Company Update - Q1 2008
Company Update - Q1 2008
Company Update Company Update (FY2007) Company Performance YTD Mar 2008 Table of Contents SECTION I SECTION II SECTION III SECTION IV Kalbe At a Glance Corporate Overview Industry Overview Business Overview IV.A. Prescription Pharmaceuticals IV.B. Nutritional IV.C. Consumer Health IV.D. Distribution and Packaging SECTION V Operational Overview SECTION VI Growth Drivers SECTION VII Financial Overview SECTION VIII Recent Activities SECTION IX Future Outlook 2 3 6 13 15 28 37 41 49 53 Section I. Kalbe At a Glance 3 I. Kalbe At a Glance – Company Highlights Largest Publicly-Listed Pharmaceutical Company in Southeast Asia More than 40-year old pharmaceutical company with long track record of profitable growth. After the merger with PT Dankos Laboratories Tbk. and PT Enseval effective on December 16, 2005, Kalbe has become the largest publicly-listed pharmaceutical company in Southeast Asia with approximately US$1 billion market capitalization. Large target population of 235 million in Indonesia, and 570 million in Southeast Asia. OTC and prescription pharma in the Indonesian and Southeast Asian markets expected to grow annually at 12% and 13% respectively over the next four years. The market leader in Indonesian prescription pharma market with 7.4% market share; a leader in consumer health market as well with 17.7% OTC market share, 8.6% share in nutrition market and 30.6% in energy drink market. Unrivaled health distribution network which covers more than 1 million outlets. 3 Substantial Market Opportunity Market Leading Positions in Indonesia Strong, Diversified, High Growth Product Portfolio Highly Experienced Senior Management Team Strong Financial Track Record Substantial Growth Opportunities 4 Consumer health portfolio which includes 13 market leading OTC brands in 5 main therapeutic categories, the market leading brand in pregnant nutrition and clinical foods, and the leading energy drink in Indonesia. Prescription pharma portfolio of 284 products and over 500 SKUs. Average senior management tenure of over 20 years at Kalbe, providing strategic continuity and depth of senior management bench. Average industry experience of over 20 years developing, manufacturing, marketing and selling consumer health and pharmaceutical products. Broad based growth across all business segments with consolidated revenues, operating income and net income have grown at a CAGR of 14%, 11% and 14%, respectively, from 2002-2007. Strong balance sheet with net cash position of almost USD 100 million at Q1 2008. Consumer health new product development Development of prescription pharmaceutical portfolio Continued expansion in Southeast Asia I. Kalbe at a Glance – Historical Data Kalbe was established in 1966 and has a long track record of profitable growth Inception and Entrepreneurial Driven Expansion 1966–1995 1966 1977 1981 1985 1989 1966: 1977: Company Dankos Lab founded 1985: Acquired Bintang Toedjoe & Hexpharm 1989: Igar Jaya and Dankos IPOs 1981: Spin-off the distribution business to PT Enseval due to government regulation Excellence, Sustainable Growth, Going Global 2006–2015 Enhanced Focus and Consolidation 1996–2005 1991 1993 1994 1996 1997 1991: Kalbe Farma IPO 1994: Entered energy drink business 1996: EPM IPO Disposed of 50% of food 1993: business (PT Acquired Bukit Manikam Sanghiang Sakti) to Perkasa and Arnotts consolidated nutritional business to Sanghiang Perkasa 2005 2007 2005: Consolidation of Kalbe Group 2006-2010 Business Focus Expand regional footprint Build global brands and infrastructure Scale through mergers and acquisitions Proprietary drug development Global partnerships and networks 1997: Disposed of Kalbe’s remaining 50% ownership in PT Bukit Manikam Sakti to Arnotts Disposed glass packaging division to Schott Acquired Woods Peppermint brand Acquired 80% of Saka Farma 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 sales USD Note: Audited financials. Figures since 2005 are post-merger figures. 