Index of Austrian exhibitors (in English)
Index of Austrian exhibitors (in English)
AUSTRIA@MEDICA Die österreichische Gesundheitswirtschaft auf der weltgrößten Medizinmesse MEDICA & COMPAMED 2012 The Austrian Health Economy at the World Forum for Medicine MEDICA & COMPAMED 2012 austria wirtschaftsservice We bring Life Sciences to Life. 50.000 Euro Temporary Management: Financing of complementary management expertise 1.000.000 Euro Seedfinancing: Financing of the start-up phase of high-tech companies 200.000 Euro PreSeed: Financing of the pre-start phase Wanted: Innovative products and procedures in the life sciences sector. What we offer: Optimal financing mix for maximum growth effects. aws business development bank supports the establishment and development of hightech companies with financing and targeted consultation, thereby strengthening Austria as a business location. For details and conditions of financing please visit AUSTRIA@MEDICA 2 Firmenprofile A-Z / Company profiles A-Z Liebe Leserinnen und Leser, von 14. bis 17.11.2012 kommt die Fachszene der internationalen Gesundheitswirtschaft und medizinischen Versorgung wieder nach Düsseldorf zu MEDICA & COMPAMED 2012. Mit dem ÖKZ-Sonderheft AUSTRIA@MEDICA sind Sie bereits bei Ihrer Messevorbereitung und auch vor Ort bestens gerüstet: AUSTRIA@MEDICA präsentiert österreichische Aussteller und Besucher in Düsseldorf mit übersichtlichen Firmenprofilen und Kontaktdaten. Ein praktischer Pocket Plan mit Firmenund Hallenübersicht in der Mitte des Heftes gibt Übersicht und macht Ihren Weg durch die Hallen von MEDICA und COMPAMED noch einfacher. Informieren Sie sich über Aussteller und Besucher und vereinbaren Sie Termine im Vorfeld der Messe. Auf den Gemeinschaftsständen von Life Science Austria, organisiert von Human. technology Styria in Halle 17, sowie auf den Ständen der Wirtschaftskammer in den Hallen 3, 8b und 17 liegt AUSTRIA@MEDICA ebenfalls auf. In praktischer Aufmachung bietet das Sonderheft, das in Kooperation mit der Dachmarke Life Science Austria (LISA), Advantage Austria/ Wirtschaftskammer Österreich, der Austrian Business Agency (ABA) und den Clustern Gesundheits-Cluster, Styria, LISAvienna und Life Sciences der Standortagentur Tirol entstand, über 40.000 Interessierten Übersicht und Informationen zur MEDICA 2012. Wir sehen uns auf der MEDICA! Informatives Lesen, Ihre Eva Gillesberger Life Science Austria: Advancing life science at the heart of Europe Discover and experience the fascinating innovations and trends “Made in Austria”! Welcome to the LISA Pavilion! The life science sector in Austria is renowned for its sustainable growth and a lively, creative and highly innovative approach that is rooted in its world class engineering and science. As a not-forprofit organisation, Life Science Austria (LISA) promotes Austria as a rich resource for biotechnology, medical technology and diagnostic companies, including enabling technologies and related service providers. Medical devices and related technologies have always been a strong part of the life science industries in Austria. From large international device companies, individual businesses with a single device and multiple companies supplying parts and knowhow, Austrian industry embraces every stage in the value chain. Additionally, there are a whole range of suppliers and service providers who contribute in a collaborative way to the success of the industry. This booklet is intended to help you find your right contacts with any of our attending Austrian life science companies. Please do not hesitate to come to our LISA desk if you need additional information. We will be more than happy to assist you. Sonja Polan Manager International Marketing AUSTRIA@MEDICA 3 Editorials There are 61 Austrian exhibitors presenting at MEDICA & COMPAMED 2012, including 16 companies at the Austrian Group stands in halls 3 and 17 and at COMPAMED (hall 8b). This exhibition guide aims to give you an insight into the diverse range Austria has to offer in the fields of medical technology, microbiology, laboratory medicine, diagnostics, producing and processing medical products, as well as equipment and technology for manufacturing medical devices. It should also simplify your visit around the fair. With our offices in Frankfurt, Berlin and Munich – – the Austrian trade delegations are your first port of call for establishing contacts to Austrian companies. We look forward to meeting you at our group stand and wish you a successful MEDICA & COMPAMED 2012. Christoph Sturm Austrian Trade Commissioner MEDICA 2012 – World Forum for Medicine Gesundheitswirtschaft – ein Zukunftsmarkt mit viel Potenzial Every November, MedTech manufacturers from around the world take advantage of MEDICA to present the entire spectrum of new products, services and solutions. This is where they meet key decision makers as well as trade visitors from a total of some 120 different countries. Of the 134,500 visitors who attended MEDICA 2011, more or less half came to Düsseldorf from abroad. Die Gesundheitswirtschaft ist einer der größten österreichischen Wirtschaftszweige und durch ihre Innovationskraft und ihre Beschäftigungsintensität ein Wachstums- und Beschäftigungstreiber für unsere Volkswirtschaft. The industry continues to put its money on MEDICA in 2012 (November, 14-17). On the basis of the advance registrations for MEDICA 2012 – World Forum for Medicine received to date, we can expect a similar level of exhibitor participation to that seen last year, with over 4,500 exhibitors from at least 60 different countries. MEDICA makes this link between technical applications and their application by the interaction between the trade fair, with its integrated themed areas and the MEDICA Congress, the largest interdisciplinary advanced training forum in the field of medicine in Germany. COMPAMED 2012 will take place in parallel to MEDICA. With over 600 exhibitors at last year’s COMPAMED, this is the leading market platform for suppliers to the medical technology industry. Visit us online at: and Joachim Schäfer Managing Director Messe Düsseldorf Das Interesse der Menschen beschränkt sich nicht nur auf Krankheiten, deren Ursachen und Prävention, sondern sie übernehmen zunehmend mehr Eigenverantwortung und sind bereit, in ihre Gesundheit zu investieren. Heutzutage durchdringt das Thema Gesundheit alle Lebensbereiche: Beispiele dafür sind unter anderem Medizintechnik, Bedarfs- und Verbrauchsartikel, Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie, Arzneimittel, spezielle Textilien bis hin zu Facililty Management. Gleichzeitig entstehen neue Marktchancen für österreichische Unternehmen, die maßgeschneiderte Produkte und Dienstleistungen anbieten und so das große Potenzial optimal nützen. In Österreich wird das Gesundheitssystem allerdings weniger als bedeutender Wirtschaftszweig wahrgenommen, sondern eher als Kostenfaktor des Solidarsystems. Es muss daher der Stellenwert der Gesundheitswirtschaft in Österreich weiter aufgezeigt und die richtigen Rahmenbedingungen geschaffen werden. In dieser Hinsicht ist der MEDICA Club Austria für uns ein wichtiger Kooperationspartner. Dietmar K. Schuster Wirtschaftskammer Österreich AUSTRIA@MEDICA 4 Editorials / Impressum I M P R E SS U M Verleger: Schaffler Verlag GmbH, DVR 1031911, Adresse: A-8010 Graz, Wickenburggasse 32, Tel.: +43(0)316/820565-0, Fax: +43(0)316/820565-20, [email protected], www.schaffler-verlag. com. Herausgeber: Mag. Roland Schaffler, roland@ Verlagsleitung & CRM: Dr. Andrea Nicolaus, [email protected]. Business Development: Dr. Eva-Maria Gillesberger, [email protected]. Grafische Konzeption und Layout: Ad-Ventures, Graz. Leitender Grafiker: Manfred Hofer, manfred.hofer@ad-ventures. at. Kundenbetreuung: Michaela Pfeffinger, pfeffinger@ Produktionskoordinator: Walter Anzel. Druck: Druckerei Dorrong, Graz. Papier chlorfrei gebleicht. Verpackung: Polyäthylen, umweltneutral. Leitender Redaktionshund: Whiskey vulgo Bivrakens Kahlo. Auflage: 14.000. Erscheinungsweise: 1x jährlich gemeinsam mit Ausgabe 8-9 von Das österreichische Gesundheitswesen – ÖKZ. Bankverbindung: HYPO Landesbank Steiermark, BLZ 56000, KontoNr. 