Biblical Law Cumulative Bibliography


Biblical Law Cumulative Bibliography
Biblical Law Cumulative
John W. Welch
Professor of Law
Brigham Young University
© 2005
Biblical Law Cumulative Bibliography
John W. Welch
Professor of Law
Brigham Young University
This version of the Biblical Law Bibliography supplements and updates three previous stages of this
project: the first version was published as a book by the Edwin Mellen Press in 1990; and supplements have
appeared in the Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte in 1997 and 2002. The present
version of this bibliography combines and further updates all three of these previous installments.
The ongoing work of identifying books, chapters in books, and scholarly articles on various aspects of
biblical law seems unending. Although the cumulative list continues to expand, it remains far from complete. For
example, no attempt has been made in this bibliography to list the numerous commentaries on books in the Bible
that contain remarks about law-related passages. As this data has migrated from one computer to another,
differences in formatting and computer difficulties have arisen. Thus, the following material is not necessarily
presented in a perfectly consistent fashion, and errors inevitably occur notwithstanding our best efforts to avoid any
such problems. In spite of any limitations that this bibliography may have, I hope that it will be serviceable to any
serious researcher interested in the fascinating and extensive field of biblical law. Additions or corrections are
always welcome.
This bibliography is arranged by author, with category markers in square brackets given at the end of most
entries. This system of classification by categories is somewhat imprecise, but as a rough guide these category
markers may be useful and facilitate searching. The category numbers in square brackets correspond to the subject
categories listed below. However, users should be aware that many entries could and should be marked with
multiple category codes, whereas many are marked only with one or two. Thus, searching the data base from several
angles and in different languages is necessary to begin to locate all of the entries relevant to a certain topic.
This project has been made possible over the years by assistance from the J. Reuben Clark Law School at
Brigham Young University, together with the dedicated aid of several research assistants and secretaries over the
years. Colleagues in the Biblical Law Section of the Society of Biblical Literature have submitted information that I
have used in compiling the following data. A final source check and revision of the bibliography was conducted by
Sarah Prete to verify all of the data against the actual books, articles or, in many cases, BYU’s online databases. The
programming and production of this CD was under the direction of Eden Rasmussen at BYU Studies. The
collaboration of all these people is greatly appreciated.
Knowing that many more years could be devoted to this project, I draw this effort to a close, hopeful that
its merits may well outweigh any defects or deficiencies.
John W. Welch
September 2005
Provo, Utah
Subject Category Codes
[108] Influence of Jewish Law
[110] Intention
[112] International Law
[114] Interpretation
[116] Jewish Law in Israel
[118] Jurisdiction
[120] Kingship
[122] Labor Law
[124] Law and Religion
[126] Law and the Prophets
[128] Law of War
[130] Legal Aspects of Narratives
[132] Legal Education
[134] Legal Personality
[136] Legal Profession
[138] Legal Reasoning
[140] Levirate
[142] Literary Form
[144] Marriage
[146] Medico-Legal Issues
[148] Methodology in Jewish Law
[152] New Testament
[154] New Testament—Divorce
[156] New Testament—Jesus and the Law
[158] New Testament—Parables
[160] New Testament—Paul and the Law
[162] New Testament—Trial of Jesus
[164] New Testament—Trials of Paul
[166] Oath
[168] Obligations
[170] Parent and Child
[172] Penal Law
[174] Penalities
[176] Personality
[178] Procedure
[180] Property
[182] Prophecy and Law
[184] Public Law
[186] Qumran
[188] Remedies
[190] Revelation
[192] Ritual Law
[194] Sacrilege and Idolatry
[196] Sale
[198] Sanctions
[202] Sexual Offences
[204] Slavery
[206] Social Protection
[208] Sources of Law
[210] Sources—Biblical
[212] Sources—Intertestamental
[214] Sources—Miscellaneous
[216] Sources—Papyri
[218] Sources—Post-Biblical
[220] Sources—Rabbinic
[002] Abortion
[004] Adoption
[006] Agency
[008] Agriculture
[010] Animals
[012] Archaeology
[014] Arrangement and Classification
[016] Bailment
[018] Ban
[020] Biblical Law
[022] Bibliography
[024] Causation
[026] Codification
[028] Collections of Essays
[030] Collective Responsibility
[032] Commentaries
[034] Commercial
[036] Comparative Studies—Akkadian and other
[038] Comparative Studies—Aramaic
[040] Comparative Studies—Assyrian
[042] Comparative Studies—Egyptian
[044] Comparative Studies—Eshnunna
[046] Comparative Studies—Greek
[048] Comparative Studies—Hittite
[050] Comparative Studies—Lipit-Ishtar
[052] Comparative Studies—Mari
[054] Comparative Studies—Middle Assyrian
[056] Comparative Studies—Nuzi
[058] Comparative Studies—Roman Law
[060] Comparative Studies—Ugarit
[062] Comparative Studies—Ur-Nammu
[064] Contract
[066] Conversion
[068] Copyright
[070] Courts
[072] Covenant
[073] Criminal Law
[074] Curses
[076] Damages
[078] Debt
[080] Decalogue
[081] Dietary Law
[082] Discrimination
[084] Divine Justice
[086] Divorce
[088] Evidence
[090] Form Criticism
[092] Guardianship
[094] History of Biblical Law
[096] History of Jewish Law
[098] Holy Days and Sabbath
[100] Homicide and Refuge
[102] Human Rights
[104] Husband and Wife
[106] Illegality
[222] Status
[224] Status—Women
[226] Succession
[228] Suicide
[230] Talion
[232] Taxation
[234] Terminology
[236] Theft
[238] Theory of Law
[240] Torts
[242] Usury
[244] Women
Arranged by Author
Anonymous, “Bibliographie: Grundlegung, Anthropologie, Recht,” Zeitschrift für Evangelische Ethik 5 (November
1961), 382–384. [022]
Anonymous, “Bibliographie: See Occasional Issues,” Zeitschrift für Evangelische Ethik 19 (1975). [022]
Anonymous, “Elenchus Bibliographicus, 1976,” Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 52 (1976), 1–486. [022]
Anonymous, Mishnaiot: With Commentary of R. Obadiah of Bartinura, New York: Horeb, 1924. [220]
Anonymous, The Laws of God, Wakefield: Society Who Surnamed Themselves by the Israel, 1939. [020]
Aalders, J.G., De verhouding tussen het Verbondsbök van Mozes en de Codex H, Den Haag, 1959. [020]
Aartun, Kjell, “Studien zum Gesetz über den grossen Versöhnungstag Lv 16 mit Varianten: Ein
Ritualgeschichtlicher Beitrag,” Studia Theologica 34 (1980), 73–109. [192]
Abba, Raymond, “Priests and Levites in Deuteronomy,” Vetus Testamentum 27 (1977), 257–267. [118][124]
Abraham, Jed H., “Esau’s Wives,” Jewish Bible Quarterly 25, no. 4 (1997), 251–259. [104][144][224]
Abraham, K.C., “Eco-Socialism and Jubilee,” Religion and Society 43 (December 1996), 89–100.
Abrahams, Lionel, “England and English Laws: Jews before the Privy Council and an English Law Court in 1614–
1615,” Jewish Quarterly Review 14:354–358. [070]
Abramsky, S., “The Leadership of Abimelech” (in Hebrew), in A. Even-Shoshan and others, eds., The Book of
Sivan—a Collection of Studies . . . in Memory of . . . Shalom Sivan, 163–176, Jerusalem: Kiryat Sepher,
1979. [120]
Abramson, Shrage, and H.L. Ginsberg, “On the Aramaic Deed of Sale of the Third Year of the Second Revolt,”
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 136 (1954), 17–19. [038][180][196]
Achenbach, Reinhard, “Das Heiligkeitsgesetz im nachpriesterschriftlichen Pentateuch. Zu einem Buch von Klaus
Grünwaldt,” Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsegeschichte 6 (2000), 341–350. [020]
Achenbach, Reinhard, “Die Erzählung von der gescheiterten Landnahme von Kadesch Barnea (Numeri 13–14) als
Schlüsseltext der Redaktionsgeschichte des Pentateuchs,” Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische
Rechtsgeschichte 9 (2003), 56–123. [020][180]
Achenbach, Reinhard, “Levitische Priester und Leviten im Deuteronomium: Überlegungen zur sog. Levitisierung
des Priestertums,” Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 5 (1999), 285–309. [192]
Achenbach, Reinhard, “Zwei neue Kommentare zum Deuteronomium,” Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und
Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 2 (1996), 86–113. [020]
Achenback, Reinhard, review of Das Gesetz im Alten und Neuen Testament, Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und
Biblische Rechtsegeschichte 5 (1999), 338. [020][152]
Achenbach, Reinhard, review of Time and Place in Deuteronomy, Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblishche
Rechtsgeschichte 1 (1995), 149–154.
Ackroyd, Peter R., Exile and Restoration: A Study of Hebrew Thought of the Sixth Century B.C., Philadelphia:
Westminster, 1968. [096]
Ackroyd, Peter R., “The Jewish Community in Palestine in the Persian Period,” in William David Davies and Louis
Finkelstein, eds., The Cambridge History of Judaism, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984, 131–
160. [096]
Adamiak, Richard, Justice and History in the Old Testament: The Evolution of Divine Retribution in the
Historiographies of the Wilderness Generation, Cleveland: John T. Zubal, 1982. [020][094]
Aderet, Avraham, “Revelation at Sinai, II” (in Hebrew), Prozdor 9–10 (1965), 80–84. [020]
Adutwum, Ofosu, “The Suspected Adulteress: Ancient Israelite and Traditional Akan Treatment,” Expository Times
104 (1992), 38–42. [152][202][036]
Aejmelaeus, Anneli, “Function and Interpretation of kî in Biblical Hebrew,” Journal of Biblical Literature 105
(1986), 193–209. [234][114]
Agassi, Joseph, “Conventions of Knowledge in Talmudic Law,” Journal of Jewish Studies 25 (1974), 16–34. [138]
Agus, Irving A., “The Rights and Immunities of the Minority,” Jewish Quarterly Review 45 (1954), 120–129. [082]
Ahituv, Shmuel, “Land and Justice,” in Henning Graf Reventlow and Yair Hoffman, eds., Justice and
Righteousness: Biblical Themes and Their Influence, 11–28, Sheffield: Journal for the Study of the Old
Testament Press, 1992. [180]
Ahlström, Gösta Werner, Royal Administration and National Religion in Ancient Palestine, Leiden: Brill, 1982.
Aho, Gerhard, “Law and Gospel in Preaching,” Concordia Theological Quarterly 45 (January–April 1981), 1–4.
Ahroni, Reuben, “The Levirate and Human Rights,” in Nahum Rakover, ed., Jewish Law and Current Legal
Problems, 67–76, Jerusalem: Library of Jewish Law, 1984. [140][102]
Ahroni, Reuben, “Why Did Esau Spurn the Birthright? A Study in Biblical Interpretation,” Judaism 29 (1980),
323–331. [226][114]
Ahuvya, A., “First Covenant” (in Hebrew), Beth Miqra 14 (1969), 69–79. [072]
Ahuvya, A., “The Law and the Covenant Which He Made” (in Hebrew), Beth Miqra 13 (1968), 87–114. [072][020]
Airoldi, Norberto, “La cosiddetta decima israelitica antica,” Biblica 55, no. 2 (1974), 179–210. [020]
Akai, A Study in Biblical Testimony Law 4 (1958), 49–10. [088]
Akindele, R., “From the Covenant to the Charter,” Israel Law Review 8 (1973), 91–122. [072]
Akzin, Benjamin, ed., Studies in Law, Jerusalem: Magnes Press, Hebrew University, 1958. [238]
Alberti, Angelo, Matrimonio e Divorzio nella Biblia, Milan: Massimo, 1962. [144]
Albertz, Rainer, “Hintergrund und Bedeutung des Elterngebots im Dekalog,” Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche
Wissenschaft 90 (1978), 348–374. [080]
Albertz, Rainer, “‘Ihr seid Fremdlinge in Ägypten gewesen’—Fremde im Alten Testament,” in Rainer Albertz, ed.,
Der Mensch als Hüter seiner Welt: Alttestamentliche Bibelarbeiten zu den Themen des konziliaren
Prozesses, 61–72, Stuttgart, 1990 (Calwer Taschenbibliothek 16); reprinted in Silvia Wagner, Gerdi Nützel,
Martin Kick, eds., (Anti-) Rassistische Irrationen: Biblische Texte und Interkulturelle Zusammenarbeit, 25–
38, Berlin: Alektor, 1994. [206]
Albrecht, Karl, Die Mishna Challah (Teighebe), Giessen: Topplemann, 1913. [220]
Albrecht, Karl, Die Mishna Kilajim (Verbotene Mischgattungen), Giessen: Topplemann, 1914. [220] Albright,
William Foxwell, “The Judicial Reform of Jehoshaphat,” in Alexander Marx Jubilee Volume, 61–82, New
York: Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 1950. [070]
Alegre, X., “Los responsables de la muerte de Jesus,” Revista Latinoamericana de Teologia [San Salvador] 14, no.
41 (1997), 139–172. [162]
Aletti, J.N., “Israel et sa Loi selon Saint Paul. Une image caricaturale?” Etudes 388, no. 4 (1998), 499–511. [160]
Alexander, John Bruce, “A Babylonian Year of Jubilee?” Journal of Biblical Literature 57 (1938), 75–79. [036]
Alexander, John Bruce, “New Light on the Fiery Furnace (from a Letter of Rim-Sin, King of Larsa; Compared to
Dan 3),” Journal of Biblical Literature 69 (1950), 375–376. [036]
Alexander, T. Desmond, “The Composition of the Sinai Narrative in Exodus xix 1 – xxiv 11,” Vetus Testamentum
49 (1999), 2–20. [020]
Alfrink, B., “Biblischer Bundesgedanke und Eucharistische Feier,” Biblische Beiträge (1961), 28–41. [072]
Allen, Ronald B., “Affirming Right-of-Way on Ancient Paths,” Bibliotheca Sacra 153, no. 609 (January–March
1996), 3–11. [180]
Allison, Dale C., Jr., “Jesus and the Covenant: A Response to E.P. Sanders,” Journal for the Study of the New
Testament 29 (1987), 57–78. [156][072]
Alonso-Schokel, Luis, “Sapiential and Covenant Themes in Genesis 2–3,” Theology Digest 13 (1965), 3–10. [072]
Al-Rawi, Farouk N.H., “Assault and Battery,” Sumer 38, no. 1–2 (1982), 117–120. [240]
Alt, Albrecht, “Das Verbot des Diebstahls im Dekalog,” in Albrecht Alt, ed., Kleine Schriften zur Geschichte des
Volkes Israel 1:333–340, München: C.H. Beck’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1953. [080]
Alt, Albrecht, “Die Heimat des Deuteronomiums,” in S. Herrman, ed., Grundfragen der Geschichte des Volkes
Israel, 392–417, 1970. [020]
Alt, Albrecht, Die Ursprünge des Israelitischen Rechts, Leipzig, 1934; reprinted in Albrecht Alt, ed., Kleine
Schriften zur Geschichte des Volkes Israel 1:278–332, München: C.H. Beck’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung,
1959. [020]
Alt, Albrecht, “Eine neue Provinz des Keilschriftrechts,” in Albrecht Alt, ed., Kleine Schriften zur Geschichte des
Volkes Israel 3:141–157, München: C.H. Beck’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1959. [036]
Alt, Albrecht, “The Formation of the Israelite State in Palestine,” in Essays on Old Testament History and Religion,
Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1966; reprinted in Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 43 (1989), 171–237.
Alt, Albrecht, “The God of the Fathers,” in Essays on Old Testament History and Religion, 1–77, Oxford: Basil
Blackwell, 1966. [028][094]
Alt, Albrecht, “The Origin of Israelite Law,” in Essays on Old Testament History and Religion, 79–132, Oxford:
Basil Blackwell, 1966. [020][094][096]
Alt, Albrecht, “Zu den samaritanischen Dekaloginschriften,” Vetus Testamentum 2 (1952), 273–276. [080]
Alt, Albrecht, “Zu hit’ammer,” Vetus Testamentum 2 (1952), 153–159. [048]
Alt, Albrecht, “Zur Talionsformel,” in Albrecht Alt, ed., Kleine Schriften zur Geschichte des Volkes Israel 1:341–
344, München: C.H. Beck’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1953. [230]
Althann, R., “The Psalms of Vengeance against Their Ancient Near Eastern Background,” Journal of Northwest
Semitic Language 18 (1992), 1–11. [036][174]
Althaus, Paul, Gebot und Gesetz: Zum Thema “Gesetz und Evangelium,” Gütersloh: C. Bertelsmann, 1952. [124]
Althaus, Paul, The Divine Command: A New Perspective on Law and Gospel, trans. Franklin Shermon,
Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1966. [124]
Althaus, Paul, “Um die Todesstrafe,” Hamburger Theologische Studien 1 (1950), 7–15. [174]
Altman, Amnon, “Claim of Possession over Occupied or Conquered Territory in the Bible and in the Ancient Near
East,” Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 7 (2001), 332–352. [128][180]
Altman, Amnon, “On Some Basic Concepts in the Law of People Seeking Refuge and Sustenance in the Ancient
Near East,” Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 8 (2002), 323–342. [206]
Altman, Amnon, “The Apologetic Motif in the Historical Prologue to the Treaties of Suppilulium,” Shnaton 2
(1977), 27–49. [112]
Altman, Amnon, “Who Took the Oath on the Vassal Treaty: Only the Vassal King or also the Suzerain?—The
Hittite Evidence” Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 9 (2003), 178–184.
