ICD-10-CM/PCS Coding for OB/GYN


ICD-10-CM/PCS Coding for OB/GYN
Coding for
Sandra Macica, MS, RHIA
RCC Content Manager
[email protected]
June 16, 2016
Copyright © 2016 Elsevier, Inc.
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Learning Objectives
• By the end of this webinar participants will be able to:
Identify reportable pregnancy diagnosis codes by developing a process
for inclusion coding of complications, trimester, specificity, and any
associated diagnoses/conditions and complications
Identify reportable procedure codes using current coding guidance for
deliveries, repairs and ancillary procedures
Identify correct root operations and coding for OB/GYN procedures
including cesarean section, laceration repairs, hysterectomies, and
Review a case study for all reportable diagnoses and procedures
Recognize new related codes for October 2016
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Selection of Principal Diagnosis:
Case Study: Laceration With Assisted Vaginal Delivery
• Manually assisted vaginal delivery of a normal infant with a second degree
perineal laceration, which was repaired, code:
O70.1, Second degree perineal laceration during delivery, as the principal diagnosis
Z3A.38, 38 weeks gestation of pregnancy
Z37.0, Single live birth, should be assigned to describe weeks of gestation and the
outcome of the delivery.
• For the procedures:
0KQM0ZZ, Repair perineum muscle, open approach
10E0XZZ, Delivery of products of conception, external approach
AHA Coding Clinic states that when there is an assisted delivery, it should be
reported as well as any repairs.
If the delivery is assisted with instrumentation, such as a vacuum or forceps, report
the code describing forceps or vacuum delivery, instead of the manually assisted
delivery code 10E0XZZ.
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Selection of Principal Diagnosis for Vaginal Delivery:
Case Study: Laceration Only
• The patient is admitted in labor
• She delivers a healthy liveborn infant
• A periurethral laceration occurs during delivery and it is repaired
 The principal diagnosis is the delivery complicated by the
periurethral tear.
- Code also the weeks of gestation
- Code also the outcome of delivery
• For the procedure, code also the repair
In this case, the patient was admitted without any complications of
the pregnancy; however, the patient suffers a tear during the
delivery. The main circumstance or complication of the delivery
in this case is the periurethral tear.
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Selection of Principal Diagnosis for Vaginal Delivery:
Case Study: Condition and Laceration
• A patient is admitted to the hospital for delivery following premature rupture
of the membranes
• A laceration (first, second or third degree) occurs during the delivery and is
 The principal diagnosis is the pregnancy complicated by premature
rupture of the membranes. Code also a diagnosis code for:
- The laceration
- Weeks of gestation
- Outcome of delivery
 Code also a procedure code for the repair
The condition that prompted the admission should be
reported as the principal diagnosis
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Selection of Principal Diagnosis for Vaginal Delivery:
Case Study: Condition and Laceration
• A patient is admitted for induction by intravenous oxytocin into a
peripheral vein secondary to polyhydramnios
• During delivery the patient suffers a second degree tear, which is
The principal diagnosis is the pregnancy complicated by
polyhydramnios. Code also a diagnosis code for:
- The laceration
- Weeks of gestation
- Outcome of delivery
Code also the repair and induction:
- 0KQM0ZZ, Repair perineum muscle, open approach
- 3E033VJ, Introduction of other hormone into peripheral vein, percutaneous
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Selection of Principal Diagnosis for Vaginal Delivery:
Case Study: Two Conditions
• A patient is admitted in labor
• On admission, the physician documents that she has gallstones and anemia
• The physician did not document that these secondary conditions did NOT
affect the pregnancy
• She delivers vaginally but develops atony with hemorrhage after delivery.
 The principal diagnosis can be either a code for pregnancy complicated
by either gallstones or anemia. Neither condition appears to be the
specific reason for admission. Code both and code also:
- Uterine atony with hemorrhage
- Weeks of gestation
- Outcome of delivery
Codes from Chapter 15 always take precedence
It is the provider’s responsibility to state that the condition being treated is
not affecting the pregnancy.
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Selection of Principal Diagnosis for Vaginal Delivery:
Case Study: Several Conditions
• 41-week pregnant patient was admitted in labor
• Pregnancy is complicated by gestational diabetes mellitus and post-term
• Suffers a second degree perineal laceration, which is repaired
The principal diagnosis can be either a code for delivery complicated by
gestational diabetes mellitus or post-term pregnancy. Code both and code
- The laceration
- Weeks of gestation
- Outcome of delivery
Code also a procedure code for the repair
When a patient is admitted for delivery, the condition that prompted the
admission should be reported as the principal diagnosis.
