RCW C 1 342 20 46 MISDEMEANOR STATUS DATE DATE OF ARREST 03 2010 30 ARREST 2 NAME USED CALEB SCOTT LEON JOHN CONTRIBUTING AGENCY WA0360000 LOCAL ID 2010 15 07 WALLA PCN 948248425 039308 WALLA COUNTY SFIERIFF TCN WA3600000100144088 DISPOSITION ARREST OFFENSES FIRE FLAGMAN 0761300 FAIL COMPLY POL FGHT CONTRIBUTOR OR RESPONSIBLE AGENCY RCW 1WALLA WALLA COUNTY WA036013 2 015 61 46 DISTRICT COURT MISDEMEANOR WARRANT NO W WPC00321 191 CING AGENCY GINA OR COURT CASE NO 000321 19 WA0360000 GUILTY WALLA WALLA COUNTY SHERIFF STATUS DISPO RESPONSIBILITY WA036013J 0764500 DRIVING OR BEING IN PHYS DATE OF OFFENSE 2010 30 03 RCW CONT U 21 4 503 61 46 MISDEMEANOR STATUS DATE 2008 28 10 SENTENCE JAIL 90 JAIL SUS 90 D 15 D FINE 00 51000 FINE SUS 00 5750 STATUS DISMISSED 0741800 MWOR POSSESS CONSUM ACQ LIQUOR 2 270 44 66 RCW GROSS MISDEMEANOR STATUS DATE 2008 28 10 2008 21 DATE OF ARREST 02 ARREST 1 NAME USED CALEB SCOTT L CONTRIBUTING AGENCY WA036025J WALLA WALLA COUNTY DEPT OF COURT SCRV CES LOCAL ID 814409 DISPOSITION ARREST OFFENSES CONTRIBUTOR OR RESPONSIBLE AGENCY 2 0255200 THEFT RCW WA0360000 2 040 56 9A WALLA WALLA COUNTY SHERIFF CLASS C FELONY ORIGINATING AGENCY WA0360000 STATUS DISPOSITION NOT RECEIVED WALLA WALLA COUNTY SHERIFF DISPO RESPONSIBILITY WA0360000 DATE OF OFFENSE TCN WA3600000200015084 PCN 953726572 2008 21 02 JUVENILE 16 Jacob Lee approximately White date of birth 00 tall 140 6 pounds 1994 described 10 OS as with brown hair and brown Washington sLicense number of WHITEJL067KS and Driver Hood Walla Place a Walla Washington Jacob Lee WHITE has white male Iacob eyes adult Lee WHITE has a last known address of 2349 a no history arrest based on LEDS and NC C records Facts and Circumstances In support of this the following On facts application Road in Milton Freewater upon she entering was on bleeding Oregon a a 10 LS am 1 reported call from asked Deputy on s the victim found unconscious and s Hospital Mary was dispatched home invasion I Gary KEY Joyce KEY advised the Umatilla who stated he had gone to this as she lives alone to a KEY said Gary chair with duct tape and he said scene Deputy head arrival at was Co the residence along DUNAGAN reported finding the victim bound which had been secured with Major duct as tape from the head KEY Washington have the for treaunent was Based later on the well The victim transported Deputy to nature of the the scene Detective WILLIAMSON and t made contact with area to a was St call Crime Team activated DUNAGAN who had secured the residence and blocked off the the Emergency also bound at the wrists and ankles A towel had been bleeding profusely to with respond DUNAGAN to in Walla Walla Sheriff ROWAN asked driving through was 50671 Schubert to from the head chair with duct tape and he said she Upon for his 79 year old mother Medical Services Once over for the issuance of a search warrant cause the residence he found his mother secured Dispatch draped probable approximately at Center received residence to check as offered are January 30 2013 County Dispatch and DUNAGAN told 17 us roadway he walked through to keep Deputy traffic from the residence along with the victim s sons Gary and Brian KEY inside the residence that had been looking for property tnotice didn kept They missing along Deputy normally steal He said he stop with the cordless DUNAGAN said he by said their mother making the residence each Deputy approximately the garage typically sure OSam Upon 8 by Gary are blood a brietly away once so check to morning of what valuables their mother unsure phone on a approximately counter three us Gary They said KEY was the first person KEY found the door said he extremely bed and used them phone he night they their mother years ago Brian and entered the residence he found Gary KEY was in the kitchen KEY and learned Gary cold Gary and she is KEY good at began driving at the residence at into the kitchen from leading his mother the touch He then went to cover phone arrive lying on the kitchen his mother and touched her approached to to to a leg at bedroom removed his mother home was so he unable began trying to back to to find a phone locate his mother s cell he drove back to his residence to retrieve his cell he retrieved his reader and her Kindle E their mother on they locked KEY said he left his cell phone also interviewed Brian and the residence in order to call for assistance He the house were telephone normally kept arriving Gary open 4s he which time he noticed she blankets from they someone was KEY who advised