Altshuler, David, “On the Classification of Judaic Laws in the Antiquities of Josephus and the Temple Scroll of
Qumran,” Association for Jewish Studies Review 7–8 (1982–1983), 1–14. [014]
Amir, Yehoshua, “Measure for Measure in Talmudic Literature and in the Wisdom of Solomon,” in Henning Graf
Reventlow and Yair Hoffman, eds., Justice and Righteousness: Biblical Themes and Their Influence, 29–46,
Sheffield: Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Press, 1992. [230][142]
Amir, Yehoshua, “The Decalogue according to Philo,” in Ben-Zion Segal and Gershon Levi, eds., The Ten
Commandments in History and Tradition, 121–160, Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1990. [080]
Amir, Y., “The Ten Commandments according to Philo of Alexandria,” in B.Z. Segal, ed., The Decalogue
throughout the Generations, 95ff, Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1985. [080]
Amit, Yairah, “The Jubilee Law—an Attempt at Instituting Social Justice,” in Henning Graf Reventlow and Yair
Hoffman, eds., Justice and Righteousness: Biblical Themes and Their Influence, 47–59, Sheffield: Journal
for the Study of the Old Testament Press, 1992. [192]
Amoussine, I., “Le contrat aramees de 134 ar. votre ere provenant des environs de la Mer Morte,” V. V. Strouve
(1962), 202–213. [064]
Amram, David W., “Chapters from the Biblical Law IX: The Trial of Achan by Lot,” Green Bag 12 (1900), 659–
661. [178]
Amram, David Werner, Leading Cases in the Bible, Philadelphia: J.H. Greenstone, 1905; reprint, Littleton: F.B.
Rothman, 1985. [020][073]
Amram, David Werner, “Retaliation and Compensation,” Jewish Quarterly Review 2 (1911/12), 191–211.
Amram, David Werner, The Jewish Law of Divorce: According to the Bible and the Talmud with Some Reference to
Its Development in Post-Talmudic Times, New York: Hermon Press, 1975. [086]
Amsler, Samuel, “Amos et les droits de l’homme,” in Maurice Carrez, Joseph Doré, and Pierre Grelot, eds., De la
Tôrah au Messie, 181–187, Paris, 1981 (H. Cazelles Festschrift). [126][102]
Amusin, J.D., “Die Gerim in der sozialen Legislatur des Alten Testaments,” Kilo 63 (1981), 15–23. [020][222]
Anbar, Moshé, “La libération des esclaves en temps de guerre: Jer 34 et ARM XXVI.363,” Zeitschrift für die
Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 11 (1999), 253–255. [128][204]
Anbar, Moshé, “Le châtiment du crime de sacrilège d’après la Bible et un texte hépatoscopique paléo-babylonien,”
Revue d’ Assyriologie et d’ Archeologie Orientale 68 (1974), 172–173. [174]
Anbar, Moshé, “Les inscriptions hébraïques et la science biblique,” Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische
Rechtsgeschichte 9 (2003), 124–128. [020]
Anbar, Moshé, “Les rapports entre les lois cuneiformes, les lois bibliques et les nomades du lac Tchad,” Zeitschrift
für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 6 (2000) 172–174. [036]
Anbar, Moshé, “L’influence deutéronomique sur le Code de l’Alliance: le cas d’Exode 21:12–17,” Zeitschrift für
Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 5 (1999), 165–166. [072]
Anbar, Moshé, “(They) Shall Seize the Skirt of a Jew, Saying We Will Go with You (Zech. 8:23)” (in Hebrew),
Beth Miqra 45 (2000), 261–262. [126]
Anbar, Moshé, “Three New Letters from Mari concerning the Bride-Price (TERHATUM)” (in Hebrew), Beth Miqra
159 (1999), 396–398. [104][144][196][214][224]
Andersen, Francis I., “Israelite Kinship Terminology and Social Structure,” Bible Translator 20 (1969), 29–39.
Andersen, Francis I., “The Socio-Juridical Background of the Naboth Incident (I Kings 21),” Journal of Biblical
Literature 85 (March 1966), 46–57. [120]
Anderson, Albert A., “Marriage of Ruth,” Journal of Semitic Studies 23 (1978), 171–183. [144]
Anderson, Gary A., “Intentional and Unintentional Sin in the Dead Sea Scrolls,” in David P. Wright, David Noel
Freedman, and Avi Hurvitz, eds., Pomegranates and Golden Bells: Studies in Biblical, Jewish, and Near
Eastern Ritual, Law, and Literature in Honor of Jacob Milgrom, 49–64, Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns,
1995. [110]
Anderson, Gary A., “The Interpretation of the Purification Offering chatas in the Temple Scroll (11Q Temple) and
Rabbinic Literature,” Journal of Biblical Literature 111 (1992), 17–35. [192][114]
Anderson, Jeff S., “The Social Function of Curses in the Hebrew Bible,” Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche
Wissenschaft 110, no. 2 (1998), 223–237. [074]
Anderson, Wilhelm, Law and Gospel: A Study in Biblical Theology, New York: Association Press, 1961. [124]
André, Gunnel, Determining the Destiny: PQD in the Old Testament, Lund: Gleerup, 1980. [234]
Andreasen, Niels-Erik A., The Old Testament Sabbath: A Traditio-Historical Investigation, Missoula, Mont.:
Society of Biblical Literature for the Form Criticism Seminar, 1972 (Society of Biblical Literature
Dissertation Series 7). [098]
Andrew, Maurice E., “Using God: Exodus 20:7,” Expository Times 74 (1963), 304–307. [178]
Andrews, Stephen J., review of Raymond Westbrook, Property and the Family in Biblical Law, Journal of Law and
Religion 17, nos. 1–2 (2002), 319–320. [170][180]
Angel, Moses, The Law of Sinai and Its Appointed Times, London: W. Tegg, 1858. [020]
Anthes, Rudolf, “The Legal Aspect of the Instruction of Amenemhet (the Egyptian Concept of Maat; Grammatical
Notes),” Journal of Near Eastern Studies 16 (1957), 176–191. [042]
Appel, Gersion, A Philosophy of Mizvot, New York: KTAV, 1975. [096]
Appel, Gersion, Samuel K. Mirsky Memorial Volume, New York: KTAV, 1970. [072]
Appel, Gersion, The Concise Code of Jewish Law, New York: KTAV, 1977. [116]
Aptowitzer, Victor, “Formularies of Decrees and Documents from a Gaonic Court,” Jewish Quarterly Review, n.s.,
4 (1913–1914), 23–51. [096]
Aptowitzer, Victor, “Influence of Jewish Law on the Development of Jurisprudence in the Christian Orient,” Jewish
Quarterly Review, n.s., 1 (1910–1911), 217–229. [108]
Aptowitzer, Victor, “Observations on the Criminal Law of the Jews,” Jewish Quarterly Review, n.s., 15, no. 55–
118. [073]
Aranov, Maurice Moshe, The Biblical Threshing-Floor in the Light of the Ancient Near Eastern Evidence.
Evolution of an Institution, New York: dissertation, New York University, 1977. [070]
Arens, E., “El año de gracia del Señor. Obervaciones y reflexiones sobre el jubileo,” Paginas [Lima], 160 (1999),
46–56. [098] Arnal, William E., “Gendered Couplets in Q and Legal Formulations: From Rhetoric to Social
History,” Journal of Biblical Literature 116 (1997), 75–94. [156]
Arneth, Martin, “Die antiassyrische Reform Josias von Juda: Überlegungen zur Komposition und Intention von 2
Reg 23, 4–15,” Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 7 (2001), 189–216. [020]
Arneth, Martin, “Psalm 19: Tora oder Messias?” Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 6
(2000), 82–112. [020]
Arnold, J.C., “The Law and the Prophets,” Quarterly Review 296 (1958), 416–425. [126]
Aron, M., Histoire de l’excommunication juive, Nimes, 1882. [174][096]
Artus, Olivier, “Les deux décalogues dans la Bible,” Monde de la Bible 117 (1999), 20–25. [080]
Artzi, Pinhas, “Law” (in Hebrew), in Lexicon Miqrai, Tel Aviv, 1965. [234]
Aruh, Kitzur S., Code of Jewish Law, a Compilation of Jewish Laws and Customs, Volumes 1–4, New York:
Hebrew Publishing, 1961. [096]
Asaf, S., Bate hadin Vesidrehem ahare Hatimat Hatalmud, Jerusalem, 1924.
Asaf, S., Hatakanot vehaminhagim hashonim biyerushat habaal et ishto, Jerusalem: Hamadpis, 1926.
Asaf, S., La notion de l’aumone chez les Mesopotamiens, les Pheniciens, et dans l’at, Stassbourg: dissertation,
1967. [036]
Asaf, S., “Minnui Nashim Leapitrupsus (Appointment of Women as Guardians),” Hamishpat Haivri 2 (1927), 75–
81. [244]
Asaf, S., Miteshubot Hageonim 12 Teshubot, Jerusalem.
Asaf, S., “Shemittat Hakarka,” Hatekufah 21, 209–225.
Ascough, Richard S., review of P. Bohlemann, Jesus und der Täufer: Schlüssel zur Theologie und Ethik des Lukas,
Biblica 80, no. 3 (1999), 430–433. [156]
Askowith, Dora, “Legal Fictions or Evasions of the Law,” Journal of Jewish Studies (1927), 1–11. [238]
Asmussen, Jes P., “Matriarchalische reminiszenzen im AT?” Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift 17 (1954), 242–248. [144]
Astour, Michael C., “Tamar, the Hierodule: An Essay in the Method of Vestigial Motifs,” Journal of Biblical
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Daube, David, “Compromise,” Juridical Review (1983), 188–92; reprinted in Collected Studies in Roman Law
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Daube, David, “Concerning Methods of Bible-Criticism: Late Law in Early Narratives,” Symbolae Frederico
Hrozny Dedicatae, pt. 1, Archiv Orientálni [Prague] 17 (1949), 88–99; reprinted in Collected Works of
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Daube, David, “Concerning the Classifications of Interdicts,” Revue Internationale des Droits de l’Antiquité 6
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Daube, David, “Concerning the Reconstruction of ‘the Aramaic Gospels,’” Bulletin of the John Rylands Library of
Manchester 29 (1945), 69–105; compare “Divorce (on Mark 10:6)”; “And If a Woman”; “Two Aramaisms”;
and “Construction ad sensum”; in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 2.3B, 3.13B, 3.15, 3.20A;
reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 2:65–88, 281–288, 643–646, 661–664. [086][152]
Daube, David, “Concessions to Sinfulness in Jewish Law,” Journal of Jewish Studies 10 (1959), 1–13; reprinted in
Collected Works of David Daube 1:1–13. [096]
Daube, David, “Condition Prevented from Materializing,” Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis 28 (1960), 271–296;
reprinted in Collected Studies of Roman Law 2:995–1016. [058]
Daube, David, “Conflicting Laws,” in Collected Works of David Daube 3.
Daube, David, “Consortium in Roman and Hebrew Law,” Juridical Review 62 (1950), 71–91; reprinted in
Collected Works of David Daube 3. [058]
Daube, David, “Conversion to Judaism and Early Christianity,” in Ancient Jewish Law: Three Inaugural Lectures,
1–47, Leiden, 1981; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 2:465–499. [066]
Daube, David, “Counting,” Mnémosyné 30 (1977), 175–177; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 4.
Daube, David, “Covenanting under Duress,” Irish Jurist 2 (1967), 352–359; reprinted in Collected Works of David
Daube 1:23–31. [072]
Daube, David, “D. 19, 1, 46 and Adultery,” Mélanges Meylan (1963), 65–69; reprinted in Collected Studies in
Roman Law 2:1075–80. [202]
Daube, David, “Damnum and Nezeq,” Rechtshistorisches Journal 8 (1989), 275–285; reprinted in Collected Works
of David Daube 1:245–256.
Daube, David, Das Alte Testament im Neuen: aus jüdischer Sicht, Konstanz: Universitatsverlag Konstanz, 1984,
1998 (Xenia, Konstanzer althistorische Vortrage und Forschungen 10); reprinted as “The Old Testament in
the New,” in Appeasement or Resistance and Other Essays on New Testament Judaism, 1–38; reprinted in
Collected Works of David Daube 2:43–63. [152]
Daube, David, “Das Selbstverständliche in der Rechtsgeschichte,” Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung 90 (1973), 1–13;
also in English, “The Self-Understood in Legal History,” Juridical Review 85 [n.s. 18] (1973), 126–134;
reprinted in Collected Studies in Roman Law 2:1277–1286. [096]
Daube, David, “Death as a Release in the Bible,” Novum Testamentum 5 (1962), 82–104; reprinted in Collected
Works of David Daube 3. [020]
Daube, David, “Demolior as a Passive,” Classical Quarterly 44 (1950), 119–120; reprinted in Collected Studies in
Roman Law 1:355–58.
Daube, David, “Derelictio, Occupatio and Traditio: Romans and Rabbis,” Law Quarterly Review 77 (1961), 382–
389; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 1:235–243. [058]
Daube, David, “Did Macedo Murder His Father?” Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte
Fünfundsechzigster Band 78 (1947), 261–311; reprinted in Collected Studies in Roman Law 1:193–234.
Daube, David, Die Geburt der Detektivgeschichte aus dem Geiste der Rhetorik, Konstanz: Universitatsverlag
Kontanz, 1983 (Konstanzer Universitätsreden 123); enlarged from “Greek Forerunners of Simenon,”
California Law Review 68 (1980), 301–312; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 4.
Daube, David, “Direct and Indirect Causation in Biblical Law,” Vetus Testamentum 11 (1961), 246–269; reprinted
in Collected Works of David Daube 3. [024]
Daube, David, “Disgrace,” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 301–324; reprinted in Collected Works of
David Daube 2:617–634. [152]
Daube, David, “Dissent in Bible and Talmud,” California Law Review 59 (1971), 784–794; reprinted in Collected
Works of David Daube 1:33–44. [102]
Daube, David, “Dividing a Child in Antiquity,” California Law Review 54 (1966), 1630–1637; reprinted in
Collected Studies in Roman Law 2:1097–1106. [170]
Daube, David, “Dodges and Rackets in Roman Law,” Proceedings of the Classical Association 61 (1964), 28–30;
reprinted in Collected Studies in Roman Law 2:1081–1082.
Daube, David, “Doves and Bees,” Mélanges Henri Lévy-Bruhl Publications de l’Institute de droit Romain de
l’Université de Paris 17 (1959), 63–75; reprinted in Collected Studies in Roman Law 2:899–914. [010]
Daube, David, “Duty and Beauty,” in Kotlar Jubilee Volume: Studies in Judaism, 14–20, Tel Aviv, 1975; reprinted
in Collected Works of David Daube 1:449–454.
Daube, David, “Ecstacy in a Statement by Rabbi Joshua ben Hananiah,” Niv Hamidrashia [Tel Aviv] (1972), 60–
62; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 1:455–457.
Daube, David, “Eisern Vieh,” Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte Neunundsechzigster Band 69
(1952), 388–392; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 4.
Daube, David, “Elijah,” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 20–26; reprinted in Collected Works of
David Daube 2:131–135.
Daube, David, “Embrace in the Old Testament,” Rechtshistorisches Journal 10 (1991), 203–208; reprinted in
Collected Works of David Daube 3. [192]
Daube, David, “Enfant Terrible,” Harvard Theological Review 68 (1975), 371–376; reprinted in Collected Works of
David Daube 1:137–142. [170]
Daube, David, “Enkidu,” in Collected Works of David Daube 3.
