Learning from Las Vegas 1 Learning from Las Vegas? INHALTSVERZEICHNIS AMERICAN HISTORY RAIL TRANSPORT NEW YORK CITY SHOPPING DOWNTOWN LAS VEGAS LAS VEGAS CITY DEVELOPMENT FROM GAMBLING TO GAMING LEARNING FROM LAS VEGAS LIVING IN LAS VEGAS LAS VEGAS WORKFORCE SUSTAINABILITY FERNSEHBILDER ON THE ROAD - LAS VEGAS TO ARCOSANTI ARCOSANTI LOS ANGELES CASE STUDY HOUSES R. M. SCHINDLER JOHN LAUTNER LOUIS I. KAHN FRANK GEHRY SCI - ARC MORPHOSIS NEIL M. DENARI SAN FRANCISCO IMPRESSUM 2 7 21 27 53 69 95 99 107 119 127 133 143 153 161 183 193 199 205 211 219 225 231 241 249 271 Learning from Las Vegas? ENTWURFSPROGRAMM DOWNTOWN LAS VEGAS EXKURSION NEW YORK CITY NY, LAS VEGAS NV, ARCOSANTI AZ, LOS ANGELES CA SAN FRANCISCO CA Die Exkursion und diese Publikation werden im Rahmen des Moduls 10 Urbanistik im Masterstudium der Architekturausbildung realisiert. In enger Kooperation mit Winston Von Engel in 1HZ<RUNXQG0RQD(O.KD¿ILQ6DQ Francisco sowie mit Unterstützung von Robert Dorgan in Las Vegas wurde das ([NXUVLRQVSURJUDPPXQGGLH$XIJDbenstellung konzipiert. (QWZXUI Der Planungsstandort in Las Vegas liegt im Bereich des alten Stadtzentrums. Dieser Stadtbereich hat gegenüEHUGHPÄ6WULS³DQ%HGHXWXQJYHUORUHQ XQGEHQ|WLJWQXQHLQHXPIDQJUHLFKH Intervention zur AttraktivitätssteigeUXQJ'DV(QWZXUIVSURMHNWZLUGVLFKDXI %DVLVHLQHVVWlGWHEDXOLFKHQ(QWZXUIVLQ HLQHP2EMHNWHQWZXUINRQNUHWLVLHUHQ 'LH([NXUVLRQXPIDVVWLP=HLWUDXPYRP 28. 3. bis 12. 4. 2008 die Destinationen: New York, Las Vegas, Arcosanti, Los Angeles und San Francisco. Der Kontakt zu Stadtplanungsverantwortlichen und wesentlichen Architekten unterstützt dabei die intensive Auseinandersetzung mit den besuchten Orten. Die vorbereitende Auseinandersetzung HUIROJWHGXUFKGLH=XVDPPHQVWHOOXQJ der vorliegenden Broschüre. Die Analyse des Standortes, die ,QIRUPDWLRQHQGXUFK6WDGWSODQXQJ XQG3URIHVVRUHQGHU8QLYHUVLW\RI/DV 9HJDVXQGGLHSHUV|QOLFKH(UIDKUXQJ vor Ort sollen während eines kurzen Workshops bereits zu ersten Konzepten IKUHQ Die berühmte Publikation „Learning IURP/DV9HJDV³5REHUW9HQWXULXD 1972) hat bei Ihrem Erscheinen eine neue Diskussion über Stadtbild und Stadtgestalt ausgelöst und gilt auch heute noch als wichtiger Beitrag zu den Themen Geschwindigkeit und Raumwahrnehmung. Die Thematik des (QWZXUIHVXPIDVVWGDKHUGLH$XVHLQDQdersetzung mit dieser Arbeit in ihrem zeitgeschichtlichen Kontext und die Umsetzung im Planungsgebiet unter den heute veränderten SchwerpunktVHW]XQJHQLQ+LQEOLFNDXI|NRORJLVFKH Nachhaltigkeit. 'LHVWlGWLVFKH=XNXQIWHLQHUVLFKLQ UDVFKHQ:DQGHOEH¿QGOLFKHQ0HWURSROH JLOWHVSRVLWLY]XEHHLQÀXVVHQ Markus Tomaselli & Michael Rieper 3 Learning from Las Vegas? 4 Learning from Las Vegas? 7KHSXUSRVHRIWKLVVWXG\WULSLVWR FUHDWHDGHVLJQIRUDQXQGHUXWLOL]HG VLWHDGMDFHQWWRUHYLYLQJ'RZQWRZQ/DV Vegas that will complement Downtown DQGEHVXVWDLQDEOH7KHIRXUFLWLHVWR be visited, New York, Las Vegas, Los Angeles and San Francisco, are each undergoing important changes in response to a new draw to urban centers and greater density. Urban centers with their density and population diversity, RIIHUDPRUHH[FLWLQJRSHQOLIHVW\OH DQGDQRSSRUWXQLW\IRUPRUHVXVWDLQDEOH living. For decades, Downtown Las Vegas KDVVXIIHUHGIURPWKHFRPSHWLWLRQRI the large casino hotels on the Strip to the north, much the same way the Main 6WUHHWVRIPDQ\VPDOOWRZQVDURXQG the US, and the world, have declined ZLWKWKHDGYHQWRIODUJHVKRSSLQJPDOOV on their outskirts. Las Vegas’s City government has responded to this decline by trying to reinvigorate the downtown DUHDE\WXUQLQJWKHIDEOHG)UHPRQW 6WUHHWHPEOHPRIWKHROG/DV9HJDV into a modern, covered pedestrian mall and with other streetscape and public improvements with modest success. $WWKHVDPHWLPHIRUFHVIURPWKHRXWside are again shaping downtown Las 9HJDV¶VIXWXUHEXWWKLVWLPHKRSHIXOO\ IRUWKHEHWWHUQHZODUJHFDVLQRKRWHOV are approaching the city’s boundary IURPWKHVRXWKDVUHPDLQLQJODUJH vacant sites are developed and highrise condominium towers - homes to ZHDOWK\UHWLUHHVDQGVHFRQGKRPHVIRU RXWRIWRZQHUVDUHVSURXWLQJXSRQ HLWKHUVLGHVRIWKH6WULS$QGEHWZHHQ downtown and this new development on the Strip, an old light industrial district is being revived as an arts district. Artists and the arts community, have SURYHQVXFFHVVIXOJHQHUDWRUVRIXUEDQ revival in other cities around the world, H[HPSOL¿HGE\1HZ<RUN¶V6RKR Brooklyn’s DUMBO and Williamsburg. :KLOHDUWPLJKWDSSHDUDW¿UVWJODQFHWR be incompatible with Las Vegas, a city EHWWHUNQRZQIRULWVH[FHVVVHHPLQJ ODFNRIWDVWHDQGDSSHDOWRWKHORZHVW GHQRPLQDWRULWLVDFWXDOO\DQDWXUDO¿WLW WDNHVFUHDWLYLW\IUHHGRPDQGFRQVWDQW LQYHQWLRQDIWHUDOOWRNHHS/DV9HJDV¶V casinos and hotels current and lively - exactly the purview and necessary EUHHGLQJJURXQGRIDUWLVWV:KLOHWKH art in Las Vegas may not be high-brow but it is aimed at the common man and thus, it could be argued, it is democraWLF$QGWKHUHIRUHWKHFRQFHSWRIDQDUWV GLVWULFWLVDSHUIHFW¿WZLWKWKLVFLW\ As the casinos, hotels and condominium towers are closing in on downtown and the arts district, new high-rise residential development is rising in WKHGRZQWRZQDUHD7KHUHVLGHQWVRI WKHVHQHZEXLOGLQJVUHÀHFWDQHZ IRXQGDSSUHFLDWLRQIRUXUEDQOLYLQJ DQGDOHVVSUHWHQWLRXVDQGµKLSSHU¶OLIH style. Furthermore, downtown living, ZLWKLWVKLJKHUGHQVLW\DQGPL[RIXVHV responds to a dawning yearning to live more sustainable. 7KHFKDOOHQJHRIWKLVWULSLVWRGHVLJQ a new community on the underutilized 8QLRQ3DFL¿FVLWHWKDWKDUQHVVHVWKHVH QHZIRXQGSRVLWLYHIRUFHVFRPSOHments Downtown and is sustainable. Let’s do it! Winston R. Von Engel 5 6 American History composed by: Margit Wurzer & Josef Redl 7 History 1.1 History of America 7KH¿UVWNQRZQLQKDELWDQWVRIWKHDUHD now known as the United States are believed to have arrived over a period RIVHYHUDOWKRXVDQG\HDUVEHJLQQLQJ approximately 20,000 years ago by crossing the Bering land bridge into Alaska. 7KH¿UVWVROLGHYLGHQFHRIWKHVHFXOtures settling in what would become the US begins as early as 15,000 years DJR5HODWLYHO\OLWWOHLVNQRZQRIWKHVH early settlers compared to the EuroSHDQVZKRFRORQL]HGWKHDUHDDIWHUWKH ¿UVWYR\DJHRIQDYLJDWRU&KULVWRSKHU &ROXPEXVLQIRU6SDLQ &ROXPEXV¶PHQZHUHDOVRWKH¿UVW documented Old Worlders to land in WKHWHUULWRU\RIWKH8QLWHG6WDWHVZKHQ they arrived in Puerto Rico during WKHLUVHFRQGYR\DJHLQ7KH¿UVW (XURSHDQNQRZQWRVHWIRRWLQWKHFRQtinental U.S. was Juan Ponce de León, who arrived in Florida in 1513, though there is some evidence suggesting that 8 he may have been preceded by John Cabot in 1497. QH[HGWKH5HSXEOLFRI7H[DVDQGWKH 5HSXEOLFRI+DZDLL ,QWKHWKFHQWXU\VHWWOHUVIURP(XURSH came to America and claimend land. 7KHVHSHRSOHPDLQO\FDPHIURP6SDLQ (QJODQG+ROODQGDQG)UDQFH7KH¿UVW FRORQ\ZDVDW-DPHVWRZQ0RUH and more settlers came and so more and more colonies arose on the North (DVWFRDVWRIWKH$WODQWLF Disputes between the agrarian South and industrial North over states’ rights DQGWKHH[SDQVLRQRIWKHLQVWLWXWLRQRI slavery provoked the American Civil :DURIWKHV7KH1RUWK¶VYLFWRU\ SUHYHQWHGDSHUPDQHQWVSOLWRIWKH FRXQWU\DQGOHGWRWKHHQGRIVODYHU\LQ the United States. Most land belonged to England and )UDQFH7KHVHWZRFRXQWULHVIRXJKWIRU FRQWURORI1RUWK$PHULFDLQWKH)UHQFK DQG,QGLDQZDU7KHUH WKH(QJOLVKIRXJKWDJDLQVW)UDQFHDQG the Indians. The English won the war DQGJRWFRQWURORI&DQDGDDQGDOO colonies. The Spanish-American War and World :DU,FRQ¿UPHGWKHQDWLRQ¶VVWDWXVDV a military power. In 1945, the United 6WDWHVHPHUJHGIURP:RUOG:DU,,DV WKH¿UVWFRXQWU\ZLWKQXFOHDUZHDSRQV DSHUPDQHQWPHPEHURIWKH8QLWHG1DWLRQV6HFXULW\&RXQFLODQGDIRXQGLQJ PHPEHURIWKH1$72 On July 4, 1776 they proclaimed their LQGHSHQGHQFHDVWKH8QLWHG6WDWHVRI America. 7KH8QLWHG6WDWHVHPHUJHGIURPWKH Cold War to become the only superpower in the post–Cold War era and a dominant economic, political, and cultural IRUFHLQWKHZRUOG In the nineteenth century, the United 6WDWHVDFTXLUHGODQGIURP)UDQFH Spain, Mexico, and Russia, and an- History Fig. 2 9 History 1.2 First settlement 7KH¿UVWVHWWOHPHQWLQWKH1HZ:RUOG was created by the Englishman Sir Walter Raleigh. It was on Raonoke Iseland in 1584 that Raleigh set up his camp, in a land that became known as Virginia, QDPHGDIWHU4XHHQ(OLVDEHWK,WKHÄYLUgin queen”. The teritory streched along PRVWRI$PHULFDµVHDVWFRDVW $VHFRQGJURXSRIFRORQLVWVIROORZHG 5DOHLJKV¿UVWWHDPEXWWKH\GLVDSpeared within a year. Raleigh searched IRUWKHÄORVWFRORQ\´EXWQHYHUIRXQGLW Jamestown settlement was established in1607 by Captain John Smith. %HIRUHWKHUHZHUHHDUOLHUDWWHPSWV DWVHWWOHPHQWEXWDOORIWKHPKDGIDLOHG Again conditions were very harsh. In WKH¿UVW\HDUVPRUHWKDQKDOIRIWKH VHWWOHUVGLHG$IWHUDIHZ\HDUVWDEDFFR ZDVJURZLQJVXFFHVVIXOO\/DWHURQ continental Europeans began to arrive. 7KLVZDVWKHEHJLQQLQJRI$PHULFD 10 In 1560 Spanish explorers reached Chesapeake Bay and made contact with Powhatan Indians. The Powhatan killed other Spaniards who arrived later, ending Spanish attempts at colonization. 1584 Walter Raleigh reaches Raonoke Island, establishing the English claim to what is now the U.S. East Coast. 1588 The English settlers known as the „lost colona” disappear. 1607 John Smith establishes JameVWRZQWKH¿UVWVXFFHVIXO(QJOLVKFRORQ\,WLVWKHFDSLWDORI9LUJLQLDXQWLO -RKQ5ROIHVWDUWVWKHWREDFFR economy. 7KH¿UVW$IULFDQVDUHEURXJKWWR Virginia. 7KHFLYLOZDULVIRXJKWPRVWRI it in Virginia. 9LUJLQLDEHFRPHVWKH¿UVW86 VWDWHWRDSRORJL]HIRUVODYHU\ Fig. 3 History 1.3 History of American people 7KHKLVWRU\RI$PHULFDQSHRSOHLV DVWRU\RILPPLJUDQWV0RUHWKHQ SHUFHQWRIDOOWKHSHRSOHLQKLVWRU\ZKR KDYHHYHUOHIWWKHLUKRPHODQGVWROLYH in another country have moved to the United States. No other country in the ZRUOGKDVWDNHQLQPRUHSHRSOHIURP other countries. %HWZHHQDQGWKHUDWHRI imigrants has been the highest then HYHU0RVWRIWKHPFDPHIURP(XURSH Among these immigrants were many Irish people. FDPHIURP*HUPDQ\7RGD\DERXWRQH LQWKUHHRIDOO$PHULFDQVKDV*HUPDQ ancestors. Until about 1880 most immiJUDQWVFDPHIURPWKHQRUWKRUZHVWRI Europe. By 1896 a big change took place. 0RUHSHRSOHIURPWKHVRXWKDQGHDVW RI(XURSHEHJDQWRDUULYH$WWKLVWLPH also many Jewish people came to the United States. Between 1880 and 1925 they were about two million Jews who entered the United States. Today they PDNHXSDERXWSHUFHQWRIWKHWRWDO population. EDVHVJUHZIDVWHUWKDQFLWLHVZLWKRXW SHRSOHPRYHGWRZDUPHUGULHU SODFHVDQGFLWLHVEXLOWDURXQGWKH XVHRIWKHDXWRPRELOHUHSODFHGFLWLHV that relied on public transportation. In WKHVDVLQWKHVPRUHORFDO government spending was associated with slower growth, unless that spending was on highways. We shouldn’t EHVXUSULVHGE\WKHODFNRIFKDQJHLQ SDWWHUQVRIXUEDQJURZWKDIWHUDOOWKH FRUUHODWLRQRIFLW\JURZWKUDWHDFURVV decades is generally over 70 percent. 1.4 History of cities %\RQHLQHYHU\IRXURIWKHSHRSOH OLYLQJLQWKHFLW\RI1HZ<RUNKDGEHHQ born in Ireland. Today more than thirteen million Americans have Irish ancestors. During the Civil War in the 1860s the IHGHUDOJRYHUQPHQWHQFRXUDJHGPRUH HPLJUDWLRQIRUP(XURSH7KH\RIIHUHG ODQGIRULPPLJUDQWVZKRVHUYHGDV soldiers in the Union armies. Many 5HDVRQVIRU&LWLHVµ*URZWK The 1990s were an unusually good GHFDGHIRUWKHODUJHVW$PHULFDQFLWLHV DQGLQSDUWLFXODUIRUWKHFLWLHVRIWKH 0LGZHVW+RZHYHUIXQGDPHQWDOO\XUEDQ growth in the 1990s looked extremely similar to urban growth during the prior SRVWZDUGHFDGHV7KHJURZWKRIFLWLHV was determined by three large trends: FLWLHVZLWKVWURQJKXPDQFDSLWDO Fig. 4 11 History NEW YORK CITY: New York city is the most popular city in the United States. For a long time it KDVEHHQWKHZRUOGVPDMRUFHQWHURI FRPPHUFHDQG¿QDQFH1HZ<RUN&LW\ LVNQRZQIRULWVJOREDOLQÀXHQFHVRQPHdia, politics, education, entertainment DQGIDVKLRQ$WWKHWLPHRILWV(XURSHan discovery in 1524 by Giovanni da Verrazzano, an Italian explorer in the VHUYLFHRIWKH)UHQFKFURZQWKHUHJLRQ was inhabited by about 5000 Lenape Native Americans. European settlement began with the IRXQGLQJRID'XWFKIXUWUDGLQJVHWWOHPHQWODWHUFDOOHG³1LHXZ$PVWHUGDP´ 1HZ$PVWHUGDPRQWKHVRXWKHUQWLS RI0DQKDWWDQLQ'XWFKFRORQLDO'Lrector-General Peter Minuit purchased WKHLVODQGRI0DQKDWWDQIURPWKH/HQDSHLQIRUDYDOXHRIJXLOGHUV In 1664, the English conquered the city and renamed it „New York”. By 1700, the Lenape population was diminished to 200. In the 19th century, the city ZDVWUDQVIRUPHGE\LPPLJUDWLRQDQG 12 development. A visionary development SURSRVDOWKH&RPPLVVLRQHUVµ3ODQRI 1811, expanded the city street grid to HQFRPSDVVDOORI0DQKDWWDQ%\ New York City had surpassed Philadelphia as the largest city in the United States. Slaves had been held in New York through 1827, but during the 1830s 1HZ<RUNEHFDPHDFHQWHURILQWHUUDFLDO abolitionist activism in the North. In the V1HZ<RUN&LW\ZDVDPDMRUGHVWLQDWLRQIRU$IULFDQ$PHULFDQVGXULQJ WKH*UHDW0LJUDWLRQIURPWKH$PHULFDQ South. By 1916, New York City was home to WKHODUJHVWXUEDQ$IULFDQGLDVSRUDLQ 1RUWK$PHULFD$IWHU:RUOG:DU,,WKHUH was a postwar economic boom. In the V1HZ<RUNVXIIHUHGIURPHFRQRmic problems, rising crime rates and racial tension, which reached a peak in the 1970s. In the 1980s, a resurJHQFHLQWKH¿QDQFLDOLQGXVWU\LPSURYHG WKHFLW\¶V¿VFDOKHDOWK%\WKHV racial tensions had calmed, crime rates GURSSHGGUDPDWLFDOO\DQGZDYHVRIQHZ LPPLJUDQWVDUULYHGIURP$VLDDQG/DWLQ America. LAS VEGAS: The Las Vegas valley was disovered in 1829 by a trade caravan. They named the area „Las Vegas” John C. Frémont traveled into the Las Vegas Valley on 0D\ZKLOHLWZDVVWLOOSDUWRI 0H[LFR+HZDVDOHDGHURIDJURXSRI VFLHQWLVWVVFRXWVDQGREVHUYHUVIRUWKH 8QLWHG6WDWHV$UP\&RUSVRI(QJLQHHUV 2Q0D\IROORZLQJDQQH[DWLRQ by the United States, Brigham Young assigned 30 Mormon missionaries led by William Bringhurst to the area to convert the Paiute Indian population. 'XULQJWKHVZDWHUIURPWKHZHOOV was piped into the town providing a reliDEOHVRXUFHRIIUHVKZDWHUDQGSURYLGLQJ WKHPHDQVIRUDGGLWLRQDOJURZWK7KHLQFUHDVHGDYDLODELOLW\RIZDWHULQWKHWRZQ area allowed Las Vegas to become a ZDWHUVWRS¿UVWIRUZDJRQWUDLQVDQG later railroads. History In the early 1900s it became a popular UDLOURDGWRZQ,WZDVDVWDJLQJSRLQWIRU all the mines in the surrounding area. The growth in tourism and the legalizaWLRQRIJDPEOLQJOHGWRWKHDGYHQWRIWKH casino-hotels, which now Las Vegas is IDPRXVIRU Fig. 5 13 History 1.4 Facts PLOHV7KH'LVWULFWRI&ROXPELDKRPHWR WKHQDWLRQ¶VFDSLWDORI:DVKLQJWRQ'& FRYHUVDQDUHDRIRQO\VTXDUHPLOHV 1.4.1 Area The country is situated mostly in central 1RUWK$PHULFDEHWZHHQWKH3DFL¿FDQG Atlantic Oceans, bordered by Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. It crosses 6 time zones, about 120 GHJUHHVRIORQJLWXGHDQGPRUHWKDQ GHJUHHVRIODWLWXGH7KH86KDVDWRWDO DUHDRIPRUHWKDQPLOOLRQVTXDUH PLOHVPLOOLRQNPðPDNLQJLWWKH WKLUGODUJHVWFRXQWU\LQWKHZRUOGDIWHU Russia and Canada. It is slightly larger WKDQ&KLQDDQGDERXWKDOIWKHVL]HRI Russia, but has the largest and most WHFKQLFDOO\SRZHUIXOHFRQRP\LQWKH ZRUOG7KH8QLWHG6WDWHVRI$PHULFDLV DIHGHUDOFRQVWLWXWLRQDOUHSXEOLFFRPSULVLQJ¿IW\VWDWHVDQGDIHGHUDOGLVWULFW as well as several territories and other associated areas that are not States EXWWKDWDUHXQGHU86MXULVGLFWLRQ7KH 6WDWHVYDU\LQVL]HIURP5KRGH,VODQG the smallest with 1,231 square miles, to Alaska, the largest with 616,240 square 14 1.4.2 Population 7KLUGLQWKHSRSXODWLRQUDQNLQJVEHKLQG China and India) is the United States with more than 280 million people. Those people are not evenly distributed across the country. For example, Alaska, the largest State in area, has RQHRIWKHVPDOOHVWSRSXODWLRQV,QFRQWUDVW1HZ-HUVH\LVRQHRIWKHVPDOOHVW States but it ranks nineth in population. $YHUDJHDQQXDOJURZWKRISRSXODWLRQ KDVEHHQIURPWR which is still higher than other highLQFRPHFRXQWULHV¶¿JXUHRI XVHGIRUJRYHUQPHQWEXVLQHVV(QJOLVK LVXVHGIRUOHJLVODWLRQDQGRWKHURI¿FLDO documents, and laws making it the RI¿FLDOODQJXDJHKDYHEHHQSDVVHGLQ PRUHWKDQKDOIWKH6WDWHV+RZHYHU PLOOLRQVRISHRSOHLQWKH8QLWHG6WDWHV speak languages other than English. (OHYHQSHUFHQWRIWKHSRSXODWLRQVSHDN Spanish or Spanish Creole at home, and the remaining population speaks a YDULHW\RIRWKHUODQJXDJHV 1.4.3 Languages While the United States does not have DQRI¿FLDOODQJXDJHSHUFHQWRIWKH population speak English at home and English is the language most commonly Fig. 7 History Fig. 8 15 History 1.4.4 Racial and Ethnic Diversity 7KH8QLWHG6WDWHVLVRQHRIWKHZRUOG¶V most ethnically diverse nations, the SURGXFWRIODUJHVFDOHLPPLJUDWLRQ IURPPDQ\FRXQWULHV7KHPDMRULW\RI Americans give their race as White, but many other races are represented in this diverse population. $VLJQL¿FDQWQXPEHURISHRSOHLQWKH United States describe themselves as +LVSDQLFRU/DWLQR$FFRUGLQJWRWKH2I¿FHRI0DQDJHPHQWDQG%XGJHW+LVSDQLFRU/DWLQRLVGH¿QHGDVÄDSHUVRQRI Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish FXOWXUHRURULJLQUHJDUGOHVVRIUDFH´ In data collection and presentation, Federal agencies are required to use a PLQLPXPRIWZRHWKQLFLWLHVÄ+LVSDQLFRU /DWLQR´DQGÄ1RW+LVSDQLFRU/DWLQR³ 16 Fig. 9 History 1.4.5 Religion computing, telecommunications, and WKHELRORJLFDOVFLHQFHVZHUHSURIRXQGO\ DIIHFWLQJKRZ$PHULFDQVZRUNDQGSOD\ The 1st Amendment begins: „Congress shall make no law respecting an estaEOLVKPHQWRIUHOLJLRQRUSURKLELWLQJWKH IUHHH[HUFLVHWKHUHRI´7KLVVXJJHVWV that the guarantee has two aspects: RQHGHDOLQJZLWKDQHVWDEOLVKPHQWRIUHOLJLRQWKHRWKHUZLWKWKHIUHHH[HUFLVHRI UHOLJLRQ7KLVTXRWDWLRQIRUELGVDOOODZV UHVSHFWLQJDQHVWDEOLVKPHQWRIUHOLJLRQ 7KHVHFRQGDVSHFWRIWKHFRQVWLWXWLRQDOJXDUDQWHHRIUHOLJLRXVIUHHGRP FRQFHUQVLWVIUHHH[HUFLVH7KHZRUG „exercise” implies action, conduct, or SUDFWLFHDQGEHFDXVHRYHUWEHKDYLRXU is involved, public regulation is more UHDGLO\MXVWL¿HG7KHEDVLFGRFWULQH ZDVODLGGRZQLQWKH¿UVWRIWKHFDVHV GHDOLQJZLWKWKH0RUPRQV¶SUDFWLFHRI SOXUDOPDUULDJHVÄ/DZVDUHPDGHIRU WKHJRYHUQPHQWRIDFWLRQDQGZKLOH WKH\FDQQRWLQWHUIHUHZLWKPHUHUHOLJLRXVEHOLHIDQGRSLQLRQVWKH\PD\ZLWK practices.” The United States remains a „market economy.” Americans continue to believe that an economy generally operates best when decisions about what to SURGXFHDQGZKDWSULFHVWRFKDUJHIRU goods are made through the give-andWDNHRIPLOOLRQVRILQGHSHQGHQWEX\HUV and sellers, not by government or by SRZHUIXOSULYDWHLQWHUHVWV Fig. 10 1.4.6 Economy The United States entered the 21st century with an economy that was bigger, and by many measures more successIXOWKDQHYHU7KRXJKWKH8QLWHG6WDWHV KHOGOHVVWKDQSHUFHQWRIWKHZRUOG¶V SRSXODWLRQLWDFFRXQWHGIRUPRUHWKDQ SHUFHQWRIWKHZRUOG¶VHFRQRPLF output. In the 1990s, the American economy recorded the longest uninterUXSWHGSHULRGRIH[SDQVLRQLQLWVKLVWRU\ $ZDYHRIWHFKQRORJLFDOLQQRYDWLRQVLQ %HVLGHVEHOLHYLQJWKDWIUHHPDUNHWVSURPRWHHFRQRPLFHI¿FLHQF\$PHULFDQV VHHWKHPDVDZD\RISURPRWLQJWKHLU political values as well - especially, their FRPPLWPHQWWRLQGLYLGXDOIUHHGRPDQG political pluralism and their opposition WRXQGXHFRQFHQWUDWLRQVRISRZHU 7KH$PHULFDQEHOLHILQÄIUHHHQWHUSULVH´ KDVQRWSUHFOXGHGDPDMRUUROHIRUJRvernment, however Americans at times have looked togovernment to break up or regulate companies that appeared to be developing so much power that 17 History WKH\FRXOGGHI\PDUNHWIRUFHV7KH\ have relied on government to address matters the private economy overlooks, IURPHGXFDWLRQWRSURWHFWLQJWKHHQYLronment. And despite their advocacy RIPDUNHWSULQFLSOHVWKH\KDYHXVHG government at times to nurture new industries, and at times even to protect $PHULFDQFRPSDQLHVIURPFRPSHWLWLRQ 1.4.7 The electoral process 7KH8QLWHG6WDWHVKDVDIHGHUDO JRYHUQPHQWZLWKHOHFWHGRI¿FLDOVDW IHGHUDOQDWLRQDOVWDWHDQGORFDOOHYHO $OOPHPEHUVRIWKHIHGHUDOOHJLVODWXUH Congress, are directly elected. There DUHPDQ\HOHFWHGRI¿FHVDWVWDWHOHYHO each state having at least an elective governor and legislature. Primaries GLUHFWSULPDULHVYRWHVIRUWKHFDQGLGDWHPRVWZLGHO\DFFHSWHGRIDOOQRPLnating schemes) who has to be selected E\WKHQDWLRQDOFRQYHQWLRQDIWHUZDUGV 18 LQGLUHFWSULPDULHVYRWHVIRUWKH delegates who are sent to the national convention FORVHGSULPDULHVYRWHUVPD\SDUWLFLSDWHRQO\LIWKH\DUHPHPEHUVRIWKH SDUW\YRWHUVPD\SDUWLFLSDWHRQO\IRU the party which they are registered or DI¿OLDWHGZLWK RSHQSULPDULHV\RXFDQYRWHLI\RX DUHUHVLGHQW\RXFDQGHFLGHLQZKLFK party’s primary you wish to vote without having to register) Presidential primaries SDUW\ERGLHVDWVWDWHDQGORFDOOHYHO FKRRVHGHOHJDWHVDQGRIWHQGLUHFWWKHP WRYRWHIRUDSDUWLFXODUFDQGLGDWHRU SUHVLGHQWLDOSULPDULHVHOHFWGHOHJDWHV PD\EHSOHGJHGWRDJLYHQFDQGLGDWH In some states, there is a combination RIWKHWZRPHWKRGVEXWWKHUHLVWHQGHQF\IRUSULPDULHVWREHDGRSWHGLQPRUH and more states. National convention procedure The temporary convention chairman delivers the „keynote address” and RXWOLQHVGHWDLOVRIWKHSDUW\SODWIRUP The Credentials Committee deterPLQHVWKHRI¿FLDOGHOHJDWHVIRUWKH¿QDO roll call. Convention committees are VHWXSWRGUDIWWKHSDUW\SURJUDPHWF 7KHQWKHYLFHSUHVLGHQWLDOFDQGLGDWHV DUHFKRVHQ2IWHQDJUHDWQXPEHURI ballots are needed. Some states using the presidential primary at one time XVHGWKHGHYLFHRIVHOHFWLQJGHOHJDWHV SOHGJHGWRDÄIDYRULWHVRQ´DSHUVRQ IURPWKHGHOHJDWHV¶KRPHVWDWH7KH YLFHSUHVLGHQWLDOFDQGLGDWHUXQQLQJ PDWHLVQRPLQDWHGDIWHUWKHSUHVLGHQWLDOFDQGLGDWHKDVEHHQQRPLQDWHGWKH SUHVLGHQWLDOFDQGLGDWHRIWHQGLFWDWHVWKH QRPLQDWLRQRIWKHYLFHSUHVLGHQWLDOFDQGLGDWHEHFDXVHKHQHHGVWKHVXSSRUWRI WKHPDMRULW\ History Fig. 11 19 History 6RFLDOO\FULWLFDO¿OPV SOURCES: Ä-DUKHDG³ ZZZMDUKHDGPRYLHFRP Bibliography Ä9RQ/|ZHQXQG/lPPHUQ³ www.vonloewenundlaemmern.de Ä5RDGWRTXDQWDQDPR³ www.roadtoguantanamomovie.com Ä6XSHUVL]HPH³ www.super-size-me.de Ä6LFR³ www.sicko.senator.de Ä)DKUHQKHLW¶³ ZZZIDKUHQKHLWFRP Ä$PHULFDQ+LVWRU\;³ www.newline.com/properties/americanhistoryx.html Ä'HDGPDQZDONLQJ³ 20 Löckinger, Georg: Landeskunde USA 1, Politisches System, Wien, 2001 %DHGHNHU86$9HUODJ.DUO%DHGHNHU2VW¿OGHU Tatti MacCracen: Spotlight 04/2007, Spotlight VerlagGmbH www.nationalatlas.gov last access_27.02.08 www.census.gov last access_27.02.08 www.usa.usembassy.de last access_28.02.08 ZZZHQJOLVFKKLOIHQGHODVWDFFHVVB www.patriot-resource.com last access_28.02.08 www.wikipedia.org last access_25.02.08 OLVWRI¿JXUHV coverpicture - www.bcm-news.de last access_26.02.08 Fig. 2 - http://upload.wikimedia.org/ last access_26.02.08 Fig. 3 - http://www.chrhuck.ch last access_02.03.08 Fig. 4 - http://homepage.hispeed.ch last access_02.03.08 )LJZZZOHJHQGVRIDPHULFDFRPODVWDFFHVVB Fig. 6 - http://www.vegas-gallery.de last access_02.03.08 Fig. 7 - U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 )LJ86&HQVXV%XUHDX6WDWLVWLFDO$EVWUDFWRIWKH United States, 2000 Fig. 9 - U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 )LJ%DHGHNHU86$9HUODJ.DUO%DHGHNHU2VW¿OGHU 2007, S 18 Fig. 11 - www.whitehouse.gov last access_28.02.08 Rail transport zusammengestellt von: Robert Redl 21 Rail Transport Transportation in the United States Passenger transportation is dominated E\DQHWZRUNRIRYHUPLOOLRQNLORPHWHUVRISDYHGURDGVDOPRVWHQWLUHO\ constructed and maintained by state and local governments) which is pervasive and highly developed by global VWDQGDUGVRISDVVHQJHUWULSVLQ the U.S. are by personal automobile. >FLWDWLRQQHHGHG@%\FRQWUDVWIUHLJKW LVKDQGOHGE\DYDULHW\RIQHWZRUNV including truck, rail, air, ship, and pipeOLQH7KHODUJHVWFDUULHUVRIIUHLJKWE\ ZHLJKWDUHWUXFNVIROORZHGE\ SLSHOLQHVUDLOVKLS DQGDLU2WKHUPRGHVRIWUDQVporation such as parcel and intermodal DFFRXQWHGIRUDERXWRIWKHUHPDLQder. red to 38.8% in Europe. Bicycle usage is minimal, well below European levels. $FFRUGLQJWRWKH86'HSDUWPHQWRI 7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ'27Ä7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ¶V vital importance to the U.S. economy is XQGHUVFRUHGE\WKHIDFWWKDWPRUHWKDQ RXWRIHYHU\SURGXFHGLQWKH U.S. gross domestic product is related to transportation activity. This includes DOODVSHFWVRIWUDQVSRUWDWLRQLQFOXGLQJWKHPRYHPHQWRIJRRGVDQGWKH SXUFKDVHRIDOOWUDQVSRUWDWLRQUHODWHG products and services as well as the PRYHPHQWRISHRSOH³(PSOR\PHQWLQ the transportation and material moYLQJLQGXVWU\DFFRXQWHGIRURIDOO employment, and was the 5th largest employment group in the United States. Railtransport in the United States $VRIWKHUHZHUHDXWRPRbiles per 1,000 Americans, compared WRSHULQKDELWDQWVRIWKH (XURSHDQ8QLRQWKHIROORZLQJ\HDU7KH U.S. intercity passenger rail system is UHODWLYHO\ZHDN2QO\RIWRWDO86 work trips employ mass transit, compa- 22 Today, most rail transport in the United 6WDWHVLVEDVHGLQIUHLJKWWUDLQVKLSments. Changing U.S. economic needs DQGWKHULVHRIDXWRPRELOHEXVDQGDLU transport led to repeated convulsions in the U.S. passenger-rail industry. Today, the sole intercity passenger railroad in the continental United States is Amtrak. Commuter rail systems exist in more WKDQDGR]HQPHWURSROLWDQDUHDVFRPmuter systems have been proposed in approximately two dozen other cities), but are not extensively interconnected. The most notable exception to this general rule is New York City, with its extensive subway system, the Long Island Rail Road, and the Metro-North rail extending into Connecticut with links through New Jersey Transit, and the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transit $XWKRULW\WRSRLQWVDVIDUVRXWKDV Wilmington, Delaware. About two-thirds RIDOO86SDVVHQJHUUDLOULGHUVDQG one in every three U.S. mass transit users, rides trains in the New York metropolitan area. For more on that phenomenon, see Transportation in New York City. Chicago has a similar but smaller Metra system. U.S. railroads carried 427 billiRQWRQPLOHVRIFDUJRDQQXDOO\LQ This increased to 750 billion ton-miles Rail Transport by 1975 and reached 1.7 doubled to 1.5 trillion ton-miles in 2005. In the 1950s, the U.S. and Europe moved roughly WKHVDPHSHUFHQWDJHRIIUHLJKWE\UDLO EXWE\WKHVKDUHRI86UDLO IUHLJKWZDVZKLOHLQ(XURSHRQO\ RIIUHLJKWWUDYHOHGE\UDLO,Q while U.S. trains moved 2,165 billion WRQNLORPHWHUVRIIUHLJKWWKHQDWLRQ European Union moved only 238 billion WRQNLORPHWHUVRIIUHLJKW in the United States that meet the criteULDIRU&ODVV,$OWKRXJK$PWUDNTXDOL¿HVIRU&ODVV,VWDWXVXQGHUWKHUHYHQXH criteria, it is generally not considered a Class I railroad because it is not a IUHLJKWUDLOURDG$VRI86IUHLJKW railroads operated 140,490 route-miles NPRIVWDQGDUGJDXJHLQWKH United States. (Fig. 1) Passenger Transport Railroad companies in the United States are generally separated into three categories based on their annual UHYHQXHV&ODVV,IRUIUHLJKWUDLOURDGV with annual operating revenues above PLOOLRQGROODUV&ODVV,, IRUIUHLJKWUDLOURDGVZLWKUHYHQXHVEHWween $27.8 million and $346.7 million in GROODUVDQG&ODVV,,,IRUDOORWKHU IUHLJKWUDLOURDGV7KHVHFODVVL¿FDWLRQV DUHVHWE\WKH6XUIDFH7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ Board. In 1939 there were 132 Class I UDLOURDGV7RGD\DVWKHUHVXOWRIPHUJHUVEDQNUXSWFLHVDQGPDMRUFKDQJHV LQWKHUHJXODWRU\GH¿QLWLRQRIÄ&ODVV,³ there are only seven railroads operating 3DVVHQJHUWUDLQVZHUHIRUPHUO\DGRPLQDQWPRGHRIWUDQVSRUWDWLRQXSXQWLOWKH mid-twentieth century. The introduction RIMHWDLUSODQHVRQPDMRU86URXWHV DQGWKHFRPSOHWLRQRIWKH,QWHUVWDWH Highway system accelerated a decline in intercity rail passenger demand during the 1960s, resulting in the sharp FXUWDLOPHQWRISDVVHQJHUVHUYLFHE\SULvate railroads. This led to the creation RI$PWUDNE\WKH)HGHUDO*RYHUQPHQW in 1971 to maintain limited intercity rail SDVVHQJHUVHUYLFHLQPRVWSDUWVRIWKH FRXQWU\$PWUDNVHUYHVPRVWPDMRUFLWLHVEXWHVSHFLDOO\LQSDUWVRIWKHZHVW RIWHQE\RQO\RQHRUWZRWUDLQVSHUGD\ ,WGRHVQRWKRZHYHUVHQGDQ\WUDLQVWR Las Vegas, Nevada or Phoenix, ArizoQD0RUHIUHTXHQWVHUYLFHLVDYDLODEOH LQUHJLRQDOFRUULGRUVEHWZHHQPDMRU cities, particularly the Northeast Corridor between Washington, D.C., New York City and Boston, between New York City and Albany, around Chicago, DQGLQSDUWVRI&DOLIRUQLDDQGWKH3DFL¿F Northwest. $ERXWRQHLQHYHU\WKUHHXVHUVRIPDVV transit in the United States and twoWKLUGVRIWKHQDWLRQµVUDLOULGHUVOLYHLQ New York.The US makes extensive use RILWVUDLOV\VWHPIRUIUHLJKWDFFRUGLQJWR WKH$PHULFDQ$VVRFLDWLRQRI5DLOURDGV Ä86IUHLJKWUDLOURDGVDUHWKHZRUOGµV EXVLHVWPRYLQJPRUHIUHLJKWWKDQDQ\ rail system in any other country. In IDFW86UDLOURDGVPRYHPRUHWKDQ IRXUWLPHVDVPXFKIUHLJKWDVGRDOO RI:HVWHUQ(XURSHµVIUHLJKWUDLOURDGV FRPELQHG³1HDUO\DOOUDLOURDGFRUULGRUV YQRWLQFOXGLQJORFDOWUDQVLWUDLOV\VWHPV are owned by private companies, which SURYLGHIUHLJKWVHUYLFH$PWUDNSD\V WKHVHFRPSDQLHVIRUWKHULJKWVWRXVH 23 Rail Transport WKHWUDFNVIRUSDVVHQJHUVHUYLFH7KHUH DUHDSSUR[LPDWHO\NP PLRIPDLQOLQHUDLOURXWHVLQWKH8QLWHG States - the world‘s longest national railURDGQHWZRUNDOWKRXJKQRWLWVGHQVHVW a position belonging to Central European countries). Chicago and North Western, Western 3DFL¿F0LVVRXUL.DQVDV7H[DVDQG WKH5LR*UDQGHLQFOXGLQJWKH6RXWKHUQ 3DFL¿F&XUUHQWO\8QLRQ3DFL¿FRZQV RI)HUURPH[ZKLOH*UXSR0H[LFR owns the remaining 74%. 83µVFKLHIUDLOURDGFRPSHWLWRULVWKH %16)5DLOZD\ZKLFKFRYHUVPXFKRI the same territory. 8QLRQ3DFL¿F5DLOURDG 7KH8QLRQ3DFL¿F5DLOURDG$$5UHSRUWLQJPDUNV8383<1<6(813 headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska, is the largest railroad network in the United States. James R. Young is president, CEO and Chairman.UP‘s route PDSFRYHUVPRVWRIWKHFHQWUDODQG ZHVWHUQ8QLWHG6WDWHVZHVWRI&KLFDJRDQG1HZ2UOHDQV$VRI83 RSHUDWHVRQPLOHVNPRI WUDFNRIZKLFKLWRZQVRXWULJKW PLOHVNPERWKQXPEHUVUHSUHVHQWLQJWKHKLJKHVWDPRXQWRIDQ\UDLOroad currently operating in the United States. It has achieved this size thanks WRSXUFKDVLQJDODUJHQXPEHURIRWKHU UDLOURDGVQRWDEO\WKH0LVVRXUL3DFL¿F 24 absorbed local lines that gave it access to Denver and to Portland, Oregon, DQGWKH3DFL¿F1RUWKZHVW,WDFTXLUHG WKH.DQVDV3DFL¿FRULJLQDOO\FDOOHGWKH 8QLRQ3DFL¿F(DVWHUQ'LYLVLRQWKRXJK in essence a separate railroad). It also owned narrow gauge trackage into the KHDUWRIWKH&RORUDGR5RFNLHVDQGD VWDQGDUGJDXJHOLQHVRXWKIURP'HQYHU across New Mexico into Texas. +LVWRU\RIWKH8QLRQ3DFL¿F Early 1900s 7KH8QLRQ3DFL¿F5DLOURDGZDVLQFRUSRUDWHGRQ-XO\LQWKHZDNHRI WKH3DFL¿F5DLOURDG$FWRI8QGHU WKHJXLGDQFHRILWVGRPLQDQWVWRFNKROGHU7KRPDV&'XUDQWWKH¿UVWUDLOV were laid in Omaha, Nebraska. They ZHUHSDUWRIWKHUDLOURDGVWKDWFDPH together at Promontory Summit, Utah, LQDVWKH¿UVWWUDQVFRQWLQHQWDOUDLOroad in North America. Subsequently, UP took over the Utah Central extenGLQJVRXWKIURP2JGHQ8WDKWKURXJK Salt Lake City, and the Utah & NortKHUQH[WHQGLQJIURP2JGHQWKURXJK Idaho into Montana, and it built or 7KHFRPSOHWLRQRIWKHPDLQUDLOZD\ OLQNLQJ6RXWKHUQ&DOLIRUQLDZLWK6DOW Lake City, establishes Las Vegas as a UDLOURDGWRZQ7KHDYDLODELOLW\RIZDWHU PDNHV/DV9HJDVDQLGHDOUHIXHOLQJ point and rest stop. (Fig. 2 & 3) Sources: wikipedia.org www.lasvegasnevada.gov Fig 1: www.radicalcartography.net/ Fig 2&3: www.wikipedia.org Rail Transport Fig. 2 Fig. 1 Fig. 3 25 26 New York City zusammengestellt von: Thomas Lebinger, Rita Nowak & Martha Wiesbauer 27 New York City FACTS Population: 8,2 million SHUWKDWVDZ1HZ<RUNEXLOGLQJVVKLIW IURPWKHORZVFDOH(XURSHDQWUDGLWLRQWR WKHYHUWLFDOULVHRIEXVLQHVVGLVWULFWV Area: 1<&VTXDUHPLOHVNPð 9,(VTXDUHPLOHVNPð New York City has about 4493 skyscrapers, more than any other city in the world. New York has architecturally VLJQL¿FDQWEXLOGLQJVLQDZLGHUDQJHRI styles. These include the Woolworth %XLOGLQJDQHDUO\JRWKLFUHYLYDO skyscraper built with massively scaled JRWKLFGHWDLOLQJDEOHWREHUHDGIURP VWUHHWOHYHOVHYHUDOKXQGUHGIHHWEHORZ Density: 1<&VTPLOHVNPð 9,(VTPLOHVNPð New York City is the most densely SRSXODWHGPDMRUFLW\LQWKH8QLWHG States. For more than a century, it has EHHQRQHRIWKHZRUOGµVPDMRUFHQWHUV RIFRPPHUFHDQG¿QDQFH7KHFLW\LV DOVRDPDMRUFHQWHUIRUIRUHLJQDIIDLUV KRVWLQJWKHKHDGTXDUWHUVRIWKH8QLWHG Nations. 1HZ<RUNLVWKHELUWKSODFHRIPDQ\ American cultural movements. In 2005, nearly 170 languages were spoken in WKHFLW\DQGRILWVSRSXODWLRQZDV born outside the United States. 7KHEXLOGLQJIRUPPRVWFORVHO\DVVRFLated with New York City is the skyscra- 28 The 1916 Zoning Resolution required setback in new buildings, and restricted WRZHUVWRDSHUFHQWDJHRIWKHORWVL]H to allow sunlight to reach the streets EHORZ7KH$UW'HFRGHVLJQRIWKH &KU\VOHU%XLOGLQJZLWKLWVWDSHUHGWRSDQGVWHHOVSLUHUHÀHFWHGWKH ]RQLQJUHTXLUHPHQWV$KLJKO\LQÀXHQWLDO H[DPSOHRIWKHLQWHUQDWLRQDOVW\OHLQWKH United States is the Seagram Building GLVWLQFWLYHIRULWVIDFDGHXVLQJ visible bronze-toned I-beams to evoke the building‘s structure. 7KHFKDUDFWHURI1HZ<RUNµVODUJH UHVLGHQWLDOGLVWULFWVLVRIWHQGH¿QHGE\ the elegant brownstone rowhouses, townhouses, and shabby tenements WKDWZHUHEXLOWGXULQJDSHULRGRIUDSLG H[SDQVLRQIURPWR Stone and brick became the city‘s EXLOGLQJPDWHULDOVRIFKRLFHDIWHUWKH FRQVWUXFWLRQRIZRRGIUDPHKRXVHVZDV OLPLWHGLQWKHDIWHUPDWKRIWKH*UHDW)LUH RI$GLVWLQFWLYHIHDWXUHRIPDQ\ RIWKHFLW\µVEXLOGLQJVLVWKHSUHVHQFHRI ZRRGHQURRIPRXQWHGZDWHUWRZHUV In the 1800s, the city required their installation on buildings higher than six VWRULHVWRSUHYHQWWKHQHHGIRUH[FHVsively high water pressures at lower elevations, which could burst municipal water pipes. Garden apartments became popular during the 1920s in outlying areas, LQFOXGLQJ-DFNVRQ+HLJKWVLQ4XHHQV which became more accessible with H[SDQVLRQRIWKHVXEZD\ New York City Geography NYC is located in the Northeastern United States, in southeastern New York 6WDWHDSSUR[LPDWHO\KDOIZD\EHWZHHQ Washington D.C. and Boston. The locaWLRQDWWKHPRXWKRIWKH+XGVRQ5LYHU ZKLFKIHHGVLQWRDQDWXUDOO\VKHOWHUHG harbor and then into the Atlantic Ocean, KDVKHOSHGWKHFLW\JURZLQVLJQL¿FDQFH DVDWUDGLQJFLW\0XFKRI1HZ<RUNLV EXLOWRQWKHWKUHHLVODQGVRI0DQKDWWDQ Staten Island, and Long Island. The +XGVRQVHSDUDWHVWKHFLW\IURP1HZ -HUVH\7KH(DVW5LYHUÀRZVIURP/RQJ Island Sound and separates the Bronx DQG0DQKDWWDQIURP/RQJ,VODQG The city‘s land has been altered considerably by human intervention, with substantial land reclamation along the ZDWHUIURQWVVLQFH'XWFKFRORQLDOWLPHV Reclamation is most notable in Lower 0DQKDWWDQ6RPHRIWKHQDWXUDOYDULDtions in topography have been evened out, particularly in Manhattan. Fig. 1 29 New York City History GLVFRYHU\RI1HZ<RUNE\ Giovanni da Verrazzano 1609 Henry Hudson explores the Hudson River )LUVWVHWWOHUVFRPHIURPWKH Netherlands 1624-1625 Dutch settle, incorporate 1658 Niew Haarlem settled 1664 The English conquered the city DQGUHQDPHGLWÄ1HZ<RUN³DIWHU WKH(QJOLVK'XNHRI<RUN 1735 Zenger trial &ROXPELD8QLYHUVLW\ZDVIRXQGHG 1756 First ST. Patrick’s day 1776-1783 British occupation 1789 George Washington inauguration 6WRFNH[FKDQJHIRXQGHG 1811 Commissioners Grid plan 2SHQLQJRIWKH(ULH&DQDO 1835 Great Fire 'UDIWVULRWV 1873 Central Park was completed 1883 Brooklyn Bridge 8QL¿FDWLRQRIWKHERURXJKV 2SHQLQJRIWKH1<&6XEZD\ By 1916, Home to the largest urban 30 $IULFDQGLDVSRUDLQ1$PHULFD 1929 Stock market crash In the 1980s, a resurgence in the ¿QDQFLDOLQGXVWU\LPSURYHGWKH FLW\µV¿VFDOKHDOWK By the 1990s, racial tensions had calmed, crime rates dropped GUDPDWLFDOO\DQGZDYHVRIQHZ LPPLJUDQWVDUULYHGIURP$VLD and Latin America 2001 Attack on the WTC 7KH)UHHGRP7RZHUVFKHGXOHGIRU completion (Fig. 2 - Castello plan) Boroughs :LNLSHGLD New York CityLVFRPSULVHGRI¿YH ERURXJKV,IWKHERURXJKVZHUHHDFK LQGHSHQGHQWFLWLHVIRXURIWKHERURXJKV %URRNO\Q4XHHQV0DQKDWWDQDQGWKH Bronx) would be among the ten most populous cities in the United States. The Bronx (4) SRSLV NYC‘s northernmost borough. Except IRUDVPDOOSLHFHRI0DQKDWWDQNQRZQ as Marble Hill, the Bronx is the only VHFWLRQRIWKHFLW\WKDWLVSDUWRIWKH United States mainland. It is home to the Bronx Zoo, the largest metropolitan zoo in the United States and the Yankee Stadium. Brooklyn (2) SRSLVWKH city‘s most populous borough and was an independent city until 1898. Brooklyn LVNQRZQIRULWVFXOWXUDOVRFLDODQGHWKnic diversity, an independent art scene, distinct neighborhoods and a unique architectural heritage. It is also the only ERURXJKRXWVLGHRI0DQKDWWDQZLWKD distinct downtown area. The borough IHDWXUHVDORQJEHDFKIURQWDQG&RQH\ Island, established in the 1870s as one RIWKHHDUOLHVWDPXVHPHQWJURXQGVLQ the country. Manhattan (1) SRSLVWKH most densely populated borough and KRPHWRPRVWRIWKHFLW\µVVN\VFUDSHUV as well as Central Park. The borough LVWKH¿QDQFLDOFHQWHURIWKHFLW\DQG FRQWDLQVWKHKHDGTXDUWHUVRIPDQ\ PDMRUFRUSRUDWLRQVWKH8QLWHG1DWLRQV DVZHOODVDQXPEHURILPSRUWDQWXQLYHU- New York City sities, and many cultural attractions, including numerous museums, the Broadway theatre district, Greenwich Village, and Madison Square Garden. Manhattan is loosely divided into Lower, Midtown, and Uptown regions. Uptown Manhattan is divided by Central Park into the Upper East Side and the Upper West Side, and above the park is Harlem. Queens (3) SRSLVJHRgraphically the largest borough and the most ethnically diverse county in the United States, and may overtake Brooklyn as the city‘s most populous borough due to its growth. Historically a collecWLRQRIVPDOOWRZQVDQGYLOODJHVIRXQded by the Dutch, today the borough is largely residential and middle class. 4XHHQVLVWKHVLWHRI6KHD6WDGLXP WKHKRPHRIWKH1<0HWVDQGDQQXDOO\ hosts the U.S. Open tennis tournament. Additionally, it is home to NYC‘s two PDMRUDLUSRUWV/D*XDUGLD$LUSRUWDQG John F. Kennedy International Airport. Staten Island (5) SRSLVWKH PRVWVXEXUEDQLQFKDUDFWHURIWKH¿YH boroughs. Staten Island is connected to Brooklyn by the Verrazano-Narrows %ULGJHDQGWR0DQKDWWDQYLDWKHIUHH Staten Island Ferry. The Staten Island )HUU\LVRQHRIWKHPRVWSRSXODUWRXULVW attractions in New York Y City as it proviGHVXQVXUSDVVHGYLHZVRIWKH6WDWXHRI Liberty, Ellis Island, and lower Manhattan. Located in central Staten Island, WKHNPð*UHHQEHOWKDVVRPHNP RIZDONLQJWUDLOVDQGRQHRIWKHODVWXQGLVWXUEHGIRUHVWVLQWKHFLW\'HVLJQDWHG in 1984 to protect the island‘s natural lands, the Greenbelt encompasses seven city parks. The F.D.R. Boardwalk DORQJ6RXWK%HDFKLVWZRDQGRQHKDOI PLOHVORQJZKLFKLVWKHIRXUWKODUJHVWLQ the world. Fig. 2 Fig. 3 31 New York City SHOPPING Prada Flagship Store (Fig. 6+7) Macy‘s (Fig. 4+5) $UFKLWHFWLQWHULRUGHVLJQ Rem Koolhaas Address: 151 W. 34th St. New York, NY 10001 <HDURIFRQVWUXFWLRQ Address: %URDGZD\DW3ULQFH6W6R+R New York City, NY 10022 USA Store hours: MON-SAT 10-9:30PM, SUN 11-8PM <HDURIFRQVWUXFWLRQ UHQRYDWLRQDIWHU¿UH As the world‘s largest department store and a registered New York City landmark, Macy‘s is more a shopping empire than mere retailer. The Store is nine stories high with 33 elevaters DQGHVFDODWRUVWKH¿UVWDPHULFDQVWRUH to use them. To this day the original ZRGGHQHVFDODWRUVFDQEHIRXQG7KH PHUFKDQGLVHIURPEHDXW\SURGXFWV DQGPHQµVIDVKLRQWRGLQQHUZDUHDQG GHVLJQHUVOLSGUHVVHV¿OOWKHVWRUHµVRQH PLOOLRQVTXDUHIHHWRIUHWDLOVSDFH Store hours: MON-SAT 11-7PM, SUN 12-6PM 32 Upon entering the store visitors are met with a largely vacant space dominated by an oversized, round elevator. The store‘s main design component LVWKHKDOISLSHOLNHZRRGHQFXUYHWKDW FRQQHFWVWKHWZRÀRRUVYLVXDOO\2QWKH Broadway side, the curve has steps DQGVHUYHVDVDSODFHIRUFORWKHVWREH shown. 7KHRWKHUVLGHRIWKHKDOISLSHLVDVWHHS curve that leads the eye back up to the ground level, and has metal cages with merchandise hanging above it. On the curved end, a stage can rotate out creDWLQJDSHUIRUPDQFHVSDFHWKHUHE\PDking the stepped end work as seating IRUVXFKHYHQWV Once shoppers descend into the basement level via wooden stairs that JRDORQJVLGHWKHÄELJZDYH³WKHUHDUH VKRSSLQJVSDFHVRQHLWKHUVLGHDVPDOO URRPRIIWRWKHOHIWDQGDODUJHUVSDFHWR WKHULJKWZKLFKLVLWVHOIEURNHQXSLQWR small rooms. Here Koolhaas decided to leave sheetrock bare, which serves as an interesting counterpoint to the technological gadgetry that dominates the basement level. 