Katalog Catalogue 2012
Katalog Catalogue 2012
www.adl-gmbh.com Katalog Catalogue 2012 + DC-Power Supplies + Pulsed DC Generators + Middle Frequency + Bipolar Generators ADL Analoge & Digitale Leistungselektronik GmbH Bunsenstraße 30 D 64293 Darmstadt / Germany Tel. +49 (0) 6151 860 72-0 Fax +49 (0) 6151 860 72-70 DC-Power Supplies - Pulsed DC Generators - Middle Frequency - Bipolar Generators ADL - Leistungselektonik “Made in Germany” ADL – Power Electronics “Made in Germany” ADL ist Entwickler und Hersteller von Stromversorgungen und Generatoren für Dünnfilmbeschichtung sowie Leistungselektronik für spezielle Industrieanwendungen und Forschungseinrichtungen. ADL is developer and manufacturer of power supplies and generators for thin film coating, as well as for power electronics for special industrial applications and research institutes. 1992 wurde die ADL Analoge & Digitale Leistungselektronik GmbH in Riedstadt / Hessen gegründet. 2001 eröffnete ADL einen zweiten Standort in Groß-Gerau, um die Produktionskapazitäten zu vergrößern. 2011 erfolgte der Umzug beider Standorte nach Darmstadt (nahe Frankfurt/Main) in ein wesentlich größeres Firmengebäude. Unsere Produkte sind bekannt für ihre Zuverlässigkeit, Langlebigkeit und hohe Fertigungsqualität, aber auch für technisch innovative Konzepte. Wir nehmen die Bezeichnung „Made in Germany“ ernst und verfügen über eine sehr umfangreiche eigene Fertigung, vom Bau von Transformatoren über die Kabelkonfektionierung, die Elektronikbestückung, die Baugruppenfertigung und Endmontage bis zur eigenen Mechanikfertigung mit modernsten CNC-Maschinen. Prozess 1992 ADL Analoge & Digitale Leistungselektronik GmbH was founded in Riedstadt / Hessen. 2001 ADL opened a second plant in Groß-Gerau to enlarge the production capacities. 2011 both locations moved to the city of Darmstadt (near Frankfurt/Main) into a much larger factory building. Our products are well known for their reliability, longevity and highest production quality, as well for very innovative technical concepts. We take the designation „Made in Germany“ very seriously: ADL has a very broad own production, such as the manufacture of transformers, cable termination, module assembling, final mounting, PCB-mounting and our own mechanical production with modern CNC machines. ADL PowerSupplies Process Sputtern, Ätzen, Ionenquellen DC Power Supplies Sputtering, Etching, Ion Sources Aufdampfen, Hg-Lampen, Heizen AC Power Supplies* Evaporation, Hg-Lamps, Heating Reaktiv Sputtern Pulsed DC Generators Reacitve Sputtering Reaktiv Sputtern, Großflächenbeschichtung Middle Frequency and bipolar Generators Reactive Sputtering, Large Area Coating Magnetfeldmodulation AM Generators* Magnetic Field Modulation * Auf Anfrage * On Request DC-Power Supplies - Pulsed DC Generators - Middle Frequency - Bipolar Generators ADL Leistungselektronik für höchste Anforderungen ADL Power Electronics for highest demands Innovativ, kompakt, solide - von 1992 bis 2012 und in Zukunft innovative, compact, clear design - from 1992 until 2012 and in the future 1992 TS 30 HX 300 2012 The series TS is not build any longer, but power supplies are still running world wide Zuverlässige Kühlung auch bei hohen Umgebungstemperaturen Reliable cooling - even in hot ambient temperature Stabile Gehäuse Stable housing „Plug and Play“ Einfache Bedienung durch automatisierte Funktionen „Plug and Play“ Easy handling through fully automatic functions Übersichtliche Information durch LEDDigitalanzeigen Clear information through LEDdigital display Sichere Verbindung und schnelle Montage durch genormte Industriesteckverbindungen Save connection and fast mounting through standardized industry connectors 3 DC-Power Supplies - Pulsed DC Generators - Middle Frequency - Bipolar Generators Neben unseren Seriengeräten bieten wir auch kundenspezifische Sondergeräte an, die in diesem Katalog nicht enthalten sind. Additionally to the series production ADL also offers special power supplies on customer request, which are not in this catalogue. 4 DC-Power Supplies - Pulsed DC Generators - Middle Frequency - Bipolar Generators Luftgekühlte DC-Stromversorgungen 0,5 bis 15kW Air cooled DC-Power Supplies 0,5 up to 15kW Serie Series GS 05 - GS 30 Serie Series GS 60 - GS 150 6-9 10 - 12 Wassergekühlte DC-Stromversorgungen 5 bis 30kW Water cooled DC-Power Supplies 5 up to 30kW Serie Series GX 50 - GX 150 Serie Series GSW 100 - GSW 300 Serie Series HX 150 - HX 300 14 - 17 18 - 24 26 - 30 Stromversorgungen für Ionenquellen Power Supplies for Ion Sources GG 03, GG 03.1 Accelerator and GG 12, GG 12.1 Beam GIP 10, GIP 10.1 Neutralizer GDI 09 Discharge GC 10 Cathode 32 - 34 32 - 35 32 - 35 32 - 36 Unipolar Pulsgeneratoren Unipolar Pulse Generators RD 300 SD 150 – SD 300 38 - 39 40 - 42 Mittelfrequenzgenerator / Bipolar Pulsgenerator Middle Frequency Generator / Bipolar Pulse Generator SB 300 44 - 46 ADL Zubehör ADL Accessories Interfaces48 Interface Combiner 48 Master Oscillator 48 Plugs49 Couplings for Water Cooling 49 Magnetic Valve 49 Remote Control 50 Cathode Clamp Diode 50 Cable50 Sales and Sercice addresses worldwide 51 5 Luftgekühlte DC-Stromversorgungen Air-cooled Power Supplies DC-Stromversorgungen GS 05 - GS 30 Die kompakten Geräte sind für kleinere Magnetrons in Produktions- und Laboranlagen entwickelt worden. Durch die einfache und sichere Bedienbarkeit können die Stromversorgungen sehr flexibel eingesetzt werden. Das Arc-Handling paßt sich unterschiedlichen Prozeßparametern automatisch an, so daß kein Programmieraufwand notwendig ist. Die Geräte sind für den Einbau in 19“-Baugruppenträger konzipiert. Active Frontpanel ***Highlights * Output power 0.5 - 3.0kW * Air cooling * ½ 19“–case, 3 HU * Interchangeable interfaces * Display for voltage, current and power * Manual operation via frontpanel * Automatic Arc-Handling Passive Frontpanel DC-Power Supplies GS 05 - GS 30 The compact power supplies were developed for magnetrons in production plants and laboratories. Easy and safe operation makes these power supplies very flexible for many processes. The arc-handling adjusts automatically to different process parameters, so that programming is not necessary. The units are designed for the mounting in 19“-racks. Rear view 6 Customer Contact /Germany: Jürgen Würtenberger. Customer Consultant. E-Mail: [email protected] Tel. +49 (0) 6151 86072-40 Luftgekühlte DC-Stromversorgungen Air-cooled Power Supplies Variations Type DC-Output Order-No. GS 05/800 0,5kW 800V 0,9A 03Z040 GS 10/800 1,0kW 800V 1,7A 03Z090 GS 15/800 1,5kW 800V 3A 03Z140 GS 20/800 2,0kW 800V 3,5A 03Z190 GS 30/800 3,0kW 800V 5,3A 03Z240 GS 05/1000 0,5kW 1000V 0,7A 03Z050 GS 10/1000 1,0kW 1000V 1,4A 03Z092 GS 15/1000 1,5kW 1000V 2,4A 03Z150 GS 20/1000 2,0kW 1000V 2,8A 03Z200 GS 30/1000 3,0kW 1000V 4,2A 03Z250 GS 12/2000 1,2kW 2000V 1A 03Z110 Options and Accessories Order-No. Interface AS 4 01Y001 Profibus Interface 6.408 01Y101 Profibus Interface 7.408 01Y151 Connecting Cable for RS 232 (Profibus) 06Y005 