- University of Michigan Law School Scholarship Repository
- University of Michigan Law School Scholarship Repository
List of Abbreviations A. C. Aetas de las Sesiones Adl. Clem. Ala. All E. R. Allg. BGB. Allg. HGB. All g. W echselordnung Appeal Cases, English Law Reports, r8gr-. Aetas de las Sesiones del Congreso Sud-Americano de Derecho Internacional Privado, Buenos Aires, r88g. Sammlung von Entscheidungen zum Handelsgesetzbuch, zusammengestellt von Adler und Clemens, fortgesetzt von Friedlander (Austria). Alabama Reports. All England Law Reports, Annotated. Allgemeines Biirgerliches Gesetzbuch (Austria). Allgemeines Handelsgesetzbuch (Austria). Allgemeine Wechselordnung (Germany). A. L. R. American Law Reports, Annotated. American Decisions ( Select Cases) . American Journal of International Law. American Jurisprudence. San Francisco, New York, 1936-. Am. Marit. Cas. American Maritime Cases. Am. Rep. American Reports. Annales de Droit Annales de droit commercial et industriel Commercial fran~ais, etranger et international, fondees par M. E. Thaller, Paris, r887-. Ann. Cas. American Annotated Cases. Annuaire Annuaire de l'Institut de droit international. Annual Digest Annual Digest of Public International Law Cases, London. Annual Survey Annual Survey of American Law, New York University School of Law. Annuario Dir. Camp. Annuario di diritto comparato e di studi legislativi. Cour d'appel; corti d'appello. App. App. Cas. Appeal Cases, English Law Reports, 1876r8go. Am. Dec. Am. J. Int. Law Am. Jur. xxxi XXXll App. D.C. App. Div. Arch. Civ. Prax. Arch. Jud. Ariz. Ark. Asp. Marit. Cas. Atl. Atl. (2d) Bankarchiv Barb. S.C. Baxt. (Tenn.) Bay.ObLG. Bay.ObLGZ. BBl. B.C. B.&C. Belg. Jud. Bell Oct. BG. BGB. BGE. Bibb (Ky.) Bing. N.C. B. & L. Bl. f. Ziirch. Rspr. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Appeal Cases, District of Columbia. New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division Reports. Archiv fiir die civilistische Praxis (Germany) . Archivo judiciario (Brazil). Arizona Reports. Arkansas Reports. Aspinall's Maritime Cases. Atlantic Reporter, National Reporter System (United States). Atlantic Reporter, National Reporter System, Second Series. Bankarchiv, Zeitschrift fiir Bank- und Borsenwesen, Frankfurt a. M. und Berlin, 1901-. Barbour's Supreme Court Reports, New York, 67 vols. Baxter's Tennessee Reports, vols. 6o-68. Bayerisches Oberstes Landesgericht. Sammlung von Entscheidungen des Bayerischen Obersten Landesgerichts in Zivilsachen. Bundesblatt der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft. British Columbia Reports. Barnewall and Cresswell, English King's Bench Reports. Belgique judiciaire. Gazette des tribunaux belges et etrangers. Bell, Octavo Reports, Scotch Court of Session. Bundesgericht (Switzerland). Biirgerliches Gesetzbuch (Germany) . Entscheidungen des Schweizerischen Bundesgerichtes. Amtliche Sammlung. Bibb's Kentucky Reports, vols. 4-7. Bingham, New Cases, English Common Pleas. Browning & Lushington, English Admiralty Reports. Blatter fiir ziircherische Rechtsprechung. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Bl. IPR. B. Mon. (Ky.) Bolze Boyce Brit. Year Book Int. Law B. & Bull. Inst. Int. s. Bull. Soc. Legis!. Comp. BW. C. A. Cal. Cal. App. Cal. L. Rev. Cambr. L. J. Cam. Apel. Cam. Com. Cap. Cam. Fed. Cap. Can. Bar Rev. Can. L. R. Can.L. T. Can. Sup. Ct. Cass. Cass. civ. Cass. req. C. B. (N. S.) c. c. C. C. A. C. C. H. C. Civ. Proc. C. Com. 2 XXXlll Blatter fiir Internationales Privatrecht, Beilage der Leipziger Zeitschrift fiir Deutsches Recht. Ben Monroe, Kentucky Reports, vols. 4D-57· Die Praxis des Reichsgerichts. Herausgegeben von Bolze (Germany). Boyce's Delaware Reports, vols. 24-30. British Year Book of International Law. Best & Smith, English Queen's Bench Reports. Bulletin de l'Institut juridique international, Leyde. Originally: Bulletin de l'Institut intermediaire international. Bulletin de la Societe de legislation comparee (France). Burgerlijk W etboek (the Netherlands). Court of Appeals. California Reports. California Appeals Reports. California Law Review. Cambridge Law Journal. Camara de apelaciones de la capital (Argentina). Camara comercial de la capital (Argentina). Camara federal de la capital (Argentina). Canadian Bar Review (Toronto). Canada Law Reports, Exchequer Court and Supreme Court. Canadian Law Times. Canada Supreme Court Reports, 64 vols. Cour de cassation; Corte di cassazione. Chambre civile de la cour de cassation. Chambre des requetes de la cour de cassation. Common Bench Reports, New Series (Scott), 20 vols. Civil code; code civil ; c6digo civil. Circuit Court of Appeals (United States). Commerce Clearing House. Code of Civil Procedure. Commercial code, code de commerce, c6digo de comercio. XXXIV LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Ch. Ch.D. C.J. C.J. S. Cl. and F. Clunet C. Marit. C. Obi. C6digo Bustamante Cod. lust. Col. L. Rev. Colo. Com. Cas. Commw. L. R. Conn. Contemporary Law Pamphlets Cornell L. Q. C. P. Div. Cro. Car. Czechoslovakia, Int. Priv. Law Ct. Sess. D. D. A. Dak. Day (Conn.) Chancery Division, English Law Reports, I89I-. Chancery Division, English Law Reports, I876-I890. Corpus Juris (United States). Corpus Juris Secundum (United States). Clark and Finnelly's Reports, House of Lords Cases. Journal du droit international. Fonde par Clunet, continue par Andre-Prudhomme. Code maritime. Code of Obligations, Obligationenrecht (Switzerland) (See Swiss C. Obi.). See Bustamante Code in the Table of Statutes. Codex Iustinianus. Columbia Law Review. Colorado Reports. Commercial Cases (England). Commonwealth Law Reports (Australia). Connecticut Reports. Contemporary Law Pamphlets, New York University School of Law. Cornell Law Quarterly. Common Pleas Division, English Law Reports, I875-I88o, 5 vols. Croke, English King's Bench Reports, temp. Charles I (3 Cro.). Law of March I I, I 948 (Czechoslovakian Collection of Laws, No. I9, of April 10, I948). Scotch Court of Sessions Cases. Dalloz, Recueil periodique et critique de jurisprudence, de legislation et de doctrine (France). Dalloz, Recueil analytique de jurisprudence et de legislation, (continuation of Dalloz, Recueil hebdomadaire de jurisprudence) I94I-. Dakota Territory Reports. Connecticut Reports, by Day, 5 vols. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS D.C. Del. Deutsche Rechts Z. D. H. Dig. Dir. Int. Direito Dir. Marit. Disp. Prel. D]Z. D.L.R. Dow & Cl. Dt. Justiz EG. BGB. Eng. Re. Eng. Rep. Ex.C.R. Ex. D. F. F. (2d) Fallos Fed. Fed. Cas. Fla. Foro Ital. XXXV District of Columbia. Delaware Reports. Deutsche Rechts-Zeitschrift, Tiibingen, 194-7-. Dalloz, Recueil hebdomadaire de jurisprudence ( F ranee) . Digesta (Roman Law). Diritto internazionale. Publicazione periodica dell 'Istituto per gli studi di politica internazionale, Milano. Direito. Doutrina, legislac;ao