Licking County Planning Commission
Licking County Planning Commission
Licking County Planning Commission Regularly Scheduled Meeting Agenda PLEASE CLICK ON THE TEXT OF THE REPORT YOU WISH TO VIEW TIME: DATE: LOCATION: 7:00 P.M. July 28, 2014 Donald D. Hill County Administration Building 20 South Second Street, Newark, OH 43055 Meeting Room A (Basement Level) 1. Pledge 2. Roll Call and seating of alternate members 3. Approval of meeting minutes, with or without corrections 4. Swearing-In/Affirming of Public 5. Announcements of Director 6. Announcements of Commission members 7. Old Business a. 2014-016-V (Tabled April 28, 2014) Description: Section 8.31: Joint and Cross Access Township: Etna Applicant: Prologis, C/O Brian Marsh Note: The applicant has requested that this application remain on the table so that they may continue to investigate options. 8. New Business a. Approval of motions b. Zoning Amendments, Variances, Subdivision Reviews and Recommendations 9. Public Comments 10. Director’s Comments 11. Next Meeting: August 25, 2014 at 7:00 P.M. 12. Adjournment 1 ZONING AMENDMENTS, VARIANCES, AND SUBDIVISION REVIEWS RECOMMENDATIONS NEW BUSINESS 1. 2014-021-V Description: Township: Applicant: Section 8.10: Classifications, Table 14, 550’ access driveway spacing from a road intersection and Section 8.44 (1, c): Private Streets (except commercial/industrial), 550’ of spacing between private road outlets. Etna John C. Wicks 2. 2014-024-V Description: Township: Applicant: Section 8.10: Classifications, Table 14, 550’ access driveway spacing from an intersection and Section 8.11-B: Major Arterials, 250’ access driveway spacing between driveways. Monroe Barbara J. Hutchinson 3. 2014-025-V Description Township: Applicant: Section 8.10: Classifications, Table 14, 550’ access driveway spacing from an intersection. Union Southgate Corporation Limited 4. 2014-026-V Description: Township: Applicant: Section 8.10: Classifications, Table 14 and Section 8.14: Minor Collectors, 250’ access driveway spacing between driveways. Harrison Licking Rural Electrification, Inc. 5. 2014-027-V Description: Township: Applicant: Section 8.44 (1, c): Private Streets (except commercial/industrial), 550’ of spacing between private road outlets. Etna Maronda Homes 6. 2014-007-SDR Description: Township: Applicant: Re-plat of lot 6 and lot 7 to remove a 30’ access easement on lot 7 and replace it with identified access locations on both lot 6 and lot 7. Liberty Technical Rubber Investment Company 7. 2014-002-SDP Description: Township: Applicant: Preliminary Plan Application, Buckhorn Place Harrison NRS Properties, LTD. 2 THE LICKING COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING MINUTES June 23, 2013 The Licking County Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Steve Holloway at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, June 23, 2013, in the Donald D. Hill County Administration Building, Meeting Room A, 20 South Second Street, Newark, Ohio. ROLL CALL AND SEATING OF ALTERNATE MEMBERS Licking County Planning Commission member Chet Geiger led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken and all members were seated. VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT Larry Ball, Jim Bidigare, Tim Bubb, Duane Flowers, Chet Geiger, Stephen Holloway, Rod Osborne, Ronda Saunders VOTING MEMBERS ABSENT Jim Fullen, Dave Lang, Doug Smith ALTERNATE MEMBERS PRESENT Larry Riffe, Dave Dicks, Rick Black ALTERNATE MEMBERS ABSENT Jim Roberts, Bill Hagstad, Dave Daubenmire, Bill Weaver, Jim Kiracofe, Dave Miller, Marcia Phelps SEATED ALTERNATES Dave Dicks, Rick Black STAFF PRESENT Jerry Newton, Brad Mercer, Angie Werner, Kim Anderson OTHERS PRESENT Joe Gebhart, Eileen DeRolf RULES OF CONDUCT Following the opening of the public hearing, Chairman Holloway indicated that staff would first present under consideration after which the board would entertain comments from the audience. PUBLIC HEARING APPLICANT: TEXT AMENDMENT: Licking County Planning Commission (LCPC) Staff Proposed text amendment to the Subdivision, Land Division, Development and Congestion Prevention Regulations for Licking County, Ohio Staff Presentation Brad Mercer presented the Text Amendment. BACKGROUND: 1 THE LICKING COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING MINUTES June 23, 2013 In administering the Subdivision, Land Division, Development and Congestion Prevention Regulations for Licking County, Ohio (hereinafter referenced as subdivision regulations), the Licking County Planning Commission (LCPC) staff has identified a few areas that need clarification and/or revision to ensure that the regulations may be reasonable enforced and implemented. The following are proposed amendments to the subdivision regulations. The text in bold is proposed additions and the stricken text is proposed to be removed. Section 4.2 Loop Cul-de-sacs and Roundabout 1. A Cul-de-sac shall only be constructed with a center island is an option that is encouraged (unless specifically requested by the township to leave as pavement) to reduce the amount of pavement for public maintenance and stormwater runoff. All cul-de-sac construction shall comply with Section 4.12 of these Regulations. 