in our hands
in our hands
IN OUR HANDS ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 2013|14 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 2013|14 03 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT 2013|14 AGRANA Group (under IFRS) 03 Group management report 49 50 51 118 119 Consolidated financial statements Consolidated income statement Consolidated statement of comprehensive income Consolidated cash flow statement Consolidated balance sheet Consolidated statement of changes in equity Notes to the consolidated financial statements List of members of AGRANA’s boards Subsidiaries and business interests 122 Independent auditor’s report 124 Statement by the members of the Management Board 52 53 54 56 125 PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT 2013|14 AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG under Austrian Commercial Code (UGB) 126 Parent company management report1 163 164 165 166 Parent company financial statements Parent company income statement Parent company balance sheet Notes to the parent company financial statements1 188 Independent auditor’s report 190 Statement by the members of the Management Board 191 Proposed appropriation of profit 1 In German only GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT 2013|14 04 05 05 Organisational structure Business segments and sourcing models Sustainability in the upstream value chain 08 08 09 10 10 10 10 11 Financial results Changes in the scope of consolidation Revenue and earnings Investment Financial position Cash flow Segment financial results Events after the balance sheet date 12 12 14 16 17 17 Sugar segment Market environment Raw materials, crops and production Investment Top-line performance Exceptional items in the Sugar segment 18 18 19 20 21 21 Starch segment Market environment Raw materials, crops and production Investment Top-line performance Bioethanol 22 22 23 26 26 27 Fruit segment Market environment Raw materials, crops and production Investment Top-line performance Exceptional items in the Fruit segment 28 28 28 30 Sustainability AGRANA’s practical understanding of sustainability Sustainability reporting Achievements and further plans 32 32 33 34 Research and development Sugar segment Starch segment Fruit segment 36 36 37 38 39 AGRANA’s people Human resources strategy and management Staff development and training Workplace safety and health Diversity 40 Risk management and system of internal control Risk policy Significant risks and uncertainties Operational risks Regulatory risks Legal risks Financial risks Risks from irregularities Aggregate risk System of Internal Control and of Risk Management 40 41 41 42 42 42 43 43 44 45 Capital, shares, voting rights and rights of control 46 46 Outlook Changes resulting from use of equity accounting from 2014|15 financial year Outlook for the 2014|15 financial year Planned investment in 2014|15 46 48 ORGANISATIONAL STRUC TURE 04 AGRANA is a globally operating processor of agricultural raw materials, with its Sugar, Starch and Fruit segments manufacturing high-quality foods and many intermediate products for the downstream food industry as well as for non-food applications. With about 8,800 employees at 54 production sites on every continent, the Group generated revenue of almost € 3.1 billion in the 2013|14 financial year. AGRANA was established in 1988 and has been quoted on the Vienna Stock Exchange since 1991. 54 production sites 8,778 employees € 3,043.4m revenue AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG 10 production sites 2,399 employees € 1,022.8m revenue AGRANA Zucker GmbH SUGAR 5 production sites 1,008 employees € 848.5m revenue AGRANA Stärke GmbH S TA R C H 39 production sites 5,371 employees € 1,172.1m revenue AGRANA J&F Holding GmbH FRUIT GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE In the Sugar segment, AGRANA processes sugar beet from contract growers and also refines raw sugar purchased worldwide. The products are sold into downstream industries for use in, for example, sweets, non-alcoholic beverages and pharmaceutical applications. Under country-specific sugar consumer brands, AGRANA also markets a wide range of sugars and sugar specialty products to consumers through food retailers. In addition, in the interest of the most complete possible utilisation of the agricultural raw materials used, AGRANA produces a large number of fertilisers and feedstuffs for animals. These not only help the economic bottom line but also ecologically close the material cycle by returning minerals and other nutrients to the land and the food chain. In the Starch segment, AGRANA processes and refines raw materials grown by contract farmers or purchased in the open market – mainly corn (maize), wheat and potatoes – into premium starch products. These products are made in the EU and are sold both to the food and beverage industry and into non-food industries, such as the paper, textile, cosmetics and building materials sectors. The starch operations as well produce fertilisers and high-quality animal feeds. The production of climate-friendly bioethanol for blending with petrol is also part of the Starch segment. The Fruit segment custom-designs and produces fruit preparations (fruit ingredients) and fruit juice concentrates. AGRANA is the world’s leading manufacturer of fruit preparations for the dairy, bakery and ice-cream industries. The fruit used in the fruit preparations is sourced largely from primary processors in frozen or aseptic form. In some countries, AGRANA operates its own primary processing plants where fresh fruit (in some cases from contract growers) is received and readied for processing into fruit preparations. In the fruit juice concentrates business, at production sites located mainly in Europe, apple and berry juice concentrates as well as not-from-concentrate juices and purees are manufactured for the highly specialised fruit juice industry. In the Fruit segment too, the most sustainable and complete utilisation of raw materials is important to AGRANA. While fruit preparations production generates very little residue suitable for further use, the press cake from apple juice production, known as apple pomace, is processed into by-products. As valuable dietary fibre, it is used in mueslis and snack products or can be added to baked goods in the form of “apple flour”, a proprietary AGRANA product. 05 In all three business segments, AGRANA also processes raw materials from certified organic farming. The Group is one of the largest organic manufacturers in Europe. As the relevant demand for organic products is confined mainly to the German, Austrian and US markets, the organic portion of AGRANA’s total sales is a (relatively stable) percentage in the single digits. SUSTAINABILITY IN THE UPSTREAM VALUE CHAIN Each year, AGRANA’s three business segments process about 9.4 million tonnes of agricultural raw materials into approximately 4.0 million tonnes of core and by-products. In its own value-added processing, AGRANA strives for the near-total utilisation of these raw materials and the use of low-emission technologies. This is clearly beneficial both economically and environmentally. In its mission statement and its Code of Conduct, AGRANA has enshrined its social values as a responsible employer and corporate member of society. AGRANA also pays attention to suppliers’ compliance with minimum social standards. AGRANA’s Code of Conduct is therefore incorporated in contracts with suppliers. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 BUSINESS SEGMENTS AND SOURCING MODELS GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 06 SCHEMATIC VALUE CHAIN SOURCING AGRICULTURAL RAW MATERIALS AGRANA PROCESSING: ADDING VALUE SUGAR SEGMENT SUGAR BEET GROWERS SUGAR CANE GROWERS RAW SUGAR TRADING SUGAR PLANT SUGAR REFINERY Primary processing STARCH SEGMENT POTATO GROWERS GRAIN GROWERS GRAIN GROWERS STARCH PLANT GRAIN TRADING FRUIT SEGMENT Primary processing FRUIT GROWERS Primary processing FRUIT PREPARATIONS PLANT FRUIT GROWERS Primary processing Contract farming Direct business relationship No direct business relationship FRUIT JUICE CONCENTRATE PLANT The thickness of lines marking the business relationships represents the relative volume of flows within the respective business segment. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE The growing sustainability consciousness on the part of consumers, and thus of the Group’s customers in the downstream food processing industry, increasingly makes the assurance of sustainability criteria along the entire product value chain a condition of buying and sourcing decisions. CUSTOMERS AND CONSUMERS AGRICULTURE (FERTILISER AND ANIMAL FEED) 07 As a long-term average, AGRANA procures about 90% of its agricultural raw materials in the European Union, where rigorously enforced legal requirements as well as sociocultural conditions impose very high social and environmental standards. In the EU the challenge is to document the relevant sustainability aspects without unreasonable administrative effort. In the Fruit segment, AGRANA sources its raw materials worldwide. Here, sustainable production conditions in the upstream supply chain can only be ensured by sourcing primary raw materials that are certified to international sustainability standards, or alternatively by expanding direct procurement from contract growers. As the available worldwide supply of certified agricultural crops and fruits for industrial processing is still very small, AGRANA’s Fruit segment wants to further expand the model of buying from contract growers, which is well-established in the other segments. By working directly with the contract farmers, not only is a supply of raw materials secured economically, but environmental and social criteria for agricultural production can be established and implemented together with these suppliers. DOWNSTREAM PROCESSING INDUSTRIES RETAILERS AND CONSUMERS AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 At the end of 2013|14, to deepen the work on the environmental and social aspects relevant to AGRANA’s procurement of crops and on the associated economic impacts in the upstream supply chain, AGRANA formed a working group on sustainable sourcing. Its members come from all AGRANA business segments and, in 2014|15, will develop strategies for the future according to the degree of vertical integration of the respective sourcing model. FINANCIAL RESULTS 08 GROUP FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE Revenue EBITDA2 Operating profit before exceptional items Operating margin before exceptional items Exceptional items Operating profit after exceptional items [EBIT] Net financial items Profit before tax Profit for the period Purchases of property, plant and equipment and intangibles3 Purchases of non-current financial assets Staff count 2013|14 2012|131 Change ¤000 ¤000 % 3,043,430 258,922 171,385 5.6% 3,944 175,329 (27,200) 148,129 109,774 3,065,906 318,350 236,939 7.7% (19,077) 217,862 (27,656) 190,206 156,508 –0.7 –18.7 –27.7 135,951 177 8,778 149,848 58 8,449 –9.3 > 100 +3.9 > 100 –19.5 +1.6 –22.1 –29.9 1 The prior-year data were restated under IAS 8 in conjunction with IAS 19 (Employee Benefits, Revised 2011). 2 Operating profit before exceptional items, depreciation and amortisation. 3 Excluding goodwill. The consolidated financial statements for the 2013|14 financial year (the twelve months ended 28 February 2014) were prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union. CHANGES IN THE SCOPE OF CONSOLIDATION In the 2013|14 financial year the Group saw two internal mergers, and five additional companies were included in the accounts by proportionate consolidation. Thus, the Vienna-based “Agrofrucht, Handel mit landwirtschaftlichen Produkten Gesellschaft m.b.H.” was merged into AGRANA Group-Services GmbH, Vienna, while Frefrost SARL of Laouamra, Morocco, was merged into the Laouamra-based Dirafrost Maroc SARL. REVENUE BY SEGMENT IN 2013|14 33.6% 27.9% 38.5% Sugar segment Starch segment Fruit segment GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL RESULTS The five newly consolidated companies are AGRAGOLD sugar trading companies registered in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia and Slovenia. These joint venture firms had been acquired by AGRANA in prior years as part of the investment in the Studen group based in Vienna, Austria, but for reasons of immateriality had not been consolidated. With the organisational conditions now in place for doing so, the five companies were proportionately consolidated for the first time from 1 December 2013. The net exceptional items income of € 3.9 million resulted primarily from reimbursements of the EU production levy in the Sugar segment (income of € 4.7 million), which more than offset the € 0.8 million expense for moving the fruit preparations plant that had been located in Cape Town, South Africa. In the prior year, reorganisation in Europe and provisions in connection with irregularities uncovered at the Mexican subsidiary, AGRANA Fruit México, S.A. de C.V., had led to a net exceptional items expense of € 19.1 million. AGRANA’s operating profit after exceptional items in 2013|14 was € 175.3 million (prior year: € 217.9 million). 09 REVENUE AND EARNINGS Revenue of the AGRANA Group eased slightly in the 2013|14 financial year by € 22.5 million or 0.7% to € 3,043.4 million (prior year: € 3,065.9 million), on a combination of higher sales volumes in all segments and a price-driven revenue decline in the Sugar segment. The Sugar segment’s revenue, at € 1,022.8 million (prior year: € 1,121.5 million) was down both in quota and non-quota sugar, as sugar sales prices fell significantly. Revenue in the Starch segment rose to € 848.5 million (prior year: € 804.3 million), driven especially by rising volumes. In the Fruit segment, AGRANA also achieved revenue growth, to € 1,172.1 million (prior year: € 1,140.1 million), thanks to volume gains. The Group’s operating profit of € 171.4 million before exceptional items was well below the prior year’s result of € 236.9 million. While the Fruit segment greatly improved its pre-exceptionals operating profit, declining selling prices and higher raw material costs weighed on margins in the Sugar and Starch segments since the summer. Particularly the Sugar segment, after two exceptionally good years, saw a very pronounced earnings reduction owing to the difficult conditions in the sugar market. The net financial items expense improved marginally to € 27.2 million (prior year: € 27.7 million). Reflected in this number was a significant increase in net interest, which improved by € 13.3 million. The key reasons for this were the lower borrowing needs in view of the reduced working capital; lower interest expense thanks to new, short-term refinancings; and effects from the restructuring of interest rate hedging instruments. On the other hand, significant negative currency effects led to a clear increase in currency translation losses by € 15.7 million. Profit before tax decreased from € 190.2 million in the prior year to € 148.1 million. After an income tax expense of € 38.4 million based on a tax rate of 25.9% (prior year: 17.7%), the Group’s profit for the period was € 109.8 million (prior year: € 156.5 million). Profit for the period attributable to shareholders of AGRANA was € 107.9 million (prior year: € 149.4 million); earnings per share eased to € 7.60 (prior year: € 10.52). 26.4% 35.8% 37.8% Sugar segment Starch segment Fruit segment 1 Before exceptional items. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 OPERATING PROFIT BY SEGMENT1 IN 2013|14 GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 10 INVESTMENT In the 2013|14 financial year a total of € 136.0 million was invested in purchases of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (prior year: € 149.8 million); as in the year before, this significantly exceeded the rate of depreciation. The Sugar segment’s € 43.2 million share of this capital expenditure (prior year: € 55.9 million) related mainly to logistics improvements in Hungary and Romania. Investment in the Starch segment amounted to € 41.0 million (prior year: € 59.0 million), primarily for the construction of the wheat starch plant and for energy efficiency measures at the Pischelsdorf site in Austria. The capital spending of € 51.8 million in the Fruit segment (prior year: € 34.9 million) related mostly to the new US fruit preparations plant in Lysander, New York. FINANCIAL POSITION Total assets at 28 February 2014 were € 2,452.1 million, a decrease of € 126.3 million from the year-earlier level of € 2,578.4 million. As investment significantly exceeded depreciation, non-current assets grew by € 21.8 million. Current assets declined by € 148.1 million from the prior year. This was driven both by volumes, lower raw material prices and active working capital management. With total assets down by about 5% from 28 February 2013, AGRANA’s equity ratio improved slightly from 47.0% to 48.6%. Net debt at 28 February 2014 was € 410.6 million, well below the year-earlier level of € 483.7 million, and the debt-equity gearing thus improved to 34.4% (prior year: 39.9%). Non-current liabilities declined as long-term borrowings were paid down. Current liabilities decreased somewhat, thanks largely to lower trade and other payables. assets, was € 131.1 million (prior year: net cash used of € 136.9 million). With a net decrease in borrowings and after payment of the dividend for the 2012|13 financial year, net cash used in financing activities was € 142.7 million (prior year: net cash used of € 21.6 million). SEGMENT FINANCIAL RESULTS Sugar segment ¤000 Total revenue Inter-segment revenue Revenue EBITDA1 Operating profit2 Operating margin2 Exceptional items Operating profit after exceptional items [EBIT] Purchases of property, plant and equipment and intangibles3 Purchases of non-current financial assets Staff count 2013|14 2012|13 1,109,678 (86,903) 1,022,775 65,839 45,306 4.4% 4,677 1,202,208 (80,692) 1,121,516 138,851 119,115 10.6% 0 49,983 119,115 43,185 55,903 15 2,399 17 2,315 In the 2013|14 financial year, revenue in the Sugar segment eased by 8.8% to € 1,022.8 million (prior year: € 1,121.5 million). The reduction was due to sharply lower selling prices. In volume terms, both with resellers and the sugar-using industry, the market-leading position was further consolidated through high quota sugar sales quantities and good service. In non-quota sugar sales as well (i. e., sugar deliveries to countries outside the EU and into the chemical industry), AGRANA was able to keep sales volumes stable. The Sugar segment accounted for 33.6% of Group revenue (prior year: 36.6%). CASH FLOW As a result of the lower operating profit, operating cash flow before changes in working capital fell by 23.4% to € 196.2 million (prior year: € 256.3 million). After a reduction of € 88.1 million in working capital (prior year: increase of € 50.9 million), net cash from operating activities amounted to € 283.2 million (prior year: € 204.8 million). Net cash used in investing activities, taking into account outflows for investment in property, plant and equipment and intangible 1 Operating profit before exceptional items, depreciation and amortisation. 2 Before exceptional items. 3 Excluding goodwill. As expected, the segment’s pre-exceptionals operating profit, at € 45.3 million, marked a substantial reduction from the prior year’s record result of € 119.1 million. Key factors behind this were the falling sales prices combined with still high raw material costs both for beet and for raw sugar. The by-products business (dried beet pulp and molasses) performed well, generating good additional contribution margins. Through focused investment, numerous quality improvements and cost savings were also realised, especially in energy use. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL RESULTS The exceptional item in the Sugar segment represented EU refunds related to the sugar production levy (also see page 17). Starch segment ¤000 2013|14 2012|13 Total revenue Inter-segment revenue Revenue EBITDA1 Operating profit2 Operating margin2 Exceptional items Operating profit after exceptional items [EBIT] Purchases of property, plant and equipment and intangibles3 Purchases of non-current financial assets Staff count 858,556 (10,044) 848,512 87,722 61,440 7.2% 53 813,724 (9,420) 804,304 96,193 72,614 9.0% 0 61,493 72,614 40,952 59,081 0 1,008 0 950 Revenue in the Starch segment in 2013|14 was € 848.5 million, or 5.5% higher than the previous year’s € 804.3 million. The revenue increase mainly reflected stronger sales volumes of core products and by-products. As planned, the newly built wheat starch plant in Pischelsdorf, Austria, boosted the quantities of starch sold by AGRANA. The selling prices for core and by-products were somewhat lower than one year earlier. The Starch segment’s share of Group revenue increased to 27.9% (prior year: 26.2%). Operating profit before exceptional items was € 61.4 million, a decrease of 15.4% from the prior-year result of € 72.6 million. The earnings reduction was caused primarily by the lower profit contribution from the bioethanol activities. As well, the commissioning of the wheat starch plant in Pischelsdorf, Austria, entailed the expected start-up losses. The combination of decreased earnings and higher revenue meant a contraction in operating margin from 9.0% to 7.2%. 11 Fruit segment ¤000 Total revenue Inter-segment revenue Revenue EBITDA1 Operating profit2 Operating margin2 Exceptional items Operating profit after exceptional items [EBIT] Purchases of property, plant and equipment and intangibles3 Purchases of non-current financial assets Staff count 2013|14 2012|134 1,172,672 (529) 1,172,143 105,361 64,639 5.5% (786) 1,141,255 (1,169) 1,140,086 83,306 45,210 4.0% (19,077) 63,853 26,133 51,814 34,864 162 5,371 41 5,184 Revenue in the Fruit segment increased by 2.8% in the 2013|14 financial year to a new total of € 1,172.1 million (prior year: € 1,140.1 million). The quantity of fruit preparations sold was expanded by approximately 6%, composed of growth of about 5% at the EU plants and of around 7% at the facilities outside Europe. The revenue growth in fruit juice concentrates was driven primarily by higher sales quantities of apple juice concentrate (partly as a result of the Ybbstaler volume, which the first quarter of the prior year did not yet include). Fruit segment revenue as a share of Group revenue was 38.5% (prior year: 37.2%). Segment operating profit before exceptional items was € 64.6 million, up 42.9% from the year-earlier level of € 45.2 million, and the operating margin of 5.5% was 1.5 percentage points better than a year ago. The key driving factor was sales volume growth in the fruit preparations business. In fruit juice concentrates, operating profit before exceptional items was pushed up thanks to a favourable contract situation from the prior-year (2012) campaign. Additional earnings also arose in the first quarter of 2013|14 from the full consolidation of the Ybbstaler companies, which were not yet included in the Group accounts in the first quarter of the prior year (being consolidated only since the second quarter of 2012|13). No significant events occurred after the balance sheet date of 28 February 2014 that had a material effect on AGRANA’s financial position, results of operations or cash flows. 1 2 3 4 Operating profit before exceptional items, depreciation and amortisation. Before exceptional items. Excluding goodwill. The prior-year data were restated under IAS 8 in conjunction with IAS 19 (Employee Benefits, Revised 2011). AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 EVENTS AFTER THE BALANCE SHEET DATE SUGAR SEGMENT 12 SUGAR SEGMENT RESULTS Revenue Operating profit before exceptional items Operating margin before exceptional items Purchases of property, plant and equipment and intangibles1 2013|14 2012|13 Change €m €m % 1,022.8 45.3 4.4% 1,121.5 119.1 10.6% –8.8 –62.0 43.2 55.9 –22.7 1 Excluding goodwill. BASICS OF THE SUGAR SEGMENT Marketing relationship B2B and B2C Products Sugars and sugar specialty products, by-products (fertilisers and feedstuffs) Raw materials processed Sugar beet, and raw sugar from sugar cane Key markets Austria, Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bosnia (Western Balkans region), Bulgaria Customers Food retailers (for consumer products), downstream manufacturers (confectionery, beverage and fermentation industries) Special strengths High product quality standards; product offering tailored to customer needs AGRANA Zucker GmbH, Vienna, as the parent company for the Group’s Sugar activities, both has direct Austrian operations and acts as the holding company for the Sugar segment’s businesses in Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria and Bosnia-Herzegovina. Also assigned to the Sugar segment are INSTANTINA Nahrungsmittel Entwicklungs- und Produktionsgesellschaft m.b.H., Vienna, and AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG, Vienna, as the Group holding company. MARKET ENVIRONMENT World sugar market For the 2013|14 sugar marketing year (“SMY”, October 2013 to September 2014), market research firm F. O. Licht’s current forecast of world sugar supply and demand predicts production of 181.0 million tonnes (compared with 184.0 million tonnes in SMY 2012|13) and consumption of 175.8 million tonnes (SMY 2012|13: 172.3 million tonnes). This implies a further stabilisation in world sugar stocks at 76.2 million tonnes (SMY 2012|13: 72.6 million tonnes), or 43.3% (SMY 2012|13: 42.1%) of annual consumption. World sugar balance 2013|14 2012|13 2011|12 72.6 181.0 (175.8) (1.7) 76.1 43.3 64.9 184.0 (172.3) (4.0) 72.6 42.1 58.7 174.9 (167.8) (0.9) 64.9 38.7 Million tonnes Opening stocks Production Consumption Corrections Closing stocks In % of consumption Source: F. O. Licht, Second Estimate of the World Sugar Balance 2013/14, dated 25 February 2014. Prices on sugar markets were volatile for much of the financial year. In the final months of the reporting period, a steady downward pressure on prices set in that culminated in a three-year low at the end of January 2014. Reports of drought-driven reduced production volumes in South America and a possible cutting of export subsidies in India subsequently brought the downtrend in prices to a halt. At the balance sheet date of 28 February 2014, the closing quotations on commodity exchanges were US$ 476 per tonne for white sugar and US$ 363 per tonne for raw sugar. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT SUGAR SEGMENT EU sugar market Sugar production in the EU-28 for SMY 2013|14 is expected to fall by about 0.9 million tonnes from the prior year, to 16.4 million tonnes. The reason lies in challenging weather conditions during cultivation and harvesting (ranging from severe drought to heavy rain and extreme cold). In the completed 2012|13 sugar marketing year, as in the previous year, the European Commission took two exceptional measures to increase the level of supply in the sugar market. By means of a standing invitation to tender for sugar imports at reduced tariffs, approximately 550,000 tonnes of sugar was cleared for preferential import. In addition, four tranches of out-of-quota sugar of 150,000 tonnes each were reclassified as quota sugar and sold into the EU food market. Overall, according to European Commission statistics, an additional total of 1.15 million tonnes of sugar was thus available to the market. At the same time, for SMY 2013|14, the Commission set a total ceiling of 1.35 million tonnes for exports of European non-quota sugar (this corresponds to the export limit imposed by the World Trade Organisation, the WTO). EU sugar policy In the talks to extend the Common Agricultural Policy to 2020, the European Parliament and the EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council have corrected the European Commission’s proposal to let the quota and minimum beet price regulations expire as early as the end of SMY 2014|15. Instead they have agreed on an extension to the end of SMY 2016|17 (30 September 2017). After the expiration at 30 September 2017 of the sugar and isoglucose quotas and of the arrangements on the minimum price for beet, the new regime for the intra-EU market – in addition to an unchanged reference price of € 404 per tonne for white sugar – provides for the possibility of government-funded private storage, and contracts between beet growers and the sugar industry will remain mandatory. As a consequence, all players in the sugar value chain must prepare themselves for the fact that volume and price volatility on the world market will make itself felt more strongly in the EU sugar market than before. 13 The tariff protection of the EU sugar market for imports from non-EU countries remains unchanged. AGRANA also believes that, after the quotas are abolished, sugar exports will no longer be subject to volume limits in the future, as the absence of quotas and of a minimum beet price will remove any (regulatory) basis for the WTO export limit. Sugar exports While the international Ministerial Conference in Bali, Indonesia, from 3 to 6 December 2013 was not able to conclude the WTO-II negotiations (the “Doha Round”) that have run since 2001, it did produce a partial solution: Of the total of 43 subjects on the Doha Development Agenda, at least the “trade facilitation” pillar was implemented, which reduces bureaucratic red tape as an obstacle to trade. The further schedule is not yet known. INTERNATIONAL SUGAR PRICES DURING AGRANA’S 2013|14 FINANCIAL YEAR US$ per tonne 450 350 250 Mar 13 Apr 13 May 13 ■ White sugar (London #5) Jun 13 Jul 13 Aug 13 ■ Raw sugar (New York #11) Sep 13 Oct 13 Nov 13 Dec 13 Jan 14 Feb 14 AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 550 GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 14 RAW MATERIALS, CROPS AND PRODUCTION The area planted to sugar beet by AGRANA’s contract farmers in the 2013|14 sugar marketing year (SMY) was about 105,000 hectares (SMY 2012|13: 104,000 hectares); a little over 650 hectares of this was used for organic production in Austria. The 2013 growing season was a period of extremes: About 3,000 hectares of beet fields were lost from production in the spring as a result of frost, mud and other emergence problems, and in the summer due first to flooding and later to drought and heat. However, growing conditions from the end of August to late autumn were favourable again for sugar beet. Overall across AGRANA’s beet-growing regions, beet yields in 2013 were average compared to other years, with dramatic regional differences. In total, around 6.2 million tonnes of beet were harvested for AGRANA (prior year: 5.5 million tonnes). The seven beet-using AGRANA sugar factories processed a daily average of about 50,500 tonnes of beet (prior year: 48,800 tonnes). Over an average campaign length of 125 days (prior year: 117 days), this raw material was processed into approximately 953,000 tonnes of sugar (prior year: 823,000 tonnes). Sugar production thus significantly exceeded the Group’s EU sugar beet quota of 618,000 tonnes and was up about 16% from the prior year. The quantities in excess of the quota are marketed as out-of-quota sugar to the chemical industry, sold into the EU food market within the regulatory limits, or exported to the world market. In 2013|14 AGRANA also refined approximately 274,700 tonnes of white sugar equivalent from raw sugar (prior year: 296,600 tonnes). As well, in the organic beet campaign, the Group produced around 3,900 tonnes of organic sugar (prior year: about 5,000 tonnes). Energy use and emissions during processing In the 2013|14 financial year, average specific direct energy consumption in processing operations at AGRANA sugar plants1 per tonne of core and by-products decreased by 1.1% compared with the prior year. A major driver of energy consumption is the beet campaign. A consistently higher sucrose content in the year’s beet crop and higher juice purity, along with technical measures implemented at some factories, led to a reduction of 5.3% in energy consumption in the 2013|14 campaign per tonne of white sugar equivalent produced. Particularly at the Czech site in Opava and the facility in Roman, Romania, considerable reductions of 10.2% and 13.6% were achieved, respectively. In Kaposvár, Hungary, in the 2013|14 financial year the operation of a third fermenter enabled about 71.2% of primary energy needs to be met from biogas produced on site (versus about 66.5% in the prior-year campaign). The average specific emissions from direct and indirect energy use during processing for AGRANA’s sugar manufacturing operations1 based on the total production volume of core and by-products fell by about 2.7% over the reporting period. The biggest contributions to these reductions were made by two sites in Eastern Europe: the greater use of biogas in Kaposvár, Hungary, led to a reduction of about 2,400 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent in emissions compared with the prior year, while in Roman, Romania, improvements to beet delivery and to the factory’s heat management even saved approximately 3,600 tonnes of emissions of CO2 equivalent. In total, emissions equivalent to about 9,000 tonnes of CO2 were avoided in the beet campaigns. In November 2013, AGRANA Zucker GmbH was honoured with the “klima:aktiv” certificate for its installation of low-temperature dryers at the Tulln and Leopoldsdorf sugar AVERAGE SPECIFIC DIRECT ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN PROCESSING OPERATIONS AT AGRANA SUGAR PLANTS1 In gigajoules (GJ) per tonne of core products only and per tonne of core and by-products combined 6.0 4.5 –6.4%2 ■ Specific consumption of non-renewable energy per tonne of core products –1.1%2 3.0 ■ Specific consumption of renewable energy per tonne of core products 1.5 ■ Specific consumption of non-renewable energy per tonne of core and by-products 0 2011|12 2012|13 2013|14 ■ Specific consumption of renewable energy per tonne of core and by-products 1 See GRI report boundary on page 28. 2 Percentage change based on average specific total energy consumption per tonne of core and by-products. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT SUGAR SEGMENT plants in Austria in 2011|12. This recognition from the Austrian environment ministry is accorded to companies for energy conservation efforts that help climate protection. By using waste heat from earlier process steps for the gentle drying of desugared beet pulp for processing into feedstuffs, these low-temperature dryers saved total emissions of about 59,000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent in 2012|13 and 2013|14. Over the coming years, AGRANA plans the gradual introduction of an ISO 50001-certifiable energy management system in its sugar manufacturing. In the 2014|15 financial year, initial experience in this regard is being gained in the Austrian plants. Waste Sugar segment 2013|14 2012|13 464,402 377,942 Tonnes, except percent Waste disposed Of which hazardous waste Waste per tonne of product Hazardous waste per tonne of product Waste disposed, by disposal method Composting Energy recovery Reuse Recycling Landfill Other 116 212 20.2% 17.8% 0.005% 0.009% 902 792 357,874 7,942 96,826 66 970 239 242,792 54,116 79,778 47 AGRANA’s operating principle of maximising the utilisation of agricultural inputs by making valuable by-products contributes to its economic, environmental and not least social bottom line and is the basis for the Group’s low production of waste. 15 Per tonne of product (counting both core and by-products), the Sugar segment generated about 202 kg of waste in 2013|14 (prior year: 178 kg). This value is explained largely by the reporting effects of local legislation. The increase in the amounts of waste shown within the item “Reuse” resulted mainly from a 38% rise in the quantity of beet processed, and thus in pressed beet pulp, at the sugar factory in Roman, Romania. As well, the reduced pressing of the wet beet pulp to accommodate the higher daily throughput resulted in heavier pressed beet pulp – a by-product which in Romania must be reported as waste but is sold as animal feed. “Reuse” also includes beet pulp at the plant in Kaposvár, Hungary, that is used as a biogas substrate or sold as feedstuff but must be categorised as waste under local legislation. Biodiversity Consistent with the nature of its core business activity, its associated dependence on agricultural crops and its commitment to social responsibility, AGRANA places emphasis on the protection of ecosystems and species diversity. Especially in the farm landscape, biodiversity is an important element of sustainability. Both in projects with contract growers and in its own core business of processing farm products, AGRANA therefore strives to protect local ecosystems and conserve biodiversity. Source: Reports by waste management contractors, AGRANA calculations. AVERAGE SPECIFIC EMISSIONS (FROM DIRECT AND INDIRECT ENERGY USE) FROM PROCESSING AT AGRANA SUGAR PLANTS1 400 300 –8.8%2 –2.7%2 200 100 ■ Kg of CO2 equivalent per tonne of core product 0 ■ Kg of CO2 equivalent per tonne of core and by-products 2011|12 2012|13 2013|14 1 See GRI report boundary on page 28. 2 Percentage change based on average specific emissions (from direct and indirect energy use) per tonne of core and by-products. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 In kg of CO2 equivalent per tonne of core product or of core and by-products GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 16 The settling ponds of the AGRANA sugar plant in Hohenau an der March, Austria, which was closed down in 2006, lie in an area of high diversity value identified under the RAMSAR Convention on Wetlands (see glossary) and have been a popular destination for bird watchers for many years. On the former factory site, together with the AURING conservationist club, AGRANA provides a rare staging area for water birds, most notably waders. At the sugar plant in Kaposvár, Hungary, a tank containing about 4,600 tonnes of vinasse broke at the end of September 2013. Vinasse is a by-product of the fermentation of molasses. It is free from toxins and is used as organic fertiliser, as an ingredient in livestock feed and as a raw material in the production of biogas. Through the immediate transfer of the remaining tank contents and by containing the escaped material, most of the vinasse was kept safely in place. However, 15 tonnes of vinasse flowed into the nearby Kapos river as a result of a broken retaining dam. The responsible environmental and water authorities and the fire department immediately released large volumes of fresh water from two reservoirs into the Kapos river. At no time did the discharged vinasse present a threat to humans. However, it resulted in damage to the fish stocks in the river in the immediate vicinity of the plant. AGRANA is working with local fishing associations on a compensation solution for regeneration of the fish population. Engagement in the upstream stages of the value chain In the 2012|13 financial year AGRANA had started the “Mont Blanc” project for efficiency improvement in beet production, with environmental aspects also considered. The objective of the project is to increase sugar yield per hectare by 10% to 20% (depending on current yields per hectare in each country) by the year 2017. The project is being carried out in all countries where AGRANA contracts for sugar beet. Mont Blanc involves agricultural extension, with detailed consulting and education offered to farmers on everything from field preparation and planting of the seeds, through the whole growing season, all the way to harvesting. Prominent subjects include seeding methods, seed drill capacity, seeding timing, fertilising, herbicide and fungicide strategies and correct harvesting. In 2013, extension in Austria focused on beet seeding technology. This involved both analyses related to the seeding method used, and expert inspection and certification of equipment. Technical information is made available to farmers through personal conversations, field visits, and communication channels such as AGRANA’s Raw Material Information System site for beet and potato growers, the AGRANA trade magazine “Agrozucker/Agrostärke” (Agrosugar/Agrostarch), information leaflets and Facebook. INVESTMENT In the Sugar segment, AGRANA invested € 43.2 million (prior year: € 55.9 million) in new assets and asset replacement during the 2013|14 financial year. In Tulln, Austria, the laboratory building expansion of Zuckerforschung Tulln’s research facility was completed as planned. In November 2013 in Kaposvár, Hungary, the new 60,000 tonne capacity silo for granulated sugar was inaugurated. To further improve sugar quality, beet thin-juice softening plants started operation at the Czech sites of Hrušovany and Opava. In Roman and Buzău, Romania, the packaging facilities were further modernised and, to ensure sugar quality, two silos were equipped with conditioning systems. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT SUGAR SEGMENT Sales volumes in the Sugar segment in 2013|14 were expanded in almost all areas. The constantly changing market conditions, however, are increasingly causing business activities to become more complex, both from a vendor and buyer perspective. Especially positive was the rise in quantities sold to wholesalers and retailers, particularly in the Eastern European countries. Overall, despite the challenging environment, the Sugar operations were able to hold or even grow market positions. The situation in Hungary, where market prices continue to be manipulated by widespread VAT fraud, remains difficult. In sales to the beverage and food industry, the agreements with local and international key accounts resulted in stable volumes. Volumes of non-quota sugar sold to customers in the chemical industry and exports to points outside the EU were largely in line with the prior year. The previous year’s high level of prices, however, could not be duplicated and this significantly hurt margins in the Sugar segment. In the year under review, the sales volumes of AGRANA Zucker GmbH in Austria were slightly below the prior-year level. The market position was nevertheless maintained. Sales into the food and beverage industry were stable thanks to the intensive collaboration with major local and international customers. In Hungary in 2013|14, AGRANA was able to increase sales volumes to retailers and industrial customers (by 8.5%) despite difficult market conditions. Because of a high VAT rate, many small importers still neglect to charge or pay value added tax, thus gaining a competitive advantage over AGRANA and driving down prices. To supply the Hungarian market as well as possible, the Group continued to refine imported raw sugar in Hungary. Quota sugar exports from Hungary fell sharply as a result of much lower amounts of sugar swaps and greater shipments to EU customers from Austria. Within the Czech Republic, overall sugar sales volume in the financial year was up from one year earlier (by 5.1%). While sales to the sugar processing industry grew (up 18.2%), quantities sold to food retailers declined by 15.4%. Quota sugar exports from the Czech Republic too fell markedly as sugar swaps were not entered into on the previous year’s scale. 17 In Slovakia, the total volume of sugar sales in 2013|14 was in line with one year earlier. A drop in sales to the food industry (down 8.3%) was offset by a positive trend in sales to food retailers (up 13.0%). Owing to reduced availability, exports of surplus sugar and of quota sugar decreased significantly. AGRANA again sold more sugar in Romania in 2013|14 (up 20.3%) than in the year before. The main contributing factors were significantly higher sales to retailers and stronger exports. Within Bulgaria, intensive marketing in the year continued to drive up sales volume, by 20.6%. The growth occurred evenly in sales to industry and resellers. In the Western Balkans region, sugar sales quantities grew further year-on-year (by 19.0%). This was driven primarily by a positive trend in reselling of purchased sugar. EXCEPTIONAL ITEMS IN THE SUGAR SEGMENT In December 2013 the European Commission complied with a judgment of the European Court of Justice to reimburse the European Sugar industry for wrongly collected so-called production levies. As a result, AGRANA received a refund of € 4.7 million. This amount was recognised as exceptional income in the 2013|14 financial year. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 TOP-LINE PERFORMANCE STARCH SEGMENT 18 STARCH SEGMENT RESULTS Revenue Operating profit before exceptional items Operating margin before exceptional items Purchases of property, plant and equipment and intangibles1 2013|14 2012|13 Change €m €m % 848.5 61.4 7.2% 804.3 72.6 9.0% +5.5 –15.4 41.0 59.1 –30.6 1 Excluding goodwill. BASICS OF THE STARCH SEGMENT Marketing relationship B2B Products General division into food, non-food and feed sectors; native and modified starches, saccharification products, alcohols/bioethanol, by-products (fertilisers and feedstuffs) Raw materials processed Corn (maize), wheat, potato Key markets Central and Eastern Europe, principally Austria and Germany; also specialty markets, e.g., in USA and UAE Customers Food sector: food industry; Non-food sector: paper, textile, construction chemicals, pharmaceutical, cosmetics and petroleum industries; Feed sector: feed industry Special strengths GM-free and strong organic focus The Starch segment consists of AGRANA Stärke GmbH, which holds the Austrian plants in Aschach (corn starch), Gmünd (potato starch) and Pischelsdorf (integrated wheat starch and bioethanol plants). The company also manages and coordinates the international starch and bioethanol holdings in Hungary and Romania. MARKET ENVIRONMENT World grain supply and demand for the 2013|14 grain marketing year1, according to the International Grains Council, shows significantly higher production and demand than in the prior year. Global corn production, at 959 million tonnes, will exceed supply (by 27 million tonnes), as will wheat production at 708 million tonnes compared with demand of 691 million tonnes. Accordingly, both of these raw materials can be expected to see an increase in global stocks. Consistent with the better supply on international commodity markets, futures prices declined in the course of the year. At the beginning of March 2014 the corn quotation on NYSE Euronext Liffe derivatives exchange in Paris was about € 169 per tonne and that for wheat was around € 201 per tonne, versus respective year-earlier prices of € 227 and € 248 per tonne. The total isoglucose quota of the EU-28 is approximately 720,000 tonnes, of which HUNGRANA holds the largest single share at 250,000 tonnes. COMMODITY PRICES DURING AGRANA’S 2013|14 FINANCIAL YEAR € per tonne (NYSE Euronext Liffe commodity derivatives exchange in Paris) 275 225 175 125 Mar 13 ■ Corn Apr 13 May 13 ■ Wheat 1 Grain marketing year: July to June. Jun 13 Jul 13 Aug 13 Sep 13 Oct 13 Nov 13 Dec 13 Jan 14 Feb 14 GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT STARCH SEGMENT RAW MATERIALS, CROPS AND PRODUCTION Potato starch In the 2013|14 campaign the Austrian starch plant in Gmünd, over a campaign lasting 101 days (prior year: 127 days), processed about 160,200 tonnes of starch potatoes (prior year: 217,900 tonnes) with an average starch content of 18.7% (prior year: 18.5%). The organically grown portion, measured by input volume, amounted to approximately 4% (prior year: 6%). For the 2014 campaign year, AGRANA is planning for a starch potato contract volume of about 220,000 tonnes. About 23,000 tonnes of food potatoes (prior year: 24,000 tonnes) were processed into around 4,300 tonnes of long-life potato products (prior year: 4,400 tonnes), with an organic share of approximately 19% (prior year: 29%). Corn starch Total corn processing volume (excluding corn for bioethanol) in the AGRANA starch plants in Austria, Hungary (based on the Group’s 50% share in HUNGRANA’s volume) and Romania grew to about 805,000 tonnes in the 2013|14 financial year (prior year: 791,000 tonnes). Within this total, processing of freshly harvested, so-called wet corn accounted for approximately 200,000 tonnes by wet weight (prior year: 173,000 tonnes). The amount of specialty corn processed (waxy corn, organic corn, and Guaranteed Non-GMO corn) increased to about 62,000 tonnes (prior year: 59,000 tonnes). Wheat starch At the new wheat starch plant in Pischelsdorf, Austria, which started operation in June 2013, a net total of about 66,500 tonnes of wheat was used in the 2013|14 financial year to produce wheat starch. Energy use and emissions during processing The average specific direct energy consumption per tonne of core products and by-products in the Starch segment1 eased in 2013|14 by approximately 0.5% from the prior year. The greatest contribution to this reduction, at about 55 GWh per year, came from the installation of a waste heat recovery system in the feedstuff drying operations in Pischelsdorf, Austria. 19 In 2013|14 the average specific emissions from direct and indirect energy use per tonne of core and by-product increased by 0.9% from 2012|13. This is explained primarily by a volume increase in the production of bioethanol (up 7.0% year-on-year) and of feedstuffs, which required the use of additional indirect, i. e. purchased, energy. One raw material = four products + zero waste With the wheat starch factory commissioned in June 2013 on the site of the bioethanol plant in Pischelsdorf, Austria, AGRANA has expanded its product portfolio from corn and potato starch to wheat starch. Locating the starch production immediately next to the bioethanol plant permits an important further advance in resource efficiency. Through the close integration of the wheat starch plant and the existing bioethanol facility, the process grain is 100% utilised. Those raw material fractions not utilised in the production of wheat starch and of gluten are used to produce bioethanol and ActiProt®, the premium GMO-free protein feed. Including the high-purity biogenic carbon dioxide which industrial gas group Air Liquide harvests AVERAGE SPECIFIC DIRECT ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN PROCESSING OPERATIONS AT AGRANA STARCH PLANTS1 6.0 4.5 –2.2%2 ■ Specific consumption of non-renewable energy per tonne of core products –0.5%2 3.0 ■ Specific consumption of renewable energy per tonne of core products 1.5 ■ Specific consumption of non-renewable energy per tonne of core and by-products 0 2011|12 2012|13 2013|14 ■ Specific consumption of renewable energy per tonne of core and by-products 1 See GRI report boundary on page 28. 2 Percentage change based on average specific total energy consumption per tonne of core and by-products. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 In gigajoules (GJ) per tonne of core products only and per tonne of core and by-products combined GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 20 from the fermentation tanks of the bioethanol plant, the Pischelsdorf complex thus manufactures four high-quality products from a single raw material. Waste Starch segment 2013|14 2012|13 13,098 9,683 Tonnes, except percent Waste disposed Of which hazardous waste Waste per tonne of product Hazardous waste per tonne of product Waste disposed, by disposal method Composting Energy recovery Reuse Recycling Landfill Other 68 42 1.3% 1.0% 0.007% 0.004% 8,462 1,609 207 950 0 1,870 7,775 1,095 23 459 0 331 Biodiversity For the long-term preservation of biological diversity and the associated ability of the ecosystem to function, the sustainable use and management of natural resources are critically important. Through the shared “Business & Biodiversity” platform of the Lower Austrian regional government and Österreichischer Umweltdachverband (an Austrian umbrella organisation for environmental protection), business and conservation are joining forces to work more closely together for their mutual benefit. In its business activity, AGRANA is dependent on the availability of agricultural raw materials and hence on the functioning of local ecosystems. In summer 2013, mindful of this reliance on nature, the Group together with Lower Austrian contract suppliers carried out the first physical project over this platform: an initiative for bat conservation in Austria’s Waldviertel district. Thirty farmers who supply food potatoes to the AGRANA starch factory in Gmünd installed bat boxes on their farm buildings as additional summer quarters for crevice-nesting bat species, since cavities in trees and traditional entry points in buildings are increasingly being lost as nesting locations. Source: Reports by waste management contractors, AGRANA calculations. In the 2013|14 financial year the Starch segment generated about 13 kg (prior year: 10 kg) of waste per tonne of core and by-products. The increase in the amount of waste compared to the year before can be attributed mainly to higher production volumes. The item “other” (disposal method) included above all organic process residues generated at the Romanian starch factory that are spread at the site to dry for future use as a soil conditioner in agriculture. Although this material will be reused, local law requires it to be reported as waste. INVESTMENT Investment in the Starch segment in 2013|14 was € 41.0 million (prior year: € 59.1 million) and largely flowed to the site in Pischelsdorf, Austria. At this location the wheat starch plant was completed with total project-related capital expenditure over several years of € 70 million and with financial support of about € 3.4 million from the federal government and the government of Lower Austria; an administra- AVERAGE SPECIFIC EMISSIONS (FROM DIRECT AND INDIRECT ENERGY USE) FROM PROCESSING AT AGRANA STARCH PLANTS1 In kg of CO2 equivalent per tonne of core product or of core and by-products 500 0.9%2 0.9%2 375 250 125 ■ Kg of CO2 equivalent per tonne of core product 0 ■ Kg of CO2 equivalent per tonne of core and by-products 2011|12 2012|13 2013|14 1 See GRI report boundary on page 28. 2 Percentage change based on average specific emissions (from direct and indirect energy use) per tonne of core and by-products. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT STARCH SEGMENT TOP-LINE PERFORMANCE In 2013|14, revenue of AGRANA Stärke GmbH rose by about 13% as a result mainly of higher sales volumes of core and by-products and also of somewhat higher selling prices for both types of products. Selling prices for starch products as such, however, were down from the prior year, for market reasons. In combination with lower raw material costs, the positive revenue trend led to an increase in operating profit before exceptional items. As a result of steady market demand and consistent marketing, as well as the additional quantities from the wheat starch plant in Pischelsdorf, Austria, sales volumes of core and by-products grew from one year earlier. Total sales volume (including byproducts) increased considerably to 1,322,200 tonnes from 1,182,300 tonnes in the prior year. Sales of by-products rose significantly to 797,200 tonnes (prior year: 680,800 tonnes), primarily because of higher volumes of purchased feed resold. The tight worldwide supply of protein feeds caused prices for by-products (corn gluten feed, corn gluten meal and potato proteins) to rise from the prior year. In 2013|14, revenue of HUNGRANA, the joint venture in Hungary, decreased by about 7%. This was caused by lower sales prices for core products – especially bioethanol and isoglucose – and reduced sales quantities of core products (down 2%) and by-products (down 9%). Total sales volume was 505,500 tonnes, off 25,300 tonnes from a year ago. As the lower raw material costs were not able to make up for the decline in sales prices and quantities, the earnings contribution from HUNGRANA decreased compared to the prior year. In Romania, despite lower sales prices for core and by-products, revenue of the local company remained at the previous year’s level, although operating profit before exceptional items fell visibly. BIOETHANOL 21 Economic policy environment The proposal published by the European Commission in 2012 to incorporate the subject of indirect land use change (ILUC) into the existing renewable energy directive (2009/28/EC) was rejected in its present form by a majority of votes in the Council of the European Union. The Commission must revise the proposal. In view of the upcoming European elections, a solution is not likely before 2015. AGRANA sees this as validating its raising of synergies in the production of food, feed and energy through investment in modern technologies and the cascading utilisation of raw materials. For instance, the co-product ActiProt®, a premium protein feed, reduces the requirement for soy imports from overseas. For bioethanol production, AGRANA uses only regional surplus feed grain that meets the European sustainability criteria. AGRANA bioethanol activities in 2013|14 AGRANA operates two combination starch and bioethanol manufacturing plants – one in Pischelsdorf, Austria and one through the Group’s 50% ownership of HUNGRANA Kft. in Szabadegyháza, Hungary. In the 2013|14 financial year, the Austrian beet farmers association (Rübenproduzenten Beteiligungs GesmbH) sold its 25.1% stake in AGRANA Bioethanol GmbH in Pischelsdorf to AGRANA Stärke GmbH. The total bioethanol production capacity of the two plants is about 400,000 cubic metres per year. Sales of bioethanol (on a consolidated basis including Austria and AGRANA’s 50% share of results in Hungary; excluding industrial alcohol), were 336,100 cubic metres, just ahead of the prior-year level (331,500 cubic metres). Selling prices of bioethanol, however, were 7% lower than in the prior year. At the Austrian bioethanol plant in Pischelsdorf, a total of about 601,000 tonnes (prior year: 568,000 tonnes) of grain was processed, with a ratio of wheat (incl. triticale) to corn of about 45 to 55 (the corn consisted of dry and wet corn; the wet corn was measured on a wet-weight basis in the ratio). As in the previous years, farmers were offered contracts to grow ethanol grains for the 2014 crop. The ethanol production in Hungary is integrated in the HUNGRANA starch factory in Szabadegyháza, which processes corn into starch, isoglucose and bioethanol. In the year, expressed in terms of the 50% share of HUNGRANA’s results attributable to AGRANA, this facility used approximately 190,000 tonnes (prior year: 222,000 tonnes) of corn for processing into bioethanol (total figures for HUNGRANA were thus twice these amounts). AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 tion building was also built. As well, energy efficiency at the Pischelsdorf site was improved, by capturing waste heat from the feed drying plant. At the Hungarian joint venture, HUNGRANA, investment targeted the “Water-Free Ethanol” project and a new gas turbine. At the facility in Aschach, Austria, investment related to the expansion of the capacity for waxy corn derivative production and to an additional syrup loading lane. In Gmünd, Austria, investment was allocated to the drum drying operations among other areas. FRUIT SEGMENT 22 FRUIT SEGMENT RESULTS Revenue Operating profit before exceptional items Operating margin before exceptional items Purchases of property, plant and equipment and intangibles1 2013|14 2012|13 Change ¤m ¤m % 1,172.1 64.6 5.5% 1,140.1 45.2 4.0% +2.8 +42.9 51.8 34.9 +48.4 1 Excluding goodwill. BASICS OF THE FRUIT SEGMENT Marketing relationship B2B Products Fruit preparations, fruit juice concentrates, not-from-concentrate juices, purees Raw materials processed Fruits (leading raw material for fruit preparations: strawberry; raw materials for fruit juice concentrates: apples and berries) Key markets Marketed worldwide Customers Dairy, bakery, food service and beverage industries Special strengths Custom-designed, innovative products AGRANA J&F Holding GmbH is the holding company for the Fruit segment as a whole. The coordination and operational management of the fruit preparations activities are provided by the holding company AGRANA Fruit S.A.S., based in Mitry-Mory, France. Since the merger of AGRANA Juice and Ybbstaler, the holding company operating in the fruit juice concentrates business is AUSTRIA JUICE GmbH, based in Kröllendorf/Allhartsberg, Austria. MARKET ENVIRONMENT Worldwide the demand for fruit preparations for use in yoghurts, ice-cream and food services continues to grow by about 3% per year. A number of non-EU markets, where per-capita consumption is still relatively low, are growing vigorously. For the United States, the latest market data from IRI1 show strong growth for fruit yoghurts both by volume (3%) and value (8%). In fact, US demand specifically for fruit preparations is growing even more strongly than this, as the product group of Greek yoghurts, which is burgeoning at a growth rate of 29%, has a comparatively higher average content of fruit preparations. Other regions with strong growth rates of up to 10% remain Brazil, North Africa, Ukraine, China and Southeast Asia. Lower growth rates of around 3% are seen in highly developed markets (notably South Korea and Australia) and in countries where overall economic growth has slowed (Russia, Mexico and South Africa). In the EU, demand for fruit preparations continues to ease by about 1.5% per year. This decline continues to be driven by lower consumer confidence over the macroeconomic situation and by a slight trend towards natural yoghurts without fruit ingredients. Positive exceptions are the relatively small Scandinavian markets, which are showing mild growth, and France (the second largest market after Germany), where the fruit yoghurt market is stabilising. In the juice concentrate business, the trend towards fruit juice beverages with low juice content continues unbroken. For beverages high in fruit juice, consumption in Western Europe remains on a mild easing trend, with most of this decrease occurring in Germany. Prices for fruit juice concentrates in Europe have settled in at a low overall level as a result mainly of three factors: inventories carried over from the very good 2012 crop, average processing volumes in the most important European growing regions (Poland, Italy, and Hungary) in the 2013 processing season, and an above-average harvest in Turkey. 1 Information Resources, Inc. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT FRUIT SEGMENT Production sites AGRANA is the world’s leading manufacturer of fruit preparations for the dairy, bakery and ice-cream industries, with a global market share of about one-third. At the balance sheet date the Group had a total of 25 production sites for fruit preparations in 20 countries. With the new facility in Lysander in the state of New York (to come onstream in the middle of May 2014) AGRANA plans to meet the growing demand from customers in Canada and the Northeastern United States. In South Africa the plant in Cape Town was closed at the end of January 2014 and local production concentrated at the more centrally located site in Johannesburg. AUSTRIA JUICE is the leading manufacturer of apple and berry juice concentrates in Europe, with 14 production sites, including one in China. Since the merger of AGRANA Juice with the Ybbstaler group, the enlarged company is taking advantage of synergies, intensifying its international marketing and creating additional opportunities for growth. The company aims to further strengthen its leading position as a supplier of fruit juice concentrates, fruit purees, beverage bases, natural aromas and not-from-concentrate juices for the downstream beverage industry. In Europe, AUSTRIA JUICE produces largely apple juice concentrate with a relatively high acid content for use in the production of pure apple juices and non-alcoholic apple spritzers. The Chinese juice production site is in Xianyang City, located in the world’s largest apple growing region, and thus enjoys access to a good supply of raw materials for making “sweet” (low-acid) Chinese apple juice concentrate. Besides apples, AGRANA also processes berries into berry juice concentrates for the international market. As part of the streamlining of the site network for fruit juice concentrate production in Austria, AUSTRIA JUICE closed the facility in Gleisdorf after the 2013 processing season. Key components of the plant were relocated to the Austrian site in Kröllendorf/Allhartsberg to expand the processing capacity there. The harvests in the main procurement regions were, with few exceptions, average to better than average. 23 Within the Group, AGRANA is always striving to buffer possible adverse impacts of raw material prices through effective procurement strategies and the use of the global sourcing network. The growing product diversity and constantly rising quality requirements make it necessary to refine and expand the AGRANA supplier network in addition to expanding the Group’s internal production of raw materials. Especially the mounting demand for sustainably produced raw materials requires intensified efforts in the collaboration with producers; these efforts already yielded demonstrable results and boosted sales of end products. In the fruit juice concentrates business, available supplies of apples in the foremost European processing regions (Poland and Hungary) were down by about 20% from the prior year. The low apple crop volumes in Germany arrested the previous decline in raw material prices in the neighbouring countries. Chinese apple juice concentrate became less competitive in Europe with an increase in European duties on imports and significantly reduced production quantities, which made it more expensive. The berry processing season was on the whole marked by good available volumes of the principal fruits. Only the supply of raspberries tightened considerably in the second half of the season as a consequence of dry, hot weather. By adjusting the sourcing strategy, AUSTRIA JUICE succeeded in meeting its targeted sales quantities. Especially the increase in the proportion of raw materials produced internally, which had been one of the goals motivating the merger, generated a very significant positive earnings contribution. The financial year under review brought an improvement on raw material markets, thanks to a combination of moderate demand on fruit markets and trends in emerging market exchange rates. Generally, purchasing prices on average found a level slightly below that of the prior year. The prices for sugar, starch and liquid sugar, which are a major cost factor in fruit preparations ingredients, were significantly lower than in the year before. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 RAW MATERIALS, CROPS AND PRODUCTION GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 24 Energy use and emissions during processing The data for the average specific direct energy consumption and for specific emissions (from direct and indirect energy use) per tonne of core and by-products from processing in AGRANA fruit preparations plants1 for the 2013|14 financial year include, for the first time, the data for AUSTRIA JUICE GmbH. For organisational and other reasons, the data on energy, emissions and waste do not include the AUSTRIA JUICE sites Gleisdorf, Austria (closed after the 2013 campaign), Bingen, Germany (fruit wine production) and Xianyang City, China (data quality). The year-on-year rise of 45.0% in average specific direct energy consumption per tonne of core and by-products in 2013|14 in the Fruit segment is attributable to the fact that the – more energy-intensive – production of fruit juice concentrates was included in the reporting for the first time. Average specific direct energy consumption in the production of fruit preparations eased by about 0.7% from the prior year. Average specific emissions from direct and indirect energy use per tonne of core and by-product in the Fruit segment increased by only 5.8%. In fruit preparations, the reduction in average specific indirect energy use led to a reduction of 3.8% in average specific emissions. Waste Fruit segment Waste disposed Of which hazardous waste Waste per tonne of product Hazardous waste per tonne of product Waste disposed, by disposal method Composting Energy recovery Reuse Recycling Landfill Other 1.5 %2 45.0 ■ Specific consumption of non-renewable energy per tonne of core products 1.0 ■ Specific consumption of renewable energy per tonne of core products 0.5 ■ Specific consumption of non-renewable energy per tonne of core and by-products 0 2011|12 2012|13 2013|14 49,359 29,795 206 301 7.1% 5.9% 0.03% 0.06% 6,243 686 23,708 8,971 5,806 3,945 7,465 433 3,732 11,506 4,527 2,132 The amount of waste in the Fruit segment increased with the inclusion of AUSTRIA JUICE GmbH in the reporting, to 71 kg (prior year: 59 kg) per tonne of core and by-products. This was largely because of local legal definitions of waste. Thus, waste quantities shown in the “reuse” category in 2013|14 included about 18,500 tonnes of residues from fruit juice production, such as pomace, apple stems and leaves, which in some countries must legally be reported as waste although AGRANA sells these materials as by-products or gives them to farmers as soil conditioners. The “recycling” item consisted mainly of carton board and plastic packaging. Waste sent to the landfill was primarily fruit matter and In gigajoules (GJ) per tonne of core products only and per tonne of core and by-products combined –7.4%2 2012|13 Source: Reports by waste management contractors, AGRANA calculations. AVERAGE SPECIFIC DIRECT ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN PROCESSING OPERATIONS AT AGRANA FRUIT PREPARATIONS PLANTS1 2.0 2013|14 Tonnes, except percent ■ Specific consumption of renewable energy per tonne of core and by-products 1 See GRI report boundary on page 28. 2 Percentage change based on average specific total energy consumption per tonne of core and by-products. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT FRUIT SEGMENT reject product. The specific waste generation in the fruit preparations business, at 56 kg per tonne of product, eased by 5.1% from the prior year despite an increase of about 5.0% in the amounts of product manufactured. Sustainability engagement in the upstream value chain The growing sustainability consciousness on the part of consumers and existing or planned reporting requirements for non-financial performance indicators are helping to prompt companies to honour, and document, their responsibility for the environmental and social impacts of their activities. Customers in the downstream food processing industry with international operations are thus increasingly inquiring with AGRANA about documentation of and compliance with environmental and social standards in the upstream value chain, specifically by AGRANA’s agricultural suppliers. Through a range of projects in different countries (most of them emerging markets), the Fruit segment has for many years been working to improve social and environmental standards in farming, particularly in sourcing from contract growers. In the 2012|13 financial year, in an initiative going beyond customer requirements, the Fruit segment launched a pilot project for the certification of strawberry and blackberry growers in Jacona in the Mexican state of Michoacán to the global standard of the RainforestAlliance. In this project, AGRANA together with local other knowledge transfer partners offered trainings in sustainable agricultural practices to interested contract farmers to prepare their operations for the certification audits – for example, instruc- tion in pesticide use, water and waste management and reporting. The support offered also includes financial and technical support for the development of farms’ ecosystem structure and infrastructure; for instance, planting of trees and grass strips to increase local biodiversity, installation of toilets and showers and the introduction of preventive healthcare for the employees of the growers. 25 After only six months of implementation, in November 2013 the RainforestAlliance Certified™ seal was won by all participating strawberry farms and, ahead of schedule, by three of seven blackberry producers. Co-financed with development assistance funds from the Austrian Development Agency, the project creates a win-win situation for all its stakeholders: The approximately 1,100 workers of the farms involved are benefiting from better safety and social standards on the job, while the more sustainable agricultural practices protect the environment for the well-being of the communities at large. The broader social and environmental value lies in the longterm conservation of natural resources and biodiversity. The farmers hope to gain competitive advantage through improved product quality, labour efficiency and the innovativeness of the certification in Michoacán. AGRANA benefits from the internationally recognised certification of its suppliers to a standard going beyond that of any specific customer and, in this pilot project, is reaping important insights regarding the staff resources and expense required for contract supplier certification under an international standard. This knowledge can then also be used in other emerging markets through the sustainable sourcing strategic process. AVERAGE SPECIFIC EMISSIONS (FROM DIRECT AND INDIRECT ENERGY USE) FROM PROCESSING AT AGRANA FRUIT PREPARATIONS PLANTS1 200 5.8%2 –3.4%2 150 100 50 ■ Kg of CO2 equivalent per tonne of core product 0 ■ Kg of CO2 equivalent per tonne of core and by-products 2011|12 2012|13 2013|14 1 See GRI report boundary on page 28. 2 Percentage change based on average specific emissions (from direct and indirect energy use) per tonne of core and by-products. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 In kg of CO2 equivalent per tonne of core product or of core and by-products GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 26 INVESTMENT The capital expenditure of € 51.8 million in the Fruit segment (prior year: € 34.9 million) represented maintenance investment and capacity expansion projects. Topping the list of projects in this segment is the construction of the fourth North American fruit preparations plant, in Lysander, New York, which will supply customers in the Northeastern United States and in Canada. It is scheduled to come on-stream in the middle of May 2014. Plant capacity in Ukraine was expanded by adding a new production line. The global growth in sales volumes of fruit preparations also increased the need for stainless steel containers for transport. Investment in the fruit juice concentrates business was primarily directed to the improvement of production efficiency. Besides other necessary asset replacement spending, the segment began to streamline the network of production sites in Austria and worked on the introduction of a uniform ERP system. Overall in the three Latin American countries where the Group operates (Argentina, Brazil and Mexico), AGRANA held the line on revenue and improved the profit situation despite weak currencies. Although the after-effects of the fraud case uncovered in 2012 in Mexico are weighing on the resources of the local organisation through many pending civil and criminal cases, business in the financial year under review was satisfactory. In the Asia/Australia region, revenue was boosted and the high profitability was maintained. Particularly the production expansion in China drove the growth in this region. Revenue and earnings in the Middle East/North Africa region also saw a positive trend. Defying the difficult political environment, the Egyptian joint venture delivered very good results and met expectations. Only in South Africa was there a drastic decline in revenue, in response to which the production operations in this country were concentrated at the Johannesburg site and the plant in Cape Town was closed ahead of schedule. TOP-LINE PERFORMANCE In the 2013|14 financial year, sales volumes in the fruit preparations business grew by 3.8% to 518,000 tonnes, thus further expanding the Group’s lead as the world’s largest supplier of fruit preparations. Despite the challenging market environment, the Group was able to marginally expand its position in the EU (excluding Eastern Europe) as the most important region for this business and also slightly increased its profit. This was made possible mainly through volume growth and good cost management. AGRANA will continue to take measures to further raise profitability in the EU. In Eastern Europe (Russia and Ukraine), although lower trading volume did not allow AGRANA to hold fruit preparations revenue constant, the operating margin improved. Revenue in North America remained stable despite volume growth. This reflected the strong euro and the fact that major customers in some cases provided raw materials themselves. However, earnings increased substantially as costs rose disproportionately less than volumes. Compared with the 2012|13 financial year, sales volumes in the fruit juice concentrate activities grew by almost 8%. AUSTRIA JUICE operates globally, centred on the EU as the core market. Other major geographic markets are North America, Russia, the Middle East and Far East. The apple juice concentrate manufactured in the Chinese plant is shipped largely to the USA, Japan, India, Russia and Australia. The fruit wine product area showed growth in revenue and volume from the year before. Price trends remained volatile in the year under review, with an easing tendency on balance. Through the customary annual contracts, most of the production from the 2013 harvest was already sold worldwide while the campaign was still in progress. For earnings purposes, the reduced selling prices were only partly offset by lower raw material prices. The integration of AGRANA Juice and Ybbstaler in AUSTRIA JUICE continues to progress as planned. The harmonisation of the business model and of systems is expected to be largely completed in the present 2014|15 financial year and the synergies are likely to be fully effective from 2015|16. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT FRUIT SEGMENT EXCEPTIONAL ITEMS IN THE FRUIT SEGMENT 27 In the Fruit segment, exceptional items in the 2013|14 financial year represented one-off effects in the fruit preparations company AGRANA Fruit South Africa (Proprietary) Ltd. For partly logistic reasons, all South African production will from now on be concentrated at the Johannesburg site; the plant in Cape Town was closed in January 2014. The related exceptional expense of € 0.8 million resulted mostly from termination benefit obligations and impairment charges. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 In the prior year, exceptional items related to reorganisation measures in the fruit preparations business in Europe, and provisions in connection with the irregularities in business conduct uncovered at AGRANA Fruit México, S.A. de C.V. SUSTAINABILIT Y 28 The variety of hands-on ways in which AGRANA practices sustainable action ranges from responsible raw material sourcing and lowemission production technologies all the way to social engagement. AGRANA’S PRACTICAL UNDERSTANDING OF SUSTAINABILITY By sustainability, AGRANA means a harmonious balance of economic, environmental and social responsibility. In developing the Group-wide sustainability management system, AGRANA formulated three principles that sum up its concept of sustainability more concretely and reflect the six core subjects most significant for the Group. At AGRANA we: █ Utilise almost 100% of our raw materials and employ low-emission technologies to protect the environment █ Respect all our stakeholders and the communities where we operate █ Engage in long-term partnerships The essence of these three principles is also incorporated in AGRANA’s mission statement. Beyond legal requirements and voluntary reporting commitments and standards, these principles are meant to serve management and employees as a practical and intuitive guide to daily sustainable action. SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING Organisational boundaries of sustainability reporting The sustainability information integrated in this 2013|14 annual report which is considered material to AGRANA’s business activities is marked with a green fingerprint. The content is selected and structured based on the questionnaire of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI version 3.1) and on the GRI’s food processing sector supplement. For the first time, the performance figures assembled for the Sugar, Starch and Fruit segments include data for AUSTRIA JUICE GmbH, a joint venture firm created in the 2012|13 financial year by the merger of AGRANA Juice Holding GmbH and Ybbstaler Fruit Austria GmbH that is fully consolidated by AGRANA in the Fruit segment. For organisational boundary reasons, the joint ventures that are proportionately consolidated in the financial statements of the AGRANA Group – i. e., the AGRANA-Studen group (in the Sugar segment) and the HUNGRANA group (in the Starch segment) – as well as companies not material for sustainability reporting purposes, such as INSTANTINA (in the Sugar segment), remain excluded from the scope of the data. In total, operations excluded from the sustainability data for 2013|14 represented revenue of € 299.4 million and an average of 367 employees. Content boundaries of sustainability reporting At the Group’s 54 production sites worldwide, AGRANA’s Sugar, Starch and Fruit segments use agricultural raw materials to make premium foods and many high-quality intermediate products both for the downstream food industry and for non-food applications. In 2012|13 AGRANA’s cross-segment, cross-functional sustainability core team grouped the sustainability aspects that are material to the business activities into the following six subject areas: █ █ █ █ █ █ Environmental and social criteria in the sourcing of agricultural raw materials Environmental and energy aspects of production Labour practices and human rights of employees Product responsibility and sustainable products Compliance and business conduct Social engagement GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT SUSTAINABILITY 29 To these six topics, AGRANA assigned the GRI indicators relevant for its business activities. The most relevant indicators are covered in this annual report. The materiality of the individual indicators was determined based on stakeholder feedback received by the various business segments and functional departments. This materiality information was for the first time recorded in a structured manner Group-wide by the AGRANA sustainability core team in the 2012|13 financial year and the materiality of the indicators was confirmed in 2013|14. Industry associations, advocacy groups Governments, public service, institutions, NGOs Owners, shareholders, investors Banks, financial institutions Raw material suppliers Raw material suppliers Industrial customers Industrial customers Sugar Consumers Starch Neighbours, local communities Fruit Journalists, media, public Raw material suppliers Industrial customers Neighbours, local communities Potential future employees AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Service providers, contractors Neighbours, local communities GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 30 ACHIEVEMENTS IN 2013|14 AND FURTHER PLANS The following projects within the six key subject areas were implemented in the 2013|14 financial year, are in progress or are planned for the next several years: Environmental and social criteria in the sourcing of agricultural raw materials █ At the end of the 2013|14 financial year, AGRANA started a working group on sustainable sourcing, in order to do justice to the growing consumer awareness – and the resulting higher expectations by customers especially in the food industry – regarding environmental and social criteria in the upstream agricultural supply chain, and thus to honour its responsibilities as a corporate citizen. In the current, 2014|15 financial year the participants, drawn from all AGRANA business segments, will evaluate environmental and social criteria in the procurement strategy – taking into consideration the degree of vertical integration of the respective sourcing model (also see the value chain from page 6) and AGRANA’s resulting ability to influence sustainability aspects – and will refine these criteria with the help of a materiality analysis. █ As early as the 2012|13 financial year, the Fruit segment launched a pilot project based on – and surpassing – customer-specific expectations for compliance with social criteria and certain agricultural practices. The project objective was the certification of strawberry and blackberry suppliers in the Mexican state of Michoacán to the standards of the international RainforestAlliance. Under this project, AGRANA together with other knowledge transfer partners offered trainings to interested contract farmers to prepare for the certification audits – for example, instruction in pesticide use, water and waste management, and reporting. The support offered also includes financial and technical assistance with the development of infrastructure, such as toilets, showers and preventive healthcare. After only six months of implementation, in November 2013 the RainforestAlliance Certified™ seal was won by all participating strawberry farms and, ahead of schedule, by three of seven blackberry producers. Co-financed with development assistance funds from the Austrian Development Agency, the project creates a win-win situation for all its stakeholders: The approximately 1,100 workers of the farms involved are benefiting from better safety and social standards on the job, while the more sustainable agricultural practices protect the environment for the well-being of the communities at large. The broader social and environmental value lies in the long-term conservation of natural resources and biodiversity. The farmers hope to gain a competitive advantage through improved product quality, labour efficiency and the innovativeness of the certification in Michoacán. AGRANA benefits from the internationally recognised certification of its suppliers to a standard going beyond that of any specific customer and, in this pilot project, is reaping important insights regarding the staff resources and expense required for contract supplier certification under an international standard. In the future, this knowledge can also be used in other emerging markets through the sustainable sourcing strategic process. Environmental and energy aspects of production █ In the 2013|14 financial year AGRANA prepared for the introduction of an ISO 50001-certifiable energy management system for all Austrian production sites. In 2014|15 the Group is collecting the defined energy data and training the staff involved. Based on analysis of the energy figures, action plans are prepared for further energy savings measures. AGRANA is aiming for certification to ISO 50001 for autumn 2014. █ “klima:aktiv”, the climate protection initiative of the Austrian environment ministry, in November 2013 gave recognition to companies for energy conservation efforts in the context of corporate climate protection. AGRANA Zucker GmbH received the “klima:aktiv” honorary certificate for its installation in 2011|12 of low-temperature dryers at the Tulln and Leopoldsdorf sugar plants in Austria. The use of this technology, which captures waste heat from earlier process steps and harnesses it for the drying of desugared beet pulp to produce animal feeds, has already saved emissions of about 59,000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent. Working conditions and human rights in respect of AGRANA employees █ The workplace safety data collected for the first time in the 2013|14 financial year across all business segments by uniform worldwide criteria are currently being analysed. On the basis of this analysis, potential for improvement and best practices are being identified and the latter progressively implemented, with adaptations to fit the individual sites (also see the section “AGRANA’s people“, page 38). GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT SUSTAINABILITY Product responsibility and sustainable products █ As AGRANA primarily makes intermediate products for the downstream food industry, the priorities in terms of product responsibility are food safety and food defense. The compliance with applicable national laws and regulations at all production sites is regarded by AGRANA as merely the baseline from which to reach for even higher voluntary standards. In addition, AGRANA is guided by internationally recognised standards for food safety, such as the Codex Alimentarius (the food code of the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the World Health Organisation). In the Codex Alimentarius, the General Principles of Food Hygiene introduced the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system. The HACCP system is used to analyse and evaluate potential hazards to human health, whether chemical, physical or microbial in nature. Appropriate steps are then taken to eliminate or reduce these threats as necessary. In its assurance of food safety, the Group goes beyond the legal requirements. It has implemented and is externally certified to globally recognised standards of food safety and food defense. Among the most significant of these standards are FSSC 22000, ISO 22000 and IFS. In the 2013|14 financial year, 92.5% of all production sites were certified under at least one international food safety standard. Ultimately, it is product responsibility as a daily practice and the honouring of the three sustainability principles that underpin AGRANA’s production of sustainable goods. Social engagement █ In autumn 2013 AGRANA celebrated 25 years in business. During the whole 2013|14 financial year, external events and the company’s communications bore the theme of successful development from an Austrian sugar and starch producer with sales of about € 360 million to an internationally operating group with approximately 8,800 employees and revenue of about € 3 billion. To make this anniversary truly memorable for employees, a celebration was held in September 2013 at the Tulln sugar factory for the staff of all Austrian plants. As well, a benefit concert was organised in cooperation with Theater an der Wien to which employees from AGRANA’s international locations had a chance to win 25 tickets in a sweepstake. AGRANA made a donation matching the ticket revenue from this concert, thus donating (together with Theater an der Wien) a total of € 70,000, of which one-half each went to the children’s services and disaster aid organisations “Malteser Care-Ring Kinderhilfe” and “Hilfe im eigenen Land – Katastrophenhilfe Österreich”. Malteser Care-Ring Kinderhilfe provides hands-on support with home care for families with severely ill children, youths and young adults. “Hilfe im eigenen Land” is an Austria-wide organisation that, through financial aid, quickly and directly helps individuals and families who are in crisis because of an unexpected death, a serious illness or natural disaster. 31 Helping hands █ In 2013|14 as in the previous years, AGRANA continued its tradition of donating sugar to the “Le+O markets” operated by Caritas, a charity. These regularly held markets offer food at a symbolic price, together with orientation, social counselling and support for people with low incomes. As in the past, AGRANA employees from the head office in Vienna volunteered their help with the weekly food distribution at a nearby Le+O market during working hours. █ The AGRANA potato starch factory in Gmünd, Austria, supported “SOMAmobil Waldviertel” by supplying it with long-life potato products, such as potato puree. SOMAmobil is a mobile Sozialmarkt (food bank store) providing food and other essential goods to more than 800 economically disadvantaged people in 16 communities of the Waldviertel region. █ In 2013|14, AGRANA Fruit México took part in an initiative of the Mexican Center for Philanthropy, which annually recognises companies for activities in the realm of corporate social responsibility. Candidates are evaluated by a number of criteria within the four categories business ethics, social standards and services for employees, environmental protection, and social engagement in the local community. AGRANA’s Mexican manufacturing site received the Center’s “ESR” seal (Empresa Socialmente Responsable – socially responsible business) for the broad range of physical and mental health measures provided for its staff and the volunteer work done by its employees on renovation projects at 20 local schools. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 In a pilot project during the 2014 summer holidays, to support parents in reconciling work with their family obligations, AGRANA is offering childcare for children of staff working at the Tulln sugar plant: During the pre-school and school holidays in Lower Austria, trained educators from the local section of Hilfswerk (the large social service organisation) will provide a varied, age-appropriate all-day programme for employees’ children. █ RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 32 RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT R&D expenditure (total internal and external R&D-to-sales ratio1 Employees in R&D ¤m % 2013|14 2012|13 2011|12 17.2 0.57 218 18.2 0.59 204 15.1 0.59 199 1 R&D expenditure as a share of revenue. We are always trying out new ideas and seeking innovative solutions. Operating in a highly competitive market environment, it is vital for AGRANA to be a market trendsetter and differentiate itself from the competition through product innovations. In close partnership with customers, AGRANA’s research and development (R&D) teams are always working on new recipes, specialty products and innovative applications for existing products, in a tribute also to the Group’s strategic focus on lasting, sustainable success. In the 2013|14 financial year AGRANA maintained two research and development facilities. The activities of Zuckerforschung Tulln Ges.m.b.H. (ZFT) in Tulln, Austria, ranged from agricultural R&D, to food, sugar, starch and bioethanol technology, all the way to microbiology and biotechnology projects. Meanwhile, the Centre of Innovation and Excellence in Gleisdorf, Austria, conducted the centralised research and development for the fruit preparations business. This facility was responsible for the development of products and production methods, in addition to longer-term R&D projects to provide AGRANA’s international customers with innovative solutions in direct response to the needs of the market. With the help of a physical expansion of the research site in Tulln, AGRANA’s research and innovation activities at the existing two centres will soon be combined in this one location. From July 2014 the new AGRANA Research & Innovation Center (ARIC) with a staff of about 60 people will be the Group’s central research and development institute. This merging of resources is expected not only to yield administrative synergies but is especially intended to promote the closer collaboration of the previously geographically separate groups of researchers. The complementarity between the knowledge and experience of both groups will generate advantages in cross-segment areas of research such as clean label, nutrition physiology, sweeteners and aromas. In this way, the growing number of projects that pertain to more than one AGRANA business segment is expected to be carried out much more simply and efficiently. This new AGRANA “research cluster” at the Tulln facility also makes for easy and close connectivity with relevant university institutions and their graduates. SUGAR SEGMENT Methods developed and operationally used by AGRANA in recent years for the objective detection of deteriorated beet (beet damaged by changes in weather conditions during storage) won international recognition at the 3rd general meeting of the ESST, the European Society for Sugar Technology. AGRANA’s report on this subject received the Best Paper Award. With the methods described by AGRANA, such as image analysis and the detection of volatile organic compounds and of glucose produced during the natural breakdown of sucrose, beets that will be difficult to process can be identified well in advance and remedial measures taken early enough. This largely avoids disruptions of operations and reduces expenses for the necessary process additives. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT The segment-wide quality monitoring programme for white sugar instituted by ZFT is also already beginning to yield benefits. The programme is not confined to mere monitoring – when necessary, the production processes can be optimised by providing consulting on site. Thus, during the last campaign, technological modifications to one facility’s beet juice purification system were able to bring down the so-called floc potential – a quality parameter of white sugar important for certain customers – to well within the desired range. These consulting and training activities will continue to be expanded in the future. In order to improve the microbiological quality of sugar products, a new project was launched last year around the detection of thermoacidophiles (bacteria-like, single-celled organisms) in the sugar manufacturing process. The project goal is to identify potential sources of infection and minimise the risk of sugar product contamination with thermoacidophiles. STARCH SEGMENT 33 In R&D on potato starch raw material, a joint project was begun with the Austrian Institute of Technology and the Lower Austria Seed Growers Cooperative (Niederösterreichische Saatbaugenossenschaft). The aim of this FFG-supported project is to breed new potato varieties with special starch properties. The role of ZFT in the coming years of the project will be to process potatoes from the trials on a laboratory scale and assess the quality of the starch derived from them. The resulting findings will help the project partners evaluate progress and direct the breeding programme. Production of silage from wet corn is being investigated as a way of extending the wet corn campaign, which has ecological and economic benefits by saving the energyintensive step of drying the corn. To this end, a new ensilage technique was tested in which the wet corn is stored in plastic film tunnels. The early positive results are to be verified in the next campaign. In food starches, the focus was on the expansion of application expertise. This included improving and enlarging the array of procedures available to test newly developed starches. Particular emphasis was also placed on expanding the line of organic products, using specially developed organic starches. These innovations are intended for use in organic gourmet foods among other market segments. Work also began on developing new modified pregelatinized food starches and evaluating them for applications such as baking-stable fruit preparations. The goal is to expand the portfolio of functional pregelatinized starches in order to safeguard the necessary capacity utilisation of the production facilities in the future. Another research priority at ZFT in food starches was the study of the nutrition physiology of specialty starches as dietary fibre. For this purpose, together with the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna, a preliminary stage to testing in humans is to be established using a porcine model. Two AGRANA specialty starches are already being studied by means of this test. A transglucosidated dextrin was developed that is suitable for the proxy to studies in humans. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Besides the well-known criteria of sugar quality, such as “colour in solution” and ash content, properties that are increasingly gaining importance are odour and flavour. A research project was therefore started to help secure the desired sensory characteristics of powdered sugar by studying the factors that control them. The systematic trials already conducted have shown that both the granulated sugar used as the raw material and the conditions associated with grinding, packaging and storage of the powdered sugar significantly affect the sensory quality of the product. Top-grade powered sugar can only be produced when the granular sugar used for grinding has itself been manufactured under specific conditions and when the air coming into contact with the sugar meets certain specifications. In the further course of this two-year project supported by Austria’s Research Promotion Agency (Forschungsfördergesellschaft, or FFG), trials are planned on the objective assessment of sensory characteristics. This objective determination will employ highly advanced analytics, including, for example, gas chromatography after special enrichment of the aroma compounds using solid-phase dynamic extraction (SPDE), as well as gas chromatography coupled with ion mobility spectroscopy. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 34 A major area of R&D in the 2013|14 financial year was the development of starch products for non-food applications in the building, adhesive, paper and biopolymer sectors. Important projects revolved around the development of special modified sustainable starches as substitutes for synthetic latex. These activities were targeted both to the paper market and to applications in textiles and construction, where such sustainable materials are also attracting more and more interest from customers. Sustainable and biodegradable adhesives are becoming ever more significant in the market and for consumers. In partnership with well-known companies, modified starches were developed for the DIY market segment for use in consumer products, such as craft adhesives and glue sticks. These so-called green glues offer both environmental benefits and economic and quality advantages. The replacement of synthetic glues with the use of the innovative NOVACOLL starch led to the development of ready-to-use adhesives and pastes with outstanding stability and adhesive strength. In the areas of bread bags and lamination, AGRANA positioned itself with new, intelligent products. Growing environmental and sustainability consciousness is heightening the interest in and demand for biodegradable bioplastics. Thermoplastic starches are a major component of bioplastics. AGRANA was able to develop modified thermoplastic starches specifically for injection moulding in the production of consumer goods and of other biodegradable products suitable for everyday use. For example, it created vine clips for vineyards and gardening that contain a significant proportion of the proprietary new thermoplastic starch. AGRANA also plans to bring to market other new developments in specialty starch products for blown film applications where sustainability, environmental protection, and safety of direct contact with food are primary considerations. Another new project, in collaboration with an Austrian civil engineering firm, is centred on the bio-sealing of dams: Cracks and tears in the soil of leaking dams are to be closed by promoting soil bacteria growth and thus stimulating the production of a polysaccharide matrix to reseal the dams. Supporting the bioethanol plant in Pischelsdorf is a big part of the biotechnology activities. The continual adjustment of process parameters to the varying raw material composition, and the evaluation of enzymes and yeasts newly available on the market, contribute to the step-by-step optimisation of processes. FRUIT SEGMENT In the 2013|14 financial year, AGRANA’s Centre of Innovation and Excellence further expanded its Consumer-Relevant Innovation Strategy and launched the “Gold” project, a cornerstone of its work on continuous quality improvement of fruit preparations. The aim of this long-term project is to achieve and secure the best possible (natural) texture of fruit pieces in the product while at the same time preserving the fruit’s own aromas responsible for the natural fruit taste. Through the development of a building block system, potential for improvement in the individual steps of the basic operations/production processes can be identified and sub-projects started and implemented in a goal-oriented manner. Other R&D priorities in the financial year were: █ █ █ █ █ █ Implementing the potential improvements identified for fruit raw materials in Morocco Testing different treatment and processing options immediately after harvesting Identification of significant process parameters such as pasteurisation temperature and time Evaluation of innovative cooker kettle designs with a view to quality improvement of fruit preparations Introduction of novel stabilisation systems Collaboration with filling and dosing machinery manufacturers supplying the dairy and beverage industries GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT In the new 2014|15 financial year, the previously begun activities are being continued, and with the improvement of the individual process building blocks, a solid foundation is to be laid for supporting the AGRANA plants and local developer teams. The right combinations of the optimised building blocks are to ensure made-to-measure product development. 35 In R&D for fruit juice concentrates, AGRANA worked on the optimisation of aroma yield and aroma quality in its production plants. A project to improve the utilisation and marketing of press cake, such as apple and blueberry pomace, in the form of by-products was successfully carried out. A patent was issued in Austria for the process for producing “apple flour”, a valuable, low-calorie source of dietary fibre for use especially in the baking industry. In 2014|15 the central research priority for AUSTRIA JUICE will be the further expansion of the development capabilities for beverage bases and aromas. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Special attention in this regard is placed on the development, and ultimately the marketing, of premium natural fruit flavourings known as FTNF (“from the named fruit”) flavours. Other R&D objectives are the improvement of manufacturing processes for water phase flavours, and the evaluation of the technical feasibility of reducing critical herbicide use in the fruit juice supply chain by physical methods. AGRANA’S PEOPLE 36 We challenge our people to excel and we support them with focused training and development. In the 2013|14 financial year the AGRANA Group as a whole employed an average of 8,778 people (prior year: 8,449). Of this total, 2,131 worked in Austria (prior year: 1,993) and 6,647 in other countries (prior year: 6,456). The average number of employees in each business segment was as follows: █ █ █ Sugar segment: 2,399 employees (prior year: 2,315) Starch segment: 1,008 employees (prior year: 950) Fruit segment: 5,371 employees (prior year: 5,184) The average age of permanent employees1 on 28 February 2014 was 41 years, as in the prior year. Of the permanent employees, 28.9% (prior year: 28.4%) were women, and 60.1% of salaried staff had an academic degree (prior year: 57.7%). The increase in staff numbers in the Sugar segment resulted partly from the fact that the employees of the AGRAGOLD companies were included for the first time. As well, the production operations of AGRANA Zucker GmbH required more staff than in the previous year. In the Starch segment, the growth of about 6% in the staff count was driven primarily by the start of operations of the new wheat starch plant in Pischelsdorf, Austria. The higher number of people working in the Fruit segment was attributable both to the coming opening of the new US production facility in Lysander in New York state and a volume-induced greater need for seasonal workers, particularly at the plants in Mexico and Ukraine. HUMAN RESOURCES STRATEGY AND MANAGEMENT AGRANA’s personnel strategy follows sustainable principles. It is defined by mutual respect – including respect for different cultures and religions – and seeks to encourage entrepreneurial thinking and action. AGRANA’s human resources management in 2013|14 continued to focus on the judicious support and development of employees as key factors for the Group’s success in the future. Additionally, the processes in HR administration were further harmonised and standardised, and information technology solutions were revised from the ground up to enhance the level of detail of, for instance, the monthly reporting while at the same time improving administrative AGRANA EMPLOYEES WITHIN THE GRI REPORT BOUNDARY2 at the balance sheet date of 28 February 2014 Segment Sugar6 Starch Fruit Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 Non-permanent staff3 Total Female 168 43 2,202 2,413 23.8% 27.9% 77.2% 72.6% Permanent staff Bluecollar 1,050 563 2,257 3,870 Female 14.3% 12.8% 25.1% 20.4% Whitecollar 729 247 1,299 2,275 Managers4 Of which Executive Leadership5 Female Total Female Total Female Total Female 41.4% 41.3% 46.3% 44.2% 1,779 810 3,556 6,145 25.4% 21.5% 32.8% 29.2% 152 37 224 413 21.7% 13.5% 26.3% 23.5% 18 3 15 36 16.7% 0.0% 6.7% 11.1% Employees of AGRANA Group companies hired for an indefinite period, i. e. excluding temporary staff. See GRI report boundary on page 28. Almost all non-permanent positions represent seasonal local workers in harvesting and processing campaigns. Reporting level 2 and 3. Reporting level 1 (i. e., the reporting level immediately below the Management Board of AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG). The Sugar segment includes the staff of AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT AGRANA’S PEOPLE efficiency. This makes it possible to also show components like the monthly workplace safety reporting and human resource planning on the same system and to benefit from improved plausibility checks and flexible analytical options. As well, the merging begun in 2011|12 of the payroll services for Austrian companies of the AGRANA Group at the HR services center in Tulln has contributed to higher quality and scalable solutions. In the 2013|14 financial year, special focus continued to be placed on onboarding programmes and welcome days, which were organised in all segments and in the holding company to swiftly give new hires an overview of their own part of the organisation and the whole AGRANA universe. Subsequently, employees can take part in crosssegment, Group-wide exchanges, e. g. INCA (International Communication at AGRANA). AGRANA’s compensation policy is generally based on collective bargaining agreements. For its management, AGRANA maintains a global, objectively based compensation system consisting of a fixed (salary) element and a variable element. The fixed compensation is based on the job duties, market rates of pay and the need for internal fairness. The amount of variable pay is dependent on achievement of the respective corporate business targets and individual targets. AGRANA makes a particular point of encouraging and developing talent. In January 2014, twenty-two men and seven women completed what was already the third cycle of AGRANA Competencies Training (ACT), a two-year talent development curriculum for employees. The project presentation which concluded it showcased results that surpassed the already high expectations, such as regarding further marketing opportunities for residues from apple juice concentrate production. However, equally striking was the positive development in the participating employees themselves over the course of the programme. The results of the specific projects completed within ACT, as well as the intensive training of selected staff members, are doing their part to prepare AGRANA for the future. In the 2013|14 financial year, 6.7% (prior year: 6.0%) of all employees were covered by this incentive-enhanced compensation scheme. STAFF DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING As in the previous years, AGRANA offered numerous trainings, in subject areas spanning both professional skills and personal development. Ongoing Group-wide programmes were continued to foster interaction between the segments, strengthen the Group’s international integration and encourage broad horizons. Only this consistent effort can ensure the lasting success of these trainings and trainee programmes and ensure they add value for the Group and for employees. 37 In the year under review, AGRANA provided training to a total of 78 apprentices (prior year: 65) in Austria and Germany in preparation for careers as, among others, mechanical engineering technicians, electrical engineering technicians, plant electricians and process control technicians, metalworking technicians, chemical lab technicians, food technicians, mechatronics technicians, industrial sales representatives and computer technicians. The proportion of female apprentices was 10.3%. TRAINING HOURS OF AGRANA EMPLOYEES1 Segment Sugar3 Starch Fruit Total Average training hours per employee Male 37.9 24.8 17.7 24.9 Female 47.5 18.4 16.6 24.6 Total 40.4 23.5 17.3 24.8 1 Permanent staff within the GRI report boundary (see page 28). 