Indian J. Fish., 53(3) : 283-290, Jul.-Sep., 2006 283 Effect of dietary administration of methyltestosterone on the growth and sex reversal of two ornamental fish species R. JAMES AND K. SAMPATH Department of Zoology, V.O. Chidambaram College, Tuticorin - 628 008, Tamilnadu, India ABSTRACT Efficacy of androgenic hormone, methyltestoterone (MT) on growth, sex reversal and reproductive performance of two ornamental fishes, red swordtail Xiphophorus helleri and siamese fighting fish Betta splendens were investigated. 30 day old juveniles were fed ad libitum on diets containing different levels of MT (0,10,20,40 and 60 mg kg-1 diet) during the experimental period. The mean body weight and length and specific growth rate of X. helleri and B. splendens were higher in the MT 10 mg kg-1 treated groups than other levels of MT treated groups, and hence 10 mg kg-1 is considered as optimum dose for attaining higher growth rate. Sex determination of the fishes based on the secondary sexual characteristics showed increased percentage of males with higher dose levels of MT-treated groups. B. splendens treated with 20,40,60 mg kg-1 produced 100% male population on day 84,56 and 56, respectively, while X. helleri treated with 40 and 60 mg kg-1 produced 100% male population on day 70 and 56. Introduction Studies on the application of steroid hormones in fish have drawn the attention of aquaculturists and researchers to control unwanted reproduction and divert energy for somatic growth in the economically important edible fishes (Monfort, 1974; Nirmala and Pandian, 1983; Sindhu and Pandian, 1984). The technique of sex manipulation by hormone treatment is also of interest to the aquarists as the price of some species of aquarium fish depend on their sex. Males of most of the ornamental fishes are colourful and have a higher commercial value than females. In Poeciliidae, male red swordtail Xiphophorus helleri is more attractive than female due to their long sword (1 or 2) behind the caudal fin on the ventral side. In Anabantidae, the siamese fighting fish, Betta splendens male has attractive colour and large fins. The most commonly employed technique for monosex production is administration of steroids to undifferentiated fish through diets. Many successful attempts have been made in edible fishes to produce monosex by sex reversal using selected steroids (Shelton et al., 1978; Pandian and Varadaraj, 1988; Komen et al., 1989). Age, size of animals, hormone dose and the duration of hormone exposure are major factors determining the success of sex reversal in fish and these R. James and K. Sampath vary from species to species (Nakamura, 1984; James, 1998). The present study has been undertaken to study the effect of male steroid hormone methyltestosterone on growth, sex reversal and reproduction in the aquarium fishes, red swordtail Xiphophorus helleri and siamese fighting fish, Betta splendens. Materials and methods Three hundred and seventy five active juveniles of 30 day old X. helleri (13.2 + 1.17 mm; 50+5 mg) were separately collected from the laboratory-bred brooders. The fishes were divided into five groups and treated with five different doses (0,10,20,40 and 60 mg kg-1 diet) of male steroid hormone, methyltestosterone (MT). Each group consisted of 25 individuals of homogenous body size and they were cultured in circular cement aquaria (1.75’x1.50’;110 l capacity). The experimental test fish X. helleri was maintained in 90 l of water and the obligate air-breathing fish B.splendens in 50 l of water. The tanks were filled with dechlorinated well water and 75% of the water was changed twice in a week. The water quality parameters were estimated following the method of Degani et al (1985). The average hydrological parameters were : temperature : 28.5+1°C; pH: 7.7+0.2; salinity: 0.11+0.01 ppt and DO : 4.39+0.21 ml l-1; water hardness : 316 mg CaCO3l-1. Medically available tablets (Mixogen - Organon company) were utilized as the source of MT. MT was incorporated in the diets by spraying the hormone dissolved in 95% ethanol on to cooked and cooled feed ingredients containing 35% protein. MT was administered at five different levels viz. 0,10, 20, 40 and 60 