Gary 30 and 00 10 pm each goes to bed between 9 DUNAGAN told Floor surrounded some passed all the doors standing with both Brian and spoke but which made it appear said their mother s white Jitterbug cell lives alone since their father about rummaged through anything of value missing in the home were to DUNAGAN noted several drawers and cabinets phone Gary inside phone or KEY said mother residence and he called 911 his s while enroute Gary KEY said when the medics arrived KEY at which time he noticed his mother wrists and ankles were was bound with duct tape as on scene they still secured to removed the blankets from a well There was 18 Joyce chair with duct tape and her a large amount of blood located on the kitchen floor and DUNAGAN said he noticed the Deputy noted she had KEY noticed his mother had Gary injuries and swelling to injuries to an injury Deputy he checked the residence he noted the front door of the residence the front door and began using It should be noted Walla Walla Washington County s Office Sheriff Joyce as a fractures had transported was Kadlec listed in critical condition be intubated to Deputy been assist with had was phone hip and prior Detective to multiple multiple facial fractures She life further Washington by in Deputy determined KEY sustained spoke with Brian and flight for was they noticed Gary was skull later and treatment still unconscious and had was keep anything however they in was plain view a to 19 were He indicated he to steal phone missing and a Kendal E reader many having DUNAGAN said the valuables unable to so tell for they did not sure 30 caliber rifle located in the stairwell done in order mentioned house KEY about the house anything missing not the type of person to if the home invasion were the s Hospital Mary WESTMORELAND of the Umatilla WESTMORELAND was DUNAGAN advised he had located unaccounted for the residence DUNAGAN said KEY and he asked if into the basement which not been taken broken in Richland Deputy Deputy He said it a still locked He unlocked scondition to monitor KEY hospital well and he also DUNAGAN said when ambulance to St injuries Deputy from on scene believe there had been much taken if leading transported by to was as breathing told him their mother Deputy the update DUNAGAN said he rummaged through subjects to bleeding Hospital was result of her an arriving intracranial to KEY responded DUNAGAN said he received WILLIAMSON and I this door for exit and entry the back of her head shead KEY Joyce the left side of her face to was surprised valuables The only from the kitchen the the rifle had items litterbug cell While footprints the exterior of the examining and tire tracks around the residence which State Police Crime Lab Deputy DUNAGAN and members of the While along we were with speaking into the residence and began scene was by the photographed by Sheriff ROWAN arrived on scene Crime Team A short time later Detectives made entry identify potential to out several State Police Crime Lab Deputy DUNAGAN Major with other members of the Oregon pointed later marked and collected were evidence It should be noted the Oregon as DUNAGAN residence Deputy evidence which was marked for collection by the crime lab Among Joyce the items seized KEY to the had been on chair samples kitchen and carport On Lab a of blood found areas brand duct and evidence that swabs collected from the tape the Duct tape which had been used the Duct tape on to of blood found samples other items of potential I received a were Oregon Report submitted for being sides edges Forensic evidentiary from the analysis Oregon State An for the presence of DNA Police who identified a DNA throughout the value State Police Crime One of the items of the mentioned cardboard roll analyzed to secure be Che roll the mentioned Duct tape numerous was The swabs forensic scientist for the was cardboard roll which is believed February 4 2013 detailing evidence as was listed as two empty roll of Duck by Ryan CHAMBERS profile for an a unknown male from the examination of the swabs On February 18 2013 the mentioned DNA an profile CHAMBERS the National DNA Index Matthew I received System using Raymond HERMANN analytical report from Ryan indicated he had conducted the mentioned DNA profile 20 regarding routine search against which revealed DOB 12 I1 1992 WA STD number number 915342JD5 a CHAMBERS 25862776 a match to and FBI According to the report to anyone other than Matthew belonging CHAMBERS also the chances of this DNA prepared by CHAMBERS reported