Frontpanel active with 3 1/2 Digit Display 02Y020 Front Panel passive with3 1/2 Digit Display 02Y021 Line Voltage 3 x 200 V * 10Y015 Output Voltage floating ** 10Y020 19“ Mounting Frame for 2 Units 02Y030 * Only GS 15 and GS 20 ** Only GS 15, GS 20 and GS 30 7 Luftgekühlte DC-Stromversorgungen Air-cooled Power Supplies Technical Data GS 05 – GS 30 Nominal power GS 05/800 GS 10/800 GS 15/800 GS 20/800 GS 30/800 0,5kW 1kW 1,5kW 2kW 3kW 800V Plus pole grounded Output voltage Output current Option: Minus pole grounded 0,9A 1,7A Control Modes of operation Option: Floating 3A 3,5A 5,3A Current, voltage or power controlled Manual via front panel or external via A/D interface AS 4, AS 4 F or Profibus Set point 0 … 100 % of nominal voltage, current or power Output accuracy +/- 1 % of nominal value for voltage, current and power Arc suppression Quenching time: 6µs up to 3ms, automatically Delay time: 6µs up to 10ms, automatically Indications 3½-digit display for voltage, current and power Noise emission Mains connection Power consumption Fusing LpA < 70db (A) 230V, +5/-10 %, 50/60Hz, (Option: 200V, L1, L2, PE) Size Weight 8 (Option: 3 x 200V, only GS 15 and GS 20), PE 0,6kVA 1,2kVA 1,8kVA 2,4kVA 3,6kVA 6A 6A 6A (10A) 6A (10A) 10A High voltage connection Cooling 3 x 400V, +5/-10 %, 50/60Hz, RG 213 Forced air, maximum ambient temperature 40° C ½ 19” slide-in, 3HU (132,5mm), 560mm deep 11kg 12kg Luftgekühlte DC-Stromversorgungen Air-cooled Power Supplies Technical Data GS 05 – GS 30 Nominal power GS 05/1000 GS 10/1000 GS 12/2000 GS 15/1000 GS 20/1000 GS 30/1000 0,5kW 1kW 1,2kW 1,5kW 2kW 3kW 1000V 2000V 1000V Plus pole grounded Output voltage Output current Option: Minus pole grounded 0,7A 1,4A Control Modes of operation Option: Floating 1A 2,4A 2,8A Current, voltage or power controlled Manual via front panel or external via A/D interface AS 4, AS 4 F or Profibus Set point 0 … 100 % of nominal voltage, current or power Output accuracy +/- 1 % of nominal value for voltage, current and power Arc suppression Quenching time: 6µs up to 3ms, automatically Delay time: 6µs up to 10ms, automatically Indications 3½-digit display for voltage, current and power Noise emission Mains connection 4,2A LpA < 70db (A) 230V, +5/-10 %, 50/60Hz, 3 x 400V, +5/-10 %, 50/60Hz, (Option: 200V, L1, L2, PE) (Option: 3 x 200V, only GS 15 and GS 20), PE Power consumption Fusing 0,6kVA 1,2kVA 1,4kVA 1,8kVA 2,4kVA 3,6kVA 6A 6A 10A 6A (10A) 6A (10A) 10A High voltage connection Cooling Size Weight RG 213 Forced air, maximum ambient temperature 40° C ½ 19” slide-in, 3HU (132,5mm), 560mm deep 11kg 12kg 9 Luftgekühlte DC-Stromversorgungen Air-cooled Power Supplies DC-Stromversorgungen GS 60 - GS 150 Die luftgekühlten DC-Stromversorgungen der Serie GS 60 – GS 150 gibt es in drei Bedienvarianten: mit aktivem Frontpanel, mit passivem Frontpanel und mit Status-LEDs. Die Stromversorgungen können mit voller Nennleistung ohne Einschränkung der Einschaltdauer betrieben werden. Der Parallelbetrieb mehrerer Geräte ist möglich. Die Serie GS 60 – GS 150 verfügt, wie alle Stromversorgungen von ADL, über eine extrem schnelle, automatische Arc-Löschung. Die Bedienung der Geräte ist sehr einfach und sicher. Active Frontpanel ***Highlights * Output power 6.0 - 15kW * Air cooling * 19“–case, 3 HU * Floating output * Joule mode * Automatic Arc-Handling Rear view DC-Power Supplies GS 60 - GS 150 The air cooled DC power supplies of the series GS 60 – GS 150 are available in three different versions: with active front panel, with passive front panel and with status LEDs. The power supplies can be operated with full nominal power without limitation of the duty cycle. Parallel operation of several power supplies is possible. The series GS 60 – GS 150 has, like all power supplies from ADL, an extreme fast, automatic Arc-handling. The operation of the power supplies is easy and save. 10 Frontpanel with Status LEDs Customer Contact /Germany: Jürgen Würtenberger. Customer Consultant. E-Mail: [email protected] Tel. +49 (0) 6151 86072-40 Luftgekühlte DC-Stromversorgungen Air-cooled Power Supplies Variations DC-Output Type Order-No. GS 60/800 6kW 800V 10A 03Z290 GS 80/800 8kW 800V 17A 03Z340 GS 100/800 10kW 800V 17A 03Z390 GS 120/800 12kW 800V 20A 03Z440 GS 150/800 15kW 800V 25A 03Z490 Options and Accessories Order-No. Interface AS 4 01Y001 Profibus Interface 6.408 01Y101 Profibus Interface 7.408 01Y151 Connecting Cable for RS 232 (Profibus) 06Y005 Frontpanel active with 3 1/2 Digit Display 02Y050 Frontpanel passive with 3 1/2 Digit Display 02Y101 Status-LEDs 01Y010 Plasma Control** 50Y051 Second Voltage Range U1/U2** 10Y010 Joule Mode * 01Y041 Connector set X1/X2 GS/GSC straight 03Y020 Connector set X1/X2 GS/GSC angled 03Y040 * Only with Profibus ** Only with active Frontpanel 11 Luftgekühlte DC-Stromversorgungen Air-cooled Power Supplies Technical Data GS 60 – GS 150 GS 100/500 GS 60/800 GS 80/800 GS 100/800 GS 120/800 GS 150/800 Nominal power 10kW 6kW 8kW 10kW 12kW 15kW Output voltage 500V Output current 25A 20A 25A 800V 10A Control Modes of operation 17A 17A Current, voltage or power controlled Manual via front panel or external via A/D interface AS 4 or Profibus Set point 0…100% of nominal current, voltage or power Output accuracy +/- 1% of nominal value for current, voltage and power Arc suppression Quenching time: 6µs up to 3ms, automatically Delay time: 6µs up to 10ms, automatically Indication 3½-digit display for current, voltage and power Noise emission LpA < 70db (A) Mains connection Power consumption Fusing 3 x 400V, +5/-10%, 50/60Hz, PE 11kVA 6,6kVA 9kVA 11kVA 13,2kVA 16,5kVA 20A 16A 16A 20A 25A 25A Cooling Forced air, maximum ambient temperature 40° C Size Weight Mains cable Output cable 12 19“, 3HU (132,5mm) 570mm deep 29kg 27kg 29kg 29kg 29kg 31kg 4 x 2,5mm² 4 x 1,5mm² 4 x 1,5mm² 4 x 2,5mm² 4 x 4mm² 4 x 4mm² RG 213U or 3 x 4 mm² 3 x 1,5mm² 3 x 2,5mm² 3 x 2,5mm² 3 x 2,5mm² 3 x 4mm² Luftgekühlte DC-Stromversorgungen Air-cooled Power Supplies Manufacturing Line of ADL Power Supplies ... PCB-Mounting Department 13 Wassergekühlte DC-Stromversorgungen Water-cooled Power Supplies DC-Stromversorgungen GX 50 – GX 150 GX-Sputterstromversorgungen sind in der Lage, bis zu 80.000 Arcs pro Sekunde automatisch zu löschen. Die extreme Leistungsfähigkeit, kombiniert mit kleinen Abmessungen, sind herausragende Kennzeichen der Serie GX. Die Geräte können mit voller Nennleistung ohne Einschränkung der Einschaltdauer betrieben und auch parallel geschaltet werden. GX with Status LEDs ***Highlights * Output power 5 - 15 kW * Water cooling * 1/2 19“–case, 3 HU * Floating output * Joule mode * Automatic Arc-Handling GX open DC-Power Supplies GX 50 – GX 150 GX-Sputtering Power Supplies are able to eliminate up to 80.000 Arcs per second automatically. This extreme capability combined with the small size of the power supply is outstanding and significant for the series GX. The power supplies can be operated with full nominal power without limitation of the duty cycle