Medaillen Marquis de La Fayette in, www
Medaillen Marquis de La Fayette in, www
Pressglas-Korrespondenz 2009-4 Abb. 2009-4/084 (Ausschnitt) Médaille Br 47, général La Fayette - 1824; Tad McKeon, SG Oktober 2009 Medaillen Marquis de La Fayette in, ... SG: Auf einem Teller / Untersetzer aus gepresstem Kristallglas, der nach 1830 von einer bisher unbekannten Cristallerie in Frankreich hergestellt wurde, ist eine eingeglaste Paste „La Fayette“. Die Medaille mit dem mir bisher unbekannten Bild von General Marquis de La Fayette, die als Vorbild für diese Paste gedient hat, war zunächst im Internet nicht zu finden. Deshalb glaubte ich lange Zeit nicht, dass der Dargestellte La Fayette war. Tad McKeon gab einen Hinweis durch das Bild einer Medaille, mit der die Paste eindeutig La Fayette zugewiesen werden kann. Das Problem: sie wurde wahrscheinlich anlässlich der Reise in die USA 18241825 (oder zur Erinnerung danach) in den USA graviert, hergestellt und herausgebracht. Das Vorbild stammte sicher aus Frankreich. Eine umfangreiche Suche hat ergeben, dass eine Medaille mit diesem Bild von La Fayette erstmals um 1824 von François-Augustin Caunois (1787-1859) graviert wurde. Diese Medaille wurde 1824, 1826, 1830 und 1834 in Frankreich herausgebracht. Wesentliche Ergebnisse werden hier dokumentiert. Stand 06.12.2009 Médaille Br 47, général La Fayette - 1824 N° v19_1356Diamètre en mm: 47 mm, Métal: Bronze Tranche: lisse [Scheibe glatt]AVERS Légende: GENERAL - LAFAYETTEDescription: Buste du général La Fayette, en habit [Kleidung], à droite ; sur la tranche de l’épaule .1824. au-dessous signature CAUNOIS FRENCH. REVERS Description : Couronne de chêne, inscription au centre en sept lignes : THE DEFENDER / OF AMERICAN AND / FRENCH LIBERTY. / 17771824. / BORN IN CHAVANIAC, / THE 6 SEPTEMBER, / 1757. Graveur : Caunois N° dans les ouvrages de référence : Col.411 [Collignon, La médaille au XIXe siècle et l’histoire] Description état de conservation : Petit coup sur le listel à dix heures au revers. Exemplaire superbe avec de petites marques de manipulation sur les hauts reliefs. Très belle patine marron. Commentaires à propos de cet exemplaire : Signature CAUNOIS FRENCH. au droit: cette mé- PK 2009-4-02 Seite 49 von 438 Seiten Pressglas-Korrespondenz 2009-4 daille a certainement été réalisée pour les États-Unis. Elle existe aussi en bronze doré ou en bronze argenté et en or. Commentaires à propos de ce type monétaire: Cette médaille commémore le voyage de La Fayette aux États-Unis le 13 juillet 1824. Collignon (La médaille au XIXe siècle et l’histoire) décrit ainsi ce voyage “Après avoir fait un triomphal accueil à Lafayette, qui était allé revoir le théâtre des exploits de sa jeunesse, le Congrès des États-Unis avait voté une résolution où il appelait Lafayette le champion de la liberté, le héros de la Révolution, l’ami et le compagnon de Washington, et il avait envoyé un navire de guerre le chercher en France. Le Vice-Président vint le recevoir à New-York. Il fut traité dans toutes les cités américaines avec les mêmes honneurs que s’il eut été le président d’une République Française. Les récits émouvants qui arrivaient d’Amérique apportèrent aux libéraux français une consolation, un encouragement et une espérance”. Lafayette effectue ce voyage avec son fils prénommé Georges Washington, 182 villes sont visitées entre 1824 et 1825. Le Congrès le remercie en lui faisant un don de 200.000 dollars (en récompense de l’argent qu’il avait avancé personnellement pour aider la Révolution américaine) et 12.000 hectares de terres en Floride. Il fut le premier étranger à s'adresser aux deux Chambres réunies du Congrès américain et son portrait figure dans la Chambre des Représentants. Il a été élevé à titre posthume, «citoyen d'honneur des États-Unis d'Amérique», un