Toponyms in Demotic and Abnormal Hieratic texts from the


Toponyms in Demotic and Abnormal Hieratic texts from the
Toponyms in Demotic and Abnormal Hieratic texts
from the 8th century BC till the 5th century AD
Version 1.0
August 2011
compiled by
Herbert Verreth
Department of Ancient History, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Köln / Leuven
© 2011 Trismegistos
2 Trismegistos Online Publications
Edited by
Willy Clarysse, Mark Depauw & Heinz-Jozef Thissen
Toponyms in Demotic and Abnormal Hieratic texts
from the 8th century BC till the 5th century AD
Version 1.0
August 2011
compiled by
Herbert Verreth
Department of Ancient History, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Köln / Leuven
© 2011 Trismegistos
4 The series Trismegistos Online Publications, edited by Willy Clarysse (K.U.Leuven),
Mark Depauw (K.U.Leuven) and Heinz-Josef Thissen (Universität zu Köln), aims to
provide freely downloadable PDF-documents with scholarly tools based upon or
providing links to the Trismegistos database.
[email protected]. The editors will decide whether the manuscript fits in
the series and can be accepted for reviewing. An anonymous version of the
manuscript will then be sent to two or more peers for evaluation. On the basis of their
report the editors will take a decision whether to publish it in the series or not. Authors
will be given the anonymous notes of the reviewers and can be asked to implement
changes to their manuscript.
August, 2011: Version 1.0
ISBN: 00
5 Table of contents
Searching for toponyms in Trismegistos online
The sigla for the Egyptian nomes in the following lists
Toponyms mentioned in Abnormal Hieratic texts
Geographical distribution of the Abnormal Hieratic texts
Geographical distribution of the toponyms in Abnormal Hieratic texts
Alphabetical survey of the toponyms in Abnormal Hieratic texts
Toponyms mentioned in Demotic texts
Geographical distribution of the Demotic texts
Geographical distribution of the toponyms in Demotic texts
Alphabetical survey of the toponyms in Demotic texts
Survey of the most important constituent elements of the toponyms
Adjectival forms
Districts, regions and countries
Divine names in toponyms
Geographical elements in toponyms
We have gathered in this survey most of the toponyms and other 'geographica'
occurring in the published corpus of Abnormal Hieratic and Demotic texts from
Egypt. We only took into account texts that have already been fully or partially
transliterated or translated, and no attempt has been made to gather toponyms in the
many documents that are not yet published or for which only a photograph or
facsimile exists. The references to each toponym have been listed in chronological
order, but it has to be stressed that the toponyms themselves have not been fully
studied or analyzed. We hope, however, that this survey will be a useful tool for the
further study of the geography of ancient Egypt.
The Trismegistos database actually contains 64 Abnormal Hieratic and 14741
Demotic texts, both documentary and literary. The Abnormal Hieratic texts cover a
chronological range between 900 and 486 BC, with the precisely dated documents
ranging between 726 and 544 BC. Most of these texts are papyri (and some tablets)
from the Theban area. The Demotic texts, written on all kinds of material (papyrus,
pottery, stone, wood, metal, linen, ...), range between 700 BC and 600 AD, with the
precisely dated documents ranging between 672 BC and 452 AD. They come from all
over Egypt, but a large part of them (ca. 66 %) originates from Upper Egypt. More
details about the geographical distribution of the Abnormal Hieratic and Demotic
texts will be given further1.
The core of the Trismegistos geographical database is the file called Places or
Geo. For the moment it contains the basic information for some 10782 toponyms in
Egypt, some 2274 toponyms outside of Egypt, and some 419 ghost names. The last
group contains obsolete toponyms that are now identified with one of the other
toponyms or for which a new reading was proposed. The 45 Demotic ghost names will
not be included in this survey and have to be checked in the online database itself.
1 The figures used here update the original tables published in VERRETH, Herbert, The provenance of Egyptian documents from the 8th century BC till the 8th century AD (Trismegistos Online Publications, 3), Köln -­‐ Leuven, 2009 (downloadable at Introduction
7 Since the Geo file has been explained more in detail elsewhere2, I will restrict myself
here to a brief presentation of its different fields.
Every toponym gets a single and unique number called 'Geo-id'. There is no
meaning whatsoever attached to that number, but it is a practical tool to identify the
place and to distinguish it from any homonyms. For every toponym we list the main
variant(s) in Greek, Latin, 'Egyptian', Coptic or other languages that can be found in
the sources. The label 'Egyptian' groups Hieroglyphic, Hieratic, Abnormal Hieratic and
Demotic. For the Egyptian standard name we usually choose the Hieroglyphic variant
in its fullest form, with e.g. the genitive 'n' and the female '.t' written in full. Names or
variants not attested as such, but only inferred from e.g. their Greek parallels, are
preceded by an asterisk (*). Among all these names in different languages referring to
the same place, we choose one standard name, usually the Greek name transliterated
into the Latin alphabet. Where possible, we suggest an identification with a modern
Egyptian place name. Every toponym is tentatively ascribed to one of the Egyptian
nomes of Lower and Upper Egypt, numbered from L01 till L21 and from U01 till U22
and named after the Greek equivalent in use in the Ptolemaic period, e.g. L01
Memphites, U09 Panopolites. For practical reasons we use L00 to refer to the
Alexandria area, and 00 for the Arsinoites. The full list of these nome abbreviations
can be found at the end of the introduction. With these elements we form a 'full
name', which consists of the nome abbreviation, the standard name and possibly the
modern name, e.g. L13 Heliopolis (Tell Hisn). To make it easier for the user who is not
familiar with the Greek or the Egyptian alphabet, we gathered in the field Variants a
summary of the most important names and variants in Latin transliteration,
occasionally providing an etymological translation of the toponym.
For every toponym we further give the information - if available - about the
administrative (sub)divisions it might belong to, about its 'status' (e.g. dmỉ /demi,
'village, city'; tš / tesh, 'nomos, district'; ẖr / cher, 'street') and about its location. If the
toponym also has adjectival forms, these are listed in the field 'Ethnicon' (e.g.
Alexandreus, Wynn). In the field 'Identification' three kinds of information are listed.
2 Cf. V ERRETH, Herbert, A survey of toponyms in Egypt in the Graeco-­Roman period (Trismegistos Online Publications, 2), Köln -­‐ Leuven, 2008 (available at Introduction
8 First, if the identification of two toponyms is not completely certain, in this field a
reference is made to the other toponym (e.g. for U13 Lykopolis (Assiut) (1271) a note
refers to Shena (11165), followed by a question mark, and vice versa). Secondly, a
toponym might contain in its own name a reference to another toponym, which is
usually the case for nomes and districts in general; e.g. U Thebais / pȝ tš n Nỉw.t
(2982) is based upon the name Thebai / Nỉw.t, so the reference is added 'cf. U04b Dios
Polis / Thebai (Thebes east) (576)'; on the other hand, for a place upon which another
toponym is based, a reference is made to that second place; e.g. for U04b Dios Polis /
Thebai (Thebes east) (576) the reference is added: 'cf. also U Thebais (2982)'. In the
field 'Note' all kinds of other information can be added.
There are, finally, three 'bibliographical' fields. The first contains references to
the major topographical repertories for the whole of Egypt, i.c. the Dizionario of
Calderini and Daris, the Dictionnaire of Gauthier and Das christlich-koptische
Ägypten of Timm, and to regional corpora such as Wessely (Topographie), P. Tebt. 2,
Drew-Bear (Hermopolite), Pruneti (Ossirinchite), Falivene (Herakleopolite nome) and
Benaissa (Oxyrhynchite nome). In the field 'Bibliography' all kinds of other
bibliographical references are added, without any attempt at exhaustivity, but with a
focus on articles discussing the Demotic writing of the toponym. The bibliographical
references to a nome or district are usually listed under the place after which it is
named (e.g. for L01 Memphites look under L01 Memphis). The field 'Maps' might
contain a reference to a map where the toponym is shown.
A basic problem is what to list as a toponym and what not. Of course names of
villages, cities and countries and their ethnics belong in the list, but the situation is less
clear for all kinds of districts, hamlets, plots of land, canals and toponyms on a micro
level such as town quarters, streets, official buildings, monuments, gates, temples,
chapels, houses, tombs, etc. For our database we followed the practical rule that if a
toponym is listed in one of the geographical corpora mentioned or in the geographical
index of the publications themselves, we also list it in Trismegistos. For Demotic
documents this implies that we usually do not list houses and plots of lands
enumerated in the many house descriptions, nor the names of tombs, chapels or
unidentified temples. Public 'institutions' such as thesauroi / storehouses, trapezai /
banks, ... have also been omitted. Personal names based on toponyms (such as
Harpekysis / Ḥr-pȝ-Ỉkš or Pȝ-rmt-Ỉwnw) are reserved for another phase of the project.
9 On the other hand, toponyms occurring in divine epithets (such as Horos of Behdet or
Souchos lord of Pai / Soknopaios) are included. We do not distinguish between a
temple and its domain, even if this domain extends over several nomes; e.g. all
references to the main temple of Amon in Thebes and its domains are listed under
U04b Ammonieion / Pr-Ỉmn (2769).
For each of these toponyms we gather all references to the ancient texts in
which it is mentioned. Every time a toponym occurs, we create a separate card for it;
even if a toponym is mentioned three times in the same line, we make three separate
cards for it. A few publications could not be checked because they were not readily
available in Leuven (cf. the list below). Anyway, at this moment we listed 262
Abnormal Hieratic references for 24 different places in 35 texts, and 12672 Demotic
references for 1098 different toponyms in 4167 texts. This information is gathered in
the file 'Georef' that contains several fields that I now will briefly discuss. Every Georef
card is linked with a specific place in Geo through the unique Geo-id. In the Filemaker
version of the database it is possible to link one specific toponym to two different
places, which is useful e.g. to link pȝ tš n Nỉw.t both to U Thebais (2982) and to U04b
Dios Polis (576) at the same time. In the online version (and in the following lists), on
the other hand, this is technically not possible, and so in this example only the link to
Thebais will be shown.
Every Georef card is also provided with a unique Tex-id linking it to a specific
document in the Text file. In that file for every ancient text a default edition has been
chosen, which is supposed to be the best published transcription of that text (preferably
with translation), but does not necessarily contain the best published photo or
facsimile. These other editions, which are indispensable for Demotists, are indeed
shown on the Text card, but not as default edition, since also not-Demotists should be
directed to the best edition. It is, however, not always easy to find a 'simple' default
edition, since several parts of a text are often (re)published in different publications;
some texts, for instance, are republished without the witness list on the verso, so that
we have to refer to two (or more) editions to get the whole text, such as P. Eheverträge
36 (default for the main text on the recto) + P. Ryl. Dem. 16 (default for the witness
list on the verso).
When referring to a text, one therefore in some cases needs a cumbersome
enumeration of different editions, which might also cause problems to refer to the
10 specific line number where the toponym occurs. With multiple editions one therefore
starts the field 'Line number' with the (abbreviated) reference to the exact part of the
edition that is meant. It is unfortunate for database related research that many
Demotic editions - contrary to the Greek papyrus editions - use line numbers as a kind
of system to explain the lay-out of the Demotic text to the reader; this creates
references such as 'fragment A, verso, column x+3*, line x+7', which are horrible to
put in a database or to use afterwards for sorting. In Greek editions it is common
practice to number every line on the papyrus continuously, while the information
about recto / verso, columns, etc. is inserted in the publication without influencing the
numbering. Anyway, we tried to work out a plausible reference system for these
complicated line numbers, so that on the one hand the user can find the exact spot in
the original edition without too many difficulties, but on the other hand all toponyms
occurring in a text may be sorted in their logical order. In most cases we therefore
changed all 'x+...' into simple line / column numbers. To distinguish several toponyms
on the same line, we added '[a]', '[b]' etc. behind the line number. Some
inconsistencies in the sorting, however, we were not able to solve, so it has
unfortunately not been possible in every instance to recreate the order of the
geographical references as they occur on the papyrus. Other problems in the line
numbering are caused by texts that have only been described or translated without
indication of the lines, and by parallel texts (such as witness copies) that are presented
in an 'intertwined' edition and have not been edited separately. In these cases we often
come up with ad hoc solutions.
In principle, the toponym itself is spelled in Demotic / Abnormal Hieratic as
found in the default edition of the document or in more recent corrections of that
text. Since, however, many transcription systems have been used the last 150 years to
render Demotic texts, it would not be user-friendly to mix up all these 'historical'
renderings in one and the same field. We therefore uniformized the spelling of the
toponyms to a certain extent, transferring obsolete transliterations into more modern
ones. Unfortunately, however, there is little consistency, even in recent publications,
in e.g. the use of 'y', 'j', 'ỉ' or 'e', or in the rendering of group writings. With regard to
the latter, we therefore choose for a historical transcription, following the model of
Hieroglyphic transcriptions, and so write e.g. Nỉw.t instead of Nw or Ne, or ḥw.t
instead of ḥ.t, etc. All these changes, however, bring along the risk that I might have
11 uniformized a certain spelling without being aware that actually a different reading
was involved, not merely a different transcription. Idealiter I should have checked the
more than 12.900 toponyms in the database one by one with the photograph or
facsimile of every text, but for such an enormous task I lack the paleographical
experience and - more importantly - the time to complete it within the limits of our
project. I therefore invite every 'real' Demotist to point out to me any mistakes I
might have made, and they will be corrected immediately in the database.
In the field 'Name' the toponym is rendered as it occurs in the original
document, including square or other brackets. Since these diacritical signs complicate
searching and sorting, we also created the field 'Name clean', where the name is
written as in the Name field, but without editorial indications, i.e. such as it is usually
found in the index of a publication. This second Name field will also be used for the
onomastic analysis of the toponyms, which is reserved for another phase of the project.
We did not gather every previous reading of a toponym, but at least for new
readings with regard to the default edition the obsolete reading is added in the field
'Note' of Georef and in the field 'Note' of the corresponding Geo card. The
bibliographical reference to the article or book where the new reading is suggested, is
written in the field 'Bibliography' of Georef followed by '(new reading)'.
For every Georef the date is shown of the document in which it occurs. It is
possible to add a more specific date if e.g. a document consists of several sections with
different dates, but thus far this more detailed date has been filled in only rarely.
If a toponym is explicitly ascribed in a document to a district or if it is
explicitly described as e.g. a village or a nomos, this information is entered in the fields
'Administrative situation' and 'Status' in Georef and summarized in the corresponding
fields in Geo. We click on the field 'Ethnicon' when the name occurs in an 'adjectival
form' (sc. a nisbe or a real ethnic). The field 'Location' contains mostly information
about the other toponyms mentioned in the document, which are possibly related to
the toponym being studied.
The field 'Detail' offers a translation of the immediate context in which the
toponym occurs in the document. Usually we copied the translation of the default
edition (or a more recent translation of that edition) in whatever language it has been
written. Standard phrases have been translated into English. Since the database is
developed in the first place to lead the user to as many relevant data as possible, we
12 often added parallel expressions (in English) or replaced the spelling of a toponym in
the edition into the Trismegistos standard spelling. Though this combination of
several languages in one field is sometimes awkward to read, it makes searching so
much easier. The present Georef file is an extension of the original Fayum villages
database, which used the field 'Detail' also to add other relevant information about the
toponym, often in the form of mere keywords. This information, of course, has been
kept, and is usually presented after the translation.
In the field 'Bibliography' bibliographical references are listed (in chronological
order) to articles or books explicitly discussing the passage where the toponym occurs.
Most of these references are collected 'randomly', but two works have been gone
through more thoroughly. First, there is the invaluable A Berichtigungsliste of Demotic
documents (2005, supplements in 2007 and 2008; abbreviated in Trismegistos as
DBL); for every toponym mentioned in this work, a bibliographical reference has been
made in this field 'Bibliography'. Secondly, there is the Chicago Demotic Dictionary
(; published since 2001; abbreviated
in Trismegistos as CDD). Since the toponyms in this work have usually been labeled as
'GN', they could easily be searched in the pdf-files available. If the toponym received a
separate lemma in the CDD, this information is listed in the field 'Bibliography' in
Geo; if the toponym was quoted in relation to a specific document, this information is
listed in the field 'Bibliography' in Georef. A lot of the English translations in the field
'Detail' have been copied from the CDD. Janet Johnson kindly provided information
about some toponyms that will be published in the forthcoming volumes.
In the field 'Note', finally, all kinds of other information can be added. For
toponyms mentioned in Greek and Latin documentary papyri and ostraca we provide
a link to the corresponding full text in the Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri
(, from which we also copied the immediate context of the
toponym, but for the moment no such full text databank exists for Abnormal Hieratic
and Demotic documentary texts.
So far for the description of the online Georef file. Since it would double the
size of this publication if we exported the information of all these fields, a selection has
been made. Under the heading 'Sources' we give for every toponym attested in an
Abnormal Hieratic or Demotic text a chronological list of all passages where the
toponym occurs. For every passage we give the date and the Trismegistos (TM)
13 number of the document, the reference to the default edition(s) used, the line number,
the Demotic name as it occurs in the document, and the contents of the field 'Detail'.
The other information can easily be found online.
This publication contains three sections. First a survey of the toponyms
mentioned in Abnormal Hieratic texts, secondly a (much larger) survey of the
toponyms mentioned in Demotic texts, and thirdly a (very limited) survey of some of
the most important constituent elements of those toponyms. The first two sections
each contain three chapters. The first chapter shows the most recent information about
the geographical distribution of these texts, i.e. a survey of the places where the
documents themselves have been found and written. The second chapter briefly lists
the toponyms in geographical order, so that it is easy to look for toponyms within a
specific nome or region. The third chapter, which is the most elaborate, contains an
alphabetical export of the information for each toponym from Geo, followed by the
chronologically arranged references for that toponym. This list is arranged by standard
name in Latin alphabet, and is preceded by a an alphabetical list of the standard
Egyptian names in Egyptian transcription with a reference to the corresponding
'general' standard name.
The third section presents a brief survey grouping toponyms with similar
constituent elements. It is not at all exhaustive, but a preliminary tool to easily look
for certain classes of toponyms, while a fuller analysis of the toponyms themselves is
reserved for another phase of the project. The first chapter deals with all kinds of
geographical adjectival forms (sc. nisbe, the names of groups of people, city ethnics),
the second with the names of districts, regions and countries, the third with toponyms
containing the name of a god, and the fourth with geographical elements within the
toponyms themselves. For the fourth chapter I have been greatly influenced by the
(unpublished) dissertation of Katelijn Vandorpe, Egyptische geografische elementen in
Griekse transcriptie (1988)3.
As I stressed before, this publication just gathers the geographical references
found in Abnormal Hieratic and Demotic texts, and is not the result of a thorough
study for every single toponym. Therefore our lists can be much more refined and still
3 Available as a pdf on Introduction
14 contain a great many mistakes. Please feel free, therefore, to point out to us any
mistakes or any other changes you want to see in the database, and the following week
the corrected information will be online, available for everyone. The same goes, of
course, for every new Abnormal Hieratic or Demotic publication that appears: send us
an off-print and it will be immediately entered in the Trismegistos database, both the
text itself and the toponyms it contains.
I would, finally, like to thank my colleagues from the Trismegistos project,
both in Leuven and in Köln, for the huge amount of preparatory work that they have
done in the database. Without their work it would not have been possible to compile
the present lists. My special gratitude goes to Bart Van Beek who was able to merge the
Filemaker data into a nice Word lay-out.
Herbert Verreth
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, August 2011
[email protected]
15 For the following Trismegistos texts the default publication (or default translation) is
not available in Leuven. Can somebody perhaps help us out with a copy or a scan of
these texts?
54604 e.a.
BACPS 20 (2003), p. 49-54 no. 1-5
BLR 14 (1991), p. 95 [MS. Egypt. a. 40] descr.
Bresciani, Medinet Madi 1966 - 1967 p. 34 & n. 4 descr.
Brugsch, Grammaire démotique p. 201 pl. IV no. 1 descr.
CCE 6 (2000), p. 52 & 237 no. BE3
Chardon / Denisse, Dictionnaire démotique pl. II-IV (following p. 146)
Chauveau, Michel, Les étiquettes de momies démotiques et bilingues du Musée du Louvre,
1987 (unpublished dissertation)
CPR 29 1-9 (not yet arrived in our library)
Dakhleh Oasis Project Preliminary Reports 1994-1999 p. 297-298 descr.
Egyptian stories. Tribute to Alan B. Lloyd p. 1-11 Text A-D descr.
Eldamaty / Trad (ed.), Egyptian museum collections around the world p. 164-168 no. 1-5
Eldamaty / Trad (ed.), Egyptian museum collections around the world p. 2-9 no. 1-4
Eldamaty / Trad (ed.), Egyptian museum collections around the world p. 347-348 no. 2-29
Essays Abd el-Qader el-Sawi p. 167-199
Firth, The archaeological survey of Nubia 1909-1910 p. 160 no. 248.2 descr.
Franke, Folia rara W. Voigt p. 182-183 no. Cairo Nat. Bibl. 1 / no. 23729
Frankfort, Cenotaph I, p. 91 no. 38-46
Frankfort, Cenotaph I, p. 95-96 no. 9-21
Gaudard, The Demotic drama of Horus and Seth (unpubl. thesis)
Golénischeff, Ermitage p. 188-189 [1130 / 1132] descr.
Maspero, Mémoire sur quelques papyrus du Louvre p. 59-72
Graefe, Grab des Padihorresnet p. 175 no. 356-358
Hieroglyphenschrift und Totenbuch. Die Papyri der Ägyptischen Sammlung der Universität
Tübingen 8 descr.
Hincks, Catalogue p. 7 no. 1 descr.
Hintze, Champollion pl. [2]
Hodjash, Vessels Moscow p. 107 no. 384-386
Hodjash, Vessels Moscow p. 111 no. 404
Hölscher, Grabdenkmal Chephren p. 87 & 115 descr.
Jørgensen, Papyrus Carlsberg 89. A case study of an astrological text (unpublished thesis)
JSSEA 32 (2005), p. 1-65 [GA 15]
Köstlichkeiten aus Kairo p. 154-156
Laugier, Le Cabinet d'antiques du Duc d'Aumale p. 39 no. 53 [Demotic]
Les collections égyptiennes dans les Musées de Saône-et-Loire p. 276 no. 338
Liebieghaus. Ägyptische Bildwerke 3 p. 298 no. 65
Lutz, Egyptian tomb steles and offering stones p. 8 & pl. 43 no. 85
Malkata-South [V]. The excavations at the north precinct of the Isis temple 1-11
Martin, The tomb-chapels of Paser and Raia p. 31 no. 108
Memnonia 3 (1992), p. 113
Nims, Michigan Demotic papyri p. 66-68
O. Magnien pl. 9 (p. 17-18)
O. Métrologie p. 108
O. Métrologie p. 108-111 descr.
O. Métrologie p. 174-175 descr.
O. Métrologie p. 183-184 n.
O. Métrologie p. 187
O. Métrologie p. 201 [5762]
O. Métrologie p. 201 n. [7992]
O. Métrologie p. 215 [8455]
O. Métrologie p. 321-322
O. Métrologie p. 80
16 O. Métrologie p. 97
P. Corpus 1 24 (pl. 24)
P. Corpus 2 4-7
P. Dime 3 (not yet arrived in our library)
P. Hermias p. 201-203 n.
P. Hermias p. 35-36 n.
P. Hermias p. 64-66
P. Hermias p. 74-75
P. Libbey p. 11
P. Précis p. 1008-1009
P. Précis p. 723-724
P. Quelques textes 10 pl. 16
Pernigotti, Museo Archeologico Bologna p. 47-50 no. 3-12 descr.
Pons Mellado, La colección egipcia p. 146 no. 308 [second use]
REAC 10 (2008), p. 59 no. 10
REAC 10 (2008), p. 63 no. 16
Redford, Excavations at Mendes I p. 54 & 91 no. 348 descr.
Redford, Excavations at Mendes I p. 54 & 91 no. 374 descr.
Redford, Excavations at Mendes I p. 54 & 92 no. 370 descr.
Redford, Excavations at Mendes I p. 56 & 94 no. 419 descr.
Redford, Excavations at Mendes I p. 56 & 94 no. 420 descr.
Reid, Illustrated catalogue of the Anthropological Museum University of Aberdeen p. 203
no. 1612
Reisner, Archeological survey 1907-1908 I p. 204 [A-B] descr.
Répertoire d’épigraphie méroïtique 90 descr.
Répertoire d’épigraphie méroïtique 313 descr.
Répertoire d’épigraphie méroïtique 403 descr.
Répertoire d’épigraphie méroïtique 662 descr.
Répertoire d’épigraphie méroïtique 804 A descr.
Répertoire d’épigraphie méroïtique 804 B descr.
Répertoire d’épigraphie méroïtique 804 C descr.
Répertoire d’épigraphie méroïtique 804 D descr.
Répertoire d’épigraphie méroïtique 1188 descr.
Répertoire d’épigraphie méroïtique 1223 descr.
Roeder, Debod bis Bab Kalabsche p. 223-224 no. 6
Sale Ader Picard Tajan, Paris 1990 april 24, lot 68
Sale Bonhams, 10 Jun 1997 p. 30-31 no. 148
Sale Bonhams, 14 May 2003 84-85 descr.
Sale Bonhams, 30 October 2003 p. 151 no. 469 [left - middle - right] descr.
Sale Christie's (London), 14 April 1970 p. 44 no. 146
Sale Christie's (New York), 18 Dec 1997 p. 40-41 no. 84 descr.
Sale Christie's (New York), 5-6 Dec 2001 p. 98 no. 352-354
Sale Drouot (Paris), 15-16 Oct 2005 p. 182 no. 785
Sale Drouot (Paris), 15-16 Oct 2005 p. 92-93 no. 374
Sale Drouot (Paris), Archéologie, 1-2 Oct 2003 p. 138 no. 546-547
Sale Drouot (Paris), Archéologie, 1-2 Oct 2003 p. 70 no. 269
Sale Drouot-Montaigne (Paris), 17-18 Mar 2003 no. 714 descr.
Sale Sotheby's (New York). Important Antiquities: Thursday Dec. 17, 1992 no. 93
SCO 22 (1973), p. 208-263 no. 1-36
Seco Alvarez, Colección Egipcia de la Universidad Hispalense p. 117-120 no. 6.1-6.6
Sethe, Sarapis p. 64 no. 1126-1131 descr.
Sowada / Ockinga (ed.), Egyptian art Nicholson Sydney p. 216-223
Spiegelberg, Drei Schreiben (Sitzb. Berl. Akad. 1928, 30) p. 605-606 (= A) [P. Pherendates 1]
Spiegelberg, Drei Schreiben (Sitzb. Berl. Akad. 1928, 30) p. 611 (= B) [P. Pherendates 2]
Spiegelberg, Museum Meermanno-Westreenianum p. 28-29 no. 3
Staatliche Sammlung Ägyptischer Kunst (2nd edition) p. 213 no. ÄS 1912 descr.
Städel-Jahrbuch N.F. 19 (2004), p. 557 [caption]
Städel-Jahrbuch N.F. 19 (2004), p. 561 [account]
17 Studies Larsen p. 483-510
Studies Radwan 1 p. 325-326
Studies Radwan 1 p. 340
Studies Radwan 1 p. 36-42 no. 1-7
Studies Radwan 2 p. 134-144
Studies Wente p. 398-401
Tempeltagung VI (Leiden 2002) p. 179-180 [Berl. 15799+23538 / Berl. P 15652 Ro / Berl. P
8043 Vo]
Tiradritti (ed.), Sesh. Lingue e scritture p. 153-160 no. 63-70 descr.
van Haarlem, Allard Pierson Museum Amsterdam. Stelae and reliefs (CAA Amsterdam 3)
Young, Hieroglyphics 1 pl. 34 (B)
Young, Hieroglyphics 1 pl. 36
Young, Hieroglyphics 2 pl. 48
18 Searching for toponyms in Trismegistos online
Go to
Click on 'Places' in the fifth column.
Type the toponym you are looking for (in Latin alphabet transliteration) in the field
'Place' under 'Quicksearch' in the left upper corner. Type, e.g., Behdet and you will
find all instances where the word Behdet occurs, i.e. U02 Apollonopolis (Edfu), U02
Per-Horos-Behdet (sc. the temple of Horos in Edfu) and the nome L17 Behdet.
19 If you are looking for the town of Edfu, click on the first entry and you will get the
Geo card for U02 Apollonopolis (Edfu).
If you want to know in which texts this toponym occurs, click in the left column on
'Texts mentioning Apollonopolis' under 'Related info'. You then get a list of all 437
references to that place in the sources in chronological order. For the moment it is
unfortunately not yet possible to search online only for the Demotic attestations of a
20 If you want more information about a specific reference, click on the small cross in
front of that item.
21 If you are not looking for a specific toponym, but e.g. want to get a list of all
toponyms from the U02 Apollonopolites nome that are labelled as 'village', go to
'Advanced search' under Quicksearch in the left upper corner.
Fill in the criteria you need, specify the sort order (best by 'Name') and click on
22 Introduction
The sigla for the Egyptian nomes in the following lists
L00 Alexandria
L01 Memphites
L02 Letopolites
L03 Gynaikopolites
L04 Prosopites
L05 Saites
L06 Xoites
L07 Menelaites
L08 Heroopolites
L09 Bousirites
L10 Athribites
L11 Leontopolites
L12 Sebennytes
L13 Heliopolites
L14 Sethroites
L15 → L16
L16 Mendesios
L17 Diospolites Kato
L18 Boubastites
L19 Tanites
L20 Arabia
L21 Phthemphouth
00 Arsinoites - Fayum
00a Arsinoites, meris of Herakleides
00b Arsinoites, meris of Themistos
00c Arsinoites, meris of Polemon
00d Krokodilon Polis
U22 Aphroditopolites
U21 → L01
U20 Herakleopolites
U19 Oxyrynchites
U18 → U20
U17 Kynopolites
U16 → U15
U15 Hermopolites
U14 → U15
U13 Lykopolites
U12 Antaiopolites
U11 Hypselites
U10b Apollonopolites
U10a Aphroditopolites
U09 Panopolites
U08 Thinites
U07 Diospolites Mikros
U06 Tentyrites
U05 Koptites
U04b Peri Thebas
U04a Pathyrites
U03 Latopolites
U02 Apollonopolites
U01 Omboi till Philai
Northern Sinai
Eastern desert
Western coast
Western desert
23 Abnormal Hieratic
24 Geographical distribution of the Abnormal Hieratic texts
Abnormal Hieratic -­ Found 0% 0% 2% Egypt (general) Lower Egypt Arsinoites Upper Egypt Western coast Western desert Northern Sinai 98% Sinai Eastern desert Abnormal Hieratic -­ Written 0% 0% 2% Egypt (general) Lower Egypt Arsinoites Upper Egypt Western coast Western desert Northern Sinai 98% Sinai Eastern desert Abnormal Hieratic
Abnormal Hieratic
25 Geotex
Within Egypt
Outside of Egypt
L01 Memphites
U04b Peri Thebas
Memnoneia - Djeme (Thebes west)
Abnormal Hieratic - Geotex:
Found (F)
Egypt (general)
Lower Egypt
Upper Egypt
Western coast
Western desert
Northern Sinai
Eastern desert
Outside of Egypt
Abnormal Hieratic total
Abnormal Hieratic
26 Geographical distribution of
the toponyms in Abnormal Hieratic texts
L13 Heliopolites
L13 - Heliopolis (Tell Hisn)
L13 - Hout-aat
Lower Egypt undetermined
L - Lower Egypt
L - P-ta-mehti
U08 Thinites
U08 - Abydos
U08 - This (Girga)
U06 Tentyrites
U06 - Tentyris (Dendera)
Ỉwn.t - Ỉwn.t-tȝ-nṯr.t
U04b Peri Thebas
U04b - Ammonieion
U04b - Apis (Luxor)
U04b - Apollonieion
U04b - Dios Polis (Thebes east)
U04b - Djeret-netjer
U04b - Ipet-sout (Karnak)
U04b - P-chenen
U04b - T-hout-n-Per-aa-Ousir-ten
U04b - T-inet
U04b - T-set-maat
U04b - Tmotnenpibekis
U04b - Waset (Thebes)
Tȝ-ḥw.t-n-Pr-ʿȝ-Wsỉr-tn 10684
U04a Pathyrites
U04a - Hermonthis (Armant)
U01 Omboi till Philai
U01 - Elephantine (Geziret Assuan) Yb
Upper Egypt undetermined
U - T-shedit-resi
U - Upper Egypt
Šmʿ - ʿ-rsy
Outside of Egypt
Palestina - Gaza
Abnormal Hieratic
27 Alphabetical survey of
the toponyms in Abnormal Hieratic texts
Alphabetical list of the standard Egyptian names
Egyptian name
Full name
U08 - Abydos
U06 - Tentyris (Dendera)
U06 - Tentyris (Dendera)
L13 - Heliopolis (Tell Hisn)
U04a - Hermonthis (Armant)
U04b - Apis (Luxor)
U04b - Ipet-sout (Karnak)
U01 - Elephantine (Geziret Assuan)
L - Lower Egypt
U - Upper Egypt
U04b - Waset (Thebes)
U04b - P-chenen
L - P-ta-mehti
U04b - Ammonieion
U04b - Apollonieion
U04b - Dios Polis (Thebes east)
L13 - Hout-aat
U - Upper Egypt
Palestina - Gaza
U04b - T-inet
U04b - Tmotnenpibekis
U04b - T-hout-n-Per-aa-Ousir-ten
U04b - T-set-maat
U - T-shedit-resi
U08 - This (Girga)
U04b - Djeret-netjer
Abydos – U08 (34)
G Ἀβυδος L Abydus - Aboedos - Abubis - Abidos E ȝbḏw (Ỉbd - Ỉbt - ȝbt) - pȝ tš n Ỉbt? C ⲉⲃⲱⲧ ⲁⲃⲱⲧ Var.: Abydos (Abytos - Abidos - Abydoi - Abide) - sites including Memnonion, Osirieion,
El-Araba el-Madfuna, Kom el-Sultan, Umm el-Qa'ab E thnic: Abydenaios - Abydenos
Status: city: polis; civitas Loc.: on the western Nile bank
Note: see also the attestations for U08 Memnonion (11812) and U08 Osirieion (11813); new reading
in St. Abdalla 171, 2 (no toponym; cf. DBL, 2005, p. 544)
Rep.: Dizionario I 1, p. 6 (bis); p. 6-7; Suppl. 1, p. 3 (bis); Timm, p. 591-600; Bibl.: Erichsen, Glossar,
1954, p. 4; p. 27; Kemp, LÄ I, 1975, col. 28-41; CDD ȝ, 2002, p. 23; Maps: Baines / Malek, Atlas,
2002, p. 109 Sources: BC 618 Dec 8, TM 46184: P. Choix 18, 2 [c]: ȝbt, '(the) prophet of Amon, prince of Thebes,
chief of (the) prophets of This-Abydos (sc. Abydos of the Thinites)'
BC 618 Dec 8, TM 46184: P. Choix 18, 3: ȝbt, 'Osiris, foremost of the westerners, lord of Abydos'
BC 618 Dec 8, TM 46184: P. Choix 18, 4 [b]: ȝbt, '(the) prophet of Amonrasonter, chief of (the)
prophets of This-Abydos (sc. Abydos of the Thinites)'
BC 618 Dec 8, TM 46184: P. Choix 18, 4 [c]: ȝbt, 'prophet of the 4th phyle of Osiris, Horos, Isis of
Abydos, prince of Thebes'
Ammonieion – U04b (2769)
G Ἀμμωνιεῖον E Pr-Ỉmn Var.: Ammonieion (Ammoneion - Ammonion) - Per-Amon ('House /
temple / domain (of) Amon') (Piamon - Pamun)
Abnormal Hieratic
28 Status: sanctuary, building: per; village: kome Admin.: in the U T-shedit-resi; also possessions in the U05 Koptites and the U04a Hermonthites
Loc.: Karnak in U04b Dios Polis (576)
Note: obsolete reading: Ḥw.t-Ỉmn; new reading U04b Peri Thebas (1690) in O. Tempeleide 102, 3
Rep.: Dizionario I 2, p. 429; Gauthier, Dictionnaire II, 1925, p. 54; Bibl.: Erichsen, Lesestücke II.2,
1940, p. 200; Otto, Topographie des thebanischen Gaues, 1952, p. 17; p. 43 no. 1; Erichsen,
Glossar, 1954, p. 132; Kaplony-Heckel, O. Tempeleide, 1963, p. 191; Quaegebeur, OLP 6-7 (19751976), p. 464-465; P. Tor. Amen., 1981, p. 73 n. h; Vandorpe, Geografische elementen, 1988, p.
61; p. 64; Vandorpe, P. L. Bat. 27, 1995, p. 213; Donker van Heel, P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.),
1996, p. 37-47; CDD G, 2004, p. 24; CDD Q, 2004, p. 82; Maps: Vandorpe, P. L. Bat. 27, 1995, p. 217
[6] Sources: BC 899 - 730, TM 51403: JEA 57 (1971), p. 122, 2: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the chief modeller of amulets of
(the) Ammonieion'
BC 726 Mar 30, TM 46106: OMRO 61 (1980), p. 10, 14: Pr-Ỉmn, '[ ] the granary-scribe (of) (the)
BC 703 May 10, TM 46121: P. Choix 1, col. 1, 13: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) craftsman of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 686 Oct 10, TM 47613: JEA 57 (1971), p. 127-128 & pl. 35 A Ro, 2: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) farmer of (the)
BC 672 Mar 12, TM 48741: RdE 49 (1998), p. 93, 7: Pr-Ỉmn, 'The scribes of (the) Ammonieion are to
measure the land in my name'
BC 672 Nov 3, TM 48867: RdE 49 (1998), p. 99, 4: Pr-Ỉmn, '(as for) the 1/10th share of (the)
BC 672 Nov 3, TM 48867: RdE 49 (1998), p. 99, 6: Pr-Ỉmn, 'The scribes of (the) Ammonieion are to
measure the field in my name'
BC 651 Oct 4, TM 56305: Parker, Oracle papyrus pl. 2-19, col. D, 1: [Pr-Ỉ]mn, '(the) deputy of (the)
BC 651 Oct 4, TM 56305: Parker, Oracle papyrus pl. 2-19, col. D, 6 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) deputy of (the)
BC 651 Oct 4, TM 56305: Parker, Oracle papyrus pl. 2-19, col. D, 6 [b]: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) deputy of (the)
BC 651 Oct 4, TM 56305: Parker, Oracle papyrus pl. 2-19, col. D, 10 [b]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the lesonis of (the)
BC 651 Oct 4, TM 56305: Parker, Oracle papyrus pl. 2-19, col. D, 15: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) lesonis of (the)
BC 651 Oct 4, TM 56305: Parker, Oracle papyrus pl. 2-19, col. D, 16: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) lesonis of (the)
BC 651 Oct 4, TM 56305: Parker, Oracle papyrus pl. 2-19, col. D, 21 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) lesonis of
(the) Ammonieion'
BC 651 Oct 4, TM 56305: Parker, Oracle papyrus pl. 2-19, col. D, 21 [b]: [Pr-Ỉmn], '(the) lesonis of
(the) Ammonieion'
BC 651 Oct 4, TM 56305: Parker, Oracle papyrus pl. 2-19, col. E, 1: [Pr-Ỉmn], '(the) scribe of the
sealed of the god of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 651 Oct 4, TM 56305: Parker, Oracle papyrus pl. 2-19, col. E, 6: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) scribe of the sealed
of the god of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 651 Oct 4, TM 56305: Parker, Oracle papyrus pl. 2-19, col. E, 11: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the scribe of the sealed
of the god of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 651 Oct 4, TM 56305: Parker, Oracle papyrus pl. 2-19, col. E, 16: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the scribe of the sealed
of the god of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 651 Oct 4, TM 56305: Parker, Oracle papyrus pl. 2-19, col. F, 1: [Pr]-Ỉmn, '[the ...] of (the)
BC 651 Oct 4, TM 56305: Parker, Oracle papyrus pl. 2-19, col. F, 12 [b]: [Pr-Ỉmn], '(the) scribe of
divine offerings of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 651 Oct 4, TM 56305: Parker, Oracle papyrus pl. 2-19, col. I, 8: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the wab-priest (in
charge of) the secrets of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 651 Oct 4, TM 56305: Parker, Oracle papyrus pl. 2-19, col. K, 12: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) scribe of (the)
forecourt of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 650 - 600, TM 51144: Enchoria 19 - 20 (1992-1993), p. 25-27, 1: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the chief of the ... (?) (of)
(the) Ammonieion'
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 4: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) singer of (the)
Abnormal Hieratic
29 BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 5: Pr-Ỉmn, '10 arourai de champs(sharaki) privés, situés dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resi-Niout, dans le
terrain élevé d' Hermonthis, (notamment) dans le terrain élevé de Tmotnenpibekis'
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 15: Pr-Ỉmn, 'to the scribe (of) ... (of)
(the) Ammonieion'
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 17: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) singer of (the)
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 21 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, '10 arourai de
champs-(sharaki) privés, situés dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resi-Niout,
dans le terrain élevé d' Hermonthis, (notamment) dans le terrain élevé de Tmotnenpibekis'
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 25: Pr-Ỉmn, 'to the scribe (of) ... (of)
(the) Ammonieion'
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 37: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) singer of (the)
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 38 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, '10 arourai de
champs-(sharaki) privés, qui se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion, dans le terrain élevé d'
Hermonthis, de (la province) T-shedit-resi-Niout'
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 46: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) singer of (the)
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 48 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, '10 arourai de
champs-(sharaki), qui se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion, (dans) le terrain élevé d'
Hermonthis, de (la province) T-shedit-resi-Niout'
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 54: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) singer of (the)
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 55 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, '10 arourai de
champs-(sharaki) privés, qui se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion, (dans) le terrain élevé d'
Hermonthis, de (la province) T-shedit-resi-Niout'
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 62: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) singer of (the)
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 63 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, '10 arourai de
champs-(sharaki) privés, qui se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resiNiout, (dans) le terrain élevé d' Hermonthis'
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 72 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, '10 arourai de
champs-sharaki (?) privés, qui se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-sheditresi-Niout, (dans) le terrain élevé d' Hermonthis'
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 75 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'to the scribe (of) ...
(of) (the) Ammonieion'
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 75 [b]: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) singer of (the)
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 79: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) singer of (the)
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 80 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, '10 arourai de
champs-sharaki privés, plus 1 (aroura) dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resi,
(dans) le terrain élevé occidental de Tmotnenpibekis'
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 86: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) singer of (the)
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 87: Pr-Ỉmn, '10 arourai de champssharaki privés, plus une (aroura), en tout 11 (arourai), qui se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion
de (la province) T-shedit-resi, dans le terrain élevé de Tmotnenpibekis'
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, B 3: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) singer of (the)
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, B 5 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'those 10 arourai (of)
private fields in (the) Ammonieion (of) T-shedit-resi which are (in) the high land of
BC 623 Jan 26 - 622 Jan 25, TM 46182: P. Quelques textes 10 pl. 16, col. 1 (year 34) [a]: Pr-Ỉmn,
'L'impôt du gardien de (l') Ammonieion ... au préposé de (l') Ammonieion pour la nécropole en
l'an 34 du roi Psammetichos.'
BC 623 Jan 26 - 622 Jan 25, TM 46182: P. Quelques textes 10 pl. 16, col. 1 (year 34) [b]: Pr-Ỉmn,
'L'impôt du gardien de (l') Ammonieion ... au préposé de (l') Ammonieion pour la nécropole en
l'an 34 du roi Psammetichos.'
Abnormal Hieratic
30 BC 623 Jan 26 - 622 Jan 25, TM 46182: P. Quelques textes 10 pl. 16, col. 1 (year 34) [d]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'Il a
donné a (l') Ammonieion ... '
BC 623 Jan 26 - 622 Jan 25, TM 46182: P. Quelques textes 10 pl. 16, col. 1 (year 35) [a]: Pr-Ỉmn,
'L'impôt du gardien de (l') Ammonieion ... au préposé de (l') Ammonieion pour la nécropole en
l'an 34 du roi Psammetichos.'
BC 623 Jan 26 - 622 Jan 25, TM 46182: P. Quelques textes 10 pl. 16, col. 1 (year 35) [b]: Pr-Ỉmn,
'L'impôt du gardien de (l') Ammonieion ... au préposé de (l') Ammonieion pour la nécropole en
l'an 34 du roi Psammetichos.'
BC 623 Jan 26 - 622 Jan 25, TM 46182: P. Quelques textes 10 pl. 16, col. 1 (year 35) [d]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'Il a
donné a (l') Ammonieion ... '
BC 623 Jan 26 - 622 Jan 25, TM 46182: P. Quelques textes 10 pl. 16, col. 1, 1: Pr-Ỉmn, 'L'impôt du
gardien de (l') Ammonieion ... au préposé de (l') Ammonieion pour la nécropole en l'an 33 du
roi Psammetichos.'
BC 623 Jan 26 - 622 Jan 25, TM 46182: P. Quelques textes 10 pl. 16, col. 1, 2: Pr-Ỉmn, 'L'impôt du
gardien de (l') Ammonieion ... au préposé de (l') Ammonieion pour la nécropole en l'an 33 du
roi Psammetichos.'
BC 623 Jan 26 - 622 Jan 25, TM 46182: P. Quelques textes 10 pl. 16, col. 4, 1: Pr-Ỉmn, 'The receipt of
(the) singer of (the) Ammonieion ... in (the) Ammonieion in T-shedit-resi / The southern
BC 623 Jan 26 - 622 Jan 25, TM 46182: P. Quelques textes 10 pl. 16, col. 4, 2 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'The receipt
of (the) singer of (the) Ammonieion ... in (the) Ammonieion in T-shedit-resi / The southern
BC 623 Jan 26 - 622 Jan 25, TM 46182: P. Quelques textes 10 pl. 16, col. 4, 8: Pr-Ỉmn, 'The receipt of
(the) singer of (the) Ammonieion ... in (the) Ammonieion in T-shedit-resi / The southern
BC 623 Jan 26 - 622 Jan 25, TM 46182: P. Quelques textes 10 pl. 16, col. 4, 9: Pr-Ỉmn, 'The receipt of
(the) singer of (the) Ammonieion ... in (the) Ammonieion in T-shedit-resi / The southern
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 2 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) craftsman of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 3 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, '10 arourai de champs-sharaki privés, qui se
trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resi, dans le terrain élevé d'
Hermonthis, (notamment) dans le terrain élevé de Tmotnenpibekis'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 4 [b]: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) craftsman of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 10: Pr-Ỉmn, 'to the scribe (of) ... (of) (the) Ammonieion'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 16: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) craftsman of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 17 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, '10 arourai de champs-sharaki privés, qui se
trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resi, dans le terrain élevé d'
Hermonthis, (notamment) dans le terrain élevé de Tmotnenpibekis'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 20: Pr-Ỉmn, 'to the scribe (of) ... (of) (the) Ammonieion'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 25: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) craftsman of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 26 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, '10 arourai de champs-sharaki privés, qui se
trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resi, (dans) le terrain élevé d'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 27 [b]: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) craftsman of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 30: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) craftsman of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 32 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, '10 arourai de champs-sharaki privés, qui se
trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resi, dans le terrain élevé d'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 34: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) craftsman of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 36 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, '10 arourai de champs-sharaki privés, qui se
trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resi-Niout, dans le terrain élevé d'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 37: Pr-Ỉmn, 'to the scribe (of) ... (of) (the) Ammonieion'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 40 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) craftsman of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 41 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, '10 arourai de champs-sharaki, plus 1 (?),
privés, qui se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resi, dans le terrain
élevé d' Hermonthis'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 42: Pr-Ỉmn, 'to the scribe (of) ... (of) (the) Ammonieion'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 46: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) craftsman of (the) Ammonieion'
Abnormal Hieratic
31 BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 47 [b]: Pr-Ỉmn, '10 arourai de champs-sharaki, plus 1 (?),
privés, qui se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resi, dans le terrain
élevé d' Hermonthis'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 49: Pr-Ỉmn, 'to the scribe (of) ... (of) (the) Ammonieion'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 51: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) craftsman of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 53 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, '10 arourai de champs-sharaki, plus 1 (?),
privés, qui se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resi, dans le terrain
élevé d' Hermonthis'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 55: Pr-Ỉmn, 'to the scribe (of) ... (of) (the) Ammonieion'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 59 [b]: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) craftsman of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 61 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, '10 arourai de champs-(sharaki) privés, plus
1 (aroura), au total 11 (arourai), qui se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) Tshedit-resi, (notamment) (dans) le terrain élevé qui est à l'occident de Tmotnenpibekis'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 64 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) craftsman of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 65 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, '10 arourai de champs-(sharaki) privés, plus
1 (aroura), au total 11 (arourai), qui se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) Tshedit-resi, (notamment) dans le terrain élevé de Tmotnenpibekis'
BC 618 Dec 8, TM 46184: P. Choix 18, 5 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, '10 arourai de champs-sharaki privés, qui se
trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resi-Niout, dans le terrain élevé d'
BC 618 Dec 8, TM 46184: P. Choix 18, 6: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) craftsman of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 609 May 21, TM 46146: P. Corpus 1 24 (pl. 24), descr. [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'dans le domaine du temple
BC 609 May 21, TM 46146: P. Corpus 1 24 (pl. 24), descr. [c]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'dans le domaine du temple
BC 584 Jul 24, TM 46147: P. Contrats 24, descr.: Pr-Ỉmn?, descr.: 'L'acte se termine par la signature
d'un scribe du temple d' Amon.'
BC 584 Jul 24, TM 46147: P. Contrats 24, 4: Pr-Ỉmn, 'I have given you the 6 arourai of free field of
Sesa (?), which belongs to (the) Ammonieion ... to till it'
Apis (Luxor) – U04b (2985)
G Ἀπις - Ὠφιεῖον - Ὠφιῆον - Τὰ Τρία Κάστρα L Ophieu E Ỉp.t-rsy.t (Ỉp.t - Ỉpy - Ipw) C ⲧⲡⲟⲗⲓⲥ ⲁⲡⲉ ⲧⲡⲟⲗⲓⲥ ⲡⲁⲡⲉ - ⲡϣⲟⲙⲧ ⲛⲕⲁⲥⲧⲣⲟⲛ Var.: Apis ('(The) adyton') - Ophieion (Ophieon Oupheion) - Ouphis - Luxor
Status: village; later quarter Loc.: Luxor, south of U04b Dios Polis (576)
Ident.: cf. also U04b T-mai-n-Apis (11367), U04b Pestenemenophis (6533)
Note: new reading in P. Zauzich 26, 3 (no toponym; cf. Vleeming in DBL add. 1, 2007, p. 53)
Rep.: Dizionario I 2, p. 143-145 [b]; III, p. 402; V, p. 182; Suppl. 2, p. 248; Suppl. 3, p. 18 (2); p. 167;
Gauthier, Dictionnaire I, 1925, p. 66; p. 66-67; Bibl.: Erichsen, Lesestücke II.2, 1940, p. 198;
Gardiner, AEO 2, 1947, p. 24*-26* no. 335-336; Erichsen, Aegyptus 32 (1952), p. 10-32;
Quaegebeur, L'Égyptologie en 1979, 1982, I, p. 268; Vandorpe, Geografische elementen, 1988, p.
20-24 (no. 1); p. 87; Palme, Tyche, 4 (1989), p. 126; Vandorpe, P. L. Bat. 27, 1995, p. 218-221(no.
1-2); Heilporn, O. Strasb. 2, 2009, p. 42; p. 54-65
Sources: BC 705 Feb 10, TM 46124: P. Choix 6, 17: Ỉp.t, '(the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis'
Apollonieion – U04b (11361)
G Ἀπολλωνιεῖον E Pr-Mnṯw-nb-Wȝs.t (Pr-Mnṱ-nb-Wȝs - Pr-Mnṱ) Var.: *Apollonieion (Apolloneion Apollonion) - Per-Montou-neb-Waset ('House / temple / domain (of) Montou lord (of) Waset')
Status: sanctuary, building: per Ident.: cf. U04b Waset (13523); cf. also U04b Apollonieiou Dromos (13526)
Bibl.: Quaegebeur, OLP 6-7 (1975-1976), p. 465-466; Vandorpe, P. L. Bat. 27, 1995, p. 212; Maps:
Vandorpe, P. L. Bat. 27, 1995, p. 217 [1] Sources: BC 651 Oct 4, TM 56305: Parker, Oracle papyrus pl. 2-19, col. K, 7: Pr-Mnṯw-nb-Wȝs.t,
'(the) ritual assistant of Per-Montou-neb-Waset'
BC 651 Oct 4, TM 56305: Parker, Oracle papyrus pl. 2-19, col. K, 8: Pr-Mnṯw, '(the) scribe of (the)
forecourt of Per-Montou'
BC 549 Nov 7, TM 46141: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 9, 10: ˹Pr-Mnṱ˺-nb-Wȝs.t, '(the) chief (of)
priests (of) Per-Montou-neb-Waset'
Abnormal Hieratic
32 Dios Polis (Thebes east) – U04b (576)
G Διὸς Πόλις Μεγάλη - Θῆβαι - Νο L Thebae - No E Nỉw.t (Nw.t - Ne - Nỉw.t-rsy.t - Nỉw.t-n-Ỉmn) - Pȝdmỉ-Ỉmn - Ỉwnw-Šmʿ C ⲛⲏ - ⲛⲉ Other: No (Hebrew) Var.: Dios Polis (Diospolis) (he) Megale
(Magna) - Thebai - Niout (No) ('(The) city (of Amon)') - Iounou-Shema ('Southern Heliopolis' /
'Heliopolis of Upper Egypt') - Thebes east - sites including Luxor (El-Uqsur), Karnak Ethnic:
Diopolites - Diospolites - Diopolitikos (?) - Thebaios - Thebaeus - Thebaites
Status: city: polis; metropolis; niout; demi Admin.: in the U Thebais
Loc.: on the eastern Nile bank
Ident.: cf. also U04b Peri Thebas (1690), U Thebais (2982), U T-shet-resi-Niout (5172), U04b Libya /
N-awiou-n-per-imenet-Niout (5484), U04b Chesebaieon / Per-Chonsou-neb-aha-n-Niout (4347)
Note: see also the attestations for U04b Apis (Luxor) (2985), U04b Waset (13523), U04b Ipet-sout
(13524) and U04b Nesout-tawi (13525); the name Iounou-Shema has been used both for U04b
Dios Polis (576) and U04a Hermonthis (812)
Rep.: Dizionario I 2, p. 429; II, p. 113 (1-2); p. 116-119; p. 273; p. 273-274; Suppl. 1, p. 98 (1-2); p. 99;
p. 142 (bis); Suppl. 2, p. 45 (?); p. 46; p. 70 (bis); Suppl. 3, p. 32 (1); p. 32-33; p. 49; Suppl. 4, p. 52
(2); p. 52-53; p. 66; p. 67; Gauthier, Dictionnaire I, 1925, p. 68; Bibl.: Wb 1, 1926, p. 259-260; Kees,
RE, 1934, col. 1553-1582, s.v. Thebai 2; Erichsen, Lesestücke II.2, 1940, p. 198; p. 200; Gardiner,
AEO 2, 1947, p. 24*-26* no. 335-336; Otto, Topographie des thebanischen Gaues, 1952, p. 17-44;
Erichsen, Glossar, 1954, p. 77; p. 99; p. 210-211; p. 247; p. 257; p. 487; Stadelmann, LÄ VI, 1986,
col. 465-473; Vandorpe, Geografische elementen, 1988, p. 125; Vandorpe, P. L. Bat. 27, 1995, p.
203-239; CDD N, 2004, p. 18-20; p. 35; CDD P, 2010, p. 30; Maps: Baines / Malek, Atlas, 2002, p. 85 Sources: BC 685 Nov 12, TM 46122: RdE 6 (1951), p. 159-161 & pl. 1-3, col. 1, 5: Nỉw.t, 'before the
great (judges) of the great court of Thebes'
BC 685 Nov 12, TM 46122: RdE 6 (1951), p. 159-161 & pl. 1-3, col. 1, 10: Nỉw.t, 'the great (judges) of
the great court of Thebes'
BC 685 Nov 12, TM 46122: RdE 6 (1951), p. 159-161 & pl. 1-3, col. 1, 13: Nỉw.t, 'when Nesnehemanou
was here, in Thebes, staying in the house of Pami'
BC 651 Oct 4, TM 56305: Parker, Oracle papyrus pl. 2-19, col. H, 6: Nỉw.t, '(the) nomos-scribe of
BC 650 - 600, TM 51144: Enchoria 19 - 20 (1992-1993), p. 25-27, 10: Nỉw.t, '... the one who said (?)
evil (?) (in) Thebes regarding me (?)'; cf. l. 14: 'And they have been speaking against you (in)
the town'
BC 623 Jan 26 - 622 Jan 25, TM 46182: P. Quelques textes 10 pl. 16, col. 1 (year 35) [e]: Nỉw.t, 'à la
ville de Thèbes'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 2 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) prophet of Amon, gouvernour of Thebes'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 15: Nỉw.t, '(the) prophet of Amon, gouvernour of Thebes'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 31: Nỉw.t, 'J'ai reçu de toi 5 deben d'argent de la trésorerie
de Thèbes'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 40 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) prophet of Amon, prince of Thebes'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 47 [a]: Nỉw.t, '(the) prophet of Amon, prince of Thebes'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 54: Nỉw.t, 'J'ai reçu de toi 5 deben d'argent de la trésorerie
de Thèbes'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 60: Nỉw.t, 'prince of Thebes'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 64 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) prophet of Amon, prince of Thebes'
BC 618 Dec 8, TM 46184: P. Choix 18, 2 [a]: Nỉw.t, '(the) prophet of Amon, prince of Thebes, chief of
(the) prophets of This-Abydos (sc. Abydos of the Thinites)'
BC 618 Dec 8, TM 46184: P. Choix 18, 4 [d]: Nỉw.t, 'prophet of the 4th phyle of Osiris, Horos, Isis of
Abydos, prince of Thebes'
BC 618 Dec 8, TM 46184: P. Choix 18, 16: Nỉw.t, '(the) prophet of Amonrasonter, prince of Thebes'
BC 572 Sep 10 - Oct 9, TM 93279: P. Zauzich 11, 5: Nỉw.t, 'five deben of silver (?) from the
storehouse of Thebes'
BC 570 Oct 19, TM 46065: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 23, 2 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'I have received from you the
1 deben (of) silver of the storehouse of Thebes'
BC 570 Oct 19, TM 46065: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 23, 3: ˹Nỉw.t˺, 'makes 1 deben (of) silver of the
storehouse of Thebes again.'
BC 557 Apr 9 - May 8, TM 54159: Studies Griffith p. 48-49 & pl. 4-7, 12: Nỉw.t, 'You shall send men
to me to Thebes in order to carry out your commissions which are outside Thebes (in) the two
Abnormal Hieratic
33 BC 557 Apr 9 - May 8, TM 54159: Studies Griffith p. 48-49 & pl. 4-7, 13: Nỉw.t, 'You shall send men
to me to Thebes in order to carry out your commissions which are outside Thebes (in) the two
BC 557 Apr 9 - May 8, TM 54159: Studies Griffith p. 48-49 & pl. 4-7, 24 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'And behold, if
they come in order to bring me the spelt for Elephantine to Thebes, you will draw their
attention to the town of Elephantine'
BC 557 Apr 9 - May 8, TM 54159: Studies Griffith p. 48-49 & pl. 4-7, Vo 7: Nỉw.t, 'As for me (?), I
have no spelt outside Thebes.'
Djeret-netjer – U04b (10845)
E Ḏr.t-nṯr Var.: Djeret-netjer ('Hand of god')
Status: area Loc.: in U04b Memnoneia (1341)
Bibl.: Donker van Heel, P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.), 1996, p. 124 n. VI; p. 310
Sources: BC 552 Oct 29, TM 46320: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 8, 7: Ḏr.t-nṯr, 'my land, which is
called the land of the servant of Set-maat / (the) Place of truth, of which the south is: the
entrance of the land (of) Djeret-netjer / (the) Hand of god, which I have tilled'
Elephantine (Geziret Assuan) – U01 (621)
G Ἐλεφαντίνη - Ἰηβ L Elephantine - Elephantis E Yb (Ybȝ - ȝbw - Ỉȝbw - Ỉb) C ⲓⲏⲃ Var.: Elephantine
(Elephantis) - Ieb - Geziret Assuan E thnic: Elephanteus - Elephantites - Elephantinites
Status: island (on the Nile): nesos; insula; city: polis; demi Ident.: cf. also U01 Elephantinites (13441), U01 - Katarraktes Mikros / Mou-bin-n-Abou (4808)
Note: new reading in O. Leiden Dem. 338, 4 (no toponym; cf. DBL, 2005, p. 432)
Rep.: Dizionario II, p. 138; p. 138-140; p. 140; Suppl. 1, p. 104; Suppl. 2, p. 50; Suppl. 3, p. 35 (bis);
Suppl. 4, p. 55; Timm, p. 1044-1049; Gauthier, Dictionnaire I, 1925, p. 3; Bibl.: Wb 1, 1926, p. 7;
Gardiner, AEO 2, 1947, p. 2*-5* no. 315; Erichsen, Glossar, 1954, p. 49; p. 392; Habachi, LÄ I,
1975, col. 1217-1225; CRIPEL 8 (1986), p. 37-42; Locher, Topographie Nilkatarakt, 1999, p. 15-34;
CDD Y, 2001, p. 8-9; p. 10; La'da, Pap. Congr. XXIII (Wien 2001), 2007, p. 369-380; Maps: Baines /
Malek, Atlas, 2002, p. 72 Sources: BC 557 Apr 9 - May 8, TM 54159: Studies Griffith p. 48-49 & pl. 4-7, 7: Yb, 'What has
happened that I do not know anything concerning the town of Elephantine?'
BC 557 Apr 9 - May 8, TM 54159: Studies Griffith p. 48-49 & pl. 4-7, 8: Yb, 'Is it silence which makes
a man who administers the town of Elephantine in your stead?'
BC 557 Apr 9 - May 8, TM 54159: Studies Griffith p. 48-49 & pl. 4-7, 21: Yb, 'the grain tax of the
town of Elephantine'
BC 557 Apr 9 - May 8, TM 54159: Studies Griffith p. 48-49 & pl. 4-7, 23: Yb, 'As for me, what should I
do, I, concerning (?) Elephantine?'
BC 557 Apr 9 - May 8, TM 54159: Studies Griffith p. 48-49 & pl. 4-7, 24 [a]: Yb, 'And behold, if they
come in order to bring me the spelt for Elephantine to Thebes, you will draw their attention
to the town of Elephantine'
BC 557 Apr 9 - May 8, TM 54159: Studies Griffith p. 48-49 & pl. 4-7, 25: Yb, 'And behold, if they
come in order to bring me the spelt for Elephantine to Thebes, you will draw their attention
to the town of Elephantine'
BC 557 Apr 9 - May 8, TM 54159: Studies Griffith p. 48-49 & pl. 4-7, 26: Yb, 'Certainly you will do it,
namely draw attention to the transport of the spelt to Elephantine.'
Gaza – Palestina (697)
G Γάζα - Κάδυτις L Gaza E Qḏwḏ Var.: Gaza - Kadytis E thnic: Gazaios - Gazitinos - Gazitios
Status: city: polis; oppidum Region: Palestina; Admin.: also situated in Syria
Rep.: Dizionario II, p. 75 (bis); p. 76 (bis); Bibl.: Quaegebeur, Fs. Lipinski (OLA 65), 1995, p. 245-270;
PP X, 2002, p. 43; Maps: Baines / Malek, Atlas, 2002, p. 187 Sources: BC 705 Feb 10, TM 46124: P. Choix 6, 3 [a]: pȝ Qḏwḏ, 'I gave you Montortaios the one of
Gaza of the north' (sc. a slave)
BC 705 Feb 10, TM 46124: P. Choix 6, 12: pȝ Qḏwḏ, 'as the silver for Montortaios the one of Gaza
(of) (the) northern region' (sc. a slave)
BC 705 Feb 10, TM 46124: P. Choix 6, 15 [a]: pȝ Qḏwḏ, 'as the silver for Montortaios the one of Gaza
(of) (the) northern region' (sc. a slave)
Abnormal Hieratic
34 BC 705 Feb 10, TM 46124: P. Choix 6, 22 [a]: pȝ Qḏwḏ, 'as the silver for Montortaios the one of Gaza
(of) (the) northern region' (sc. a slave)
BC 684 Jul 10 - Aug 8?, TM 58231: JEA 90 (2004), p. 163, 6 - 7: pȝ Qḏwḏ, 'Pinhyris son of Esamounis,
the one of Gaza'
Heliopolis (Tell Hisn) – L13 (761)
G Ἡλίου Πόλις - Ὠν - Ὀνίου L Helius - Heliu - Solis Oppidum E Ỉwnw - Ỉwnw-mḥty - Ỉwnw-wr Ỉwnw-nỉw.t-Ỉtm - Ỉwnw-Rʿ - Pr-Rʿ C ⲱⲛ Other: On (Hebrew) Var.: Heliopolis (Heliou Polis) - On Oniou - Iounou - Iounou-mehti ('Northern Heliopolis' / 'Heliopolis of Lower Egypt') - Iounouniout-Atoum ('Heliopolis city (of) (the god) Atoum') - Iounou-Ra ('Heliopolis (of) (the god) Ra') Per-Ra ('House (of) Ra') - Tell Hisn - sites including El-Matariya, El-Zeitan, Ard el-Na'am Ethnic: Heliopolites - Helioupolites - Heliopolitikos
Status: city: polis; metropolis; demi; niout; civitas; urbs Ident.: cf. also L13 Heliopolites (3088), U04b Heka-Iounou (10673)
Rep.: Dizionario II, p. 203-204 (1-2); p. 204; p. 204-205 (2); Suppl. 1, p. 124 (1-2); Suppl. 2, p. 61 (1);
Suppl. 3, p. 43 (1); p. 43 (2); Suppl. 4, p. 63 (2); Gauthier, Dictionnaire I, 1925, p. 54-56; IV, 1927, p.
24; Bibl.: Gardiner, AEO 2, 1947, p. 144*-146* no. 400; Erichsen, Glossar, 1954, p. 24; Kákosy, LÄ
II, 1977, col. 1111-1113; Vandorpe, Geografische elementen, 1988, p. 18; PP X, 2002, p. 75; Maps:
Baines / Malek, Atlas, 2002, p. 135 & 167 Sources: BC 669 Jan 3?, TM 56082: JEA 84 (1998), p. 234-236 [1-4], descr. [b]: Ỉwnw?, descr.: 'Ihi then
goes to meet the priests in Heliopolis and drink with them'
Hermonthis (Armant) – U04a (812)
G Ἑρμωνθις (Ἑρμονθις) - Ἐρεσβυθος L Hermunthus - Hermuntis E Ỉwny (Ỉwn) - Ỉwnw-Šmʿ - ỈwnwMnṯw (Ỉwn-Mnṱ) - Pr-Mnṯw (Pr-Mnṱ) C ⲉⲣⲙⲟⲛⲧ Var.: Hermonthis (Eresbythos) - Iounou-Shema
('Southern Heliopolis' / 'Heliopolis of Upper Egypt') - Iounou-Montou ('Heliopolis (of) (the god)
Montou') - Per-Mountou ('House / temple of Montou') - Armant (Erment) - sites including
Bucheum, monastery of Apa Tyrannos E thnic: Hermonthites
Status: city: polis; metropolis; niout Admin.: in the U Thebais
Loc.: on the western Nile bank
Ident.: cf. also U04a Hermonthites (2981), U04a Per-Montou-neb-Iounou (11363)
Note: see also the attestations for U04a Bucheum (11443); the name Iounou-Shema has been used
both for U04b Dios Polis (576) and U04a Hermonthis (812); obsolete reading: Ws.t-šmʿ
Rep.: Dizionario II, p. 156; p. 175-177; p. 177 (1-2); Suppl. 1, p. 86; p. 114 (bis); Suppl. 2, p. 55; p. 5556 (1-2); Suppl. 3, p. 38; p. 38 (2); Suppl. 4, p. 59; p. 59 (2); Gauthier, Dictionnaire I, 1925, p. 54; p.
56; II, 1925, p. 86; Timm, p. 152-182; Bibl.: Erichsen, Lesestücke II.2, 1940, p. 200; Gardiner, AEO
2, 1947, p. 22*-24* no. 332-333; Otto, Topographie des thebanischen Gaues, 1952, p. 86-92;
Erichsen, Glossar, 1954, p. 24; p. 509; Eggebrecht, LÄ I, 1975, col. 435-441; Helck, LÄ II, 1977, col.
387; Vandorpe, Geografische elementen, 1988, p. 18-19; p. 203; Vandorpe / Waebens, Pathyris'
archives, 2009, p. 38; CDD P, 2010, p. 93; Maps: Baines / Malek, Atlas, 2002, p. 109 Sources: BC 651 Oct 4, TM 56305: Parker, Oracle papyrus pl. 2-19, col. H, 9: Ỉwnw-Šmʿw, '(the) third
prophet of Montou lord of Southern Heliopolis (sc. Hermonthis)'
BC 651 Oct 4, TM 56305: Parker, Oracle papyrus pl. 2-19, col. L, 8: Ỉwnw-Šmʿw, '(the) prophet of
Montou lord of Southern Heliopolis (sc. Hermonthis)'
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 6 [b]: Ỉwn-Mnṯ, '10 arourai de
champs-(sharaki) privés, situés dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resi-Niout,
dans le terrain élevé d' Hermonthis, (notamment) dans le terrain élevé de Tmotnenpibekis'
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 8: Ỉwn-Mnṯ, '(ces champs étant)
situés dans le terrain élevé d' Hermonthis'
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 21 [c]: Ỉwn-Mnṯ, '10 arourai de
champs-(sharaki) privés, situés dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resi-Niout,
dans le terrain élevé d' Hermonthis, (notamment) dans le terrain élevé de Tmotnenpibekis'
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 23: Ỉwn-Mnṯ, '(ces champs étant)
situés dans le terrain élevé d' Hermonthis'
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 38 [b]: Ỉwn-Mnṯ, '10 arourai de
champs-(sharaki) privés, qui se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion, dans le terrain élevé d'
Hermonthis, de (la province) T-shedit-resi-Niout'
Abnormal Hieratic
35 BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 48 [b]: Ỉwn-Mnṯ, '10 arourai de
champs-(sharaki), qui se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion, (dans) le terrain élevé d'
Hermonthis, de (la province) T-shedit-resi-Niout'
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 55 [b]: Ỉwn-Mnṯ, '10 arourai de
champs-(sharaki) privés, qui se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion, (dans) le terrain élevé d'
Hermonthis, de (la province) T-shedit-resi-Niout'
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 63 [c]: Ỉwn-Mnṯ, '10 arourai de
champs-(sharaki) privés, qui se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resiNiout, (dans) le terrain élevé d' Hermonthis'
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 72 [c]: Ỉwn-Mnṯ, '10 arourai de
champs-sharaki (?) privés, qui se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-sheditresi-Niout, (dans) le terrain élevé d' Hermonthis'
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, B 5 [c]: Ỉwn-Mnṯ[w], 'those 10 arourai
(of) private fields in (the) Ammonieion (of) T-shedit-resi which are (in) the high land of
(?) BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, B 10: [Ỉwn-Mnṯw?], '(fields) ...
which are (in) the high land (of) [Hermonthis (?)]'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 3 - 4: Ỉwn-Mnṯ, '10 arourai de champs-sharaki privés, qui se
trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resi, dans le terrain élevé d'
Hermonthis, (notamment) dans le terrain élevé de Tmotnenpibekis'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 7: Ỉwn-Mnṯ, '(champs) ... qui se trouvent dans le terrain
élevé d' Hermonthis'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 17 [c]: Ỉwn-Mnṯ, '10 arourai de champs-sharaki privés, qui
se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resi, dans le terrain élevé d'
Hermonthis, (notamment) dans le terrain élevé de Tmotnenpibekis'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 27 [a]: Ỉwn-Mnṯ, '10 arourai de champs-sharaki privés, qui
se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resi, (dans) le terrain élevé d'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 32 [c]: Ỉwn-Mnṯ, '10 arourai de champs-sharaki privés, qui
se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resi, dans le terrain élevé d'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 36 [c]: Ỉwn-Mnṯ, '10 arourai de champs-sharaki privés, qui
se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resi-Niout, dans le terrain élevé d'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 41 [c]: Ỉwn-Mnṯ, '10 arourai de champs-sharaki, plus 1 (?),
privés, qui se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resi, dans le terrain
élevé d' Hermonthis'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 48: Ỉwn-Mnṯ, '10 arourai de champs-sharaki, plus 1 (?),
privés, qui se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resi, dans le terrain
élevé d' Hermonthis'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 53 [c]: Ỉwn-Mnṯ, '10 arourai de champs-sharaki, plus 1 (?),
privés, qui se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resi, dans le terrain
élevé d' Hermonthis'
BC 618 Dec 8, TM 46184: P. Choix 18, 5 [c]: Ỉwn-Mnṯw, '10 arourai de champs-sharaki privés, qui se
trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resi-Niout, dans le terrain élevé d'
BC 609 May 21, TM 46146: P. Corpus 1 24 (pl. 24), descr. [b]: Ỉwnw-Mnṯw, 'in the temple of
BC 609 May 21, TM 46146: P. Corpus 1 24 (pl. 24), descr. [d]: Ỉwnw-Mnṯw, 'in the temple of
Hout-aat – L13 (10891)
E Ḥw.t-ʿȝ.t - Ḥw.t-wr.t - Tȝ-s.t-wr.t - Pr-Ỉtm (Ḥw.t-Ỉtm) Other: Temple of the Sun (Hebrew) Var.: Houtaat ('Great house') - Hout-weret ('Great house') - T-set-weret ('The great place') - Per-Item
('House / temple (of) Atoum') - Hout-Item ('Temple (of) Atoum')
Status: sanctuary, building: hout; per Loc.: in L13 Heliopolis (761)
Rep.: Gauthier, Dictionnaire II, 1925, p. 59; IV, 1927, p. 53; p. 54 (ter); p. 92; p. 100; Bibl.: Spiegelberg,
Mythus vom Sonnenauge, 1917, p. 326 no. 1083; Kákosy, LÄ II, 1977, col. 1111; Smith, Papyrus
Harkness, 2005, p. 218
Abnormal Hieratic
36 Sources: BC 669 Jan 3?, TM 56082: JEA 84 (1998), p. 234-236 [1-4], descr. [a]: Ḥw.t-Ỉtm?, descr.: 'Its
setting appears to be entirely Heliopolitan, ... a description of building and garden
construction at the temple of Atoum'
Ipet-sout (Karnak) – U04b (13524)
E Ỉp.t-sw.t Var.: Ipet-sout ('Who counts (the) places'? '(The) most worshipped of places'?)
Status: sanctuary, building Loc.: Karnak in U04b Dios Polis (576)
Note: one of the names for the temple complex of Karnak
Bibl.: Barguet, LÄ III, 1980, col. 341 & 342; Stadelmann, LÄ VI, 1986, col. 467; Vandorpe,
Geografische elementen, 1988, p. 20-21; CDD N, 2004, p. 48; p. 115
Sources: BC 651 Oct 4, TM 56305: Parker, Oracle papyrus pl. 2-19, col. D, 10 [a]: Ỉp.t-sw.t, '(the)
god's father of Amon in Ipet-sout'
BC 651 Oct 4, TM 56305: Parker, Oracle papyrus pl. 2-19, col. F, 12 [a]: Ỉp.t-sw.t, '(the) god's father
of Amon in Ipet-sout'
Lower Egypt – L (2712)
G Κάτω Αἴγυπτος L Aegyptus Inferior E Mḥw (Mḥy - Tȝ-Mḥy - Mḥȝ) - ʿ-mḥty (ʿ-mḥṱ) Var.: Lower
Egypt - Kato Aigyptos - Aegyptus Inferior - Mehou - A-mehti ('Northern region')
Status: region Ident.: L Kato chora (4819)? P-ta-mehet (10722)? cf. Egypt (49)
Note: new reading in Stadler, P. Pa-Month, col. 2, 9 (Pr-Imnt / '(House of) the West', no toponym)
Bibl.: Sethe, ZÄS 44 (1907), p. 10-13; Griffith, P. Ryl. Dem., 1909, p. 425; Wb 2, 1927, p. 123;
Erichsen, Glossar, 1954, p. 174; p. 450; p. 509; Edel, SAK 1 (1974), p. 122; CDD M, 2010, p. 200-202
Sources: BC 726 Mar 30, TM 46106: OMRO 61 (1980), p. 10, 4 - 5: ʿ-mḥtỉ, 'as the silver for
Pnephereus the man (of) (the) northern region' (sc. a slave)
BC 726 Mar 30, TM 46106: OMRO 61 (1980), p. 10, 11: ʿ-mḥtỉ, 'the silver for the man (sc. a slave) (of)
(the) northern region'
BC 726 Mar 30, TM 46106: OMRO 61 (1980), p. 10, 16: ʿ-mḥtỉ, 'as the silver (for) the man (sc. a slave)
(of) (the) northern region'
BC 726 Mar 30, TM 46106: OMRO 61 (1980), p. 10, 19: ʿ-mḥtỉ, 'as the silver (for) <the man (sc. a
slave)> (of) (the) northern region'
BC 725 Aug 30, TM 46207: RdE 5 (1946), p. 121-122, 4: ʿ-mḥty, 'I sold you Ben-at-it, the man (of)
(the) northern region' (sc. a slave)
BC 725 Aug 30, TM 46207: RdE 5 (1946), p. 121-122, 13: ʿ-mḥty, 'I gave you Ben-at-it, the man (of)
(the) northern region' (sc. a slave)
BC 725 Aug 30, TM 46207: RdE 5 (1946), p. 121-122, 15: ʿ-mḥty, 'as the silver for the man (sc. a
slave) (of) (the) northern region'
BC 725 Aug 30, TM 46207: RdE 5 (1946), p. 121-122, 17: [ʿ-mḥty], 'as the silver for Ben-at-it, the man
(of) (the) northern region' (sc. a slave)
BC 725 Aug 30, TM 46207: RdE 5 (1946), p. 121-122, 19: ʿ-mḥty, 'I gave you Ben-at-it, the man (of)
(the) northern region' (sc. a slave)
BC 725 Aug 30, TM 46207: RdE 5 (1946), p. 121-122, 21: [ʿ-mḥty], 'as the silver for Ben-at-it, the man
(of) (the) northern region' (sc. a slave)
BC 725 Aug 30, TM 46207: RdE 5 (1946), p. 121-122, 23: ʿ-[mḥty], 'as the silver for Ben-at-it, the man
(of) (the) northern region' (sc. a slave)
BC 725 Aug 30, TM 46207: RdE 5 (1946), p. 121-122, 25: ʿ-mḥty, 'I gave you Ben-at-it, the man (of)
(the) northern region' (sc. a slave)
BC 705 Feb 10, TM 46124: P. Choix 6, 3 [b]: ʿ-mḥty, 'I gave you Montortaios the one of Gaza of the
north' (sc. a slave)
BC 705 Feb 10, TM 46124: P. Choix 6, 13: ʿ-mḥty, 'as the silver for Montortaios the one of Gaza (of)
(the) northern region' (sc. a slave)
BC 705 Feb 10, TM 46124: P. Choix 6, 15 [b]: ʿ-mḥty, 'as the silver for Montortaios the one of Gaza
(of) (the) northern region' (sc. a slave)
BC 705 Feb 10, TM 46124: P. Choix 6, 22 [b]: ʿ-mḥty, 'as the silver for Montortaios the one of Gaza
(of) (the) northern region' (sc. a slave)
BC 688 Jun 21, TM 46123: P. Choix 7, 3: ʿ-mḥty, 'We gave you Otehyris the man (of) (the) northern
region' (sc. a slave)
BC 688 Jun 21, TM 46123: P. Choix 7, 13: ʿ-mḥty, 'as the silver for Otehyris the man (of) (the)
northern region' (sc. a slave)
Abnormal Hieratic
37 BC 688 Jun 21, TM 46123: P. Choix 7, 21: [ʿ-mḥty], 'as [the silver for Otehyris the man (of) (the)
northern region]' (sc. a slave)
BC 685 Nov 12, TM 46122: RdE 6 (1951), p. 159-161 & pl. 1-3, col. 1, 7: ʿ-mḥty, '(the) farmer (?)
Irtou-r-tjai, that man (of) (the) northern region that I have bought' (sc. a slave)
BC 685 Nov 12, TM 46122: RdE 6 (1951), p. 159-161 & pl. 1-3, col. 1, 11: ʿ-mḥty, '(the) farmer (?)
Irtou-r-tjai, that man (of) (the) northern region' (sc. a slave)
BC 685 Nov 12, TM 46122: RdE 6 (1951), p. 159-161 & pl. 1-3, col. 1, 20: ʿ-mḥty, '(the) farmer (?)
Irtou-r-tjai, the man (of) (the) northern region' (sc. a slave)
BC 685 Nov 12, TM 46122: RdE 6 (1951), p. 159-161 & pl. 1-3, col. 2, 7: ʿ-mḥty, '(the) farmer (?)
Irtou-r-tjai, the man (of) (the) northern region' (sc. a slave)
BC 685 Nov 12, TM 46122: RdE 6 (1951), p. 159-161 & pl. 1-3, col. 2, 12: ʿ-mḥty, '(the) farmer (?)
Irtou-r-tjai, that man (of) (the) northern region' (sc. a slave)
BC 685 Nov 12, TM 46122: RdE 6 (1951), p. 159-161 & pl. 1-3, col. 2, 17: <ʿ>-mḥty, '(the) farmer (?)
Irtou-r-tjai, that man (of) (the) northern region' (sc. a slave)
BC 685 Nov 12, TM 46122: RdE 6 (1951), p. 159-161 & pl. 1-3, col. 2, 22: ʿ-mḥty, '(the) farmer (?)
Irtou-r-tjai, that man (of) (the) northern region' (sc. a slave)
P-chenen – U04b (11614)
E Pȝ-ẖnn Var.: P-chenen ('The irrigation basin'?)
Status: area? Bibl.: Donker van Heel, RdE 50 (1999), p. 142
Sources: BC 665 Sep 16, TM 48865: RdE 50 (1999), p. 138, 5: Pȝ-ẖnn, 'we have received from you
these two shares of endowment field of Osiris, which are (in?) P-chenen'
BC 665 Sep 16, TM 48864: RdE 50 (1999), p. 143, 3: Pȝ-ẖnn, 'I have received from you this share of
field of the endowment of Osiris, which is (in?) P-chenen ... to till it'
BC 584 Jul 24, TM 46147: P. Contrats 24, 5: Pȝ-ẖnn, descr. (Donker van Heel): 'the ẖnn also occurs
... in connection with the domain of Amon, a village which is said to be nty pȝ ẖnn, and a dike'
P-ta-mehti – L (10722)
E Pȝ-tȝ-mḥty (Pr-tȝ-mḥty) Var.: P-ta-mehti ('The land (of) (the) north' / 'The north land')
Status: region: ta Ident.: Lower Egypt (2712)? Delta (544)?
Note: referred to in opposition to Pathres / 'The land of the south' (10612)
Bibl.: Erichsen, Glossar, 1954, p. 175; p. 599; Reymond, JEA 60 (1974), p. 197; Ray, O. Hor, 1976, p.
183 no. 5; Vandorpe, Geografische elementen, 1988, p. 185-186; CDD M, 2010, p. 213
Sources: (?) BC 726 Mar 30, TM 46106: OMRO 61 (1980), p. 10, 13: pȝ tȝ? mḥtỉ, 'the silver for the
man (sc. a slave) (of) the northern land', instead of the expected 'the man (of) (the) northern
region' (ʿ-mḥtỉ - 2712)
T-hout-n-Per-aa-Ousir-ten – U04b (10684)
E Tȝ-ḥw.t-n-Pr-ʿȝ-Wsỉr-tn Var.: T-hout-n-Per-aa-Ousir-ten ('The tomb of Pharaoh Osorkon')
Status: area; building: tomb Loc.: in U04b Memnoneia (1341)
Bibl.: Pestman, P. Tsenhor, 1994, p. 70
Sources: BC 609 May 21, TM 46146: P. Corpus 1 24 (pl. 24), col. 1, 4: Tȝ-ḥw.t-Wsỉr-tn, 'The tomb (of)
BC 609 May 21, TM 46146: P. Corpus 1 24 (pl. 24), col. 1, 12: Tȝ-ḥw.t-Wsỉr-tn, 'The tomb (of)
T-inet – U04b (10681)
E Tȝ-ỉn.t (Tȝ-ỉn) Var.: T-inet ('The valley')
Status: area Loc.: the necropolis in U04b Memnoneia, Deir el-Bahari (1341)
Note: new reading in P. BM Reich p. 9-12 no. 10117, 5 (no toponym; cf. DBL, 2005, p. 84)
Bibl.: P. BM Reich, 1914, p. 18; p. 111; Pestman, P. Tsenhor, 1994, p. 10-12; p. 201
Sources: BC 570 Oct 19, TM 46065: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 23, 2 [a]: ˹Tȝ˺-ỉn, 'the choachyte of Tinet Djed-chi'
T-set-maat – U04b (10843)
E Tȝ-s.t-mȝʿ.t (S.t-mȝʿ.t) Var.: T-set-maat ('The place (of) truth')
Abnormal Hieratic
38 Status: area Loc.: (part of) the necropolis of U04b Memnoneia (1341)
Bibl.: Malinine, P. Choix, 1953, p. 104 n. 1; P. BM Andrews, 1990, p. 83 n. 13; p. 105 n. 4; Donker van
Heel, P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.), 1996, p. 310
Sources: BC 636 Dec 15, TM 46114: P. Choix 15, 2: S.t-mȝʿ.t, 'A déclaré (le) taricheute (de) Set-maat'
BC 636 Dec 15, TM 46114: P. Choix 15, 10: S.t-mȝʿ.t, 'la déclaration du taricheute (de) Set-maat'
BC 636 Dec 15, TM 46114: P. Choix 15, 13: S.t-mȝʿ.t, 'la déclaration du taricheute (de) Set-maat'
BC 552 Oct 29, TM 46320: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 8, 2: S.t-mȝʿ, 'Has said the servant of Set-maat
/ (the) Place of truth Pchorchonsis'
BC 552 Oct 29, TM 46320: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 8, 6: S.t-mȝʿ.t, 'my land, which is called the
land of the servant of Set-maat / (the) Place of truth, of which the south is: the entrance of the
land (of) Djeret-netjer / (the) Hand of god, which I have tilled'
T-shedit-resi – U (5172)
E Tȝ-šdy.t-rsy (Tȝ-št-rsy - Tȝ-štȝ-rsy - Tȝ-šty-rs - Tȝ-štȝ-rsy-Nỉw.t) - pȝ tš n Tȝ-šdy.t-rsy Var.: T-sheditresi ('The southern district') (Taschetres - Tascetares -Tshetres - Tchetres) - T-shedit-resi-Niout
('The district south of Thebes')
Status: district: shedit; tesh Ident.: cf. U04b Dios Polis (Thebes east) (576)
Note: Van 't Dack (cf. DBL, 2005, p. 335): a subdivision of the Thebais / P-tesh-n-Niout (2982)
Bibl.: Griffith, P. Ryl. Dem., 1909, p. 143; Erichsen, Lesestücke II.2, 1940, p. 202; Erichsen, Glossar,
1954, p. 254; p. 529; p. 657; Porten, Archives from Elephantine, 1968, p. 43; Zauzich, P. Berl.
Eleph. 1, 1978, no. 13543, p. 1-2; Cruz-Uribe, Serapis 7 (1981-1982), p. 4; Van 't Dack, Stud. Hell.
29 (1988), p. 286; CDD P, 2010, p. 34
Sources: BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 6 [a]: Tȝ-štȝ-rs-Nỉw.t, '10
arourai de champs-(sharaki) privés, situés dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-sheditresi-Niout, dans le terrain élevé d' Hermonthis, (notamment) dans le terrain élevé de
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 21 [b]: Tȝ-štȝ-rs-Nỉw.t, '10 arourai
de champs-(sharaki) privés, situés dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resi-Niout,
dans le terrain élevé d' Hermonthis, (notamment) dans le terrain élevé de Tmotnenpibekis'
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 39: Tȝ-štȝ-rsy-Nỉw.t, '10 arourai de
champs-(sharaki) privés, qui se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion, dans le terrain élevé d'
Hermonthis, de (la province) T-shedit-resi-Niout'
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 48 [c]: Tȝ-štȝ-rs-Nỉw.t, '10 arourai
de champs-(sharaki), qui se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion, (dans) le terrain élevé d'
Hermonthis, de (la province) T-shedit-resi-Niout'
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 56: Tȝ-štȝ-rsy-Nỉw.t, '10 arourai de
champs-(sharaki) privés, qui se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion, (dans) le terrain élevé d'
Hermonthis, de (la province) T-shedit-resi-Niout'
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 63 [b]: Tȝ-štȝ-rsy-Nỉw.t, '10 arourai
de champs-(sharaki) privés, qui se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-sheditresi-Niout, (dans) le terrain élevé d' Hermonthis'
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 72 [b]: Tȝ-štȝ-rsy-Nỉw.t, '10 arourai
de champs-sharaki (?) privés, qui se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-sheditresi-Niout, (dans) le terrain élevé d' Hermonthis'
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 80 [b]: Štȝ-rsy, '10 arourai de
champs-sharaki privés, plus 1 (aroura) dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resi,
(dans) le terrain élevé occidental de Tmotnenpibekis'
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 88 [a]: Tȝ-štȝ-rs, '10 arourai de
champs-sharaki privés, plus une (aroura), en tout 11 (arourai), qui se trouvent dans (l')
Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resi, dans le terrain élevé de Tmotnenpibekis'
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, B 5 [b]: Tȝ-štȝ-rsy, 'those 10 arourai
(of) private fields in (the) Ammonieion (of) T-shedit-resi which are (in) the high land of
BC 623 Jan 26 - 622 Jan 25, TM 46182: P. Quelques textes 10 pl. 16, col. 4, 2 [b]: Štȝ-rsy, 'The receipt
of (the) singer of (the) Ammonieion ... in (the) Ammonieion in T-shedit-resi / The southern
Abnormal Hieratic
39 BC 623 Jan 26 - 622 Jan 25, TM 46182: P. Quelques textes 10 pl. 16, col. 4, 9 [b]: Štȝ-rsy, 'The receipt
of (the) singer of (the) Ammonieion ... in (the) Ammonieion in T-shedit-resi / The southern
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 3 [b]: Tȝ-štȝ-rsy, '10 arourai de champs-sharaki privés, qui
se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resi, dans le terrain élevé d'
Hermonthis, (notamment) dans le terrain élevé de Tmotnenpibekis'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 17 [b]: Tȝ-štȝ-rsy, '10 arourai de champs-sharaki privés, qui
se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resi, dans le terrain élevé d'
Hermonthis, (notamment) dans le terrain élevé de Tmotnenpibekis'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 26 [b]: Tȝ-štȝ-rsy, '10 arourai de champs-sharaki privés, qui
se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resi, (dans) le terrain élevé d'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 32 [b]: Tȝ-štȝ-rsy, '10 arourai de champs-sharaki privés, qui
se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resi, dans le terrain élevé d'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 36 [b]: Tȝ-štȝ-rsy-Nỉw.t, '10 arourai de champs-sharaki
privés, qui se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resi-Niout, dans le
terrain élevé d' Hermonthis'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 41 [b]: Tȝ-štȝ-rsy, '10 arourai de champs-sharaki, plus 1 (?),
privés, qui se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resi, dans le terrain
élevé d' Hermonthis'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 47 [c]: Tȝ-štȝ-rsy, '10 arourai de champs-sharaki, plus 1 (?),
privés, qui se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resi, dans le terrain
élevé d' Hermonthis'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 53 [b]: Tȝ-štȝ-rsy, '10 arourai de champs-sharaki, plus 1 (?),
privés, qui se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resi, dans le terrain
élevé d' Hermonthis'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 61 [b]: Tȝ-štȝ-rsy, '10 arourai de champs-(sharaki) privés,
plus 1 (aroura), au total 11 (arourai), qui se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) Tshedit-resi, (notamment) (dans) le terrain élevé qui est à l'occident de Tmotnenpibekis'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 65 [b]: Tȝ-štȝ-rsy, '10 arourai de champs-(sharaki) privés,
plus 1 (aroura), au total 11 (arourai), qui se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) Tshedit-resi, (notamment) dans le terrain élevé de Tmotnenpibekis'
BC 618 Dec 8, TM 46184: P. Choix 18, 5 [b]: Tȝ-štȝ-rsy-Nỉw.t, '10 arourai de champs-sharaki privés,
qui se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resi-Niout, dans le terrain
élevé d' Hermonthis'
BC 609 May 21, TM 46146: P. Corpus 1 24 (pl. 24), col. 1, 2: Tȝ-štȝ-rsy, 'T-shedit-resi / The southern
BC 609 May 21, TM 46146: P. Corpus 1 24 (pl. 24), col. 1, 3: Tȝ-štȝ-rsy, 'T-shedit-resi / The southern
Tentyris (Dendera) – U06 (2312)
G Τεντυρις - Τεντυρα L Tentyra - Tentira E Ỉwn.t (Ỉwn - Ỉwn.t-tȝ-nṯr.t - Ỉwn.t-n-pȝ-nṯr - Ỉwn.t-n-Ptḥ Ỉwn.t-n-Nỉw.t) - Tȝ-bẖn-n-Ḥw.t-Ḥr? C ⲧⲉⲛⲧⲱⲣⲓ - ⲛⲓⲧⲛⲧⲱⲣⲉ - ⲛⲓⲧⲉⲛⲧⲱⲣⲓ Var.: Tentyris
(Tentyra - Tantere) - Iounet - Iounet-t-netjeret ('Iounet (of) the goddess (sc. Hathor)') - T-bechenn-Hathor ('The tower / pylon of Hathor') (?) - Dendera (Dendara) Ethnic: Tentyrites Tenturitanus - Tentyriticus
Status: city: polis; civitas; metropolis Loc.: on the western Nile bank
Ident.: U Per-Cha (11736)?; cf. also U06 Tentyrites (2997)
Rep.: Dizionario IV, p. 391 (1); p. 391 (1-2); Suppl. 1, p. 242 (2); Suppl. 2, p. 212 (1); p. 212 (2); Suppl.
3, p. 148 (1); Suppl. 4, p. 130 (1); p. 130 (2); Timm, p. 543-548; Bibl.: Erichsen, Glossar, 1954, p.
24; Daumas, LÄ I, 1975, col. 1060-1063; Smith, Enchoria 16 (1988), p. 81; Vandorpe,
Geografische elementen, 1988, p. 19-20; CDD N, 2004, p. 150; Maps: Baines / Malek, Atlas, 2002,
p. 109 Sources: BC 648 Oct 13, TM 46214: RdE 25 (1973), p. 203-204 & pl. 10-11, col. 2, 6: Ỉwn, '(the)
prophet of Hathor mistress of Tentyris'
BC 557 Apr 9 - May 8, TM 54159: Studies Griffith p. 48-49 & pl. 4-7, 19: Ỉwn.t-ntry.t, 'as to the grain
tax of Tentyris'
Abnormal Hieratic
40 BC 557 Apr 9 - May 8, TM 54159: Studies Griffith p. 48-49 & pl. 4-7, Vo 8: Ỉwn.t-ntry.t, 'Am I to let
them bring you the accounts (?) and the documents concerning Tentyris and (concerning)
him who had said: ...'
BC 557 Apr 9 - May 8, TM 54159: Studies Griffith p. 48-49 & pl. 4-7, Vo 14: Ỉwn.t-ntry.t, 'And you
know that you have 19 men in the commission of Tentyris.'
This (Girga) – U08 (2400)
G Θις L Thinis - Thynis E Ṯny (Tn - Dny) C ⲧⲓⲛ Var.: This (Thinis - Theinis - Thynis - Thoinis Thinos Kome) - Tjeny - Tin - Girga (Girgeh) - El-Birba E thnic: Thinites (Theineithes)
Status: city: polis; village: kome Ident.: cf. also U08 Thinites (2999)
Rep.: Dizionario II, p. 280-281 (1-2); p. 281; Suppl. 1, p. 143 (1); Suppl. 2, p. 71 (1); p. 71; Bibl.:
Erichsen, Glossar, 1954, p. 548; Brovarski, LÄ VI, 1986, col. 475-486; CDD Q, 2004, p. 82; Maps:
Baines / Malek, Atlas, 2002, p. 109 Sources: BC 618 Dec 8, TM 46184: P. Choix 18, 2 [b]: Dny, '(the) prophet of Amon, prince of Thebes,
chief of (the) prophets of This-Abydos (sc. Abydos of the Thinites)'
BC 618 Dec 8, TM 46184: P. Choix 18, 4 [a]: Dny, '(the) prophet of Amonrasonter, chief of (the)
prophets of This-Abydos (sc. Abydos of the Thinites)'
Tmotnenpibekis – U04b (7652)
G Τμοτνενπιβηκις E Tȝ-mtn.t-n-pȝ-byk (Tȝ-md.t-n-pȝ-byk) Var.: Tmotnenpibekis ('The place / village
of the falcon')
Status: village Ident.: U04b P-awi-n-hetep-n-p-hib-p-bik (11288)?
Rep.: Dizionario V, p. 14; Bibl.: Otto, Topographie des thebanischen Gaues, 1952, p. 80; Vandorpe,
Geografische elementen, 1988, p. 122
Sources: BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 6 [c]: Tȝ-md.t-pȝ-byk, '10
arourai de champs-(sharaki) privés, situés dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-sheditresi-Niout, dans le terrain élevé d' Hermonthis, (notamment) dans le terrain élevé de
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 22: Tȝ-md.t-pȝ-byk, '10 arourai de
champs-(sharaki) privés, situés dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resi-Niout,
dans le terrain élevé d' Hermonthis, (notamment) dans le terrain élevé de Tmotnenpibekis'
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 80 [c]: Tȝ-md.t-n-pȝ-byk, '10
arourai de champs-sharaki privés, plus 1 (aroura) dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) Tshedit-resi, (dans) le terrain élevé occidental de Tmotnenpibekis'
BC 635 Dec 29, TM 46180: P. Choix 9 + BIFAO 75 (1975), p. 80, A 88 [b]: Tȝ-md.t-pȝ-byk, '10 arourai
de champs-sharaki privés, plus une (aroura), en tout 11 (arourai), qui se trouvent dans (l')
Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resi, dans le terrain élevé de Tmotnenpibekis'
BC 623 Jan 26 - 622 Jan 25, TM 46182: P. Quelques textes 10 pl. 16, col. 1 (year 34) [c]: Tȝ-md.t-pȝbyk, 'The high land west of Tmotnenpibekis ...'
BC 623 Jan 26 - 622 Jan 25, TM 46182: P. Quelques textes 10 pl. 16, col. 1 (year 35) [c]: Tȝ-md.t-pȝbyk, 'The high land west of Tmotnenpibekis ...'
BC 623 Jan 26 - 622 Jan 25, TM 46182: P. Quelques textes 10 pl. 16, col. 1, 3: Tȝ-md.t-pȝ-byk, 'The
high land west of Tmotnenpibekis ...'
BC 623 Jan 26 - 622 Jan 25, TM 46182: P. Quelques textes 10 pl. 16, col. 4, 3: Tȝ-md.t-pȝ-byk, 'The
high land west of Tmotnenpibekis ...'
BC 623 Jan 26 - 622 Jan 25, TM 46182: P. Quelques textes 10 pl. 16, col. 4, 10: Tȝ-md.t-pȝ-byk, 'The
high land west of Tmotnenpibekis ...'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 4 [a]: Tȝ-md.t-pȝ-byk, '10 arourai de champs-sharaki privés,
qui se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resi, dans le terrain élevé d'
Hermonthis, (notamment) dans le terrain élevé de Tmotnenpibekis'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 17 - 18: Tȝ-md.t-pȝ-byk, '10 arourai de champs-sharaki
privés, qui se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la province) T-shedit-resi, dans le terrain
élevé d' Hermonthis, (notamment) dans le terrain élevé de Tmotnenpibekis'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 61 [c]: Tȝ-md.t-pȝ-byk, '10 arourai de champs-(sharaki)
privés, plus 1 (aroura), au total 11 (arourai), qui se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la
province) T-shedit-resi, (notamment) (dans) le terrain élevé qui est à l'occident de
Abnormal Hieratic
41 BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 65 [c]: Tȝ-md.t-pȝ-byk, '10 arourai de champs-(sharaki)
privés, plus 1 (aroura), au total 11 (arourai), qui se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion de (la
province) T-shedit-resi, (notamment) dans le terrain élevé de Tmotnenpibekis'
Upper Egypt – U (2766)
G Ἄνω Χώρα - Ἑρμῆς L Aegyptus Superior E Šmʿ (Šmȝ - Tȝ-šmʿ.w) - ʿ-rsy - *Mȝʿ-rs C ⲙⲁⲣⲏⲥ Var.:
Upper Egypt - Ano Chora - Hermes - Aegyptus Superior - Shema - A-resi ('Southern region') Mares
Status: region Ident.: U Anocuram (8310)?; U Pathres (10612)? cf. Egypt (49)
Rep.: Gauthier, Dictionnaire VI, 1929, p. 34; Bibl.: Sethe, ZÄS 44 (1907), p. 8-10; Griffith, P. Ryl.
Dem., 1909, p. 425; Wb 2, 1927, p. 123; Wb 4, 1930, p. 472-475; Wb 5, 1931, p. 227; Erichsen,
Lesestücke II.2, 1940, p. 201; Erichsen, Glossar, 1954, p. 174: p. 450; p. 509; P. Tebt. Tait, 1977, p.
4 n. c; Locher, Topographie Nilkatarakt, 1999, p. 257-258; Kockelmann, Die Toponymen- und
Kultnamenlisten, 2002, p. 175-176; Smith, Papyrus Harkness, 2005, p. 125; CDD Š, 2010, p. 135137
Sources: BC 799 - 600, TM 113845: Ägypten und Levante 16 (2006), p. 190, 2: ʿ-rsy, 'Thotapynchis
son of Amen-m-inet, the scribe of (the) army (of) (the) southern region'
BC 648 Oct 13, TM 46214: RdE 25 (1973), p. 203-204 & pl. 10-11, col. 1, 4: Šmʿ, '(the) gouvernor of
Upper Egypt'
Waset (Thebes) – U04b (13523)
E Wȝs.t (Wȝs - Ws.t) Var.: Waset ('Sceptre')
Status: city Ident.: cf. also U04b Chesebaieon / Per-Chonsou-neb-aha-in Waset (4347), U04b Apollonieion / PerMontou-neb-Waset (11361), U04b Ramesseum / Chenemet-Waset (11334), U04b Herakleous
Dromos / Chefeteh-n-Chonsou-m-Waset Nefer-hotep (11605)
Note: the mortuary temple of king Mentouhotep (2040 BC) became the capital of Egypt and was
named Waset, after the original fourth nomos of Upper Egypt (11500); from the New Kingdom
on it became an alternative name for U04b Niout / Dios Polis (576); new reading in P. Tor.
Botti 34 B, 1 (no toponym; cf. DBL, 2005, p. 397)
Bibl.: Gardiner, AEO 2, 1947, p. 24*-26* no. 335-336; Vandorpe, P. L. Bat. 27, 1995, p. 203-204; CDD
W, 2009, p. 16-17; p. 151
Sources: BC 690 - 664, TM 48664: Enchoria 27 (2001), p. 156, 3: [Wȝs.t], 'before [Amon, Mout,
Chonsou (and) all (the) gods of Waset]'
BC 660 Jan 12, TM 46215: RdE 25 (1973), p. 204-205 & pl. 12, 10: Wȝs.t, 'the places of the [mountain
... in the west of?] Waset'
BC 651 Oct 4, TM 56305: Parker, Oracle papyrus pl. 2-19, col. K, 17: Mnṯw-nb-Wȝs.t, '(the) prophet
of Montou lord of Waset'
BC 651 Oct 4, TM 56305: Parker, Oracle papyrus pl. 2-19, col. L, 1: Mnṯw-[nb-Wȝs].t, '(the) prophet
of Montou lord of Waset'
BC 651 Oct 4, TM 56305: Parker, Oracle papyrus pl. 2-19, col. L, 12: Mnṯw-nb-Wȝs.t, '(the) prophet
of Montou lord of Waset'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 57: Wȝs.t, '(the) prophet of Montou lord of Waset'
BC 620 May 29, TM 46183: P. Choix 10, 59 [a]: Wȝs.t, '(the) prophet of Montou lord of Waset'
BC 568 Oct 27, TM 46148: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 1, 5 - 6: Ḫnsw-m-Wȝs.t ˹Nfr˺-ḥtp, 'You have
sworn to me before (the god) Chonsou in Waset Nephotes'
BC 568 Oct 27, TM 46148: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 1, 10 - 11: Ḫnsw-m-Wȝs.t ˹Nfr-ḥtp˺, 'the oath
before (the god) Chonsou in Waset Nephotes'
BC 559 Sep 27, TM 46142: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 4, 5: Ḫnsw-m-Wȝs.t Nfr-ḥtp, 'to swear for us
before (the god) Chonsou in Waset Nephotes'
BC 557 Apr 9 - May 8, TM 54159: Studies Griffith p. 48-49 & pl. 4-7, 4: Wȝs.t, 'Amon, Mout,
Chonsou, Montou, Maat, and all the gods of Waset'
42 Geographical distribution of the Demotic texts
0% Demotic -­ Found 1% 1% 0% 5% 0% 0% 7% Egypt (general) 7% 13% Lower Egypt Arsinoites Upper Egypt Western coast Western desert Northern Sinai 66% Sinai Eastern desert Demotic -­ Written 1% 5% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 6% Egypt (general) 8% 13% Lower Egypt Arsinoites Upper Egypt Western coast Western desert 66% Northern Sinai Sinai Eastern desert Demotic
Demotic - Geotex (15.08.2011)
43 Found (F)
Written (W)
L07 Menelaites
L05 Saites
Naukratis (Kom Gajef)
L04 Prosopites
Central Delta
L06 Xoites
Xois (Sakha)
L12 Sebennytes
Pachnemounis (Kom el-Khanziri)
Sebennytos (Samanud)
L17 Diospolites
Dios Polis (Tell el-Balamun)
L21 Phthemphouth
Taua (Tanta)
L09 Bousirites
L10 Athribites
Athribis (Tell el-Atrib)
Within Egypt
Outside of Egypt
Egypt undetermined
Lower Egypt
Western Delta
L00 Alexandria region
L03 Gynaikopolites
Hermopolis (Damanhur)
Momemphis (Kom el-Hisn)
Terenouthis (Kom Abu Billo)
Eastern Delta
L14 Sethroites
Pelousion (Tell el-Farama)
44 0
L11 Leontopolites
Leontopolis (Tell el-Moqdam)
L20 Arabia
T-shenout-n-ineb-hedj (Tukh elQaramus)
L08 Heroopolites
Patoumos (Tell el-Maskhuta)
L18 Boubastites
Boubastos (Tell Basta)
Southern Delta
L13 Heliopolites
Leontopolis (Tell el-Yahudiya)
Heliopolis (Tell Hisn)
Babylon (Fostat)
L02 Letopolites
L19 Tanites
Tanis (San el-Hagar)
Imet (Tell Nebesha)
Abu Yasin
L16 Mendesios
Mendes (Tell el-Rub'a)
Thmouis (Tell Timai)
L15 > L16
L01 Memphites
Cairo [bought / seen / not in situ]
Wadi Qaren
Abu Rawash
Troe (Tura)
Moithymis (Meidum)
L undetermined
Lower Egypt undetermined
Delta undetermined
00 Arsinoites
00a Meris of Herakleides
Haueris (Hawara)
Philadelpheia (Gharabet el-Gerza)
Bakchias (Kom el-Atl)
Karanis (Kom Aushim)
Neilopolis (Tell el-Rusas)
Soknopaiou Nesos (Dimeh)
Syron Kome
Herakleidou Meris
00b Meris of Themistos
Dionysias (Qasr Qarun)
Philoteris (Wadfa)
Euhemeria (Qasr el-Banat)
Theadelpheia (Batn el-Harit)
Polydeukia (Gebala)
Pisais (Abshay)
Philagris - Perkethayt (Hamuli)
Alexandrou Nesos
Arsinoe epi tou zeugmatos
Athenas Kome
Themistou Meris
00c Meris of Polemon
Narmouthis (Medinet Madi)
Magdola (Medinet Nehas)
Tebtynis (Umm el-Baragat)
Berenikis Thesmophorou
Hiera Nesos
Kerkesoucha Orous
Ptolemais Melissourgon
Polemonos Meris
00d Krokodilopolis
00 undetermined
45 16
Upper Egypt
46 9762
U20 Herakleopolites
Bousiris (Abusir el-Meleq)
Herakleopolis (Ihnasya el-Medina)
Toy (Tuwa)
Techtho (Dashtut)
Ankyropolis (El-Hiba)
Hipponon (Qarara)
U19 Oxyrynchites
Tholthis [Kato] (Talt)
Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa)
U22 Aphroditopolites
U21 > L01
U18 > U20
U17 Kynopolites
Hout-nesou (Kom el-Ahmar Sawaris)
U16 > U15
U15 Hermopolites
Tenis - Akoris (Tehna)
Alabastron Polis - Hebenou (Kom elAhmar)
Hermopolis (El-Ashmunein)
Manlau (Mallawi), bought
Deir el-Bersha
Moirai (Meir)
U14 > U15
U13 Lykopolites
Lykopolis (Assiut)
Deir Durunka
47 U12 Antaiopolites
Gebel Abu Foda
Deir el-Quseir
Darb el-Karayib
Antaiopolis (Qaw el-Kebir)
U11 Hypselites
Hypsele (Shutb), Rifa
U10b Apollonopolites
Apollonopolites Heptakomias
U10a Aphroditopolites
U09 Panopolites
Gebel el-Sheikh el-Haridi
Panopolis (Akhmim)
Psonis (Bassuna)
Itos (Edfa)
Tripheion (Wannina)
U06 Tentyrites
Tentyris (Dendera)
U05 Koptites
Deir el-Ballas
Koptos (Qift)
Apollonopolis (Qus)
U08 Thinites
Ptolemais Hermeiou (El-Mansha)
Lepidoton Polis (Nag' el-Mashayikh)
U07 Diospolites
Dios Polis (Hiou)
U04b Peri Thebas
Kerameia - Madou (Nag’ el-Madamud)
Dios Polis (Thebes east)
Memnoneia - Djeme (Thebes west)
Peri Thebas
48 0
Skiathis - Wadi el-Natrun
Ammoniake - Siwa Oasis
U04a Pathyrites
Hermonthis (Armant)
Touphion (Tod)
Pathyris (Gebelein)
U03 Latopolites
Latopolis (Esna)
Eileithyiopolis (El-Kab)
Hierakopolis (Kom el-Ahmar)
U02 Apollonopolites
Apollonopolis (Edfu)
Gebel el-Silsila
Omboi (Kom Ombo)
Syene (Assuan)
Elephantine (Geziret Assuan)
Abaton (Biga Island)
El-Hesa Island
U undetermined
Middle Egypt undetermined
Upper Egypt undetermined
Western coast
Western desert
Oasis Parva - Bahariya
Oasis Parva (Bahariya)
Qaret el-Farargi
Between Nag Hammadi and
Wadi el-Hol
Oasis Magna
Oasis Magna - El-Kharga
Gebel el-Teir
Hibis (El-Hiba)
Ain Manawir
Kysis (Dush)
Oasis Magna - El-Dakhla
Mothis (Mut)
Kellis (Ismant el-Kharab)
49 311
Northern Sinai
Migdol (Tell el-Heir)
Eastern desert
Wadi Gasus
Wadi Hammamat
Berenike (Bender el-Kebir)
between the 1st cataract and Abu Simbel
Titis (Qertassi)
Talmis (Kalabsha)
Toutzis (Dendur)
Pselkis (El-Dakka)
Wadi Umm Garayat
Hiera Sykaminos (El-Maharraqa)
Primis (Qasr Ibrim)
Amouda (Abu Simbel)
Atoua (Gebel Adda)
Amoda (Qustul)
between Abu Simbel and the 2nd cataract
between the 3rd and the 4th cataract
between the 5th and the 6th cataract
Meroe (Begrawiya)
south of the 6th cataract
Wadi Qamar
unknown ('Aethiopia')
50 Greece
Attica - Peiraieus
Ptolemais Akko (Ake)
Mesopotamia, supposedly in Iraq
Found (F)
Written (W)
Syria, 100 km east of Aleppo
Outside of Egypt
Demotic - Geotex: Percentages
Egypt (general)
Lower Egypt
Upper Egypt
Western coast
Western desert
Northern Sinai
Eastern desert
Outside of Egypt
Demotic total
51 Geographical distribution of the toponyms in Demotic texts
L00 Alexandria
L00 - Alexandreon Chora
L00 - Alexandria
L00 - Serapeum
L00 - Wadj-werou
L00? - Per-n-paief-iri
L01 Memphites
L01 - Anch-tawi
L01 - Ano Toparchia
L01 - Anoubieion
L01 - Apieion
L01 - Arabia
L01 - Asklepieion
L01 - Boubasteion
L01 - Chefeteh-n-Anoubis
L01 - Chefeteh-n-Imouthes
L01 - Chefeteh-n-p-Ra
L01 - Djed-sout
L01 - Hep-nebes
L01 - Hephaisteion
L01 - Hout-netjer-Isis
L01 - Hout-netjer-Osiris
L01 - Hout-netjer-Souchos
L01 - Kato Toparchia
L01 - Kerer
L01 - Maati
L01 - Memphis
L01 - Memphites
L01 - Menech-p-Ra
L01 - Moithymis (Meidum)
L01 - Nehi
L01 - Osirieion
L01 - Oun-chem
L01 - P-awi-n-hetep-n-Sarapieion
L01 - P-chenti-Noun
L01 - P-chercher
L01 - P-ihi
L01 - P-ihi-resi?
L01 - P-mesha-n-n-Winenou-Kemi
L01 - P-shi-n-Per-aa
L01 - P-tesh-n-Onnophris?
L01 - Per-...
L01 - Per-Chnoum
L01 - Per-heb-neb
L01 - Per-nebet-nehi
L01 - Per-Thoth
L01 - Per-wab-nebes
L01 - Petehotep-Ptah
L01 - Phylake (north) (Tersa)
L01 - Phylake (south)
L01 - Resi-tjaou
L01 - Rout-isout
L01 - Sachebou (Zat el-Kom?)
pȝ tš n ȝlgsntrs
Rʿ-qd (Rʿ-qt) - Pȝ-ʿ.wy-n-ȝlgsȝntrs - Pȝ-sbt-n-Ỉrgsndrs
Pr-Wsỉr-Ḥp pȝ ʿȝ
Pr-hn-Ỉnpw (Pȝ-hn-Ỉnpw - Pr-Ỉnpw - Pȝ-Ỉnpw) 3109
Tȝ-s.t-n-Ḥp - Tȝ-s.t-Ḥp-ʿnḫ? (Ḥw.t-Ḥp-ʿnḫ?) 10880
Pr-Bȝst.t (Ḥw.t-nṯr-Bȝst.t)
Pr-Ptḥ (Ḥw.t-nṯr-Ptḥ - Ỉnb-Ptḥ - Pr-Ỉnb-Ptḥ) 4364
Qrr (Grwr)
Mȝʿ.ty - Pȝ-smn-Mȝʿ.t (Smn-Mȝʿ.t)
Mn-nfr - Ỉnb-ḥḏ (Ỉnb-ḥt) - Ḥw.t-kȝ-Ptḥ - Mḫȝ.t-tȝ.wy - Msṱḥny
pȝ tš n Mn-nfr
Mr-Ỉtm (Mry-Itmw)
Pr-Wsỉr - pȝ tš n Pr-Wsỉr
Wn-ḫm - pȝ tš n Wn-ḫm
Pȝ-ḫnty-Nwn (Pr-ḫnty-Nn (-Nny) - Ḫnty-Nn - Nnt)
Pȝ-šy-n-Pr-ʿȝ (Pȝ-šy)
pȝ tš n Wn-nfr?
Pr-... - Pr-nḫt?
Pr-nb.t-nhy (Pȝ-nb.t-nhy - Nhy)
Rsy-ṯȝw (Rȝ-stȝw) - pȝ tš n Rsy-ṯȝw
Rw.t-ỉsw.t - Ḥsb? - Pr-Wsỉr-n-Rw.t-ỉsw.t - Pr-Wsỉr-n-Ḥsb?
Sȝẖbw (Sẖb)
52 L01 - Sarapidos Dromos
L01 - Sebet-was
L01 - Sechet-iarou
L01 - Semenou-Horos
L01 - Serapeum
L01 - Set-weret
L01 - Shenes
L01 - T-achi-mes-n-Thoth-p-heb
L01 - T-achi-n-geret-n-Nout?
L01 - T-achi-n-Heri-Item
L01 - T-achi-n-Set-mesehet
L01 - T-iouit-imenti (Moithymis)
L01 - T-iouit-n-n-Winenou
L01 - T-keset-n-n-Winenou
L01 - T-mai-n-n-Winenou
L01 - T-mit-n-Anoubis
L01 - T-mit-n-Per-aa-Shabaka
L01 - T-oucheri
L01 - T-ta-ichit
L01 - T-tehen
L01 - Ta-men
L01 - Tai-ter?
L01 - Taskry
L01 - Tepehet-djat
L01 - Thmoiphtha
L01 - Troe (Tura)
L01? - ...
L01? - [ ]...
L01? - [ ]aih
L01? - Amhi
L01? - Hebekeset?
L01? - Hemsan
L01? - Hout-nem
L01? - Hout-net
L01? - Kami-Bebi?
L01? - Kereb
L01? - P-her-ib
L01? - Pamenma?
L01? - Per-[ ]
L01? - Per-Anoubis
L01? - Per-Hep-...
L01? - Per-Item
L01? - Per-ta-cheperou-anch
L01? - Per-Thoth-mehte-na-netjerou
L01? - Per-wer-hem
L01? - Sak?
L01? - Sheleb?
L01? - T-hiti
L01? - T-sechet-n-n-serchi
Smnw-Ḥr -Šnʿ-ẖn - Šn.w-ʿnḫ.w
Pr-Wsỉr-Ḥp (Pȝ-Wsỉr-Ḥp - Pr-Ḥp) - Kmy 10638
Tȝ-ʿẖy.t-ms-n-Ḏḥwty-pȝ-hb (Tȝ-ʿẖy.t-ms)
Tȝ-ʿẖy.t-n-Hry-Ỉtm (Tȝ-ʿẖy.t)
Tȝ-thn.t (Thn - Thny)
Tȝ-mn (Tȝmny)
Tpḥ.t-ḏȝ.t (Tpḥḏȝ.t)
Tȝ-rȝw (Tȝ-rȝy)
[ ]...
[ ]ȝyḥ
Ḥbkst? - Nȝ-bkst?
Ḥmsȝn - Tȝ-msȝn?
Pr-[ ]
L02 Letopolites
L02 - Letopolis (Ausim)
L02 - Letopolites
L02 - Per-Iit
L02? - Aboui-n-netjerou
L02? - Iset
L02? - Ouou-Horos
L02? - P-sebet-n-p-af
L02? - Per-...
L02? - Per-nebou
Sḫm (Pr-Ḥr-nb-Sḫm - Sšm - Šm - Ḫm) - Ḥs (Tȝ-ḥs.t) - ȝy 1245
pȝ tš n Sḫm
Pr-Ỉỉ.t (Ỉỉ.t)
Ỉs.t (ȝs.t) - Sȝtȝ
L02? - Rechsa
Rẖsȝ (Rḥswy - Rȝ-ḥs)
53 11144
L03 Gynaikopolites
L03 - Hermopolis (Damanhur)
Pȝ-dmỉ-Ḥr (Pr-dmỉ-Ḥr)
L03 - Momemphis (Kom el-Hisn)
Ỉmw - Pr-ỉmȝ.t - Pr-nb.t-ỉmȝ.w - Pr-Wȝḏy.t-nb.t-Ỉmy (Prnb.t-Ỉmy - Pr-Wt.t-nb.t-Ỉmy - Pr-Wt.t-n-nb.t-Ỉmy - Pr-Wʿt.t-nb.t-Ỉmy)
L03 - P-shi-n-t-gehesit
L03 - Terenouthis (Kom Abu Billo)
Pr-Ḥw.t-Ḥr-nb.t-Mfkȝt (Pȝ-Ḥw.t-tȝ-Ḥr-mfky - Mfkt)
L03? - Chaset-temehi
L03? - Hourn
L03? - Kanopos (Abuqir)
Pr-gwt (Pa-gwt)
L03? - Keben
L03? - Ma-Ra-iouou?
Mȝ-Rʿ-ỉw.w? - Wn-Rʿ?
L03? - Outen
L03? - Pa-sechet
L03? - Per-...
L03? - Per-Amon-gereb
L03? - Sehnet
L04 Prosopites
L04 - Neilopolis
L04 - Neith-resi
L04 - T-achi-n-Tehen-sehedj
Ny.t-rsy - pȝ tš n Ny.t-rsy
L05 Saites
L05 - Beriten-n-Per-aa
L05 - Djerit
L05 - Hout-ibiti
L05 - Mehenet
L05 - Naukratis (Kom Gajef)
L05 - Resenet
L05 - Sais (Sa el-Hagar)
L05 - Saites
L05? - Hout-Hep?
L05? - P-ta-...
L05? - Per-...
L05? - Per-Item
L05? - T-mai-...
Mḥn.t (Mḥ-nt - Mḥ-nt.t)
Nȝy=w-Krḏ (Nȝ-Krṯ - Na-Krḏ ) - Bȝ-dd
Rsn.t (Rsnȝ.t - Rs-n.t)
Sȝw (Sȝy - Sy) - Ḥw.t-byt
pȝ tš n Sy
L06 Xoites
L06 - Bouto (Tell el-Fara'un)
L06 - Chasouou
L06 - Dep
L06 - Hermopolis
L06 - Pe
L06 - Xois (Sakha)
L06? - ...-oun-hout
L06? - B-het
L06? - Cheb
L06? - Chemmis
L06? - Herou-nefer
Pr-Wȝḏy.t (Pr-Wt.t - Pr-Wʿt.t) - Ḏbʿwt
Ḫȝsww - Gtt
Dp (Tp - Tpy)
Wn-Mḥw - Wn-mḥty?
P (Py)
Ḫȝswwt (Ḫȝsw)
H̱b 10771
ȝḫ-bỉty (Ḫby - Ḫb - Ḫb-mny)
L07 Menelaites
L07 - Senti-nefer
L07? - Metelis (Tell el-Nigili)
Mtlȝ (Mtl)
L08 Heroopolites
L08 - Patoumos (Tell el-Maskhuta)
54 L09 Bousirites
L09 - Bousiris (Abusir)
L09 - Bousirites
L09 - Mesedet (Tell Mustai)
L09? - Lykopolis
Pr-Wsỉr - Ḏd.t (Ḏdw - Ḏtw - Twtw) - Pȝ-pr-Wsỉr-nb-Ttw 469
pȝ tš n Pr-Wsỉr
Msdt (Ms-dy - Ms-ty - Pȝ-ms-ty)
L10 Athribites
L10 - Athribis (Tell el-Atrib)
L10 - Athribites
L10 - Kerkeuris
L10 - P-awi-n-p-Aam
L10? - Melem
L10? - P-awi-n-Haryotes
L10? - T-achi-mesha
L10? - T-mai-n-t-ounesh
L10? - Ta-outla-paiou-Horos
Ḥw.t-ḥry-ỉb (Ḥw.t-tȝ-ḥry-ỉb) - Km (Gym)
pȝ tš n Ḥw.t-tȝ-ḥr-ỉb
Pȝ-grg-n-Ḥr (Pr-grg-n-Ḥr - Grg.t-Ḥr) 2784
L11 Leontopolites
L11 - Natho (Sahragt)
L11 - T-iat-n-p-Ichnout
L11? - ...-cheret
L11? - P-air
L11? - Ta-peh
Nȝ-n-tȝ-ḥw.t (Na-tȝ-ḥw.t) - pȝ tš n Nȝy=w-ḥw.t.w
L12 Sebennytes
L12 - Isieion (Behbeit el-Hagar)
L12 - P-ah-Thoth
L12 - Per-Thoth
L12 - Pherso
L12 - Sebennytes
L12 - Sebennytos (Samanud)
L12? - Hout-an
L12? - P-iou-n-Amon
L12? - Per-...-p-ouaou
L12? - Per-benou
L12? - Set
Ḥbyt - Dmỉ-n-Ỉs.t - Bḥbyw?
Ṯb-nṯrt - pȝ tš n Ṯb-nṯr
Ṯb-nṯr (Tbn-nṯr- Sbn-nṯr - Ḏdb-n-nṯr)
St 10772
L13 Heliopolites
L13 - Cher-aha
L13 - Djedit
L13 - Heliopolis (Tell Hisn)
L13 - Heliopolites
L13 - Hout-aat
L13 - Hout-benben
L13 - Hout-benou
L13 - Hout-sep?
L13 - Hout-ser
L13 - Pa-hetep
L13 - Per-[ ]-p-Ra
L13 - Per-Nebet-hetep
L13 - Shi-n-kebeh
L13 - Ta-hetep
L13? - ...
L13? - [ ]-p-sebet-r-Pa-teheni
L13? - T-ter
L14 Sethroites
H̱r-ʿḥȝ (H̱ḥy) - Pr-psḏ.t
Ḏdỉ.t (Ḏtỉ.t)
Ỉwnw - Ỉwnw-mḥty - Ỉwnw-wr - Ỉwnw-nỉw.t-Ỉtm - Ỉwnw-Rʿ Pr-Rʿ
pȝ tš n Ỉwnw
Ḥw.t-ʿȝ.t - Ḥw.t-wr.t - Tȝ-s.t-wr.t - Pr-Ỉtm (Ḥw.t-Ỉtm)
Ḥw.t-sr (Ḥw.t-sr-wr)
Pa-ḥtp (Pȝ-ḥtp - Pr-ḥtp)
Pr-[ ]-pȝ-Rʿ
Šy-n-qbḥ (Šn-n-qbḥ)
[ ]-pȝ-sbt-r-Pa-thny
L14 - Herakleopolis (Tell Belim)
L14 - Sethroe
L14? - Daphnai (Tell Defenneh)
55 L14? - Pelousion (Tell el-Farama)
L14? - T-ami
Tbn - Tȝ-ỉḥ.t-n-pȝ-nḥs (Tȝ-ʿȝm-n-pȝ-nḥs - Tȝy=w-ʿȝm-nnḥs)
Pr-ỉr-Ỉmn (Pȝ-ỉ.ỉr-Ỉmn)
L16 Mendesios
L16 - Hermopolis (El-Baqliya)
L16 - Mendes (Tell el-Rub'a)
L16 - Mendesios
L16 - P-djou-Ra
L16 - Per-Hat-mehit
L16 - Phernouphis (Barnufa)
L16? - N-maoui[ ]
Bʿḥ - Pr-Ḏḥwty-wp-rḥ.wy
Pr-Bȝ-nb-Ḏd.t (Ḏd.t - - Pr-Bn-twtw)
pȝ tš n
Pȝ-ḏw-Rʿ (Ḏw-Rʿ - Ḏw-pȝ-Rʿ)
Pr-Ḥȝ.t-mḥy.t (Pr-Ḥw.t-mḥy.t)
Rȝ-nfr (Rn-nfr - *Pȝ-rȝ-nfr - Pȝ-rm-nfr) 7856
Nȝ-mȝwy[ ]
L17 Diospolites Kato
L17 - Dios Polis (Tell el-Balamun)
Smȝ-bḥdt - Pȝ-ỉw-n-Ỉmn - Wȝs.t-Mḥt
L18 Boubastites
L18 - Boubastites
L18 - Boubastos (Tell Basta)
L18 - Sechet-netjer
L18? - Kerkeuris
L18? - P-sebet-nechet-Harmais-m-netjer
L18? - T-kam-aat-p-dja[ ]
pȝ tš n Pr-Bȝst.t
Tȝ-kȝm-ʿȝ.t-pȝ-ḏʿ[ ]
L19 Tanites
L19 - Tanis (San el-Hagar)
L19 - Tanites
L19? - P-sebet-p-ir-aa
L19? - Per-Hor-neb-chaset
L19? - Per-Ousir-Heseb
L19? - Pharbaithos (Horbeit)
L19? - T-heni-n-Senefer
L19? - T-shenout-n-p-Ra
L19? - Ta-per-iabi
Ḏʿn.t (Tʿny)
pȝ tš n Ḏʿn.t
Šdnw (Štȝn) - Pr-Ḥr-mr.ty
L20 Arabia
L20 - Arabia (nomos)
L20 - Per-baou
L20 - Per-Sepdou (Saft el-Henna)
L20 - Sepdou
L20? - Gegen
L20? - Per-...
Ỉȝb.t (Ỉȝbty - Pr-ỉȝbty)
Pr-Spdw (Pr-Spt)
Spdw - pȝ tš n Pr-Spdw
Lower Egypt undetermined
L - Lower Egypt
L - Aki
L - Albeh
L - Herheret
L - Hout-net
L - Naiou-t-hout-chaset
L - Naiou-t-hout-p-ini
L - Ouser-cheper-Ra
L - P-awi-n-Aouris
L - P-mou-n-p-Ra
L - P-sebet-p-ten-...
L - P-ta-mehti
Mḥw (Mḥy - Tȝ-Mḥy - Mḥȝ) - ʿ-mḥty (ʿ-mḥṱ) 2712
ȝlbḥ (ȝrbḥ)
Pȝ-ʿ.wy-n-ȝwrys (Pr-ʿ-ȝwrys)
Pȝ-tȝ-mḥty (Pr-tȝ-mḥty)
L - Pegi
L - Per-menesh-Ra
L - Per-nebou (eastern Delta)
L - Phagroriopolis
L - Senou
L - T-heni-p-ah-arri
L - T-heni-Tekeret
L - ...
L? - Chefeteh-n-Osiris
L? - H[ ]?
L? - Mekter-bener-hem
L? - Mekter-iri-ta
L? - Mekter-p-Ra-ib
L? - Panau
L? - Per-[ ]
L? - Per-djouf
L? - Per-neb-Tet
L? - T-ami-n-p-mer-ihet-n-Sechmi
L? - Teri
00 Arsinoites - Fayum undetermined
00 - Arsinoites (Fayum)
00 - Chaset-wabet
00 - Limne (Fayum)
00 - Mem?
00 - Moiris (Birket Qarun)
00 - Moiris canal
00 - N-bikou-Harpochrates?
00 - P-awi-n-Harsaphes
00 - P-iri-Anoubis?
00 - P-ououa
00 - Pai-iaou
00 - Per-hetep
00 - Per-tepi
00 - Per-Thoth-p-ten?
00 - Ra-cha
00 - T-fai
00 - T-mai-...[ ]
00 - Tep-sedjem
00 - Tep-tawi
00 - Tesh
00 - ...
00? - Inhi?
00? - Neb-keni?
00? - Pa-kesh?
00? - Sema-tawi
00? - Shi-kem
56 Pgy
Pr-nbw (Pȝ-nbw)
Pr-grr (Pȝy-krr)
Snw (Swnw)
Ḥ[ ]? - Ỉr.t-[ ]?
Pr-[ ]
Tȝ-ʿmy-n-pȝ-mr-ỉḥ.t-n-Sḫmy - Tȝ-ʿmy-n-pȝ-lḫt
pȝ tš n ȝrsynȝ
Pȝ-ym (Ym) - Pȝ-tȝ-šy (Šy - Š) - Tš (T-š - Tše) (< Tȝ-šy?) - pȝ
tš n Pȝ-ym
Mm? 11173
Šy-Wȝḏ-wr (Šy-Wt-wr - Šy-Wȝḏ-wr-n-Nȝ-nfr-ỉr-šty.t) - Šywr
tȝ ḥny.t n Mȝ-wr (Mr-wr - Mw-wr - M-wr)
Pȝy-ỉȝw (Pȝy-ỉw)
Tȝ-mȝy.t-...[ ]
Tp-tȝ.wy (Tp-tȝ)
Tš 2622
... 11385
Nb-kny? - Fkny?
Pa-kš? - Pa-nš?
Šy-qm (Šy-qmȝ)
00a Arsinoites, meris of Herakleides
00a - Alabanthis
00a - Basilikai Rymai (Ptolemais Hormou) Nȝ-ẖr.w-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry.w - ẖyr.w)
00a - Basilike Ryme (Haueris)
Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry - ẖyr)
00a - Basilike Ryme (Philadelpheia)
Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry - ẖyr)
00a - Basilike Ryme (Soknopaiou Nesos) Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry - ẖyr) - Nȝ-ẖr.w-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry.w - ẖyr.w)
00a - Boubastos
00a - Chefeteh-n-Soknopaios
00a - Chefeteh-n-Taief-reset-oudjai
00a - Exo Topoi
00a - Haueris (Hawara)
00a - Herakleidou Meris
00a - Kerke-[ ]
00a - Kerkesoucha Orous
00a - Mendes
00a - Nabla
00a - Neilopolis (Tell el-Rusas)
00a - P-awi-n-n-netjerou-senou
00a - P-mit-n-p-netjer-aa
00a - P-seh-Hor-iir-aou
00a - P-tou-shen-ara
00a - Per-hat
00a - Philadelpheia (Gharabet el-Gerza)
00a - Philopator alias Theogenous
00a - Psenharyo
57 Ḫftḥ-n-Tȝy=f-rs.t-wḏȝy
Ḥw.t-wr.t (Ḥw.t-wry - Ḥw.t-wly)
tȝ dnỉ.t n Hrqlts
Pȝ-grg-[ ]
Pȝ-grg-n-Sbk (Pȝy-grg-n-Sbk - Pr-grg-n-Sbk) 1069
Nblw (Nblwȝs)
Pȝ-ʿ.wy-n-tȝ-mr.t-sn - Nȝ-nh.w
Pȝ-ʿ.wy-n-Pylwptry - Pȝ-ʿ.wy-n-Twyns 1776
Pȝ-sy-n-Ḥr-wḏȝ (Pȝ-sbt-n-Ḥr-wḏȝ-sȝ-Ḥr-ḫb - Pȝ-ʿ.wy-n-Ḥrwḏȝ)
00a - Ptolemais Hormou (El-Lahun)
Rȝ-tȝ-ḥny.t-n-Mȝ-wr - Pȝ-sḥ-Ptwlmys 2024
00a - Sehetep
00a - Sele (Seila)
00a - Soknopaiou Nesos (Dimeh)
Tȝ-mȝy.t-n-Sbk-nb-Pay (Tȝ-mȝy.t)
00a - Syron Kome
Pȝ-ʿ.wy-n-nȝ-Ỉšwr.w (Pȝ-sbt-n-nȝ-Ỉšwr.w)
00a - T-aat
00a - T-atet-Isis-Nephremmis
00a - T-iouit-iabtet (Philadelpheia)
00a - T-iouit-iabtet (Soknopaiou Nesos) Tȝ-ỉwy.t-ỉȝbt.t
00a - T-iouit-imenti (Soknopaiou Nesos) Tȝ-ỉwy.t-ỉmnty
00a - T-iouit-mehetet (Philopator)
00a - T-iouit-resit (Philadelpheia)
00a - T-iouit-resit-iabti (Philadelpheia) Tȝ-ỉwy.t-rsy.t-ỉȝbty
00a - T-iouit-resit-iabti (Soknopaiou Nesos) Tȝ-ỉwy.t-rsy.t-ỉȝbty
00a - T-iouit-t-herit-tep (Soknopaiou Nesos) Tȝ-ỉwy.t-tȝ-ḥry.t-tp
00a - T-mit-n-Per-aa
00a - Tanis
00a? - P-bou-n-im
00a? - P-hat-n-Isis-Nepherses?
00a? - P-peh-n-Isis-Nepherses
00a? - P-per-hedj
Pȝ-pr-ḥḏ (Pr-ḥḏ - Pr-ḥt)
00a? - P-si-Horos
00a? - T-iouet?
00a? - Wah-r-ker
00b Arsinoites, meris of Themistos
00b - Alexandrou Nesos
00b - Apias
00b - Apollonias
00b - Arsinoe epi tou zeugmatos
00b - Athenas Kome
00b - Berenikis Aigialou
00b - Dionysias (Qasr Qarun)
00b - Kanopias
00b - Kerke-Neith
00b - Kos
00b - Lysimachis
00b - P-awi-[ ]
00b - P-awi-n-Imouthes
00b - P-awi-n-Item
00b - P-awi-n-Toumi-[ ]
00b - P-bou?
Pȝ-ʿ.wy-n-Pa-Ḥp - Pȝ-ʿ.wy-n-Ḥp
Tywnss - Pȝ-dmỉ-n-mȝy (Pȝ-dmỉ-mȝy) 565
Pr-gwt (Pgwt - Gpwtỉ?)
Pȝ-grg-n-Ny.t (Pr-grg-n-Ny.t) - Pr-Ny.t? 1695
Qs 1164
Pȝ-ʿ.wy-[ ]
Pȝ-ʿ.wy-n-Twmy-[ ] - Pȝ-ʿ.wy-Twry[ ]? 1534
Pȝ-bw? - Pȝ-rȝ?
00b - Per-hemer
00b - Philagris - Perkethayt (Hamuli)
00b - Philoteris (Wadfa)
00b - Pisais (Abshay)
00b - Ptolemais Drymou
00b - Sentrempais
00b - T-iouit-mehetet (P-awi-n-Item)
00b - Taurinou Kome
00b - Theadelpheia (Batn el-Harit)
00b - Themistou Meris
00b - Thraso
00b? - An
00b? - Apistesen
00b? - P-awi-...s
00b? - Per-chelemi
00b? - Per-n-chelou
00b? - Psinarsinoe
00c Arsinoites, meris of Polemon
00c - Agathon
00c - Aphroditopolis
00c - Aristarchou Nesos
00c - Basilike Ryme (Talithis)
00c - Basilike Ryme (Theogonis)
00c - Berenikis Thesmophorou
00c - Bousiris
00c - Chefeteh-n-Soknebtynis
00c - Dikaiou Nesos
00c - Kerke
00c - Kerkeosiris
00c - Kerkesephis
00c - Kerkesoucha Orous
00c - Kerkethoeris (Kom el-Khamsin)
00c - Magdola (Medinet Nehas)
00c - Magdolon Palaali
00c - Memphis
00c - Mouchis
00c - N-ahi-sek
00c - Narmouthis (Medinet Madi)
00c - Oxyryncha
00c - P-si
00c - P-tebaa
00c - Polemonos Meris
00c - Psinteo
00c - Ptolemais Melissourgon
00c - Shelemet
00c - T-iouit-resi-imenti (Theogonis)
00c - T-mene
00c - T-resi
00c - T-set-aat
00c - T-set-n-Pathatres
00c - Ta-gesem
00c - Talithis (Kom Talit)
00c - Tebtynis (Umm el-Baragat)
00c - Theogonis
00c? - Kerke-Shou
00c? - Per-alel
00c? - Per-Chnoum
Pr-grg-n-Ḏḥwty (*Pȝ-grg-n-Ḏḥwty)
Pȝ-ʿ.wy-n-Pltrȝ (-Pyltr)
Pȝy-Šȝy (Pȝy-Šy)
Pȝ-ḥȝ.ty-rsy (Pȝ-ḥȝt-rsy)
tȝ dnỉ.t n Thmysts
Trswȝ - *Tȝ-rsy
ʿn 12934
Pr-ḫlmy - Pr-Ḫltyty?
58 2593
Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry - ẖyr)
Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry - ẖyr)
Tȝ-mȝy.t-n-Dygys (Tygys)
Pr-grg (*Pȝ-grg)
Pȝ-grg-n-Wsỉr - Pr-grg-...yq
Pȝ-grg-n-Ḥry-šf (Pr-grg-n-Ḥry-šf)
Pȝ-grg-n-Sbk (Pr-grg-n-Sbk - Pa-ỉw-glg-Sbk - Pȝ-r-glg-Sbk)
*Pȝ-grg-n-Tȝ-wr.t (Pȝ-glg-n-Tȝ-wr.t) 1073
Mn-nfr (Pr-Mn-nfr)
Pr-mḫy (Pr-mḫ - Pȝ-mwḫys - Pȝ-ʿ.wy-n-Pr-mwḫȝ?)
Pr-Mḏ (Pr-Mḏȝ)
tȝ dnỉ.t n Pwlmn
Šlmt (Šlmȝt - Šlmnt)
Tȝ-rsy (Tȝ-rs.t)
Tȝ-ʿlṱ (Tȝ-ȝlyt)
Tp-Tn (Tȝ-Tn - Tn - Tȝ-bnt - Tbȝ-Tn - Tȝ-btn - Dbȝ-Tn - Tȝnb-Tp-Tn - Tȝ-nb.t-tȝ-Tn)
Pr-grg-n-Šw (*Pȝ-grg-n-Šw) - Pr-grg-n-Ỉn-ḥr? 13402
00c? - Ti-ten
00d Krokodilon Polis
00d - Hout-Souchos
Ḥw.t-Sbk (Pr-Sbk)
00d - Krokodilopolis (Medinet el-Fayum) Šdt (Šty) - ȝrsynȝ
00d - Moeris
Mȝ-wr (Mr-wr - Mw-wr)
59 11636
U22 Aphroditopolites
U22 - Aphroditopolis (Atfih)
U22 - Medenit
Tp-ỉḥ.w (Tp-ỉḥ - Tp-nȝ-ỉḥ.w - Pr-nb.t-Tp-ỉḥ.w) - Pȝ-w
Mdny.t (Mdnw - Mtnw - Mtn)
U20 Herakleopolites
U20 - Ankyropolis (El-Hiba)
U20 - Bousiris (Abusir el-Meleq)
U20 - Chefeteh-n-Amon
U20 - Herakleopolis (Ihnasya el-Medina)
U20 - Herakleopolites
U20 - Hout-benou
U20 - Hout-ou
U20 - Iou?-Hathor
U20 - Koba
U20 - Machor
U20 - Nen-aref
U20 - P-shi-n-Hathor
U20 - T-iouit-mehetet (Iou?-Hathor)
U20 - T-iouit-mehti-iabti (Herakleopolis)
U20 - T-kehi
U20 - T-meten
U20 - T-mit-netjer (Iou?-Hathor)
U20 - T-sechet-Shekek
U20 - Ta-oudja
U20 - Tehen
U20 - Tilothis - Neilopolis (El-Dallas)
U20 - Toy (Tuwa)
U20? - P-tesh-n-P-seka
U20? - ...
Tȝy=w-ḏy - Dhnt Wrt
Pr-Wsỉr (Pr-Wsỉr-ỉ.ỉr-ỉr)
Ḥw.t-nn-nsw (Nn-nsw - Ḥw.t-nsw)
pȝ tš n Ḥw.t-nn-nsw
Mḫl (Mḫlỉ)
Nn-ȝr=f (Nn-ʿr=f - Nnȝwlf)
Tȝ-ỉȝ.t-rt (Ỉw-lḏ)
pȝ tš n Pȝ-skȝ
U19 Oxyrynchites
U19 - Ibion Ammoniou
U19 - Oxyrynchites
U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa)
U19 - Paeimis
U19 - Palosis (Belhasa)
U19 - Ptolemaidos Epoikion
U19 - Sarapionos Chairemonos
U19 - Senekeleu (Saqula)
U19 - Senokomis
U19 - Tholthis [Kato] (Talt)
U19 - Waboui?
U19? - P-djoua
U19? - ...-aam
pȝ tš n Pr-Mḏ
Pr-Mḏd (Pr-Mḏ)
Nȝ-qlȝ - *Tȝ-s.t-nȝ-qlȝ.w
Šnw.t-n-qmȝw (Snqms)
Wȝbwy? - Wʿbʿb
U17 Kynopolites
U17 - Basilike Ryme (Hout-nesou)
Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry - ẖyr)
U17 - Hardai
Ḥr-dy (Ḥr-ty) - pȝ tš n Ḥr-dy
U17 - Hout-nesou (Kom el-Ahmar Sawaris) Ḥw.t-nsw - pȝ tš n Ḥw.t-nsw
U17 - Kynopolis (El-Qeis)
Ỉnpwt - Ḥnw - Sȝ-kȝ (Sȝkȝ)
U17 - P-sebet-n-setout
U17 - Per-Hathor
U17 - Shi-bah
U17 - Shi-imenet
U17 - Shi-nes
U17 - T-iouit-iabtet (Hout-nesou)
Šy-bʿḥ - Pȝ-šy-n-qmȝ
Šy-ỉmnt - Šy-Tȝ-nṯr - Šy-n-ʿnḫ
U15 Hermopolites
U15 - Alabastron Polis - Hebenou (Kom el-Ahmar)
U15 - Ammonopolis
U15 - Bech
Bẖ 10916
U15 - Cheb
Ḫb 10917
U15 - Chepshet
U15 - Demetriou Epoikion
U15 - Hermopolis (El-Ashmunein)
U15 - Hermopolites
pȝ tš n Ḫmnw
U15 - Heser
U15 - Kerke-Neith
Pȝ-grg-n-Ny.t (Pr-grg-n-Ny.t)
U15 - Koussai (El-Qusiya)
Qys (Qsỉȝ - Qs - Ks)
U15 - Magdola
U15 - Mer-nefer
U15 - P-sebti-n-p-mer-mesha
U15 - P-shi-aa-n-Hermopolis
U15 - Psinthaubastis
U15 - Senethothis
U15 - Sesoncha
U15 - T-achi-n-Pa-asha
U15 - T-kehi-resi
U15 - T-mai-n-Horos
U15 - T-mai-na-p-tjenef?
U15 - Tachontomou
U15 - Taparoou
U15 - Tenen
U15 - Tenis - Hakoris (Tehna)
Tȝ-thn.t - *Dmỉ-n-Hgr
U15? - ...-nou
U15? - ...ken
U15? - Di
Dy 11466
U15? - Gereg
U15? - Hout-n-Isher
U15? - Iou-teneg?
U15? - Kelemen?
Qlmn? - Qlḥn?
U15? - P-boui-sha
U15? - P-mi
U15? - P...a...
U15? - T-achi-n-P-awi-n-Wadjit
U15? - T-achi-n-psobthis
U15? - T-Chnoum
U15? - T-inet-P-chaa
U15? - T-semit
U15? - T-set-...
U13 Lykopolites
U13 - Basilike Ryme (Lykopolis)
U13 - Chefeteh-n-Wepwaout Ra-chet
U13 - Lykopolis (Assiut)
U13 - Lykopolites
U13 - Merit
U13 - P-chir
U13 - P-ker-n-Pais
U13 - P-mehi-n-Pasemtheus
U13 - P-mehi-n-Thotortaios
60 13408
Ḥbnw 2684
Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry - ẖyr)
Ḫftḥ-n-Wpwy Rȝ-ḫt (R-ḫtȝ)
Sywt (Sȝwt)
tȝ qḥ n Sywt
Pȝ-ḫyr (Pȝ-ẖr)
Pȝ-qr-n-Pa-ḥy (Pȝ-qrȝ - Pȝ-ql - Pȝ-qrre) 13574
Pȝ-mḫy-n-Pa-smȝ-tȝ.wy (Pȝ-mḫy-n-Pa-sṱȝ-tȝ.wy - Pȝ-mḫyn-Pa-wn?)
61 U13 - P-mekter-n-heter
U13 - P-mou-n-p-shesen
U13 - P-shi-aa
U13 - P-ta-djeser
U13 - P-teni-Per-aa
U13 - Per-Anoubis
U13 - Per-Kollouthos
U13 - Ra-kerer
U13 - T-inet-Imouthes
U13 - T-inet-Isis
U13 - T-inet-p-kerra
U13 - T-iouit-mehetet (Lykopolis)
U13 - T-iouit-mehetet (P-chir)
U13 - T-iouit-resi-imenti (P-chir)
U13 - T-mit-netjer (Lykopolis)
U13 - Ta-anch
U13 - Ta-n-ishou
U13? - Sha-hen?
U13? - Tesh-ma
Pȝ-tȝ-ḏsr (Pȝ-ḏsr)
Šʿ-ḥn? - Šʿ-tȝm?
U12 Antaiopolites
U12 - Per-Anti
U12 - Per-nebet-oudji
U12 - Per-Ousir-Tebta
U12 - T-rat-iouit-meh-1
U12? - Per-Iset
U12? - Shenouy-anchou
Pr-ʿnty - Pr-Nmty
Pr-nb.t-wḏy (Pr-nb-wt) - Pr-wḏy
U11 Hypselites
U11 - Hypsele (Shutb)
Šȝs-ḥtp (Š-ỉw=s-ḥtp - Šỉs-ḥtp - Šḥy?)
U10b Apollonopolites
U10b - Apollonopolis (Kom Isfaht)
U10a Aphroditopolites
U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau)
Pr-Wȝḏy.t (Pr-Wt)
U09 Panopolites
U09 - Ailourionos Epoikion
U09 - Apollinariados Nesos
U09 - Bompae
U09 - Bosochis
U09 - Djar?
U09 - Heronos Epoikion
U09 - Itos (Edfa)
U09 - Mompapyneos Epoikion
U09 - Panesauris
U09 - Panopolis (Akhmim)
U09 - Panopolites
U09 - Per-Gendjeb
U09 - Per-Min
U09 - Psiko
U09 - Psinabla
U09 - Psonis (Bassuna)
U09 - Senout
U09 - Sineloloe
U09 - T-iouit-mehet-imentet (Panopolis)
U09 - T-mai-gereg
U09 - T-mai-nous?
Mtn-n-ȝlwlyȝn (Mwtn-n-ȝlwlyȝn) - Tȝ-mȝyn-n-ȝlwlyȝn 3000
Tȝ-mȝy.t-n-pr-sḥn (Tȝ-mtn.t-n-pȝ-sḥn) 3001
Pr-bw-n-Pa-ḥʿ (Pr-bw-ḥȝ)
Pr-tn-Pa-pȝ-ỉny - *Tȝ-mȝy.t-n-Pa-pȝ-ỉny
Ḫnty-Mỉn - Šmn - Ỉpw - Ḫby?
tȝ qḥ n Ḫnty-Mỉn - pȝ tš n H̱b?
Pȝ-Sȝkȝ (Pȝ-Sykȝ - Sy-kȝ)
Pȝ-Swnỉ (Pr-Swnỉ)
Snw.t (Sn.wt - Snw - Snnw)
U09 - T-reset-mehetet?
U09 - Thmompare
U09 - Tismenai
U09 - Tmotn-...-Ra
U09 - Tmoupaei
U09 - Tripheion (Wannina)
U09? - Kouoou?
U09? - Per-Chen?
U09? - Tjesa
U09? - Tmotn-n-Senesis?
U08 Thinites
U08 - Abydos
U08 - Alchai
U08 - Hout-tefaaou
U08 - Hylleus
U08 - Oupkra
62 Tȝ-rs.t-mḥt.t? - Tȝ-šdy.t-mḥt.t?
Tȝ-mtn.t-n-Pa-rȝ - Tȝ-nyȝ.t-n-Pa-rȝ? - *Tȝ-mȝy.t-n-Pa-rȝ?
Dy-s-mn (Tsmn)
Tȝ-mȝy.t-Pa-ḥʿ (Tȝ-mȝy.t-bw-Pʿ-ḥʿ)
Ḥw.t-Rpy.t (Tȝ-Rpy.t - Rpy.t)
U08 - Ptolemais Hermeiou (El-Mansha)
U08 - Ta-djeser
U08 - Tay
U08 - Thinites
U08 - This (Girga)
U08? - T-mai-shioui?
ȝbḏw (Ỉbd - Ỉbt - ȝbt) - pȝ tš n Ỉbt?
ʿlq-ḥḥ (ʿlk-ḥḥ - ʿrq-ḥḥ - ȝrq-ḥḥ)
W-pqr (Wpqr - W-pkrȝ - W-pkȝ - Wpkȝ - W-pq - W-pk - Wpk
- W-pky - Wʿ-pk - Wʿpk)
Pȝ-sy (Pr-sy) - Ptwlmys
Tȝ-ḏsr (Tȝ-tsr.t)
Tȝ-wr (Tȝ-wry.t) - Ṯȝw-wr - Twr
tȝ qḥ n Tn
Ṯny (Tn - Dny)
U07 Diospolites Mikros
U07 - Chenoboskia (Qasr el-Saiyad)
U07 - Dios Polis (Hiou)
U07 - Diospolites
U07 - N-sem-serechi
U07 - P-sha-n-p-demi
U07 - Per-benou
U07 - T-set-n-Harsiesis
U07? - Per-s[...]
Šny-n-Stḫ (Šn.w-n-St)
Ḥw.t-Sḫm (Ḥw.t - Ḥw.t-sšm.w)
tȝ qḥ n Ḥw.t
Pr-bnw (Pr-bỉn - Pȝy-bnw) - Ḥw.t-bnw
U06 Tentyrites
U06 - Aphrodites Dromos
U06 - Chedi
U06 - Netjer-cha-di
U06 - Per-djet
U06 - Per-Horos
U06 - Tentyris (Dendera)
U06? - Chet[ ]
U06? - Hout-[ ]
Ḫftḥ-n-Ḥw.t-Ḥr - Ḫftḥ-n-Ỉs.t
H̱dỉ (Ḫȝ-dỉ - H̱ȝ-ty)
Ỉwn.t (Ỉwn - Ỉwn.t-tȝ-nṯr.t - Ỉwn.t-n-pȝ-nṯr - Ỉwn.t-n-Ptḥ Ỉwn.t-n-Nỉw.t) - Tȝ-bẖn-n-Ḥw.t-Ḥr? 2312
Ḫt[ ]
Ḥw.t-[ ]
U05 Koptites
U05 - Apollonopolis (Qus)
U05 - Basilike Ryme (Deir el-Ballas?)
U05 - Hout-noub
U05 - Ken
U05 - Koptites
U05 - Koptos (Qift)
U05 - Libya
U05 - N-nechet-p-...
