there is something you can do - Japanese Cultural and Community


there is something you can do - Japanese Cultural and Community
Northern Japan Earthquake Relief Fund
On March 11, 2011, the JCCCNC established the Northern Japan
Earthquake Relief Fund to aid the victims and survivors of the
Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. Our relief fund is a
community-based, volunteer, citizen-to-citizen effort to help turn
hopelessness into hope.
The Northern Japan Earthquake Relief Fund has become the largest
Japanese American community-based relief fund in the United States
with close to 8,000 donors contributing close to $2,229,865.00 to
date. Ordinary citizens, non-profit organizations, schools, businesses
and professional organizations are coordinating over 80 fundraising
events and over 400 volunteers have supported various events and
come to our office on a daily basis to help administer the fund.
Relief • Recovery • Rebuild
This grassroots relief effort is an action
campaign. Schools have hosted bake sales
and car washes, children have sold their
toys, parents have hosted birthday parties
for their children asking guests to donate to
the relief fund instead of buying presents. Many
of the contributions have come from ordinary people wanting to
get involved and make a difference. Our hope is that one by one
we can all make a difference, helping us all to realize that we are
truly citizens of the world.
One dollar, one act of humanity at a time, we are making
a difference in the lives of so many.
Message from the Executive Director
Japan Relief
Discovering the True Meaning of a
Community Center in the Midst of Tragedy
On Friday, March 11, we were set to go out with our spring newsletter, with the cover
story “Opening its Doors,” featuring this year’s 25th Anniversary of the JCCCNC.
It was also the day the earthquake and tsunami hit the Tohoku region of Japan,
which took over 26,000 lives, injuring thousands more and turning hundreds of
thousands of individuals and families into homeless survivors. It was also on this day, the JCCCNC
turned from being a local community center into an international relief center.
I never thought, or at least I prayed that in my lifetime, the JCCCNC would ever have to experience a
tragedy like the Great Hanshin Awaji Earthquake, which took place 16 years ago in 1995, again. But in
the midst of tragedy there are also lessons to be learned.
We have learned that we are part of a community much larger than we normally serve. That community
has rallied around our relief efforts, a community much broader geographically, a community without
borders, a community that cares about the people of Japan and the work we are doing. With each of
the over 8,000 donations received and from the 21,000 new members on our Facebook
page comes with it a note - a hope, a wish, a prayer. Most of them come from people that we don’t
even know, from across the nation and around the world, but they are strangers no more. They are
now, collectively, part of the greater community that we serve.
We have also learned what our community center is really all about. Prior to March 11, we were
going to focus on all the wonderful things that have happened over the past twenty five years, how we
started from a simple vision to a place that now serves over 185,000 individuals. But celebrating our
cultural heritage and traditions is just part of who we are as a community center. A community center
is also a place that we can come together not just during the best of times, but also during the worst
of times. We are a place where the community can come together, get involved and make a difference
- that is the essence of our relief effort and the ultimate purpose of a community center.
Our hope is that one by one we can all make a difference, helping us all realize we are truly citizens
of the world.
We are truly overwhelmed by the outpouring of donations, as well as for the thoughts and prayers for
the victims and survivors of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami.
Paul Osaki
Executive Director
Mission Statement
The JCCCNC is a non-profit organization which strives to meet the evolving needs of the Japanese
American community by offering programs, affordable services and administrative support and
facilities for other local organizations. The JCCCNC also provides educational, cultural and
recreational programs that meet and address the interests and concerns of the community. Our
goals remain rooted in preserving the Japanese American cultural and historical heritage as well as
fostering the foundation for future generations of Japanese Americans.
