trips - East Pennsboro Township
trips - East Pennsboro Township
EAST PENNSBORO TOWNSHIP “A Great Place to Live, Work and Raise a Family” APRIL/JUNE 2016 Memorial Day Parade Will Be Held on May 22 The Township’s annual Memorial Day Parade and Memorial Service will be held at 2 p.m. on Sunday May 22, with the parade forming at Pine Street and South Enola Drive and proceeding to the American Legion Wall of Honor for a brief memorial service. The service is scheduled for 3 p.m. with EPHS Alumni guest speaker Colonel Dean Hoffman, IV. Colonel Hoffman, Project Manager Soldier Protection and Individual Equipment in the United States Army will be speaking to our community honoring Memorial Day. We are honored to have him join us to celebrate and remember our soldiers and country on this holiday. Parade participants will include veterans groups, special Colonel Dean Hoffman, IV guests and the East Pennsboro High School Marching Band. The ceremony will feature a 21-gun salute. Individuals or groups wishing to participate may call the Recreation Department. In the event of rain, the service will be held at 3 the banquet room of the American Legion. Many other activities are planned by the Legion during the weekend long celebration. Township Police Accepting Unused Prescription Drugs 3rd National Night Out Planned for Aug. 2 The Township Police Department has installed a permanent Med-Return Drug Collection Unit in its first floor reception area at 98 S. Enola Dr. Residents can dispose of excess and expired prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications in the special container. Liquids, needles and aerosol cans are not accepted. Labels can be removed from the prescription containers. The collection area is open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Drugs can be dropped off with no questions asked. The Department said disposing of excess drugs is everyone’s responsibility, citing the fact that 70 percent of young people abusing prescription pain relievers get them from the family medicine cabinet. The Township Police Department will hold its 3rd Annual National Night Out on Tuesday, Aug. 2 at Adams Ricci Park, and the Department is seeking sponsors and participants. The “block party” type event is free and is aimed at bringing the community together, allowing residents, businesses, civic groups and public safety departments to interact. Because the event is free, the Department is dependent on the generosity of businesses and residents. Those who would like to make a monetary donation can submit a check, payable to East Pennsboro Township Police Department, with NNO on the memo line. The Department is also seeking door prize donations and also other donations, such as hot dogs, rolls, chips, water, ice, condiments and paper products. The donation deadline is July 28. A business or group that wants to set up a booth at the event can contact Officer Lynn Reichwein at 732-3633, ext. 1619. Booth registration forms can also be picked up at the police station and must be returned by June 30. From The Treasurer OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Closed Fridays, weekends, holidays Phone: 901-9392 COUNTY/MUNICIPAL PROPERTY TAX BILLS All County/Municpal 2016 tax bills have been mailed and should have arrived in your mail box on or about March 1st. These bills are due at the discount amount indicated on your bill by April 30th. As always, the April 30th postmark is acceptable. Per Capita Tax Bills It is the responsibility of all township residents 18 years and older to be sure their name appears on the East Pennsboro Township Tax Rolls. Each March you should be receiving a $10.00 per capita tax bill. If you have not received a per capita bill, please call the tax office so that we can help you determine why you are not receiving a bill. Over 70, active military and fulltime students are exonerated from paying half of the per capita bill. If you are over 70 and your bill is for $10.00, simply put your birthdate and signature in the space provided and pay half of the bill. If your bill is for $5.00, you have already been exonerated from half of the bill. If you are a fulltime student, exoneration forms are available on the township website or in the tax office. Send the form along and pay only half of the bill. If you are active military, simply state your affiliation, sign your name on the bill and pay only half. ADDRESS CORRECTION If you would like to change your mailing address on your property tax and/or per capita tax bill, please do so on the space provided on the back of the bill. All address changes should be done in writing. BILL PAYER CHECKS Please be sure to put your bill number in the memo section of the billpayer check. Without bill numbers, we often have difficulty determining whose bill you are intending to pay. Debbie Lupold, Treasurer Holiday Trash Collection Trash and recyclables will be collected a day late the week of May 30 and July 4 because of the holidays. Please consult the Penn Waste website for more information on recycling. Sewer/Sanitation News In order to reduce errors and process payments in a timely manner, residents are reminded that if they pay their sewer and trash bill automatically through their financial institution to be sure to list the account number and the service address of the account they are paying. Checks can be made payable to East Pennsboro Township. For residents who prefer to bring payments to the Administration office, there is an after-hours drop box at the bottom of the stairs of the Township Building for your convenience. Following is the sewer/sanitation payment due date schedule for 2016: May 6 Aug. 5 Nov. 4 2 T O W N S H I P C A L E N DA R APRIL 4 6 11 12 14 19 20 21 28 Recreation Board, 7 p.m Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, 7 p.m. Fire Protection Board, 7 p.m. West Shore Area Authority, 6:30 p.m. Planning Commission, 7 p.m. Board of Health, 5:30 p.m. Board of Commissioners Workshop Meeting, 7 p.m. Zoning Hearing Board, 5:30 p.m. Environmental Advisory Council, 7 p.m. MAY 2 4 9 12 18 Recreation Board, 7 p.m. Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, 7 p.m. Fire Protection Board, 7 p.m. Planning Commission 7 p.m. Board of Commissioners Workshop Meeting, Good Will Fire Company, 7 p.m. 19 Zoning Hearing Board, 5:30 p.m. JUNE 1 Board of Commissioners Workshop Meeting, Creekside Fire Company, 7 p.m. Board of Commissioners Business Meeting, 7:30 p.m. 6 Recreation Board, 7 p.m. 9 Planning Commission, 7 p.m. 13 Fire Protection Board, 7 p.m. 16 Zoning Hearing Board, 5:30 p.m. JULY 6 11 12 14 19 21 28 Board of Commissioners Workshop Meeting, Northeast Fire Company, 7 p.m. Board of Commissioners Business Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Fire Protection Board, 7 p.m. West Shore Area Authority, 6:30 p.m. Planning Commission, 7 p.m. Board of Health, 5:30 p.m. Zoning Hearing Board, 5:30 p.m. Environmental Advisory Council, 7 p.m. Township Commissioners’ meetings are held in Room 107 at the Township Municipal Building, 98 S. Enola Dr. The meetings are open to the public. Meetings during the spring and summer are held once a month, changing locations to each of the fire departments. We request 48-hour notice for handicapped accommodation at any meeting. Contact the Township Manager’s office at 732-0711 if an accommodation is required. TOWNSHIP OFFICES CLOSED Memorial Day – May 30 Independence Day – July 4 Police Accept Donation On January 11, 2016, the Enola