2012 2013 Prospectus HEXTON Sept 2012
2012 2013 Prospectus HEXTON Sept 2012
Hexton JMI School Headteacher Mrs Jeni Houghton Hexton, Hitchin, Herts. SG5 3JL 01582 881248 e-mail: [email protected] Website: www.hexton.herts.sch.uk HEXTON J.M.I. SCHOOL Dear Parents, Guardians and Carers On behalf of the staff and children, I would like to welcome you to Hexton JMI School. Our aim is to develop a partnership with you, building on the skills which your child has learned at home, and working together to pursue the utmost further development in a happy, confident and successful manner. Hexton JMI is a friendly, attractive community school with small class sizes, lots of adult help and approximately 35 lively and enthusiastic children. We realise each child in our care has differing needs and we provide a carefully structured and stimulating curriculum within each class, based on the National Curriculum. We also strive to provide quality extra curricular activities, at present offering a physical education club and individual instrument lessons (violin, recorder and guitar) and clubs. The children enjoy school, but are aware that we have high expectations of them in their behaviour, social development and academic work. As well as valuing our partnership with you in educating your child, we welcome your involvement in school life; whether this be by helping in the class, assisting with school visits or supporting the activities of the Hexton Parents Association. Should you wish to find out more about us, please do telephone the school for information or to arrange an appointment to visit us. Yours sincerely JENI HOUGHTON Headteacher GOVERNORS Governors are elected to the Governing Body for a term of office of four years from the date of election. The full Governing Body meets each half term. All governors are appointed to either the School Development or Resources sub-committee, both of which meet at regular intervals throughout the year. Chair of Governors for 2012 / 13 Ms Debbie Lee. The Governing Body is currently represented by the following members. Governor appointed by the Local Authority Vacant Governor appointed by the Local Authority Ms D Lee Governor appointed by the Parish Council Mr P Cooper Teacher Governor Mrs J Alexander Parent Governors Dr S.Hughes Mrs A Bishop Co-opted Governors Mr B Coe Mrs H Devereux Headteacher Mrs J Houghton We currently have a Parent Governor vacancy. All parents are entitled to see minutes of meetings of the School Governing Body which are available from the School Office and on the school website. STAFF OF HEXTON JMI SCHOOL WHO’S WHO Teachers: Mrs Jeni Houghton Mrs Juliet Alexander Mrs Roli Okoturo Mrs Rachel Marsh Headteacher Acorn Class and Senior Teacher Oak Class All Classes Support Staff: Mrs Lisa Fishwick Mrs Vicky Wills Mrs Laura Bassett Mrs Maria Burton Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant Mrs Diane Bailey Mrs Sue Lake Mrs Allison Bishop School Business Manager School Secretary School Secretary Cleaning Staff: Mr David Dickman Kitchen Staff: Mrs Lucy Caporale Caretaker and Cleaner Cook Mid-day Supervisory Assistants: Ms Heather Allen Mrs Vicky Wills Mrs Laura Bassett HEXTON J.M.I. SCHOOL Vision & Aims Our Vision Hexton JMI School is committed to offering a Primary education of the highest quality to each child. As a small rural school, we set out to promote and nurture traditional moral and spiritual values within a happy and purposeful environment where everyone feels valued and secure. The school seeks to provide a rich and varied curriculum that ensures that all children are challenged to achieve their best, to become confident and independent learners and to maximize their talents. Hexton JMI School has high, individual-based expectations of all members of the school community in all aspects of their school life. We will constantly review our objectives, celebrate our achievements and will always aim to improve. Our Aims To provide an education of the highest quality and greatest opportunity for each child. To provide a caring and welcoming environment, based on traditional values, where all children are happy and feel confident to develop their talents and potential. To have high expectations of academic excellence whilst promoting the moral, cultural, spiritual, social and physical development of pupils. To develop pupils as global citizens by encouraging a respectful, enthusiastic and independent approach to learning, the development of social skills and a positive selfimage. To foster successful partnerships with parents, carers and the wider community to promote the aims of the school. Organisation and Admissions The school admits children in accordance with the Hertfordshire County Council’s Admissions Policy. At present the Local Authority is unable to contact Bedfordshire parents wishing to send their children to Hertfordshire schools. Therefore, the school keeps a continuing interest list in an endeavour to give all prospective parents an equal opportunity to send their children to Hexton School. The Headteacher welcomes the opportunity to show prospective parents around the school. Appointments can be made through the school office. The school is organised into three full time classes. Class 1 contains a part time early admissions group. Acorn Class Oak Class Reception, Years 1 and 2 4-7 years Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 7-11 years Children are admitted into school at the beginning of the academic year in which they are five. GENERAL INFORMATION School Hours Morning Session: 9.00 – 12.00 pm 9.00 – 12.10pm Foundation and Key Stage 1 Key Stage 2 Morning Break 10.25 - 10.40 am All children Afternoon Session: 1.00 - 3.15 pm Afternoon Break: 13.55 – 14.10 All children Foundation and Key Stage 1 Staff playground supervision will commence at 8.50am and we cannot accept responsibility for children before or after school, except by prior arrangement. Please supervise your children closely outside and do not allow them to climb on the equipment. Neither can we accept responsibility for children not on the register at Hexton JMI School. Please make every effort to get your child to school on time. Late arrival needs to be accompanied by an explanation. Children coming to school late must report to the school office. At 8.55 each morning the children form orderly lines before being brought into school