2 Spring 2011 - Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California
JCCCNC’s Northern Japan Earthquake Relief Events
San Francisco Giants
JCCCNC Board Officers
Kaz Maniwa
Chairman of the Board
Dianne Fukami
Jon Shindo
Vice President
Donna Kimura
Corporate Secretary
Kyle Tatsumoto
Chief Financial Officer
Rumi Okabe
JCCCNC Board of Directors
Terry Akiyama
Sherilyn Chew
David Fukuda
Scott Hayashi
Yo Hironaka
Lois Hunter
Donna Kotake
Jeff Maruyama
Don Misumi
Allen Okamoto
Keith Onishi
Marilyn Oshiro
Robert Sakai
Teresa Serata
Ted Yamasaki
Paul Osaki
Executive Director
Marjorie Fletcher
Executive Assistant
Lori Matoba
Deputy Director
Ruby Hata
Director of Financial Services
Jeff Yoshioka
Director of Marketing and Membership Development
Jennifer Hamamoto
Programs and Facilities Manager
Yumi Yukawa
Development Manager
Courtney Okuhara
Membership Associate
Aya Ino
Programs Associate
Corey Yamamoto
Evening Program Coordinator
Kim Nakamura
Weekend Program Coordinator
Mika Shimizu
Office Manager
Jerry Kika
Volunteer Coordinator
On March 16, the San Francisco Giants announced their commitment
to support the people of Japan as they recover and rebuild by making
a donation of $12,500 to support the Northern Japan Earthquake
Relief Fund.
Bay Area viewers
and the local
donated more than
$417,000 to the
Northern Japan
Earthquake Relief Fund during the NBC Bay Area Telethon March
18th. Phone banks opened at 6:30 a.m. and closed at 12:00 midnight
at the JCCCNC with volunteers from the Japanese American and
local community answering phones and accepting donations.
Among those who stopped by the JCCCNC to support fundraising efforts
included San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee, S.F. Board of Supervisors President
David Chiu, District 5 Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi,
CEO Joe Green, and Consul General Hiroshi Inomata from the
Japanese Consulate, who thanked the Bay Area for the outpouring
of support and donations for survivors of the devastating earthquake
and tsunami.
“We would like to thank NBC Bay Area News and Comcast for
donating their time and resources to help with this telethon.
With their support we were able to host this telethon to
improve outreach and raise critical funds that are in dire need
in Japan,” said Paul Osaki, JCCCNC Executive Director. “The
outpouring of support and concern was truly incredible.”
Phone bank volunteers included some recognizable names from
the community such as broadcast journalists James Hattori,
Wendy Tokuda and Jan Yanehiro; playwright Philip Kan Gotanda
and wife Diane Takei Gotanda, and journalist Ben Fong Torres.
When the team returned home to AT&T Park on March 28 for an
exhibition game, versus the Oakland A’s, over 100 volunteers from
the JCCCNC and community collected donations from the fans at
the gates and throughout the stadium. Volunteers weathered the
cool breeze and collected $8,925.81.
“We have all experienced great sadness and dismay with the series
of tragic events to hit Japan and its citizens. We know that so many
of us want to help as we witness the unbelievable and overwhelming
devastation to life and property being experienced throughout Japan.
It is our intention to spread the word amongst our fans and raise
awareness for the many ways they can assist the people of Japan,” said
Larry Baer, Giants President and Chief Operating Officer.
The Giants will also dedicate their annual Japanese Heritage Night
game on Friday, June 3, to the memory of the earthquake and tsunami
victims and proceeds from the sales of tickets to the game versus the
Colorado Rockies will be donated to the relief efforts.
The Giants have a long and strong tradition
of working with the local Japanese
community and will continue to raise
awareness and funds for the citizens of
Japan and the Tohoku region throughout
the season. On the field, the historical tie
between Japan and Major League Baseball
began in San Francisco when Masanori
Murakami opened up the major league
playing fields for Japanese players when
he signed with the Giants in 1964.
Cherry Blossom Festival Earthquake Relief Info and T-shirt
photo of
Over the two weekends of the Northern California Cherry Blossom
Festival, on April 9, 10, 16 and 17, volunteers sold official Northern Japan
Earthquake Relief Fund (NJERF) t-shirts and sweatshirts for children,
adults and doggie tanks. Sales of these items raised over $16,000.
While volunteers were busy selling the merchandise, members of
the JCCCNC Board of Directors and Staff helped inform the public
about the NJERF and collected close to $13,000 in donations. The
JCCCNC is grateful to the youth groups and individual children
in the community who have helped to raise funds for the NJERF.
During the Festival, volunteers from the San Francisco Buddhist
Church Girl Scout Troop walked the crowd and helped to solicit donations and Kylie collected over $1,000 from her
school, Neil Cummins Elementary School in Corte Madera and brought it to the Donation Booth at the Festival.
Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California - Spring 2011 3
Japan Relief
Japan Relief
Northern Japan Earthquake Relief Fund Update (April 27, 2011)
On March 11, 2011, the JCCCNC established the Northern Japan
Earthquake Relief Fund to aid the victims and survivors of the Great
Eastern Japan Earthquake and Tsunami.
To date, over 14,000 people have been reported dead, close to 12,000
remain missing across eighteen prefectures and well over 125,000 buildings
have been destroyed or damaged.
Sixty five percent of those reported dead were elderly, and of those,
24% of them were over 70 years old. As many as 100,000 children were
uprooted from their homes, some of whom were separated from their
families because the earthquake occurred during the school day.
designated for other NGO service
organizations helping to meet the needs of
the elderly, children and physically challenged.
On April 18, the JCCCNC sent two volunteers to Japan to meet with
other service organizations to determine the changing needs, gaps in
services, visit the Tohoku region and determine strategies to address the
mental health needs and post traumatic stress counseling needs. But
most of all they brought all of your thoughts and prayers of support and
hope to share with the people of Japan.
As of April 10, 2011, Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare stated
that it was aware of at least 82 children who had been orphaned by the
disaster. The quake and tsunami, as of April 28, 2011, killed 378 elementary,
middle-school, and high school students and left 158 others missing. One
elementary school in Ishinomaki, Miyagi, Prefecture, Okawa Elementary,
lost 74 of 108 students and 10 of 13 teachers and staff.
The Northern Japan Earthquake Relief Fund efforts are part of a national
network in Japan called the Japan Civil Network for Disaster Relief in East
Japan which consists of over 50 non-profit, non-governmental and private
organizations helping to coordinate a public response to the needs of this
disaster. We are represented through our partnership and support of the
YMCA Japan Alliance and the Kobe YMCA.
As of April 12, 2011, 282 died from post-earthquake-related factors such
as exposure to cold and wet weather, communicable disease and infection,
unsanitary conditions or inability to receive adequate medical care for
pre-existing conditions.
At this time, the JCCCNC is only accepting monetary
donations. All donations are tax deductible to the extent of the law
and will be acknowledged. Please no relief goods or supplies at this time.
Japan has experienced over 900 aftershocks since the earthquake with
about 60 being over 6.0 M and some as large as 7.7 M and 7.9 M.
Japan estimates the overall damage could exceed $300 billion, making it
the most expensive natural disaster on record.
The JCCCNC Northern Japan Earthquake Relief Fund is a community
base, volunteer, citizen-to-citizen effort to help turn hopelessness into
This grassroots relief effort is an action campaign not just about donations.
Schools have hosted bake sales and car washes, children have sold their
toys, parents have hosted birthday parties for their children asking guests
to donate to the relief fund instead of buying presents, and restaurants
and small businesses are organizing events throughout the Bay Area
and beyond. People want to get involved and make a difference, that is
the essence of a community based effort and the ultimate purpose of a
community center.
The following list shows donations that have been sent to these affected
Kobe YMCA - $130,000.00 - Assisting with 20,000 survivors who
have resettled in the area, providing care, mental health and post
traumatic stress counseling.
Sendai YMCA - $200,000.00 - Sustaining shelters and childcare
facility in the Sendai and Matsushima area, Miyagi Prefecture.
Morioka YMCA - $200,000.00 - Working in the coastal towns
hardest hit by the tsunami.
Tochigi YMCA - $200,000.00 - Closest facility to the Fukushima
area, assisting victims forced to evacuate because of the nuclear
radiation exposure.
One dollar, one act of humanity at a time,
we are making a difference in the lives of so many...
We have all come together in support of the victims and survivors of the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. From large
public events, neighborhood garage sales, to parents and children just collecting what they can, we have united in this community-based
effort to support the Northern Japan Earthquake Relief Fund. In our own way, we are each making a difference…
Here are some of the ways you have responded:
This photo is of
Kenta during a
wishful moment at
his first birthday.