that a Raymond HERMANN are profile less than 1 in l0 billion DNA standard of 4 four oral swabs from Matthew Raymond HERMANN is needed to confirm this database match On Walla February 20 2013 County County phone Oklahoma for a court interview with HERMANN an Alanna PRITCHETT who had been phone have and an exting capabilities on going at On on her phone or HERMANN following at about Denver Kansas City February 21 2013 On and then on spoken with HERMANN s to to girlfriend with HERMANN after he tled the Skype using 6 O Oam as the she found be in Salt Lake using Ipad as a a area and cell she did not was on his communication with City shortly He was then Oklahoma WILLIAMSON Detectives Oklahoma and made arrangements to in their week later PRITCHETT said she knows HERMANN February 2 2013 was with 2013 would they computer where he indicated he would her to he had communicating I Pad She said he would call speaking After s Office and made arrangements Sheriff County me case Oklahoma PRITCHETT said HERMANN communicated with her to way to Oklahoma him offense unrelated to this February 22 on Detective BOLSTER also advised travelled learned Matthew FIERMANN had been appearance date scheduled until the contacted Sheriff John DAMS of the Creek conduct me he drug a call from Detective BOLSTER of the Walla BOLSTER 1 contacted the Creek County Jail and confirmed and did not have custody a Sheriffs Office He informed arrested in Creek Detective 1 received continue on to JAYO and 1 traveled to Tulsa Sapulpa Oklahoma the following day in order to conduct the mentioned interview February 22 2013 On conducted in a Sapulpa at 00am approximately 10 Detective W1LL AMSON and I recorded interview with Matthew HERMANN Oklahoma HERMANN was at the Creek advised of his Miranda 21 County Warnings Sheri ft s Office which he said he understood and had During the no course of the crimes associated with this named Jacob knew of any to HERMANN admitted to He said he case hit suggesting knew SCOTT and WH TE Joyce interview was determined to be lacob Later places about questions were into KEY residence He said he to scrap metal familiar with the by commit so been involved in the Caleb SCOTT and via cellular WHITE SCOTT wanted stealing was contacted having he phone a and someone was asked if he theft HERMANN said he immediately thought residence as Joyce KEY ofthe was a family friend and he knew she lived alone HERMANN said SCOTT and WHITE arrived Washington to pick him subjects up and he said the convertible He said based on able a robbery to hear or see as he knew the residence were driving they was would go a they to College Place small white Geo coupe t wouldn be able to steal any loyce s residence and KEY isolated in the country and hay stack approximately arrived they 100 yards at the KEY residence they parked residence and HERMANN went to be was brown leather Danner brand boots and cloth wearing gloves a was approached tattered Carhart mask 22 was car the the just camouflage jacket camouflage pants HERMANN said he had head leaving his face exposed HERMANN also brown Carhart jacket which the mentioned the door located inside the garage while SCOTT hid outside the garage HERMANN said he his would south of the residence He said Jacob WHITE driver of the vehicle and remained inside the car HERMANN and SCOTT over no one anything HERMANN said when near a his residence in the size of the vehicle he knew scrap metal HERMANN said he then decided commit at a hood claimed SCOTT had been pants leather work gloves and a pulled up wearing a camouflage HERMANN said he knocked on the door of the residence which KEY He said he told KEY his vehicle had broken down and he asked to HERMANN said KEY handed him her cell residence and then called for SCOTT Once inside the the kitchen residence HERMANN said after a at secure KEY joined in one HERMANN said they Once KEY valuables At some in an a towel used was in the stairwell engaged the bedrooms to KEY to sit in looking of the bedrooms SCOTT then returned a s KEY head roll of tape he had secured point during eading over by a chair in for valuables SCOTT who asked the kitchen area where he which he secured with duct tape brought suddenly to search the residence for into the basement of the home When HERMANN was a SCOTT What did a You don thave me and she s to worry about going that The subjects WHITE 23 had the two cabinet HERMANN said he left or ten you do to her SCOTT to be able to they refused minutes later responded HERMANN said he then confronted