2 As a share of pay. 3 The Sugar segment includes the staff of AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG. Proportion of employees who received a training Training & development costs2 92.0% 75.2% 81.0% 83.4% 1.8% 0.7% 1.1% 1.3% AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 in the 2013|14 financial year GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 38 “AGRANA Academy” launched Group-wide The name AGRANA Academy stands for the company’s programme for training all senior managers in the AGRANA core skills and corporate principles. The various workshops are intended to establish a shared understanding of the Group and develop a common management culture. The competency selected as a focus for the year under review and for 2014|15 was that of leadership. Through the Academy, AGRANA aims to prepare all levels of its management even better for future challenges. The Group-wide expenditure for external training and development in the 2013|14 financial year amounted to about € 2.7 million (prior year: € 2.3 million), equivalent to approximately 1.2% (prior year: 1.1%) of total wages and salaries. potential for improvement and best practices are being identified and the latter will be adapted to the individual locations and progressively implemented. Health programmes Under the “AGRANA Fit” programme, with the goal of maintaining and improving employees’ health and wellness, AGRANA in many locations offers a comprehensive range of health services and sports. Besides routine health check-ups, tips for balanced and healthy eating, ergonomic help at work to prevent muscle tension and more serious issues, many different sports and exercise activities are available. In 2013, combining sports with an opportunity to practice team spirit, AGRANA once again invited its staff to participate in the annual Wien Energie Business Run. No fewer than 177 employees from all business segments took up this challenge in September 2013. WORKPLACE SAFETY AND HEALTH In 2013|14 AGRANA for the first time collected fully standardised workplace safety data globally across all business segments, additional to legal and segment-specific reporting requirements. These data collected by uniform worldwide criteria for the first time in 2013|14 are being analysed in detail in the 2014|15 financial year. Based on the findings of this analysis, Aside from these opportunities to improve and maintain physical health, a (legally required) assessment of psychological strain in the work place was conducted in February 2014 at all Austrian sites. With the help of an employee survey, work-related psychological stress factors are now also captured in addition to the ongoing workplace evaluation by the preventive health and safety specialists at the company sites. Appropriate measures will be taken in the 2014|15 financial year after analysis of the results. WORKPLACE SAFETY DATA FOR THE AGRANA GROUP1 in the 2013|14 financial year Segment Sugar Starch Fruit Total Injury rate2 Total 2.0 1.6 3.1 2.6 Male 2.4 1.8 4.1 3.2 Lost day rate3 Female 0.6 0.5 1.8 1.5 Total 19.9 19.2 34.6 28.6 Male 23.0 24.1 47.3 35.8 Absentee rate4 Female 10.6 – 17.9 15.2 Total 4,442.1 5,540.8 3,239.8 3,864.5 Male 4,549.1 5,445.7 3,482.1 4,130.8 In the 2013|14 financial year there were no fatal accidents in the workplace at the AGRANA Group1. In the 2013|14 financial year there were five accidents of AGRANA contractors. For organisational reasons, these are not included in the AGRANA workplace safety data such as the injury rate, lost day rate and absentee rate. 1 2 3 4 5 Non-permanent (i. e., fixed-term or temporary) and permanent employees within the GRI reporting boundaries (see page 28). Injury rate = (total number of accidents5 ÷ total paid hours worked6) × 200,000 Lost day rate = (total number of lost days7 ÷ total paid hours worked6) × 200,000 Absentee rate = (total number of missed hours due to accident5 and sickness ÷ total paid hours worked6) × 200,000 In AGRANA’s workplace safety data, injuries are counted as accidents if a scheduled work day is lost. Days are counted as lost from the first scheduled work day missed after the accident (excluding accidents on the way to or from work). 6 Total paid hours worked are defined by AGRANA as contractual work hours plus paid overtime. 7 A work day is assumed to have eight hours. Female 4,114.0 5,917.0 2,919.9 3,370.7 GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT AGRANA’S PEOPLE DIVERSITY 39 For its core business of the industrial processing of agricultural raw materials into foods and high-quality intermediate products for the downstream food industry and for non-food applications, AGRANA regularly seeks employees with a vocational background or higher technical education. As the proportion of women with vocational training or technical academic degrees is relatively low in Austria and other countries, a “Daughters’ Day” was again held in 2013 to raise girls’ interest in the technical trades and professions. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 A significant challenge on the career path is that of keeping work and family life in harmony. AGRANA already provides a company kindergarten, as well as a childcare service for children of staff in Vienna on days when schools close locally for a day, and on longweekend days falling between a public holiday and the weekend. Going a step further, on a pilot basis in summer 2014, the company is for the first time offering a week of childcare during the summer holidays for children of employees at the sugar plant in Tulln, Austria. During the pre-school and school holidays in Lower Austria, trained educators from the Lower Austria section of Hilfswerk, a care services organisation, will provide age-specific, rich and diverse programmes for children aged three to ten years, ranging from creative workshops to excursions and sports activities. RISK MANAGEMENT AND SYSTEM OF INTERNAL CONTROL 40 We accept and manage calculated risks and avoid excessive uncertainty. The Management Board of the AGRANA Group recognises the importance of active risk management. The basic aim of such risk management is to identify risks and opportunities as early as possible and take appropriate measures to safeguard the profitability and continued existence of the Group. The AGRANA Group uses integrated monitoring and reporting systems that permit regular assessment of the risk situation. For the early identification and monitoring of risks relevant to the Group, two mutually complementary control tools are in place: █ An enterprise-wide, operational planning and reporting system forms the basis for the monthly reporting to the appropriate decision-makers. Under this reporting process, a separate risk report is prepared for the Group and each business segment. Its focus is on risks and opportunities arising from changing market prices for the current and next financial year. Besides these ongoing reports, the risk managers from the different business areas regularly discuss with the Management Board the business situation and the use of risk mitigation measures. █ The aim of strategic risk management is to identify material individual risks and evaluate their implications for the overall profile of risks and opportunities. Twice every year, the medium- to long-term risks in the individual business areas are analysed by a designated risk management team together with the Group’s central risk management function. The process involves risk identification and risk assessment by probability of occurrence and potential magnitude of risk/opportunity, the definition of early warning indicators and the taking of countermeasures. Also, the aggregate risk position of the AGRANA Group is determined for the current financial year using a Monte Carlo simulation. This allows a judgement to be made as to whether a combination or accumulation of individual risks could pose a threat to the ability to continue in business as a going concern. The results are reported to the Management Board and the Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board. The business segments of the AGRANA Group have designated risk management representatives responsible for initiating loss-minimising measures as required, subject to Management Board approval. RISK POLICY AGRANA sees the responsible treatment of business opportunities and risks as an essential basis for purposeful, value-driven and sustainable business management. The Group’s risk policy seeks to ensure risk-aware behaviour and stipulates clearly defined responsibilities, independent risk control, and integrated internal controls. Throughout the Group, risks may be assumed only if they arise from the core business of the AGRANA Group and it does not make economic sense to avoid, insure or hedge them. The policy is to minimise risks to the extent reasonably possible while achieving an appropriate balance of risks and returns. The assumption of risks outside the operating business is strictly prohibited. AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG is responsible for the Group-wide coordination and implementation of risk management arrangements determined by the Management Board. The use of derivative financial instruments is permitted only for the purpose of hedging business transactions, not for speculative purposes. Use of derivatives is subject to regular reporting to the Management Board. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT RISK MANAGEMENT The AGRANA Group is exposed to risks both from its business operations and from its national and international operating environment. As a globally operating processor of agricultural raw materials, climatic changes and their impacts on the availability of raw materials pose risks for AGRANA. With its energy-intensive production activities, particularly in the Sugar and Starch segments, AGRANA is also subject to risks from energy-related and environmental legislation in the various countries. OPERATIONAL RISKS Procurement risks AGRANA is dependent on the availability of sufficient amounts of agricultural raw materials of the necessary quality. Beyond a possible supply shortfall of appropriate raw materials, fluctuation in the prices of these inputs (to the extent that it cannot be passed through to customers) also represents a risk. Major drivers of availability, quality and price are weather conditions in the growing regions, the competitive situation, regulatory and legal requirements, and movements in the exchange rates of relevant currencies. In the Sugar segment, sugar beet and raw sugar are used as raw materials. Besides weather factors, an important determinant of sugar beet availability is the profitability for farmers of growing beet rather than other field crops. For the refining facilities in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Hungary and Romania, the basic driver of AGRANA’s profitability is how much value can be added by processing the purchased raw sugar, taking into account the market prices achievable for white sugar. Next to the risk of high raw sugar purchasing prices, another procurement risk lies in the regulations on the import of white and raw sugar into the European Union. The prices for the required raw sugar are hedged through commodity derivatives where financially appropriate. This hedging is performed in accordance with internal policies and must be reported to the Management Board. In the Starch segment, sufficient supply contracts are concluded to secure the required quantities of raw materials. When economical, the hedging can also take the form of futures contracts, which require management approval. The volume and results of these hedges are included in the monthly reporting and are reported to AGRANA’s Management Board. 41 In bioethanol production, when prices for the grains used as input materials change, the selling price of the co-product ActiProt® generally changes in the same direction. This acts as a natural hedge by partly offsetting the grain price movements. However, there remains a residual risk that rising raw material costs cannot be fully passed on to bioethanol customers. In the Fruit segment, crop failures caused by unfavourable weather and plant diseases can adversely affect the availability and purchasing prices of raw materials. In the fruit preparations business, with its worldwide presence and knowledge of procurement markets, AGRANA is able to anticipate regional supply bottlenecks and price volatility and take appropriate action in response. Where possible, one-year contracts are used both with suppliers and customers. The production processes are energy-intensive, especially in the Sugar and Starch segments. AGRANA therefore continually invests in improving energy efficiency in the manufacturing facilities and designs them for the most costeffective use of different sources of energy. The quantities and prices of the required energy are also to some extent secured, for the short and medium term. Product quality and safety AGRANA sees the manufacturing and marketing of highquality, safe products as a fundamental prerequisite of sustained economic success. The Group applies rigorous quality management that is continually refined, meets the requirements of the relevant food and beverage legislation, standards and customer specifications, and covers the entire process from raw material sourcing, to manufacturing, to the delivery of the finished product. The compliance with legal and other quality standards is regularly verified by internal and external audits. In addition, product liability insurance is carried to cover any remaining risks. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 SIGNIFICANT RISKS AND UNCERTAINTIES GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 42 Market risks and competitive risks In its worldwide operations, AGRANA is exposed to intense competition from regional and supraregional competitors. The Group’s own market position is continually monitored so that any required corrective action can be rapidly initiated. In response to demand and other factors, capacity and cost structures are frequently adjusted to maintain competitiveness in the core markets. The early detection of changes in demand patterns and consumer behaviour is based on the constant analysis of sales variances. In this context, AGRANA also monitors new technological developments and production processes in the market that, going forward, could lead to a partial backward integration on the part of customers into core businesses of individual segments of the AGRANA Group. EU renewable energy directive (2009/28/EC) The EU renewables directive forms the basis for the requirement – in place in Austria since October 2007 – for the minimum bioethanol content in petrol. The level at which this minimum is set has a strong impact on AGRANA’s bioethanol business. Based on the current status of Austrian and European legislation, it can be assumed that the present ethanol content percentages will, at the least, be maintained until 2020. Nonetheless, new initiatives at EU level (indirect land use change) and the public debate and national law-making initiatives on this subject are all very closely monitored, analysed, and evaluated in the risk management process. LEGAL RISKS REGULATORY RISKS Risks from sugar market regulation Sugar regime: The Council of European Union and the European Parliament reached agreement in October 2013 to let the EU sugar regime expire in September 2017. The quota system for sugar and isoglucose will thus end on 30 September 2017 and both products can then be manufactured and sold in any quantity. Free trade agreement: The free trade agreement currently being negotiated between the European Union and the United States could have economic impacts on AGRANA. As it currently stands, agricultural products (especially sugar and starch) are classified as sensitive products and are thus excluded from the talks. However, this may change in further rounds of negotiation that are to begin in 2015. Details of the agreement texts under negotiation are not yet publicly available. As part of the risk management process, potential scenarios and their impacts are analysed and evaluated from an early stage. Current developments and their implications are also reported beginning on page 13 of this report, in the section on the Sugar segment. AGRANA continually monitors possible changes in the legal setting that could lead to a risk situation, and takes anticipative action as appropriate. This applies particularly to food and environmental legislation. There are currently no civil actions pending against companies of the AGRANA Group that could have a material impact on the Group’s financial position, results of operations and cash flows. As noted in previous annual reports, the Slovak competition authority opened investigations in the 2009|10 financial year into, among other entities, the local AGRANA sugar company. However, to date no further steps have been taken. The antitrust case filed in 2010 by the Austrian Federal Competition Authority against AGRANA Zucker GmbH, Vienna, and Südzucker AG Mannheim/Ochsenfurt, Mannheim, Germany, for alleged competition-restricting arrangements with respect to Austria has thus far not brought a further ruling by the Cartel Court. AGRANA continues to regard the allegation as unfounded. FINANCIAL RISKS AGRANA is subject to risks from movements in exchange rates, interest rates and product prices. The financing of the Group is largely provided centrally by the Treasury department, which regularly reports to the Management Board on the movement in and structure of the Group’s net debt, on financial risks and the amounts and results of the hedging positions taken. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT RISK MANAGEMENT Currency risks Currency risks arise mainly from the purchase and sale of goods in foreign currencies and from financing in foreign currencies or local financing in euros. For AGRANA, the principal relevant exchange rates are those between the euro and the US dollar, Hungarian forint, Polish zloty, Romanian leu, Ukrainian hryvnia, Russian ruble and Brazilian real. For hedging, AGRANA primarily employs forward foreign exchange contracts (also known as currency forwards). Through these, the value of cash flows denominated in foreign currencies is protected against exchange rate movements. In countries with volatile currencies, these risks are further reduced through the shortening of credit periods, indexing of selling prices to the euro or US dollar, and similar methods of risk mitigation. Currency risk is determined using the Value-at-Risk approach and presented in the notes to the consolidated financial statements. Liquidity risks at single-company or country level Liquidity risks at single-company or country level are detected early through the standardised reporting, thus allowing timely mitigative action to be taken as appropriate. The liquidity of the AGRANA Group is sufficiently assured at all times through credit lines committed by banks. Risks of default on receivables Risks of default on receivables are mitigated by trade credit insurance, strict credit limits, and the ongoing monitoring of customers’ credit quality. The residual risk is covered by appropriate amounts of provisions. 43 RISKS FROM IRREGULARITIES The auditing of the 2011|12 annual financial statements of AGRANA Fruit México, S.A. de C.V., Michoacán, Mexico, had uncovered grounds for suspicion that various business transactions were not in compliance with the AGRANA Code of Conduct and that their financial reporting did not meet the applicable external and internal accounting standards. On the basis of intensive investigations, the local management was replaced in June 2012, the facts of the case were established and appropriate provisions set aside in the 2012|13 accounts. In the 2013|14 financial year no material new information emerged in this fraud case, and the internal and external investigations conducted in 2012|13 proved to have been sufficiently comprehensive. Criminal complaints filed by AGRANA are pending against the former local management and against companies which are or were owned by them. Negotiations with the insurance company regarding cover of the reputational damage are in progress. Arrangements for internal and external audits are in place to assure, to the extent possible, that similar occurrences are prevented or detected at an early stage. AGGREGATE RISK The Group’s aggregate risk exposure was marked by continuing high volatility in selling prices and raw material purchasing prices, and on balance remained the same as in the prior year. At present there are no discernible risks to the AGRANA Group’s ability to continue in business. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Interest rate risks Interest rate risks arise from fluctuation in the value of fixed interest financial instruments as a result of changes in market interest rates; this is referred to as interest rate price risk. By contrast, floating rate investments or borrowings are subject to minimal price risk, as their interest rate is adjusted to market rates very frequently. However, the fluctuation in market interest rates creates risk as to the amounts of future interest rate payments; this is referred to as interest rate cash flow risk. In accordance with IFRS 7, the existing interest rate risks are determined by calculating Cash-Flow-at-Risk and the modified duration and are presented in detail in the notes to the consolidated financial statements. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 44 SYSTEM OF INTERNAL CONTROL AND OF RISK MANAGEMENT (DISCLOSURES UNDER SECTION 243A (2) AUSTRIAN COMMERCIAL CODE) The Management Board of AGRANA recognises its responsibility for the establishment and design of an internal control system and risk management system in respect of the accounting process and of compliance with the relevant legal requirements. Standardised Group-wide accounting rules, the internal control system and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) assure both the uniformity of accounting and the reliability of the financial reporting and externally published financial statements. Most Group companies use SAP as the primary ERP system. The data from the separate financial statements are collected in the central SAP consolidation module. This permits the reporting system to operate on the basis of uniform data. The consolidated financial statements are prepared by the Group Accounting department. The department is responsible for ensuring the correct and complete transfer of financial data from Group companies, carrying out the financial statement consolidation, performing analytical processing of the data and preparing financial reports. On a monthly basis, the Controlling and Group Accounting departments validate and assure the congruence of the internal and external reporting. The primary control tool for AGRANA’s management is the enterprise-wide, uniform planning and reporting system. The system comprises a medium-term plan with a planning horizon of five years, budget planning for the next financial year, monthly reporting including a separate monthly risk report, and, three times per year, a projection for the current financial year that incorporates the significant financial developments. In the event of substantial changes in the planning assumptions, this system is supplemented with ad-hoc forecasts. The monthly financial reporting produced by Controlling portrays the performance of all Group companies. The contents of this report are standardised across the Group and include detailed sales data, the balance sheet, income statement and the financials derived from them, as well as an analysis of significant variances. This monthly report includes a dedicated risk report both for each business segment and the AGRANA Group. It calculates the risk potential for the current and the next financial year, based on the assumption that the key profitability factors (energy prices, raw material prices, selling prices, etc.) remain constant at their current level to the end of the respective financial year. A Group-wide risk management system at both operational and strategic level in which all sources and types of risk relevant to AGRANA – such as the regulatory and legal environment, raw material procurement, competitive and market risks, and financing – are analysed for risks and opportunities, enables the management to identify changes in the Group’s environment at an early stage and to take timely corrective action as required. Internal Audit monitors all operational and business processes in the Group for compliance with legal provisions and with internal policies and procedures, and for the effectiveness of risk management and the systems of internal control. The unit’s audit activities are guided by a ManagementBoard-approved annual audit plan that is based on a Groupwide risk assessment. When requested by the Management Board, Internal Audit also performs ad-hoc audits focusing on current and future risks. The audit findings are regularly reported to AGRANA’s Management Board and the respective managers responsible. The implementation of the actions proposed by Internal Audit is assured by follow-up verifications. As part of the audit of the financial statements, the external independent auditor, to the extent required for the audit opinion, annually evaluates the internal control system of the accounting processes and of the information technology systems. The audit findings are reported to the Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board. CAPITAL, SHARES, VOTING RIGHTS AND RIGHTS OF CONTROL (DISCLOSURES UNDER SEC TION 243A (1) AUSTRIAN COMMERCIAL CODE) The share capital of AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG at the balance sheet date of 28 February 2014 was € 103.2 million, divided into 14,202,040 voting ordinary no-par value bearer shares. There are no other classes of shares. 45 Z&S Zucker und Stärke Holding AG (“Z&S”), based in Vienna, is the majority shareholder, directly holding 86.2% of the share capital of AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG. Z&S is a wholly-owned subsidiary of AGRANA Zucker, Stärke und Frucht Holding AG, Vienna, in which Zucker-Beteiligungsgesellschaft m.b.H. (“ZBG”), Vienna, in turn holds 50% less one share (that share being held by AGRANA Zucker GmbH, a subsidiary of AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG) and in which Südzucker AG Mannheim/ Ochsenfurt (“Südzucker”), Mannheim, Germany, holds the other 50%. The following five Viennabased entities are shareholders of ZBG: „ALMARA“ Holding GmbH (a subsidiary of Raiffeisen-Holding Niederösterreich-Wien registrierte Genossenschaft mit beschränkter Haftung); Marchfelder Zuckerfabriken Gesellschaft m.b.H.; Estezet Beteiligungsgesellschaft m.b.H.; Rübenproduzenten Beteiligungs GesmbH; and Leipnik-Lundenburger Invest Beteiligungs AG. Under a syndicate agreement between Südzucker and ZBG, the voting rights of the syndicate partners are combined in Z&S, there are restrictions on the transfer of shares, and the partners in the syndicate have certain mutual rights to nominate members of each other’s management board and supervisory board. Thus, Johann Marihart has been nominated by ZBG and appointed as a member of the management board of Südzucker, and Thomas Kölbl has been nominated by Südzucker and appointed as a member of the management board of AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG. Until 27 February 2014, M&G Investments, a subsidiary of London, UK-based financial services firm Prudential plc, held 15.6% of AGRANA’s share capital. Z&S, which as the majority shareholder of AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG had until then held 75.5% of the share capital, acquired an additional, direct interest of 10.7% from M&G Investments, giving Z&S a new total of 86.2% of the voting rights in AGRANA. Another 4.9% of AGRANA’s shares were acquired directly by Südzucker, which thus increased its direct interest in AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG to about 6.5%. Of this total, the newly acquired stake of almost 5 percentage points is to be placed on the market again in order to increase the widely held (free float) portion of shares of AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG. The aim is to boost the liquidity of AGRANA shares and thus enhance their attractiveness for investors. On any shares within this stake of 4.9% that are not placed, Z&S holds a call option that can be exercised from 1 March 2015, with Südzucker as the counterparty. No shareholder has special rights of control. Employees who are also shareholders of AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG exercise their voting rights individually. The Management Board does not have powers to issue or repurchase shares except to the extent provided by law. With this exception, there are no significant agreements that take effect, change materially, or end, in the case of a change of control resulting from a takeover offer. No compensation agreements in the event of a public takeover offer exist between the Company and its Management Board, Supervisory Board or other staff. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 The agreements pertaining to the Schuldscheindarlehen (bonded loan) and credit lines (syndicated loan agreements) contain change of control clauses that grant the lenders an extraordinary right to call the loans. OUTLOOK 46 CHANGES RESULTING FROM USE OF EQUITY ACCOUNTING FROM 2014|15 FINANCIAL YEAR The power to achieve continuing success rests in our hands. The application of IFRS 11 (Joint Arrangements) is mandatory from the new 2014|15 financial year. As a result, the companies of the HUNGRANA group (in the Starch segment) and of the Western Balkans group (in the Sugar segment) will no longer be proportionately consolidated in AGRANA’s consolidated financial statements but instead will be accounted for using the equity method (details are provided in the notes from page 63). The transition to the equity method of accounting will have impacts particularly on the reporting of sales revenue, operating profit before exceptional items and operating profit after exceptional items. The outlook for 2014|15 is already presented on the basis of using equity accounting to restate the 2013|14 comparative data, as shown in the following table. €m Revenue Operating profit before exceptional items Share of results of associates Operating profit after exceptional items [EBIT] 2013|14 published1 IFRS 11 restatement 2013|14 restated2 3,043.4 171.4 0.0 175.3 (201.7) (36.6) 28.4 (8.3) 2,841.7 134.8 28.4 167.0 1 Proportionate consolidation. 2 Equity accounting. It should be noted that, as a result of the adoption of equity accounting referred to above, the focus of the earnings outlook is now on profit after exceptional items (EBIT). The reason is that under the new accounting standard, operating profit before exceptional items, which was the target parameter until now, no longer includes the HUNGRANA and Western Balkans groups and, in the future, would thus not fairly present the AGRANA Group’s actual results. As the Fruit segment is not affected by the new method of inclusion in the accounts, no IFRS 11 reconciliation is provided for this segment. OUTLOOK FOR THE 2014|15 FINANCIAL YEAR In view of the healthy balance sheet structure on 28 February 2014 and the well-diversified business model, AGRANA believes it is soundly positioned for the new financial year, but expects a slightly lower earnings trend. At present, AGRANA expects a small decrease in Group revenue for the 2014|15 financial year as a result of a combination of somewhat lower average selling prices and a slight increase in sales volumes. The Group also foresees a mild decrease in operating profit after exceptional items (EBIT). GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT OUTLOOK Sugar segment €m Revenue Operating profit before exceptional items Share of results of associates Operating profit after exceptional items [EBIT] 2013|14 published1 IFRS 11 restatement 2013|14 restated2 1,022.8 (59.9) 962.9 45.3 0.2 45.5 0.0 (0.9) (0.9) 50.0 (0.8) 49.2 1 Proportionate consolidation. 2 Equity accounting. In the Starch segment, AGRANA is expecting a small, pricedriven revenue reduction for 2014|15. The new wheat starch plant in Pischelsdorf will be fully operational all year and produce native wheat starch, wheat gluten and wheat bran. The resulting potential positive impact on sales volumes will probably not be able to make up for the price decline – especially in saccharification products and bioethanol – as a result of the high levels of supply on the market. Nonetheless, AGRANA expects EBIT in the Starch segment to come in slightly ahead of the year-earlier result. Fruit segment €m In the Sugar segment AGRANA expects a decline in revenue amid the continuing low selling prices for sugar. It is believed that, in the new 2014|15 financial year, the raw sugar refining volumes in the EU and Bosnia will see an increase. For the 2014|15 campaign year, AGRANA is planning on a similarly high acreage of beet fields as in the 2013|14 sugar marketing year. As the revenue reduction will only partly be offset by lower raw material costs, a further decrease in EBIT is projected. Starch segment €m Revenue Operating profit before exceptional items Share of results of associates Operating profit after exceptional items [EBIT] 47 2013|14 published1 IFRS 11 restatement 2013|14 restated2 848,5 (141,8) 706,7 61,5 (36,8) 24,7 0,0 29,3 29,3 61,5 (7,5) 54,0 Revenue Operating profit before exceptional items Share of results of associates Operating profit after exceptional items [EBIT] 2013|14 1,172.1 64.6 0.0 63.8 The projection in the Fruit segment for the 2014|15 financial year is for sustained growth in revenue thanks to rising sales volumes. EBIT is also seen as rising. In fruit preparations, both revenue and EBIT are expected to increase. AGRANA thinks that volumes of fruit preparations sales will expand in all regions. Despite the start-up costs for the new US plant, it should be possible to raise EBIT earnings, thanks particularly to synergy effects in production costs and structural costs. In the fruit juice concentrate activities, a gentle easing trend in revenue is expected year-on-year. For efficiency improvement, a uniform shared enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is being implemented at all juice companies in Austria, Poland and Hungary to allow synergies to be fully mobilised. EBIT of AUSTRIA JUICE should be marginally below the 2013|14 result. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 1 Proportionate consolidation. 2 Equity accounting. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 48 PLANNED INVESTMENT IN 2014|15 During 2014|15, total investment in the three segments, at about € 96 million, will be in line with the rate of depreciation. The investment planned for the Sugar segment is approximately € 37 million. Most of this spending will target the areas of packaging and storage. In Tulln, Austria, a reconfiguration of the molasses desugaring plant is to be begun. In Kaposvár, Hungary, work will continue on the construction of the central packaging facility for Hungary. At three sites – in Hrušovany and Opava in the Czech Republic, and in Sereď, Slovakia – a total of four beet pulp presses need to be replaced as a result of wear and aging technology after having been in use for decades. As well, the building expansion at the research facility in Tulln is being completed. The investment budget for the Starch segment is approximately € 11 million. At the plant in Pischelsdorf, Austria, investment will flow to the expansion of DDGS1 storage and to the facilities for the unloading of ships. Capital spending in Gmünd, Austria, is to pay for boosting the performance of the MSD3 multi-stage spray dryer and replacing the existing automatic filter press. At the factories in Aschach, Austria, and Tăndărei, Romania, various asset replacement and maintenance investment is planned. The Fruit segment has the Group’s highest budgeted investment for the year, at about € 48 million. The main capital expenditure project in 2014|15 is the completion of the new US fruit preparations plant in Lysander, New York. Investment in Morocco is to focus on a warehouse expansion. Central projects in the fruit juice concentrate operations are asset replacement and maintenance investment, continuous improvement of product quality, and implementing the optimisation of the network of production sites in Austria. INVESTMENT €m Sugar segment Starch segment Fruit segment Total 1 Distiller’s dried grain with solubles. 2 Proportionate consolidation. 3 Equity accounting. 2013|14 published2 IFRS 11 restatement 2013|14 restated3 2014|15 planned3 43.2 41.0 51.8 136.0 (0.1) (5.9) 0.0 (6.0) 43.1 35.1 51.8 130.0 37 11 48 96 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2013|14 AGRANA GROUP (UNDER IFRS) 50 Consolidated income statement 76 51 Consolidated statement of comprehensive income 83 52 Consolidated cash flow statement 53 Consolidated balance sheet 54 Consolidated statement of changes in equity 56 Notes to the consolidated financial statements Segment information Basis of preparation Scope of consolidation Consolidation methods Currency translation Accounting policies 56 59 65 66 67 68 84 100 115 115 Notes to the consolidated income statement Notes to the consolidated cash flow statement Notes to the consolidated balance sheet Notes on financial instruments Events after the balance sheet date Related party disclosures 118 List of members of AGRANA’s boards 119 Subsidiaries and business interests 122 Independent auditor’s report 124 Statement by the members of the Management Board CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 28 FEBRUARY 2014 50 2013|14 2012|131 3,043,430 (111,024) 2,796 30,542 (2,065,969) (281,380) (87,537) (355,529) 175,329 3,065,906 70,284 4,955 29,804 (2,234,147) (274,268) (81,411) (363,261) 217,862 Finance income Finance expense Net financial items 18,738 (45,938) (27,200) 16,475 (44,131) (27,656) Profit before tax Income tax expense 148,129 (38,355) 190,206 (33,698) Profit for the period 109,774 156,508 107,947 149,445 1,827 7,063 € 7.60 € 10.52 ¤000 (1) (2) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) Revenue Changes in inventories of finished and unfinished goods Own work capitalised Other operating income Cost of materials Staff costs Depreciation, amortisation and impairment losses Other operating expenses Operating profit after exceptional items – Attributable to shareholders of the parent – Attributable to non-controlling interests (12) Earnings per share under IFRS (basic and diluted) 1 The prior-year data were restated in accordance with IAS 8. Further information is provided from page 62. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 28 FEBRUARY 2014 ¤000 2013|14 2012|131 Profit for the period 109,774 156,508 Other comprehensive (expense)/income Currency translation differences Available-for-sale financial assets (IAS 39) after deferred taxes Cash flow hedges (IAS 39) after deferred taxes (Expense) to be recognised in the income statement in the future (45,324) (442) (1,797) (47,563) (5,502) 223 2,084 (3,195) Change in actuarial gains and losses on defined benefit pension obligations and similar liabilities (IAS 19) after deferred taxes (Expense) recognised directly in equity 104 (47,459) (5,130) (8,325) 62,315 148,183 62,540 139,659 (225) 8,524 Total comprehensive income for the period – Attributable to shareholders of the parent AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 – Attributable to non-controlling interests 51 1 The prior-year data were restated in accordance with IAS 8. Further information is provided from page 62. CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 28 FEBRUARY 2014 52 ¤000 2013|14 2012|13 Profit for the period Depreciation, amortisation and impairment of non-current assets Reversal of impairment losses on non-current assets Changes in non-current provisions Other non-cash expenses and income Operating cash flow before changes in working capital 109,774 87,582 (1,098) (4,646) 4,625 196,237 156,508 81,870 0 (455) 18,387 256,310 (1,080) (672) 143,313 22,099 8,255 (73,867) (11,716) 88,084 283,241 (41,840) 27,723 2,392 (38,504) (653) (50,882) 204,756 Gains on disposal of non-current assets (13) Changes in inventories Changes in receivables, deferred tax assets and current assets Changes in current provisions Changes in payables (excluding borrowings) Effect of movements in foreign exchange rates on non-cash items Changes in working capital Net cash from operating activities 3,685 2,275 (14) Proceeds from disposal of non-current assets Purchases of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets, net of government grants Proceeds from disposal of securities Purchases of non-current financial assets Proceeds from initial consolidation or purchase of businesses Net cash (used in) investing activities (138,181) 987 (177) 2,636 (131,050) (148,973) 248 (59) 9,625 (136,884) (15) Capital increase in a subsidiary through non-controlling interests Issue of Schuldscheindarlehen, or bonded loan Proceeds from loans Outflows from repayment of non-current borrowings Proceeds/(outflows) from bank overdrafts and cash advances Dividends paid Net cash (used in) financing activities 547 0 0 0 (91,118) (52,080) (142,651) 3,765 110,000 50,000 (30,675) (102,209) (52,447) (21,566) 9,540 46,306 Effect of movements in foreign exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period Cash and cash equivalents at end of period (9,465) 144,409 144,484 (401) 98,504 144,409 ¤000 2013|14 2012|13 Dividends received Interest received Interest paid Tax paid 1,047 15,474 (23,671) (46,474) 1,005 17,555 (33,387) (36,439) Net increase in cash and cash equivalents CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AT 28 FEBRUARY 2014 ¤000 (16) (17) (18) (18) (19) (20) (21) (19) (22) A SSE T S A. Non-current assets Intangible assets Property, plant and equipment Securities Investments in non-consolidated subsidiaries and outside companies Receivables and other assets Deferred tax assets B. Current assets Inventories Trade receivables and other assets Current tax assets Securities Cash and cash equivalents Total assets (24a) (24b) (25) (26) (27) (24b) (25) (26) EQ UIT Y AND L I A B I L IT I E S A. Equity Share capital Share premium and other capital reserves Retained earnings Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent Non-controlling interests B. Non-current liabilities Retirement and termination benefit obligations Other provisions Borrowings Other payables Tax liabilities Deferred tax liabilities C. Current liabilities Other provisions Borrowings Trade and other payables Tax liabilities Total equity and liabilities 28 February 20131 247,763 711,626 104,584 249,338 685,481 105,264 1,169 24,532 30,084 1,119,758 5,745 18,945 33,137 1,097,910 712,222 461,090 14,364 146 144,484 1,332,306 2,452,064 851,492 472,084 11,271 1,198 144,409 1,480,454 2,578,364 103,210 411,362 611,906 1,126,478 66,255 1,192,733 103,210 411,362 611,257 1,125,829 86,060 1,211,889 56,796 12,642 331,469 1,387 0 15,614 417,908 58,844 14,435 428,788 2,283 744 14,368 519,462 37,441 328,316 444,012 31,654 841,423 2,452,064 29,186 305,802 471,421 40,604 847,013 2,578,364 53 AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 (23) 28 February 2014 1 The prior-year data were restated in accordance with IAS 8. Further information is provided from page 62. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUIT Y FOR THE YEAR ENDED 28 FEBRUARY 2014 Attributable to the shareholders 54 ¤000 2013|14 At 1 March 2013 Fair value movements under IAS 39 Change in actuarial gains and losses on defined benefit pension obligations and similar liabilities Tax effects Currency translation loss Other comprehensive income/(expense) for the period Profit for the period Total comprehensive income for the period Dividends paid Transfer to reserves Additional contributions from other shareholders Changes in equity interests and in scope consolidation Other changes At 28 February 2014 2012|131 At 1 March 2012 (published) Restatement under IAS 8 At 1 March 2012 (restated) Fair value movements under IAS 39 Change in actuarial gains and losses on defined benefit pension obligations and similar liabilities Tax effects Currency translation loss Other comprehensive income/(expense) for the period Profit for the period (including IAS 8 restatement) Total comprehensive income for the period Dividends paid Transfer to reserves Additional contributions from other shareholders Changes in equity interests and in scope consolidation Other changes At 28 February 2013 Share capital Share premium and other capital reserves Availablefor-sale reserve Cash flow hedge reserve Retained Reserve for actuarial gains and losses 103,210 0 411,362 0 4,411 (567) (693) (2,662) (15,028) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 127 0 0 699 0 140 (37) 0 0 0 0 0 (440) 0 (1,963) 0 103 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (440) 0 0 (1,963) 0 0 103 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 103,210 0 0 411,362 0 0 3,971 0 0 (2,656) 0 (481) (15,406) 611,906 103,210 0 103,210 0 411,362 0 411,362 0 4,097 0 4,097 387 (1,608) 0 (1,608) 1,285 (9,799) (233) (10,032) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (73) 0 0 (370) 0 (6,706) 1,710 0 0 0 314 915 (4,996) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 314 0 0 915 0 0 (4,996) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 103,210 0 0 411,362 0 0 4,411 0 0 (693) 0 0 (15,028) 611,257 1 The prior-year data were restated in accordance with IAS 8. Further information is provided from page 62. CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY of AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG earnings Other retained earnings Currency translation reserve Profit for the period Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent Noncontrolling interests Total 513,521 0 (40,399) 0 149,445 0 1,125,829 (3,229) 86,060 218 1,211,889 (3,011) 0 0 0 0 0 (43,107) 0 0 0 140 789 (43,107) 1 (54) (2,217) 141 735 (45,324) 0 0 (43,107) 0 0 107,947 (45,407) 107,947 (2,052) 1,827 (47,459) 109,774 0 0 98,318 (43,107) 0 0 107,947 (51,127) (98,318) 62,540 (51,127) 0 (225) (952) 0 62,315 (52,079) 0 0 0 0 0 547 547 (10,811) 528 601,556 0 0 (83,506) 0 0 107,947 (10,811) 47 1,126,478 (19,014) (161) 66,255 (29,825) (114) 1,192,733 414,230 0 414,230 0 (34,380) 0 (34,380) 0 152,360 0 152,360 0 1,039,472 (233) 1,039,239 1,672 33,516 0 33,516 1,470 1,072,988 (233) 1,072,755 3,142 0 0 0 0 0 (6,019) 0 0 0 (6,706) 1,267 (6,019) (179) (347) 517 (6,885) 920 (5,502) 0 (6,019) 0 (9,786) 1,461 (8,325) 0 0 149,445 149,445 7,063 156,508 0 0 101,233 (6,019) 0 0 149,445 (51,127) (101,233) 139,659 (51,127) 0 8,524 (1,319) 0 148,183 (52,446) 0 0 0 0 0 3,765 3,765 (1,729) (213) 513,521 0 0 (40,399) 0 0 149,445 (1,729) (213) 1,125,829 41,812 (238) 86,060 40,083 (451) 1,211,889 AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 55 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 56 AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG (“the Company”) is the parent company of the AGRANA Group and has its registered office at Friedrich-Wilhelm-Raiffeisen-Platz 1, A-1020 Vienna. The Company together with its subsidiaries constitutes an international group engaged mainly in the worldwide industrial processing of agricultural raw materials. The consolidated financial statements of the AGRANA Group for 2013|14 were prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in effect at the balance sheet date and with International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) interpretations, as adopted by the European Union. 1. SEGMENT INFORMATION The segment reporting, which conforms with International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 8, distinguishes between three business segments – Sugar, Starch and Fruit – and thus follows the AGRANA Group’s internal reporting structure. The AGRANA Group has the three reportable segments Sugar, Starch and Fruit, which correspond to its strategic businesses. Each of the segments offers a different product portfolio and is managed separately in view of the different production technologies, raw material procurement and sales strategies. AGRANA Beteiligungs-Aktiengesellschaft (“AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG”), the Group’s holding company, is considered part of the Sugar segment. For each segment, there is internal monthly reporting to the Group’s chief operating decision maker. Information on the results of the reportable segments is given below. Segment profitability is evaluated primarily on the basis of operating profit before exceptional items, which is a key performance indicator in every internal management report. 1.1. SEGMENTATION BY BUSINESS ACTIVITY ¤000 2013|14 Total revenue Inter-segment revenue Revenue EBITDA Depreciation, amortisation and impairment of property, plant and equipment and intangibles1 Operating profit before exceptional items Exceptional items Operating profit after exceptional items Segment assets Segment liabilities 1 Excluding goodwill. Sugar Starch Fruit Consolidation Group 1,109,678 (86,903) 1,022,775 858,556 (10,044) 848,512 1,172,672 (529) 1,172,143 (97,476) 97,476 0 3,043,430 0 3,043,430 65,839 87,722 105,361 0 258,922 (20,533) (26,282) (40,722) 0 (87,537) 45,306 4,677 61,440 53 64,639 (786) 0 0 171,385 3,944 49,983 61,493 63,853 0 175,329 1,869,500 930,971 562,154 281,260 1,066,887 765,178 (1,046,477) (718,078) 2,452,064 1,259,331 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEGMENT INFORMATION ¤000 Purchases of property, plant and equipment and intangibles1 Purchases of non-current financial assets Total capital expenditure Staff count 2012|132 Total revenue Inter-segment revenue Revenue EBITDA Depreciation, amortisation and impairment of property, plant and equipment and intangibles1 Operating profit before exceptional items Exceptional items Operating profit after exceptional items Segment assets Segment liabilities Purchases of property, plant and equipment and intangibles1 Purchases of non-current financial assets Total capital expenditure Staff count Sugar Starch Fruit Consolidation Group 43,185 40,952 51,814 0 135,951 15 43,200 0 40,952 162 51,976 0 0 177 136,128 2,399 1,008 5,371 0 8,778 1,202,208 (80,692) 1,121,516 813,724 (9,420) 804,304 1,141,255 (1,169) 1,140,086 (91,281) 91,281 0 3,065,906 0 3,065,906 138,851 96,193 83,306 0 318,350 (19,736) (23,579) (38,096) 0 (81,411) 119,115 0 72,614 0 45,210 (19,077) 0 0 236,939 (19,077) 119,115 72,614 26,133 0 217,862 1,849,353 915,807 541,734 246,787 1,156,812 845,018 (969,535) (641,137) 2,578,364 1,366,475 55,903 59,081 34,864 0 149,848 17 55,920 0 59,081 41 34,905 0 0 58 149,906 2,315 950 5,184 0 8,449 57 The revenue and asset data represent consolidated amounts. Inter-segment charges for products and services are based on comparable market prices. Exceptional items consisted of income from reimbursement for excess amounts of production levy paid for the 2001|02 to 2005|06 sugar marketing years, and expenses for the closure of a fruit preparations plant in South Africa. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 The items “segment assets” and “segment liabilities” match the allocation used in internal reporting. 1 Excluding goodwill. 2 The prior-year data were restated in accordance with IAS 8. Further information is provided from page 62. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 58 1.2. SEGMENTATION BY REGION Companies are assigned to geographic segments based on the location of their registered office. €000 Revenue Austria Hungary Romania Rest of EU EU-28 Rest of Europe (Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Russia, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine) Other foreign countries Total 2013|14 2012|13 1,553,283 258,268 225,393 455,863 2,492,807 1,524,219 306,763 228,706 454,113 2,513,801 151,312 399,311 3,043,430 168,349 383,756 3,065,906 Group revenue remained steady at approximately the prior-year level. The revenue generated by the Eastern European companies was € 870,938 thousand (prior year: € 957,514 thousand), or about 29% of total revenue. The countries defined as Eastern Europe are Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey and Ukraine. No single customer represented 10% or more of the consolidated revenue of the AGRANA Group. €000 2013|14 2012|13 Purchases of property, plant and equipment and intangibles1 Austria Hungary Romania Rest of EU EU-28 Rest of Europe (Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Russia, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine) Other foreign countries Total 50,550 20,930 13,574 16,588 101,642 86,587 13,759 9,238 17,463 127,047 5,089 29,220 135,951 6,827 15,974 149,848 €000 2013|14 2012|13 319,323 103,063 38,585 126,303 587,274 305,681 99,535 28,972 130,254 564,442 45,539 96,262 729,075 53,937 88,506 706,885 Carrying amount of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets1 Austria Hungary Romania Rest of EU EU-28 Rest of Europe (Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Russia, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine) Other foreign countries Total 1 Excluding goodwill. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BASIS OF PREPARATION 2. BASIS OF PREPARATION 59 Amounts in the consolidated financial statements are presented in thousands of euros (€000) unless otherwise indicated. As a result of automated calculation, rounding errors may occur in totals of rounded amounts and percentages. In preparing the consolidated financial statements, the principles of clarity, understandability and materiality were observed. In the presentation of the income statement, the nature of expense method was used. The separate financial statements of the fully consolidated companies represented in the consolidated financial statements are based on uniform accounting policies. In addition to the income statement, statement of comprehensive income, cash flow statement and balance sheet, a statement of changes in equity is presented. The notes also include information on the business segments. All IFRS issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) that were effective at the time of preparation of these consolidated financial statements and applied by AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG have been adopted by the European Commission for application in the EU. The amendments to IFRS 7 (Financial Instruments: Disclosures) regarding expanded disclosures on instances of netting had no impacts. The newly effective IFRS 13 (Fair Value Measurement) introduced a single, cohesive standard for the determination of fair value. The new standard led to expanded disclosures on financial instruments, particularly in interim reporting; there were no material impacts on the Group’s fair value accounting and measurement. The amended IAS 12 (Income Taxes), the newly effective IFRIC 20 (Stripping Costs in the Production Phase of a Surface Mine) and the amendments to standards under the Annual Improvements Project 2009–2011 had no effects on the consolidated financial statements. The impacts from the initial application of IAS 19 (Employee Benefits; Revised 2011) are presented later in this section. The amended IAS 1 (Presentation of Financial Statements) had been adopted early, at the beginning of the 2012|13 financial year. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 The following standards and interpretations either have been adopted by the European Union and will become effective for the 2014|15 financial year or later, or have been issued by the IASB but not yet adopted by the EU. In the latter case, the effective year given in the table represents the expected time of adoption. AGRANA has not early-adopted any of the new or changed standards cited below. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 60 Standard/Interpretation Issued by the IASB Effective for AGRANA from financial year Adopted by the EU IAS 19 Employee Benefits (Amended) 21 Nov 2013 2015|16 Not to date IAS 28 Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures (Revised) 12 May 2011 2014|15 11 Dec 2012 IAS 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation (Amended) 16 Dec 2011 2014|15 13 Dec 2012 IAS 36 Impairment of Assets (Amended) 29 May 2013 2014|15 19 Dec 2013 IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement (Amended) 27 Jun 2013 2014|15 19 Dec 2013 IFRS 9 Financial Instruments 16 Dec 2011 2018|19 Not to date IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements 12 May 2011 2014|15 11 Dec 2012 IFRS 11 Joint Arrangements 12 May 2011 2014|15 11 Dec 2012 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BASIS OF PREPARATION Expected impacts on AGRANA 61 The amendments, titled “Defined Benefit Plans: Employee Contributions (Amendments to IAS 19 ‘Employee Benefits’)”, relate to the recognition of contributions from employees or third parties where the amount of the contributions is independent of the number of years of employee service. It will be permitted to recognise such contributions as a reduction in the service cost in the period in which the related service is rendered. No material impact on the presentation of the financial position, results of operations and cash flows is expected. The scope of IAS 28 is expanded to include investments in joint ventures (see explanations regarding IFRS 11). The amendment provides clarifications on the offsetting of financial assets and financial liabilities. AGRANA does not expect any material impacts. The amendments titled “Recoverable Amount Disclosures for Non-Financial Assets” clarify that the recoverable amount of an asset or cash-generating unit for which an impairment loss was recognised or reversed during the period must be disclosed. Additional disclosures are required if the recoverable amount was determined based on fair value less costs of disposal. These disclosures include the level of the fair value hierarchy and, in the case of Level 2 and Level 3 measurements, a description of the valuation technique, key assumptions, and (if a fair value technique was employed) the discount rate used. For the Group this is expected to lead to expanded disclosures. The amendments published as “Novation of Derivatives and Continuation of Hedge Accounting” clarify that, under certain conditions, derivatives may remain designated as hedging instruments in an existing hedge relationship despite their novation. This is not expected to have a material impact. The new IFRS 9 standard sets out the classification and measurement requirements for financial assets and liabilities. Work to update the issued standard has already begun. The categories and associated measurement benchmarks are being revised. The existing classification and measurement model of IAS 39 is to be eliminated. The new rules for hedge accounting were published in November 2013. They set out the future requirements for accounting for hedging positions. The key differences from the existing requirements under IAS 39 include the elimination of the thresholds of hedge effectiveness to be used in the retrospective test of effectiveness, in favour of documentation of the economic relationship between the hedged item and the hedging instrument. A new effective date will be set by the IASB when the standard is complete. Only then is the standard to be endorsed by the European Union. AGRANA is reviewing the likely impacts on accounting and measurement. An expansion of disclosures is expected. IFRS 10 replaces the guidelines in IAS 27 (Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements) and SIC 12 (Consolidation – Special Purpose Entities) on control and consolidation. IFRS 10 changes the definition of control such that the same criteria will be applied to all companies in determining a relationship of control. Having control now means having exposure or rights to variable returns, and the ability to affect those returns through power over an investee. In November 2012 the IASB amended the standard in relation to investment entities; these amendments were adopted by the EU in November 2013. There are no impacts on AGRANA’s consolidated financial statements. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 The new standard defines two types of joint arrangements – joint operations and joint ventures. The existing option to account for jointly controlled entities using proportionate consolidation is removed. Partner entities in a joint venture (joint venturers) must now use the equity method of accounting. The accounting rules for parties to joint operations (joint operators) become consistent with the existing accounting treatment of jointly controlled assets and jointly controlled operations. In AGRANA’s consolidated financial statements for the year under review, twelve companies are included by proportionate consolidation. Had IFRS 11 already been applied in 2013|14, the impact would have been as presented in a table later in this section. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 62 Standard/Interpretation Issued by the IASB Effective for AGRANA from financial year Adopted by the EU 12 May 2011 2014|15 11 Dec 2012 IFRS 12 Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities IFRS 14 Regulatory Deferral Accounts 30 Jan 2014 2016|17 Not to date Various Annual Improvements to IFRSs 2010–2012 Cycle 12 Dec 2013 2015|16 Not to date Various Annual Improvements to IFRSs 2011–2013 Cycle 12 Dec 2013 2015|16 Not to date IFRIC 21 Levies 20 May 2013 2014|15 Not to date RESTATEMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH IAS 8 IAS 19 (Employee Benefits, Revised 2011): The key revision to IAS 19 was that actuarial gains and losses must now be recognised in other comprehensive income; this change was early-adopted by AGRANA in the 2011|12 financial year under IAS 19 in its then current form. The accounting changes in the 2013|14 financial year relate to the correction of past service cost, with the effect of an increase in provisions for pensions and termination benefits. These changes were made retrospectively from the beginning of the 2012|13 financial year. In the balance sheet at 28 February 2013, this restatement led to an increase of € 310 thousand in pension and termination benefit provisions and an increase of € 116 thousand in deferred tax assets. The net effect was a reduction of € 207 thousand in consolidated shareholders’ equity. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BASIS OF PREPARATION 63 Expected impacts on AGRANA IFRS 12 sets out the required disclosures for entities that report in accordance with IFRS 10 (Consolidated Financial Statements), IFRS 11 (Joint Arrangements) and IAS 28 (Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures). It will have the effect of expanding disclosures. In November 2012 the IASB amended the standard in relation to investment entities; these amendments were adopted by the EU in November 2013. The application of the standard will lead to expanded disclosures. IFRS 14 permits entities that are first-time adopters of IFRS to continue to account for regulatory deferral account balances in accordance with their previous GAAP both on initial adoption of IFRS and in subsequent financial statements. The standard is not relevant to AGRANA. The improvements relate mainly to IFRS 2 (Definition of vesting conditions), IFRS 3 (Accounting for contingent consideration in a business combination), IFRS 8 (Aggregation of operating segments), IFRS 13 (Short-term receivables and payables), IAS 16 and IAS 38 (Revaluation method – proportionate restatement of accumulated depreciation/amortisation) and IAS 24 (Key management personnel). The impacts on the presentation of the financial position, results of operations and cash flows are being assessed. The improvements relate mainly to IFRS 1 (meaning of effective IFRSs), IFRS 3 (scope of exception for joint ventures), IFRS 13 (scope of IFRS 13) and IAS 40 (clarification of the interrelationship between IFRS 3 and IAS 40 when classifying property as investment property or as owner-occupied). The impacts on the presentation of the financial position, results of operations and cash flows are being assessed. IFRIC 21 provides guidance on when to recognise a liability for a levy imposed by a government. Its scope does not cover income taxes (as defined in IAS 12), fines and other penalties. Its application to liabilities arising from emissions trading schemes is optional. The obligating event for the recognition of a liability is the activity that triggers the payment of the levy in accordance with the relevant legislation. If the obligating event occurs over a period of time, the liability is recognised progressively. By contrast, if the obligation is triggered by reaching a minimum threshold, the liability is recognised when that threshold is reached. The recognition requirements also apply to interim financial statements. The changes are not expected to have a material impact on the presentation of the financial position, results of operations and cash flows. The adjustments to the 2012|13 income statement reduced staff costs for 2012|13 by € 39 thousand and increased profit for the period by € 26 thousand. This resulted in an increase of € 13 thousand in deferred tax liabilities. As non-cash items, none of the effects cited have an impact on the cash flow statement. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Impacts from the adoption of IFRS 11 in the subsequent financial year Through the application of IFRS 11, the companies of the HUNGRANA group and the Sugar segment’s Western Balkans group will no longer be proportionately consolidated but instead included by the equity method of accounting. The transition date is 28 February 2013. This results in the following changes in the consolidated balance sheet and income statement: GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 64 As published Transition to equity method Restated for equity method Consolidated balance sheet at 28 February 2014 Non-current assets Current assets Total assets 1,119,758 1,332,306 2,452,064 (17,120) (44,580) (61,700) 1,102,638 1,287,726 2,390,364 Equity Non-current liabilities Current liabilities Total equity and liabilities 1,192,733 417,908 841,423 2,452,064 (1,273) (6,953) (53,474) (61,700) 1,191,460 410,955 787,949 2,390,364 As published IAS 19 restated Transition to equity method Restated for equity method Consolidated balance sheet at 28 February 2013 (transition date) Non-current assets Current assets Total assets 1,097,910 1,480,454 2,578,364 (11,138) (45,985) (57,123) 1,086,772 1,434,469 2,521,241 Equity Non-current liabilities Current liabilities Total equity and liabilities 1,211,889 519,462 847,013 2,578,364 (1,066) (5,895) (50,162) (57,123) 1,210,823 513,567 796,851 2,521,241 €000 As published Transition to equity method Restated for equity method 3,043,430 (111,024) 2,796 30,542 (2,065,969) (281,380) (87,537) (355,529) 0 175,329 (201,714) 1,923 (275) (1,139) 133,949 6,326 7,883 16,398 28,392 (8,257) 2,841,716 (109,101) 2,521 29,403 (1,932,020) (275,054) (79,654) (339,131) 28,392 167,072 Finance income Finance expense Net financial items 18,738 (45,938) (27,200) 86 447 532 18,824 (45,491) (26,668) Profit before tax 148,129 (7,725) 140,404 Income tax expense Profit for the period (38,355) 109,774 7,725 0 (30,630) 109,774 107,947 0 107,947 1,827 0 1,827 €000 €000 Consolidated income statement for the year ended 28 February 2014 Revenue Changes in inventories of finished and unfinished goods Own work capitalised Other operating income Cost of materials Staff costs Depreciation, amortisation and impairment losses Other operating expenses Share of results of associates Operating profit after exceptional items – Attributable to shareholders of the parent – Attributable to non-controlling interests NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SCOPE OF CONSOLIDATION 65 3. SCOPE OF CONSOLIDATION The consolidated financial statements include by full consolidation all domestic and foreign companies controlled by AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG (i. e., all subsidiaries), except where the subsidiary’s effect on the Group’s financial position, results of operations and cash flows is immaterial. Subsidiaries’ accounts are consolidated from the time that control is acquired until control ceases. Companies managed jointly with another entity (joint ventures) are included in the consolidated financial statements by proportionate consolidation based on the Group’s equity interest in the joint venture. At the balance sheet date, 64 (prior year: 66) companies besides the parent were fully consolidated in the Group financial statements and 12 (prior year: 7) companies were proportionately consolidated. An overview of the fully and proportionately consolidated entities and other business interests is given beginning on page 119. The number of companies that were fully or proportionately consolidated changed as follows in the 2013|14 financial year: At 1 March 2013 Initial consolidation Merger At 28 February 2014 Full consolidation Proportionate consolidation 66 0 (2) 64 7 5 0 12 Mergers The Vienna-based “Agrofrucht, Handel mit landwirtschaftlichen Produkten Gesellschaft m.b.H.” was merged into AGRANA Group-Services GmbH, Vienna, while Frefrost SARL of Laouamra, Morocco, was merged into Dirafrost Maroc SARL, Laouamra, Morocco. Within the financial year under review, during the period from 1 December 2013 to 28 February 2014 the AGRAGOLD companies contributed € 1,676 thousand to Group revenue and reduced Group profit for the period by € 233 thousand. Joint ventures The information in the table below presents the Group’s share of the aggregated results of the proportionately consolidated companies. The companies involved were the following joint ventures: AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Initial proportionate consolidation of companies The newly consolidated entities were five AGRAGOLD sugar trading companies registered in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia and Slovenia. These joint venture firms had been acquired by AGRANA in prior years as part of the investment in the Vienna-based STUDEN group, but for reasons of immateriality had not been consolidated. With the organisational conditions now in place for doing so, the five companies were proportionately consolidated for the first time with effect from 1 December 2013. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 66 █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ HUNGRANA Keményitö- és Isocukorgyártó és Forgalmazó Kft., Szabadegyháza, Hungary HungranaTrans Kft., Szabadegyháza, Hungary GreenPower E85 Kft, Szabadegyháza, Hungary AGRANA-STUDEN Beteiligungs GmbH, Vienna STUDEN-AGRANA Rafinerija Secera d.o.o., Brčko, Bosnia-Herzegovina AGRANA Studen Sugar Trading GmbH, Vienna AGRAGOLD Holding GmbH, Vienna "AGRAGOLD" d.o.o., Brčko, Bosnia-Herzegovina AGRAGOLD d.o.o., Zagreb, Croatia AGRAGOLD dooel Skopje, Skopje, Macedonia AGRAGOLD trgovina d.o.o., Ljubljana, Slovenia Company for trade and services AGRANA-STUDEN Serbia d.o.o. Beograd, Belgrade, Serbia 28 Feb 2014 28 Feb 2013 Non-current assets Inventories Receivables and other assets Cash, cash equivalents and securities Current assets Total assets 71,686 26,772 37,426 8,629 72,827 144,513 81,020 26,370 39,779 17,961 84,110 165,130 Equity Non-current liabilities Current liabilities Total equity and liabilities 55,784 7,008 81,721 144,513 71,271 5,572 88,287 165,130 278,739 (250,347) 28,392 298,955 (266,136) 32,819 €000 Revenue Other (expense), net Profit for the period 3.1. BALANCE SHEET DATE The balance sheet date (reporting date) of the consolidated financial statements is the last day of February. Group companies with other reporting dates prepare interim financial statements at the Group reporting date. 4. CONSOLIDATION METHODS █ Acquisitions of companies that are fully or proportionately consolidated are accounted for using the purchase method, by allocating their acquisition cost to the acquired identifiable assets and liabilities (including contingent liabilities) at the time of acquisition. Where the acquisition cost exceeds the net fair value of the acquired assets and liabilities, the difference is recognised as goodwill under intangible assets. Conversely, where the acquisition cost is less than the net fair value of the acquired assets and liabilities, this difference arising on initial consolidation (sometimes referred to as “negative goodwill”) is recognised in income in the period of acquisition. █ Pursuant to IFRS 3, goodwill is not amortised. Instead, using the impairment-only approach, goodwill is tested for impairment at least annually and written down only in the event of impairment. █ All expenses, income, receivables, payables and provisions resulting from transactions between fully or proportionately consolidated companies are eliminated. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CONSOLIDATION METHODS / CURRENCY TRANSLATION For assets that arise from intragroup flows of products or services and are included in non-current assets or in inventories, intercompany balances are eliminated unless immaterial. █ 67 5. CURRENCY TRANSLATION █ Financial statements of foreign Group companies are translated into euros in accordance with IAS 21. The functional currency of every Group company is its respective national currency. Assets and liabilities are translated at middle rates of exchange at the balance sheet date. Expenses and income are translated at annual average rates of exchange, with the exception of the currency translation gains and losses from the measurement of receivables and liabilities related to Group financing. █ Differences compared to prior-year amounts arising from the translation of balance sheet items at current balance sheet date exchange rates or arising from the use of average rates in translating expenses and income compared to the use of current balance sheet date rates are recognised outside profit or loss, directly in equity. █ Foreign currency monetary items are measured at exchange rates at the balance sheet date, with currency translation gains and losses recognised in profit or loss in the consolidated income statement. █ In translating the financial statements of foreign Group companies, the following exchange rates were applied: Argentina Australia Bosnia Brazil Bulgaria China Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Egypt Fiji Hungary Macedonia Mexico Morocco Poland Romania Russia Serbia South Africa South Korea Turkey USA Ukraine Currency ARS AUD BAM BRL BGN CNY HRK CZK DKK EGP FJD HUF MKD MXN MAD PLN RON RUB CSD ZAR KRW TRY USD UAH Rate at reporting date 28 Feb 2014 28 Feb 2013 10.87 1.54 1.96 3.21 1.96 8.49 7.65 27.34 7.46 9.53 2.58 310.45 61.69 18.31 11.24 4.16 4.50 49.94 115.94 14.76 1,473.27 3.06 1.38 13.64 6.60 1.28 1.96 2.59 1.96 8.17 7.59 25.64 7.46 8.94 2.36 295.80 61.62 16.76 11.13 4.16 4.36 40.08 111.52 11.76 1,423.71 2.36 1.31 10.47 Average rate for year 1 Mar 2013– 1 Mar 2012– 28 Feb 2014 28 Feb 2013 7.88 1.42 1.96 2.96 1.96 8.16 7.59 26.31 7.46 9.34 2.47 299.10 61.59 17.15 11.16 4.20 4.44 43.47 113.75 13.35 1,457.68 2.64 1.33 10.74 6.03 1.25 1.96 2.57 1.96 8.12 7.52 25.18 7.45 8.03 2.31 288.39 61.54 16.88 11.09 4.16 4.46 39.97 113.85 10.81 1,440.48 2.32 1.29 10.32 AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 € GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 68 6. ACCOUNTING POLICIES 6.1. INTANGIBLE ASSETS AND PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT █ Purchased intangible assets (other than goodwill) are capitalised at cost and amortised on a straight-line basis over their expected useful lives of between 5 and 15 years. All intangible assets other than goodwill have a determinable useful life. █ Goodwill is not amortised, but is reviewed at least annually for impairment. Details on this impairment test are presented in the notes to the balance sheet. █ Intangible assets acquired through business combinations are recorded separately from goodwill if they are separable by the definition in IAS 38 or if they result from a contractual or legal right and their fair value can be reliably measured. █ Product development costs are capitalised at cost if they can be accurately allocated to a product and if both the technical feasibility and the marketing of the new product are assured. In addition, the development work must be sufficiently likely to generate future cash inflows. Under IAS 38, research costs cannot be capitalised. They are charged directly to expense in the income statement. █ Items of property, plant and equipment are valued at cost of purchase and/or conversion, less straight-line depreciation and impairment losses. For the bioethanol plant in Austria, a unit-of-production method of depreciation was used in the financial year. Besides materials and labour costs, prorated overheads are capitalised in the conversion costs of internally generated assets. Borrowing costs directly attributable to the production of an asset that are incurred during the production period are capitalised in accordance with IAS 23. All other borrowing costs are recognised as an expense in the period during which they are incurred. Maintenance costs are expensed as incurred, unless they result in an expansion or material improvement of the asset concerned, in which case they are capitalised. █ Where rental agreements or leases transfer all material risks and rewards of ownership to the AGRANA Group (finance leases), the assets rented or leased are recorded as an asset. The asset is initially measured at the lower of (i) its fair value at the inception of the rental period or lease and (ii) the present value of the future minimum rental or lease payments. This amount is simultaneously recorded as a liability under borrowings. █ Depreciation of property, plant and equipment is generally based on the following useful lives: Buildings Plant and machinery Office furniture and equipment 15 to 50 years 10 to 15 years 3 to 10 years █ Impairment losses are recognised, in accordance with IAS 36, if the recoverable amount of an asset has declined below its carrying amount. The recoverable amount is the higher of the asset’s net selling price and its value in use. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ACCOUNTING POLICIES 6.2. GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE 69 █ Government grants to reimburse the Group for costs are recognised as other operating income in the period in which the related costs are incurred, unless the grant is contingent on conditions that are not yet sufficiently likely to be met. █ Grants to support capital expenditure are deducted from the cost of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment beginning at the time of the binding award of the grant. 6.3. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS █ The AGRANA Group distinguishes the following classes of financial instruments: Financial assets – Securities, and investments in non-consolidated subsidiaries and outside companies – Trade receivables – Other financial assets – Cash and cash equivalents Financial liabilities – Bank loans and overdrafts, and other loans from non-Group entities – Borrowings from affiliated companies in the Südzucker group – Trade payables – Financial other payables Derivative financial instruments – Interest-rate derivatives – Currency derivatives – Commodity derivatives █ Investments in non-consolidated subsidiaries and outside companies are as a rule measured at fair value in accordance with IAS 39. If fair value cannot be reliably determined, they are recorded at cost. An impairment loss is recognised upon evidence of sustained impairment. █ Inasmuch as the Group has the intent and ability to hold fixed-maturity securities until maturity (these assets are referred to as “held-to-maturity”), they are measured at amortised cost. Any difference between their cost and redemption value is allocated over the total life of the security using the effective interest method. Securities “held for trading” are measured at market prices, with changes in fair value recognised in profit or loss. All other securities (these assets are referred to as “available-for-sale”) are measured at market prices, with changes in fair value recognised outside profit or loss (after deferred taxes) in a separate reserve item in equity. Only after the cumulative changes in fair value are realised by selling the security are they recognised in profit or loss. Financial assets are recognised at the settlement date. █ Where there is substantial evidence of impairment and the estimated recoverable amount of a non-current financial asset is lower than its carrying amount, an impairment loss is recognised in the income statement for the period. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 █ GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 70 █ Cash and cash equivalents are measured at their face amount, which represents their market value. Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand and bank deposits having a remaining term to maturity of up to three months at the time of investment. Derivative financial instruments █ Derivative financial instruments are used to hedge risks from changes in interest rates, exchange rates and commodity prices. At inception of the derivative contract, derivatives are recognised at cost. Subsequently they are measured at market value at every balance sheet date. Changes in value are as a rule recognised in profit or loss. Where the conditions for cash flow hedge accounting under IAS 39 are met, unrealised fair value changes are recognised directly in equity. █ The market value of derivative financial instruments is determined on the basis of quoted market prices, information from banks or discounting-based valuation methods. The market value of forward foreign exchange contracts is the difference between the contract rate and the current forward rate. Receivables █ Receivables are initially recognised at fair value and subsequently measured at amortised cost. Non-interest-bearing receivables with a remaining maturity of more than one year are recognised at their present value using the effective interest method. For default risks or other risks contained in receivables, sufficient impairment provisions are individually allowed. The face amounts of the receivables net of necessary impairment provisions represent the fair values. Irrecoverable receivables are derecognised on an individual case-by-case basis. Impairment provisions are recorded in an allowance account. If the reasons for an impairment provision cease to apply, the impairment loss is reversed, to no more than the asset’s historical cost. █ Foreign currency receivables are measured at middle rates of exchange in effect at the balance sheet date. Payables █ Borrowings are initially measured at their actual proceeds. Premiums, discounts or other differences between the proceeds and the repayment amount are realised over the term of the instrument by the effective interest method and recognised in net financial items (at amortised cost). █ Trade payables are initially measured (at inception of the liability) at the fair value of the goods or services received. Subsequently these payables are measured at amortised cost. Other payables not resulting from the receipt of goods or services are measured at their payable amount. █ Payables denominated in foreign currencies are recognised at middle rates of exchange at the balance sheet date. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ACCOUNTING POLICIES 6.4. INVENTORIES 71 █ Inventories are measured at the lower of cost of purchase and/or conversion and net selling price. The weighted average cost formula is used. In accordance with IAS 2, the conversion costs of unfinished and finished products include – in addition to directly attributable unit costs – reasonable proportions of the necessary material costs and production overheads inclusive of depreciation of manufacturing plant (based on the assumption of normal capacity utilisation) as well as production-related administrative costs. Financing costs are not taken into account. To the extent that inventories are at risk as a result of prolonged storage or reduced saleability, a write-down is recognised. 6.5. EMISSION ALLOWANCES █ Emission rights are accounted for in accordance with IAS 38 (Intangible Assets), IAS 20 (Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance) and IAS 37 (Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets). Emission allowances are issued for a given calendar year and are intangible assets for the purposes of IAS 38 that, except as noted below, are to be classified as current assets. They are assigned a cost of zero. From the point when emissions exceed allocated allowances (one allowance represents one tonne of carbon dioxide), a provision for CO2 emissions must be established for actual additional emissions and recognised in the income statement. The provision is calculated by taking into account the cost incurred for purchased emission allowances or any excess of their market value at the measurement date over their cost. CO2 emission allowances that have already been purchased for use in a subsequent trading period are recorded in non-current assets. 6.6. IMPAIRMENT █ Assets (other than inventories and deferred tax assets) are tested at every balance sheet date for evidence of impairment. Goodwill and other intangible assets with an indefinite useful life are reviewed for impairment annually at 31 August regardless of whether there is indication of possible impairment. █ The impairment test involves determining the asset’s recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the higher of the asset’s value in use and its net selling price. If the asset’s recoverable amount is less than its carrying amount, the difference is expensed as an impairment loss in the income statement. █ The net selling price of an asset is its fair value (the amount obtainable from its sale in a bargained transaction between knowledgeable, willing parties) less costs to sell. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 █ An asset’s value in use is the present value of the estimated future cash flows from the asset’s continuing use and from its disposal at the end of its useful life. The discount rate used in determining present value is a pre-tax market rate adjusted for the specific risks of the asset concerned. Where no independent cash flows can be determined for the individual asset, value in use is determined on the basis of the next larger unit (the cash-generating unit) to which the asset belongs and for which independent cash flows can be identified. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 72 █ Where an impairment loss later decreases or is eliminated, the amount of the reversal of the impairment loss (except in the case of goodwill and equity-like securities classified as availablefor-sale) is recognised as income in the income statement up to the lower of amortised original cost and value in use. Impairment losses on goodwill are not reversed. 6.7. EMPLOYEE BENEFIT OBLIGATIONS █ The AGRANA Group maintains both defined contribution and defined benefit plans for pensions and termination benefits. Under the defined contribution pension and termination benefit arrangements, AGRANA has no further obligation after paying the agreed premium. Contributions to defined contribution plans are recognised as an expense when they fall due, and are reported in staff costs. Contributions paid to government plans are treated in the same manner as those paid to defined contribution plans. As the Group has no payment obligations beyond making the contributions, no provision is maintained. █ The provisions for defined benefit pension, termination and long-service obligations are calculated using the projected unit credit method in accordance with IAS 19 (Employee Benefits), based on actuarial valuations. This involves determining the present value of the defined benefit obligation and comparing it to the fair value of plan assets at the balance sheet date. In the case of a deficit, a provision is recorded; in the case of a surplus, an asset (other receivable) is recorded. The defined benefit obligation is measured by the projected unit credit method. Under this method, the future payments determined on the basis of realistic assumptions are accumulated over the period during which the respective beneficiaries acquire the entitlement to these benefits. █ Actuarial gains and losses arising from changes in actuarial assumptions or from differences between previous actuarial assumptions and observed outcomes are recognised directly in equity in the period in which they occur, along with their effect on deferred taxes. Correspondingly, the full amount of the obligation is recognised in the balance sheet. The changes in actuarial gains and losses recognised in the respective period are presented separately on the face of the statement of comprehensive income. █ Effects from past service cost arising from plan curtailments or changes are recognised immediately in profit or loss for the period. █ The calculation is based on extrapolated future trends in salaries, retirement benefits and employee turnover, as well as a discount rate of 3.5% (prior year: 3.5%). █ A portion of pension obligations was transferred to pension funds. The retirement benefit contributions to be paid are calculated so as to fully fund the retirement benefit obligation at the time of retirement. If a plan deficit occurs, there is an obligation to fund the shortfall. The Group also holds benefit insurance policies to secure its ability to meet obligations under pension and termination benefit plans. The individual assets allocated to the pension plan are netted against the present value of the pension obligation to arrive at the net obligation. The qualifying insurance policies are also treated as plan assets and thus also reduce the present value of the obligation to its net level. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ACCOUNTING POLICIES 6.8. OTHER PROVISIONS 73 █ Other provisions are recognised where the following conditions are met: the AGRANA Group has a legal or constructive obligation to a third party as a result of a past event, the obligation is likely to lead to an outflow of resources, and whether the amount of the obligation can be reliably estimated. █ Provisions are measured at the amount representing the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the obligation. If the present value of the obligation determined on the basis of a market interest rate differs materially from its nominal amount, the present value of the obligation is used. █ The risks arising from contingent liabilities are covered by sufficient provisions. 6.9. DEFERRED TAXES █ Deferred taxes are recognised on temporary differences between the IFRS carrying amounts of assets and liabilities and the tax base; on consolidation entries; and on tax loss carryforwards expected to be utilised. Significant differences existed between the IFRS carrying amounts and the tax base for property, plant and equipment, inventories and provisions. Deferred tax assets are recognised for unused tax loss carryforwards insofar as these are expected to be utilised within five years. █ Deferred taxes are calculated by the liability method (under IAS 12), based on the pertinent national income tax rates. Consequently, with the exception of goodwill arising on consolidation, deferred taxes are recognised for all temporary differences between the IFRS balance sheet and the tax base, to the extent that deferred tax assets are likely to be realised. █ Deferred taxes are measured on the basis of legislation in force or enacted at the balance sheet date, in the amount expected to be payable. Future changes in tax rates are taken into account if the change in tax rate has already been enacted in law at the time of preparation of the financial statements. █ When income and expenses are recognised directly in equity, the respective deferred tax assets and liabilities are also taken directly to equity. The assessment of the recoverability of deferred tax assets arising from temporary differences and from tax loss carryforwards takes into account company-specific forecasts of, for instance, the future earnings situation in the respective Group company. █ Deferred tax assets are classified as non-current assets; deferred tax liabilities are recorded as non-current liabilities. Deferred tax assets are offset against deferred tax liabilities if they relate to the same tax authority. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 █ The income tax reported represents the tax levied in the individual countries on taxable income, and the movement in deferred taxes. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 74 6.10. RECOGNITION OF REVENUE AND COSTS █ Revenue from goods sold is recognised when substantially all risks and rewards incident to ownership have passed to the purchaser. Revenue from services provided is recognised to the extent that the services have been rendered by the balance sheet date. █ Operating expenses are recognised in the income statement upon use of the product or service or as incurred. █ Finance expenses comprise the interest expense, similar expenses and transaction costs on borrowings including finance leases; financing-related currency translation gains and losses; and financing-related hedging gains and losses. █ Income from financial investments represents interest, dividend and similar income realised from cash-equivalent investments and investments in other financial assets; gains and losses on the disposal of financial assets; and impairment losses and impairment loss reversals. █ Interest income is recognised on an accrual basis using the effective interest method. Dividend income is recognised at the time of the decision to pay the dividend. 6.11. CRITICAL ASSUMPTIONS AND JUDGEMENTS █ The preparation of these consolidated financial statements in accordance with IFRS requires the Company’s management to make judgements and to act on assumptions about future developments. These judgements and assumptions can have a material effect on the recognition and measurement of the assets and liabilities, the disclosure of other liabilities at the balance sheet date, and the amounts of income and expenses reported for the financial year. █ The following assumptions involve a not insignificant risk that they may lead to a material change in the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities in the next financial year: – The impairment testing of goodwill (carrying amount at 28 February 2014: € 230,314 thousand), other intangible assets (carrying amount at 28 February 2014: € 17,449 thousand) and property, plant and equipment (carrying amount at 28 February 2014: € 711,626 thousand) is based on forward-looking assumptions. The determination of the recoverable amounts for the purpose of the impairment review involves several assumptions, such as regarding future net cash flows and the discount rate. The net cash flows are the amounts in those five-year cash flow forecasts for the cash generating units that are most current at the time of preparation of the financial statements. The discount rate varies by industry, company risk level and specific market environment; in the financial year it ranged from 8.3% to 9.4% (prior year: 7.6% to 8.7%). – Had the WACC been 1 percentage point higher, no goodwill impairment would have required recognition in any of the segments. – Financial instruments for which no active market exists are reviewed for impairment by using alternative discounting-based valuation methods. The inputs used for the determination of fair value are based in part on assumptions concerning the future. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ACCOUNTING POLICIES – The measurement of existing retirement and termination benefit obligations (carrying amount 28 February 2014: € 56,796 thousand) involves assumptions regarding discount rate, age at retirement, life expectancy, employee turnover and future increases in pay and benefits. 75 – The sensitivity analysis below is based on varying one assumption at a time with the other assumptions remaining unchanged from the original calculation. Potential correlation effects between assumptions are thus not taken into account. The changes in assumptions would have the following effects on the present values of the obligations stated in note 24a: €000 Change in actuarial assumptions Discount rate + 0.5 percentage points – 0.5 percentage points Wage and salary increase + 0.25 percentage points – 0.25 percentage points Pension increase + 0.25 percentage points – 0.25 percentage points Life expectancy Increase by 1 year Decrease by 1 year 28 Feb 2014 Pension Termination benefits benefits 28 Feb 2013 Pension Termination benefits benefits (1,820) 1,989 (1,347) 1,456 (1,788) 1,953 (1,246) 1,481 125 (123) 720 (695) 126 (124) 762 (612) 839 (809) – – 824 (795) – – 3,315 (3,504) – – 3,553 (3,754) – – – The recognition of deferred tax assets (carrying amount at 28 February 2014: € 30,084 thousand) is based on the assumption that sufficient tax income will be realised in the future to utilise tax loss carryforwards. – The off-balance sheet obligations from financial guarantees and from other contingent liabilities, and any reductions in these obligations, are regularly reviewed as to whether they require recognition in the balance sheet. – In determining the amount of other provisions (carrying amount at 28 February 2014: 50,083 thousand), management exercises judgement as to whether AGRANA is likely to incur an outflow of resources from the obligation concerned and whether the amount of the obligation can be estimated reliably. Provisions are measured at the amount of the likely outflow of resources. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 █ The estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. The actual values may deviate from the assumptions and estimates made if the actual general conditions do not match the expectations held at the balance sheet date. Changes in estimates of assets, liabilities, income and expense are recognised in profit or loss as they become known, and the assumptions adjusted accordingly. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 76 7. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT Note (1) 7.1. REVENUE €000 By nature of activity Revenue from sale of finished goods Revenue from sale of goods purchased for resale Service revenue Total 2013|14 2012|13 2,851,776 186,223 5,431 3,043,430 2,761,091 300,998 3,817 3,065,906 The regional analysis of revenue is presented in the Segment reporting section (see on page 58). The Group’s top ten customers accounted for 26% of consolidated revenue. Note (2) 7.2. CHANGE IN INVENTORIES AND OWN WORK CAPITALISED €000 Change in inventories of finished and unfinished goods Own work capitalised 2013|14 2012|13 (111,024) 2,796 70,284 4,955 The decrease of € 111,024 thousand in inventories of finished and unfinished goods (prior year: increase of € 70,284 thousand) occurred mainly in the Sugar segment, at a decrease of € 61,606 thousand (prior year: increase of € 24,764 thousand), and in the Fruit segment (particularly the juice activities), at a decrease of € 50,364 thousand (prior year: increase of € 40,526 thousand). Note (3) 7.3. OTHER OPERATING INCOME €000 Income from Exceptional income from production levy refund Derivatives Insurance benefits and payments for damages Disposal of non-current assets other than financial assets Rent and leases Services rendered to third parties Beet and pulp cleaning, transport and handling Currency translation gains Other items Total 2013|14 2012|13 4,730 3,717 2,335 1,547 1,126 1,058 771 217 15,041 30,542 0 478 9,438 2,010 1,149 134 791 0 15,804 29,804 Within other operating income, “other items” represent, for instance, revenue from the sale of raw materials and consumables. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT Note (4) 2013|14 2012|13 1,125,605 899,452 40,912 2,065,969 1,301,633 881,995 50,519 2,234,147 €000 2013|14 2012|131 Wages and salaries Social security taxes Expenses for retirement benefits Expenses for termination benefits Total 219,766 55,150 1,473 4,991 281,380 215,711 51,978 1,567 5,012 274,268 €000 Costs of Raw materials Consumables and goods purchased for resale Purchased services Total 7.5. STAFF COSTS The expense for the unwinding of discount on the pension and termination benefits newly accrued in prior years, less the return on plan assets, is included within net financial items. The interest component, at € 1,948 thousand (prior year: € 2,579 thousand) is included in net financial items. The current and past service costs are included in staff costs. In the 2013|14 financial year an expense of € 6,565 thousand (prior year: € 6,302 thousand) was recognised for contributions to government pension plans. € 849 thousand of contributions to a defined contribution termination benefit fund were recognised in the income statement for the year (prior year: € 727 thousand). Expenses for termination benefits included € 189 thousand of exceptional items. Average number of employees during the financial year 2013|14 2012|13 6,169 2,514 95 8,778 6,007 2,361 81 8,449 By employee category Wage-earning staff Salaried staff Apprentices Total AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Note (5) 77 7.4. COST OF MATERIALS 1 The prior-year data were restated in accordance with IAS 8. Further information is provided from page 62. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 78 By region Austria Hungary Romania Rest of EU EU-28 Rest of Europe (Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Russia, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine) Other foreign countries Total 2013|14 2012|13 2,131 574 698 1,656 5,059 1,993 546 740 1,627 4,906 1,143 2,576 8,778 1,054 2,489 8,449 The average number of employees in joint ventures was as follows (based on 50% of these companies’ total employees): 2013|14 2012|13 157 116 273 156 71 227 2012|13 Total Amortisation, depreciation Impairment Wage-earning staff Salaried staff Total Note (6) 7.6. DEPRECIATION, AMORTISATION AND IMPAIRMENT 2013|14 Total Amortisation, Impairment depreciation ¤000 Reversal of impairment losses Intangible assets Property, plant and equipment Recognised in operating profit before exceptional items 6,587 80,950 6,516 78,969 212 2,938 (141) (957) 6,693 74,718 6,552 73,922 141 796 87,537 85,485 3,150 (1,098) 81,411 80,474 937 Recognised in operating profit after exceptional items 87,537 85,485 3,150 (1,098) 81,411 80,474 937 44 0 44 0 460 0 460 44 0 44 0 460 0 460 87,581 85,485 3,194 (1,098) 81,871 80,474 1,397 Financial assets Recognised in net financial items Total Impairment losses and reversals of impairment losses, by segment, were as follows: €000 Sugar segment Starch segment Fruit segment Total 2013|14 2012|13 (183) (864) 3,143 2,096 1,105 18 274 1,397 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT Note (7) 79 7.7. OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES €000 2013|14 2012|13 Selling and freight costs Operating and administrative expenses Rent and lease expenses Other taxes Research and development expenses (external) Advertising expenses Production levy Lease expenses Derivatives Reclassification of non-quota sugar Losses on disposal of non-current assets Damage payments Exceptional items Currency translation losses Other items Total 138,369 135,246 12,008 8,572 8,421 8,025 4,474 2,622 2,187 1,645 1,076 863 597 0 31,424 355,529 129,324 134,562 7,449 7,463 7,772 7,985 4,412 2,673 2,303 7,295 1,627 2,697 16,572 2,521 28,606 363,261 Internal and external R&D costs totalled € 17,225 thousand (prior year: € 18,186 thousand). Within other operating expenses, “other items” included provisions, as well as expenses for cleaning and waste removal. The costs incurred in the financial year for external auditor KPMG Austria AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsund Steuerberatungsgesellschaft were € 838 thousand (prior year: € 584 thousand). Of this total, € 496 thousand (prior year: € 414 thousand) related to the audit of the consolidated financial statements (including the audit of the separate financial statements of individual subsidiaries and joint ventures), € 141 thousand (prior year: EUR 64 thousand) was for other assurance services, and € 201 thousand (prior year: 106 thousand) represented other non-audit services. 7.8. OPERATING PROFIT AFTER EXCEPTIONAL ITEMS €000 2013|14 2012|131 Operating profit before exceptional items Exceptional items Total 171,385 3,944 175,329 236,939 (19,077) 217,862 Exceptional items consisted of income of € 4,730 thousand from reimbursement for excess amounts of production levy paid for the 2001|02 to 2005|06 sugar marketing years, recognised in other operating income, and expenses for the closure of a South African fruit preparations plant, recognised in the consolidated income statement at € 189 thousand within staff costs and at € 597 thousand within other operating expenses. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Note (8) 1 The prior-year data were restated in accordance with IAS 8. Further information is provided from page 62. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 80 Note (9) 7.9. FINANCE INCOME €000 Interest income Other finance income Share of results of non-consolidated subsidiaries Gains on derivatives Other items Total 2013|14 2012|13 15,288 12,073 1,047 1,555 848 18,738 1,005 2,786 611 16,475 2013|14 2012|13 13,280 177 1,831 15,288 8,670 586 2,817 12,073 2013|14 2012|13 25,983 36,075 16,411 81 3,463 45,938 670 2,684 4,702 44,131 2013|14 2012|13 18,989 677 6,317 25,983 6,836 3,408 25,831 36,075 Interest income by segment was as follows: €000 Sugar segment Starch segment Fruit segment Total Note (10) 7.10. FINANCE EXPENSE €000 Interest expense Other finance expenses Currency translation losses Losses from derivatives Other items Total Interest expense by segment was as follows: €000 Sugar segment Starch segment Fruit segment Total Interest expense includes the interest component of allocations to the provisions for retirement and termination benefits. In the financial year, this interest component was € 1,948 thousand (prior year: € 2,579 thousand). NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT 81 The analysis of net financial items (finance income less expenses) is as follows: €000 2013|14 2012|13 Net interest (expense) Currency translation differences Share of results of non-consolidated subsidiaries and outside companies Net (loss) on disposal of non-consolidated subsidiaries and outside companies Other financial items Total (10,695) (16,411) (24,002) (670) 1,047 1,005 (18) (1,123) (27,200) (459) (3,530) (27,656) Net currency translation differences on financing activities amounted to a loss of € 16,411 thousand (prior year: loss of € 670 thousand). This represented the balance of a realised loss of € 98 thousand (prior year: realised gain of € 1,063 thousand) and an unrealised loss of € 16,313 thousand (prior year: unrealised loss of € 1,733 thousand). The loss was attributable largely to movements in exchange rates for the currencies of Ukraine, Romania, Argentina, Russia, South Africa and Brazil. 7.11. INCOME TAX EXPENSE Current and deferred tax expenses and credits pertained to Austrian and foreign income taxes and had the following composition: €000 Current tax expense 2013|14 2012|131 34,432 39,367 – Of which Austrian 7,631 16,006 – Of which foreign 26,801 23,361 Deferred tax expense 3,923 (5,669) – Of which Austrian 5,035 (1,251) (1,112) (4,418) Total tax expense 38,355 33,698 – Of which Austrian 12,666 14,755 – Of which foreign 25,689 18,943 – Of which foreign Reconciliation of the deferred tax amounts in the balance sheet to the deferred taxes in the income statement: €000 (Decrease)/increase in deferred tax assets in the consolidated balance sheet (Decrease)/increase in deferred tax liabilities in the consolidated balance sheet Total change in deferred taxes before changes in scope of consolidation 2013|14 2012|131 (3,053) 3,373 (1,246) (4,299) 2,885 6,258 (31) (406) – Of which from changes in scope of consolidation, recognised directly in equity – Of which from other changes recognised directly in equity [fair value changes,cash flow hedges, IAS 19, and other] – Of which from changes recognised in the income statement 1 The prior-year data were restated in accordance with IAS 8. Further information is provided from page 62. (345) 995 (3,923) 5,669 AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Note (11) GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 82 Reconciliation of profit before tax to income tax expense €000 2013|14 2012|131 Profit before tax Standard Austrian tax rate Nominal tax expense at standard Austrian rate 148,129 25% 37,032 190,206 25% 47,552 (2,031) (1,601) 2,545 2,410 0 38,355 25.9% (7,602) (1,590) 3,235 (4,032) (3,865) 33,698 17.7% Tax effect of: Different tax rates applied on foreign income Tax-exempt income and tax deductions Non-tax-deductible expenses and additional tax debits Non-recurring tax (income)/expenses Non-temporary differences resulting from consolidation Income tax expense Effective tax rate The nominal tax charge or credit is based on application of the standard Austrian corporation tax rate of 25%. The Tax Reform Act of 2005 introduced a new concept for the taxation of company groups. In accordance with the provisions of this Act, the AGRANA Group established a group consisting of AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG as the group parent and the following group members: AGRANA Zucker GmbH, AGRANA Stärke GmbH, AGRANA Marketing- und Vertriebsservice Gesellschaft m.b.H., AGRANA Bioethanol GmbH, AGRANA J&F Holding GmbH, AGRANA Internationale Verwaltungsund Asset-Management GmbH, AGRANA Juice Holding GmbH, AGRANA Group-Services GmbH, INSTANTINA Nahrungsmittel Entwicklungs- und Produktionsgesellschaft m.b.H., AGRANA Juice Sales & Customer Service GmbH and AUSTRIA JUICE GmbH. Deferred taxes are recognised on differences between carrying amounts in the consolidated financial statements and the tax bases of the individual companies in their home countries. Deferred taxes take into account carryforwards of unused tax losses. In the interest of conservative planning, deferred taxes reflect carryforwards of tax losses only to the extent that sufficient taxable profit is likely to be earned over the next five years to utilise the deferred tax assets. € 7,051 thousand (prior year: € 8,377 thousand) of potential tax assets were not recognised. These related to cumulative unused tax loss carryforwards of € 24,895 thousand (prior year: € 37,919 thousand). At the balance sheet date the deferred tax assets and liabilities recognised directly in equity amounted to a net asset of € 5,085 thousand (prior year: € 4,063 thousand). For temporary differences on investments in subsidiaries, deferred tax liabilities of € 231,801 thousand (prior year: € 253,877 thousand) were not recognised, as these gains are intended to be reinvested for an indefinite period and these temporary differences are thus not likely to reverse in the foreseeable future. 1 The prior-year data were restated in accordance with IAS 8. Further information is provided from page 62. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT Note (12) 83 7.12. EARNINGS PER SHARE Profit for the period attributable to shareholders of the parent (AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG) Average number of shares outstanding Earnings per share under IFRS (basic and diluted) Dividend per share €000 € € 2013|14 2012|131 107,947 14,202,040 7.60 3.602 149,445 14,202,040 10.52 3.60 Subject to the Annual General Meeting’s approval of the proposed allocation of profit for the 2013|14 financial year, AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG will pay a dividend of € 51,127 thousand (prior year: € 51,127 thousand). 8. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT The cash flow statement is prepared using the indirect method and in accordance with IAS 7. The statement traces the movements in the AGRANA Group’s cash and cash equivalents arising from operating, investing and financing activities. Cash and cash equivalents, for the purpose of the cash flow statement, represent cash on hand, cheques and bank deposits. They do not include current bank borrowings or securities classified as current assets. The effects of business acquisitions are stated in the item “purchases of businesses”. Currency translation differences, with the exception of those relating to cash and cash equivalents, are already eliminated within the corresponding items in the balance sheet. Note (13) 8.1. CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES There were no restrictions on the use of items of cash and cash equivalents. Note (14) 8.2. CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES In the financial year, € 131,050 thousand was required to fund the investing activities (prior year: € 136,884 thousand). Outflows from purchases of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets declined to € 138,181 thousand (prior year: € 148,973 thousand). Proceeds from disposal of non-current assets were € 3,685 thousand (prior year: € 2,275 thousand). 1 The prior-year data were restated in accordance with IAS 8. Further information is provided from page 62. 2 Proposal to the Annual General Meeting. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Operating cash flow before changes in working capital was € 196,237 thousand (prior year: € 256,310 thousand), or 6.45% of revenue (prior year: 8.36%). The item “other non-cash expenses and income” consisted of, among other items, the unrealised foreign currency translation losses reflected in net financial items, with a positive effect of € 16,313 thousand in this part of the cash flow statement (prior year: translation losses with a positive impact of € 1,733 thousand); a positive effect of € 4,299 thousand from deferred taxes (prior year: negative effect of € 6,581 thousand); a negative impact of € 12,043 thousand from non-cash current taxes (prior year: positive effect of € 2,927 thousand); the negative effect of the non-cash net exceptional items income of € 3,944 thousand (prior year: positive effect from a net exceptional items expense of € 19,077 thousand from reorganisation and the fraud case in Mexico). After changes in working capital, net cash from operating activities was € 283,241 thousand (prior year: € 204,756 thousand). GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 84 Note (15) 8.3. CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES In the 2013|14 financial year, borrowings, net of unrealised currency translation losses, fell by € 91,118 thousand (prior year: increase of € 58,883 thousand, of which € 27,116 thousand represented actual cash flows). Dividends paid consisted mainly of the cash dividend distributed to the shareholders of AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG. Note (16) 9. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET 9.1. INTANGIBLE ASSETS Goodwill Concessions, licences, and similar rights Total 227,934 0 2,380 0 0 0 230,314 85,986 (1,036) 33 2,701 206 (674) 87,216 313,920 (1,036) 2,413 2,701 206 (674) 317,530 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64,582 (857) 3 6,516 212 92 (640) (141) 69,767 64,582 (857) 3 6,516 212 92 (640) (141) 69,767 Carrying amount at 28 February 2013 230,314 17,449 247,763 2012|13 Cost At 1 March 2012 Currency translation differences Changes in scope of consolidation Additions Reclassifications Disposals At 28 February 2013 222,332 (12) 5,614 0 0 0 227,934 86,235 5 (31) 1,856 88 (2,167) 85,986 308,567 (7) 5,583 1,856 88 (2,167) 313,920 €000 2013|14 Cost At 1 March 2013 Currency translation differences Changes in scope of consolidation Additions Reclassifications Disposals At 28 February 2014 Accumulated amortisation and impairment At 1 March 2013 Currency translation differences Changes in scope of consolidation Amortisation for the period Impairment Reclassifications Disposals Reversal of impairment losses At 28 February 2014 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET €000 Accumulated amortisation and impairment At 1 March 2012 Currency translation differences Changes in scope of consolidation Amortisation for the period Impairment Reclassifications Disposals At 28 February 2013 Carrying amount at 28 February 2013 Goodwill Concessions, licences, and similar rights Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60,184 (30) (145) 6,552 141 (4) (2,116) 64,582 60,184 (30) (145) 6,552 141 (4) (2,116) 64,582 227,934 21,404 249,338 85 █ The additions of € 2,701 thousand of non-goodwill intangible assets related primarily to software. █ The goodwill of € 2,380 thousand associated with changes in the scope of consolidation relates to the first-time inclusion of the AGRAGOLD companies. █ Intangible assets consist largely of goodwill, capitalised in accordance with IFRS 3, that resulted from the acquisition of companies beginning in the 1995|96 financial year. Intangibles also include acquired customer relationships, software, patents and similar rights, as well as non-current prepayments. and similar rights. █ Of the total carrying amount of goodwill, the Sugar segment accounted for € 23,764 thousand (prior year: € 21,384 thousand), the Starch segment for € 2,090 thousand (prior year: € 2,090 thousand) and the Fruit segment for € 204,460 thousand (prior year: € 204,460 thousand). █ To satisfy the provisions of IFRS 3 in conjunction with IAS 36 and to allow the calculation of any impairment of goodwill, AGRANA has defined its cash-generating units to match its internal reporting structure. The cash-generating units in the AGRANA Group are the Sugar segment, Starch segment and Fruit segment, consistent with the internal management accounting and reporting processes. All goodwill was allocated to cash-generating units. █ In testing for impairment, AGRANA uses a Discounted-Cash-flow method to determine the value in use of the cash-generating units. The determination of expected cash flows from each cash-generating unit is based on business plans that are validated and approved by Supervisory Board committees and have a planning horizon of five years. Projections beyond a five-year horizon are based on the assumption of a constant, inflation-induced growth rate of 1.5% per year (assumption in the prior year: 0.75%). The weighted average cost of capital (WACC) derived from the AGRANA Group’s capital costs is calculated at 9.4% (prior year: 8.2%) for the Fruit segment, at 8.9% (prior year: 8.7%) for the Starch segment and at 8.3% (prior year: 7.6%) for the Sugar segment. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 █ To test for impairment, the carrying amount of each cash-generating unit is measured by allocating to it the corresponding assets and liabilities, inclusive of attributable goodwill and other intangible assets. An impairment loss is recognised in profit or loss when the recoverable amount of a cash-generating unit is less than its carrying amount inclusive of goodwill. The recoverable amount is the higher of net realisable value and the present value of future cash flows expected from an asset. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 86 █ The quality of the forecast data is frequently tested against actual outcomes with the help of variance analysis. The insights gained are then taken into account during the preparation of the next annual plan. Projections of value in use are highly sensitive to assumptions regarding future local market developments and volume trends. Value in use is therefore ascertained both on the basis of experience and of assumptions that are reviewed with experts for the regional markets. █ All goodwill reported in the consolidated financial statements was shown to be free of impairment. A comparison of the carrying amounts of the CGUs with the respective value in use shows the following excess of value in use over carrying amount: € 165 million for the Fruit segment (prior year: € 205 million); € 634 million for the Starch segment (prior year: € 543 million); and € 96 million for the Sugar segment (prior year: € 254 million). █ The goodwill is not tax-deductible. █ No other intangible assets with indefinite useful lives required recognition at the balance sheet date. Note (17) 9.2. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT €000 2013|14 Cost At 1 March 2013 Currency translation differences Changes in scope of consolidation Additions Reclassifications Disposals Government grants At 28 February 2014 Land, leasehold rights and buildings Technical plant and machinery Other plant, furniture and equipment Assets under construction Total 514,184 1,087,199 191,221 84,419 1,877,023 (17,135) (27,043) (4,489) (2,610) (51,277) (34) 16,760 26,416 (3,146) (210) 536,835 (197) 39,815 81,111 (15,134) (391) 1,165,360 318 10,961 2,450 (6,232) (36) 194,193 1,088 65,714 (110,183) (341) (573) 37,514 1,175 133,250 (206) (24,853) (1,210) 1,933,902 272,304 772,895 145,753 590 1,191,542 (6,674) (17,541) (3,381) (1) (27,597) Accumulated depreciation and impairment At 1 March 2013 Currency translation differences Changes in scope of consolidation Depreciation for the period Impairment Reclassifications Disposals Reversal of impairment losses At 28 February 2014 (27) 15,440 5 2 (2,386) 3 52,038 2,886 93 (14,358) 89 11,491 41 (187) (5,842) 0 0 6 0 (6) 65 78,969 2,938 (92) (22,592) (347) 278,317 (595) 795,421 0 147,964 (15) 574 (957) 1,222,276 Carrying amount at 28 February 2014 258,518 369,939 46,229 36,940 711,626 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET €000 2012|13 Cost At 1 March 2012 Currency translation differences Changes in scope of consolidation Additions Reclassifications Disposals Government grants At 28 February 2013 Land, leasehold rights and buildings Technical plant and machinery Other plant, furniture and equipment Assets under construction Total 489,161 1,024,495 181,630 42,358 1,737,644 (2,712) (5,489) (509) (208) (8,918) 12,713 12,725 5,640 (3,346) 3 514,184 7,952 60,814 13,406 (13,991) 12 1,087,199 2,241 10,311 1,675 (4,134) 7 191,221 512 64,142 (20,808) (12) (1,565) 84,419 23,418 147,992 (87) (21,483) (1,543) 1,877,023 260,871 740,978 139,281 590 1,141,720 Accumulated depreciation and impairment At 1 March 2012 Currency translation differences Changes in scope of consolidation Depreciation for the period Impairment Reclassifications Disposals At 28 February 2013 (1,089) (3,289) (294) 0 (4,672) 0 14,548 454 3 (2,483) 272,304 (312) 48,515 306 (4) (13,299) 772,895 (230) 10,859 36 4 (3,903) 145,753 0 0 0 0 0 590 (542) 73,922 796 3 (19,685) 1,191,542 Carrying amount at 28 February 2013 241,880 314,304 45,468 83,829 685,481 87 €000 2013|14 2012|13 Sugar segment Starch segment Fruit segment Total 43,185 40,952 51,814 135,951 55,903 59,081 34,864 149,848 █ Currency translation differences are the differences between amounts arising from the translation of the opening balances of foreign Group companies at the exchange rates prevailing at the start and at the end of the reporting period. █ Government grants consisted of investment assistance in Hungary in the Sugar and Starch segments. █ No interest expense was recognised. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 █ Additions (i. e., purchases) of intangible assets (other than goodwill) and property, plant and equipment: GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 88 █ The AGRANA Group, in addition to operating leases, also employs a small number of finance leases. The movement in property, plant and equipment under finance leases was as follows: €000 Cost Less accumulated depreciation and impairment Carrying amount 2013|14 2012|13 287 (94) 193 245 (62) 183 █ The use of off-balance sheet property, plant and equipment (under operating leases) gives rise to the following obligations under lease, licence and rental agreements: €000 In the subsequent year In years 2 to 5 In more than 5 years █ Note (18) 2013|14 2012|13 3,895 11,940 6,340 3,561 9,381 6,989 The AGRANA Group does not act as a lessor. 9.3. SECURITIES, INVESTMENTS IN NON-CONSOLIDATED SUBSIDIARIES AND OUTSIDE COMPANIES Investments1 Securities (non-current) Total 2013|14 At 1 March 2013 Currency translation differences Changes in scope of consolidation Additions Impairment Disposals Fair value changes under IAS 39 At 28 February 2014 5,745 (2) (4,530) 15 (44) (15) 0 1,169 105,264 (42) 0 162 0 (297) (503) 104,584 111,009 (44) (4,530) 177 (44) (312) (503) 105,753 AT 1 MARCH 2012 Stand 1 Mar 2012 Currency translation differences Changes in scope of consolidation Additions Impairment Disposals Fair value changes under IAS 39 At 28 February 2013 7,265 0 40 0 (460) (1,100) 0 5,745 104,909 3 1 58 0 0 293 105,264 112,174 3 41 58 (460) (1,100) 293 111,009 €000 1 Investments in non-consolidated subsidiaries and outside companies. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET █ 89 The securities were predominantly securities of Austrian issuers. █ The negative amount of € 4,530 thousand of changes in scope of consolidation represents the accounting disposal of the investments in the AGRAGOLD companies, which were proportionately consolidated from 1 December 2013 after having been carried as non-consolidated joint ventures until 30 November 2013. 9.4. RECEIVABLES AND OTHER ASSETS €000 Trade receivables – Of which due after more than 1 year Reimbursement receivable under the sugar regime Amounts due from affiliated companies Receivable under government grants – Of which due after more than 1 year Positive fair value of derivatives Amounts due from associates in the Südzucker group Receivable for legacy soil reclamation 28 Feb 2014 28 Feb 2013 306,222 315,108 0 14 11,476 8,519 4,686 477 11,190 6,189 3,686 6,189 3,302 2,215 645 3,446 4,750 1,081 – Of which due after more than 1 year 645 863 Insurance and damage payments 0 595 – Of which due after more than 1 year Other financial assets – Of which due after more than 1 year Financial instruments 0 589 56,056 43,831 20,201 11,158 393,121 386,667 – Of which due after more than 1 year 24,532 18,813 VAT credits and other tax credits 74,814 86,408 – Of which due after more than 1 year Prepaid expenses Accrued income Total – Of which due after more than 1 year 0 132 12,490 5,197 485,622 8,620 9,334 491,029 24,532 18,945 Amounts due from affiliated companies represent open accounts with non-consolidated subsidiaries as well as with the Group’s parent – Südzucker AG – and the parent’s subsidiaries. The net carrying amount of trade receivables after provision for impairment is determined as follows: €000 Carrying amount of trade receivables, gross Provisions for impairment of trade receivables Carrying amount, net 28 Feb 2014 28 Feb 2013 318,753 (12,531) 306,222 326,663 (11,555) 315,108 AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Note (19) GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 90 The provision for impairment of trade receivables showed the following movements: €000 Provision at 1 March Currency translation adjustments/Other change Added Used Released Provision at 28 February 2013|14 2012|13 11,555 340 1,437 (95) (706) 12,531 7,154 (22) 6,544 (748) (1,373) 11,555 The partial release of the provision resulted in interest income of € 11 thousand (prior year: € 21 thousand). Receivables are as a rule individually reviewed for their collectability and measured on the basis of estimated future cash flows. The table below provides information on the credit risks in respect of trade receivables. The maturity profile of trade receivables was as follows: €000 28 Feb 2014 28 Feb 2013 37,604 22,114 7,339 67,057 32,160 11,432 8,056 51,648 Trade receivables past due and with no impairment provided Up to 30 days 31 to 90 days More than 90 days Total The assets which are neither past due nor impaired relate to customers with excellent credit ratings. Note (20) 9.5. DEFERRED TAX ASSETS Deferred tax assets were attributable to balance sheet items as follows: €000 Deferred tax assets Intangible assets and property, plant and equipment Non-current financial assets (primarily “one-seventh” write-downs on non-consolidated subsidiaries and on outside companies) Inventories Receivables, other assets and accrued income Carryforwards of unused tax losses Retirement, termination and long-service benefit obligations Other provisions and liabilities Total deferred tax assets Deferred tax assets offset against deferred tax liabilities relating to the same tax authority Net deferred tax assets 28 Feb 2014 28 Feb 20131 3,560 3,805 5,978 8,112 4,339 8,473 5,830 9,549 45,841 9,435 6,002 10,151 6,695 5,679 6,227 47,994 (15,757) 30,084 (14,857) 33,137 Deferred tax liabilities are detailed in note 27. 1 The prior-year data were restated in accordance with IAS 8. Further information is provided from page 62. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET Note (21) 91 9.6. INVENTORIES €000 Raw materials and consumables Finished and unfinished goods Goods purchased for resale Total 28 Feb 2014 28 Feb 2013 199,087 479,891 33,244 712,222 201,688 607,776 42,028 851,492 The carrying amount of those inventories measured at fair value less costs to sell was € 55,490 thousand for inventories on which a write-down was recognised and € 53,621 thousand for inventories on which a remeasurement gain was recognised. A write-down of € 12,891 thousand was recognised on inventories (prior year: € 8,939 thousand). Note (22) 9.7. SECURITIES Securities held as current assets had a carrying amount of € 146 thousand (prior year: € 1,198 thousand) and consisted mainly of floating rate debt securities held as a liquidity reserve. 9.8. EQUITY █ The Company had share capital of € 103,210,250 at the balance sheet date, consisting of 14,202,040 ordinary voting bearer shares without par value. All shares were fully paid. █ The movements in the Group’s equity are presented on pages 54 and 55. █ The capital reserves (“share premium and other capital reserves”) consist of share premium (i. e., additional paid-in capital) and of reserves resulting from the reorganisation of companies. The capital reserves remained unchanged in the 2013|14 financial year. Retained earnings consist of the available-for-sale reserve, the cash flow hedge reserve, the effects of consolidation-related foreign currency translation, and accumulated profits/losses. █ In February 2014, AGRANA Stärke GmbH increased its ownership interest in AGRANA Bioethanol GmbH from 74.9% to 100%. The difference of € 10,811 thousand between the purchase price paid and the carrying amount of the acquired net assets was offset against retained earnings. Disclosures on capital management A key goal of equity management is the maintenance of sufficient equity resources to safeguard the Company’s continuing existence as a going concern and ensure continuity of dividends. Equity bore the following relationship to total capital: €000 Total equity Total assets Equity ratio 28 Feb 2014 28 Feb 20131 1,192,733 2,452,064 48.6% 1,211,889 2,578,364 47.0% Capital management at AGRANA means the management of equity and of net debt. By optimising these two measures, the Company seeks to achieve the best possible shareholder returns. In addition to the equity ratio, the most important control variable is the gearing ratio (net debt divided by total equity). The total cost of equity and debt capital employed and the risks associated with the different types of capital are continuously monitored. 1 The prior-year data were restated in accordance with IAS 8. Further information is provided from page 62. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Note (23) GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 92 The sound equity base gives AGRANA strategic flexibility and also demonstrates the Group’s financial stability and independence. In addition to its self-financing ability, AGRANA also has access to high, committed credit lines for its overall financing needs. The approach to capital management was unchanged from the prior year. Note (24) 9.9. PROVISIONS €000 Provisions for Retirement benefits Termination benefits Other Total Note (24a) 28 Feb 2014 28 Feb 20131 28,153 28,643 50,083 106,879 31,341 27,503 43,621 102,465 a) Provisions for retirement and termination benefit obligations Provisions for retirement and termination benefits are measured in accordance with IAS 19, using the projected unit credit method and taking into account future trends on an actuarial basis. For both the retirement and termination benefit obligations, the plans are defined benefit plans. The present values of the obligations, and the associated plan assets where applicable, were determined based on the following actuarial parameters: % Expected rate of wage and salary increases Austria/Europe Mexico/USA/South Korea Expected trend of pension increases Austria Mexico Discount rate Austria/Europe/USA Mexico/South Korea 28 Feb 2014 28 Feb 2013 2.50 6.00/3.00/4.00 2.50 6.00/3.00/– 2.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 3.50 8.00/4.20 3.50 6.75/– A discount rate of 3.50% (prior year: 3.50%) was used in almost all cases in the determination of the provisions for pensions and termination benefits. The discount rate is based on the yield of high-quality corporate bonds with a duration matching the average weighted duration of the obligations. The measurement process also involves other company-specific actuarial assumptions, such as the staff turnover rate. The current mortality tables recognised in the respective country are used as the biometric basis for the calculations – in Austria, this is the version of the computation tables by Pagler & Pagler specific to salaried employees (“AVÖ 2008-P-Rechnungsgrundlagen für die Pensionsversicherung”). The rate of return on plan assets depends on the strategic portfolio structure of the pension fund and of the insurance policies that are held to secure plan benefits. 1 The prior-year data were restated in accordance with IAS 8. Further information is provided from page 62. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET 93 Defined benefit plans Pension plans in the AGRANA Group are based largely on direct defined benefit commitments. The amounts of the pension benefits are usually determined by length of service and pensionable pay. Termination benefit plans exist mainly as a result of legal requirements or of obligations under collective agreements and the benefits represent one-time, lump sum payments. The amount of the termination benefits typically depends on final pay and length of service. The provision in the balance sheet (the net liability) for pensions and termination benefits in the AGRANA Group represents the present value of the defined benefit obligation less the fair value of the plan assets: €000 28 Feb 2014 28 Feb 20131 Pension plans Present value of defined benefit obligation Fair value of plan assets Pension provisions (net liability) 37,522 (9,369) 28,153 38,846 (7,505) 31,341 Termination benefit plans Present value of defined benefit obligation Fair value of plan assets Termination benefit provisions (net liability) 29,253 (610) 28,643 27,526 (23) 27,503 In connection with defined benefit pension commitments, the AGRANA Group’s major plans are the following: █ AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG has direct defined benefit commitments in respect of Management Board members for retirement, disability and survivor pensions based on a fixed percentage of a pension assessment base. All pension benefit obligations are transferred to and administered by an external pension fund. The present value of the obligation was € 12,637 thousand (prior year: € 10,685 thousand) and the plan assets amounted to € 8,697 thousand (prior year: € 7,399 thousand). Further detail is provided in the section “Related party disclosures” in these notes. █ In addition, there were direct defined benefit commitments, including survivor benefits, in respect of retired former employees of AGRANA Zucker GmbH in the amount of € 20,805 thousand (prior year: € 23,081 thousand), of AGRANA Stärke GmbH in the amount of € 2,638 thousand (prior year: € 2,762 thousand) and of AGRANA Juice Holding GmbH in the amount of € 186 thousand (prior year: € 127 thousand). The present value of the obligation of AGRANA Juice Holding GmbH is offset by plan assets in the form of pension risk transfer insurance of € 170 thousand. █ In Mexico there is a contractual obligation in respect of a defined set of recipients in the event of retirement or early retirement to pay a fixed percentage of a specified pensionable pay base in monthly instalments for a period of ten years. Alternatively, the recipient may choose a lump sum payment. The present value of this obligation was € 470 thousand (prior year: € 562 thousand), with plan assets in the form of pension insurance of € 96 thousand (prior year: € 106 thousand). 1 The prior-year data were restated in accordance with IAS 8. Further information is provided from page 62. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 █ At AGRANA Fruit Austria GmbH there are pension commitments in respect of active employees for retirement, disability and survivor benefits with a contractual (in some cases length-of-servicedependent) fixed benefit amount, and direct obligations in respect of retired former employees, including survivor benefits. The present value of these obligations was € 786 thousand (prior year: € 934 thousand) and there were plan assets in the form of pension insurance of € 406 thousand. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 94 The pension provisions showed the following movement: €000 2013|14 At 1 March 2013 Service cost Interest expense/(income) Past service cost Effects of plan curtailments and settlements Taxes and administration cost Total recognised in the income statement (net pension cost) (Gains)/losses from: Actual return on plan assets Changes in financial assumptions Experience adjustments Currency translation differences Total remeasurement gain/(loss) recognised in the statement of comprehensive income Changes in scope of consolidation/reclassifications Benefits paid Employer contributions to plan assets Other movements At 28 February 2014 2012|13 At 1 March 2012 Service cost Interest expense/(income) Effects of plan curtailments and settlements Total recognised in the income statement (net pension cost) (Gains)/losses from: Actual return on plan assets Changes in demographic assumptions Changes in financial assumptions Experience adjustments Currency translation differences Total remeasurement gain/(loss) recognised in the statement of comprehensive income Benefits paid Employer contributions to plan assets Other movements At 28 February 2013 Present value of obligation Fair value of plan assets Pension provisions 38,846 756 1,298 63 (22) 0 (7,505) 0 (292) (68) (1) 51 31,341 756 1,006 (5) (23) 51 2,095 (310) 1,785 0 (120) 307 (55) (98) 0 0 9 (98) (120) 307 (47) 132 (696) (2,855) 0 (3,551) 37,522 (89) (502) 0 (963) (1,465) (9,369) 43 (1,198) (2,855) (963) (5,016) 28,153 35,729 666 1,547 (68) (6,114) 0 (301) 0 29,615 666 1,246 (68) 2,145 (301) 1,844 0 119 3,457 624 24 (126) 0 0 0 (3) (126) 119 3,457 624 21 4,224 (3,252) 0 (3,252) 38,846 (129) 0 (961) (961) (7,505) 4,095 (3,252) (961) (4,213) 31,341 The AGRANA Group’s has the following main termination benefit plans: █ The termination benefit plans most significant in amount exist in Austria and France. The plans represent legislated commitments to pay a lumpsum benefit on termination of employment (unless terminated by the employee) and in the event of retirement or death. The amount of NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET the benefit depends on final pay and length of service. Termination benefit obligations in Austria and France are funded solely by provisions, in the amount of € 27,262 thousand (prior year: € 27,202 thousand). 95 █ In Russia and Ukraine there are termination benefit commitments (either legislated or based on company-wide agreements) that are minor in amount. These are payable as a lump sum on termination of employment (unless terminated by the employee) or on retirement. The benefit amount depends on final pay and length of service. These commitments in the amount of € 117 thousand (prior year: € 136 thousand) are covered solely by provisions. █ The termination benefit arrangements in the USA consist of contractual commitments in respect of a defined set of recipients, while the commitments in Mexico are legislated obligations to all permanent and full-time employees. In Mexico the termination benefit is paid if the employment relationship is terminated after 15 years or more of service, at retirement or in the event of disability or death. It takes the form of a lump sum in an amount that is based on final salary and length of service. In the USA, the benefit is paid on termination of employment and is based on final salary and length of service. In Mexico, plan assets of € 21 thousand (prior year: € 23 thousand) offset the present value of the obligation of € 104 thousand (prior year: € 188 thousand). In the USA, the commitments of € 672 thousand (prior year: € 696 thousand) are funded solely by provisions. █ The termination benefit plan for South Korea was included in the Group accounts for the first time in the 2013|14 financial year, with a present value of the obligation of € 1,098 thousand and with plan assets of € 589 thousand. €000 2013|14 At 1 March 2013 Service cost Interest expense/(income) Past service cost Effects of plan curtailments and settlements Taxes and administration costs Total recognised in the income statement (net termination benefit cost) (Gains)/losses from: Actual return on plan assets Changes in demographic assumptions Changes in financial assumptions Experience adjustments Currency translation differences Total remeasurement gain/(loss) recognised in the statement of comprehensive income Changes in scope of consolidation/reclassifications Benefits paid Employer contributions to plan assets Other movements At 28 February 2014 Present value of obligation Fair value of plan assets Termination benefit provisions 27,526 1,465 961 970 71 0 (23) 0 (19) (534) 0 2 27,504 1,465 942 436 71 2 3,467 (551) 2,916 0 (44) (119) 343 (108) 5 0 0 0 20 5 (44) (119) 343 (88) 72 679 (2,491) 0 (1,812) 29,253 25 0 71 (132) (61) (610) 97 679 (2,420) (132) (1,873) 28,643 AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 The termination benefit provisions showed the following movement: GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 96 €000 2012|131 At 1 March 2012 Service cost Interest expense/(income) Past service cost Effects of plan curtailments and settlements Total recognised in the income statement (net termination benefit cost) (Gains)/losses from: Actual return on plan assets Changes in demographic assumptions Changes in financial assumptions Experience adjustments Currency translation differences Total remeasurement gain/(loss) recognised in the statement of comprehensive income Changes in scope of consolidation Benefits paid Other movements At 28 February 2013 Present value of obligation Fair value of plan assets Termination benefit provisions 23,432 1,151 1,032 52 40 (23) 0 (1) 0 0 23,409 1,151 1,031 52 40 2,275 (1) 2,274 0 160 2,314 373 7 2 0 0 0 (1) 2 160 2,314 373 6 2,854 1,456 (2,491) (1,035) 27,526 1 0 0 0 (23) 2,855 1,456 (2,491) (1,035) 27,503 The expense for the unwinding of discount on benefits accrued in prior years, less the return on plan assets, is included within net financial items. The current service cost is included in staff costs. The actual return on plan assets was € 391 thousand (prior year: € 427 thousand). The change in actuarial gains and losses of the pension and termination benefit provisions, which is recognised directly in equity, was a reduction of € 341 thousand (prior year: increase of € 6,706 thousand). The change resulted primarily from experience adjustments concerning factors such as expected retirement age, wage and salary growth rates and assumed employee turnover rates. As of 28 February 2014, cumulative actuarial gains and losses of € 20,662 thousand (prior year: € 19,915 thousand) had been offset against retained earnings, not taking into account deferred taxes. The experience adjustments reflect the impacts on the plan liabilities of differences between the actual movement in the plan obligation during the year and the assumptions made at the beginning of the year. Such differences arise, especially, from actual rates of wage and salary increases, changes in pension benefits, employee turnover and biometric variables such as disability and mortality. Composition of plan assets The plan assets consist primarily of investments in an external pension fund and of pension benefit insurance policies. The fundamental objective for the plan assets is to provide, at all times, full coverage of the payment obligations arising from the respective benefit plans. The plan assets include neither financial instruments issued by the Group nor owner-occupied property. 1 The prior-year data were restated in accordance with IAS 8. Further information is provided from page 62. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET 97 At the balance sheet date the plan assets were invested in the following asset categories: % Fixed income securities Equity securities Real estate Other 28 Feb 2014 28 Feb 2013 53.87 30.38 3.83 11.92 55.22 31.69 4.56 8.53 Risks Defined benefit plans are associated with various risks for the AGRANA Group. Besides general actuarial risks such as discount rate risk and longevity risk, these include the risk that actual outcomes will differ from actuarial assumptions such as rates of wage and salary growth, pension benefit trends, retirement age and employee turnover (early departures). Risks in connection with the plan assets are capital market risks, credit risks and investment risks. Other risks lie in exchange rate fluctuation and changes in inflation rates. The rate of return on plan assets is assumed to equal the discount rate. If the actual rate of return on plan assets is less than the discount rate used, the respective net liability increases. The net liability is particularly strongly influenced by the discount rate, with the current low market interest rates contributing to a relatively high liability. A further decline in corporate bond yields would lead to a further increase in defined benefit liabilities that can only be offset to a small degree by the increase in market values of the corporate bonds in the plan assets. Potential inflation risks that may lead to an increase in the defined benefit obligations lie, indirectly, in inflation-driven salary growth during active service and in inflation-induced pension benefit increases. Duration and future payments The average weighted duration of the present value of the pension obligations at 28 February 2014 was 9.97 years (prior year: 9.45 years) and that of the termination benefit obligations was 9.46 years (prior year: 8.75 years). € 1,007 thousand (prior year: € 665 thousand) of contributions are expected to be paid into the plan assets in the subsequent reporting period. €000 Financial year 2014|15 2015|16 2016|17 2017|18 2018|19 2019|20 to 2023|24 Total Pension benefits Termination benefits 2,774 2,726 2,878 2,755 2,634 12,448 26,215 1,668 1,958 2,550 1,972 2,409 14,961 25,518 AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 The amounts of pension and termination benefit payments in the next ten years are expected to be as follows: GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 98 Note (24b) b) Other provisions €000 2013|14 At 1 March 2013 Currency translation differences Used Released Added At 28 February 2014 – Of which due within 1 year 2012|13 At 1 March 2012 Currency translation differences Changes in scope of consolidation Used Released Added At 28 February 2013 – Of which due within 1 year Recultivation Staff costs including long-service awards Uncertain liabilities Total 3,797 0 (28) (1,030) 29 2,768 15,607 (104) (2,179) (3,723) 4,336 13,937 24,217 (618) (8,692) (5,038) 23,509 33,378 43,621 (722) (10,899) (9,791) 27,874 50,083 28 4,224 33,189 37,441 3,820 0 0 (84) (27) 88 3,797 12,343 10 479 (2,591) (1,761) 7,127 15,607 23,011 (132) 16 (3,781) (6,820) 11,923 24,217 39,174 (122) 495 (6,456) (8,608) 19,138 43,621 28 6,195 22,963 29,186 Of the total other provisions, € 12,642 thousand (prior year: € 14,435 thousand) were classified as non-current liabilities and € 37,441 thousand (prior year: € 29,186 thousand) were current liabilities. The provision for reclamation comprises recultivation obligations as well as the emptying of landfills and removal of waste residues. The provisions for staff costs also include the provision for long-service awards. The provisions for uncertain liabilities include, among other items, provisions for litigation risks (€ 1,118 thousand; prior year: € 2,995 thousand), beet transitional storage costs charged by Vereinigung Österreichischer Rübenbauern (the umbrella organisation of Austrian beet farmers) (€ 3,757 thousand; prior year: € 3,973 thousand), and other risk provisions (€ 3,839 thousand; prior year: € 4,320 thousand). In the financial year under review, the non-current tax liabilities that were included in the prior year are presented as a separate line item in the balance sheet under non-current liabilities. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET Note (25) 99 9.10. BORROWINGS 28 Feb 2014 ¤000 Bank loans and overdrafts, and other loans from non-Group entities Borrowings from affiliated companies in the Südzucker group Lease liabilities Borrowings Securities (non-current assets) Securities (current assets) Cash and cash equivalents Net debt 28 Feb 2013 Of which due in Up to 1 to More than 1 year 5 years 5 years 409,592 228,302 105,488 75,802 250,000 193 659,785 100,000 150,000 0 14 179 0 328,316 255,667 75,802 (104,584) (146) (144,484) 410,571 Of which due in Up to 1 to More than 1 year 5 years 5 years 484,407 235,781 164,461 84,165 250,000 183 734,590 70,000 180,000 0 21 162 0 305,802 344,623 84,165 (105,264) (1,198) (144,409) 483,719 Details of bank loans and overdrafts are presented in sections 10.1. to 10.4. Bank loans and overdrafts were secured as follows at the balance sheet date: €000 Mortgage liens Other liens Total 28 Feb 2014 28 Feb 2013 687 7,900 8,587 702 7,900 8,602 The item “other liens” related to collateral representing a fully secured export credit. 9.11. TRADE AND OTHER PAYABLES ¤000 Trade payables Amounts due to affiliated companies in the Südzucker group Financial other payables Non-financial other payables – Of which deferred income – Of which prepayments – Of which other tax – Of which social security Total 28 Feb 2014 Of which due in Up to More than 1 year 1 year 299,490 299,490 0 11,835 112,731 21,343 11,835 0 111,344 1,387 21,343 4,582 4,582 134 28 Feb 2013 Of which due in Up to More than 1 year 1 year 313,462 313,462 0 50,661 0 83,974 2,283 0 50,661 86,257 23,324 23,324 0 0 4,890 4,890 0 134 0 242 242 0 11,044 11,044 0 12,549 12,549 0 5,583 5,583 0 5,643 5,643 0 445,399 444,012 1,387 473,704 471,421 2,283 AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Note (26) GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 100 Trade payables included obligations to beet growers of € 116,423 thousand (prior year: € 122,787 thousand). Financial other payables included, among other items, liabilities to employees, payroll liabilities, and liabilities from derivatives. Also included in this item were the claims of the beet growers to refunds from the European Union for excess amounts of production levies collected in the 2001|02 to 2005|06 sugar marketing years. The reimbursement in full by the EU will be made to the sugar industry no later than September 2014. The industry will in turn pass the beet growers’ refund through to the growers. Financial other payables also included the deferred consideration from the acquisition by AGRANA Stärke GmbH of the remaining shares of AGRANA Bioethanol GmbH. Note (27) 9.12. DEFERRED TAX LIABILITIES Deferred tax liabilities were attributable to balance sheet items as follows: €000 Deferred tax liabilities Non-current assets Inventories Receivables and other assets Untaxed reserves in separate financial statements Provisions and other liabilities Total deferred tax liabilities Deferred tax assets offset against deferred tax liabilities relating to the same tax authority Net deferred tax liabilities 28 Feb 2014 28 Feb 20131 17,340 2,353 3,600 6,183 1,895 31,371 15,845 2,653 1,730 6,155 2,842 29,225 (15,757) 15,614 (14,857) 14,368 Deferred tax assets are detailed in note 20. 10. NOTES ON FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS 10.1. INVESTMENT AND CREDIT TRANSACTIONS (NON-DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS) To cover its overall funding needs, the AGRANA Group, in addition to its self-financing capability, has access to syndicated credit lines and bilateral credit lines from banks. Financial instruments are generally procured centrally and distributed Group-wide. The principal aims of obtaining financing are to achieve a sustained increase in enterprise value, safeguard the Group’s credit quality and ensure its liquidity. To manage the seasonally fluctuating cash flows, the AGRANA Group in the course of its dayto-day financial management uses conventional investments (demand deposits, time deposits and securities) and borrowings (in the form of overdrafts, short-term funds and fixed rate loans). 1 The prior-year data were restated in accordance with IAS 8. Further information is provided from page 62. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTES ON FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS Average effective interest rate 2013|14 2012|13 Variable rate ARS BAM CNY EGP EUR HUF KRW PLN MXN USD Total Of which due in Up to 1 to More than 1 year 5 years 5 years 28 Feb 2013 101 Of which due in Up to 1 to More than 1 year 5 years 5 years % % €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 €000 3.45 6.65 3.46 3.54 – 3.54 240,220 1,414 241,634 33,690 176,748 29,782 238,541 42,105 0 0 0 0 0 35,104 176,748 29,782 284,982 0 284,982 4,336 1,414 4,336 238,541 42,105 34.31 – – 7.80 1.48 3.39 4.08 2.72 8.00 2.32 1.73 20.61 4.70 5.94 8.00 1.21 6.33 4.34 4.60 10.50 1.88 2.05 606 0 0 801 378,030 20,489 5,091 8,322 2,145 2,474 417,958 690 0 0 254 0 0 9,901 1,224 0 1,180 0 0 218,492 103,500 42,060 30,924 0 0 5,268 0 0 22,072 0 0 3,929 1,196 0 2.36 2.63 659,592 8,735 0 0 46,020 690 254 11,125 1,180 364,052 30,924 5,268 22,072 5,125 8,735 449,425 301,445 105,920 42,060 75,802 734,407 305,781 344,461 84,165 606 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 801 0 0 253,270 78,740 46,020 20,489 0 0 5,091 0 0 8,322 0 0 2,145 0 0 2,474 0 0 293,198 78,740 328,302 255,488 Bank loans and overdrafts, other loans from non-Group entities (excluding finance lease obligations) and amounts due to affiliated companies of the Südzucker group amounted to € 659,592 thousand (prior year: € 734,407 thousand) and carried interest at an average rate of 2.36% (prior year: 2.63%). They are measured at repayable amounts. In the case of bank debt denominated in foreign currencies, nominal values are translated into euros by applying the exchange rates prevailing at the balance sheet date. Fair values may therefore increase or decrease from the prior-period values, depending on movements in exchange rates. The fixed interest portion of bank loans and overdrafts and amounts due to affiliated companies was € 241,634 thousand (prior year: € 284,982 thousand). The fair values (i. e., market values) of the variable rate bank loans and overdrafts are equivalent to their carrying amounts. At the balance sheet date, € 687 thousand (prior year: € 702 thousand) of bank loans and overdrafts were secured by mortgage liens and € 7,900 thousand (prior year: € 7.900 thousand) were secured by other liens. In the course of its day-to-day financial management, the Group invests in demand deposits and time deposits. Cash and cash equivalents, at € 144,484 thousand, were closely in line with the prior-year level. In addition, securities in the amount of € 146 thousand (prior year: € 1,198 thousand) were held as current assets; these were categorised as held-for-trading. 10.2. DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS To hedge part of the risks arising from its operating activities (risks due to movements in interest rates, foreign exchange rates and raw material prices), the AGRANA Group to a limited extent uses derivative financial instruments. AGRANA employs derivatives largely to hedge the following exposures: █ Interest rate risks from money market rates, arising mainly from liquidity fluctuation typical during campaigns or from existing or planned floating rate borrowings. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Fixed rate EUR CNY 28 Feb 2014 GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 102 █ Currency risks, which may arise primarily from the purchase and sale of products in US dollars and Eastern European currencies and from finance in foreign currencies. █ Market price risks, arising especially from changes in commodity prices for sugar in the world market, energy and grain prices, and selling prices for sugar and ethanol. The Group employs only conventional derivatives for which there is a sufficiently liquid market (for example, interest rate swaps, interest rate options, caps, forward foreign exchange contracts, currency options or commodity futures). The use of these instruments is governed by Group policies under the Group’s risk management system. These policies prohibit the speculative use of derivative financial instruments, set ceilings appropriate to the underlying transactions, define authorisation procedures, minimise credit risks, and specify internal reporting rules and the organisational separation of risk-taking and risk oversight. Adherence to these standards and the proper processing and valuation of transactions are regularly monitored by an internal department whose independence is ensured by organisational separation from risk origination. The notional principal amounts and the fair values of the derivative financial instruments held by the AGRANA Group were as follows: €000 Purchase USD Sale USD Purchase AUD Purchase CZK Purchase HUF Sale HUF Purchase PLN Sale PLN Sale GBP Currency derivatives Interest rate derivatives Commodity derivatives Total Notional principal amount Fair value 28 Feb 2014 28 Feb 2013 28 Feb 2014 28 Feb 2013 1,326 94,589 0 17,145 23,391 5,166 43,831 1,807 1,200 188,455 191,500 52,156 432,111 65,547 30,205 388 15,288 30,274 7,485 58,538 9,294 1,467 218,486 125,117 43,606 387,209 (225) 966 0 (147) (701) 22 805 (6) (14) 700 (6,055) (571) (5,926) (1,307) (758) 1 (290) (896) 73 518 (22) 80 (2,601) (8,000) (345) (10,946) The currency derivatives and commodity derivatives are used to hedge cash flows over periods of up to one year; the interest rate derivatives serve to hedge cash flows for periods of one to ten years. The notional principal amount of the derivatives represents the face amount of all hedges, translated into euros. The fair value of a derivative is the amount which the AGRANA Group would have to pay or would receive at the balance sheet date in the hypothetical event of early termination of the hedge position. As the hedging transactions involve only standardised, fungible financial instruments, fair value is determined on the basis of quoted market prices. Fair value changes of derivatives employed to hedge future cash flows (cash flow hedges) are initially recognised directly in equity. Only when the cash flows are realised are the value changes recognised in profit or loss. The fair value of cash flow hedges at 28 February 2014 was a liability of € 3,255 thousand (prior year: liability of € 368 thousand). NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTES ON FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS The value changes of those derivative positions to which cash flow hedge accounting is not applied are recognised in profit or loss. The hedging transactions were carried out both to hedge sales revenue and raw material costs for the Juice activities, and to hedge sales contracts in the Sugar segment. 103 10.3. ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES ON FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS Carrying amounts and fair values of financial instruments Set out in the table below are the carrying amounts and fair values of the Group’s financial assets and liabilities. The fair value of a financial instrument is the amount for which an asset could be exchanged, or a liability settled, between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm’s length transaction. Financial assets Securities (non-current) Securities (non-current) Measurement category under IAS 39 Available-for-sale financial assets (at cost) Available-for-sale financial assets Securities (non-current) 28 Feb 2014 Carrying Fair value amount 28 Feb 2013 Carrying Fair value amount 85,000 85,000 85,000 85,000 19,584 19,584 20,264 20,264 104,584 104,584 105,264 105,264 Investments in non-consolidated subsidiaries and outside companies Investments in non-consolidated subsidiaries and outside companies Investments in non-consolidated subsidiaries and outside companies (non-current assets) Available-for-sale financial assets 276 276 278 278 Available-for-sale financial assets (at cost) 893 893 5,467 5,467 1,169 1,169 5,745 5,745 Trade receivables Other financial assets1 Derivative financial assets Loans and receivables Loans and receivables Derivatives at fair value through equity (hedge accounting) Derivatives at fair value through profit or loss (held for trading) 306,222 83,597 419 306,222 83,597 419 315,108 68,113 2,101 315,108 68,113 2,101 2,883 2,883 1,345 1,345 393,121 393,121 386,667 386,667 146 146 1,198 1,198 146 146 1,198 1,198 144,484 144,484 144,409 144,409 643,504 643,504 643,283 643,283 Derivative financial assets Trade receivables and other financial assets Securities (current) Available-for-sale financial assets Securities (current) Cash and cash equivalents Total Loans and receivables 1 Excluding other tax receivables and positive fair values of derivatives, and excluding prepaid expenses and accrued income not resulting in a cash inflow. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 €000 GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 104 €000 Financial liabilities Bank loans and overdrafts, and other loans from non-Group entities Borrowings from affilated companies in the Südzucker group Borrowings Trade payables Financial other payables1 Derivative liabilities Derivative liabilities 28 Feb 2014 Carrying Fair value amount 28 Feb 2013 Carrying Fair value amount Liabilities at (amortised) cost 409,592 411,895 484,407 490,342 Liabilities at (amortised) cost 250,000 257,147 250,000 257,508 659,592 669,042 734,407 747,850 299,490 299,490 313,462 313,462 115,338 115,338 122,526 122,526 3,674 3,674 2,469 2,469 5,554 5,554 11,923 11,923 424,056 424,056 450,380 450,380 1,083,648 1,093,098 1,184,787 1,198,230 Measurement category under IAS 39 Liabilities at (amortised) cost Liabilities at (amortised) cost Derivatives at fair value through equity (hedge accounting) Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss (held for trading) Trade and other financial payables Total The carrying amounts and fair values of financial instruments had the following composition by measurement category: €000 Total by measurement category under IAS 39 Available-for-sale financial assets Available-for-sale financial assets (at cost) Loans and receivables Liabilities at (amortised) cost Derivatives at fair value through equity (hedge accounting) Financial assets/liabilities at fair value through profit or loss (held for trading) 28 Feb 2014 Carrying Fair value amount 28 Feb 2013 Carrying Fair value amount 20,006 20,006 21,740 21,740 85,893 85,893 90,467 90,467 534,303 (1,074,420) (3,255) 534,303 (1,083,870) (3,255) 527,630 (1,170,395) (368) 527,630 (1,183,838) (368) (2,671) (2,671) (10,578) (10,578) 1 Excluding payables from other tax, social security, negative fair values of derivatives, customer prepayments, and deferred income. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTES ON FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS The fair values of financial instruments were determined on the basis of the market information available at the balance sheet date and of the methods and assumptions outlined below. 105 The non-current assets item “investments in non-consolidated subsidiaries and outside companies”, and the securities held as non-current and as current assets, include available-for-sale securities. These are measured at current securities exchange prices or market value. Other investees as well as those securities for which fair value could not be determined due to a lack of market prices in absence of active markets, are measured at cost. These are primarily shares of unlisted companies where the shares were not measured by the discounted cash flow method because cash flows could not be reliably determined. For these shares it is assumed that the fair values are equivalent to the carrying amounts. As a result of the short maturities of the trade receivables, other financial assets and cash and cash equivalents, their fair values are assumed to be equivalent to their carrying amounts. The positive and negative fair values of interest rate, currency and commodity derivatives relate partly to cash flow hedges. For the interest rate hedges, the fair values are determined on the basis of discounted future cash flows. Forward foreign exchange contracts are measured on the basis of reference rates, taking into account forward premiums or discounts. The fair values of interest rate and commodity derivatives are obtained from the bank confirmations as at the balance sheet date. The fair values of currency derivatives represent the difference between the forward rates determined by AGRANA at the balance sheet date and the hedged exchange rates. The interest rates and exchange rates used for the determination of the forward rates are based on the reference rates published by the ECB or the national central banks. In some cases, as a result of differences in interest rates, the fair values determined by the Group may differ to an insignificant extent from the fair values calculated by the commercial banks that issue the bank confirmations. For trade payables and current other financial liabilities, it is assumed in view of the short maturities that the fair values equal the carrying amounts. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 The table below shows how the fair values were determined, broken down by category of financial instrument. The fair value measurements were classified into three categories according to how closely the inputs used were based on quoted market data: GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 106 €000 2013|14 Securities (non-current) Securities (current) Investments in non-consolidated subsidiaries and outside companies (non-current) Financial assets available-for-sale Derivative assets Measurement category Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Available-for-sale financial assets Available-for-sale financial assets Available-for-sale financial assets 19,584 0 0 146 0 0 0 0 276 19,730 0 276 419 0 0 419 0 0 152 2,731 0 152 2,731 0 20,301 2,731 276 22 3,652 0 22 3,652 0 1,002 4,552 0 1,002 4,552 0 1,024 8,204 0 Derivatives at fair value through equity (hedge accounting) Financial assets at fair value through equity (hedge accounting) Derivative assets Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (held for trading) Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (held for trading) Financial assets at fair value Derivative liabilities Derivatives at fair value through equity (hedge accounting) Financial liabilities at fair value through equity (hedge accounting) Derivative liabilities Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss (held for trading) Financial liabilities at fair value Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss (held for trading) NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTES ON FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS €000 2012|13 Securities (non-current) Securities (current) Investments in non-consolidated subsidiaries and outside companies (non-current) Financial assets available-for-sale Derivative assets Measurement category Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Available-for-sale financial assets Available-for-sale financial assets Available-for-sale financial assets 20,264 0 0 1,198 0 0 0 0 278 21,462 0 278 2,101 0 0 2,101 0 0 532 813 0 532 813 0 24,095 813 278 111 2,358 0 111 2,358 0 999 10,924 0 999 10,924 0 1,110 13,282 0 Derivatives at fair value through equity (hedge accounting) Financial assets at fair value through equity (hedge accounting) Derivative assets Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (held for trading) Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (held for trading) Financial assets at fair value Derivative liabilities Derivatives at fair value through equity (hedge accounting) Financial liabilities at fair value through equity (hedge accounting) Derivative liabilities Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss (held for trading) Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss (held for trading) Financial liabilities at fair value 107 █ Level 1 consists of those financial instruments for which the fair value represents exchange or market prices quoted for the exact instrument on an active market (i. e., these prices are used without adjustment or change in composition). █ In Level 2, the fair values are determined on the basis of exchange or market prices quoted on an active market for similar assets or liabilities, or using other valuation techniques for which the significant inputs are based on observable market data. █ Level 3 consists of those financial instruments for which the fair values are determined on the basis of valuation techniques using significant inputs that are not based on observable market data. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 The three levels were defined as follows: GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 108 The fair value of Level 2 currency derivatives is measured based on the exchange rate at the balance sheet date and the underlying currencies’ interest rate differential relevant for the remaining maturity. The mark-to-market price is determined and compared with the price of the hedged item or transaction. The input factors for this are the reference rates of the ECB (daily fixing) or selected national central banks, and the daily EURIBOR and LIBOR/IBOR quotes. For Level 2 interest rate derivatives, the measurement of fair value involves comparing the fixed interest rate with the swap rates as at the balance sheet date or with the yield curve relevant for the maturity. The fair value is obtained from a separate calculation provided by banking institutions. Financial instruments in the following amounts of income or expense were recorded in the income statement within finance income or expense and within operating profit before exceptional items, by measurement category: €000 2013|14 Net interest income/(expense) Interest on derivatives Interest component of retirement benefit provisions Total net interest income/(expense) Share of results of non-consolidated subsidiaries and outside companies Total share of results of non-consolidated subsidiaries and outside companies Currency translation losses Total other net financial items Net financial items from derivatives Total net financial items Total income/(expense) from financial instruments in net financial items Net gains from derivatives Currency translation gains Impairment loss on receivables Total income/(expense) from financial instruments in operating profit before exceptional items Assets Available Loans for sale and receivables Liabilities Financial liabilities at cost Not classified Total Reconciliation Not a Net financial financial instrument item 0 0 6,995 0 (16,322) 0 0 580 (9,327) 580 0 0 (9,327) 580 0 0 0 6,995 0 (16,322) 0 580 0 (8,747) (1,948) (1,948) (1,948) (10,695) 1,029 0 0 0 1,029 0 1,029 1,029 0 0 0 0 0 0 (16,411) (2,597) 0 0 0 1,029 (16,411) (2,597) 0 0 0 1,029 (16,411) (2,597) 0 0 0 0 0 (19,008) 1,474 1,474 1,474 (17,534) 0 0 1,474 (17,534) 1,029 6,995 (35,330) 2,054 (25,252) (1,948) (27,200) 0 0 0 1,854 0 (1,437) 0 0 0 0 217 0 1,854 217 (1,437) 0 0 0 1,854 217 (1,437) 0 417 0 217 634 0 634 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTES ON FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS Assets Available Loans for sale and receivables €000 2012|13 Net interest income/(expense) Interest on derivatives Interest component of retirement benefit provisions Total net interest income/(expense) Share of results of non-consolidated subsidiaries and outside companies Total share of results of non-consolidated subsidiaries and outside companies Currency translation losses Total other net financial items Net financial items from derivatives Total net financial items Total income/(expense) from financial instruments in net financial items Net gains from derivatives Currency translation gains Impairment loss on receivables Impairment loss on other assets Total income/(expense) from financial instruments in operating profit before exceptional items Liabilities Financial liabilities at cost Not classified Total Reconciliation Not a Net financial financial instrument item 0 0 6,177 0 (19,039) 0 0 (8,561) (12,862) (8,561) 0 0 (12,862) (8,561) 0 0 0 6,177 0 (19,039) 0 (8,561) 0 (21,423) (2,579) (2,579) (2,579) (24,002) 546 0 0 0 546 0 546 546 0 0 0 0 0 0 (670) (3,632) 0 0 0 546 (670) (3,632) 0 0 0 546 (670) (3,632) 0 0 0 0 0 (4,302) 102 102 102 (4,200) 0 0 102 (4,200) 546 6,177 (23,341) (8,459) (25,077) (2,579) (27,656) 0 0 0 0 (1,401) 0 (4,401) (6,643) 0 0 0 0 0 (2,521) 0 0 (1,401) (2,521) (4,401) (6,643) 0 0 0 0 (1,401) (2,521) (4,401) (6,643) 0 (12,445) 0 (2,521) (14,966) 0 (14,966) 109 10.4. RISK MANAGEMENT IN THE AGRANA GROUP AGRANA uses an integrated system for the early identification and monitoring of risks relevant to the Group. The Group’s proven approach to risk management is guided by the aim of balancing risks and returns. The Group’s risk culture is characterised by risk-aware behaviour, clearly defined responsibilities, independent risk control, and the implementation of internal control systems. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 The AGRANA Group is exposed to market price risks through changes in exchange rates, interest rates and security prices. In the Group’s operating activities, price risks arise largely from the costs of raw materials (mainly sugar beet, sugar purchased in the world market, grains, potatoes, and fruit) and energy, and from selling prices of sugar, starch, ethanol and fruit products. In addition, the Group is exposed to credit risks, associated especially with trade receivables. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 110 AGRANA regards the responsible management of business risks and opportunities as an important part of sustainable, value-driven corporate governance. Risk management thus forms an integral part of the entire planning, management and reporting process and is directed by the Management Board. The parent company and all subsidiaries employ risk management systems that are tailored to their respective operating activity. The systems’ purpose is the methodical identification, assessment, control and documenting of risks. In a three-pronged approach, risk management at the AGRANA Group is based on risk control at the operational level, on strategic control of Group companies by the Group, and on an internal monitoring system delivered by the Group’s internal audit department. In addition, emerging trends that could develop into threats to the viability of the AGRANA Group as a going concern are identified and analysed at an early stage and continually re-evaluated as part of the risk management process. Credit risk Credit risk is the risk of an economic loss as a result of a counterparty’s failure to honour its payment obligations. Credit risk includes both the risk of a deterioration in customers’ or other counterparties’ credit quality, and the risk of their immediate default. The trade receivables of the AGRANA Group are largely with the food, chemical and retail industries. Credit risk in respect of trade receivables is managed on the basis of internal standards and guidelines. Thus, a credit analysis is generally conducted for new customers. The Group also uses credit insurance and security such as bank guarantees. For the residual risk from trade receivables, the Group establishes provisions for impairment. The maximum exposure from trade receivables is equivalent to the carrying amount of the trade receivables. The carrying amounts of past due and of impaired trade receivables are set out in note 19. The maximum exposure of € 484,131 thousand (prior year: € 501,668 thousand) to credit risk consisted of the carrying amounts of all receivables and other current assets plus contingent liabilities, and was equivalent to the carrying amount of these instruments. AGRANA does not consider the actual credit risk to be material. AGRANA maintains business relationships with many large international industrial customers having excellent credit ratings. Liquidity risk Liquidity risk is the risk that a company will not be able to meet its financial obligations when due or in sufficient measure. The AGRANA Group generates liquidity with its business operations and from external financing. The funds are used to fund working capital, investment and business acquisitions. In order to ensure the Group’s solvency at all times and safeguard its financial flexibility, a liquidity reserve is maintained in the form of credit lines and, to the extent necessary, of cash. To manage the seasonally fluctuating cash flows, both short-term and long-term finance is raised in the course of day-to-day financial management. The following maturity profile shows the effects of the cash outflows from liabilities as at 28 February 2014 on the Group’s liquidity situation. All cash outflows are undiscounted. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTES ON FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS 28 February 2014 Borrowings Bank loans and overdrafts, and other loans from non-Group entities Borrowings from affiliated companies in the Südzucker group Obligations under finance leases Trade and financial other payables Trade payables Amounts due to affiliated companies in the Südzucker group and financial other payables 111 Carrying amount Total Up to 1 year 4 to More than 5 years 5 years 409,592 427,697 232,855 6,553 46,777 53,880 10,551 77,081 250,000 264,322 105,133 53,769 3,558 101,862 0 0 193 659,785 212 692,231 15 338,003 197 60,519 0 50,335 0 155,742 0 10,551 0 77,081 299,490 299,490 299,490 0 0 0 0 0 0 124,566 124,566 123,179 1,387 0 0 0 – Of which interest rate derivatives 6,583 6,583 6,583 0 0 0 0 0 – Of which currency derivatives 1,503 1,503 1,503 0 0 0 0 0 – Of which commodity derivatives 28 February 2013 Borrowings Bank loans and overdrafts, and other loans from non-Group entities Borrowings from affiliated companies in the Südzucker group Obligations under finance leases Trade and financial other payables Trade payables Amounts due to affiliated companies in the Südzucker group and financial other payables 1,142 1,142 1,142 0 0 0 0 0 424,056 424,056 422,669 1,387 0 0 0 0 484,407 511,588 243,451 72,182 9,258 45,689 52,816 88,192 250,000 271,615 76,550 34,953 54,692 3,558 101,862 0 183 734,590 200 783,403 22 320,023 178 107,313 0 63,950 0 49,247 0 154,678 0 88,192 313,462 313,462 313,462 0 0 0 0 0 0 136,918 136,918 134,635 2,283 0 0 0 – Of which interest rate derivatives 8,000 8,000 8,000 0 0 0 0 0 – Of which currency derivatives 3,413 3,413 3,413 0 0 0 0 0 – Of which commodity derivatives 2,979 2,979 2,979 0 0 0 0 0 450,380 450,380 448,097 2,283 0 0 0 0 AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 €000 Contractual payment outflows 1 to 2 to 3 to 2 years 3 years 4 years GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 112 The undiscounted cash outflows as presented are based on the assumption that repayment of liabilities is applied to the earliest maturity date. Interest payments on floating rate financial instruments are determined by reference to the most recent prevailing rates. At the end of the year under review there were no projected cash flows from derivatives used for cash flow hedging. At the end of the prior year, the projected cash flows from derivatives were as follows: €000 28 February 2013 Forward foreign exchange contracts CZK HUF PLN Total Carrying amount Total 8,263 22,614 44,557 75,434 8,400 23,316 44,019 75,735 Contractual payment outflows Up to 6 to 1 to 6 months 12 months 2 years 7,700 11,006 26,382 45,088 700 12,310 17,637 30,647 0 0 0 0 More than 2 years 0 0 0 0 All interest rate swaps and currency swaps were used for fair value hedging. Currency risk The Group’s international business operations expose AGRANA to foreign exchange risks from financing and financial investment as well as from trade receivables and trade payables. Since the 2011|12 financial year, to measure and control these risks, the AGRANA Group uses Value-at-Risk based on the variance-covariance approach at a 95% confidence level. This involves the measurement of the various currency pairs at the given volatilities and takes into account the correlations between them. The result is stated as the diversified VaR from currencies and is analysed by borrowings and operating business: €000 Sum of absolute net positions of the currency pairs Value-at-Risk diversified Value-at-Risk from borrowings 28 Feb 2014 28 Feb 2013 235,950 12,953 224,734 8,862 Value-at-Risk from operating receivables/payables 28 Feb 2014 28 Feb 2013 156,324 10,267 169,014 9,975 Most of the Group’s foreign exchange risk arises in the operating business, when revenue is generated in a different currency than are the related costs. In the Sugar segment, Group companies based in the European Union whose local currency is not the euro are exposed to sugar-regime-induced foreign exchange risk between the euro and their respective local currency, as the beet prices for a given campaign are set in euros EU-wide. The subsidiaries in Romania and Bosnia-Herzegovina are subject to additional currency risk from raw sugar purchases in US dollars In the Starch segment, foreign exchange risks arise from borrowings not denominated in local currency. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTES ON FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS In the Fruit segment, foreign exchange risks arise when revenue and materials costs are in foreign currency rather than local currency. In addition, risks arise from borrowings not denominated in local currency. 113 For active hedging of risks, the AGRANA Group mainly uses forward foreign exchange contracts. In the financial year under review, forward foreign exchange contracts were employed to hedge revenue, purchasing commitments and foreign currency borrowings totalling a gross € 292,809 thousand (prior year: € 374,850 thousand) against exchange rate fluctuation. The following currencies were hedged: ’000 Hungarian forint (HUF) US dollar (USD) Czech koruna (CZK) Romanian leu (RON) Polish zloty (PLN) Australian dollar (AUD) Danish krone (DKK) British pound (GBP) Canadian dollar (CAD) Total 2013|14 Hedged currency 13,019,814 80,642 875,105 307,665 345,342 4,378 1,100 2,116 231 EUR 43,418 60,519 32,941 69,291 80,904 2,911 148 2,513 164 292,809 2012|13 Hedged currency 21,980,932 195,307 582,212 104,603 412,024 1,320 14,150 2,692 1,230 EUR 75,225 152,077 23,222 22,901 94,332 1,050 1,903 3,269 871 374,850 Interest rate risk The AGRANA Group is exposed to interest rate risks primarily in the euro zone. Beginning in the year under review, risks from potential changes in interest rates are reported on an “at risk” basis. AGRANA distinguishes between Cash-Flow-at-Risk (CFaR) for variable rate borrowings and Value-at-Risk (VaR) for changes in market interest rates on fixed rate borrowings. CFaR: An increase in interest rates would cause an increase in funding costs from variable rate borrowings. The CFaR analysis is based on the volatilities of the individual funding currencies and the correlations between them. 28 Feb 2014 28 Feb 2013 Net position of variable interest borrowings Cash-Flow-at-Risk diversified 417,957 2,453 449,425 3,069 Net position of fixed interest borrowings Value-at-Risk upon change in interest rates 206,709 6,688 280,808 10,039 €000 AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 VaR: The analysis examines the implied risk from a decrease in interest rates, as existing fixed rate borrowings would continue to incur interest costs at a constant rate instead of following the market trend. The different maturities of fixed interest borrowings are taken into account through weighted present values and a potential change in variable interest rates under the modified duration approach. The CFaR and VaR from borrowings were as follows: GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 114 The floating rate borrowings are subject to interest rate risk. To hedge against this risk, interest rate swaps were entered into for a portion of the borrowings, thus achieving fixed interest rates on this portion. Commodity price risk AGRANA’s business activities expose it to market price risk from purchases of commodities and the sale of finished products (ethanol). This is particularly true in the production of bioethanol, where the most important cost factors by far are the prices of the main inputs, corn and wheat. To a lesser but still significant extent, the Sugar segment has exposure to the purchase prices of raw sugar. At the balance sheet date the Group had open commodity derivative contracts to purchase 508 tonnes of raw sugar in Eastern Europe (prior year: 4,064 tonnes), to sell 77,800 tonnes of white sugar (prior year: 23,500 tonnes), to purchase 90,200 tonnes of wheat for the Austrian bioethanol production facility (prior year: 55,100 tonnes), to sell 2,252 tonnes of gasoline (prior year: 26,960 tonnes), and to purchase 35,400 tonnes of corn (prior year: 7,500). These positions represented an aggregate contract amount of € 53,087 thousand (prior year: € 43,606 thousand) and, based on the underlying closing prices, had a negative fair value of € 571 thousand (prior year: € 345 thousand). A change in the underlying raw material prices of plus or minus 10% would result in the following changes in the value of these commodity derivative positions: €000 Change in value of commodity derivatives – Of which through equity 28 Feb 2014 Sensitivity Sensitivity if 10% if 10% higher lower 28 Feb 2013 Sensitivity Sensitivity if 10% if 10% higher lower 2,432 (7,482) 4,043 (4,557) 3,360 (1,772) 7,201 272 Legal risks AGRANA continually monitors possible changes in the legal setting that could lead to a risk situation, and takes proactive measures as appropriate. This applies particularly to food and environmental legislation. There are currently no civil actions pending against companies of the AGRANA Group that could have a material impact on the Group’s financial position, results of operations and cash flows. As noted in previous annual reports, in the 2009|10 financial year the Slovak competition authority opened antitrust investigations into, among others, the local AGRANA sugar company. However, to date no further steps have been taken. The antitrust case filed in 2010 by the Austrian Federal Competition Authority against AGRANA Zucker GmbH, Vienna, and Südzucker AG Mannheim/Ochsenfurt, Mannheim, Germany, for alleged competition-restricting arrangements with respect to Austria has thus far not brought a further ruling by the Cartel Court. AGRANA continues to regard the allegation as unfounded. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS EVENTS AFTER THE BALANCE SHEET DATE / RELATED PARTY DISCLOSURES 115 10.5. CONTINGENT LIABILITIES AND COMMITMENTS The guarantees relate primarily to bank loans of the joint ventures in the Sugar segment. €000 Guarantees Warranties, cooperative liabilities Contingent liabilities 28 Feb 2014 28 Feb 2013 24,254 1,647 25,901 27,937 1,647 29,584 Guarantees issued on behalf of related companies amounted to € 14,953 thousand (prior year: € 14,363 thousand). The guarantees are not expected to be utilised. Commitments were as presented in the table below: €000 Present value of lease payments due within 5 years Commitments for the purchase of property, plant and equipment Commitments 28 Feb 2014 28 Feb 2013 15,836 4,279 20,115 12,942 21,403 34,345 11. EVENTS AFTER THE BALANCE SHEET DATE No other significant events occurred after the balance sheet date of 28 February 2014 that had a material effect on AGRANA’s financial position, results of operations or cash flows. 12. RELATED PARTY DISCLOSURES AGRANA Zucker, Stärke und Frucht Holding AG, Vienna, holds 100% of the ordinary shares of Z&S Zucker und Stärke Holding AG, Vienna, which in turn holds 86.10% of the ordinary shares of AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG. Both holding companies are exempt from the obligation to prepare consolidated financial statements, as their accounts are included in the consolidated financial statements of Südzucker AG Mannheim/Ochsenfurt, Mannheim, Germany. In addition to Südzucker AG Mannheim/Ochsenfurt, Mannheim, Germany, and its subsidiaries, other related parties are Raiffeisen-Holding Niederösterreich-Wien reg. Gen.b.H., Vienna, and its subsidiaries. These are referred to below as indirect shareholders. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Related parties for the purposes of IAS 24 are Südzucker AG Mannheim/Ochsenfurt, Mannheim, Germany, and Zucker-Beteiligungsgesellschaft m.b.H, Vienna, as shareholders of AGRANA Zucker, Stärke und Frucht Holding AG, Vienna. AGRANA’s consolidated financial statements are included in the consolidated accounts of Südzucker AG Mannheim/Ochsenfurt, Mannheim, Germany. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 116 Business relationships with related parties at the balance sheet date can be analysed as follows: €000 2013|14 Revenue Credit relationships Participation capital Bank balances and current receivables Net interest (expense)/income Guarantees issued Guarantees utilised 2012|13 Revenue Credit relationships Participation capital Bank balances and current receivables Net interest (expense)/income Guarantees issued Guarantees utilised Indirect shareholders Companies with significant influence Joint ventures (50%) Total 131,976 (250,071) 0 17,900 (30,164) 91,462 8,912 10,121 0 158,788 (270,114) 91,462 0 (7,193) 8,200 5,140 12,945 5,284 38,558 30,301 0 477 16,000 14,953 12,945 (1,432) 62,758 50,394 241,558 (251,254) 0 15,727 (46,478) 91,462 18,528 10,102 0 275,813 (287,630) 91,462 0 (7,227) 8,200 5,590 17,001 2,550 87,958 40,863 0 269 20,908 19,171 17,001 (4,408) 117,066 65,624 In addition, at the balance sheet date, borrowings from related parties amounted to € 280,235 thousand (prior year: € 297,732 thousand); these borrowings were on normal commercial terms. Of this total, € 150,000 thousand represented non-current borrowings (prior year: € 195,475 thousand). With related parties, there were current net trade payables of € 5,478 thousand from the sale and purchase of goods (prior year: net receivables of € 32,035 thousand). In respect of joint venture partners, there were other receivables of € 1,110 thousand (prior year: other payables of € 116 thousand). The remuneration of the members of the Management Board of AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG totalled € 3,167 thousand (prior year: € 3,005 thousand), consisting of total fixed base salaries of € 1,659 thousand (prior year: € 1,497 thousand) and a total performance-based, variable component of € 1,508 thousand (prior year: € 1,508 thousand). The performance-based elements of the compensation are linked to the amount of the dividend to be paid for the financial year completed. The Management Board member of AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG appointed on the basis of the syndicate agreement between Südzucker AG Mannheim/Ochsenfurt, Mannheim, Germany, and Zucker-Beteiligungsgesellschaft m.b.H, Vienna, does not receive compensation for serving on the Management Board. On 5 July 2013 the Annual General Meeting approved an annual aggregate remuneration for the Supervisory Board of € 250 thousand (prior year: € 200 thousand) and delegated to the Supervisory Board Chairman the responsibility for allocating this sum. The amount paid to the individual Supervisory Board members is tied to their function on the Board. No meeting fees were paid in the year under review. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS RELATED PARTY DISCLOSURES Post-employment benefits granted to the Management Board under the Company’s plan are pension, disability insurance and survivor benefits. The pension becomes available when the pension eligibility criteria of the Austrian public pension scheme (ASVG) are met. The amount of the pension is calculated as a percentage of a contractually agreed assessment base. In the event of early retirement within ASVG rules, the amount of the pension is reduced. 117 The retirement benefit obligations in respect of the Management Board are administered by an external pension fund. For the 2013|14 financial year, pension fund contributions of € 968 thousand (prior year: € 684 thousand) were paid, while € 655 thousand (prior year: € 848 thousand) was added to pension provisions within the balance sheet item “retirement and termination benefit obligations”. An amount of € 3,940 thousand (prior year: € 3,285 thousand) was recognised in the balance sheet at 28 February 2014. In the event that a Management Board appointment is withdrawn, severance pay has been agreed consistent with the Employees Act. Information on the Management Board and Supervisory Board is provided on page 118. On 29 April 2014 the Management Board of AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG released the consolidated financial statements for review by the Supervisory Board and the Audit Committee and for presentation to the Annual General Meeting and subsequent publication. The Supervisory Board has responsibility for reviewing the consolidated financial statements and stating whether it approves them. Johann Marihart Fritz Gattermayer Chief Executive Officer Member of the Management Board Walter Grausam Thomas Kölbl Member of the Management Board Member of the Management Board AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Vienna, 29 April 2014 LIST OF MEMBERS OF AGRANA’S BOARDS 118 MANAGEMENT BOARD SUPERVISORY BOARD Johann Marihart Christian Konrad Chief Executive Officer Chairman Fritz Gattermayer Wolfgang Heer Member First Vice-Chairman Walter Grausam Erwin Hameseder Member Second Vice-Chairman Thomas Kölbl Jochen Fenner Member Member Hans-Jörg Gebhard Member Ernst Karpfinger Member Thomas Kirchberg Member Josef Pröll Member Employee representatives Thomas Buder Chairman of the Group Staff Council and the Central Staff Council Gerhard Glatz Stephan Savic Peter Vymyslicky SUBSIDIARIES AND BUSINESS INTERESTS AT 28 FEBRUARY 2014 (DISCLOSURES UNDER SEC TION 265 (2) AND (4) AUSTRIAN COMMERCIAL CODE) City/town Country AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG (the parent company) Vienna Austria – – I. Subsidiaries Fully consolidated subsidiaries AGRANA AGRO SRL AGRANA BIH Holding GmbH AGRANA Bioethanol GmbH AGRANA Bulgaria AD AGRANA BUZAU SRL AGRANA d.o.o. Roman Vienna Vienna Sofia Buzău Brčko – – – – – – 100.00% 75.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Buenos Aires Central Mangrove Gleisdorf São Paulo Romania Austria Austria Bulgaria Romania BosniaHerzegovina Argentina Australia Austria Brazil – – – – 99.99% 100.00% 100.00% 75.00% São Paulo Dachang Sigatoka Paris Konstanz Zincirlikuyu Seoul Michoacán Vinnytsia Michoacán Ostrołęka Paris Vienna Brecksville Paris Cape Town Vinnytsia Brecksville Vienna Vienna Brazil China Fiji France Germany Turkey South Korea Mexico Ukraine Mexico Poland France Austria USA France South Africa Ukraine USA Austria Austria – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 99.99% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 99.97% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 99.80% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Vienna Køge Gleisdorf Vásárosnamény Białobrzegi Vaslui Gleisdorf Bingen Bingen Vinnytsia Xianyang City Budapest Vienna Austria Denmark Austria Hungary Poland Romania Austria Germany Germany Ukraine China Hungary Austria 98.91% – – – – – – – – – – – 100.00% 1.09% 50.01% 50.01% 50.01% 50.01% 50.01% 50.01% 50.01% 50.01% 50.01% 50.01% 100.00% – AGRANA Fruit Argentina S.A. AGRANA Fruit Australia Pty Ltd. AGRANA Fruit Austria GmbH AGRANA Fruit Brasil Indústria, Comércio, Importacao e Exportacao Ltda. AGRANA Fruit Brasil Participacoes Ltda. AGRANA Fruit Dachang Co., Ltd. AGRANA Fruit Fiji Pty Ltd. AGRANA Fruit France S.A. AGRANA Fruit Germany GmbH AGRANA Fruit Istanbul Gida Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. AGRANA Fruit Korea Co. Ltd. AGRANA Fruit Latinoamerica S. de R.L. de C.V. AGRANA Fruit Luka TOV AGRANA Fruit México, S.A. de C.V. AGRANA Fruit Polska SP z.o.o. AGRANA Fruit S.A.S. AGRANA Fruit Services GmbH AGRANA Fruit Services Inc. AGRANA Fruit Services S.A.S. AGRANA Fruit South Africa (Proprietary) Ltd. AGRANA Fruit Ukraine TOV AGRANA Fruit US, Inc. AGRANA Group-Services GmbH AGRANA Internationale Verwaltungsund Asset-Management GmbH AGRANA J&F Holding GmbH AGRANA Juice Denmark A/S AGRANA Juice Holding GmbH AGRANA Juice Magyarorzság Kft. AGRANA Juice Poland Sp. z.o.o. AGRANA Juice Romania Vaslui s.r.l. AGRANA Juice Sales & Customer Service GmbH AGRANA Juice Sales & Marketing GmbH AGRANA Juice Service & Logistik GmbH AGRANA Juice Ukraine TOV AGRANA JUICE (XIANYANG) CO., LTD AGRANA Magyarország Értékesitési Kft. AGRANA Marketing- und Vertriebsservice Gesellschaft m.b.H. Equity interest Direct Indirect 119 AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Name of company GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 120 Name of company Agrana Nile Fruits Processing SAE AGRANA Stärke GmbH AGRANA TANDAREI SRL AGRANA Trading EOOD AGRANA Zucker GmbH AUSTRIA JUICE GmbH Biogáz Fejleszto Kft. Dirafrost FFI N. V. Dirafrost Maroc SARL Financière Atys S.A.S. INSTANTINA Nahrungsmittel Entwicklungs- und Produktionsgesellschaft m.b.H. Koronás Irodaház Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelösségü Társaság Magyar Cukorgyártó és Forgalmazó Zrt. Moravskoslezské Cukrovary A.S. o.o.o. AGRANA Fruit Moscow Region S.C. A.G.F.D. Tandarei s.r.l. S.C. AGRANA Romania S.A. Slovenské Cukrovary s.r.o. Ybbstaler Fruit Austria GmbH Ybbstaler Fruit Polska Sp. Z.o.o Yube d.o.o. Non-consolidated subsidiaries AGRANA Skrob s.r.o. City/town Country Equity interest Direct Indirect Qalyoubia Vienna Ţăndărei Sofia Vienna Kröllendorf/ Allhartsberg Kaposvár Herk-de-Stad Laouamra Paris Vienna Egypt Austria Romania Bulgaria Austria Austria – 98.91% – – 98.91% – 51.00% 1.09% 100.00% 100.00% 1.09% 50.01% Hungary Belgium Morocco France Austria – – – – 66.67% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% – Budapest Budapest Hrušovany Serpuchov Ţăndărei Bucharest Sereď Kröllendorf/ Allhartsberg Chełm Požega Hungary Hungary Czech Republic Russia Romania Romania Slovakia Austria – – – – – – – – 100.00% 87.59% 97.66% 100.00% 99.99% 91.33% 100.00% 50.01% Poland Serbia – – 50.01% 100.00% Hrušovany Czech Republic – 100.00% Vienna Austria – 100.00% Hamburg Germany – 100.00% Austria – 86.00% Czech Republic – 100.00% Austria 100.00% – Reporting date: 31 Dec 2013 I Equity: € 74.9 thousand I Profit for the period: € 38.4 thousand AGRANA ZHG Zucker Handels GmbH Reporting date: 28 Feb 2014 I Equity: € 8.1 thousand I Loss for the period: € 1.9 thousand Dr. Hauser Gesellschaft m.b.H. Reporting date: 28 Feb 2014 I Equity: € 48.2 thousand I Loss for the period: € 2.9 thousand Österreichische Rübensamenzucht Gesellschaft m.b.H. Vienna Reporting date: 30 Apr 2013 I Equity: € 1,585.0 thousand I Profit for the period: € 245.9 thousand PERCA s.r.o. Hrušovany Reporting date: 31 Dec 2013 I Equity: € 436.4 thousand I Profit for the period: € 42.5 thousand Zuckerforschung Tulln Gesellschaft m.b.H. Vienna Reporting date: 31 Dec 2013 I Equity: € 4,587.1 thousand I Profit for the period: € 1,611.1 thousand CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SUBSIDIARIES AND BUSINESS INTERESTS AT 28 FEBRUARY 2014 Name of company City/town Country Brčko BosniaHerzegovina Croatia Macedonia Austria Slovenia Austria Austria Serbia II. Joint ventures Joint ventures accounted for by proportionate consolidation "AGRAGOLD" d.o.o. AGRAGOLD d.o.o. AGRAGOLD dooel Skopje AGRAGOLD Holding GmbH AGRAGOLD trgovina d.o.o. AGRANA-STUDEN Beteiligungs GmbH AGRANA Studen Sugar Trading GmbH Company for trade and services AGRANA-STUDEN Serbia d.o.o. Beograd GreenPower E85 Kft HUNGRANA Keményitö- és Isocukorgyártó és Forgalmazó Kft. HungranaTrans Kft. STUDEN-AGRANA Rafinerija Secera d.o.o. Non-consolidated joint ventures SCO STUDEN & CO. BRASIL EXPORTACAO E IMPORTACAO LTDA. Zagreb Skopje Vienna Ljubljana Vienna Vienna Belgrade Equity interest Direct Indirect – 50.00% – – – – – – – 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% Szabadegyháza Szabadegyháza Szabadegyháza Brčko Hungary Hungary Hungary BosniaHerzegovina – – – – 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% São Paulo Brazil – 37.75% 121 AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Reporting date: 31 Dec 2013 I Equity: € 348.4 thousand I Loss for the period: € 1.7 thousand INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT [TRANSLATION] 122 REPORT ON THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS We have audited the accompanying consolidated financial statements of AGRANA BeteiligungsAktiengesellschaft, Vienna, for the year from 1 March 2013 to 28 February 2014. These consolidated financial statements comprise the consolidated statement of financial position as of 28 February 2014, the consolidated income statement, the consolidated statement of comprehensive income, the consolidated statement of cash flows and the consolidated statement of changes in equity for the fiscal year ending on 28 February 2014 and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes. Management’s Responsibility for the Consolidated Financial Statements and for the Accounting System The Company’s management is responsible for the group accounting system and for the preparation and fair presentation of these consolidated financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as adopted by the EU, and the additional requirements pursuant to Section 245a UGB (Austrian Commercial Code). This responsibility includes: designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of the consolidated financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances. Auditor’s Responsibility and Description of Type and Scope of the Statutory Audit Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with laws and regulations applicable in Austria and in accordance with International Standards on Auditing, issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). Those standards require that we comply with professional guidelines and that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the Group’s preparation and fair presentation of the consolidated financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Group’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements. INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. 123 Opinion Our audit did not give rise to any objections. In our opinion, which is based on the results of our audit, the consolidated financial statements comply with legal requirements and give a true and fair view of the financial position of the Group as of 28 February 2014 and of its financial performance and its cash flows for the year from 1 March 2013 to 28 February 2014 in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as adopted by the EU. REPORT ON THE MANAGEMENT REPORT FOR THE GROUP Pursuant to statutory provisions, the management report for the Group is to be audited as to whether it is consistent with the consolidated financial statements and as to whether the other disclosures are not misleading with respect to the Company’s position. The auditor’s report also has to contain a statement as to whether the management report for the Group is consistent with the consolidated financial statements and whether the disclosures pursuant to Section 243a UGB (Austrian Commercial Code) are appropriate. In our opinion, the management report for the Group is consistent with the consolidated financial statements. The disclosures pursuant to Section 243a UGB (Austrian Commercial Code) are appropriate. Vienna, 29 April 2014 KPMG Austria AG Wirtschaftsprüfungs- und Steuerberatungsgesellschaft signed by: Mag. Rainer Hassler ppa. Mag. Nikolaus Urschler Wirtschaftsprüfer Wirtschaftsprüfer The consolidated financial statements together with our auditor’s opinion may only be published if the consolidated financial statements and the management report are identical with the audited version attached to this report. Section 281 paragraph 2 UGB (Austrian Commercial Code) applies. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 (Austrian Chartered Accountants) STATEMENT BY THE MEMBERS OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARD 124 In accordance with section 82 (4) Austrian Stock Exchange Act, the undersigned members of the Management Board, as the legal representatives of AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG, confirm to the best of their knowledge that: █ the consolidated financial statements of AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG for the year ended 28 February 2014, which have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union, give a true and fair view of the financial position, results of operations and cash flows of the AGRANA Group; █ the Group management report for the 2013|14 financial year presents the business performance, financial results and situation of the AGRANA Group so as to provide a true and fair view of the Group's financial position, results of operations and cash flows, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties faced by the Group. Vienna, 29 April 2014 Johann Marihart Fritz Gattermayer Chief Executive Officer Member of the Management Board Present responsibilities: Business Strategy, Present responsibilities: Sales, Raw Materials, Production, Quality Management, Human Resources, Purchasing, and Sugar Segment Communication (including Investor Relations), Research & Development, and Starch Segment Walter Grausam Thomas Kölbl Member of the Management Board Member of the Management Board Present responsibilities: Finance, Controlling, Responsibility on Internal Audit Treasury, Information Technology and Organisation, Mergers & Acquisitions, Legal, and Fruit Segment PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT 2013|14 AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG UNDER AUSTRIAN COMMERCIAL CODE (UGB) 126 Parent company management report1 163 164 165 166 Parent company financial statements Parent company income statement Parent company balance sheet Notes to the parent company financial statements1 188 Independent auditor’s report 190 Statement by the members of the Management Board 191 Proposed appropriation of profit 1 In German only PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 28 FEBRUARY 2014 AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 126 INHALTSVERZEICHNIS Überblick Geschäftsverlauf und wirtschaftliche Lage der AGRANA Beteiligungs-Aktiengesellschaft Beteiligungen der AGRANA Beteiligungs-Aktiengesellschaft Segmente der AGRANA-Gruppe Umwelt und Nachhaltigkeit Forschung und Entwicklung Personal- und Sozialbericht Risikomanagement und Internes Kontrollsystem Zweigniederlassungen Ereignisse nach dem Bilanzstichtag Prognosebericht PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT ÜBERBLICK ÜBERBLICK 127 Die AGRANA Beteiligungs-Aktiengesellschaft ist die Holding-Gesellschaft der AGRANA-Gruppe („AGRANA“). Die AGRANA-Gruppe ist ein international ausgerichteter Konzern, welcher landwirtschaftliche Rohstoffe zu einer Vielzahl von industriellen Produkten für die weiterverarbeitende Industrie veredelt. Rund 8.000 Mitarbeiter an 54 Produktionsstandorten auf allen fünf Kontinenten erwirtschafteten im Geschäftsjahr 2013|14 einen Konzernumsatz von rund 3,04 Mrd. €. Die AGRANA Beteiligungs-Aktiengesellschaft notiert seit 1991 im Prime Market Segment der Wiener Börse. AGRANA beliefert in den drei Geschäftssegmenten Zucker, Stärke (inklusive Bioethanol) und Frucht lokale Produzenten sowie große internationale Konzerne speziell im Nahrungsmittelsektor. Im Segment Zucker wird auch der Endkonsument direkt über den Lebensmitteleinzelhandel bedient. Die AGRANA Beteiligungs-Aktiengesellschaft hält zum 28. Februar 2014 auch Beteiligungen an INSTANTINA Nahrungsmittel Entwicklungs- und Produktions Gesellschaft m.b.H., Wien (66,67 %), Zuckerforschung Tulln Ges.m.b.H., Tulln (100,00 %), AGRANA Marketing- und Vertriebsservice Gesellschaft m.b.H., Wien (100,00 %) und AGRANA Group Services GmbH, Wien (100,00 %). AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Folgendes Organigramm zeigt die Eigentümerstruktur sowie wesentliche Beteiligungen der AGRANA Beteiligungs-Aktiengesellschaft zum 28. Februar 2014: GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 128 GESCHÄFTSVERLAUF UND WIRTSCHAFTLICHE LAGE DER AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT basierend auf dem Jahresabschluss nach UGB zum 28. Februar 2014 Geschäftsentwicklung Umsatzerlöse Sonstige betriebliche Erträge Betriebsleistung Operatives Ergebnis (Betriebserfolg) Operative Marge ¹ Beteiligungserträge Finanzerfolg Ergebnis der gewöhnlichen Geschäftstätigkeit Jahresüberschuss Investitionen in Sachanlagen und immaterielle Vermögenswerte Investitionen in Finanzanlagen 2013|14 2012|13 t€ t€ t€ t€ % t€ t€ 71 37.972 38.043 -9.067 -23,8% 53.745 61.948 71 37.478 37.549 -7.476 -19,9% 53.825 60.089 t€ t€ t€ t€ t€ 52.881 53.411 52.612 52.693 3.131 0 1.996 129.256 ¹ Operative Marge = Operatives Ergebnis / Betriebsleistung Ertragslage Weder das Ergebnis der gewöhnlichen Geschäftstätigkeit noch der Jahresüberschuss der Gesellschaft haben sich gegenüber dem Vorjahr wesentlich verändert. Investitionen Im Geschäftsjahr wurden keine Investitionen in Finanzanlagen vorgenommen. Die AGROFRUCHT GmbH (100 %ige Beteiligung wurde in die AGRANA Group-Services GmbH (100 %ige Beteiligung) verschmolzen. PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT GESCHÄFTSVERLAUF UND WIRTSCHAFTLICHE LAGE 129 Vermögens- und Finanzlage Veränderung 2013|14 2012|13 in % Bilanzkennzahlen Bilanzsumme Grundkapital t€ t€ 761.858 103.210 762.077 103.210 0,0% 0,0% Immaterielle Vermögensgegenstände und Sachanlagen t€ t€ 4.158 3.171 31,1% Anteile an verbundenen Unternehmen Andere Finanzanlagen Eigenkapital Eigenkapitalquote¹ Haftungsverhältnisse t€ t€ t€ % t€ 422.485 195.456 594.716 78,1% 272.361 422.485 195.456 592.433 77,7% 320.211 0,0% 0,0% 0,4% 0,4% -14,9% ¹ Eigenkapitalquote = Eigenkapital / Gesamtkapital Die Bilanzsumme verzeichnete gegenüber dem Vorjahr eine unwesentlich rückläufige Entwicklung von 219 t€ bzw. -0,03 %. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Die Eigenkapitalquote von 78,1 % (Vorjahr: 77,7 %) zeigt eine solide Eigenkapitalausstattung und Bilanzstruktur der Gesellschaft. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 130 Cashflow Veränderung Cashflow aus laufender Geschäftstätigkeit Cashflow aus Investitionstätigkeit Cashflow aus Finanzierungstätigkeit Veränderung der flüssigen Mittel Bestand an flüssigen Mittel ¹ t€ t€ t€ t€ t€ 2013|14 2012|13 in % 55.578 -3.107 -51.182 -1.931 130 53.121 -131.093 58.935 -19.037 2.061 4,6% -97,6% -186,8% -89,9% -93,7% ¹ einschließlich Forderungen gegenüber dem Konzern-Cash-Pooling mit AGRANA Group-Services GmbH 2013|14: t€ 0; 2012|13: t€ 1.863 Der Cashflow aus der laufenden Geschäftstätigkeit verringerte sich im Geschäftsjahr 2013|14 um 763 t€ auf 52.358 t€ (Vorjahr: 53.121 t€). Der Cashflow aus der Investitionstätigkeit reduzierte sich im Vergleich zum Vorjahr um 97,6 % auf 3.107 t€ und enthält im Wesentlichen Investitionen in immaterielles Anlagevermögen und Sachanlagen. Der Cashflow aus der Finanzierungstätigkeit war im Vorjahr trotz Dividendenauszahlung von rd. 51.127 T€ durch die Aufnahme eines Schuldscheindarlehens in Höhe von rd. 110.000 T€ positiv. Heuer enthält er im Wesentlichen die Dividendenauszahlung von rd. 51.127 T€. PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT BETEILIGUNGEN BETEILIGUNGEN DER AGRANA BETEILIGUNGSAKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 131 AGRANA Zucker GmbH Die AGRANA Zucker GmbH ist als Dachgesellschaft für die Zuckeraktivitäten des Konzerns operativ in Österreich tätig und fungiert als Holding für die Zucker-Beteiligungen in Ungarn, Tschechien, der Slowakei, Rumänien, Bulgarien und Bosnien-Herzegowina. Der Zuckervertrieb sowie der Vertrieb der Gastronomie-Produkte der zur PortionPack Europe-Gruppe gehörenden Hellma LebensmittelVerpackungs Ges.m.b.H. erfolgen ebenfalls durch die AGRANA Zucker GmbH. Für Erläuterungen des wirtschaftlichen Umfelds und der Geschäftsentwicklung des Segments ZUCKER wird auf die nachfolgenden Ausführungen im Kapitel „Segmente der AGRANA-Gruppe“ verwiesen. AGRANA Stärke GmbH Die AGRANA Stärke GmbH stellt an den österreichischen Produktionsstandorten Gmünd und Aschach Kartoffel- und Maisstärkeprodukte her und fungiert als Holding für die internationalen Beteiligungen in Ungarn und Rumänien sowie für die AGRANA Bioethanol GmbH, Wien. Für Erläuterungen des wirtschaftlichen Umfelds und der Geschäftsentwicklung des Segments STÄRKE wird auf die nachfolgenden Ausführungen im Kapitel „Segmente der AGRANA-Gruppe“ verwiesen. AGRANA Juice & Fruit Holding GmbH Die AGRANA J & F Holding GmbH fungiert als Holding für sämtliche nationale und internationale Tochtergesellschaften im Segment Frucht. Die Koordination und operative Führung für den Bereich Fruchtzubereitungen erfolgt durch die Holdinggesellschaft AGRANA Fruit S.A.S. mit Sitz in MitryMory|Frankreich. Im Bereich Fruchtsaftkonzentrate operiert als Holding die AGRANA Juice Holding GmbH mit Sitz in Gleisdorf|Österreich. INSTANTINA Nahrungsmittel Entwicklungs- und Produktions Gesellschaft m.b.H. Die INSTANTINA Nahrungsmittel Entwicklungs- und Produktions Gesellschaft m.b.H. ist auf die Entwicklung und Produktion von Instantprodukten spezialisiert und ist dem Segment Zucker zugeordnet. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Für Erläuterungen des wirtschaftlichen Umfelds und der Geschäftsentwicklung des Segments FRUCHT wird auf die nachfolgenden Ausführungen im Kapitel „Segmente der AGRANA-Gruppe“ verwiesen. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 132 AGRANA Marketing- und Vertriebsservice Gesellschaft m.b.H. Die AGRANA Marketing- und Vertriebsservice Gesellschaft m.b.H. fungiert als Holding Gesellschaft und hält neben der AGRANA Beteiligungs-Aktiengesellschaft die Anteile an AGRANA Zucker GmbH, AGRANA Stärke GmbH und AGRANA J & F Holding GmbH. Zuckerforschung Tulln Ges.m.b.H. Bei der Zuckerforschung Tulln Ges.m.b.H, Tulln, werden schwerpunktmäßig die Forschungs- und Entwicklungsaktivitäten für Zucker und Stärke der AGRANA-Gruppe gebündelt. AGRANA Group Services GmbH Die AGRANA Group Services GmbH erfüllt im Konzern die Finanzierungsfunktion und betreibt das Cash-Pooling. Sie ist, wie die Holding, dem Segment Zucker zugeordnet. PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT SEGMENTE SEGMENTE DER AGRANA-GRUPPE 133 Da die AGRANA Beteiligungs-Aktiengesellschaft die Holding-Funktion für die AGRANA-Gruppe („AGRANA“) und ihre wesentlichen Beteiligungen die Holding-Funktionen für die Segmente der Gruppe übernehmen, wird nachfolgend auch auf die Geschäftsentwicklung und das wirtschaftliche Umfeld der Segmente eingegangen. Angaben zur Geschäftsentwicklung basieren auf dem IFRS-Konzernabschluss der AGRANA-Gruppe für das Geschäftsjahr 2013|14. SEGMENT ZUCKER Die AGRANA Zucker GmbH, Wien, ist als Dachgesellschaft für die Zuckeraktivitäten des Konzerns operativ in Österreich tätig und fungiert als Holding für die Zucker-Beteiligungen in Ungarn, Tschechien, der Slowakei, Rumänien, Bulgarien, Mazedonien, Serbien, Kroatien, Slowenien und Bosnien-Herzegowina. Im Segment Zucker sind weiters die Instantina Nahrungsmittel Entwicklungs- und Produktionsgesellschaft m.b.H., Wien, sowie die AGRANA Beteiligungs-Aktiengesellschaft, Wien, als Gruppen-Holding angesiedelt. Der Zuckervertrieb sowie der Vertrieb der Gastronomie-Produkte der zur PortionPack Europe-Gruppe gehörenden Hellma LebensmittelVerpackungs Ges.m.b.H., Wien, erfolgen ebenfalls durch die AGRANA Zucker GmbH. Wirtschaftliches Umfeld Zuckerweltmarkt Mengenmäßig geht das Marktforschungsinstitut F.O. Licht für das Zuckerwirtschaftsjahr (ZWJ) 2013|14 (Oktober 2013 bis September 2014) aktuell von einer Erzeugung von 181,0 (ZWJ 2012|13: 183,1) Mio. Tonnen und einem Verbrauch von 175,8 (ZWJ 2012|13: 168,7) Mio. Tonnen aus. Das würde eine weitere Stabilisierung der Weltzuckerbestände bei 76,2 (ZWJ 2012|13: 78,5) Mio. Tonnen bzw. 43,3 % (ZWJ 2012|13: 46,5 %) des Jahresverbrauchs bedeuten. EU-Zuckermarkt Die Zuckerproduktion der EU-28 für das ZWJ 2013|14 soll im Vergleich zum Vorjahr um rund 0,9 Mio. auf 16,4 Mio. Tonnen fallen. Verantwortlich dafür sind herausfordernde Witterungsbedingungen (teils extreme Trockenheit, teils ausgiebige Regenfälle sowie extreme Kälte) während des Anbaus und der Ernte. Die Europäische Kommission führte im abgelaufenen ZWJ 2013|14 – wie auch schon im Jahr zuvor – zwei außerordentliche Maßnahmen zur Erhöhung der Marktversorgung durch. Mittels einer Dauerausschreibung für Einfuhren von Zucker zu einem ermäßigten Zollsatz wurden rund 550.000 Tonnen Zucker für den zollbegünstigten Import freigegeben. Zudem wurden vier Tranchen NichtQuotenzucker zu jeweils 150.000 Tonnen in Quotenzucker „umgewandelt“ und an den EU-Food- AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Die Preisentwicklung auf den Zuckermärkten war über weite Strecken des Geschäftsjahres volatil. In den letzten Monaten des Geschäftsjahres setzte ein steter Preisdruck ein, der Ende Jänner 2014 sogar zu einem 3-Jahres-Tiefstkurs führte. Meldungen über geringere Produktionsmengen in Südamerika aufgrund von Trockenheit und möglicherweise ausfallende Exportförderungen in Indien führten in weiterer Folge zu einem Ende der Abwärtsbewegung. Zum Stichtag 28. Februar 2014 schlossen die Börsen mit 476 $ je Tonne für Weißzucker bzw. 363 € je Tonne für Rohzucker. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 134 Markt geliefert. Somit standen laut Statistiken der Europäischen Kommission insgesamt 1,15 Mio. Tonnen Zucker zusätzlich für den Markt zur Verfügung. Im ZWJ 2013|14 ist ohne weitere Maßnahmen der EU-Kommission eine ausgeglichene Zuckerbilanz zwischen Angebot und Nachfrage zu erwarten. Gleichzeitig gab die Europäische Kommission für das ZWJ 2013|14 Exportkontingente in Höhe von 1,35 Mio. Tonnen für europäischen Nicht-Quotenzucker frei (dies entspricht dem Exportlimit der World Trade Organisation, WTO). EU-Zuckerpolitik Das EU-Parlament und der EU-Agrarministerrat haben im Rahmen der Verhandlungen zur Verlängerung der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik bis 2020 den Vorschlag der EU-Kommission, die Quoten- und Rübenmindestpreisregelungen bereits nach dem ZWJ 2014|15 auslaufen zu lassen, korrigiert und sich auf eine Verlängerung bis zum Ende des ZWJ 2016|17 (30. September 2017) geeinigt. Nach dem Auslaufen der Zucker- und Isoglukosequoten und der Regelungen betreffend Rübenmindestpreis zum 30. September 2017 sieht die neue Marktordnung für den Binnenmarkt neben einer unveränderten Referenzschwelle für Weißzucker von 404 € je Tonne die Möglichkeit einer staatlich finanzierten privaten Lagerhaltung und eine fortgesetzte Vertragspflicht zwischen Rübenanbauern und Zuckerindustrie vor. Als Konsequenz müssen sich alle Akteure in der ZuckerWertschöpfungskette darauf einstellen, dass die Mengen- und Preisvolatilitäten des Weltmarkts stärker als bisher auf den EU-Zuckermarkt durchschlagen. Der Außenschutz des EU-Zuckermarktes gegenüber Drittländern ist davon nicht betroffen und bleibt unverändert. AGRANA erwartet darüber hinaus, dass die Zuckerexporte nach Wegfall der Quoten zukünftig keiner Mengenbegrenzung mehr unterliegen, weil dann Quoten- und Mindestrübenpreis als (ordnungspolitische) Grundlage für das WTO-Exportlimit entfallen. Außenhandel Zucker Bei der internationalen Ministerkonferenz in Bali|Indonesien (3. bis 6. Dezember 2013) konnten zwar die seit 2001 laufenden WTO-II-Verhandlungen („Doha-Runde“) nicht abgeschlossen werden, allerdings wurde eine Teillösung erarbeitet: Von den insgesamt 43 Teilbereichen der DohaDevelopment-Agenda („DDA“) wurde zumindest der Punkt „Handelserleichterungen“ umgesetzt, der Vereinfachungen in der administrativen Abwicklung mit sich bringt. Der weitere Zeitplan ist derzeit noch unbekannt. Rohstoff, Ernte und Produktion Die Zuckerrübenanbaufläche der AGRANA-Kontraktbauern betrug im ZWJ 2013|14 rund 105.000 (ZWJ 2012|13: 102.000) Hektar, wobei etwas mehr als 650 Hektar in Österreich für den biologischen Anbau verwendet wurden. 2013 war hinsichtlich der Vegetationsbedingungen ein Jahr der Extreme: Rund 3.000 Hektar Anbaufläche gingen im Frühjahr infolge von Frost, Verschlämmungen und anderen Aufgangsproblemen sowie im Sommer zuerst durch Überschwemmungen und später durch Trockenheit und Hitze verloren. Die Wachstumsbedingungen ab Ende August bis zum Spätherbst waren für die Zuckerrübe aber wieder positiv. Im gesamten Rübenanbaugebiet der AGRANA-Gruppe wurden durchschnittliche Rübenerträge erzielt, wobei es in den verschiedenen Regionen massive Unterschiede gab. Insgesamt wurde für AGRANA eine Rübenmenge von rund 6,2 Mio. (Vorjahr: 5,5 Mio.) Tonnen geerntet. PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT SEGMENTE Die sieben AGRANA-Zuckerrübenfabriken verarbeiteten täglich rund 50.500 (Vorjahr: 48.800) Tonnen Rüben. In durchschnittlich 125 (Vorjahr: 117) Tagen pro Werk wurden daraus rund 953.000 (Vorjahr: 823.000) Tonnen Zucker erzeugt. Die Zuckerproduktion lag damit deutlich über der AGRANA-EU-Rübenzuckerquote von 618.000 Tonnen und übertraf auch die Vorjahresmenge um ca. 16%. Die Quote übersteigende Mengen werden als Nicht-Quotenzucker an die chemische Industrie vermarktet, im Rahmen der freigegebenen Mengen im EU-Food-Markt abgesetzt oder auf den Weltmarkt exportiert. Im Geschäftsjahr 2013|14 raffinierte AGRANA rund 274.700 (Vorjahr: 296.600) Tonnen Weißwert aus Rohzucker, wobei auf das Werk in Kaposvár|Ungarn rund 50.500 (Vorjahr: 23.100) Tonnen Weißzucker zur Versorgung des Defizitmarktes Ungarn entfielen. Das Unternehmen produzierte in der vergangenen Bio-Rüben-Kampagne rund 3.900 (Vorjahr: rund 5.000) Tonnen Bio-Zucker. 135 Investitionen Im Segment Zucker gab AGRANA im Geschäftsjahr 2013|14 43,2 (Vorjahr: 55,9) Mio. € für Neuund Ersatzinvestitionen aus. Am österreichischen Standort Tulln wurde die Laborgebäudeerweiterung der Zuckerforschung Tulln planmäßig fertiggestellt. Im November 2013 konnte in Kaposvár|Ungarn der neue 60.000 Tonnen fassende Kristallzuckersilo eröffnet werden. In Hrušovany und Opava, beide in Tschechien, wurden zur Verbesserung der Zuckerqualität Dünnsaft-Enthärtungsanlagen in Betrieb genommen. In Roman und Buzau, beide in Rumänien, wurde die Abpackung weiter modernisiert und zur Sicherung der Zuckerqualität wurden zwei Silos mit Konditionierungssystemen ausgestattet. Geschäftsentwicklung Der Absatz im Segment Zucker konnte im Geschäftsjahr 2013|14 im Vergleich zum Vorjahr in fast allen Bereichen gesteigert werden. Die sich laufend ändernden Marktgegebenheiten führen jedoch zunehmend zu einer Erhöhung der Komplexität der Geschäftstätigkeit sowohl auf der Verkäuferals auch Käuferseite. Besonders erfreulich zeigte sich der höhere Absatz an den Groß- und Einzelhandel, insbesondere in den osteuropäischen Ländern. Insgesamt ist es trotz des schwierigen Umfelds gelungen, Marktpositionen zu halten oder sogar auszubauen. Die Situation in Ungarn, wo weiterhin durch Mehrwertsteuerbetrug in signifikantem Ausmaß das Preisniveau manipuliert wird, stellt sich weiterhin schwierig dar. An das hohe Preisniveau des Vorjahres konnte hingegen nicht angeschlossen werden, was sich auf die Margen im Segment Zucker erheblich negativ auswirkte. Die Absätze von AGRANA Zucker lagen in Österreich im abgelaufenen Geschäftsjahr leicht unter dem Vorjahresniveau. Die Marktposition konnte dennoch gehalten werden. Der Absatz an die Lebensmittel- und Getränkeindustrie zeigte sich aufgrund der intensiven Zusammenarbeit mit lokalen und internationalen Großkunden stabil. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Im Bereich der Getränke- und Lebensmittelindustrie sorgten die Vereinbarungen mit lokalen und internationalen Key Account-Kunden für stabile Abnahmemengen. Der Absatz von NichtQuotenzucker an Kunden der chemischen Industrie sowie die Drittlandexporte lagen weitgehend auf Vorjahresniveau. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 136 Im Geschäftsjahr 2013|14 konnte AGRANA in Ungarn im Retail- und im Industriegeschäft trotz eines schwierigen Marktumfelds die Absatzmenge steigern (+8,5 %). Getrieben durch einen hohen Umsatzsteuersatz, gibt es weiterhin viele kleine Importeure, die durch unterlassene Steuerzahlungen einen Wettbewerbsvorteil gegenüber AGRANA genießen und damit das Preisniveau negativ beeinflussen. Um die bestmögliche Versorgung des ungarischen Marktes zu gewährleisten, wurde in Ungarn auch in diesem Jahr importierter Rohzucker raffiniert. Der Quotenzuckerexport ist durch wesentlich geringere Mengen von Zuckerswaps und die Belieferung von EU-Kunden aus Österreich stark zurückgegangen. Innerhalb Tschechiens lag der Zuckerabsatz im abgelaufenen Geschäftsjahr insgesamt über Vorjahresniveau (+5,1 %). Während sich das Geschäft mit der Industrie positiv entwickelte (+18,2 %), sank der Absatz an den Lebensmittelhandel um 15,4 %. Auch in Tschechien ging der Quotenzuckerexport durch nicht in der Dimension des Vorjahres durchgeführte Zuckerswaps stark zurück. In der Slowakei lag der Gesamtzuckerabsatz im Geschäftsjahr 2013|14 auf dem Niveau des Vorjahres. Das Minus im Bereich der Lebensmittelindustrie (-8,3 %) konnte durch die positive Entwicklung des Geschäftes mit dem Handel kompensiert werden (+13,0 %). Der Export von Überschusszucker und Quotenzucker zeigt aufgrund der niedrigeren Verfügbarkeit ein deutliches Minus gegenüber dem Vorjahr. AGRANA konnte in Rumänien im Geschäftsjahr 2013|14 zum wiederholten Mal eine Steigerung des Zuckerabsatzes um insgesamt 20,3 % erzielen. Dafür waren insbesondere deutlich höhere Handelsabsätze, aber auch verstärkte Exporte verantwortlich. Innerhalb Bulgariens konnte durch eine intensive Marktbearbeitung im abgelaufenen Geschäftsjahr wieder eine Absatzsteigerung erzielt werden (+20,6%). Das Wachstum wurde in Industrie und Handel gleichermaßen erreicht. In der Region Westbalkan konnte der Zuckerabsatz im Vergleich zur Vorjahresperiode wieder gesteigert werden (+19,0%). Dies war insbesondere auf eine positive Entwicklung des Zuckerhandels zurückzuführen. Ergebnis aus Sondereinflüssen im Segment Zucker Die Europäische Kommission hat im Dezember 2013 ein EuGH-Urteil umgesetzt, demzufolge die europäische Zuckerwirtschaft zu Unrecht eingehobene Beiträge aus der sogenannten Produktionsabgabe zurückerhalten soll. Aus diesem Titel wurden AGRANA 4,7 Mio. € rückerstattet. Dieser Betrag wurde als Sonderergebnis im Geschäftsjahr 2013|14 verbucht. PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT SEGMENTE 137 GESCHÄFTSENTWICKLUNG SEGMENT ZUCKER Umsatzerlöse (brutto) Umsätze zwischen den Segmenten Umsatzerlöse EBITDA 1 Operatives Ergebnis 1 Operative Marge Ergebnis aus Sondereinflüssen Ergebnis der Betriebstätigkeit t€ t€ t€ t€ t€ % t€ t€ 2013|14 1.109.678 -86.903 1.022.775 65.839 45.306 4,4 4.677 49.983 2012|13 1.202.208 -80.692 1.121.516 138.851 119.115 10,6 0 119.115 Investitionen in Sachanlagen und immaterielle Vermögenswerte 2 t€ 43.185 55.903 t€ 15 2.399 17 2.315 Investitionen in Finanzanlagen Mitarbeiter 1 2 Vor Sondereinflüssen Ausgenommen Geschäfts-/Firmenwerte Im Geschäftsjahr 2013|14 sank der Umsatz im Segment Zucker um -8,8 % auf 1.022,8 (Vorjahr: 1.121,5) Mio. €. Die Reduktion war auf stark rückläufige Verkaufspreise zurückzuführen. Mengenmäßig konnte sowohl im Handels- als auch im Industriezuckergeschäft die führende Position mit hohen Quotenzuckerabsätzen und gutem Service weiter gefestigt werden. Auch im Nicht-Quotenzuckerbereich, also bei Zuckerlieferungen an Drittländer (außerhalb der EU) und an die chemische Industrie, konnte AGRANA mengenmäßig leicht zulegen. Der Umsatzanteil des Segments Zucker am Konzernumsatz betrug 33,6 % (Vorjahr: 36,6 %). Das operative Ergebnis des Segments Zucker in Höhe von 45,3 Mio. € lag wie erwartet deutlich unter dem Rekordergebnis des Vorjahres (119,1 Mio. €). Einflussfaktoren waren die fallenden Verkaufspreise bei noch hohen Rohstoffkosten, sowohl für Rüben als auch für Rohzucker. Erfreulich zeigte sich die Entwicklung bei den Nebenprodukten (Trockenschnitzel und Melasse), wo gute Zusatzdeckungsbeiträge erwirtschaftet werden konnten. Durch gezielte Investitionen wurden zudem zahlreiche Qualitätsverbesserungen und Kosteneinsparungen, insbesondere im Energiebereich, erreicht. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Das Ergebnis aus Sondereinflüssen im Segment Zucker resultierte aus EU-Rückerstattungen in Zusammenhang mit der Produktionsabgabe im Segment Zucker. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 138 SEGMENT STÄRKE Das Segment Stärke umfasst die AGRANA Stärke GmbH mit den österreichischen Stärkeprodukten der Kartoffelstärkefabrik in Gmünd und der Maisstärkefabrik in Aschach sowie die Führung und Koordination der internationalen Beteiligungen in Ungarn und Rumänien. Das Geschäftsfeld Bioethanol ist ebenfalls Teil des Segments Stärke. Wirtschaftliches Umfeld Die Weltgetreidebilanz für das Wirtschaftsjahr 2013|141 ergibt laut Internationalem Getreiderat (IGC2) eine gegenüber dem Vorjahr deutlich höhere Produktion und Nachfrage. Die weltweite Maisproduktion in Höhe von 959 Mio. Tonnen wird den Verbrauch um 27 Mio. Tonnen ebenso übersteigen, wie die Weizenproduktion von 708 Mio. Tonnen die Nachfrage in Höhe von 691 Mio. Tonnen. Demnach ist für beide Rohstoffe ein Anstieg der globalen Lagerbestände zu erwarten. Der günstigeren Versorgungssituation auf den internationalen Rohstoffmärkten folgend, sind die Terminnotierungen im Jahresverlauf gesunken. Zum Zeitpunkt Anfang März 2014 lag die Maisnotierung an der NYSE Euronext Liffe Paris bei rund 169 € je Tonne und jene für Weizen bei rund 201 € je Tonne; die entsprechenden Vorjahresnotierungen lagen noch bei 227 bzw. 248 € je Tonne. Die Isoglukose-Quote der EU-28 beträgt rund 720.000 Tonnen, wobei auf HUNGRANA mit 250.000 Tonnen der größte Anteil entfällt. Rohstoff, Ernte und Produktion Kartoffelstärke In der Kampagne 2013|14 hat die österreichische Stärkefabrik in Gmünd in 101 (Vorjahr: 127) Tagen rund 160.200 (Vorjahr: 216.800) Tonnen Stärkeindustriekartoffeln mit einem durchschnittlichen Stärkegehalt von 18,7 % (Vorjahr: 18,5 %) verarbeitet. Dabei lag der Bio-Anteil (gemessen an der Einsatzmenge) bei rund 4 % (Vorjahr: 6 %). Für das Anbaujahr 2014 plant AGRANA eine Stärkekartoffel-Kontraktmenge von rund 220.000 Tonnen. Aus rund 23.000 (Vorjahr: 24.000) Tonnen Speiseindustriekartoffeln wurden etwa 4.300 (Vorjahr: 4.400) Tonnen Kartoffeldauerprodukte erzeugt, wobei der Bio-Anteil bei rund 19 % (Vorjahr: 29 %) lag. Maisstärke Die gesamte Maisverarbeitungsmenge (ohne Bioethanolverarbeitung) in den AGRANAStärkefabriken in Österreich, Ungarn (50 %) und Rumänien wuchs im Geschäftsjahr 2013|14 auf rund 805.000 (Vorjahr: 791.000) Tonnen. Davon entfiel auf die Verarbeitung von Nassmais (auf Basis Feuchtgewicht) eine Menge von rund 200.000 (Vorjahr: 173.000) Tonnen. Der Anteil an Spezialmais (Wachsmais, Bio-Mais, Garantiert Gentechnikfreier Mais) stieg auf rund 62.000 (Vorjahr: 59.000) Tonnen. Weizenstärke In der im Juni 2013 neu eröffneten Weizenstärke-Anlage am Standort Pischelsdorf wurden im Geschäftsjahr 2013|14 netto rund 66.500 Tonnen Weizen zur Gewinnung von Weizenstärke eingesetzt. 1 2 Getreidewirtschaftsjahr: Juli bis Juni International Grains Council PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT SEGMENTE Investitionen 139 Die Investitionen im Segment Stärke betrugen im Geschäftsjahr 2013|14 41,0 (Vorjahr: 59,1) Mio. € und flossen zum Großteil in den Standort Pischelsdorf|Österreich. Dort wurde die Weizenstärkefabrik mit einem mehrjährigen projektbezogenen Gesamtinvestitionsvolumen von 70 Mio. €, unter Nutzung von Förderungen des Bundes (Österreich) sowie des Bundeslandes Niederösterreich von rund 3,4 Mio. €, fertiggestellt sowie ein Verwaltungsgebäude errichtet. Daneben wurde am Standort Pischelsdorf die Energieeffizienz durch Wärmerückgewinnung aus der Futtermitteltrocknung erhöht. Bei der ungarischen Beteiligung HUNGRANA erfolgten Investitionen in das Projekt „Wasserfreies Ethanol“ sowie in eine neue Gasturbine. Im Werk Aschach|Österreich wurde die Kapazität der Produktion von Wachsmaisderivaten erweitert sowie in eine zusätzliche SirupVerladespur investiert. Am Standort Gmünd|Österreich wurde u.a. in die Walzentrocknung investiert. Geschäftsentwicklung Im Geschäftsjahr 2013|14 stieg der Umsatz der AGRANA Stärke GmbH, vor allem aufgrund höherer Verkaufsmengen sowie leicht höherer Verkaufspreise für Haupt- und Nebenprodukte, um rund 13 %. Bei den Stärkeprodukten im Speziellen wurden jedoch marktbedingt geringere Verkaufspreise als im Vorjahr erzielt. Zusammen mit den gesunkenen Rohstoffaufwendungen führte die positive Umsatzentwicklung auch zu einem Anstieg des operativen Ergebnisses. Aufgrund einer stabilen Marktnachfrage und der konsequenten Marktbearbeitung sowie der zusätzlichen Mengen aus der Weizenstärkefabrik in Pischelsdorf|Österreich konnten die Absatzmengen der Haupt- und Nebenprodukte gegenüber dem Vorjahr gesteigert werden. In Summe legte der Mengenabsatz von 1.182.300 Tonnen im Vorjahr auf heuer 1.322.200 Tonnen deutlich zu. Der Absatz von Nebenprodukten lag mit 797.200 (Vorjahr: 680.800) Tonnen deutlich über dem Vorjahreswert, was insbesondere auf höhere Verkäufe von Futtermittel-Handelswaren zurückzuführen war. Die knappe weltweite Versorgungslage mit Proteinfuttermitteln führte im Jahresvergleich zu einem höheren Preisniveau der Nebenprodukte (Maiskraftfutter, Maiskleber und Kartoffelproteine). Im Geschäftsjahr 2013|14 ging der Umsatz der ungarischen Beteiligung HUNGRANA um rund 7 % zurück. Rückläufige Verkaufspreise bei den Hauptprodukten – insbesondere Bioethanol und Isoglukose – sowie geringere Verkaufsmengen für Haupt- und Nebenprodukte von -2 % bzw. -9 % waren für den Umsatzrückgang verantwortlich. Die Absatzmenge lag mit insgesamt 505.500 Tonnen um 25.300 Tonnen unter dem Niveau des Vorjahres. Die geringeren Rohstoffpreise konnten die rückläufigen Verkaufspreise und -mengen nicht kompensieren, sodass HUNGRANA im abgelaufenen Geschäftsjahr einen geringeren Ergebnisbeitrag lieferte. Bioethanol Wirtschaftspolitisches Umfeld und Rahmenbedingungen Der 2012 von der Europäischen Kommission veröffentlichte Richtlinienvorschlag, das Thema der indirekten Landnutzungsänderungen („Indirect Land Use Change“ oder ILUC) in die bestehende „Erneuerbare-Energien-Richtlinie“ (2009/28/EG) aufzunehmen, wurde in seiner gegenwärtigen Form mehrheitlich vom Rat der Europäischen Union abgelehnt. Der Vorschlag muss von der Kommission überarbeitet werden. Aufgrund der bevorstehenden Europawahlen ist allerdings mit einer Lösung vor 2015 nicht zu rechnen. Daher sieht sich AGRANA darin bestätigt, die Synergien AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Trotz niedriger Verkaufspreise für Haupt- und Nebenprodukte lag der Umsatz der rumänischen Beteiligung auf Vorjahresniveau, beim operativen Ergebnis war aber ein deutlicher Rückgang zu verzeichnen. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 140 der Produktion von Nahrung, Futtermittel und Energie durch Investitionen in moderne Technologien und die Kaskaden-Nutzung der eingesetzten Rohstoffe zu realisieren. So reduziert das Nebenprodukt ActiProt®, ein hochwertiges Eiweißfuttermittel, den Bedarf an Sojaimporten aus Übersee. AGRANA verwendet für die Bioethanolproduktion ausschließlich den europäischen Nachhaltigkeitskriterien entsprechende, regionale Futtergetreideüberschüsse. AGRANA Bioethanol-Aktivitäten in 2013|14 AGRANA betreibt in Pischelsdorf|Österreich und im Rahmen ihrer 50%-Beteiligung an HUNGRANA Kft. in Szabadegyháza|Ungarn zwei kombinierte Stärke- und Bioethanolerzeugungsanlagen. Im Geschäftsjahr 2013|14 haben die österreichischen Rübenbauern (Rübenproduzenten Beteiligungs GesmbH) ihren Anteil von 25,1 % an der AGRANA Bioethanol GmbH in Pischelsdorf an die AGRANA Stärke GmbH verkauft. Die gesamte Bioethanol-Produktionskapazität der beiden Werke beträgt rund 400.000 m3. Der Absatz von Bioethanol (konsolidiert Österreich und 50 %-Anteil Ungarn, ohne Industriealkohol) lag mit 336.100 m³ knapp über dem Vorjahresniveau (Vorjahr: 331.500 m³). Die Verkaufspreise von Bioethanol lagen jedoch unter dem Vorjahr (-7 %). In der österreichischen Bioethanol-Anlage in Pischelsdorf wurden in Summe rund 601.000 (Vorjahr: 567.000) Tonnen Getreide – mit einem Verhältnis von Weizen (inkl. Tritikale) zu Mais von etwa 45:55 (anteiliger Nassmais auf Basis Feuchtgewicht) – verarbeitet. Für die Ernte 2014 wurden wieder Anbauverträge für Ethanolgetreide angeboten. Die ungarische Ethanolproduktion ist Teil der Stärkefabrik HUNGRANA in Szabadegyháza, die Mais zu Stärke, Isoglukose und Bioethanol verarbeitet. Dort wurden rund 190.000 (Vorjahr: 222.000) Tonnen Mais (bezogen auf den 50 %-Anteil der AGRANA) für die Verarbeitung zu Bioethanol eingesetzt. PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT SEGMENTE 141 GESCHÄFTSENTWICKLUNG SEGMENT STÄRKE Umsatzerlöse (brutto) Umsätze zwischen den Segmenten Umsatzerlöse EBITDA 1 Operatives Ergebnis 1 Operative Marge Ergebnis aus Sondereinflüssen Ergebnis der Betriebstätigkeit t€ t€ t€ t€ t€ % t€ t€ 2013|14 858.556 -10.044 848.512 87.722 61.440 7,2 53 61.493 Investitionen in Sachanlagen und immaterielle Vermögenswerte 2 t€ 40.952 59.081 t€ 0 1.008 0 950 Investitionen in Finanzanlagen Mitarbeiter 1 2 2012|13 813.724 -9.420 804.304 96.193 72.614 9,0 0 72.614 Vor Sondereinflüssen Ausgenommen Geschäfts-/Firmenwerte Der Umsatz des Segments Stärke im Geschäftsjahr 2013|14 lag mit 848,5 Mio. € um 5,5 % über dem Vorjahreswert (804,3 Mio. €). Der Umsatzanstieg wurde vor allem durch höhere Verkaufsmengen für Haupt- und Nebenprodukte hervorgerufen. Die neu errichtete Weizenstärkefabrik in Pischelsdorf|Österreich konnte plangemäß zusätzliche Stärkemengen in den Markt bringen. Die Verkaufspreise für Haupt- und Nebenprodukte lagen etwas unter dem Vorjahresniveau. Der Umsatzanteil des Segments Stärke am Konzernumsatz erhöhte sich auf 27,9 % (Vorjahr: 26,2 %). AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Das operative Ergebnis in der Höhe von 61,4 Mio. € lag um 15,4 % unter dem Vorjahreswert von 72,6 Mio. €. Die rückläufige Ergebnisentwicklung war vor allem dem geringeren Ergebnisbeitrag der Bioethanol-Aktivitäten geschuldet. Sowohl die AGRANA Bioethanol GmbH als auch die ungarische Beteiligung HUNGRANA konnten niedrigere Verkaufspreise von Bioethanol nicht durch geringere Rohstoffaufwendungen kompensieren. Darüber hinaus führte die Inbetriebnahme der Weizenstärkefabrik am Standort Pischelsdorf|Österreich zu den erwarteten Anlaufverlusten. Die rückläufige Ergebnisentwicklung führte – bei einem höheren Umsatz – zu einem Rückgang der operativen Marge von 9,0 % auf 7,2 %. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 142 SEGMENT FRUCHT Die AGRANA J & F Holding GmbH ist die Dachgesellschaft für das Segment Frucht. Die Koordination und operative Führung für den Bereich Fruchtzubereitungen erfolgt durch die Holdinggesellschaft AGRANA Fruit S.A.S. mit Sitz in Mitry-Mory|Frankreich. Im Bereich Fruchtsaftkonzentrate operiert seit dem Zusammenschluss von AGRANA Juice und Ybbstaler die AUSTRIA JUICE GmbH mit Sitz in Kröllendorf/Allhartsberg|Österreich als Holding. Wirtschaftliches Umfeld Marktumfeld Die weltweite Nachfrage nach Fruchtzubereitungen für Joghurts, Eiscreme und Food Services legt weiterhin um ca. 3 % pro Jahr zu. Dabei wächst eine Reihe von Nicht-EU-Märkten, wo der ProKopf-Verbrauch auf einem verhältnismäßig geringen Niveau liegt, dynamisch. Für die USA zeigen die neuesten Marktdaten von IRI3 für Fruchtjoghurts ein starkes mengenmäßiges (+ 3 %) und wertmäßiges Wachstum (+8 %). Der Bedarf an Fruchtzubereitungen nimmt dabei noch stärker zu, da in der mit 29 % stark wachsenden Produktgruppe der „Greek Yoghurts“ eine relativ höhere Beimischung von Fruchtzubereitungen vorgenommen wird. Weitere Regionen mit starken Wachstumsraten von bis zu 10 % bleiben Brasilien, Nordafrika, Ukraine, China und Südostasien. Geringere Wachstumsraten um rund 3 % gibt es in Ländern, in denen der Markt schon weit entwickelt ist (wie z.B. in Südkorea und Australien), oder in Ländern, in denen sich die generelle Wirtschaftsdynamik abgeschwächt hat (Russland, Mexiko und Südafrika). In der EU sinkt der Bedarf an Fruchtzubereitungen weiterhin im Ausmaß von ca. 1,5 % pro Jahr. Ursachen dafür sind wie in der Vergangenheit die Konsumzurückhaltung aufgrund der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Situation und ein leichter Trend zu Naturjoghurts ohne Fruchtzubereitungen. Positive Ausnahmen sind die relativ kleinen Märkte in Skandinavien, die ein leichtes Wachstum aufweisen, sowie Frankreich (zweitgrößter Markt nach Deutschland), wo sich der Fruchtjoghurtmarkt stabilisiert. Im Konzentratgeschäft ist der Trend zu Fruchtsaftgetränken mit niedrigem Saftgehalt ungebrochen. Bei hochfruchtsafthaltigen Getränken ist die Konsumentwicklung in Westeuropa (im Wesentlichen Deutschland) weiterhin leicht rückläufig. Das Preisniveau für Fruchtsaftkonzentrate hat sich in Europa aufgrund der vorhandenen Restbestände aus der sehr guten Ernte 2012, den durchschnittlichen Verarbeitungsmengen in den wichtigsten Anbaugebieten Europas (Polen, Italien, Ungarn) in der Verarbeitungssaison 2013 und der überdurchschnittlichen Ernte in der Türkei bei einem niedrigen Preis stabilisiert. 3 Information Resources, Inc. PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT SEGMENTE Produktionsstandorte AGRANA ist weltweit führender Hersteller von Fruchtzubereitungen für die Molkerei-, Backwaren- sowie Eiscremeindustrie mit einem globalen Marktanteil von rund einem Drittel. Insgesamt betrieb die Gruppe zum Bilanzstichtag 25 Produktionsstandorte für Fruchtzubereitungen in 20 Ländern. Mit dem neuen Standort in Lysander im Bundesstaat New York|USA (Inbetriebnahme Mitte Mai 2014) soll vor allem der steigenden Kundennachfrage in Kanada und im Nordosten der USA Rechnung getragen werden. In Südafrika wurde der Produktionsstandort Kapstadt Ende Jänner 2014 geschlossen und die lokale Produktion auf den zentraler gelegenen Standort Johannesburg konzentriert. 143 AUSTRIA JUICE ist mit 14 Produktionsstandorten, davon einem in China, der führende Hersteller von Apfel- und Beerensaftkonzentraten in Europa. Seit dem Zusammenschluss von AGRANA Juice mit der Ybbstaler-Gruppe werden erfolgreich Synergien genutzt, eine verstärkte Betreuung internationaler Märkte gewährleistet und weitere Wachstumsmöglichkeiten geschaffen. Das Unternehmen möchte seine führende Rolle als Lieferant von Fruchtsaftkonzentraten, Fruchtpürees, Getränkegrundstoffen, natürlichen Aromen sowie Direktsäften für die weiterverarbeitende Getränkeindustrie weiter stärken. AUSTRIA JUICE produziert in Europa hauptsächlich Apfelsaftkonzentrat mit einem relativ hohen Säuregrad zur weiteren Herstellung von 100 %-Apfelsäften und Apfelschorlen. Der chinesische Standort liegt in Xianyang City in der größten Apfelanbauregion der Welt und zeichnet sich dementsprechend durch eine gute Rohstoffversorgung für „süßes“ chinesisches Apfelsaftkonzentrat aus. Neben Äpfeln verarbeitet AGRANA auch Beeren zu Buntsaftkonzentraten für den Absatz auf dem internationalen Markt. Im Zuge der Optimierung der Standortstruktur für die Fruchtsaftkonzentratproduktion in Österreich schloss AUSTRIA JUICE den Produktionsstandort Gleisdorf nach Beendigung der Verarbeitung 2013. Wesentliche Anlagenteile für die Erweiterung der Verarbeitungskapazität wurden nach Kröllendorf/Allhartsberg verlegt. Rohstoff, Ernte und Produktion Das abgelaufene Wirtschaftsjahr brachte eine Entlastung auf den Rohstoffmärkten mit sich. Gründe dafür waren die moderate Nachfrage auf den Fruchtmärkten sowie Währungskursentwicklungen in den Schwellenländern. Generell haben sich die Einkaufspreise im Durchschnitt leicht unter dem Vorjahresniveau eingependelt. Die Preise für Zucker, Stärke und Flüssigzucker, die einen wesentlichen Kostenfaktor in den Fruchtzubereitungsrezepturen darstellen, lagen deutlich unter jenen des Vorjahres. Die Ernten in den Hauptbeschaffungsregionen waren mit wenigen Ausnahmen durchschnittlich bis überdurchschnittlich gut. Die zunehmende Produktvielfalt und laufend steigende Qualitätsanforderungen machen eine Weiterentwicklung und Vergrößerung des AGRANA-Lieferantennetzwerkes neben der Ausweitung der unternehmensinternen Rohwarenerzeugung notwendig. Vor allem die zunehmende Nachfrage nach nachhaltig erzeugten Rohstoffen bedarf verstärkter Anstrengungen in der Zusammenarbeit mit den Erzeugern, die bereits nachweisbare Erfolge brachten und sich positiv in den Verkäufen der Endprodukte niederschlugen. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Innerhalb der AGRANA-Gruppe wird stets versucht, mögliche negative Rohstoffpreiseffekte durch eine gute Deckungspolitik und die Nutzung des globalen Sourcing-Netzwerks abzumildern. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 144 Im Geschäftsbereich Fruchtsaftkonzentrate lagen die verfügbaren Apfelmengen in den HauptVerarbeitungsregionen in Europa (Polen, Ungarn) rund 20 % unter den Mengen des Vorjahres. Die geringen Ernten in Deutschland führten in den angrenzenden Ländern zu einer Stabilisierung der zuvor gefallenen Rohstoffpreise. Eine Erhöhung des Importzolles nach Europa sowie deutlich reduzierte Produktionsmengen und folglich höhere Preise für chinesisches Apfelsaftkonzentrat verringerten dessen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit in Europa. Die Beerenverarbeitungssaison war in Summe von guten Mengenverfügbarkeiten bei den Hauptfrüchten gekennzeichnet. Einzig bei Himbeeren war in der zweiten Saisonhälfte, bedingt durch die Trockenheit und hohe Temperaturen, eine deutliche Verknappung des Angebotes feststellbar. AUSTRIA JUICE konnte durch eine gezielte Anpassung der Sourcing-Strategie die vertriebsseitig geplanten Mengenziele erreichen. Vor allem die durch den Merger angestrebte Erhöhung der Eigenproduktionsquote konnte einen wesentlichen positiven Ergebnisbeitrag erwirken. Investitionen Die Investitionen im Segment Frucht betrugen 51,8 (Vorjahr: 34,9) Mio. € und betrafen neben Instandhaltungsmaßnahmen auch Kapazitätserweiterungen. Das Hauptprojekt in diesem Segment ist die Errichtung des vierten Fruchtzubereitungswerks in Nordamerika (Lysander|New York), von dem aus zukünftig der Nordosten der USA sowie Kanada beliefert werden wird. Die Inbetriebnahme ist für Mitte Mai 2014 geplant. In der Ukraine wurde die Kapazität durch die Installierung einer neuen Produktionslinie erweitert. Zudem vergrößerte das weltweite Absatzwachstum bei Fruchtzubereitungen den Bedarf an Edelstahlcontainern für den Transport. Im Geschäftsbereich Fruchtsaftkonzentrate wurden vorrangig Investitionen zur Verbesserung der Produktionseffizienz vorgenommen. Neben den sonstigen erforderlichen Ersatzinvestitionen wurde mit der Optimierung der Standortstruktur in Österreich begonnen sowie an der Einführung eines einheitlichen Warenwirtschaftssystems gearbeitet. Geschäftsentwicklung Im Geschäftsjahr 2013|14 konnten der Absatz im Fruchtzubereitungsbereich um 3,8 % auf 518.000 Tonnen gesteigert und die weltweite Marktführerschaft bei Fruchtzubereitungen weiter ausgebaut werden. Trotz des herausfordernden Marktumfeldes konnte das Unternehmen seine Position in der EU (ohne Osteuropa) als bedeutendste Region für den Geschäftsbereich marginal ausbauen und auch den Gewinn leicht steigern. Dies war v.a. durch Mengenwachstum und gutes Kostenmanagement möglich. AGRANA wird weiterhin Maßnahmen treffen, um die Rentabilität in der EU weiter zu erhöhen. In Osteuropa (Russland, Ukraine) konnte AGRANA aufgrund eines geringeren Handelsvolumens zwar den Umsatz nicht halten, aber die operative Marge verbessern. In Nordamerika blieb der Umsatz trotz Mengenwachstums stabil. Dafür waren der starke Euro und die teilweise Bereitstellung von Rohstoffen durch Großkunden verantwortlich. Der Ertrag konnte jedoch durch den im Vergleich zum Mengenwachstum unterproportionalen Kostenanstieg wesentlich gesteigert werden. PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT SEGMENTE In Lateinamerika konnte AGRANA trotz schwacher Währungen in allen drei Ländern, in denen der Konzern tätig ist (Argentinien, Brasilien und Mexiko), den Umsatz halten und die Ertragslage verbessern. Die Nachwirkungen der im Jahr 2012 aufgedeckten Betrugsaffäre in Mexiko belasten zwar die lokale Organisation durch die Abwicklung vieler gerichtsanhängiger zivil- und strafrechtlicher Verfahren, die Geschäfte liefen aber zufriedenstellend. 145 In der Region Asien/Australien konnten der Umsatz gesteigert und die hohe Rentabilität gehalten werden. Vor allem die Produktionserweiterung in China ermöglichte das Wachstum in dieser Region. Auch Umsatz und Ertrag in der Region Naher Osten/Nordafrika entwickelten sich gut. Trotz der schwierigen politischen Umstände entwickelte sich das ägyptische Joint Venture ausgezeichnet und erfüllte die Erwartungen. Lediglich in Südafrika kam es zu einem massiven Absatzrückgang, welcher mit der vorgezogenen Zusammenlegung der Produktion am Standort Johannesburg und Schließung des Werkes in Kapstadt beantwortet wurde. Im Vergleich zum Geschäftsjahr 2012|13 stieg der Absatz im Bereich Fruchtsaftkonzentrate um knapp 8 %. AUSTRIA JUICE ist global tätig, wobei die EU den Kernabsatzmarkt darstellt. Weitere wesentliche Absatzmärkte sind Nordamerika, Russland sowie der Mittlere und Ferne Osten. Das im chinesischen Werk hergestellte Apfelsaftkonzentrat wird vor allem in die USA, nach Japan, Indien, Russland und Australien geliefert. Das Geschäftsfeld „Fruchtwein“ zeigte im Vergleich zum Geschäftsjahr 2012|13 ein Umsatz- und Absatzwachstum. Die Preisentwicklungen waren auch im abgelaufenen Geschäftsjahr volatil, wobei in Summe eine sinkende Tendenz festzustellen war. In Form von branchenüblichen Jahreskontrakten wurde der Großteil der Produktion aus der Ernte 2013 bereits während der laufenden Kampagne weltweit verkauft. Ergebnisseitig konnte das gesunkene Preisniveau nur teilweise durch niedrigere Rohstoffpreise abgemildert werden. Die Integration von AGRANA Juice und Ybbstaler in AUSTRIA JUICE verläuft nach wie vor planmäßig. Es ist davon auszugehen, dass die Harmonisierung des Geschäftsmodells und der Systeme im kommenden Geschäftsjahr im Wesentlichen abgeschlossen wird und ab dem Geschäftsjahr 2015|16 die Synergien voll umgesetzt werden können. Das Ergebnis aus Sondereinflüssen im Geschäftsjahr 2013|14 basiert auf einmaligen Effekten in der Fruchtzubereitungs-Gesellschaft AGRANA Fruit South Africa (Proprietary) Ltd. Die gesamte südafrikanische Produktion wird u.a. aufgrund logistischer Gründe zukünftig am Standort Johannesburg konzentriert; das Werk in Kapstadt wurde im Jänner 2014 geschlossen. Die diesbezüglichen Einmalkosten in Höhe von 0,8 Mio. € resultierten vor allem aus Abfertigungsverpflichtungen und Sonderabschreibungen. Das Sonderergebnis des Vorjahres betraf einerseits Reorganisationsmaßnahmen im Fruchtzubereitungsgeschäft in Europa sowie Vorsorgen im Zuge der aufgedeckten Unregelmäßigkeiten in der Geschäftsgebarung von AGRANA Fruit México, S.A. de C.V. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Ergebnis aus Sondereinflüssen im Segment Frucht GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 146 GESCHÄFTSENTWICKLUNG SEGMENT FRUCHT 2013|14 2012|13 3 1.172.672 1.141.255 -529 -1.169 1.172.143 1.140.086 105.361 83.306 64.639 45.210 5,5 4,0 -786 -19.077 63.853 26.133 Umsatzerlöse (brutto) Umsätze zwischen den Segmenten Umsatzerlöse EBITDA 1 Operatives Ergebnis 1 Operative Marge Ergebnis aus Sondereinflüssen Ergebnis der Betriebstätigkeit t€ t€ t€ t€ t€ % t€ t€ Investitionen in Sachanlagen und immaterielle Vermögenswerte 2 t€ 51.814 34.864 t€ 162 5.371 41 5.184 Investitionen in Finanzanlagen Mitarbeiter 1 2 3 Vor Sondereinflüssen Ausgenommen Geschäfts-/Firmenwerte Die Vorjahreswerte wurde gemäß IAS 8 in Verbindung mit IAS 19 Leistungen an Arbeitnehmer (revised 2011) angepasst. Der Umsatz im Segment Frucht legte im Geschäftsjahr 2013|14 um 2,8 % auf 1.172,1 (Vorjahr: 1.140,1) Mio. € zu. Der Mengenabsatz von Fruchtzubereitungen konnte um rund 6 % gesteigert werden, wobei die Zuwächse in den Werken der EU rund 5 % und jene außerhalb von Europa rund 7 % betrugen. Die positive Umsatzentwicklung im Bereich Fruchtsaftkonzentrate war vor allem auf eine höhere Absatzmenge von Apfelsaftkonzentrat (auch aufgrund der im ersten Quartal des Vorjahres noch nicht enthaltenen Ybbstaler-Mengen) zurückzuführen. Der Umsatzanteil des Segments Frucht am Konzernumsatz betrug 38,5 % (Vorjahr: 37,2 %). Das operative Ergebnis lag mit 64,6 Mio. € um 42,9 % über dem Vorjahreswert von 45,2 Mio. €. Die operative Marge betrug 5,5 % und konnte somit um 1,5 Prozentpunkte gegenüber dem Vorjahr gesteigert werden. Ausschlaggebend dafür waren Absatzsteigerungen im Fruchtzubereitungsgeschäft. Im Fruchtsaftkonzentratgeschäft konnte das operative Ergebnis aufgrund der günstigen Kontraktsituation aus der Vorjahreskampagne (2012) gesteigert werden. Zusatzerträge ergaben sich ebenfalls aufgrund der Vollkonsolidierung der Ybbstaler-Gesellschaften im ersten Quartal 2013|14 (Konsolidierung erfolgte seit dem zweiten Quartal 2012|13). PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT UMWELT UND NACHHALTIGKEIT UMWELT UND NACHHALTIGKEIT 147 AGRANA versteht unter Nachhaltigkeit die Balance zwischen Ökonomie, Ökologie und Sozialem. Im Rahmen des konzernweiten Nachhaltigkeits-Managements hat AGRANA drei Leitsätze formuliert, die ihr Nachhaltigkeitsverständnis im Rahmen ihrer Geschäftstätigkeit noch konkreter zusammenfassen: • verwerten annähernd 100 % der eingesetzten Rohstoffe und nutzen emissionsarme Technologien zum Schutz der Umwelt; • achten alle unsere Stakeholder und die Gesellschaften, in denen wir tätig sind; • leben langfristige Partnerschaften. Diese drei Leitsätze sind inhaltlich auch in AGRANAs Unternehmensleitbild integriert und sollen dem Management und allen Mitarbeitern, über gesetzliche Anforderungen und freiwillige Verpflichtungen und Standards hinaus, als praktische und leicht verständliche Anleitung zu täglich nachhaltigem Handeln dienen. Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung Organisatorische Berichtsgrenzen Die in diesen Geschäftsbericht 2013|14 integrierten, mit dem grünen Fingerabdruck gekennzeichneten, für AGRANAs Geschäftstätigkeit wesentlichen Nachhaltigkeitsinformationen orientieren sich am Fragebogen der Global Reporting Initiative (GRI-Version 3.1.) bzw. an deren Branchenzusatz für die Lebensmittelindustrie. Die für die Segmente Zucker, Stärke und Frucht erstellten Kennzahlen enthalten erstmals auch Daten der AUSTRIA JUICE GmbH, einem Joint Venture-Unternehmen, das im Geschäftsjahr 2012|13 durch die Fusion von AGRANA Juice Holding GmbH und Ybbstaler Fruit Austria GmbH entstand und von AGRANA im Segment Frucht finanziell vollkonsolidiert wird. Aus organisatorischen Gründen sind die finanziell quotenkonsolidierten Joint Venture-Unternehmen des AGRANA-Konzerns, die AGRANA-Studen-Gruppe (Segment Zucker), die INSTANTINA (Segment Zucker) sowie die HUNGRANA-Gruppe (Segment Stärke) weiterhin nicht in der Datensammlung enthalten. Die im Rahmen ihrer Geschäftstätigkeit wesentlichen Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte wurden im Geschäftsjahr 2012|13 von einem segment- und funktionenübergreifenden AGRANANachhaltigkeits-Kernteam in folgende sechs Themenfelder gegliedert: % % % % % % Umwelt- und Sozialkriterien in der Beschaffung agrarischer Rohstoffe Umwelt- und Energieaspekte in der Produktion Arbeitsbedingungen und Menschenrechte der Mitarbeiter Produktverantwortung und nachhaltige Produkte Gesetzes- und Regelkonformität sowie Geschäftsgebarung Gesellschaftliches Engagement AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Inhaltliche Berichtsgrenzen AGRANA widmet sich weltweit an den wesentlichsten Standorten in den Geschäftssegmenten Zucker, Stärke und Frucht der Veredelung von agrarischen Rohstoffen zu Lebensmitteln bzw. hochwertigen Vorprodukten, v.a. für weiterverarbeitende Nahrungsmittelunternehmen sowie technische Anwendungen. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 148 AGRANA ordnete diesen sechs Themenfeldern, die jeweils für ihre Geschäftstätigkeit inhaltlich relevanten Indikatoren der GRI zu. Die Wesentlichkeit der einzelnen Indikatoren wurde auf Basis von in den verschiedenen Geschäftssegmenten und Funktionen von Stakeholder-Gruppen erhaltenen Rückmeldungen festgestellt und durch das AGRANA-Nachhaltigkeits-Kernteam im Geschäftsjahr 2012|13 erstmals konzernweit strukturiert erfasst sowie 2013|14 bestätigt. Die folgenden Projekte wurden in den sechs Themenfeldern im Geschäftsjahr 2013|14 bereits umgesetzt bzw. erfolgt ein Ausblick auf laufende Programme sowie Projekte in den Folgejahren: Umwelt- und Sozialkriterien in der Beschaffung: % % Um dem wachsenden Konsumentenbewusstsein und daraus resultierenden erhöhten Kundenanforderungen, v.a. der weiterverarbeitenden Lebensmittelindustrie, in Hinblick auf Umwelt - und Sozialkriterien in der vorgelagerten, agrarischen Lieferkette gerecht zu werden und ihre gesellschaftliche Verantwortung wahrzunehmen, startete AGRANA Ende des Geschäftsjahres 2013|14 eine Arbeitsgruppe zum Thema nachhaltige Beschaffung. Die Teilnehmer aus allen AGRANA Geschäftssegmenten werden im laufenden Geschäftsjahr 2014|15, abhängig von der Integrationstiefe des Beschaffungsmodells dem damit verbundenen Einfluss auf Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte, diese in der Beschaffungsstrategie evaluieren und im Rahmen einer Wesentlichkeitsanalyse weiterentwickeln. Bereits im Geschäftsjahr 2012|13 startete das Segment Frucht auf Basis von kundenspezifischen Forderungen zur Einhaltung von Sozialkriterien und Umsetzung von bestimmten Agrarpraktiken ein über diese Forderungen hinausgehendes Pilotprojekt. Ziel des Projektes war die Zertifizierung von Erdbeer- und Brombeerlieferanten im Bundesstaat Michoacán|Mexiko nach den Kriterien des internationalen RainforestAlliance-Standards. Im Rahmen des Projektes bot AGRANA interessierten Vertragsfarmern in Kooperation mit anderen wissensvermittelnden Partnern zur Vorbereitung auf die Zertifizierungs-Audits Schulungen z.B. zu Pestizideinsatz, Wasser- und Abfall-Management, Reporting an. Das Angebot umfasst außerdem finanzielle und fachliche Unterstützung beim Aufbau von Infrastruktur z.B. Toiletten, Duschen, medizinischer Vorsorge. Nach nur sechs Monaten Umsetzungszeitraum bestanden im November 2013 alle teilnehmenden Erdbeer- und, früher als geplant, auch drei von sieben teilnehmenden Brombeerfarmen die Zertifizierung. Das aus Geldern der Österreichischen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit im Rahmen einer Wirtschaftspartnerschaft der Austrian Development Agency geförderte Projekt stellt eine Win-win-Situation für alle beteiligten Stakeholder dar: Die rund 1.100 Mitarbeiter der teilnehmenden Anbaubetriebe profitieren von besseren Sicherheits- und Sozialstandards am Arbeitsplatz und schützen durch nachhaltigere Bewirtschaftungsmethoden zum Wohl der gesamten Gemeinschaft langfristig die Umwelt. Der weitere gesellschaftliche und PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT UMWELT UND NACHHALTIGKEIT ökologische Nutzen liegt im langfristigen Schutz natürlicher Ressourcen und der Biodiversität. Die Landwirte erhoffen sich durch die Verbesserung der Produktqualität und Arbeitseffizienz sowie die im Bundesstaat Michoacán innovative Zertifizierung einen Wettbewerbsvorteil. AGRANA profitiert durch die über einen kundenspezifischen Standard hinausgehende international anerkannte Zertifizierung ihrer Lieferanten und gewinnt in diesem Pilotprojekt wichtige Erkenntnisse bzgl. des personellen Aufwands und der Kosten der Zertifizierung von Vertragslieferanten nach einem internationalen Standard. Dieses Wissen kann künftig im Rahmen des Strategieprozesses „nachhaltige Beschaffung“ auch in anderen Schwellenmärkten einfließen. 149 Umwelt- und Energieaspekte in der Produktion: % % AGRANA hat im Geschäftsjahr 2013|14 die Einführung eines nach ISO 50001 zertifizierbaren Energie-Management-Systems für alle österreichischen Produktionsstandorte vorbereitet. Im Geschäftsjahr 2014|15 werden die definierten Energiekennzahlen erhoben sowie die zuständigen Mitarbeiter eingeschult. Basierend auf der Auswertung der Energiekennzahlen, werden Aktionspläne für weitere Energiesparmaßnahmen erstellt. AGRANA strebt eine Zertifizierung nach ISO 50001 für Herbst 2014 an. „klima:aktiv“, die Klimaschutzinitiative des Lebensministeriums, zeichnete im November 2013 Unternehmen für Energiesparmaßnahmen im Rahmen des betrieblichen Klimaschutzes aus. AGRANA Zucker GmbH wurde für die Installation von Niedertemperaturtrocknern im Geschäftsjahr 2011|12 in den Zuckerfabriken Tulln und Leopoldsdorf|Österreich mit der „klima:aktiv“-Urkunde geehrt. Arbeitsbedingungen und Menschenrechte in Bezug auf AGRANA-Mitarbeiter: % % Die im Geschäftsjahr 2013|14 erstmals über alle Geschäftssegmente nach weltweit einheitlich definierten Kriterien erhobenen Arbeitssicherheits-Kennzahlen werden aktuell analysiert. Aufgrund der Ergebnisse dieser Analyse werden Verbesserungspotenziale identifiziert und Best Practices an den einzelnen Standorten entsprechend angepasst bzw. schrittweise umgesetzt Zur Unterstützung der zeitlichen Vereinbarkeit von Berufs- und Familien-Anforderungen bietet AGRANA im Sommer 2014 im Rahmen eines Pilotprojektes Ferienbetreuung für Kinder von Mitarbeitern der Zuckerfabriken Tulln, Leopoldsdorf und des Werkes Pischelsdorf an. Während der niederösterreichischen Kindergarten- bzw. Schulferien werden ausgebildete Pädagogen des Niederösterreichischen Hilfswerks für Kinder von Mitarbeitern ein ganztägiges jeweils altersgerechtes, buntes Betreuungsprogramm gestalten. % Produktverantwortung ist eines der sechs Nachhaltigkeits-Kernthemen bei AGRANA. Da AGRANA hauptsächlich Vorprodukte für die weiterverarbeitende Lebensmittelindustrie erzeugt, stellen „Lebensmittelsicherheit“ und „Produktschutz“ die Arbeitsschwerpunkte in diesem Bereich dar. Die Einhaltung geltender nationaler rechtlicher Anforderungen an allen Produktionsstätten stellt für AGRANA den Basisanspruch dar. Zusätzlich orientiert sich AGRANA an international anerkannten Standards im Bereich Lebensmittelsicherheit, wie dem Codex Alimentarius (Lebensmittelkodex der FAO – Food and Agriculture Organization und der WHO – World Health Organization). Im Codex Alimentarius wird mit den „General Principles of Food Hygiene“ das Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)-System eingeführt. Damit werden mögliche Gefahren für die menschliche Gesundheit, die von chemischer, physikalischer oder mikrobiologischer Natur sein können, analysiert und bewertet. In weiterer Folge werden entsprechende Schritte zur Beseitigung bzw. notwendigen Reduktion dieser Gefahren gesetzt. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Produktverantwortung und nachhaltige Produkte: GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 150 Das Unternehmen geht in seinem Bestreben nach Lebensmittelsicherheit über die gesetzlichen Anforderungen hinaus und hat daher weltweit anerkannte Standards für Lebensmittelsicherheit und Produktschutz im Zuge von externen Zertifizierungen eingeführt. Die bedeutendsten Standards sind z.B. der FSSC 22000, die ISO 22000 und der IFS. Im Geschäftsjahr 2013|14 waren mehr als 90% aller Produktionsstandorte nach mindestens einem internationalen Standard zur Lebensmittelsicherheit zertifiziert. Gesellschaftliches Engagement: % % Im Herbst 2013 beging AGRANA ihr 25-jähriges Firmenjubiläum. Das gesamte Geschäftsjahr 2013|14 standen externe Veranstaltungen und die Unternehmenskommunikation im Zeichen der erfolgreichen Entwicklung von einem österreichischen Zucker- und Stärkeproduzenten zu einem international tätigen Konzern. Um dieses Jubiläum mit den Mitarbeitern gebührend zu feiern fand im September 2013 ein Fest für die Beschäftigten aller österreichischen Werke am Standort der Zuckerfabrik Tulln statt. Daneben wurde ein Benefizkonzert in Kooperation mit dem Theater an der Wien veranstaltet zu dem 25 Mitarbeiter internationaler Standorte im Rahmen eines Gewinnspiels Tickets gewinnen konnten. Den Kartenerlös dieses Benefiz-Abends verdoppelte AGRANA und spendete gemeinsam mit dem „Theater an der Wien“ einen Gesamtbetrag von 70.000 € jeweils zur Hälfte an die Organisationen „Malteser Care Ring Kinderhilfe“ und „Hilfe im eigenen Land – Katastrophenhilfe Österreich“. Die „Malteser Care-Ring Kinderhilfe“ bietet fachliche Unterstützung in der häuslichen Pflege für Familien mit schwer erkrankten Kindern, Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen. Der Verein „Hilfe im eigenen Land" ist eine österreichweit tätige Organisation, die nach einem unerwarteten Todesfall, einer schlimmen Erkrankung oder Naturkatastrophen plötzlich in Not geratenen Menschen und Familien rasch und unmittelbar finanziell hilft. Helfende Hände: Auch im Geschäftsjahr 2013|14 spendete AGRANA wie in den Vorjahren Zucker für die „Le+O“-Märkte der Caritas. Diese Märkte bieten Lebensmittel zu einem symbolischen Preis und Orientierung in Form von Sozialberatung für einkommensschwache Menschen. Wie auch in der Vergangenheit haben AGRANA Mitarbeiter der Zentrale in Wien die wöchentlichen Lebensmittelausgaben in einem nahegelegenen „Le+O“-Markt im Rahmen von Freiwilligenarbeit in ihrer Arbeitszeit tatkräftig unterstützt. Die AGRANAKartoffelstärkefabrik in Gmünd|Österreich unterstützte „SOMAmobil Waldviertel“, einen mobilen Sozialmarkt, der mehr als 800 Menschen mit geringem Einkommen in 16 Waldviertler Gemeinden mit Lebensmitteln und Produkten des täglichen Bedarfs versorgt mit Kartoffeldauerprodukten wie z.B. Kartoffelpüree. AGRANA Fruit Mexico hat im Geschäftsjahr 2013|14 an einer Aktion des mexikanischen Zentrums für Philanthropie teilgenommen, das jährlich Unternehmen für Aktivitäten im Bereich Corporate Social Responsibility auszeichnet. Die Bewertungskriterien sind in vier Kategorien gegliedert: Unternehmensethik, Sozialstandards und -leistungen für Mitarbeiter, Umweltschutz sowie gesellschaftliches Engagement in der lokalen Gemeinschaft. AGRANAs mexikanischer Produktionsstandort wurde für sein vielfältiges Angebot im Bereich physischer und psychischer Gesundheitsmaßnahmen für seine Mitarbeiter sowie die von Mitarbeitern im Rahmen von Renovierungsprojekten an 20 lokalen Schulen geleistete Freiwilligenarbeit mit dem „ESR“ (Empresa Socialmente Responsable)-Zeichen geehrt. PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT FORSCHUNG UND ENTWICKLUNG / PERSONAL- UND SOZIALBERICHT FORSCHUNG UND ENTWICKLUNG 151 Die AGRANA Beteiligungs-Aktiengesellschaft betreibt selbst keine Forschung- und Entwicklungstätigkeit. Die AGRANA-Gruppe („AGRANA“) verfolgt in einem hochkompetitiven Marktumfeld das strategische Ziel, durch Produktinnovationen Markttrends zu setzen und sich von den Mitbewerbern zu differenzieren. In enger Partnerschaft mit ihren Kunden entwickelt AGRANA laufend neue Rezepturen, Spezialprodukte und neue, innovative Anwendungsmöglichkeiten bestehender Produkte. Der Bereich Forschung und Entwicklung (F&E) stellt somit einen unverzichtbareren Bestandteil der auf nachhaltigen Erfolg ausgelegten Unternehmensstrategie dar. AGRANA unterhielt im Geschäftsjahr 2013|14 zwei Forschungs- und Entwicklungseinrichtungen. Die Zuckerforschung Tulln Ges.m.b.H. (ZFT), Tulln|Österreich, beschäftigte sich mit Landwirtschaft, Lebensmittel-, Zucker-, Stärke- und Bioethanoltechnologie bis hin zur Mikrobiologie und Biotechnologie. Im Innovations- und Kompetenzzentrum (ICC4) Gleisdorf|Österreich war die zentrale Forschung und Entwicklung des Fruchtzubereitungsbereiches organisiert. Die Aufgabe des ICC bestand in der Entwicklung von Produkten und Produktionsverfahren sowie Durchführung längerfristiger F&E-Projekte, um den international tätigen AGRANA-Kunden marktnahe Lösungen zu präsentieren. Im Innovations- und Kompetenzzentrum (ICC, „Innovation and Competence Center“) Gleisdorf| Österreich ist die zentrale Forschung und Entwicklung des Fruchtzubereitungsbereichs organisiert. Aufgabe dieser Einrichtung ist die Entwicklung von innovativen Produkten und Produktionsverfahren sowie die Durchführung längerfristiger F&E-Projekte, um den international tätigen AGRANA-Kunden marktnahe Lösungen zu präsentieren. Eine zentrale Marktentwicklungsabteilung in Mitry-Mory|Frankreich unterstützt das ICC in Gleisdorf. Im Geschäftsjahr 2013|14 investierte AGRANA rund 17,2 (Vorjahr: 18,2) m€ in Forschung und Entwicklung, was, gemessen am Konzernumsatz, einer F&E-Quote von 0,57 % (Vorjahr von 0,59 %) entsprach. Innerhalb der AGRANA-Gruppe waren 218 (Vorjahr: 204) Mitarbeiter mit Forschung und Produktentwicklung beschäftigt. PERSONAL- UND SOZIALBERICHT Die gesamte AGRANA-Gruppe beschäftige im Geschäftsjahr 2013|14 durchschnittlich 8.778 Mitarbeiter, die sich wie folgt auf die einzelnen Segmente aufteilen: Im Segment Zucker waren 2.399 Mitarbeiter und im Segment Stärke 1.008 Mitarbeiter beschäftigt. Den höchsten Mitarbeiterstand verzeichnete das Segment Frucht mit 5.371 Beschäftigten. 4 Innovation and Competence Center AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Im Geschäftsjahr 2013|14 beschäftigte die AGRANA Beteiligungs-Aktiengesellschaft durchschnittlich 174 (Vorjahr 153) Mitarbeiter (ohne Vorstandsmitglieder). GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 152 Personalstrategie als langfristige Perspektive AGRANA versteht sich als internationale Unternehmensgruppe. Integrität, Leistungsbereitschaft und soziales Bewusstsein sollen verbinden, die Mitarbeiter werden gefördert und ermutigt, unternehmerisch zu denken und zu handeln. Der Arbeits- und Führungsstil ist von Kooperation und gegenseitiger Wertschätzung bestimmt. In diesem Sinne übernimmt auch jeder AGRANA-Mitarbeiter Verantwortung für die eigene Weiterentwicklung. Die Führungskräfte und die Personalabteilungen bieten dafür allen Mitarbeitern Möglichkeiten und Hilfestellungen im Einklang mit den Geschäftszielen. Dadurch konnte ein wertvoller Beitrag zur Profitabilität und zum Wachstum der Geschäftsbereiche geleistet werden. Zur Unterstützung der strategischen Ziele existiert ein konzernweit implementiertes „PerformanceManagement“ in Verbindung mit einem erfolgsabhängigen Entlohnungssystem für das Management. Die Kriterien für die variable Vergütung umfassen neben Finanz- und Ertragszielen auch individuelle Zielvereinbarungen. Im Geschäftsjahr 2013|14 waren 6,7 % (Vorjahr: 6,0 %) aller Beschäftigten Teil dieses erfolgsorientierten Entlohnungssystems. Personalentwicklung und Weiterbildung in der AGRANA-Gruppe Wie auch in den Vorjahren bot AGRANA zahlreiche Trainings, sowohl im fachlichen wie auch im persönlichkeitsbildenden Bereich, an. Laufende unternehmensübergreifende Programme, um den Austausch der Segmente zu fördern und die Internationalität des Konzerns zu unterstützen, wurden fortgeführt. Erst durch diese Beständigkeit können der nachhaltige Erfolg dieser Trainingsaber auch Traineeprogramme und der Mehrwert für das Unternehmen und seine Mitarbeiter sichergestellt werden. Ein besonderer Fokus wurde auch im Geschäftsjahr 2013|14 auf „Onboarding“-Programme und „Welcome Days“ gelegt, die in allen Segmenten und der Holding organisiert wurden, um neuen Mitarbeitern einen schnellen Überblick über den eigenen Bereich, aber auch die gesamte AGRANAWelt zu geben. In der Folge können Mitarbeiter am segmentübergreifenden, konzernweiten Austausch INCA (International Communication at AGRANA) teilnehmen. Die Förderung von Talenten hat bei AGRANA einen hohen Stellenwert. Im Jänner 2014 haben 22 Mitarbeiter und 7 Mitarbeiterinnen den dritten Durchgang des Talente-Programmes „ACT“ (AGRANA Competencies Training) beendet. Bei der abschließenden Projektpräsentation wurden über den hoch gesteckten Erwartungen liegende Ergebnisse z.B. im Bereich weiterer Vermarktungsmöglichkeiten für Reststoffe aus der Apfelsaftkonzentratsproduktion vorgestellt. Aber auch die Entwicklung der Mitarbeiter im Laufe des Programmes war auffallend positiv. Mit den Ergebnissen der Projekte aber auch der intensiven Weiterbildung einer ausgewählten Anzahl von Mitarbeitern ist AGRANA für die Zukunft bestens vorbereitet. Konzernweit bot AGRANA im Geschäftsjahr 2013|14 insgesamt 78 Lehrlingen (Vorjahr: 65) in Österreich und Deutschland eine Ausbildungsmöglichkeit, u.a. als MaschinenbautechnikerIn, ElektrotechnikerIn, Elektrobetriebs- und ProzessleittechnikerIn, MetalltechnikerIn, ChemielabortechnikerIn, LebensmitteltechnikerIn, MechatronikerIn, Industriekauffrau/-mann sowie als Informationstechnologie-TechnikerIn. Der Anteil weiblicher Lehrlinge lag bei 10,3 %. PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT PERSONAL- UND SOZIALBERICHT Gesundheit & Arbeitssicherheit 153 AGRANA hat im Geschäftsjahr 2013|14, zusätzlich zu gesetzlichen und segmentbezogenen Berichtspflichten, erstmals globale, über alle Geschäftssegmente einheitlich definierte Arbeitssicherheitskennzahlen erhoben. Diese im Geschäftsjahr 2013|14 erstmals weltweit nach einheitlichen Kriterien erhobenen Kennzahlen werden im Geschäftsjahr 2014|15 im Detail analysiert. Aufgrund der Ergebnisse dieser Analyse werden im Rahmen eines internationalen Vergleichs Verbesserungspotentiale sowie Best Practices identifiziert, um in den einzelnen Standorten – entsprechend adaptiert – schrittweise umgesetzt zu werden. Zusätzlich zum Angebot der laufenden arbeitsmedizinischen Betreuung bestehen an einigen Standorten individuelle Kooperationen mit lokalen Fitnesseinrichtungen. Ziel ist die Verbesserung des Gesundheitszustandes sowie des Wohlbefindens der Mitarbeiter. Neben gesundheitlichen Routine-Checks, Tipps zu ausgewogener, gesunder Ernährung, Ergonomie am Arbeitsplatz zur Prävention von Verspannungen und schwerwiegenderen Probleme, werden viele unterschiedliche sportliche Aktivitäten angeboten. Weiters gelang es erneut, zahlreiche Laufsportler für die Teilnahme am jährlichen „Wien Energie Business Run“ zu begeistern. Als führendes Unternehmen in der Lebensmittelbranche weist AGRANA auch die eigenen Mitarbeiter auf die Wichtigkeit einer gesunden und vitaminreichen Ernährung hin. Mit lokalen Aktionen wie dem „Obstkorb“ – frisches Obst zur freien Entnahme – und der freien Verfügbarkeit von Mineralwasser soll dies unterstrichen werden. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Neben diesen Angeboten zu Verbesserung der physischen Gesundheit, wurde im Februar 2014 an allen österreichischen Standorten eine (gesetzlich vorgeschriebene) Evaluierung der psychischen Belastungen am Arbeitsplatz durchgeführt. Mit Hilfe einer Mitarbeiterumfrage werden nun zusätzlich zur laufenden Arbeitsplatzevaluierung durch die Präventivfachkräfte an den Standorten auch die arbeitsbedingten psychischen Belastungen erhoben. Nach Analyse der Ergebnisse werden im Geschäftsjahr 2014|15 geeignete Maßnahmen umgesetzt werden. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 154 RISIKOMANAGEMENT UND INTERNES KONTROLLSYSTEM Der Vorstand der AGRANA-Gruppe ist sich der Bedeutung eines aktiven Risikomanagements bewusst. Dieses verfolgt als grundsätzliches Ziel, das Chancen- und Risikopotenzial ehestmöglich zu erkennen und geeignete Maßnahmen zur Erhaltung der Ertragskraft sowie zur Sicherung des Fortbestands der Unternehmensgruppe zu setzen. Die AGRANA-Gruppe bedient sich integrierter Kontroll- und Berichtssysteme, die eine regelmäßige Einschätzung der Risikosituation ermöglichen. Im Rahmen der Früherkennung und Überwachung von konzernrelevanten Risiken wurden zwei einander ergänzende Steuerungsinstrumente implementiert: Ein konzernweites, operatives Planungs- und Berichtssystem bildet die Basis für die monatliche Berichterstattung an die zuständigen Entscheidungsträger. Im Rahmen dieses Reporting-Prozesses wird für die Gruppe und für jedes Segment ein separater Risikobericht erstellt. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf Chancen und Risiken aus sich verändernden Marktpreisen für das gegenwärtige und folgende Geschäftsjahr. Neben der laufenden Berichterstattung diskutieren die Verantwortlichen aus den Geschäftsbereichen regelmäßig direkt mit dem Vorstand über die wirtschaftliche Situation sowie den Einsatz risikoreduzierender Maßnahmen. Das strategische Risikomanagement verfolgt die Zielsetzung, wesentliche Einzelrisiken hinsichtlich ihrer Auswirkungen auf das Chancen- und Risikopotenzial zu identifizieren und zu bewerten. Zweimal jährlich werden die mittel- bis langfristigen Risiken in den einzelnen Geschäftsbereichen durch ein definiertes Risikomanagement-Team in Kooperation mit dem zentralen Risikomanagement analysiert. Der Prozess beinhaltet die Risikoidentifikation und deren Bewertung nach Eintrittswahrscheinlichkeit und möglichem Risiko-/Chancenpotenzial, die Definition von Frühwarnindikatoren sowie Maßnahmen zur Gegensteuerung. Zudem wird für das laufende Geschäftsjahr die aggregierte Risikoposition der AGRANA-Gruppe mittels einer „Monte-CarloSimulation“ ermittelt. So kann beurteilt werden, ob ein Zusammenwirken oder die Kumulation von Einzelrisiken ein bestandsgefährdendes Risiko darstellen könnte. Die Ergebnisse werden an den Vorstand sowie den Prüfungsausschuss des Aufsichtsrates berichtet. Für die Segmente der AGRANA-Gruppe wurden Risikomanagement-Verantwortliche definiert, die in Abstimmung mit dem Vorstand im Bedarfsfall Maßnahmen zur Schadensminimierung einleiten sollen. Risikopolitik AGRANA sieht im verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit Chancen und Risiken eine wesentliche Grundlage für eine ziel- und wertorientierte sowie nachhaltige Unternehmensführung. Die Risikopolitik der Unternehmensgruppe zielt auf risikobewusstes Verhalten ab und sieht klare Verantwortlichkeiten, Unabhängigkeit im Risikomanagement und die Durchführung interner Kontrollen vor. Risiken dürfen konzernweit nur dann eingegangen werden, wenn sich diese aus dem Kerngeschäft der AGRANA-Gruppe ergeben und nicht ökonomisch sinnvoll vermieden oder abgesichert werden können. Sie sind möglichst zu minimieren, wobei auf ein ausgewogenes Verhältnis von Risiko und Chance Bedacht zu nehmen ist. Das Eingehen von Risiken außerhalb des operativen Geschäfts wird ohne Ausnahmen abgelehnt. PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT RISIKOMANAGEMENT UND INTERNES KONTROLLSYSTEM Die AGRANA Beteiligungs-Aktiengesellschaft ist für die konzernweite Koordinierung und Umsetzung der vom Vorstand festgelegten Maßnahmen zum Risikomanagement verantwortlich. Der Einsatz von derivativen Instrumenten ist nur zur Absicherung von Grundgeschäften, nicht jedoch zu Spekulationszwecken erlaubt. Über die Verwendung von Derivaten wird regelmäßig an den Vorstand berichtet. 155 Wesentliche Risiken und Ungewissheiten Die Unternehmensgruppe ist Risiken ausgesetzt, die sich sowohl aus dem operativen Geschäft als auch von nationalen und internationalen Rahmenbedingungen ableiten. In den Risiken der AGRANA-Gruppe schlagen sich auch Aspekte der Nachhaltigkeit, wie z.B. der Klimawandel, nieder. Im Zuge der Geschäftstätigkeit als weltweit tätiger Veredler agrarischer Rohstoffe betreffen Risiken aufgrund klimatischer Veränderungen in erster Linie deren Verfügbarkeit. Daneben ist AGRANA, aufgrund der vor allem in den Geschäftssegmenten Zucker und Stärke energieintensiven Produktion, einem Risiko durch die Energie- und Umweltgesetzgebung ausgesetzt. Operative Risiken Beschaffungsrisiken AGRANA ist auf ausreichende Verfügbarkeit agrarischer Rohmaterialien in der benötigten Qualität angewiesen. Neben einer möglichen Unterversorgung mit geeigneten Rohstoffen stellen deren Preisschwankungen, wenn sie nicht oder nicht ausreichend an die Abnehmer weitergegeben werden können, ein Risiko dar. Wesentliche Treiber für Verfügbarkeit, Qualität und Preis sind wetterbedingte Gegebenheiten in den Anbaugebieten, die Wettbewerbssituation, regulatorische und gesetzliche Regelungen sowie die Veränderung der Wechselkurse relevanter Währungen. Im Segment Stärke werden Lieferverträge in adäquatem Ausmaß zur Sicherung der Bedarfsmengen an Rohstoffen abgeschlossen. Wenn wirtschaftlich sinnvoll, kann die Absicherung auch durch intern genehmigungspflichtige Termingeschäfte (Future-Kontrakte) erfolgen. Umfang und Ergebnis dieser Sicherungsgeschäfte sind Bestandteil des monatlichen Reporting und werden dem AGRANA-Vorstand berichtet. Bei der Bioethanolproduktion führen Preisveränderungen beim Rohstoff Getreide in der Regel auch zu einer gleichgerichteten Preisänderung des Nebenproduktes ActiProt®. Dadurch können Rohstoffpreisrisiken teilweise kompensiert werden („Natural Hedge“). Es verbleibt jedoch das Restrisiko, dass steigende Rohstoffkosten nicht in vollem Ausmaß an die Abnehmer von Bioethanol weitergegeben werden können. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Im Segment Zucker werden Zuckerrüben und Rohzucker als Rohstoffe verwendet. Neben witterungsbedingten Einflussfaktoren spielt für die Verfügbarkeit des Rohstoffs Zuckerrübe auch die Wirtschaftlichkeit des Rübenanbaus – im Vergleich mit der Kultivierung anderer Feldfrüchte – für die zuliefernden Bauern eine wichtige Rolle. Für die Raffinationsstandorte in BosnienHerzegowina, Ungarn und Rumänien stellt die Möglichkeit der Wertschöpfung aus der Verarbeitung des bezogenen Rohzuckers unter Berücksichtigung der erzielbaren Marktpreise für Weißzucker den grundlegenden Rentabilitätsfaktor dar. Neben dem Risiko aus hohen Einstandspreisen für Rohzucker stellen auch die Bestimmungen für den Import von Weiß- und Rohzucker in die EU ein Beschaffungsrisiko dar. Der Rohzuckerbedarf wird nach Maßgabe der Wirtschaftlichkeit durch Warentermingeschäfte abgesichert. Diese werden gemäß den internen Richtlinien ausgeführt und unterliegen der Berichtspflicht gegenüber dem Vorstand. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 156 Im Segment Frucht können sich durch nachteilige Witterungsverhältnisse sowie Pflanzenkrankheiten verursachte Ernteausfälle negativ auf Verfügbarkeit und Einstandspreis der Rohstoffe auswirken. AGRANA ist es durch ihre weltweite Präsenz und die Kenntnis der Beschaffungsmärkte möglich, im Geschäftsbereich Fruchtzubereitungen regionale Versorgungsengpässe und Preisvolatilitäten frühzeitig zu erkennen und entsprechend entgegenzuwirken. Wo möglich werden zudem sowohl beschaffungs- als auch absatzseitig Jahresverträge abgeschlossen. Die Produktionsvorgänge vor allem in den Segmenten Zucker und Stärke sind energieintensiv. Daher investiert AGRANA fortlaufend in die Steigerung der Energieeffizienz ihrer Produktionsanlagen und richtet sie auf den kostenoptimierenden Einsatz von unterschiedlichen Energieträgern aus. Für die eingesetzten Energieträger werden zudem teilweise kurz- und mittelfristige Mengen- und Preissicherungen vorgenommen. Produktqualität und -sicherheit AGRANA sieht in der Produktion und im Vertrieb von qualitativ hochwertigen und sicheren Produkten eine Grundvoraussetzung für nachhaltigen wirtschaftlichen Erfolg. Das Unternehmen verfügt über ein streng ausgelegtes und laufend weiterentwickeltes Qualitätsmanagement, das den Anforderungen der relevanten lebensmittelrechtlichen Standards und den kundenseitig festgelegten Kriterien entspricht und den gesamten Prozess von der Rohstoffbeschaffung, über die Produktion bis zur Auslieferung der gefertigten Waren umfasst. Die Einhaltung der Qualitätsstandards wird regelmäßig durch interne und externe Audits verifiziert. Darüber hinaus sollen abgeschlossene Produkthaftpflichtversicherungen allfällige Restrisiken abdecken. Markt- und Wettbewerbsrisiken AGRANA steht im Rahmen ihrer globalen Tätigkeit im intensiven Wettbewerb mit regionalen wie auch überregionalen Mitbewerbern. Die eigene Marktposition wird laufend beobachtet, sodass etwaig notwendige, korrigierende Maßnahmen schnell eingeleitet werden können. Entsprechend der Nachfrage und auch aufgrund anderer Einflussfaktoren werden die Kapazitäten und die Kostenstrukturen zur Erhaltung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit auf den Kernmärkten stetig angepasst. Die frühzeitige Erkennung von Änderungen des Nachfrage- und Konsumverhaltens basiert auf stetigen Analysen von Planabweichungen. In diesem Zusammenhang stehen auch neue technologische Entwicklungen und Produktionsprozesse am Markt unter Beobachtung, die in Zukunft zu einer teilweisen Rückwärtsintegration von Kunden in Kernbereiche einzelner Segmente der AGRANA-Gruppe führen können. Regulatorische Risiken Marktordnungsrisiken für Zucker Zuckermarktordnung: Der Rat der Europäischen Union sowie das Parlament konnten sich im Oktober 2013 darauf verständigen, dass die Zuckermarktordnung mit September 2017 auslaufen wird. Mit 30. September 2017 entfällt demzufolge die Quotenregelung für Zucker und Isoglukose und beide Produkte können dann in beliebigen Quantitäten erzeugt und verkauft werden. Freihandelsabkommen: Das derzeit verhandelte Freihandelsabkommen zwischen der EU und den USA könnte wirtschaftliche Auswirkungen auf AGRANA haben. Nach derzeitigem Stand werden landwirtschaftliche Erzeugnisse (insbesondere Zucker und Stärke) als sensible Produkte klassifiziert und sind somit nicht Gegenstand der Verhandlungen. Es ist allerdings möglich, dass sich das in weiteren Verhandlungsrunden, ab 2015, ändern wird. Details der Verhandlungstexte sind bis dato nicht öffentlich einsehbar. PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT RISIKOMANAGEMENT UND INTERNES KONTROLLSYSTEM Im Rahmen des Risikomanagements werden bereits im Vorfeld mögliche Szenarien und ihre Auswirkungen analysiert und bewertet. 