privilège rare qui n’a été accordé qu'à quatre reprises dans l'Histoire américaine. Historique : Louis-Stanislas-Xavier [Le Fayette] naquit à Versailles en 1755 de l'union du dauphin Louis (fils de Louis XV) et de Marie-Josèphe de Saxe. Il reçut d'abord le titre de comte de Provence et fut appelé Monsieur quand son frère aîné, Louis XVI, devint roi en 1774. Marié à Louise Marie Joséphine de Savoie en 1771, il n'eut pas d'enfants. Souvent en opposition avec la Cour, il ne condamne pas, dans un premier temps, le mouvement de 1789 mais l'évolution des événements le décida à quitter Paris, le jour même de la fuite de Louis XVI à Varennes, mais par un autre chemin. Réfugié à Coblence avec son frère, le comte d'Artois, il prit le titre de régent après l'exécution de Louis XVI puis, à la mort de son neveu Louis XVII, celui de roi. Il se mit à travailler à la restauration malgré le faible secours dont il disposait et fut contraint de changer plusieurs fois de résidence devant les victoires de la révolution et de Bonaparte. Avec le Premier Empire, la cause monarchique semblait désespérée et Louis XVIII s'installe en Angleterre dans une période d'exil et de gêne financière. Lors des premières défaites de Napoléon Ier, Louis XVIII reprit son activité diplomatique qui, à l'initiative de Talleyrand et grâce au soutien anglais, lui permit de rentrer en France en mai 1814. Obligé de fuir à Gand durant les CentJours, Louis XVIII, lors de la seconde Restauration, essaya de mener la même politique de réconciliation que celle définie lors de son premier retour en France. Malgré les pressions royalistes, Louis XVIII soutint fermement la politique modérée de Decazes dans les premières années. Débordé par la réaction des ultras après l'assassinat du duc de Berry, il dut renvoyer Decazes ce qui marqua le triomphe de la droite pour la fin du règne et pour le règne suivant. Médaille Br 47, général La Fayette - 1824 - Monnaies XIX ... Seite 50 von 438 Seiten PK 2009-4-02 Stand 06.12.2009 Pressglas-Korrespondenz 2009-4 Abb. 2009-4/085 (Ausschnitt) American Journal of Numismatics & Bulletin of American Numismatic and Archaeological Societies. Vol. VI. Boston, July, 1871. No. I. Medals of Lafayette. American Journal of Numismatics, and Bulletin of American Numismatic and Archaeological Societies. Vol. VI. Boston, July, 1871. No. I., W. S. Appleton Medals of LaFayette. LaFayette, the friend of America, is one of those who have been especially honored by medalists, and consequently by numismatists. But I know no work which contains any account of the medals struck in his honor, and I have, therefore, tried to form a list of them. I add descriptions of twentyseven pieces in my collection bearing his portrait, and I do not know of the existence of any more. I have also a silver shell with his head and name, and a small casting of bronze of the same character. If any readers of the Journal own, or have ever seen, medals of Lafayette not mentioned in this list, they will confer a favor on the Journal, and more especially on the author, if they will send descriptions of them to the Committee of Publication, addressed to Mr. Colburn. It seems not at all necessary to add anything about the life of Lafayette, or the events commemorated by the medals, which are of such a character as to explain themselves perfectly. I think it quite possible there are more pieces resembling the last five, which belong to the class of American store -cards. I have, as far as possible, arranged all the medals in chronological order. Stand 06.12.2009 I. M. P. J. R. I. G. MOTIER M. QUIS DE LA FAYETTE NE LE 6. SEPT., 1757 in exergue OFFERT PAR B. DUVIVIER A LA GARDE NATION. LE ; bust of Lafayette in uniform, facing the left. Rev. MAJOR GENERAL DANS LES ARMEES DES ETATS UNIS D'AMERIQ? EN 1777, MARESCHAL