2. Roundabouts shall are an option that is encouraged to be used at all four way intersections (unless specifically requested by the Township Trustees to be a traditional 4-way stop) in residential developments (major subdivision, condominium and multi-family) areas to maintain traffic flow, improve safety and provide traffic calming within the development. unless topographic or other natural features preclude their use and shall be encouraged as a traffic-calming device. Section 11.31 Fire Protection Public Water Systems Where public water systems are available, the standards within this section shall apply in addition to the standards of the local fire district and the local water and wastewater district having jurisdiction. Fire hydrants with 2½ inch threaded outlets and one large diameter connection shall be provided by the owner/developer in all subdivisions/developments with public water supplies. The size of the large diameter connection shall be determined by the fire department having jurisdiction. The hydrants should be located between property lines and curbs with all outlets facing or parallel to the street. Hydrants shall be placed at the corners of all blocks and at midblock for blocks exceeding 800 feet in length. Distance between hydrants not to exceed 500 feet. Where a water and sewer district has authority over the public water supplies, the owner/developer shall comply with the water and sewer district’s regulations for fire hydrants and shall obtain prior approval from that district. The type of hydrant, size of Storz connection, and control valves as well as the location of the hydrant shall be approved by the fire department having jurisdiction. The minimum size of any waterline serving any single hydrant shall not be less than six (6) inches in diameter. If the same line serves two or more hydrants, the diameter of the line must be increased to eight (8) inches. No fire hydrant shall be more than 400 feet from the furthest point of the first floor. No Public Water System Where public water systems are not available, the following shall apply: A. Where an natural existing pond capable of supporting a dry hydrant system is available, a pond is being proposed, or where a retention pond is being 2 THE LICKING COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING MINUTES June 23, 2013 proposed, the owner/developer shall construct a dry hydrant. B. Dry hydrants and fire ponds will be designed as set forth by USDA Soil Conservation Service, the Ohio Natural Resource Conservation Service (see appendix XXVIII, and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). C. Dry hydrants shall be well marked with clearly visible signage that is approved by the Fire District with Jurisdiction and the Licking County Planning Commission prior to approval of the final plat. . D. Dry hydrants shall be protected from vehicular impact through the use of bollards, guardrail or similar structures. E. All-weather access shall be provided to the hydrant. Access to the hydrant shall have a minimum width of 12 feet and a maximum grade of 8 percent, the base of which can support the weight of a fire truck. The developer shall specify on the final plat the entity that is responsible to maintain the dry hydrant access. This may include the Homeowners Association (HOA), Township Board of Trustees (with board approval) or the Fire District (with district approval) with jurisdiction. If the HOA is assigned said responsibility this shall be identified in the covenants for the development and shall specify that the funding for maintenance shall be covered by HOA fees, provide standards for maintenance and requirements for testing. This shall be approved by the local fire district with jurisdiction and the Licking County Planning Commission. If the Township Board of Trustees or the Local Fire District agree to accept maintenance responsibility of the dry hydrant access, a resolution of the Township Board of Trustees or an executed and recorded agreement (by the Fire District) shall be required and acknowledged on the plat. F. Testing 