157 EU-Richtlinie für erneuerbare Energien (2009/28/EG) Die EU-Richtlinie für erneuerbare Energien bildet die Basis für die seit Oktober 2007 gültige Mindestbeimischung von Bioethanol zu Benzin, deren Höhe eine starke Auswirkung auf den Geschäftsbereich Bioethanol hat. Aufgrund der aktuellen österreichischen und europäischen Gesetzeslage ist zumindest von einer Beibehaltung der derzeitigen Beimischungsquoten bis 2020 auszugehen. Trotzdem werden neue Initiativen auf EU-Ebene (indirekte Landnutzungsänderungen) sowie die öffentliche Diskussion und nationale Gesetzesinitiativen zu diesem Thema genauestens beobachtet, analysiert und durch das Risikomanagement bewertet. Rechtliche Risiken AGRANA verfolgt laufend mögliche rechtliche Änderungen, die zu einer Risikosituation führen können, und trifft gegebenenfalls antizipative Maßnahmen. Dies betrifft besonders die Bereiche Lebensmittel- und Umweltrecht. Derzeit bestehen keine zivilrechtlichen Klagen gegen Unternehmen der AGRANA-Gruppe, die eine nachhaltige Auswirkung auf die Ertrags-, Finanz- und Vermögenslage haben könnten. Wie in den Vorjahresberichten dargestellt, leitete die slowakische Wettbewerbsbehörde im Geschäftsjahr 2009|10 Erhebungen unter anderem gegen die lokale AGRANA-Zuckergesellschaft ein. Bis heute erfolgten jedoch keine weiteren Schritte. Das im Jahr 2010 durch die österreichische Bundeswettbewerbsbehörde beantragte Kartellverfahren wegen des Verdachts wettbewerbsbeschränkender Absprachen in Bezug auf Österreich gegen die AGRANA Zucker GmbH, Wien, und die Südzucker AG Mannheim/Ochsenfurt, Mannheim|Deutschland, brachte bis dato keine weitere Entscheidung des Kartellgerichts. AGRANA hält die Beschuldigung weiterhin für unbegründet und es wurden bis dato keine rechtlichen Schritte seitens der Behörden eingeleitet. Finanzielle Risiken % Zinsänderungsrisiken ergeben sich durch Wertschwankungen von fix verzinsten Finanzinstrumenten infolge einer Änderung des Marktzinssatzes (zinsbedingtes Kursrisiko). Variabel verzinsliche Anlagen oder Kreditaufnahmen unterliegen dagegen keinem Wertrisiko, da der Zinssatz zeitnah der Marktzinslage angepasst wird. Durch die Schwankung des Marktzinsniveaus ergibt sich aber ein Risiko hinsichtlich der künftigen Zinszahlungen (zinsbedingtes Zahlungsstromrisiko). Im Rahmen der Umsetzung des IFRS 7 wurden die bestehenden Zinsrisiken durch Berechnung des „Cash Flow at Risk“ bzw. der „Modified Duration“ ermittelt und im Konzernanhang detailliert dargestellt. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 AGRANA ist Risiken durch Veränderungen von Wechselkursen, Zinssätzen und Produktpreisen ausgesetzt. Die Finanzierung der Unternehmensgruppe erfolgt im Wesentlichen zentral durch die Treasury-Abteilung, die dem Vorstand laufend über die Entwicklung und Struktur der Nettofinanzschulden des Konzerns, finanzielle Risiken und den Umfang und das Ergebnis der getätigten Sicherungsgeschäfte berichtet. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 158 % Währungsrisiken können im Wesentlichen aus dem Erwerb und Verkauf von Waren in Fremdwährungen sowie aufgrund von Finanzierungen in Fremdwährungen bzw. lokalen Euro-Finanzierungen entstehen. Für AGRANA sind vor allem die Kursrelationen von Euro zu US-Dollar, ungarischem Forint, polnischem Zloty, rumänischem Leu, ukrainischer Griwna, russischem Rubel und brasilianischem Real von Relevanz. Als Sicherungsinstrument setzt AGRANA vorrangig Devisentermingeschäfte ein, mit denen die in Fremdwährung anfallenden Zahlungsströme gegen Kursschwankungen abgesichert werden. In Ländern mit volatilen Währungen werden diese Risiken zusätzlich durch eine Verkürzung von Zahlungsfristen, eine Indizierung der Verkaufspreise zum Euro oder USDollar und analoge Sicherungsmechanismen weiter reduziert. Das Währungsrisiko wird durch den „Value at Risk“-Ansatz ermittelt und im Konzernanhang dargestellt. % Liquiditätsrisiken auf Einzelgesellschafts- oder Länderebene werden durch das einheitliche Berichtswesen frühzeitig erkannt, wodurch eventuelle Gegenmaßnahmen rechtzeitig eingeleitet werden können. Die Liquidität der AGRANA-Gruppe ist, durch von Kreditinstituten zugesagte Kreditlinien, jederzeit ausreichend gesichert. % Risiken aus Forderungsausfällen werden durch die bestehenden Warenkreditversicherungen, durch strikte Kreditlimits und laufende Überprüfungen der Kundenbonität minimiert. Das verbleibende Risiko wird durch Vorsorgen in angemessener Höhe abgedeckt. Risiken aus Unregelmäßigkeiten Im Zuge der Jahresabschlussprüfung 2011|12 der AGRANA Fruit México, S.A. de C.V., Michoacán|Mexiko, traten Verdachtsmomente auf, dass verschiedene Geschäftsvorfälle nicht im Einklang mit dem AGRANA „Code of Conduct“ standen und deren finanzieller Ausweis nicht den geltenden externen und internen Bilanzierungsvorschriften entsprach. Nach intensiven Erhebungen wurde Anfang Juni 2012 das lokale Management ausgetauscht, der Fall aufgearbeitet, und im Jahresabschluss 2012|13 entsprechende finanzielle Vorsorgen getroffen. Im Geschäftsjahr 2013|14 ergaben sich keine wesentlichen, neuen Erkenntnisse zu diesem Betrugsfall, und die im Geschäftsjahr 2012|13 erfolgten internen und externen Ermittlungen erwiesen sich als umfassend. Es laufen Strafanzeigen gegen das frühere Management sowie Zivilklagen gegen Firmen, welche in deren Eigentum stehen bzw. standen. Interne und externe Prüfungen sollen bestmöglich sicherstellen, dass ähnliche Vorfälle verhindert bzw. frühzeitig erkannt werden. Gesamtrisiko Die derzeitige Gesamtrisikoposition des Konzerns ist durch anhaltend hohe Volatilitäten von Absatz- und Rohstoffpreisen gekennzeichnet und entspricht in Summe dem Niveau des Vorjahres. Es sind gegenwärtig keine bestandsgefährdenden Risiken für die AGRANA-Gruppe erkennbar. PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT RISIKOMANAGEMENT UND INTERNES KONTROLLSYSTEM Internes Kontroll- und Risikomanagementsystem 159 (Berichterstattung gemäß § 243a Abs. 2 UGB) Der Vorstand der AGRANA ist sich der Verantwortung zur Einrichtung und Ausgestaltung eines internen Kontrollsystems (IKS) und Risikomanagementsystems (RMS) im Hinblick auf den Rechnungslegungsprozess sowie die Einhaltung der maßgeblichen gesetzlichen Vorschriften bewusst. Konzernweit geltende Bilanzierungs- und Bewertungsrichtlinien, das interne Kontrollsystem (IKS) sowie die Vorschriften zur Rechnungslegung nach den International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) sichern sowohl Einheitlichkeit der Rechnungslegung als auch die Verlässlichkeit der Finanzberichterstattung und der extern publizierten Abschlüsse. Der überwiegende Anteil der Konzerngesellschaften verwendet SAP als führendes ERP-System. Die Werte der Einzelabschlüsse werden in das zentrale SAP-Konsolidierungsmodul übernommen. Es kann somit sichergestellt werden, dass das Berichtswesen auf einer einheitlichen Datenbasis erfolgt. Die Erstellung des Konzernabschlusses erfolgt durch das Konzernrechnungswesen. Es zeichnet für die Betreuung der Meldedatenübernahme der lokalen Gesellschaften, die Durchführung der Konsolidierungsmaßnahmen, die analytische Aufbereitung und Erstellung von Finanzberichten verantwortlich. Die Kontrolle und Abstimmung des internen und externen Berichtswesens werden monatlich durch das Controlling und Konzernrechnungswesen durchgeführt. Das wesentliche Steuerungsinstrument für das Management von AGRANA ist das konzernweit implementierte einheitliche Planungs- und Berichtssystem. Es umfasst eine Mittelfristplanung mit einem Planungshorizont von fünf Jahren, eine Budgetplanung (für das folgende Geschäftsjahr), Monatsberichte inklusive eines eigenen Risikoberichtes sowie dreimal jährlich eine Vorschaurechnung des laufenden Geschäftsjahres, in dem die wesentlichen wirtschaftlichen Entwicklungen berücksichtigt werden. Im Falle von gravierenden Änderungen der Planungsprämissen wird dieses System durch Ad-hoc-Planungen ergänzt. Ein konzernweites Risikomanagementsystem, sowohl auf operativer als auch strategischer Ebene, in dessen Rahmen alle für das Unternehmen relevanten Risikofelder wie regulatorische und rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen, Rohstoffbeschaffung, Wettbewerbs- und Marktrisiken und Finanzierung auf Chancen und Risiken analysiert werden, ermöglicht es dem Management, frühzeitig Veränderungen im Unternehmensumfeld zu erkennen und rechtzeitig Gegenmaßnahmen einzuleiten. Die Interne Revision überwacht sämtliche Betriebs- und Geschäftsabläufe in der Gruppe im Hinblick auf die Einhaltung gesetzlicher Bestimmungen und interner Richtlinien sowie auf Wirksamkeit des Risikomanagements und der internen Kontrollsysteme. Grundlage der Prüfungshandlungen ist ein vom Vorstand beschlossener jährlicher Revisionsplan auf Basis einer AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Die vom Controlling erstellte monatliche Finanzberichterstattung zeigt die Entwicklung aller Konzerngesellschaften. Der Inhalt dieses Berichtes ist konzernweit vereinheitlicht und umfasst neben detaillierten Verkaufsdaten, Bilanz, Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung, die daraus ableitbaren Kennzahlen und auch eine Analyse der wesentlichen Abweichungen. Teil dieses Monatsberichtes ist auch ein eigener Risikobericht, sowohl für jedes Segment als auch für die AGRANA-Gruppe, indem unter der Annahme des Einfrierens der wesentlichen Ergebnisfaktoren (wie z.B. Energie-, Rohstoff-, Verkaufspreise etc.) auf dem aktuellen Niveau bis Geschäftsjahresende ein Risikopotenzial für das laufende und das nachfolgende Geschäftsjahr errechnet wird. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 160 konzernweiten Risikobewertung. Auf Veranlassung des Managements werden Ad-hoc-Prüfungen durchgeführt, die auf aktuelle und zukünftige Risiken abzielen. Die Ergebnisse der Prüfungshandlungen werden regelmäßig an den AGRANA-Vorstand und an das verantwortliche Management berichtet. Die Umsetzung der von der Revision vorgeschlagenen Maßnahmen wird durch Folgekontrollen überprüft. Im Rahmen der Abschlussprüfung beurteilt der Wirtschaftsprüfer jährlich, soweit es für sein Prüfungsurteil erforderlich ist, das interne Kontrollsystem des Rechnungslegungsprozesses und der IT-Systeme. Die Ergebnisse der Prüfungshandlungen werden dem Prüfungsausschuss im Aufsichtsrat berichtet Angaben gemäß § 243a Abs. 1 UGB Das Grundkapital der AGRANA Beteiligungs-Aktiengesellschaft beträgt zum Stichtag 28. Februar 2014 103,2 Mio. € und ist in 14.202.040 auf Inhaber lautende Stückaktien (Stammaktien mit Stimmrecht) geteilt. Weitere Aktiengattungen bestehen nicht. Die Z&S Zucker und Stärke Holding AG (Z&S) mit Sitz in Wien hält als Mehrheitsaktionär direkt 86,2 % des Grundkapitals der AGRANA Beteiligungs-Aktiengesellschaft. Die Z&S ist eine 100 %Tochter der AGRANA Zucker, Stärke und Frucht Holding AG, Wien, an welcher die ZuckerBeteiligungsgesellschaft m.b.H. (ZBG), Wien, mit 50 % abzüglich einer Aktie, die von der AGRANA Zucker GmbH, einer Tochter der AGRANA Beteiligungs-Aktiengesellschaft, gehalten wird, sowie die Südzucker AG Mannheim/Ochsenfurt (Südzucker), Mannheim|Deutschland, mit 50% beteiligt sind. An der ZBG halten die „ALMARA“ Holding GmbH, eine Tochtergesellschaft der Raiffeisen-Holding Niederösterreich Wien registrierte Genossenschaft mit beschränkter Haftung, die Marchfelder Zuckerfabriken Gesellschaft m.b.H., die Estezet Beteiligungsgesellschaft m.b.H., die Rübenproduzenten Beteiligungs GesmbH und die Leipnik-Lundenburger Invest Beteiligungs AG, jeweils Wien, Beteiligungen. Aufgrund eines zwischen der Südzucker und der ZBG abgeschlossenen Syndikatsvertrages sind die Stimmrechte der Syndikatspartner in der Z&S gebündelt und es bestehen unter anderem Übertragungsbeschränkungen der Aktien und bestimmte Nominierungsrechte der Syndikatspartner für die Organe der AGRANA Beteiligungs-Aktiengesellschaft und der Südzucker. So ist Dipl.-Ing. Johann Marihart von der ZBG als Mitglied des Vorstandes der Südzucker und Dkfm. Thomas Kölbl seitens Südzucker als Vorstandsmitglied der AGRANA Beteiligungs-Aktiengesellschaft nominiert und bestellt. M&G Investmentfonds des britischen Finanzunternehmens Prudential plc, London|Großbritannien, hielten bis 27. Februar 2014 mehr als 15 % am AGRANA-Grundkapital. Die Z&S, die als Mehrheitsaktionärin der AGRANA Beteiligungs-Aktiengesellschaft bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt 75,5 % des Grundkapitals hielt, hat von M&G Investmentfonds einen Anteil in Höhe von 10,7 % unmittelbar übernommen, wodurch die Z&S nach dieser Transaktion 86,2 % der Stimmrechte an AGRANA hält. Weitere 4,9 % an AGRANA-Aktien wurden unmittelbar von Südzucker erworben, die dadurch ihren direkten Anteil an der AGRANA Beteiligungs-Aktiengesellschaft auf rund 6,5 % aufgestockt hat, von denen 4,9 % wieder platziert werden sollen, um den Streubesitz der AGRANA BeteiligungsAktiengesellschaft zu erhöhen. Ziel ist es, die Liquidität der AGRANA-Aktie zu erhöhen und so die Attraktivität für Investoren zu verbessern. Auf nicht platzierte Aktien hat die Z&S eine ab dem 1. März 2015 ausübbare Call-Option gegenüber Südzucker. Keine Inhaber von Aktien verfügen über besondere Kontrollrechte. Mitarbeiter, die auch Aktionäre der AGRANA Beteiligungs-Aktiengesellschaft sind, üben ihre Stimmrechte individuell aus. Der Vorstand verfügt über keine über die unmittelbaren gesetzlichen Regelungen hinausgehenden Befugnisse, Aktien auszugeben oder zurückzukaufen. PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT ZWEIGNIEDERLASSUNGEN / EREIGNISSE NACH DEM BILANZSTICHTAG / PROGNOSEBERICHT In den Verträgen betreffend Schuldscheindarlehen und Kreditlinien („Syndicated Loans“) sind „Change of Control“-Klauseln enthalten, die den Darlehensgebern ein außerordentliches Kündigungsrecht einräumen. 161 Darüber hinaus bestehen keine bedeutenden Vereinbarungen, die bei einem Kontrollwechsel infolge eines Übernahmeangebotes wirksam werden, sich wesentlich ändern oder enden. Entschädigungsvereinbarungen zwischen der Gesellschaft und ihren Organen oder Arbeitnehmern im Falle eines öffentlichen Übernahmeangebots bestehen nicht. ZWEIGNIEDERLASSUNGEN Die AGRANA Beteiligungs-Aktiengesellschaft hatte in 2013|14 keine Zweigniederlassungen EREIGNISSE NACH DEM BILANZSTICHTAG Es sind nach dem Bilanzstichtag keine wesentlichen berichtspflichtigen Ereignisse eingetreten. PROGNOSEBERICHT Basierend auf einer soliden Bilanzstruktur zum 28. Februar 2014 und einem gut diversifizierten Geschäftsmodell, sieht sich AGRANA auch für das neue Geschäftsjahr gut gerüstet, rechnet aber mit einer etwas schwächeren Ergebnisentwicklung. Aus heutiger Sicht geht AGRANA für das Geschäftsjahr 2014|15 von einem leichten Rückgang beim Konzernumsatz aus, der auf ein im Durchschnitt etwas niedrigeres Preisniveau bei leicht steigenden Verkaufsmengen zurückzuführen ist. Beim Ergebnis der Betriebstätigkeit (EBIT) erwartet der Konzern ebenfalls eine geringfügige Abschwächung. Wien, am 29. April 2014 Dipl.-Ing. Johann Marihart e.h. Mag. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Fritz Gattermayer e.h. Mag. Walter Grausam e.h. Dkfm. Thomas Kölbl e.h. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Der Vorstand 162 PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 28 FEBRUARY 2014 AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG INHALTSVERZEICHNIS 163 Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung Bilanz Anhang zum Jahresabschluss Allgemeines Bilanzierungs- und Bewertungsmethoden Erläuterungen zur Bilanz Erläuterungen zur Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung Sonstige Angaben Aufwendungen für den Abschlussprüfer Organe und Arbeitnehmer AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Entwicklung des Anlagevermögens PARENT COMPANY INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 28 FEBRUARY 2014 164 ¤000 2013|14 2012|13 1. 2. 3. 4. 71 37,972 (22,003) 71 37,478 (19,511) (2,074) (23,033) (9,067) (1,418) (24,096) (7,476) 53,745 53,825 5,215 5,707 5,207 4,761 0 0 1,211 (1,661) 12. Interest and similar expense 13. Net financial items [subtotal of items 7 to 12] (2,719) 61,948 (3,255) 60,089 14. Profit before tax [subtotal of items 1 to 13] 52,881 52,612 15. Income tax credit 16. Profit for the period 530 53,411 81 52,693 17. Profit brought forward from prior year 18. Net profit available for distribution 5,177 58,588 3,612 56,305 Revenue Other operating income Staff costs Depreciation, amortisation and impairment of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 5. Other operating expenses 6. Operating (loss) [subtotal of items 1 to 5] 7. Income from investments in subsidiaries and other companies – Of which from subsidiaries: € 53,740 thousand (prior year: € 53,820 thousand) 8. Income from other non-current securities 9. Other interest and similar income – Of which from subsidiaries: € 5,707 thousand (prior year: € 4,606 thousand) 10. Income from valuation gains on non-current financial assets 11. Expenses from non-current financial assets – Of which from impairment: € 0 (prior year: € 1,661 thousand) – Of which from subsidiaries: € 0 (prior year: € 1,661 thousand) PARENT COMPANY BALANCE SHEET AT 28 FEBRUARY 2014 28 February 2014 28 February 2013 1,423 2,735 617,941 622,099 1,584 1,587 617,941 621,112 139,628 130 139,758 761,857 140,767 198 140,965 762,077 103,210 418,990 13,928 58,588 103,210 418,990 13,928 56,305 594,716 592,433 4,311 30,117 34,428 3,520 32,046 35,565 Total equity and liabilities 110,031 22,682 132,713 761,857 110,087 23,993 134,079 762,077 Contingent liabilities 272,361 320,211 ¤000 A SSE T S A. Non-current assets I. Intangible assets II. Property, plant and equipment III. Non-current financial assets B. Current assets I. Receivables and other assets II. Cash and bank balances Total assets EQ UIT Y AND L I A B I L IT I E S A. Equity I. Share capital II. Share premium and other capital reserves III. Retained earnings IV. Net profit available for distribution 165 – Of which brought forward from prior year: € 5,177 thousand B. Provisions I. Provisions for retirement, termination and long-service benefit obligations II. Provisions for tax and other liabilities C. Payables I. Borrowings II. Other payables AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 (prior year: € 3,612 thousand) NOTES TO THE PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 28 FEBRUARY 2014 AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 166 A. ALLGEMEINES Die Erstellung des Jahresabschlusses erfolgte nach den Bestimmungen des Unternehmensgesetzbuches (§ 189 ff UGB) in der geltenden Fassung. Die Gesellschaft ist als große Gesellschaft gemäß § 221 UGB einzustufen. Die Gliederungsvorschriften der §§ 224 und 231 Abs 2 UGB wurden eingehalten, wobei für den Ausweis des Anlagevermögens das Wahlrecht gemäß § 223 Abs 6 UGB zur Verbesserung der Klarheit der Darstellung in Anspruch genommen wurde. Die zusammengefassten Posten sind im Anhang aufgegliedert. Die zahlenmäßige Darstellung erfolgt in Euro (EUR), jene der Vorjahresbeträge in tausend Euro (TEUR). Für die Darstellung der Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung wurde das Gesamtkostenverfahren gewählt. B. BILANZIERUNGS- UND BEWERTUNGSMETHODEN 1. Allgemeine Grundsätze Der Jahresabschluss wurde unter Beachtung der Grundsätze ordnungsmäßiger Buchführung sowie unter Beachtung der Generalnorm, ein möglichst getreues Bild der Vermögens-, Finanz- und Ertragslage des Unternehmens zu vermitteln, aufgestellt. Bei der Erstellung des Jahresabschlusses wurde der Grundsatz der Vollständigkeit eingehalten. Bei der Bewertung der einzelnen Vermögensgegenstände und Schulden wurde der Grundsatz der Einzelbewertung beachtet und eine Fortführung des Unternehmens unterstellt. Dem Vorsichtsprinzip wurde dadurch Rechnung getragen, dass nur die am Abschlussstichtag verwirklichten Gewinne ausgewiesen wurden. Alle erkennbaren Risiken und drohenden Verluste wurden berücksichtigt. Der Jahresabschluss der Gesellschaft wird beim Firmenbuch des Handelsgerichtes Wien eingereicht. Der Teil-Konzernabschluss der AGRANA Beteiligungs-Aktiengesellschaft, Wien, wird in den Konzernabschluss der Südzucker Aktiengesellschaft Mannheim/Ochsenfurt, Mannheim aufgenommen und dieser beim Handelsregister des Amtsgerichtes Mannheim hin- NOTES TO THE PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ALLGEMEINES / BILANZIERUNGS- UND BEWERTUNGSMETHODEN terlegt. Der Konzernabschluss der AGRANA Beteiligungs-Aktiengesellschaft wird beim Handelsgericht Wien hinterlegt. 2. Anlagevermögen a. Immaterielle Vermögensgegenstände 167 Die immateriellen Vermögensgegenstände werden zu Anschaffungskosten bewertet, die um die planmäßigen Abschreibungen vermindert sind. Die planmäßige Abschreibung wird linear vorgenommen. Folgende Nutzungsdauer wird der planmäßigen Abschreibung zugrundegelegt: Jahre Prozent Markenrechte 10 10 EDV-Software 3 33,33 Außerplanmäßige Abschreibungen auf einen zum Abschlussstichtag niedrigeren beizulegenden Wert werden vorgenommen, wenn die Wertminderungen voraussichtlich von Dauer sind. b. Sachanlagevermögen Das Sachanlagevermögen wird zu Anschaffungskosten bewertet, die um die planmäßigen Abschreibungen vermindert sind. Die planmäßige Abschreibung wird linear vorgenommen. Jahre Prozent Gebäude 40 - 50 2,5 - 2 Geschäftsausstattung 5 - 10 20 - 10 3 33,33 1-5 100 - 20 EDV-Ausstattung Gebrauchte Geschäftsausstattung und EDV AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Folgende Nutzungsdauern werden der planmäßigen Abschreibung zugrundegelegt: GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 168 Gemäß Strukturanpassungsgesetz 1996 ergibt sich eine steuerliche Abschreibungsdauer für Personenkraftfahrzeuge von 8 Jahren. Unternehmensrechtlich wird eine Nutzungsdauer von 5 Jahren zugrundegelegt. Außerplanmäßige Abschreibungen auf einen zum Abschlussstichtag niedrigeren beizulegenden Wert werden vorgenommen, wenn die Wertminderungen voraussichtlich von Dauer sind. c. Finanzanlagen Die Anteile an verbundenen Unternehmen und Beteiligungen werden zu Anschaffungskosten oder zu dem niedrigeren Wert, der ihnen gemäß § 204 (2) UGB beizulegen ist, bewertet. Gemäß Strukturanpassungsgesetz 1996 werden Abschreibungen bzw. Verluste aus Beteiligungen steuerrechtlich auf 7 Jahre verteilt angesetzt. Unternehmensrechtlich wird dieser Aufwand im Entstehungsjahr zur Gänze geltend gemacht. Die Ausleihungen werden zum Nennwert bewertet. Im Falle einer dauerhaften Wertminderung werden außerplanmäßige Abschreibungen auf den beizulegenden Zeitwert vorgenommen. Wertpapiere (Wertrechte) des Anlagevermögens werden zu den Anschaffungskosten bzw. niedrigeren Marktwerten am Bilanzstichtag bewertet. Der Gesamtwert der unterlassenen Zuschreibung (gemäß § 208 Abs. 3 UGB) beläuft sich bei Wertpapieren auf EUR 2.802 (im Vorjahr 7 TEUR). 3. Umlaufvermögen a. Forderungen und sonstige Vermögensgegenstände Die Forderungen und sonstigen Vermögensgegenstände sind mit dem Nennwert angesetzt, soweit nicht im Fall erkennbarer Einzelrisken der niedrigere beizulegende Wert angesetzt wird. b. Aktive Steuerabgrenzung Der gemäß § 198 (10) UGB aktivierbare Betrag in der Höhe von EUR 638.727,94 (im Vorjahr 454 TEUR) wurde in die Bilanz nicht aufgenommen. NOTES TO THE PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BILANZIERUNGS- UND BEWERTUNGSMETHODEN 4. Rückstellungen a. Rückstellungen für Abfertigungen 169 Die Rückstellungen für Abfertigungen wurden gemäß § 198 und 211 UGB nach finanzmathematischen Grundsätzen ermittelt. Dazu wurde ein Gutachten der Valida Consulting GmbH, Wien, eingeholt. Der Rückstellungsberechnung liegen ein Rechnungszinssatz von 2,75 % (im Vorjahr 3,0 %), Fluktuationsabschläge je nach Dienstangehörigkeit von 0 bis 7,61 % (im Vorjahr 0 bis 8,31 %) sowie Gehaltsanpassungen zugrunde. b. Rückstellung für Pensionen Die Pensionsverpflichtungen sind seit 2002 an eine Pensionskasse ausgegliedert. Es wurde der Gesamtbetrag der rückgestellten Pensionsansprüche an die Kasse übertragen. Die zu entrichtenden Pensionsbeiträge werden auf Basis eines Rechnungszinssatzes von 2,75 % (im Vorjahr 3,0 %) so bemessen, dass die vereinbarte Alterspension ausfinanziert ist, wenn die Anwartschaftsberechtigten das 65. (Vorjahr: 65.) Lebensjahr vollendet haben. Bei Auftreten von kapitalmäßigen Deckungslücken besteht eine Nachschusspflicht an die Pensionskassa. Die Rückstellung für die Nachschussverpflichtung wird unter den sonstigen Rückstellungen ausgewiesen. c. Sonstige Rückstellungen Die Rückstellungen für nicht verbrauchte Urlaube wurden in voller erforderlicher Höhe passiviert. Die Jubiläumsgelder wurden nach finanzmathematischen Grundsätzen ermittelt und der Rechnungszinssatz von 2,75 % (im Vorjahr 3,0 %) verwendet, wobei je nach Dienstangehörigkeit von 0 bis 7,61 % (im Vorjahr 0 bis 8,31 %) Fluktuationsabschlag in der Berechnung berücksichtigt wurden. 5. Verbindlichkeiten Die Verbindlichkeiten sind mit dem Rückzahlungsbetrag angesetzt. Fremdwährungsverbindlichkeiten sind mit dem höheren Devisenbriefkurs am Bilanzstichtag bewertet. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Die übrigen Rückstellungen berücksichtigen alle nach vernünftiger unternehmerischer Beurteilung erkennbaren Risiken und ungewissen Verpflichtungen. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 170 C. ERLÄUTERUNGEN ZUR BILANZ (1) Anlagevermögen Die Entwicklung der einzelnen Posten des Anlagevermögens ist im Anlagespiegel (Anlage 1) dargestellt. Der Anteilsbesitz gemäß § 238 Z 2 UGB (mindestens 20 % Kapitalanteil) stellt sich wie folgt dar: Beteiligungsunternehmen Anteile an verbundenen Unternehmen: AGRANA Marketing- und Vertriebsservice Ges.m.b.H, Wien AGRANA J & F Holding GmbH, Wien*) AGRANA Zucker GmbH., Wien*) AGRANA Stärke GmbH., Wien*) AGRANA Group-Service GmbH INSTANTINA Nahrungsmittel Entwicklungsund Produktions- GesmbH, Wien Zuckerforschung Tulln Ges.m.b.H., Tulln Höhe des Anteils % 100 98,91 98,91 98,91 Eigenkapital gem. § 229 UGB EUR 2013/14 2013/14 2013/14 2013/14 584.503,22 -546.207,35 51.192.199,11 63.220.847,77 100 3.459.127,11 2013/14 -267.883,37 66,67 7.728.632,69 2013/14 587.792,80 100 6.859.027,68 247.733.628,90 362.653.766,09 277.299.975,78 GeschäftsJahresüberjahr schuss/fehlbetrag EUR 4.587.121,73 2013 1.611.173,23 *) Die restlichen Anteile auf 100 % werden von Tochtergesellschaften gehalten . Die Ausleihungen an verbundene Unternehmen betreffen die AGRANA Group-Services GmbH, Wien und haben eine Restlaufzeit von 1 bis 5 Jahren (€ 45.000.000,00) bzw. von mehr als 5 Jahren (€ 65.000.000,00). Die Agrofrucht, Handel mit landwirtschaftlichen Produkten Gesellschaft m.b.H., Wien wurde in die AGRANA Group-Services GmbH, Wien verschmolzen. Da beide Gesellschaften vor der Verschmelzung bereits zu 100 % im Eigentum der Gesellschaft standen, erfolgte die Verschmelzung erfolgsneutral. NOTES TO THE PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ERLÄUTERUNGEN ZUR BILANZ (2) 171 Forderungen und sonstige Vermögensgegenstände in EUR (Vorjahr in TEUR) Restlaufzeit bis 1 Jahr Forderungen gegenüber verbundenen Unternehmen (28.02.2013) Sonstige Forderungen und Vermögensgegenstände (28.02.2013) Summe (28.02.2013) Restlaufzeit von mehr als 1 Jahr Bilanzwert 129.142.425,29 (131.633) 0,00 0 129.142.425,29 (131.633) 10.473.805,61 (9.116) 139.616.230,90 (140.750) 12.169,52 (17) 12.169,52 (17) 10.485.975,13 (9.133) 139.628.400,42 (140.767) Die Forderungen gegen verbundene Unternehmen betreffen in EUR 129.142.425,29 (im Vorjahr 131.633 TEUR) sonstige Forderungen. Höhe von Die sonstigen Forderungen und Vermögensgegenstände enthalten im Wesentlichen Abgrenzungen von Zinsen aus Partizipationsscheinen in Höhe von EUR 5.206.250,00 (im Vorjahr 5.206 TEUR), Forderungen aus Kapitalertragsteuer gegenüber dem Finanzamt Wien 1/23 in Höhe von EUR 5.122.104,44 (im Vorjahr 3.809 TEUR) sowie andere kurzfristige Forderungen. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 In den sonstigen Forderungen sind wesentliche Erträge, die erst nach dem Bilanzstichtag zahlungswirksam werden, in der Höhe von EUR 5.206.250,00 (im Vorjahr 5.206 TEUR) enthalten. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 172 (3) Grundkapital Das Grundkapital in Höhe von EUR 103.210.249,78 setzt sich aus 14.202.040 Stück nennbetragslose Stückaktien – Stammaktien zusammen. (4) Kapitalrücklagen Kapitalrücklagen Gebundene Stand 01.03.2013 EUR 373.422.710,55 Veränderung EUR 0,00 Stand 28.02.2014 EUR 373.422.710,55 N ic h t g e b u n d e n e Sum m e 45.566.884,45 4 1 8 .9 8 9 .5 9 5 ,0 0 0,00 0 ,0 0 45.566.884,45 4 1 8 .9 8 9 .5 9 5 ,0 0 (5) Gewinnrücklagen Stand 01.03.2013 EUR G e s e t z lic h e R ü c k la g e Andere Rücklagen (freie Rücklagen) Sum m e Veränderung EUR Stand 28.02.2014 EUR 47.964,07 13.880.000,00 0,00 0,00 47.964,07 13.880.000,00 1 3 .9 2 7 .9 6 4 ,0 7 0 ,0 0 1 3 .9 2 7 .9 6 4 ,0 7 NOTES TO THE PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ERLÄUTERUNGEN ZUR BILANZ 173 (6) Rückstellungen Die Berechnung der Rückstellungen für Abfertigungen und der sonstigen Rückstellungen wird unter den Bilanzierungs- und Bewertungsgrundsätzen erläutert. Die Abfertigungsrückstellungen und die sonstigen Rückstellungen gliedern sich wie folgt: Stand 28.02.2013 in EUR Pensionsansprüche Jubiläumsgelder Altersteilzeit Auflösung Zuweisung in EUR in EUR in EUR Stand am 28.02.2014 in EUR 2.726.869,61 10.750,22 2.737.619,83 458.564,27 334.153,33 37.748,81 744.349,73 36.651,31 1.202.914,00 370.804,64 0,00 237.187,20 1.844.964,55 34.898,76 228.000,00 157.000,00 376.771,81 228.000,00 157.000,00 37.748,81 Nicht konsumierte Urlaube 1.607.777,35 Sonderzahlungen Prüfungsaufwand Veröffentlichungsaufwand Kosten der Hauptversammlung Kosten Bilanzpressekonferenz Konzernkommunikation Aufsichtsratsvergütungen Pensionskasse Sonstige ausstehende Eingangsrechnungen S onstiges 483.873,05 205.000,00 186.500,00 142.000,00 205.000,00 110.637,23 40.000,00 40.000,00 45.000,00 45.000,00 4.000,00 4.000,00 3.500,00 3.500,00 88.130,00 200.000,00 59.662,83 74.130,00 200.000,00 59.662,83 10.000,00 250.000,00 2.822,40 10.000,00 250.000,00 2.822,40 582.309,54 582.309,54 576.510,06 576.510,06 300.000,00 222.203,74 Summe 75.862,77 14.000,00 77.796,26 0,00 7 .3 1 4 .5 8 8 ,7 9 1 .6 7 7 .6 9 2 ,1 5 1 6 7 .6 5 9 ,0 3 2 .3 3 6 .6 6 9 ,6 8 7 .8 0 5 .9 0 7 ,2 9 AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Abfertigung Verbrauch GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 174 (7) Verbindlichkeiten Verbindlichkeiten gegenüber Kreditinstituten davon mit RLZ von bis 1 Jahr davon mit RLZ von 1 bis 5 Jahren davon mit RLZ von mehr als 5 Jahren Verbindlichkeiten aus Lieferungen und Leistungen davon mit RLZ von bis 1 Jahr davon mit RLZ von 1 bis 5 Jahren davon mit RLZ von mehr als 5 Jahren Verbindlichkeiten gegenüber verbundenen Unternehmen davon mit RLZ von bis 1 Jahr Sonstige Verbindlichkeiten davon mit RLZ von bis 1 Jahr Summe davon mit RLZ von bis 1 Jahr davon mit RLZ von 1 bis 5 Jahren davon mit RLZ von mehr als 5 Jahren 28.02.14 in EUR 110.031.099,51 (31.099,51) (45.000.000,00) (65.000.000,00) 1.214.980,63 (1.214.980,63) (0,00) (0,00) 28.02.13 in TEUR 110.000 (0) (45.000) (65.000) 1.572 (1.572) (0) ( 0) 15.642.020,87 (15.642.020,87) 5.825.353,06 (5.825.353,06) 132.713.454,07 (22.713.454,07) (45.000.000,00) (65.000.000,00) 10.053 (10.053) 12.454 (12.368) 134.079 (23.993) (45.000) (65.000) RLZ = Restlaufzeit Aufgrund der weiterhin andauernden, weltweiten Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise, hat sich die AGRANA Beteiligungs-Aktiengesellschaft im Geschäftsjahr 2012/13 entschieden, das günstige Umfeld zu nutzen und erstmalig am Kapitalmarkt ein Schuldscheindarlehen über EUR 110.000.000,00 aufgenommen. Mit dieser Transaktion wurden die Helaba Landesbank Hessen/Thüringen sowie die Raiffeisenbank International AG mandatiert. Das Schuldscheindarlehen wurde in Tranchen von 5, 7 und 10 Jahren begeben und leistet somit einen wesentlichen Beitrag für die langfristige finanzielle Absicherung des Konzerns. Als weiteres strategisches Ziel wurde die Verbreiterung der Investorenbasis angestrebt. Insgesamt haben 31 Banken bzw. Pensionsfonds gezeichnet. Der gesamte Gegenwert des Schuldscheindarlehens wurde konzernintern mit gleicher Kondition und Laufzeit an die für Finanzierungen zuständige AGRANA Group-Services GmbH weitergereicht und wird dort für allgemeine Refinanzierungszwecke, insbesondere für den Bau der Weizenstärkefabrik in Pischelsdorf verwendet. In den sonstigen Verbindlichkeiten sind die Abgrenzungen für erfolgsabhängige Personalprämien in Höhe von EUR 3.054.800,52 (im Vorjahr 2.822 TEUR) und Verbindlichkeiten von Abgaben in Höhe von EUR 1.154.459,08 (im Vorjahr 7.979 TEUR) enthalten. NOTES TO THE PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ERLÄUTERUNGEN ZUR BILANZ In den sonstigen Verbindlichkeiten sind wesentliche Aufwendungen, die erst nach dem Bilanzstichtag zahlungswirksam werden, in folgender Höhe enthalten: erfolgsabhängige Personalprämien EUR 3.054.800,52 (im Vorjahr 2.822 TEUR) sowie Verbindlichkeiten von Abgaben in Höhe von EUR 632.399,40 (im Vorjahr 573 TEUR). 175 In den Verbindlichkeiten gegen verbundenen Unternehmen sind sonstige Verbindlichkeiten in Höhe von EUR 15.642.020,87 (im Vorjahr 10.053 TEUR) enthalten. Das Mietverhältnis im Strabaghaus endete am 30.04.2013. Die Miete im Raiffeisenhaus für das Geschäftsjahr 2014/15 beträgt EUR 1.355.319,72 (im Vorjahr 1.024 TEUR). Für fünf Jahre beträgt die Miete aus heutiger Sicht insgesamt EUR 6.776.598,60. Der Mietvertrag für die Telefonanlage Alcatel endete am 31.07.2013. Die Telefonanlage ging in das Eigentum von AGRANA Beteiligungs-Aktiengesellschaft durch Bezahlung des Restwerts in Höhe von EUR 166.240,00 netto über. Haftungsverhältnisse, sonstige Verpflichtungen (§ 237 Z 3 und Z 8 UGB) Haftungen aus Wechselobligo Haftungen aus Zahlungsgarantien Summe davon gegenüber verbundenen Unternehmen 28.02.2014 28.02.2013 in EUR in TEUR 7.800.000,00 264.561.060,00 272.361.060,00 229.121.281,00 37.800 282.411 320.211 242.286 AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 (8) GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 176 D. ERLÄUTERUNGEN ZUR GEWINN- UND VERLUSTRECHNUNG Die Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung umfasst im Berichtsjahr den Zeitraum vom 01. März 2013 bis 28. Februar 2014, im Vorjahr jenen vom 01. März 2012 bis 28. Februar 2013. (9) Umsatzerlöse Die Umsatzerlöse in Höhe von EUR 70.995,74 (im Vorjahr 71 TEUR) beinhalten nur Inlandsumsätze. (10) Die Erträge aus dem Abgang von Anlagevermögen mit Ausnahme der Finanzanlagen belaufen sich auf EUR 24.707,00 (im Vorjahr 73 TEUR). (11) Die Erträge aus der Auflösung von Rückstellungen von EUR 167.659,03 (im Vorjahr 112 TEUR) beinhalten im Wesentlichen die Auflösung von Rückstellungen für ausstehende Eingangsrechnungen in Höhe von EUR 89.862,77 (im Vorjahr 49 TEUR) betreffend Veröffentlichungsaufwand und Konzernkommunikation. (12) Die übrigen sonstigen betrieblichen Erträge von EUR 37.780.073,44 (im Vorjahr 37.293 TEUR) enthalten Erträge aus Konzernverrechnungen für die Nutzung der Markenrechte in Höhe von EUR 13.603.200,00 (im Vorjahr 13.814 TEUR), für IT-Leistungen und Personal in Höhe von EUR 23.968.215,39 (im Vorjahr 21.976 TEUR), die Auflösung von Einzelwertberichtigungen in Höhe von EUR 68.514,00 (im Vorjahr 1.136 TEUR), Durchlaufposten in Höhe von EUR 83.989,76 (im Vorjahr 182 TEUR) sowie andere Erträge in Höhe von EUR 56.154,29 (im Vorjahr 185 TEUR). NOTES TO THE PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ERLÄUTERUNGEN ZUR GEWINN- UND VERLUSTRECHNUNG 177 (13) Personalaufwand Gehälter Aufwendungen für Abfertigungen Leistungen an betriebliche Mitarbeitervorsorgekassen (MVK) Aufwendungen für Altersversorgung S ozialabgaben und Personalnebenkosten S onstige S ozialaufwendungen Summe 2013/14 in EUR 16.249.126,04 404.187,56 2012/13 in TEUR 14.966 404 131.554,40 109 1.724.191,27 3.156.678,38 336.822,60 22.002.560,25 1.005 2.874 153 19.511 davon entfallen Vorstand u. Personen lt. § 80 AktG andere Arbeitnehmer Summe Abfertigungen und Leistungengen an betriebliche Mitarbeitervorsorgekassen 2013/14 2012/13 EUR TEUR 187.184,95 -6 348.557,01 518 535.741,96 512 Pensionen (Rückstellungen) 2013/14 EUR 1.706.556,57 17.634,70 1.724.191,27 2012/13 TEUR 987 18 1.005 Die durchschnittliche Zahl der Arbeitnehmer (ohne Vorstandsmitglieder) während des Geschäftsjahres betrug 174 Angestellte (im Vorjahr 153 Angestellte). Die Mitglieder des Aufsichtsrates erhielten für ihre Tätigkeit im Geschäftsjahr 2013/14 eine Vergütung von EUR 250.000,00 (im Vorjahr 200 TEUR). AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Die Gesamtbezüge der Vorstandsmitglieder betrugen im Berichtsjahr EUR 3.165.292,90 (im Vorjahr 2.983 TEUR). An die Pensionskasse wurden an laufenden Beiträgen EUR 967.719,84 (im Vorjahr 741 TEUR) für die Vorstandsmitglieder bezahlt. Weiters wurde der Vorsorge für künftige Pensionsansprüche ein Betrag in Höhe von EUR 744.349,73 (im Vorjahr 246 TEUR Zuführung) zugewiesen und eine Rückstellung für Nachschussverpflichtung in Höhe von EUR 0,00 (im Vorjahr 0,00 TEUR) gebildet. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 178 (14) Sonstige betriebliche Aufwendungen Die übrigen sonstigen betriebliche Aufwendungen betragen EUR 23.034.321,59 (im Vorjahr 24.096 TEUR) und umfassen im Wesentlichen EDVAufwand inkl. EDV-Beratung von EUR 8.421.864,23 (im Vorjahr 7.088 TEUR), Rechts-, Prüfungs- und Beratungsaufwendungen von EUR 4.930.093,63 (im Vorjahr 6.659 TEUR), Leasing, Mieten und Pachten von EUR 1.432.295,46 (im Vorjahr 1.387 TEUR), die Zuweisung zur Einzelwertberichtigung Forderung von EUR 0,00 (im 69 TEUR), Werbeaufwendungen von EUR 1.422.384,25 (im Vorjahr 1.246 TEUR) sowie andere Aufwendungen in Höhe von EUR 6.827.684,02 (im Vorjahr 6.563 TEUR). (15) Erträge aus Beteiligungen Erträge von verbundenen Unternehmen Erträge von sonstigen Beteiligungen Summe 2013/14 in EUR 53.740.266,00 5.000,00 53.745.266,00 2012/13 in TEUR 53.820 5 53.825 NOTES TO THE PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ERLÄUTERUNGEN ZUR GEWINN- UND VERLUSTRECHNUNG 179 (17) Steuern vom Einkommen Körperschaftsteuer Körperschaftsteuer Vorperioden S teuerumlagen nicht abzugsfähige Quellensteuer Summe 2013/14 in EUR -6.536.730,00 10.329,16 7.097.562,65 -41.410,81 529.751,00 2012/13 in TEUR -14.170 -3.133 17.452 -69 81 AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Mit dem Steuerreformgesetz 2005 wurde ein neues Konzept der Besteuerung von Unternehmensgruppen eingeführt. Die AGRANA-Gruppe hat entsprechend dieser Bestimmungen eine Unternehmensgruppe bestehend aus AGRANA BeteiligungsAktiengesellschaft als Gruppenträger und AGRANA Zucker GmbH, AGRANA Stärke GmbH, AGRANA Marketing- und Vertriebsservice Gesellschaft m.b.H., AGRANA Bioethanol GmbH, AGRANA Internationale Verwaltungs- und Asset-Management GmbH, AGRANA J & F Holding GmbH, AGRANA Juice Holding GmbH, AGRANA GroupServices GmbH, INSTANTINA Nahrungsmittel Entwicklungs- und Produktionsgesellschaft m.b.H., die AGRANA Juice Sales & Customer Service GmbH und die AUSTRIA JUICE GmbH als Gruppenmitglieder gebildet. Zwischen den Gruppenmitgliedern und dem Gruppenträger erfolgt eine Steuerumlagenverrechnung. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 180 F. SONSTIGE ANGABEN Beziehungen zu verbundenen Unternehmen (§ 238 Z 3 UGB) AGRANA AGRO SRL, Roman, Rumänien AGRANA Beteiligungs-Aktiengesellschaft, Wien, Österreich AGRANA BiH Holding GmbH, Wien, Österreich AGRANA Bioethanol GmbH, Wien, Österreich AGRANA Bulgaria AD, Sofia, Bulgarien AGRANA BUZAU SRL, Buzau, Rumänien AGRANA d.o.o., Brþko, Bosnien-Herzegowina AGRANA Fruit Argentina S.A., Buenos Aires, Argentinien AGRANA Fruit Australia Pty Ltd, Central Mangrove, Australien AGRANA Fruit Austria GmbH, Gleisdorf, Österreich AGRANA Fruit Brasil Indústria, Comércio, Importacao e Exportacao Ltda., São Paulo, Brasilien AGRANA Fruit Brasil Participacoes Ltda., São Paulo, Brasilien AGRANA Fruit Dachang Co., Ltd, Dachang, China AGRANA Fruit Fiji Pty. Ltd, Sigatoka, Fidschi AGRANA Fruit France S.A., Mitry-Mory, Frankreich AGRANA Fruit Germany GmbH, Konstanz, Deutschland AGRANA Fruit Istanbul Gida Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S., Zincirlikuyu, Türkei AGRANA Fruit Korea Co. Ltd, Seoul, Südkorea AGRANA Fruit Latinoamerica S. de R.L de C.V, Michoacán, Mexico AGRANA Fruit Luka TOV, Winniza, Ukraine AGRANA Fruit México, S.A. de C.V., Michoacán, Mexico AGRANA Fruit Polska SP z.o.o., OstroáĘka, Polen AGRANA Fruit S.A.S., Mitry-Mory, Frankreich AGRANA Fruit Services GmbH, Wien, Österreich AGRANA Fruit Services Inc., Brecksville, USA AGRANA Fruit Services S.A.S., Mitry-Mory, Frankreich AGRANA Fruit South Africa (Proprietary) Ltd, Kapstadt, Südafrika NOTES TO THE PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SONSTIGE ANGABEN AGRANA Fruit Ukraine TOV, Winniza, Ukraine 181 AGRANA Fruit US, Inc, Brecksville, USA AGRANA Group-Services GmbH, Wien, Österreich AGRANA Internationale Verwaltungs- und Asset-Management GmbH, Wien, Österreich AGRANA J & F Holding GmbH, Wien, Österreich AGRANA Juice Denmark A/S, Køge, Dänemark AGRANA Juice Holding GmbH, Gleisdorf, Österreich AGRANA Juice Magyarorzág Kft., Vásarosnamény, Ungarn AGRANA Juice Poland Sp z.o.o., Biaáobrzegi, Polen AGRANA Juice Romania Vaslui s.r.l., Vaslui, Rumänien AGRANA Juice Sales & Customer Service GmbH, Gleisdorf, Österreich AGRANA Juice Sales & Marketing GmbH, Bingen, Deutschland AGRANA Juice Service & Logistik GmbH, Bingen, Deutschland AGRANA Juice Ukraine TOV, Winniza, Ukraine AGRANA JUICE (XIANYANG) CO.,LTD, Xianyang City, China AGRANA Magyarorzág Értékesitési Kft., Budapest, Ungarn AGRANA Marketing- und Vertriebsservice Gesellschaft m.b.H., Wien, Österreich AGRANA Nile Fruits Processing (SAE), Qalyoubia, Ägypten AGRANA Skrob s.r.o., Hrušovany, Tschechien AGRANA Stärke GmbH, Wien, Österreich AGRANA TANDAREI SRL, ndćrei, Rumänien AGRANA Trading EOOD, Sofia, Bulgarien AGRANA Zucker GmbH, Wien, Österreich AUSTRIA JUICE GmbH, Allhartsberg, Österreich Biogáz FejlesztŊ Kft., Kaposvár, Ungarn Dirafrost FFI N.V., Herk-de-Stad, Belgien Dr. Hauser Gesellschaft m.b.H., Hamburg, Deutschland Financière Atys S.A.S., Mitry-Mory, Frankreich INSTANTINA Nahrungsmittel Entwicklungs- und Produktionsgesellschaft m.b.H., Wien, Österreich Koronás Irodaház Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelösségü Társaság, Budapest, Ungarn Magyar Cukorgyártó és Forgalmazó Zrt., Budapest, Ungarn AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Dirafrost Maroc SARL, Laouamra, Marokko GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 182 Moravskoslezské Cukrovary A.S., Hrušovany, Tschechien o.o.o. AGRANA Fruit Moscow Region, Serpuchov, Russland Österreichische Rübensamenzucht Gesellschaft m.b.H., Wien, Österreich PERCA s.r.o., Hrušovany, Tschechien S.C. A.G.F.D. Tandarei s.r.l., ndćrei, Rumänien S.C. AGRANA Romania S.A., Bukarest, Rumänien Slovenské Cukrovary s.r.o., Sered’, Slowakei Ybbstaler Fruit Austria GmbH, Allhartsberg, Österreich Ybbstaler Fruit Polska Sp.z.o.o., Cheám, Polen Yube d.o.o., Poãega, Serbien Zuckerforschung Tulln Gesellschaft m.b.H., Wien, Österreich SÜDZUCKER Aktiengesellschaft Mannheim/Ochsenfurt, Mannheim, Deutschland mit ihren Tochtergesellschaften Beziehungen zu assoziierten Unternehmen “AGRAGOLD“ d.o.o., Brcko, Bosnien-Herzegowina AGRAGOLD d.o.o., Zagreb, Kroatien AGRAGOLD dooel, Skopje, Mazedonien AGRAGOLD Holding GmbH, Wien, Österreich AGRAGOLD trgovina d.o.o., Ljubljana, Slowenien AGRANA-STUDEN Beteiligungs GmbH, Wien, Österreich AGRANA-STUDEN Sugar Trading GmbH, Wien, Österreich Company for trade and services AGRANA-STUDEN Serbia d.o.o. Beograd, Beograd, Serbien GreenPower E85 Kft, Szabadegyháza, Ungarn HUNGRANA Keményitö- és Isocukorgyártó és Forgalmazó Kft., Szabadegyháza, Ungarn HungranaTrans Kft., Szabadegyháza, Ungarn STUDEN-AGRANA Rafinerija Secera d.o.o., Brþko, Bosnien-Herzegowina NOTES TO THE PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AUFWENDUNGEN FÜR DEN ABSCHLUSSPRÜFER 2013/14 Jahresabschluss EUR KPMG Austria AG Wirtschaftsprüfungs- und Steuerberatungsgesellschaft Summe 30.280,00 Andere Bestätigungsleistungen EUR 300.370,98 sonstige Leistungen Gesamt EUR EUR 201.105,39 2012/13 Jahresabschluss TEUR Andere Bestätigungsleistungen TEUR sonstige Leistungen Gesamt TEUR TEUR 531.756,37 26 219 106 351 30.280,00 300.370,98 201.105,39 531.756,37 26 219 106 351 AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 183 G. AUFWENDUNGEN FÜR DEN ABSCHLUSSPRÜFER (§ 237 Z14 UGB) GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 184 H. ORGANE UND ARBEITNEHMER (§ 239 UGB) Aufsichtsrat: Dr. Christian KONRAD, Wien Vorsitzender Dr. Wolfgang HEER, Mannheim Stellvertreter des Vorsitzenden Mag. Erwin HAMESEDER, Mühldorf Stellvertreter des Vorsitzenden Dr. Hans-Jörg GEBHARD, Eppingen Dipl.-Ing. Josef PRÖLL, Wien Dipl.-Ing. Ernst KARPFINGER, Oberweiden Dr. Thomas KIRCHBERG, Ochsenfurt Dr. Jochen FENNER, Gelchsheim Vom Betriebsrat delegiert: Dipl.-Ing. Stephan SAVIC, Wien Ing. Peter VYMYSLICKY, Leopoldsdorf Thomas BUDER, Katzelsdorf Gerhard GLATZ, Hohenberg NOTES TO THE PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ORGANE UND ARBEITNEHMER 185 Vorstand: Dipl.-Ing. Johann MARIHART, Limberg Vorsitzender Mag. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Fritz GATTERMAYER, Klosterneuburg Mag. Walter GRAUSAM, Wien Dkfm. Thomas KÖLBL, Speyer Wien, am 29. April 2014 Dipl.-Ing. Johann Marihart e.h. Mag. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Fritz Gattermayer e.h. Mag. Walter Grausam Dkfm. Thomas Kölbl e.h. e.h. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Der Vorstand: GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT | CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT REPORT | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 186 ENTWICKLUNG DES ANLAGEVERMÖGENS ANLAGEVERMÖGEN Anschaffungskosten Stand 01.03.13 Zugang Abgang Stand 28.02.14 I. Immaterielle Vermögensgegenstände 1. Markenrechte 2. EDV-Software 3. Geringwertige Vermögensgegenstände 611.300,93 6.816.291,40 189.849,17 0,00 860.150,84 62.891,35 0,00 0,00 189.849,17 611.300,93 7.676.442,24 62.891,35 7.617.441,50 923.042,19 189.849,17 8.350.634,52 0,00 3.848.056,32 0,00 0,00 2.122.886,70 84.636,73 0,00 1.301.294,00 84.636,73 0,00 4.669.649,02 0,00 3.848.056,32 2.207.523,43 1.385.930,73 4.669.649,02 424.145.490,31 110.000.000,00 258.620,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 424.145.490,31 110.000.000,00 258.620,00 II. Sachanlagen 1. Bauten, einschließlich der Bauten auf fremdem Grund 2. Betriebs- und Geschäftsausstattung 3. Geringwertige Vermögensgegenstände III. Finanzanlagen 1. Anteile an verbundenen Unternehmen 2. Ausleihungen an verbundenen Unternehmen 3. Beteiligungen 4. Wertpapiere (Wertrechte) des Anlagevermögens Gesamtsumme 85.206.800,00 0,00 0,00 85.206.800,00 619.610.910,31 0,00 0,00 619.610.910,31 631.076.408,13 3.130.565,62 1.575.779,90 632.631.193,85 NOTES TO THE PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ENTWICKLUNG DES ANLAGEVERMÖGENS 187 Jahresabschreibung Buchwerte Zuschreibung Abgang Stand 28.02.14 Stand 28.02.14 Stand 28.02.13 380.374,93 5.463.292,40 189.849,17 61.060,00 960.072,84 62.891,35 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 189.849,17 441.434,93 6.423.365,24 62.891,35 169.866,00 1.253.077,00 0,00 230.926,00 1.352.999,00 0,00 6.033.516,50 1.084.024,19 0,00 189.849,17 6.927.691,52 1.422.943,00 1.583.925,00 0,00 2.260.770,13 0,00 0,00 904.927,71 84.636,73 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 1.231.427,00 84.636,73 0,00 1.934.270,84 0,00 0,00 2.735.378,18 0,00 0,00 1.587.286,19 0,00 2.260.770,13 989.564,44 0,00 1.316.063,73 1.934.270,84 2.735.378,18 1.587.286,19 1.660.724,48 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 1.660.724,48 0,00 0,00 422.484.765,83 110.000.000,00 258.620,00 422.484.765,83 110.000.000,00 258.620,00 9.204,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 9.204,00 85.197.596,00 85.197.596,00 1.669.928,48 0,00 0,00 0,00 1.669.928,48 617.940.981,83 617.940.981,83 9.964.215,11 2.073.588,63 0,00 1.505.912,90 10.531.890,84 622.099.303,01 621.112.193,02 AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Abschreibungen Stand 01.03.13 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT [TRANSLATION] 188 Report on the Financial Statements We have audited the accompanying financial statements, including the accounting system, of AGRANA Beteiligungs-Aktiengesellschaft, Vienna, for the fiscal year from 1 March 2013 to 28 February 2014. These financial statements comprise the statement of financial position as of 28 February 2014, the income statement for the fiscal year ending on 28 February 2014, and the notes. Management's Responsibility for the Financial Statements and for the Accounting System The Company’s management is responsible for the accounting system and for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with Austrian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. This responsibility includes: designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances. Auditors’ Responsibility and Description of Type and Scope of the statutory audit Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with laws and regulations applicable in Austria and Austrian Standards on Auditing. Those standards require that we comply with professional guidelines and that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the Company’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT 189 Opinion Our audit did not give rise to any objections. In our opinion, which is based on the results of our audit, the financial statements comply with legal requirements and give a true and fair view of the financial position of the Company as of 28 February 2014 and of its financial performance for the year from 1 March 2013 to 28 February 2014 in accordance with Austrian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. Report on Other Legal Requirements (Management Report) Pursuant to statutory provisions, the management report is to be audited as to whether it is consistent with the financial statements and as to whether the other disclosures are not misleading with respect to the Company’s position. The auditor’s report also has to contain a statement as to whether the management report is consistent with the financial statements and whether the disclosures pursuant to Section 243a UGB (Austrian Commercial Code) are appropriate. In our opinion, the management report is consistent with the financial statements. The disclosures pursuant to Section 243a UGB (Austrian Commercial Code) are appropriate. Vienna, 29 April 2014 KPMG Austria AG Wirtschaftsprüfungs- und Steuerberatungsgesellschaft Signed by: The financial statements together with our auditor’s opinion may only be published if the financial statements and the management report are identical with the audited version attached to this report. Section 281 paragraph 2 UGB (Austrian Commercial Code) applies. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Mag. Rainer Hassler pp Mag. Nikolaus Urschler Wirtschaftsprüfer Wirtschaftsprüfer (Austrian Chartered Accountants) STATEMENT BY THE MEMBERS OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARD 190 In accordance with section 82 (4) Austrian Stock Exchange Act, the undersigned members of the Management Board, as the legal representatives of AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG, confirm to the best of their knowledge that: █ the separate financial statements for the year ended 28 February 2014 give a true and fair view of the financial position, results of operations and cash flows of the parent company as required by the applicable accounting standards; █ the management report for the 2013|14 financial year presents the business performance, financial results and situation of AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG in such a way as to provide a true and fair view of AGRANA’s financial position, results of operations and cash flows, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties faced by the company. Vienna, 29 April 2014 Johann Marihart Fritz Gattermayer Chief Executive Officer Member of the Management Board Present responsibilities: Business Strategy, Present responsibilities: Sales, Raw Materials, Production, Quality Management, Human Resources, Purchasing, and Sugar Segment Communication (including Investor Relations), Research & Development, and Starch Segment Walter Grausam Thomas Kölbl Member of the Management Board Member of the Management Board Present responsibilities: Finance, Controlling, Responsibility on Internal Audit Treasury, Information Technology and Organisation, Mergers & Acquisitions, Legal, and Fruit Segment PROPOSED APPROPRIATION OF PROFIT UNDER AUSTRIAN COMMERCIAL CODE (UGB) AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013|14 191 € The financial year to 28 February 2014 closed with the following net profit available for distribution 58,588,379 The Management Board proposes to the Annual General Meeting to allocate this profit as follows: Profit to be carried forward 51,127,344 7,461,035 58,588,379 AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 Distribution of a dividend of € 3.60 per ordinary no-par value share on 14,202,040 participating ordinary shares, that is, a total of PUBLICATION INFORMATION 192 PUBLICATION INFORMATION Published by: AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG Friedrich-Wilhelm-Raiffeisen-Platz 1, 1020 Vienna, Austria Corporate Communications/Investor Relations Hannes Haider Phone: +43-1-211 37-12905, Fax: +43-1-211 37-12926 E-mail: [email protected] Corporate Communications/Sustainability Ulrike Middelhoff Phone: +43-1-211 37-12971, Fax: +43-1-211 37-12926 E-mail: [email protected] Design: marchesani_kreativstudio Creative concept: The Gentlemen Creatives GmbH Creative photography and Management Board portraits: Stefan Badegruber English translation: Martin Focken Translating & Editing Forward-looking statements This annual report contains forward-looking statements, which are based on assumptions and estimates made by the Management Board of AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG. Although these assumptions, plans and projections represent the Management Board’s current intentions and best knowledge, a large number of internal and external factors may cause actual future developments and results to differ materially from these assumptions and estimates. Some examples of such factors are, without limitation: negotiations concerning world trade agreements; changes in the overall economic environment, especially in macroeconomic variables such as exchange rates, inflation and interest rates; EU sugar policy; consumer behaviour; and public policy related to food and energy. AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG does not guarantee in any way that the actual future developments and actual future results achieved will match the assumptions and estimates expressed or made in this annual report, and does not accept any liability in the event that assumptions and estimates prove to be incorrect. As a result of the standard round-half-up convention used in rounding individual amounts and percentages, this report may contain minor, immaterial rounding errors. No liability is assumed for misprints, typographical or similar errors. The English translation of the AGRANA Annual Report is solely for readers’ convenience and is not definitive. In the event of discrepancy or dispute, only the German-language version shall govern. AGRANA BETEILIGUNGS-AG 2013 | 14 WWW.AGRANA.COM