Parents Stephen
and Eri asked
guests to donate
to the relief fund
in lieu of bringing
a present. $3,300
was raised for the
Twin girls Hope and Lily
sell their toys to help
raise money in front
of their house the day
after the earthquake and
The Northern Japan Earthquake Relief Fund established by the JCCCNC
is a three-fold plan over the next several months:
Relief (Meeting immediate life saving and survival needs)
Recovery (Creating sustainability, temporary shelters and housing
needs, Post Traumatic Stress counseling, supplies for children, families
and seniors)
Rebuild (Supporting community and neighborhood capital and
improvement projects and programs)
In 1995, the JCCCNC raised over $600,000 towards citizen relief efforts
for the Great Hanshin Awaji Earthquake that killed over 6,000 people
and left over 300,000 people homeless. The donations received helped
organize volunteer efforts to get food and water directly to the victims,
citizen search efforts, provide clothing for those who lost their homes,
distribute essential supplies for women, children and seniors, and we
helped to feed and rebuild orphanages in Kobe. We have continued to
visit and donate to the orphanage every year since 1995.
Kokua Japan SF – Benefit Concert –
April 2, San Francisco Japantown
Nihonmachi Little
Friends Garage Sale on
Sutter Street
Concert raised over $19,000 from
donations, raffle ticket sales and
proceeds from t-shirts.
Shea (7) and her
sister Sadie (4)
sold their toys
to raise money
to donate to the
Relief Fund.
If there is one bright light in all this devastation, we know from our years
of experience with the Kobe earthquake relief efforts that Japan and its
people will endure and they will rise from the ashes and destruction.
To make a donation, please visit our website: or call
(415) 529-1322. Checks are preferred and can be sent to the Japanese
Cultural and Community Center of Northern California at 1840 Sutter
Street, San Francisco, CA. 94115. Checks can be made out to: The
Northern Japan Earthquake Relief Fund. All donations will be acknowledged.
Go to our Facebook Cause page:
We will be posting websites, fundraising events and other information.
4 Spring 2011 - Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California
Clarendon JBBP –
“Ganbare Japan” Charity
Concert – March 16:
Students raise over
Evernote CEO Phil
Libin (right), with
Hitoshi Hokamura
(left), delivered a
$120,000 donation.
(Pictured with
JCCCNC Executive
Director Paul
Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California - Spring 2011 5
JCCCNC Community
JCCCNC Community
Honoring Our Past, Remembering Those Who Have Passed On...
Japanese Cemetery Clean-Up Day
Often times we find ourselves too
busy in our daily lives to honor our
past and remember those who have
passed on. The Japanese Cemetery
in Colma is a unique cultural
treasure that deserves our attention, our respect, OUR
TIME. The place represents our history, our loved ones,
friends and family. For many of us, it is the place where our
grandparents, great-grandparents, parents, family and friends
are laid to rest. For all of us, the loved ones that rest there
represent our history.
The JCCCNC is organizing a youth, family and community
Clean-Up Day at the Japanese Cemetery in Colma.
Saturday, May 21st
10:00am – Noon
1300 Hillside Blvd.,
Colma, CA 94014
Kaoru Yoshifuji, 97-years-old, helps
We will supply,
clean the Japanese Cemetery in Colma.
garbage bags, tools,
cleaning supplies,
watering buckets, drinking water, rags, bento and
flowers. (Please bring your owns gloves.)
SF GIANTS Japanese Heritage Night
Proceeds from every ticket sold will be donated to the
Northern Japan Earthquake Relief Fund established by the JCCCNC
In the wake of the recent tragedies that have hit Japan, the Giants are dedicating this season’s Japanese heritage
night to the memories of those lost, and to the support of those working to rebuild. Proceeds from each
special event ticket will be donated directly to the Northern Japan Earthquake Relief Fund, and Giants
staff will be on hand on the day of the game to collect additional donations from fans who would like to
contribute further to the cause.
The Japanese Heritage Night with the San Francisco Giants will be held on Friday, June
3rd at 7:15 p.m. as the 2010 World Champions face off against the Colorado Rockies.
With your special event ticket, your seat for the game will be in one of the Japanese Heritage
sections, to create a community bond between members of the Japanese community and their
supporters in a show of solidarity. Additionally, all special event ticket holders will receive a special
edition Sumo Lou Seal bobblehead. Arrive early for a pregame fundraising festival in Seals Plaza from
5:00 to 7:15 p.m., with cultural performers, Japanese food and drink specials.