2IWKHVHJDGJHWVWKHPRVWLQWHUHVWLQJ DUHWKRVHIRXQGLQWKHFKDQJLQJURRPV The changing rooms have sliding glass doors made with Priva-Lite technology, DJODVVZLWKOLTXLGFU\VWDO¿OPLQVLGH that becomes opaque when an electric FXUUHQWWKURXJKWKH¿OPLVFXWRII New York City Fig .4 Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Fig. 7 33 New York City Stella McCartney Flagship Store (Fig. 8) Architects: Universal design studio Address: 429 West 14th Street New York City, NY 10014 Apple Store (Fig. 9+10) Architect/Designers: Eight Inc. Address: )LIWK$YH New York City, NY 10153 Storefront for Art and Architecture (Fig. 11) Architect: Steven Holl Address: 97 Kenmare Street New York, NY 10012 <HDURIFRQVWUXFWLRQ <HDURIFRQVWUXFWLRQ <HDURIFRQVWUXFWLRQ Store hours: 24h / 365 days Store hours: MON-SAT 11-7PM, SUN 12:30-6PM Universal was commissioned to GHOLYHUDIXOOGHVLJQVHUYLFHIRU6WHOOD McCartney’s Flagship store in New York’s Meat Packing district. The proMHFWHQWDLOVWKHFRPSOHWHUHQRYDWLRQRI an old industrial space. The design proposes an abstract landscape inspired E\0F&DUWQH\¶VGHVLUHIRUDWUDQTXLODQG SOHDVDQWUHIXJHDZD\IURPWKHKHFWLF H[WHULRUZKHUHFXVWRPHUVZRXOGEHIUHH to explore and discover her creations. 34 The Store, designed by SF based GHVLJQ¿UP(LJKW,QFLV$SSOH¶VPRVW DUFKLWHFWXUDOO\LQQRYDWLYHVWRUHIHDWXULQJDGLVWLQFWLYHIRRWJODVVFXEHWKDW creates a stunning new destination on )LIWK$YHQXHRQHRIWKHZRUOG¶VPRVW popular shopping areas. The store is $SSOHµV¿UVWWKUHHVWRU\UHWDLOVSDFHWKDW ERDVWVWZRÀRRUVGHGLFDWHGWRSURGXFWV and a third dedicated to services, incluGLQJDIRRW*HQLXV%DUDQGVSHFLDOO\ GHVLJQHGDUHDVIRUZRUNVKRSVDVZHOO as personal training. Store hours: TUE - SAT 11-6PM Closed SUN and MON ,WVJURXQGÀRRUIDFDGHLVPDGHXSRI irregularly shaped panels that turn on pivot points, swinging open to let light DQGDLULQWRWKHLQWHULRU7KHFRQFHSWIRU WKHSURMHFWRILQVLGHEHFRPLQJRXWVLGH LVDFKLHYHGE\FRPSRVLQJWKHIDFDGH PDLQO\RIUHYROYLQJSDQHOV(DFKSDQHOµV unique shape, relation to other panels, and open or closed condition creates, in HIIHFWDGLIIHUHQWIDFDGHHDFKGD\ New York City Fig. 11 Fig. 9 Fig. 8 Fig .10 35 New York City RESTAURANTS, BARS AND CLUBS Brasserie (Seagram B.) (Fig. 12) American general: FREEMAN’S BAR AMERICAIN – 152 W52nd st Architects: 'LOOHU6FR¿GLR5HQIUR Spansih: RIO MAR – 7 Ninth Ave Address: 100 East 53rd Street New York, NY 10022 Burgers: CORNER BISTRO – 331 W. 4th St KENN’S BROOME STREET BAR - 363 W Broadway <HDURIFRQVWUXFWLRQ While the Seagram Building by Mies van der Rohe is the premiere 20th century glass tower, the restaurant, ORGJHGLQWKHVWRQHEDVHRIWKHEXLOGLQJ is entirely without glass or view. The design emphasizes the social aspects RIGLQLQJ(QWUDQFHIURPWKHVWUHHWLV WUDQVIRUPHGLQWRWKHULWXDORIÄPDNLQJ DQHQWUDQFH³,QLWLDOO\DVHQVRULQWKH revolving entry door triggers a video snapshot that is added to a continuously changing display over the bar, announcing every new patron. 36 Mexican: IXTA – 48 East 29th St. Chinese: WOO LAE OAK – 148 Mercer St ORIENTAL GARDENS – 14 Elizabeth 6WEHW%D\DUG&DQDO GOLDEN UNICORN – 18 E. Broadway EHW&DWKHULQH0DUNHW JIN FONG – 20 Elizabeth St Bagels: ABSOLUTE BAGELS 2788 Broadway %$*(/5<7KLUG$YHDWWK6W 0855$<µ6%$*(/6WKDYHEHWween 22nd and 23rd Streets), CLUBS Pizza: 5 POINTS – 51 Great Jones St GRIMALDI’S – 19 Old Fulton St, BrookO\QXQGHU%URRNO\Q%ULGJH Austrian: CAFÉ ÉCLAIR – 72 St. Bet. Columbus Ave & Broadway DANUBE – 30 Hudson St BLAUE GANZ – 139 Duane St CAFÉ KATJA - 79 Orchard St Most clubs are located in the hip Meatpaking District! Socialista 505 West Street Opening hours: SUN & MON 10-4AM, TUE-SAT 6-4AM Pink Elephant 527 W 27th St Opening hours: THU-SAT 10PM-4AM New York City Plunge @ Hotel Gansevoort Rooftop 1LQWK$YHWKÀ Hudson Bar @ Hudson Hotel 356 West 58th Street Opening hours: SUN-WED 4-2AM, THU-SAT 4-3:30AM 230 FIFTH )LIWK$YH Opening hours: 4PM-4AM Le Souk 47 Ave B between 3rd and 4th St Opening hours: 6PM-4AM Marquee 289 Tenth Ave. 26th St Opening hours: TUE 10PM-4AM, WED-SAT 10:30-4AM Opening hours: TUE-SAT 5PM-4AM KNITTING FACTORY 74 Leonard st bet. broadway and church BAKTUN 418 w. 14th St WED-SAT 9:00PM-4:00 AM JONES 54 Great Jones Street ROXY 515 West 18th St KENN’S BROOME STREET BAR 363 W Broadway THE EAR 6SULQJVWUHHW*UHHQZLFKVWROGHVWEDU in NY) Lotus 409 W 14th St Opening hours: 78(6$730681021FORVHG Rose Bar @ Gramercy Park Hotel 2 Lexington Ave Fig. 12 37 New York City CULTURAL INSTITUTES The Austrian Cultural Forum (Fig. 13+14) Architect: Raimund Abraham Address: 11 East 52nd Street New York, NY 10022 <HDURIFRQVWUXFWLRQ Gallery Hours: MON-SAT 10 - 6PM 7KHEXLOGLQJIRUWKH$XVWULDQ&XOWXUDO Forum, designed by Austrian-born architect Raimund Abraham, is a 24story skyscraper. The tower opened to the public in April 2002. Abraham, who received the commission in 1992 in an international design competition hosted E\WKH)HGHUDO0LQLVWU\IRU)RUHLJQ $IIDLUVRIWKH5HSXEOLFRI$XVWULDKDV described the building as „a deliberate PDQLIHVWDWLRQRIWKHXWPRVWIRUPDO 38 reduction, challenging the indigenous YDULDWLRQVRIWKHVXUURXQGLQJEXLOGLQJV³ ,WLVDVTXDUHIRRWVWUXFWXUHRI concrete, glass, and steel. The strucWXUHFRQVLVWVRIZKDW$EUDKDPKDV GXEEHGÄWKUHHHOHPHQWDU\WRZHUV³ GH¿QHGE\WKHH[WUHPHFRQGLWLRQVRID VLWHRQO\IHHWZLGHDQGIHHWGHHS The Vertebra is the stair tower at the EDFNRIWKHVLWHWKH&RUHLVWKHFHQWUDO structural tower containing the Forum‘s IXQFWLRQLQJVSDFHVZLWKLQDPHWLFXORXVly constructed, interrelated arrangement and the Mask is the glass articulation RIWKHVWUHHWIDFDGHSXQFWXDWHGE\D SURWUXGLQJER[OLNHYROXPHWKDWLQIDFW accommodates an interior program area with spectacular views. The Museum of Modern Art (Fig. 15) Architect: Yoshio Taniguchi Address: 11 West 53 Street, New York, NY 10019 <HDURIFRQVWUXFWLRQ Museum Hours: MON,WED,THUR,SAT,SUN 10:30–5:30PM TUE closed, FRI 10:30–8:00PM )UHHHQWU\RQ)ULGD\VDIWHUSP The MoMA is a preeminent art museum located in Midtown Manhattan. It has been singularly important in developing and collecting modernist DUWDQGLVRIWHQLGHQWL¿HGDVWKHPRVW LQÀXHQWLDOPXVHXPRIPRGHUQDUWLQWKH ZRUOG7KHPXVHXPµVFROOHFWLRQRIIHUV DQXQSDUDOOHOHGRYHUYLHZRIPRGHUQ and contemporary art, including works RIDUFKLWHFWXUHDQGGHVLJQGUDZLQJV painting, sculpture, photography, prints, New York City Fig. 13 Fig. 14 Fig. 15 39 New York City LOOXVWUDWHGERRNV¿OPDQGHOHFWURQLF media. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (Fig. 16) The midtowm location underwent extensive renovations in the 2000s, closing on May 21, 2002 and reopening on November 20, 2004. The renovation SURMHFWQHDUO\GRXEOHGWKHVSDFHIRU MoMA‘s exhibitions and programs and IHDWXUHVVTXDUHIHHWRIQHZ and redesigned space. Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright The Building on the western portion RIWKHVLWHKRXVHVWKHPDLQH[KLELWLRQ galleries, and Education and Research Building on the eastern portion provides RYHU¿YHWLPHVPRUHVSDFHIRUFODVVrooms, auditoriums, teacher training workshops, and the Museum‘s expanded Library and Archives. These two EXLOGLQJVIUDPHWKHHQODUJHG6FXOSWXUH Garden. The reopening brought controversy as its admission cost increased IURPWRPDNLQJLWRQHRIWKH most expensive museums in the city. Gallery Hours SAT-WED 10-5:45PM, FRI 10-7:45PM, Closed THUR 40 Address: )LIWK$YHQXH$W6WUHHW New York, NY 10128 0172 <HDURIFRQVWUXFWLRQ The Guggenheim Museum is an emboGLPHQWRI:ULJKWµVDWWHPSWVWRUHQGHU WKHLQKHUHQWSODVWLFLW\RIRUJDQLFIRUPV LQDUFKLWHFWXUH+LVLQYHUWHG]LJJXUDWD stepped or winding pyramidal temple RI%DE\ORQLDQRULJLQGLVSHQVHGZLWK the conventional approach to museum design, which led visitors through a VHULHVRILQWHUFRQQHFWHGURRPVDQG IRUFHGWKHPWRUHWUDFHWKHLUVWHSVZKHQ exiting. Instead, Wright whisked people WRWKHWRSRIWKHEXLOGLQJYLDHOHYDWRU proceeding downward at a leisurely SDFHRQWKHJHQWOHVORSHRIDFRQWLQXRus ramp. The galleries were divided like WKHPHPEUDQHVLQFLWUXVIUXLWZLWKVHOI contained yet interdependent sections. 7KHRSHQURWXQGDDIIRUGHGYLHZHUV WKHXQLTXHSRVVLELOLW\RIVHHLQJVHYHUDO ED\VRIZRUNRQGLIIHUHQWOHYHOVVLPXOtaneously. The spiral design recalled a nautilus shell, with continuous spaces ÀRZLQJIUHHO\RQHLQWRDQRWKHU ,QWKHVHFRQGÀRRURIWKHEXLOGLQJ was renovated to display the museum‘s growing permanent collection, and ZLWKWKHUHVWRUDWLRQRIWKHPXVHXPLQ 1990–92, it was turned over entirely to exhibition space. $VSDUWRIWKHUHVWRUDWLRQDRI¿FH art-storage annex was replaced by the current structure. This tower provides IRXUDGGLWLRQDOH[KLELWLRQJDOOHULHVDQG VRPHWKLUW\¿YH\HDUVDIWHUWKHLQLWLDWLRQ RIFRQVWUXFWLRQFRPSOHWHG:ULJKWµV FRQFHSWIRUWKHPXVHXP,QWKH 6DFNOHU&HQWHUIRU$UWV(GXFDWLRQRSHQHGWRWKHSXEOLF/RFDWHGMXVWEHORZWKH rotunda. New York City Exterior restoration of the building Although much admired, the innovative concrete structure, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, has been plagued by VXUIDFHFUDFNVDOPRVWVLQFHLWRSHQHG in 1959. ,QVRPHOD\HUVRISDLQWDSSOLHG over the past 46 years were removed DQGWKHEXLOGLQJ¶VFRQFUHWHVXUIDFH KDVEHHQUHYHDOHGDOORZLQJIRUFORVHDQDO\VLVRIWKHEXLOGLQJ¶VVXUIDFH 6FDIIROGLQJZLOOUHPDLQLQSODFHWKURXJK spring 2008. Fig. 16 41 New York City New Museum of Contemporary Art Architects: SANAA Address: 235 Bowery New York, NY 10002 212.219.1222 <HDURIFRQVWUXFWLRQ Museum Hours: WED, SAT and SUN 12-6 PM Thursday and Friday 12-10 PM MON and TUE closed 7KH1HZ0XVHXPRI&RQWHPSRUDU\ $UWIRXQGHGLQLVWKHRQO\PXseum in New York City exclusively devoted to presenting contemporary art IURPDURXQGWKHZRUOG7KH0XVHXP SUHVHQWVWKHZRUNRIXQGHUUHFRJQL]HG artists, and has mounted ambitious VXUYH\VRILPSRUWDQW¿JXUHVVXFKDV Ana Mendieta, William Kentridge, 'DYLG:RMQDURZLF]3DXO0F&DUWK\ DQG$QGUHD=LWWHOEHIRUHWKH\UHFHLYHG 42 widespread public recognition. In 2003, WKH1HZ0XVHXPIRUPHGDQDI¿OLDWLRQ ZLWK5KL]RPHDOHDGLQJRQOLQHSODWIRUP IRUJOREDOQHZPHGLDDUW In 2005, the museum was among 406 New York City arts and social service LQVWLWXWLRQVWRUHFHLYHSDUWRIDPLOOLRQJUDQWIURPWKH&DUQHJLH&RUSRUDtion, which was made possible through a donation by New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg. In December 2007, the New Museum opened the doors to its new location on 235 Bowery, at Prince Street. This new IDFLOLW\GHVLJQHGE\WKH7RN\REDVHG ¿UP6HMLPD1LVKL]DZD6$1$$DQG WKH1HZ<RUNEDVHG¿UP*HQVOHUKDV greatly expanded the Museum’s exhibitions and space. The Porter House (Fig.17+18) Architect: SHoP Address: 366 West 15th Street New York, NY 10014 <HDURIFRQVWUXFWLRQ 7KH3RUWHU+RXVHFRPSOH[QDPHGDIWHU WKHIDPRXVSRUWHUKRXVHFXWRIVWHDNLV located close to the Gansevoort Market in the hip Meatpacking District. SHOP DUFKLWHFWVKDYHSODFHGDIRXUVWRULHV KLJKJXQPHWDOJUD\ER[DWDQRIIDQJOH RQWRSRIDUHQRYDWHGVL[VWRU\ VTIWZDUHKRXVHEXLOWLQ (PSOR\LQJDFXVWRPIDEULFDWHG]LQF SDQHOV\VWHPIRUWKHIDFDGHDQGÀRRU WRFHLOLQJZLQGRZVWKHYHUWLFDOLW\RI WKHVWUXFWXUHDQGWKHXQLTXHLQWHUIDFH EHWZHHQWKHH[WHULRUVRIWKHRULJLQDO 5HQDLVVDQFH5HYLYDOIDFDGHDQGWKH new addition are accentuated. Internally mounted light boxes blur the massing New York City RIWKHEXLOGLQJDVGD\WXUQVWRQLJKWWR FUHDWHDYLVXDOIRFXVIURPWKHRSHQ urban square at Ninth Avenue and 14th Street. Minimizing material waste, the SURMHFWWHDPZRUNHGFORVHO\ZLWKWKH IDEULFDWRUXVLQJVRIWZDUHVWDQGDUGWR the sheet-metal industry to develop an elevation pattern based on the most HI¿FLHQWOD\RXWRISDQHOVRQDVWDQGDUGZLGWKRIVKHHWPDWHULDO6LQFHWKH SDQHOVZHUHFXWDQGEHQWGLUHFWO\IURP GLJLWDO¿OHVDQHFRQRP\RIVFDOHZDV DFKLHYHGLQWKHPDQXIDFWXULQJSURFHVV while achieving a highly custom look ZLWKYDULDEOHVL]HGSDQHOV7KHSURMHFW KDVRQHEHGURRPDSDUWPHQWV two-bedrooms, some with studies or WHUUDFHVWKUHHEHGURRPVDQGDIRXU EHGURRPGXSOH[ZLWKDSULYDWHURRIWRS GHFN3ULFHVUDQJHIURPIRU RQHEHGURRPVWRPLOOLRQIRUWKH penthouse. Taxes and maintenance on a typical two-bedroom costing $1.3 million are about $2,700 a month. Fig. 17 Fig. 18 43 New York City ARCHITECTURAL EDUCATION The Cooper Union School of Architecture (Fig. 21) 7 Cooper Square New York, NY 10003 7KH,UZLQ6&KDQLQ6FKRRORI$UFKLWHFWXUHDW7KH&RRSHU8QLRQRIIHUVD ¿YH\HDUSURJUDPOHDGLQJWRD%DFKHORURI$UFKLWHFWXUHGHJUHH7KHVFKRRO UDQNVDPRQJWKHWRS¿YHDUFKLWHFWXUH programs in the United States. The SKLORVRSKLFDOIRXQGDWLRQRIWKHVFKRRO is committed to the complex symbiotic UHODWLRQVKLSVRIHGXFDWLRQUHVHDUFK theory and practice. 7KH¿YH\HDU'HVLJQVHTXHQFHLV VWUXFWXUHGWRLQWHJUDWHWKHHOHPHQWVRI DUFKLWHFWXUHLQYHVWLJDWLRQRISURJUDP FRQVWUXFWLRQVWUXFWXUHIRUPDQGVSDFH DQGWRJHQHUDWHDQHIIHFWLYHIRUFHIXO and spirited architecture. 44 Columbia University (Fig. 19+20) Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation New York institute of technology School of architecture & Design 1172 Amsterdam Avenue New York, NY 10027 1855 Broadway New York, NY 10023 The Columbia University is the oldest LQVWLWXWLRQRIKLJKHUHGXFDWLRQLQ1HZ <RUNDQGZDVIRXQGHGLQ/RZHU0DQKDWWDQE\WKHIRXQGDWLRQRIWKHEULWLVK king George III. in 1754. At that time the University was also named King´s College and began it´s work with eight students and one teacher. Now the University educates 21000 students E\WHDFKHUV,QWKHPLGGOHRIWKH 19th Century was the university campus in Midtown. Since 1897 the campus is situated on the Morningside Heights. 7KUHHDUFKLWHFWXUHGHJUHHVDUHRIIHUHG 7KH1HZ<RUN,QVWLWXWHRI7HFKQRORJ\LV a private, co-educational college. The college has three New York campuses, two on Long Island and one on the UpSHU:HVW6LGHRI0DQKDWWDQDVZHOODV global locations and an online college. Founded in 1955, NYIT is the birthplace RIWKH'DQLPDWLRQFRPSXWHUV\VWHP The NYIT Computer Graphics Lab is UHJDUGHGDVRQHRIWKHKDOOPDUNVRIWKH computer graphics industry, and is liVWHGLQKLVWRU\DVRQHRIWKHWRSFRPSXter graphics research and development groups in the world. - M.Arch Degree Programm - M.Sc. Degree in Advanced Architectural Design - The Ph. D. program in architecture 7KH6FKRRORI$UFKLWHFWXUHDQG'HVLJQ RIIHUVGHJUHHVLQDUFKLWHFWXUHDQGLQWHrior design. New York City Fig. 20 Fig. 19 Fig. 21 45 New York City FUTURE PLANS FOR NYC Chelsea/ High Line (Fig. 22+23) The High Line is an abandoned 1.45 PLOHNPVHFWLRQRIWKHIRUPHU HOHYDWHGIUHLJKWUDLOURDGRIWKH:HVW 6LGH/LQHDORQJWKHORZHUZHVWVLGHRI 1HZ<RUN&LW\ERURXJKRI0DQKDWWDQ between 34th Street near the Javits Convention Center and Gansevoort Street in the West Village. The High Line was built in the early 1930s by the New York Central and has been unused E\IUHLJKWVHUYLFHVLQFH,WLVLQD VWDWHRIGLVUHSDLUDOWKRXJKWKHHOHYDWHG structure is basically sound. Wild grass DQGSODQWVJURZDORQJPRVWRIWKHURXWH 7KHFRPPXQLW\EDVHGJURXS)ULHQGVRI the High Line was established by neighborhood residents Robert Hammond and Joshua David, leading to plans to turn the High Line into an elevated park or greenway. In 2004, the New York City government committed $50 million to establish the proposed park. On June 13, 2005, the U.S. Federal 46 6XUIDFH7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ%RDUGLVVXHGD FHUWL¿FDWHRILQWHULPWUDLOXVHDOORZLQJ WKHFLW\WRUHPRYHPRVWRIWKHOLQHIURP the national railway system. On April 10, 2006, Mayor Michael Bloomberg presided over a groundbreaking ceremony, PDUNLQJWKHEHJLQQLQJRIFRQVWUXFWLRQ RQWKH+LJK/LQHSURMHFWWXUQLQJLWLQWR an elevated park. The park will occupy the trestle´s elevated reil deck, which ULVHVEHWZHHQDQGIHHWDERYH VWUHHWOHYHO7KHSURMHFWLVEHLQJXQGHUWDNHQE\ODQGVFDSH¿UP)LHOG2SHUDWLRQVDQGDUFKLWHFWV'LOOHU6FR¿GLR 5HQIUR+RWHOGHYHORSHU$QGUH%DOD]V RZQHURIWKH&KDWHDX0DUPRQWLQ/RV Angeles, is building a 337-room hotel straddling the High Line at Little West WK6WUHHW$VRI6SULQJPRVWRI the old rail tracks have been removed, PDNLQJZD\IRUWKHSDUN,IZRUNJRHV DVSODQQHGWKHVRXWKHUQVHFWLRQRIWKH +LJK/LQHIURP*DQVHYRRUW6WUHHWWR 20th Street will be open to the public LQ6XPPHURIFUHDWLQJDQDWXUDO oasis in an urban city. This southern VHFWLRQZLOOLQFOXGH¿YHDFFHVVVWDLUways and three elevators. The park ZLOOHYHQWXDOO\H[WHQGIURP*DQVHYRRUW Street north to 30th Street where the elevated tracks turn west around the +XGVRQ<DUGVGHYHORSPHQWSURMHFWWR the Javits Convention Center on 34nd 6WUHHW7KHQRUWKHUQPRVWVHFWLRQIURP 30th to 34th Streets, is still owned by the CSX railroad company. The High Line´s redevelopment is triggering a construction boom in it´s surrounding neighborhoods. Prominent architects working her include Jean Nouvel, Frank Gehry, Richard Rogers, Annabelle 6HOGRUI5REHUW$06WHUQ$XGUH\ Matlock, Polshek Partnership and Gwathmey Siegel. Governors Island (Fig. 24) New York City‘s Greening Campaign KDVDQHZIURQWLHURQ*RYHUQRUV,VODQGDDFUHODQGPDVVORFDWHGRII Manhattan´s southern tip that the coast Guard turned over to New York City in 2003. ,Q'HFHPEHUWKHUHVXOWVRIDQ international design competition were New York City DQQRXQFHG$MXU\KDGVHOHFWHGDQ alliance comprising West 8, Rogers 0DUYHO'LOOHU6FR¿GLR5HQIUR4XHQnell Rothschild, and SMWM to plan a 90-acre nature preserve, a centerpiece RIWKHFLW\µVZDWHUIURQWGHYHORSPHQW The competition asked designers to consider three components: - a 25-to-40-acre park DPLOHZDWHUIURQWSURPHQDGHDURXQG the island´s perimeter and DKDOIGLVWULFWRIKLVWRULFEXLOGLQJV Jerry van Eyck, partner at Rotterdambased West 8, calls Governors Island ÄWKHXQ&HQWUDO3DUN´IRULWVQRQXUEDQ condition and „a sleeping beauty” IRULWVXQWDSSHGSRWHQWLDO'HVSLWHLWV prime location between Manhattan and Brooklyn, the 172-acre island has seen little use since 1996, when the Coast *XDUGFORVHGWKHODVWRIDVXFFHVVLRQRI military installations dating to 1794. The winning preliminary proposal creates elevated harbor views, augmenting the LVODQGµVQDWXUDOIHDWXUHVZLWKDUWL¿FLDO hills to be developed through excavati- Fig. 22 Fig. 23 47 New York City RQDQGGHPROLWLRQRIH[LVWLQJVWUXFWXUHV RQWKHODQG¿OOEDVHGVRXWKHUQVHJPHQW ÄEXLOGLQJWKHQHZLVODQGIURPWKHROG island,” says van Eyck. A two-mile perimeter promenade will encircle the northern national historic district, cenWUDOODZQVDQGJDUGHQVDQGDIUHVKZDter marsh at the southern tip. Transportation, internally and externally, will be critical to the island‘s popularity. The team proposes stocking the island with wooden bicycles whose design, FRXSOHGZLWKSK\VLFDOLVRODWLRQDFFHVV LVFXUUHQWO\OLPLWHGWRIHUULHVVKRXOG PLQLPL]HWKHIW7KHLVODQGµVGHHGEDQV YHKLFXODUWUDI¿FQRWHV*RYHUQRUV Island Preservation and Education Corp. president Leslie Koch, hailing a IUHHELF\FOHDVÄDQLFRQRIGHPRFUDF\´ $UFKLWHFW5LFDUGR6FR¿GLRFRQFXUVÄ0\ hope is they will get the bicycles up and running,” he says, „and let people … ULGHDURXQGHYHQEHIRUHZHVWDUWGHVLgning.” He also envisions better access WRWKHLVODQGYLDVKXWWOHFUDIWUHVHPEOLQJ 9HQHWLDQYDSRUHWWLSDVVHQJHUPRWRUboats), which would be quicker and cheaper than an aerial tramway propo- 48 sed by Santiago Calatrava—another option under study by the city‘s Economic Development Corp. Completion is SURMHFWHGIRU East river waterfront (Fig. 25-27) 7KH(DVW5LYHUZDWHUIURQWKDVGHYHORped over the past 350 years as a central place in the city‘s maritime history. The city began here, and as it grew and developed, the island expanded into the river. As population expanded, WKHFLW\SURPRWHGWKHLQ¿OORIZDWHUIURQW ORWVWRVHUYHWKHJURZLQJGHPDQGIRU land in Lower Manhattan. As a result, the current shoreline is more than three FLW\EORFNVIURPWKHRULJLQDOVKRUH7KH SUHVHQWORFDWLRQRI3HDUO6WUHHWLVLQ IDFWWKHRULJLQDO(DVW5LYHUVKRUHOLQHRI Lower Manhattan. As the city‘s position as the premier SRUWIRUWUDGHRQWKHHDVWFRDVWJUHZ VRGLGWKHQHHGIRUQHZSLHUVWRVHUYLFH WKHYHVVHOVFRPLQJDQGJRLQJRXWRI the port. At its peak in the 1950‘s there were over 40 piers along this two-mile VWUHWFKRIZDWHUIURQWWRGD\WKHUHDUH IHZHUWKDQUHPDLQLQJ With the decline in maritime activity over the past 40 years, various master SODQVKDYHEHHQGHYHORSHGIRUWKLV ZDWHUIURQW7KH:DWHU6WUHHW$FFHVV Plan in the 1970‘s envisioned Water 6WUHHWDVDFRPPHUFLDOVSLQHIRUPRGHUQRI¿FHEXLOGLQJVDQGWKHH[SDQVLRQ RIWKH¿QDQFLDOFRUH,QWKHµVWKH SODQIRU(DVW5LYHU/DQGLQJLQVSLUHGE\ %DWWHU\3DUN&LW\SURSRVHGQHZRI¿FH GHYHORSPHQWRQWKHZDWHUIURQWVRXWK RI)XOWRQ6WUHHW,QWKHµVDQHZ RXWSRVWIRUWKH*XJJHQKHLP0XVHXP ZDVSURSRVHGRQWKHZDWHUIURQWDWWKH SUHVHQWORFDWLRQRISLHUVDQGDW WKHIRRWRI:DOO6WUHHW$VLGHIURPVRPH FRPSRQHQWVRIWKH:DWHU6WUHHW$FFHVV 3ODQQRQHRIWKHVHZDWHUIURQWVFKHPHV have been realized to date. 8QGHUWKHGLUHFWLRQRI('&6+R$Uchitects and Ken Smith Landscape Architects were retained in late 2006 to GHYHORSGHWDLOHGGHVLJQVIRUWKH(DVW 5LYHU:DWHUIURQW(VSODQDGHDQG3LHUV 3URMHFW&RQVWUXFWLRQLVDQWLFLSDWHGWR EHJLQLQWKH6SULQJRI New York City Fig. 24 Fig. 25 Fig. 26 Fig. 27 49 New York City Ground zero (Fig. 28-32) alters his design to accommodate Mr. Libeskind’s spire. 2001 Ground Zero Interests Fervent debate over ground zero begins. The Port Authority quietly deFLGHVWRUHEXLOGWKHRI¿FHFRPSOH[ 2004 Memorial Designs Michael Arad’s original design is a EDUUHQODQGVFDSHZLWKUHÀHFWLQJSRROV He accepts a design partner and adds trees and cultural buildings to the plaza. 2002 Memorial Mandate 9LFWLPV¶IDPLOLHVVWDUWWRRUJDQL]H*RY George E. Pataki declares the WTC WRZHUIRRWSULQWVVDFUHG Bland Plans 7KH¿UVWEDWFKRIVLWHSODQVLVFULWLFL]HG as unimaginative at a „Listening to the City” meeting. 2003 New Visions A design competition produces many TXDOL¿HGHQWULHV,QWKHHQG0U%HWW¶V team settles on the Think proposal Mr. Pataki chooses Mr. Libeskind instead. Forced Marriage Mr. Childs and Mr. Libeskind develop tower designs. Ultimately Mr. Childs 50 2005 An Unraverling 6HFXULW\FRQFHUQVIRUFHD)UHHGRP Tower redesign. The L.M.D.C. loses top RI¿FLDOVLQFOXGLQJ0U%HWWVDQG0U3DWDNLIRUFHVDPXVHXPIURPWKHFRPSOH[ The process stalls. 2006 $IWHU)LYH<HDUV Governor Pataki and Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg push Mr. Silverstein to cede two towers. The Prot Authority retakes FRQWURORISRUWLRQVRIWKHVLWH&RQVWUXFtion begins on Freedom Tower In the HQGPRVWRIWKHRI¿FHVSDFHLQWKH original WTC is set to be restored. 9/11 – Verschwörungstheorien: Drei sich gegenseitig ausschließende 9/11-Theorien stehen sich gegenüber. Alle drei Theorien sind Verschwörungstheorien, obschon ihre Vertreter das gerne negieren. Dies heißt, sie gehen alle von einer geheimen Absprache von zwei oder mehr Akteuren vor dem 11. September als gegeben aus. Die erste Theorie, die so genannte «Überraschungs-Theorie» , stammt von GHU865HJLHUXQJXQGZLUGYRQGHURI¿]LHOOHQDPHULNDQLVFKHQ8QWHUVXFKXQJ - dem «9/11 Commission Report» von Thomas Kean, der im Sommer 2004 HUVFKLHQXQWHUVWW]W6LHLVWGLHRI¿]Lelle 9/11-Erzählung: Osama Bin Laden habe zusammen mit Khalid Sheikh Mohammed die Anschläge zuerst in $IJKDQLVWDQJHSODQWZRUDXIHLQHYRQ 0RKDPPHG$WWDDQJHIKUWH*UXSSH von 19 Muslimen den Terroranschlag in GHQ86$PLWYLHU)OXJ]HXJHQDXVIKUWH Bin Laden und sein Netzwerk seien der kriminellen Handlung schuldig. Die zweite Theorie, die so genannte «Let-It-Happen-on-Purpose-Theorie» New York City ©/DVVHVDEVLFKWOLFKSDVVLHUHQª behauptet, Bin Laden und das Al4DLGD1HW]ZHUNKlWWHQGHQ$QVFKODJ JHSODQWXQGDXVIKUHQODVVHQ7HLOHGHU 865HJLHUXQJKlWWHQGLHVKHUDXVJHIXQden, den Anschlag aber trotzdem abVLFKWOLFKQLFKWDEJHZHKUWXQGIDVW 0HQVFKHQJHRSIHUWXPHLQH6HULHYRQ .ULHJHQ]XOHJLWLPLHUHQYRQGHQHQMHQH LQ$IJKDQLVWDQXQGLP,UDNQXUGLHHUsten zwei seien. Sowohl Bin Laden als auch Teile der US-Regierung seien der kriminellen Handlung schuldig. Die dritte Theorie, die so genannte «Make-It-Happen-on-Purpose-Theorie» ©)KUHHVDEVLFKWOLFKVHOEVWDXVª behauptet, die Anschläge seien vom Pentagon und/oder den US-GeheimGLHQVWHQDXVJHIKUWZRUGHQGLH 9LGHRVYRQ%LQ/DGHQVHLHQJHIlOVFKW Fast 3000 Menschen seien kaltblütig JHRSIHUWXQGGDVHLJHQH9RONXQGGLH Welt getäuscht worden, um eine Serie von Kriegen zu legitimieren. Teile der US-Regierung seien der kriminellen Handlung schuldig. Fig. 28 Fig. 29 Fig. 30 Fig. 31 Fig. 32 51 New York City SOURCES Norval White & Elliot Willensky: AIA GUIDE TO NEW YORK CITY, The Classic Guide to New York´s Architecture, Three River Press, New York, 2000 +HLNH:HUQHU1HZ<RUN&LW\IU$UFKLWHNWHQ+HLNH Werner Verlag, München, 2004 5LFKDUG/6FKDIIHU&KDLUPDQ6+$3,1*7+(&,7<6 )8785(1HZ<RUN&LW\3ODQQLQJDQG=RQLQJ5HSRUW NEW YORK Architecture & Design, daab GmbH, Köln, 1993 Matteo Siro Baborsky: XXCentury Architecture, WileyAcademy, Italy, 2001 Yann Arthus Betraund: New York von Oben, Knesebeck, 2002, München Ric Burns, James Sanders, Lise Ades: New York die illustrierete Geschichte von 1609 bis heute, Frederking & Thaler, München, 2002 Eric P. Nash: Manhattan Skyskrapers, Princeton Architectural Press, New York, 1999 Robert Cameron, Andre Deutsch: Above New York, England, 1988 5DOI'DDE1HZ<RUN$UFKLWHFWXUH'HVLJQ'DDE*PEK 2004, Köln Magazines: %OXHSULQW,VVXHSS 7KH$UFKLWHFWXUDO5HYLHZ,VVXHS $UFKLWHFWXUDO5HFRUG,VVXHS,VVXH p. 34 52 ARCHITECT Magazine, Publication date: February 1, 2008 ZZZDFIQ\RUJ6WDQG archweb.cooper.edu, Stand 28.2.08 www.arch.columbia.edu, Stand 28.2.08 iris.nyit.edu/architecture/index.html, Stand 28.2.08 www.universaldesignstudio.com, Stand 28.2.08 www.porterhousecondo.com, Stand 28.2.08 www.nyc.gov/html/dcp/home.html, Stand 28.2.08 cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2007/07/12/columbia-will-notseek-eminent-domain-to-oust-tenants, Stand 02.03.08 www.arch.columbia.edu, Stand 02.03.08 www.cooper.edu, Stand 02.03.08 www.wikipedia.com, Stand 02.03.08 www.nyc.gov, Stand 02.03.08 iris.nyit.edu/architecture/index.html, Stand 09.03.08 ZZZVWRUHIURQWQHZVRUJ6WDQG www.newmuseum.org, Stand 09.03.08 video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1941609404752211999, Stand 09.03.08 www.heute-online.ch/wissen/terror_in_amerika/artikel44027 Stand 09.03.08 www.loosechange911.com, Stand 09.03.08 ZZZLQIRUPDWLRQOLEHUDWLRQFRP"LG 6WDQG 5HJLVWHURI,OOXVWUDWLRQV Fig.1 – www.wikimapia.org Fig.2 – www.assembleme.com Fig.3 – www.assembleme.com Fig.4 - www.macys.com Fig.5 - www.macys.com )LJ5DOI'DDE1HZ<RUN$UFKLWHFWXUH'HVLJQ'DDE Gmbh, 2004, Köln )LJ5DOI'DDE1HZ<RUN$UFKLWHFWXUH'HVLJQ'DDE Gmbh, 2004, Köln )LJ5DOI'DDE1HZ<RUN$UFKLWHFWXUH'HVLJQ'DDE Gmbh, 2004, Köln Fig.9 - www.apple.com Fig.10 - www.wikipedia.org Fig.11 – Detail, 2/2001 Fig.12 – Detail, 2/2001 )LJ5DOI'DDE1HZ<RUN$UFKLWHFWXUH'HVLJQ'DDE Gmbh, 2004, Köln )LJ5DOI'DDE1HZ<RUN$UFKLWHFWXUH'HVLJQ'DDE Gmbh, 2004, Köln )LJ±3ULYDWIRWR )LJ±3ULYDWIRWR )LJ±ZZZÀLFNUFRP Fig.18 – www.shoparc.com Fig.19 – www.wikipedia.org Fig.20 – www.wikipedia.org Fig.21 – www.wikipedia.org Fig.22 – www.nyc.gov Fig.23 – www.nyc.gov Fig.24 – earth.google.com Fig.25 – www.nyc.gov Fig.26 – www.nyc.gov Fig.27 – www.nyc.gov Fig.28-32 – www.nytimes.com Shopping zusammengestellt von: Claudia Kutschera 53 Shopping FACTS USA (Quelle: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vereinigte_Staaten#Wirtschaft) )OlFKHNPð (LQZRKQHU-DQ %HY|ONHUXQJVGLFKWH(:NPð %,30UG4XDUWDO %,3(:4XDUWDO Die USA sind das Land mit dem weltZHLWDFKWK|FKVWHQ%,3SUR.RSI Dienstleistungssektor 73% Industrie 23%, /DQGZLUWVFKDIW%HUJEDXMHNQDSS $UEHLWVORVHQTXRWH :LUWVFKDIWVZDFKVWXP ,QÀDWLRQVUDWH $UPXWVVFKZHOOH-DKUHVHLQN 86'ROODUN|S¿JH)DPLOLH 10.294 US-Dollar Alleinstehende 36,46 Millionen Menschen lebten 2006 XQWHUKDOEGHU$UPXWVJUHQ]H Der amerikanische Mindestlohn sichert den Angestellten einen Stundensatz von nicht unter 5,15 Dollar zu. 54 'DVMlKUOLFKH%UXWWRHLQNRPPHQDPHULkanischer Haushalte lag bei 43,389 $ 'DYRQEHU86'ROODU Die Bildung und Rasse einer Person KDWWHQHLQHQEHGHXWHQGHQ(LQÀXVVDXI das Bruttoeinkommen. Die sechs sozialen Klassen (Dennis Gilbert, HamiltonCollege) 2EHUNODVVHFD Prominente, Wohlhabende REHUH0LWWHONODVVHFD +RFKTXDOL¿]LHUWHZLHbU]WHQ3URIHVsoren und Anwälten XQWHUHQ0LWWHONODVVHFD JXWDXVJHELOGHWHQ%HUXIVWlWLJHQ $UEHLWHUNODVVHFD deren Arbeit sehr routinisiert ist - working poor, schlecht bezahlte Jobs ohne Versicherung XQHPSOR\HGSRRUDXIGLH|IIHQWOLFKH :RKOIDKUWDQJHZLHVHQ working poor und unemployed ges. etwa 30% Die großen Unterschiede im Einkommen haben sich in den letzten beiden Jahrzehnten des 20. Jahrhunderts weiWHUYHUVFKlUIW=ZLVFKHQXQG stiegen die Einkommen im reichsten Hundertstel der Bürger nach Steuerab]XJXP3UR]HQW'LH5HDOO|KQHIU 60% der Arbeitnehmer sind in dieser =HLWXPJHIDOOHQ Bild 2: Tabelle von www.payscale.com Shopping Amerikas Konsumenten droht der Plastikgeld-GAU (Quelle: www.spiegel.de) Shopping und Kreditkarten gehören LQGHQ86$]XVDPPHQ±ELVMHW]W'LH schwere Finanzkrise, die bei HypotheNHQEHJDQQN|QQWHVHKUVFKQHOODXI GHQ0XOWL0LOOLDUGHQ0DUNWIUSULYDWH .UHGLWNDUWHQEHUJUHLIHQ$PHULNDV Konsumkultur wäre an ihrem LebensQHUYJHWURIIHQ 6FKZDFKH.RQMXQNWXUXQG$UEHLWVmarktdaten, purzelnde Börsenkurse - in den USA geht die Rezessionsangst um. Längst geht es nicht mehr nur um IDXOH+\SRWKHNHQNUHGLWHDXIGHP Kreditmarkt tickt noch eine andere ZeitERPEH(VJHKWXPGDV*HVFKlIWPLW Kreditkarten, einen Kernbereich nicht nur der großen Konsumentenbanken. Mit 900 Milliarden Dollar Volumen ist das Segment ähnlich schwer wie der gesamte Bereich der Hypotheken von 6FKXOGQHUQVFKOHFKWHU%RQLWlWVXESULme), in dem die aktuelle Krise begann. (LQ(LQNDXIVEXPPHORKQH.UHGLWNDUWHQ LVWLQGHQ86$IUYLHOHQLFKWYRUVWHOObar - sie bilden eine der Säulen des USKonsums. Sollte die Kreditkrise auch GLHVHQ%HUHLFKHUIDVVHQZHUGHVLFK ÄGDV%OXWEDGQRFKYHUVFKOLPPHUQ³VDJW der US-Ökonom Nouriel Roubini. … «,QGHU9HUJDQJHQKHLWYHUIXKUHQYLHOH US-Bürger nach dem Motto „mein Haus LVWPHLQ*HOGDXWRPDW³6LH¿QDQ]LHUWHQ ihren steigenden Konsum dadurch, GDVVVLHDXILKUHQ±GDPDOVVWHLJHQGHQ – Häuserwert zusätzliche Kredite DXIQDKPHQ Bild 3: New York 'LHVHVNRQVXPI|UGHUQGH6SLHOIXQNWLRQLHUWLQ=HLWHQIDOOHQGHU,PPRELOLHQSUHLVHQLFKWPHKU9LHOH%UJHUGUIWHQ YHUVXFKWVHLQHLQHDNWXHOOH¿QDQ]LHOOH Notlage zu lösen, indem sie Schulden SHU.UHGLWNDUWHDXIQHKPHQ±PLWODQJIULstig bedrohlichen Folgen. ... … Bei [manchen] sorgen die anzieKHQGHQ=LQVHQIUGLH,PPRELOLHGDIU dass kein Geld mehr übrig bleibt, um das Kreditkartenkonto auszugleichen. [Andere] erhöhen kurzerhand das Kreditkartenlimit, um den persönlichen Lebensstandard in Zeiten steigender =LQVHQ]XPLQGHVWNXU]IULVWLJ]XKDOWHQ Und einige Schuldner nutzen schlicht GHQ&KDUPHHLQHUIULVFKHQÄQRTXHVWLRQVDVNHG³.UHGLWNDUWHXPPLW+LOIH HLQHV%DUJHOGYRUVFKXVVHVGLHDXÀDXIHQGH+\SRWKHNHQEHODVWXQJ]XEHGLHnen. Nach Einschätzung der Rating-Agentur Fitch ist denkbar, dass sich eine steigende Zahl von Kreditkartenkunden DXIGLHVHRGHUlKQOLFKH:HLVHEHUnimmt. Damit würde das Kreditproblem 55 Shopping GUDPDWLVFKYHUVFKlUIWGHQQ.UHGLWkartenzinsen von 20 Prozent und mehr übersteigen die Kosten eines Hypothekenkredits deutlich. Mit derlei UmschulGXQJVVWUDWHJLHQLVWQXUNXU]IULVWLJ=HLW gewonnen. … … Für Kreditkartenschulden gibt es keine Sicherheiten. … Ein Schuldner KDIWHW«PLWVHLQHPSIlQGEDUHQ$UEHLWVeinkommen. Rutschen die USA in eine Rezession und verlieren mehr Bürger LKUH-REVGUIWHQGLH=DKOXQJVDXVIlOOH bei Kreditkarten deutlich ansteigen. … 'LH%DQNRI$PHULFDKDWLKUH5FNVWHOOXQJHQ]XP(QGHGHVGULWWHQ4XDUWDOV bereits um rund 50 Prozent erhöht. 'LH$XVIlOOHEHL.DUWHQNUHGLWHQVHLHQ bis Ende September 2007 um rund ein Drittel gestiegen, meldete das Institut. Auch die Citigroup und der Kartenanbieter American Express rechnen mit VWHLJHQGHQ$XVIlOOHQLQGLHVHP-DKU« … Banken, die ihre Rückstellungen HUK|KHQXQGPLWVWHLJHQGHQ$XVIlOOHQUHFKQHQZHUGHQNQIWLJZHQLJHU Geld verleihen. … Damit werden die Probleme auch bei Unternehmen guter 56 Bild 4: Menschen in New York %RQLWlWDQNRPPHQGLHDXI*UXQG der Zurückhaltung der Kreditgeber LKU:DFKVWXPQLFKWPHKU¿QDQ]LHUHQ können. Shopping Outletcenter und Malls - Einkaufen bis zum Umfallen (Quelle www.justlanded.de) 'DV(LQNDXIHQLVWQHEHQ$XWRIDKUHQ XQGPLWGHP+DQG\WHOHIRQLHUHQGLH /LHEOLQJVEHVFKlIWLJXQJGHUDPHULNDQLVFKHQ*HVHOOVFKDIW'DEHLNRPPW HVVHOWHQGDUDXIDQGDVVGLHJHNDXIWH Ware auch gebraucht wird. Viel wichWLJHULVWGDVVHVÄFRRO³DXVVLHKW 'HUÄKHDGWXUQLQJIDFWRU³LVWYLHOHQWscheidender als der Preis, denn es ZLUGMDVRZLHVRPLW.UHGLWNDUWHEH]DKOW $OOHUGLQJVNRPPWHVVFKRQKlX¿JHUYRU dass die Karte gesperrt ist. Als peinlich wird so ein Vorgang überhaupt nicht HPSIXQGHQPDQKDWMDQRFKDQGHUH .DUWHQ1RWIDOOVZLUGGHU5HFKQXQJVbetrag zwischen den einzelnen Karten DXIJHWHLOW (LQJHNDXIWZLUGLQGHQ86$KDXSWVlFKOLFKLQJURHQ(LQNDXIV]HQWUHQ Kleinere Malls gibt es in der Nähe von :RKQJHELHWHQIUJURH2XWOHWFHQWHU PXVVPDQHLQHOlQJHUH)DKUWLQ.DXI QHKPHQ(VJLEWHLQLJHÄ0HJDPDOOV³ z.B die MILLS Kette, die einige hundert *HVFKlIWHXQWHULKUHP'DFKYHUHLQW Zu den Größten gehört die „Sawgrass 0LOOV³)RUW/DXGHUGDOHLQ)ORULGD Zum Relaxen gibt es angeschlossene Foodcourts. Zusätzliche Rabatte gibt es vor großen Feiertagen wie dem Columbus Day im 2NWREHU«>'HUDXIGHQ@7KDQNVJLYLQJ 'D\«IROJHQGHÄ%ODFN)ULGD\³ZLUG YRQVHKUYLHOHQ(OHNWURQLNJHVFKlIWHQ zur größten Rabattschlacht des Jahres genutzt. Viele der Sonderangebote müssen zunächst in voller Höhe bezahlt werden, an der Kasse bekommt man dann Kassenbons ausgehändigt, die MHZHLOV]XP+HUVWHOOHUJHVFKLFNWZHUGHQ müssen, um den Rabatt zu erhalten. Die Prozedur ist etwas umständlich, MHGRFKEHNRPPWPDQHLQHQ6FKHFN mit dem entsprechenden Betrag nach Hause geschickt. Dies alles setzt natürlich eine gültige Adresse in den USA voraus! Der niedrige Stand des Dollars ... verleitet immer mehr Menschen dazu, LQGHQ86$DXI(LQNDXIVWRXU]XJHKHQ :HULQGHQ86$HLQNDXIHQP|FKWHGHU muss üblicherweise in lokaler Währung, sprich in Dollar bezahlen. … der Umtausch von Devisen ist stets mit hohen Gebühren verbunden. … Deshalb kann allen Shopping-Touristen nur dazu geraten werden, mit ihrer .UHGLWNDUWH]XEH]DKOHQ*HUDGHIU (XURSlHULVWGDVKlX¿JXQJHZRKQW doch in den USA ist das etwas völlig normales. Die Vorteile der Kreditkartenzahlung OLHJHQNODUDXIGHU+DQGNHLQRGHU zumindest nicht sehr viel Bargeld bei sich tragen, ... lassen sich Umtauschgebühren und schlechte Tauschkurse umgehen. Zwar berechnen die meisten .UHGLWNDUWHQJHVHOOVFKDIWHQHEHQIDOOV *HEKUHQIUGLH=DKOXQJLQIUHPGHU :lKUXQJGRFKGLHVH*HEKUHQIDOOHQ bedeutend geringer aus. 57 Shopping NEW YORK New York ist eine der größten ShopSLQJ0HWURSROHQDXIGHU:HOW2E'HVLgner Waren, die neuesten Jeansmoden oder Elektronikartikel der neuesten Generation, in New York ist alles zu ¿QGHQ=X%HGHQNHQLVWGDVVPDQQXU (85]ROOIUHLLQGLH(8HLQIKUHQ GDUI« 'LHEHVWHQ*HVFKlIWH¿QGHWPDQDP Broadway, rund um die Canal Street XQGLQGHU)LIWK$YHQXH« (Quelle www.newyork-reise.de) Macy‘s Herald Square Saks 151 West 34th Street New York NY 10001 Phone 212/695-4400 Store Hours Mo-Sa: 10:00 AM - 9:30 PM Sun: 11:00 AM - 8:30 PM www.macys.com Sehenswert ist die erste Filiale der .DXIKDXVNHWWHLQGHPKLVWRULVFKHQ Gebäude ist eine Holzrolltreppe angeblich seit 100 Jahren in Betrieb. 2II7+ 221 Bergen Mall Paramus, NJ 07652 Phone 201-291-1949 Store Hours Mo-Fr 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM Sa 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM Sun 12:00 AM to 7:00 PM ZZZVDNV¿IWKDYHQXHFRP (LQHGHUJURHQ.DXIKDXVNHWWHQ 4XHOOHPQGOLFKHhEHUOLHIHUXQJ Bild 5: New York 58 «,P.DXIKDXVZHUGHQDXI]HKQ Stockwerken eine halbe Million Artikel DQJHERWHQDQJHIDQJHQEHL0DUNHQ %HNOHLGXQJIU'DPHQXQG+HUUHQEHU Schmuck bis zu Kosmetik und GeVFKHQNHQ$OV+LJKOLJKWJHOWHQXQGIU Gourmet-Köche besonders interessant - Küchenutensilien der Marke Cellar. :HJHQGHU*U|HGHV.DXIKDXVHVLVW ein extra Visitor‘s Center eingerichtet. 0HKUVSUDFKLJHV3HUVRQDOJLEW$XVNXQIW EHUGDV.DXIKDXV«4XHOOHZZZQHZ\RUNGH Bloomingdales 59th Street & Lexington Avenue 1000 Third Avenue New York, NY Phone Number: 212-705-2000 Store Hours Mo-Fri: 10:00 AM - 8:30 PM Sa 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM Sun 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM www.bloomingdales.com Shopping M&M´s WORLD 1600 Broadway New York Phone 212-295-3850 Store Hours Mo-Sun 9 AM – midnight www.mymms.com Kindlich, hier gibt es Süßigkeiten ohne (QGH,QGHPVW|FNLJHQ*HVFKlIW bekommt man auch Bekleidung, Accessoires, Souvenirs und Geschenke – alles zum Thema M&M´s… Es gibt noch 2 weitere Filialen, eine davon in Las Vegas. Bild 6: Saks Fifth Avenue Bild 8: Macy´s Bild 7: Bloomingdales Bild 9: m&m-Shop Strand Book Store 828 Broadway/ bei der 12th Strasse Mo-Sa 9:30 AM-10:30 PM Sunday 11:00 AM-10:30 PM www.strandbooks.com Große Auswahl an Büchern aller Art. 59 Shopping B&H Photo Video & Pro Audio OMG Fashion Store Century 21 department store WK$YHQXH(FNH:6W Mo-Thu: 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM Fri: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM,Sa: Closed Sun: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM www.bhphotovideo.com &KRRVHIURPRYHU3URGXFWV Digital Cameras, Pro Video, Pro Audio, Lightning, Video Editing, Lenses, Camcorders, Televisions, MP3 Players, '9'3OD\HUV&RPSXWHUV3URMHFWLRQ Printers and Scanners, Binoculars & Scopes, Home Entertainment 428 Broadway oder 196 Broadway At Fulton St. Oder 217 7th Ave New York, NY 10079 3KRQH ZZZRPJMHDQVFRP Jeanshosen, Hemden, Unterwäsche RGHU6WUPSIHYRQ1DPHQKDIWHQ Marken wie Levis, Wrangler oder Calvin Klein in großer Auswahl gibt es in diesen Laden. 0DUNHQMHDQVEHNRPPHQ6LHKLHUEHreits ab 24 US$. 22 Cortland Street New York, NY 10007 3KRQH Mo-Tue-We 7:45 AM – 8:00 PM Thu 7:45 AM – 10:00 PM Sa 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM Su 11:00 AM – 7:00 PM Tower Records 1961 Broadway oder 20 East 4th Strasse .HLQHgIIQXQJV]HLWHQDQJHJHEHQ Hier gibt es eine große Auswahl an CDs oder Schallplatten. Auch zahlreiche %FKHUXQG'9'V$FKWXQJ5HJLRQDOcode) sind im Sortiment. www.towerrecords.com 60 Shopping Bild 11: OMG Bild 10: Macy´s Bild 12: b&h Bild 13: Century 21 61 Shopping LAS VEGAS (Quelle: www.visitlasvegas.de) JURHU'HVLJQHU'2/&(*$%%$1$ LOUIS VUITTON, DIOR usw). /DV9HJDVLVWMDEHNDQQWOLFKGLH6WDGW wenn’s um Gambling geht, aber auch wenn man sein Geld lieber in Ware „einWDXVFKW³RGHUGLHJHZRQQHQHQ'ROODUV wieder ausgeben möchte, gibt es hier eine riesige Auswahl an Möglichkeiten. Las Vegas hat sich zum weltweiten Shoppingziel entwickelt. Der Las Vegas Boulevard South ist weit mehr als nur ein Spielplatz - er ist eine der weltgrößWHQ(LQNDXIVVWUDHQ Sowohl bei Kleidung als auch bei ParIPORKQWHVVLFK]XYHUJOHLFKHQXQG Ä6SHFLDORIIHUV³DXVQXW]HQ«6FKQlSSFKHQ]X¿QGHQLVWZLHIDVWDOOHVLQ/DV 9HJDV*OFNVVDFKH$XIMHGHQ)DOO gilt: lieber ein paar Klamotten weniger PLWDXIGLH5HLVHQHKPHQXQGLP.RIIHU 3ODW]IUÄQHXH6FKlW]H³ODVVHQ 5LHVLJH(LQNDXIV]HQWUHQNRQNXUULHren mit den exklusiven Boutiquen der HUOHVHQHQ&DVLQRXQWHUNQIWH$XIGHP 6WULS¿QGHWGHU.DXÀXVWLJHDOOHVYRQGHU Haute Couture bis zum herkömmlichen 9HJDV6RXYHQLU6R]LHPOLFKMHGHV+RWHODP6WULSYHUIJWEHUVHLQHHLJHQH (LQNDXIVSDVVDJHQDWUOLFKLPPHULP 6WLOGHVMHZHLOLJHQ+RWHOWKHPDV (VJLEWHLQIDFKDOOHV9RQGHQJlQJLJHQ US-Klamottenläden wie GUESS und GAP bis hin zu Niederlassungen aller 62 (LQ7LSSIUDOOH.DXIZWLJHQLVWGLH)DVKLRQ6KRZ0DOOJHJHQEHUYRP+RWHO Wynn), die neben einer gigantischen Auswahl an Filialen weltbekannter Marken auch Department Stores wie Macy’s und Bloomingdales bietet. Hier ¿QGHWPDQDOOHVZDVGDV7RXULVWHQ 6KRSSLQJ+HU]EHJHKUW/HYLV7RPP\ +LO¿JHU&DOYLQ.OHLQ%HL0DF\¶V sollte man sich am Service Desk eine Ä,QWHUQDWLRQDO6DYLQJ&DUG³DXVVWHOOHQ ODVVHQ'DPLWVSDUWPDQDXIVHLQH (LQNlXIH 'LH)DVKLRQ6KRZ0DOOEUDFKWHIU /DV9HJDVGHQ$XIVFKZXQJLQGHU Einzelhandelsbranche. Seit dieser Zeit HU|IIQHWHQYLHOHGHUJU|WHQ+RWHOVXQG Casinos entlang des Strips spektakuläre Shoppingbereiche mit den besten Marken der Modewelt sowie den exklusivsten Designerstücken. Parallel dazu LVWHVDXFKHLQLJHQ(LQNDXIV]HQWUHQ JHOXQJHQVLFKEHLGHQ(LQNDXIVOXVWLJHQ zu etablieren. Shopping Fashion Show Mall Las Vegas Premium Outlets 3200 Las Vegas Blvd S # 600 Las Vegas, NV 89109, United States 3KRQH Mo-Sa: 10:00 AM - 9:00 PM Sunday: 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM ZZZWKHIDVKLRQVKRZFRP 875 S Grand Central Pkwy Las Vegas NV 89106 3KRQH1XPEHU/RFDO Mon - Sat 10:00 AM – 9:00 PM Sun 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM www.premiumoutlets.com About 120 designer Stores: Adidas, Ann Taylor, A|X Armani Exchange, Banana Republic, Bose, Brooks Brothers, Chico‘s, Coach, Dolce & Gabbana, Eddie Bauer, Elie Tahari, Guess, Kenneth Cole, Lacoste, Nike Factory Store, Perry Ellis, Polo Ralph Lauren Factory Store, St. John Company Store, Theory, 7LPEHUODQG7RPP\+LO¿JHUDQGPDQ\ PRUH7KHFHQWHULQFOXGHVDODUJHIRRG FRXUWDQGDZLGHUDQJHRIFXVWRPHU VHUYLFHV6DYLQJVRIWRSHUFHQW (Quelle: www.visitlasvegas.com) Boulevard Mall 3528 South Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, Nevada 89169 Mall Hours Mo-Sa: 10:00 AM - 9:00 PM Sun: 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM www.boulevardmall.com (LQHVHKUVFK|QH6KRSSLQJ0DOODXI GHP0DU\ODQG3DUNZD\GUHL%ORFNV YRP6WULSHQWIHUQW$XFKEHL.RIIHUQ Handtaschen, Schuhen und Haushaltswaren kann man dort so manches Schnäppchen machen. Ist sicher mal einen Besuch wert. Bild 14: Fashion Show Las Vegas Bild 15: Las Vegas Premium Outlet 63 Shopping ,QXQPLWWHOEDUHU1DFKEDUVFKDIWGHU/DV 9HJDV3UHPLXP2XWOHWVEH¿QGHQVLFK DXFKIROJHQGH&HQWHU Perfumania - Premium Outlet 705 S Grand Central Pkwy #1029, /DV9HJDV3KRQH Levi Outlet 755 S Grand Central Pkwy #1423, /DV9HJDV3KRQH Ultra Diamonds 855 S. Grand Central Pkwy, Suite 1808, /DV9HJDV3KRQH leading entrepreneurs including owners RIGRZQWRZQKRWHOVDQGFDVLQRVWKH $70 million Fremont Street Experience ZDVRQO\WKHEHJLQQLQJRIDPLOOLRQ makeover that has revitalized the city center. With an additional $270 million currently under construction, almost every downtown property is aggressively investing in remodeling, renovations, and/or expansions. www.neonopolis.net km in der südlichen Verlängerung des Strip. Zu erreichen mit dem Bus 301 / 303 oder Taxi. (Quelle www.vegas-online.de) :LWKVDYLQJVRIWRSHUFHQW stores: Liz Claiborne, Calvin Klein, Nautica, Nike, Reebok, Levi‘s, Danskin, Adidas, Greg Norman, VF Outlet - Vanity Fair Wrangler Lee. This indoor mall, FRPSOHWHZLWKWZRIRRGFRXUWVDQGDQ indoor carousel... (Quelle: www.visitlasvegas.com) www.premiumoutlets.com Las Vegas Outlet Center Neonopolis 450 Fremont St Las Vegas NV 89101 3KRQH Sun - Thu 11:00 AM – 9:00 PM Fri - Sat 11:00 AM – 10:00 PM 1HRQRSROLVIHDWXUHVDQDQWLTXHQHRQ sign collection, 14 movie screens with auditorium-style seating, digital sound and wall-to-wall screens. Shops and UHVWDXUDQWVDUHDOVRIRXQGKHUH 1(21232/,6LVWKHFXOPLQDWLRQRID 10-year downtown renewal initiative. 