and they can also be switched in parallel. GX rear view 14 Customer Contact /Germany: Jürgen Würtenberger. Customer Consultant. E-Mail: [email protected] Tel. +49 (0) 6151 86072-40 Wassergekühlte DC-Stromversorgungen Water-cooled Power Supplies Variations Type DC-Output Order-No. GX 50/250 5kW 250V 50A 07Z010 GX 50/800 5kW 800V 14A 07Z005 GX 60/800 6kW 800V 15A 07Z040 GX 80/800 8kW 800V 20A 07Z090 GX 80/1000 8kW 1000V 16A 07Z099 GX 100/400 10kW 400V 38A 07Z141 GX 100/600 10kW 600V 30A 07Z142 GX 100/800 10kW 800V 25A 07Z140 GX 100/1000 10kW 1000V 20A 07Z149 GX 120/200 12kW 200V 60A 07Z151 GX 120/800 12kW 800V 30A 07Z190 GX 150/800 15kW 800V 38A 07Z240 GX 150/1000 15kW 1000V 30A 07Z249 Options and Accessories GX Blind case Order-No. Duo-GX open, front view Interface AS 4 01Y001 Interface AS 6 01Y061 Profibus Interface 6.408 01Y001 Profibus Interface 7.408 01Y151 Connecting Cable for RS 232 (Profibus) 06Y005 Arc-link 10Y100 GX-Status LEDs 01Y071 GX-Display 01Y081 Bias Voltage Control 10Y040 Swagelok-Water Couplings straight 04Y020 Swagelok-Water Couplings angled 04Y040 19“ Mounting angled 01Y095 SMC Water Connectors 04Y100 GX-Connector Set X1/X2 straight 03Y220 GX-Connector Set s X1/X2 angled 03Y240 19“ Mounting Set Duo-GX 03Y091 19“ Mounting Set Single-GX 03Y093 Harting plugs and Swagelok Water couplings straight 15 Wassergekühlte DC-Stromversorgungen Water-cooled Power Supplies Technical Data GX 50 – GX 150 GX 50/250 GX 50/800 GX 60/800 GX 80/800 GX 80/1000 GX 100/400 GX 100/600 Nominal power 5kW 5kW 6kW 8kW 8kW 10kW 10kW Output voltage 250V 800V 800V 800V 1000V 400V 600V Output current 50A 14A 15A 20A 16A 38A 30A Control Current, voltage or power controlled Modes of operation External via A/D interface AS 4, AS 6, AS 4 F or Profibus Set point 0 ... 100 % of nominal current, voltage or power Output accuracy +/- 1 % of nominal value for current, voltage and power Arc-suppression Quenching time: 6µs up to 3ms, automatically Delay time: 6µs up to 10ms, automatically Indications 3 ½ digit display for current, voltage and power (Option) Noise emission LpA < 70db (A) Mains connection Power consumption Fusing 3 x 400V, +/-10 %, 50/60Hz 6kVA 6kVA 6,6kVA 9kVA 9kVA 11kVA 11kVA 3 x 16A 3 x 16A 3 x 16A 3 x 20A 3 x 20A 3 x 20A 3 x 20A Water, > 1,5 l/min, 2 to 8 Bar, < 40° C Forced air, maximum ambient temperature 40° C Cooling Water connection Swagelok B-QC 6 … Cooling capability of water 300W 300W 300W 400W 400W 500W 500W Cooling capability of air 45W 45W 45W 50W 50W 50W 50W ½ 19“, 3HU (130mm) x 520mm deep (without plug), 590mm deep (with plug) Size Weight 21 kg 21 kg 21 kg 23 kg 23 kg 23kg 23 kg Mains cable 4x 1,5mm² 4x 1,5mm² 4x 1,5mm² 4x 2,5mm² 4x 2,5mm² 4x 2,5mm 4x 2,5mm² Output cable 3x 10mm² 3x 1,5mm² 3x 1,5mm² 3x 2,5mm² 3x 2,5mm² 3x 6mm² 3x 6mm² Mains connection (X2) Harting Han-Modular Compact DC-connection (X1) Harting Han-Modular Compact 16 Wassergekühlte DC-Stromversorgungen Water-cooled Power Supplies Technical Data GX 50 – GX 150 GX 100/800 GX 100/1000 GX 120/200 GX 120/800 GX 150/800 GX 150/1000 Nominal power 10kW 10kW 12kW 12kW 15kW 15kW Output voltage 800V 1000V 200V 800V 800V 1000V Output current 25A 20A 60A 30A 38A 30A Control Current, voltage or power controlled Modes of operation External via A/D interface AS 4, AS 6, AS 4 F or Profibus Set point 0 ... 100 % of nominal current, voltage or power Output accuracy +/- 1 % of nominal value for current, voltage and power Arc-suppression Quenching time: 6µs up to 3ms, automatically Delay time: 6µs up to 10ms, automatically Indications 3 ½ digit display for current, voltage and power (Option) Noise emission LpA < 70db (A) Mains connection 3 x 400V, +/-10 %, 50/60Hz Power consumption 11kVA 11kVA 13,2kVA 13,2kVA 16,5kVA 16,5kVA Fusing 3 x 20A 3 x 20A 3 x 25A 3 x 25A 3 x 25A 3 x 25A Water, > 1,5 l/min, 2 to 8 Bar, < 40° C Forced air, maximum ambient temperature 40° C Cooling Water connection Swagelok B-QC 6 … Cooling capability of water 500W 500W 600W 600W 750W 750W Cooling capability of air 50W 50W 60W 60W 60W 60W ½ 19“, 3HU (130mm) x 520mm deep (without plug), 590mm deep (with plug) Size Weight 23 kg 23 kg 23kg 23kg 25 kg 25kg Mains cable 4 x 2,5mm² 4 x 2,5mm² 4 x 4mm² 4 x 4mm² 4 x 4mm² 4 x 4mm² Output cable 3 x 4mm² 3 x 4mm² 3 x 16mm² 3 x 6mm² 3 x 6mm² 3 x 6mm² Mains connection (X2) Harting Han-Modular Compact DC-connection (X1) Harting Han-Modular Compact 17 Wassergekühlte DC-Stromversorgungen Water-cooled Power Supplies DC-Stromversorgungen GSW 100 – GSW 300 Die Ausgangsleistung kann im Parallelbetrieb bis auf 240kW gesteigert werden. Mit einem speziellen Schaltungskonzept kann auf eine „Master-Slave-Verdrahtung“ verzichtet werden. Eine leistungsfähige Wasserkühlung sorgt auch in nicht klimatisierten Räumen für höchste Zuverlässigkeit. Die Geräte können manuell über ein aktives Frontpanel oder über eine Schnittstelle betrieben werden. Es stehen verschiedene Frontpanels und Schnittstellenmodule zur Verfügung. Das extrem schnelle Arc-Handling arbeitet vollautomatisch. GSW with active Frontpanel ***Highlights * Output power 10 – 30kW * Water cooling * Magnetic valve control * 19“–case, 3 HU * Floating output * Parallel operation up to 240 KW * Automatic Arc-Handling GSW rear DC-Power Supplies GSW 100 - GSW 300 In parallel operation the output power can be increased up to 240kW. Thanks to a special circuit arrangement a „Master-Slave-Wiring“ is not necessary. An efficient water cooling guarantees even in non-air conditioned rooms highest reliability. The power supplies can be operated manually via front panel or via interface. There are different front panels and interfaces available. The super fast arc-handling works completely automatically. 18 GSW open Customer Contact /Germany: Jürgen Würtenberger. Customer Consultant. E-Mail: [email protected] Tel. +49 (0) 6151 86072-40 Wassergekühlte DC-Stromversorgungen Water-cooled Power Supplies Variations Type DC-Output Order-No. GSW 100/500 10kW 500V 40A 06Z010 GSW 100/800 10kW 800V 20A 06Z040 GSW 100/1000 10kW 1000V 18A 06Z041 GSW 150/400 15kW 400V 80A 06Z055 GSW 150/500 15kW 500V 60A 06Z060 GSW 150/600 15kW 600V 50A 06Z070 GSW 150/750 15kW 750V 38A 06Z080 GSW 150/800 15kW 800V 30A 06Z090 GSW 150/1000 15kW 1000V 25A 06Z100 GSW 200/500 20kW 500V 70A 06Z120 GSW 200/750 20kW 750V 50A 06Z135 GSW 200/800 20kW 800V 40A 06Z140 GSW 200/900 20kW 900V 40A 06Z145 GSW 200/1000 20kW 1000V 35A 06Z150 GSW 250/750 25kW 750V 60A 06Z180 GSW 250/800 25kW 800V 50A 06Z190 GSW 250/900 25kW 900V 50A 06Z195 GSW 300/500 30kW 500V 70A 06Z220 GSW 300/750 30kW 750V 66A 06Z230 GSW 300/800 30kW 800V 60A 06Z240 GSW 300/1000 30kW 1000V 50A 06Z260 Luftleitgehäuse mit Partikelabscheider für den Betrieb in staubiger Umgebung Air baffle with particle separator in dusty environment 19 Wassergekühlte DC-Stromversorgungen Options and Accessories Water-cooled Power Supplies Order-No. Interface AS 4 01Y001 Interface AS 6* 01Y061 Profibus Interface 6.408 01Y101 Profibus Interface 7.408 01Y151 Connecting Cable for RS 232 (Profibus) 