INSIDE TCMA 2015 Government Affairs Conference a Success
INSIDE TCMA 2015 Government Affairs Conference a Success
ISSUE 02 / AUGUST 2015 INSIDE TCMA Welcome This TMCA newsletter is developed Chairman’s Comments from Tom McCormack IN THIS ISSUE: 01 2015 Government Affairs Conference 02 Chairman’s Comments 02 Upcoming Events 03 2015 GAC Continued 04 Business Profile: Quality Electric Steel Castings 05 New Members 2015 Government Affairs Conference a Success with the latest news and legislative and the cast metals industry. Dear Members, AFS members met with more than 85 congressional offices from 21 states. In their Hill meetings, they discussed the following key issues and how they will impact metalcasters: EPA’s Power Plant Rule, Ozone Rule and Waters of the U.S. OSHA’s Crystalline Silica Proposed Rule Importance of Surface Transportation Reauthorization and Water Infrastructure Foundry Sustainability Efforts During the Conference, AFS unveiled a new Sustainability brochure, Sustainability Industry Sustainable Economy, which highlights some of the successful sustainability initiatives ongoing in the foundry industry from cutting waste, recycling, saving energy and many others. During the American Foundry Society’s Government Affairs Conference, three Representatives, Steve Chabot (OH-1); Joe Barton (TX-6); and, Fred Upton (MI-6, were awarded with the Metalcasting Industry Award at an evening reception on June 2. It is the highest recognition the organization grants members of Congress. Continued on Page 3 The Texas delegation presents a bronze plaque to Representative Joe Barton of the Texas 6th Congressional District munication and provide members action concerning their companies With a wave of new environmental and industry regulations pending for the industry, metalcasters from around the country converged on the hill to provide important information to lawmakers and better inform them of the impacts from federal agencies. More than 75 metalcasters from around the country participated in the association’s annual Government Affairs Conference in Washington, D.C. on June 2-3, 2015 to learn about the pressing legislative and regulatory issues facing the industry and take their message to Capitol Hill. The keynote speaker was chief political anchor and host Special Report for Fox News Channel, Bret Baier, who provided insights on the current state of Washington politics and the upcoming 2016 presidential election. – – – – by the association to improve com- Recently, I had the opportunity to attend the AFS Governmental Affairs Conference in Washington, D.C. It really made me realize one of the most important ways that we as Members of our organization can have an impact on our industry. The Texas Connection, Eric Myers, Owen Daniel, Tim Purcell, Clifford Smith and myself teamed up to visit all the Texas Legislators together. The main point that was driven home to me was the relationships that the members of the group had with their Representatives that had visited their companies in the past. I did not have that. I have only been to Washington twice and have never asked any of mine to visit Hensley. Representative Joe Barton did not hesitate to offer us a “special” tour of the Capital. I suggest you ask about that tour at the next meeting. We were able to discuss many of the important issues that face our companies, Silica, Green House Gases/Ozone, Waters of the United States, and Clean Power, Etc. We let them know that we do not like the agencies putting more constraints on business. Constraints that are not justified. Too many agencies are regulating and one way to fight this is not to fund that activity. It was refreshing to have honest, straight to the point discussions. Even the one Democrat that we visited admitted that he could not vary from his party when voting on environmental issues. None the less, he is pro-business. In closing, even though you could not attend you were well represented. A big thank you to those that did attend. We have great information that you can send to your Legislators. At least do that. Secondly, invite them to your companies. They will remember the visit. Now, I have to take my own advice and get my folks out to Hensley. Yes, State and Federal.• Let us hear from you! Please send company news, legislative inquiries, product updates and employee highlights to TCMAINC.COM. Best Regards, Visit our website Tom McCormack Chairman Texas Cast Metals Association W W W.T C M A I N C . C O M TCMAINC.COM serves as a valuable resource for our members. Go online to read about our newest members to the association, members’ achievements, the latest updates on our bulletin board and the latest news in the foundry business. Upcoming Events September 18, 2015 TCMA Board of Directors Meeting in Arlington, Texas at 3:00 PM AFS Texas Chapter Meeting at the Ball Park in Arlington October 16, 2015 (L-R) Tom McCormack, Eric Meyers, Representative Joe Barton, Tim Purcell, Clifford Smith AFS Texas Chapter Meeting in San Marcos, Texas 2 Continued from Page 1 Business Profile Quality Electric Steel Castings This award is presented annually to those lawmakers who