Barrister 05-17-12
Barrister 05-17-12
St. Thomas More School g {x UtÜÜ|áàxÜ Principal’s Newsletter “Prefer nothing to the love of Christ.” May 17, 2012 Feast of St. Peregrine Our Patron Saint May: Month of Our Blessed Mother, Mary, Most Holy PRAYER REQUEST A Prayer to St. Peregrine for Sick Rela ves and Friends O great St. Peregrine, you have been called "The Mighty", "The Wonder Worker" because of the numerous miracles which you obtained from God for those who have turned to you in their need. For so many years, you bore in your own flesh this cancerous disease that destroys the very fiber of our being. You turned to God when the power of human beings could do no more, and you were favored with the vision of Jesus coming down from His cross to heal your affliction. I now ask God to heal these sick persons whom I entrust to you: (here mention their names) Aided by your powerful intercession, I shall sing with Mary a hymn of gratitude to God for His great goodness and mercy. Amen. Sts. Benedict and Scholastica Please pray for the repose of the soul of: Mr. Steven Sarnowski Mr. Sarnowski was the father of: Shelby, ‘07 Jeremy, 8th Grade at STM and his loving wife, Phyllis. `tç {|á áÉâÄ Üxáà |Ç ÑxtvxA Funeral Arrangements Saturday, May 19, 2012 12:00 Mass St. Thomas More Church (There will be no wake service) Dear Parents\Guardians: + JMJ May, the month of our Blessed Mother, began with our 3rd grade children receiving the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus for the first time in the Holy Eucharist. The annual May Crowning was a beautiful ceremony. A reminder that all tuition, fees, and Kids Time needs to be paid before report cards/summer packets will be distributed. If special consideration is needed ,and not yet arranged, please contact: Mrs. Bickel/tuition, Mrs. Gonzalez/Kids Time. Next week will bring the final edition of The Barrister for this school year. It was my pleasure to write it each week for you. Please, if you have any notice you would like for me to add to next week’s letter, please email me. Thank you, parents, for your continued support. Prayers said daily for you! To Jesus through Mary, Principal Kids Time News for 2012-2013 From the Desk of: Mrs. Gonzalez, Director Parents: We have been informed that next school year the Munster Public School bus will be unable to pick the children up at the Weis Center and bring the children to the Main Building. As a result of the above news, St. Thomas More School will not be able to provide Kids Time for the Pre-School and/ or Pre-Kindergarten children. Beginning in August, we will only be able to provide Kids Time for the children in the Main Building, grades Kindergarten-8th grade. We regret any inconvenience this may cause. We know that you believe, as we do, the children are way too small to walk to the Main Building after school. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at my office: (219) 836-9151 extension 328 Thank you, Jennifer Gonzalez Director Andrean High School Freshmen Entrance Exam Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - 8AM Bring two #2 pencils and $30.00 for the exam fee. Please enter through Entrance A. The exam should finish at approx. 11:30AM. All incoming freshmen are required to take this exam. Students unable to take this exam will not be admitted to Andrean for the 2012-13 academic school year. Gracious God, thank You for the gift of Catholic education. Day after day, week, after week, You give us many opportunities to know Your great love, peace and forgiveness. Help us to respond to Your Good News and the Good News of Catholic Education. Amen Prayers for Colleen Lusk, Please keep Colleen Lusk (Class of 2011) in your prayers. Dear 8th Grade Parent: A Memorial Mass will be held for Steven Sarnowski, father of Jeremy (8th grade) on Saturday at Noon at St. Thomas More Parish with a luncheon to follow in Solar Room. We are asking families with last names: A-M to bring casseroles/desserts and N-Z salads/soft drinks, water. Please drop off food in solar room from 11:30am on. Chicken, Jimmy John's Subs and Beef will be provided. Please let us know by Friday what you will be bringing that would help in our planning, please email [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]. Also, we would like to let the families know we will be starting a dinner calendar for the families to cook for Phyllis, Shelby and Jeremy one night a week and if they are interested in signing up for that to let us know in the email as well. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. LUNCH ACCOUNTS Mrs. Sandy Morgan, the Director of Religious Education, for St. Thomas More Parish, This Evening Master of Divinity Degree from Chicago Theological Institute We’re proud of you Mrs. Morgan, and send our prayers, and our very best wishes, and sincere CONGRATULATIONS ! This is a reminder to those who may owe money on their children's school lunch account balances. Please send in a payment as soon as possible, bringing these accounts up to date. Student report cards and diplomas will be held until all fees are paid. For balance inquiries, call Mrs. Murray at 836-9151 x324 or e-mail [email protected]. Thank you Monday-May 21st 7th Math Wednesday-May 23rd 7th Social Studies & Comp. Apps. Tuesday-May 22nd 7th Language Arts Thursday-May 24th 7th Science and Religion From the Latin Patriarchate Father Mike recently received a thank you leƩer from the LaƟn Patriarchate. If you remember, when we, our pilgrim group, went to the Holy Land, we presented the archbishop with two checks, one from the parish and one from the school. AƩached is the leƩer I received. How pleased I, as Principal, am to share this leƩer with you. It will be found at the end of this ediƟon of The Barrister. THANK YOU STMS STUDENTS!!!!! STUDY GUIDES GIVEN ON FRIDAY, MAY 11th HAVE FUN! 1) 7th Grade Parents … You hopefully will notice that your son/daughter are not watching TV or playing on the computer because they are STUDYING for Final Examinations. 2) Please do not ask that teachers “hold” a test because the children have other things to do. Test dates are posted on EDLINE. One of the many things we help you teach the children is proper time management. CALLING ALL JUNIOR HIGH STUDENTS … (This means students going into 7th and/or 8th Grade in the Fall) Mrs. Pam Helfen is in charge of BINGO during the STMS Festival. She is requesting Jr. High students who would like to work in the gym selling snacks, pop and popcorn. Her telephone number is 924-2402 For working, the student will receive service hours credit which may be used in partial fulfillment of required service hours for the Sacrament of Confirmation next year. “Mary is the Mother of the Church because she is the mother of Christ and the mother of Christians.” Our SENSATIONAL EIGHTH GRADERS continue to SHINE!!!!!! Our 8th Grade went on their class trip to see the “Blue Man Group” then, all enjoyed lunch and the servers at “Ed Debevic’s” all in Chicago. Asking how they enjoyed the trip, “AWESOME” and “The food at Ed’s was very good, and the servers were so funny!” A WONDERFUL note from a parent chaperone: “All of the kids were very polite and well behaved. We never had to ask anyone to behave or be quiet or watch their manners. They represented St. Thomas More proudly. A “NOTE” from our Very own Mrs. Javorka “The choirs did a wonderful job performing at the nursing home! The residents immensely enjoyed their music. The activities director was very impressed with how well behaved our students are. She invited us to come back again next year. Thank you for letting me have them away for a while this morning.” A STRIKE! 