Daube, David, “Error and Accident in the Bible,” Revue Internationale des Droits de l’Antiquité 2 (1949), 189–213;
reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 3. [110]
Daube, David, “Error and Ignorance as Excuses in Crime,” in Ancient Jewish Law: Three Inaugural Lectures, 49–
70, Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1981; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 3. [110]
Daube, David, “Esther,” in Oxford Centre for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies, Oxford, 1995; reprinted in Collected
Works of David Daube 3. [224]
Daube, David, “Etiam in Digest 18.1.20.,” Classical Journal [Boulder] 72 (1976), 213–215; reprinted in Collected
Studies in Roman Law 2:1311–1314.
Daube, David, “Evangelisten und Rabbinen,” Zeitschrift für die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde
Älteren Kirche 48 (1957), 119–126; reprint, Berlin: Topelmann, 1970. [152]
Daube, David, “Example and Precept: From Sirach to R. Ishmael,” in Gerald F. Hawthorne and Otto Betz, eds.,
Tradition and Interpretation in the New Testament: Essays in Honor of E. Earle Ellis for His 60th Birthday,
16–21, Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1987; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 1:205–211.
Daube, David, “Exceptio litis dividuae in D.,” Revue Internationale des Droits de l’Antiquité 6 (1959),
313–322; reprinted in Collected Studies in Roman Law 2:915–922.
Daube, David, “Exousia in Mark 1:22 and 27,” Journal of Theological Studies 39 (1938), 45–59; reprinted as
“Rabbinic Authority,” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 3.1; reprinted in Collected Works of
David Daube 2:585–598. [152]
Daube, David, “Extension of a Simile,” in J.A. Emerton and S.C. Reif, eds., Interpreting the Hebrew Bible: Essays
in Honour of E.I.J. Rosenthal, 57–59, Cambridge, 1982; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube
Daube, David, “Extraordinary Holidays,” in Festschrift für Gerhard Leibholz, 311–321, Tübingen, 1966; reprinted
in Collected Studies in Roman Law 2:1117–1129. [098]
Daube, David, “Eye for Eye,” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 254–265; reprinted in Collected Works
of David Daube 2:177–185. [230]
Daube, David, “Fashions and Idiosyncracies in the Exposition of the Roman Law of Property,” in A. Parel and T.
Flanagan, eds., Theories of Property, 35–50, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada: Published for the Calgary Institute
for the Humanities by Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1979; reprinted in Collected Studies in Roman Law
2:1325–1340. [180]
Daube, David, “Finium demonstratio,” Journal of Roman Studies 47 (1957), 39–52; reprinted in Collected Studies
in Roman Law 1:625–48.
Daube, David, “‘For They Know Not What They Do’: Luke 23, 34,” Studia Patristica 79 (1961), 58–70. [162]
Daube, David, Forms of Roman Legislation, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1956. [026]
Daube, David, “Four Types of Question,” Journal of Theological Studies, n.s., 2 (1951), 45–48; reprinted in The
New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 2.8; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 2:343–351.
Daube, David, “Fraud No. 3,” in Neil MacCormick and Peter Birks, eds., The Legal Mind: Essays for Tony Honoré,
1–17, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986; reprinted in Collected Studies in Roman Law 2:1409–1428. [058]
Daube, David, “Fraud on Law for Fraud on Law,” Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 1 (1981), 51–60; reprinted in
Collected Works of David Daube 3. [058]
Daube, David, “Freud on Greek Theogony,” Rechtshisotrisches Journal 8 (1989), 287–294; reprinted in Collected
Works of David Daube 4.
Daube, David, “Furtum proprium and furtum improprium,” Cambridge Law Journal 6, no. 2 (1937), 217–234;
reprinted in Collected Studies in Roman Law 1:19–36. [236]
Daube, David, “Generalisations in D. 18.1, de contrahenda emptione,” Studi in Onore di Vincenzo Arangio-Ruiz 1
(1952), 186–200; reprinted in Collected Studies in Roman Law 1:527–540.
Daube, David, “Genetic Problems,” in Collected Works of David Daube 4.
Daube, David, “Gideon’s Few,” Journal of Jewish Studies 7 (1956), 155–161; reprinted in Collected Works of
David Daube 3. [094]
Daube, David, “Greek and Roman Reflections on Impossible Laws,” Natural Law Forum 12 (1967), 1–85;
reprinted in Collected Studies in Roman Law 2:1129–1222. [058][046]
Daube, David, “Greek Forerunners of Simenon,” California Law Review 68 (1980), 301–312; enlarged in Die
Geburt der Detektivgeschichte aus dem Geiste der Rhetorik, Konstanz: Universitatsverlag Kontanz, 1983
(Konstanzer Universitätsreden 123); reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 4. [046]
Daube, David, “Hadrian’s Rescript to Some Ex-Praetors,” Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte
Siebenundeschgigster Band 67 (1950), 512–518; reprinted in Collected Studies in Roman Law 1:345–354.
Daube, David, “Haustafeln,” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 90–105; reprinted in Collected Works of
David Daube 2:295–306. [160]
Daube, David, “He That Cometh,” in He That Cometh, 6–14, London: Council for Christian-Jewish Understanding,
1966; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 2:429–440.
Daube, David, “Heine’s Belsatzar,” Journal of Jewish Studies 41 (1990), 254–258; reprinted in Collected Works of
David Daube 3.
Daube, David, “Hezekiah,” in He That Cometh, 1–6, London: Council for Christian-Jewish Understanding, 1966;
reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 2:157–163. [120]
Daube, David, “Historical Aspects of Informal Marriage,” Revue Internationale des Droits de l’Antiquité 25 (1978),
95–107; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 1:153–163. [144]
Daube, David, “History of Proselytizing,” Chayenu 8, no. 3 (1945), 10–11; reprinted in Collected Works of David
Daube 2:557–59; compare “A Baptismal Catechism,” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 2.5;
reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 2:501–527. [066]
Daube, David, “How Esau Sold His Birthright,” Cambridge Law Journal 8 (1942), 1–6; reprinted in Studies in
Biblical Law. [226]
Daube, David, “Human Rights: The Rabbis, Philo, and Josephus,” in David Sidorsky, ed., Essays on Human Rights:
Contemporary Issues and Jewish Perspectives, 234–246, Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of
America, 1979; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 3. [102][220]
Daube, David, “‘I’ and ‘I and Thou,’” in Collected Works of David Daube 3.
Daube, David, “‘I Believe’ in Jewish Antiquities xi. 237,” Journal of Jewish Studies 27 (1976), 142–146; reprinted
in Collected Works of David Daube 3. [096]
Daube, David, “‘I Speak after the Manner of Men,’” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 394–400;
reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 2:651–655. [152]
Daube, David, “‘If so,’” in Collected Works of David Daube 3.
Daube, David, “Implantatio and Satio,” Acta Juridica [Cape Town] (1958), 181–184; reprinted in Collected Studies
in Roman Law 2:739–744.
Daube, David, “Inheritance in Two Lukan Pericopes,” Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte
Zweiundsiebsigster Band 72 (1955), 326–334; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 2:807–815.
Daube, David, “Interference with Light in Roman Law,” Law Journal 93 (1943), 180–181, 189–190; reprinted in
Collected Studies in Roman Law 1:123–138.
Daube, David, “Interpolations in the Centos and Justinian,” in Flores Legum, 45–48, Groningen: WoltersNoordhoff, 1971; reprinted in Collected Studies in Roman Law 2:1263–1266.
Daube, David, “Intestatus,” Revue historique de droit français et étranger, sér. 4, 15 (1936), 341–343; reprinted in
Collected Studies in Roman Law 1:1–2. [226]
Daube, David, “Jehovah the Good,” S’vara 1 (1990), 17–23; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 3.
Daube, David, “Jesus and the Samaritan Woman: The Meaning of Synchraomai,” Journal of Biblical Literature 69
(1950), 137–147; reprinted as “Samaritan Women,” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 3.14;
reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 2:635–642. [156]
Daube, David, “Jewish and Roman Philosophies of Law,” in Andrew Huxley, ed., Religion, Law and Tradition:
Comparative Studies in Religious Law, New York: RoutledgeCurzon, 2002; reprinted in Collected Works of
David Daube 4. [058][124]
Daube, David, “Jewish Law in the Hellenistic World,” Jewish Law Annual, Suppl. 2: Jewish Law in Legal History
and the Modern World, 45–60, Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1980; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube
1:213–229. [046][096]
Daube, David, “Jewish Missionary Maxims in Paul,” Studia Theologica 1 (1947), 158–169; reprinted as
“Missionary Maxims in Paul,” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 3.11; reprinted in Collected
Works of David Daube 2:561–573. [066]
Daube, David, “Jonah: A Reminiscence,” Journal of Jewish Studies 35 (1984), 36–43; reprinted in Collected Works
of David Daube 3.
Daube, David, “Johanan ben Beroqa and Women’s Rights,” Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung 99 (1982), 22–31;
reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube1:143–152. [224]
Daube, David, “Joseph,” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 3–4; reprinted in Collected Works of David
Daube 2:91. [152]
Daube, David, “Josephus on Suicide and Liability of Depositee,” Libro Jubilar de Victor Andrés Belaunde en su
octo gesimo aniversario, 231–241, Lima, 1963; reprinted in Juridical Review, n.s., 9 (1964), 212–224;
reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 3. [016][228]
Daube, David, “Judas,” California Law Review 82 (1994), 95–108; also Rechtshistorisches Journal 13 (1994), 307–
330; reprinted in Israel Law Review 29 (1995), 9–31; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 2:783–
799. [162]
Daube, David, “Judith,” in Alan Watson, ed., Law, Morality, and Religion: Global Perspectives, 31–63, Berkeley:
Robbins Collection, 1996; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 3. [130]
Daube, David, “Kerdaino as a Missionary Term,” Harvard Theological Review 40 (1947), 109–120; reprinted as “A
Missionary Term,” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 3.12; reprinted in Collected Works of
David Daube 2.575–582. [066]
Daube, David, “King Arthur’s Round Table,” in L. Wallach Festschrift, 204–207, Stuttgart, 1975; reprinted in
Collected Works of David Daube 4.
Daube, David, “La Femme dans le Droit Biblique,” Paris: Institut de Droit Romain, 1962; reprinted in Forum
Historiae Iuris 1 (1998) [Berlin, online journal,]; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 3. [224]
Daube, David, “Law in the Narratives,” in Studies in Biblical Law, 1–73; reprinted in Collected Works of David
Daube 3. [130]
Daube, David, Le Raisonnement par l’Absurde chez les Jurisconsultes Romains, Paris, 1958.
Daube, David, Legal Problems in Medical Advance, Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1971; also in Israel Review 6 (1971),
1–17; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube4. [146]
Daube, David, “Lex Talionis,” in Studies in Biblical Law, 102–153; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 3.
Daube, David, “Licinnia’s Dowry,” Studi in Onore di Biondo Biondi (1963), 199–212; reprinted in Collected
Studies in Roman Law 2:1059–1072. [144]
Daube, David, “Limitations on Self-Sacrifice in Jewish Law and Tradition,” Theology 72 (1969), 291–304;
reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 1:45–62. [124]
Daube, David, “Maior dividat minor eligat,” Iura 14 (1963), 176–177; reprinted in Collected Studies in Roman Law
Daube, David, “Mancipatio of res nec mancipi in Cicero,” in Festschrift für Erwin Seidl Zum 70 Geburtstag, 35–38,
Cologne, 1976; reprinted in Collected Studies in Roman Law 2:1315–1320.
Daube, David, “Martial, Father of Three,” American Journal of Ancient History 1 (1976), 145–147; reprinted in
Collected Studies in Roman Law 2:1321–1324.
Daube, David, “Matthew 5:38,” Journal of Theological Studies 45 (1944), 177–187; reprinted as “Eye for Eye,” in
The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 3.4; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 2:177–185.
Daube, David, Medical and Genetic Ethics: Three Historical Vignettes, Oxford: Oxford Centre for Postgraduate
Hebrew Studies, 1976; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 4. [146]
Daube, David, “Medical Law and Morals,” in Collected Works of David Daube 4. [146]
Daube, David, “Metaphor,” in Collected Works of David Daube 3. [142]
Daube, David, “Missionary Maxims in Paul,” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 336–351; reprinted in
Collected Works of David Daube 2:561–573. [066]
Daube, David, “Mistake of Law in Usucapion. G.2.50, I.2.6.5,” Cambridge Law Journal 15 (1958), 85–92;
reprinted in Collected Studies in Roman Law 2:731–738.
Daube, David, “Money and Justiciability,” Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung 96 (1979), 1–16; reprinted in Collected
Studies in Roman Law 2:1341–1356. [118]
Daube, David, “More about Michal; or the Goose and the Peacock,” in Collected Works of David Daube 3.
Daube, David, “Moses,” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 5–12; reprinted in Collected Works of David
Daube 2:119–121. [020]
Daube, David, “Nathan’s Parable,” Novum Testamentum 24 (1982), 275–288; reprinted in Collected Works of
David Daube 3. [120]
Daube, David, “‘Ne quid infamandi causa fiat.’ The Roman Law of Defamation,” in Atti del Congressio
Internationale di Diritto Romano e di Storia de Diritto, 3:413–450, Milan: D.A. Giuffre Editore, 1951;
reprinted in Collected Studies in Roman Law, 1:465–500. [240]
Daube, David, “Ne quis fecisse velit,” Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte Achtund Siebzigster
Band 78 (1961), 390–391; reprinted in Collected Studies in Roman Law 2:1057–1058.
Daube, David, “Neglected Nuances of Exposition in Luke-Acts,” in H. Temporini and W. Haase, eds., Aufstieg und
Niedergang der Römischen Welt, Part II, Principat, 25.3, Religion, 2329–2356, Berlin, 1985; reprinted in
Collected Works of David Daube 2:857–873. [152]
Daube, David, “Negligence in the Early Talmudic Law of Contract,” in Festschrift Fritz Schulz, 1:124–147,
Weimar: N.B. Nachfolger, 1951; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 1:305–332. [064][096]
Daube, David, “No Kissing, or Else,” in The Classical Tradition: Literary and Historical Studies in Honor of Harry
Caplan, 222–231, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1966; reprinted in Collected Studies in Roman Law
Daube, David, “Nocere and noxa,” Cambridge Law Journal 7 (1939), 23–54; reprinted in Collected Studies in
Roman Law 1:71–102.
Daube, David, “Novation of Obligations Giving a bonae fidei iudicium,” Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für
Rechtsgeschichte Sechsndsechzigster Band 66 (1948), 91–134; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube
1:235–270. [064]
Daube, David, “Ochlos in Mark 2:4 (Luke 5:19),” Expository Times 50 (1938), 138–139; reprinted as “Two
Aramaisms,” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 3.15A; reprinted in Collected Works of David
Daube 2:643–646. [152]
Daube, David, “Old Testament Prohibitions of Homosexuality,” Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für
Rechtsgeschichte 103 (1986), 447–448; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 3. [202]
Daube, David, “On Acts 23: Sadducees and Angels,” Journal of Biblical Literature 109 (1990), 493–497; reprinted
in Collected Works of David Daube 2:841–845. [152]
Daube, David, “On an Incomplete Review,” in Collected Works of David Daube 4.
Daube, David, “On the So-called Dispute over Suicide,” in Collected Works of David Daube 4. [228]
Daube, David, “On the Third Chapter of the lex Aquilia,” Law Quarterly Review 52 (1938), 253–268; reprinted in
Collected Studies in Roman Law 1:3–18.
Daube, David, “On the Use of the Term damnum,” Studi in Onor di Siro Solazzi (1948), 3–66; reprinted in
Collected Studies in Roman Law 1:279–340. [234]
Daube, David, “One against Ninety-Nine,” Niv Hamidra Shia: A Journal Devoted to Halacha, Jewish Thought and
Education (1971), 43–46; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 1:437–440.
Daube, David, “‘One from among Your Brethren Shall You Set King over You,’” Journal of Biblical Literature 90
(1971), 480–481; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 3. [120]
Daube, David, “Onesimos,” in George W.E. Nickelsburg and George W. MacRae, eds., Christians among Jews and
Gentiles: Essays in Honor of Krister Stendahl on His Sixty-fifth Birthday, 40–43, Philadelphia: Fortress
Press, 1986; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 2:553–555. [204]
Daube, David, “Organ Transplants; Cannibalism, Consent, and Control,” Colorado Quarterly 18 (1969), 134–140;
reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 4. [146]
Daube, David, “Origen and the Punishment of Adultery in Jewish Law,” Studia Patristica: Texte und
Untersuchungen [Oxford] 2 (1957), 109–113; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 1:167–171.
Daube, David, “Orpah,” in Collected Works of David Daube 3.