DE CAMP, VICE PRESIDE DE L'ASSEMBLEE NATIONALE LE 12 JUILLET COMMANDANT GENERAL DE LA GARDE NATION E PARIS? LE 15 JUILLET 1789, in eleven lines across the field ; in a label round the upper half, VENGEUR DE LA LIBERTE DANS LES DEUX MONDES. Bronze, size 26. II. LE GENERAL LAFAYETTE NE EN 7 E 1757, in exergue COM D . T DE LA G DE NAT LE PARISIENNE EN 1789 ; bust of Lafayette in uniform, facing the right. Rev. OBJET TOUR A TOUR D'lDOLATRIE ET DE HAINE ON NE SE RAPELLE AU-JOURD' HUY QUE SES MALHEURS ET LES SERVICES Cj'uiL A RENDUS A LA LIBERTE DES DEUX MONDES, in ten lines across the field. Bronze, size 20. PK 2009-4-02 Seite 51 von 438 Seiten Pressglas-Korrespondenz 2009-4 VOL. VI, I - 2 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NUMISMATICS. [JULY, III. M 1 . 3 DE LAFAYETTE M A . L DE CAMP COM DANT G A . L DE LA G DE NA LE PAR N . E ; bust of Lafayette in uniform, facing the left; below DUMAREST. F. Rev. COMP K DES GRENADIERS VOLONTAIRES DU III." BATA VI. E DIV ON 1789; a shield with the arms of Paris, Gules, a ship under full sail, a chief Azure semee of fleurs-de-lis ; crest, a grenade ; behind it four flags crossed over two olive branches ; above, on a scroll, VIVRE LIBRE ou MOURIR. Silver, octagonal, size 20 1-2. IV. M. P. J. R. J. G. MOTIER M QU . IS DE LAFAYETTE NE LE 6 7BRE 1757. COMMANDANT DE LA GARDE NAT LE PARISIENNE EN 1789; bust of Lafayette in uniform, facing the right, below 1790, all in a large wreath of oak. Rev. In a label round the upper half, LE G A . L LAFAYETTE PASSANT EN REVUE LA G DE NA L - E DE PARIS. 1789; in exergue B. MONTAGNY FECIT; Lafayette on horseback accompanied by an aid reviewing the National Guard ; an angel flying through the air holds a pole, surmounted by a cap of Liberty, and from which hangs a pennon, inscribed VANCRE ou MOURIR. Bronze, size 33. V. LAFAYETTE DEPUTE A L ASS. NAT. CONSTITUANTE. NE EN 1757" bust of Lafayette in uniform, facing the left; below DUMAREST. Rev. Around, COLLECTION DES FRANCAIS PATRiOTES ; a wreath of oak and olive, within which in four lines, IL A COMMANDE LA GARDE NATIONALS PARISIENNE EN 1 789 1790 ET 1791; on the edge SE. VEND. A. PARIS. CHEZ. MONNERON. PATENTE. Bronze, size 22. VI. The same medal in every respect, except the design of the wreath, and the arrangement of the inscription within it. X. The same head and inscription, but below the bust J. BALE. Rev. plain. Bonze, size 30. XI. LE GENERAL LAFAYETTE NE A CHAVANIAC LE 6 S B ? E 1757.; bust as No. IX; on the edge of the shoulder CAUNOIS. F. 1826. Rev. HAVRE 5 OCTOBRE 1825; in exergue BRANDYWINA TELLUS VIDIT VULNERATUM PRO LIBERTATE : BRANDYWINA NAVIS HONORATUM REDUCIT HOSPITEM. ; the OCCan, with an American man-ofwar sailing to the right, where stands a light-house; in the distance at the left are small buildings. Bronze, size 32. XII. GENERAL LAFAYETTE 1824; head facing the right. Rev. GEORGE WASHINGTON ; head facing the left. Silver, size 9. XIII. GENERAL LAFAYETTE; bust of Lafayette in citizen's dress, facing the right. Rev. COMPANION OF WASHINGTON; in exergue ARIV. AUG. 1824 1871. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NUMISMATICS. 3 DEP. SEP. 1825 ; between two pyramidal monuments is seen the upper part of a sphere, inscribed u. s., over which an eagle is flying, and in the sky above is the sun, shedding rays of glory. Silver, size 19. XIV. LE GENERAL LAFAYETTE NE A CHAVANIAC LE 6 S B * E 1757; Dust f Lafayette in uniform, facing the right; below CAUNOIS F. Rev. APPELE PAR LE VOEU UNANIME DES CITOYENS AU COMMANDEMENT GENERAL DES GARDES NATIONALES LE 28 juiLLET 1830, in seven lines within a wreath of olive and oak. Silver, size 32 1-2. VII. The same medal, still different in exactly the same respects. XV. LAFAYETTE G AL EN CHEF; bust of Lafayette in citizen's dress, facing the right. Rev. REGNE DES LOIS. 27. 