5 2000 Sales IDR 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 (IDR bn) (USD mm) Long Track Record of Sustainable Revenue Growth Section II. Corporate Overview 6 II. Corporate Overview Established in 1966 and listed on the Jakarta Stock Exchange and Surabaya Stock Exchange since 1991, Kalbe Farma is now the largest publicly-listed pharmaceutical company in Southeast Asia • Kalbe markets and sells its products in 6 major markets in Southeast Asia which in aggregate represent a population of almost 570 million • Sales contribution of Kalbe’s main business segments as per FY 2007 income statement: – prescription pharmaceuticals 25.8% of revenues – nutritional 22.8% of revenues – consumer health 26.5% of revenues – distribution and packaging 24.9% of revenues • Over 14,000 employees and a marketing and sales force of 6,000 covering 80% of the Indonesian consumer health and 100% of the Indonesian prescription pharmaceutical market 7 II. Corporate Overview – Business Overview Kalbe Farma is the market leader in prescription pharmaceuticals, nutritional and consumer health products in Indonesia Prescription Pharmaceutical Key Product Categories Market Position in Key Markets2 FY 2007 Revenue Licensed products Branded generics Unbranded generics Pregnancy nutrition Baby milk products Baby biscuits Baby cereals Clinical food Consumer Health OTC pharmaceuticals Energy drinks Distribution and Packaging Consumer health Prescription pharma Medical instruments and diagnostics Consumer products Fine chemical raw materials Number 1 in Indonesian A market leader in Number 1 in prescription pharmaceutical Indonesian nutrition Indonesian OTC market market and has the market leading market position Number 1 in in high end nutrition Indonesian energy market drinks market Largest pharmaceutical distribution network in Indonesia 40 distribution centers Indirectly and directly covers more than 1mm outlets IDR 1,806.3 billions IDR 1,742.4 billions Note: 1 Audited financials. Pro forma for restructuring completed 12/16/05 2 IMS & AC Nielsen data as of 12/31/07 8 Nutritional IDR 1,600.0 billions IDR 1,856.2 billions II. Corporate Overview – Subsidiaries Pharmaceuticals Nutritions Bintang Toedjoe Sanghiang Perkasa EPMT 99.90% ownership 99.99% ownership 58.19% ownership Dankos Farma Kalbe Morinaga Tri Sapta Jaya 99.98% ownership 70.00% ownership 58.18% ownership Finusolprima Farma Bifarma Adiluhung Milenia Dharma Insani 99.988% ownership 99.20% ownership 57.61% ownership Hexpharm Jaya Labs Enseval Medika Prima 99.60% ownership 57.61% ownership Saka Farma Labs Global Mechindo Megatrading 80.00% ownership 58.18% ownership Innogene Kalbiotech Pte. Ltd 90.79% ownership Kalbe International Pte. Ltd 100.00% ownership Packaging Kageo 63.10% ownership Kalbe Vision Pte. Ltd Avesta Continental Pack 100.00% ownership 48.25% ownership Cordlife Indoneisa 30.00% ownership Pharma Metric Labs 34.45% ownership Orange Kalbe Ltd 30.00% ownership 9 Distribution Indogravure 24.61% ownership II. Corporate Overview – Management Profile (BOD) President Director • President Director of Kalbe since 2008 • Marketing Director of Kalbe (1997 - 2007) • President of SHP since 1994 Director Vice President Director Bernadette Ruth Irawaty Setiady • President Director of Kalbe • Vice President (1992 – 1998) since 2005 • President Director of EPM • Managing Director of Kalbe (1998 – 2005) (2002 – 2005) • Joined the Group in 1982 • Joined Bintang Toedjoe in 1985 Budi Dharma Wreksoatmodjo Johanes Berchman Apik Ibrahim Director Director • Finance Director of Kalbe •Director of Kalbe (1997-2005) •since 2005 • Finance Director of Dankos • President Director of Dankos (1992-1997) (2002-2005) • Joined Kalbe Farma in 1990 • President Director of B7 (1996-2002 Vidjongtius 10 Herman Widjaja II. Corporate Overview – Management Profile (BOC) President Commissioner • President Commissioner of Kalbe since 2008 • President Director of Kalbe (1998-2007) • Comissioner of Kalbe (1992-1998) Commissioner Commissioner Johannes Setijono •Commissioner of Kalbe since 2008 Commissioner •Commissioner of Kalbe •Commissioner of Kalbe • Manufacturing Director of Kalbe •since 2008 • President Director of B7 (2005-2006) since 2007 since 2000 • Commissioner of EPMT •Director of Kalbe since 2005 •Plant Manager of B7 in 1995 since 2001 Yozef D. Angkasa Santoso Oen •Product Manager of B7 in 1997 Ferdinand Ariyanto Independent Commissioner •Independent Commissioner of Kalbe since 2008 •Head of Indonesian Medical Council since 2005 •Health Minister