1. Prior to accepting the dry hydrant and prior to approving the final plat, the developer shall request the local fire district with jurisdiction to test, and upon successfully functioning, approve the dry-hydrant. Said dryhydrant shall pass a test and the LCPC staff shall be notified in writing by the local fire district with jurisdiction that the dry-hydrant successfully functioned and was constructed properly. Said letter shall be received by the LCPC prior to approving the final plat. 2. If the HOA is designated as the entity responsible for maintenance of the dry hydrant, the developer shall note on the plat and in the restrictive covenants that the dry-hydrant shall be tested annually by the local fire district with jurisdiction. Should the dry-hydrant not pass inspection the HOA shall cause the dry-hydrant to be brought into working order no later than 60’ days or as otherwise agreed to by the local fire district with jurisdiction. If the Township Board of Trustees or the Local Fire District accept the maintenance of the dryhydrant, then the developer shall note on the plat that the dry hydrants shall be inspected and tested annually by the local fire district with jurisdiction by the entity responsible for maintenance (Township Board of Trustees or Local Fire District). FG. Pavement or gravel shall be placed between the road and the hydrant. GH. Dry hydrants shall have a minimum pipe size of six inches and maximum elevation of 20 feet above the water surface. HJ. Alternative standards proposed by the developer can be used if approved by the fire department having jurisdiction. Amended October 28, 2013 by LCPC Resolution #2013-017. Road Classification: Worthington Road, formerly St. Rt. 161 has now been named County Road 162 and turned over to Licking County for maintenance by the Ohio Department of Transportation after the construction of the new St. Rt. 161. As such the volume of traffic along St. Rt. 161 has greatly reduced. Therefore, the LCPC staff is proposing to classify County 3 THE LICKING COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING MINUTES June 23, 2013 Road 162 (Worthington Road from the County Line to York Road as a major collector. All other segments of the original St. Rt. 161 Worthington Road, will be classified as lower order. This is due to the fact these segments are now dead in cul-de-sac segments and only serve the local residents on that street. This will allow for proper access management along these segments and complies with the definition of a minor collector. This will amend Appendix XI: County Road Classification List and the associated Road Classification Map, which are referenced in Article 8: Congestion Prevention and The Licking County Thoroughfare Plan. The classification is based upon existing average daily traffic (ADT) counts, 2035 projected ADT counts, existing land use, future land use, and the definitions of the road classifications. The new State Route 161 is proposed to be classified as ODOT Major Arterial. This proposal has been reviewed in concept by the Licking County Area Transportation Study (LCATS) and the Licking County Engineer’s Office. Both of these agencies will formalize their recommendation in time for the public hearings. These proposals are now before the Licking County Planning Commission board for consideration. PUBLIC COMMENTS None LCPC COMMENTS Jim Bidigare said that he was on a sub-committee for the roundabouts. The sub-committee wanted the roundabouts; he doesn’t understand the rationale to not have the subdivisions have the roundabouts when the subcommittee of 20 people spent 2 to 3 years to create the regulations. Tim Bubb said that the township trustees do not want the grassy center islands on the roundabouts because it becomes a maintenance issue (mowing grass. snow removal) and trucks run over them. The township trustees would prefer the option of not having the roundabouts. Mr. Bubb supports it either way. Rick Black said speaking as a Township Trustee roundabouts are a headache in his township. They are hard to plow around, the curbs do not fit, and they (township trustees) hate them. They spend more time cleaning around them. Ronda Saunders said are those the ones in Auld Ridge? Mr. Black said yes. Ms. Saunders asked if they were up to current standards? Mr. Black said that he did not know. Larry Riffe and Tim Bubb both asked how big are the radiuses? Mr. Bubb said that he saw a big cul-de-sac in Liberty Township, is there a standard? Jerry Newton said that for cul-de-sacs, a lot of jurisdictions have their own standards in addition to the county standards; it is a 42 foot radius for