20241078311. Verlags- & Erscheinungsort: A-8010 Graz. Die inhaltliche und rechtliche Verantwortung für namentlich gekennzeichnete Beiträge und beigestellte Fotos und Graphiken liegen ausschließlich beim Autor. Der Inhalt der Beiträge entspricht nicht unbedingt der Meinung der Redaktion. Wir freuen uns über die Veröffentlichung von Inhalten aus in anderen Medien: PDF- oder Textfiles erhalten Sie unter office@ Veröffentlichung von abgeänderten Versionen nur mit Zustimmung des Verlags. Die Übernahme, Vervielfältigung und Verbreitung von Beiträgen darf unter Vorbehalt der Rechte nach dem § 44 Abs. 1 Urheberrechtsgesetz ausschließlich mit Quellenangabe erfolgen. Der Verlag behält sich das Recht vor, die veröffentlichten Beiträge auch für andere Aktivitäten und Medien zu verwenden. Auf die Hinzufügung der jeweiligen weiblichen Formulierungen wird bei geschlechtsspezifischen Hinweisen im Sinne der flüssigen Lesbarkeit und einer angemessenen Sprachqualität zum Teil verzichtet. Alle personalen Begriffe sind sinngemäß geschlechtsneutral zu lesen. Die Unterscheidung zwischen redaktionellen Inhalten und Werbung ist unseren Lesern und uns wichtig: PR-Beiträge von Unternehmen und anderen Organisationen sowie entgeltliche Einschaltungen im Sinne des § 26 Mediengesetzes sind daher mit dem Vermerk „Promotion“ oder „Medienkooperation“ gekennzeichnet und/oder mit dem Logo des Auftraggebers versehen. MEDICA 2012 – Was man wissen muss „Der Gesundheitsmarkt ist ein Wachstumsmarkt!“ – diese Aussage hat über die letzten Jahre hinweg ungeachtet von Finanz- und Staatsschuldenkrisen nichts an ihrer Gültigkeit verloren. G leich welche Marktstudie zugrunde gelegt wird, darf aufgrund der allgemein günstigen Vorzeichen global betrachtet mit weiteren starken und im Vergleich zu anderen Branchen überdurchschnittlichen Zuwächsen gerechnet werden. Schon jetzt entfallen durchschnittlich zehn Prozent des weltweiten Bruttoinlandsproduktes auf den Gesundheitssektor, der damit zu den bedeutsamsten Wirtschaftszweigen zählt. Die Hersteller von Medizinprodukten und -technologien richteten beispielsweise zuletzt vorrangig ihr Augenmerk auf die boomenden Märkte des Mittleren Ostens und Asiens, die teils mit zweistelligen Wachstumsraten des Marktes zu überzeugen wussten. Zweifelsohne winken hier nach wie vor lukrative Geschäfte. Allein in China sollen in den nächsten acht Jahren rund 2.000 neue Kliniken entstehen. Hier wird der Markt für Medizintechnik in den nächsten Jahren von aktuell ca. 12 Milliarden Euro noch einmal an Wachstumsgeschwindigkeit zulegen. Da insbesondere in den großen Metropolen hochwertige medizintechnische Geräte gefragt sind, schauen sich Vertreter der staatlichen Institutionen und Entscheider aus dem Klinikbereich Chinas verstärkt in Deutschland und Europa um nach Industriepartnern für die anstehenden Projekte. hoch, das Prozedere der Marktzulassung gilt als vergleichsweise schnell und zunehmend gewinnt der zweite Gesundheitsmarkt über Selbstzahlerleistungen an Bedeutung. Kosten-Nutzen-Betrachtung beherrscht die Märkte Ein wesentliches Merkmal kennzeichnet ungeachtet aller landesspezifischen Besonderheiten und Konjunktureinflüsse alle Märkte: die zunehmende Kosten-Nutzen-Bewertung von MedizintechnikInnovationen. Es geht nicht mehr nur um die optimale Behandlung, gefragt ist die optimale Behandlung zum optimalen Preis. Der MEDICA in Düsseldorf kommen diese Trends und Marktvorzeichen entgegen. Allerdings rücken trotz Spardrucks der öffentlichen Haushalte selbst die vermeintlich als gesättigt geltenden Märkte der Industriestaaten in Europa und Nordamerika wieder in den Fokus. Die Gründe dafür sind vielfältig. Das gesamte Marktvolumen ist hier nach wie vor ungleich höher als das der asiatischen Region, liegt allein bezogen auf Deutschland um 8 Milliarden Euro höher als das des chinesischen Marktes. Darüber hinaus sind die medizinischen Anwender sehr gut ausgebildet, das Versorgungsniveau ist AUSTRIA@MEDICA Jedes Jahr im November nutzen „MedTech“-Hersteller aus der ganzen Welt die MEDICA, um die komplette Bandbreite an neuen Produkten, Dienstleistungen und Verfahren zu präsentieren. Hier treffen sie neben den maßgeblichen Einkaufsentscheidern auf 5 MEDICA Facts IT-Branchenverband BITKOM auf rund 350 m2 Fläche organisierter Gemeinschaftsstand (in Halle 15) zu aktuellen Entwicklungen und Lösungen für die IT-unterstützte medizinische Versorgung. Industrie setzt auf MEDICA: 2012 mit Top-Zahlen MEDICA Spezialkongresse Die Industrie setzt auch 2012 ungebrochen auf die MEDICA. Dabei Unter dem „Dach“ des MEDICA Kongresses finden in diesem Jahr erweist sich die thematisch vielfältige Ausrichtung und in sich klar einige hochkarätig besetzte Jahrestagungen medizinischer Fachgegliederte Struktur der MEDICA gesellschaften statt. Fester Beals vorteilhaft. Der Markt orienstandteil der MEDICA 2012 ist tiert sich nicht ausgerichtet an zudem der 35. Deutsche Kranspezifischen Produktsegmenten, kenhaustag, die führende InforDid you know about MEDICA, that … sondern an prozessorientierten mations- und KommunikationsVerfahren bei der Diagnose und plattform für alle Entscheider der … over 4,500 exhibitors participate from at Therapie verschiedener KrankKliniken in Deutschland. Die EUleast 60 different countries. heitsbilder mit allen dafür notROPEAN HOSPITAL CONFERENCE wendigen Lösungen. wird nach ihrer erfolgreichen Pre… in 2011 a total of 134,500 trade visitors miere 2011 als Veranstaltung der came to Düsseldorf, 16,000 of them Top-Entscheider aus Europas KliDer Anmeldeverlauf zur MEDICA interested in COMPAMED. niken im Zwei-Jahres-Rhythmus 2012 lässt eine Ausstellerbeteifortgesetzt. Wie geplant wird die ligung im Umfang des Vorjah… key decision makers and trade visitors Konferenz 2013 wieder den Deutreswertes von mehr als 4.500 from about 120 countries are present. schen Krankenhaustag ergänzen Ausstellern aus mindestens 60 und dann richtungsweisende Nationen erwarten. Auf der ME… about half of 134,500 visitors of europäische Fragestellungen der DICA wird ein Brückenschlag zwiMEDICA 2011 came from abroad. Krankenhauspolitik diskutieren. schen technischen Applikationen und ihrer Anwendung in Bezug … the MEDICA Congress consisted of over auf konkrete Krankheitsbilder MEDICA und COMPAMED – 5,000 visitors and some 200 seminars durch das Zusammenspiel der Ein starkes Duo and courses. Fachmesse mit ihren integrierten Themenparks sowie mit dem Parallel zur MEDICA (14. bis MEDICA Kongress realisiert. Der 17.11.2012) findet die COMPAMEDICA Kongress ist mit zuletzt MED (14. bis 16.11.2012) statt. regelmäßig mehr als 5.000 Teilnehmern und insgesamt 200 SemiMit zuletzt mehr als 600 Ausstellern ist sie die international fühnaren und Kursen das größte interdisziplinäre medizinische Fortrende Marktplattform für die Zulieferer der medizintechnischen bildungsforum in Deutschland. Industrie. Im Jahr 2011 zählten beide Veranstaltungen insgesamt 134.500 Fachbesucher, wovon sich 16.000 gezielt für die Themen der COMPAMED interessierten. :: Neue Programm-Highlights Weitere Informationen:, Joachim Schäfer, Geschäftsführer der Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Sukzessive wurde gleichzeitig zur steigenden Resonanz auf der Aussteller- und auf der Besucherseite das Programm der parallelen Kongresse und der in die Fachmesse integrierten Foren ausgebaut. Neu in diesem Jahr ist „FutureCare“, ein in Kooperation mit dem AUSTRIA@MEDICA 6 MEDICA Facts Text und Fotos ©MEDICA Fachbesucher aller Kontinente, aus insgesamt gut 120 Nationen. Von den 134.500 Besuchern der MEDICA 2011 reiste jeder zweite aus dem Ausland nach Düsseldorf. 