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Selection of Principal Diagnosis for Vaginal Delivery:
Case Study: Several Conditions
• The patient is admitted for induction of labor due to gestational
• Experiences a third degree laceration, which is repaired
• Has a nuchal cord entanglement during delivery.
The principal diagnosis is delivery complicated by gestational
hypertension. Code also:
- The third degree laceration
- Nuchal cord entanglement
- Weeks of gestation
- Outcome of delivery
Code also a procedure code for the repair and whatever induction was
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Selection of Principal Diagnosis for Vaginal Delivery:
Case Study: Multiple Conditions
• The patient is admitted with SROM greater than 24 hours
• Failure to progress in labor with arrested dilation. Pitocin augmentation
was administered. She progressed to complete dilation.
• The patient also suffered a first degree vaginal laceration, which was
• A liveborn female delivered with loose nuchal cord x1
The principal diagnosis is pregnancy complicated by premature rupture of
membrane, with onset of labor after 24 hours. Code also:
- The first degree vaginal laceration
- Nuchal cord
- Weeks of gestation
- Outcome of delivery
Code also a procedure code for the repair. Augmentation is not reported.
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What to Look For? What to Code?
• Reason for admission (determine condition or reason for cesarean)
• Other conditions:
Nuchal cord
Failure to progress
Pre Term Labor: onset (spontaneous) of labor before 37 completed weeks of gestation
Post Term Pregnancy: over 40 completed weeks to 42 completed weeks gestation
Prolonged Pregnancy: Pregnancy which has advanced beyond 42 completed weeks
More than one baby or fetus, diagnosis and outcome
Look at the age: Supervision of elderly primigravida and multigravida, pregnancy for a
female 35 years and older at expected date of delivery OR Supervision of young
primigravida and multigravida
Supervision of pregnancy for a female less than 16 years old at expected date of
Outcome of delivery
Weeks of gestation
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What to Look For? What to Code?
• If laceration and repair don’t forget to code both
• If induction of labor, code the procedure and the condition
• Code also any manually assisted delivery, if instrumentation, code
that instead
• Monitors
• Don’t forget the cesarean or other procedures done at the same time
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Preexisting Pulmonary Hypertension Complicating
O99.41- Diseases of the circulatory system
complicating pregnancy, and
I27.2, Other secondary hypertension, for preexisting
pulmonary hypertension complicating pregnancy.
Pulmonary hypertension defaults to secondary
hypertension. The assignment of the 6th character
depends on the trimester at the time of the encounter.
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7th Character Assignment: Preterm Labor in Multiple
Gestation Pregnancy
• O60.14X1, Preterm labor third trimester with preterm delivery third
trimester, fetus 1
• O60.14X2, Preterm labor third trimester with preterm delivery third
trimester, fetus 2,
 Use both codes since both babies were delivered preterm. The
instructional note under category O60.1-, Preterm labor with
preterm delivery states: “7th characters 1 through 9 are for cases
of multiple gestations to identify the fetus for which the code
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7th Character Assignment: Preterm Labor in Multiple
Gestation Pregnancy
• Although instructions state that the 7th character of “0”
may be applied for multiple gestations when the
documentation in the record is insufficient to determine
the fetus affected and it is not possible to obtain
clarification, or when it is not possible to clinically
determine which fetus is affected.
• It is unlikely this would be appropriate to do so.
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Gestational Diabetes That Is Controlled With Oral
Medication (This Year)
• ICD-10-CM does not currently (this year) provide
a unique code for gestational diabetes controlled
with oral medication
 Assign codes O24.419, Gestational diabetes
mellitus in pregnancy, unspecified control, and
 Z79.899, Other long-term (current) drug
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Gestational Diabetes That Is Controlled With Oral
Medication (Next Year 3 New Codes)
• O24.415, Gestational diabetes mellitus in
pregnancy, controlled by oral hypoglycemic drugs
• O24.425, Gestational diabetes mellitus in childbirth,
controlled by oral hypoglycemic drugs
• O24.435, Gestational diabetes mellitus in
puerperium, controlled by oral hypoglycemic drugs
Puerperium, the period of about six weeks after childbirth during which the
mother's reproductive organs return to their original non-pregnant
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Inpatient Rh Incompatibility Status
• When an Rh negative mother delivers at term without complication,
and she is administered Rhogam prophylactically (as a preventative)
during the admission, assign code:
O26.893, Other specified pregnancy related conditions, third trimester
• If Rh incompatibility is diagnosed during pregnancy, an Rh immune
globulin injection is typically given in the seventh month of
pregnancy and again within 72 hours of delivery.
