Annual Report - Haven of Grace


Annual Report - Haven of Grace
serving young families
•This past fiscal year (July 2012 – June 2013), The Haven of Grace served 41 mothers and
45 children in The Residential Program—35 families in the main shelter and six families
in the Quadrangle Transitional Apartments.
•Fifteen mothers gained or maintained employment with the following: Facts of Life Home Healthcare, Walmart, Domino’s Pizza, McDonalds, Active Arms Home Healthcare,
Provident, Kohl’s, Maryam Development Center / Child Daycare, Bayada Home Health Care,
Shop-n-Save, Bovea Nursing Home and Mother of Good Counsel Home, Convergy’s,
Jackson Park Senior Apartments, and New Day Adult Daycare.
•Six mothers completed the Employable Woman Series. •Eight mothers moved into their own apartments after graduating from The Haven of Grace.
•One mother—Jasmine—maintained residency for two full years in The Haven’s
Transitional Apartments. While living on campus at The Haven of Grace, she secured
full time employment, paid back over $1,800 in legal debt, purchased a vehicle and
moved into her own apartment. We are so proud of Jasmine’s hard work, determination
and accomplishments!
•Fifty nine graduates of The Residential Program participated in The Haven’s Aftercare
Program, attending Mom’s Day Out events and receiving case management, community
referrals, emergency assistance and Adopt-a-Family benefits.
Brian Bauer, Board Member and Chairman of The Programs
Committee, considers it a privilege to serve the young women
who come to The Haven of Grace seeking safety, stability and
a better life. “Can you imagine being pregnant, having kids
and not having anywhere to live…this is who we have the
honor to serve at The Haven of Grace,” he says.
Brian has spent much of his life helping individuals who struggle to live a healthy life. A
Licensed Professional Counselor, he’s worked to help those living with mental illness, mood
disorders and addiction. For nine years, he helped to lead an evening shelter for homeless
men. Currently, he has his own practice, provides counseling services through a locally
owned Employee Assistance Program, serves as a HR consultant and teaches at a local
university. Despite his multi-tasking, he finds time to lead The Haven’s Programs Committee,
and he is humbled by the task. “I still shake my head when I think of this role and the
privilege and responsibility that come along with it; I do not dare think I shoulder this
alone…it is an entire Programs Committee with the direction of God that carries this load.”
When asked about the committee’s work, and what he’s most proud of, Brian says the
committee has worked to have a better understanding of The Haven’s clients, and what
their needs and abilities are. “The biggest thing we have grappled with is trying to better
understand generational poverty...we have been taking a long hard look at the goals and
outcomes we had been striving for and asking ourselves…1) Are these goals realistic and
attainable for our residents? 2) Are the goals set up as what is best for the ladies, or what
we think is best for them? 3) How can we adequately measure their progress? 4) What is
going to make the most difference in the 5-6 months we have them?”
There is a new strategic planning in progress and much of it is focused on The Haven’s
and trust
You’ll hear more on those plans in the coming months. Until then, we thank our many friends for
their continued support and their abiding belief in the mission of The Haven of Grace.
It’s an impressive opening balance, but we know it needs to grow to provide the kind of financial security The Haven needs. We’re treating the endowment as seed money, investing it prudently, letting
it increase through continued fundraising and compounding, and we’re not touching it.
In the meantime, we’re renewing our focus on the work of The Haven, our programs. A few months
ago we embarked on strategic discussions, something we do every few years or so, to ensure we can
do the greatest good for the homeless families in our care. We’re examining all aspects of The Haven
experience, from when an expectant mother joins our residential community, to her development of
parenting and life skills under our roof, to her ability to make a good and secure life for herself and
her family in the rough and tumble of the real world.
Which takes us to the balance sheet, where, under “Net Assets,” we’re delighted to introduce a new
line item: “Board designated endowment.” Through the generosity of our supporters we’re able to
place those words alongside a number exceeding $1.2 million.
The gala’s success shines through elsewhere in the financials. Words can’t express our gratitude, nor
do the numbers fully capture the enormity of the task Kathy Betz and Barbi Macon undertook in using the occasion of our 25th anniversary to create a Haven of Grace endowment. Throughout the year
they broadened and deepened our donor base. They increased the contribution levels of our existing
donors. They attracted the support of new friends, and they reconnected us with past supporters.
The campaign reached crescendo the night of the anniversary gala, when we officially unveiled the
endowment in Sally’s honor and saw even more support pour in. When the house lights came up and
the curtain came down on fiscal 2013, the financials recognized more than $1.5 million in annual
contributions, more than septupling contributions of the previous year.
The financials underlying this annual report help tell the story. In April, we celebrated The Haven’s
25th anniversary and honored one of its founding members, Sally Lemkemeier. In planning April’s
evening gala, held at the Four Seasons Hotel in downtown St. Louis, our organizers set out to think
big. The event’s success surpassed even their outlandish expectations, and you can see that in the
numbers. Revenue from fundraising events for fiscal 2013 more than doubled to $330,284 from the
prior year’s $152,339.
For the year, The Haven marked a milestone anniversary, hosted its most
ambitious fundraiser ever, and established a seven-figure endowment to
propel our mission well into the future. It’s through that last feat, the establishment of an endowment, that we can truly say the closing of the books represents the opening
of a new chapter. Past really can serve as prologue for the good work of The Haven of Grace.
“We are prayerfully waiting for the outcome…to make sure we are on the right path. We
want to make the most of the few months that we
have them (the clients), knowing we are not only
serving them now, but setting them up to receive
continued services in the Aftercare program. I pray
we can have a realistic approach in what these
ladies can learn and what best serves them and their
children, so they might have a healthier life. Change
happens slowly. I hope each lady leaves learning life
can be different for them and their children. We may
not see the change immediately, but I am hopeful.