17/D20 ABA-Invest in Austria Opernring 3, A-1010 Vienna T: +43(0)1/588 58 0 [email protected] 3/F56, 17/C20, 8B/F03 ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Unterlindau 21-29, D-60323 Frankfurt/Main T: +49(0)69/971 012 0 [email protected], Mag. Christoph Sturm 8B/F03 AMACO Ing. Vonach GmbH Nesselweg 4 A-6850 Dornbirn T: +43(0)5572/317 33 [email protected] 3/D52 AMEDA Labordiagnostik GmbH Krenngasse 12, A-8010 Graz T: +43(0)316/698 069 DI Gerald Herfort [email protected] 17/D20 Anagnostics Bioanalysis GmbH Westbahnstraße 55, A-4300 St. Valentin T: +43(0)7435/581 930 [email protected] Mag. Markus Jaquemar [email protected] M: +43(0)676/930 68 18 ABA-Invest in Austria the national investment promotion company, is the first point of contact for foreign companies aiming to establish their own business in Austria. We are owned and operated by the Austrian Government. The services provided by ABA are free of charge. ABA provides professional consulting services to firms interested in setting up business operations in Austria, focusing on all issues relevant to selecting an appropriate location. ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA supports Austrian companies with a view to finding new contacts and strengthening existing business companies. We are the first point of contact for companies looking for suitable Austrian suppliers, technologies and business partners in all industry sectors and in the medical sector in particular. Bringing business together is our business. The Austrian Pavilions are being organized as a joint venture between Austria´s official trade promotion organization „ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA“ and the ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA office in Frankfurt. AMACO is a system supplier for printing and coding on packages and products all over the world. Business activities are stretched nowadays to more than 78 countries worldwide. AMACO‘s flexographic and thermal transfer printers print all required fix and variable product information in-line onto blister packs of medical disposables. The printers are installed on intermittent running packaging machines. BENEFITS: highest quality printing, top flexibility, easy handling, cost savings on packaging process, no pre-printed packaging material – less stock AMEDA is an Austrian manufacturer of in-vitro diagnostic products committed to highest quality standards. Its portfolio is known under the brand AMP Diagnostics and including diagnostic kits as well as equipment covers the segments of clinical chemistry, urine diagnostics, immunology, rapid diagnostics, hematology and coagulation. The latest novelty is AMP Seros 125, a smart and compact automated chemistry analyzer designed for primary care and point-of-care applications. Anagnostics‘ vision is to establish our proprietary hybcell technology, a breakthrough development in multiplex diagnostics, as an internationally widely accepted standard.Located in St. Valentin, Austria, we started our developments in 2006. Our team comprises of specialists in molecular diagnostics, mechatronics and software engineering. Our focus for development is user-friendliness of our products. hybcell is the result of our goal to bring multiplexed diagnostics into routine analysis. hybcell is the world’s first cylindrical microarray, changing paradigms in microarray technology and re-defining biochips. AUSTRIA@MEDICA 7 Firmenprofile A-Z / Company profiles A-Z 11/A22 BIEGLER GmbH Allhangstraße 18 a A-3001 Mauerbach T, F: +43(0)1/979 21 05 [email protected] Ingeborg Biegler [email protected] 3/F56 BIOMEDICA Medizinprodukte GmbH & Co.KG Divischgasse 4, A-1210 Wien T: +43(0)1/291 07 45 [email protected], Dr. Bernhard Küenburg 11/F21 CARL REINER GmbH Mariannengasse 17, A-1090 Wien T: +43(0)1/402 62 51 0 [email protected] Peter Rossegger [email protected] 13/D51 Cleanroom Technology Austria GmbH IZ NÖ Süd, Str. 10, Objekt 60 A-2355 Wiener Neudorf T: +43(0)2236/320 053 0 [email protected], Ing. Roman Czech 12/E62 CMB Maschinenbau & Handels Gesellschaft Conceptstraße 1, A-8101 Gratkorn T: +43(0)3124/22150 0 [email protected], Ing. Markus Krenn [email protected] M: +43(0)664/808 002 27 Biegler has been successfully involved in development and production of medical devices and disposables for more than 35 years. In a row of prime instruments are the blood and infusion warmer BW 685/S, Protherm II and the emergency warmer ESH04 for mobile use. The automatic pressure infusor AUTOPRESS can be used directly with the warmer or as stand-alone solution wherever fluids have to be dispensed under constant pressure. Biegler offers integrated development and production as OEM services. Certifications: ISO 13485:2003, CE 0123, FDA-registered for several products Biomedica is a leading distribution partner for high value medical products and diagnostics in the human and veterinary field with subsidiaries in all 13 central- and southeast European countries and a highly motivated and educated team of 250 people. DCX technologies GmbH (Disinfection Control Extended) is an Austrian health care company owned by Biomedica and its partner Braincon GmbH, which develops and markets intelligent bio-decontamination systems for validated room and surface decontamination by innovative generation of dry micro aerosols for hospital use and the health care system. Today the brand name CARL REINER is a synonym for innovative development and the production of new technologies in medicine. This traditional enterprise in Austria is known to be a competent partner, especially in the fields of anesthesia, pulmology, cardiology, urology and ENT. Our product TwinStream™ Multi Mode Respirator provides tubeless JetLaryngoscopy, Jet-Bronchoscopy, Jet-Tracheoscopy and all forms of surgical and intensive care related Jet-Ventilation. We are specialists as well as quality equipment and service providers within the cleanroom technology industry. The range of products and services covers the professional planning, manufacturing, assembly, auditing and maintenance of cleanrooms, cleanroom components and air conditioning as well as ventilation plants. Research and training in the field of cleanroom technology round off our offerings. With this knowhow we develop competent solutions and high quality equipment providing optimal safety in our customers’ work places thanks to ultra clean and particle-free air. Since 1995 CMB develops and produces turn-key solutions for the treatment of medical waste, which are used in hospitals and labs. CMB provides technologies for the collection and internal transportation as well as microbiological inactivation and mutilation of infectious medical waste. Our patented disinfection/sterilization system “Sintion” treats all kind of medical infectious waste using the combined technology of microwaves and saturated steam. All pathological germs are killed and the waste is save for external transport to either incineration, landfilling or recycling. AUSTRIA@MEDICA 8 Firmenprofile A-Z / Company profiles A-Z 17/D20 CNSystems Medizintechnik AG Reininghausstraße 13, A-8020 Graz T: +43(0)316/723 456 [email protected], Mag. Allice Wellisch [email protected] 3/D06 DIALAB GmbH IZ NÖ Süd, Hondastraße Objekt M55 A-2351 Wiener Neudorf T: +43(0)2236/660 910 [email protected], Johannes Jäger [email protected] CNSystems is market leader in the field of non-invasive, continuous hemodynamic optimization. We provide state-of-the art technology for Syncope assessment and pacemaker optimization in Cardiology and Internal Medicine as well as in the Research area. Our continuous, non-invasive blood pressure monitoring solutions including goal-directed fluid management also significantly support current clinical routines in Anesthesia and Perioperative Care. DIALAB GmbH was founded in 1972 and is a manufacturer and distributor of diagnostics and laboratory equipment – it offers the widest range of laboratory diagnostics worldwide. We dedicate ourselves exclusively to supporting the clinical laboratory and to supplying a complete range of products, based on 4 product lines, namely Clinical Chemistry Reagents, Immunological Reagents, Coagulation Reagents and Rapid Tests. Presently, DIALAB supplies its wide product range to more than 100 countries around the world. Europe launch MEDICA 2012 Our newest „Sterile Air Product” n Air! a e l c r o list f a i c e p s r you visit us on: MEDICA 2012 - Düsseldorf hall 13 Tel. +43 (0)2236 320053-0 | AUSTRIA@MEDICA 9 Firmenprofile A-Z / Company profiles A-Z 3/F56 eBioscience – an Affymetrix Company Campus