mg kg-1 diet by dissolving appropriate amount of hormone tablets in 95% ethanol. The feed ingredients were thoroughly mixed and extruded through a mechanical pelleti- 284 zing machine having a perforation diameter of 2 mm. The pellet was sun dried till the moisture content was reduced to less than 10%. The control diet was also prepared in the same way, without the addition of hormone. The first group of X. helleri and B. splendens were fed with hormone free 35% protein (control) diet. The second, third, fourth and fifth groups of both species were fed with diets containing 10, 20, 40 and 60 mg MT kg-1, respectively. Feeding was done once in the morning (at 0800 hr) by placing the required and known quantum of diet in a petridish in each tank. Uneaten feed was removed after 2 hours of feeding and dried in a hot air oven at 800C. Once in 2 weeks, the weight of the experimental fishes was measured and the amount of feed given was readjusted according to the weight (4% of body weight) of the fishes. All the experimental fishes were sampled at every 28 days interval from 0 to 98 days and the mean body length, weight and selected feeding parameters were measured. Two females from each replicate tank were sacrificed simultaneously and ovaries dissected out and weighed. From these weights, the gonadosomatic index (GSI) was computed following Dahlgren (1979). Gonadosomaticindex (%) = Wet weight of gonad x 100 Wet weight of fish Mean body weight (g) was calculated by dividing the wet weight of test animals by total number of animals in the aquarium. ‘Sacrifice method’ was adopted to estimate growth (Maynard and Loosli, 1962) of fish. Fish, feed samples, unconsumed feed and ovary were weighed in an electrical monopan balance to 0.1 mg accuracy. The following formulae were used for the estimation of the chosen feeding parameters. Methyltestosterone on growth and sex reversal in two ornamental species Feed consumption = Total feed offered (g dry matter) Quantity of unconsumed feed Gain in weight = (g dry matter) Final dry weight Initial dry weight Daily specific growth rate (SGR) for weight and length, were calculated using the following formulae. SGR (% weight day-1) = (Wt1-Wt0) x 100 t -1 SGR (% length day ) = (Lt1-Lt0) x 100 t where Wt0 and Lt0 and Wt1 and Lt1 are weights and lengths of the fishes prior to commencement and termination of the experiment respectively. Data on growth and reproduction were analysed by using t-test (Zar, 1974). The sex ratio was measured at every 14 days intervals from 0 to 98 days when both species began to brood. The sex was identified based on the secondary sexual characteristics of the fish. In X. helleri, fish with long gonopodium and elongated lower base of the caudal fin (sword) were identified as males, while those without these features were regarded as females. In B. splendens, fishes having a long flowing fin with vibrant colouration were grouped as males and fishes of dull colour with shorter fins as females. When X. helleri attained sexual maturity on day 98 (MT 0, 10 and 20 mg kg-1), randomly chosen two female broods were reared with a male in the same tank with sufficient quantity of macrophyte, Hydrilla species till the completion of the first breeding. Female broods of swordtail released young ones, which were isolated from their parents and then counted. After sexual maturity on day 98 (MT 0 and 10 mg kg-1) a male B. splendens was paired with a female in a plastic through 285 containing 5 l of water for spawning. Few plant tufts were placed on the surface to provide shelter for the female against the highly aggressive male. Eggs were collected and counted. Unhatched eggs were also counted after 36-40 h of incubation by males. Results X. helleri and B. splendens treated with 10 mg kg-1 MT recorded the highest growth while 0, 20, 40 and 60 mg kg-1 MT treated groups showed significantly (P < 0.05) less growth. The specific growth rate for weight and length of two species was higher in the 10 mg kg-1 MT group than those treated with 0, 20, 40 and 60 mg kg-1 MT. Similar result was obtained for feed consumption and gain in weight also (Table 1 and 2). Gonad weight and gonadosomatic index decreased with