of Indonesia in Kabinet Pembangunan VII and Kabinet Reformasi Farid A. Moeloek 11 Independent Commissioner •Independent Commissioner of Kalbe since 2008 •Independent Comissioner of PT Global Mediacom •Head of CBA Asia John A. Prasetio II. Corporate Overview - Awards & Achievements Kalbe’s excellent performance is recognized by a number of organizations through the following awards Year 2007: •“Original Product of Indonesia” for Extra Joss from Bisnis Indonesia •Value Creator Award 2007 (Ranked 22th from 100) from SWA Magazine •Nominator of Metro TV MDGs Award for the child mortality reduction program, Nov 26, 2007 •One of the “Most Admired ASEAN Enterprises” and the winner of ASEAN Business Awards for CSR category in the event held by ASEAN Advisory Business Council on Nov 18, 2007 •“Pioneer of Corporate Social Responsibility Award” from Bekasi District Authority •“Honorable City Tax Payer Award” from Central Jakarta district city Mayor on Aug 23, 2007 •Investor Award 2007 (Ranked 24th of 100 Best Companies, and ranked 2nd in cigarette, pharmacy, and household appliances sector) from Investor Magazine Year 2006: •“Trusted Company Award” and “Best Company in the Consumer Industry Award” from IICG (Indonesian Institute for Corporate Governance) • “Top 10 Value Creator 2006” for companies with assets >Rp 1 trillion from SWA Magazine, Markplus & Co •Asia’s Best Managed Companies Poll Awards 2005 from AsiaMoney •Investor Award 2006 (the best in cigarette, pharmacy, and household appliances sector) from Investor Daily and Investor Magazine •CEO of the year 2006 award for Kalbe’s President Director, Johannes Setijono from Bisnis Indonesia •Best ”Second Liner” Company to Invest from Bisnis Indonesia •“Best Company promoting Education awareness in the whole of West Java District 2006" from Governor of West Java, Danny Setiawan 12 Section III. Industry Overview 13 III. Industry Overview - Indonesia • • • • 14 In this unpredictable situation, the Government is still able to keep the economic growth of 6.4% in 2008 Revised State Budget, the political stability, controlled-inflation and higher foreign currency reserved, despite a strong treat of missing the volume and oil price fluctuation at the global market. Agriculture and mining sectors are the strongest growth to support the economy. Switching the general fuel subsidy into direct subsidy in food and healthcare Approaching the coming general election in 2009 will push the Government to accelerate their program and increase its spending. III. Industry Overview – Segmentation 0.5–1.5K 0.7 Middle Mass 145.8 < 0.5K 1.6 Global Pharma Lower Mass Lower Mass Source: BPS and Management Estimates for Pharma, Nutritional & Consumer Health 15 Kalbe 39.1 Middle Mass Dexa Mass Affluent Domestic Brand Market Prescription Pharma 0.5 Sanbe, Konimex, Tempo, Pharos 1.5–4K Mass Affluent Domestic Mass Market 17.7 Affluent Affluent Nutrifood 1.0 Domestic High End > 4K Domestic Low End 22.4 Combiphar, Interbat, Indofarma, Kimia Farma, Phapros Mkt. Size (US$bn) Global/Regional Consumer Income (US$) P&G, Nestle, Mead Johnson, Nutricia, Unilabs, NZMI Population (mm) Pfizer, Glaxo, Abbott, Sanofi, Astrazeneca The Indonesian market is comprised of distinct market segments based on income levels with participants positioned distinctly against these segments III. Industry Overview - Pharmaceutical • In 2007 the Indonesia Pharmaceutical market was IDR 25.6 trillion (approx. USD2.8 billion) or grew by 9.2%* and it is expected to grow at around 9.1%* in 2008 (approx. USD3.0 billion). • This market comprises of 60% Prescription and 40% of Over the Counter (OTC) products. This high OTC contribution is due to low purchasing power of majority people and lack of nation wide health care system. • In terms of competition, the industry is very fragmented with around 200 pharma companies, including around 30 MNCs. • Patent law and Product Registration regulation in Indonesia have been implemented according to the WTO’ standard. * Source: IMS Report 16 III. Industry Overview - Pharmaceutical • The Government continues to support the special fund of IDR 4.6 trillion to provide free medical treatments for the poor only at hospitals and state community health centers. • Price increase of pharma product is limited or lower than inflation rate due to the low purchasing power. • Common diseases and health-needs surrounding the community i.e. dengue, TB, diarrhea, immunization, malnourished and high maternal mortality rate. • Degenerative and chronic diseases show a higher trend as a reflection of longer life expectation. 