• Code Z31.82, Encounter for Rh incompatibility status, is NOT
appropriate, as according to the ICD-l0-CM Official Guidelines for
Coding and Reporting, this code may only be reported as the
principal or first-listed diagnosis.
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Outpatient Encounter Due to Previous RH
Incompatibility Status
• A 28-week, Rh D-negative pregnant patient with a history of
previously delivering an Rh D positive baby, receives a prophylactic
injection of anti -D immune globulin during her prenatal visit.
• In this situation, assign code:
Z34.83, Encounter for supervision of other normal pregnancy, third
trimester, to indicate this is a normal pregnancy.
 Z31.82, Encounter for Rh incompatibility status
 Z3A.28, 28 weeks of gestation of pregnancy
Since the anti-D immune globulin was given as a prophylactic measure and
the patient does not have isoimmunization, a code from subcategory
O36.01, Maternal care for anti-D [Rh] antibodies, is not appropriate.
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42 Weeks Gestation
• Any number of days in week 42 up to 43 weeks is coded
as Z3A.42.
• For 43 weeks or more of pregnancy assign code Z3A.49,
Greater than 42 weeks of gestation of pregnancy.
• The date of the admission should be used to determine
weeks of gestation for inpatient admissions that
encompass more than one gestational week.
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Obstetrical Perineal Laceration Repair
• Obstetric perineal lacerations occur within the supportive layer of
tissue between the vaginal introitus and the rectum commonly called
the perineum. For coding, obstetric perineal lacerations or tears are
classified as follows:
• First degree:
Involving the perineal skin and its extension into
the vagina as vaginal mucosa
• Second degree: Involving the perineal body and deeper tissues
• Third degree:
Extending into the capsule and muscle of the anal
• Fourth degree: Extending through the sphincter and into the
anal/rectal mucosa
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Obstetrical Perineal Laceration Repair
• The appropriate repair code is assigned depending on
the degree of the tear and tissue repaired with the body
part specifying the deepest layer repaired.
• For example, repair of a second-degree laceration
requires repair of:
 Perineal muscle
 Vaginal mucosa, and
 Skin
• Therefore, it is coded to the body part perineum, muscle
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Obstetrical Perineal Laceration Repair
As stated in Coding Clinic, Fourth Quarter 2014, page 43:
“A second degree perineal laceration equates to laceration
of the perineal muscle, so documentation of a second
degree laceration is sufficient to code repair of perineal
It is not required that the physician document "perineum
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Obstetrical Perineal Laceration Repair: Simplified
• First-degree tears, assign code 0HQ9XZZ, Repair
perineum skin, external approach, for repair of a first
degree perineal laceration.
• Second-degree, assign code 0KQM0ZZ, Repair
perineum muscle, open approach, for repair of a second
degree perineal laceration.
• Third-degree, assign code 0DQR0ZZ, Repair anal
sphincter, open approach, for repair of a third degree
perineal laceration.
• Fourth-degree, assign code 0DQP0ZZ, Repair rectum,
open approach, for the repair of the fourth-degree tear.
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Third Degree Laceration: Subdivided for FY 2017
• O70.2 Delete Third degree perineal laceration during delivery
• O70.20 AddThird degree perineal laceration during delivery,
• O70.21 AddThird degree perineal laceration during delivery, IIIa
• O70.22 AddThird degree perineal laceration during delivery, IIIb
• O70.23 AddThird degree perineal laceration during delivery, IIIc
• Third-degree tears may be further subdivided into three
3a: partial tear of the external anal sphincter involving less than 50%
 3b: greater than 50% tear of the external anal sphincter
 3c: internal sphincter is torn
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Vaginal Assisted Delivery:
Case Study: Vacuum and Forceps
• First a vacuum was placed and assistance was given over the
course of four contractions with downward progress of the head
• Low forceps were then applied to deliver the infant
• The vacuum was used to assist in the labor to bring the baby down
to a lower station
• Only forceps were used in the actual extraction procedure to deliver
the baby
Use code 10D07Z3, Extraction of products of conception, low forceps,
via natural or artificial opening
Since the same root operation was performed on the same body part, it
does not meet the definition of multiple procedures.