Change is possible for everyone. That belief gets me
up and moving every day.”
We assist each young mother we serve in strengthening the knowledge, skills and resources she needs to
deliver a healthy baby, successfully parent and provide for the needs of her children, achieve educational
goals, secure employment, and establish permanent housing for her family. Our goal is to help each
mother recover from homelessness and the negative circumstances of her past so that she and her
children can enjoy a healthy and productive future.
The Haven provides a safe, nurturing group-home setting, nutritious meals, individual case management
and a comprehensive life skills curriculum focusing on seven core areas: Parenting, Housing,
Independent Living, Physical and Emotional Health, Education, Employment and Spirituality.
Established in 1988 by members of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, The Haven of Grace serves one of the
St. Louis area’s most vulnerable populations – women who are young, homeless and pregnant. Words don’t do justice to the groundbreaking fiscal year we just concluded
at The Haven of Grace, nor will this note.
As a ministry of faith, our mission is to empower young, pregnant women to overcome homelessness
and to achieve stability. With expectations of accountability, we provide a nurturing home, educational
programs and long-term support for mother and child. The Haven of Grace strives to instill hope, dignity
and the pride of independence, one family at a time.
By the numbers and the grace of God
mission and overview
from the president
S. Richard Gard, Jr.
[email protected]
“we let them know
they are not alone…”
Revenue and Other Support
Non-Profit Org
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—Brian Bauer – Programs Committee Chairman
and respect
•Six Haven residents attended post-secondary school at St. Louis Community College,
Harris Stowe State College and St. Louis College of Health Careers.
•Eleven mothers worked toward their GED.
“change is possible
for everyone.”
July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013
—Tiffany Jackson, Director of Programs
Fundraisers (17%)
Grants (7%)
Other (1%)
Fundraisers (17%)
Income (1%)
Grants (7%)
Contributions (74%)
Other (1%)
Income (1%)
Contributions (74%)
July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013
Contributions . . . . . . $1,482,050
Fundraisers . . . . . . . . 330,284
Grants . . . . . . . . . . . 141,103
Investment Income . . . . . 17,589
Other . . . . . . . . . . . 20,165
Total . . . . . . . . . $1,991,191
Program Expenses (78%)
Management and General (9%)
Fundraising (13%)
Program Expenses (78%)
Management and General (9%)
Fundraising (13%)
Program . . . . . . . . . $683,843
Management and General . . 74,952
Fundraising . . . . . . . . 102,110
1225 Warren Street
St. Louis, Missouri 63106
tel: 314.621.6507
fax: 314.241.4913
Total . . . . . . . . . . $815,905
Net Assets
and service
Beginning of year . . . . . . . $4,257,008
End of year . . . . . . . . . . $5,432,294
*Revenue was significantly higher in 2012-2013 due to donations
received and restricted to The Sally S. Lemkemeier Endowment Fund
for The Haven of Grace, and a successful 25th anniversary gala.
“I don’t think I could have made a better job for myself,” says
Tiffany Jackson, Director of Programs and Client Education for
The Haven of Grace. Tiffany, a Licensed Master Social Worker
(LMSW) has worked at The Haven of Grace for three years. She’s
worked in social services for over 16 years. Ten of those years
she worked in residential settings and three of those she worked
with women impacted by domestic violence. “This position
combines my passion for homeless women, education as a social worker and experience as a
supervisor in residential services.”
Tiffany says the women who come to The Haven face personal, professional and societal
challenges as they pursue their goals and work toward self-sufficiency. Some of those
challenges include strained family relationships, limited support systems, abuse and mental
health issues. Because they’ve lived in a state of instability for periods of time, they
often have little or no work history. Sometimes they haven’t completed their high school
education, and that limits their opportunities. Beyond this, there is a stigma associated
with being an expectant, single mother.
Fortunately, The Haven of Grace is committed to serving these women “…with respect,
dignity and grace,” says Tiffany. “We let them know they are not alone, and that we are here
to support them. We work hard to be relevant to the needs of these families, and we serve
in a way that values each woman and her experience. Our strength is our ability to make
changes. If something isn’t working, we change it. We continually look for ways to provide
better service.”
One of the things Tiffany would like to see added to The Haven’s programming is an on-staff
on-site counselor to help the women deal with some of the traumas they’ve faced in their
lives. Government cuts have limited offsite mental health services. “I want each woman
to recover from past trauma and issues that have led to, or perpetuated her bout with
Her hopes and dreams for the women she serves are
many. “Obviously, I would like for them to gain
employment, secure homes, become great parents and
live healthy, prosperous lives,” she says. I want each
mother to become a healthy parent who is able to meet
the needs of her children.” Her ultimate goal is that
the women are able to someday take the grace and
support that was modeled for them at The Haven and
give it back to others in need. “I would most love for
the ladies to view times of challenge and transition as
opportunities for change,” she says.
Haven Heroes $10,000+
Katherine and Charles Betz
Bonhomme Presbyterian Church
Mr. and Mrs. Laurance L. Browning, Jr.
Cady Family Foundation
Chapman Family Foundation
City of St. Louis Homeless Services
Dr. and Mrs. John Colwell
Commerce Bank
Crawford Taylor Foundation
Mrs. Elizabeth Danforth
Ms. Carol Darnall
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ford
Mr. and Mrs. William Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hamacher
Mrs. Herbert A. Haupt
Incarnate Word Foundation
Ms. Jo Ann Taylor Kindle
Sally and Ned Lemkemeier
Mr. and Mrs. John F. McDonnell
Lee and Mike Moisio
Ms. Maebelle Reed
Spirit of St. Louis Women’s Fund
Spoehrer Family Charitable Trust
The Norman J. Stupp Foundation
The Trio Foundation of St. Louis
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Van de Riet, Jr.