a center island cul-de-sac. Mr. Newton said that on roundabouts, we do not have that many in the county. There is one used to connect two subdivisions together. Mr. Newton said that Jim Bidigare as a realtor has probably seen more. Mr. Bidigare asked the staff to explain the rationale for the change. Mr. Newton said that the current regulations state that it is a mandatory action, if a change has to occur (including if the township states they don’t want a center island), they (the applicant) must ask for and pay for a variance. He added that this text amendment provides the option without setting up the need for a variance. Center islands are supposed to reduce run-off but it doesn’t necessarily do it. Mr. Newton said that to accommodate the larger vehicles, the radius is increased thereby increasing the impervious area. Mr. Newton said that for roundabouts the current wording is “shall be used at all 4 way intersections”. Regarding the roundabouts, Mr. Newton shared that the issue of them being required in subdivisions came up at a technical committee meeting by both township and traffic engineers in the meeting. Roundabouts do have multiple purposes including handling more traffic that stop signs, but it is not a better traffic calming event than conventional four-way stops in subdivisions. He added that roundabouts do reduce the severity of accidents. We want to make them an option for the subdivisions instead of mandatory. 4 THE LICKING COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING MINUTES June 23, 2013 Dave Dicks said that he has a question with the dry hydrants. He wants to know what entity in Licking County identifies the ponds with hydrants. He has been looking for signage for his and cannot find it. Who is responsible for signage and we need a standard for it and to identify where the ponds and dry hydrants are. Stephen Holloway said that he thought we had this conversation before with Jim Kiracofe. Ronda Saunders said that Soil and Water Conservation is not what it was 5 years ago due to budget cuts. She has problems with getting the Granville Fire Department to flush hers. It has only been flushed one time in 13 years. Dave Dicks said that his has only been flushed one time. Stephen Holloway asked Jerry Newton who is responsible for the hydrants? Jerry Newton said to send the requests to the fire departments; they are the ones who have asked for the uniform standard for the dry hydrants. Soil and Water Conservation and the fire districts need to work together to identify the hydrants. He doesn’t know if they are doing the maintenance and inspections. Larry Riffe said that Liberty Township Trustees took the responsibility to make sure that the fire departments check the hydrants and the township keeps the approaches to the dry hydrants cleared out/open in bad weather. The fire department has checked his hydrant. Public Testimony None ADJOURN Seeing no others wishing to speak, Chairman Holloway closed the hearing and asked for a motion to adjourn. Chet Geiger moved to adjourn. Rick Black seconded the motion. All were in favor and the meeting adjourned at 7:22 p.m. Respectfully submitted, I do hereby certify that the minutes are true and correct copy: Respectfully submitted, Kimberly D. Anderson ___________________________________ Gerald Newton, Officer of Licking County Planning Commission 5 THE LICKING COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES June 23, 2014 The Licking County Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman Stephen Holloway at 7:24 p.m. on Monday, June 23, 2014, in the Donald D. Hill County Administration Building, Meeting Room A, 20 South Second Street, Newark, Ohio. VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT Larry Ball, Jim Bidigare, Tim Bubb, Duane Flowers, Chet Geiger, Stephen Holloway, Rod Osborne, Ronda Saunders VOTING MEMBERS ABSENT Jim Fullen, Dave Lang, Doug Smith ALTERNATE MEMBERS PRESENT Larry Riffe, Dave Dicks, Rick Black ALTERNATE MEMBERS ABSENT Jim Roberts, Bill Hagstad, Dave Daubenmire, Bill Weaver, Jim Kiracofe, Dave Miller, Marcia Phelps SEATED ALTERNATE Dave Dicks, Rick Black STAFF PRESENT Jerry Newton, Brad Mercer, Angie Werner, Kim Anderson OTHERS PRESENT Joe Gebhart, Eileen DeRolf ROLL CALL AND SEATING OF ALTERNATE MEMBERS Roll call was taken and all members were seated. APPROVAL OF May 19, 2014 LCPC MEETING MINUTES, WITH OR WITHOUT CORRECTIONS Duane Flowers moved to approve the May 19, 2014 LCPC meeting minutes. Chet Geiger seconded the motion. A voice vote was called and the motion passed unanimously. ELECTION OF OFFICERS CHAIRPERSON AND VICE-CHAIRPERSON OF THE LCPC BOARD At the May 19, 2014 meeting, Stephen Holloway was nominated for Chairperson and Rod Osborne was nominated for Vice-Chairperson. A voice vote was called and the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson were unanimously elected. SWEARING-IN/AFFIRMING OF PUBLIC Stephen Holloway asked the public to rise and be Sworn-In or Affirmed if they were planning to comment on any of the issues presented at the meeting. Individuals wishing to speak were sworn-in or affirmed. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE DIRECTOR None 1 THE LICKING COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES June 23, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS None OLD BUSINESS a. 2014-016-V (Tabled April 28, 2014) Description: Section 8.31: Joint and Cross Access Township: Etna Applicant: Prologis, C/O Brian Marsh Note: The applicant has requested that this application remain on the table so that they may continue to investigate options. NEW BUSINESS A. APPROVAL OF MOTIONS Ronda Saunders moved to approve the June 23, 2014 motion list. Rick Black seconded the motion. A voice vote was called and the motion passed unanimously. B. SUBDIVISION REVIEW, VARIANCES, ZONING RECOMMENDATIONS. 1. 2014-023-V Description: Township: Applicant: Variance from Section 8.10: Classifications, Table 14, 550’ access driveway spacing from an intersection and Section 8.13: Major Collector, 250’ access driveway spacing from adjoining access driveways. Harrison Phisco Ltd. and Love Trust c/o Park Shai III. Motion: To APPROVE the requested variance. Angela Werner presented the staff report which was provided with the packet. BACKGROUND: The applicant has applied for a variance for access driveway spacing for the 2.12 acre lot at southeast intersection of Outville Road and State Route 16. The existing lot currently has right-out only access from S.R. 16, as permitted by the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT). In order to obtain full access, the applicant is requesting an additional access point on Outville Road. Outville Road is classified as a Major Collector, requiring 400-feet between driveways and 550-feet from an intersection. The lot contains approximately 300-feet of road frontage along Outville Road. A shared access easement has been proposed to be located just south of the 2.12 acre lot on the 18.095 acre lot owned by William and Joan Love. This access point would be located approximately 310-feet from the intersection and 135-feet from the adjacent driveway to the south (on Lot 1 of Watson’s First Addition). The 2.12 acre parcel is not part of the Watson’s First Addition plat. The proposed shared access location would provide access to the 2.12 acre lot at a slightly further distance from the Outville Road intersection with S.R. 16 while also providing additional access to the Love property. 2 THE LICKING COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES June 23, 2014 These distances do not conform with the minimum driveway spacing requirements of Section 8.10, Table 14 of the Licking County Subdivision, Land Division, Development, and Congestion Prevention Regulations, which requires 550 feet of spacing between an intersection and a driveway. Therefore, the applicant has applied for a variance from that requirement. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends CONDITIONAL APPROVAL of the requested variance from Section 8.10, Table 14 (Driveway Spacing Requirements), which will allow the proposed driveway and access easement to be located at approximately 310-feet from the S.R. 16 edge of pavement, instead of the 550-foot intersection spacing requirement. The condition being that the common shared access driveway be extended a minimum of 120-feet into the 18.095 acre lot owned by William and Joan Love. This will allow for adequate throat length for most end users of either lot and better ensure there is no backup of traffic onto Outville Road. This recommendation is based upon the opinion of the staff that the intent of the subdivision regulations will be met with the granting of the variance and that staff does believe the standards for a variance can be met by this request, as outlined in the staff report. Tim Bubb said that this appears to be the only option. Dave Dicks said that he has received many questions about the yellow flashing light that was at Outville Road and SR 16, many wondering why it was taken out. Outville Road is a connector to SR 37 and Moots Run Road and had quite a lot of traffic. He does not know why the light was eliminated. Vote: Rod Osborne called the question. A vote was called and the motion passed unanimously. 2. 