e jurisprudencia, publicac;ao bimestral (Brazil) . II diritto marittimo. Revista bimestrale di dottrina, giurisprudenza, legislazione italiana e straniera. Disposizioni preliminari ; disposiciones preliminares; disposic;ao preliminar. Deutsche Juristenzeitung. Dominion Law Reports (Canada) . Dow and Clark, English House of Lords Cases, 2 vols. Deutsche Justiz. Amtliches Blatt der deutschen Rechtspflege, 1933-1941 ( ?) . Einfiihrungsgesetz zum Biirgerlichen Gesetzbuch (Germany) . English Reports (full reprint). Moak, English Reports (American reprint). Exchequer Court Reports (Canada) . English Law Reports, Exchequer Division. Fraser, Scotch Sessions Cases, 5th Series. Federal Reporter, Second Series (United States). Fallos de la Suprema Corte de Justicia Nacional con la relaci6n de sus respectivas causas. Publicaci6n hecha por los doctores D. Antonio Tomassi yD. Jose Dominguez, Buenos Aires. Federal Reporter (United States). Federal Cases (United States). Florida Reports. II foro italiano. XXXVI LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Foro Ital. Mass. Foro Ital. Rep. F. Supp. Ga. Ga. App. Gaz. Pal. Giur. Comp. DIP. Giur. Ital. Giur. Ital. Rep. GlU. Gmiirs Abh. Handelsg. Hans. GZ. Hans.RGZ. Harv. L. Rev. Hbl. HGB. H.L. H.&N. Hof How. H.R. H.R.R. ICC. Ida. Ill. Ill. App. Ind. Il massimario del foro italiano. Raccolta quindicinale delle massime delle sentenze della cassazione civile. Il foro italiano, repertorio. Federal Supplement (United States). Georgia Reports. Georgia Appeals Reports. Gazette du Palais (France). Giurisprudenza comparata di diritto internazionale privato. Giurisprudenza italiana. Repertorio generale annuale della giurisprudenza italiana. Sammlung von zivilrechtlichen Entscheidungen des Obersten Gerichtshofes, begriindet von Glaser und Unger (Austria). Abhandlungen zum schweizerischen Recht. Begriindet von Dr. Max Gmiir. Handelsgericht. Hanseatische Gerichtszeitung. (See also Hans. RGZ.) Hanseatische Rechts- und Gerichts-Zeitschrift. Harvard Law Review. Hauptblatt. Handelsgesetzbuch (Germany) . House of Lords Cases (Clark), I I vols. (England). Hurlstone & Norman, English Exchequer Reports, 7 vols. Gerechtshof (the Netherlands). Howard, United States Supreme Court Reports. Hooge Raad (the Netherlands). Hochstrichterliche Rechtsprechung ( Germany). Interstate Commerce Commission Reports. Idaho Reports. Illinois Reports. Illinois Appellate Court Reports. Indiana ,,Reports. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS XXXVll Indiana Appellate Court Reports. Insurance Law Journal (New York and St. Louis). Inst. Dr. Int. Institut de droit international. International Labour Review (International Int. Labour Rev. Labour Office), Geneva, I 92 I-. Int. Priv. Law International Private Law. Introductory Law. Introd. Law Iowa Reports. Iowa Internationales Privatrecht. IPR. Die Deutsche Rechtsprechung auf dem Gebiete IPRspr. des internationalen Privatrechts. Beilage der Zeitschrift fur auslandisches und internationales Privatrecht (Z. ausl. PR.). I. R. Irish Law Reports. Jahrbuch fur Entscheidungen des KammerJahrb. KG. gerichts (Germany). Japan, C. Com. Ann. The Commercial Code of Japan Annotated. Published by the Codes Translation Committee, the League of Nations Association of Japan. Tokyo, 1931. Japan, Int. Priv. Japanese Law of June 15, 1898, concerning Law the application of laws. J.Bl. Juristische Blatter (Austria). Jherings J