Walz Family Charitable Fund
Linda and Peter Werner
Randy and Fiona Woods
Miracle Workers $5,000-$9,999
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Mr. James Barton
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bauer
Dr. Steven Bigg
Blair Financial Services
Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Cady, Jr.
Sally and Bill Canfield
Cass Commercial Bank
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Chabot
David and Rita Cornett
Dr. and Mrs. W. Claiborne Dunagan
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Kukla
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Larson
Larson Family Foundation
Barbi and Bill Macon
The Macy’s Foundation
Sander Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schick
Mr. and Mrs. David Sherman III
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church
Watermark Foundation
Wells Fargo Advisors
Mr. and Mrs. William Vickroy
Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Williams
Mr. W. Grant Williams III
Wolff & Taylor, P.C.
Life Savers $1,000-$4,999
Lisa and Tom Acker
Mr. and Mrs. Dann Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Van Lear Black
Susan Block
Block Hawley Commercial Real Estate
Boeing Employees Community Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Beau Brauer
Brinklee Foundation
Mr. Stuart Buck
Dr. and Mrs. John Buettner
Mr. William H. Bunn
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Burkhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Burroughs
Mr. William R. Cady II
Elise R. Cady
Cardinals Care
Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Jacques Carnal
Centene Charitable Foundation
Elizabeth and John Christopher
Clifford Willard Gaylord Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Connon
Ginger and Bill Cornelius
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Cox
The Jim Crawford Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Danforth
Datacom Solutions Inc.
Mr. Paul Daverede
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Elliott, Jr.
Lee and Jim Elsesser
Mr. and Mrs. David Farr
Ms. Nahall Fells
David L. and Leah Ann Fleisher
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gard
Gateway Combined Federal Campaign
Louise and Joe Gazzoli
Ms. Katherine Gebhard
Kim and Scott Gee
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Goettman
Ms. Jenifer Goley
Mrs. Joan Goodson
Bill and Becky Hauk
Lissa and Craig Hildreth
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Hillhouse
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Howe IV
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Isaak
Ms. Patricia Istwan
Ernest and Pauline Jaworski
Suzanne and Jim Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Knight
Mike and Carolyn Kolman
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Lang
Mr. and Mrs. David Learman
Mr. and Mrs. David Lemkemeier
Ms. Constance B. Lohr
Mr. and Mrs. George Love
Macy’s Corporate Services
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Mannino
Christy Marshall and Michael Gans
Drs. Jay and Susan Marshall
Mrs. Harriet C. Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Minton
Moneta Group
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morgan
Mrs. Nannette Musgrave
Julie and Tom Nelson
Jim and Judie Neville
Mr. and Mrs. C. Hunt Niedringhaus
Novus International Inc.
Anita and John O’Connell
Physician Data Management
Ms. Jennifer Pirrie
Pott Foundation
R. G. Ross Construction Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rackers
Mr. and Mrs. Derek Rapp
Mary and Frank Rassieur
Realtors Housing Assistance Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Reisinger, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mathias D. Renner
Ms. Merita Rocklage
The Rt. Rev. and Mrs. Hays Rockwell
Kathleen and Sandy Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Roth
The Saint Louis Service Bureau
Mrs. Kevin Schaberg
Dan and Susan Schettler
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schroeder
The Rev. Susan Skinner
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Sneed
Ms. Brenda Souers
St. Luke’s Hospital
Scott and Peggy Stonum
Talley Family Charitable Fund
Dr. and Mrs. David Theodoro
Barb and Sam Toumayan
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Trapp
Mr. and Mrs. David Truetzel
Joanna and Steve Tschudy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tschudy
The VonGontard Family Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. John Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Weil
Mr. and Mrs. Kris Welhart
Ken and Gail Werneburg
West County Community Church
Eleanor and Bill Wilson
Robert and Kathleen Wunderlich
Dream Builders $500-$999
Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Batchelor
Ms. Barbara Brack
Ms. Jane Bryan
Centene Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Danforth
Ms. Victoria Dillon
Mr. and Mrs. James Dohr
Mr. and Mrs. Derick Driemeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Dusch
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Frank
Bonnie and Jerry Freeland
Dr. and Mrs. William Gay
Dr. and Mrs. Laurence Gelstein
Ms. Elizabeth Grayson
H & H Health Associates, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hadfield
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt James
Ms. Simone Keel
Mr. and Mrs. James Kienker
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Koeneman
Ms. Leanne Magnuson-Latuda
Ms. Maureen Manget
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Marlow
Phil and Cyndi Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell H. Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Newmark
Mrs. Marie P. Oetting
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Olson
Painefree Mission Management
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Potts
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Quenon
Mr. and Mrs. Grier Raclin
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent A. Randazzo
Michelle and Denny Reagan
Ms. Tammie Ridenbaugh
Barbara and John Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. John Ross
Bruce and Linda Ryder
Ms. Jeanne Scannell
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Schnuck
Mr. and Mrs. James Semrad
Suburban Journals Old Newsboys Day
Ms. Tracey Temanson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomas
Mr. Steven Tripi
Anne and Rolla Wetzel
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilhelm
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Diggs, Jr.
Madeline Elkins and Harvey Wallace
Elnel Foundation
Ms. Cathleen Faris-Guyol
Ms. Sue Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. William Fisher
Ms. Florinda Fitzgibbon
Flanagan Paint and Supply Company
Mr. and Mrs. John Flath
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ford
Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Gallagher
Garden Club of St. Louis
Dr. and Mrs. William Goettman
Mr. Frederick Hermann
Ms. Donna Hobart
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hughes
Lisa and Chris Imbs
Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Johnston
Mr. Jim Kemp
Mr. and Mrs. David Kemper
Kings Food Phillips, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Alastair Kirkpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kowalkowski
Carrie S. Marks
Stan and Jenny Martin
MasterCard Matching Gift Program
Dr. and Mrs. Roger Mell
Mr. and Mrs. James Metzger
Monsanto Fund
Ms. Ingrid D. Morovitz
Bob and Jill Morris
Polly and G. Douglas Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. John O’Hara
Ms. Wendy E. Olk
Olson Family Fund
Rev. Daniel and Rev. Anne Pearson
Mr. Jonathan Potts
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Rassieur, Jr.