Daube, David, “Participle and Imperative in 1 Peter,” comment in Edward G. Selwyn, The First Epistle of Peter,
467–488, London, 1946; compare The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 2.4. [152]
Daube, David, “Paul a Hellenistic Schoolmaster?” in Raphael Loewe, ed., Studies in Rationalism, Judaism and
Universalism: in Memory of Leon Roth, 67–71, London: Routledge and K. Paul, 1966; reprinted in
Collected Works of David Daube 2:801–806. [160]
Daube, David, “Pauline Contributions to a Pluralistic Culture: Re-creation and Beyond,” in Donald G. Miller and
DikranY. Hadidian, eds., Jesus and Man’s Hope, 2:223–245, Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh Theological Seminary,
1971; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 2:537–552. [160]
Daube, David, “Pecco ergo sum,” Rechtshistorisches Journal 4 (1985), 137–143; reprinted in Collected Studies in
Roman Law 2:1395–1402.
Daube, David, “Perchance to Dream,” Edinburgh Law Review 3 (1999), 191–201; reprinted in Collected Works of
David Daube 3.
Daube, David, “Precept and Example,” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 67–89; reprinted in Collected
Works of David Daube 2:249–266. [152]
Daube, David, “Princeps legibus solutus,” in Studi in Memoria di Paolo Koschaker l’Europa e il Diritto Romano,
2:463–465, Milan: D.A. Giuffre Editore, 1954; reprinted in Collected Studies in Roman Law 1:549–552;
reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 1:231–233.
Daube, David, “Principle and Cases,” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 63–66; reprinted in Collected
Works of David Daube 2:173–175. [238]
Daube, David, “Public Pronouncement and Private Explanation in the Gospels,” Expository Times 58 (1946), 175–
177; compare “Public Retort and Private Explanation,” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 2.6;
reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 2:307–314. [152]
Daube, David, “Public Retort and Private Explanation,” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 141–150;
reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 2:307–314. [152]
Daube, David, “Purchase of a Prospective Haul,” in Studi in Onore di Ugo Enrico Paoli, 203–209, Florence, 1955;
reprinted in Collected Studies in Roman Law 1:553–560.
Daube, David, “Rabbinic Authority,” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 205–223; reprinted in Collected
Works of David Daube 2:585–598. [096]
Daube, David, “Rabbinic Methods of Interpretation and Hellenistic Rhetoric,” Hebrew Union College Annual 22
(1949), 239–264; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 1:333–355. [096][114]
Daube, David, “Recht aus Unrecht,” in H.C. Ficker, D. König, and others, eds., Festschrift für Ernst von
Caemmerer, 13–19, Tübingen, 1978; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 1:15–21.
Daube, David, “Rechtsgedanken in den Erzählungen des Pentateuchs,” in J. Hempel and L. Rost, eds., Festschrift
für Otto Eissfeldt, 32–41, Berlin, 1958; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 3. [130]
Daube, David, “Redemption,” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 268–284; reprinted in Collected Works
of David Daube 2:374–387. [180]
Daube, David, “Reflections on Job and Greek Tragedy,” in H.M. Cotton, J.J. Price, D.J. Wasserstein, eds., Studies
in Memory of Abraham Wasserstein, 1, Scripta Classica Israelica 15 (1996), 72–81; reprinted in Collected
Works of Daivd Daube 3. [046]
Daube, David, “Repudium in Deuteronomy,” in E. Earle Ellis and Max Wilcox, eds., Neotestamentica et Semitica:
Studies in Honour of Matthew Black, 236–239, Edinburgh: T and T Clark, 1969; reprinted in Collected
Works of David Daube 3. [104]
Daube, David, “Responsibilities of Master and Disciples in the Gospels,” New Testament Studies 19 (1972), 1–15;
reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 2:749–762. [152]
Daube, David, Roman Law: Linguistic, Social and Philosophical Aspects, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press,
1969. [058]
Daube, David, “Ruth and Boaz,” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 27–51; reprinted in Collected Works
of David Daube 2:137–156. [020][144]
Daube, David, “Sale of Inheritance and Merger of Rights,” Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte
Nerundsiebzigster Band 87 (1957), 234–315; reprinted in Collected Studies in Roman Law 1:649–722. [226]
Daube, David, “Samaritan Women,” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 373–382; reprinted in Collected
Works of David Daube 2:635–642. [152][224]
Daube, David, “Samuel,” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 13–16; reprinted in Collected Works of
David Daube 2:123–125.
Daube, David, “Sanctity of Life,” Proceedings of Royal Society of Medicine 60 (1967), 1235–1240; reprinted in All
Heal, Heinemann Medical Books for Royal Society of Medicine, 135–145, London, 1971; reprinted in
Collected Works of David Daube 4. [146]
Daube, David, “Saul,” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 17–19; reprinted in Collected Works of David
Daube 2:127–129. [120]
Daube, David, “Schlegel and Shakespeare,” Rechtshistorisches Journal 3 (1984), 183–186; reprinted in Collected
Works of David Daube 4.
Daube, David, Shakespeare on Aliens Learning English, Cambridge: W. Heffer and Sons, 1942; also in Message,
Belgian Review; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 4.
Daube, David, “Shame Culture in Luke,” in Morna D. Hooker and Stephen G. Wilson, eds., Paul and Paulinism:
Essays in Honor of C. K. Barret, 355–372, London: SPCK, 1982; reprinted in Collected Works of David
Daube 2:817–829. [152]
Daube, David, “Shimei and Orn: The Construction of a Restraint,” Tulane Law Review 46 (1972), 653–656;
reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 3.
Daube, David, “Si . . . tunc in D.19.2.22. pr. Tenancy of Purchaser and lex Commissoria,” Revue Internationale des
Droits de l’Antiquité 5 (1958), 426–435; reprinted in Collected Studies in Roman Law 2:723–730.
Daube, David, “Sin, Ignorance and Forgiveness in the Bible,” Liberal Jewish Synagogue (1960); reprinted in
Collected Works of David Daube 3. [110]
Daube, David, “Slave-Catching,” Juridical Review 12 (1952), 12–28; reprinted in Collected Studies in Roman Law
1:501–514. [204]
Daube, David, “Slightly Different,” Iura 12 (1961), 81–116; reprinted in Collected Studies in Roman Law 2:1025–
Daube, David, “Societas as Consensual Contract,” Cambridge Law Journal 6 (1938), 381–403; reprinted in
Collected Studies in Roman Law 1:37–60. [152][064]
Daube, David, “Socratic Interrogation,” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 151–157; reprinted in
Collected Works of David Daube 2:315–319.
Daube, David, “Some Comparative Law—Furtum Conceptum,” Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis 15 (1936), 48–
77; reprint, Freiburg im Bresgau: J. Wabel, 1937; reprinted in Studies in Biblical Law. [058]
Daube, David, “Some Forms of Old Testament Legislation,” Oxford Society of Historical Theology: Abstract of
Proceedings for the Academic Year (1944/45), 36–46; compare “Participles of the Correct Practice,” in The
New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism 2.4A; reprinted in Collected Works of Davie Daube 2:295–306; see
also Collected Works of David Daube 3. [090]
Daube, David, “Some Reflections on the Historicity of the New Testament,” Catholic Commission on Intellectual
and Cultural Affairs Annual (1986), 1–12; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 2:35–42. [152]
Daube, David, Sons and Strangers: The Presidential Address Delivered at the Second International Conference of
the Jewish Law Association, New York, 1983, Boston: Institute of Jewish Law, Boston University School of
Law, 1984; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 3. [170]
Daube, David, “Sown by Hand,” University of Ceylon Law Review (1958), 1–8; reprinted in Collected Studies in
Roman Law 2:745–756. [008]
Daube, David, “Sponsor and the History of Contract,” Law Quarterly Review 62 (1946), 266–272; reprinted in
Collected Studies in Roman Law 1:155–164. [064]
Daube, David, “Standing In for Jack Coons,” Rechtshistorisches Journal 7 (1988), 179–190; reprinted in Collected
Works of David Daube 4.
Daube, David, Studies in Biblical Law, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1947; reprint, New York: Ktav,
1969. [020]
Daube, David, “Suddenness and Awe in Scripture,” in Council of Christians and Jews, London, 1964; reprinted in
Collected Works of David Daube 3.
Daube, David, “‘Suffrage’ and ‘Precedent’, ‘Mercy’ and ‘Grace,’” Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis 47 (1979),
235–246; reprinted in Collected Studies in Roman Law 2:1357–1372.
Daube, David, “Suicide,” in Studi in Onore di Giusseppe Grosso, 119–127, Torino: Giappichelli, 1970; reprinted in
Collected Works of David Daube 4. [228]
Daube, David, “Summum Ius—Summa Iniuria,” in Studies in Biblical Law (1947), 190–257; combined, revised and
enlarged from “How Esau Sold His Birthright,” Cambridge Law Journal 8 (1942), 1–6, and “Some
Comparative Law—Furtum Conceptum,” Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis 15 (1936), 48–77; reprint
Freiburg im Bresgau, 1937; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 3. [130]
Daube, David, “Temple Tax,” in Appeasement or Resistance and Other Essays on New Testament Judaism, 39–58;
reprinted in E.P. Sanders, ed., Jesus, the Gospels, and the Church: Essays in Honor of William R. Farmer,
121–134, Macon, Ga.: Mercer Univeristy Press, 1987; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 2:771–
782. [232]
Daube, David, “Tenancy of Purchaser and lex Commissoria (D. 19. 2. 21),” Cambridge Law Journal 10 (1948), 77–
83; reprinted in Revue Internationale des Droits de l’Antiquité 5 (1958), 429–435; reprinted in Collected
Studies in Roman Law 1:271–278. [180]
Daube, David, “Terms for Divorce,” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 362–372; reprinted in Collected
Works of David Daube 2:281–288. [086]
Daube, David, “Texts and Interpretation in Roman and Jewish Law,” Jewish Journal of Sociology 3 (1961), 3–28;
reprinted in Henry A. Fischel, ed., Essays in Greco-Roman and Related Talmudic Literature, 240–265, New
York: KTAV, 1977; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 1:173–204. [058][114]
Daube, David, “The Abomination of Desolation,” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 418–437; reprinted
in Collected Works of David Daube 2:661–276. [152]
Daube, David, “The Accuser under the lex Julia de adulteriis,” Salonica Congress of Byzantine Studies (1955), 8–
21; reprinted in Collected Studies in Roman Law 1:561–574. [202]
Daube, David, “The Anointing at Bethany and Jesus’ Burial,” Anglican Theological Review 32 (1950), 186–199;
compare sections of “Disgrace,” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 3.8; reprinted in Collected
Works of David Daube 2:622–634. [152]
Daube, David, “The Authority of the Church and Private Judgment,” Guardian (August 22, 1941), 393, 406–407,
418; reprinted in Collected Studies in Roman Law 2:763–770.
Daube, David, “The Burdened Convert,” in Appeasement or Resistance and Other Essays on New Testament
Judaism, 59–73; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 2:529–536. [066]
Daube, David, “The Civil Law of the Mishnah: The Arrangement of the Three Gates,” Tulane Law Review 18
(1944), 351–407; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 1:257–304. [178][036]
Daube, David, “The Compilers’ Use of a Revised Paul and Ulpian,” Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für
Rechtsgeschichte Neunzigster Band 90 (1973), 359–360; reprinted in Collected Studies in Roman Law
2:1287–1290. [152]
Daube, David, “The Contrariness of Speech and Polytheism,” in Collected Works of David Daube 4, expanded
version of article in Journal of Law and Religion 11 (1995), 317–321.
Daube, David, “The Culture of Deuteronomy,” Orita 3 (1969), 27–52; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube
3. [020]
Daube, David, “The Date of The Birth of Merlin,” Aberdeen University Review 35 (1953), 49–50; reprinted in
Collected Works of David Daube 4.
Daube, David, “The Defence of Superior Orders in Roman Law,” Law Quarterly Review 72 (1956), 494–515; also
booklet, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1956; reprinted in Collected Studies in Roman Law 1:579–602.
Daube, David, The Duty of Procreation, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1977; also in Proceedings of the
Classical Association, vol. 74, London, 1977; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 3. [170]
Daube, David, “The Earliest Structure of the Gospels,” New Testament Studies 5 (1959), 174–187; reprinted in
Collected Works of David Daube 2:329–341. [152]
Daube, David, The Exodus Pattern in the Bible, London: Faber and Faber, 1963 (All Souls Studies 2); reprint,
Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1979; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 3. [130]
Daube, David, “The Finale of Horace’s ‘Satire’ 1.4,” Index, Quaderni Camerti di Studi Romanistici, Omaggio a
Peter Stein 22 (1994), 371–388; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 4.
Daube, David, “The Finale of the Summoner’s Tale,” in Collected Works of David Daube 4.
Daube, David, “The Form Is the Message,” in Ancient Jewish Law: Three Inaugural Lectures, 71–129, Leiden: E.J.
Brill, 1981; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 2:187–229. [142]
Daube, David, “The Gospels and the Rabbis,” The Listener 56 (1956); reprinted in Service International de
Documentation Judéo-Chrétienne, English edition, 26 (1993), 19–23; reprinted in Collected Works of David
Daube 2:13–19. [152]
Daube, David, “The History of Rhetoric,” in Collected Works of David Daube 4. [130]
Daube, David, “The ‘I Am’ of the Messianic Presence,” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 325–329;
reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 2:371–374.
Daube, David, “The Influence of Interpretation on Writing,” Buffalo Law Review 20 (1970), 41–59; reprinted in
Collected Studies in Roman Law 2:1245–1262. [096][114]
Daube, David, “The Interpretation of a Generic Singular,” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 438–444;
reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 2:677–682. [114][160]
Daube, David, “The Interpretation of a Singular in Galatians 3:16,” Jewish Quarterly Review 37 (1946), 227–230;
reprinted in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 3.21; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube
2:677–682. [114][160]
Daube, David, “The Last Beatitude,” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 196–201; reprinted in Collected
Works of David Daube 2:321–325. [156]
Daube, David, “The Last Chapter of Esther,” Jewish Quarterly Review 27 (1946), 139–147; reprinted in Collected
Works of David Daube 3.
Daube, David, “The Law of Witnesses in Transferred Operation,” Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society of
Columbia University 5 (1973), 91–93 (Gaster Festschrift); reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube
1:397–400. [088]
Daube, David, “The Laying on of Hands,” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 224–246; reprinted in
Collected Works of David Daube 2:599–616. [152]
Daube, David, “The lex Fufia Caninia and King Arthur,” Law Quarterly Review 80 (1964), 225–227; reprinted in
Collected Studies in Roman Law 2:1083–1086.
Daube, David, “The lex Julia concerning Adultery,” Irish Jurist 7 (1972), 373–380; reprinted in Collected Studies
in Roman Law 2:1267–1276. [202]
Daube, David, “The Linguistics of Suicide,” Philosophy and Public Affairs 1 (1972), 387–437; reprinted in Suicide
and Life-Threatening Behavior 7 (1977), 132–182; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 4. [228]
Daube, David, “The Marriage of Justinian and Theodora: Legal and Theological Reflections,” Catholic University
of American Law Review 16 (1967), 380–399; reprinted in Collected Studies in Roman Law 2:1223–1244.
Daube, David, “The Mediocrity of Celsus,” Classical Journal 70 (1974), 41–42; reprinted in Colelcted Works of
David Daube 4.
Daube, David, “The Moment and the Flow of Time,” in Collected Works of David Daube 4.
Daube, David, “The ‘Nails’ and the Jews, taken from Two Jewish Prayers,” Rechtshistorisches Journal 6 (1987),
195–208; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 2:21–33.
Daube, David, “The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism,” Liberal Jewish Monthly 28 (1957), 7–11, 28–31;
reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 2:3–12. [152]
Daube, David, The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, London: Union of Liberal and Progressive Synagogues,
1956; reprint, New York: Arno Press, 1973; reprint, Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson Publishers, 1994. [028]
Daube, David, “The New Testament Terms for Divorce,” Theology 47 (1944), 65–67; reprinted as “Terms for
Divorce,” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 3.13; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube
2:281–288. [086][154]
Daube, David, “The Night of Death,” Harvard Theological Review 61 (1968), 629–632; reprinted in Collected
Works of David Daube 1:459–462.
Daube, David, “The Offices of a Disciple,” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 266–267; reprinted in
Collected Works of David Daube 2:747. [152]
Daube, David, “The Old Testament in the New,” in Appeasement or Resistance, and Other Essays on New
Testament Judaism, 1–38; first published in German as Das Alte Testament im Neuen: aus jüdischer Sicht,
Konstanz: Universitatsverlag Konstanz, 1984, 1998 (Xenia, Konstanzer althistorische Vortrage und
Forschungen 10); reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 2:43–63. [152]
Daube, David, “The Palingenesia of Digest 50.17.110 and the Construction of Asyndetons,” Revue Internationale
des Droits de l’Antiquité 1 (1952), 385–399; reprinted in Collected Studies in Roman Law 1:515–526.