SCOTT and said You said my in there She knows rifle waiting HERMANN said SCOTT exited the residence about five anything to the incident SCOTT told HERMANN to take argument and SCOTT shoved HERMANN into HERMANN said he asked well as to the residence with him SCOTT and HERMANN continued the residence and returned to the vehicle where WHITE by Joyce swrists HERMANN KEY to the chair HERMANN also used the tape to restrain KEY draped were phone her to sit down SCOTT and HERMANN then used duct tape telling said SCOTT then seen anything was her cell by Joyce inside began going through short time he if HERMANN had found began yelling to come use answered he forced his way inside the HERMANN and SCOTT forced HERMANN then area at which time phone was identify me SCOTT then left the residence in the l didn t do name while we responded car being driven HERMANN said the KEY had been Joyce meant nearly day beaten to incident he heard from his aunt death He said it was out because KEY was him for this crime He said he immediately having still alive and he decided to get said his name she would blame thought out of town and traveled to Oklahoma Hound bus Grey Detective WILLIAMSON and 1 asked HERMANN what he did with the worn at the time of the incident He said he had taken the to belongings his aunt s residence in Angela KLEIN who we Place College learned resides ofthe Creek County possession Apple Ipad Angeles the Creek sticker spoke He said his aunt s bags name was College Place Washington spoke with was Captain RHUMAN arrested he Pandigital tablet PC with found was serial number HT25JHX01331 an a of his a an Los by with HERMANN about the mentioned items and asked for consent to examine HERMANN were phone with with several he had Sheriffs Office consent to the examination of the rivo items we clothing serial number 801301101 l 130035 All of the items had been seized them HERMANN said he would consent girlfriend HERMANN with serial number DMPH16X7DKPJ and County We Washington Sheriffs Office We learned when HERMANN of an HTC model PG86100 cell Lakers clothes along SE Belmont Ave at 1143 At the conclusion of the interview with in that Angie KLEIN then that he realized what SCOTT when he told him he didn t have to worry about SCOTT HERMANN said he freaked on a after the transported signed a to an tablets examination of the cellular as he said they contained nude consent form for the examination ofthe back to the Umatilla County phone photos phone Sheriff s Office where but refused to they of his and all three were secured as evidence On his February 25 2013 accomplices listed as in this friends on case their I began researching l learned respective the names provided to me HERMANN SCOTT and WHITE by HERMANN all have each other Face Book pages I also learned WHITE he has 24 a white as Geo Metro convertible like the one of Jacob he said he description described was by about 18 years of age and He also said he believed Jacob had moved to is 18 years of age he moved he matches the as provided by s driver WHITE s license 2349 Hood mentioned Metro car parked clean was a in 2012 and based WILLIAMSON and I drove PI Walla Walla Washington was found by to with Angela KLINE be stopped by HERMANN her residence and clothing and other items in her garage She said HERMANN told her he to collect his the bus station KLINE said the items over Road Milton At to belongings no one ever 1991 Geo the was s collected HERMANN property HERMANN but she dates placed several going to so clothing to have a him a give of bags ride she turned all of who resides at 84621 Edwards Freewater Oregon Department regarding same discovered I had Jacob WHITE I learned vehicle on driver of the vehicle and an February 29 a email from the College 2013 at unidentified male an was picked him up at his residence in College 25 College Place Police Place Officer had conducted approximately 3 9 2pm lacob in the passenger information obtained from HERMANN this would have been WHITE photo found the white and then he asked her husband s mother Charlotte HERMANN 7 Opm 1 approximately O stop with this a we by phone regarding on to his the residence listed where believed subject stop by on HERMANN trecall exact HERMANN had left at her residence KLINE said she couldn female boy country XGY License 020 35pm spoke approximately 5 January 31 2013 cut a from Idaho I learned Jacob WHITE Boise Idaho in front of the residence The vehicle Convertible bearing Washington At Washington from Washington 4 Opm Detective approximately