6HWLQPRWLRQE\VRPHRIWKHFLW\µV 64 7400 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89123 Mon-Sat 10am - 9pm / Sun 10am - 8pm Im Las Vegas Outlet Center haben YLHOHQDPKDIWHQ8QWHUQHKPHQHLQHQ 2XWOHW6WRUH]%/HYLV5HHERN Nike, Bose). Es gibt auch einen großen Vitamin-Shop. Aber Vorsicht: Bei .OHLGXQJZLUGDXFK5FNODXIZDUHDXV der vergangenen Saison angeboten. Der Las Vegas Outlet Center liegt ca. 3 Lebensmittel: Direkt am Strip gibt es keine richtigen Supermärkte. Gegenüber vom HoWHO0RQWH&DUORVGOLFKHU6WULSXQG ]ZLVFKHQ:\QQXQG5LYLHUDQ|UGOLFKHU Strip) sind Filialen der Kette Walgreens KJH|IIQHW'RUWEHNRPPWPDQ relativ preiswert Lebensmittel, Haushaltswaren, Medikamente und auch Souvenirs. Bei Standardsouvenirs wie z.B. Kalender ist Walgreens rund 1/3 günstiger als die Läden in den Hotels, bei Lebensmittel spart man mehr als die +lOIWH(Quelle: www.visitlasvegas.de) Shopping Kitsch und Souvenirs 'LH=DKOGHU6RXYHQLUJHVFKlIWHLVW LQ/DV9HJDVIDVWXQEHJUHQ]W$OOH KDEHQGLHÄEHVWHQ³3UHLVHXQGGLHVH schwanken sehr stark. Die wohl größte $XVZDKOKDWGHU%RQDQ]D*LIW6KRS(U EH¿QGHWVLFKNXU]YRUP6WUDWRVSKHUH Tower am Strip. Dort bekommt man zwar sämtlichen Kitsch, allerdings sicher nicht am billigsten. Auch einen Shopping Besuch wert ist World RI&RFD&RODXQG00:RUOGLQGHU Showcase Mall neben dem Hotel MGM Grand. SAN FRANCISCO Union square 7KHODQGPDUNSDUNLQWKHKHDUWRIWKH City, San Francisco‘s Union Square UHRSHQHGRQ-XO\DIWHUDQ 18-month renovation. Sporting new granite plazas, a new terraced stage on Post Street, light sculptures desiJQHGE\DUWLVW50)LVFKHUDQHZFDIp DQGIRXUJUDQGHQWUDQFHFRUQHUSOD]DV bordered by the park‘s signature palms, the remodeled square pays tribute to the Square‘s distinctive history and FDSWXUHVWKHXQLTXHÀDYRUDQGEHDXW\ RI6DQ)UDQFLVFR Bloomingdales 845 Market Street San Francisco, CA 94103 Phone: 415.856.5300 Mo - Fr: 9:30 AM - 9:00 PM Sa 9:30 AM - 9:00 PM Sun 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM www.bloomingdales.com Bild 16: Fremont Bild 17: Las Vegas Outlet center 65 Shopping :HVW¿HOG 865 Market St. San Francisco CA 94103 3KRQH Mo-Fr 9:30 AM - 9:00 PM Sat 9:30 AM - 9:00 PM Sun 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM KWWSZHVW¿HOGFRPVDQIUDQFLVFR Am Ende der Cable Car Bahn, an der Station Powell St. liegt dieses tolle (LQNDXIVFHQWHU,QGHQREHUHQ6WRFNZHUNHQLVWGDV.DXIKDXV1RUGVWURPXQtergebracht und in den unteren Etagen EH¿QGHQVLFKHWZD%RXWLTXHQ$GLdas, Benetton, Boss, Footlocker, Ann Taylor, Banana Rebublic, Eddie Bauer XQGYLHOHPHKU«)UMHGHQ*HOGEHXWHO ist hier ein Schnäppchen zu machen. Allein die einzigartige Anordnung der UXQGODXIHQGHQ5ROOWUHSSHQLVWHLQHQ Besuch in diesem Shopping-Center ZHUW,PXQWHUHQ%HUHLFK¿QGHQ6LH ]XGHPHLQHQ)RRG&RXUWYRPMDSDnischen Fisch bis zur original italienischen Pasta … (Quelle http://www. info-kalifornien.de) 66 PIER 39 Beach Street & The Embarcadero San Francisco, CA 94133 Store hours Sun-Thu 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM Fr-Sa 10:00 AM - 9:00 PM www.pier39.com PIER 39 is located on the northernmost SRLQWRIWKH6DQ)UDQFLVFRSHQLQVXOD providing visitors with postcard views RI$OFDWUD]WKH*ROGHQ*DWHDQG%D\ Bridges, the San Francisco Bay and the City skyline. Telescopes are placed DORQJWKHORFDWLRQµVSHULPHWHUURDGIRU viewing the sights. PIER 39 is the „Best 3ODFHWR3HRSOH:DWFK6DQ)UDQFLVFR³DVYRWHGE\WKH6DQ)UDQFLVFR Chronicle‘s Readers‘ Choice competition. Sale Tax (Quellen: http://en.wikipedia.org) A sales tax is a tax on consumption and is normally a certain percentage WKDWLVDGGHGRQWRWKHSULFHRIJRRGV or services that are purchased. Sales taxes in the United States are assessed by every state except Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire and Oregon. In some cases, sales taxes are also assessed at the county or municipal level. New York 4% state sales tax. ...cities add local WD[HVUDQJLQJIURPWR In New York City, total sales tax is 8.375%. [In] January 4, 2006, New York State has again eliminated sales tax on all clothing and shoes up to $110.00 per item. Nevada‘s state sales tax is 6.5%. For travelers to Las Vegas, note that the lodging tax rate in unincorporated Clark County, which includes the Las Vegas 6WULSLV:LWKLQWKHERXQGDULHVRI the City of Las Vegas, the lodging tax rate is 11%. Shopping Arizona has a transaction privilege tax 737WKDWGLIIHUVIURPDÄWUXH³VDOHV tax in that the tax is levied on the gross UHFHLSWVRIWKHYHQGRUDQGLVQRWDOLDELOLW\RIWKHFRQVXPHUWKRXJKFLWLHVDQG counties add as much as 5% to the total UDWH)RRGIRUKRPHFRQVXPSWLRQDQG SUHVFULSWLRQGUXJVLQFOXGLQJOHJHQG drugs and certain prescribed homeopaWKLFPHGLFDWLRQDUHWZRRIPDQ\LWHPV RIWDQJLEOHSHUVRQDOSURSHUW\WKDWDUH VWDWXWRULO\H[HPSWIURPWKHUHWDLO737 ,QGHQ6WlGWHQ]%3KRHQL[LVWGHU7D[ höher: 7,7% (Quelle www.usa-salesuse-tax-e-commerce.com) CaliforniaKDVDVWDWHZLGHVDOHVWD[RI 7.25%, and local supplementary taxes are allowed up to 8.75%. Sales and use WD[HVLQWKHVWDWHRI&DOLIRUQLDDUHFROOHFWHGE\WKH6WDWH%RDUGRI(TXDOL]DWLRQ the only publicly elected tax commission in the United States. Supplementary sales tax may be added ZLWKYRWHUDSSURYDOE\FLWLHVFRXQWLHV service authorities, and various special GLVWULFWVVXFKDVWKH%D\$UHD5DSLG Transit district). Bild 18: Union Square %LOG.DXIKDXV:HVW¿HOG Bild 21: Pier 39 Bild 19: Bloomingdales San Francisco 67 Shopping Groceries are not taxed. Ready-to-eat KRWIRRGVZKHWKHUVROGE\VXSHUmarkets or other vendors, are taxed. Restaurant bills are taxed. As an exception, hot beverages and bakery LWHPVDUHWD[H[HPSWLIDQGRQO\LIWKH\ DUHIRUWDNHRXWDQGDUHQRWVROGZLWK DQ\RWKHUKRWIRRG,IFRQVXPHGRQWKH seller‘s premises, such items are taxed OLNHUHVWDXUDQWPHDOV$OORWKHUIRRGLV H[HPSWIURPVDOHVWD[ 4XHOOHQDQJDEHQ KWWSGHZLNLSHGLDRUJZLNL9HUHLQLJWHB6WDDWHQ:LUWVFKDIW ZZZVSLHJHOGHZLUWVFKDIWKWPO.DL Lange, 9. Jänner 2008 ZZZMXVWODQGHGGHGHXWVFK9HUHLQLJWH6WDDWHQ7RROV $UWLNHO.XOWXU(LQNDXIHQELV]XP8PIDOOHQ ZZZQHZ\RUNGHLQGH[FIP"3,' www.newyork-reise.de/shopping-ny.htm www.visitlasvegas.de, www.visitlasvegas.com www.vegas-online.de/shopping.htm ZZZLQIRNDOLIRUQLHQGHVKRSSLVDKWP http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sales_taxes_in_the_United_ States January 1, 2007 www.usa-sales-use-tax-e-commerce.com/table_sales_ rates.asp %LOG7LWHOELOG$XIQDKPHYRQ1HZ<RUN±)RWRJUDIDFKLP ZFDVSHU±ZZZIRWRFRPPXQLW\GH Bild 2: Tabelle von www.payscale.com %LOG$XIQDKPHYRQ1HZ<RUN)RWRJUDIKREE\3LFWXUHU± 68 ZZZIRWRFRPPXQLW\GH %LOG$XIQDKPHPLW3HUVRQHQ)RWRJUDIPLFKDHOEORFK± ZZZIRWRFRPPXQLW\GH %LOG$XIQDKPHYRQ1HZ<RUN)RWRJUDIFDURQ± ZZZIRWRFRPPXQLW\GH %LOG6DNV)LIWK$YHQXH%LOGYRQGHURI¿]LHOOHQ+RPHSDJHGHV.DXIKDXVHV %LOG%ORRPLQJGDOHV%LOGYRQGHURI¿]LHOOHQ+RPHSDJH GHV.DXIKDXVHV %LOG,QQHQDXIQDKPH0DF\V±)RWRJUDI.DULQ*ORJHU %LOGLPPP6KRS±)RWRJUDI.DULQ*ORJHU %LOG$XHQDXIQDKPH0DF\V±)RWRJUDI.DULQ*ORJHU %LOG20*%LOGYRQGHURI¿]LHOOHQ+RPHSDJHGHV .DXIKDXVHV %LOG,QQHQDXIQDKPHEK±)RWRJUDI.DULQ*ORJHU %LOG&HQWXU\%LOGYRQGHURI¿]LHOOHQ+RPHSDJHGHV .DXIKDXVHV %LOG)DVKLRQ6KRZ/DV9HJDV±)RWRJUDI-RQQ\9,,± ZZZÀLFNUFRP %LOG/DV9HJDV3UHPLXP2XWOHW%LOGYRQGHURI¿]LHOOHQ +RPHSDJHGHV.DXIKDXVHV %LOG)UHPRQW±)RWRJUDI6DELQH6LHEHU ZZZIRWRFRPPXQLW\GH %LOG/DV9HJDV2XWOHWFHQWHU%LOGYRQGHURI¿]LHOOHQ +RPHSDJHGHV.DXIKDXVHV %LOG8QLRQ6TXDUH±)RWRJUDI&DUVWHQ'HFNHUW ZZZÀLFNUFRP %LOG%ORRPLQJGDOHV6DQ)UDQFLVFR%LOGYRQGHURI¿]LHOOHQ+RPHSDJHGHV.DXIKDXVHV %LOG.DXIKDXV:HVW¿HOG±)RWRJUDI0DUNXVD/HQ]± ZZZIRWRFRPPXQLW\GH %LOG3LHU±)RWRJUDII3ROGDYR$OH[± ZZZÀLFNUFRP Downtown Las Vegas zusammengestellt von: Sabine Lutz, Zenke-Zsuzsanna Szabo & Marion Haider 69 Downtown Las Vegas 1829 'LVFRYHU\RIWKHDUHDRI/DV9HJDVYDOOH\E\DWUDGHFDUDYDQRIPHQZKLOVW creating a trade route to Los Angeles by IROORZLQJDWULEXWDU\IURPWKH&RORUDGR River. 1855 $QQH[DWLRQRIWKHVWLOO0H[LFDQWHUULWRU\ E\WKH8QLWHG6WDWHVDVVLJQDWLRQRI Mormon missionaries to the area to convert the Paiute Indian population. ,QVWDOODWLRQRIDIRUWQHDUWKHFXUUHQW downtown area, later called Fort Baker. 1895 7KH6WDWH/DQG$FWRIIHUHGODQGDW SHUDFUHNPðGUDZLQJ PDQ\LQFOXGLQJIDUPHUVWRWKHDUHD$V DUHVXOWIDUPLQJEHFDPHWKHSULPDU\LQGXVWU\IRUWKHQH[W\HDUVDVIDUPHUV used the wells to irrigate their crops. 1905 &RPSOHWLWLRQRI6DQ3HGUR/RV$QJHOHV 6DOW/DNH5DLOURDGIURP6DOW/DNH &LW\WR6RXWKHUQ&DOLIRUQLD/DV9HJDV EHFDPHDZDWHUVWRSIRUWKHSDVVLQJ 70 WUDLOVDQGWUDI¿F7KHHFRQRPLFDOULVH DQGDVWUHDPRIQHZVHWWOHUVOHGWRWKH RI¿FLDOIRXQGDWLRQRIWKH&LW\RIODV Vegas on May 15 1905. 1909 &UHDWLRQRI&ODUN&RXQW\1HYDGD (Fig. 1 - Freemont Street 1910) 1929 'XULQJWLPHVRI3URKLELWLRQLOOHJDO drinking and gambling provided by the PD¿D 1931 /HJDOLVDWLRQRIJDPEOLQJLQ1HYDGD First gambling clubs and the Apache Hotel in the Fremont Street. 1935 (QGLQJRIWKHFRQVWUXFWLRQZRUNVRI Hoover Dam that supplies the cities LQFUHDVLQJGHPDQGRIHQHUJ\DQGZDWHU 1941 ,QVWDOODWLRQRID8QLWHG6WDWHV$UP\$LU Corps gunnery school, later Nellis Air )RUFH%DVHOHDGWRDQLQFUHDVHRIWKH legal prostitution in town. (O5DQFKR9HJDVRSHQVDV¿UVW+RWHO RQWKHWRG\V/DV9HJDVVWULSIDPRXV IRULWVDOO\RXFDQHDWEXIIHW (Fig. 2,3 - Freemont Street 1940s) 1942 5HEXLOWRIWKH¿UVW/DV9HJDVQLJKWFOXE Pair-O-Dice to Hotel Las Fronier 2SHQLQJRIPRUHUHVRUWVDURXQG)UHPRQW6WUHHWVRPHRIWKHPLQVWDOOHG E\KLJKUDQNHGPD¿RVLVOLNH*DQJVWHU Ä%XJV\´6LHJHOµVÄ7KH)ODPLQJR³ 1946 2SHQLQJRIWKHIDPRXVÄ*ROGHQ1XJJHW³+RWHO&DVLQRLQ)UHHPRQW6WUHHW 1948 0F&DUUHQ)LHOGZDVHVWDEOLVKHGIRU FRPPHUFLDODLUWUDI¿F 1954 8 million people visited Las Vegas pumping 200 million dollasrs into the casinos yearly. 7KHPDMRULVVXHRIDWWUDFWLRQKDVFKDQJHGIURPJDPEOLQJWRELJVWDUVRIPXVLF Downtown Las Vegas Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 5 Fig. 6 71 Downtown Las Vegas DQG¿OPOLNH(OYLV3UHVOH\)UDQN6LQDWUD and Bing Crosby. (Fig. 4 - Freemont Street late 50s) 1951 - 1963 First atomic explosions at the Nevada Rest Side lead to another tourist attraction , while dangers and riks were greatly unestimated by that time. (Fig. 5 - Typical resort distribution 60s) (Fig. 6 - Commerce Concentration 68) 1955 2SHQLQJRIWKH0RXOLQ5RXJHWKH¿UVW racially integrated casino. From 1960 GHYHORSPHQWRIWRGD\µV/DV9HJDV6WULS HQRUPHQRXVH[SDQVLRQRIWKHKRWHOV and casinos on the Las Vegas Strip. :LWKWKHRSHQLQJRIWKH,QWHUQDWLRQDO Hotel with 1512 rooms, the largest hotel E\WKDWWLPHEHJDQWKHHUDRIPHJD resorts. (Fig. 7 - Las Vegas Strip late 60s) (Fig. 8 - Freemont Street 1960s) 72 1973 MGM Grand Hotel and Casino opened ZLWKURRPVDQGVXIIHUHGLQ WKHZRUVWUHVRUW¿UHLQ/DV9HJDVKLVWRU\DVDUHVXOWRIHOHFWULFDOSUREOHPV 1989 2SHQLQJRIWKH+RWHO0LUDJHZLWK rooms 1990s /DV9HJDVEHFDPHRQHRIWKHIDVWHVW growing cities in the U.S. 7KHDWWHPSWWRDWWUDFWPRUHIDPLOLHV with water and theme parks during the VKDGDOLPLWHGVXFFHVV0RVWRI them already closed down. Downtown Las Vegas hotels and FDVLQRVVXIIHUKHDYLO\IURPWKH6WULSµV ERRP7KH\KDYHIXQQHOHGPRQH\LQWR UHPRGHOLQJWKHIDFDGHVRIFDVLQRV adding additional security and new attractions, like the Fremont Street enrovement. (Fig. 7 - Las Vegas Strip 1990) (Fig. 8 - Las Vegas Strip 2001) 1995 ,QVWDOODWLRQRI/DV9HJDVµPRQRUDLO 1998 30 millions visitors came to see Las Vegas. 2003 )LUVWK\GURJHQIXHOLQJVWDWLRQLQWKH86 (Fig. 9 - Freemont Street 2006) Downtown Las Vegas Fig. 7 Fig. 8 Fig. 10 Fig. 11 Fig. 9 Fig. 12 73 Downtown Las Vegas State County Nevada Clark County Demography Las Vegas Downtown Population Increase 1950 24,624 192.4% 1960 64,405 161.6% 1970 125,787 95.3% 1980 164,674 30.9% 1990 258,295 56.9% 2000 478,434 85.2% 2006 552,539 15.5% Fig. 13 Area Metropole Land Water Elevation Population of Las Vegas Denisity 1,604 h/km² Metro 1,777,539 ha 340.00 km² 339.80 km² 0.16 kmð 610 m Gender Male Female 51% 49% Origin & Ethnicity International USA 12% 88% Climate Fig. 14- Las Vegas temperatures 74 Origin by States Eastern States Southern States Midwest States Western States &DOLIRUQLD $UL]RQD 2WKHU:HVWHUQ6WDWHV 9% 13% 14% 52% 33% 6% 13% White $IULFDQ$PHULFDQ%ODFN Asian American / Asian Hispanic / Latino Other 83% 4% 5% 7% 1% Marital Status Married Single Separated/Divorce Widowed 74% 16% 7% 3% Education High School or less Some College Trade School College Graduate 23% 29% 4% 44% Downtown Las Vegas Job Categories Employed Unemployed Student Retired Homemaker 67% 1% 3% 24% 5% Household Income Less than $20,000 to $39,999 $40,000 to $59,999 $60,000 to $79,999 $80,000 to $99,999 $100,000 or more No Answer 7% 18% 24% 15% 22% 14% Tourism Trip Expenditures per Visit Food / Drink Shopping Room Shows Visitors Attending Shows Sightseeing $248.40 $136.60 $99.51 $106.12 71% $111.62 Night Stay Average Stay: One Two Three Four Five or more 3.5 nights/4.5 days 11% 26% 23% 20% 20% Location of Lodging Strip Downtown Boulder Hwy Other 73% 14% 10% 3% Transportation to Las Vegas Air Automobile Bus RV 46% 43% 8% 4% Gaming Gaming Budget per Trip Percent visitors gambled Average # Hours per day $626.50 86% 3.6 Visiting First Time Visitor Repeat Visitor Number Visits past year Visitors with Children 18% 79% 2 9% Fig. 14 75 Downtown Las Vegas /DV9HJDVLVWKHH[DPSOHIRUDQHZ W\SHRIFLW\WKDWFDPHXSIURPWKHV RIWKHWKFHQWXU\:LWKRXWKDYLQJD ÄWUDGLWLRQDO´$PHULFDQVW\OHRIDUFKLWHFture, Las Vegas‘ architects started to FRS\URPDQWLFDOO\YDULRXVW\SHVIURP GLIIHUHQWFRXQWULHVDQGSODFHG5RPDQ Piazzi, oriental Palaces and tropical beDFKHVDVFRDWVIRUWKHQHZFDVLQRVDQG resort sides in the Nevada desert. That lead on the one hand to an distinctive „Las-Vegas-entertainment”- ArchiWHFWXUHWKDWµVPDLQSRLQWRIDWWUDFWLRQ OLHGLQWKHGHVLJQRIWKHVLJQLQIURQWDQG WKHIDFDGHVDVZHOODVWKHRUQDPHQWV LQVLGHWKHEXLOGLQJ3DUDOOHOVIRUWKLVFDQ be seen in the old gothic cathedrals like Amiens and Notre Dame. 7KHEXLOGLQJVLQ/DV9HJDVLWVHOIPRVW times used to be an unattractive box RIFKHDSFRQVWUXFWLRQ$FRPSHWLWLRQ IRUWKHELJJHVWDQGPRVWDWWUDFWLYHVLJQ VWDUWHGDQGOHDGWRDFRQIXVLQJIRUHVW RIVLJQVRQ/DV9HJDVVWULS(Fig.15, 17 „box with a sign“). But this architectural development was not only limited to the resort , it also 76 expanded to the buildings with other IXQFWLRQVDURXQGOLNHSHWUROVWDWLRQV dining inns and supermarkets. 7KHSHDNRIWKLVDUFKLWHFWXUDOGHYHORSment could be seen in buildings that KDGEHFRPHDV\PEROLWVHOIDVDNLRVN WKDWKDGDIRUPRIDGXFN(Fig. 16, 18 „building as a symbol“). 5RRWVRIWKLVNLQGRIV\PEROLFDUFKLWHFWXUHFDQEH¿QGLQWKHZRUNVRIWKH French revolutionism architect Le Doux. %XW/DV9HJDVLVQRWRQO\IXOORIV\Pbols and signs, the city development LWVHOIZLWKDOOLWVDFWLRQVDQGDWWUDFWLRQ UHÀHFWVWKH$PHULFDQKLVWRULFDOGHYHlopment, starting with the track settlePHQWVLQWKHWKFHQWXU\WKH0D¿RVL EXVLQHVVWLOOWKHVWKHDJHRIDWRPLF rearmament and hyper-scale hotels in WKHDJHVRIODWHFDSLWDOLVP Though Las Vegas with its last minuWHZHGGLQJVJDPEOLQJDQGSODFHRI H[FHVVLYHSDUWLHVDV$PHULFDVGHQRI LQLTXLW\KDVQRWORVWDQ\RILWVVXFFHVV In contrary every year more than 36,000,000 visitors stream into the city RIDPXVHPHQW Fig. 15 Fig. 16 Downtown Las Vegas Fig. 17 Fig. 19 Fig. 18 Fig. 20 77 Downtown Las Vegas Beginning of Urbanisation From its earliest beginnings, Las Vegas has catered to the travellers. A nomaGLFWULEHRI,QGLDQVFDOOHGWKH3DLXWHV VHWWOHGWKHDUHDDURXQGWKHWXUQRIWKH ODVWPLOOHQQLXPDQGRFFXSLHGPRVWRI WKHDUHDIURP0W&KDUOHVWRQWRWKH Colorado River. Several traders and explorers including Jedediah Smith in 1826 and John C. Fremont in 1844 travelled through the area and made contact with the Paiutes. By 1851, Mormon president, Brigham Young, in his endeavour to create the 6WDWHRI'HVHUWVWUHWFKLQJIURP6DOW Lake City to Los Angeles, made Las 9HJDVRQHRIKLVLPSRUWDQWVWRSRYHUV The location they selected to establish WKHLUIRUWZDVRQDSURPRQWRU\RYHUORRking the Las Vegas Valley, which is now WKHFRUQHURI/DV9HJDV%RXOHYDUGDQG Washington. The Old Mormon Fort still KDVUHPQDQWVRILWVRULJLQDOEXLOGLQJ However, a mining boom at nearby Mt. 3RWRVLIRVWHUHGDQHZLQÀX[RIWUDYHO- 78 lers, mainly miners who used Las VeJDVDVDFHQWHUIRUIRRGDQGVXSSOLHV There was no permanent settlement WKHUHXQWLOZKHQDJURXSRISURspectors, including Octavius Decatur Gass, acquired the rights to the Old 0RUPRQ)RUW)RUWKHUHVWRIWKDWGHcade, Gass ran a prosperous business DWWKH)RUWUHEXLOGLQJPDQ\RIWKH VWUXFWXUHVDQGIDUPLQJWKHODQGRIIHULQJ IRRGDQGVKHOWHUWRWKHWUDYHOOHUVRQWKH Ä2OG0RUPRQ7UDLO³WKH6DOW/DNH/RV $QJHOHVZDJRQURDGDVZHOODVRIIHring provisions to the nearby miners. In 1902 Montana Senator William Clark bought the Kiel Ranch. He was instrumental in overseeing the establishment RIWKHUDLOURDGIURP8WDKWR&DOLIRUQLD Acquiring the rights to the Ranch and its abundant water supply ensured that /DV9HJDVZDVWREHFRPHDPDMRUVWRS IRUUDLOURDGWUDYHOOHUV,QDQDG ZDVSODFHGLQSURPLQHQWPDMRUQHZVSDSHUVFRQFHUQLQJÄ¿UVWFODVVLQVLGH ORWV³JRLQJIRUDVOLWWOHDVDSLHFH in Clark‘s Las Vegas Town site. These encouraged squatters and investors alike, and the auction on May 15, 1905 SURGXFHGDÀXUU\RIVDOHV6RRQKRWHOV and homes sprouted up all along the PDLQGRZQWRZQDUHDRI)UHPRQW6WUHHW as well as schools, a hospital and other essential businesses such as ice plants. /DV9HJDVHVVHQWLDOO\WKULYHGIRUWKH QH[W\HDUVEHFDXVHRIWKHUDLOURDG it played host to travellers by providing entertainment and liquor. The liquor was restricted to a certain area, Blocks 16 and 17. This area naturally evolved into a red light district as well. During Prohibition, this section was especially popular. During this period, WKHFLW\IRXQGHUVUHDOL]HGWKDWDVWKH URDGVZHUHLPSURYHGIURP/RV$QJHOHV to Las Vegas, this would promote more tourism and they began to build ranches to appeal to the potential visitors. Kiel Ranch became a popular dude ranch and gained notoriety as a place where people came to wait out their Nevada divorces. Downtown Las Vegas ,QWKHFRPELQHGDGYHQWRIWKH EXLOGLQJRI%RXOGHU'DPODWHUUHQDPHG +RRYHU'DPWKHFUHDWLRQRI%RXOGHU &LW\SOXVWKHOHJDOL]DWLRQRIJDPEOLQJ ensured a new boom in the prosperity RIVRXWKHUQ1HYDGD Fig. 21 Fig. 22 In recent decades the hotel industry has UHLQYHQWHGLWVHOIDJDLQDQGDJDLQ-XVW when everyone was predicting a severe depression, especially when Atlantic City emerged as a gambling destination in the early 80s, Las Vegas managed to come up with a new twist. (YHQWRGD\ZLWKWKHSUROLIHUDWLRQRI JDPEOLQJLQPDQ\RIWKHVWDWHV/DV Vegas only seems to become more popular. Theme hotels have become abundant, starting with the Mirage in WKHODWHVIROORZHGE\WKH([FDOLEXU Treasure Island, Luxor and the MGM Grand. More and more soon popped up including the Stratosphere, Monte Carlo, Bellagio, Paris Las Vegas, Venetian, Mandalay Bay and many more. When will the boom end? 79 Downtown Las Vegas Gambling /DV9HJDVLVSHUKDSVEHVWNQRZQIRU its many gambling opportunities, such as slot machines and poker. To some SHRSOHLWLVDQHQMR\DEOHGLYHUVLRQ that helps boost the economy, while to others it attracts crime and can ruin lives. Over the years, Las Vegas has sought to attract visitors with distinctive archiWHFWXUHÀDVKLQJQHRQVLJQVDQGDG campaigns that capitalize on the city‘s UHSXWDWLRQIRUIXQDQGVLQ$ZHOO NQRZQUHFHQWVHULHVRIDGVE\WKH/DV Vegas Convention and Visitor‘s AuthoriW\IHDWXUHGWKHVORJDQÄ:KDWKDSSHQVLQ 9HJDVVWD\VLQ9HJDV³ IURPWKHUHDOZRUOG$VDIDPLO\YDFDWLRQ GHVWLQDWLRQWKHFLW\RIIHUVWKHXOWLPDWH LQHQWHUWDLQPHQWIRUDOODJHV$VD business destination, Las Vegas wins KDQGVGRZQZLWKWKHYROXPHRIIDFLOLWLHV DQGVHUYLFHVDYDLODEOHIRUHLWKHUODUJH conventions or small business gettogethers. Las Vegas rarely gets the credit it GHVHUYHV$VDFLW\RIPRUHWKDQRQH million inhabitants, it seems to be only NQRZQE\LWVÄ6LQ&LW\³UHSXWDWLRQ &HUWDLQO\WKHFDVLQRVDQGQLJKWOLIHDUH what bring visitors here, but there really LVOLIHDZD\IURPWKHVORWPDFKLQHVDQG showrooms. Downtown „Gambling capital”, „vacation paradise” or „premier business destination”, WKHVHDUHDOOGH¿QLWLRQVRIWKHFLW\WKDW never sleeps. Reality takes a hike ZKHQ\RXHQWHUWKHZRUOGRIJOLWWHULQJ casinos with their 24-hour gambling H[FLWHPHQW7KHVFDUFLW\RIFORFNVDGGV WRWKHIDQWDV\RIWKRVHWDNLQJWLPHRII 80 Fremont Street The original Las Vegas, where people hung out in the‚ 30s and early‚ 40s, is still thriving, but since 1995 with a QHZIDFHNQRZQDVWKH)UHPRQW6WUHHW Experience. 7KHZRUOGIDPRXVRQHRIDNLQGHQWHU- tainment venue is home to Viva Vision, the biggest big screen on the planet. 7KHLOOXPLQDWHGH[WUDYDJDQ]DRI ÀDVKLQJUROOLQJLPDJHVLVJHQHUDWHG E\PRUHWKDQPLOOLRQ¿EHURSWLFOLJKWV DQGV\QFKURQL]HGWRPXVLFIURPD 540,000-watt sound system. Created E\DFRQVRUWLXPRIFDVLQRVWKH DWWUDFWLRQKDVWUDQVIRUPHGGRZQWRZQµV ¿YHEORFNSULQFLSDOWKRURXJKIDUHLQWR DPL[RIXUEDQWKHDWHUDQGDYDULHW\ RIGLQLQJHQWHUWDLQPHQWDQGVKRSSLQJ venues. Under its high dome, the canopy creates a pedestrian mall closed to WUDI¿FDQGHQFRPSDVVLQJVHYHUDORI/DV Vegas‘ most popular downtown casinos, including the Golden Nugget. Free concerts, special events, and URDPLQJVWUHHWSHUIRUPHUVHQWHUWDLQWKH nearly 17 million visitors who come to experience the vintage Vegas attraction HDFK\HDU6RPHWRXULVWVDFWXDOO\SUHIHU this area to the Strip because room prices are generally lower, it‘s an easy ZDONIURPRQHFDVLQRWRWKHQH[WDQG LWµVUHPLQLVFHQWRIWKHHDUO\QRVWDOJLF Downtown Las Vegas GD\VRI/DV9HJDV,QDGGLWLRQWKHUH DUHIDPRXVKRWHOVVXFKDV7KH3OD]D IRUPHUO\NQRZQDV8QLRQ3OD]DRYHUlooking Fremont Street, and the classic *ROGHQ1XJJHW)RUQRVWDOJLDEXIIV there is also the Golden Gate Hotel Casino, renovated to its earlier classic JORU\DQGDSSHDUDQFHDQGVWLOOIDPRXV IRUWKHFHQWVKULPSFRFNWDLO Fig. 23 The Strip: Las Vegas Boulevard 7KHIDEOHGWKUHHPLOHDUHDKROGVPRUH hotel rooms than any other city in the ZRUOG<RXZLOO¿QGWKHPRVWIDPRXV and remarkable resorts such as Bellagio with its Italian Renaissance aura DQG&DHVDUV3DODFHWKHJORU\RI5RPH Vegas-style. Old standbys include the Flamingo Hilton and the Mirage, with its white tigers and erupting volcanoes. 7KH3DULV/DV9HJDVZLWKWKH(LIIHO Tower, Arc de Triomphe and Parisian FKDUP7UHDVXUH,VODQGRIIHUVGDLO\OLYH SLUDWHEDWWOHV$WWKHVRXWKHQGRIWKH VWULSULVHQIURPWKHDVKHVRIWKH+DFLenda Hotel, now stands the Mandalay 81 Downtown Las Vegas Bay „with its tropical atmosphere and a pool with waves you can actually surf.“ $WWKHWRSRIWKH6WULSWKHUHLV6WUDWRVSKHUH7RZHU,WLVWKHKLJKHVWIUHHVWDQGLQJEXLOGLQJLQWKHZHVWHUQKDOIRIWKH 8QLWHG6WDWHVZLWKYLHZVIURPWKHWRS Off-Strip In recent years, hotels have sprouted up near the Strip, which are conveniently accessible by shuttle bus, taxi or FDU6RPHRIWKHEHWWHUNQRZQRIWKHVH are The Orleans, the Rio Suites and the Gold Coast on Flamingo. Further north on Sahara, is the Palace Station, the JUDQGGDGG\RIWKH6WDWLRQ&DVLQRVZLWK LWVRULJLQDODSSURDFKWR¿QHEXIIHWGLQLQJ known as The Feast. To the east, there‘s the Las Vegas Hilton with the sprawling Convention Center. Further south, between FlaminJRDQG7URSLFDQDHDVWRIWKH6WULSLV Hard Rock Hotel and Casino next to the RULJLQDO+DUG5RFN&DIHHDFKZLWKD giant neon guitar at the entrance. 82 Boulder Strip 7KLVKDVEHFRPHVRPHWKLQJRIDSKHQRPHQRQLQLWVHOI7KH%RXOGHU+LJKZD\ ZDVRQFHDVSUDZORIVPDOOPRWHOV DQGEXVLQHVVHVOHDGLQJIURP)UHPRQW 6WUHHWHYHQWXDOO\RXWWRWKHFLW\RI Henderson and beyond that to Boulder City and Boulder Dam, also known as Hoover Dam. But in recent years it‘s beFRPHWKHÄ6HFRQG6WULS³ZLWKLWVODUJH popular hotels and casinos including the Boulder Station Hotel and Casino and Sam‘s Town Hotel and Casino, ZKLFKKDVEHFRPHWKHKLJKVWDQGDUGRI western-theme resorts with its Mystic Falls Indoor Park. North Las Vegas 7KHFLW\RI1RUWK/DV9HJDVKDVWKH /DV9HJDV0RWRU6SHHGZD\DPDMRU WRXULVWDWWUDFWLRQLQLWVHOIDVZHOODV 1HOOLV$LU)RUFH%DVHRQHRIWKHVWURQgest military bases in the United States DQGKRPHWRWKHÀ\LQJ7KXQGHUELUGV$V IDUDVDFFRPPRGDWLRQVDUHFRQFHUQHG there are several popular spots including The Fiesta and Texas Station Hotel and Casino. There is also the Santa Fe in northwest Las Vegas, which is XQLTXHIRULWV2O\PSLFVW\OH6DQWD)H Ice Arena. Summerlin /RFDWHGLQWKHIDUQRUWKZHVWVHFWLRQRI the Las Vegas valley, Summerlin is a planned community with homes, shops, UHFUHDWLRQDODFWLYLWLHVIHVWLYDOVDQGFRQcerts. Only one accommodation in this area is the Suncoast Hotel and Casino. Downtown Las Vegas Fig. 24 83 Downtown Las Vegas Public buses 3XEOLF&$7&LWL]HQ$UHD7UDQVLWEXVHV 108 and 109 head downtown but really do not put you on the Strip without a WUDQVIHU%XVLVJRRGIRUWKHFRQvention crowd as it makes stops right outside the main hall and at the Hilton next door. &$7KDVDGHFHQWQHWZRUNRISXEOLF buses coving the entire city, and bus GDUWVEDFNDQGIRUWKDORQJWKH6WULS every 10 to 15 minutes 24 hours daily. Fares are USD 2. Tram $VHULHVRIWUDPVFRQQHFWFHUWDLQ FDVLQRVZLWKHDFKRWKHUEXWKDOIRIWKH time they seem to be shut down. Routes include the Mandalay Bay to Excalibur tram, the Mirage to Treasure Island tram and the Bellagio to Monte Carlo tram, which is currently closed. A Las Vegas Monorail system connects the FDVLQRVIURP7URSLFDQDWR6DKDUD%OYG 84 Car I-15 links Vegas with Salt Lake City and /RV$QJOHVYLD,DQG6DQ'LHJR +LJKZD\DSSURDFKHVIURPWKHERPEHGRXWGHVHUWQRUWKZHVWRIWRZQDQG IURPGXHVRXWKDW, *HWWLQJLQWRWRZQLVDVHDV\DV¿QGLQJ and heading north the aptly named Paradise Road. Connecting to Las Vegas %RXOHYDUGRU,WKHTXLFNZD\LQWR GRZQWRZQVLPSO\UHTXLUHVPDNLQJDOHIW WXUQDWDQ\RIWKHPDMRUVWUHHWV Most people coming to Vegas bring their cars so they can drive up and GRZQWKHIDPRXVQHRQ¿OOHGDGXOW IDLU\ODQGDIIHFWLRQDWHO\6WULS3OXVWKH town is easy to get navigate by car FRQVLGHULQJPRVWRIWKHSODFHVFDQEH accessed by I-15 or Las Vegas Boulevard. Other than that the town is set up grid style, so getting lost is rare. Taxis Travel by cab is not the cheapest in WRZQPHWHUHGIDUHVEHJLQDW86' EXWWKHGULYHUVDUHVRPHRIWKH most interesting people in a town brimming with interesting people and worth WKHH[WUDFDVKXVXDOO\/LPRVIURP base get-you-there-and-back models to beyond luxury mobile penthouses. Bicycle Surprisingly, bicycle travel is a popular and easy way to see the city and get IURPSRLQWWRSRLQW%XWFRQVLGHULQJWKH LPPHQVHGHVHUWKHDWLQWKHPLGGOHRI summer. The local hills have some most mountain biking trails. Downtown Las Vegas Fig. 25 85 Downtown Las Vegas Plaza Hotel Number One Main Street http://www.plazahotelcasino.com „This hotel is located at „the beginning“ of the Fremont Street Experience, on the site of the old Union Railroad Depot. .QRZQDV8QLRQ3OD]DZKHQ¿UVWEXLOWLQ LWZDVRQHRIWKH¿UVWVN\VFUDSHUV in downtown Las Vegas. It has been the scene of many a famous Hollywood car chase. The Center Stage Restaurant, on top of the porte cochere and overlooking Fremont Street, is another landmark and excellent eatery with an amazing view.“ (www.wayn.com/) Golden Nugget 129 East Fremont Street http://www.goldennugget.com Ä7KLVFODVVLF¿[WXUHRIGRZQWRZQ/DV Vegas since 1946 has undergone a complete renovation. It has kept it‘s 86 classic charm, while adding many new modern amenities and features. It is located in the heart of the Fremont Street Experience. The hotel is home to the Hand of Faith, the largest gold nugget on display, weighing over 61 pounds. The Tank is a year-round, three story outdoor swimming pools complete with a live shark aquarium, private cabanas, water slide, and bar. Live entertainment in the showroom includes the Broadway smash hit Defending the Caveman, and other headline shows.“ (www.wayn.com/) Stratosphere Tower 2000 South Las Vegas Boulevard http://www.stratospherehotel.com „A true Vegas landmark, the Stratosphere Hotel and Casino‘s dominates the Sin City skyline and features adrenaline-pumping rides at its summit. There is a revolving restaurant and lounge, indoor and outdoor observation decks, a spa, the Chapel in the Clouds, and several rides. The X Scream is a giant WHHWHUWRWWHUWKDWÀLQJVULGHUVRYHUWKH edge of the tower and back. Lastly, the Big Shot catapults riders up a portion of the tower. The showroom features award-winning entertainment and other entertainment options include live music.“ (www.wayn.com/) Goldspike Hotel 400 East Ogden http://www.goldspikehotelcasino.com „The Gold Spike Hotel and Casino is located in downtown Las Vegas, just one block from the Fremont Street Experience and Neonopolis, two blocks from the expressway, and minutes from the famous Las Vegas Strip. The Gold Spike offers 107 nicely appointed rooms and suites. With 24-hour Vegas-style gaming action, we´ve become wellknown for our friendly atmosphere and great values.“ (www.wayn.com/) Downtown Las Vegas Fig. 26 87 Downtown Las Vegas Four Queens 202 Fremont Street KWWSZZZIRXUTXHHQVFRP „You may recognize this establishment IURPPDQ\PRYLHV¿OPHGKHUH7KH standard guest accommodations are tastefully decorated and comfortable. Petite Suites offer many amenities including a sitting and dining area. Deluxe Jacuzzi Suites also offer a refrigerator and wet bar. The casino offers a myriad of table games including single-deck blackjack, Pai-Gow and three-card poker. Restaurants available include Magnolia‘s Verdana with 24-hour dining and Hugo‘s Cellar for a romantic evening.“ (www.wayn.com/) El Cortez 600 East Fremont Street http://www.elcortezhotelcasino.com „El Cortez Hotel & Casino is located on 88 Fremont Street in downtown Las Vegas, a short walk from the Fremont Street Experience The hotel has a full casino with over 1100 slots, 11 gaming tables, Keno, and a sportsbook. There are three restaurants on site, include Kitty‘s Restaurant (serving breakfast 24 hours a day), Breakfast Buffet, Roberta‘s Steak House, Subway, Dryer‘s Ice Cream, and Seattle‘s Best Coffee. A Chinese Kitchen Buffet is open from 4 PM to 10 PM nightly. In addition, the hotel offers the El Cortez Barber Shop, Crown Beauty Shop, and the new El Cortez Gift Shop.“ (www.wayn.com/) Bay City Diner One Fremont Street http://www.goldengatecasino.net Average cost about 25 „This is a small, cheery room nestled inside one of the oldest existing hotels in Las Vegas, the Golden Gate. This eatery has all the charm of 1930s San Francisco, contrasting with the modern delights of the Fremont Street Experience. Counter seating and the maKRJDQ\LQWHULRUZLWKEUDVV¿[WXUHVJLYH the place a real „old-time“ feel. Table seating is also available. Most famous for the „99-cent Shrimp Cocktail,“ it also offers a range of menu choices including breakfast and complete meals.³ (www.wayn.com/) Neonopolis (QGRI)UHHPRQW6WUHHW([SHULHQFH http://www.neonopolis.com 2SHQLQJKRXUVIURPDPSP Su-Tu and 11:00am-10:00pm F-Sa „Take a walk to the end of the Freemont Street Experience to the rainbow of light and color found at Neonopolis. Featuring Jillians for eating, drinking, dining and live bands performing during the summer months, this mall has something for everyone. Jillians houses a billiard lounge, a retro-themed bowling alley, a state-of-the art arcade and food Downtown Las Vegas Fig. 27 Fig. 28 Fig. 29 89 Downtown Las Vegas and drinks for all. See a movie at the Crown Theatres multiplex on the top level and peruse the kiosks and area restaurants on your way. This area is constantly growing and changing so wait no longer.“ (www.wayn.com/) Dona Maria‘s 910 Las Vegas Boulevard South Average cost about 20 „This place is not fancy, but it will quickly become one of your favorites. The chef must be in tears in the kitchen, because he uses only the freshest jalapenos and other spices. The place is famous for its ‚tamales‘, but you may want to try one of the combination platters to get a taste of several of the specialties. The tortillas are fresh and warm, the fajitas are way too much for DQ\RQHSHUVRQWR¿QLVK<RXFDQRUGHU the amazing margaritas by the pitcher, a perfect addition to the great food.“ (www.wayn.com/) 90 Cashman Center 850 North Las Vegas Boulevard http://www.lvcva.com „Located in downtown Las Vegas, the 98,100 square-foot Cashman Center includes exhibit space, meeting rooms, a 1900-seat theater, 10,000-seat baseball stadium and restaurant. The two exhibit halls host various exhibits, festivals and cultural events throughout the year. The Cashman Theatre presents everything from Broadway shows to corporate presentations. The Stadium is home WRWKH/DV9HJDVVWKH$$$DI¿OLDWH of the L.A. Dodgers. The Club Level Restaurant offers a stunning view of WKHEDVHEDOO¿HOGDQGLVRIWHQXVHGIRU parties, receptions, corporate meetings and other group events.“ (www.wayn.com/ ) Steve Powers Art and Craft Festival 850 Las Vegas Boulevard North http://www.stevepowers.com „The Steve Powers „Art & Craft Festival“ is held annually and is a platform for original handmade crafts. Showcasing the creations of artists and exhibitors from over 10 Western States, WKHIHVWLYDOLVGH¿QLWHO\XQLTXH7KHIRRG and live entertainment keeps the 13,000 or so attendees good company. Both exhibitors and visitors can book booths and buy tickets. Check the website for more details.“ (www.wayn.com/) Downtown Las Vegas Fig. 30 91 Downtown Las Vegas Fig. 31 92 Downtown Las Vegas Fig. 33 Fig. 32 Fig. 34 93 Downtown Las Vegas 4XHOOHQ http://lasvegasnevada.gov/ Stand 18.02.2008 http://www.wikipedia.com/las-vegas/ Stand 25.02.2008 http://www.vegas-online.de/history/ Stand 25.02.2008 9HQWXUL5REHUW6FRWW%URZQ'HQLVH,]HQRXU6WHYHQ Lernen von Las Vegas: zur Ikonographie und ArchitekturV\PEROLNGHU*HVFKlIWVVWDGW %DXZHOWIXQGDPHQWH Eckardt, Emanuel: Downtown am Rande der Stadt Merdien, 2007 http://www.las-vegas.cc, stand 02.21.2008 http://www.vegasexperience.com/ Stand 03.02.2008 http://www.rtcsouthernnevada.com/ Stand 03.04.2008 http://www.visitlasvegas.com/ Stand 03.04.2008 http://www.wayn.com/ Stand 03.02.2008 Abbildungen: )LJ http://lasvegasnevada.gov/ Stand 18.02.2008 )LJ http://www.wikipedia.com/las-vegas/ Stand 25.02.2008 )LJ http://www.vegas-online.de/history/ Stand 25.02.2008 )LJ 9HQWXUL5REHUW6FRWW%URZQ'HQLVH,]HQRXU6WHYHQ Lernen von Las Vegas: zur Ikonographie und ArchitekturV\PEROLNGHU*HVFKlIWVVWDGW %DXZHOWIXQGDPHQWH 94 Las Vegas City Development zusammengestellt von: Marion Haider & Florian Sedelmaier 95 Las Vegas City Development Decreasing Downtown It has been long ago since the old city FHQWUHZDVKHDUWRI/DV9HJDV%XW tradition, youngsters, culture and a reorganization program is supposed to put downtown in perspective again. Simply put, reurbanization means creating a vibrant, urban environment at the FRUHRIWKHFLW\ZKHUHSHRSOHFKRRVH to live, work, and play. Establishing a PL[RIKRXVLQJDORQJZLWKVKRSVSDUNV and educational and cultural amenities is the key to the City’s redevelopment HIIRUWV8UEDQKRXVLQJZLOOSURYLGHD VWHDG\FOLHQWEDVHIRUVHUYLFHVDQG shops, entertainment and restaurants, allowing Downtown to become a cultuUDODQGHFRQRPLFFHQWHUIRUWKHHQWLUH community. 35 years ago Steve Wynn already LPSOHPHQWHGUHXUEDQL]DWLRQRIGRZQWRZQE\RYHUWDNLQJDQGUHIXUELVKLQJ Ä7KH*ROGHQ1XJJHW+RWHO´3DUWVRIWKH casino had been immersed in gold and 96 white color, blazing light installations had been adorned and a big showroom had been set up where Frank Sinatra KDGKLV¿UVWDQGH[FOXVLYHGRZQWRZQ gig in the eighties. 7KLVNLQGRIOLYHFHOOUHKDELOLWDWLRQ GRZQWRZQZDVEDGO\LQQHHGRIÃ&DXVH this is the place where everything VWDUWHG7KLVLVWKHSODFHZKHUHWKH¿UVW ZDWHUEXQNHUZDVEXLOWIRUORFRPRWLYHV RI8QLRQ3DFL¿FDQGZKHUHWKH¿UVW gambling houses and casinos beamed their lights into the dark night sky. But LPPHGLDWHO\DIWHUWKH¿UVWERRPGRZQWRZQIDGHGDQGÄ7KH6WULS´ZDVERUQ VRXWKRIFLW\OLPLW %DVHGRQDOHJHQGRIDÀDWWLUH ZDVWKHPLOHVWRQHIRUPDQ\+RWHO SURMHFWV7KRPDV+XOOZDVWUDYHOOLQJ IURP/$WR/9ZKHQKLVWLUHVWDUWHGWR OHDNDQGKHXQIRUWXQDWHO\KDGWRVWRS :DLWLQJIRUWKHPRWRUFDUPHFKDQLFKH started to count all cars driving past in the burning hot sun. Suddenly he got a sensationally inspiration to build a Hotel-Casino between LA and the old Las Vegas, that people could spare time. They don’t have to drive all way to the FHQWHUWKH\FDQEHLQ9HJDVVRRQHU The New Master Plan 7KH&LW\RI/DV9HJDVKDVH[SHULHQFHG a 73 percent increase in growth over the last ten years, bringing its current population to approximately 465,000. %\WKH\HDUWKHSRSXODWLRQRIWKH city is expected to increase to roughly 800,000. With this growth, air and water quality have declined. Las Vegans’ MRXUQH\VWRZRUNDUHORQJHUDQGWUDI¿F is congested due to greater reliance on YHKLFOHVWRJHWWRDQGIURPZRUNDQGWR meet daily needs. The city’s Downtown and older areas are experiencing deterioration, disinYHVWPHQWDQGKLJKHUUDWHVRIYDFDQFLHV as new communities have been built RQWKHIULQJHVRIWKHFLW\¶VERXQGDULHV Las Vegas City Development 97 Las Vegas City Development creating isolated, walled neighborhoods DQGIXUWKHUGLVSHUVLQJKLJKHULQFRPH UHVLGHQWV7KHWUHQGRILQDGHTXDWH KRXVLQJ'RZQWRZQZKHUHMREVDUH PRUHDEXQGDQWDQGDQLQVXI¿FLHQW QXPEHURIMREVWRVXSSRUWWKHJURZLQJ population in newly developing areas, is expected to continue unless the city UHVKDSHVLWVIXWXUH+RZFDQJURZWK be accommodated while enhancing the FLW\¶VTXDOLW\RIOLIHDQGOLYDELOLW\" For these reasons the City decided WRXQGHUWDNHWKHSUHSDUDWLRQRIDQHZ Master Plan. 4XHOOHQ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Mead http://www.sunsetcities.com/hoover-dam http://www.nps.gov/ http://www.lasvegasnevada.gov/ Merian, Las Vegas, Dezember 2007 Bittner, Regina: Urbane Paradise – Zur Kulturgeschichte modernen Vergnügens )UDQNIXUW1HZ<RUN&DPSXV9HUODJ 98 From Gambling to Gaming zusammengestellt von: Klaus Molterer 99 From Gambling to Gaming, A Short History „The state of Nevada issues about 500 casino licenses and regulates 1,800 slot licenses, 1,360,000 slot machines, and 5,300 table games. Gambling revenues to the state exceed $300 million, about 45 percent of state revenues. No other state has such a large share of state revenues or economic activity provided by the gaming industry.