8TH GRADE BOWLING! The 8th grade will be testing their “SPARE” abilities on Friday by going bowling. This treat is being given to them as a “Thank You” for being the kids they are. Afterward they will be going for pizza and more laughter. HAVE FUN Don’t Hang A Pin Sam, the STMS Eagle has granted the 8th Grade, ONLY, a “jeans day” on both THURSDAY and FRIDAY of NEXT WEEK … Their last two days. (May 24th & 25th) Yikes!!! It’s almost the end of the school year. Don’t forget to order T.R.I.P. cards for all your giftgiving needs in May and beyond…graduation, teacher thank you’ s, Father’s Day… T.R.I.P. Schedule Orders In (by 8:30 am) Orders Available (at 3 pm) Mon. May 21 Wed. May 23 Tues. May 29 Thurs. May 31 (last day of school) SUMMER T.R.I.P. Schedule* Mon. June 11 Wed. June 13 Mon. June 25 Wed. June 27 Mon. July 9 Wed. July 11 Mon. July 23 Wed. July 25 Mon. Aug 6 Wed. Aug 8 *For summer T.R.I.P., all orders must be turned in to the PARISH OFFICE by 9 a.m. on the Mondays listed above. All orders should be picked up at the parish office on the corresponding Wednesdays after 3 pm. School-time T.R.I.P. resumes on Monday, August 20. Will you help us, please? The T.R.I.P. program cannot run without volunteers, and lately we’ve been short on help. Please sign up to help with T.R.I.P. for the 2012-2013 school year (especially if you use the program). We really need people on Monday mornings (approx. 8 am-10 am), but you can also help on Wednesday afternoons (approx. 1 pm-3 pm). We sometimes also need help on Tuesday mornings and Thursday afternoons. The school volunteer form should be coming out before the end of May. Just locate T.R.I.P. on the form and indicate which day of the week you can help OR e-mail Susan Anglin with your availability ([email protected]). You will be contacted in early August. Thanks so much. We appreciate YOU. Please help if you can. We appreciate all you can do. Kà{ ZÜtwxM ixÜç _táà `|wwÄx fv{ÉÉÄ WtÇvx ‹ Hello Everyone, I am sure I am finding everyone very busy this last month, how the time has flown. I am in the process of getting the last dance together and if I can bother each of you for a little help. The students want a formal last dance and I am trying and hoping to accomplish that for them with the decorations I have in mind. I would like to cover the chair backs with a slip cover and bows. I have the bows, but the idea, and cheapest, for the slip cover is a white twin size pillowcase. If I can get one from each family, nothing expensive, from Wal-Mart or even if you have one at home, can you please send it to me through Noah in Mrs. Callahan's class - I would greatly appreciate it. Also, if you can help decorate the gym, we will be there on Friday starting to decorate probably around 5pm. I don't want to be rushed on Saturday and I want to make sure the decorations go as planned. If everything turns out right it will be awesome. Just email me or call me to let me know you could help. We also have the balloon drop that night and just for information if you want to be at the dance to see it-we will do the drop around 9:30pm. Also, if you want to chaperone that night please let me know. 8th grade parents have priority on this dance, so I just want to know how many so I can know if I need any other parents from the other grades. And one last note . . . if we can have a little bit nicer snacks for this last dance, since we are trying to make it "formal" for them would be greatly appreciated. This is their last event before they graduate. I'm not asking for expensive-just to put some thought into the snack and not just a bag of chips or a package of cookies. As always, thank you for all of your help. I couldn't do it without you. Eileen Hinojosa EIGHTH GRADE BLUE MAN GROUP - ED DEBEVIC’S ECA (End of Course Assessment) taken in Algebra 8th Grade HONORS & AWARDS NIGHT: (Proper attire discussed.) BOWLING as a CLASS Middle School Dance: _táà WtÇvx yÉÜ Kà{ ZÜtwx FINAL EXAMINATIONS Baccalaureate Mass Practice Commencement Practice Baccalaureate Mass 7:00 PM May 25th COMMENCEMENT 10:00 AM Saturday, May 26th Class Picture & Hat Toss! THANK YOU, CLASS OF 2012!!! Our Final Athletic Banquet S.T.M. LUNCH MENU – WEEK OF MAY 21, 2012 Daily Ala Cartes: Salads—Large-$2.30; Small-$1.85 Yogurt--$0.70 Monday, May 21 Chicken Patty Whipped Potatoes/Gravy California Mixed Vegetables Bread Slice Applecrisp or Pears Milk Tuesday, May 22 Mostaccoli w/Meat Sauce Cheese Slices Green Beans Bread Peaches Milk Milk--$0.50 