O At on description to HERMANN When 1 asked HERMANN for Place a seat Based on a traffic White was the the short time before SCOTT and On February 26 2013 BOLSTER and I Walla bearing Washington was seized vehicle District Court Judge in a secure s WHITE for vehicle for a search to the While waiting Walla Walla to as County for WHITE to Detective FARBER of the had gone residence warrant to examine the vehicle to meet with us at the towed was Oregon we search warrant to a secure was by phone storage facility Oregon The vehicle where it for evidence related Sheriff s Office for return to the spoke and asked him evidence 1 advised WHITE residence to a this we was with to return investigation would have his Oregon case and would WHITE later apply agreed recorded interview I received a phone call from State Police Detective FARBER and Detective GURRERO they to speak with Matthew had seized several other items which Charlotte HERMANN said she received from Angela bags of clothing and KLEIN She said these KLE1N garage Detective the items Matthew HERMANN had left in s FARBER said he observed clothing signed by Washington not at home We 84621 Edwards Road Milton Freewater Oregon apparently two door advised him of the nature of this s parents Detective FARBER advised HERMANN were Place in front of the residence The State Police Crime Lab in Pendleton Oregon 2349 Hood processing had seized his vehicle transported a who contacted WHITE home When WHITE arrived at the we to discovered WHITE we parked State Police Crime Lab in Pendleton Oregon facility storage residence observed WHITE s 1991 Geo Metro BOLSTER pursuant father Randy WHITE explained we John KNOWLTON and While at the residence and TEat his father s Jacob WH License number 020 XGY Detective by later transferred to the placed to contact Walla Washington Upon arrival coupe was attempted s WILLIAMSON JAYO approximately 4 OSpm Detective at an open and brown leather boots HERMANN said he had been laundry hamper inside wearing type container which had which matched the while inside 26 Joyce description of the s residence KEY camouflage clothing At approximately 6 27pm Detective LLIAMSON and I conducted W interview with Jacob WHITE at the Walla Walla of his Miranda During which he said he understood and had no the of the interview WHITE admitted to having course residence and by taking WHITE said communicating picked directed him to driving commit tape a a them from the residence after January 29 2013 he up HERMANN in drive was to the robbery residence they a s KEY to committed the crimes cellular Schubert Road near telephone began WHITE and WHITE said HERMANN Milton Freewater HERMANN and SCOTT talked about how they the residence WHITE said HERMANN had at aided in the commission with SCOTT when SCOTT using advised about questions College Place Washington sresidence on to KEY was Caleb SCOTT and Matthew HERMANN with HERMANN via text message SCOTT then While on recorded Sheriffs Office WHITE Warnings against Joyce KEY by driving of the crimes County a a back planned to duct pack containing to use if ski mask and BB guns which EIERMANN said he intended Oregon things got out of hand Once hay bales at the residence HERMANN instructed WHITE to which were stacked on his vehicle behind some the side of the road south of KEY s residence HERMANN and SCOTT then exited the vehicle and walked camouflage clothing park to the residence and had the mentioned ski mask SCOTT HERMANN was wearing a was wearing camouFlage mask hunting WHITE said the subjects returned to the vehicle SCOTT what had dropped happened were inside of the residence for 20 appeared very inside the residence The nervous subjects HERMANN off at his residence 27 and said he to 30 never then drove back to minutes When wanted to College they talk about Place and WHITE said happened once HERMANN was out of the vehicle he asked SCOTT what had inside the residence SCOTT said he and HERMANN had to tie duct tape but never the assault Joyce on offered any further information One to two s residence in SCOTT Waitsburg Washington to do something immediately and confronted SCOTT about what had inside the residence WHITE said SCOTT told him KEY had said HERMANN had WHITE read about days later KEY in the newspaper which scared him He said he seen to get out of the drove to happened s HERMANN face and he about it SCOTT indicated HERMANN assaulted KEY and SCOTT claimed he wanted KEY up with Joyce residence was the one who but HERMANN tlet him wouldn At the conclusion ofthe