e aß tr Ro ch s TX L Rosa-Luxemb Ro Ro Gr TX L ße ra st us ha aß e tr Ra t us St tav ra -B ße öß - G G ru ra ße -S t kn ec ht damm z at pl ss lo Sc h le n- snn M l se rin he S ga per ss lin e g Sc h l er arre n tr au straß de e ns tr aß e se rin G he sc Fi Märkisches Museum REGISTRATION Mohrenstraße Please register by August 18th 2014 at the latest by our web tool: Contact: Georg Weigelt | Phone: +49 30 46403-279 Fax: -650 | [email protected] PARTICIPATION FEE 595,00 € per person (incl. evening event) The fees are VAT exempt according to § 4 No. 22 UStG. We see that there are many opportunities to be taken by OEM manufacturers, suppliers and service assemblers to face the specific challenges regarding very tight tolerances, photonic system requirements and supply chain management. VENUE Thus the Photonics Packaging Workshop at the Fraunhofer Forum Berlin focuses on effective manufacturing strategies in Europe and automated assembly technologies for optoelectronic and photonic integration on board, package and device level. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Fraunhofer-Forum Berlin im SpreePalais Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Str. 2, 10178 Berlin, Germany The workshop is aimed primarily at developers CTOs and supply chain managers from equipment manufacturers and endusers who are considering the use of photonic packaging technologies relating to optoelectronic modules, components or interconnects in their electronic engineering and manufacturing services. Cover: Automated micro-optic assembly W O R K S H O P : B E R L I N , S E P T E M B E R 1 0 TH/ 1 1 TH, 2 0 1 4 Fi sc Ka rlLi eb Hinter dem G ie ßh au s s- üh e N ga eu ss ma e aß ße K Jä lei ge ne rs A tr. Le lte ip zi ge r Universitätsstraße A Ka nn rs a-L ch o -S ui tr sa aß e aß e Bo de s tr r St Niederlagstraße te Oberwallstraße ei e re Sp ra Markgrafenstraße ne rs Monbijoustr Tucholskystra Geschwister-SchollStraße ße m am rd r Friedrichstraße ra st dt Re in ha r ue ba Sc hi ff straße Planck- Charlottenstraße Stralauer Straße Br st Charlottenstraße ße e aß m ru Fo ) t- ng ld nu bo Pla um(in ße tra ers ass Gendarmenmarkt en ra tr H straße ks irc st S er au n rKu Hausvogteiplatz n de Jü d an te Friedrich- D uf e 6 - M ag 5 ic hs t M Re 4 Sp r ga Kirchstraße M 6 M st Lu w ter Un Neustädtische er 2 5 m Werderscher Markt Jägerstraße Taubenstraße nd xa le M M A aus gh Zeu Am Photonic packaging is crucial and includes single packages, modules or subsystems comprising at least one optoelectronic device or micro-optical element or optical interconnects. Französische Straße ße ra lst al rw de ie N Photonic integration is driven today by the increasing demand of bandwidth in data- and telecommunication. Furthermore miniaturization in lightening and projection techniques, and a wide variety of optical sensors require new concepts to reduce cost and guarantee reliability. r 4 ra WORKSHOP PROFILE SpreePalais TXL Behrenstraße Französische Str. Mohrenstraße Alexanderplatz rg Bauhofstraße Dorotheenstraße Französische Straße Jägerstraße r ue de a n d A pan cke S rü B M e aß e pf Ku Georgenstraße Unter den Linden TXL Taubenstraße Dircksenstraße A - m Dorotheenstraße A Georgenstraße Behrenstraße burger Straße Hackescher Markt tr e Burg- s re el Sp ns si m eu us n M be Am Weidendamm Friedrichstraße Mittelstraße en ni Ziegelstraße PHOTONIC PACKAGING EFFECTIVE MANUFACTURING IN EUROPE I N C O O P E R AT I O N W I T H Collective LED bonding Array of 100 blue LED-Chips transferred and soldered at the same Optical connector assembly on electrical-optical circuit board (EOCB) Green Laser SHG Module time SEPTEMBER 10TH, 2014 SEPTEMBER 11TH, 2014 10.00 Registration M ANUFAC TUR IN G S E RV IC E S 11.00 Workshop opening and session introduction Dr. Henning Schröder, Fraunhofer IZM Carlos Lee, Director General EPIC 11.30 Photonics Packaging – Managing the supply chain Jörg Muchametow, Eagleyard Photonics GmbH 15.00 Coffee break 15.30 Volume production of single mode micro-optical components with wafer-level assembly Jaromir Kubielka, Argotech a.s./ Dr. Jörg-R. Kropp, InBeCon GmbH 9.00 9.15 FLEXI BLE AUTO MATI O N AND PRO CESSES Session introduction Dr. Henning Schröder, Fraunhofer IZM Challenges in manufacturing of photonic assemblies for innovative railway signal solutions Martin Franke, Siemens AG 12.00 From high precission chip assembly to photonic system integration Ralph Schachler, AEMtec GmbH 16.00 Challenge of assembling optoelectronic components in diode laser modules for a wide range of applications Dr. Nils Kirstaedter, Lumics GmbH 12.30 Lunch break 16.30 Transfer to Fraunhofer IZM 13.30 Status and challenges of PMS for datacom applications in Europe Dr. Gunther Vollrath, Aifotec AG 17.00 Lab tour 10.15 Hybridly integrated 300 Gbit/s on-boardtransceiver for data center applications Dr. Ulrich Keil, FCI Deutschland GmbH 18.30 Get-together 10.45 Coffee break 14.00 Automated active assembly of optical components on printed circuit boards Dr. Henning Schröder, Fraunhofer IZM 9.45 Flexible automation for micro assembly in photonics Torsten Vahrenkamp, ficonTEC GmbH 11.15 Strategies for high precision adhesive bonding in optoelectronic applications Andreas Kraft, DELO Industrie Klebstoffe GmbH & Co. KGaA 11.45 The ST-TECIP preproduction silicon photonics packaging bench: Building a path from the labs to full production Dr. Ignazio Piacentini, PI miCos GmbH 12.15 Laser-processing of building blocks for flexible active optical alignment assemblies Dr. Gunnar Böttger, Fraunhofer IZM 12.45 Photonic wire bonding: Level-1 packaging and multi-chip integration enabled by 3D laser lithography Prof. Dr. Christian Koos, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 13.15 Closing remarks Dr. Henning Schröder, Fraunhofer IZM 13.30 Lunchtime snack 14.45 End of workshop 14.30 Polymer-based OSA´s – Assembly and packaging for datacom and sensor solutions Roman Schmidt, First Sensor AG + + + + D O N ' T M I S S O U R E V E N I N G E V E N T O N S E P T E M B E R 1 0 TH + + + + W I T H T H E I N T E G R AT E D L A B T O U R A N D T H E O P P O R T U N I T Y T O M E E T O U R E X P E R T S + + + + E N J O Y T H E I N S P I R I N G C I T Y O F B E R L I N + + + +