28. 29 JUILLET 1830; two small branches of laurel crossed. Silver, size 7. VIII. LE GENERAL LAFAYETTE NE EN j* 1757.; bust of Lafayette in uniform, facing the right. Rev. j. SILVAIN BAILLY NE A PARIS EN 7 B ? E 1736; bust of Bailly, facing the left. Silver, size 21. XVI. LAFAYETTE G A . L EN CHEF ; head of Lafayette facing the left. Rev. DEFENSEUR DE LA LIBERTE DANS LES DEUX MONDES., in four lines across the field. Bronze, size 14. IX. GENERAL LAFAYETTE; bust of Lafayette in citizen's dress, facing the right; below CAUNOIS FRENCH; on the edge of the shoulder 1824. Rev. THE DEFENDER OF AMERICAN AND FRENCH LIBERTY. 1777-1824. BORN IN CHAVANIAC, THE 6 SEPTEMBER, 1757., in seven lines within a wreath of oak. Bronze, size 28 1-2. XVII. LA FAYETTE THE HERO OF TWO SUCCESSFUL REVOLUTIONS; bust of Lafayette in citizen's dress, facing the right; below W & B. Rev. LOUIS PHILIPPE I ST KING OF THE FRENCH 1830. BY THE CHOICE OF THE PEOPLE. N-YORK. NOV 25; in two circles round the head of Louis Philippe, facing the left. Tin, size 21. Seite 52 von 438 Seiten PK 2009-4-02 Stand 06.12.2009 Pressglas-Korrespondenz 2009-4 XVIII. GENERAL LAFAYETTE; bust as No. IX. Rev. IN YOUTH THE ARDENT & INTREPID CHAMPION, IN AGE THE ENLIGHTENED & VENERABLE DEFENDER OF THE CIVIL & RELIGIOUS FREEDOM OF HIS COUNTRY AND OF MANKIND. BORN SEP. 6. 1757, OBT - MAY 21, in ten lines, (the lowest curved) within a wreath of oak. Lead, size 29. XIX. LIBERTATI NON DEFUIT UNQUAM ; head of Lafayette, crowned with oak, facing the right; below W. OLESZCZYNSKI F. Rev. PAOLO j R LAFAJETTE POLONIA MOERENS; in exergue OBIIT. 20 MAII 1834; a woman personifying Poland, with an oak-wreath in right hand, resting her left on a shield with the national arms, is leaning on a sarcophagus, on which is carved an American Indian woman in tears ; on the ground lies another oak-wreath. Bronze, size 32. XX. GENERAL LAFAYETTE; bust of Lafayette in citizen's dress, facing the right. Rev. The American eagle, with olive-branch and arrows in a circle of stars. Copper, size 14. XXI. GENERAL LA FAYETTE ; head facing the right. Rev. as the Obv. Silver, oval, 10 1-2 by 8. XXII. GENERAL LAFAYETTE; bust of Lafayette in citizen's dress, facing the right. Rev. plain. Nickel, size 8. XXIII. LAFAYETTE, A FRIEND TO AMERICA & FREEDOM DIED MAY 20 1834; Lafayette at full length advancing to the left, with hat and cane in his right hand, his left on his hip; in field to right H. Rev. CLARK & ANTHONY JEWELERS & WATCHMAKERS N os 25 & 27 CHEAPSIDE PROVIDENCE R. I. 1835, in nine curving lines across the field, in which are two olive-branches and ornamental flourishes. Copper, size 18. Abb. 2009-4/086 (Ausschnitt) 43. Letter from Lafayette to Charles Hodge [Paris, January, 1827] … The Princeton University Library Chronicle, Volume XVII, Number 4, Summer 1956, p. 209: 43. Letter from Lafayette to Charles Hodge [Paris, January, 1827] (a.l.s.). [Manuscripts Division. Hodge Papers] Lafayette expresses his regret having missed seeing Hodge when he called, referring to him as "my respected fellow member of Princeton College" (Lafayette received an honorary L.L.D in 1790) [...] Shown with the Lafayette letter: "General Lafayette." medal by Caunois French, 1824, struck during Lafayette's American tour in 1824-1825 (Lent by Howard C. Rice, Jr.). Stand 06.12.2009 PK 2009-4-02 Seite 53 von 438 Seiten Pressglas-Korrespondenz 2009-4 Abb. 2009-4/087 (Ausschnitt) Heritage Numismatic Long Beach Signature Auction # 384 Vol I von Ivy Press ... … Heritage Numismatic Long Beach Signature Auction # 384 Vol I, von Ivy Press: 614 Undated Wright & Bale Washington - Lafayette Medal MS64 Red and Brown NGC. Baker-197A. Misattributed by NGC as Baker-203. PAR / NOBILE / FRATRUM reverse. The obverse die was also used for Baker-203, the reverse die was used to strike Baker-202. This well struck and mildly reflective piece has lovely gold and orange color. A few trivial carbon flecks are present, and a trace of lacquer is noted inside the top of the wreath. From The Robert Leach Collection of Washingtonia. 