American Legion, Post #751 made a generous donation to the East Pennsboro Township Police Department’s K9 program in order for a new system to be ordered for the K9 vehicle. The system, the Hot-N-Pop Pro is a combination K9 Heat Alarm and K9 Door Popper for the Police K9, Legion. The heat alarm monitors the vital components to make sure the vehicle stays within an appropriate temperature range for the K9 officer. The door popper allows for the K9 to be released at the push of a button in an emergency situation. We appreciate all of the continued support by the Enola American Legion! West Nile Control Spray Notification Program The Cumberland County Vector Control Office’s West Nile Virus Program aims to protect citizens from mosquito-borne disease, monitoring over 150 sites throughout the county. When an adult control spray is necessary, information is posted on the County’s website 48 hours prior to treatment. You can sign up for “Notify Me” emails to stay informed on these events. Residents should also be on the lookout for breeding habitats on their property such as clogged gutters, birdbaths, flower pots, and tire ruts, which can produce hundreds of mosquitoes in a short time. When possible, remove the water source or apply a control product to keep your whole neighborhood healthy. Visit our website for more information 717-240-7808 Yard Waste Guidelines A Note on Stray & Feral Cats As winter changes to spring, the idea of a fresh new lawn can be obscured by piles of unwanted animal dirt, some of which can be the result of stray/feral cats. If you are not aware, there is a stray/feral cat over population in our township, as well as many others and these cats continue to thrive in an area partly due to well intentioned residents that provide accessible food. East Pennsboro Township has an animal control ordinance governing permitted animals to run at large, so your pets (cats included) must be on the property of, or under the control of the owner. In an attempt to curb the over population, the Animal Control Officer is requesting no resident provide accessible food to stray/feral cats. Owned cats will return home and feral cats have the ability to hunt for what food they may need. Penn Waste, the Township’s trash/recyclables collector, will collect yard waste through October. An unlimited number of bags or bundles may be placed at the curb before 6 a.m. on the first Saturday monthly. For more information, call Penn Waste at 1-866-575-8720, or on line at Yard waste includes tree trimmings, shrubbery and any other organic landscape vegetation, except grass clippings and tree stumps. Fruits and vegetables, dirt, stones, all building material and rail road ties will NOT be collected. The yard waste should be placed in a biodegradable brown paper bag or be tied with twine in easy-to-handle bundles. Bundles may be no longer than four feet and not weigh more than 30 pounds each. Branches may not exceed six inches in diameter. The Township Yard Waste Facility on South Humer Street is open from 7 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, and the third Saturday of the month from 7 -10 am, April through October for residential drop-off items. Residents must show a valid driver’s license for proof of Township residency. The facility is for yard waste that is not collected curbside. Please go to the County’s website, for disposal of household hazardous waste. EAST PENNSBORO TOWNSHIP 98 S. Enola Drive, Enola, PA 17025 • 717-732-0711 Commissioners John Kuntzelman Charley Gelb Paul Hartman Kristy Magaro George Tyson Manager A. John Pietropaoli Treasurer/Tax Collector Debbie Lupold Police Chief Todd Bashore Solicitor Henry Coyne BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - Standing, from left, are George Tyson, Paul Hartman and John Kuntzelman. Seated are Charley Gelb and Kristy Magaro. Published Quarterly 3 Recreation... THE RECREATION DEPARTMENT REQUIRES PRE-REGISTRATION Registration is on a first-come, first-paid basis. PRE-REGISTRATION is required for all programs except special events. Register early because if there are not enough participants the program or trip could be cancelled. WAYS TO REGISTER Mail – East Pennsboro Twp.Recreation Department, 98 S. Enola Dr., Room 101, Enola, PA 17025-2796 Come In – Township Building, 98 S. Enola Dr. Hours: 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday through Friday After Hours Drop Box – Back entrance to Township Building Address Envelope to Recreation Department Phone – 732-0711, option 3, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday Online or e-mail – or [email protected]. KIDS ONLY YARD SALE Saturday June 4th • 9 am – 12 pm Adams-Ricci Community Park School age children will be able to display and sell their old toys, games, collectibles, clothes, bikes and anything else that’s kids oriented. Many of our local churches will be there with children’s activities, games and prizes. Each registered child, along with adult supervision, will receive a 10’ x 10’ space. In this booth, you may sell your toys, clothes and treasures as well as see what’s on display from other kids in the township. Grab a few tables from around the house and unload your good stuff for cash. This is a kid’s event – parents may only assist – there will be no commercial or adult sales during this event. Kids Stuff Only! Any child of school age is eligible. Participants must pre-register with the Recreation Department by calling 732-0711 option 3. Registration closes May 27th. No rain date is scheduled. CONCERTS IN THE PARK Admission is FREE YOUTH PROGRAMS SUMMER PLAYGROUNDS Games • Sports • Crafts • Trips June 13 to July 29 (closed the week of July 4-8) 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Monday - Friday Children ages 6 -12 Program requests small monetary donation per child Playground Leaders conduct a variety of recreational activities and special events in neighborhood playgrounds throughout the summer. Registration and emergency contact papers must be completed the first day of playground as a requirement to participate in the program. Playgrounds are located at Adams Ricci Park Keystone Pavilion (10-12 years old), Commonwealth Pavilion (6-9 years old), Ridley Park, Midway Park, West Fairview Annex (Chestnut Street), Summerdale Centennial Playground. A calendar of events and field trips is available online at www. Online Registration for Summer Day Camp! 2 easy steps to keep you from the long line! Log onto the online registration site any time between now and registration day to create an account for you & your family: https:// Register for the weeks of camp you wish to attend. Full payment will be due at time of online registration. There is a processing fee of If you would like to make payments you will have to register at the office beginning on Tuesday April 12, 2016 at 8:00 am. SUMMER DAY CAMP Our popular Summer Day Camp activities include weekly trips, arts & crafts, indoor and outdoor sports, games and themed events. Campers must be ages 6-12 years. Day Camp starts June 13 to August 12. Hours are Monday thru Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. There will be no bus transportation directly to your home before and after camp. Drop off location is at North East (Summerdale) Pavilion at Adams Ricci Park. Registration for camp will begin online: Tuesday, April 12 - 6:00 am or at the Recreation Department room #101 after 8:00 am. You must be present to guarantee your space. No mailed forms