2014-013-SD-F Description: Final Plat for the Plat of the Rettig Addition Township: Hopewell Applicant: John and Sue Rettig, Erin Massara and Kathleen Race Motion: To APPROVE the final plat application subject to the plat that is submitted complying with Section 3.5 Final Plat. Brad Mercer presented the staff report which was provided with the packet. BACKGROUND: The applicant currently owns 24.373 acres along Gratiot Road. The applicant is proposing to subdivide the property into a 20.0 acre lot and 4.373 acre lot. The applicant is also proposing to establish an easement of access to utilize the existing access driveway to provide access to both lots. The proposed 20.0 acre lot contains an existing residence. The existing parcel contains nearly 408.61-feet of road frontage. The proposed 20.0 acre parcel will consist of 60’ of road frontage, while the 4.373 acre parcel will consist of 348.61 feet of road frontage. The existing driveway is located on the south side of the property and is a part of the proposed 20.0 acre parcel. 3 THE LICKING COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES June 23, 2014 Gratiot Road is classified as a Minor Collector which requires a minimum of 250-feet between driveways. While the proposed 4.373 acre parcel has enough spacing to meet the 250-feet spacing requirement there is not enough room for a safe placement of another access point that meets the County Engineers’ Office standards for sight distance. Therefore, an additional access would not comply with the access driveway spacing standards of the Subdivision, Land Division, Development and Congestion Prevention Regulations for Licking County, Ohio. (Section 8.10, Table 14, Minor Collector, and Section 8.14: Minor Collectors, 250’ access/driveway spacing requirement.) Due to the existing access that is already serving the property and that a new driveway on the proposed split will not comply with regulations, the applicant is requesting to plat the lots with an easement of access in accordance with the Subdivision, Land Division, Development and Congestion Prevention Regulations for Licking County, Ohio. This application is now before the Licking County Planning Commission (LCPC) board for consideration. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends APPROVAL of the final plat application subject to the plat that is submitted complying with Section 3.5 Final Plat. The basis for this recommendation is that the proposed lots meet the standards of the Subdivision, Land Division, Development and Congestion Prevention Regulations for Licking County, Ohio. No questions from the LCPC Board. Vote: Ronda Saunders called the question. A vote was called and the motion passed unanimously. 3. 2014-014-SD-F Description: Final Plat for Cumberland Crossing Section 3, Part 2 Township: Etna Applicant: Dominion Homes, Inc. c/o Steve Peck Motion: To CONDITIONALLY APPROVE the Final Plat for Cumberland Crossing Section 3, Part 2 with the understanding that the plat will not be released for recording until the conditions of approval are completed and the 10% surety for initial maintenance is provided. CONDITIONS: • All construction is completed as shown on the signed construction plans and within the preliminary plan approval. • As-built plans and any revision’s thereof are prepared and submitted to the Licking County Planning Commission, Licking County Engineer’s Office, Southwest Licking Community Water and Sewer District, West Licking Joint Fire District, Etna Township, and Licking County Soil and Water Conservation District. • A final walkthrough inspection is completed and the development is found to be in compliance with the signed construction plans and the preliminary plan approval. • A complete Licking County Drainage Maintenance Program Petition is submitted and accepted by the Licking County Board of Commissioners. • A complete Licking County petition to dedicate the public road improvements is submitted and accepted by the Licking County Board of Commissioners. 