615 Wright & Bale Washington-Lafayette Medal MS64 NGC. Baker-I976, R.6. Silvered white metal, 26 mm. Misattributed by NGC as a Washington-Franklin, Washington-Lafayette Medal, Baker-203B. From later state dies than the Baker-197A piece offered above, the die crack on the reverse nearly bisects the reverse in an elliptical path from 4:30 to 12:30. A couple of faint fingerprint races are present on this otherwise splendidly preserved cream-gray near-Gem. The strike is good, although some leaves do not have complete definition. From The Robert Leach Collection of Washingtonia. Seite 54 von 438 Seiten 616 Undated New York Medal Club MS63 NGC. Baker 200. Silver, 33 mm. Golden-brown, ruby, and dusky sea-green colors endow this boldly struck and pleasing example. George Lovett engraved the dies; Rubio states that "the Lafayette portrait is from that of Francois Augustin Caunois." From The Robert Leach Collection of Washingtonia. 617 Undated Washington-Franklin Medal MS63 NGC. Baker-201. Silver, 20 mm. Pale gold, rose, and aqua colors embrace this attractively preserved medalet. Engraved by James Bale, his surname is beneath the busts of Washington and Franklin. No other legends are present. Rulau states. "struck about 1834-48." From The Robert Leach Collection of Washingtonia. c. 1824. General LaFayette Medal. By J. Bale. Struck in Bronze. Uniface [ohne Revers] . F I-117. NGC graded Mint State-64 Brown. 47.7 mm. This well struck medal is the famous copy of the Caunois issue. It has excellent natural color and lustrous smooth hard surfaces on the obverse. It is so well and sharply struck that every fine die engraving line is clearly defined. There are just some faint contact traces on the obverse and the reverse is blank, as made. PK 2009-4-02 Stand 06.12.2009 Pressglas-Korrespondenz 2009-4 ... Medal of General Lafayette France 1824 [ohne Bild] Copper, overall Diam: 4.7 cm Dark brown copper; stamped (minted). Flat, circular shape, on the obverse a male bust-length portrait facing sinister, wearing a soft coat; inscribed "GENERAL LAFAYETTE" above, "CAUNOIS FRENCH." below the shoulder, and ".1824." on the shoulder; on the reverse, sprays of oak leaves and acorns tied with a ribbon, around the inscription "THE DEFENDER / OF AMERICAN AND / FRENCH LIBERTY. / 1777-1824. / BORN IN CHAVANIAC, / THE 6 SEPTEMBER/1757." CMOG Inv.Nr. 85.7.6 Gift of The Honorable and Mrs. Amory Houghton Abb. 2009-4/088 Medaille „GENERAL LAFAYETTE“, New York, USA, 1824 sign. CAUNOIS FRENCH Plaque with Sulphide of Lafayette probably France, about 1830-1850 [ohne Bild] overall H: 6.8 cm, W: 5.5 cm Colorless lead glass, white sulphide; encased, cut, molded sulphide. Flat, oval shape, front face polished, back with cut star, sides petal cut; enclosing a molded white bust-length portrait of a man (Marquis de Lafayette), facing three-quarters to sinister, wearing a heavy coat; reverse flat. CMOG Inv.Nr. 84.3.151 Clara S. Peck Endowment Plaque with Sulphide of Marquis de Lafayett France, about 1825-1840 [ohne Bild] overall H: 12 cm, W: 7.4 cm Colorless lead glass, white sulphide; encased, cut, molded sulphide, cast gilt metal mount. Flat, oval shape, enclosing a molded sulphide bust-length portrait of a man (Marquis de Lafayette), facing sinister, wearing a heavy coat; reverse side of the sulphide flat; flat faces of the plaque polished; chamfered edges diamond faceted; cast gilt metal hanger of leaves and berries on the front, flat on the reverse, with turned post, pierced for a loose ring for hanging. CMOG