will be accepted. Camp is $130 per week plus a $20 non refundable registration fee for residents. Non-Resident fees are $20 non-refundable registration fee plus $150 per week. Please see the Day Camp Calendar for field trips and events online at **All trips are subject to change Summer Concerts sponsored by East Pennsboro Board of Recreation and are held at Adams Ricci Community Park Gazebo: Week #1- June 13 – 17 Trips- Sky Zone, Roller Skating at Olympic Skating & Hot Dog Day Week #2- June 20 - 24 Vintage Brass Quintet Keystone Concert Band Trips-Water Golf at City Island, Sports Emporium, & Hot Dog Day Sunday, June 12 – 6:00 pm Sunday, July 24 – 6:00 pm Week # 3- June 27 – July 1 Trips- Boiling Springs Pool & Water Slide, Senators Baseball Game, Movie New Cumberland Town Band Day & Hot Dog Day Sunday, August 21- 6:30 pm Week # 4- July 5 - July 8 (no camp July 1) Trips- Hershey Chocolate World, Ski Roundtop Mountain Adventures & Pizza Day RECREATIONAL SWIM Week # 5- July 11-15 Open to all ages and no pre-registration is needed. Ongoing program offered on Mondays through May 23rd from 7:00 to 8:30 pm at E. P. Middle Trips- Little Buffalo State Park Swimming, Trindle Bowling, Paint & CreSchool. Cost is $3.00 per adult and $2.00 per student. Lifeguards are on duty ate & Hot Dog Day Week# 6- July 18-22 at all times. Trips- Cherry Crest Farm Amazing Maze, Movie Day, Rollerskating at Olympic Skating & Hot Dog Day 4 Week # 7- July 25-29 Trips- Dutch Apple Dinner Theater, Olympic Challenges, Zoo America & Pizza Day Week # 8- August 1-5 Trips- Lake Tobia, Ice Skating at Twin Ponds East, Renaissance Faire & Hot Dog Day Week # 9 – August 8-12 Trips- Whittake Center IMAX Movie, Olympic Skating, Sky Zone & Hot Dog Day ADULT PROGRAMS EAST PENNSBORO BOYS BASKETBALL CAMP June 20 – 23 • 9:00 am – 12:00 pm East Pennsboro High School Gym Cost $60 (second child, same family discount $55) Developmental Skills Camp for elementary students entering 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th grades. Drills and skills will be taught by Coach Sheaffer and the Varsity Boys Basketball Team. Each child will receive a T-Shirt with participation. Boys Basketball Golf Outing Fundraiser is June 11, 2016 at Dauphin Highlands Golf Course. Call the Athletic Department 732-0723 for more information. PILATES/YOGA Tuesday & Thursday - 7:00 to 8:00 pm • April 26 – June 2 West Creek Elementary School LGI $60 Residents and $65 Non-Residents • Instructor: Ashley Edmonston This isn’t the normal class – it uses mat science pilates & yoga sequences! It is a truly mix of using pilates rings, yoga blocks and fitness dynabands to bring out variety and fun. Bring a yoga sticky mat (or fitness mat) along with bare or stocking feet. TENNIS LESSONS June 13 – June 16 • Players 6 - 14 years of age East Pennsboro High School Tennis courts Chris Gouse, USTA Instructor Monday - Thursday (Friday reserved for weather make-up) 9:00 – 10:00 am Beginner 6-7 years 10:00 – 11:00 am Beginner/Intermediate 8-10 years 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Beginner/Intermediate 11-14 years $35 Residents and $45 Non-Residents • Pre-registration is required. Panther Cub Field Hockey League Thursdays 6:00-7:00 pm • April 7 – May 12 Grades 1st – 7th Practice locations are Yellow Breeches Sports Center and EP Middle School field $85 per player Summer and fall league info to be announced KICKBOXING West Creek Hill Elementary Gym Monday & Wednesday – 6:00 to 7:00 pm • April 25 – June 1 $45 Residents and $ 50 Non-Residents Join us for a great cardio workout and challenge yourself during this high impact class. Bring a set of free weights (up to five pounds) and an exercise mat or towel for body sculpting and toning. The class is for all fitness levels! SWIMNASTICS Tuesday & Thursday – 7:30 to 8:30 pm • May 3 – June 2 Middle School Pool • $40 Residents and $45 Non-Residents An exercise in deep and shallow water to increase body flexibility, strength and circulatory endurance for men and women. Aqua belts are available for use during class along with additional exercise props to help take class to the next level! Snorkeling/Discover Scuba Class May 23 • 7:30- 9:30 pm E.P. Middle School Pool • $25 per person or $30 Non-Residents This class teaches beginners how to use snorkeling equipment and what to expect when going snorkeling during vacation. This is a great preparation class for traveling in the tropics. Pre-register with the Recreation Department one week prior to the start date of class. Open Water Scuba Diving Certification April 4 – May 2 6:30 – 7:30 pm Classroom instruction • 7:30 – 9:30 pm Pool skills OR June 6 - 27 • 12:00 – 3:30 pm E.P. Middle School pool • $130 Residents and $140 Non-Residents Certification courses are taught by P.A.D.I. instructors from Harrisburg’s West Shore Scuba Center. Participant must be in good health, at least 12 Panther Prowl Race years old, able to swim 200 yards. Students must supply your own mask, fins, The Panther Prowl Adventure Race for youngsters in grades Kinder- snorkel and booties. This is considered personal gear and can be obtained at garten to 8th will be held from 1 to 3 pm on April 24 at the East Pennsboro the scuba shop. All additional scuba equipment will be proArea High School Stadium. The approximate 1 mile vided. Textbooks cost are not included in the class cost and adventure course has challenging obstacles and are $80.00 and also obtained at the scuba shop. Open wawill be held rain or shine. Participants will get ter dives and additional costs to the class fee are involved dirty and wet. to become certified and due the date of checkout. Call Registration fee is $20 through the day of the scuba shop for details and dates for the required the race ($15 each additional child in family). checkout dives. Registration is required by calling Grade categories are K-1, 2-3, 4-5, and 6-8. the Recreation Department at 732-0711 one week Medals will be awarded to the top 3 male and prior to the start date of class. All questions should female winners in each grade category. A regis- be directed to West Shore Scuba Center at 717-836-7699. You can also email tration packet will contain a race map, wave times the scuba shop at [email protected] for more information. and a participation ribbon. Volleyball- pick up games Register online at: MONDAYS 6:30 – 8:30 pm • Begin May 4 through August 31 Adams Ricci Park- Volleyball Courts Proceeds benefit FOR EP Parks (Friends of Recreation at EP Parks) Join our Facebook group for updates: Wushu Training & Conditioning Country Line Dancing Ages 8- Young Adults Beginners - Monday and/or Wednesday Tuesdays 7:00 – 8:00 pm • April 12 – May 17 5:30 – 6:30 pm Township Annex Building (440 Chestnut St.) Mondays – April 11 – May 16 $30 Residents and $35 Non-Residents Wednesdays- April 13 – May 18 Come and join in the fun learning to Country Line dance. It’s great Cost: $46.00 once/week, $92.00 twice/week exercise for the young and the old. You will need to have boots or shoes Instructor: Andres Gutierrez that slide for this class where you will learn all the basic moves and fun Classes held at CMA West- 829 State St. Suite 3005 Lemoyne dances you can do anywhere!! Partners are not required and students must be 15 years of age or older to participate. Bring your dancing shoes and let’s learn to dance! 