by their class teacher. Children are expected to be in the playground approximately five minutes before the start of school. Should your child be unable to attend school, for whatever reason, please notify the school by 9.00 am on each day of absence. At breaktime children may bring a snack to eat. This should be a piece of fruit or a healthy cereal bar. Sweets are not permitted. School finishes at 3.15. Children are collected from the following points: Acorn Class Oak Class Outside the double doors in Acorn Class The quadrangle outside Oak Class. Term dates and holidays Term dates and school holidays for all Hertfordshire schools are determined by the Local Authority. In addition there are 5 Inset (training) days and one Occasional Day and these are arranged at the discretion of the Headteacher and Governors. In accordance with the School’s Attendance Policy, parents are strongly urged to avoid booking family holidays during term time. Parents do not have the right to take their child out of school and all absences must be authorised by the Headteacher. No holiday absences will be authorised during SATS week. The term dates and holidays for 2012 - 13 are as follows: Autumn Term 3rd September – 26th October 5th November – 21st December INSET Days: Monday 3rd September Tuesday 4th September Occasional Day: Friday 30th November Spring Term th 7 January – 15th February 25th February – 28th March INSET Day: Monday 7th January Summer Term 15th April – 24th May 3rd June – 24th July INSET Days: Friday 24th May Monday 3rd June The Curriculum Each teacher carefully plans the work of each class group. These plans incorporate the programmes of study from the National Curriculum, the whole school curriculum plan and the interests of the children. A range of methods and resources are used to deliver the curriculum. Teaching is organised to ensure that pupils receive work at an appropriate level so that all children can achieve their potential. As we have mixed age classes, children will meet topics over a two year cycle. However, the teacher will plan carefully to differentiate the work to meet the particular ability needs of all children in the class regardless of age. English All classes have a literacy session each day. During this time specific teaching of phonics, text and sentence level work including grammar, punctuation and spelling, takes place in order to develop pupils’ abilities in reading, writing, speaking and listening. For younger pupils, the session may be split into several shorter sessions. Speaking and Listening This is a vitally important part of a child’s development and crucial to making good progress in reading and writing. A variety of activities are used to develop children’s language and listening ability including role-play, drama, paired discussion, group work and circle time. Reading Reading is taught through a ‘searchlight’ method which embraces several strategies i.e. phonics, context and picture clues. Three particular styles of reading take place: Shared reading – the whole class read together and the reading material is moderately challenging to some pupils. Guided reading – the teacher actively works with a small group to build up reading strategies using more challenging text. Independent reading – the text chosen is very closely aligned to the child’s capability in reading. Books at this level are sent home as they give the children practice in reading and builds confidence. Writing Initially, great emphasis is placed on the teaching of phonics as we view this as a vital first step in the process of learning to read and write. Early writing will consist of writing captions, lists, short sentences etc. before going on to progressively more demanding work in story writing, report writing, poetry, play scripts etc. A joined handwriting script is taught as early as possible in Class 1. Mathematics Mathematics is taught as a subject in its own right and also within other subjects for example, science and geography. Each class has a daily numeracy session and follows the framework of the national numeracy strategy. The children are provided with a structured learning environment embracing a range of strategies for developing their mathematical knowledge and understanding. An increasing emphasis is given to the application of knowledge in a range of contexts as children progress through the school. Science Science is taught mainly as a separate subject following prescribed units of work set out for each year group. Children have opportunities to develop the capacity to observe, hypothesise, investigate and evaluate at increasing complex levels. History and Geography These subjects are mainly taught through topic work based on the requirements of the National Curriculum. These are presented in such a way as to motivate pupils to ask questions, to find information from books, the internet and other people, to use maps and to understand their identity in the wider world. Work may include museum visits, fieldwork and research both at school and at home. Art and Technology Specific skills are taught and practised in separate art or technology lessons and in the contexts provided by work in other topic areas. Music Music is taught weekly in all classes. Lessons by peripatetic music specialists may be available on a fee paying basis. PE Pupils develop their co-ordination skills and teamwork through gymnastics, swimming and dance and a variety of games. There is a multi-sports club taken by a specialist in games. Information and Communication Technology All classes are equipped with computers for pupil use. We see ICT as an important aspect of children’s learning. The school’s website can be accessed on www.hexton.herts.sch.uk. From time to time group photographs and examples of children’s work may be published on the website. Names are never included with photographs and individual portraits are never published. Any parent may request that their child is not included in any material published on the website. Religious Education The teaching of RE is in accordance with the Hertfordshire Agreed Syllabus. The syllabus is available on request. Children are taught about the traditions and beliefs of different cultures and about Christian traditions and beliefs. Collective Worship Daily assemblies are held which comply with the County guidelines and are mainly Christian in