17 III. Industry Overview Top 10 Manufacturers in ITMA, IHPA and IPA Market. ITMA Market Share – Q1 2008 IHPA Market Share – Q1 2008 KALBE FARMA 7.4% KALBE FARMA 8.9% SANBE 5.4% DEXA MEDICA 4.0% SOHO 3.6% OTHERS 61.6% PFIZER 3.4% BINTANG TOEDJOE 3.2% BAYER INDONESIA DANKOS2.9% 2.5% Total Market = IDR 26.1 T SANBE 8.0% SANBE 7.9% TEMPO SCAN PACIFIC 3.5% PHAROS INDONESIA 2.5% PFIZER DEXA MEDICA 5.3% 5.2% DEXA MEDICA 7.1% OTSUKA 4.3% * Others 53.3% SANOFIAVENTIS 3.7% DANKOS 3.6% PFIZER 3.1% FAHRENHEIT FERRON 2.7% ASTRAZENECA PAR PHARM 2.6% 2.6% Total Market = IDR 3.8 T Source: IMS Health, for manufactured Q1 2008 18 IPA Market Share – Q1 2008 GEN0190n.ppt * Others 60.3% LAPI 2.2% Total Market = IDR 5.5 T KALBE FARMA 4.6% SANOFIAVENTIS 4.0% NOVARTIS 2.9% INTERBAT 2.7% BAYER INDONESIA 2.7% MERCK KGAA 2.2% Section IV. Business Overview A. Prescription Pharmaceuticals 19 IV. Business Overview – Prescription Pharma Kalbe has broad portfolio of prescription products which comprised of 284 products Licensed Products Ttl # Products 68 180 Generics 36 General Anti-infectives: Cefspan, Fixef; Cravit, Reskuin; Tarivid, Cefizox; Cefazol, Bactesyn Hospital Solutions: Octalbin Oncology : Paxus; Epirubicin-Kalbe, Endrolin Blood and Blood-Forming Organs: Kalnex, Hemapo Musculo-Skeletal System: Mediflex, Durolane Alimentary Tract and Metabolism: Cernevit, Dialac General Anti-infectives: Broadced, Kalfoxim, Mycoral, Clavamox Central Nervous system: Neurotam, Neurocet; Neuralgin RX, Brainact Musculo-Skeletal System: Kaltrofen Cardiovascular System: Angioten, Cholestat Alimentary Tract and Metabolism: Rantin, Ulsikur, Pronicy, Metrix, Plantacid, General Anti-infectives: Cefotaxime; Amoxycillin, Ciprofloxacin; Rifampicin; Ceftriaxone, Prednisone Alimentary Tract and Metabolism: Ranitidine Cardiovascular System: Simvastatin, Captopril Central Nervous system: Piracetam Recent Product Launches Octalbin, Lodopin, Dialac, Hepavax Gene, Lanzox, Durolane, Flexasur, Durolane, Synbio, F-Slim, Atopiclair Osteonate OD, Nepatic, Beta One, Fritens, Brainact Oral, Nevox, Merofen Glimepiride, Omeprazole, Domperidone, Cefixime, Bisoprolol Planned Product Launches 2008: 3 products 2008 : 10 products 2008 : 5 products Key Products 20 Branded Generics IV. Business Overview – Prescription Pharma Kalbe is the number 1 player in prescription pharmaceuticals KALBE FARMA 7.4% SANBE 6.6% DEXA MEDICA 5.5% PFIZER 4.3% SANOFI-AVENTIS 3.5% OTHERS 58.0% INDOFARMA 3.4% KIMIA FARMA 3.0% INTERBAT 2.9% OTSUKA 2.5% Total Market = IDR 15.3 T Note: Prescription Pharma = ITMA ETH (KF+DKS+HJ) Source: IMS Health, Q1 2008 21 GEN0190n.ppt FAHRENHEIT 2.9% Section IV. Business Overview B. Nutritional 22 IV.Business Overview – Nutritional Kalbe has a highly attractive nutritional portfolio comprised of strong, market leading brands Nutritionals Key Products Recent Product Launches Planned Product Launches Q1 2008 Sales Pregnancy Nutrition (Prenagen) – 60% market share Baby biscuit (Milna) – 56% market share Baby milk – Morinaga BMT 10% market share – Chil Mil 11% market share Clinical Food – Diabetasol 68% market share Chil School Platinum, Milna Marie Biscuit, Prenagen Emesis, Diabetasol Vita Digest, Entrasol Weight Management, Nutrive Rellax Various nutritional supplements for adult, baby and toddlers IDR 456.6 billions Note: Source: Latest AC Nielsen data and Management estimation 23 IV. Business Overview – Consumer Health Kalbe is a market leader in every major category in which it competes Market Share – Nutritional Nutrifood Ind. 3.0% Wyeth 5.4% Mead Johnson 4.6% Abbott 5.4% Nestle 29.9% Fonterra 5.0% Nutricia 8.2% SHP 8.6% Sari Husada 15.8% FFI 11.0% Total Market = IDR 2.1T 仌 Note: 1.Source: AC Nielsen data as of Q1 2008 and Management estimation (market share rounded) 2. Nutritional consist of baby biscuit, baby cereal and powdered milk sectors 24 Section IV. Business Overview C. Consumer Health 25 Business Overview – Consumer Health Kalbe has a