5 Boot Camp Wednesdays June 8 – July 27 • 6:30-7:30 pm Adams Ricci Park- meet at the concession stand by the Caboose $45 Residents and $50 Non-Residents Come get your Summertime workout outdoors! Using the features at Adams Ricci Park we will walk, run, and strength train our bodies, ending with a butts and guts blaster. Meet at the concession stand across from the basketball courts and don’t forget your water!! Introduction to Belly Dance Thursdays • May 5 - June 16 (No class 5/26) 7:00 - 8:00 pm Summer Session- July 7 - August 11 • 7:00 - 8:00 pm Mixed level class • Instructor : Tina Berrier Township Annex Building (440 Chestnut St.) $40 Residents and $45 Non-Residents This is a mixed level belly dance for beginners and advanced. Share a fun upbeat class and learn techniques of Egyptian dance. Bring something to tie around your hips and a floor mat or towel for warm up and cool down. enjoy this class. Higher mileage seniors might prefer the seniors program - TC4HB – also held at this facility on Mondays at 10:00am and Wednesdays at 11:00am. Class is held at the new, clean, warm/cool and awesome West Fairview Annex building - 440 Chesnut Street, Enola PA 17025-3148. More information is available at American Heart Association HeartSaver CPR June 4 or August 6 • 8:00 - 11:00 am Township Municipal Building • Instructor: Allen Urich $70 Residents and $75 Non-Residents Pre-Registration is required The HeartSaver CPR class is for participants new to CPR and does not qualify for health care providers. This class is geared to our everyday citizens looking to be prepared in emergency situations. Included with the cost of the class is the skills book, certification card and a reminder skills card. Zumba Gold Class Tuesdays 9:45 -10:30 am Session I- April 19 – May 24 • Session II- May 31 – July 5 TAI-CHI Township Annex Building (440 Chestnut St.) Mondays June 6 – August 22 (no class 7/4 & 8/1) $35 Residents and $40 Non-Residents 7:00 – 8:00 pm All levels & ages Instructor: Lisa Lynch, licensed Zumba Gold instructor Township Annex Building (440 Chestnut St.) Zumba Gold is a Latin inspired dance fitness program designed Instructor: Andrew Baker, Movement Arts Institute for older adults, inactive adults and adults with some slight physical $65 Residents and $70 Non-Residents Tai Chi Fan! MAI will be offering a Tai Chi fan form. Fan is an restrictions. This fun workout uses international music to energize you interesting weapon. It can be carried easily and used effectively. Plus and put a smile on your face! if it gets too hot – it also works as a fan. SENIOR WELLNESS MAI Fan Form is short and fairly easy to learn. Prior Tai Chi expe55 YRS + rience is helpful but not required. The MAI Fan Form is a modern fan Every Tuesday & Thursday form emphasizing the applications of fan as a weapon. It is a unique Last day of class is June 4th and original form created by MAI. 11:00 am to 12:00 pm You will need a fan. Most fans will not work well as a weapon fan. Township Annex Building (440 Chestnut St) Fans will be available through the instructor for $20. FREE to Township Residents Only This is an ALL AGE class. People 25-55 and young seniors are will Special Needs Soccer Program: The HMMS Outreach Program for Soccer (TOPS) is a soccer program for children with special needs. A TOPS player is defined as any child (age 6-21) with a physical or mental disability, who would like to play on a team based on ability rather than age. Children with autism, cerebral palsy, down syndrome, wheel chairs, and other challenges have thrived in the program. Our goal is to enable players to develop their physical fitness, courage, and self-esteem through the game of soccer. TOPS sessions are held on Sunday afternoons at Creekview Park, Mechanicsburg, PA in the spring and fall. The TOPS program is open to any child, including children who live outside of the Cumberland Valley School District. For additional information, please visit the website. To register for the Spring 2016 season, please contact Eric Bowman at [email protected]. Storm Water Best Management Practices Series Conodoguinet Water Shed Association is supporting the MS4 Storm Water Best Management Practices that is hosted by GreenCause and the Camp Hill Environmental Club. A FREE fun educational series of STORM WATER Best Management Practice classes will be taught by regional expers. Class will be held at the Camp Hill Borough Building (2145 Walnut Street) on the 1st Tuesday of the month from 7:00-8:30 pm. Occasionally, “educational field trips” will be scheduled on noted Saturday mornings. • Tuesday April 5th- Rain Barrels, Cisterns & Pumps presenter Vince McCollum, Cumberland County Conservation District • Saturday April 9th- Rain Barrels Sale/Assembling presenter Vince McCollum, Cumberland County Conservation District • Tuesday May 3rd- Rain Gardens presented by Bruce Woolever & Liz Letcavage, Cumberland County Penn State Master Gardeners • Tuesday June 7th- Lawn and Garden BMP’s presented by Annette McCoy, Cumberland County Penn State Master Gardeners • Saturday June 11th – Tour of Permaculture Home/Garden presented by Seppi Garrett & Liz Letcavage, Permaculture Guild • Tuesday July 5th – BMP Hardward for Homeowners presented by Mike Stormwater, NDS • Saturday July 16th – Tour of United Water Treatment Plant- 10 person limit to reserve a spot call 717-514-3546. 2016 Creek Clean-Up dates May 21, June 18, July 16, August 20 & September 17 6 TRIPS Rules and policies are available online at 9/11 Museum & One World Observatory - April 7 Trip includes: Transportation, 9/11 Museum, lunch and One World Observatory Cost per person: $145.00 Alexandria Home and Garden Tour - April 23 Trip includes: Transportation, Riverfarm and Private home and Garden Pass. Cost per person: $149.00 New York City- On Your Own - May 14 Transportation and city map Cost per person: $60.00 Mansions at Fairmont Park - May 18 Transportation, 3 mansions and luncheon Cost per person: $145.00 Paper Mill Playhouse - June 23 Paper Mill Playhouse presents “West Side Story” and a wonderful luncheon. Cost per person: $147 Philadelphia Adventure - June 24 Enjoy a guided tour of the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, Christ Church, and the Betsy Ross house. Stop for lunch at the Reading Terminal Market enriched with locally grown produce, homemade baked goods and a memorable meal. The market is historic to Philadelphia! End the tour with the National Constitution Center. Cost per person: $ 79 Fireworks on the Hudson - July 4 A spectacular trip to New York City with a Circle Line cruise on the Hudson to see the country’s “largest display of patriotic firepower,” the Macy’s 4th of July Fireworks Spectacular! Enjoy free time and Pier 83 before the evening cruise! Cost per person: $210 Washington D. C. National Zoo & Smithsonian - July 12 An on your own trip to the nations capital with bus shuttle between the Smithsonian and the National Zoo. Cost per person: $50 Finger Lakes Wine Festival - July 16 Enjoy over 85 New York State wineries, live music, gourmet food courts, wine seminars and even pace car rides around Watkins Glen International Racetrack. This is rated as one of the Top 100 events in North America, so don’t miss out! Cost per person: $110 Central Park Adventure - July 21 Upon arrival in NYC we will start with a Picnic Lunch from Perfect Picnic in the park. After lunch enjoy a stroll through Central Park with a guided tour learning about the architects Olmstead and Vaux and visiting all the bridges, tunnels and neat places to see in the 843- acre park. Before departing you will get to experience the Central Park