Wednesday, May 23 Hot Pretzel w/Cheese Yogurt/Cottage Cheese Salad Pineapple Tidbits Jello Milk Ala Carte Pretzel: $1.25 Monday Volunteers Maria Cano Carmen Herrera Renee S. Tuesday Volunteers Michael Smith Gina Boleski Thursday, May 24 Chicken Tacos OR Beef Taco Sticks Lettuce/Cheese/Salsa Tater Tots Fresh Fruit Pudding Milk Ala Carte Taco: $1.25 Ala Carte Taco Sticks: $1.00 (3) Friday, May 25 Grilled Cheese OR Cheese Quesadilla/Salsa French Fries Peas or Carrots Applesauce Milk Thursday Volunteers Gina Boleski Christine Rozmanich Friday Volunteers Anita Hemmingway Melissa Reardon Dan Rusnak Ala Carte Sandwich: $1.25 Ala Carte Quesadilla: $1.55 Wednesday Volunteers Kim Bronisz Susie Thompson Next week will bring the FINAL edition of The Barrister for this school year. It was my pleasure to write it each week. Hopefully, you found it as useful as I did. This weekly newsletter, from the Principal, is designed to keep you informed on school happenings. If you have anything you would like me to add to The Barrister, all you have to do is email it to me at school. Pictures, too, if you have them. God bless you for all you do. Mr. Nordyke PLEASE PAY OVERDUE LUNCH ACCOUNTS ASAP. Kindergarten and Eighth graders should have money with them on their last day, Friday May 25th to cover any delinquent account. Final bills will be sent home with students on Wednesday, May 30th (1st-7th). Please remember to send an additional $1.90 to cover Thursday’s (5/31) lunch if he/she plans to eat hot lunch. Lunch accounts must be paid in full before report cards can be mailed. Money left in Student accounts will be applied to next year’s hot lunch account. Refunds must be requested by a parent in writing or in person. Access account balances by logging onto, or call Mrs. Murray with questions at 836-9151, ext. 324 or email [email protected]. Thank you so much to all the volunteers who helped out during the lunch hours. Your dedication and hard work is very much appreciated. Have a great summer! ST. THOMAS MORE SCHOOL ATHLETICS May 15, 2012 Dear 4th Grade Parents and Students, Next year as 5th graders at St. Thomas More School your child is eligible to participate in CYO Sports. Please see the attached information sheet which highlights the sports we offer through our athletic program. Each spring we hold registration for the fall sports (Soccer, Volleyball and Cross Country) and offer free physicals. A physical is required each school year to participate in any CYO sport, and the physical is valid for the entire school year. Students cannot participate without a current physical. The Athletic Commission strongly recommends bringing your child to the physicals. Registration and free physicals for the 2012 – 2013 school year will be held on Monday, May 21st at the Weis Center – South Campus from 6 pm – 8 pm. This is the only time we will offer the free physicals. If you have any questions, please contact Matt Maloney or Chris O’Brien. Matt Maloney Chris O’Brien Athletic Director Asst. AD 312-446-5748 934-9284 GO EAGLES!! [email protected] [email protected] St. S Thom mas Morre Athle etic Prog grams Volle eyball, Socce er and Cross s Country re egistration be egins in Mayy of the precceding schoo ol year. Reg gistration clos ses in late-July. Please check the Barrister B and/or Edline fo or specific da ates. Falll Sports s Girls Vo olleyball (G Grade specific) fee $50 0 Team ms begin pra actice in earrly August. There T are two o scheduled d practices p per week (pe ending gym a availability). The season begins the week kend after Labor Day. Each team pl ays 10 matcches. Matche es are playe ed on urdays and Sundays. S There is a sing gle eliminatio on tourname ent after regu ular season play. The se eason Satu conccludes by mid-November. Athletes may m also parrticipate in C Cross Countrry but not So occer. Soccer (Co-ed, Grrades 5-6, and a 7-8) fee e $50 Team ms begin pra actice in earrly August. Coaches C schedule practi ces at local parks. The sseason begins in late Augu ust. Games s are played on Saturday