“ 1 Las Vegas History, and bound to it, the KLVWRU\RIJDPEOLQJKDGDOZD\VEHHQ FORVHO\OLQNHGWRWKHKLVWRU\RIWKH6WDWH Nevada. Dependent on it`s bigger QHLJKERXULQJVWDWHVOLNH&DOLIRUQLDLW PD\EHWKHRQO\VWDWHWKDWIDFHGWKH SURVSHFWRIORVLQJLWVVWDWHKRRGGXULQJ the 19th century due to it`s shrinking population. Las Vegas started as a railroad town, DUHSDLUVKRSIRUWKH6DQ3HGUR6DOW Lake and Los Angeles Railroad, and like so many other places in the West, it was remarkably dependent on the VWDWXVRIWKHUDLOURDGFRPSDQ\V$VORQJ DVWKHWKHUDLOURDGÀRXULVKHGWKHWRZQ ÀRXULVKHGZKHQUDLOURDGGHYHORSPHQW 100 came to a stop, so did the town`s development. This dependency on decisions made in other places could be seen as DW\SLFDOSDWWHUQIRUWKHUXUDOWRZQVLQ the west during the early 20th century. $VWKHUDLOURDGZDVWKHRQO\VRXUFHRI FDSLWDOIXQGLQJIRUWKHWRZQLWKDGQR choice than to cater it`s needs. 7KHQHZVHQVHRIOLEHUW\IURPPRYHPHQWDORQJWKHUDLOURDGWUDFNVIUHHG SHRSOHIURPWLPHDQGSODFHDQGFDWHring to those peoples desires proved to EHVROXFUDWLYHWKDWYLFHÀRXULVKHGLQ those railroad towns even in the most PRUDOLVWLF9LFWRULDQWLPHV7KHUXOHVRI High–tone America had never applied to those Towns, gambling and prostiWXWLRQEHFDPHDYLWDOSDUWRIWKHORFDO economy. 7KHHDUO\VHWWOHUVDSDUWIURPWKH catholic spanish settlers and smaller GXWFKIUHQFKDQGVZHGLVKJURXSV FRXOGEHGLYLGHGLQWRWZRJURXSV7KH (QJOLVKEULQJLQJDORQJHQJOLVKEHOLHIV and values, and the puritans. Although FRPLQJIURP(QJODQGWKH\ZHUHWDNLQJ the trip to the colonies, to create a new VRFLHW\DQGGLVFDUGWKHYDOXHVRIWKHLU mother country. Colonies were establisKHGDORQJWKHJXLGHOLQHVDQGEHOLHIVRI these two groups, and not surprisingly LWOHGWRGLIIHUHQWDWWLWXGHVWRZDUGVJDPbling. In the puritan–led Massachusets %D\&RORQ\QRWRQO\WKHSRVVHVVLRQRI cards, dice and gaming tables was prohibited, but also singing and dancing. In other Colonies english attitudes towards gambling prevailed, and it was seen as a proper gentlemans Diversion. $VDVRXUFHRI¿QDQFLQJIRUWKHQHZ Colonies, playing the lottery, permitted by the English Mother Country, rose to DVWDWXVRIFLYLFUHVSRQVLELOLW\6RPHRI the earliest and most prestigious universities, such as Yale, Harvard or Princeton, were established with the proceeds IURPWKRVHORWWHULHV Casino gaming started slowly during the HDUO\VDQGLQDVKDUHGVSLULWRI adventure, uncertainty and risk taking, IURQWLHUOLIHVW\OHDQGJDPEOLQJFXOWXUH came to close ties and moved west and From Gambling to Gaming, A Short History south along with the colonialisation. The Mississippi River became territory IRUDÀRXULVKLQJLQGXVWU\RIULYHUERDW JDPEOLQJDVDUHVXOWRISURIHVVLRQDO JDPEOHUVEHLQJSXVKHGRXWRIWKH southern towns like New Orleans, EHLQJEODPHGIRULQWHUIHULQJZLWKORFDO business, limiting economic growth and debasing moral values. Lynching SURYHGWREHDYHU\VXFFHVIXOZD\WR SXVKWKHJDPEOHUVRXWRIWKHVRXWKDQG UHVXOWHGLQPXUGHURISURIHVVLRQDO FDUGVKDUSVÄVKDUS³DVDWHUPUHIHUULQJ WRDSURIHVVLRQDOJDPEOHULQ0LVVLVLSSL in 1835. During the early to mid 1800s gambling came under increasing attacks, which have to be seen in the broader social FRQWH[WRIWKHWLPHLQFOXGLQJLVVXHVOLNH SULVRQUHIRUPVZRPHQCVULJKWVDQG HGXFDWLRQDOUHIRUPV/RWWHU\VFDQGDOV added to the growing opposition and by 1840, under President Jackson who, LURQLFDOO\ZDVDJDPEOLQJDGGLFWKLPVHOI most states had banned lotteries and RWKHUOHJDOIURPVRIJDPEOLQJ 7KH&LYLOZDURIHQGHGYLUWXDOO\DOO river travel and so the semi – legal riverboat gambling came to a stop. 'XULQJWKHWLPHRIWKH*ROGUXVKDQG the big railway boom lasting until 1860, DVHFRQGZDYHRIJDPEOLQJUROOHGRYHU the United States, and came to a cliPD[HVSHFLDOO\LQWKHVWDWHRI&DOLIRUQLD The link between mining towns, railroad towns and gambling culture became LQFUHDVLQJO\REYLRXV3URKLELWLRQVRI certain gambling types occured, aiming DWSURIHVVLRQDOJDPEOHUVZKRZHUH EODPHGIRUWKHGHSUHVVLRQWKDWZDV occuring at the time, and the people running the gambling businesses, but KDGOLWWOHUHDOHIIHFWRQJDPEOLQJXQWLOD general prohibition in 1911. 7KHVWDWHRI1HYDGDSUR¿WHGIURPWKH JDPEOLQJERRPLQ&DOLIRUQLDHVSHFLDOO\ in San Francisco, and bounced between legalizing and banning gambling. $QXPEHURIVFDQGDOVDQGWKHULVHRI Victorian morality lead to a nationwide SURKLELWLRQRIYLUWXDOO\DOOIRUPVRIJDPbling by the early 1900s. 7KHJUHDWGHSUHVVLRQ%ODFN7XHVGD\ 29th Oct. 1929) lead to a much greater tolerance and liberality regarding gambling, as it was seen as way to stimulate HFRQRP\DQGWKH6WDWHRI1HYDGD legalized gambling in 1931. Gambling VKLSVDQFKRULQJMXVWRXWVLGHWKHWHUULWRULHVRIVWDWHMXULVGLFDWLRQPRVWO\LQDQG around the San–Francisco Bay Area, ZHUHVKXWGRZQZKLOHOHJDOIRUPVRI gambling like Bingo and Horse Races took over during the 1930s. A crackdown on illegal gambling, which had became prevailent during the times RIWKHSURKLELWLRQWRRNSODFHLQWKHHDVW RIWKHFRXQWU\7KH0REVWHUV0RE UHIHUULQJWRWKHWHUP0D¿DSUHYLRXVO\ UXQQLQJPRVWRIWKHLOOHJDOJDPEOLQJ LQWKHHDVWZHUHGULYHQRXWRI1HZ York and Chicago, and people like the LQIDPRXV%HQMDPLQÄ%XJV\³6LHJHO made their way west to try their luck in &DOLIRUQLD 7KHEHJLQQLQJRIFRQVWUXFWLRQRIWKH Boulder Dam, now Hoover Dam, in PHDQWIRXU\HDUVRISD\FKHFNVIRU 101 From Gambling to Gaming, A Short History ¿YHWKRXVDQGZRUNHUVPRVWO\IURP/DV 9HJDVDWWKHKHLJKWRIGHSUHVVLRQDIWHU the town nearly became a ghost town ZKHQWKH8QLRQ3DFL¿F5DLOZD\&RPSDny moved their repair shop and three KXQGUHGMREVWR&DOLHQWHPLOHV towards Utah. 1RW8QOLNHWKH&RQVWUXFWLRQRIWKHUDLOway in the late 1800s, the construction RIWKH+RRYHU'DPUHYLYHG/DV9HJDV Although a government town called boulder city was built, the road to the dam led through Las Vegas, and carried DQXPEHURIIHGHUDOEHQH¿FLDULHVWRWKH town. 7KH/HJLVODWXUHRI1HYDGDZDVPRWLvated to build on the predicted tourism boom that was expected as soon as %RXOGHU'DPZRXOGEH¿QLVKHGDQGWKH VWDWHZLGHOHJDOLVDWLRQRIJDPEOLQJZDV decided. The Legalisation was a step WDNHQRXWRIWKHQHFHVVLW\WRFRQWUROWKH ÀRXULVKLQJ,OOHJDOJDPEOLQJ,QGXVWU\EXW LWWRRNVRPHWLPHXQWLOWKH\HDUVRIJUHDW prosperity in post – war america, that a new Las Vegas, dependent on its own EUDQFKRIWUDGHFDPHWROLIH 102 $V:RUOG:DU,,HQGHGÄ%XJV\³6LHJHO started up his little red sport car in Hollywood and made his way to Las Vegas, DIWHUEHLQJFDXJKWXSLQLQYHVWLJDWLRQV RQPREWLHVZLWKWKH&DOLIRUQLDQ)LOP Union and illegal riverboat gambling, ZKLFKIRUFHGKLPDQGRWKHUVRIKLVNLQG to move to Las Vegas. Their skills and experience were desperately needed to launch the new, legalized gaming industry. ZDVWKHWKHRSHQLQJ\HDURIWKH IDPRXV)ODPLQJRKRWHOWKH¿UVWVWHS WRZDUGVDQHZFRQFHSWLRQRIXUEDQ entertainment in Las Vegas, with its XQXVXDOFRPELQDWLRQRIJDPEOLQJVSRUWLQJIDFLOLWLHVDQGDZLGHUDQJHRIRWKHU HQWHUWDLQPHQWIDFLOLWLHV&RQFHLYHGE\ %LOO\:LONHUVRQRZQHURI7KH+ROO\wood reporter and several nightclubs on the Strip which started to take on a OLIHRQLWCVRZQEHJLQQLQJLQ%XJV\ Siegel and his associates, including the IDPRXVXQGHUZRUOGFKDUDFWHU0H\HU /DQVN\ERXJKWLQWRWKHSURMHFWZKHQ Wilkersons plans started to outstrip his UHVRXUFHV6LHJHOERXJKWWZRWKLUGVRI WKHSURMHFWDQGKLVH[WHQVLYHDQGYLROHQWFULPHUHFRUGGLGQCWVWRSKLPIURP UHFHLYLQJDJDPLQJSHUPLVVLRQIRUKLV Flamingo Hotel. 7KHVWRU\RIWKH)ODPLQJRKRWHODQG Bugsy Siegels involvement has become OHJHQGEXWWKHSDWWHUQRI¿QDQFLQJZLWK RXWVLGHFDSLWDOFRPLQJIURPXQNQRZQ sources, while gaming permissions were given to the legal and well reVSHFWHGRZQHUVRIWKH&DVLQRVNHSW appearing in the same manner until the late 1950s. Siegel, who never ran DFRQVWUXFWLRQSURMHFWEHIRUH¿QDOO\ ¿QLVKHGFRQVWUXFWLRQRIWKH)ODPLQJR in 1946, although the construction cost EDOORRQHGWRQHDUO\PLOOLRQIURPWKH estimated $ 1,5 million. In June 1947 Siegel was shot dead at his Hollywood Bungalow, and although the crime was never really solved, it had always been clear that there was a close connection EHWZHHQ6LHJHOVGHDWKDQGWKH¿QDQFLQJRIWKH)ODPLQJR+RWHO Even resorts with clearly legitimate origins, such as Albur Clarks Desert Inn, From Gambling to Gaming, A Short History EHFDPHSDUWRIDYDVWRUJDQL]HGFULPH network. The Las Vegas Mob, and their 1HWZRUNFUHDWHGWKHP\WKRI/DV9HJDV as a town where „Nobody got shot who didn`t deserve it.“ 2 6LQFHWKH5LVHRI)LGHO&DVWURLQ&XED DQGWKHFORVXUHRI+DYDQQD&DVLQRV Nevada and especially Las Vegas was the only place in North America that could provide big – time legal gambling. In the open political and cultural climate RIVRXWKHUQ1HYDGDDWWKDWWLPH/DV Vegas became a place where activities WKDWZRXOGCYHEURXJKW\RXWRMDLOLQDQ\ RWKHUVWDWHRIWKH8QLRQZHUHKDSSHQLQJ every day, and every gambler, hood and small time–enterpreneur came to the WRZQZKHUHWKHLUEXVLQHVVZDV¿QDOO\ legalized. In a culture where recreation and entertainment were becoming more and more important, the term gambling turned into gaming and ceased to be a moral violation. This rise toward acceptance put pressure on operaters to cater a broader audience on a broader VFDOHDQGREYLRXVO\WKLVMRXUQH\ZKLFK ended sometime in the 1990s required a lot more money. Up until 1958, construction activities ZHUHIXQGHGE\VR±FDOOHGVKRHER[ PRQH\SULYDWHPRQH\RIPREPHPEHUV which they invested in 50 000 $ shares. $VWKHVL]HDQGFRPSOH[LW\RIRIIXWXUH resorts was ever increasing, the limitaWLRQVRIWKHVKRHER[IXQGLQJEHFDPH obvious and there was a accute lack RIIXQGLQJ$IWHUWKHFRPSOHWLRQRIWKH Startdust, no new hotels on the strip were erected up until 1966. 7KHRQO\QRQ±0RUPRQ¿QDQFLDOLQVWLWXtion in southern Nevada willing to invest in the Gaming Industry was the Valley %DQNIRUPHUO\NQRZQDVWKH%DQNRI Las Vegas, but the extraordinary growth on the strip simply outstripped their DYDLODEOHIXQGLQJ2QFHDJDLQWKHFRQQHFWLRQVRIWKH/DV9HJDVPRESURRIHG WREHYHU\XVHIXO$OOHQ'RUIPDQVWHSVRQRIWKHPREVWHU3DXO'RUIPDQDQG associate with the Chicago mob, ran an insurance company whose pension IXQGVZHUHWRLQYHVWHGLQUHDO estate related to gambling. 7KHIDFWWKDWWKHPREVDQGWKHLUPRQH\ FRPLQJIURPRUJDQL]HGFULPHZHUHWKH RQO\DYDLODEOHIXQGLQJUHVRXUFHVZDV DFWXDOO\DQXQLQWHQWHGFRQVHTXHQFHRI a 1955 regulation which barred large, SXEOLFO\KHOGFRUSRUDWLRQVIURPRZQLQJ stock in the gaming industry. The unintented consequence was not WKHZHDNHQLQJRIRUJDQL]HGFULPHE\D ODFNRIIXQGLQJEXWLWCVVWUHQJKWHQLQJ EHFDXVHWKHRQO\VRXUFHRIFDSLWDO OHIWIRUWKHORFDOVQRWDVVRFLDWHGZLWK RUJDQL]HGFULPHZDVWKHPRQH\RIWKH PREVWHUKHOGSHQVLRQIXQG Already during the 1950s there had been attempts to cleanse the casinos IURPWKHLQÀXHQFHVRIRUJDQL]HGFULPH but it had never been more than a public relations ploy to clean up the states image. The link between organized FULPHDQGJDPEOLQJZDVDVWURQJIDFWRU LQWKHRXWFRPHRIVWDWHHOHFWLRQV RQWKHOHJDOL]DWLRQRIJDPEOLQJZKHQ 103 From Gambling to Gaming, A Short History &DOLIRUQLD0RQWDQD$UL]RQDDQG0DVsachusetts voted against legal casino JDPEOLQJHYHQZLWKWKH&DOLIRUQLDQ proposition, where a state board would have run all gambling activities with the SURFHHGVJRLQJWRROG±DJHEHQH¿WV 7KHWUDQVIRUPDWLRQRI/DV9HJDVIURP a mob – dominated gambling town to a corporate - owned modern gaming UHVRUWEHJDQZLWKWZRHYHQWV7KH¿UVW ZDVWKHDUULYDORIWKHZHOONQRZQPLOOLRQDLUH+RZDUG++XJKHVNQRZQIRUKLV XQFRQYHQWLRQDOOLIHVW\OHDQGEXVLQHVV PHWKRGV$IWHU+XJKHVHQFORLVWHUHG KLPVHOILQDQHQWLUHÀRRURIWKH'HVHUW ,QQIRUDIHZZHHNVKHERXJKWWKHSODFH IRUDERXWPLOOLRQDVWKH¿UVWRID bying spree including the Frontier, the Sands, the Landmark and other mobowned casinos. By that time Hughes controlled a TXDUWHURIWKH/DV9HJDVJDPEOLQJ establishments. He arrived at an ideal PRPHQWIRUDQHZFRPHULQ/DV9HJDV ZKHQWKHROG*HQHUDWLRQRIPREVWHUV OLNH0H\HU/DQVN\EHFDPHWLUHGRIWKH 104 FRQVWDQWIHGHUDOVXUYHLOODQFHDQGWKHUH was not yet a younger generation to take over business, so they sold out to +XJKHVWRRNWKHLUSUR¿WDQGGHSDUWHG The second change was the Corporate Gaming Act, which was passed by WKHVWDWHLQDQGDOORZHGIRUDQ LQYHVWPHQWRIFRUSRUDWHFDSLWDO7KH ¿UVWSXUFKDVHVE\PXOWLQDWLRQDOKRWHO FKDLQVTXLFNO\IROORZHGLQFOXGLQJWKH Hilton chain purchasing the Flamingo and the International. Holiday Inn and 5DPDGDTXLFNO\IROORZHGDQGVXGGHQO\ WKHIXQGLQJE\RUJDQL]HGFULPHEHFDPH obsolete. $IWHUWKHSUREOHPRIIXQGLQJZDV solved, there was no need anymore to WROHUDWHPREUXQFDVLQRVPRUHDQG PRUHVNLPPLQJRSHUDWLRQVRIWKHUHPDLning mobsters were uncovered by the Gaming Control Board, and they were GHSULYHGRIWKHLUOLFHQVHV7KHV FRPSOHWHGWKHSURFHVVRIH[FLVLQJWKH PREZLWKWKHDUULYDORI)%,$JHQW-RH <DEORQVNLLQFKDUJHRI/DV9HJDV+H OHDGDULJRURXVUHJLPHRISURVHFXWLRQ DQGE\/DV9HJDVZDVODUJHO\IUHH RIPRERZQHUVKLSLQWKHFDVLQRV 2QFHWKHFDSLWDOFDPHIURPPDLQVWUHDP sources, the towns attractions could be VKDSHGWRWRWKHWDVWHRIWKHPDVVHV 6LQ&LW\EHFDPHOHVVVLQIXODQGDVWKH VWLJPDRIJDPEOLQJJUDGXDOO\HDVHGWKH town made its way merging gaming with conventionally themed attractions and catering a broader audience. $QRWKHULPSRUWDQWVWHSIRUWKHFDVLQRV ZDVWKHLQVWDOODWLRQRI$70VLQWKH casinos. Previously the only way to get money into the casino was to bring it in \RXUVHOIRUWRREWDLQLWIURPWKHFDVKLHUV FDJH3OD\HUVZHUHUDWHGIRUWKHUHDVRQ that the casino took personal risk in paying advances to the players to XSKROGWKHLUSUR¿W:LWKWKHLQWURGXFWLRQ RI$70VWKHSDUW\FRXOGJRRQIRUHYHU or at least until your credit card limit was reached which seemed nearly impossible in the mid-nineties. ,QDFRYHUVWRU\RIWKHWLPHVPDJD]LQH in 1994 Las Vegas was declared the From Gambling to Gaming, A Short History all-american city, having embraced the VHUYLFHLQGXVWU\IURPDQHDUO\VWDJH ZKLFKWXUQHGRXWWREHFUXFLDOIRURXU SRVWLQGXVWULDOVRFLHW\%HVLGHVRIWKH UHVWRIWKH&RXQWU\EHFRPLQJPRUHOLNH Las Vegas, Las Vegas became more DQGPRUHOLNHWKHUHVWRIWKHFRXQWU\ Gambling had become Gaming, then tourism and ultimately entertainment. PXVWKDYHH[SHULHQFHLQODZHQIRUFHPHQWDQGRQHRIZKLFKPXVWKDYH experience in business administration or management. Board members are DSSRLQWHGE\WKH*RYHUQRUIRUVWDJJHUHGIRXU\HDUWHUPVDQGDUHH[SHFWHG WRVHUYHIXOOWLPH7KH*DPLQJ&RQWURO %RDUGRYHUVHHVWKHJUDQWLQJRIOLFHQses. The Board serves as the prosecutor in disputes. Current Gaming Regulations in Nevada&LWHGIURPWKH&DOLIRUQLD 5HVHDUFK%XUHDX5HSRUWRI&DOLIRUQLDV State Library) - The State Gaming Commission remains Nevada‘s decision-making body on gaming policy and regulations. The Gaming Commission issues, denies, restricts, limits, suspends, or revokes gaming licenses. The Commission LVFRPSRVHGRI¿YHPHPEHUVDOVR appointed by the Governor, who serve part-time. The Gaming Commission also handles discilinary proceedings. Nevada has two entities that regulate gaming: - The State Gaming Control Board has evolved into the primary administrative DUPIRUFDVLQRJDPLQJUHJXODWLRQ7KH %RDUGKDVUHVSRQVLELOLW\IRUKDQGOLQJ LQYHVWLJDWLRQVIRUOLFHQVLQJFROOHFWLQJ WD[HVDQGHQIRUFLQJJDPLQJUHJXODWLons. The State Gaming Control Board LVFRPSRVHGRIWKUHHPHPEHUVRQH RIZKLFKPXVWEHD&3$RQHRIZKLFK 7KHUHDUHWZRGLIIHUHQWW\SHVRIJDPLQJ licenses issued by the Nevada Gaming &RPPLVVLRQ Restricted licenses prohibit the operaWLRQRIPRUHWKDQVORWPDFKLQHVDQG do not allow the licensee to operate any RWKHUW\SHRIJDPH+ROGHUVRIWKHVH OLFHQVHVDUHJHQHUDOO\RZQHUVRIVPDOO bars, restaurants, and grocery stores. Only a routine investigation is required IRUUHVWULFWHGOLFHQVHV Unrestricted licenses allow the operaWLRQRIDQ\QXPEHURIVORWPDFKLQHV gaming devices, or table games. A thorough investigation is conducted by WKH*DPLQJ&RQWURO%RDUGZKRUHIHUV its licensing recommendations to the Gaming Commission. The Gaming &RPPLVVLRQPDNHVWKH¿QDOGHFLVLRQ RQDQDSSOLFDWLRQIRUDJDPLQJOLFHQVH Licensing is more thorough and intrusive than the highest U.S. security clearance investigation. An applicant must pay approximately $500,000 to $1 million to cover the state‘s costs. The state takes approximately one year to complete the process and issue a license. There are two public hearings where every personal and business WUDQVJUHVVLRQLVVXEMHFWWRLQTXLU\7KH State Gaming Control Board provides a recommendation on licensing to the 105 From Gambling to Gaming, A Short History &RPPLVVLRQ7KHEDVLFFULWHULRQIRU licensing is the applicant‘s character. $QDSSOLFDQWLVXQVXLWDEOHLIWKH\DUH DQRUJDQL]HGFULPH¿JXUHDFDVHWKDW can be hard to prove. A criminal record LVQHLWKHUQHFHVVDU\QRUVXI¿FLHQWIRU GHQLDORIDOLFHQVH 7KHUHDUHDQXPEHURIDGGLWLRQDOFULWHria: )LQDQFLQJRIWKH2SHUDWLRQ7KHVWDWH wants to make sure that the money is QRWFRPLQJIURPFULPLQDOHQWHUSULVH EXWIURPDOHJLWLPDWHVRXUFH$QRWKHU FRQFHUQLVWKDWRIYLDELOLW\RIWKHFDVLQR Moreover, there is the concern that a troubled operation may cheat customers and not pay taxes. This portion RIWKHOLFHQVLQJODZZDVSDVVHGZKHQ Las Vegas hotels were not doing well ¿QDQFLDOO\ Business Competency: To protect the state‘s revenues and consumers, the state wants the casino operator to be sophisticated enough to deal with very skilled cheaters. Cheaters not only steal IURPWKHFDVLQRVEXWDOVRFKHDWWKH 106 VWDWHRXWRIWD[UHYHQXHVDQGSRVVLEO\ other patrons. 6XLWDELOLW\RI/RFDWLRQ7KHVWDWHGRHV not want casinos near activities that are not suitable such as schools or EURWKHOV1HDUE\EURWKHOVSUHVHQWD QHJDWLYHLPDJHRIJDPLQJHVSHFLDOO\WR RXWRIVWDWHYLVLWRUVZKRDUHQRWXVHGWR such businesses being legal.) Multiple Licenses Criteria: This criteriRQZDVSDVVHGVKRUWO\DIWHU+RZDUG Hughes acquired his extensive holdings. At the time, the U.S. Justice Department had threatened to intervene LI+XJKHVERXJKWPRUHSURSHUWLHV '8167$1*DPEOLQJ,Q&DOLIRUQLD 2 ROTHMAN, Neon Metropolis, 2003,13 4XHOOHQ Hal ROTHMAN, Neon Metropolis, How Las Vegas Started The Twenty - First Century, Routledge, New York, 2003 -RKQ+$11,*$1)DQWDV\&LW\3OHDVXUH$QG3UR¿W,Q7KH Postmodern Metropolis, Routledge, London, 1998 5RJHU'8167$1*DPEOLQJ,Q&DOLIRUQLD&DOLIRUQLD Research Bureau Report, 1997 http://www.library.ca.gov =XJULIIDP &RYHU,PDJH5REHUWGH1LURDV$QWKRQ\Ä7RQ\WKH$QW³ 6SLORWURLQ0DUWLQ6FRUFHVHVSLFWXUHÄ&DVLQR³ http://www.x6o.com =XJULIIDP Learning from Las Vegas zusammengestellt von: Markus Hafner 107 Learning from Las Vegas The Strip and Venturi ,QKLV¿UVWERRN„Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture“ 1 published LQE\WKH0XVHXPRI0RGHUQ$UW Venturi posed the question: „Is not Main Street almost all right?“ 2 He was DUJXLQJIRUZKDWKHFDOOHGWKHÄmessy vitality“ 3RIWKHEXLOWHQYLURQPHQW As he puts it: „We were calling for an architecture that promotes richness and ambiguity over unity and clarity, contradiction and redundancy over harmony and simplicity.“ 4 He was challenging Modernism with the multiple solutions DYDLODEOHIURPKLVWRU\DQGÄSRSFXOWXUH³ DVIDUDVWKHZD\VDQGPHDVXUHVDUH concerned, that were taken throughout WKHKLVWRU\RIDUFKLWHFWXUHWRHQULFKWKH FRQWHQWRILQIRUPDWLRQGLVSOD\HGLQD built environment. As these ways and measures are always determined to VLPSOLI\WKHZD\VRIGHDOLQJZLWKWKLV environment, while, at the same time, increase it‘s complexity, Venturi concluded that this obvious contradictory nature should have been considered in modern architecture also. 108 ,QKLVRULJLQDOSUHIDFHWRWKHERRN Venturi states: „As an architect I try to be guided not by habit but by a conscious sense of the past - by precedent, thoughtfully considered.“ 5 He continues later: „As an artist I frankly write about what I like in architecture: complexity DQGFRQWUDGLFWLRQ)URPZKDWZH¿QG we like - what we are easily attracted to - we can learn much of what we really are.“ 6 It would be impossible to discuss Robert Venturi‘s writing without mentioning KLVIDPRXVUHVSRQVHÄ/HVVLVDERUH³ to modernist Mies van der Rohe‘s dicWXPÄ/HVVLVPRUH³7KLVZDV9HQWXULµV way to make the point that modern architecture had become too simplistic. Robert Venturi, Denise Scott Brown and Steven Izenour collaborated on another book, published in 1972, „A 6LJQL¿FDQFHRI$33DUNLQJ/RWVRU Learning from Las Vegas,“ 7 a deep DQDO\VLVRIWKHDUFKLWHFWXUDOTXDOWLWLHVRI the Las Vegas Strip and Downtown Las 9HJDV1RWRQO\LV/HDUQLQJIURP/DV Vegas closely related to the statements DQGSULQFLSOHV9HQWXULVXSSOLHGDW¿UVWLQ Complexity and Contradiction, it could DFWXDOO\EHVHHQDVDQLOOXVWUDWLRQRI these principles. The Strip, as Venturi, Scott Brown and Izenour suggest, is the ZRUOGµVEHVWSODFHWR¿QGPHVV\YLWDOLW\ The Persuasive Space of Symbols 2QHRIWKHPRVWHVVHQWLDOSRLQWVWKDW DUHPDGHLQ/HDUQLQJIURP/DV9HJDV is, that words and symbols can be used LQVSDFHIRUFRPPHUFLDOSHUVXDVLRQ Fig. 1 - Map of the Strip showing every written word seen from the road in 19727KHVHYHULW\RIWKLVVHHPLQJO\ simple statement, becomes exceptioQDOO\FOHDUZKHQFRPSDULQJGLIIHUHQW VSDFHVRIFRPPHUFLDOSXUSRVHVZLWK HDFKRWKHUFig. 2 - A comparative analysis of directional space). While „The Middle Eastern bazar contains no signs; the Strip is virtually all sign“ 8 . The meWKRGVRISUHVHQWDWLRQJUHDWO\GLIIHUIURP each other, the merchandise on the bazaar can be smelled and seen, it is presented through its obvious qualities and through explicit oral persuasion Learning from Las Vegas applied by the merchant. In the medieval street, signs do actually occur but still, their contribution to merchandising is very small. On Main Street shopwindow displays and exterior signs are almost equally important. On the commercial strip, a supermarket would not have its merchandise presented in windows, signs with day‘s EDUJDLQVFRXOGEHUHDGRQO\IURPWKH SHGHVWULDQVDSSURDFKLQJIURPWKHSDUNLQJORW7KHEXLOGLQJLWVHOIZRXOGEHVHW EDFNIURPWKHVWUHHWYHU\ORZEHFDXVH RIDLUFRQGLWLRQLQJDQGPHUFKDQGLVLQJ WHFKQLTXHVDQGWKHUHIRUHKDOIKLGGHQ behind the cars on the parking lot Fig. 3 - Parking lot of a supermarket), ZKLFKZRXOGEHVLWXDWHGLQIURQWRIWKH building. As the supermarket would EHGLVFRQQHFWHGIURPWKHURDGDQG WKHUHIRUHKDUGO\YLVLEOHLWµVDUFKLWHFWXUH would be very neutral. But as the goods and wares, that ought be sold, and WKHH[LVWHQFHRIWKHPDUNHWKDYHWREH advertised in some way, huge billboards and graphic signs would be built along the strip to connect the driver to the VWRUHFig. 4 - Billboard on the Strip). Vast Space and the A&P Another very important comparison, Venturi, Scott Brown and Izenour made ZDVWKHFRPSDULVRQRIKLVWRULFDOVWHSV LQWKHHYROXWLRQRIYDVWVSDFHFig. 5 – A comparative analysis of vast spaces). This comparison is actually a distincWLRQEHWZHHQWKHVHGLIIHUHQWIRUPVRI VSDFHDVIDUDVWKHLUDELOLW\WRSURGXFH enclosure and direction are concerned. The writers state that a movement „... through the landscape of the Strip is to move over vast expansive texture: the megatexture of the commercial landscape.“ 9 The parking lot, as they see it is an DVSKDOWODQGVFDSHFig. 6 – Aladdin Casino and Hotel, Las Vegas), its lines and patterns produce direction as well DVRWKHUIRUPVRIVSDFHGR,WVODPS posts substitute obelisks and statues as SRLQWVRIFRQWLQXLW\DQGLQWURGXFHRUGHU to the vast space. More important however, in means to LGHQWLI\DQGXQLI\WKHPHJDWH[WXUHDUH again the big, sculptural or pictorial highway signs. „They make verbal and symbolic connections through space, communicating a complexity of meanings through hundreds of associations in few seconds from far away. Symbol dominates space Architecture is not enough.“ 10 The writers conclude that because the HIIHFWRIV\PEROVRQVSDFHLVJUHDWHU WKDQWKHHIIHFWRIDUFKLWHFWXUHRQVSDFH DUFKLWHFWXUHLQWKLVNLQGRIODQGVFDSHLV inevitably destined to become symEROLFLWVHOI%HFDXVHWKHVLJQLVPRUH important than the building, the sign can become a huge symbol-extravaganza and the building a mere and modest necessity or the building can become WKHVLJQLWVHOIFig. 7 – Big sign / little building or building as sign). 7KHLPSRUWDQFHRI6\PEROVLQ6SDFH lies in the contradiction between inside and outside. This contradiction has EHHQFRPPRQLQWKHKLVWRU\RIDUFKLtecture, which is shown by another FRPSDULVRQFig. 8 – A comparative analysis of „billboards“ in space). 109 Learning from Las Vegas Fig.1 Fig. 2 110 Learning from Las Vegas Fig. 3 Fig. 4 111 Learning from Las Vegas Fig.5 112 Learning from Las Vegas Fig.6 113 Learning from Las Vegas Architecture of the Strip and Monumentality of the Big, Low Space Las Vegas-Strip casinos, all want to be WKRXJKWRIDVXQLTXHDVDGLIIHUHQWLDWHGVSDFHRIH[SHULHQFH7KH\KDYH however, much in common, as they are DOORQWKHVDPH6WULSDQGRIIHUVLPLlar services. But there are even more simlilarities: „The typical hotel-casino complex contains a building that is near HQRXJKWRWKHKLJKZD\WREHVHHQIURP WKHURDGDFURVVWKHSDUNHGFDUV\HWIDU enough back to accomodate driveways, WXUQDURXQGVDQGSDUNLQJ³11Fig. 9 - A schedule of Las Vegas Strip Hotels). „The parking in front is a token: it reassures the customer and does not obscure the building.“ 12 7KHVSHHGRIPRYHPHQWRIWKHKLJKZD\ relate to the distances between buildings. Big space between the casinos LVFKDUDFWHULVWLFRIWKH6WULS7KHVLGH HOHYDWLRQRIWKHFRPSOH[LVDOVRLPSRUtant because it is seen by approaching WUDI¿FORQJEHIRUHWKHIDFDGH&DVLQR IURQWVRQWKH6WULSRIWHQLQÀHFWLQVKDSH 114 and ornament toward the right, to welFRPHULJKWODQHWUDI¿F 7KHELJVLJQVLQGHSHQGHQWRIWKH EXLOGLQJLQÀHFWWRZDUGWKHKLJKZD\ even more than the buildings, by their position, perpendicular to and at the HGJHRIWKHKLJKZD\E\WKHLUVFDOHDQG sometimes by their shape. They can be RQO\WZRGLPHQVLRQDOEXWRIHQRUPRXV dimension and illuminated at night, as ZDVWKHVLJQRIWKH'XQHV+RWHO Fig. 10 - Dunes SignsWKHEDFNRIWKLV VLJQZDVHFKRLQJLWVIURQWEXWLWZDV VWRULHVKLJKDQGLWSXOVDWHGDWQLJKW or three-dimensional and somewhat G\QDPLFDVZDVWKHVLJQRIWKH$ODGGLQ +RWHOFig. 11 - Aladdins Signs) which seemed to bow toward the Highway WKURXJKWKHLQÀHFWLRQLQLWVVKDSH The casino, where the actual gambling takes place, is big, low space. The diPLQLVKHGKLJKWVRIVXFKLQWHULRUVSDFHV DUHFDXVHGE\OLPLWDWLRQVRIEXGJHW DQGDLUFRQGLWLRQLQJDQGRIFRXUVH DOORZHDVLHUREVHUYDWLRQRIWKHJDPbling rooms. The vast areas, which are overstrained by these structures, can EHFDOOHGPXQXPHQWDOEXWWKLVPRQX- mentality is not only achieved by mere bigness, but by lighting techniques as ZHOOFig. 12 – Architectural monumentality and the roadside interior). Ä$UWL¿cial and coloured light within the dark enclosures expand and unify the space by obscuring its physical limits.“ 13 Learning from Las Vegas 4XRWHV&RPSOH[LW\DQG&RQWUDGLFWLRQ 4XRWHV/HDUQLQJIURP/DV9HJDV )LJXUHV/HDUQLQJIURP/DV9HJDV Sources: 1.) Venturi, Robert: Complexity and Contradiction – MuseXPRI0RGHUQ$UW1HZ<RUN 9HQWXUL5REHUW6FRWW%URZQ'HQLVH,]HQRXU6WHYH /HDUQLQJIURP/DV9HJDV5HYLVHG(GLWLRQ±7KH0DVVDFKXVHWWV,QVWLWXWHRI7HFKQRORJ\0DVVDFKXVHWWV Fig. 7 Fig. 8 115 Learning from Las Vegas Fig.9 116 Learning from Las Vegas Fig.10 Fig.11 Fig.12 117 118 Living in Las Vegas zusammengestellt von: Lisa Kopa 119 Living in Las Vegas A detailed view at Las Vegas expansion The development begun during the late 1970s. Hank Greenspun, an old school Las Vegas guy had invested his money LQSXUFKDVHRIODQGIRUDERXWWZRGHcades, when he tried to establish single IDPLO\GZHOOLQJVRQWKDWDFUHV%XW WKHUHZDVQRPDUNHW±IRUWKHDYHUDJH PLGGOHFODVVIDPLO\/DV9HJDVZDVDQ undesirable place to live – the associations were to weird. Nobody thought it to be the right place to raise children. :KHQ0DUN)LQH*UHHQVSXQVVRQLQ ODZJRWWKHMREWRWXUQWKDWODQGLQWR IDPLO\KRXVLQJDUHDKHJRWWKHJRDOE\ creating a new marketing image entirely GLYRUFHGIURPWKHRQHRIÄVLQFLW\³DQG SODQQHGE\WKHJXLGHOLQHVRIÄPDVWHU SODQQLQJFRPPXQLW\³+HSURYLGHG LQIUDVWUXFWXUHOLNHFRPPXQLW\FHQWHUV schools, parks and libraries while he VROGSDUWVRIWKHODQGWRWKHGHYHORSHUV RIPDVVSURGXFHGVLQJOHKRXVHV $VD¿UVWHIIHFWÄ*UHHQ9DOOH\³&RPPXQLW\ZDVÄERUQ³QHDUWKHERUGHUV 120 RIWRZQDQGEHFDPHRQHRIWKHPRVW GHVLUDEOHIDPLO\±ORFDWLRQVGXULQJWKH 1980s. 6RRQDIWHUWKDWVXFFHVVRWKHUVIROORZHG suit. Citibank invested in the deveORSPHQWRIÄ7KH/DNHVDKLJKFODVV suburban community about 10 miles ZHVWRIWKHVWULS7KH\SURYLGHGWKHLU inhabitants a good postal address: „the ODNHV³LQVWHDGRIÄODVYHJDV³ 6RRQDIWHUDODQGGHYHORSPHQWFRUSRUDWLRQFUHDWHGÄ6XPPHUOLQ³DIRUPDWLRQ RIDYDULHW\RISODQQHGVLQJOH±IDPLO\ communities on lwestern land and IRUPHUO\RZQHGE\+RZDUG+XJHV This Development continued during the last decades and on northwest areas even richer communities were built and ULJKWQRZ\RXFDQREH\DQLQFUHDVHRI the allamerican trend to develop gated or highly protected communities. Real life / Residential in a commercialized and designed urban environment We all imagine certain pictures, when ZHKHDUÄ/DV9HJDV³$QGEHVXUHWKDW ZHFDQYLHZMXVWDGLVWRUWHGDQGLQFRPSOHWHSLFWXUHRI/DV9HJDVLGHQWLW\DW that very moment. That’s why it’s time to have a look at some data material FRQFHUQLQJWKHLQKDELWDQWVWKHLUSUHIHrences and habits. )LUVWRIDOOZHUHFRJQL]HWKDWWKHWRZQ LVIURPDGHPRJUDSKLFSRLQWRIYLHZ a very young one. 34,5 years is the average age. Besides the population is a heterogenic ethic and social mixture with worldwide ancestries. With 23,6% WKHUHLVIRULQVWDQFHDELJ+LVSDQLF FRPPXQLW\LQWRZQIROORZHGE\WKH EODFNDIUR$PHULFDQSRSXODWLRQZLWK 10,4% and besides you also can meet GHVFHQGDQWVRIIRUPHU(XURSHDQLPPLJUDQWVFODVVLFDOO\PRVWIRUP,UHODQG Italy, Germany and England) and AsiaURRWHGFLWL]HQV Living in Las Vegas 0D\EHLW¶VWKHSUHGRPLQDQWLQÀXHQFH RIHQWHUWDLQPHQWEXVLQHVVWKDWWKLV melting pot is – how heterogeneous the SHRSOHDUHQRWNQRZQIRUDVLJQL¿FDQW multicultural diversity. It’s much more a WRZQRIDSSOLHGJOREDOL]DWLRQ 8QWLOWRGD\WKHPDMRULW\RIHPSOR\HHV and workers are engaged in gambling business and the associated structure. The second employer seems to be town LWVHOIZLWKRYHUHPSOR\HHV$QG IRUWKLVWRZQPDQDJHGDVXFFHVVIXO transition into post-industrial industries LWFDQSURYLGHORWVRIMREVIRUXQVNLOOHG persons providing a middle-class price IRULQGLYLGXDOVZLWKEDUHO\KLJKVFKRRO education. So it’s not astounding that WKHUHJLRQLVQRWDVWURQJKROGRILQWHOOHFWXDOVDQGMXVWDERXWRZHDFROOHJH degree. Fig. 1 121 Living in Las Vegas 7KHPDMRULW\RILQKDELWDQWVWHQGVWRWKH traditional vita – earning enough money WRPDUU\UDLVHDIDPLO\DQG¿QGWKH KRPHVXLWLQJWKHLPDJHRIÄKRPHVZHHW KRPH³/LNHDOORYHUQRUWK$PHULFDWKH JRDOWRJHWLVDGHWDFKHGVLQJOHIDPLO\ KRXVLQJXQLWDQGWKHUHIRUHRIDOO dwellings are owner occupied. /LNHLQPRVW86WRZQVWKHFRUHRIKLJK density lies within the historic centre RIWRZQDQGWKHIXUWKHU\RXJRRUGULYH WRZDUGVKHERUGHUVRIWKHFLW\WKHORZHU the density becomes. But caused by WKHVSHFL¿F/DV9HJDVVLWHWKHUHLVDQ asymmetric development and the town is growing into northwest direction. The FRUHRISRSXODWLRQDOVRVKLIWHGWKDWZD\ GXULQJWKHODVW\HDUVEXWLWOHIWTXDUWHUVRIPLGGOHGHQVLW\LQVRXWKHDVWHUQ DUHDVZKLFKYLUWXDOO\PRYHGDZD\IRUP the central downtown activities and developments. 7KHTXDUWHUZDVOHIWEHKLQGZLWKJURwing density, but without areal enlargement. - And it’s no surprise that it EHFDPHIRFXVIRUSHRSOHZKLFKGLGQRW FUDFNWKHWRZQ¶VMDFNSRW 122 7RJLYHDGHWDLOHGSLFWXUHRISRSXODWLRQ¶V dispersion all over the town and the soFLDOLPSDFWVRIWKDWVWUXFWXUH,SUHIHUWR IROORZWKHSROLWLFDOSDUWLWLRQRIWRZQLQWR ZDUGVEHFDXVHPRVWRIGDWD PDWHULDOUHIHUHHVWRWKDWYHU\GLYLVLRQ (Fig. 2 - Las Vegas Ward System) 7KHZDUGDGMDFHQWWRWKLVDUHDLQQRUWK western direction is ward 5, including PRVWSDUWVRIKLVWRULFGRZQWRZQWKH FRUHRIJDPEOLQJEXVLQHVVDQG:HVW /DV9HJDVDQDPHWKDWDURVHEHIRUH WKHWRZQH[SDQGHG7KHUHIRUHWKLVLV maybe the most heterogeneous region throughout the town including Business districts and governmental institutions standing round the corner to high price entertainment areas, big casinos and WKHKLVWRULFDOFRUHRIEODFN/DV9HJDV It’s a dense urban area crossed by the VWULSDQGLWVDUWL¿FLDODQGJODPRURXV IDQWDV\ZRUOG 7KHPDLQSDUWRIZDUGOLHVZHVWRIWKH VWULSDQGRQFHKDGEHHQWKH¿UVWEXVLQHVVGLVWULFWRIWRZQLQFOXGLQJWKH¿UVW settled bank – blacksmith – wholesale houses, stores and restaurants. Later on, when the black population grew through World War 2, engaged in LV Army Air Gunnery, Basic Magnesium and also the hotel industry, this GLVWULFWEHFDPHWKHUHWUHDWIRUWKHPLQD town with strict racial segregation. 7KLVDUHDLVWKHFRUHRIEODFNFRPPXQLW\XQWLOWRGD\RIWKHHQWLUH ward – which is the highest percentage WKURXJKRXW/DV9HJDVHYHQLIWKHUH grew a big Hispanic community too. Like ward 3 the average income is quite low and unemployment rate lies at 10,2%. For sure, it’s not inhabited by wealthy citizens, but it too is not a clasVLFDOÄZRUNLQJFODVV³GLVWULFWDQGWKHUHLV an obvious development, rooted in Las Vegas centennial plan, to invest in redeYHORSPHQWRIWKDWGLVWULFWEHFDXVHWKHUH DUHFOHDUVLJQVRIWKHWUHQGPDNLQJ Union Park area to the new downtown core. The third ward lying within the elder IRUPHURIWRZQLVZDUGVRXWKRIZDUG DQGZHVWRI/DV9HJDV%RXOHYDUG,W Living in Las Vegas is also a quite small ward in its extension but not as dense, as the other GRZQWRZQZDUGVDUH7KHPDMRUSDUWV RIWKLVGLVWULFWDUHUHVLGHQWLDODUHDVDQG LQKDELWUHVLGHQWLDOIDFLOLWLHV±MXVWWKH HGJHDGMRLQLQJ/DV9HJDV%RXOHYDUG DUHDLVSDUWRIWKHELJ/DV9HJDVVKRZ Right here the average income nearly PHHWVWKHDYHUDJHLQFRPHRIWKHHQWLUH town. There is an obvious dominance RIZKLWHQDWLYH86FLWL]HQVDQGPD\EH one could call that ward the middleclass FRUHRIWKHHQWLUHFLW\ Fig. 2 7KHYHU\VWURQJKROGRISODQQHGFRPmunities is ward 2 – the south-western UHJLRQRIWRZQZLWKVWLOODORWRIIUHHODQG OHIWIRUEXLOGLQJXSIXUWKHUFRUHVDQG communities during the next decade SODQQLQJ¶VDOUHDG\¿QLVKHGIRUVR called west summerlin area). Here you ¿QGVXPPHUOLQDQGRQHRIWKHPRVW well known luxury-communities: the lakes – the exactly planned and maQDJHGVRDSRSHUD¿WWLQJDOO$PHULFDQ GUHDP±VLQJOHIDPLO\KRXVLQJRQDQ upper-class level. 123 Living in Las Vegas 0RYLQJQRUWKZDUGV\RXZLOO¿QGDOOWKH same on a little bit lower level, marbled by older structure in western, downtown suit regions in ward 4. The last and, in wide areas, youngest ZDUGLVWKHHQWLUHQRUWKHUQDUHDRIWKH FLW\:LWKORWVRIXQGHYHORSHGVSDFH and several ranch areas with wide equestrian, multiuse and pedestrian 3DWKVDQGWUDLOVDQGOHLVXUHIDFLOLWLHV There are wide apartment areas in the HDVWDQGFRUHVRISODQQHGGZHOOLQJDQG business areas in the west. %HVLGHVWKHJURZWKRIUHVLGHQWLDODUHDV there are other developments illustrating the ongoing urbanisation and ÄQRUPDOL]DWLRQ³RI/DV9HJDVDQG&ODUN County. Mentioned concerning the master planning communities, communal inIUDVWUXFWXUHEHFDPHDQLPSRUWDQWIDFW which had to be developed, to establish residential communities. And Las 9HJDVIRXQGDYLVLRQDU\IRUGHDOLQJWKDW need in the 1980s: Charles Hunsberger, ZKREHFDPHGLUHFWRURIWKHYHU\OLEUDU\ district. 124 „ I travel through Europe at least once a year and tour architecture and visit libraries. The buildings that last, that things that are worth seeing, are cathedrals, the churches, and the old civic buildings that stand in the heart of almost every European city. And so, if \RXZDQWWRGH¿QH\RXUFXOWXUHDQG\RXU people and your communities, you want to do it with the architecture of your civic buildings.“ &KDUOHV+XQVEHUJHU Since the 1980s he succeeded in raising several library-communal centrehybrids throughout Las Vegas and Clark County. 7KH¿UVWRQHWRRSHQZDV6XQULVH/LEUDU\LQIROORZHGVXLWE\WKH*UHHQ 9DOOH\/LEUDU\LQ%XWWKH¿UVWELJ success became Las Vegas Library, a multipurpose building located centrally in town. The 104.000 square meter complex, designed by Antoine Predock ZDVQRWRQO\VXFFHVVIXOLWDOVRZDVWKH ¿UVWRI+XQVEHUJHUVSURMHFWVWRZLQDQ award. 7RGD\WKHFLWL]HQVRI/DV9HJDVFDQ choose between 13 libraries in urban branches and 11 libraries in outlying EUDQFKHV0RVWRIWKHPPXFKPRUH than the usual book repositories and KLJKO\HTXLSSHGIRUDYLYLGFXOWXUDOHQgagement including art galleries, recital KDOOVPXOWLPHGLDLQIUDVWUXFWXUHHWF Another important communal invest are public parks. (Fig. 3) In Las Vegas you can visit 68 parks maintained by the town. Small downtown parks, similar to the one we’re used to in every average European town, but also big and smartly organized leisure areas, with a wide range RIOHLVXUHIDFLOLWLHV7KHVHPRUHWKDQ DFUHVRISDUNDUHDVDUHVSUHDGDOO RYHUWKHFLW\HVSHFLDOO\LQ]RQHVRIKLJK and medium density. $GGLWLRQDOWRWKDWRXWGRRUIDFLOLWLHVWKHUH are several community centres and FRPPXQDOVFKRROV9RONVKRFKVFKXlen), art centres like West Las Vegas $UWV&HQWUHRUWKHIRUPHU)LIWK6WUHHW School, which reopened and now provi- Living in Las Vegas GHVVSDFHIRUVHYHUDOFXOWXUDODFWLYLWLHV courses and a regional gallery. - ExWHQVLRQRISURJUDPDQGTXDOLW\RIWKH VWUXFWXUHGLIIHUVEXWWKHUHLVDUHFRJQL]DEOHHIIRUWRIWKHPXQLFLSDODXWKRULWLHV WRRIIHUSURSHULQIUDVWUXFWXUH )RUDOOZHNQRZDERXWWKHWRZQLW³VQRW amazing to recognize that this is not an HGXFDWLRQHOGRUDGR(YHQLI/DV9HJDV is home to Clark County School District, ZKLFKLVWKH¿IWKODUJHVWRQHDQGLV currently handling more than 280000 VWXGHQWVWKHQXPEHURIVFKRROVLQFUHased rapidly during the last decades and some specialized institutions were IRXQGWKHRSSRUWXQLWLHVGRQRWIXO¿O KLJKHUHGXFDWLRQDODQGVFLHQWL¿FJRDOV There are 59 Elementary Schools DQGIRU6SHFLDO(GXFDWLRQ3ULPH 6 Schools, 16 Middle Schools, 9 High Schools and two University Campus throughout the town. Fig. 3 125 Living in Las Vegas Transportation Like most American cities the transportation structure is obviously created IRUSULYDWHFDUWUDI¿FDQGWUDI¿FMDPVDUH DUHSHDWHGO\H[SHULHQFHGSDUWRI/DV 9HJDVOLIH-XVWRIWKHHQWLUH households don’t have any car but there are 49% having two or more cars. Most citizens also drive to work with their own FDURUXVHDFDUSRRO Commuting to work with public transportation ranges at the low percentage RI Since 1990 the town established a CAT ±EXVLQIUDVWUXFWXUHZLWKURXWVVHUYLQJDQDUHDRINPð7KDWPHDQV DQRWWRRGHQVHVWUXFWXUHDQGIRUWKH EXVHVFRPHDORQJMXVWHYHU\± minutes during rush – hour time, you FDQQRWFDOOLWDVDWLVI\LQJSRVVLELOLW\ 'LIIHUHQWWRWKHWUDGLWLRQDOVWUXFWXUHRI American cities, Las Vegas has got ORWVRIGRZQWRZQSHGHVWULDQDUHDV &DXVHGE\WKHQHFHVVLWLHVRIHQWHUWDLQPHQWVWUXFWXUHVDQGWKHDGMDFHQW WKHPHUHVRUWVWKHUHDUHORWVRISDWKV and piazzas to stroll along. Like in 126 mall system the people can come by cars, deposit them on the one or other parking lot and walk through a properly organized commercial and entertainment environment, which gives them time and rhythm to open up to all kinds RISURYLGHGVHQVDWLRQV The gaming enterprise district and the pertinent architainment and hotel resorts 7KHWUDGLWLRQDOFRUHRIDOOJDPEOLQJ industry is Las Vegas Boulevard / route ±NQRZQDVÄWKHVWULS³DQGWKHIRUPHU /DV9HJDVPDLQVWUHHWIUHHPRQWVWUHHW But although it had been ever since, nowadays strip and its surroundings VLJQL¿FDOO\GLIIHUIURPWKHRQH9HQWXUL described in 1978. There is a clear turning point in the speFL¿FGHYHORSPHQWRIWKHODVWGHFDGHV 1989. The year Steve Wynns marvellRXVÄ0LUDJH³RSHQHG$WDFRVWRI million Wynn’s invest exceeded the cost RIHYHU\SUHYLRXVFDVLQRZLWKDERXW $ 500million, and nobody believed, DQ\FDVLQRFRXOGPDNHDQDPRXQWRI PRQH\WRSD\VXFKDVXPRIIULJKWLQ time. But within 8 month, Wynn payed RIIDQG7KH0LUDJHZLWKLWVIUHTXHQWO\ erupting synthetic volcano, the water land area showing living dolphins and WKHZKLWHWLJHUVRI6LHJIULHGDQG5R\ EHFDPHDYDQWJDUGHIRUWKHQHZDUHD $QHZJHQHUDWLRQRILPSUHVDULRVDQG EXVLQHVVPHQIROORZHGVXLWWRFUHDWHDQ adults Disneyland. The image changed IURPÄVLQFLW\³WRÄIDPLO\HQWHUWDLQPHQWHOGRUDGR³ZLWKWUDFHVRIWKDW ÄDGXOWV±RQO\³KLVWRU\HYHU\ZKHUH GLVWLQJXLVKLQJWKHRIIHUHGVHQVDWLRQV IURPVLPLODUHQWHUWDLQPHQWIDFLOLWLHVOLNH 'LVQH\ODQG$QGWKHPDJLFIRUPXODIRU that period was/is: experience. 