Zoo! Cost per person: $155 Philadelphia Phillies vs. Pittsburgh Pirates - July 24 Travel with us to Pittsburgh to see the Pirates in action against the Phillies! Seats are in section 125 and enjoy the game! Cost per person: $130 Annapolis Dine Around - August 4 This dine around will not only provide you with a full belly, but also give you the great history of Annapolis. We start with a guided tour at Ram’s Head Tavern and Brewery and hear not only about their rich history, but that of the US Naval Academy and then on to tour the Maryland State House, once our Nation’s Captial. Lunch is in downtown Annapolis and then enjoy a 40-minute cruise. The last stop of the day is at historic London Town & Gardens which is one of Maryland’s earliest settlements on the South River. Here you will see a Colonial Hearth Cooking Demo and enjoy a piece of the 10 layer Smith Island Cake! Cost per person: $ 140 Ocean City Maryland Summer Escape - August 14 -18 This annual favorite is back to offer a great trip at affordable prices! We offer the bus transportation and hotel for you to spend your own time at the beach! Trip includes: Roundtrip transportation, 4 nights lodging at Days Inn Boardwalk (23rd St.), Luggage Handling, Luggage Tags and all taxes. Children under 16 with paid adults is at a reduced rate! Cost per person: Single $759, Double $449, Triple $375 and Quad $355. New York Yankees vs. Baltimore Orioles - September 4 We will leave early to enjoy on your own time down at the Inner Harbor and then to see the Yankees and the Orioles play at 1:35 pm. Join us for a national past time! Seats are located in left field lower box. Cost per person: $105 Salute America in New York City - September 17 Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, and The National September 11 Memorial are all included in this trip. You will receive a ferry pass that you will be able to go to Ellis Island and Liberty Island and see the national monuments in New York. Ending your trip will be the 9/11 Memorial and remembrance time. Cost per person: $115 Niagara Falls & Toronto - September 25-29 This trip is a great way to tour Canada, so don’t miss this chance! Sites that will be toured are Niagara River Parkway, the Falls, Floral Clock & Whirlpool, IMAX movie about the miracles, myths and magic of the falls, Toronto’s Parliament Buildings, Casa Loma Mansion, the Financial District and Chinatown. The last day you will have a long tour of Niagara visiting the Chocolate Factory, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Welland Shipping Canal, and a local Winery Tour. This trip includes: Transportation, 4 nights lodging, 4 full breakfasts, 4 dinners, guided Niagara Tour, guided Toronto Tour, IMAX, all admissions & tours, Wine Tasting, Baggage handling, taxes, meal and guide gratuities. Cost per person: Single $699 and Double $599 **A valid passport is required for travel. Foliage By Land and Sea - October 6 We will travel to Williamsport to experience this land by river excursion. There is a hot luncheon at Penn Wells Hotel, a guided wagon ride through the PA Grand Canyon, then complete the tour with a scenic cruise on the Hiawatha. Cost per person: $139 Fingerlakes - October 29-30 The grand tour of the Fingerlakes is experienced in this overnight weekend trip! Where will we go? Hazlitt Vineyard Winery, Eremita Cellars, Lucas Vineyards, Myer Farm Distillery, Knapp Winery, Swedish Hill, Three Brothers Winery, and a mystery winery! Trip includes: Transportation, Lodging, All tastings, 1 boxed lunch, 1 breakfast and all taxes. Cost per person: Single$359, Double $299, Triple $279 and Quad $269. New York City On Your Own - December 10 On Your Own in NYC during Christmas is the greatest time of year! Come experience the hustle and bustle of the holiday in the big apple! The tree will be up in Rockafeller center and shopping is plentiful! Not to mention Broadway shows too! Cost per person: $60 7 Community News... Bocce Ball Tournament Friends of Recreation at East Pennsboro Parks will hold an inaugural bocce ball tournament on May 14 at the Adams Ricci Park bocce ball courts. Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m., with games beginning at 9 a.m. The tournament is open to anyone over the age of 18. The cost is $10, with half the proceeds awarded in prizes to the top three teams. The remainder of the proceeds will go to benefit FOR EP Parks. Teams will be selected at random, and no experience is necessary. Pre-register by email to [email protected] or by calling Ron Blauch at 525-9005. EPPU SOCCER REGISTRATION EPPU fall travel soccer registration for the upcoming season which starts in August, will be announced on our website with exact dates and times. New registrants must bring copy of birth certificate, 1 wallet size photo and copy of health insurance card. Age groups start at 9 and under. The Panther Cub Academy is a Skills & Drills clinic for kids ages 5/6, 7/8 and 9/10. The Academy is conducted by the East Penn Panther United (EPPU) travel soccer club. Fee is $25/player and you can register online beginning April 2016. Location and time of registration plus additional information is on our website. WWW.EPPUSOCCER.COM YOUTH EPLW SOCCER REGISTRATION The EPLW Soccer Association is pleased to announce the registration dates for 2016. Thursday April 21st 5-7pm, Monday May 9th 5-7pm, and Saturday May 14th 9-11am. All in-person registration locations will be held at the Adams Ricci Community Park concession stand. New this year is Online Registration! Please visit to register your child. Any questions, please email [email protected]. All children between the ages of 4-15 are welcome to register. All new players must provide a copy of their birth certificate to register. A child must be 4 years old by July 31, 2016. Fees for 2016: $40 per child, $20 for each additional. A refundable volunteer fee of $50 will also be collected. Practices begin in August. Mark your calendar for the Welcoming Celebration on Saturday, August 20th! 10am- 2:00pm @ Adams Ricci, Enola PA. All players and families are invited to join as we “KICK” off a new EPLW season! Scrimmage from local colleges, sports vendors, games and more!! Historical Society of East Pennsboro Call for Executive Director As you are probably aware the Historical Society of East Pennsboro operates with a Board of Directors, an Executive Director and a number of staff. All of these positions are UNPAID VOLUNTEERS. Our Executive Director Jim Leonard who has served in this position since 2007 has expressed a desire to step down as executive director in August 2016. The Board of Directors is beginning the search for a new executive director and is taking applications for this position. We realize the first question you would have is how much time does it take? The executive director is at the museum in West Fairview on Tuesday and Thursday 9am to 3 pm most weeks of the year. He works with the volunteer staff on membership, accounting, newsletter and planning the 2 meetings a year along with a number of other duties. The current executive director spends 10 to 15 hours a week on historical society business. The Board of Directors is looking for someone with following qualifications; ability to work with people is most important. Experience as a supervisor/manager, computer experience, use of social media and business experience along with ability to do presentations is also important. Jim Leonard will continue to be active and has agreed to spend