ys and Sund days. There iis a single e elimination to ournament a after regular seasson play. The e season co oncludes by mid-October. Athletes m may also parrticipate in C Cross Countrry but not Volle eyball. Cross Country C (Co-ed, Grades 5-8) fee $10 Team ms begin pra actice in earrly August. Coaches C schedule practi ces at local parks. Therre are 2 CYO O meets. Othe er schools may m host an invitational meet. m Meets are schedu led on weekkdays. The sseason conccludes by mid-October. Ath hletes may also a participa ate in either Soccer or V Volleyball. Wintter Sporrts Boys Ba asketball (Grade ( spec cific) fee $7 75 es place in la ate Septemb ber. Registra ation closes mid-Octobe er. There are e two schedu uled Regiistration take pracctices per we eek (pending g gym availability). The season s begin ns mid-Nove ember. Each h team playss 10 games. Gam mes are playe ed on Saturd days and Su undays. There is a single e elimination n tournamen nt after regular season play. The season concludes s by early Fe ebruary. Girls Ba asketball (G Grade spec cific) fee $7 75 Regiistration take es place in la ate Septemb ber. Registra ation closes late November. Teams begin practice in early ng gym avaiilability). The Dece ember. Therre are two sc cheduled pra actices per week w (pendin e season be egins in Janu uary. Each te eam plays 10 games. Games are played on Satturdays and Sundays. T There is a sin ngle elimiination tourn nament afterr regular sea ason play. Th he season cconcludes in mid-March (before Spring Break). Sprin ng Sporrts Boys Vo olleyball (G Grade spec cific) fee $50 0 Team ms begin pra actice in earrly February. There are two t schedule ed practicess per week (p pending gym m availlability). The e season beg gins in early March. Matches are pla ayed on Satu urdays and S Sundays. Th he season conccludes by the e middle of April. A Track (C Co-ed, Grad des 5-8) fee e $20 Regiistration take es place in early e March. Registration n closes late e March. The e team begin ns practice in early April. Coacches schedu ule practices s at local parrks/schools. The season n begins in la ate April. The team competes in apprrox 3 meets. Meets are scheduled s on various da ays of the we eek. Other sschools mayy host an invitational meet. The seaso on concludes s in mid-May y. Draft – Soccer, Volleyball, V a and Basketb ball CYO O has a no-cut policy. If we w have eno ough players s for multiple e teams in a grade, a dra aft will be sccheduled to create teams witth equitable talent. All afffected playe ers will be co ontacted. Ple ease conta act Matt Ma aloney or Chris C O’Briien if you h have any q questions. FALL SPORTS REGISTRATION Cross Country, Soccer and Volleyball FREE PHYSICALS!! The STM Athletic Commission strongly suggests you bring your children to these physicals. Students cannot participate in CYO sports without a current physical. These physicals are good for the whole 2012/2013 athletic year. Please plan to attend!! Monday, May 21st 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Weis Center̶South Campus Any current STMS 4th̶7th grader is eligible for a physical. Registration Deadline: Thursday, July 26, 2012 Fees: Cross Country $10, Soccer and Volleyball $50 Payable to “STM Athletics” Registration Forms available online at The 5/6th Grade Track team did a FANTASTIC job on Wednesday afternoon at the 2012 Diocesan Track Meet at Andrean. 1st Runner Up ~ Girlʼs Team Diocesan Champions ~ Boyʼs Team The girls missed out on the Championship by one point and the boys won by one point!! “Everyone did a great job” Coach Beckman WE ARE PROUD OF YOU!! Congratulations to the Class of 2012!! A big thank you to the coaches whose youngest child Guest Speakers is graduating this year! Thank you to Mary Anderson, Melissa Hajduch and David Straka Lilly Beckman, Chris Bilse, Paul Capriglione, STMS Class of 2008 Jake Ginalski, Joann Hajduch, Mike Hajduch, Shawn Haugh, Ron Jamerson, Tom Novak and Teri Yovkovich. Laetare Award Joann Hajduch Thank you for your George H. Porter Award Winners