JCCCNC View Reserve Package
tickets are only $26 general, or
$24 for JCCCNC members.
To purchase tickets or for more
The special edition Sumo Lou Seal
bobblehead, included only with the special
Japanese Heritage Night ticket package.
information, please call Courtney
Okuhara at (415) 567-5505 or
e-mail [email protected].
6 Spring 2011 - Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California
Thank you to the
San Francisco Giants for
supporting the
Northern Japan
Earthquake Relief Fund.
JCCCNC Celebrates
Japanese Traditions
Kodomo No Hi
(Children’s Day)
Kodomo no Hi (Children’s Day)
on May 5 is one of the most
celebrated national holidays in
Japan. Originally called Tango no
Sekku (Boy’s Day), the name was
changed to celebrate the health
and well-being of all children. Many
of the Kodomo no Hi traditions and
decorations were adapted from
Tango no Sekku and symbolize
strength and prosperity.
Symbols of Kodomo no Hi
Koinobori: In Japan, koinobori
(colorful carp streamers) are
flown outside of houses to bring
good fortune to young children.
Koinobori are believed to be
strong, spirited fish known for
their determination in fighting up
streams and through powerful
Gogatsuningyo: Families also display
kabuto (samurai helmets) and
gogatsu-ningyo (samurai dolls) on
tiered platforms in their homes.
These dolls symbolize courage
for young children.
Kashiwa-mochi and Chimaki:
Another tradition is the offering of
kashiwa-mochi, a rice cake stuffed
with bean paste and wrapped in an
oak leaf, and Chimaki, a dumpling
wrapped in bamboo leaves. Both
oak and bamboo are symbols of
strength for their resilience.
Iris Flowers: Iris flowers
bloom during this time, and are
placed in the home to ward off
evil. Some families in Japan also
practice an old tradition called
syobuyu, in which children bathe
with floating iris leaves.
Kristi Yamaguchi “Dream Big, Little Pig!”
Book Signing at Children’s Day Festival
Saturday, May 7 • 11:00am-4:00pm • Japan Center Peace Plaza, San Francisco
Olympic gold medalist and “Dancing with the Stars” Celebrity Champion,
Kristi Yamaguchi, will be signing copies of her new children’s book,
“Dream Big, Little Pig!” at this year’s Kristi Yamaguchi’s Children’s Day
Festival in San Francisco’s Japan Center Peace Plaza on Saturday, May 7.
Children and fans of all ages will have the opportunity to get an
autographed copy of “Dream Big, Little Pig!” and meet an inspirational
Japanese American celebrity who overcame many obstacles by adhering
to her lifelong motto “always dream.” Kristi credits her achievements
to these two powerful words, which is also the name of her charitable
foundation whose sole purpose is to inspire and embrace the hopes and
dreams of children.
“Dream Big, Little Pig!” debuted at the #2 spot on the New York Times
Bestsellers List and follows the journey of Poppy the Pig, who has lots of big dreams. Poppy learns that
her dreams are not always easily achieved, but that through believing in herself and having fun at what
she does, she can do anything.
Kristi will be signing books from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Peace Plaza. Copies of “Dream Big, Little
Pig!” may be purchased at the book signing table or at the JCCCNC.
In addition to having an opportunity to meet Kristi Yamaguchi, youth will experience Japanese
culture and celebrate Children’s Day, a national holiday of Japan. From 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., children
can participate in hands-on craft activities, snack on arare (rice cracker), popcorn, spam sushi and
other treats hosted by organizations such as Asobi Arts, California Highway Patrol, Clarendon
Elementary School, George Washington High School, JCCCNC, Japanese Community Youth Council
(JCYC), Nakayoshi, Nichi Bei Foundation,
Nihonmachi Little Friends Preschool,
Nobirukai, Rosa Parks Japanese Bilingual
Bicultural Program (JBBP), St. Ignatius High
School and Wu Yee Children’s Services.
Special children’s entertainment will be
provided throughout the day by ABC
Preschool, Gen Taiko/Clarendon Taiko,
Halau Ka Liko Pua O Kalaniakea, J-town
Hui, Kirakiraboshi Choir, Michiya Hanayagi
Dance Group and San Francisco Kendo
The festival is free and open to the public.