06Y005 Arc Link 10Y100 Frontpanel active with 3 1/2 Digit Display 02Y050 Frontpanel passive with 3 1/2 Digit Display 02Y101 Status-LEDs 01Y010 Plasma Control** 50Y051 Second Voltage Range U1/U2** 10Y010 Swagelok-Water Couplings straight 04Y020 Swagelock-Water Couplings angled 04Y040 Cathode Clamp Diode 50Y001 GSW-Connector Set X1/X2 straight 03Y120 GSW-Connector Set X1/X2 angled 03Y140 GSW-Air Baffle, 3 pieces 05Y050 GSW-Mounting Hood with Crane Eye 05Y101 Mains Voltage 3 x 440V 10Y025 Mains Voltage 3 x 480V 10Y030 Magnetic Valve Control with 24V DC-Output 04Y025 Magnetic Valvel 24V DC with Connecting Cable (2 m) 04Y030 * only with passive Frontpanel ** only with active Frontpanel Harting Plug straight Cathode Clamp Diode Magnetic Valve 20 Wassergekühlte DC-Stromversorgungen Water-cooled Power Supplies Technical Data GSW 100 – GSW 300 GSW 100/500 GSW 100/800 GSW 100/1000 GSW 150/400 GSW 150/500 Nominal power 10kW 10kW 10kW 15kW 15kW Output voltage 500V 800V 1000V 400V 500V Output current 40A 20A 18A 80A 60A Control Modes of operation Current, voltage or power controlled Manual via front panel or external via A/D interface AS 4, AS 6*, AS 4 F or Profibus Set point 0...100% of nominal current, voltage or power Output accuracy +/- 1% of nominal value for current, voltage and power Arc suppression Quenching time: 6µs up to 3ms, automatically Delay time: 6µs up to 10ms, automatically Indications 3 ½ digit display for Current, voltage and power (Option) Noise emission LpA < 70db (A) 3 x 400V, +/-10%, 50/60Hz, PE Mains connection (Option: 3 x 440V or 3 x 480V) Power consumption 11kVA 11kVA 11kVA 16,5kVA 16,5kVA Fusing 3 x 20A 3 x 20A 3 x 20A 3 x 25A 3 x 25A Water, > 3 l/min, 2 to 8 Bar, < 40° C Forced air, maximum ambient temperature 40° C Cooling Water connection Swagelok B QC-6 ... Cooling capability of water 500W 500W 500W 680W 680W Cooling capability of air 80W 80W 80W 80W 80W Size Weight 19“, 3HU x 700mm deep (without plug) 42kg 42kg 42kg 44kg 44kg Mains cable 4 x 2,5mm² 4 x 2,5mm² 4 x 2,5mm² 4 x 4mm² 4 x 4mm² Output cable 3 x 10mm² 3 x 2,5mm² 3 x 2,5mm² 3 x 25mm² 3 x 16mm² Mains connection (X2) DC-connection (X1) Harting Han k4/0 Harting Han 2 MOD * Only with passive Frontpanel 21 Wassergekühlte DC-Stromversorgungen Water-cooled Power Supplies Technical Data GSW 100 – GSW 300 GSW 150/600 GSW 150/750 GSW 150/800 GSW 150/1000 GSW 200/500 Nominal power 15kW 15kW 15kW 15kW 20kW Output voltage 600V 750V 800V 1000V 500V Output current 50A 38A 30A 25A 70A Control Modes of operation Current, voltage or power controlled Manual via front panel or external via A/D interface AS 4, AS 6*, AS 4 F or Profibus Set point 0...100% of nominal current, voltage or power Output accuracy +/- 1% of nominal value for current, voltage and power Arc suppression Quenching time: 6µs up to 3ms, automatically Delay time: 6µs up to 10ms, automatically Indications 3 ½ digit display for Current, voltage and power (Option) Noise emission LpA < 70db (A) 3 x 400V, +/-10%, 50/60Hz, PE (Option: 3 x 440V or 3 x 480V) Mains connection Power consumption 16,5kVA 16,5kVA 16,5kVA 16,5kVA 22kVA Fusing 3 x 25A 3 x 25A 3 x 25A 3 x 25A 3 x 35A Water, > 3 l/min, 2 to 8 Bar, < 40° C Forced air, maximum ambient temperature 40° C Cooling Water connection Swagelok B QC-6 ... Cooling capability of water 600W 680W 680W 680W 950W Cooling capability of air 80W 80W 80W 80W 150W Size Weight 19“, 3HU x 700mm deep (without plug 44kg 44kg 44kg 44kg 49kg Mains cable 4 x 4mm² 4 x 4mm² 4 x 4mm² 4 x 4mm² 4 x 6mm² Output cable 3 x 10mm² 3 x 10mm² 3 x 6mm² 3 x 4mm² 3 x 16mm² Mains connection (X2) DC-connection (X1) * Only with passive Frontpanel 22 Harting Han k4/0 Harting Han 2 MOD Wassergekühlte DC-Stromversorgungen Water-cooled Power Supplies Technical Data GSW 100 – GSW 300 GSW 200/750 GSW 200/800 GSW 200/900 GSW 200/1000 GSW 250/750 Nominal power 20kW 20kW 20kW 20kW 25kW Output voltage 750V 800V 900V 1000V 750V Output current 50A 40A 40A 35A 60A Control Modes of operation Current, voltage or power controlled Manual via front panel or external via A/D interface AS 4, AS 6*, AS 4 F or Profibus Set point 0...100% of nominal current, voltage or power Output accuracy +/- 1% of nominal value for current, voltage and power Arc suppression Quenching time: 6µs up to 3ms, automatically Delay time: 6µs up to 10ms, automatically Indications 3 ½ digit display for Current, voltage and power (Option) Noise emission LpA < 70db (A) 3 x 400V, +/-10%, 50/60Hz, PE (Option: 3 x 440V or 3 x 480V) Mains connection Power consumption 22kVA 22kVA 22kVA 22kVA 28kVA Fusing 3 x 35A 3 x 35A 3 x 35A 3 x 35A 3 x 50A Water, > 3 l/min, 2 to 8 Bar, < 40° C Forced air, maximum ambient temperature 40° C Cooling Water connection Swagelok B QC-6 ... Cooling capability of water 900W 900W 900W 900W 1100W Cooling capability of air 100W 100W 100W 100W 110W Size Weight 19“, 3HU x 700mm deep (without plug) 49kg 49kg 49kg 49kg 51kg Mains cable 4 x 6mm² 4 x 6mm² 4 x 6mm² 4 x 6mm² 4 x 10mm² Output cable 3 x 10mm² 3 x 10mm² 3 x 10mm² 3 x 6mm² 3 x 16mm² Mains connection (X2) DC-connection (X1) Harting Han k4/0 Harting Han 2 MOD * Only with passive Frontpanel 23 Wassergekühlte DC-Stromversorgungen Water-cooled Power Supplies Technical Data GSW 100 – GSW 300 GSW 250/800 GSW 250/900 GSW 300/500 GSW 300/750 GSW 300/800 GSW 300/1000 Nominal power 25kW 25kW 30kW 30kW 30kW 30kW Output voltage 800V 900V 500V 750V 800V 1000V Output current 50A 50A 70A 66A 60A 50A Control Modes of operation Current, voltage or power controlled Manual via front panel or external via A/D interface AS 4, AS 6*, AS 4 F or Profibus Set point 0...100% of nominal current, voltage or power Output accuracy +/- 1% of nominal value for current, voltage and power Arc suppression Quenching time: 6µs up to 3ms, automatically Delay time: 6µs up to 10ms, automatically Indications 3 ½ digit display for Current, voltage and power (Option) Noise emission LpA < 70db (A) 3 x 400V, +/-10%, 50/60Hz, PE (Option: 3 x 440V or 3 x 480V) Mains connection Power consumption 28kVA 28kVA 33kVA 33kVA 33kVA 33kVA Fusing 3 x 50A 3 x 50A 3 x 63A 3 x 63A 3 x 63A 3 x 63A Water, > 3 l/min, 2 to 8 Bar, < 40° C Forced air, maximum ambient temperature 40° C Cooling Water connection Swagelok B QC-6 ... Cooling capability of water 1100W 1100W 1300W 1300W 1300W 1300W Cooling capability of air 110W 110W 150W 150W 150W 150W Size Weight 19“, 3HU x 700mm deep (without plug) 51kg 51kg 53kg 53kg 53kg 53kg Mains cable 4 x 10mm² 4 x 10mm² 4 x 10mm² 4 x 10mm² 4 x 10mm² 4 x 10mm² Output cable 3 x 10mm² 3 x 10mm² Mains connection (X2) DC-connection (X1) * only with passive Frontpanel 24 3 x 16m² 3 x 16mm² Harting Han k4/0 Harting Han 2 MOD 3 x 16m² 3 x 10m² Wassergekühlte DC-Stromversorgungen Water-cooled Power Supplies Manufacturing Line of ADL Power Supplies ... Sub-Assembly Department 25 Wassergekühlte DC-Stromversorgungen DC-Stromversorgungen HX 150 - HX 300 Water-cooled Power Supplies ***Highlights * Output power 15kW – 30kW Das äußerst kompakte Design von 1/2 19“ Breite und 5HE ist speziell für Produktionsanlagen entwickelt worden, bei denen auf Schaltschränke verzichtet werden soll. Die HX verfügt über Befestigungslaschen und kann in beliebiger Einbaulage direkt in die Anlagen integriert werden. Das Display ist schwenkbar und kann vom Gerät getrennt werden. Eine leistungsfähige Wasserkühlung sorgt auch in nicht klimatisierten Räumen für höchste Zuverlässigkeit. Zur Vermeidung von Kondenswasser kann ein externes Magnetventil über die integrierte Temperatursteuerung angeschlossen werden. Die Ausgangsleistung kann im Parallelbetrieb bis auf 240kW gesteigert werden. Das spezielle Schaltungskonzept erlaubt sowohl einen Master-Slave-Betrieb, als auch eine Parallelansteuerung über Interface Combiner oder Profibus. Das extrem schnelle Arc-Handling arbeitet vollautomatisch, so daß keine Parameter eingestellt werden müssen. * Parallel operation up to 240kW * Water cooling * Magnetic valve control * Housing ventilation with integrated particle separator * ½ 19”- case, 5 HU * Flange mounting * M8-female thread for crane eye * Replaceable, rotatable display * Automatic Arc-handling DC-Power Supplies HX 150 - HX 300 The very compact design of ½ 19” width and 5 HU is especially designed for production plants without cabinets. The HX has mounting flanges and can be integrated into or attached to the plasma chamber in any position. The display can be swivelled and separated from the power supply. An efficient water cooling ensures highest reliability even in non-air-conditioned rooms. In order to avoid condensation water an external magnetic valve can be connected via the integrated temperature control. The output power can be increased up to 240kW in parallel operation. The special electronic design allows masterslave-operation as well as parallel operation via Interface-Combiner or Profibus. The extreme fast Arc-Handling works completely automatic, so that no parameters have to be set. 26 HX in upright position with rotatable display Customer Contact /Germany: Jürgen Würtenberger. Customer Consultant. E-Mail: [email protected] Tel. +49 (0) 6151 86072-40 Wassergekühlte DC-Stromversorgungen Water-cooled Power Supplies Variations Type DC-Output Order-No. HX 150/400 15kW 400V 80A 13Z010 HX 150/500 15kW 500V 60A 13Z020 HX 150/600 15kW 600V 50A 13Z030 HX 150/800 15kW 800V 30A 13Z040 HX 150/1000 15kW 1000V 25A 13Z050 HX 200/500 20kW 500V 70A 13Z100 HX 200/800 20kW 800V 40A 13Z110 HX 200/1000 20kW 1000V 35A 13Z120 HX 250/800 25kW 800V 50A 13Z200 HX 250/1000 25kW 1000V 40A 13Z210 HX 300/800 30kW 800V 60A 13Z300 HX 300/1000 30kW 1000V 50A 13Z310 Options and Accessories HX in horizontal position with rotatable display Order-No. Interface AS 4 01Y001 Interface AS 6 01Y061 Profibus Interface 6.408 01Y101 Profibus Interface 7.408 01Y151 Connecting Cable for RS 232 (Profibus) 06Y005 HX-Display 01Y100 Arc-link 10Y100 Bias Voltage Control 10Y035 Cathode Clamp Diode 50Y001 HX-Swagelok-Water Couplings straight 04Y070 HX-Swagelok-Water Couplings angled 04Y080 HX-Connector Set X1/X2 straight 03Y400 HX-Connector Set X1/X2 angled 03Y410 Magnetic Valve 24V DC with Connector Cable (2 m) 04Y030 HX in horizontal position, rear view 27 Wassergekühlte DC-Stromversorgungen Water-cooled Power Supplies Technical Data HX 150 – HX 300 HX 150/400 HX 150/500 HX 150/600 HX 150/800 HX 150/1000 Nominal power 15kW 15kW 15kW 15kW 15kW Output voltage 400V 500V 600V 800V 1000V Output current 80A 60A 50A 30A 25A Control Current, voltage or power controlled External via A/D interface AS 4, AS 4 F, AS 6 or Profibus Modes of operation Set point 0...100% of nominal current, voltage or power Output accuracy +/- 1% of nominal value for current, voltage and power Arc suppression Quenching time: 6µs up to 3ms, automatically Delay time: 6µs up to 10ms, automatically Indications 3 ½ digit display for current, voltage and power (Option) Noise emission LpA < 70db (A) 3 x 400V, +/-10%, 50/60Hz, PE Mains connection (Option: 3 x 440V or 3 x 480V) Power consumption 16,5kVA 16,5kVA 16,5kVA 16,5kVA 16,5kVA Fusing 3 x 25A 3 x 25A 3 x 25A 3 x 25A 3 x 25A Water, > 3 l/min, 2 to 8 Bar, < 40° C Forced air, maximum ambient temperature 40° C Cooling Water connection SMC KQ2 10mm (Option: Swagelok B QC-6) Cooling capability of water 680W 680W 680W 680W 680W Cooling capability of air 80W 80W 80W 80W 80W Size Width: 218mm, Height: 222mm, Length: 645mm (without plug) Weight 35kg 35kg 35kg 35kg 35kg Mains cable 4 x 4mm² 4 x 4mm² 4 x 4mm² 4 x 4mm² 4 x 4mm² Output cable 3 x 25mm² 3 x 16mm² 3 x 10mm² 3 x 6mm² 3 x 4mm² Mains connection (X2) DC-connection (X1) 28 Harting Han k4/0 Harting Han 2 MOD Wassergekühlte DC-Stromversorgungen Water-cooled Power Supplies Technical Data HX 150 – HX 300 HX 200/500 HX 200/800 HX 200/1000 HX 250/800 HX 250/1000 Nominal power 20kW 20kW 20kW 25kW 25kW Output voltage 500V 800V 1000V 800V 1000V Output current 70A 40A 35A 50A 40A Control Current, voltage or power controlled Modes of operation External via A/D interface AS 4, AS 4 F, AS 6 or Profibus Set point 0...100% of nominal current, voltage or power Output accuracy +/- 1% of nominal value for current, voltage and power Arc suppression Quenching time: 6µs up to 3ms, automatically Delay time: 6µs up to 10ms, automatically Indications 3 ½ digit display for Current, voltage and power (Option) Noise emission LpA < 70db (A) 3 x 400V, +/-10%, 50/60Hz, PE Mains connection (Option: 3 x 440V or 3 x 480V) Power consumption 22kVA 22kVA 22kVA 28kVA 28kVA Fusing 3 x 35A 3 x 35A 3 x 35A 3 x 50A 3 x 50A Water, > 3 l/min, 2 to 8 Bar, < 40° C Forced air, maximum ambient temperature 40° C Cooling Water connection SMC KQ2 10mm (Option: Swagelok B QC-6) Cooling capability of water 950W 900W 900W 1100W 1100W Cooling capability of air 150W 100W 100W 110W 110W Size Weight Width: 218mm, Height: 222mm, Length: 645mm (without plug) 37kg 37kg 37kg 39kg 39kg Mains cable 4 x 6mm² 4 x 6mm² 4 x 6mm² 4 x 10mm² 4 x 10mm² Output cable 3 x 16mm² 3 x 10mm² 3 x 6mm² 3 x 10mm² 3 x 10mm² Mains connection (X2) DC-connection (X1) Harting Han k4/0 Harting Han 2 MOD 29 Wassergekühlte DC-Stromversorgungen Water-cooled Power Supplies Technical Data HX 150 – HX 300 HX HX 300/800 300/1000 Nominal power 30kW 30kW Output voltage 800V 1000V Output current 60A 50A Control Modes of operation Current, voltage or power controlled External via A/D interface AS 4, AS 4 F, AS 6 or Profibus Set point 0...100% of nominal current, voltage or power Output accuracy +/- 1% of nominal value for current, voltage and power Arc suppression Quenching time: 6µs up to 3ms, automatically Delay time: 6µs up to 10ms, automatically Indications 3 ½ digit display for Current, voltage and power (Option) Noise emission LpA < 70db (A) 3 x 400V, +/-10%, 50/60Hz, PE Mains connection (Option: 3 x 440V or 3 x 480V) Power consumption 33kVA 33kVA Fusing 3 x 63A 3 x 63A Water, > 3 l/min, 2 to 8 Bar, < 40° C Forced air, maximum ambient temperature 40° C Cooling Water connection SMC KQ2 10mm (Option: Swagelok B QC-6) Cooling