support policies in Congress that enhance the ability of U.S. foundries to create jobs and innovate, as well as those who fight back against burdensome and costly regulations that hurt our industry. This year all three members were recognized for their leadership in addressing Environmental Protection Agency-related challenges that threaten the very foundation of the metalcasting industry, as well as their commitment to domestic energy sources and to reducing regulatory red tape. Congressman Joe Barton led the letter opposing the new Crystalline Silica proposed rule, gaining 55 signatures from other members. Quality Electric Steel Castings, L.P. was founded in 1948 as a privately held corporation by Lloyd O. Sturkie. Over the years, Quality has grown from 100 tons per month capacity to 1,000 tons per month capacity. Quality Electric Steel is still a privately held corporation with John D. Sturkie as President and CEO. Over the years Quality Electric Steel has expanded with the facility covering 26 acres with approximately 250,000 sq. ft. under roof. Quality is one of the biggest and oldest foundries in Texas. The Texas delegation again had very successful meetings with house and senate members, as well as their staff. In addition to our scheduled meetings, some of the members attended a private capital tour with Congressman Joe Barton as well as a Washington Nationals Baseball game with some of the members of Congress. I was given the opportunity and accepted the request to serve on the AFS Government Affairs Committee. I look forward to working with members throughout the country on key issues as well as continuing to promote the Metalcasting Industry with members of Congress and their staff. • Eric R. Meyers, President Oil City Iron Works, Inc. Bret Baier and Clifford Smith From the very beginning, Quality Electric Steel had oil running through its veins, manufacturing drill bit castings for Hughes Tools Co. Over the years Quality has become one of the Premier suppliers for Valve castings in the USA. Size range of our castings are from 25 pounds to 17,000 pounds net shipping weight. Primary uses of our castings are as follows. Oilfield equipment, Construction, Bridges, Military, Marine and Sub Sea. Over that past few years we have added SOLIDCast software to simulate the solidification process to speed up the “sampling process” for new work. We have added a “state of the art” layout facility for dimension verification. One of our latest additions is our new CNC pattern machining cell. We offer wood and Urethane pattern equipment to meet the needs of our customers. For customers who prefer “a one stop shop” we offer complete machining of castings. This is accomplished on site with a new Mazak HCN 10800II scheduled to be up and running by the end of December 2015 and qualified off site machine shops. Quality Electric Steel Certifications – ISO 9001:2008, American Bureau of Shipping. Our mission statement – “We manufacture steel castings to our customer’s exact requirements, meeting industry standards, with dependable service matched only by the quality of our product.”• As technology changes, Quality Electric Steel advances as well. Quality started out as a green sand foundry in its earlier years. During the late 70’s Furan No Bake was added. By the mid 80’s Quality was exclusively Phenolic Urethane No Bake except for about a 3 year period there was some experimentation with the additional “V” process system. Eric Meyers with GAC Attendees M I S S I O N S T A T E M E N T “We manufacture steel castings to our customer’s exact requirements, meeting industry standards, with dependable service matched only by the quality of our product.” 3 Representative Joe Barton 4 TCMA OFFICERS Welcome New Members Devasco International, Inc. Tomball, Texas Devasco specializes in the design and manufacture of welding filler metals, primarily in the form of cored wires and covered electrodes. Their staff in Research and Development, technicians, production specialists and sales personnel provide over 100 years of experience.• CHAIRMAN TOM McCORMACK GM GENERAL AFFAIRS & HR HENSLEY INDUSTRIES 2108 JOE FIELD RD. DALLAS, TX 75229 [email protected] VICE-CHAIRMAN OWEN DANIEL MIDLAND MFG. CO. 4800 ESCO DR. FORT WORTH, TX 76140 [email protected] SECRETARY / TREASURER JOHNNY HILL MARTIN FOUNDRY 214-428-2191 [email protected] EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR CLIFFORD SMITH PHONE 817-485-4769 [email protected] DIRECTORS TO EXPIRE 2015 PETER MACLER Peter E. Macler Associates RALPH LEWIS Gainesville Foundry Co. BRETT MOREHEAD Porter Warner Industries TIM SCHULZ C & L Aluminum Foundry GEORGE WESTHOFF, JR. Midland Mfg. Co. DIRECTORS TO EXPIRE 2016 LEE BURGAMY Gamtex Industries. MARK SHELTON Oil City Iron Wks CLAUDE FAIR Protech Coatings TED KEEN Superior Cast Metals, Inc. JERALD MITTASCH Quality Electric Steel Casting In Memoriam: Harley G. Scoggins (1936 - 2015) Past Executive Director of the TCMA DIRECTORS TO EXPIRE 2017 LARRY BAILEY Henderson Mfg. DAN SMITH Southwest Steel Casting Co. DAN YRIGOYEN Fairmount Minerals STEVE HODGES Canfield and Joseph DIRECTOR EX-OFFICIO CHRIS NORCH 5