4 THE LICKING COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES June 23, 2014 • All reviewing agencies sign off on the plat, therefore granting approval of the plat and constructed public improvements. Brad Mercer presented the staff report which was provided with the packet. BACKGROUND: Dominion Homes Inc. has made application to plat Cumberland Crossing Section 3, Part 2, which consists of 25 lots (lots 91 to 105 and 118 to 127). In addition to the 25 lots, the plat will extend Glen Crossing Drive road right-of-way approximately 526 feet, extend Halcyon Drive road right-of-way approximately 572.95’, and extend Cumberland Crossing Drive road right-of-way 465’. Cumberland Crossing is currently zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD) and will consist of single-family residential structures. Cumberland Crossing Phase 1was platted on October 19, 2004, Cumberland Crossing Phase II was platted on August 18, 2006, and Cumberland Crossing Section 3, Part I was platted on November 26, 2013. Currently there are 50 lots in Phase I, 23 lots in Phase II and 22 lots in Phase II for a total of 95 exiting lots. Including the lots proposed for Phase 3, Part , this will establish 120 lots in Cumberland Crossing. On December 17, 2012 the Licking County Planning Commission reviewed and conditionally approved the preliminary plan for Cumberland Crossing. As of June 28, 2013, Cumberland Crossing Section 3, Part 2 was in compliance with the conditional approval of the preliminary plan and obtained approval of the construction plans. This application is now before the Licking County Planning Commission (LCPC) Board for consideration. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends CONDITIONAL APPROVAL of the Final Plat for Cumberland Crossing Section 3, Part 2 with the understanding that the plat will not be released for recording until the conditions of approval are completed and the 10% surety for initial maintenance is provided. The basis for this recommendation is that with the conditions noted, the proposed plat will comply with the Subdivision, Land Division, Development and Congestion Prevention Regulations for Licking County, Ohio. No questions from the LCPC Board. Vote: Rod Osborne called the question. A vote was called and the motion was unanimously 4. 2014-010-Z Description: Township: Applicant: Text Amendment to the Harrison Township Zoning Resolution; Article 3: Definitions, Article 4: Administration, Article 6: Amendment, and Article 19: Signs and Outdoor Advertising Harrison Harrison Township Zoning Commission Motion: To make a non-binding recommendation to Harrison Township to APPROVE the proposed text amendment. Brad Mercer presented the staff report which was provided with the packet. 5 THE LICKING COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES June 23, 2014 BACKGROUND: The Harrison Township Zoning Commission has reviewed Article 3: Definitions, Article 4: Administration, Article 6 Amendment and Article 19, Signs of the Harrison Township Zoning Resolution. Based upon this review they have proposed several changes to the text, which are hereby included in this amendment (see attached). Generally in Article 3, definitions in regards to signage are being added. In Article 4.0: Administration the changes address the inclusion of alternates on boards and standards for a variance. Article 6: Amendment proposes changing the language for a notification sign on a zoning change and adding the township website as an information source. Finally, Article 9: Signs proposes adding several subsections to address a variety of signs including digital signs and abandoned signs. With the exception of Article 6, these proposed amendments were presented in January of 2014. This application is now before the Licking County Planning Commission Board for a non-binding recommendation in accordance with Section 519.12 of the Ohio Revised Code. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Licking County Planning Commission make a non-binding recommendation to Harrison Township to APPROVE the proposed text amendment. The basis for this recommendation is the proposed changes to the text will be in compliance with current Ohio Revised Code requirements and case law, and are not contrary to the Harrison Township Comprehensive Plan. Tim Bubb said that this is the way the process should work. They brought their ideas; received great feedback modified it, addressed some things, clarified it, and this is something others can use. Vote: Chet Geiger called the question. A vote was called and the motion passed unanimously. Resolution 2014-005, IN THE MATTER OF ADOPTING AN AMENDMENT TO SECTION 4.2: LOOP CUL-DE-SACS AND ROUNDABOUT OF THE SUBDIVISION, LAND DIVISION, DEVELOPMENT AND CONGESTION PREVENTION REGULATIONS FOR LICKING COUNTY, OHIO. Tim Bubb said that this makes them (cul-de-sacs and roundabouts) optional and not mandatory? Stephen Holloway said that is correct. Jim Bidigare said if it is optional, then the developer does not have to do it. Jerry Newton said the proposal makes it optional whereas currently if you are not going to do it then you need to seek a variance. Chet Geiger said that he is unclear; if they opt not to do a center island then they need to get a variance? Mr. Newton said it