Vienna Biocenter 2, A-1030 Wien T: +43(0)1/796 40 40 304 [email protected] Michael Krischke, [email protected] 8B/E08 EGSTON System Electronics Eggenburg GmbH, Grafenberger Straße 37, A-3730 Eggenburg T: +43(0)2984/2226 0, [email protected] Ing. Herbert Sonnleitner [email protected] M: +43(0)664/614 75 10 15/E26 emporia Telecom Industriezeile 36, A-4020 Linz T: +43(0)732/777 717 242 [email protected], Matthias Beyermann [email protected] 17/C20 EMS Handels Gesellschaft m.b.H. Schubertstraße 3, A-2100 Korneuburg T: +43(0)2262/616 55 0 [email protected] Alfred Ortner [email protected] 3/B53 Eurolyser Diagnostica GmbH Bayernstraße 11a, A-5020 Salzburg T: +43(0)662/432 100 Mag. Gerhard Bonecker [email protected] eBioscience – an Affymetrix Company is committed to developing and manufacturing high-quality, innovative reagents in an ISO certified facility for both clinical and research environments. As a provider of more than 10,000 products, we empower our customers worldwide to obtain exceptional results by using reagents that offer a new standard of excellence in the areas of innovation, quality and value. eBioscience provides reagents for clinical laboratories as well as research tools for flow cytometry, immunoassay, bioassays, immunoblotting, imaging and microscopy. EGSTON, renowned for its compact and shapely designed N-Series and the rapidly available P-Series, has expanded its product range by introducing 42W and 60W models. a further step to improve its product range. To satisfy the customer needs even better EGSTON has reinforced its development group and focuses now even more on bespoke power supplies and charger designs up to an output of 150W. Customers can benefit from the 17 years of experience in miniature high efficiency power supply design and the detailed knowledge in the optimum usage of modern microcontrollers from different brands. EGSTON power supplies and chargers are made in the EU. emporia is a leading mobile handset manufacturer for the older generation. The company, which was established more than 20 years ago, designs and manufactures mobile phones that are the easiest in the world to use. emporia creates products and services that enable those who might otherwise struggle to use mobile technology to keep safe, secure and connected. emporia enables people to lead a more active and independent life through the intelligent applications of mobile technology and a commitment to delivering outstanding user experience. Your partner in electrophysiology: We are innovators and leaders in the development of high quality products for EMG/EP, EEG, IOM, cerebral function monitoring (CFM), brain motor control assessment (BMCA) as well as ERP applications. In the field of lung function monitoring we are proud to present at Medica 2012 our new version of „Angelie EIS“ system. Choose EMS products and use our professional experience in design, development, manufacturing, servicing and supporting of hightechnology medical devices. The Eurolyser smart (single method automated reading technology) is a tried and true, innovative point of care/rapid testing instrument. Its strengths are its ease of use, reliability and flexibility in day-today operations. The smart instrument is designed to perform coagulation monitoring, thrombosis analysis, examine the inflammation status and assess cardiologic risk, diabetes status, iron deficiency and screening of colorectal cancer risk. In Development are tests for „rare-disease“ drug treatment (Orphan Drugs). AUSTRIA@MEDICA 10 Firmenprofile A-Z / Company profiles A-Z 17/C20 g.tec Guger Technologies OG Herbersteinstraße 60, A-8020 Graz T: +43(0)7251/222 40 [email protected], DI Markus Bruckner, [email protected] 13/A31 H+H SYSTEM GmbH Weissenbach 325, A-5350 Strobl T: +43(0)6137/217 93 [email protected] Tobias Loidl, [email protected] g.tec was founded in 1999 and is a growing enterprise with two branches in Austria (Graz and Schiedlberg) and distribution partners all over the world. All hard- and software development is done in-house by our team of researchers, engineers and developers. g.tec is also an active member in a number of national and international research projects and is active in scientific publishing. g.tec developed the first commercially available BCI system in 1999 and now sells this system in more than 60 countries worldwide. The H+H divider system has proved its worth in practice for more than 30 years in all medical areas from the pharmacy to the hospital. Safety and quality obtain top priority in the health care market, shop fitters and all types of businesses prefer organization and presentation. H+H SYSTEM is distributed by our partners in many European countries as well as in the H+H subsidiary in the USA. H+H SYSTEM, the partner when it comes to medication storage. 23,17(*5$7,211(8'(),1,(57 7(*5,6 0$48(7VHW]WQHXH0D¼VWÁEH ,QGLYLGXHOODQSDVVEDUH %HQXW]HUREHUIOÁFKH :RUNIORZRULHQWLHUWH$UEHLWVDEOÁXIH &KLUXUJLVFKH6LFKHUKHLWV &KHFNOLVWHQ +ÓFKVWH)OH[LELOLWÁWEHLJHULQJVWHP 3ODW]EHGDUI 7LPHVKLIW5HFRUGLQJ 3DUDOOHOH$XI]HLFKQXQJYRQ]ZHL +'4XHOOHQ 0$48(7u7KH*ROG6WDQGDUG 0$48(70HGL]LQWHFKQLN 9HUWULHE6HUYLFH*PE+ ,=1³6ÙG6WUDVVH2EMHNW( :LHQHU1HXGRUI$XVWULD 7HO )D[ LQIR$7#PDTXHWDW ZZZPDTXHWFRP 17/D20 Health Technology Cluster Hafenstraße 47-51, A-4020 Linz T: +43(0)732/79810 5156 [email protected] DI (FH) Philipp Wittmann [email protected] M: +43(0)664/818 65 59 17/D20 Hoffmann + Krippner GmbH Siemensstraße 1, D-74722 Buchen T: +49(0)6281/5200 0 [email protected], Jürgen Ebus, j.ebus@huk-bv-nl 17/D20 Styria GmbH Reininghausstraße 13, A-8020 Graz T: +43(0)316/587 016 [email protected] Thomas Kammerlander, thomas. [email protected] M: +43(0)699/188 997 04 3/F56 Iason Labormedizin GmbH Feldkirchner Straße 4, A-8054 Graz T: +43(0)316/284 300 [email protected], 16/A63 Ing. Sumetzberger GmbH Leberstraße 108, A-1110 Wien T: +43(0)1/740 350 [email protected] Ing. Michael Küpper [email protected] M: +43(0)664/627 66 22 We are an inter-sectoral network for increasing innovative capacity and international competitiveness of Health Technology companies, their suppliers as well as relevant research and healthcare facilities. We currently connect 220 partner companies from Austria and South Germany. Due to the Upper Austrian strength in medical technology, the main focus is on ultrasonic technology, analytics & diagnostics, electronics, medical mechatronics as well as on plant and casing construction. In business for almost 40 years, Hoffmann + Krippner became the leading manufacturer of customized keyboards and complex input systems and a market leader in Europe. The company develops and produces innovative input devices, control units and sensors for international customers in numerous industries, from consumer electronics, medical technology and aviation to mechanical engineering and military technology. Its product portfolio meets the highest expectations, from simple membrane keyboards to complex designs including enclosure, electronics and software. Styria is a membership organization for the life science and related industries in Styria, Austria, a powerhouse of innovation with world leadingreputations in the fields: Biobanking and biomarker technologies, Process engineering for pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies and advanced biomedical sensor technologies. The Cluster has assembled a highly integrated network of life science companies across Styria including companies at the very start of their existence right up to industry flagships. IASON is specialist in laboratory reagents (ELISA, RIA) and the automatization of ELISA tests devices. Secondly IASON is one of the most experienced companies having established Europe’s most up to date pharmaceutical production centers based on cyclotron nuclide production and market registered in EU-products of 18F-PET-Tracers. Sumetzberger stands for marked customer orientation, innovation, versatility and highest quality. As an independent family business, we are one of the most renowned industrial companies in Austria and one of the leading manufacturers of pneumatic tube systems