4XHOOHQYHU]HLFKQLV Hrsg. Jaschke Karin, Ötsch Silke: Stripping Las Vegas – el verso – Universitätsverlag , Weimar www.lasvegasnevada.gov Stand 14.2.2008 9HQWXUL5REHUW6FRWW%URZQ'HQLVH/HDUQLQJIURP/DV Vegas – MIT, Massachusetts, 1978 Abbildungen: )XKUPDQQ0DUD.Ä/DV9HJDV±'LDPRQGLQWKH'HVHUW³ Bruckmann, München, 1997 Ä/DV9HJDV³+UVJ)HUGLQDQG5DQIW0DUFR3ROR±0DL 'XPRQW2VW¿OGHUQ Hoover Dam Building Site Las Vegas Workforce zusammengestellt von: Florian Sedelmaier 127 Las Vegas Workforce Economy and Occupation 7KHSULPDU\GULYLQJIRUFHRIWKH/DV9HJDVHFRQRP\KDVEHHQWKHFRQÀXHQFH RIWRXULVPJDPLQJDQGFRQYHQWLRQV ZKLFKLQWXUQIHHGWKHUHWDLODQGGLQLQJ industries. With about 126,000 hotel URRPVDVRIWR¿OOWKHFRQYHQWLRQVKHOS¿OOWKHKRWHOVGHVWLQDWLRQ restaurants, and shopping malls on the 6WULS$VDPDWWHURIFRXUVHWKHJDPEOLQJLQGXVWU\LVWKHODUJHVWHPSOR\HURI /DV9HJDV,QWKLVFDVHLWVRXQGVIXQQ\ WKDW/DV9HJDVLVRQHRI$PHULFD¶V cities with the most closed hotels. The MREJURZWKRIFDVLQRKRWHODQGJDPLQJ business is also decreasing: -0.4% between 2006 and 2007. In the second place are authority and administration, which employ about 20,000 people. They mostly work at the 8QLYHUVLW\RI1HYDGDSRVWRI¿FHVDQG RQHRIKRVSLWDOVLQWKH/DV9HJDV metropolitan area. In the 2000s retail DQGGLQLQJKDYHEHFRPHDWWUDFWLRQVRI their own. Tourism marketing and promotion are handled by the Las Vegas 128 Convention and Visitors Authority, a county wide agency. 7KHODFNRIEXVLQHVVDQGLQFRPHWD[HV still makes Nevada an attractive place IRUPDQ\FRPSDQLHVWRUHORFDWHWR as well as expand into. Being a true WZHQW\IRXUKRXUWRZQFDOOFHQWHUVKDYH DOZD\VVHHPHGWR¿QG9HJDVDJRRG SODFHWR¿QGZRUNHUVZLOOLQJWRZRUNDW all hours. Many technology companies have either relocated to Las Vegas or were created there. For various reasons, the Las Vegas area has had a high concenWUDWLRQRIWHFKQRORJ\FRPSDQLHVLQHOHFtronic gaming and telecommunications industries. Several companies involved LQWKHPDQXIDFWXUHRIHOHFWURQLFJDPLQJ machines, such as slot machines, are located in the Las Vegas area. &RQVWDQWSRSXODWLRQJURZWK/DV9HJDV LV$PHULFDµVIDVWHVWJURZLQJFLW\ means that the housing construction industry is vitally important. In 2000 more than 21,000 new homes and 26,000 resale homes were purchased. In early 2005 there were 20 residential developPHQWSURMHFWVRIPRUHWKDQDFUHV NPðHDFKFXUUHQWO\XQGHUZD\ 7KHFXUUHQWXQHPSOR\PHQWUDWHRI/DV Vegas metropolitan area is about 5 to approximately 6 percent. That means, that more than 964,000 people are employed. The median household income averages $ 53,111 per annum in 2006. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Las_Vegas_metropolitan_area http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Las_Vegas,_Nevada Dailey, Franklin, de Larrabeiti, Lee: USA Südwesten & Las Vegas - Dorling Kindersley, 2002, London Cook, Perry, Ward: USA. Der Südwesten - DuMont Reiseverlag, 2004, Berlin KWWSZZZQHYDGDZRUNIRUFHFRP KWWSZZZFLW\WRZQLQIRFRPSODFHVQHYDGDODVYHJDV work 6lPWOLFKH:HEOLQNVEH]LHKHQVLFKDXIGHQ Las Vegas Workforce Fig. 1 - Jobs and Salery *UD¿N)ORULDQ6HGHOPDLHU http://www.lasvegasnevada.gov/Publications/brochures.asp KWWSZZZFLW\WRZQLQIRFRPSODFHVQHYDGDODVYHJDVZRUN 129 Las Vegas Workforce Casino Jobs There are over 200,000 casino relaWHGMREVLQ/DV9HJDV7KHZRUNIRUFH H[WHQGVIDUEH\RQGWKHHPSOR\HHVVHHQ RQWKHJDPLQJÀRRU,QHDFKFRPSOH[ there are not only casinos, but the hotels with their shops and spas, catering outlets, bars and other services. Additionally, there are constant tours WREHUXQIRUQRQUHVLGHQWYLVLWRUV,W¶V impossible to summarize the huge GLYHUVLW\RIH[SHULHQFHIRXQGZRUNLQJ LQWKHPDMRUFRPSOH[HVLQ/DV9HJDV which amount to individual resorts in their own right. Consequently, some hotel-casino operations hire as many as 3,000 to 6,000 people. $IWHUWKHPDQDJHPHQWSRVLWLRQV dealers make the highest income in FDVLQRV7RJLYHDQLGHDRIDFWXDO income, most dealers get the minimum ZDJHDQGUHO\RQWLSVIRUWKHLULQFRPH %ODFNMDFNGHDOHUVPD\PDNHDQDYHUDJHRIWRDGD\LQWRNHVWLSV GHSHQGLQJRQWKHVL]HRIWKHFDVLQR 130 while baccarat dealers can make up to $250. Dealers tend to pool their tokes and then divide them equally. $IWHUGHDOHUVFRFNWDLOZDLWUHVVHVIRRG waiters and waitresses make the best income. They keep the tokes/tips they earn, but ‘pay’ others who help them, such as the bartenders and bus boys. Other employees’ wages are highly variable. A security guard’s pay ranges IURPWRGHSHQGLQJRQH[SHULHQFHDQGHPSOR\HU2WKHUEHQH¿WV VXFKDVPHGLFDOFRYHUDJHFDQEHIUHH No matter where somebody works, everybody will need one to three special permit cards, depending on the particular position. Sheriffs Card Nevada state law holds that all gaming employees - that means any person connected directly with casino operaWLRQVKDYHWREHOLFHQVHG%HIRUHQHZ HPSOR\HHVRIDFDVLQRDUHDOORZHGWR start working, they have to go to the loFDOVKHULIIµVRI¿FHWR¿OORXWVRPHDSSOLFDWLRQIRUPV$SSOLFDQWVZLOOEHDVNHGD VHULHVRITXHVWLRQVSHUWDLQLQJWRDUUHVW records and any previous „gambling RIIHQVHV³7KHSURFHVVDOVRUHTXLUHV WZRSLHFHVRILGHQWL¿FDWLRQVXFKDV driving license and Social Security card. $GGLWLRQDOO\VRPHFDVLQRMREVUHTXLUH ¿QJHUSULQWVZKLFKDOVRJHWRQWKH¿OH 7KHFDUGLVJRRGIRUWKUHH\HDUV Health Card $OOSHUVRQVZRUNLQJDURXQGIRRGPXVW carry a health card. Health Cards will FHUWL¿FDWHGDW+HDOWK&DUG2I¿FHDQG DUHYDOLGIRUWWZR\HDUV Alcohol Awareness Card Similar to a health card, an alcohol DZDUHQHVVFDUGRU7$0WHFKQLFDO alcohol management) card is required IRUDQ\RQHVHUYLQJRUZRUNLQJDURXQG alcoholic beverages. To receive a card, WKHHPSOR\HHVKDYHWRDWWHQGDIRXU hour educational class, which ends with a test to pass. ZZZDOHFFRXNIUHHFDUHHUDVVHVVPHQWODVYHJDV careers.htm ZZZMREPRQNH\FRPFDVLQRKWPOYHJDVBZRUNBFDUGVKWPO Las Vegas Workforce Fig. 2 - Popular And Lucrative Jobs *UD¿N)6HGHOPDLHU%LOG&DVLQRV$XVWULD KWWSZZZDOHFFRXNIUHHFDUHHUDVVHVVPHQWODVYHJDVFDUHHUVKWP KWWSZZZMREPRQNH\FRPFDVLQRKWPOYHJDVBZRUNBFDUGVKWPO KWWSZZZFLW\WRZQLQIRFRPSODFHVQHYDGDODVYHJDVZRUN 131 132 Lake Mead - Bathtub Ring Sustainability zusammengestellt von: Florian Sedelmaier 133 Sustainability Environmental Sustainability? NDXP6FKDIIXQJ|IIHQWOLFKHU5lXPH Electric Power Consumption In seinem 1995 erschienenen Essay Ä+RXVHRIFDUGV±/DV9HJDV7RRPDQ\ people in the wrong place, celebrating ZDVWHDVDZD\RIOLIH³EHVFKULHE0LNH Davis die Stadt als seltsames Amalgam aus Boomtown, Welt-Jahrmarkt und Wegelagerei, als Endstation der westOLFKHQ=LYLOLVDWLRQ'DVIDQDWLVFKH)HVWhalten an einem sozialen und ökologisch bankrotten System menschlicher %HVLHGOXQJIKUW]XP$XIWDXFKHQHLQHV apokalyptischen Urbanismus, dem nur noch postmoderne Philosophen etwas abgewinnen mögen. NHLQH6FKDIIXQJYRQ3XIIHU]RQHQ XP1DWXUNDWDVWURSKHQDE]XIHGHUQXQG /DQGVFKDIW]XVFKW]HQGLHVWDUNH Versiegelung des Bodens im StadtgeELHWIKUWHZlKUHQGVWDUNHU5HJHQIlOOH LPPHUZLHGHU]X6WXU]ÀXWHQGLHPLWXQter dramatische Ausmaße annehmen können – wie z.B. 1992, als nichts DKQHQGH7RXULVWHQLQGHU7LHIJDUDJH HLQHV.DVLQRVHUWUDQNHQ Keine Stadt braucht mehr Strom im Verhältnis zur Größe, wie die Stadt, in der die Lichter niemals ausgehen. Der Stromverbrauch ist höher als der eines gesamten lateinamerikanischen /DQGHV(LQWRWDOHU6WURPDXVIDOOZUG die Stadt ein Vermögen kosten. Beim OHW]WHQ$XVIDOOLP-DKUHLPUHnomierten Resort Bellagio, wurde der Schaden mit über 1,5 Millionen Dollar SUR7DJEH]LIIHUW Furthermore Davis compares Las Vegas and Las Vegas and its seven deadly sins: - das Verlassen einer verantwortungsYROOHQ(WKLNLQGHU:DVVHUQXW]XQJ - die Zersplitterung der örtlichen Regierung und deren Unterordnung bei der 3ODQXQJGHUSULYDWHQ/DQGQXW]XQJ 134 - die über einem riesigen Areal verVWUHXWH/DQGQXW]XQJ - die Akzeptanz der resultierenden Diktatur des Autos, die letztlich zu automoELOHDSDUWKHLGIKUW - die Toleranz extremer sozialer und UDVVLVFKHU8QJOHLFKKHLWÄ0LVVLVVLSSL :HVW³ YJOKWWSZZZKHLVHGHWSUDUWLNHOKWPO 10.03.2008) :UGHHVGLHJHVDPWH6WDGWWUHIIHQ würde sich der Verlust gegen eine KDOEH0LOOLDUGH'ROODUSUR7DJEHODXIHQ 8PGLHVHPZLUWVFKDIWOLFKHQ)LDVNR vorzubeugen, sind täglich hunderte Angestellte der Nevada Power Company unterwegs, dieses System zu warten und auszubauen. Der größte Feind des Netzes ist allerdings das extreme Wüstenklima, mit Hitze, Kälte, Stürmen und (URVLRQHQ6RKDEHQGLH7UDQVIRUPDtoren, die extra gekühlt werden müssen, HLQHIQIIDFKQLHGULJHUH/HEHQVGDXHU DOVLP1RUPDOIDOO Sustainability Woher kommt der Strom, oder wer versorgt die Stadt der Lichter? Man könnte meinen, es sei der Hoover6WDXGDPP'LHVHUOLHIHUWDEHUOHGLJOLFK 2% des Stromes. Es sind auch keine Sonnenkollektoren, die in der Wüste wohl ideale Verhältnisse hätten. Es ist GLHXPZHOWIHLQGOLFKVWH(QHUJLHTXHOOH GLHHVJLEW.RKOHQNUDIWZHUNH $OOHUGLQJVUHLFKWDXFKGLHVH4XHOOH QLFKWHLQPDOIUGLH+lOIWHGHV(QHUJLHEHGDUIHVDXV'HU5HVWZLUGYRQGHU Nevada Power Company, die ein System von insgesamt 2500 km Leitungen EHWUHLEWHLQJHNDXIW Ein weiteres Problem ist die extreme Auslastung des Netzes. Rund 4 Monate LP-DKUOlXIWGDVJHVDPWH6\VWHPDXI Voll-Last. Das heißt, dass Wartungsarbeiten an den Leitungen nur bei ODXIHQGHP%HWULHEJHPDFKWZHUGHQ können. KWWSZZZKHOSFKQHZVÀDVKDUWLNHOFIP"DUW 1HZVNH\ SDUP GHWDLO http://www.malinche.net Abb. 1 - Las Vegas Strip At Night 135 Sustainability Transportation $ERXWWKUHHTXDUWHURI/DV9HJDV¶ residents drive alone to work, at least 15% are member in a carpool, but only 5 percent use the public transportation. 'LH6WDGWYHUIJWVHLWGHP-DKUH über das CAT-Busnetz mit insgesamt 38 Linien, das eine Fläche so groß wie der Kanton Zürich abdecken muss. Die /LQLHQZHUGHQMHGRFKVHOEVWLQ6SLW]HQ]HLWHQRIWQXULPRGHU0LQXWHQtakt angeboten, zudem sind sie nicht DXIHLQDQGHUDEJHVWLPPW6HLWJLEW HVGLH/DV9HJDV0RQRUDLOVLHIlKUWLQ 14 Minuten vom Hotel MGM Grand zum Hotel Sahara und macht Zwischenstation am Las Vegas Convention Center, Caesar‘s Palace und Bally’s. Sie dient dazu, den Gästen sämtliche angeschlossenen Hotels bequem per Bahn erreichbar zu machen. valley. The airport also serves private DLUFUDIWGRPHVWLFDQGLQWHUQDWLRQDOSDVVHQJHUÀLJKWVDQGIUHLJKWFDUJRÀLJKWV *HQHUDODYLDWLRQWUDI¿FJHQHUDOO\XVHV 1RUWK/DV9HJDV$LUSRUWRWKHUDLU¿HOGV are available. Intercity bus service to Las Vegas is provided by traditional intercity bus FDUULHUVLQFOXGLQJ*UH\KRXQGPDQ\ charter services, including Green 7RUWRLVHDQGVHYHUDO&KLQDWRZQEXV OLQHV$PWUDN&DOLIRUQLDDOVRRSHUDWHV Deluxe Express Thruway Motorcoach dedicated service between the City and its nearest passenger rail station in %DNHUV¿HOG&DOLIRUQLD 7KH8QLRQ3DFL¿F5DLOURDGLVWKHRQO\ FODVVRQHUDLOURDGWRSURYLGHUDLOIUHLJKW service to the city. YJOKWWSHQZLNLSHGLDRUJZLNL/DVB9HJDVB1HYDGD Air quality YJOKWWSGHZLNLSHGLDRUJZLNL/DVB9HJDV9HUNHKU 10.03.2008) McCarran International Airport provides FRPPHUFLDOÀLJKWVLQWRWKH/DV9HJDV 136 Being located in a desert valley creates issues with air quality. From the dust the ZLQGSLFNVXSIURPGLVWXUEHGGHVHUWWR the smog produced by vehicles to the pollen in the air, the valley can have some bad air days. 3ROOHQFDQEHDPDMRULVVXHVHYHUDO weeks a year with counts occasionally in the 70,000 plus range. Local governments are trying to control this by banning plants that produce the most pollen. The dust problems usually happen on very windy days, so they tend to be VHDVRQDODQGRIDVKRUWGXUDWLRQ Smog on the other hand gets worst when there is no wind to move the air RXWRIWKHYDOOH\$OVRLQZLQWHULWLV possible to get an inversion in the valley air that actually traps any smog in the valley. The county is working to control these problems and has shown some success over the years. The constant tightening RI)HGHUDOUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUDOORZDEOH SDUWLFOHVLQWKHDLUPDNHWKHWDVNRI PHHWLQJDLUTXDOLW\VWDQGDUGVGLI¿FXOW YJOKWWSHQZLNLSHGLDRUJZLNL/DVB9HJDVBPHWURSROLtan_area#Air_quality) Sustainability Abb. 2 - Rechts: Städtische Grünräume rot eingefärbt Abb.1 137 Sustainability LAS VEGAS METROPOLITAN AREA AND ITS WATER SUPPLY ,QIRUPHUWLPHVJROGDQGVLOYHUKDG been Nevada’s treasures, nowadays there is only one important precious resource: water. ,WLVDVLPSOHHOHPHQWDOUHÀH[SHRSOH RIWKHGHVHUWXVXDOO\IROORZWKHZDWHU ,IWKHZDWHULVJRQHWKH\WDNHDOOWKHLU VWXIIDQGPRYHRQ It seems that in Nevada people either catch on or ignore this native principal, RUZKDWHOVHLVWKHUHDVRQIRU SHRSOHPRYLQJDQQXDOO\WRRQHRIWKH ZRUOG¶VKRWWHVWVSRWVLQWKHPLGGOHRI the desert, where you can only beat the heat using air-condition and sprinkle LQVWDOODWLRQV7KHFRQVHTXHQFHVRIWKLV irrational action are in evidence: The water is terse. 7KHIHGHUDO6WDWHRI1HYDGDLVDOORFDWHG FXELFKHFWRPHWUHVRI&RORUDGR ZDWHUD\HDURIXWLOL]HGZDWHULQ 6RXWK1HYDGDLVFRPLQJIURP/DNH Mead, as well as Las Vegas’ drinking 138 water supply. Ever since 10 years the water level in Lake Mead is continuously decreasing. The lake is now at about 50 percent capacity (Fig. 1 – Lake Mead on April 3 1999, Coverimage – Lake Mead October 30 2005 - The Bathtub Ring). PDQDJHURI6RXWKHUQ1HYDGD:DWHU $XWKRULW\61:$WKHUHLVQRQHHGIRU action in this context because hotel inGXVWU\LVSDUWDNLQJRQO\RIWKHHQWLUH UHJLRQDOZDWHUDPRXQWZKHUHRIDJDLQ 80% is being recycled and only 20% drop away due to lawn care or cooling. $SSURDFKLQJ/DV9HJDVIURPWKHHDVW you can see the lakes intense shrinking. 7KHODUJHPDUJLQFDOOHG³7KH%DWKWXE Ring” is showing how dramatically the situation got. The white ring is the result RIH[SRVLQJURFNVWKDWZHUHDWRQHWLPH under the water and collecting mineral deposits. Though economy measures such as ;HULVFDSLQJ GHVHUWSODQWVWKDWGRQRW require supplemental irrigation), remoYLQJZDWHUIDOOVDQGRWKHUZDWHULQWHQVLYH GHFRUDWLRQRULQVWDOODWLRQVRIFORVHG loops intensely contributed to decrease WKHDYHUDJHZDWHUFRQVXPSWLRQRIKRWHO chains, it’s not up to hotels and casinos in principle to reduce the utilized water amount. ,IFXUUHQWDOORFDWLRQVRIZDWHUSHUVLVW there‘s a 50 percent chance that by 2023 Lake Mead won‘t provide water without pumping, and a 10 percent chance that it won‘t by 2013. Moreover, there‘s a 50 percent chance that Hoover Dam won‘t be able to generate power by 2017, the researchers estimate. :DWHUFRQVXPSWLRQRIKRWHOVDQGFDVLQRVLVVXEMHFWRIDFRQWLQXLQJGLVSXWH According to Patricia Mulroy, general :DWHUXVDJHRISULYDWHKRXVHKROGVLV UHJDUGHGPRUHFULWLFDOO\RILQGXVWULDOZDWHULVEHLQJXVHGIRUODZQDQG car wash. Daily per-capital-consumptiRQLVDERXWOLWHUVSULFHIRUZDWHULV RQHRIWKHORZHVWLQWKHZKROHZHVWHUQ US. Sustainability Fig. 2 Fig. 1 Fig. 3 139 Sustainability 3UHPLXPVSDLGE\WKH61:$IRUKRXVH RZQHUVZKRVXEVWLWXWHODZQIRUGHVHUW plants is already succeeding. 5 milOLRQVTXDUHPHWHURIZDWHUJX]]OLQJ grass disappeared and the total water FRQVXPSWLRQRI/DV9HJDVGHFOLQHGIRU DERXWGHVSLWHWKHIDFWRIDQDUFKLF JURZWKRIWKHFLW\ Fig. 2 – Comparison of Annual Water Application Fig. 3 – Conservation goal and achievement 'XHWRFRQWLQXLQJGURXJKWORWVRIZDWHU economy measures has been disbanded, but there is a chance that they FRXOGEHFRPH¿QDOKHQFHIRUWK The Water Authority’s mission is to manage the region‘s water resources and develop solutions that will ensure adeTXDWHIXWXUHZDWHUVXSSOLHVIRU6RXWKHUQ 1HYDGD:KLOHWKHLUOLVWRILQGLYLGXDO conservation programs, products and services is diverse and lengthy, each is DWDFWLFDOPHDVXUHLQVXSSRUWRIRQHRI WKUHHPDMRUVWUDWHJLHV Education SNWA conducts extensive public outreDFKHIIRUWVWRDVVXUHWKDWZDWHUXVHUV XQGHUVWDQGLVVXHVRIUHVRXUFHDYDLODELlity and wise use. Economy measures Incentives Seasonal water limitation &RQWUROOHGZDWHUFRQVXPSWLRQRIJROI courts Limited car wash 1RSHUPLVVLRQIRUQHZSRROV 3URKLELWLRQRIODZQLQIURQWJDUGHQV )LQDQFLDOLQFHQWLYHVIRUGLVPDQWOLQJRI lawn 140 SNWA operates the nation’s largest known incentive programs to encourage existing customers to make long-term HI¿FLHQF\LPSURYHPHQWV Regulation and Policy $OWKRXJKWKH61:$LWVHOIKDVQR regulatory oversight, collaborative HIIRUWVDPRQJWKHPHPEHUDJHQFLHV KDYHUHVXOWHGLQWKHLPSOHPHQWDWLRQRI KLJKO\HIIHFWLYHFRQVHUYDWLRQSROLFLHV including landscape and plumbing stanGDUGVZDWHUZDVWHHQIRUFHPHQWDQG tiered water pricing. /DWHVWSURJUDPRIZDWHUUHJXODWLRQVKDV been emerged in 2005 – 22 suggeVWLRQVKDVEHHQPDGHIRUVROYLQJWKH ZDWHUSUREOHP$PL[WXUHRIVDYLQJ UHJXDOWLRQVDEHWWHUPDQDJHPHQWRI industrial water and new resources provided are supposed to keep up with LQFUHDVLQJZDWHUFRQVXPSWLRQIRUWKH next three decades. Main Item is a two-million-dollarSLSHOLQHWKDWLVUHVSRQVLEOHIRUSXPSLQJ 170 cubic hecto meters ground water a \HDUIURPUXUDODUHDV&RXQWLHV&ODUN Lincoln and White Pine) to Las Vegas. 7KLVSURMHFWVKRXOGHQVXUHDQDGHTXDWH ZDWHUVXSSO\IRUWKHQH[W\HDUVDQG minimize dependency on Colorado River. Sustainability 2WKHULGHDVRIZDWHUSUHSDUDWLRQRU supply are to desalinate seawater or the 9LUJLQ5LYHU,IWKHUHLVQRGHYHORSPHQW RIQHZUHVRXUFHVZDWHUGHPDQGRI/DV Vegas Valley will prospectively exceed water allocations within next 5 years. In 2035 the expected demand will be about 550 cubic hecto meters higher than the available water supply. Economy measures already mentioned are supposed to reduce per-capitaconsumption about 10% within next \HDUVWKDWZRXOGEHDUHGXFWLRQRI DERXWFXELFKHFWRPHWHUVRIZDWHUD year. Critics worry that all current activities PDGHIRUWDSSLQJQHZZDWHUUHVRXUFHV DQGHQODUJHPHQWRIVWRUHRIZDWHUZLOO be rubbish in 30 years at the latest. They claim to raise people’s awareness RIWKHFLW\¶VLUUHVLVWLEOHJURZWKDQGLWV consequences. People are supposed to EHFRPHDZDUHRIWKHIDFWWKDWWKH\GRQ¶W live through a drought but in the middle RIWKHGHVHUWLQWKHPLGGOHRIRQHRIWKH hottest spots in the world. Patricia Mulroy however holds a GLIIHUHQWYLHZ7RXULVPLQGXVWU\RI/DV 9HJDVLVVHOOLQJDQHVFDSHRIUHDOLW\ DQGGRQ¶WZDQWWRVFDUHWRXULVWDZD\LI HPHUJLQJSUREOHPVRIWKHUHDOZRUOG VXFKDVODFNRIZDWHUFDSDFLW\VXGGHQO\ come up and crash into their illusions. 7KHUHLVQRUHDVRQ\HWWRDFFHSWRQHRI the most important precious resources DVDOLPLWHGIDFWRURIJURZWKDVORQJDV \RXFDQSXPSLWIURPVRPHZKHUHHOVH 4XHOOHQ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Mead http://www.sunsetcities.com/hoover-dam http://www.nps.gov/ http://www.lasvegasnevada.gov/ Merian, Las Vegas, Dezember 2007 Bittner, Regina: Urbane Paradise – Zur Kulturgeschichte modernen Vergnügens )UDQNIXUW1HZ<RUN&DPSXV9HUODJ Las Vegas Water Supply zusammengestellt von: Marion Haider und Florian Sedelmaier 2VFDU*RRGPDQPD\RURI/DV9HJDV DQGPHPEHURIWKH61:$KROGVD VLPLODUNLQGRIYLHZ7KHUHLVQRUHDVRQ WRZRUU\DERXWWKHIXWXUHRI/DV9HJDV VHHLQJWKDWLILW¶VMXVWDPDWWHURIZDWHU one is in a position to buy the solution RIWKHSUREOHP 141 142 Fernsehbilder zusammengestellt von: Matthäus Maier 143 Fernsehbilder LAS VEGAS 'LH6HULHÄ/DV9HJDV³YRQ'UHKEXFKDXWRU*DU\6FRWW7KRPSVRQÄ7KH)DVW DQGWKH)XULRXV³ZXUGHYRQZXUGH von September 2003 bis Februar 2008 vom NBC ausgestrahlt und war in den 6WDDWHQGXUFKDXVHUIROJUHLFK Pro 7 sendete die Serie ab Jänner 2006 erstmals im deutschen Sprachraum, sie ZXUGHMHGRFKEHUHLWVQDFKIQI(SLVRden wegen zu geringer Einschaltquoten wieder abgesetzt. Der ORF startete die Sendung ebenIDOOVYRQ-lQQHUZRVLHGHPPRQtäglichen Abendprogramm bis Jänner 2008 erhalten blieb, wobei die ersten YLHU6WDIIHOQDXVJHVWUDKOWZXUGHQGLH )QIWHIROJWQRFK$XFKDXI.DEHO 1 ist diese Serie seit August 2007 sonntags Nacht zu sehen. Ä/DV9HJDV³LVWHLQH*HPHLQVFKDIWVSURduktion von NBC Universal Television und DreamWorks Television, als ProGX]HQWZLUG*DUGQHU6WHUQÄ&6,³Ä/DZ 2UGHU³DQJHJHEHQ:LHDXFKÄ&6,³ ]HLFKQHWVLFKÄ/DV9HJDV³GXUFKUDVFKH 144 VFKQHOOEHUÀLHHQGH.DPHUDIDKUWHQ und entsprechenden Schnitt, sowie parDOOHOODXIHQGHQ+DQGOXQJVVWUlQJHDXV zusammen mit Danny die Sicherheitsabteilung. Er ist der Elektronikspezialist des Casinos und zugleich Dannys bester Freund. Handlung und Charaktere: 'HOLQGD'HOLQH9DQHVVD0DUFLOLVW Eds Tochter und Dannys Gattin und leitet das Restaurant des Montcitos, LQGHPGLH*lVWHYRPHUIROJUHLFKHQ |VWHUUHLFKLVFKHQ+DXEHQNRFK:ROIJDQJ 3XFN:ROIJDQJ3XFNNXOLQDULVFK verwöhnt werden. 'DV+DXSWDXJHQPHUNOLHJWDXIGHP Montecito Resort & Casino in Las VeJDVGDVYRQ(G'HOLQH-DPHV&DDQ DOV'LUHNWRUXQG'DQQ\0F&R\-RVK Duhamel) als Leiter der SicherheitsabWHLOXQJJHIKUWZLUGZREHLUHJHOPlLJH Betrugs- bzw. Diebstahlsversuche von den beiden Ex-Marines vereitelt werden. 6DP0DUTXH]9DQHVVD0DUFLOLVWGLH &DVLQRKRVWHVVHXQGVRIUGDVOHLEOLFKH und geistige Wohl der reichsten und somit Ehrengästen verantwortlich. In der YLHUWHQ6WDIIHOPXVVVLHGLHVH7lWLJNHLW MHGRFKQLFKWPHKUDXVEHQGDGHUDOWH Casinobesitzer verstirbt und ihr unverständlicherweise, man wird nie wissen warum, das Montecito vererbt. 0LNH&DQQRQ-DPHV/HVXUHLVW DQIDQJV3DUNZlFKWHUXQGOHLWHWVSlWHU :HLWHUVOHJHQLP/DXIHGHU6HULH über 100 Bekanntheiten aus dem Entertainmentbereich unterhaltsame &DPHR$XIWULWWHDEZLH]XP%HVSLHO Jon Bon Jovi, Black Eyed Peas, Paris Hilton, Snoop Dogg, Jean-Claude Van Damme, The Pussycat Dolls, Sylvester 6WDOORQH+XJK+HIQHURGHU7KH3RO\SKRQLF6SUHH$XFKHLQLJH3RNHUSUR¿V wie Phil Ivey und Chris Ferguson haben JHOHJHQWOLFKH*DVWDXIWULWWH Fernsehbilder Drehorte: $OV9RUODJHIUGDV¿NWLYH0RQWHFLWR dient das Mandalay Bay, ein HotelCasinokomplex am Südende des Las Vegas Stripes. Es ist besonders bei SpielerInnen DXV$VLHQEHOLHEWYHUIJWEHU Zimmern und Suiten und besteht unter anderem aus zwei goldenen, verglasten Türmen. Der östliche Turm wurde 1999 HU|IIQHWKDW(WDJHQXQGHLQVSH]LHOOHVÄ%XUPD7KHPD³'HUZHVWOLFKH 7XUPZXUGHIHUWLJJHVWHOOWXQGKDW HEHQIDOOV6WRFNZHUNHZREHLGLHVH ab dem 40. mit den Nummern 61, 62, 63 bezeichnet werden, da die Zahl 4 bei asiatischen Spielern als Unglückszahl gilt. 'LHUHLQH&DVLQRÀlFKHEHWUlJWFLUFD 12.542 m2 und ist einem Stil eines „troSLFDOVHWWLQJRIÀRZLQJZDWHUOXVKIROLDJHDQGH[RWLFDUFKLWHFWXUH³JHKDOWHQ Die aktuelle Show des Mandalay Bays LVWGDV$%%$0XVLFDOÄ0DPPD0LD³ Jeder Turm hat ein eigenes Spa und eine gemeinsam genutzte Poolanlage, inklusive einem künstlichen Strand mit :HOOHQDQODJH=XPÄ0DQGDOD\%D\³JHK|UWHLQHVGHUJU|WHQ.RQIHUHQ]=HQWUHQGHU:HOWGDVÄ(YHQWV&HQWHU³HLQH Halle mit 12.000 Plätzen), ein Theater, HLQÄ+RXVHRI%OXHV³IU5HVWDXUDQW und Konzerte), eine Vielzahl Restaurants, die riesige Aquarien-Anlage Ä6KDUN5HHI³VRZLHGLH6KRSSLQJ3DVVDJHÄ0DQGDOD\3ODFH³GLHHVPLWGHP EHQDFKEDUWHQÄ/X[RU+RWHO³YHUELQGHW Die kostenlose „Monorail Mandalay %D\([FDOLEXU7UDP³SHQGHOW]ZLVFKHQ GHPÄ0DQGDOD\%D\³GHPÄ/X[RU³XQG GHPÄ([FDOLEXU+RWHO³ Das Hotel war Teil der „Circus-Circus*UXSSH³GLHVLFKVSlWHUQDFKVHLQHP )ODJJVFKLII]XUÄ0DQGDOD\5HVRUW *URXS³XPEHQDQQWHZXUGHGLHVH Gruppe vom Konkurrenten „MGM MiraJH³JHNDXIW Des Weiteren sind in der Serie ledigOLFK/XIWDXIQDKPHQGHUXPOLHJHQGHQ Gebäude zu sehen, als zweiter Drehort wird noch L.A. angegeben. Das vermittelte Stadtbild: Obwohl man, trotz mancher Ausnahmen, eigentlich nichts von Las Vegas selbst zu sehen bekommt, vermittelt Ä/DV9HJDV³HLQUHFKWVWDUNHV%LOGRGHU Image der Stadt. Dieses wird sowohl von den Protagonisten wie auch von den Nebenrollen verkörpert, selbst die Statisten prägen es mit. $OV%HWUDFKWHUKDWPDQGDV*HIKO Teil einer riesigen Feier zu sein, einer sich täglich wiederholenden Party. Die Darsteller sind immer gut gekleidet und gelaunt und wenn sie einmal doch die Stimmung oder Fassung verlieren, VRLVWVRIRUWHLQJXWHU)UHXQGRGHUHLQ KLOIVEHUHLWHU3DVVDQW]XU6WHOOH8QUHFKW und Verbrechen werden augenblicklich durch die stets wachsame SicherheitsDEWHLOXQJDXIJHNOlUWXQGLQPDQFKHQ Fällen auch gerächt, lange bevor die staatliche Sicherheit einschreitet. 145 Fernsehbilder Diese nie enden wollende Party, das tägliche Feuerwerk, ist, so scheint es, aber nur in Las Vegas möglich. In dieser Stadt ist nie schlechtes Wetter WDWVlFKOLFKUHJQHWHVIDVWQLHLQGHU6Hrie, was aber auch daran liegen kann, GDVVHVNDXP$XHQDXIQDKPHQJLEW nie schlechte Laune und ausschließlich schöne und reiche Menschen zu bestaunen, die in ihrem Wirken durch pompastische und kitschige Außen-, sowie Innenarchitektur bestärkt werden. In gewissen Sinn ist diese Serie eine JURH:HUEHVHQGXQJIU/DV9HJDV Dem Zuseher wird eine beinahe paradiesische Welt gezeigt und er hegt den Wunsch auch ein Mitglied dieser schöQHQ*HVHOOVFKDIW]XVHLQ9LHOOHLFKWLVW auch das gerade der Trick, der Mythos den Las Vegas ausmacht: Werbung. Das Image als Stadt der Superlative wird gezielt von den Casino und Hotelbetreibern eingesetzt um die Besucher LQGLH:VWHLQV1LFKWVVSlWHUDXFKLQ ¿QDQ]LHOOHU+LQVLFKW]X]LHKHQ2KQH :HUEXQJKlWWHGHU0D¿DERVV%XJV\ 146 Siegel, der in den 40er Jahren das erste kombinierte Casinohotel baute, keine .XQGHQJHKDEWXQGGHUZLUWVFKDIWOLFKH $XIVFKZXQJGHV*OFNVSLHOVZlUHQLH zustande gekommen. /DV9HJDVVHW]WVHLQHQ5XIVHLWMHKHU HLQDXFKZHQQVLFKGLHVHULP/DXIHGHU Zeit ein wenig geändert hat. Kamen in den 50ern unzählige Touristen um die nahe gelegenen Atombombentests zu bestaunen, so kommen sie heute um eine andere Art des Nervenkitzels zu erleben, nämlich den des Glückspiels und der Prostitution. Der Versuch eines Imagewechsels seitens der StadtverZDOWXQJYRQÄVLQFLW\³]XUIDPLOLHQIUHXQGOLFKHQÄFLW\RIHQWHUWDLQPHQW³LVW aber angesichts der großen Anzahl von Nacktbars und Bordellen zum Scheitern verurteilt. 'LHVH6WDGWLVWGHU,QEHJULIIGHU5HL]EHUÀXWXQJ(LQHGHUHUVWHELOGOLFKHQ $VVR]LDWLRQHQGLHDXINRPPWZHQQ man an Las Vegas denkt, ist LeuchtUHNODPHZREHLZLUZLHGHUDXIGLH Werbung als wichtiger Bestandteil der Stadt zurückgekommen wären. Grelle, in allen Farben schillernden WerbeELOGHUXQG±6FKULIWHQJHK|UHQHLQGHXWLJ zum Stadtbild. Las Vegas ist Spaß und UnterhalWXQJDEHUGDPLWVLQGDXFK*HIDKUXQG 9HUEUHFKHQYHUEXQGHQXQGQLFKWMHGHU KDWVHLQHQ'DQQ\0F&R\GHUDXIHLQHQ DXISDVVW Fernsehbilder Abb. 1 147 Fernsehbilder LOS ANGELES Handlung: „Columbo“ &ROXPERLVWHLQXQJHSÀHJWZLUNHQGHU VFKHLQEDUEHJULIIVVWXW]LJHU3ROL]HLEHDPWHUHLJHQWOLFKLVWHUMHGRFKKRFKLQtelligent und löst seine Fälle durch sehr genaue Beobachtung von Details und kleinen Widersprüchen, während er IRUWZlKUHQG=LJDUUHQUDXFKW=X&ROXPbos Charakteristik gehört, dass er sich RIWEHLP9HUODVVHQHLQHV5DXPHVDQ der Tür noch einmal umdreht und dem Verdächtigen eine entscheidende Frage stellt, typischerweise eingeleitet mit Ä'DZlUHQRFKHLQH.OHLQLJNHLW«³RGHU auch: „Ich hätte da noch eine Frage «³RIWPLWFKDUDNWHULVWLVFKHUKREHQHP =HLJH¿QJHU ZXUGHHUVWPDOVDXI1%&HLQ)LOP ausgestrahlt, in dem der Charakter Columbo mitspielt. Die Popularität des Charakters veranlasste den Sender, daraus eine regelmäßige Serie zu machen, die im Herbst 1971 Premiere KDWWHÄ&ROXPER³ZDUHLQVRIRUWLJHU 4XRWHQKLWXQG3HWHU)DONJHZDQQHLQHQ (PP\$ZDUGIUVHLQH5ROOHLPHUVWHQ -DKUGHU6HULH'LHVHOLHILQVJHVDPW VLHEHQ6WDIIHOQODQJ1DFKGHP(QGH im Jahre 1978 wurden erst wieder seit YHUHLQ]HOW)HUQVHK¿OPHIU$%& produziert und heute gibt es 69 CoOXPERIROJHQYRQGHQHQGLHQHXHVWHLP 2003 in den USA ausgestrahlt wurde. 148 Zu den wiederkehrenden Elementen der Serie gehören Inspektor Columbos zerknautschter Regenmantel, sein verbeultes Auto, ein alter Peugeot 403 &DEULRXQGVHLQ+XQGÄ+XQG³ 6HKUKlX¿JUHGHW&ROXPERDXFKEHU VHLQH(KHIUDXGLHGHU=XVFKDXHUMHdoch nicht ein einziges Mal zu Gesicht bekommt. Im Gegensatz zu klassischen Krimis, bei denen die Identität des Mörders erst am Ende des Buchs oder Films verraten wird, sieht bei Columbo der =XVFKDXHU0RUGXQG0|UGHUELVDXIZHnige Ausnahmen zu Beginn der Folge Ä,QYHUWHG6WRU\³ 2IWPDOVYHUIROJWGHU=XVFKDXHUDXFK die Vorgeschichte des Mordes, die Motiventstehung beim Mörder und dessen Vorbereitungen der Tat. Anschließend YHUIROJWHUZLH&ROXPERPLWVHLQHULKP eigenen Hartnäckigkeit den Mörder, der VWHWVGHUREHUHQ*HVHOOVFKDIWVVFKLFKW angehört, immer mehr in die Enge WUHLEWZlKUHQGGLHVHUPHLVWYHU]ZHLIHOW versucht, seine Spuren zu verwischen XQGJHUDGHGDEHLRIWHQWVFKHLGHQGH Fehler begeht. In der modernen Kriminalistik gehört GHUÄ&ROXPER(IIHNW³RGHUGHVVHQ Ausnutzung zu den anerkannten Methodendes kriminalpolizeilichen Verhörs, DEHUDXFKMHGHVDQGHUHQ9HUK|UV etwa durch Richter, Staatsanwälte und Rechtsanwälte. Im Kern dieser Ver- Fernsehbilder K|UPHWKRGHIUGLHHVHLQHUJHZLVVHQ VFKDXVSLHOHULVFKHQ%HJDEXQJEHGDUI steht in der Tat eine mehr oder weniger weitgehende Imitation des Inspektors Columbo. Der Verhörer stellt sich unwissend, unkonzentriert, umschmeiFKHOWVRJDUGLHÄ$XVNXQIWVSHUVRQ³ und wiegt sie in Sicherheit. Dadurch wird diese in ihrer Eitelkeit gereizt und dazu provoziert, sich durch die nur YRUGHUJUQGLJVRXYHUlQH$XINOlUXQJ von Ungereimtheiten und Widersprüchen in der Aktenlage gegenüber dem vermeintlich dummen Ermittler selbst ]XHQWWDUQHQ0LWGHPIU&ROXPER typischen Spruch: „Eine Frage hätte LFKGDQRFK³ZLHJWVLFKGHU9HUGlFKWLJH in Gewissheit, nach Beantwortung der Frage in Ruhe gelassen zu werden und wird dann nicht selten verleitet, leichtIHUWLJ]XDQWZRUWHQ Abb. 2 149 Fernsehbilder Das vermittelte Stadtbild: Es ist vorwegzunehmen, dass meisten Folgen der Serie in den 60er bis 80er Jahren produziert wurden und daher kein aktuelles Bild der Stadt vermitWHOQÄ&ROXPER³VSLHOWLPNODVVLVFKHQ Amerika des 20. Jahrhunderts, wo QLFKWVXQP|JOLFKLVWXQGDOOHVJHVFKDIIW werden kann. Wie bereits erwähnt sind die Mörder stets Mitglieder der gehobenen GeVHOOVFKDIWZLH]XP%HLVSLHOEHUKPWH Schauspieler oder Millionäre. Sieht man diese Serie möchte man meinen, in L.A. JLEWHVNHLQHVR]LDOHÄ8QWHUVFKLFKW³ sondern ausschließlich gut situierte Menschen. Man hat den Eindruck, GLHVH%HZRKQHUGHU6WDGWOHEHQIDVW ein bisschen zu gut und langweilen sich beinahe ein wenig, was schlussendlich LQHLQHP0RUGPLWRIWIDGHQVFKHLQLJHP oder lächerlichem Hintergrund endet. Einzig Inspektor Columbo ist der Dekadenz der Reichen, die ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Serie ist, gewachsen 150 und gerade das macht ihn zum symSDWKLVFKHQ$XHQVHLWHU1XUHUIlKUW kein großes amerikanisches Auto, nur er trägt seinen alten Mantel und nicht die neueste Mode und doch lässt auch er einen gewissen Hang zur Selbstsicherheit durchblicken, dargestellt durch seine nie endende Zigarre. /DXWÄ&ROXPER³LVW/$HLQH6WDGWLQ der die Bevölkerung ausschließlich in Villen wohnt. Es sind schon etliche Miethäuser zu sehen, doch werden diese bewusst vermieden und nur äußerst selten betreten. Es scheint, man wird in dieser Stadt ohne Rolls Royce und Swimmingpool nicht wahrgenommen, weder vom Zuseher, noch von der Polizei. Columbo bewegt sich nur in den erlesenen Kreisen, er verkehrt nur mit berühmten und reichen Menschen und so gesehen hat auch er den „american GUHDP³HUIOOWXQGLVW7HLOGLHVHU*HVHOOVFKDIW&ROXPERO|VW9HUEUHFKHQGXUFK UHLQH*HLVWHVNUDIWPLWHLQHU$XVQDKPHLVWHUVWHWVXQEHZDIIQHW,Q/$LVW QLFKWVVRZLHHVDXIGHQHUVWHQ%OLFN scheint, der vermeintliche Glamour und die Unberührbarkeit der Mörder ist lediglich gespielt und der Inspektor macht einen recht eigenwilligen ersten (LQGUXFNLVWMHGRFKKHOOZDFKXQG VFKDUIEHUHFKQHQG,Q/$PXVVPDQ hinter die Kulissen blicken und man GDUIVLFKQLFKWGXUFKbXHUOLFKNHLWHQ blenden lassen. 7URW]DOOHUDXIJHNOlUWHQ)lOOHEOHLEW Columbo bescheiden und zurückhaltend, obwohl auch er ein wenig arrogant wirkt. Nicht einmal sein Hund ist es Wert einen Namen zu haben und seine Frau ist und bleibt ein Mythos. Er sich seiner Klasse durchaus bewusst und er weiß, dass er der einzige ist, der die PRUGHQGH2EHUVFKLFKWDXIKDOWHQNDQQ ,Q/$KDWPDQ(UIROJPDQVSULFKWDEHU nicht darüber. Die wenigen Ausnahmen an nicht sozial höher gestellten Charakteren VLQGPHLVWHQVDXV%HUXIVJUXSSHQPLW direktem Kontakt zu anderen Bürgern wie Dienstpersonal, Milchmänner oder Fernsehbilder %ULHIWUlJHUGLH&ROXPERJHJHQEHULPPHU+LOIVEHUHLWVLQGXQGQLFKWVHOWHQOLHIHUQJHUDGHGLHVHHLQIDFKHQ0HQVFKHQ HQWVFKHLGHQGH+LQZHLVH]XU(UJUHLIXQJ der reichen Verbrecher. In L.A. gibt es zwar mehrheitlich vermögende Einwohner, die aber dekadent XQGIDOVFKVLQGZlKUHQGGLHZHQLJHQ bescheidenen Bewohner ehrlich und gesetzestreu sind, das ist praktisch HLQHXPJHNHKUWHÄ(OLWH³*ODXEWPDQ Ä&ROXPER³LVWLQGLHVHU6WDGWHLQIDFK alles anders und nichts das, was es vorgibt zu sein. Abb. 3 4XHOOHQ ZZZVHULHQMXQNLHVGH/DV9HJDV www.wikipedia.org ZZZIHUQVHKVHULHQGH www.mandalaybay.com 151 152 On the Road Las Vegas to Arcosanti zusammengestellt von: Alexander Dworsky 153 On the Road LAS VEGAS TO ARCOSANTI Route facts: FURVVHVGLIIHUHQWstates: Nevada and Arizona cuts through / runs close to DIHZcities and towns: Boulder City, Kingman, Seligman, Ash Fork, Chino Valley and Prescott includes 5 different roads: 515 Interstate Freeway, 93 U.S. Highway, 40 Interstate Freeway, 89 U.S. Highway and 69 U.S Highway overall lenght of the route: NPPL Las Vegas - Boulder City: 22,5 km PLRQ,QWHUVWDWH)UHHZD\ Boulder City – Kingman: 120 km PLRQ86+LJKZD\ Kingman – Seligman: 115 km PLRQ,QWHUVWDWH)UHHZD\ 154 Seligman - Ash Fork: 29 km PLRQ,QWHUVWDWH)UHHZD\ Ash Fork - Chino Valley: 50 km PLRQ86+LJKZD\ Chino Valley – Prescott: 22,5 km PLRQ86+LJKZD\ Prescott – Arcosanti: 47,5 km PLRQ86+LJKZD\ special points: Hoover Dam and Lake Mead, Route 66 (Fig. 1 - Las Vegas to Arcosanti) Highways ,P-DKUKXQGHUW]RJHQVLFKHLQIDFKH 6FKRWWHUVWUDHQXQG7UDPSHOSIDGH durch das ganze Land. Die Menschen EHQXW]WHQGLHVRJHQDQQWHQÄ7UDLOV³XP in den Westen zu gelangen. Ein durchgängiges Straßensystem existierte MHGRFKQRFKQLFKW Ein Komitee aus acht Staaten begann in den 1920ern bereits existierende Straßen zu einem Highway, der Route ]XVDPPHQ]XIJHQ(Fig. 2) 1937 waren alle Abschnitte asphaltiert. Die erste Ost-West Verbindung in den 86$YRQ&KLFDJRQDFK/$ZDUIHUWLJ Der Transport der Militärgüter, die MasVHQODQGÀXFKWZlKUHQGGHU:LUWVFKDIWVkrise und ein unvorhergesehener Touristenstrom beanspruchten die Route EHULKUH*UHQ]HQ0LWGHPGDUDXI IROJHQGHQ%DXGHV,QWHUVWDWH6\VWHPV wurde die Route 66, die die Wurzel des modernen Highway-Netzes bildete, zur Nebenstrasse degradiert. Unser Weg nach Arcosanti wird sich bei Kingman mit der Route 66 kreuzen. On the Road Wichtig, und in gewisser Weise ebenso IDV]LQLHUHQGIUDPHULNDQLVFKH,QWHOlektuelle, war der Gedanke der Nazis: Der Bau der Autobahn als eine Übung IUGHXWVFKH.UDIWXQG:LOOHQVVWlUNH zu verstehen – ein ökonomisches und administratives Muskelspiel, was, wie HVHLQ1D]LIXQNWLRQlUIRUPXOLHUWH7HLO GHUÄ1DWLRQDOHQ*HVXQGXQJ³ZDUHLQH Testmobilmachung, eine Generalprobe ZLHHVUFNEOLFNHQGVFKHLQWIUGHQ .ULHJLQGHPGLHIDWDOHQ,GHHQGHV Regimes zum nationalen Wesen und *HLVWPLWVHLQHUKDOEJDUHQbVWKHWLN verschmolzen. bKQOLFKH0RWLYH±:LUWVFKDIW9HUWHLdigung und Nationalprestige – sollten auch den amerikanischen Superhighways zugrunde liegen. Das Paradoxe GDUDQLVWGDVV0LWWHGHUIQI]LJHU Jahre auch das Netz der Interstates der EUHLWHQgIIHQWOLFKNHLWPLWEHGHQNOLFKHQ $QJDEHQVFKPDFNKDIWJHPDFKWZXUGH und zwar als ein System von Highways zur nationalen Verteidigung, die den Transport von Menschen und Material erleichtern sollten und – eine ebenso Fig. 1 155 On the Road grausame Wahnvorstellung wie bei den deutschen Autobahnen – die Evakuierung von Großstädten angesichts DWRPDUHU$QJULIIH0LWGHP%HLVSLHOGHU Autobahnen vor Augen und den Bildern der vom Krieg verwüsteten europäischen Städte machte sich Präsident Dwight Eisenhower an den Bau der Interstates. „Amerikanische Strassen sind keine unauffälligen kleinen, von Häusern gesäumten Wege, sondern nationale Highways. In dem Augenblick, wo man seinen Fuß auf eine von ihnen setzt, begreift man, dass sie bis Boston oder Chicago weitergehen muss.