capability of water 1300W 1300W Cooling capability of air 150W 150W Size Weight Width: 218mm, Height: 222mm, Length: 645mm (without plug) 41kg 41kg Mains cable 4 x 10mm² 4 x 10mm² Output cable 3 x 16mm² 3 x 10mm² Mains connection (X2) DC-connection (X1) 30 Harting Han k4/0 Harting Han 2 MOD Wassergekühlte DC-Stromversorgungen Water-cooled Power Supplies Manufacturing Line of ADL Power Supplies ... Final Assembly and Mechanical Department 31 DC Stromversorgungen für Ionenquellen Power Supplies for Ion Sources Stromversorgungen für Ionenquellen Für den Betrieb von Ionenquellen (Kaufmann und ECR) stehen verschiedene Spezialgeräte zur Verfügung, die auf Anfrage auch mit anderen Ausgangsspannungen oder Leistungen angeboten werden können. Alle Geräte sind wahlweise mit einer Analog-Schnittstelle oder mit Profibus ausgestattet. Power Supplies for Ion Sources For the Operation of ion sources (Kaufmann and ECR) special power supplies are available. On request the units can also be equipped with other output voltages or output power. All supplies have an analogue interface or profibus. Accelerator Beam Neutralizer Discharge Cathode 32 Customer Contact /Germany: Jürgen Würtenberger. Customer Consultant. E-Mail: [email protected] Tel. +49 (0) 6151 86072-40 DC Stromversorgungen für Ionenquellen Power Supplies for Ion Sources Variations Type DC-Output Order-No. GG 03 Accelerator 300W 1000V 300mA 09Z001 GG 03.1 Accelerator 30W 1000V 30mA 09Z002 GG 12 Beam 1,2kW 2000V 1,0A 09Z011 GG 12.1 Beam 200W 2000V 100mA 09Z012 GIP 10 Neutralizer 990W 25W 25W 33V 25V 25V 30A 1,0A 1,0A 09Z021 GIP 10.1 Neutralizer 990W 2,5W 33V 25V 30A 0,1A 09Z022 GDI 09 Discharge 900W 150V 6,0A 09Z031 1kW 35V 30A 09Z051 GC 10 Cathode Options and Accessories Order-No. Interface AS 4 01Y001 Profibus Interface 6.408 01Y101 Profibus Interface 7.408 01Y151 Cable for RS 232 (Profibus) 06Y005 33 DC Stromversorgungen für Ionenquellen Power Supplies for Ion Sources Technical Data GG 03, GG 03.1 Accelerator and GG 12, GG 12.1 Beam GG 03 GG 03.1 GG 12 GG 12.1 Nominal power 300W 30W 1,2kW 200W Output voltage Negative, max. 1000V Negative, max. 1000V Positive, max. 2000V Positive, max. 2000V Output current 300mA 30mA 1A 100mA Control Operation modes Voltage or current controlled Manual via front panel or external via A/D interface AS 4 or Profibus Setpoint 0...100 % of nominal voltage or current Indications 3 ½ digit displays for voltage and current Noise emission LpA < 70 db(A) 230V, +5/-10%, 50/60Hz, PE Mains connection Power consumption Cooling Dimensions Weight 34 500VA 100VA 1500VA Forced air, max. ambient temperature 40° C. ½ 19,5“ slide-in, 3 HU (132,5mm), 560mm deep. 11kg 250VA DC Stromversorgungen für Ionenquellen Power Supplies for Ion Sources Technical Data GIP 10 and GIP 10.1 Neutralizer Cathode GIP 10 Discharge Emission Nominal power 990W 25W 25W 990W 2,5W Output voltage 33V 25V 25V 33V 25V Output current 30A 1A 1A 30A 0,1A Control Modes of operation GIP 10.1 Cathode Emission Emission or filament current controlled Manual via frontpanel or external via A/D Interface AS 4 or Profibus Set point 0 ...100 % of nominal emission or filament current Indications 3 ½ digit displays for emission and filament current Noise emission LpA < 70db(A) Mains connection 230V, +5/-10%, 50/60Hz, PE , 1200VA Cooling Forced air, maximum ambiente temperature 40° C Seize ½ 19” slide-in, 3 HU (132,5 mm), 560 mm deep Weight 11kg Technical Data GDI 09 Discharge GDI 09 Discharge Nominal power 900W Output voltage 150V, floating up to 2kV Output current 6A Control Operation modes Setpoint Indications Noise emission Mains connection Cooling Dimensions Weight Voltage or current controlled. Manual via front panel or external via A/D interface AS 4 or Profibus 0...100 % of nominal voltage or current 3 ½ digit displays for voltage and current LpA < 70 db(A) 230V, +5/-10%, 50/60Hz, PE, 1200VA Forced air, max. ambient temperature 40° C ½ 19“ slide-in, 3 HU (132,5mm), 560mm deep 11kg 35 DC Stromversorgungen für Ionenquellen Power Supplies for Ion Sources Technical Data GC 10 Cathode GC 10 Cathode Nominal power 1kW Output voltage 35V, floating up to 2kV Output current 30A Control Operation modes Setpoint Indications Noise emission Mains connection Current, voltage or power controlled. Manual via front panel or external via A/D interface AS 4 or Profibus.. 0...100 % of nominal voltage or current. 3 ½ digit displays for voltage and current. LpA < 70 db(A) 230V, +5/-10%, 50/60Hz, PE 1200VA Cooling Forced air, max. ambient temperature 40° C. Dimensions ½ 19“ slide-in, 3 HU (132,5mm), 560mm deep Weight 36 11kg DC Stromversorgungen für Ionenquellen Power Supplies for Ion Sources Manufacturing Line of ADL Power Supplies ... Electronic Laboratory and Vacuum Coating Plant 37 Pulsgeneratoren Pulse Generators Unipolar Pulsgenerator RD 300 Der Pulsgenerator RD 300 arbeitet nach dem Resonanzschaltprinzip in Verbindung mit den meisten ADL-Stromversorgungen. Durch den extrem hohen Wirkungsgrad (99,5% bei 30kW) ist das Gerät sehr kompakt und erzeugt nur eine geringe Verlustleistung von maximal 150W. Bestehende Anlagen können einfach nachgerüstet werden, da der Generator parallel mit der DC-Stromversorgung direkt an die Kathode angeschlossen wird. Das Gerät arbeitet mit einer fest eingestellten Frequenz von 2kHz. Mit einem externen Signalgenerator kann die Frequenz jedoch in einem Bereich von 0,2 bis 3kHz variiert werden. Mehrere Generatoren können über Steuerleitungen für eine automatische Synchronisation verbunden werden. RD 300 rear view Unipolar Pulse Generator RD 300 ***Highlights The Pulse Generator RD 300 operates with a resonant switching circuit in combination with most of the ADL-Power Supplies. With an extraordinary efficiency (99.5 % at 30kW) the unit is very compact and the power dissipation is maximum 150W. Existing plants can easily be retrofitted, as the Pulse Generator RD 300 is directly connected in parallel with the DC-power supply to the cathode. The generator operates with a fixed frequency of 2kHz. Nevertheless, with an external signal generator this frequency can be varied between 0.2 to 3kHz. Several Pulse Generators RD 300 can be connected via control line for an automatic synchronization. * Output power 30kW 38 * Parallel operation up to 240kW * Automatic synchronization * Air cooling * High efficiency * Very compact design * Flange mounting Customer Contact /Germany: Jürgen Würtenberger. Customer Consultant. E-Mail: [email protected] Tel. +49 (0) 6151 86072-40 Pulsgeneratoren Pulse Generators Type DC-Output RD 300 2kHz 800V Order-No. 11Z003 30kW Options and Accessories Order-No. Master Oscillator OM5 50Y201 RDY Adapter 06Y110 The Master Oscillator OM5 synchronizes very precisely up to five Pulse Generators Technical Data Pulse Generator RD 300 Pulse Generator RD 300 Nominal voltage 800V (DC Output voltage of power supply) Nominal Power 30kW (DC Output of power supply) Pulse frequency 2kHz, fixed Pulse on time 480µS up to 490µS Pulse off time 10µS up to 20µS