internationally. As a reliable partner, we convince our customers with comprehensive expert knowledge, direct availability, and the highest quality in all areas as well as with the ability to quickly react to individual requirements. AUSTRIA@MEDICA 12 Firmenprofile A-Z / Company profiles A-Z 4/G05 intelligent motion gmbh Franzosenhausweg 51, A-4030 Linz T: +43(0)732/371 244 [email protected] Elisabeth Kaar [email protected] M: +43(0)699/173 234 03 17/D20 JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH Leonhardstraße 59, A-8010 Graz T: +43(0)316/876 0 [email protected], DI Dr. Stefan Köstler [email protected] 17/C20 Kohlbrat & Bunz GmbH Loretostraße 4-8, A-5550 Radstadt T: +43(0)6452/719 30 [email protected] 9/C48 Leonhard Lang GmbH Archenweg 56, A-6020 Innsbruck T: +43(0)512/334 257 Bettina Sarlay [email protected] 17/D20 Life Science Austria – LISA Ungargasse 37, A-1030 Wien T: +43(0)1/501 755 10 [email protected], Eva Maria Beck, [email protected] The company was founded in 2009 and is currently working in the areas im sports concerned with the development and production of innovative training and measurement devices for top-level and popular sports and im rehabilitation responsible for developing high quality rehabilitation robots for neurological rehabilitation, for example the “hirob“, which allows a safe, economic and effective implementation of the automated hippo therapy. JOANNEUM RESEARCH actively cooperates with the business sector to generate innovations. A focus of the institute “Materials” are diamond-like carbon coatings that gain increasing importance due to their unique and outstanding properties. Amongst other applications these coatings can also be used for artificial implants in medicine. Furthermore chemical and biosensors in combination with surface modification and printing methods are developed at the institute. Manufacturer of rescue equipment and medical devices. Products for vacuum immobilisation, RedVac mattresses, splints, pillows for emergency rescue. MedVac positioning mats for MRI scan and during surgery. UT2000, universal applicable transport stretcher, leight-weighted, rescue in steep terrain, helicopter transport. RollUP, rollable stretcher, leightweighted, rescue in steep terrain, helicopter transport. We design, manufacture and distribute products for ECG, electro surgery, defibrillation and stimulation as well as gels and fixations. As part of our commitment to provide the highest quality service and products and our desire to meet your future requirements, we have formed strong partnerships with renowned companies around the world. Our quality management system is certified according to ISO 9001, ISO 13485 and ISO 13485 CMDCAS and for some product lines to Annex II of the European Medical Device Directive. LISA promotes the life science sector in Austria on the international stage and is the first point of call for enquiries relating to it. Organized through the regional life science clusters ecoplus, Health Technology Cluster, LISAvienna, Human Technology Styria and Cluster Life Sciences Tirol LISA represents companies in the therapeutic, medical technology and diagnostic sectors as well as providers of enabling technologies. LISA is run by Austria Wirtschaftsservice GesmbH (aws) on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth. AUSTRIA@MEDICA 13 Firmenprofile A-Z / Company profiles A-Z Visitor LISAvienna Life Science Austria Vienna Ungargasse 37, A-1030 Wien T: +43(0)1/501 753 58 [email protected], Dr. Hans-Peter Spengler [email protected] M: +43(0)664/884 672 09 3/F56 Lohmann & Rauscher GmbH Johann-Schorsch-Gasse 4 A-1141 Wien T: +43(0)1/576 70 0 [email protected] 17/D20 MANAGEMENT PARTNERS business solution gmbh, Wienerstraße 253 A-8051 Graz, T: +43(0)316/676 799 [email protected] DI Wolfgang J. Haag [email protected] M: +43(0)664/30 888 67 Visitor MAQUET Medizintechnik Vertrieb und Service GmbH IZ NÖ Süd, Str. 16, Objekt 69, E5 A-2355 Wiener Neudorf T: +43(0)2236/677 393 0 [email protected], Harald Veillard, [email protected] M: +43(0)676/491 06 92 13/B23 Marchhart GmbH Fabriksgelände 6, A-7201 Neudörfl T: +49(0)151/524 666 64 Ing. Michael Lang [email protected] M: +49(0)151/524 666 64 LISAvienna, life science hub at the heart of Europe, is your central contact partner for the areas of medtech and biotech/pharma in Vienna. As a joint venture between the Republic of Austria and the City of Vienna, we help to ensure that the economic potential of life sciences is used and results in concrete products, improved processes and new services. The focus of our activities is on tailor-made consultation services and supporting innovative companies. Lohmann & Rauscher (L&R) is a leading international supplier of high quality, futureoriented medical devices and hygiene products – ranging from conventional bandages to modern treatment and nursing systems. Created in 1998 from the merger of two long-established familyowned companies, Lohmann (founded in 1851) and Rauscher (founded in 1899), L&R have over 150 years expertise as a dependable partner and solution provider for its customers. L&R is represented in all important markets around the world. Since 2000 MANAGEMENT PARTNERS are positioned in the social and health care software-segment. ICOsys, the integrated software product covers all relevant processes of stationary, ambulant and mobile services and is oriented towards the philosophy of the MANAGEMENT PARTNERS. A high standard in the individual care of patients combined with dedicated orientation towards cost effectiveness, quality management by continuous evaluation and easy to use processes are central objectives. Using ICF as the central taxonomy allows for the best support of interdisciplinary work. As a trusted partner for hospitals and clinicians since 1838, Maquet is a global leader in medical systems that advance surgical interventions, cardiovascular procedures and critical care. Maquet develops and designs innovative products and therapeutic applications for the operating room, hybrid OR/cath lab, ICU and patient transport within acute care hospitals, improving outcomes and quality of life for patients. Maquet also equips surgical workplaces with critical infrastructure such as flexible room design for OR and ICU, OR tables lights, ceiling supply units and OR integration for image data management. Marchhart LLC is a traditionally run family company, established in 1968 in Austria. In the field of air filter technology Marchhart LLC offers a wide range of components for hospitals, pharmacies, laboratories and the optical industry. Highquality air filter systems guarantee clean air for the protection of people and products. Company’s concept is to offer a complete package: Starting with demand assessment and consulting in the pre-planning stage, followed by support in planning execution through product fabrication up to assembly assistance and commissioning. AUSTRIA@MEDICA 14 Firmenprofile A-Z / Company profiles A-Z AUSTRIA@MEDICA Die österreichische Gesundheitswirtschaft auf der weltgrößten Medizinmesse MEDICA & COMPAMED 2012 The Austrian Health Economy at the World Forum for Medicine MEDICA & COMPAMED 2012 Hallen/Halls 1, 2, 3 Labortechnik, Diagnostica Laboratory equipment, diagnostics Hallen/Halls 4, 5 Physiotherapie/Orthopädietechnik Physiotherapy/orthopaedic equipment Hallen/Halls 5, 6, 7.0, 7.1, 7a Bedarfs- und Verbrauchsartikel, Textilien Disposables, commodities and consumer goods, textiles Hallen/Halls 8a, 8b COMPAMED High tech solutions for medical technology Hallen/Halls 9 -14 Elektromedizin, Medizintechnik, OP-Technik und Einrichtung Electromedicine, medical technology, operating technology and equipment Krankenhauseinrichtung, Kommunikations-Systeme Hospital equipment, communication systems Halle/Hall 15 Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik Information and communications technology Hallen/Halls 16, 17 Nationale und internationale Gemeinschaftsstände, Elektromedizin, Medizintechnik National and international joint participants, electromedicine, medical technology 3 1/C40 3/B53 3/D06 3/D52 3/F56 3/F56 