Inv.Nr. 84.3.66 Clara S. Peck Endowment Abb. 2009-4/089 Medaille „GENERAL LAFAYETTE“, New York, USA, 1824 sign. J. BALE, Bronze, vergoldet? Bild gemailt von Tad McKeon, 2009-10 SG: Die USA-Version der Medaille “GENERAL LAFAYETTE” wurde von der Gravierwerkstatt (und Prägewerkstatt?) Charles Cushing Wright & James Bale, New York, 1824 nach einer Vorlage von François-Augustin Caunois, Frankreich 1824, hergestellt. Die Übernahme der Vorlage von Caunois wurde durch die deutlich erkennbare Signatur “CANOIS FRENCH” gekennzeichnet. Es gab aber auch eine sehr ähnliche Version mit blanker Rückseite, die nur mit „BALE“ signiert war. Die Medaille von Caunois 1824 war Vorlage für eine Paste La Fayette, die erstmals 1830 von einer bisher unbekannten Cristallerie in Frankreich in einem gepressten Teller / Untersetzer verwendet wurde. Stand 06.12.2009 PK 2009-4-02 Seite 55 von 438 Seiten Pressglas-Korrespondenz 2009-4 Abb. 2009-4/090 Medaille „GENERAL LAFAYETTE“, New York, USA, 1824 sign. J. BALE, Bronze Cornwallis at Yorktown, leading to his eventual surrender. In 1824-25 Lafayette made a return visit to America where he was enthusiastically greeted by enormous crowds. During this trip several commemorative medals were struck. In 1824 Charles Cushing Wright, of the New York City engraving firm of Wright and Bale, produced a small medal with Washington on one side and Lafayette on the other (15 mm) (Baker 198) that was issued in gold, silver and white metal versions. The dies were also used to counterstamp various circulating denominations including the large cent, dime, half dollar, one real and two reales coins. Soon thereafter, between 1829 and 1833 C. C. Wright and James Bale produced a commemorative medal with the heads of Washington (left) and Lafayette (right) facing each other, surrounded by a laurel wreath with the initials W & B below for the engravers Wright and Bale. The reverse has the motto PAR NOBILE FRATRUM (equal noble brothers) in a laurel wreath. There is a rosette above the A in PAR and another rosette with a leaf at each side located below and just to the right of the T in FRATRUM. The medal (Baker 197) was issued in silver, copper, nickel and an alloy of silver and white metal. A silver and white metal alloy example of this medal is shown above. In 1834, the year Lafayette died, a large 53 mm medal was struck in Paris by a society called the "Cercle Brittanique." The medal portrayed the busts of Washington, with the Polish patriot of the American Revolution, Thadeus Kosciusko and Lafayette (Baker 196). The medal was designed and signed by the French engraver Rogat and issued in bronze and white metal, with later restrikes produced in copper and bronze. Im Internet findet man unterschiedlich vollständige Beschreibungen der Medaillen von Wright & Bale, darunter auch Medaillen von La Fayette zusammen mit George Washington: Provenance: Part of an anonymous donation consisting of 1100 tokens and medals covering the Nineteenth century, primarily up through the Civil War era. Reference: Rulau and Fuld, p. 86. 1830-39.html: Baker 197B: Washington and Lafayette 1829-34 Wright and Bale, New York City Obverse: [in exergue] W & B. Reverse: [rosette] / PAR / NOBILE / FRATRUM / [rosette with a leaf on either side] White metal and silver, Diameter: 27.3 mm Reverse die alignment: 360° Comments: During the American Revolution the Marquis de Lafayette had been one of Washington's most ardent French supporters. In July of 1777 Lafayette came to America, joining the Continental Army as a Major General and fighting in the Battle at Brandywine, Pennsylvania. In 1779 he went back to France and in April of 1780 returned with a 6,000 man expeditionary army. Lafayette was immediately given command of the army of Virginia and soon trapped the British