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Cesarean Delivery Assisted by Vacuum Extraction
• A patient underwent a repeat low transverse cesarean
• During the cesarean delivery, vacuum extraction was
used to assist with the delivery or the infant
 Vacuum assistance used with cesarean delivery is not
separately coded. Code only the cesarean delivery.
 Caesarean section see Extraction, Products of
Conception 10D0
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Intrauterine Pressure Monitoring During Labor
• Intrauterine pressure monitoring refers to a pressure gauge, not a
monitoring electrode
• During labor, an intrauterine pressure catheter (small flexible tube) is
inserted into the uterus to evaluate contractions
• It provides exact measurements of contractions, unlike external
10H07YZ, Insertion, products of conception, via natural or artificial
opening, other device
The appropriate body part is "products of conception" rather than uterus.
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Induction of Labor
• The administration of Pitocin to augment active labor is
not coded separately.
• When Pitocin is given to induce labor, it should be
• 3E033VJ, Introduction of other hormone into
peripheral vein, percutaneous approach
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Anteversion Of Retroverted Incarcerated Uterus
• There is no specific approach value for transvaginal
reposition of the uterus.
• The external approach is the closest available
equivalent. Assign the code for the bimanual retroversion
of the incarcerated uterus:
 0US9XZZ Reposition uterus, external approach
Although the patient is pregnant, the uterus was repositioned,
not the fetus. Therefore, an ICD-10-PCS code from
the obstetrics chapter is not assigned.
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Removal of Cervical Cerclage
• A cerclage is a suture not a device
• For transvaginal removal of cervical cerclage assign:
0UCC7ZZ, Extirpation of matter from cervix, via natural or artificial
• If endoscopic removal:
0UCC8ZZ, Extirpation of matter from cervix, via natural or artificial
opening endoscopic
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Tubal Ligation
• There are several distinct procedures performed on the fallopian
tubes for sterilization, including ligation alone, fulguration, and
ligation followed by excision.
• These are coded to the root operations "Occlusion, Destruction, and
Excision" respectively.
• For example, the abdomen was entered through infraumbilical
incision. A segment of the right fallopian tube was ligated and
excised. A segment of the left fallopian tube was suture ligated and
0UB70ZZ, Excision of bilateral fallopian tubes, open approach
• In this case the definitive procedure is Excision, it takes place after
the ligation.
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Laparoscopic Partial Left Salpingectomy
• A patient had laparoscopic partial left salpingectomy to treat left
tubal pregnancy
• A portion of the left fallopian tube, its ectopic pregnancy, and
the mesosalpinx were coagulated and cut.
• The ectopic pregnancy and fallopian tube were removed.
• Assign codes:
10T24ZZ , Resection of ectopic products of conception,
percutaneous endoscopic approach
 0UB64ZZ, Excision of left fallopian tube, percutaneous endoscopic
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Removal of Remaining Ovary
• A prior partial removal of the right ovary was performed
years ago
• The remaining portion of the ovary is now being
completely removed
• This is a Resection since the physician completely
removed what was left of the ovary
• 0UT00ZZ, Resection of right ovary, open approach
• An excision is coded when only part of the organ is
removed and there is a portion left behind
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Total Hysterectomy
• A partial hysterectomy removes just the uterus, leaving the cervix
• A total hysterectomy includes the removal of the uterus and cervix.
Coding both the resection of uterus and cervix is supported by the
ICD-10-PCS Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting: During
the same operative episode, multiple procedures are coded if:
The same root operation is performed on different body parts as defined
by distinct values of the body part character.
• Total hysterectomy performed via an open approach. Assign:
0UT90ZZ, Resection of uterus, open approach
 0UTC0ZZ, Resection of cervix, open approach
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Total Abdominal Hysterectomy
• A total abdominal hysterectomy includes the following:
Removal of the uterus
 Removal of the cervix
• Sometimes a hysterectomy includes removal of one or both ovaries
and fallopian tubes, a procedure called a total hysterectomy with
Removal of the ovaries
 Removal of the fallopian tubes
• The root operation is Resection for all of the body parts included in a
total abdominal hysterectomy. To report a total abdominal
hysterectomy, the open (0) approach is used as the 5th character.
The 6th and 7th characters are always Z because there is no device
and no qualifier.