will be a design decision made by the developer. Stephen Holloway said they could get a variance? Mr. Newton said that now they have to get a variance but this would eliminate the need for a variance. Ronda Saunders said the township could override it. Mr. Newton said that this is in the last 2 pages of your packet. Mr. Bubb said that if we defeat the resolution, then it remains the same where roundabouts are a requirement unless there is a variance. Mr. Newton said that this would then be a recommendation from this board to the County Commissioners. Larry Riffe asked what is the required radius for a cul-de-sac? Mr. Newton said that for a center island it is 50 feet and for a loop that is off set it is 60 feet. Mr. Riffe said that is not big enough to get a school bus or semi around it. Duane Flowers said that maintenance is an issue with the higher dirt in the center and then it causes runoff. Mr. Riffe said that originally they were supposed to be inverted with a culvert going out. The one in his township in the Timber Creek Addition, we found the mistakes we made that water runs across the road and it is harder to plow the solid pavement than to plow around the island (if the island is properly made). Tim Bubb moved to approve the motion. Chet Geiger seconded the motion. Ronda Saunders called the 6 THE LICKING COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES June 23, 2014 question. A vote was called with 6 yes votes and 4 no votes. Resolution 2014-006, IN THE MATTER OF ADOPTING AN AMENDMENT TO SECTION 11.31: FIRE PROTECTION OF THE SUBDIVISION, LAND DIVISION, DEVELOPMENT AND CONGESTION PREVENTION REGULATIONS FOR LICKING COUNTY, OHIO. Jim Bidigare said the text states existing ponds, and then if you put in a pond does that not qualify? Jerry Newton said that it is a word change from natural to existing then proposed follows in that sentence, so you can use a proposed pond. Mr. Bidigare asked who will maintain the hydrants and do the fire departments know where they are? Tim Bubb said that that is an issue for the owner and the fire department, if they going to make the hydrant available and will cooperate with the access. We could ask FEMA if they have a list of them. The county has no authority to order them to test. Do we have data here, a GIS layer to show where they are? Brad Mercer said that Soil and Water Conservation was trying to get that together. Mr. Bubb said can you force the various fire departments to test the ponds on private property? Ronda Saunders asked (the County Commissioners) is there a fire board? Mr. Bubb said that the chiefs all meet monthly. Rick Black said that he asked Hebron Fire Department if they are testing the dry hydrants. Mr. Black said that Captain Weekly said that yes, they do test them. Mr. Bubb said he will bring it up at the next chiefs meeting. Mr. Newton said that he wanted to clarify that the text amendment deals with subdivisions and not private properties. Larry Riffe said that his township contracts with Johnstown and St. Albans Fire Departments and they wrote in the contract to check the dry hydrants once a year. Mr. Bidigare asked how many dry hydrants are there in the county? Dave Dicks said that there are probably less than 100. Mr. Riffe said that years ago Soil and Water Conservation had a grant to help make the dry hydrants. Duane Flowers said that his pond is deep enough that they can just throw a hose in to draw water instead of it being a dry hydrant. Chet Geiger moved to approve the motion. Larry Ball seconded the motion. Dave Dicks called the question. A vote was called and the motion passed unanimously. Resolution 2014-007, IN THE MATTER OF ADOPTING AN AMENDMENT TO THE LICKING COUNTY THOROUGHFARE PLAN IN APPENDIX XI: COUNTY ROADWAY CLASSIFICATIONS LIST AND XII: ROAD CLASSIFICATIONS MAP OF THE SUBDIVISION, LAND DIVISION, DEVELOPMENT AND CONGESTION PREVENTION REGLATIONS FOR LICKING COUNTY, OHIO. No questions from the LCPC Board. Ronda Saunders moved to approve the motion. Chet Geiger seconded the motion. Ronda Saunders called the question. A vote was called and the motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC COMMENTS None DIRECTOR’S COMMENTS None Ronda Saunders moved to adjourn. Tim Bubb seconded the motion. All were in favor and the meeting adjourned at 8:06 p.m. 7 THE LICKING COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES June 23, 2014 NEXT MEETING: MONDAY July 28, 2014. Respectfully submitted, Kimberly D. Anderson I do hereby certify that the minutes are true and correct copy: ___________________________________ Gerald Newton, Officer and Secretary of Licking County Planning Commission 8