interview I asked WHITE if he would be recorded interview with SCOTT in order investigation WHITE On a currently staying was College Avenue Aparhnent contact with obtain and said he would be agreed person WHITE said SCOTT to statement from him in relation more comfortable with his February 27 2013 was audio friend Tyler LARSEN which is where he this at 1421 S planned at approximately 4 5 5pm Detectives GURRERO BOLSTER and I reviewed and began doing signed by IITE took between SCOTT and WI were Washington to with SCOTT in College Place Washington of a State of Washington Communications they speaking 13 audio surveillance of between Jacob WHITE and Caleb SCOTT The surveillance while to have a to make SCOTT WILLIAMSON The Order willing parked recording College of the prepared by Court encounter wore a During to to wear a vehicle a WIILIAMSON BOLSTER and monitored the conversation via 28 red watch portable Toyota pickup County College Place the encounter Detectives footage authority The encounter body wire surveillance wrist audio and video face encounter Detective BOLSTER judge Avenue Walla Walla surveillance WHITE agreed of the conversation He also face conducted under the inside WHITE s father s in front of 1431 S As part of the Order Washington Superior a place Interception was a which created which captured GURRERO radio an While to the listening TE and conversation between WH SCOTT about the confronting time that KEY was assaulted events on the that took place inside of Joyce KEY s residence night oFJanuary 29 Matthew HERMANN had gone to the residence I overheard WHITE SCOTT while the during 2013 SCOTT told WHITE he and they had WHITE wait inside of his vehicle SCOTT said he waited the residence kitchen by area said he had face HERMANN and upon He said KEY never KEY with next to so some he had to s WHITE location Walla Walla At Miranda Warnings the and WHITE for whole bag at the Walla course of the Officers of the Walla on thing planned the interview two s residence He said KEY with by taken into masks gloves over a chair in the her head SCOTT committing County was was standing seen Place Police no questions night of January 29 to the assault transported to the a recorded was advised of his about assist him in help part Department SCOTT said HERMANN had been to no his SCOTT and later Sheriffs Office SCOTT they finally agreed pellet pistols He on WILLIAMSON and 1 conducted weeks asking them out and he claimed custody College which he said he understood and had approximately Place Washington towel observed HERMANN was 40pm Detective approximately 8 During Joyce never SCOTT s Office Sheriff interview with SCOTT a the mentioned conversation Detectives moved in to at which time County with duct tape and had in sitting about it SCOTT claimed he told HERMANN he wanted something listening KEY Joyce went to called into the eventually in his hand SCOTT said HERMANN told him KEY had of it and left the residence He said he After he observed was in the assault of KEY and he claimed HERMANN rolling pin do entering wrapped was participated a bushes outside the residence while HERMANN inside of the garage SCOTT said he door located entrance by approaching he committing a robbery at and met with HERMANN in College 2013 SCOTT said HERMANN said he had the no one would get hurt SCOTT said HERMANN had and duct tape which 29 were intended to be used in the a commission of the crime SCOTT said while HERMANN said he was WHITE and HERMANN he knock to going Once the Ruger model residence subjects she as was at the arrived in protection things got out of hand a down the duct tape to restrain KEY and lot of money and jewelry HERMANN exited the vehicle and removed in the laying was use have to residence 22 rifle which WHITE had l0 case would they supposed HERMANN told WHITE and SCOTT he residence to KEY s the door and tell KEY his vehicle had broken on and would then force his way inside He said would search the traveling were taking a compartment of the vehicle rear the rifle into the residence with him for t want SCOTT said he didn to go into the residence IERMANN to talk him into it with HERMANN but he allowed I SCOTT said he hid the door He said he was by some bushes just outside of the garage while HERMANN outside for 20 to 30 minutes He went inside the residence with HERMANN and kitchen area He said she had rag over her a SCOTT said from what he saw KEY were doing where she this He said HERMANN kept family began saying knew where her the names an continuously yelled