the necessary time to train the new person. In addition to Board of Directors brings a considerable amount of experience to assisting the new executive director. To find out more information feel free to contact Jim Leonard at 732-5801, Al Bruner President at 732-4240 or Joe Acri at 877-0775. The Historical Society of East Pennsboro has grown leaps and bounds in little over its 10 years of existence. It serves a vital part of maintaining the history of the community for current and future generations. As volunteers we want to see this continue and that cannot happen without an Executive Director, dedicated volunteer staff and board members. Hopefully you or someone you know would like to continue this endeavor by being the next Executive Director. East Pennsboro Area School District News Registration is currently open for Kindergarten students for the 2016-2017 school year. Registration for students in grades 1-12 for the 2016-2017 school year will be open May 2, 2016. Please visit the Student Registration page at the District’s website, for further information and to begin the online preregistration for your child. Legion Baseball Tryouts-Registration Please contact the Student Accounting Office at 717-732-3601, exSaturday, April 16th at 1:00pm East Pennsboro High School Baseball Field For players ages 15-19 tension 332 to schedule an appointment if you: • Have moved to another residence, but remain in East Pennsboro (can’t turn 20 this year) Area School District to update your child’s address OR For information call: Team Manager, Lloyd Beere, 717-579-7237 Or Head Coach, Mike • Are moving out of the school district to complete a pupil withdrawal. Leavitt, 717-439-4449 Please don’t wait! Registrations must be completed by August 4, 2016 to guarantee a first day start for the 2016-2017 school year. Historical Society of East Pennsboro Fundraising Event Susquehanna River Cruise June 21, 2016 from 7-9 pm At City Island Riverboat Dock • Cost: $25.00 per person Includes Variety of desserts and a game with a prize A separate cash bar will be available Nail Mill Museum Tours are available by request to H.S.E.P. 732-5801 8 Meals on Wheels Seeks Aid Meals on Wheels delivers meals once or twice a month, to volunteer to deliver the meals, call Terry Magaro at 350-6285. To order meals, call Karen Stine at 697-5011. Homemade hot and cold meals are delivered Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. The cost is $7. DISCOVER FORENSICS CAMP July 28 & 29, 2016 Summerdale Campus $100 Camp Fee (Includes activities, lunch, T-shirt and more) OPEN TO ALL HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS! Discover the difference between how forensics • Two-day camp with fun hands-on activities and interactive lectures. is portrayed in popular media, to the actuality • Participate in a K-9 search and rescue, bullet dissection, alternate light source and fingerprint lifting, along with other forensic techniques. of real-world criminal and private investigations. During this two-day camp, high school students will learn in a collaborative, hands-on setting from professionals who are currently employed or teaching in this exciting field of Forensic Science. • Meet real crime scene technicians including the Cumberland County Coroner and staff. • Experience and walk through a real-life 911 mobile call center. • Collaborative sessions on device security and drone surveillance. • Explore a variety of forensic career opportunities. Call 717-728-2454 or visit and register today! 600 Valley Road, Summerdale, PA 17093 1-800-759-2727 9 • Potboilers and Blockbusters, May 19, 6:30 p.m. Registration Required The group will be discussing the book Gaining Ground: a story of farmers markets, local food, and saving the family farm by Forrest Pritchard. • Bedtime Story Time Thursday, May 26 from 6:30 to 7:15 p.m. Read classics that the whole family will enjoy. Children ages 5-10 are invited to the library on the last Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. Registration required. East Pennsboro Branch Library 98 S. Enola Drive, Enola • 732-4274 Library Closed - Monday, May 30 EVENTS & PROGRAMS APRIL • Drop-In Story Times, Wednesdays, 11 a.m. • Need Help With Homework? Homework Helpers are at library Thursdays, 4 to 5 p.m. • Spring Story Times with Mrs. B, Tuesdays, April 5, 12, 19, 26 10 a.m. • Spring Toddler Times with Mrs. B, Tuesdays, April 5, 12, 19, 26 11 a.m. • Story Time and Craft hosted by the Girl Scouts, April 14, 6:30-7:30 p.m. • Chix with Stix, April 11, 6-8 p.m. • Free Blood Pressure Screening, Tuesdays April 12, 26, 10 a.m.noon • Mobile Device Basics, April 12, Learn to download E-books 5:30 p.m. • Potboilers and Blockbusters, April 21, 6:30 p.m. registration required • Bingo for Books, April 19, 6:30 p.m. • Friday Fun! April 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 from 1 -3 p.m. No registration necessary. • Tall Tales- Tuesday, April 5, 12, 26 and May 3, 10, 24 from 6:00 to 7:45pm – Registration required. Create a character or a persona, imagine a plot, then turn your pen loose. Bring your scribblings to the writing group at East Penn Branch Library. We will be honing our skills in fiction and poetry. •Bedtime Story Time - Thursday, April 28 6:30 to 7:15 p.m. Read classics that the whole family will enjoy. Children ages 5-10 are invited to the library on the last Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. Pre-register. MAY Drop-in Weekly Wednesday Story Times, 11 a.m Homework Helpers, Thursdays, 4-6 p.m. Spring Story Times with Mrs. B, Tuesdays, May 3 10 a.m. Spring Toddler Times with Mrs. B, Tuesdays, May 3 11 a.m Tall Tales- Tuesday, May 3, 10, 24 from 6:00 to 7:45pm – Registration required. Create a character or a persona, imagine a plot, then turn your pen loose. Bring your scribblings to the writing group. We will be honing our skills in fiction and poetry. • Friday Fun! May 6, 13, 20 & 27 from 1:00 to 3:00 pm No registration necessary. • Life in Central PA Monday, May 9 at 6:30 pm. The East Pennsboro Historical Society will return with another informative program. For more info, watch our website and Facebook page or call the library. • Chix with Stix, May 9, 6-8 p.m. • Free Blood Pressure Screening, Tuesdays May 10 and 24, 10 a.m.noon • Mobile Device Basics, May 12, 5:30 p.m. Learn to download Ebooks • Bingo for Books, May 17, 6:30 p.m. • • • • • 10 JUNE • Summer Reading Club 2016: On Your Mark, Get Set, Read! June 6 through August 2. – This year in our summer reading program Register online beginning June 6. Visit our Facebook pages and our website for a listing of events and activities and all updates and programs. • Drop-in Weekly Wednesday Story Times, 11 a.m. • Pop-In Weekly Matinees at the Library- Thursdays at 1 pm. Children can enjoy a G or PG movie for free. Call the library for movie listing. Children must be accompanied by an adult. • Chix with Stix, June 13, 6-8 p.m. • Free Blood Pressure Screening, June 14 and 28, 10 a.m. to noon • Magician Mike Rose - Tuesday, June 14 at 1:00 pm Magician Mike Rose presents a magic show that is not like other magic shows. Mike’s new show, “SPORT-acular Magic!” is the first show in the 2016 Summer Reading Club theme “On Your Mark, Get Set, Read.” • Mobile Device Basics, June 14, 5:30p.m. • Potboilers and Blockbusters- Thursday, June 16 at 6:30 pm (registration required) The group will be discussing the book The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George. • “On Your Mark, Get