Principle of operation ZVS resonance converter Maximum cable length 5m meters (generator/cathode) Indications Auxiliary voltage Cooling Size Weight Compatible with the following power supplies: Status LEDs 24V DC +/- 10%, 0,06A Forced air, maximum ambient temperature 40° C 157mm width, 118mm height, 430mm length 8 kg Power supplies of the series GS and GSW with a maximum nominal power of 30kW 39 Pulsgeneratoren Pulse Generators Unipolar Pulsgeneratoren SD 150 – SD 300 Die Pulsgeneratoren erzeugen in Verbindung mit einer ADL DC-Stromversorgung unipolare Impulse. Die Geräte arbeiten mit einer fest eingestellten Frequenz von 20kHz. Mit einem externen Signalgenerator kann die Frequenz in einem Bereich von 1kHz bis 40kHz variiert werden. Die Generatoren besitzen eine automatische Arc-Unterdrückung. Die Parameter für Triplevel und Pausenzeiten werden automatisch an den jeweiligen Prozess angepasst. Die übliche Programmierung durch den Benutzer ist nicht erforderlich. Mehrere Generatoren können über Steuerleitungen für eine Synchronisation verbunden werden. Die Geräte schalten sich dabei automatisch auf externe Synchronisation. SD 150 rear view ***Highlights * Output power 15kW, 30kW * Parallel operation up to 240kW * Automatic Arc-handling * Air cooling * Very compact design * Floating output SD 150 open front view Unipolar Pulsgenerators SD 150 – SD 300 In combination with an ADL DC-power supply the pulse generators generate unipolar impulses. The pulse generators work with a fixed frequency of 20kHz. Thus, with an external signal generator this frequency can be varied in an area of 1kHz up to 40kHz. The pulse generators are equipped with an automatic arc suppression. The parameters for Triplevel and Pulse off time are automatically adjusted to the specific processes. Programming by the user is not necessary at all. For an automatic synchronization several generators can be connected via control cables. In this case the pulse generators automatically switch to external syncronization. 40 SD 300 rear view Customer Contact /Germany: Jürgen Würtenberger. Customer Consultant. E-Mail: [email protected] Tel. +49 (0) 6151 86072-40 Pulsgeneratoren Pulse Generators Variations Type DC-Output Order-No. SD 150 20kHz 800V 15kW 11Z015 SD 300 20kHz 800V 30kW 11Z035 Options and Accessories Order-No. 50Y301 Master Oscillator OM20 Technical Data SD 150 Pulse Generator SD 150 Input voltage Maximum 800V DC Nominal current 38A Nominal power 15kW (DC Output of power supply) Pulse frequency 20kHz, fixed Pulse on time 48µS Pulse off time 2µS Principle of operation Arc suppression Input cable Output cable Output inductivity Indications Auxiliary voltage Cooling Size Weight Compatible with the following power supplies: unipolar Automatic parameter setting 3 x 6mm² 3 x 6mm² (max. 5m) Max. 10µH (cable + cathode) Status LEDs 24V DC +/- 10%, 1A Forced air, maximum ambient temperature 40° C 167mm width, 127mm height, 474mm length 10 kg GS 60 to GS 150, GX 50 to GX 150 (except all versions over 800V or over 38A) 41 Pulsgeneratoren Pulse Generators Technical Data SD 300 Pulse Generator SD 300 Input voltage Maximum 800V DC Nominal current 70A Nominal power 30kW (DC Output of power supply) Pulse frequency 20kHz, fixed Pulse on time 48µS Pulse off time 2µS Principle of operation Arc suppression Input cable Output cable Maximum cable length Output inductivity Indications Auxiliary voltage Cooling Size Weight Compatible with the following power supplies: 42 unipolar Automatic parameter setting 3 x 16mm² 3 x 16mm² (max. 5m) 5m (between pulse generator and cathode) Max. 10µH (cable + cathode) Status LEDs 24V DC +/- 10%, 1,2A Forced air, maximum ambient temperature 40° C 218mm width, 130mm height, 645mm length 18 kg GSW 100 to GSW 300 HX 150 to HX 300 (except all versions over 800V or over 70A) Pulsgeneratoren Manufacturing Line of ADL Power Supplies ... Pulse Generators Testing Department 43 Mittelfrequenz und Bipolar Pulsgenerator Middle Frequency and Bipolar Pulse Generator Mittelfrequenzgenerator und Bipolar Pulsgenerator SB 300 Der Generator kann sowohl als Mittelfrequenzgenerator zur Erzeugung eines symmetrischen Wechselstromes, als auch als Bipolarpulser für asymmetrische Rechteckimpulse verwendet werden. Mit einer speziellen Leistungsquotientenreglung kann die Targetlebensdauer für Dual-Magnetrons exakt symmetriert werden. Es können auch zwei unterschiedliche Targetmaterialien mit asymmetrischen Pulsleistungen geregelt werden. Der Quotientenregler stellt die Pulszeiten über eine Pulsbreitenmodulation (PWM) automtisch ein. Das Gerät arbeitet mit einer fest eingestellten Frequenz von 20kHz. Der Generator verfügt über eine automatische Arc-Unterdrückung. Die Parameter für Triplevel und Pausenzeiten werden automatisch an den jeweiligen Prozess angepasst. Die übliche Programmierung durch den Benutzer ist nicht erforderlich! Mehrere Generatoren können über Steuerleitungen für eine Synchronisation verbunden werden. Die Geräte schalten dabei automatisch auf externe Synchronisation. SB 300 front view ***Highlights * Output power 30kW, AC * Parallel operation up to 240kW * Ratio power controller * Automatic Arc-handling * Automatic synchronization * Water cooling * Very compact desing * Floating output Middle Frequency Generator and Bipolar Pulse Generator SB 300 SB 300 rear view 44 Customer Contact /Germany: Jürgen Würtenberger. Customer Consultant. E-Mail: [email protected] Tel. +49 (0) 6151 86072-40 The Generator can be used as middle frequency generator in order to generate symmetric AC current as well as a bipolar pulse generator to generate asymmetrical square impulses. With a special ratio power controller the target life time for dual-magnetrons can be exactly symmetrized. Further, also two different target materials can be controlled with asymmetrical pulse power. The ratio power controller sets the pulse times via pulse width modulation (PWM) automatically. The generator works with a fixed frequecy of 20kHz. The generator has an automtic Arcsuppression. The parameter for Triplevel and time-off are automatically adjusted to the chosen process. Programming by the user is not necessary. For an automatic synchronization several generators can be connected via control cables. In this case the pulse generators automatically switch to external syncronization. Mittelfrequenz und Bipolar Pulsgenerator Middle Frequency and Bipolar Pulse Generator Type SB 300 AC-Output 20kHz 800V Order-No. 30kW Options and Accessories 11Z050 Order-No. SB-Swagelok-Water Couplings straight 04Y160 SB-Swagelok-Water Couplings angled 04Y170 SB-Connector Set X1/X2 straight 03Y280 SB-Connector Set X1/X2 angled 03Y290 SB 300 open rear view SB 300 open front view 45 Mittelfrequenz und Bipolar Pulsgenerator Middle Frequency and Bipolar Pulse Generator Technical Data SB 300 Middle Frequency and Bipolar Pulse Generator SB 300 Input voltage Maximum 800V DC Nominal power 30kW (DC output of power supply) Nominal current +/- 70A Pulse frequency 20kHz, fixed