standing idea of what was point at one alert as she and got him chair in the to a secured with duct tape at her as well kept asking why they telling her to shut up and asked HERMANN threatened KEY of KEY s children and began searching through HERMANN told him KEY had had was taped out by telling going grandchildren and he claimed he went to school residence and he claimed the only observed HERMANN which KEY Joyce came members if she told anyone about this incident SCOTT said grandchildren SCOTT said he saw still conscious and her valuables SCOTT said her he would kill her HERMANN was head before HERMANN went to thing he took various drawers and cabinets was some next to KEY with seen to his face happen so so a candy rolling pin he had to do from a candy the dish He said he in his hand and he said something about it SCOTT said he he told HERMANN he wanted 30 throughout nothing to do with it and he left the residence He said HERMANN left the residence returned subjects and area never to the vehicle where WHITE about what had spoke was still to go tlet him SCOTT said this wouldn He said waiting drove out of the they happened I advised SCOTT of a statement WH1TE had made which he claimed he wanted few minutes later and the a back to was a during our interview with him in the residence and untie KEY but he claimed SCOTT true statement and he said he couldn t bring himself to Detective GURRERO go back to the residence after what HERMANN had just done to KEY confronted SCOTT about this statement as he previously claimed he did not know HERMANN had done to KEY SCOTT said he knew HERMANN had most KEY with the rolling pin as he had been HERMANN said he had to do did not witness the prior by to sure a holding next to her while her since she had but he said he had assault claimed he didn t know for in the newspaper something standing good seen likely what assaulted it in his hand and his face SCOTT insisted he idea of what had that KEY had been assaulted until he WHITE FIe also said he didn t know about the happened was SCOTT told about the article extent sinjuries of KEY this interview to 1 advised SCOTT that HERMANN had told us about a cell phone belonging to KEY t take which HERMANN claimed SCOTT had taken from the residence SCOTT said he didn any phones white Jitter from the residence He said when Bug brand cell phone halfand threw it out of the a day or two later vehicle He said house phone had conducted TE WH a left the residence window while a they house were driving phone lying from KEY s residence 5 2013 at as on on drove out into the country and threw the come a black in s the t7oor board of WHITE phone into a tree He believed the well 3 5pm Detectives approximately 1 Samsung phone a State Line Road SCOTT said WILLIAMSON and GURRERO follow up interview with Jacob WHITE at his residence produced HERMANN handed him and told him to break it SCOTT said he broke the he and WHITE found they On March car they U485 cell model SCH r 31 phone During the interview with serial number A000004067700F which he provided belonged to to Detective WILLIAMSON WHITE said the cell Caleb SCOTT and he said he communicate with Matthew HERMANN when WHITE also said while he against Joyce KEY he had this residence send same text message to a coming and phone in his he asked them to waiting was return to the car so was Detective WILLIAMSON secured the Sheriffs Office s Facebook page HERMANN saying was phone SCOTT used pickup phone as to commit the mentioned crimes in the car outside of Joyce KEY s staying after HERMANN him to post his bail and with him in was he sitting pending him to bring him an ever were application It was later secured in an for a in search evidence locker at since posted a message on person HERMANN stole Matthew drugs from while Oklahoma MERRILL wrote another message incarcerated in Oklahoma he asking someone was which WHITE and SCOTT phone Muskogee to 2013 he put the evidence was the phone custody the night of February 27 where it has been saying to could leave On March 12 2013 I learned Mark MERRILL HERMANN same He said he became scared and used the they taken into warrant in order to examine the contents of the County the they arranged possession s under the seat of WHITE s father the Umatilla was Matthew HERMANN WHITE said he told HERMANN WHITE said when SCOTT phone it was sure phone a pair wrote a letter to MERRILL of boots that HERMANN left asking at his residence I contacted Captain RHUMAN contact MERRILL to RHUMAN property spoke see of the Creek County