U05 - Omboi (Tukh)
U05 - P-...-n-Amon
U05 - P-ihi-n-p-mehen-n-Amon
U05 - P-im-n-Koptos
Gs (Gsȝ - Gsy)
Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry - ẖyr) - Pȝ-myt-n-Pr-ʿȝ
tȝ qḥ n Gbt
Gbt (Gbtyw - Qbt - Qbty - Kbt - Kbty)
pr-ỉmnty n tȝ qḥ n Gbt
Pȝ-ỉhy-n-pȝ-mhn-n-Ỉmn - Tȝ-sby
U05 - Papa
U05 - Pei
U05 - Pmouchis
U05 - Poenpois
U05 - Pois
U05 - T-biout-Amon
U05 - T-mai-n-Anoub-n-p-ini
U05 - T-mai-n-n-Ishourou
U05 - T-mai-n-P-hem-netjer-Tefnet
U05 - T-mai-Naiou-fiou
U05 - T-sechet-n-P-bou
U05 - Taief-iret
U05 - Tmotn-p-shoub
U05? - Ii-chen?
U05? - P-ipi?
U05? - Per-n-Hathor
U05? - Sit
U04b Peri Thebas
U04b - Ach-menou
U04b - Ammonieion
U04b - Ammonos Dromos
U04b - Aout?
U04b - Apis (Luxor)
U04b - Apollonieion
U04b - Basilike Ryme (Dios Polis)
U04b - Basilike Ryme (Memnoneia)
U04b - Chefeteh-n-Djeme
U04b - Chefeteh-n-Hathor
U04b - Chenem-anch
U04b - Chesebaieon
Pʿpʿ (Ppʿ)
Tȝ-mȝy.t-Nȝy=w-fy.w (-Na-fy.w)
Tȝy=f-ỉr.t - Tȝ-mȝy.t-n-Tȝy=f-ỉr.t
Pȝ-ỉpy? - Pȝ-ỉny?
63 3175
ȝḫ-mnw (Ỉḫ-mn)
Ỉp.t-rsy.t (Ỉp.t - Ỉpy - Ipw)
Pr-Mnṯw-nb-Wȝs.t (Pr-Mnṱ-nb-Wȝs - Pr-Mnṱ) 11361
Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry - ẖyr)
Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry - ẖyr) - Pȝ-myt-n-Pr-ʿȝ
Ḫftḥ-n-Ḏmȝ - Ḫftḥ-nb-s?
H̱nm.t-ʿnḫ (H̱m-ʿnḫ)
Pr-Ḫnsw - Pr-Ḫnsw-nb-ʿḥʿ-m-Wȝs.t - Pr-Ḫnsw-nb-ʿḥʿ-nNỉw.t - Pr-Ḫnsw-m-Wȝs.t Nfr-ḥtp 4347
U04b - Chrysopolis
Tȝ-ḥw.t-n-tȝ-ỉḥ.t (Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-n-tȝ-ỉḥ.t) 8077
U04b - Dios Polis (Thebes east)
Nỉw.t (Nw.t - Ne - Nỉw.t-rsy.t - Nỉw.t-n-Ỉmn) - Pȝ-dmỉ-Ỉmn Ỉwnw-Šmʿ
U04b - Heka-Iounou
Ḥqȝ-Ỉwnw - H̱nm-nḥḥ (H̱r-nḥḥ)
U04b - Heraion
U04b - Herakleous Dromos
Ḫftḥ-n-Ḫnsw-m-Wȝs.t Nfr-ḥtp
U04b - Heras Dromos
U04b - Ious-aches
U04b - Ipet-sout (Karnak)
U04b - Iret-p-aa?
Ỉr.t-pȝ-ʿȝ? - Šw-ʿȝ?
U04b - Isherou
U04b - Isieion (Memnoneia)
U04b - Kato Toparchia
U04b - Katytou Topos
pȝ mȝʿ n pȝ ḥry G-ḏȝḏȝ pȝ ḥsy
U04b - Kerameia - Madou (Nag' el-Madamud) Mȝdw (Mȝd - Mȝt - Mȝtn - Mtn) - Pr-Mnṯw-nb-Mȝtn
U04b - Libya
U04b - Memnoneia - Djeme (Thebes west)Ḏmȝ (Tḏmȝʿ - Ḏmʿ - Ḏmȝ.t - Pr-Ḏmȝ - Pȝ-Ḏmȝ) 1341
U04b - Migdol
U04b - N-aperou
Nȝ-ʿpr.w (ʿpr)
U04b - Nesout-tawi (Karnak)
Ns.wt-tȝ.wy - Nsw.t-tȝ.wy
U04b - P-ah-chebes-n-Chonsou
U04b - P-ah-n-t-set-menetet
U04b - P-awi-n-...
U04b - P-awi-n-hetep-n-p-hib-p-bik
U04b - P-ges-ma-n-t-mesehet
Pȝ-gs-mȝ-n-tȝ-msḥ.t (Pȝ-mȝ-n-tȝ-msḥ.t)
U04b - P-geset-n-Chonsou
U04b - P-hat
Pȝ-ḥȝ.ty (Pȝ-ḥt)
U04b - P-ker-n-n-kesou
U04b - P-ker-n-t-mesehet
U04b - P-ma-n-Psen-timounis
U04b - P-mou-n-N-P
U04b - P-rechen-n-Doua-netjer?
U04b - P-sha
U04b - P-sha-Hel?
U04b - P-shai-cher-p-mou
U04b - P-shet-n-Chnoum
U04b - P-shi-..iami
U04b - P-shi-n-p-remetj-t-Hout-Souchos
U04b - P-ten-n-n-henou-n-p-...
U04b - P-wah-is
U04b - P-wah-mehti-n-Amon
U04b - P-wah-n-Amon-n-Pais
U04b - P-wah-n-Djeme
U04b - P-wah-resi-n-Amon
U04b - Pai-gi?
U04b - Pakeis
U04b - Papoerieion
U04b - Patinios Dioryx
U04b - Per-...
U04b - Per-Djeme (Kerameia)
U04b - Per-ib-weret
U04b - Per-Montou (Kerameia)
U04b - Per-ret?
U04b - Peri Thebas
U04b - Pestenemenophis
U04b - Pmounemounis
U04b - Poanemounis
U04b - Psameris
U04b - Psenoba[ ]
U04b - Ramesnouphieion
U04b - Ramesseum
U04b - Segenten
U04b - T-am
U04b - T-am-n-Pakeis
U04b - T-hout-n-gehesou
U04b - T-hout-n-Per-aa-Ousir-ten
U04b - T-inet
U04b - T-iouit-mehetet (Dios Polis)
U04b - T-iouit-mehetet (Memnoneia)
U04b - T-iouit-resi-imenti (Memnoneia)
U04b - T-iouit-resit (Dios Polis)
U04b - T-iouit-resit (Memnoneia)
U04b - T-iouit-resit-iabti (Memnoneia)
U04b - T-mai-[ ]
U04b - T-mai-n-Amon
U04b - T-mai-n-Amran
U04b - T-mai-n-Apis
U04b - T-mai-n-n-aberehou
U04b - T-mai-n-n-hemou
U04b - T-mai-n-p-ah-n-Sha...
U04b - T-mai-n-Patem?
U04b - T-mai-n-Patymis
U04b - T-mai-resi
U04b - T-mai-Tout
U04b - T-mai?
U04b - T-mit-n-Amon
U04b - T-mit-netjer (Memnoneia)
Pȝ-rḫn-n-Dwȝ-nṯr? - Pr-...?
Pȝ-wȝḥ-rsy-n-Ỉmn (Pȝ-wȝḥ-rsy - Wȝḥ-n-Ỉmn) 10750
Pȝy-gy? - Pȝy-qy?
Pa-tny (Pa-tn)
Pr-Ḏmȝ - pȝ rȝ n (Pr)-Ḏmȝ
Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-n-Nỉw.t - pȝ tš n Nỉw.t? - tȝ qḥ n Nỉw.t?
Pȝ-išd-n-Ỉmn-Ỉpy (Pȝ-šty-n-Ỉmn-Ỉpy) 6533
H̱nm-Wsr (H̱nm.t-Wȝs.t)
Tȝ-ʿm.t (Tȝ-ʿm - Tȝ-ʿmy)
Tȝ-ʿm.t-n-Pa-qs (Tȝ-ʿm - Tȝ-ʿmy)
Tȝ-ỉn.t (Tȝ-ỉn)
Tȝ-mȝy.t-[ ]
Tȝ-mȝy.t-n-Ỉmn - Nȝ-mȝy.w-n-Ỉmn
Tȝ-mȝy.t-n-nȝ-ḥm.w (Tȝ-mtn.t-n-nȝ-ḥm.w) 11287
Tȝ-mȝy.t-n-Pa-Ỉtm (-Pr-Ỉtm - -Pȝ-Ỉtm) 11409
64 1690
U04b - T-set-maat
U04b - T-set-n-demi
U04b - Thynabounoun
U04b - Tmononkepis
U04b - Tmotn-Gerebehou
U04b - Tmotnen-pamonthes
U04b - Tsatphe
U04b - Tsengeis
U04b - Wah-ib-p-Ra-choue
U04b - Waset (Thebes)
U04b? - Chem-nesou
U04b? - Mech
U04b? - N-ouhem?
U04b? - P-m...
U04b? - P-ma-n-Hor-p-ka
U04b? - P-ma-n-t-djela
U04b? - P-mou-Nikandros
U04b? - P-mou-Per-aa
U04b? - Pais
U04b? - Per-...ben
U04b? - Per-Ptah?
U04b? - Shi
U04b? - T-heni-Pa-t-oumet
U04b? - T-hout-nesou
U04b? - T-mai-n-Psenminis
U04b? - Temesteites
U04b? - Tmotnesous
U04a Pathyrites
U04a - Ano Toparchia
U04a - Aphrodites Nesos
U04a - Arabia
U04a - Basilike Ryme (Hermonthis)
U04a - Basilike Ryme (Pathyris)
U04a - Borra kai Libos (Hermonthis)
U04a - Bucheum
U04a - Chefeteh-n-Anoubis
U04a - Chefeteh-n-Bouchis
U04a - Chefeteh-n-Hathor
U04a - Chefeteh-n-Montou
U04a - Hek
U04a - Hermonthis (Armant)
U04a - Hout-Item
U04a - Isieion (Pathyris)
U04a - Isieion (Tmotn-n-Pa-Hor-Igesh)
U04a - Kaisareion
U04a - Kato Toparchia
U04a - Kochlax
U04a - Krene
U04a - Krokodilopolis
U04a - Libya
U04a - N-maiou-n-Amon
U04a - P-ak?
U04a - P-awi-n-Arsinoe
U04a - P-ma-n-Amon
U04a - P-mou-men
U04a - P-necheb-n-Montou
U04a - P-sha-Nesmin
U04a - P-teni-Per-aa
Tȝ-s.t-mȝʿ.t (S.t-mȝʿ.t)
Tȝ-sḏf-n-Ḥʿpy-ʿȝ (Tȝ-stf)
Wȝs.t (Wȝs - Ws.t)
Nȝ-whm? - Tȝ-whm?
65 10843
pr-ỉȝbty n pȝ tš n Pr-Ḥw.t-Ḥr
Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry - ẖyr) - Pȝ-myt-n-Pr-ʿȝ
Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry - ẖyr) - Pȝ-myt-n-Pr-ʿȝ
Ỉwny (Ỉwn) - Ỉwnw-Šmʿ - Ỉwnw-Mnṯw (Ỉwn-Mnṱ) - Pr-Mnṯw
Pȝ-ẖrr (Pȝ-ẖll)
Ỉw-m-ỉtrw (Ỉw-m-ỉrw) - ȝmwr (Ỉmwr) 1183
pr-ỉmnty n pȝ tš n Pr-Ḥw.t-Ḥr
66 U04a - Pathyris (Gebelein)
U04a - Pathyrites
U04a - Pentakomia
U04a - Per-sheha
U04a - Per-Souchos
U04a - Pinpoor
U04a - Pisais
U04a - Pitbios
U04a - Pkro
U04a - Plateia Hodos ton Theon
U04a - Pmoes Dioryx
U04a - Semen
U04a - Shema
U04a - T-bechen
U04a - T-chat-Per-aa
U04a - T-iouit-her-ib-imenti (Pathyris)
U04a - T-iouit-iabtet (Pathyris)
U04a - T-iouit-imenti (Pathyris)
U04a - T-iouit-mehet-imentet (Pathyris)
U04a - T-iouit-mehetet (Hermonthis)
U04a - T-iouit-resi-imenti (Pathyris)
U04a - T-iouit-resit (Pathyris)
U04a - T-ki-iou-...
U04a - T-mai-n-chefeteh
U04a - T-mai-n-In-ked
U04a - T-mai-Nout?
U04a - T-ouhemet-n-Per-aa
U04a - T-sechet-n-n-hemou
U04a - Tarkytis
U04a - Telonos Dioryx
U04a - Telonos Ge
U04a - Temrauthis
U04a - Tiabonis
U04a - Tmonarei
U04a - Tmonpiteb
U04a - Tmotn-n-Pa-Hor-Igesh
U04a - Tmotnenphamenis
U04a - Touphion (Tod)
U04a? - Hout-Ra
U04a? - P-mou-Teos
U04a? - Per-iabti
U04a? - Per-Montou-neb-Iounou
U04a? - T-chelet
Pr-Ḥw.t-Ḥr - Ỉnr.ty (Ỉn.ty)
pȝ tš n Pr-Ḥw.t-Ḥr
Smn (Sw-mn)
Tȝ-bẖn.t (Bẖn)
Tȝ-mȝy.t-n-Ỉn-qd (Ỉn-qty)
Tȝ-wḥm.t-n-Pr-ʿȝ (Tȝ-wḥm.t)
Tȝ-ʿrkt (Tȝ-ʿlk - Tȝ-ʿlq - Tȝ-ʿrgt)
Pȝ-wȝḥ-n-Tln (Pȝ-ȝḥ-n-Tln)
Tȝ-mȝy.t-n-Pȝ-ỉtb (-Pȝ-tb - -Pȝ-ỉy-tb)
Ḥfỉw - Ḏrty - Twtw
U03 Latopolites
U03 - Asphynis (Asfun)
U03 - Eileithyiopolis (El-Kab)
U03 - Hierakopolis (Kom el-Ahmar)
U03 - Latopolis (Esna)
U03 - Latopolites
U03 - Libya
U03 - Per-mir (Komir)
U03? - Djou-n-t-neri
Ḥw.t-Snfrw (Ḥsfn)
Nḫb - Gs.t?
Nḫn (Mḫn)
Ỉwny.t - Sn.t (Tȝ-Sn.t - Snỉ - Sn)
pȝ tš n Sn.t
Pr-myr (Pr-mrw)
U02 Apollonopolites
U02 - Ano Toparchia
U02 - Apollonopolis (Edfu)
U02 - Apollonopolites
U02 - Kato Toparchia
U02 - P-sebet-n-Nektanebo
Ḏbȝ (Tbȝ - Dbȝ) - Bḥdt (Bḥt) - Msn
pȝ tš n Ḏbȝ
U02 - Pa
U02 - Per-Hor-Behdet
U02 - Per-ourem?
U02 - Psebtomit
U02 - T-iouit-resit (Apollonopolis)
U02 - T-mai-Mefki?
U02 - T-mai-n-aser
U02 - T-mai-n-p-api
U02 - Tkoitoou
U02 - Tmenpsobthis
U02 - Tsenane
U01 Omboi till Philai
U01 - *Aphonte
U01 - Abaton (Biga Island)
U01 - Chefeteh-n-Arensnouphis
U01 - Chefeteh-n-Chnoum
U01 - Chefeteh-n-Isis-n-Philai
U01 - Djou-ka (El-Hasa Island)
U01 - Elephantine (Geziret Assuan)
U01 - Elephantinites
U01 - Gebel el-Silsila
U01 - Hat-sepaout
U01 - Heraion
U01 - Hout-n-p-mit
U01 - Hout-p-shel-Arensnouphis
U01 - Isidion (Philai)
U01 - Katarraktes Mikros
U01 - Ombites
U01 - Omboi (Kom Ombo)
U01 - P-awi-n-Hathor
U01 - P-sebet-Per-aa
U01 - P-tesh-resi
U01 - Per-aa-iaoui
U01 - Per-Iset (Syene)
U01 - Per-mes
U01 - Philai
U01 - Pso
U01 - Syene (Assuan)
U01 - T-iouit-her-ib (Elephantine)
U01 - T-iouit-herit (Elephantine)
U01 - T-iouit-mehetet (Elephantine)
U01 - T-shemet
U01 - Telelis (Shellal)
U01? - Airne
U01? - Fetenes?
U01? - Ii-setep?
U01? - Ii-sha-Aton
U01? - P-anpi
U01? - P-awi-hi
U01? - P-awi-n-p-kebehe
U01? - P-chete?
U01? - P-kehe
U01? - P-ma-teche
U01? - P-tesh-n-Isis
U01? - Per-ir-shenet
U01? - Per-si
U01? - Pesta?
67 Pʿ
Pr-wrm? (Pr-wrme?)
Tȝ-mȝy.t-n-pȝ-ʿpy - Tȝ-mȝwt-šrt
Tȝ-qy.t-ṯȝw (Tȝ-qȝy.t-ṯȝw)
Tȝ-mȝy.t-n-pȝ-sbt (Tȝ-mȝy.t-n-pȝ-sbt-mḥty) 7635
Pȝy-ỉw-wʿb (Pr-ỉw-wʿb - Pr-wʿb - Pȝ-wʿb - Ỉw-wʿb - Pr-ỉȝ.twʿb.t) - Pȝ-wȝḥ-wʿb?
Yb (Ybȝ - ȝbw - Ỉȝbw - Ỉb)
pȝ tš n Yb
Pȝ-ʿ.wy-ḥtp-n-Spd.t - Ḥw.t-nṯr-Spd.t? 4340
Qbḥw - Mw-bỉn-n-ȝbw (Pȝ-mw-bỉn)
pȝ tš n Nb
Nb (Nb.t - Nby.t) - Ỉnbȝ (Ỉmbȝ - ȝnbȝ) 1499
pȝ tš rsy
Pȝ-lq (Pylq - Pr-rq - Pȝ-ỉy-lq - Pr-ỉy-lq - Pr-ỉy-rq - Pr-ỉw-rq Pȝ-ỉw-rk - Pȝ-ỉȝ.t-rq) - Ỉw-ȝḫ-mnw 1767
Swn (Swnw)
ȝyrne? - Qyrne? - Byrne?
pȝ tš n Ỉs.t
Pstʿ? - Qstʿ?
U01? - T-alemi
U01? - Tek
Upper Egypt undetermined
U - Upper Egypt
U - Ougi
U - P-awi-n-naiou-cheti?
U - P-mehenouti
U - P-ourem
U - P-tesh-n-Hout-...
U - Pathres
U - Per-Cha
U - Per-sega
U - Psen-gebous
U - Reshresh
U - T-keh-T...?
U - T-shedit-resi
U - Thebais
U - [ ]-Montou?
U? - ...-ach?
U? - Anesh?
U? - Kenedj?
U? - Mehi?
U? - Neilopolis?
U? - P-ii-Shou
U? - Sema-chi?
U? - T-mai-n-P-neshi
U? - T-mai-n-T-nai
68 11312
Šmʿ (Šmȝ - Tȝ-šmʿ.w) - ʿ-rsy - *Mȝʿ-rs
Wgy (Wgỉ)
Pȝ-ʿ.wy-n-nȝy=w-ḫty? (-ḫhy?)
pȝ tš n Ḥw.t-...
Pȝ-tȝ-rsy (Tȝ-rsy)
Pr-Ḫȝ (Pr-ḫʿ - Ḫȝ)
Pr-sgȝ (Pȝ-sge)
Ršrš? - ʿšʿš?
tȝ qḥ? Tȝ...
Tȝ-šdy.t-rsy (Tȝ-št-rsy - Tȝ-štȝ-rsy - Tȝ-šty-rs - Tȝ-štȝ-rsyNỉw.t) - pȝ tš n Tȝ-šdy.t-rsy
pȝ tš n Nỉw.t
[ ]-Mnṯw?
Pr-Ḥʿpy? - Pr-Wʿb?
Western desert
Western desert - Oasis Magna (El-Kharga)Wḥy-rsy (Wḥy) - Knm.t (Gnm.t)
Western desert - Oasis Parva (Bahariya) Wḥy-mḥty (Wḥy)
Western desert, Oasis Magna - Hibis (El-Hiba)
Western desert, Oasis Magna - Hibites
pȝ tš n Ḥb (*Hb)
Western desert, Oasis Magna - Kysis (Dush)
Western desert, Oasis Magna - Mothis (Mut)
Pȝ-Mw.t (Pa-Mw.t)?
Western desert, Oasis Magna? - Boui-peh-mou Bw=y-pḥ-mw (Bw=y-pḥ)
Western desert, Oasis Magna? - Gepen Gpn
Western desert, Oasis Parva - N-anoua? Nȝ-ʿnwȝ? - Tȝ-ʿnwȝ?
Western desert - Manou
Mȝnw (Mnw)
Hb (Hȝb.t)
Kš (Gš)
Northern Sinai
Northern Sinai - Bitylion (Tell el-Sheikh) Byṭl
Northern Sinai - Migdol (Tell el-Heir)
Northern Sinai - P-sa-nefer
Pȝ-sȝ-nfr (Sȝ-nfr)
Eastern desert
Eastern desert - Bou-gem
Eastern desert - Paneion
Eastern desert - Persou
Eastern desert? - Per-Iset
Bw-gm (Pȝy-wgm - By-wkm)
Aethiopia - Blemmyes
Aethiopia - Chefeteh-n-Thoth
Aethiopia - Korte (Qurta)
Aethiopia - P-Ra-wini
Aethiopia - Per-Horos (Abu Hor)
Blhm (Brhm)
Qrt (Qlṱ)
Aethiopia - Pselkis (El-Dakka)
Aethiopia - T-behe
Aethiopia - Tachompso
Aethiopia - Talmis (Kalabsha)
Aethiopia - Toutzis (Dendur)
Aethiopia? - Chedjil
Aethiopia? - Pharemo
Aethiopia? - T-anbes
Egypt undetermined
Ireh-[ ]
Kel Ql
Pig Pyg
Pr-Slk.t (Pr-Slq)
Ty-kmỉ-600 (Tỉ-km-sȝ - Ta-km-sw - Tȝ-q-mȝ-p-s)
Tlms (Tȝ-ȝms - Tȝ-ȝnms)
Ḫḏyl (Ḫḏl) - Rḫḏyl? - Šḏyl?
Kmy (Qmy - Km.t) - Tȝ.wy - Bȝqy (Bȝq.t - Bqy - Bky)
Ḥʿpy - Pȝ-yr-ʿȝ
Ḥby? - Ḥḏy?
Yrḥ-[ ]
Qbḥ.ty (Qbḥ.wy)
Pȝ-ḏw-n-Gȝbȝʿn (Gȝbȝ.wn - Gȝbȝhʿ) - Pȝ-ḏw-n-ʿtwgy
Tȝ-mryrȝ? - Tȝ-hryrȝ?
69 4839
70 T-set-Bekes?
[ ]...ou
Egypt?, [ ]gia
Egypt?, Per-k[ ]
Egypt?, Per-shilem
Egypt?, T-...i
Egypt?, T-hemoudjen
Egypt?, Toumrek
Tnȝy? - Ḏqȝy?
Wȝḥ-tȝ-qt (Tȝ-qt)
[ ]...w
[ ]gyȝ
Pr-q[ ]
Outside of Egypt
Arabia - Lihyan
Chenti-shi (Lebanon)
Cyprus, Salamis
Ethiopia, Megabarroi
Ethiopia, Noubai
Greece, Attica - Athenai
Greece, Creta
Greece, Thessalia - Olympos
Iran, Elam
Iran, Elam - Sousa
Iran, Media
Iran, Parthia
Iran, Persis
Italy, Latium - Rome
Libya, Cyrenaica - Kyrene
Libya, Ma
Libya?, Mekoush
Mesopotamia - Amorites
Mesopotamia - Arbela (Arbil)
Mesopotamia - Babylon
Mesopotamia - Babylonia
Mesopotamia - Borsippa
Mesopotamia - Gaugamela
Mesopotamia - Ninive
Mesopotamia? - Souhou
P-ta-[ ]
Palestina - Djih
Palestina - Dora (Tantura)
pȝ tȝ ȝrby (ȝlbyn - ȝlyby - ȝrbyn - ʿrby?) - Hgr (Hkr)
Ḫnty-šy (Ḫntỉ-š)
Ḫrk - pȝ tš n nȝ Ḫnyrg.w
Tȝ-mȝy.t-n-pȝ-ym - Tȝ-mȝy.t-n-Sȝlmynȝ
Mẖbr (Mḫbr)
Ḥȝw-nb.w - Wynn
Krty (Grty)
Hntw (Hndwy) - Tȝ-ʿntsyke?
Mdy (Mty)
Hrmȝ (Hrme)
Pyt (Pd) - Rbw
Grnys (Gryns - Gwrnys)
Mšwš (M - Mȝ - Mʿ)
Mqwš - Mpwš?
Bbl (Pr-Bl)
pȝ tš n Bbl - Sngr (Sgr)
Nȝnywȝ (Nnywȝ)
Pȝ-tȝ-[ ]
Pȝ-tȝ-n-Ḥḥ (Ḥḥ) - Ḥḥ-rd?
Ḏyḥ (Ḏȝhy)
Palestina - Ekron (Khirbet el-Muqanna)
Palestina - Gaza
Palestina - Hebraioi
Palestina - Raphia
Phoenicia - Byblos
Phoenicia - Klimax Tyrion
Phoenicia - Mount Hermon
Phoenicia - Mount Lebanon
Phoenicia - Ptolemais Akko (Ake)
Phoenicia - Resh (Ra's el-Naqura)
Phoenicia - Sidon
Red Sea
Somalia, Pount
Sudan, Acina (Tagab?)
Sudan, Aethiopia
Sudan, Meroe (Begrawiya)
Sudan, Pachora (Faras)
Sudan, Triakontaschoinos
Sudan?, Kenset
Syria - Aram
Syria - Damascus
Syria - Kasion
Syria - Keftiou
Syria - P-ta-n-n-sehemtou
Syria - Tounip
Syrian Sea
T-...[ ]
Tanzania?, Anthropophagoi
Turkey, Caria
Turkey, Caria - Iasos
Turkey, Ionia
Turkey, Ionia - Miletos
Turkey, Mysia
Turkey, Pamphylia - Aspendos
71 ʿgrn
ʿbr (Ybr - ʿybr)
Prm (Plm) - pȝ tš n pȝ Prm
Ḫr (H̱r - Ḫȝrw) - pȝ tȝ n H̱r - pȝ tš n nȝ H̱r.w 1789
Kbn (Kpn - Gpn)
Pwn.t (Pȝ-wʿny - Pwny)
Ỉkn - ȝknyȝ?
Ỉgš - Kš - Nḥs - pȝ tȝ n Nḥs - Nȝ-tȝ.w-nṯr - pȝ tš n nȝ Nḥs.w
Mrw (Mlwȝ)
Pḫrse - Pe-ỉrs?
Knst - Knš?
Ỉšr (Ỉšwr - Ỉšwl) - pȝ tȝ n pȝ Ỉšr - pȝ tš Ỉšr - Ỉmr (ʿymr) 2211
Kfty.w (Kfṱy.w)
pȝ tȝ n nȝ sḥ
Twnyp (Twnp - Twnpw - Ṯnpw)
Tȝ-...[ ]
pȝ tš n ny-wm-rm?
Krs (Grs - Kry?)
Alphabetical survey of the toponyms in Demotic texts
Alphabetical list of the standard Egyptian names
Egyptian name
ȝbḏw (Ỉbd - Ỉbt - ȝbt)
ȝmwr (Ỉmwr)
ȝlbḥ (ȝrbḥ)
ȝḫ-bỉty (Ḫby - Ḫb - Ḫb-mny)
ȝḫ-mnw (Ỉḫ-mn)
Ỉȝb.t (Ỉȝbty - Pr-ỉȝbty)
Ỉw-m-ỉtrw (Ỉw-m-ỉrw)
Ỉwn.t (Ỉwn)
Ỉwny (Ỉwn)
Ỉwnw-Mnṯw (Ỉwn-Mnṱ)
Ỉp.t-rsy.t (Ỉp.t - Ỉpy - Ipw)
Full name
L02 - Letopolis (Ausim)
U01? - Airne
U04b - Aout?
U08 - Abydos
00b? - Apistesen
U04a - Krokodilopolis
U19 - Ibion Ammoniou
L01? - Amhi
U? - Anesh?
Mesopotamia - Arbela (Arbil)
00d - Krokodilopolis (Medinet el-Fayum)
00a - Alabanthis
L - Albeh
L06? - Chemmis
U04b - Ach-menou
Turkey, Pamphylia - Aspendos
L - Aki
Sudan, Acina (Tagab?)
00c - Agathon
Greece, Attica - Athenai
L20 - Arabia (nomos)
Turkey, Caria - Iasos
U05? - Ii-chen?
U01? - Ii-setep?
U01? - Ii-sha-Aton
U01 - Philai
U01 - Abaton (Biga Island)
U04a - Krokodilopolis
U20 - Iou?-Hathor
U15? - Iou-teneg?
U06 - Tentyris (Dendera)
U06 - Tentyris (Dendera)
U06 - Tentyris (Dendera)
U06 - Tentyris (Dendera)
U06 - Tentyris (Dendera)
U04a - Hermonthis (Armant)
U03 - Latopolis (Esna)
L13 - Heliopolis (Tell Hisn)
L13 - Heliopolis (Tell Hisn)
U04a - Hermonthis (Armant)
L13 - Heliopolis (Tell Hisn)
L13 - Heliopolis (Tell Hisn)
L13 - Heliopolis (Tell Hisn)
U04a - Hermonthis (Armant)
U04b - Dios Polis (Thebes east)
Turkey, Ionia
U04b - Ious-aches
U04b - Apis (Luxor)
U04b - Ipet-sout (Karnak)
U09 - Panopolis (Akhmim)
L03 - Momemphis (Kom el-Hisn)
72 Demotic
U05 - Omboi (Tukh)
U15 - Ammonopolis
Ỉmr (ʿymr)
Ỉnb-Ptḥ (Pr-Ỉnb-Ptḥ)
L01 - Hephaisteion
Ỉnb-ḥḏ (Ỉnb-ḥt)
L01 - Memphis
Ỉnbȝ (Ỉmbȝ - ȝnbȝ)
U01 - Omboi (Kom Ombo)
U17 - Kynopolis (El-Qeis)
Ỉnr.ty (Ỉn.ty)
U04a - Pathyris (Gebelein)
00? - Inhi?
Ỉr.t-[ ]?
L? - H[ ]?
U04b - Iret-p-aa?
Syria - Aram
Ỉs.t (ȝs.t)
L02? - Iset
Ỉšr (Ỉšwr - Ỉšwl)
U04b - Isherou
Sudan, Acina (Tagab?)
Sudan, Aethiopia
U09 - Itos (Edfa)
Yb (Ybȝ - ȝbw - Ỉȝbw - Ỉb)
U01 - Elephantine (Geziret Assuan)
Palestina - Hebraioi
Yrḥ-[ ]
Ireh-[ ]
ʿ-mḥty (ʿ-mḥṱ)
L - Lower Egypt
U - Upper Egypt
Palestina - Hebraioi
Mesopotamia - Amorites
Iran, Elam
L02? - Aboui-n-netjerou
Palestina - Hebraioi
U01 - *Aphonte
00b? - An
L01 - Anch-tawi
ʿlq-ḥḥ (ʿlk-ḥḥ - ʿrq-ḥḥ - ȝrq-ḥḥ)
U08 - Alchai
U - Reshresh
Palestina - Ekron (Khirbet el-Muqanna) 11479
W-pqr (Wpqr - W-pkrȝ - W-pkȝ - Wpkȝ - W-pq - W-pk - Wpk - W-pky - Wʿ-pk - Wʿpk)
U08 - Oupkra
L02? - Ouou-Horos
U19 - Waboui?
Red Sea
L00 - Wadj-werou
U04b - Wah-ib-p-Ra-choue
00a? - Wah-r-ker
Wȝḥ-tȝ-qt (Tȝ-qt)
Wȝs.t (Wȝs - Ws.t)
U04b - Waset (Thebes)
L17 - Dios Polis (Tell el-Balamun)
U19 - Waboui?
L06 - Hermopolis
L06 - Hermopolis
L03? - Ma-Ra-iouou?
L01 - Oun-chem
Wḥy-mḥty (Wḥy)
Western desert - Oasis Parva (Bahariya) 2829
Wḥy-rsy (Wḥy)
Western desert - Oasis Magna (El-Kharga)
L - Ouser-cheper-Ra
Wgy (Wgỉ)
U - Ougi
73 Demotic
Bȝqy (Bȝq.t - Bqy - Bky)
Bw-gm (Pȝy-wgm - By-wkm)
Bw=y-pḥ-mw (Bw=y-pḥ)
Bbl (Pr-Bl)
Blhm (Brhm)
Bḥdt (Bḥt)
P (Py)
pȝ mȝʿ n pȝ ḥry G-ḏȝḏȝ pȝ ḥsy
pȝ tš Ỉšr
pȝ tš n ȝrsynȝ
pȝ tš n ȝlgsntrs
pȝ tš n Ỉwnw
pȝ tš n Ỉbt?
pȝ tš n Ỉs.t
pȝ tš n Yb
pȝ tš n Wn-nfr?
pȝ tš n Wn-ḫm
pȝ tš n Bbl
pȝ tš n Pȝ-ym
pȝ tš n pȝ Prm
pȝ tš n Pȝ-skȝ
pȝ tš n Pr-Wsỉr
pȝ tš n Pr-Wsỉr
pȝ tš n
pȝ tš n Pr-Bȝst.t
pȝ tš n Pr-Mḏ
pȝ tš n Pr-Ḥw.t-Ḥr
pȝ tš n Mn-nfr
pȝ tš n nȝ Nḥs.w
pȝ tš n nȝ Ḫnyrg.w
pȝ tš n nȝ H̱r.w
pȝ tš n Nȝy=w-ḥw.t.w
pȝ tš n Nỉw.t
pȝ tš n Nỉw.t?
pȝ tš n ny-wm-rm?
pȝ tš n Ny.t-rsy
pȝ tš n Nb
pȝ tš n Rsy-ṯȝw
pȝ tš n Ḥw.t-...
pȝ tš n Ḥw.t-nn-nsw
pȝ tš n Ḥw.t-nsw
pȝ tš n Ḥw.t-tȝ-ḥr-ỉb
pȝ tš n Ḥb
pȝ tš n Ḥr-dy
pȝ tš n Ḫmnw
pȝ tš n H̱b?
pȝ tš n Sy
pȝ tš n Sn.t
pȝ tš n Sḫm
pȝ tš n Tȝ-šdy.t-rsy
L03? - Outen
L06? - B-het
L05 - Naukratis (Kom Gajef)
Mesopotamia - Borsippa
U01? - Airne
Northern Sinai - Bitylion (Tell el-Sheikh)
L16 - Hermopolis (El-Baqliya)
Eastern desert - Bou-gem
Oasis Magna? - Boui-peh-mou
Mesopotamia - Babylon
L05 - Beriten-n-Per-aa
Aethiopia - Blemmyes
L12 - Isieion (Behbeit el-Hagar)
U02 - Apollonopolis (Edfu)
U15 - Bech
L06 - Pe
U04b - Katytou Topos
00 - Arsinoites (Fayum)
L00 - Alexandreon Chora
L13 - Heliopolites
U08 - Abydos
U01? - P-tesh-n-Isis
U01 - Elephantinites
L01 - P-tesh-n-Onnophris?
L01 - Oun-chem
Mesopotamia - Babylonia
00 - Limne (Fayum)
U20? - P-tesh-n-P-seka
L01 - Osirieion
L09 - Bousirites
L16 - Mendesios
L18 - Boubastites
U19 - Oxyrynchites
U04a - Pathyrites
L01 - Memphites
Sudan, Aethiopia
L11 - Natho (Sahragt)
U - Thebais
U04b - Peri Thebas
Tanzania?, Anthropophagoi
L04 - Neith-resi
U01 - Ombites
L01 - Resi-tjaou
U - P-tesh-n-Hout-...
U20 - Herakleopolites
U17 - Hout-nesou (Kom el-Ahmar Sawaris)
L10 - Athribites
Western desert, Oasis Magna - Hibites 12631
U17 - Hardai
U15 - Hermopolites
U09 - Panopolites
L05 - Saites
U03 - Latopolites
L02 - Letopolites
U - T-shedit-resi
74 Demotic
pȝ tš n Ṯb-nṯr
pȝ tš n Ḏʿn.t
pȝ tš n Ḏbȝ
pȝ tš rsy
pȝ tȝ ȝrby (ȝlbyn - ȝlyby - ȝrbyn - ʿrby?)
pȝ tȝ n nȝ sḥ
pȝ tȝ n Nḥs
pȝ tȝ n pȝ Ỉšr
pȝ tȝ n H̱r
Pȝ-ym (Ym)
Pȝ-ʿ.wy-[ ]
L12 - Sebennytes
L19 - Tanites
U02 - Apollonopolites
U01 - P-tesh-resi
Syria - P-ta-n-n-sehemtou
Sudan, Aethiopia
U19 - Palosis (Belhasa)
U15? - P...a...
U05 - P-...-n-Amon
U04a - Pentakomia
L11? - P-air
U01? - P-anpi
U04b - P-ah-n-t-set-menetet
U04a - Telonos Ge
U04b - P-ah-chebes-n-Chonsou
L12 - P-ah-Thoth
00c - Theogonis
U? - P-ii-Shou
L12? - P-iou-n-Amon
L17 - Dios Polis (Tell el-Balamun)
U05? - P-ipi?
U05? - P-ipi?
00 - P-iri-Anoubis?
L01 - P-ihi
U04b? - Pais
U05 - Pois
U05 - P-ihi-n-p-mehen-n-Amon
L01 - P-ihi-resi?
U04b - Pestenemenophis
U04a - Pitbios
U19 - Paeimis
00 - Limne (Fayum)
Syrian Sea
U05 - P-im-n-Koptos
U05 - Pei
00b - P-awi-[ ]
00b? - P-awi-...s
U04b - P-awi-n-...
L - P-awi-n-Aouris
00b - Apollonias
00b - Arsinoe epi tou zeugmatos
U04a - P-awi-n-Arsinoe
L00 - Alexandria
00b - P-awi-n-Imouthes
00b - P-awi-n-Item
00b - Berenikis Aigialou
00c - Berenikis Thesmophorou
L10 - P-awi-n-p-Aam
U04a - Pinpoor
U01? - P-awi-n-p-kebehe
00b - Apias
00a - Philopator alias Theogenous
00c - Mouchis
75 2715
Pȝ-ʿ.wy-n-Pltrȝ (-Pyltr)
00b - Philoteris (Wadfa)
00a - Syron Kome
00a - P-awi-n-n-netjerou-senou
Pȝ-ʿ.wy-n-nȝy=w-ḫty? (-ḫhy?)
U - P-awi-n-naiou-cheti?
U01 - P-awi-n-Hathor
00b - Apias
L10? - P-awi-n-Haryotes
00a - Psenharyo
00 - P-awi-n-Harsaphes
U04b - P-awi-n-hetep-n-p-hib-p-bik
L01 - P-awi-n-hetep-n-Sarapieion
00b - Theadelpheia (Batn el-Harit)
00a - Philadelpheia (Gharabet el-Gerza) 1760
00a - Philopator alias Theogenous
Pȝ-ʿ.wy-n-Twmy-[ ]
00b - P-awi-n-Toumi-[ ]
00b - Taurinou Kome
00b - Athenas Kome
U01? - P-awi-hi
U01 - Heraion
Pȝ-ʿ.wy-Twry[ ]?
00b - P-awi-n-Toumi-[ ]
U04a - P-ak?
U22 - Aphroditopolis (Atfih)
U04b - P-wah-is
U01 - Abaton (Biga Island)
U04b - P-wah-mehti-n-Amon
U04b - Poanemounis
U04b - P-wah-n-Amon-n-Pais
U05 - Poenpois
U04a - Telonos Ge
U04b - P-wah-n-Djeme
Pȝ-wȝḥ-rsy-n-Ỉmn (Pȝ-wȝḥ-rsy - Wȝḥ-n-Ỉmn) U04b - P-wah-resi-n-Amon
U01 - Abaton (Biga Island)
00 - P-ououa
U - P-ourem
00b - P-bou?
00a? - P-bou-n-im
U15? - P-boui-sha
L09 - Bousiris (Abusir)
Pȝ-pr-ḥḏ (Pr-ḥḏ - Pr-ḥt)
00a? - P-per-hedj
00a? - P-peh-n-Isis-Nepherses
U04b? - P-m...
U04b? - P-ma-n-Hor-p-ka
U04b? - P-ma-n-t-djela
U15? - P-mi
00a - P-mit-n-p-netjer-aa
U04a - Basilike Ryme (Hermonthis)
U04a - Basilike Ryme (Pathyris)
U04b - Basilike Ryme (Memnoneia)
U05 - Basilike Ryme (Deir el-Ballas?)
U04a - P-ma-n-Amon
U04b - P-ma-n-Psen-timounis
U01? - P-ma-teche
U04a - Pmoes Dioryx
U04b? - P-mou-Per-aa
U04a - P-mou-men
L - P-mou-n-p-Ra
U13 - P-mou-n-p-shesen
U04b - P-mou-n-N-P
U04a - Telonos Dioryx
76 Demotic
U04b? - P-mou-Nikandros
U04a? - P-mou-Teos
Pȝ-Mw.t (Pa-Mw.t)?
Western desert, Oasis Magna - Mothis (Mut) 3154
U05 - Pmouchis
U - P-mehenouti
U13 - P-mehi-n-Pasemtheus
U13 - P-mehi-n-Pasemtheus
U13 - P-mehi-n-Pasemtheus
U13 - P-mehi-n-Thotortaios
L01 - P-mesha-n-n-Winenou-Kemi
U04b - Migdol
U13 - P-mekter-n-heter
U04a - P-necheb-n-Montou
00c - Kerkesoucha Orous
00b - P-bou?
Aethiopia - P-Ra-wini
U04b - P-rechen-n-Doua-netjer?
Pȝ-lq (Pylq - Pr-rq - Pȝ-ỉy-lq - Pr-ỉy-lq - Pr-ỉy-rq - Pr-ỉw-rq - Pȝ-ỉw-rk - Pȝ-ỉȝ.t-rq) U01 - Philai
00a? - P-hat-n-Isis-Nepherses?
Pȝ-ḥȝ.ty (Pȝ-ḥt)
U04b - P-hat
Pȝ-ḥȝ.ty-rsy (Pȝ-ḥȝt-rsy)
00b - Ptolemais Drymou
L03 - Terenouthis (Kom Abu Billo)
L01? - P-her-ib
Aethiopia? - Pharemo
Pȝ-ḫyr (Pȝ-ẖr)
U13 - P-chir
Pȝ-ḫnty-Nwn (Pr-ḫnty-Nn (-Nny))
L01 - P-chenti-Noun
L01 - P-chercher
Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry - ẖyr)
00a - Basilike Ryme (Haueris)
Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry - ẖyr)
00a - Basilike Ryme (Philadelpheia)
Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry - ẖyr)
00a - Basilike Ryme (Soknopaiou Nesos) 11455
Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry - ẖyr)
00c - Basilike Ryme (Talithis)
Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry - ẖyr)
00c - Basilike Ryme (Theogonis)
Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry - ẖyr)
U04a - Basilike Ryme (Hermonthis)
Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry - ẖyr)
U04a - Basilike Ryme (Pathyris)
Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry - ẖyr)
U04b - Basilike Ryme (Dios Polis)
Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry - ẖyr)
U04b - Basilike Ryme (Memnoneia)
Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry - ẖyr)
U05 - Basilike Ryme (Deir el-Ballas?)
Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry - ẖyr)
U13 - Basilike Ryme (Lykopolis)
Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry - ẖyr)
U17 - Basilike Ryme (Hout-nesou)
Pȝ-ẖrr (Pȝ-ẖll)
U04a - Kochlax
U01? - P-chete?
Pȝ-sȝ-nfr (Sȝ-nfr)
Northern Sinai - P-sa-nefer
00b? - Psinarsinoe
Pȝ-Sȝkȝ (Pȝ-Sykȝ - Sy-kȝ)
U09 - Psiko
00c - P-si
Pȝ-sy (Pr-sy)
U08 - Ptolemais Hermeiou (El-Mansha) 2023
00a? - P-si-Horos
00a - Psenharyo
U15 - Psinthaubastis
00c - Ptolemais Melissourgon
00c - Psinteo
Pȝ-Swnỉ (Pr-Swnỉ)
U09 - Psonis (Bassuna)
L19? - P-sebet-p-ir-aa
L - P-sebet-p-ten-...
U01 - P-sebet-Per-aa
U02 - Psebtomit
L00 - Alexandria
L02? - P-sebet-n-p-af
77 1767
00a - Syron Kome
U02 - P-sebet-n-Nektanebo
00a - Psenharyo
U17 - P-sebet-n-setout
L18? - P-sebet-nechet-Harmais-m-netjer
U15 - P-sebti-n-p-mer-mesha
Pȝ-smn-Mȝʿ.t (Smn-Mȝʿ.t)
L01 - Maati
00a - Ptolemais Hormou (El-Lahun)
00a - P-seh-Hor-iir-aou
00b - Sentrempais
U01 - Pso
U04a - Krene
U04b - P-shi-..iami
U13 - P-shi-aa
U15 - P-shi-aa-n-Hermopolis
U04b - P-shi-n-p-remetj-t-Hout-Souchos
Pȝ-šy-n-Pr-ʿȝ (Pȝ-šy)
L01 - P-shi-n-Per-aa
U20 - P-shi-n-Hathor
U17 - Shi-bah
L03 - P-shi-n-t-gehesit
U04b - P-sha
U04b - Psenoba[ ]
U04b - Psameris
U07 - P-sha-n-p-demi
U04a - P-sha-Nesmin
U04b - P-sha-Hel?
U04b - P-shai-cher-p-mou
U09 - Psinabla
U - Psen-gebous
U04b - P-shet-n-Chnoum
U04b - Pestenemenophis
U01? - P-kehe
Pȝ-qr-n-Pa-ḥy (Pȝ-qrȝ - Pȝ-ql - Pȝ-qrre) U13 - P-ker-n-Pais
U04b - P-ker-n-n-kesou
U04b - P-ker-n-t-mesehet
00c - Kerkethoeris (Kom el-Khamsin) 1073
Pȝ-grg-[ ]
00a - Kerke-[ ]
00c - Kerkeosiris
Pȝ-grg-n-Ny.t (Pr-grg-n-Ny.t)
00b - Kerke-Neith
Pȝ-grg-n-Ny.t (Pr-grg-n-Ny.t)
U15 - Kerke-Neith
L18? - Kerkeuris
Pȝ-grg-n-Ḥr (Pr-grg-n-Ḥr - Grg.t-Ḥr)
L10 - Kerkeuris
Pȝ-grg-n-Ḥry-šf (Pr-grg-n-Ḥry-šf)
00c - Kerkesephis
Pȝ-grg-n-Sbk (Pȝy-grg-n-Sbk - Pr-grg-n-Sbk) 00a - Kerkesoucha Orous
Pȝ-grg-n-Sbk (Pr-grg-n-Sbk)
00c - Kerkesoucha Orous
Pȝ-gs-mȝ-n-tȝ-msḥ.t (Pȝ-mȝ-n-tȝ-msḥ.t) U04b - P-ges-ma-n-t-mesehet
U04b - P-geset-n-Chonsou
L05? - P-ta-...
Pȝ-tȝ-[ ]
P-ta-[ ]
Pȝ-tȝ-mḥty (Pr-tȝ-mḥty)
L - P-ta-mehti
Pȝ-tȝ-n-Ḥḥ (Ḥḥ)
Pȝ-tȝ-rsy (Tȝ-rsy)
U - Pathres
Pȝ-tȝ-šy (Šy - Š)
00 - Limne (Fayum)
Pȝ-tȝ-ḏsr (Pȝ-ḏsr)
U13 - P-ta-djeser
78 Demotic
Pȝ-dmỉ-n-mȝy (Pȝ-dmỉ-mȝy)
Pȝ-dmỉ-Ḥr (Pr-dmỉ-Ḥr)
Pȝ-ḏw-n-Gȝbȝʿn (Gȝbȝ.wn - Gȝbȝhʿ)
Pȝ-ḏw-Rʿ (Ḏw-Rʿ - Ḏw-pȝ-Rʿ)
Pȝy-ỉȝw (Pȝy-ỉw)
Pȝy-Šȝy (Pȝy-Šy)
Pa-ḥtp (Pȝ-ḥtp - Pr-ḥtp)
Pa-tny (Pa-tn)
Pyt (Pd)
Pʿpʿ (Ppʿ)
Pwn.t (Pȝ-wʿny - Pwny)
Pr-[ ]
Pr-[ ]
Pr-[ ]-pȝ-Rʿ
pr-ỉȝbty n pȝ tš n Pr-Ḥw.t-Ḥr
Pr-Ỉỉ.t (Ỉỉ.t)
00a - P-tou-shen-ara
00c - P-tebaa
U04b - P-ten-n-n-henou-n-p-...
U04a - P-teni-Per-aa
U13 - P-teni-Per-aa
Sudan, Triakontaschoinos
L01 - Petehotep-Ptah
U04b - Dios Polis (Thebes east)
00b - Dionysias (Qasr Qarun)
L03 - Hermopolis (Damanhur)
L16 - P-djou-Ra
U19? - P-djoua
U01 - Abaton (Biga Island)
00 - Pai-iaou
00b - Pisais (Abshay)
U04b - Pai-gi?
U04b - Pai-gi?
L? - Panau
00c - Kerkesoucha Orous
U09 - Panesauris
00? - Pa-kesh?
U04a - Pkro
L13 - Pa-hetep
L03? - Pa-sechet
U04b - Pakeis
00? - Pa-kesh?
U04b - Patinios Dioryx
L01? - Pamenma?
Sudan, Pachora (Faras)
U02 - Pa
Greece, Thessalia - Olympos
U05 - Papa
Somalia, Pount
L01 - Per-...
L02? - Per-...
L03? - Per-...
L05? - Per-...
L20? - Per-...
U04b - Per-...
U04b - P-rechen-n-Doua-netjer?
U04b? - Per-...ben
L12? - Per-...-p-ouaou
L? - Per-[ ]
L01? - Per-[ ]
L13 - Per-[ ]-p-Ra
00c? - Per-alel
U01 - Abaton (Biga Island)
U04a? - Per-iabti
U04a - Arabia
L02 - Per-Iit
L01 - Asklepieion
U01 - Abaton (Biga Island)
U04b - Per-ib-weret
79 10657
U04b - Papoerieion
L03 - Momemphis (Kom el-Hisn)
U04b - Ammonieion
L03? - Per-Amon-gereb
pr-ỉmnty n pȝ tš n Pr-Ḥw.t-Ḥr
U04a - Libya
pr-ỉmnty n tȝ qḥ n Gbt
U05 - Libya
L01? - Per-Anoubis
U13 - Per-Anoubis
Pr-Ỉnpw (Pȝ-Ỉnpw)
L01 - Anoubieion
Pr-ỉr-Ỉmn (Pȝ-ỉ.ỉr-Ỉmn)
L14? - Pelousion (Tell el-Farama)
U01? - Per-ir-shenet
Eastern desert? - Per-Iset
U01 - Isidion (Philai)
U01 - Per-Iset (Syene)
U12? - Per-Iset
L01? - Per-Item
L05? - Per-Item
L08 - Patoumos (Tell el-Maskhuta)
L13 - Hout-aat
L - P-awi-n-Aouris
U01 - Per-aa-iaoui
U12 - Per-Anti
Pr-Wȝḏy.t (Pr-Wt)
U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau)
Pr-Wȝḏy.t (Pr-Wt.t - Pr-Wʿt.t)
L06 - Bouto (Tell el-Fara'un)
Pr-Wȝḏy.t-nb.t-Ỉmy (Pr-Wt.t-nb.t-Ỉmy - Pr-Wt.t-n-nb.t-Ỉmy - Pr-Wʿt.t-nb.t-Ỉmy)
L03 - Momemphis (Kom el-Hisn)
U01 - Abaton (Biga Island)
U? - Neilopolis?
L01 - Per-wab-nebes
L01? - Per-wer-hem
Pr-wrm? (Pr-wrme?)
U02 - Per-ourem?
00c - Bousiris
L01 - Osirieion
L09 - Bousiris (Abusir)
Pr-Wsỉr (Pr-Wsỉr-ỉ.ỉr-ỉr)
U20 - Bousiris (Abusir el-Meleq)
U04a - Bucheum
L01 - Rout-isout
L01 - Rout-isout
Pr-Wsỉr-Ḥp (Pȝ-Wsỉr-Ḥp - Pr-Ḥp)
L01 - Serapeum
Pr-Wsỉr-Ḥp pȝ ʿȝ
L00 - Serapeum
L19? - Per-Ousir-Heseb
U12 - Per-Ousir-Tebta
U12 - Per-nebet-oudji
L16 - Mendes (Tell el-Rub'a)
00a - Mendes
L16 - Mendes (Tell el-Rub'a)
L20 - Per-baou
00a - Boubastos
L01 - Boubasteion
L18 - Boubastos (Tell Basta)
Pr-bw-n-Pa-ḥʿ (Pr-bw-ḥȝ)
U09 - Bompae
L16 - Mendes (Tell el-Rub'a)
L12? - Per-benou
Pr-bnw (Pr-bỉn - Pȝy-bnw)
U07 - Per-benou
L13 - Cher-aha
Pr-Ptḥ (Ḥw.t-nṯr-Ptḥ)
L01 - Hephaisteion
U04b? - Per-Ptah?
Eastern desert - Paneion
U09 - Per-Min
Pr-myr (Pr-mrw)
U03 - Per-mir (Komir)
80 12409
U04b - Heraion
L - Per-menesh-Ra
U04b - Per-Montou (Kerameia)
Pr-Mnṯw (Pr-Mnṱ)
U04a - Hermonthis (Armant)
U04a? - Per-Montou-neb-Iounou
Pr-Mnṯw-nb-Wȝs.t (Pr-Mnṱ-nb-Wȝs - Pr-Mnṱ) U04b - Apollonieion
U04b - Kerameia - Madou (Nag' el-Madamud) 1281
Pr-mḫy (Pr-mḫ - Pȝ-mwḫys)
00c - Mouchis
U01 - Per-mes
Pr-Mḏ (Pr-Mḏȝ)
00c - Oxyryncha
Pr-Mḏd (Pr-Mḏ)
U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa)
L00? - Per-n-paief-iri
U05? - Per-n-Hathor
00b? - Per-n-chelou
00b - Kerke-Neith
L? - Per-neb-Tet
L03 - Momemphis (Kom el-Hisn)
L03 - Momemphis (Kom el-Hisn)
Pr-nb.t-wḏy (Pr-nb-wt)
U12 - Per-nebet-oudji
Pr-nb.t-nhy (Pȝ-nb.t-nhy - Nhy)
L01 - Per-nebet-nehi
L13 - Per-Nebet-hetep
00c - Aphroditopolis
U22 - Aphroditopolis (Atfih)
L02? - Per-nebou
Pr-nbw (Pȝ-nbw)
L - Per-nebou (eastern Delta)
U12 - Per-Anti
L01 - Per-...
L13 - Heliopolis (Tell Hisn)
U04b - Per-ret?
Pr-hn-Ỉnpw (Pȝ-hn-Ỉnpw)
L01 - Anoubieion
00a - Per-hat
Pr-Ḥȝ.t-mḥy.t (Pr-Ḥw.t-mḥy.t)
L16 - Per-Hat-mehit
00a - Neilopolis (Tell el-Rusas)
L04 - Neilopolis
U? - Neilopolis?
U04a - Pathyris (Gebelein)
U17 - Per-Hathor
L03 - Terenouthis (Kom Abu Billo)
L01 - Per-heb-neb
L01? - Per-Hep-...
00b - Per-hemer
Aethiopia - Per-Horos (Abu Hor)
U06 - Per-Horos
U02 - Per-Hor-Behdet
L19? - Pharbaithos (Horbeit)
L19? - Per-Hor-neb-chaset
L02 - Letopolis (Ausim)
L14 - Herakleopolis (Tell Belim)
00 - Per-hetep
Pr-Ḫȝ (Pr-ḫʿ - Ḫȝ)
U - Per-Cha
U09? - Per-Chen?
U04b - Chesebaieon
Pr-Ḫnsw-m-Wȝs.t Nfr-ḥtp
U04b - Chesebaieon
U04b - Chesebaieon
U04b - Chesebaieon
00b? - Per-chelemi
00b? - Per-chelemi
00c? - Per-Chnoum
81 Demotic
Pr-Spdw (Pr-Spt)
Pr-Slk.t (Pr-Slq)
Pr-sgȝ (Pȝ-sge)
Pr-q[ ]
Pr-gwt (Pa-gwt)
Pr-gwt (Pgwt - Gpwtỉ?)
Pr-grr (Pȝy-krr)
Prm (Plm)
Mȝ-wr (Mr-wr - Mw-wr)
Mȝnw (Mnw)
Mȝdw (Mȝd - Mȝt - Mȝtn - Mtn)
Mw-bỉn-n-ȝbw (Pȝ-mw-bỉn)
Mn-nfr (Pr-Mn-nfr)
L01 - Per-Chnoum
U07? - Per-s[...]
U01? - Per-si
U04a - Per-Souchos
L20 - Sepdou
L20 - Per-Sepdou (Saft el-Henna)
Aethiopia - Pselkis (El-Dakka)
U - Per-sega
U04a - Pisais
Egypt?, Per-shilem
L12 - Pherso
U04a - Per-sheha
Egypt?, Per-k[ ]
U13 - Per-Kollouthos
U04a - Kaisareion
L03? - Kanopos (Abuqir)
00b - Kanopias
U09 - Per-Gendjeb
00c - Kerke
00c - Kerkeosiris
00c? - Kerke-Shou
00c? - Kerke-Shou
00b - Philagris - Perkethayt (Hamuli) 1766
L - Phagroriopolis
L01? - Per-ta-cheperou-anch
U09 - Mompapyneos Epoikion
00 - Per-tepi
U06 - Per-djet
L? - Per-djouf
U04b - Per-Djeme (Kerameia)
L01 - Per-Thoth
L12 - Per-Thoth
L16 - Hermopolis (El-Baqliya)
L01? - Per-Thoth-mehte-na-netjerou 10624
00 - Per-Thoth-p-ten?
Eastern desert - Persou
Iran, Persis
Iran, Parthia
Sudan, Pachora (Faras)
U01? - Pesta?
L - Pegi
U19 - Ptolemaidos Epoikion
Phoenicia - Ptolemais Akko (Ake)
U08 - Ptolemais Hermeiou (El-Mansha) 2023
00? - Neb-keni?
U01? - Fetenes?
00d - Moeris
L03? - Ma-Ra-iouou?
L01 - Maati
Western desert - Manou
U04b - Kerameia - Madou (Nag' el-Madamud) 1281
Turkey, Ionia - Miletos
U01 - Katarraktes Mikros
00 - Mem?
L01 - Memphis
00c - Memphis
L01 - Menech-p-Ra
82 Demotic
Mr-Ỉtm (Mry-Itmw)
Mrw (Mlwȝ)
Mḥw (Mḥy - Tȝ-Mḥy - Mḥȝ)
Mḥn.t (Mḥ-nt - Mḥ-nt.t)
Mḫl (Mḫlỉ)
Mẖbr (Mḫbr)
Msdt (Ms-dy - Ms-ty - Pȝ-ms-ty)
Mšwš (M - Mȝ - Mʿ)
Mtn-n-ȝlwlyȝn (Mwtn-n-ȝlwlyȝn)
Mtlȝ (Mtl)
Mdy (Mty)
Mdny.t (Mdnw - Mtnw - Mtn)
Nȝ-ʿpr.w (ʿpr)
Nȝ-mȝwy[ ]
Nȝ-n-tȝ-ḥw.t (Na-tȝ-ḥw.t)
Nȝ-ẖr.w-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry.w - ẖyr.w)
Libya?, Mekoush
L03 - Terenouthis (Kom Abu Billo)
L01 - Moithymis (Meidum)
U15 - Mer-nefer
U13 - Merit
Sudan, Meroe (Begrawiya)
L10? - Melem
U? - Mehi?
L - Lower Egypt
L05 - Mehenet
U04b? - Mech
L01 - Memphis
U20 - Machor
Ethiopia, Megabarroi
Northern Sinai - Migdol (Tell el-Heir) 2698
L? - Mekter-iri-ta
L? - Mekter-bener-hem
L? - Mekter-p-Ra-ib
U15 - Magdola
00c - Magdolon Palaali
L01 - Memphis
U02 - Apollonopolis (Edfu)
Turkey, Mysia
L09 - Mesedet (Tell Mustai)
Libya, Ma
Libya?, Mekoush
U09 - Ailourionos Epoikion
U09 - Heronos Epoikion
L07? - Metelis (Tell el-Nigili)
Iran, Media
U22 - Medenit
00c - N-ahi-sek
L01 - Arabia
U03 - Libya
00a - Exo Topoi
U04b - Libya
L01 - Kato Toparchia
U02 - Kato Toparchia
U04a - Kato Toparchia
U04b - Kato Toparchia
U04b - Peri Thebas
U04b - Chrysopolis
L01 - Ano Toparchia
U02 - Ano Toparchia
U04a - Ano Toparchia
Western desert, Oasis Parva - N-anoua? 11375
U04b - N-aperou
U04b? - N-ouhem?
00 - N-bikou-Harpochrates?
L01? - Hebekeset?
L16? - N-maoui[ ]
U04a - N-maiou-n-Amon
U04b - T-mai-n-Amon
00c - Magdola (Medinet Nehas)
L11 - Natho (Sahragt)
00a - Philadelpheia (Gharabet el-Gerza) 1760
U05 - N-nechet-p-...
00a - Basilikai Rymai (Ptolemais Hormou)
83 Demotic
Nȝ-ẖr.w-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry.w - ẖyr.w)
00a - Basilike Ryme (Soknopaiou Nesos) 11455
U07 - N-sem-serechi
U19 - Senekeleu (Saqula)
Sudan, Aethiopia
U20 - Toy (Tuwa)
Nȝnywȝ (Nnywȝ)
Mesopotamia - Ninive
Nȝy=w-Krḏ (Nȝ-Krṯ - Na-Krḏ )
L05 - Naukratis (Kom Gajef)
L - Naiou-t-hout-p-ini
L - Naiou-t-hout-chaset
Nỉw.t (Nw.t - Ne - Nỉw.t-rsy.t - Nỉw.t-n-Ỉmn) U04b - Dios Polis (Thebes east)
00c - Narmouthis (Medinet Madi)
L04 - Neith-resi
Ethiopia, Noubai
Nb (Nb.t - Nby.t)
U01 - Omboi (Kom Ombo)
00? - Neb-keni?
Nblw (Nblwȝs)
00a - Nabla
Nn-ȝr=f (Nn-ʿr=f - Nnȝwlf)
U20 - Nen-aref
L01 - P-chenti-Noun
L01 - Nehi
Sudan, Aethiopia
U03 - Eileithyiopolis (El-Kab)
Nḫn (Mḫn)
U03 - Hierakopolis (Kom el-Ahmar)
U04b - Nesout-tawi (Karnak)
U04b - Nesout-tawi (Karnak)
U06 - Netjer-cha-di
U04b - Pmounemounis
Rȝ-nfr (Rn-nfr - Pȝ-rm-nfr)
L16 - Phernouphis (Barnufa)
U13 - Ra-kerer
00a - Ptolemais Hormou (El-Lahun)
00 - Ra-cha
Rʿ-qd (Rʿ-qt)
L00 - Alexandria
Phoenicia - Resh (Ra's el-Naqura)
L01 - Rout-isout
Palestina - Raphia
Aethiopia? - Chedjil
Rẖsȝ (Rḥswy - Rȝ-ḥs)
L02? - Rechsa
Rsy-ṯȝw (Rȝ-stȝw)
L01 - Resi-tjaou
Rsn.t (Rsnȝ.t - Rs-n.t)
L05 - Resenet
U - Reshresh
Phoenicia - Mount Lebanon
Arabia - Lihyan
U08 - Hylleus
Hb (Hȝb.t)
Western desert, Oasis Magna - Hibis (El-Hiba) 2786
Hntw (Hndwy)
L06? - Herou-nefer
Hrmȝ (Hrme)
Italy, Latium - Rome
L - Herheret
Hgr (Hkr)
Ḥ[ ]?
L? - H[ ]?
U01 - Hat-sepaout
Ḥw.t-[ ]
U06? - Hout-[ ]
L13 - Hout-aat
84 Demotic
Ḥw.t-wr.t (Ḥw.t-wry - Ḥw.t-wly)
Ḥw.t-nn-nsw (Nn-nsw - Ḥw.t-nsw)
Ḥw.t-Rpy.t (Tȝ-Rpy.t - Rpy.t)
Ḥw.t-ḥry-ỉb (Ḥw.t-tȝ-ḥry-ỉb)
Ḥw.t-Sbk (Pr-Sbk)
Ḥw.t-sr (Ḥw.t-sr-wr)
Ḥw.t-Sḫm (Ḥw.t - Ḥw.t-sšm.w)
Ḥr-dy (Ḥr-ty)
Ḥs (Tȝ-ḥs.t)
L12? - Hout-an
L05 - Hout-ibiti
L13 - Hout-aat
U04a - Hout-Item
U20 - Hout-ou
L13 - Hout-aat
00a - Haueris (Hawara)
L05 - Sais (Sa el-Hagar)
L13 - Hout-benou
U07 - Per-benou
U20 - Hout-benou
L13 - Hout-benben
U01 - Hout-p-shel-Arensnouphis
U15? - Hout-n-Isher
U01 - Hout-n-p-mit
U05 - Hout-noub
L01? - Hout-nem
U20 - Herakleopolis (Ihnasya el-Medina)
U17 - Hout-nesou (Kom el-Ahmar Sawaris)
L - Hout-net
L01? - Hout-net
L01 - Hout-netjer-Isis
L01 - Hout-netjer-Osiris
L01 - Boubasteion
L01 - Hout-netjer-Souchos
U01 - Heraion
U04a? - Hout-Ra
U09 - Tripheion (Wannina)
L05? - Hout-Hep?
L10 - Athribis (Tell el-Atrib)
00d - Hout-Souchos
U03 - Asphynis (Asfun)
L13 - Hout-sep?
L13 - Hout-ser
U07 - Dios Polis (Hiou)
L01 - Memphis
U08 - Hout-tefaaou
L03? - Hourn
L12 - Isieion (Behbeit el-Hagar)
U15 - Alabastron Polis - Hebenou (Kom el-Ahmar)
L01? - Hebekeset?
L01 - Hep-nebes
U04a - Touphion (Tod)
L01? - Hemsan
U17 - Kynopolis (El-Qeis)
U17 - Hardai
L02 - Letopolis (Ausim)
L01 - Rout-isout
U03 - Asphynis (Asfun)
U15 - Heser
U04a - Hek
U04b - Heka-Iounou
00 - Chaset-wabet
85 2684
Ḫȝswwt (Ḫȝsw)
Ḫftḥ-n-Wpwy Rȝ-ḫt (R-ḫtȝ)
Ḫftḥ-n-Ḫnsw-m-Wȝs.t Nfr-ḥtp
Ḫnty-šy (Ḫntỉ-š)
Ḫr (H̱r - Ḫȝrw)
Ḫt[ ]
Ḫḏyl (Ḫḏl)
H̱nm-Wsr (H̱nm.t-Wȝs.t)
H̱nm-nḥḥ (H̱r-nḥḥ)
H̱nm.t-ʿnḫ (H̱m-ʿnḫ)
H̱r-ʿḥȝ (H̱ḥy)
H̱dỉ (Ḫȝ-dỉ - H̱ȝ-ty)
Sȝ-kȝ (Sȝkȝ)
Sȝw (Sȝy - Sy)
Sȝẖbw (Sẖb)
Sywt (Sȝwt)
Swn (Swnw)
L03? - Chaset-temehi
L06 - Chasouou
L06 - Xois (Sakha)
U15 - Cheb
U09 - Panopolis (Akhmim)
U15 - Chepshet
L01 - Chefeteh-n-Imouthes
U04b - Ammonos Dromos
U20 - Chefeteh-n-Amon
L01 - Chefeteh-n-Anoubis
U04a - Chefeteh-n-Anoubis
U01 - Chefeteh-n-Arensnouphis
U06 - Aphrodites Dromos
U01 - Chefeteh-n-Isis-n-Philai
U13 - Chefeteh-n-Wepwaout Ra-chet
L? - Chefeteh-n-Osiris
L01 - Sarapidos Dromos
U04a - Chefeteh-n-Bouchis
L01 - Chefeteh-n-p-Ra
U04a - Chefeteh-n-Montou
U04a - Chefeteh-n-Hathor
U04b - Chefeteh-n-Hathor
U06 - Aphrodites Dromos
U04b - Herakleous Dromos
U01 - Chefeteh-n-Chnoum
00a - Chefeteh-n-Soknopaios
00c - Chefeteh-n-Soknebtynis
00a - Chefeteh-n-Taief-reset-oudjai
U04b - Chefeteh-n-Djeme
Aethiopia - Chefeteh-n-Thoth
U04b - Chefeteh-n-Djeme
U04b? - Chem-nesou
U15 - Hermopolis (El-Ashmunein)
U09 - Panopolis (Akhmim)
L01 - P-chenti-Noun
Chenti-shi (Lebanon)
U06? - Chet[ ]
Aethiopia? - Chedjil
L06? - Cheb
U04b - Ramesseum
U04b - Heka-Iounou
U04b - Chenem-anch
L13 - Cher-aha
U06 - Chedi
L01 - Set-weret
U17 - Kynopolis (El-Qeis)
L05 - Sais (Sa el-Hagar)
Cyprus, Salamis
L01 - Sachebou (Zat el-Kom?)
L01? - Sak?
L02? - Iset
U13 - Lykopolis (Assiut)
Phoenicia - Mount Hermon
U05? - Sit
U01 - Syene (Assuan)
Mesopotamia? - Souhou
Iran, Elam - Sousa
86 10763
Smn (Sw-mn)
Sn.t (Tȝ-Sn.t - Snỉ - Sn)
Snw (Swnw)
Snw.t (Sn.wt - Snw - Snnw)
Sngr (Sgr)
Sḫm (Sšm - Šm - Ḫm)
Šȝs-ḥtp (Š-ỉw=s-ḥtp - Šỉs-ḥtp - Šḥy?)
Šy-Wȝḏ-wr (Šy-Wt-wr)
Šy-n-qbḥ (Šn-n-qbḥ)
Šy-qm (Šy-qmȝ)
Šmʿ (Šmȝ - Tȝ-šmʿ.w)
Šny-n-Stḫ (Šn.w-n-St)
Šnw.t-n-qmȝw (Snqms)
Šlmt (Šlmȝt - Šlmnt)
U10b - Apollonopolis (Kom Isfaht)
L01 - Sebet-was
L20 - Sepdou
Syria - Kasion
L17 - Dios Polis (Tell el-Balamun)
U? - Sema-chi?
00? - Sema-tawi
U04a - Semen
L01 - Semenou-Horos
U03 - Latopolis (Esna)
L - Senou
U09 - Senout
L07 - Senti-nefer
Mesopotamia - Babylonia
U19 - Sarapionos Chairemonos
U04a - Pkro
L03? - Sehnet
00a - Sehetep
L01 - Sechet-iarou
L18 - Sechet-netjer
L02 - Letopolis (Ausim)
L01 - Taskry
U04b - Segenten
L12? - Set
L14 - Sethroe
Phoenicia - Sidon
U11 - Hypsele (Shutb)
U04b? - Shi
U17 - Shi-imenet
00a - Sele (Seila)
00 - Moiris (Birket Qarun)
00 - Moiris (Birket Qarun)
00 - Moiris (Birket Qarun)
U17 - Shi-bah
U17 - Shi-imenet
L13 - Shi-n-kebeh
U17 - Shi-nes
00? - Shi-kem
U17 - Shi-imenet
U13? - Sha-hen?
U13? - Sha-hen?
U04b - Iret-p-aa?
U04a - Shema
U - Upper Egypt
U09 - Panopolis (Akhmim)
L01 - Shenes
L01 - Semenou-Horos
U12? - Shenouy-anchou
U07 - Chenoboskia (Qasr el-Saiyad)
L01 - Semenou-Horos
U19 - Senokomis
L01? - Sheleb?
00c - Shelemet
U01 - Telelis (Shellal)
L09? - Lykopolis
Aethiopia? - Chedjil
87 268
Šdnw (Štȝn)
L19? - Pharbaithos (Horbeit)
Šdt (Šty)
00d - Krokodilopolis (Medinet el-Fayum)
U01? - Airne
Qys (Qsỉȝ - Qs - Ks)
U15 - Koussai (El-Qusiya)
U09? - Kouoou?
U20 - Koba
Qbḥ.ty (Qbḥ.wy)
U01 - Katarraktes Mikros
U05 - Ken
U? - Kenedj?
Qrr (Grwr)
L01 - Kerer
Qrt (Qlṱ)
Aethiopia - Korte (Qurta)
U15? - Kelemen?
U15? - Kelemen?
00b - Kos
U01? - Pesta?
Palestina - Gaza
L01? - Kami-Bebi?
L03? - Keben
Kbn (Kpn - Gpn)
Phoenicia - Byblos
Kfty.w (Kfṱy.w)
Syria - Keftiou
Km (Gym)
L10 - Athribis (Tell el-Atrib)
L01 - Serapeum
Kmy (Qmy - Km.t)
Knm.t (Gnm.t)
Western desert - Oasis Magna (El-Kharga)
Sudan?, Kenset
Sudan?, Kenset
L01? - Kereb
Krs (Grs - Kry?)
Turkey, Caria
Krty (Grty)
Greece, Creta
Sudan, Aethiopia
Kš (Gš)
Western desert, Oasis Magna - Kysis (Dush) 2761
Mesopotamia - Gaugamela
Gbt (Gbtyw - Qbt - Qbty - Kbt - Kbty)
U05 - Koptos (Qift)
Western desert, Oasis Magna? - Gepen 11596
Grnys (Gryns - Gwrnys)
Libya, Cyrenaica - Kyrene
U15? - Gereg
Gs (Gsȝ - Gsy)
U05 - Apollonopolis (Qus)
U03 - Eileithyiopolis (El-Kab)
L20? - Gegen
L06 - Chasouou
tȝ ḥny.t n Mȝ-wr (Mr-wr - Mw-wr - M-wr)
00 - Moiris canal
tȝ qḥ n Nỉw.t?
U04b - Peri Thebas
tȝ qḥ n Ḥw.t
U07 - Diospolites
tȝ qḥ n Ḫnty-Mỉn
U09 - Panopolites
tȝ qḥ n Sywt
U13 - Lykopolites
tȝ qḥ n Gbt
U05 - Koptites
tȝ qḥ n Tn
U08 - Thinites
tȝ qḥ? Tȝ...
U - T-keh-T...?
tȝ dnỉ.t n Pwlmn
00c - Polemonos Meris
tȝ dnỉ.t n Hrqlts
00a - Herakleidou Meris
tȝ dnỉ.t n Thmysts
00b - Themistou Meris
Tȝ-...[ ]
T-...[ ]
Egypt?, T-...i
Aethiopia? - T-anbes
88 Demotic
Tȝ-ỉȝ.t-rt (Ỉw-lḏ)
Tȝ-ỉn.t (Tȝ-ỉn)
Tȝ-ʿm.t (Tȝ-ʿm - Tȝ-ʿmy)
Tȝ-ʿm.t-n-Pa-qs (Tȝ-ʿm - Tȝ-ʿmy)
U01? - T-alemi
00a - T-atet-Isis-Nephremmis
L11 - T-iat-n-p-Ichnout
U20 - Tilothis - Neilopolis (El-Dallas)
U04a - Tiabonis
00a? - T-iouet?
00a - T-iouit-iabtet (Philadelpheia)
00a - T-iouit-iabtet (Soknopaiou Nesos) 13634
U04a - T-iouit-iabtet (Pathyris)
U17 - T-iouit-iabtet (Hout-nesou)
00a - T-iouit-imenti (Soknopaiou Nesos)
L01 - T-iouit-imenti (Moithymis)
U04a - T-iouit-imenti (Pathyris)
U04a - Borra kai Libos (Hermonthis)
U04a - T-iouit-mehet-imentet (Pathyris)
U09 - T-iouit-mehet-imentet (Panopolis)
00a - T-iouit-mehetet (Philopator)
00b - T-iouit-mehetet (P-awi-n-Item) 13550
U01 - T-iouit-mehetet (Elephantine)
U04a - T-iouit-mehetet (Hermonthis) 11366
U04b - T-iouit-mehetet (Dios Polis)
U04b - T-iouit-mehetet (Memnoneia) 13547
U13 - T-iouit-mehetet (Lykopolis)
U13 - T-iouit-mehetet (P-chir)
U20 - T-iouit-mehetet (Iou?-Hathor)
U20 - T-iouit-mehti-iabti (Herakleopolis)
L01 - T-iouit-n-n-Winenou
U01 - T-iouit-her-ib (Elephantine)
U04a - T-iouit-her-ib-imenti (Pathyris) 13562
U01 - T-iouit-herit (Elephantine)
00c - T-iouit-resi-imenti (Theogonis) 13637
U04a - T-iouit-resi-imenti (Pathyris)
U04b - T-iouit-resi-imenti (Memnoneia)13543
U13 - T-iouit-resi-imenti (P-chir)
00a - T-iouit-resit (Philadelpheia)
U02 - T-iouit-resit (Apollonopolis)
U04a - T-iouit-resit (Pathyris)
U04b - T-iouit-resit (Dios Polis)
U04b - T-iouit-resit (Memnoneia)
00a - T-iouit-resit-iabti (Philadelpheia) 13654
00a - T-iouit-resit-iabti (Soknopaiou Nesos)
U04b - T-iouit-resit-iabti (Memnoneia) 13437
00a - T-iouit-t-herit-tep (Soknopaiou Nesos)
U04b - T-inet
U13 - T-inet-Imouthes
U13 - T-inet-Isis
U15? - T-inet-P-chaa
U13 - T-inet-p-kerra
L14? - Daphnai (Tell Defenneh)
00a - T-aat
L14? - Daphnai (Tell Defenneh)
U04a - Isieion (Pathyris)
U04a - Isieion (Tmotn-n-Pa-Hor-Igesh) 13545
U04b - Isieion (Memnoneia)
U04b - T-am
U04b - T-am-n-Pakeis
L14? - T-ami
L? - T-ami-n-p-mer-ihet-n-Sechmi
L? - T-ami-n-p-mer-ihet-n-Sechmi
00a - Tanis
89 13607
Western desert, Oasis Parva - N-anoua? 11375
U13 - Ta-anch
Tȝ-ʿrkt (Tȝ-ʿlk - Tȝ-ʿlq - Tȝ-ʿrgt)
U04a - Tarkytis
Tȝ-ʿlṱ (Tȝ-ȝlyt)
00c - Talithis (Kom Talit)
Tȝ-ʿẖy.t-ms-n-Ḏḥwty-pȝ-hb (Tȝ-ʿẖy.t-ms) L01 - T-achi-mes-n-Thoth-p-heb
L10? - T-achi-mesha
U15? - T-achi-n-P-awi-n-Wadjit
U15? - T-achi-n-psobthis
U15 - T-achi-n-Pa-asha
Tȝ-ʿẖy.t-n-Hry-Ỉtm (Tȝ-ʿẖy.t)
L01 - T-achi-n-Heri-Item
L01 - T-achi-n-Set-mesehet
L01 - T-achi-n-geret-n-Nout?
U15 - Tachontomou
L04 - T-achi-n-Tehen-sehedj
Tȝ-wr (Tȝ-wry.t)
U08 - Tay
U04b? - N-ouhem?
Tȝ-wḥm.t-n-Pr-ʿȝ (Tȝ-wḥm.t)
U04a - T-ouhemet-n-Per-aa
L01 - T-oucheri
U20 - Ta-oudja
U05 - T-biout-Amon
Aethiopia - T-behe
U06 - Tentyris (Dendera)
Tȝ-bẖn.t (Bẖn)
U04a - T-bechen
00 - T-fai
L19? - Ta-per-iabi
L05? - T-mai-...
Tȝ-mȝy.t-...[ ]
00 - T-mai-...[ ]
Tȝ-mȝy.t-[ ]
U04b - T-mai-[ ]
U04b - T-mai?
U09 - Tmoupaei
U09 - Tmoupaei
U02 - T-mai-Mefki?
U04b - T-mai-n-Amran
U04a - Tmonarei
U02 - T-mai-n-aser
U04b - T-mai-n-Amon
Tȝ-mȝy.t-n-Ỉn-qd (Ỉn-qty)
U04a - T-mai-n-In-ked
U05 - T-mai-n-Anoub-n-p-ini
U04b - T-mai-n-Apis
U04b - T-mai-n-p-ah-n-Sha...
Tȝ-mȝy.t-n-Pȝ-ỉtb (-Pȝ-tb - -Pȝ-ỉy-tb)
U04a - Tmonpiteb
U02 - T-mai-n-p-api
00b - Alexandrou Nesos
U? - T-mai-n-P-neshi
U05 - T-mai-n-P-hem-netjer-Tefnet
Tȝ-mȝy.t-n-pȝ-sbt (Tȝ-mȝy.t-n-pȝ-sbt-mḥty)
U02 Tmenpsobthis
U04b? - T-mai-n-Psenminis
Tȝ-mȝy.t-n-Pa-Ỉtm (-Pr-Ỉtm - -Pȝ-Ỉtm)
U04b - T-mai-n-Patymis
00c - Aristarchou Nesos
U04b - T-mai-n-Patem?
U09 - Apollinariados Nesos
L01 - Thmoiphtha
U04b - T-mai-n-n-aberehou
U05 - T-mai-n-n-Ishourou
L01 - T-mai-n-n-Winenou
90 Demotic
Tȝ-mȝy.t-n-Sbk-nb-Pay (Tȝ-mȝy.t)
Tȝ-mȝy.t-n-Dygys (Tygys)
Tȝ-mȝy.t-Nȝy=w-fy.w (-Na-fy.w)
Tȝ-mn (Tȝmny)
Tȝ-rȝw (Tȝ-rȝy)
Tȝ-rsy (Tȝ-rs.t)
U04b - T-mai-n-n-hemou
U04a - Aphrodites Nesos
U15 - T-mai-n-Horos
U04a - T-mai-n-chefeteh
00a - Soknopaiou Nesos (Dimeh)
U09 - Bosochis
U04b - Tmononkepis
L10? - T-mai-n-t-ounesh
U? - T-mai-n-T-nai
U05 - Taief-iret
00c - Dikaiou Nesos
U05 - T-mai-Naiou-fiou
U15 - T-mai-na-p-tjenef?
U04a - T-mai-Nout?
U09 - T-mai-nous?
U04b - T-mai-resi
U08? - T-mai-shioui?
U09 - T-mai-gereg
U04b - T-mai-Tout
U09 - Ailourionos Epoikion
U02 - T-mai-n-p-api
U04b - T-mit-n-Amon
L01 - T-mit-n-Anoubis
00a - T-mit-n-Per-aa
L01 - T-mit-n-Per-aa-Shabaka
U04b - Heras Dromos
U04a - Plateia Hodos ton Theon
U04b - T-mit-netjer (Memnoneia)
U13 - T-mit-netjer (Lykopolis)
U20 - T-mit-netjer (Iou?-Hathor)
L01 - Ta-men
00c - T-mene
U04a - Temrauthis
L01? - Hemsan
U20 - T-meten
U09 - Tmotn-...-Ra
U09 - Apollinariados Nesos
U05 - Tmotn-p-shoub
U04a - Tmotnenphamenis
U04b - Tmotnen-pamonthes
U09 - Thmompare
U04a - Tmotn-n-Pa-Hor-Igesh
U04b? - Tmotnesous
U04b - T-mai-n-n-hemou
U04b - Tmotn-Gerebehou
U09? - Tmotn-n-Senesis?
U04b? - Temesteites
U09 - Thmompare
L01 - Troe (Tura)
U04b - Ramesnouphieion
U12 - T-rat-iouit-meh-1
U09 - T-reset-mehetet?
L01 - Phylake (north) (Tersa)
L01 - Phylake (south)
00c - T-resi
L01? - T-hiti
91 11287
U19 - Tholthis [Kato] (Talt)
U04b - Thynabounoun
U04b - T-hout-n-Per-aa-Ousir-ten
U04b - Chrysopolis
U04b - T-hout-n-gehesou
U04b? - T-hout-nesou
Aethiopia - Toutzis (Dendur)
Egypt?, T-hemoudjen
L - T-heni-p-ah-arri
U04b? - T-heni-Pa-t-oumet
L19? - T-heni-n-Senefer
L - T-heni-Tekeret
L13 - Ta-hetep
U04a - T-chat-Per-aa
U01 - Gebel el-Silsila
U15? - T-Chnoum
U04a? - T-chelet
U15? - T-set-...
00c - T-set-aat
L13 - Hout-aat
Tȝ-s.t-mȝʿ.t (S.t-mȝʿ.t)
U04b - T-set-maat
U04b - Tsengeis
00b - Lysimachis
00c - T-set-n-Pathatres
U09 - Sineloloe
U02 - Tsenane
L01 - Apieion
U07 - T-set-n-Harsiesis
U04b - T-set-n-demi
U15 - Senethothis
Tȝ-s.t-Ḥp-ʿnḫ? (Ḥw.t-Ḥp-ʿnḫ?)
L01 - Apieion
U15 - Sesoncha
U05 - P-ihi-n-p-mehen-n-Amon
U15? - T-semit
U05 - T-sechet-n-P-bou
U04a - T-sechet-n-n-hemou
L01? - T-sechet-n-n-serchi
U20 - T-sechet-Shekek
Tȝ-sḏf-n-Ḥʿpy-ʿȝ (Tȝ-stf)
U04b - Tsatphe
U01 - T-shemet
L19? - T-shenout-n-p-Ra
U - T-shedit-resi
U09 - T-reset-mehetet?
Tȝ-šdy.t-rsy (Tȝ-št-rsy - Tȝ-štȝ-rsy - Tȝ-šty-rs) U - T-shedit-resi
U04a - T-ki-iou-...
Tȝ-qy.t-ṯȝw (Tȝ-qȝy.t-ṯȝw)
U02 - Tkoitoou
U20 - T-kehi
U15 - T-kehi-resi
L01 - T-keset-n-n-Winenou
Tȝ-kȝm-ʿȝ.t-pȝ-ḏʿ[ ]
L18? - T-kam-aat-p-dja[ ]
00c - Ta-gesem
L01 - T-ta-ichit
U15 - Tenis - Hakoris (Tehna)
Tȝ-thn.t (Thn - Thny)
L01 - T-tehen
L13? - T-ter
Tȝ-ḏsr (Tȝ-tsr.t)
U08 - Ta-djeser
92 2409
L01 - Tai-ter?
L14? - Daphnai (Tell Defenneh)
U20 - Ankyropolis (El-Hiba)
U05 - Taief-iret
L10? - Ta-outla-paiou-Horos
U15 - Taparoou
L11? - Ta-peh
U13 - Ta-n-ishou
Ty-kmỉ-600 (Tỉ-km-sȝ - Ta-km-sw - Tȝ-q-mȝ-p-s) Aethiopia - Tachompso
00c? - Ti-ten
00b - Dionysias (Qasr Qarun)
Egypt?, Toumrek
Twnyp (Twnp - Twnpw - Ṯnpw)
Syria - Tounip
U08 - Tay
L09 - Bousiris (Abusir)
U04a - Touphion (Tod)
L14? - Daphnai (Tell Defenneh)
Tp-ỉḥ.w (Tp-ỉḥ - Tp-nȝ-ỉḥ.w)
U22 - Aphroditopolis (Atfih)
00 - Tep-sedjem
Tp-tȝ.wy (Tp-tȝ)
00 - Tep-tawi
Tp-Tn (Tȝ-Tn - Tn - Tȝ-bnt - Tbȝ-Tn - Tȝ-btn - Dbȝ-Tn - Tȝ-nb-Tp-Tn - Tȝ-nb.t-tȝ-Tn)
00c - Tebtynis (Umm el-Baragat)
Tpḥ.t-ḏȝ.t (Tpḥḏȝ.t)
L01 - Tepehet-djat
Syria - Damascus
U15 - Demetriou Epoikion
U15 - Tenen
L? - Teri
00b - Thraso
Tlms (Tȝ-ȝms - Tȝ-ȝnms)
Aethiopia - Talmis (Kalabsha)
U20 - Tehen
00 - Tesh
Tš (T-š - Tše) (< Tȝ-šy?)
00 - Limne (Fayum)
U13? - Tesh-ma
U01? - Tek
U08 - Tay
Ṯb-nṯr (Tbn-nṯr- Sbn-nṯr - Ḏdb-n-nṯr)
L12 - Sebennytos (Samanud)
L12 - Sebennytes
Ṯny (Tn - Dny)
U08 - This (Girga)
U09? - Tjesa
U15? - Di
Dy-s-mn (Tsmn)
U09 - Tismenai
L12 - Isieion (Behbeit el-Hagar)
Palestina - Dora (Tantura)
Phoenicia - Klimax Tyrion
Dhnt Wrt
U20 - Ankyropolis (El-Hiba)
Ḏyḥ (Ḏȝhy)
Palestina - Djih
Ḏʿn.t (Tʿny)
L19 - Tanis (San el-Hagar)
U09 - Djar?
U03? - Djou-n-t-neri
U01 - Djou-ka (El-Hasa Island)
Ḏbȝ (Tbȝ - Dbȝ)
U02 - Apollonopolis (Edfu)
L06 - Bouto (Tell el-Fara'un)
Dp (Tp - Tpy)
L06 - Dep
Ḏmȝ (Tḏmȝʿ - Ḏmʿ - Ḏmȝ.t - Pr-Ḏmȝ - Pȝ-Ḏmȝ) U04b - Memnoneia - Djeme (Thebes west) 1341
L05 - Djerit
U04a - Touphion (Tod)
L01 - Djed-sout
L16 - Mendes (Tell el-Rub'a)
93 Demotic
Ḏd.t (Ḏdw - Ḏtw)
Ḏdỉ.t (Ḏtỉ.t)
[ ]...
[ ]ȝyḥ
[ ]...w
[ ]-pȝ-sbt-r-Pa-thny
[ ]-Mnṯw?
[ ]gyȝ
L09 - Bousiris (Abusir)
L13 - Djedit
00 - ...
L - ...
L01? - ...
L13? - ...
U20? - ...
U19? - ...-aam
U? - ...-ach?
L06? - ...-oun-hout
U15? - ...-nou
L11? - ...-cheret
U15? - ...ken
L01? - [ ]...
L01? - [ ]aih
[ ]...ou
L13? - [ ]-p-sebet-r-Pa-teheni
U - [ ]-Montou?
Egypt?, [ ]gia
94 469
A... (10815)
E ȝ... Var.: A...
Status: region? Bibl.: Spiegelberg, P. Cairo 2, 1908, p. 273; Zauzich, handout Third demotic conference, 1987;
Verreth, Northern Sinai, 2006, p. 53
Sources: BC 332 - 200, TM 45958: P. Cairo 2 31168 Ro + P. Cairo 2 31169, (31169) col. 4, 1: ȝ...
(Spiegelberg: ȝtnỉ?), in a list of toponyms
...-aam – U19? (11470)
E ...-ʿȝm Var.: ...-aam
Status: village? Note: uncertain whether it is actually a toponym
Bibl.: Zauzich, Enchoria 21 (1994), p. 97
Sources: BC 99 - AD 99, TM 51199: Enchoria 21 (1994), p. 91-93 no. 2, 2: ...-ʿȝm, 'Komoapis (the) man
of (?) ...-aam'
Abaton (Biga Island) – U01 (13)
G Ἄβατον L Abatos E Pȝy-ỉw-wʿb (Pr-ỉw-wʿb - Pr-wʿb - Pȝ-wʿb - Ỉw-wʿb - Pr-ỉȝ.t-wʿb.t) - Pȝ-wȝḥ-wʿb?
Other: Teb(e)we (Meroitic) Var.: Abaton - Hieron Pedion - Pai-iou-ouab ('Pure island') - Biga
Island (Bija - Bigga - Bige)
Status: island (on the Nile): mai Loc.: originally part of the island U01 Tmousanis / Snmt (7661) near U01 Philai (1767)
Rep.: Dizionario I 1, p. 2-3; Gauthier, Dictionnaire I, 1925, p. 23 p. 40; II, 1925, p. 51; Bibl.: Junker,
Abaton, 1913; Griffith, Graff. Dodec. Bija, 1937, p. 40-41; p. 307-309; Hintze, Afrikan. Studien
(1955), p. 368; Heyler, GLECS 11 (1967), p. 111; Winter, LÄ I, 1975, col. 1-2; Leclant, Top. Ant.
(1975), p. 158; Priese, Meroitica 7 (1984), p. 485; Vandorpe, Geografische elementen, 1988, p.
14; Locher, Topographie Nilkatarakt, 1999, p. 165-174; CDD P, 2010, p. 80-81; Maps: Baines /
Malek, Atlas, 2002, p. 71 & 72 Sources: BC 399 - 200, TM 46506: P. Äg. Handschr. 91, descr. [d]: Pȝy-ỉw-wʿb?, descr.: 'Erwähung
von Philai und Bige.'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46508: P. Berl. Eleph. 1 15527, 22: Pr-wʿb, 'Hör nicht auf, in das Abaton zu gehen
in der Nacht!'
BC 380 - AD 499?, TM 53508: Graff. Dodec. Philae 392, 2: Pr-wʿb, 'Isis the great goddess and the
gods of Abaton and Philai'
BC 380 - AD 499?, TM 53512: Graff. Dodec. Philae 396, 2: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'the priest (?) who is chosen for
95 (?) BC 343 May 11?, TM 46451: P. Berl. Eleph. 2 13633, 17: Pȝ-wȝḥ-wʿb, 'Ich würde es (sonst) im
Abaton (?) gesagt haben.'
(?) BC 343 May 11?, TM 46451: P. Berl. Eleph. 2 13633, 23: Pȝ-wȝḥ-wʿb, 'Und wenn sie sagen, dass
sie nach Abaton (?) gelangt sind'
(?) BC 343 May 11?, TM 46451: P. Berl. Eleph. 2 13633, Vo 15: Pȝ-wȝḥ-wʿb, 'Es gibt 16 gebackene
Brote, die man Euch in dem Abaton zu geben pflegt.'
BC 332 - 200, TM 46595: P. Äg. Handschr. 232 descr., 7: Pȝy-ỉw-wʿb, 'Arensnouphis (and) the gods
of Abaton'
BC 332 - 200?, TM 46641: P. Äg. Handschr. 284 descr., 4 - 5: Pȝy-ỉw-wʿb?, 'here before Isis (and) the
gods of Abaton (and) Philai'
BC 332 - 81, TM 53179: Graff. Dodec. Philae 80, 2: Pȝ-[ỉy-wʿb?], 'A good name remain here before
Isis of Philai and the gods of Abaton (?) forever'
BC 332 - AD 499?, TM 53184: Graff. Dodec. Philae 86, 2: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'the master of song of Isis of
Abaton and Philai forever'
BC 285 - AD 499?, TM 53522: Graff. Dodec. Philae 405, 1 [a]: Ỉy-wʿb, 'the master of song of Isis of
Abaton and Philai the great goddess'
BC 285 - AD 499?, TM 53168: Graff. Dodec. Philae 69, 1 [a]: Pr-[ỉy-wʿb?], 'the prophet of Isis of
Abaton and Philai'
BC 247 - AD 499?, TM 53094: Graff. Dodec. Bija 4, 3 [b]: Pȝ-wʿb, 'the priest of Isis of Philai and
BC 158 Jul 1?, TM 53360: Graff. Dodec. Philae 249, 2 [b]: Pr-wʿb, 'we proceeded unto Isis of Philai
and Abaton'
BC 153 - 150, TM 53481: Short Texts 1 100, 4 [b]: Pr-ỉw-wʿb, 'in the temple of Elephantine, Abaton
(and) Philai'
BC 150 - 30, TM 43648: RdE 38 (1987), p. 5-7, I Vo 25: Pr-ỉw-wʿb, 'the moment to go to Abaton'
BC 99 - AD 99, TM 69610: P. Brooklyn Dem. 140, 8: Pr-ỉw-wʿb, 'the prophet of Chnoum, Sothis,
Anoukis, Osiris, Horos, Isis, and the gods of the region (tȝ sḫ.t) of Elephantine at Abaton.'
BC 82 - 52, TM 43878: Graff. Dodec. Philae 388, 2: Pȝ-wʿb, 'before Isis of Philai (and) Osiris of
BC 82 - 52, TM 43878: Graff. Dodec. Philae 388, 4 [b]: Pȝ-wʿb, 'the transport skipper of Isis of Philai
(and) of Osiris of Abaton'
BC 82 - 52, TM 53507: Graff. Dodec. Philae 389, 2: Pr-wʿb, 'His (?) good name remain here before
Isis of Philai and Osiris of Abaton'
BC 82 - 52?, TM 43647: Graff. Dodec. Philae 50, 1: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'A good name remain here before Isis
of Abaton and Philai'
BC 82 - 50?, TM 43782: Graff. Dodec. Philae 48, 1 [a]: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'His name remain here before Isis of
Abaton and Philai, the twice great goddess'
BC 82 - 50?, TM 43775: Graff. Dodec. Philae 49, 1: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'A good name remain here before Isis
of Abaton and Philai'
BC 82 - 50?, TM 43783: Graff. Dodec. Philae 51, 1: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'A good name remain here before Isis
of Abaton and Philai'
BC 81 - AD 499?, TM 53381: Graff. Dodec. Philae 270, 1: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'Isis of Abaton and Philai'
BC 81 - AD 499?, TM 53402: Graff. Dodec. Philae 289, 3 [a]: Wʿb, 'Isis giver of life, mistress of
Abaton, good mistress, mistress of Philai'
BC 81 - AD 499?, TM 53435: Graff. Dodec. Philae 320, 6: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'before Osiris, Horos and Isis, and
(?) the great gods of the temple of Philai and Abaton'
BC 81 - AD 499?, TM 53147: Graff. Dodec. Philae 47, 1: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'His name remain here before Isis
of Abaton'
BC 30 - AD 6, TM 44145: Graff. Dodec. Philae 327, 1 [a]: Pr-wʿb, 'A good name remain here before
Isis of Abaton and Philai'
BC 30 - AD 300, TM 48290: Graff. Dodec. Philae 390, 2: Pr-wʿb, 'A good name remain here before Isis
of Philai and Osiris of Abaton'
BC 30 - AD 300, TM 48289: Graff. Dodec. Philae 391, 3: Pr-wʿb, 'A good name remain here before Isis
of Philai and Osiris of Abaton'
BC 30 - AD 300, TM 51872: Graff. Dodec. Philae 417, 3: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'while Prsme / Prosome held (?)
BC 30 - AD 300, TM 51872: Graff. Dodec. Philae 417, 5 [b]: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'Go not to Abaton.'
BC 30 - AD 300, TM 51872: Graff. Dodec. Philae 417, 6 [a]: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'having planted four perseatrees, one in Abaton'
BC 30 - AD 475, TM 52233: Graff. Dodec. Philae 449, 2 [a]: Pr-ỉw-wʿb, 'Isis of Abaton and Philai'
96 BC 30 - AD 499?, TM 53236: Graff. Dodec. Philae 134, 2 [b]: Ỉy-wʿb, 'the priest of Isis of Philai and
BC 30 - AD 499?, TM 53251: Graff. Dodec. Philae 149, 2: Pr-iy-wʿb, 'the chief goute of Isis of Abaton
and Philai'
BC 30 - AD 499?, TM 53252: Graff. Dodec. Philae 150, 2 [a]: Pr-iy-wʿb, 'priest of Isis of Abaton and
BC 30 - AD 499?, TM 53256: Graff. Dodec. Philae 154, 3 [a]: Pr-wʿb, 'the master goute of Isis of
Abaton and Philai'
BC 30 - AD 499?, TM 53310: Graff. Dodec. Philae 207, 2: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'Peteesis the goute of Abaton'
(?) BC 30 - AD 499?, TM 53122: Graff. Dodec. Philae 23, 2: Pr-wʿb?, 'the hair-dresser (?) of Isis of
Abaton (?)'
BC 30 - AD 499?, TM 53135: Graff. Dodec. Philae 35, 1 [a]: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'his name remain here before
Isis of Abaton (and) of Philai'
BC 29 - 24?, TM 51892: Graff. Dodec. Dakka 15, 2 [a]: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'the great goddess Isis mistress of
Abaton and Philai'
BC 29 - 24?, TM 51892: Graff. Dodec. Dakka 15, 3 [a]: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'the cult service of Isis mistress of
Abaton (and) Philai'
BC 11 Aug 29 - 10 Aug 28, TM 51890: Graff. Dodec. Dendur 1, 5: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'in the midst (?) of
AD 6 Jun 1, TM 53127: Graff. Dodec. Philae 27, 1 [a]: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'His name remain here before Isis of
Abaton and Philai'
AD 10 Aug 29 - 11 Aug 28, TM 51893: Graff. Dodec. Dakka 29, 1 [a]: Pr-wʿb, 'the agent of Isis of
Abaton and Philai'
AD 13 Jul 8, TM 53141: Graff. Dodec. Philae 41, 3 [a]: Pr-wʿb, 'before Isis of Abaton and Philai'
AD 21 Oct 8, TM 53155: Graff. Dodec. Philae 57, 5 [a]: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'the master of song with the
superintendents of singers of Isis of Abaton and Philai of the five orders made before Isis in Iisha-Aton'
AD 22 Feb 4, TM 53142: Graff. Dodec. Philae 42, 3 [a]: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'their (?) name remain before Isis
of Abaton and Philai for ever'
AD 28 Aug 29, TM 53158: Graff. Dodec. Philae 60, 2 [a]: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'a guardian of Isis of Abaton and
AD 30 Aug 3, TM 53151: Graff. Dodec. Philae 54, 7 [a]: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'the superintendents of singers of
Isis of Abaton and Philai'
AD 50 - 299, TM 91553: Short Texts 2 424 (forthcoming), 2: Pr-˹ỉw˺-wʿb, 'the baker (of) Isis (of)
Abaton (and) of Philai'
AD 57 Sep 25, TM 51891: Graff. Dodec. Dakka 12, 1 [a]: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'the priests of Isis of Abaton and
AD 57 Sep 25, TM 51891: Graff. Dodec. Dakka 12, 2 [a]: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'the pastophoroi of Isis of Abaton
and Philai'
AD 57 Sep 25, TM 51891: Graff. Dodec. Dakka 12, 4 [b]: [Pr]-ỉy-wʿb, 'a man of Korte, servant of Isis
of Abaton (and) Philai'
AD 57 Sep 25, TM 51891: Graff. Dodec. Dakka 12, 11 [a]: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'the scribe of the temple of Isis
of Abaton and Philai'
AD 74 Dec 26, TM 53160: Graff. Dodec. Philae 62, 7: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'in the [ ] (of) (the) dromos of
AD 78 Aug 22, TM 53163: Graff. Dodec. Philae 65, 2 [a]: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'Text of the oath which a man of
T-alemi, servant of Isis of Abaton (and) Philai', will swear'
AD 78 Aug 22, TM 53163: Graff. Dodec. Philae 65, 6: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'a guardian of Isis of Abaton'
AD 78 Aug 22, TM 53163: Graff. Dodec. Philae 65, 8: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'before Chnoum of the store-house
(?) of Abaton'
AD 100 - 199, TM 53362: Graff. Dodec. Philae 251, 2: Pr-wʿb, 'Isis giver of life, mistress of Abaton,
the mistress, mistress of Philai, the ruler of the heaven'
(?) AD 160 - 180?, TM 53086: Graff. Dodec. Girt. 2, 8: Pr-ỉy-wʿb?, 'goute of Abaton (?)'
AD 169 Aug 5?, TM 53545: Graff. Dodec. Philae 429, 2 [a]: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'the priest of Isis of Abaton and
Philai, the teshe of Isis of (?) P-kehe'
AD 200 - 250, TM 53366: Graff. Dodec. Philae 255, 4 [a]: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'Isis of Abaton and Philai, the
great goddess'
AD 200 - 250, TM 51874: Graff. Dodec. Philae 410, 1: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'before Isis of Abaton and Philai'
AD 200 - 250, TM 51874: Graff. Dodec. Philae 410, 4 [a]: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'before the great gods of the
temple of Abaton and Philai'
97 AD 200 - 250, TM 51886: Graff. Dodec. Philae 411, 2 [b]: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'Isis of Philai and Abaton'
AD 200 - 290 about, TM 53404: Graff. Dodec. Philae 290, 3: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'the agent of Isis of Abaton'
AD 225 - 275, TM 53222: Graff. Dodec. Philae 120, 3 [b]: Pr-wʿb, 'Isis of Philai and Abaton'
AD 227 Sep 21, TM 53247: Graff. Dodec. Philae 145, 1 [b]: Wʿb, 'the priest of Isis of Philai and
AD 227 Aug 30 - 228 Aug 28, TM 51875: Graff. Dodec. Philae 421, 2 [a]: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'before Isis of
Abaton and Philai'
AD 227 Aug 30 - 228 Aug 28, TM 51875: Graff. Dodec. Philae 421, 12: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'we performed the
inauguration-festival of the shrine of Isis of Abaton with new work'
AD 227 Aug 30 - 228 Aug 28, TM 51875: Graff. Dodec. Philae 421, 13: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'we transported it
across the river to Abaton'
AD 230 - 350?, TM 53197: Graff. Dodec. Philae 95, 3 [a]: Pr-wʿb, 'the priest of Isis of Abaton and
Philai, the teshe of Isis of P-kehe'
AD 246 Aug 29 - 247 Aug 28, TM 53428: Graff. Dodec. Philae 314, 6: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'agent of Isis of
AD 253 Apr 10, TM 51871: Enchoria 31 (2008-2009), p. 70-72, 1 [c]: Pr-ỉw-wʿb, 'in the presence of
Isis of Philai and Abaton'
AD 272 Aug 29 - 273 Aug 28, TM 53363: Graff. Dodec. Philae 252, 4: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'he stopped (?) at the
island of Abaton'
AD 373 Nov 11?, TM 53492: Graff. Dodec. Philae 371, 8: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'In the year named, the sky-boat
of Isis was far away for two years, and it reached Abaton.'
AD 373 Nov 27 - Dec 26, TM 53493: Graff. Dodec. Philae 372, 3 [b]: Pr-ỉy-wʿb, 'the chief baker of Isis
of Philai (and) Abaton, the great goddess'
AD 394?, TM 53261: Graff. Dodec. Philae 159, 3 [b]: Pr-wʿb, 'the second prophet of Isis of Philai and
Abaton, the great goddess'
AD 394?, TM 53261: Graff. Dodec. Philae 159, 5 [b]: Pr-wʿb, 'the priest of Isis of Philai and Abaton,
the great goddess'
Aboui-n-netjerou – L02? (11352)
E ʿbwỉ-nȝ-nṯr.w Var.: Aboui-n-netjerou
Status: sanctuary? city? Sources: BC 73 May 1, TM 52822: St. Cairo 1 p. 30-33 no. 31099, Dem. 4 [d]: ʿbwỉ-nȝ-nṯr.w, 'prophet
of Mout in Aboui-n-netjerou'
Abydos – U08 (34)
G Ἀβυδος L Abydus - Aboedos - Abubis - Abidos E ȝbḏw (Ỉbd - Ỉbt - ȝbt) - pȝ tš n Ỉbt? C ⲉⲃⲱⲧ ⲁⲃⲱⲧ Var.: Abydos (Abytos - Abidos - Abydoi - Abide) - sites including Memnonion, Osirieion,
El-Araba el-Madfuna, Kom el-Sultan, Umm el-Qa'ab E thnic: Abydenaios - Abydenos
Status: city: polis; civitas Loc.: on the western Nile bank
Note: see also the attestations for U08 Memnonion (11812) and U08 Osirieion (11813); new reading
in St. Abdalla 171, 2 (no toponym; cf. DBL, 2005, p. 544)
Rep.: Dizionario I 1, p. 6 (bis); p. 6-7; Suppl. 1, p. 3 (bis); Timm, p. 591-600; Bibl.: Erichsen, Glossar,
1954, p. 4; p. 27; Kemp, LÄ I, 1975, col. 28-41; CDD ȝ, 2002, p. 23; Maps: Baines / Malek, Atlas,
2002, p. 109 Sources: BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 24, 3 [a]: ȝbḏw, 'Die
(Leute) von Abydos werfen Steine auf sie, die von Panopolis (sagen): ...'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 8, 20 [a]: ȝbḏw, 'he became priest
of Osiris lord of Abydos'
(?) BC 399 - 200, TM 46541: P. Äg. Handschr. 151 Ro descr., descr.: pȝ tš Ỉbt?, descr.: 'Der Absender
berichtet, dass er im Gau von Abydos (?) (n. 2: Lesung fraglich) angekommen und dort mit
dem Espmethis zusammengetroffen ist.'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46617: P. Äg. Handschr. 254 descr., 16: Ỉbt?, 'Abydos' (no context)
BC 332 - 200, TM 45958: P. Cairo 2 31168 Ro + P. Cairo 2 31169, (31169) col. 6, 23: Ỉbt, 'Osiris lord of
BC 332 - 30, TM 50984: Omaggio Botti p. 44, 2: Ỉbt, 'Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
BC 332 - 30, TM 101258: Enchoria 19 - 20 (1992-1993), p. 230, 12: Ỉbt, 'Osiris, great god, lord of
BC 332 - 30?, TM 53940: Short Texts 1 255 + Short Texts 2 255 (forthcoming), Dem. 1 [a]: Ỉdb (sic),
'Osiris, foremost of the west, great god, lord of Abydos'
98 BC 332 - 30, TM 52246: ZÄS 72 (1936), p. 78, 1: Ỉbtw, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
(?) BC 223 Jun 20, TM 46489: P. Berl. Eleph. 1 13587, 3: ˹Ỉbt˺, 'before Osiris, Horos (and) Isis, the
gods of Abydos (?)'
(?) BC 219 Sep 4?, TM 46446: P. Berl. Eleph. 2 13564, 3: ˹Ỉbt˺, 'before Osiris, Horos (and) Isis, the
gods of Abydos (?)'
BC 199 - 140, TM 48982: O. Hor 15, 1: Ỉbt, '[ ] Abydos [ ]'
BC 199 - 140, TM 48982: O. Hor 15, 5 [a]: Ỉbt, 'the prophet (of) Abydos (and) the lector-priest (of)
Abydos investigate it'
BC 199 - 140, TM 48982: O. Hor 15, 5 [b]: Ỉbt, 'the prophet (of) Abydos (and) the lector-priest (of)
Abydos investigate it'
BC 199 - 140, TM 48982: O. Hor 15, 7: Ỉbt, 'the lector-priest (of) Abydos'
BC 199 - 140, TM 48982: O. Hor 15, 9: Ỉbt, '(the) temple (of) Abydos'
(?) BC 186 - 144 after, TM 46092: Spiegelberg, Zivilprozessordnung (ABAW N.F. 1) p. 16-17 + Sethe
/ Spiegelberg, Zivilprozessordnung (ABAW N.F. 4) p. 18, (p. 16-17) col. 2, 17: ȝbdw?, 'The wabpriest of Osiris lord of Abydos (?): silver 3 kite 8 ...'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Enchoria 22) col. G, 8 (=
Pap. de Ricci 6): ˹Ỉbt˺, '[ ] Abydos, in welchem allein (?) Osiris ruht'
BC 99 - 1, TM 55918: Lexa, Papyrus Insinger 1 p. 1-113 + Lichtheim, Wisdom literature in
international context p. 107-109 descr. + JEA 16 (1930), p. 4 no. F-G + TUAT 3.2 (1991), p. 280319 + Short Texts 2 1139 (forthcoming) + Dem. Conf. VII (Copenhagen 1999) p. 2-19, (Short
Texts) col. 35, 15: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
BC 99 - AD 99, TM 51042: Short Texts 2 1028 (forthcoming), 1: Ỉbd, 'Sokaris-Osiris, great god, lord
of Abydos'
BC 50 - 1, TM 48654: P. BM Smith p. 35-53, col. 4, 13: Ỉbt, 'Osiris, foremost of the west, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
BC 50 - 1, TM 48654: P. BM Smith p. 35-53, col. 7, 4 [b]: Ỉbt, 'You will fare northwards to Bousiris,
with ceremonies in Abydos'
BC 50 - 1, TM 48654: P. BM Smith p. 35-53, col. 7, 7 [b]: Ỉbt, 'Water will be brought to you in
Bousiris and Abydos.'
BC 30 - AD 50, TM 54639: St. Abdalla 205 descr., descr.: ȝbḏw, 'Osiris, the great god, lord of Abydos'
BC 30 - AD 50, TM 91589: T. BM Arlt 20, 3: Ỉbt, 'Osiris, foremost of the west, the great god, lord of
BC 30 - AD 200, TM 52806: St. Cairo 1 p. 69-70 no. 27541, Dem. 4: ȝbdw, 'Osiris ..., great god, lord of
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 51884: Farid, Fünf Stelen p. 277 no. 44, 4 descr. + I. Louvre 88, Dem. 1: Ỉbtw,
'Osiris, foremost of the west, great god, lord of Abydos'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 54612: GM 217 (2008), p. 65-69 no. 1, 2: Ỉbḏw, 'Osiris, the great god, lord of
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 51701: OrSu 19 - 20 (1970-1971), p. 53 & pl. 2, 2: Ỉbtw, 'Osiris, great god, lord of
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 105790: Short Texts 2 1000 (forthcoming), 1: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 105791: Short Texts 2 1001 (forthcoming), 1: Ỉbd, 'Osiris, the great god, the lord
of Abydos'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 105792: Short Texts 2 1002 (forthcoming), 1: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 105824: Short Texts 2 1003 (forthcoming), 1: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, <great> god,
lord of Abydos'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 105825: Short Texts 2 1004 (forthcoming), 1: Ỉbd, 'Osiris, <great> god, lord of
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 105826: Short Texts 2 1005 (forthcoming), 1: [Ỉbd], 'Osiris, the [great] god, [lord
of Abydos]'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 105829: Short Texts 2 1008 (forthcoming), 1: Ỉbd, '[ ], great god, lord of Abydos'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 105830: Short Texts 2 1009 (forthcoming), 1: Ỉbd, 'Sokaris (?)-Osiris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 105834: Short Texts 2 1013 (forthcoming), 1: Ỉbd, 'Sokaris-Osiris, <great> god,
lord of Abydos'
99 BC 30 - AD 284, TM 105837: Short Texts 2 1016 (forthcoming), 1: Ỉbd, 'Sokaris-Osiris, the great god,
lord of Abydos'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 105840: Short Texts 2 1019 (forthcoming), 1: Ỉbd, 'Sokaris-Osiris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 105841: Short Texts 2 1020 (forthcoming), 1: Ỉbd, 'Sokaris-Osiris, the great god,
lord of Abydos'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 105845: Short Texts 2 1024 (forthcoming), 1: Ỉbd, 'Sokaris-Osiris, the great god,
lord of Abydos'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 105846: Short Texts 2 1025 (forthcoming), 1: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 105847: Short Texts 2 1026 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris, the great god, lord of
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 105848: Short Texts 2 1027 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 69443: Short Texts 2 1147 (forthcoming), 14: Ỉbt, 'Osiris, foremost (?) of the
west (?), great god, lord of Abydos'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 90897: Short Texts 2 579 (forthcoming), 1: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord
of Abydos'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 115993: Short Texts 2 580 (forthcoming), 3: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, the
lord of Abydos'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 81111: Short Texts 2 968 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord
of Abydos'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 81113: Short Texts 2 970 (forthcoming), 1: Ỉbd, '[... lord of] Abydos'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 81117: Short Texts 2 973 (forthcoming), 1: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, <great> god,
lord of Abydos'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 81123: Short Texts 2 979 (forthcoming), 1: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Souchos (?), the great
god, lord of Abydos'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 81125: Short Texts 2 981 (forthcoming), 1: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord
of Abydos'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 81127: Short Texts 2 983 (forthcoming), 1: [Ỉbd], 'Osiris-Sokaris, <great> god,
lord of Abydos'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 81132: Short Texts 2 988 (forthcoming), 1: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord
of Abydos'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 81133: Short Texts 2 989 (forthcoming), 1: [Ỉbd], 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god,
the lord of Abydos'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 81134: Short Texts 2 990 (forthcoming), 1: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord
of Abydos'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 81135: Short Texts 2 991 (forthcoming), 1: Ỉbd, 'Osiris, the great god, lord of
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 105731: Short Texts 2 993 (forthcoming), 1: Ỉbd, 'Osiris lord of Abydos'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 105784: Short Texts 2 994 (forthcoming), 1: Ỉbd, 'Osiris, great god, lord of
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 54512: St. Abdalla 109 descr., 2: Ỉbdw, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, the lord of
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 54491: St. Abdalla 115, descr.: ȝbḏw, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 54617: St. Abdalla 190, 1: ȝbḏw, 'Osiris, foremost of the westerners, great god,
lord of Abydos'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 54624: St. Abdalla 192, descr.: ȝbḏw, 'Osiris, the great god, lord of Abydos'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 58022: St. Abdalla 23 descr., descr.: ȝbḏw, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 54448: St. Abdalla 60 descr., 1: Ỉbtw, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 52813: St. Cairo 1 p. 14 no. 31087 descr., descr.: Ỉbt?, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, the lord of Abydos'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 52815: St. Cairo 1 p. 22 no. 31091, 2: ȝbdw, 'Osiris, the great god, lord of
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 52817: St. Cairo 1 p. 26 no. 31095, 4: ȝbdw, 'Osiris ..., great god, lord of Abydos'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 52817: St. Cairo 1 p. 26 no. 31095, 10 [b]: Ỉbt, 'Osiris Pete-tem, Seliger, du bist
gross in Panopolis, ruhend in Abydos ewiglich.'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 52820: St. Cairo 1 p. 27 no. 31097, 3: ȝbdw, 'Osiris, the great god, lord of
100 BC 30 - AD 284, TM 52840: St. Cairo 1 p. 45 no. 31113, 1: ȝbdw, 'Osiris ..., great god, lord of Abydos'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 52853: St. Cairo 1 p. 48 no. 31122, b 2: ȝbdw, 'Osiris ..., great god, lord of
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 52858: St. Cairo 1 p. 49 no. 31126, 1: ȝbdw, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, lord of
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 52861: St. Cairo 1 p. 50 no. 31128, 3: [ȝbdw], 'Osiris, great god, lord of Abydos'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 52864: St. Cairo 1 p. 52 no. 31131, 3: ȝbdw, 'Osiris ..., great god, lord of Abydos'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 52868: St. Cairo 1 p. 52 no. 31134, 1: ȝbdw, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 52869: St. Cairo 1 p. 53 no. 31135, 2: ȝbdw, 'Osiris, the great god, lord of
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 52878: St. Cairo 1 p. 55 no. 31139, 3: ȝbdw, 'Osiris ..., great god, lord of Abydos'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 52879: St. Cairo 1 p. 55 no. 31140, 2: ȝbdw, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 52885: St. Cairo 1 p. 59 no. 31148, 3: ȝbd, 'Osiris, great god, lord of Abydos'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 52888: St. Cairo 1 p. 60 no. 31151, 4: ȝbdw, 'Osiris, the great god, lord of
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 52899: St. Cairo 3 50032, 1: ȝbdw, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, lord of Abydos'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 52201: ZÄS 45 (1908), p. 97 no. 1, 1: Ỉbd, 'Osiris, foremost of the west, great god
of Abydos'
BC 30 - AD 299, TM 117627: Short Texts 2 917 (forthcoming), 1: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord
of Abydos'
BC 9 Aug 21, TM 57970: P. Rhind 1, Dem. col. 11, 9: Ỉbdw, 'Osiris, foremost of the west, great god,
lord of Abydos'
BC 9 Aug 21, TM 57970: P. Rhind 1, Dem. col. 9, 6: Ỉbdw, 'Osiris, foremost of the west, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 1 - 99, TM 58379: P. Liturgy p. 23-29 no. B & pl. 1-4, col. 1, 9: Ỉbt, 'Osiris, the foremost of the
westerners, the great god and lord of Abydos'
AD 1 - 99, TM 58379: P. Liturgy p. 23-29 no. B & pl. 1-4, col. 3, 20: Ỉbt, 'Your ba will proceed to the
hny-bark with Osiris the great god, lord of Abydos.'
AD 1 - 99, TM 58379: P. Liturgy p. 23-29 no. B & pl. 1-4, col. 4, 11: Ỉbt, 'Osiris, the foremost of the
westerners, the great god and lord of Abydos, will turn his face to you in its perfection.'
AD 1 - 99, TM 58379: P. Liturgy p. 23-29 no. B & pl. 1-4, col. 5, 7: Ỉbt, 'You will fare upstream to
AD 1 - 99, TM 54762: P. Liturgy p. 23-29 no. OP & pl. 5-6, col. 3, 13: Ỉbt, 'Your ba will proceed to the
hny-bark with Osiris the great god, lord of Abydos.'
AD 1 - 99, TM 48898: P. Liturgy p. 26-29 & 67-80 no. S & pl. 8-11 + Dem. Conf. IX (Paris 2005) p. 349350, col. x+5, marg. (p. 10 n. 53): ˹Ỉbt˺, '[ ] Abydos [ ]'
AD 1 - 99, TM 48898: P. Liturgy p. 26-29 & 67-80 no. S & pl. 8-11 + Dem. Conf. IX (Paris 2005) p. 349350, fr. 2, B col. 1, 2 (p. 69): Ỉbt, 'Osiris, foremost [ ] the west, great god, lord of Abydos.'
(?) AD 1 - 99, TM 48898: P. Liturgy p. 26-29 & 67-80 no. S & pl. 8-11 + Dem. Conf. IX (Paris 2005) p.
349-350, fr. 2, B col. 2, 3 [b] (p. 69): [Ỉbt?], 'You will fare upstream to Abydos (?)'
AD 1 - 99, TM 52307: Short Texts 2 1084 (forthcoming), D 7: Ỉbd, 'May you sail to Abydos.'
AD 1 - 99, TM 52307: Short Texts 2 1084 (forthcoming), D 39: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Onnophris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 1 - 99, TM 54386: Short Texts 2 1172 (forthcoming), 2 [a]: Ỉbd, 'Osiris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 1 - 199?, TM 91310: Aubert / Cortopassi, Portraits de l'Égypte romaine p. 162 no. 110, (b) 1 ?:
Ỉbt, 'Osiris, the great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 1 - 199, TM 69431: Jasnow / Zauzich, Book of Thoth p. 139-496 no. L01, col. 2, 7 (p. 340): Ỉ[bt], 'A
vulture ... its mouth, while it experiences (?) suffering because of it ... It is Abydos.'
AD 1 - 199, TM 54025: Short Texts 2 1148 (forthcoming), 6: Ỉbd, 'Osiris, foremost of the west, and
Onnophris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 1 - 199, TM 54025: Short Texts 2 1148 (forthcoming), 8: Ỉbd, 'before the master of Abydos (sc.
AD 1 - 199, TM 54025: Short Texts 2 1148 (forthcoming), 10: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Onnophris, great god, lord
of Abydos'
AD 1 - 199, TM 48680: Short Texts 2 1157 (forthcoming), 6: Ỉbd, 'Osiris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 1 - 199?, TM 51529: Short Texts 2 960 (forthcoming), 1: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, lord
of Abydos'
101 AD 1 - 199, TM 117648: Short Texts 2 961 (forthcoming), 1: Ỉbd, 'Osiris, the great god, lord of
AD 1 - 199, TM 92921: Short Texts 2 964 (forthcoming), 1: Ỉbdd, 'Sokaris-Osiris, great god, lord of
AD 1 - 284, TM 54531: St. Abdalla 123 descr., descr.: ȝbdw, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of
AD 20 - 99, TM 58021: Short Texts 2 1092 (forthcoming), 3: Ỉ<b>d, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 31 Jan 13, TM 50861: Short Texts 1 175 A-B, 4: Ỉbd.w, 'Apollonios son of Kollouthion the town
scribe / komogrammateus of Abydos'
AD 31 Jan 13, TM 50861: Short Texts 1 175 A-B, 5: Ỉbd.w, 'the gods of (the) temple of Abydos'
AD 31 Jan 13, TM 50861: Short Texts 1 175 A-B, 8: Ỉbd.w, 'the repair of the portico within (the)
temple of Abyods'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 2, 23 [a]: [Ỉ]bt, 'they
happen in those 42 nomoi which the assessors (?) of Osiris the great god are in them ...
Abydos, the place of oracle (?), the dwellings of Princes ... and in Philai (?)'
AD 61 Feb 15 shortly after, TM 54058: Smith, Papyrus Harkness p. 49-86, col. 2, 15: Ỉbt, 'You will
perform the rowings of the sun disk and the towings of Osiris, foremost of the west, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 61 Feb 15 shortly after, TM 54058: Smith, Papyrus Harkness p. 49-86, col. 2, 26 [b]: Ỉbt,
'Ceremonies will be performed for you in Abydos.'
AD 61 Feb 15 shortly after, TM 54058: Smith, Papyrus Harkness p. 49-86, col. 3, 13 [a]: Ỉbt, 'You will
fare southwards to Abydos.'
AD 61 Feb 15 shortly after, TM 54058: Smith, Papyrus Harkness p. 49-86, col. 3, 36 [b]: Ỉbt, 'Respect
for you will be great in Abydos.'
AD 61 Feb 15 shortly after, TM 54058: Smith, Papyrus Harkness p. 49-86, col. 4, 8: Ỉbt, 'You will
approach Abydos when Osiris is there.'
AD 61 Feb 15 shortly after, TM 54058: Smith, Papyrus Harkness p. 49-86, col. 5, 9 [b]: Ỉbt, 'You will
approach Abydos, the place of the scarab.'
AD 61 Feb 15 shortly after, TM 54058: Smith, Papyrus Harkness p. 49-86, col. 5, 22: Ỉbt, 'They are
favoured for ever, they are renewed eternally, the gods of Abydos'
AD 61 Feb 15 shortly after, TM 54058: Smith, Papyrus Harkness p. 49-86, col. 5, 23 [c]: Ỉbt, 'the gods
..., those of Koptos, those of Bousiris, those of Abydos, those of Herakleopolis, the great
districts of Osiris'
AD 61 Feb 15 shortly after, TM 54058: Smith, Papyrus Harkness p. 49-86, col. 6, 11: Ỉbt, 'Pour out
water for Osiris, the foremost of the west, my (?) king, lord of Abydos'
AD 61 Feb 15 shortly after, TM 54058: Smith, Papyrus Harkness p. 49-86, col. 6, 19: Ỉbt, 'Give water
at an offering table (to) the great god of Abydos'
AD 61 Feb 15 shortly after, TM 54058: Smith, Papyrus Harkness p. 49-86, col. 6, 23 [a]: Ỉbt, 'Give
water at an offering table to the gods (of) Abydos and the gods (of) Ta-djeser.'
AD 61 Feb 15 shortly after, TM 54058: Smith, Papyrus Harkness p. 49-86, col. 6, 25 [c]: Ỉbt, 'Give
water (at) an offering table (to) those of Koptos, those of Bousiris, those of Abydos, and those
of Herakleopolis, the great districts of Osiris'
AD 90 - 299, TM 50967: Short Texts 2 523 (forthcoming), 4: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, lord
of Abydos'
AD 100 - 150, TM 51604: Short Texts 2 529 (forthcoming), 5: Ỉbd, 'Osiris, foremost of the west, the
great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 150, TM 51603: Short Texts 2 530 (forthcoming), 3: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, lord
of Abydos'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55938: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 24-26 no. 6750 & 8765 descr., (6750) col. 3 (= B), 25 ?: Ỉbt?,
descr.: 'une autre section très courte mentionnant le rajeunissement d' Osiris en Abydos'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55938: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 24-26 no. 6750 & 8765 descr., (6750) col. 8 (= G), 8 [b]: Ỉbt?,
'Bousiris, Abydos nehmen Weinlaub (?)'
AD 100 - 199, TM 48725: P. Cairo 3 50142, 28: ȝbdw?, 'Osiris, foremost of the west, the great god,
lord of Abydos (?)'
AD 100 - 199?, TM 54352: Short Texts 2 1043 (forthcoming), 2 [a]: Ỉbd, 'may they offer her an
offering ... in the resi-tjaou / the necropolis of Abydos before Osiris, foremost of the west,
great god, lord of Abydos'
102 AD 100 - 199?, TM 54352: Short Texts 2 1043 (forthcoming), 2 [b]: Ỉbd, 'may they offer her an
offering ... in the resi-tjaou / the necropolis of Abydos before Osiris, foremost of the west,
great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 199?, TM 54393: Short Texts 2 1159 (forthcoming), 3 [a]: Ỉbd, 'Osiris, great god, lord of
AD 100 - 199?, TM 117640: Short Texts 2 1200 (forthcoming), 9: Ỉbd, 'Osiris, foremost of the west,
the great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 199?, TM 50933: Short Texts 2 491 (forthcoming), 1: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of
AD 100 - 199?, TM 50925: Short Texts 2 504 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of
AD 100 - 199, TM 50960: Short Texts 2 508 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of
AD 100 - 199?, TM 50935: Short Texts 2 509 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbdy, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god,
the lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 199?, TM 50871: Short Texts 2 519 (forthcoming), Dem. 4: Ỉ<b>d, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 199, TM 50936: Short Texts 2 522 (forthcoming), 4: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, lord
of Abydos'
AD 100 - 199, TM 115982: Short Texts 2 525 (forthcoming), 3: Ỉbtỉ, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of
AD 100 - 199?, TM 80839: Short Texts 2 553 (forthcoming), 3: Ỉỉbd (sic), 'Osiris, great god, lord of
AD 100 - 199?, TM 50954: Short Texts 2 565 (forthcoming), 3: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of
AD 100 - 199?, TM 50917: Short Texts 2 571 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 199, TM 26136: Short Texts 2 595 (forthcoming), Dem. 1: Ỉbd?, 'Osiris-<Sokaris>, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 199, TM 56479: Short Texts 2 605 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉwbdw, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord
of Abydos'
AD 100 - 199, TM 50922: Short Texts 2 606 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉwbdw, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord
of Abydos'
AD 100 - 199, TM 89000: Short Texts 2 607 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉwbdw, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 199, TM 91555: Short Texts 2 635 (forthcoming), Dem. 1: Ỉbd, 'Osiris, great god, lord of
AD 100 - 199?, TM 29440: Short Texts 2 655 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 199, TM 28929: Short Texts 2 784 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbdd, 'Osiris, foremost of the
west, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55409: Short Texts 2 920 (forthcoming), 3: Ỉbd, 'Osiris, foremost of the west,
great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 199?, TM 91753: T. BM Arlt 100, 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55789: T. BM Arlt 25, a 1: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55789: T. BM Arlt 25, b 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 199?, TM 91634: T. BM Arlt 62, a 7: Ỉbty, 'Osiris, foremost of the west, great god, lord of
AD 100 - 199, TM 91667: T. BM Arlt 95, 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 199?, TM 91669: T. BM Arlt 96, 1: Ỉbt, 'Osiris lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 199?, TM 91750: T. BM Arlt 97, 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 284, TM 54397: St. Cairo 3 50029, 2: ȝbdw, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 91309: Aubert / Cortopassi, Portraits de l'Égypte romaine p. 160 no. 109 d, 1: Ỉbt,
'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 29368: CRIPEL 2 (1974), p. 181 no. CEML 47 + RevEg 6 (1891), p. 43 no. 2, Dem. 1:
Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 32088: CRIPEL 2 (1974), p. 184 no. CEML 55 + RevEg 7 (1892-1896), p. 37-38 no. 26,
Dem. 1: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 32085: CRIPEL 2 (1974), p. 185 no. CEML 57 + RevEg 7 (1892-1896), p. 29 no. 7,
Dem. 1: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, lord of Abydos'
103 AD 100 - 299, TM 29375: CRIPEL 2 (1974), p. 185 no. CEML 59 + RevEg 7 (1892-1896), p. 31 no. 11,
Dem. 1: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 29376: CRIPEL 2 (1974), p. 189 no. CEML 69 + RevEg 7 (1892-1896), p. 31 no. 12,
Dem. 1: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 54990: CRIPEL 3 (1975), p. 236-237 no. CEML 591, Dem. [a]: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris lord
of Abydos and Tripheion'
AD 100 - 299, TM 29367: CRIPEL 4 (1976), p. 188 no. CEML 740 + RevEg 6 (1891), p. 43 no. 1, Dem. 1:
Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 29370: CRIPEL 4 (1976), p. 188 no. CEML 741 + RevEg 6 (1891), p. 44 no. 4, Dem. 1:
Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 29371: CRIPEL 4 (1976), p. 189 no. CEML 742 + RevEg 6 (1891), p. 100 no. 5, Dem. 1:
Ỉbt, 'Osiris lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 29374: CRIPEL 4 (1976), p. 206 no. CEML 811 + RevEg 7 (1892-1896), p. 30 no. 10,
Dem. 1: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 32086: CRIPEL 4 (1976), p. 213 no. CEML 837 + RevEg 7 (1892-1896), p. 31 no. 13,
Dem. 1: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 29380: CRIPEL 4 (1976), p. 217 no. CEML 850 + RevEg 7 (1892-1896), p. 34 no. 19,
Dem. 1: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 32087: CRIPEL 4 (1976), p. 220 no. CEML 863 + RevEg 7 (1892-1896), p. 36 no. 22,
Dem. 4: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 29381: CRIPEL 4 (1976), p. 220 no. CEML 864 + RevEg 7 (1892-1896), p. 35 no. 20,
Dem. 1: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 29386: CRIPEL 4 (1976), p. 220 no. CEML 865 + RevEg 7 (1892-1896), p. 38 no. 27,
Dem. 1: Ỉbt, 'Osiris, foremost of the west, the great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 46283: Short Texts 2 1144 (forthcoming), 10: Ỉbd, 'Osiris, foremost of the west,
great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 54020: Short Texts 2 1145 (forthcoming), 4: Ỉbdy, 'Osiris, foremost of the west,
great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 54022: Short Texts 2 1149 (forthcoming), 12: <Ỉ>bd, 'Onnophris, foremost of the
west, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 48681: Short Texts 2 1158 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbd, 'Onnophris, the great god, the
lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 50932: Short Texts 2 507 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉb<d>, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord
of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 50932: Short Texts 2 507 (forthcoming), 10: Ỉb<d>, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord
of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 50924: Short Texts 2 515 (forthcoming), 3: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of
AD 100 - 299, TM 50930: Short Texts 2 520 (forthcoming), 5: Ỉbd, 'Osiris, foremost of the west,
great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 29411: Short Texts 2 527 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, lord
of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 50878: Short Texts 2 528 (forthcoming), Dem. 4: Ỉbd, 'Osiris, foremost of the west,
the great lord, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 56485: Short Texts 2 555 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of
AD 100 - 299, TM 55423: Short Texts 2 556 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of
AD 100 - 299, TM 52184: Short Texts 2 558 (forthcoming), 8: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, lord
of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 56471: Short Texts 2 569 (forthcoming), 3: Ỉbdd, 'Osiris, foremost of the west,
great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 40572: Short Texts 2 570 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbdỉ, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of
AD 100 - 299, TM 50913: Short Texts 2 572 (forthcoming), A 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord
of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 50920: Short Texts 2 573 (forthcoming), 2 - 3: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord
of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 26778: Short Texts 2 578 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉdb (sic), 'Osiris-Sokaris, great
god, lord of Abydos'
104 AD 100 - 299, TM 80253: Short Texts 2 582 (forthcoming), 2: ˹Ỉbd˺, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord
of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 58034: Short Texts 2 589 (forthcoming), 3: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, lord
of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 40569: Short Texts 2 590 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, lord
of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 54584: Short Texts 2 591 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 51900: Short Texts 2 592 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'his name remains here in
AD 100 - 299, TM 51900: Short Texts 2 592 (forthcoming), Dem. 3: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 51900: Short Texts 2 592 (forthcoming), Dem. 5: Ỉbd, 'Osiris, the great god, the
lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 40524: Short Texts 2 593 (forthcoming), Dem. 1: Ỉbdd, 'Osiris-<Sokaris>, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 26140: Short Texts 2 596 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 115998: Short Texts 2 603 (forthcoming), 1: Ỉbdy, 'Who is in Abydos before Osiris'
AD 100 - 299, TM 50876: Short Texts 2 604 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 29379: Short Texts 2 611 (forthcoming), Dem. 3: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 26047: Short Texts 2 612 (forthcoming), Dem. 3: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 50900: Short Texts 2 617 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 40653: Short Texts 2 618 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 40652: Short Texts 2 619 (forthcoming), Dem. 4: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 50903: Short Texts 2 620 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbdỉ, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 40661: Short Texts 2 623 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbdd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of
AD 100 - 299, TM 55433: Short Texts 2 625 (forthcoming), 1: Ỉ[bd], 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of
AD 100 - 299, TM 26253: Short Texts 2 626 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the [great]
god, [lord?] of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 115999: Short Texts 2 627 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of
AD 100 - 299, TM 26254: Short Texts 2 628 bis (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris, the great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 50886: Short Texts 2 629 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbdỉ, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 50875: Short Texts 2 630 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbdỉ, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 40664: Short Texts 2 631 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris, foremost of the west,
Onnophris, the great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 27358: Short Texts 2 632 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 29365: Short Texts 2 634 (forthcoming), Dem. 3: Ỉbdd, 'Osiris, foremost of the
west, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 40526: Short Texts 2 636 (forthcoming), Dem. 1: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 40660: Short Texts 2 665 (forthcoming), 4: Ỉdb (sic), 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 29377: Short Texts 2 666 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
105 AD 100 - 299, TM 55421: Short Texts 2 667 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of
AD 100 - 299, TM 55421: Short Texts 2 667 (forthcoming), 5: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of
AD 100 - 299, TM 26010: Short Texts 2 668 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 117641: Short Texts 2 669 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris, great god, lord of
AD 100 - 299, TM 26068: Short Texts 2 670 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 40487: Short Texts 2 671 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 40655: Short Texts 2 672 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 40512: Short Texts 2 673 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 40517: Short Texts 2 674 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 40675: Short Texts 2 676 (forthcoming), Dem. 3: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 80262: Short Texts 2 682 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 40529: Short Texts 2 683 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 40602: Short Texts 2 689 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299?, TM 40580: Short Texts 2 695 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 40482: Short Texts 2 699 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 40520: Short Texts 2 700 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 40480: Short Texts 2 703 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 29287: Short Texts 2 718 (forthcoming), Dem. 1: Ỉb˹d˺, '<Osiris>-Sokaris, great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 40659: Short Texts 2 724 (forthcoming), 4: Ỉbd.w, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord
of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 50921: Short Texts 2 776 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of
AD 100 - 299, TM 109752: Short Texts 2 779 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbdỉ, 'Osiris, the great god, lord of
AD 100 - 299, TM 109752: Short Texts 2 779 (forthcoming), 6: Ỉbdỉ, 'Osiris, the great god, lord of
AD 100 - 299, TM 55412: Short Texts 2 782 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbdd, 'Sokaris, great god, lord of
AD 100 - 299, TM 55412: Short Texts 2 782 (forthcoming), 5: Ỉbdd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of
AD 100 - 299, TM 50957: Short Texts 2 785 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of
AD 100 - 299, TM 40575: Short Texts 2 786 (forthcoming), 4: Ỉbdỉ, 'Osiris, foremost of the west,
great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 29443: Short Texts 2 793 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of
AD 100 - 299, TM 40516: Short Texts 2 794 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd?, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 40674: Short Texts 2 804 (forthcoming), Dem. 3: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 40472: Short Texts 2 822 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
106 AD 100 - 299, TM 40493: Short Texts 2 825 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 91558: Short Texts 2 845 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of
AD 100 - 299, TM 91558: Short Texts 2 845 (forthcoming), 6: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of
AD 100 - 299, TM 27345: Short Texts 2 850 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, the lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 40723: Short Texts 2 852 (forthcoming), Dem. 3: Ỉbd, 'Osiris, foremost of the west,
great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 26255: Short Texts 2 853 (forthcoming), Dem. 3: Ỉbd, 'Osiris, foremost of the west,
great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 25444: Short Texts 2 854 (forthcoming), Dem. 3: Ỉbd, 'Osiris, foremost of the west,
great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 56482: Short Texts 2 858 (forthcoming), 6: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of
AD 100 - 299, TM 80238: Short Texts 2 859 (forthcoming), 9: ˹Ỉ˺[bd], 'Osiris, foremost of the west,
great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 89322: Short Texts 2 935 (forthcoming), 3: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of
AD 100 - 299, TM 91754: T. BM Arlt 101, Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 91755: T. BM Arlt 102, Dem. 6: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 91756: T. BM Arlt 103, Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 91760: T. BM Arlt 108, Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 91789: T. BM Arlt 133, Dem. 2: ˹Ỉbt˺, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299?, TM 129966: T. BM Arlt 154 [falsum], 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299?, TM 129967: T. BM Arlt 155 [falsum], 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris (?), great god, lord of
AD 100 - 299, TM 129968: T. BM Arlt 156 [falsum], Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of
AD 100 - 299?, TM 129970: T. BM Arlt 159 [falsum], Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 56377: T. BM Arlt 58, Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris, foremost of the west (?), <great> god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 91635: T. BM Arlt 63, Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris, foremost of the west, great god, lord of
AD 100 - 299, TM 91637: T. BM Arlt 65, Dem. 3: [Ỉbt], 'Osiris, foremost of the west, great god, lord of
AD 100 - 299, TM 91653: T. BM Arlt 79, Dem. 2: Ỉwbt (sic), 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 91654: T. BM Arlt 80, Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 91655: T. BM Arlt 81, 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 91664: T. BM Arlt 90, Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 91665: T. BM Arlt 92, Dem. 2: ˹Ỉbt˺, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 91666: T. BM Arlt 93, Dem. 3: [Ỉb]t, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 116 - 499, TM 53544: Graff. Dodec. Philae 428, 1: Ỉbt, 'priest of Osiris lord of Abydos'
AD 126 - 127, TM 115985: Short Texts 2 550 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of
AD 126 - 127, TM 115985: Short Texts 2 550 (forthcoming), 8: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of
AD 129 Jan 13, TM 115986: Short Texts 2 551 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord
of Abydos'
AD 129 Jan 13, TM 115986: Short Texts 2 551 (forthcoming), 7: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord
of Abydos'
AD 131 Jun 28, TM 55414: Short Texts 2 554 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris, the great god, the lord of
AD 150 - 199, TM 115995: Short Texts 2 594 (forthcoming), Dem. 1: Ỉbd?, 'Osiris-<Sokaris>, the
great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 150 - 199, TM 32068: Short Texts 2 660 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, '[Osiris-Sokaris ...], great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 150 - 210, TM 26027: Short Texts 2 661 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
107 AD 164 Feb 17?, TM 50966: Short Texts 2 658 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord
of Abydos'
AD 175 - 199, TM 56084: P. Carlsberg 1 p. 22-24 + P. Carlsberg 3 p. 141-156, col. 2, 1 (P. Carl. 3): [Ỉbt],
'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 175 - 199, TM 56084: P. Carlsberg 1 p. 22-24 + P. Carlsberg 3 p. 141-156, col. 2, 3 (P. Carl. 3): Ỉbt,
'Come south to Abydos with me to the place of him who wronged my ancestors'
AD 175 - 199, TM 56084: P. Carlsberg 1 p. 22-24 + P. Carlsberg 3 p. 141-156, col. 2, 4 (P. Carl. 3): [Ỉbt],
'My meeting-place with you is on the harbour of Abydos immediately'
AD 175 - 199, TM 56084: P. Carlsberg 1 p. 22-24 + P. Carlsberg 3 p. 141-156, col. 2, 10 (P. Carl. 3): Ỉbt,
'He set sail south for Abydos'
AD 175 - 199, TM 56084: P. Carlsberg 1 p. 22-24 + P. Carlsberg 3 p. 141-156, col. 2, 11 (P. Carl. 3): Ỉbt,
'He reached the south, the harbour at Abydos.'
AD 175 - 199, TM 56084: P. Carlsberg 1 p. 22-24 + P. Carlsberg 3 p. 141-156, col. 2, 12 (P. Carl. 1): Ỉbt,
'Please go into the temple of Abydos.'
AD 175 - 199, TM 56084: P. Carlsberg 1 p. 22-24 + P. Carlsberg 3 p. 141-156, col. 2, 13 (P. Carl. 1): Ỉbt,
'Let him cause the herald to cry in Abydos'
AD 175 - 199, TM 56084: P. Carlsberg 1 p. 22-24 + P. Carlsberg 3 p. 141-156, col. 2, 18 (P. Carl. 3): Ỉbt,
'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 175 - 199, TM 56084: P. Carlsberg 1 p. 22-24 + P. Carlsberg 3 p. 141-156, col. 2, 19 (P. Carl. 3): Ỉbt,
'Let him cause the herald to cry in Abydos'
AD 175 - 199, TM 56084: P. Carlsberg 1 p. 22-24 + P. Carlsberg 3 p. 141-156, col. 2, 21 (P. Carl. 3):
[Ỉbt], 'He caused the herald to cry in Abydos'
AD 175 - 199, TM 56084: P. Carlsberg 1 p. 22-24 + P. Carlsberg 3 p. 141-156, col. 2, 30 (P. Carl. 3): Ỉbt,
'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 175 - 199, TM 56084: P. Carlsberg 1 p. 22-24 + P. Carlsberg 3 p. 141-156, col. 2, 32 (P. Carl. 3):
Ỉ˹bt˺?, 'the great [goddess] of Abydos (?)'
AD 175 - 225, TM 27262: Short Texts 2 690 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 175 - 225, TM 27261: Short Texts 2 691 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 175 - 225, TM 27257: Short Texts 2 692 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 175 - 225, TM 27268: Short Texts 2 882 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 182 Aug 19, TM 91762: T. BM Arlt 110, Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 186 Jul 2, TM 91660: T. BM Arlt 86, 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 191 - 192?, TM 17995: Short Texts 2 621 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 196 Jul 4, TM 40511: Short Texts 2 659 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 199 Oct 11, TM 51608: Short Texts 2 534 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉdb? (sic), 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 200 about, TM 117604: Short Texts 2 663 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 225, TM 117642: Short Texts 2 687 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 250, TM 115990: Short Texts 2 577 bis (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 250, TM 50888: Short Texts 2 654 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, <great> god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 250, TM 26042: Short Texts 2 684 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 250, TM 26137: Short Texts 2 685 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 250, TM 26048: Short Texts 2 686 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 250, TM 80263: Short Texts 2 688 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 250, TM 26024: Short Texts 2 693 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
108 AD 200 - 250, TM 50868: Short Texts 2 694 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 250, TM 50897: Short Texts 2 696 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 250, TM 50884: Short Texts 2 697 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 250, TM 26043: Short Texts 2 698 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 250, TM 50899: Short Texts 2 701 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 250, TM 50892: Short Texts 2 702 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 250?, TM 31716: Short Texts 2 704 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 250, TM 50898: Short Texts 2 705 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 250, TM 50906: Short Texts 2 706 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 250, TM 26066: Short Texts 2 708 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 250, TM 26064: Short Texts 2 709 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 250, TM 50873: Short Texts 2 710 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 250, TM 26041: Short Texts 2 711 (forthcoming), Dem. 1: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 250, TM 26026: Short Texts 2 712 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 250, TM 50914: Short Texts 2 713 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 250, TM 26035: Short Texts 2 714 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 250, TM 28974: Short Texts 2 715 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, lord
of Abydos'
AD 200 - 250, TM 28973: Short Texts 2 716 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, lord
of Abydos'
AD 200 - 250?, TM 31715: Short Texts 2 717 (forthcoming), Dem. 1: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 250, TM 50894: Short Texts 2 719 (forthcoming), Dem. 1: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 250, TM 117605: Short Texts 2 746 (forthcoming), Dem. 1: <Ỉbd>, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great
god, <lord of Abydos>'
AD 200 - 250, TM 27356: Short Texts 2 747 (forthcoming), Dem. 1: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 250, TM 27357: Short Texts 2 748 (forthcoming), Dem. 3: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, <great> god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 250, TM 40534: Short Texts 2 750 (forthcoming), Dem. 3: Ỉbwty, 'his name is in Abydos
before Osiris.'
AD 200 - 250?, TM 117607: Short Texts 2 772 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 260, TM 50893: Short Texts 2 677 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 280, TM 6480: Short Texts 2 795 (forthcoming), Dem. 1: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 32084: CRIPEL 2 (1974), p. 237-238 no. CEML 211 + RevEg 6 (1891), p. 100-101 no.
6, Dem. 1 [b]: Ỉbt?, 'Osiris of Panopolis, <great> god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 29382: CRIPEL 4 (1976), p. 229 no. CEML 902 + Bosson (ed.), Égyptes... L'Égyptien
et le copte p. 179-180 no. 17 descr., Dem. 1 [b]: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, lord of
Bousiris and Abydos'
109 AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 12, 16 [b]: Ỉbt, 'this
griffin which is in Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 12, 21: Ỉbt, 'I am
the griffin which is in Abydos.'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 15, 8: Ỉbt, 'I am he
of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 15, 13: Ỉbt, 'under
the great offering table of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 15, 30 [a]: Ỉbt,
'carrying the mummy of Osiris, going to take it to Abydos to let it rest in Alchai.'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 2, 20: Ỉbt, 'You
should serve the souls of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 21, 2 [c]: Ỉbt, 'Osiris
... whose head is in This, while his feet are in Thebes, the one who gives answer in Abydos,
while his protection (?) is [in?] Per-shilem, he who is under the noubs-tree in Meroe, who is
on the mountain of Poranos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 5, 16: Ỉbt, 'for I
shall glorify you in Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 6, 23 [a]: Ỉbt,
'Under the venerable persea tree in Abydos was I born.'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 6, 23 [b]: Ỉbt, 'I am
the soul of the great chief who is in Abydos.'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 6, 24: Ỉbt, 'I am "He
who is upon his mountain" (sc. Anoubis) upon the necropolis of Abydos.'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 7, 11: Ỉbt, 'I shall
glorify you in Abydos.'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 9, 14: Ỉbt, 'He who
was praised at Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 64218: Magica varia (Pap. Brux. 25) p. 73 no. 3 + Betz, The Greek magical papyri
in translation p. 323-330 no. PDM Suppl., col. 2, 13: Ỉbt, 'I am calling you in your (?) name ... in
Abydos who rests in the house of the official'
AD 200 - 299, TM 64218: Magica varia (Pap. Brux. 25) p. 73 no. 3 + Betz, The Greek magical papyri
in translation p. 323-330 no. PDM Suppl., col. 3, 11: Ỉbt, 'I am the noble head which is in
AD 200 - 299, TM 54007: Short Texts 2 1150 (forthcoming), 12: Ỉbd, 'Osiris, foremost of {eternity in}
the west, <great> god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299?, TM 57955: Short Texts 2 1173 (forthcoming), 9: <Ỉ>bdy, 'Osiris, foremost of
Southern ..., great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 80837: Short Texts 2 552 (forthcoming), 3: Ỉỉbd (sic), 'Osiris, great god, lord of
AD 200 - 299, TM 28516: Short Texts 2 742 (forthcoming), Dem. 1: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 26007: Short Texts 2 743 (forthcoming), Dem. 1: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 40537: Short Texts 2 744 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 40550: Short Texts 2 745 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 26025: Short Texts 2 749 (forthcoming), Dem. 3: Ỉbwty, 'her name is in Abydos
before Osiris.'