Daube, David, “The Peregrine Praetor,” Journal of Roman Studies 41 (1951), 66–70; reprinted in Collected Studies
in Roman Law 1:395–402.
Daube, David, “The Preponderance of Intestacy at Rome,” Tulane Law Review 39 (1965), 253–262; reprinted in
Collected Studies in Roman Law 2:1087–1096. [058][226]
Daube, David, “The Quaestio in Roman Law,” in Studies in Biblical Law, 257–313; reprinted in Collected Works of
David Daube 4. [058]
Daube, David, “The Rabbinic Treatment of ‘and he said, saying,’” in Otto Rössler, ed., Hebraica, 3–14, Berlin:
Verlag Von Dietrich Reimer, 1977; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 1:441–447. [096]
Daube, David, “The Restoration of Fruits by the bona fide possessor,” Cambridge Law Journal 9 (1946), 31–43;
reprinted in Collected Studies in Roman Law 1:139–154. [180]
Daube, David, “The Return of the Divorcee,” Inaugural Jewish Law Fellowship Lecture, Oxford: Oxford Centre for
Postgraduate Hebrew Studies, 1992; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 3. [086]
Daube, David, “The Scales of Justice,” Juridical Review 63 (1951), 109–129; reprinted in Collected Studies in
Roman Law 1:447–464. [178]
Daube, David, “The Self-Understood in Legal History,” Juridical Review 85 [n.s. 18] (1973), 126–134; also in
German, “Das Selbstverständliche in der Rechtsgeschichte,” Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung 90 (1973), 1–
13; reprinted in Collected Studies in Roman Law 2:1277–1286. [096]
Daube, David, “The Significance of the Afikoman,” Pointer 3 (1968), 4–5; reprinted in Collected Works of David
Daube 2:425–428.
Daube, David, The Sudden in the Scriptures, Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1964; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube
Daube, David, “The Three Quotations from Homer in Digest,” Cambridge Law Journal 10 (1949), 213–
215; reprinted in Collected Studies in Roman Law 1:341–344.
Daube, David, “Three Footnotes on Civil Disobedience in Antiquity,” Humanities in Society 2 (1979), 69–82;
reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 3. [102]
Daube, David, “Three Legal Notes on Josephus after His Surrender,” Law Quarterly Review 93 (1977), 191–195;
reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 3. [128]
Daube, David, “Three Notes Having To Do with Johanan ben Zaccai,” Journal of Theological Studies 11 (1960),
53–62; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 1:425–435.
Daube, David, “Three Notes on Digest 18.1, Conclusion of Sale,” Law Quarterly Review 72 (1957), 379–398;
reprinted in Collected Studies in Roman Law 1:603–624. [034]
Daube, David, “Three Notes on Paradise Regained,” Review of English Studies19 (1943), 205–213; reprinted in
Collected Works of David Daube 4; compare “Chronology,” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism,
3.19; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 2:411–420.
Daube, David, “Three Questions of Form in Matthew 5,” Journal of Theological Studies 45 (1944), 21–32;
reprinted as “Principle and Cases”; “The Last Beatitutde”; and “Amen”; in The New Testament and Rabbinic
Judaism, 63–66, 196–201, 388–393; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 2:173–175, 321–325,
647–650. [142]
Daube, David, “To Be Found Doing Wrong,” Studi in onore di Edoardo Volterra 2 (1969), 1–13; reprinted in
Collected Works of David Daube 3. [088]
Daube, David, “To Exact a Debtor,” Studi in Onore di Emilio Betti, 234–330, Milan, 1961; Corrigendum, Iura 12
(1961), 209–210; reprinted in Collected Studies in Roman Law 2:1017–1024. [078]
Daube, David, “Transplantation: Acceptability of Procedures and the Required Legal Sanctions,” in G.E.W.
Wolstenholme and M. O’Connor, eds., Ciba Foundation Symposium on Ethics in Medical Progress, 188–
201, London, 1966; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 4. [146]
Daube, David, “Tres personae possunt dictione dotis obligari,” Juridical Review 51 (1939), 1–12; reprinted in
Collected Studies in Roman Law 1:61–70. [168]
Daube, David, “Tria mysteria krauges: Ignatius, Ephesians, 19:1,” Journal of Theological Studies 16 (1965), 128–
129; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 2:875. [160]
Daube, David, “Turpitude in D.12.5.5,” in Studies in Roman Law, 33–38, Leiden, 1986; reprinted in Collected
Studies in Roman Law 2:1403–1408.
Daube, David, “Two Aramaisms,” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 383–387; reprinted in Collected
Works of David Daube 2:643–646. [152][038]
Daube, David, “Two Cases of Hypostatizing,” Annales de la Faculté de Droit d’Istanbul 4–5 (1955), 24–26;
reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 1:377–379.
Daube, David, “Two Early Patterns of Manumission,” Journal of Roman Studies 26 (1946), 56–75; reprinted in
Collected Studies in Roman Law 1:165–192. [204]
Daube, David, “Two Haggadic Principles and the Gospels,” Journal of Theological Studies, 44 (1943), 149–155;
compare “Chronology,” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 3.19; reprinted in Collected Works of
David Daube 2:411–420. [152]
Daube, David, “Two Incidents after the Last Supper,” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 330–335;
reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 2:441–445. [152]
Daube, David, “Two Jewish Prayers (Part I, Cain),” Rechtshistorisches Journal 6 (1987), 185–208; reprinted in
Collected Works of David Daube 3.
Daube, David, “Two Notes on Communal Responsibility,” Sociological Review 36 (1944), 24–42; reprinted in
Studies in Biblical Law. [206]
Daube, David, “Two Notes on the Passover ‘Haggadah,’” Journal of Theological Studies 50 (1949), 53–57;
reprinted as “A Supernatural Birth”; and “The ‘I Am’ of the Messianic Presence,” in The New Testament
and Rabbinic Judaism, 5–9, 325–329; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 2:420–424 and 371–
374. [098]
Daube, David, “Two Symbols,” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 401–405; reprinted in Collected
Works of David Daube 2:657–660.
Daube, David, “Two Tripartite Forms,” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 170–195; reprinted in
Collected Works of David Daube 2:389–409. [142]
Daube, David, “Typology in Josephus” (in German), in Typologie im Werk des Flavius Josephus, Munich, 1977;
reprinted in Freiburger Rundbrief 31 (1979), 59–68; reprinted in Journal of Jewish Studies 31 (1980), 18–
36; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 3. [142]
Daube, David, “Über die Umbildung biblischen Rechtsgutes,” in Symbolae Friburgenses in Honorem Ottonis
Lenel, 245–258, Leipzig, 1933; compare “A Symbol of Ezekiel in Revelation,” in The New Testament and
Rabbinic Judaism, 3.18A; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 2:657–660. [020]
Daube, David, “Unjust Enrichment: A Might-Have-Been,” Rechtshistorisches Journal 9 (1990), 291–300; reprinted
in Collected Works of David Daube 3.
Daube, David, “(Untitled remarks on Psalms),” in Hedvig-Teresia von Peinen, ed., “Zeig mir den Weg, den ich
gehen soll” Psalmen—Gebetbuch der großen Ökumene, 19–21, Regensburg, 1981; reprinted in Collected
Works of David Daube 3.
Daube, David, “Usufruct and Servitudes,” Law Quarterly Review 71 (1955), 342–345; reprinted in Collected
Studies in Roman Law 1:575–578. [180]
Daube, David, “Utiliter agere,” Ivra 11 (1960), 69–148; reprinted in Collected Studies in Roman Law 2:923–994.
Daube, David, “Violence to the Kingdom,” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 285–300; reprinted in
Collected Works of David Daube 2:267–279. [152]
Daube, David, “What Price Equality? Some Historical Reflections,” Rechtshistorisches Journal 5 (1986), 185–208;
reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 3. [102]
Daube, David, Wine in the Bible, 12–20, London: Diocesan Council, 1975; reprinted in Collected Works of David
Daube 2:453–464. [081]
Daube, David, “Withdrawal: Five Verbs,” California Studies in Classical Antiquity 7 (1974), 93–112; reprinted in
Collected Studies in Roman Law 2:1291–1310. [234]
Daube, David, “Witnesses in Bible and Talmud,” from Witnesses in Bible and Talmud by David Daube and Biblical
Laws of Talion by Calum Carmichael, Oxford: Oxford Centre for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies, 1986;
reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 1:401–423. [178]
Daube, David, “Word-Formation in Indo-European and Semitic,” in Michael H. Hoeflich, ed., Lex et Romanitas:
Essays for Alan Watson, 15–18, Berkeley: University of California, 2000; reprinted in Collected Works of
David Daube 3. [234]
Daube, David, “‘Ye Have Heard—but I Say unto You,’” in The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism, 55–62;
reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube 2:167–172. [152]
Daube, David, “Zukunftsmusik: Some Desirable Lines of Exploration in the New Testament Field,” Bulletin of the
John Rylands University Library of Manchester 68 (1985), 53–75; reprinted in Collected Works of David
Daube 2:353–369. [152]
Daube, David, “Zur frühtalmudischen Rechtspraxis,” Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft und die
Kunde des Nachbiblichus Judentums 50 (1932), 148–159; reprinted in Collected Works of David Daube
1:381–396. [096]
Daube, David, “Zur Palingenesie einiger Klassikerfragmente,” Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte
Sechsundsiebzigster Band 89 (1959), 149–264; reprinted in Collected Studies of Roman Law 2:789–898.
Daube, David, review of Bernard S. Jackson, Essays in Jewish and Comparative Legal History, Journal of Jewish
Studies 28 (1977), 79–80. [020]
Daube, David, and R. Yaron, “Jacob’s Reception by Laban,” Journal of Semitic Studies 1 (1956), 60–62; reprinted
in Collected Works of David Daube 3. [130]
Dauer, Anton, Die Passionsgeschichte im Johannesevangelium: Eine traditionsgeschichtliche und theologische
Untersuchung zu Joh. 18:1–19, 30, Munich: Kösel-Verlag, 1972. [162]
Dautzenberg, Gerhard, “Der Prozess Jesu und seine Hintergründe: Die Eigenart des Konfliktes im Streit der
Meinungen,” Bibel und Kirche 48, no. 3 (1993), 147–153. [162]
Dautzenberg, Gerhard, “Ist das Schwurverbot Mt. 5:33–37, Jak 5:12; ein Beispiel für die Torakritik Jesu?”
Biblische Zeitschrift 25 (1981), 47–66. [156]
Dautzenberg, Gerhard, “Markus und das Gesetz: Überlegungen zur Gleichnamigen Untersuchung von Heikki
Sariola,” Biblische Zeitschrift 42, n.s., no. 1 (1998), 91–95. [152]
Dautzenberg, G., and N. Lohfink, eds., Studien zum Deuteronomium und zur deuteronomistischen Literatur I,
Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1990 (Stuttgarter biblische Aufsatzbände 8). [020]
Dautzenberg, G., and N. Lohfink, eds., Studien zum Deuteronomium und zur deuteronomistischen Literatur II,
Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1991 (Stuttgarter biblische Aufsatzbände 12). [020]
Dautzenberg, G., and N. Lohfink, eds., Studien zum Deuteronomium und zur deuteronomistischen Literatur III,
Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1995 (Stuttgarter biblische Aufsatzbände 20). [020]
Dautzenberg, G., and N. Lohfink, eds., Studien zur biblischen Theologie, Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1993
(Stuttgarter biblische Aufsatzbände 16). [020]
Dauvellier, J., “La parabole de tresore et les droits orientaux,” Revue Internationale des Droits de l’Antiquité 4
(1957), 107–115. [158]
David, H., “Hammurabi and the Law in Exodus,” Old Testament Studies 7 (1950), 149–178. [036]
David, Madeline, “Zabal (Gen. 30:20),” Vetus Testamentum 1 (1951), 59–60. [130]
David, Martin, “Adoptie in het oude Israel,” Med. Kon. Ned. Akad. v. Wetench. Let 18 (1955), 85–103. [004]
David, Martin, “De codex Hammörabi en zign verhouding bot de wetsbepalingen in exodus,” TR Deel 17 (1939),
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Lohfink, Norbert, “Das deuteronomische Gesetz in der Endgestalt—Entwurf einer Gesellschaft ohne marginale
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“Deuteronomy,” in The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, 229–232, Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1976.
Lohfink, Norbert, “Das Deuteronomium: Jahwegesetz oder Mosegesetz? Die Subjektzuordnung bei Wörtern für
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Dimension, 103–121, Freiburg: Herder, 1987; 2d ed., 1989; reprinted from “Der Begriff des Gottesreichs
vom Alten Testament her gesehen,” in J. Schreiner, ed., Unterwegs zur Kirche. Alttestamentliche
Konzeptionen, 33–86, Freiburg: Herder, 1987 (Quaestiones Disputatae 110). [020]
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verlorene Dimension, 71–102, Freiburg: Herder, 1987; 2d ed., 1989; reprinted from “Der Begriff des
Gottesreichs vom Alten Testament her gesehen,” in J. Schreiner, ed., Unterwegs zur Kirche.
Alttestamentliche Konzeptionen, 33–86, Freiburg: Herder, 1987 (Quaestiones Disputatae 110). [020]
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Unterwegs zur Kirche: Alttestamentliche Konzeptionen, 33–86, Freiburg: Herder, 1987 (Quaestiones
Disputatae 110); reprinted in “Das Königtum Gottes und die politische Macht,” in Das Jüdische am
Christentum: Die verlorene Dimension, 71–102, Freiburg: Herder, 1987; 2d ed., 1989; also in “Das
Gottesreich und die Wirtschaft,” in Das Jüdische am Christentum: Die verlorene Dimension, 103–121,
Freiburg: Herder, 1987; 2d ed., 1989; also in Studien zur biblischen Theologie, 152–205, Stuttgart:
Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1993 (Stuttgarter biblische Aufsatzbände 16). [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Der Bundesschluss im Land Moab: Redaktionsgeschichtliches zu Deuteronomy 28:69–32:47,”
Biblische Zeitschrift 6 (1962), 32–56; reprinted in Studien zum Deuteronomium und zur deuteronomistischen
Literatur I, 53–82, Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1990 (Stuttgarter biblische Aufsatzbände 8). [072]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Der Dekalog in der Sicht heutiger Bibelwissenschaft,” Religionsuntericht an Hoheren Schulen 6
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Lohfink, Norbert, “Der ‘heilige Krieg’ und der ‘Bann’ in der Bibel,” Internationale Katholische Zeitschrift,
Communio 18 (1989), 104–112; reprinted as “‘Holy War’ and the ‘Ban’ in the Bible,” ThD 38 (1991), 109–
114. [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Die huqqim mispatim im Buch Deuteronomium und ihre Neubegrenzung durch Deuteronomy
12:1,” Biblica 70 (1989), 1–30; reprinted in Studien zum Deuteronomium und zur deuteronomistischen
Literatur II, 229–256, Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1991 (Stuttgarter biblische Aufsatzbände 12).
Lohfink, Norbert, “Der Neue Bund im Buch Deuteronomium?” Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische
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Lohfink, Norbert, trans. by Raymond Kuntzman, “Deutéronome et Pentateuque: État de la recherche,” in Pierre
Haudebert, ed., Le pentateuque: Débats et recherches: XIVe congrès de l’ACFEB, Angers 1991, 35–64,
Paris: du Cerf, 1992 (Lectio Divina 151); repinted in G. Dautzenberg and N. Lohfink, eds., Studien zum
Deuteronomium und zur deuteronomistischen Literatur III, 39–64, Stuttgarter biblische Aufsatzbände 20,
Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1995; also in Les traditions du Pentateuque autour de l’exil, 26–40,
Paris: du Cerf, 1996 (Cahiers d’Evangile 97). [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Deuteronomium,” in M. Görg and B. Lang, eds., Neues Bibel-Lexikon I/Lfg. 3: Brüder Jesu—
Einleitungswissenschaft, 414–418, Zürich: Benziger, 1990. [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Deuteronomium 6:24 ‘für unseren Unterhalt aufzukommen,’” in G. Dautzenberg and N.
Lohfink, eds., Studien zum Deuteronomium und zur deuteronomistischen Literatur III, 269–278, Stuttgart:
Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1995 (Stuttgarter biblische Aufsatzbände 20); reprinted from “Deuteronomy 6:24:
‘to maintain us,’” in M. Fishbane and E. Tov, eds., “Sha’arei Talmon”: Studies in the Bible, Qumran, and
the Ancient Near East Presented to Shemaryahu Talmon, 111–119, Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns, 1992.