ahrb. Jherings J ahrbucher fur die Dogmatik des burgerlichen Rechts (Germany). J ourn. des Trib. Journal des Tribunaux. Bruxelles, r882-. Jur. Anvers See Jur. Port Anvers. Jur. Arg. Revista de jurisprudencia argentina (Buenos Aires). Jur. Com. Brux. Jurisprudence commerciale de Bruxelles. Jurid. Rev. Juridical Review (Scotland) . Jur. Mars. Journal de jurisprudence de Marseille. Jur. Port Anvers Jurisprudence du Port d'Anvers (Belgian Court Reports) . Jur. Sup. Trib. Jurisprudencia. Accordaos do Supremo Tribunal Federal, Rio de Janeiro, 1897-. JW. J uristische W ochenschrift (Germany). Kan. Kansas Reports. K.B. English Law Reports, King's Bench. Ind. App. Ins. L.]. XXXV Ill LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS KG. Ky. La. La. Ann. La. App. La Ley La. L. Rev. Law and Cont. Probl. Law Q. Rev. L. C.J. Lea (Tenn.) L.Ed. Leipz. Z. LG. L.J.Ch. L.J.Q.B. Ll. L. Rep. L.R.A. L. R.A. &E. L. R. Ch. L.R.C.P. L.R.P.C. L. R. Q. B. L.T.R. Man.R. Markenschutz und Wettbewerb Mart. (La.) Martens, Recueil Kammergericht (Germany). Kentucky Reports. Louisiana Reports. Louisiana Annual Reports. Louisiana Courts of Appeal Reports. La Ley. Revista juridica argentina. Louisiana Law Review. Law and Contemporary Problems, Duke University. Law Quarterly Review (England). Lower Canada Jurist. Lea, Tennessee Reports, vols. 69-84. Lawyer's Edition, United States Supreme Court Reports. Leipziger Zeitschrift fiir Deutsches Recht. Landgericht (Austria, Germany). Law Journal Reports, Chancery (England) . Law Journal Reports, New Series, Queen's Bench (England). Lloyd's List Law Reports (England). Lawyers' Reports, Annotated (United States). English Law Reports, Admiralty and Ecclesiastical, 4 vols. English Law Reports, Chancery Appeal Cases, r866--r87 5· English Law Reports, Common Pleas Division, r866-r875, ro vols. English Law Reports, Privy Council, Appeal Cases, r86o-r875, 6 vols. English Law Reports, Queen's Bench, r866-r875, rovols. Law Times Reports. Manitoba Reports (Canada). Monatsschrift fiir Marken-, Patent- und W ettbewerbsrecht (Germany). Martin's Louisiana Reports, 12 vols. Nouveau Recueil general des traites et autres actes relatifs aux rapports de droit international. Publication de l'Institut de droit public compare et de droit des gens aBerlin. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Mason Mass. Mass. L. Q. Md. Me. Metcalf Mich. Mich. L. Rev. Minn. Minn. L. Rev. Misc. Miss. Mitteilungen dt. Ges. Volker R. Mixed Arb. Trib. Mo. Mo.App. Monitore Mont. Mont. & Ch. Moo. P.C. C. Moo. P. C. Cas. (N. S.) Mor. Diet. National Conference Handbook N.C. N.E. N. E. (2d) Neb. XXXIX Continuation du grand Recueil de G. Fr. de Martens, fondee I 8 I 7. Mason, United States Circuit Court Reports, 5 vols. Massachusetts Reports. Massachusetts Law Quarterly. Maryland Reports. Maine Reports. Metcalf's Massachusetts Reports, vols. 42-54. Michigan Reports. Michigan Law Review. Minnesota Reports. Minnesota Law Review. Miscellaneous Reports (New York). Mississippi Reports. Mitteilungen der deutschen Gesellschaft fur Volkerrecht (Berlin). Mixed Arbitral Tribunal. Missouri Reports. Missouri Appellate Reports. Monitore dei Tribunali. Montana Reports. Montagu and Chitty, English Bankruptcy Reports. Moore, English Privy Council Cases, I 5 vols. (England). Moore's Privy Council Cases, New Series, 9 vols. (England). Morison, Dictionary of Decisions, Scotch Court of Session. Handbook of the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws and Proceedings (United States). North Carolina Reports. Northeastern Reporter, National Reporter System (United States). Northeastern Reporter, National Reporter System, Second Series. Nebraska Reports. xl N.F. N.H. N.J. NJA. N.J.Eq. N.J. Law Nouv. Revue N.S. N.S.R. N.W. N. W. (2d) N.Y. N.Y.L.J. N.Y. St. Rep. N.Y. Supp. N.Y. Supp. (2d) Nytt Jur. Ark. N.Y.U.L.Q. N.Y. U. L. Rev. Ob. Ger. Oberapp. Ger. 0 Direito OGH. Okla. Ohio St. OLG. O.L.R. Ore. O.W.N. P. Pa. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS "Neue Folge," meaning new series, to indicate the beginning of new numbering m periodicals, collections of court reports, et cetera in the German language. New Hampshire Reports. N ederlandsche J urisprudentie. N ytt J uridiskt Arkiv (Sweden) . New Jersey Equity Reports. New Jersey Law Reports. Nouvelle revue de droit international prive. New series, if added to court reports, periodicals, et cetera. Nova Scotia Reports (Canada) . Northwestern Reporter, National Reporter System (United States). Northwestern Reporter, National Reporter System, Second Series. New York Court of Appeals Reports. New York Law Journal. New York State Reporter. New York Supplement, National Reporter System. New York Supplement, National Reporter System, Second Series. Nytt Juridiskt Arkiv (Sweden). New York University Law Quarterly. New York University Law Review. Obergericht. Oberappellationsgericht. 0 Direito. Revista mensal de legisla~ao, doutrina e jurisprudencia (Brazil). Oberster Gerichtshof (Austria). Oklahoma Reports. Ohio State Reports. Oberlandesgericht (Germany and Austria). Ontario Law Reports (Canada). Oregon Reports. The Ontario Weekly Notes (Canada). English Law Reports, Probate Division. Pennsylvania Reports. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Pac. Pac. (2d) Pand. Belges Pari. Cas. Pasicrisie Pa. St. Pa. Super. Ct. P.D. P.C. Pet. S.C. Phil a. Poland, Int. Priv. Law Prager Archiv Praxis Priv. Int. Law Publications Permanent Court Q.B. Q.B.D. Que. Pr. Que. S.C. R. Arb. G. Raym. Rb. R.C.L. Recht Rechtskund. WB. xli Pacific Reporter, National Reporter System (United States). Pacific Reporter, National Reporter System, Second Series. Pandectes belges. Parliamentary Cases (House of Lords Reports). Pasicrisie beige. Recueil general de la jurisprudence des cours et tribunaux de Belgique. Pennsylvania State Reports. Pennsylvania Superior Court Reports. Probate Division, English Law Reports. Privy Council. Peter's United States Supreme Court Reports, vols. 26-41. Philadelphia Reports, 20 vols. Polish Law of August 2, 1926, on International Private Law. Prager Archiv fur Gesetzgebung und Rechtsprechung, Prag, 1919-. Die Praxis des Bundesgerichts (Switzerland). Private International Law. Publications of the Permanent Court of International Justice, The Hague. Queen's Bench, English Law Reports, 1891-. English Law Reports, Queen's Bench Division, 1876-1890. Quebec Practice Reports (Canada). Quebec Official Reports, Superior Court (Canada). Reichsarbeitsgericht. Lord Raymond, English King's Bench Reports, 3 vols. Rech thank (the Netherlands) . Ruling Case Law. Das Recht, Ubersicht iiber Schrifttum und Rechtsprechung, begriindet 1897 von Dr. Hs. Th. Soergel, Berlin. Rechtskundig Weekblaad (Belgium). xlii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Recueil Recueil trib. arb. mixtes Republica Argentina, Segundo Congreso Sudamericano