increase in their dietary dose of MT from 0 to 20 mg kg-1 in X. helleri and 0-10 mg kg -1 MT in B. splendens. X. helleri fed with the control diet released 32 fry, while fish fed with MT 10 mg kg-1 diet released 19 (t=2.55; P<0.05) fry only; however, test fish treated with MT 20 mg kg-1 did not breed during the experiment (Table 3). On the contrary, the number of eggs spawned was more in B. splendens fed with MT 10 mg kg-1 diet than control. Fishes fed on MT 10 mg kg-1 diet produced more males in their first generation; however, in control treatment, female population was slightly higher. Cent per cent male population was obtained when X. helleri was fed with MT 40 and 60 mg kg-1 diets and in B. splendens, all male population was obtained at MT 20,40 and 60 mg kg-1 diets and it was time-and dose-dependent. For instance, B. splendens treated with MT 20, 40, and 60 mg kg-1 produced 100% male population on day 84, 56 and 56 respectively. However, X. helleri treated with MT 40 and 60 mg 286 R. James and K. Sampath TABLE 1 : Effect of methyltestosterone at different levels on the mean body weight and length and specific growth rate of Xiphophorus helleri over a period of 98 days. Each value is the mean (X+SD) of three observations. Parameters MT-concentrations (mg kg-1) 0 10 20 40 60 0.05+0.001 0.05+0.021 0.05+0.014 0.05+0.014 Average initial 0.05+0.004 weight (g) 1.14+0.07 0.71+0.06 0.36+0.03 0.19+0.02 Average final 0.40+0.04 weight (g) 1.09+0.04 0.66+0.03 0.31+0.01 0.14+0.00 Net gain in 0.35+0.01 weight (g) 0.36+0.01 1.11+0.11 0.67+0.03 0.44+0.03 0.25+0.01 SGR (% W day-1) 13.2+1.17 13.2+1.17 13.2+1.17 13.2+1.17 Average initial 13.2+1.17 length (mm) 45.2+3.35 36.0+1.87 32.6+2.10 25.6+1.82 Average final 34.4+2.45 length (mm) 32.0+1.63 22.8+2.10 19.4+1.40 12.4+0.65 Net gain in 21.2+1.16 length 22.0+1.50 33.0+1.78 23.0+1.10 28.0+1.21 22.0+1.22 SGR (% L day-1) Food consumed 16.67+1.70 34.21+1.60 15.99+1.10 14.52+0.80 6.01+0.40 g dry weight) 5.12+0.40 2.95+0.20 1.67+0.10 0.89+0.10 Gain in weight 1.62+0.10 (g dry weight) TABLE 2 : Effect of methyltestosterone at different levels on the mean body weight and length and specific growth rate of Betta splendens over a period of 98 days. Each value is the mean (X+SD) of three observations. Parameters MT-concentrations (mg kg-1) 0 10 20 40 60 0.07+0.014 0.06+0.021 0.06+0.028 0.07+0.017 Average initial 0.06+0.008 weight (g) 1.68+0.04 0.53+0.04 0.25+0.22 0.18+0.20 Average final 0.35+0.03 weight (g) 1.61+0.03 0.47+0.02 0.19+0 0.11+0 Net gain in 0.29+0.01 weight (g) 0.35+0.02 1.73+0.01 0.56+0.02 0.34+0.01 0.20+0.01 SGR (% W day-1) 14.8+0.5 14.8+0.5 14.8+0.5 14.8+0.5 Average initial 14.8+0.5 length (mm) 48.9+2.27 36.7+2.28 33.4+2.65 32.6+3.10 Average final 31.9+2.85 length (mm) 34.1+2.14 21.9+1.42 18.6+0.75 17.8+1.30 Net gain in 17.0+1.04 length 20+1.50 41+2.40 26+1.06 33+2.10 32+2.33 SGR (% L day-1) Food consumed 6.86+0.33 12.68+0.46 9.99+0.85 3.58+0.11 2.53+0.18 g dry weight) 3.0+0.04 2.25+0.42 0.90+0.05 0.54+0.03 Gain in weight 1.26+0.03 (g dry weight) kg-1 produced 100% male population on day 70 and 56. Cent per cent male population was obtained in B. splendens (oviparous) at low dosage and earlier than X. helleri (ovoviviparous). In the control group, male:female ratio aver- aged to 37.5:62.5% in both species. Discussion The dietary administration of MT at 10 mg kg-1 elicited the maximum growth rate in X. helleri and B. splendens, while Methyltestosterone on growth and sex reversal in two ornamental species 287 TABLE 3 : Effect of different levels of methyltestosterone on gonad weight, gonadosomatic index and sex ratio in Xiphophorus helleri and Betta splendens. Each value is the mean (X+SD) performance of six observations. Parameters MT-concentrations (mg kg-1) 0 10 20 40 60 Xiphophorus helleri Ovary Gonad wet weight (mg) Gonadosomatic index (%) Fertility No. of days taken for breeding No. of young ones released /bred Sex ratio (%) Male Female 9.5+0.45 8.5+0.73 4.5+0.16 1.50+0.04 1.38+0.10 0.89+0.03 144+9 32+6 149+11 19+4 Not bred Not bred -do-do- 38+4 62+5 86+8 14+2 Not bred Not bred -do-do- All individuals were transformed into males -do- Betta splendens Ovary Gonad wet weight (mg) Gonadosomatic index (%) Fecundity No. of eggs spawned No. of eggs hatched Egg hatchability (%) Sex ratio (%) Male Female 87+4.8 75+6.0 17+1.4 13.2+1.1 297+18 269+20 90.6+6.2 364+24 338+19 92.86+5.2 -do-do-do- 46+3.5 54+2.1 78+6.2 22+0.7 -do-do- 20 to 60 mg MT reduced the growth rate. It suggests that MT has anabolic effect at lower dose stimulating feed intake and growth and catabolic effect at higher doses causing reduction in growth. Similar observation was made in young ones of the platy, Xiphophorus maculatus fed with 17 a-methyltestosterone (Felix, 1989). Basavaraja et al. (1989) reported that lower dose (2.5 ppm) decreased the growth rate in the carp, Cyprinus carpio. Growth reduction in X. helleri and B. splendens at higher doses of MT (20-60 mg kg-1) may be due to the catabolic actions as reported by Lone and Matty (1983) in the common carp. Donaldson et al. (1979) reported that higher doses All individuals were transformed into males -do- of some steroid hormones exert deleterious effect on various organs and cumulatively cancel the growth promoting effects. Steroid hormones 17 a- MT and 17 b-estradiol at higher doses (50-75 m/g fish weight) did not accelerate growth in juvenile X. helleri (Lim et al., 1992). In the present study, gonad weight and gonadosomatic index of experimental animals decreased with an increase of hormone dose beyond the optimum dosage and it negatively reflected on the reproductive performance (Table 3). Van den Hurk and Slof (1981) found that higher doses of steroid hormones have inhibitory effect on gonad development in Salmo gairdneri. R. James and K. Sampath 288 Fig. 1. Impact of methyltestosterone on sex ratio (% male or female) in Xiphophorus helleri and Betta splendens as a function of treatment period. Methyltestosterone on growth and sex reversal in two ornamental species The present study reveal that MT has gradually changed the undifferentiated 30 days old X. helleri and B. splendens into all male populations and the change was time-and dose-dependent (Fig.1) The production of all male population in short duration would reduce the feed cost and the labour involved and simultaneously enhance substantial savings in production cost. NavaBautista and Rodriguez-Gutierrez (1997) found that 35 mg kg-1 17 a-MT, produced 100% masculinization in X. helleri after 20 days of hormone treatment. Kavumpurath and Pandian (1994) reported that 15 mg kg-1 17 a MT produced 100% masculinization in B. splendens and these values are close to the present study (20-40 mg kg-1). Lim et al. (1992) found that 100% masculizination was achieved in X. helleri when it was treated with high doses of 17 a-MT (500-750 mg g-1). Medically available MT is cheap and has no side effects, while 17a-MT is costly and exhibit the catabolic and side effects at low doses. Cent per cent masculinization was achieved in B. splendens (oviparous) at low doses and earlier than X. helleri (ovoviviparous) when treated with MT (Fig.1). Pandian (1993) found that oviparous cichlids and anabantids require minimum dose of MT, 5 and 50 mg kg-1 and brooding poeciliids (ovo-viviparous) require higher doses of MT (300 to 500 mg kg-1) for the production of 100% male. Lim et al. (1992) reported that sex reversal in poeciliids have not been completely successful, since they are ovo-viviparous and the sex of the fry is fixed in early stages. According to Yamazaki (1993), sex is fixed during embryonic stages of poeciliids and MT should be given to gravid females to get all male individuals. In conclusion, X. helleri and B. 289 splendens fed with optimum dosage of MT (10 mg kg-1) elicited higher growth than those treated with higher does of MT eventhough higher doses of MT produced all monosex populations. Production of monosex populations is of great importance in aquaculture in order to overcome early reproduction and indiscriminate mating which results in stunted growth and poor quality for traits which are of importance in ornamental fish. Stocking with monosex populations ensures better growth of the fish since the energy wasted on gonadal maturation is channeled to protein production and thus yields higher fish production. 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