Lohfink, Norbert, “Deuteronomy,” in The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, 229–232, Nashville: Abingdon
Press, 1976; reprinted as “Das Deuteronomium,” in Studien zum Deuteronomium und zur
deuteronomistischen Literatur II, 15–24, Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1991 (Stuttgarter biblische
Aufsatzbände 12); reprinted in “Pluralismus,” Unsere großen Wörter: Das Alte Testament zu Themen dieser
Jahre, 24–43, Freiburg: Herder, 1977; 2d ed., 1979; 3d ed., 1985. [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Deuteronomy 6:24: lechayyotenû ‘to maintain us,’” in Michael Fishbane, Emanuel Tov, and
Weston W. Fields, eds., “Sha’arei Talmon”: Studies in the Bible, Qumran, and the Ancient Near East
Presented to Shemaryahu Talmon, 111–119, Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns, 1992; reprinted as
“Deuteronomium 6:24 ‘für unseren Unterhalt aufzukommen,’” in G. Dautzenberg and N. Lohfink, eds.,
Studien zum Deuteronomium und zur deuteronomistischen Literatur III, 269–278, Stuttgart: Katholisches
Bibelwerk, 1995 (Stuttgarter biblische Aufsatzbände 20). [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Deuteronomy 12:1 und Genesis 15:18: Das dem Samen Abrahams geschenkte Land als der
Geltungsbereich der deuteronomischen Gesetze,” in Manfred Görg and Augustin R Müller, eds., Die Väter
Israels. Beiträge zur Theologie der Patriarchenüberlieferungen im Alten Testament: Festschrift für Josef
Scharbert zum 70. Geburtstag, 183–210, Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1989; reprinted in Studien zum
Deuteronomium und zur deuteronomistischen Litertaur II, 257–285, Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk,
1991 (Stuttgarter biblische Aufsatzbände 12). [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Deuteronomy 26:17–19 und die ‘Bundesformel,’” Zeitschrift für Katholische Theologie 91
(1969), 517–553; reprinted in Studien zum Deuteronomium und zur deuteronomistischen Literatur I, 211–
261, Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1990 (Stuttgarter biblische Aufsatzbände 8). [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Die Abänderung der Theologie des priesterlichen Geschichtswerks im Segen des
Heiligkeitsgesetzes. Zu Lev. 26:9.11–13,” in Hartmutt Gese and Hans P. Rüger, eds., Wort und Geschichte:
Festschrift für Karl Elliger zum 70sten Geburtstag, 129–136, Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag,
Kevelaer: Butzon und Berker, 1973 (Alter Orient und Altes Testament 18); reprinted in Studien zum
Pentateuch, 157–168, Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1988 (Stuttgarter biblische Aufsatzbände 4). [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Die Ältesten Israels und der Bund: Zum Zusammenhang von Deuteronomy 5:23; 26:17–19;
27:1.9f und 31:9,” Biblische Notizen 67 (1993), 26–42. [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Die alttestamentliche Bundesinstitution im Lichte der neueren Forschung,” Religionsuntericht an
Hoheren Schulen 7 (1964), 123–132. [072]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Die Bedeutung von hebr. jrs qal und hif,” Biblische Zeitschrift 27 (1983), 14–33. [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Die deuteronomistische Darstellung des Übergangs der Führung Israels von Moses auf Josue:
Ein Beitrag zur alttestamentlichen Theologie des Amtes,” Schol 37 (1962), 32–44; reprinted in Studien zum
Deuteronomium und zur deuteronomistischen Literatur I, 83–97, Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1990
(Stuttgarter biblische Aufsatzbände 8); reprinted as “The Deuteronomistic Picture of the Transfer of
Authority from Moses to Joshua: A Contribution to an Old Testament Theology Office,” in L.M. Maloney,
trans., Theology of the Pentateuch: Themes of the Priestly Narrative and Deuteronomy, 234–247,
Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 1994. [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, Die Landverheissung als Eid: Eine Studie zu Genesis 15, Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk,
(Stuttgarter Bibelstudien 28), (1967). [166]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Die richtige Gesellschaft,” in Kirchenträume: Reden gegen den Trend, 64–90, Freiburg: Herder,
1982; reprinted in A igreja dos meus sonhos, Sao Paulo: Paulinas, 1986 (Colecao comunidade e missao).
Lohfink, Norbert, “Die Schichten des Pentateuch und der Krieg,” in Norbert Lohfink, ed., Gewalt und
Gewaltlosigkeit im Alten Testament, 51–110, Freiburg: Herder, 1983 (Quaestiones Disputatae 96); reprinted
in Studien zum Pentateuch, 255–315, Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1988 (Stuttgarter biblische
Aufsatzbände 4); reprinted as “The Strata of the Pentateuch and the Question of War,” in L.M. Maloney,
trans., Theology of the Pentateuch: Themes of the Priestly Narrative and Deuteronomy, 173–226,
Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 1994. [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Die Sicherung der Wirksamkeit des Gotteswortes durch das Prinzip der Schriftlichkeit der Tora
und durch das Prinzip der Gewaltenteilung nach den Ämtergesetzen des Buches Deuteronomium (Dt 16,18–
18,22),” in H. Wolter, ed., Testimonium Veritati: Philosophische und Theologische Studien zu Kirchlichen
Fragen der Gegenwart, 143–155, Frankfurt: Knecht, 1971 (Frankfurter Theologische Studien 7); reprinted
as “Gewaltenteilung (Neufassung),” in Unsere großen Wörter: Das Alte Testament zu Themen dieser Jahre,
57–75, Freiburg: Herder, 1977; 2d ed., 1979; 3d ed., 1985; reprinted in Studien zum Deuteronomium und zur
deuteronomistischen Literatur I, 305–323, Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1990 (Stuttgarter biblische
Aufsatzbände 8). [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Die Stimmen in Deuteronomium,” Biblische Zeitschrift 37 (1993), 209–235. [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Die These vom ‘deuteronomischen’ Dekaloganfang: Ein fragwürdiges Ergebnis atomistischer
Sprachstatistik,” in Georg Braulik, ed., Studien zum Pentateuch: Festschrift für Walter Kornfeld zum 60ten
Geburtstag, 99–109, Wien: Herder, 1977; reprinted in Studien zum Deuteronomium und zur
deuteronomistischen Literatur I, 363–378, Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1990 (Stuttgarter biblische
Aufsatzbände 8). [080]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Die Wandlung des Bundesbegriffs im Buch Deuteronomium,” in Johannes Baptist Metz, W.
Kern, and others, eds., Gott im Welt: Festgabe für Karl Rahner, 1:423–444, Freiburg: Herder, 1964;
condensed and reprinted as “El desarrollo del concepto de Alianza en el Deuteronomio,” SelTeol 5 (1966),
45–52. [072]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Die Zehn Gebote ohne den Berg Sinai,” in Bibelauslegung im Wandel: Ein Exeget ortet seine
Wissenschaft, 129–157, Frankfurt: Knecht, 1967. [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “’D(w)t im Deuteronomium und in den Königsbüchern,” Biblische Zeitschrift 35 (1991), 86–93.
Lohfink, Norbert, “El desarrollo del concepto de Alianza en el Deuteronomio,” SelTeol 5 (1966), 45–52; condensed
and reprinted from “Die Wandlung des Bundesgriffes im Buch Deuteronomium,” in J.B. Metz, W. Kern,
and others, eds., Gott im Welt: Festgabe für Karl Rahner, 1:423–444, Freiburg: Herder, 1964. [072]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Fortschreibung? Zur Technik von Rechtsrevisionen im deuteronomischen Bereich, erörtert an
Deuteronomium 12, Exodus 21:2–11 und Deuteronomy 15:12–18,” in T. Veijola, ed., Das Deuteronomium
und seine Querbeziehungen, 127–171, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1996 (Schriften der
Finnischen Exegetischen Gessellschaft 62). [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Gab es eine deuteronomistische Bewegung?” in Walter Gross, ed., Jeremia und die
“deuteronomistische Bewegung,” 313–382, Weinheim: Beltz Athenäum, 1995 (Bonner Biblische Beiträge
98); reprinted in G. Dautzenberg and N. Lohfink, eds., Studien zum Deuteronomium und zur
deuteronomistischen Literatur III, 65–142, Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1995 (Stuttgarter biblische
Aufsatzbände 20); reprinted as “Y a-t-il eu un mouvement deutéronomiste?” in Les traditions du
Pentateuque autour de l’exil, 41–63, Paris: du Cerf, 1996 (Cahiers d’Evangile 97). [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Gesetz, Gerechtigkeit und Erbarmen in Alten Testament und im Alten Orient,” Euntes Docete 52
(1999), 251–265. [206]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Gesetz und Gnade,” Das Siegeslied am Schilfmeer (1965), 151–173. [124]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Gewaltenteilung (Neufassung),” in Unsere großen Wörter: Das Alte Testament zu Themen
dieser Jahre, 57–75, Freiburg: Herder, 1977; 2d ed., 1979; 3d ed., 1985; reprinted from “Die Sicherung der
Wirksamkeit des Gotteswortes durch das Prinzip der Schriftlichkeit der Tora und durch das Prinzip der
Gewaltenteilung nach den Ämtergesetzen des Buches Deuteronomium (Dt 16,18–18,22),” in H. Wolter, ed.,
Testimonium Veritati: Festschrift für Bischof Wilhelm Kempf, 143–155, Frankfurt: Knecht, 1971
(Frankfurter Theologische Studien 7). [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Gibt es eine deuteronomistische Bearbeitung im Bundesbuch?” in Christian H.W. Brekelmans
and Johan Lust, eds., Pentateuchal and Deuteronomistic Studies: Papers Read at the XIIIth IOSOT
Congress Leuven 1989, 91–113, Louvain: Leuven Peeters, 1990 (Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum
Lovaniensium 94). [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Gott auf der Seite der Armen,” in Das Jüdische am Christentum: Die verlorene Dimension, 122–
143, Freiburg: Herder, 1987; 2d ed., 1989; reprinted from “‘Option für die Armen,’ Das Leitwort der
Befreiungstheologie im Lichte der Bibel,” Stimmen der Zeit 203, no. 7 (1985) 449–464. [206]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Gott im Buch Deuteronomium,” in J. Coppens, ed., La Notion biblique de Dieu: Le Dieu de la
Bible et le Dieu des philosophes, 101–126, Louvain: Louvain University Press, 1976 (Bibliotheca
Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium 41); reprinted in Unsere großen Wörter: Das Alte Testament zu
Themen dieser Jahre, 127–144, Freiburg: Herder, 1977; 2d ed., 1979; 3d ed., 1985; reprinted in Studien zum
Deuteronomium und zur deuteronomistischen Literatur II, 25–53, Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1991
(Stuttgarter biblische Aufsatzbände 12). [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Gottes Reich und die Wirtschaft in der Bibel,” Internationale Katholische Zeitschrift, Communio
15 (1986), 110–123. [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Hate and Love in Osee 9:15,” Catholic Biblical Quarterly 25 (1963), 417. [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “‘Holy War’ and the ‘Ban’ in the Bible,” ThD 38 (1991), 109–114; reprinted from “Der ‘heilige
Krieg’ und der ‘Bann’ in der Bibel,” Internationale Katholische Zeitschrift, Communio 18 (1989), 104–112.
Lohfink, Norbert, Höre Israel! Auslegung von Texten aus dem Buch Deuteronomium, Düsseldorf: Patmos, 1965
(Der Welt der Bibel, Kleinkommentare zur Heiligen Schrift 18); reprinted in Ascolta, Israele: Esegesi di
testi del Deuteronomio, Brescia: Paideia, 1968 (Studi Biblici 2); reprinted in Ècoute, Israël: Explication de
textes du Dt, Lyon: Mappus; Paris: Oasis, 1968 (“Lumières bibl.”). [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Il commandemento primo’ nell’ Antico Testamento,” Bibbia e Oriente 7 (1965), 49–60. [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Kennt das Alte Testament einen Unterschied von ‘Gebot’ und ‘Gesetz’? Zur bibeltheologischen
Einstufung des Dekalogs,” in Ingo Baldermann, Ernst Dassmann, and Ottmar Fuchs, eds., “Gesetz” als
Thema biblischer Theologie, 63–89, Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 1989 (Jahrbuch für Biblische
Theologie 4); reprinted in Studien zur biblischen Theologie, 206–238, Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk,
1993 (Stuttgarter biblische Aufsatzbände 16). [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, Krieg und Staat im alten Israel, Barsbüttel: Institut für Theologie und Frieden, 1992 (Beiträge zur
Friedensethik 14). [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Kultzentralisation und Deuteronomium: Zu einem Buch von Eleonore Reuter,” Zeitschrift für
altorientalische und biblische Rechtsgeschichte 1 (1995), 117–148. [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “La utopia de un mundo sin pobres en la Biblia?” SelTeol 31 (1992), 147–156; reprinted from
“Poverty in the Laws of the Ancient Near East and of the Bible,” Theological Studies 52 (1991), 34–50.
Lohfink, Norbert, “Le radici del diritto canonico nell’Antico Testamento,” Waderni di Niccolò Stenone 1 (1991), 5–
19. [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, Lectures on Deuteronomy 12–14, prepared by G. Banks and others, Rome: Biblical Institute
Press, 1983. [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, Lectures on the Covenant Formula: A Summary of Material, Rome: Pontificio Istituto Biblico,
1969. [072]
Lohfink, Norbert, “melek, sallît, und mósel bei Kohelet und die Abfassungszeit des Buchs,” Biblica 62 (1981), 535–
543. [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Moab ober Sichem—wo wurde Dtn 28 nach der Fabel des Deuteronomiums proklamiert?” in F.
García Martinez, A. Hilhorst, J.T.A.G.M. van Ruiten, Adam van der Woude, eds., Studies in Deuteronomy:
In Honour of C.J. Labuschagne on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday, 139–153, Leiden: Brill, 1994 (Vetus
Testamentum Supplement 53). [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Opferzentralisation, Säkularisierungsthese, und mimetische Theorie,” in G. Dautzenberg and N.
Lohfink, eds., Studien zum Deuteronomium und zur deuteronomistischen Literatur III, 219–260, Stuttgart:
Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1995 (Stuttgarter biblische Aufsatzbände 20); reprinted from “The Destruction of
the Seven Nations in Deuteronomy and the Mimetic Theory,” Contagion 2 (1995), 103–117. [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, Option for the Poor: The Basic Principle of Liberation Theology in the Light of the Bible,
Berkeley, Calif.: Bibal Press, 1987. [206]
Lohfink, Norbert, “‘Option für die Armen,’ Das Leitwort der Befreiungstheologie im Lichte der Bibel,” Stimmen
der Zeit 203, no. 7 (1985) 449–464; reprinted as “Gott auf der Seite der Armen,” in Das Jüdische am
Christentum: Die verlorene Dimension, 122–143, Freiburg: Herder, 1987; 2d ed., 1989. [206]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Pluralismus,” Unsere großen Wörter: Das Alte Testament zu Themen dieser Jahre, 24–43,
Freiburg: Herder, 1977; 2d ed., 1979; 3d ed., 1985; reprinted from “Culture Shock and Theology: A
Discussion of Theology as a Cultural and Sociological Phenomenon Based on the Example of a
Deuteronomic Law,” Biblical Theology Bulletin 7 (1977), 12–22, and “Deuteronomy,” in The Interpreter’s
Dictionary of the Bible, 229–232, Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1976. [114]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Poverty in the Laws of the Ancient Near East and of the Bible,” Theological Studies 52 (1991),
34–50; reprinted as “La utopia de un mundo sin pobres en la Biblia?” SelTeol 31 (1992), 147–156; reprinted
as “Armut in den Gesetzen des Alten Orients und der Bibel,” in Studien zur biblischen Theologie, 239–259,
Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1993 (Stuttgarter biblische Aufsatzbände 16). [206]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Psalms 114–115 (M[asoretic] und G[reek]) und die deuteronomische Sprachwelt,” in Ernst Haag
and Frank-Lothar Hossfeld, eds., Freude an der Weisung des Herrn: Beiträge zur Theologie der Psalmen.