Set, Read, Move, Laugh & Play” Comedian Robert Rivest - Tuesday, June 21 at 1:00 pm - The next show in the 2016 Summer Reading Club. • ScienceTellers “Power & Energy”- Tuesday, June 28 at 1:30 pm. The third show in the 2016 Summer Reading Club. BOOKS, BOOKS, BOOKS! BIG, BIG SPRING BOOK SALE EAST PENNSBORO TOWNSHIP MUNICIPAL BUILDING $5.00 BAG SALE THURSDAY – APRIL 14TH & FRIDAY – APRIL 15TH 9AM – 3PM BAG SALE - $5.00 FRIDAY – MAY 20TH 9AM – 3PM BAG SALE - $5.00 FRIDAY – JUNE 17TH 9AM - 3PM FRIENDS OF THE EAST PENNSBORO LIBRARY All proceeds benefit East Pennsboro Branch Library DISCOUNT AMUSEMENT PARK TICKETS The Recreation Department sells discount Amusement Park Tickets to the following parks. Please call or look up pricing on the internet at Baltimore Aquarium Hershey Park Pre-Season tickets are half the cost! Busch Gardens/Water Country Kennywood Camden Aquarium King’s Dominion CambelbackKnobel’s Cedar Point PA Renaissance Fair Philadelphia Zoo Dorney Park Sesame Place Dutch Wonderland Six Flags America Six Flags Great Adventure We sell the ACTUAL TICKET so you won’t have to wait in long lines. Tickets are good for the entire 2016 season. Check or cash payment accepted. All sales are final. Prices are available mid April. Environmental Advisory Council Announces Arboretum Clean up Annually the Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) at East Pennsboro Township holds an invasive plant clean up at the Arboretum along Creekside Dr. They would like to invite individuals or community groups to come out and assist them this year on June 11th from 9 am – 12 pm. Those interested in helping keep the invasive plant species out of the historical native Arboretum please meet at the small gravel parking area at Creekside Drive with work clothes, boots, gloves and digging tools. We greatly appreciate any assistance the community will provide! Reserving a Pavilion has never been easier! Employee Introductions Suzette Fought If you have called the sewer and sanitation office in the last year, you have spoken to Suzette Fought our Sewer and Sanitation Billing Clerk. She has a positive attitude and enjoys helping our residents with payments and trash issues. Suzette lives outside of East Pennsboro Township , but is quickly learning the familiar faces of our residents! In past lives Suzette has worked at Fredricksen Library and owned her own restaurant. She loves to read, bake and travel. Amy Graybill Amy is our seasoned Housing and Community Development Secretary who is prepared for all your permit questions! She lives in East Pennsboro Township and came from the District Judge Dougherty’s office. Amy enjoys road cycling, teaching fitness classes and personal training. She has been in her position for one and a half years and she is very proud of her son who is serving in the U.S. Army. Bill Baker Our new Rental and Building Inspector in the Housing and Community Development office is Bill Baker. Bill has several years experience with code enforcement and building inspection and will be around to assist our residents through the codes process. Bill is an avid outdoorsman, enjoys photography and keeping humor in life. Jared Hockenberry We welcomed Jared after the new year as our new Public Works Director and Township Engineer. Jared grew up in Dillsburg and is an alumni of Trinity High School and Virginia Tech. He is excited about the opportunities to maintain and develop new projects in East Pennsboro Township! He enjoys hiking, biking and spending time with his lovely wife and two children. FOR AVABILITY GO ON LINE WWW.EASTPENNSBORO.NET Pavilion Locations *Adams-Ricci Park * Acri Meadow Park * Ridley Park * West Fairview Park*Summerdale Centennial Park All pavilions equipped with picnic tables and charcoal grills. NEW Please follow the Township Residential RECYCLING RULES at all PARKS! Rental fee: $35.00 Township Resident & $70.00 Non-Resident $125.00 Company/Organizations & $175.00 Non-Township Company/Organizations Marysville Pool Memberships Available The Marysville Borough Pool offers season memberships, monthly memberships, punch cards and daily passes. For additional information or membership prices, please feel free to contact the Marysville Borough Office at 957-3110 or go to the pool website at www.marys 11 FIRE DEPARTMENT NEWS VOLUNTEERS and FIRE POLICE All Fire Companies are in need of volunteers to assist in many functions including fundraising, fire fighting and water rescues. For more information or to get an application stop by any of the fire houses. Enola Fire Company - Station 3 (118 Chester Road, Enola) Upcoming events: Chicken BBQ - April 23rd at 10 am at the Fire House Prices are: one half chicken $4.00 and a whole meal (half chicken, baked potato, applesauce, roll/butter) is $8.00. Creekside Fire Company - Station 21 (13 W. Dulles Dr., Camp Hill) • Sub and Salad Sale - Thur. April 14, 2016. Subs and Salads are $5 each. Subs are: Italian, Ham and Cheese, Turkey and Cheese, Roast Beef and Cheese. Salads are: Chef, Ham or Turkey. Dressings available are: Ranch, French,Low Cal Italian and Italian. Orders due by Friday, April 8, 2016. To Order contact a member or call 732-0121 and leave order with Name and contact number. • Meat Raffle - Friday April 29, 2016 7 pm. Free meal and drink provided for all players. Chicken Noodle or Chicken Corn Soup (Menu subject to change) Doors open at 6 pm. Normal rounds are $1, two special rounds are $2 (bigger prizes). Chances available to win a Half a Hog and Games-of-Chance will also be available. License on file. • Hall Rental Available - Don’t forget to book us for your next party/meeting. Our social hall is smoke-free and available for all your events. We can provide catering. Call 732-0121 and leave a message or drop us a line at [email protected]. Northeast Fire & Rescue Company - Station 20 (202 3rd St., Summerdale • The Northeast Fire & Rescue Company will be hosting their annual Breakfast Buffet and Chicken BBQ, in conjunction with a townwide Yard Sale in the Village of Summerdale, on Saturday, April 23, 2016. The all-you-can eat breakfast will be served from 6 am until 10 am, and chicken will be available from 10 am until sold-out. Both of these events will take place at Station 1-20 (formerly Summerdale Fire Company). Come and join weekly bingo every Friday evening at Station 1-20 (formerly Summerdale Fire Company). Doors and kitchen open at 5 pm; bingo begins at 6:30 pm. Small games of chance are also available for purchase. Please note – there will be no bingo on April 22, May 27, or July 1. We are selling calendars for the 2016 Tri-County Fireman’s Sportsmans Raffle. The calendar is good for each day in 2016 and all numbers are retroactive – if you buy a calendar and your number has already been drawn, you are still a winner. Calendars are $25 each and numbers are based on the PA Lottery Pick 4 evening drawing. For more information, please visit our website or phone (717) 512-6901. Effective January 1, 2016, Goodwill Fire Company #1 of West Fairview has merged with Northeast Fire & Rescue Company. We are pleased to serve the residents in the village of West Fairview. The Ladies Committee will continue to meet at 7:00 pm on the 3rd Monday of the month (April 18th, May 16th, and June 20th) at Station 2-20 (formerly Goodwill Fire Company), 1400 3rd Street in West Fairview. Join us to learn how to support our local volunteer fire company. If you have any questions, please contact Bertie Stewart at 717-732-1263. For more