highly attractive consumer health portfolio comprised of strong, market leading brands OTC Pharmaceuticals Antacid (Promag, Waisan) Key Products Recent Product Launches Planned Product Launches Q1 2008 Sales Note: – 87% market share Cough remedies (Woods, Komix, Metril) – 38% market share Anti-diarrhea (Neo-Enterostop) – 42% market share Cold remedies (ProCold, Mixagrip) – 35% market share Energy Drinks Extra Joss – 46% market share (Indonesia) – 36% market share (Indonesia) – 78% market share (Phillippines) – 44% market share (Phillippines) – volume – value – volume – value Fatigon Viro, Cerebrovit Active, Cerebrovit Senior, Woods Antitussive, Mixagrip Flu & Batuk, Promag Double Action, Kalpanax Cream, Komix Kid, Bintangin Caxon Enace, Caxon ion C, Extra Joss (Cream Soda, Apple, Blackcurrant) Preventive products Skin care Energy Drink line extension IDR 288.4 billions IDR 49.6 billions 1 Audited financials 2 Growth rate based on financials in IDR 3 Source: Latest AC Nielsen data and Management estimation 26 IV. Business Overview – Consumer Health Kalbe is a market leader in every major category in which it competes Market Share – Energy Drink Naturade Gold 1.8% Others* 6.9% M-150 7.4% Extra Joss 30.6% Kuku Bima 13.1% Krating Daeng 21.9% Hemaviton 18.4% Total Market = IDR 360.1 B Source: AC Nielsen for Energy Drink share, Q1 2008 27 IV. Business Overview – Consumer Health Kalbe is a market leader in every major category in which it competes Market Share – OTC TEMPO SCAN PACIFIC 8% SOHO 7% KALBE FARMA 17% * Others 47% GLAXOSMITHKLIN E CH 3% LANDSON 2% KONIMEX 5% SANBE 4% BAYER PHAROS INDONESIA INDONESIA 3% 4% Total Market = IDR 11.4 T Source: IMS for OTC –ITMA , Q1 2008 28 Section IV. Business Overview D. Distribution and Packaging 29 IV. Business Overview – Distribution & Packaging Kalbe has the most extensive distribution network of any pharmaceutical company in Indonesia and distributes products for some of the leading healthcare companies in the world Distribution Business Major Third Party Principals by Category Prescription Pharma 30 Consumer Medical Instrument Fine Chemical & Diagnostic Raw Materials IV.Business Overview – Distribution & Packaging Distribution revenues are mostly (76%) from own group Products, while packaging revenues more than half (56%) are from third parties. Distribution Revenues by Composition Packaging Revenues by Composition Kalbe 33% 3rd party 32% Kalbe 68% 仌 Note: 1.Source: Management data of Q1 2008 31 3rd Group 67% Section V. Operational Overview 32 V. Operational Overview – Marketing & Sales Infrastructure Kalbe has a marketing and sales force of approximately 6,000 providing coverage for more than 1 million outlets in Indonesia Infrastructure Nutritional and Consumer Health 33 Comments Sales force of over 2,200 Directly cover 150,000 outlets Indirectly covers over 1mm outlets or 80% of total consumer health market Largest sales force in Indonesia Most developed telemarketing team in the nutritional sector Over 1,900 medical reps Market coverage – 70% of GP market covered – 90% of specialist market covered 100% of all hospitals covered 100% pharmacy coverage Largest sales force in Indonesia Over 1,800 sales & marketing personnel Total of 4,000 employees 60 marketing branches throughout Indonesia 40 distribution centers 1,000 trucks 500 motorcycles 80% of consumer health market 100% of prescription pharma market 24-hour order fulfillment 4–5-hour order fulfillment for prescription pharma 24-hour service for life saving drug Direct delivery to end customers Offers value added services to customers – resource management, strategic sourcing & supply – needs-basis marketing service Prescription Pharma Distribution Indonesia Coverage V. Operational Overview – Manufacturing Infrastructure Kalbe operates 11 GMP facilities that are compliant with international standards, with an additional 1 facility under construction Facility Bldg 2 Area (m ) Production Lines Licensees Certification Astellas ISO9001, ISO14001, OHSAS18001 448 42,684 9 lines of Non Beta Lactam products (tablet, capsule, cream, liquid oral, injection) 41 17,232 3 lines; effervescent, powder & liquid – ISO9001, ISO14001, OHSAS18001, HACCP Dankos Farma 189 14,905 3 factories; Non Beta Lactam, Penicillin & Cephalosporin