Festgabe Heinrich Gross, 199–205, Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1986 (Stuttgarter biblische Beiträge
13). [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Rilievi sulla tradizione dell’alleanza con i Patriarchi,” Bibel und Kirche 22 (1967), 24–;
reprinted in Rivista Biblica 15 (1967), 393–406. [020][072]
Lohfink, Norbert, “smd,” in H.-J. Fabry and H. Ringgren, eds., Theologisches Worterbuch zum Alten Testament,
8:176–198, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1994. [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “TAPHAS,” in G.J. Botterweck and H. Ringgren, eds., Theologisches Worterbuch zum Alten
Testament, 3:123–128, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1977. [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “The Decalogue in Deuteronomy 5,” in L.M. Maloney, trans., Theology of the Pentateuch:
Themes of the Priestly Narrative and Deuteronomy, 248–264, Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 1994;
reprinted from Zur Dekalogfassung von Deuteronomy 5, Biblische Zeitschrift 9 (1965), 17–32. [080]
Lohfink, Norbert, “The Dependence of the Legal Corpus of Deuteronomy upon Both the Covenant Code and
Exodus 34,” paper presented at the Biblical Law Section of the Society for Biblical Literature, 1993.
Lohfink, Norbert, “The Destruction of the Seven Nations in Deuteronomy and the Mimetic Theory,” Contagion 2
(1995), 103–117; reprinted as “Opferzentralisation, Säkularisierungsthese, und mimetische Theorie,” in G.
Dautzenberg and N. Lohfink, eds., Studien zum Deuteronomium und zur deuteronomistischen Literatur III,
219–260, Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1995 (Stuttgarter biblische Aufsatzbände 20). [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “The Deuteronomistic Picture of the Transfer of Authority from Moses to Joshua,” in L.M.
Maloney, trans., Theology of the Pentateuch: Themes of the Priestly Narrative and Deuteronomy, 234–247,
Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 1994; reprinted from “Die deuteronomistische Darstellung des Übergangs
der Führung Israels von Moses auf Josue: Ein Beitrag zur alttestamentlichen Theologie des Amtes,” Schol
37 (1962), 32–44. [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “The Problem of Individual and Community in Deuteronomy 1:6–3:29,” in L.M. Maloney, trans.,
Theology of the Pentateuch: Themes of the Priestly Narrative and Deuteronomy, 227–233, Minneapolis:
Augsburg Fortress, 1994; reprinted from “Wie stellt sich das Problem Individuum—Gemeinschaft in
Deuteronomium 1,6–3,29?” Schol 35 (1960), 403–407. [020][030]
Lohfink, Norbert, “The ‘Small Credo’ of Deuteronomy 26:5–9,” in L.M. Maloney, trans., Theology of the
Pentateuch: Themes of the Priestly Narrative and Deuteronomy, 265–289, Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress,
1994; reprinted from “Zum ‘kleinen geschichtlichen Credo’ Deuteronomy 2:5–9,” Theologie und
Philosophie 46 (1971), 19–39. [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “The Strata of the Pentateuch and the Question of War,” in L.M. Maloney, trans., Theology of the
Pentateuch: Themes of the Priestly Narrative and Deuteronomy, 173–226, Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress,
1994; reprinted from “Die Schichten des Pentateuch und der Krieg,” in N. Lohfink, ed., Gewalt und
Gewaltlosigkeit im Alten Testament, 51–110, Freiburg: Herder, 1983 (Quaestiones Disputatae 96).
Lohfink, Norbert, “Was wird anders bei kanonischer Schriftauslegung? Beobachtungen am Beispiel von Psalm 6,”
in Ingo Baldermann, Ernst Dassmann and Ottmar Fuchs, eds., Zum Problem des biblischen Kanons, 29–53,
Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 1988 (Jahrbuch für Biblische Theologie 3); reprinted in Studien
zur biblischen Theologie, 263–293, Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1993 (Stuttgarter biblische
Aufsatzbände 16). [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Welches Orakel gab den Davididen Dauer? Ein Textproblem in 2 Kön 8,19 und das
Funktionieren der dynastischen Orakel im Deuteronomistischen Geschichtswerk,” in U. Struppe, ed.,
Studien zum Messiasbild im Alten Testament, 127–154, Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1989 (Stuttgarter
biblische Aufsatzbände 6); reprinted in Tzvi Abusch, John Huehnergard and Piotr Steinkeller, eds.,
Lingering over Words: Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Literature in Honor of William L. Moran, 349–370,
Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1990 (Harvard Semitic Studies 37). [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Wie stellt sich das Problem Individuum—Gemeinschaft in Deuteronomium 1,6–3,29?” Schol 35
(1960), 403–407; reprinted in Studien zum Deuteronomium und zur deuteronomistischen Literatur I, 45–51,
Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1990 (Stuttgarter biblische Aufsatzbände 8); reprinted as “The Problem
of Individual and Community in Deuteronomy 1:6–3:29,” in L.M. Maloney, trans., Theology of the
Pentateuch: Themes of the Priestly Narrative and Deuteronomy, 227–233, Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress,
1994. [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Y a-t-il eu un mouvement deutéronomiste?” in Les traditions du Pentateuque autour de l’exil,
41–63, Paris: du Cerf, 1996 (Cahiers d’Evangile 97); reprinted from “Gab es eine deuteronomistische
Bewegung?” in W. Groß, ed., Jeremia und die “deuteronomistische Bewegung,” 313–382, Weinheim: Beltz
Athenäum, 1995 (Bonner Biblische Beiträge 98). [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Zu Text und Form von Os 4,4–5,” Biblica 42 (1961), 303–332. [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Zum ‘kleinen geschichtlichen Credo’ Deuteronomy 26:5–9,” Theologie und Philosophie 46
(1971), 19–39; reprinted as “The ‘Small Credo’ of Deuteronomy 26:5–9,” in L.M. Maloney, trans., Theology
of the Pentateuch: Themes of the Priestly Narrative and Deuteronomy, 265–289, Minneapolis: Augsburg
Fortress, 1994. [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Zum rabbinischen Verständnis von Deuteronomy 12:1,” in J. Zmijewski, ed., Die
alttestamentliche Botschaft als Wegweisung: Festschrift für Heinz Reinelt, 157–162, Stuttgart: Katholisches
Bibelwerk, 1990; reprinted in Studien zum Deuteronomium und zur deuteronomistischen Literatur II, 287–
292, Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1991 (Stuttgarter biblische Aufsatzbände 12). [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Zur Dekalogfassung von Deuteronomy 5,” Biblische Zeitschrift 9 (1965), 17–32; reprinted in
Studien zum Deuteronomium und zur deuteronomistischen Literatur I, 193–209, Stuttgart: Katholisches
Bibelwerk, 1990 (Stuttgarter biblische Aufsatzbände 8); reprinted as “The Decalogue in Deuteronomy 5,” in
L.M. Maloney, trans., Theology of the Pentateuch: Themes of the Priestly Narrative and Deuteronomy, 248–
264, Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 1994. [080]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Zur Fabel des Deuteronomiums,” in G. Braulik, ed., Bundesdokument und Gesetz. Studien zum
Deuteronomium, 65–78, Freiburg: Herder, 1995 (Herder’s Biblical Studies 4). [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, “Zur Fabel in Deuteronomy 31–32,” in Rudiger Bartelmus, Thomas Krüger and Helmut
Utzschneider, eds., Konsequente Traditionsgeschichte: Festschrift für Klaus Baltzer zum 65. Geburtstag,
255–279, Freiburg: Universitätsverlag; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1993 (Orbis Biblicus et
Orientalis 126). [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, review of B.M. Levinson, ed., Theory and Method in Biblical and Cuneiform Law: Revision,
Interpolation and Development, Zeitschrift fürAltorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 2 (1996),
201–207. [020][036][094][114][148][238]
Lohfink, Norbert, review of Eckart Otto, Das Deuteronomium. Politische Theologie und Rechtsreform in Juda und
Assyrien, Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 6 (2000), 368–371. [040]
Lohfink, Norbert, review of Hans Ulrich Steymans, Deuteronomium 28 und die ade zur Thronfolgeregelung
Asarhaddons: Segen und Fluch im Alten Orient und in Israel, Revue Biblique 103 (1996), 602–605. [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, review of Horst Dietrich Preuss, Deuteronomium, Theologische Literaturzeitung 108 (1983),
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Lohfink, Norbert, review of Joachim Buchholz, Die Ältesten Israels im Deuteronomium, Theologische Revue 89
(1993), 192–195. [020]
Lohfink, Norbert, review of Klaus Baltzer, Das Bundesformular, Schol 36 (1961), 419–423. [020]
Löhr, Hermut, “Jesus und der Nomos aus der Sicht des entstehenden Christentums: Zum Jesus-Bild im ersten
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Otto, Eckart, “Die Tora in Max Webers Studien zum Antiken Judentum: Grundlagen für einen religions- und
rechtshistorischen Neuansatz in der Interpretation des biblischen Rechts,” Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und
Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 7 (2001), 1–188. [096]
Otto, Eckart, “Die Ursprünge der Bundestheologie im Alten Testament und im Alten Orient,” in Eckart Otto, ed.,
Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 4 (1998), 1–84, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz,
1998. [072]
Otto, Eckart, “Erstlingsopfer,” in Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, 3:835–886, 1995. [192]
Otto, Eckart, “Exkarnation ins Recht und Kanonsbildung in der Hebräischen Bibel. Zu einem Vorschlag von Jan
Assmann,” in Eckart Otto, ed., Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 5 (1999), 99–
110, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1999. [094]
Otto, Eckart, “False Weights in the Scales of Biblical Justice? Different Views of Women from Patriarchal
Hierarchy to Religious Equality in the Book of Deuteronomy,” in Victor H. Matthews, Bernard M.
Levinson, and Tikva Frymer-Kensky, eds., Gender and Law in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East,
128–146, Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998 (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament
Supplement Series 262). [244]
Otto, Eckart, “Forschungsgeschichte der Entwürfe einer Ethik im Alten Testament,” Verkündigung und Forschung
36 (1991), 3–37. [020]
Otto, Eckart, “Gabes historische und fiktive Aaroniden im Alten Testament?” Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und
Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 7 (2001), 403–414. [020]
Otto, Eckart, “Gerechtigkeit und Erbarmen im Recht des Alten Testaments und seiner christlichen Rezeption,” in
ders., Kontinuum und Proprium. Studien zur Sozial- und Rechtsgeschichte des Alten Orients und des Alten
Testaments, 242–357, Wiesbaden, 1996 (Orientalia Biblica et Christiana 8). [206]
Otto, Eckart, “Gesetzesfortschreibung und Pentateuchredaktion,” Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft
107 (1995), 373–392. [020][094]
Otto, Eckart, “Gewaltvermeidung und -überwindung in Recht und Religion Israels: Rechtshistorische und
theologische Anmerkungen eines Alttestamentlers zu Raymond Schwagers Entwurf einer biblischen
Erlösungslehre,” in J. Niewiadomski and W. Palaver, eds., Dramatische Erlösungslehre—ein Symposion,
97–117, Innsbruck: Tyrolia Verlag, 1992 (Innsbrucker theologische Studien 38); reprinted in Kontinuum
und Proprium. Studien zur Sozial- und Rechtsgeschichte des Alten Orients und des Alten Testaments, 246–
264, Wiesbaden, 1996 (Orientalia Biblica et Christiana 8). [020]
Otto, Eckart, “Homosexualität im Alten Orient und im Alten Testament,” in ders., Kontinuum und Proprium.
Studien zur Sozial- und Rechtsgeschichte des Alten Orients und des Alten Testaments, 322–330, Wiesbaden,
1996 (Orientalia Biblica et Christiana 8). [202]
Otto, Eckart, “Human Rights: The Influence of the Hebrew Bible,” Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 25, no.
1 (1999) 1–20. [108][206]
Otto, Eckart, “Innerbiblische Exegese im Heiligkeitsgesetz Levitikus 17–26,” in Heinz-Josef Fabry and HansWinfried Jungling, eds., Levitikus als Buch, 125–196, Berlin: Philo, 1999 (Bonner Biblische Beiträge 119).
Otto, Eckart, “Interdependenzen zwischen Geschichte und Rechtsgeschichte des antiken Israel,” Rechtshistorisches
Journal 7 (1988), 347–368; reprinted in Kontinuum und Proprium. Studien zur Sozial- und Rechtsgeschichte
des Alten Orients und des Alten Testaments, 75–93, Wiesbaden, 1996 (Orientalia Biblica et Christiana 8).
Otto, Eckart, “Kodifizierung und Kanonisierung von Rechtssätzen in Keilschriftlichen und Biblischen
Rechtssammlungen,” offprint from Edmond Lévy, ed., La Codification des lois dan lAntiquité: Actes du
Colloque de Strasbourg 27–29 Novembre 1997, 77–124, Paris: de Boccard, 2000. [036]
Otto, Eckart, “Körperverletzung im hethitischen und israelitischen Recht. Rechts- und religionshistorische
Aspekte,” in Bernd Janowski, Klaus Koch, and Gernot Wilhelm, eds., Religionsgeschichtliche Beziehungen
zwischen Kleinasien, Nordsyrien und dem Alten Testament: Internationales Symposion, Hamburg 17–21
März 1990, 391–425, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1993 (Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 129);
reprinted in Kontinuum und Proprium. Studien zur Sozial- und Rechtsgeschichte des Alten Orients und des
Alten Testaments, 192–223, Wiesbaden, 1996 (Orientalia Biblica et Christiana 8). [240]
Otto, Eckart, “Körperverletzung oder Verletzung von Besitzrechten? Zur Redaktion von Exodus 22:15f. im
Bundesbuch und 55–56 im Mittelassyrischen Kodex der Tafel A,” Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche
Wissenschaft 105 (1993), 153–165. [002][240]
Otto, Eckart, “Körperverletzungen in den Keilschriftrechten und im Alten Testament,” Studien zum Rechtstransfer
im Alten Orient, Alter Orient und Altes Testament 226, Kevelaer/Neukirchen-Vluyn, 1991. [036][240]
Otto, Eckart, “Kritik der Pentateuchkomposition,” Theologische Rundschau 60, no. 2 (1995), 163–191. [020][156]
Otto, Eckart, “Monothreismus im Deuteronomium oder wieviel Aufklärung es in der Alttestamentlichen
Wissenschaft geben soll,” Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 9 (2003), 251–257.
Otto, Eckart, “Mose der Schreiber. Zu poetics und genetics in der Deuteronomiumsanalyse anhand eines Buches
von Jean-Pierre Sonnet,” Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 6 (2000), 320–329.
Otto, Eckart, “Neue Aspekte zum keilschriftlichen Prozessrecht in Babylonien und Assyrien,” in Eckart Otto, ed.,
Zeitshrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 4 (1998), 263–283, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz,
1998. [036][040][070]
Otto, Eckart, “Programme der sozialen Gerechtigkeit: Die Neuassyrische (an-)durāru Institution sozialen Ausgleichs
und das deuteronomische Erlassjahr in Deuteronomy 15,” in Eckart Otto, ed., Zeitschrift für Altorientalische
und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 3 (1997), 26–63, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1997. [038][206]
Otto, Eckart, “Recht und Ethik im Alten Testament: Neue Studien zur Ethik des Alten Testaments,” Zeitschrift für
Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 9 (2003), 210–219. [124][206]
Otto, Eckart, “Recht und Gerechtigkeit. Die kulturhistorische Bedeutung alttestamentlicher Rechtsbegründungen für
eine wertplurale Moderne,” in F. Hahn and others, eds., Zion—Ort der Begegnung. Festschrift für
Laurentius Klein OSB, 63–83, Frankfurt/M., 1993 (Bonner Biblische Beiträge 90). [114]
Otto, Eckart, “Rechtsgeschichte der Redaktionen im Kodex Eshnunna und im ‘Bundesbuch,’” Eine
redaktionsgeschichtliche und rechtvergleichende Studie zu altbabylonischen und altisraelitischen
Rechtsüberlieferungen, Göttingen: Vandenhoech and Ruprecht, 1989 (Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 85). [044]
Otto, Eckart, “Rechtshermeneutik in der Hebräischen Bibel: Die innerbiblischen Ursprünge halachischer
Bibelauslegung,” Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 5 (1999), 75–98. [138]
Otto, Eckart, “Rechtshistorische Entwicklung des Depositenrechts in altorientalischen und altisraelitischen
Rechtskorpora,” Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte 105 (1988), 1–31. [036]
Otto, Eckart, “Rechtsreformen in Deuteronomium 12–26 und im mittelassyrischen Kodex der Tafel A,” in John A.
