denavis - renewables
denavis - renewables
DENAVIS Las Vegas 2009 R Renewable bl energy network t k - BIOMASS Regional concepts and innovative technologies, the key to economical and sustainable development. Dipl.Ing. R.D. Linden Denavis/ Denaro/ BPE DENAVIS Renewable energy network DENAVIS Las Vegas 2009 renewable bl energy network t k 150 years DENAVIS Las Vegas 2009 renewable bl energy network t k How will bioenergy perform till 2020 ? Quelle: FNR DENAVIS Las Vegas 2009 renewable bl energy network t k Struktur der Endenergiebereitstellung aus erneuerbaren Energien in Deutschland im Jahr 2007 Gesamt: 224,2 TWh biogene Brennstoffe (Wärme) 37,6 % biogene Kraftstoffe 20,8 % Wasserkraft 9,2 % Geothermie 1,0 % Solarthermie , % 1,7 Photovoltaik 1,6 % biogene Brennstoffe (Strom) 10,6 % Windenergie 17,6 % gesamte Biomasse*, einschl biogene Kraftstoffe: 69 % einschl. * feste, flüssige, gasfö rmige Bio masse, bio gener A nteil des A bfalls, Depo nie- und Klärgas; Quelle: BM U-Publikatio n "Erneuerbare Energien in Zahlen – natio nale und internatio nale Entwicklung", KI III 1; Stand: Juni 2008; Angaben vo rläufig DENAVIS Las Vegas 2009 renewable bl energy network t k Umsätze in Verbindung mit dem Anlagenbetrieb zur Nutzung erneuerbarer Energien g in Deutschland 2007 rd. 14 Mrd. Euro Biomasse Wärme 1.570 Mio. Euro; (10 9%) (10,9%) Biokraftstoffe; 3.815 Mio. Euro; (26,6%) Photovoltaik; 1.855 Mio. Euro; (12,9%) Biomasse Strom; 2.465 Mio. Euro; (17,2%) Wasserkraft; 1.160 Mio. Euro; (8,0%) Geothermie; 0,05 Mio. Euro; ((< 0,1%) , ) Windenergie; 3.500 Mio. Euro; (24,4%) Quelle: Zentrum für Sonnenenergie-und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg (ZSW), Stand: Juni 2008 vorläufige Angaben DENAVIS Las Vegas 2009 renewable bl energy network t k Beitrag der erneuerbaren Energien zur Wärmebereitstellung i Deutschland in D t hl d 1997 - 2007 100.000 90.000 Biomasse* Solarthermie Geothermie 80.000 [GWh] 70.000 60.000 50.000 40.000 * Biomasse gesamt: 93 % 30.000 20.000 10 000 10.000 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 * ffeste, t flüssige, flü i gasförmige fö i Bi Biomasse, bi biogener A Anteil t il d des Abf Abfalls, ll D Deponiei und d Klä Klärgas Quelle: BMU-Publikation "Erneuerbare Energien in Zahlen – nationale und internationale Entw icklung", KI III 1; Stand: Juni 2008; Angaben vorläufig 2007 DENAVIS Las Vegas 2009 renewable bl energy network t k Beitrag erneuerbarer Energien zur Kraftstoffbereitstellung in Deutschland 1991 - 2007 50.000 3.417 45.000 Biodiesel Bioethanol 3.556 Pflanzenöl 8.750 40.000 7.417 35.000 25.000 1.936 20.000 2.047 15.000 484 52 1998 1999 2000 2001 34.389 1.343 1997 29.444 1.033 1996 18.600 827 1995 10.850 517 1994 8.267 310 1993 5.683 258 1992 0 3.617 103 1991 5.000 2.583 3 52 10.000 2 [GWh] 30 000 30.000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Quelle: BMU-Publikation "Erneuerbare Energien in Zahlen – nationale und internationale Entw icklung", KI III 1; Stand: Juni 2008; Angaben vorläufig DENAVIS Las Vegas 2009 renewable bl energy network t k bio energy solar energy wind energy Steam Gas Turbines, Turbines, Motors Motors Diesel, Wankel, Fuel Biofuel Stirling Cells Motors Motors SUN PV Thermal modules collectors pyrolysis Heat, Power Gasifi cation Energy crops Incin eration solid biomass Fuel Heat, power cooling g straw On shore Off shore turbines turbines Fermen tation Thermo H d l i Ch i l Hydrolysis Chemical Convers. New products wood WIND Oil seeds Green biomass Liquid biomass Power DENAVIS Las Vegas 2009 renewable bl energy network t k Modellregion 50 km (radius) Biomass potential annually: 1 Mio. t = 500.000t dry matter with energy content 4 MWh/t = 2 Mio. MWh Conversion of residues For ex. 10.000 t plastic waste Option 1a Option 1b Option 1c Heat supply system for 250.000 houses decentralized heat & power supply systems 70% heat, 30% electric energy Biofuel supply system for 100.000 cars. (25.oookm / 8l in 100km / = 2.000ltr bioethanol (german climate, low energy standard) 120qm/ 60kwh/year = 140 MWh th. + 60 MW el. For flexifuel cars like Ford, Saab Option 2a 10.000 t Input polyolefine 8,4 Mio. l of product oil Combined concept: 30% heat (peak demand), 40% cogeneration, 30% biofuel DENAVIS renewable bl energy network t k Implementation of regional bioenergy models Las Vegas 2009 DENAVIS Las Vegas 2009 renewable bl energy network t k Regional development and management for bioenergy Regional center f renewable for bl energy and d iinnovation ti