3/F56 3/F56 3/F56 3/F56 3/F56 3/F56 3/F56 3/F56 MEDICA VISION FORUM Norma Diagnostika Eurolyser Diagnostica DIALAB AMEDA Labordiagnostik ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA BIOMEDICA eBioscience Iason Labormedizin Lohmann & Rauscher MED TRUST Technoclone VASEMA ViennaLab Diagnostics West Medica 4 4/G05 5/B29 MEDICA PHYSIO FORUM intelligent motion tyromotion 6 6/C29 6/E32 6/J32 MEDICA WOUND CARE FORUM Semperit Websinger Moltoplast 8a 8b 8a/G03 8a/J12 8a/L01 8a/L04 8b/E08 8b/F03 8b/F03 8b/F03 8b/F03 COMPAMED HIGH-TECH FORUM COMPAMED SUPPLIERS FORUM Sony DADC z-microsystems System Industrie Electronic STARLIM Spritzguss EGSTON ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA AMACO Ing. Vonach M&R Automation Wittmann Battenfeld 12 9/C32 9/C48 10/B42 10/E29 10/G42 11/A22 11/F21 12/A23 12/E62 13/A31 13/B23 13/D51 14/A48 14/B31 MEDICA TECH FORUM Nessler Medizintechnik Leonhard Lang Mides TMA Medical MICROS BIEGLER CARL REINER METEKA CMB H+H SYSTEM Marchhart Cleanroom Technology Austria SCHRACK SECONET Pascom Kommunikationssysteme 15 15 15/E26 HEALTH IT FORUM ECON FORUM Emporia Telecom 16/A63 17/C20 17/C20 17/C20 17/C20 17/C20 17/D20 17/D20 17/D20 17/D20 17/D20 17/D20 17/D20 17/D20 17/D20 17/D20 17/D20 17/D20 17/D20 17/D20 Ing. Sumetzberger ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA EMS g.tec Guger Technologies Kohlbrat & Bunz TKH-Medical ABA-Invest in Austria Anagnostics Bioanalysis Cluster Life Sciences Tirol CNSystems Health Technology Cluster Hoffmann + Krippner Styria JOANNEUM RESEARCH Life Science Austria – LISA Management Partners business solution Spantec Stadler Sensorik CNC-Technik Steinbichler Austria WILD Änderu MEDICA 14 –16 Nov 2012 10.00 –18.30 h 17 Nov 2012 10.00 –17.00 h COMPAMED 14 –16 Nov 2012 10.00 –18.30 h ESPRIT arena/ ungen vorbehalten/Subject to alteration to alteration Änderungen vorbehalten/Subject Deutscher Krankenhaustag Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Postfach 10 10 06 40001 Düsseldorf Germany Tel. +49 (0)2 11/45 60-01 Fax +49 (0)2 11/45 60-6 68 3/F56 MED TRUST HandelsgesmbH Gewerbepark 10, A-7221 Marz T: +43(0)2626/641 90 [email protected], Mag. Rudolf Grafl, [email protected] 12/A23 METEKA GmbH Viktor-Kaplan-Straße 7 A-8750 Judenburg T: +43(0)3572/851 66 [email protected], Mag. Roland Katschnig [email protected] 10/G42 MICROS Produktions& HandelsgesmbH Hunnenbrunn, Gewerbezone 5 A-9300 St. Veit/Glan T: +43(0)4212/309 01 [email protected], Herbert Luttenberger [email protected] MED TRUST is an Austrian manufacturer and international diabetes specialist which offers new innovative products, marketing and distribution concepts for a more modern supply channel in the health care sector. The Austrian company is internationally present with its own high-quality diabetes brand Wellion. MED TRUST is a family business, was founded in 1997 and includes companies in Austria, Germany, Sweden, Greece, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Slovakia and USA. Our goal is to make life easier for patients and partners with innovative ideas, advice and service. METEKA GmbH stands for excellent knowledge and reliable products in the field of hygiene and disposal solutions. The METEKA hygiene and infection prevention system reduces hospital acquired infections and allows a safe, economical and environmentally friendly treatment of infectious waste and waste water. METEKA has succeeded in establishing a successful market presence, both in Austria and internationally. MICROS was founded in 1994 and is mainly producing and trading microscopes and microtomes. MICROS microscopes are high quality products with an excellent price performance ratio for various life science applications like medical-technical laboratories, veterinary or biological applications but also in the industrial field. Our product range has been steadily expanded and our microscopes adjusted to our customers’ requirements. LOTUS MCX51 our latest model on the market sets new standards in routine clinical microscopes, mcx51lotus.html Ihr Fortschrittmacher in der Medizinund Gesundheitstechnologie D er Gesundheits-Cluster (GC) ist mit 225 Partnerbetrieben das größte Branchennetzwerk Österreichs. Seit zehn Jahren forciert der GC den Bereich Kooperation und Vernetzung. Dabei steht die Zusammenarbeit von Unternehmen, Gesundheitseinrichtungen, F&E und Anwendern im Mittelpunkt, um gemeinsam Synergien in übergreifenden Innovationsprojekten zu nutzen. Informieren Sie sich über Ihre Vorteile am LISA-Gruppenstand oder auf AUSTRIA@MEDICA 19 Firmenprofile A-Z / Company profiles A-Z 10/B42 MIDES is specialized in providing everything about medical ultrasound systems and can look back to almost 20 years of experience. The company exports its equipment to over 40 countries worldwide and has become the specialist for the repair of ultrasound probes by establishing a special high-tech laboratory. As the leading European service provider MIDES is able to repair cost-effectively, electronic, mechanical, and other defects. MIDES is certified according to ISO 9001 and ISO 13495. Mides Medizintechnik GmbH Weinholdstraße 33, A-8010 Graz T: +43(0)316/426 500 [email protected], Dr. Hannes Fliesser [email protected] 6/J32 Moltoplast was founded in 1955 as the first foam processing plant in Austria. The facilities in Austria were regularly expanded up to a total area of more than 10.000 m2, used for production and storage. The healthcare division manufactures and sells worldwide healthcare products as care-mattresses and positioning aids. In 2007 the wound care and decubitus prophylaxis product momosan® was authorized for the EU and worldwide distribution was successfully started. momosan® has a very advantageous price in combination with a simple application and the product safety standard of an European medical product of class IIb. Moltoplast GmbH Egger-Lienz-Straße 130 A-6020 Innsbruck T: +43(0)512/585 407 Denise Unterwurzacher [email protected] 8B/F03 M&R Automation GmbH Teslastraße 8, A-8074 Grambach bei Graz T: +43(0)316/4000 269 [email protected] Ing. Christian Amon [email protected] M: +43(0)664/253 75 63 9/C32 Nessler Medizintechnik Egger-Lienz-Straße 1d A-6020 Innsbruck T: +43(0)512/940 34 0 [email protected] 1/C40 Norma Diagnostika GmbH Ameisgasse 49-51/2A, A-1140 Wien T: +43(0)1/914 85 00 [email protected] Gabor Kollanyi M&R Automation is an experienced, innovative general contractor for custom-made production lines and testing systems. We develop and manufacture customized solutions for the pharmaceutical, medical, automotive, electronics and consumer goods industry. Our in-house resources provide a perfect combination of the areas mechanics, electronics, software programming, testing technology, production data systems, image processing and robotics. The company was founded in 1989 as a member of the M&R Group headquartered in Austria. The M&R Group employs over 400 personnel in Europe and North America. Since 1993, Nessler Medizintechnik (a former division of Swarovski) has been manufacturing and distributing medical equipment such as swaromed ECG electrodes, SWAROPLATE neutral electrodes for electro surgery, swaro-safe sterile venous cannula attachments and swaro-pad defibrillator electrodes. These quality products are exported worldwide and also produced under other brand names as OEM products. All products have the CE-mark since Nessler Medizintechnik is certified according to EN ISO 13485 / EN ISO 9001. Norma Diagnostika is a young company that focusses on in-vitro diagnostics. Norma Diagnostika operates internationally from its headquarters in Vienna and has an impressive track of high products quality and excellent service. The company and its affiliates currently have 120 employees with many years of experience in developing, producing and distributing laboratory diagnostic equipment and reagents. The product range consists of analyzers and reagents for clinical chemistry, hematology and also coagulation and urine diagnostics in human and veterinary medicine. AUSTRIA@MEDICA 20 Firmenprofile A-Z / Company profiles A-Z 14/B31 Pascom Kommunikationssysteme