AD 200 - 299, TM 27349: Short Texts 2 753 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 40564: Short Texts 2 755 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 40478: Short Texts 2 756 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, '[ ] lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 56324: Short Texts 2 760 bis [falsum] (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris,
great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 26139: Short Texts 2 761 (forthcoming), Dem. 1: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
110 AD 200 - 299, TM 50905: Short Texts 2 762 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 40563: Short Texts 2 763 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 26046: Short Texts 2 764 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 26069: Short Texts 2 767 (forthcoming), Dem. 1: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 50879: Short Texts 2 770 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 26252: Short Texts 2 771 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 56474: Short Texts 2 773 (forthcoming), 1: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of
AD 200 - 299, TM 56474: Short Texts 2 773 (forthcoming), 5: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of
AD 200 - 299, TM 80836: Short Texts 2 774 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of
AD 200 - 299, TM 80836: Short Texts 2 774 (forthcoming), 4: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of
AD 200 - 299, TM 56488: Short Texts 2 775 (forthcoming), 2: [Ỉbd], '[Osiris-Sokaris], great god, lord
[of Abydos]'
AD 200 - 299?, TM 117608: Short Texts 2 778 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris, great god, lord of
AD 200 - 299?, TM 117608: Short Texts 2 778 (forthcoming), 5: Ỉbd, 'Osiris, great god, lord of
AD 200 - 299, TM 50953: Short Texts 2 780 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbdd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299?, TM 50885: Short Texts 2 781 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris (ʿ.w.s.)-Sokaris,
great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 40425: Short Texts 2 788 (forthcoming), Dem. 3: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, the lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 40261: Short Texts 2 789 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉdb (sic), 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 40601: Short Texts 2 790 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉdb (sic), 'Osiris-Sokaris, great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 50883: Short Texts 2 792 (forthcoming), Dem. 2 - 3: Ỉdbỉ (sic), 'Osiris-Sokaris,
great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 40507: Short Texts 2 796 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 40527: Short Texts 2 797 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of
AD 200 - 299, TM 40521: Short Texts 2 799 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299?, TM 40579: Short Texts 2 801 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 27362: Short Texts 2 805 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 115919: Short Texts 2 808 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 32185: Short Texts 2 817 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉdbỉ (sic), 'Osiris-Sokaris, great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 27347: Short Texts 2 818 bis (forthcoming), 1: Ỉbdd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 40510: Short Texts 2 823 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 40497: Short Texts 2 826 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉdb (sic), 'Osiris-Sokaris, great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 40497: Short Texts 2 826 (forthcoming), Dem. 4: Ỉdb (sic), 'Osiris-Sokaris, great
god, lord of Abydos'
111 AD 200 - 299, TM 26138: Short Texts 2 827 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉdb (sic), 'Osiris-Sokaris, great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 40658: Short Texts 2 828 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris, foremost of the west,
great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 114354: Short Texts 2 834 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbdd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 109762: Short Texts 2 841 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbdd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord
of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 40657: Short Texts 2 846 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, the
lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 54056: Short Texts 2 848 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, the lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 80830: Short Texts 2 860 (forthcoming), 8: Ỉbdd, 'Osiris, foremost of the west,
great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 40571: Short Texts 2 877 (forthcoming), Dem. 1: Ỉȝbd, 'Osiris, foremost of the
west, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 40570: Short Texts 2 878 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris, foremost of the west,
great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 27363: Short Texts 2 879 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris, foremost of the west,
the great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 28514: Short Texts 2 880 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris, foremost of the west,
<great> god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 30275: Short Texts 2 881 (forthcoming), 3: Ỉbdd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of
AD 200 - 299?, TM 91758: T. BM Arlt 105, Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Sokaris-Osiris, foremost of the west, great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299?, TM 56378: T. BM Arlt 106, Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, foremost of the west, great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 91781: T. BM Arlt 127, Dem. 2: Ỉbṱ, 'Osiris-Sokaris lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299?, TM 91786: T. BM Arlt 130, a 2: [Ỉ]bt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 91630: T. BM Arlt 56, Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, the lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 91643: T. BM Arlt 70, a 2: Ỉbtṱ, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299?, TM 91656: T. BM Arlt 82, Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, the lord of
AD 200 - 299?, TM 91657: T. BM Arlt 83, 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 200 - 299?, TM 91658: T. BM Arlt 84, Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris, the great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 209 Aug 29 - 210 Aug 28, TM 23058: Short Texts 2 707 (forthcoming), Dem. 1: Ỉbd, 'OsirisSokaris, the great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 210 Aug 2, TM 50867: Short Texts 2 675 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the <great>
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 212 after, TM 15556: Short Texts 2 787 (forthcoming), Dem. 4: Ỉbdd, 'Osiris, the great god, the
lord of Abydos'
AD 212 after, TM 27367: Short Texts 2 809 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 212 after, TM 27368: Short Texts 2 811 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 212 - 280, TM 50891: Short Texts 2 847 (forthcoming), Dem. 3: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, the lord of Abydos'
AD 212 - 299?, TM 26009: Short Texts 2 758 (forthcoming), Dem. 4: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 212 - 299, TM 91554: Short Texts 2 821 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, lord
of Abydos'
AD 215 - 299, TM 80239: Short Texts 2 849 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, the lord of Abydos'
AD 219 - 220?, TM 50895: Short Texts 2 723 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd.w, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 220 - 280, TM 91599: T. BM Arlt 27, Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, the lord of
AD 220 - 280, TM 91600: T. BM Arlt 28, Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, the lord of
112 AD 220 - 280, TM 91601: T. BM Arlt 29, Dem. 3: [Ỉ]bt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, the lord of
AD 220 - 280, TM 91602: T. BM Arlt 30, Dem. 3: [Ỉbt], 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, the lord of
AD 220 - 299, TM 26032: Short Texts 2 791 (forthcoming), Dem. 3: Ỉdb (sic), 'Osiris-Sokaris, great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 220 - 299, TM 26034: Short Texts 2 824 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 225 - 250, TM 117606: Short Texts 2 759 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 225 - 275, TM 117612: Short Texts 2 836 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbdd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord
of Abydos'
AD 230 - 270?, TM 32131: Short Texts 2 802 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 230 - 270, TM 26725: Short Texts 2 803 (forthcoming), 3: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of
AD 230 - 270, TM 23474: Short Texts 2 807 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 230 - 270, TM 32082: Short Texts 2 810 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 230 - 270, TM 23473: Short Texts 2 812 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 230 - 270, TM 50901: Short Texts 2 813 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 230 - 280, TM 48632: CRIPEL 2 (1974), p. 182 no. CEML 48 + RevEg 6 (1891), p. 44 no. 3, Dem. 1:
Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 230 - 280, TM 29378: CRIPEL 4 (1976), p. 211 no. CEML 829 + RevEg 7 (1892-1896), p. 33 no. 17,
Dem. 1: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 230 - 280, TM 29366: Short Texts 2 752 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 230 - 280, TM 26044: Short Texts 2 798 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 230 - 280, TM 32081: Short Texts 2 806 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 230 - 280, TM 91661: T. BM Arlt 87, Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 230 - 280, TM 91662: T. BM Arlt 88, Dem. 2: Ỉ[bt], 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 230 - 280, TM 91663: T. BM Arlt 89, Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 233 Jul 27 - 273 Jul 27, TM 91629: T. BM Arlt 55, Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris, foremost of the west, great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 240 - 285, TM 97308: Short Texts 2 840 (forthcoming), 8: [Ỉ]bdd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord
of Abydos'
AD 240 - 290, TM 54593: CRIPEL 2 (1974), p. 202 no. CEML 111 + Aubert / Cortopassi, Portraits de
l'Égypte romaine p. 160 no. 109 c, Dem. 1: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 240 - 290, TM 29385: CRIPEL 4 (1976), p. 210 no. CEML 824 + RevEg 7 (1892-1896), p. 37 no. 25,
Dem. 1: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 240 - 290, TM 25441: Short Texts 2 829 (forthcoming), 3: Ỉbdd, 'Osiris, foremost of the west,
great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 240 - 290, TM 25441: Short Texts 2 829 (forthcoming), 6 - 7: Ỉbdd, 'Osiris, foremost of the west,
great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 240 - 290, TM 25442: Short Texts 2 830 (forthcoming), Dem. 5: Ỉbdd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 240 - 290, TM 50915: Short Texts 2 832 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbdd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 240 - 290, TM 50916: Short Texts 2 833 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbdd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 240 - 290, TM 91561: Short Texts 2 835 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbdd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 240 - 290?, TM 30229: Short Texts 2 838 (forthcoming), Dem. 2 - 3: [[Ỉ]] Ỉbdd, 'Osiris-Sokaris,
great god, lord of Abydos'
113 AD 240 - 290, TM 30233: Short Texts 2 839 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbdd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of
AD 240 - 290?, TM 91636: Short Texts 2 851 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris, foremost of the
west, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 240 - 290, TM 91759: T. BM Arlt 107, Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 240 - 290, TM 91761: T. BM Arlt 109, Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, the lord of
AD 240 - 290, TM 91763: T. BM Arlt 111, a 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 240 - 290, TM 91603: T. BM Arlt 32, Dem. 3: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 240 - 290, TM 91605: T. BM Arlt 33, Dem. 3: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 240 - 290, TM 91607: T. BM Arlt 34, Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 240 - 290, TM 91608: T. BM Arlt 36, Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 240 - 290, TM 91609: T. BM Arlt 37, Dem. 3: Ỉ˹b˺t, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 240 - 290, TM 91610: T. BM Arlt 38, Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 240 - 290, TM 91611: T. BM Arlt 39, Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 240 - 290, TM 91612: T. BM Arlt 40, Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 240 - 290, TM 91613: T. BM Arlt 41, Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 240 - 290, TM 91614: T. BM Arlt 42, Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 240 - 290, TM 91615: T. BM Arlt 43, Dem. 3: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 240 - 290, TM 91616: T. BM Arlt 44, Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 240 - 290, TM 91618: T. BM Arlt 45, Dem. 3: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 240 - 290, TM 91619: T. BM Arlt 46, Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 240 - 290, TM 91620: T. BM Arlt 47, Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 240 - 290, TM 91622: T. BM Arlt 48, Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 240 - 290, TM 91623: T. BM Arlt 49, Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 240 - 290, TM 91624: T. BM Arlt 50, Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 240 - 290, TM 91625: T. BM Arlt 51, Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 240 - 290, TM 91626: T. BM Arlt 52, Dem. 3: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 240 - 299, TM 55143: CRIPEL 4 (1976), p. 210-211 no. CEML 828 + Aubert / Cortopassi, Portraits
de l'Égypte romaine p. 160 no. 109 e, Dem. 1: Ỉbt, 'Osiris ... the great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 240 - 299, TM 26006: Short Texts 2 837 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbdd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 240 - 299, TM 91632: T. BM Arlt 59, a 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris, foremost of the west, great god, lord of
AD 240 - 299, TM 91632: T. BM Arlt 59, b 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris, foremost of the west, great god, lord of
AD 240 - 299, TM 91633: T. BM Arlt 60, a 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 240 - 299, TM 91633: T. BM Arlt 60, b 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris, foremost of the west, great god, lord of
AD 245 Aug 29 - 246 Aug 28, TM 50907: Short Texts 2 800 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'OsirisSokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 250 - 299, TM 26065: Short Texts 2 622 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbdd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of
AD 250 - 299, TM 40565: Short Texts 2 624 (forthcoming), 2: Ỉbdd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of
AD 250 - 299, TM 52178: Short Texts 2 816 (forthcoming), Dem. 3: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 250 - 299, TM 91638: T. BM Arlt 66, Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris, foremost of the west, the great god, lord
of Abydos'
AD 250 - 299, TM 91639: T. BM Arlt 67, Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris, foremost of the west, <great> god, lord
of Abydos'
AD 250 - 299, TM 91640: T. BM Arlt 68, Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris, foremost of the west, great god, lord of
AD 250 - 299, TM 91644: T. BM Arlt 71, Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris, foremost of the west, great god, lord of
AD 250 - 299, TM 91659: T. BM Arlt 85, Dem. 2: Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 256 May 3, TM 18817: Short Texts 2 831 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbdd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god,
lord of Abydos'
AD 260 Aug 29 - 261 Aug 28, TM 23059: RevEg 7 (1892-1896), p. 29-30 no. 8 + SB 1 1613, Dem. 2: Ỉbd,
'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, lord of Abydos'
114 AD 260 - 261, TM 117647: Short Texts 2 819 bis (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Ỉbd, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great
god, lord of Abydos'
AD 260 Aug 29 - 261 Aug 28, TM 117611: Short Texts 2 819 quart. [falsum] (forthcoming), Dem. 2:
Ỉbt, 'Osiris-Sokaris, great god, lord of Abydos'
AD 260 - 299, TM 91648: T. BM Arlt 74, Dem. 2: Ỉbtṱ, 'Osiris, foremost of the west, great god, lord of
AD 260 - 299, TM 91649: T. BM Arlt 75, Dem. 2: Ỉbtṱ, 'Osiris, foremost of the west, great god, lord of
Ach-menou – U04b (11167)
E ȝḫ-mnw (Ỉḫ-mn) Var.: Ach-menou (Akhmenu) ('Effective of monuments') (the festival hall of
Thoutmosis III)
Status: sanctuary, building Loc.: Karnak in U04b Dios Polis (576)
Rep.: Gauthier, Dictionnaire I, 1925, p. 7; Bibl.: Wb 1, 1926, p. 14; Thissen, Graff. Med. Habu, 1989, p.
29; P. Ryl. Vittmann, 1998, p. 540-541; CDD ȝ, 2002, p. 66
Sources: (?) BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 18, 5: ȝḫ-mn, 'il
s'aspergea (rituellement) pour (la fête de) l' Ach-menou et accomplit le service d' Amon'
(?) BC 324 Nov 12 - Dec 11, TM 43751: P. BM Glanville p. XXVII-XXXI, 1 [c]: Ỉḫ-mnw?, 'the
pastophoros of Amenesteus in Ach-menou (?)'
BC 48 Sep 17, TM 48532: Graff. Med. Habu 44, 8 [c]: Ỉḫ-mn, 'Amon-Ra lord of (the) thrones of (the)
Two lands in Ach-menou'
...-ach? – U? (11155)
E ...-ʿẖ? Var.: ...-ach?
Status: city? Loc.: unknown
Bibl.: Vleeming, Short Texts 1, 2001, p. 28-29
Sources: BC 30 - AD 14, TM 52765: Short Texts 1 39, 41 [a]: ...-ʿẖ?, 'Hathor mistress of ...-ach (?)'
Acina (Tagab?) (8372)
L Acina - Achina E Ỉkn - ȝknyȝ? Other: Akiñ (Meroitic) Var.: Acina (Achina) - Aqen - Akiñ - Tagab?
Status: city? Country: Sudan
Loc.: between the 2nd and the 3rd cataract, 64 miles (ca. 96 km) south of Primis Megale (3444)
Note: some scholars consider Acina the name of a town or village (< Plinius), others see it as the
northern province of the Meroitic kingdom
Rep.: Dizionario I 1, p. 44; I 2, p. 425; Gauthier, Dictionnaire I, 1925, p. 109; p. 111; p. 158; III, 1926, p.
145; Bibl.: Griffith, JEA 11 (1925), p. 260 (k); p. 261; Griffith, Graff. Dodec., 1937, p. 31; Hintz,
MIO 9 (1963), p. 13 no. 109; Priese, Sudan im Altertum, 1973, p. 124; Leclant, Top. Ant., 1977, p.
160; Millet, ZÄS 108 (1981), p. 139; Priese, Meroitica 7 (1984), p. 493; Török, ZÄS 111 (1984), p.
64; Burkhardt, Meroitica 8 (1985), p. 101; Török, Kingdom of Kush (1997), p. 434; p. 476; p. 486;
p. 490; Fontes Historiae Nubiorum 3, 1998, p. 879; CDD ȝ, 2002, p. 96
Sources: BC 285 - AD 284, TM 51889: Graff. Dodec. Dakka 30, 11: ȝknyȝ?, 'and do you bring me to
those of Acina'
Aethiopia (51)
G Αἰθιοπία L Aethiopia E Ỉgš - Kš - Nḥs - pȝ tȝ n Nḥs - Nȝ-tȝ.w-nṯr - pȝ tš n nȝ Nḥs.w Var.: Aethiopia
(Ethiopia) - Aithiopia - Noubia (Nubia) - Nigra (?) - Kush (Cush - Igesh) - Nehes - N-taou-netjer
('The divine lands') Ethnic: Aithiops (Aithiopis - Aithiopissa) - Aethiops - Aithiopios Aithiopikos - Aethiopicus - Igesh - Nehes
Status: region: ta; tesh Country: Sudan
Note: cf. also Noubai (11244); new reading in JEA 58 (1972), p. 261, l. 2 (no toponym; cf. DBL, 2005,
p. 644); new reading in Klio 34 (1942), p. 56-57, l. 8 b (no toponym; cf. DBL, 2005, p. 650)
Rep.: Dizionario I 1, p. 36; Gauthier, Dictionnaire VI, 1929, p. 22; Bibl.: Wb 2, 1927, p. 303; Erichsen,
Lesestücke II.2, 1940, p. 197; Erichsen, Glossar, 1954, p. 224; p. 387; p. 561; p. 599 (bis); Winnicki,
P. L. Bat 30, 1998, p. 171-177; PP X, 2002, p. 11; p. 307; p. 308; CDD N, 2004, p. 110-111
Sources: BC 699 - AD 350, TM 89080: P. Brooklyn Dem. 181, 9: nȝ Ỉgš.w, '[ ] the Aethiopians who
were (?) [ ]'
115 BC 530 Apr 3 - May 2, TM 45693: Klio 34 (1942), p. 56-57 + P. Äg. Handschr. 67 descr. + P. Äg.
Handschr. 177 descr. + P. Äg. Handschr. 65 descr., (Klio) 3: pȝ tȝ Nḥs, '[ ] und die Leute des
Pharao, die nach dem Nubierland kamen mit ihnen von der [Truppe (?) ...]
BC 399 - 300?, TM 56121: Rev. Bibl. N.S. 92 (1985), p. 60-81 + JNES 43 (1984), p. 93-96 + Vleeming /
Wesselius, Papyrus Amherst 63 1 p. 33-37 & 50-72 & 88 + Vleeming / Wesselius, Papyrus
Amherst 63 2 p. 30-44 & 46-52 & 54-64 & 65-71 & 75-90, col. 11, 18 [a]: Kš, 'My words for you,
my words (for you) are in the ear(s) of Aethiopia and Elam.'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46550: P. Äg. Handschr. 163, descr. [b]: Ỉkš?, descr.: 'Der Brief bezieht sich auf
eine Korrespondenz mit Theben und erwähnt, das 200 Äthiopier "herunterkommen".'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46561: P. Äg. Handschr. 179, descr.: Ỉkš?, descr.: 'Fragment eines Briefes mit
Erwähunung des Königs, des Strategen, der Äthiopier.'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46622: P. Äg. Handschr. 259, descr.: Ỉkš?, descr.: 'Erwähnung der Äthiopier.'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46629: P. Äg. Handschr. 266, descr. [b]: Ỉkš?, descr.: 'Erwähung der Äthiopier.'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46493: P. Äg. Handschr. 74, descr.: Ỉgš?, descr.: 'Der schwer verständliche Text
beschäftigt sich mit einem jungen Mann, den die Äthiopier gefangen (?) haben.'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46506: P. Äg. Handschr. 91, descr. [a]: Ỉgš?, descr.: 'Er fordert den Adressaten auf,
den Ackervorsteher (?) von der Absicht abzuhalten, die Äthiopier in die Gegend nördlich von
Syene kommen zu lassen.'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46508: P. Berl. Eleph. 1 15527, 10: pȝ tȝ Nḥs, 'Sie sind weggegangen nach dem
Süden ins Nubierland.'
BC 332 - 200, TM 46509: P. Äg. Handschr. 95 descr., Vo 11: nȝ Ỉkš.w, descr.: 'Fragment eines Briefes,
in dem der Absender dringend um Zusendung von Gerste (u.a.) aus dem Ort T-anbes bittet,
weil für "das Volk hier" - 535 Personen - Nahrung nur noch für kurze Zeit vorhanden ist.
Erwähnung der Äthiopier.'
BC 332 - 200, TM 45958: P. Cairo 2 31168 Ro + P. Cairo 2 31169, (31169) col. 3, 24 (immo 25): pȝ tȝ
Nḥs, after a list of Lower Egyptian toponyms: 'Syria / Phoenicia, Aethiopia, Arabia'
BC 332 - 200, TM 45958: P. Cairo 2 31168 Ro + P. Cairo 2 31169, (31169) col. 7, 10: Ỉqš, 'Osiris who
resides in Aethiopia'
BC 332 - 30, TM 51770: OrSu 25 - 26 (1976-1977), p. 41 no. 20, 2: Nḥs, '... Aethiopian'
BC 332 - AD 350, TM 80218: Quack, Einführung p. 44, descr. [a]: Ỉgš?, descr.: 'der darüber berichtet,
wie nubische Anführer in den Gauen Ägyptens herrschen. Einer von ihnen hat seine Augen
auf die Tochter eines Priesters der Neith von Sais geworfen.'
BC 210 Jul 12 - Aug 10, TM 8535: P. Testi Botti 1, 2 [b]: Ỉgš, 'the Aetiopian Hellos son of Phenesis,
his mother (being) Tatous'
BC 208 Dec 18?, TM 2732: P. BM Andrews 28, 2 [b]: Ỉgš, 'the Aethiopian Hellos son of Phennesis, his
mother (being) Titos'
BC 201 Dec 27, TM 8538: P. L. Bat. 17 12, 6: Ỉgš, 'the Aethiopian Pouoris son of Phennesis, his
mother (being) Titos'
BC 189 Mar 7?, TM 53999: Graff. Assuan Dem. 43, 2: pȝ tȝ Nḥsy, 'Erano piombati quei vigliacchi giù
dal paese di Aethiopia e presero l'abitato; ma poi son tornati indietro nel paese di Aethiopia.'
BC 189 Mar 7?, TM 53999: Graff. Assuan Dem. 43, 3: pȝ tȝ Nḥsy, 'Erano piombati quei vigliacchi giù
dal paese di Aethiopia e presero l'abitato; ma poi son tornati indietro nel paese di Aethiopia.'
BC 188 Oct 9 - 187 Oct 8, TM 398: P. Cairo 2 30664 descr., 1 ? [a]: Ỉgš, descr.: 'Von den Kontrahenten
A war einer ein "[in Ägypten] geborener Aethiope"'
BC 186 Sep 6?, TM 48339: Urk. 2 p. 214-230 no. 38, Dem. 4 [a]: nȝ Ỉgš.w, 'and the troop of the
Aethiopians having gathered with him'
BC 186 - 144 after, TM 46092: Spiegelberg, Zivilprozessordnung (ABAW N.F. 1) p. 16-17 + Sethe /
Spiegelberg, Zivilprozessordnung (ABAW N.F. 4) p. 18, (p. 16-17) col. 3, 8: pȝ tš n nȝ Nḥ[s.w],
'The district of the Aethiopians [ ]'
BC 180 - 140, TM 56108: Petrie, Gizeh and Rifeh p. 38-39 no. 95 H 1-5, 4 [a]: pȝ tȝ Nḥs?, '... the land
of Aethiopia ...'
BC 180 - 140, TM 56108: Petrie, Gizeh and Rifeh p. 38-39 no. 95 H 1-5, 4 [b]: pȝ tȝ Nḥs?, '... the land
of Aethiopia ...'
BC 175 Feb 23, TM 2627: Enchoria 15 (1987), p. 99-112 no. Louvre E 3440 A (LA), 8 [b]: nȝ Ỉ˹gš˺.w,
'the tomb of the Aethiopians'
BC 175 Feb 22, TM 2626: Enchoria 15 (1987), p. 99-112 no. Louvre E 3440 B (LB), 7 [b]: nȝ [Ỉg]˹š˺.w,
'the tomb of the Aethiopians'
BC 175 Feb 22, TM 2628: Enchoria 15 (1987), p. 99-112 no. P. Berl. 3112 (B), 15 [b]: nȝ Ỉkš.w, 'the
tomb of the Aethiopians'
BC 164 Jan 18, TM 661: P. Dryton 10, descr. [e]: pȝ Ỉgš, descr.: 'the Aethiopian born in Egypt'
116 BC 150 - 100, TM 51414: JEA 73 (1987), p. 170 & 173 + JJP 26 (1996), p. 127-128, Dem. 2: [pȝ tȝ Nḥ]s,
'[servant (?) of the] gods of Aethiopia'
BC 150 - 100, TM 51414: JEA 73 (1987), p. 170 & 173 + JJP 26 (1996), p. 127-128, Dem. 4: pȝ tȝ Nḥs, 'I
made 10 voyages to Aethiopia'
BC 102 Aug 24, TM 210: P. Ackerpachtverträge p. 55 + P. Ryl. Dem. 26, (P. Acker.) 4 [b]: Nḥs, '(the)
Aethiopian [born in Egypt] Harpaesis son of Portis'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Enchoria 22) col. G, 7 [a] (=
Pap. de Ricci 6): [Nḥ]s, 'wegen [ ] Neger von Oberägypten - Perinep Lobpreis (?) [ ]'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 15) 20: Nḥs, 'Ich
bin zu dir gekommen, du Neger, Aethiope, du Harzesser, Mann aus Elephantine!'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 15) 21 [a]: Ỉgš,
'Ich bin zu dir gekommen, du Neger, Aethiope, du Harzesser, Mann aus Elephantine!'
BC 99 - 30, TM 47506: BIFAO 89 (1989), p. 82, 6: <pȝ> Ỉgš, 'j'avais fait aller Abytes le Mède (sc.
Perses) chez Pacherenpakhya (l') Éthiopien au sujet du voile-inchen.'
BC 99 - 1, TM 55919: Glanville, Onchsheshonqy p. 2-66, col. 21, 5: Nḥs, 'There is no negro who
bares the breast (?)'
BC 30 - AD 50, TM 80211: Stadler, Isis, das göttliche Kind p. 47-84, col. 1, 24: tȝ Nḥs, 'Werde ich
nach Aethiopia gehen durch [ ]'
BC 30 - AD 199, TM 88996: AfP 49 (2003), p. 73-74 no. 12, 4: [nȝ Ỉg]š.w, '[ ] 1 1/2 (Boden)-Ellen (?) [ ]
die Nubier ... mit ihr (?) gegen Senyris: 1 artabe'
BC 30 - AD 199, TM 52204: ZÄS 49 (1911), p. 35-36 no. 1, 6: Kš, 'mit der Stimme der grossen Isis, der
Gottesmutter, als sie ihren Bruder in Äthiopien suchte'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 80228: Dem. Conf. VII (Copenhagen 1999) p. 387-393 [P. Carlsberg 411] descr.,
(p. 388) descr. [a]: pȝ tȝ Nḥs, 'the land of Aethiopia' (no context)
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 80228: Dem. Conf. VII (Copenhagen 1999) p. 387-393 [P. Carlsberg 411] descr.,
(p. 388) descr. [b]: nȝ Nḥs.w, 'the Aethiopians' (no context)
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 80228: Dem. Conf. VII (Copenhagen 1999) p. 387-393 [P. Carlsberg 411] descr.,
(p. 388) descr. [c]: Ỉkš, 'Kush' (no context)
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 80228: Dem. Conf. VII (Copenhagen 1999) p. 387-393 [P. Carlsberg 411] descr.,
(p. 388) descr. [d]: nȝ Ỉkš.w, 'the Kushites' (no context)
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 80228: Dem. Conf. VII (Copenhagen 1999) p. 387-393 [P. Carlsberg 411] descr.,
(p. 388) descr. [e]: Ỉkš, 'chief of Kush' (no context)
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 80228: Dem. Conf. VII (Copenhagen 1999) p. 387-393 [P. Carlsberg 411] descr.,
fr. 1 7 (p. 389 & n. 71) [b]: pȝ tȝ Nḥs, 'an Arab (in the meaning of '(mounted) courier')
belonging to the land of the Aethiopians'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 56072: EVO 13 (1990), p. 103-107, descr. [d]: pȝ tȝ Nḥs?, 'Successe che un giorno
venne a Meroe nella terra dei Negri'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 56072: EVO 13 (1990), p. 103-107, descr. [f]: pȝ tȝ Nḥs?, '(la creatura) distrusse
Meroe nella terra dei Negri per tre anni'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 2, 29: Ỉgš, 'This is a
communication that a rebel of Aethiopia makes'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 2, 31 [c]: pȝ tȝ Nḥs, 'I
will take the humiliation of Egypt to the land of Aethiopia, my country.'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 3, 2 [a]: [Ỉgš], 'the
words that this rebel of Aethiopia has said'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 3, 5 [b]: pȝ tȝ Nḥs, 'to
prevent the humiliation of Egypt being taken to the land of Aethiopia, the country of eaters of
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 3, 6 [a]: Ỉgš,
'Apartments were given of turning (?) the face to the Aethiopian, there was made for him
wickedness (?) like an Aethiopian.'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 3, 6 [b]: Ỉgš,
'Apartments were given of turning (?) the face to the Aethiopian, there was made for him
wickedness (?) like an Aethiopian.'
117 AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 3, 13: Ỉgš, 'a rebel of
Aethiopia is he who has come up to Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 3, 15 [b]: pȝ tȝ Nḥs, 'I
will take the humiliation of Egypt to the land of Aethiopia, my country.'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 3, 25: Ỉgš, 'the rebel
of Aethiopia'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 3, 26: Ỉgš, 'the rebel
of Aethiopia'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 3, 27 [a]: Ỉgš, 'you
wicked one of Aethiopia'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 3, 28: pȝ tȝ Nḥs, 'I
will take its humiliation to the land of Aethiopia'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 3, 30: Ỉgš, 'the rebel
of Aethiopia'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 3, 32: Ỉgš, 'the rebel
of Aethiopia'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 4, 2 [b]: pȝ tȝ Nḥs,
'There happened a day, the Kour (?) of the land of Aethiopia making ...'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 4, 3: Ỉgš, 'three
rebels of Aethiopia'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 4, 7 [c]: pȝ tȝ Nḥs,
'that I might cause to be made a bringing of Pharaoh of Egypt to the land of Aethiopia'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 4, 9: Ỉgš, 'the three
men of Aethiopia'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 4, 11 [b]: pȝ tȝ Nḥs, 'I
will bring Pharaoh to the land of Aethiopia'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 4, 13 [a]: tȝ Nḥs.t, 'It
is Horos the son of the Negress.'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 4, 15 [b]: tȝ Nḥs,
'Horos the son of the Negress'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 4, 19 [a]: Ỉgš, 'The
sorceries of the Aethiopian proceeded up to Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 4, 20: pȝ tȝ Nḥs,
'they took him to the land of Aethiopia'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 4, 23: Ỉgš, 'the rebel
of Aethiopia'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 5, 1 [a]: pȝ tȝ Nḥs,
'some one (?) took me to the land of Aethiopia in the night'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 5, 4 [a]: Ỉgš, 'they are
the sorceries of the Aethiopians'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 5, 4 [b]: pȝ tȝ Nḥs,
'let me not be taken to the land of Aethiopia'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 5, 6: nȝ Ỉgš.[w], 'the
sorceries of the Aethiopians'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 5, 8 [a]: nȝ Ỉgš.w, 'Let
not the Aethiopians take the humiliation of Egypt to the land of Aethiopia.'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 5, 8 [c]: pȝ tȝ Nḥs,
'Let not the Aethiopians take the humiliation of Egypt to the land of Aethiopia.'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 5, 9: [nȝ Ỉ]gš.w, 'the
sorceries of the Aethiopians'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 5, 14: nȝ Ỉgš.w, 'the
sorceries of the Aethiopians'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 5, 16 [a]: tȝ Nḥs, 'The
sorceries of Horos the son of the Negress returned up to Egypt by night'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 5, 19: nȝ Ỉgš.w, 'the
manner of turning away that the sorceries had done of the Aethiopians'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 5, 20: pȝ tȝ Nḥs, 'You
shall go to the land of Aethiopia this night'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 5, 21 [b]: pȝ tȝ Nḥs,
'you shall return him to the land of Aethiopia again'
118 AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 5, 23 [a]: pȝ tȝ Nḥs,
'they delayed not to the land of Aethiopia by night'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 5, 24: pȝ tȝ Nḥs,
'They returned him to the land of Aethiopia in six hours'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 5, 25 [b]: Ỉgš, 'O
wicked one of Aethiopia.'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 5, 26: pȝ Ỉgš, 'Spake
the Aethiopian, ...'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 5, 27: pȝ tȝ Nḥs,
'they having brought back the Viceroy to the land of Aethiopia'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 5, 29 [a]: pȝ tȝ Nḥs,
'They returned (me) to the land of Aethiopia again.'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 5, 29 [b]: tȝ Nḥs,
'Horos the son of the Negress'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 5, 32 [a]: pȝ tȝ Nḥs,
'travelled the sorceries of Horos son of Pa-nesh to the land of Aethiopia'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 5, 32 [c]: pȝ tȝ Nḥs,
'he was taken back to the land of Aethiopia'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 5, 33: nȝ Ỉgš.w, 'the
sorceries of the Aethiopians'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 5, 34 [a]: tȝ Nḥs,
'Horos the son of the Negress'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 5, 34 [b]: Ỉgš, 'Woe
you enemy of Aethiopia'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 5, 37 [a]: tȝ Nḥs,
'Horos the son of the Negress'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 5, 37 [b]: tȝ Nḥs, 'He
came to the place in which was his mother the Negress.'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 2 [a]: pȝ tȝ Nḥs, 'so
that you will not return to the land of Aethiopia for ever'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 3 [a]: tȝ Nḥs, 'the
Negress his mother'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 5 [a]: tȝ Nḥs,
'Horos the son of the Negress set signs between (?) himself and his mother, he went up to
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 9 [a]: Ỉgš, 'Ho you
enemy of Aethiopia'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 9 [b]: tȝ Nḥs,
'Horos the son of the Negress'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 10 [a]: Ỉgš, 'your
companion of Aethiopia'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 13 [a]: tȝ Nḥs,
'Horos the son of the Negress'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 13 [b]: Ỉgš, 'The
rebel of Aethiopia made an effort of magic written'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 15 [b]: pȝ Ỉgš, 'The
Aethiopian made another effort of magic in writing.'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 16: pȝ Ỉgš, 'The
Aethiopian made another effort of magic in writing.'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 17: tȝ Nḥs, 'Horos
the son of the Negress'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 21 [b]: Ỉgš, 'the
rebel of Aethiopia'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 21 [c]: [[pȝ Ỉgš]],
'that he was not able to contend with the Aethiopian'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 22 [a]: pȝ tȝ Nḥs,
'to go to the land of Aethiopia, his city (dmỉ) (sic)'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 22 [b]: pȝ Ỉgš, 'the
sorceries of the Aethiopian'
119 AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 24: tȝ Nḥs, 'Horos
the son of the Negress'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 26: tȝ Nḥs, 'he saw
the Negress in the guise in which she was'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 27 [a]: tȝ Nḥs, 'he
knew her that it was the Negress the Aethiopian'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 27 [b]: tȝ Ỉgš.t, 'he
knew her that it was the Negress the Aethiopian'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 28: Ỉgš.t, 'she
made her guise as an Aethiopian woman'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 30 [c]: tȝ Nḥs, 'The
Negress raised her hand not to come up to Egypt for ever eternally.'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 31 [b]: tȝ Nḥs,
'Horos the son of the Negress made oath'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 32 [a]: tȝ Nḥs, 'he
gave an aerial boat to Horos the son of the Negress wich the Negress his mother'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 32 [b]: tȝ Nḥs, 'he
gave an aerial boat to Horos the son of the Negress wich the Negress his mother'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 32 [c]: pȝ tȝ Nḥs,
'They proceeded to the land of Aethiopia, their city (dmỉ) (sic)'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 33 [b]: Ỉgš, 'the
rebel of Aethiopia'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 34: tȝ Nḥs, 'Horos
the son of the Negress'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 36 [a]: Ỉgš, 'the
wicked one of Aethiopia'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 7, 1 [b]: pȝ tȝ Nḥs, 'to
prevent his taking the humiliation of Egypt to the land of Aethiopia'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 7, 3: Ỉgš, 'to make
sorcery against this enemy of Aethiopia'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 7, 4: Ỉgš, 'the rebel of
AD 47 Aug 29 - 48 Aug 28, TM 91788: Quack, Einführung p. 61 [Demotic], descr.: Ỉgš?, descr.: 'Die
Äthiopier und das Heer der Leute des Ostens treten auf.'
AD 63 Oct 17, TM 48882: Stadler, P. Pa-Month p. 27-39, col. 2, 18 [b]: pȝ tȝ n Nḥs, 'Hear, sacred
animal, which comes from the land of Aethiopia.'
AD 100 - 125, TM 55868: P. Tebt. Tait 1 Vo, 7 [b]: Nḥs.w, 'The Aethiopians and the ... [ ]'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 1, 7: Ỉkš.t, 'the
Aethiopian cat' (sc. Tefnout)
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 11, 3 [a]: nȝ Ỉkš.w, 'Sie
sind in Jubel in Bou-gem, Jauchzen herrscht in den Wäldern, (und) Scherz unter den
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 12, 11: Ỉkš.t, 'the
Aethiopian cat' (sc. Tefnout)
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 15, 28: Ỉkšỉ.t, 'the
Aethiopian cat' (sc. Tefnout)
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 19, 5: [Ỉ]kš.t, 'the
Aethiopian cat' (sc. Tefnout)
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 21, 28: Nȝ-tȝ.w-nṯr,
'Mout, Herrin der Gottes-Länder!'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 3, 16: Ỉkš.t, 'the
Aethiopian cat' (sc. Tefnout)
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 3, 18: Ỉkš.t, 'the
Aethiopian cat' (sc. Tefnout)
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 3, 33 [b]: nȝ Ỉkš.w,
'(the cat Koufi) spends the night in Per-iou-alem? and the day among the Aethiopians'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 4, 2: Ỉkš.t, 'the
Aethiopian cat' (sc. Tefnout)
120 AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 4, 12 [b]: Nȝy-tȝ.wnṯr, 'Wenn du nach Ägypten, deinem Gebiet, zurückkommst, werde ich dich nie wieder zu
jenen Gottes-Ländern zurückkehren lassen.'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 4, 13: Ỉkš.t, 'the
Aethiopian cat' (sc. Tefnout)
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 4, 21: Ỉkš.t, 'the
Aethiopian cat' (sc. Tefnout)
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 4, 27: Ỉkšỉ.t, 'the
Aethiopian cat' (sc. Tefnout)
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 5, 8: Ỉkš.t, 'the
Aethiopian cat' (sc. Tefnout)
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 8, 7: Ỉkš.t, 'the
Aethiopian cat' (sc. Tefnout)
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 8, 11: Ỉkš.t, 'the
Aethiopian cat' (sc. Tefnout)
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 9, 22: Nȝ-tȝ.w-nṯr,
'dass heisst, die Gottes-Länder sind vor mir wie ein runder Ball.'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 9, 30: Ỉkš.t, 'the
Aethiopian cat' (sc. Tefnout)
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 11, 3: Ỉkš, 'mit
seiner nubischen Truppe (?)'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 24, 13: Ỉkš, 'mit
seinen 40 Kriegern und seinen 500 Nubiern, Männern von Meroe, mit seinen 500 von (?)
Männern von Syene, mit seinen 550 Hunden von (?) Chedjil'
AD 150 - 199, TM 48720: P. Cairo 3 50137, col. 1, 8: Ỉkš?, '[ ] die ... Äthiopiens [ ]'
AD 150 - 199, TM 55870: P. Tebt. Tait 3, 9: nȝ Ỉkš.w, '[ ] ... the Aethiopians ... [ ]'
(?) AD 150 - 199, TM 55973: Reymond, Medical book p. 82-131, col. 6, 38: Nḥs, 'Aethiopian stone'
AD 200 about, TM 55947: CRIPEL 7 (1985), p. 98-102 & 115 + CRIPEL 11 (1989), p. 142-143, (7) col. A,
10: [Ỉkš].t, 'the Aethiopian cat' (sc. Tefnout)
AD 200 about, TM 55947: CRIPEL 7 (1985), p. 98-102 & 115 + CRIPEL 11 (1989), p. 142-143, (7) col. A,
15: [Ỉ]kš.t, 'the Aethiopian cat' (sc. Tefnout)
AD 200 about, TM 55947: CRIPEL 7 (1985), p. 98-102 & 115 + CRIPEL 11 (1989), p. 142-143, (7) col. A,
21: Ỉkš.t, 'the Aethiopian cat' (sc. Tefnout)
AD 200 about, TM 55947: CRIPEL 7 (1985), p. 98-102 & 115 + CRIPEL 11 (1989), p. 142-143, (7) col. A,
28: Ỉgš.t, 'Si on me nomme "éthiopienne" matin, midi, et soir (et) "changeante de visage", ...'
AD 200 about, TM 55947: CRIPEL 7 (1985), p. 98-102 & 115 + CRIPEL 11 (1989), p. 142-143, (7) col. A,
30: Ỉkš.t, 'the Aethiopian cat' (sc. Tefnout)
AD 200 - 250, TM 51874: Graff. Dodec. Philae 410, 5: pȝ tȝ n Nḥs, 'the agents of the king of
AD 200 - 250, TM 51874: Graff. Dodec. Philae 410, 7: Kše, 'the royal scribes of Aethiopia'
AD 200 - 250, TM 51874: Graff. Dodec. Philae 410, 8: pȝ tȝ n Nḥs, 'coming from Aethiopia yearly
and performing the services of Isis'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 12, 22 [a]: Ỉkš, 'You
are the great one / Thoueris, the great of magic, the Aethiopian [cat]'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 13, 5: Kš, 'eye of
Aethiopia (sc. Tefnout)'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 29, 28 [a]: tȝ? Nḥs,
'You should grind this drug with a little yellow ocher of Aethiopia and juice of Egyptian
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 9, 2: pȝ Ỉkš, 'the
vigorous bull, the son of the Aethiopian (sc. Amon)'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 9, 16: Ỉkš, 'I am the
youthful Aethiopian (sc. Amon)'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 9, 33: Ỉkš, 'to see
Osiris the Aethiopian while he was coming in at me'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, Vo col. 20, 1: Ỉkš, 'O
Amon, this lofty male, this male of Aethiopia, who came down from Meroe to Egypt'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, Vo col. 20, 3: Ỉkš, 'with
three spells in the Aethiopian language'
121 AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, Vo col. 20, 4: Ỉkš, 'with
three spells in the Aethiopian language'
(?) AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, Vo col. 21, 4: tȝ
Nḥs?, '[ ] of Aethiopia (?), "live-on-them" plant: pound, make [ ]'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, Vo col. 22, 7 [b]: tȝ?
Nḥs, 'paint your eye with it, together with juice of Egyptian grapes and yellow ocher of
AD 200 - 299, TM 64218: Magica varia (Pap. Brux. 25) p. 73 no. 3 + Betz, The Greek magical papyri
in translation p. 323-330 no. PDM Suppl., col. 6, 22: Kš, 'The Aethiopian is my name.'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55954: OMRO 56 (1975), p. 29-64 + Pap. Graec. Mag.(2) 2 12, col. 1*, 11: Kš, 'may
the Aethiopian soul live' / 'Live, O Aethiopian soul!'
AD 275 - 299, TM 55956: Pap. Graec. Mag.(2) 2 61 + Proceedings of the British Academy 17 (1931), p.
235-287, col. 7, 1 (= 95): Ỉkš, 'Spell of giving praise (and) love in Aethiopian'
Agathon – 00c (10639)
E ȝktn Var.: Agathon
Status: canal Loc.: near 00c Tebtynis (2287)
Bibl.: Spiegelberg, P. Cairo 2, 1908, p. 373
Sources: BC 98 Dec 8, TM 43283: P. Cairo 2 30615, 6 [b]: ȝktn, 'north: the canal (of) Agathon'
BC 94 Mar 14, TM 43281: P. Cairo 2 30613, 9: ȝktn, 'north: the canal (of) Agathon'
BC 93 Apr 26, TM 43289: P. Cairo 2 30626, 6 ?: ȝktn, 'north: the canal (of) Agathon'
[ ]aih – L01? (10626)
E [ ]ȝyḥ Var.: [ ]aih
Status: city? Loc.: in the northern L01 Memphites (2714)?
Bibl.: Spiegelberg, P. Cairo 2, 1908, p. 270; Daressy, Sphinx 14 (1911), p. 156; Zauzich, handout
Third demotic conference, 1987
Sources: BC 332 - 200, TM 45958: P. Cairo 2 31168 Ro + P. Cairo 2 31169, (31169) col. 1, 8: [ ]˹ȝyḥ˺
(Spiegelberg: [Pr?]-.?ỉf), in a list of Lower Egyptian toponyms
Ailourionos Epoikion – U09 (3000)
G Αἰλουρίωνος Ἐποίκιον E Mtn-n-ȝlwlyȝn (Mwtn-n-ȝlwlyȝn) - Tȝ-mȝyn-n-ȝlwlyȝn Var.: Ailourionos
Status: village: epoikion Rep.: Dizionario Suppl. 1, p. 13; Bibl.: Vandorpe, Geografische elementen, 1988, p. 122
Sources: AD 100 - 299, TM 54644: CRIPEL 2 (1974), p. 225 no. CEML 178, Dem. descr.: Mwtn-nȝlwlyȝn?, 'Ailourionos Epoikion' (no context)
AD 200 - 299, TM 54643: CRIPEL 2 (1974), p. 225 no. CEML 177, Dem. descr.: Mtn-n-ȝlwlyȝn?,
'Ailourionos Epoikion' (no context)
Airne – U01? (11294)
E ȝyrne? - Qyrne? - Byrne? Var.: Airne (Aiyeren)? - Kirne? - Birne?
Status: village? Note: uncertain whether it is actually a toponym
Bibl.: Griffith, Graff. Dodec. Philae, 1937, p. 65; p. 216; p. 306
Sources: AD 225 - 275, TM 53222: Graff. Dodec. Philae 120, 10: ȝyrne? - Qyrne? - Byrne?, 'Written(?)
by the scribe(?) of the great (harbour?) Airne (?) [ ]'
Aki – L (10788)
E ȝky Var.: Aki
Status: city? Loc.: unknown
Rep.: Gauthier, Dictionnaire II, 1925, p. 33; Bibl.: Spiegelberg, P. Cairo 2, 1908, p. 272; Daressy,
Sphinx 14 (1911), p. 164; Zauzich, handout Third demotic conference, 1987
Sources: BC 332 - 200, TM 45958: P. Cairo 2 31168 Ro + P. Cairo 2 31169, (31169) col. 2, 26: ȝky
(Spiegelberg: ȝkỉ; Daressy: Bkȝy), in a list of Lower Egyptian toponyms
122 Alabanthis – 00a (97)
G Ἀλαβανθις E ȝlbnḏ Var.: Alabanthis (Alabantis - Alabandis) E thnic: Alabanthites
Status: village: kome; chorion Admin.: Exo topoi
Loc.: near 00a Tamais (2238)
Rep.: Dizionario I 1, p. x; p. 49-50; p. 50; p. 53 (s.v. Albon); Suppl. 1, p. 17; Suppl. 3, p. 12-13; Suppl. 4,
p. 12; Wessely, Topographie, 1904, p. 32; P. Tebt. 2, 1907, p. 356; p. 366; p. 413; Bibl.: de Cenival,
Livre du centenaire, 1980, p. 201-202; P. Dublin, 1995, p. 147 n. on l. 2; CDD ȝ, 2002, p. 62;
Morelli, ZPE 149 (2004), p. 131
Sources: BC 229 Oct 19 - 228 Oct 18?, TM 45788: Livre du centenaire 1880-1980 (MIFAO 104) p. 195203 (= P. Lille Dem. 110), Vo col. 3, 14: ȝlbn[ḏ], 'The last day (of the month), fields of
Alabanthis: grain 109 (artabai)'
BC 229 Oct 19 - 228 Oct 18?, TM 45788: Livre du centenaire 1880-1980 (MIFAO 104) p. 195-203 (= P.
Lille Dem. 110), Vo col. 4, 10: ȝlbnḏȝ, 'fields of Alabanthis of the agerti: grain [ ]'
Alabastron Polis - Hebenou (Kom el-Ahmar) – U15 (2684)
G Ἀλαβάστρων Πόλις - Ἀλαβαστρίνη L Alabastrum - Alabastron E Ḥbnw C ⲡⲙⲁⲛϩⲁⲃⲓⲛ ⲧⲁϩϩⲁⲃⲓⲛ - ⲧϩⲁⲃⲓⲛ Var.: Alabastron Polis (Alabastrine) - Hebenou - Pmanhabin - Kom elAhmar - Hatnub - sites including Zawyet el-Amwet - Zawyet el-Maiyitin (Zawiet El-Maietin Zawyet el-Meitin)
Status: city: polis; oppidum; village: kome Admin.: in the U15 Patemit Ano toparchia; also in the U15 Arabia Kato toparchia; Hebenou used to be
the capital of the nomos U16; by Ptolemaios, however, Alabastron Polis is incorrectly situated in
the U17 Kynopolites; in the 4th-5th centuries AD Alabastrine belongs to the U15 Antinoites
Loc.: near U15 El-Minya (3569); between U15 Hermopolis (816) and U17 Kynopolis (1196)
Note: the name Alabastron Polis is attested from the 3rd century BC till the early 2nd century AD,
the name Alabastrine from the second half of the 2nd century till the 6 century AD
Rep.: Dizionario I 1, p. 50-51 (1); p. 51; p. 51-52; Suppl. 1, p. 17; p. 18; Suppl. 2, p. 10-11; Suppl. 3, p.
13 (bis); Suppl. 4, p. 12; Gauthier, Dictionnaire IV, 1927, p. 25; Timm, p. 1975-1977; Drew-Bear,
Hermopolite, 1979, p. 19 & 56-59 & 59-61; p. 213; p. 270; p. 313; Bibl.: Gardiner, AEO 2, 1947, p.
90*-92* no. 382; Otto, Topographie des thebanischen Gaues, 1952, p. 44 no. 9; Gomaà, LÄ II,
1977, col. 1075-1076; Baines / Malek, Atlas, 1980, p. 128; Drew-Bear, REA 83 (1981), p. 24-25; JRA
5 (1992), p. 186 n. 1; CDD Ḥ, 2009, p. 89; Maps: Drew-Bear, Hermopolite, 1979, map 1; Baines /
Malek, Atlas, 2002, p. 121 Sources: BC 70 Nov 20?, TM 8531: ZÄS 115 (1988), p. 52-53, A 1 [c]: Ḥbnw, 'Es hat gesagt der
Hagriter des Berges (und) Diener des Horos, Herrn von Hebenou, des grossen Gottes'
BC 70 Nov 20?, TM 8531: ZÄS 115 (1988), p. 52-53, A 2 [b]: Ḥbnw, 'zu dem Hagriter (und) Diener des
Horos, Herrn von Hebenou, des grossen Gottes'
BC 70 Nov 20?, TM 8531: ZÄS 115 (1988), p. 52-53, A 4: Ḥbnw, 'und allen Dingen, die dazu gehören
... östlich von Hebenou, die mir zufielen namens meines Vaters.'
BC 70 Nov 20?, TM 8531: ZÄS 115 (1988), p. 52-53, B 3 [a]: Ḥbnw, 'Es hat gesagt der Hagriter des
Berges (und) Diener des Horos, Herrn von Hebenou, des grossen Gottes'
BC 70 Nov 20?, TM 8531: ZÄS 115 (1988), p. 52-53, B 3 [c]: Ḥbnw, 'zu dem Hagriter (und) Diener des
Horos, Herrn von Hebenou, des grossen Gottes'
AD 1 - 199, TM 69431: Jasnow / Zauzich, Book of Thoth p. 139-496 no. L01, col. 2, 15 (p. 341):
˹Ḥbnw˺, 'A vulture and its young, they exulting over the body of an oryx. It is Hebenou.'
AD 150 - 199, TM 55943: Kockelmann, Praising the Goddess 6, 10 [a]: Ḥbnw, 'the goddess who is in
[ ] Hebenou'
Albeh – L (10741)
E ȝlbḥ (ȝrbḥ) Var.: Albeh
Status: city Loc.: north of L09 Bousiris (Abusir) (469)
Bibl.: P. BM Smith, 1987, p. 100 n. 442; Smith, P. Liturgy, 1993, p. 64; CDD ȝ, 2002, p. 54; Smith,
Papyrus Harkness, 2005, p. 226; p. 364
Sources: BC 2 Jun 4, TM 52839: St. Cairo 1 p. 44 no. 31112, 9: ȝlbḥ, 'man spendet ihnen Wasser auf
den 365 Opfertischen, welche sich im Umkreis von Albeh befinden.'
AD 1 - 99, TM 58379: P. Liturgy p. 23-29 no. B & pl. 1-4, col. 2, 17 [a]: ȝlbḥ, 'Behold, you will be
protected in Albeh.'
123 AD 1 - 99, TM 58379: P. Liturgy p. 23-29 no. B & pl. 1-4, col. 4, 16: ȝlbḥ, 'Hail, Anoubis the overseer
of the mystery of Osiris of Albeh will rouse himself.'
AD 1 - 99, TM 58379: P. Liturgy p. 23-29 no. B & pl. 1-4, col. 5, 14: ȝlbḥ, 'Tears will be shed four you
in Albeh.'
AD 1 - 99, TM 48898: P. Liturgy p. 26-29 & 67-80 no. S & pl. 8-11 + Dem. Conf. IX (Paris 2005) p. 349350, col. x+5, 2 (p. 28): ȝrlbḥ (sic), 'Hail, Anoubis the overseer of the mystery of Osiris of Albeh
will rouse himself.'
AD 61 Feb 15 shortly after, TM 54058: Smith, Papyrus Harkness p. 49-86, col. 5, 15: ȝlbḥ, 'You will
approach Albeh on the day of receiving libations.'
Alchai – U08 (10680)
G Ἀλχαι E ʿlq-ḥḥ (ʿlk-ḥḥ - ʿrq-ḥḥ - ȝrq-ḥḥ) C ⲁⲗⲭⲁⲁ Var.: Alchai (Alekhah - Alkhah - Alkhai)
Status: sanctuary, building Loc.: in the necropolis of U08 Abydos (34)
Note: Smith: 'the name of a type of shrine or sacred precinct in which the mummy of Osiris was
supposed to rest. The best known example was at Abydos.'
Rep.: Gauthier, Dictionnaire I, 1925, p. 154; Bibl.: Spiegelberg, P. Cairo 2, 1908, p. 285; p. 373; Wb 1,
1926, p. 213; Erichsen, Glossar, 1954, p. 6; p. 67; p. 68; Ray, O. Hor, 1976, p. 72-73; p. 183 no. 5;
Smith, P. Liturgy, 1993, p. 39; Smith, Studies Quaegebeur 1 (OLA 84), 1998, p. 434; CDD ʿ, 2003,
p. 104 & 114 (bis); Smith, Papyrus Harkness, 2005, p. 176; p. 364
Sources: BC 171 Jul 10, TM 48985: O. Hor 18, Vo 16: ʿrq-ḥḥ, 'You are praised in Alchai'
BC 99 - 1, TM 50961: Short Texts 2 1068 (forthcoming), Dem. 3: ʿrq-ḥḥ, 'may he (sc. Anoubis) give
you a good position within Alchai'
BC 30 - AD 199, TM 51444: Short Texts 2 1176 (forthcoming), 4 - 5: ʿlq-ḥḥ, 'while you are favoured
in Alchai'
AD 1 - 99, TM 56854: P. Liturgy p. 23-25 no. P & pl. 7, 11: ʿlk-ḥḥ, 'Anoubis, the foremost one of the
god's booth, will rejuvenate you, the archpriest of Alchai, the overseer of the mystery and
foremost of the westerners.'
AD 1 - 99, TM 58379: P. Liturgy p. 23-29 no. B & pl. 1-4, col. 1, 14: ʿlk-ḥḥ, 'Anoubis, the foremost one
of the god's booth, will rejuvenate you, the archpriest of Alchai, the overseer of the mystery
and foremost of the westerners.'
AD 1 - 99, TM 58379: P. Liturgy p. 23-29 no. B & pl. 1-4, col. 2, 14 [d]: ʿlk-ḥḥ, 'You will fare
downstream to Alchai.'
AD 1 - 99, TM 58379: P. Liturgy p. 23-29 no. B & pl. 1-4, col. 5, 5: ʿlk-ḥḥ, 'You will be favoured in
Alchai in the presence of the lord of the gods.'
AD 1 - 99, TM 58379: P. Liturgy p. 23-29 no. B & pl. 1-4, col. 5, 10 [a]: ʿlk-ḥḥ, 'You will be addressed
at these 365 offering tables which are on the way to Alchai.'
AD 1 - 99, TM 48898: P. Liturgy p. 26-29 & 67-80 no. S & pl. 8-11 + Dem. Conf. IX (Paris 2005) p. 349350, col. x+5, 12 (p. 29): ʿlk-ḥḥ, 'You will be favoured in Alchai in the presence of the lord of the
AD 61 Feb 15 shortly after, TM 54058: Smith, Papyrus Harkness p. 49-86, col. 3, 18: ʿlk-ḥḥ, 'Alchai
will endure.'
AD 61 Feb 15 shortly after, TM 54058: Smith, Papyrus Harkness p. 49-86, col. 4, 12 [b]: ʿlk-ḥḥ, 'You
will moor at Alchai.'
AD 61 Feb 15 shortly after, TM 54058: Smith, Papyrus Harkness p. 49-86, col. 4, 16: ʿlk-ḥḥ, 'Your
name will be accepted at Alchai.'
AD 61 Feb 15 shortly after, TM 54058: Smith, Papyrus Harkness p. 49-86, col. 4, 23: ʿlk-ḥḥ, 'Go to
the door of Alchai (on) the night of the festival of Sokaris.'
AD 61 Feb 15 shortly after, TM 54058: Smith, Papyrus Harkness p. 49-86, col. 5, 10 [b]: ʿlk-ḥḥ, 'You
will approach Alchai, the western door.'
AD 61 Feb 15 shortly after, TM 54058: Smith, Papyrus Harkness p. 49-86, col. 6, 24: ʿlk-ḥḥ, 'Give
water (at) an offering table (to) Horos and Thoth and him who is (in) Alchai.'
AD 100 - 299, TM 48682: Short Texts 2 962 (forthcoming), 3: ʿlq-ḥḥ, 'may your soul breathe within
Alchai with the Ennead'
AD 100 - 299, TM 48682: Short Texts 2 962 (forthcoming), 6: ʿlq-ḥḥ, 'you have made your name be
received in Alchai.'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 1, 6: ȝrq-ḥḥ, '[ ] of
copper of Alchai'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 15, 30 [b]: ȝrq-ḥḥ,
'carrying the mummy of Osiris, going to take it to Abydos to let it rest in Alchai.'
124 AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 19, 2: ȝrq-ḥḥ, 'I
come forth from Alchai.'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 9, 15: ȝrq-ḥḥ,
'Open to me Alchai before every god'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 9, 23: ȝrq-ḥḥ, 'I am
Horos son of Isis, who is going across to Alchai'
AD 200 - 299, TM 64218: Magica varia (Pap. Brux. 25) p. 73 no. 3 + Betz, The Greek magical papyri
in translation p. 323-330 no. PDM Suppl., col. 3, 4: ʿ[r]q-ḥḥ, 'O guardian of the one who is in
Alexandreon Chora – L00 (2630)
G Ἀλεξανδρέων Χώρα E pȝ tš n ȝlgsntrs Var.: Alexandreon Chora (Alexandrina Regio)
Status: area: chora; district: nomos; tesh Loc.: near L00 Alexandria (100)
Ident.: cf. L00 Alexandria (100)
Rep.: Dizionario I 1, p. 208-209; Suppl. 1, p. 23; Suppl. 2, p. 12; Suppl. 3, p. 15; Suppl. 4, p. 14; Bibl.:
Jähne, Klio 63 (1981), p. 63-103
Sources: BC 332 - 30, TM 53705: Short Texts 1 138, 2 [b]: pȝ tš ȝlgs<n>trs, 'the rest of the people
who are in the temple of Hermopolis in the nomos of Alexandria'
BC 332 - 30, TM 53705: Short Texts 1 138, 11 [b]: pȝ tš ˹ȝlgsn˺[trs?], '[ ] which is joined to the
temple of Hermopolis in the nomos of Alexandria'
Alexandria – L00 (100)
G Ἀλεξάνδρεια L Alexandria - Alexandrea E Rʿ-qd (Rʿ-qt) - Pȝ-ʿ.wy-n-ȝlgsȝntrs - Pȝ-sbt-n-Ỉrgsndrs Var.:
Alexandreia (Alexandria - Alexandrea - El-Iskandariya - 'The place of Alexander') - Rakotis
('Building yard') - Leontopolis - sites including Shatby (Skiatbi, Chatby), Meks (El-Mex), ElGabbari, Hadra (Hatra, Khadra), Kom el-Shugafa, Karmuz (Karmus), Serapeum (Sarapieion),
Mustafa Pasha, Ramleh, El-Ibrahimiya, Kom el-Dikka, Abu el-Hachem, El-Dukheileh, Rushdi,
Marghram, cape Lochias (Fort Silsileh), Minet el-Bassal, Mafrusa Ethnic: Alexandreus
(Alexandris - Alexandritis) - Alexandrinos (Alexandrine) - Alexandrinus - Alexandreios
(Alexandreia) - Alexandrianos (Alexandriane) - Alexandreotikos - Alexandreiopolites
Status: city: polis; metropolis; civitas Ident.: cf. also L00 Rakotis (5179), L00 Nikopolis (Sidi Gaber) (1469), L00 Alexandreon Chora (2630)
Note: see also the attestations for L00 Serapeum (10727); new reading in P. Laur. 4 182 (= ZPE 138
(2002), p. 155), 5 (no toponym); new reading in Stud. Pal.(2) 3 10, 2 (no toponym); new reading
U Thebais (2982) in P. Ammon 2 32, 19 (= 1 8, 5); new reading in P. Ammon 2 39 (= 1 11), a 11-12
(no toponym); new reading in Demotica 2 27 B, l. 1 (no toponym; cf. DBL, 2005, p. 497)
Rep.: Dizionario I 1, p. x-xii; p. 44; p. 55-206; p. 206; p. 206-208; p. 209; p. 209-210; p. 214; III, p. 187;
Suppl. 1, p. 18-22; p. 22-23; p. 23; p. 112; Suppl. 2, p. 11-12; p. 12; p. 13; Suppl. 3, p. 13-14; p. 1415; p. 15; Suppl. 4, p. 12-13; p. 14; Gauthier, Dictionnaire V, 1928, p. 24; Bibl.: Erichsen,
Lesestücke II.2, 1940, p. 201; Erichsen, Glossar, 1954, p. 225; p. 242; p. 551; Vandorpe,
Geografische elementen, 1988, p. 35-36; CDD R, 2001, p. 23; PP X, 2002, p. 347-358; p. 361; CDD
P, 2010, p. 8; Maps: Baines / Malek, Atlas, 2002, p. 167 Sources: BC 332 - 30, TM 412: P. Cairo 2 30699, 5: Rȝ-qd, '[ ] die Abgaben, welche ich für Alexandria
gemacht habe'
BC 251 Nov 24?, TM 55951: Gaudard, The Demotic drama of Horus and Seth (unpubl. thesis), A 9
[b]: Rʿ-qd, 'seas of Alexandria'
BC 243 - 222, TM 8495: P. Hauswaldt Manning 13, 1 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priest) (in) Alexandria
and (eponymous priest) (in) Alexandria'
BC 243 - 222, TM 8495: P. Hauswaldt Manning 13, 1 [b]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priest) (in) Alexandria
and (eponymous priest) (in) Alexandria'
BC 220 Sep 12 - Oct 11, TM 8494: P. Hauswaldt Manning 12, a 1: ˹Rʿ˺-[qd], '(eponymous priest) (in)
Alexandria and (eponymous priest) (in) Alexandria'
BC 220 Sep 12 - Oct 11, TM 8494: P. Hauswaldt Manning 12, a 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priest) (in)
Alexandria and (eponymous priest) (in) Alexandria'
BC 220 Sep 12 - Oct 11, TM 8494: P. Hauswaldt Manning 12, b 1: [Rʿ-qd], '(eponymous priest) (in)
Alexandria and (eponymous priest) (in) Alexandria'
BC 220 Sep 12 - Oct 11, TM 8494: P. Hauswaldt Manning 12, b 2 [a]: [Rʿ-qd], '(eponymous priest)
(in) Alexandria and (eponymous priest) (in) Alexandria'
125 BC 220 Oct 17 - Nov 15, TM 8493: P. Hauswaldt Manning 5, 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in
BC 216 Aug 10, TM 46482: P. Siegesfeier (Sitzb. Bayer. Akad. 1926, 2) p. 4, 6: Rʿ-qd, 'Wir haben Paret, den Sohn des Inaros, kommen lassen ... um nach Alexandria zu gehen mit den LebensSträussen, welche man vor den König wegen des Festes des Sieges des Königs am 10. Pachons
BC 199 - 140, TM 51411: JEA 64 (1978), p. 113-114 no. Add. Text 66, 9: [Rʿ]-qd, 'that which concerns
the salvation of Alexandria'
BC 199 - 140, TM 49007: O. Hor 41, 2: Rʿ-qd, '[ ] Alexandria, saying [ ]'
BC 199 - 100, TM 43292: P. Cairo 2 30629, 4: Rʿ-qd, 'to the priests of the temple because of the fee of
2 1/2 kite ... Alexandria'
BC 199 - 88, TM 172: P. Gebelen Heid. 35, 2: [Rʿ-qd], '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 199 - 88, TM 166: P. Gebelen Heid. 41, 1 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and)
Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 199 - AD 99, TM 50658: O. Theb. Dem. p. 61 no. D. 9, 6: Rʿ-qdy, 'I have taken those which I have
to Alexandria in a parcel (?) of mine (?).'
BC 196 Mar 27, TM 8809: I. Prose 16 + Sacr. Decr. Memphis Ros. (p. 258-271), Dem. 10: Pȝ-ʿ.wyȝlgsȝntrs, 'he released the people [who hold] the offices of the temples from the voyage they
used to make to The place of Alexander / to Alexandria each year' (cf. the Greek counterpart,
l. 17: εἰς Ἀλεξάνδρειαν)
BC 192 Sep 4, TM 47824: O. Hor 3, 2: Rʿ-qd, 'Pharaoh Ptolemaios, our lord, the master (of) Egypt,
and queen Kleopatra, the gods who love their mother, who wear the diadem in Alexandria'
BC 192 Sep 4, TM 47824: O. Hor 3, Vo 10: Rʿ-qd, 'at the time (when) Egypt divorced itself (from)
BC 192 Sep 4, TM 47824: O. Hor 3, Vo 20: Rʿ-qd, 'with him (in) the Great Serapeum which is in
BC 186 Feb 2, TM 2759: JARCE 2 (1963), p. 114, 4 [c]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Ptolemais in the
nomos of Thebes, and the titularies which are established in Alexandria.'
BC 186 Dec 19 about, TM 44490: P. Eheverträge 30 + Acta Orientalia 23 (1958), p. 123-124 no. B, (P.
Ehe.) 1: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria,
(eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria'
BC 186 Dec 19 about, TM 44490: P. Eheverträge 30 + Acta Orientalia 23 (1958), p. 123-124 no. B, (P.
Ehe.) 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria,
(eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria'
BC 186 Dec 19 about, TM 44490: P. Eheverträge 30 + Acta Orientalia 23 (1958), p. 123-124 no. B, (P.
Ehe.) 2 [b]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria,
(eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria'
BC 186 Dec 19 about, TM 44490: P. Eheverträge 30 + Acta Orientalia 23 (1958), p. 123-124 no. B, (P.
Ehe.) 2 [c]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria,
(eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria'
BC 184 Oct 27, TM 46009: Serapis 6 (1980), p. 122 + JEA 24 (1938), p. 79-80 [4526 B 1], (Serapis) 3: Rʿqd, '(eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest(s)) in Alexandria, (eponymous
priest) in Alexandria'
BC 184 Oct 27, TM 46009: Serapis 6 (1980), p. 122 + JEA 24 (1938), p. 79-80 [4526 B 1], (Serapis) 4: Rʿqd, '(eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest(s)) in Alexandria, (eponymous
priest) in Alexandria'
BC 184 Oct 27, TM 46009: Serapis 6 (1980), p. 122 + JEA 24 (1938), p. 79-80 [4526 B 1], (Serapis) 5: Rʿqd, '(eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest(s)) in Alexandria, (eponymous
priest) in Alexandria'
BC 182 Feb 3, TM 3564: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3114, 1 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria ... in
the nomos of Thebes'
BC 182 Feb 3, TM 2714: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3140, 1 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria ... in
the nomos of Thebes'
BC 182 Nov 12, TM 8513: P. BM Andrews 9 [10721], 1 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria,
(eponymous priest) in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 182 Nov 12, TM 8514: P. BM Andrews 9 [10727], 1 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria,
(eponymous priest) in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 181 Nov 30, TM 43351: P. BM Siut p. 38-40 no. 10575 (= A), 1 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in
Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Ptolemais (in) the nomos of Thebes'
126 BC 181 Nov 30?, TM 2741: P. BM Siut p. 65-66 no. 10592, 3 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in
Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Ptolemais in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 181 Oct 7 - 180 Oct 6, TM 8541: Enchoria 22 (1995), p. 131-132, 3 [a]: Rʿ-[q]d, '(eponymous
priests) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 181 Jan 1 - 176 Apr 8, TM 348: P. Eheverträge 32 + Archiv Orientalni 20 (1952), p. 100-101 + FuB
8 (1967), p. 86 no. 15692, (P. Ehe.) 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria ... in the
nomos of Thebes'
BC 179 Feb 4 - Mar 5, TM 3055: P. Assoc. p. 39-40 & 215-218 no. Cairo 31178, col. 1, 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd,
'(eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in
Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria'
BC 179 Feb 4 - Mar 5, TM 3055: P. Assoc. p. 39-40 & 215-218 no. Cairo 31178, col. 1, 2 [b]: Rʿ-qd,
'(eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in
Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria'
BC 179 Feb 4 - Mar 5, TM 3055: P. Assoc. p. 39-40 & 215-218 no. Cairo 31178, col. 1, 2 [c]: Rʿ-qd,
'(eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in
Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria'
BC 179 Feb 4 - Mar 5, TM 3055: P. Assoc. p. 39-40 & 215-218 no. Cairo 31178, col. 1, 2 [d]: Rʿ-qd,
'(eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in
Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria'
BC 179 Oct 28, TM 48647: P. BM Andrews 41, (10724) 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in
Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 179 Oct 28, TM 48647: P. BM Andrews 41, (10725) 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in
Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 177 Oct 7, TM 43339: P. Ackerpachtverträge p. 7-8 + P. BM Reich p. 77-78 no. 10230, 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd,
'(eponymous priests) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 176 Sep 14, TM 2935: Et. de Pap. 8 (1957), p. 60-63, (cession) 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd.t, '(eponymous priests)
in Alexandria ... in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 176 Sep 14, TM 2935: Et. de Pap. 8 (1957), p. 60-63, (sale) 1: Rʿ-qd.t, '(eponymous priests) in
Alexandria ... in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 176 Nov 18, TM 8532: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3111, 1 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria,
(eponymous priest) in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 176 Nov 18, TM 8533: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3141, 2 [a]: ˹Rʿ-qd˺, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria,
(eponymous priest) in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 176 Sep 14, TM 48648: P. BM Andrews 42, 1: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria,
(eponymous priest) in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 176 Jul 14, TM 44690: P. Recueil 9, 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria, (eponymous
priest) in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 175 Feb 23, TM 2627: Enchoria 15 (1987), p. 99-112 no. Louvre E 3440 A (LA), 1 [a]: Rʿ-qd,
'(eponymous priests) in Alexandria ... in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 175 Feb 22, TM 2626: Enchoria 15 (1987), p. 99-112 no. Louvre E 3440 B (LB), 1 [a]: Rʿ-qd,
'(eponymous priests) in Alexandria ... in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 175 Mar 5 - Apr 3, TM 2760: JARCE 3 (1964), p. 91-103, A 2: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in
BC 175 Apr 15, TM 2740: JEA 45 (1959), p. 53-54, 3 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria,
(eponymous priest) in Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 175 Oct 21, TM 2746: P. BM Andrews 5, 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria,
(eponymous priest) in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 175 Oct 21, TM 2747: P. BM Andrews 6, 1 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria,
(eponymous priest) in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 175 - 125 about, TM 46941: P. Oxf. Griffith 1 6, 3: Rʿ-qd, 'Se non è nostro bene andare a
Alexandria a causa degli uomini coi quali ci troviamo in opposizione, sia estratta per noi
questa domanda.'; oracle question about travelling from Soknopaiou Nesos to Alexandria
BC 172 May 31, TM 48986: O. Hor 19, 18: Rʿ-qd, 'They wrote before me about them to Alexandria'
BC 172 Jan 19, TM 45564: P. Eheverträge 33 + P. BM Siut p. 68-69 no. 10593, (P. Ehe.) 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd,
'(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 171 Nov 2, TM 2743: P. BM Siut p. 73-75 no. 10597, 2: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria,
(eponymous priest) in Ptolemais in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 171 Nov 1, TM 2488: P. Tor. Amen. 1, 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria,
(eponymous priest) in the nomos of Thebes'
127 BC 171 Dec 23, TM 2957: P. Tor. Botti 3 A-B, A 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria,
(eponymous priest) in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 171 Dec 23, TM 2957: P. Tor. Botti 3 A-B, B 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria,
(eponymous priest) in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 170 - 164, TM 47597: BIFAO 91 (1991), p. 121, 4: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priest) in Alexandria,
(eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in
BC 170 - 164, TM 47597: BIFAO 91 (1991), p. 121, 5: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priest) in Alexandria,
(eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in
BC 170 - 164, TM 47597: BIFAO 91 (1991), p. 121, 6: [Rʿ-q]d, '(eponymous priest) in Alexandria,
(eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in
BC 170 - 164, TM 47597: BIFAO 91 (1991), p. 121, 7 [a]: [Rʿ-qd], '(eponymous priest) in Alexandria,
(eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in
BC 168 about, TM 48979: O. Hor 12, 3: Rʿ-qd, 'I stood with Psentesoys (in) Alexandria while he was
magician among the people.'
BC 168 about, TM 48997: O. Hor 30, 8: Rʿ-qd, '[ ] my voice (in) Alexandria [ ]'
BC 168 - 140, TM 48970: O. Hor 2, 4: Rʿ-qd, 'The dream which was told to me of the safety of
BC 168 - 140, TM 48970: O. Hor 2, 12 [b]: Rʿ-qd, 'I gave it <(to) the Pharaohs> in the Great Serapeum
which is in Alexandria'
BC 168 - 140, TM 48970: O. Hor 2, 15: Rʿ-qd, 'I came to Alexandria'
BC 168 - 140, TM 48970: O. Hor 2, Vo 5 [b]: Rʿ-qd, 'I gave it to the Pharaohs (in) the Great Serapeum
which is in Alexandria'
BC 163 Oct 18, TM 227: P. Ryl. Dem. 15 A + P. Ryl. Gr. 2 248, 1 [a]: Rʿ-qd.t, '(eponymous priests) in
BC 163 Oct 18, TM 228: P. Ryl. Dem. 15 B, 1 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 163 Oct 3 - 162 Oct 2, TM 207: MIO 1 (1953), p. 234-236, 2 [a]: [Rʿ]-qd, '(eponymous priests) in
Alexandria (and) Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 163 Oct 3 - 162 Oct 2, TM 197: P. Gebelen Heid. 4, 4 [a]: [Rʿ-qd], '(eponymous priests) in
Alexandria (and) Ptolemais which is (in) the nomos of Thebes'
BC 163 - 140, TM 48971: O. Hor 4, 4 [b]: Rʿ-qd, 'at the time when Egypt divorced itself from
BC 163 - 140, TM 48971: O. Hor 4, 6: Rʿ-qd, 'That which concerns the salvation of Alexandria'
BC 163 - 140, TM 48971: O. Hor 4, 10 [b]: Rʿ-qd, 'That which concerns the voyages (of) Pharaoh
means (that) he shall go to The island of the sea (sc. Cyprus), embarking at Alexandria, his
heart being happy.'
BC 162 Nov 3, TM 43340: RecTrav 31 (1909), p. 92-95 + P. Lond. 3 p. 3-4 no. 1201, Dem. 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd,
'(eponymous priests) in Alexandria ... in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 162 Oct 3 - 161 Oct 1, TM 192: P. Ackerpachtverträge p. 39-40, 3 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests)
in Alexandria ... in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 159 Dec 1 - 30, TM 48969: O. Hor 1, 14 [a]: Rʿ-qd, 'she reached the harbour (at) Alexandria'
BC 159 Dec 1 - 30, TM 48969: O. Hor 1, 14 [b]: Rʿ-qd, 'She said: "Alexandria is secure against (?) the
BC 159 Feb 10?, TM 46668: Studien Thissen p. 401-403, 9: Rʿ-qdy, 'I have caused that Herianoupis
the general send (word) after me to come to Alexandria.'
BC 159 Feb 10?, TM 46668: Studien Thissen p. 401-403, 11: Rʿ-qdy, 'that you (sic?) arrive at
BC 153 Feb 9, TM 44489: P. Eheverträge p. 154-158 no. 6 Z, 3 [a]: [Rʿ-qd], '(eponymous priest) in
Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous
priest) in Alexandria'
BC 153 Feb 9, TM 44489: P. Eheverträge p. 154-158 no. 6 Z, 3 [b]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priest) in
Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous
priest) in Alexandria'
BC 153 Feb 9, TM 44489: P. Eheverträge p. 154-158 no. 6 Z, 4 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priest) in
Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous
priest) in Alexandria'
128 BC 153 Feb 9, TM 44489: P. Eheverträge p. 154-158 no. 6 Z, 4 [b]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priest) in
Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous
priest) in Alexandria'
BC 153 Jun 14, TM 3567: P. Schreibertrad. 56 + UPZ 2 166 a + P. Schreibertrad. 132, (132) [a] (before
n. 777): Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria ... in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 153 Jun 14, TM 3567: P. Schreibertrad. 56 + UPZ 2 166 a + P. Schreibertrad. 132, (56) 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd,
'(eponymous priests) in Alexandria ... in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 152 Apr 5, TM 309: P. Eheverträge 36 + P. Ryl. Dem. 16, (P. Ehe.) 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous
priests) in Alexandria (and) Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 152 Sep 30 - 151 Sep 29, TM 48996: O. Hor 29, 10: Rʿ-qd, 'Alexandria [ ]'
BC 151 Oct 30 - Nov 28, TM 3057: P. Assoc. p. 59-61 & 219-220 no. Hamb. 1, col. 1, 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd,
'(eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in
Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria'
BC 151 Oct 30 - Nov 28, TM 3057: P. Assoc. p. 59-61 & 219-220 no. Hamb. 1, col. 1, 2 [b]: Rʿ-[qd],
'(eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in
Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria'
BC 151 Oct 30 - Nov 28, TM 3057: P. Assoc. p. 59-61 & 219-220 no. Hamb. 1, col. 1, 3 [a]: Rʿ-qd,
'(eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in
Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria'
BC 151 Oct 30 - Nov 28, TM 3057: P. Assoc. p. 59-61 & 219-220 no. Hamb. 1, col. 1, 3 [b]: Rʿ-qd,
'(eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in
Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria'
BC 151 Sep 30 - 150 Sep 29, TM 392: Orientalia 56 (1987), p. 76-77, 2 [a]: [Rʿ]-qd, '(eponymous
priests) in Alexandria (and) Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 150 Feb 1, TM 43921: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3070, 2 [a]: [Rʿ]-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria,
(eponymous priest) in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 150 Feb 1, TM 3575: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3097, 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria ... in
the nomos of Thebes'
BC 150 Oct 29, TM 45081: P. Tor. Botti 6 A-B, A 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria and
the priest in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 150 Oct 29, TM 45081: P. Tor. Botti 6 A-B, B 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria and
the priest in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 150 - 88, TM 167: P. Gebelen Heid. 40, 2 [a]: [Rʿ-qd], '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and)
Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 146 Dec 15, TM 3635: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 10-11 no. 3119 + UPZ 2 175 b, Dem. 1 ? [a]: Rʿ-qd?,
'(eponymous priests) in Alexandria ... in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 146 Dec 15, TM 3634: P. Schreibertrad. 42 + UPZ 2 175 c + P. BM Andrews 23, (P. Schreib.) [a]
(before n. 372): Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in the nomos of
BC 146 Feb 14, TM 43999: ZÄS 87 (1962), p. 11, 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priest) in Alexandria,
(eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in
BC 146 Feb 14, TM 43999: ZÄS 87 (1962), p. 11, 2 [b]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priest) in Alexandria,
(eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in
BC 146 Feb 14, TM 43999: ZÄS 87 (1962), p. 11, 2 [c]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priest) in Alexandria,
(eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in
BC 146 Feb 14, TM 43999: ZÄS 87 (1962), p. 11, 2 [d]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priest) in Alexandria,
(eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in
BC 145 Jun 25 - Jul 15, TM 109: P. Strasb. Dem. p. 21-22 no. 21 + SB 1 5115, Dem. 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd,
'(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and) Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 145 May 13, TM 2489: P. Tor. Amen. 2, 3 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 145 - 142, TM 299: P. Dryton 13, 3 [a]: [Rʿ-qd], '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and)
Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 143 Dec 10, TM 45077: P. Tor. Botti 7 A-B, A 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria and
the priest in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 143 Dec 10, TM 45077: P. Tor. Botti 7 A-B, B 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria and
the priest in the nomos of Thebes'
129 BC 143 - 137, TM 295: P. Dryton 14, 3 [a]: Rʿ-[qd], '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and)
Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 141 Apr 6, TM 47522: P. BM Andrews 32, (left) 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria,
(eponymous priest) in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 141 May 8, TM 3639: ZÄS 77 (1942), p. 93-94, 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria ...
in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 140 Sep 7, TM 3577: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3090, 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria,
(eponymous priest) in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 140 Sep 7, TM 43725: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3091, 2 [a]: Rʿ-˹qd˺, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria ... in
the nomos of Thebes'
BC 140 about, TM 178: P. Gebelen Heid. 28, 1 [a]: [Rʿ-qd], '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and)
Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 138 Apr 24 - May 24, TM 8341: Enchoria 14 (1986), p. 62, 6: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in
BC 138 Nov 18, TM 45756: JEA 26 (1940), p. 70, 4 - 5: Rʿ-qde, '(eponymous priest) in Alexandria,
(eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in
BC 138 Nov 18, TM 45756: JEA 26 (1940), p. 70, 5: Rʿ-qde, '(eponymous priest) in Alexandria,
(eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in
BC 138 Nov 18, TM 45756: JEA 26 (1940), p. 70, 6: Rʿ-qde, '(eponymous priest) in Alexandria,
(eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in
BC 138 Nov 18, TM 45756: JEA 26 (1940), p. 70, 7: Rʿ-qde, '(eponymous priest) in Alexandria,
(eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in
BC 138 Sep 27 - 137 Aug 18?, TM 466: RecTrav 35 (1913), p. 82-86 + SB 1 4010, Dem. 2 [a]: Rȝ-qd,
'(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and) Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 136 Jan 30, TM 43627: Enchoria 31 (2008-2009), p. 25-42 text A+B, 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous
priests) in Alexandria and Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 136 Dec 19, TM 48644: P. BM Andrews 33, (left) 3 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria
and Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 136 Dec 19, TM 48644: P. BM Andrews 33, (right) 3 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in
Alexandria and Ptolemais in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 135 Aug 6 before, TM 2856: P. Dem. Memphis 4, 2 (n. iii): [Rʿ-qd], '(eponymous priests) in
BC 134 May 7, TM 45082: P. Tor. Botti 9, 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria ... in
Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 133 Sep 10, TM 3588: RecTrav 36 (1914), p. 168-170 + UPZ 2 186, Dem. 7 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous
priest) in Alexandria ... in Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 132 Nov 9, TM 45942: P. Dem. Memphis 5 A-B, A Dem. 2: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 112, 14 [b]: Rʿ-qd, 'the priests of
the procession of Horos of Behdet in Alexandria'
BC 127 Sep 2, TM 46107: P. Bürgsch. 10, 8 [a]: <Rʿ-qd>, '(eponymous priests) who are appointed <in
Alexandria> and who are appointed in Ptolemais'
BC 127 Dec 23, TM 46301: P. Chrestomathie 3 p. 358-360 no. 2420, (p. 358, col. 2) [a]: Rʿ-qd,
'(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and) Ptolemais in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 126 Jan 11 - 20, TM 2954: P. Tor. Amen. 15, 8 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria ... in
Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 126 Sep 16, TM 3574: P. Tor. Choach. 10, 5 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria ... in
Ptolemais (in) the nomos of Thebes'
BC 126 Jun 15, TM 5766: P. Tor. Choach. 13, 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria ... in
Ptolemais in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 125 Mar 6, TM 45854: P. BM Glanville p. 46-47 no. 10500, 4 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in
Alexandria (and) Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 125 Aug 14, TM 5528: P. Tor. Amen. 9, 5 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) (in) Alexandria (and)
BC 124 Dec 15, TM 23: P. Adler Dem. 2, 3 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria,
(eponymous priests) in Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
130 BC 124 Jul 9, TM 3579: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 12-13 no. 3099 + UPZ 2 178, Dem. 1 ? [a]: Rʿ-qd?,
'(eponymous priests) in Alexandria and Ptolemais in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 124 Jul 9, TM 58167: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 12-13 no. 3100, 1 ? [a]: Rʿ-qd?, '(eponymous priests) in
Alexandria and Ptolemais in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 124 Jan 30, TM 8070: P. BM Andrews 21, 5 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria and
those who have been appointed in Ptolemais in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 124 May 5, TM 221: P. Bürgsch. 9, 3: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and) Ptolemais
which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 124 Nov 5, TM 43276: P. Eheverträge p. 162-164 no. 8 D, 1 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priest) in
Alexandria, ..., (eponymous priest) in Alexandria'
BC 124 Nov 5, TM 43276: P. Eheverträge p. 162-164 no. 8 D, 1 [b]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priest) in
Alexandria, ..., (eponymous priest) in Alexandria'
BC 124 Nov 5, TM 43277: P. Eheverträge p. 164-166 no. 8 Z, 1: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priest) in
Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria'
BC 124 Nov 5, TM 43277: P. Eheverträge p. 164-166 no. 8 Z, 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priest) in
Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria'
BC 124 Nov 5, TM 43277: P. Eheverträge p. 164-166 no. 8 Z, 2 [b]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priest) in
Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria, (eponymous priest) in Alexandria'
BC 124 Jul 9, TM 58168: P. Lesestücke 2 p. 81-90, Dem. 3 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in
Alexandria and Ptolemais in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 124 - 116, TM 176: P. Dryton 23, 5 [a]: [Rʿ-qd], '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and)
Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 123 Mar 25, TM 285: P. Dryton 5, 4 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and)
Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 123 - 100, TM 297: P. Dryton 6, 1: ˹Rʿ-qd˺, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and) Ptolemais
which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 121 Jan 6, TM 3569: P. Nouv. Chrest. p. 87-102 + UPZ 2 168, Dem. (p. 88 col. 1) [a]: Rʿ-qd,
'(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and) Ptolemais in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 121 Jul 3, TM 44010: P. Tor. Botti 10, 7 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) (in) Alexandria (and)
Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 120 Mar 7?, TM 43773: P. Schreibertrad. 127, 2: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria ... in
Ptolemais in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 120 Mar 7, TM 3570: P. Schreibertrad. 47 + UPZ 2 169, 3 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in
Alexandria ... in Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 119 Oct 31, TM 43350: P. Ackerpachtverträge p. 15-16, 7 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in
Alexandria (and) Ptolemais in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 119 Mar 2, TM 48640: P. BM Andrews 22, 6 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and)
in Ptolemais in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 119 Mar 2, TM 46209: P. Recueil 10, 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) (in) Alexandria (and)
Ptolemais (in) the nomos of Thebes'
BC 118 Mar 16, TM 208: Life in a multi-cultural society p. 13 [10991] descr. + P. Ryl. Gr. 2 251 + P.
Ryl. Dem. 19, (P. Ryl. Dem.) 3 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria and Ptolemais
which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 118 May 22, TM 3580: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3101, A 3 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria
(and) Ptolemais (in) the nomos of Thebes'
BC 118 May 22, TM 3580: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3101, B 3 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria
(and) Ptolemais in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 118 May 2, TM 52: P. L. Bat. 19 5, 3 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and) in
Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 118 Mar 10, TM 134: P. Ryl. Dem. 17 + P. Ryl. Gr. 2 249, Dem. 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in
Alexandria ... in Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 118 Jan 20 - Feb 18?, TM 44008: P. Tor. Amen. 10, 7: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria ...
in Ptolemais in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 118 Sep 22?, TM 44009: P. Tor. Amen. 17, 4 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria ... in
Ptolemais in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 118 Feb 1, TM 45083: P. Tor. Botti 11, 6 [a]: [Rʿ-qd], '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria ... in
Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 117 May 8, TM 5609: P. Eheverträge 38, 5 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria and
those which are in Ptolemais in the nomos of Thebes'
131 BC 117 Oct 4, TM 501: P. Ryl. Dem. 18 + P. Ryl. Gr. 2 250, Dem. 3 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in
Alexandria (and) Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 117 - 108, TM 47148: P. Tor. Botti 39 l. 1-10, 8: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 116 - 107?, TM 189: P. Gebelen Heid. 13, 1: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 116 - 107, TM 41464: P. Hawara 11, 2: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) (in) Alexandria'
BC 116 - 107, TM 41464: P. Hawara 11, 4 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) (in) Alexandria'
BC 115 Dec 5, TM 170: P. Gebelen Heid. 37, 3 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and)
Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 115 Oct 10, TM 43709: P. Tor. Botti 12 A-B, Dem. A 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in
Alexandria ... in Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 115 Oct 10, TM 43709: P. Tor. Botti 12 A-B, Dem. B 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in
Alexandria ... in Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 115 Jan 26 - 108 Jan 28, TM 137: Life in a multi-cultural society p. 13 [10995] descr. + P. Ryl.
Dem. 23, (P. Ryl.) 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria and Ptolemais which is in the
nomos of Thebes'
BC 115 - 100, TM 200: P. Gebelen Heid. 1, 3 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and)
Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 114 Jan 23, TM 169: P. Gebelen Heid. 38, 4 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 114 Mar 11, TM 41392: P. Hawara 10 + Enchoria 25 (1999), p. 138 & 142, (P. Haw.) 4: Rʿ-qd,
'(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 114 Mar 11, TM 41392: P. Hawara 10 + Enchoria 25 (1999), p. 138 & 142, (P. Haw.) 9 [a]: Rʿ-qd,
'(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 114 Oct 20, TM 8537: P. Lesestücke 2 p. 170-174, 4 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria
(and) Ptolemais which is (in) the nomos of Thebes'
BC 114 Dec 29, TM 45087: P. Tor. Botti 16, 11 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and)
Ptolemais in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 113 Jul 13?, TM 209: P. Ryl. Dem. 24, 5 [a]: [Rʿ-qd], '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and)
Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 112 Feb 12, TM 186: P. Dryton 27, 3 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and)
Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 112 Nov 29, TM 136: P. Eheverträge 40 + P. Ryl. Dem. 22, (P. Ehe.) 3 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous
priests) in Alexandria (and) Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 111 Jul 4, TM 214: P. Ryl. Dem. 21, 4: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and) Ptolemais
which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 111 May 18 - Jun 15, TM 495: P. Strasb. Dem. p. 22-24 no. 7 + SB 1 5116 + RecTrav 33 (1911), p.
151-153, Dem. 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and) Ptolemais which is in the
nomos of Thebes'
BC 111 Jan 21, TM 45088: P. Tor. Botti 17, 6 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and)
Ptolemais in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 111 Dec 15, TM 45094: P. Tor. Botti 21, 7 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and)
Ptolemais in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 110 Nov 13, TM 25: P. Adler Dem. 4, 4: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and)
Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 110 Dec 24, TM 45921: P. Eheverträge 41 + ZÄS 54 (1918), p. 93-94, (P. Ehe.) 3 [a]: Rʿ-qd,
'(eponymous priests) in Alexandria and those which are installed (in) Ptolemais which is (in)
the nomos of Thebes'
BC 110 Nov 10, TM 46025: P. Köln Dem. 2, 7: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priest) (in) Alexandria,
(eponymous priest) (in) Alexandria, (eponymous priest) (in) Alexandria, (eponymous priest)
(in) Alexandria'
BC 110 Nov 10, TM 46025: P. Köln Dem. 2, 8: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priest) (in) Alexandria,
(eponymous priest) (in) Alexandria, (eponymous priest) (in) Alexandria, (eponymous priest)
(in) Alexandria'
BC 110 Nov 10, TM 46025: P. Köln Dem. 2, 10: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priest) (in) Alexandria,
(eponymous priest) (in) Alexandria, (eponymous priest) (in) Alexandria, (eponymous priest)
(in) Alexandria'
BC 110 Nov 10, TM 46025: P. Köln Dem. 2, 11: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priest) (in) Alexandria,
(eponymous priest) (in) Alexandria, (eponymous priest) (in) Alexandria, (eponymous priest)
(in) Alexandria'
BC 110 Jun 24, TM 3084: P. L. Bat. 22 1, 5: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 110 Jul 3, TM 8601: P. Rainer Cent. 4 I-II, Dem. I 1: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
132 BC 110 Jul 3, TM 8601: P. Rainer Cent. 4 I-II, Dem. II 2: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 110 Sep 20 - 109 Sep 18?, TM 190: P. Gebelen Heid. 12, 4 [a]: [Rʿ-qd], '(eponymous priests) in
Alexandria (and) in Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 109 Oct 22, TM 3085: P. L. Bat. 22 2, 3: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 109 Sep 19 - 108 Sep 13, TM 46100: Mizraim 2 (1936), p. 38-40, 7 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests)
in Alexandria (and) Ptolemais in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 109 Sep 19 - 108 Feb 6, TM 3524: P. Recueil 5, 9: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 108 Dec 16, TM 3086: P. L. Bat. 22 3, 6: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 108 Dec 16, TM 3087: P. L. Bat. 22 4, 6: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 108 Feb 14, TM 3526: P. Recueil 4, 12: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 108 Feb 15, TM 45998: P. Recueil 6, 12 [a]: Rʿ-˹qd˺, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 108 Oct 7, TM 45097: P. Tor. Botti 24, 6 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priest) in Alexandria (and)
Ptolemais in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 108 Oct 20, TM 45098: P. Tor. Botti 25 A-B + P. Ackerpachtverträge p. 23-24 (C), (Botti A) 7 [a]:
Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and) Ptolemais in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 108 Oct 20, TM 45098: P. Tor. Botti 25 A-B + P. Ackerpachtverträge p. 23-24 (C), (Botti B) 7 [a]:
Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and) Ptolemais in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 108 Oct 20, TM 45098: P. Tor. Botti 25 A-B + P. Ackerpachtverträge p. 23-24 (C), (P. Acker. C) 7
[a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and) Ptolemais in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 108 Feb 6, TM 3525: RevEg 3 (1883-1885), p. 25-26 & pl. 6-7 + UPZ 1 133 + RecTrav 25 (1903), p.
13-14 no. 19 descr., Dem. 3 ?: Rʿ-qd?, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 108 - 101, TM 496: P. Eheverträge 42 + P. Ryl. Dem. 27 + Life in a multi-cultural society p. 13
[10999] descr., (P. Ehe.) 3 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria and Ptolemais which is
in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 107 Dec 5, TM 27: P. Adler Dem. 6, 3 [a]: [Rʿ-qd], '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and)
Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 107 Jan 26, TM 45099: P. Tor. Botti 26, 7 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and)
Ptolemais in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 107 - 101, TM 191: P. Gebelen Heid. 10, 3 [a]: [Rʿ-qd], '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and)
in Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 107 - 30, TM 41559: P. L. Bat. 30 4, 1: Rʿ-q[d], '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 106 Jun 15 before, TM 26: P. Adler Dem. 5, 3: [Rʿ-qd], '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and)
Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 106 Sep 28, TM 3088: P. L. Bat. 22 5, 3: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priest) in Alexandria'
BC 106 Oct 19 - Nov 2, TM 3090: P. L. Bat. 22 7, 3: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priest) in Alexandria'
BC 105 Sep 5, TM 43415: P. Cairo 2 31079, 9: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 105 Sep 5, TM 44354: P. Cairo 2 31254, 8: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 104 Oct 1, TM 44011: P. Ackerpachtverträge p. 26-27 + P. Tor. Botti 30, 6: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous
priests) in Alexandria'
BC 104 Sep 2, TM 108: P. Ackerpachtverträge p. 49-50 + RecTrav 33 (1911), p. 149-150, 5 [a]: Rʿ-qd,
'(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and) Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 104 Oct 7, TM 45103: P. Tor. Botti 31 A-B, A 2: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 104 Oct 7, TM 45103: P. Tor. Botti 31 A-B, B 2: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 103 Aug 19, TM 336: P. Ackerpachtverträge p. 52 + FuB 8 (1967), p. 73-74 no. 1, (P. Acker.) 3 [a]:
[Rʿ-qd], '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and) Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 103 Jan 14, TM 28: P. Adler Dem. 7, 3: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and) Ptolemais
which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 103 Mar 16, TM 3584: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3104, 4 [a]: ˹Rʿ-qd˺, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria ...
in Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 103 Apr 1, TM 3585: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3105, 5 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 103 Mar 17 - Apr 15, TM 605: P. Cairo 2 31016, 6: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 103 Oct 15, TM 46116: P. Chrestomathie 2 p. 110-122 no. 2436 b, (p. 112): Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous
priests) in Alexandria'
BC 103 Nov 8, TM 41474: P. Hawara 19 a-b, a 1: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 103 Nov 8, TM 41474: P. Hawara 19 a-b, b 1: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 103 May 15, TM 45104: P. Tor. Botti 32, 3 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 102 Aug 24, TM 210: P. Ackerpachtverträge p. 55 + P. Ryl. Dem. 26, (P. Acker.) 3 [a]: [Rʿ-qd],
'(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and) Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 102 Sep 27 - Oct 6, TM 47619: P. Chrestomathie 2 p. 110-122 no. 2436 a, (p. 112) [a]: Rʿ-qd,
'(eponymous priest) in Alexandria'
133 BC 102 Jan 14, TM 45105: P. Tor. Botti 33 A-B, A 2: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 102 Jan 14, TM 45105: P. Tor. Botti 33 A-B, B 2: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 101 Nov 16, TM 44038: P. Ackerpachtverträge p. 29-30, 7: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in
Alexandria (and) Ptolemais (in) the nomos of Thebes'
BC 100 Jan 25, TM 47584: BIFAO 89 (1989), p. 90 & 97, 2: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 100 Feb 11, TM 91829: Festschrift Junge p. 582-586, Dem. A 2: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in
BC 100 Feb 11, TM 91829: Festschrift Junge p. 582-586, Dem. B 2: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priest) in
BC 100 Oct 1, TM 43287: P. Cairo 2 30620, 1: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 100 Sep 21, TM 241: P. Dryton 8, 3 [a]: ˹Rʿ˺-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 100 Sep 13, TM 41465: P. Hawara 12, 1 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) (in) Alexandria'
BC 100 Apr 17, TM 45108: P. Tor. Botti 36, 6 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) (in) Alexandria (and)
Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 99 Mar 1, TM 110: P. Eheverträge 45 + P. Strasb. Dem. p. 27-29 no. 43, (P. Ehe.) 3 [a]: Rʿ-qd,
'(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and) Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 99 Apr 20, TM 41466: P. Hawara 13, 2: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 99 Dec 23, TM 44018: P. Tor. Choach. 6, 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria ... in
Ptolemais in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 99 - 93, TM 39: P. Adler Dem. 18, 2 [a]: [Rʿ-qd], '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and)
Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 99 - 1, TM 44487: P. Carlsberg 3 p. 9 no. 23549, 2: Rʿ-qd, 'Unser grosser Herr, grosser Gott
Chnoum, wenn du willst, dass wir die Statuen des Tempels geleiten, um nach Alexandria zu
gehen, lass uns (?) diesen Brief herausbringen!'
BC 98 Jan 16, TM 47353: BIFAO 91 (1991), p. 260, 1: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 98 Dec 29, TM 34: P. Adler Dem. 13, 1 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and)
Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 98 Aug 15, TM 4239: P. Ashm. 1 10, 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd.t, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 98 Jan 3, TM 46048: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 16 no. 3106 & 3139, (3106) descr. [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous
priests) in Alexandria and Ptolemais'
BC 98 Jan 3, TM 46048: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 16 no. 3106 & 3139, (3139) descr. [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous
priests) in Alexandria and Ptolemais'
BC 98 Dec 8, TM 43283: P. Cairo 2 30615, 1 ?: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 98 Dec 2, TM 43285: P. Cairo 2 30617 a-b, a 1: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 98 Dec 2, TM 43285: P. Cairo 2 30617 a-b, b 1: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 98 Oct 15, TM 41467: P. Hawara 14 + Enchoria 25 (1999), p. 138-139, (P. Haw.) 1 [a]: Rʿ-qd,
'(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 98 Jan 4, TM 44019: P. Tor. Choach. 7, 1: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria ... in
Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 97 Sep 16 - 96 Sep 15, TM 35: P. Eheverträge 46 + P. Adler Dem. 14, (P. Ehe.) 3 [a]: Rʿ-qd,
'(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and) Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 96 Oct 18, TM 36: P. Adler Dem. 15, 3 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and)
Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 96 Dec 17, TM 37: P. Adler Dem. 16, 3 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and)
Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 96 - 94, TM 193: P. Ackerpachtverträge p. 57-58, 3 [a]: [Rʿ-qd], '(eponymous priests) in
Alexandria (and) Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 95 Sep 3, TM 118: P. Strasb. Dem. p. 25-26 no. 6 + RecTrav 33 (1911), p. 153-154, 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd,
'(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and) Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 94 Mar 14, TM 43281: P. Cairo 2 30613, 1 ?: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 94 Jul 8, TM 111: RecTrav 31 (1909), p. 98-101, 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria
(and) Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 93 Jul 3?, TM 41: P. Adler Dem. 20, 4 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and) in
Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 93 Apr 26, TM 43289: P. Cairo 2 30626, 1 ?: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 93 Apr 10, TM 41468: P. Hawara 15, 1 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) (in) Alexandria'
BC 92 Sep 27, TM 47583: BIFAO 91 (1991), p. 256 no. I & p. 259 no. II descr., 1: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous
priests) (in) Alexandria'
BC 92 Aug 1, TM 42: P. Eheverträge 47 + P. Adler Dem. 21, (P. Ehe.) 3 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous
priests) (in) Alexandria (and) in Ptolemais which is (in) the nomos of Thebes'
134 BC 92 Jul 15, TM 223: P. Eheverträge 48, 3 [a]: [Rʿ]-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and) in
Ptolemais which is (in) the nomos of Thebes'
BC 92 Feb 13, TM 41469: P. Hawara 16 a, 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 92 Feb 13, TM 41470: P. Hawara 16 b, 2 [a]: [Rʿ-q]d, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 92 Feb 13, TM 41471: P. Hawara 17 a, 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) (in) Alexandria'
BC 92 Feb 13, TM 41472: P. Hawara 17 b, 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) (in) Alexandria'
BC 91 Jan 11, TM 138: P. Eheverträge 49 + P. Ryl. Dem. 28, (P. Ehe.) 2: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in
Alexandria (and) in Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 91 May 29, TM 139: P. Ryl. Dem. 29, 3 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and) in
Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 90 May 3, TM 43: P. Adler Dem. 22, 4 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and) in
Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 90 - 88, TM 41473: P. Hawara 18, 4: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) (in) Alexandria'
BC 89 Jan 12, TM 44: P. Adler Dem. 23, 4 [a]: [Rʿ]-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria (and) in
Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 89 Jul 22, TM 43293: P. Cairo 2 30630, 1: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 88 Oct 4, TM 119: RecTrav 33 (1911), p. 117-126, 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria
(and) in Ptolemais which is in the nomos of Thebes'
BC 86 Aug 30, TM 41607: P. Eheverträge 51 + P. Cairo 3 50129, (P. Ehe.) 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous
priests) in Alexandria'
BC 85 Jun 28, TM 43294: P. Cairo 2 30631, 1: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 83 Apr 9, TM 2801: P. Hawara 21 a-b, a 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 83 Apr 9, TM 2801: P. Hawara 21 a-b, b 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 83 Sep 13 - 82 Sep 12, TM 46248: JEA 65 (1979), p. 154 no. 68 descr., descr. [b]: Rʿ-qd?, descr.: 'a
contract made with a Greek born in Alexandria'
BC 81 Mar 15, TM 44540: P. Loeb 64 + P. Loeb 65, (64) 1: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priest) in Alexandria'
BC 79 Aug 6, TM 47585: Egypt. Congr. VIII (Cairo 2000) p. 18-22 descr., 1: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous
priests) in Alexandria'
BC 79 Oct 21 - 30, TM 43271: P. Cairo 2 30625, 1 ?: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 79 Nov 3, TM 41478: P. Hawara 22, 2: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) (in) Alexandria'
BC 78 Jan 15, TM 45997: OMRO 44 (1963), p. 19-21, 2: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 78 May 22, TM 43705: P. Dem. Memphis 7 A-B, A 2: [Rʿ-qd], '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 78 May 22, TM 43705: P. Dem. Memphis 7 A-B, B 2: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 77 Nov 10 - Dec 9, TM 45975: MDAIK 24 (1969), p. 74-75, 1: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in
BC 77 Nov 10 - Dec 9, TM 45975: MDAIK 24 (1969), p. 74-75, 6: Rʿ-qd, 'in (the) storehouse [ ]
Alexandria ...'
BC 77 Nov 10 - Dec 9, TM 45975: MDAIK 24 (1969), p. 74-75, 15: [Rʿ]-qd, '[ ] Alexandria [ ]'
BC 76 Apr 28, TM 55540: St. Memphis 17, 3 [b]: Rʿ-qd.t, 'scribe of the king / royal scribe in western
Rakotis / Alexandria'
BC 76 Apr 28, TM 55540: St. Memphis 17, 10: Rʿ-qd.t, 'He went forth to Alexandria. He drank in the
presence of the king.'
BC 74 Nov 19, TM 45783: P. Loeb 63 + ZPE 38 (1980), p. 244-245, 2 (ZPE): [Rʿ-qd], '(eponymous
priests) in Alexandria'
BC 73 Feb 27, TM 45988: RevEg 2 (1881), p. 91-92 n. 3 & pl. 28-40 [3268] descr., 1: Rʿ-qd?,
'(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 71 Mar 27, TM 80875: Enchoria 17 (1990), p. 123-124, 4: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in
BC 71 Sep 3, TM 5816: P. Ashm. 1 14 + P. Ashm. 1 15, (14) 1: [Rʿ-qd.t], '(eponymous priests) in
BC 71 Sep 3, TM 5816: P. Ashm. 1 14 + P. Ashm. 1 15, (15) 1: Rʿ-qd.t, '(eponymous priests) in
BC 70 Nov 20?, TM 8531: ZÄS 115 (1988), p. 52-53, A 1 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in
BC 70 Nov 20?, TM 8531: ZÄS 115 (1988), p. 52-53, B 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in
BC 70 - 60 about, TM 41460: P. Ashm. 1 18, 1: Rʿ-qd.t, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 69 Nov 1, TM 4240: P. Ashm. 1 16 + P. Ashm. 1 17, (16) 1 [a]: [Rʿ-qd.t], '(eponymous priests) in
135 BC 69 Nov 1, TM 4240: P. Ashm. 1 16 + P. Ashm. 1 17, (17) 1: Rʿ-qd.t, '(eponymous priests) in
BC 68 Sep 2, TM 3529: P. Eheverträge p. 172-174 no. 10 D, Dem. 1: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in
BC 68 Sep 2, TM 3530: P. Eheverträge p. 174-176 no. 10 Z, Dem. 1: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in
BC 67 Nov 10, TM 41479: P. Hawara 23, 1: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) (in) Alexandria'
BC 66 Nov 8 - Dec 7, TM 43278: P. Cairo 2 30610, 2: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 64 Dec 8, TM 92970: JEA 92 (2006), p. 200, 1 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 64 Jul 28, TM 2852: P. Dem. Memphis 8 A-B, A Dem. 1: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in
BC 64 Jul 28, TM 2852: P. Dem. Memphis 8 A-B, B Dem. 1: [Rʿ-qd], '(eponymous priests) in
BC 64 Dec 8, TM 3534: UPZ 1 142 + JEA 92 (2006), p. 188-189, Dem. 1 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests)
in Alexandria'
BC 49 Mar 15, TM 43284: P. Eheverträge p. 170-173 no. 9 Z + P. Eheverträge p. 166-171 no. 9 D + P.
Cairo 2 30616 a-b, (P. Ehe. D) 1: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 49 Mar 15, TM 43284: P. Eheverträge p. 170-173 no. 9 Z + P. Eheverträge p. 166-171 no. 9 D + P.
Cairo 2 30616 a-b, (P. Ehe. Z) 1: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 42 Sep 3 - Oct 2, TM 48605: P. Zauzich 63, 2 [a]: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 42 Sep 3 - Oct 2, TM 48605: P. Zauzich 63, 13: [Rʿ]-qd, '[(eponymous priests)] in Alexandria'
(?) BC 42 Feb 15, TM 55511: St. Memphis 21, 11 [b]: Rʿ-qd.t, 'scribe in the mansion of the artificers
in Rakotis / Alexandria (?)'
(?) BC 41 Oct 1, TM 55535: St. Memphis 19, 6 [c]: [Rʿ-qd.t], 'scribe in the mansion of the artificers in
Rakotis / Alexandria (?)'
BC 37 Sep 29, TM 43290: P. Cairo 2 30627, 1 ?: Rʿ-qd, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
BC 33 Jul 26, TM 55516: St. Memphis 22, 9: Rʿ-qd.t, 'overseer of secrets of the great king in
BC 33 Jul 26, TM 55516: St. Memphis 22, 15: Rʿ-qd.t, 'in regnal year 25, the 19th of Choiak, of the
great king in Alexandria'
(?) BC 30 Jan 19, TM 53794: Short Texts 1 158, 2 [a]: [Rʿ]-qd?, '(eponymous priests) in Alexandria'
AD 95 Aug 30 - 96 Aug 28, TM 45643: P. Rainer Cent. 5, 4 [c]: Rʿ-qd, 'in Hout-Souchos, in Memphis,
in Alexandria, in every place and in every nomos'
AD 100 - 150, TM 56120: Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten (OLA 107) p. 255-261,
fr. B, 5: [Rȝ-ʿ]-qt, '[ ] Alexandria of / in [ ]'
AD 100 - 150, TM 56120: Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten (OLA 107) p. 255-261,
fr. B, 9: [Rȝ-ʿ]-qt, '[ ] Alexandria [ ]'
AD 100 - 199, TM 28965: Short Texts 2 1037 (forthcoming), 4: Rʿ-qd, 'Thatres the daughter of
Heron, (the) woman of Alexandria.'
AD 150 - 199, TM 46466: Studien Thissen p. 359-360, 6: Rʿ-qdy, 'I will go to Alexandria'
AD 150 - 199, TM 46466: Studien Thissen p. 359-360, 19: ˹Rʿ˺-qdy, '[ ] Alexandria, ...'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 13, 22: Rʿ-qd, 'If
you put the gall of an Alexandrian [weasel] into any piece of food, then he dies.'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 24, 25: Rʿ-qd, 'Gall
of an Alexandrian weasel; you should add it to any food.'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 24, 37: Rʿ-qd, 'If
you put the gall of an Alexandrian weasel on any food, it does its work.'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, Vo col. 8, 6: Rʿ-qd, 'you
should bring Alexandrian figs, dried grapes and potentilla'
Alexandrou Nesos – 00b (105)
G Ἀλεξάνδρου Νῆσος E Tȝ-mȝy.t-n-Pȝ-whr C ⲁⲗⲉⲝⲁⲛⲇⲣⲟⲩ ⲡⲟⲗⲓⲥ Var.: Alexandrou Nesos
(Alexandrou Chorion - Alexantreoy) - T-mai-n-Pouoris ('The island of Pouoris / The hound')
Status: village: kome; demi; chorion; epoikion; polis; nesos; mai Note: obsolete reading: Alexantrekou Chorion
Rep.: Dizionario I 1, p. 210; p. 211-212; p. 213 (bis); Suppl. 1, p. 24; Suppl. 2, p. 13; Suppl. 3, p. 15;
Suppl. 4, p. 14 (ter); Timm, p. 102-103; Wessely, Topographie, 1904, p. 32; p. 33-34; P. Tebt. 2,
1907, p. 366; Bibl.: P. Lille Dem. 2, 1973, p. 223; Rübsam, Götter und Kulte in Faijum, 1974, p. 5556; Pintaudi, AfP 33 (1987), p. 43-47; Vandorpe, Geografische elementen, 1988, p. 89; Morelli,
136 ZPE 149 (2004), p. 126-127; Clarysse, Pap. Lup. 14, 2005, p. 70; CDD W, 2009, p. 137; CDD M, 2010,
p. 18
Sources: BC 235 May 30?, TM 44385: Studien Thissen p. 147-150 no. 1, 1 - 2: Tȝ-mȝy-Pȝ-whr,
'Marres son of Anchophis the village scribe of Alexandrou Nesos is the one who says: on
Pharmouthi 8 they went away, the farmers of the village above, out of the village, ...'
BC 235 Jul 18 - Aug 16?, TM 44386: Studien Thissen p. 150-151 no. 2, 1 - 2: Tȝ-mȝy-Pȝ-whr, 'Marres
son of Anchophis the village scribe of Alexandrou Nesos is the one who says: ...'
BC 229 Oct 19 - 228 Oct 18?, TM 45788: Livre du centenaire 1880-1980 (MIFAO 104) p. 195-203 (= P.
Lille Dem. 110), col. 3, 3: Tȝ-mȝy-n-Pȝ-whr, 'fields of Alexandrou Nesos: [barley 27 (artabai)]
1/2'; taxes on land
BC 229 Oct 19 - 228 Oct 18?, TM 45788: Livre du centenaire 1880-1980 (MIFAO 104) p. 195-203 (= P.
Lille Dem. 110), col. 3, 10: Tȝ-mȝy-n-Pȝ-whr, 'fields of Alexandrou Nesos: grain 3 (artabai)]
1/4'; taxes on land
BC 229 Oct 19 - 228 Oct 18?, TM 45788: Livre du centenaire 1880-1980 (MIFAO 104) p. 195-203 (= P.
Lille Dem. 110), col. 4, 2: Tȝ-mȝy-n-Pȝ-whr, 'fields of Alexandrou Nesos: grain 23 (artabai)';
taxes on land
BC 223 Mar 17 - Apr 15, TM 4480: P. Lille Dem. 2 50, 8: Tȝ-mȝy-n-Pȝ-whr, surety document for 'the
oil work of (the) village of Souchos Alexandrou Nesos' by a pastophoros of Hathor mistress of
Aphroditopolis; oil tax
BC 223 Mar 17 - Apr 15, TM 4481: P. Lille Dem. 2 51, 10: Tȝ-mȝy-n-Pȝ-whr, surety document for
'the oil work of (the) village of Souchos Alexandrou Nesos' by a priest of Harsaphes; oil tax
BC 220 Mar 8, TM 41383: P. Hawara 4 a, 7 [a]: Tȝ-mȝy-n-Pȝ-whr, 'die Balsamierung des Pasis,
Sohnes des Pnepheros, seine Mutter ist Thasos, der gestorben ist, (und) den du (durch den)
Gottessiegler (und) Balsamierer Paesis, Sohn des Pasis, seine mutter ist Tasis, auf Alexandrou
Nesos balsamieren liessest, (und) den du bringen liessest nach Haueris'; a person of
Alexandrou Nesos is buried in Haueris
BC 220 Mar 11, TM 41384: P. Hawara 4 b, 5: Tȝ-mȝy-n-Pȝ-whr, 'in der Balsamierung, die ich den
Gottessiegler (und) Balsamierer Paesis, Sohn des Pasis, seine mutter ist Tasis, für ihn
ausführen liess auf Alexandrou Nesos'; a person of 00b Alexandrou Nesos is buried in 00a
AD 35 Sep 8?, TM 100245: P. Dime 2 31, 4: Tȝ-mȝy-Pȝ-whr, 'für (?) die Steuer von Alexandrou Nesos
[ ] des Regierungsjahres 21'; taxes are paid through the temple of Soknopaiou Nesos
Amet (10650)
E ȝmt Var.: Amet
Status: sanctuary? city? Loc.: unknown
Bibl.: Spiegelberg, P. Cairo 2, 1908, p. 268; p. 373
Sources: BC 332 - 200, TM 45958: P. Cairo 2 31168 Ro + P. Cairo 2 31169, (31168) col. 3, 2: ȝmt,
'Anoubis lord of Amet'
Amhi – L01? (11570)
E ȝmḥy Var.: Amhi
Status: sanctuary? Bibl.: Farid, MDAIK 56 (2000), p. 194
Sources: BC 97 Oct 5, TM 55384: MDAIK 56 (2000), p. 194, 8 [b]: ȝmḥy, 'the gods which are in Amhi'
Ammonieion – U04b (2769)
G Ἀμμωνιεῖον E Pr-Ỉmn Var.: Ammonieion (Ammoneion - Ammonion) - Per-Amon ('House /
temple / domain (of) Amon') (Piamon - Pamun)
Status: sanctuary, building: per; village: kome Admin.: in the U T-shedit-resi; also possessions in the U05 Koptites and the U04a Hermonthites
Loc.: Karnak in U04b Dios Polis (576)
Note: obsolete reading: Ḥw.t-Ỉmn; new reading U04b Peri Thebas (1690) in O. Tempeleide 102, 3
Rep.: Dizionario I 2, p. 429; Gauthier, Dictionnaire II, 1925, p. 54; Bibl.: Erichsen, Lesestücke II.2,
1940, p. 200; Otto, Topographie des thebanischen Gaues, 1952, p. 17; p. 43 no. 1; Erichsen,
Glossar, 1954, p. 132; Kaplony-Heckel, O. Tempeleide, 1963, p. 191; Quaegebeur, OLP 6-7 (19751976), p. 464-465; P. Tor. Amen., 1981, p. 73 n. h; Vandorpe, Geografische elementen, 1988, p.
61; p. 64; Vandorpe, P. L. Bat. 27, 1995, p. 213; Donker van Heel, P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.),
137 1996, p. 37-47; CDD G, 2004, p. 24; CDD Q, 2004, p. 82; Maps: Vandorpe, P. L. Bat. 27, 1995, p. 217
[6] Sources: BC 559 Mar 18, TM 46775: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 2, 4: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the pastophoros of
(the) Ammonieion'
BC 556 Mar 10 - Apr 8, TM 46299: P. Tsenhor 1, 2 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, '10 arourai de champs élevés et libres
... qui se trouvent dans (l') Ammonieion dans le nomos de Koptos, à l'ouest'
BC 556 Mar 10 - Apr 8, TM 46299: P. Tsenhor 1, 4 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) scribe of (the) Ammonieion in
the nomos of Koptos'
BC 556 Mar 10 - Apr 8, TM 46299: P. Tsenhor 1, 4 [c]: [Pr-Ỉmn], '(the) scribe of (the) Ammonieion in
the nomos of Koptos'
BC 556 Mar 10 - Apr 8, TM 46299: P. Tsenhor 1, 10 [b]: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) scribe of (the) Ammonieion in
the nomos of Koptos'
BC 556 Mar 10 - Apr 8, TM 46299: P. Tsenhor 1, 11: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) scribe of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 556 Mar 10 - Apr 8, TM 46299: P. Tsenhor 1, Vo 17 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the scribe of (the) Ammonieion
(in) the nomos of Koptos'
BC 554 Jul 8 - Aug 6, TM 46140: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 6, 2 [b]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'my lands which are in
(the) Ammonieion in T-shedit-resi / The southern district in the west of Thebes'
BC 554 Jul 8 - Aug 6, TM 46140: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 6, 7: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the harvest tax of (the)
BC 554 Jul 8 - Aug 6, TM 46140: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 6, 8 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'I (will) cause the scribes
of (the) Ammonieion to be far from you regarding their harvest tax of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 554 Jul 8 - Aug 6, TM 46140: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 6, 8 [b]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'I (will) cause the
scribes of (the) Ammonieion to be far from you regarding their harvest tax of (the)
BC 554 Jul 8 - Aug 6, TM 46140: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 6, 8 [c]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'The scribes of (the)
Ammonieion will measure my lands in my name'
BC 542 Jan 6 - Feb 4, TM 46066: P. BM Reich p. 9-12 no. 10117, 6 (3) [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'ausgenommen von
dem Zehntel der Schreiber, der Steuer der Gerste vom Ammonieion für das Gebiet von
BC 540 May 5 - Jun 3, TM 46319: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 12, 1: Pr-Ỉmn {Pr-Ỉmn}, 'delivered into
the hand of the scribes of (the) Ammonieion {Ammonieion} in the nomos of Koptos'
BC 540 May 5 - Jun 3, TM 46319: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 12, 2 [b]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'his harvest tax of
(the) Ammonieion for the land that he has tilled in the west
BC 540 May 5 - Jun 3, TM 46319: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 12, 5 [a]: [Pr]-Ỉmn, 'the scribe of (the)
Ammonieion in the nomos of Koptos'
BC 537 Jul 3 - Aug 1, TM 46132: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 14, 2 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'delivered into the
hand of the scribes of (the) Ammonieion in the nomos of Koptos'
BC 537 Jul 3 - Aug 1, TM 46132: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 14, 3 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'his harvest tax of (the)
Ammonieion for the land that he has tilled in the west in the high land P-ihi / The stable'
BC 537 Jul 3 - Aug 1, TM 46132: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 14, 8 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the scribe of (the)
Ammonieion in the nomos of Koptos'
BC 536 May 4 - Jun 2, TM 46135: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 15, 2: Pr-Ỉmn, 'delivered into the hand
of the scribes of (the) Ammonieion in the nomos of Koptos'
BC 536 May 4 - Jun 2, TM 46135: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 15, 3 [b]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'his harvest tax of
(the) Ammonieion for the land that he has tilled in the west in the high land P-ihi / The
BC 536 May 4 - Jun 2, TM 46135: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 15, 10 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the scribe of (the)
Ammonieion in the nomos of Koptos'
BC 536 May 4 - Jun 2, TM 46131: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 16, 3 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'delivered into the
hand of the scribes of (the) Ammonieion in the nomos of Koptos'
BC 536 May 4 - Jun 2, TM 46131: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 16, 4: Pr-Ỉmn, 'his harvest tax of (the)
Ammonieion for the land that they have tilled in the west'
BC 536 May 4 - Jun 2, TM 46131: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 16, 10 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the scribe of (the)
Ammonieion in the nomos of Koptos'
BC 536 Oct 31 - Nov 29, TM 46133: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 17, 7: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the harvest tax of
(the) Ammonieion'
BC 535 Sep 1 - 30, TM 46130: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 19, 5 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'my lands which are in
(the) Ammonieion in the nomos of Koptos in the west in the high land P-ihi-n-p-mehen-nAmon'
138 BC 535 Sep 1 - 30, TM 46130: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 19, 9 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'I (will) cause the scribes
of (the) Ammonieion to be far from you regarding their harvest tax of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 535 Sep 1 - 30, TM 46130: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 19, 9 [b]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'I (will) cause the scribes
of (the) Ammonieion to be far from you regarding their harvest tax of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 535 Sep 1 - 30, TM 46130: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 19, 10: Pr-Ỉmn, 'in the name of their
harvest tax of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 535 Sep 1 - 30, TM 46130: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 19, 13: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the scribes of (the)
BC 535 Sep 1 - 30, TM 46134: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 20, 2 [b]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'my lands which are in
(the) Ammonieion in the nomos of Koptos in the west in the high land P-ihi-n-p-mehen-nAmon'
BC 535 Sep 1 - 30, TM 46134: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 20, 8 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the harvest tax of (the)
BC 535 Sep 1 - 30, TM 46134: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 20, 8 [b]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the scribes of (the)
BC 535 Sep 1 - 30, TM 46134: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 20, 9: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the scribes of (the)
BC 534 Jun 3 - Jul 2, TM 46136: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 21, 8: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the harvest tax of (the)
BC 517 Nov 25 - Dec 24, TM 46185: P. Tsenhor 7, 1: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) pastophoros of (the)
BC 517 Dec 30 - 516 Jan 29, TM 46167: P. Tsenhor 8, 1 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) pastophoros of (the)
BC 498 Mar 26 - Apr 24, TM 46156: P. Choix 3, 1 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the porter of (the) Ammonieion of
BC 493 May 23 - Jun 21, TM 46155: P. Cattle 7, 1 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the porter of (the) Ammonieion of
BC 491 Sep 20 - Oct 19, TM 46072: JEA 66 (1980), p. 121-122 no. B, 4: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) pastophoros of
(the) Ammonieion'
BC 491 Sep 20 - Oct 19, TM 46157: P. Choix 17, 1 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'l'instituteur de (l') Ammonieion de
BC 491 Sep 20 - Oct 19, TM 46157: P. Choix 17, 5: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) pastophoros of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 490 about, TM 46435: P. Hou 11, 1: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) gooseherd of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 489 Oct 19 - Nov 17, TM 46434: P. Hou 10, 2: Pr-Ỉ[mn], '(the) gooseherd of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 489 about, TM 46430: P. Hou 6, 1: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) gooseherd of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 488 Oct 19 - Nov 17, TM 46425: P. Hou 1, 1: [Pr-Ỉmn], '(the) gooseherd of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 488 Oct 19 - Nov 17, TM 46425: P. Hou 1, 2: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) gooseherd of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 488 Oct 19 - Nov 17, TM 46425: P. Hou 1, 4: Pr-Ỉmn, 'these 10 grey lag geese of the god's offering
of Amon, which are established (in) (the) village N-sem-serechi, which are in the hands of
these gooseherds of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 487 Sep 19 - Oct 18, TM 46436: P. Hou 12, 1 [a]: [Pr-Ỉmn], '(the) gooseherd of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 487 Sep 19 - Oct 18, TM 46436: P. Hou 12, 1 [b]: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) gooseherd of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 487 Jul 21 - Aug 19, TM 46437: P. Hou 13, 1: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) gooseherd of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 487 Aug 6, TM 46426: P. Hou 2, 2: [Pr-Ỉmn], '(the) gooseherd of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 487 Jun 21 - Jul 20, TM 46427: P. Hou 3, 6: Pr-Ỉmn, 'entered (as) received from (the) gooseherd
of (the) Ammonieion Petemestou'
BC 485 Apr 21 - May 20, TM 46428: P. Hou 4, 2: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) gooseherd of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 485 Apr 21 - May 20, TM 46428: P. Hou 4, 4: Pr-Ỉmn, '(the) gooseherds of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 385 May 26 - Jun 24, TM 46073: P. Cattle 15 + Enchoria 3 (1973), p. 6-8 no. A-B, A 1: Pr-Ỉmn,
'(the) kalasiris (of) (the) Ammonieon'
BC 330 Dec 14 - 329 Jan 12, TM 43784: P. Schreibertrad. 1, 1 [d]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the house of the coppersmith of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 327 Dec 13 - 326 Jan 11, TM 44643: P. Brux. Dem. 2 1, 1 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the gold-smith of (the)
BC 327 Dec 13 - 326 Jan 11, TM 44643: P. Brux. Dem. 2 1, 2: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the house of the soldier of (the)
BC 324 Nov 12 - Dec 11, TM 43751: P. BM Glanville p. XXVII-XXXI, 1 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'Has said the boxmaker (?) of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 324 Nov 12 - Dec 11, TM 43751: P. BM Glanville p. XXVII-XXXI, 1 [b]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the box-maker (?)
of (the) Ammonieion'
139 BC 324 Nov 12 - Dec 11, TM 43751: P. BM Glanville p. XXVII-XXXI, 2 [b]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the house of the
box-maker (?) of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 324 Nov 12 - Dec 11, TM 43751: P. BM Glanville p. XXVII-XXXI, 2 [d]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the house of the
bijoutier of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 324 Nov 12 - Dec 11, TM 43751: P. BM Glanville p. XXVII-XXXI, 2 [e]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the house of the
kalasiris / guard of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 315 Jan 9 - Feb 7, TM 44664: P. Eheverträge 10 + P. Ryl. Dem. 10, (P. Ehe.) 1: Pr-Ỉmn, '(Es) hat
gesagt (der) Schreiner des Ammonieion'
BC 315 - 304, TM 46306: P. Chrestomathie 3 p. 225-226 no. 2420 H + P. Chrestomathie 3 p. 217-218
no. 2442, (2420) (p. 225, col. 1) [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'in (the) Ammonieion in the north of Thebes'
BC 315 - 304, TM 46306: P. Chrestomathie 3 p. 225-226 no. 2420 H + P. Chrestomathie 3 p. 217-218
no. 2442, (2442) (p. 217, col. 2) [b]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'north: the house of the box-maker (?) of (the)
BC 314 Jul 8 - Aug 6, TM 43416: P. Phil. Dem. 2, 2: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the joiner of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 313 Jun 7 - Jul 6, TM 44644: P. Brux. Dem. 2 2, 2 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the house of the soldier of (the)
BC 313 Jun 7 - Jul 6, TM 44644: P. Brux. Dem. 2 2, 4: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the gold-smith of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 313 Jun 7 - Jul 6, TM 44644: P. Brux. Dem. 2 2, 5: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the gold-smith of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 311 Apr 8 - May 7, TM 43826: P. BM Andrews 24, 1 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the porter of (the) Ammonieion
BC 311 Apr 8 - May 7, TM 43826: P. BM Andrews 24, 1 [e]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'its south: the house of the sailmaker of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 311 Apr 8 - May 7, TM 43826: P. BM Andrews 24, 1 [f]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'its north: the house of the sailmaker of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 311 Apr 8 - May 7, TM 43826: P. BM Andrews 24, 2 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'its east: the house of the sailmaker of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 311 Sep 5 - Oct 4, TM 44645: P. Brux. Dem. 2 3, 1 [e]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the house of the soldier of (the)
BC 307 Mar 8 - Apr 6, TM 43779: P. Phil. Dem. 3, 1 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the copper-smith of (the)
BC 307 Mar 8 - Apr 6, TM 43779: P. Phil. Dem. 3, 1 [b]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the kalasiris of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 307 Mar 8 - Apr 6, TM 43780: P. Phil. Dem. 4, 1 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the copper-smith of (the)
BC 307 Mar 8 - Apr 6, TM 43780: P. Phil. Dem. 4, 1 [b]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the kalasiris of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 304 Jan 6 - Feb 4, TM 43827: P. Schreibertrad. 4, 2 [c]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'north: the house of the sealmaker of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 304 Jan 6 - Feb 4, TM 43828: P. Schreibertrad. 97 + RevEg 5 (1888), p. 90 & pl. 22 [2427] descr., 2
[b]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'north: the house of the seal-maker of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 302 Nov 7 - Dec 6, TM 43905: P. Phil. Dem. 5, 1 [c]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the kalasiris of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 301 Oct 2 - 31, TM 43906: P. Phil. Dem. 6, 1: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the kalasiris of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 301 Dec 6 - 300 Jan 3, TM 43755: P. Brux. Dem. 1 2 + JEA 54 (1968), p. 194-196 + P. BM Glanville p.
XXXVI-XLI, (JEA) Abstract 9: [Pr-Ỉmn], 'its west: the house of the box-maker (?) of (the)
BC 301 Dec 6 - 300 Jan 3, TM 43755: P. Brux. Dem. 1 2 + JEA 54 (1968), p. 194-196 + P. BM Glanville p.
XXXVI-XLI, (P. BM) [c] 1, 5 (= a-b, 5): Pr-Ỉmn, 'the house of the box-maker (?) of (the)
BC 297 Sep 1 - 30, TM 43759: P. BM Glanville p. 4-9 no. 10522, 1 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'Has said the joiner of
(the) Ammonieion'
BC 297 Sep 1 - 30, TM 43759: P. BM Glanville p. 4-9 no. 10522, 2 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the house of the joiner
of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 297 Sep 1 - 30, TM 43759: P. BM Glanville p. 4-9 no. 10522, 2 [c]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the house of the joiner
of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 294 Sep 1 - 30, TM 43772: P. Schreibertrad. 100 + RevEg 5 (1888), p. 90 & pl. 22 [2426] descr., 2
[a]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the house of the seal-maker of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 293 Mar 4 - Apr 2, TM 44084: Reports of the Soviet delegations at the Xth International
Congress of Historical Science in Rome p. 40-42, 2 [c]: Pr-Ỉmn?, 'the house of the painter on
wood of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 293 Mar 4 - Apr 2, TM 44085: Reports of the Soviet delegations at the Xth International
Congress of Historical Science in Rome p. 43-44, 2 [c]: Pr-Ỉmn?, 'the house of the painter on
wood of (the) Ammonieion'
140 BC 290 Dec 4 - 289 Jan 2, TM 43762: P. BM Glanville p. 20-27 no. 10524, 2 [b]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the house of
(the) teacher of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 290 Dec 4 - 289 Jan 2, TM 43762: P. BM Glanville p. 20-27 no. 10524, 2 [c]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the house of
the kalasiris of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 290 Dec 4 - 289 Jan 2, TM 43762: P. BM Glanville p. 20-27 no. 10524, Abstract 10: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the
house of the kalasiris of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 288 Sep 29 - Oct 28, TM 8524: P. BM Glanville p. 29-33 no. 10526, 1: Pr-Ỉmn, 'Has said (the)
kalasiris of (the) Ammonieion Phibis'
BC 288 Sep 29 - Oct 28, TM 8524: P. BM Glanville p. 29-33 no. 10526, 2 [e]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the house of the
box-maker (?) of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 288 Sep 29 - Oct 28, TM 8525: P. BM Glanville p. 30-33 no. 10527, 1 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'Has said (the)
kalasiris of (the) Ammonieion Phibis'
BC 288 Sep 29 - Oct 28, TM 8525: P. BM Glanville p. 30-33 no. 10527, 2 [e]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the house of the
box-maker (?) of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 288 Sep 29 - Oct 28, TM 8525: P. BM Glanville p. 30-33 no. 10527, 3 [c]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the house of the
superintendent of properties of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 287 Jan 2 - 31, TM 43794: P. Phil. Dem. 7, 2 [b]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the wax-manufacturer of (the)
BC 287 Jan 2 - 31, TM 43794: P. Phil. Dem. 7, 4: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the kalasiris of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 287 Jan 2 - 31, TM 43903: P. Phil. Dem. 8, 1 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the kalasiris of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 287 Jan 2 - 31, TM 43903: P. Phil. Dem. 8, 2 [b]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the wax-manufacturer of (the)
BC 287 May 2 - 31, TM 43904: P. Phil. Dem. 9, 1: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the kalasiris of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 282 Mar 2 - 31, TM 43509: P. Phil. Dem. 10, 1 [f]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the misthophoros of (the)
BC 282 Mar 2 - 31, TM 43509: P. Phil. Dem. 10, 3 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the gold-smith of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 282 Mar 2 - 31, TM 43509: P. Phil. Dem. 10, 3 [c]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the kalasiris of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 273 Jan 29 - Feb 27, TM 43907: P. Phil. Dem. 13, (witness copy 3) descr.: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the engraver of
(the) Ammonieion'
BC 267 Dec 28 - 266 Jan 26, TM 2869: P. Schreibertrad. 11, 2 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the house of the servant
of the sword (?) of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 265 Dec 27 - 264 Jan 24, TM 310: P. BM Andrews 1, C 2 [d]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the house of the servant of
the sword of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 251 Jun 22 - 23, TM 5715: P. Phil. Dem. 16 + SB 6 8966, Dem. 2 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the kalasiris of (the)
BC 251 Jun 22 - 23, TM 5715: P. Phil. Dem. 16 + SB 6 8966, Dem. 2 [c]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the waxmanufacturer of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 249 Mar 23 - Apr 21, TM 2876: P. Schreibertrad. 14 + RevEg 5 (1888), p. 90 & pl. 24 [2443] descr.,
3 [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the house of the servant of the sword (?) of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 245 Apr 21 - May 20, TM 2875: P. Schreibertrad. 109, 3 [b]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the house of the servant of
the sword (?) of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 243 Jun 20 - Jul 19, TM 2872: P. Schreibertrad. 15, 2 [d]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the house of the servant of the
sword of (the) Ammonieion'
BC 235 Dec 20 - 234 Jan 10, TM 7144: Enchoria 10 (1980), p. 128-133 (298 AS) + SB 1 4511 a, Dem. 9
[a]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'das Haus des Steinmetzen des Ammonieion Peteasychis'
BC 235 Dec 20 - 234 Jan 10, TM 5632: Enchoria 10 (1980), p. 128-133 (299 GBS) + SB 1 4511 b, Dem.
10 [b]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'das Haus des Steinmetzen des Ammonieion Peteasychis'
BC 227 Sep 14 - Oct 13, TM 2870: P. Chrestomathie 3 p. 278-287 no. 2425, (p. 279, col. 1) [a]: Pr-Ỉmn,
'in (the) Ammonieion in the north of Thebes'
BC 227 Sep 14 - Oct 13, TM 2870: P. Chrestomathie 3 p. 278-287 no. 2425, (p. 280, col. 1) [a]: Pr-Ỉmn,
'in (the) Ammonieion in the north of Thebes'
BC 227 Oct 13, TM 46119: P. Chrestomathie 3 p. 288-289 no. 2441, (p. 288, col. 1): Pr-Ỉmn, 'in (the)
Ammonieion [ ]'
BC 227 Oct 13, TM 46119: P. Chrestomathie 3 p. 288-289 no. 2441, (p. 289, col. 1) [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'in
(the) Ammonieion in the north of Thebes'
BC 181 Aug 27, TM 2756: P. BM Andrews 10 [10722], 6: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the metal-worker of (the)
BC 181 Aug 27, TM 2755: P. BM Andrews 10 [10723], 5: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the metal-worker of (the)
141 BC 121 Jan 6, TM 3569: P. Nouv. Chrest. p. 87-102 + UPZ 2 168, Dem. (p. 91 col. 1) [a]: Pr-Ỉmn, 'which
is in (the) Ammonieion in the south of Thebes, west of the dromos of Chonsou in Waset
BC 96 Jun 25, TM 51505: OrSu 14 - 15 (1965-1966), p. 41-43 no. 17, 2: Pr-Ỉmn, 'des Lieferant des
Ammonieion und seiner Heiligtümer'
BC 96 Jun 25, TM 51505: OrSu 14 - 15 (1965-1966), p. 41-43 no. 17, 6: Pr-Ỉmn, 'für das Fest des Jahres
und die Trankopfer des Ammonieion und seiner Heiligtümer'
BC 51 Jun 3, TM 43669: O. Theb. Dem. p. 38 no. D. 24, 2: Pr-Ỉmn, 'the chief baker of (the)
AD 1 - 99, TM 48898: P. Liturgy p. 26-29 & 67-80 no. S & pl. 8-11 + Dem. Conf. IX (Paris 2005) p. 349350, fr. 27, col. x+4, 6 (p. 76): Pr-Ỉmn, 'You will moor at (the) Ammonieion.'
Ammonopolis – U15 (2918)
G Ἄμμωνος Πόλις E Ỉmn-tȝy=f-nḫt.t? Var.: Ammonopolis (Ammonos Polis)
Status: city: polis Admin.: in the U15 Peri Polin (Kato) toparchia
Ident.: U15 Mer-nefer (5176)?
Rep.: Dizionario I 2, p. 22-23 (4 & 6-7); p. 430 (4); Suppl. 1, p. 30; Suppl. 2, p. 14; Suppl. 3, p. 16; DrewBear, Hermopolite, 1979, p. 51; p. 62; p. 62-64; Bibl.: P. L. Bat. 22, 1982, p. 118 n. k; p. 119
Sources: BC 106 Sep 28, TM 3088: P. L. Bat. 22 5, 4 [b]: Ỉmn-tȝy=f-nḫt.ṱ, 'centenier des hommes [ ] de
Tenen (de?) Ammonopolis'
BC 106 Oct 13, TM 3089: P. L. Bat. 22 6, 7: Ỉmn-tȝy=f-nḫt.ṱ, 'un mistophoros du village de Tenen
(de?) Ammonopolis'
BC 106 Oct 13, TM 3089: P. L. Bat. 22 6, 21: Ỉmn-tȝy=f-nḫt.ṱ, 'Thoteus the scribe of Ammonopolis'
Ammonos Dromos – U04b (13445)
G Ἄμμωνος Δρόμος E Ḫftḥ-n-Ỉmn Var.: Ammonos Dromos ('Dromos of Amon')
Status: sanctuary, road: dromos; chefeteh Loc.: Karnak in U04b Dios Polis (576)
Bibl.: Pestman, P. Survey, 1993, p. 389; Vandorpe, P. L. Bat. 27, 1995, p. 214; CDD Ḫ, 2006, p. 80;
Maps: Vandorpe, P. L. Bat. 27, 1995, p. 217 [7] Sources: BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 4) 1: Ḫftḥ-nỈmn, 'and he came to the dromos of Amon.'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 4) 5: Ḫftḥ-nỈmn, 'and he went to the dromos of Amon.'
Amorites – Mesopotamia (11370)
E ʿymr Var.: Amorites - Amurru E thnic: Amorite
Status: people Region: Mesopotamia
Sources: AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 2, 27 [a]: [pȝ ʿy]mr,
'from the ninth hour to the twelfth hour belongs to the Amorite.'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 2, 30 [b]: pȝ ʿymr, '(since) the
month belongs to the Amorite, it means: The chief [of the Amorite shall ...]
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 2, 31: [pȝ ʿymr], '(since) the
month belongs to the Amorite, it means: The chief [of the Amorite shall ...]
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 3, 4: [pȝ ʿymr], '[(since) the
month belongs to the Amorite']
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 3, 11: pȝ ʿ[ymr], '(since) the
month belongs to the Amorite'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 4, 9 [b]: pȝ ʿymr, 'the 4
subdivisions: Hebrew, the Amorite, Egypt, the region (of) the Syrian.'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 4, 13: [pȝ ʿy]mr, 'the 3 months
belong to the Amorite'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 4, 17 [b]: pȝ [ʿ]ymr, 'from the
seventh hour to the ninth hour belongs to the Amorite'
142 AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 4, 21: [pȝ ʿy]mr, '(since) the
month belongs to the Amorite'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 4, 25 [b]: [pȝ ʿymr], '(since) the
month belongs to the Amorite'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 4, 31: [pȝ ʿymr], '[(since) the
month belongs to the Amorite']'
An – 00b? (12934)
E ʿn Var.: An
Status: village: demi Bibl.: Vittmann, Festschrift Thissen, 2010, p. 475
Sources: BC 244 - 243, TM 128459: Studien Thissen p. 471-481, A 3 [b]: ʿn, 'You have leased to us the
beer activities in Apistesen, [ ], An, Psinarsinoe (?), Kerke-Neith, in total 5 villages'
BC 244 - 243, TM 128459: Studien Thissen p. 471-481, B 4 [b]: ʿn, 'You have leased to us the beer
activities in (the) village of Souchos Psinarsinoe, (the) village of Souchos An, and (the) village
of Souchos [ ], (the) village of Souchos Apistesen, (the) village of Souchos Kerke-Neith, in total
5 villages'
Anch-tawi – L01 (10723)
E ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy Var.: Anch-tawi (Ankhtawy - Anekh-taui - Onchtowe - Anchtu) ('Life (of) (the) two lands')
Status: area: necropolis Loc.: the necropolis north of the L01 Serapeum (10638)
Rep.: Gauthier, Dictionnaire I, 1925, p. 149; Bibl.: Wb 1, 1926, p. 203; Gardiner, AEO 2, 1947, p. 123*124*; Erichsen, Glossar, 1954, p. 110; Ray, O. Hor, 1976, p. 68-69; p. 146; p. 152-153 (with map);
p. 183 no. 4; Vandorpe, Geografische elementen, 1988, p. 186-187; CDD ʿ, 2003, p. 79; p. 86-88;
Martin, P. Dem. Memphis, 2009, p. 49-50
Sources: BC 664 - 400, TM 46161: Enchoria 17 (1990), p. 57, 6: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'Bastet mistress of Anchtawi the great goddess'
(?) BC 525 about, TM 80908: P. Zauzich 6, 1: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy?, 'Ptah-tenen [ ] lord of Anch-tawi (?)'
(?) BC 399 - 300, TM 56124: P. Saqqara Dem. 1 2 (p. 72-74 & 109-111 & 127-128), Vo col. x+1, 8 (& n.
bk): ˹ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy˺?, 'mistress of Anch-tawi (?)'
BC 399 - 300, TM 53460: Short Texts 1 97, 2: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, '[Ptah?] South-of-his-wall, lord of Anchtawi,
the [great] god [ ] Memphis'
BC 366 Mar 1, TM 69618: Bresciani e.a., Galleria di Padineit p. 27 Testo A, 2: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'prophet (of)
Bastet mistress ... Anch-tawi'
BC 332 - 200?, TM 55857: Goldbrunner, Der verblendete gelehrte p. 3-31, col. 5, 3: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy,
'Bastet mistress of Anch-tawi'
BC 332 - 200?, TM 55857: Goldbrunner, Der verblendete gelehrte p. 3-31, col. 5, 14: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy,
'Bastet mistress of Anch-tawi'
BC 332 - 30, TM 56539: Studies Quaegebeur 1 (OLA 84) p. 605-608 no. IM 108, 1: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'Ptah,
South-of-his-wall, lord of Anch-tawi'
BC 332 - 30, TM 56533: Studies Quaegebeur 1 (OLA 84) p. 605-608 no. IM 12, 1: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'Ptah,
South-of-his-wall, lord of Anch-tawi'
BC 332 - 30, TM 56540: Studies Quaegebeur 1 (OLA 84) p. 605-608 no. IM 3388, 2: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'Ptah,
South-of-his-wall, lord of Anch-tawi'
BC 332 - 30, TM 56541: Studies Quaegebeur 1 (OLA 84) p. 605-608 no. IM 3708, 1: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'Ptah,
South-of-his-wall, lord of Anch-tawi'
BC 332 - 30, TM 56542: Studies Quaegebeur 1 (OLA 84) p. 605-608 no. IM 3714, 1: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'Ptah,
South-of-his-wall, lord of Anch-tawi'
BC 332 - 30, TM 56542: Studies Quaegebeur 1 (OLA 84) p. 605-608 no. IM 3714, 3 [a]: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy,
'Bastet mistress of Anch-tawi, great goddess'
BC 332 - 30, TM 56543: Studies Quaegebeur 1 (OLA 84) p. 605-608 no. IM 3715, 1: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'Ptah,
South-of-his-wall, lord of Anch-tawi'
BC 332 - 30, TM 56543: Studies Quaegebeur 1 (OLA 84) p. 605-608 no. IM 3715, 2: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'Bastet
(the) great, mistress of Anch-tawi'
BC 332 - 30, TM 56545: Studies Quaegebeur 1 (OLA 84) p. 605-608 no. IM 3755, 1: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'Ptah,
South-of-his-wall, lord of Anch-tawi'
BC 332 - 30, TM 56546: Studies Quaegebeur 1 (OLA 84) p. 605-608 no. IM 4202, 1: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'Ptah ...
lord of Anch-tawi'
143 BC 332 - 30, TM 56547: Studies Quaegebeur 1 (OLA 84) p. 605-608 no. IM 4222, 1: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'Ptah,
South-of-his-wall, lord of Anch-tawi'
BC 332 - 30, TM 56537: Studies Quaegebeur 1 (OLA 84) p. 605-608 no. IM 82, 1: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'Ptah,
South-of-his-wall, lord of Anch-tawi'
BC 332 - 30, TM 56538: Studies Quaegebeur 1 (OLA 84) p. 605-608 no. IM 92, 1: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'Ptah,
South-of-his-wall, lord of Anch-tawi'
BC 332 - 30, TM 56559: Studies Quaegebeur 1 (OLA 84) p. 608-611 no. IM 110, descr. [a]: ˹ʿnḫ˺[tȝ.wy], 'Ptah [ ] Anch-tawi'
BC 332 - 30, TM 56560: Studies Quaegebeur 1 (OLA 84) p. 608-611 no. IM 3339, 2: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'Ptah,
South-of-his-wall, lord of Anch-tawi'
BC 332 - 30, TM 56558: Studies Quaegebeur 1 (OLA 84) p. 608-611 no. IM 91, descr. [a]: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy,
'Ptah, South-of-his-wall, lord of Anch-tawi'
BC 304 Jan 6 - Oct 2, TM 45994: P. Schreibertrad. 94 + BIFAO 87 (1987), p. 270, (P. Schreib.) 4 [b]:
ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'für meinen sechsten Teil des Hofes ... welcher in T-tehen (in) Anch-tawi liegt
ausserhalb der Mauer von T-tehen auf der südliche Seite von dem Dromos des Imouthes, des
Sohnes des Ptah, des grossen Gottes.'
BC 299 - 30, TM 56548: Barbotin, La voix des hiéroglyphes p. 126-127 no. 69, 1: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'Ptah,
South-of-his-wall, lord of Anch-tawi'
BC 256 Feb 23 - Mar 24, TM 2851: P. Dem. Memphis 9, 3 [b]: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'south: the guard-post of the
temple of Isis mistress (of) Anch-tawi'
BC 256 Feb 23 - Mar 24, TM 2851: P. Dem. Memphis 9, 3 [c]: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'west: the temple of Isis
mistress of Anch-tawi'
BC 238 after, TM 54404: St. Cairo 3 50052, 4 [b]: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'the prophet of the gods of Boubastos /
(the) House of Bastet mistress of Anch-tawi'
BC 238 after, TM 54404: St. Cairo 3 50052, 5: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'Bastet mistress of Anch-tawi'
BC 197 May 9 - Jun 7, TM 2878: BIFAO 71 (1972), p. 16-31, 4 I: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, '[ ] of the temple of Isis
mistress of Anch-tawi the great goddess'
BC 197 May 9 - Jun 7, TM 2878: BIFAO 71 (1972), p. 16-31, 8 O [b]: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'north: the chapel (?)
of the scribe (?) of (the) temple (of) T-tehen / (The) peak of Anch-tawi'
BC 197 May 9 - Jun 7, TM 2878: BIFAO 71 (1972), p. 16-31, 9 P: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'north: the chapel of the
scribe of (the) temple (of) T-tehen / (The) peak of Anch-tawi'
BC 171 Jul 10, TM 48985: O. Hor 18, 1 * [a]: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'rejoice, rejoice, flame which is within Anchtawi (and) your place of beauty Djedit'
BC 171 Jul 10, TM 48985: O. Hor 18, Vo 3 [b]: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'Imouthes, whom South-of-his-wall (sc.
Ptah) created, (in) T-tehen / The peak, lord of Anch-tawi (in) Memphis'
BC 171 Jul 10, TM 48985: O. Hor 18, Vo 7 [a]: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'the lotus who came forth from Anch-tawi'
BC 171 Jul 10, TM 48985: O. Hor 18, Vo 7 [b]: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'the light which dispelled the darkness (of)
BC 167 Sep 18, TM 48990: O. Hor 23, 6 [a]: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'roof of Hep-nebes in the necropolis of the
Osirieion which is on the mountain of the north of the necropolis (resi-tjaou) of Anch-tawi'
BC 167 Sep 18, TM 48990: O. Hor 23, 11: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'the agent of Pharaoh who inspects the temples
of Anch-tawi in every detail'
BC 155 Feb 28 - Mar 29, TM 49025: O. Hor 59, 2 [b]: ʿnḫ-[tȝ.wy], 'I was situated in the temple of Ttehen / The peak (of) (the) lord of Anch-tawi.'
BC 132 Nov 9, TM 45942: P. Dem. Memphis 5 A-B, A Dem. 11 [c]: {pȝ} ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'north: the tomb of
(the) royal scribe of accounts of (the) temple (of) T-tehen / (The) peak of Anch-tawi
BC 102 Jun 16, TM 51901: P. Conflict p. 83 inscr. no. 1 + RevEg 7 (1892-1896), p. 165-167 + Studies
Quaegebeur 1 (OLA 84) p. 605-608 no. IM 3709, (Studies) 1: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'Ptah, South-of-his-wall,
lord of Anch-tawi'
BC 102 Apr 21, TM 56563: P. Zauzich 9, 11: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'Ptah, South-of-his-wall, lord of Anch-tawi'
BC 102 Apr 21, TM 56563: P. Zauzich 9, 16 [b]: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, overseer of secrets in Anch-tawi'
BC 99 - AD 14, TM 55940: AAWLM - GSK (1954), 7, p. 310-320, col. 2, 29: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'Er nannte es
"Leben der beiden Länder" / Anch-tawi als Name des Psais, der alle Länder geschaffen hat [ ]'
BC 97 Oct 5, TM 55384: MDAIK 56 (2000), p. 194, 6 [a]: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'Lord of Anch-tawi, Horos, lord of
Letopolis the great god'
BC 76 Apr 28, TM 55540: St. Memphis 17, 4 [e]: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'scribe of the sistrum of Bastet mistress
of Anch-tawi'
BC 76 Apr 28, TM 55540: St. Memphis 17, 16 [g]: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'prophet of Bastet mistress of Anchtawi'
144 BC 72 Oct 17?, TM 120584: Studies Luc Limme (OLA 191) p. 303-312, Dem. 2 [a]: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'scribe of
the temple of Bastet mistress of Anch-tawi'
BC 72 Oct 17?, TM 120584: Studies Luc Limme (OLA 191) p. 303-312, Dem. 2 [b]: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'prophet
of Bastet mistress of Anch-tawi the great goddess'
BC 47 Jun 25, TM 47260: Enchoria 27 (2001), p. 45-46, 1: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'O Ptah, South-of-his-wall, lord
of Anch-tawi'
BC 47 Jun 25, TM 47260: Enchoria 27 (2001), p. 45-46, 4 [c]: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'scribe-du-trésor du templedu-dieu de T-tehen dans Anch-tawi'
BC 47 Jun 25, TM 47260: Enchoria 27 (2001), p. 45-46, 6 [a]: ʿnḫ-˹tȝ.wy˺, 'overseer of secrets in
BC 47 Jun 25, TM 47260: Enchoria 27 (2001), p. 45-46, 7 [c]: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'overseer of secrets in Anchtawi'
BC 47 Jun 25, TM 47260: Enchoria 27 (2001), p. 45-46, 8 [c]: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'overseer of secrets in Anchtawi'
BC 42 Feb 15, TM 55511: St. Memphis 21, 4 [a]: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'prophet of the Mistress of the sycomore,
mistress of Anch-tawi in the nomos of Memphis'
BC 42 Feb 15, TM 55511: St. Memphis 21, 5 [c]: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'scribe of the sacred / divine book of
Bastet mistress of Anch-tawi'
BC 42 Feb 15, TM 55511: St. Memphis 21, 11 [d]: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'prophet of the Mistress of the
sycomore, great goddess, mistress of Anch-tawi'
BC 42 Feb 15, TM 55511: St. Memphis 21, 12 [f]: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'Bastet mistress of Anch-tawi, great
BC 41 Oct 1, TM 55535: St. Memphis 19, 9 [b]: [ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy], 'Bastet mistress of Anch-tawi'
AD 100 - 199, TM 91766: P. Zauzich 50, fr. a, col. 2, 1: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'Ptah, South-of-his-wall, lord of
AD 100 - 199, TM 48603: P. Zauzich 61, 4: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, '[ ] lord of Anch-tawi [ ]'
AD 100 - 199, TM 56050: SAK 23 (1996), p. 169-180 Ro, col. 1, 20: pȝ? ˹ʿ˺nḫ-tȝ.wy, '[ ] die (?) (Stadt?)
Anch-tawi zu dem Osten [ ]'
AD 125 - 199, TM 56013: Reymond, Hermetic writings p. 112 no. B, 1 [b]: ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy, 'Ptah, overseer
of safeguard of White Wall / Memphis, lord of Anch-tawi'
Anesh? – U? (11476)
E ȝnš? Var.: Anesh?
Status: sanctuary? village? Loc.: unknown
Bibl.: Kaplony-Heckel, Enchoria 22 (1995), p. 69 n. 113; p. 93
Sources: BC 120 - 50, TM 51216: Enchoria 22 (1995), p. 91-92 no. 65, 6: ȝnš?, 'Monatstag 2: Geburt
des Horos von Anesh (?)'