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Hysterectomy: Robotic
• In addition to the open and laparoscopic approaches, some
hysterectomy procedures are performed with robotic assistance
• These procedures must have an additional code assigned from the
Other Procedures section.
Code 8E0W0CZ is added to describe the robotic assistance for a
hysterectomy using an open approach
New Codes
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New OB ICD-10-CM Codes
| 43
No PCS Code Changes
Medical Surgical
Heart and Great
Medical Surgical
Upper Arteries
Medical Surgical
Lower Arteries
Medical Surgical
Upper Veins
Medical Surgical
Lower Joints
Medical Surgical
Medical Surgical
Anatomical Upper
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Categories Expanded (Shown Without Decimal Points)
O000 Delete
O001 Delete
O002 Delete
O008 Delete
O009 Delete
Abdominal pregnancy
Abdominal pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy
Abdominal pregnancy with intrauterine pregnancy
Tubal pregnancy
Tubal pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy
Tubal pregnancy with intrauterine pregnancy
Ovarian pregnancy
Ovarian pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy
Ovarian pregnancy with intrauterine pregnancy
Other ectopic pregnancy
Other ectopic pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy
Other ectopic pregnancy with intrauterine pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy, unspecified
Unspecified ectopic pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy
Unspecified ectopic pregnancy with intrauterine pregnancy
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Remove Term Molar Example
• O0910 Revise from Supervision of pregnancy with history of
ectopic or molar pregnancy, unspecified trimester
• O0910 Revise to Supervision of pregnancy with history of ectopic
pregnancy, unspecified trimester
• O09A0 Add Supervision of pregnancy with history of molar
pregnancy, unspecified trimester
• O09A1 Add Supervision of pregnancy with history of molar
pregnancy, first trimester
• O09A2 Add Supervision of pregnancy with history of molar
pregnancy, second trimester
• O09A3 Add Supervision of pregnancy with history of molar
pregnancy, third trimester
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Added Subcategory for Childbirth and the Puerperium
• O114 Add Pre-existing hypertension with pre-eclampsia, complicating childbirth
• O115 Add Pre-existing hypertension with pre-eclampsia, complicating the
• O1204 Add Gestational edema, complicating childbirth
• O1205 Add Gestational edema, complicating the puerperium
• O1214 Add Gestational proteinuria, complicating childbirth
• O1215 Add Gestational proteinuria, complicating the puerperium
• O1224 Add Gestational edema with proteinuria, complicating childbirth
• O1225 Add Gestational edema with proteinuria, complicating the puerperium
• O134 Add Gestational [pregnancy-induced] hypertension without significant
proteinuria, complicating childbirth
• O135 Add Gestational [pregnancy-induced] hypertension without significant
proteinuria, complicating the puerperium
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Subcategory for Childbirth and the Puerperium
Example (Complicating Birth and After)
Pre-existing hypertension with pre-eclampsia, first trimester
Pre-existing hypertension with pre-eclampsia, second trimester
Pre-existing hypertension with pre-eclampsia, third trimester
O11.4 Add Pre-existing hypertension with pre-eclampsia, complicating
• O11.5 Add Pre-existing hypertension with pre-eclampsia, complicating
the puerperium
• O11.9
• Pre-existing hypertension with pre-eclampsia, unspecified trimester
| 48
Revised to add Complicating to Pregnancy
• O1500 Revise from Eclampsia in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
• O1500 Revise to Eclampsia complicating pregnancy,
unspecified trimester
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Revision, Moved Terms
• O24011 Revise from
Pre-existing diabetes mellitus, type 1, in
pregnancy, first trimester
• O24011 Revise to Pre-existing type 1 diabetes mellitus, in
pregnancy, first trimester
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Added Specific Fetus, Expand Category
• O337 Delete Maternal care for disproportion due to other fetal deformities
• O337XX0 Add Maternal care for disproportion due to other fetal deformities, not
applicable or unspecified
• O337XX1 Add Maternal care for disproportion due to other fetal deformities,
fetus 1
• O337XX2 Add Maternal care for disproportion due to other fetal deformities,
fetus 2
• O337XX3 Add Maternal care for disproportion due to other fetal deformities,
fetus 3
• O337XX4 Add Maternal care for disproportion due to other fetal deformities,
fetus 4
• O337XX5 Add Maternal care for disproportion due to other fetal deformities,
fetus 5
• O337XX9 Add Maternal care for disproportion due to other fetal deformities,
other fetus
| 51