The Reliable Life Insurance Company
Mr. Jonathan Reycraft
Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Riney
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Rothmel
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Saghir
Allison and Michael Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schutte
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schwartz
Drs. Martha and David Sewall
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shamleffer
Ms. Frieda Sommer
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Spooner
Mrs. Ellen Stanko
Dr. Donald M. Suggs
Mr. and Mrs. Carr Trovillion
Ms. Sarah Trulaske
Mrs. James E. Vredenburgh
Ms. Cheryl Walker
Dr. and Mrs. Willard Walker
Susan and Steve Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Wilson III
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Wolfsberger
Mr. and Mrs. Peregrine Wroth
Hand Holders $100-$249
A. Smith & Associates, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Abbott
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ankney
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Babington
Mrs. Walter Ballinger
Mr. James F. Barton
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bayly
Julie and Lee Bearman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Berner
Biomedical Systems
Ms. Jeanne Brawn
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Buse
Ms. Margaret B. Cady
The Reverend Kelly Carlson
Joseph Clarkson Carpenter
Ms. Brenda Carrell
Mrs. Letah Carruthers
Cash Financial Group
Michael and Anne-Marie Christopher
Mr. William Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Cooksey
Ms. Rosemary Cooper
Mr. Vincent Corica
Deborah and Steven Davis
Mr. Edward Davis, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Duncker
EAS Consulting Group, LLC
Lola and Larry Finn
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Fisher
Ann and Jim Fleming
Kris Fleming
Mr. Joseph Garbacz
Mardie and Fritz Gebhard
Barbara and Alan George
Good Search
Ms. Sheila Gramann
Mr. and Mrs. John Grote
Ms. Emily Gruber
Ms. Annette Habig
Betty Hall
Mrs. Harvard K. Hecker
Susan Heitner and Mead Ploszay
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Helmkampf
Mr. Denny Henson
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Hillman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Holton
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Holton
Pamela and William Jackson
Bettie S. Johnson
Mrs. William Jones
Tim and Lynn Jones
Mr. and Mrs. G. Michael Juenger
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Jungclaus
Ms. Adele Keim
Ms. Tere Keller
Cynthia and Douglas Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kootman
Mr. and Mrs. Mark LaGrange
Sue and Chris Lammert
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Lawlor
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mayes
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick McConnell
Mr. and Mrs. John McCurrach
Ms. Joan K. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. James Moog
Mrs. Edward Mower
Sturla and Carole Olsen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O’Neal
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Padousis
Mr. and Mrs. John Parish, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett A. Pate
Mr. Donald Patton
Dr. Carlton Pearse
Ms. Etta Peters
Pfizer Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Philoptochos Society,
St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pollnow
The Rev. and Mrs. James H. Purdy
Stan and Phyllis Pylipow
Mrs. Lisa Hoover Rapach
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ready
Mr. and Mrs. William Reck III
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Reed
Erv and Linda Rhode
Mr. and Mrs. David Robson
Ms. Lina Romero
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rosenbloom
Mrs. James Ross
Jim and Ellen Rottjakob
Marcel and Jane Saghir
Ms. Laura Sappington
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Schlafly
The Rev. and Mrs. Richard Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Schnare
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Schoen
Mr. Cliff Schoep
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Schrieber
Mr. and Mrs. William Schuchat
Jane and Mark Schwendeman
Ms. Martha Shaffer
Ms. Meera Shaik
Amy and Courtney Shands
Thomas and Bethel Shields
Ms. Lise Shipley
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smith
Ms. Ursula Smith
Linda and Calvin Solla
David and Kathleen Stevens
David and Jing Stiffler
Stokes Auction Group
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Struharik
Ms. Emily Tacony
Ms. Kimberly Tate
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Temkin
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Thayer
Monica and Curtis Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ulrich
Vogel Sheet Metal & Heating, Inc.
Mrs. Ann Walther
Jason W. Ware
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Welsh
Patricia and Mark Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wunderlich
Haven Helpers $1-$99
Ms. Therese Abbenhaus
Jane and Ronald Armstrong
AT&T United Way Employee Giving
Mary and Ernie Behnke
Ms. Linda Benoist
Ms. Caroline Bernson
Bethesda Evangelical Church
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brodeur
Mr. and Mrs. William H.T. Bush
Ms. Jane Byers
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Conceller
Ann and Bill Corrigan
Ms. Nancy Cragg
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Crock
Mr. and Mrs. David Culver
Merry and Tom Dahms
Ms. Sandra Kay Darr
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davinroy
Ms. Hillary Debenport
Mr. Patrick M. Dolan, Jr.
Ms. Janet Eichhorn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elsperman
William Esterhuizen
The Rev. and Mrs. William Evans
Alexis and Lawrence Fahle
Ms. Suzanne Fandel
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fisher
Mr. George Fonyo
Mr. Flynn Ford
Scott and Stacie Franc
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Galt III
Antoinette and Bob Garagiola
Mr. Bryan Garcia
Mr. Jerry Garrett
and excellence
Hope Builders $250-$499
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anderson
Mrs. William Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Bauer
BCLLP Foundation
The Reverend and Mrs. J. Stephen
Betsy and Jack Biggs
Mike and Donna Boland
Terri and Bruce Bullard
Peter and Gail Bunce
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Burns
Ms. Sandra K. Buschmann
Mr. and Mrs. John Camos
City Academy
Collective at MX
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Cox, Jr.