General Seite 56 von 438 Seiten Baker 202B Washington and Franklin 1834-39 Bale Obverse: [below the busts] BALE Reverse: [rosette] / PAR / NOBILE / FRATRUM / [rosette with a leaf on either side] White metal, Diameter: 27.3 mm Reverse die alignment: 360° Comments: At the same time the Washington - Lafayette medal (Baker 197) was being minted, that is about 1829-1834, James Bale produced another medal joining PK 2009-4-02 Stand 06.12.2009 Pressglas-Korrespondenz 2009-4 the obverse of Baker 197 (Washington and Lafayette) with a reverse showing a three quarter face bust of Benjamin Franklin (left) and Washington (right) facing each other (Baker 203), which was issued in copper, brass and white metal. From about 1834-39 Bale struck another variety combining the Washington Franklin reverse of Baker 203, but using it as the obverse and joining it with the PAR NOBILE FRATRUM (equal noble brothers) reverse, as on the previous Washington - Lafayette example (see Baker 197). This medal was issued in silver, copper and white metal, with a white metal example displayed above. At the same time Bale also began issuing a medal with the bust of Washington on one side and Franklin on the other. This third medal, Baker 201, was issued in silver, copper, bronze and white metal through about 1848. Provenance: Part of an anonymous donation consisting of 1100 tokens and medals covering the Nineteenth century, primarily up through the Civil War era. Reference: Rulau and Fuld, p. 87. SALE1/b1-3-d.htm: Bale, Joseph: New York City diesinker was in 1829 located at 68 William Street. Wright & Bale: Partnership of C. C. Wright and James Bale, succeeding to certain interests of Richard Trested (see preceding). 68 William Street. Two books could be written about Charles Cushing Wright, whose engraving accomplishments were beyond compare. His first collectible output seems to have been the 1824 Washington / Lafayette medalet and counterstamp dies, followed soon by the elegant Erie Canal medal (1826), etc. _70968657.aspx: 139. Smith's Tomb Entrance Medal,ca. 1858. The obverse bears a high relief bust of Washington to the left, his name to either side. The reverse bears a front view of the entrance to Washington's tomb at Mount Vernon. The similarity of Smith's portrait of Washington to those of C. C. Wright was no accident as Smith was apprenticed to Wright while he was in business with James Bale. ... Heritage Numismatic Long Beach Signature Auction # 384 Vol I, Von Ivy Press 6.htm 33. LOW 245 Var. DOREMUS, SUYDAM & NIXON, NEW YORK CITY. HT 258B. 28 mm. Gilt Brass. Plain Edge. Lustrous About Uncirculated. Die signed by Bale and Smith of NYC and struck when the firm was located at 37 & 39 Nassau Street. . (F-G) 39. LOW 332. WRIGHT AND BALE, NEW YORK CITY. HT 342. Baker 594. 19 mm. Copper. Extremely Stand 06.12.2009 Fine. Thin planchet. (2.5 grams) This scarce card is sought by both specialists in merchant tokens and collectors of Washington items. It is particularly important to Hard Times collectors because it is the storecard of one of the most prominent issuers of merchant tokens of the period. Charles Cushing Wright and James Bale were in business together from 1829 until 1833 when the partnership was dissolved. (I) 64. 922. RICHARD TRESTED, NYC. 23 mm. Brass. Plain Edge. Fine/Very Fine. A few minor rim dents. A relatively deep scratch extends from the top left of the shield into the bottom of the wreath. On the reverse, an old scrape runs through the ST of TRESTED. Very little is known about Richard Trested even though, according to Edgar Adams, he was about the only maker of dies in NYC at one time. Rulau traces his various places of business from 1821 through 1829. He died in 1829 and his business was sold to Charles Cushing Wright and James Bale. 193. THE LOG CABIN CANDIDATE. WHH 1840-21. 