“ -HDQ3DXO6DWUH „Die amerikanischen Highway sind nämlich weit mehr als nur bloße Transportwege. Sie sind sozusagen der zentralste nationale Raum der Amerikaner…“ 3KLO3DWWRQ 156 In Europa wurden Städte in der Nähe von Flüssen gegründet, in Amerika in GHU1lKHGHU(LVHQEDKQOLQLH&KLFDJR Atlanta). Im Rücken der Interstates stand das /HEHQVWLOO±*KRVWWRZQV6KDPURFN Texas). Die modernen Superhighways IKUHQXPGLHDOWHQ6WlGWHKHUXPDQ deren Peripherien neue Ansiedlungen entstehen. Jean-Paul Satre hat einmal bemerkt, dass die europäischen Straßen meist irgendwann in einen umschloßenen Raum münden, währen die schnurgeraden Straßen der amerikanischen Städte scheinbar immer weiter gehen, so dass VLHGDVLQQHUVWH=HQWUXPMHGHU6WDGWELV zum Horizont hin erschließen und ihnen die Abgetrenntheit und den besonderen Status von Paris, Rom oder London versagen. In diesen europäischen 0HWURSROHQODXIHQGLH6WUDVVHQYRP /DQGHNRPPHQG]XVDPPHQGHUDPHULkanische Raster dagegen zerstreut die 6WDGWDXIGDV/DQGKLQDXV Das Gittermuster der Städte leitet sich von dem der Landerschließung – entZRUIHQYRQ3UlVLGHQW-HIIHUVRQGXUFK 6WUDVVHQDE:LOOLDP3HQQV3KLODGHOphia). „Die Städte werden ans Transportnetz angegliedert, nicht umgekehrt. Jedes neue Transportsystem prägte die wirtschaftliche und soziale Landschaft mehr, als es durch sie geprägt wurde… Amerikanische Strassen wurden gebaut XPGHQ6WlGWHQ]XHQWÀLHKHQ³ 3KLO3DWWRQ On the Road Fig. 2 Fig. 3 157 On the Road Hoover Dam (Fig. 6 - Aerial View) IDFWVKHLJKWIURPWKHIRXQGDWLRQURFNWR WKHURDGPIW material weight: 6,600,000 t construction time: 5 years loation: within the Lake Mead National Reconstruction Area The Hoover Dam was built by a construction company called Six Companies Inc, which was actually a FRQVRUWLXPRIVHYHUDOFRPSDQLHV7KH UHDVRQWKHVHGLIIHUHQWFRPSDQ\VJRWWRgether was simple, no single construction company could raise the $5 million QHHGHGWRVHFXUHWKHSHUIRUPDQFH ERQG,WWRRN¿YH\HDUV The contractors were allowed seven \HDUVIURP$SULOEXWFRQFUHWH placement in the dam was completed 0D\DQGDOOIHDWXUHVZHUH completed by March 1, 1936 (Fig. 4 - Stages of Construction) %HIRUHWKH'DPFRXOGEHEXLOWWKH Colorado River had to be diverted 158 through tunnels. For this work a piece RIHTXLSPHQWQDPHGD-XPER5LJZDV designed to speed up the tunnel drilling SURFHVV%XLOWRQWKHEDFNRIDWRQ truck, 24 to 30 drills could be operated at once. (Fig. 5 - Jumbo Rig) 8QXVXDOIHDWXUHRIFRQVWUXFWLRQ The dam was built in blocks or vertical FROXPQVYDU\LQJLQVL]HIURPDERXW IHHWVTXDUHDWWKHXSVWUHDPIDFHRI WKHGDPWRDERXWIHHWVTXDUHDWWKH GRZQVWUHDPIDFH$GMDFHQWFROXPQV ZHUHORFNHGWRJHWKHUE\DV\VWHPRI YHUWLFDONH\VRQWKHUDGLDOMRLQWVDQG KRUL]RQWDONH\VRQWKHFLUFXPIHUHQWLDO MRLQWVWKLQNÄJLDQW/HJRVHW³ Concrete placement in any one block ZDVOLPLWHGWR¿YHIHHWLQKRXUV$IWHU the concrete was cooled, a cement and water mixture called grout was IRUFHGLQWRWKHVSDFHVFUHDWHGEHWZHHQ WKHFROXPQVE\WKHFRQWUDFWLRQRIWKH FRROHGFRQFUHWHWRIRUPDPRQROLWKLF RQHSLHFHVWUXFWXUH 'XULQJWKH'HSUHVVLRQMREVZHUHKDUG to come by, and when it was announced that Hoover Dam construction was about to begin, thousands came looking IRUZRUN $WRWDORIPHQZRUNHGRQWKH 'DPZLWKDQDYHUDJHRIDQGD PD[LPXPRIGDLO\ZKLFKRFFXUred in June 1934. The average monthly payroll was $500,000. High scalers blasted the canyon walls ZLWKMDFNKDPPHUVWRPDNHDVPRRWK VXUIDFHIRUWKHGDPµVFRQVWUXFWLRQ These scalers earned $5.60 a day and ZHUHVRPHRIWKHKLJKHVWSDLGZRUNHUV RQWKHMRE SOURCES: ZZZIDVRUJ www.usbr.gov www.constructioncompany.com www.wikipedia.org www.blog.wired.com www.sanctuaries.noaa.gov www.nps.gov Highway: Amerikas endloser Traum, Bernd Polster, 1996 DuMont Verlag, Köln Outdoorhandbuch USA, Route 66, Ingrid Stein, 1999 Conrad Stein Verlag USA, Der Südwesten, 2007 DuMont Verlag On the Road Fig. 4 Fig. 6 Fig. 5 159 160 Arcosanti zusammengestellt von: Armin Kamenschek 161 Arcosanti Introduction Paolo Soleri is an Italian-American YLVLRQDU\DUFKLWHFWZLWKDOLIHORQJ commitment to research and experimentation in design and town planning. He established the educational Cosanti Foundation and Arcosanti town. Life (Fig. 01) He was born in Torino, Italy on June 21, \HDUVROGLQ In 1933 his Family moved to Grenoble, )UDQFHWRHVFDSHIURPWKH,WDOLDQIDVFLVW regime. Soleri attended there the „Ecole Gµ$UW,QGXVWULHO³ Between 1935 and 1939 he turned back to Italy, continuing education at Torino Liceo Artistico, Academia Albertina. In 1941 he enrolled at Torino Politecnico and awarded his Ph.D. with highest KRQRUVLQDUFKLWHFWXUHIURPWKH7RULQR Polytechnico in 1946. He visitet the United States in 1947 and VSHQWD\HDUDQGKDOILQIHOORZVKLSZLWK Frank Lloyd Wright. Taliesin West, (Fig. 02) Wright’s winter residence outside the original Taliesin in 162 6SULQJ*UHHQ:LVFRQVLQ:,EHFDPH DWUDLQLQJJURXQGIRUEXLOGLQJLQWKH harsh desert climate. Wright and his IHOORZVH[SHULPHQWHGZLWKURFNZDOOV IDEULFFHLOLQJVDQGRWKHUGHYLFHVWR FRQWUROWKHVXQEXWWDNHDGYDQWDJHRI breezes, day/night temperature swings, and other desert conditions. Sleeping RQUDLVHGSODWIRUPVXQGHUWKHQLJKWVN\ 6ROHULDQGWKHRWKHUIHOORZVKHOSHGEXLOG Wright’s ever growing complex that would eventually have a cabaret theater and music pavilion, in addition to the VWXGLRVHDWLQJDQGVOHHSLQJIDFLOLWLHV QHHGHGIRUDIHOORZVKLS:KDWEHFDPH an 18 month stint in the Arizona desert OHIWDODUJHLPSUHVVLRQRQ6ROHULVD\LQJ KHKDVIRQGPHPRULHVRI:ULJKW7KH\ developed a pleasant relationship even though he didn’t speak English. Working in the kitchen and serving WKH:ULJKWIDPLO\WKHLUPHDOVDIIRUGHG the young man unique access to the master architect. For Soleri ultimately it wasn’t so much a conscious architectural learning process as an absorbing experience. Soleri returned to Italy in 1950 where he was commissioned to build a large FHUDPLFVIDFWRU\Ä&HUDPLFD$UWLVWLFD 6ROLPHQH³(Fig. 03). The processes he EHFDPHIDPLOLDUZLWKLQWKHFHUDPLFVLQdustry led to his award winning designs RIFHUDPLFDQGEURQ]HZLQGEHOOVDQG siltcast architectural structures which he would later use at Arcosanti. The desert called him back. Soleri lived LQ6DQWH)H1HZ0H[LFR10PDNLQJ and selling ceramic pots. Some local merchants approached him to carry on WKHSURGXFWLRQRIZLQGEHOOVIRUWKHP DIWHUDQRWKHUPDNHUSDVVHGDZD\(YHQ without a background in making this W\SHRISRWWHU\KHDJUHHGQRWNQRZing it would become a permanent part RIKLVOLIH7KHFRQVWUXFWLRQDQGVDOH RIWKHVHEHOOVZRXOGODWHUVXSSRUWWKH FRQVWUXFWLRQRI$UFRVDQWLKLVGHVHUW FRPPXQLW\%XW¿UVWFDPH&RVDQWL In 1956 Soleri was leaving Santa Fe, 1HZ0H[LFR10IRU6FRWWVGDOH$UL]RQD$=ZLWKKLVODWHZLIH&ROO\DQG WKHLUWZRGDXJKWHUVEHFDXVHRIDPRUH DPHQDEOHFOLPDWHIRUKLVEHOOPDNLQJ Arcosanti activities. Soleri began experimenting with construction techniques that use HDUWKDVDIRUPZRUNIRUSRXUHGLQSODFH concrete, whereby the earth is built up DQGVKDSHGLQWRDIRUPWKHQFRQFUHWH is poured over and the earth is excavaWHGDIWHUWKHFRQFUHWHFXUHV Fig. 01 „Cosanti” (Fig. 04) DIXVLQJRI,WDOLDQ words roughly describing a timeless architecture transcending consumer materialism. Soleri built on this ground his residence, the Earth House, stuGLRVRI¿FHVUHVLGHQFHVDSRRODQG DIRXQGU\IROORZHG(Fig. 05) Keep in mind, Cosanti is where he began to acquire experience, most apparent in what became his signature architectural element: VRXWKIDFLQJDSVHVKDOIGRPHVWKDW enable year round activity outdoors by allowing sunlight in the winter and shielGLQJSHRSOHIURPWKHVXQLQWKHVXPPHU months. Fig. 02 Fig. 03 Fig. 04 163 Arcosanti Cosanti’s intimate environment is generously planted with trees, reminiscent RI,WDO\)XUWKHUPRUHLWLVDSSDUHQWWKDW much loving thought was put into the spaces between the buildings, the courtyards, paths, and other outdoor rooms where people move and interact. VRXWKWRIRUPDFRXUW\DUGLQIURQWRI the house. It was cast in the sections over wooden tent poles supported by VFDIIROGLQJ Cosanti Buildings: Student Apse (Fig. 07) Built 1968 This structure was built as a student SURMHFWRIWKH6LOW3LOH:RUNVKRS The decorative designs on each panel ZHUHH[HFXWHGE\GLIIHUHQWVWXGHQWV LQWKHSURJUDP7KLVQRUWKIDFLQJDSVH VKHOWHUVWKH¿UVWJHQHUDWLRQ$UFRVDQWLPRGHOWKDWZDVEXLOWIRUWKH Soleri exhibit at the Corcoran Gallery in :DVKLQJWRQ'&$FRS\RIWKHSRHP entitled Spirit that appears on the wall RIWKHDSVHFDQEHSXUFKDVHGDWWKH sales counter. Cat Cast House (Fig. 06) Built 1965 The earth over which concrete was cast WRIRUPWKLVVWUXFWXUHZDVPROGHGE\ a caterpillar tractor. Once a dormitory IRUZRUNVKRSSDUWLFLSDQWVWKHKRXVH QRZVHUYHVDVDUHVLGHQFHIRU&RVDQWL VWDIIDUWLVDQV7KHDGMDFHQWDSVHIDFHV Pool and Canopy (Fig. 08) Built 1966 The 20 ton pool canopy was cast over DQHDUWKIRUPDWJURXQGOHYHODQGOLIWHG into place by two cranes. Concrete pigment was painted into the earthen PROG7KHFDQRS\RIIHUVDVKDGHGDUHD IRUWKHUD\VWRSRROH[KLELWLQJDYLHZRI It’s clear that at Cosanti, Soleri deveORSHGIRUPVDQGLGHDVWKDWZRXOG¿QG greater expression at Arcosanti, similar LQPDQ\ZD\VEXWRQDGLIIHUHQWVFDOH Soleri explained that: Cosanti is for twenty people, ArcoVDQWLDLPVWRKRXVH¿YHWKRXVDQG 164 Mummy Mountain. Earth House (Fig. 09) Built 1956 7KH(DUWK+RXVHZDVWKH¿UVWVWUXFWXUH EXLOWDW&RVDQWL,WFRQVLVWVRIDQHDUWK FDVWFRQFUHWHURRIWKDWVLWVDWJURXQG OHYHODQGFRQWDLQVDVN\OLJKW$¿UHSODFH and shower were also dug into the earth mold. Originally intended as the Soleri residence, the Earth House is now KRPHWR&RVDQWLVWDIIDQGQRWRSHQWR visitors. Barrel Vaults & Pumpkin Apse (Fig. 10) Built 1968-1971 7KHPRXQGRIHDUWKXSRQZKLFKWKLV DSVHZDVIRUPHGZDVSLOHGXSZLWKD EXOOGR]HU6FXOSWXUDOULEVIDFHWVWKH skylight and other details were carved by hand. The raw earth mound was SDLQWHGZLWKVHYHUDOGLIIHUHQWFRORUVRI FRQFUHWHSLJPHQWDVSDUWRIWKHGHVLJQ RIWKHLQWHULRURIWKHDSVH7KHLQWHULRU FHLOLQJVRIWKHEDUUHOYDXOWVZHUHIRUPHG with plaster dipped cloth held in place E\VFDIIROGLQJZKLOHFRQFUHWHZDVFDVW Arcosanti Fig. 05 Fig. 08 Fig. 06 Fig. 07 Fig. 09 Fig. 10 165 Arcosanti on top. Today these buildings serve as RI¿FHVSDFHV Foundry Apse (Fig. 11) Built 1967 7KLVDSVHZDVFRQVWUXFWHGIURPERWWRP WRWRSXVLQJLQGLYLGXDOVWULSVRIFHPHQW PL[HGZLWKµZLUDQG¶D¿QHQHHGOHOLNH VWHHOXVHGDVUHLQIRUFLQJ7KLVDSVH IDFHVVRXWKDQGVHUYHVDVD\HDUURXQG outdoor workspace where bronze windbells are sandcast by artisans using traditional methods. Ceramics Studio (Fig. 12) Built 1958 The Ceramics Studio is a large earth cast concrete shell that contains a circular skylight. Plaster and earthen molds surround a central work area where ceramic bells and planters are FUDIWHG7KHVWXGLRIDFHVVRXWKWRFDWFK WKHGU\LQJUD\VRIWKHORZZLQWHUVXQ &OD\IURP*OREH$UL]RQDLVPL[HGZLWK water to make slip, which is poured into either earthen or plaster molds. As the VOLSEHJLQVWRGU\LWVKULQNVDZD\IURP WKHRXWHUHGJHVRIWKHPROG([FHVVVOLS 166 is drawn out. Designs are carved into the bell while the clay is still partially GDPS2QFHGU\WKHEHOOVDUH¿UHGLQ the kiln and assembled. 2I¿FH (Fig. 13) Built 1959 2QFH6ROHUL¶VGUDIWLQJVWXGLRWKLVEXLOGLQJQRZVHUYHVDVWKHPDLQRI¿FHRI Cosanti, where administrative activities are carried out. Note the southern exSRVXUHFRYHUHGE\ZDWHUSURRIFDQYDV which allows light and warmth to enter in winter. The canvas may also be raised in warmer weather to cool the interior space. North Apse (Fig. 14) Built 1964 7KLVSDUWLFXODUDSVHIDFHVQRUWKSURYLGLQJDVKDG\VKHOWHUIRUWKHVDOHRI Soleri Windbells. Cosanti Gallery (Fig. 15) Built 1961 7KLVVWUXFWXUHZDVIRUPHGE\FDVWLQJ FRQFUHWHRYHUDVFXOSWHGPRXQGRI HDUWK/LJKW¿[WXUHVDQGVWUXFWXUDOVXS- ports were also dug into the earth mold. 7KHHDUWKZDVH[FDYDWHGRXWIURP under the dried concrete, thus creating the interior space. Using a revolving IRUPDQGYHU\ÀXLGFRQFUHWHZRUNVKRS students created sculptured columns IRUWKH&RVDQWL*DOOHU\7KHEXLOGLQJLV VLWXDWHGEHORZJURXQGOHYHOWKHVXUrounding earth acts as natural insulation to help moderate interior temperatures. A skylight allows extra warmth and light to enter in cooler weather. Activities of Cosanti Foundation‘s Today, the primary workareas are: (GXFDWLQJVWXGHQWVGHVLJQSURIHVVLRnals, urban planners and the general public about Soleri‘s architectural concepts and philosophy. (QVXULQJWKHFRQWLQXLQJFRQVWUXFWLRQRI Arcosanti. This has been the main onJRLQJSURMHFWRIWKH&RVDQWL)RXQGDWLRQ since 1970. Hosting educational and FXOWXUDOFRQIHUHQFHVDVZHOODVSHUIRUming arts events, on a regular basis. Arcosanti Fig. 11 Fig. 12 Fig. 14 Fig. 13 Fig. 15 167 Arcosanti Cosanti Architecture The buildings at Cosanti are not LQWHQGHGDVH[DPSOHVRIWKHDUFRORJ\ FRQFHSWEXWPDQ\RILWVSULQFLSOHVDUH DWZRUNKHUH0RVWRIWKHVHVWUXFWXUHV were built using the earth casting PHWKRGRURQHRI6ROHUL¶VYDULDWLRQVRQ the technique. Concrete was poured over pre-shaped earthen molds, and the earth excavated once the concrete VROLGL¿HG 7KHJHQHUDORULHQWDWLRQRIWKHEXLOdings is important. Many are situated below ground level and surrounded by PRXQGVRIHDUWK7KLVDFWVDVQDWXUDO insulation to help moderate interior temperatures year round. You will also see apses. Apse is the /DWLQZRUGIRUTXDUWHUVSKHUHRUKDOI dome. It is a passive energy collector UXQQLQJVROHO\RQKRZLWGLVSOD\VLWVHOI WRWKHHYHUFKDQJLQJMRXUQH\RIWKHVXQ 6RXWKIDFLQJDSVHVDUHXVHGDW&RVDQWL and Arcosanti as year round outdoor ZRUNVSDFHV$VRXWKIDFLQJDSVHLV sunny in the winter and shady in the 168 VXPPHUGXHWRWKHFKDQJLQJDQJOHRI the sun. Other structures such as the pool have southern exposures to maximize the ZDUPWKRIWKHZLQWHUVXQ Arcosanti (Fig. 16-17) ,QJURXQGZDVEURNHQIRUWKH¿UVW $UFRVDQWLEXLOGLQJVPLOHVQRUWKRI metropolitan Phoenix. (Fig. 18) You will UHDFKWKHDUHDIROORZLQJWKHLQWHUstate17, exit at the Cordes Junction to WKHULJKWDQGIROORZLQJDWZRDQGDKDOI mile dirty unpathed road. (Fig. 19-21) 7KHSODFHFRXOGSDVVIRUDFROOHJH FDPSXVRUVRPHW\SHRIPRQDVWHU\EXW $UFRVDQWLZKLFKPHDQV³EHIRUHWKLQJV WLPHOHVV³LVDQXUEDQODERUDWRU\H[SHrimental town, a crucible to test Soleri‘s LGHDVLQWKHKLJKGHVHUWRI$UL]RQD 7KHFLW\LVGHVLJQHGDFFRUGLQJWR WKHFRQFHSWRIDUFRORJ\ DUFKLWHFWXUHHFRORJ\ In an arcology, the built and the living interact as organs would in a highly evolved being. This means many V\VWHPVZRUNWRJHWKHUZLWKHI¿FLHQW FLUFXODWLRQRISHRSOHDQGUHVRXUFHV multiuse buildings, and solar orientation IRUOLJKWLQJKHDWLQJDQGFRROLQJ In this complex, creative environment, apartments, businesses, production, technology, open space, studios, and educational and cultural events are all accessible, while privacy is paramount in the overall design. Greenhouses SURYLGHJDUGHQLQJVSDFHIRUSXEOLFDQG private use, and act as solar collectors IRUZLQWHUKHDW When complete, Arcosanti will house 5000 people, demonstrating ways to improve urban conditions and lessen our destructive impact on the earth. (Fig. 22) Its large, compact structures and large scale solar greenhouses will RFFXS\RQO\DFUHVRIDDFUH land preserve, keeping the natural countryside in close proximity to urban dwellers. Arcosanti Fig. 16 Fig. 17 Fig. 18 Fig. 19 Fig. 20 Fig. 21 Fig. 16 169 Arcosanti 7KHGHVHUWFRPPXQLW\VWDQGVDQ HVWLPDWHGFRPSOHWH Arcosanti is an educational process. 7KH¿YHZHHNZRUNVKRSSURJUDP which costs $1350 teaches building techniques and arcological philosophy, while continuing the city‘s construction. 7KHUHVLGHQWVRI$UFRVDQWLDUHZRUNshop alumni, who work on planning, construction, teaching, computer aided GUDIWLQJPDLQWHQDQFHFRRNLQJFDUSHQtry, metal work, ceramics, gardening and communications. At any given time, DERXWSHRSOHZRUNRQWKHSURMHFW DQGOLYHKHUH2IWKDWQXPEHUWR 70 are student volunteers. Since 1970 more than 6000 people ages 18 to 80 have participated in the working seminars. (Fig. 23) Volunteers and students FRPHIURPDURXQGWKHZRUOG0DQ\ are design students, and some receive XQLYHUVLW\FUHGLWIRUWKHZRUNVKRS%XW a design or architecture background is QRWQHFHVVDU\3HRSOHRIPDQ\YDULHG interests and backgrounds are all contributing their valuable time and skills to 170 WKHSURMHFW 7KH\SURGXFHWKHZRUOGIDPRXV6Rleri Bells (Fig. 24) which support the FRQVWUXFWLRQRI$UFRVDQWLKLVGHVHUW community as well as hosting 50000 tourists each year in a Gallery, BakeU\DQG&DIHRSHQHYHU\GD\H[FHSW Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years Day. Guided tours introduce visitors to the philosophy, history, planning and RQJRLQJFRQVWUXFWLRQRIWKHVLWH Concerts and other events in the Colly Soleri Music Center also allow visitors to experience Arcosanti. Shows include GLQQHUDQGDUHRIWHQIROORZHGE\D pictograph light show on the opposite mesa. For the past 30 years Soleri has been SUHDFKLQJDQGEXLOGLQJWKHJRVSHORI ÄDUFRORJ\³KHUHLQWKHGHVHUW6RPHtimes to packed assemblies, other times to empty pews. He coined the term to describe an architecture shaped by ecology, one that produces a lean and NHHQXUEDQLVPWKDWLVHI¿FLHQWIUXJDO and sensitive to the environment. His buildings are cunningly designed to PDNHWKHPRVWRIWKHVXQ¿OOHGGHVHUW climate. As in Cosanit also here in $UFRVDQWLWKHJHQHUDORULHQWDWLRQRIWKH buildings is the most important thing. 7KHDSVHRUKDOIGRPHDQGYDXOWDUH partial below ground, to get a moderate interior temperature year round and ORFDWHGVRXWKIDFHGWRDFWOLNHSDVVLYH energy collectors oriented to the sun‘s path. (Fig. 25) ,QWKHVXPPHUWKH\SURYLGHVKDGHIURP the high riding sun. In winter the sun‘s rays penetrate the interior with warmth. 6ROHULPDNHVH[WHQVLYHXVHRIJUHHQKRXVHVIRUIRRGSURGXFWLRQDQGVRODU KHDWFROOHFWLRQ7KHFXUYHGVLGHVRI VRPHRIWKHODWHUEXLOGLQJVZLOOEHHGJHG in dense greenery, a vertically terraced IRUHVWVKDGLQJWKHEXLOGLQJVDQGPDNLQJ them look like hillsides. Other structures such as the pool have southern exposures to maximize the ZDUPWKRIWKHZLQWHUVXQ To achieve complexity at Arcosanti, residential and commercial uses are PL[HGZLWKLQLQGLYLGXDODQGDGMDFHQW Arcosanti Fig. 24 Fig. 23 Fig. 22 171 Arcosanti buildings, unlike suburbs which zone businesses into segregated areas. The suburban model requires one to drive IURPKRPHWRZRUNWRWKHVWRUHWRWKH SDUNDQGVRIRUWKZKHUHDV$UFRVDQWL eliminates the automobile entirely in a pedestrian oriented, compact city. Everything, work, shopping, entertainment, restaurants is to be within walking GLVWDQFHRIHYHU\WKLQJHOVH 7RJHWDWUXHUSLFWXUHRIWKHSODFH\RX PXVWVHHLWIURPWKHRSSRVLQJPHVD (Fig. 26) From that vantage point ArcoVDQWLFXUUHQWO\FRQVLVWVRIDERXWWZHOYH distinct structures sitting on the mesa, most oriented toward the south. WKH&UDIWV,,,&HUDPLF$SVHWKH Foundry Apse, East and West Housing, North and South Vaults, the Lab Building, the Colly Soleri Music Center, an outdoor amphitheater, the Sky Suite UHQWDODSDUWPHQW6ROHUL¶VGUDIWLQJRI¿FHDVZLPPLQJSRROWKH*UHHQKRXVH Guest Rooms, last but not least we have a camp in the southeast 172 Arcosanti Buildings: Crafts lll (Fig. 27) Begun 1972 4 Stories, A multiuse structure, it is primarily the Visitor‘s Center and provides housing (Fig. 28)RQWKH¿UVWOHYHOD &DIHRQWKHVHFRQGOHYHOD%DNHU\RQ WKHWKLUGÀRRUPH]]DQLQHDQGD*DOOHU\ RQWKHIRXUWKOHYHO7KLVPXOWLIXQFWLRQIDFLOLW\GHPRQVWUDWHVRQHRIWKHFKDUDFWHULVWLFVRI6ROHULµV$UFRORJ\&RQFHSW which integrates living, recreational and working conditions within a single strucWXUH7KH&DIHLVZDUPHGLQWKHZLQWHU WKURXJKWKHXVHRIDZDUPDLUFROOHFWHG E\WKHVN\OLJKWEORZQWKURXJKDIDEULF tube into the atrium. 7KH*DOOHU\RQWKHWRSÀRRURIWKH Visitors Center (Fig. 27)IHDWXUHVHGucational materials about the Arcosanti 3URMHFW3DROR6ROHULDQGWKHVLOWFDVWLQJ process developed by Soleri and used in construction at Arcosanti. Cafe, bakery (Fig. 29) 7KH&DIHDQGEDNHU\DW$UFRVDQWLLVD busy place around the clock. Lunch is available to visitors here and all the meDOVIRUZRUNVKRSSDUWLFLSDQWVDUHVHUYHG KHUH7KHFRIIHHSRWLVDOZD\VRQ7KH ODUJHZDOOVRIJODVVORRNLQJRXWRQWR WKHHDVWDQGVRXWKWHUUDFHVIXQFWLRQ as doors. During the summer they are opened to let the desert breezes into WKH&DIHLQWKHZLQWHUWKH\DUHFORVHG WRWDNHDGYDQWDJHRIWKH*UHHQKRXVH (IIHFW Ceramics Apse (Fig. 30) Built between 1971 and 1973 1 Story, Ceramics Facility, The Ceramics Apse serves in the SURGXFWLRQRIFHUDPLFZLQGEHOOVDQG tiles at Arcosanti. Used initially as a temporary living space, it moved into production in 1975. It is constructed RIERWKSRXUHGLQSODFHDQGSUHFDVW concrete. The Apse shell was poured in SODFHXWLOL]LQJVLOWRQVKRULQJWRIRUPWKH quarter-sphere. The tempered microFOLPDWHFUHDWHGE\WKH$SVH(IIHFW the amphitheater terracing, and the removable stage that can be erected over the slip bins combine to provide an H[FHOOHQWSHUIRUPDQFHVSDFH Arcosanti Fig. 26 Fig. 25 Fig. 27 Fig. 28 Fig. 29 173 Arcosanti Foundry Apse (Fig. 31) Begun in 1972, and its completion in 1974, 2 Stories, Bronze Facility, +RXVLQJIRU5HVLGHQWV )DFLOLWDWHGWKHH[SDQVLRQRIEURQ]H bell production and provided additional housing. The Foundry Apse, like many EXLOGLQJVDW$UFRVDQWLIHDWXUHVDFRORUIXOVFXOSWXUDOVLOWFDVWFHLOLQJ East & West Housing (Fig. 32) Begun in 1972 and completed in 1974 +RXVLQJIRU5HVLGHQWV The construction process was a combiQDWLRQRISRXUHGLQSODFHFRQFUHWHDQG precast panels. The vaulted ceilings are decorated with large silt cast designs DQGWKHEDWKURRPÀRRUVGRQHZLWKFHUDmic tile murals made on site. VaultsFig. 33) %HJDQLQZLWKWKH9DXOWDQGDGMDcent rooms completed in 1972 7KH¿UVWVWUXFWXUHEXLOWRQWKH$UFRsanti Mesa, the South Vault provides DODUJHRSHQZRUNDUHDSURWHFWHGIURP WKHVXPPHUVXQ,WLVXVHGIRURXWGRRU ZRUNFHOHEUDWLRQVSHUIRUPDQFHVDQG 174 other gatherings. 7KHWRSRIWKH6RXWK9DXOWLVDSRSXODU JDWKHULQJSODFHDWWKHHQGRIWKHGD\ when the Arizona sunset is the main attraction. Lab Building (Fig. 34) Begun in 1975 and completed in 1977, LWSURYLGHVVSDFHIRUDYDULHW\RI IXQFWLRQV,QDGGLWLRQWRWKHVWRUDJH RIFRQVWUXFWLRQWRROVDQGHOHFWULFDO DQGSOXPELQJSDUWVLWKRXVHVDIXOO\ equipped Woodworking Shop, Model Shop, Paint Shop, and Welding Shop connected to the north side. Under the staircases are storage areas, Paint Storage on the east side and Electrical Storage on the west. Located north RIWKHVWRUDJHURRPVDUHWZRED\VD Community Kitchen and dining room on the west side, and a Video Room on the HDVWVLGH6RPHRIWKHXSVWDLUVURRPV are used as individual studios. The large glass skylight allows in the VXQµVZDUPWKLQWKHZLQWHUGXULQJWKH summer it is white-washed to provide shade. With the air channeled through the north and south doors, the building LVNHSWFRPIRUWDEO\FRRO Colly Soleri Music Center (Fig. 35) 6WRU\3HUIRUPDQFH6SDFH5HKHDUVDO Rooms, Storage The Colly Soleri Music Center, located LQWKHFHQWHURIWKH(DVW&UHVFHQWZDV VWDUWHGLQDQGRSHQHGDVSDUWRID IHVWLYDOLQWKHIDOORI7KHRXWGRRU DPSKLWKHDWHUVHDWVSHRSOHIRUSHUIRUPDQFHVFRQIHUHQFHVDQGDFWLYLWLHV there is an intimate concert hall inside ZKLFKKDVDYLHZRIWKHRSSRVLWHPHVD as a backdrop. The concrete terraces ZKLFKIRUPWKHURRIDUHNQRZQDVWKH Ä6N\7KHDWHU³ Amphitheater (Fig. 36) The Colly Soleri Amphitheater was FRPSOHWHGLQ,WKRVWVDVHULHVRI public musical events throughout the summer months, and is occasionally UHQWHGRXWIRUSULYDWHIXQFWLRQV,WLVWKH KHDUWRIWKH(DVW&UHVFHQWFRPSOH[ The canvas canopy currently covering WKHDPSKLWKHDWHULVWHPSRUDU\ZKHQ the surrounding housing units are Arcosanti complete, a much more spacious and permanent structure will replace it. Sky Suite (Fig. 37) WKLUGÀRRU*XHVW$FFRPPRGDWLRQVIRU 2 to 4 The Skysuite at Arcosanti is a two bedroom apartment rented by reservation to overnight guests. The extensive use RIJODVVLQWKHOLYLQJDUHDWDNHVDGYDQWDJHRIWKHIDEXORXVYLHZWKLVWKLUGÀRRU apartment provides. It overlooks the 6N\7KHDWHURIWKH&ROO\6ROHUL0XVLF &HQWHUDJUHDWSODFHIRUVWDUJD]LQJ 7KH6N\VXLWHRSHQVRQWRDURRIWHUUDFH ZKHUHEHGVDQGSRWVRIÀRZHUVIUXLWV and vegetables grow. East Crescent (Fig. 38) 3 stories, Guest Accommodations, Community Space, Business Lease Space, Public Facilities +RXVLQJIRUWR5HVLGHQWV Status: 37% Complete, 23% Operational 7KH(DVW&UHVFHQW&RPSOH[FRQVLVWVRI many structures: 6ROHUL2I¿FH'UDIWLQJ62'8QLW Fig. 31 Fig. 30 Fig. 32 Fig. 33 175 Arcosanti Colly Soleri Music Center, $PSKLWKHDWHUDQGWKH6N\6XLWH 7KHUHVWRIWKHFUHVFHQWFRQVLVWVRI ten living and working units, currently under construction, surrounding the Amphitheater. When completed, the (DVW&UHVFHQWZLOOSURYLGHKRXVLQJIRU approximately 60 Residents. Its multiOHYHOXQLWVZLOOEHXVHGDOVRIRUVWXGLRV RI¿FHVRYHUQLJKWJXHVWURRPVDJDOOHry, and possibly a movie theater. All 10 HQWUDQFHVIDFHDFHQWUDOFRXUW\DUGPDUket and amphitheater, while the back side is lined with patios and courtyards. 6ROHUL2I¿FH'UDIWLQJ8QLW(Fig. 39) 6WRULHV$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ2I¿FHV'UDIting Studio, Library +RXVLQJIRU5HVLGHQWV 7KHWRSÀRRUKRXVHV6ROHULµVUHVLGHQFH DQGGUDIWLQJVWXGLRDVZHOODVD*XHVW room. In addition, there is a library with DQDWWDFKHGJUHHQKRXVHIRUSDVVLYH solar heating in the winter. Swimming Pool (Fig. 40) 5HFUHDWLRQIHHWPORQJ 176 Greenhouse Guest Rooms (Fig. 41) 6WRU\*XHVW$FFRPPRGDWLRQVIRU +RXVLQJIRU5HVLGHQW These rooms now exist independently but are eventually planned to be an LQWHJUDOSDUWRIWKH/D/RJJLDSURMHFWLQ WKHIXWXUH7KHEXLOGLQJLWVHOIFRQVLVWVRI 12 rooms and accommodates Special Seminar participants and visitors. The FHLOLQJRIHDFKURRPLVGHFRUDWHGZLWKD colored silt cast design. Bathrooms are VKDUHGEHWZHHQVRPHDGMRLQLQJURRPV 7KLVVKDULQJRIIDFLOLWLHVLVLQGLFDWLYHRI WKHIUXJDOLW\DQGHFRQRP\SHUYDVLYH LQWKLVVWUXFWXUHDQGWKHSURMHFWDVD whole. Camp (Fig. 42) LQWKHVRXWKHDVWRIDUFRVDQWL Future Master Plan 5000 (Fig. 43-45) 7KH$UFRVDQWLSURMHFWKDVJRQHWKURXJK numerous design changes since inception. The current master plan Arcosanti IHDWXUHVOD\HUVRIVXSHUVWUXFtures soaring over the existing site and SURYLGHVWKHIDFLOLWLHVWRVXSSRUWWKH SRSXODWLRQRI Alternative Technolgy As an Urban Laboratory Arcosanti proYLGHVRSSRUWXQLWLHVIRUIXWXUHLQQRYDWLRQ 9DULRXVW\SHVRI$OWHUQDWLYH7HFKQRORJ\ are pursued in short term as well as long term goals. 6LQFHRXUIXQGLQJDQGH[SHUWLVHDUHOLmited, we are seeking collaboration and VXSSRUWIURPH[WHUQDOVRXUFHV Waste Treatment 6RO$UFR*HQ6HW3URMHFW East Crescent Canopy Pave The Road Teilhard Chardin Complex (Fig. 46) The Cosanti Foundation is planning to VWDUWFRQVWUXFWLRQRIWKH3LHUUH7HLOKDUG de Chardin Complex on the south slo- Arcosanti Fig. 34 Fig. 35 Fig. 37 Fig. 38 Fig. 36 Fig. 39 177 Arcosanti SHVRI$UFRVDQWL7KHFRPSOH[LVPDLQO\ intended to be the eventual residence DQGZRUNSODFHIRUSDUWLFLSDQWVLQWKH Paradox Program, those digital „insiGHUV³ZKRDUHDWKRPHRQWKH,QWHUQHW working in digital media, developing their nexus with Cyberspace. The Pierre Teilhard de Chardin ComSOH[FRQVLVWRI/RJJLD(QHUJ\$SURQ Greenhouse and Basilicas. 7KHFRPSOH[LVQDPHGDIWHUWKH-HVXLW priest and paleontologist who in the VSUHVHQWHGWKHLGHDRIWKH1RRVSKHUHDQDQWLFLSDWLRQRIWKH,QWHUQHW and Cyberspace. Loggia (Fig. 47) IRXUVWRULHVRIVSDFLRXVURRPVÀRRGHG with natural light. Energy Apron Greenhouses (Fig. 48) $QLQWHJUDOSDUWRIWKHGHVLJQDQGFRXSOHGWRWKLVSURWRW\SHWRZQZLOOEH¿YH WRVHYHQDFUHVRIVRXWKIDFLQJVORSLQJ JUHHQKRXVHVDQÄHQHUJ\DSURQ³DFWLQJ DVDFHQWUDOV\VWHPIRUSURGXFLQJIRRG and collecting energy to support the 178 prototype town. Basilicas (Fig. 49) The basilicas, articulated in two wings, contain large atriums, galleries, archives, cyberspace studios and storage. &UHVFHQWURRPVIRUGLIIHUHQWVL]HVRI operational activities will be integrated into the APSE structure around the AmSKLWKHDWHUWKDWKDVDVHDWLQJFDSDFLW\RI 700. It becomes a documentation and SUHVHQWDWLRQVSDFHIRU\HDUVRI3DROR6ROHUL¶VZRUNWKDWZHQWLQVHDUFKRI an alternative to suburbia and exurbia: WKH8UEDQHIIHFWRIWKHFLW\DQGDVGLUHFW FRQVHTXHQFHRIWKHVDOYDWLRQRIWKH biosphere. Arcosantis Media Lab, is a primary candidate to occupy this building and could be engaged in generating a new SHUFHSWLRQRIUHDOLW\DQGLQWHOOHFWLRQ SHUKDSVPRYLQJDZD\IURPOLIHDVZH are and as we know it. Everything at Arcosanti respects the HDUWKWRSURYLGHIRUIXWXUHJHQHUDWLRQV And while Arcosanti may very well still be under construction seven generaWLRQVIURPQRZLWZLOOKDYHIDURXWOLYHG the cheap suburban detritus that litters the landscape. %H\RQGWKHSK\VLFDOFDUIUHHH[LVWHQFH that Soleri is creating in the desert Southwest, he is more importantly SURSRVLQJDQHZZD\RIOLIHRQHZKHUH humans live directly with the earth, respecting Environment (Fig. 50) $UFRVDQWLLVORFDWHGDWDQHOHYDWLRQRI IHHWPLQDVHPLDULGGHVHUW GHVHUWFOLPDWH7KHIROORZLQJGDWDDSURximately describes our annual weather patterns. Lately the weather has been both colder and wetter than these graSKVLQGLFDWH) FD&HOFLXV Arcosanti Fig. 40 Fig. 43 Fig. 41 Fig. 42 Fig. 44 179 Arcosanti 4XHOOHQYHU]HLFKQLV Arcosanti an urban laboratory, Paolo Soleri, 1933 ,OPRQGRGL6ROHUL_7KHZRUOGRI6ROHUL in: L‘Arca, 1990 M. Bazan Giordano Architecture, or Human Ecology A. I. Lima 0RQDFHOOL3UHVV ZZZDUFRVDQWLRUJ)HE *HQHUDO,QIRUPDWLRQ 6433 E Doubletree Ranch Rd., RQHPLOHZHVWRII N. Scottsdale Rd and one mile VRXWKRI6KHD%OYGLQ Scottsdale, Arizona. 3KRQH0D\HU (PDLOLQIR#DUFRVDQWLRUJ Website: www.arcosanti.org 2SHQGDLO\IURPDPWRSP 180 Arcosanti Fig. 46 Fig. 45 Fig. 47 Fig. 50 Fig. 48 Fig. 49 181 182 Los Angeles zusammengestellt von: Katharina Reiner 183 Los Angeles Einwohner, Kernstadt: 3.9 Mio. Einwohner, Ballungsraum: 17.6 Mio. 45,6% Latinos, 32,2% Weiße, 17% Schwarze, 7% Asiaten %HY|ONHUXQJVGLFKWH(ZNPð YJO1HZ<RUN(ZNPð .HUQVWDGWNPð /$&RXQW\NPð 'XUFKVFKQLWWOLFKH7HPSHUDWXU& bahn nach Los Angeles, das damals hauptsächlich Seehandel betrieb. 1883 wurde die Sunset Route der Southern 3DFL¿FXQGGLH.RQNXUUHQ]OLQLHQDFK 6DQWD)HIHUWLJJHVWHOOWZDVHLQHQ enormen Wachstumsschub zur Folge hatte. Gegründet wurde Los Angeles 1781 YRPVSDQLVFKHQ*RXYHUQHXU.DOLIRUniens Felipe de Neve. Der damalige Ortsname lautet El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles de Porciuncula. Während des MexikanischAmerikanischen Krieges zwischen 1846 XQGZXUGH.DOLIRUQLHQYRQGHQ 86$HUREHUW'LH:LUWVFKDIWEDVLHUWH LQGLHVHU=HLWDXI9LHK]XFKWYRUDOOHP 5LQGÀHLVFK]XU(UQlKUXQJWDXVHQGHU Goldsucher rund um Sacramento. Durch riesige Bewässerungsanlagen ZXUGHJURÀlFKLJHU2EVWDQEDXXQGGLH Parzellierung von bis dahin unbewohnbaren Landstrichen möglich. Vor allem zwei Gruppen verdienten ein Vermögen an Bodenspekulationen. Die Times - Dynastie mit Harrison Otis und seinem Schwiegersohn Harry Chandler und ein Konsortium rund um GLH(LVHQEDKQJHVHOOVFKDIW3DFL¿F(OHFWULF'LHJHJUQGHWH/RV$QJHOHV 7LPHVLVWPLWHLQHU0LOOLRQYHUNDXIWHQ Exemplaren pro Tag nach wie vor die meistgelesene Tageszeitung in L.A.). Nach einer verheerenden Dürre, wurGHQGLHULHVLJHQ/DQGJWHU6GNDOLIRUniens durch Investoren aus San FranFLVFRDXIJHNDXIW'LHVHI|UGHUWHQLQGHQ 1870er Jahren den Ausbau der Eisen- Ab 1900 kamen so viele protestantische Zuwanderer aus dem mittleren Westen an, dass die WaspsWhite Anglo-Saxon Protestants) bald das Geschehen in L.A. dominierten. Dabei diskriminierten 184 sie sowohl die zahlreichen mexikaQLVFKHQ$UEHLWHUDOVDXFKGLHDOWHMdische Elite. HUOHEWH.DOLIRUQLHQHLQHQgOERRP ]XOHW]WLP)LOPThere Will Be Blood von Thomas Anderson dargestellt), gleichzeitig investierte die Elite um Chandler ihre durch Vorortspekulationen gewonQHQHQ*HZLQQHLQ'RZQWRZQ:lKUHQGGLHMGLVFKH(OLWHYRUDOOHPDQGHU Westside investierte) Außerdem mühte sich Los Angeles durch den Ausbau GHV+DIHQVGXUFKJHULQJH6WHXHUQXQG niedrige Löhne, um seine Industrialisierung. Während des zweiten Weltkriegs, entstanden zahlreiche staatliche FlugzeugIDEULNHQXQG0LOLWlUVWW]SXQNWHUXQGXP /RV$QJHOHVXQGGLH*HZHUNVFKDIWHQ gewannen an Boden. Der open shop ZXUGHZHLWJHKHQGDEJHVFKDIIWOpen shop EHGHXWHWGDVVGLH%HOHJVFKDIW HLQHV%HWULHEVQLFKWJHZHUNVFKDIWOLFK organisiert ist) Los Angeles Die Landumwandlung erreichte zu dieser Zeit durch die Verbindung von höheren Löhnen, Hypotheken und die IUKH0RWRULVLHUXQJXQJHDKQWH$XVPDH,Q6GNDOLIRUQLHQZXUGHGHU Wert 1 Auto/ 1,6 Personen 1925, in den übrigen USA erst Ende der 50er Jahre erreicht). Die Baubranche wurde industrialisiert und Los Angeles, das sich schon bis ins San Fernando Valley ausbreitete, immer mehr dezentralisiert. Los Angeles boomte, war aber polarisiert. Die schwarze Bevölkerung wurde diskriminiert. Zum Beispiel wurde durch verschiedene Taktiken der Wohnraum IU6FKZDU]HYRUDOOHPDXI6RXWK&HQtral LA, beschränkt. Seit den 40er Jahren blüht die Gangkultur, die parallel zu ihrer zunehmenden Verwicklung in den Drogenhändel, vor allem Crack, immer brutaler wurde. Berüchtigt war auch die Brutalität des LAPD (Los Angeles Police Department),GHPLP.DPSI gegen Gangs, und Drogen beinah alles erlaubt wurde. 1965 brachen in Watts, HLQHP]XYRQ$IURDPHULNDQHUQ bewohntem Stadtteil südlich von South Central L.A. schwere Unruhen los. Die riots dauerten eine Woche, mindestens 50.000 Erwachsene und Jugendliche waren daran beteiligt. 34 Menschen starben, 1000 wurden verletzt und 4000 YHUKDIWHW*DQ]H6WUDHQ]JHZDUHQ völlig zerstört worden. Ä7KHFDXVHVLGHQWL¿HGZHUHQRWVXUSULsing: housing discrimination, a lack of services, a lack of education and employment opportunities, and an overall sense of isolation and hopelessness“ (Glaser) ,P6GRVWHQ/$¶VODJHQIUKHUJURH Fabriken der Schwerindustrie, die meist JHZHUNVFKDIWOLFKRUJDQLVLHUWZDUHQ'LH Verarmung der Gegend kam in Wellen. In den 60er Jahren zogen nach den Watts-Riots Teile der gelernten weißen Arbeiterklasse in andere industrialisierte Gebiete des County ab. In den 70er -DKUHQÀRKHQZHLWHUH8QWHUQHKPHQ DXIJUXQGYRQ6WDXVXQGH[WUHPHQ%Rdenpreisen in neue Industriegebiete. Die Arbeitslosenquote, besonders unter Jugendlichen, stieg stark an und paralOHOGD]XGLH%HUHLWVFKDIWVLFKLQ*DQJV und Drogenhandel zu engagieren. Die Präsenz des LAPD wurde so stark, dass sie in einigen Stadtteilen als Art %HVDW]XQJVPDFKWHPSIXQGHQZXUGH NDPHV]XPVFKOLPPVWHQ$XIUXKU in der Geschichte L.A.’s. Auslöser waren der Freispruch der vier Polizisten im Rodney King Fall und die Ermordung eines schwarzen Mädchens durch eine koreanische Ladenbesitzerin. In South Central L.A. herrschten bürgerkriegähnliche Zustände, 53 Menschen VWDUEHQXQGZXUGHQYHUKDIWHW Der Sachschaden, der zum Großteil NRUHDQLVFKH/lGHQEHWUDIEHWUXJHLQH Milliarde Dollar. „45 Prozent der Festgenommenen waren Latinos, 41 Prozent Afroamerikaner und 12 Prozent Anglos. 60 Prozent waren nicht vorbestraft.“'DYLV Die wachsenden Bodenpreise in Downtown (Abb. 4 - Luftaufnahme Downtown) IKUWHQLQGHVGD]XGDVV immer mehr Firmen ihre Immobilien 185 Los Angeles DQDXVOlQGLVFKHYRUDOOHPMDSDQLVFKH ,QYHVWRUHQYHUNDXIWHQ(LQHUGHUZLFKWLJVWHQ([SRUWDUWLNHO6GNDOLIRUQLHQV wurden dadurch Immobilien, während durch die starke Konkurrenz die südNDOLIRUQLVFKH,QGXVWULHZHLWHUDEQDKP 1990 lag die Arbeitslosenquote in ganz L.A. bei 10%, in einigen Vierteln um ein 9LHOIDFKHVGDUEHU es Los Angeles besser zu gehen, die Arbeitslosenquote sinkt. Im April 2005 wurde Antonio Villaraigosa als erster Bürgermeister lateinamerikanischer +HUNXQIWVHLW-DKUHQLQV$PWJHwählt. „Im toten Gehäuse der Schwerindustrie entstand eine neue Sweatshopökonomie.“ (Davis, 425). Mike Davis konstatiert in City of Quartz drei Tatsachen: Erstens, „die Eigenheimbesitzer lieben ihre Kinder, den Wert ihrer Grundstücke aber noch mehr³=ZHLWHQV „Community heißt in L.A. Homogenität von Rasse, Klasse und besonders Marktwert des Hauses³'ULWWHQVÄdie mächtigste soziale Bewegung der Gegenwart sind in Südkalifornien wohlhabende Eigenheimbesitzer, die sich nach imaginären community Bezeichnungen oder aus der Erschließungsphase stammenden Siedlungsnamen organisieren, um den Wert ihrer Häuser und die Exklusivität ihrer Stadtteile zu verteidigen³ 'DYLV Dort sind vor allem, zum Teil illegale, (LQZDQGHUHUEHVFKlIWLJWGLHQRFK NHLQH,QWHUHVVHQVYHUWUHWXQJDXIEDXHQ NRQQWHQbUPHUHQ9LHUWHOQZHUGHQQLFKW genügend Wohnraum und Schulen zur 9HUIJXQJJHVWHOOW'HU|IIHQWOLFKH6HNtor wird immer mehr beschnitten, das heißt Sozialausgaben werden gekürzt XQG|IIHQWOLFKH'LHQVWHDQ3ULYDW¿UPHQ ausgelagert. Mehrere schwere Erdbeben und Flächenbrände erschüttern die Stadt seit GHQHU-DKUH:LUWVFKDIWOLFKVFKHLQW 186 Eigenheimbesitzer Diese Bewegung wird slow growth geQDQQWXQGNlPSIWVRZRKOJHJHQPLOOLDUdenschwere developer, als auch gegen Gewerbegebiete, Schulbusse, Kriminalität, Mietwohnungen und Steuern. 1916 wurden die ersten homeowner’s association gegründet und dienten vor allem dazu, durch vertragliche Bestimmungen Wohngebiete zu segregieren. So konnte sich in den 20er Jahren an der Westside eine isolierte weiße Mittelschichtwelt herausbilden, während die schwarze communityDXIGDV*HELHW um die Central Avenue beschränkt wurde. 95% des Wohnungsbestands ZXUGHQ]XP6SHUUJHELHWIU6FKZDU]H und Asiaten erklärt. Während der Industrialisierung wanderten in den 1940er zehntausende schwarze Arbeiter aus dem Südwesten ein. Trotzdem wurde zum Beispiel QRFKGLHJHVDPWH:HVWKlOIWHGHV6DQ Fernando Valley und die östlichen weißen Industrievororte verschlossen. Es blieben die Wohngebiete im Süden, Südwesten und in der ehemaligen Eisenbahnstadt Watts. Los Angeles Abb. 1 Abb. 2 187 Los Angeles Immer mehr weiße Eigenheimbesitzer zogen damals in die Vororte, die sich RIWPDOVVRJDUNRPPXQDOXQDEKlQJLJ PDFKWHQVRJLakewood Cities) Das bot verlockende Vorteile: So konnten sich die Bewohner der neuen minimal cities zum Beispiel vor schlechter verdienenden Bürger schützen, indem im )OlFKHQZLGPXQJVSODQHLQIDFK0LHWVhäuser verboten wurden. L.A. wurde durch diese Entwicklung große Mengen an Steuergeldern der Bürger, des Einzelhandels und der Industrie dieser Peripherie entzogen. Seit den 60er Jahren verbündete sich slow growth mit der wachsenden Umweltschutzbewegung und kippte so z.B. eine vierspurige Schnellstraße durch die Canyons von Santa Monica. In den 70er Jahren verkehrte sich der .UHLVODXIYRQ „guten Jobs, billigem Bauland und ausgezeichneten öffentlichen Diensten in den heutigen Teufelskreis von gesellschaftlicher Polarisierung, teurem Bauland und einem verfallenden öffentlichen Sektor.“ (Davis, 204) 188 8QHUVFKORVVHQH)UHLÀlFKHQLQGHQ%HUJHQXQGGHU:VWHZXUGHQIUHLJHJHEHQ (suburban sprawl). Durch die Pendler, die immer weitere Strecken in die Arbeit IDKUHQPXVVWHQYHUVFKOLPPHUWHVLFK GLH/XIWYHUVFKPXW]XQJ 'LH(LQIDPLOLHQJUWHOGHUVWlGWLVFKHQ Küstenebene, wie East San Diego oder /RQJ%HDFKZXUGHQPLW0HKUIDPLOLHQKlXVHUVFKOHFKWHVWHU4XDOLWlWYHUGLFKtet. 1978 unterschrieben 1,5 Millionen Eigenheimbesitzer die Proposition 13, eine Initiative zur radikalen Senkung GHU6WHXHUDXI*UXQGEHVLW],PVHOEHQ Jahr ordnete ein Gericht an, „Schüler zur Herstellung eines Rassengleichgewichts mit den Schulbus in andere Schulen zu bringen³(Davis, 215) 'DUDXIYHUPLVFKWHVLFKGLH6WHXHUUHYROte mit rassistischem Widerstand gegen diese Busse, die besonders zwischen South Central Los Angeles und dem 9DOOH\KLQXQGKHUIXKUHQ In den 80er Jahre erreichten Initiativen, GDVVHLQQHXHU*HVDPWSODQIU/RV Angeles erstellt wurde, der allerdings DXIJUXQGGHU pro growth Mehrheit im Stadtrand nie durchgesetzt wurde. So wurden von Investoren nach wie vor EHUGLPHQVLRQLHUWH3URMHNWHYHUZLUNlicht, wie Cluster von Bürotürmen in den Mittelschicht-Kerngebieten an der Westside, in South Bay und im Valley. 1987 brach die größte Kläranlage der Stadt, Hyperion, zusammen und Millionen Liter Abwässer verschmutzten Santa Monica Bay. Die Anlage hatte schlicht ihre Kapazitätsgrenze erreicht. Zusammen mit Umweltproblemen wie 6PRJ0OOXQG*LIWDEIlOOHQGHU,QGXVtrie, erhob dies die Forderung nach einem Wachstumstop der Stadt von einem Problem der Eigenheimbesitzer zu einer Forderung des gesunden Menschenverstandes. So verabschiedete Bürgermeister Bradley zum Beispiel einen Plan, der eine von der Kanalisationskapazität abhängige monatliche 2EHUJUHQ]HIU%DXJHQHKPLJXQJHQ vorsah. Los Angeles *OHLFK]HLWLJNlPSIHQGLH.UlIWHGHVpro growth, Bauunternehmer, Makler und Banken, weiterhin gegen Wachstumskontrollen. Um ihre Wünsche zu legitimieren, benutzen sie die schweigende Mehrheit der ärmeren Eigenheimbesit]HUXQGGHU0LHWHUGHUHQ%HGUIQLVVH aber weitgehend ignoriert und aus der |IIHQWOLFKHQ'HEDWWHDXVJHVFKORVVHQ werden. (Abb.1-2, Karten LA) Sicherheit und öffentlicher Raum Sicherheit ist ein präsentes Thema in Los Angeles. Wer es sich leisten kann, lebt in gated communities, die von =lXQHQEHZDIIQHWHU3ULYDWSROL]HLXQG elektronischen Überwachungssystemen geschützt werden. In Hollywood errichtet Frank Gehry eine Bibliothek, die einem Fort der Fremdenlegion QDFKHPSIXQGHQLVW,Q:HVWODNHXQGLP San Fernando Valley errichtet die Polizei Straßensperren und riegelt ganze Viertel ab. Los Angeles ist gespalten, „in befestigte Zellen der Wohlstandsgesellschaft und Orte des Schreckens, wo die Polizei die kriminalisierten Armen bekämpft³ (Davis, 260) Sicherheit wird ein Statussymbol, das RIWZHQLJHUPLWSK\VLVFKHU6LFKHUKHLW zu tun hat, als mit dem Wunsch von bestimmten Personengruppen abgeVFKLUPW]XZHUGHQ'DVPDQLIHVWLHUW VLFKLQGHU$EVFKDIIXQJ|IIHQWOLFKHU 5lXPHXQG(QWVWHKHQSVHXGR|IIHQWOLFKHU5lXPHZLH(LQNDXIVSDVVDJHQ Parks in ärmeren Viertel lässt die Stadtverwaltung verwahrlosen oder schließen, während reiche Gemeinden ZLH6DQ0DULQR$XVZHLVSÀLFKWIULKUH 3DUNVHLQIKUHQ Auch Downtown (Abb.4 - Luftaufnahme Downtown)GDV]XU$XIZHUWXQJGHU innerstädtischen Viertel stark subventioniert wurde, gleicht einer Festung. Von den umgebenden Vierteln und Straßen wie den Broadway ist es abgeschnitten. Der Mittelschicht wird ermöglicht von der Arbeit zum Konsum zur Freizeit zu ZHFKVHOQMHGHÄdemokratische Ver- mischung auf den Bürgersteigen“ wird DEJHVFKDIIW (VZLUGYHUVXFKW2EGDFKORVHDXIGDV Viertel Skid Row (Abb.3 - Skid Row) in Nähe des Broadways zu konzentrieren. Gleichzeitig wird ihnen dort der angemessene Wohnraum verweigert, ZDVGLHVHVH[WUHPJHIlKUOLFKH9LHUWHO „zu einem Armenhaus unter freiem Himmel macht.“ (Davis, 270) Im Rest der Stadt wird durch Maßnahmen, wie %XVElQNHPLWPLQLPDOHU2EHUÀlFKH 6SULQNOHUDQODJHQRGHU*LWWHUXP$EIlOOH GHQbUPVWHQGHU$XIHQWKDOWP|JOLFKVW unmöglich gemacht. L.A. unterhält GLHJHULQJVWH$Q]DKODQ|IIHQWOLFKHQ Toilettenanlagen aller amerikanischen *URVWlGWH:DVVHUTXHOOHQXQWHUIUHLHP Himmel, die zum Trinken und Waschen GLHQHQN|QQWHQZHUGHQDEJHVFKDIIW Private Sicherheitsdienste übernehmen LPPHUPHKUWUDGLWLRQHOOH$XIJDEHQGHU 3ROL]HLVRJDU*HIlQJQLVVHZHUGHQDQ Subunternehmer abgegeben. In den 20er Jahren war L.A. die erste Stadt, LQGHU)XQNVWUHLIHQZDJHQHLQJHVHW]W 189 Los Angeles ZXUGHQ$QIDQJGHUHU-DKUHQIKUWH das LAPD Polizeihubschrauber zur V\VWHPDWLVFKHQ/XIWEHUZDFKXQJHLQ Seitdem entwickelt sich der technische Überwachungsapparat immer weiter. Insbesondere gegen Jugendliche werGHQKlX¿J$XVJDQJVVSHUUHQYHUKlQJW die Strände bei Einbruch der Dunkelheit geschlossen. „Die guten Bürger sind nicht auf der Straße, sondern in Hochsicherheitssphären für den privaten Konsum eingeschlossen; die bösen Bürger sind auf der Straße (und gehen daher keiner legalen Beschäftigung nach) und sind dem allwissenden, unbarmherzigen Blick des Weltraumprogramms des LAPD ausgesetzt.