Sheriff s Office and asked him if he could retrieve the boots that HERMANN talked about with MERRILL that FIERMANN left advised that he would have by phone and learned that MERRILL had several behind including clothing boots jewelry someone collect the items from MERRILL 32 etc Captain pieces Captain of RHUMAN On March 13 2013 I received a message from the Creek Marchl5 2013 MERRILL claimed he donated and the only items he had left On March 18 a message from the Creek and he appointment property to on the Salvation somejewelry County was no s Office Sheriff longer answering their calls On March 19 2013 someone contact OOam 9 at approximately Oklahoma Police Muskogee have received 2013 most of HERMANN s s boots and HERMANN were that MERRILL failed fo make his advising phone s Office Sheriff that Detectives with their agency made arrangements to meet with MERRILL advising Army County Department 1 contacted Lieutenant LEE with the I told him about this MERRILL at his residence I explained investigation that we were and 1 asked him to trying to retrieve the boots and the letter MERRILL received from Matthew HERMANN 35pm approximately 12 At contacted MERRILL letter as to items into miscellaneous an call from Lieutenant LEE clothing HERMANN MERRILL also well The a his residence MERRILL gave Lieutenant LEE bag containing red duffle belonged at I received property was turned evidence locker until provided jewelry could be pair of boots and a which MERRILL said Lieutenant LEE with the MENTIONED to Evidence Clerk over they items and one He advised that he shipped to Betty DAMS the Umatilla who County logged the s Sheriff Office At conducted 1 7pm I received approximately 3 an inventory of the property prior inside the duffle bag another call tram Lieutenant LEE He said he to logging He said the outer part of the Class of 1998 The inside part of the ring was ring was engraved 33 it into evidence and located engraved with Harrison a class ring High School with the name Frank BOYDSTUN 1 conducted located search through the Accurint system for the person named Frank BOYDSTUN III with a called the phone FUN BOYDS she gave a me number listed and was her grandson the number of his spoke She was High the shipped duffle bag was able to the Umatilla at name a a a in fact a graduate from 1 later learned BOYDSTUN ring ring therefore the ring Sheriffs Office via UPS Documents OOam a pair case I received box and of what of Matthew HERMANN from Pasco white cuff link a jar of weather completed by All of the items received from the bag 1 I Justin Boots property sheet The contents of the dufle the duffle his class son was a a file for future reference package from the red American Tourister appeared to be new Umatilla County Washington proofing cream Mark MERRILL and bag were Police pending and its contents 34 Sport a Greyhound Tulsa Oklahoma Muskogee Muskogee a Bus black Police Police Department not examined at this time Muskogee Sheriffs Office a a to Muskogee blue and brown letter from Matthew HERMANN to Mark MERRILL statement form at the County approximately which contained cowboy boots evidence missing describe the to The Justin Boot box contained Department and learned his information have been included in the 28 2013 Department and green sock so to have the Police ticket in the phone number 21 2013 1 spoke with DAMS by phone and made arrangements shipping On March leather with Frank s released to mentioned property to me She said Frank recovered stolen property as On March pertaining Dene BOYDSTUN provide Oklahoma I Muskogee was contacted Lieutenant LEE and BOYDSTUN was Frank BOYDSTUN and Max BOYDSTUN by phone School in Arkansas and to address in an Faye unable father Stanley contacted Max BOYDSTUN Harrison with name Department an application were for a secured as search warrant for 1 have shown this affidavit to judgment required a Umatilla that based on the information contained in this to obtain the evidence principal suspect requested your affiant requests the above fisted items for the evidence as court co to prosecution issue a Attorney and it is our execution of a search warrant is of this requested will identify the case search warrant directing a search of the described and set forth in this affidavit Signature SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN aftdavit District in the warrant The evidence and will result in the successful Wherefore 1 I t County Deputy before me of Affiant this day of per am Signature and Ii tle of Magistrate 35 2013 at