Mr. Fritz Gebhard, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Gebhard
Mr. Robert Gee
Dr. and Mrs. Phillip George
Ms. Wanda Glenn
Mrs. Ellen Gordon Roberts
Ms. Sarah Green
Mr. Robert Hagel
Ms. Marva Halbert
Kristen and Steven Harty
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hawley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heckman
Ms. Michelle Heckmann
Mrs. Anne Hetlage
William and Susan Holden
John and Robyn Huhn
Mr. and Mrs. Glennon Hunn
Ms. Shelley Kirchhoff
Ms. Nancee L. Knipp
Mrs. Mary Ellen Krieshok
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lanter
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Leach
Mr. and Mrs. Jerold Liberstein
Mr. and Mrs. William Logan
Mr. Steve Maak
Mrs. Mary Ann Mastorakos
Heather and Alan McLintock
Sherri L. Mejia
Mr. and Mrs. James Metcalfe
Mr. Michael Mohr
Mr. Larry Morton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mosley
Mrs. Karen Newcomb
Lauren and David Niebruegge
Ms. Amy Norris
Ms. Adeana Petrillo
Michelle and Rick Pfleging
Crawford Taylor Foundation
Elnel Foundation
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Fischer-Bauer-Knirps Foundation
Incarnate Word Foundation
Larson Family Foundation
McFamily Charitable Foundation
The Macy’s Foundation
Moneta Group Charitable Foundation
Monsanto Fund
The Norman J. Stupp Foundation
Olson Family Fund
Pfizer Foundation
Matching Gifts Program
Pott Foundation
The Saint Louis Service Bureau
Sander Foundation
The Sant Foundation
TJX Foundation
Spirit of St. Louis Women’s Fund
Spoehrer Family Charitable Trust
Talley Family Charitable Fund
The Trio Foundation of St. Louis
The von Gontard Family Foundation
Walz Family Foundation
Watermark Foundation
Bethesda Evangelical Church –
Women’s Evening Fellowship
Bonhomme Presbyterian Church
City Academy
Philoptochos Society,
St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church
West County Community Church
Presenting Sponsor
Cass Commercial Bank
Hospitality Sponsor
Block Hawley Commercial Real Estate
Contest Sponsors
Bauer Counseling
Keri and Kris Welhart
Round Sponsors
Nurse Response
Jeanne Scannell
St. Luke’s Hospital
Contributing Sponsors
Schlafly Beer
TJX Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Pruett
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Jon C. Rasmussen
Mr. and Mrs. Mala Richardson
Robin and Thomas Rider
Mrs. Debra Rohlman
Ms. Gretchen Ross
Ms. Amy Scola
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Seabaugh
Ms. Joleen Shelton
Pat and Tom Shipley
Mrs. Jean Southall
Patti and David Stirnaman
Mrs. Shirley Stone
Mrs. Theresa Sullivan
Terlato Wine Group
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Turley, Jr.
Umission LLC
Ms. Jane Vacho
Mr. Michael Van Oordt
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vickrey
Ms. Cynthia Vives, SHCJ, Ed.D
Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Voit
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Walter
Betsy and Tom Waltz
Ms. Melinda Webert
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Weigand
Wells Fargo Community
Support Campaign
Ms. Sherris Welsh
Karen and Mike Wetmore
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Wheeling
Ms. Carolyn Whitmore
Corporate Giving
Blair Financial Services
Cash Financial Group
A. Smith & Associates
AT&T United Way Employee Giving
Biomedical Systems
Block Hawley Commercial Real Estate
Cass Commercial Bank
Centene Corporation
Collective at MX
Commerce Bank
Datacom Solutions, Inc.
EAS Consulting Group LLC
Flanagan Paint and Supply Company
Good Search
H & H Health Associates
Kings Food Phillips, Inc.
Macy’s Corporate Services
MasterCard Matching Gift Program
Moneta Group
Novus International Inc.
Painefree Mission Management
Group LLC
R.G. Ross Construction LLC
St. Luke’s Hospital
Stokes Auction Group
Suburban Journals Old Newsboy Day
Terlato Wine Group
The Reliable Life Insurance Group
Umission LLC
Vogel Sheet Metal & Heating, Inc.
Wells Fargo Community Support
Wells Fargo Advisors
Wolff & Taylor, P.C.
Foundation Giving
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
BCLLP Foundation
Boeing Employees Community Fund
Brinklee Foundation
Cady Family Foundation
Cardinals Care
Centene Charitable Foundation
Chapman Family Foundation
Clifford Willard Gaylord Foundation
The Jim Crawford Family
Presenting Sponsors
Cady Family Foundation
Moneta Group
Gold Sponsors
The Betz Family
Centene Charitable Trust
Commerce Trust Company
Rita and David Cornett
Mike and Lee Moisio
Susan and David Sherman
Wells Fargo Advisors
Silver Sponsors
Incarnate Word Foundation
St. Luke’s Hospital
Watermark Foundation
In-Kind Sponsors
Custom Type
FOX 2 and KPLR 11
Group 360 Worldwide
Image Technologies Corporation
Living Art
Moth Studios
Julie and Todd Schnuck
St. Louis Youth Orchestra String Quartet
Lisa and Tom Acker
Dawn and Dann Adams
Anonymous (2)
Ann F. Babington
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Babington
Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Batchelor
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bauer
Tim and Amy Bauer
The Reverend and Mrs. J. Stephen
Katherine and Charles Betz
Dr. Steven Bigg
Betsy and Jack Biggs
Mr. and Mrs. Van Lear Black III
Susan Block
Mike and Donna Boland
The Reverend Richard Bormes
Barbara and Regi Brack
Jinny Browning
Bryan Cave LLP
Barbara Bryant
Brig and Merrill Buettner
Hal and Ann Burroughs
Mr. and Mrs. William H.T. Bush
Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Cady, Jr.