service to the Megan Zabrecky athletes of STM! and Luke Ginalski For additional information or to register, please contact the coach directly. CARSON CUNNINGHAM All-Skills Basketball Camp June 11-14 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Andrean High School Ages 7-15 years old (going into 2nd - 9th grades) Individual Skill Work: - Shooting - Dribbling - Passing - Defense Team Skill Work: - 5-on-5 and 3-on-3 - Screening - Pick-and-roll - Basic Motion Offense Free Camp T-shirt Special Guest Speakers HAVE FUN, BE ACTIVE & LEARN HOOPS! Cost: $70 CAMP REGISTRATION FORM – Send via mail to secure a spot or sign-up on opening day of camp Athlete Name: ________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________ Age: _______ T-shirt (Youth Sizes): S ___ M ____ L _____ XL ____ Cost: $70 per athlete (check payable to: Carson Cunningham) Mail registration & check to: Carson Cunningham Andrean High School 5959 Broadway, Merrillville, IN 46410 --contact info: 630-781-8820 or [email protected] Bishop Noll Institute Annual Basketball Camp “Bask to Back Champions” GSSC Regular Season & Tournament Champions 2010-2011 AND 2011-2012 Bishop Noll Boys’ Basketball Camp Grades 4th - 8th WHEN: Monday, June 25th - Friday, June 29th 1:00-4:00 PM WHERE: Bishop Noll Institute 1519 Hoffman St. Hammond, IN 46327 WHAT: Learn the drills and fundamentals needed to be a successful high school player. Players will receive individual instruction from Head Coach Drew Trost, his coaching staff, and players. Also, campers will receive an opportunity to compete against the top players in the area. COST: $50 (Includes Camp T-Shirt) ———————————————————————————————————— Registration Form (Please Complete & Mail to above address with payment enclosed.) Name: ________________________________________________ Grade: _____________________ Address: ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Phone: _____________________ School: _________________________________ T-Shirt Size: M L XL XXL Insurance Release: I hereby release Bishop Noll Institute, the camp coaches and the staff of any responsibility / liability for injuries sustained by my child while participating in this Bishop Noll Basketball Camp. Parent / Guardian Name ______________________________Parent / Guardian Signature ____________________________ our biggest sale this year! Reward yourself for shopping early. May 30 through June 6, 2012, receive 15% off your entire purchase! Shop in-store, online, by phone or mail order. DENNIS UNIFORM 8345 INDIANAPOLIS BLVD HIGHLAND, IN 46322 (219)838-7120 (219)838-7121 online anytime: National Customer Service: 800.854.6951 PATRIARCHATUS LATINUS - JERUSALEM Prot.N. (1) 312/2012 MR # 9686, MR # 9687 April 19, 2012 Dear Father Yadron, I acknowledge receipt of your checks for $7,000.00 from Sf Thomas More Church, and $500.00 from St. Thomas More School. I convey our heartfelt gratitude for your generosity, your interest and concern for the well-being of our faithful in this region. Your donation will support the many projects of the Latin Patriarchate, in particular, .the education of our young people who are our future generation of Christian presence in the Holy Land. In the words of Pope Benedict, " Let us ask Him for the gift of visible unity among all those who believe in Christ, that we may be ready to respond to anyone who asks us about the reasons .for our hope. " Be assured of our prayers for you, the parish family of St. Thomas More Church, and the students, teachers and staff at St.Thomas More School. May your witness of faith be fruitful for the Diocese of Gary and the Church in the United States. Christ is risen to gIve us Hope! himself lives in us. Alleluia! Our resurrection has begun, because He In Chris! our Savior, tFouad~~~ Rev. Michael Yadron, KHS St. Thomas More Church- 178 ·8435Calurnet Avenue .. Munster,,}N 46321 U.S.A. •• 't ,- '\ •. ,.,,".',. Jaffa Gate, PO.Box 14152 - Jerusalem 91141 • Tel. + 972 2 628 23 23, 627 22 80 • Fax. E-mail: [email protected] • website: \ + ,"' 972 2 6271652