Ankyropolis (El-Hiba) – U20 (182)
G Ἀγκυρῶν Πόλις L Angiopolis E Tȝy=w-ḏy - Dhnt Wrt Var.: Ankyropolis (Ankyron Polis Ankyronos Kome - Ankyronon - Ankyronis) - Teudjoi (Teuzoi) ('Their wall') - Dehenet Weret
('Great mountain top') - El-Hiba (El-Hibeh) E thnic: Ankyropolites - Ankyronites
Status: city: polis; civitas; village: kome Admin.: in the U20 Koites toparchia; in some periods belonging to the nomos U18
Note: new reading in Stud. Pal.(2) 3 453, 2 (no toponym)
Rep.: Dizionario I 1, p. ix; p. 11; p. 11-13; p. 13; I 2, p. 31; p. 47; Suppl. 1, p. 5-6; p. 6; Suppl. 2, p. 5;
Suppl. 3, p. 11; Suppl. 4, p. 11; Falivene, Herakleopolite nome, 1998, p. 39-43; Gauthier,
Dictionnaire VI, 1928, p. 7; Bibl.: Erichsen, Glossar, 1954, p. 603; P. Ryl. Vittmann, 1998, p. 288289; p. 587; CDD Ḏ, 2001, p. 15; DBL, 2005, p. 341; Maps: Gardiner, AEO 2, 1947, p. 108*-109*;
Falivene, Herakleopolite nome, 1998, pl.; Baines / Malek, Atlas, 2002, p. 121 Sources: BC 644 Mar 2 - 31, TM 45670: P. Ryl. Dem. 1, 3 [b]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'in the house of Amon of
Tehen / (The) peak in Ankyropolis'
BC 644 Apr 1 - 30, TM 45671: P. Ryl. Dem. 2, 1 [b]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'of (the) house of Amon of Tehen /
(The) peak in Ankyropolis'
BC 568 Jan 12 - Feb 10, TM 45676: P. Ryl. Dem. 6, F 1: Tȝy=w-ḏy, '(the) pastophoros of Amon in
(?) BC 563 Apr 11 - May 10, TM 45677: P. Ryl. Dem. 7, 3 [a]: [T]ȝy=w-ḏy?, '... the corn of Ankyropolis
(?), Lower Egyptian barley (?) ...'
145 BC 531 May 16, TM 46811: Serapis 7 (1981-1982), p. 3, 1: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Psenamounis the choachyte of
Amon of Ankyropolis'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 1, 2 [b]: Tȝy=w-˹ḏ˺y, 'Im Jahr 9 ...
kam Amasis, Sohn des Pete-har-n-p, vom Südland nach Ankyropolis.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 1, 3 [a]: Tȝy=w-[ḏ]y, 'Man pflegte
mir meine ḥtp-Einkunft in Ankyropolis zu geben alljährlich, seitdem der senti Prophet des
Amon von Ankyropolis geworden war.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 1, 3 [b]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Man pflegte
mir meine ḥtp-Einkunft in Ankyropolis zu geben alljährlich, seitdem der senti Prophet des
Amon von Ankyropolis geworden war.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 1, 16: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Wirst du mir
jetzt endlich (?) sagen, wie Ankyropolis ruiniert wurde?'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 1, 17 [a]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Wenn ich
zum senti gelange und feststelle, dass der senti Ankyropolis protegieren wird, werde ich ihm
alles berichten, was mit Ankyropolis geschieht.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 1, 17 [b]: ˹Tȝy=w˺-ḏy, 'Wenn ich
zum senti gelange und feststelle, dass der senti Ankyropolis protegieren wird, werde ich ihm
alles berichten, was mit Ankyropolis geschieht.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 1, 19: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'bis man mir
jede Sache sagt die Ankyropolis widerfährt'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 10, 19: Tȝy=w-ḏy, '(Als) er nach
Ankyropolis gelangte, stieg er hinauf und betete vor Amon.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 10, 20: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'und liess sich
in sein Haus in Ankyropolis tragen.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 11, 2 [a]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Er
verbrachte (einige) Tage, indem er rein war, in Ankyropolis, (dann) segelte er nach Theben.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 11, 3: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'das Getreide,
das für die Opferstiftung des Amon von Ankyropolis bestimmt war'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 11, 9: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Es traf zich,
dass Haryotes, Sohn des Pef-tjaou-awi-bastet, nicht in Ankyropolis war, er war (vielmehr) im
Westen des Häuser von T-kehi.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 11, 12 [c]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Der Oberste
der Ma versammelte die Kalasirier von T-kehi, brachte sie nach Ankyropolis, ...
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 11, 14 [a]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Als er nach
Ankyropolis gelangte, fand er überhaupt niemanden in Ankyropolis vor ausser den Leuten des
Obersten der Ma'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 11, 14 [b]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Als er nach
Ankyropolis gelangte, fand er überhaupt niemanden in Ankyropolis vor ausser den Leuten des
Obersten der Ma'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 11, 17: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'während
Peteesis in Ankyropolis war.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 11, 18: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Der Genaral
kam nach Ankyropolis.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 11, 20: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'diese feigen
Bösewichter und üble (?) Menschen von Ankyropolis'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 12, 1 [a]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'was mir mit
den Priestern des Amon von Ankyropolis passiert ist.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 12, 2 [a]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Hier ist
mein Bruder aus Ankyropolis!'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 12, 3 [b]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Jeder Mann
von Ankyropolis'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 12, 5 [b]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Ich werde
nicht nach Theben gehen, ohne Ankyropolis ausgestattet und seine Menschen wieder
hineingebracht zu haben!'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 12, 6 [b]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Deine
frühere Liebe zu Ankyropolis ist noch nicht erloschen.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 12, 9 [a]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Er gelangte
nach Ankyropolis und verbrachte in Ankyropolis (einige) Tage.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 12, 9 [b]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Er gelangte
nach Ankyropolis und verbrachte in Ankyropolis (einige) Tage.'
146 BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 12, 9 [d]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Es geschah
(nun), dass der Oberste der Ma mit fünfzig Kriegern nach Ankyropolis kam.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 12, 11: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Mögen die
Leute des Peteesis, die sich in Ankyropolis befinden werden, beschützt werden!'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 12, 15 [b]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Geh, ziehe
durch den Gau von Oxyrynchos und den Gau von Hardai, indem du nach den Leuten von
Ankyropolis verlangst'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 12, 18 [b]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'indem sie
zu Ankyropolis gehören'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 12, 21 [d]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, '(Dann)
ging der Oberste der Ma hinaus zu den Häusern des Gaues von Oxyrynchos, des Gaues von
Hermopolis (und) des Gaues von Hardai und versammelte die Leute von Ankyropolis nach
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 13, 1 [a]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Der Oberste
der Ma kehrte (sodann) zurück nach Ankyropolis'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 13, 1 [c]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Ich gelangte
bis Hermopolis. Ich liess bis Hermopolis keinen Mann von Ankyropolis, den ich nicht nach
Hardai gebracht hätte'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 13, 3 [b]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'allen
Leuten, die zu Ankyropolis gehörten'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 13, 4 [a]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Peteesis
kehrte mit den Leuten von Ankyropolis, die er gefunden hatte, nach Ankyropolis zurück'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 13, 4 [b]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Peteesis
kehrte mit den Leuten von Ankyropolis, die er gefunden hatte, nach Ankyropolis zurück'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 14, 8 [a]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Und Peteesis
liess Ote-semtheus, Sohn des Peteesis, in Ankyropolis wohnen'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 14, 8 [b]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Nimm dir
den Anteil des Propheten des Amon von Ankyropolis und seiner Neunheit!'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 14, 9: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'die Ämter des
Propheten des Amon von Ankyropolis und seiner Neunheit'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 14, 10 [a]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Otesemtheus wohnte ... in Ankyropolis'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 14, 10 [b]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Und Otesemtheus, Sohn des Peteesis, war in Ankyropolis'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 14, 12: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Ich bin es, den
Peteesis in Ankyropolis wohnen lässt'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 14, 18 [c]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Man sandte
(auch) nach Ankyropolis mit den Worten: ...'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 15, 3 [b]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'der Anteil
des Propheten des Amon von Ankyropolis'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 15, 5 [b]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Lasst Ptahnepher, Sohn des Haryotes, nach Ankyropolis kommen'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 15, 6 [a]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Und
Haryotes liess Ptah-nepher, Sohn des Haryotes, seinen Sohn, nach Ankyropolis kommen'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 15, 6 [b]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'den Anteil
eines Propheten des Amon von Ankyropolis'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 15, 8: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Als er nach
Ankyropolis gelangte'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 15, 13: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'mit den
Priestern des Amon von Ankyropolis'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 15, 18: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Peteesis ...
kam nach Norden und gelangte nach Ankyropolis.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 16, 4: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'ein
Gauschreiber, der kein Priester des Amon von Ankyropolis war'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 16, 6 [a]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'diesen
Priestern des Amon von Ankyropolis'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 16, 6 [b]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Er hat seine
Brüder zu Priestern des Amon von Ankyropolis gemacht.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 16, 7 [a]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Es gibt eine
Insel im Besitze der Priester des Amon von Ankyropolis.'
147 BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 16, 7 [b]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, '(Nachdem)
sie die Statue des Pharaos Amasis nach Ankyropolis gebracht hatten, ...
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 16, 8: {Tȝy=w-ḏy}, 'Er liess der
Statue des Pharaos {Amon von Ankyropolis} 120 arourai Ackerland übereignen'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 16, 9 [b]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, '(Als) er zu
der Insel von Ankyropolis gelangte, ...'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 16, 11 [a]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, '(Dann)
konfiszierte er die Insel von Ankyropolis.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 16, 12: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'die Priester
des Amon von Ankyropolis'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 16, 13: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Der General
kam nach Ankyropolis'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 17, 1 [a]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Es traf sich
(nun), dass sich Necho, Sohn des Ptah-nepher, der Priester des Souchos, welcher Prophet des
Amon von Ankyropolis war, in Memphis befand.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 17, 2: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'die
Opferstiftung des Amon von Ankyropolis'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 17, 10 [a]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Mein Vater
war Prophet des Amon von Ankyropolis, einem bekannten Hause im Gau von Herakleopolis.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 17, 12: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Ich habe eine
Insel mitten im Fluss, gegenüber von Ankyropolis, gefunden.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 17, 15: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Ist es dem
Amon von Ankyropolis zugeeignet?'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 17, 17 [a]: ˹Tȝy˺=w-ḏy, 'neben
eurer Opferstiftung, die im Feld des Festlands von Ankyropolis ist.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 17, 17 [b]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, '(Was)
Amon von Ankyropolis (betrifft), ...'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 17, 18: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'die dem Amon
von Ankyropolis täglich übereignet wurden'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 17, 20: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'von der Insel
von Ankyropolis Abstand zu nehmen'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 18, 2: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'dass sie der
Opferstiftung auf der Insel von Ankyropolis zugeeignet waren, neben die Opferstiftung des
Amon, die im Feld des Festlandes von Ankyropolis war'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 18, 3 [a]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'dass sie der
Opferstiftung auf der Insel von Ankyropolis zugeeignet waren, neben die Opferstiftung des
Amon, die im Feld des Festlandes von Ankyropolis war'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 18, 3 [b]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'dem
Getreide, das aus Ankyropolis geliefert worden war'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 18, 4 [a]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Es soll vom
Erneertrag der Insel von Ankyropolis - die konfisziert worden ist - genommen werden.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 18, 4 [b]: Tȝy=w-ḏy,
'Psammetichos-men-m-p ... kam nach Ankyropolis'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 19, 1: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'the priests in
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 19, 6: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'he is priest of
Amon of Ankyropolis'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 19, 7: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'the lesonis of
Amon of Ankyropolis'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 19, 9: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'a priest of
Amon of Ankyropolis'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 19, 11: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'geh nach
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 19, 15 [b]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'the lesonis
of Amon of Ankyropolis'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 19, 17: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Go to
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 19, 18: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Go to
148 BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 19, 20 [a]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Wir kamen
in zwei Schiffen nach Ankyropolis, aber den Te-obest-ephonychos, den Lesonis, fanden wir in
Ankyropolis nicht.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 19, 20 [b]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Wir kamen
in zwei Schiffen nach Ankyropolis, aber den Te-obest-ephonychos, den Lesonis, fanden wir in
Ankyropolis nicht.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 2, 2: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Ich schrieb jede
Sache auf, die man getan hatte, um Ankyropolis zu ruinieren.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 2, 5: Tȝy=w-ḏy, '(und) ich kam
nach Ankyropolis'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 2, 6: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Wenige Tage
später kam ... nach Ankyropolis'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 2, 9: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'alle Leute, die in
Ankyropolis waren'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 2, 19: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Nieder, nieder
mit Ankyropolis!'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 21, 3: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'und brachte
Ote-semtheus, meinen Vater, und meine Mutter, meine Brüder und meine Leute allesamt
nach Ankyropolis'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 21, 6: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Psammetichosmen-m-p, Sohn des Horos, ist bis heute nicht nach Ankyropolis gekommen'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 21, 8: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Im Jahr 3 des
Kambyses kam Horos, Sohn des Psammetichos-men-m-p, der Prophet des Amon, nach
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 21, 9: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'den Anteil des
Propheten des Amon von Ankyropolis'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 3, 14: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Der Anteil des
Propheten des Amon von Ankyropolis'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 3, 15: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'zusammen mit
sechzehn anderen Prophetenanteilen der Götter von Ankyropolis'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 3, 17 [b]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Der Anteil
des Propheten des Amon von Ankyropolis'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 3, 20 [a]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'den Anteil
des Propheten des Amon von Ankyropolis'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 3, 20 [b]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Er liess
seinen Sohn Ptah-nepher nach Ankyropolis kommen'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 4, 19: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Kommst du
nach Ankyropolis?'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 5, 3: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Geh mit Peteesis
nach Ankyropolis'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 5, 5: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Go to
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 5, 6: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Oaphre-meri-ra
kam to Ankyropolis'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 6, 9: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Als Peteesis,
Sohn des Inaroys, nach Ankyropolis gelangte, ging er in den Tempel und inspizierte jeden
Platz, der im Tempel von Ankyropolis war.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 6, 10 [a]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Als Peteesis,
Sohn des Inaroys, nach Ankyropolis gelangte, ging er in den Tempel und inspizierte jeden
Platz, der im Tempel von Ankyropolis war.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 6, 10 [b]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Er stellte
fest, dass der Tempel von Ankyropolis von der Art eines sehr grossen Hauses war, aber es
fehlte ihm an Leuten.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 6, 15: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Eine reichliche
Opferstiftung war dem Amon von Ankyropolis zugeeignet.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 6, 20 [a]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'dass sie
Ankyropolis widerfahren waren'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 6, 20 [b]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'der alte
Priester, den er in Ankyropolis gefunden hatte'
149 BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 7, 2: Tȝy=w-ḏy, '(Was)
Ankyropolis (betrifft), ...'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 7, 5: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Geh, lass eine
Aufzeichnung über den Betrag, der in Ankyropolis gezahlt wurde, seitdem von den grossen
Tempeln des Südlandes Abstand genommen wurde, bringen!'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 7, 6 [b]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Man soll es
den Priestern des Amon von Ankyropolis (zurück)geben!'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 7, 6 [c]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Peteesis,
Sohn des Inaroys, kam nach Ankyropolis.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 7, 8: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Er liess die
Priester ... nach Ankyropolis bringen.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 7, 11 [a]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Er
erleuchtete Ankyropolis wie einen der grossen Tempel des Südlandes.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 7, 11 [c]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Er macht
seine Kinder zu Priestern des Amon von Ankyropolis'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 7, 15 [a]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, '(Als) er nach
Elephantine gelangte, liess er ein Stele aus Elephantinestein und die Blöcke für zwei Statuen
aus tmgi-Stein schneiden und veranlasste, dass sie nach Ankyropolis gebracht wurden.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 7, 15 [b]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Als er nach
Ankyropolis gelangte, ...'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 7, 16: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'die Wohltaten,
die er Ankyropolis erwiesen hatte'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 7, 20 [b]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'über alles,
was er in Ankyropolis getan hatte'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 8, 1 [b]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'der Anteil des
Propheten des Amon von Ankyropolis und seiner Neunheit'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 8, 2: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'den Anteil des
Propheten des Amon von Ankyropolis und seiner Neunheit'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 8, 3: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'den Anteil des
Propheten des Amon von Ankyropolis und seiner Neunheit'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 8, 6: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Peteesis ... nam
Haryotes ... nach Ankyropolis mit.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 8, 7: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'in seinem Haus,
das er in Ankyropolis hatte bauen lassen'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 8, 10: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Mein Vater war
Priester hier in Ankyropolis.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 8, 12 [b]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Alle Tage,
die du verbringst, indem dir das (Vieh)hüten in Oxyrynchos anvertraut ist, sollst du in
Ankyropolis wohnen!'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 9, 2: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Der kam mit
Peteesis, Sohn des Inaroys, nach Ankyropolis.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 9, 3: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'dass sein Vater
... Priester des Amon von Ankyropolis gewesen war.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 9, 4: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Priester des
Amon von Ankyropolis'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 9, 5 [c]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, '(Als) er nach
Ankyropolis gelangte, fand er Haryotes ... in Ankyropolis.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 9, 6 [a]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, '(Als) er nach
Ankyropolis gelangte, fand er Haryotes ... in Ankyropolis.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 9, 6 [b]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'zu seinem
Haus, das in Ankyropolis war'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 9, 7 [a]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'indem wir
Bier von Amon von Ankyropolis trinken, ehe wir nach Theben gehen'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 9, 10: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Lass dich hier
in Ankyropolis nieder!'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 9, 12 [a]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'während du
dich hier in Ankyropolis niedergelassen hast'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 9, 12 [b]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'der Anteil
des Propheten des Amon von Ankyropolis'
150 BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 9, 16: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Nimm dir
dieses Haus, das hier in Ankyropolis ist'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 9, 18 [b]: Tȝy=w-ḏy, 'Harytos ...
(aber) liess sich mit ... in Ankyropolis nieder'
Ano Toparchia – L01 (13663)
G *Ἄνω Τοπαρχία E Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-rsy Var.: *Ano (upper - southern) Toparchia - N-awiou-resi ('The
southern quarters')
Status: district: toparchia Bibl.: Erichsen, Glossar, 1954, p. 254; CDD ʿ, 2003, p. 10-11
Sources: BC 285 - 246 about, TM 50943: JEA 60 (1974), p. 196-199 no. 4, col. 1, 5 [a]: Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-rsy,
'the Ano toparchia / the southern quarters (of) the nomos (of) Memphis'
BC 201 Dec 11 - 200 Jan 9, TM 4294: RdE 30 (1978), p. 68-71 & 76 + SB 14 11997, 6 - 7: Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-rs n
pȝ tš Mn-nfr, 'Apollonios the oikonomos of the Ano toparchia / the southern quarters of the
nomos of Memphis'
Ano Toparchia – U02 (8573)
G Ἄνω Τοπαρχία E Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-rsy Var.: Ano (upper - southern) Toparchia - N-awiou-resi ('The
southern quarters')
Status: district: toparchia Rep.: Dizionario I 2, p. 130 (8)
Sources: BC 243 - 222, TM 8495: P. Hauswaldt Manning 13, 2 [b]: Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-rsy, 'in the field of the
high land Per-ourem in the Ano toparchia / the southern quarters of the nomos of
BC 224 Jun 15 - Jul 14, TM 2810: P. Hauswaldt Manning 11, a 4 [b]: Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-rsy, 'in the field of the
high land of Per-ourem in the Ano toparchia / the southern quarters on the west of the
nomos of Apollonopolis'
BC 224 Jun 15 - Jul 14, TM 2810: P. Hauswaldt Manning 11, b 3 [b]: Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-rsy, 'which is in the
field of the high land Per-ourem in the Ano toparchia / the southern quarters on the west of
the nomos of Apollonopolis'
BC 220 Sep 12 - Oct 11, TM 8494: P. Hauswaldt Manning 12, a 3 [b]: Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-rsy, 'the sale price of
our high land which is in the field of the high land Per-ourem in the Ano toparchia / the
southern quarters of the nomos of Apollonopolis'
BC 220 Sep 12 - Oct 11, TM 8494: P. Hauswaldt Manning 12, b 3 [c]: Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-rsy, 'the high land
which is in the field of the high land of Per-ourem in the Ano toparchia / the southern
quarters of the nomos of Apollonopolis'
BC 220 Oct 17 - Nov 15, TM 8493: P. Hauswaldt Manning 5, 3 [a]: Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-rsy, 'the lands ... which
are (in) the Ano toparchia / the southern quarters of the nomos of Apollonopolis'
BC 215 Sep 11 - Oct 10, TM 2813: P. Hauswaldt Manning 25, a 3 [c]: Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-rsy, 'which is in the
divine endowment of Horos of Behdet the great god, lord of heaven, in T-mai-n-aser / The
tamarisk island in the Ano toparchia / the southern quarters of the nomos of Apollonopolis'
BC 215 Sep 11 - Oct 10, TM 2813: P. Hauswaldt Manning 25, b 3 [c]: Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-rsy, 'which is in the
divine endowment of Horos of Behdet the great god, lord of heaven, in T-mai-n-aser / The
tamarisk island in the Ano toparchia / the southern quarters of the nomos of Apollonopolis'
BC 213 Feb 13 - Mar 13?, TM 2812: P. Hauswaldt Manning 17, 4 [d]: Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-rsy, 'your two fields
in the divine endowment of Horos of Behdet the great god, lord of heaven, in T-mai-n-aser /
The tamarisk island in the Ano toparchia / the southern quarters of the nomos of
Apollonopolis (which) you acquired (?)'
BC 212 Mar 14 - Apr 12, TM 8489: P. Hauswaldt Manning 18, a 3 [b]: Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-rsy, 'which are in
the field of the high land of Per-ourem in the Ano toparchia / the southern quarters of the
nomos of Apollonopolis'
BC 212 Mar 14 - Apr 12, TM 8489: P. Hauswaldt Manning 18, b 3 [b]: Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-rsy, 'which are in
the field of the high land of Per-ourem in the Ano toparchia / the southern quarters of the
nomos of Apollonopolis'
Ano Toparchia – U04a (8567)
G Ἄνω Τοπαρχία E Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-rsy Var.: Ano (upper - southern) Toparchia - N-awiou-resi ('The
southern quarters')
Status: district: toparchia Admin.: and from the Roman period on in the U04a Hermonthites
151 Rep.: Dizionario I 2, p. 128 (2); Suppl. 1, p. 42 (2); Suppl. 2, p. 20 (2); Suppl. 3, p. 18 (2); Suppl. 4, p. 17
Sources: BC 184 May 20, TM 148: P. Schreibertrad. 115, 4 [b]: Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-rsy, 'which are in the
domain of Hathor mistress of Inti in the Ano toparchia / the southern quarters of the west of
the nomos of Pathyris'
BC 184 May 20, TM 145: P. Schreibertrad. 30, 3 [b]: Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-rsy, 'in the domain of Hathor in the
Ano Toparchia / the southern quarters of the west of the nomos of Pathyris'
BC 91 Sep 15 - 90 Sep 14, TM 308: ZÄS 65 (1930), p. 53-54 + ZÄS 121 (1994), p. 75-91 descr., Ro col. 1
(= b), 2 [a]: Nȝ-ʿ.wy-rs.w, 'Nechoutes son of Peteharsemtheus, the komogrammateus (of) the
Ano toparchia / the southern quarters of the nomos of Pathyris.'
Anoubieion – L01 (3109)
G Ἀνουβιεῖον E Pr-hn-Ỉnpw (Pȝ-hn-Ỉnpw - Pr-Ỉnpw - Pȝ-Ỉnpw) Var.: Anoubieion (Anoubeion Anoubion) - Per-hen-Anoubis ('House / temple (of) (the) (sacred) chest (of) Anoubis')
Status: sanctuary, building: per; village Loc.: in Saqqara, east of the L01 Serapeum (10638)
Ident.: L01? Per-Inep (10625)?
Note: obsolete readings: Pr-grg-Inpw, 'The homeland of Anoubis'
Rep.: Gauthier, Dictionnaire II, 1925, p. 109; Bibl.: Jelinkova, JEA 43 (1957), p. 64-65; de Cenival,
BIFAO 71 (1972), p. 60; P. Brooklyn Pierce, 1972, p. 40-41; Ray, O. Hor, 1976, p. 147; p. 152-153
(with map); Pestman, P. Recueil, 1977, I, p. 39; Vandorpe, Geografische elementen, 1988, p. 7576; Cannata, JEA 92 (2006), p. 191; Martin, P. Dem. Memphis, 2009, p. 47-48; CDD P, 2010, p. 5; p.
21; p. 69; p. 97-100; p. 111
Sources: BC 332 - 30, TM 46344: Monnet Saleh, Les antiquités égyptiennes de Zagreb p. 164 no. 882
descr. + Kitchen, Catalogue Rio de Janeiro p. 241 no. 181, descr.: Pr-hn-Ỉnpw, descr.: 'dieses
Prozessprotokolls aus Anoubieion'
BC 197 May 9 - Jun 7, TM 2878: BIFAO 71 (1972), p. 16-31, 3 M: Pr-hn-Ỉnpw, 'and your third of the
tomb of (the) man of (the) Anoubieion'
BC 160 Apr 1, TM 2850: P. Dem. Memphis 3, 3 [a]: Pr-hn-Ỉnp, 'your house ... which is (in) (the)
Anoubieion, on the southern side of the dromos of Anoubis-who-is-upon-his-mountain, the
great god'
BC 160 Apr 1, TM 2850: P. Dem. Memphis 3, 4: Pr-hn-Ỉnp, 'west: the wall of (the) temple of (the)
BC 151 Nov 4, TM 48445: RecTrav 30 (1908), p. 144-146 no. 41, Dem. 3 [d]: Pr-hn-Ỉnpw, 'scribe of
every phyle of the temple of the Serapeum of the House of Osiris of / in Rout-isout and of
(the) Anoubieion'
BC 124 Oct 13 before, TM 3521: UPZ 1 129 + P. Chrestomathie 1 p. XX [41], Dem. descr.: Pr-hnỈnpw?, 'Year 47, Thoth 21, in (the) Anoubieion'
BC 109 Sep 19 - 108 Feb 6, TM 3524: P. Recueil 5, 11 [a]: Pr-hn-Ỉnpw, 'merchant and man of (the)
Anoubieion which is in the dependencies (sḥn.w) of Memphis'
BC 109 Sep 19 - 108 Feb 6, TM 3524: P. Recueil 5, 14 [a]: ˹Pr-hn-Ỉnpw˺, 'in your house which is (in)
(the) Anoubieion'
BC 108 Feb 14, TM 3526: P. Recueil 4, 14 [a]: Pr-hn-Ỉnpw, 'merchant and man of (the) Anoubieion
which is in the dependencies (sḥn.w) of Memphis'
BC 108 Feb 14, TM 3526: P. Recueil 4, 18: Pr-hn-Ỉnpw, 'qu'ils seront livrés dans ta main, à ta maison
qui se trouve dans (l') Anoubieion'
BC 108 Feb 15, TM 45998: P. Recueil 6, 13 [a]: Pr-hn-˹Ỉnpw˺, 'the merchant from (the) Anoubieion
which is in the dependencies (sḥn.w) of Memphis'
BC 108 Feb 15, TM 45998: P. Recueil 6, 17: Pr-hn-Ỉnpw, 'the correct oipe-measure (of) (the) village
(dmỉ) (of) (the) Anoubieion' [instead of the expected 'of the dromos of Anoubis']
BC 108 Feb 15, TM 45998: P. Recueil 6, 19: Pr-hn-Ỉnpw, 'in your house which is (in) (the)
BC 108 Feb 6, TM 3525: RevEg 3 (1883-1885), p. 25-26 & pl. 6-7 + UPZ 1 133 + RecTrav 25 (1903), p.
13-14 no. 19 descr., Dem. 11 [a]: Pr-hn-Ỉnpw?, 'to the merchant of (the) Anoubieion in the
territory of Memphis'
BC 108 Feb 6, TM 3525: RevEg 3 (1883-1885), p. 25-26 & pl. 6-7 + UPZ 1 133 + RecTrav 25 (1903), p.
13-14 no. 19 descr., Dem. 15 [a]: Pr-hn-Ỉnpw?, 'in your house at (the) Anoubieion'
BC 100 Sep 13, TM 41465: P. Hawara 12, 5 [c]: Pr-Ỉnpw, 'south: the chapel of Isis (in) (the) Domain
of Anoubis / (the) Anoubieion'
152 (?) BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Enchoria 22) col. G, 7 [c] (=
Pap. de Ricci 6): Pr-Ỉnp, 'wegen [ ] Neger von Oberägypten - Perinep Lobpreis (?) [ ]'
BC 98 Oct 15, TM 41467: P. Hawara 14 + Enchoria 25 (1999), p. 138-139, (P. Haw.) 5 [b]: Pr-Ỉnpw,
'south: the chapel of Isis in (the) Anoubieion'
BC 76 Apr 28, TM 55540: St. Memphis 17, 13 [a]: Pȝ-hn-Ỉnpw, 'god's father, prophet, overseer of
secrets of (the) House of Ptah / (the) Hephaisteion (in / of) (the) necropolis / Resi-tjaou, of
(the) Serapeum, of (the) House of Osiris (of / in) Rout-isout (and) of (the) Anoubieion'
BC 76 Apr 28, TM 55540: St. Memphis 17, 13 [f]: Pr-Ỉnpw, 'god's father, prophet, overseer of secrets
of (the) House of Ptah / (the) Hephaisteion (in / of) (the) necropolis / Resi-tjaou, of (the)
Serapeum, of (the) House of Osiris (of / in) Rout-isout (and) of (the) Anoubieion'
BC 76 Apr 28, TM 55540: St. Memphis 17, 14 [e]: Pr-Ỉnpw, 'god's father, overseer of secrets of (the)
House of Ptah / (the) Hephaisteion (in / of) (the) necropolis / Resi-tjaou, of (the) Serapeum, of
(the) House of Osiris (of / in) Rout-isout (and) of (the) Anoubieion'
BC 76 Apr 28, TM 55540: St. Memphis 17, 15 [f]: Pȝ-hn-Ỉnpw, 'god's father, prophet of Ptah,
overseer of secrets of (the) House of Ptah / (the) Hephaisteion (in / of) (the) necropolis / Resitjaou, of (the) House of Apis (sc. the Serapeum), of (the) House of Osiris (of / in) Rout-isout
(and) of (the) Anoubieion'
BC 76 Apr 28, TM 55540: St. Memphis 17, 16 [f]: <Pr>-Ỉnpw, 'god's father, prophet, overseer of
secrets of (the) House of Ptah / (the) Hephaisteion (in / of) (the) necropolis / Resi-tjaou, of
(the) House of Apis (sc. the Serapeum), of (the) House of Osiris (of / in) Rout-isout (and) of
(the) Anoubieion'
BC 76 Apr 28, TM 55540: St. Memphis 17, 17 [e]: Pȝ-Ỉnpw, 'god's father, overseer of secrets of (the)
House of Ptah / (the) Hephaisteion (in / of) (the) necropolis / Resi-tjaou, of (the) Serapeum, of
(the) House of Osiris (of / in) Rout-isout (and) of (the) Anoubieion'
BC 76 Apr 28, TM 55540: St. Memphis 17, 18 [e]: Pȝ-Ỉnpw, 'god's father, prophet, overseer of
secrets of (the) House of Ptah / (the) Hephaisteion (in / of) (the) necropolis / Resi-tjaou, of
(the) Serapeum, of (the) House of Osiris (of / in) Rout-isout (and) of (the) Anoubieion'
BC 76 Apr 28, TM 55540: St. Memphis 17, 19 [e]: Pȝ-Ỉnpw, 'god's father, prophet, overseer of
secrets of (the) House of Ptah / (the) Hephaisteion (in / of) (the) necropolis / Resi-tjaou, of
(the) Serapeum, of (the) House of Osiris (of / in) Rout-isout (and) of (the) Anoubieion'
BC 75 Nov 23 before, TM 3528: P. Bürgsch. p. 737-740 no. 9 + UPZ 1 136, Dem. 4 [a]: Pr-hn-Ỉnpw?,
'two houses ... which are in (the) Anoubieion, on the southern side of the dromos of Anoubiswho-is-upon-his-mountain, the great god'
BC 73 Feb 27, TM 45988: RevEg 2 (1881), p. 91-92 n. 3 & pl. 28-40 [3268] descr., 4 [a]: Pr-hn-Ỉnpw,
'everything situated in (the) Anoubieion in the dependencies (sḥn.w) of Memphis south of the
dromos of Anoubis'
BC 73 Feb 27, TM 45988: RevEg 2 (1881), p. 91-92 n. 3 & pl. 28-40 [3268] descr., 5 [a]: Pr-hn-Ỉnpw,
'west: the wall of the sanctuary of (the) Anoubieion'
BC 64 Dec 8, TM 92970: JEA 92 (2006), p. 200, 1 [b]: Pr-hn-Ỉnpw, 'the merchant from (the)
Anoubieion which is in the dependencies (sḥn.w) of Memphis'
BC 64 Dec 8, TM 92970: JEA 92 (2006), p. 200, 3 [a]: Pr-hn-Ỉnpw, 'together with your cloth-place
(and) your storehouses that are built at their entrance, which are to its north, and which are
in (the) Anoubieion on (the) southern side of (the) dromos of Anoubis-who-is-upon-hismountain, the great god'
BC 64 Jul 28, TM 2852: P. Dem. Memphis 8 A-B, A Dem. 6 [a]: Pr-hn-Ỉnp, 'together which my 1/6
share of the rest (of) the income (and) the income-houses, which belong to the endowment
which is above, in (the) Anoubieion (and) T-tehen / (The) peak of Osiris of Rout-isout (in) the
dependencies (sḥn.w) (of) Memphis (and) every place ...'
BC 64 Jul 28, TM 2852: P. Dem. Memphis 8 A-B, B Dem. 6 [a]: Pr-hn-Ỉnp, 'together which your 1/6
share of the rest (of) the income (and) the income-houses, which belong to the endowment
which is above, in (the) Anoubieion (and) T-tehen / (The) peak of Osiris of Rout-isout (in) the
dependencies (sḥn.w) (of) Memphis (and) every place which is there'
BC 64 Dec 8, TM 3534: UPZ 1 142 + JEA 92 (2006), p. 188-189, Dem. 1 [b]: Pr-hn-Ỉnpw, 'the merchant
from (the) Anoubieion which is in the dependencies (sḥn.w) of Memphis'
BC 64 Dec 8, TM 3534: UPZ 1 142 + JEA 92 (2006), p. 188-189, Dem. 3 [a]: Pr-hn-Ỉnpw, 'together with
our cloth-place (and) our storehouses that are built at their entrance, which are to its north,
and which are in (the) Anoubieion on (the) southern side of (the) dromos of Anoubis-who-isupon-his-mountain, the great god'
153 BC 42 Feb 15, TM 55511: St. Memphis 21, 13 [d]: Pr-hn-Ỉnpw, 'in (the) temple (of) (the) Serapeum,
(the) House of Osiris of Rout-isout (and) (the) Anoubieion'
BC 42 Feb 15, TM 55511: St. Memphis 21, 18 [e]: Pr-hn-Ỉnpw, 'overseer of secrets of (the) House of
Ptah / (the) Hephaisteion (in / of) (the) necropolis / Resi-tjaou, of (the) Serapeum, of (the)
House of Osiris (of / in) Rout-isout (and) of (the) Anoubieion'
BC 41 Oct 1, TM 55535: St. Memphis 19, 9 [f]: Pr-hn-Ỉnpw, 'in the temple of (the) Serapeum, the
House of Osiris (of / in) Rout-isout (and) (the) Anoubieion of (Anoubis)-who-is-upon-hismountain'
BC 41 Oct 1, TM 55535: St. Memphis 19, 13 [e]: Pr-hn-Ỉnpw, '[overseer of secrets] of (the) House of
Ptah / (the) Hephaisteion (of / in) (the) necropolis / Resi-tjaou, of (the) Serapeum, of (the)
House of Osiris (of / in) Rout-isout (and) of (the) Anoubieion'
BC 33 Jul 26, TM 55516: St. Memphis 22, 5 [g]: Pr-Ỉnpw, 'overseer of secrets (in) (the) Serapeum,
(the) House of Osiris (of / in) Rout-isout and (the) Domain of Anoubis / (the) Anoubieion'
Anthropophagoi (8511)
G Ἀνθρωποφάγοι E pȝ tš n ny-wm-rm? Var.: Anthropophagoi ('Man-eaters') (Androphagoi) Ethnic:
Status: people; region: tesh Country: Tanzania?; Admin.: in Aethiopia
Rep.: Dizionario I 2, p. 37; p. 43
Sources: (?) AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 20, 3
[c]: pȝ tš n ny wm-rm, 'My mother Sechmet-Isis comes after me all the way to the land of
Syria, to the hill of the land of Heh, to the district of these cannibals'
Aout? – U04b (11263)
E ȝwt? Var.: Aout?
Status: village? Bibl.: Spiegelberg, P. Brux. Dem. 1, 1908, p. 21; Erichsen, Glossar, 1954, p. 2; CDD ȝ, 2002, p. 13
Sources: BC 154 Dec 30 - 153 Jan 28, TM 43710: P. Brux. Dem. 1 5, col. 1, 5: ȝwṱ?, 'Pechytes the man
of Aout (?) with his brothers'
Apet (10816)
E ȝpt Var.: Apet
Status: region? Ident.: Libya (1252)?
Bibl.: Spiegelberg, P. Cairo 2, 1908, p. 273; Erichsen, Glossar, 1954, p. 4; Zauzich, GM 99 (1987), p.
88; p. 90 (DBL, 2005, p. 136); Zauzich, handout Third demotic conference, 1987; CDD ȝ, 2002, p.
27; Verreth, Northern Sinai, 2006, p. 53
Sources: BC 332 - 200, TM 45958: P. Cairo 2 31168 Ro + P. Cairo 2 31169, (31169) col. 4, 2: ȝpt, in a list
of toponyms
*Aphonte – U01 (8794)
G *Ἀφωντη E ʿfnt Var.: *Aphonte - Afneti E thnic: Aphonteus (Aphontissa)
Status: village Rep.: Dizionario I 2, p. 422 (bis); Bibl.: Spiegelberg, AfP 9 (1930), p. 59-60; Zauzich, P. Berl. Eleph. 1,
1978, no. 13538, p. 2; Pestman, P. L. Bat. 27, 1995, p. 115; CDD ʿ, 2003, p. 59-60 & 66
Sources: (?) BC 399 - 200, TM 46468: P. Berl. Eleph. 1 13538, 18: ˹ʿf<n>ṱ˺, 'weil man es wünschte zu
veranlassen, dass mir die Leute von Aphonte (im Amt) nachfolgen, welche mit mir gestritten
BC 332 - 243, TM 48649: P. BM Andrews 43, 2: [ʿfn]t?, '[... (the) man of] Aphonte Komoapis son of
BC 243 Sep 18 - Oct 17, TM 2731: P. BM Andrews 44, 3 [c]: ʿfnṱ, 'west: the first land of the man of
Aphonte Chahor son of Komoapis'
BC 198 Oct 12 - Nov 10, TM 2531: P. Eheverträge 28, 2 [b]: ʿfnṱ, '(the) man of Aphonte Petosiris'
BC 145 Jan 29, TM 44013: P. Äg. Handschr. 64, descr. [a]?: ʿfnṱ, Esharoeris, 'kalasiris of Aphonte,
who is registered in Syene'
BC 145 Jan 29, TM 44013: P. Äg. Handschr. 64 descr., 9 [a]: ʿfn[ṱ], Peteharoeris, 'kalasiris of
Aphonte, who is registered in Syene'
BC 137 Feb 15, TM 44012: P. Äg. Handschr. 59 descr., 4 [a]: ʿfnt, 'kalasiris of Aphonte, who is
assigned to Syene'
154 BC 137 Feb 15, TM 44012: P. Äg. Handschr. 59 descr., 6 [a]: ʿfnt, 'kalasiris of Aphonte, who is
assigned to Syene'
BC 120 Oct 26, TM 44015: P. Äg. Handschr. 61, descr. [a]: ʿfnṱ, 'kalasiris of Aphonte, who is
registered in Syene'
BC 120 Sep 22 - 119 Sep 21, TM 44014: P. Äg. Handschr. 60 descr., 4 [a]: ʿfnt, 'kalasiris of Aphonte,
who is assigned to Syene'
BC 118 Dec 10, TM 45574: P. Äg. Handschr. 58 descr., 5: ʿfnṱ, 'kalasiris (of) Aphonte'
Aphrodites Dromos – U06 (11604)
G Ἀφροδίτης Δρόμος E Ḫftḥ-n-Ḥw.t-Ḥr - Ḫftḥ-n-Ỉs.t Var.: Aphrodites Dromos ('Dromos of
Aphrodite') - Chefeteh-n-Hathor ('Dromos of Hathor') - Chefeteh-n-Isis ('Dromos of Isis')
Status: sanctuary, road: dromos; chefeteh Loc.: in U06 Tentyris (Dendera) (2312)
Note: one can wonder whether in some instances the actual temple forecourt of the temple of
Dendera is referred to or if the expression is rather to be translated as 'in the sight of Hathor /
Isis'; the latter actually seems the case for Chefeteh-n-Osiris-Onnophris (Short Texts 1 165, 2 &
6 [against CDD Ḫ, 2006, p. 81]) and Chefeteh-n-Horos-Behdeti (Short Texts 1 167, 1)
Bibl.: CDD Ḫ, 2006, p. 80; p. 81
Sources: BC 13 Dec 27, TM 53805: Short Texts 1 161, 9 [b]: Ḫfṱḥ-n-[Ỉs.t], 'the representative of
Caesar Autokrator, the god, the son of the great god who is in Tentyris, for these works which
he has made before Hathor mistress of Tentyris (and) Isis of Per-Djet / (the) House of eternity,
with that court (wbw) he has made in (the) dromos / in (the) sight of [Isis] the great goddess,
towards the south'
BC 13 Dec 27, TM 53807: Short Texts 1 162, 9 [c]: Ḫfṱḥ-[n-Ỉs.t], 'the representative of Caesar
Autokrator, < >, who is in Tentyris, for these works which he has made before Hathor mistress
of Tentyris (and) Isis of Per-djet / (the) House of eternity, with the court (wbw) he has made
in (the) dromos / in (the) sight [of Isis the great goddess, towards the south]'
BC 12 Mar 30, TM 53806: Short Texts 1 163, Dem. 2 [a]: Ḫfṱḥ-n-Ḥw.t-Ḥr, 'Isis ... who is on the dike
(tnỉ) in (the) dromos / in (the) sight of Hathor, mistress of Tentyris, eye of Ra, mistress of the
sky, lady of all the gods' [Greek: who is on the dike (choma) opposite the dromos of Aphrodite]
BC 12 Mar 30, TM 53806: Short Texts 1 163, Dem. 7 [a]: Ḫfṱḥ-n-Ḥw.t-Ḥr, 'unto the canal which is in
(the) dromos / in (the) sight (of) Hathor mistress of Tentyris'
BC 10 Aug 30, TM 52876: Short Texts 1 164, 6 [c]: Ḫfṱḥ, 'in name of the works he has made before
Hathor mistress of Tentyris and Isis of Per-djet / (the) House of eternity, with the dromos he
has made for Isis, the great goddess'
BC 10 Aug 30, TM 52876: Short Texts 1 164, 7: Ḫfṱḥ-n-Ỉs.t, 'may his name remain in (the) dromos /
in (the) sight of Isis, the great goddess'
BC 6 Jan 10, TM 52213: Short Texts 1 166, 1 - 2: Ḫfṱḥ-n-Ỉs.t, 'the great association / cult guild of
Harsomteus, which is established in (the) dromos / in (the) sight of Isis of Per-djet / (the)
House of eternity'
Aphrodites Nesos – U04a (10641)
G Ἀφροδίτης Νῆσος E Tȝ-mȝy.t-n-Ḥw.t-Ḥr Var.: Aphrodites Nesos - T-mai-n-Hathor ('The island of
Status: area: nesos; mai Rep.: Gauthier, Dictionnaire III, 1926, p. 6; Bibl.: Spiegelberg, P. Cairo 2, 1908, p. 149; p. 373; Otto,
Topographie des thebanischen Gaues, 1952, p. 104 no. 2; Vandorpe, Geografische elementen,
1988, p. 90-91; p. 199; CDD M, 2010, p. 18; p. 19
Sources: BC 199 - 30, TM 453: P. Cairo 2 30761, 9: Tȝ-mȝy-Ḥw.t-Ḥr?, descr.: 'In der letzten Zeile ist
"die Insel der Hathor" erwähnt.'
(?) BC 199 - 30, TM 92382: Studies Quaegebeur 1 (OLA 84) p. 372 [Field 31.632-94], descr.: Tȝ-mȝyn-Ḥw.t-Ḥr?, descr.: 'für die Pacht der Hathor-Insel'
BC 178 Sep 16, TM 509: P. Ackerpachtverträge p. 34-35, col. 1, 13 [b]: [Tȝ-mȝ]y-Ḥw.t-Ḥr, '[Ihr habt
uns verpachtet (?) ...] T-mai-n-Hathor'
BC 163 Oct 18, TM 227: P. Ryl. Dem. 15 A + P. Ryl. Gr. 2 248, 2 [c]: Tȝ-mȝy-n-Ḥw.t-Ḥr, 'east: the
northern boundary (?) of T-mai-n-Hathor'
BC 163 Oct 18, TM 228: P. Ryl. Dem. 15 B, 3 [a]: Tȝ-mȝy-Ḥw.t-Ḥr, 'east: the northern boundary (?)
of T-mai-n-Hathor'
BC 162 Oct 3 - 161 Oct 1, TM 192: P. Ackerpachtverträge p. 39-40, 7 [a]: [T]ȝ?-mȝy-Ḥw.t-Ḥr, 'east: ...
155 BC 161 Aug 4, TM 147: Fs. Lüddeckens p. 171-172 & 174, 7 [a]: Tȝ-mȝy-Ḥw.t-Ḥr, 'east: the northern
section (?) of T-mai-n-Hathor, while the ditch is between them'
(?) BC 99 - 30, TM 92380: Studies Quaegebeur 1 (OLA 84) p. 372 [BM 30323], descr.: [Tȝ-mȝy-n]Ḥw.t-Ḥr?, descr.: 'für die Pacht der Hathor-[Insel (?)]'
Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) – U10a (237)
G Ἀφροδιτώ - Ἀφροδίτης Πόλις L Veneris E Pr-Wȝḏy.t (Pr-Wt) Var.: Aphrodito (Aphrodites Polis Aphrodites Kome) - Per-Wadjit (Pi-Edjo - 'House of (the goddess) Wadjit') - Kom Ishgau (Kom
Ischqau - Kom Ishqaw) - sites including the monastery of Apollon E thnic: Aphroditopolites
Status: village: kome; city: metropolis Admin.: in some periods belonging to the U12 Antaiopolites
Loc.: on the western Nile bank opposite U12 Antaiopolis (188)
Ident.: cf. also U10a Aphroditopolites (4226)
Rep.: Dizionario I 2, p. 31 (s.v. Anatolike) (?); p. 287; p. 302-414 (7); p. 446 (7); Suppl. 1, p. 72 (7); p. 72
(2); Suppl. 2, p. 31 (7); Suppl. 3, p. 22-23 (7); Suppl. 4, p. 43 (7); Timm, p. 1438-1461; Bibl.:
Gardiner, AEO 2, 1947, p. 55*-62* no. 362; Jasnow / Zauzich, Book of Thoth, 2005, p. 343; Maps:
Baines / Malek, Atlas, 2002, p. 109 Sources: AD 1 - 199, TM 69431: Jasnow / Zauzich, Book of Thoth p. 139-496 no. L01, col. 2, 9 (p.
340): ˹Pr-Wt˺, 'A vulture which eats of a bull, while its young rejoices (?) in its ... It is
Aphroditopolis – 00c (233)
G Ἀφροδίτης Πόλις E Pr-nb.t-Tp-ỉḥ.w Var.: Aphroditopolis (Aphrodites Polis) - Aphrodites Kome Per-nebet-Tep-ihou ('House (of) (the) mistress (of) Aphroditopolis (sc. of Hathor)')
Status: village: kome; demi; polis Loc.: near 00c Mouchis (1396), 00c Eleusis (624)
Note: attested from the 3rd century BC till the 3rd century AD; not identical with 00 Tep-tawi
(11437) as suggested by Yoyotte
Rep.: Dizionario I 2, p. 299 (4 c & d); p. 421; Suppl. 1, p. 71 (4 c & d); Suppl. 2, p. 31 (4 c & d); Suppl. 3,
p. 22 (4 c & d); Suppl. 4, p. 43 (4 c); P. Tebt. 2, 1907, p. 371-372 (2); Bibl.: Yoyotte, BIFAO 61
(1962), p. 111-114; Beinlich, Das Buch vom Fayum, 1991, p. 175 n. 3; Clarysse, Fayyum meeting
(Pap. Lup. 14), 2005, p. 74
Sources: BC 230 Nov 17, TM 41494: P. Vind. Barbara 39 ined. (information Clarysse), Vo 7: Pr-nb.tTp-ỉḥ.w, a brewer from Aphrodites Polis receives 82 1/2 artabai barley (krithe), another from
Mouchis 163 1/3 artabai; this suggests that Aphrodites Polis was smaller than Mouchis
BC 230 Dec 14, TM 41495: P. Vind. Barbara 41 ined. (information Clarysse), Vo 5: Pr-nb.t-Tp-ỉḥ.w,
'Petesouchos for Aphrodites Polis'; a brewer from Aphrodites Polis receives 41 1/6 artabai
barley (krithe), another from Mouchis 81 5/6 artabai; this suggests that Aphrodites Polis was
smaller than Mouchis
BC 229 Jul 16, TM 41493: P. Vind. Barbara 38 ined. (information Clarysse), Vo 7: Pr-nb.t-Tp-ỉḥ.w,
'Petesouchos son of Paubastis for (?) Aphrodites Polis'; a brewer from Aphrodites Polis
receives 45 2/3 artabai barley, another from Mouchis 184 1/2 artabai; this suggests that
Aphrodites Polis was smaller than Mouchis
BC 226 Oct 19 - Nov 17, TM 41497: P. Vind. Barbara 4 ined. (information Clarysse), 12: Pr-nb.t-Tpỉḥ[.w], 'Aphroditopolis'; brewer
Aphroditopolis (Atfih) – U22 (236)
G Ἀφροδίτης Πόλις L Afrodito - Affrodito E Tp-ỉḥ.w (Tp-ỉḥ - Tp-nȝ-ỉḥ.w - Pr-nb.t-Tp-ỉḥ.w) - Pȝ-w C
ⲧⲡⲏϩ Var.: Aphroditopolis (Aphrodites Polis - Aphrodito) - Tep-ihou ('Best (of) (the) cattle') Per-nebet-Tep-ihou ('House (of) (the) mistress (of) Aphroditopolis (sc. of Hathor)') - P-ou ('The
divine bark') - Atfih E thnic: Aphroditopolites
Status: city: polis Loc.: on the eastern Nile bank
Ident.: L01? Hathernebthphei (8328)?; cf. also U22 Aphroditopolites (2724)
Note: obsolete readings: Pȝ-wtn; Ḫʿ-rṱ
Rep.: Dizionario I 2, p. 292-297 (3); p. 414-421 (1-3); Suppl. 1, p. 71 (3); p. 72 (4); p. 72 (1); Suppl. 2, p.
31 (4); Suppl. 3, p. 22 (3); p. 23 (4); Suppl. 4, p. 43 (3); p. 43 (4); Timm, p. 251-256; p. 347-348;
Bibl.: Erichsen, Glossar, 1954, p. 627; Grieshammer, LÄ I, 1975, col. 519; Vandorpe,
156 Geografische elementen, 1988, p. 74; CDD P, 2010, p. 14; p. 95; Maps: Baines / Malek, Atlas, 2002,
p. 121 Sources: BC 399 - 300, TM 56124: P. Saqqara Dem. 1 2 (p. 72-74 & 109-111 & 127-128), Vo col. x+1, 1:
˹Tp-nȝ-ỉḥ˺, 'O Hathor the great, mistress of Aphroditopolis, the great goddess'
BC 399 - 300, TM 56124: P. Saqqara Dem. 1 2 (p. 72-74 & 109-111 & 127-128), Vo col. x+1, 2: ˹Tpỉḥ.w˺, 'Who (else) is wont to listen to the voice of the [ ] of Aphroditopolis, in whose heart
there is no darkness?'
BC 251 Aug 21 - Sep 19, TM 2308: P. Zen. Dem. 6, a 2 - 3: Tp-[ỉḥ], 'the servant of Hathor mistress of
BC 251 Aug 21 - Sep 19, TM 2308: P. Zen. Dem. 6, a 5: Tp-ỉḥ, 'the servant of Hathor mistress of
BC 251 Aug 21 - Sep 19, TM 2308: P. Zen. Dem. 6, b 6: [Tp-ỉḥ], 'the servant of Hathor mistress of
BC 251 Aug 21 - Sep 19, TM 2308: P. Zen. Dem. 6, b 9: [Tp-ỉḥ], 'the servant of Hathor mistress of
BC 250 - 220, TM 48875: P. Chronik Ro, p. 9-13 + Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten
(OLA 107) p. 65-111, col. 3, 15 [a]: Pr-nb-Tp-ỉḥ, 'Fröhlich wird ihr - der (Göttin) von
Aphroditopolis - Herz sein.'
BC 250 - 220, TM 48875: P. Chronik Ro, p. 9-13 + Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten
(OLA 107) p. 65-111, col. 3, 15 [b]: Pr-nb-Tp-ỉḥ, 'Isis, die die Herrin von Aphroditopolis ist.'
BC 244 Oct 23 - Nov 21, TM 8523: Studies Griffith p. 153-156 & 160, a (witness copy 4) intr.: Tp-ỉḥ.t,
'Horos ... merchant and servant of [ ] mistress of Aphroditopolis (and) the great goddess'
BC 244 Oct 23 - Nov 21, TM 8523: Studies Griffith p. 153-156 & 160, b (witness copy 2) intr.: Tp-ỉḥ.t,
'Peteesis ... merchant and servant of Hathor mistress of Aphroditopolis and of Isis the great
BC 223 Mar 17 - Apr 15, TM 4480: P. Lille Dem. 2 50, 4: Tp-ỉḥ.t, '(the) pastophoros of Hathor
mistress of Aphroditopolis, the great goddess, Petosiris'
BC 199 Jan 10 - Feb 8, TM 2891: P. Eheverträge p. 148-150 no. 4 D + P. Eheverträge p. 150-152 no. 4
Z, (4 D) 1: Tp-n-ỉḥ.t, 'Hathor mistress of Aphroditopolis'
BC 199 Jan 10 - Feb 8, TM 2891: P. Eheverträge p. 148-150 no. 4 D + P. Eheverträge p. 150-152 no. 4
Z, (4 Z) 2: Tp-n-ỉḥ.t, 'Hathor mistress of Aphroditopolis'
BC 186 Dec 19 about, TM 44490: P. Eheverträge 30 + Acta Orientalia 23 (1958), p. 123-124 no. B, (P.
Ehe.) 2 [d]: Tp-ỉḥ.t, 'Hathor mistress of Aphroditopolis'
BC 175 Oct 6 - 174 Oct 5, TM 43081: Fs. 150 Berlin p. 335-336, 6 [a]: [Tp-nȝ-ỉḥ], 'Hathor mistress of
BC 175 Oct 6 - 174 Oct 5, TM 43081: Fs. 150 Berlin p. 335-336, 6 [b]: Tp-ỉḥ, 'Hathor mistress of
BC 175 Oct 6 - 174 Oct 5, TM 43081: Fs. 150 Berlin p. 335-336, 7: Tp-nȝ-ỉḥ, 'trustee, servant of
Hathor mistress of Aphroditopolis and Isis the great goddess'
BC 99 - 1, TM 55851: Erichsen, Demotische Erzählung p. 57-62, col. 2, 1 [b]: Pȝ-w ḏd Pr-nb-Tp-ỉḥ,
'(toponyms including) Per-djou, P-ou / The divine bark alias Aphroditopolis, ...'
AD 1 - 199, TM 69431: Jasnow / Zauzich, Book of Thoth p. 139-496 no. L01, col. 2, 21 (p. 341): Pr-nbTp-˹ỉḥ.t˺, 'A vulture which is grieved with sorrow, while its young [ ] face. It is Aphroditopolis.'
AD 75 - 125, TM 56119: Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten (OLA 107) p. 229 [424], 6
[a]: Pr-nb.t-Ṱp-ỉḥ, 'I am sad because of the (terrible) things that have happened to Peteesis son
of Hergeus, the skilled sculptor of Aphroditopolis, in the temple of Sebennytos.'
Apias – 00b (240)
G Ἀπιάς E Pȝ-ʿ.wy-n-Pa-Ḥp - Pȝ-ʿ.wy-n-Ḥp Var.: Apias - P-awi-n-Pa-Hep ('The place of Paapis / The
one of Apis') - P-awi-n-Apis ('The place of Apis')
Status: village: kome; demi Loc.: near 00b Archelais (290), 00b Euhemereia (675), 00b Herakleia (772), 00b Lysimachis (1275),
00b Pelousion (1661), 00b Psenhyris (1957), 00a Sebennytos (2103), 00b Sentrempais (2122), 00b
Trikomia (2470); seems to have incorporated the nearby 00b Philopator Apiados (1775) in the
early Roman period
Note: the Greek name Apias is derived from the demoticon L00 Apieus (8917), but in the Egyptian
translation the name is linked to the Egyptian god Apis
Rep.: Dizionario I 2, p. 13 (s.v. Amia); p. 139-142; p. 438 (?); Suppl. 1, p. 44; Suppl. 2, p. 21; Suppl. 3, p.
18; Suppl. 4, p. 17; Wessely, Topographie, 1904, p. 37-38; P. Tebt. 2, 1907, p. 358; p. 368; Bibl.: de
157 Cenival, P. Lille Dem. 2, 1973, p. 122; p. 221; Rübsam, Götter und Kulte in Faijum, 1974, p. 57;
Battaglia, Aegyptus 62 (1982), p. 124-135; Hobson, Aegyptus 62 (1982), p. 80-123; Vandorpe,
Geografische elementen, 1988, p. 37; Mueller, Settlements of the Ptolemies, 2006, p. 27; CDD P,
2010, p. 9-10
Sources: BC 299 - 200, TM 44438: Fs. Lüddeckens p. 19 (P. Lille Dem. 114), 2: Pȝ-ʿ.wy-n-Pa-Ḥp,
'Request by Paesis son of Pakep, the intendant (?) of Apias, to Tesenouphis son of Tchaenimou,
the head (of) the group (sc. the chief of the local police?)'
BC 229 Oct 19 - 228 Oct 18?, TM 45788: Livre du centenaire 1880-1980 (MIFAO 104) p. 195-203 (= P.
Lille Dem. 110), col. 1, 4: Pȝ-ʿ.wy-Pa-Ḥp, 'fields of Apias: grain [ ]'; taxes on land
BC 229 Oct 19 - 228 Oct 18?, TM 45788: Livre du centenaire 1880-1980 (MIFAO 104) p. 195-203 (= P.
Lille Dem. 110), col. 3, 7: Pȝ-ʿ.wy-n-Ḥp, 'fields of Apias: [ ] 24 (?) (artabai)'; taxes on land
BC 229 Oct 19 - 228 Oct 18?, TM 45788: Livre du centenaire 1880-1980 (MIFAO 104) p. 195-203 (= P.
Lille Dem. 110), col. 4, 10: Pȝ-ʿ.wy-Pa-Ḥp, 'fields of Apis: [ ]'; taxes on land
BC 226 Feb 16 - Mar 17, TM 4484: P. Lille Dem. 2 54, 3: Pȝ-ʿ.wy-n-Pa-Ḥp, '(the) farmer of Apias
Pangosbis son of Pais, his mother (being) Tay-nehemes'
BC 226 Feb 16 - Mar 17, TM 4484: P. Lille Dem. 2 54, 8: Pȝ-ʿ.wy-n-Pa-Ḥp, 'Marres son of Alelis and
Somenouphis son of Temonthes, the bleachers of the warehouse (pr-ḥḏ) (of) Apias and P-awin-Imouthes'
BC 224 Mar 17 - Apr 15, TM 4423: P. Lille Dem. 2 34, B 3: Pȝ-ʿ.wy-n-Pa-Ḥp, '(the) royal farmer
(basilikos georgos) of (the) village of Apias, Inaroys'
BC 224 Mar 17 - Apr 15, TM 4423: P. Lille Dem. 2 34, B 6: Pȝ-ʿ.wy-n-Pa-Ḥp, 'Heregebtis son of Ragep the brewer (of) Apias'
BC 224 Mar 17 - Apr 15, TM 4424: P. Lille Dem. 2 36, B 6: Pȝ-ʿ.wy-n-Ḥp, surety document for
'Heregebthis son of Ra-gep, the brewer of Apias'
BC 224 Mar 17 - Apr 15, TM 4425: P. Lille Dem. 2 37, B 3: Pȝ-ʿ.wy-n-Ḥp, 'the shepherd of (the)
village of Apias Petosiris'
BC 224 Mar 17 - Apr 15, TM 4425: P. Lille Dem. 2 37, B 7: Pȝ-ʿ.wy-n-Ḥp, surety document for
'Heregebthis son of Ra-gep, the brewer of Apias'
BC 224 Mar 17 - Apr 15, TM 4426: P. Lille Dem. 2 38 + P. Lille Gr. 4 38 ined. (information Clarysse), B
3: Pȝ-ʿ.wy-n-Ḥp, 'the farmer (?) of (the) village of Apias Bel'
BC 224 Mar 17 - Apr 15, TM 4426: P. Lille Dem. 2 38 + P. Lille Gr. 4 38 ined. (information Clarysse), B
7: Pȝ-ʿ.wy-n-Ḥp, surety document for 'Heregebthis son of Ra-gep, the brewer of Apias'
BC 224 Mar 17 - Apr 15, TM 4427: P. Lille Dem. 2 55, B 3: Pȝ-ʿ.wy-n-Ḥp, 'the royal farmer of (the)
village of Apias Horos'
BC 224 Mar 17 - Apr 15, TM 4427: P. Lille Dem. 2 55, B 7: Pȝ-ʿ.wy-n-Ḥp, surety document for
'Heregebthis son of Ra-gep, the brewer of Apias'
BC 224 Mar 17 - Apr 15, TM 4434: P. Lille Dem. 2 p. 256 no. 1200 descr. + P. Lille Dem. 2 p. 255-256
no. 1238 descr., (1238 B) 8: Pȝ-ʿ.wy-Pa-Ḥp, 'Petechonsis son of Imouthes the topogrammateus
of Apis'
Apieion – L01 (10880)
G Ἀπιεῖον - Ἀπιδεῖον E Tȝ-s.t-n-Ḥp - Tȝ-s.t-Ḥp-ʿnḫ? (Ḥw.t-Ḥp-ʿnḫ?) Var.: Apieion (Apideion - Apeion
- Apieum) - T-set-n-Apis ('The place of Apis') - T-set-n-Apis-anch ('The place of (the) living
Status: sanctuary, building Loc.: in L01 Memphis (1344)
Rep.: Dizionario Suppl. 1, p. 45; Bibl.: P. Oxy. 31, 1966, p. 131; Devauchelle, P. Zauzich, 2004, p. 102
Sources: BC 353 May 25, TM 51560: Lloyd (ed.), Studies J. Gwyn Griffiths p. 208 & 221 [70/2], descr.
[a]: Tȝ-s.t-n-Ḥp?, 'while the living Apis of (the cow) Ahiroudj was in the Apieion'
BC 332 - 30, TM 117988: Brugsch, Thesaurus 5 p. 978 no. 17, descr.: Tȝ-s.t-n-Ḥp?, 'dem Jahre 11 des
lebenden Apis von der Kuh Ta-Renni, des Apis vom Apieion'
BC 332 - 30, TM 117989: Brugsch, Thesaurus 5 p. 979 no. 18, descr.: Tȝ-s.t-n-Ḥp?, 'dem Jahre 11 des
lebenden Apis von der Kuh Ta-Renni des lebenden Apis im Apieion'
BC 332 - 30, TM 118019: Brugsch, Thesaurus 5 p. 987 no. 59, descr. [a]: Tȝ-s.t-n-Ḥp?, 'Für den
lebenden Apis von der Kuh Ta-Ourmera des Apieion hatte man geöffnet das Serapeum im
Jahre 3 ...'
BC 329 Jul 9, TM 51571: Lloyd (ed.), Studies J. Gwyn Griffiths p. 211 & 218-219 & 224-225 [70/12],
descr. [a]: Tȝ-s.t-Ḥp?, 'while the living Apis ... was in the Apieion until eternity'
BC 329 Jun 26, TM 51569: Lloyd (ed.), Studies J. Gwyn Griffiths p. 211 & 222 [70/18], descr. [a]: <Tȝs.t-Ḥp>, 'while the living Apis was <in the Apieion>'
158 BC 327 May 12, TM 51574: Lloyd (ed.), Studies J. Gwyn Griffiths p. 211-212 & 222 [70/11], descr.:
Tȝ-s.t-Ḥp, 'while the living Apis was (in) the Apieion'
BC 308 Jun 6, TM 51579: Lloyd (ed.), Studies J. Gwyn Griffiths p. 213 & 223 [70/58], descr. [a]: Tȝs.t-Ḥp, 'while the living Apis of (the cow) Taoueris (?) was (in) the Apieion'
BC 252 Feb 22 - Mar 23, TM 99558: Brugsch, Thesaurus 5 p. 972-973 no. 1, 3 [a]: Tȝ-s.t-n-Ḥp?, 'dem
Apis-Lebensjahre 3 des lebenden Apis vom Apieion.'
(?) BC 252 Feb 22 - Mar 23, TM 99558: Brugsch, Thesaurus 5 p. 972-973 no. 1, 3 [b]: Tȝ-s.t-n-Ḥp?, 'Es
ward geöffnet die Apis-Grabstätte (sc. the Apieion?) im Jahre 32'
(?) BC 252 Feb 22 - Mar 23, TM 99558: Brugsch, Thesaurus 5 p. 972-973 no. 1, 4: Tȝ-s.t-n-Ḥp-ʿnḫ?,
'die Arbeit an dem Grabgewölbe des lebenden Apis von der Kuh Ta-Renni für den lebenden
Apis des Tempels des lebenden Apis.'
BC 252 Jul 22 - Aug 20, TM 52188: MDAIK 50 (1994), p. 44-45 & pl. 3 a, 7: Tȝ-s.t-Ḥp, 'Man verrichtete
Arbeit in der Grabkammer des Apis des lebenden Apis von Ta-Renni (in) der Stätte des Apis
(sc. the Apieion)'
BC 247 Jan 8, TM 101245: Brugsch, Thesaurus 5 p. 971 no. 6, 7: Tȝ-s.t-n-Ḥp?, 'für den lebenden Apis
des Apieion.'
BC 229 Apr 17 - May 16, TM 48877: EVO 17 (1994), p. 109-110, 3: Tȝ-s.t-Ḥp, 'when the living Apis
was in the Apieion'
BC 214 May 13, TM 51590: Lloyd (ed.), Studies J. Gwyn Griffiths p. 215 & 224 [70/4], descr. [a]: Tȝs.t-Ḥp, 'while the living Apis was (in) the Apieion'
BC 196 Mar 27, TM 8809: I. Prose 16 + Sacr. Decr. Memphis Ros. (p. 258-271), Dem. 19 [b]: Tȝ-s-Ḥp,
'he gave much gold, silver, grain, and other items for the Apieion; he had it adorned with new
work as very fine work'
BC 191 Mar 9 - Apr 7?, TM 99560: Brugsch, Thesaurus 5 p. 977 no. 7, descr. [c]: Tȝ-s.t-n-Ḥp?, 'des
lebenden Apis von der Kuh Tamounis aus dem Apieion.'
BC 191 - 190, TM 117982: Brugsch, Thesaurus 5 p. 977 no. 9, descr.: Tȝ-s.t-n-Ḥp?, 'des Apis
(nämlich), welcher im Apieion lebt'
BC 189 Mar 16, TM 118040: ZÄS 22 (1884), p. 128 no. 11, descr. [c]: Tȝ-s.t-n-Ḥp?, 'für den lebenden
Apis von der Kuh Tamounis im Apieion.'
BC 176 - 164 about?, TM 117990: Brugsch, Thesaurus 5 p. 979 no. 19, descr.: Tȝ-s.t-n-Ḥp?, 'für den
lebenden Apis von der Kuh Ta-Renni im Apieion.'
BC 175 Aug 2 - 31, TM 54408: MDAIK 49 (1993), p. 73-74, 2 [b]: Tȝ-s.t-Ḥp, 'des lebenden Apis, die
Stätte des Apis (sc. the Apieion)'
BC 175 Aug 2 - 31, TM 54409: MDAIK 49 (1993), p. 75, 3: Tȝ-s.t-Ḥp, 'Man verrichtete Arbeit in der
Grabkammer des lebenden Apis von Ta-Renni in der Stätte des Apis (sc. the Apieion)'
BC 175 Aug 8, TM 54410: MDAIK 49 (1993), p. 77-79, 2 [b]: Tȝ-s.t-Ḥp, 'Man verrichtete Arbeit in der
Grabkammer des lebenden Apis von Ta-Renni, des lebenden Apis von T-Renni, in der Stätte
des Apis (sc. the Apieion)'
BC 173 Jul 8, TM 54407: MDAIK 49 (1993), p. 71, 3: Tȝ-s.t-Ḥp, 'des lebenden Apis, die Stätte des Apis
(sc. the Apieion)'
BC 170 - 153, TM 55719: Farid, Fünf Stelen p. 4 no. I, 1, 3: Tȝ-s.t-n-Ḥp, 'Man verrichtete die Arbeit
an dem Grabgewölbe des (lebenden) Apis von T-Renni für den lebenden Apis von Ta-Renni,
die Stätte des Apis (sc. the Apieion)'
BC 166 Oct 4 - 165 Oct 2, TM 51431: OrAnt 6 (1967), p. 27-28 no. 1, b 4: Tȝ-s.t-Ḥp, '... lavorarono alla
cripta dell' Apis vivente per l' Apis vivente, nell' Apieion'
BC 164 May 31 - Jun 29, TM 58027: Farid, Fünf Stelen p. 9 no. I, 2, 2: Tȝ-s.t-Ḥp, 'des lebenden Apis
von Ta-Renni, die Stätte des Apis (sc. the Apieion).'
BC 157 Mar 5, TM 89083: Barbotin, La voix des hiéroglyphes p. 72 no. 38 A, 4: Tȝ-s.t-n-Ḥp, 'tandis
que l'on fait le travail dans le caveau d' Apis et qu' Apis vivant (né) de Tahyris est dans le
Sanctuaire-d' Apis (sc. the Apieion)'
BC 157 Apr 27, TM 51432: OrAnt 6 (1967), p. 29-30 no. 2, 3 - 4: Tȝ-s.t-Ḥp, '... lavorarono alla cripta
dell' Apis vivente per l' Apis vivente, nell' Apieion'
BC 151 Sep 12, TM 117999: Brugsch, Thesaurus 5 p. 982 no. 29, descr. [c]: Tȝ-s.t-n-Ḥp?, 'für den
lebenden Apis im Apieion.'
BC 131 Feb 18, TM 99561: Brugsch, Thesaurus 5 p. 982 no. 31, descr. [b]: Tȝ-s.t-n-Ḥp?, '... hat man
gebaut an dem Grabgewölbe des lebenden Apis von Apieion.'
BC 131 Apr 20, TM 99563: Brugsch, Thesaurus 5 p. 982 no. 32, descr. [b]: Tȝ-s.t-n-Ḥp?, 'hat man
gebaut an dem Grabgewölbe des Apis für den lebenden Apis von der Kuh Gerget, den grossen
Gott, des Apieion.'
159 BC 102 Apr 21, TM 56563: P. Zauzich 9, 23 [b]: Tȝ-s.t-Ḥp, 'l'an 17 d' Apis vivant, (né de) Gerget, qui
est issu de Pa-hetep, Apis vivant étant dans la Place-d' Apis (sc. the Apieion)'
BC 102 Apr 21, TM 56563: P. Zauzich 9, Cintre 2: Tȝ-s.t-Ḥp, 'l'an 17 (d') Apis vivant, (né de) Gerget,
qui est issu de Pa-hetep, Apis vivant étant dans la Place-d' Apis (sc. the Apieion)'
BC 100 Jan 26, TM 118043: ZÄS 24 (1886), p. 28 no. 36, descr. [c]: Tȝ-s.t-n-Ḥp?, 'hat man gebaut an
dem Grabgewölbe des lebenden Apis von der Kuh Gerget des Apieion.'
BC 99 Aug 22?, TM 118004: Brugsch, Thesaurus 5 p. 983 no. 40, descr. [b]: Tȝ-s.t-n-Ḥp?, 'des
lebenden Apis ..., des Gottes, welcher lebt im Apieion'
BC 98 - 97, TM 118007: Brugsch, Thesaurus 5 p. 984 no. 43, descr. [c]: Tȝ-s.t-n-Ḥp?, 'hat man für
den lebenden Apis das Apieion an dem Grabgewölbe gebaut.'
BC 98 Sep 17 - 97 Sep 15, TM 51434: OrAnt 6 (1967), p. 38-39 no. 5, 5: Tȝ-s.t-Ḥp, '... lavorarono alla
cripta dell' Apis (figlio di) Gerget, nell' Apieion'
BC 97 Sep 16 - 96 Sep 15, TM 55321: MDAIK 53 (1997), p. 25-26, 4: [Tȝ-s.t-Ḥp], '(the) living Apis of
(the cow) Gerget in the Apieion'
BC 86 Feb 27, TM 118009: Brugsch, Thesaurus 5 p. 985 no. 47, descr.: Tȝ-s.t-n-Ḥp?, 'in das
Grabgewölbe des Apis von der Kuh Ta-Ikesh für den lebenden Apis des Apieion.'
(?) BC 76 Apr 28, TM 55540: St. Memphis 17, 6: nȝ Ḥw.t.w-Ḥp-ʿnḫ, 'scribe in the Mansions of the
Living Apis'
(?) BC 42 Feb 15, TM 55511: St. Memphis 21, 5 [e]: [S.t?]-Ḥp-ʿnḫ, 'warden of (the) Seat of (the)
Living Apis'
(?) BC 42 Feb 15, TM 55511: St. Memphis 21, 13 [e]: S.t-Ḥp-ʿnḫ, 'warden of (the) Seat of (the) Living
(?) BC 42 Feb 15, TM 55511: St. Memphis 21, 15 [b]: Ḥw.t-Ḥp-ʿnḫ, 'in command of (the) Mansion of
the Living Apis'
BC 42 Sep 3 - 41 Sep 1, TM 51593: Lloyd (ed.), Studies J. Gwyn Griffiths p. 216 & 224 [70/52], descr.
[b]: Tȝ-s.t-Ḥp, 'while the Apis of (the cow) T-laboi was (in) the Apieion'
(?) BC 41 Oct 1, TM 55535: St. Memphis 19, 10: S.t-Ḥp-[ʿnḫ], 'warden of (the) Seat of (the) Living
(?) BC 41 Oct 1, TM 55535: St. Memphis 19, 11 [b]: Ḥw.t-Ḥp-ʿnḫ, 'in command of (the) Mansion of
the Living Apis'
(?) BC 41 Oct 1, TM 55535: St. Memphis 19, 15 - 16: S.t-Ḥp-ʿnḫ, 'warden of (the) Seat of (the) Living
Apis (Luxor) – U04b (2985)
G Ἀπις - Ὠφιεῖον - Ὠφιῆον - Τὰ Τρία Κάστρα L Ophieu E Ỉp.t-rsy.t (Ỉp.t - Ỉpy - Ipw) C ⲧⲡⲟⲗⲓⲥ ⲁⲡⲉ ⲧⲡⲟⲗⲓⲥ ⲡⲁⲡⲉ - ⲡϣⲟⲙⲧ ⲛⲕⲁⲥⲧⲣⲟⲛ Var.: Apis ('(The) adyton') - Ophieion (Ophieon Oupheion) - Ouphis - Luxor
Status: village; later quarter Loc.: Luxor, south of U04b Dios Polis (576)
Ident.: cf. also U04b T-mai-n-Apis (11367), U04b Pestenemenophis (6533)
Note: new reading in P. Zauzich 26, 3 (no toponym; cf. Vleeming in DBL add. 1, 2007, p. 53)
Rep.: Dizionario I 2, p. 143-145 [b]; III, p. 402; V, p. 182; Suppl. 2, p. 248; Suppl. 3, p. 18 (2); p. 167;
Gauthier, Dictionnaire I, 1925, p. 66; p. 66-67; Bibl.: Erichsen, Lesestücke II.2, 1940, p. 198;
Gardiner, AEO 2, 1947, p. 24*-26* no. 335-336; Erichsen, Aegyptus 32 (1952), p. 10-32;
Quaegebeur, L'Égyptologie en 1979, 1982, I, p. 268; Vandorpe, Geografische elementen, 1988, p.
20-24 (no. 1); p. 87; Palme, Tyche, 4 (1989), p. 126; Vandorpe, P. L. Bat. 27, 1995, p. 218-221(no.
1-2); Heilporn, O. Strasb. 2, 2009, p. 42; p. 54-65
Sources: BC 535 Sep 1 - 30, TM 46134: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 20, 11 [b]: Ipw, 'the god's father of
(the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis'
(?) BC 399 - 200, TM 46596: P. Äg. Handschr. 233 descr., descr. [c]: Ỉpy?, descr.: 'Der Absender
berichtet davon, dass jemand Hagräer und Leute von Apis / Luxor (?) hat kommen lassen und
viele von ihnen (?) getötet hat.'
BC 396 Oct 26 - Nov 24, TM 48876: P. Notice 124 (p. 471), descr. [a]: Ỉpy, 'Amon of Apis /
Amenophis, give life to ... He stays before (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis forever'
BC 396 Oct 26 - Nov 24, TM 48876: P. Notice 124 (p. 471), descr. [b]: Ỉpy, 'Amon of Apis /
Amenophis, give life to ... He stays before (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis forever'
BC 337 Jan 15 - Feb 13, TM 46108: P. Eheverträge 9 + P. Libbey p. 2, 1 [a]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of
(the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
160 BC 335 Jan 14 - Feb 12, TM 46113: RdE 18 (1966), p. 12-16, A 1 [a]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of (the
god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 335 Jan 14 - Feb 12, TM 46113: RdE 18 (1966), p. 12-16, A 2 [a]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of (the
god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 335 Jan 14 - Feb 12, TM 46113: RdE 18 (1966), p. 12-16, D 1 [a]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of (the
god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 332 - 200, TM 45958: P. Cairo 2 31168 Ro + P. Cairo 2 31169, (31169) col. 8, 12: Ỉpy, '(the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis'
BC 332 - 200, TM 45958: P. Cairo 2 31168 Ro + P. Cairo 2 31169, (31169) col. 8, 13: Ỉpy, '(the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis lord of [ ]'
BC 332 - 200, TM 45958: P. Cairo 2 31168 Ro + P. Cairo 2 31169, (31169) col. 8, 14: Ỉpy, '(the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis lord of [ ]'
BC 332 - 200, TM 45958: P. Cairo 2 31168 Ro + P. Cairo 2 31169, (31169) col. 8, 15: Ỉpy, '(the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis [ ]'
BC 332 - 30, TM 53634: Graff. Med. Habu 108, 2: Ỉpy, '(the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis'
BC 332 - 30, TM 53756: Graff. Med. Habu 225, 2: Ỉpy, '(the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis'
BC 332 - 30, TM 53760: Graff. Med. Habu 229, 10: Ỉpy, '(the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis'
BC 332 - 30, TM 53761: Graff. Med. Habu 230, 6: Ỉpy, '(the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis'
BC 314 Jul 8 - Aug 6, TM 43416: P. Phil. Dem. 2, 3 [a]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 305 May 8, TM 51008: Graff. Med. Habu 235, 2: Ỉpy, '(the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis'
BC 302 Nov 7 - Dec 6, TM 43905: P. Phil. Dem. 5, 1 [a]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 301 Oct 2 - 31, TM 43906: P. Phil. Dem. 6, 6 [a]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis
/ Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 293 Mar 4 - Apr 2, TM 44084: Reports of the Soviet delegations at the Xth International
Congress of Historical Science in Rome p. 40-42, 2 [d]: Ipy?, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 293 Mar 4 - Apr 2, TM 44085: Reports of the Soviet delegations at the Xth International
Congress of Historical Science in Rome p. 43-44, 2 [d]: Ipy?, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 292 Jun 2 - Jul 1, TM 46112: P. Schreibertrad. 5, 1 [a]: [Ipy], '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 288 Sep 29 - Oct 28, TM 8524: P. BM Glanville p. 29-33 no. 10526, 3 [a]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of
(the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 288 Sep 29 - Oct 28, TM 8525: P. BM Glanville p. 30-33 no. 10527, 2 [f]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of
(the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 287 Jan 2 - 31, TM 43794: P. Phil. Dem. 7, 1 [a]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis
/ Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 287 Jan 2 - 31, TM 43903: P. Phil. Dem. 8, 1 [b]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis
/ Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 284 May 1 - 30, TM 43777: P. Ryl. Dem. 11, A 2 [d]: Ipy, 'the house of the pastophoros of (the
god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 284 May 1 - 30, TM 43777: P. Ryl. Dem. 11, A 2 [f]: Ipy, 'the house of the pastophoros of (the
god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 282 Mar 2 - 31, TM 43509: P. Phil. Dem. 10, 1 [a]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 282 Mar 2 - 31, TM 43509: P. Phil. Dem. 10, 2 [b]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 282 Mar 2 - 31, TM 43509: P. Phil. Dem. 10, 2 [e]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 281 Mar 1 - 30, TM 46097: P. Phil. Dem. 11, 1 [a]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 281 Nov 1 - 30, TM 8540: P. Ryl. Dem. 12, A 2 [b]: Ipy, 'the house of the pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 281 Nov 1 - 30, TM 8540: P. Ryl. Dem. 12, A 2 [d]: Ipy, 'the house of the pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 281 Nov 1 - 30, TM 46175: P. Ryl. Dem. 13, A 2 [a]: Ipy, 'the house of the pastophoros of (the
god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
161 BC 281 Nov 1 - 30, TM 46175: P. Ryl. Dem. 13, A 2 [c]: Ipy, 'the house of the pastophoros of (the
god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 281 Nov 1 - 30, TM 46176: P. Ryl. Dem. 14, 1 [c]: Ipy, '(the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis'
BC 277 Jan 30 - Feb 28, TM 46111: P. Schreibertrad. 108, 1 [a]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 276 Jan 29 - Oct 30, TM 46115: P. Bürgsch. p. 756-757 n. 4, 1 [a]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the
god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 276 Oct 31 - 275 Oct 30, TM 118712: P. Lesestücke 2 p. 99-102 + P. Chrestomathie 3 p. 209-214
no. 2437, (P. Lesestücke) 1 [a]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis
in the west of Thebes'
BC 273 Jan 29 - Feb 27, TM 43907: P. Phil. Dem. 13, 1 [a]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon
of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 272 Jan 28 - Feb 26, TM 47616: P. BM Andrews 14, A 1 [a]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 267 Dec 28 - 266 Jan 26, TM 2869: P. Schreibertrad. 11, 1 [a]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 267 Dec 28 - 266 Jan 26, TM 2869: P. Schreibertrad. 11, 4 [b]: Ỉpy, 'the tomb of Harhatres, the
man of Apis / Luxor'
BC 265 Dec 27 - 264 Jan 24, TM 310: P. BM Andrews 1, C 1 [a]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 264 Aug 24 - Sep 4, TM 6193: P. Eheverträge 13 + P. Phil. Dem. 14, (P. Ehe.) 1 [a]: Ỉpy, '(the)
pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 252 Jan 23 - Feb 8, TM 44209: P. Eheverträge 14 + RevEg 5 (1888), p. 90 & pl. 24 [2433] descr., (P.
Ehe.) 1 [a]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of
BC 251 Jun 22 - 23, TM 5715: P. Phil. Dem. 16 + SB 6 8966, Dem. 1 [a]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of (the
god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 249 Mar 23 - Apr 21, TM 2876: P. Schreibertrad. 14 + RevEg 5 (1888), p. 90 & pl. 24 [2443] descr.,
1 [a]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 249 Mar 23 - Apr 21, TM 2876: P. Schreibertrad. 14 + RevEg 5 (1888), p. 90 & pl. 24 [2443] descr.,
8 [a]: Ỉpy, 'the tomb of Harhatres, the man of Apis / Luxor'
BC 245 Apr 21 - May 20, TM 2875: P. Schreibertrad. 109, 1 [a]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 245 Apr 21 - May 20, TM 2875: P. Schreibertrad. 109, 5 [b]: Ỉpy, 'the tomb of Harhatres, the man
of Apis / Luxor'
BC 245 Apr 21 - May 20, TM 2875: P. Schreibertrad. 109, 9 [a]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 243 Jun 20 - Jul 19, TM 2872: P. Schreibertrad. 15, 1 [a]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 243 Jun 20 - Jul 19, TM 2872: P. Schreibertrad. 15, 5 [b]: Ỉpy, 'the tomb of Harhatres, the man of
Apis / Luxor'
BC 241 Jun 19 - Jul 18, TM 47547: P. Phil. Dem. 17, 1 [a]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon
of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 241 Jun 19 - Jul 18, TM 47547: P. Phil. Dem. 17, 2 [a]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon
of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 241 Jun 19 - Jul 18, TM 43776: P. Phil. Dem. 18, 1 [a]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon
of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 241 Jun 19 - Jul 18, TM 43776: P. Phil. Dem. 18, 3 [b]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon
of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 240 Dec 21 - 239 Jan 12, TM 43673: P. Phil. Dem. 19 + SB 6 8967, Dem. 2 [a]: Ỉpy, '(the)
pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 235 Dec 20 - 234 Jan 10, TM 7144: Enchoria 10 (1980), p. 128-133 (298 AS) + SB 1 4511 a, Dem. 1
[a]: Ỉp, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 235 Dec 20 - 234 Jan 10, TM 7144: Enchoria 10 (1980), p. 128-133 (298 AS) + SB 1 4511 a, Dem. 8
[d]: Ỉp, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 235 Dec 20 - 234 Jan 10, TM 7144: Enchoria 10 (1980), p. 128-133 (298 AS) + SB 1 4511 a, Dem. 9
[b]: Ỉp, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 235 Dec 20 - 234 Jan 10, TM 5632: Enchoria 10 (1980), p. 128-133 (299 GBS) + SB 1 4511 b, Dem. 1
[a]: Ỉp, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
162 BC 235 Dec 20 - 234 Jan 10, TM 5632: Enchoria 10 (1980), p. 128-133 (299 GBS) + SB 1 4511 b, Dem. 9
[d]: Ỉp, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 235 Dec 20 - 234 Jan 10, TM 5632: Enchoria 10 (1980), p. 128-133 (299 GBS) + SB 1 4511 b, Dem.
11 [a]: Ỉp, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 234 Aug 17 - Sep 15?, TM 3549: P. Eheverträge 15, 1 [a]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 230 Aug 16 - Sep 14, TM 2724: P. BM Andrews 15, 1 [a]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 230 Aug 16 - Sep 14, TM 2724: P. BM Andrews 15, 2 [a]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 230 Aug 16 - Sep 14, TM 2724: P. BM Andrews 15, 3 [b]: Ỉpy, 'the (burial)-chamber of Pyrrias (?),
the man of Apis / Luxor'
BC 230 Aug 16 - Sep 14, TM 2724: P. BM Andrews 15, 3 [c]: Ỉpy, 'the (burial)-chamber of
Thotorchois son of Pamethis, the man of Apis / Luxor'
BC 230 Aug 16 - Sep 14, TM 2709: ZÄS 109 (1982), p. 167-168 + P. BM Andrews 20, (ZÄS) 1 [a]: Ỉpy,
'(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 230 Aug 16 - Sep 14, TM 2709: ZÄS 109 (1982), p. 167-168 + P. BM Andrews 20, (ZÄS) 1 [c]: Ỉpy,
'(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 230 Aug 16 - Sep 14, TM 2709: ZÄS 109 (1982), p. 167-168 + P. BM Andrews 20, (ZÄS) 3 [b]: Ỉpy,
'<das Grab> des Herrn Piminis von den Leuten aus Apis / Luxor zusammen mit allen Leuten,
die bei ihm sind'
BC 228 Oct 19 - 227 Oct 18, TM 2725: P. BM Reich p. 56-57 no. 10240, 2 (1): Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros
of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 227 Sep 14 - Oct 13, TM 2870: P. Chrestomathie 3 p. 278-287 no. 2425, (p. 278, col. 2) [a]: Ỉpy,
'(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 227 Sep 14 - Oct 13, TM 2870: P. Chrestomathie 3 p. 278-287 no. 2425, (p. 279, col. 2) [a]: Ỉpy,
'(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 227 Sep 14 - Oct 13, TM 2870: P. Chrestomathie 3 p. 278-287 no. 2425, (p. 280, col. 2) [a]: Ỉpy,
'(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 227 Oct 19 - Nov 17, TM 2925: P. Phil. Dem. 24, 2 [a]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon
of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 225 Apr 16 - May 15, TM 2711: P. Eheverträge 19, 1 [a]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 225 Aug 14 - Sep 12, TM 2868: P. Schreibertrad. 20, 2 [a]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 223 Feb 15 - Mar 16, TM 2730: P. BM Andrews 2, 1 [a]: Ipy, 'the pastophoros of (the god) Amon
of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 223 Mar 17 - Apr 15, TM 2926: P. Eheverträge 20 + P. Phil. Dem. 25, 1: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of
(the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 223 Mar 17 - Apr 15, TM 2926: P. Eheverträge 20 + P. Phil. Dem. 25, 4 [a]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros
of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 219 Oct 17 - 218 Oct 16, TM 2721: P. BM Reich p. 60-61 no. 10073, 9 (2) [a]: Ỉpy, '(the)
pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 217 Jan 14, TM 43100: RdE 24 (1972), p. 125, 2 [a]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 217 Jan 14, TM 43100: RdE 24 (1972), p. 125, 3 [a]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 215 Aug 12 - Sep 10, TM 2877: Bosson (ed.), Égyptes... L'Égyptien et le copte p. 170-171 no. 4
descr., descr. [a]: Ỉpy, 'the pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of
BC 214 Apr 14 - May 13, TM 2726: P. BM Andrews 16, 3 [a]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 214 Apr 14 - May 13, TM 2726: P. BM Andrews 16, 5: Ỉpy, 'the (burial)-chamber of Piminis, the
man of Apis / Luxor'
BC 209 Jan 13 - Feb 4, TM 47617: P. BM Andrews 18, 2 [a]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 202 Nov 12 - Dec 11, TM 46064: P. BM Reich p. 70-71 no. 10079 D, 2 [a]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros
of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 202 Nov 12 - Dec 11, TM 46064: P. BM Reich p. 70-71 no. 10079 D, 3: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of
(the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
163 BC 199 Oct 12 - Nov 10, TM 43356: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3146, A 2 [a]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 199 Oct 12 - Nov 10, TM 43356: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3146, B 2 [a]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 199 Nov 11 - Dec 10, TM 47618: P. BM Andrews 19, script. ext., 2 [a]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of
(the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 199 Nov 11 - Dec 10, TM 47618: P. BM Andrews 19, script. ext., 3 [a]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of
(the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 199 Dec 11 - 198 Jan 9, TM 2874: P. Schreibertrad. 26, 4 [a]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 198 Dec 11 - 197 Jan 9, TM 47517: P. BM Andrews 3, (left) 4 [a]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the
god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 198 Dec 11 - 197 Jan 9, TM 47517: P. BM Andrews 3, (left) 4 [c]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the
god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 198 Dec 11 - 197 Jan 9, TM 47517: P. BM Andrews 3, (right) 4 [a]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the
god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 198 Dec 11 - 197 Jan 9, TM 47517: P. BM Andrews 3, (right) 4 [c]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the
god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 197 - 191?, TM 47518: P. BM Andrews 4, 1 [a]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis
/ Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 191 Aug 6 - Sep 4, TM 46163: P. Eheverträge 29, 1 [a]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon
of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 190 Sep 5 - Oct 4, TM 46008: JEA 72 (1986), p. 161-162, 7 [a]: [Ỉp]y, 'priest of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis of the temple of Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the aforementioned
BC 190 Sep 5 - Oct 4, TM 46008: JEA 72 (1986), p. 161-162, 7 [b]: Ỉpy, 'priest of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis of the temple of Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the aforementioned
BC 186 - 144 after, TM 46092: Spiegelberg, Zivilprozessordnung (ABAW N.F. 1) p. 16-17 + Sethe /
Spiegelberg, Zivilprozessordnung (ABAW N.F. 4) p. 18, (p. 16-17) col. 2, 15: Ỉpy, 'The wab-priest
of the places of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis: silver 3 kite 1 2/3'
BC 185 Apr 23, TM 2723: P. BM Reich p. 73-74 no. 10226, 2 (3) [a]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of (the
god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 182 Nov 12, TM 8513: P. BM Andrews 9 [10721], 2 [c]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon
of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 182 Nov 12, TM 8514: P. BM Andrews 9 [10727], 2 [c]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon
of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 181 Aug 27, TM 2756: P. BM Andrews 10 [10722], 3 [a]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 181 Aug 27, TM 2755: P. BM Andrews 10 [10723], 3 [a]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 181 Oct 7 - 180 Oct 6, TM 8541: Enchoria 22 (1995), p. 131-132, 5 [a]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of
(the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis (in) the west of Thebes'
BC 175 Feb 23, TM 2627: Enchoria 15 (1987), p. 99-112 no. Louvre E 3440 A (LA), 2 [a]: Ỉpy, '(the)
pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 175 Feb 22, TM 2626: Enchoria 15 (1987), p. 99-112 no. Louvre E 3440 B (LB), 1 [c]: Ỉpy, '(the)
pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 175 Feb 22, TM 2628: Enchoria 15 (1987), p. 99-112 no. P. Berl. 3112 (B), 3 [a]: Ỉpy, '(the)
pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 175 Oct 21, TM 2746: P. BM Andrews 5, 3 [a]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis /
Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 175 Oct 21, TM 2746: P. BM Andrews 5, 4 [a]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis /
Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 175 Oct 21, TM 2747: P. BM Andrews 6, 2 [a]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis /
Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 160 Jun 22, TM 47519: P. BM Andrews 7, 4 [a]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis
/ Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 159 Feb 8, TM 43344: RecTrav 31 (1909), p. 95-98 + SB 1 4281, Dem. 3 [b]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros
of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
164 BC 155 Oct 30 - 4 Sep 27, TM 115818: Enchoria 30 (2006-2007), p. 60-61 no. 5, 5: Ipy, 'I will harvest
(?) the garden of (the goddess) Rattawi / Rat of (the) Two lands (?) ... in the arable land (tȝ
mrwṱ) of Apis / Luxor'
BC 154 Dec 30 - 153 Jan 28, TM 43710: P. Brux. Dem. 1 5, col. 2, 1: Ỉpy, 'The (burial)-chamber of
Tihyris the woman of Apis / Luxor'
BC 153 Jun 14, TM 3566: P. Hermias p. 64-66 + UPZ 2 165, Dem. descr. [a]: Ỉpy, 'Teephibis - (the)
pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis who is in the west of Thebes'
BC 153 Jun 14, TM 3567: P. Schreibertrad. 56 + UPZ 2 166 a + P. Schreibertrad. 132, (132) [d] (before
n. 572): Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 153 Jun 14, TM 3567: P. Schreibertrad. 56 + UPZ 2 166 a + P. Schreibertrad. 132, (56) 4 [a]: Ipy,
'(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 153 - 1, TM 115821: Enchoria 30 (2006-2007), p. 66 no. 8, 2: Ipy?, '[ ] oil (?) of Apis / Luxor (?)'
BC 150 Mar 2, TM 44224: P. Amh. Gr. 2 52 + P. Survey 10 descr., Dem. descr. [a]: Ỉpy, '(the)
pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 150 Mar 2, TM 44224: P. Amh. Gr. 2 52 + P. Survey 10 descr., Dem. descr. [c]: Ỉpy, '(the)
pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 150 Feb 1, TM 43921: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3070, 3 [b]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 150 Feb 1, TM 3575: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3097, 3 [b]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis
/ Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 150 - AD 284, TM 43984: Short Texts 2 1070 (forthcoming), 4 [a]: Ỉpy, 'Amon of Apis /
Amenophis, great one of Djeme, great god, king of the gods'
BC 147 May 8?, TM 50504: O. Tempeleide 92, 6 [b]: Ipy, 'By Amon, king of (the) Two lands in Apis /
Luxor, who dwells here'
BC 146 Dec 15, TM 3635: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 10-11 no. 3119 + UPZ 2 175 b, Dem. 2 [a]: Ỉpy, 'choachyte
of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 146 Dec 15, TM 3635: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 10-11 no. 3119 + UPZ 2 175 b, Dem. 2 [c]: Ỉpy, 'choachyte
of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 146 Dec 15, TM 3635: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 10-11 no. 3119 + UPZ 2 175 b, Dem. 3 ? [d]: Ỉpy, 'choachyte
of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 146 Dec 15, TM 3634: P. Schreibertrad. 42 + UPZ 2 175 c + P. BM Andrews 23, (P. Schreib.) [c]
(after n. 376): Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of
BC 146 Dec 15, TM 3634: P. Schreibertrad. 42 + UPZ 2 175 c + P. BM Andrews 23, (P. Schreib.) [e]
(after n. 379): Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of
BC 146 Dec 15, TM 3634: P. Schreibertrad. 42 + UPZ 2 175 c + P. BM Andrews 23, (P. Schreib.) [i]
(after n. 381): Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of
BC 141 May 8, TM 3639: ZÄS 77 (1942), p. 93-94, 3 [a]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 141 May 8, TM 3639: ZÄS 77 (1942), p. 93-94, 3 [c]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 140 Sep 7, TM 3577: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3090, 4: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis /
Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 140 Sep 7, TM 43725: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3091, 5 [a]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 140 Jan 14, TM 48908: P. Survey 15 descr., descr. [a]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon
of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 140 Jan 14, TM 48908: P. Survey 15 descr., descr. [c]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon
of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 136 Jan 30, TM 43627: Enchoria 31 (2008-2009), p. 25-42 text A+B, 4: Ỉpy, 'the half of the tomb of
Snibais, the man of Apis / Luxor'
BC 126 Jun 15, TM 5766: P. Tor. Choach. 13, 2 [d]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis
/ Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 126 Jun 15, TM 5766: P. Tor. Choach. 13, 2 [f]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis
/ Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 124 Jul 9, TM 58167: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 12-13 no. 3100, 2 ? [a]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
165 BC 124 Jul 9, TM 58167: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 12-13 no. 3100, 2 ? [c]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 124 Jul 9, TM 58167: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 12-13 no. 3100, 16 [a]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes Horos son of Horos'
BC 124 Jan 30, TM 8070: P. BM Andrews 21, 6 [b]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis
/ Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 124 Jan 30, TM 46285: P. Leiden Dem. pl. 195, descr. [b]: Ipy, 'Osoroeris - (the) pastophoros of
(the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis who is in the west of Thebes'
BC 124 Jul 9, TM 58168: P. Lesestücke 2 p. 81-90, Dem. 3 [d]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 124 Jul 9, TM 58168: P. Lesestücke 2 p. 81-90, Dem. 4 [a]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 124 Jul 9, TM 58168: P. Lesestücke 2 p. 81-90, Dem. 17 [a]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes Horos son of Horos'
BC 121 Jan 6, TM 3569: P. Nouv. Chrest. p. 87-102 + UPZ 2 168, Dem. (p. 88 col. 1) [d]: Ỉpy, '(the)
pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis who is in the west of Thebes'
BC 121 Jan 6, TM 3569: P. Nouv. Chrest. p. 87-102 + UPZ 2 168, Dem. (p. 89 col. 1) [a]: Ỉpy, '(the)
pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis who is in the west of Thebes, Horos'
BC 120 Mar 7?, TM 43773: P. Schreibertrad. 127, 3 [c]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 120 Mar 7, TM 3570: P. Schreibertrad. 47 + UPZ 2 169, 3 [d]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 119 Oct 31, TM 43350: P. Ackerpachtverträge p. 15-16, 8: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 119 Mar 2, TM 48640: P. BM Andrews 22, 9 [a]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 119 Mar 2, TM 46209: P. Recueil 10, 3 [a]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis /
Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 118 May 22, TM 3580: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3101, A 3 [f]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 118 May 22, TM 3580: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3101, B 3 [f]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 118 Jun 3 before, TM 3636: P. Tor. Choach. 2, 2 [a]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 117 May 8, TM 5609: P. Eheverträge 38, 5 [d]: Ỉpy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis
/ Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 114 Nov 5, TM 43617: Aegyptus 32 (1952), p. 14-19, col. 4, 7: Ỉpy, 'Nechtpheroys Senior, his wife,
his children with his blessed one from Apis / Luxor'
BC 114 Nov 5, TM 43617: Aegyptus 32 (1952), p. 14-19, col. 4, 8: Ỉpy, 'Pamonnasis the pastophoros
of Thoth of Apis / Luxor, his wife, his children'
BC 114 Nov 5, TM 43617: Aegyptus 32 (1952), p. 14-19, col. 6, 10: Ỉpy, 'Pachrates the halieus, his
wife, his children from Apis / Luxor'
BC 113 Nov 8, TM 21669: P. Amh. Gr. 2 54 + P. Survey 55 descr., Dem. descr. [c]: Ỉpy, '(the)
pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 109 Apr 26?, TM 3058: P. Assoc. p. 103-131 no. Berl. 3115 A-E, A (1) 1 [b]: Ỉpy, '(the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis'
BC 109 Apr 26?, TM 3058: P. Assoc. p. 103-131 no. Berl. 3115 A-E, A (1) 2: Ỉpy, '(the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis'
BC 109 Apr 26?, TM 3058: P. Assoc. p. 103-131 no. Berl. 3115 A-E, A (1) 3: Ỉpy, '(the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis'
BC 109 Apr 26?, TM 3058: P. Assoc. p. 103-131 no. Berl. 3115 A-E, A (1) 5: Ỉpy, '(the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis'
BC 109 Apr 26?, TM 3058: P. Assoc. p. 103-131 no. Berl. 3115 A-E, A (2) 1: Ỉpy, '(the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis'
BC 109 Apr 26?, TM 3058: P. Assoc. p. 103-131 no. Berl. 3115 A-E, C (1) 11: Ỉpy, '(the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis'
BC 109 Apr 26?, TM 3058: P. Assoc. p. 103-131 no. Berl. 3115 A-E, D (3) 2: Ỉpy, '(the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis'
BC 103 Oct 12?, TM 43386: O. Theb. Dem. p. 33 no. D. 45, 4: Ỉpy, 'the one tenth of his garden in the
arable land (tȝ mrwṱ) of Apis / Luxor'
166 BC 103 Mar 16, TM 3584: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3104, 4 [d]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 103 Apr 1, TM 3585: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3105, 6 [a]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis
/ Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 103 Oct 15, TM 46116: P. Chrestomathie 2 p. 110-122 no. 2436 b, (p. 112) [c]: Ỉpy, '(the)
pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis who is in the necropolis of Djeme,
BC 102 Sep 27 - Oct 6, TM 47619: P. Chrestomathie 2 p. 110-122 no. 2436 a, (p. 112) [c]: Ỉpy, '(the)
pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 102 Jun 3, TM 3586: P. Hermias p. 201-203 n. + UPZ 2 184, Dem. descr. [a]: Ipy, '(the)
pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis who is in the west of Thebes'
BC 101 Mar 5, TM 50598: O. Tempeleide 186, 8: Ỉpy, '(Was) dieses gtn-Gewand (betrifft),
dessentwegen du mit mir geredet hast, es sei in deinem Oberzimmer (in?) Apis / Luxor (?)
gestohlen worden'
BC 99 Dec 16, TM 46217: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 16 no. 3107, 3 [a]: Ỉpy, 'choachyte of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 99 Dec 16, TM 46217: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 16 no. 3107, 5 [a]: Ỉpy, 'choachyte of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 99 Dec 23, TM 44018: P. Tor. Choach. 6, 3 [b]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis
/ Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 99 Dec 23, TM 44018: P. Tor. Choach. 6, 4 [a]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis
/ Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (P. L. Bat.) col. E, 12 (= Pap.
de Ricci 5): Ỉpy, 'for (?) (the god) Amon (of) Apis / Amenophis'
BC 99 - 30, TM 51524: OrSu 16 (1967), p. 46-47 no. 19, 3: ˹Ỉpy˺, 'the bouquet / wreath (of) (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis'
BC 99 - 30, TM 51525: OrSu 16 (1967), p. 49 no. 20, 2: Ỉpy, 'the bouquet / wreath (of) the great god
Amon of Apis / Amenophis'
BC 99 - 1, TM 48387: Short Texts 2 1069 (forthcoming), 1 [a]: Ỉpy, 'Osiris, foremost of the west,
(and) Amon of Apis / Amenophis of Djeme'
BC 98 Jan 3, TM 46048: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 16 no. 3106 & 3139, (3106) descr. [c]: Ỉpy, 'choachyte of
(the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 98 Jan 3, TM 46048: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 16 no. 3106 & 3139, (3106) descr. [e]: Ỉpy, 'choachyte of
(the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 98 Jan 3, TM 46048: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 16 no. 3106 & 3139, (3139) descr. [c]: Ỉpy, 'choachyte of
(the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 98 Jan 3, TM 46048: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 16 no. 3106 & 3139, (3139) descr. [e]: Ỉpy, 'choachyte of
(the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 98 Jan 4, TM 44019: P. Tor. Choach. 7, 2 [c]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis /
Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 98 Jan 4, TM 44019: P. Tor. Choach. 7, 3 [a]: Ipy, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis /
Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 91 Feb 25, TM 91910: ZÄS 133 (2006), p. 47 no. 46, 3: Ỉpy, 'before Thoth who resides in Apis /
BC 50 Dec 1, TM 53578: Graff. Med. Habu 45, 5: Ỉpy, 'prophet of (the god) Amon of Apis /
Amenophis in Ious-aches'
BC 48 Sep 17, TM 48532: Graff. Med. Habu 44, 10 [a]: Ỉpy, '(the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis of
BC 48 Sep 17, TM 48532: Graff. Med. Habu 44, 11 [b]: Ỉpy, '(the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis'
BC 41 May 14, TM 53585: Graff. Med. Habu 51, 20 [a]: Ỉpy, '(the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis'
BC 37 Feb 19, TM 48569: Graff. Med. Habu 47, 12: Ỉpy, '(the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis'
BC 30 - AD 14, TM 52765: Short Texts 1 39, 20 [a]: Ỉpy, 'prophet of Amon of Apis / Amenophis the
great god'
BC 30 - AD 14, TM 52765: Short Texts 1 39, 20 [b]: Ỉpy, 'prophet of (the god) Amon of Apis /
Amenophis Nepheros'
BC 30 - AD 199, TM 51760: OrSu 25 - 26 (1976-1977), p. 21 no. 10, 7: Ỉpy, '(the god) Amon of Apis /
167 BC 30 - AD 284, TM 49196: O. Leiden Dem. 170, 1: Ỉpy, 'Psenamenophis son of Horos, the carrier of
Apis / Luxor'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 49196: O. Leiden Dem. 170, 5: Ỉpy, '(out of) the income (of) (the) offering of Apis
/ Luxor (of) (the) 3rd phyle in (?) Thoth.'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 49449: O. Leiden Dem. 423, 3: Ỉpy, 'For Apis / Luxor: 2 1/2 (artabai of) wheat'
BC 3 Nov 1, TM 92966: O. Theb. Dem. p. 63 no. D. 111, 6 [b]: Ỉpy, 'who took the wheat to Apis /
BC 3 Nov 1, TM 92966: O. Theb. Dem. p. 63 no. D. 111, 8: Ỉpy, 'When Onnophris comes to me from
the ... in Apis / Luxor, I will give him ...'
AD 32 Feb 26 - Mar 26, TM 51001: P. Zauzich 24, 2 [a]: Ỉpy, 'Ich verpachte dir meinen (Tempel)Monat in Apis / Luxor, in Per-Montou-neb-Maten, mit ihren Kränzen ... (d. h.) fünfzehn
(Tempel)-Tage in Apis / Luxor an der ersten Phyle'
AD 32 Feb 26 - Mar 26, TM 51001: P. Zauzich 24, 3: Ỉpy, 'Ich verpachte dir meinen (Tempel)-Monat
in Apis / Luxor, in Per-Montou-neb-Maten, mit ihren Kränzen ... (d. h.) fünfzehn (Tempel)Tage in Apis / Luxor an der ersten Phyle'
AD 69 Dec 30 about, TM 92964: O. Theb. Dem. p. 55 no. D. 235, 3 [b]: Ỉpy, 'your months of templeduties of the shrines and temples in (?) Djeme (?), Apis / Luxor (and) Per-Montou-neb-Maten
for the [second?] year'
AD 147 Jul 13, TM 93281: P. Zauzich 27, 2: Ỉpy, 'Ich verpachte dir meine 15 Tage in Apis / Luxor an
der dritten Phyle'
AD 157 Aug 29 - 158 Aug 28?, TM 93282: P. Zauzich 29, 2: Ỉpy, 'Du verpachtest mir deine fünfzehn
(Tempel)-Tage in Apis / Luxor an der [ ] Phyle'
Apistesen – 00b? (12933)
E ȝpystsn Var.: Apistesen
Status: village: demi Bibl.: Schentuleit, P. Carlsberg 9, 2006, p. 240-241; Vittmann, Festschrift Thissen, 2010, p. 475; p.
Sources: BC 244 - 243, TM 128459: Studien Thissen p. 471-481, A 3 [a]: [ȝpystsn], 'You have leased
to us the beer activities in Apistesen, [ ], An, Psinarsinoe (?), Kerke-Neith, in total 5 villages'
BC 244 - 243, TM 128459: Studien Thissen p. 471-481, B 5 [a]: ȝpystsn, 'You have leased to us the
beer activities in (the) village of Souchos Psinarsinoe, (the) village of Souchos An, and (the)
village of Souchos [ ], (the) village of Souchos Apistesen, (the) village of Souchos Kerke-Neith,
in total 5 villages'
(?) BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 113 col. 2, 17: nȝ ȝpystsȝn.w,
'die Leute von Apistesen (?) für die Hälfte'
Apollinariados Nesos – U09 (3001)
G Ἀπολλιναριάδος Νῆσος - Νῆσος τοῦ προστάτου E Tȝ-mȝy.t-n-pr-sḥn (Tȝ-mtn.t-n-pȝ-sḥn) Var.:
Apollinariados Nesos ('Island of Apollinarias') (Apollonos Nesos) - T-mai-n-per-sehen / Nesos
tou prostatou ('The island of the commissioner')
Status: village: epoikion; nesos; mai Loc.: in the territory of U09 Panopolis (1589)
Rep.: Dizionario I 2, p. 148; Suppl. 1, p. 49; Suppl. 4, p. 17; Bibl.: Vandorpe, Geografische elementen,
1988, p. 92-93; Chauveau, P. L. Bat. 31, 2002, p. 49
Sources: (?) AD 100 - 299, TM 40720: Short Texts 2 489 (forthcoming), Dem. 2 - 3: Tȝ-mtn-n-pȝ-sḥn,
'Pelilis son of Haryothes, his mother (being) Tmesios, the man of T-mai-n-per-sehen / The
island of the commissioner'
AD 100 - 299, TM 51900: Short Texts 2 592 (forthcoming), Dem. 1 - 2: Tȝ-mȝy?-n-pȝ-sḥn,
'Petermouthis son of Chanosis, the man of Apollinariados Nesos'
AD 100 - 299, TM 117641: Short Texts 2 669 (forthcoming), Dem. 4: Tȝ-mȝy-n-pr-sḥn, 'Tapsos ... the
woman of Apollinariados Nesos.'
AD 200 - 250, TM 50888: Short Texts 2 654 (forthcoming), Dem. 4: Tȝ-mȝy-n-pr-sḥn, 'Nepheros ...
the man of Apollinariados Nesos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 40551: Short Texts 2 736 (forthcoming), Dem. 3: Tȝ-mȝy-n-pr-sḥn, 'Senapollonia
... the woman of Apollinariados Nesos'
Apollonias – 00b (253)
G Ἀπολλωνιάς E Pȝ-ʿ.wy-n-ȝpwlnys Var.: Apollonias - P-awi-n-Apollonios ('The place of
168 Status: village: kome Rep.: Dizionario I 2, p. 150-151 (1); Suppl. 1, p. 46 (1); Suppl. 2, p. 22 (1); Suppl. 3, p. 18 (1); Wessely,
Topographie, 1904, p. 38; P. Tebt. 2, 1907, p. 358; p. 368; Bibl.: P. Lille Dem. 2, 1973, p. 221;
Rübsam, Götter und Kulte in Faijum, 1974, p. 58; Vandorpe, Geografische elementen, 1988, p.
35; Mueller, Settlements of the Ptolemies, 2006, p. 27; CDD P, 2010, p. 7
Sources: BC 229 Jul 16 - Aug 14, TM 2859: P. Lille Dem. 2 41, A 2 - 3: [Pȝ-ʿ.wy]-ȝpwlnys, surety
document for 'T-sour-shebeses (the) brewer of Perkethayt and (?) Apollonias'
BC 229 Jul 16 - Aug 14, TM 2859: P. Lille Dem. 2 41, B 8: Pȝ-ʿ.wy-ȝpwlnys, surety document for 'Tsour-shebeses the brewer of (the) village of Souchos Perkethayt and Apollonias'
Apollonieion – U04b (11361)
G Ἀπολλωνιεῖον E Pr-Mnṯw-nb-Wȝs.t (Pr-Mnṱ-nb-Wȝs - Pr-Mnṱ) Var.: *Apollonieion (Apolloneion Apollonion) - Per-Montou-neb-Waset ('House / temple / domain (of) Montou lord (of) Waset')
Status: sanctuary, building: per Ident.: cf. U04b Waset (13523); cf. also U04b Apollonieiou Dromos (13526)
Bibl.: Quaegebeur, OLP 6-7 (1975-1976), p. 465-466; Vandorpe, P. L. Bat. 27, 1995, p. 212; Maps:
Vandorpe, P. L. Bat. 27, 1995, p. 217 [1] Sources: BC 536 May 4 - Jun 2, TM 46131: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 16, 1: Pr-Mnṱ, 'the keeper of
cattle of Per-Montou'
BC 535 Sep 1 - 30, TM 46130: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 19, 2: Pr-Mnṱ-nb-Wȝs.t, 'the keeper of
cattle of Per-Montou-neb-Waset'
BC 535 Sep 1 - 30, TM 46134: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 20, 2 [a]: Pr-Mnṱ-nb-Wȝs.t, 'the keeper of
cattle of Per-Montou-neb-Waset'
BC 517 Feb 29 - Mar 29, TM 46067: P. Tsenhor 3, 4: Pr-Mnṱ-nb-Wȝs, 'priest-of-the-month in the
second phyle of Per-Montou-neb-Waset'
BC 517 Feb 29 - Mar 29, TM 46068: P. Tsenhor 4, 6: Pr-Mnṱ-nb-Wȝs, 'god's father of (the god)
Montou lord of Waset, chief of the priests of Per-Montou-neb-Waset'
BC 517 Feb 29 - Mar 29, TM 46165: P. Tsenhor 5, 6 [b]: Pr-Mnṱ-nb-Wȝs, 'priest-of-the-month in the
second phyle of Per-Montou-neb-Waset'
BC 517 Feb 29 - Mar 29, TM 46424: P. Tsenhor 6, 5 [b]: Pr-Mnṱ-nb-Wȝs, 'priest-of-the-month in the
second phyle of Per-Montou-neb-Waset'
BC 510 Jan 28 - Feb 26, TM 46128: P. Tsenhor 10, 5 [b]: Pr-Mnṱ-nb-Wȝs, 'the god's father (of) (the
god) Montou lord of Waset, chief priest of Per-Montou-neb-Waset'
BC 507 Jul 26 - Aug 24, TM 46187: P. Tsenhor 11, 1: Pr-Mnṱ-nb-Wȝs, 'le guardien de bestiaux de
BC 332 - 30, TM 49321: O. Leiden Dem. 295, 3: Pr-Mnṱ-nb-Wȝs.t, 'Text of the oath which ... will
swear in Per-Montou-neb-Waset'
BC 315 - 304, TM 46306: P. Chrestomathie 3 p. 225-226 no. 2420 H + P. Chrestomathie 3 p. 217-218
no. 2442, (2442) (p. 217, col. 2) [a]: Pr-Mnt-nb-Wȝs.t, '[ ] ... to the west of the wall of PerMontou-neb-Waset'
BC 311 Apr 8 - May 7, TM 43826: P. BM Andrews 24, 1 [d]: Pr-Mnṱ-nb-Wȝs.t, 'your house ... which is
in the northern quarter of Thebes to the west of the wall of Per-Montou-neb-Waset'
BC 307 Mar 8 - Apr 6, TM 43779: P. Phil. Dem. 3, 2 [a]: Pr-Mnt-nb-Ws.t, 'my house which is built
and roofed, which is in the northern quarter of Thebes to the west of the wall of Per-Montouneb-Waset'
BC 307 Mar 8 - Apr 6, TM 43780: P. Phil. Dem. 4, 2 [c]: Pr-Mnt-nb-Ws.t, 'your house which is built
and roofed, which is in the northern quarter of Thebes to the west of the wall of Per-Montouneb-Waset'
BC 304 Jan 6 - Feb 4, TM 43827: P. Schreibertrad. 4, 2 [a]: [Pr-Mnṱ-nb-Wȝs.t], 'in the northern
quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis to the west of the wall of Per-Montou-neb-Waset'
BC 304 Jan 6 - Feb 4, TM 43828: P. Schreibertrad. 97 + RevEg 5 (1888), p. 90 & pl. 22 [2427] descr., 1
[d]: Pr-Mnṱ-nb-Wȝs.t, 'in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis to the west of the wall
of Per-Montou-neb-Waset'
BC 287 Jan 2 - 31, TM 43903: P. Phil. Dem. 8, Vo: ˹Pr˺-Mnṱ, 'a house of Osoroeris, the choachyte,
situated east (sic) of the wall (of) Per-Montou'
BC 251 Jun 22 - 23, TM 5715: P. Phil. Dem. 16 + SB 6 8966, Dem. 1 [e]: Pr-Mnt-nb-Wsy, 'the half of
my house which is built and roofed ..., which is in the northern quarter of Thebes to the west
of the wall of Per-Montou-neb-Waset'
169 BC 181 Oct 7 - 180 Oct 6, TM 8541: Enchoria 22 (1995), p. 131-132, 6 [c]: Pr-Mnṱ-nb-Wȝs.t, 'your
house ... which is (in) the northern quarter (of) Thebes to the west of the wall of Per-Montouneb-Waset'
BC 150 - 30, TM 50490: O. Tempeleide 78, 2: Pr-Mnṯw-nb-Wȝs.t, 'Text of the oath which Herieus
son of Petosiris will swear in Per-Montou-neb-Waset'
BC 150 - 30, TM 69590: P. Brooklyn Dem. 120, 2: Pr-Mnt-nb-Wȝs.t, 'Text of the oath which ... will
swear ... in Per-Montou-neb-Waset'
BC 150 - AD 50, TM 50526: O. Tempeleide 114, 3: Pr-Mnṯw-nb-Wȝs.t, 'Text of the oath which ... will
swear in Per-Montou-neb-Waset'
BC 107 Oct 24?, TM 50483: O. Tempeleide 71, 1: Pr-Mnṯw-nb-Wȝs.t, 'Text of the oath which ... will
swear in Per-Montou-neb-Waset'
BC 105 Sep 18 - 104 Sep 17, TM 52410: O. Tempeleide p. 387 no. DO BM 31835, descr.: Pr-Mnt-nbWȝs.t, 'in Per-Montou-neb-Waset'
BC 104 Nov 12?, TM 50579: O. Tempeleide 167, 2: Pr-Mnṯw-nb-Wȝs.t, 'Text of the oath which ...
will swear in Per-Montou-neb-Waset'
(?) BC 99 - 30, TM 51525: OrSu 16 (1967), p. 49 no. 20, 3 [b]: Pr-Mnṱ, 'the bouquet / wreath (of) (the
goddess) Rattawi / Rat of (the) Two lands in Per-Montou'
BC 94 Jun 24?, TM 50090: O. Tempeleide 159, 2: Pr-Mnṯw-nb-Wȝs.t, 'Text of the oath which ... will
swear in Per-Montou-neb-Waset'
BC 60 Feb 11?, TM 50626: O. Tempeleide 214, 2: Pr-Mnṯw-nb-Wȝs.t, 'Text of the oath which ... will
swear in Per-Montou-neb-Waset'
(?) BC 30 - AD 284, TM 50468: O. Leiden Dem. 317, 3: Pr-Mnṱ-nb-[Wȝs.t]?, 'Text of the oath which ...
will swear ... in Per-Montou-neb-Waset (?)'
(?) BC 30 - AD 284, TM 49345: O. Leiden Dem. 319, 3: Pr-[Mnṱ-nb-Wȝs.t]?, 'Text of the oath which ...
will swear ... in Per-Montou-neb-Waset (?)'
BC 13 Jun 23?, TM 50495: O. Tempeleide 83, 3: [Pr-Mnṯw-nb-Wȝ]s.t, 'Text of the oath which ... will
swear ... in Per-Montou-neb-Waset'
BC 11 Jun 29?, TM 50512: O. Tempeleide 100, 1 - 2: [Pr]-Mnṯw-Wȝs.t, 'Text of the oath which ... will
swear in Per-Montou-neb-Waset'
BC 1 Nov 4, TM 50539: O. Tempeleide 127, 2: Pr-Mnṯw-nb-Wȝs.t, 'Text of the oath which ... will
swear in Per-Montou-neb-Waset'
BC 1 Aug 29 - AD 1 Aug 28, TM 50482: O. Tempeleide 70, 2: Pr-Mnṯw-nb-Wȝs.t, 'Text of the oath
which ... will swear ... in Per-Montou-neb-Waset'
AD 2 Jul 16, TM 50095: O. Tempeleide 27, 1: Pr-Mnṯw-nb-Wȝs.t, 'Text of the oath which ... will
swear ... in Per-Montou-neb-Waset'
AD 2 Feb 4, TM 50510: O. Tempeleide 98, 1: Pr-Mnṯw-nb-Wȝs.t, 'Text of the oath which ... will
swear in Per-Montou-neb-Waset'
Apollonopolis (Edfu) – U02 (269)
G Ἀπόλλωνος Πόλις Μεγάλη - Βαχθις - Πόλις Φοίβου L Apollinis - Apollonos Superiore E Ḏbȝ (Tbȝ
- Dbȝ) - Bḥdt (Bḥt) - Msn C ⲉⲧⲃⲟ - ⲧⲃⲟ - ⲑⲃⲱ Var.: Apollonopolis (Apollonos Polis Apollinopolis) Megale (Magna) / Ano (Superior) - Apollonias - Behdet - Bachthis - Polis Phoibou
- Mesen - Edfu - sites including the necropolis Hassaya (Hassaia) E thnic: Apollonopolites
Status: city: polis Loc.: on the western Nile bank
Ident.: cf. also U02 Apollonopolites (2717)
Rep.: Dizionario I 2, p. 151 (3); p. 157; p. 157-159 (1); p. 160 (4); p. 161 (1); p. 161-169 (1); p. 440
(quater); p. 440 (5); Suppl. 1, p. 48-49 (1 & 4); 49-50 (1); Suppl. 2, p. 23 (1); p. 23 (1); Suppl. 3, p. 19
(1); Suppl. 4, p. 18 (1); p. 18 (1); Bibl.: Wb 1, 1926, p. 470; Erichsen, Lesestücke II.2, 1940, p. 202;
Erichsen, Glossar, 1954, p. 121; p. 316; p. 621-622; Vernus, LÄ VI, 1986, col. 323-331; Wilson,
Ptolemaic lexikon, 1997, p. 326; CDD Ḏ, 2001, p. 29; CDD B, 2002, p. 2; p. 76-77; p. 99; Clarysse,
Fayyum meeting (Pap. Lup. 14), 2005, p. 69; CDD Ḥ, 2009, p. 21; p. 179-180; Maps: Baines /
Malek, Atlas, 2002, p. 71 Sources: BC 502 Jan 26 - Dec 26, TM 45664: P. Cattle 4, 2 [a]: Bḥtt, 'Horos of Behdet'
BC 502 Oct 23 - Nov 21, TM 45666: P. Cattle 8, 2: Bḥtt, 'Horos of Behdet'
BC 498 Jun 29, TM 46441: P. Berl. Eleph. 2 13536, 3: Ḏbȝ, '(to) Apollonopolis'
BC 399 - 300, TM 45651: P. Cattle 16, 3 [a]: Bḥtt, '[ ] of Horos of Behdet'
BC 399 - 300, TM 45651: P. Cattle 16, 3 [b]: Bḥtt, 'the temple (?) of Horos of Behdet'
170 BC 399 - 200, TM 46552: P. Äg. Handschr. 166 descr., 7: Tbȝ, descr.: 'Der erhaltene Text bezieht sich
... auf eine Fahrt nach Apollonopolis.'
BC 380 Jun 23?, TM 46406: P. Cairo 3 50151 descr. + P. Cairo 3 50152 descr. + P. Cairo 3 50158 descr.,
(50158) a 4: Ḏbȝ, '(statement) which the kalasiris of Apollonopolis has made'
BC 380 - 362, TM 45652: Enchoria 13 (1985), p. 42 & 46, (p. 42) 1 [a]: Tbȝ, 'Said the woman, (the)
harpooner of Apollonopolis [ ]'
BC 380 - 362, TM 45652: Enchoria 13 (1985), p. 42 & 46, (p. 42) 1 [b]: Tb[ȝ], 'to (the) harpooner of
Apollonopolis, he being reckoned at Syene, Onnophris'
BC 380 - 362, TM 45652: Enchoria 13 (1985), p. 42 & 46, (p. 42) 2 [a]: [Tbȝ], 'The boundaries of this
aforementioned house, which is in the southern district of Apollonopolis'
BC 380 - 362, TM 45652: Enchoria 13 (1985), p. 42 & 46, (p. 42) 2 [b]: Bḥtt, 'Horos of Behdet'
BC 380 - 362, TM 45652: Enchoria 13 (1985), p. 42 & 46, (p. 42) 2 [c]: [T]bȝ, 'its west: this house of
(the) harpooner of Apollonopolis'
BC 380 - 362, TM 45652: Enchoria 13 (1985), p. 42 & 46, (p. 46) 6: Tbȝ, '[ ] of Apollonopolis'
BC 380 - 362, TM 45652: Enchoria 13 (1985), p. 42 & 46, (p. 46) 8: Bḥtt, 'Horos of Behdet'
BC 369 Dec 23 - 368 Jan 21, TM 46405: Serapis 7 (1981-1982), p. 7-8, 8: Bḥtt, 'Horos of Behdet'
BC 367 Jan 22 - Feb 20, TM 45649: MDAIK 25 (1969), p. 224-225, 1: Tbȝ, '(the) harpooner (msn) of
Apollonopolis Sema-har-p-mout'
BC 367 Dec 23 - 366 Jan 21, TM 45648: P. Eheverträge 8 + P. Lonsdorfer 1, 1 [a]: Tbȝ, '(Es) hat gesagt
(der) Harponneur (msn) von Apollonopolis - er wird zur Mauer (des) Nektanebos / P-sebet-nNektanebo gezählt - Osorchon ...'
BC 349 - 345, TM 45662: BIFAO 81 (1981), p. 46 no. 1 & pl. X-XI, 1 [b]: Bḥtt, 'Horos of Behdet'
BC 345 Feb 16 - Mar 16, TM 45663: BIFAO 81 (1981), p. 49 no. 2 & pl. XII-XIII, 1 [a]: Bḥtt, 'Horos of
BC 345 Feb 16 - Mar 16, TM 45663: BIFAO 81 (1981), p. 49 no. 2 & pl. XII-XIII, 1 [b]: Bḥ[tt], 'Horos of
BC 332 - 30, TM 53504: Graff. Dodec. Philae 385, 3: Bḥtt, 'the priest of Horos of Behdet, great god,
lord of heaven'
BC 332 - 30, TM 53105: Graff. Dodec. Philae 5, 1: Bḥt, 'Peteharsomtous the servant of Horos of
BC 332 - 30, TM 43879: Graff. Dodec. Philae 6, 2: Bḥt, 'Horos of Behdet, great god, lord of heaven'
BC 332 - 30, TM 53106: Graff. Dodec. Philae 7, 1: Bḥt, 'Horos of Behdet, great god, lord of heaven'
BC 332 - 30?, TM 53940: Short Texts 1 255 + Short Texts 2 255 (forthcoming), Dem. 1 [b]: Bḥd.tỉ,
'Horos (the) Behdite / of Behdet'
BC 265 Nov 27 - Dec 26, TM 2804: P. Hauswaldt Manning 1, a 2 [a]: Bḥtt, 'Has said (the) herdsman,
(the) servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 265 Nov 27 - Dec 26, TM 2804: P. Hauswaldt Manning 1, a 2 [b]: Bḥtt, 'to (the) herdsman, (the)
servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 265 Nov 27 - Dec 26, TM 2804: P. Hauswaldt Manning 1, a 3 [a]: Bḥtt, 'my island land which is in
the divine endowment of Horos of Behdet which is in T-mai-n-aser / The tamarisk island'
BC 265 Nov 27 - Dec 26, TM 2804: P. Hauswaldt Manning 1, a 3 [c]: Bḥtt, 'south: the land of the
herdsman, servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 265 Nov 27 - Dec 26, TM 2804: P. Hauswaldt Manning 1, b 2 [a]: Bḥtt, 'Has said (the) herdsman,
servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 265 Nov 27 - Dec 26, TM 2804: P. Hauswaldt Manning 1, b 2 [b]: Bḥtt, 'to (the) herdsman,
servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 265 Nov 27 - Dec 26, TM 2804: P. Hauswaldt Manning 1, b 3 [a]: Bḥtt, 'your island land which is
in the divine endowment of Horos of Behdet which is in T-mai-n-aser / The tamarisk island'
BC 265 Nov 27 - Dec 26, TM 2804: P. Hauswaldt Manning 1, b 3 [d]: Bḥtt, 'south: the land of the
herdsman, servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 265 - 208 about, TM 8499: P. Hauswaldt Manning 21, 1: B[ḥtt], '(the) herdsman, servant (of)
Horos of Behdet'
BC 264 Feb 25 - Mar 26, TM 2809: P. Hauswaldt Manning 10, a 1 [a]: Bḥtt, 'Has said (the) herdsman,
servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 264 Feb 25 - Mar 26, TM 2809: P. Hauswaldt Manning 10, a 1 [b]: Bḥtt, 'to (the) herdsman,
servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 264 Feb 25 - Mar 26, TM 2809: P. Hauswaldt Manning 10, a 2 [b]: Bḥtt, 'south: the land of (the)
herdsman, servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 264 Feb 25 - Mar 26, TM 2809: P. Hauswaldt Manning 10, a 2 [c]: Bḥtt, 'east: my low-lying land
which is in the divine endowment of Horos of Behdet'
171 BC 264 Feb 25 - Mar 26, TM 2809: P. Hauswaldt Manning 10, b 1 [a]: Bḥtt, 'Has said the herdsman,
servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 264 Feb 25 - Mar 26, TM 2809: P. Hauswaldt Manning 10, b 1 [b]: Bḥtt, 'to the herdsman,
servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 264 Feb 25 - Mar 26, TM 2809: P. Hauswaldt Manning 10, b 2 [b]: Bḥtt, 'south: the land of the
herdsman, servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 264 Feb 25 - Mar 26, TM 2809: P. Hauswaldt Manning 10, witness copy B 1: Bḥtt, 'herdsman,
servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 264 Feb 25 - Mar 26, TM 2809: P. Hauswaldt Manning 10, witness copy B 2: Bḥtt, 'herdsman,
servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 264 Feb 25 - Mar 26, TM 2809: P. Hauswaldt Manning 10, witness copy C 1: Bḥtt, 'herdsman,
servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 264 Feb 25 - Mar 26, TM 2809: P. Hauswaldt Manning 10, witness copy C 2: Bḥtt, 'herdsman,
servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 264 Feb 25 - Mar 26, TM 2809: P. Hauswaldt Manning 10, witness copy D 1: Bḥtt, 'herdsman,
servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 264 Feb 25 - Mar 26, TM 2809: P. Hauswaldt Manning 10, witness copy E 1: Bḥtt, 'herdsman,
servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 264 Feb 25 - Mar 26, TM 2809: P. Hauswaldt Manning 10, witness copy E 2: Bḥtt, 'herdsman,
servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 264 Feb 25 - Mar 26, TM 2809: P. Hauswaldt Manning 10, witness copy G 1: Bḥtt, 'herdsman,
servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 264 Feb 25 - Mar 26, TM 2809: P. Hauswaldt Manning 10, witness copy G 2: Bḥtt, 'herdsman,
servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 264 Feb 25 - Mar 26, TM 2809: P. Hauswaldt Manning 10, witness copy H 1: Bḥtt, 'herdsman,
servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 264 Feb 25 - Mar 26, TM 2809: P. Hauswaldt Manning 10, witness copy H 2: Bḥtt, 'herdsman,
servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 264 Feb 25 - Mar 26, TM 2809: P. Hauswaldt Manning 10, witness copy I 1: Bḥtt, 'herdsman,
servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 264 Feb 25 - Mar 26, TM 2809: P. Hauswaldt Manning 10, witness copy I 2: Bḥtt, 'herdsman,
servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 264 Feb 25 - Mar 26, TM 2809: P. Hauswaldt Manning 10, witness copy K 1: Bḥtt, 'herdsman,
servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 264 Feb 25 - Mar 26, TM 2809: P. Hauswaldt Manning 10, witness copy K 2: Bḥtt, 'herdsman,
servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 247 - 221, TM 8492: P. Hauswaldt Manning 4, 1: Bḥtt, 'Has said the herdsman, servant of Horos
of Behdet'
BC 245 Mar 22 - Apr 20, TM 8491: P. Hauswaldt Manning 3, a 1: Bḥtt, 'Has said the herdsman,
servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 245 Mar 22 - Apr 20, TM 8491: P. Hauswaldt Manning 3, a 2 [a]: Bḥtt, 'the sale price of my island
land which is in the divine endowment of Horos of Behdet in T-mai-n-aser / The tamarisk
BC 245 Mar 22 - Apr 20, TM 8491: P. Hauswaldt Manning 3, a 3 [a]: Bḥtt, 'south: the land of the
herdsman, servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 245 Mar 22 - Apr 20, TM 8491: P. Hauswaldt Manning 3, a 3 [b]: Bḥtt, 'north: the land of the
herdsman, servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 245 Mar 22 - Apr 20, TM 8491: P. Hauswaldt Manning 3, a 3 [d]: Bḥtt, 'west: the land of the
herdsman, servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 245 Mar 22 - Apr 20, TM 8491: P. Hauswaldt Manning 3, b 1: Bḥtt, 'Has said the herdsman,
servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 245 Mar 22 - Apr 20, TM 8491: P. Hauswaldt Manning 3, b 2 [a]: Bḥtt, 'your island land which is
in the divine endowment of Horos of Behdet in T-mai-n-aser / The tamarisk island'
BC 245 Mar 22 - Apr 20, TM 8491: P. Hauswaldt Manning 3, b 3 [a]: Bḥtt, 'south: the land of the
herdsman, servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 245 Mar 22 - Apr 20, TM 8491: P. Hauswaldt Manning 3, b 3 [b]: Bḥtt, 'north: the land of the
herdsman, servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 245 Mar 22 - Apr 20, TM 8491: P. Hauswaldt Manning 3, b 3 [d]: Bḥtt, 'west: the land of the
herdsman, servant of Horos of Behdet'
172 BC 243 Jun 20 - Jul 19, TM 2806: P. Hauswaldt Manning 7, a 2: Bḥtt, 'Has said the herdsman,
servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 243 Jun 20 - Jul 19, TM 2806: P. Hauswaldt Manning 7, a 4 [a]: Bḥtt, 'this island land which is in
the divine endowment of Horos of Behdet in T-mai-n-aser / The tamarisk island'
BC 243 Jun 20 - Jul 19, TM 2806: P. Hauswaldt Manning 7, b 2: Bḥtt, 'Has said the herdsman,
servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 243 Jun 20 - Jul 19, TM 2806: P. Hauswaldt Manning 7, b 4 [a]: Bḥtt, 'my (?) island land which is
in the divine endowment of Horos of Behdet in T-mai-n-aser / The tamarisk island'
BC 243 - 222, TM 8495: P. Hauswaldt Manning 13, 1 [c]: Bḥtt, 'Has said the herdsman, servant of
Horos of Behdet'
BC 243 - 222, TM 8495: P. Hauswaldt Manning 13, witness copy A 1: Bḥtt, 'herdsman, servant of
Horos of Behdet'
BC 243 - 222, TM 8495: P. Hauswaldt Manning 13, witness copy B 1: Bḥtt, 'herdsman, servant of
Horos of Behdet'
BC 243 - 222, TM 8495: P. Hauswaldt Manning 13, witness copy C 1: Bḥtt, 'herdsman, servant of
Horos of Behdet'
BC 240 Jun 19 - 29, TM 2805: P. Hauswaldt Manning 2, a 2 [a]: Bḥtt, 'Has said the herdsman,
servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 240 Jun 19 - 29, TM 2805: P. Hauswaldt Manning 2, a 2 [b]: Bḥtt, 'to the herdsman, servant of
Horos of Behdet'
BC 240 Jun 19 - 29, TM 2805: P. Hauswaldt Manning 2, b (= h) 2 [a]: Bḥtt, 'Has said the herdsman,
servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 240 Jun 19 - 29, TM 2805: P. Hauswaldt Manning 2, b (= h) 2 [b]: Bḥtt, 'to the herdsman, servant
of Horos of Behdet'
BC 240 Jun 19 - 29, TM 2805: P. Hauswaldt Manning 2, witness copy b 1 [a]?: Dbȝ, 'kalasiris of
Apollonopolis Pasas son of Patous'
BC 240 Jun 19 - 29, TM 2805: P. Hauswaldt Manning 2, witness copy b 1 [b]?: Bḥtt, 'herdsman,
servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 240 Jun 19 - 29, TM 2805: P. Hauswaldt Manning 2, witness copy c 2: Bḥtt, 'herdsman, servant
of Horos of Behdet'
BC 240 Jun 19 - 29, TM 2805: P. Hauswaldt Manning 2, witness copy d 1: Dbȝ, 'kalasiris of
Apollonopolis Poeris son of Paes'
BC 240 Jun 19 - 29, TM 2805: P. Hauswaldt Manning 2, witness copy d 2: Bḥtt, 'herdsman, servant
of Horos of Behdet'
BC 240 Jun 19 - 29, TM 2805: P. Hauswaldt Manning 2, witness copy e 1: Bḥtt, 'herdsman, servant
of Horos of Behdet'
BC 240 Jun 19 - 29, TM 2805: P. Hauswaldt Manning 2, witness copy e 2: Bḥtt, 'herdsman, servant
of Horos of Behdet'
BC 240 Jun 19 - 29, TM 2805: P. Hauswaldt Manning 2, witness copy g 1: Dbȝ, 'kalasiris of
Apollonopolis Pasas son of Patous'
BC 240 Jun 19 - 29, TM 2805: P. Hauswaldt Manning 2, witness copy i 1 [a]?: Dbȝ, 'kalasiris of
Apollonopolis Poeris son of Paes'
BC 240 Jun 19 - 29, TM 2805: P. Hauswaldt Manning 2, witness copy i 1 [b]?: Bḥtt, 'herdsman,
servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 240 Jun 19 - 29, TM 2805: P. Hauswaldt Manning 2, witness copy k 1: Bḥtt, 'herdsman, servant
of Horos of Behdet'
BC 240 May 20 - Jun 8, TM 2807: P. Hauswaldt Manning 8, a 2: Bḥtt, 'to the herdsman, servant of
Horos of Behdet'
BC 240 May 20 - Jun 8, TM 2807: P. Hauswaldt Manning 8, a 5: Bḥtt, 'the low-lying land which is in
the divine endowment of Horos of Behdet in T-mai-n-aser / The tamarisk island'
BC 240 May 20 - Jun 8, TM 2807: P. Hauswaldt Manning 8, b 2: Bḥtt, 'to the herdsman, servant of
Horos of Behdet'
BC 240 May 20 - Jun 8, TM 2807: P. Hauswaldt Manning 8, b 5 [a]: Bḥtt, 'the low-lying land at the
northern places which is in the divine endowment of Horos of Behdet in T-mai-n-aser / The
tamarisk island'
BC 240 Jun 19 - Jul 10, TM 2808: P. Hauswaldt Manning 9, a 2: Bḥtt, 'to the herdsman, servant of
Horos of Behdet'
BC 240 Jun 19 - Jul 10, TM 2808: P. Hauswaldt Manning 9, a 9: Bḥtt, 'the herdsman, servant of
Horos of Behdet'
173 BC 240 Jun 19 - Jul 10, TM 2808: P. Hauswaldt Manning 9, b 2: Bḥtt, 'to the herdsman, servant of
Horos of Behdet'
BC 240 Jun 19 - Jul 10, TM 2808: P. Hauswaldt Manning 9, b 7: Bḥtt, 'the herdsman, servant of
Horos of Behdet'
BC 225 Nov 14, TM 43412: P. Bürgsch. 14, Dem. 4: Dbȝ, 'to (the) temple of Apollonopolis'
BC 225 Nov 14, TM 43412: P. Bürgsch. 14, Dem. 14: Dbȝ, 'to (the) temple of Apollonopolis'
BC 225 Nov 14, TM 43412: P. Bürgsch. 14, Dem. 17: [Bḥ]t.t, 'Horos of Behdet'
BC 225 Nov 14, TM 43412: P. Bürgsch. 14, Dem. 19: Dbȝ, 'Wir werden es vollzahlen an den Tempel
von Apollonopolis'
BC 224 Nov 17 - Dec 16, TM 44566: P. Eleph. Dem. 8, 1: Bḥty, 'the scribes of Horos of Behdet (and)
the brotherly gods (and) the benificent gods'
BC 224 Nov 17 - Dec 16, TM 44566: P. Eleph. Dem. 8, 3: Bḥty?, 'the priests of Horos of Behdet (?)'
BC 224 Nov 17 - Dec 16, TM 44566: P. Eleph. Dem. 8, 4: Db?, 'in (the) temple of Apollonopolis'
BC 224 Nov 17 - Dec 16, TM 44566: P. Eleph. Dem. 8, 6: Db, 'in (the) temple of Apollonopolis'
BC 224 Nov 17 - Dec 16, TM 44566: P. Eleph. Dem. 8, 8: Db, 'in (the) temple of Apollonopolis'
BC 224 Nov 17 - Dec 16, TM 44566: P. Eleph. Dem. 8, 11: Db, '(the) temple of Apollonopolis'
BC 224 Nov 17 - Dec 16, TM 44566: P. Eleph. Dem. 8, 13: [Db], '(the) temple of Apollonopolis'
BC 224 Jun 15 - Jul 14, TM 2810: P. Hauswaldt Manning 11, a 2: Bḥtt, 'Has said the herdsman,
servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 224 Jun 15 - Jul 14, TM 2810: P. Hauswaldt Manning 11, a 3: [Bḥ]tt, 'to the herdsman, servant of
Horos of Behdet'
BC 224 Jun 15 - Jul 14, TM 2810: P. Hauswaldt Manning 11, b 2 [a]: Bḥtt, 'Has said the herdsman,
servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 224 Jun 15 - Jul 14, TM 2810: P. Hauswaldt Manning 11, b 2 [b]: Bḥtt, 'to the herdsman, servant
of Horos of Behdet'
BC 223 Mar 17 - Apr 15, TM 2784: P. Assoc. p. 3-10 no. Lille 29, 2 [a]: Bḥdt, 'those of the cult
association of the temple of Horos of Behdet'
BC 223 May 5, TM 44567: P. Eleph. Dem. 5, 7: Db, 'der Vorsteher des Tempels von Apollonopolis'
BC 223 May 5, TM 44567: P. Eleph. Dem. 5, 12 [b]: Db, 'Ihr Vorsteher des Tempels von
BC 221 Oct 17 - 220 Oct 16, TM 2811: P. Hauswaldt Manning 16 + P. Hauswaldt Manning 20, (16) 1:
Bḥtt, 'Has said the herdsman, servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 221 Oct 17 - 220 Oct 16, TM 2811: P. Hauswaldt Manning 16 + P. Hauswaldt Manning 20, (16) 3
[a]: Bḥtt, 'to the herdsman, servant of Horos of Behdet who is reckoned among the men of
BC 220 Sep 12 - Oct 11, TM 8494: P. Hauswaldt Manning 12, a 2 [b]: Bḥtt, 'Has said the herdsman,
servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 220 Sep 12 - Oct 11, TM 8494: P. Hauswaldt Manning 12, a 2 [c]: [Bḥtt], 'to he herdsman, servant
of Horos of Behdet'
BC 220 Sep 12 - Oct 11, TM 8494: P. Hauswaldt Manning 12, b 2 [b]: [Bḥtt], 'Has said the herdsman,
servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 220 Sep 12 - Oct 11, TM 8494: P. Hauswaldt Manning 12, b 3 [a]: Bḥtt, 'to the herdsman, servant
of Horos of Behdet'
BC 220 Oct 17 - Nov 15, TM 8493: P. Hauswaldt Manning 5, 2 [b]: Bḥtt, 'Has said the herdsman,
servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 220 Oct 17 - Nov 15, TM 8493: P. Hauswaldt Manning 5, 4 [a]: Bḥtt, 'the island land which is in
the divine endowment of Horos of Behdet the great god, lord of heaven, in T-mai-n-p-api'
BC 220 Oct 17 - Nov 15, TM 8493: P. Hauswaldt Manning 5, 5 [a]: Dbȝ, 'west: the agricultural lands
of the temple of Apollonopolis'
(?) BC 217 Oct 16 - 216 Oct 15, TM 8488: P. Hauswaldt Manning 15, 6 [c]: [Dbȝ?], 'the court scribe of
BC 215 Sep 11 - Oct 10, TM 2813: P. Hauswaldt Manning 25, a 2 [a]: Bḥtt, 'Has said the herdsman,
servant of Horos of Behdet who is reckoned among the men of Philai'
BC 215 Sep 11 - Oct 10, TM 2813: P. Hauswaldt Manning 25, a 2 [c]: B[ḥtt], 'to the herdsman,
servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 215 Sep 11 - Oct 10, TM 2813: P. Hauswaldt Manning 25, a 3 [a]: [Bḥtt], 'which is in the divine
endowment of Horos of Behdet the great god, lord of heaven, in T-mai-n-aser / The tamarisk
island in the Ano toparchia / the southern quarters of the nomos of Apollonopolis'
BC 215 Sep 11 - Oct 10, TM 2813: P. Hauswaldt Manning 25, a 4: Bḥtt, 'to the herdsman, servant of
Horos of Behdet'
174 BC 215 Sep 11 - Oct 10, TM 2813: P. Hauswaldt Manning 25, b 2 [a]: Bḥtt, 'Has said the herdsman,
servant of Horos of Behdet, who is reckoned among the men of Philai'
BC 215 Sep 11 - Oct 10, TM 2813: P. Hauswaldt Manning 25, b 2 [c]: Bḥtt, 'to the herdsman, servant
of Horos of Behdet'
BC 215 Sep 11 - Oct 10, TM 2813: P. Hauswaldt Manning 25, b 3 [a]: Bḥtt, 'which is in the divine
endowment of Horos of Behdet the great god, lord of heaven, in T-mai-n-aser / The tamarisk
island in the Ano toparchia / the southern quarters of the nomos of Apollonopolis'
BC 213 Feb 13 - Mar 13?, TM 2812: P. Hauswaldt Manning 17, 3 [b]: [Bḥtt], 'Has said the herdsman,
servant of Horos of Behdet'
BC 213 Feb 13 - Mar 13?, TM 2812: P. Hauswaldt Manning 17, 3 [c]: Bḥtt, 'to (the) servant of Horos
of Behdet who is reckoned among the men of Philai'
BC 213 Feb 13 - Mar 13?, TM 2812: P. Hauswaldt Manning 17, 4 [b]: Bḥtt, 'your two fields in the
divine endowment of Horos of Behdet the great god, lord of heaven, in T-mai-n-aser / The
tamarisk island in the Ano toparchia / the southern quarters of the nomos of Apollonopolis
(which) you acquired (?)'
(?) BC 213 Feb 13 - Mar 13?, TM 2812: P. Hauswaldt Manning 17, 7: Dbȝ, 'the court scribe of
BC 212 Mar 14 - Apr 12, TM 8489: P. Hauswaldt Manning 18, a 8: Bḥtt, 'the herdsman, servant of
Horos of Behdet'
BC 208 Jun 11 - Jul 10, TM 8496: P. Hauswaldt Manning 14, 2 [b]: Bḥtt, 'Has said the herdsman,
servant of Horos of Behdet'
(?) BC 186 - 144 after, TM 46092: Spiegelberg, Zivilprozessordnung (ABAW N.F. 1) p. 16-17 + Sethe
/ Spiegelberg, Zivilprozessordnung (ABAW N.F. 4) p. 18, (p. 16-17) col. 3, 16: B[ḥdty?], 'The
wab-priest of Horos of Behdet'
BC 155 Jul 4, TM 4162: SB 16 12773, 4: Ḏbȝ, 'A écrit Horos l'aîné fils de Pasherpakhy (en) l'an 26
pour (?) Apollonopolis'
BC 153 Jun 6?, TM 79060: SB 22 15501, 6: Ḏbȝ, 'Paleuis son of ... has measured to the thesauros of
Apollonopolis for the harvest tax of year 28 (of) the Kato toparchia / the northern quarters ...'
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 112, 2: Bḥd.t, 'Horos of Behdet'
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 112, 14 [a]: Bḥd.t, 'Horos of
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 113 col. 1, 8: Bḥd.t, 'Horos of
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 114 col. 15, 10: Bḥd.t, 'Horos of
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 114 col. 16, 9: Bḥd.t, 'Die
Ankunft der Priester in Behdet am (?) sḫne'
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 114 col. 16, 20: ˹Ḏbȝ˺, 'Das Opfer
des Allerheiligsten des Tempels von Apollonopolis durch Psenemmous'
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 114 col. 17, 1: ˹Bḥd.t˺, 'Das Opfer
des Tempels von Behdet'
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 114 col. 17, 3: [Bḥd].t, 'Horos of
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 114 col. 17, 4: [B]˹ḥd.t˺, 'Isis of
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 114 col. 4, 12: ˹Bḥd.t˺, 'Isis of
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 114 col. 5, 4: ˹Bḥd.t˺, 'Horos of
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 114 col. 5, 19: Bḥd.t, 'Horos of
(?) BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 114 col. 7, 9: ˹Bḥd.t˺?, 'Das
Opfer des Allerheiligsten des Tempels von Behdet (?) durch Patous'
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 114 col. 7, 11: ˹Bḥd.t˺, 'Das Opfer
des Tempels von Edfu'
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 114 col. 8, 1: Bḥd.t, 'Horos of
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 114 col. 8, 3: Bḥd.t, 'Horos of
175 BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 114 col. 8, 12: ˹Bḥd.t˺, 'Horos of
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 115 col. 1, 1: ˹B˺[ḥd.t], Das Opfer
des Tempels (von) Behdet [ ]'
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 115 col. 1, 3: Bḥ[d.t], 'Horos of
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 115 col. 1, 4: ˹Bḥd.t˺, 'Isis of
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 115 col. 11, 3: Bḥd.t, 'Horos of
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 115 col. 4, 2: Bḥd.t, 'Horos of
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 115 col. 4, 3: Ḏbȝ, 'Ladungen (sc.
of wine) aus den Gärten des Horos von Behdet, (des) grossen Gottes, Herrn des Himmels, des
Ostens von Apollonopolis - der südliche Garten'
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 115 col. 7, 10: Bḥd.t, 'Horos of
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 115 col. 8, 14: Bḥd.t,
'Weinspenden der grossen Häuser von Behdet'
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 116, 4: Bḥd.t, 'Horos of Behdet'
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 138 col. 1, 1: Bḥ˹d.t˺, 'Horos of
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 149 col. 1, 18: [Bḥd.t], 'Horos of
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 151 col. 4, 2: ˹Bḥd.t˺, 'Horos of
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 167, 7: Bḥd.t, 'Horos of Behdet'
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 196 b, 9: B[ḥd.t], 'Das Opfer des
Tempels von Behdet ...'
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 47 col. 2, 7: ˹B˺ḥd.t, 'Isis of
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 48, 2: ˹Bḥd.t˺, 'Horos of Behdet'
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 64 col. 4, 1: Bḥd.t, 'Das Opfer des
Tempels von Behdet'
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 64 col. 5, 7: Bḥ[d.t], 'Horos of
(?) BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 66, 6: Bḥd.t?, 'Wein. | Behdet
(?) [ ]
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 89 col. 4, 2: [Bḥd.t], 'Horos of
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 89 col. 6, 9: ˹Bḥd.t˺, 'Das Opfer
des Tempels von Behdet für [ ]'
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 89 col. 6, 17: ˹Bḥd.t˺, 'Isis of
BC 131 Sep 15, TM 4156: SB 16 12767, 6: Ḏbȝ, 'Apollonios son of Apollonios son of Zoilos has
measured to the thesauros of Apollonopolis for the harvest tax of year 39 of the Kato
toparchia / the northern quarters ...'
(?) BC 115 Sep 12, TM 73860: O. Deiss. 46, 4: Tb?, 'Has measured ... to the thesauros of
Apollonopolis (?) for the harvest tax (?) of year 2 (of) the Kato toparchiat / the northern
quarters ...'