information, please visit our website at http://www.nefr20. com. The Northeast Fire & Rescue Company would like to thank township residents for their continued support to our annual fund drive. Please know that we conduct our fund drive in house – we do not sell, share, rent, or otherwise distribute our mailing list of addresses. SCHANER ADULT CENTER Located in East Pennsboro Municipal Building • Ground Floor Hours of Operation: 8 – 3 p.m. Monday – Friday Nutritious, Hot Meal served daily at 11:30 a.m. • Phone Number: 732-3915 Residents 60 years old and over are invited to visit the center and see what we have to offer The Schaner Adult Center is active! We are dispelling the myth that senior centers are care centers for the frail elderly. We are leading the way to healthy and positive aging. The senior center helps older adults improve their health and wellbeing and add stability to their lives. Our programs promote actionable goals, sustainable behaviors, clear incentives and peer support. We help our participants create their own pathway for aging well. The kitchen is currently being renovated at the center. A generous grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Aging has made this possible. We are anticipating having full use of our beautiful, 12 modern kitchen by the middle of March. Renovations will allow the center to provide nutrition programs and cooking classes. Center staff and participants are very excited about these positive changes. The Cumberland County Senior Games will be held in Mechanicsburg on July 13th. Presented by the Cumberland County Office of Aging and Community Services these games are for participants age 50 years+. Events include: 100 meter run, softball throw, football throw, wii bowling, shuffleboard, bocce ball, basketball foul shooting, billiards, 1600 meter run/walk and lunch. Contact the Cumberland County Office of Aging for registration information. American Legion Post 751 295 West Shady Lane, Enola Open to the Public C O M M U N I T Y DAYS MAY 20th, 21st, & 22nd Friday, May 20th - 5 to 10 pm Cookout & music/entertainment Saturday, May 21st - 6 am to 10 pm Yard Sale - set up 6 am CENTRAL PA BLOOD MOBILE - 11 am to 3 pm On site Paper Shredder (Shredding FREE with blood donation) Children Activities - FUN! Cookout and music/entertainment Food prepared by the Sons of the American Legion Sunday, May 22nd - 10 am to 5 pm Cookout and music/entertainment To Reserve your space for Saturday’s Yard Sale contact Marta @ 717-364-8010 13 717-258-4741 Arcade Go-Karts LaserTag Mini-Golf Roller Skating Selling Houses & Creating Homes Your path forward Associate, bachelor’s & master’s degrees 123 N. Enola Drive, Suite 2, Enola, PA 17025 717-763-7991 [email protected] • Over 30 years of real estate experience in Central PA Family owned and operated for 3 generations we live here, we work here, we treat our clients like family Central Penn College ad East Penn Nwsltr.indd 1 11/6/15 2:35 PM Interior & Exterior Lighting PA 084726 Late & Sunday Hours • Drive-Thru On-Site Tailor • 10% Prepay Discount FREE Starbucks Coffee SM Attended laundromat with free change machine & WiFi for customers! 315 N. ENOLA RD (RTS 11/15) 732-3365 FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY SERVICE GNT ELECTRICAL INC. Fully Insured & Licensed “Over 30 Years Experience” Denise Amig George N. Toyas 717-602-7280 Realtor® RSR REALTORS® Denise Amig Realtor® 3 Lemoyne Drive, Suite 100, Lemoyne, PA 17043 Cell (717) 554-8611 • Office (717) 763-1212 [email protected] Trust, Honesty, Integrity...Always! Trust, Honesty, Integrity... Always! 3 Lemoyne Drive, Suite 100 Lemoyne, PA 17043 Cell (717) 554-8611 Office (717) 763-1212 Fax (717) 763-1656 [email protected] 3315 Market Street Camp Hill, PA 17011 Realty Services (717) 737-2121 business (717) 480-2897 cell Kim Swartzell, Realtor® [email protected] Rev. Dr. Charles D. Hiller, Pastor Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors The People of the United Methodist Church Adult Ballet 717-732-6280 Summerdale Plaza 409 N. Enola Rd. Check out our website for our Daily Food & Beer Specials! David Edmiston, DVM 90 E. Shady Lane • Enola, PA 17025 14 Our bar is still new & improving. We are here to serve you and make an enjoyably environment for you & your family! We have OVER 300 varieties of beer, 43 draft beers, & much more! Enola First Church of God LAW OFFICES OF COYNE & COYNE, P.C. Attorneysand andCounselors Counselors at Law Attorneys at Law 8:00 am Worship Service 9:00 am Sunday School Classes for all ages 10:15 am Adult and Youth Worship Services Kids’ Worship ages 3 - 6th grade I You’ Nursery Service is provided at 9:00 am and 10:15am Wednesday Services (Sept. - May) nvi re ted 7:00 pm Kids’ Klub for Children (ages 3 - 6th grade) Youth i.P.a.d. (interaction, Prayer, acceptance and devotion) Adult Bible Studies and Small Groups 3901 Market Street Hill, PA 17011 3901 MarketCamp Street, Camp Hill, PA 17011 (717) 737-0464 737-0464 (717) Henry F. Coyne, Esquire Henry F. Coyne, Esquire LisaEsquire Marie Coyne, Esquire Lisa Marie • Coyne, Serving the Residents, Fire Fighters, Ambulance Company, and Businesses of ServingEast thePennsboro Residents, Fire Fighters, since 1968. Ambulance Company, and Businesses of East Pennsboro since 1968. 9 Sherwood Drive Enola, PA 17025 (717) 732-4253 MJF MARTIN FLANNERY & ASSOCIATES Martin J. Flannery Accountant In our 35th year of serving businesses and Individuals in Central Pennsylvania 424 N. Enola Dr., Ste. 2 • Enola, PA New Location - across from EP football field W.E.B. CONTRACTING, INC. Accounting • Payroll Services • Check Writing Small Business Consulting • Income Tax Planning & Preparation (717) 732-2331 FAX (717) 732-3943 E-Mail [email protected] 430 North Enola Drive Enola, PA 17025 The Studio 315 N. Enola Rd (Rts. 11&15) 732-3365 Late & Sunday hours • Drive-Thru 717.614.1942 • Summerdale Plaza, Enola On-Site Tailor • 10% Prepay Discount FREE Starbucks Coffee & Newspapers Customer Rewards Program New Home Design & Construction Newly Remodeled Laundromat with FREE Change Machine General Contracting Services including: special coupons at ... Remodeling, Restorations and Additions Backhoe and Skid Loader Excavation Water/Sewer Lines & Underground Utilities We offer something for everyone -- Free Estimates Fully Insured A new local dentist is now in your neighborhood! Sarah Lorei, D.M.D. 2220 Millennium Way • Enola, PA 17025 Intensives • Ballet • Tap • Jazz Funk • Contemporary • Hip Hop • Musical Theater Princess Series • Star Wars [just for guys] • Improv & Choreography • Dance & STEM The New You Acce Most In pting suran Plans ce Hairstyling Salon Affordable hairstyling for all ages rotceriD 717.510.6989 Trendy or Barber cuts ,wolliB .A oiraM rosivrepuS ,navilluS .C nhoJ Monday- Saturday0045-237 )717( :xaF moc.loa@or Dwalk-in FoiraMavailability :liamE Callmfor appointment oc.secivreslarenufnavillus.www 732-2174 70 East Shady Lane, Enola .rD alonE .N 15 52071 AP ,alonE 0045-237 )717( Opening Jan 2016 - Welcoming New Patients ENOLA FAMILY PRACTICE Personal Care from Healthcare Experts Jeffery J. Dunkelberger, D.O. Board Certified Family Practice Physician 30 East Shady Lane Enola, PA 17025 717-732- 4911 15 East Pennsboro Township PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE P A I D Permit No. 762 Harrisburg, PA 98 S. Enola Drive Enola, PA 17025-2796 717-732-0711 Printed on Recycled Paper ECRWSS POSTAL CUSTOMER
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