DENAVIS renewable bl energy network t k Situation S tuat o for o German Ge a regions eg o s Huge biomass potentials in every region Technology gy is reliable Safe investment / good profitability High political and public acceptance and support High regional added value, new jobs Las Vegas 2009 DENAVIS Las Vegas 2009 renewable bl energy network t k Biomass for solid fuels DENAVIS Las Vegas 2009 renewable bl energy network t k Gaseous fuels from biomass gasification unaerobic digestion Syngas reactor Sunfuel production DENAVIS Las Vegas 2009 renewable bl energy network t k Liquid biofuels/ overwiew Plant oil Rape seeds, Sunflowers, Palmoil, Soja Bi di Biodiesel l C Conversion i off plant l oilil and d ffat Biogas organic materials (wet) Biomethanol organic materials (Agro biomass, org. residues) Bioethanol organic materials (green biomass, dry) Synthesegas gasification of organic materials Hydrogen Conversion of syngas from biomass DENAVIS Las Vegas 2009 renewable bl energy network t k Large scale cogeneration unit 1,5 MW el, 1,5 MW th, 750 U/min, 350 l/h conversion oil/ plantoil DENAVIS Las Vegas 2009 renewable bl energy network t k Green energy projects Leistung el. 30 kW, engine power Leistung th. 40 kW, engine power Motor: 1 x Kubota V 3300-T-BG • For plantoil: rapeseed, sunflower DENAVIS Las Vegas 2009 renewable bl energy network t k Cogeneration by stirling technology Solar-Stirling Stirling whisper gen Stirling STM 50 kW Stirling magnet motors DENAVIS Las Vegas 2009 renewable bl energy network t k W k l CHP 10 - 15 kW ell Wankel- DENAVIS renewable bl energy network t k Microturbines (for cogeneration and cooling) Las Vegas 2009 DENAVIS Las Vegas 2009 renewable bl energy network t k Technology summary Conversion of biomass to heat, cooling, power, fuel and new products - Technoloy is available in high end low tech systems - Technology is reliable in small and large size applications - Conversion of any available biomass is state of the art for decentralized installations The Lindenhof green energy project (Westfalia) DENAVIS Las Vegas 2009 renewable bl energy network t k Lindenhof – DENARO Energiestation Operation since 1995 Energy supply for 50 private houses Greenhouses, offices buildings 700 kw th solid fuel wood chip combustion (even rape seed residues) 100 kw el biofuel cogeneration (rape seed oil) Energy supply/ heat 1920 MWh Energy supply/ elec. 700 MWh Wood chips / year 440 t/a Rape seed oil 185 t/a DENAVIS Las Vegas 2009 renewable bl energy network t k Alternative fuels from agricultural plastic foils (Almeria, Spain) DENAVIS Las Vegas 2009 renewable bl energy network t k conversion technology, plastic to oil 10000 t of plastic to > 8 Mio. l of oil DENAVIS Las Vegas 2009 renewable bl energy network t k SYNTROL conversion of plastic (polyolefines) processing 10 000 t/a 10.000 Polyolefine (PE, PP, PB) Polysterole (PS) 10 % selected material (1000 t) Input 9.000 t/a Energy demand : 150- 250 KW Product efficiency > 80 % product oil 7.920 7 920 t/a 7.200 t/a 8.400 m3 /a 8.400.000 l/a Syntrol product oil 8 % high caloric residue 720 t/a DENAVIS renewable bl energy network t k Hydromax Reactor for syngas production Las Vegas 2009 DENAVIS Las Vegas 2009 renewable bl energy network t k Decentralized biomass preprocessing + gasification Small scale cogeneration Centralized Syngas y g + H2 p production Greenhydro y reactor DENAVIS Las Vegas 2009 renewable bl energy network t k Bioethanol from solid biomass 7,5t solid biomass 2210l ((E 85)) 25.000km ((8 l / 100km)) DENAVIS Las Vegas 2009 renewable bl energy network t k Ethanol cars – Saab Aero X / Ford Focus Flexifuel FLEXI-Fuel E 100 E 85 DENAVIS Las Vegas 2009 renewable bl energy network t k biomass from grape- growing areas DENAVIS Las Vegas 2009 renewable bl energy network t k Conversion of coconut residues DENAVIS renewable bl energy network t k Project j - development p summary y Best practice in international project examples -Every region needs it‘s own specific and systematic project development -Decentralized systems can offer high added value, new jobs and sustainable development -Bioenergy Bioenergy is a storable source for basebase and peakload demand and is easy to combine with other renewable energy Las Vegas 2009 DENAVIS Las Vegas 2009 renewable bl energy network t k Example for hybrid systems: -geothermic energy for baseload combined with -stored biomass for peakload Geothermic heat and power generation without using ground water resources