BC 115 Aug 31, TM 80116: O. Heid. 16, 5 [a]: Ḏbȝ, 'Apollonios son of Apollonios has measured to the
thesauros in Apollonopolis for the harvest tax of year 2 of the Kato toparchia / the northern
quarters 9 2/3 artabai of wheat'
(?) BC 115 Sep 5?, TM 75913: O. Strasb. 1 323, Dem. 1: Tbȝ?, '[ ] Apollonopolis (?) | 8 [ ] artabai'
BC 101 Aug 25, TM 46567: P. Äg. Handschr. 189 descr., 2: Bḥṱ, 'Horos of Behdet'
BC 99 - 1, TM 44161: Short Texts 1 168, 1: Bḥd.ti, 'Horos (the) Behdite / of Behdet'
BC 99 - 1, TM 44161: Short Texts 1 168, 5 [b]: Bḥd.ti, 'Horos (the) Behdite / of Behdet'
BC 99 - AD 284, TM 55001: BIFAO 83 (1983), p. 125 no. 2, 1: Bḥ˹dt˺, 'Horos of Behdet'
BC 99 - AD 284, TM 55003: BIFAO 83 (1983), p. 125 no. 4, 1: ˹Bḥdt˺, 'Horos of Behdet'
176 BC 99 - AD 284, TM 55007: BIFAO 83 (1983), p. 125 no. 6, 2: Bḥdt, 'Horos of Behdet'
BC 99 - AD 284, TM 55009: BIFAO 83 (1983), p. 125 no. 7, 2: Bḥdt, 'Horos of Behdet'
BC 99 - AD 284, TM 55012: BIFAO 83 (1983), p. 125 no. 9, 1: B˹ḥdt˺, 'Horos of Behdet'
BC 99 - AD 284, TM 55039: BIFAO 83 (1983), p. 126 no. 17, 1: Bḥdt, 'Horos of Behdet'
BC 99 - AD 284, TM 55044: BIFAO 83 (1983), p. 126 no. 22, 1: Bḥdt, 'Horos of Behdet'
BC 99 - AD 284, TM 55048: BIFAO 83 (1983), p. 126 no. 25, 2: [Bḥ]dt, 'Horos of Behdet'
BC 99 - AD 284, TM 55049: BIFAO 83 (1983), p. 127 no. 26, 2: Bḥdt, 'Horos of Behdet'
BC 99 - AD 284, TM 55057: BIFAO 83 (1983), p. 127 no. 30, 1: Bḥdt, 'Horos of Behdet'
BC 99 - AD 284, TM 55058: BIFAO 83 (1983), p. 127 no. 31, 1: [Bḥdt], 'Horos of Behdet'
BC 99 - AD 284, TM 55060: BIFAO 83 (1983), p. 127 no. 32, 1: Bḥdt, 'Horos of Behdet'
BC 99 - AD 284, TM 55064: BIFAO 83 (1983), p. 127 no. 35, 1: Bḥdt, 'Horos of Behdet'
BC 99 - AD 284, TM 55065: BIFAO 83 (1983), p. 127 no. 36, 1: Bḥdt, 'Horos of Behdet'
BC 99 - AD 284, TM 55071: BIFAO 83 (1983), p. 128 no. 38 b, 1: Bḥdt, 'Horos of Behdet'
BC 99 - AD 284, TM 55072: BIFAO 83 (1983), p. 128 no. 39, 1: Bḥdt, 'Horos of Behdet'
BC 99 - AD 284, TM 55079: BIFAO 83 (1983), p. 128 no. 42 c, 1: Bḥdt, 'Horos of Behdet'
BC 99 - AD 284, TM 55080: BIFAO 83 (1983), p. 128 no. 42 d, 1: Bḥdt, 'Horos of Behdet'
BC 99 - AD 284, TM 55086: BIFAO 83 (1983), p. 128 no. 43, 1: Bḥdt, 'Horos of Behdet'
BC 99 - AD 284, TM 55088: BIFAO 83 (1983), p. 129 no. 44, 1: Bḥdt, 'Horos of Behdet'
BC 99 - AD 284, TM 55091: BIFAO 83 (1983), p. 129 no. 46, 1 [a]: Bḥdt, 'Horos of Behdet'
BC 82 - 52, TM 43880: Graff. Dodec. Philae 387, 1: [Bḥ]t, 'the transport skipper of Horos of Behdet,
great god, lord of heaven'
BC 82 - 52, TM 43878: Graff. Dodec. Philae 388, 3: Bḥtt, 'the transport skipper of Horos of Behdet,
great god, lord of heaven'
BC 82 - 52, TM 43876: Graff. Dodec. Philae 393, 6: Bḥt, 'the transport skipper of Horos of Behdet,
great god, lord of heaven'
BC 82 - 50?, TM 43782: Graff. Dodec. Philae 48, 2: Bḥt, 'Horos of Behdet, great god, lord of heaven'
BC 82 - 50?, TM 43781: Graff. Dodec. Philae 81, 1: [B]ḥt, 'Horos of Behdet, great god, lord of heaven'
BC 81 - AD 499?, TM 53351: Graff. Dodec. Philae 244, 1 [d]: Bḥtt, 'the scribe of the divine book / the
pterophoros of Hathor mistress of Tentyris (and of) Horos of Behdet, great god, lord of
BC 30 - AD 14, TM 46933: SB 18 13575, 3: [T]bȝ, 'Gezahlt hat Pachompbekis, Sohn des Petestheus,
für die Ernte-Abgabe von Apollinopolis 2 (artabai) Weizen.'
BC 30 - AD 14?, TM 53809: Short Texts 1 167, 2: Bḥd.ti, 'Horos (the) Behdite / of Behdet'
BC 30 - AD 14, TM 52765: Short Texts 1 39, 3: Bḥd.ti, '[ ] Horos (the) Behdite / of Behdet, great god,
lord of heaven'
BC 30 - AD 14, TM 52765: Short Texts 1 39, 11: Bḥd.tỉ, 'Horos (the) Behdite / of Behdet'
BC 30 - AD 14, TM 52765: Short Texts 1 39, 18: Ḏbȝ, 'prophet of Horos-brandisher-of-the-spear in
the temple of Apollonopolis'
BC 30 - AD 14, TM 52765: Short Texts 1 39, 19 [b]: Bḥd.tỉ, 'prophet of Horos (the) Behdite / of
Behdet lord of Tentyris in the temple domain of Horos the Behdite / of Behdet'
BC 30 - AD 14, TM 52765: Short Texts 1 39, 19 [d]: Bḥd.tỉ, 'prophet of Horos (the) Behdite / of
Behdet lord of Tentyris in the temple domain of Horos the Behdite / of Behdet'
BC 30 - AD 14, TM 52767: Short Texts 1 40, B 4: [Bḥd.tỉ?], '[prophet of Horos (the) Behdite / of
Behdet], great god, lord of heaven'
BC 30 - AD 14, TM 52767: Short Texts 1 40, B 5 [a]: [B]ḥd.tỉ, 'prophet of Horos (the) Behdite / of
Behdet lord of Tentyris in the estate of Horos the Behdite / of Behdet'
BC 30 - AD 14, TM 52767: Short Texts 1 40, B 5 [c]: ˹Bḥd.ti˺, 'prophet of Horos (the) Behdite / of
Behdet lord of Tentyris in the estate of Horos the Behdite / of Behdet'
BC 30 - AD 199, TM 53523: Short Texts 1 107, 7 - 8: Bḥd.tỉ, 'Horos (the) Behdite / of Behdet'
BC 30 - AD 499, TM 54289: Graff. Silsile 184, 1: Bḥte, 'Horos of Behdet'
BC 30 - AD 499, TM 54302: Graff. Silsile 206, descr. [a]: Bḥte, 'Horos of Behdet'
BC 27 Jan 16 - AD 14 Aug 19, TM 52238: Short Texts 1 169, 7: ˹Bḥ˺d.tỉ, 'Horos (the) Behdite / of
BC 24 Oct 28, TM 54327: Graff. Silsile 240, 7: Bḥty, 'Horos of Behdet'
BC 13 Dec 27, TM 53805: Short Texts 1 161, 6: Bḥd.tỉ, 'Horos (the) Behdite / of Behdet'
BC 13 Dec 27, TM 53807: Short Texts 1 162, 6 [b]: Bḥd.tỉ, 'Horos (the) Behdite / of Behdet'
BC 12 Mar 30, TM 53806: Short Texts 1 163, Dem. 5 [b]: Bḥd.ti, 'Horos (the) Behdite / of Behdet'
BC 10 Aug 30, TM 52876: Short Texts 1 164, 4 [b]: Bḥd.ti, 'Horos (the) Behdite / of Behdet'
BC 4 May 26 - Jun 24, TM 69560: P. Brooklyn Dem. 94, 4: Tbȝ?, '... has paid (the) harvest tax at
Apollonopolis, 6 (artabai) of wheat.'
177 BC 2 May 26, TM 46935: O. Mattha 247, 3: Tb, 'P-it the elder son of P-it son of Soos has paid (for)
(the) rent, at Apollonopolis'
AD 1 - 99?, TM 51130: Enchoria 16 (1988), p. 79 no. 1, col. 1, 7: Bḥṱ, in a list of Upper Egyptian
AD 1 - 99?, TM 51130: Enchoria 16 (1988), p. 79 no. 1, col. 1, 8: Ḏbȝ, in a list of Upper Egyptian
AD 1 - 199, TM 69431: Jasnow / Zauzich, Book of Thoth p. 139-496 no. L01, col. 2, 1 (p. 340): [Tbȝ],
'A vulture ... a scale, while its young of god is before her ... [It is Apollonopolis.]
AD 2 Jun 8, TM 47580: Fs. 150 Berlin p. 333 no. 25, 3: Tbȝ, 'the temple in Apollonopolis'
AD 3 Mar 4, TM 53812: Short Texts 1 171, 1: Bḥd, 'The ... of Pachoy lord of Behdet (sc. Horos lord of
AD 4 May 30, TM 47581: Fs. 150 Berlin p. 334 no. 26, 3: Tbȝ, 'the temple in Apollonopolis'
AD 7 May 28, TM 49876: O. Mattha 250, 4: Tb, 'Her-ken son of P-it son of Lolous has paid (for) (the)
rent, at Apollonopolis'
AD 9 Jun 17, TM 18254: SB 18 13574, 4: Tbʿ, 'Gezahlt hat Pbekis, Sohn des Pachymsasis, für die
Ernte-Abgabe von Apollinopolis 1 (artabe) Weizen.'
AD 10 Jun 15, TM 51669: OrSu 18 (1969), p. 89 no. 17, 3: Tbȝ, 'Es hat bezahlt ... Ernte-Abgabe in
(?) AD 11 Jul 30, TM 54144: Hommages Sauneron I (BdE 81) p. 268 no. 16, 3: Tb?, '... a payé la taxe
de la capitation: 2 statères. (in a different hand:) Apollonopolis (?). Year 35.'
(?) AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 22, 18: Bȝ[ḥ]te,
'Hast du nicht ein rotes Opfertier dem ältern Horos dem Herren von Behdet (?) ...
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 15, 18: Bḥtt, 'The
love which Isis felt for Horos (the) Behdite / of Behdet'
AD 200 - 299, TM 64218: Magica varia (Pap. Brux. 25) p. 73 no. 3 + Betz, The Greek magical papyri
in translation p. 323-330 no. PDM Suppl., col. 6, 20: Bḥt, 'I am the noble ibis; I am the ape of
Apollonopolis (sc. Thoth, presumably)'
Apollonopolis (Qus) – U05 (270)
G Ἀπόλλωνος Πόλις Μικρά - Διοκλητιανόπολις - Διοκλητιανοῦ Πόλις L Vicus Apollonos - Chus E
Gs (Gsȝ - Gsy) C ⲕⲟⲟⲥ - ⲕⲟⲥ - ⲕⲱⲥ Var.: Apollonopolis (Apollonos Polis - Apollinopolis)
Mikra (Parva) - Diokletianopolis (Diokletianou Polis - City of Diocletianus) - Ges - Qus (Kous Kus) - sites including the monastery of Saint Elias
Status: city: polis; village: kome; vicus; district: nomos Loc.: on the eastern Nile bank
Ident.: U Konstantine Polis (2638)?
Note: obsolete interpretation: Apollonopolites; the identification with Rsn(.t) / Rsnf (3633) is no
longer accepted (see now U03 Latopolis (Esna) (1227))
Rep.: Dizionario I 2, p. 160 (3); p. 169-170 (2); p. 439 (4); p. 440 (2); II, p. 106; Suppl. 1, p. 49 (2-<3>);
p. 50 (2); Suppl. 2, p. 23 (2); p. 44; Suppl. 3, p. 19 (2); p. 31; Suppl. 4, p. 18 (2); p. 52; Gauthier,
Dictionnaire V, 1928, p. 178; Timm, p. 2173-2180; Bibl.: Erichsen, Lesestücke II.2, 1940, p. 201;
Gardiner, AEO 2, 1947, p. 27*-28* no. 339; Zauzich, P. Berl. Eleph. 2, 1993, no. 13566, p. 2; CDD G,
2004, p. 70; Maps: Baines / Malek, Atlas, 2002, p. 109 Sources: BC 332 - AD 284, TM 53920: Short Texts 1 221, 4: Gs, 'A[ ] son of Paniskos, the lesonis (?) of
the {the} [ ] who / which is in Apollonopolis'
BC 246 - 222?, TM 3052: P. L. Bat. 26 55, 3: Gs, 'in the name of Thotortais son of Phibis, and also of
his mother, whom they have brought from Apollonopolis [ ]'
BC 175 Oct 21, TM 2747: P. BM Andrews 6, 3: Gs, 'the tomb of Thotsythmis, the man of
BC 136 Jan 30, TM 43627: Enchoria 31 (2008-2009), p. 25-42 text A+B, 6: Gsȝ, 'the half of Hones, the
smith of Apollonopolis'
BC 30 - AD 199?, TM 51821: OrSu 30 (1981), p. 20 no. 11, 7: Gse, 'Send me a message; come to
Apollonopolis (Kom Isfaht) – U10b (268)
G Ἀπόλλωνος Πόλις L Apollinos Minore - Apollone Inferiore E Sbḥt C ⲥⲃⲉϩⲧ Var.: Apollonopolis
(Apollonos Polis) Heptakomias / Kato (Inferior / Minor) / Mikra - Kom Isfaht Ethnic:
Status: city: polis Demotic
178 Admin.: in the Heptakomia
Loc.: on the western Nile bank
Ident.: cf. also U10b Apollonopolites Heptakomias (3017)
Rep.: Dizionario I 2, p. 159-160 (2-3); p. 161 (2); p. 170-172 (3); II, p. 154 (2); Suppl. 1, p. 49 (2); p. 50
(3); Suppl. 2, p. 23 (2); Suppl. 3, p. 19 (2); Suppl. 4, p. 18 (2); Timm, p. 1433-1438; Gauthier,
Dictionnaire III, 1926, p. 63; Bibl.: Griffith, Graff. Dodec. Philae, 1937, p. 82-83; P. Köln Gr. 3,
1980, p. 157-158; Maps: Baines / Malek, Atlas, 2002, p. 109 Sources: BC 158 Jul 1?, TM 53360: Graff. Dodec. Philae 249, 5: Sbḥt, '[ ] the goddess of
Apollonopolites – U02 (2717)
G Ἀπολλωνοπολίτης L Apollonopolites E pȝ tš n Ḏbȝ Var.: Apollonopolites
Status: district: nomos; tesh Ident.: cf. U02 Apollonopolis (Edfu) (269)
Note: new reading in P. Eleph. Dem. 7, 6 (no toponym; cf. DBL, 2005, p. 203)
Sources: BC 243 - 222, TM 8495: P. Hauswaldt Manning 13, 2 [c]: [pȝ] tš Dbȝ, 'in the field of the high
land Per-ourem in the Ano toparchia / the southern quarters of the nomos of Apollonopolis'
BC 224 May 2, TM 5841: P. Eleph. Dem. 7, 12: pȝ tš Dbȝ, 'I live in the nomos of Apollonopolis'
BC 224 Jun 15 - Jul 14, TM 2810: P. Hauswaldt Manning 11, a 4 [c]: pȝ tš Dbȝ, 'in the field of the high
land of Per-ourem in the Ano toparchia / the southern quarters on the west of the nomos of
BC 224 Jun 15 - Jul 14, TM 2810: P. Hauswaldt Manning 11, b 3 [c]: pȝ tš Dbȝ, 'which is in the field of
the high land Per-ourem in the Ano toparchia / the southern quarters on the west of the
nomos of Apollonopolis'
BC 223 Dec 5, TM 5858: P. Bürgsch. 13, 4 [b]: pȝ tš Dbȝ, '(our field) ... which is in Psebtomis in the
nomos of Apollonopolis'
BC 223 May 5, TM 44567: P. Eleph. Dem. 5, 8: pȝ tš [Db], 'dem Praktor in den Tempeln des Gaues
von Apollonopolis'
BC 220 Sep 12 - Oct 11, TM 8494: P. Hauswaldt Manning 12, a 3 [c]: pȝ tš Dbȝ, 'the sale price of our
high land which is in the field of the high land Per-ourem in the Ano toparchia / the southern
quarters of the nomos of Apollonopolis'
BC 220 Sep 12 - Oct 11, TM 8494: P. Hauswaldt Manning 12, b 3 [d]: pȝ tš Dbȝ, 'the high land which
is in the field of the high land of Per-ourem in the Ano toparchia / the southern quarters of
the nomos of Apollonopolis'
BC 220 Oct 17 - Nov 15, TM 8493: P. Hauswaldt Manning 5, 3 [b]: pȝ tš Dbȝ, 'the lands ... which are
(in) the Ano toparchia / the southern quarters of the nomos of Apollonopolis'
BC 215 Sep 11 - Oct 10, TM 2813: P. Hauswaldt Manning 25, a 3 [d]: pȝ tš Dbȝ, 'which is in the
divine endowment of Horos of Behdet the great god, lord of heaven, in T-mai-n-aser / The
tamarisk island in the Ano toparchia / the southern quarters of the nomos of Apollonopolis'
BC 215 Sep 11 - Oct 10, TM 2813: P. Hauswaldt Manning 25, b 3 [d]: pȝ tš Dbȝ, 'which is in the
divine endowment of Horos of Behdet the great god, lord of heaven, in T-mai-n-aser / The
tamarisk island in the Ano toparchia / the southern quarters of the nomos of Apollonopolis'
BC 213 Feb 13 - Mar 13?, TM 2812: P. Hauswaldt Manning 17, 4 [e]: pȝ tš Dbȝ, 'your two fields in the
divine endowment of Horos of Behdet the great god, lord of heaven, in T-mai-n-aser / The
tamarisk island in the Ano toparchia / the southern quarters of the nomos of Apollonopolis
(which) you acquired (?)'
BC 212 Mar 14 - Apr 12, TM 8489: P. Hauswaldt Manning 18, a 3 [c]: pȝ tš Dbȝ, 'which are in the
field of the high land of Per-ourem in the Ano toparchia / the southern quarters of the nomos
of Apollonopolis'
BC 212 Mar 14 - Apr 12, TM 8489: P. Hauswaldt Manning 18, b 4: pȝ tš Dbȝ, 'which are in the field
of the high land of Per-ourem in the Ano toparchia / the southern quarters of the nomos of
BC 150 - 30, TM 46004: JEA 11 (1925), p. 151, col. 2, 11: pȝ tš Tb, 'The nomos of Apollonopolis. West
side of the great river ...'
BC 124 May 5, TM 221: P. Bürgsch. 9, 4 [d]: [[pȝ tš n Dbȝ]], '(the) man (of) Philai in the nomos (of)
Omboi (corrected from 'in the nomos (of) Apollonopolis')'
Arabia (281)
G Ἀραβία L Arabia E pȝ tȝ ȝrby (ȝlbyn - ȝlyby - ȝrbyn - ʿrby?) - Hgr (Hkr) Var.: Arabia E thnic: Arabikos
- Arabios - Araps (Arabissa) - Arabicus - Arabs - Hgr (Hkr) - Arabarches - Arabotoxotes
179 Status: region: ta Note: obsolete reading: Arabphylakites
Rep.: Dizionario I 2, p. 178; p. 179 (1); p. 182; p. 183 (bis); p. 184; p. 188-190; p. 441 (1); p. 441; Suppl.
1, p. 51 (1); p. 52 (bis); p. 53 (3); p. 54; Gauthier, Dictionnaire IV, 1927, p. 7; VI, 1929, p. 1; Bibl.:
Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge, 1917, p. 326-327 no. 1079; Erichsen, Lesestücke II.2,
1940, p. 198; Erichsen, Glossar, 1954, p. 6; p. 281; p. 387; p. 599; Hoffmann, Ägypter und
Amazonen, 1995, p. 91; CDD H, 2001, p. 97-99; CDD ȝ, 2002, p. 45 (bis); p. 53 (bis); PP X, 2002, p.
21-26; Macdonald, Topoi 16 (2009), p. 277-332
Sources: BC 399 - 300?, TM 56121: Rev. Bibl. N.S. 92 (1985), p. 60-81 + JNES 43 (1984), p. 93-96 +
Vleeming / Wesselius, Papyrus Amherst 63 1 p. 33-37 & 50-72 & 88 + Vleeming / Wesselius,
Papyrus Amherst 63 2 p. 30-44 & 46-52 & 54-64 & 65-71 & 75-90, col. 22, 6 [a]: Hgr?, 'you
scattered the Arabs who live in Babylon!'
BC 399 - 200?, TM 46537: P. Äg. Handschr. 145, descr.: Hkr, descr.: 'Erwähnung von Hagräern.'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46596: P. Äg. Handschr. 233, descr. [b]: Hgr?, descr.: 'Der Absender berichtet
davon, dass jemand Hagräer und Leute von Apis (?) hat kommen lassen und viele von ihnen
(?) getötet hat.'
BC 332 - 200, TM 45958: P. Cairo 2 31168 Ro + P. Cairo 2 31169, (31169) col. 3, 25 (immo 26): pȝ tȝ
ȝrby, after a list of Lower Egyptian toponyms: 'Syria / Phoenicia, Aethiopia, Arabia'
BC 308 Feb 9, TM 43377: P. Loeb 13, 10: nȝ Hgr.w, 'Die Hagräer sind es, die sie im Jahre 6 am 30.
Phaophi gepflügt haben.'
BC 308 Feb 9, TM 43377: P. Loeb 13, 25: nȝ Hgr.w, 'Pflüge den Acker nach diesem Pflügen mit den
BC 281 Nov 1 - 30, TM 8540: P. Ryl. Dem. 12, H 16: Hkr, '(the) Hagrite / Arab Peteanoupis son of
Pates son of Peteanoupis'
BC 229 Jun 16 - Jul 15, TM 44106: P. Count. 2 + P. Count. 3, (P. Count. 2) 513: Hgr, 'Arabs | / 1 | / ... of
whom [ ]'
BC 224 May 16 - Jun 14, TM 4485: P. Lille Dem. 2 56 + P. Lille Dem. 2 59, 4 [a] (< (59) 4): Hgr, 'says a
Syrian Arab' (with 'Arab' in the meaning of '(mounted) courier')
BC 135, TM 107250: PP VIII (Stud. Hell. 21) p. 183 no. 3537 a descr., 1: Hgr?, descr.: 'Petermouthis
son of Paapis (?), "Arab and infantery soldier", P-awi-n-Item'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 13) 8 [b]: Hgr,
'Man gab ihn in die Hand des Hakoris (und) der lief nach dem Norden bei Nacht wie bei
Mittag.' (with 'Hakoris' / 'Arab' in the meaning of '(mounted) courier')
(?) BC 99 - AD 199, TM 56175: Spiegelberg, Demotische Texte auf Krügen p. 14-16 no. A + Dem.
Conf. VII (Copenhagen 1999) p. 60-61 + P. Zauzich 71 + Archiv Orientalni 17.2 (1949), p. 127, 15
(Spiegelberg): pȝ tȝ [ȝlbyn?], '[... the (?)] chiefs (?) (of) the land of [Arabia (?)]'
BC 99 - AD 199, TM 56175: Spiegelberg, Demotische Texte auf Krügen p. 14-16 no. A + Dem. Conf.
VII (Copenhagen 1999) p. 60-61 + P. Zauzich 71 + Archiv Orientalni 17.2 (1949), p. 127, 16 [a]
(Dem. Conf.): pȝ tȝ ȝlbyn, 'Aouski the chief (of) the land of Arabia (sc. Ashoka of India?)'
BC 99 - AD 199, TM 56175: Spiegelberg, Demotische Texte auf Krügen p. 14-16 no. A + Dem. Conf.
VII (Copenhagen 1999) p. 60-61 + P. Zauzich 71 + Archiv Orientalni 17.2 (1949), p. 127, 16 [b]
(Dem. Conf.): pȝ tȝ [ȝlbyn], 'immense is the land of Arabia'
BC 99 - AD 199, TM 56175: Spiegelberg, Demotische Texte auf Krügen p. 14-16 no. A + Dem. Conf.
VII (Copenhagen 1999) p. 60-61 + P. Zauzich 71 + Archiv Orientalni 17.2 (1949), p. 127, 17 (Dem.
Conf.): pȝ tȝ ȝlbyn, 'Je mettrai en pièces la terre d' Arabia'
BC 99 - AD 199, TM 56175: Spiegelberg, Demotische Texte auf Krügen p. 14-16 no. A + Dem. Conf.
VII (Copenhagen 1999) p. 60-61 + P. Zauzich 71 + Archiv Orientalni 17.2 (1949), p. 127, 23 (Dem.
Conf.): pȝ tȝ ȝlbyn, 'Je mettrai en pièces quant à moi ... la terre d' Arabia'
BC 70 Nov 20?, TM 8531: ZÄS 115 (1988), p. 52-53, A 1 [b]: Hgr, 'Es hat gesagt der Hagriter des
Berges (und) Diener des Horos, Herrn von Hebenou, des grossen Gottes'
BC 70 Nov 20?, TM 8531: ZÄS 115 (1988), p. 52-53, A 2 [a]: Hgr, 'zu dem Hagriter (und) Diener des
Horos, Herrn von Hebenou, des grossen Gottes'
BC 70 Nov 20?, TM 8531: ZÄS 115 (1988), p. 52-53, B 2 [b]: Hgr, 'Es hat gesagt der Hagriter des
Berges (und) Diener des Horos, Herrn von Hebenou, des grossen Gottes'
BC 70 Nov 20?, TM 8531: ZÄS 115 (1988), p. 52-53, B 3 [b]: Hgr, 'zu dem Hagriter (und) Diener des
Horos, Herrn von Hebenou, des grossen Gottes'
180 BC 30 - AD 284, TM 80228: Dem. Conf. VII (Copenhagen 1999) p. 387-393 [P. Carlsberg 411] descr.,
fr. 1 7 (p. 389 & n. 71) [a]: Hkr, 'an Arab (in the meaning of '(mounted) courier') belonging to
the land of the Aethiopians'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 80228: Dem. Conf. VII (Copenhagen 1999) p. 387-393 [P. Carlsberg 411] descr.,
fr. 2 col. 1, 5 (p. 389 & n. 73): Hkr.w, 'Arabs (in the meaning of '(mounted) couriers')'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 80229: Dem. Conf. VII (Copenhagen 1999) p. 387-393 [P. Carlsberg 412] descr.,
fr. 5, 6 (p. 390 & n. 82): pȝ tȝ ȝlby[ ], 'Sesostris to the land of Arabia [ ]'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 3, 32 [a]: Hkr.w, 'Ihr
Leben ist under den Hgr-Völkern, ihre Speise ist in dem Lande Arabien.'
(?) AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 3, 32 [b]: pȝ tȝ n
ʿr[by], 'Ihr Leben ist under den Hgr-Völkern, ihre Speise ist in dem Lande Arabien.'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 18, 26: ȝlyby,
'indem er hielt (?) eine Lanze von [ ] von Arabien'
(?) AD 150 - 199, TM 55973: Reymond, Medical book p. 82-131, col. 4, 12: ȝrbyn, 'Arabian (?)
(?) AD 150 - 199, TM 55973: Reymond, Medical book p. 82-131, col. 8, 31: ȝrbyn, 'Arabian (?)
AD 200 about, TM 55903: Hoffmann, Ägypter und Amazonen p. 33-129 + Enchoria 22 (1995), p. 28
no. 1, (Hoffmann) col. 8, 14: Hkr, 'the young Arab' in the meaning of 'the young (mounted)
courier' (?)
AD 200 about, TM 55903: Hoffmann, Ägypter und Amazonen p. 33-129 + Enchoria 22 (1995), p. 28
no. 1, (Hoffmann) col. 9, 7: Hkr, 'Arab' (in the meaning of '(mounted) courier' (?))
AD 200 about, TM 92228: Hoffmann, Ägypter und Amazonen p. 87-129 [A text], (Hoffmann) A col.
1, 16: Hkr, '[ ] Arab' (in the meaning of '(mounted) courier' (?))
Arabia – L01 (5188)
G Ἀραβία E Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-ỉȝbty Var.: Arabia - N-awiou-iabti ('The eastern quarters')
Status: district Loc.: the eastern part of the L01 Memphites
Rep.: Dizionario I 2, p. 181 (10); Suppl. 1, p. 52 (10)
Sources: BC 285 - 246 about, TM 50943: JEA 60 (1974), p. 196-199 no. 4, col. 1, 7 [a]: Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-ỉȝbṱ,
'the eastern quarters (of) the nomos (of) Memphis'
Arabia – U04a (5190)
G Ἀραβία E pr-ỉȝbty n pȝ tš n Pr-Ḥw.t-Ḥr Var.: Arabia - 'The east of the nomos of Pathyris'
Status: district Loc.: the eastern part of the U04a Pathyrites
Rep.: Dizionario I 2, p. 181 (12); p. 441; Suppl. 1, p. 52 (12); Suppl. 4, p. 18 (12)
Sources: BC 93 Sep 15 - 92 Sep 14, TM 44894: MDAIK 21 (1966), p. 154-155 no. 22, 3 [a]: pr-ỉȝbty n pȝ
tš n Pr-Ḥw.t-Ḥr, 'Have brought ... to the storehouse (of) Pathyris for [ ] the east of the nomos
of Pathyris'
Arabia (nomos) – L20 (282)
G Ἀραβία L Arabicus E Ỉȝb.t (Ỉȝbty - Pr-ỉȝbty) Var.: Arabia - Iabet (Iabti) ('East')
Status: district: nomos Ident.: cf. the city L20 Arabia (12653)
Rep.: Dizionario I 2, p. 179-180 (2-3); Suppl. 1, p. 52 (2); Suppl. 2, p. 24 (2); Suppl. 3, p. 19 (2); Suppl. 4,
p. 18 (2); Gauthier, Dictionnaire II, 1925, p. 51; Bibl.: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis, 1910, p.
5* no. 19-20; p. 81*; Helck, LÄ II, 1977, col. 401
Sources: BC 299 - 200, TM 55866: OrAnt 2 (1963), p. 5-7 no. 2, A 9 [b]: Ỉȝb.t, '[ ] the great one of (the)
East (sc. Pakrouris) [ ]'
(?) BC 139 - 136, TM 47620: Cahiers du Musée Champollion 1 (1988), p. 12, 7: Pr-ỉȝb.t, 'north: the
vineyards of Ptolemaios from Per-iabet [ ]'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. de Ricci 11) 8: Ỉȝbte, '[
] der Grosse des Ostgaus, [Pekrouris]'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
181 22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 10) 11: Ỉȝbte,
'dem Grossen des Ostgaus Pekrouris'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 11) 7: Ỉȝbte,
'den Grossen des Ostgaus, Pekrouris'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 11) 8: Ỉȝbte,
'der Grosse des Ostgaus, Pekrouris'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 11) 13: Ỉȝbte,
'Du Grosser des Ostgaus, Pekrouris'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 11) 15: Ỉȝbte,
'der Grosse des Ostgaus, Pekrouris'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 12) 1: Ỉȝbte,
'der Grosse des Ostgaus, Pekrouris'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 12) 4 [b]:
[Ỉȝbte], 'der Grosse des Ostgaus, Pekrouris'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 12) 7: Ỉȝbte,
'der Grosse des Ostgaus, Pekrouris'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 12) 9: Ỉȝbte,
'der Grosse des Ostgaus, Pekrouris'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 12) 13: Pr-Ỉȝbte,
'den Löwen der Bewohner des Ostgaus, die Mauer von Erz'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 12) 20: Pr-Ỉȝbte,
'deinen 56 Leuten des Ostgaus'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 13) 8 [a]: Ỉȝbte,
'des Grossen des Ostgaus, Pekrouris'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 13) 19: Ỉȝbte,
'im Namen des Sopte, des Grossen des Ostgaus, meines Gottes'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 13) 20: Ỉȝbte,
'der Grosse des Ostgaus, Pekrouris'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 13) 24: Ỉȝbte,
'meine Gefährten, meine 56 Leute des Ostgaus'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
182 22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 14) 9: Pr-Ỉȝbte,
'mit seinen 56 Leuten des Ostgaus'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 16) 3: Ỉȝbte, 'zu
dem Grossen des Ostgaus, Pekrouris'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 16) 14: Ỉȝbte,
'mit dem Grossen des Ostgaus, Pekrouris'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 3) 18 [a]: PrỈȝbte, 'und sein Herz gebar ihm Staub wie der Berg des Ostens'
Aram – Syria (10709)
E Ỉrm Other: Aram (Aramaic) Var.: Aram E thnic: Army
Status: region Region: Syria
Bibl.: Zauzich, P. Äg. Handschr., 1971, p. 138
Sources: (?) BC 332 - 200, TM 46606: P. Äg. Handschr. 243, descr. [a]: (Aramaean), descr.: 'Der
Absender berichtet von einem Unglück, das ihn wegen (?) eines Aramäers (?) getroffen hat.'
Arbela (Arbil) – Mesopotamia (13697)
G Ἅρβηλα E (Arbela) Var.: Arbela (Arbil)
Status: city Region: Mesopotamia
Loc.: in modern Iraq
Bibl.: Quack, Einführung, 2005, p. 79
Sources: BC 332 - 30, TM 81301: Quack, Einführung p. 79, descr. [b]: (Arbela), descr.: 'Assyrische
Namen kommen ebenso vor wie die Städte Babylon und Arbela.'
Aristarchou Nesos – 00c (306)
G Ἀριστάρχου Νῆσος E Tȝ-mȝy.t-n-Pa-tw? Var.: Aristarchou Nesos - T-mai-n-Patous ('The island of
Patous') (?)
Status: village: kome; nesos; mai Loc.: near 00c Dikaiou Nesos (557)
Note: obsolete reading: tȝ mȝy Sbk
Rep.: Dizionario I 2, p. 205 (2); Suppl. 1, p. 56; Suppl. 3, p. 20; Wessely, Topographie, 1904, p. 41; P.
Tebt. 2, 1907, p. 359; p. 369; Bibl.: Vandorpe, Geografische elementen, 1988, p. 91
Sources: (?) BC 250 - 100, TM 44427: P. Cairo 2 31164 descr., 5: Tȝ-mȝy-n-Pa-tw, 'The island of
Patous' (no context)
(?) BC 250 - 100, TM 44427: P. Cairo 2 31164 descr., 7: Tȝ-mȝy-n-Pa-tw, 'Harsiesis - the village
scribe (of) Dikaiou Nesos / The island of Dikaios (and) The island of Patous'; since Dikaiou
Nesos and Aristarchou Nesos are closely linked in some Greek documents, The island of
Patous is perhaps identical with Aristarchou Nesos
Arsinoe epi tou zeugmatos – 00b (325)
G Ἀρσινόη ἐπὶ τοῦ ζεύγματος - Ἀρσινόη ἐπὶ τοῦ χώματος E Pȝ-ʿ.wy-n-ȝrsynȝ Var.: Arsinoe epi tou
zeugmatos - Arsinoe epi tou chomatos - P-awi-n-Arsinoe ('The place of Arsinoe') Ethnic:
Arsinoites (?)
Status: village: kome; demi; chorion Ident.: 00b Ar[ ] (277)?
Rep.: Dizionario Suppl. 1, p. 60-61 (3 & 4); p. 61 (bis); Suppl. 2, p. 27 (3 & 4); Suppl. 3, p. 20 (3 & 4);
Suppl. 4, p. 20 (3); Timm, p. 184-185; Wessely, Topographie, 1904, p. 41-42; P. Tebt. 2, 1907, p.
369 (1); Bibl.: P. Lille Dem. 2, 1973, p. 42; p. 221; Rübsam, Götter und Kulte in Faijum, 1974, p.
60; P. L. Bat. 21, 1981, p. 480 (3); CPR 13, 1987, p. 22; Daris, CdE 62 (1987), p. 230-233; Vandorpe,
Geografische elementen, 1988, p. 34; p. 35; Heylen, Papyri uit het Fayum, 1992 (unpubl. thesis);
Mueller, Settlements of the Ptolemies, 2006, p. 25; p. 202 no. 16-17; CDD P, 2010, p. 8
183 Sources: BC 247 Jul 10?, TM 2857: P. Lille Dem. 1 4 A-B, script. ext., 4: Pȝ-ʿ.wy-ȝrsynȝ, 'The royal
farmer of the village of Souchos P-awi-n-Arsinoe Teos'
BC 247 Jul 10?, TM 2857: P. Lille Dem. 1 4 A-B, script. ext., 8: Pȝ-ʿ.wy-ȝrsynȝ, 'in the village of
Souchos P-awi-n-Arsinoe in the aforementioned meris'
BC 247 Jul 10?, TM 2857: P. Lille Dem. 1 4 A-B, script. int., 1: [Pȝ-ʿ.wy-ȝrsynȝ], 'The royal farmer of
the village of Souchos P-awi-n-Arsinoe Teos'
BC 247 Jul 10?, TM 2857: P. Lille Dem. 1 4 A-B, script. int., 4: Pȝ-ʿ.wy-ȝrsynȝ, 'in the village of
Souchos P-awi-n-Arsinoe in the aforementioned meris'
BC 243 Apr 29, TM 4453: P. Bürgsch. 23, 2 - 3: Pȝ-ʿ.wy-ȝrsynȝ, 'the Greek Rhodon son of Kallias, his
mother (being) Merouta, who belongs to the doorkeepers of the prison of (the) village of
Souchos P-awi-n-Arsinoe in the meris of Themistos'
BC 243 Apr 29, TM 4453: P. Bürgsch. 23, 13: Pȝ-ʿ.wy-ȝrsynȝ, 'the Greek born in Egypt Rhodon son of
Kallias, his mother (being) Merouta, who belongs to the doorkeepers of the prison of (the)
village of Souchos P-awi-n-Arsinoe in the meris of Themistos on (the) southern side (sc. of the
canal of Moiris) (in) the nomos (of) Arsinoe'
BC 243 Oct 19, TM 4454: P. Lille Dem. 1 3, 3 - 4: Pȝ-[ʿ.wy]-ȝrsynȝ, 'the doorkeepers of the prison (in)
the village of Souchos P-awi-n-Arsinoe in the meris of Themistos'
BC 225 Mar 17 - Apr 15, TM 4491: P. Lille Dem. 2 63, A 4: Pȝ-ʿ.wy-ȝrsynȝ, surety document for
'Spemminis son of Stotoetis the brewer of P-awi-n-Arsinoe'
BC 225 Mar 17 - Apr 15, TM 4491: P. Lille Dem. 2 63, B 7: Pȝ-ʿ.wy-˹ȝrsynȝ˺, surety document for
'Spemminis son of Stotoetis the brewer of P-awi-n-Arsinoe'
BC 225 Feb 15 - Mar 16, TM 4517: P. Lille Dem. 2 96 + SB 16 12414, 9: Pȝ-ʿ.wy-ȝrsynȝ, surety
document for 'Spemminis son of Stotoetis the brewer of P-awi-n-Arsinoe'
BC 179 Feb 4 - Mar 5, TM 3055: P. Assoc. p. 39-40 & 215-218 no. Cairo 31178, col. 1, 3 [a]: Pȝ-ʿ.wyȝrsynȝ, '(the) village of Souchos P-awi-n-Arsinoe which is in the meris of Themistos in the
nomos (of) Arsinoe'
Arsinoites (Fayum) – 00 (332)
G Ἀρσινοίτης - Σουχου Νόμος L Arsinoites - Crocodilopolites E pȝ tš n ȝrsynȝ Var.: Arsinoites Krokodilopolites - Souchou Nomos ('nomos of (the god) Souchos / Sobek') - Fayum
Status: district: nomos; tesh; pagarchia Ident.: cf. also 00d Krokodilopolis (Medinet el-Fayum) (327); 00 Limne (Fayum) (1255)
Note: the name Arsinoites is for the first time attested in BC 259
Bibl.: Vandorpe, Geografische elementen, 1988, p. 33
Sources: BC 256 Nov 18, TM 48607: P. Zauzich 74, A 3: pȝ tš ȝrsyn, 'The oath which ... has sworn at
the altar of Pharaoh in the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 256 Nov 18, TM 48607: P. Zauzich 74, B 3: pȝ tš ȝrsynȝ, 'The oath which ... has sworn at the altar
of Pharaoh in the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 252 Mar 25, TM 45864: P. Lille Dem. 3 107, 2 [b]: pȝ tš n ȝrsynȝ, 'The oath sworn by Pai-aaou,
the myriarouros of (the) village Oxyryncha in the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 248 Mar 23 - Apr 21, TM 7904: P. Sorb. 3 76, 22 - 23: [pȝ tš] ȝrsn, 'the royal storehouses (of) the
nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 247 Jul 10?, TM 2857: P. Lille Dem. 1 4 A-B, script. ext., 6 [b]: pȝ tš ȝrsynȝ, 'to Philoxenos the
guard commander of the meris of Themistos, and to ...sigenes the guard commander of the
nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 247 Jul 10?, TM 2857: P. Lille Dem. 1 4 A-B, script. ext., 10: [pȝ tš ȝ]r[synȝ], 'in the nomos of
BC 247 Jul 10?, TM 2857: P. Lille Dem. 1 4 A-B, script. int., 6: [pȝ tš] ȝrsynȝ, 'in the nomos of
BC 245 Jul 21, TM 8614: P. Hawara OI 7 A-B, a 3 [c]: pȝ tš ȝrsnȝ, 'the village of Souchos Haueris,
which is on the northern side of the canal of Moiris in the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 244 Oct 23 - Nov 21, TM 8523: Studies Griffith p. 153-156 & 160, a 2 [c] (& 4 witness copies): pȝ
tš ȝrsnȝ (var. pȝ tš ȝrsn), 'my house ... which (is) (in) the southern quarter of the village of
Philadelpheia (in) the nomos (of) Arsinoe'
BC 244 Oct 23 - Nov 21, TM 8523: Studies Griffith p. 153-156 & 160, b 3 [c] (& 4 witness copies): pȝ
tš ȝrsnȝ (var. pȝ tš ȝrsn), 'my house ... which (is) (in) the southern quarter of the village of
Philadelpheia (in) the nomos (of) Arsinoe'
BC 243 Apr 29, TM 4453: P. Bürgsch. 23, 5: pȝ tš ȝrsynȝ, 'Herakleides der Wach-kommandant des
Gaues der Arsinoe'
184 BC 243 Apr 29, TM 4453: P. Bürgsch. 23, 14 [b]: pȝ tš n ȝrsynȝ, 'the Greek born in Egypt Rhodon son
of Kallias, his mother (being) Merouta, who belongs to the doorkeepers of the prison of (the)
village of Souchos P-awi-n-Arsinoe in the meris of Themistos on (the) southern side (sc. of the
canal of Moiris) (in) the nomos (of) Arsinoe'
BC 243 Apr 29, TM 4453: P. Bürgsch. 23, 18: [pȝ tš ȝrsynȝ], 'Herakleides der Wach-kommandant des
Gaues der Arsinoe'
BC 243 Oct 19, TM 4454: P. Lille Dem. 1 3, 6: pȝ tš ȝrsynȝ, 'in the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 242 Oct 23 - 241 Oct 21, TM 45866: Studi Bresciani p. 68-69 (P. Lille Dem. 119), script. ext., 5 [b]:
pȝ tš n ȝrsynȝs, 'il sovrintendente ai campi dei campi di Oxyryncha nel nomos di Arsinoe'
(?) BC 236 Feb 20, TM 2860: P. Lille Dem. 2 65, B 7: pȝ tš [ȝrsynȝ?], '[ ] (of) the nomos of Arsinoe (?)'
BC 233 - 223 about, TM 2777: P. Cairo 2 30621, 3 [b]: pȝ tš ȝrsnỉȝ, descr.: 'Es handelt sich
wahrscheinlich um ein Haus, das "an der Südseite des Kanales" lag, und zwar, wenn ich recht
lese, bei der Stadt ... Tebtynis im Gau der Arsinoe'
BC 232 Aug 16 - Sep 5, TM 8619: P. Hawara OI p. 63-65 App., 3 - 4: pȝ tš ȝrsn, which are in Haueris
in the nomos (of) Arsinoe'
BC 227 Apr 17 - May 16, TM 4482: P. Lille Dem. 2 52, 1 [b]: pȝ tš ˹ȝrsynȝ˺, '(the) brewer of (the)
village of Souchos Per-chelemi in the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 223 Mar 17 - Apr 15, TM 2784: P. Assoc. p. 3-10 no. Lille 29, 3: pȝ tš ȝrsynȝ, 'the village of
Souchos Kos in the meris of Themistos on the southern side of (the canal of) Moiris in the
nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 220 Mar 8, TM 41383: P. Hawara 4 a, 5 [c]: pȝ tš ȝrsynȝ, 'Tesenouphis the god of (the) village of
Souchos Per-n-chelou on the southern side of the canal of Moiris in the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 217 Mar 15 - Apr 13, TM 41385: P. Hawara 5 a, 4: pȝ tš ȝrsnȝ, 'in the necropolis (of) the village of
Souchos Haueris on the northern side of the canal of Moiris in the nomos (of) Arsinoe'
BC 217 Mar 15 - Apr 13, TM 41386: P. Hawara 5 b, 3 - 4: pȝ tš ȝrsnȝ, 'in the necropolis of the village
of Souchos Haueris on the northern side of the canal of Moiris in the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 213 Apr 13 - May 12, TM 2757: JEA 44 (1958), p. 91-92, A 4 [d]: pȝ tš ȝrsyn, '(your house which) is
in the southern quarter of (the) village of Souchos Philadelpheia, which is called N-nehou
(and) is on the northern side of the canal of Moiris (in) the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 213 Apr 13 - May 12, TM 2757: JEA 44 (1958), p. 91-92, B 4 [d]: pȝ tš ȝrsyn, '(your house which) is
in the southern quarter of (the) village of Souchos Philadelpheia, which is called N-nehou
(and) is on the northern side of the canal of Moiris (in) the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 211 Dec 14 - 210 Jan 12, TM 2778: P. Cairo 2 30622, 4 [b]: pȝ t[š] [ȝrsỉnȝ], 'welches auf der Höhe
(?) liegt, indem alle Türen nach dem Westen (?) der Begräbnis-Stadt von Tebtynis im Gau der
Arsinoe zu liegen'
BC 198 Apr 10 - Jun 8, TM 2802: P. Hawara 6 + Enchoria 25 (1999), p. 136-137, (P. Haw.) 6 [b]: pȝ tš
ȝrsynȝ, 'which is in the western quarter of the village of Souchos Haueris on the northern side
of the canal of Moiris in the nomos (of) Arsinoe'
BC 187 Oct 9 - 186 Oct 8, TM 2654: Dem. Conf. IX (Paris 2005) p. 69-84 [A-B], A 2 [c]: [pȝ] tš ȝr[sn],
'the house, which is in the village of Souchos Haueris, which is on the northern side of the
canal of Moiris in the nomos (of) Arsinoe'
BC 187 Oct 9 - 186 Oct 8, TM 2654: Dem. Conf. IX (Paris 2005) p. 69-84 [A-B], B 2 [c]: [pȝ tš ȝrsn],
'the house, which is in the village of Souchos Haueris, which is on the northern side of the
canal of Moiris in the nomos (of) Arsinoe'
BC 186 Dec 8 - 185 Jan 6, TM 43418: JEA 33 (1947), p. 92 [4526 C 2] descr., 5 [d]: pȝ tš ȝrsynȝ?, 'the
south-eastern quarter of the village of Souchos Philadelpheia [ ] T-nehi which is in the meris
of Herakleides on the northern side of the canal of Moiris in the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 183 Dec 28, TM 41387: P. Hawara 7 a, 4 [c]: pȝ tš ȝrsynȝ, 'which are in the necropolis of (the)
village of Souchos Haueris which is on (the) northern side of the canal of Moiris in the nomos
(of) Arsinoe'
BC 183 Dec 28, TM 41388: P. Hawara 7 b, 4 [c]: pȝ tš ȝrsynȝ, 'which are in the necropolis of (the)
village of Souchos Haueris which is on (the) northern side of the canal of Moiris in the nomos
(of) Arsinoe'
BC 179 Feb 4 - Mar 5, TM 3055: P. Assoc. p. 39-40 & 215-218 no. Cairo 31178, col. 1, 3 - 4: [pȝ tš]
ȝrsynȝ, '(the) village of Souchos Arsinoe which is in the meris of Themistos in the nomos (of)
BC 178 Jan 6, TM 47204: EVO 17 (1994), p. 57-60, A 4 [c]: pȝ tš ȝrsynȝ, '(in) the village of Souchos
lord (of) Tebtynis / Soknebtynis (in) the meris of Polemon (in) the nomos of Arsinoe, on the
southern side of the canal of Moiris'
185 BC 173 - 172, TM 115600: P. Kramer 22, 8 - 9: pȝ tš [ȝrsynȝ], 'he who belongs to the people of (the)
chief of labour in the meris of Polemon in the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 157 Aug 27 - Sep 25, TM 2775: P. Assoc. p. 45-51 & 218-219 no. Cairo 30606, col. 1, 5 [c]: pȝ tš
ȝrsynȝ, '(in) the resting place (of) the crocodile (of) (the) village of Souchos Tebtynis (in) the
meris of Polemon (in) the nomos of Arsinoe
BC 156 Jun 3, TM 48545: P. Oxf. Griffith 1 39, 2: pȝ tš ȝrsynȝ, 'temple inspector of the temple of
Souchos and the sanctuaries of the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 151 Oct 30 - Nov 28, TM 3057: P. Assoc. p. 59-61 & 219-220 no. Hamb. 1, col. 1, 4 [c]: pȝ tš ȝrsynȝ,
'(in) the resting place of the crocodile (in) (the) village of Souchos Tebtynis (in) the meris of
Polemon (in) the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 147 Jan 3, TM 3056: P. Assoc. p. 63-68 & 221-222 no. Cairo 31179, col. 1, 5 [c]: pȝ tš ȝrsnyȝ, 'in the
resting place of the crocodile (in) (the) village of Souchos Tebtynis (in) the meris of Polemon
(in) the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 146 Feb 14, TM 43999: ZÄS 87 (1962), p. 11, 3 [a]: [pȝ tš] ȝrsnȝ, 'in the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 145 Sep 20, TM 2774: P. Assoc. p. 73-78 & 222-225 no. Cairo 30605, col. 1, 4 [c]: pȝ tš ȝrsynȝ, 'in
the resting place of the crocodile (in) (the) village of Souchos Tebtynis in the meris of
Polemon (in) the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 138 Sep 27 - 137 Sep 25, TM 45781: P. Köln Dem. 1, 6 [c]: pȝ tš ȝrsynȝ, 'in the village of Souchos
Kerke-Shou which is on the southern side of the canal of Moiris in the nomos (of) Arsinoe'
BC 137 May 11, TM 2928: P. Assoc. p. 83-91 & 225-227 no. Prague, col. 1, 4 [b]: pȝ tš [ȝrsynȝ], '[ ] in
the meris of Polemon (in) the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 133 Aug 19, TM 45634: P. Oxf. Griffith 1 74, 7: pȝ tš ȝrsynȝ, '(the) temple inspector of (the)
temple of Souchos and the sanctuaries (in) the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24?, TM 43068: P. Mil. Vogl. 3 Dem. 1, 5 [b]: [pȝ tš ȝrsn]ȝ, 'fields of (the)
village of Souchos Kerke in the meris of Polemon on (the) southern side (of) the canal of
Moiris (in) the nomos (of) Arsinoe]'
BC 118 Aug 19, TM 41391: P. Hawara 9 a, 5 - 6: pȝ tš [ȝrsynȝ], 'which are in (the) village of Souchos
Haueris which is in the meris of Herakleides (and) which is on the northern side of the canal
of Moiris in the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 118 Aug 19, TM 2803: P. Hawara 9 b, 5 [d]: pȝ [t]š ȝrsynȝ, 'which is in (the) village of Souchos
Haueris which is in the meris of Herakleides (and) which is on the northern side of the canal
of Moiris in the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 115 Apr 21, TM 2652: P. Ashm. 1 3, 11: pȝ tš ȝrsyne, '[ ] the nomos of Arsinoe on account of
BC 110 Jul 3, TM 8601: P. Rainer Cent. 4 I-II, Dem. I 4 [b]: [pȝ tš ȝrsyn], sale of a vacant plot 'which
is in the quarter of the foremost (goddess) in (the) village of Souchos Soknopaiou Nesos / The
island of Soknopaios the great god on the northern side of the canal of Moiris, which is in the
meris of Herakleides (in) the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 110 Jul 3, TM 8601: P. Rainer Cent. 4 I-II, Dem. II 4 [f]: pȝ tš ȝrsyn, cession of a vacant plot
'which is in the quarter of the foremost (goddess) (in) (the) village of Souchos Soknopaiou
Nesos / The island of Soknopaios the great god on the northern side of the canal of Moiris,
which is in the meris of Herakleides (in) the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 103 Nov 8, TM 41474: P. Hawara 19 a-b, a 4 - 5: pȝ tš n ȝrsyȝn (sic), 'in the necropolis which is in
(the) village of Souchos Haueris in the Exo topoi on the northern side of the canal of Moiris
(in) (the) meris of Herakleides (in) the nomos (of) Arsinoe'
BC 103 Nov 8, TM 41474: P. Hawara 19 a-b, b 4 [d]: pȝ tš ȝrsyȝn (sic), 'in the necropolis which is in
(the) village of Souchos Haueris ... in the Exo topoi on the northern side of the canal of Moiris
in (the) meris of Herakleides (in) the nomos (of) Arsinoe'
BC 100 Feb 11, TM 91829: Festschrift Junge p. 582-586, Dem. A 5 [c]: pȝ tš ˹ȝr˺syn, 'my building plot
... which is in the northern quarter (of) (the) village of Souchos Philopator which is called
Theogenous, which is on the northern side (of) the canal of Moiris which is in the meris of
Herakleides (in) the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 100 Feb 11, TM 91829: Festschrift Junge p. 582-586, Dem. B 5 [c]: pȝ tš ȝrsyn, 'your building plot
... which is in the northern quarter (of) (the) village of Souchos Philopator which is called
Theogenous, which is on the northern side (of) the canal of Moiris which is in the meris of
Herakleides (in) the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 100 Sep 13, TM 41465: P. Hawara 12, 2 [d]: pȝ tš ȝrsynȝ, 'the piece of land (in) (the) village of
Souchos Ra-t-heni / Ptolemais Hormou which is called "The hall of Ptolemaios", which is in
the Exo topoi of the meris of Herakleides in the nomos of Arsinoe'
186 BC 99 Apr 20, TM 41466: P. Hawara 13, 3 [b]: pȝ tš n ȝrsynȝ, 'in the necropolis of Haueris in the
nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 98 Aug 15, TM 4239: P. Ashm. 1 10, 3: pȝ tš [ȝ]rsyn[e], '(the) divine chancellor (and) embalmer
in the necropolis of Haueris in the nomos (of) Arsinoe'
BC 98 Aug 13 - 25?, TM 4237: P. Ashm. 1 4, Dem. 8 (Enchoria: 9): pȝ tš [ȝr]syne, '[ ] the nomos of
Arsinoe; his neighbours [ ]'
BC 98 Aug 13 - 25?, TM 4237: P. Ashm. 1 4, Dem. 9 (Enchoria: 10): [pȝ] tš ȝrsyne, '[... the] nomos of
Arsinoe [ ]'
BC 98 Dec 2, TM 43285: P. Cairo 2 30617 a-b, a 3 [b]: pȝ tš ȝrsnỉȝ, 'the place of invocation of
Thermouthis, the great goddess, which is on the eastern side of (the) dromos of Souchos lord
of Tebtynis / Soknebtynis, the great god, in the village of Souchos Tebtynis which is in the
meris of Polemon which is on the southern side of the canal of Moiris (in) the nomos of
BC 97 Sep 27, TM 43280: P. Cairo 2 30612 a-b, 5: [pȝ tš ȝrsynȝ], 'which is on the eastern side of (the)
dromos of Souchos lord of Tebtynis / Soknebtynis, the great god, in (the) village (of) Souchos
lord of Ten / Soknebtynis (in) the meris of Polemon on the southern side of the canal of
Moiris (in) (the) nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 93 Apr 10, TM 41468: P. Hawara 15, 4 [c]: pȝ tš n ȝrsynȝ, house and courtyard 'in (the) village of
Souchos Haueris, which is in the Exo topoi of the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 92 Feb 13, TM 41469: P. Hawara 16 a, 6 [b]: pȝ tš ȝrsynȝ, '(in) the necropolis (of) Haueris and
Ptolemais Hormou, Syron Kome, Kerkesoucha (Orous), Psenharyo, Sele, which are in the Exo
topoi of the meris of Herakleides in the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 92 Feb 13, TM 41469: P. Hawara 16 a, 9 [c]: [pȝ] tš ȝrsynȝ, 'in (the) village of Souchos Haueris
which is in the Exo topoi of the meris of Herakleides in [the] nomos (of) Arsinoe'
BC 92 Feb 13, TM 41470: P. Hawara 16 b, 5 - 6: pȝ tš [ȝrsynȝ], '(in) the necropolis (of) Haueris and
Ptolemais Hormou, Syron Kome, Kerkesoucha (Orous), Psenharyo, Sele, which are in the Exo
topoi of the meris of Herakleides in the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 92 Feb 13, TM 41470: P. Hawara 16 b, 9 [c]: pȝ tš ȝrsynȝ, 'in (the) village of Souchos Haueris
which is in the Exo topoi of the meris of Herakleides in the nomos (of) Arsinoe'
BC 92 Feb 13, TM 41471: P. Hawara 17 a, 8 - 9: pȝ tš ȝrsynȝ, '(in) (the) village of Souchos Haueris,
which is in the Exo topoi of the meris of Herakleides in the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 92 Feb 13, TM 41472: P. Hawara 17 b, 9 [c]: pȝ tš ȝrsynȝ, '(in) (the) village of Souchos Haueris,
which is in the Exo topoi of the meris of Herakleides in the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 81 Mar 15, TM 44540: P. Loeb 64 + P. Loeb 65, (64) 3 - 4: pȝ tš ȝrsyn, 'in the northern quarter of
the village of Souchos [P-awi-n-Item], which is in the meris of Themistos on the southern side
of the canal of Moiris in the nomos (of) Arsinoe'
BC 74 Nov 19, TM 45783: P. Loeb 63 + ZPE 38 (1980), p. 244-245, 3 [c] (P. Loeb): [pȝ tš ȝrsyn], '(your
house) ... in P-awi-n-Item, which is in the meris of Themistos in the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 71 Sep 3, TM 5816: P. Ashm. 1 14 + P. Ashm. 1 15, (14) 2 [d]: pȝ tš ȝ[rsyne], '(the) overseer of
embalmers (of) the necropolis (of) Haueris which is in the Exo topoi of the meris of
Herakleides (in) the nomos (of) Arsinoe'
BC 71 Sep 3, TM 5816: P. Ashm. 1 14 + P. Ashm. 1 15, (14) 4 [d]: [pȝ tš ȝrsyne], 'my house ... its
courtyard ... which is in (the) village of Souchos Haueris aforementioned, which is in the Exo
topoi (of) the meris of Herakleides (in) the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 71 Sep 3, TM 5816: P. Ashm. 1 14 + P. Ashm. 1 15, (15) 2 [d]: pȝ tš ȝrsyne, '(the) overseer of
embalmers of the necropolis of Haueris which is in the Exo topoi (of) the meris of Herakleides
(in) the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 70 - 60 about, TM 41460: P. Ashm. 1 18, 2 [d]: pȝ tš ȝrsne, '(the) divine chancellor / (the) god'ssealer (and) the embalmer of the necropolis of the village of Souchos Haueris which is in the
Exo topoi of the meris of Herakleides of the nomos (of) Arsinoe'
BC 70 - 60 about, TM 41460: P. Ashm. 1 18, 6 [b]: [pȝ tš] ȝrsne, phrasing not clear: '[we bind (?)
ourselves by oath] unto ourselves not to proceed to [00a] Ptolemais Hormou, (or) [00a] Syron
Kome, (or) [00a] Kerkesoucha (or?) / (of?) the [00c] meris of Polemon (sic?), it being three
localities which are in the Exo topoi of the [00a] meris of Herakleides of the nomos (of)
BC 69 Nov 1, TM 4240: P. Ashm. 1 16 + P. Ashm. 1 17, (16) 2 [b]: [pȝ tš ȝrsyne], 'Has declared (the)
dancer of Bastet, (the) man of Anoubis of the shrines of Bastet and the shrine of Anoubis
which are in (the) village of Souchos Haueris which is in the Exo topoi (of) the meris of
Herakleides (in) the nomos of Arsinoe'
187 BC 69 Nov 1, TM 4240: P. Ashm. 1 16 + P. Ashm. 1 17, (17) 2 [d]: pȝ tš ȝrsyne, 'Has declared (the)
dancer of Bastet, (the) man of Anoubis of the shrines of Bastet and the shrine of Anoubis
which are in the village of Souchos Haueris which is in the Exo topoi of the meris of
Herakleides of the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 67 Nov 10, TM 41479: P. Hawara 23, 3 [d]: pȝ tš ȝrsynȝ, '(the) overseer of embalmers (of) the
necropolis of (the) village of Souchos Haueris which is in the Exo topoi of (the) meris of
Herakleides (in) the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 42 Sep 3 - Oct 2, TM 48605: P. Zauzich 63, 5 [c]: tše ȝrsyn, 'our ... 1/4th part of the temple of
Harpsenesis the great god ... which is in (the) western quarter of the village of Souchos
Soknopaiou Nesos / The island of Soknopaios the great god, on (the) northern side of the
canal of Moiris which is in the meris of Herakleides in (the) nomos of Arsinoe'
AD 2 Apr 12, TM 45597: Enchoria 7 (1977), p. 153-154 no. 6, 5 [b]: pȝ tš ȝrsyn, 'the house ... which is
in the eastern quarter of the village of Souchos Soknopaiou Nesos / The island of Soknopaios
the great god, which is on the northern side of the canal of Moiris in the meris of Herakleides
of the nomos of Arsinoe'
AD 11 Nov 21, TM 44702: Enchoria 27 (2001), p. 130-132 & 143-145 & 149-151 & 152, A 5 [a]: pȝ tš
ȝrsynȝ, 'my house ... which is in the village of Souchos Soknopaiou Nesos / The island of
Soknopaios the great god in (the) meris of Herakleides in the nomos of Arsinoe'
AD 11 Nov 21, TM 44702: Enchoria 27 (2001), p. 130-132 & 143-145 & 149-151 & 152, B 4 [c]: ˹pȝ˺ tš
ȝrsynȝ, 'your house ... which is in the village of Souchos Soknopaiou Nesos / The island of
Soknopaios the great god in (the) meris of Herakleides in the nomos of Arsinoe'
AD 18 Aug 28, TM 15166: P. Mich. 5 249, A 5 [c]: tš ȝr˹snȝ˺, the third part of a house with courtyard
'which is (in) (the) village of Souchos Talithis (in) the meris of Polemon on the <southern> side
of the canal of Moiris (in) (the) nomos of Arsinoe'
AD 18 Aug 28, TM 15166: P. Mich. 5 249, B 5 [b]: tš [ȝrsnȝ], the third part of a house '(in) (the)
village of Souchos Talithis (in) the meris of Polemon on the southern side of the canal of
Moiris (in) (the) nomos of Arsinoe'
AD 18 Aug 28, TM 15157: P. Mich. 5 250, A 4: tš ȝrsnȝ, 'my one-ninth share of dry vacant land
which is surrounded by a wall (in) (the) village of Souchos Talithis (in) the meris of Polemon
on the southern side (of) the canal of Moiris (in) (the) nomos of Arsinoe'
AD 18 Aug 28, TM 15157: P. Mich. 5 250, B 5 [b]: tš ȝrsnȝ, 'my one-ninth share of this dry vacant
land which is surrounded by a wall (in) (the) village of Souchos Talithis (in) the meris of
Polemon on the southern side (of) the canal (sc. of Moiris) (in) (the) nomos of Arsinoe'
AD 21 Jan 30, TM 12157: P. Mich. 5 347, Dem. 10 [b]: tš ȝrsnȝ, 'the house of my father (in) (the)
village of Souchos lord (of) Tebtynis (in) the meris of Polemon on the southern side (of) the
canal of Moiris (in) (the) nomos of Arsinoe'
AD 23 Mar 27 - Apr 25, TM 45646: SB 18 13579, Dem. 6 [b]: pȝ tš ȝrsnȝ, 'my house ... which is in the
western quarter of the village of Souchos Soknopaiou Nesos / The island of Soknopaios the
great god on the northern side of the canal of Moiris in the meris of Herakleides in the nomos
of Arsinoe'
AD 29 Dec 11, TM 45595: BRL 49 (1966-1967), p. 481-482 no. 2, 8 [b]: pȝ tš ȝrsynʿ, 'this house ...
which is in the western quarter (of) (the) village of Souchos Soknopaiou Nesos / The island of
Soknopaios the great god which is on the northern side (of) the canal of Moiris which is in the
meris of Herakleides (in) the nomos of Arsinoe'
AD 29 May 14, TM 45636: P. Ryl. Gr. 2 160 + BRL 49 (1966-1967), p. 468-469 & 477 no. 1, Dem. A 8:
[pȝ tš ȝr]synʿ, 'this house ... which is in the western quarter (of) (the) village of Souchos
Soknopaiou Nesos / The island of Soknopaios the great god, which is on the northern side (of)
the canal of Moiris which is in the meris of Herakleides (in) the nomos of Arsinoe'
AD 29 May 14, TM 45636: P. Ryl. Gr. 2 160 + BRL 49 (1966-1967), p. 468-469 & 477 no. 1, Dem. B 8: pȝ
tš ȝrsynʿ, 'this house ... which is in the western quarter (of) (the) village of Souchos
Soknopaiou Nesos / The island of Soknopaios the great god, which is on the northern side (of)
the canal of Moiris which is in the meris of Herakleides (in) the nomos of Arsinoe'
AD 29 Jul 4?, TM 48586: P. Zauzich 13 + P. Zauzich 14, (13) 9: [pȝ tš ȝrsyn], 'this half share of this
house ... along with its courtyard ... which is in the western quarter of the village of Souchos
Soknopaiou Nesos / The island of Soknopaios the great god, which is on the northern side of
the canal of Moiris, which is in the meris of Herakleides in the nomos of Arsinoe'
AD 30 Aug 28, TM 12088: P. Mich. 5 253, Dem. 9: tš ȝrnȝ (sic), 'in the gate of the courtyard (in) (the)
village of Souchos Tebtynis (in) the meris of Polemon on the southern side (of) the canal of
Moiris (in) (the) nomos of Arsinoe'
188 AD 37 Oct 7, TM 12944: P. Ryl. Gr. 2 160 b + P. Ryl. Gr. 2 p. 419-420, Dem. 7 [b]: pȝ tš ȝrsn[ȝ], 'my
house which is built and furnished with beams and doors and repeated in three stages (sc.
with three storeys) ... in the eastern quarter (of) the village of Souchos Soknopaiou Nesos /
The island of Soknopaios the great god, which is on the northern side of the canal of Moiris,
which is in the meris of Herakleides (in) the nomos of Arsinoe'
AD 42 Aug 15, TM 45838: P. Ryl. Gr. 2 160 d + BRL 49 (1966-1967), p. 488-489 & 492-493 no. 3, Dem.
A 11 - 12: [pȝ] tš ȝrsne, 'the house ... the other house ... which are in the eastern quarter (of)
(the) village of Souchos Soknopaiou Nesos / The island of Soknopaios the great god, which is
on the northern side (of) the canal of Moiris which is in the meris of Herakleides (in) the
nomos of Arsinoe'
AD 42 Aug 15, TM 45838: P. Ryl. Gr. 2 160 d + BRL 49 (1966-1967), p. 488-489 & 492-493 no. 3, Dem. B
10 [b]: [pȝ] tš ȝrs[ynʿ], 'the house ... the other house ... being in the eastern quarter (of) (the)
village of Souchos Soknopaiou Nesos / The island of Soknopaios the great god, on the
northern side (of) the canal of Moiris in the meris of Herakleides (in) the nomos of Arsinoe'
AD 45 May 18, TM 45593: Enchoria 4 (1974), p. 71-72 & 74-75 + SB 14 11895, Dem. col. 1, 7: pȝ tš
ȝ[rs]yn[ʿ], 'the western quarter of the village of Souchos Soknopaiou Nesos which is on the
northern side of the canal of Moiris in the meris of Herakleides in the nomos of Arsinoe'
AD 47 Feb 26, TM 14341: SB 12 10804 + BRL 52 (1969), p. 221-222 & 225 & 227-228, Dem. A 12: pȝ tš
ȝrsn[ʿ], 'the house ... which is in the western quarter (of) the village of Souchos Soknopaiou
Nesos / The island of Soknopaios the great god, which is on the northern side (of) the canal of
Moiris which is in the meris of Herakleides (in) the nomos of Arsinoe'
AD 47 Feb 26, TM 14341: SB 12 10804 + BRL 52 (1969), p. 221-222 & 225 & 227-228, Dem. B 9: pȝ tš
ȝrsnʿ, 'the house ... which is in the western quarter (of) the village of Souchos Soknopaiou
Nesos / The island of Soknopaios the great god, which is on the <northern> side (of) the canal
of Moiris which is in the meris of Herakleides (in) the nomos of Arsinoe'
AD 47 - 48, TM 9916: CPR 15 47 + BIFAO 98 (1998), p. 295, (BIFAO) 10: pȝ tš ȝrsnȝ, 'the house ...
which is in the western quarter (of) (the) village of Souchos Soknopaiou Nesos / The island of
Soknopaios the great god which is on the northern side (of) the canal of Moiris in the meris of
Herakleides (in) the nomos of Arsinoe'
AD 48 Jan 3, TM 45754: Studi Bresciani p. 607-608 + P. Louvre 1 9, (Louvre) 3 [b] (= Studi Bresc. 7
[b]): pȝ tš ˹ȝr˺syn, '[... the village of Souchos] Soknopaiou Nesos / The island of Soknopaios the
great god which is on the northern side of the canal of Moiris in the meris of Herakleides (in)
the nomos of Arsinoe'
AD 48 Jan 3, TM 45754: Studi Bresciani p. 607-608 + P. Louvre 1 9, (Louvre) 17 [b]: pȝ tš ȝrsy[n], '[ ]
the village of Souchos Soknopaiou Nesos / The island of Soknopaios the great god which is on
the northern side of the canal of Moiris in the meris of Herakleides (in) the nomos of Arsinoe'
AD 54 Sep 14, TM 48588: P. Zauzich 39, 17: tš ȝrsy˹n˺, 'our house ... and its courtyard ... which is in
the south-eastern (?) quarter of the village of Souchos Soknopaiou Nesos / The island of
Soknopaios the great god, on the northern side of the canal of Moiris in the meris of
Herakleides in (the) nomos of Arsinoe'
AD 54 Sep 14, TM 48588: P. Zauzich 39, 38 - 39: [tš] ȝrsy[n], 'your house ... and its courtyard ...
which is in the south-eastern (?) quarter of the village of Souchos Soknopaiou Nesos / The
island of Soknopaios the great god, on the northern side of the canal of Moiris in the meris of
Herakleides in (the) nomos of Arsinoe'
AD 55 Nov 23, TM 45786: P. Strasb. Dem. p. 44 no. 32 + SB 1 5117, Dem. 3 ? [d]: pȝ tš ȝrsynȝ, 'in the
eastern quarter of (the) village of Souchos Soknopaiou Nesos on the northern side of the canal
of Moiris in the meris of Herakleides in the nomos of Arsinoe'
Asklepieion – L01 (11558)
G Ἀσκληπιεῖον E Pr-Ỉy-m-ḥtp Var.: Asklepieion - Per-Imouthes ('House / temple (of) Imouthes /
Status: sanctuary, building: per Loc.: in L01 Memphis (1344)
Rep.: Gauthier, Dictionnaire II, 1925, p. 52; Bibl.: Revillout, RevEg 2 (1881), p. 79 n. 1; de Cenival,
BIFAO 71 (1972), p. 14; Vandorpe, Geografische elementen, 1988, p. 64
Sources: BC 299 - 1?, TM 3535: UPZ 1 143 + RevEg 2 (1881), p. 79 & pl. 6-8, Dem. 1: Pa-Ỉy-m-ḥtp,
'Herieus, habitant d'une maison qui est dans l' Asklepieion'
BC 197 May 9 - Jun 7, TM 2878: BIFAO 71 (1972), p. 16-31, 9 C: Pr-Ỉy-m-ḥtp, 'et ton tiers de la
maison d'habitation du barbier du temple (ḥw.t-nṯr) de l' Asklepieion Horos'
189 BC 186 Oct 9 - 185 Oct 7, TM 41419: BSEG 22 (1998), p. 24-25 no. 3, descr. [a]: Pr-Ỉy-m-ḥtp?, descr.:
'la maison est située dans l' Asklepieion, sur le côté sud du dromos d' Anoubis'
Aspendos – Pamphylia (352)
G Ἄσπενδος E ȝspntyȝs Var.: Aspendos E thnic: Aspendios - ȝspntyȝs
Status: city Country: Turkey; Region: Pamphylia
Rep.: Dizionario I 2, p. 240-241; Bibl.: PP X, 2002, p. 32-33
Sources: BC 202 Mar 12 - Apr 10, TM 8536: P. Bürgsch. 7, 2: ȝspntyȝs, 'Has said (the) man of
Aspendos / (the) Aspendios ... Athenion son of Artemidoros'
Asphynis (Asfun) – U03 (2977)
G Ἀσφυνις L Asfynis E Ḥw.t-Snfrw (Ḥsfn) C ⲥϩⲃⲱⲛ - ⲥⲃⲱⲛ Var.: Asphynis - Asfynis - HoutSenefrou ('House (of) (Pharaoh) Snofrou') - Asfun el-Mata'ua (Esfun) E thnic: Asphynites
Status: village: kome Note: new reading L10 Athribites (3086) in JEA 60 (1974), p. 196-199 no. 4, col. 1, 11
Rep.: Dizionario I 2, p. 250; Suppl. 1, p. 68; Suppl. 2, p. 29; Suppl. 3, p. 21 (bis); Suppl. 4, p. 42;
Gauthier, Dictionnaire IV, 1927, p. 42; p. 126; Timm, p. 703-708; Bibl.: Gardinar, AEO 2, 1947, p.
14*-15* no. 325; Černý, Coptic etymological dictionary, 1976, p. 353; Schenkel, LÄ III, 1980, col.
90; Vandorpe, Geografische elementen, 1988, p. 136-137; CDD Ḥ, 2009, p. 274; Maps: Baines /
Malek, Atlas, 2002, p. 71 Sources: BC 112 Oct 19, TM 333: Dem. Conf. VII (Copenhagen 1999) p. 235 [10570 A] descr., 3: Ḥsfn,
'Asphynis' (no context)
Athenai – Attica (364)
G Ἀθῆναι E ȝthȝnys Var.: Athenai (Athens) Ethnic: Athenaios (Athenaia) - Athenaieus (Athenais) Atheniensis - ȝthȝnys
Status: city: polis Country: Greece; Region: Attica
Rep.: Dizionario I 1, p. ix (bis); p. 28; p. 28-29; p. 29; p. 30 (2); Suppl. 1, p. 10; p. 10-11; Bibl.: PP X,
2002, p. 3-10
Sources: BC 138 Sep 27 - 137 Sep 25, TM 8534: Enchoria 8 Sonderband (1978), p. 39-40 [year 33],
descr.: pȝ ȝthȝnys, descr.: 'ein gewisser Apollonios, Sohn des Dionysios, der pȝ ȝthȝnys, also
"der Athener" genannt wird'
Athenas Kome – 00b (367)
G Ἀθηνᾶς Κώμη E Pȝ-ʿ.wy-n-Tmtys Var.: Athenas Kome (Athenon) - P-awi-n-Themistos ('The place
of Themistos')
Status: village: kome; demi Ident.: 00b P-awi-n-Toumi-[ ] (1534)?
Note: obsolete readings: Nȝj.w-ʿ-Tmtjs, Na-ʿ.wy-Tmtes, Pn-...
Rep.: Dizionario I 1, p. 30; Suppl. 1, p. 11; Suppl. 2, p. 7; Suppl. 3, p. 12; Suppl. 4, p. 11; Wessely,
Topographie, 1904, p. 31; P. Tebt. 2, 1907, p. 357; p. 365; Bibl.: de Cenivial, P. Lille Dem. 2, 1973,
p. 222; p. 257; Rübsam, Götter und Kulte in Faijum, 1974, p. 61; CPR 13, 1987, p. 19-20;
Vandorpe, Geografische elementen, 1988, p. 39; Bosman, Vijf Fajoemdorpen, 1997 (unpubl.
thesis); Clarysse, Fayyum meeting (Pap. Lup. 14), 2005, p. 70; Mueller, Settlements of the
Ptolemies, 2006, p. 28; CDD P, 2010, p. 12; p. 13-14
Sources: BC 229 Oct 19 - 228 Oct 18?, TM 45788: Livre du centenaire 1880-1980 (MIFAO 104) p. 195203 (= P. Lille Dem. 110), col. 3, 15: Pȝ-ʿ.wy-Tm[t]ws, 'fields of Athenas Kome: [... (artabai)] 2/3';
taxes on land
BC 226 Feb 16 - Mar 17, TM 4410: P. Lille Dem. 2 42 + P. Lille Dem. 2 79, (42) B 4 [a]: Pȝ-ʿ.wy-˹T˺mtys,
'(the) royal farmer of the village of Souchos Athenas Kome in the meris of Themistos, Harmais
son of Horos (and) Sokominis son of Pai-ikesh, the pastophoros of Harpsenesis (and) ...'; l. 10:
'the brewer of the village mentioned'
BC 226 Feb 16 - Mar 17, TM 4410: P. Lille Dem. 2 42 + P. Lille Dem. 2 79, (79) 4 [= B 25 (Clarysse)]: Pȝʿ.wy-Tmtys, 'Nechtenibis son of Pasis, the village scribe / komogrammateus of Athenas Kome'
BC 226 Feb 16 - Mar 17, TM 4483: P. Lille Dem. 2 53, B 4 - 5: Pȝ-ʿ.wy-Tmtys, 'isionomos of (the)
village of Souchos Athenas Kome (in) the (?) meris of Themistos'
BC 226 Feb 16 - Mar 17, TM 4483: P. Lille Dem. 2 53, B 8 - 9: tȝ-s.t-...? n <Pȝ>-ʿ.wy-Tmtys, 'the
collector of birds (?) of the place of ... of Athenas Kome'
190 BC 226 Feb 16 - Mar 17, TM 4483: P. Lille Dem. 2 53, B 24: Pȝ-ʿ.wy-Tmtys, 'Nechtenibis son of Pasis,
the village scribe / komogrammateus of Athenas Kome'
BC 224 - 216 about, TM 4415: P. Lille Dem. 2 91, B 13 (Clarysse) [= x+9]: Pȝ-ʿ.wy-Tmtys, surety
document about 'the work of the beer of the village Athenas Kome'
Athribis (Tell el-Atrib) – L10 (369)
G Ἀθριβις L Athribis - Athrivis - Atribi - Atrivi E Ḥw.t-ḥry-ỉb (Ḥw.t-tȝ-ḥry-ỉb) - Km (Gym) C ⲁⲑⲣⲏⲃⲓ
- ⲁⲑⲣⲉⲡⲓ Var.: Athribis (Athlibis - Hathribis - 'House (of) the middle') - Atharrabis Atharambe - Tell el-Atrib (Kom el-Atrib) E thnic: Athribites
Status: city: polis; metropolis Loc.: near L10 Panaho (Benha) (13558)
Ident.: cf. also L10 Athribites (3086)
Rep.: Dizionario I 1, p. x (bis); p. 26; p. 31; p. 32-33 (1); p. 33 (1); p. 33-34; I 2, p. 255; Suppl. 1, p. 11-12
(1); p. 12 (1); p. 12; Suppl. 2, p. 7 (1); p. 7; Suppl. 4, p. 11-12 (1); p. 12 (1); p. 12; Gauthier,
Dictionnaire IV, 1927, p. 140-141; Timm, p. 257-265; p. 330-332; Bibl.: Wb 3, 1929, p. 3; p. 136;
Erichsen, Glossar, 1954, p. 572; Vernus, LÄ I, 1975, col. 519-524; Vernus, Athribis, 1978; CDD G,
2004, p. 7; Vandorpe, Geografische elementen, 1988, p. 135-136 no. 1; CDD Ḥ, 2009, p. 36; p. 3839; p. 210; Maps: Baines / Malek, Atlas, 2002, p. 167 Sources: (?) BC 450 - 300, TM 54647: ASAE 6 (1905), p. 222 & 228 no. 3, 1: Ḥw.t-ḥr-ỉb, 'Before HorosMin (and) Chonsou-Nephotes (?) the great gods of Athribis (?)'
BC 184 Oct 18?, TM 50057: Studies Shore p. 25-27, col. 3, 4 (& note 33): Ḥw.t-tȝ-˹ḥr-ỉb˺, 'the
isionomos, (the) man of Athribis (?)'
BC 96 Apr 4, TM 6542: Short Texts 1 152 + I. Prose 30, Dem. 2: [Ḥw.t]-tȝ-˹ḥr˺-ỉb, 'about what
concerns Athribis, (however), the temple of Harchentechthai the master of the gods'
BC 9 Aug 21, TM 57970: P. Rhind 1, Dem. col. 6, 3 [c]: Gym, 'Du wirst gereinigt mit dem Wasser,
welches aus Elephantine kam, mit dem Natron von Eileithyiopolis und mit der Milch aus
AD 1 - 199, TM 69431: Jasnow / Zauzich, Book of Thoth p. 139-496 no. L01, col. 3, 7 (p. 347): [Ḥw.ttȝ-ḥry-ỉb.t], 'A vulture which places her tail [ ] therein [ ] its offspring ... [It is Athribis.]'
AD 61 Feb 15 shortly after, TM 54058: Smith, Papyrus Harkness p. 49-86, col. 6, 2 [b]: Ḥw.t-tȝ-ḥr-ỉb,
'There is a female falcon in your magazines as in Athribis.'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 11, 9: [Ḥw.t-tȝḥry-ỉb], 'Sende nach Athribis an Sochotes'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 11, 10: [Ḥw.ttȝ-ḥry-ỉb], 'Mache deine Vorbereitung mit deinem Heer, mit [... von Athribis]!'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 17, 8 [a]:
Ḥw[.t]-tȝ-ḥry-˹ỉb˺, 'indem das Heer von Per-Sepdou freundlich ist, indem die Leute von
Athribis das Heer des Gaues von Mendes grüssen, das angreift, (und) die Leute von
Sebennytos, die kämpfen, ...'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 17, 24: Ḥ˹ȝ˺-ḥry-ỉb, 'Das mla-Schiff des Petechonsis (und) der Leute von Athribis war dabei stromab zu
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 18, 18: Ḥw.t[t]ȝ-ḥry-ỉb, 'Man machte eine andere für Sochotes, Sohn des Tefnacht, von Athribis ihm
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 7, 15 [b]: Ḥw.ttȝ-ḥry-ỉb, '[ ] hinauf nach Ägypten und (dem) Tempel von Athribis [ ]'
Athribites – L10 (3086)
G Ἀθριβίτης L Athribites E pȝ tš n Ḥw.t-tȝ-ḥr-ỉb Var.: Athribites
Status: district: nomos; tesh Ident.: cf. L10 Athribis (Tell el-Atrib) (369)
Sources: BC 285 - 246 about, TM 50943: JEA 60 (1974), p. 196-199 no. 4, col. 1, 11: pȝ tš Ḥw.t-tȝ-ḥr-ỉb,
'the nomos (of) Athribis'
BC 158, TM 117996: Brugsch, Thesaurus 5 p. 980-981 no. 24 + Brugsch, Thesaurus 5 p. 981 no. 24
[bis?], descr. [b]: pȝ tš Ḥw.t-tȝ-ḥr-ỉb, 'the living Apis of the cow Tahyris, the great god, which
appeared in the city Kerkeuris in the nomos of Athribis'
191 BC 157 Mar 5, TM 89083: Barbotin, La voix des hiéroglyphes p. 72 no. 38 A, 3 [b]: pȝ tš Ḥw.t-tȝ-ḥrỉb, 'year 8 of the living Apis born from (the cow) Tahyris, the great god, which appeared in
Kerkeuris in the nomos of Athribis'
BC 157 Mar 1, TM 118041: Brugsch, Thesaurus 5 p. 980 [Thorinschrift], 3 [b]: pȝ tš Ḥw.t-tȝ-ḥr-ỉb,
'the living Apis of the cow Tahyris, which appeared in the city Kerkeuris in the nomos of
BC 157, TM 117997: Brugsch, Thesaurus 5 p. 981 no. 25, 2 [b]: pȝ tš [Ḥw.t-tȝ-ḥr-ỉb], 'the Apis of the
cow Tahyris, which appeared in the city Kerkeuris in the nomos of Athribis'
BC 157 Apr 27, TM 51432: OrAnt 6 (1967), p. 29-30 no. 2, 2 - 3: pȝ tš Ḥw.t-tȝ-ḥry-ỉb, 'the living Apis
(of) (the cow) Tahyris, which appeared in Kerkeuris in the nomos of Athribis'
BC 151 Sep 12, TM 117999: Brugsch, Thesaurus 5 p. 982 no. 29, descr. [b]: pȝ tš Ḥw.t-tȝ-ḥr-ỉb, 'the
living Apis of the cow Tahyris, the great god, which appeared in the city Kerkeuris in the
nomos of Athribis'
BC 146 Mar 17, TM 118000: Brugsch, Thesaurus 5 p. 982 no. 30, descr. [b]: pȝ tš Ḥw.t-tȝ-ḥr-ỉb, 'the
living Apis of the cow Tahyris, the great god, which appeared in the city Kerkeuris in the
nomos of Athribis'
BC 143 Jul 20, TM 117998: Brugsch, Thesaurus 5 p. 982 no. 26, descr. [b]: pȝ tš Ḥw.t-tȝ-ḥr-ỉb, 'the
Apis of the cow Tahyris, which appeared in the city Kerkeuris in the nomos of Athribis'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 19, 8: pȝ tš
Ḥw.t-˹tȝ˺-ḥry-ỉ[b], 'Auf, Sochotes, Sohn des Tjainefer, General des Gaues von Athribis'
B-het – L06? (10770)
E B-ḥ.t Var.: B-het
Status: city? Rep.: Gauthier, Dictionnaire II, 1925, p. 13; Bibl.: Spiegelberg, P. Cairo 2, 1908, p. 271; Daressy,
Sphinx 14 (1911), p. 160; Zauzich, handout Third demotic conference, 1987
Sources: BC 332 - 200, TM 45958: P. Cairo 2 31168 Ro + P. Cairo 2 31169, (31169) col. 2, 6: ˹B-ḥ.t˺
(Spiegelberg: ȝs.?; Daressy: Bỉȝs), in a list of Lower Egyptian toponyms
Babylon – Mesopotamia (390)
G Βαβυλών E Bbl (Pr-Bl) Var.: Babylon E thnic: Babylonios
Status: city Region: Mesopotamia
Ident.: cf. also Babylonia (11935)
Rep.: Dizionario Suppl. 1, p. 75; Bibl.: Erichsen, Lesestücke II.2, 1940, p. 197; Erichsen, Glossar,
1954, p. 115; Chauveau, BIFAO 91 (1991), p. 151; CDD B, 2002, p. 42; PP X, 2002, p. 37
Sources: BC 399 - 300, TM 56128: P. Saqqara Dem. 1 27 [palimpsest new] (p. 199), 10 [b]: B˹b˺[l]?,
'the benou-bird went away to Babylon'
BC 399 - 300?, TM 56121: Rev. Bibl. N.S. 92 (1985), p. 60-81 + JNES 43 (1984), p. 93-96 + Vleeming /
Wesselius, Papyrus Amherst 63 1 p. 33-37 & 50-72 & 88 + Vleeming / Wesselius, Papyrus
Amherst 63 2 p. 30-44 & 46-52 & 54-64 & 65-71 & 75-90, col. 14, 19: Bʿbʿl, 'on account of a
composition the king appointed RŠPL as governor of all those who guard the book(s) of
BC 399 - 300?, TM 56121: Rev. Bibl. N.S. 92 (1985), p. 60-81 + JNES 43 (1984), p. 93-96 + Vleeming /
Wesselius, Papyrus Amherst 63 1 p. 33-37 & 50-72 & 88 + Vleeming / Wesselius, Papyrus
Amherst 63 2 p. 30-44 & 46-52 & 54-64 & 65-71 & 75-90, col. 18, 15: Bʿbʿl?, 'Sarmanki will govern
within the land of Babylon.'
BC 399 - 300?, TM 56121: Rev. Bibl. N.S. 92 (1985), p. 60-81 + JNES 43 (1984), p. 93-96 + Vleeming /
Wesselius, Papyrus Amherst 63 1 p. 33-37 & 50-72 & 88 + Vleeming / Wesselius, Papyrus
Amherst 63 2 p. 30-44 & 46-52 & 54-64 & 65-71 & 75-90, col. 18, 17: Bʿbʿl?, 'Sarmanki went (and)
ruled in the land of Babylon.'
BC 399 - 300?, TM 56121: Rev. Bibl. N.S. 92 (1985), p. 60-81 + JNES 43 (1984), p. 93-96 + Vleeming /
Wesselius, Papyrus Amherst 63 1 p. 33-37 & 50-72 & 88 + Vleeming / Wesselius, Papyrus
Amherst 63 2 p. 30-44 & 46-52 & 54-64 & 65-71 & 75-90, col. 19, 1: Bʿbʿl?, 'The messengers left
Babylon until they admitted (them) in Ninive.'
BC 399 - 300?, TM 56121: Rev. Bibl. N.S. 92 (1985), p. 60-81 + JNES 43 (1984), p. 93-96 + Vleeming /
Wesselius, Papyrus Amherst 63 1 p. 33-37 & 50-72 & 88 + Vleeming / Wesselius, Papyrus
Amherst 63 2 p. 30-44 & 46-52 & 54-64 & 65-71 & 75-90, col. 19, 3: Bʿbʿl?, 'From Sarmanki to
Assurbanipal: I am the king from Babylon and you are a governor in Ninive.'
192 BC 399 - 300?, TM 56121: Rev. Bibl. N.S. 92 (1985), p. 60-81 + JNES 43 (1984), p. 93-96 + Vleeming /
Wesselius, Papyrus Amherst 63 1 p. 33-37 & 50-72 & 88 + Vleeming / Wesselius, Papyrus
Amherst 63 2 p. 30-44 & 46-52 & 54-64 & 65-71 & 75-90, col. 19, 17: Bʿbʿl?, 'I want to go to
BC 399 - 300?, TM 56121: Rev. Bibl. N.S. 92 (1985), p. 60-81 + JNES 43 (1984), p. 93-96 + Vleeming /
Wesselius, Papyrus Amherst 63 1 p. 33-37 & 50-72 & 88 + Vleeming / Wesselius, Papyrus
Amherst 63 2 p. 30-44 & 46-52 & 54-64 & 65-71 & 75-90, col. 20, 2: Bʿbʿl?, 'You appointed him as
governor in Babylon, while I was king in Ninive.'
BC 399 - 300?, TM 56121: Rev. Bibl. N.S. 92 (1985), p. 60-81 + JNES 43 (1984), p. 93-96 + Vleeming /
Wesselius, Papyrus Amherst 63 1 p. 33-37 & 50-72 & 88 + Vleeming / Wesselius, Papyrus
Amherst 63 2 p. 30-44 & 46-52 & 54-64 & 65-71 & 75-90, col. 20, 9 [a]: Bʿbʿl?, 'She set her face
towards Babylon. The guards went up on the wall of Babylon.'
BC 399 - 300?, TM 56121: Rev. Bibl. N.S. 92 (1985), p. 60-81 + JNES 43 (1984), p. 93-96 + Vleeming /
Wesselius, Papyrus Amherst 63 1 p. 33-37 & 50-72 & 88 + Vleeming / Wesselius, Papyrus
Amherst 63 2 p. 30-44 & 46-52 & 54-64 & 65-71 & 75-90, col. 20, 9 [b]: Bʿbʿl?, 'She set her face
towards Babylon. The guards went up on the wall of Babylon.'
BC 399 - 300?, TM 56121: Rev. Bibl. N.S. 92 (1985), p. 60-81 + JNES 43 (1984), p. 93-96 + Vleeming /
Wesselius, Papyrus Amherst 63 1 p. 33-37 & 50-72 & 88 + Vleeming / Wesselius, Papyrus
Amherst 63 2 p. 30-44 & 46-52 & 54-64 & 65-71 & 75-90, col. 21, 11: Bʿbʿl?, 'Sheroua-eterat went
away from Babylon, she set her face towards Ninive.'
BC 399 - 300?, TM 56121: Rev. Bibl. N.S. 92 (1985), p. 60-81 + JNES 43 (1984), p. 93-96 + Vleeming /
Wesselius, Papyrus Amherst 63 1 p. 33-37 & 50-72 & 88 + Vleeming / Wesselius, Papyrus
Amherst 63 2 p. 30-44 & 46-52 & 54-64 & 65-71 & 75-90, col. 21, 12 [b]: Bʿbʿl?, 'On her feet she
left Babylon until they admitted (her) in Ninive.'
BC 399 - 300?, TM 56121: Rev. Bibl. N.S. 92 (1985), p. 60-81 + JNES 43 (1984), p. 93-96 + Vleeming /
Wesselius, Papyrus Amherst 63 1 p. 33-37 & 50-72 & 88 + Vleeming / Wesselius, Papyrus
Amherst 63 2 p. 30-44 & 46-52 & 54-64 & 65-71 & 75-90, col. 21, 17: Bʿbʿl?, 'Afterwards you will
go to Babylon, O turtan, standing at the head.'
BC 399 - 300?, TM 56121: Rev. Bibl. N.S. 92 (1985), p. 60-81 + JNES 43 (1984), p. 93-96 + Vleeming /
Wesselius, Papyrus Amherst 63 1 p. 33-37 & 50-72 & 88 + Vleeming / Wesselius, Papyrus
Amherst 63 2 p. 30-44 & 46-52 & 54-64 & 65-71 & 75-90, col. 21, 18: Bʿbʿl?, 'Let (my army)
afterwards smite Babylon, but spare my brother!'
BC 399 - 300?, TM 56121: Rev. Bibl. N.S. 92 (1985), p. 60-81 + JNES 43 (1984), p. 93-96 + Vleeming /
Wesselius, Papyrus Amherst 63 1 p. 33-37 & 50-72 & 88 + Vleeming / Wesselius, Papyrus
Amherst 63 2 p. 30-44 & 46-52 & 54-64 & 65-71 & 75-90, col. 21, 19: Bʿbʿl?, 'They made him
ascend the chariot, he set his face towards Babylon.'
BC 399 - 300?, TM 56121: Rev. Bibl. N.S. 92 (1985), p. 60-81 + JNES 43 (1984), p. 93-96 + Vleeming /
Wesselius, Papyrus Amherst 63 1 p. 33-37 & 50-72 & 88 + Vleeming / Wesselius, Papyrus
Amherst 63 2 p. 30-44 & 46-52 & 54-64 & 65-71 & 75-90, col. 22, 1: Bʿbʿl?, 'The guards went up
on the wall of Babylon.'
BC 399 - 300?, TM 56121: Rev. Bibl. N.S. 92 (1985), p. 60-81 + JNES 43 (1984), p. 93-96 + Vleeming /
Wesselius, Papyrus Amherst 63 1 p. 33-37 & 50-72 & 88 + Vleeming / Wesselius, Papyrus
Amherst 63 2 p. 30-44 & 46-52 & 54-64 & 65-71 & 75-90, col. 22, 6 [b]: Bʿbʿl?, 'you scattered the
Arabs who live in Babylon!'
BC 399 - 300?, TM 56121: Rev. Bibl. N.S. 92 (1985), p. 60-81 + JNES 43 (1984), p. 93-96 + Vleeming /
Wesselius, Papyrus Amherst 63 1 p. 33-37 & 50-72 & 88 + Vleeming / Wesselius, Papyrus
Amherst 63 2 p. 30-44 & 46-52 & 54-64 & 65-71 & 75-90, col. 23, 8: Bʿbʿl?, 'let [my army] smite
Babylon, but spare my brother!'
BC 399 - 300?, TM 56121: Rev. Bibl. N.S. 92 (1985), p. 60-81 + JNES 43 (1984), p. 93-96 + Vleeming /
Wesselius, Papyrus Amherst 63 1 p. 33-37 & 50-72 & 88 + Vleeming / Wesselius, Papyrus
Amherst 63 2 p. 30-44 & 46-52 & 54-64 & 65-71 & 75-90, col. 8, 4: Bʿbʿl?, 'May Bel bless you from
BC 332 - 30, TM 81301: Quack, Einführung p. 79, descr. [a]: Bbl?, descr.: 'Assyrische Namen
kommen ebenso vor wie die Städte Babylon und Arbela.'
BC 299 - 100, TM 55852: Studies Griffith p. 171-173, 3: ˹B˺bl, '[ ] Pharaoh to the family of the chief
of Babylon'
BC 30 - AD 99, TM 56177: BIFAO 91 (1991), p. 148, 2: Pr-Bl, 'Montouhotep et ses compagnons
trouvèrent l'armée de Babylon, ...'
193 Babylonia – Mesopotamia (11935)
G Βαβυλωνία - Σιγγαρα E pȝ tš n Bbl - Sngr (Sgr) Var.: Babylonia - Singara
Status: region: tesh Region: Mesopotamia
Ident.: cf. Babylon (390)
Bibl.: CDD B, 2002, p. 42; Altenmüller, Fs. Wilhelm, 2010, p. 37-38
Sources: BC 299 - 100, TM 55852: Studies Griffith p. 171-173, 6: pȝ tš Bbl, 'the princes of the district
of Babylon'
BC 299 - 100, TM 55852: Studies Griffith p. 171-173, 31: pȝ tš Bbl, 'Is there somebody who is
stronger as the whole district of Babylon?'
Basilikai Rymai (Ptolemais Hormou) – 00a (13469)
E Nȝ-ẖr.w-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry.w - ẖyr.w) Var.: *Basilikai Rymai- N-cherou-n-Per-aa ('The streets of Pharaoh')
Status: street: cher Loc.: ỉn 00a Ptolemais Hormou (2024)
Sources: BC 98 Oct 15, TM 41467: P. Hawara 14 + Enchoria 25 (1999), p. 138-139, (P. Haw.) 6 [b]: Nȝẖyr.w-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'east: the streets of Pharaoh'
Basilike Ryme (Deir el-Ballas?) – U05 (11647)
E Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry - ẖyr) - Pȝ-myt-n-Pr-ʿȝ Var.: *Basilike Ryme - P-cher-n-Per-aa ('The street of
Pharaoh') - P-mit-n-Per-aa ('The road of Pharaoh')
Status: street, road: cher; p mit Loc.: in U05 Deir el-Ballas (2755)?
Bibl.: Parker, JARCE 3 (1964), p. 93
Sources: BC 202 Dec 12 - 201 Jan 10, TM 43384: RecTrav 35 (1913), p. 153-154, 5: Pȝ-ẖyr-n-Pr-ʿȝ,
'west: the street of Pharaoh'
BC 175 Mar 5 - Apr 3, TM 2760: JARCE 3 (1964), p. 91-103, A 9 [a]: Pȝ-ẖry-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'west: the street of
BC 175 Mar 5 - Apr 3, TM 2760: JARCE 3 (1964), p. 91-103, B col. 1, 20: Pȝ-myt-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'west: the
road of Pharaoh'
Basilike Ryme (Dios Polis) – U04b (13610)
E Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry - ẖyr) Var.: *Basilike Ryme - P-cher-n-Per-aa ('The street of Pharaoh')
Status: street: cher Loc.: in U04b Dios Polis (576)
Sources: BC 265 Dec 27 - 264 Jan 24, TM 310: P. BM Andrews 1, C 2 [e]: Pȝ-ẖyr-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of
Pharaoh being between them'
BC 265 Dec 27 - 264 Jan 24, TM 310: P. BM Andrews 1, C 3: Pȝ-ẖyr-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh
being between them'
BC 265 Dec 27 - 264 Jan 24, TM 310: P. BM Andrews 1, C 4 - 5: Pȝ-ẖyr-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh
being between them'
BC 265 Dec 27 - 264 Jan 24, TM 310: P. BM Andrews 1, C 4 [a]: Pȝ-ẖyr-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh
being between them'
BC 230 Jun 17 - Jul 16, TM 2737: P. BM Andrews 25, 4: Pȝ-ẖyr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'and you may go out by the
door in the middle of the house in question into the street of Pharaoh'
BC 212 Feb 12 - Mar 13, TM 8519: P. BM Andrews 17, 4: Pȝ-ẖry-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'west: the street of Pharaoh'
BC 181 Aug 27, TM 56425: P. BM Andrews 10 [10679 b], 2: Pȝ-ẖyr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh being
between them'
BC 181 Aug 27, TM 56425: P. BM Andrews 10 [10679 b], 3: Pȝ-ẖyr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh being
between them'
BC 181 Aug 27, TM 2756: P. BM Andrews 10 [10722], 3 [g]: Pȝ-ẖyr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh being
between them'
BC 181 Aug 27, TM 2756: P. BM Andrews 10 [10722], 4 [b]: Pȝ-ẖyr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh
being between them'
BC 181 Aug 27, TM 2755: P. BM Andrews 10 [10723], 3 [g]: Pȝ-ẖyr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh being
between them'
BC 181 Aug 27, TM 2755: P. BM Andrews 10 [10723], 4: Pȝ-ẖyr-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh being
between them'
BC 170 Sep 19, TM 2754: P. BM Andrews 12, (10678) 3: Pȝ-ẖyr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh being
between them'
194 BC 121 Jan 6, TM 3569: P. Nouv. Chrest. p. 87-102 + UPZ 2 168, Dem. (p. 92 col. 2) [a]: Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ?,
'east: the street of Pharaoh'
BC 119 Mar 2, TM 48640: P. BM Andrews 22, 11 [a]: Pȝ-ẖyr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'south: the street of Pharaoh'
Basilike Ryme (Haueris) – 00a (13522)
E Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry - ẖyr) Var.: *Basilike Ryme - P-cher-n-Per-aa ('The street of Pharaoh')
Status: street: cher Loc.: in 00a Haueris (747)
Sources: BC 69 Nov 1, TM 4240: P. Ashm. 1 16 + P. Ashm. 1 17, (16) 5 - 6: Pȝ-ḫr-[Pr-ʿȝ], 'west: the
street of Pharaoh'
BC 69 Nov 1, TM 4240: P. Ashm. 1 16 + P. Ashm. 1 17, (17) 7: Pȝ-ḫr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'west: the street of
Basilike Ryme (Hermonthis) – U04a (13611)
E Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry - ẖyr) - Pȝ-myt-n-Pr-ʿȝ Var.: *Basilike Ryme - P-cher-n-Per-aa ('The street of
Pharaoh') - P-mit-n-Per-aa ('The road of Pharaoh')
Status: street, road: cher; p mit Loc.: in U04a Hermonthis (812)
Sources: BC 224 Nov 17 - Dec 16, TM 2735: P. BM Andrews 35, 5 [a]: Pȝ-ẖr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of
Pharaoh being between them'
BC 214 Jan 14 - Feb 12, TM 48646: P. BM Andrews 40, 4: Pȝ-myt-Pr-ʿȝ, 'east: the road of Pharaoh'
BC 177 - 175, TM 48652: P. BM Andrews 48, 4: Pȝ-ẖr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'while you may go out by the door of the
house to the north ... to the street of Pharaoh'
Basilike Ryme (Hout-nesou) – U17 (11571)
E Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry - ẖyr) Var.: *Basilike Ryme - P-cher-n-Per-aa ('The street of Pharaoh')
Status: street: cher Loc.: in U17 Hout-nesou (2793)
Sources: BC 100 Jan 25, TM 47584: BIFAO 89 (1989), p. 90 & 97, 11: Pȝ-ẖry-Pr-ʿȝ, 'south: the street of
Basilike Ryme (Lykopolis) – U13 (11552)
E Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry - ẖyr) Var.: *Basilike Ryme - P-cher-n-Per-aa ('The street of Pharaoh')
Status: street: cher Loc.: in U13 Lykopolis (1271)
Sources: BC 175 Apr 15, TM 2740: JEA 45 (1959), p. 53-54, 7 [d]: Pȝ-ẖry-Pr-ʿȝ, 'south: the street of
Pharaoh, on to which you may go out'
Basilike Ryme (Memnoneia) – U04b (10682)
G Βασιλικὴ Ῥύμη E Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry - ẖyr) - Pȝ-myt-n-Pr-ʿȝ Var.: Basilike Ryme - P-cher-n-Per-aa
('The street of Pharaoh') - P-mit-n-Per-aa ('The road of Pharaoh')
Status: street, road: cher; p mit Loc.: in U04b Memnoneia (1341)
Bibl.: P. BM Reich, 1914, p. 112; Erischsen, ZÄS 77 (1942), p. 98 n. 1; Erichsen, Glossar, 1954, p. 389;
CDD H̱, 2001, p. 18
Sources: BC 335 Jan 14 - Feb 12, TM 46113: RdE 18 (1966), p. 12-16, A 6: [Pȝ-ẖry]-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'open a
gate to the south on the street of Pharaoh (ʿ.w.s.)'
BC 324 Nov 12 - Dec 11, TM 43751: P. BM Glanville p. XXVII-XXXI, 2 [a]: Pȝ-ẖry-Pr-ʿȝ, 'northwards
to the street of Pharaoh'
BC 324 Nov 12 - Dec 11, TM 43751: P. BM Glanville p. XXVII-XXXI, 2 [c]: Pȝ-ẖry-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of
Pharaoh being between them'
BC 324 Nov 12 - Dec 11, TM 43751: P. BM Glanville p. XXVII-XXXI, 2 [f]: Pȝ-ẖry-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of
Pharaoh being between them'
BC 311 Apr 8 - May 7, TM 43826: P. BM Andrews 24, 2 [b]: Pȝ-ẖry-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'its west: the street of
BC 307 Mar 8 - Apr 6, TM 43779: P. Phil. Dem. 3, 2 [b]: Pȝ-ẖry-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh being
between them'
BC 307 Mar 8 - Apr 6, TM 43780: P. Phil. Dem. 4, 3: Pȝ-ẖry-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh being
between them'
195 BC 304 Jan 6 - Feb 4, TM 43827: P. Schreibertrad. 4, 2 [b]: Pȝ-ẖry-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh
being between them'
BC 304 Jan 6 - Feb 4, TM 43827: P. Schreibertrad. 4, 3: Pȝ-ẖry-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh being
between them'
BC 304 Jan 6 - Feb 4, TM 43828: P. Schreibertrad. 97 + RevEg 5 (1888), p. 90 & pl. 22 [2427] descr., 2
[a]: Pȝ-ẖry-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh being between them'
BC 304 Jan 6 - Feb 4, TM 43828: P. Schreibertrad. 97 + RevEg 5 (1888), p. 90 & pl. 22 [2427] descr., 3:
Pȝ-ẖry-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh being between them'
BC 301 Dec 6 - 300 Jan 3, TM 43755: P. Brux. Dem. 1 2 + JEA 54 (1968), p. 194-196 + P. BM Glanville p.
XXXVI-XLI, (JEA) Abstract 6: Pȝ-ẖyr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh being between them'
BC 301 Dec 6 - 300 Jan 3, TM 43755: P. Brux. Dem. 1 2 + JEA 54 (1968), p. 194-196 + P. BM Glanville p.
XXXVI-XLI, (JEA) Main text 3: Pȝ-ẖyr-[Pr-ʿȝ], 'the street of Pharaoh being between them'
BC 301 Dec 6 - 300 Jan 3, TM 43755: P. Brux. Dem. 1 2 + JEA 54 (1968), p. 194-196 + P. BM Glanville p.
XXXVI-XLI, (P. BM) [b] 1, 4 (= a-b, 4): Pȝ-ẖry-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh being between it
(?) BC 299 - 250, TM 48855: Donker van Heel, Legal Manual p. 3-111, col. 8, 1: [Pȝ]-ḫr-Pr-ʿȝ, in a
legal example, where no specific toponym is referred to: 'if a man obstructs (the building of) a
house, saying 'They are adding to it [from the] street of Pharaoh', [the judges] look [at the
house ...] which he added to his house. What they will find that he has taken from the road, [ ]'
BC 297 Sep 1 - 30, TM 43759: P. BM Glanville p. 4-9 no. 10522, 2 [b]: Pȝ-ḫr-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of
Pharaoh being between them'
BC 294 Sep 1 - 30, TM 43772: P. Schreibertrad. 100 + RevEg 5 (1888), p. 90 & pl. 22 [2426] descr., 2
[b]: Pȝ-ẖry-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh being between them'
BC 293 Mar 4 - Apr 2, TM 44084: Reports of the Soviet delegations at the Xth International
Congress of Historical Science in Rome p. 40-42, 3: Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ?, 'the street of Pharaoh being
between them'
BC 293 Mar 4 - Apr 2, TM 44085: Reports of the Soviet delegations at the Xth International
Congress of Historical Science in Rome p. 43-44, 3: Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ?, 'the street of Pharaoh being
between them'
BC 290 Dec 4 - 289 Jan 2, TM 43762: P. BM Glanville p. 20-27 no. 10524, 2 [a]: Pȝ-ẖry-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the
street of Pharaoh being between them'
BC 290 Dec 4 - 289 Jan 2, TM 43762: P. BM Glanville p. 20-27 no. 10524, 3: Pȝ-ẖry-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of
Pharaoh being between them'
BC 290 Dec 4 - 289 Jan 2, TM 43762: P. BM Glanville p. 20-27 no. 10524, Abstract 7: Pȝ-ẖre-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the
street of Pharaoh being between them'
BC 290 Dec 4 - 289 Jan 2, TM 43762: P. BM Glanville p. 20-27 no. 10524, Abstract 11: [Pȝ-ẖry]-Pr-ʿȝ,
'the street of Pharaoh being between them'
BC 288 Sep 29 - Oct 28, TM 8524: P. BM Glanville p. 29-33 no. 10526, 3 [c]: Pȝ-ẖry-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street
of Pharaoh being between them'
BC 288 Sep 29 - Oct 28, TM 8525: P. BM Glanville p. 30-33 no. 10527, 3 [b]: Pȝ-ẖry-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the
street of Pharaoh being between them'
BC 287 Jan 2 - 31, TM 43794: P. Phil. Dem. 7, 2 [a]: Pȝ-ẖry-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh being
between them'
BC 287 Jan 2 - 31, TM 43903: P. Phil. Dem. 8, 2 [a]: Pȝ-ẖry-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh being
between them'
BC 282 Mar 2 - 31, TM 43509: P. Phil. Dem. 10, 2 [d]: Pȝ-ẖry-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh being
between them'
BC 277 Jun 28 - Jul 27, TM 48885: P. Phil. Dem. 12, 3: [Pȝ-ẖyr-Pr-ʿȝ], 'the street of Pharaoh being
between them'
BC 267 Dec 28 - 266 Jan 26, TM 2869: P. Schreibertrad. 11, 2 [b]: Pȝ-ẖyr-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of
Pharaoh being between them'
BC 267 Dec 28 - 266 Jan 26, TM 2869: P. Schreibertrad. 11, 2 [c]: [Pȝ-ẖ]yr-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of
Pharaoh being between them'
BC 255 Aug 14, TM 130127: O. Taxes 2 134, 7: Pȝ-ẖry?-n-Pr-ʿȝ ʿ.w.s.?, 'and west: the tomb, while the
lane (pȝ ẖr.t?) (of) the street (of) Pharaoh (ʿ.w.s.) is between (them) (?)'
BC 251 Jun 22 - 23, TM 5715: P. Phil. Dem. 16 + SB 6 8966, Dem. 2 [b]: Pȝ-ẖyr-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of
Pharaoh being between them'
BC 249 Mar 23 - Apr 21, TM 2876: P. Schreibertrad. 14 + RevEg 5 (1888), p. 90 & pl. 24 [2443] descr.,
3 [b]: Pȝ-ẖyr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh being between them'
196 BC 249 Mar 23 - Apr 21, TM 2876: P. Schreibertrad. 14 + RevEg 5 (1888), p. 90 & pl. 24 [2443] descr.,
3 [c]: Pȝ-[ẖyr]-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh being between them'
BC 245 Apr 21 - May 20, TM 2875: P. Schreibertrad. 109, 3 [c]: Pȝ-ẖyr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh
being between them'
BC 243 Jun 20 - Jul 19, TM 2872: P. Schreibertrad. 15, 2 [e]: [Pȝ-ẖr-Pr-ʿȝ], 'the street of Pharaoh
being between them'
BC 243 Jun 20 - Jul 19, TM 2872: P. Schreibertrad. 15, 3: Pȝ-ẖr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh being
between them'
BC 227 Dec 18 - 226 Jan 16, TM 48651: P. BM Andrews 47, 3: Pȝ-ẖr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'south: the street of
BC 222 Jun 15 - Jul 14, TM 2710: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3096, 5: Pȝ-ẖry-n-Pr-˹ʿȝ˺, 'the street of Pharaoh
being between them'
BC 219 Oct 17 - 218 Oct 16, TM 2721: P. BM Reich p. 60-61 no. 10073, 3 (3) [a]: Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the
street of Pharaoh ... being between them'
BC 219 Oct 17 - 218 Oct 16, TM 2721: P. BM Reich p. 60-61 no. 10073, 3 (3) [b]: Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the
street of Pharaoh being between them'
BC 199 Dec 11 - 198 Jan 9, TM 2874: P. Schreibertrad. 26, 5 [e]: Pȝ-ẖyr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'south: the street of
BC 182 Feb 3, TM 3564: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3114, 3 [f]: Pȝ-ẖyr-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh being
between them'
BC 182 Feb 3, TM 2714: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3140, 4: ˹Pȝ-ẖyr-n-Pr-ʿȝ˺, 'the street of Pharaoh being
between them'
BC 182 Nov 12, TM 56424: P. BM Andrews 9 [10679 a], Vo 5: Pȝ-ẖyr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh
being between them'
BC 182 Nov 12, TM 56424: P. BM Andrews 9 [10679 a], Vo 7: Pȝ-ẖyr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh
being between them'
BC 182 Nov 12, TM 56424: P. BM Andrews 9 [10679 a], Vo 9: Pȝ-ẖyr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh
being between them'
BC 182 Nov 12, TM 8513: P. BM Andrews 9 [10721], 3 [d]: Pȝ-ẖyr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh being
between them'
BC 182 Nov 12, TM 8513: P. BM Andrews 9 [10721], 3 [e]: Pȝ-ẖyr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh being
between them'
BC 182 Nov 12, TM 8513: P. BM Andrews 9 [10721], 3 [f]: Pȝ-ẖyr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh being
between them'
BC 182 Nov 12, TM 8514: P. BM Andrews 9 [10727], 3 [d]: Pȝ-ẖyr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh being
between them'
BC 182 Nov 12, TM 8514: P. BM Andrews 9 [10727], 3 [e]: Pȝ-ẖyr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh being
between them'
BC 182 Nov 12, TM 8514: P. BM Andrews 9 [10727], 3 [f]: Pȝ-ẖyr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh being
between them'
BC 175 Feb 23, TM 2627: Enchoria 15 (1987), p. 99-112 no. Louvre E 3440 A (LA), 2 [f]: Pȝ-ẖyr-Pr-ʿȝ,
'the street of Pharaoh being between them'
BC 175 Feb 23, TM 2627: Enchoria 15 (1987), p. 99-112 no. Louvre E 3440 A (LA), 3 [d]: Pȝ-ẖyr-Pr-ʿȝ,
'the street of Pharaoh being between them'
BC 175 Feb 22, TM 2626: Enchoria 15 (1987), p. 99-112 no. Louvre E 3440 B (LB), 2 [e]: Pȝ-ẖyr-Pr-ʿȝ,
'the street of Pharaoh being between them'
BC 175 Feb 22, TM 2626: Enchoria 15 (1987), p. 99-112 no. Louvre E 3440 B (LB), 3 [a]: [Pȝ-ẖyr-Pr-ʿȝ],
'the street of Pharaoh being between them'
BC 175 Feb 22, TM 2628: Enchoria 15 (1987), p. 99-112 no. P. Berl. 3112 (B), 4 [b]: Pȝ-ẖyr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the
street of Pharaoh being between them'
BC 175 Feb 22, TM 2628: Enchoria 15 (1987), p. 99-112 no. P. Berl. 3112 (B), 6 [a]: Pȝ-ẖyr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the
street of Pharaoh being between them'
BC 159 Aug 13, TM 45079: P. Tor. Botti 4, 17 [b]: Pȝ-myt-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'east: the road of Pharaoh'
BC 153 Jun 14, TM 3567: P. Schreibertrad. 56 + UPZ 2 166 a + P. Schreibertrad. 132, (132) [h] (before
n. 56): Pȝ-ẖyr-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'east: the street of Pharaoh'
BC 153 Jun 14, TM 3567: P. Schreibertrad. 56 + UPZ 2 166 a + P. Schreibertrad. 132, (56) 5 - 6: Pȝẖyr-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'east: the street of Pharaoh'
BC 150 Feb 1, TM 43921: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3070, 4 [d]: Pȝ-˹ẖyr˺-Pr-ʿȝ, 'south: ... and the street of
197 BC 150 Feb 1, TM 3575: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3097, 4 [d]: Pȝ-ẖyr-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'south: ... and the street of
BC 141 Apr 6, TM 47522: P. BM Andrews 32, (left) 4 [e]: Pȝ-ẖyr-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'north: the street of
BC 141 Apr 6, TM 47522: P. BM Andrews 32, (right) 4: [Pȝ-ẖyr-n-Pr-ʿȝ], 'north: the street of
BC 141 May 8, TM 3639: ZÄS 77 (1942), p. 93-94, 5 [a]: Pȝ-ẖyr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'east: the street of Pharaoh'
BC 125 Aug 14, TM 5528: P. Tor. Amen. 9, 8: Pȝ-ẖyr-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'north: the street of Pharaoh'
BC 120 Mar 7?, TM 43773: P. Schreibertrad. 127, 5 - 6: Pȝ-ẖyr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'um auf die Strasse des Königs
im Osten zu gehen'
BC 120 Mar 7, TM 3570: P. Schreibertrad. 47 + UPZ 2 169, 6 [d]: Pȝ-ẖyr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh
being between them'
(?) BC 119 Oct 31, TM 43350: P. Ackerpachtverträge p. 15-16, 12 [b]: Pȝ-myt-Pr-ʿȝ, 'east and west:
the road of Pharaoh'
BC 118 May 22, TM 3580: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3101, A 4 [c]: Pȝ-ẖyr-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'south: the street of Pharaoh'
BC 118 May 22, TM 3580: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3101, B 4 [c]: Pȝ-ẖyr-˹n-Pr-ʿȝ˺, 'south: the street of
BC 103 Mar 16, TM 3584: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3104, 6 [b]: Pȝ-˹ẖyr˺-Pr-ʿȝ, 'south (and) west: the street of
BC 103 Apr 1, TM 3585: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3105, 11: Pȝ-ẖyr-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'south (and) west: the street of
Basilike Ryme (Pathyris) – U04a (11336)
G Βασιλικὴ Ῥύμη - Βασιλικὴ Ὁδός E Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry - ẖyr) - Pȝ-myt-n-Pr-ʿȝ Var.: Basilike Ryme P-cher-n-Per-aa ('The street of Pharaoh') - Basilike Hodos - P-mit-n-Per-aa ('The road of
Status: street, road: ryme; cher; hodos; p mit Loc.: in U04a Pathyris (1628)
Note: new reading T-ouhemet-Per-aa (11434) in MIO 1 (1953), p. 234-236, 5 (cf. Grieshaber,
Lexikographie einer Landschaft, 2004, p. 113 & n. 23; p. 121 n. 44)
Bibl.: Vandorpe / Waebens, Pathyris' archives, 2009, p. 21; p. 23
Sources: BC 284 May 1 - 30, TM 43777: P. Ryl. Dem. 11, A 3 [a]: Pȝ-ẖry-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of
Pharaoh being between them'
BC 281 Nov 1 - 30, TM 8540: P. Ryl. Dem. 12, A 3 [a]: Pȝ-ẖry-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh being
between them'
BC 281 Nov 1 - 30, TM 46175: P. Ryl. Dem. 13, A 2 [e]: Pȝ-ẖry-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh being
between them'
BC 180 - 170, TM 199: P. Gebelen Heid. 2, 9: Pȝ-ẖyr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'west: the street of Pharaoh'
BC 176 Sep 14, TM 2935: Et. de Pap. 8 (1957), p. 60-63, (cession) 4 [c]: Pȝ-myt-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'east: the road
of Pharaoh'
BC 176 Sep 14, TM 2935: Et. de Pap. 8 (1957), p. 60-63, (sale) 3 [c]: Pȝ-myt-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'east: the road of
BC 163 Oct 18, TM 227: P. Ryl. Dem. 15 A + P. Ryl. Gr. 2 248, 2 [d]: Pȝ-myt-Pr-ʿȝ, 'west: the road of
BC 163 Oct 18, TM 228: P. Ryl. Dem. 15 B, 3 [b]: Pȝ-myt-Pr-ʿȝ, 'west: the road of Pharaoh'
BC 162 Nov 3, TM 43340: RecTrav 31 (1909), p. 92-95 + P. Lond. 3 p. 3-4 no. 1201, Dem. 5: Pȝ-myt-nPr-ʿȝ, 'the road of Pharaoh being between them'
BC 161 Aug 4, TM 147: Fs. Lüddeckens p. 171-172 & 174, 5: Pȝ-ẖyr-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh
being between them'
BC 161 Aug 4, TM 147: Fs. Lüddeckens p. 171-172 & 174, 6 [a]: Pȝ-ẖyr-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh
being between them'
BC 159 Feb 8, TM 43344: RecTrav 31 (1909), p. 95-98 + SB 1 4281, Dem. 6: Pȝ-myt-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the road of
pharaoh being between them'
BC 148 May 16, TM 90899: MIO 13 (1967), p. 179 no. 1, 6 - 7: Pȝ-ḫyr-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'east: the street of
BC 132 Nov 7, TM 51164: Enchoria 19 - 20 (1992-1993), p. 67 no. 20, 5: Pȝ-ẖyr-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'east: the
street of Pharaoh'
BC 120 Oct 2, TM 302: Acta Orientalia 25 (1960), p. 296-297, 10: Pȝ-ẖyr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh
being between them'
198 BC 118 Mar 10, TM 134: P. Ryl. Dem. 17 + P. Ryl. Gr. 2 249, Dem. 3 [e]: Pȝ-ẖyr-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'east and west:
the street of Pharaoh'
BC 117 Oct 4, TM 501: P. Ryl. Dem. 18 + P. Ryl. Gr. 2 250, Dem. 4 [b]: Pȝ-ẖyr-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'south: the
street of Pharaoh'
BC 115 Sep 21 - 114 Sep 20, TM 188: P. Gebelen Heid. 14, 3: Pȝ-myt-Pr-ʿȝ, 'east: the road of Pharaoh'
BC 115 Jan 26 - 108 Jan 28, TM 137: Life in a multi-cultural society p. 13 [10995] descr. + P. Ryl.
Dem. 23, (P. Ryl.) 3 [b]: Pȝ-ẖyr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of Pharaoh being between them'
BC 115 Jan 26 - 108 Jan 28, TM 137: Life in a multi-cultural society p. 13 [10995] descr. + P. Ryl.
Dem. 23, (P. Ryl.) 4: Pȝ-ẖyr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'east: the street of Pharaoh'
BC 95 Sep 3, TM 118: P. Strasb. Dem. p. 25-26 no. 6 + RecTrav 33 (1911), p. 153-154, 4 [b]: Pȝ-ẖyr-nPr-ʿȝ, 'east: the street of Pharaoh'
BC 94 Jul 8, TM 111: RecTrav 31 (1909), p. 98-101, 10 [b]: Pȝ-ẖyr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'south: the street of Pharaoh'
Basilike Ryme (Philadelpheia) – 00a (13656)
E Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry - ẖyr) Var.: *Basilike Ryme - P-cher-n-Per-aa ('The street of Pharaoh')
Status: street: cher Loc.: in 00a Philadelpheia (1760)
Sources: BC 184 Oct 27, TM 46009: Serapis 6 (1980), p. 122 + JEA 24 (1938), p. 79-80 [4526 B 1],
(Serapis) 12 [c]: Pȝ-ẖry-Pr-ʿȝ, 'north: the street of Pharaoh'
Basilike Ryme (Soknopaiou Nesos) – 00a (11455)
G Βασιλικὴ Ῥύμη - Βασιλικαὶ ῾Ρῦμαι E Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry - ẖyr) - Nȝ-ẖr.w-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry.w - ẖyr.w) Var.:
Basilike Ryme - P-cher-n-Per-aa ('The street of Pharaoh') - Basilikai Rymai - N-cherou-n-Per-aa
('The streets of Pharaoh')
Status: street: ryme; cher Loc.: in 00a Soknopaiou Nesos (2157)
Maps: Reymond, BRL 49 (1966-1967), p. 496 Sources: AD 2 Apr 12, TM 45597: Enchoria 7 (1977), p. 153-154 no. 6, 6: Pȝ-ẖr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'south and east:
the street (of) Pharaoh'
AD 11 Nov 21, TM 44702: Enchoria 27 (2001), p. 130-132 & 143-145 & 149-151 & 152, A 5 [b]: Nȝ˹ẖ˺yr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'west and east: the streets (of) Pharaoh'
AD 11 Nov 21, TM 44702: Enchoria 27 (2001), p. 130-132 & 143-145 & 149-151 & 152, B 5: Nȝ-ẖyr-nPr-ʿȝ, 'west and east: the streets of Pharaoh'
AD 23 Mar 27 - Apr 25, TM 45646: SB 18 13579, Dem. 8: Nȝ-ẖry-Pr-ʿȝ, 'east, south, west: the streets
(of) Pharaoh'
AD 29 Dec 11, TM 45595: BRL 49 (1966-1967), p. 481-482 no. 2, 12: Pȝ-ḫr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'as far as the eastern
street (of) Pharaoh'
AD 37 Oct 7, TM 12944: P. Ryl. Gr. 2 160 b + P. Ryl. Gr. 2 p. 419-420, Dem. 9: Nȝ-ẖr.w-pȝ-Pr-ʿȝ, 'south
and east: the streets (of) the Pharaoh'
AD 42 Aug 15, TM 45838: P. Ryl. Gr. 2 160 d + BRL 49 (1966-1967), p. 488-489 & 492-493 no. 3, Dem.
A 14 [a]: Pȝ-ḫr-n-pȝ-Pr-ʿȝ, 'north: the street of the Pharaoh'
AD 42 Aug 15, TM 45838: P. Ryl. Gr. 2 160 d + BRL 49 (1966-1967), p. 488-489 & 492-493 no. 3, Dem.
A 17: Pȝ-ḫr-pȝ-Pr-ʿȝ, 'east: the street (of) the Pharaoh'
AD 42 Aug 15, TM 45838: P. Ryl. Gr. 2 160 d + BRL 49 (1966-1967), p. 488-489 & 492-493 no. 3, Dem. B
12: Pȝ-ḫr-[pȝ-Pr-ʿȝ], 'north: the street (of) the Pharaoh'
AD 42 Aug 15, TM 45838: P. Ryl. Gr. 2 160 d + BRL 49 (1966-1967), p. 488-489 & 492-493 no. 3, Dem. B
15: <Pȝ>-ḫr-pȝ-Pr-ʿȝ, 'east: (the) street (of) the Pharaoh'
AD 45 May 18, TM 45593: Enchoria 4 (1974), p. 71-72 & 74-75 + SB 14 11895, Dem. col. 1, 8: ˹H̱ryt˺Pr-ʿȝ, 'south (and) west: (the) street (of) Pharaoh'
AD 47 Feb 26, TM 14341: SB 12 10804 + BRL 52 (1969), p. 221-222 & 225 & 227-228, Dem. A 16 [b]:
[Pȝ]-ḫyr-[Pr-ʿȝ], 'the street of Pharaoh being between it'
AD 47 Feb 26, TM 14341: SB 12 10804 + BRL 52 (1969), p. 221-222 & 225 & 227-228, Dem. B 13: Pȝ-ḫrpȝ-Pr-ʿȝ, 'the street of the Pharaoh being between it'
AD 47 - 48, TM 9916: CPR 15 47 + BIFAO 98 (1998), p. 295, (BIFAO) 12: [Pȝ-ẖry-Pr]-ʿȝ, '[ ]: the street
(of) Pharaoh'
Basilike Ryme (Talithis) – 00c (12326)
G Βασιλικὴ Ῥύμη E Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry - ẖyr) Var.: Basilike Ryme - P-cher-n-Per-aa ('The street of
Status: street: ryme; cher Demotic
199 Loc.: in 00c Talithis (2236)
Sources: AD 18 Aug 28, TM 15166: P. Mich. 5 249, A 6: Ḫr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'south: (the) street of Pharaoh'
AD 18 Aug 28, TM 15166: P. Mich. 5 249, B 6: Ḫr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'south: (the) street of Pharaoh'
AD 18 Aug 28, TM 15157: P. Mich. 5 250, A 5: Ḫr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'east: (the) street of Pharaoh'
AD 18 Aug 28, TM 15157: P. Mich. 5 250, B 7: Pȝ-ḫr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'east: the street of Pharaoh'
Basilike Ryme (Theogonis) – 00c (11609)
E Pȝ-ẖr-n-Pr-ʿȝ (ẖry - ẖyr) Var.: *Basilike Ryme - P-cher-n-Per-aa ('The street of Pharaoh')
Status: street: cher Loc.: in 00c Theogonis (2376)
Sources: BC 63 Mar 22, TM 43099: RdE 24 (1972), p. 130-133, 11: Pȝ-ẖr-Pr-ʿȝ, 'north: the street of
Pharaoh to which it opens'
Bech – U15 (10916)
E Bẖ Var.: Bech
Status: city Loc.: near U15 Mer-nefer (5176)?
Bibl.: Spiegelberg, P. Loeb, 1931, p. x
Sources: BC 316 - 304, TM 43362: P. Loeb 24, 20: Bẖ, 'Souchos lord of Bech'
BC 310 Nov 9 - 309 Nov 7?, TM 46745: P. Loeb 10, 7: Bẖ, 'Souchos lord of Mer-nefer, lord of Bech'
BC 309 Jun 12?, TM 43410: P. Loeb 7, 56: Bẖ, 'Souchos lord of Bech'
BC 309 May 11?, TM 47234: P. Loeb 8, 49: Bẖ, 'Souchos lord of Bech'
BC 308 Nov 8, TM 43381: P. Loeb 6, 5: Bẖ, 'Souchos lord of Bech'
Berenikis Aigialou – 00b (429)
G Βερενικὶς Αἰγιαλοῦ E Pȝ-ʿ.wy-n-Brnygȝ Var.: Berenikis (Bernikis) Aigialou - P-awi-n-Berenike
('The place of Berenike')
Status: village: kome; demi; chorion Loc.: near 00b Euhemereia (675)
Rep.: Dizionario I 1, p. 35 (3); II, p. 42; Suppl. 1, p. 79; Suppl. 2, p. 34; Suppl. 3, p. 26; Suppl. 4, p. 47;
Timm, p. 382; Wessely, Topographie, 1904, p. 48-51; P. Tebt. 2, 1907, p. 373 (2); Bibl.: P. Lille
Dem. 2, 1973, p. 221; Vandorpe, Geografische elementen, 1988, p. 37; Bogaert, ZPE 120 (1998),
p. 179; Mueller, Settlements of the Ptolemies, 2006, p. 25; p. 204 no. 34; CDD P, 2010, p. 9
Sources: BC 235 Mar 24, TM 44467: SB 20 14527, Dem. 2: Pȝ-ʿ.wy-Brngȝ, '[ ] ... of/to/for The place of
BC 224 - 216 about, TM 4404: P. Lille Dem. 2 6, 6 - 7: Pȝ-ʿ.wy-Brngȝ, surety document for 'Tapsais
daughter of [ ] the brewer (of) (the) village of Souchos Berenikis'
Berenikis Thesmophorou – 00c (430)
G Βερενικὶς Θεσμοφόρου E Pȝ-ʿ.wy-n-Brnygȝ Var.: Berenikis Thesmophorou - P-awi-n-Berenike
('The place of Berenike') E thnic: Berenikeus? Berenikites? Bereninkesios?
Status: village: kome; chorion Loc.: near 00c Kerkeosiris (1057)
Rep.: Dizionario II, p. 39-40 (?); p. 40 (1) (?); p. 42-44; Suppl. 1, p. 79 (bis); Suppl. 2, p. 34; Suppl. 3, p.
26; Suppl. 4, p. 47 (bis); Timm, p. 382; Wessely, Topographie, 1904, p. 48-51; P. Tebt. 2, 1907, p.
373 (1); Bibl.: Rübsam, Götter und Kulte in Faijum, 1974, p. 79; Mueller, Settlements of the
Ptolemies, 2006, p. 204 no. 35
Sources: BC 199 - 100, TM 44481: P. Carlsberg 3 p. 5 no. 19, 3 - 4: Pȝ-ʿ.wy-Brnygȝ, 'mit den
Wein(lieferungen) die geliefert (?) worden sind in meine Hand in Berenikis'
Beriten-n-Per-aa – L05 (11610)
E Brytn-n-Pr-ʿȝ Var.: Beriten-n-Per-aa ('Beriten of Pharaoh')
Status: city? Ident.: L05 Djerit (11568)?
Bibl.: Smith in Lloyd (ed.), Studies J. Gwyn Griffiths, 1992, p. 214
Sources: BC 254 Aug 31, TM 51584: Lloyd (ed.), Studies J. Gwyn Griffiths p. 214 & 223 [70/27], descr.
[a]: Brytn-n-Pr-ʿȝ, 'because her progress (sc. the death of the mother of Apis) had happened
(at) Briten-n-Per-aa (ʿ.w.s.) in the land on the north of the nomos of Sais'
200 Bitylion (Tell el-Sheikh) – Northern Sinai (2690)
G Βιτύλιον L Bethelia - Betulia E Byṭl Var.: Bytl - Bitylion - Tell el-Sheikh
Status: village: demi; city: polis; polydrion Loc.: near Sheikh Zuweid (4840)
Note: obsolete reading: Bethelea
Rep.: Gauthier, Dictionnaire II, 1925, p. 18; III, p. 148; Bibl.: Verreth, Northern Sinai, 2006, p. 177191; p. 236-245; p. 906-909; p. 928-930
Sources: BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2984: Sacr. Decr. Raphia M (p. 242-257) + Gauthier / Sottas, Un
décret trilingue en l'honneur de Ptolémée IV + I. Prose 14, Dem. 11 [b]: Byṱl, 'he joined battle
with king Antiochos at a town which is called Raphia and is close to the border-territory of
Egypt, which is to the east of the town of Bitylion and P-sa-nefer, on day 10 of the same
Blemmyes – Aethiopia (444)
G Βλέμμυες L Blemmyes E Blhm (Brhm) C ⲃⲗϩⲙⲟⲩ Var.: Blemmyes (Blemyes) Ethnic: Blemmys Blhm (Brhm)
Status: people: ethnos Admin.: according to the coordinates in Ptolemaios also in (modern) Ethiopia
Ident.: Bega (3863)?
Note: new reading in P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 5, 5 (no toponym; cf. Chauveau, Bibl. Orient.
61 (2004), p. 26)
Rep.: Dizionario II, p. 53; Suppl. 3, p. 26; Bibl.: Griffith, PSBA 31 (1909), p. 291; Erichsen, Lesestücke
II.2, 1940, p. 197; Erichsen, Glossar, 1954, p. 120; Černý, BIFAO 57 (1958), p. 203-205; Vycichl,
Kush 6 (1958), p. 179; Zaborski, BzS (1989), p. 169-177; PP X, 2002, p. 308; CDD B, 2002, p. 64; p.
Sources: BC 219 Sep 12 - Oct 11, TM 8487: P. Hauswaldt Manning 6, 1 [a]: Brhm, 'the Blemmys born
in Egypt Harmais son of Harpaesis'
BC 217 Oct 16 - 216 Oct 15, TM 8488: P. Hauswaldt Manning 15, 5 [a]: [Blhm], 'The Blemmys born in
Egypt Harmais son of Harpaesis'
BC 157 Jan 15, TM 324: Dem. Conf. VII (Copenhagen 1999) p. 246 no. 3, descr. [a]: Blhm, 'the
Blemmys born in Egypt Harpos son of Pa-bah, his mother (being) Ta-meneh'
BC 152 Apr 5, TM 309: P. Eheverträge 36 + P. Ryl. Dem. 16, (P. Ehe.) 5 [a]: Blhm, '(the) Blemmys
born in Egypt Chesthotes son of Harpaesis'
BC 150 - 30, TM 43648: RdE 38 (1987), p. 5-7, I Vo 21: Blhm.w, 'drinking with the Blemmyes'
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 114 col. 16, 11: pȝ Blhmwt,
'Damomenes (?), der Blemmyer, der gegangen is [ ]'
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 151 col. 5, 12: tȝ/nȝ Bl˹h˺[mwt],
'the Blemmys woman (?) / the Blemmyes (?) [ ]'
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 189, 2: pȝ Blhmwt, 'the
Blemmys [ ]'
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 38, 4: pȝ Blhmwt, 'the Blemmys,
who comes [ ]'
BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 38, 6: tȝ/nȝ Blhmwt, 'the
Blemmys woman (?) / the Blemmyes (?) [ ]'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 80229: Dem. Conf. VII (Copenhagen 1999) p. 387-393 [P. Carlsberg 412] descr.,
fr. 1 11 (p. 390 & n. 77): nȝ Blhmỉṱ.w, 'the Blemmyes' (no context)
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 80229: Dem. Conf. VII (Copenhagen 1999) p. 387-393 [P. Carlsberg 412] descr.,
fr. 8 4 (p. 390 & n. 77): nȝ Blhmỉṱ.w, 'the Blemmyes' (no context)
(?) AD 373 Nov 11?, TM 53492: Graff. Dodec. Philae 371, 6 [a] (& note): nȝ Ble.w? - Blhm.w? Belle.w?, 'In the year named the Blemmyes (?) attacked the Noubai / Nubians and gave
hostages (?) in year 90 of Diokles / Diocletianus'
Bompae – U09 (3002)
G Βομπαη E Pr-bw-n-Pa-ḥʿ (Pr-bw-ḥȝ) Var.: Bompae - Per-bou-n-Pa-ha (Per-bou-ha - Pi-Bompahe)
('The place of Paha'? The place of the stela'?)
Status: village: kome Admin.: in the U09 Mese (central) toparchia
Loc.: on the western Nile bank
Ident.: U09 Sohag (2820)? U09 Tmoupaei (3212)?
201 Rep.: Dizionario II, p. 54; Suppl. 1, p. 82; Suppl. 4, p. 47; p. 98 (1); p. 98; p. 98 (1); p. 98-100; Gauthier,
Dictionnaire II, 1925, p. 19; Bibl.: T. Spiegelberg, 1901, p. 66*-67* no. 488; Quaegebeur, P. L. Bat.
19 (1978), p. 162; Verbeeck, LÄ V, 1984, col. 1052 (s.v. Sohag); Vandorpe, Geografische
elementen, 1988, p. 59; CDD P, 2010, p. 90-91; T. BM Arlt, 2011, p. 107; Maps: Barrington Atlas,
2000, pl. 77; T. BM Arlt, 2011, p. 109 Sources: AD 100 - 199?, TM 29440: Short Texts 2 655 (forthcoming), Dem. 4: Pr-bw-Pr-ḥʿ, 'Haryotes
... the man of Bompae.'
AD 100 - 299, TM 29368: CRIPEL 2 (1974), p. 181 no. CEML 47 + RevEg 6 (1891), p. 43 no. 2, Dem. 4 5: Pr-bw-n-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Apollonios son of Apollonios son of Peteminis, his mother (being)
Senpahminis, the man of Bompae'
AD 100 - 299, TM 32088: CRIPEL 2 (1974), p. 184 no. CEML 55 + RevEg 7 (1892-1896), p. 37-38 no. 26,
Dem. 5: Bw-n-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Sisois the second, son of Psensenpeteminis, his mother (being) Lilos, the
man of Bompae.'
AD 100 - 299, TM 32085: CRIPEL 2 (1974), p. 185 no. CEML 57 + RevEg 7 (1892-1896), p. 29 no. 7,
Dem. 3: Bw-n-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Apollonios son of Psais, his mother (being) Senphthonsneus, the man of
AD 100 - 299, TM 29375: CRIPEL 2 (1974), p. 185 no. CEML 59 + RevEg 7 (1892-1896), p. 31 no. 11,
Dem. 4: Bw-n-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Horos son of Horos, his mother (being) Sensontoys, the man of Bompae.'
AD 100 - 299, TM 29376: CRIPEL 2 (1974), p. 189 no. CEML 69 + RevEg 7 (1892-1896), p. 31 no. 12,
Dem. 4: Bw-n-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Tasontoous daughter of Psentatriphis, her mother (being) Senpsansnos,
the woman of Bompae.'
AD 100 - 299, TM 109756: Short Texts 2 468 (forthcoming), 2: Pr-bw-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Pelilis son of
Petechonsis the man of Bompae.'
AD 100 - 299, TM 109753: Short Texts 2 469 (forthcoming), 2: Pr-bw-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Thermouthis daughter
of Horos the woman of Bompae.'
AD 100 - 299, TM 28517: Short Texts 2 581 (forthcoming), A 3: Pr-bw-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Kollouthos son of
Psais, his mother (being) [ ], the man of Bompae'
AD 100 - 299, TM 40524: Short Texts 2 593 (forthcoming), Dem. 3: Pr-bw-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Senpsansnos ... the
woman of Bompae'
AD 100 - 299, TM 26140: Short Texts 2 596 (forthcoming), Dem. 4 [a]: Pr-bw-Pa-ḥʿ, 'the woman of
Bompae - (repeated in Greek:) from Bompae'
AD 100 - 299, TM 50903: Short Texts 2 620 (forthcoming), Dem. 4: Pr-bw-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Pekysis ... the man
of Bompae within the nomos of Panopolis.'
AD 100 - 299, TM 40526: Short Texts 2 636 (forthcoming), Dem. 3: Pr-bw-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Tchentchberis ...
the woman of Bompae'
AD 100 - 299, TM 56478: Short Texts 2 656 (forthcoming), 2: Pr-bw-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Aristippos son of Pa[ ]
the man of Bompae.'
AD 100 - 299, TM 40515: Short Texts 2 664 (forthcoming), Dem. 3: <Pr>-bw-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Taubastis ... the
woman of Bompae.'
AD 100 - 299, TM 40655: Short Texts 2 672 (forthcoming), Dem. 4: Pr-bw-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Peteharmouthes
son of Sentatriphis, his mother (being) Senharyotis, the woman of Bompae.'
AD 100 - 299, TM 80262: Short Texts 2 682 (forthcoming), Dem. 4: Pr-bw-n-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Psensaipsios ...
the man of Bompae.'
AD 100 - 299, TM 40529: Short Texts 2 683 (forthcoming), Dem. 4: Pr-bw-n-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Senpbekis ... the
woman of Bompae.'
AD 100 - 299, TM 40602: Short Texts 2 689 (forthcoming), Dem. 4: Pr-bw-n-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Apollonios ... the
man of Bompae.'
AD 100 - 299, TM 29287: Short Texts 2 718 (forthcoming), Dem. 4: Pr-bw-Pr-ḥʿ, 'Haryotes ... the
man of Bompae.'
AD 100 - 299, TM 27337: Short Texts 2 720 (forthcoming), Dem. 2: Pr-bw-Pr-ḥʿ, 'Soulios ... the man
of Bompae.'
AD 100 - 299, TM 40674: Short Texts 2 804 (forthcoming), Dem. 6: Pr-bw-n-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Senhermophile
... the woman of Bompae.'
AD 100 - 299, TM 91664: T. BM Arlt 90, Dem. 3: Pr-bw-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Peteminis ... the man (of) Bompae'
AD 150 - 199, TM 115995: Short Texts 2 594 (forthcoming), Dem. 3: Pr-bw-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Psenthmesios ...
the man of Bompae.'
AD 150 - 199, TM 32068: Short Texts 2 660 (forthcoming), Dem. 4: Pr-bw-<Pa>-ḥʿ, 'Kollauthis ... the
priest of Isis (in) Bompae.'
AD 150 - 199, TM 50896: Short Texts 2 662 (forthcoming), Dem. 3: Pr-bw-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Haryotes ... the
man of Bompae.'
202 AD 150 - 210, TM 26027: Short Texts 2 661 (forthcoming), Dem. 3: Pr-bw-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Sennepheros ... the
woman of Bompae'
AD 159 Aug 30 - 160 Aug 28?, TM 40574: Short Texts 2 721 (forthcoming), Dem. 3 - 4: Pr-bw-Pa-ḥʿ,
'Senpetermouthis ... the woman (corrected from 'the man') of Bompae.'
AD 164 Feb 17?, TM 50966: Short Texts 2 658 (forthcoming), 4: Pr-bw-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Kollauthis son of
Sansneus son of Petobastis, the carpenter, the man of the temple of Bastet in Bompae.'
AD 175 - 225, TM 27264: Short Texts 2 738 (forthcoming), Dem. 3: Pr-bw-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Tatriphis ... the
woman of Bompae.'
AD 186 Jul 2, TM 91660: T. BM Arlt 86, 3: Pr-bw-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Palous ... the man (of) Bompae'
AD 196 Jul 4, TM 40511: Short Texts 2 659 (forthcoming), Dem. 4: Pr-bw-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Kollauthis ... the
man of Bompae.'
AD 200 - 250, TM 26042: Short Texts 2 684 (forthcoming), Dem. 3: Pr-bw-n-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Haryotes ... the
man of Bompae.'
AD 200 - 250, TM 26048: Short Texts 2 686 (forthcoming), Dem. 4: Pr-bw-n-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Techentberis ...
the woman of Bompae.'
AD 200 - 250, TM 26024: Short Texts 2 693 (forthcoming), Dem. 5: Pr-bw-n-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Psentouonsis ...
the man of Bompae.'
AD 200 - 250, TM 50892: Short Texts 2 702 (forthcoming), Dem. 4: Pr-bw-n-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Psensepsis ... the
man of Bompae.'
AD 200 - 250, TM 50873: Short Texts 2 710 (forthcoming), Dem. 4: Pr-bw-n-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Senhargeuis ...
the woman of Bompae.'
AD 200 - 250, TM 26026: Short Texts 2 712 (forthcoming), Dem. 4: Pr-bw-n-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Besis ... the man
of Bompae.'
AD 200 - 250?, TM 31715: Short Texts 2 717 (forthcoming), Dem. 3: Pr-bw-Pr-ḥʿ, 'Senapollonios ...
the woman of Bompae.'
AD 200 - 250, TM 50894: Short Texts 2 719 (forthcoming), Dem. 3: Pr-bw-Pr-ḥʿ, 'Haryotes ... the
man of Bompae.'
AD 200 - 250, TM 117605: Short Texts 2 746 (forthcoming), Dem. 3: Pr-b-Pr-ḥʿ, 'Haryotes ... the man
of Bompae.'
AD 200 - 250, TM 27356: Short Texts 2 747 (forthcoming), Dem. 3: Pr-b-Pr-ḥʿ, 'Sensontous ... the
woman of Bompae.'
AD 200 - 280, TM 6480: Short Texts 2 795 (forthcoming), Dem. 4: Pr-bw-n-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Paphiomis ... the
man of Bompae.'
AD 200 - 299, TM 31053: Short Texts 2 737 (forthcoming), Dem. 3: Pr-bw-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Psentatriphis ...
the man of Bompae.'
AD 200 - 299, TM 28516: Short Texts 2 742 (forthcoming), Dem. 3: [Pr]-b-Pr-ḥʿ, 'Apollonios ... the
man of Bompae.'
AD 200 - 299, TM 26007: Short Texts 2 743 (forthcoming), Dem. 4: Pr-b-Pr-ḥʿ, 'Senpateminis ... the
woman of Bompae.'
AD 200 - 299, TM 40537: Short Texts 2 744 (forthcoming), Dem. 4: Pr-b-Pr-ḥʿ, 'Palaouathios ... the
man of Bompae.'
AD 200 - 299, TM 40521: Short Texts 2 799 (forthcoming), Dem. 5: Pr-bw-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Thatres ... the
woman of Bompae.'
AD 200 - 299, TM 115919: Short Texts 2 808 (forthcoming), Dem. 4 - 5: Pr-bw-n-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Aurelia
Isidora ... the female inhabitant (tȝ sḥm.t n rmt) of Bompae'
AD 209 Aug 29 - 210 Aug 28, TM 23058: Short Texts 2 707 (forthcoming), Dem. 3: Pr-bw-n-Pa-ḥʿ,
'Tatetriphis ... the woman of Bompae.'
AD 212 after, TM 27368: Short Texts 2 811 (forthcoming), Dem. 4: Pr-bw-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Psais ... the priest,
the man of Bompae.'
AD 219 - 220?, TM 50895: Short Texts 2 723 (forthcoming), Dem. 5: Pr-bw-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Hierakapolon ...
the man of Bompae.'
AD 225 - 275, TM 117615: Short Texts 2 844 descr. (forthcoming), Dem. descr.: Pȝ-bw-Pa-ḥʿ,
'Bompae' (no context)
AD 230 - 270, TM 23474: Short Texts 2 807 (forthcoming), Dem. 5: Pr-bw-n-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Aurelius
Psentatriphis ... the man of Bompae.'
AD 230 - 270, TM 32082: Short Texts 2 810 (forthcoming), Dem. 4: [Pr-bw-Pa-ḥʿ], 'Haryotes ... the
man of Bompae.'
AD 230 - 270, TM 23473: Short Texts 2 812 (forthcoming), Dem. 4: Pr-bw-n-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Senenteris ... the
female inhabitant (tȝ sḥm.t n rmt) (of) Bompae'
203 AD 230 - 270, TM 50901: Short Texts 2 813 (forthcoming), Dem. 5: Pr-bw-n-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Senharemphis ...
the woman of Bompae.'
AD 230 - 280, TM 32081: Short Texts 2 806 (forthcoming), Dem. 4: ˹{Pȝ}-pr˺-bw-n-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Kollauthis
... the man of Bompae.'
AD 230 - 280, TM 91663: T. BM Arlt 89, Dem. 4: Pr-bw-n-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Psenthmesios ... the man of
AD 240 - 299, TM 91668: T. BM Arlt 94, Dem. 2: Pr-bw-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Haryotes ... the man (of) Bompae.'
AD 245 Aug 29 - 246 Aug 28, TM 50907: Short Texts 2 800 (forthcoming), Dem. 4 - 5: Pr-bw-Pa-ḥʿ,
'Hatres ... the man of Bompae.'
AD 260 Aug 29 - 261 Aug 28, TM 23059: RevEg 7 (1892-1896), p. 29-30 no. 8 + SB 1 1613, Dem. 4:
<Pr>-bw-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Haryotes ... the man of Bompae'
AD 260 Aug 29 - 261 Aug 28, TM 117611: Short Texts 2 819 quart. [falsum] (forthcoming), Dem. 4:
Bw-Pa-ḥʿ, 'Haryotes ... the man of Bompae'
Borra kai Libos (Hermonthis) – U04a (10607)
G Βορρᾶ καὶ Λιβός E Tȝ-ỉwy.t-mḥt-ỉmnt.t Var.: Borra kai Libos ('North-west') - T-iouit-mehetimentet ('The north-western quarter')
Status: quarter: laura; iouit Loc.: in U04a Hermonthis (812)
Bibl.: Worp, ZPE 76 (1989), p. 50-51
Sources: BC 224 Nov 17 - Dec 16, TM 2735: P. BM Andrews 35, 4 [a]: Tȝ-ỉwy-mḥṱ-ỉmnṱ, 'half of my
house and half of its courtyard which is on the southern high land which is in the northwestern quarter of Hermonthis in the enclosures'
BC 224 Nov 17 - Dec 16, TM 2736: P. BM Andrews 36, 5 [a]: [Tȝ-ỉwy.t-mḥṱ-ỉmnṱ], 'which are in the
north-western quarter of Hermonthis in the enclosures'
BC 224 Oct 18 - 223 Oct 17, TM 8515: P. BM Andrews 37, 3 [a]: [Tȝ-ỉwy.t-mḥṱ-ỉmnṱ], 'which is in the
north-western quarter of Hermonthis in the enclosures'
BC 212 May 13 - Jun 11, TM 2729: P. BM Andrews 38, 3 [a]: Tȝ-ỉwy.t-mḥṱ-ỉmnṱ, 'which is in the
north-western quarter of Hermonthis in the enclosures'
Borsippa – Mesopotamia (11621)
G Βόρσιππα E Bȝr-sȝp Var.: Borsippa
Status: city Region: Mesopotamia
Loc.: south of Babylon (390)
Bibl.: Vleeming / Wesselius, Papyrus Amherst 63 1, 1985, p. 55
Sources: BC 399 - 300?, TM 56121: Rev. Bibl. N.S. 92 (1985), p. 60-81 + JNES 43 (1984), p. 93-96 +
Vleeming / Wesselius, Papyrus Amherst 63 1 p. 33-37 & 50-72 & 88 + Vleeming / Wesselius,
Papyrus Amherst 63 2 p. 30-44 & 46-52 & 54-64 & 65-71 & 75-90, col. 8, 5 - 6: Bȝr-sȝp, 'May
Nabu bless you from Borsippa'
Bosochis – U09 (3004)
G Βοσωχις - Βωσοχις - Τμουσωχις E Tȝ-mȝy.t-n-Sgy Var.: Bosochis - Tmousochis - T-mai-n-Sochis
('The island of Sochis')
Status: village; mai Note: obsolete reading: Tȝ-mȝy-(n)-Sbk, *Pr-Sbk
Rep.: Dizionario II, p. 57; Suppl. 1, p. 83; Suppl. 4, p. 47; p. 132; Gauthier, Dictionnaire II, 1925, p. 63;
p. 125; p. 126; p. 129; Bibl.: Vandorpe, Geografische elementen, 1988, p. 93
Sources: AD 100 - 299, TM 26778: Short Texts 2 578 (forthcoming), Dem. 3: ˹Tȝ-mȝy-n-Sgy˺,
'Senhyris ... the woman of Bosochis'
AD 100 - 299, TM 25444: Short Texts 2 854 (forthcoming), Dem. 4: Tȝ-mȝy-Sgy, 'Pabeus son of
Psennesis, the man of Bosochis.'