Create New Subcategory Previous CS Specific Scar
• O3421 Delete Maternal care for scar from previous cesarean
• O34211 Add Maternal care for low transverse scar from previous
cesarean delivery
• O34212 Add
Maternal care for vertical scar from previous
cesarean delivery
• O34219 Add Maternal care for unspecified type scar from previous
cesarean delivery
| 52
Complete Placenta Previa
• O4400 Revise from
Placenta previa specified as without
hemorrhage, unspecified trimester
• O4400 Revise to Complete placenta previa NOS or without
hemorrhage, unspecified trimester
| 53
Added Subcategory for Specific Partial Placenta Previa
O44.10, Placenta previa with hemorrhage, unspecified trimester
O44.11, Placenta previa with hemorrhage, first trimester
O44.12, Placenta previa with hemorrhage, second trimester
O44.13, Placenta previa with hemorrhage, third trimester
O44.20 Add Partial placenta previa NOS or without hemorrhage,
unspecified trimester
• O44.21 Add Partial placenta previa NOS or without hemorrhage,
first trimester
• O44.22 Add Partial placenta previa NOS or without hemorrhage,
second trimester
• O44.23 Add Partial placenta previa NOS or without hemorrhage,
third trimester
| 54
Third Degree Laceration (Seen on a Previous Slide)
• O702
Delete Third degree perineal laceration during delivery
• O7020 AddThird degree perineal laceration during delivery,
• O7021 AddThird degree perineal laceration during delivery, IIIa
• O7022 AddThird degree perineal laceration during delivery, IIIb
• O7023 AddThird degree perineal laceration during delivery, IIIc
• Third-degree tears may be further subdivided into three
3a: partial tear of the external anal sphincter involving less than 50%
 3b: greater than 50% tear of the external anal sphincter
 3c: internal sphincter is torn
| 55
• American Hospital Association Coding Clinic for ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS 2Q
• American Hospital Association Coding Clinic for ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS 1Q
• American Hospital Association Coding Clinic for ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS 4Q
• American Hospital Association Coding Clinic for ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS 3Q
• American Hospital Association Coding Clinic for ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS 4Q
• American Hospital Association Coding Clinic for ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS 2Q
• ICD-10-PCS Reference Manual
• ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting FY 2016
• ICD-10 Coordination and Maintenance Meeting Minutes:
www.cms.gov/Medicare/Coding/ICD9ProviderDiagnosticCodes/ICD-9-CM-C-and-MMeeting-Materials.html (ICD-10-PCS Codes)
• Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics:
www.cdc.gov/nchs/icd/icd10cm_maintenance.htm (ICD-10-CM Codes)
| 57
You are invited to stay for a short overview on
Elsevier’s education solutions for Coding and
Clinical Documentation Improvement
| 58
Elsevier Revenue Cycle
Elsevier is proud to be a leader for online
professional education. As the education
solution for thousands of hospitals and millions
of users Elsevier keeps abreast of industry
needs to offer focused, pertinent, and timely
education that can be packaged for unique
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| 59
Some Lessons Specific to OB/GYN
Introductory Lessons for Inpatient and Outpatient
Outpatient Specialty Lessons
An Overview
Normal Delivery and Other Indications for Care
Complications of the Puerperium
Complications of Labor and Delivery
Complications of Pregnancy
Ectopic and Molar Pregnancies
Maternal Care for Fetal Problems
Obstetrical Procedures
Female Genital Diseases and Disorders: Reproductive Organs
Female Genital Disorders: Breast Disease and Disorders
Female Reproductive Procedures
| 60
OB/GYN Lesson Content
• Coding lessons include information about:
Anatomy and Physiology
 Treatment
- Medical and Surgical with descriptions of the procedure
Specific examples with rationale and the coding process
Official coding guidelines and the American Hospital Association Coding
Clinic updates
Short coding practices with rationales
Knowledge checks to reinforce the information shared
Reimbursement, documentation and quality implications
Scored post tests
| 61
| 62
Our CDI Education Covers:
Documentation Basics for Clinicians – documentation requirements by type and
place of service
Documentation Standards and Guidelines – TJC and CMS requirements for chart
completion, compliant physician query process, and E/M documentation including
Documentation Essentials for 24 unique topics, diagnoses, and procedures
CDI Competency Tool – two unique validated exams, based on job analysis, and
covering major domains associated with CDI job role requirements
52 physician lessons, by unique topic, plus awareness education for ICD-10CM/PCS, offering CME
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