36.7 mm. White Metal. VF/XF. James Bale, Sc. Holed, as issued. The obverse bears a well executed military bust of Harrison to the left enclosed in a heavy oak wreath. The bust is enclosed by the legend: MAJ; GENL WM H. HARRISON. On the reverse, Harrison is described as THE LOG CABIN CANDIDATE THE PEOPLES CHOICE around a log cabin with the requisite flag, tree, bush, a plow and a barrel inscribed HARD/CIDER. The die is signed, BALE F. James Bale was a New York City engraver and diesinker, 1824-1851. A pupil of Charles Cushing Wright, he joined him as a junior partner in Wright & Bale 1829-1933. This is his only signed political. The quality and rarity of this piece has been long recognized. Woodward, in the 1862 McCoy Sale called it "one of the rarest & finest of the campaign medals." It brought $ 3.00 - the same price as did a VG/F specimen of the rare JQA 1828-2!. The XFAU McSorley specimen brought $412.50 in 1997. 1962. WRIGHT & BALE WASHINGTON LAFAYETTE TOKEN, CA. 1830. Baker 197A; LA 1824.12. 27.2 mm. Copper. Choice AU. Obv: Small facing busts within a laurel wreath. Rx: PAR/ NOBILE/ FRATRUM within a laurel wreath. (D) 1968. WASHINGTON AND FRANKLIN, CA. 1840. Baker 201A; GM-77; FR.M.NL-18. 20.6 mm. Copper R7. James Bale, Sc. Gem Red Unc. Obverse with a front facing bust of Washington in a plain field. Rx: Front facing bust of Franklin in a plain field. The piece is signed by James Bale, formerly the partner of C.C. Wright, and was struck in the 1834-48 time period. From Coin Galleries’ Sale of the Jack Collins Collection, #70 and previously from our 1987 sale of the Dr. Paul Patterson Collection, #621 (E) 2895. LAFAYETTE PORTRAIT MEDAL, 1824. Fuld LA 1824.1 var. 47.6mm. White Metal. James Bale, Sc Bright AU. Obv: Bust right of Lafayette, GENERAL LAFAYETTE to either side. The reverse is blank except for a small "P" near the edge at 5:00. PK 2009-4-02 Seite 57 von 438 Seiten Pressglas-Korrespondenz 2009-4 0348.htm: GENERAL LAFAYETTE. c. 1834 Reverse: Not inscribed. signed J. Bale; Forrer I.117 [Revers: plain, signed P] Probably struck in commemoration of Lafayette's final visit to America. This piece differs from Fuld 1824.1 in that there is no 1824 date on the truncation of the bust. Much scarcer than the Caunois portrait medal. (D) aleNo=427&src=: 81018 Washington Temperance Benevolent Society NGC AU53. Baker-332D. Silver, plain edge, 20 mm. The present lot is the only known plain edge example of this temperance medal. The silver, reeded edge equivalent is also extremely rare, listed as R.8 by Rulau. Engraved by James Bale, who was active during the 1830s and 1840s. Holed as issued near 12 o'clock, otherwise a lightly handled piece with pearl-gray and aqua toning. Sold for: $1,725.00. Siehe unter anderem auch: PK 2009-4 SG, Schrader, McKeon, Zwei Becher mit Pasten aus dem Flößer- und Heimatmuseum Schloss Wolfach: Paste Königin Marie-Amélie von Frankreich, nach Gatteaux 1830 Paste General La Fayette nach Caunois 1824, Becher Baccarat, um 1830 PK 2009-4 McKeon, SG, Becher und Teller / Untersetzer mit Paste „La Fayette“ nach Caunois 18241834 - eine schwierige Suche nach dem Vorbild in Frankreich und in den USA PK 2009-4 McKeon, SG, Teller / Untersetzer mit eingeglaster Paste „Napoléon I. in Uniform“, 1830-1840, nach Medaille von Alexis-Joseph Depaulis zur Schlacht von Lützen 1813! PK 2009-4 SG, McKeon, Medaillen Marquis de La Fayette in, PK 2009-4 SG, Marie Amélie Thérèse de Bourbon, Königin von Frankreich, 1830-1848 PK 2009-4 SG, Pasten und Medaillen von Damen höchster Kreise in Frankreich 1800 bis 1830 PK 2009-4 SG, François-Augustin Caunois (1787-1859), Graveur von Medaillen PK 2009-4 SG, Jacques-Edouard Gatteaux (1788-1881), Graveur von Medaillen Seite 58 von 438 Seiten PK 2009-4-02 Stand 06.12.2009