Bou-gem – Eastern desert (10885)
E Bw-gm (Pȝy-wgm - By-wkm) Var.: Bou-gem (Bugem - Bywekem) - Pai-ougem (Biugem)
Status: area Loc.: the region in the (southern) eastern desert between the 2nd cataract and the Red Sea
Rep.: Gauthier, Dictionnaire II, 1925, p. 20; p. 50; Bibl.: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge, 1917,
p. 111 no. 199; p. 324-325 no. 1068; Erichsen, Glossar, 1954, p. 111; de Cenival, Mythe de l'oeil
204 du soleil, 1988, p. 95; Bresciani, Hommages Leclant 2, 1993, p. 71 n. 2; CDD B, 2002, p. 28;
Hoffmann, P. Zauzich, 2004, p. 255
Sources: AD 100 - 150, TM 55957: P. Zauzich 15, A col. 2, 8: Pȝy-wgm, 'Chnoum, der Herr von
Elephantine, der Herr der Arbeit, er wurde versteckt in Bou-gem.'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 11, 2: By-wkm, 'Sie
sind in Jubel in Bou-gem, Jauchzen herrscht in den Wäldern, (und) Scherz unter den
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 21, 23 [b]: ˹By?˺-wkm,
'Up to Egypt, you great female guardian spirit of Bou-gem!'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 12, 26: By-wekm,
'these woodlands of Bou-gem'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 7, 3: By-wkm, 'O
souls, excellent ones belonging to Bou-gem.'
Boubasteion – L01 (10912)
G Βουβαστεῖον E Pr-Bȝst.t (Ḥw.t-nṯr-Bȝst.t) Var.: Boubasteion - Per-Bastet ('House / temple (of)
Status: sanctuary, building: per Loc.: east of the L01 Serapeum (10638)
Bibl.: de Cenival, BIFAO 71 (1972), p. 39; Ray, O. Hor, 1976, p. 151; p. 152-153 (with map);
Vandorpe, Geografische elementen, 1988, p. 70 no. 2
Sources: BC 332 - 30, TM 52148: Stud. Pap. 19 (1980), p. 97 no. 2, 5: tȝ ḥw.t-nṯr-Bȝst.t, 'The temple
of Bastet / the Boubasteion: (artabai of emmer) 1 1/2'
BC 197 May 9 - Jun 7, TM 2878: BIFAO 71 (1972), p. 16-31, 6 E: Pr-Bȝst.t, 'et ta part de la maison
d'habitation du berger, habitant du Boubasteion, Horos'
Boubastites – L18 (11742)
G Βουβαστίτης L Bubastites E pȝ tš n Pr-Bȝst.t Var.: Boubastites
Status: district: nomos; tesh Ident.: cf. L18 Boubastos (462)
Sources: (?) BC 54 - 53, TM 118013: Brugsch, Thesaurus 5 p. 986 no. 53, descr. [b]: pȝ tš Pr-Bȝst.t?,
'the Apis of the cow Taubastis, which appeared in Kerkeuris in the nomos of Boubastos (?)'
Boubastos – 00a (463)
G Βουβαστος E Pr-Bȝst.t C ⲡⲟⲩⲃⲁⲥⲧⲉ - ⲕⲁⲙⲏⲡⲟⲗⲓⲥ Var.: Boubastos - Per-Bastet ('House (of)
Bastet') - Kamepolis E thnic: Boubastites
Status: village: kome Loc.: near 00a Philadelpheia (1760)
Ident.: cf. also 00a Boubasteis Dioryx (460)
Note: Gonis: two homonymous villages, one in 00a Meris of Herakleides and one in 00c meris of
Rep.: Dizionario II, p. 59; p. 60-61 (2); Suppl. 1, p. 84 (2); Suppl. 2, p. 37 (2); p. 37 (2); Suppl. 3, p. 27 (2);
Suppl. 4, p. 47 (2); Timm, p. 2003-2004; Wessely, Topographie, 1904, p. 52-53; P. Tebt. 2, 1907, p.
373-374; Bibl.: Gonis, JJP 31 (2001), p. 22 n. 23
Sources: BC 247 Apr 27, TM 7903: P. Sorb. 3 78, 3: Pr-Bȝst.t, '[ ] of Boubastos before year 38
Boubastos (Tell Basta) – L18 (462)
G Βουβαστος - Βουβαστις L Bubastis E Pr-Bȝst.t C ⲡⲟⲩⲃⲁⲥϯ - ⲡⲟⲩⲁⲥϯ Other: Pi-Beseth (Hebrew)
Var.: Boubastos (Boubastis) - Per-Bastet ('House (of) Bastet') - Pi-Beseth - Tell Basta - Zagazig Ethnic: Boubastites (Boubastitis) - Boubastiakos
Status: city: polis; metropolis Loc.: Tell Basta lies near Zagazig
Ident.: L? Binnastas (3831)?; cf. also L18 Boubastites (11742), L Boubastikos Potamos (3862)
Rep.: Dizionario II, p. 59 (ter); p. 59-60 (1)Suppl. 1, p. 83; p. 83 (1); Suppl. 2, p. 37 (1); p. 37 (1); Suppl.
3, p. 27; p. 27 (1); Gauthier, Dictionnaire II, 1925, p. 75; Timm, p. 362-365; Bibl.: Wb 1, 1926, p.
423; Vandorpe, Geografische elementen, 1988, p. 70 no. 1; Guermeur, Les cultes d'Amon, 2005,
p. 246-248; CDD P, 2010, p. 89-90; Maps: Baines / Malek, Atlas, 2002, p. 167 Demotic
205 Sources: BC 332 - 200?, TM 55857: Goldbrunner, Der verblendete gelehrte p. 3-31, col. 5, 9: Pr-Bȝs.t,
'dann sollst du nach Boubastos in mein Haus kommen'
BC 332 - 200?, TM 55857: Goldbrunner, Der verblendete gelehrte p. 3-31, col. 5, 11: Pr-Bȝs.t, 'Setna
... eilte nach Boubastos. Als er den Westen der Vorstadt (kmy) erreichte, fand er ein Haus, ...'
BC 332 - 200, TM 45958: P. Cairo 2 31168 Ro + P. Cairo 2 31169, (31169) col. 3, 6: Pr-Bȝst.t, in a list of
Lower Egyptian toponyms
BC 238 after, TM 54404: St. Cairo 3 50052, 4 [a]: Pr-Bst.t, 'the prophet of the gods of Boubastos /
(the) House of Bastet mistress of Anch-tawi'
BC 9 Aug 21, TM 57970: P. Rhind 1, Dem. col. 10, 9: Bȝs, 'great Bastet, mistress of Boubastos'
AD 1 - 199, TM 69431: Jasnow / Zauzich, Book of Thoth p. 139-496 no. L01, col. 3, 15 (p. 348): [PrBȝst.t], 'A vulture which takes hold of (?) a bs-torch in its hand (?) [ ] its young, while it ... [It is
AD 4 Aug 1, TM 48888: P. Rainer Cent. 3, col. 2, 15 [b]: Pr-Bȝst.t, 'Boubastos weeps'
AD 63 Oct 17, TM 48882: Stadler, P. Pa-Month p. 27-39, col. 2, 8 [b]: Pr-Bȝst.t, 'Hear, the combatant
demons of Boubastos, who have come forth from their resting places.'
AD 63 Oct 17, TM 48882: Stadler, P. Pa-Month p. 27-39, col. 2, 13 [a]: Pr-Bȝst.t, 'Höre du, der
Verwirring schafft, der aus Boubastos kommt.'
AD 75 - 125 about, TM 91551: P. Carlsberg 6 p. 31-98 no. C + P. Carlsberg 6 p. 101-146 no. D, C25, 2:
Pr-Wbst.t, '[ ] Boubastos [ ]'
AD 75 - 125 about, TM 91551: P. Carlsberg 6 p. 31-98 no. C + P. Carlsberg 6 p. 101-146 no. D, C50, 2:
˹Pr-Wbst.t˺, '[ ] Boubastos [ ]'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 11, 15 [a]: PrWbst.t, 'I am ... in whose protection are great and powerful divine powers, who rests in
Boubastos' / 'combatant demons (who are) great of strength who rest in Boubastos'
Boui-peh-mou – Western desert, Oasis Magna? (11374)
E Bw=y-pḥ-mw (Bw=y-pḥ) Var.: Boui-peh-mou
Status: well? Note: reading uncertain
Bibl.: Zauzich, Enchoria 15 (1987), p. 175; p. 176-178
Sources: BC 146 - 132?, TM 51106: Enchoria 15 (1987), p. 173-174, col. 1, 2 [a]: Bw=y-˹pḥ˺, 'From
Boui-peh-mou to N-anoua (?): deben 15'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51106: Enchoria 15 (1987), p. 173-174, col. 1, 3: Bw=y-˹pḥ˺-mw, '(From N-anoua
(?) to) Boui-peh-mou: deben 15'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51106: Enchoria 15 (1987), p. 173-174, col. 1, 7 [a]: Bw=y-˹pḥ˺-mw, 'From Bouipeh-mou to Egypt: deben 5'
Bousiris – 00c (466)
G Βουσιρις E Pr-Wsỉr C ⲡⲟⲩⲥⲓⲣⲉ Var.: Bousiris - Per-Ousir ('House (of) Osiris')
Status: village: kome; chorion Loc.: near 00c Ptolemais Melissourgon (2026), 00c Theogonis (2376)
Ident.: 00 Abusir (4827)? 00 Meniet el-Hetan (4826)?
Rep.: Dizionario II, p. 66 (1); Suppl. 1, p. 85 (1); Suppl. 2, p. 38 (1); Suppl. 3, p. 27 (1); Suppl. 4, p. 48 (1);
Timm, p. 463-465; Wessely, Topographie, 1904, p. 53-54; P. Tebt. 2, 1907, p. 374-375
Sources: (?) BC 224 Nov 16, TM 43658: P. Cairo 2 31219, a 6: ...-Wsỉr, 'Petosiris son of Har-an (?) the
oil merchant, the man of Bousiris (?)'
Bousiris (Abusir) – L09 (469)
G Βουσιρις L Busiris E Pr-Wsỉr - Ḏd.t (Ḏdw - Ḏtw - Twtw) - Pȝ-pr-Wsỉr-nb-Ttw C ⲃⲟⲩⲥⲓⲣⲓ - ⲡⲟⲩⲥⲓⲣⲓ
Var.: Bousiris ('House (of) Osiris') - Djedet - Abusir (Abu Sir) Bana E thnic: Bousirites
Status: city: polis; metropolis Ident.: L Curis (10951)? L? Pai=i-nw (13398)?; cf. also L09 Bousirites (3115), L Bousirikos Potamos
Rep.: Dizionario II, p. 66 (2); p. 67-68; Suppl. 1, p. 85 (2); p. 86 (1); Suppl. 3, p. 27 (1); Suppl. 4, p. 48 (2);
p. 48 (1 & 3); Gauthier, Dictionnaire II, 1925, p. 70-71; VI, 1928, p. 135-136; Timm, p. 459-463;
Bibl.: Wb 1, 1926, p. 414; Wb 5, 1931, p. 630; Gardiner, AEO 2, 1947, p. 176*-180* no. 412; von
Beckerath, LÄ I, 1975, col. 883-884; P. BM Smith, 1987, p. 98-99; Vandorpe, Geografische
elementen, 1988, p. 67 no. 1; Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros, 1996, p. 198 n. 1008; p. 437; CDD Ḏ,
2001, p. 90-91; CDD P, 2010, p. 83; Maps: Baines / Malek, Atlas, 2002, p. 167 Demotic
206 Sources: BC 499 - 300?, TM 53941: Short Texts 1 261, 2: Ḏd, 'Osiris lord of Bousiris'
BC 450 - 300, TM 54683: ASAE 6 (1905), p. 227 & 233 no. 39, 1: Ḏdw, 'before Osiris lord of Bousiris'
BC 450 - 300, TM 81391: Young, Hieroglyphics 2 pl. 90 no. 24 [left], 1: Ḏdw, 'before Osiris lord of
Bousiris, the great god'
BC 373 May 23 - Jun 21, TM 45880: P. Lille Dem. 1 22, 8 [a]: Dd, 'before Osiris of Bousiris who is in
(?) BC 332 - 200, TM 45958: P. Cairo 2 31168 Ro + P. Cairo 2 31169, (31168) col. 3, 24: Ḏd, 'Shou ... of
Bousiris (?) ...'
(?) BC 332 - 200, TM 45958: P. Cairo 2 31168 Ro + P. Cairo 2 31169, (31169) col. 10, 3: Ḏd.t, 'Isis in
Bousiris (?)'
(?) BC 332 - 200, TM 45958: P. Cairo 2 31168 Ro + P. Cairo 2 31169, (31169) col. 6, 24: Ḏd, 'Osiris lord
of Bousiris (?)'
BC 332 - 150, TM 52211: ZÄS 50 (1912), p. 32-33 no. A, 4 [a]: Dd, 'Du stellst den Djed-Pfeiler (von)
Bousiris auf.'
(?) BC 250 - 220, TM 48875: P. Chronik Ro, p. 9-13 + Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik und
Ägypten (OLA 107) p. 65-111, col. 3, 13 [a]: Ḏd, 'Die Witwe (Isis) des Djed-Pfeilers (Osiris) (or: 'of
Bousiris' (?))
(?) BC 250 - 220, TM 48875: P. Chronik Ro, p. 9-13 + Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik und
Ägypten (OLA 107) p. 65-111, col. 3, 13 [b] (cf. translation): Ḏd, 'Die Witwe (Isis) des DjedPfeilers (Osiris) (or: 'of Bousiris' (?))
BC 99 - 1, TM 108926: MDAIK 59 (2003), p. 305-315, 7: Ḏdw, 'Osiris lord of Bousiris'
BC 99 - 1, TM 117695: Studien Thissen p. 441, 5: Ḏdw, 'Osiris ..., foremost in the west, lord of
BC 96 Apr 4, TM 6542: Short Texts 1 152 + I. Prose 30, Dem. 4 [b]: Pr-Wsỉr, 'according to what
surrounds the temples of Memphis and Bousiris and the rest of the temples'
BC 50 - 1, TM 48654: P. BM Smith p. 35-53, col. 7, 4 [a]: Twtw, 'You will fare northwards to Bousiris,
with ceremonies in Abydos'
BC 50 - 1, TM 48654: P. BM Smith p. 35-53, col. 7, 7 [a]: Twtw, 'Water will be brought to you in
Bousiris and Abydos.'
(?) BC 30 - AD 99, TM 48900: P. Strasb. Dem. p. 43 no. 39 (a) & 36 (b), (36) 5: Pr-Wsỉr, 'Bousiris' (no
AD 1 - 99, TM 58379: P. Liturgy p. 23-29 no. B & pl. 1-4, col. 3, 10 [b]: Twtw, '"Praised be you" will
be said to you at Kebelou (and) at Bousiris, the house of rest of Osiris' (or 'at Kebelou, (sc.) at
AD 1 - 99, TM 58379: P. Liturgy p. 23-29 no. B & pl. 1-4, col. 4, 9: Twtw, 'You will perform the
rowing of the bark in Bousiris.'
AD 1 - 99, TM 58379: P. Liturgy p. 23-29 no. B & pl. 1-4, col. 5, 6: Twtw, 'You will fare downstream
to Bousiris.'
AD 1 - 99, TM 58379: P. Liturgy p. 23-29 no. B & pl. 1-4, col. 5, 10 [b]: Twtw, 'Go forth to Bousiris in
the presence of the lord of the gods.'
AD 1 - 99, TM 54762: P. Liturgy p. 23-29 no. OP & pl. 5-6, col. 3, 10: [Twtw], '"Praised be you" will be
said to you at Kebelou (and) at Bousiris, the house of rest of Osiris' (or 'at Kebelou, (sc.) at
AD 1 - 99, TM 48898: P. Liturgy p. 26-29 & 67-80 no. S & pl. 8-11 + Dem. Conf. IX (Paris 2005) p. 349350, fr. 1, A 6 (p. 67): Twtw, 'You will fabricate the bark in Bousiris.'
AD 1 - 99, TM 48898: P. Liturgy p. 26-29 & 67-80 no. S & pl. 8-11 + Dem. Conf. IX (Paris 2005) p. 349350, fr. 2, B col. 2, 3 [a] (p. 69): Twtw, 'You will fare downstream to Bousiris.'
AD 1 - 99, TM 48898: P. Liturgy p. 26-29 & 67-80 no. S & pl. 8-11 + Dem. Conf. IX (Paris 2005) p. 349350, fr. 4, D 3 [b] (p. 71): Twtw, '[ ] Kebelou (?) [ ] Bousiris [ ]'
AD 1 - 99, TM 54386: Short Texts 2 1172 (forthcoming), 1: Ḏdw, 'Osiris, foremost of the west, great
god, lord of Bousiris'
AD 1 - 99, TM 54386: Short Texts 2 1172 (forthcoming), 4 [b]: Ḏdw, 'as the name of Osiris, great
god, Nen-aref in Bousiris, will be potent'
AD 1 - 199, TM 69431: Jasnow / Zauzich, Book of Thoth p. 139-496 no. L01, col. 3, 6 (p. 347): Pr[Wsỉr], 'A vulture which establishes purity [ ] It is Bousiris.'
AD 61 Feb 15 shortly after, TM 54058: Smith, Papyrus Harkness p. 49-86, col. 2, 26 [a]: Twtw, 'You
will fare northwards to Bousiris.'
AD 61 Feb 15 shortly after, TM 54058: Smith, Papyrus Harkness p. 49-86, col. 3, 12: Twtw, 'you will
fare northwards to Bousiris.'
207 AD 61 Feb 15 shortly after, TM 54058: Smith, Papyrus Harkness p. 49-86, col. 5, 14 [a]: Twtw, 'You
will approach the necropolis of Bousiris at the feast of mummification.'
AD 61 Feb 15 shortly after, TM 54058: Smith, Papyrus Harkness p. 49-86, col. 5, 23 [b]: Twtw, 'the
gods ..., those of Koptos, those of Bousiris, those of Abydos, those of Herakleopolis, the great
districts of Osiris'
AD 61 Feb 15 shortly after, TM 54058: Smith, Papyrus Harkness p. 49-86, col. 6, 25 [b]: Twtw, 'Give
water (at) an offering table (to) those of Koptos, those of Bousiris, those of Abydos, and those
of Herakleopolis, the great districts of Osiris'
AD 63 Oct 17, TM 48882: Stadler, P. Pa-Month p. 27-39, col. 2, 18 [a]: [Pr]-Wsỉr, 'Höre, Herr des
Uräeus, der aus Bousiris kommt.'
AD 63 Oct 17, TM 48882: Stadler, P. Pa-Month p. 27-39, col. 2, 25: Pr-Wsỉr, 'Höre du, dessen Reste
..., der aus Bousiris kommt'
AD 75 - 125 about, TM 91551: P. Carlsberg 6 p. 31-98 no. C + P. Carlsberg 6 p. 101-146 no. D, C19, 12:
Pr-Wsỉr, '[ ] harbour of Bousiris [ ]'
AD 75 - 125 about, TM 91551: P. Carlsberg 6 p. 31-98 no. C + P. Carlsberg 6 p. 101-146 no. D, C21, col.
1, 4: [Pr-Wsỉr]-nb-Ḏd{.t}, '[ ] House of Osiris lord of Bousiris of (?) Wadjit'
(?) AD 75 - 125 about, TM 91551: P. Carlsberg 6 p. 31-98 no. C + P. Carlsberg 6 p. 101-146 no. D, C30,
5: ˹Pr-Wsỉr˺?, '[ ] Bousiris (?) [ ]'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55938: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 24-26 no. 6750 & 8765 descr., (6750) col. 5 (= D), 18 - 19:
Ḏdw, 'Bousiris' (no context)
(?) AD 100 - 199, TM 55938: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 24-26 no. 6750 & 8765 descr., (6750) col. 7 (= F), 15 ?:
Ḏdw?, 'du richtest auf [den Djed-Pfeilers] in Bousiris ... heil ist Bousiris (zweimal)'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55938: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 24-26 no. 6750 & 8765 descr., (6750) col. 8 (= G), 8 [a]:
Ḏdw, 'Bousiris, Abydos nehmen Weinlaub (?)'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55907: Thissen, Der verkommene Harfenspieler p. 68-76 + Studies Lichtheim 2 p.
991-993 descr., (Thissen) col. 2, 17: Pr-Wsỉr - Pr-[?]-Wsỉr?, 'the man of Bousiris'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 8, 9: Pȝ-prWsỉr-nb-Ttw, '[ ] nach dem Haus des Osiris, Herrn von Bousiris'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 8, 11 - 12: [Pȝpr-Wsỉr-n]b-Ttw, 'Sie begaben sich zu dem Haus des Osiris, Herrn von Bousiris'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 8, 14: Pr-Wsỉr,
'Lass sie sich begeben nach Bousiris!'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 8, 17: Pr-Wsỉr˹n˺b-˹Tt˺w, 'Man lasse ihn ruhen in seinen Ruhestätten (sc. seinem Grab), die im Vorhof des
Hauses des Osiris, Herrn von Bousiris, sind!'
AD 200 - 299, TM 29382: CRIPEL 4 (1976), p. 229 no. CEML 902 + Bosson (ed.), Égyptes... L'Égyptien
et le copte p. 179-180 no. 17 descr., Dem. 1 [a]: Ttw, 'Osiris-Sokaris, the great god, lord of
Bousiris and Abydos'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 6, 25: Tt, 'I am he
that watches over the great corpse which is in Bousiris.'
Bousiris (Abusir el-Meleq) – U20 (471)
G Βουσιρις E Pr-Wsỉr (Pr-Wsỉr-ỉ.ỉr-ỉr) Var.: Bousiris - Abusir el-Meleq (el-Melek - al-Malaq) E thnic:
Status: village; district: toparchia Ident.: cf. also U20 Peri Bousirin (12373)
Note: obsolete reading: Pr-Wsỉr-ỉ.ỉr-gr
Rep.: Dizionario II, p. 66 (3); Suppl. 1, p. 85 (3); p. 86 (2); Suppl. 2, p. 38 (3); Suppl. 3, p. 27 (3); p. 123;
Suppl. 4, p. 48 (3); p. 107; Timm, p. 465-467; Falivene, Herakleopolite nome, 1998, p. 7-12; p. 6064; p. 293; Bibl.: von Beckerath, LÄ I, 1975, col. 42 (s.v. Abydos); Vandorpe, Geografische
elementen, 1988, p. 68; P. Ryl. Vittmann, 1998, p. 452; Maps: Falivene, Herakleopolite nome,
1998, pl.; Baines / Malek, Atlas, 2002, p. 121 Sources: (?) BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 10, 10 [a]: Pr-Wsỉrỉ.ỉr-ỉr, '(dann) wurde er in seinem Grab in Bousiris beigesetzt.'
(?) AD 1 - 199, TM 56577: OrSu 36 - 37 (1987-1988), p. 7 no. 2, 7: Pr-Wsỉr-{rʿ}, '[ ] who is in Bousiris,
the mistress (sc. Isis?), who is in [ ]
Bousirites – L09 (3115)
G Βουσιρίτης L Busirites E pȝ tš n Pr-Wsỉr Var.: Bousirites
Status: district: nomos; tesh Demotic
208 Ident.: cf. L09 Bousiris (469)
Sources: AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 17, 31:
pȝ tš Pr-Wsỉr, 'Man gab Landungsplatz dem lms-Schiff des Bakloulou, Sohnes des Inaros, und
dem Heer des Gaues von Bousiris.'
Bouto (Tell el-Fara'un) – L06 (3685)
G Βουτω - Βουτος L Buto - Butos E Pr-Wȝḏy.t (Pr-Wt.t - Pr-Wʿt.t) - Ḏbʿwt C ⲃⲟⲩⲧⲟ - ⲡⲟⲩⲧⲟ Var.:
Bouto (Boutos) - Per-Wadjit ('House (of) (the goddess) Wadjit / Outo') - Djebaout - Tell elFara'un (Fara'in) E thnic: Boutios - Boutoites - Boutites - Buticus
Status: village: kome; city: polis; metropolis; demi Admin.: according to Ptolemaios the capital of the Kabasites
Loc.: in the northwestern Delta
Ident.: cf. also L Boutikos Potamos (3882), L06 Boutike Limne (3881)
Note: Pe (10704) and Dep (10767) are the predecessors of L06 Per-Wadjit / Bouto (3685)
Rep.: Dizionario II, p. 68; p. 69; p. 69 (1); Suppl. 1, p. 86; Gauthier, Dictionnaire II, 1925, p. 65; Bibl.:
Wb 1, 1926, p. 268; Gardiner, AEO 2 (1947), p. 187*-193* no. 415; Erichsen, Glossar, 1954, p. 105;
p. 119; Yoyotte, RdE 14 (1962), p. 93-111; Altenmüller, LÄ I, 1975, col. 887-889; Vandorpe,
Geografische elementen, 1988, p. 66 no. 1; CDD P, 2010, p. 17; p. 81; p. 88; Maps: Baines / Malek,
Atlas, 2002, p. 167 Sources: BC 664 - 404, TM 56142: JEA 85 (1999), p. 156, fr. A, 9 [b]: Pr-Wȝḏy.t, 'Your face be towards
(?) the region of Pe? Your face would be towards Bouto.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 19, 16: Pr-Wȝḏ.t, 'I heard that he
went to Bouto'
BC 186 - 144 after, TM 46092: Spiegelberg, Zivilprozessordnung (ABAW N.F. 1) p. 16-17 + Sethe /
Spiegelberg, Zivilprozessordnung (ABAW N.F. 4) p. 18, (p. 18) fr. b col. 2, 3: Pr-Wȝḏ.t, 'Bouto
and its temples: The wab-priest ... of Horos of Pe / Haremphois (and) Bouto [ ]'
BC 186 - 144 after, TM 46092: Spiegelberg, Zivilprozessordnung (ABAW N.F. 1) p. 16-17 + Sethe /
Spiegelberg, Zivilprozessordnung (ABAW N.F. 4) p. 18, (p. 18) fr. b col. 2, 4 [b]: Wȝḏ.t, 'Bouto
and its temples: The wab-priest ... of Horos of Pe / Haremphois (and) Bouto [ ]'
BC 169 May 18, TM 48977: Kockelmann, Praising the Goddess 2, 11: Pr-Wʿt, 'written by Horos (in)
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Enchoria 22) col. F, 14 [a]:
Pr-Wt.t, '[ ] Bouto [ ] Horos von Pe in Bouto [ ]'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Enchoria 22) col. F, 15: [PrWt.t], '[ ] Bouto [ ] Horos von Pe in Bouto [ ]'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Enchoria 22) col. G, 3 (=
Pap. de Ricci 6): [Pr]-Wt.t, 'indem er trinkt [ ] [in (?)] Bouto'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Enchoria 22) col. G, 5 (=
Pap. de Ricci 6): ˹Pr˺-Wt.t, 'indem er Herr ist [in (?)] Bouto'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 1) 20 [b]: PrWȝḏy.t, '[... Isis von] Chemmis, indem sie nach Bouto eilten'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 2) 3 [b]: PrWȝḏy.t, 'the prophet of Horos of Pe / Haremphois in Bouto, born from Isis in Chemmis'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 3) 9 [b]: PrWȝḏy.t, 'By Horos of Pe / Haremphois in Bouto, my god'
209 BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 4) 20 [b]: PrWȝḏy.t, 'the prophet of Horos of Pe / Haremphois in Bouto'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 7) 24: PrWȝḏy.t, 'Ich fahre hinab nach Norden mit ihnen und bringe sie nach Bouto, meiner Stadt.'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 8) 1 (cf.
translation): [Pr-Wȝḏy.t], '(Aber) ich werde ihm nicht das Diadem geben [dass er bringt nach
Bouto,] seiner Stadt, und dass er ein grosses Fest (?) feiert in Theben.'
BC 76 Apr 28, TM 55540: St. Memphis 17, 5 [b]: Pr-Wty, 'scribe of the entire first phyle of Bouto'
AD 75 - 125, TM 56098: P. Carlsberg 4 p. 13-21 no. A, col. 8, 5 [b]: Pr-Wʿ.t-ty.t, 'a prophet of Horos of
Pe / Haremphois in Bouto'
AD 75 - 125, TM 56098: P. Carlsberg 4 p. 13-21 no. A, col. 8, 16 [b]: [Pr-Wʿ.t-ty].t, 'the prophet of
Horos of Pe / Haremphois arrived at Bouto'
AD 75 - 125 about, TM 91551: P. Carlsberg 6 p. 31-98 no. C + P. Carlsberg 6 p. 101-146 no. D, D1, 4:
Pr-Wʿ.t-ty.t, '[ ] before them to take them to a tavern in Bouto.'
(?) AD 100 - 199, TM 56022: Jasnow / Zauzich, Book of Thoth p. 139-496 no. B04, col. 8, 21 (p. 319):
Tȝ-ỉmy.t, 'My heart said to me the desire before them until I found her in T-imit of the
heaven, the one who has determined in Pe, the rituals, total, one by one'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 21, 36 [a]: Pr-Wt,
'to the papyrus of Bouto'
AD 275 - 299, TM 55956: Pap. Graec. Mag.(2) 2 61 + Proceedings of the British Academy 17 (1931), p.
235-287, col. 6, 12 (= 90): Pȝ-Wȝḏy.t, 'the words of Geb which he gave to Isis when Shou (?)
concealed them in the papyrus (swamp) of Bouto'
Bucheum – U04a (11443)
E Pr-Wsỉr-Bẖ Var.: Bucheum (Boucheion) ('House (of) Osiris-Bouchis')
Status: sanctuary, building: per Loc.: in U04a Hermonthis (812)
Sources: BC 111 - 46, TM 50491: FuB 10 (1968), p. 149 no. 11, 3: Pr-Wsỉr-Bẖ, 'Text of the oath which
... will swear in (the) Bucheum'
(?) BC 30 - AD 50, TM 52652: O. Bucheum 2 p. 64 & 74 no. O. 182 descr., 1: Pr-Wsỉr, '1 artabe of spelt
for (the) temple of Osiris'
AD 1 - 99, TM 48947: O. Bucheum 2 p. 57-63 no. O. 30 & vol. 3 pl. 68-71, col. 4, 1: Pr-Wsỉr-Bẖ, '[the
pastophoroi?] of (the) Bucheum'
Byblos – Phoenicia (3820)
G Βύβλος E Kbn (Kpn - Gpn) Var.: Byblos (Biblos)
Status: city Region: Phoenicia
Note: obsolete reading: Bpn
Rep.: Dizionario II, p. 49; p. 70; Bibl.: Wb 5, 1931, p. 118; Gardiner, AEO 1, 1947, p. 150* no. 257;
Erichsen, Glossar, 1954, p. 115; Smith, P. Liturgy, 1993, p. 53; CDD G, 2004, p. 25; Maps: Baines /
Malek, Atlas, 2002, p. 41 Sources: AD 1 - 99, TM 58379: P. Liturgy p. 23-29 no. B & pl. 1-4, col. 3, 14: Gpn, 'Your ba will go to
AD 1 - 99, TM 48898: P. Liturgy p. 26-29 & 67-80 no. S & pl. 8-11 + Dem. Conf. IX (Paris 2005) p. 349350, col. x+1, 2 (p. 26): Gpn, 'Your ba will go to Byblos.'
Caria (483)
G Καρία E Krs (Grs - Kry?) Var.: Karia (Caria) E thnic: Kar - Karinos (Karine) - Karios - Krs
Status: region Country: Turkey
Rep.: Dizionario III, p. 69; 79; p. 80; Suppl. 1, p. 167; Bibl.: Masson, Mél. Benveniste, 1975, p. 404-414;
Martin, Kadmos 30 (1991), p. 173-174; CDD K, 2001, p. 29; p. 32; PP X, 2002, p. 117-118
210 Sources: BC 132 Nov 9, TM 45942: P. Dem. Memphis 5 A-B, A Dem. 9: nȝ Krs.w, 'together with the
1/8 share of (the tombs of) the Carians'
Chaset-temehi – L03? (10763)
E Ḫȝs.t-tmhy Var.: Chaset-temehi
Status: city? Rep.: Gauthier, Dictionnaire IV, 1927, p. 159; Bibl.: Spiegelberg, P. Cairo 2, 1908, p. 270; Daressy,
Sphinx 14 (1911), p. 158; Zauzich, GM 99 (1987), p. 90; Zauzich, handout Third demotic
conference, 1987
Sources: BC 332 - 200, TM 45958: P. Cairo 2 31168 Ro + P. Cairo 2 31169, (31169) col. 1, 21: Ḫȝs.ttmḥy (Spiegelberg: [Tȝ]-sm.t-Tmḥỉ; Daressy: Ḫȝs.t ḫȝs.wt Tmḥy), in a list of Lower Egyptian
Chaset-wabet – 00 (11481)
E Ḫȝs.t-wʿb.t Var.: Chaset-wabet
Status: village? Bibl.: Vittmann, Enchoria 28 (2002-2003), p. 128
Sources: AD 1 - 199, TM 105745: Enchoria 28 (2002-2003), p. 109-112, B 14: Ḫȝs.t-wʿb.t, 'Gekommen
(ist der König), dass er dir Chaset-wabet mit allen Dingen, die er eingesammelt hat (?) bringe.'
Chasouou – L06 (11527)
E Ḫȝsww - Gtt Var.: Chasouou ('Mountain-bull') - Getet
Status: district: nomos Ident.: cf. also L06 Xois (2507)
Note: obsolete readings: Gn-ḏḏ, Qn-ḏȝḏȝ, Bn-tt
Bibl.: Helck, LÄ II, 1977, col. 395-396; Stadler, P. Pa-Month, 2003, p. 80; Jasnow / Zauzich, Book of
Thoth, 2005, p. 350
Sources: AD 63 Oct 17, TM 48882: Stadler, P. Pa-Month p. 27-39, col. 2, 15 [b]: Gtt, 'Hear, lord of
time, who comes from (the nomos) Getet.'
Cheb – L06? (10771)
E H̱b Var.: Cheb
Status: city? Note: not to be identified with L06? Chemmis (8019) (which is mentioned in col. 2, 3)
Bibl.: Spiegelberg, P. Cairo 2, 1908, p. 271; Daressy, Sphinx 14 (1911), p. 160; Smith, Serapis 6
(1980), p. 155 n. 13; Zauzich, handout Third demotic conference, 1987; DBL, 2005, p. 134
Sources: BC 332 - 200, TM 45958: P. Cairo 2 31168 Ro + P. Cairo 2 31169, (31169) col. 2, 7: ˹H̱b˺
(Spiegelberg: ..?..; Daressy: ỉ?[ ]), in a list of Lower Egyptian toponyms
Cheb – U15 (10917)
E Ḫb Var.: Cheb (Chebis)
Status: city Loc.: near U15 Tenis (2309)
Bibl.: Spiegelberg, P. Loeb, 1931, p. x; Erichsen, Glossar, 1954, p. 353; CDD Ḫ, 2006, p. 47 (b)
Sources: BC 315 Mar 7, TM 47237: P. Loeb 57, 8: Ḫb, '(the) god Horos of Cheb / Harchebis'
BC 309 Jun 12?, TM 43410: P. Loeb 7, 15: Ḫb, 'the priest of Horos of Cheb / Harchebis'
BC 309 Jun 12?, TM 43410: P. Loeb 7, 21: Ḫb, 'to the temple of (?) Cheb'
BC 309 Jun 12?, TM 43410: P. Loeb 7, 24: Ḫb, 'the priests of Horos of Cheb / Harchebis'
BC 309 Jun 12?, TM 43410: P. Loeb 7, 40: Ḫb, 'the priests of Horos of Cheb / Harchebis'
BC 309 Jun 12?, TM 43410: P. Loeb 7, 44: Ḫb, 'the priests of Horos of Cheb / Harchebis'
BC 309 May 11?, TM 47234: P. Loeb 8, 9: Ḫb, '(the) priests of Horos of Cheb / Harchebis'
BC 309 May 11?, TM 47234: P. Loeb 8, 11: Ḫb, 'wegen der Angelegenheiten, die das Gotteshaus von
Cheb betrafen, das in dem Allerheiligsten des Gotteshauses von Tenis liegt.'
BC 309 May 11?, TM 47234: P. Loeb 8, 14 [a]: Ḫb, 'Sie gingen mit mir [nach] Cheb, um mit dem
Lesonispriester des Horos von Cheb / Harchebis und den Priestern zu stehen.'
BC 309 May 11?, TM 47234: P. Loeb 8, 14 [b]: Ḫb, 'Sie gingen mit mir [nach] Cheb, um mit dem
Lesonispriester des Horos von Cheb / Harchebis und den Priestern zu stehen.'
BC 309 May 11?, TM 47234: P. Loeb 8, 20: Ḫb, 'the priest of Horos of Cheb / Harchebis'
BC 309 May 11?, TM 47234: P. Loeb 8, 42: Ḫb, 'the priests of Horos of Cheb / Harchebis'
211 BC 309 Jun 7, TM 47235: P. Loeb 9, 32 [a]: Ḫb, 'die Dinge, die mit den Angelegenheiten geschehen
sind, die Cheb betreffen, das in dem Gotteshaus von Tenis ist.'
BC 309 Jun 7, TM 47235: P. Loeb 9, 33: Ḫb, 'the priests of Horos of Cheb / Harchebis'
BC 309 Jun 7, TM 47235: P. Loeb 9, 37: Ḫb, 'the priests of Horos of Cheb / Harchebis'
Chedi – U06 (10824)
E H̱dỉ (Ḫȝ-dỉ - H̱ȝ-ty) Var.: Chedi (Chadai - Chaday - Khadit)
Status: sanctuary, building Loc.: east of U06 Tentyris (Dendera) (2312)
Ident.: U06? Chet[...] (10823)?
Note: obsolete readings: wẖ, H̱ȝdy-ntr, H̱ȝ-ty-nṯr, H̱ty-ntr
Rep.: Gauthier, Dictionnaire IV, 1927, p. 164-165; Bibl.: Bresciani, SCO 9 (1960), p. 122-124; Shore,
Studies Fairman, 1979, p. 150; Zauzich, Enchoria 10 (1980), p. 189; Smith, Enchoria 16 (1988), p.
82; Farid, MDAIK 55 (1999), p. 9; CDD H̱, 2001, p. 1; p. 11; Vleeming, Short Texts 1, 2001, p. 21
Sources: BC 30 - AD 14, TM 52765: Short Texts 1 39, 10 [a]: H̱dỉ, '[prophet of] Harsomteus lord of
Chedi, in Chedi'
BC 30 - AD 14, TM 52765: Short Texts 1 39, 10 [b]: H̱dỉ, '[prophet of] Harsomteus lord of Chedi, in
BC 30 - AD 14, TM 52765: Short Texts 1 39, 10 [c]: ˹H̱dỉ˺, 'prophet of the gods of the temple of Chedi
[ ]'
BC 10 Dec 9, TM 53808: Short Texts 1 165, 1: H̱dỉ, 'The great association / cult guild of Harsomteus,
great god, lord of Chedi'
AD 3 Mar 27 - Apr 25, TM 53811: Short Texts 1 170, 1: H̱dỉ, 'The great association / cult guild of
Harsomteus, the great god, lord of Chedi'
AD 4 Mar 6, TM 53813: Short Texts 1 172, 1: H̱dỉ, '[ ] Chedi [ ]'
Chedjil – Aethiopia? (10857)
E Ḫḏyl (Ḫḏl) - Rḫḏyl? - Šḏyl? Var.: Chedjil - Rechedjil? - Shedjil?
Status: city? Loc.: unknown
Note: reading uncertain
Bibl.: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros, 1996, p. 382-383 n. 2399; p. 440; CDD Ḫ, 2006, p. 183
Sources: AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 24, 15
[a]: Ḫḏ˹l˺, 'mit seinen 40 Kriegern und seinen 500 Nubiern, Männern von Meroe, mit seinen
500 von (?) Männern von Syene, mit seinen 550 Hunden von (?) Chedjil'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 25, 16: Ḫḏyl,
'with the hounds of (?) Chedjil'
Chefeteh-n-Amon – U20 (13444)
E Ḫftḥ-n-Ỉmn Var.: Chefeteh-n-Amon ('Dromos of Amon')
Status: sanctuary, road: *dromos; chefeteh Loc.: in U20 Ankyropolis (182)
Bibl.: CDD Ḫ, 2006, p. 80
Sources: BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 12, 18 [a]: Ḫft-ḥr-n-Ỉmn,
'... führte ihm zum Dromos des Amon und schwur vor ihm: ...'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 21, 11 [b]: Ḫft-ḥr-n-Ỉmn, 'this
stele in stone (from) Elephantine (sc. granite from Aswan), which is in (the) dromos of Amon'
Chefeteh-n-Anoubis – L01 (11616)
E Ḫftḥ-n-Ỉnpw Var.: Chefeteh-n-Anoubis ('Dromos of Anoubis')
Status: sanctuary, road: *dromos; chefeteh Loc.: in L01 Memphis (1344)
Bibl.: Donker van Heel, OMRO 78 (1998), p. 45 n. xiii; CDD Ḫ, 2006, p. 80-81
Sources: BC 186 Oct 9 - 185 Oct 7, TM 41419: BSEG 22 (1998), p. 24-25 no. 3, descr. [b]: Ḫftḥ-nỈnpw?, descr.: 'la maison est située dans l' Asklepieion, sur le côté sud du dromos d' Anoubis'
BC 160 Apr 1, TM 2850: P. Dem. Memphis 3, 3 [b]: [Pȝ]-ḫ[ftḥ-Ỉnp], 'your house ... which is (in) (the)
Anoubieion, on the southern side of the dromos of Anoubis-who-is-upon-his-mountain, the
great god'
BC 109 Sep 19 - 108 Feb 6, TM 3524: P. Recueil 5, 14 [b]: Ḫftḥ-Ỉnpw, 'the correct oipe-measure (of)
(the) dromos (of) Anoubis'
212 BC 108 Feb 14, TM 3526: P. Recueil 4, 19: Ḫftḥ-Ỉnpw, 'the correct oipe-measure (of) (the) dromos
(of) Anoubis'
BC 108 Feb 6, TM 3525: RevEg 3 (1883-1885), p. 25-26 & pl. 6-7 + UPZ 1 133 + RecTrav 25 (1903), p.
13-14 no. 19 descr., Dem. 15 [b]: Ḫftḥ-n-Ỉnpw?, 'by the oipe-measure of the dromos of Anoubis,
which is sound, together with its striker which is sound'
BC 75 Nov 23 before, TM 3528: P. Bürgsch. p. 737-740 no. 9 + UPZ 1 136, Dem. 4 [b]: Ḫftḥ-n-Ỉnpw?,
'two houses ... which are in (the) Anoubieion, on the southern side of the dromos of Anoubiswho-is-upon-his-mountain, the great god'
BC 73 Feb 27, TM 45988: RevEg 2 (1881), p. 91-92 n. 3 & pl. 28-40 [3268] descr., 4 [c]: Ḫftḥ-n-Ỉnpw?,
'everything situated in (the) Anoubieion in the dependencies (sḥn.w) of Memphis south of the
dromos of Anoubis'
BC 64 Dec 8, TM 92970: JEA 92 (2006), p. 200, 3 [b]: Ḫftḥ-˹n˺-Ỉnpw, 'together with your cloth-place
(and) your storehouses that are built at their entrance, which are to its north, and which are
in (the) Anoubieion on (the) southern side of (the) dromos of Anoubis-who-is-upon-hismountain, the great god'
BC 64 Dec 8, TM 92970: JEA 92 (2006), p. 200, 4: Ḫftḥ-˹n˺-Ỉnpw, 'north: (the) dromos of Anoubiswho-is-upon-his-mountain, the great god'
BC 64 Dec 8, TM 3534: UPZ 1 142 + JEA 92 (2006), p. 188-189, Dem. 3 [b]: Ḫftḥ-˹n˺-Ỉnpw, 'together
with our cloth-place (and) our storehouses that are built at their entrance, which are to its
north, and which are in (the) Anoubieion on (the) southern side of (the) dromos of Anoubiswho-is-upon-his-mountain, the great god'
BC 64 Dec 8, TM 3534: UPZ 1 142 + JEA 92 (2006), p. 188-189, Dem. 4: Ḫftḥ-˹n˺-Ỉnpw, 'north: (the)
dromos of Anoubis-who-is-upon-his-mountain, the great god'
Chefeteh-n-Anoubis – U04a (11625)
E Ḫftḥ-n-Ỉnpw Var.: Chefeteh-n-Anoubis ('Dromos of Anoubis')
Status: sanctuary, road: *dromos; chefeteh Loc.: in U04a Pathyris (1628)
Sources: BC 199 - 30, TM 92830: LÄ 1 (1972), p. 1203 n. 19 [Turin 12771], descr.: Ḫftḥ-n-Ỉnpw?,
descr.: an oath sworn in Pathyris 'im Dromos des Anoubis bei Anoubis'
Chefeteh-n-Arensnouphis – U01 (13447)
E Ḫftḥ-n-Ỉry-ḥms-nfr Var.: Chefeteh-n-Arensnouphis ('Dromos of Arensnouphis')
Status: sanctuary, road: *dromos; chefeteh Loc.: on U01 Philai (1767)
Bibl.: CDD Ḫ, 2006, p. 81
Sources: BC 30 - AD 499?, TM 53125: Graff. Dodec. Philae 25, 7 - 8: Ḫftḥ-Ỉry-ḥms-nfr, 'together wich
the liquor which they come to the dromos of Arensnouphis to drink'
Chefeteh-n-Bouchis – U04a (11483)
E Ḫftḥ-n-Bẖ Var.: Chefeteh-n-Bouchis ('Dromos of Bouchis')
Status: sanctuary, road: *dromos; chefeteh Loc.: in U04a Hermonthis (812)
Bibl.: Kaplony-Heckel, BdE 121, 1998, p. 215
Sources: BC 181 - 145, TM 55772: Grimal / Menu (ed.), Commerce (BdE 121) p. 215 no. 1, Vo 2: Ḫfṱḥn-B[ẖ], 'Day 2: what they brought to the dromos of Bouchis: [ ]'
Chefeteh-n-Chnoum – U01 (11572)
E Ḫftḥ-n-H̱nm Var.: Chefeteh-n-Chnoum ('Dromos of Chnoum')
Status: sanctuary, road: *dromos; chefeteh Loc.: on U01 Elephantine (621)
Sources: BC 150 - 30, TM 43648: RdE 38 (1987), p. 5-7, I Vo 11: Ḫftḥ-H̱nm, 'Il n'y a pas de
supplication, ni de prière au dromos de Chnoum'
Chefeteh-n-Djeme – U04b (13567)
E Ḫftḥ-n-Ḏmȝ - Ḫftḥ-nb-s? Var.: Chefeteh-n-Djeme ('Dromos of (the god of) Djeme')
Status: sanctuary, road: *dromos; chefeteh Loc.: in U04b Memnoneia (1341)
Ident.: cf. U04b Memnoneia / Djeme (1341)
Bibl.: RdE 48 (1997), p. 261; CDD Ḫ, 2006, p. 82
213 Sources: BC 199 - AD 50, TM 52431: O. Tempeleide p. 389 no. DO Cairo MH 4037, descr.: Ḫftḥ-nḎmȝ, 'in (the) dromos of (the god of) Djeme'
BC 199 - AD 50, TM 52496: O. Tempeleide p. 396 no. DO Str 307, descr.: Ḫftyḥ-n-Ḏmȝ, 'in (the)
dromos of (the god of) Djeme'
BC 151 Sep 21?, TM 50568: O. Tempeleide 156, 2: Ḫf[tyḥ-n-Ḏmȝ], 'Text of the oath which ... will
swear in (the) dromos of (the god of) Djeme'
BC 142 Sep 28 - 141 Sep 26, TM 50435: O. Tempeleide 23, 2: Ḫftyḥ-n-Ḏmȝ, 'Text of the oath which
... will swear ... in (the) dromos of (the god of) Djeme'
BC 141 Dec 22, TM 50503: O. Tempeleide 91, 2 - 3: Ḫftyḥ-n-Ḏmȝ, 'Text of the oath which ... will
swear in (the) dromos of (the god of) Djeme'
BC 133 Sep 25 - 132 Sep 24, TM 50438: O. Tempeleide 26, 3: Ḫftyḥ-n-Ḏmȝ, 'Text of the oath which
... will swear ... in (the) dromos of (the god of) Djeme'
BC 111 Jul 8?, TM 50052: O. Med. Habu Dem. 157, 2: Ḫftḥ-n-Ḏmʿ, 'Text of the oath which ... will
swear in (the) dromos of (the god of) Djeme in year 6'
BC 110 Jul 4?, TM 50611: O. Tempeleide 199, 3: Ḫftyḥ-n-Ḏmȝ, 'Text of the oath which ... will swear
in (the) dromos of (the god of) Djeme'
BC 108 Jun 1?, TM 50477: O. Tempeleide 65, 1 - 2: Ḫftyḥ-n-Pȝ-Ḏmȝ, 'Text of the oath which ... will
swear in (the) dromos of (the) temple (of) (the god of) Djeme'
BC 105 Sep 18 - 104 Sep 17, TM 50473: O. Tempeleide 61, 2 - 3: Ḫftyḥ-n-Ḏmȝ, 'Text of the oath
which ... will swear in (the) dromos of (the god of) Djeme'
BC 103 Aug 11?, TM 50419: O. Tempeleide 7, 2: Ḫftḥ-n-Ḏmȝ, 'Text of the oath which ... will swear in
(the) dromos of (the god of) Djeme'
BC 102 Aug 10?, TM 50523: O. Tempeleide 111, 4: Ḫftyḥ-n-Ḏmȝ, 'Text of the oath which ... will
swear ... in (the) dromos of (the god of) Djeme'
BC 102 Apr 16 - May 15?, TM 50436: O. Tempeleide 24, 2: Ḫftyḥ-n-Ḏmȝ, 'Text of the oath which ...
will swear in (the) dromos of (the god of) Djeme'
BC 94 Jul 23?, TM 50529: O. Tempeleide 117 A, 2 [a]: Ḫftyḥ-n-Ḏmȝ, 'Text of the oath which ... will
swear in (the) dromos of (the god of) Djeme {will swear in (the) dromos of (the god of) Djeme}'
BC 94 Jul 23?, TM 50529: O. Tempeleide 117 A, 2 [b]: Ḫftyḥ-n-Ḏmȝ, 'Text of the oath which ... will
swear in (the) dromos of (the god of) Djeme {will swear in (the) dromos of (the god of) Djeme}'
BC 94 Aug 22?, TM 52309: O. Tempeleide 117 B, 3: Ḫftyḥ-Ḏmȝ, 'Text of the oath which ... will swear
in (the) dromos (of) (the god of) Djeme'
BC 30 - AD 50, TM 50506: O. Tempeleide 94, 2: Ḫftyḥ-n-Ḏmȝ, 'Text of the oath which ... will swear
in (the) dromos of (the god of) Djeme'
BC 23 Jan 7, TM 50614: O. Tempeleide 202, 2: Ḫftyḥ-n-Ḏmȝ, 'Text of the oath which ... will swear in
(the) dromos of (the god of) Djeme'
BC 10 Aug 30 - 9 Aug 28, TM 50486: O. Tempeleide 74, 2: Ḫftyḥ-n-Ḏmȝ, 'Text of the oath which ...
will swear in (the) dromos of (the god of) Djeme'
BC 7 Jul 24, TM 50563: O. Tempeleide 151, 2: Ḫftyḥ-n-Ḏmȝ, 'Text of the oath which ... will swear in
(the) dromos of (the god of) Djeme'
Chefeteh-n-Hathor – U04a (11441)
E Ḫftḥ-n-Ḥw.t-Ḥr Var.: Chefeteh-n-Hathor ('Dromos of Hathor')
Status: sanctuary, road: *dromos; chefeteh Loc.: in U04a Pathyris (1628)
Bibl.: Kaplony-Heckel, O. Tempeleide, 1963, p. 21; CDD Ḫ, 2006, p. 81
Sources: BC 199 - 150, TM 347: FuB 8 (1967), p. 85 no. 12, 10: Ḫfṱḥ-n-Ḥw.t-Ḥr, '[ ] ... (the) dromos of
Hathor [ ]'
BC 150 - 30, TM 477: O. Tempeleide 190, 2: Ḫfṱḥ-n-Ḥw.t-Ḥr, 'Text of the oath wich Pelaias ... will
swear ... in (the) dromos of Hathor'
(?) BC 91 Sep 15 - 90 Sep 14, TM 308: ZÄS 65 (1930), p. 53-54 + ZÄS 121 (1994), p. 75-91 descr., Vo
col. pa, 2 [a]: Ḫftḥ, 'Die einzelnen Männer, die ihr Korn am Dromos von Pathyris [gegeben?
bekommen?] haben'
BC 88 Oct 5, TM 120: O. Tempeleide 36, 1 - 2: Ḫfṱḥ-[Ḥw.t]-Ḥr, 'Text of the oath which Pakebkis son
of Patous will swear in (the) dromos of Hathor'
BC 88 Oct 5, TM 120: O. Tempeleide 36, 13: Ḫfṱḥ-n-Ḥw.t-Ḥr, 'Pakebkis son of Patous and his wife
went to (the) dromos of Hathor'
Chefeteh-n-Hathor – U04b (13443)
E Ḫftḥ-n-Ḥw.t-Ḥr Var.: Chefeteh-n-Hathor ('Dromos of Hathor')
214 Status: sanctuary, road: *dromos; chefeteh Loc.: in U04b Memnoneia (1341)
Bibl.: CDD Ḫ, 2006, p. 81
Sources: BC 100 Apr 17, TM 45108: P. Tor. Botti 36, 13: Ḫftḥ-n-pȝ-rpy-n-Ḥw.t-Ḥr, 'the divine chest
of (the) dromos of the temple of Hathor'
Chefeteh-n-Imouthes – L01 (11595)
E Ḫftḥ-n-Ỉy-m-ḥtp Var.: Chefeteh-n-Imouthes ('Dromos of Imouthes / Imhotep')
Status: sanctuary, road: *dromos; chefeteh Loc.: in L01 Memphis (1344)
Sources: BC 664 - 332, TM 129748: Studien Thissen p. 88 no. 2, 5 - 6: Ḫfṱḥ-Ỉy-m-ḥtp, 'They have
come up to protect (me) upon T-tehen / The peak (and) to cause that (I) protect her amulets,
which were fashioned on (the) dromos (of) Imouthes.'
BC 304 Jan 6 - Oct 2, TM 45994: P. Schreibertrad. 94 + BIFAO 87 (1987), p. 270, (P. Schreib.) 4 [d]:
Ḫfṱḥ-Ỉy-m-ḥtp, 'für meinen sechsten Teil des Hofes ... welcher in T-tehen (in) Anch-tawi liegt
ausserhalb der Mauer von T-tehen auf der südliche Seite von dem Dromos des Imouthes, des
Sohnes des Ptah, des grossen Gottes.' / 'on the southern side of the dromos of Imouthes son of
Ptah, the great god'
Chefeteh-n-Isis-n-Philai – U01 (11773)
E Ḫftḥ-n-Ỉs.t-n-Pr-ỉy-lq Var.: Chefeteh-n-Isis-n-Philai ('Dromos of Isis of Philai')
Status: sanctuary, road: *dromos; chefeteh Loc.: on U01 Philai (1767)
Ident.: cf. U01 Philai (1767)
Bibl.: CDD Ḫ, 2006, p. 80
Sources: BC 30 - AD 300, TM 51872: Graff. Dodec. Philae 417, 6 [b]: Ḫftḥ-n-Ỉs.t-n-Pr-ỉy-lq, 'having
planted four persea-trees, one in Abaton, one on the dromos of Isis of Philai'
AD 253 Apr 10, TM 51871: Enchoria 31 (2008-2009), p. 70-72, 13: Ḫftḥ-n-Ỉs.t, 'dining in the dromos
of Isis on wine, beer, and meat'
Chefeteh-n-Montou – U04a (11444)
E Ḫftḥ-n-Mnṯw Var.: Chefeteh-n-Montou ('Dromos of Montou')
Status: sanctuary, road: *dromos; chefeteh Loc.: in U04a Hermonthis (812)
Bibl.: Kaplony-Heckel, Studies Shore, 1994, p. 151; CDD Ḫ, 2006, p. 81
Sources: BC 199 - AD 50, TM 92618: Studies Shore p. 157 n. 33 [BM 19355], descr.: Ḫftḥ-n-Mnṯw, 'in
(the) dromos of Montou'
BC 199 - AD 50, TM 92619: Studies Shore p. 157 n. 33 [Chicago 30031], descr.: Ḫftḥ-n-Mnṯw, 'in
(the) dromos of Montou'
BC 199 - AD 50, TM 92598: Studies Shore p. 157 n. 33 [Leipzig 2020], descr.: Ḫftḥ-n-Mnṯw, 'in (the)
dromos of Montou'
BC 71 - 20, TM 55740: FuB 10 (1968), p. 161 no. 22, 2: Ḫfṱḥ-n-Mnṯw, 'Text of the oath which ... will
swear in (the) dromos of Montou'
BC 43 - 21, TM 55751: FuB 10 (1968), p. 174 no. 34, 2: Ḫfṱḥ-Mnṯw, 'Text of the oath which ... will
swear in (the) dromos of Montou'
Chefeteh-n-Osiris – L? (13448)
E Ḫftḥ-n-Wsỉr Var.: Chefeteh-n-Osiris ('Dromos of Osiris')
Status: sanctuary, road: *dromos; chefeteh Loc.: in L? Panau (13398)
Bibl.: CDD Ḫ, 2006, p. 81
Sources: AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 19, 6 [a]:
pȝ Ḫftḥ-n-Wsỉr, 'I shall take you up to the dromos of (the temple of) Osiris of Panau'
Chefeteh-n-p-Ra – L01 (13449)
E Ḫftḥ-n-pȝ-Rʿ Var.: Chefeteh-n-p-Ra ('Dromos of the (god) Ra')
Status: sanctuary, road: *dromos; chefeteh Loc.: in L01 Memphis (1344)
Bibl.: CDD Ḫ, 2006, p. 81
215 Sources: BC 332 - 200?, TM 55858: P. Cairo 2 30692 Ro, 2: Ḫftḥ-pȝ-Rʿ, '[ ] in (the) dromos of the (god)
Chefeteh-n-Soknebtynis – 00c (11772)
E Ḫftḥ-n-Sbk-nb-Tn Var.: Chefeteh-n-Soknebtynis ('Dromos of Souchos / Sobek lord of Tebtynis')
Status: sanctuary, road: *dromos; chefeteh Loc.: in 00c Tebtynis (2287)
Ident.: cf. 00c Tebtynis (2287)
Bibl.: CDD Ḫ, 2006, p. 81-82
Sources: BC 100 Oct 1, TM 43287: P. Cairo 2 30620, 6: Ḫftḥ-Sbk-nb-Tn, 'the place of invocation of
Thermouthis, the great goddess, which is on the eastern side of (the) dromos of Souchos lord
of Tebtynis / Soknebtynis, the great god, in the village of Souchos Tebtynis'
BC 98 Dec 2, TM 43285: P. Cairo 2 30617 a-b, a 2 [a]: Ḫftḥ-Sbk-nb-Tn, 'the place of invocation of
Thermouthis, the great goddess, which is on the eastern side of (the) dromos of Souchos lord
of Tebtynis / Soknebtynis, the great god, in the village of Souchos Tebtynis'
BC 98 Dec 2, TM 43285: P. Cairo 2 30617 a-b, a 3 - 4: Ḫftḥ-Sbk-nb-Tn, 'the chapel of (the) dromos of
Souchos lord of Tebtynis / Soknebtynis, the great god'
BC 98 Dec 2, TM 43285: P. Cairo 2 30617 a-b, b 4 [a]: Ḫftḥ-Sbk-nb-Tn, 'the place of invocation of
Thermouthis, the great goddess, which is on the eastern side of (the) dromos of Souchos lord
of Tebtynis / Soknebtynis, the great god, in the village of Souchos Tebtynis'
BC 97 Sep 27, TM 43280: P. Cairo 2 30612 a-b, 4 [a]: Ḫftḥ-Sbk-nb-Tn, 'which is on the eastern side
of (the) dromos of Souchos lord of Tebtynis / Soknebtynis, the great god, in (the) village (of)
Souchos lord of Ten / Soknebtynis (in) the meris of Polemon on the southern side of the canal
of Moiris (in) (the) nomos of Arsinoe'
Chefeteh-n-Soknopaios – 00a (11622)
E Ḫftḥ-n-Sbk-nb-Pay Var.: Chefeteh-n-Soknopaios ('Dromos of Soknopaios')
Status: sanctuary, road: *dromos; chefeteh Loc.: in 00a Soknopaiou Nesos (2157)
Bibl.: Pap. Congr. XV (Bruxelles 1977) 3, 1979, p. 25
Sources: AD 47 Feb 26, TM 14341: SB 12 10804 + BRL 52 (1969), p. 221-222 & 225 & 227-228, Dem. A
16 [a]: [Ḫfty-ḥe]-Sbk-nb-[Pȝy pȝ nṯr ʿȝ], 'east: the dromos of Soknopaios the great god, the
street of Pharaoh being between it'
AD 47 Feb 26, TM 14341: SB 12 10804 + BRL 52 (1969), p. 221-222 & 225 & 227-228, Dem. B 12 - 13:
Ḫfty-ḥe-Sbk-nb-Pȝy pȝ nṯr ʿȝ, 'east: the dromos of Soknopaios the great god, the street of the
Pharaoh being between it'
AD 55 Sep 17, TM 45599: Pap. Congr. XV (Bruxelles 1977) 3 p. 25 [no. 10], descr.: Ḫftḥ-n-Sbk-nbPay?, descr.: 'la vente d'une maison sise en bordure du dromos de Soknopaios'
Chefeteh-n-Taief-reset-oudjai – 00a (13451)
E Ḫftḥ-n-Tȝy=f-rs.t-wḏȝy Var.: Chefeteh-n-Taief-reset-oudjai ('Dromos of His-awakening-is-sound
(sc. of Osiris)')
Status: sanctuary, road: *dromos; chefeteh Loc.: in 00c Tebtynis (2287)
Note: obsolete reading: Tʿw-f-qd(?)-wḏỉ(?)
Bibl.: CDD Ḫ, 2006, p. 82
Sources: BC 98 Dec 2, TM 43285: P. Cairo 2 30617 a-b, a 3 [c]: Ḫftḥ-Tȝy=f-rs.t-wḏȝy, 'the chapel of
(the) dromos of Taief-reset-oudjai, the great god'
Chefeteh-n-Thoth – Aethiopia (13452)
E Ḫftḥ-n-Ḏḥwty Var.: Chefeteh-n-Thoth ('Dromos of Thoth')
Status: sanctuary, road: *dromos; chefeteh Loc.: in Pselkis (1949)
Bibl.: CDD Ḫ, 2006, p. 82
Sources: AD 57 Sep 25, TM 51891: Graff. Dodec. Dakka 12, 6 [b]: Ḫftḥ-Ḏḥwty, 'in (the) dromos of
Thoth (of) the zizyphus tree, the great god'
Chefeteh-n-Wepwaout Ra-chet – U13 (10687)
E Ḫftḥ-n-Wpwy Rȝ-ḫt (R-ḫtȝ) Var.: Chefeteh-n-Wepwaout Ra-chet (Rokhate - Ro-khete) ('Dromos of
Wepwaout (called) the closed gate'?)
216 Status: sanctuary, road: *dromos; chefeteh Loc.: in the temple of Wepwaout in U13 Lykopolis (1271)
Bibl.: Thompson, P. BM Siut, 1934, p. 147; Vandorpe, Geografische elementen, 1988, p. 127
Sources: BC 181 Nov 30, TM 43351: P. BM Siut p. 38-40 no. 10575 (= A), 9 [c]: Ḫftḥ-Wpwy Rȝ-ḫte,
'north: (the) dromos (of) Wepwaout (called?) Ra-chet'
BC 181 Nov 30, TM 53824: P. BM Siut p. 57-59 no. 10591 Vo col. 5-7, col. 6, 22 - col. 7, 1: Ḫftḥ-Wpwy
Rȝ-ḫt, 'north: (the) dromos (of) Wepwaout (called?) Ra-chet'
BC 170 Jun 22, TM 43343: P. BM Siut p. 3-12 no. 10591 Ro (= B), col. 3, 19: Ḫftḥ-n-Wpwy, 'the said
deed having been completed with witnesses in the dromos of Wepwaout'
BC 170 Jun 22, TM 43343: P. BM Siut p. 3-12 no. 10591 Ro (= B), col. 6, 1 [b]: Ḫftḥ-Wpwy, '(It was)
Theomnestos whom she addressed here in the nomos of Lykopolis when they were
completing the said deed with witnesses on the dromos of Wepwaout'
BC 170 Jun 22, TM 43343: P. BM Siut p. 3-12 no. 10591 Ro (= B), col. 8, 17 [b]: Ḫftḥ-n-Wpwy Rȝ-ḫtȝ,
'north: (the) dromos of Wepwaout (called?) Ra-chet'
Chem-nesou – U04b? (11549)
E Ḫm-nsw Var.: Chem-nesou (Khemnes)
Status: village? Bibl.: Parker, JEA 26 (1940), p. 104
Sources: AD 271 - 299?, TM 51398: JEA 26 (1940), p. 85-90 [col. A-D], col. C, 17: Ḫm-nsw, 'in bronze
of (the) ... quarter of Djeme, or ... of Chem-nesou'
Chemmis – L06? (8019)
G Χεμμις - Χεμβις L Chemmis E ȝḫ-bỉty (Ḫby - Ḫb - Ḫb-mny) Var.: Chemmis (Chembis) - Ah-biti
('Thicket of the king of Lower Egypt') - Chebi (Chebis) E thnic: Chemmites - Chembios
Status: city; nesos; insula Loc.: near L06 Bouto (3685)
Ident.: cf. also L06? Chemmites (11816)
Rep.: Dizionario V, p. 117 (1 & 3); p. 117; Gauthier, Dictionnaire I, 1925, p. 11; IV, 1927, p. 173; Bibl.:
Erichsen, Glossar, 1954, p. 353; Altenmüller, LÄ I, 1975, col. 921-922; P. BM Smith, 1987, p. 82;
CDD Ḫ, 2006, p. 47 (a)
Sources: BC 332 - 200, TM 45958: P. Cairo 2 31168 Ro + P. Cairo 2 31169, (31169) col. 2, 3: Ḫb-mny
(Spiegelberg: Ḫb; Daressy: Ḫby), in a list of Lower Egyptian toponyms
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 1) 20 [a]: Ḫby,
'[Isis von] Chemmis, indem sie nach Bouto eilten'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 2) 4: Ḫby, 'the
prophet of Horos of Pe / Haremphois in Bouto, born from Isis in Chemmis'
BC 99 - 1 about, TM 80872: Enchoria 19 - 20 (1992-1993), p. 167-168, 15: Ḫb, 'Sie hat mich aufs
Trockene gebracht so wie ... in Chemmis'
BC 30 - AD 50, TM 80211: Stadler, Isis, das göttliche Kind p. 47-84, col. 3, 17: Ḫby, 'Bin ich dem
gefolgt, was in der Umgebung von Chemmis ist, ...'
Chenem-anch – U04b (11216)
E H̱nm.t-ʿnḫ (H̱m-ʿnḫ) Var.: Chenem-anch - the mortuary temple of Thoutmosis I
Status: area Loc.: necropolis in U04b Memnoneia (1341)
Bibl.: Möller, P. Rhind, 1913, p. 76*; Wb 3, 1929, p. 378-379; Erichsen, Glossar, 1954, p. 384;
Quaegebeur, Studi Bresciani, 1985, p. 464-467; Zauzich, Enchoria 25 (1999), p. 99; CDD H̱, 2001,
p. 43
Sources: BC 10 Aug 30 - 9 Aug 28, TM 57971: P. Rhind 2, Dem. col. 9, 5 [b]: H̱m-ʿnḫ - H̱<n>m-ʿnḫ?,
'the Hathors who are in Chenem-anch'
(?) AD 1 - 99, TM 54386: Short Texts 2 1172 (forthcoming), 32 [a]: ˹H̱m-ʿnḫ˺?, Stadler: 'and that he
will go and come with them who exterminate the enemy in Chenem-anch'; Short Texts: 'and
that he will go and come with those who are in [ ] under [ ] who are noble and august'
217 Chenoboskia (Qasr el-Saiyad) – U07 (5089)
G Χηνοβόσκια L Cenoboscio - Chenoboscia E Šny-n-Stḫ (Šn.w-n-St) C ϣⲉⲛⲉⲥⲏⲧ Var.:
Chenoboskia (Chenoboskion) - Seni-n-Setech ('Tree(s) of Seth') - Qasr el-Saiyad (el-Qasr, elSaijad) E thnic: Chenoboskites - Chenoboskiates
Status: city Loc.: on the eastern Nile bank
Note: the order of citing in Ptolemaios does not necessarily imply that Chenoboskion actually
once belonged to the U09 Panopolites (against Dizionario); obsolete readings: Chenoboskion;
Choinai( )
Rep.: Dizionario V, p. 122; p. 126; Suppl. 1, p. 249 (bis); Suppl. 2, p. 237; Suppl. 4, p. 142 (bis); Bibl.:
Spiegelberg, ASAE 10 (1909-1910), p. 33; Smith, Enchoria 16 (1988), p. 82-83; Mitthof, P. Erl.
Diospolis, 2002, p. 4-5; CDD Š, 2010, p. 159; Maps: Baines / Malek, Atlas, 2002, p. 109 Sources: BC 130 - 30, TM 51236: Enchoria 22 (1995), p. 113-114 no. 84, 23: Šny-Stḫ, 'Als Preis für
Papyrus in Chenoboskia'
(?) BC 30 - AD 284, TM 52875: St. Cairo 3 50040, 7: Šn[st?], 'Seth lord of Shen-[set]'; ASAE: '[ ] (and)
Souchos lord of Shen-... the great god, (and) Souchos and Min'
AD 1 - 99?, TM 51130: Enchoria 16 (1988), p. 79 no. 1, col. 2, 10: Šn[ ] - Šn.[w n Sṱ]?, in a list of
Upper Egyptian toponyms
Chenti-shi (Lebanon) (11161)
E Ḫnty-šy (Ḫntỉ-š) Var.: Chenti-shi - Lebanon
Status: region Bibl.: Wb 3, 1928, p. 310; Vleeming, Short Texts 1, 2001, p. 27; CDD Ḫ, 2006, p. 121
Sources: BC 30 - AD 14, TM 52765: Short Texts 1 39, 38: Ḫnṱ-šy, '120 divine cubits of fine cedar from
Lebanon, in order to make her house (?) [ ]'
Chepshet – U15 (11582)
E Ḫpšt Var.: Chepshet (Khapshat - Khopchit)
Status: village: demi Rep.: Gauthier, Dictionnaire II, 1925, p. 148; IV, 1927, p. 174
Sources: BC 305 - 222, TM 109006: Short Texts 2 1182 A (forthcoming), 2: Ḫpšt, 'the god of Pasis son
of Thoteus the man (of) (the) village Chepset, which they have brought (from) P-im / Limne,
which they have mummified in T-achi-p-sebed'
Cher-aha – L13 (10730)
E H̱r-ʿḥȝ (H̱ḥy) - Pr-psḏ.t Var.: Cher-aha - Per-pesedjet (Pi-psite) ('House (of) the Ennead'?)
Status: city Ident.: L13 Babylon (Fostat) (389)?
Bibl.: De Meulenaere, LÄ I, 1975, col. 592; Ray, O. Hor, 1976, p. 52 n. o; p. 53 n. j; p. 184 no. 16;
Vandorpe, Geografische elementen, 1988, p. 71; Stadler, P. Pa-Month, 2003, p. 70-71; CDD P,
2010, p. 92
Sources: BC 171 Jul 10, TM 48985: O. Hor 18, 8 [c]: H̱ḥy, 'soul (of) Cher-aha'
BC 168 about, TM 48979: O. Hor 12, 5: Pr-psḏt?, 'under (the heading of) that which concerned the
temple of Per-pesedjet'
AD 63 Oct 17, TM 48882: Stadler, P. Pa-Month p. 27-39, col. 2, 4 [a]: Pr-psḏ.t, 'Höre du, dessen
Mund offen ist, der aus dem Haus der Neunheit / Per-pesedjet kommt.'
Cherek (13529)
E Ḫrk - pȝ tš n nȝ Ḫnyrg.w Var.: Cherek - 'the region of the Cheniregou'
Status: region: tesh Ident.: Cilicia (526)?
Bibl.: Altenmüller, Fs. Wilhelm, 2010, p. 36-37 no. 3
Sources: BC 243 Dec 3, TM 129851: Fs. Wilhelm p. 32-40 descr., Dem. 27 [c]: pȝ tš n nȝ Ḫnyrg.w, '[ ]
the region of the Syrian, the region of the Phoenicians, the region of the Cheniregou (sc.
Cilicia?), Persis, Sousa'
...-cheret – L11? (10779)
E ...-ẖr.t Var.: ...-cheret
Status: city? Demotic
218 Rep.: Gauthier, Dictionnaire III, 1926, p. 154; IV, 1927, p. 154; Bibl.: Spiegelberg, P. Cairo 2, 1908, p.
272; Daressy, Sphinx 14 (1911), p. 162; Chuvin / Yoyotte, RA (1986), p. 48 n. 36; Zauzich, GM 99
(1987), p. 90; Zauzich, handout Third demotic conference, 1987
Sources: BC 332 - 200, TM 45958: P. Cairo 2 31168 Ro + P. Cairo 2 31169, (31169) col. 2, 17: ...-˹ẖr.t˺
(Spiegelberg: ..?.nṯr; Daressy: Ḫȝsỉw[ ]; Chuvỉn: ḫȝsww?), in a list of Lower Egyptian toponyms
Chesebaieon – U04b (4347)
G Χεσεβαιῆον - Ἡρακλεῖον E Pr-Ḫnsw - Pr-Ḫnsw-nb-ʿḥʿ-m-Wȝs.t - Pr-Ḫnsw-nb-ʿḥʿ-n-Nỉw.t - Pr-Ḫnsw-mWȝs.t Nfr-ḥtp Var.: Chesebaieon - Herakleion - Per-Chonsou ('House / temple of Chonsou') - PerChonsou-neb-aha-m-Waset ('House of Chonsou lord of life-span in Waset') - Per-Chonsou-nebaha-n-Niout ('House of Chonsou lord of life-span in Thebes') - Per-Chonsou-m-Waset Neferhotep ('House of Chonsou in Waset Nephotes')
Status: sanctuary, building: per Loc.: Karnak in U04b Dios Polis (576)
Ident.: cf. U04b Waset (13523)
Note: cf. also U04b Herakleous Dromos (11605)
Rep.: Dizionario II, p. 216 (4); Bibl.: Kaplony-Hecker, O. Tempeleide, 1963, p. 22; Quaegebeur, OLP
6-7 (1975-1976), p. 469-470; p. 477; Kaplony-Heckel, Studies Shore, 1994, p. 150; Vandorpe, P. L.
Bat. 27, 1995, p. 214-215; CDD Ḫ, 2006, p. 113; Maps: Vandorpe, P. L. Bat. 27, 1995, p. 217 [9] Sources: BC 559 Nov 10, TM 46318: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 3, 4: Pr-Ḫnsw, 'the 1 1/10 flax of Pshi-..iami of the god's servant and the majordomo of Per-Chonsou / (the) temple of Chonsou
BC 332 - 30, TM 49309: O. Leiden Dem. 283, 2: Pr-Ḫnsw, 'Text of the oath which ... will swear in
Per-Chonsou / (the) temple of Chonsou'
BC 332 - 30, TM 49318: O. Leiden Dem. 292, 1 - 2: Pr-[Ḫnsw], 'Text of the oath which ... will swear
(in) Per-Chonsou / (the) temple of Chonsou'
BC 199 - 100, TM 50485: O. Tempeleide 73, 2: Pr-Ḫnsw, 'Text of the oath which ... will swear in PerChonsou / (the) temple of Chonsou'
BC 199 - AD 50, TM 52517: O. Tempeleide p. 398 no. DO Str 708 descr., 4: Pr-Ḫnsw-nb-ʿḥʿ-n-Nỉw.t,
'(the) Chesebaieon / (the) House of Chonsou lord of life-span in Thebes'
BC 160 - 1, TM 55727: FuB 10 (1968), p. 146-147 no. 10, 2: Pr-˹Ḫnsw-nb-ʿḥʿw˺, 'Text of the oath
which ... will swear in (the) Chesebaieon / (the) House of Chonsou lord of life-span'
BC 160 - 1, TM 55732: FuB 10 (1968), p. 153 no. 14, 2: Pr-Ḫnsw-m-Wȝs.t Nfr-ḥtp, 'Text of the oath
which ... will swear in (the) Chesebaieon / (the) House of Chonsou in Waset Nephotes'
BC 153 Jul 6?, TM 50631: O. Tempeleide 219, 3: Pr-Ḫnsw, 'Text of the oath which ... will swear in
Per-Chonsou / (the) temple of Chonsou'
BC 150 - 30, TM 50609: O. Tempeleide 197, 1: Pr-Ḫnsw-nb-[ʿḥʿ], 'Text of the oath which ... will
swear in (the) Chesebaieon / (the) House of Chonsou lord of life-span'
BC 150 - AD 50, TM 50535: O. Tempeleide 123, 2: Pr-Ḫnsw-nb-ʿḥʿ, 'Text of the oath which ... will
swear ... in (the) Chesebaieon / (the) House of Chonsou lord of life-span'
BC 148 Mar 21?, TM 50595: O. Tempeleide 183, 2: Pr-Ḫnsw-m-Wȝs.t, 'Text of the oath which
Tiartes will swear in (the) Chesebaieon / (the) House of Chonsou in Waset to ...'
BC 141 - 88, TM 55741: FuB 10 (1968), p. 162 no. 23, 2: Pr-Ḫn[sw-m-Wȝs.t], 'Text of the oath which
... will swear in (the) Chesebaieon / (the) House of Chonsou in Waset'
BC 136 Sep 19, TM 50578: O. Tempeleide 166, 1: Pr-[Ḫnsw], 'Text of the oath which ... will swear in
Per-Chonsou / (the) temple of Chonsou'
BC 134 Jul 18?, TM 50583: O. Tempeleide 171, 2: Pr-Ḫnsw, 'Text of the oath which ... will swear in
Per-Chonsou / (the) temple of Chonsou'
BC 120 Sep 22 - 119 Sep 21, TM 50496: O. Tempeleide 84, 2: Pr-Ḫnsw-nb-ʿḥʿ, 'Text of the oath which
... will swear (in) (the) Chesebaieon / (the) House of Chonsou lord of life-span'
BC 119 Sep 22 - 118 Sep 21, TM 50552: O. Tempeleide 140, 2: Pr-Ḫnsw-nb-ʿḥʿ, 'Text of the oath
which ... will swear ... in (the) Chesebaieon / (the) House of Chonsou lord of life-span'
BC 117 Jul 13, TM 50554: O. Tempeleide 142, 1: Pr-Ḫnsw-nb-ʿḥʿ, 'Text of the oath which ... will
swear ... in (the) Chesebaieon / (the) House of Chonsou lord of life-span'
BC 116 Jul 19, TM 50433: O. Tempeleide 21, 2: Pr-Ḫnsw-nb-ʿḥʿ, 'Text of the oath which ... will swear
in (the) Chesebaieon / (the) House of Chonsou lord of life-span'
BC 113 Jul 28?, TM 50591: O. Tempeleide 179, 3: Pr-Ḫnsw-nb-ʿḥʿ, 'Text of the oath which ... will
swear in (the) Chesebaieon / (the) House of Chonsou lord of life-span'
BC 110 Aug 20?, TM 50528: O. Tempeleide 116, 2: Pr-Ḫnsw-nb-ʿḥʿ, 'Text of the oath which ... will
swear ... in (the) Chesebaieon / (the) House of Chonsou lord of life-span'
219 BC 110 Aug 7?, TM 50576: O. Tempeleide 164, 2: Pr-Ḫnsw, 'Text of the oath which ... will swear in
Per-Chonsou / (the) temple of Chonsou'
BC 109 Aug 12?, TM 50605: O. Tempeleide 193, 2: Pr-Ḫnsw-nb-ʿḥʿ, 'Text of the oath which ... will
swear in (the) Chesebaieon / (the) House of Chonsou lord of life-span'
BC 109 Dec 12?, TM 50606: O. Tempeleide 194, 2: Pr-Ḫnsw-nb-ʿḥʿ, 'Text of the oath which ... will
swear in (the) Chesebaieon / (the) House of Chonsou lord of life-span'
BC 107 Jun 4 - 106 Jun 4?, TM 50469: O. Tempeleide 57, 2: Pr-Ḫnsw-nb-ʿḥʿ, 'Text of the oath which
... will swear (in) (the) Chesebaieon / (the) House of Chonsou lord of life-span'
BC 104 Oct 27 - Nov 16, TM 50520: O. Tempeleide 108, 3: Pr-Ḫnsw-nb-ʿḥʿ, 'Text of the oath which ...
will swear ... in (the) Chesebaieon / (the) House of Chonsou lord of life-span'
BC 104 Sep 18 - 103 Sep 17?, TM 50461: O. Tempeleide 49, 2: Pr-Ḫnsw-m-Wȝs.t Nfr-ḥtp, 'Text of the
oath which Ariston will swear in (the) Chesebaieon / (the) House of Chonsou in Waset
BC 103 Sep 18 - 102 Sep 17, TM 69625: BIFAO 96 (1996), p. 6, 3: Pr-Ḫnsw-m-Wȝs.t Nfr-ḥtp, 'Text of
the oath which ... will swear ... in (the) Chesebaieon / (the) House of Chonsou in Waset
BC 99 - 1, TM 50086: O. Tempeleide 11, 1: Pr-Ḫnsw-nb-ʿḥʿ, 'Text of the oath which ... will swear in
(the) Chesebaieon / (the) House of Chonsou lord of life-span'
BC 99 - AD 99, TM 51119: Enchoria 16 (1988), p. 37 no. 13, 2: Pr-Ḫnsw?, 'Text of the oath which ...
will swear in Per-Chonsou / (the) temple of Chonsou (?)'
BC 99 - AD 99, TM 51129: Enchoria 16 (1988), p. 45 no. 23, 3: Pr-Ḫnsw-˹nb-ʿḥʿ˺, 'The text of the oath
which ... will swear (in) (the) Chesebaieon / (the) House of Chonsou lord of life-span'
BC 97 - 63, TM 55748: FuB 10 (1968), p. 169 no. 30, 2 - 3: [Pr]-Ḫnsw-nb-ʿḥʿ, 'Text of the oath which ...
will swear in (the) Chesebaieon / (the) House of Chonsou lord of life-span'
BC 88 Feb 22, TM 50625: O. Tempeleide 213, 3: Pr-Ḫnsw-m-Wȝs.t Nfr-ḥtp, 'Text of the oath which
Herieus son of Har-[ ] will swear in (the) Chesebaieon / (the) House of Chonsou in Waset
BC 30 - AD 50, TM 50593: O. Tempeleide 181, 2: Pr-Ḫnsw, 'Text of the oath which ... will swear in
Per-Chonsou / (the) temple of Chonsou'
Chet[ ] – U06? (10823)
E Ḫt[ ] Var.: Chet[ ]
Status: sanctuary? Ident.: U06 Cha-di (10824)?
Bibl.: Smith, Enchoria 16 (1988), p. 82
Sources: AD 1 - 99?, TM 51130: Enchoria 16 (1988), p. 79 no. 1, col. 2, 8: Ḫt[ ], in a list of Upper
Egyptian toponyms
Chnoum-resi-teba (11643)
E H̱nm-rsy-tbʿ Var.: Chnoum-resi-teba
Status: city Loc.: unknown
Bibl.: Schentuleit, P. Carlsberg 9, 2006, p. 268
Sources: BC 132 Sep 25 - 131 Sep 24, TM 100059: P. Carlsberg 9 p. 15-179, fr. 114 col. 16, 16: H̱nmrsy-˹tbʿ˺, 'Pete-neb-weh, the representative of Chnoum-resi-teba'
Chrysopolis – U04b (8077)
G Χρυσόπολις E Tȝ-ḥw.t-n-tȝ-ỉḥ.t (Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-n-tȝ-ỉḥ.t) Var.: Chrysopolis - T-hout-n-t-ihet ('The
temple / mansion / house of the Cow') - N-awiou-n-t-ihet ('The quarters of the Cow')
Status: quarter; polis Loc.: north of Karnak in U04b Dios Polis (576)
Rep.: Dizionario V, p. 130 (2); Bibl.: Otto, Topographie des thebanischen Gaues, 1952, p. 44 no. 10;
p. 81; Erichsen, Glossar, 1954, p. 41; p. 284; El-Amir, P. Phil. Dem., 1959, 3, p. 50-51; Vandorpe,
Geografische elementen, 1988, p. 132-133; Vandorpe, P. L. Bat. 27, 1995, p. 212; Depauw, P.
Brux. Dem. 2, 2000, p. 18-55; CDD N, 2004, p. 8; p. 19; Heilporn, O. Strasb. 2, 2009, p. 36-37;
Maps: Vandorpe, P. L. Bat. 27, 1995, p. 217 [A] Sources: BC 327 Dec 13 - 326 Jan 11, TM 44643: P. Brux. Dem. 2 1, 1 [d]: Tȝ-ḥw.t-n-tȝ-ỉḥ.t, 'my house
... which is (in) the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 315 - 304, TM 46306: P. Chrestomathie 3 p. 225-226 no. 2420 H + P. Chrestomathie 3 p. 217-218
no. 2442, (2442) descr. [c]: Tȝ-ḥw.t-n-tȝ-ỉḥ.t, 'in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
220 BC 314 Jul 8 - Aug 6, TM 43416: P. Phil. Dem. 2, 1 [c]: Tȝ-ḥw.t-n-tȝ-ỉḥ.t, 'my house which is built
and roofed, together with its courtyard, which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in
BC 313 Jun 7 - Jul 6, TM 44644: P. Brux. Dem. 2 2, 1 [c]: Tȝ-ḥw.t-n-tȝ-ỉḥ.t, 'my house ... which is (in)
the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 311 Sep 5 - Oct 4, TM 44645: P. Brux. Dem. 2 3, 1 [c]: Tȝ-ḥw.t-n-tȝ-ỉḥ.t, 'my house ... which is (in)
the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 304 Jan 6 - Feb 4, TM 43827: P. Schreibertrad. 4, 1 [d]: Tȝ-ḥw.t-n-tȝ-ỉḥ.t, 'in the northern
quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis to the west of the wall of Per-Montou-neb-Waset'
BC 304 Jan 6 - Feb 4, TM 43828: P. Schreibertrad. 97 + RevEg 5 (1888), p. 90 & pl. 22 [2427] descr., 1
[c]: Tȝ-ḥw.t-n-tȝ-ỉḥ.t, 'in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis to the west of the wall
of Per-Montou-neb-Waset'
BC 301 Dec 6 - 300 Jan 3, TM 43755: P. Brux. Dem. 1 2 + JEA 54 (1968), p. 194-196 + P. BM Glanville p.
XXXVI-XLI, (P. BM) [f] 1, 5 (= a-b, 5): [Tȝ-ḥw.t-n-tȝ-ỉḥ.t], '[this entire house which is in the
northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis] toward the northern place of the enclosure wall of
the temple of Thebes'
BC 297 Sep 1 - 30, TM 43759: P. BM Glanville p. 4-9 no. 10522, 1 [b]: Tȝ-ỉw-n-tȝ-ỉḥ.t (< Tȝ-ỉwy.t-mḥt
n Tȝ-ḥw.t-n-tȝ-ỉḥ.t), 'my house, which has been built and is (still) roofed, which is (in) the
Quarter of the Cow in the city of Thebes' (instead of the expected: 'in the northern quarter of
Thebes in Chrysopolis / The house of the Cow')
BC 295 Dec 5 - 294 Jan 3, TM 43760: P. BM Glanville p. 10-14 no. 10523, 3 [c]: Tȝ-ḥw.t-tȝ-ỉḥ.t, 'my
house, which is built and roofed, (and) which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in
BC 295 Dec 5 - 294 Jan 3, TM 43760: P. BM Glanville p. 10-14 no. 10523, Abstract 12: Tȝ-ḥw.t-n-tȝỉḥ.t, 'my house, which is built and roofed, (and) which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in
BC 294 Sep 1 - 30, TM 43772: P. Schreibertrad. 100 + RevEg 5 (1888), p. 90 & pl. 22 [2426] descr., 1
[c]: Tȝ-ḥw.t-n-tȝ-ỉḥ.t, 'your house ... which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 293 Mar 4 - Apr 2, TM 44084: Reports of the Soviet delegations at the Xth International
Congress of Historical Science in Rome p. 40-42, 2 [a]: Tȝ-ḥw.t-n-tȝ-ỉḥ.t?, 'my house which is
built and roofed (and) which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis, at the
northern wall of the temple of Thebes'
BC 293 Mar 4 - Apr 2, TM 44085: Reports of the Soviet delegations at the Xth International
Congress of Historical Science in Rome p. 43-44, 2 [a]: Tȝ-ḥw.t-n-tȝ-ỉḥ.t?, 'your house which is
built and roofed (and) which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis, at the
northern wall of the temple of Thebes'
BC 290 Dec 4 - 289 Jan 2, TM 43762: P. BM Glanville p. 20-27 no. 10524, 1 [c]: Tȝ-ḥw.t-n-tȝ-ỉḥ.t, 'my
house ... which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 290 Dec 4 - 289 Jan 2, TM 43762: P. BM Glanville p. 20-27 no. 10524, Abstract 5 [b]: Tȝ-ḥw.t-n-tȝỉḥ.t, 'my house ... which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 288 Sep 29 - Oct 28, TM 8524: P. BM Glanville p. 29-33 no. 10526, 2 [c]: Tȝ-ḥw.t-tȝ-ỉḥ.t, 'your
house which is built and roofed, and which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis
to the north of the wall of the temple of Thebes'
BC 288 Sep 29 - Oct 28, TM 8525: P. BM Glanville p. 30-33 no. 10527, 2 [c]: Tȝ-ḥw.t-tȝ-ỉḥ.t, 'your
house which is built and roofed, and which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis
to the north of the wall of the temple of Thebes'
BC 284 Aug 29 - Sep 27, TM 43764: P. BM Glanville p. 34-38 no. 10525, 2 [c]: Tȝ-ḥw.t-n-tȝ-ỉḥ.t, 'my
house which is built (and) roofed, (and) which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in
BC 284 May 1 - 30, TM 43777: P. Ryl. Dem. 11, A 2 [c] (& in witness copies): Tȝ-ḥw.t-n-tȝ-ỉḥ.t, 'my
house which is built and roofed, which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 282 Mar 2 - 31, TM 43509: P. Phil. Dem. 10, 1 [e]: Tȝ-ḥw.t-n-tȝ-ỉḥ.t, 'this house which is built and
roofed, which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 281 Nov 1 - 30, TM 8540: P. Ryl. Dem. 12, A 2 [a]: Tȝ-ḥw.t-n-tȝ-ỉḥ.t, 'my house which is built and
roofed, which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 281 Nov 1 - 30, TM 46175: P. Ryl. Dem. 13, A 1 [c]: Tȝ-ḥw.t-n-tȝ-ỉḥ.t, 'my house which is built
and roofed, which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 277 Jun 28 - Jul 27, TM 48885: P. Phil. Dem. 12, 2 [c]: Tȝ-ḥw.t-n-tȝ-ỉḥ.t, 'this house which is built
and roofed, which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
221 BC 276 Jan 29 - Oct 30, TM 46115: P. Bürgsch. p. 756-757 n. 4, 2 [c]: Tȝ-ḥw.t-n-tȝ-ỉḥ.t, 'a house ...
which is built and roofed, with its courtyard, which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in
BC 276 Oct 31 - 275 Oct 30, TM 118712: P. Lesestücke 2 p. 99-102 + P. Chrestomathie 3 p. 209-214
no. 2437, (P. Lesestücke) 2 [c]: Tȝ-ḥw.t-n-tȝ-ỉḥ.t, 'a house ... which is built and roofed, with its
courtyard, which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 267 Dec 28 - 266 Jan 26, TM 2869: P. Schreibertrad. 11, 1 [e]: Tȝ-ḥw.t-n-tȝ-ỉḥ.t, '(the house)
which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 265 Dec 27 - 264 Jan 24, TM 310: P. BM Andrews 1, C 2 [c]: Tȝ-ḥw.t-n-tȝ-ỉḥ.t, 'completing the
house in its entirety and its courtyard, which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in
BC 249 Mar 23 - Apr 21, TM 2876: P. Schreibertrad. 14 + RevEg 5 (1888), p. 90 & pl. 24 [2443] descr.,
2 [c]: Tȝ-ḥw.t-tȝ-ỉḥ.t, 'my half of the house ... which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in
BC 245 Apr 21 - May 20, TM 2875: P. Schreibertrad. 109, 3 [a]: Nȝ-ʿ.[wy].w-n-tȝ-ỉḥ.t, 'the half of my
house ... which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 243 Jun 20 - Jul 19, TM 2872: P. Schreibertrad. 15, 2 [c]: Tȝ-ḥw.t-tȝ-ỉḥ.t, 'my half of the house ...
which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 241 Jun 19 - Jul 18, TM 47547: P. Phil. Dem. 17, 2 [e]: Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-n-tȝ-ỉḥ.t, 'the 1/6 of your house
which is built and roofed (and) which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 235 Dec 20 - 234 Jan 10, TM 7144: Enchoria 10 (1980), p. 128-133 (298 AS) + SB 1 4511 a, Dem. 8
[c]: Tȝ-ḥw.t-tȝ-ỉḥ.t, 'your house, which is built and roofed, which is in the northern quarter of
Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 235 Dec 20 - 234 Jan 10, TM 5632: Enchoria 10 (1980), p. 128-133 (299 GBS) + SB 1 4511 b, Dem. 9
[c]: Tȝ-ḥw.t-n-tȝ-ỉḥ.t, 'your house, which is built and roofed, which is in the northern quarter
of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 212 Feb 12 - Mar 13, TM 8519: P. BM Andrews 17, 3 [c]: Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-nȝ-ỉḥ.t.w, 'the house which is
built and roofed, which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 212 Jul 12 - Oct 14, TM 2720: Pyramid studies p. 193-196, 5 [c]: Tȝ-ḥw.t-tȝ-ỉḥ.t, 'my house and its
courtyard, which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 181 Aug 27, TM 2756: P. BM Andrews 10 [10722], 3 [f]: Tȝ-ḥw.t-tȝ-ỉḥ.t, 'my house ... which is (in)
the northern quarter of Thebes to the north of the great wall of the temple of Thebes in
BC 181 Aug 27, TM 2755: P. BM Andrews 10 [10723], 3 [f]: Tȝ-ḥw.t-tȝ-ỉḥ.t, 'your house ... which is
(in) the northern quarter of Thebes to the north of the great wall of the temple of Thebes in
BC 175 Feb 23, TM 2627: Enchoria 15 (1987), p. 99-112 no. Louvre E 3440 A (LA), 2 [e]: Tȝ-ḥw.t-tȝỉḥ.t, 'my house ... and courtyard ... which is in the northern quarter (of) Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 175 Feb 22, TM 2626: Enchoria 15 (1987), p. 99-112 no. Louvre E 3440 B (LB), 2 [c]: Tȝ-ḥw.t-tȝỉḥ.t, 'my house ... and courtyard ... which is in the northern quarter (of) Thebes in Chrysopolis
at the northern side of the great wall of (the) temple of Thebes'
BC 175 Feb 22, TM 2628: Enchoria 15 (1987), p. 99-112 no. P. Berl. 3112 (B), 4 [a]: Tȝ-ḥw.t-tȝ-ỉḥ.t,
'my house ... and courtyard ... which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
Creta (527)
G Κρήτη L Creta E Krty (Grty) Var.: Krete (Creta - Kreta) E thnic: Kres (Kressa) - Kretikos - Krty
Status: island Country: Greece
Rep.: Dizionario III, p. 155 (ter); Suppl. 1, p. 179; Bibl.: PP X, 2002, p. 128-135; p. 319; CDD G, 2004, p.
Sources: AD 100 - 199, TM 91766: P. Zauzich 50, fr. a, col. 2, 14 [a]: tš ˹n˺[ȝ Kr]ṱy.w, '[ ] Bezirk der
Kreter (und) der der Assyrer [ ]'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 2, 26 [b]: nȝ Grṱy, 'from the
fifth hour to the eighth hour belongs to the Cretans'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 2, 28 [a]: [nȝ Grṱy], 'the middle
sky belongs to the Cretans'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 2, 29: Grṱy, '(since) the month
belongs to (the) Cretans, it means: The chief of (the) Cretans [shall ...]'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 2, 30 [a]: Grṱy, '(since) the
month belongs to (the) Cretans, it means: The chief of (the) Cretans [shall ...]'
222 AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 3, 3 [a]: nȝ Grṱy, '[(since) the
month belongs to the Cretans, it means]: The chief of (the) Cretans [ ]'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 3, 3 [b]: Grṱy, '[(since) the
month belongs to the Cretans, it means]: The chief of (the) Cretans [ ]'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 3, 9: [nȝ Grṱy], '[(since) the
month belongs to the Cretans]'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 4, 19: [nȝ Grṱy], '(since) the
month belongs to the Cretans'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 4, 25 [a]: [nȝ Grṱy], '(since) the
month belongs to the Cretans'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 4, 29: pȝ Grṱ[y], '(since) the
month belongs to the Cretan'
Cyprus (528)
G Κύπρος L Cyprus E Tȝ-mȝy.t-n-pȝ-ym - Tȝ-mȝy.t-n-Sȝlmynȝ Var.: Kypros (Cyprus) - 'The island of
the sea' - 'The island of Salamis' E thnic: Kyprios (Kypris) - Cyprius
Status: region; island: mai Rep.: Dizionario III, p. 167; Bibl.: PP X, 2002, p. 136; CDD M, 2010, p. 19
Sources: (?) BC 163 - 140, TM 48971: O. Hor 4, 10 [a]: Tȝ-mȝy-pȝ-ym, 'That which concerns the
voyages (of) Pharaoh means (that) he shall go to The island of the sea (sc. Cyprus), embarking
at Alexandria, his heart being happy.'
Damascus – Syria (533)
G Δαμασκός L Damascus E Tmsqȝ Var.: Damascus - Damaskos - sites including Kubbet el-Chazne
('Dome of the treasures') E thnic: Damaskenos
Status: city Region: Syria
Rep.: Dizionario II, p. 90; Suppl. 1, p. 91 (bis); Bibl.: Diethart / Kislinger, Tyche 2 (1987), p. 9; PP X,
2002, p. 46; Fraser, Greek ethnic terminology, 2009, p. 346 no. f; Maps: Baines / Malek, Atlas,
2002, p. 13 Sources: BC 103 Sep 27, TM 162: P. Conflict p. 52 pap. no. 3, 19: Tmsqȝ, 'the king went to Damascus'
Daphnai (Tell Defenneh) – L14? (3607)
G Δάφναι - Δάφνη - Ταφνας L Dafno E Tbn - Tȝ-ỉḥ.t-n-pȝ-nḥs (Tȝ-ʿȝm-n-pȝ-nḥs - Tȝy=w-ʿȝm-n-nḥs) C
ⲧⲁⲫⲛⲁⲥ Other: Tahpanhes (Hebrew) - Dpn‘ (Nabataean) Var.: Daphnai (Daphne - Taphnas) - Tihet-p-nehes ('The cow (of) the negro') - T-aam-n-p-nehes ('The shepherdess of the negro') Tahpanhes - Tell Defenneh (Dafana) E thnic: Daphnaios - Daphnaites
Status: city: demi Note: obsolete readings: Tbny, Na-ʿȝm-n-pȝ-nḥs; new reading in O. Hor 7, 6.7; 26, Ro 1; 60, 1 (no
toponym; cf. DBL, 2005, p. 839-840)
Rep.: Dizionario II, p. 93 (1); Suppl. 4, p. 51 (1); p. 51; Bibl.: Smith, JEA 54 (1968), p. 212 n. 1; Smith,
Serapis 6 1980), p. 154-155; Zauzich, Enchoria 12 (1984), p. 193; Zauzich, Enchoria 13 (1985), p.
115-116; Smith, OLP 22 (1991), p. 102-103; Winnicki, Swiatowit 41 (1988), p. 45-47; Winnicki, JJP
30 (2000), p. 169; CDD N, 2004, p. 11-12; p. 111; Guermeur, Les cultes d'Amon, 2005, p. 307-308;
Devauchelle, s.v. Tahpanhès, in DB, Suppl. 13, 2005, col. 875-880; Maps: Baines / Malek, Atlas,
2002, p. 167 Sources: BC 332 - 200, TM 45958: P. Cairo 2 31168 Ro + P. Cairo 2 31169, (31169) col. 3, 10: Tȝ-ỉḥ.ṱpȝ-nḥs (Spiegelberg: Tȝ-ỉḥ.t-pȝ-dmy?; Daressy: Tȝ-ỉḥ.t-pȝ-[ ]; Chuvỉn: Tȝ-ỉḥt-n-Pȝ-nḥsy), in a
list of Lower Egyptian toponyms
(?) BC 332 - 30, TM 53765: Graff. Med. Habu 236, 17: Tbn, 'Gottesvater (und) Bevollmächtigter von
Daphnai (?)'
(?) BC 258 Oct 27, TM 51369: EVO 6 (1983), p. 15-16, 3: Tȝy=w-ʿȝm-nḥs, 'while Pharaoh in Daphnai
BC 250 - 220, TM 48871: P. Chronik Vo col. a (p. 26-27), col. a, 16: Tȝ-ʿȝm-pȝ-nḥs, 'Es geschah (nun)
eines Tages, da liess Pharao ihn nach Daphnai gehen.'
BC 250 - 220, TM 48871: P. Chronik Vo col. a (p. 26-27), col. a, 18: Tȝ-ʿȝm-pȝ-nḥs, 'Gehe nach
Daphnai (noch) heute (und) kehre morgen zurück.'
BC 99 - 1, TM 55851: Erichsen, Demotische Erzählung p. 57-62, col. 2, 6 [a]: [Ṱb]n, 'Er lies sich
nieder in Daphnai [ ] Daphnai.'
223 BC 99 - 1, TM 55851: Erichsen, Demotische Erzählung p. 57-62, col. 2, 6 [b]: Ṱbn, 'Er lies sich nieder
in Daphnai [ ] Daphnai.'
BC 99 - 1, TM 55851: Erichsen, Demotische Erzählung p. 57-62, col. 2, 8 [b]: [Ṱbn], 'I went to (the)
temple of Amon-Ra, (the) lord who unites the Two lands, in Daphnai'
BC 99 - 1, TM 55851: Erichsen, Demotische Erzählung p. 57-62, col. 2, 10 [b]: Ṱbn, 'a priest of
Amon-Ra, (the) lord who unites the Two lands, in Daphnai'
BC 99 - 1, TM 55851: Erichsen, Demotische Erzählung p. 57-62, col. 3, 1: Ṱbn, 'In Daphnai, meiner
(Heimat)stadt habe ich (ja) gehört, dass der Himmel die Sonnenscheibe verschlungen hat.'
BC 99 - 1, TM 55851: Erichsen, Demotische Erzählung p. 57-62, col. 3, 3: Tȝy=w-ʿȝm-n-nḥs, 'Es
befand sich die Balsamierungsstätte des Pharao [in den] Ostländern von Daphnai. Nicht
zögerte ich, zu den Toren der Balsamierungsstätte zu gehen.'
BC 99 - 1, TM 55919: Glanville, Onchsheshonqy p. 2-66, col. 4, 6: Tȝy=w-ʿȝm-pȝ-nḥs, 'Er lies
Anchscheschonqy, Sohn des Sanouphis, in die Verwahrhäuser von Daphnai verbringen.' /
'houses of detention of Daphnai'
BC 99 - 1, TM 55919: Glanville, Onchsheshonqy p. 2-66, col. 4, 9: Tȝy=w-ʿȝm-pȝ-nḥs, 'Pharao lies all
Leute frei, die in den Gefängnissen von Daphnai waren' / 'prisons of Daphnai'
BC 99 - 1, TM 55919: Glanville, Onchsheshonqy p. 2-66, col. 4, 18: Tȝy=w-ʿȝm-pȝ-nḥs, 'als er
eingesperrt war in den Verwahrhäusern von Daphnai' / 'houses of detention of Daphnai'
Demetriou Epoikion – U15 (4020)
G Δημητρίου Ἐποίκιον E Tmtrs Var.: Demetriou Epoikion (Tymetriou) - Demetriou Kome Demetriou Chorion
Status: village: epoikion; kome; chorion Rep.: Dizionario II, p. 99 (1-4); Suppl. 1, p. 93 (1); Suppl. 2, p. 43; Suppl. 3, p. 31 (1); Suppl. 4, p. 51 (1);
Timm, p. 568; Drew-Bear, Hermopolite, 1979, p. 90; p. 310; Bibl.: Zauzich, Enchoria 15 (1987), p.
171; p. 172; CDD R, 2001, p. 40
Sources: (?) BC 146 - 132?, TM 56264: SCO 21 (1972), p. 356 no. 15, 7 [b]: Tmṱrs, 'Nechoutes the man
(of) (Epoikion) Demetriou (?), half a jar 1'
Dep – L06 (10767)
E Dp (Tp - Tpy) Var.: Dep (Tep - Tepi)
Status: city Loc.: in the northwestern Delta
Note: Pe (10704) and Dep (10767) are the predecessors of L06 Per-Wadjit / Bouto (3685)
Rep.: Gauthier, Dictionnaire VI, 1929, p. 90; Bibl.: Erichsen, Glossar, 1954, p. 130; p. 627;
Altenmüller, LÄ I, 1975, col. 887
Sources: BC 366 Mar 2, TM 69619: Bresciani e.a., Galleria di Padineit p. 30 Testo B, 1 [b]: Dp, '(the)
prophet of Osiris res-oudja in Dep'
BC 332 - 200, TM 45958: P. Cairo 2 31168 Ro + P. Cairo 2 31169, (31169) col. 2, 2: Tpỉ, in a list of
Lower Egyptian toponyms
BC 250 - 220, TM 48875: P. Chronik Ro, p. 9-13 + Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten
(OLA 107) p. 65-111, col. 2, 10: Tpȝỉ, 'Der Anfang des Nebti-Festes in Dep ist im III. Monat der
Peret-Jahreszeit (Phamenoth).'
BC 250 - 220, TM 48875: P. Chronik Ro, p. 9-13 + Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten
(OLA 107) p. 65-111, col. 3, 12 [a]: Tpȝ, 'Man möge (der stadt) Dep Brot geben.'
BC 250 - 220, TM 48875: P. Chronik Ro, p. 9-13 + Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten
(OLA 107) p. 65-111, col. 3, 12 [b]: [T]pỉȝ, 'Man wird denen in Dep Brot geben, weil sie sein Volk
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 13) 15: Tpȝ,
'Der Fisch(?)fänger aus Tanis, die versteckte Fallgrube von wrs-Gestrüpp aus Dep, Petoubastis,
Sohn des Anch-Hor'
AD 1 - 99, TM 58379: P. Liturgy p. 23-29 no. B & pl. 1-4, col. 3, 16 [b]: Tpy, 'You will be given loaves
in Pe, cakes and beer in Dep.'
AD 100 - 199, TM 56022: Jasnow / Zauzich, Book of Thoth p. 139-496 no. B04, col. 8, 24 (p. 319): TpWḏȝ, 'May she delay (?), while I dwell in Dep of (the goddess) Wadjit'
Di – U15? (11466)
E Dy Var.: Di (Tai)
224 Status: village? Ident.: U20 Tais (7372)?
Bibl.: Thissen, Enchoria 18 (1991), p. 109
Sources: BC 305 - 246?, TM 51284: Short Texts 2 1121 (forthcoming), 2: Dy, 'the god of Inaros son of
[ ] which they have brought from Di'
Dikaiou Nesos – 00c (557)
G Δικαίου Νῆσος E Tȝ-mȝy.t-n-Dygys (Tygys) Var.: Dikaiou Nesos
Status: village: kome; demi; epoikion; nesos; mai Loc.: near 00c Aristarchou Nesos (306), 00b Lysimachis (1275)
Rep.: Dizionario II, p. 102-103; Suppl. 1, p. 94; Suppl. 2, p. 43; Suppl. 3, p. 31; Timm, p. 864; P. Tebt. 2,
1907, p. 375; Bibl.: Erichsen, Lesestücke II.2, 1940, p. 201; Erichsen, Glossar, 1954, p. 148;
Rübsam, Götter und Kulte in Faijum, 1974, p. 80; Vandorpe, Geografische elementen, 1988, p.
93-94; CPR 18, 1991, p. 102; Clarysse, Fayyum meeting (Pap. Lup. 14), 2005, p. 70; CDD M, 2010,
p. 18
Sources: BC 250 - 100, TM 44427: P. Cairo 2 31164 descr., 6 - 7: Tȝ-mȝy-Tygs, 'Harsiesis - the village
scribe (of) Dikaiou Nesos / The island (of) Dikaios (and) The island of Patous'
BC 250 - 100, TM 44428: P. Cairo 2 31194 descr., 1: Tȝ-mȝy-Ty˹g˺[s], 'The island of Dikaios / Dikaiou
Nesos' (no context)
BC 205 Nov 28 - 204 Oct 12, TM 8703: P. Bürgsch. 1, 8: Mȝy-n-Tgys, '(in) the field (of) (the) village
of Souchos Dikaiou Nesos'; royal land sown with grass
BC 204 Oct 13 - 203 Oct 12, TM 2781: P. Bürgsch. 2, 11: Mȝ[y-n-Tgys], 'in the field (of) (the) village
of Souchos Dikaiou Nesos'; royal land sown with grass
BC 203 Mar 12 - Apr 10, TM 8704: P. Bürgsch. 3, 7: Mȝy-n-Tgys, '(in) the field of (the) village of
Souchos Dikaiou Nesos'; 6 arourai of royal land sown with grass
Dionysias (Qasr Qarun) – 00b (565)
G Διονυσιάς L Dionisias E Tywnss - Pȝ-dmỉ-n-mȝy (Pȝ-dmỉ-mȝy) Var.: Dionysias - P-demi-mai ('The
new village') - Qasr Qarun E thnic: Dionysiotes
Status: village: kome; demi Loc.: near 00b Euhemereia (675), 00b Philoteris (1780), 00b Psinachis (1984), 00b Theadelpheia
Rep.: Dizionario II, p. 107-110; Suppl. 1, p. 96; p. 97; Suppl. 2, p. 44-45; Suppl. 3, p. 31-32; Suppl. 4, p.
52; P. Tebt. 2, 1907, p. 375; Pruneti, Ossirinchite, 1981, p. 42; Benaissa, Oxyrhynchite nome, 2009,
p. 46-47; Bibl.: PM IV, 1934, p. 97; Cavenaille, Stud. Pap. 8 (1969), p. 7-35; Rübsam, Götter und
Kulte in Faijum, 1974, p. 81; I. Fayoum 2, 1981, p. 119-128; Vandorpe, Geografische elementen,
1988, p. 193; Maps: Baines / Malek, Atlas, 2002, p. 121 Sources: BC 229 Oct 19 - 228 Oct 18?, TM 45788: Livre du centenaire 1880-1980 (MIFAO 104) p. 195203 (= P. Lille Dem. 110), Vo col. 1, 1 - 2: Pȝ-dmỉ-n-mȝy nty ỉw=w ḏd n=f Tywnss, 'village of
Souchos The new village which is called Dionysias; its komogrammateus Semtheus son of
BC 229 Oct 19 - 228 Oct 18?, TM 45788: Livre du centenaire 1880-1980 (MIFAO 104) p. 195-203 (= P.
Lille Dem. 110), Vo col. 3, 13: Pȝ-dmỉ-n-mȝy, 'The 11th: fields of The new village: grain 10
[(artabai)]'; taxes on land
BC 219 Oct 17 - 218 Oct 15, TM 44439: Fs. Lüddeckens p. 20 (P. Lille Dem. 115), 3: Pȝ-dmỉ-mȝy,
'Samoys the administrator (sḥn) of The new village'; ricinus planting
Dios Polis (Tell el-Balamun) – L17 (575)
G Διὸς Πόλις Μικρά - *Διὸς Πόλις Κάτω L Pollamonis? E Smȝ-bḥdt - Pȝ-ỉw-n-Ỉmn - Wȝs.t-Mḥt C
ⲡⲟⲩⲛⲉⲙⲟⲩ Var.: Dios Polis (Diospolis) (he) Mikra (Parva) / Kato (Inferior) - P-iou-n-Amon
('The island of Amon') - Waset-Mehet ('Waset of (the) north') - Tell el-Balamun Ethnic:
Diopolites - Diospolites Kato (Inferior)
Status: city: polis Ident.: cf. also L17 Diospolites Kato (3224)
Note: Spiegelberg links the Nỉw.t in Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis, (Pap. Spieg. 8) 2, 6, 11, 20;
(9) 1, 3, 15; (10) 4, 18; (11) 5; (13) 4; (17) 18 (cf. p. 7 n. 2; p. 23 n. 9; p. 77-79* no. 550 & p. 82* no.
565 b) with L17 Dios Polis, but actually it is part of the personal name Wer-ti-amen-niout
(8096) (cf. Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros, 1996, p. 133-134 n. 494)
225 Rep.: Dizionario II, p. 113 (1); p. 113; p. 116; Suppl. 2, p. 45; Bibl.: Schnetz, ZNF 19 (1943), p. 15-16;
Guermeur, Les cultes d'Amon, 2005, p. 202-245; CDD M, 2010, p. 18; Maps: Baines / Malek, Atlas,
2002, p. 167 Sources: BC 258 Oct 27, TM 51369: EVO 6 (1983), p. 15-16, 5 [b]: Smȝ-bḥt, 'L'hanno consegnato i
suoi scribi e i suoi agenti distrettuali (?), a partire da Elephantine fino a Dios Polis,
specificando nomo per nomo, le 36 (corrected into '39') province'
BC 199 - 140, TM 48983: O. Hor 16, 6 [b]: Smȝ-bḥdt, 'while benefit is performed from Elephantine
to the islands (of) Dios Polis'
BC 199 - 140, TM 48984: O. Hor 17, 13 [b]: Smȝ-bḥdt, 'Thoth knows him who performs benefit for
the Ibis from Elephantine (to) the islands (of) Dios Polis'
BC 155 Feb 28 - Mar 29, TM 49025: O. Hor 59, 18 [b]: Smȝ-bḥdt, 'Choose a town (of) Egypt. P-ahThoth and Amon-Ra lord of Dios Polis are in it and [every god (?)] is in it.'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 3) 18 [b]: Smȝ?bḥt?, 'By Amon-Ra, lord of Dios Polis (?), my god'
AD 1 - 199, TM 69431: Jasnow / Zauzich, Book of Thoth p. 139-496 no. L01, col. 3, 14 (p. 348): [Smȝbḥt.t?] - [Ỉw-n-Ỉmn?], 'A vulture which is in (?) its nest, ..., while it [ ] place (?) ... [It is Dios
Dios Polis (Thebes east) – U04b (576)
G Διὸς Πόλις Μεγάλη - Θῆβαι - Νο L Thebae - No E Nỉw.t (Nw.t - Ne - Nỉw.t-rsy.t - Nỉw.t-n-Ỉmn) - Pȝdmỉ-Ỉmn - Ỉwnw-Šmʿ C ⲛⲏ - ⲛⲉ Other: No (Hebrew) Var.: Dios Polis (Diospolis) (he) Megale
(Magna) - Thebai - Niout (No) ('(The) city (of Amon)') - Iounou-Shema ('Southern Heliopolis' /
'Heliopolis of Upper Egypt') - Thebes east - sites including Luxor (El-Uqsur), Karnak Ethnic:
Diopolites - Diospolites - Diopolitikos (?) - Thebaios - Thebaeus - Thebaites
Status: city: polis; metropolis; niout; demi Admin.: in the U Thebais
Loc.: on the eastern Nile bank
Ident.: cf. also U04b Peri Thebas (1690), U Thebais (2982), U T-shet-resi-Niout (5172), U04b Libya /
N-awiou-n-per-imenet-Niout (5484), U04b Chesebaieon / Per-Chonsou-neb-aha-n-Niout (4347)
Note: see also the attestations for U04b Apis (Luxor) (2985), U04b Waset (13523), U04b Ipet-sout
(13524) and U04b Nesout-tawi (13525); the name Iounou-Shema has been used both for U04b
Dios Polis (576) and U04a Hermonthis (812)
Rep.: Dizionario I 2, p. 429; II, p. 113 (1-2); p. 116-119; p. 273; p. 273-274; Suppl. 1, p. 98 (1-2); p. 99;
p. 142 (bis); Suppl. 2, p. 45 (?); p. 46; p. 70 (bis); Suppl. 3, p. 32 (1); p. 32-33; p. 49; Suppl. 4, p. 52
(2); p. 52-53; p. 66; p. 67; Gauthier, Dictionnaire I, 1925, p. 68; Bibl.: Wb 1, 1926, p. 259-260; Kees,
RE, 1934, col. 1553-1582, s.v. Thebai 2; Erichsen, Lesestücke II.2, 1940, p. 198; p. 200; Gardiner,
AEO 2, 1947, p. 24*-26* no. 335-336; Otto, Topographie des thebanischen Gaues, 1952, p. 17-44;
Erichsen, Glossar, 1954, p. 77; p. 99; p. 210-211; p. 247; p. 257; p. 487; Stadelmann, LÄ VI, 1986,
col. 465-473; Vandorpe, Geografische elementen, 1988, p. 125; Vandorpe, P. L. Bat. 27, 1995, p.
203-239; CDD N, 2004, p. 18-20; p. 35; CDD P, 2010, p. 30; Maps: Baines / Malek, Atlas, 2002, p. 85 Sources: BC 699 - AD 350, TM 89080: P. Brooklyn Dem. 181, 1: Nỉw.t, '... are you in Thebes ... [ ]'
BC 699 - AD 350, TM 89080: P. Brooklyn Dem. 181, 3: Nỉw.t, 'Come to me that I may send you [ ]
Amon of Thebes saying ...'
BC 664 - 332, TM 45570: P. Cairo 3 50061 a, col. 2, 18 [b]: Nỉw.t?, 'der Wein, die Kleider, die man
nach [U07] Dios Polis gelegt hat, indem man sie nicht nach Theben gebracht hat'
BC 568 - 525?, TM 48776: Enchoria 1 (1971), p. 2, 7: Niw.t, 'He took the house of the prince, the
chieftain of Thebes, Iby.'
BC 556 Mar 10 - Apr 8, TM 46299: P. Tsenhor 1, 6: [Nỉw.t], 'the gouvernor of Thebes'
BC 554 Jul 8 - Aug 6, TM 46140: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 6, 3 [a]: Nỉw.t, 'my lands which are in
(the) Ammonieion in T-shedit-resi / The southern district in the west of Thebes'
BC 554 about, TM 48866: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 7, 10: ˹Nỉw.t˺, '[x deben of silver from the
storehouse of] Thebes'
BC 537 Jan 5 - 536 Jan 3?, TM 45692: P. Eheverträge 5 + Studies Crum (Bulletin of the Byzantine
Institute 2) p. 277, 3: Nỉw.t, 'of (the) storehouse of Thebes'
BC 535 Sep 1 - 30, TM 46134: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 20, 11: Nỉw.t, 'I (will) give you one (deben)
of silver (from the) storehouse of Thebes'
226 BC 533 Nov 29 - Dec 28, TM 46143: P. Louvre Eisenlohr (Diss.) 22, 5: Nỉw.t, 'the overseer of the
necropolis in the west (?) of Thebes'
BC 530 - 526, TM 46210: P. Tsenhor 2, 5 [a]: [Nỉw.t], 'I will give you 1 deben of silver of (the)
storehouse of Thebes'
BC 530 - 526, TM 46210: P. Tsenhor 2, 5 [b]: Nỉw.t, '1 deben of silver of (the) storehouse of Thebes'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 11, 2 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'Er verbrachte
(einige) Tage, indem er rein war, in Ankyropolis, (dann) segelte er nach Theben.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 11, 13: Nỉw.t, 'Haryotes eilte
nach Theben.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 12, 5 [a]: Nỉw.t, 'Ich werde nicht
nach Theben gehen, ohne Ankyropolis ausgestattet und seine Menschen wieder
hineingebracht zu haben!'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 12, 13: Nỉw.t, 'Komm bis
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 14, 1: Nỉw.t, 'Ich werde nach
Theben segeln.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 14, 5: Nỉw.t, 'Nimm mich mit dir
nach Theben'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 15, 11: Nỉw.t, 'Er ging fort nach
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 15, 12 [a]: Nỉw.t, 'Ich werde
gehen, es meine Brüder, die in Theben sind, wissen zu lassen.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 15, 12 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'die Priester des
Amon in Theben waren'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 7, 9: Nỉw.t, 'Manchen unter
ihnen gab es, der bis Theben gelangt war: er liess sie alle zurückbringen.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 9, 5 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'Er liess seine
Frauen und seine Kinder an Bord bringen und veranlasste, dass man sie nach Theben brachte.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 9, 7 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'indem wir Bier
von Amon von Ankyropolis trinken, ehe wir nach Theben gehen'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 9, 9: Nỉw.t, 'Da nun unser Herr
nach Theben geht: ...'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 9, 14: Nỉw.t, 'Nimm mich mit dir
nach Theben!'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 9, 15: Nỉw.t, 'Wozu willst du nach
Theben kommen?'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 9, 18 [a]: Nỉw.t, 'Peteesis segelte
mit seinen Frauen und seinen Kindern nach Theben'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 9, 19: Nỉw.t, '(Als) Peteesis, Sohn
des Inaroys, nach Theben gelangte, liess er seine Frauen (und) seine Kinder nach Theben
hinaufsteigen und liess sie im Haus seines Vaters, das in Theben war, zurück.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 9, 20 [a]: Nỉw.t, '(Als) Peteesis,
Sohn des Inaroys, nach Theben gelangte, liess er seine Frauen (und) seine Kinder nach Theben
hinaufsteigen und liess sie im Haus seines Vaters, das in Theben war, zurück.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 9, 20 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(Als) Peteesis,
Sohn des Inaroys, nach Theben gelangte, liess er seine Frauen (und) seine Kinder nach Theben
hinaufsteigen und liess sie im Haus seines Vaters, das in Theben war, zurück.'
BC 510 Jan 28 - Feb 26, TM 46128: P. Tsenhor 10, 3 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'the agents of Thebes'
BC 498 Mar 26 - Apr 24, TM 46156: P. Choix 3, 4: Nỉw.t, 'brought to your house in Thebes'
BC 487 Jul 21 - Aug 19, TM 46216: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 5 no. 3079, 2 [b]: Nỉw.t?, 'the choachyte of T-inet
/ The valley in the west of Thebes'
BC 487 Jul 21 - Aug 19, TM 46216: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 5 no. 3079, 2 ? [d]: Nỉw.t?, 'the choachyte of Tinet / The valley in the west of Thebes'
BC 399 - 300, TM 56123: P. Saqqara Dem. 1 1 (p. 4-9), fr. 2, col. 16, 3: Nỉw.t, '[ ] the fourth prophet to
BC 399 - 200, TM 46550: P. Äg. Handschr. 163 descr., descr. [a]: Nỉw.t?, descr.: 'Der Brief bezieht
sich auf eine Korrespondenz mit Theben und erwähnt, das 200 Äthiopier "herunterkommen".'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46478: P. Äg. Handschr. 26 descr., descr. [c]: Nỉw.t, '... of Thebes ...'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46472: P. Berl. Eleph. 1 13543, 4: Nỉw.t, 'so betreibe meine Angelegenheit bei dem
Vorsteher von Theben'
227 BC 399 - 200, TM 46472: P. Berl. Eleph. 1 13543, 6: Nỉw.t, 'wegen der 20 Silberlinge, die ich dem
Vorsteher von Theben geschikt habe.'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46487: P. Berl. Eleph. 1 13579, 14: Nỉw.t, 'the young men who are in Thebes'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46491: P. Berl. Eleph. 1 13619, 15: Nỉw.t, 'Der Prophet des Chnoum wird hier in
Theben (mit dem Schiff nach Norden) abreisen am 1. Mesore.'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46504: P. Berl. Eleph. 1 15522, 3: Nỉw.t, 'Man hat geschrieben an den Vorsteher
von Theben folgendes:'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46504: P. Berl. Eleph. 1 15522, 18: Nỉw.t, 'bis der Vorsteher von Theben kommt.'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46450: P. Berl. Eleph. 2 13586, 8: Nỉw.t, 'Was man gebracht hat zum Tempel von
BC 337 Jan 15 - Feb 13, TM 46108: P. Eheverträge 9 + P. Libbey p. 2, 1 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros
of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 335 Jan 14 - Feb 12, TM 46113: RdE 18 (1966), p. 12-16, A 1 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the
god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 335 Jan 14 - Feb 12, TM 46113: RdE 18 (1966), p. 12-16, A 2 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the
god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 335 Jan 14 - Feb 12, TM 46113: RdE 18 (1966), p. 12-16, D 1 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the
god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 332 - 200, TM 45958: P. Cairo 2 31168 Ro + P. Cairo 2 31169, (31168) col. 3, 8: Nỉw.t?, 'Chonsou in
BC 332 - 200, TM 45958: P. Cairo 2 31168 Ro + P. Cairo 2 31169, (31169) col. 7, 8: Nỉw.t, 'Osiris who
resides in Thebes'
BC 332 - 30, TM 53583: Graff. Med. Habu 49, 11: Nỉw.t, 'revidierender Schreiber Amons des
Tempels in Theben im Gesamtbesitz Amons und seiner Heiligtümer'
BC 332 - 30, TM 53584: Graff. Med. Habu 50, 3: Nỉw.t, 'revidierender Schreiber Amons des Tempels
in Theben im Gesamtbesitz Amons und seiner Heiligtümer'
BC 332 - 30, TM 49210: O. Leiden Dem. 184, 3: Nỉw.t, '[ ] wine [ ] to Thebes: 2/3 (?) [ ]'
BC 332 - 30, TM 49253: O. Leiden Dem. 227, 7: Nỉw.t, 'Panouphis son of Harsiesis ... (the) boat of
Thebes: 800'
BC 332 - 30, TM 49364: O. Leiden Dem. 338, 4: Nỉw.t, 'since they wait till Osoroeris son of Harmais
comes to Thebes'
BC 332 - 30, TM 49364: O. Leiden Dem. 338, 8: Nỉw.t, '[ ] come to Thebes until [ ]
BC 332 - 30, TM 49372: O. Leiden Dem. 346, 7: Nỉw.t, '[ ] you your self [ ] Thebes [ ]'
BC 332 - 30, TM 49436: O. Leiden Dem. 410 Vo, 6: Nỉw.t, 'your (building) plot ... (in) the interior (of)
the wall of (the) temple (of) Thebes'
BC 332 - 30, TM 49438: O. Leiden Dem. 412, 2: Nỉw.t, 'to the storehouse of Thebes'
BC 332 - 30, TM 49469: O. Leiden Dem. 443, Vo 4: Nỉw.t, 'come to Thebes [ ]'
BC 332 - 30, TM 49122: O. Leiden Dem. 96, col. 1, 8: Nỉw.t, '[ ] of Thebes: (to the value of) 140 silver
BC 332 - 30, TM 49122: O. Leiden Dem. 96, col. 1, 11: Nỉw.t?, '(The) flowers of Thebes (?): 3 silver
BC 332 - 30, TM 46243: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 20 no. 3137 A-B descr., 3 [a]: Nỉw.t?, 'Thebes' (no context)
BC 332 - 30, TM 46243: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 20 no. 3137 A-B descr., 3 [b]: Nỉw.t?, 'Thebes' (no context)
BC 332 - 30, TM 69600: P. Brooklyn Dem. 130, Vo 2: Nỉw.t, 'Let there be brought to me the 30
(deben) of silver ... to Thebes tomorrow ...'
BC 332 - 30, TM 48904: P. Strasb. Dem. p. 38-39 no. 49, 3: Nỉw.t, 'im Gotteshause von Theben'
BC 332 - 30, TM 48904: P. Strasb. Dem. p. 38-39 no. 49, 7: Nỉw.t, 'im Gotteshause von Theben'
BC 332 - 30, TM 48904: P. Strasb. Dem. p. 38-39 no. 49, 10: Nỉw.t, 'im Gotteshause von Theben'
BC 330 Dec 14 - 329 Jan 12, TM 43784: P. Schreibertrad. 1, 1 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'my house ... which is in the
northern quarter of Thebes to the west of the wall (of the temple) of Montou lord of Waset'
BC 327 Dec 13 - 326 Jan 11, TM 44643: P. Brux. Dem. 2 1, D [a]: Nỉw.t, 'Prophet and wab-priest of
Osiris ... and Isis the great of Thebes, scribe (of) (the) nomos (of) Thebes'
BC 327 Dec 13 - 326 Jan 11, TM 44643: P. Brux. Dem. 2 1, 1 [c]: Nỉw.t, 'my house ... which is (in) the
northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 327 Dec 13 - 326 Jan 11, TM 44643: P. Brux. Dem. 2 1, 1 [e]: Nỉw.t, 'the house of the lector-priest
of the west of Thebes'
BC 327 Dec 13 - 326 Jan 11, TM 44643: P. Brux. Dem. 2 1, 4: Nỉw.t, 'except for the 1/10 (of) the
representational scribes of Thebes.'
BC 315 - 304, TM 46306: P. Chrestomathie 3 p. 225-226 no. 2420 H + P. Chrestomathie 3 p. 217-218
no. 2442, (2420) (p. 225, col. 1) [b]: Nỉw.t, 'in (the) Ammonieion in the north of Thebes'
228 BC 315 - 304, TM 46306: P. Chrestomathie 3 p. 225-226 no. 2420 H + P. Chrestomathie 3 p. 217-218
no. 2442, (2442) descr. [b]: Nỉw.t, 'in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 314 Jul 8 - Aug 6, TM 43416: P. Phil. Dem. 2, 1 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'my house which is built and roofed,
together with its courtyard, which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 314 Jul 8 - Aug 6, TM 43416: P. Phil. Dem. 2, 3 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 314 Jul 8 - Aug 6, TM 43416: P. Phil. Dem. 2, 4: Nỉw.t, 'the scribes and bailiffs of Thebes'
BC 313 Jun 7 - Jul 6, TM 44644: P. Brux. Dem. 2 2, 1 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'my house ... which is (in) the
northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 313 Jun 7 - Jul 6, TM 44644: P. Brux. Dem. 2 2, 1 [d]: Nỉw.t, 'the house of the lector-priest of the
west of Thebes'
BC 313 Jun 7 - Jul 6, TM 44644: P. Brux. Dem. 2 2, 3: Nỉw.t, 'except for the 1/10 (of) the
representational scribes of Thebes.'
BC 311 Apr 8 - May 7, TM 43826: P. BM Andrews 24, 1 [c]: Nỉw.t, 'your house ... which is in the
northern quarter of Thebes to the west of the wall of Per-Montou-neb-Waset'
BC 311 Sep 5 - Oct 4, TM 44645: P. Brux. Dem. 2 3, 1 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'my house ... which is (in) the
northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 311 Sep 5 - Oct 4, TM 44645: P. Brux. Dem. 2 3, 1 [d]: Nỉw.t, 'the house of the lector-priest of the
west of Thebes'
BC 311 Sep 5 - Oct 4, TM 44645: P. Brux. Dem. 2 3, 2 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'except for the 1/10 of the
representational scribes of Thebes.'
BC 311 Sep 5 - Oct 4, TM 44646: P. Brux. Dem. 2 4, 1: Nỉw.t, 'on account of the 1/10 (for) (the)
representational scribes of Thebes.'
BC 311 Oct 4, TM 44647: P. Brux. Dem. 2 5, 2: Nỉw.t, 'the official of the body of the city of Thebes'
BC 310 Jun 26, TM 44650: P. Brux. Dem. 2 8, 2: Nỉw.t, 'the official of the body of the city of Thebes'
BC 307 Mar 8 - Apr 6, TM 43779: P. Phil. Dem. 3, 1 [d]: Nỉw.t, 'my house which is built and roofed,
which is in the northern quarter of Thebes to the west of the wall of Per-Montou-neb-Waset'
BC 307 Mar 8 - Apr 6, TM 43780: P. Phil. Dem. 4, 2 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'your house which is built and roofed,
which is in the northern quarter of Thebes to the west of the wall of Per-Montou-neb-Waset'
BC 304 Jan 6 - Feb 4, TM 43827: P. Schreibertrad. 4, 1 [c]: Nỉw.t, 'in the northern quarter of Thebes
in Chrysopolis to the west of the wall of Per-Montou-neb-Waset'
BC 304 Jan 6 - Feb 4, TM 43828: P. Schreibertrad. 97 + RevEg 5 (1888), p. 90 & pl. 22 [2427] descr., 1
[b]: Nỉw.t, 'in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis to the west of the wall of PerMontou-neb-Waset'
BC 302 Nov 7 - Dec 6, TM 43905: P. Phil. Dem. 5, 1 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon
of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 301 Oct 2 - 31, TM 43906: P. Phil. Dem. 6, 6 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 301 Dec 6 - 300 Jan 3, TM 43755: P. Brux. Dem. 1 2 + JEA 54 (1968), p. 194-196 + P. BM Glanville p.
XXXVI-XLI, (JEA) Main text 4 [b]: Niw.t, '[in the] northern quarter of Thebes which is in [ ]'
BC 301 Dec 6 - 300 Jan 3, TM 43755: P. Brux. Dem. 1 2 + JEA 54 (1968), p. 194-196 + P. BM Glanville p.
XXXVI-XLI, (P. BM) [e] 1, 5 (= a-b, 5): [Nỉw.t], '[this entire house which is in the northern
quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis] toward the northern place of the enclosure wall of the
temple of Thebes'
BC 301 Dec 6 - 300 Jan 3, TM 43755: P. Brux. Dem. 1 2 + JEA 54 (1968), p. 194-196 + P. BM Glanville p.
XXXVI-XLI, (P. BM) [g] 1, 6 (= a-b, 6): Nỉw.t, '[this entire house which is in the northern
quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis] toward the northern place of the enclosure wall of the
temple of Thebes'
BC 299 - 30, TM 49632: O. Louvre p. 157 no. 93, 2: Nỉw.t, 'the price (of) 3 2/3 ground cubits of the
temple (of) Thebes'
BC 299 - 30, TM 49911: O. Med. Habu Dem. 16, 4: Nỉw.t, 'from the wine which you have brought to
Thebes together with your brothers from the nomos of Pathyris'
BC 299 - 30, TM 69605: P. Brooklyn Dem. 135, 5: Nỉw.t, 'have the wheat brought in on the boat, for
there was ... in Thebes'
BC 299 - 30, TM 457: P. Cairo 2 30764, 5: Nỉw.t, 'the priests of Souchos of Thebes'
BC 297 Sep 1 - 30, TM 43759: P. BM Glanville p. 4-9 no. 10522, 1 [c]: Nỉw.t, 'my house, which has
been built and is (still) roofed, which is (in) the Quarter of the Cow in the city of Thebes'
(instead of the expected: 'in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis / The house of the
229 BC 295 Dec 5 - 294 Jan 3, TM 43760: P. BM Glanville p. 10-14 no. 10523, 3 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'my house,
which is built and roofed, (and) which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 295 Dec 5 - 294 Jan 3, TM 43760: P. BM Glanville p. 10-14 no. 10523, Abstract 11 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'my
house, which is built and roofed, (and) which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in
BC 294 Sep 1 - 30, TM 43772: P. Schreibertrad. 100 + RevEg 5 (1888), p. 90 & pl. 22 [2426] descr., 1
[b]: Nỉw.t, 'your house ... which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 293 Mar 4 - Apr 2, TM 44084: Reports of the Soviet delegations at the Xth International
Congress of Historical Science in Rome p. 40-42, 1 [b]: Nỉw.t?, 'my house which is built and
roofed (and) which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis, at the northern wall of
the temple of Thebes'
BC 293 Mar 4 - Apr 2, TM 44085: Reports of the Soviet delegations at the Xth International
Congress of Historical Science in Rome p. 43-44, 1 [b]: Nỉw.t?, 'your house which is built and
roofed (and) which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis, at the northern wall of
the temple of Thebes'
BC 293 Mar 4 - Apr 2, TM 44084: Reports of the Soviet delegations at the Xth International
Congress of Historical Science in Rome p. 40-42, 2 [b]: Nỉw.t?, 'my house which is built and
roofed (and) which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis, at the northern wall of
the temple of Thebes'
BC 293 Mar 4 - Apr 2, TM 44085: Reports of the Soviet delegations at the Xth International
Congress of Historical Science in Rome p. 43-44, 2 [b]: Nỉw.t?, 'your house which is built and
roofed (and) which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis, at the northern wall of
the temple of Thebes'
BC 293 Mar 4 - Apr 2, TM 44084: Reports of the Soviet delegations at the Xth International
Congress of Historical Science in Rome p. 40-42, 2 [e]: Nỉw.t?, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 293 Mar 4 - Apr 2, TM 44085: Reports of the Soviet delegations at the Xth International
Congress of Historical Science in Rome p. 43-44, 2 [e]: Nỉw.t?, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 292 Jun 2 - Jul 1, TM 46112: P. Schreibertrad. 5, 1 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 291 Jun 2 - Jul 1, TM 43761: P. BM Glanville p. 15-19 no. 10528, 5: Nỉw.t, 'Peteharpres son of
Horos, the scribe of the town (dmỉ) of Thebes'
BC 290 Dec 4 - 289 Jan 2, TM 43762: P. BM Glanville p. 20-27 no. 10524, 1 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'my house ...
which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 290 Dec 4 - 289 Jan 2, TM 43762: P. BM Glanville p. 20-27 no. 10524, Abstract 5 [a]: Nỉw.t, 'my
house ... which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 289 Jun 27, TM 46830: JEA 85 (1999), p. 189-190, 21: Nỉw.t, 'Thotemheb son of Panas the sealbearer, (the) man (of) Thebes'
BC 288 Sep 29 - Oct 28, TM 8524: P. BM Glanville p. 29-33 no. 10526, 2 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'your house which
is built and roofed, and which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis to the north
of the wall of the temple of Thebes'
BC 288 Sep 29 - Oct 28, TM 8524: P. BM Glanville p. 29-33 no. 10526, 2 [d]: Nỉw.t, 'your house which
is built and roofed, and which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis to the north
of the wall of the temple of Thebes'
BC 288 Sep 29 - Oct 28, TM 8524: P. BM Glanville p. 29-33 no. 10526, 3 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros
of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 288 Sep 29 - Oct 28, TM 8525: P. BM Glanville p. 30-33 no. 10527, 2 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'your house which
is built and roofed, and which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis to the north
of the wall of the temple of Thebes'
BC 288 Sep 29 - Oct 28, TM 8525: P. BM Glanville p. 30-33 no. 10527, 2 [d]: Nỉw.t, 'your house which
is built and roofed, and which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis to the north
of the wall of the temple of Thebes'
BC 288 Sep 29 - Oct 28, TM 8525: P. BM Glanville p. 30-33 no. 10527, 2 [g]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros
of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 287 Jan 2 - 31, TM 43794: P. Phil. Dem. 7, 1 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 287 Jan 2 - 31, TM 43794: P. Phil. Dem. 7, 1 [d]: Nỉw.t, 'my house which is built and roofed,
which is in the northern quarter of Thebes to the west of the wall (of the temple) of Montou
lord of Waset'
230 BC 287 Jan 2 - 31, TM 43903: P. Phil. Dem. 8, 1 [c]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 287 Jan 2 - 31, TM 43903: P. Phil. Dem. 8, 1 [e]: Nỉw.t, 'your house which is built and roofed,
which is in the northern quarter of Thebes to the west of the wall (of the temple) of Montou
lord of Waset'
BC 284 Aug 29 - Sep 27, TM 43764: P. BM Glanville p. 34-38 no. 10525, 2 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'my house which
is built (and) roofed, (and) which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 284 Aug 29 - Sep 27, TM 43764: P. BM Glanville p. 34-38 no. 10525, witnesses 6: Nỉw.t, 'scribe,
man (of) Thebes'
BC 284 Aug 29 - Sep 27, TM 43764: P. BM Glanville p. 34-38 no. 10525, witnesses 9: Nỉw.t, 'scribe,
man (of) Thebes'
BC 284 May 1 - 30, TM 43777: P. Ryl. Dem. 11, A 2 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'my house which is built and roofed,
which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 284 May 1 - 30, TM 43777: P. Ryl. Dem. 11, A 2 [e]: Nỉw.t, 'the house of the pastophoros of (the
god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 284 May 1 - 30, TM 43777: P. Ryl. Dem. 11, A 2 [g]: Nỉw.t, 'the house of the pastophoros of (the
god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 283 Mar 6, TM 43766: P. BM Glanville p. 41 no. 10530, 1: Nỉw.t, 'the scribes (and)
representatives of Thebes'
BC 283 Mar 6, TM 43766: P. BM Glanville p. 41 no. 10530, 2: Nỉw.t, 'the scribe of the land of (the
nomos of?) Thebes'
BC 282 Mar 2 - 31, TM 43509: P. Phil. Dem. 10, 1 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 282 Mar 2 - 31, TM 43509: P. Phil. Dem. 10, 1 [d]: Nỉw.t, 'this house which is built and roofed,
which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 282 Mar 2 - 31, TM 43509: P. Phil. Dem. 10, 2 [c]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 282 Mar 2 - 31, TM 43509: P. Phil. Dem. 10, 2 [f]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 281 Mar 1 - 30, TM 46097: P. Phil. Dem. 11, 1 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 281 Nov 1 - 30, TM 8540: P. Ryl. Dem. 12, A 1 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'my house which is built and roofed,
which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 281 Nov 1 - 30, TM 8540: P. Ryl. Dem. 12, A 2 [c]: Nỉw.t, 'the house of the pastophoros of (the
god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 281 Nov 1 - 30, TM 8540: P. Ryl. Dem. 12, A 2 [e]: Nỉw.t, 'the house of the pastophoros of (the
god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 281 Nov 1 - 30, TM 46175: P. Ryl. Dem. 13, A 1 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'my house which is built and roofed,
which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 281 Nov 1 - 30, TM 46175: P. Ryl. Dem. 13, A 2 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'the house of the pastophoros of (the
god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 281 Nov 1 - 30, TM 46175: P. Ryl. Dem. 13, A 2 [d]: Nỉw.t, 'the house of the pastophoros of (the
god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 281 Nov 1 - 30, TM 46176: P. Ryl. Dem. 14, 1 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'which is in the northern quarter of
BC 281 Nov 1 - 30, TM 46176: P. Ryl. Dem. 14, 1 [d]: Nỉw.t, 'the house of the pastophoros of (the
god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 279 Apr 19, TM 43768: P. BM Glanville p. 43 no. 10535, 3: Nỉw.t, 'the scribes (and)
representatives of Thebes'
BC 279 Apr 19, TM 43768: P. BM Glanville p. 43 no. 10535, 5: Nỉw.t, 'the scribe of the land of (the
nomos of?) Thebes'
BC 277 Jun 28 - Jul 27, TM 48885: P. Phil. Dem. 12, 2 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'this house which is built and
roofed, which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 277 Jan 30 - Feb 28, TM 46111: P. Schreibertrad. 108, 1 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 276 Feb 28 - Mar 29, TM 43769: P. BM Glanville p. 43-44 no. 10529, 2 [a]: Nỉw.t, 'the scribes (and)
representatives of Thebes'
BC 276 Feb 28 - Mar 29, TM 43769: P. BM Glanville p. 43-44 no. 10529, 2 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'the scribe of the
land of Thebes'
231 BC 276 Jan 29 - Oct 30, TM 46115: P. Bürgsch. p. 756-757 n. 4, 1 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the
god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 276 Jan 29 - Oct 30, TM 46115: P. Bürgsch. p. 756-757 n. 4, 2 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'a house ... which is built
and roofed, with its courtyard, which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 276 Oct 31 - 275 Oct 30, TM 118712: P. Lesestücke 2 p. 99-102 + P. Chrestomathie 3 p. 209-214
no. 2437, (P. Lesestücke) 1 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis /
Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 276 Oct 31 - 275 Oct 30, TM 118712: P. Lesestücke 2 p. 99-102 + P. Chrestomathie 3 p. 209-214
no. 2437, (P. Lesestücke) 2 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'a house ... which is built and roofed, with its courtyard,
which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 273 Jan 29 - Feb 27, TM 43907: P. Phil. Dem. 13, 1 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 272 Jan 28 - Feb 26, TM 47616: P. BM Andrews 14, A 1 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 269 Jun 26 - Jul 25, TM 51838: OrSu 31 - 32 (1982-1983), p. 7 no. 2, 2: Nỉw.t, 'Es hat bezahlt ...
(als) Haussteuer (in) Theben im Jahr 16'
BC 267 Dec 28 - 266 Jan 26, TM 2869: P. Schreibertrad. 11, 1 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the
god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 267 Dec 28 - 266 Jan 26, TM 2869: P. Schreibertrad. 11, 1 [d]: Nỉw.t, '(the house) which is in the
northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 265 after, TM 2768: P. Eheverträge 12 + JEA 80 (1994), p. 152-153, (P. Ehe.) 3: Nỉw.t, '36 the
storehouse (of) Thebes'
BC 265 Dec 27 - 264 Jan 24, TM 310: P. BM Andrews 1, C 1 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 265 Dec 27 - 264 Jan 24, TM 310: P. BM Andrews 1, C 2 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'completing the house in its
entirety and its courtyard, which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 264 Aug 24 - Sep 4, TM 6193: P. Eheverträge 13 + P. Phil. Dem. 14, (P. Ehe.) 1 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the)
pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 259 Jul 24 - Aug 22, TM 2908: P. Phil. Dem. 15, 3 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'the guard of the harbour of Thebes'
BC 252 Jan 23 - Feb 8, TM 44209: P. Eheverträge 14 + RevEg 5 (1888), p. 90 & pl. 24 [2433] descr., (P.
Ehe.) 1 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of
BC 252 Jan 23 - Feb 8, TM 44209: P. Eheverträge 14 + RevEg 5 (1888), p. 90 & pl. 24 [2433] descr., (P.
Ehe.) 4: Nỉw.t, 'Geschrieben hat (der) Schreiber (der) Leute (in) Theben, (der) Priester des
Amon, ...'
BC 251 Jun 22 - 23, TM 5715: P. Phil. Dem. 16 + SB 6 8966, Dem. 1 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of
(the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 251 Jun 22 - 23, TM 5715: P. Phil. Dem. 16 + SB 6 8966, Dem. 1 [d]: Nỉw.t, 'the half of my house
which is built and roofed ..., which is in the northern quarter of Thebes to the west of the wall
of Per-Montou-neb-Waset'
BC 251 Jun 22 - 23, TM 5715: P. Phil. Dem. 16 + SB 6 8966, Dem. 5: Nỉw.t, 'written by the scribe of
the citizens of Thebes'
BC 249 Mar 23 - Apr 21, TM 2876: P. Schreibertrad. 14 + RevEg 5 (1888), p. 90 & pl. 24 [2443] descr.,
1 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 249 Mar 23 - Apr 21, TM 2876: P. Schreibertrad. 14 + RevEg 5 (1888), p. 90 & pl. 24 [2443] descr.,
2 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'my half of the house ... which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 245 Apr 21 - May 20, TM 2875: P. Schreibertrad. 109, 1 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 245 Apr 21 - May 20, TM 2875: P. Schreibertrad. 109, 2 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'the half of my house ... which
is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 245 Apr 21 - May 20, TM 2875: P. Schreibertrad. 109, 9 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 243 Jun 20 - Jul 19, TM 2872: P. Schreibertrad. 15, 1 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 243 Jun 20 - Jul 19, TM 2872: P. Schreibertrad. 15, 2 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'my half of the house ... which is
in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 243 Jun 20 - Jul 19, TM 2872: P. Schreibertrad. 15, 7: Nỉw.t, 'ausser dem 1/10 der Schriften (?)
der (?) Vertreter von Theben.'
BC 241 Jun 19 - Jul 18, TM 47547: P. Phil. Dem. 17, 1 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
232 BC 241 Jun 19 - Jul 18, TM 47547: P. Phil. Dem. 17, 2 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 241 Jun 19 - Jul 18, TM 47547: P. Phil. Dem. 17, 2 [d]: Nỉw.t, 'the 1/6 of your house which is built
and roofed (and) which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 241 Jun 19 - Jul 18, TM 47547: P. Phil. Dem. 17, 3 [a]: Nỉw.t, 'the houses in Thebes and the tombchapels which are in the necropolis of Djeme'
BC 241 Jun 19 - Jul 18, TM 47547: P. Phil. Dem. 17, 4: Nỉw.t, 'my house of Thebes'
BC 241 Jun 19 - Jul 18, TM 43776: P. Phil. Dem. 18, 1 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 241 Jun 19 - Jul 18, TM 43776: P. Phil. Dem. 18, 3 [c]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 240 Dec 21 - 239 Jan 12, TM 43673: P. Phil. Dem. 19 + SB 6 8967, Dem. 2 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the)
pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 239 Apr 20 - May 19, TM 2972: Aegyptus 49 (1969), p. 36-37, 2 [a]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of
(the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 239 Apr 20 - May 19, TM 2972: Aegyptus 49 (1969), p. 36-37, 2 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of
(the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 237 Oct 21 - Nov 8, TM 43788: P. Phil. Dem. 21 + SB 6 8968, Dem. 3 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'the guard of the
harbour of Thebes'
BC 235 Dec 20 - 234 Jan 10, TM 7144: Enchoria 10 (1980), p. 128-133 (298 AS) + SB 1 4511 a, Dem. 1
[b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 235 Dec 20 - 234 Jan 10, TM 7144: Enchoria 10 (1980), p. 128-133 (298 AS) + SB 1 4511 a, Dem. 8
[b]: Nỉw.t, 'your house, which is built and roofed, which is in the northern quarter of Thebes
in Chrysopolis'
BC 235 Dec 20 - 234 Jan 10, TM 7144: Enchoria 10 (1980), p. 128-133 (298 AS) + SB 1 4511 a, Dem. 8
[e]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 235 Dec 20 - 234 Jan 10, TM 7144: Enchoria 10 (1980), p. 128-133 (298 AS) + SB 1 4511 a, Dem. 9
[c]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 235 Dec 20 - 234 Jan 10, TM 5632: Enchoria 10 (1980), p. 128-133 (299 GBS) + SB 1 4511 b, Dem. 1
[b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 235 Dec 20 - 234 Jan 10, TM 5632: Enchoria 10 (1980), p. 128-133 (299 GBS) + SB 1 4511 b, Dem. 9
[b]: Nỉw.t, 'your house, which is built and roofed, which is in the northern quarter of Thebes
in Chrysopolis'
BC 235 Dec 20 - 234 Jan 10, TM 5632: Enchoria 10 (1980), p. 128-133 (299 GBS) + SB 1 4511 b, Dem.
10 [a]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 235 Dec 20 - 234 Jan 10, TM 5632: Enchoria 10 (1980), p. 128-133 (299 GBS) + SB 1 4511 b, Dem.
11 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 234 Aug 17 - Sep 15?, TM 3549: P. Eheverträge 15, 1 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 234 Dec 20 - 233 Jan 18, TM 5719: P. Phil. Dem. 22 + SB 6 8970, Dem. 4 [a]: Nỉw.t, 'the guard of
the harbour of Thebes'
BC 233 May 18, TM 49086: O. Leiden Dem. 60, 2: Nỉw.t, 'his tax (duty) to the temple of Thebes'
BC 230 Aug 16 - Sep 14, TM 2724: P. BM Andrews 15, 1 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 230 Aug 16 - Sep 14, TM 2724: P. BM Andrews 15, 2 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 230 Jun 17 - Jul 16, TM 2737: P. BM Andrews 25, 2 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'the house in question which is in
the northern quarter of Thebes in P-rechen-n-Doua-netjer (?)'
BC 230 May 18 - Jun 16, TM 43789: P. Phil. Dem. 23, 3 [c]: Nỉw.t, 'the guard of the harbour of
BC 230 Aug 16 - Sep 14, TM 2709: ZÄS 109 (1982), p. 167-168 + P. BM Andrews 20, (ZÄS) 1 [b]: Nỉw.t,
'(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 230 Aug 16 - Sep 14, TM 2709: ZÄS 109 (1982), p. 167-168 + P. BM Andrews 20, (ZÄS) 1 [d]: Nỉw.t,
'(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 228 Oct 19 - 227 Oct 18, TM 2725: P. BM Reich p. 56-57 no. 10240, 2 (2): Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros
of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 227 Sep 14 - Oct 13, TM 2870: P. Chrestomathie 3 p. 278-287 no. 2425, (p. 278, col. 2) [b]: Nỉw.t,
'(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 227 Sep 14 - Oct 13, TM 2870: P. Chrestomathie 3 p. 278-287 no. 2425, (p. 279, col. 1) [b]: Nỉw.t,
'in (the) Ammonieion in the north of Thebes'
233 BC 227 Sep 14 - Oct 13, TM 2870: P. Chrestomathie 3 p. 278-287 no. 2425, (p. 279, col. 2) [b]: Nỉw.t,
'(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 227 Sep 14 - Oct 13, TM 2870: P. Chrestomathie 3 p. 278-287 no. 2425, (p. 280, col. 1) [b]: Nỉw.t,
'in (the) Ammonieion in the north of Thebes'
BC 227 Sep 14 - Oct 13, TM 2870: P. Chrestomathie 3 p. 278-287 no. 2425, (p. 280, col. 2) [b]: Nỉw.t,
'(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 227 Oct 13, TM 46119: P. Chrestomathie 3 p. 288-289 no. 2441, (p. 289, col. 1) [b]: Nỉw.t, 'in (the)
Ammonieion in the north of Thebes'
BC 227 Oct 19 - Nov 17, TM 2925: P. Phil. Dem. 24, 1: Nỉw.t, 'the attendant of the ibis of the great
southern shed of Thebes'
BC 227 Oct 19 - Nov 17, TM 2925: P. Phil. Dem. 24, 2 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 227 Oct 19 - Nov 17, TM 2925: P. Phil. Dem. 24, 2 [d]: Nỉw.t, 'my tomb which is in the necropolis
of Djeme in the west of Thebes'
BC 225 Apr 16 - May 15, TM 2711: P. Eheverträge 19, 2 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 225 Aug 14 - Sep 12, TM 2868: P. Schreibertrad. 20, 2 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 223 Feb 15 - Mar 16, TM 2730: P. BM Andrews 2, 1 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'the pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 223 Mar 17 - Apr 15, TM 2926: P. Eheverträge 20 + P. Phil. Dem. 25, 2: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros
of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 223 Mar 17 - Apr 15, TM 2926: P. Eheverträge 20 + P. Phil. Dem. 25, 4 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the)
pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 222 Jun 15 - Jul 14, TM 2710: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3096, 3 [b]: ˹Nỉw.t˺, 'the house mentioned, which is
built and roofed (and) which is in the northern quarter of Thebes'
BC 221 Oct 17 - 220 Oct 16, TM 2811: P. Hauswaldt Manning 16 + P. Hauswaldt Manning 20, (16) 4:
Nỉw.t, 'Mnesarchos the overseer of Thebes'
BC 219 Oct 17 - 218 Oct 16, TM 2721: P. BM Reich p. 60-61 no. 10073, 2 (2) [b]: Nỉw.t, 'a house ...
which is in the northern quarter of Thebes'
BC 219 Oct 17 - 218 Oct 16, TM 2721: P. BM Reich p. 60-61 no. 10073, 9 (2) [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the)
pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
(?) BC 218 Aug 7, TM 130102: O. Taxes 2 109, 3: Nỉw.t?, 'Apollonios has brought ... wine (?) (of) his
(?) garden (?) in the high land (?) (of) Thebes (?) as his tenth (?) of year 4'
BC 217 Jan 14, TM 43100: RdE 24 (1972), p. 125, 2 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon
of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 217 Jan 14, TM 43100: RdE 24 (1972), p. 125, 3 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon
of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 216 Jun 7, TM 46447: P. Berl. Eleph. 2 13566, 10: Nỉw.t, 'Ich werde veranlassen, dass der
Vorsteher von Theben nach dem Norden kommt.'