Principle of operation AC, bipolar Arc suppression Input cable Output cable Maximum cable length Output inductivity Indications Auxiliary voltage Automatic parameter setting 3 x 16mm² 3 x 16mm² (max. 5m) 5m (between pulse generator and cathode) Max. 10µH (cable + cathode) Status LEDs 24V DC +/- 10%, 1,5A Cooling Water, > 1,5 l/min, 2 to 8 Bar, < 40° C Forced air, maximum ambient temperature 40° C Water connection SMC KQ2 10mm (Option: Swagelok B QC-6) Size Weight Compatible with the following power supplies: 46 218mm width, 130mm height, 645mm length (without plug) 22kg GSW 100 to GSW 300 HX 150 to HX 300 (except all versions over 800V or over 70A) Mittelfrequenz und Bipolar Pulsgenerator Middle Frequency and Bipolar Pulse Generator The Shipping of ADL Power Supplies ... Shipping Department and Cooling Technique 47 Zubehör Accessories Schnittstellen Interfaces AS 4 Order-No. 01Y001 Analogschnittstelle (0-10V für Istwerte und Sollwert), Steuereingänge (24V/DC), Statusausgänge (Relais). AS 4 Analogue interface (0-10V for actual values and set value), control inputs (24V/DC), status outputs, (relay). AS 4 F Analogue interface, like AS 4, but with faster signal processing and special functions. AS 4 F Order-No. 01Y021 Analogschnittstelle wie AS4, aber mit schnellerer Signalverarbeitung und Sonderfunktionen. Weitere Schnittstellen auf Anfrage Other interfaces on request. AS 6* Order-No. 01Y061 Analogschnittstelle wie AS4, aber mit drei Sollwerteingängen für gleitende U-, I-, P-Regelung. AS 6* Analogue interface like AS 4, but with three set values, inputs for a gliding U-,I-,P-control. * not available for all power supplies. * nicht für alle Geräte geeignet. Profibus Order-No. 01Y151 Zur Anbindung an den Profibus DP. Profibus To connect to the Profibus DP. Interface Combiner Interface Combiner AM2 Order-No. 50Y211 Parallelbetrieb von zwei Stromversorgungen mit Analogschnittstelle AS4. AM2 Parallel operation of two power supplies with analogue interface AS 4. AM3 Order-No. 50Y231 Parallelbetrieb von drei Stromversorgungen mit Analogschnittstelle AS4. AM3 Parallel operation of three power supplies with analogue interface AS 4. Master Oscillator Master Oscillator OM5 Order-No. 50Y201 Synchronisation von 2 bis 5 Pulsgeneratoren vom Typ RD300. OM5 Synchronization of 2 up to 5 pulse generators, type RD 300. OM20 Order-No. 50Y301 Synchronisation von 2 bis 5 Pulsgeneratoren vom Typ SD150 oder SD300. OM20 Synchronization of 2 up to 5 pulse generators, types SD 150 or SD 300. 48 Zubehör Accessories Stecker / Plugs GS 50 - GS 150 (Netzeingang und DC-Ausgang) GS 50 - GS 150 (Mains input and DC-output) Order-No. 03Y020 Order-No. 03Y040 Order-No. 03Y220 Order-No. 03Y240 Order-No. 03Y120 Order-No. 03Y140 Order-No. 04Y020 Order-No. 04Y040 GX 50 - GX 150 (Netzeingang und DC-Ausgang) GX 50 - GX 150 (Mains input and DC-output) GSW 100 – GSW 300 und HX 150 – HX 300 (Netzeingang und DC-Ausgang) GSW 100 – GSW 300 und HX 150 – HX 300 (Mains input and DC-output) Kühlwasserkupplungen Water couplings Beidseitig schließende Schnellkupplungen jeweils für Vor- und Rücklauf Water couplings, closing at both ends, for reloading and return flow Magnetventil Zur Steuerung der Kühlwassertemperatur bei Geräten mit integrierter Magnetventilsteuerung. Order-No. 04Y030 Magnetic Valve For controlling the temperature of the cooling water for power supplies with integrated magnetic valve control. 49 Zubehör Accessories Remote Control RC4 Order-No. 06Y401 Manuelle Fernbedienung für alle DC-Stromversorgungen. Manual remote control for all DC-Power Supplies. Kathodenfreilaufdiode D300 Order-No. 50Y001 Vehindert das Umschwingen der Spannung während der ArcLöschung. Cathode Clamp Diode D300 Prevents the overshooting of the voltage during Arc-suppression. Kabel / Cable JZ-600-Y-CY Spezialkabel zur Verbindung der Stromversorgungen mit Kathoden oder anderen Lasten. Das Kabel ist für alle DC-Stromversorgungen und Pulsgeneratoren bis zu einer Ausgangsspannung von 1000V geeignet. Technical Data Special cable to connect the power supplies with the cathode or other loads. The cable can be used for all power supplies and pulse generators for an output voltage up to 1000V. Temperature range: -5º C bis +80º C Nominal voltage: 0,6/1kV Test voltage: Minimum bending radius: 4000V 10 x Outside diameter Aufbau / Cable structure Cu-Litze blank, feindrähtig PVC-Aderisolation Abschirmgeflecht aus verzinnten CU-Drähten PVC-Außenmantel Core cross-section mm² Outside diameter mm Weight kg/km Order-No. 2 x 1,5 10,4 162 E015-0019 2 x 2,5 11,8 272 E015-0224 Bare copper, fine wired Special PVC core insulation Braided screen of tinned Cu wires Special PVC outer sheath 2x4 14,2 306 E015-0194 2x6 15,9 420 E015-0193 2 x 10 18,3 845 E015-0217 2 x 16 22,8 1150 E015-0204 50 Yeu & Jerng Techn Inc. c/o: No. 96, Tahsiang Street Sanmin Li 32051 Chungli City Taiwan R.O.C. Sales and Service worldwide ADL (SenVac) Korea 408-2 Ho, Green Plaza 644-5 Whaseodong Paldalgu, Suwon City 442-150, Kyungki-do Korea robeko Rolf Schäfer Beschichtungskomponenten Ackerwiese 14 D-67728 Münchweiler Fergutec P.O. Box 639 5550 AP Valkenswaard The Netherlands High-Tech Manufacturing “Made in Germany” Imprint Realization ADL Analoge und Digitale Leistungselektronik GmbH Bunsenstraße 30 D 64293 Darmstadt Tel. +49 (0) 6151 860 720 Fax +49 (0) 6151 860 7271 Text: ADL E-Mail: [email protected] Executive Board: Michael Houben Entry in County Court: Amtsgericht Darmstadt, HRB 53147 Tax Specifics: Sales Tax Identification Number: DE 152372674 Tax Payer‘s Account Number: 007 228 03963 Customer Contact: Jürgen Würtenberger, Customer Consultant E-Mail: [email protected] Ingenieurbüro Wurczinger Engineering Alte Straße 31 D-61118 Bad Vilbel SenVac GmbH Anlagenbau und Komponenten Pfingstweide 20 D-61169 Friedberg MST Hofmann GmbH Sandstraße 5 D-63589 Linsengericht Graphic and print: CityDruck Kerkmann & Kother oHg www.citydruck.de Photos: Dirk Uebele / Fotodesigner www.uebele.net Fotos Cover: © yoshiyayo-Fotolia.com, ©scanrail-Fotolia.com, ©rulan-Fotolia.com, ©vrd-Fotolia.com Foto Page 50: © Helukabel Information in this catalogue is subject to changes. The process of continually improving our products range and developing new products leads to changes in content. For new designs or further information, please request. All rights reserved. The text, images, graphics, in the catalogue of ADL Analoge und Digitale Leistungselektronik GmbH are all subject to copyright and other intellectual property protection. These objects may not be copied for commercial use or distribution, nor may these objects be modified or reposted to other sites. Copyright © 2012 ADL Analoge und Digitale Leistungselektronik GmbH. All rights reserved. www.adl-gmbh.com ADL Analoge & Digitale Leistungselektronik GmbH Bunsenstraße 30 D 64293 Darmstadt / Germany Tel. +49 (0) 6151 86 072-0 Fax +49 (0) 6151 86 072-70 Customer Contact /Germany: Jürgen Würtenberger. Customer Consultant. E-Mail: [email protected] Tel. +49 (0) 6151 86072-40