lines Daiichi ISO9001, ISO14001, OHSAS18001 Sanghiang Perkasa 132 11,869 6 lines (4 lines sachet, 1 line tin, 1 line mixed sachet) Morinaga ISO9001, ISO14001, HACCP, OHSAS18001 67 7,000 Line Non Beta Lactam products & penicillin – – 143 3,400 3 lines; solid, liquid oral, and semi solid (Non Beta Lactam products) – ISO9001 24 2,500 Large volume Parenteral Line Baxter ISO9001 900 7,506 18 lines incl packaging & printing – – Avesta 2,700 8,414 25 lines incl sliting, printing – – Indogravure 2,714 6,477 10 lines incl printing – – 17 23,041 1 wet – drier line, 1 can line, 2 sachet lines Morinaga – – 5,000 2 lines: tablet and cream – NAFDAC (local FDA) Kalbe Farma Bintang Toedjoe Saka Farma Hexpharm Jaya Fima Kageo Igar Jaya Kalbe Morinaga Orange Kalbe Ltd 34 Products Manufactured Facility is being built V. Operational Overview – Manufacturing Infrastructure Kalbe Farma - Cikarang 35 V. Operational Overview – Manufacturing Infrastructure Bintang 7 – Pulo Gadung 36 V. Operational Overview – Manufacturing Infrastructure Dankos – Pulo Gadung 37 V. Operational Overview – Manufacturing Infrastructure Bintang 7 – Pulomas 38 V. Operational Overview – Manufacturing Infrastructure Hexpharm - Cipanas 39 V. Operational Overview – Manufacturing Infrastructure Fima - Bekasi 40 Section VI. Growth Drivers 41 Growth Drivers – Nutritional and Consumer Health New Product Development Kalbe continues to develop new and innovative nutritional and consumer health products Nutritionals Key Opportunities 42 International & brand expansion – Prenagen – Entrasol – Diabetasol – Nutrive Rellax OTC Preventive products Balance products: antioxidants, immune systems, probiotic, and appetite stimulants Beauty products: skin, anti-aging, body shape, mouth & teeth, varices Isotonic Drink: Fatigon Hydro Energy Drinks International & brand expansion – Extra Joss – Joss Fit VI. Growth Drivers – Prescription Portfolio Development Kalbe continues to in-license and develop new pharmaceutical products to supplement and grow its current portfolio of 284 products Planned Product Launches Key Opportunities Licensed 43 Branded Generics Generics Key therapeutic targets for NCEs – Oncology – Cardiology – Neurology – Endocrinology, – Critical Care – Human vaccine – Biotechnology – Dental products – Ophthalmology In-house drug delivery system – Key target areas: cardiology, neurology, endocrinology, analgesic, dental products In-house formulation – Key target areas: cardiology, neurology, endocrinology, analgesic, dental products, ophthalmology, respiratory, anti aging, kidney Key therapeutic targets – Antibiotics – Analgesic – Gastrointestinal – Respiratory 2008: 3 products 2008: 10 products 2008: 5 products Innogene Bio-generics market Proprietary drug development TheraCIM / Nimotuzumab (anti EGFR/HER1 MAb) – Phase III – Target market: Glioma, Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma, Cancer of the Head and Neck, pancreatic, lung, etc. – Very similar to Erbitux: same mechanism but much less side effects (e.g: pimples) – To be marketed in Indonesia in 2008 via Special Access Scheme (SAS), and later to ASEAN, Taiwan and S. Africa 1E10 (N-glycolyl containing ganglioside MAb) – Phase III trial start in Singapore, South Korea & Taiwan – Target market: NSCLC, Breast cancer – Est. launch in 2010–2012 Kalsolac (Lactate-based pharma) – Approved for resuscitation post cardiac surgery (New Zealand) & Traumatic Brain Injury (EU) – Target mkt: Traumatic Brain Injury, Cardiology and Stroke – Has been launched in Indonesia as Totilac (Apr 2006) and the Philippines (Nov 07) for Heart surgery patients – Potentially able to repair/improve neurological function after suffering from brain trauma – Australia application for compositional patent is in progress – US: Animal Study Completion VI. Growth Drivers – Expansion in Southeast Asia Kalbe continues to leverage its deep local market knowledge and well established brands into other major Southeast Asian markets Singapore/Malaysia Philippines 44 Brand building of Woods and Milna products Marketing and brand building of Extra Joss Thailand Market bio-generic products in the very near future Vietnam Marketing of selected OTC, energy drink and prescription pharma products Section VII. Financial Overview 45 