BC 216 Jun 7, TM 46447: P. Berl. Eleph. 2 13566, 21: Nỉw.t, 'Möge der Pastophoros kommen, der den
Stabstrauss des Vorsteher von Theben am 1. Pachons nehmen soll'
BC 215 Aug 12 - Sep 10, TM 2877: Bosson (ed.), Égyptes... L'Égyptien et le copte p. 170-171 no. 4
descr., descr. [b]: Nỉw.t, 'the pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west
of Thebes'
BC 214 Apr 14 - May 13, TM 2726: P. BM Andrews 16, 3 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 212 Feb 12 - Mar 13, TM 8519: P. BM Andrews 17, 3 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'the house which is built and
roofed, which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 212 Jul 12 - Oct 14, TM 2720: Pyramid studies p. 193-196, 5 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'my house and its
courtyard, which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 210 Feb 12 - Mar 13, TM 8517: P. BM Andrews 26, 2 [c]: Nỉw.t, 'your land which measures 11 5/8
arourai of land ... which are in the temple estate of Amon in Pestenemenophis in the section
of the west of Thebes in the nomos of Pathyris'
BC 210 Feb 12 - 15, TM 8518: PSBA 23 (1901), p. 294-295 & 301 + P. BM Andrews 27 + SB 1 5729,
(PSBA) Ro 2 [c]: Nỉw.t, 'which is upon the divine endowment (ḥtp-nṯr) of Amon (in)
Pestenemenophis in the inhabited parts (?) on the west of Thebes (in) the nomos of Pathyris'
BC 209 Jan 13 - Feb 4, TM 47617: P. BM Andrews 18, 2 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
234 BC 205 about, TM 46806: Depauw, The Demotic letter p. 348-350, Vo 9: Nỉw.t, 'They told us that an
offence has happened with Imouthes the younger in Thebes concerning some gold (coins)'
BC 205 Nov 10, TM 52212: SAK 34 (2006), p. 97-98, 1: Nỉw.t, 'the scribe of the trench for the water
"of Thebes" Peteharmais son of Petosiris'
BC 205 - 186?, TM 102126: ZÄS 132 (2005), p. 2 no. 1, 2: Nỉw.t, '[ ] here before Amon, Mout (and)
Chonsou, the gods of Thebes'
BC 202 Nov 12 - Dec 11, TM 46064: P. BM Reich p. 70-71 no. 10079 D, 2 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros
of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 202 Nov 12 - Dec 11, TM 46064: P. BM Reich p. 70-71 no. 10079 D, 4: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of
(the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 201 Aug 8 - Sep 6, TM 43840: P. Eheverträge 27 + P. Berl. Spieg. p. 17-18 no. 3145, (P. Ehe.) 1:
Nỉw.t, '(Es) hat gesagt (der) Krämer, (der) Mann (aus) Theben, ...'
BC 199 Jul 9 - Aug 7, TM 43355: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3142 & 3144, (3142) 2 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'die Hälfte meines
Sechstels an den drei Äckern, die auf dem Tempelgut des Amon, an der Insel der Handwerker
/ T-mai-n-n-hemou, im Westen von Theben liegen'
BC 199 Jul 9 - Aug 7, TM 43355: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3142 & 3144, (3144) 2 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'deine Hälfte meines
Sechstels der drei Äckern, welche auf dem Tempelgut (des Amon), an der Insel der
Handwerker / T-mai-n-n-hemou, im Westen von Theben liegen'
BC 199 Oct 12 - Nov 10, TM 43356: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3146, A 2 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the
god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 199 Oct 12 - Nov 10, TM 43356: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3146, A 3 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'which are in the divine
endowment of Amon (in) the quarters in the west of Thebes, (in) T-mai-n-n-hemou'
BC 199 Oct 12 - Nov 10, TM 43356: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3146, B 2 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the
god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 199 Oct 12 - Nov 10, TM 43356: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3146, B 3 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'which are in the divine
endowment of Amon (in) the quarters in the west of Thebes, (in) T-mai-n-n-hemou'
BC 199 Nov 11 - Dec 10, TM 47618: P. BM Andrews 19, script. ext., 2 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of
(the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 199 Nov 11 - Dec 10, TM 47618: P. BM Andrews 19, script. ext., 3 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of
(the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 199 Dec 11 - 198 Jan 9, TM 2874: P. Schreibertrad. 26, 4 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the
god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 199 Dec 11 - 198 Jan 9, TM 2874: P. Schreibertrad. 26, 5 [b]: Nỉw.t, '[ ] which is in the southern
quarter of Thebes west of (the) dromos of Chonsou in Waset Nephotes in the court of the
Assyrians (?)'
BC 199 - 30, TM 92818: LÄ 2 (1977), p. 452 n. 22 descr. + P. Gebelen Heid. p. 9 n. 6 [733 c] descr.,
descr. [b]: Nỉw.t, 'Nepher-...-p-Ra ... nomos-writer of Thebes (and of) T-shedit-resi / The
southern district'
BC 199 - 1, TM 49901: O. Med. Habu Dem. 6, 3 [a]: Nỉw.t, '(artabai) of wheat ... of the temple
syntaxis of Thebes in year 30 for the offering before (the god of) Djeme'
BC 199 - 1, TM 49902: O. Med. Habu Dem. 7, 2: Nỉw.t, '... have paid of the harvest of Pharaoh which
he (sic) has given for the temple syntaxis / the assessments of the temple of Thebes in year 33'
BC 199 - 1, TM 49903: O. Med. Habu Dem. 8, 2: Nỉw.t, '... has paid for the harvest in the nomos of
Pathyris in the temple syntaxis of Thebes in year 36'
BC 199 - 1, TM 49904: O. Med. Habu Dem. 9, 5: Nỉw.t, 'for the temple syntaxis of Thebes for the
harvest of year 9'
BC 199 - 1, TM 46563: P. Äg. Handschr. 183 descr., descr.: Nỉw.t, descr.: 'Erwähnung der Ankunft
des 'Vorsteher von Theben' (hrj Nw.t) Paniskos und eines hohen Beamten (sḥn) namens
BC 198 Dec 11 - 197 Jan 9, TM 47517: P. BM Andrews 3, (left) 4 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the
god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 198 Dec 11 - 197 Jan 9, TM 47517: P. BM Andrews 3, (left) 4 [d]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the
god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 198 Dec 11 - 197 Jan 9, TM 47517: P. BM Andrews 3, (right) 4 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of
(the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 198 Dec 11 - 197 Jan 9, TM 47517: P. BM Andrews 3, (right) 4 [d]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of
(the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 197 - 191?, TM 47518: P. BM Andrews 4, 1 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
235 BC 191 Aug 6 - Sep 4, TM 46163: P. Eheverträge 29, 1 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 186 - 144 after, TM 46092: Spiegelberg, Zivilprozessordnung (ABAW N.F. 1) p. 16-17 + Sethe /
Spiegelberg, Zivilprozessordnung (ABAW N.F. 4) p. 18, (p. 16-17) col. 2, 2: Nỉw.t, 'The tempels
of Pathres: Thebes and its temples: (followed by a list of wab-priests)'
BC 185 Apr 23, TM 2723: P. BM Reich p. 73-74 no. 10226, 2 (3) [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the
god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 185 Apr 23, TM 2723: P. BM Reich p. 73-74 no. 10226, 3 (2) [a]: Nỉw.t, '[ ] Thebes of the
necropolis of Djeme'
BC 182 Feb 3, TM 3564: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3114, 3 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'in the southern quarter of Thebes, to the
north of the (broad) road of Mout (leading) to (the) river, near the river'
BC 182 Feb 3, TM 2714: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3140, 3 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'in the southern quarter of Thebes, to the
north of the (broad) road of Mout that reaches the river, near the river'
BC 182 Nov 12, TM 56424: P. BM Andrews 9 [10679 a], Vo 2: Nỉw.t, 'to the north of the great wall of
the temple of Thebes'
BC 182 Nov 12, TM 8513: P. BM Andrews 9 [10721], 2 [d]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 182 Nov 12, TM 8513: P. BM Andrews 9 [10721], 3 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'my house which is ruined, which
is (in) the northern quarter of Thebes to the north of the great wall of the temple of Thebes'
BC 182 Nov 12, TM 8513: P. BM Andrews 9 [10721], 3 [c]: Nỉw.t, 'my house which is ruined, which is
(in) the northern quarter of Thebes to the north of the great wall of the temple of Thebes'
BC 182 Nov 12, TM 8514: P. BM Andrews 9 [10727], 2 [d]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 182 Nov 12, TM 8514: P. BM Andrews 9 [10727], 3 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'your house which is ruined and
everything which appertains to it, which is (in) the northern quarter of Thebes to the north of
the great wall of the temple of Thebes'
BC 182 Nov 12, TM 8514: P. BM Andrews 9 [10727], 3 [c]: Nỉw.t, 'your house which is ruined and
everything which appertains to it, which is (in) the northern quarter of Thebes to the north of
the great wall of the temple of Thebes'
BC 181 Aug 27, TM 2756: P. BM Andrews 10 [10722], 3 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 181 Aug 27, TM 2756: P. BM Andrews 10 [10722], 3 [d]: Nỉw.t, 'my house ... which is (in) the
northern quarter of Thebes to the north of the great wall of the temple of Thebes in
BC 181 Aug 27, TM 2756: P. BM Andrews 10 [10722], 3 [e]: Nỉw.t, 'my house ... which is (in) the
northern quarter of Thebes to the north of the great wall of the temple of Thebes in
BC 181 Aug 27, TM 2755: P. BM Andrews 10 [10723], 3 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 181 Aug 27, TM 2755: P. BM Andrews 10 [10723], 3 [d]: Nỉw.t, 'your house ... which is (in) the
northern quarter of Thebes to the north of the great wall of the temple of Thebes in
BC 181 Aug 27, TM 2755: P. BM Andrews 10 [10723], 3 [e]: Nỉw.t, 'your house ... which is (in) the
northern quarter of Thebes to the north of the great wall of the temple of Thebes in
BC 181 Oct 7 - 180 Oct 6, TM 8541: Enchoria 22 (1995), p. 131-132, 5 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of
(the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis (in) the west of Thebes'
BC 181 Oct 7 - 180 Oct 6, TM 8541: Enchoria 22 (1995), p. 131-132, 6 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'your house ... which
is (in) the northern quarter (of) Thebes to the west of the wall of Per-Montou-neb-Waset'
BC 181 - 145, TM 55774: Grimal / Menu (ed.), Commerce (BdE 121) p. 218 no. 3, 1: Nỉw.t, 'Tag 17:
Nachtwache. Amasis war aus Theben gekommen; er ist am Tag 21 hinausgegangen.'
(?) BC 180 - 140, TM 56108: Petrie, Gizeh and Rifeh p. 38-39 no. 95 H 1-5, 1: Nỉw.t?, 'I arrived at
Thebes (?), mounted (?) ...'
BC 177 Oct 7, TM 43339: P. Ackerpachtverträge p. 7-8 + P. BM Reich p. 77-78 no. 10230, 4 [c]: Nỉw.t,
'your share of high land in P-sha / The sand, the resting place (of) the Ibis, the divine
endowment of Amon, (in) the western places of Thebes, (in) Pestenemenophis, which is
ascribed to Djeme, (in) the west (of) the nomos of Pathyris, to the southern side of P-sha
already mentioned'
236 BC 176 Nov 18, TM 8532: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3111, 2 [e]: Nỉw.t, 'which are in the divine endowment of
Amon (in) the quarters in the west of Thebes, (in) the field of T-mai-n-n-hemou in the west of
the nomos of Pathyris'
BC 176 Nov 18, TM 8533: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3141, 3 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'which is in the divine endowment of
Amon (in) the western quarter of Thebes, (in) the field of T-mai-n-n-hemou in the west of the
nomos of Pathyris'
BC 175 Feb 23, TM 2627: Enchoria 15 (1987), p. 99-112 no. Louvre E 3440 A (LA), 2 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the)
pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 175 Feb 23, TM 2627: Enchoria 15 (1987), p. 99-112 no. Louvre E 3440 A (LA), 2 [d]: Nỉw.t, 'my
house ... and courtyard ... which is in the northern quarter (of) Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 175 Feb 23, TM 2627: Enchoria 15 (1987), p. 99-112 no. Louvre E 3440 A (LA), 3 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'my
house ... which is in the northern quarter (of) Thebes in P-rechen-n-Doua-netjer (?)'
BC 175 Feb 23, TM 2627: Enchoria 15 (1987), p. 99-112 no. Louvre E 3440 A (LA), 8 [a]: Nỉw.t, '(the
tomb of) the men (of) Thebes'
BC 175 Feb 22, TM 2626: Enchoria 15 (1987), p. 99-112 no. Louvre E 3440 B (LB), 1 [d]: Nỉw.t, '(the)
pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 175 Feb 22, TM 2626: Enchoria 15 (1987), p. 99-112 no. Louvre E 3440 B (LB), 2 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'my
house ... and courtyard ... which is in the northern quarter (of) Thebes in Chrysopolis at the
northern side of the great wall of (the) temple of Thebes'
BC 175 Feb 22, TM 2626: Enchoria 15 (1987), p. 99-112 no. Louvre E 3440 B (LB), 2 [d]: Nỉw.t, 'my
house ... and courtyard ... which is in the northern quarter (of) Thebes in Chrysopolis at the
northern side of the great wall of (the) temple of Thebes'
BC 175 Feb 22, TM 2626: Enchoria 15 (1987), p. 99-112 no. Louvre E 3440 B (LB), 2 [g]: Nỉw.t, 'my
house ... which is in the northern quarter (of) Thebes in P-rechen-n-Doua-netjer (?)'
BC 175 Feb 22, TM 2626: Enchoria 15 (1987), p. 99-112 no. Louvre E 3440 B (LB), 7 [a]: ˹Nỉw.t˺, '(the
tomb of) the men (of) Thebes'
BC 175 Feb 22, TM 2628: Enchoria 15 (1987), p. 99-112 no. P. Berl. 3112 (B), 3 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the)
pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 175 Feb 22, TM 2628: Enchoria 15 (1987), p. 99-112 no. P. Berl. 3112 (B), 3 [d]: Nỉw.t, 'my house
... and courtyard ... which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in Chrysopolis'
BC 175 Feb 22, TM 2628: Enchoria 15 (1987), p. 99-112 no. P. Berl. 3112 (B), 5 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'my house
... which is in the northern quarter of Thebes in P-rechen-n-Doua-netjer (?)'
BC 175 Feb 22, TM 2628: Enchoria 15 (1987), p. 99-112 no. P. Berl. 3112 (B), 15 [a]: Nỉw.t, '(the tomb
of) the men of Thebes'
BC 175 Oct 21, TM 2746: P. BM Andrews 5, 3 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 175 Oct 21, TM 2746: P. BM Andrews 5, 4 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 175 Oct 21, TM 2746: P. BM Andrews 5, 4 [c]: Nỉw.t, 'which are in the necropolis (in) the west of
BC 175 Oct 21, TM 2747: P. BM Andrews 6, 2 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 160 Jun 22, TM 47519: P. BM Andrews 7, 4 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 160 - 130, TM 91940: ZÄS 137 (2010), p. 131 no. 52, 4 (cf. translation): [Nỉw.t], 'für die syntaxeis
an das Gotteshaus [von Theben]'
BC 159 Feb 8, TM 43344: RecTrav 31 (1909), p. 95-98 + SB 1 4281, Dem. 3 [c]: Nỉw.t, '(the)
pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 158 Nov 20?, TM 43689: O. Mattha 22, 4: Nỉw.t, 'There are 5 (lenghts of) linen, 2 1/2, 5 again
which you have paid into the royal storehouse at Thebes'
BC 158 Oct 2 - 157 Sep 30, TM 50452: O. Tempeleide 40, 3: Nỉw.t, 'Text of the oath which ... will
swear ... to (the) collectivity of the lector-priest(s) of Thebes'
BC 158 - 145, TM 91818: Festschrift Junge p. 389 no. 1, 3: Nỉw.t, 'die du für das Magazin (pr-ḥḏ) des
Pharao (ʿ.w.s.) (in) Theben gebracht hast'
BC 156 Dec 20?, TM 91819: Festschrift Junge p. 389 no. 2, 4 (& translation): [Nỉw.t], 'die du für das
Magazin (pr-ḥḏ) des Pharao [in Theben] gebracht hast'
BC 155 Jun 22?, TM 91917: ZÄS 137 (2010), p. 131 no. 54, 4: Nỉw.t, 'Eingezahlt hat ... aus seiner
Ernte-Abgabe für (den Gott?) Djeme, (und zwar) hat er sie (als Rate) aus den syntaxeis für das
Gotteshaus von Theben im Regierungsjahr 26 gegeben.'
237 BC 155 - 1, TM 91954: ZÄS 128 (2001), p. 32 n. 75 [Str 1153] descr., descr.: [Nỉw.t], 'the houses of
BC 154 Oct 1 - 153 Sep 29, TM 91820: Festschrift Junge p. 390 no. 3, 2: N[ỉw.t], 'die du für das
Magazin (pr-ḥḏ) des Pharao (in) Theben gebracht hast'
BC 154 Oct 1 - 153 Sep 29 about?, TM 43825: O. Tempeleide 38, 3: [Nỉw.t], 'Text of the oath which ...
will swear to (the) lector-priests of Thebes'
BC 154 Oct 1 - 153 Sep 29?, TM 43824: O. Tempeleide 39, 3 [a]: Nỉw.t, 'Text of the oath which ... will
swear ... (to) (the) lector-priest(s) of Thebes at the gate (of the temple of) Djeme in PerMontou-neb-Maten'
BC 153 Nov 20?, TM 43717: O. Med. Habu Dem. 2, 4: Nỉw.t, 'you having brought them <to> the royal
storehouse of Thebes'
BC 153 Jun 14, TM 3566: P. Hermias p. 64-66 + UPZ 2 165, Dem. descr. [b]: Nỉw.t, 'Teephibis - (the)
pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis who is in the west of Thebes'
BC 153 Jun 14, TM 3566: P. Hermias p. 64-66 + UPZ 2 165, Dem. 8: Nỉw.t, 'Halekis - a merchant, man
of Thebes'
BC 153 Jun 14, TM 3567: P. Schreibertrad. 56 + UPZ 2 166 a + P. Schreibertrad. 132, (132) [c] (after n.
56): Nỉw.t, 'haben gesagt der Geldwechsler und Mann aus Theben Heleg ...'
BC 153 Jun 14, TM 3567: P. Schreibertrad. 56 + UPZ 2 166 a + P. Schreibertrad. 132, (132) [e] (before
n. 572): Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of
BC 153 Jun 14, TM 3567: P. Schreibertrad. 56 + UPZ 2 166 a + P. Schreibertrad. 132, (132) [g] (before
n. 780): Nỉw.t, 'um die 10 Bodenellen komplett zu machen, die im südlichen Viertel von
Thebes sind'
BC 153 Jun 14, TM 3567: P. Schreibertrad. 56 + UPZ 2 166 a + P. Schreibertrad. 132, (56) 3: Nỉw.t,
'der Geldwechsler und Mann aus Theben'
BC 153 Jun 14, TM 3567: P. Schreibertrad. 56 + UPZ 2 166 a + P. Schreibertrad. 132, (56) 4 [b]: Nỉw.t,
'(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 153 Jun 14, TM 3567: P. Schreibertrad. 56 + UPZ 2 166 a + P. Schreibertrad. 132, (56) 5 [b]: Nỉw.t,
'um die 10 Bodenellen komplett zu machen, die im südlichen Viertel von Theben sind'
BC 151 Sep 6?, TM 43715: O. Med. Habu Dem. 1, 6: Nỉw.t, 'you having brought it to the royal
storehouse of Thebes'
BC 150 Mar 2, TM 44224: P. Amh. Gr. 2 52 + P. Survey 10 descr., Dem. descr. [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the)
pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 150 Mar 2, TM 44224: P. Amh. Gr. 2 52 + P. Survey 10 descr., Dem. descr. [d]: Nỉw.t, '(the)
pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 150 Feb 1, TM 43921: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3070, 3 [a]: Nỉw.t, 'der Rationenempfänger unter den
Leuten des Diodotos, welcher in Theben registriert ist'
BC 150 Feb 1, TM 43921: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3070, 3 [c]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 150 Feb 1, TM 3575: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3097, 3 [a]: Nỉw.t, 'der Rationenempfänger unter den Leuten
des Diodotos, welcher in Theben registriert ist'
BC 150 Feb 1, TM 3575: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3097, 3 [c]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 150 - 30, TM 51684: OrSu 19 - 20 (1970-1971), p. 27-28 no. 5, 4: Nỉw.t, 'which he has given for the
syntaxis of the tempel of Thebes'
BC 150 - AD 50, TM 55804: P. Zauzich 38, 2 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the goddess) Rattawi / Rat of (the) Two
lands who resides in Thebes'
BC 150 - AD 50, TM 55804: P. Zauzich 38, 12: Nỉw.t, 'Ich werde vielleicht nach Theben kommen'
BC 146 Dec 15, TM 3635: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 10-11 no. 3119 + UPZ 2 175 b, Dem. 2 [b]: Nỉw.t,
'choachyte of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 146 Dec 15, TM 3635: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 10-11 no. 3119 + UPZ 2 175 b, Dem. 2 [d]: Nỉw.t,
'choachyte of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 146 Dec 15, TM 3635: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 10-11 no. 3119 + UPZ 2 175 b, Dem. 3 [c]: Nỉw.t, 'the half
of my third of the revenues from the dead which rest in Thynabounoun / The tomb of
Nabounoun in the quarters in the west of Thebes' (corresponding with the Greek 'in the Libya
of the Peri Thebas')'
BC 146 Dec 15, TM 3635: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 10-11 no. 3119 + UPZ 2 175 b, Dem. 3 ? [e]: Nỉw.t,
'choachyte of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 146 Apr 25, TM 3568: P. Hermias p. 74-75 + UPZ 2 167 + Young, Hieroglyphics 1 pl. 35 (C), Dem.
14: Nỉw.t, 'the cultivable land belonging to the temple of Thebes'
238 BC 146 Dec 15, TM 3634: P. Schreibertrad. 42 + UPZ 2 175 c + P. BM Andrews 23, (P. Schreib.) [d]
(after n. 376): Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of
BC 146 Dec 15, TM 3634: P. Schreibertrad. 42 + UPZ 2 175 c + P. BM Andrews 23, (P. Schreib.) [f]
(after n. 379): Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of
BC 146 Dec 15, TM 3634: P. Schreibertrad. 42 + UPZ 2 175 c + P. BM Andrews 23, (P. Schreib.) [h]
(after n. 380): Nỉw.t, 'für die Hälfte meines Drittels der Einkommen der Toten, die in dem Grab
des Nabounoun / in Thynabounoun in westlichen Teil von Theben ruhen'
BC 146 Dec 15, TM 3634: P. Schreibertrad. 42 + UPZ 2 175 c + P. BM Andrews 23, (P. Schreib.) [j]
(after n. 381): Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of
BC 145 Jul 24, TM 91821: Festschrift Junge p. 390-391 no. 4, 4: Nỉw.t, 'den du für das Magazin (prḥḏ) des Pharao (ʿ.w.s.) in Theben ... gebracht hast'
BC 144 Sep 22, TM 91823: Festschrift Junge p. 392 no. 6, 3 (& translation): [Nỉw.t], 'die du für das
Magazin (pr-ḥḏ) des Pharao [in Theben] ... gebracht hast'
BC 144 May 7, TM 43716: O. Med. Habu Dem. p. 7, descr.: Nỉw.t?, 'you having brought them to the
royal storehouse in Thebes'
BC 141 May 24, TM 91824: Festschrift Junge p. 392 no. 7, 4: Nỉw.t, 'den du für das Magazin (pr-ḥḏ)
des Pharao (ʿ.w.s.) in Theben ... gebracht hast'
BC 141 Jun 3, TM 51506: OrSu 14 - 15 (1965-1966), p. 44 no. 18, 3: Nỉw.t, 'auf die Syntaxis des
Tempels (von) Theben'
BC 141 May 8, TM 3639: ZÄS 77 (1942), p. 93-94, 3 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon
of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 141 May 8, TM 3639: ZÄS 77 (1942), p. 93-94, 3 [d]: [Nỉw.t], '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon
of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 141 May 8, TM 3639: ZÄS 77 (1942), p. 93-94, 4 [a]: Nỉw.t, 'vor den Richtern der (?) Priester,
welche richten in Theben'
BC 141 May 8, TM 3639: ZÄS 77 (1942), p. 93-94, 4 [c]: Nỉw.t, 'wegen des siebenten Teils des
Bauterrains, das im südlichen Viertel von Theben liegt, an der westlichen Seite (?) der
Prozessionsstrasse / dromos (des Tempels) des Chonsou in Waset Nephotes, angesichts des
BC 141 - 140 before, TM 91956: ZÄS 137 (2010), p. 130 no. 51, 2 [a]: Nỉw.t, 'zur Syntaxis für das
Gotteshaus von Theben. Und zwar er hat (sie) (für) die Opfer des (Gottes) Djeme gegeben.'
BC 140 Dec 25, TM 43685: O. Mattha 23, 4: Nỉw.t, 'There are 300 silver pieces ... which you have
given me to pay into the royal bank at Thebes'
BC 140 Sep 7, TM 3577: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3090, 5 [a]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 140 Sep 7, TM 43725: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3091, 5 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 140 Jan 14, TM 48908: P. Survey 15 descr., descr. [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 140 Jan 14, TM 48908: P. Survey 15 descr., descr. [d]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 140 Sep 15, TM 81560: ZÄS 128 (2001), p. 40 no. 25, 7: Nỉw.t, '(das macht 70 artabai Weizen), die
nach Theben geliefert sind'
BC 139 Jun 22, TM 43383: O. Mattha 175, 2: Nỉw.t, 'Paoeris son of Apathes has paid for the harvest
of the king in Djeme which he gave in respect of the syntaxeis of the temple of Thebes for
year 31'
BC 138 Sep 1, TM 43345: O. Mattha 176, 4: Nỉw.t, 'Amenothes son of Imouthes has paid for the
harvest of Djeme of year 32 which he gave in respect of the syntaxis of the temple of Thebes,
about which it has been written to the nomos of Pathyris'
BC 137 Jun 7, TM 43407: O. Wångstedt 52, 3: Nỉw.t, 'die er gegeben hat in Bezug auf die Syntaxis (?)
des Tempels von Theben.'
BC 136 Jan 30, TM 43627: Enchoria 31 (2008-2009), p. 25-42 text A+B, 7 [a]: Nỉw.t, 'the half of
Apollonios the man of Thebes'
BC 136 Sep 26 - 135 Sep 25, TM 51652: OrSu 17 (1968), p. 54 no. 33, 4: Nỉw.t, 'Es hat bezahlt ... an die
Türe in Theben im Jahr 35 ...'
BC 136 Sep 26 - 135 Sep 25, TM 51652: OrSu 17 (1968), p. 54 no. 33, 5: Nỉw.t, 'Macht die Syntaxis des
Tempels von Theben.'
239 BC 135 Apr 11, TM 43691: O. Theb. Dem. p. 29 no. D. 4, 6: Nỉw.t, 'the storehouse (of) Pharaoh / the
royal storehouse in Thebes'
BC 135 Apr 11, TM 43701: O. Theb. Dem. p. 30 no. D. 61, 4: Nỉw.t, 'the storehouse (of) Pharaoh /
royal storehouse in Thebes'
BC 133 Jul 21, TM 43346: O. Mattha 177, 2: Nỉw.t, 'Amenothes son of Imouthes has paid for the
syntaxeis of the temple of Thebes, about which it has been written to the nomos of Pathyris
for year 37'
BC 133 Jul 9, TM 51653: OrSu 17 (1968), p. 57 no. 34, 3: Nỉw.t, 'which he has given to the syntaxis /
the assessments of (the) temple of Thebes'
BC 133 Sep 10, TM 3588: RecTrav 36 (1914), p. 168-170 + UPZ 2 186, Dem. 19: Nỉw.t, 'the fields ...
which are situated in the domain of Amon, north of Thebes'
BC 132 Jun 23 - 117 Jul 20, TM 91952: ZÄS 137 (2010), p. 131 no. 53, 3: Nỉw.t, 'für die syntaxeis des
Gotteshauses von Theben'
BC 131 about, TM 44638: P. Tor. Amen. 4, 1: Nỉw.t, 'Rendiconto del frumento, ciò che Amenothes
diede in Dios Polis nelle mani di Lolous'
BC 131 about, TM 44638: P. Tor. Amen. 4, 3: Nỉw.t, 'Rendiconto del vino ciò che era in commune
tra me e Lolous in Dios Polis: 7 1/2 hin, ciò che abbiamo preso (dopo), qui in Djeme: 5 hin'
BC 131 Sep 25 - 130 Sep 24, TM 50624: O. Tempeleide 212, 6: Nỉw.t, 'Ich habe dich nicht verwirrt
gegen die Leute von Theben'
BC 127 Sep 2, TM 46107: P. Bürgsch. 10, 18: Nỉw.t, 'indem sie abgeliefert sind in die Hand deines
Bevollmächtigten, in dein Haus in Theben'
BC 127 Oct 29, TM 48910: P. Survey 21 descr., descr.: Nỉw.t?, descr.: '1/3 of Montemhes' 1/7 part of
the house in Thebes - a third of his share in the Theban house'
BC 126 Sep 16, TM 3574: P. Tor. Choach. 10, 7 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'which are in the southern quarter of
Thebes, south of the dromos of Chonsou in Waset Nephotes'
BC 126 Jun 15, TM 5766: P. Tor. Choach. 13, 2 [e]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 126 Jun 15, TM 5766: P. Tor. Choach. 13, 2 [g]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 125 Dec 17, TM 48911: P. Survey 29 descr., descr. [b]: Nỉw.t?, descr.: 'the house in Thebes'
BC 125 Aug 14, TM 5528: P. Tor. Amen. 9, 6 [a]: Nỉw.t, '(the) chief lector-priest of the necropolis of
Thebes (and) Djeme'
BC 125 Aug 14, TM 5528: P. Tor. Amen. 9, 7: Nỉw.t, 'which is in the southern quarter of Thebes'
BC 124 Jul 9, TM 58167: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 12-13 no. 3100, 2 ? [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the
god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 124 Jul 9, TM 58167: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 12-13 no. 3100, 2 ? [d]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the
god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 124 Jul 9, TM 58167: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 12-13 no. 3100, 16 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the
god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes Horos son of Horos'
BC 124 Jan 30, TM 8070: P. BM Andrews 21, 6 [a]: Nỉw.t, 'the man receiving pay (and) registered at
BC 124 Jan 30, TM 8070: P. BM Andrews 21, 6 [c]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 124 Jan 30, TM 46285: P. Leiden Dem. pl. 195, descr. [a]: Nỉw.t, 'Chapochrates - a man who
receives pay (i.e. a soldier) and who is inscribed in Thebes'
BC 124 Jan 30, TM 46285: P. Leiden Dem. pl. 195, descr. [c]: Nỉw.t, 'Osoroeris - (the) pastophoros of
(the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis who is in the west of Thebes'
BC 124 Jul 9, TM 58168: P. Lesestücke 2 p. 81-90, Dem. 3 [e]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 124 Jul 9, TM 58168: P. Lesestücke 2 p. 81-90, Dem. 4 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 124 Jul 9, TM 58168: P. Lesestücke 2 p. 81-90, Dem. 17 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes Horos son of Horos'
BC 121 Jan 6, TM 3569: P. Nouv. Chrest. p. 87-102 + UPZ 2 168, Dem. (p. 88 col. 1) [e]: Nỉw.t, '(the)
pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis who is in the west of Thebes'
BC 121 Jan 6, TM 3569: P. Nouv. Chrest. p. 87-102 + UPZ 2 168, Dem. (p. 89 col. 1) [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the)
pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis who is in the west of Thebes, Horos'
BC 121 Jan 6, TM 3569: P. Nouv. Chrest. p. 87-102 + UPZ 2 168, Dem. (p. 91 col. 1) [b]: Nỉw.t, 'which
is in (the) Ammonieion in the south of Thebes, west of the dromos of Chonsou in Waset
240 (?) BC 121 Jul 3, TM 44010: P. Tor. Botti 10, 7 - 8: [Nỉw.t?] - [Ḏmȝ?], 'said (the) cavalryman which is
registered (in) [Thebes? Djeme?]
BC 120 Mar 7?, TM 43773: P. Schreibertrad. 127, 3 [d]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon
of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 120 Mar 7?, TM 43773: P. Schreibertrad. 127, 6 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'in the house ... which is in the
southern quarter of Thebes in the southern place of the tks of stone of the (broad) road of
Mout (leading) to the river'
BC 120 Mar 7, TM 3570: P. Schreibertrad. 47 + UPZ 2 169, 3 [e]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the
god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 120 Mar 7, TM 3570: P. Schreibertrad. 47 + UPZ 2 169, 6 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'the whole house ... which is
in the southern quarter of Thebes in the southern place of the tks of stone of the (broad) road
of Mout (leading) to the river'
BC 120 - 50, TM 51216: Enchoria 22 (1995), p. 91-92 no. 65, 18 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'Arbeitslohn,
Spezifikation: Sema-chi, Theben'
BC 120 - 50, TM 51216: Enchoria 22 (1995), p. 91-92 no. 65, 21: Nỉw.t, 'Preis für Segelen (?) nach
Theben: ...'
BC 119 Oct 31, TM 43350: P. Ackerpachtverträge p. 15-16, 9: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god)
Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 119 Mar 2, TM 48640: P. BM Andrews 22, 9 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 119 Mar 2, TM 46209: P. Recueil 10, 3 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis /
Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 118 May 22, TM 3580: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3101, A 3 [g]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon
of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 118 May 22, TM 3580: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3101, B 3 [g]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon
of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 118 Sep 22?, TM 44009: P. Tor. Amen. 17, 7: Nỉw.t, 'il tuo terreno ... che si trovano sul sacro
territorio di Amon, sull'alta terra settentrionale di Dios Polis'
BC 118 Sep 22?, TM 44009: P. Tor. Amen. 17, 18: Nỉw.t, 'misurate, portate e consegnate nelle mani
del tuo rappresentante, alla tua casa di Dios Polis'
BC 118 Jun 3 before, TM 3636: P. Tor. Choach. 2, 2 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon
of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 118 Sep 22 - 117 Sep 20?, TM 92058: Mélanges Varga p. 222-224, 2 [b]: Nỉw.t, '[ ] nach Theben,
um die Bestattung der Katzen in Theben zu machen.'
BC 118 Sep 22 - 117 Sep 20?, TM 92058: Mélanges Varga p. 222-224, 3: Nỉw.t, '[ ] nach Theben, um
die Bestattung der Katzen in Theben zu machen.'
BC 118 Sep 22 - 117 Sep 20?, TM 92058: Mélanges Varga p. 222-224, 6: Nỉw.t, 'Ich liess sie nach
Theben holen.'
BC 118 Sep 22 - 117 Sep 20, TM 49833: O. Louvre p. 161 no. 112, 3: Nỉw.t, 'for the syntaxis (of) (the)
temple (of) Thebes'
BC 118 Sep 22 - 117 Sep 20, TM 91955: ZÄS 128 (2001), p. 32 n. 75 [Bodl. 646] descr., descr.: Nỉw.t,
'to the houses of Thebes'
BC 117 May 8, TM 5609: P. Eheverträge 38, 5 [e]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 116 Feb 6, TM 48272: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 14 no. 3118, 21 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'we shall divide the house in
Thebes between the four of us'
BC 116 Feb 11, TM 91922: ZÄS 137 (2010), p. 128 no. 48, 6: Nỉw.t, 'und zwar hat er sie als syntaxeis
an das Gotteshaus von Theben im Regierungsjahr 54 gegeben, weswegen sie an die Häuser von
Theben (sc. the Peri Thebas) geschrieben haben.'
BC 114 Nov 5, TM 43617: Aegyptus 32 (1952), p. 14-19, col. 3, 15: Nỉw.t, '... Moron, his wife, his
children from Thebes'
BC 114 Nov 5, TM 43617: Aegyptus 32 (1952), p. 14-19, col. 3, 23: Nỉw.t, 'Petosiris the chenoboskos,
his wife, his children from Thebes'
BC 114 Nov 5, TM 43617: Aegyptus 32 (1952), p. 14-19, col. 3, 24: Nỉw.t, 'Ammonios son of
Koumenes (?), his wife, his children from Thebes'
BC 114 Nov 5, TM 43617: Aegyptus 32 (1952), p. 14-19, col. 3, 31: Nỉw.t, '... Prines (?), his wife, his
children from Thebes'
BC 114 Nov 5, TM 43617: Aegyptus 32 (1952), p. 14-19, col. 5, 13: Nỉw.t, 'Pates son of Psenosiris the
kybernetes, his wife, his children from Thebes'
241 BC 114 Nov 5, TM 43617: Aegyptus 32 (1952), p. 14-19, col. 5, 14: Nỉw.t, 'Apollos son of
Petenephotes the kybernetes, his wife, his children from Thebes'
BC 114 Nov 5, TM 43617: Aegyptus 32 (1952), p. 14-19, col. 5, 15: Nỉw.t, 'Psemonthes son of
Psenosiris the kybernetes, his wife, his children from Thebes'
BC 114 Nov 5, TM 43617: Aegyptus 32 (1952), p. 14-19, col. 5, 16: Nỉw.t, 'Petenephotes son of
Phentaneus, his wife, his children from Thebes'
BC 114 Nov 5, TM 43617: Aegyptus 32 (1952), p. 14-19, col. 5, 23: Nỉw.t, 'Aineias, his wife, his
children from Thebes'
BC 114 Nov 5, TM 43617: Aegyptus 32 (1952), p. 14-19, col. 5, 27: Nỉw.t, '... Teos the chrysochoos,
his wife, his children from Thebes'
BC 114 Nov 5, TM 43617: Aegyptus 32 (1952), p. 14-19, col. 6, 17: [N]ỉw.t, 'Sosos, his wife, his
children, the husband (of) Senpoeris from Thebes'
BC 114 Nov 5, TM 43617: Aegyptus 32 (1952), p. 14-19, col. 6, 18: [Nỉw.t], 'Herakleides the katoikos,
his wife, his children from Thebes'
BC 114 May 20, TM 51047: EVO 17 (1994), p. 283-287 descr., col. 1 descr. [a]: Nỉw.t?, 'the judges who
judge in Thebes'
BC 114 May 20, TM 51047: EVO 17 (1994), p. 283-287 descr., col. 1 descr. [b]: Nỉw.t, 'the courthouse
in Thebes'
BC 114 Aug 18, TM 44219: P. Amh. Gr. 2 53 + P. Survey 50 descr., Dem. descr. [a]: Nỉw.t, 'ritualist
(embalmer) of the necropolis of Thebes (and) Djeme'
BC 114 Oct 20, TM 8537: P. Lesestücke 2 p. 170-174, 10: Nỉw.t, 'in the hand of your agent (in) your
house in Thebes'
BC 113 Sep 6, TM 46044: JAOS 56 (1936), p. 268-269, 4 [a]: [Nỉw.t], '10 cubits of land, i.e. 1000 cubits
of area, i.e. 10 cubits of land again among the grounds of Thebes of (the) necropolis of Djeme'
BC 113 Sep 6, TM 46044: JAOS 56 (1936), p. 268-269, 9 [a]: Nỉw.t, 'who is in charge of the plots (in)
Thebes of (the) necropolis of Djeme'
BC 113 Nov 8, TM 21669: P. Amh. Gr. 2 54 + P. Survey 55 descr., Dem. descr. [d]: Nỉw.t, '(the)
pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 111 Jan 6, TM 43676: P. Tor. Choach. 14, col. 1, 1: Nỉw.t, 'the house in Thebes'
BC 111 Jan 6, TM 43676: P. Tor. Choach. 14, col. 1, 2: Nỉw.t, '[ ] Thebes ...'
BC 110 Jan 22, TM 44203: EVO 7 (1984), p. 41, 1: Nỉw.t, 'Has paid ... to the bank of Hermias the chief
of Thebes / the thebarches'
BC 110 Apr 5?, TM 93286: P. Zauzich 36, 6 [a]: Nỉw.t, 'Aber du (selbst) sollst ... nicht in die Tempel
von Theben eintreten in dem obigen Monat, ausser in Per-Montou-neb-Maten.'
BC 103 Mar 16, TM 3584: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3104, 4 [e]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 102 Sep 27 - Oct 6, TM 47619: P. Chrestomathie 2 p. 110-122 no. 2436 a, (p. 112) [d]: Nỉw.t, '(the)
pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 102 Jun 3, TM 3586: P. Hermias p. 201-203 n. + UPZ 2 184, Dem. descr. [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the)
pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis who is in the west of Thebes'
BC 101 Nov 16, TM 44038: P. Ackerpachtverträge p. 29-30, 8 [c]: Nỉw.t, 'the man who receives pay
and is registered at Thebes'
BC 99 Dec 16, TM 46217: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 16 no. 3107, 3 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'choachyte of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 99 Dec 16, TM 46217: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 16 no. 3107, 5 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'choachyte of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 99 Dec 23, TM 44018: P. Tor. Choach. 6, 3 [c]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 99 Dec 23, TM 44018: P. Tor. Choach. 6, 4 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of
Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Enchoria 22) col. F, 16:
Nỉw.t, '[ ] in Theben die nämliche Pfründe'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (P. L. Bat.) col. A, 5 [a] (=
Pap. de Ricci 17): Nỉw.t, 'Nach Süden, nach Theben!'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
242 22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (P. L. Bat.) col. D, 4 (= Pap.
de Ricci 10): Nỉw.t, 'wenn das Heer von Ägypten zum Fest rein ist in dem Tempel von Theben'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (P. L. Bat.) col. D, 7 (= Pap.
de Ricci 10): Nỉw.t, 'er [ ] nach Theben zu deiner Zeit [ ]'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (P. L. Bat.) col. E, 13 (= Pap.
de Ricci 5): Nỉw[.t], 'Und er soll (?) nach Theben zurückkehren [ ]'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (P. L. Bat.) col. E, 24 (= Pap.
de Ricci 5): Nỉw.t, 'indem er [ ] Theben, Herr [von ...] Theben'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (P. L. Bat.) col. E, 25 (= Pap.
de Ricci 5): Nỉw.t, 'indem er [ ] Theben, Herr [von ...] Theben'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. de Ricci 7) 5: Nỉw.t, '[ ]
übersetzen nach Theben [ ]'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 11) 5: [Nỉw.t],
'dem Heerführer, dem grossen Ersten von Theben'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 11) 6: Nỉw.t,
'Sie lassen die Jünglinge aus Theben holen.'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 11) 12: Nỉw.t,
'als ich nach dem Süden von Theben kam'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 12) 22: Nỉw.t,
'Auf zu mir nach dem Süden von Theben wegen einiger Asiaten (Hirten) von dem
Schilfdistrikt / Per-djouf, die hier in Theben sind, indem sie täglich kämpfen mit Pharao!'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 12) 23 [b]:
Nỉw.t, 'Auf zu mir nach dem Süden von Theben wegen einiger Asiaten (Hirten) von dem
Schilfdistrikt / Per-djouf, die hier in Theben sind, indem sie täglich kämpfen mit Pharao!'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 12) 25: Nỉw.t,
'Nicht haben sie ihm gestattet, zu Amon nach Theben überzusetzen.'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 13) 21 [b]:
Nỉw.t, 'Amon, der grosse Gott im Westen Oberägyptens, das Theben gegenüber liegt, man hat
ihn nicht nach Theben übersetzen lassen'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 13) 22: Nỉw.t,
'Amon, der grosse Gott im Westen Oberägyptens, das Theben gegenüber liegt, man hat ihn
nicht nach Theben übersetzen lassen'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
243 22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 14) 13: Nỉw.t,
'Sie segelten nach dem Süden von Theben.'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 14) 14 [b]:
Nỉw.t, 'Danach war Pharao Petoubastis bei dem Heere auf der Westseite von Oberägypten
gegenüber von Theben, indem das Heer Ägyptens gerüstet war mit seinen Rüstungen.'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 14) 20: Nỉw.t,
'He moored at the quay (?) of Amon of Thebes.'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 15) 18: Nỉw.t,
'Lasst den Weg des Amon frei, möge er übersetzen nach Theben!'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 18) 23: Nỉw.t,
'auf der Westseite von Oberägypten, das gegenüber Theben (liegt)'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 3) 6: Nỉw.t, 'da
er nach Theben gekommen war.'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 3) 10: Nỉw.t,
'nicht soll Amon fahren nach Theben in der Art, in der er ist'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 6) 13 [b]: Nỉw.t,
'bei der Streitmacht auf der Westseite von Oberägypten, die Theben gegenüber liegt'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 7) 4: Nỉw.t,
'wenn er nach Theben kommt.'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 7) 17: Nỉw.t,
'und ich fahre zu Amon nach Theben'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 8) 2: Nỉw.t,
'(Aber) ich werde ihm nicht das Diadem geben [dass er bringt nach Bouto,] seiner Stadt, und
dass er ein grosses Fest (?) feiert in Theben.'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 8) 3: Nỉw.t, 'Da
kam der Heerführer Wer-ti-amen-niout nach dem Süden von Theben'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 9) 22 [b]: Nỉw.t,
'Amon, den grossen Gott, der im Westen Oberägyptens gegenüber Theben ist, man hat ihn
nicht nach Theben übersetzen lassen.'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 9) 23: Nỉw.t,
'Amon, den grossen Gott, der im Westen Oberägyptens gegenüber Theben ist, man hat ihn
nicht nach Theben übersetzen lassen.'
BC 99 - 30, TM 51524: OrSu 16 (1967), p. 46-47 no. 19, 5 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'the bouquet / wreath (of) (the
goddess) Rattawi / Rat of (the) Two lands (and) (of) (the god) Montou lord (of) Thebes'
244 BC 99 - 1, TM 55851: Erichsen, Demotische Erzählung p. 57-62, col. 2, 3 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'Ich bin ein
Priester der zwei Gravierungen: Gravierung des Himmels, nämlich Herakleopolis, Gravierung
der Erde, nämlich Theben.'
BC 99 - 1, TM 81558: ZÄS 128 (2001), p. 38-39 no. 23, 5: Nỉw.t, 'they (sc. the artabai oil seed) being
cleaned and delivered at Thebes'
BC 99 - 1, TM 81558: ZÄS 128 (2001), p. 38-39 no. 23, 6 [a]: Nỉw.t, 'artabai wheat, with the copper
mation-(measure) of the temple of Thebes'
BC 99 - 1, TM 81558: ZÄS 128 (2001), p. 38-39 no. 23, 6 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'they (sc. the artabai wheat) being
delivered to Thebes'
BC 98 Jan 3, TM 46048: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 16 no. 3106 & 3139, (3106) descr. [d]: Nỉw.t, 'choachyte of
(the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 98 Jan 3, TM 46048: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 16 no. 3106 & 3139, (3106) descr. [f]: Nỉw.t, 'choachyte of
(the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 98 Jan 3, TM 46048: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 16 no. 3106 & 3139, (3139) descr. [d]: Nỉw.t, 'choachyte of
(the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 98 Jan 3, TM 46048: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 16 no. 3106 & 3139, (3139) descr. [f]: Nỉw.t, 'choachyte of
(the god) Amon of Apis / Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 98 Jan 4, TM 44019: P. Tor. Choach. 7, 2 [d]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis
/ Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 98 Jan 4, TM 44019: P. Tor. Choach. 7, 3 [b]: Nỉw.t, '(the) pastophoros of (the god) Amon of Apis
/ Amenophis in the west of Thebes'
BC 97 Oct 24, TM 43540: Demotica 2 31, 5: Nỉw.t, 'indem sie gemessen, getragen und ausgehändigt
sind in mein Haus in Theben'
BC 97 Jun 12?, TM 91923: ZÄS 133 (2006), p. 42 no. 39, 8: Nỉw.t, '(als Weizen, der) vom chit(Unkraut-Samen?) gereinigt (und) nach Theben geliefert ist'
BC 80 Sep 12 - 79 Sep 11?, TM 91927: ZÄS 133 (2006), p. 34 no. 26, 6: Nỉw.t, 'gemessen mit dem
Kupfer-Mass vom Gotteshaus von Theben'
BC 51 - 47, TM 53580: Graff. Med. Habu 46, 14: Nỉw.t, '[ ] Rechnungschreiber des Tempels in
Theben des Gesamtbesitzes Amons und seiner Heiligtümer'
BC 50 Dec 1, TM 53578: Graff. Med. Habu 45, 4: Nỉw.t, 'revidierender Schreiber Amons im Tempels
zu Theben'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 49183: O. Leiden Dem. 157, col. 1, 23: Nỉw.t, '[[likewise (?): what I have brought
to Thebes: 3 artabai of wheat]]
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 49200: O. Leiden Dem. 174, 3: Nỉw.t, 'The account of the freight of the wheat: ...
The fodderers of Thebes: 1 stater, 23 oboloi'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 49044: O. Leiden Dem. 19, 2: Nỉw.t, 'for (?) the bath(?)-(tax) (of) Thebes'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 51671: OrSu 18 (1969), p. 90 no. 18, 2: Nỉw.t, 'Epeiph 13. To the thesauros (of)
Pharaoh / the royal storehouse in Thebes'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 51671: OrSu 18 (1969), p. 90 no. 18, 6: Nỉw.t, '(Epeiph) 20. To the thesauros (of)
Pharaoh / the royal storehouse in Thebes'
BC 19 Sep 16?, TM 49897: O. Mattha 274, 4: Nỉw.t, 'and I shall pay you 4 artabai of wheat at the rate
of 11/12 to the artabe, delivered to your house at Thebes free of cost and freight'
BC 10 Mar 19, TM 81536: ZÄS 128 (2001), p. 35 no. 18, 6: Nỉw[.t], 'mit dem Kupfer-Mass vom
Gotteshaus von Theben (gemessen)'
BC 8 Oct 28 - Nov 26, TM 56173: Dem. Conf. VII (Copenhagen 1999) p. 219-228 descr., col. 8, 8 (p.
223): Nỉw.t?, descr.: 'Horos ist nach diesem Text in Theben geboren worden.'
BC 8 Oct 28 - Nov 26, TM 56173: Dem. Conf. VII (Copenhagen 1999) p. 219-228 descr., col. 9, 5 (p.
223): Nỉw.t?, descr.: 'Horos ist nach diesem Text in Theben geboren worden.'
BC 3 Nov 1, TM 92966: O. Theb. Dem. p. 63 no. D. 111, 6 [a]: Nỉw.t, 'because (?) he went back to
BC 3 Nov 1, TM 92966: O. Theb. Dem. p. 63 no. D. 111, 18: Nỉw.t, 'when he goes to Thebes
AD 4 Aug 1, TM 48888: P. Rainer Cent. 3, col. 2, 18 [a]: Nỉw.t pȝ dmỉ Ỉmn, 'Thebes weeps, the city of
AD 100 - 150, TM 56179: P. Carlsberg 5 p. 17-192 + P. Yale 4921 Vo ined. (information website Yale),
fr. 9, 4: Nỉw.t, 'They were concealed in [ ] Thebes.'
AD 100 - 150, TM 55957: P. Zauzich 15, A col. 2, 9: Nỉw.t, 'Es gingen die des Amon nach Süden nach
Theben wegen (?) Chonsou, seinem Sohn (?), zusammen mit Mout, dessen trefflicher Mutter.'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55938: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 24-26 no. 6750 & 8765 descr., (6750) col. 9 (= H), 26:
[N]ỉw.t?, 'ils t'ont mis au monde et t'on reçu dans Thèbes'
245 AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 21, 11: Nỉw.t, 'Es
geschah, dass sie Theben gegenüber schlief'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 21, 17: Nỉw.t, 'Man
pflegt die genannten Dinge zu tun. Theben [ ]'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 21, 34: Nỉw.t, 'um 7
Tage in Theben zu feieren.'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 22, 1: Nỉw.t, 'Denn
man pflegt zu ihren Ehren ein Fest in Theben zu feiern [ ]'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 9, 7: Niw.t, 'Ich ben
der ehrwürdige Geier (sc. Mout), die Gattin des Herrn von Theben'
AD 150 - 199, TM 55943: Kockelmann, Praising the Goddess 6, 7 [b]: Nỉw.t, 'the great mistress who
is in Thebes'
AD 150 - 199, TM 56110: P. Carlsberg 3 p. 64-73, col. x+1, 6: ˹Nỉw.t˺, '[ ] ... Thebes, so that I may
complete my matters of action with them ... [ ]'
AD 150 - 199, TM 56110: P. Carlsberg 3 p. 64-73, col. y+1, 5: Nỉw.t, '[ ] ... as I have not brought them
southwards to Thebes.'
AD 150 - 199, TM 56110: P. Carlsberg 3 p. 64-73, col. y+1, 8: Nỉw.t, 'Do not bring them southwards
to Thebes [ ]'
AD 150 - 199, TM 56110: P. Carlsberg 3 p. 64-73, col. y+1, 19: Nỉw.t, 'Hasten! Hasten! ... southwards
to Thebes with [ ]
AD 150 - 199, TM 56110: P. Carlsberg 3 p. 64-73, col. y+1, 21: Nỉw.t, '[ ] herdsmen, the ones who
have come southwards to Thebes'
AD 150 - 199, TM 56110: P. Carlsberg 3 p. 64-73, col. y+1, 22: Nỉw.t, '[ ] Amon, the great god, upon
the west of the head of the south which is opposite Thebes'
AD 175 - 199, TM 56084: P. Carlsberg 1 p. 22-24 + P. Carlsberg 3 p. 141-156, col. 1, 5 (P. Carl. 3):
Nỉw.t, 'I came up south to Thebes because I have [ ]'
AD 175 - 199, TM 56084: P. Carlsberg 1 p. 22-24 + P. Carlsberg 3 p. 141-156, col. 2, 29 (P. Carl. 3):
Nỉw.t, '[ ] to Thebes. He did them all.'
AD 180 Nov 17, TM 50859: Short Texts 1 207 A-B, A 3: Nỉw.t?, 'first prophet of Amonrasonter, [ ]
Thebes, ...'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 11, 5 [a]: Nỉw.t, 'a
god came forth, who rests in the midst of Thebes'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 20, 29: Nỉw.t, 'who
awakened this crocodile ... in (the) temple of Djeme in Thebes'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 21, 2 [b]: Nỉw.t,
'Osiris ... whose head is in This, while his feet are in Thebes, the one who gives answer in
Abydos, while his protection (?) is [in?] Per-shilem, he who is under the noubs-tree in Meroe,
who is on the mountain of Poranos'
AD 250 - 299, TM 100207: JEA 89 (2003), p. 221, 5: [Nỉ]w.t, '[ ] Thebes, the city of Amon'
Dios Polis (Hiou) – U07 (577)
G Διὸς Πόλις Μικρά L Diospolis - Iovis E Ḥw.t-Sḫm (Ḥw.t - Ḥw.t-sšm.w) C ϩⲟⲩ - ϩⲱ Var.: Dios Polis
(Diospolis) (he) Mikra (Parva) - Hou (Hu) - Hout-Sekhem (Hout-seshemou) ('House (of) (the)
sistrum / sistra') - Hiou (Huw) E thnic: Diopolites Mikros
Status: city: polis: metropolis Admin.: in the U Thebais
Loc.: on the western Nile bank
Ident.: Hout-seshemi? (10856)?; cf. also U07 Diospolites (2998)
Rep.: Dizionario II, p. 113 (1-2); p. 114; p. 119; Suppl. 1, p. 98 (1-2); p. 98; p. 99; Suppl. 2, p. 46; Suppl.
3, p. 32 (1); p. 33; Suppl. 4, p. 53; Gauthier, Dictionnaire IV, 1927, p. 129-130; p. 226; Timm, p.
1120-1125; Bibl.: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge, 1917, p. 328 no. 1086; Wb 3, 1929, p. 3;
Gardiner, AEO 2, 1947, p. 33*-34* no. 346; Erichsen, Glossar, 1954, p. 284; p. 455; Montet,
Géographie 2, 1961, p. 93; Vandorpe, Geografische elementen, 1988, p. 131-132; P. Hou, 1991, p.
2; Collombert, RdE 48 (1997), p. 15-70; CDD Ḥ, 2009, p. 23; p. 36-37; Maps: Baines / Malek, Atlas,
2002, p. 109 Sources: BC 664 - 332, TM 45570: P. Cairo 3 50061 a, col. 2, 18 [a]: Ḥw.t, 'der Wein, die Kleider, die
man nach [U07] Dios Polis gelegt hat, indem man sie nicht nach Theben gebracht hat'
246 BC 385 May 26 - Jun 24, TM 46073: P. Cattle 15 + Enchoria 3 (1973), p. 6-8 no. A-B, B 2: Ḥw.t, 'Du
hast mir deinen Acker verpachtet, der im nördlichen Hoch-Acker von Dios Polis ist, aus den
trockenen Äckern des Opfergutes des Nephotes.'
BC 332 - 30?, TM 51619: RdE 48 (1997), p. 49, 2: Ḥw.t-Sḫm, 'Nephotes, the great god, living, lord of
Dios Polis'
BC 114 Nov 5, TM 43617: Aegyptus 32 (1952), p. 14-19, col. 5, 2: [Ḥw.t], 'Phthomonthes, his wife, his
children from Dios Polis'
BC 99 - 1?, TM 58144: Pantalacci (ed.), La lettre d'archive (Topoi Suppl. 9) p. 37-38 descr., 8: Ḥw.t,
'Si l'inondation n'est pas (encore) venue, et si cela plaît à ton coeur de faire monter vers moi
Petesouchos à Dios Polis pour cultiver, ...'
(?) AD 1 - 99?, TM 51130: Enchoria 16 (1988), p. 79 no. 1, col. 2, 9: Ḥw.t-[ ], in a list of Upper
Egyptian toponyms
AD 1 - 199, TM 69431: Jasnow / Zauzich, Book of Thoth p. 139-496 no. L01, col. 2, 6 (p. 340): Ḥw.t[Sḫm], 'A young bird [ ] vulture ... fair sistrum [ ] It is Dios Polis.'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 22, 26: Ḥw.t-sšm.w,
'Hast du nicht veranlasst, dass Scharen von Männern und Frauen ihre Haare schütteln für die,
welche in der Sistrum-Stadt / Dios Polis ist? (sc. Hathor / Tefnout)'
Diospolites – U07 (2998)
G Διοπολίτης Μικρός L Diospolites E tȝ qḥ n Ḥw.t Var.: Diospolites (Diopolites) Mikros (*Parvus)
Status: district: nomos; keh Admin.: in the U Thebais
Ident.: cf. U07 Dios Polis (577)
Sources: BC 487 Aug 6, TM 46426: P. Hou 2, 5: tȝ qḥ Ḥw.t, 'the grey lag geese of the god's offering of
Amon, which are established in (the) village N-sem-serechi, which is part of the Localities of
the god's offering of Amon that are in the nomos (of) Dios Polis'
BC 487 Jun 21 - Jul 20, TM 46427: P. Hou 3, 8: tȝ qḥ Ḥw.t, 'to whom the Localities of the god's
offering of Amon that are in the nomos (of) Dios Polis, are commissioned'
BC 332 - 30, TM 49253: O. Leiden Dem. 227, 4: tȝ qḥ Ḥw.t, '[ ] the nomos (of) Dios Polis'
Djar? – U09 (11199)
E Ḏʿr? Var.: Djar? (Djera) ('Cultivated land')?
Status: village? Bibl.: Clarysse / Vandorpe, P. Zauzich, 2004, p. 55-56
Sources: BC 229 Feb 17 - Mar 17, TM 2767: P. Zauzich 3, Ro 3: Ḏʿr?, 'which is in the district of [the
(?)] north of the town in the domain of Min Djar (?)'
Djed-sout – L01 (11185)
E Ḏd-s.wt Var.: Djed-sout
Status: quarter Loc.: in L01 Memphis (1344)
Bibl.: Devauchelle, P. Zauzich, 2004, p. 106
Sources: BC 102 Apr 21, TM 56563: P. Zauzich 9, 14: Ḏd-s.t, overseer of secrets in Djed-sout'
Djedit – L13 (10739)
E Ḏdỉ.t (Ḏtỉ.t) Var.: Djedit
Status: area Loc.: the necropolis of L13 Heliopolis (761)
Bibl.: Wb 5, 1951, p. 630; Ray, O. Hor, 1976, p. 55 n. h; p. 185 no. 35; CDD Ḏ, 2001, p. 90
Sources: BC 171 Jul 10, TM 48985: O. Hor 18, 1 * [b]: Ḏdỉ.t, 'rejoice, rejoice, flame which is within
Anch-tawi (and) your place of beauty Djedit'
BC 155 Mar 10, TM 48980: O. Hor 13, 7 [a]: Ḏdỉ.t, 'the gods who rest in the necropolis of Djedit,
together with those who rest (in) the eastern desert of Heliopolis'
Djerit – L05 (11568)
E Ḏryt Var.: Djerit
Status: city? Ident.: L05 Beriten-n-Per-aa (11610)?
Bibl.: Farid, MDAIK 53 (1997), p. 51
247 Sources: BC 247 Jan 8, TM 101245: Brugsch, Thesaurus 5 p. 971 no. 6, 5 - 6: [Ḏ]ryt, 'Ich liess
herbeischaffen das material für den Innenbau und für den Unterbau der Grabhöhle des Apis
von der Kuh Ta-ranen, welcher erschienen war [in der Stadt] Djerit in dem nomos von Sais'
Djih – Palestina (10809)
E Ḏyḥ (Ḏȝhy) Var.: Djih (Djahi)
Status: region Region: Palestina
Rep.: Gauthier, Dictionnaire V, 1929, p. 108-109; VI, 1929, p. 103; Bibl.: Gardiner, AEO 1, 1947, p.
141*; p. 145*-146*; p. 182*; Zauzich, Enchoria 15 (1987), p. 170-171; CDD Ḏ, 2001, p. 18
Sources: BC 332 - 200, TM 45958: P. Cairo 2 31168 Ro + P. Cairo 2 31169, (31169) col. 3, 27 (immo 28):
Ḏyḥ, in a list of toponyms
(?) BC 146 - 132?, TM 51019: Enchoria 5 (1975), p. 113 no. 9, 1: Ḏyḥ, 'The man (of) Djih (?).'; no
further context
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51963: SCO 24 (1975), p. 70-71 no. 1, col. 1, 7 [b]: Ḏyḥ, 'has given ... to Egypt, to
Djih jars 5'
(?) BC 132 Jun 1?, TM 51015: Enchoria 5 (1975), p. 112 no. 5, 1: Ḏyḥ, 'Harchypsis greets P-chonsou
(?) the man (of) Djih (?)'
Djou-ka (El-Hasa Island) – U01 (10314)
E Ḏw-qȝ Var.: Djou-ka ('High mountain') - El-Hasa Island
Status: island (on the Nile) Loc.: originally part of the island U01 Tmousanis / Snmt (7661) near U01 Philai (1767)
Bibl.: Locher, Topographie Nilkatarakt, 1999, p. 175-177; Pope, Enchoria 31 (2008-2009), p. 76 &
Sources: AD 253 Apr 10, TM 51871: Enchoria 31 (2008-2009), p. 70-72, 3 [a]: pȝy Twe, 'after I had
flourished upon this Mountain in the work of Isis'
AD 253 Apr 10, TM 51871: Enchoria 31 (2008-2009), p. 70-72, 17 [b]: pȝy Twe-qỉ, 'and cause that I
might prosper upon this High Mountain'
Djou-n-t-neri – U03? (10744)
E Ḏw-n-tȝ-nry Var.: Djou-n-t-neri ('Mountain of the vulture')
Status: city? Bibl.: P. Tebt. Tait, 1977, p. 50 n. m; Vandorpe, Geografische elementen, 1988, p. 195
Sources: AD 150 - 199, TM 55943: Kockelmann, Praising the Goddess 6, 6: Tw-tȝ-nry, '[ ] the lady of
flame who is in Djou-n-t-neri / Mountain (of) the vulture'
Dora (Tantura) – Palestina (587)
G Δῶρα E Dry Var.: Dora - Tantura E thnic: Dorites
Status: city Region: Palestina
Rep.: Dizionario II, p. 127; Gauthier, Dictionnaire VI, 1928, p. 87; Bibl.: PP X, 2002, p. 47
Sources: BC 399 - 300, TM 56128: P. Saqqara Dem. 1 27 [palimpsest new] (p. 199), 13: Dry, 'the kite
went away to Dora'
Egypt (49)
G Αἴγυπτος - Ἀερία - Ἀετία - Ἀρανκηλίς - Μύσρα - Ποταμῖτις - Ὠγυγία - Ἑρμοχύμιος - Ἡφαιστία Χημία L Aegyptus E Kmy (Qmy - Km.t) - Tȝ.wy - Bȝqy (Bȝq.t - Bqy - Bky) C ⲕⲏⲙⲉ Other: Misr
(Hebrew) Var.: Egypt - Aigyptos (Aegyptus) - Aeria - Aetia - Arankelis - Araukilis - Araurakelis
- Mysra (Misr) - Potamitis - Ogygia - Hermochymios - Hephaistia - Chemia - Kemi - Tawi
('(The) two lands') - Baki (Beki) ('(The) bright one') Ethnic: Aigyptios (Aigyptia) - Aigyptis? Aegyptiacus - Aerios - Aerites - Aerieus - Aetieus - Kmy
Status: region Ident.: cf. also Lower Egypt (2712), Middle Egypt (2800), Upper Egypt (2766), Herkoulia (4358),
Kato Chora (4819), Brook of Egypt (2689), Egyptian Sea (11117), L01 P-mesha-n-n-Winen-Kemi
(13554), U04b Nesout-tawi (Karnak) (13525)
Note: see also the verb 'αἰγυπτιάζειν' ('act as an Egyptian', sc. being a villain); new reading in
Kockelmann, Praising the Goddess 2 (= O. Hor 10), 10 (no toponym)
Rep.: Dizionario I 1, p. 24 (ter); p. 35; I 2, p. 187; Bibl.: Wb 1, 1926, p. 425; Wb 5, 1931, p. 126-127;
Erichsen, Lesestücke II.2, 1940, p. 198; Erichsen, Glossar, 1954, p. 123; p. 235; p. 247; p. 381; p.
248 434; p. 499; p. 538; p. 563; p. 564; CDD K, 2001, p. 23-26; CDD R, 2001, p. 21; CDD B, 2002, p. 89; p.
92; PP X, 2002, p. 363-364
Sources: BC 699 - AD 350, TM 97778: ZÄS 54 (1918), p. 128 n. 3 descr., descr.: Tȝ.wy, '(the goddess)
Rattawi / Rat of (the) Two lands'
BC 599 - 400, TM 46707: P. Cairo 3 50067, 3: Kmy, '[ ] gelangen nach Ägypten ...'
BC 599 - 400, TM 46707: P. Cairo 3 50067, 6: Kmy?, 'Er liess P-mr-... ihn kommen nach Ägypten.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 12, 6 [a]: Tȝ.wy, 'Harsaphes king
of (the) Two lands'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 13, 10: Km.t, 'und indem du sie
den grossen Häusern Ägyptens gleichmachtest?'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 14, 18 [a]: Km.t, 'Mögen die
Priester mit dem Blumensträussen der Götter von Ägypten kommen, um sie mit dem Pharao
ins Syrerland zu nehmen!'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 14, 22 [a]: Km.t, 'und die
Propheten der grossen Götter von Ägypten sind es, die mit dem Pharao ins Syrerland gehen.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 2, 17: Km.t, 'sie wird (sogar) bis
zum Herrn von Ägypten gelangen'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 6, 16: Km.t, 'liess man die
grossen Tempel Ägyptens Steuern zahlen.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 6, 18: Km.t, 'obwohl man von
den grossen Tempeln Ägyptens Abstand genommen hat'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 8, 1 [a]: Tȝ.wy, 'Harsaphes king
of (the) Two lands'
BC 497 Sep 30, TM 46827: RdE 51 (2000), p. 13, 1: Tȝ.wy, 'in the presence of Amon king of (the) two
BC 492 Apr 21, TM 46470: Spiegelberg, Drei Schreiben (Sitzb. Berl. Akad. 1928, 30) p. 605-606 (= A)
[P. Pherendates 1], 1 [a]: Kmy, 'Pherendates, to whom Egypt is entrusted'
BC 492 Dec 25, TM 46469: Spiegelberg, Drei Schreiben (Sitzb. Berl. Akad. 1928, 30) p. 611 (= B) [P.
Pherendates 2], 1 [b]: Kmy, 'before Pherendates, to whom Egypt is entrusted'
BC 492 Dec 25, TM 46469: Spiegelberg, Drei Schreiben (Sitzb. Berl. Akad. 1928, 30) p. 611 (= B) [P.
Pherendates 2], col. Vo, 1 [b]: Kmy, 'before Pherendates, to whom Egypt is entrusted'
BC 486 Jun 7, TM 46738: P. Loeb 1, 7: Km.t, 'ohne dass die Leute da sind, die es nach Ägypten
transportieren werden'
BC 450 - 300, TM 46780: Fs. Lüddeckens p. 260-261, 7: Kmy, '[ ] they have brought (to) Egypt.'
BC 399 - 300, TM 56124: P. Saqqara Dem. 1 2 (p. 72-74 & 109-111 & 127-128), Ro col. 6, 11: ˹Tȝ.wy˺,
'the mistress (of) (the) Two lands'
BC 399 - 300, TM 56124: P. Saqqara Dem. 1 2 (p. 72-74 & 109-111 & 127-128), Vo col. x+1, 17: Kmy,
'we will bring you back to Egypt.'
BC 399 - 300, TM 56124: P. Saqqara Dem. 1 2 (p. 72-74 & 109-111 & 127-128), Vo col. x+1, 19: Kmy,
'to fetch him back to Egypt.'
BC 399 - 300, TM 56146: P. Saqqara Dem. 1 5 (p. 154-155), col. 1, 11: Kmy, '[ ] which is in Egypt'
BC 399 - 300?, TM 56121: Rev. Bibl. N.S. 92 (1985), p. 60-81 + JNES 43 (1984), p. 93-96 + Vleeming /
Wesselius, Papyrus Amherst 63 1 p. 33-37 & 50-72 & 88 + Vleeming / Wesselius, Papyrus
Amherst 63 2 p. 30-44 & 46-52 & 54-64 & 65-71 & 75-90, col. 20, 4: Kmy, 'I took a horse in Media,
and brought (it) to Sarmanki. I took byssus-linen in Egypt, and I brought (it) to my brother.'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46488: P. Äg. Handschr. 49 descr., 5: Kmy, descr.: 'Komoapis sei ein für den
Adressaten sehr nützlicher Mann, der durch keinen anderen Ägypter ersetzt werden könne.'
(?) BC 399 - 200, TM 46443: P. Berl. Eleph. 2 13548, 13: ˹Kmy˺, 'Du hast geschrieben bezüglich der
Rückkehr (?) (nach) Ägypten (?) des Pachnoumis.'
BC 373 May 23 - Jun 21, TM 45880: P. Lille Dem. 1 22, 6 [a]: Tȝ.wy, 'Harsaphes king of (the) Two
lands, the great god, lord (?) of Herakleopolis'
BC 332 - 30, TM 55544: EVO 17 (1994), p. 29-31 [10660] descr., col. 2, 4: Km.t, 'south - appear /
appearance - Egypt'
BC 332 - 30, TM 55544: EVO 17 (1994), p. 29-31 [10660] descr., col. 3, 4: Km.t, 'king of Egypt'
BC 332 - 30, TM 47514: EVO 17 (1994), p. 31-32 [10661 Ro] descr., 5 [a]: Km.t, 'the field of Egypt'
BC 332 - 30, TM 47514: EVO 17 (1994), p. 31-32 [10661 Ro] descr., 6: Km.t, '... of Egypt'
BC 332 - 30?, TM 53968: Graff. Assuan Dem. 13, 2: Kmy, '[ ] the mistress of Egypt'
BC 332 - 30, TM 53759: Graff. Med. Habu 228, 1 [a]: Tȝ.wy, '(the) inspiration of Rattawi / Rat of
(the) Two lands who resides in Waset'
249 BC 332 - 30, TM 53759: Graff. Med. Habu 228, 1 [c]: Tȝ.wy, 'Rattawi / Rat of (the) Two lands who
resides in Maten'
BC 332 - 30, TM 53759: Graff. Med. Habu 228, 21 [a]: [Tȝ.wy], '(the) inspiration of Rattawi / Rat of
(the) Two lands who resides in Waset'
BC 332 - 30, TM 53759: Graff. Med. Habu 228, 21 [c]: Tȝ.wy, 'Rattawi / Rat of (the) Two lands who
resides in Maten'
BC 332 - 30, TM 53602: Graff. Med. Habu 72, 5: Kmy, 'in diesen guten Dingen, die in Ägypten
BC 332 - 30, TM 49354: O. Leiden Dem. 328, 1: Tȝ.wy, 'before (the goddess) Rattawi / Rat of (the)
Two lands'
BC 332 - 30, TM 49357: O. Leiden Dem. 331, 1: Tȝ.wy, 'The curse of (the goddess) Rattawi / Rat of
(the) Two lands [ ] who is in the middle (of) Ten (?).'
BC 332 - 30, TM 49368: O. Leiden Dem. 342, 8: Tȝ.wy, '[ ] (the) festival (of) (the goddess) Rattawi /
Rat of (the) Two lands (in) the morning [ ]'
BC 332 - 30, TM 49094: O. Leiden Dem. 68, 2 [a]: Tȝ.wy, '[concerning (the field) of] (the goddess)
Rattawi / Rat of (the) Two lands which is called T-mai (?) ... [ ]'
BC 332 - 30?, TM 50728: O. Wångstedt 61, 5 [a]: Tȝ.wy, 'the bouquet of (the goddess) Rattawi / Rat
of (the) Two lands, mistress of <Southern> Heliopolis (sc. Hermonthis)'
BC 332 - AD 350, TM 55999: Fs. Lüddeckens p. 48-50 no. ODK-LS 2, fr. a, col. 1, 3: Kmy, '(the) man of
Egypt' (in a writing exercise)
BC 332 - AD 350, TM 80217: Quack, Einführung p. 14 & 57 & 85-88 descr., descr. [c]: Tȝ.wy?,
'Nefertem, der die beiden Länder schützt, ist es, der zu ihnen (?) gesprochen hat'
BC 332 - AD 350, TM 80217: Quack, Einführung p. 14 & 57 & 85-88 descr., descr. [d]: Tȝ.wy?,
'Nefertem, der die beiden Länder schützt, ist es, der ein Kleinkind (?) gewesen is.'
BC 332 - AD 350, TM 80218: Quack, Einführung p. 44 descr., descr. [b]: Kmy?, descr.: 'der darüber
berichtet, wie nubische Anführer in den Gauen Ägyptens herrschen. Einer von ihnen hat seine
Augen auf die Tochter eines Priesters der Neith von Sais geworfen.'
BC 329 Jul 9, TM 51571: Lloyd (ed.), Studies J. Gwyn Griffiths p. 211 & 218-219 & 224-225 [70/12],
descr. [b]: Kmy, 'and all the gods (of) Egypt'
BC 299 - 200, TM 55866: OrAnt 2 (1963), p. 5-7 no. 2, A 9 [a]: Kmy, '[ ] Egypt [ ]'
BC 299 - 100, TM 55852: Studies Griffith p. 171-173, 16: Km.t, 'Im 1. Monat der Überschwemmung
(= Thoth), welches der Jahresanfang der Ägypter ist'
BC 299 - 100, TM 55852: Studies Griffith p. 171-173, 17: Km.t, 'Sehr stark war das Herz aller
Menschen, die in Ägypten waren [ ]'
BC 299 - 100, TM 55852: Studies Griffith p. 171-173, 19: Km, 'Es geschieht in ganz Ägypten [ ]'
BC 299 - 88?, TM 637: Dem. Conf. VII (Copenhagen 1999) p. 244 no. 9 descr., descr.: Kmy?, '[NN the
...] born in Egypt'
BC 267 Feb 16, TM 53764: Graff. Med. Habu 234, 11: Kmy, 'Wer sie wegwischen wird, dessen Name
sei weggewischt aus ganz Ägypten hinaus'
BC 265 Mar 16 about, TM 56139: Pyramid studies p. 176-177, Vo 3: Km.t, '[ ] to the land of
Phoenicia / Syria I brought it / them (?) by water for the protection of Egypt'
BC 257 Aug 20, TM 1832: P. L. Bat. 20 1, 26 [b]: Kmy, 'wheat from Egypt'
BC 250 - 220, TM 48875: P. Chronik Ro, p. 9-13 + Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten
(OLA 107) p. 65-111, col. 1, 14: Km.t, '[ ] Egypt [ ]'
BC 250 - 220, TM 48875: P. Chronik Ro, p. 9-13 + Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten
(OLA 107) p. 65-111, col. 2, 11: Km.t, 'Der Herrscher, welcher nach ihnen sein wird, wird
Ägypten verlassen / entblössen (?).'
BC 250 - 220, TM 48875: P. Chronik Ro, p. 9-13 + Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten
(OLA 107) p. 65-111, col. 2, 12 [a]: Km.t, 'Rechts ist Ägypten. Links ist Syrien.'
BC 250 - 220, TM 48875: P. Chronik Ro, p. 9-13 + Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten
(OLA 107) p. 65-111, col. 2, 13: Km.t, 'Derjenige, welcher nach Syrien gehen wird, welches die
Linke ist, ihn werden sie (her)geben im Tausch gegen den, welcher in Ägypten sein wird,
welches die Rechte ist.'
BC 250 - 220, TM 48875: P. Chronik Ro, p. 9-13 + Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten
(OLA 107) p. 65-111, col. 2, 15: Km.t, 'Nachdem Thoth nach Herakleopolis gegangen war, hat er
erfragt, was er - nämlich Harsaphes (sic) - befohlen hat in bezug auf Ägypten.'
BC 250 - 220, TM 48875: P. Chronik Ro, p. 9-13 + Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten
(OLA 107) p. 65-111, col. 2, 19: Km.t, 'Der Herrscher, der in Ägypten sein wird'
250 BC 250 - 220, TM 48875: P. Chronik Ro, p. 9-13 + Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten
(OLA 107) p. 65-111, col. 4, 4: Km.t, 'Er ist der, welcher die Habe Ägyptens und aller Tempel
hingegeben hat'
BC 250 - 220, TM 48875: P. Chronik Ro, p. 9-13 + Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten
(OLA 107) p. 65-111, col. 4, 22: Km.t, 'Die Häuser der Ägypter'
BC 250 - 220, TM 48875: P. Chronik Ro, p. 9-13 + Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten
(OLA 107) p. 65-111, col. 5, 2: Km.t, 'Während Ra zuschaut, werden sie die Ägypter
BC 250 - 220, TM 48875: P. Chronik Ro, p. 9-13 + Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten
(OLA 107) p. 65-111, col. 5, 15: Km.t, 'Die Herden (?) von Wüstenwild, sie sind nach Ägypten
BC 250 - 220, TM 48875: P. Chronik Ro, p. 9-13 + Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten
(OLA 107) p. 65-111, col. 5, 16 [a]: Km.t, 'sie sind nach Ägypten gezogen'
BC 250 - 220, TM 48875: P. Chronik Ro, p. 9-13 + Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten
(OLA 107) p. 65-111, col. 6, 5: Km.t, 'Möge man in Ägypten aufhören zu rauben.'
BC 250 - 220, TM 48875: P. Chronik Ro, p. 9-13 + Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten
(OLA 107) p. 65-111, col. 6, 15: Km.t, 'um nach euch Herr(en) über Ägypten zu sein.'
BC 250 - 220, TM 48875: P. Chronik Ro, p. 9-13 + Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten
(OLA 107) p. 65-111, col. 6, 20 [b]: Km.t, 'Die Griechen sind es, die nach Ägypten kommen
werden; sie werden Ägypten für lange Zeit beherrschen.'
BC 250 - 220, TM 48875: P. Chronik Ro, p. 9-13 + Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten
(OLA 107) p. 65-111, col. 6, 20 [c]: Km.t, 'Die Griechen sind es, die nach Ägypten kommen
werden; sie werden Ägypten für lange Zeit beherrschen.'
BC 250 - 220, TM 48871: P. Chronik Vo col. a (p. 26-27), col. a, 1: Km.t, 'I will drink a kelbi-vessel of
Egyptian (wine).'
BC 250 - 220, TM 48871: P. Chronik Vo col. a (p. 26-27), col. a, 2: Km.t, 'It is difficult to drink a
kelbi-vessel of Egyptian (wine).'
BC 250 - 220, TM 48871: P. Chronik Vo col. a (p. 26-27), col. a, 4: Km.t, 'a kelbi-vessel of Egyptian
BC 250 - 220, TM 48871: P. Chronik Vo col. a (p. 26-27), col. a, 5: Km.t, 'a kelbi-vessel of Egyptian
BC 250 - 220, TM 48861: P. Chronik Vo col. c, l. 6-16 (p. 30), col. c, 7: Kmy, 'bis zu dem Tage, an
welchem Kambyses Herr von Ägypten wurde.'
BC 250 - 220, TM 48861: P. Chronik Vo col. c, l. 6-16 (p. 30), col. c, 8: Kmy, 'Er sandte (Botschaft)
nach Ägypten an seinen Satrapen'
BC 250 - 220, TM 48861: P. Chronik Vo col. c, l. 6-16 (p. 30), col. c, 10 [a]: Kmy, 'unter den Kriegern,
den Priestern, den Schreibern Ägyptens'
BC 250 - 220, TM 48861: P. Chronik Vo col. c, l. 6-16 (p. 30), col. c, 10 [b]: Kmy, 'mögen sie das
frühere Gesetz Ägyptens aufschreiben'
BC 250 - 220, TM 48861: P. Chronik Vo col. c, l. 6-16 (p. 30), col. c, 12: Kmy, 'bis zum Jahre 19 des
Darius (?) in Ägypten.'
BC 250 - 220, TM 48861: P. Chronik Vo col. c, l. 6-16 (p. 30), col. c, 14 [a]: Kmy, 'in der Weise des
Gesetzes von Ägypten.'
BC 250 - 220, TM 53848: P. Chronik Vo col. e (p. 34), 13: Km.t?, 'man stimmte einen Gesang an in
Ägypten, ihrem Gebiet.'
BC 244 Aug 20?, TM 4455: CRIPEL 13 (1991), p. 40-41 & pl. 6-9, 23: Kmy, 'Je ne possède plus deux
kités d'argent à l'intérieur de l' Égypte pour le moindre vaine dépense'
BC 244 Dec 22 - 243 Jan 20, TM 4452: P. Bürgsch. 22, 2 [b]: Kmy, 'the Mede (sc. Perses) (born in)
Egypt [ ]-souchos son of Nechet-thotes'
BC 244 Dec 22 - 243 Jan 20, TM 4452: P. Bürgsch. 22, 12 [b]: Kmy, 'the Mede (sc. Perses) (born in)
Egypt [ ]-souchos son of Nechet-thotes'
BC 244 - 243, TM 128459: Studien Thissen p. 471-481, B 17 [a]: [Kmy], 'By Isis (and) Sarapis, by all
the gods of Egypt, by all the godesses of Egypt'
BC 244 - 243, TM 128459: Studien Thissen p. 471-481, B 17 [b]: Kmy, 'By Isis (and) Sarapis, by all the
gods of Egypt, by all the godesses of Egypt'
BC 243 Apr 29, TM 4453: P. Bürgsch. 23, 12 [b]: Kmy, 'the Greek born in Egypt Rhodon son of
Kallias, his mother (being) Merouta'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 107245: BIFAO 56 (1957), p. 67-75 + AfP 51 (2005), p. 1-29, Dem. 1: Kmy, 'für jeden
Menschen in Ägypten'
251 BC 238 Mar 7, TM 107245: BIFAO 56 (1957), p. 67-75 + AfP 51 (2005), p. 1-29, Dem. 3: Kmy, 'die
Menschen, die in Ägypten sind'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 107245: BIFAO 56 (1957), p. 67-75 + AfP 51 (2005), p. 1-29, Dem. 14: Kmy,
'während die Priester, die gekommen waren aus Ägypten zum König (ʿ.w.s.) jährlich'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 107245: BIFAO 56 (1957), p. 67-75 + AfP 51 (2005), p. 1-29, Dem. 15: Kmy, 'die der
König und alle Menschen ganz Ägyptens verehren'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 6378: Sacr. Decr. Canopus H (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 8, Dem. 2 [a]: Kmy, 'and the
other priests who have come from the temples of Egypt'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 6378: Sacr. Decr. Canopus H (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 8, Dem. 3 [a]: Kmy, 'to grant
many benefits to the temples of Egypt at all times'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 6378: Sacr. Decr. Canopus H (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 8, Dem. 3 [b]: Kmy, 'and the
rest of the divine sacred animals which are honoured in Egypt'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 6378: Sacr. Decr. Canopus H (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 8, Dem. 3 [d]: Kmy, 'on behalf
of the divine images which the people (of) Persia / the Persians took away from Egypt'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 6378: Sacr. Decr. Canopus H (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 8, Dem. 4 [a]: [Kmy], 'having
captured them and brought them to Egypt'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 6378: Sacr. Decr. Canopus H (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 8, Dem. 4 [b]: Kmy, 'that
justice be done for everyone in Egypt'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 6378: Sacr. Decr. Canopus H (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 8, Dem. 4 [c]: Kmy, 'and
everyone in Egypt was distressed because of what had happened'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 6378: Sacr. Decr. Canopus H (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 8, Dem. 4 [d]: Kmy, 'that the
people who were in Egypt had been in a deficiency of the inundation'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 6378: Sacr. Decr. Canopus H (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 8, Dem. 5 [a]: Kmy, 'and the
other people who were in Egypt'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 6378: Sacr. Decr. Canopus H (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 8, Dem. 5 [b]: Kmy, 'by having
grain brought to Egypt at a high price from the region (of) Syria, the region (of) the
Phoenicians, the island of Salamis (sc. Cyprus), and many other places'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 6378: Sacr. Decr. Canopus H (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 8, Dem. 5 [f]: Kmy, '(thus)
preserving the people who were in Egypt'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 6378: Sacr. Decr. Canopus H (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 8, Dem. 6 [a]: Kmy, 'the priests
who are in each of the temples of Egypt'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 6378: Sacr. Decr. Canopus H (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 8, Dem. 6 [b]: Kmy, 'the priests
who are in each of the temples of Egypt'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 6378: Sacr. Decr. Canopus H (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 8, Dem. 9: Kmy, 'for the other
great gods great festivals are held and are celebrated in Egypt each year'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 6378: Sacr. Decr. Canopus H (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 8, Dem. 10: [Kmy], 'it being
celebrated in the temples and the whole of Egypt on the day on which Sothis appears'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 6378: Sacr. Decr. Canopus H (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 8, Dem. 11: Kmy, 'some of the
festivals which are celebrated in (?) Egypt'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 6378: Sacr. Decr. Canopus H (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 8, Dem. 13 [a]: Kmy, 'the
priests who come from Egypt before the king each year'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 6378: Sacr. Decr. Canopus H (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 8, Dem. 14 [a]: Kmy, 'among
those which the king and all the people who are in Egypt revere'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 6378: Sacr. Decr. Canopus H (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 8, Dem. 15: Kmy, 'in all the
temples of Egypt'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 6378: Sacr. Decr. Canopus H (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 8, Dem. 16: Kmy, 'in the
temples of Egypt'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 55659: Sacr. Decr. Canopus T (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 9, Dem. 6: Kmy, 'and the
other priests who have come from the temples of Egypt'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 55659: Sacr. Decr. Canopus T (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 9, Dem. 10: Kmy, 'to grant
many benefits to the temples of Egypt at all times'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 55659: Sacr. Decr. Canopus T (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 9, Dem. 11: Kmy, 'and the
rest of the sacred animals which are honoured in Egypt'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 55659: Sacr. Decr. Canopus T (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 9, Dem. 12 [b]: Kmy, 'on
behalf of the divine images which the people (of) Persia / the Persians took away from Egypt'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 55659: Sacr. Decr. Canopus T (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 9, Dem. 12 [c]: Kmy, 'having
captured them and brought them to Egypt'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 55659: Sacr. Decr. Canopus T (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 9, Dem. 14: Kmy, 'that justice
be done for everyone in Egypt'
252 BC 238 Mar 7, TM 55659: Sacr. Decr. Canopus T (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 9, Dem. 15: Kmy, 'and
everyone in Egypt was distressed because of what had happened'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 55659: Sacr. Decr. Canopus T (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 9, Dem. 16: Kmy, 'that the
people who were in Egypt had been in a deficiency of the inundation'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 55659: Sacr. Decr. Canopus T (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 9, Dem. 17: Kmy, 'and the
other people who were in Egypt'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 55659: Sacr. Decr. Canopus T (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 9, Dem. 18 [a]: Kmy, 'by
having grain brought to Egypt at a high price in silver from the region (of) Syria, the region
(of) the Phoenicians, the island of Salamis (sc. Cyprus), and many other places'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 55659: Sacr. Decr. Canopus T (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 9, Dem. 19: Kmy, '(thus)
preserving the people who were in Egypt'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 55659: Sacr. Decr. Canopus T (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 9, Dem. 23: Kmy, 'the priests
who are in each of the temples of Egypt'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 55659: Sacr. Decr. Canopus T (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 9, Dem. 25: Kmy, 'the priests
who are in the temples of Egypt'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 55659: Sacr. Decr. Canopus T (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 9, Dem. 33: Kmy, 'for the
other great gods festivals have been held on their great festivals and are celebrated in Egypt
each year'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 55659: Sacr. Decr. Canopus T (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 9, Dem. 35: Kmy, 'it being
celebrated in the temples and the whole of Egypt on the day on which Sothis appears'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 55659: Sacr. Decr. Canopus T (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 9, Dem. 40: Kmy, 'some of the
festivals which are celebrated in (?) Egypt'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 55659: Sacr. Decr. Canopus T (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 9, Dem. 47: Kmy, 'the priests
who come from Egypt before the king each year'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 55659: Sacr. Decr. Canopus T (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 9, Dem. 50: Kmy, 'among
those which the king and all the people of Egypt / all the Egyptians revere'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 55659: Sacr. Decr. Canopus T (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 9, Dem. 54: Kmy, 'in all the
temples of Egypt'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 55659: Sacr. Decr. Canopus T (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 9, Dem. 57: Kmy, 'in all the
temples of Egypt'
BC 230 Apr 18 - May 17, TM 46062: P. L. Bat. 30 5 A-B, 8: Kmy, '(by) the gods of Egypt'
BC 230 Apr 18 - May 17, TM 46062: P. L. Bat. 30 5 A-B, 15: [K]my, '(by) the gods of Egypt'
BC 226 Feb 16 - Mar 17, TM 44608: P. Lille Dem. 2 35 + P. Lille Dem. 2 44 + P. Lille Gr. 4 35 ined.
(information Clarysse) + P. Lille Gr. 4 44 ined. (information Clarysse), (35) B 4 [b]: Kmy, '(the)
Mede (sc. Perses) born in Egypt'
BC 224 May 2, TM 5841: P. Eleph. Dem. 7, 11: Kmy, 'by Isis (?) and Sarapis and all the gods of Egypt'
BC 224 Jul 15 - Aug 13?, TM 4476: P. Lille Dem. 2 43 + P. Lille Dem. 2 70 + P. Sorb. 804 ined.
(information Clarysse), (43) Vo 1 [b]: Kmy, 'the Mede (sc. Perses) born in Egypt Nechoutis son
of Horos'
BC 224 Feb 15 - Mar 16, TM 8065: SB 20 14524, Dem. 5: Kmy, 'the Greek born in Egypt Seleukos'
BC 223 May 5, TM 44567: P. Eleph. Dem. 5, 12 [a]: Kmy, 'by Isis and Sarapis and all the gods of
BC 223 Apr 16 - May 15, TM 8528: PP X (Stud. Hell. 38) p. 67 no. E535 descr., 3 [b]: Kmy, descr.:
'Agathon son of Dor[ ], Greek born in Egypt'
BC 219 Sep 12 - Oct 11, TM 8487: P. Hauswaldt Manning 6, 1 [b]: Kmy, 'the Blemmys born in Egypt
Harmais son of Harpaesis'
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2984: Sacr. Decr. Raphia M (p. 242-257) + Gauthier / Sottas, Un décret
trilingue en l'honneur de Ptolémée IV + I. Prose 14, Dem. 1: Kmy, 'Artemisios day 1, which is
equivalent to the Egyptian month / the month (of) (the) people (of) Egypt, second month of
Achet (day 1)'
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2984: Sacr. Decr. Raphia M (p. 242-257) + Gauthier / Sottas, Un décret
trilingue en l'honneur de Ptolémée IV + I. Prose 14, Dem. 2: Kmy, 'Who has preserved Egypt'
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2984: Sacr. Decr. Raphia M (p. 242-257) + Gauthier / Sottas, Un décret
trilingue en l'honneur de Ptolémée IV + I. Prose 14, Dem. 6 [a]: Kmy, 'and the other priests who
have come from the temples of Egypt to Memphis'
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2984: Sacr. Decr. Raphia M (p. 242-257) + Gauthier / Sottas, Un décret
trilingue en l'honneur de Ptolémée IV + I. Prose 14, Dem. 6 [c]: Kmy, 'to stand before the king
at the time of his return to Egypt'
253 BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2984: Sacr. Decr. Raphia M (p. 242-257) + Gauthier / Sottas, Un décret
trilingue en l'honneur de Ptolémée IV + I. Prose 14, Dem. 8: [Kmy], 'whereas it happened that
all the gods of Egypt and their goddesses were before him'
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2984: Sacr. Decr. Raphia M (p. 242-257) + Gauthier / Sottas, Un décret
trilingue en l'honneur de Ptolémée IV + I. Prose 14, Dem. 11 [a]: Kmy, 'he joined battle with
king Antiochos at a town which is called Raphia and is close to the border-territory of Egypt,
which is to the east of the town of Bitylion and P-sa-nefer, on day 10 of the same month'
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2984: Sacr. Decr. Raphia M (p. 242-257) + Gauthier / Sottas, Un décret
trilingue en l'honneur de Ptolémée IV + I. Prose 14, Dem. 15: Kmy, 'and he sent them all to
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2984: Sacr. Decr. Raphia M (p. 242-257) + Gauthier / Sottas, Un décret
trilingue en l'honneur de Ptolémée IV + I. Prose 14, Dem. 20 [a]: Kmy, 'much harm had been
done to the manifestations of the gods of Egypt'
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2984: Sacr. Decr. Raphia M (p. 242-257) + Gauthier / Sottas, Un décret
trilingue en l'honneur de Ptolémée IV + I. Prose 14, Dem. 20 [b]: Kmy, 'he issued a good order
to the territories that he controlled which were outside Egypt, not to harm them'
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2984: Sacr. Decr. Raphia M (p. 242-257) + Gauthier / Sottas, Un décret
trilingue en l'honneur de Ptolémée IV + I. Prose 14, Dem. 20 [c]: Kmy, 'on behalf of the gods
(of) Egypt'
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2984: Sacr. Decr. Raphia M (p. 242-257) + Gauthier / Sottas, Un décret
trilingue en l'honneur de Ptolémée IV + I. Prose 14, Dem. 21 [a]: Kmy, 'for those that were
found to be deceased he caused an entrance to be made to Egypt'
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2984: Sacr. Decr. Raphia M (p. 242-257) + Gauthier / Sottas, Un décret
trilingue en l'honneur de Ptolémée IV + I. Prose 14, Dem. 21 [b]: Kmy, 'he sent them to Egypt in
a splendid manner'
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2984: Sacr. Decr. Raphia M (p. 242-257) + Gauthier / Sottas, Un décret
trilingue en l'honneur de Ptolémée IV + I. Prose 14, Dem. 22 [a]: Kmy, 'he took all care on
behalf of the images that had been taken out of Egypt to the region of the Syrian and the
region (of) the Phoenicians at the time when the Medes (sc. the Persians) did harm to the
temples of Egypt'
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2984: Sacr. Decr. Raphia M (p. 242-257) + Gauthier / Sottas, Un décret
trilingue en l'honneur de Ptolémée IV + I. Prose 14, Dem. 22 [e]: Kmy, 'he took all care on
behalf of the images that had been taken out of Egypt to the region of the Syrian and the
region (of) the Phoenicians at the time when the Medes (sc. the Persians) did harm to the
temples of Egypt'
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2984: Sacr. Decr. Raphia M (p. 242-257) + Gauthier / Sottas, Un décret
trilingue en l'honneur de Ptolémée IV + I. Prose 14, Dem. 22 [f]: Kmy, 'those that were found,
apart from those that his father had brought (back) to Egypt, he sent to Egypt'
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2984: Sacr. Decr. Raphia M (p. 242-257) + Gauthier / Sottas, Un décret
trilingue en l'honneur de Ptolémée IV + I. Prose 14, Dem. 22 [g]: Kmy, 'those that were found,
apart from those that his father had brought (back) to Egypt, he sent to Egypt'
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2984: Sacr. Decr. Raphia M (p. 242-257) + Gauthier / Sottas, Un décret
trilingue en l'honneur de Ptolémée IV + I. Prose 14, Dem. 25: Kmy, 'he reached Egypt during
the epagomenal days'
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2984: Sacr. Decr. Raphia M (p. 242-257) + Gauthier / Sottas, Un décret
trilingue en l'honneur de Ptolémée IV + I. Prose 14, Dem. 26 [a]: Kmy, 'the people who were in
Egypt welcomed him'
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2984: Sacr. Decr. Raphia M (p. 242-257) + Gauthier / Sottas, Un décret
trilingue en l'honneur de Ptolémée IV + I. Prose 14, Dem. 26 [b]: Kmy, 'because he had
preserved the temples and also saved everyone in Egypt'
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2984: Sacr. Decr. Raphia M (p. 242-257) + Gauthier / Sottas, Un décret
trilingue en l'honneur de Ptolémée IV + I. Prose 14, Dem. 27: Km[y], 'he went voyaging
through Egypt'
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2984: Sacr. Decr. Raphia M (p. 242-257) + Gauthier / Sottas, Un décret
trilingue en l'honneur de Ptolémée IV + I. Prose 14, Dem. 30: Kmy, 'and the rest of the people
who are in the whole of Egypt'
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2984: Sacr. Decr. Raphia M (p. 242-257) + Gauthier / Sottas, Un décret
trilingue en l'honneur de Ptolémée IV + I. Prose 14, Dem. 31: Kmy, 'the priests of the temples
of Egypt'
254 BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2984: Sacr. Decr. Raphia M (p. 242-257) + Gauthier / Sottas, Un décret
trilingue en l'honneur de Ptolémée IV + I. Prose 14, Dem. 33 [a]: Kmy, 'in each of the temples of
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2984: Sacr. Decr. Raphia M (p. 242-257) + Gauthier / Sottas, Un décret
trilingue en l'honneur de Ptolémée IV + I. Prose 14, Dem. 33 [b]: Kmy, 'they being made in the
manner of Egyptian work / of (the) work of (the) people (of) Egypt'
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2984: Sacr. Decr. Raphia M (p. 242-257) + Gauthier / Sottas, Un décret
trilingue en l'honneur de Ptolémée IV + I. Prose 14, Dem. 36: [Kmy], '[and there should be held
a procession festival in the temples and the whole of Egypt for king Ptolemaios]'
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2985: Sacr. Decr. Raphia Q (p. 242-257) + I. Prose 13, Dem. 4 [a]: Kmy,
'much harm had been done to the manifestations of the gods of Egypt'
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2985: Sacr. Decr. Raphia Q (p. 242-257) + I. Prose 13, Dem. 4 [b]: Kmy,
'he issued a good order to the territories that he controlled outside Egypt, not to harm them'
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2985: Sacr. Decr. Raphia Q (p. 242-257) + I. Prose 13, Dem. 5 [a]: Kmy,
'[on behalf of the gods (of)] Egypt'
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2985: Sacr. Decr. Raphia Q (p. 242-257) + I. Prose 13, Dem. 5 [b]: Kmy,
'for those among them that were found to be deceased he caused an entrance to be made to
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2985: Sacr. Decr. Raphia Q (p. 242-257) + I. Prose 13, Dem. 6 [a]: Kmy,
'he sent them to Egypt in a splendid manner'
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2985: Sacr. Decr. Raphia Q (p. 242-257) + I. Prose 13, Dem. 6 [b]: [Kmy],
'he took all care on behalf of the images that had been taken [out of Egypt to the region of the
Syrian and the region of the Phoenicians at the time when] the Medes (sc. the Persians) did
harm to the temples of Egypt'
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2985: Sacr. Decr. Raphia Q (p. 242-257) + I. Prose 13, Dem. 7 [b]: Kmy,
'he took all care on behalf of the images that had been taken [out of Egypt to the region of the
Syrian and the region of the Phoenicians at the time when] the Medes (sc. the Persians) did
harm to the temples of Egypt'
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2985: Sacr. Decr. Raphia Q (p. 242-257) + I. Prose 13, Dem. 7 [c]: Km[y],
'those that were found, apart from those that his father had brought (back) to Egypt, [he sent
to Egypt]'
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2985: Sacr. Decr. Raphia Q (p. 242-257) + I. Prose 13, Dem. 11 [a]: Kmy,
'he reached Egypt during the epagomenal days'
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2985: Sacr. Decr. Raphia Q (p. 242-257) + I. Prose 13, Dem. 11 [b]: K[my],
'the people who were in Egypt welcomed him'
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2985: Sacr. Decr. Raphia Q (p. 242-257) + I. Prose 13, Dem. 12: Kmy,
'[because he had preserved the temples and also saved everyone (in)] Egypt'
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2985: Sacr. Decr. Raphia Q (p. 242-257) + I. Prose 13, Dem. 13: [Kmy],
'[he went voyaging through Egypt]'
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2985: Sacr. Decr. Raphia Q (p. 242-257) + I. Prose 13, Dem. 16: Kmy, 'and
all the rest of the people who are in Egypt'
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2985: Sacr. Decr. Raphia Q (p. 242-257) + I. Prose 13, Dem. 17: Kmy, 'the
priests of the temples of Egypt'
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2985: Sacr. Decr. Raphia Q (p. 242-257) + I. Prose 13, Dem. 19: [Kmy], 'in
[each of the temples of Egypt]'
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2985: Sacr. Decr. Raphia Q (p. 242-257) + I. Prose 13, Dem. 23: Kmy, 'and
there should be held a procession festival in the temples and the whole of Egypt for king
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 2985: Sacr. Decr. Raphia Q (p. 242-257) + I. Prose 13, Dem. 29: Kmy, 'so
that it may become public that all the inhabitants of Egypt honour the Father-Loving Gods'
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 6082: Sacr. Decr. Raphia S (p. 242-257) + I. Prose 12, Dem. 8: Kmy, 'he
reached Egypt during the epagomenal days'
BC 217 Nov 15 - Dec 14, TM 6082: Sacr. Decr. Raphia S (p. 242-257) + I. Prose 12, Dem. 9: Kmy, '[he
went voyaging] through Egypt'
BC 217 Oct 16 - 216 Oct 15, TM 8488: P. Hauswaldt Manning 15, 1 [b]: [Kmy], 'Has said the
Megabarros born in Egypt Pabachtis son of Harmais'
BC 217 Oct 16 - 216 Oct 15, TM 8488: P. Hauswaldt Manning 15, 5 [b]: Kmy, 'The Blemmys born in
Egypt Harmais son of Harpaesis'
BC 217 Oct 16 - 216 Oct 15, TM 8488: P. Hauswaldt Manning 15, 6 [b]: [Kmy], 'the Megabarros born
in Egypt Pabachtis son of Harmais'
255 BC 215 Oct 16 - 214 Oct 15, TM 2864: AncSoc 36 (2006), p. 7, 3 [b]: Kmy, 'the Greek born in Egypt [ ]'
BC 215 Oct 16 - 214 Oct 15, TM 2864: AncSoc 36 (2006), p. 7, 6 [b]: Kmy, 'the vineyards of the troop
of the Greeks in Egypt'
BC 212 Mar 14 - Apr 12, TM 8489: P. Hauswaldt Manning 18, a 2 [c]: [Kmy], 'the Greek born in
Egypt Andronikos son of Androsthenes'
BC 212 Mar 14 - Apr 12, TM 8489: P. Hauswaldt Manning 18, b 2 [b]: Km[y], 'the Greek born in
Egypt Andronikos son of Androsthenes'
BC 199 - 140, TM 48978: O. Hor 11, Vo 6: Kmy, '[ ] the gods (of) Egypt, all of them.'
BC 199 - 140, TM 48983: O. Hor 16, 1: Kmy, 'From Horos who is concerned with the petition of the
chapels of Egypt'
BC 199 - 140, TM 48984: O. Hor 17, 1: Kmy, 'From Horos who is concerned with the petition of the
chapels of Egypt'
BC 199 - 140, TM 48994: O. Hor 27, Vo 6: Kmy, 'The chapels of Egypt and the waters behind them'
BC 199 - 140, TM 49004: O. Hor 38, 3: K[my], '[ ] came (to) Egypt [ ]'
BC 199 - 140, TM 49006: O. Hor 40, 2: Kmy, '[ ] he left Egypt [ ]'
BC 199 - 140, TM 49012: O. Hor 46, 5: Kmy, 'I gave it to him (in) Egyptian writing / (in) (the)
writing of the people of Egypt'
(?) BC 199 - 140, TM 49017: O. Hor 51, 2 (& note): [K]my?, '[ ] Egypt (?) [ ]'
BC 199 - 140, TM 48973: O. Hor 6, Vo 6: Kmy, 'the law (of) Egypt'
(?) BC 199 - 100, TM 130017: Journal of Egyptian History 2 (2009), p. 107-113, 5: Tȝ.wỉ?, '[ ]
Psammetichos 203 years; lords of the Two lands (?) [ ]'
BC 199 - 30, TM 51190: Enchoria 21 (1994), p. 45-46 no. 46, 1: Kmy, '[NN born] in Egypt'
BC 199 - 30?, TM 53769: Graff. Med. Habu 239, 15 [b]: Kmy, 'I went from the Romans to Egypt in
year 26'
BC 199 - 30, TM 454: P. Cairo 2 30762 + MDAIK 43 (1987), p. 157 n. 3 descr. + SAK 1 (1974), p. 239 n.
53 descr., 7 [b]: Kmy, 'Greek writing, ... repeated in Egyptian writing / (the) writing of the
people of Egypt'
BC 199 - AD 50, TM 52349: O. Tempeleide p. 381 no. DO B 734 descr., descr.: Tȝ.wy, '(the goddess)
Rattawi / Rat of (the) Two lands'
BC 199 - AD 50, TM 52589: O. Tempeleide p. 403 no. DO Wien 19 descr., descr.: Tȝ.wy, '(the
goddess) Rattawi / Rat of (the) Two lands'
BC 199 - AD 50, TM 92578: Studies Shore p. 157 n. 14 [Lac sacré 1101.14] descr., descr.: Tȝ.wy, '(the
goddess) Rattawi / Rat of (the) Two lands'
BC 199 - AD 99, TM 50049: O. Med. Habu Dem. 154, 3: Tȝ.wy, 'here before the bull (of) Maten,
Montou and (the goddess) Rattawi / Rat of (the) Two lands'
BC 196 Mar 27, TM 8809: I. Prose 16 + Sacr. Decr. Memphis Ros. (p. 258-271), Dem. 1 [a]: Kmy,
'Xandikos day 4, which is equivalent to the Egyptian month / the month (of) (the) people (of)
Egypt, second month of Peret, day 18'
BC 196 Mar 27, TM 8809: I. Prose 16 + Sacr. Decr. Memphis Ros. (p. 258-271), Dem. 1 [b]: Kmy, 'who
has established Egypt'
BC 196 Mar 27, TM 8809: I. Prose 16 + Sacr. Decr. Memphis Ros. (p. 258-271), Dem. 4: Kmy, 'and the
other priests who have come from the temples of Egypt to Memphis'
BC 196 Mar 27, TM 8809: I. Prose 16 + Sacr. Decr. Memphis Ros. (p. 258-271), Dem. 6 [a]: Kmy,
'whereas king Ptolemaios ... is wont to do many favours for the temples of Egypt'
BC 196 Mar 27, TM 8809: I. Prose 16 + Sacr. Decr. Memphis Ros. (p. 258-271), Dem. 6 [b]: Km[y],
'since he has given much money and much grain to the temples of Egypt'
BC 196 Mar 27, TM 8809: I. Prose 16 + Sacr. Decr. Memphis Ros. (p. 258-271), Dem. 7 [a]: Kmy, 'he
having undertaken great expenses in order to create peace in Egypt and to establish the
BC 196 Mar 27, TM 8809: I. Prose 16 + Sacr. Decr. Memphis Ros. (p. 258-271), Dem. 7 [b]: Kmy, 'and
of the revenues and taxes that were in force in Egypt he had reduced some'
BC 196 Mar 27, TM 8809: I. Prose 16 + Sacr. Decr. Memphis Ros. (p. 258-271), Dem. 8: Kmy, 'the
arrears which were due to the king from the people who are in Egypt'
BC 196 Mar 27, TM 8809: I. Prose 16 + Sacr. Decr. Memphis Ros. (p. 258-271), Dem. 11: Kmy, 'and
the rest of the people who had gone astray in the disturbance that had occurred in Egypt'
BC 196 Mar 27, TM 8809: I. Prose 16 + Sacr. Decr. Memphis Ros. (p. 258-271), Dem. 12 [a]: Kmy,
'against those who came by the shore and by the sea to make an attack on Egypt'
BC 196 Mar 27, TM 8809: I. Prose 16 + Sacr. Decr. Memphis Ros. (p. 258-271), Dem. 12 [b]: Kmy, 'in
order to ensure that the temples and the people who where in Egypt should be secure'
256 BC 196 Mar 27, TM 8809: I. Prose 16 + Sacr. Decr. Memphis Ros. (p. 258-271), Dem. 13: Kmy,
'because of the rebels who were inside it, who had already done much harm to Egypt'
BC 196 Mar 27, TM 8809: I. Prose 16 + Sacr. Decr. Memphis Ros. (p. 258-271), Dem. 18: Kmy, 'and
the other sacred animals that are honoured in Egypt'
BC 196 Mar 27, TM 8809: I. Prose 16 + Sacr. Decr. Memphis Ros. (p. 258-271), Dem. 19 [a]: Kmy, 'the
honours which are due to the temples and other honours of Egypt'
BC 196 Mar 27, TM 8809: I. Prose 16 + Sacr. Decr. Memphis Ros. (p. 258-271), Dem. 21: Kmy, 'It has
seemed fitting to the priests of all the temples of Egypt'
BC 196 Mar 27, TM 8809: I. Prose 16 + Sacr. Decr. Memphis Ros. (p. 258-271), Dem. 23 [a]: Bqy,
'which should be called "Ptolemaios who has vindicated the Bright Land / protector of Baki
(sc. Egypt)", the meaning of which is "Ptolemaios who has preserved Egypt"'
BC 196 Mar 27, TM 8809: I. Prose 16 + Sacr. Decr. Memphis Ros. (p. 258-271), Dem. 23 [b]: Kmy,
'which should be called "Ptolemaios who has vindicated the Bright Land / protector of Baki
(sc. Egypt)", the meaning of which is "Ptolemaios who has preserved Egypt"'
BC 196 Mar 27, TM 8809: I. Prose 16 + Sacr. Decr. Memphis Ros. (p. 258-271), Dem. 23 [c]: Kmy,
'they being made in the manner of Egyptian work / of (the) work of (the) people (of) Egypt'
BC 196 Mar 27, TM 8809: I. Prose 16 + Sacr. Decr. Memphis Ros. (p. 258-271), Dem. 28: Kmy,
'become festivals each month in all the temples of Egypt'
BC 196 Mar 27, TM 8809: I. Prose 16 + Sacr. Decr. Memphis Ros. (p. 258-271), Dem. 29: Kmy, 'and a
procession festival should be held in the temples and the whole of Egypt'
BC 196 Mar 27, TM 8809: I. Prose 16 + Sacr. Decr. Memphis Ros. (p. 258-271), Dem. 30: Kmy, 'and
the priests who are in each of the temples of Egypt'
BC 196 Mar 27, TM 8809: I. Prose 16 + Sacr. Decr. Memphis Ros. (p. 258-271), Dem. 31: Kmy, 'that
the inhabitants of Egypt pay honour'
BC 192 Sep 4, TM 47824: O. Hor 3, 1: Kmy, 'Pharaoh Ptolemaios, our lord, the master (of) Egypt,
and queen Kleopatra, the gods who love their mother, who wear the diadem in Alexandria'
BC 192 Sep 4, TM 47824: O. Hor 3, 8: Kmy, '(For) she (sc. Isis) is (the one) who keeps watch over the
territory (of) Egypt.'
BC 192 Sep 4, TM 47824: O. Hor 3, Vo 9: Kmy, 'at the time (when) Egypt divorced itself (from)
BC 188 Oct 9 - 187 Oct 8, TM 398: P. Cairo 2 30664 descr., 1 ? [b]: [Kmy], descr.: 'Von den
Kontrahenten A war einer ein "[in Ägypten] geborener Aethiope"'
BC 186 Sep 6?, TM 48339: Urk. 2 p. 214-230 no. 38, Dem. 1 [a]: Kmy, 'which is (the) Egyptian month
/ (the) month of (the) people (of) Egypt'
BC 186 Sep 6?, TM 48339: Urk. 2 p. 214-230 no. 38, Dem. 1 [b]: Kmy, 'Pharaoh ... who has
established Egypt'
BC 186 Sep 6?, TM 48339: Urk. 2 p. 214-230 no. 38, Dem. 3 [a]: [Kmy], 'and the other priests in the
temples of Egypt'
BC 186 Sep 6?, TM 48339: Urk. 2 p. 214-230 no. 38, Dem. 3 [b]: Bq[y], '(the) lords of Egypt'
BC 186 Sep 6?, TM 48339: Urk. 2 p. 214-230 no. 38, Dem. 4 [b]: [Kmy], 'the temples (of) Egypt'
BC 186 Sep 6?, TM 48339: Urk. 2 p. 214-230 no. 38, Dem. 5 [a]: K[m]y, 'the gods (of) Egypt'
BC 186 Sep 6?, TM 48339: Urk. 2 p. 214-230 no. 38, Dem. 5 [b]: [Kmy], 'the people who are in Egypt'
BC 186 Sep 6?, TM 48339: Urk. 2 p. 214-230 no. 38, Dem. 6 [a]: [Kmy], Apis, Mneuis and the other
animals which (are) venerated in Egypt'
BC 186 Sep 6?, TM 48339: Urk. 2 p. 214-230 no. 38, Dem. 6 [b]: Kmy, 'and the other proper things of
BC 186 Sep 6?, TM 48339: Urk. 2 p. 214-230 no. 38, Dem. 7 [a]: Kmy, 'the gods (of) Egypt'
BC 186 Sep 6?, TM 48339: Urk. 2 p. 214-230 no. 38, Dem. 7 [b]: Kmy, 'having acted as leader of (the)
rebellion in Egypt'
BC 186 Sep 6?, TM 48339: Urk. 2 p. 214-230 no. 38, Dem. 8 [b]: Kmy, 'and the people of Egypt'
BC 186 Sep 6?, TM 48339: Urk. 2 p. 214-230 no. 38, Dem. 11: Kmy, 'It is made like work of (the) man
of Egypt.'
BC 185 Oct 8 - 184 Oct 7, TM 48335: Urk. 2 p. 198-214 no. 37, Dem. 1 [a]: Kmy, 'which is (the)
Egyptian month / (the) month of the people of Egypt'
BC 185 Oct 8 - 184 Oct 7, TM 48335: Urk. 2 p. 198-214 no. 37, Dem. 1 [b]: Kmy, 'Pharaoh ... who has
established Egypt'
BC 185 Oct 8 - 184 Oct 7, TM 48335: Urk. 2 p. 198-214 no. 37, Dem. 4 [a]: [Kmy], '... and the other
priests who have come from the temples of Egypt to Memphis to the installation of the living
Apis, having assembled at the temple [of Memphis (?)]'
257 BC 185 Oct 8 - 184 Oct 7, TM 48335: Urk. 2 p. 198-214 no. 37, Dem. 4 [d]: [Kmy], 'because ... used to
do many benefits to the temples of Egypt'
BC 185 Oct 8 - 184 Oct 7, TM 48335: Urk. 2 p. 198-214 no. 37, Dem. 7 [a]: Kmy, 'for the others of
(the) statues of the gods (of) Egypt'
BC 185 Oct 8 - 184 Oct 7, TM 48335: Urk. 2 p. 198-214 no. 37, Dem. 7 [b]: Kmy, 'to let be made
festivals for the gods of Egypt'
BC 185 Oct 8 - 184 Oct 7, TM 48335: Urk. 2 p. 198-214 no. 37, Dem. 8 [a]: [Kmy], '[the] temples of
Egypt [ ]'
BC 185 Oct 8 - 184 Oct 7, TM 48335: Urk. 2 p. 198-214 no. 37, Dem. 8 [b]: [Kmy], 'the heart of the
priests of the temples of Egypt all together'
BC 185 Oct 8 - 184 Oct 7, TM 48335: Urk. 2 p. 198-214 no. 37, Dem. 14 [a]: Kmy, 'a festival every
month in the tempels of Egypt'
BC 185 Oct 8 - 184 Oct 7, TM 48335: Urk. 2 p. 198-214 no. 37, Dem. 14 [b]: Kmy, 'and that be (?)
made processional festivals in the temples (of) Egypt'
BC 185 Oct 8 - 184 Oct 7, TM 48335: Urk. 2 p. 198-214 no. 37, Dem. 15: [Kmy], 'the priests who (are)
in the temples of Egypt'
BC 185 Oct 8 - 184 Oct 7, TM 48335: Urk. 2 p. 198-214 no. 37, Dem. 16 [a]: [Kmy], 'And that it be also
(?) known that those who (are) in Egypt, honour ...'
BC 182 Nov 12, TM 8513: P. BM Andrews 9 [10721], 2 [b]: Kmy, 'the Greek born in Egypt, receiving
pay among the infantrymen of Kleoboulos and Ptolemaios and Andrytos, Damon son of
BC 182 Nov 12, TM 8514: P. BM Andrews 9 [10727], 2 [b]: Kmy, 'the Greek born in Egypt, receiving
pay among the infantrymen of Kleoboulos and Ptolemaios and Andrytos, Damon son of
BC 181 - 145, TM 53706: Short Texts 1 139 + Guermeur, Les cultes d'Amon p. 273-274, (ST) Dem. 1:
Tȝ.wy, 'Amon-Ra lord of (the) Two lands (?)'
BC 179 Feb 4 - Mar 5, TM 3055: P. Assoc. p. 39-40 & 215-218 no. Cairo 31178, col. 1, 5: Kmy, 'and
Osiris and Isis (the) great and Sarapis and all the gods of Egypt'
BC 176 Nov 18, TM 8532: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3111, 2 [b]: Kmy, 'the Greek born in Egypt Ammonios son
of Alexandros'
BC 176 Nov 18, TM 8533: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3141, 2 [d]: Kmy, 'the Greek born in Egypt Ammonios son
of Alexandros'
BC 170 Aug 31 - Sep 29, TM 53822: P. BM Siut p. 52 no. 10591 Vo col. 3, 16: Kmy, 'It is written in the
8th tablet of the law of Egypt'
BC 170 - 163, TM 69633: O. Hor Dem. B (p. 4-5), 3: Kmy, '[ ] speaking the words of the people of
Egypt / in Egyptian speech'
BC 170 - 140, TM 48974: O. Hor 7, 4: Kmy, 'This is the law of the judgement of the food of the ibises
of Egypt.'
BC 170 - 140, TM 48974: O. Hor 7, 12: [K]my, 'The gods who protect the chapels of Egypt are the
children of Thoth.'
BC 169 May 18, TM 48977: Kockelmann, Praising the Goddess 2, 3: Tȝ.wy, 'the mistress of (the)
Two lands, Isis the great'
BC 168 - 140, TM 48970: O. Hor 2, 6: Kmy, 'namely that he (sc. Antiochos) would go [[that he would
go]] by sail from Egypt'
BC 168 - 140, TM 48970: O. Hor 2, Vo 12: Kmy, 'that he would leave Egypt <by sail>'
BC 165 about, TM 48989: O. Hor 22, 2: Kmy, 'The matter which affects Egypt'
BC 165 about, TM 48989: O. Hor 22, Vo 6 *: Kmy, '[ ] Egypt [ ]'
BC 164 Mar 23, TM 51427: MDAIK 53 (1997), p. 264, 4 a [b]: Kmy, '(when) the Mede (sc. the Persian)
came to Egypt'
BC 164 Jan 18, TM 661: P. Dryton 10 descr., descr. [f]: Kmy?, descr.: 'the Aethiopian born in Egypt'
BC 164 - 152, TM 44687: EVO 1 (1978), p. 95-96 no. A, 11: Kmy, 'Apollonios (in) (the) Greek
language, Peteharenpois (in the) language of (the) man of Egypt / in Egyptian speech'
BC 163 - 140, TM 48971: O. Hor 4, 4 [a]: [Kmy], 'at the time when Egypt divorced itself from
BC 163 - 140, TM 48971: O. Hor 4, 9: Kmy, 'That which concerns the journeyings (of) Antiochos
means (that) it is from Egypt that he went [ ]'
BC 160 Jun 29 - Jul 28, TM 48745: Essays Herman te Velde p. 208-209, 16: Kmy, 'the good matter
(in) the body of men, which is the dung (of) Egypt'
BC 160 Jun 29 - Jul 28, TM 48745: Essays Herman te Velde p. 208-209, Vo 11: Kmy, 'until he sends in
Egypt ... the place of Bakchios.'
258 BC 159 Dec 1 - 30, TM 48969: O. Hor 1, 7 [b]: Kmy, '(at) the time (when) Antiochos [IV] was at Pawi-n-Aouris (and) Egypt divorced itself'
BC 159 Dec 1 - 30, TM 48969: O. Hor 1, 12 [a]: Kmy, 'Isis, the great goddess of this portion of Egypt
and the land of Syria / Phoenicia, is walking upon the face (of) the water of the sea of Syria /
BC 159 Jan 20, TM 43897: P. Bürgsch. 16, 22: Kmy, 'the gods of Egypt'
BC 159 Jan 1, TM 43929: Serapis 6 (1980), p. 165, 12: Km, 'barley of Egypt'
BC 157 Jul 12, TM 2739: Acta Orientalia 25 (1960), p. 281-282, 27: [Km]y, 'and Isis and Sarapis and
all the gods of Egypt'
BC 157 Jan 15, TM 324: Dem. Conf. VII (Copenhagen 1999) p. 246 no. 3 descr., descr. [b]: Kmy, 'the
Blemmys born in Egypt Harpos son of Pa-bah, his mother (being) Ta-meneh'
BC 155 Feb 28 - Mar 29, TM 49025: O. Hor 59, 17: Kmy, 'Choose a town (of) Egypt. P-ah-Thoth and
Amon-Ra lord of Dios Polis are in it and [every god (?)] is in it.'
BC 155 Sep 17 before, TM 3565: P. Hermias p. 35-36 n. + UPZ 2 164, (P. Hermias) 3 [b]: Kmy, '(the)
Greek born in Egypt Herieus son of Apollonios, his mother (being) Senthoytis'
BC 155 Oct 30 - 4 Sep 27, TM 115818: Enchoria 30 (2006-2007), p. 60-61 no. 5, 3: ˹Tȝ.wy˺?, 'By
Montou (and) (the goddess) Rattawi / Rat of (the) Two lands (?) who dwell here'
BC 155 Oct 30 - 4 Sep 27, TM 115818: Enchoria 30 (2006-2007), p. 60-61 no. 5, 4: Tȝ.wy, 'I will
harvest (?) the garden of (the goddess) Rattawi / Rat of (the) Two lands (?) ... in the arable
land of Apis / Luxor'
BC 152 Apr 5, TM 309: P. Eheverträge 36 + P. Ryl. Dem. 16, (P. Ehe.) 5 [b]: Kmy, '(the) Blemmys born
in Egypt Chesthotes son of Harpaesis'
BC 152 Sep 30 - 151 Sep 29, TM 48996: O. Hor 29, 4: Kmy, '[ ] Egypt under them.'
BC 152 - 150, TM 397: P. Ackerpachtverträge p. 42-43, 2 [b]: Kmy, 'the Greek born in Egypt Gesna
son of Psenesis'
BC 151 Jan 2?, TM 91947: ZÄS 137 (2010), p. 129 no. 50, 6: Tȝ.wy, '[ ] of Rattawi / Rat of (the) Two
lands [ ]'
BC 151 Jan 2?, TM 91947: ZÄS 137 (2010), p. 129 no. 50, Vo 1: Tȝ.wy, 'Rattawi / Rat of (the) Two
lands who resides in Waset (and) who resides (in) Maten'
BC 151 Sep 30 - 150 Sep 29, TM 392: Orientalia 56 (1987), p. 76-77, 4 [b]: Kmy, '(the) Greek born in
Egypt Phatres [ ]'
BC 150 - 30, TM 46004: JEA 11 (1925), p. 151, col. 2, 1: Kmy, 'ditto of Egypt'
BC 150 - 30, TM 46004: JEA 11 (1925), p. 151, col. 2, 3: [Km]y, 'ditto of Egypt'
BC 150 - 30, TM 46004: JEA 11 (1925), p. 151, col. 2, 7: K[my], 'ditto of Egypt'
BC 150 - 30, TM 46004: JEA 11 (1925), p. 151, col. 2, 9: Kmy, 'ditto of Egypt'
BC 150 - 30, TM 46004: JEA 11 (1925), p. 151, col. 2, 13: Kmy, 'ditto of Egypt'
BC 150 - AD 50, TM 55804: P. Zauzich 38, 2 [a]: Tȝ.wy, '(the goddess) Rattawi / Rat of (the) Two
lands who resides in Thebes'
BC 148 May 22?, TM 51983: SCO 22 (1973), p. 218-219 no. 10, col. 1, 2: Kmy, 'Egypt'
BC 147 May 8?, TM 50504: O. Tempeleide 92, 6 [a]: Tȝ.wy, 'By Amon, king of (the) Two lands in
Apis, who dwells here'
BC 146 May 7?, TM 51989: SCO 22 (1973), p. 226-227 no. 16, Concavo 10: Kmy, 'Egypt'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51106: Enchoria 15 (1987), p. 173-174, col. 1, 1: Km, 'Expense of Egypt: ...'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51106: Enchoria 15 (1987), p. 173-174, col. 1, 7 [b]: Km, 'From Boui-peh-mou to
Egypt: deben 5'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51106: Enchoria 15 (1987), p. 173-174, col. 1, 12: Km, 'when we come to Egypt: ...'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51023: Enchoria 6 (1976), p. 63 no. 12, 7: Kmy, 'Ich habe (Euch?) eine Sache
Ägyptens gegeben.'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51024: Enchoria 6 (1976), p. 65 no. 13, 6: Kmy, 'Ich habe eine Sache Ägyptens
(Dir?) gegeben.'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51299: EVO 1 (1978), p. 66 no. 8, 2: Kmy, 'The account which Pamounis has
delivered together with Semenouphis to Egypt, Epeiph 22'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51370: EVO 16 (1993), p. 43 no. 1, 3: Kmy, 'Egypt (date).'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51336: EVO 2 (1979), p. 78-79 no. 14, 3: Kmy, 'he has given to Egypt spelt (?) [ ]'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51336: EVO 2 (1979), p. 78-79 no. 14, 5: Kmy?, '[ ] Egypt (?). ...'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51352: EVO 3 (1980), p. 160 no. 15, 2: Kmy, '[ ] day 12 to Egypt [ ]'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51360: EVO 4 (1981), p. 186 no. 8, col. 2, 1: Kmy, '[ ] has brought Laousis to Egypt
[ ]'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51360: EVO 4 (1981), p. 186 no. 8, col. 2, 2: Km[y], 'has brought Petosiris son of
Harpaesis to Egypt [ ]'
259 BC 146 - 132?, TM 51360: EVO 4 (1981), p. 186 no. 8, col. 2, 3: Kmy, 'has brought Ammeneus (?) to
Egypt [ ]'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51360: EVO 4 (1981), p. 186 no. 8, col. 2, 5: Kmy, '[ ] to Egypt, himself, artabai of
barley 2'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51366: EVO 4 (1981), p. 190 no. 14, 1: Kmy, '[ ] Egypt; has taken [ ]'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 2597: SB 18 13727, 3: Kmy, 'Pete-[ ] has given [ ] Egypt bnt [ ]'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 2597: SB 18 13727, 5: Kmy, 'he has given ... to Egypt 1 1/2 [ ]'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51914: SCO 17 (1968), p. 247 no. 8, 1: Kmy, 'Account of the men who have given
barley and emmer to Egypt.'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51926: SCO 19 - 20 (1970-1971), p. 371 no. 11, col. 1, 4: Kmy, '... he has given ... to
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51926: SCO 19 - 20 (1970-1971), p. 371 no. 11, col. 1, 5: Kmy, '... he himself has
given to Egypt'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51926: SCO 19 - 20 (1970-1971), p. 371 no. 11, col. 1, 7: Kmy, '... he himself has
given to Egypt ...'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51926: SCO 19 - 20 (1970-1971), p. 371 no. 11, col. 1, 8: Kmy, 'has given Pasis to
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51937: SCO 21 (1972), p. 327-328 no. 2, Concavo 14: Kmy, 'Pates son of Totoes to
Egypt, (has brought) artabai ...'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51937: SCO 21 (1972), p. 327-328 no. 2, Convesso 2 [a]: Kmy, 'Pasis to Egypt, for
T-ket (?), artabai of grain ...'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51937: SCO 21 (1972), p. 327-328 no. 2, Convesso 4: Kmy, 'has given Peteesis to
Egypt, bnt (of water) 3'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51937: SCO 21 (1972), p. 327-328 no. 2, Convesso 6 [a]: Kmy, 'which he has
brought to Egypt, to Wah-t-ket'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51937: SCO 21 (1972), p. 327-328 no. 2, Convesso 10: Kmy, 'Peteesis to Egypt, (he
has given bnt) of water 1 1/2'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51937: SCO 21 (1972), p. 327-328 no. 2, Convesso 13: Kmy, 'Harpchypsis to Egypt,
together with Petechonsis, (has given) bnt of water 4 1/2'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51937: SCO 21 (1972), p. 327-328 no. 2, Convesso 17: Kmy, 'has given Peteesis to
Egypt, bnt of water 6'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51937: SCO 21 (1972), p. 327-328 no. 2, Convesso 23: Kmy?, '[ ] Egypt (?) [ ]'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51949: SCO 21 (1972), p. 353-354 no. 14, Concavo 3 [a]: Kmy, 'he himself has
given to Egypt, to Wah-t-ket ...'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51949: SCO 21 (1972), p. 353-354 no. 14, Concavo 4 [a]: Kmy, 'he has given again
to Egypt, to Wah-t-ket ...'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51949: SCO 21 (1972), p. 353-354 no. 14, Convesso 2: Kmy, 'he has given to Egypt
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51949: SCO 21 (1972), p. 353-354 no. 14, Convesso 3: Kmy, 'he has given to Egypt
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51952: SCO 21 (1972), p. 361 no. 18, 7: Kmy, 'R-in-ou to Egypt, deben 8 kite 2 1/2'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51953: SCO 21 (1972), p. 363 no. 19, col. 1, 12 [a]: Kmy, 'has given Pausiris to
Egypt ...'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51956: SCO 21 (1972), p. 368-369 no. 22, 2 [a]: Kmy, 'Harpaesis son of Thoteus to
Egypt, to Wah-t-ket, ...'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51956: SCO 21 (1972), p. 368-369 no. 22, 4: Kmy, 'Thoteus to Egypt ...'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51960: SCO 21 (1972), p. 373 no. 26, 4: Kmy, 'has given to Egypt [ ]'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51960: SCO 21 (1972), p. 373 no. 26, 8: Kmy, 'has given to Egypt 5 1/2'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51960: SCO 21 (1972), p. 373 no. 26, 10: Kmy, 'has given Pates to Egypt hin 1'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51962: SCO 21 (1972), p. 377-378 no. 28, Concavo 4: Kmy, 'has given to Egypt ...'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51962: SCO 21 (1972), p. 377-378 no. 28, Convesso col. 1, 3: Kmy, 'has given
Totoes son of Pabis to Egypt artabai of barley 2 1/3 1/15'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51962: SCO 21 (1972), p. 377-378 no. 28, Convesso col. 1, 5: Kmy, 'has given
Totoes to Egypt [ ] T-ket ...'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51987: SCO 22 (1973), p. 223-224 no. 14, Convesso 2: Kmy, 'Egypt'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51990: SCO 22 (1973), p. 229 no. 17, 9: Kmy, 'Egypt'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51991: SCO 22 (1973), p. 230-232 no. 18, Concavo 2: Kmy, 'Egypt'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51992: SCO 22 (1973), p. 234 no. 19, 4: Kmy, 'Egypt'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 52000: SCO 22 (1973), p. 243-244 no. 27, Concavo col. 2, 6: Kmy, 'Egypt'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 52000: SCO 22 (1973), p. 243-244 no. 27, Convesso 7: Kmy, 'Egypt'
260 BC 146 - 132?, TM 52001: SCO 22 (1973), p. 246-247 no. 29, col. 1, 10: Kmy, 'Egypt'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 52005: SCO 22 (1973), p. 257-258 no. 34, 8: Kmy, 'Egypt'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 52007: SCO 22 (1973), p. 263 no. 36, 2: Kmy, 'Egyptian'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51963: SCO 24 (1975), p. 70-71 no. 1, col. 1, 7 [a]: Kmy, 'has given ... to Egypt, to
Djih jars 5'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51967: SCO 24 (1975), p. 78 no. 5, col. 2, 2 [a]: Kmy, 'Apollonios kebi 1/3; (to)
Egypt to Wah-t-ket'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51967: SCO 24 (1975), p. 78 no. 5, col. 2, 9: Kmy, 'Harpagathes (?) (to) Egypt, jars
of water 5'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51968: SCO 24 (1975), p. 80 no. 6, 3: Kmy, 'has given Ha-nefer to Egypt'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51968: SCO 24 (1975), p. 80 no. 6, 6: Kmy, 'have given Petosiris ... and N-heterou
... to Egypt'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51968: SCO 24 (1975), p. 80 no. 6, 8: Kmy, 'has given to Egypt ...'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51968: SCO 24 (1975), p. 80 no. 6, 10: Kmy, '[ ] to Egypt artabai of barley 1 1/10'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51974: SCO 24 (1975), p. 89-90 no. 12, Concavo 3 [a]: Kmy, 'has given Petosiris
son of Harendotes to Egypt, to T-ket, half a jar 1'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51974: SCO 24 (1975), p. 89-90 no. 12, Concavo 7: Kmy, 'has given Hippalos to
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51974: SCO 24 (1975), p. 89-90 no. 12, Concavo 15 - 16: Kmy, 'has given Hathres
bnt 1 1/2, kebi 2, to Egypt bnt 1, kebi 1'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51974: SCO 24 (1975), p. 89-90 no. 12, Convesso 4: Kmy, 'has given [... to] Egypt,
(to) T-ket, kebi 2'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51974: SCO 24 (1975), p. 89-90 no. 12, Convesso 6 [a]: Kmy, 'he has given to
Egypt, (to) T-ket, ...'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51974: SCO 24 (1975), p. 89-90 no. 12, Convesso 9: Kmy, 'has given Pagonis (son
of) Kleitos to Egypt ...'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 52015: SCO 25 (1976), p. 45-46 no. 6, 2: Kmy, 'he has given (to) Egypt, Mesore 29,
(to) Egypt'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 52015: SCO 25 (1976), p. 45-46 no. 6, 3: Kmy, 'he has given (to) Egypt, Mesore 29,
(to) Egypt'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 52015: SCO 25 (1976), p. 45-46 no. 6, 5: Kmy, '(to) Egypt, 39 1/2'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 52030: SCO 25 (1976), p. 67 no. 21, 6: Kmy, '[ ] emmer 1 1/2 to Egypt'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 52033: SCO 25 (1976), p. 71 no. 25, 3: Kmy, 'I left for Egypt artabai of barley 2 1/5
BC 146 - 132?, TM 52034: SCO 25 (1976), p. 72 no. 26, col. 2, 5: Kmy, 'have given to Petosiris [ ] to
Egypt deben 3 [ ]'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 52046: SCO 27 (1977), p. 18 no. 4, 2: Kmy, 'I pegni che hai fatto portare in Egitto'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 52047: SCO 27 (1977), p. 20 no. 5, 7: Kmy, 'to go to Egypt ...[ ]'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 52118: SCO 27 (1977), p. 53-54 no. 78, 4: Kmy, '[ ] egli ha dato (a) Egitto 5, manca
hin 1'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 52120: SCO 27 (1977), p. 55-56 no. 80, Convesso 13: Kmy, '... has given Djed-oun
to Egypt 1 1/2 hin 1 ...'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 52123: SCO 27 (1977), p. 60 no. 83, 2: Kmy, 'he has given to Egypt bnt of water 3,
emmer 1/2'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 52124: SCO 27 (1977), p. 60 no. 84, 1: Kmy, 'Egypt [ ]'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 52135: SCO 27 (1977), p. 67-68 no. 95, 8 [b]: Kmy, 'Tybi 11, he has given (to) (the)
oasis water 1 1/2 ... he has brought ... Egypt'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 52135: SCO 27 (1977), p. 67-68 no. 95, 16 [b]: Kmy, 'Mecheir 23: to (the) oasis bnt
6 1/3, to Egypt bnt 1, emmer 1/3 1/15'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 52135: SCO 27 (1977), p. 67-68 no. 95, 22: Kmy, 'he himself has given to Egypt
water ...'
BC 145 Jun 25 - Jul 15, TM 109: P. Strasb. Dem. p. 21-22 no. 21 + SB 1 5115, Dem. 4 [b]: Kmy, '(the)
Greek born in Egypt Totoes son of Pelaias'
BC 141 Apr 6, TM 47522: P. BM Andrews 32, (left) 4 [b]: Kmy, 'the Greek born in Egypt Sarapion
called Harnouphis, son of Hermias, his mother (being) Senpaous'
BC 138 Sep 7?, TM 51973: SCO 24 (1975), p. 86-87 no. 11, Concavo col. 2, 3: Kmy, 'my brother has
given to Egypt [ ]'
BC 137 Jun 3, TM 2776: P. Assoc. p. 93-97 & 227-229 no. Cairo 30619, col. 1, 4 [a]: Kmy, 'Isis, Sarapis
(and) all the gods of Egypt'
261 BC 135 Jun 22 before, TM 47614: Dem. Conf. VII (Copenhagen 1999) p. 229-230, 2 [b]: Kmy, 'the
Greek born in Egypt Petesouchos'
BC 132 Nov 9, TM 45942: P. Dem. Memphis 5 A-B, A Dem. 8 [c]: Kmy, 'together with the half share
of the 1/4 share, makes the 1/8 share, of P-mesha-n-n-Winen-Kemi / The army (of) the Greeks
(in) Egypt'
BC 118 Mar 16, TM 208: Life in a multi-cultural society p. 13 [10991] descr. + P. Ryl. Gr. 2 251 + P.
Ryl. Dem. 19, (Life) descr. [b]: Kmy, 'a Greek born in Egypt'
BC 116 Oct 16, TM 307: P. Dryton 26 descr., descr. [c]: Kmy?, descr.: 'the Greek born in Egypt
BC 115 Jan 26 - 108 Jan 28, TM 137: Life in a multi-cultural society p. 13 [10995] descr. + P. Ryl.
Dem. 23, (P. Ryl.) 2 [e]: Kmy, 'the man of Philai born in Egypt Horos son of Petehyris'
BC 114 Jan 23, TM 169: P. Gebelen Heid. 38, 5: [Km.t], '(the) man of Philai, servant of Isis, born in
BC 114 Oct 20, TM 8537: P. Lesestücke 2 p. 170-174, 5 [c]: Kmy, '(the) Greek born in Egypt
Psenmonthes son of Pathoytes, his mother (being) Tanophris'
BC 111 Jul 4, TM 214: P. Ryl. Dem. 21, 6 [b]: Kmy, 'the Greek born in Egypt amongst the
descendants of the stratiotai / soldiers, Petearensnouphis son of Pates'
BC 111 Jul 4, TM 214: P. Ryl. Dem. 21, 9: Kmy, 'the Greek born in Egypt Petesouchos son of Pasas'
BC 111 May 18 - Jun 15, TM 495: P. Strasb. Dem. p. 22-24 no. 7 + SB 1 5116 + RecTrav 33 (1911), p.
151-153, Dem. 6 [b]: Kmy, '(the) Greek born in Egypt Psenanoupis son of Horos'
BC 110 Nov 13, TM 25: P. Adler Dem. 4, 5 [d]: Kmy, '(the) Greek born in Egypt [name left blank]'
(?) BC 108 - 101, TM 496: P. Eheverträge 42 + P. Ryl. Dem. 27 + Life in a multi-cultural society p. 13
[10999] descr., (P. Ehe.) 4: [Kmy?], '(the) Greek born [in Egypt (?) NN son of NN]'
BC 107 Dec 5, TM 27: P. Adler Dem. 6, 4 [b]: Kmy, '(the) Greek born in Egypt Harmais son of
BC 107 Dec 5, TM 27: P. Adler Dem. 6, 5 [b]: Kmy, '(the) Greek born in Egypt Horos son of
BC 106 Jun 15 before, TM 26: P. Adler Dem. 5, 6: Kmy, '[(the) Greek] born in Egypt Horos son of
BC 104 Sep 2, TM 108: P. Ackerpachtverträge p. 49-50 + RecTrav 33 (1911), p. 149-150, 6 [c]: Kmy,
'the Greek born in Egypt Harsiesis son of Hermon'
BC 103 Aug 19, TM 336: P. Ackerpachtverträge p. 52 + FuB 8 (1967), p. 73-74 no. 1, (P. Acker.) 4 [c]:
[Kmy], 'the Greek born in Egypt [ ] and Psenesis son of Pelaias, his mother (being) Tatous, with
the same title'
BC 103 Mar 16, TM 3584: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3104, 8: Kmy, 'das Recht der ägyptischen Abstandsschrift'
BC 103 Apr 1, TM 3585: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3105, 13: Kmy, 'das Recht dieser Abstandsschrift, der
ägyptischen Schrift'
BC 103 Sep 27, TM 162: P. Conflict p. 52 pap. no. 3, 15: Kmy, 'until the god has brought them safely
back to Egypt'
BC 103 - 91, TM 467: RecTrav 35 (1913), p. 87-88, 5 [b]: Kmy, '(the) Greek born in Egypt [ ]'
BC 102 Aug 24, TM 210: P. Ackerpachtverträge p. 55 + P. Ryl. Dem. 26, (P. Acker.) 4 [c]: [Kmy], '(the)
Aethiopian [born in Egypt] Harpaesis son of Portis'
BC 100 Feb 11, TM 91829: Festschrift Junge p. 582-586, Dem. A 3 [b]: Kmy, 'wife (and) Syrian born
in Egypt, Olympias daughter of Demetrios'
BC 100 Feb 11, TM 91829: Festschrift Junge p. 582-586, Dem. B 3 [b]: Kmy, 'wife (and) Syrian born
in Egypt, Olympias daughter of Demetrios'
BC 100 Sep 21, TM 241: P. Dryton 8, 4: Kmy, 'Has spoken the Greek born in Egypt Pamenos son of
BC 99 Mar 1, TM 110: P. Eheverträge 45 + P. Strasb. Dem. p. 27-29 no. 43, (P. Ehe.) 3 [e]: Kmy, '(the)
Greek born in Egypt Pelaias son of Pabis'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Enchoria 22) fr., 5: [Kmy?],
'[ ] ihr Ruhm unter dem [Heer von Ägypten (?)]'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (P. L. Bat.) col. A, 1 (= Pap.
de Ricci 17): Kmy, 'die Flotte Pharaos und das Heer von Ägypten [ ]'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
262 22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (P. L. Bat.) col. A, 2 (= Pap.
de Ricci 17): ˹Km˺[y], 'dass du das Ruder von Ägypten bist.'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (P. L. Bat.) col. A, 5 [b] (=
Pap. de Ricci 17): Kmy, 'Das Heer von Ägypten bestieg seine rms-Schiffe'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (P. L. Bat.) col. A, 9 [a] (=
Pap. de Ricci 17): K[my], 'Ich bin der erste Schild von Ägypten'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (P. L. Bat.) col. A, 11 [a] (=
Pap. de Ricci 17): <Kmy>, 'Ich bin das grosse Ruder <Ägyptens>'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (P. L. Bat.) col. A, 11 [b] (=
Pap. de Ricci 17): Kmy, '[ ] rms-Schiff [ ] Ägypten, ...'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (P. L. Bat.) col. B, 14 (= Pap.
de Ricci 1): Kmy, 'Es gaben die Ersten Ägyptens ihre Zustimmung (?)'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (P. L. Bat.) col. B, 18 (= Pap.
de Ricci 2, 4): ˹Kmy˺, '[ ] Egypt [ ]'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (P. L. Bat.) col. C, 18:
[K]m˹y˺, '[ ] Egypt [ ]'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (P. L. Bat.) col. D, 3 (= Pap.
de Ricci 10): Km[y], 'wenn das Heer von Ägypten zum Fest rein ist in dem Tempel von Theben'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (P. L. Bat.) col. D, 5 (= Pap.
de Ricci 10): Kmy, 'viele Tagen hat man [ ] für Ägypten seit der Zeit früherer Pharaonen'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (P. L. Bat.) col. D, 17 (= Pap.
de Ricci 10): Kmy, 'indem das Heer von Ägypten bei dem [ ]'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (P. L. Bat.) col. E, 9 (= Pap.
de Ricci 5): Kmy, '[ ] in Egypt [ ]'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. de Ricci 11) 2: Kmy, '[
] Egypt [ ]'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. de Ricci 18) 2: Kmy, '[
] Egypt [ ]'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 10) 5: Kmy, 'das
ägyptische Heer'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
263 22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 10) 14: Kmy,
'das ägyptische Heer'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 10) 19: Kmy,
'werden sie Ägypten nehmen'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 11) 2: Kmy, '[ ]
der grossen Leute Ägyptens'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 11) 21: Kmy,
'unter den Truppen Ägyptens'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 12) 4 [a]: Kmy,
'zwischen dem Heer Ägyptens'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 12) 10: Kmy,
'der Vater der Stiere Ägyptens'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 12) 15 [a]: Kmy,
'die schöne Barke von Ägypten'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 12) 15 [b]: Kmy,
'das Herz des ägyptisches Heeres'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 13) 2: Kmy, 'das
Heer von Ägypten'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 13) 6: Kmy, 'das
Heer von Ägypten'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 14) 15: Kmy,
'Danach war Pharao Petoubastis bei dem Heere auf der Westseite von Oberägypten gegenüber
von Theben, indem das Heer Ägyptens gerüstet war mit seinen Rüstungen.'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 15) 9: Kmy, 'Ich
ben Min-neb-maat, der Sohn des Inaros, der Fürst von Elephantine, der Vorsteher des Südens
von Ägypten.'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 16) 1: Kmy, 'das
Heer Ägyptens'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 16) 24: Kmy,
'Min-neb-maat, Sohn des Inaros, Vorsteher des Südens von Ägypten!'
99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 17) 5: Kmy, 'die
Ersten Ägyptens'
264 BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 17) 9: Kmy, 'die
Ersten Ägyptens'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 17) 14: Kmy,
'Die ägyptischen Truppen'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 17) 16: Kmy,
'Kein Familie von Kriegern ist in Ägypten gleich der Familie des verstorbenen Königs Inaros.'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 18) 7: Kmy, '[ ]
ausserhalb Ägyptens.'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 2) 1 [b] (cf.
translation): [Kmy], 'als Horos, Sohn der Isis, Sohn des Osiris, [über Ägypten herrschte] und
die Götter ihm dienten.'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 4) 10 [a]: Kmy,
'Da geriet das Heer von Ägypten in Aufregung auf allen Seiten, die von Tanis, die von Mendes,
die von Natho, die von Sebennytos, das Volk der 4 schweren (?) Gaue Ägyptens, zie kamen und
marschierten nach dem Kampfplatz'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 4) 12: Kmy, 'Da
geriet das Heer von Ägypten in Aufregung auf allen Seiten, die von Tanis, die von Mendes, die
von Natho, die von Sebennytos, das Volk der 4 schweren (?) Gaue Ägyptens, zie kamen und
marschierten nach dem Kampfplatz'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 6) 2: Kmy, 'das
Heer Ägyptens'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 6) 15: Kmy, 'das
Heer von Ägypten'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 7) 10: Kmy, 'das
Heer Ägyptens'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 9) 10: Kmy, 'das
Heer von Ägypten'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 9) 13: Kmy, 'mit
dem ägyptischen Heere'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 9) 15: Kmy, 'Ich
bin der erste Schild Ägyptens.'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
265 22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 9) 17: Kmy, 'Ich
bin die grosse Barke Ägyptens.'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 9) 18: Kmy, 'Er
hat den ersten Schild Ägyptens gefangen genommen mit der grossen Barke Ägyptens.'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 9) 19 [a]: Kmy,
'Er hat den ersten Schild Ägyptens gefangen genommen mit der grossen Barke Ägyptens.'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 9) 19 [b]: Kmy,
'Er lässt Ägypten erbeben wie ein Schiff, das Schiffbruch gelitten hat'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 9) 24: Kmy, 'das
Heer Ägyptens'
BC 99 - 30, TM 51524: OrSu 16 (1967), p. 46-47 no. 19, 4 [a]: Tȝ.wy, 'the bouquet / wreath (of) (the
goddess) Rattawi / Rat of (the) Two lands (and) (of) (the god) Montou lord (of) Maten'
BC 99 - 30, TM 51524: OrSu 16 (1967), p. 46-47 no. 19, 5 [a]: Tȝ.wy, 'the bouquet / wreath (of) (the
goddess) Rattawi / Rat of (the) Two lands (and) (of) (the god) Montou lord (of) Thebes'
BC 99 - 30, TM 51525: OrSu 16 (1967), p. 49 no. 20, 3 [a]: Tȝ.wy, 'the bouquet / wreath (of) (the
goddess) Rattawi / Rat of (the) Two lands in Per-Montou'
BC 99 - 30, TM 45923: P. Eheverträge 53, 5: Tȝ.wy, 'before (the goddess) Rattawi / Rat of (the) Two
BC 99 - 1 about, TM 80872: Enchoria 19 - 20 (1992-1993), p. 167-168, 4: Kmy, 'der ganz Ägypten
geschaffen hat'
BC 99 - 1 about, TM 80872: Enchoria 19 - 20 (1992-1993), p. 167-168, 23: Kmy, 'die man mir angetan
hat vor Isis und allen Göttern Ägyptens'
BC 99 - 1, TM 55851: Erichsen, Demotische Erzählung p. 57-62, col. 2, 5 [a]: Tȝ.wy, 'Harsaphes, (the)
lord who unites the Two lands'
BC 99 - 1, TM 55851: Erichsen, Demotische Erzählung p. 57-62, col. 2, 8 [a]: [Tȝ.wy], 'I went to (the)
temple of Amon-Ra, (the) lord who unites the Two lands, in Daphnai'
BC 99 - 1, TM 55851: Erichsen, Demotische Erzählung p. 57-62, col. 2, 9 [a]: [Tȝ.wy], 'Harsaphes,
(the) lord who unites the Two lands'
BC 99 - 1, TM 55851: Erichsen, Demotische Erzählung p. 57-62, col. 2, 10 [a]: [Tȝ.wy], 'a priest of
Amon-Ra, (the) lord who unites the Two lands, in Daphnai'
BC 99 - 1, TM 55851: Erichsen, Demotische Erzählung p. 57-62, col. 3, 6 [b]: Kmy, 'I do not drink
water from (the) great lake, the great river of Egypt'
BC 99 - 1?, TM 50945: Short Texts 1 205 A-K, H 13 [a]: Kmy, '[ ] the people of Egypt / the Egyptians
and the Greeks [ ]'
BC 99 - AD 14, TM 55940: AAWLM - GSK (1954), 7, p. 310-320, col. 1, 1: Kmy, 'Du kamst nach
BC 99 - AD 14, TM 55940: AAWLM - GSK (1954), 7, p. 310-320, col. 2, 27 [a]: Tȝ.wy, 'Es entstand
"östliche, weisse Mauer" als Name von Heliopolis (und) "weisse Mauer" (sc. White Wall /
Memphis) [ ] "Teiler der beiden Länder" als Name für Memphis.'