nature. During assemblies children are offered the opportunity to consider for themselves the various philosophies which exist within the world. These acts of collective worship can be at any time of the school day and in a variety of different groupings. Twice a week the school holds a “celebratory assembly” where children’s achievements are recognised by and celebrated with the rest of the school. Sex Education Sex education is taught in the context to relationships, the themes of respect and responsibility for self and others are emphasised. Topics and themes are revisited from year to year taking into account the children’s stage of development and include: Ourselves, Health and Growth, Keeping Healthy, Change. Questions from children are dealt with sensitively and in terms appropriate to the age of children concerned. Parents wishing to exercise the right to withdraw their child from Sex Education should make their intentions known to the Headteacher. Alternative provision will be made for these children. Children with Special Educational Needs A child with special educational needs may be any child with learning, social, emotional, behaviour or physical needs who requires additional support. Each child’s progress is carefully monitored through school and if a concern is raised about a child, the parents will be informed and possible action discussed. Equally, if parents have concerns, they are invited to bring this to the attention of school staff. A child’s needs are assessed initially by the class teacher in consultation with the head teacher who is also the school’s Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo). If appropriate additional support will be given and an Individual Education Plan drawn up. Outside agency support such as the Educational Psychology service or Advisory Teacher for special needs will be consulted following parental consent and a formal assessment of the child may then be made. The Special Education Needs policy reflects the school’s philosophy, assessment and monitoring procedures. This policy is available to any parent on request. Extra-curricular activities Children have access to a range of clubs at lunchtimes and after school. Recent club activities have included sports, science and piano tuition. Educational visits A wide range of visits are organised by the teaching staff to enhance the school curriculum. Please note that written parental permission is needed before any child can participate in such a visit. For visits further than the local area (i.e. beyond Hitchin or Letchworth) coach transport (fitted with seat belts) will be used. For local visits we may rely on the generosity of parents to transport children in their cars, providing they can supply full body seatbelts and booster seats. Voluntary contributions are requested to assist with funding. No child is excluded on the grounds of cost. It may not be possible for some activities to go ahead if insufficient parental contributions are received. Residential Journeys Children in Key Stage 2 have the opportunity to participate in residential school journeys for which we require a substantial voluntary donation from parents. However, as we do not wish any child to miss the opportunity due to adverse family financial reasons, assistance can be sought in complete confidence through the head teacher. Hexton Parents Association The school has a thriving parents association which works tirelessly to raise money for the school and to provide social occasions for parents and children. Fundraising events have included fashion shows and summer fair. Social occasions have included film club and discos for pupils, quiz evening for parents and annual pantomime outing for parents, pupils and staff. Children’s Progress and Reports As a small school, we pride ourselves in being able to maintain good communication with parents. The class teacher and Headteacher will be pleased to discuss your child's progress with you if you have a particular concern. It is always better to make an appointment for this so that your discussion can be timed to be as interruption free as possible. Two Parent Teacher consultations are arranged during the year where teachers and parents have the opportunity to discuss progress and share information about the child. Each child receives a written report which is sent to parents towards the end of the summer term. Rates of Authorised and Unauthorised absence Parents are very supportive in notifying the school of lateness or absence from school. For the Autumn term 2011 there were 0% unauthorised absences and 3.3% authorised absences. School Uniform There is a strong dress code at Hexton School. All children should have a Hexton sweatshirt or sweat cardigan* Boys should wear grey or black trousers or, in the summer, shorts. Girls should wear a grey or navy skirt or pinafore of a suitable length for school. In summer girls may wear suitable dresses in the school colour, blue. In cold weather girls may wear smart tailored grey or black trousers. We would prefer that they wear skirts or dresses where appropriate. Shirts, t-shirts, blouses and polo shirts should be white or blue. Children need a change of shoes. Plimsolls will be worn inside school by Class 1 children. Sensible shoes (preferably black) should be worn inside school in Classes 2 and 3. All clothing should be clearly named. PE Kit For PE children require: Plimsolls for children in Class 1 Trainers for children in Classes 2 and 3 Blue shorts and a Hexton* or plain white t-shirt for PE and games A blue or black track-suit for outdoor games in cold conditions. Football boots for Class 3. All kit, including footwear, should be clearly named. *Sweatshirts and t-shirts with the Hexton logo can be ordered from the school office. Book bags bearing the school logo are also available from the office. Each child should have a drawstring bag in which PE kit can be kept. Jewellery and Personal Property Named watches are permitted in school. Other items of jewellery are unnecessary and can be dangerous in some school activities. Children with pierced ears should wear studs only. Responsibility cannot be taken for games, toys, mobile phones or other personal property brought to school, which has not been specifically requested as part of a class project. Any items brought to school in connection with class work should be clearly named.