VII. Financial Overview – Financial Performance Kalbe’s revenues, operating income and net income have grown at a CAGR of 14%, 11% and 14%, respectively, from 2002 to 2007 700 1,200 6,000 600 1,000 5,000 500 4,000 400 3,000 300 2,000 200 1,000 100 - FY- FY- FY- FY- FY- FY2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 IDR Ytd Growth3 - 25% 12% 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 - 800 600 400 200 FY- FY- FY- FY- FY- FY2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 USD 16% 3% IDR 16% Ytd – Growth3 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 - 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 FY- FY- FY- FY- FY- FY2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 USD 17% 18% 20% (3)% 4% IDR Ytd – Growth3 21% (3)% 45% 4% 9% Notes: 1 Audited financial report. Pro forma for restructuring completed on 12/16/05 2 Company financials converted at average exchange rates of US$1=IDR 8,940 in 2002, US$1=IDR 8,465 in 2003, US$1=IDR 9,290 in 2004, US$1= IDR 9,830 in 2005, US$1=IDR 9,141 in 2006 and US$1=IDR 9,164 in 2007 3 Growth rates based on IDR 46 USD USD (Mio) 7,000 IDR (Bio) 800 IDR (Bio) 8,000 Net Income USD (Mio) Operating Income USD (Mio) IDR (Bio) Revenues VII. Financial Overview – Financial Performance Kalbe’s revenues, operating income and net income. 7,005 6,072 5,871 ∆ 15% ∆ 3% 1,106 653 FY-2005 Revenues Notes: 1 Based on Audited Financial Report 2 Growth rates based on IDR 47 1,071 677 FY-2006 Operating Profit ∆ -3% ∆ 4% 1,129 706 FY-2007 Net Income ∆ 5% ∆ 4% Financial Overview – Revenue Drivers Net Sales of each Segment, based on 2006 and 2007 Financial Audited Report 1,806.3 1,599.9 1,468.4 1,457.1 1,322.6 1,205.9 1,053.9 944.1 895.7 802.3 246.2 ∆-10.4% ∆21.0% En Drink 2006 48 2007 Nutrition ∆11.6% OTC ∆24.0% Ethical 274.0 ∆11.3% Packaging ∆21.8% Distribution Financial Overview – Income Statements As of December 31, 2006 & 2007 IDR (billion) NET SALES FY 2007 % to N.S. % Change 7,005 100.0 15.4 COGS 2,973 49.0 3,453 49.3 16.1 GROSS PROFIT 3,099 51.0 3,552 50.7 14.6 OPERATING EXPENSES : q Selling q General and Administrative q Research and Development TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 1,631 369 28 2,027 26.9 6.1 0.5 33.4 1,979 397 46 2,422 28.3 5.7 0.7 34.6 21.3 7.6 64.3 19.5 OPERATING PROFIT 1,071 17.6 1,129 16.1 5.4 677 11.2 706 10.1 4.3 NET INCOME 49 FY 2006 % to N.S. 6,072 100.0 Financial Overview – Balance Sheets As of December 31, 2006 & 2007 FY 2006 FY 2007 % Change CURRENT ASSETS q Cash and Cash Equivalents q Net Short Term Investments q Account Receivables q Other Receivables q Inventory q Other Current Assets TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 1,262 260 652 108 885 155 3,321 1,116 176 870 58 1,427 114 3,760 (11.6) (32.3) 33.4 (46.3) 61.2 (26.5) 13.2 OTHER NON CURRENT ASSETS 1,303 1,378 5.8 4,625 5,138 11.1 IDR (billion) ASSETS TOTAL ASSETS 50 Financial Overview – Balance Sheets As of December 31, 2006 & 2007 FY 2006 FY 2007 % Change CURRENT LIABILITIES q Short-term Loans q Account Payables q Other Payables q Accrued Expenses q Taxes Payable q Maturities of Long term Debts TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 31 344 40 120 116 6 659 44 328 46 207 127 2 755 41.9 (4.7) 15.0 72.5 9.5 (66.7) 14.6 TOTAL NON CURRENT LIABILITIES 421 367 (12.8) 1,080 1,121 3.8 549 630 14.8 SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY NET 2,995 3,387 13.1 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 4,625 5,138 11.1 IDR (billion) LIABILITIES TOTAL LIABILITIES MINORITY INTEREST 51 Financial Overview – Cash Flow As of December 31, 2006 & 2007 IDR (billion) FY 2006 FY 2007 NET q q q 705.7 260.1 (596.20) 362.9 (42.30) (473.80) NET (DECREASE) INCREASE In cash and Cash Equivalents 369.6 (153.2) CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENT at Beginning of Year 917.9 1,261.5 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENT at End of Year 1,261.5 1,116.4 52 CASH: Operating Activities Investing Activities Financing Activities Section VIII. Recent Activities 53 VIII. Recent Activities – The New Logo The new logo was launched in Mar 2007. This is to reflect the new Kalbe Previous Kalbe’s new brand image was launched in Mar 2007. This new logo signifies Kalbe’s intention and commitment to share all the benefits from our techical know-how with our customers, not only with the aim to promote better health, but also to bring about meaningful changes that will ultimately enrich their lives generally. While we have kept the original DNA helix to symbolize our commitment to “the scientific pursuit of health for a better life”, we have also added the representatiton of the helix as two people embodies the Company’s focus on people, caring and sharing. The green color, meanwhile has been associated with Kalbe since the Company’s origins, and characterizes life, growth and innovation. 