Sally and Bill Canfield
The Reverend Kelly Carlson
The Christopher Family
Dr. and Mrs. John Colwell
Commerce Bank
The Reverend Cricket Cooper
Ginger and Bill Cornelius
David and Rita Cornett
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Cox
Crawford Taylor Foundation
The Jim Crawford Family
Don and Susannah Danforth
Elizabeth G. Danforth
Carol Darnall
Marlene and Paul Daverede
Carol and Walter Diggs
Sally and Derick Driemeyer
Terry and Clay Dunagan
The Reverend Matthew and
Katherine Dutton-Gillet
Susan and Howard Elliott
Engelhardt Family Foundation
The Reverend William L. and
The Reverend Karen P. Evans
Mr. Michael Ferrie
David and Leah Ann Fleisher
Mike and Janet Ford
April Ford-Griffin
Bonnie and Jerry Freeland
Palmer and Richard Gard
Frances and Bill Gay
Louise and Joe Gazzoli
Kim and Scott Gee
Mr. and Mrs. William Gilbert
Annie and Jeff Goettman
Dr. William and Carol L. Goettman
Ms. Annette Habig
Bill and Becky Hauk
Mrs. Herbert A. Haupt
Susan W. Heitner
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Helmkampf
Mr. Frederick Hermann
Lissa and Craig Hildreth
Joan Hughes
Richard and Elizabeth Issak
Patricia B. Istwan
Ernest and Pauline Jaworski
Suzanne and Jim Johnson
Francie Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McK. Jones
Jo Ann Taylor Kindle
Mr. and Mrs. Alastair Kirkpatrick
Chris and Sandy Knight
Mike and Carolyn Kolman
Michael Kowalowski
Aaron and Tammy Lang
Larson Family Foundation
Mary and John Lemkemeier
Ned O. Lemkemeier
Nikki and David Lemkemeier
Constance B. Lohr
Kathryn and George Love
Lauren and Dave Lowman
Barbi and Bill Macon
Maureen Manget
Vince and Patti Mannino
Carrie Marks
Christy Marshall and Michael Gans
Harriet C. Marshall
Nan and John McCurrach
Mr. and Mrs. John F. McDonnell
Mary McMath and John Schnarre
Sherri L. Mejia
The Reverend Emily Mellot
Cynthia and Walter Metcalfe
The Reverend James and
Dr. Hope Metzger
Jeanne Mattingly Miller
Phil and Cyndi Miller
Stuart and Mike Minton
Michael H. and Lee F. Moisio
Marlene and Charles Morgan
Bob and Jill Morris
John and Nannette Musgrave
Jim and Judie Neville
Kara and Bob Newmark
Michael and Barbara Newmark
Elizabeth and Hunt Niedringhaus
Wendy Olk
Gary and Gail Olson
Dr. James and Mrs. Marissa Paine
Mr. and Mrs. Everett A. Pate
The Reverend Daniel Pearson and
The Reverend Dr. Anne
Dr. and Mrs. Jerome Piontek
Jennifer B. Pirrie
Estie Pruett
Emmy and Jim Purdy
Mary and Frank Rassieur
Michelle and Denny Regan
Mr. and Mrs. Willam F. Reck III
Jeanna and Buddy Reisinger
Barbara and John Roberts
Ms. Merita Rocklage
The Right Reverend and
Mrs. Hays Rockwell
Kathleen and Sandy Rogers
Rabbi and Mrs. Joseph Rosenbloom
Almira and John Sant
Tosca Schaberg
Dan and Susan Schettler
The Reverend and Mrs. Richard Schmidt
Corliss and Paul Schroeder
Susan and David Sherman
Gretchen G. Smith
Gail and Ryan Sneed
Bren and Brianna Souers
In loving memory of
Tiffany Marie Souers
St. Peter’s Woman’s Guild
Jing and David Stiffler
The Reverend David Stock and
The Reverend Emily Schnabel
Scott and Peggy Stonum
Kimberly Tate
Barbara and Sam Toumayan
Jane and Bob Tschudy
Joanna and Steve Tschudy
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Tuck III
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Van de Riet, Jr.
Peggy and Bill Vickroy
Ms. Cynthia Vives, SHCJ
Cheryl D.S. Walker
Ms. Ann D. Walther
Jason W. Ware
Richard and Josephine Weil
Ken and Gail Werneburg
Linda and Peter Werner
Mr. W. Grant Williams III
Bud and Susie Wilson
Eleanor and Bill Wilson
The Reverend Anne Wolf-Fraley
Wolff & Taylor
Fiona and Randy Woods
Kathy and Rob Wunderlich
volunteers and
volunteer groups
1st Baptist Church Bolivar
Dawn Adams
Chris Anastas
Becca Antes
Demetria Ballard
Darah Ballard
Laura Beckert
Alveytina Beckett
Sara Beka
Kathy Betz
Marion Black
Susan Block
Simone Bovell
Cathy Brown
Hal Burroughs
Lisa Cady
Taylor Campey
Brittany Case
Sharron Cernikc
Jill Clemens
Rita Cornett
Sue Cox
Diane Dragan
Eastview Baptist Church
Kelli Eggers-Larson
Kristin Fantozzi
Justine Fitzgerald
Rindy Fitzgibbon
Alice Flath
John Flath
Laquita Fowler
Jacquie Franden
Danielle Fry
Katie Ganz
Palmer Gard
Gonzaga University
Gary Gremminger
Michelle Hadachek
Kelly Hadfield
Becky Hauk
Melissa Haupt
Taylor Haupt
Deb Hawley
Meredith Holbrook
Margaret Jackovac
Phylese Jackson
Alicia Johnson
Carol Johnson
Sonja Johnson
Suzanne Johnson
Stuart Kendall
Jessica Kersting
Sue Lammert
Tammy Lang
Sally Lemkemeier
Lauren Little
Connie Lohr
Kathryn Love
Barbi Macon
Chad Mandernach
Maureen Manget
Carrie Marks
Angela Martinez
Christy Marshall
Martina McCline