“ (Davis, 292) 190 Literatur: 'DYLV0LNH&LW\2I4XDUW]9HUODJ6FKZDU]H5LVVH Berlin, 1994 Abu-Lughod, Janet L.: New York, Chicago, Los Angeles 8QLYHUVLW\RI0LQQHVRWD3UHVV0LQQHDSROLV www.mitchglaser.com, 10.03.08 www.wikipedia.org, 10.03.08 http://www.lonelyplanet.de, 10.03.08 Bilder: Abb.1 - Davis, 1994, S. 13 Abb.2 - http://cityplanning.lacity.org, 2008 $EE)XWR-XOLDKWWSÀLFNUFRP $EE0RUJDQ$YLKWWSÀLFNUFRP Los Angeles Abb. 3 Abb. 4 191 Los Angeles 192 Case Study Houses zusammengestellt von: Eva-Maria Strieder 193 Case Study Houses The Case Study Houses± 1966) was a groundbreaking housing SURJUDPPHIRUWKH8QLWHG6WDWHVUHVLdential housing boom which envolved at WKHHQGRI:RUOG:DU,, 7KHLGHDZDVWRGHYHORSFRQFHSWVIRU modern houses which could be built HDVLO\DQGLQDFRVWHI¿FLHQWPDQQHU Another assumption was that the houses should be easy to duplicate. The programme was concentrated RQWKHDUHDRI*UHDWHU/RV$QJHOHV -RKQ(QWHQ]DHGLWRURIWKHPDJD]LQH Ä$UWV$UFKLWHFWXUH³(Fig. 1 – Arts & Architecture magazine) sponsored the programme. The magazine announced that there ZRXOGEHDVHULHVRIPRGHUQIXUQLVKHG houses, built with materials and with techniques that best expressed man’s OLIHLQWKHPRGHUQZRUOG7KHGHVLJQHUV KDGWRSURSRVHDKRXVHZKLFKRIIHUHG WKHEHVWFRQGLWLRQVWROLYHLQIRUDQ$PHULFDQPLGGOHFODVVIDPLO\6HYHUDO&DVH 6WXG\+RXVHVZHUHEXLOWLQWKHKLOOVRI Los Angeles and don‘t suit average $PHULFDQIDPLOLHV 194 (QWHQ]DZDVDEOHWRFRPPLVVLRQPDMRU DUFKLWHFWVRIWKDWWLPHVXFKDV&KDUOHV and Ray Eames, Richard Neutra, Eero Saarinen, Pierre Koenig and Craig Ellwood. (QWHQ]DZDVQRWRQO\WKHLQLWLDWRURIWKH Case Study Houses Programme but DOVRWKHSULQFLSDOIRUDKRXVHGHVLJQHG by Eero Saarinen and Charles and Ray Eames. The Eames’ built a prototype IRUWKHPVHOYHVDVZHOO 7KH¿UVWKRXVHV 6RPHRIWKHHDUOLHUSURMHFWVOLNH 5LFKDUG1HXWUD¶V³$OSKD+RXVH´KDG QRWEHHQUHDOL]HGEHFDXVHRIWKHODFN RILQWHUHVWHGSDUWLHVDQGRWKHUKRXVHV FRQVLGHUDEO\GLIIHUHGIURPWKHRULJLQDO SODQVGXHWRVFDUFLW\RIPDWHULDORU other troubles. CSH #1 7KH¿UVW&DVH6WXG\+RXVH(Fig. 2 – CSH #1) was published in February 1945 in the Arts & Architecture maga]LQH7KH¿UVWFRQFHSWGRQHE\-XOLXV Ralph Davidson was assigned because RILWVFRPSDFWFRQWRXUSUHIDEULFDWHG PDWHULDOVDQGIUHHDUUDQJHPHQWRIWKH rooms. This original design had not been built according to the original plans but in an examine version. $IWHUWKUHH\HDUVVL[KRXVHVZHUH¿QLVhed and were considered to be the best KRXVHVEXLOWGXULQJWKLVWLPHLQ&DOLIRUnia. More than 350.000 people visited WKH¿UVW&DVH6WXG\+RXVHV $WWKHEHJLQQLQJWKHJURXQGÀRRUVZHUH regularized and the only available material was wood. CSH #1 10152 Toluca Lake Ave. North Hollywood, CA CSH #8 and #9 7KH&6+(DPHV+RXVHDQG (QWHQ]D+RXVHDUHPDGHRIVWHHODQG JODVV7KH¿UVWGHVLJQRI&6+(Fig. 3 – Eames House)ZDVDFRRSHUDWLRQRI Charles Eames and Eero Saarinen. But during the construction works Eames DQGKLVZLIH5D\GLGVRPHFRQVLGHUDEOH changes to optimize the inner room (Fig. 4 - Living room). Case Study Houses Fig. 1 Fig. 3 Fig. 2 Fig. 4 195 Case Study Houses CSH #8 became the privately owned KRPHRI&KDUOHVDQG5D\(DPHV,W is split into two rectangular volumes – a living part and a studio part. The H[HSWLRQDORIWKHGHVLJQZDVWKDWWKH HOHPHQWVRIWKHLQGXVWULDOFRQVWUXFWLRQ FRXOGEHVHHQ7KHVWURQJFKDUDFWHURI WKHEXLOGLQJLVGUDLQHGE\WKHXVHRIGLIIHUHQWPDWHULDOVVXUIDFHVDQGFRORXUV The CSH #9 (Fig. 5)IURP(HUR6DDULnen is situated next to the Eames’ KRXVHLQ3DFL¿F3DOLVDGHV7KHEXLOGLQJ ZDVPDGHRIDVWHHOIUDPHVWUXFWXUHDQGLVYHU\ÀH[LEOHLQLWVLQWHULRU Entenza didn’t want to have spacious bedrooms or private rooms, he ratKHUZDQWHGWRKDYHDEURDGDUHDIRU hospitality and community. Altough the two houses rest on a common site, WKH\GRQµWIDFHHDFKRWKHUWKH\UDWKHU open themselves towards the ocean, in RUGHUWREHWWHUUHVSHFWWKHSULYDF\RIWKH respective residents. CSH #8, #9 203, 205 Chautauqua Blvd 3DFL¿F3DOLVDGHV&$ 196 CSH #22 The Case Study House #22, which was GHVLJQHGE\3LHUUH.RHQLJZDVRQHRI the most reduced designs. The simple bungalow is placed on a ledge apart IURPWKHUDQJHRIVLJKWRILWVQHLJKERXUV7KHKRXVHKDVDQ/VKDSHGÀRRU SODQ7KHWZRZLQJVRIWKHKRXVHDUH seperated into a sleeping part and a living part. The living tract is completly open and is only interrupted by the NLWFKHQ7KLVKRXVHLVRQHRIWKHVW\OH LFRQVRIWKH&DOLIRUQLDQ0RGHUQLVP7KH PRVWIDPRXVH[LVWLQJSKRWRJUDSKRIWKH &6+3URJUDPPHLVWKHQLJKWYLHZIURP WKHOLYLQJURRPRI(Fig. 6, 7 – CSH #22). CSH #22 1635 Woods Dr. Los Angeles, CA The Case Study Houses #8, #9 and DUHSUREDEO\WKHPRVWIDPRXV ones. The Case Study House Programme ran IURPWR'XULQJWKLVWLPH houses and two apartment buildings ZHUHSODQQHG0RVWRIWKHKRXVHVZHUH EXLOWLQ/RV$QJHOHVEXWDIHZRIWKHP were realized in other regions and cities like Thousend Oaks, La Jolla or Phoenix, Arizona. Bibliography %XLVVRQ(WKHO%LOODUG7KRPDV7KHSUHVHQFHRIWKH&DVH Study Houses – Birkhäuser, Basel Berlin Boston 2004 Smith, Elisabeth A. T.: Case Study Houses – Taschen, Köln 2006 Gössl, Peter, Leuthäuser, Gabriele: Architektur des 20. Jahrhunderts – Taschen, Köln 2005 KWWSGHXDUFKLQIRUPQHWVWLFKKWP KWWSZZZHDPHVIRXQGDWLRQRUJKLVWRU\KWPO http://www.artsandarchitecturemag.com/case.houses/ index.html /LVWRI¿JXUHV Cover picture – Smith, 2006, S. 57 Fig.1 – Buisson, Billard, 2004, S. 24 Fig.2 – Smith, 2006, S. 8 Fig.3 – Gössl , Leuthäuser, 2005, S. 298 Fig.4 – Smith, 2006, S. 22 Fig.5 – Smith, 2006, S. 27 Fig.6 – Smith, 2006, S. 68 Fig.7 – Smith, 2006, S. 71 Case Study Houses Fig. 5 Fig. 7 Fig. 6 197 198 R. M. Schindler zusammengestellt von: Eva-Maria Strieder 199 R. M. Schindler Rudolf Michael Schindler (Fig. 1 – R. M. Schindler) was born in Vienna on September 10, 1887. 1906 he enrolled at the Imperial Technical University where he graduated in archiWHFWXUHLQ6FKLQGOHUDOVRMRLQHG 2WWR:DJQHU¶VVWXGLRDWWKH$FDGDP\RI )LQH$UWVIRUWKUHH\HDUV+HDOVRDWWHQGHGOHFWXUHVKHOGE\$GROI/RRV'XULQJ WKHVHHDUO\\HDUVKHPHWOLIHORQJIULHQG and rival Richard Neutra at the universiW\$IWHUJUDGXDWLRQKHHQWHUHGWKH¿UP RI0D\UDQG0D\HUDQGREWDLQHGVRPH practical experience. ,Q6FKLQGOHUOHIW(XURSHDQGZHQW to America. There he began to work DWWKH¿UPRI2WWHQKHLPHU6WHUQDQG 5HLFKHUW265LQ&KLFDJR'XULQJKLV time at OSR Schindler made his most notable contribution to the architecture RI&KLFDJRWKH%XHQD6KRUH&OXE(Fig. 2 - Presentaion sketch) Schindler was very impressed by Frank /OR\G:ULJKW¶V:DVPXWKSRUWIROLRDQG so he wrote Wright some letters to get DMRE:KHQ)UDQN/OR\G:ULJKWJRWWKH 200 commission to build the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo Schindler had the chance to work with Wright. Kings Road House 835 North Kings Road West Hollywood, CA In 1918 he went to Taliesin to work on WKHSODQVIRU:ULJKW¶V,PSHULDO+RWHO in Tokyo. Later this year Schindler got back to Chicago to work in Frank Lloyd :ULJKW¶VRI¿FHDQGWROLYHLQ2DN3DUN While he was living in Oak Park he met KLVIXWXUHZLIH6RSKLH3DXOLQH*LEOLQJ %HFDXVHRI:ULJKW¶VDELGDQFHLQ7RN\R Schindler took over more responsibiOLWLHVRI:ULJKW¶VSURMHFWV,QKH went to Los Angeles to take over the FRQVWUXFWLRQPDQDJHPHQWRI)UDQN Lloyd Wright’s Hollyhock house. 6FKLQGOHUKLVZLIHDQGDEHIULHQGHGFRXSOHKDGWKHLGHDRIEXLOGLQJD GZHOOLQJKRXVHZLWKDQRI¿FHLQ:HVW Hollywood, the so-called „Kings Road +RXVH³RUÄ6FKLQGOHU+RXVH³(Fig. 3, 4 – Kings Road House). ,QWKHPLGGOHRIKHWKRXJKWDERXW JHWWLQJEDFNWR(XURSH%HFDXVHRIWKH poorly economic prospects in Europe Schindler decided to stay in America. One year later Schindler began to realize that working with Frank Lloyd Wright was not what he had expected IURPDQGVR6FKLQGOHUGHFLGHGWREXLOG up his own studio. 6FKLQGOHUVDLGWKDWWKHEDVLFLGHDRIWKH house was to give each person his own room (Fig. 5 – R. M. Schindler studio), LQVWHDGRIXVXDOKRXVLQJ7KLVLGHDZDV WREHFRPHWKHFKDUDFWHULVWLFRIDOOKLV IROORZXSKRXVHV7KHKRXVHKDVD FROOHFWLYHNLWFKHQIRUERWKIDPLOLHVSULYDWHZRUNLQJDUHDVIRUHDFKRIWKHIRXU occupants and sleeping possibilities at RSHQDLUSRUFKHVLQVWHDGRIFRQYHQWLRQDOEHGURRPV$OORIWKHURRPVKDYHD protected back wall, an open area to the IURQWDQGD¿UHSODFH(Fig. 6 - Fireplace). $QRWKHULPSRUWDQWSRLQWRIWKH.LQJV Road House is the close connection between inner rooms and outer rooms. R. M. Schindler Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 5 201 R. M. Schindler 7KHKRXVHZDVEXLOWZLWKDPLQLPXPRI time and expense. As construction he XVHGSUHIDEULFDWHGVODEVRIFRQFUHWH FRQFUHWHIRUWKHÀRRUVDQGDQGFDQYDV as walls. 6FKLQGOHUOLYHGLQ.LQJV5RDGIRUUHVWRI KLVOLIH $IWHU¿YH\HDUVRIOLYLQJLQ.LQJV5RDG 5LFKDUG1HXWUDDQGKLVIDPLOL\GHFLGHG to stay with the Schindlers. Schindler and Neutra arranged the „Architectual Group for Industry and Commerce“ (AGIC) and workded RQVHYHUDOSURMHFWVWRJHWKHUOLNHWKH „Lovell Beach House“ (Fig. 7, 8 – Lovell Beach House) in Newport Beach, ZKLFKEHFDPHRQHRI6FKLQGOHU¶VPRVW LPSRUWDQWREMHFWV The Lovell Beach House is based on DQG¿WLQIHUURFRQFUHWHIUDPHXSRQD EHDFKORWWRHQVXUHWKHIRUHFDVWDQG the privacy. The house is organized DURXQGDWZRVWRU\ODUJHLQIRUPDO room, which opens to the ocean view through a precisely articulated glass IDFDGH 202 In 1930 Schindler and Neutra broke up WKHLUZRUNLQJUHODWLRQDQGHDFKRIWKHP JRWRQZLWKKLVRZQSURMHFWV $WWKHEHJLQQLQJRIµV6FKLQGOHUµV work was published in some books and magazines. But in 1932 he experienced a big dissapointment because he was not allowed to take part in an exhibition IRU,QWHUQDWLRQDO6W\OHDWWKH0XVHXPRI Modern Art. 7KHSURPLQHQWIHDWXUHVRIKLVEXLOGLQJV DUHFOHDUO\GH¿QHGOLQHVEUHDNRXWV RIURRPVWKHGLIIHUHQWLDWLRQRIWKH volumes and the altercation with the topography. In 1933/1934 Schindler planed the Oliver Residence and the Buck Residence (Fig. 9 – Buck Residence). At WKHVHWZREXLOGLQJVKLVDI¿QLW\WRWKH International Style become apparent. 7KHPRVWLPSRUWDQWSURMHFWGXULQJWKLV WLPHZDVWKHDOWHUDWLRQRIWKH6DUGLµV Restaurant (Fig. 10 – Sardi‘s Restaurant) in Hollywood. It had a glass and PHWDOIDFDGHDQGWKHLQWHULRUZDVVSDFLous and bright. 2QQGRI$XJXVWLQ50 6FKLQGOHUGLHGRIFDQFHU In 1940‘s Schindler planed several appartment buildings, which were adapted to the landscape. Schindler mostly designed private KRXVHVLQ6RXWKHUQ&DOLIRUQLD Schindler was a distinguished masterPLQGRIWKHÄ&DVH6WXG\+RXVHV³%XW he was not invited to take part in the programme. R. M. Schindler Fig. 6 Fig. 7 Fig. 9 Fig. 8 Fig. 10 203 R. M. Schindler Bibliography Smith, Elisabeth A. T., Darling, Michael: R. M. Schindler %DXWHQXQG3URMHNWH±+DWMH&DQW]9HUODJ2VW¿OGHUQ5XLW 2001 Smith, Kathryn: Schindler House – Harry N. Abrams, New York 2001 0$.&HQWHUIRU$UWDQG$UFKLWHFWXUH/RV$QJHOHV6FKLQGler by MAK – Prestel Verlag, München 2005 http://aeiou.iicm.tugraz.at/aeiou.encyclop.s/s230340.htm, Stand 26.2.08 KWWSXSORDGZLNLPHGLDRUJZLNLSHGLDFRPPRQVGGI /RYHOOBEHDFKBKRXVHMSJ6WDQG /LVWRI¿JXUHV Cover picture – Smith, Darling, 2001, S. 46 Fig.1 – Smith, Darling, 2001, S. 20 Fig.2 – Smith, Darling, 2001, S. 19 Fig.3 – Smith, Darling, 2001, S. 174 Fig.4 – Smith, 2001, S. 71 Fig.5 – Smith, 2001, S. 70 Fig.6 – Smith, 2001, S. 73 Fig.7 – http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/ GI/RYHOOBEHDFKBKRXVHMSJ6WDQG Fig.8 – Smith, Darling, 2001, S. 41 Fig.9 – Smith, Darling, 2001, S. 68 Fig.10 – Smith, Darling, 2001, S. 68 204 John Lautner zusammengestellt von: Eva-Maria Strieder 205 John Lautner John Lautner (Fig. 1) was born on 16th RI-XO\LQ0DUTXHWWH0LFKLJDQ 7KHZLOGHGJHVRI0LFKLJDQZHUHWR HFKRLQKLVZRUNDOLIHWLPH $VKHGLGQ¶WZDQWWRKDYHDOLIHIXOORI repetitive tasks he chose to become DQDUFKLWHFW$IWHUKHJUDGXDWHGZLWKD %DFKHORURI6FLHQFH/LEHUDO$UWVGHJUHH IURPWKH1RUWKHUQ6WDWH7HDFKHUV¶&ROOHJHWRGD\1RUWKHUQ0LFKLJDQ8QLYHUVLW\KLVPRWKHUGLVFRYHUHGWKHIDPRXV SURSHUW\Ä7DOLHVLQ³EXLOWE\)UDQN/OR\G Wright. In 1934 he was accepted as an apprenWLFHRI:ULJKWDW7DOLHVLQDQGVSHQWVL[ years studying and working there. In the same year Lautner married Mary F. Roberts. In additon to teaching drauJKWLQJVWRQHZRUNFDUSHQWU\RUIDUP work they had to plan and cook dinners IRU±JXHVWVDWWKHZHHNHQGV,Q this environment Lautner absorbed the LGHDRIDUFKLWHFWXUHDVDZKROHLQWHJUDO ZLWKOLIH During these six years at Taliesin he witnessed Wright creating „Falling :DWHU³ 206 In 1939 Lautner came to Los Angeles WRVXSHULQWHQGWKHFRQVWUXFWLRQRI)UDQN Lloyd Wright’s Sturges House and Oboler House. Lautner obtained all the permits and arranged all the contracts RIWKH6WXUJHV+RXVH+HNQHZWKDW these things would help him to improve LQKLVRZQSUDFWLFH$IWHUKH¿QLVKHGWKH Sturges House and the Oboler House Lautner started his own practice in 1940. $SHUPDQHQWIHDWXUHRIKLVZRUNZDVWR FRQVWDQWO\GHVLJQIURPWKHLQVLGHRXW (YHQ¿UVWVNHWFKHVDQGSODQVDOUHDG\ displayed the construction. He wanted to create houses which could grow and live with the people that lived in WKHP+LVLGHDZDVWRIRUPEXLOGLQJV that would permit more quality to the OLIHRISHRSOHRFFXS\LQJWKHVHKRXVHV According to Lautner this was „Real $UFKLWHFWXUH³ The Malin Residence 2QHRI/DXWQHU¶VPRVWIDPRXVKRXVHV LVWKH0DOLQ5HVLGHQFHDOVRFDOOHG Ä&KHPRVSKHUH³(Fig. 2-4 - Chemosphere) in Hollywood. It was built in 1960 and was was one building that was shiloutetted against the landscape. Nevertheless Lautner didn’t disturb the natural scenery and was able to cover irreclaimable sites. The Malin Residence is a single level SODWIRUPUDLVHGIUHHO\RIIWKHJURXQGRQ RQHFROXPQ$VDIDFWRIWKHVLQJOHVWDON WKHKRXVHKDVDQDOPRVWÀRDWLQJHIIHFW 7KLVKRXVHLVWKHRQO\RQHRI/DXWQHU¶V houses which is symmetric. ChemosSKHUHLVGHYLGHGLQWRWZRKDOIFLUFOHV RQHDUHDIRUEHGURRPVDQGWKHRWKHU RQHIRURSHQOLYLQJDOOVXUURXQGHGE\ windows. Malin Residence 776 Torreyson Drive Hollywood Hills, CA John Lautner Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 4 Fig. 3 Fig. 5 207 John Lautner The Sheats House In 1963 Lautner built the Sheats House UHPRGHOHGIRU-LP*ROGVWHLQ,W DWWUDFWDORWRIDWWHQWLRQEHFDXVHRILWV GLVWLQFWLYHWULDQJOHURRI(Fig. 5 – Sheats House roof). The building has the shape RIDQKRXUJODVVZLWKDQRSHQ¿UHSODFH as a central point. From the master bedroom at the lower level one has a spectecular view over Los Angeles (Fig. 6 – Sheats house master bedroom) and also a view to the pool. Sheats House 10104 Angelo View Drive Beverly Hills, CA Reiner Residence In the same year Lautner planed the Reiner Residence (Fig. 7 – View to the swimmingpool)DOVRFDOOHGÄ6LOYHUWRS³ situated in Los Angeles. The whole planning took him more than ten years. The pool was designed with an overÀRZLQJHGJHWRPHUJHVPRRWKO\LQWRWKH Silver Lake below (Fig. 8– View over the swimmingpool). At this time he con- 208 sidered concrete as an ideal material IRUKLVURRPV Reiner Residence 2138 Micheltorena Street Los Angeles, CA The Elrod Residence The Elrod Residence (Fig. 9 - View of terrace to bedroom wing) is a example RI/DXWQHUVPDVWHUIXOXVHRIFRQFUHWH It was built in 1968 and has a central living area (Fig. 10) and a trailing wing RIDFFRPPRGDWLRQ7KHÀRRUVDUHFXW down into the rock so that the bigger ERXOGHUVDUHDWURRIKHLJKW7KHODQGVcape is literarlly brought into the house DVZDOOVFUHHQRUIXUQLWXUH Elrod Residence 2175 Southridge Drive Palm Springs, CA Lautner’s architecture is sometimes termed organic, but he always avoided this synonym. He once said: „ I choose not to be clas- VL¿HGDQGUHPDLQLQVWHDGFRQWLQRXVO\ growing and changing, with basic real ideas contributing to life itself, for timeless enjoyment of spaces - which I call Real Architecture. No beginning, no end – always“ -RKQ/DXWQHU On October 24 th, 1994 John Lautner GLHGDWWKHDJHRI8QWLOKLVGHDWKKH ZRUNHGRQVHYHUDOODUJHSURMHFWV %HFDXVHRIWKHLUH[WUDYDJDQFH /DXWQHU¶VEXLOGLQJVDUHRIWHQXVHGDV ¿OPVHWVIRUGLIIHUHQWPRYLHSURGXFWLRQV Bibliography Campbell-Lange, Barbara-Ann: John Lautner – Taschen Verlag, Köln 1999 John Lautner Architect Los Angeles – Wien 1991 Escher, Frank: John Lautner, Architect – Artemis, London München Zürich 1994 ZZZMRKQODXWQHURUJ6WDQG /LVWRI¿JXUHV Cover picture – Escher, 1994, S. 112 Fig.1 – John Lautner Architect Los Angeles, 1991, S. 8 Fig.2 – John Lautner Architect Los Angeles, S. 24 Fig.3 – Campbell-Lange, 1999, S. 78 Fig.4 – Escher, S. 245 Fig.6 – Campbell-Lange, 1999, S. 151 Fig.7 – Campbell-Lange, 1999, S. 98 Fig.8 – Campbell-Lange, 1999, S. 106 Fig.8 – John Lautner Architect Los Angeles, 1991, S. 29 Fig.9 – Campbell-Lange, 1999, S. 107 Fig.10 – Escher, 1994, S. 160 John Lautner Fig. 6 Fig. 8 Fig. 7 Fig. 10 Fig. 9 209 210 Louis I. Kahn zusammengestellt von: Patrick Herold 211 Louis I. Kahn Louis I. Kahn (1901-1972) Louis Kahn was born in 1901 on the %DOWLFIULQJHRILPSHULDO5XVVLDRQWKH LVODQGRIgVHO(VWRQLD /RXLVIDWKHU/HRSROG.DKQHPLgrated to Philadelphia, USA.1906 the UHVWRIKLVIDPLO\IROORZHG Khan`s career as an architect began DWWKH8QLYHUVLW\RI3HQQV\OYDQLDZKHUH KHVSHQWIRXU\HDUVXQGHU3DXO3KLOLSSH &UHWHDUQLQJKLVEDFKHORUCV degree. By that time, this University had the strongest architectural program in the country. Upon graduation in June .DKQIRXQGDSODFHLQWKHRI¿FH RI&LW\$UFKLWHFWRI3KLODGHOSKLD-RKQ 0ROLWRU$IWHUZRUNLQJIRURQH\HDUDVD GUDIWVPDQKHZDVVHWXSWRGHVLJQWKH PDMRUEXLOGLQJIRUWKH6HVTXLHFHQWHQQLDO,QWHUQDWLRQDO([SRVLWLRQ $IWHUDIHZPRQWKKHPRYHGWRWKH RI¿FHRI:LOOLDP+/HHDQGLQKH KDGVDYHGHQRXJKPRQH\IRUDORQJWULS WKURXJK(XURSH$IWHUYLVLWLQJ(QJODQG Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Berlin, Aus- 212 tria, Italy and France he returned home one year later. .DKQZDVXQHPSOR\HGIRUWKHQH[WIRXU \HDUVRQO\VXSSRUWHGE\KLVZLIH,QWKLV time he came to a new understanding RIWKHUROHRIKLVDUWDWDWLPHRIJUHDW social demand. $IWHUDDWWHQGLQJSRGLXPZLWK:ULJKW Neutra, Schindler, Johnson and BuckPLQVWHU)XOOHUKHIRXQGHGDFHQWHU IRUWKHGLVFXVVLRQRIPRGHUQDUFKLWHFture in Philadelphia, the Architectural 5HVHDUFK*URXS$5*LQWHUHVWHGLQ WKHGHEDWHRIVRFLDOUHVSRQVLELOLW\DQG WKHSUREOHPVRIPDVVKRXVLQJ+H VWXGLHG/H&RUEXVLHUCVZRUNIRUWKH¿UVW time and over the next two decades KLVDUFKLWHFWXUHHFKRHGPDQ\RIWKH WKHPDMRUWKHPHVRI,QWHUQDWLRQDOVW\OH Kahn became modernist. ,QDIWHUFRPSOHWLQJDIHZKRXVLQJ SURMHFWVWKH$5*EURNHXSDQG.DKQ ZDVDSSRLQWHGDVKHDGRIDUHVHDUFK WHDPXQGHUWKHFRRUGLQDWLRQRI Philadelphia`s weak City Planning Commission. Working on public housing SURMHFWVKHKDGFRPHWRUHFRJQL]H WKDWKRXVLQJZDVPRUHWKDQDPDWWHURI architectural design. During WW II Kahn and George Howe, IRUPHGDSDUWQHUVKLSDQGREWDLQHG VRPHRIWKH¿UVWZDUWLPHFRPPLVVLRQV 7KH¿UPVRPHWLPHVHPSOR\HGDVPDQ\ DVWZRGR]HQGHVLJQHUVDQGGUDIWVPHQ DOWKRXJKWKHUHZDVQRRI¿FLDOKLHUDUFK\ DPRQJWKHP7KH\¿QLVKHGDQXPEHURI KRXVLQJSURMHFWVIRUH[DPSOHWKHSXEOLF housing in Penny Pack, Philadelphia, continued to explore the variations possible, within the established housing W\SHVDQGE\WKHHQGRIWKH\KDG DGRSWHGDVWURQJQHZDUUDQJHPHQWIRU the multibedroom row-house building, ¿UVWVHHQLQWKHLUGHVLJQVIRU&DUYHU &RXUWDSSXQLWSURMHFWIRUEODFN steel workers) With this cleanly detailed units he was widely published, including appearance DWWKHVKRZ³%XLOWLQ86$´DQG with this design Kahn began to gain ZLGHVSUHDGDWWHQWLRQIRUWKH¿UVWWLPH Louis I. Kahn 1943-1945 Kahn and Stonorov, who MRLQHGWKHWHDPGXULQJWKHZDUWLPH KRXVLQJSURMHFWVIRXQGWKHPVHOYHV HQJDJHGLQDVHULHVRILPDJLQDWLYH SURMHFWV:LWKWKHVSRQVRUVKLSVRI magazines they designed houses, hoWHOVVWRUHVRI¿FHEXLOGLQJVDQGHQWLUH QHLJKERUKRRGUHGHYHORSPHQWSURMHFWV In April 1945 Kahn was elected as a PHPEHURIWKHFRPPLWWHHRIWKH$UFKLWHFWXUDO$GYLVRU\DQGFKDLUPDQRIUHJLon New York-Washington. But Kahn`s greatest political energy was devoted to WKH$PHULFDQ6RFLHW\RI3ODQQHUVDQG Architects which he served as president in 1947. The same year, Stonorov and Kahn were selected to design the 3HQQV\OYDQLDKRXVHLQWKHLUIRUW\HLJKW state solar house program. The design RIWKHKRXVHZDVSXEOLVKHGXQGHUWKH name Oscar Stonorov and Louis Kahn $UFKLWHFWVLQDQXPEHURIERRNVDQGWKH PHQWLRQLQJRIERWKRIWKHLUQDPHVDQJHUHG.DKQDQGEURXJKWWKHVXFFHVVIXO partnership to an end. .DKQZKRMXVWWXUQHGIRUW\VL[ZDV now on his own. )RUWKHQH[WIHZ\HDUVWKHEDFNERQHRI .DKQCVZRUNZHUHVLQJOHIDPLO\KRXVHV In 1947 he started teaching at Yale KDYLQJUHMHFWHGDQHDUOLHURIIHUIURP Harvard, as he loathed to leave PhilaGHOSKLD+HIHOWKDSSLHUZLWK<DOHZKLFK was a train ride away, and he taught WKHUHIRUHLJKW\HDUVEHIRUHEHFRPLQJD SURIHVVRUDWWKH8QLYHUVLW\RI3HQQV\Ovania. As an architect Kahn was limited to PRGHVWORFDOSURMHFWVXQWLOZKHQ KHZRQKLV¿UVWPDMRUFRPSHWLWLRQ±DQ extension to the Yale Art Gallery. 7KH<DOHFRPPLVVLRQDOVRRIIHUHGDQ RSSRUWXQLW\IRU.DKQWRH[SHULPHQWZLWK the ideas he had developed on a trip to Greece, Rome and Egypt, when he had become convinced that modern architecture lacked the monumental and VSLULWXDOTXDOLWLHVRIDQFLHQWEXLOGLQJV “Our stuff looks so tiny compared to it”KHZURWHWRKLVRI¿FHFROOHDJXHVLQ Philadelphia. Kahn was convinced that, as a modern architect, his responsibility was to create buildings with those qualities using contemporary materials and construction techniques. Working with simple materials, notably brick and concrete, Kahn applied his principles to create buildings instilled ZLWKWKHVSLULWXDOTXDOLWLHVIRUZKLFKKH VWURYHWKURXJKDPDVWHUIXOVHQVHRI space and light. From the 1951-53 Yale Art Gallery exWHQVLRQ,Q(QJODQGWKH<DOH$UW*DOOHU\ was seen as the best American examSOHRI1HZ%UXWDOLVPDEULHÀ\IDVKLRnable term that captured only a single GLPHQVLRQRI.DKQCVSXUSRVHWRVXEVHTXHQWSURMHFWVVXFKDVWKH Trenton Boathouse in New Jersey and the 1957-62 Richards Medical Towers in Philadelphia in which Kahn showed KLVGHYHORSLQJVHQVHRIGLIIHUHQWLDWHG space shaped by visible, rational, individualizing structures, Kahn combined visually compelling spaces with drama DVWKHFKDQJLQJOLJKWWUDQVIRUPHGWKH sensory experience. .DKQCVFOHDUDUWLFXODWLRQRIVHSDUDWH components and his distinction between 213 Louis I. Kahn VHUYDQWDQGVHUYHGVSDFHVZHUHMXJHG WREHKLVVWURQJHVWGHSDUWXUHVIURP accepted norms. By the time he began working on the Salk Institute in La Jolla&DOLIRUQLD (Fig. 1 - Study Tower, Fig. 2 - Courtyard, looking west) in 1959, Kahn had mastered this approach to create his ¿UVWPDVWHUSLHFHDQH[WUDRUGLQDULO\ LQVSLULQJVHTXHQFHRIEXLOGLQJV was designed with a large rectangular RSHQLQJIDFLQJWKHRFHDQZKLFKDOORZHG VXQOLJKWWRHQWHUDQG¿OOWKHURRP3HUhaps nowhere else has Kahn’s concern IRUWKHZKROHRIWKHKXPDQH[SHULHQFH EHHQVRFDUHIXOO\DQGSDWLHQWO\UHDOL]HG In the Salk Institute Kahn had the rare opportunity to actually conceive a new institution, where as in other instances KHVLPXODWHGWKHHIIHFWRIRULJLQDWLRQE\ reducing programs to their most basic human elements. The working area was again divided into two parts - one IRUWKHZRUNLQKDQGRQHIRUDFWLYH LQYHVWLJDWLRQDQGRQHIRUFRQWHPSODWLYH DQDO\VLVRIWKHZRUNLQKDQGRQHIRUWKH VFLHQWLVWDQGRQHIRUWKHKXPDQEHLQJ 'HVSLWHWKHDFFODLPIRUWKHVHEXLOGLQJV .DKQVWLOOVWUXJJOHGWRVHFXUHPDMRU commissions, at least in his home town, 3KLODGHOSKLDZKHUHKHZUDQJOHGIRU\Hars with the city planners over redeveORSPHQWRIWKHFLW\FHQWUH3DLQIXOO\VK\ since childhood, Kahn was also blessed and cursed by an uncompromising character that drove him to become such an extraordinary architect, but also to unavoidable clashes with clients. ,PSDWLHQWRIWKHGHDGOLQHVDQGEXGJHWV routinely imposed on architects, he FDPHWRORDWKVXFKFRQVWUDLQWVDQGIUHTXHQWO\ORVWFRPPLVVLRQVWROHVVJLIWHG but more amenable architects. 7KHUHVXOWZDVDVHWRIODERUDWRULHVLQ an enclosed concrete housing and a VHWRIRI¿FHVRUTXDUWHUVIRUHYDOXDWLRQ DQGIRUPXODWLRQ(DFKRIWKHVHTXDUWHUV Kahn’s private life was equally turEXOHQWPDUULHGE\¿QDQFLDOGLI¿FXOWLHV as much as by secrecy. He remained married to Esther, with whom he had a 214 daughter, Sue Ann, but had two more children, born to women with whom he FRQGXFWHGORQJDQGSDVVLRQDWHORYHDIIDLUV.DKQKDGDVHFRQGGDXJKWHU$OHxandra born in 1954, with Anne Tyng, D\RXQJDUFKLWHFWZKRZRUNHGIRUKLP and was the geometrical strategist in Philadelphia, and a son, Nathaniel, born in 1962, with another collaborator, the landscape architect Harriet Pattison. Just as Anne Tyng made an important contribution to Kahn’s 1950s buildings, Pattison arose his interest in the relatiRQVKLSRIDUFKLWHFWXUHWRLWVORFDWLRQDQG landscape during the 1960s. 7KLVUHPDLQVRQHRIWKHPRVWPDJLFDO HOHPHQWVRIWKH6DON,QVWLWXWHSHUFKHG RQDFOLIIDERYHWKH3DFL¿F2FHDQDQG was equally important to Kahn’s 196065 campus buildings at Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania, the 1967-72 Exeter Library in New Hampshire and 1968-74 <DOH&HQWHUIRU%ULWLVK$UW 6WULYLQJIRUSHUIHFWLRQ.DKQ¶VGHYHORSment during this period culminated in another US masterpiece in the 1967- Louis I. Kahn Fig. 1 Fig. 2 215 Louis I. Kahn 72 Kimbell Art Museum at Fort Worth in Texas, which is still regarded as an extraordinarily inspiring and empathic HQYLURQPHQWIRUSDLQWLQJDQGVFXOSWXUH %HUHIWRIDQRWKHUPDMRUFRPPLVVLRQ LQWKH86HYHQDIWHU.LPEHOO.DKQ poured his energy into his most demanGLQJSURMHFWVWKH Indian Institute of Management in Ahmedabad (Fig. 3) and the monumental Capital Complex in Dhaka (Fig. 4 - view from south), which he began in 1962 but ZKLFKZDVRQO\FRPSOHWHGDIWHUKLV death. It was in Dhaka that Kahn realised his GUHDPRIEXLOGLQJDFLW\RIWKHIXWXUH 7KHSURMHFWZDVLQWHQVHO\SUREOHPDWLF construction was not only disrupted by political unrest and, eventually a war IRULQGHSHQGHQFHLQ%DQJODGHVKEXW EHGHYLOOHGE\WKHORJLVWLFDOGLI¿FXOWLHV RIEXLOGLQJLQDFLW\SUH\WRÀRRGVDQG storms. The result is a magical seTXHQFHRIEXLOGLQJVWKDWDSSHDUWRÀRDW above the surrounding water in vernacular red brick brilliantly constructed by 216 ORFDOFUDIWVPHQ,QD0XVOLPFLW\SUH\ WRSDLQIXOSRYHUW\DQGQDWXUDOGLVDVWHU /RXLV.DKQDFKLHYHGKLVJRDORIFUHDting a monumental modern architecture, ZKLFKLVDWRQFHVSLULWXDOO\XSOLIWLQJDQG humane. ,Q'KDNDWKHVTXDUHRIWKHDVVHPEO\ was diagrammed with a low dome near its center and angled spurs representing minarets expanded the square mosque it touched. To give some shape WRWKHODUJHO\IHDWXUHOHVVWHUUDLQDQGWR JXDUGWKHEXLOGLQJDJDLQVWÀRRGV.DKQ proposed embanked roadways and JHRPHWULFDOO\VKDSHGPRXQGVRIHDUWK on these he placed related elements SDUWO\IUDPHGE\DODNH$WWKHRSSRVLWHHQGRIWKHVLWHKHORFDWHGVFKRROV OLEUDULHVDQGRWKHUIDFLOLWLHVJURXSHGDV KLV&LWDGHORI,QVWLWXWLRQVWREDODQFHWKH &LWDGHORI$VVHPEO\ 7KH¿UVWEXLOGLQJLQZKLFKWKHWUDLWVRI .DKQCV¿QDOVW\OHFRXOGEHFOHDUO\VHHQ ZDVWKHOLEUDU\IRUPhillips Exeter Academy , designed 1966-68, (Fig. 5 - view from northwest).DKQCV¿UVW thoughts about the library were an allu- sion to the Middle Ages in general and monasteries in particular. Corner Towers and interior and exterior DUFDGHVLPSDUWHGDFDVWHOODUIHHOLQJWR WKH¿UVWGHVLJQWKHWRZHUV DQGDUFDGHVRIPHGLHYDOLVPGLVDSpeared and they were replaced by a regular and symmetrical vocabulary. The result was a much more classiFDOGHVLJQWKDWIDFHGLQZDUGWRRQHRI Kahn`s primordial rooms. The reader was introduced to the building by a VTXDUHVSDFHGH¿QHGE\VWUXFWXUHDQG OLJKWFLUFOHVRIFRQFUHWHIUDPHGHDFK interior elevation (Fig. 6 - Central Hall), bracing the main piers at the corners as WKHVXQHQWHUHGIURPDERYHWRSDLQWWKH whole in quiet brightness. /RXLV.DKQGLHGRIDKHDUWDWWDFNLQD men‘s restroom in Pennsylvania Station LQ1HZ<RUN&LW\+HZDVQRWLGHQWL¿HG IRUWKUHHGD\VDVKHKDGFURVVHGRXW the home address on his passport. He KDGMXVWUHWXUQHGIURPDZRUNWULSWR India, and despite his long career, he was deeply in debt when he died. Louis I. Kahn Fig. 3 Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Fig. 4 Fig. 7 217 Louis I. Kahn 4XHOOHQ Brownlee David/De Long David:Louis I Kahn In the Realm RI$UFKLWHFWXUH5L]]ROL1HZ<RUN Fig. 1,2,4-7: Brownlee David/De Long David,1991,S.5-7 )LJKWWSHQZLNLSHGLDRUJZLNL,QGLDQB,QVWLWXWHBRIB0Dnagement_Ahmedabad,Stand 06.03.2008 218 zusammengestellt von: Patrick Herold Frank Gehry $W¿UVWKHFUXPSOHVXSWKHOHWWHUDQG throws is on the sidewalk, a sign RIUHMHFWLRQEXWZKHQKHVHHVWKH SDSHUµVIRUP(XUHND„Frank Gehry, you‘ve done it again!“ 0DUJHFRQYLQFHVWKHWRZQWRIXQGD new concert hall, designed by architect Frank Gehry 0U*HKU\UHFHLYHVWKHOHWWHUIURP Marge requesting his services. He‘s especially impressed by the Snoopy stationary. Nice mailbox. 219 Frank Gehry Frank Gehry (b. 1929) „I approach each building as a sculptural object, a spatial container, a space with light and air, a response to context and appropriateness of feeling and spirit. To this container, this sculpture, the user brings his baggage, his program, and interacts with it to accommodate his needs. If he can‘t do that, I‘ve failed.“ )*HKU\&RQWHPSRUDU\$UFKLtects) Born 1929 in Toronto, Canada, Frank *HKU\VWXGLHGDWWKH8QLYHUVLW\RI 6RXWKHUQ&DOLIRUQLD/$ DQGEHJDQZRUNLQJIXOOWLPHZLWK9LFWRU Gruen Associates, where he had been apprenticing part-time while still in school. $IWHUD\HDULQWKHDUP\KHVWXGLHG urban planning at Harvard Graduate 6FKRRORI'HVLJQIURP When he returned to Los Angeles, he EULHÀ\ZRUNHGIRU3HUHLUDDQG/XFNPDQ WKHQUHMRLQHG*UXHQZKHUHKHVWD\HG until 1960. 220 *HKU\DQGIDPLO\WZRGDXJKWHUV moved to Paris, where he worked in WKHRI¿FHRI$QGUH5HPRQGHW'XULQJ that year in Europe, he studied works by LeCorbusier, Balthasar Neumann, and was attracted by the French Roman churches. In 1962, he returned to Los $QJHOHVVHWWLQJXSKLVRZQ¿UP 2QHRIKLV¿UVWSURMHFWVZDVKLVRZQ house in Santa Monica (Fig. 1), CaliIRUQLD “With the original house almost intact formwise, Gehry lifted back the skin to reveal the building as layers, with new forms breaking out and tilting away from the original, to create a forerunner of the Deconstructionist spirit of the eighties. It is almost an idea of ‚wrapping‘ à la Christo, but where Christo seeks through a veil to transform the original to a new sense of being and meaning, Gehry rather produces a discontinuous juxtaposition where one system collides with another resulting in, to quote Bernard Tschumi, a ‚super position or disjunctive disassociation.‘ Where Johansen assembles technologicallike elements freely seeding dialogue through the combination, Gehry, through collaging, also basically (but with a different aesthetic) derives an approach to design from the methodology and respect for construction and its architectonic potential as a form maker and space generator.“ 3DXO+H\HU$PHULFDQ$UFKLWHFWXUH Ideas and Ideologies in the Late Twentieth Century. p228-230.) /LNHKLVRZQKRXVHIRUDWLPH*HKU\µV ZRUNXVHGÄXQ¿QLVKHG³TXDOLWLHVDVD SDUWRIWKHGHVLJQ$V3DXO*ROGEHUJHU New York Times Architecture Critic described it: „Mr. Gehry‘s architecture is known for its reliance on harsh, XQ¿QLVKHGPDWHULDOVDQGLWVMX[WDSRVLtion of simple, almost primal, geometric forms...(His) work is vastly more intelligent and controlled than it sounds to the uninitiated; he is an architect of immense gifts who dances on the line separating architecture from art but who manages never to let himself fall.“ Frank Gehry Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 221 Frank Gehry He received the Pritzker Price 1989. 6RPHRIhis most notable projects DUHWKH/R\ROD/DZ6FKRRO/$ WKH1RUWRQ5HVLGHQFH9HQLFH &DOLIRUQLD7KH*XJJHQKHLP 0XVHXP%LOEDR6SDLQ (Fig. 2 - The Guggenheim Bilbao, along the Nervión River, with sculpture by Louise Bourgeois), 7KH([SHULHQFH0XVLF3URMHFW6HDWWOH Washington, 1995-2000), DG Bank +HDGTXDUWHUV%HUOLQ*HUPDQ\ :DOW'LVQH\&RQFHUW+DOO/$ DQG+RWHO0DUTXHVGH5LVFDO(OFLHJR Spain, 2006) Recent worksDUHWKH2KU2C.HHIH 0XVHXPV%LOR[L0LVVLVVLSSLWKH.LQJ $OIUHG/HLVXUH&HQWUH%ULJKWRQ8. ,QWHU$FWLYH&RUS+HDGTXDUWHUV1HZ <RUN&LW\$WODQWLF<DUGV%URRNO\Q1< (Fig. 3 - Last update of the Redesigning Atlantic yards project) DQG1HZ:RUOG6\PSKRQ\0LDPL Florida). 222 :LWKWKHRSHQLQJRIWKHWalt Disney Concert Hall (Fig. 4 - 13) in 2003 Frank *HKU\EXLOWKLV¿UVWEXLOGLQJLQKLVKRPH town L.A.. It may be his most dramatic and complete work to date. The total FRVWZDVPLOOLRQIRUWKH VHDWIDFLOLW\*HKU\ZDVVHOHFWHGDVWKH architect in 1988, his design became public in 1991 and work began in November 1999. The asthetic goals with the exterior wall, all the accoustic issues, there is so much that is atypical...this is no sense of conventional building.“ The architect was also closely involved in the Concert Hall interior, designing it in wood. $VLWZDVWKHFDVHIRUWKH%LOEDR*XJgenheim, Gehry used CATIA programming to design and help building the VWUXFWXUH7KHVRIWZDUHZDVRULJLQDOO\ LQWHQGHGIRUWKHGHYHORSPHQWRI0LUDJH ¿JKWHUMHWEXWLVZLGHO\XVHGWKURXJKRXW the engineering industry, especially in the automotive and aerospace sectors. But Gehry‘s work also has its detractors. The buildings waste structural UHVRXUFHVE\FUHDWLQJIXQFWLRQOHVV IRUPV7KHEXLOGLQJVDUHDSSDUHQWO\ designed without researching the local FOLPDWHWKHVSHFWDFOHRIDEXLOGLQJ RIWHQRYHUZKHOPVLWVLQWHQGHGXVH HVSHFLDOO\PXVHXPVDQGDUHQDVWKH buildings do not seem to belong in their VXUURXQGLQJVÄRUJDQLFDOO\³ Rather than titanium cladding, stainless steel was used in Los Angeles, though KHGLGFRQVLGHUDFRPELQDWLRQRIOLPHstone and steel at some point. $FFRUGLQJWR7HUU\%HOOSURMHFWDUFKLWHFW IRU*HKU\CVRI¿FH„It`s an enourmously complicated structure because of the curved shapes and the intricate joinery. *HKU\µVSURMHFWVKDYHDOVREHHQFULWLFL]HGIRUEDOORRQLQJEXGJHWV and repeating themselves. 7KHXVHRIGLVMRLQWHGPHWDOSDQRSO\ RIWHQWLWDQLXPLVRYHUXVHGDQGDOPRVW DOORIKLVUHFHQWZRUNVHHPVWRGHULYDWH IURPKLVODQGPDUN*XJJHQKHLP0XVHum Bilbao. Frank Gehry Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Fig. 4 223 Frank Gehry 4XHOOHQ Jodido Philipp:Architecture Now!-Taschen,Köln 2002 El Croquis-Ausgabe: Frank O. Gehry,2003 www.greatbuildings.com/buildings/Gehry_House.html en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Gehry Stand 08.03.2008 Fig.1 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guggenheim_Museum_Bilbao Stand 08.03.2008 S.9 Fig.2 http://www.streetsblog.org/2006/11/29/what-wentwrong-at-atlantic-yards/ Stand 03.03.2008 S.9 Fig.3-4 Jodido,Taschen,2002 S.11 Fig.5 http://www.arcspace.com/architects/gehry/disney2/ Stand 08.03.2008 S.9 224 SCI - Arc zusammengestellt von: Elena Berecova 225 SCI - Arc History Founded in 1972, SCI-Arc was as a radical alternative to the conventional V\VWHPRIDUFKLWHFWXUDOHGXFDWLRQ Architect and educator Ray Kappe— IRUPHUO\WKHFKDLURI$UFKLWHFWXUHDW&DO 3RO\3RPRQDDQGGLUHFWRURI6&,$UF until 1987—leased an industrial building LQ6DQWD0RQLFDDQGZLWKDJURXSRI VL[IDFXOW\PHPEHUVDQGVWXGHQWV started what they initially called the Ä1HZ6FKRRO³EDVHGRQWKHFRQFHSWRI DÄFROOHJHZLWKRXWZDOOV³6KHOO\.DSSH Ahde Lahti, Thom Mayne, Bill SimoniDQ*OHQ6PDOODQG-LP6WDIIRUGZHUH DPRQJWKHIRXQGLQJIDFXOW\ United by their commitment to an alternative to the more rigid, hierarchical structure they had encountered at other institutions, they established SCI-Arc as DPHFKDQLVPIRULQYHQWLRQH[SORUDWLRQ and criticism. The school grew rapidly and quickly developed an international reputation, ranking among the best VFKRROVRI$UFKLWHFWXUHLQWKHFRXQWU\ SCI-Arc attracted motivated students DQGIDFXOW\IURPDOORYHUWKHZRUOGZKR 226 were interested in pursuing their own independent ideas about the built enYLURQPHQWDQGZKRHQMR\HG6&,$UFµV HPSKDVLVRQSURFHVV²WKHV\QWKHVLVRI thinking, analyzing and making. ...“There is so much in architecture that has to do with the creation of opinion as opposed to the creation of the thing, the making the thing. Making the thing and commenting on the thing are very much about developing a meaning of the thing that lasts. I would like to create an environment at SCI-Arc that would enable faculty, students, and everyone associated with the school to have enough FRQ¿dence in what they know and in what they do to be able to distinguish the importance of those things from all the noise and promotion.“... - (Eric Owen Moss, Director) Depot6&,$UFDEVWUDFW With its location in the intensively urban Artist District near Little Tokyo in Downtown Los Angeles, SCI – Arc provides students with a uniquely inspiring environment in which to study Architecture. The extreme social and natural condi- WLRQWKDWPDNH/RV$QJHOHVDIRFXVRI world attention serve as vantage points IURPZKLFKWRGHEDWHWKHIXWXUHRIFLWLHV WKHFKDQJLQJUROHRIWKHDUFKLWHFWDQG WKHQDWXUHRIDUFKLWHFWXUHLWVHOI7KH school is distinguished by the vibrant atPRVSKHUHRILWVVWXGLRVZKHUHVWXGHQWV DQGIDFXOW\±PRVWSUDFWLFLQJDUFKLWHFWV ±ZRUNWRJHWKHULQDÀXLGQRQKLHUDUFKLcal manner, re-examining assumptions and exploring and testing new ideas through making. An independent institution, SCI-Arc JUDQWVDSURIHVVLRQDOGHJUHHLQDUchitecture at the undergraduate and graduate levels. SCI-Arc degrees are accredited by the National ArchitectuUDO$FFUHGLWLQJ%RDUG1$$%DQGWKH :HVWHUQ$VVRFLDWLRQRI6FKRROVDQG &ROOHJHV:$6&7KHVFKRRORIIHUVD SRVWJUDGXDWH0DVWHURI$UFKLWHFWXUHGHgree through the Metropolitan Research DQ'HVLJQ05'3URJUDP SCI - Arc Fig. 1 Fig. 4 Fig. 6 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 5 227 SCI - Arc 7KH6RXWKHUQ&DOLIRUQLD,QVWLWXWHRI Architecture was started in 1972 as a radical alternative to the convention V\VWHPRIDUFKLWHFWXUDOHGXFDWLRQ7KH VFKRROPDLQWDLQVLWVVSLULWRIH[SHULPHQWDWLRQUHVSRQGLQJUDSLGO\WRVKLIWVLQ society, technology, and culture with a constantly-evolving curriculum that integrates courses in History and Theory, the Humanities, Technology and Visual Arts.... 6&,$UF¶VPRYHLQIURP0DULQD 'HO5D\WRDTXDUWHUPLOHORQJIRUPHU UDLOZD\IUHLJKWGHSRWEXLOWLQDQG UHQRYDWHGE\6&,$UFIDFXOW\PDGHWKH VFKRRODQLQWHJUDOSDUWRI/RV$QJHOHV¶V emerging cultural center. This incluGHVWKH0XVHXPRI&RQWHPSRUDU\ $UW02&$WKH-DSDQHVH$PHULFDQ 1DWLRQDO0XVHXPWKH*HIIHQ&RQWHPSRUDU\DQGRWKHUPDMRUQHZZRUNVRI DUFKLWHFWXUHVXFKDV5DIDHO0RQHR¶V new cathedral and the Disney Concert Hall by Frank Gehry. Also nearby are Olivera Street, Chinatown, the Staples Center and Dodger Stadium. (Fig. 1,2,3 - Depot) 228 Graduate studies Public initiatives The graduate program at SCI-Arc SURPRWHVDÀXLGUHODWLRQVKLSEHWZHHQ education and practice. It is taught by DGLYHUVHDQGIDFXOW\UHQRZQHGIRU SXVKLQJWKHOLPLWVRIWKHGLVFLSOLQHRI Architecture. The curriculum builds on WKHGLYHUVHEDFNJURXQGVRIHQWHULQJ students to provide a rigorous architectural education that is responsive to cultural change, and which above all promotes experimentation and creaWLYHDQGDFDGHPLFIUHHGRP,QSXUVXLW RIWKHVHJRDOVWKHJUDGXDWHSURJUDP RIIHUVWKUHHVWXG\RSWLRQV 0$UFKDWKUHHDQGDKDOI\HDU SURIHVVLRQDO0DVWHURI$UFKLWHFWXUH program... 0$UFKDWZRDQGDKDOI\HDU SURIHVVLRQDO0DVWHURI$UFKLWHFWXUH program.... 05'DRQHDQGDKDOI\HDU0DVWHU RI$UFKLWHFWXUHSURJUDP $QLQWHJUDORIWKH$UWLVW'LVWULFWRI downtown Los Angeles, SCI-Arc brings DUFKLWHFWXUHWRWKHSXEOLFLQDQXPEHURI ways. The SCI-Arc Gallery, located within the VFKRRODQGRSHQWRWKHSXEOLFGDLO\IURP WRH[KLELWVXQLTXHVLWHVSHFL¿FLQstallations by contemporary architects. 6WXGHQWVUHFHLYHFUHGLWIRUSDUWLFLSDting in workshops in which they help construct the installations. Exhibiting architects experiment with new and proYRFDWLYHPDWHULDOVFRQFHSWVDQGIDEULFDWLRQPHWKRGVUHÀHFWLQJWKHVFKRRO¶V experimental approach to construction materials and its emphasis on learning through building.... (Fig. 4-8 Students Works) $GPLVVLRQVDQG¿QDQFLDODLG 2004-2005 Academic Year 6HSWHPEHU±0D\ annual tuition cost $ 18,496 living and personal expenses $ 10,640 SCI - Arc Fig. 8 Fig. 9 Fig. 11 Fig. 10 Fig. 13 Fig. 7 Fig. 12 229 SCI - Arc course supplies and books $ 1,500 mandatory health insurance per term $ 216 RQHWLPHLQWHUQVWXGHQWIHH Student Life Students actively participate in all DVSHFWVRIWKHRSHUDWLRQRIWKHVFKRRO through the student union, made up RIUHSUHVHQWDWLYHVIURPHDFKVWXGLR Among the events organized by the VWXGHQWXQLRQDUHÄ)ULGD\VDW)LYH³D weekly barbecue open to the entire SCI-Arc community, and an annual Halloween party... ... Students have also been actively engaged in the SCI-Arc Gallery exhibitions. Students help with the graduation FHUHPRQ\DQGZLWKIXQGVFROOHFWHG IURPVWXGHQWVFDQEHLQYROYHGLQVKDping and organizing the lecture series, a yearly publication class, student exhibitions, and student design competitions. The student union also purchases supSOHPHQWDOWRROVIRUGHSDUWPHQWVVXFKDV the wood shop and the IT department.... 