GmbH Technologiestraße 4, A-4341 Arbing T: +43(0)7269/60760 0 [email protected], Silvia Weberberger [email protected] 14/A48 SCHRACK SECONET AG Eibesbrunnergasse 18, A-1120 Wien T:+43(0)1/81157 0 [email protected] As provider for patient entertainment solutions, highly integrated smartcard systems and service billing systems we are able to offer the appropriate system for all individual requirements. By increasing the patients´ satisfaction, gaining image, relieving staff workload and discharging the budget, our systems shall help our customers to achieve a decisive competitive advantage. We present you not only our latest IP-based patient entertainment terminal PT5500 but also lots of other great medical applications. Schrack Seconet AG is an Austrian high-tech company specializing in communications and nurse call systems for hospitals and residential homes. To develop, manufacture and implement the most modern, safest, and most reliable communications systems for their customers is the challenge that Schrack Seconet faces on a daily basis. The company offers future-proof communications systems which reduce staff workload in hospitals and help to make hospital stays for patients as comfortable as possible. Internationales Forum Mechatronik 21. - 22. November 2012 Europahaus Mayrhofen Standortagentur Tirol · Standortagentur Tirol AUSTRIA@MEDICA 21 Firmenprofile A-Z / Company profiles A-Z 6/C29 Sempermed is the largest segment of the Semperit Group and is ranked among the international leading manufacturers of medical and industrial gloves. The high quality standard of Semperit gloves impresses purchasers world-wide. European knowhow, environmentally friendly high-tech production and comprehensive quality management guarantee maximum safety and reliability, coupled with an optimum price-performance ratio. Semperit Technische Produkte Gesellschaft mbH Modecenterstraße 22, A-1031 Wien T: +43(0)1/797 775 22 [email protected] Mag. Andreas Wöss 8A/G03 Sony DADC centered in Salzburg, Austria helps companies globally respond to the challenges of the rapidly growing Life Sciences and IVD market by offering OEM development as well as ISO 13485 certified mass manufacturing and supply of polymer-based smart consumables (incl. content filling, packaging and global logistics). Already we have delivered solutions to a number of life science and IVD innovators, including Caliper Life Sciences, RainDance Technologies, Shimadzu Life Sciences and Quanterix. Sony DADC Sonystraße 20, A-5081 Anif T: +43(0)6246/880 0 [email protected] Manfred Koranda [email protected] 17/D20 Spantec GmbH is an Austrian high-tech company developing and selling innovative, electronic feedback systems and solutions for a variety of areas including telemedicine, e-health, safety and sports. In addition to its own products Spantec is known as competent partner for the development of innovative products and solutions on behalf of their clients and as an expert on the ANT wireless technology. Spantec was founded in April 2008. Spantec means Sensor Platform and Network Technologies - the core competence of Spantec. Spantec GmbH Gumpendorfer Straße 132/2/5 A-1060 Wien T: +43(0)1/585 135 92 [email protected], DI (FH) Armin Blaha 17/D20 We are specializing in the production of precision turned and milled parts. Our manufactured parts are used in the fields of medical technology, aviation technology and measuring technology. Quality management according to ISO 2001:2008 Stadler Sensorik CNC-Technik GmbH Grazer Straße 467 A-8121 Deutschfeistritz T: +43(0)3127/40930 110 [email protected], Viktoria Gabel [email protected] M: +43(0)676/318 40 94 17/D20 Standortagentur Tirol/Cluster Life Sciences Tirol Ing.-Etzel-Straße 17/2, A-6020 Innsbruck T: +43(0)512/576 262 48 [email protected] DDr. Petra Stöckl [email protected] M: +43(0)676/843 101 248 Tirol is one of the major life science regions in Austria with globally operating companies, renowned universities and research centers, highly skilled and motivated employees as well as above-average funds for scientific research. The Cluster Life Sciences Tirol coordinates a strong network of partners and the sector’s activities. The investor services Tirol offer an extensive service free of charge for those companies interested in Tirol as business location. AUSTRIA@MEDICA 22 Firmenprofile A-Z / Company profiles A-Z 8A/L04 STARLIM Spritzguss GmbH Mühlstraße 21, A-4614 Marchtrenk T: +43(0)7243/585 96-0 [email protected] 17/D20 Steinbichler Austria GmbH Eduard-Bodem-Gasse 5-7 A-6020 Innsbruck T: +43(0) 512/363 63 11 Hans-Thomas Peisl [email protected] starlim//sterner manufactures parts for the medical industry, the pharmaceutical sector and the baby-article industry. The cleanroom manufacturing and state of the art production conditions guarantee the highest levels of processing quality. Clean, hygienic and process-secured. Steinbichler Austria GmbH, located in Innsbruck/Austria, develops, manufactures and markets motion capture systems for analyzing people and object motions. The optical, real-time 3D-motion capture systems are based on infrared-cameras which are supported by the capturing and analysis software. Motions of active markers that are mounted on a person or an object are measured by the camera system; thus, the motion can be exactly analyzed. Networking with a smile 02 01 02 03 Pharmaceutical engineering and production processes 03 Advanced biomedical sensor technology and biomechanics 01 Biobanking and biomarker technologies Hotbed of Human Life Science Technology Styria is a powerhouse of innovation offering the very best in resources for a flourishing life science industry. AUSTRIA@MEDICA Investitionen in Ihre Zukunft Kofinanziert von der Europäischen Union Europäischer Fonds für Regionale Entwicklung (EFRE) 23 Firmenprofile A-Z / Company profiles A-Z 8A/L01 System Industrie Electronic GmbH Millennium Park 12, A-6890 Lustenau T: +43(0)5577/899 00 [email protected], Josef Krojer, T: +49(0)871/965 780 710 3/F56 Technoclone GmbH Brunner Straße 67, A-1230 Wien T: +43(0)1/863 730 [email protected] Veronika Binder 17/C20 TKH-Medical Hauptstraße 141, A-6651 Häselgehr T: +43(0)5634/6185 [email protected] Thomas Kohler [email protected] M: +43(0)664/181 84 72 10/E29 TMA Medical Voellegg 13, A-8654 Fischbach T: +43(0)3865/8633 [email protected] Patrick Sellem 5/B29 tyromotion GmbH Bahnhofgürtel 59, A-8020 Graz T: +43 (0)316/908 909 [email protected] Mag. Elisabeth Friedrich [email protected] M: +43(0)660/507 91 33 S.I.E is a 220 staff strong development and manufacturing partner for the medical devices industry. Specializing in computer technologies and electronics S.I.E provides customer specific assemblies and turnkey medical devices to leading OEMs. S.I.E Medical HMIs, the company’s latest product range, combine highest quality industrial design, newest user-interfacetechnologies with medical device grade engineering and manufacturing. Technoclone is a world leading producer not only of ELISA systems but also of global and special coagulation tests, control and reference plasmas and protein and lipid diagnostics. With Ceveron® alpha, a fully automated coagulation analyzer, the portfolio has been completed. Another innovation is the Ceveron® MFU500, a micro particle filtration unit which can identify micro particles thombogenicity in conjunction with the assay Technothrombin® MP. The innovative company TKH-Medical produces and sells medical devices worldwide. The newly developed dynamic extension-device „SwingMED“ now sets new accents in back pain therapy with a success rate of over 80% (according to studies of the University Clinic Innsbruck, Prof. Dr. Mur). The target groups: medical specialists, hospitals, clinics, health and rehab resorts, physic therapists, orthopaedists, sport medicine specialists, hotels with medical-spa-area. 40 dynamical extension devices are already in use in Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Slovenia and Croatia. The Mobile Care Unit (MCU) is a unique multi device examination system designed for e-health and telemedicine application. Operated