Deb McConnell
Deborah McCullen
Kirk McCullen
Olivia Miller
Rachael Miller
Bethany Montgomery
Deborah Moore
Ashlee Preston
Candace Quick
Grier Raclin
Linda Raclin
Emily Rapp
Anne Reed
Jeanna Reisinger
Tammie Ridenbaugh
Regina Ritter
Andrea Robinson
Alisha Robinson-Jones
Kathleen Rogers
Nancy Ross
Paulina Sanchez
Jeanne Scannell
Susan Schettler
Leah Schuster
Susan Sherman
Bob Silvey
Kara Sneed
Jennifer Sorg-Gremminger
Bren Souers
Elizabeth Stearns
Bryan Stearns
Pat Stiffler
Danielle Strassner
Jeanne Tompras
Pam Trapp
Stephanie Truetzel
Jane Tschudy
Gaylon Via
Villa Duchesne/Oak Hill School
Susan Walia
Jan Ware
Emily Warren
Jessica Wayne
Josephine Weil
Kathrane Wilson
Ashley Winkler
Ann Wolfe
Fiona Woods
Kathy Wunderlich
gifts in kind
Dann Adams
Marquetta Allen
Ameristar Casino St. Charles
Andrea Andrud
Brian Arceneaux
Arco Construction
Kathleen and Brian Bauer
Berean District Ministers & Widowers
Josh Bergman
Kathy and Chuck Betz
Latrice Binion
Susan Block
Kerry Boudaures
Mychal Bridges
Brownie Troop 504
Jackie Bryant
Connie Burkhardt
Cabot Cheese
Bill Cady
Georgia Cady
Cal-a-Vie Health Resort and Spa
Yarimar Carrasquillo
Gretchen Carver
Cass Commercial Bank
Cedar Lake Cellars
Chase My Love Foundation
Christ Community Church
Confluence Academy
Tim Couch
Court Appointed Special Advocates
Jandi Cox
Lori Davis
Sandy Degenhardt
Disability Determinations
Lisa Dixon
Angelina Dobbs
Sharlynee Evans
Fannie Mae
Kristin Fantozzi
Donald Frank
Danielle Fry
Coni Gilmore
Melissa Greene
Becky Hauk
Mary Hawkins
Karen and Edward Hempstead
Anne Henges
Caroline Holke
Ebony Holmes
Dale Huff
Juanita Jahn
Stephanie Jahn
Korey Johnson
Rolanda Johnson
Shalonda Jones
Tanis Jones
Jessica Kersting
King of Kings
dignity and
Danny Myer
Vickie and Lonnie Nelson
Newborns in Need
Jennifer Newcom
Alicia Noddings
Operation Food Search
Laurie Parker
Lakeisha Perry
Jennifer Pfefferskorn
PRP Wine International
Race to Cure Lymphoma
Robert Randolph
Jeana Reisinger
Tanjela Richardson
Savile Row Custom Clothier &
Jeanne Scannell
Beth Schreiber
Kirsten Schultz
Lori Shoemaker
Annie Soete
Sarah Sorenson
Suzie and Dave Spence
St. Louis the King at The Basillica
St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
St. Peters Episcopal Church
Joan Stegemann
Kelli Stone
Marilyn Stovall
Chris Sullivan
The Tenderloin Room
Three Forks Ranch
Traditional Congregation
Christy Treischmann
Troop 1511
Elizabeth Wargo
Brian Waters
Timo Weiland
Westminster Christian Academy
Dephine Williams
Dylan and Sara Willis
Theresa Wills
Stephanie Wise
World Press Printing
Kathy Wunderlich
Zion Lutheran Church & School
community partners
Better Family Life
Bonhomme Presbyterian Church
City of St. Louis
Community Alternatives
Family Resource Center
Fashion Delivers
Gateway Greening
Housing Resource Center
Imani Counseling
Links, Inc.
Newborns in Need
Nurses for Newborns
Old North Restoration Group
Parents as Teachers
Planned Parenthood
Redevelopment Opportunities
for Women
St. Louis Learning Disability Association
ThriVe St. Louis
Trio Educational Opportunity Centers
University of Missouri Extension
Youth Education and Health in Soulard
adopt a family
Circle 6, Bonhomme Presbyterian Church
Fannie Mae
Kristin and Anthony Fantozzi
Irene Ferguson
Shalonda Jones
Danielle Johnson
Just Us Divvas
Brea Kress
Kappa League
Linsey Lanozo
Neiman Marcus
Missouri Lawyers Media
Moneta Group
Nurse Response
Kelly Schober
Sarah Schreiber
Mandy Wallace
tribute gifts
National Charity League
Sara Nelson
Karin Nelson
Leah Nelson
James Nelson
Erica Norman
Amy Norris
Wendy Olk
Marissa Paine
Maria Piazza
Colleen Pickett
Mersadies Pitt
Kiya Presberry
Dawn Koontz
Mike Krejcarek
Audrey Krieshauser
Tammy Lang
Linsey Lanoza
Leaf Dressing
Ann and Randy Lipton
L’Ouverture Middle Academy
Barbi Macon Photography
Bill Macon
Georgia Macon
Asheya McAlister
Every effort has been made to accurately list all contributions.
We sincerely apologize for any errors and/or omissions to the these listings.
Please contact Sherri Mejia with any corrections at (314) 621-6507 or
[email protected].
In Honor of
Kathy Betz
Rosemary Cooper
Sandra Buschmann
Barbara and Alan George
Betsy and Tom Waltz
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Dorsey
Ann Walther
Mike Dorsey
Ann Walther
Tim Dorsey
Ann Walther
Shirley G. Durfree
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Leach
Richard Gard
Julie and Tom Nelson
Janet Horlacher
Linda Benoist
Melissa Haupt
Simone Keel
Ingrid Morovitz
Jimmy Jamieson
Sue Ferguson
Dr. Barbara Keim
Adele Keim
Cymone – “I have a go-getter attitude!”