54 New VIII. Recent Activities – Share Buy Back Program Kalbe Farma has launched its share buyback program since February 2007 • Rationales – Management's success in increasing the Company's profitability, in maintaining liquidity deriving from significant cash flows, and the Company’s low leverage ratio. – Thus, Management has decided to make use of its excess free cash flow to increase its shareholder's value • Approval – Approval was sought in Kalbe’s Extraordinary General Meeting held on February 8, 2007 • Size – Maximum funding determined to be IDR1.23 trillion (approx. USD133 million) – Up to 1,015,601,442 shares (approx. 10% of outstanding shares) • Mechanism – Buyback transactions will be executed by Danareksa Securities – The buyback period is 18 months, i.e. until August 7, 2008 – Transacitions will be executed during 30 mins after/before market opens/closes – Maximum daily shares purchased in the buyback cannot exceed 25% of total daily shares traded 55 VIII. Recent Activities - Others • PT Cordlife Indonesia, a joint venture company between Kalbe and Cordlife International Pte, Ltd (Singapore) - opened its first tissue banking facility in September 2007 located in Pulomas, Jakarta • Kalbe has made additional capital contribution to Kalbe International Pte. Ltd. with total investments of USD 5 million. • Continuous CRM program through the opening of ‘Nutrition for Life’ at Pondok Indah Mall 2nd Floor No. 240 – 241. This is one of Kalbe Nutritional’s services with lots of interesting, educative and informative activities in nutritional area. 56 VIII. Recent Activities - Others • New products launched: • Fatigon Hydro+ - a natural health drink made with fresh coconut water as a natural source of essential electrolytes • Joss Fit – a new variant of Energy Drink • Bintangin • Several Ethical products such as Kitavit, Amlodipine, etc • Launching of Endrolin in Philippine and Procold in Vietnam • CSR Program at PT Bintang Toedjoe : JOSS Mudik 57 Section IX. Future Outlook 58 IX. Future Outlook – Overall Business • Kalbe Farma has designed its business portfolio based on 6 footholds: PHARMACEUTICAL NUTRITIONAL CONSUMER HEALTH MEDICAL & DIAGNOSTIC INSTRUMENTS DISTRIBUTION & LOGISTIC RETAIL HEALTH SERVICES • Strengthen and expand existing and new business portfolios • Optimize and improve productivity through operation excellence • Increase R&D productivity • Expand regionally • Develop competent leaders 59 THANK YOU Important Notice This presentation has been prepared for informational purposes only by PT Kalbe Farma Tbk. (“Kalbe” or the “Company”). The information contained in this Presentation does not purport to be all-inclusive or to contain all of the information that may be material to an investor’s decision. It should be noted that the information contained in this Presentation is subjected to further review, and that such information may be updated and/or amended from time to time as circumstances change or more information becomes available. Some of those revisions or changes may be material. Each recipient of this Presentation should therefore perform their own independent analysis of the business, operations, financial condition, creditworthiness, status and affairs of Kalbe. Each recipient should also conduct their own enquiries into the adequacy, accuracy, and completeness of any information relating to Kalbe, as the information and data contained in this Presentation are not substitutes for the recipient’s independent evaluation and analysis. This presentation is not an offering document and will be updated regularly according as necessary. 60
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