230 ...The SCI-Arc Student Union voices WKHFRQFHUQVRIVWXGHQWV,QWXUQWKHVH FDQLQIRUPDFDGHPLFSROLF\DQGDIIHFW administrative issues. The student union holds meetings according to a regular and predetermined schedule, open to the whole school and deaOLQJZLWKLVVXHVUDQJLQJIURPVSHFL¿F student concerns to long-term planning issues. A student representative sits RQWKH6&,$UF%RDUGRI'LUHFWRUVIRUD two-year term—reporting directly to and IURPWKHVWXGHQWFRPPXQLW\²DQGRQ committees that advise the Academic Council such as the Curriculum Committee. Two student representatives sit on the Academic Council which meets monthly to advise the director on school policy matters. It provides the student ERG\ZLWKDIRUPDODUHQDLQZKLFKWR voice their concerns to the director, IDFXOW\DQGVWDIIZKLFKFDQDOVRSURYLGH IHHGEDFNRQDQ\VWXGHQWLQLWLDWHGSROLcies... General Employment Information 7KH6RXWKHUQ&DOLIRUQLD,QVWLWXWHRI $UFKLWHFWXUH6&,$UFLVDSULYDWH QRQSUR¿WDFFUHGLWHGDQGWRSUDQNHG FROOHJHZLWKDGLYHUVHFRPPXQLW\RI VWXGHQWVIDFXOW\DQGVWDII Some teachers at SCI-Arc Lectures by Hernán Diáz Alonso (Fig. 9 - „Pitch-Black“) Lectures by Span (Fig. 10, 11) Lectures by Iain Maxwell and David Pigram (Fig. 12, 13 - Proto-Synthesis) 7LPRWK\'XUIHH (Titelbild - Museum of Digital Art ) 4XHOOHQ 6RXWKHUQ&DOLIRUQLD,QVWLWXWHRI$UFKLWHFWXUH#7KH Monacelli Press 1997 GHVLJQSURFHVV#VFLDUFIURPWKHFHQWHU VFLDUFWKHVRXWKHUQFDOLIRUQLDLQVWLWXWHRIDUFKLWHFWXUH http://www.sciarc.edu/ http://google.net Morphosis zusammengestellt von: Elena Berecova 231 Morphosis abstract - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Thom_Mayne Curriculum Vitae Thom Mayne, born January 19, 1944 in Waterbury, Connecticut, is a widely recognized Los Angeles based architect. (GXFDWHGDW8QLYHUVLW\RI6RXWKHUQ&DOLIRUQLDDQGWKH+DUYDUG8QLYHUVLW\*UDGXDWH6FKRRORI'HVLJQ0D\QH KHOSHGIRXQGWKH6RXWKHUQ&DOLIRUQLD ,QVWLWXWHRI$UFKLWHFWXUH6&,$UFLQ 1972. Since then he has held teaching positions at both SCI-ARC and UCLA. (Fig. 1 - Thom Mayne) Morphosis Thom Mayne, with Michael Rotondi, IRXQGHG0RUSKRVLVLQ6DQWD0RQLFD &DOLIRUQLDLQWKHVDPH\HDUWRGHvelop an architecture that would eschew WKHQRUPDOERXQGVRIWUDGLWLRQDOIRUPV %HJLQQLQJDVDQLQIRUPDOFROODERUDWLRQ RIGHVLJQHUVWKDWVXUYLYHGRQQRQ DUFKLWHFWXUDOSURMHFWVLWV¿UVWRI¿FLDO 232 commission was a school in Pasadena, attended by Mayne‘s son. Publicity UHVXOWLQJIURPWKHSXEOLFDWLRQRIWKLV SURMHFWOHGWRDQXPEHURIUHVLGHQWLDO commissions, including the Lawrence Residence. Since then, Morphosis has grown into RQHRIWKHPRVWSURPLQHQWGHVLJQ practices in the United States, with FRPSOHWHGSURMHFWVZRUOGZLGH5HFHQW SURMHFWVLQFOXGHWKH6DQ)UDQFLVFR )HGHUDO%XLOGLQJWKH8QLYHUVLW\RI&LQFLQQDWL6WXGHQW5HFUHDWLRQ&HQWHUWKH Science Center School in Los Angeles, Diamond Ranch High School in PomoQD&DOLIRUQLDDQGWKH:D\QH/0RUVH United States Courthouse in Eugene, Oregon. Mayne received the Pritzker Prize in March 2005. Design Philosophy Morphosis’s design philosophy arises IURPDQLQWHUHVWLQSURGXFLQJZRUNZLWK a meaning that can be understood by DEVRUELQJWKHFXOWXUHIRUZKLFKLWZDV made. This is in opposition to typical architectural philosophies which overlay PHDQLQJIURPRXWVLGHLQÀXHQFHVDQG DUHGLVWDQWIURPWKHTXHVWLRQDWKDQG 7KHZRUG³PHWDPRUSKRVLV´IURPZKLFK the name Morphosis is derived) means D³FKDQJHLQIRUPRUWUDQVIRUPDWLRQ´ )RU0RUSKRVLVWKLVUHÀHFWVDGHVLJQ process intuitively embedded within an increasingly groundless modern society WKDWLVH[HPSOL¿HGE\WKHVKLIWLQJODQGVFDSHRI/RV$QJHOHV7KHLUZRUNLQJPHWKRGYDOXHVFRQWUDGLFWLRQFRQÀLFWDQG FKDQJHDQGXQGHUVWDQGVHDFKSURMHFW as a dynamic entity. 7KHZRUNRI0RUSKRVLVKDVDOD\HUHG TXDOLW\7KHGHVLJQVRIWHQLQFOXGHPXOWLSOHRUJDQL]DWLRQDOV\VWHPVZKLFK¿QG unique expression while contributing WRDFRKHUHQWZKROH9LVXDOO\WKH¿UP¶V DUFKLWHFWXUHLQFOXGHVVFXOSWXUDOIRUPV ZKLFKRIWHQDSSHDUWRDULVHHIIRUWOHVVO\ IURPWKHODQGVFDSH,QUHFHQW\HDUVWKLV has been increasingly made possiEOHWKURXJKWKHXVHRIFRPSXWDWLRQDO GHVLJQWHFKQLTXHVZKLFKVLPSOLI\WKH FRQVWUXFWLRQRIFRPSOH[IRUPV Morphosis Fig. 2 Fig. 1 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 5 Fig. 6 233 Morphosis Major Projects Completed 8QLYHUVLW\RI&LQFLQQDWL5HF&HQWHU San Francisco Federal Building, San )UDQFLVFR&DOLIRUQLD Wayne L. Morse United States Courthouse, Eugene, Oregon, 2006 8QLYHUVLW\RI&LQFLQQDWL6WXGHQW5HFUHDtion Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, 2006 Science Center School, Los Angeles, &DOLIRUQLD Caltrans District 7 Headquarters, Los $QJHOHV&DOLIRUQLD +\SR$OSH$GULD&HQWHU.ODJHQIXUW Austria, 2002 (Fig. 24) 8QLYHUVLW\RI7RURQWR*UDGXDWH+RXVH 8QLYHUVLW\RI7RURQWR*UDGXDWH+RXVH Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2000 Diamond Ranch High School, Pomona, &DOLIRUQLD Lutèce Restaurant, Las Vegas, Nevada, 1999 (Fig. 19) Tsunami Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada, 1999 (Fig. 23) Sun Tower, Seoul, Korea 1997 Blades Residence, Santa Barbara, &DOLIRUQLD 234 In Progress New Academic Building, The Cooper 8QLRQIRUWKH$GYDQFHPHQWRI6FLHQFH and Art, New York, New York, 2008 (Fig. 2, 3) National Oceanic Atmospheric AdmiQLVWUDWLRQ12$$6DWHOOLWH2SHUDWLRQ Facility, Suitland, MD, 2007 3KDUH7RZHU/D'pIHQVH)UDQFH7KH /LJKWKRXVHÄ*UHHQ³:LQG3RZHUHG 2I¿FH%XLOGLQJ3DULV)UDQFH (Fig. 4, 5) 0XVHXPRI1DWXUH6FLHQFH%XLOGLQJ Victory Parkdevelopment, Dallas, Texas, 2013 Madrid Housing, Spain, 2006 (Fig. 26) Competition New Yotk City Park, 1999 (Fig. 25) &KLOGUHQµV0XVHXPRI/RV$QJHOHV &DOLIRUQLD(Fig. 6) /RV$QJHOHV&RPXQLW\RI$UW&DOLIRUnia, 2001 (Fig. 20) (XURSHDQ&HQWUDO%DQN)UDQNIXUW Germany, 2003 (Fig. 27) 1<&2O\PSLF9LOODJH4XHHQV New York, 2004 (Fig. 21) Science Center School, Los Angeles (Fig. 7, 8) ³0RUSKRVLVIRUFHIXOO\JHQHUDWHVD VHQVHRILGHQWLW\IRUWKH6FLHQFH&HQWHU School in L.A.’s Exposition Park The realization that a thrusting, steelIUDPHGODWWLFHODGHQVWUXFWXUHDWWDFKHG to an early-20th-century brick-and-caststone armory is actually a public elementary school comes as a shock. It’s VXFKDIDUFU\IURPWKHGUDEORZULVH concrete-block buildings usually pushed through by school districts. ... Mayne has brought a sui generis architecture consistently to the public sector. ,IDEROGDQGEUDVKODUJHVFDOHZRUN such as the Science Center School, DOPRVWRYHUZKHOPVLWVGLPLQXWLYHLQ KHLJKWVWXGHQWERG\IHZZRXOGKROG WKDWDJDLQVWKLP7KHVFKRROIRU K-12 students, along with a teachertraining center, brings a unique energy to a dismal building type... 7KHDUFKLWHFWXUHRIWKHQHZZLQJ draws on Morphosis’s signature lexicon RIVWHHOODWWLFHVEDUEXLOGLQJVEULGJHV Morphosis and berms. Here Mayne pushed the linear structure upward toward the east so that his gridded lattices, bridges, DQGVWDLUH[WHQVLRQVMDJJHGO\SURWUXGH DERYHWKHLQWHUVHFWLRQRI([SRVLWLRQ %RXOHYDUGDQG)LJXHURD6WUHHW³ - (By Suzanne Stephens) Fig. 7 Fig. 8 235 Morphosis Diamond Ranch High School, Pomona, California (Fig. 9-12) abstract - http://www.pritzkerprize. com/164/pritzker2005/diamondranch. htm ...The Diamond Ranch High School blurs the distinctions between building DQGODQGVFDSHREMHFWDQG¿HOGZKLOH concurrently pursuing a social agenda WKDWLVFRQFHUQHGZLWKWKHFXOWXUHRI OHDUQLQJ7KHVLWHLQYHVWLJDWLRQIRFXVHV on augmented landscape. Morphosis has been exploring the hybrid territory between building and site, attempting to WUDQVFHQGWKHWUDGLWLRQDO¿JXUHJURXQG RSSRVLWLRQRISDVVLYHVLWHDQGDFWLYH building. 7KHFRQFHSWRIQHXWUDOJURXQGJLYHV ZD\WRDVWUDWHJ\RIPDQLSXODWHGODQGVcape, as structure and ground become progressively interchangeable. The RUJDQL]DWLRQRIWKHVFKRROHPDQDWHV IURPWKLVQHZFRQFHSWXDOIRXQGDWLRQ ZLWKWKHJRDORIH[SORULQJWKHSHGDJRJLFDOLPSDFWRIDUFKLWHFWXUH 236 7ZRURZVRIIUDJPHQWHGIRUPVDUHVHW WLJKWO\RQHLWKHUVLGHRIDORQJFHQWUDO ³FDQ\RQ´RUVLGHZDONWKDWFXWVWKURXJK WKHIDFHRIWKHKLOOVLGHOLNHDJHRORJLF IDXOWOLQHDQGPDNHVFOHDUWKHYLVLRQRI the campus as re-interpreted landscape. Angled walls and canted volumes HVWDEOLVKDSXUSRVHIXOIRUPDOODQJXDJH HYRFDWLYHRIQDWXUHLWVHOIZKHUHURRI VFDSHVIROGDQGEHQGOLNHVKLIWLQJJHRlogic plates. This sidewalk reproduces a more urban experience in contrast to Pomona’s suburban milieu, providing DQLQWHQVL¿HGWKURXJKZD\WRHQFRXUDJH interaction and create improvisational learning environments. &UHDWLQJFOXVWHUVRIVHPLLQGHSHQGHQW XQLWVWKDWLQWHJUDWHYDULRXV¿HOGVRI VWXG\WKHSODQGH¿QHVWKUHHGLVWLQFW ³VFKRROVZLWKLQDVFKRRO´ZKLFKIRVWHU team teaching in an intimate educational setting. Lower and upper grades DUHIRFXVHGLQVHSDUDWHFOXVWHUVRI classrooms, while landscaped outdoor WHDFKLQJDUHDVDFWDVFRXUW\DUGEXIIHUV between buildings and punctuate the FODVVURRPXQLWVZLWKYLHZVRIPRXQ- tains and sky. 7KHSURMHFWDVSLUHVWRUHYHUVHWKH message that has been sent by a society that routinely communicates its GLVUHJDUGIRUWKH\RXQJE\HGXFDWLQJ them in carelessly arranged, temporary bungalows surrounded by impenetrable FKDLQOLQNIHQFLQJ$W'LDPRQG5DQFK WKHKLJKVFKRRO¶VJRDOVRIHGXFDWLRQDO ÀH[LELOLW\DQGVRFLDOLQWHUDFWLRQEHWZHHQ students, teachers and administration DUHH[SUHVVHGLQDWKRXJKWIXODQGKHWHrogeneous design... Caltrans District 7 Headquarters Los Angeles, CA (Fig. 15-18 + Titelbild) abstract - http://www.pritzkerprize. com/164/pritzker2005/caltrans.htm Program Size: 1.2 million gross square. With a hybridized civic orientation that blends an L.A. sensibility with a more cosmopolitan urban tradition, the new Caltrans District 7 Headquarters building in downtown Los Angeles is SHUFHSWXDOO\RIWKHIDEULFRIWKHFLW\ Morphosis Fig. 9 Fig. 15 Fig. 16 Fig. 17 Fig. 10 Fig. 11 Fig. 12 Fig. 18 237 Morphosis DVRSSRVHGWREHLQJDVLQJXODUREMHFW or ornament. Enrobed in a constantly changing mechanical skin that is alternately open or closed depending on WKHFRQGLWLRQVRIRXWVLGHWHPSHUDWXUH DQGVXQOLJKWWKHEXLOGLQJ¶VIXQGDPHQWDO SURSHUW\LVWKDWRIWUDQVIRUPDWLRQ At dusk the building is transparent— textured and windowed everywhere to invite the voyeur—while at mid-day it is buttoned up against the sun, appearing WREHGHYRLGRIZLQGRZVHQWLUHO\$W QLJKWWKHGDUNIDFDGHVHHPVWRUHFHGH LQIDYRURIWKHRXWVLGHOREE\¶VIRXU VWRU\KLJKOLJKWVFXOSWXUH0LPHWLFRIWKH larger metropolis, this building will be SHUFHLYHGGLIIHUHQWO\E\HDFKREVHUYHU depending on his or her experience with it. ,PSRUWDQWDPHQLWLHVIRUWKHSXEOLF LQFOXGLQJDFDIHWHULDDODUJHSXEOLF outdoor lobby area, and an exhibition VSDFHDUHDQLPSRUWDQWHOHPHQWRIWKH design, intended to create a building WKDWFRQWULEXWHVWRWKHFLYLFOLIHRI downtown Los Angeles. The design JRHVEH\RQGPHUHO\SURYLGLQJIXQF- 238 tional spaces. It seeks in every way to engage people actively while blurring the distinction between outside and inside, so that this government bureau works as a truly public building. ... To HQJDJHVWUHHWWUDI¿FDPHQLWLHVVXFKDV WKHH[KLELWLRQJDOOHU\DQGWKHFDIHWHULD are located around the outdoor lobby at ground level. Prosaic materials, outsized structural IRUPVDQGH[SRVHGVWUXFWXUDOHOHPHQWV DUHUHIHUHQWLDOWRWKHZRUNRI&DOWUDQV DQGHYRNHDIHHOLQJRIEHLQJLQXQGHURU DURXQGWKHIUHHZD\VWKHPVHOYHV7KH outdoor lobby is activated by an extraordinary public art installation designed in collaboration with Morphosis by the internationally acclaimed artist Keith Sonnier. Titled Motordom, the work is integrated directly into the architecture RIWKHIRXUVWRU\RXWGRRUOREE\¿OOLQJ LWZLWKKDOIDPLOHRIQHRQDQGDUJRQ WXEHVDUUDQJHGLQKRUL]RQWDOEDQGVRI red and blue light that mimic the ribbons RIKHDGOLJKWVRQ&DOLIRUQLD¶VIUHHZD\V Motordom is the largest public art installation in Los Angeles... ...The building’s equally innovative south IDFDGHLVHQWLUHO\VXUIDFHGZLWKSKRWRvoltaic cells which will generate approxiPDWHO\RIWKHEXLOGLQJ¶VHQHUJ\ 4XHOOHQ http://www.morphosis.net/ http://wikipedia.com/ http://www.pritzkerprize.com/ Fresh Morphosis 1998 - 2004, Rizzoli International Publications, New York Fig. 19 Morphosis Fig. 21 Fig. 20 Fig. 23 Fig. 24 Fig. 25 Fig. 22 Fig. 26 Fig. 27 239 240 Neil M. Denari zusammengestellt von: Katharina Reiner 241 Neil M. Denari Neil Denari was born in 1957 in Fort Worth, Texas. He started studying arFKLWHFWXUHDWWKH8QLYHUVLW\RI+RXVWRQ $IWHUUHFHLYLQJWKH%DFKHORUGHJUHH he switched to Harvard University and graduated in 1982. In Harvard he also VWXGLHGDUWWKHRU\DQGWKHSKLORVRSK\RI VFLHQFH)RUKDOID\HDUKHZRUNHGDVD WHFKQLFDOLQWHUQIRU$HURVSDWLDOH+HOLFRSWUHVQRZ$LUEXVD)UHQFKDYLDWLRQDQG space company. 1982 he moved to New York to work as a Senior Designer at James Stewart Polshek & Partners. Later on he taught DW&ROXPELD¶V*UDGXDWH6FKRRORI$UFKLtecture and Planning. 1988 he moved WR/RV$QJHOHVDQGIRXQGHG&RU7H[$Uchitecture, which became NMDA - Neil M. Denari Architects in 1998. At that time he taught at SCI-Arc, the 6RXWKHUQ&DOLIRUQLD,QVWLWXWHRI$UFKLtecture, where he also was the third 'LUHFWRUIURP+HQRZKROGV WKHSRVLWLRQRI3URIHVVRULQ5HVLGHQFH in the Architecture and Urban Design Department at UCLA. Neil Denari wrote 242 WZRERRNV,QWHUUXSWHG3URMHFWLRQV DQG*\URVFRSLF+RUL]RQV ,QWKHODWH¶V'HQDUL¶VSURMHFWVVWLOO mostly virtual work, began to achieve international recognition. For instance the Massey Residence (Fig. 1-3) in Los $QJHOHV.DQVDL.DQ1DWLRQDO/LEUDU\LQ-DSDQDQGWKH$UOLQJWRQ 0XVHXPRI$UWLQ7H[DV 1996 he realized an experimental space FDOOHG³,QWHUUXSWHG3URMHFWLRQV$QRWKHU*OREDO6XUIDFH´DW*DOOHU\0$LQ Tokyo. In Japan, where he also taught DW6KLEDXUD,QVWLWXWHRI7HFKQRORJ\D VHULHVRIEDQNSURMHFWVIRUWKH0LWVXELVKL 7UXVW)LQDQFLDO*URXSIROORZHG 2WKHUUHDOL]HGSURMHFWVDUHWKHFRPPHUcial buildings Endeavor Talent Agency, %HYHUO\+LOOVDQGOD(\HZRUNV /$WKHUHVLGHQWLDOKRXVHV+LJK /LQHDQG$ODQ9RR+RXVH DQG)OXRUVFDSH(Fig. 7-8), which is an installation at SCI-Arc. /RQJFRQVLGHUHGWREHRQHRIWKH SLRQHHUVRIWKHXVHRIFRPSXWHUVLQ architectural design and visualization, 10'$KDVSURGXFHGDERG\RIZRUN WKDWKDVIXVHGWKHSK\VLFDODQGWKH graphic worlds in unprecedented ways. 10'$ Since the early 80‘s I was always interested building hi-economy projects -meaning if you put in a little you get a lot, which is a modernist idea. Then develop a set of strategies that are very build able. One of the reasons many architects were able to use the same method, because it is eminently build able. I was very conscious about wanting to be able to realize this work...There is a maximum-spatial effect although we are dealing with Cartesian systems. We are using extrusion, radii, intersection or the thickness of the surface, this stuff has been incredibly dramatic in it‘s ÿQLVKHGµVRUWRILQSXW7KDWµVZK\,FDOO this hi-economy. (Denari, Arcspace) Neil M. Denari Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 243 Neil M. Denari Massey Residence 7KHSURMHFWLVORFDWHGLQZHVW/RV Angeles on typical 50’x150’ site. Many residential areas in Los Angeles are ¿HOGVGLYLGHGLQWRVPDOOHVWORWVWKDW are covered with dwellings one or two stories high. The houses are normally XQLIRUPDQGGRQ¶WFDUHIRUVSDWLDOH[SHULPHQWDWLRQEXWRIIHUtheir inhabitant individual ownership and territorial soYHUHLJQW\DVUHÀHFWHGLQWKHEDFN\DUG. (Denari, 1999) The client now required a common spatial program and wished that all experimentation should take place in the VHFWLRQQRWWKHÀRRUSODQ(Fig. 1 - 3D Section) 7KHUHIRUHWKHKRXVHLVSRVLWLoned on the site like the other houses in the context are. (Fig. 2 - Site Plan) Underneath the main space, the parNLQJLVVLWXDWHG7KHÀRRUSODQLVVSOLW LQWRVHYHQOHYHOVHDFKRQHVKLIWHGLQ height. Main structural elements are concrete walls, steel beams, and two large V-shaped bents to support the URRI 244 Within an urban milieu that is the subject of countless rehearsals of both angst and ennui, this house sits as an DPELYDOHQW¿JXUHFRPPLWWHGWRWKHSUHservation of site typology while internally engaging in an extreme criticism of architectural similitudes. (Denari, 1999) Gallery MA / Interrupted Projections The logo or identifying symbol becomes a sign or, further, a code in the move from an object-based to a graphicbased culture. (Denari, 1999) Gallery MA, sited in Tokyo, is an exhibiWLRQVSDFHIRUDUFKLWHFWXUHDQGUHODWHG GHVLJQ7KHRIIHUHGVSDFHIRUWKH installation is 6.5x11x2.45m. The design VFKHPHLVGHYHORSHGIURPWKH+RPRORVLQH,QWHUUXSWHG3URMHFWLRQ0DSSLQJ System, a pseudo cylindrical, equalDUHDFRPSRVLWHPDSSURMHFWLRQRIWHQ XVHGIRUZRUOGPDSV(Fig. 4 - Map) 'HQDULGH¿QHVPDSDVDWZRGLPHQVLRnal plane to record territories on it. Arguing, a sheet must be bent in order to architecturally spatialize a phenomenonKHFRQVWUXFWVDVXUIDFHWKDWIRUPV space by smoothly bending and looSLQJ6HYHUDO¿FWLRQDOORJRVDUHSULQWHG RQWRWKHJUHHQVKHHW6RPHLQIRUPDWLRQ FDQEHUHDGRXWRIEDUFRGHVQH[WWR these logos using a Sony device. The whole combination he calls worldsheet, a stretchy, logoized fabric. (Fig. 5-6 - Interrupted Projections) Fluorscape 'HQDULFODLPVWKDWDUWL¿FLDOOLJKWRIDOO EXLOGLQJPDWHULDOVRIIHUVWKHEHVWSRVsibilities to manipulate space. For this installation, exhibited at SCI-Arc Gallery LQKHZDQWHGWR¿QGQHZJUDSKLF organizational, and structural possiELOLWLHVIRUVWDQGDUGÀXRUHVFHQWVWULS OLJKWV)6/7KHUHIRUHKHXVHVZKLWH PHWDOULEVDQGRI)6/DV¿HOGWKH organizational) of stiffening members (structural) and dashed white lines (the graphic)... All together, these elements articulate the conceptual ambition of the project: to produce a blinding, over Neil M. Denari Fig. 5 Fig. 4 Fig. 6 245 Neil M. Denari OLWREMHFWZKRVHJHRPHWULF¿QLWHQHVVLV undermined by the tremendous glare DQGVHHPLQJO\LQ¿QLWHIDOORIIRIOLJKW (NMDA) (Fig. 7-8 - Fluorscape) Neil Denari collaborated with Barco /LJKWLQJDOHDGLQJPDQXIDFWXUHURI FXVWRPÀXRUHVFHQW¿[WXUHV6LQFH *DOOHU\0$SURMHFWWKDWZDVVXSSRUWHG by Sony, Denari is convinced that corporate sponsorship can go beyond the VLPSOHH[FKDQJHRIFRPPHUFH$VDFULWLFGHFODUHV)OXRUVFDSHLVDQDUWREMHFW WKDWSUHVHQWVWKHZDUHVRILWVVSRQVRU well, but keeps true with Denaris vision RIDHVWKHWLFVZZZWURSROLVPFRP High Line 23 The site in New York’s West Chelsea Arts district is directly neighboured to WKHIDPRXV+LJK/LQHFXUUHQWO\EHLQJ UHDUUDQJHGE\'LOOHU6FR¿GLR+/µV IRRWSULQWZLOOEHRQO\IRRWZLGHDQG LVKDOIFRYHUHGE\WKH+LJK/LQH7KH VKDSHRIWKHEXLOGLQJHPHUJHVIURPWKH 246 need to achieve as much square meters as possible while being restrained by the strict zoning law. NMDA comes up with a building, 14 VWRULHVKLJKRQHXQLWSHUÀRRUDQG WKUHHGLVWLQFWIDFDGHV7KHHDVWVLGH IDFLQJWKH+LJK/LQHLVFRYHUHGZLWKD FXUYHGVWDLQOHVVVWHHOSDQHOIDFDGH ZKLOHWKHVRXWKDQGWKHQRUWKIDFDGHV DUHPDGHRIDJODVVFXUWDLQZDOO7KRVH are structured by some very graphically shaped diagonal braces, that allow to UHGXFHWKHDPRXQWRILQWHULRUFROXPQV WRDPLQLPXP7KHÀDWV¶SULFHVUDQJH IURPPLOOLRQIRUDWZREHGURRP VTXDUHIRRWXQLWWRPLOOLRQIRU WKHWZRÀRRUSHQWKRXVH The project‘s geometry is driven by challenges to the zoning envelope on the site and by NMDA‘s interest in achieving complexity through simple tectonic operations. (NMDA) Literatur: Denari, Neil M.: Gyroscopic Horizons - Thames & Hudson, London, 1999 Jodido, Philip: Architecture NOW! - TASCHEN, Köln, 2007 Souhern, John: http://www.tropolism.com, 08.03.08 http://archinect.com/, Stand 08.03.08 http://www.bloomberg.com, 08.03.08 http://www.arcspace.com, 08.03.08 http://www.nmda-inc.com, 08.03.08 http://www.wikipedia.net, 08.03.08 Bilder: Fig. 1 - Denari, 1999, S.77 Fig. 2 - Denari, 1999, S.75 Abb 3 - Denari, 1999, S. 67 Fig. 4 - Denari, 1999, S.157 Fig. 5 - Denari, 1999, S.163 Fig. 6 - http://www.wikipedia.org, 2008 Fig. 7 - Southern, 2008 Fig. 8 - Southern, 2008 Neil M. Denari Fig. 7 Fig. 8 247 248 San Francisco zusammengestellt von: Ivana Plavotic & Felicitas Tschida 249 San Francisco Topographie und Geschichte Die Stadt kam 1846 in den Besitz der USA. San Francisco erlebte seinen ersten großen Aufschwung durch den 1848 beginnenden Goldrausch in Kalifornien. Durch diesen Goldrausch erhielt das Golden Gate seinen Namen. Die Bevölkerung wuchs dabei von etwa 900 auf über 20.000 in einem einzigen Jahr an. Vor rund 12 000 Jahren, als das Gletschereis schmolz, stieg der MeeresVSLHJHODQ:DVVHUÀXWHWHLQV%LQQHQODQGXQGIOOWHGDV7DOGLHKHXWLJH Bucht von San Francisco. Die Stadt be¿QGHWVLFKDQGHU6SLW]HHLQHU+DOELQVHO ]ZLVFKHQGHP3D]L¿VFKHQ2]HDQXQG der San Francisco Bay. Eine Meerenge und eine Vielzahl von Flussmündungen bilden diese 74 km lange Bucht. Die Indianer waren die ersten Bewohner der Halbinsel. Erst 1775 kamen die ersten europäischen Entdecker. Spanier, Mexikaner und schließlich auch Engländer hinter- 250 OLHHQLKUH6SXUHQDXIGLHVHP6WFN Land. 1847 bekam die Stadt ihren heutigen Namen San Francisco. Zu dieser Zeit erweiterten die Iren das Straßennetz um eine 37 m lange diagonal liegende Straße, die Marketstreet, welche bis heute die Durchquerung der Stadt erschwert. „Gold! Gold! Gold aus dem American 5LYHU³GLHVHU6DW]YHUlQGHUWHGLH Geschichte und somit die Entwicklung PDJHEOLFK'LH(LQZRKQHU]DKO VWLHJLQQXU]ZHL-DKUHQYRQDXI 20 000 an. Als die Goldenen Tage gezählt waren, begannen die Silbernen. Das größte Silbervorkommen der Geschichte wurde 1859 entdeckt. Banken, Börsen und Bürogebäude siedelten sich an, so entstand das bedeutendste Finanzzentrum GHU:HVWNVWH'LHVHU5HLFKWXPIKUWH zu einem Bauboom, der sich 1864 in der Errichtung von 1000 Neubauten zeigte. Ursprünglich wurden die Häuser aus Holz und Segeltüchern gebaut, nach unzähligen Bränden baute man aus Ziegeln und Steinen. IKUWH$QGUHZ+DOOLGLHGHQ&DEOH Car, ein Drahtbahnsystem ein, welches das hochgelegene Terrain erschloss. (Abb. 1-Cable Car) Einen weiteren Beitrag zum Verkehrsystem stellte der Bau der transkontinentalen Eisenbahn zwischen der Ost- und Westküste dar. Dies brachte nicht nur Vorteile, da so billige Ware nach San Francisco gelangte. Als neue Einnahmequelle diente der )LVFKIDQJXQGGHU:HL]HQH[SRUW(V ZDUHLQDXIXQGDE(UGEHEHQ:LUWVFKDIWVGHSUHVVLRQHUVFKWWHUWHQGLH Stadt. Trotzdem wurde die Golden Gate %ULGJHLP-DKUHIHUWLJJHVWHOOW 'HU:HOWNULHJMHGRFKNDP6DQ)UDQFLVFR]XJXWH0LOLWlUNRPSOH[H/XIWZDIIHQVWW]SXQNWXQG6FKLIIVZHUIWHQ entstanden im Bay Area. Während des San Francisco Krieges siedelten sich unterschiedliche Kulturen, darunter auch viele Minderheiten an. 1965 begann mit den Hippies eine neue unkonventionelle Bewegung. Die von San Francisco ausgehende Hippiebewegung stellte die ihrer Meinung nach sinnentleerten Wohlstandsideale der Mittelschicht in Frage und propagierte eine von Zwängen und bürgerlichen Tabus befreite Lebensvorstellung. ner von SF nach dem zu erwartenden Ä%LJ2QH³JURHV(UGEHEHQDXIV1HXH ZLHGHUHU¿QGHQ Lage Westküste, USA )OlFKH NPð .OLPD PLOG& Einwohner 740.000 Dieser neue Lebensstil brachte Drogen, IUHLH/LHEHDEHUDXFKHLQHWROHUDQWHUH *HVHOOVFKDIW,QGHQHU-DKUHQZXUGH SF zur Hauptstadt der homosexuellen Bewegung. Die Geschichte von San Francisco liest sich wie ein Abenteuerroman. Die YLHOHQ(UVFKWWHUXQJHQIRUGHUWHQXQG I|UGHUWHQVLHLPPHUZLHGHUJOHLFK]HLWLJ Heute ist die Stadt in den Bereichen Handel, Kunst und Tourismus ein Musterbeispiel. Wir sind neugierig wie sich die Bewoh- Abb. 1 251 San Francisco San Francisco heute 6DQ)UDQFLVFRLVWHLQH+DOELQVHODXI Hügeln optisch abgeschirmt durch die Golden Gate Bridge. Die Stadt gliedert sich in viele unterschiedliche Viertel. (Abb. 2 - Stadtplan)$QJHIDQJHQEHL GHQ3DFL¿F+HLJKWVEHU&KLQD7RZQ bis hin zu North Beach. 3DFL¿F+HLJKWV ist das elitärste Wohnviertel in SF. Es zeichnet sich durch seine hervorragende Lage, schöne Häuser im viktorianischen Stil und natürlich die einmalige Aussicht aus. Einer der Höhepunkte dieses Stadtviertel ist die schlichte swedenborgianischen Kirche, auch genannt „ Die Kirche des HLQIDFKHQ/HEHQV³$QJUHQ]HQGDQGDV (OLWHYLHUWHOEH¿QGHQVLFK-DSDQWRZQ &RZ+ROORZHLQVW2UWYRQ%DXHUQXQG 6FKODFKWK|IHQXQG3UHVLGLR+HLJKWV Haight-Ashbury und Golden Gate Park, westlich von der Innenstadt, waUHQIUKHULOOHJDOEHZRKQWH6DQGGQHQ $XIGHQ'QHQZXUGHHLQ3DUNJHVFKDIIHQZRGXUFKGLH*HJHQGDQ3RSXODULWlW 252 gewann. Noch heute ist das Viertel das =HQWUXPYRQ+LSSLHVMXQJHQ0HQVFKHQ und Junggebliebenen. Der Golden Gate Park mit einer Größe von über 400 ha stellt eine Oase mitten in der Innenstadt dar. An sonnigen Tagen genießen 100 000 Einw. der Stadt den Park. Mission und Castro beide Stadtteile liegen im Süden, weder an einer Bucht QRFKDXIHLQHQ+JHOXQGZDUHQVRPLW von Tourismus kaum berührte Viertel. Die Bezirke sind heute das Zentrum der Hispanics und Homosexuellen. In SF leben heute mehr als 120 000 Schwule und Lesben. Der Castro District ist ihre heimliche Hauptstadt. SF ältestes GeElXGH0LVVLRQ'RORUHVEH¿QGHWVLFK zwischen den Bezirken. SomaÄ6RXWKRI0DUNHW³GHUHKHPDOLJH,QGXVWULHEH]LUNZXUGHDXIGHQ VRJHQDQQWHQ/DQG¿OOVHUULFKWHW'LHVHU bestand zunächst aus Lagerhallen, +DIHQXQG,QGXVWULHDQODJHQ,QGHQ späten 1970ern hat sich Soma durch 6WDGWHQWZLFNOXQJVSURMHNWHXQGGXUFK die Kunstszene in SF stark verändert. Neben zahlreichen Kultureinrichtungen, ZLHGDV6)0XVHXPRI0RGHUQ$UW EH¿QGHWVLFKDXFKGHU6LW]GHU6WDGWregierung dort. Ursprünglich lebten die Reichen in Soma, mit der Errichtung der Kabelbahn, zogen sie ins Viertel 3DFL¿F+HLJKWV=XHLQHPGHUMQJVWHQ (QWZLFNOXQJVSURMHNWHLQ6RPD]lKOW das ehemalige Ferry Building. Heute ELHWHWHV*HVFKlIWHXQG5HVWDXUDQWV China Town, die Stadt in der Stadt, ist das am dichtesten besiedelte Gebiet. Über 30 000 Menschen leben hier in nur 24 Wohnblocks. Das Viertel, welches man auch als Getto bezeichnet, bestätigt alle Vorurteile. Armut, geringes Einkommen, Hygieneprobleme und schlechte Englischkenntnisse stehen an der Tagesordnung. San Francisco Abb. 2 253 San Francisco San Francisco heute Nob Hill, welches nur 114 m über dem Meerespeigel liegt, bietet eine besonGHUQ$XVEOLFNDXIGLH%XFKW'LHVHV Viertel ist ein weiteres bevorzugtes Wohngebiet der Wohlhabenden. Durch die großen Villen wird es auch „Snob +LOO³JHQDQQW'LH/X[XVKRWHOVVLHGHOten sich in dieser Gegend an. Von Nob Hill aus kann man dem städtischen 6FKDXVSLHODXIGHP8QLRQ6TXDUH WUDGLWLRQHOOH6)XQGKHXWLJH*HVFKlIWVzentrum) zusehen. (Abb. 3 - Nob Hill) North Beach ist eines der angenehmsten Viertel der Stadt. Es liegt in einem Tal zwischen zwei Hügeln. Der Name täuscht, in den 70er Jahren ZXUGHGLH.VWHDXIJHVFKWWHW1RUWK %HDFKHUVWUHFNWVLFKELVKLQDXI]XP PKRKHQ7HOHJUDSK+LOOGHUIUKHU DOV$XVVLFKWWXUPIUKHUDQNRPPHQGH 6FKLIIHGLHQWH'LHNXUYLJVWH6WUDVVH der Welt, Lombard Street, ist am Russian Hill. (Abb. 4-Lombard Street) 254 Fisherman`s Wharf bezeichnet das Viertel entlang der 1,6 km langen Küste zwischen dem Aquatic Park und dem 3LHU'LHIDUEHQIURKHQ)LVFKHUERRWH )LVFKVWlQGHPLWIULVFKHU:DUHXQGGLH Fischer kennzeichnen den KüstenstreiIHQ9RQKLHUDXVNDQQPDQ]XUQDKH JHOHJHQHQ,QVHO$OFDWUD]IXQJLHUWH HLQVWDOV*HIlQJQLVIDKUHQ (Abb. 5 - Insel Alcatraz) Kunst und Kultur Die Stadt bietet viel Kulturelles. Der Goldrausch brachte eine Vielzahl an (LQÀVVHQXQGNXOWXUHOOHQ6WLOULFKtungen, vor allem aus Europa. Neben der literarischen Geschichte wurde SF auch Hintergrund zahlreicher )LOPVWUHLIHQZLH'LUW\+DUU\DXIJUXQG GHUYLHOIlOWLJHQ6FKDXSOlW]H0DOHUHL )RWRJUD¿HXQG%LOGKDXHUHLVLQGDXV SF nicht wegzudenken. Die aktuelle .XQVWV]HQHLQ6)NRQ]HQWULHUWVLFKDXI 3ULYDWJDOHULHQXQGGLHÄ6R0D$FKVH³ GDV6)0XVHXPRI0RGHUQ$UW6SH]LDO Museen und das avantgardistischere &HQWHUIRUWKH$UWVLQ<HUED%XHQD Gardens. Galerien Asian Art Museum 200 Larkin Street, Civic Center +RVIHOW*DOOHU\ 430 Clementina Street, Civic Center San Francisco Abb. 3 Abb. 4 Abb. 5 255 San Francisco Architektur Viktorianische Häuser Die viktorianische Architektur blieb bis zur Jahrhundertwende vorherrschend. Die Grundkonstruktion sowie die Verziehrungen waren aus Holz, welches ausreichend vorhanden und somit preiswert, war. Die Häuser wurden so geplant, dass sie in die 7 m breiten und IDVWPWLHIHQ*UXQGVWFNHSDVVWHQ Heute stehen an die 15 000 viktorianische Häuser in San Francisco. Vier Hauptstilrichtungen sind kennzeichnend. Der Gothic-revival-Stil EHUXKWDXIGHU*RWLVFKHQ$UFKLWHNWXU des Mittelalters. Viele Häuser dieses Stils waren in schlichten weiß gestrichen, mit großzügigen Portalen und Balkonen. (Abb. 6 - Filbert Street 1978) Italienisierender Stil DEZHOcher an Italienische Villen und Palazzi erinnern. Die Fassade war plan und sachlich mit symmetrisch angeordneten Fenstern. (Abb. 7 - Bsp. für Ital. Stil) Der Stick-Stil DEGHUVLFKDQ seiner ausgeprägten vertikalen StrukWXULHUXQJHUNHQQHQOlVVW4XDGUDWLVFKH (UNHUIHQVWHUUHFKWZLQNHOLJH(FNHQXQG IDOVFKH*LHEHOVFKPFNWHQGLH+lXVHU (Abb. 8 - Liberty Street 111-115) Und schließlich der Queen-Anne-Stil HUHUNHQQEDUDQXQWHUVFKLHGOLFKH Materialien, Formen und Ornamenten. Das Design war asymmetrisch mit starker Betonung der horizontalen Linien. (Abb. 9 - Bsp. für Queen-Anne-Stil) Abb. 6 256 San Francisco Abb. 7 Abb. 8 Abb. 9 257 San Francisco Zeitgenössische Architektur Kultur Bauten de Young museum, 2005 Das Museum von Herzog & de Meuron im Golden Gate Park erzeugt durch die SHUIRULHUWH.XSIHUIDVVDGHHLQ6FKDWWHQmuster wie unter einem Laubdach. Die Architekten reduzierten die GrundÀlFKHXPPðXPVLHGHP3DUN zurückzugeben. Der Panoramablick vom Museum aus ist beeindruckend. (Abb. 10 - de young Museum) 50 Tea Garden Drive Golden Gate Park SF Museum of Modern Art, 1995 0DULR%RWWDV(QWZXUILVWHLQH9LHO]DKO geometrischer Formen. Drei große, IHQVWHUORVH%ORFNVLQ=LHJHOVWHLQIDVsade, werden von einem Zylinder, aus schwarzen und silbergrauen GranitstreiIHQ]HUVFKQLWWHQ 'DV0XVHXPYHUIJWEHUHLQH$XVVWHOOXQJVÀlFKHYRQPð'DV6) MoMa besitzt eine Kunstsammlung von 258 über 20 000 Werken aus dem 20. Jahrhundert. (Abb. 11 - SF MOMA) 151 Third Street 6RXWKRI0DUNHW San Francisco Main Library, 1996 SMWM ordnete die Räume rings um HLQRIIHQHV7UHSSHQKDXVXQGXPGDV stöckige, glasgedeckte Atrium. Die AuHQIDVVDGHQVFKDIIHQHLQHVWLOLVWLVFKH Verbindung zu den benachbarten Gebäuden. (Abb. 12 - Library) 100 Larkin Street Civic Center www.smwm.com The Contemporary Jewish Museum, 2007 'DQLHO/LEHVNLQGV0XVHXPEH¿QGHW VLFKLQHLQHPVWLOOJHOHJWHQ.UDIWZHUN(U EHOLHGLHDOWHQ3DUDPHWHUXQGHQWZDUI einen Rundgang, welcher die räumliche Umgestaltung des Anbaus erleben lässt. (Abb. 13 - Jewish Museum) Jessie Street 6RXWKRI0DUNHW Abb. 10 San Francisco Abb. 11 Abb. 12 Abb. 13 259 San Francisco Zeitgenössische Architektur Öffentliche Bauten New International Terminal Building SFO, 2000 Skidmore Owings & Merrill LLP ArchiWHNWHQHQWZDUIHQIUGDVQHXH7HUPLnal Gebäude ein Tragwerk aus Stahl, welches sich über die 200m lange Halle spannt. Am Tragwerk liegt ein 24 m KRKHVJHZ|OEWHV*ODVGDFKDXI Pier 1, 2001 60:0VFKDIIWHQHLQHQ|IIHQWOLFKHQ 5DXPPðJURGLUHNWDP8IHU +LHUIUYHUZHQGHWHQVLHÄJUQH³0Dterialien. Das Gebäude weist bewusst HLQHQLQGXVWULHOOHQ&KDUDNWHUDXIXPDQ GLH*HVFKLFKWHGHV+DIHQV]XHULQQHUQ (Abb. 14 - Pier 1) Pier 1 The Embarcadero 260 Federal Plaza SF, 2000 'HOOD9DOOH%HUQKHLPHU'HVLJQ//3 ergänzten den Platz mit einer Baldachinkonstruktion und einer lang gezogenen dreieckigen Bühne. Die .RQVWUXNWLRQGLIIXQGLHUW/LFKWXQGDXI GHU%KQHEH¿QGHQVLFK6SUHFKHUXQG Darsteller an einem Ort. 450 Golden Gate Avenue Civic Center Ferry Building, 2003 SMWM gestaltete das ehemalige Ferry %XLOGLQJ]XHLQHU|IIHQWOLFKHQ0DUNWKDOle um. Große durchlässige Passagen YHUELQGHQGDV*HElXGHPLWGHP8IHU =DKOUHLFKH*HVFKlIWHXQG5HVWDXUDQWV entstanden im revitalisierten Gebäude. (Abb. 15 - Mall-Ferry Building) The Ferry Building The Embarcadero St Mary´s Cathedral, 1971 3LHU/XLJL1HUYLV.DWKHGUDOHIRUPWVLFK YRQHLQHUTXDGUDWLVFKHQ*UXQGÀlFKH zu einem Kreuz. Außen zeigt sich das *HElXGHSDUDEHOOI|UPLJDXV7UDYHUWLQ und Beton. Im Inneren erlebt man dies verstärkt durch buntes Kirchenglas. (Abb. 16 - Innenraum-St Marys Cath.) 1111 Gough Street Tenderloin San Francisco Abb. 14 Abb. 15 Abb. 16 261 San Francisco Zeitgenössische Architektur Wohnen SOMA House, 2002 -LP-HQQLQJV+RIKDXVEH¿QGHWVLFKDQ einer belebten Strasse. Das Gebäude spielt mit dem Gegensatz Intimität XQG8UEDQLWlW'DV+DXVYHUIJWEHU 5FN]XJVEHUHLFKHLQGHQ+RIXQGKHOOH Innenräume. (Abb. 17) 967 Howard Street Civic Center Folsom Dore Apartments, 2005 David Baker Architekten konzipierten GDV*HElXGHIUVR]LDOEHQDFKWHLOLJWH Langzeitobdachlose und Arbeitslose Menschen. Es ist das erste erschwingliche Beispiel in ökologisch nachhaltiger Bauweise. Das Gebäude bietet 98 Wohneinheiten. (Abb. 18) 75 Dore Street 6RXWKRI0DUNHW 262 419 Fulton Street Housing, 2000 3IDX$UFKLWHNWHQHQWZDUIHQGLHVHV :RKQORIW*HElXGHLQ+D\HV9DOOH\ einen der progressivsten Stadtteilen SF. Hier hat man zur Gewinnung von %DXODQGGLHHKHPDOLJYHUODXIHQGHQ Schnellstrassen abgerissen. (Abb. 19) 419 Fulton Street Hayes Valley 1028 + 1022 Natoma Street, 6DLWRZLW]$UFKLWHNWHQZlKOWHQIUGLHVH beiden Bauten ein sehr markantes 'HVLJQ7\SLVFKIU6)IOOHQVLHGLH JHVDPWH*UXQGVWFNVEUHLWHDXI7URW] unterschiedlicher Errichtungsdaten JHKHQVLHEHKXWVDPDXIHLQDQGHUHLQ Vorgehängten Fassaden wurden bei EHLGHQ2EMHNWHQYHUZHQGHW (Abb. 20) 1DWRPD6WUHHW 6RXWKRI0DUNHW Oriental Warehouse, 1997 Fisher Friedman Architekten revitalisierten das alte Oriental Warehouse zu HLQHP6RXWK%HDFK/RIW'DV*HElXGH welches heute Wohn- und ArbeitseinKHLWHQEHKHUEHUJWGLHQWHIUKHUDOV $QODXIVWHOOHIU,PPLJUDQWHQ (Abb. 21) 650 Delancey Street South Beach San Francisco Abb. 17 Abb. 19 Abb. 18 Abb. 20 Abb. 21 263 San Francisco Zeitgenössische Architektur Hotels, Restaurants und Shops Clift, 2002 Philippe Starcks Gebäude ist aus dem 19. Jahrhundert. Übergroße Möbel und Dramatik inszenieren die Lobby. Die Zimmer sind typisch Starck, aber komIRUWDEHO+LHUYHUVFKPLO]WDOWH+RWHOHOHganz mit Moderne. (Abb. 22) 495 Geary Street Union Square The Mosser Hotel, 2002 Your Space verbindet bei diesem Hotel viktorianische Architektur mit zeitgenösVLVFKHQ(OHPHQWHQ'DV+RWHOYHUIJW weiters über ein Tonstudio mit modernster Technik. (Abb. 23 - Lobby) 54 4th Street 6RXWKRI0DUNHW Americano, 2005 Heller Manus Architekten verwendeten IUGLHVHV*UDG3DQRUDPDORNDO 264 viel Holz. Es strahl eine gemütliche Atmosphäre aus. Restaurant, Bar und Lounge unter einem Dach. (Abb. 24) 8 Mission Street The Embarcadero Foreign Cinema, 1999 Praxis Architekten gestalteten ihr Lokal aus Holz und Beton und vielen alten Theaterrelikten aus der Gegend. Damit VFKDIIWHQVLHHLQHQ%H]XJ]XPQLFKW mehr bestehenden Theaterviertel. (Abb. 25) 2534 Mission Street Mission Jil Sander, 1996 Gabellini Architekten versuchten mit Durchsichtigkeit Undurchsichtigkeit zu spielen. Ein netzartiger Schleier aus Edelstahl verleiht der Treppe diesen ÀLHVHQGHQ&KDUDNWHU2IIHQH(EHQHQ ODVVHQGLH.ROOHNWLRQIUHLLP5DXP schweben. Abb. 26) 135 Maiden Lane Union Square Friend, 2003 )XVHSURMHFWV.RQ]HSWPLW%HWRQXQJDXI /LIHSUlVHQWLHUWHLQH9LHO]DKOYRQ2EMHNWHQDQJHIDQJHQYRQ0|EHOQELVKLQ zu Kleidung und Accessoires. Friend wechselt regelmäßig die Designer und sein Programm. (Abb. 27) 401 Hayes Street Hayes Valley San Francisco Abb. 22 Abb. 24 Abb. 26 Abb. 23 Abb. 25 Abb. 27 265 San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge Die berühmte Brücke überspannt das Golden Gate, die etwa 1.6 Kilometer breite Einfahrt in die Bucht von San Francisco. Die Golden Gate Bridge, errichtet 1937, ist eine Hängekonstruktion, an welcher mittels dicker Stahlseile die Strasse an ]ZHLPKRKHQ7UPHQDXIJHKlQJW ist. Das Fundament des südlichen Turmes liegt 33 m unterhalb der MeeresoberÀlFKH%HLGH7UPHKDEHQHLQ*HZLFKW YRQPHKUDOV7RQQHQ$EE Die Maße des Bauwerkes sind beträchtlich, mit einer Länge von 2 700 m und einer lichten Weite von 1 260 m, war sie bis 1964 die längste Brücke der Welt. 'LH6WDKOVHLOHZLHJHQMHZHLOV Tonnen, bei einem Durchmesser von 92 cm und bestehend aus 27 572 Einzeldrähten. Zusammen würden die Länge der DrähWHGUHLPDOXPGHQbTXDWRUUHLFKHQ 266 Bei starken Windverhältnissen kann die Brücke bis zu 8 m schwanken. ,P'XUFKVFKQLWWYHUOlXIWGLH6WUDVVH m über dem Meeresspiegel. Die Konstruktion musste so entwickelt werden, dass sie sowohl Winden, Erdbeben als auch Wellen standhält. Der Bau dauerte 4 Jahre und kostete 35 Millionen Dollar. 6HLWLKUHU(U|IIQXQJPXVVGHU Anstrich in der Farbe „International 2UDQJH³UHJHOPlLJHUQHXHUWZHUGHQ (Abb. 29) Seit der Errichtung der Brücke sprangen 1000 Menschen von dieser in den Tod. 48(//(1 National Geographic Traveler, San Francisco-Nat. Geo. 7UDYGW$XVJDEH$XÀDJH+DPEXUJ :DOOSDSHU&LW\*XLGH6DQ)UDQFLVFR:DOOSDSHU$XÀDJH London, 2007 architecture & Design San Francisco-teNeues Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, Kempen, 2005 www.wikipedia.org www.lovento.com www.daniel-libeskind.com www.smwm.com Abbildungsverzeichnis: Titelbild: National Geographic Traveler, San Francisco - 2007 Abb. 1: National Geographic Traveler, San Francisco-2007 Abb. 2: Wallpaper City Guide, San Francisco-2007 Abb. 3-9: National Geographic Traveler Abb. 10: Wallpaper City Guide Abb. 11: National Geographic Traveler Abb. 12: architecture & Design-teNeues San Francisco, 2007 Abb. 13: www.daniel-libeskind.com $EEDUFKLWHFWXUH'HVLJQ Abb. 16: Wallpaper City Guide Abb. 17-21: architecture & Design Abb. 22-27: architecture & Design $EE1DWLRQDO*HRJUDSKLF7UDYHOHU San Francisco Abb. 28 Abb. 29 267 268 Learning from Las Vegas 269 Reiseinformation WIEN - NYC United Airlines - UA 9467 Freitag, 28. März Vienna Intl 11.30 New York JFK 16.15 NYC - LAS VEGAS US Airways - US 468 Mittwoch, 2. April New York JFK 07.45 Las Vegas McCarran Intl 10.45 BUSREISE: Abreise 7.00 Las Vegas Golden Nugget - Arcosanti - Los Angeles L.A - SAN FRANCISCO United Airlines - UA 808 Mittwoch, 9. April Los Angeles Intl 13.00 San Francisco Intl 14.19 SAN FRANCISCO - WIEN United Airlines - UA 914 Samstag, 12. April San Francisco Intl 07.55 Washington Dulles Intl 15.55 United Airlines - UA 9466 Samstag, 12. April Washington Dulles Intl 18.00 Vienna Intl 08.40 270 HOSTELS Continental Hostel 330 West 95th Street., NYC, NY 10025, FRQWLQHQWDO#Q\FKRVWHOVFRP 7HO +RZWR¿QGXVWDNH1XPEHUVXEZD\ exit at the West 96Th Street station and walk 2 blocks. Golden Nugget 129 E. Fremont St, Las Vegas NV JQOYUHVY#JROGHQQXJJHWFRP Tel: 1 800 634 3454 Arcosanti, An urban Laboratory? PLOHVQRUWKRI3KRHQL[$= HC74, Box 4136, Mayer, AZ 86333 Tel: 928 632 7135 Guest Services Manager: Carri Krueger JXHVWV#DUFRVDQWLRUJ Tel: 928 632 6222 Venice Beach Cotel 25 Windward Ave., Venice CA Tel: 310 399 7649 UHVHUYDWLRQV#YHQLFHEHDFKFRWHOFRP www.venicebeachcotel.com Public Transport from LAX: 1. Take free shuttle bus „C“ to city bus terminal 2. Transfer to BLUE BUS 3 to California Ave. (0.75cent) 3. Transfer to BLUE BUS 2 (westbound) to Venice Circle (Windward Ave) 4. Walk to the beach (one minute) to 25 Windward Ave: The Cotel is the last building to the right before the beach ZLWKLQWHUQDWLRQDOÀDJVRQWKHURRI From downtown LA: 1. Bus 60 or 360 outside Greyhound WHUPLQDOWRGRZQWRZQ1HHGDWUDQVIHU WLFNHW 2. Transfer to bus 33 on Spring St. FRUQHUWRWK6WWR9HQLFH 3. Get off on Windward Ave. (50 minutes on the bus). 4. Walk toward the beach to 25 Windward Ave. Elements Hostel 2524 Mission Street, San Francisco, IUDQFHVPRVXOOLYDQ#\DKRRFRXN Tel: 01 415 647 4100 Fax: 01 415 550 9005 +RZWR¿QGXV6XEZD\HDFK person. First take free AirTrain to BART. Take San Francisco train and Exit at 24th / Mission station. Elements Hostel is 3 blocks away at 21st St. Impressum KONSULATE IMPRESSUM: New York Generalkonsulat 31 East 69th Street, N.Y. 10021 7HOHIRQ$PW 7HOHID[RG ,QVWLWXWIU6WlGWHEDX/DQGVFKDIWVDUFKLWHNWXUXQG(QWZHUIHQ Fachbereich Städtebau www.stb.tuwien.ac.at Las Vegas Honorarkonsulat RKQH3DVVEHIXJQLVRKQH6LFKWYHUPHUNVEHIXJQLV 4063 Spring Mountain Rd., Las Vegas, NV 89102 7HOHIRQ 7HOHID[ Los Angeles Generalkonsulat 11859 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 501, /RV$QJHOHV&DOLIRUQLD 7HOHIRQ$PW 7HOHID[ San Francisco HonorarkonsulatRKQH3DVVEHIXJQLV RKQH6LFKWYHUPHUNVEHIXJQLV &DOLIRUQLD6WUHHW6XLWH6DQ Francisco, C.A. 94104 7HOHIRQ 7HOHID[ Technische Universität, 1040 Wien, Karlsplatz 13 Herausgeber: Markus Tomaselli und Michael Rieper Zusammengestellt von: Lisa Kopa, Martha Wiesbauer, Thomas Lebinger, Rita Nowak, Zenke-Zsuzsanna Szabo, Marion Haider, Eva-Maria Strieder, Klaus Molterer, Robert Redl, -RVHI5HGO.DWKDULQD5HLQHU)ORULDQ6HGHOPDLHU,YDQD3ODYRWLF)HOLFLWDV 7VFKLGD0DUNXV+DIQHU$UPLQ.DPHQVFKHN(OHQD%HUHFRYD6DELQH/XW]<XQ Zhang, Patrick Herold, Margit Wurzer, Claudia Kutschera, Alexander Dworsky und Matthäus Maier. Layout, Cover & Schlussredaktion: Brigitte Pollak ,QVWLWXWIU6WlGWHEDX/DQGVFKDIWVDUFKLWHNWXUXQG(QWZHUIHQ )DFKEHUHLFK6WlGWHEDXXQGEHLGHQ$XWRUHQXQG)RWRJUDIHQ Diese Publikation dient ausschließlich Lehrzwecken. 271