Twenty-three-year-old Cymone is
expecting her first child—a girl—any
day now. She just started her maternity
leave, but prior to that she worked
full-time for a temp agency that placed
her in an assembly position at an Earth
City manufacturing facility. For the
last several months, she’s taken public
transportation from The Haven of Grace
in the Old North neighborhood and
commuted an hour-and-a-half each way
so that she could work, and save, and prepare for her daughter’s
arrival. “I have a go-getter attitude, like my Mom,” she says. “I
will continue to stay busy and productive.”
Cymone has had a tough year. She lost her job and her car, and
moved to Arizona to live with her mother. However, when she
discovered she was pregnant, there was tension between her and
her mom. She was determined to keep her baby. “I’m 23 years
old. I felt I could do it.” She moved back to St. Louis to live with
relatives. But that didn’t work out either.
Cymone found out about The Haven of Grace through Nurses for
Newborns. “My nurse told me it is a great program.” Seeking
stability and a new life, she contacted The Haven, met with staff
members and had a tour of the facilities. She was especially
excited by the Transitional Apartment program. “It’s hard to find
a place like that (in the community) that is affordable.” Because
Cymone has shown such a strong work ethic, she is a candidate for
the Transitional Apartment Program, once she’s had her baby, says
Programs Director Tiffany Jackson.
Cymone plans to return to work, and hopes to go back to school
soon to pursue her LPN certificate. A quality education is something
Cymone values. She had the opportunity to attend a private junior
high school before transitioning to public high school. Her mother
worked hard to provide that opportunity for her and her siblings,
and Cymone plans to do the same for her daughter.
Dr. Richard Lazaroff
Lisa and Tom Acker
Ned Lemkemeier
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davinroy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lanter
Mr. and Mrs. James Quinn
Sally Lemkemeier
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Diggs
Sally and Derick Driemeyer
Jerry Garrett
Nikki and David Lemkemeier
Mr. and Mrs. James Metcalfe
Mrs. Edward Mower
Polly and G. Douglas Nelson
Marie Oetting
The Rt. Rev. and Mrs. Hays Rockwell
The Sant Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Trapp
Sally and Ned Lemkemeier
The Christopher Family
Lola and Larry Finn
Frieda Sommer
Barbi Macon
Katherine and Charles Betz
Julie and Lee Bearman
Elise R. Cady
Margaret B. Cady
Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Cady, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Scott
Cady and Kevin Seabaugh
Molly Moog
Mr. and Mrs. James Moog
Marlene Morgan
Carol Darnall
Dr. and Mrs. Carlton Pearse
Lise Shipley
Sara von Pollaro
Kathleen Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Piers Pritchard
Ann Walther
Lyndon Pulliam
Umission LLC
Daisy Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Batchelor
Maureen and Paul Roskoph
Dr. and Mrs. Roger Mell
Tosca Schaberg
Carol Darnall
Charlie, Ellie and Katie Skinner
The Rev. Susan Skinner
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Stenger
Ann Walther
Sarah, Lilly, and Ben Tourville
Ann Walther
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Trigg
Ann Walther
Alice Woods
Sally and Ned Lemkemeier
Fiona Woods
Joseph Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. David Culver
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Holton
In Memory of
W.E. Barnes
Mrs. William Barnes
Carlisle Brigham
Mr. and Mrs. David Kemper
Elizabeth Bennet Burroughs
Katherine and Charles Betz
Melissa Haupt
Sally and Ned Lemkemeier
Barbi and Bill Macon
Carrie Marks
Robert Galloway
Marcel and Jane Saghir
Herbert Haupt
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Hillman
Ingrid Morovitz
Allan Johner
Melissa Haupt
Francie Jones
Barbi and Bill Macon
Ellen Landuyt
Meriat Rocklage
Emerson Lee
Therese Abbenhaus
Mr. and Mrs. David Robson
Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Voit
Nancy Lindsay
Thomas and Bethel Shields
Sandra L. Matthews
Katherine and Charles Betz
Sally and Ned Lemkemeier
Barbi and Bill Macon
Fiona Woods
Winifred Murch
Mrs. William Barnes
Jack Murphy, Jr.
Melissa Haupt
Shirley and Jack Murphy
Fiona and Randy Woods
Janice Meyers O’Shea
Sally and Ned Lemkemeier
Karen Sewall and Vasiliki Papay
Dr. Martha and Dr. David Sewall
Joan Rosenbloom
Jim and Judie Neville
Jane and John Rottjakob
Jim and Ellen Rottjakob
Jacque Schoep
Cliff Schoep
Tiffany Marie Souers
Brenda Souers
Martha Sacra Sveerson
Caroline Bernson
Dr. and Mrs. John Colwell
EAS Consulting Group
Sally and Ned Lemkemeier
Mrs. William Jones
Jean Southall
Teralto Wine Group
board of directors
Richard Gard
Vice Presidents,
Rita A. Cornett
Carrie S. Marks
Janet Ford
Donna A. Pate
Assistant Treasurer
David L. Fleisher
Consulting Board Members
Katherine A. Betz
Melissa L. Haupt
Sally S. Lemkemeier
Dawn Adams
Brian J. Bauer
Harold R. Burroughs
Susan E. Cox
Kelli Eggers-Larson
Janet Ford
April Ford-Griffin
Becky Hauk
Tammy Lang
Vince Mannino
Christy Marshall
Michael H. Moisio
Daniel R. Paquin
Carlton Pearse, MD
Gail Sneed
Peggy Stonum
Kimberly Tate
Kim Tuck
Erica Tyson
Herbert M. Wilson III
Fiona G. Woods
Kathy Wunderlich