Recueil des cours de l'Academie de droit international de la Haye. Recueil des decisions des tribunaux arbitraux mixtes. Segundo Congreso Sudamericano de Derecho Internacional Privado, Montevideo 193940, ed. Republica Argentina, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto, Buenos Aires 1940. Rev. Arg. Der. Int. Rev. C. Obl. Rev. Dir. Rev. Jur. Rev. Jur. Bras. Rev. Sup. Trib. Revue Revue Autran Revue Crit. Revue Dor Revue Dr. Int. ( Bruxelles) Revue Dr. Int. Marit. Revue Trim. D. Civ. Revue Trim. D. Com. RG. RGBl. RGZ. Revista argentina de derecho internacional. Revised Code of Obligations, Revidiertes Obligationenrecht (Switzerland). Revista de direito civil, commercial e criminal (Brazil). Revista juridica. Doutrina-jurisprudencia-legisac;ao ( Brazil). Revista de jurisprudencia brasileira (Brazil). Revista do Supremo Tribunal (Brazil). Revue de droit international prive. Fondee par A. Darras. Revue internationale du droit maritime. Fondee et publiee par F. C. Autran. Paris, 1885-. Revue critique de droit international. Revue de droit maritime compare. Fondee par Leopold Dor. Paris, 1923. Revue de droit international et de legislation comparee. Fondee par Rolin Jaequemyns, Asser et Westlake. Revue internationale du droit maritime, Paris, 1885-1922. (Usually cited as Revue Autran.) Revue trimestrielle de droit civil (Paris). Revue trimestrielle de droit commercial (Paris). Reichsgericht (Germany) . Reichsgesetzblatt (Germany). Entscheidungen des Reichsgerichts m Zivilsachen (Germany) . LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xliii Rheinische Z. f. Zivil- und Prozessrecht Rheinische Zeitschrift fiir Zivil- und Prozessrecht des In- und Auslandes, 1908-1925. R.I. Rhode Island Reports. Rivista del diritto commerciale. Rivista di diritto privato. Rivista di diritto processuale civile. Rivista di diritto pubblico. Rivista di diritto internazionale. Reichsoberhandelsgericht (Germany). Entscheidungen des Reichsoberhandelsgerichtes (Germany). Die Rechtsprechung der Oberlandesgerichte auf dem Gebiete des Zivilrechts ( Germany). Report of Patent Cases (England). Die Rechtsprechung. Herausgegeben vom Verband osterreichischer Banken und Bankiers ; redigiert von Bergl, Lobel und Wahle (Vienna). Rutgers University Law Review. Reichsversicherungsordnung, I 9 I I. Sirey, Recueil general des lois et des arrets (France). South African Law Journal. South African Law Reports, Transvaal Provincial Division. Schweizerisches J ahrbuch fiir internationales Recht, Zurich, I944-· Scots Law Times (Edinburgh). South Carolina Reports ; Sessions Cases (Scotch) ; Supreme Court Reporter (United States). Supreme Court Reports (Canada). Supreme Court Reporter, National Reporter System (United States) ; Supreme Court; Suprema Corte. , Southeastern Reporter, National Reporter System (United States) . Riv. Dir. Com. Riv. Dir. Priv. Riv. Dir. Proc. Civ. Riv. Dir. Pub. Rivista ROHG. ROHGE. ROLG. R.P.C. Rspr. Rutgers U. L. Rev. R. Versicherungs 0. s. S.A.L.J. S. A. L. R. Transvaal Prov. Div. Schweiz. J ahrb. I. R. Scot. L. T. s. c. S.C.R. S. Ct. S.E. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xliv S.E. (2d) Sem. Jud. Sess. Cas. Seuff. Arch. SJZ. So. So. (2d) Sol. J. Strange Striethorst Siidd. Jur. Zeitg. Sup. Trib. Fed. s.w. s. w. (2d) Swiss C. Obi. sz. Tenn. Tenn. L. Rev. Tex. Tex. Civ. App. Southeastern Reporter, National Reporter System, Second Series. La semaine judiciaire (Switzerland). Sessions Cases (English King's Bench Reports) ; Scotch Court of Session Cases. J. A. Seufferts Archiv fiir Entscheidungen der obersten Gerichte in den deutschen Staaten. Schweizerische J uristen Zeitung. Southern Reporter, National Reporter System (United States). Southern Reporter, National Reporter System, Second Series. Solicitor's Journal (London). Strange's Reports, English King's Bench, 2 vols. Rechtsgrundsatze der neuesten Entscheidungen des koniglichen Ober-Tribunals. Geordnet nach dem Systeme der Gesetzbiicher und herausgegeben von Theodor Striethorst. Siiddeutsche J uristen-Zeitung, Heidelberg, 1946-. Supremo Tribunal Federal (Brazil). Southwestern Reporter, National Reporter System (United States). Southwestern Reporter, National Reporter System, Second Series. Das Obligationenrecht, Bundesgesetz betreffend die Erganzung des schweizerischen Zivilgesetzbuches, March 30, 191 I. Sammlung der Entscheidungen des Osterreichischen Obersten Gerichtshofes in Zivil- und J ustizverwaltungssachen. Veroffentlicht von seinen Mitgliedern (Austria). Tennessee Reports. Tennessee Law Review. Texas Reports. Texas Civil Appeals Reports. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Tex. L. Rev. Them is T.L.R. Trib.civ. Trib. com. Trib. sup. Tul. L. Rev. Ugeskr. Retsv. U.L.A. U. of Chi. L. Rev. U. of Detroit L.]. U. of Pa. L. Rev. u.s. U. S.Av. R. u.s. c. U.S. C. A. Utah Va. Va. L. Rev. Viet. L. R. Vt. w. Wall. Warn. Rspr. Wash. Wend. Whart. ( Pa.) Wis. W.N. W.Va. W.W.R. Yale L. J. Z. Ak. deutsches R. xlv Texas Law Review. ®ep.L> (Themis) Weekly Law Journal, Athens, I8go-. Times Law Reports (Durnford & East) (England). Tribunal civil (France). Tribunal de commerce (France) . Tribunal superieur (France). Tulane Law Review. Ugeskrift for Retsvaesen (Denmark). Uniform Laws, Annotated (United States). University of Chicago Law Review. University of Detroit Law Journal. University of Pennsylvania Law Review. United States Reports. United States Aviation Reports. Code of the Laws of the United States of America. Code of the Laws of the United States of America, Annotated. Utah Reports. Virginia Reports. Virginia Law Review. Victorian Law Reports (Australia) . Vermont Reports. Weekblad van het Recht (the Nether lands). Wallace, United States Supreme Court Reports, vols. 68-go. Die Rechtsprechung des Reichsgerichts auf dem Gebiete des Zivilrechts, herausgegeben von 0. W arneyer (Germany). Washington State Reports. Wendell, New York Reports, 26 vols. Wharton's Pennsylvania Reports, 6 vols. Wisconsin Reports. English Law Reports, Weekly Notes. West Virginia Reports. Western Weekly Reports (Canada). Yale Law Journal. · Zeitschrift der Akademie fur deutsches Recht. xlvi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Z. ausl. PR. Zentralblatt Z. f. d. Ges. Versicherungs-Wissenschaft Z. f. Ostrecht Z. Handelsr. Zeitschrift fiir ausliindisches und internationales Privatrecht. Begriindet von Ernst Rabel. Zentralblatt fiir die juristische Praxis. Fortsetzung von Gellers Zentralblatt (Austria). Zeitschrift fiir die gesamte V ersicherungsWissenschaft. Z. osteurop. R. Zeitschrift fiir Ostrecht, 1927-1934. Zeitschrift fiir das gesamte Handelsrecht und Konkursrecht. Niemeyer's Zeitschrift fiir internationales Recht. Zeitschrift fiir osteuropiiisches Recht. 1925- ZPO. Z. Schweiz. R. Zivilprozessordnung (Germany and Austria). Zeitschrift fiir schweizerisches Recht. Z.int.R. 1927, 1934-1940.