BC 99 - AD 14, TM 55940: AAWLM - GSK (1954), 7, p. 310-320, col. 2, 27 [c]: Tȝ.wy, 'Es (sc. Memphis)
wurde (auch) genannt "der, die beiden Länder teilt".'
BC 99 - AD 14, TM 55940: AAWLM - GSK (1954), 7, p. 310-320, col. 2, 30: Tȝ.wy, 'Danach gab Ptah die
beiden Länder seinen Kindern, um sie zu besiedeln.'
BC 99 - AD 99?, TM 92681: Studien Thissen p. 430, 2: [Kmy], 'in whose reign Egypt was overflowing
with good things.'
BC 99 - AD 99?, TM 92681: Studien Thissen p. 430, 4: Kmy, '[ ] arrived in Egypt, and he [ ]'
BC 99 - AD 199, TM 56175: Spiegelberg, Demotische Texte auf Krügen p. 14-16 no. A + Dem. Conf.
VII (Copenhagen 1999) p. 60-61 + P. Zauzich 71 + Archiv Orientalni 17.2 (1949), p. 127, 5 [a]
(Spiegelberg): Kmy, 'Danach kam die Zeit, dass die Vögel des Himmels nach Ägypten hinauf
zogen, da zog nach Ägypten der wrt-Vogel (Hahn?) und die Henne.'
BC 99 - AD 199, TM 56175: Spiegelberg, Demotische Texte auf Krügen p. 14-16 no. A + Dem. Conf.
VII (Copenhagen 1999) p. 60-61 + P. Zauzich 71 + Archiv Orientalni 17.2 (1949), p. 127, 5 [b]
266 (Spiegelberg): Km.t, 'Danach kam die Zeit, dass die Vögel des Himmels nach Ägypten hinauf
zogen, da zog nach Ägypten der wrt-Vogel (Hahn?) und die Henne.'
BC 99 - AD 284, TM 52898: Fs. Lüddeckens p. 93-94 no. 6, 2: Kmy, 'O great gods of Egypt'
BC 99 - AD 284, TM 52911: Kockelmann, Praising the Goddess 3, 10: Tȝ.wy, 'Come to me, Isis, the
mistress of (the) Two lands!'
(?) BC 99 - AD 284, TM 52911: Kockelmann, Praising the Goddess 3, 12: ˹Kmy˺?, 'Come to me, Isis,
the mistress of Egypt (?)!'
BC 96 Apr 4, TM 6542: Short Texts 1 152 + I. Prose 30, Dem. 1: Kmy, 'about what concerns the
temples of Egypt'
BC 89 Sep 14 - 88 Sep 13, TM 51405: JNES 43 (1984), p. 354 [at p. 64 & pl. 10], 7: Kmy, '(date),
Pharaoh (being) outside of Egypt.'
BC 88 Jul 7, TM 224: ZÄS 42 (1905), p. 52-53, 1: Kmy, 'den ersten Truppenführer von Ägypten'
BC 88 Jul 7, TM 224: ZÄS 42 (1905), p. 52-53, 3: [Kmy], 'den ersten Truppenführer von Ägypten'
BC 84 Jan 31, TM 41476: P. Hawara 20, 18: Kmy, 'the gods of Egypt'
BC 79 Feb 9 - Mar 10?, TM 118012: Brugsch, Thesaurus 5 p. 986 no. 52, descr. [b]: Km?, 'for an
important Egyptian'
BC 79 Nov 3, TM 41478: P. Hawara 22, 6: Kmy, 'all the gods of Egypt'
BC 76 Apr 28, TM 55540: St. Memphis 17, 23: Kmy, 'according to <the custom> of the princes of
BC 73 May 1, TM 52822: St. Cairo 1 p. 30-33 no. 31099, Dem. 8: Kmy, 'die Talismane, die man
verwendet für die Vornehmen Ägyptens'
BC 70 - 60 about, TM 41460: P. Ashm. 1 18, 4: Kmy, 'Isis, Sarapis, and [all] the gods of Egypt'
BC 70 - 60 about, TM 41460: P. Ashm. 1 18, 10: Kmy, 'Isis, Sarapis, and all the gods of Egypt'
BC 62 Feb 1, TM 44162: Short Texts 1 154, 6: Tȝ.wy, '(the goddess) Rattawi / Rat of (the) Two lands'
BC 50 Dec 1, TM 53578: Graff. Med. Habu 45, 14 [a]: Tȝ.wy, '(the goddess) Rattawi / Rat of (the)
Two lands, who resides in Waset'
BC 50 Dec 1, TM 53578: Graff. Med. Habu 45, 14 [c]: Tȝ.wy, '(the goddess) Rattawi / Rat of (the)
Two lands, who resides in Maten'
BC 48 Sep 17, TM 48532: Graff. Med. Habu 44, 8 [b]: Tȝ.wy, 'Amon-Ra lord of (the) trone of (the)
Two lands in Ach-menou'
BC 42 Feb 15, TM 55511: St. Memphis 21, 3 [d]: Bqy, 'overseer of secrets of the lord of Egypt'
BC 42 Feb 15, TM 55511: St. Memphis 21, 11 [a]: Bȝk, 'artificers of Egypt'
BC 42 Feb 15, TM 55511: St. Memphis 21, 23 [a]: Kmy, 'according to (the custom of) the great
princes of Egypt'
BC 41 Oct 1, TM 55535: St. Memphis 19, 6 [b]: [Bȝk], 'registered with the artificer(s) of Egypt'
BC 30 - AD 50, TM 80211: Stadler, Isis, das göttliche Kind p. 47-84, col. 4, 23: Kmy, '[ ] in Egypt [ ]'
BC 30 - AD 50, TM 80211: Stadler, Isis, das göttliche Kind p. 47-84, col. 4, 33: Kmy, '[ ] Egypt [ ]'
BC 30 - AD 199, TM 48690: JNES 10 (1951), p. 258, 4 [a]: Kmy, '... prince in Egypt.'
BC 30 - AD 199, TM 48690: JNES 10 (1951), p. 258, 4 [b]: Kmy, 'The inundation will come to Egypt.'
BC 30 - AD 199, TM 48690: JNES 10 (1951), p. 258, 5 [b]: Kmy, 'The king of Egypt will rule over his
BC 30 - AD 199, TM 48690: JNES 10 (1951), p. 258, 7 [a]: Kmy, 'An inundation which is proper is that
which comes to Egypt.'
BC 30 - AD 199, TM 48690: JNES 10 (1951), p. 258, 7 [b]: Kmy, 'The burial of a god will occur in
BC 30 - AD 199, TM 48690: JNES 10 (1951), p. 258, 8: Kmy, '[ ] will come up to Egypt and they will go
away again.'
BC 30 - AD 199, TM 48690: JNES 10 (1951), p. 258, 9 [a]: ˹Kmy˺, 'Some men will rebel against the
king of Egypt in the region of the Syrian.'
BC 30 - AD 199, TM 48690: JNES 10 (1951), p. 258, 13: Kmy, 'The king will do a good thing for
BC 30 - AD 199, TM 48690: JNES 10 (1951), p. 258, 16: Kmy, 'The king of Egypt will do [ ]'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 80229: Dem. Conf. VII (Copenhagen 1999) p. 387-393 [P. Carlsberg 412] descr.,
fr. 2, 8 (p. 391 & n. 87): Kmy, 'Egypt' (no context)
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 56072: EVO 13 (1990), p. 103-107 descr., descr. [g]: Kmy?, 'ci fu un grande
disordine nell'esercito degli egiziani'
BC 30 - AD 284, TM 49097: O. Leiden Dem. 71, 2: Tȝ.wy, 'the field of (the goddess) Rattawi / Rat of
(the) Two lands which ...'
BC 26 Jun 3, TM 53971: Graff. Assuan Dem. 16, 2 [b]: Kmy, 'Kite 23 (?) per ... ogni di Syene che
pregano tutti quanti per raffermare il capo dell' Egitto al cospetto di Osiri.'
267 BC 23 Apr 9, TM 51865: St. Memphis 29, 8 [c]: Bqy, 'scribe of the sacred book of the gods, lords of
BC 23 Apr 9, TM 51865: St. Memphis 29, 14 [c]: Kmy, 'according to the custom of the great princes
of Egypt'
BC 8 Oct 28 - Nov 26, TM 56173: Dem. Conf. VII (Copenhagen 1999) p. 219-228 descr., col. 4 (p. 222):
Kmy?, descr.: 'Er (sc. Souchos) erleuchtet Ägypten und glänzt am Horizont.'
BC 6 Sep 8, TM 50521: O. Tempeleide 109, 4: Tȝ.wy, 'this orchard of (the goddess) Rattawi / Rat of
(the) Two lands'
AD 1 - 99, TM 58379: P. Liturgy p. 23-29 no. B & pl. 1-4, col. 2, 14 [b]: Kmy, 'You will be rowed in a
bark of papyrus and thn-plants on (the) great lake, the great river of Egypt, while Hapi is in
AD 1 - 99, TM 58379: P. Liturgy p. 23-29 no. B & pl. 1-4, col. 5, 17: Kmy, 'You will be received at the
great temples of Egypt.'
AD 1 - 199, TM 91306: Bakchias 8 p. 69 no. D 7, 1: Kmy, '[ ] Egypt [ ]'
AD 1 - 199, TM 105745: Enchoria 28 (2002-2003), p. 109-112, C 9: Kmy, 'Isis Nepherses ist da an
seiner Seite in ihrer Gestalt (als) Herrin von Ägypten'
AD 1 - 199, TM 55827: Finke (ed.), Festschrift G. Wilhelm p. 447-465, 17: Kmy, 'Das Heer von
Ägypten ist gekommen (?)'
AD 1 - 199, TM 55827: Finke (ed.), Festschrift G. Wilhelm p. 447-465, 22: Km[y], 'Die Zeit des hinauf
gegen Ägypten Stürmens [ ]'
AD 4 Aug 1, TM 48888: P. Rainer Cent. 3, col. 1, 1 [a]: [Kmy], 'das Buch der Tage, die in Ägypten
geschehen sind und die in Ägypten geschehen werden'
AD 4 Aug 1, TM 48888: P. Rainer Cent. 3, col. 1, 1 [b]: Kmy, 'das Buch der Tage, die in Ägypten
geschehen sind und die in Ägypten geschehen werden'
AD 4 Aug 1, TM 48888: P. Rainer Cent. 3, col. 1, 4: Kmy, '[ ] das grosse Wasser von Ägypten wird [ ]'
AD 4 Aug 1, TM 48888: P. Rainer Cent. 3, col. 1, 16: Kmy, '[ ] in Egypt.'
AD 4 Aug 1, TM 48888: P. Rainer Cent. 3, col. 1, 17: Kmy, '[ ] Viele [ ] werden in Ägypten [ ]'
AD 4 Aug 1, TM 48888: P. Rainer Cent. 3, col. 1, 18: K[my], 'Sie konnten nicht sprechen über die
AD 4 Aug 1, TM 48888: P. Rainer Cent. 3, col. 1, 20: Kmy, '[ ] die Unglücksfälle (?) die Ra in Ägypten
wird geschehen lassen.'
AD 4 Aug 1, TM 48888: P. Rainer Cent. 3, col. 1, 21: Kmy, '[ ] werden geschehen in Ägypten einige
kleine Zeiten.'
AD 4 Aug 1, TM 48888: P. Rainer Cent. 3, col. 1, 22 [b]: [Kmy], 'Aber der Meder (sc. the Persian)
wird kommen nach Ägypten [ ]'
AD 4 Aug 1, TM 48888: P. Rainer Cent. 3, col. 1, 23: Kmy, '[ ] indem sie Ägypten geben [ ]'
AD 4 Aug 1, TM 48888: P. Rainer Cent. 3, col. 2, 3: Kmy, 'indem sie die weisse Krone der Könige (?)
aus Ägypten entfernen.'
AD 4 Aug 1, TM 48888: P. Rainer Cent. 3, col. 2, 6: Kmy, '[ ] Zahlreiche Abscheulichkeiten werden in
Ägypten geschehen.'
AD 4 Aug 1, TM 48888: P. Rainer Cent. 3, col. 2, 14 [b]: Kmy, 'Wehe über Ägypten'
AD 4 Aug 1, TM 48888: P. Rainer Cent. 3, col. 2, 21 [a]: Kmy, 'Aber nach der Vollendung von 900
Jahre werde ich über Ägypten herrschen'
AD 4 Aug 1, TM 48888: P. Rainer Cent. 3, col. 2, 21 [c]: Kmy, 'es wird geschehen, dass der Meder (sc.
the Persian), der sein Gesicht nach Ägypten gewandt hat, sich (wieder) entfernen wird nach
den Fremdländern (und) nach seinen äusseren Orten.'
AD 4 Aug 1, TM 48888: P. Rainer Cent. 3, col. 2, 23 [a]: Kmy, 'Recht und Ordnung werden (wieder)
in Ägypten entstehen.'
AD 4 Aug 1, TM 48888: P. Rainer Cent. 3, col. 2, 24 [a]: Kmy, 'dass die Ägypter ins Land Syrien
ziehen und über seine Gauen herrschen und die Kapellen der Götter von Ägypten finden.'
AD 4 Aug 1, TM 48888: P. Rainer Cent. 3, col. 3, 1 [a]: Kmy, 'dass die Ägypter ins Land Syrien ziehen
und über seine Gauen herrschen und die Kapellen der Götter von Ägypten finden.'
AD 4 Aug 1, TM 48888: P. Rainer Cent. 3, col. 3, 1 [b]: Kmy, 'Wegen des Glücks, das Ägypten
geschehen wird'
AD 4 Aug 1, TM 48888: P. Rainer Cent. 3, col. 3, 3: Kmy, 'wegen der guten Dinge, die Ägypten
geschehen werden'
AD 4 Aug 1, TM 48888: P. Rainer Cent. 3, col. 3, 4: Kmy, 'Die kleine Zahl der Menschen, die in
Ägypten sein'
AD 4 Aug 1, TM 48888: P. Rainer Cent. 3, col. 3, 7: Kmy, 'Diese schlimmen Dinge, werden sie alle
Ägypten geschehen?'
268 AD 4 Aug 1, TM 48888: P. Rainer Cent. 3, col. 3, 12: Kmy, 'der Fluch, den Ra über Ägypten gemacht
AD 31 Jan 13, TM 50861: Short Texts 1 175 A-B, 10: Kmy, '1st month of the pr.t season (Tybi), day
18, of the Greek, which makes 2nd month of the pr.t season (Mecheir), day 1, of the man of
Egypt / the Egyptian.'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 1, 8: [Kmy?],
'numerous are the marvels that he shall do in the land of Egypt (?).'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 2, 28 [b]: Kmy, 'the
princes, the generals, the great men of Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 2, 30: Km[y], 'this
letter that I have brought (?) to Egypt before Pharaoh'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 2, 31 [a]: Kmy, 'If it
be that there be no good scribe and learned man in Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 2, 31 [b]: Kmy, 'I will
take the humiliation of Egypt to the land of Aethiopia, my country.'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 3, 2 [b]: Kmy, 'Is
there a good scribe and learned man in Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 3, 5 [a]: Kmy, 'to
prevent the humiliation of Egypt being taken to the land of Aethiopia, the country of eaters of
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 3, 14 [a]: Kmy, 'a
rebel of Aethiopia is he who has come up to Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 3, 14 [b]: Kmy, 'If it
be that there be no good scribe and learned man in Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 3, 15 [a]: Kmy, 'I will
take the humiliation of Egypt to the land of Aethiopia, my country.'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 3, 17: Kmy, 'the
letter that was brought to Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 3, 27 [b]: Kmy, 'You
that has come up to Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 3, 31: Kmy, 'the
people of Egypt being attentive to his voice'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 4, 1: [Km]y, 'he being
as beneficent king of the whole land, Egypt overflowing with all things in his time'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 4, 2 [a]: Kmy, 'in the
great temples of Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 4, 4 [a]: Kmy, 'That
Amon may not find for me evil nor the Kour (?) of (?) Egypt cause abomination to be done to
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 4, 4 [b]: Kmy, 'I
would (?) cast my magic up to Egypt that I might cause the people of Egypt to pass three days
three nights without having seen the light'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 4, 5: Kmy, 'I would
(?) cast my magic up to Egypt that I might cause the people of Egypt to pass three days three
nights without having seen the light'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 4, 6: Kmy, 'the Kour
(?) of Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 4, 7 [a]: Kmy, 'I
would (?) cast my magic up to Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 4, 7 [b]: K[my], 'that
I might cause to be made a bringing of Pharaoh of Egypt to the land of Aethiopia'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 4, 8: Kmy, 'and cause
him to be brought back up to Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 4, 10: Kmy, 'I will
cast my magic up to Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 4, 11 [a]: Kmy, 'I will
cast my magic up to Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 4, 12: Kmy, 'I will
cause him to be taken back to Egypt'
269 AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 4, 13 [b]: Kmy, 'I will
cast my magic up in Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 4, 17 [a]: Kmy, 'You
shall go up to Egypt, you shall bring Pharaoh of Egypt up to the place in which is the Viceroy'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 4, 17 [b]: Kmy, 'You
shall go up to Egypt, you shall bring Pharaoh of Egypt up to the place in which is the Viceroy'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 4, 18: Kmy, 'you
shall take him back up to Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 4, 19 [b]: Kmy, 'The
sorceries of the Aethiopian proceeded up to Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 4, 21: Kmy, 'they
returned him up to Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 4, 22: Kmy, 'the
people of Egypt hearing his voice'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 4, 25: Kmy, 'they
returned Pharaoh Si-Amon up to Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 4, 26: K[my], 'What
is it that has found Egypt until I (be made to?) depart from it?'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 5, 1 [b]: Kmy, 'they
returned up to Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 5, 8 [b]: Kmy, 'Let
not the Aethiopians take the humiliation of Egypt to the land of Aethiopia.'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 5, 16 [b]: Kmy, 'The
sorceries of Horos the son of the Negress returned up to Egypt by night'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 5, 21 [a]: Kmy, 'you
shall bring the Viceroy up to Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 5, 23 [b]: Kmy, 'they
brought him up to Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 5, 25 [a]: Kmy, 'the
people of Egypt hearing his voice'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 5, 28 [a]: Kmy, 'blows
that had been given him above in Egypt.'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 5, 28 [b]: Kmy,
'before Pharaoh of Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 5, 30 [b]: Kmy, 'You
are he that went to the men of Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 5, 32 [b]: Kmy, 'they
carried the Viceroy up to Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 5, 35 [a]: Kmy, 'by
the hand of the men of Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 5, 35 [c]: Kmy, 'the
aerial cars of the men of Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 5, 36: Kmy, 'let me
be sent up to Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 1 [a]: Kmy, 'You
coming up to Egypt to do sorcery therein'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 1 [b]: Kmy,
'beware for yourself with the men of Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 2 [b]: Kmy, 'I shall
not be able to avoid going up to Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 3 [b]: Kmy, 'you
are going to Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 5 [b]: Kmy, 'Horos
the son of the Negress set signs between (?) himself and his mother, he went up to Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 6 [c]: Kmy, 'Horos
the son of the Negress ... he traversed from Pelousion as far as Memphis, to the place in which
Pharaoh was, hunting after him who was making sorcery in Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 7: Kmy, 'the
people of Egypt'
270 AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 8: Kmy, 'bringing
him up to Egypt in spite of me'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 11: Kmy, 'you
coming up to Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 12 [b]: Kmy, 'the
gods of Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 14: Kmy, 'the
princes of Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 18: Kmy, 'it being
about to cause Egypt to be without a king'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 21 [a]: Kmy,
'Behold! it flew with it (sc. from Memphis) forward to the Mighty Pool / Great Lake, the great
water of Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 23: Kmy, 'the
people of Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 25: Kmy, 'she
delayed not going up to Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 29: Kmy, 'we will
not return to Egypt again'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 30 [a]: Kmy, 'the
gods of Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 30 [b]: Kmy, 'oath
no to return up to Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 31 [a]: Kmy, 'The
Negress raised her hand not to come up to Egypt for ever eternally.'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 31 [c]: Kmy, 'I will
not come up to Egypt until 1500 years.'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 33 [a]: Kmy, 'the
people of Egypt'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 35: Kmy, 'he
coming up to Egypt at the end of 1500 years to cast the sorceries therein'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 6, 36 [b]: Kmy, 'there
not being a good scribe or learned man in Egypt at the time'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 7, 1 [a]: Kmy, 'to
prevent his taking the humiliation of Egypt to the land of Aethiopia'
AD 47 after, TM 48854: Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2, col. 7, 5: Kmy, 'the
people of Egypt'
AD 74 Dec 26, TM 53160: Graff. Dodec. Philae 62, 8: Kme, 'The things [ ] in Egypt [ ] Philai'
AD 75 - 125, TM 56096: Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten (OLA 107) p. 223, 2: Kmy,
'Pharaoh Nektanebo (II), who was a beneficient king of the entire land, Egypt being united
with all good things in his time'
AD 75 - 125, TM 56096: Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten (OLA 107) p. 223, 8: Kmy,
'[ ] Egypt [ ]
AD 75 - 125, TM 56119: Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten (OLA 107) p. 229 [424], 2:
Kmy, 'Pharaoh Nektanebo (II), who was a beneficient king of the entire land, Egypt being
united with all good things in his time'
AD 75 - 125, TM 56119: Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten (OLA 107) p. 229 [424], 9:
Kmy, 'while they dwell in Egypt'
AD 75 - 125, TM 56098: P. Carlsberg 4 p. 13-21 no. A, col. 1, 28: Kmy, 'He took the silver and the
gold to Egypt'
AD 75 - 125 about, TM 91551: P. Carlsberg 6 p. 31-98 no. C + P. Carlsberg 6 p. 101-146 no. D, C1, col.
2, 7: Kmy, 'the great men of Egypt'
AD 75 - 125 about, TM 91551: P. Carlsberg 6 p. 31-98 no. C + P. Carlsberg 6 p. 101-146 no. D, D9, 6:
Kmy, '[ ] merchant business ... in the nomoi of Egypt [ ]'
AD 100 - 125, TM 55868: P. Tebt. Tait 1 Vo, 7 [a]: Kmy, '[ ] to Egypt.'
AD 100 - 125, TM 55868: P. Tebt. Tait 1 Vo, 23: Kmy, '[ ] ... up to Egypt, to ... [ ]'
AD 100 - 125, TM 55868: P. Tebt. Tait 1 Vo, 32: Kmy, '[ ] ... to Egypt [ ]'
AD 100 - 150, TM 56120: Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten (OLA 107) p. 255-261,
fr. A, col. 1, 6: ˹Kmy˺, 'Die grossen Götter Ägyptens'
271 AD 100 - 150, TM 56120: Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten (OLA 107) p. 255-261,
fr. A, col. 1, 10: ˹Kmy˺, 'Eine wichtige Angelegenheit wird in Ägypten geschehen.'
AD 100 - 150, TM 56120: Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten (OLA 107) p. 255-261,
fr. A, col. 1, 11: [Km]y, '[ ] Egypt.'
(?) AD 100 - 150, TM 56120: Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten (OLA 107) p. 255261, fr. A, col. 1, 17: ˹K˺[my?], '[ ] nach ausserhalb von Ägypten (?) [ ]'
AD 100 - 150, TM 56120: Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten (OLA 107) p. 255-261,
fr. F, 3: Km˹y˺, 'Nicht wird [ ] die Fremdländer sich nach Ägypten begeben [ ]'
AD 100 - 150, TM 56179: P. Carlsberg 5 p. 17-192 + P. Yale 4921 Vo ined. (information website Yale),
fr. 11, col. 1, 15: [Km]y, '[ ] Egypt [ ]'
AD 100 - 150, TM 56179: P. Carlsberg 5 p. 17-192 + P. Yale 4921 Vo ined. (information website Yale),
fr. 11, col. 1, 18: Kmy, '[ ] said (?) "Egypt" as the name [ ]'
AD 100 - 150, TM 55873: P. Tebt. Tait 6 Vo, fr. 1, 1 [b]: Kmy, '[ ] like Moiris. Egypt [ ]'
AD 100 - 150, TM 55873: P. Tebt. Tait 6 Vo, fr. 1, 7: Kmy, '[ ] ... Haryotes, the chancellor of Egypt [ ]'
AD 100 - 150, TM 55957: P. Zauzich 15, B 4: Kmy, '... die von (?) Ägypten (sind) sie.'
AD 100 - 150, TM 81681: P. Zauzich 16, A 3: ˹K˺my, 'indem Ägypten gedieh von allem Guten in
seiner Zeit.'
AD 100 - 199, TM 48725: P. Cairo 3 50142, 14: Kmy, 'Nim dir den Ersten der Ägypter [ ]'
AD 100 - 199, TM 48725: P. Cairo 3 50142, 16 [a]: Kmy, '[ ] Ägypten - Erster von Syria / Assyria'
AD 100 - 199, TM 56111: P. Carlsberg 3 p. 75-76 no. 434 Vo, 1: Kmy, '[ ] the army of Egypt equipped
against these [ ]
AD 100 - 199, TM 56111: P. Carlsberg 3 p. 75-76 no. 434 Vo, 6: ˹Km˺y, '[ ] Egypt withstand him upon
the banks of the ... [ ]'
AD 100 - 199, TM 56111: P. Carlsberg 3 p. 75-76 no. 434 Vo, 7: Km˹y˺, '[ ] cause a bloodbath among
the army of Egypt [ ]'
AD 100 - 199, TM 56111: P. Carlsberg 3 p. 75-76 no. 434 Vo, 11: Kmy, '[ ] Bulls of Egypt, the [ ]
shepherd [ ]'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55984: P. Carlsberg 8 p. 373-453 no. PC1, § 78 col. 4, 24 (p. 77 & 409): Km˹y˺, '[ ],
das heisst, die Vögel, die nach Ägypten kommen'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55984: P. Carlsberg 8 p. 373-453 no. PC1, § 80 col. 4, 27 (p. 77 & 410): ˹Kmy˺, '[ ]
das heisst, die Vögel, die nach Ägypten kommen'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55871: P. Tebt. Tait 4 Vo, fr. 1, 4: Km[y], '[ ] ... do not know the men of Egypt [ ]'
AD 100 - 199, TM 56115: P. Zauzich 40, (42b) col. 2, 8: Tȝ.wy, '[ ] ... (the) Two lands [ ]'
AD 100 - 199, TM 91766: P. Zauzich 50, fr. l, 2: Kmy, '[ ] Egypt is it [ ]'
AD 100 - 199, TM 56050: SAK 23 (1996), p. 169-180 Ro, col. 2, 19: K[m]˹y˺, 'Nicht hat (?) ein Mann
von Ägypten, dessen Furcht gross ist'
AD 100 - 199, TM 56050: SAK 23 (1996), p. 169-180 Ro, col. 3, 2: Kmy, '[ ] Ägypten wegen (?) [ ]'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 1, 4: Kmy, '[ ] vor dich
nach Ägypten [ ]'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 10, 13: Kmy,
'überlaufen wie der Nil auf die Äcker Ägyptens'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 10, 29: Kmy,
'nachdem du dich von Ägypten entfernt hast'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 10, 32: Kmy, 'Schlimm
ist der Streit in ganz Ägypten'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 11, 1: Kmy, 'sie haben
sich vor Ägypten versteckt'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 11, 3 [b]: Kmy,
'Ägypten ist in Aufregung vor dir.'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 11, 9: Kmy, 'welche
die Vorräte des Volkes von Ägypten bergen'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 12, 2: Kmy, 'wende
dein Antlitz (wieder) Ägypten zu'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 12, 5: Kmy, 'Komm
mit mir nach Ägypten!'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 16, 7: Kmy, 'Sothis,
gross sind ihre Strahlen in dem Glanz Ägyptens. Wirf sie in das Heh-red (?) Land (literally: 'to
the Hehou (?) (people)')!'
272 AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 16, 8 [b]: Kmy, 'dass
ihr Antlitz Ägypten (wieder) gnädig wurde.'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 16, 10: Kmy, 'der Weg
des Gehens nach Ägypten ist dieser.'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 19, 9: Kmy, '[ ] Egypt,
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 19, 21: [K]my, 'ich
schaue nach meinem Land, indem ich Ägypten [ ]'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 19, 23: Kmy, 'indem
ihr Gesicht nach Ägypten gerichtet war'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 20, 18: Kmy, 'Ich
bringe ihn nach Ägypten, (nach) meiner Wüste'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 21, 3 [a]: Kmy, 'und
eilte mit ihm nach Ägypten, bis sie nach Eileithyiopolis gelangte'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 21, 19: Kmy, 'wenn sie
nach Ägypten gelangt.'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 21, 22: Kmy, 'Auf nach
Ägypten, du Gazelle der Wüste!'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 21, 23 [a]: Kmy, 'Up to
Egypt, you great female guardian spirit of Bou-gem!'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 21, 24: Kmy, 'Willst du
nicht lieber nach Ägypten kommen'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 3, 34 [b]: Kmy, 'Ihre
Stätte ist bei den Keftiou-leuten, und dabei ist sie (auch) in Ägypten zu jeder Zeit.'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 4, 12 [a]: Kmy, 'Wenn
du nach Ägypten, deinem Gebiet, zurückkommst, werde ich dich nie wieder zu jenen GottesLändern zurückkehren lassen.'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 6, 1: Kmy, 'Ebony does
not turn black in Egypt.'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 6, 18: Kmy, '... und
nichts verachteter ist als er in Ägypten.'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 6, 20: Kmy, 'die
Speise, die das Allerverächtlichste in Ägypten, deinem Gebiet, ist'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 6, 25: Kmy, 'mit der
Frucht des Perseabaumes, wenn er grünt, der das Wertvollste in Ägypten, deinem Gebiete ist.'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 7, 30: Kmy, 'welches
das heilige Auge der Götter, nämlich Ägypten, verliess'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 8, 15: Kmy, 'nachdem
ich Ägypten vergessen hatte'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 8, 16: Kmy, '... wirst
du mich auch zu meinem eigenen Lande, nämlich Ägypten, mit Liebe erfüllen wollen'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 8, 28: Kmy, 'das in den
Tempeln Ägyptens ist'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55907: Thissen, Der verkommene Harfenspieler p. 68-76 + Studies Lichtheim 2 p.
991-993 descr., (Thissen) col. 2, 20: Kmy, '[the mistress of] Egypt'
AD 100 - 199, TM 55907: Thissen, Der verkommene Harfenspieler p. 68-76 + Studies Lichtheim 2 p.
991-993 descr., (Thissen) col. 3, 4: Kmy, '(the) mistress of Egypt'
AD 100 - 250, TM 56112: P. Carlsberg 3 p. 85 no. 450, col. 1, 3: ˹Km˺y, '[ ] Egypt [ ]'
AD 100 - 299, TM 119302: EVO 29 (2006), p. 127 no. ODN 213, 5: Kmy, 'when he was in Egypt'
AD 100 - 299, TM 120638: EVO 31 (2008), p. 51-52 no. 2, 17: Kmy, 'you will not be able to stay in a
province or in a village in Egypt'
AD 100 - 299, TM 55964: Volten, Demotische Traumdeutung p. 90-104 no. Pap. Carlsberg XIV Vo, a
7: Kmy, 'When he drinks wine of Egypt, [ ]'
AD 122 Sep 3, TM 49888: O. Mattha 263, 3: Tȝ.wy, '(the goddess) Rattawi / Rat of (the) Two lands'
AD 126 Sep 14?, TM 51486: OrSu 12 (1963), p. 54 no. 11, 3: Tȝ.wy, 'the temple of Rattawi / Rat of
(the) Two lands'
AD 135 Aug 30 - 136 Aug 28, TM 49889: O. Mattha 264, 2: Tȝ.wy, '(the goddess) Rattawi / Rat of
(the) Two lands'
(?) AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 10, 1 [a]:
Km[y?], 'dass Kampf und Krieg entstehen in Ägypten'
273 AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 10, 1 [b]:
˹Km˺y, 'Veranlass nicht, dat Ägypten macht [ ]'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 12, 11: Kmy,
'im Herzen des Heeres der Gaue von Ägypten'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 14, 28: ˹K˺m˹y˺,
'Er erhob es zu {zu} dem Himmel mit einer [ ] Ägypten ihn erreichen.'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 16, 10: [K]˹m˺y,
'[ ] ganz Ägypten [ ]'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 16, 11: [K]˹m˺y,
'[ ] Ägypten, indem nicht [ ]'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 16, 18: [Km]˹y˺,
'[ ] Ägypten. ...'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 17, 21: Tȝ.w[y],
'den Kronen (?) der Herrin der Beide Länder'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 18, 28: Kmy, 'in
der Mitte des Heeres von Ägypten'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 19, 29: Kmy,
'Eile hinauf nach Ägypten!'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 22, 22: K[m]˹y˺,
'unter dem Heer von Ägypten'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 22, 27: Km˹y˺,
'dem Heer von Ägypten'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 23, 25: Km˹y˺,
'in dem Heer von Ägypten'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 24, 2: ˹K˺my,
'Ihr seid stark (?) in ganz Ägypten.'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 24, 10: Kmy,
'dem Heer der vier starken Gaue von Ägypten'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 24, 12: Kmy,
'Alles, was geschieht in Ägypten [ ]'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 25, 30: Kmy, '[ ]
der geschehen ist in Ägypten.'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 25, 32: Kmy,
'und die, die er in Ägypten gemacht hat [ ]'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 26 x+5: Km˹y˺,
'Danach schickte Pharao das Heer von Ägypten in ihre Gaue und ihre Städte'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 5, 8: Kmy, '[ ]
um Ägypten der Hand Pharao Petubastis' zu entreissen.'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 6, 8: Km[y], 'die
Leute von ganz Ägypten'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 7, 13: Kmy, '[ ]
Fürst von Ägypten'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 7, 15 [a]: Kmy,
'[ ] hinauf nach Ägypten und (dem) Tempel von Athribis [ ]'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 8, 5: [Kmy], 'so
dass Unruhe entsteht in Ägypten'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 8, 7 [a]: Kmy,
'Lass gesandt werden hinaus in die Gaue Ägyptens von Elephantine bis Senou [ ]'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 8, 18: ˹Km˺y,
'Danach schicke der Pharao weg das Heer von Ägypten zu ihren Gauen und ihren Städten.'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 8, 29: K˹my˺,
'indem unsere Schande in ganz Ägypten ist'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 9, 7: Kmy, 'das
Heer von Ägypten'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 9, 16: [K]˹my˺,
'dass nicht entstehen Kampf (und) Krieg in Ägypten zur Zeit Pharaos'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 9, 28: Kmy,
'Seinetwegen wird die Lanze in Ägypten stehen'
274 AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, fr. ac, col. 1, 2:
˹Kmy˺, '[ ] of Egypt [ ]'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, fr. ae, 5: Kmy, '[ ]
city of Egypt [ ]'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, fr. J, 2: Km[y], '[ ]
Egypt [ ]'
AD 137 Aug 29 - 138 Aug 28, TM 49890: O. Mattha 265, 3: Tȝ.wy, '(the goddess) Rattawi / Rat of
(the) Two lands'
AD 138 Mar 5, TM 51710: OrSu 22 (1973), p. 17 no. A 9, 2: Tȝ.wy, '(the goddess) Rattawi / Rat of
(the) Two lands'
AD 144 Aug 29 - 145 Aug 28, TM 49891: O. Mattha 266, 1: Tȝ.wy, '(the goddess) Rattawi / Rat of
(the) Two lands'
AD 145 Aug 29 - 146 Aug 28, TM 51521: OrSu 16 (1967), p. 40 no. 15, 2: Tȝ.wy, 'the priests of the
temples of (the goddess) Rattawi / Rat of (the) Two lands'
AD 145 Aug 29 - 146 Aug 28, TM 51521: OrSu 16 (1967), p. 40 no. 15, 5: Tȝ.wy, 'the temple of (the
goddess) Rattawi / Rat of (the) Two lands'
AD 146 Sep 7, TM 51487: OrSu 12 (1963), p. 56 no. 12, 4: Tȝ.wy, 'the temple of Rattawi / Rat of (the)
Two lands, the great goddess'
AD 150 about, TM 55875: P. Tebt. Tait 9 Vo, 6: Kmy, '[ ] ... the great men of Egypt [ ]'
AD 150 - 199, TM 55943: Kockelmann, Praising the Goddess 6, 2: Kmy, '[Invoke her and] she brings
you into Egypt!'
AD 150 - 199, TM 56085: P. Carlsberg 1 p. 58-83 + P. Tebt. Tait 20 Ro, fr. 8 5: Km˹y˺, 'It grows in the
lakes of Egypt [ ]'
AD 150 - 199, TM 56118: P. Carlsberg 3 p. 121-129, col. 8, 3: Tȝ.wy, 'the mistress of (the) Two lands
(sc. Isis)'
AD 150 - 199, TM 56110: P. Carlsberg 3 p. 64-73, col. x+1, 21: [K]my, '[ ] Egypt filled their eyes.'
AD 150 - 199, TM 56110: P. Carlsberg 3 p. 64-73, col. x+1, 24: ˹K˺my, '[ ] the first shield of Egypt'
AD 150 - 199, TM 56110: P. Carlsberg 3 p. 64-73, col. x+1, 26: Km˹y˺, '[ ] ... the steering-oar of Egypt
... [ ]
AD 150 - 199, TM 56110: P. Carlsberg 3 p. 64-73, col. y+1, 6: Kmy, '[ ] Bulls of Egypt (to) send for
AD 150 - 199, TM 56110: P. Carlsberg 3 p. 64-73, col. y+1, 9: Km˹y˺, '[ ] strife in the army of Thebes
... [ ]'
AD 150 - 199, TM 56110: P. Carlsberg 3 p. 64-73, col. y+1, 25: Kmy, 'May the army of Egypt learn of
your authority (and) your strength ... [ ]'
AD 150 - 199, TM 56110: P. Carlsberg 3 p. 64-73, col. z+1, 6: Kmy, '[ ] army of Egypt ...[ ]'
AD 150 - 199, TM 56110: P. Carlsberg 3 p. 64-73, col. z+2, 20: Kmy, '[ ] army reach Egypt [ ]'
AD 150 - 199, TM 56110: P. Carlsberg 3 p. 64-73, col. z+2, 21: Kmy, '[ ] ... Egypt ... my children [ ]'
AD 150 - 199, TM 56110: P. Carlsberg 3 p. 64-73, col. z+2, 23: Kmy, '[ ] among the army [of] Egypt [ ]'
AD 150 - 199, TM 56110: P. Carlsberg 3 p. 64-73, col. z+2, 25: Kmy, '[ ] Egypt [ ]'
AD 150 - 199, TM 46466: Studien Thissen p. 359-360, 15: ˹Kmy˺, '[ ] people of Egypt / Egyptians. ...'
AD 150 - 199, TM 46466: Studien Thissen p. 359-360, 21: Kmy, 'Geschrieben im Monat 4 der AchetJahreszeit, Tag 20, nach den Ägyptern.'
AD 150 - 230, TM 50143: O. Narm. Dem. 1 4, 2: Kmy, '(in) Egyptian writing / (in) (the) writing of the
people of Egypt'
AD 161 Dec 11?, TM 52197: Graff. Dodec. Philae 433, 7: Kme, '[ ] day 17 which makes Mecheir [ ] of
the people of Egypt / the Egyptians'
AD 175 - 176 after, TM 93276: EVO 29 (2006), p. 113, 8: Kmy, 'for the annona of Antoninus who
came to Egypt'
AD 175 - 199, TM 89467: EVO 27 (2004), p. 27, 4: Kmy, 'Pharaoh Hadrianus came to Egypt in his
15th year'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 12, 4: Kmy, 'Great trouble shall
occur (in) Egypt for [ ]'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 12, 6: Kmy, 'the king of Egypt
shall slaughter his adversaries'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 13, 4: Kmy, 'a great inundation
shall come to Egypt, which is good'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 13, 12: Kmy, 'Egypt shall mourn
275 AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 13, 17: Kmy, 'Barley and emmer
shall be abundant and Egypt shall be strong.'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 14, 7: Kmy, 'Confusion shall
occur (in) Egypt for three years'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 15, 7: Kmy, 'The army of Egypt
<shall> revolt against the chief of Egypt'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 15, 8: Kmy, 'The army of Egypt
<shall> revolt against the chief of Egypt'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 16, 8: [Kmy], 'King <shall>
approach king and man shall live (in) Upper and Lower Egypt and the army of Egypt shall
fight [ ]'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 2, 24: Kmy, 'these 4 months
belong to Egypt'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 2, 26 [a]: Kmy, 'From the first
hour of morning to the fourth hour belongs to Egypt'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 2, 28 [b]: Kmy, 'the southern
sky belongs to Egypt.'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 3, 2: [Kmy], '[(since) the month
belongs to Egypt]'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 3, 7 [a]: [Kmy], '[(since) the
month belongs to Egypt], it means: (The) chief of Egypt shall [ ]'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 3, 7 [b]: K[my], '[(since) the
month belongs to Egypt], it means: (The) chief of Egypt shall [ ]'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 3, 10: Kmy, '[ ] their Egypt [ ]'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 3, 15: [Kmy], '[(since) the
month belongs to Egypt]'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 4, 9 [c]: Kmy, 'the 4
subdivisions: Hebrew, the Amorite, Egypt, the region (of) the Syrian.'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 4, 14: [Kmy], 'the 3 months
belong to Egypt'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 4, 16: [Kmy], 'From the first
hour of evening to the third hour of night belongs to Egypt'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 4, 20: [Km]y, '[ ] Egypt.'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 4, 22: Kmy, '(since) the month
belongs to Egypt'
(?) AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 4, 27: [Kmy?], '[(since) the
month belongs to Egypt (?)]'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 5, 1: [Kmy], '[(since) the month
belongs to Egypt]'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 7, 6: Kmy, 'the king of Egypt
shall slay his adversaries'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 7, 13: Kmy, 'The chief of Egypt
shall send to the chiefs of the foreigners [ ]'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 8, 6: Kmy, 'The foreign
countries ... shall attack Egypt'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 8, 8: Kmy, 'the king of Egypt
shall slaughter his adversaries'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 9, 7: Kmy, 'another version: the
land of Egypt - and king shall approach king [ ]'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, col. 9, 9: Kmy, 'Great fighting shall
happen (in) Egypt.'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, fr. 1, col. a, 5: Kmy, 'The king of
Egypt shall accomplish his lifetime, his heart happy.'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, fr. 1, col. a, 8: [Kmy], 'A great
inundation shall come to Egypt.'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, fr. 2, col. a, 4: Kmy, 'you are to say
about it: The king of Egypt [ ]'
AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, fr. 2, col. b, 3 - 4: [K]my, 'you are to
say about it: The king of Egypt shall [ ]'
276 AD 175 - 225?, TM 55992: Parker, Lunar-omina p. 8-27 & 36-52, fr. 2, col. b, 5: Km[y], 'A great
inundation shall come (to) Egypt [ ]'
AD 192 Apr 30, TM 50166: O. Narm. Dem. 1 27, 3: Kmy, 'the man of Egypt'
AD 195 - 205, TM 91447: O. Narm. Dem. 3 101, 11: Kmy?, '[ ] Egypt (?) [ ]'
AD 195 - 205, TM 91482: O. Narm. Dem. 3 136, 8: Kmy, 'Io mi affrettai a tornare in Egitto, dove
tornai in salute.'
AD 200 about, TM 55947: CRIPEL 7 (1985), p. 98-102 & 115 + CRIPEL 11 (1989), p. 142-143, (7) col. A,
37: Kmy, 'Mon coeur a désiré l' Égypte, mon pays.'
AD 200 about, TM 55947: CRIPEL 7 (1985), p. 98-102 & 115 + CRIPEL 11 (1989), p. 142-143, (7) col. A,
39: Kmy, 'Will you come to Egypt with me?'
AD 200 about, TM 55903: Hoffmann, Ägypter und Amazonen p. 33-129 + Enchoria 22 (1995), p. 28
no. 1, (Hoffmann) col. 1 x+11: Kmy, 'das er nach Ägypten gemacht hat'
AD 200 about, TM 55903: Hoffmann, Ägypter und Amazonen p. 33-129 + Enchoria 22 (1995), p. 28
no. 1, (Hoffmann) col. 2, 17: K[my], 'Sie erfuhr, dass der Ägypter [ ]'
AD 200 about, TM 55903: Hoffmann, Ägypter und Amazonen p. 33-129 + Enchoria 22 (1995), p. 28
no. 1, (Hoffmann) col. 2, 23: Kmy, 'die böse Schlange von Ägypter'
AD 200 about, TM 55903: Hoffmann, Ägypter und Amazonen p. 33-129 + Enchoria 22 (1995), p. 28
no. 1, (Hoffmann) col. 2, 26: Kmy, 'gegen das Heer (?) eines Ägypters'
AD 200 about, TM 55903: Hoffmann, Ägypter und Amazonen p. 33-129 + Enchoria 22 (1995), p. 28
no. 1, (Hoffmann) col. 3, 35: Kmy, 'Es ist gekommen (?) ein Ägypter zum Kampfplatz heute.'
AD 200 about, TM 55903: Hoffmann, Ägypter und Amazonen p. 33-129 + Enchoria 22 (1995), p. 28
no. 1, (Hoffmann) col. 3, 36: Km[y], 'dem Verderben dieser bösen Schlange von Ägypter'
AD 200 about, TM 55903: Hoffmann, Ägypter und Amazonen p. 33-129 + Enchoria 22 (1995), p. 28
no. 1, (Hoffmann) col. 3, 38: Kmy, 'Ich werde heute mit dem Ägypter kämpfen.'
AD 200 about, TM 55903: Hoffmann, Ägypter und Amazonen p. 33-129 + Enchoria 22 (1995), p. 28
no. 1, (Hoffmann) col. 3, 42: Km˹y˺, 'gegen die böse Schlange von Ägypter'
AD 200 about, TM 55903: Hoffmann, Ägypter und Amazonen p. 33-129 + Enchoria 22 (1995), p. 28
no. 1, (Hoffmann) col. 4, 6 [b]: K[my], 'Krieger von Ägypten'
AD 200 about, TM 55903: Hoffmann, Ägypter und Amazonen p. 33-129 + Enchoria 22 (1995), p. 28
no. 1, (Hoffmann) col. 5, 2: Kmy, 'Vernichtung der bösen Schlange von Ägypter'
AD 200 about, TM 55903: Hoffmann, Ägypter und Amazonen p. 33-129 + Enchoria 22 (1995), p. 28
no. 1, (Hoffmann) col. 6, 20: Km[y], '[ ] von Ägypten, dem Land seiner Leute'
AD 200 about, TM 55903: Hoffmann, Ägypter und Amazonen p. 33-129 + Enchoria 22 (1995), p. 28
no. 1, (Hoffmann) col. 6, 24: Kmy, 'zu dem Mann, der in Ägypten gestorben ist'
(?) AD 200 about, TM 55903: Hoffmann, Ägypter und Amazonen p. 33-129 + Enchoria 22 (1995), p.
28 no. 1, (Hoffmann) col. 6, 25: pȝ t[ȝ Kmy?], 'da er ein Sohn ist des Königs des Landes
[Ägypten (?)]'
AD 200 about, TM 55903: Hoffmann, Ägypter und Amazonen p. 33-129 + Enchoria 22 (1995), p. 28
no. 1, (Hoffmann) col. 6, 28: Kmy, 'Du bist ein Gott vor mir, Ägypter.'
AD 200 about, TM 55903: Hoffmann, Ägypter und Amazonen p. 33-129 + Enchoria 22 (1995), p. 28
no. 1, (Hoffmann) col. 8, 13: K˹my˺, 'Sie sahen keinen Ägypter (?)'
AD 200 about, TM 55903: Hoffmann, Ägypter und Amazonen p. 33-129 + Enchoria 22 (1995), p. 28
no. 1, (Hoffmann) col. 8, 17: Kmy, '[ ] Ägypter [ ]'
AD 200 about, TM 55903: Hoffmann, Ägypter und Amazonen p. 33-129 + Enchoria 22 (1995), p. 28
no. 1, (Hoffmann) col. 9, 3: ˹K˺my, 'die böse Schlange von Ägypter'
AD 200 about, TM 92228: Hoffmann, Ägypter und Amazonen p. 87-129 [A text], (Hoffmann) A col.
2, 6: ˹K˺my, 'die böse Schlange von Ägypter'
AD 200 about, TM 92228: Hoffmann, Ägypter und Amazonen p. 87-129 [A text], (Hoffmann) A col.
2, 8: Km˹y˺, 'der bösen Schlange von Ägypter'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 1, 24: Kmy, 'the
gods of Egypt'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 15, 28: Kmy, 'Its
invocation in Egyptian again is this which is below'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 20, 5 [a]: Kmy,
'Arise and come to Egypt, for your father Osiris is king of Egypt'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 20, 5 [b]: Kmy,
'Arise and come to Egypt, for your father Osiris is king of Egypt'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 20, 6: Kmy, 'all the
gods of Egypt'
277 AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 21, 21: Kmy, 'the
great cult images of those of Egypt'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 21, 23 [a]: Kmy, 'Do
not come to those of Egypt!'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 21, 23 [b]: Kmy, 'to
the great trees of those of Egypt'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 21, 28: Kmy, 'the
great one found among the two great enneads on the east of Egypt'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 21, 34 [b]: Kmy,
'the blood of this wild boar which they brought from the land of Syria to Egypt.'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 21, 36 [b]: Kmy,
'the great destructions for those of Egypt'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 29, 28 [b]: Kmy,
'You should grind this drug with a little yellow ocher of Aethiopia and juice of Egyptian
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, Vo col. 13, 1: Kmy, 'the
great gods of Egypt'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, Vo col. 13, 5: Kmy,
'Tear her name out of Egypt'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, Vo col. 20, 2 [b]: Kmy,
'O Amon, this lofty male, this male of Aethiopia, who came down from Meroe to Egypt'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, Vo col. 22, 7 [a]: Kmy?,
'paint your eye with it, together with juice of Egyptian grapes and yellow ocher of Aethiopia'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55954: OMRO 56 (1975), p. 29-64 + Pap. Graec. Mag.(2) 2 12, col. 1*, 13: Kmy, 'Live
O great (secret) image of Egypt who rests in the middle of Memphis, the place of Ptah
(another manuscript says: Hout-benben) without a prescription!'
AD 250 - 299, TM 100207: JEA 89 (2003), p. 221, 1: Tȝ.wy, '(the goddess) Rattawi / Rat of (the) Two
AD 250 - 299, TM 100207: JEA 89 (2003), p. 221, 7: Tȝ.wy, '(the goddess) Rattawi / Rat of (the) Two
AD 250 - 299, TM 100207: JEA 89 (2003), p. 221, 8: Tȝ.wy, '(the goddess) Rattawi / Rat of (the) Two
AD 253 Apr 10, TM 51871: Enchoria 31 (2008-2009), p. 70-72, 2: Kme, 'I returned to Egypt'
AD 253 Apr 10, TM 51871: Enchoria 31 (2008-2009), p. 70-72, 3 [b]: Kme, 'and brought us to Egypt
AD 253 Apr 10, TM 51871: Enchoria 31 (2008-2009), p. 70-72, 3 [c]: Km, 'I came to Egypt'
AD 253 Apr 10, TM 51871: Enchoria 31 (2008-2009), p. 70-72, 6: Kme, 'to come to Egypt'
AD 253 Apr 10, TM 51871: Enchoria 31 (2008-2009), p. 70-72, 18 [a]: Km, 'bring me to Egypt'
AD 253 Apr 10, TM 51871: Enchoria 31 (2008-2009), p. 70-72, 18 [c]: Km, 'bring it to Egypt for us'
AD 253 Apr 10, TM 51871: Enchoria 31 (2008-2009), p. 70-72, 21 [a]: Km, 'my heart is left to you (in)
Egypt, in Meroe, and in the mountains'
AD 253 Apr 10, TM 51871: Enchoria 31 (2008-2009), p. 70-72, 21 [c]: Km, 'until you bring me back to
Eileithyiopolis (El-Kab) – U03 (611)
G Εἰλειθυίας Πόλις L Leucotheae E Nḫb - Gs.t? Var.: Eileithyiopolis (Eileithyias Polis) - Nekheb - ElKab (Elkab) E thnic: Eileithyiopolites
Status: city: polis Admin.: in the Eileithyiopolites
Ident.: cf. also U03 Eileithyiopolites (3223)
Note: according to De Meulenaere the modern name El-Kab is derived from the Egyptian Nekheb
(with the N- pronounced as el-), while the 'el' of Elkab has then incorrectly been considered as
the Arabic article 'el-'
Rep.: Dizionario II, p. 131 (bis); Suppl. 1, p. 103 (bis); Suppl. 2, p. 49 (bis); Suppl. 3, p. 35 (1-2); Suppl.
4, p. 55 (1); Gauthier, Dictionnaire I, 1925, p. 160 (?); III, 1926, p. 99; Bibl.: Wb 2, 1927, p. 309;
Gardiner, AEO 2, 1947, p. 8* no. 321, Erichsen, Glossar, 1954, p. 226; CDD N, 2004, p. 114; Maps:
Baines / Malek, Atlas, 2002, p. 71 Sources: BC 399 - 300, TM 56128: P. Saqqara Dem. 1 27 [palimpsest new] (p. 199), 11: ˹Nḫb˺, 'the
vulture went away to Eileithyiopolis (?)'
278 BC 399 - 200, TM 48634: P. Berl. Eleph. 2 13567, 11: Nḫb, 'Phibis son of Thoteus, the man of
BC 205 about, TM 46806: Depauw, The Demotic letter p. 348-350, 13: Nḫb, 'I had (the letter)
brought to Eileithyiopolis and they wrote me, saying that letter in question had been brought
to you.'
(?) BC 150 - 30, TM 46004: JEA 11 (1925), p. 151, col. 2, 5: Gs, 'The places (of) Ges. West side of the
great river ...'
BC 9 Aug 21, TM 57970: P. Rhind 1, Dem. col. 6, 3 [b]: Nḫb, 'Du wirst gereinigt mit dem Wasser,
welches aus Elephantine kam, mit dem Natron von Eileithyiopolis und mit der Milch aus
AD 1 - 99?, TM 51130: Enchoria 16 (1988), p. 79 no. 1, col. 1, 9: Nḫb, in a list of Upper Egyptian
AD 100 - 199, TM 55946: Spiegelberg, Mythus vom Sonnenauge p. 12-55, col. 21, 3 [b]: Nḫb, 'und
eilte mit ihm nach Ägypten, bis sie nach Eileithyiopolis gelangte'
Ekron (Khirbet el-Muqanna) – Palestina (11479)
G Ἀκκάρων E ʿgrn Other: Ekron (Hebrew) Var.: Ekron - Akkaron (Akaron) - Khirbet el-Muqanna
Status: city Region: Palestina
Note: obsolete readings: ʿqrn, Prm, Prn
Bibl.: Benzinger, RE, 1893, col. 1171, s.v. Akkaron; Vittmann, Enchoria 25 (1999), p. 124-127; CDD ʿ,
2003, p. 153
Sources: BC 604 - 603?, TM 48886: Textbook of Aramaic documents 1 A 1.1 + Enchoria 25 (1999), p.
124-127, (Enchoria) 1: ʿgrn, 'What the great one / the chief (of) Ekron gave to ...[ ]'
Elam (635)
G Ἐλυμαίς E ʿYlm Var.: Elam - Elymais E thnic: Elymaios (Elymaia)
Status: region Country: Iran
Ident.: Per-iou?-alem (10875)?
Bibl.: PP X, 2002, p. 71
Sources: BC 399 - 300?, TM 56121: Rev. Bibl. N.S. 92 (1985), p. 60-81 + JNES 43 (1984), p. 93-96 +
Vleeming / Wesselius, Papyrus Amherst 63 1 p. 33-37 & 50-72 & 88 + Vleeming / Wesselius,
Papyrus Amherst 63 2 p. 30-44 & 46-52 & 54-64 & 65-71 & 75-90, col. 11, 18 [b]: ʿYlm, 'My words
for you, my words (for you) are in the ear(s) of Aethiopia and Elam.'
BC 399 - 300?, TM 56121: Rev. Bibl. N.S. 92 (1985), p. 60-81 + JNES 43 (1984), p. 93-96 + Vleeming /
Wesselius, Papyrus Amherst 63 1 p. 33-37 & 50-72 & 88 + Vleeming / Wesselius, Papyrus
Amherst 63 2 p. 30-44 & 46-52 & 54-64 & 65-71 & 75-90, col. 20, 7: ʿYlm?, 'Dogs from the people
of Suhu I brought to Sarmanki. A bow I took from Elam (and) I brought (it) to my brother.'
Elephantine (Geziret Assuan) – U01 (621)
G Ἐλεφαντίνη - Ἰηβ L Elephantine - Elephantis E Yb (Ybȝ - ȝbw - Ỉȝbw - Ỉb) C ⲓⲏⲃ Var.: Elephantine
(Elephantis) - Ieb - Geziret Assuan E thnic: Elephanteus - Elephantites - Elephantinites
Status: island (on the Nile): nesos; insula; city: polis; demi Ident.: cf. also U01 Elephantinites (13441), U01 - Katarraktes Mikros / Mou-bin-n-Abou (4808)
Note: new reading in O. Leiden Dem. 338, 4 (no toponym; cf. DBL, 2005, p. 432)
Rep.: Dizionario II, p. 138; p. 138-140; p. 140; Suppl. 1, p. 104; Suppl. 2, p. 50; Suppl. 3, p. 35 (bis);
Suppl. 4, p. 55; Timm, p. 1044-1049; Gauthier, Dictionnaire I, 1925, p. 3; Bibl.: Wb 1, 1926, p. 7;
Gardiner, AEO 2, 1947, p. 2*-5* no. 315; Erichsen, Glossar, 1954, p. 49; p. 392; Habachi, LÄ I,
1975, col. 1217-1225; CRIPEL 8 (1986), p. 37-42; Locher, Topographie Nilkatarakt, 1999, p. 15-34;
CDD Y, 2001, p. 8-9; p. 10; La'da, Pap. Congr. XXIII (Wien 2001), 2007, p. 369-380; Maps: Baines /
Malek, Atlas, 2002, p. 72 Sources: BC 664 - 332, TM 45696: P. Berl. Eleph. 2 15514, 1: Yb, 'before Satet (the) great, mistress of
BC 558 Jan 10 - 557 Jan 4, TM 46490: Serapis 5 (1979), p. 21-24, 1: Yb, 'while the quarrymen cease
coming to the (stone) quarry of / in Elephantine'
BC 558 Jan 10 - 557 Jan 4, TM 46490: Serapis 5 (1979), p. 21-24, 2 [b]: Yb, 'these quarrymen, ten
men, are those who have gone to the central quarter (?) in Elephantine doing damage'
BC 558 Jan 10 - 557 Jan 4, TM 46490: Serapis 5 (1979), p. 21-24, 4: Yb, '(he) seeing this other statue
of gebel stone (being) damaged in Elephantine'
279 BC 558 Jan 10 - 557 Jan 4, TM 46490: Serapis 5 (1979), p. 21-24, 6: [Y]b, '[ ] Elephantine in the hands
of those ten quarrymen [ ]'
BC 525 - 330, TM 50134: P. Äg. Handschr. 197 descr., 1: ˹Y˺b, 'Chnoum the great, lord of
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 18, 16: Yb, 'Sie gingen zu der
anderen Stele aus Elephantinestein, die im Allerheiligsten war'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 18, 20: Yb, 'Sie liessen (also) von
der stele aus Elephantinestein ab und meisselten sie nicht aus.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 21, 11 [a]: Yb, 'this stele in stone
(from) Elephantine (sc. granite from Aswan), which is in (the) dromos of Amon'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 7, 13 [b]: Yb, '(Als) er nach
Elephantine gelangte, liess er ein Stele aus Elephantinestein und die Blöcke für zwei Statuen
aus tmgi-Stein schneiden und veranlasste, dass sie nach Ankyropolis gebracht wurden.'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 7, 14: Yb, '(Als) er nach
Elephantine gelangte, liess er ein Stele aus Elephantinestein und die Blöcke für zwei Statuen
aus tmgi-Stein schneiden und veranlasste, dass sie nach Ankyropolis gebracht wurden.'
BC 498 Jun 29, TM 46441: P. Berl. Eleph. 2 13536, 1: Yb, 'the priests of Chnoum of Elephantine'
BC 498 Jun 29, TM 46441: P. Berl. Eleph. 2 13536, Vo 3 [a]: ˹Yb˺, 'the priests of Chnoum of
BC 498 Jun 29, TM 46441: P. Berl. Eleph. 2 13536, Vo 3 [b]: ˹Yb˺, 'the scribes of the temple of
BC 492 Mar 20, TM 46587: P. Äg. Handschr. 220, descr.: Yb, 'Chnoum the great, lord of Elephantine'
BC 492 Apr 21, TM 46470: Spiegelberg, Drei Schreiben (Sitzb. Berl. Akad. 1928, 30) p. 605-606 (= A)
[P. Pherendates 1], 1 [b]: Yb, 'the wab-priests of Chnoum (the great), lord of Elephantine'
BC 492 Dec 25, TM 46469: Spiegelberg, Drei Schreiben (Sitzb. Berl. Akad. 1928, 30) p. 611 (= B) [P.
Pherendates 2], 1 [a]: Yb, 'the wab-priests of Chnoum (the) great, lord of Elephantine'
BC 492 Dec 25, TM 46469: Spiegelberg, Drei Schreiben (Sitzb. Berl. Akad. 1928, 30) p. 611 (= B) [P.
Pherendates 2], col. Vo, 1 [a]: Yb, 'the wab-priests of Chnoum (the) great, lord of Elephantine'
BC 487 Jul 21 - Aug 19, TM 45690: P. Berl. Eleph. 1 13582, 1: Yb, 'Chnoum (the) great, lord of
BC 460 Jan 15 - Feb 13?, TM 45744: Nachr. Akad. Göttingen, Phil.-hist. Klasse (1965), p. 103-110 no.
5, 1 [a]: Yb, 'Chnoum (the) great, lord of Elephantine'
BC 460 Jan 15 - Feb 13?, TM 45744: Nachr. Akad. Göttingen, Phil.-hist. Klasse (1965), p. 103-110 no.
5, 1 [b]: Yb, 'in the temple of Elephantine'
BC 460 Jan 15 - Feb 13?, TM 45744: Nachr. Akad. Göttingen, Phil.-hist. Klasse (1965), p. 103-110 no.
5, 3: Yb, 'the temple of Elephantine'
BC 460 Jan 15 - Feb 13?, TM 45744: Nachr. Akad. Göttingen, Phil.-hist. Klasse (1965), p. 103-110 no.
5, 5: Yb, 'Chnoum (the) great, lord of Elephantine'
BC 460 Jan 15 - Feb 13?, TM 45744: Nachr. Akad. Göttingen, Phil.-hist. Klasse (1965), p. 103-110 no.
5, 7: Yb, 'Chnoum (the) great, lord of Elephantine'
BC 399 - 300, TM 56124: P. Saqqara Dem. 1 2 (p. 72-74 & 109-111 & 127-128), Ro col. 6, 3: Yb, '[ ] of
Elephantine [ ]'
BC 399 - 300, TM 56128: P. Saqqara Dem. 1 27 [palimpsest new] (p. 199), 1 [a]: Yb, '[ ] ...
Elephantine, the Syrians / Phoenicians to Memphis (?) [ ]'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46548: P. Äg. Handschr. 159, descr.: Yb?, descr.: 'Der Text betrifft
Angelegenheiten der Priester von Elephantine.'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46556: P. Äg. Handschr. 171, descr.: ˹Yb˺, '... Elephantine [ ]'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46596: P. Äg. Handschr. 233, descr. [a]: Yb, 'Chnoum the great, lord of
BC 399 - 200, TM 46602: P. Äg. Handschr. 239, descr. [a]: Yb?, descr.: 'Das Getreide ist wohl für das
Tempelgut des Chnoum von Elephantine bestimmt, das als einziges im ganzen Südgau
zugrunde gegangen (?) ist.'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46477: P. Äg. Handschr. 25, descr.: Yb, 'Chnoum the great, lord of Elephantine'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46613: P. Äg. Handschr. 250, descr. [a]: Yb?, descr.: 'Des weiteren bedauert er,
dass er wegen einer Krankheit nicht schreiben und den Adressaten von den Ereignissen in
Elephantine und Syene unterrichten konnte.'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46615: P. Äg. Handschr. 252, descr. [a]: Yb?, descr.: '... wegen der (falschen?)
Nachricht von Aufstand in Elephantine und Syene aber wieder nach dem Süden
zurückgekehrt sind'
280 BC 399 - 200, TM 46478: P. Äg. Handschr. 26, descr. [a]: Yb?, descr.: 'Der Absender berichtet von
den Untaten eines gewissen Bitmeret, der am 16. Mecheir des Jahres 6 in Elephantine
angekommen sei. Dort habe er die Häuser der Töpfer, die auf dem "Sande" von Elephantine
waren, zerstören lassen.'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46478: P. Äg. Handschr. 26 descr., 1: Yb, 'Chnoum (the) great, lord of Elephantine'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46623: P. Äg. Handschr. 260, descr.: Yb?, descr.: 'Auf deren Frage habe er
geantwortet, dass eine bestimmte person (der Adressat?) bis jetzt nicht nach Elephantine
gekommen sei.'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46627: P. Äg. Handschr. 264, descr.: Yb, '... Elephantine ...'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46629: P. Äg. Handschr. 266, descr. [a]: Yb?, descr.: 'Der Absender will zwei
Personen aus Elephantine zu den Adressaten schicken'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46631: P. Äg. Handschr. 268 descr., 6: Yb, descr.: 'Der Brief handelt von der
Schiffsreise eines Mannes nach dem Süden, wobei dieser vielleicht bei Elephantine
Schiffbruch erlitten hat.'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46635: P. Äg. Handschr. 273 descr., 2: ˹Y˺b, descr.: 'Die geringen Reste lassen
erkennen, dass der Brief Angelegenheiten des Tempels von Elephantine betraf.'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46648: P. Äg. Handschr. 301, descr.: Yb?, descr.: 'der Reise verschiedener
Personen nach Elephantine'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46494: P. Äg. Handschr. 75 descr. + P. Äg. Handschr. 305 descr. + P. Äg. Handschr.
174 descr., (75) descr.: Yb, 'the prophet of Min to (?) (the) temple of Elephantine'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46497: P. Äg. Handschr. 78, descr.: Yb, descr.: 'Der Absender hat einen Mann
namens Pa-ir-dit nach Elephantine geschikt'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46468: P. Berl. Eleph. 1 13538, 21: Yb, 'Man sagt mir von seiten aller Leute, die in
Elephantine und Syene sind, ...'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46487: P. Berl. Eleph. 1 13579, 8: Yb, 'Ich bin zum Tempel von Elephantine
gekommen mit meinem Leuten.'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46503: P. Berl. Eleph. 1 15521, 9: Yb, 'who inspects at (the) temple (of)
BC 399 - 200, TM 46444: P. Berl. Eleph. 2 13549, Vo 15: Yb, 'Heute bin ich nicht in Elephantine'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46445: P. Berl. Eleph. 2 13562, 12: Yb, 'Möge man (das Orakel) befragen nach dem
Heil des Tempels von Elephantine.'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46445: P. Berl. Eleph. 2 13562, Vo 19: Yb, 'Möge man (das Orakel) befragen nach
meinem Heil, ob ich hier auf Elephantine bleiben soll.'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46448: P. Berl. Eleph. 2 13580, 7: Yb, 'dem Beauftragten des Amyntas, des
Vertreters des Vorsteher von Hermopolis, der nach dem Süden gekommen ist, um
Elephantine und Syene zu inspizieren.'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46452: P. Berl. Eleph. 2 13634 & 23681 a-b, 7: Yb, 'welche man der Anoukis opfern
wird im Tempel von Elephantine'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46452: P. Berl. Eleph. 2 13634 & 23681 a-b, 8: Yb, 'um sie zum Tempel von
Elephantine zu bringen'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46454: P. Berl. Eleph. 2 15515, 15: Yb, 'Wir werden nicht zögern, nach
Elephantine zu kommen.'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46455: P. Berl. Eleph. 2 15530, 10: Yb, 'Das Gotteshaus von Elephantine ist ein
grosser Tempel.'
BC 399 - 200, TM 43973: P. Berl. Eleph. 2 15619, 3: Yb, 'über alle Dinge, die im Tempel von
Elephantine geschehen werden.'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46461: P. Berl. Eleph. 2 15637 & 15803, 7: Yb, 'oder ist es besser, hier auf
Elephantine zu sein?'
BC 399 - 200, TM 46464: P. Berl. Eleph. 2 15695, 5: Yb, 'Ich bin nach Elephantine gekommen.'
BC 361 - 343, TM 54480: MDAIK 46 (1990), p. 255 no. 11 descr., 1: Yb?, 'the kalasiris of Elephantine
BC 361 - 343, TM 54485: MDAIK 46 (1990), p. 258-259 no. 19, 1: Yb, '(the) kalasiris of Elephantine'
BC 358 after, TM 51049: Enchoria 9 (1979), p. 65 no. 2, 3: Yb, 'the prophet (of) Chnoum lord (of)
Elephantine the great god, who inspects the nomos of Thebes'
BC 358 Jul 19 - Aug 17, TM 54484: MDAIK 46 (1990), p. 257-258 no. 18, 1: Yb, '(the) man of
Elephantine Peteesis'
BC 349 Sep 14 - Nov 12, TM 45742: RdE 26 (1974), p. 44-46, 2 [a]: Ỉb, 'of (the) temple (of)
Elephantine together with its sanctuary'
BC 349 Sep 14 - Nov 12, TM 45742: RdE 26 (1974), p. 44-46, 2 [b]: Ỉb, 'surveyor of fields of (the)
temple of Elephantine'
281 BC 349 Sep 14 - Nov 12, TM 45742: RdE 26 (1974), p. 44-46, 3: Ỉb, 'in (the) temple (of) Elephantine'
BC 349 Sep 14 - Nov 12, TM 45742: RdE 26 (1974), p. 44-46, 4 [b]: Ỉb, 'the house ... which is (in) the
northern quarter of Elephantine, which borders on P-sebet-Per-aa / The wall (of) Pharaoh in
the north'
BC 332 - 211, TM 45701: P. Berl. Eleph. 1 15609, 1 [a]: Yb, '(The god) Harbekis in Elephantine,
Syene, the southern district (and) Philai, from year 17, Epeiph 1 till year 18, Pauni 30'
BC 332 - 200, TM 46595: P. Äg. Handschr. 232 descr., Vo 12: Yb, 'every man who is in Elephantine'
BC 332 - 200, TM 46606: P. Äg. Handschr. 243, descr. [b]: Yb?, descr.: 'Im weiteren Text ist von den
"schlimmen Dingen" die Rede, die in Elephantine geschehen sind.'
BC 332 - 30, TM 45702: P. Äg. Handschr. 115, descr.: Yb?, descr.: 'In der Urkunde verpflichtet sich
die eine partei (3 Personen?) zur Abgabe von Wein an den Tempel von Elephantine.'
BC 332 - 30, TM 45720: P. Äg. Handschr. 217, descr.: Yb, 'to Elephantine'
(?) BC 263 Jan 27 - 30, TM 55629: O. Louvre p. 179 no. 155, 4: Yb?, 'pour les argents de [ ]
Elephantine (?) (en) l'an 21 [ ]'
BC 261 Jun 23, TM 51731: OrSu 23 - 24 (1974-1975), p. 17-18 no. 9, 2: Yb, 'the woman of
BC 258 Oct 27, TM 51369: EVO 6 (1983), p. 15-16, 5 [a]: Yb, 'L'hanno consegnato i suoi scribi e i suoi
agenti distrettuali (?), a partire da Elephantine fino a Dios Polis, specificando nomo per nomo,
le 36 (corrected into '39') province'
BC 250 - 220, TM 48875: P. Chronik Ro, p. 9-13 + Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten
(OLA 107) p. 65-111, col. 6, 14 [b]: Ỉbỉȝ, 'Der grosse Strom wächst. Sein Anfang ist in
BC 245 Oct 23 - Nov 21, TM 43706: P. Eleph. Dem. 12, 2 [b]: Ỉb, 'your house which is in the central
quarter of Elephantine'
BC 236 Jul 18 - Aug 16, TM 44287: P. Berl. Eleph. 2 13535 & 23677, 5: Yb, 'the field (sḫ.t) of
BC 229 Jun 16 - Jul 15, TM 44106: P. Count. 2 + P. Count. 3, (P. Count. 2) 501: Yb, 'men of
BC 217 Jul 21, TM 44206: Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 61-62, 4: Yb, 'Es gibt einige Leute, die
abgezogen wurden von den Zensuslisten des Bezirks von Elephantine / the field (sḫ.t) of
Elephantine im Regierungsjahr 5.'
BC 217 Jul 21, TM 44206: Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 61-62, 15: [Yb], 'Jede Sache, die missfällt (?),
die findet man gerade im Bezirk von Elephantine / the field (sḫ.t) of Elephantine.'
BC 214 - 30, TM 45688: P. Äg. Handschr. 45 descr. + P. Äg. Handschr. 215 descr., (215) 5: Yb, 'die
Bauernarbeit des Tempels von Elephantine'
BC 207 Jun 22, TM 46484: P. Äg. Handschr. 39, descr.: [Y]bȝ, '... to (the) temple of Elephantine'
BC 205 about, TM 46806: Depauw, The Demotic letter p. 348-350, 16: Yb, 'You have not written to
me about its contents (?) while I am here in Elephantine.'
BC 199 - 140, TM 48983: O. Hor 16, 6 [a]: Yb, 'while benefit is performed from Elephantine to the
islands (of) Dios Polis'
BC 199 - 140, TM 48984: O. Hor 17, 13 [a]: Yb, 'Thoth knows him who performs benefit for the Ibis
from Elephantine (to) the islands (of) Dios Polis'
BC 199 - 100?, TM 53970: Graff. Assuan Dem. 15, A 5: Yb, 'il sito di Elephantine'
BC 199 - 1, TM 46563: P. Äg. Handschr. 183 descr., 1: Ybȝ, '[ ] Elephantine ... [ ]'
BC 199 - 1, TM 46588: P. Äg. Handschr. 223, descr.: Yb?, descr.: 'Zwei Fragmente eines Briefes, der
... an einen oder mehrere Priester des Chnoums von Elephantine gerichtet war.'
BC 199 - 1, TM 46618: P. Äg. Handschr. 255 descr., 2: Yb, 'Chnoum (the) great, lord of Elephantine'
BC 198 Oct 12 - Nov 10, TM 2531: P. Eheverträge 28, 9 [a]: Yb, 'who is scribe in Elephantine (and)
BC 186 - 144 after, TM 46092: Spiegelberg, Zivilprozessordnung (ABAW N.F. 1) p. 16-17 + Sethe /
Spiegelberg, Zivilprozessordnung (ABAW N.F. 4) p. 18, (p. 16-17) col. 3, 10: [Yb], 'The wabpriest of Chnoum [the great, lord of Elephantine]'
BC 164 Mar 23, TM 51427: MDAIK 53 (1997), p. 264, 3 [b]: Yb, 'Damage was done to the Heraion /
the resting place of Sothis (the) great, mistress of Elephantine.'
BC 153 - 150, TM 53481: Short Texts 1 100, 4 [a]: Yb, 'in the temple of Elephantine, Abaton (and)
BC 150 - 100, TM 51414: JEA 73 (1987), p. 170 & 173 + JJP 26 (1996), p. 127-128, Dem. 1 [a]: Ybȝ,
'Peteesis ... kalasiris, a man (of) Elephantine, standard-bearer of the first nomos'
BC 150 - 100, TM 51414: JEA 73 (1987), p. 170 & 173 + JJP 26 (1996), p. 127-128, Dem. 6 [a]: Ybȝ, 'I
completed a harp of gold for Elephantine, and another for Philai'
282 BC 150 - 30, TM 43648: RdE 38 (1987), p. 5-7, I Vo 1: Yb, 'the (divine) child born in Elephantine'
BC 150 - 30, TM 43648: RdE 38 (1987), p. 5-7, I Vo 26: Yb, 'c'est l'abomination des champs d'
BC 150 - 30, TM 43648: RdE 38 (1987), p. 5-7, III 2 (= 54): Yb, 'the (divine) child born in Elephantine'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 51947: SCO 21 (1972), p. 348-349 no. 12, Concavo 8: Yb, 'Harpaesis son of
Psenesis, the man of Elephantine, he has given (to) Semenouphis'
BC 146 - 132?, TM 52003: SCO 22 (1973), p. 252 no. 31, Convesso col. 2, 3: Yb, 'man of Elephantine'
BC 145 Jan 29, TM 44013: P. Äg. Handschr. 64 descr., 15 ? [a]: Yb, 'who is scribe in Elephantine
(and) Syene'
BC 137 Jan 25 - Feb 23, TM 45573: P. Äg. Handschr. 57, descr. [a]: Yb, 'who is scribe (in) Elephantine
(and) Syene'
BC 137 Feb 15, TM 44012: P. Äg. Handschr. 59, descr. [a]: Yb, 'welcher schreibt in Elephantine und
Syene im Namen der Priester des Chnoum von den 5 phylen'
BC 120 Oct 26, TM 44015: P. Äg. Handschr. 61 descr., 20 [a]: Yb, 'who is scribe (in) Elephantine
(and) Syene'
BC 120 Sep 22 - 119 Sep 21, TM 44014: P. Äg. Handschr. 60 descr., 18: Yb, 'who is scribe (in)
Elephantine (and) Syene'
BC 118 Dec 10, TM 45574: P. Äg. Handschr. 58, descr. [a]: Yb, 'who is scribe (in) Elephantine (and)
BC 101 Aug 25, TM 46567: P. Äg. Handschr. 189, descr.: Yb?, descr.: 'Der Absender des Briefes war
von Ptolemais aus nach Elephantine geschickt worden.'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 15) 8: Yb, 'Ich
ben Min-neb-maat, der Sohn des Inaros, der Fürst von Elephantine, der Vorsteher des Südens
von Ägypten.'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 15) 13: Yb, 'Bei
Chnoum, dem Grossen, dem Herrn von Elephantine!'
BC 99 - 50, TM 55880: Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 36-42 [Pap. de Ricci 1-25] +
Spiegelberg, Sagenkreis Petubastis p. 14-34 [Pap. Spieg. 1-18] + P. L. Bat. 27 p. 50-60 + Enchoria
22 (1995), p. 31-38 no. 3 + Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 5-7 no. 26-29, (Pap. Spieg. 15) 21 [b]: Yb,
'Ich bin zu dir gekommen, du Neger, Aethiope, du Harzesser, Mann aus Elephantine!'
BC 99 - AD 99, TM 69608: P. Brooklyn Dem. 138, 3: Yb, 'before Chnoum, Sothis and Anoukis, the
gods of Elephantine.'
BC 99 - AD 99, TM 69610: P. Brooklyn Dem. 140, 7: Yb, 'the prophet of Chnoum, Sothis, Anoukis,
Osiris, Horos, Isis, and the gods of the region (tȝ sḫ.t) of Elephantine at Abaton.'
BC 99 - AD 99, TM 53519: Short Texts 1 106, 6 [a]: Yb, 'from Elephantine to Hermonthis (?) [ ]'
BC 99 - AD 199, TM 56175: Spiegelberg, Demotische Texte auf Krügen p. 14-16 no. A + Dem. Conf.
VII (Copenhagen 1999) p. 60-61 + P. Zauzich 71 + Archiv Orientalni 17.2 (1949), p. 127, 4
(Spiegelberg): Yb, 'Es geschah, dass Hi-Hor, der Zauberer, gefangen sass in dem Gefängnis des
Pharao zu Elephantine.'
BC 99 - AD 199, TM 56175: Spiegelberg, Demotische Texte auf Krügen p. 14-16 no. A + Dem. Conf.
VII (Copenhagen 1999) p. 60-61 + P. Zauzich 71 + Archiv Orientalni 17.2 (1949), p. 127, 6 [a]
(Spiegelberg): Yb, 'Sie erfuhren, dass er gefangen sässe in dem Gefängnis des Pharao zu
Elephantine und eilten nach Elephantine in der Südprovinz.'
BC 99 - AD 199, TM 56175: Spiegelberg, Demotische Texte auf Krügen p. 14-16 no. A + Dem. Conf.
VII (Copenhagen 1999) p. 60-61 + P. Zauzich 71 + Archiv Orientalni 17.2 (1949), p. 127, 6 [b]
(Spiegelberg): Yb, 'Sie erfuhren, dass er gefangen sässe in dem Gefängnis des Pharao zu
Elephantine und eilten nach Elephantine in der Südprovinz.'
BC 99 - AD 199, TM 56175: Spiegelberg, Demotische Texte auf Krügen p. 14-16 no. A + Dem. Conf.
VII (Copenhagen 1999) p. 60-61 + P. Zauzich 71 + Archiv Orientalni 17.2 (1949), p. 127, 7
(Spiegelberg): Ỉbȝ, 'Da setzten sie sich an den Eingang des Gefängnisses des Pharao zu
BC 30 - AD 300, TM 51872: Graff. Dodec. Philae 417, 4 [a]: Ybe, 'the men of Elephantine having
come up'
BC 30 - AD 300, TM 51872: Graff. Dodec. Philae 417, 5 [a]: Ybe, 'the men of Elephantine'
283 BC 9 Aug 21, TM 57970: P. Rhind 1, Dem. col. 6, 3 [a]: Yb, 'Du wirst gereinigt mit dem Wasser,
welches aus Elephantine kam, mit dem Natron von Eileithyiopolis und mit der Milch aus
BC 2 Feb 22, TM 45679: P. Eleph. Dem. 13, 1: Ỉb, '(the) pastophoros of Chnoum (the) great, lord of
Elephantine, the great god'
BC 2 Feb 22, TM 45679: P. Eleph. Dem. 13, 3 [b]: Ỉb, 'my house ... in (the) upper quarter of
BC 2 Feb 22, TM 45679: P. Eleph. Dem. 13, 3 [c]: Ỉb, '(the) pastophoros of Chnoum (the) great, lord
of Elephantine, the great god'
AD 1 - 99?, TM 51130: Enchoria 16 (1988), p. 79 no. 1, col. 1, 1: Yb, in a list of Upper Egyptian
AD 1 - 99, TM 56854: P. Liturgy p. 23-25 no. P & pl. 7, 18: Yb, 'I will bring you wine from the oasis
(and) water which has issued forth from Elephantine.'
AD 1 - 99, TM 58379: P. Liturgy p. 23-29 no. B & pl. 1-4, col. 2, 5: Yb, 'I will bring you wine from the
oasis (and) water which has issued forth from Elephantine.'
AD 1 - 99, TM 54762: P. Liturgy p. 23-29 no. OP & pl. 5-6, col. 2, 3: Yb, 'I will bring you wine from
the oasis (and) water which has issued forth from Elephantine.'
AD 1 - 199, TM 69431: Jasnow / Zauzich, Book of Thoth p. 139-496 no. L01, col. 1, 24 (p. 333): Ybw,
'A vulture which draws a bow, whit its young [ ] It is Elephantine.'
AD 11 Mar 11, TM 46501: P. Berl. Eleph. 1 15518, Vo 3: ˹Ybȝ˺, 'Man hat es genommen (in?)
Elephantine am 27. Tag.'
AD 63 Oct 17, TM 48882: Stadler, P. Pa-Month p. 27-39, col. 2, 5 [a]: Yb, 'Höre du, der seinen
Schatten kennt, der aus Elephantine kommt.'
AD 100 - 150, TM 56179: P. Carlsberg 5 p. 17-192 + P. Yale 4921 Vo ined. (information website Yale),
fr. 1, 11 [b]: Yb, 'He knew that it came forth from Elephantine [ ]'
AD 100 - 150, TM 55957: P. Zauzich 15, A col. 2, 7: Yb, 'Chnoum, der Herr von Elephantine, der Herr
der Arbeit, er wurde versteckt in Bou-gem.'
(?) AD 100 - 284, TM 55958: P. Berl. Spieg. p. 29 no. 8769 descr., col. 2, 6: Yb, 'Elephantine' (?)
AD 126 Aug 29 - 127 Aug 29, TM 69609: P. Brooklyn Dem. 139, 4: Ybȝ, 'Shall I ... it in Elephantine ...
Pesta (?). And you are to give a tax ...'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 11, 2: ˹Y˺b,
'Minnemei, Sohn des Inaros, den Stier der Leute (?) von Elephantine'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 17, 27 [b]: Yb,
'Man gab Landungsplatz dem mla-Schiff des Minnemei, des Stieres der Leute von
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 24, 19: Y˹b˺,
'Man gab Landungsplatz dem starken Stier Minnemei, Sohn des Inaros, dem Fürsten der Leute
von Elephantine'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 24, 22: <Yb>,
'Bei Chnoum, Herrn <von Elephantine>, dem grossen Gott, meinem Gott!'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 5, 24 [a]: [Y]˹b˺,
'Er kam ... mit seinem Heer von Elephantine an bis nach [dem Gebiet (von) (?)] Senou zu dem
Ort, an dem er war.'
AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 8, 7 [b]: Yb,
'Lass gesandt werden hinaus in die Gaue Ägyptens von Elephantine bis Senou [ ]'
Elephantinites – U01 (13441)
G Ἐλεφαντινίτης - ὁ περὶ Ἐλεφαντίνην νομός E pȝ tš n Yb Var.: Elephantinites ('The nomos of /
round Elephantine')
Status: district: nomos; tesh Ident.: cf. U01 Elephantine (Geziret Assuan) (621)
Sources: BC 399 - 200, TM 46506: P. Äg. Handschr. 91 descr., 1: pȝ tš ˹Yb˺, '... to the nomos of
Eupatoria (3402)
E Mȝnw-n-nȝ-ỉt.w Var.: Eupatoria - Manou-n-n-itou
Status: area: necropolis Loc.: unknown
Note: Revillout: 'Eupatoria, manun na atef, la nécropole des pères'
Bibl.: Revillout, RevEg 6 (1891), p. 101 & n. 2
284 Sources: BC 332 - AD 99?, TM 51887: RevEg 6 (1891), p. 101-102 & pl. 9, 1: Mȝnw-n-ỉt.w, 'Le maçon,
habitant des Eupatoria, qui fait le travail devant le prophète d'Ammon, est un recéleur'
Exo Topoi – 00a (13531)
G Ἔξω Τόποι E Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-bnr Var.: Exo Topoi - N-awiou-bener ('The exterior quarters')
Status: area Bibl.: Uytterhoeven, Hawara (OLA 174), 2009, p. 304-309
Sources: BC 248 Mar 23 - Apr 21, TM 7904: P. Sorb. 3 76, 4: Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-bnr, 'Harchebis son of Pais the
myriarouros of Syron Kome declares to Aristarchos the administrator (sḥn) (of) the northern
district (sc. the nomarches of the meris of Herakleides): Si on me laisse les terrains djeraou des
Exo topoi, je ferai en sorte qu' ...'
BC 229 Oct 19 - 228 Oct 18?, TM 45788: Livre du centenaire 1880-1980 (MIFAO 104) p. 195-203 (= P.
Lille Dem. 110), col. 3, 13 [b]: Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-bnr, 'fields of Psenharyo, (which) belongs to the Exo
topoi: barley [ ]'
BC 103 Nov 8, TM 41474: P. Hawara 19 a-b, a 4 [b]: Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-bnr, 'in the necropolis which is in
(the) village of Souchos Haueris in the Exo topoi on the northern side of the canal of Moiris
(in) (the) meris of Herakleides (in) the nomos (of) Arsinoe'
BC 103 Nov 8, TM 41474: P. Hawara 19 a-b, b 4 [a]: Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-bnr, 'in the necropolis which is in
(the) village of Souchos Haueris ... in the Exo topoi on the northern side of the canal of Moiris
in (the) meris of Herakleides (in) the nomos (of) Arsinoe'
BC 100 Sep 13, TM 41465: P. Hawara 12, 1 [c]: Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-bnr, 'the necropolis of (the) village of
Souchos Haueris, which is in the Exo topoi of the meris of Herakleides'
BC 100 Sep 13, TM 41465: P. Hawara 12, 2 [b]: Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-bnr, 'the piece of land (in) (the) village of
Souchos Ra-t-heni / Ptolemais Hormou which is called "The hall of Ptolemaios", which is in
the Exo topoi of the meris of Herakleides in the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 100 Sep 13, TM 41465: P. Hawara 12, 4 [e]: Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-bnr, 'half of my 1/3 + 1/15 part of the
house, which is dilapidated, in the village of Souchos "The hall of Ptolemaios" Ra-t-heni /
Ptolemais Hormou, which is in the Exo topoi'
BC 98 Oct 15, TM 41467: P. Hawara 14 + Enchoria 25 (1999), p. 138-139, (P. Haw.) 2 [f]: Nȝ-ʿ.wy.wbnr, 'which is in the necropolis of Ptolemaios Hormou and Syron Kome and Kerkesoucha
(Orous) and Psenharyo and P-seh-Hor-iir-aou, in total 5 villages which are in the Exo topoi of
the nomos which is already mentioned'; annuity contract
BC 93 Apr 10, TM 41468: P. Hawara 15, 4 [b]: Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-˹bnr˺, house and courtyard 'in (the) village
of Souchos Haueris, which is in the Exo topoi of the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 92 Feb 13, TM 41469: P. Hawara 16 a, 5 [f]: Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-bnr, '(in) the necropolis (of) Haueris and
Ptolemais Hormou, Syron Kome, Kerkesoucha (Orous), Psenharyo, Sele, which are in the Exo
topoi of the meris of Herakleides in the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 92 Feb 13, TM 41469: P. Hawara 16 a, 9 [a]: Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-bnr, 'in (the) village of Souchos Haueris
which is in the Exo topoi of the meris of Herakleides in [the] nomos (of) Arsinoe'
BC 92 Feb 13, TM 41470: P. Hawara 16 b, 5 [d]: Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-bnr, '(in) the necropolis (of) Haueris and
Ptolemais Hormou, Syron Kome, Kerkesoucha (Orous), Psenharyo, Sele, which are in the Exo
topoi of the meris of Herakleides in the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 92 Feb 13, TM 41470: P. Hawara 16 b, 9 [a]: [Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-bnr], 'in (the) village of Souchos Haueris
which is in the Exo topoi of the meris of Herakleides in the nomos (of) Arsinoe'
BC 92 Feb 13, TM 41471: P. Hawara 17 a, 8 [b]: Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-bnr, '(in) (the) village of Souchos Haueris,
which is in the Exo topoi of the meris of Herakleides in the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 92 Feb 13, TM 41472: P. Hawara 17 b, 9 [a]: Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-bnr, '(in) (the) village of Souchos Haueris,
which is in the Exo topoi of the meris of Herakleides in the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 71 Sep 3, TM 5816: P. Ashm. 1 14 + P. Ashm. 1 15, (14) 2 [b]: Nȝ-[ʿ.wy].w-bnr, '(the) overseer of
embalmers (of) the necropolis (of) Haueris which is in the Exo topoi of the meris of
Herakleides (in) the nomos (of) Arsinoe'
BC 71 Sep 3, TM 5816: P. Ashm. 1 14 + P. Ashm. 1 15, (14) 4 [b]: [Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-bnr], 'my house ... its
courtyard ... which is in (the) village of Souchos Haueris aforementioned, which is in the Exo
topoi (of) the meris of Herakleides (in) the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 71 Sep 3, TM 5816: P. Ashm. 1 14 + P. Ashm. 1 15, (15) 2 [b]: Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-bnr, '(the) overseer of
embalmers of the necropolis of Haueris which is in the Exo topoi (of) the meris of Herakleides
(in) the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 70 - 60 about, TM 41460: P. Ashm. 1 18, 2 [b]: Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-bnr, '(the) divine chancellor / (the)
god's-sealer (and) the embalmer of the necropolis of the village of Souchos Haueris which is in
the Exo topoi of the meris of Herakleides of the nomos (of) Arsinoe'
285 BC 70 - 60 about, TM 41460: P. Ashm. 1 18, 5 [e]: Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-bnr, phrasing not clear: '[we bind (?)
ourselves by oath] unto ourselves not to proceed to [00a] Ptolemais Hormou, (or) [00a] Syron
Kome, (or) [00a] Kerkesoucha (or?) / (of?) the [00c] meris of Polemon (sic?), it being three
localities which are in the Exo topoi of the [00a] meris of Herakleides of the nomos (of)
BC 69 Nov 1, TM 4240: P. Ashm. 1 16 + P. Ashm. 1 17, (16) 1 [c]: Nȝ-˹ʿ.wy.w˺-bnr, 'Has declared (the)
dancer of Bastet, (the) man of Anoubis of the shrines of Bastet and the shrine of Anoubis
which are in (the) village of Souchos Haueris which is in the Exo topoi (of) the meris of
Herakleides (in) the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 69 Nov 1, TM 4240: P. Ashm. 1 16 + P. Ashm. 1 17, (17) 2 [b]: Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-bnr, 'Has declared (the)
dancer of Bastet, (the) man of Anoubis of the shrines of Bastet and the shrine of Anoubis
which are in the village of Souchos Haueris which is in the Exo topoi of the meris of
Herakleides of the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 67 Nov 10, TM 41479: P. Hawara 23, 3 [b]: Nȝ-ʿ.wy.w-bnr, '(the) overseer of embalmers (of) the
necropolis of (the) village of Souchos Haueris which is in the Exo topoi of (the) meris of
Herakleides (in) the nomos of Arsinoe'
Fetenes? – U01? (11306)
E Ften-s? Var.: Fetenes (Fotenas)?
Status: sanctuary? Bibl.: Griffith, Graff. Dodec. Philae, 1937, p. 95; p. 312
Sources: BC 81 - AD 499?, TM 53435: Graff. Dodec. Philae 320, 1: Ften-s?, 'the great gods of Fetenes'
Gaugamela – Mesopotamia (10743)
G Γαυγάμηλα E Gȝgymʿl? Var.: Gaugamela
Status: city Region: Mesopotamia
Bibl.: P. Tebt. Tait, 1977, p. 11; CDD G, 2004, p. 3
Sources: (?) AD 100 - 125, TM 55868: P. Tebt. Tait 1 Vo, 28: Gȝgymʿ[l], '[ ] ... Gaugamela (?) [ ]'
Gaza – Palestina (697)
G Γάζα - Κάδυτις L Gaza E Qḏwḏ Var.: Gaza - Kadytis E thnic: Gazaios - Gazitinos - Gazitios
Status: city: polis; oppidum Region: Palestina; Admin.: also situated in Syria
Rep.: Dizionario II, p. 75 (bis); p. 76 (bis); Bibl.: Quaegebeur, Fs. Lipinski (OLA 65), 1995, p. 245-270;
PP X, 2002, p. 43; Maps: Baines / Malek, Atlas, 2002, p. 187 Sources: (?) BC 250 - 220, TM 48875: P. Chronik Ro, p. 9-13 + Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik
und Ägypten (OLA 107) p. 65-111, col. 6, 17 [a]: nȝ Gḏwḏȝ, 'Rejoice, men from Gaza (?).'
Gebel el-Silsila – U01 (699)
E Tȝ-ẖe.t Var.: Gebel el-Silsila - Kheny - T-chet ('The quarry') - sites including Heshan (Heschan)
Status: area Loc.: Heshan is a village 6 km north of el-Silsila
Bibl.: Smith, Enchoria 16 (1988), p. 80; I. Thèbes à Syène, 1989, p. 57; P. Hauswaldt Manning, 1997,
p. 27 n. 21; Maps: Baines / Malek, Atlas, 2002, p. 71 Sources: AD 1 - 99?, TM 51130: Enchoria 16 (1988), p. 79 no. 1, col. 1, 5: Tȝ ẖe.t, in a list of Upper
Egyptian toponyms
AD 200 - 284?, TM 53087: Graff. Dodec. Girt. 3, 2: Tȝ-ẖe.t, 'His name remains here before Isis of Tchet / The quarry'
AD 200 - 284?, TM 53088: Graff. Dodec. Girt. 4, 1: Tȝ-ẖe.t, 'His name remains here before Isis of Tchet / The quarry'
AD 200 - 284?, TM 53090: Graff. Dodec. Girt. 5, 1: Tȝ-ẖe.t, 'His name remains here before Isis of Tchet / The quarry'
Gegen – L20? (10799)
E Ggn Var.: Gegen
Status: city? Rep.: Gauthier, Dictionnaire V, 1928, p. 216; Bibl.: Spiegelberg, P. Cairo 2, 1908, p. 272; Daressy,
Sphinx 14 (1911), p. 166; Müller, OLZ 14 (1911), col. 196; p. 218; Zauzich, handout Third
demotic conference, 1987; Verreth, Northern Sinai, 2006, p. 50
286 Sources: BC 332 - 200, TM 45958: P. Cairo 2 31168 Ro + P. Cairo 2 31169, (31169) col. 3, 11: ˹Ggn˺
(Spiegelberg, Daressy: Grgr?), in a list of Lower Egyptian toponyms
Gepen – Western desert, Oasis Magna? (11596)
E Gpn Var.: Gepen
Status: district Bibl.: BIFAO 96 (1996), p. 409
Sources: BC 437 Dec 10 - 436 Jan 8, TM 81442: BIFAO 96 (1996), p. 409 fig. 14, descr.: Gpn, descr.:
'contrat ... concernant la vente d'une concession de chasse sur un territoire situé dans le
district de Gpn et délimité par deux qanât (mw) désignées par les noms de leurs propriétaires'
Gereg – U15? (10918)
E Grg Var.: Gereg (Gerge) ('(The) settlement') - *Kerke
Status: city? Note: reading uncertain
Bibl.: Spiegelberg, P. Loeb, 1931, p. 52; Vandorpe, Geografische elementen, 1988, p. 178
Sources: BC 309 Oct 20, TM 43364: P. Loeb 21, 15 [b]: Grg?, 'Ich habe kein Kleid in Hermopolis und
Gereg (?) welches man machen kann'
[ ]gia (11638)
E [ ]gyȝ Var.: [ ]gia
Status: city? Country: Egypt?
Loc.: unknown
Bibl.: P. Saqqara Dem., 1983, p. 206 n. au
Sources: BC 399 - 300, TM 56128: P. Saqqara Dem. 1 27 [palimpsest new] (p. 199), 14 [a]: [ ]gyȝ, '[the
... bird went away to ...]gia (?)'
Greece (762)
G Ἑλλάς L Graecia E Ḥȝw-nb.w - Wynn C ⲟⲩⲉⲉⲓⲉⲛⲓⲛ Var.: Hellas (Greece) Ethnic: Hellen
(Hellenis) - Hellenikos - Helladikos - Wynn - Haou-nebout
Status: region Ident.: cf. also U15 Antinoopolis / Neoi Hellenes (2774), U20 Hellenike Agora (4179), L01 T-iouit-nn-Winen (5173), L01 P-mesha-n-n-Winen-Kemi (13554), L01 T-keset-n-n-Winen (13555), L01
T-mai-n-n-Winen (13556)
Note: new reading in P. Giss. 1 36, 5 (no toponym; cf. P. Giss. 1, 1912, p. 162); new reading in
Serapis 6 (1980), p. 241-243, l. 2 (no toponym; cf. DBL, 2005, p. 728)
Rep.: Dizionario II, p. 141-142; p. 142-143 (1); p. 143-144; Suppl. 1, p. 104-105; p. 105; Bibl.:
Erichsen, Lesestücke II.2, 1940, p. 197; Erichsen, Glossar, 1954, p. 80; p. 336; PP X, 2002, p. 48-70;
p. 315-316; CDD W, 2009, p. 30-31
Sources: BC 402 Apr 1 - 30?, TM 81520: Transeuphratène 20 (2000), p. 139 Doc. 4, descr. [b]:
Wy<nn>, 'an Ionian stater / a Greek stater'
BC 343 Apr 16 - May 15, TM 46239: Serapis 6 (1980), p. 241-243, 4: Wynn, 'an Ionian stater / a
Greek stater'
BC 332 - 323?, TM 45936: P. Lille Dem. 1 28, 1: Wynn, 'in Ionian silver / in Greek money'
BC 332 - 320 about?, TM 51048: Enchoria 9 (1979), p. 64 no. 1, 4: nȝ Wynn, '... inspiziert von der
Zeit vor dem Pharao Nechtharmais (sc. Nektanebo II, 360-342), den Medern (sc. the Persians,
342-332) und den Griechen'
BC 332 - 200?, TM 46771: RdE 29 (1977), p. 98, 4 [a]: Wynn, 'with some Greeks present'
BC 332 - 30, TM 8543: Enchoria 22 (1995), p. 224-225, 1: Wynn, 'Diphilos son of (a) Greek born from
A-r-m-s (?)'
BC 332 - 30, TM 8543: Enchoria 22 (1995), p. 224-225, 2: Wynn, '(the) Greek Thearos'
BC 332 - AD 284?, TM 107251: Life in a multi-cultural society p. 296 [S.H5-207], descr. [a]: nȝ
Wynn.w, 'the food of the Greeks'
BC 313 Nov 9 - 312 Nov 8 after, TM 69167: Tomoum, Sculptors' models p. 117 & n. 36 no. 193, 6: nȝ
Wynn.w, 'I was appointed ... pastophoros in year 5 of the reign of the Greeks'
BC 303 May 3, TM 46750: P. Loeb 15, 2: pȝ Wynn, '[ ] kommen. Der Grieche nach Süden ... Sache
BC 302 Nov 7 - Dec 6, TM 46172: P. Phil. Dem. 30 (DBL) descr., col. 1, 14: Wynn, 'Greek kera (?)' /
'Greek lock with its key (?)'
287 BC 288 Sep 29 - Oct 28, TM 8524: P. BM Glanville p. 29-33 no. 10526, 3 [d]: Wynn, '(the) Greek
Eudoros son of Nikophron'
BC 288 Sep 29 - Oct 28, TM 8525: P. BM Glanville p. 30-33 no. 10527, 3 [a]: Wynn, '(the) Greek
Eudoros son of Nikophron'
BC 285 Sep 28 - Oct 24, TM 44663: Papers Soviet delegation XXIII International Congress of
Orientalists. Egyptology p. 51-61 [113] descr., col. 2, 1: Wynn, descr.: 'a Greek "calculator"
Antenor son of Piteas'
BC 256 Nov 25 - Dec 24, TM 2304: P. Zen. Dem. 1 + PSI 9 1001, Dem. a 4: Wynn, '(the) Greek
Dionysios [son of Apollonios]'
BC 256 Nov 25 - Dec 24, TM 2304: P. Zen. Dem. 1 + PSI 9 1001, Dem. b 4: Wynn, '(the) Greek
Dionysios son of Apollonios'
BC 254 Jun 12 - 21, TM 3005: P. L. Bat. 26 10, 1: tȝ Wy˹nn˺, 'Tachnoumis, the Greek (woman)'
BC 252 Jan 14 - 247 Dec 27, TM 2312: P. Zen. Dem. 11 + P. Zen. Dem. 12, (12) 6: [Wynn]?, '(the) Greek
(?) BC 251 Aug 21 - Sep 19, TM 2308: P. Zen. Dem. 6, a 4: [Wynn?], 'the Greek Zenon'
(?) BC 251 Aug 21 - Sep 19, TM 2308: P. Zen. Dem. 6, b 7: [Wynn?], 'the Greek Zenon'
BC 250 - 220, TM 48875: P. Chronik Ro, p. 9-13 + Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten
(OLA 107) p. 65-111, col. 2, 25 [b]: nȝ Wynn, 'Ein Mann von Herakleopolis ist der, welcher nach
den Ausländer (d.h.) den Griechen Herrscher sein wird.'
BC 250 - 220, TM 48875: P. Chronik Ro, p. 9-13 + Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten
(OLA 107) p. 65-111, col. 3, 1 [a]: nȝ Wynn, 'Der Gottesdiener (Prophet) des Harsaphes wird
jubeln nach (der Zeit) der Griechen; es wird geschehen durch einen Herrscher in
BC 250 - 220, TM 48875: P. Chronik Ro, p. 9-13 + Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten
(OLA 107) p. 65-111, col. 6, 20 [a]: nȝ Wynn, 'Die Griechen sind es, die nach Ägypten kommen
werden; sie werden Ägypten für lange Zeit beherrschen.'
BC 249 Mar 1, TM 130139: O. Taxes 2 147, 3: pȝ wynn, 'Psenthotes the Greek'
BC 247 Apr 27, TM 49454: O. Leiden Dem. 428, 2 (& note): nȝ Wyn.w, 'year 38, which makes year 39
(of) the Greeks'
BC 246 Mar 14, TM 8527: Fs. Schott p. 80, 2: Wynn, '(the) Greek, cavalryman among the company
(of) Ptolemaios son of Deinis, Bedjiasi son of Sotios'
BC 245 Jul 21, TM 8614: P. Hawara OI 7 A-B, a 1: nȝ Wynn.w, 'which is year three of the Greeks'
BC 244 Oct 23 - Nov 21, TM 8523: Studies Griffith p. 153-156 & 160, a 2 [d] (& 4 witness copies):
Wynn, 'south: the property of (the) Greek Antipatros'
BC 244 Oct 23 - Nov 21, TM 8523: Studies Griffith p. 153-156 & 160, a 2 [e] (& 4 witness copies):
Wynn.w, 'east: the property of (the) Greeks'
BC 244 Oct 23 - Nov 21, TM 8523: Studies Griffith p. 153-156 & 160, b 4 [a] (& 4 witness copies):
Wynn, 'south: the property of (the) Greek Antipatros'
BC 244 Oct 23 - Nov 21, TM 8523: Studies Griffith p. 153-156 & 160, b 4 [b] (& 4 witness copies):
Wynn.w (var. Wynn), 'east: the property of (the) Greeks'
BC 244 Dec 22 - 243 Jan 20, TM 4452: P. Bürgsch. 22, 2 [c]: [Wynn], '(the) Greek Philoxenos the
guard commander of the meris of Themistos'
BC 244 Dec 22 - 243 Jan 20, TM 4452: P. Bürgsch. 22, 13: Wynn, '(the) Greek Philoxenos the guard
commander of the meris of Themistos'
BC 243 Apr 29, TM 4453: P. Bürgsch. 23, 2: Wynn, 'the Greek Rhodon son of Kallias, his mother
(being) Merouta' (in the scriptura exterior, l. 12: 'the Greek born in Egypt')
BC 243 Apr 29, TM 4453: P. Bürgsch. 23, 12 [a]: Wynn, 'the Greek born in Egypt Rhodon son of
Kallias, his mother (being) Merouta'
BC 243 - 217, TM 8472: P. Count. 5, 5: nȝ Wnny (sic), (in a salt tax record:) 'the Greeks'
BC 238 Mar 7, TM 6378: Sacr. Decr. Canopus H (p. 224-241) + I. Prose 8, Dem. 20: Wynn{.w}, 'in
Greek script'
BC 229 Jun 16 - Jul 15, TM 44106: P. Count. 2 + P. Count. 3, (P. Count. 2) 457: Wynn, '19 Greeks, of
whom 12 (male)'
BC 229 Jun 16 - Jul 15, TM 44106: P. Count. 2 + P. Count. 3, (P. Count. 2) 478: Wynn, 'total ... 10.876,
of whom: ... Greeks ...'
BC 229 Jun 16 - Jul 15, TM 44106: P. Count. 2 + P. Count. 3, (P. Count. 2) 485: Wynn, 'Greek doctors /
BC 229 Jun 16 - Jul 15, TM 44106: P. Count. 2 + P. Count. 3, (P. Count. 2) 490: Wynn, 'Greek schoolteachers'
BC 229 Jun 16 - Jul 15, TM 44106: P. Count. 2 + P. Count. 3, (P. Count. 2) 497: Wynn, 'Greek fullers'
288 BC 229 Jun 16 - Jul 15, TM 44106: P. Count. 2 + P. Count. 3, (P. Count. 2) 499: Wynn, 'total 1823
Greeks, of whom 898 male'
BC 229 about, TM 4504: P. Lille Dem. 2 81, 4: nȝ? Wynn, 'Teos ... [... (of)] the (?) Greeks'
BC 229 Feb 17 - Mar 17, TM 4516: P. Lille Dem. 2 95, A 1: Wynn, 'Bedj son of Bedj the Greek
BC 229 Feb 17 - Mar 17, TM 4516: P. Lille Dem. 2 95, B 3: Wynn, '(the) Greek bleacher Bedj son of
BC 226 Feb 16 - Mar 17, TM 4447: P. Lille Dem. 2 p. 251 no. 1241 descr. + P. Lille Dem. 2 69, (69) B 3:
Wynn, '(the) Greek [ ] Chairophanes son of Apollonios'
BC 226 Aug 15 - Sep 13, TM 2733: P. Recueil 7, 2: Wynn, 'the Greek Melas son of Ptolemaios, his
mother (being) Rourou'
BC 224 Nov 17 - Dec 16, TM 2735: P. BM Andrews 35, 3: [Wynn], 'the Greek Melas son of
Apollonios, his mother (being) Rourou'
BC 224 Nov 17 - Dec 16, TM 2736: P. BM Andrews 36, 3 [b]: Wynn, 'the Greek Melas son of
Apollonios, his mother (being) Rourou'
BC 224 Feb 15 - Mar 16, TM 8065: SB 20 14524, Dem. 4: Wynn, 'the Greek born in Egypt Seleukos'
BC 224 Oct 18 - 223 Oct 17, TM 8515: P. BM Andrews 37, 5: Wynn, 'the Greek Melas son of
Apollonios, his mother (being) Rourou'
BC 223 Feb 15 - Mar 16, TM 2730: P. BM Andrews 2, 2 [a]: Wynn, 'the Greek Dionysios called
Petosiris son of Ptolemaios, his mother (being) Taheni'
BC 223 Apr 16 - May 15, TM 8528: PP X (Stud. Hell. 38) p. 67 no. E535 descr., 3 [a]: Wynn, descr.:
'Agathon son of Dor[ ], Greek born in Egypt'
BC 219 Jan 15 - Feb 13, TM 2861: P. Lille Dem. 3 103 [col. 3], 4: Wynn, 'the Greek Kriton son of
BC 215 Oct 16 - 214 Oct 15, TM 2864: AncSoc 36 (2006), p. 7, 3 [a]: W˹y˺nn, 'the Greek born in Egypt
[ ]'
BC 215 Oct 16 - 214 Oct 15, TM 2864: AncSoc 36 (2006), p. 7, 6 [a]: nȝ Wynn.w, 'the vineyards of the
troop of the Greeks in Egypt'
BC 214 Oct 16 - Nov 14, TM 2879: BIFAO 87 (1987), p. 162-163, 2 [a]: Wynn, '(the) Greek Nikon son
of Athenion, his mother (being) Senminis'
BC 214 Oct 16 - Nov 14, TM 2879: BIFAO 87 (1987), p. 162-163, 2 [c]: pȝ Wynn, 'east: the fields of
Megakles the Greek'
BC 214 Oct 16 - Nov 14, TM 2879: BIFAO 87 (1987), p. 162-163, 3: Wynn, '(the) Greek Zenon son of
BC 213 Apr 13 - May 12, TM 2757: JEA 44 (1958), p. 91-92, A 5: Wynn.w, 'the houses of (the) Greeks'
BC 212 Feb 12 - Mar 13, TM 8519: P. BM Andrews 17, 2 [b]: Wynn, 'the Greek Hermodemos son of
BC 212 Mar 14 - Apr 12, TM 8489: P. Hauswaldt Manning 18, a 2 [b]: [Wy]nn, 'the Greek born in
Egypt Andronikos son of Androsthenes'
BC 212 Mar 14 - Apr 12, TM 8489: P. Hauswaldt Manning 18, b 2 [a]: Wynn, 'the Greek born in
Egypt Andronikos son of Androsthenes'
BC 210 Feb 12 - Mar 13, TM 8517: P. BM Andrews 26, 1: Wynn, 'the Greek Nikon, the one who is
called Petechonsis son of Athenion, his mother (being) Senminis'
BC 210 Jun 12 - Jul 11, TM 2728: P. BM Andrews 39, 2: ˹Wynn˺, 'the Greek Melas son of Apollonios,
his mother (being) Rourou'
BC 210 Feb 12 - 15, TM 8518: PSBA 23 (1901), p. 294-295 & 301 + P. BM Andrews 27 + SB 1 5729,
(PSBA) Ro 1 [b]: Wynn, 'Has said (the) Greek Nikon, who is called Petechonsis, son of Athenion,
and whose mother (is) Senminis'
BC 199 - 30, TM 454: P. Cairo 2 30762 + MDAIK 43 (1987), p. 157 n. 3 descr. + SAK 1 (1974), p. 239 n.
53 descr., 7 [a]: Wynn, 'Greek writing, ... repeated in Egyptian writing / (the) writing of the
people of Egypt'
BC 199 - 1, TM 8530: AfP 19 (1969), p. 167, 2: Wynn, 'Greek, cavalryman among the company of ...'
BC 196 Mar 27, TM 8809: I. Prose 16 + Sacr. Decr. Memphis Ros. (p. 258-271), Dem. 32: Wynn, 'in
Greek writing'
BC 187 - 88, TM 8529: Enchoria 21 (1994), p. 48 no. 48, 1: Wynn, 'Says (the) Greek Pelaias: ...'
BC 186 Sep 6?, TM 48339: Urk. 2 p. 214-230 no. 38, Dem. 8 [a]: Wynn, 'He placed a force of Greeks in
BC 186 Sep 6?, TM 48339: Urk. 2 p. 214-230 no. 38, Dem. 14: [Wy]nn, 'in Greek writing'
BC 185 Oct 8 - 184 Oct 7, TM 48335: Urk. 2 p. 198-214 no. 37, Dem. 16 [b]: [Wynn], 'in Greek writing'
289 BC 184 May 20, TM 148: P. Schreibertrad. 115, 3: Wynn, '(the) Greek, the katoikos among the men
of Nikanor Proitos son of Sosikrates'
BC 184 May 20, TM 145: P. Schreibertrad. 30, 3 [a]: [Wynn], '(the) Greek, the katoikos among the
men of Nikanor Proitos son of Sosikrates'
BC 182 Nov 12, TM 8513: P. BM Andrews 9 [10721], 2 [a]: Wynn, 'the Greek born in Egypt, receiving
pay among the infantrymen of Kleoboulos and Ptolemaios and Andrytos, Damon son of
BC 182 Nov 12, TM 8514: P. BM Andrews 9 [10727], 2 [a]: Wynn, 'the Greek born in Egypt, receiving
pay among the infantrymen of Kleoboulos and Ptolemaios and Andrytos, Damon son of
BC 181 Aug 27, TM 2756: P. BM Andrews 10 [10722], 4 [a]: Wynn, 'the Greek Damon son of
BC 181 Aug 27, TM 2755: P. BM Andrews 10 [10723], 3 [h]: Wynn, 'the Greek Damon son of
BC 181 Nov 30, TM 53824: P. BM Siut p. 57-59 no. 10591 Vo col. 5-7, col. 6, 11: sḥm.t Wynn, 'which I
bought from the Greek woman Aristion the daughter of Agathokles'
BC 181 Oct 7 - 180 Oct 6, TM 8541: Enchoria 22 (1995), p. 131-132, 7: Wynn, 'the Greek Damon son
of Apollonios'
BC 176 Nov 18, TM 8532: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3111, 2 [a]: Wynn, 'the Greek born in Egypt Ammonios son
of Alexandros'
BC 176 Nov 18, TM 8533: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3141, 2 [c]: Wynn, 'the Greek born in Egypt Ammonios son
of Alexandros'
BC 171 Nov 2, TM 2743: P. BM Siut p. 73-75 no. 10597, 4: Wynn, 'Has said the Greek, cavalier (and)
sea-captain in the company of Nikandros, Herakleides son of Lykophron'
BC 171 Sep 1, TM 294: P. Dryton 12, 10 [a]: Wyn[n], 'the Greek, citizen of Ptolemais, Dryton son of
BC 170 about, TM 53823: P. BM Siut p. 54 no. 10591 Vo col. 4, 24: Wynn, 'the aforesaid decree
(being?) written in Greek'
BC 164 Jan 18, TM 661: P. Dryton 10, descr. [a]: Wynn?, descr.: 'He is a Greek, citizen of Ptolemais
(in the Thebais)'
BC 164 - 152, TM 44687: EVO 1 (1978), p. 95-96 no. A, 10: Wynn, 'Apollonios (in) (the) Greek
language, Peteharenpois (in the) language of (the) man of Egypt / in Egyptian speech'
BC 163 Oct 18, TM 227: P. Ryl. Dem. 15 A + P. Ryl. Gr. 2 248, 2 [e]: Wynn, 'from (?) the Greek who
receives pay amongst the men of Eumenes, inscribed to the fortress of Latopolis'
BC 163 Oct 18, TM 228: P. Ryl. Dem. 15 B, 3 [c]: Wynn, 'from (?) the Greek who receives pay
amongst the men of Eumenes, inscribed to the fortress (rsỉ.t) of Latopolis'
BC 155 Sep 17 before, TM 3565: P. Hermias p. 35-36 n. + UPZ 2 164, (P. Hermias) 3 [a]: Wynn, '(the)
Greek born in Egypt Herieus son of Apollonios, his mother (being) Senthoytis'
BC 152 - 150, TM 397: P. Ackerpachtverträge p. 42-43, 2 [a]: Wynn, 'the Greek born in Egypt Gesna
son of Psenesis'
BC 151 Sep 30 - 150 Sep 29, TM 392: Orientalia 56 (1987), p. 76-77, 4 [a]: Wynn, '(the) Greek born in
Egypt Phatres [ ]'
BC 150 Apr 8?, TM 50538: O. Tempeleide 126, 5: Wynn, 'this basket of Greek grass / herb'
BC 150 Apr 8?, TM 50538: O. Tempeleide 126, 8: Wynn, 'this basket of Greek grass / herb'
BC 145 Jun 25 - Jul 15, TM 109: P. Strasb. Dem. p. 21-22 no. 21 + SB 1 5115, Dem. 4 [a]: ˹Wynn˺, '(the)
Greek born in Egypt Totoes son of Pelaias'
BC 145 - 142, TM 299: P. Dryton 13, 5 - 6: [sḥm.t Wynn.t], 'the Greek woman Apollonia daughter of
BC 143 - 137, TM 295: P. Dryton 14, 5: ˹sḥm˺.t Wynn.t, 'the Greek woman Apollonia daughter of
BC 141 Apr 6, TM 47522: P. BM Andrews 32, (left) 4 [a]: [Wynn], 'the Greek born in Egypt Sarapion
called Harnouphis, son of Hermias, his mother (being) Senpaous'
BC 140 after, TM 288: P. Dryton 21, Vo: [Wynn], 'The Greek document which Onchasis has made in
the archeion.'
BC 139 - 136, TM 47620: Cahiers du Musée Champollion 1 (1988), p. 12, 3: Wynn, 'to the Greek who
receives payment (sc. mistophoros) in the fortress (?) of [ ]'
BC 136 Feb 2, TM 8340: CRIPEL 6 (1981), p. 230 + Enchoria 14 (1986), p. 57-58, (CRIPEL) 4: Wynn, 'au
cavalier grec de l'escadron de Kallikles, Hermogenes fils d'Hermogenes'
BC 136 Feb 2, TM 58891: Enchoria 14 (1986), p. 59, 6: Wynn, 'au Grec, le cavalier Di-[ ] fils de (?)
Ktesisas (?)'
290 BC 136 Apr 25, TM 152: P. Erbstreit p. 39-40 no. 16, 5: sḥm.t Wynn, 'the Greek woman Ammonia
daughter of Ptolemaios who is called Senminis'
BC 135 Jun 22 before, TM 47614: Dem. Conf. VII (Copenhagen 1999) p. 229-230, 2 [a]: Wynn, 'the
Greek born in Egypt Petesouchos'
BC 118 Mar 16, TM 208: Life in a multi-cultural society p. 13 [10991] descr. + P. Ryl. Gr. 2 251 + P.
Ryl. Dem. 19, (Life) descr. [a]: Wynn, 'a Greek born in Egypt'
BC 116 Oct 16, TM 307: P. Dryton 26, descr. [b]: Wynn?, descr.: 'the Greek born in Egypt
BC 114 Oct 20, TM 8537: P. Lesestücke 2 p. 170-174, 5 [b]: Wynn, '(the) Greek born in Egypt
Psenmonthes son of Pathoytes, his mother (being) Tanophris'
BC 111 Jul 4, TM 214: P. Ryl. Dem. 21, 6 [a]: Wynn, 'the Greek born in Egypt amongst the
descendants of the stratiotai / soldiers, Petearensnouphis son of Pates'
BC 111 Jul 4, TM 214: P. Ryl. Dem. 21, 8: Wynn, 'the Greek born in Egypt Petesouchos son of Pasas'
BC 111 May 18 - Jun 15, TM 495: P. Strasb. Dem. p. 22-24 no. 7 + SB 1 5116 + RecTrav 33 (1911), p.
151-153, Dem. 6 [a]: Wynn, '(the) Greek born in Egypt Psenanoupis son of Horos'
BC 110 Nov 13, TM 25: P. Adler Dem. 4, 5 [c]: Wynn, '(the) Greek born in Egypt [name left blank]'
BC 108 - 101, TM 496: P. Eheverträge 42 + P. Ryl. Dem. 27 + Life in a multi-cultural society p. 13
[10999] descr., (P. Ehe.) 3 [d]: Wynn, '(the) Greek born [in Egypt (?) NN son of NN]'
BC 107 Dec 5, TM 27: P. Adler Dem. 6, 4 [a]: Wynn, '(the) Greek born in Egypt Harmais son of
BC 107 Dec 5, TM 27: P. Adler Dem. 6, 5 [a]: Wynn, '(the) Greek born in Egypt Horos son of
BC 107 - 30, TM 41559: P. L. Bat. 30 4, 4: Wynn, '(the) Greek Diodoros son of Ar[ ]'
BC 106 Jun 15 before, TM 26: P. Adler Dem. 5, 5 - 6: [Wynn], '[(the) Greek] born in Egypt Horos son
of Nechoutes'
BC 106 Oct 13, TM 3089: P. L. Bat. 22 6, 3: Wynn, 'A déclaré le Grec faisant partie des jeunes gens du
village de Tachontomou, Kollouthes fils de Ptolemaios'
BC 106 Oct 19 - Nov 2, TM 3090: P. L. Bat. 22 7, 6: [W]ynn, 'au Grec faisant partie des hommes de
Demetrios, Dionysios fils de Kephalas'
BC 104 Sep 2, TM 108: P. Ackerpachtverträge p. 49-50 + RecTrav 33 (1911), p. 149-150, 6 [a]: Wynn,
'the Greek born in Egypt Harsiesis son of Hermon'
BC 103 Aug 19, TM 336: P. Ackerpachtverträge p. 52 + FuB 8 (1967), p. 73-74 no. 1, (P. Acker.) 4 [b]:
Wynn, 'the Greek born in Egypt [ ] and Psenesis son of Pelaias, his mother (being) Tatous, with
the same title'
BC 103 Apr 1, TM 3585: P. Berl. Kaufv. 3105, 14: Wynn, 'das Recht der griechischen Schrift'
BC 103 - 91, TM 467: RecTrav 35 (1913), p. 87-88, 5 [a]: Wynn, '(the) Greek born in Egypt [ ]'
BC 100 Sep 21, TM 241: P. Dryton 8, 3 [b]: Wynn, 'Has spoken the Greek born in Egypt Pamenos son
of Nechouthes'
BC 99 Mar 1, TM 110: P. Eheverträge 45 + P. Strasb. Dem. p. 27-29 no. 43, (P. Ehe.) 3 [d]: Wynn,
'(the) Greek born in Egypt Pelaias son of Pabis'
BC 99 - 1?, TM 50945: Short Texts 1 205 A-K, H 13 [b]: nȝ Wyn[n], '[ ] the people of Egypt / the
Egyptians and the Greeks [ ]'
BC 83 Sep 13 - 82 Sep 12, TM 46248: JEA 65 (1979), p. 154 no. 68, descr. [a]: Wynn?, descr.: 'a
contract made with a Greek born in Alexandria'
BC 42 Sep 3 - 41 Sep 1, TM 51593: Lloyd (ed.), Studies J. Gwyn Griffiths p. 216 & 224 [70/52], descr.
[a]: pȝ Wynn, 'Year 11 of Pharaoh Ptolemaios the Greek'
BC 30 - AD 14, TM 52765: Short Texts 1 39, 16: Wynn, 'commissioner scribe in Greek writing'
AD 1 - 99, TM 48947: O. Bucheum 2 p. 57-63 no. O. 30 & vol. 3 pl. 68-71, col. 1, 5: Wynn, 'the Greek
AD 4 Aug 1, TM 48888: P. Rainer Cent. 3, col. 2, 1: ˹nȝ Wynn.w˺, '[ ] der Griechen in einen ...'
AD 31 Jan 13, TM 50861: Short Texts 1 175 A-B, 9: pȝ Wynn, '1st month of the pr.t season (Tybi),
day 18, of the Greek, which makes 2nd month of the pr.t season (Mecheir), day 1, of the man
of Egypt / the Egyptian.'
AD 100 - 150, TM 56120: Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten (OLA 107) p. 255-261,
fr. B, 7: nȝ Wyn[n.w], '[ ] the Greeks [ ]'
AD 100 - 299, TM 119303: EVO 29 (2006), p. 128-129 no. ODN 197, 4: Wynn, 'Salios cannot write in
AD 100 - 299, TM 119304: EVO 29 (2006), p. 129-130 no. ODN 214, 1 - 2: Wynn, 'your Greek
AD 150 - 230, TM 50157: EVO 30 (2007), p. 125-126 no. 4, 4: Wynn, '(a) papyrus in Greek'
291 AD 150 - 230, TM 50157: EVO 30 (2007), p. 125-126 no. 4, 11: Wynn?, 'written in Greek'
AD 150 - 230, TM 113790: EVO 30 (2007), p. 128-129 no. 6, 3: Wynn, '(the) prologos [written in
Greek characters] in Greek'
AD 150 - 230, TM 113793: EVO 30 (2007), p. 134-135 no. 10, 5: Wynn, 'write in Greek on that large
tablet what you have done for them every day in Narmouthis'
AD 150 - 230, TM 44682: O. Narm. Dem. 2 53, 2 - 3: Wynn, 'of the Greek calender'
AD 150 - 230, TM 44682: O. Narm. Dem. 2 53, 10: Wynn, 'of the Greek calender'
AD 150 - 230, TM 50225: O. Narm. Dem. 2 96, 4 - 5: Wynn, 'Letter written in Greek.'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 12, 25 [a]:
Wʿyʿnʿyne.t, 'Landja, the youth, the son of the Greek woman, the Libyan woman of the ...'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 27, 35: Wʿyʿny, 'you
should recite to his head this spell in Greek while you are standing over him'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, col. 4, 7: Wynn?, 'you
should recite this spell in Greek'
AD 200 - 299, TM 55955: Griffith / Thompson, P. London - Leiden p. 20-204, Vo col. 3, 12: Wynn, 'Its
name in Greek [is] "foam of the moon".'
H[ ]? – L? (10855)
E Ḥ[ ]? - Ỉr.t-[ ]? Var.: H[ ]? - Iret-[ ]?
Status: city Loc.: unknown
Note: reading uncertain
Bibl.: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros, 1996, p. 233 n. 1221; p. 440
Sources: AD 137 Dec 27 - 138 Jan 25, TM 55904: Hoffmann, Panzer des Inaros p. 131-425, col. 10, 12
[a]: Ḥ[ ]? - Ỉr[.t-...]?, 'Sende zum Haus des Tenipaini, Sohnes des Wedjaheka, des Fürsten H[ ]!'
Ha-t-... (11737)
E Ḥȝ-tȝ-... Var.: Ha-t-...
Status: village? Loc.: unknown
Bibl.: Brugsch, ZÄS 22 (1884), p. 117
Sources: BC 227 Apr 17 - May 16, TM 118037: ZÄS 22 (1884), p. 117 no. 5, descr.: Ḥȝ-tȝ-..., 'the Apis
of the cow Gerget, which appeared in the city Ha-t-... in year 16 ...'
Hardai – U17 (4989)
E Ḥr-dy (Ḥr-ty) - pȝ tš n Ḥr-dy Var.: Hardai (Hartai)
Status: city; district: tesh Note: location uncertain; the identification with U17 Kynopolis (1196) is no longer accepted
Rep.: Gauthier, Dictionnaire IV, 1927, p. 40; Bibl.: Gardiner, AEO 2, 1947, p. 98*-103* no. 385;
Erichsen, Glossar, 1954, p. 316; CdE 57 (1982), p. 215; P. Ryl. P. Ryl. Vittmann, 1998, p. 484; CDD
Ḥ, 2009, p. 190-191; CDD Š, 2010, p. 11; Maps: Baines / Malek, Atlas, 2002, p. 14 Sources: BC 664 - 525?, TM 46777: P. Hermupolis 6, 2: Ḥr-ty, 'Anoubis lord of Hardai'
BC 664 - 525?, TM 46777: P. Hermupolis 6, 3: Ḥr-ty, 'Minirtais hat mir nach Hardai geschickt'
BC 664 - 332, TM 45959: P. Cairo 2 31174, 3: Ḥr-dy, 'the administrator of Hardai'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 12, 15 [a]: pȝ tš n Ḥr-dy, 'Geh,
ziehe durch den Gau von Oxyrynchos und den Gau von Hardai, indem du nach den Leuten von
Ankyropolis verlangst'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 12, 21 [c]: pȝ tš n Ḥr-dy, '(Dann)
ging der Oberste der Ma hinaus zu den Häusern des Gaues von Oxyrynchos, des Gaues von
Hermopolis (und) des Gaues von Hardai und versammelte die Leute von Ankyropolis nach
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 12, 21 [e]: Ḥr-dy, '(Dann) ging
der Oberste der Ma hinaus zu den Häusern des Gaues von Oxyrynchos, des Gaues von
Hermopolis (und) des Gaues von Hardai und versammelte die Leute von Ankyropolis nach
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 13, 1 [e]: Ḥr-dy, 'Ich gelangte bis
Hermopolis. Ich liess bis Hermopolis keinen Mann von Ankyropolis, den ich nicht nach Hardai
gebracht hätte'
BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 13, 3 [a]: Ḥr-dy, 'Peteesis segelte
nach Hardai'
292 BC 513 Jun 27 - Jul 26, TM 47388: P. Ryl. Vittmann p. 116-202, col. 13, 6 [b]: Ḥr-dy, 'the prophet of
Anoubis lord of Hardai'
BC 399 - 300, TM 46005: Enchoria 14 (1986), p. 21-22, col. 1, 5: Ḥr-dy, '[ ] of Hardai'
BC 399 - 300, TM 46005: Enchoria 14 (1986), p. 21-22, col. 1, 9: Ḥr-dy, 'l'argent qu'on a reçu pour lui
de la main des marchands de Hardai'
BC 315 Feb 19?, TM 43361: P. Loeb 19, 14: Ḥr-dy, '[ ] in Hardai wegen der Krankheit [ ]
BC 315 Feb 19?, TM 43361: P. Loeb 19, 24: Ḥr-dy, 'Man liess ihn nach Hermopolis kommen. Er ging
nach Hardai [ ] Hardai. Es geschah danach, da ging er (nach) T-mai-n-Horos.'
BC 315 Feb 19?, TM 43361: P. Loeb 19, 25: Ḥr-dy, 'Man liess ihn nach Hermopolis kommen. Er ging
nach Hardai [ ] Hardai. Es geschah danach, da ging er (nach) T-mai-n-Horos.'
BC 315 Feb 19?, TM 43361: P. Loeb 19, 47: Ḥr-dy, 'Mögen sie gehen nach Hardai hinter Hatres her.'
BC 171 Jul 10, TM 48985: O. Hor 18, 4 [b]: Ḥr-dy, 'hail Ra-Horos (of) Hardai'
BC 171 Jul 10, TM 48985: O. Hor 18, 4 [c]: Ḥr-dy, 'hail Ra-Horos of Hardai ...'
BC 50 - 1, TM 48654: P. BM Smith p. 35-53, col. 4, 9: Ḥr-ty, 'There will be poured out for you water
of the southern pool of Hardai'
AD 61 Feb 15 shortly after, TM 54058: Smith, Papyrus Harkness p. 49-86, col. 2, 14 [a]: Ḥr-ty,
'Water of (the) southern pool of Hardai and (that of) Per-nebet-oudji will be poured out for
you (on) the 25th of Choiak.'
AD 150 - 199, TM 55943: Kockelmann, Praising the Goddess 6, 10 [b]: Ḥr-ty, 'the god's mother who
is in Hardai (sc. Isis)'
Hat-sepaout – U01 (11779)
E Ḥȝ.t-spȝ.wt Var.: Hat-sepaout ('Beginning (of) (the) nomoi' / '(The) first nomos')
Status: district: nomos Bibl.: Winnicki, JJP 26 (1996), p. 130
Sources: BC 150 - 100, TM 51414: JEA 73 (1987), p. 170 & 173 + JJP 26 (1996), p. 127-128, Dem. 1 [b]:
Ḥȝ.t-sp, 'Peteesis ... kalasiris, a man (of) Elephantine, standard-bearer of (the) first nomos'
Haueris (Hawara) – 00a (747)
G Αὑηρις E Ḥw.t-wr.t (Ḥw.t-wry - Ḥw.t-wly) Var.: Haueris ('Great mansion') - Hawara (el-Makta) sites including El-Deir
Status: village: kome; demi Admin.: Exo topoi
Note: obsolete readings: Aueris; <Ḥ.t>-Ta-wry; new reading in P. Ashm. 1 4, 4 (no toponym; cf.
Clarysse, Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 182-183)
Rep.: Dizionario I 2, p. 269-270; Suppl. 1, p. 69; Suppl. 3, p. 22 (1); Suppl. 4, p. 43 (1); Wessely,
Topographie, 1904, p. 43; P. Tebt. 2, 1907, p. 356; p. 371; Gauthier, Dictionnaire IV, 1927, p. 59;
Timm, p. 1099-1100; Bibl.: PM IV, 1934, p. 100-103; Erichsen, Glossar, 1954, p. 284; p. 348;
Rübsam, Götter und Kulte in Faijum, 1974, p. 90-91; I. Fayoum 1, 1975, p. 84-88; Habachi, LÄ II,
1977, col. 1072-1074; Vandorpe, Geografische elementen, 1988, p. 131; p. 133; p. 203; Bogaert,
ZPE 120 (1998), p. 180; BL 9, 1995, p. 1; Clarysse, Fayyum meeting (Pap. Lup. 14), 2005, p. 72.73;
CDD Ḥ, 2009, p. 24-26; Uytterhoeven, Hawara (OLA 174), 2009; Maps: Baines / Malek, Atlas,
2002, p. 121 Sources: BC 305 - 246?, TM 47223: Short Texts 2 1127 (forthcoming), 2: Ḥw.t-wr, 'the god of Tapay
daughter of Chnoumnakth, which they have brought from Haueris'; sacred ibis from Haueris
buried in U15 Tuna el-Gebel
(?) BC 299 - 200, TM 47708: ZÄS 117 (1990), p. 14-17, Vo col. 2, 8: ˹Ḥw.t-wry˺?, 'Haueris (?),
Nechoutes (?) emmer 6'
BC 292 Mar 4 - Apr 2, TM 8611: P. Hawara OI 4, 2 [a]: Ḥw.t-wr.t, 'my house which is in the village of
Souchos Haueris'; cf. l. 2 for another house: 'this house which is (in) the temple of Souchos
BC 292 Mar 4 - Apr 2, TM 8611: P. Hawara OI 4, 2 [b]: Ḥw.t-wr.t, 'the halves of my shares in the
necropolis of Haueris and in the necropolis of P-bou-n-im'
BC 292 Mar 4 - Apr 2, TM 8611: P. Hawara OI 4, 3 [a]: Ḥw.t-wr.t, 'in the necropolis of Haueris and
the necropolis of Wah-r-ker'
BC 245 Jul 21, TM 8614: P. Hawara OI 7 A-B, a 3 [a]: Ḥw.t-wr.t, house in 'the village of Souchos
Haueris, which is on the northern side of the canal of Moiris in the nomos of Arsinoe', with
neighbours [plan in P. Hawara OI, p. 41]; Haueris here and Labyrinthos in P. Hawara OI 7 C, 8
are used as synonyms
293 BC 245 Jul 21, TM 8614: P. Hawara OI 7 A-B, b 7: Ḥw.t-wr.t, 'the one-third of a house and a bench in
Haueris'; Haueris here and Labyrinthos in P. Hawara OI 7 C, 8 are used as synonyms
BC 239 Feb 19 - Mar 9, TM 8617: P. Hawara OI 9, 5: Ḥw.t-wr.t, house and cell with neighbours a.o.
'[east: the wall (?)] of the temple of Haueris, the big path being between them' [plan in P.
Hawara OI, p. 57]
BC 235 Oct 16, TM 41381: P. Hawara 2, 7: Ḥw.t-wr, 'this (document) is put into the kibotos (official
archive) of Haueris' (in Greek: the contract / synallagma is put into (the) kibotos in
Labyrinthos in the meris of Herakleides'); Demotic Haueris and Greek Labyrinthos are thus
used as synonyms
BC 233 Jul 17 - 31, TM 41382: P. Hawara 3, 5: Ḥw.t-wr, 'east: the wall of (the) temple of Haueris', in
a context of houses, courtyards and streets
BC 233 Jul 17 - 31, TM 41382: P. Hawara 3, 7: Ḥw.t-wry, 'which are west of the wall of (the) temple
(of) Haueris'
BC 233 Jul 17 - 31, TM 41382: P. Hawara 3, 10: Ḥw.t-˹wry˺, 'this (document) is put into the kibotos
(official archive) of Haueris'
BC 232 Aug 16 - Sep 5, TM 8619: P. Hawara OI p. 63-65 App., 3: Ḥw.t-wr.t, house with courtyard
'which are in Haueris in the nomos (of) Arsinoe', with neighbours [plan in P. Hawara OI, p. 68]
BC 232 Aug 16 - Sep 5, TM 8619: P. Hawara OI p. 63-65 App., 5: Ḥw.t-wr.t, building plots 'which are
in Haueris', with neighbours [plan in P. Hawara OI, p. 68]
BC 220 Mar 8, TM 41383: P. Hawara 4 a, 7 [b]: Ḥw.t-wr, 'die Balsamierung des Pasis, Sohnes des
Pnepheros, seine Mutter ist Thasos, der gestorben ist, (und) den du (durch den) Gottessiegler
(und) Balsamierer Paesis, Sohn des Pasis, seine mutter ist Tasis, auf Alexandrou Nesos
balsamieren liessest, (und) den du bringen liessest nach Haueris'; a person of Alexandrou
Nesos is buried in Haueris
BC 220 Mar 8, TM 41383: P. Hawara 4 a, 8: Ḥw.t-wr, 'the tomb ... in the necropolis of Haueris'
BC 220 Mar 11, TM 41384: P. Hawara 4 b, 6: ˹Ḥw.t-wry˺, 'the tomb ... which is in the necropolis of
BC 217 Mar 15 - Apr 13, TM 41385: P. Hawara 5 a, 3 [a]: Ḥw.t-wry, tomb with neighbours 'in the
necropolis (of) the village of Souchos Haueris on the northern side of the canal of Moiris in
the nomos (of) Arsinoe'; l. 2: temple of Souchos
BC 217 Mar 15 - Apr 13, TM 41386: P. Hawara 5 b, 3 [a]: Ḥw.t-wry, tomb with neighbours 'in the
necropolis of the village of Souchos Haueris on the northern side of the canal of Moiris in the
nomos of Arsinoe'; l. 2: temple of Souchos
BC 199 - 30, TM 44473: Studi Rosellini 2 p. 15 no. F, 3: Ḥw.t-˹wr˺, 'who has stolen the money that
was stolen from me in the temple of Haueris (?)'
BC 198 Apr 10 - Jun 8, TM 2802: P. Hawara 6 + Enchoria 25 (1999), p. 136-137, (P. Haw.) 5: Ḥw.t-wry,
'the snt-building, which has been built, and its courtyard, which belongs to it, which is in the
western quarter of the village of Souchos Haueris on the northern side of the canal of Moiris
in the nomos (of) Arsinoe'; l. 6 & 8 & 11: a bank; l. 7: 'the asylum place of Bastet and the asylum
place of Anoubis'
BC 187 Oct 9 - 186 Oct 8, TM 2654: Dem. Conf. IX (Paris 2005) p. 69-84 [A-B], A 2 [a]: [Ḥw.t-]wr.t,
'the house, which is in the village of Souchos Haueris, which is on the northern side of the
canal of Moiris in the nomos (of) Arsinoe'
BC 187 Oct 9 - 186 Oct 8, TM 2654: Dem. Conf. IX (Paris 2005) p. 69-84 [A-B], A 4: Ḥw.t-wr.t, 'in the
necropolis of Haueris'
BC 187 Oct 9 - 186 Oct 8, TM 2654: Dem. Conf. IX (Paris 2005) p. 69-84 [A-B], B 2 [a]: Ḥw.t-wr.t, 'the
house, which is in the village of Souchos Haueris, which is on the northern side of the canal of
Moiris in the nomos (of) Arsinoe'
BC 187 Oct 9 - 186 Oct 8, TM 2654: Dem. Conf. IX (Paris 2005) p. 69-84 [A-B], B 4: [Ḥw.t-wr.t], 'in the
necropolis of Haueris'
BC 183 Dec 28, TM 41387: P. Hawara 7 a, 4 [a]: Ḥw.t-wry, 'which are in the necropolis of (the)
village of Souchos Haueris which is on (the) northern side of the canal of Moiris in the nomos
(of) Arsinoe'; l. 2-3: temple of Souchos, tomb and ip, streets
BC 183 Dec 28, TM 41388: P. Hawara 7 b, 4 [a]: Ḥw.t-wry, 'which are in the necropolis of (the)
village of Souchos Haueris which is on (the) northern side of the canal of Moiris in the nomos
(of) Arsinoe'; l. 2-3: temple of Souchos, tomb and ip, streets
BC 139 Feb 12, TM 41395: P. Köln Ägypt. 1 5, 13: Ḥw.t-wr.t, 'gemäss der Tatsache, dass wir nach
Haueris gehen, um dort mit ihm zu verhandeln'; a letter asking the addressee to come to
Magdola, from where they will proceed to Haueris
294 BC 118 Aug 19, TM 41391: P. Hawara 9 a, 5 [a]: Ḥw.t-wly, 'which are in (the) village of Souchos
Haueris which is in the meris of Herakleides (and) which is on the northern side of the canal
of Moiris in the nomos of Arsinoe'; houses
BC 118 Aug 19, TM 2803: P. Hawara 9 b, 5 [a]: Ḥw.t-wly, 'which is in (the) village of Souchos
Haueris which is in the meris of Herakleides (and) which is on the northern side of the canal
of Moiris in the nomos of Arsinoe'; houses
BC 116 - 107, TM 41464: P. Hawara 11, 4 [b]: Ḥw.t-wr, '(Es) sagten (der) Siegler (und) Balsamierer
der Nekropole des Souchos-Dorfes Haueris ...'; l. 6-7: houses of mummies
BC 115 Apr 21, TM 2652: P. Ashm. 1 3, 7: [Ḥw.t]-wr.t, 'the sealer-embalmer of the necropolis of
BC 114 Mar 11, TM 41392: P. Hawara 10 + Enchoria 25 (1999), p. 138 & 142, (P. Haw.) 9 [b]: Ḥw.twry, '(Es) sagten (der) Obersiegler (und) Balsamierer (und) Vorlesepriester der Nekropole von
Haueris ...'; cf. l. 11: 'zu (dem) Obersiegler (und) Balsamierer (und) Vorlesepriester der obigen
BC 103 Nov 8, TM 41474: P. Hawara 19 a-b, a 4 [a]: Ḥw.t-wly, 'in the necropolis which is in (the)
village of Souchos Haueris in the Exo topoi on the northern side of the canal of Moiris (in)
(the) meris of Herakleides (in) the nomos (of) Arsinoe'
BC 103 Nov 8, TM 41474: P. Hawara 19 a-b, a 9 [a]: Ḥw.t-wly, an oath 'in the court-house (in)
Haueris (and) Nabla, the places which Pharaoh has made to oath places'
BC 103 Nov 8, TM 41474: P. Hawara 19 a-b, b 3: Ḥw.t-wly, 'in the necropolis which is in (the)
village of Souchos Haueris ... in the Exo topoi on the northern side of the canal of Moiris in
(the) meris of Herakleides (in) the nomos (of) Arsinoe'
BC 103 Nov 8, TM 41474: P. Hawara 19 a-b, b 9: Ḥw.t-wly, an oath 'in the court-house (in) Haueris
(and) Nabla, the places which Pharaoh has made to oath places'
BC 100 Sep 13, TM 41465: P. Hawara 12, 1 [b]: Ḥw.t-wr.t, 'the necropolis of (the) village of Souchos
Haueris, which is in the Exo topoi of the meris of Herakleides'
BC 100 Sep 13, TM 41465: P. Hawara 12, 4 [a]: [Ḥw.t-wr.t], 'the necropolis of (the) village of
Souchos Haueris, which is already mentioned'
BC 100 Sep 13, TM 41465: P. Hawara 12, 4 [b]: Ḥw.t-wr.t, house and courtyard '(in) (the) village of
Souchos Haueris, the crossing point of the canal of Moiris'
BC 100 Sep 13, TM 41465: P. Hawara 12, 4 [f]: Ḥw.t-wr.t, 'in the necropolis of Haueris which is
already mentioned'
BC 99 Apr 20, TM 41466: P. Hawara 13, 3 [a]: Ḥw.t-wry, 'in the necropolis of Haueris in the nomos
of Arsinoe'
BC 98 Aug 15, TM 4239: P. Ashm. 1 10, 2 [b]: Ḥw.t-wry.t, '(the) divine chancellor (and) embalmer in
the necropolis of Haueris in the nomos (of) Arsinoe'; burial place
BC 98 Aug 13 - 25?, TM 4237: P. Ashm. 1 4, Dem. 1 (Enchoria: 2): Ḥw.t-wry, '[... (the) village of]
Souchos Haueris, Pasis son of Sesophmois'
BC 98 Aug 13 - 25?, TM 4237: P. Ashm. 1 4, Dem. 5 (Enchoria: 6): [Ḥw.t]-wry, '[ ] Haueris, and the
tomb of Ptolemaios the gardener'
BC 98 Aug 13 - 25?, TM 4237: P. Ashm. 1 4, Dem. 10 (Enchoria: 11): Ḥw.t-wry, '[the necropolis / the
village of] Haueris'
BC 98 Oct 15, TM 41467: P. Hawara 14 + Enchoria 25 (1999), p. 138-139, (P. Haw.) 1 [b]: Ḥw.t-wry, 'in
the necropolis of Haueris'
BC 98 Oct 15, TM 41467: P. Hawara 14 + Enchoria 25 (1999), p. 138-139, (P. Haw.) 4: Ḥw.t-wry, 'all
possessions which are in Haueris which is already mentioned'
BC 95 Nov 1?, TM 41606: P. Zauzich 17, 6: Ḥw.t-wr.t, 'I happened to be here [in] Haueris
responsible for the aforesaid work'; scribe of the temple; necropolis and temple of Haueris,
funerary workshop and common graves
BC 93 Apr 10, TM 41468: P. Hawara 15, 1 [b]: Ḥw.t-wr.t, 'the necropolis of Haueris'
BC 93 Apr 10, TM 41468: P. Hawara 15, 4 [a]: Ḥw.t-wr.t, house and courtyard 'in (the) village of
Souchos Haueris, which is in the Exo topoi of the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 93 Apr 10, TM 41468: P. Hawara 15, 4 [d]: Ḥw.t-wr.t, 'which is in the necropolis of Haueris
which is already mentioned'
BC 92 Feb 13, TM 41469: P. Hawara 16 a, 2 [b]: Ḥw.t-wry, 'the necropolis (of) Haueris'
BC 92 Feb 13, TM 41469: P. Hawara 16 a, 3: Ḥw.t-wry, 'the necropolis (of) Haueris'
BC 92 Feb 13, TM 41469: P. Hawara 16 a, 4: Ḥw.t-wry, '(in) the necropolis (of) Haueris and
Ptolemais Hormou, Syron Kome, Kerkesoucha (Orous), Psenharyo, Sele, which are in the Exo
topoi of the meris of Herakleides in the nomos of Arsinoe'
295 BC 92 Feb 13, TM 41469: P. Hawara 16 a, 8: Ḥw.t-wry, house with courtyard 'in (the) village of
Souchos Haueris which is in the Exo topoi of the meris of Herakleides in [the] nomos (of)
Arsinoe'; houses, street
BC 92 Feb 13, TM 41469: P. Hawara 16 a, 13: Ḥw.t-˹wry˺, 'the necropolis of Haueris'
BC 92 Feb 13, TM 41469: P. Hawara 16 a, 15 [a]: Ḥw.t-wry, 'der obigen Ausstattung von Haueris,
Ptolemais Hormou, Syron Kome, Sele, Psenharyo und ihrer Umgebung'
BC 92 Feb 13, TM 41470: P. Hawara 16 b, 2 [b]: Ḥw.t-wry, 'the necropolis (of) Haueris'
BC 92 Feb 13, TM 41470: P. Hawara 16 b, 3: Ḥw.t-wry, 'the necropolis (of) Haueris'
BC 92 Feb 13, TM 41470: P. Hawara 16 b, 4 [a]: Ḥw.t-wry, '(in) the necropolis (of) Haueris and
Ptolemais Hormou, Syron Kome, Kerkesoucha (Orous), Psenharyo, Sele, which are in the Exo
topoi of the meris of Herakleides in the nomos of Arsinoe'
BC 92 Feb 13, TM 41470: P. Hawara 16 b, 8: Ḥw.t-wry, house with courtyard 'in (the) village of
Souchos Haueris which is in the Exo topoi of the meris of Herakleides in the nomos (of)
Arsinoe'; houses, street
BC 92 Feb 13, TM 41470: P. Hawara 16 b, 13: Ḥw.t-wr.t, 'the necropolis of Haueris'
BC 92 Feb 13, TM 41470: P. Hawara 16 b, 14 [a]: Ḥw.t-wr.t, 'der obigen Ausstattung von Haueris,
Ptolemais Hormou, Syron Kome, Sele, Psenharyo und ihrer Umgebung'
BC 92 Feb 13, TM 41471: P. Hawara 17 a, 2 [b]: Ḥw.t-wry, 'the necropolis of Haueris'
BC 92 Feb 13, TM 41471: P. Hawara 17 a, 3: Ḥw.t-wry, 'the necropolis of Haueris'
BC 92 Feb 13, TM 41471: P. Hawara 17 a, 4: Ḥw.t-wry, 'the necropolis of Haueris and Ptolemais
Hormou, Syron Kome, Kerkesoucha (Orous), Psenharyo, Sele and their neighbourhood'
BC 92 Feb 13, TM 41471: P. Hawara 17 a, 8 [a]: Ḥw.t-wry, snt-building and courtyard '(in) (the)
village of Souchos Haueris, which is in the Exo topoi of the meris of Herakleides in the nomos
of Arsinoe'
BC 92 Feb 13, TM 41471: P. Hawara 17 a, 10: Ḥw.t-wry, 'Dir gehört (also) der fünfte Teil meines 1/2
+ 1/10 Teiles der Ausstattung (in) Haueris eines Sieglers (und) Balsamierers [und] (in)
Ptolemais Hormou, Syron Kome, Kerkesoucha (Orous), Psenharyo, Sele [und ihre] Umgebung';
possessions at the necropolis
BC 92 Feb 13, TM 41472: P. Hawara 17 b, 2 [b]: Ḥw.t-wry, 'the necropolis of Haueris'
BC 92 Feb 13, TM 41472: P. Hawara 17 b, 3: Ḥw.t-wry, 'the necropolis of Haueris'
BC 92 Feb 13, TM 41472: P. Hawara 17 b, 5 [a]: Ḥw.t-wry, 'the necropolis of Haueris and Ptolemais
Hormou, Syron Kome, Kerkesoucha (Orous), Psenharyo, Sele and their neighbourhood'
BC 92 Feb 13, TM 41472: P. Hawara 17 b, 8 - 9: Ḥw.t-wry, snt-building and courtyard '(in) (the)
village of Souchos Haueris, which is in the Exo topoi of the meris of Herakleides in the nomos
of Arsinoe'
BC 92 Feb 13, TM 41472: P. Hawara 17 b, 11 [a]: Ḥw.t-wry, 'Dir gehört (also) der fünfte Teil meines
1/2 + 1/10 Teiles der Ausstattung (in) Haueris eines Sieglers (und) Balsamierers [und] (in)
Ptolemais Hormou, Syron Kome, Kerkesoucha (Orous), Psenharyo, Sele [und ihre] Umgebung';
possessions at the necropolis
BC 90 - 88, TM 41473: P. Hawara 18, 6: Ḥw.t-wry, 'the necropolis (of) Haueris'
BC 86 Aug 30, TM 41607: P. Eheverträge 51 + P. Cairo 3 50129, (P. Ehe.) 2 [b]: Ḥw.t-wly, '(Es) hat
gesagt (der) Ober-Gottessiegelbewahrer (und) Einbalsamierer, Diener (des) Souchos, welcher
in der Souchos-Dorf Haueris ist'
BC 86 Aug 30, TM 41607: P. Eheverträge 51 + P. Cairo 3 50129, (P. Ehe.) 4 [a]: Ḥw.t-wly, 'Haueris and
Nabla, the villages which Pharaoh has made to oath places'
BC 84 Jan 31, TM 41476: P. Hawara 20, 4: Ḥw.t-wry, '(the) priest (of) the necropolis of Haueris'
BC 84 Jan 31, TM 41476: P. Hawara 20, 13: Ḥw.t-wry, 'in the necropolis of Haueris'
BC 83 Apr 9, TM 2801: P. Hawara 21 a-b, a 2 [b]: Ḥw.t-wr.t, 'the necropolis of Haueris'; in the Greek
registration referred to as 'the dead near the Labyrinthos and the Perseas topos already
BC 83 Apr 9, TM 2801: P. Hawara 21 a-b, a 3: Ḥw.t-wr.t, '(of) the necropolis of Haueris which is
already mentioned, and (of) the necropolis of Mendes and (of) the necropolis of P-ououa'
BC 83 Apr 9, TM 2801: P. Hawara 21 a-b, b 2 [b]: Ḥw.t-wr.t, 'the necropolis of Haueris'
BC 83 Apr 9, TM 2801: P. Hawara 21 a-b, b 3: Ḥw.t-wr.t, 'in the necropolis of Haueris which is
already mentioned'
BC 79 Nov 3, TM 41478: P. Hawara 22, 3: Ḥw.t-wr.t, 't

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