Emerton, ed., Congress Volume, Paris 1992, 239–273, Leiden: Brill, 1995. [040]
Otto, Eckart, “Response: Of Aims and Methods in Old Testament Ethics,” in D.A. Knight, ed., Ethics and Politics
in the Hebrew Bible, 161–172, Atlanta, 1995 (Semeia 66). [020][148]
Otto, Eckart, “Semiotik des biblischen Rechts,” Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 9
(2003), 220–237. [020][114]
Otto, Eckart, “Sohnespflichten im antiken Syrien und Palästina,” in ders., Kontinuum und Proprium. Studien zur
Sozial- und Rechtsgeschichte des Alten Orients und des Alten Testaments, 265–284, Wiesbaden, 1996
(Orientalia Biblica et Christiana 8). [170]
Otto, Eckart, “Sozial- und rechtshistorische Aspekte in der Ausdifferenzierung eines altisraelitischen Ethos aus dem
Recht,” Osnabrücker Hochschulschriften. Schriftenreihe des FB 3, 9 (1987), 135–161; reprinted in
Kontinuum und Proprium. Studien zur Sozial- und Rechtsgeschichte des Alten Orients und des Alten
Testaments, 94–111, Wiesbaden, 1996 (Orientalia Biblica et Christiana 8). [020]
Otto, Eckart, “Soziale Verantwortung und Reinheit des Landes. Zur Redaktion der kasuistischen Rechtssätze in
Deuteronomium 19–25,” in Rüdiger Liwak and Siegfried Wagner, eds., Prophetie und geschichtliche
Wirklichkeit im alten Israel. Festschrift für Siegfried Herrmann zum 65 Geburtstag, 290–306, Stuttgart:
Kohlhammer, 1991; reprinted in Kontinuum und Proprium. Studien zur Sozial- und Rechtsgeschichte des
Alten Orients und des Alten Testaments, 123–138, Wiesbaden, 1996 (Orientalia Biblica et Christiana 8).
Otto, Eckart, “Stellung der Frau in den ältesten Rechtstexten des Alten Testament (Ex 20:14; 22:15f) wider die
hermeneutische Naivität im Umgang mit dem Alten Testament,” Zeitschrift für Evangelische Ethik 26
(July1982), 279–305; reprinted in Kontinuum und Proprium. Studien zur Sozial- und Rechtsgeschichte des
Alten Orients und des Alten Testaments, 30–48, Wiesbaden, 1996 (Orientalia Biblica et Christiana 8). [244]
Otto, Eckart, “Techniken der Rechtssatzredaktion israelitischer Rechtsbücher in der Redaktion des Prophetenbuches
Micha,” Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament 2 (1991), 119–150. [126]
Otto, Eckart, “Tendenzen der Geschichte des Rechts in der Hebräischen Bibel,” Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und
Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 9 (2003), 1–55. [010][070][076][094][104]
Otto, Eckart, “The Pre-exilic Deuteronomy as a Revision of the Covenant Code,” paper presented at the Biblical
Law Section of the Society for Biblical Literature, 1993; in Kontinuum und Proprium. Studien zur Sozialund Rechtsgeschichte im Alten Orient und des Alten Testament, 112–122, Wiesbaden, 1996 (Orientalia
Biblica et Christiana 8). [020][072][076][094]
Otto, Eckart, Theologische Ethik des Alten Testaments, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1994. [020]
Otto, Eckart, “Town and Rural Countryside in Ancient Israelite Law: Reception and Redaction in Cuneiform and
Israelite Law,” Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 57 (1993), 3–22. [036]
Otto, Eckart, “Treueid und Gesetz. Die Ursprünge des Deuteronomiums im Horizont des neuassyrischen
Vertragsrechts,” in Eckart Otto, ed., Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 2 (1996),
1–52, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1996. [166]
Otto, Eckart, “Um Gerechtigkeit im Land Sichtbar Werden zu Lassen . . . : Zur Vermittlung von Recht und
Gerechtigkeit im Alten Orient, in der Hebräischen Bibel und in der Moderne,” in Joachim Mehlhausen, ed.,
Recht Macht Gerechtigkeit, 107–146, Gütersloh: Kaiser, 1999. [132]
Otto, Eckart, “Vom Bundesbuch zum Deuteronomium. Die deuteronomische Redaktion in Deuteronomy 12–26,” in
Georg Braulik, Walter Groß, and Sean E. McEvenue, eds., Biblische Theologie und gesellschaftlicher
Wandel. Festschrift für Norbert Lohfink, 260–278, Freiburg: Herder, 1993. [020]
Otto, Eckart, “Vom Profanrecht zum Gottesrecht: Das Bundesbuch. Rezensionsartikel zu L. SchwienhorstSchönberger, ‘Das Bundesbuch (Exodus 20:22, 23:33). Studien zu seiner Entstehung und Theologie’, BZAW
188 (1990),” Theologische Rundschau 56 (1991), 412–427. [020]
Otto, Eckart, “Vom Rechtsbruch zur Sünde. Priesterliche Interpretationen des Rechts,” Jahrbuch für Biblische
Theologie 9 (1994–1995), 25–52. [124]
Otto, Eckart, “Von der Gerichtsordnung zum Verfassungsentwurf. Deuteronomische Gestaltung und
deuteronomistische Interpretation im ‘Ämtergesetz’ Deteuronomy 16:18,18:22,” in I. Kottsieper and others,
eds., “Wer ist wie du, Herr, unter den Göttern?” Studien zur Theologie und Religionsgeschichte Israels für
Otto Kaiser zum 70, 142–155, Geburtstag: Göttingen, 1994. [070][178]
Otto, Eckart, “Von der Programmschrift einer Rechtsreform zum Verfassungsentwurf des Neuen Israel: Die
Stellung des Deuteronomiums in der Rechtsgeschichte Israels,” in Georg Braulik, ed., Bundesdokument und
Gesetz: Studien zum Deuteronomium, 93–104, Freiburg: Herder, 1995 (Herder’s Biblical Studies 4). [020]
Otto, Eckart, Wandel der Rechtsbegründungen in der Gesellschaftsgeschichte des antiken Israel. Eine
Rechtsgeschichte des “Bundesbuches” Exodus 20:22 – 23:13, Leiden: Brill, 1988 (Studia Biblica 3). [020]
Otto, Eckart, “Wiederabdruck,” in J.W. Rogerson, ed., The Pentateuch. A Sheffield Reader, Sheffield, 1996
(Biblical Seminar 39). [020]
Otto, Eckart, “Wirtschaftsethik im Alten Testament,” Informationes Theologiae Europae. Internationales
Ökumenisches Jahrbuch 3 (1994), 279–289. [034]
Otto, Eckart, “Zivile Funktionen des Stadttores in Palästina und Mesopotamien,” in Manfred Görg, ed., Studien zu
Geschichte, Kultur, und Religion Ägyptens und des Alten Testaments, 30:188–197, Wiesbaden:
Harrassowitz, 1995. [036]
Otto, Eckart, “Zum Geleit,” Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 1 (1995), 5–6. [020]
Otto, Eckart, “Zur Geschichte des Talion im Alten Orient und Israel,” in Dwight R. Daniels, Uwe Glessmer and
Martin Rösel, eds., Ernten, was man sät: Festschrift für Klaus Koch Zu Seinem 65 Geburtstag, 101–130,
Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener, 1991. [230]
Otto, Eckart, “Zur Kompositionsgeschichte des Alttestamentlichen ‘Bundesbuches’ Exodus 20:22b–23:33
(Rezensionsartikel),” Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 83 (1993), 149–165. [020]
Otto, Eckart, “Zur Stellung der Frau in den ältesten Rechtstexten des Alten Testaments (Exodus 20,14; 22:15f.):
Wider die hermeneutische Naivität im Umgang mit dem Alten Testament,” Zeitschrift für die Evangelische
Ethik 26 (1982), 279–305; reprinted in Kontinuum und Proprium: Studien zur Sozial- und Rechtstgeschichte
des Alten Orients und des Alten Testaments, 30–48, Wiesbaden, 1996 (Orientalia Biblica et Christiana 8).
Otto, Eckart, “Zwischen Strafvernichtung und Toleranz,” Veröff 86 (1998), 9–44. [174]
Otto, Eckart, review of Å. Viberg, Symbols of Law. A Contextual Analysis of Legal Symbolic Acts in the Old
Testament, Theologische Literaturzeitung 118 (1993), 506–509. [020]
Otto, Eckart, review of Anne Fitzpatrick-McKinley, The Transformation of Torah from Scribal Advice to Law,
Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 5 (1999), 310–318. [094]
Otto, Eckart, review of B. Halpern and D.W. Hobson, eds., Law and Ideology in Monarchic Israel, Theologische
Literaturzeitung 117 (1992), 827–830. [094]
Otto, Eckart, review of B.M. Levinson, Deuteronomy and the Hermeneutics of Legal Innovation, Zeitschrift für
Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 5 (1999), 329–338. [094][114][138]
Otto, Eckart, review of C. Locher, Die Ehre einer Frau in Israel. Exegetische und rechtsvergleichende Studien zu
Deuteronomium 22,13–21, Welt des Orients 20, no. 21 (1989–1990), 308–311. [144]
Otto, Eckart, review of C.M. Carmichael, The Origins of Biblical Law. The Decalogues and the Book of Covenant,
Theologische Literaturzeitung 118 (1993), 1024–1026. [020][080]
Otto, Eckart, review of C. Pressler, The View of Women Found in the Deuteronomic Family Laws, Theologische
Literaturzeitung 119 (1994), 983–986. [244]
Otto, Eckart, review of Calum M. Carmichael, Law, Legend, and Incest in the Bible. Leviticus 18–20, Zeitschrift für
Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 4 (1998), 284–287. [020][202]
Otto, Eckart, review of E.C. Stone and D.I. Owen, Adoption in Old Babylonian Nippur and the Archive of
Mannum-mesu-lissur, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 85 (1995), 163–165. [004][036]
Otto, Eckart, review of Erich Neu, Das hurritische Epos der Freilassung I. Untersuchungen zu einem hurritischhethitishen Textensemble aus Hattusa, Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 4
(1998), 290–295. [036]
Otto, Eckart, review of G. Brin, Studies in Biblical Law. From the Hebrew Bible to the Dead Sea Scrolls,
Theologische Literaturzeitung 120 (1995), 324–327. [094][186]
Otto, Eckart, review of G.C. Chirichigno, Debt-Slavery in Israel and the Ancient Near East, JSOT Supp. 141 (1993),
Biblica 76, no. 2 (1995), 254–261. [036][078][204]
Otto, Eckart, review of Georg Braulik, Die deuteronomischen Gesetze und der Dekalog: Studien zum Aufbau von
Deuteronomium 12–26, SBS 145, Stuttgart (1991), Theologische Literaturzeitung 119, no. 1 (1994), 15–17;
reprinted in Kontinuum und Proprium. Studien zur Sozial- und Rechtsgeschichte des Alten Orients und des
Alten Testaments, 331–341, Wiesbaden, 1996 (Orientalia Biblica et Christiana 8). [020][080]
Otto, Eckart, review of H.J. Gehrke (in Hungarian), Rechtskodifizierung und soziale Normen im interkulturellen
Vergleich, Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 2 (1996), 192–196. [036]
Otto, Eckart, review of H.U. Steymans, Deuteronomium 28 und die adê zur Thronfolgeregelung Asarhaddons,
Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 2 (1996), 214–221. [040]
Otto, Eckart, review of I. Müller, Stellung der Frau im Recht altorientalischer Kulturen und Altagyptens. Eine
Bibliographie. Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 5 (1999), 339–342. [022][224]
Otto, Eckart, review of J.A. Fager, Land Tenure and the Biblical Jubilee. Uncovering Hebrew Ethics through the
Sociology of Knowledge, Bibliotheca Orientalis 52 (1995), 182–187. [114][180]
Otto, Eckart, review of J.C. Gertz, Die Gerichtsorganisation Israels im deuteronomischen Gesetz, Theologische
Literaturzeitung 121 (1996), 1130–1133. [178]
Otto, Eckart, review of J.M. Sprinkle, The Book of the Covenant. A Literary Approach, Theologische
Literaturzeitung 120 (1995), 328–332. [020][072]
Otto, Eckart, review of J.W. Watts, Reading Law. The Rhetorical Shaping of the Pentateuch, Zeitschrift für
Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 5 (1999), 353–357. [026][094][142]
Otto, Eckart, review of Jan Joosten, People and Land in the Holiness Code. An Exegetical Study of the Ideational
Framework of the Law in Leviticus 17–26, Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 6
(2000), 361–365. [180]
Otto, Eckart, review of John F.A. Sawyer, ed., Reading Leviticus: A Conversation with Mary Douglas, Zeitschrift
für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 4 (1998), 310–315. [020][114][176]
Otto, Eckart, review of Jose E. Ramirez, Authority and Identity in Israel, Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und
Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 6 (2000), 365–368. [108][116]
Otto, Eckart, review of K. Engelken, Frauen im Alten Israel. Eine begriffsgeschichtliche und sozialrechtliche Studie
zur Stellung der Frau im Alten Testament, Theologische Revue 88 (1992), 286–288. [244]
Otto, Eckart, review of K. Radner, Die neuassyrischen Privatrechtsurkunden als Quelle für Mensch und Umwelt.
Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 5 (1999), 342–344. [040]
Otto, Eckart, review of K.H. Singer, Alttestamentliche Blutrachepraxis im Vergleich mit der Ausübung der
Blutrache in der Türkei: Ein Kultur- und rechtshistorischer Vergleich, Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und
Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 5 (1999), 344–348. [036][174]
Otto, Eckart, review of M. Weigl, Zefanja und das “Israel der Armen.” Eine Untersuchung zur Theologie des
Buches Zefanja, Theologische Literaturzeitung 121 (1996), 934–936. [126]
Otto, Eckart, review of M. Weinfeld, Social Justice in Ancient Israel and in the Ancient Near East, Zeitschrift für
Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 2 (1996), 222–226. [084][206]
Otto, Eckart, review of N. Stahl, Law and Liminality in the Bible, Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische
Rechtsgeschichte 5 (1999), 348–353. [020]
Otto, Eckart, review of P. Bovati, Re-establishing Justice: Legal Terms, Concepts and Procedures in the Hebrew
Bible, Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 1 (1995), 159–166. [178][234]
Otto, Eckart., review of Ralf talischer Parallelen, Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 6
(2000), 371–377. [036]
Otto, Eckart, review of R. Westbrook, Studies in Biblical and Cuneiform Law, Theologische Revue 86 (1990), 284–
287. [036][094]
Otto, Eckart, review of Raymond Westbrook, Old Babylonian Marriage Law, AfO Beih. 23 (1988), Zeitschrift für
Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie 81 (1991), 308–314. [036][104][144]
Otto, Eckart, review of Reinhard Weber, DaRothenbusch, Die kasuistische Rechtssammlung im Bundesbuch und
irh literarischer Kontext im Licht altoriens Gesetz im hellenistischen Judentum. Studien zum Verständnis
und zur Funktion der Thora von Demetrios bis Pseudo-Phoklides, Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und
Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 6 (2000), 377–379. [044]
Otto, Eckart, review of Reuven Yaron, The Laws of Eshnunna, Vetus Testamentum 40 (1990), 361–369. [044]
Otto, Eckart, review of Rolf Rendtorff, Die Bundesformel. Eine exegetisch-theologische Untersuchung, Zeitschrift
für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 4 (1998), 296–303. [072]
Otto, Eckart, review of Sebastian Grätz, Der strafende Wettergott. Erwägungen zur Traditionsgeschichte des AdadFluches im Alten Orient und im Alten Testament, Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische
Rechtsgeschichte 6 (2000), 353–357. [036]
Otto, Eckart, review of St. S. Tuell, The Law of the Temple in Ezekiel 40–48, Theologische Literaturzeitung 119
(1994), 892–894. [126]
Otto, Eckart, review of Thomas R. Elssner, Das Namensmissbrauch-Verbot (Exodus 20:7/Deuteronmy 5:11):
Bedeutung, Entstehung und Frühe Wirkungsgeschichte Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische
Rechtsgeschichte 6 (2000), 351–353. [124][194]
Otto, Eckart, review of W.S. Morrow, Scribing the Center: Organization and Redaction in Deuteronomy 14:1–
17:13, Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 2 (1996), 208–212. [020][114]
Otto, Eckart, review of Z.W. Falk, Religious Law and Ethics: Studies in Biblical and Rabbinical Theonomy,
Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 2 (1996), 189–191. [020][206][210][220]
Otzen, Benedikt, Den antike jodedom, Politisk udvikling og religiose stromninger fra Aleksander den Store til
Kejser Hadrian, Copenhagen: G.E.C. Gad, 1984. [238]
Ouaknin, Marc-Alain, Les dix commandements, Paris: Seuil, 1999. [080]
Ouellette, Jean, “Le deuxième commandement et le rôle de l’image dans la symbolique religieuse de l’Ancien
Testament, Essai d’interprétation,” Revue Biblique 74 (October 1967), 504–516. [080]
Overstreet, R. Larry, “Roman Law and the Trial of Christ,” Bibliotheca Sacra 135 (1978), 323–332. [162]
Owen, David I., “Widows Rights in Ur III Sumer,” Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorder-Asiatische Archäologie
70, no. 2 (1981), 170–184. [102][162]
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