on a multilanguage user interface via a touch screen panel, the MCU provides a wide range of examinations and is easy to customize/interface to existing telemedicine platforms. EMR integrated (import/export to hospital standard). Modern communications allows automatic synchronization with a central data base. Compact packaging and ready to use. Ideal for remote areas, screening population, second opinion, teleconsultation, emergency. tyromotion has become one of the world’s leading suppliers of innovative, pioneering, robotics-supported rehabilitation devices in the neurological rehabilitation sector. The tyromotion products: the Amadeo® (finger rehabilitation), the Pablo® System (hand-arm-shoulder rehabilitation) and the Tymo® (therapy plate) guarantee targeted, holistic and successful training of upper extremities and the whole body. AUSTRIA@MEDICA 24 Firmenprofile A-Z / Company profiles A-Z 3/F56 VASEMA GmbH Brunner Straße 67/4, A-1230 Vienna T: + 43(0)1/890 48 33 0 [email protected], DI Peter Hagl, [email protected] 3/F56 ViennaLab Diagnostics GmbH Gaudenzdorfer Gürtel 43-45 A-1120 Wien T: +43(0)1/812 01 56 [email protected] VASEMA is a manufacturer of high tech medical devices concerning skin diagnostic. With the first product line dermaMeter® VASEMA set a milestone in this field. The patented technology of dermaMeter® allows the reliable and objective determination of the patient’s skin health in a few seconds. The company’s goal is to provide solutions for the global challenges concerning skin health. Up to date and efficient diagnostic methods are the elementary prerequisites for VASEMA concerning health care. ViennaLab develops and manufactures IVD products in the fields of genetic diseases and predispositions (Thalassemia, inherited disorders of Iron Metabolism, Familial Mediterranean Fever, Cystic Fibrosis, Gaucher Disease, Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, Sugar & Lactose Intolerance and Cardiovascular Diseases), pharmacogenetics and oncology. The PGX-Pharmacogenetics product line offers tests for predicting response to some drugs like coumarin, HAART therapy, thiopurine, fluorouracil, clopidogrel, tamoxifen and tyrosine kinase inhibitors. 2XU6HUYLFHV 9LHQQD(\Z[YPHZSHYNLZ[SPMLZJPLUJLJS\Z[LYSVJH[PVU &RQVXOWLQJ /,6$YLHQQDWYV]PKLZFXVWRPWDLORUHGDGYLFH HUKDVVLVWDQFHMVYLQQRYDWLYHHQWHUSULVHV HQWUHSUHQHXUVLQYHVWRUVHUKUHVHDUFKHUV 0DUNHWLQJ 4XDOLðFDWLRQ 1HWZRUNLQJ =PZP[ZZZ/,6$YLHQQDDW[VSLHYUTVYLHIV\[ =PLUUHHZH[VWSVJH[PVUMVY[OLSPMLZJPLUJLZ AUSTRIA@MEDICA 25 .QRZOHGJH Firmenprofile A-Z / Company profiles A-Z 6/E32 In 1982 Websinger medical technology was founded as family-owned enterprise. The company based in Lower Austria has specialized in the production of sterile covers for devices as well as the Patient Warming System PWS 72000. The product range of merchandise extends from surgical drainages of biosynthetic vascular grafts and shunts as well as otolaryngology and urological products. Since 2009 Websinger has become business partner of Premier Guard, a specialist for single-use covers for devices. Websinger Ges.m.b.H. Johann Galler-Straße 15 A-2120 Wolkersdorf T: +43(0)2245/82488 [email protected], Ruth Kirschenhofer [email protected] 3/F56 West Medica Produktionsund Handels GmbH Franz-Siegel-Gasse 1 A-2380 Perchtoldsdorf T: +43(0)1/804 81 84 [email protected] Mag. Marie Salin, [email protected] 17/D20 WILD GmbH Wildstraße 4, A-9100 Völkermarkt T: +43(0)4232/2527 233 Harald Londer [email protected] 8B/F03 Wittmann Battenfeld GmbH Wiener Neustädter Straße 81 A-2542 Kottingbrunn T: +43(0)2252/4040 [email protected] Werner Eibl [email protected] 8A/J12 z-microsystems Hoechster Straße 8, A-6850 Dornbirn T: +43(0)5572/727 272 0 [email protected] Harald Denz [email protected] M: + 43(0)664/857 29 26 West Medica, founded in 1993 and headquartered in Perchtoldsdorf, specializes in the manufacture and distribution of diagnostic equipment. WM Group produces a complete line of equipment for the digital Pathology, Vision Microscopy. Our market experience supported by close cooperation with our dealers enables us to produce and supply high quality medical products. WILD is the first choice in medical technology when it comes to the development, manufacturing and service of opto-mechatronic systems and devices. With over 40 years of expertise, WILD and its client-partners have already introduced multiple new products. WITTMANN BATTENFELD, a company of the WITTMANN group is a leading manufacturer of injection molding machines and equipment for the plastics industry. With its own sales and service companies as well as representations in about 60 countries, WITTMANN BATTENFELD provides optimal support to its customers in all matters concerning injection molding technology. Our innovative strength, highest precision and strong focus on maximum customer benefit make us a valuable partner for our customers. z-microsystems is focused on moulding parts for the medical industry (LOC and / or microfluidic) under clean room conditions. We support our customers by giving input for the development of their parts, designing an optimized mould-concept, producing the injection-mould as well as producing the first samples to finally assume responsibility for mass production and bonding process. z-microsystems is certified by ISO 9001 and ISO 13485. AUSTRIA@MEDICA 26 Firmenprofile A-Z / Company profiles A-Z ANZEIGE Foto: Crelux „X-Ray diffraction“ des Industrieunternehmens Crelux, Partner im Kompetenzzentrum Oncotyrol, das intensive Krebsforschung betreibt. Zurück in die Zukunft Österreich – guter Boden für die Wissenschaft. Und das schon seit Langem. Wo einst Genetik-Genie Gregor Mendel forschte, arbeiten heute internationale Unternehmen wie Boehringer Ingelheim oder Novartis an Zukunftslösungen im Life Science-Bereich. Alles begann mit einer Erbsenpflanze. Im Garten des Augustinerklosters Alt-Brünn legte Gregor Mendel 1856 mit seinen Kreuzungsexperimenten die Grundlage der modernen Genetik. Die „mendelschen Regeln“ sind bis heute ein Begriff. Bereits im frühen 20. Jahrhundert zählte Österreich zu den führenden Wissenschaftsnationen. Auch heute stehen Forschung und Entwicklung (F&E) im Fokus. 2011 lag die F&EQuote bei rund 2,8 Prozent des Bruttoinlandsprodukts. Ein Wert, der weit über dem EUDurchschnitt liegt (siehe Grafik rechts). Insbesondere Unternehmen aus dem Bereich Life Haben Sie Fragen? Kontaktieren Sie uns: offi[email protected] Sciences – Pharma, Biotechnologie, Medizintechnik und Krebsforschung – schätzen Österreich als Standort. Wer dort forscht, zahlt weniger Steuern. Außerdem erhalten forschende Unternehmen mit Sitz in Österreich eine Forschungsprämie von zehn Prozent, die bar ausbezahlt wird. Effiziente Netzwerke Einrichtungen wie die „Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft“ bieten ausländischen Unternehmen zahlreiche Förderprogramme. Ein starkes Netzwerk zwischen Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft schafft Synergien, um Potenziale op- timal zu nutzen. So steuert etwa der deutsche Pharmakonzern Boehringer Ingelheim seine gesamte Krebsforschung von Wien aus. Ein weiterer Life-Science-Hotspot ist das Kompetenzzentrum Oncotyrol in Innsbruck, Tirol. Gemeinsam mit Partnern wie Roche, Merck oder Novartis betreiben rund 80 Wissenschaftler intensive Krebsforschung. Das Forschungsvolumen beträgt bis zum Jahr 2015 rund 37,5 Millionen Euro. Aktuell sollen im Rahmen des EU-Projekts „Optatio“ neue Strategien gegen einen noch unheilbaren Knochenmarkstumor entwickelt werden. „Oncotyrol schließt erfolgreich die Lücke zwischen Forschung und kommerzieller Entwicklung von Krebstherapien“, sagt In Forschung investieren Entwicklung der F&E-Ausgaben in Österreich, Deutschland* und der EU-27 in Prozent des Bruttoinlandsprodukts 3,0 Deutschland* 2,5 Österreich EU-27 2,0 1,5 2000 2005 2010 Quelle: Eurostat * Zahl für 2010 ist noch Schätzwert René Siegl, Geschäftsführer der Betriebsansiedlungsagentur ABA – Invest in Austria, die Unternehmen kostenlos berät und bei Fragen zur Betriebsgründung unterstützt. Be part of the No.1! 14 – 17 Nov 2012 Düsseldorf • Germany