For more information on the festival or to order a book, please contact the JCCCNC at (415) 5675505, or visit the website at
Supported by:
The Henri and Tomoye Takahashi
Charitable Foundation
The Hatsuro and Amey Aizawa Family
Charitable Trust
Consulate General of Japan
Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California - Spring 2011 7
JCCCNC Special Events
JCCCNC Community
JCCCNC Offers Two Opportunities for Nikkei Youth to Discover Japan
Inaugural Takahashi Youth Ambassador Fellowship Program for 8th-11th Graders
The JCCCNC is proud to announce the creation of a new
student program this summer. Through the generous support
of The Henri and Tomoye Takahashi Charitable Foundation,
The Takahashi Youth Ambassador Fellowship Program has been
created for students in the 8-11th grade.
The Program will encourage students to learn about Japanese
culture and history through intensive classes offered throughout
the summer with the course culminating in a trip to Japan from
July 19-28 2011.
Any student between the ages of 14 to 17 who displays leadership
qualities; demonstrate interest in learning about their Nikkei culture,
and are actively involved in their community are encouraged to
apply. This year’s program is limited to 12 participants. Selected
participants will attend workshops held in June and July. An optional
post-program family trip will be held from July 25 to August 3.
The TYAFP participation fee is $1,000, which can be offset
by pre-organized fundraising activities or through one of the
scholarships listed on the right.
For more information, please contact Lori Matoba at (415) 5675505, e-mail [email protected] or visit
Florence Kono Yamada Scholarship ($1,000.00)
Florence “Flo” Kono Yamada was a regular Japantown fixture and had an
opinion about everything, in particular how important it was to preserve
Japantown. Originally from Chicago, Flo and her sisters made Japantown
their second home. Flo could be seen at the JCCCNC 3 or 4 times a
week participating in classes, volubteering or just hanging out making
people happy with her infecutus laugh. Flo believed in living life to its fullest,
despite battling cancer for many years she never lost her enthusiasm for
life and her love for the community. Her husband Kahn Yamada would
like to offer a scholarship to someone in need of assistance and that will
discover and embrace the Japanese culture and its beauty as he was able
to do most recently on a JCCCNC cultural tour to Japan.
Roy Y. Ashizawa Scholarship ($1,000.00)
Roy Ashizawa grew up in San Francisco’s Japantown attending Morning
Star School. After graduating high school, here in San Francisco, Roy Y.
Ashizawa was given the opportunity to travel to Japan to study - to
improve his Japanese language skills and expose him to life in Japan filled
with its rich culture and arts. Roy spent many days at the JCCCNC during
his retirement participating in classes and volunteering. By continuing his
enthusiastic support of the JCCCNC and its programs, and recognizing
the valued connection he had not only with the JCCCNC, but to San
Francisco’s Japantown, the many wonderful people, old and young, within
its community, as well as, his appreciation of Japanese culture and arts,
his family is pleased to offer a scholarship to provide an opportunity to a
participant in the 2011 TYAFP and encourage his/her growth as a future
leader, cultural ambassador and global citizen.
Monthlong Nikkei Youth Cultural Heritage Program for College Students
The JCCCNC’s Nikkei Youth Cultural
Heritage Program (NYCHP), in
cooperation with the Kobe YMCA
Language Program (Hyogo Prefecture,
Japan) is designed for Nikkei youth to
gain a better understanding of their
ancestral and cultural background
while discovering Japan in a unique
and exciting way. This program
will allow participants to immerse
themselves in Japanese culture
through Japanese language and
writing classes; attend introductory
classes in traditional Japanese art
forms; late afternoon and Saturday
excursions exploring different
parts of the Kansai region; all
while having the opportunity to use and practice their Japanese
language skills on a daily basis with their homestay families.
Participants will stay with
two families each, for two
weeks. The NYCHP also
incorporates a mandatory
pre-tour trip to Hiroshima’s
Peace Park and Museum,
Miyajima Island and Kyoto
to introduce students to
important historical and
cultural assets in Japan.
NYCHP participants are chosen based on their application,
essay and interview – Japanese language proficiency is not a
requirement. Interviews are held and if selected, participants
will attend a pre-trip workshop in preparation for their onemonth stay in Japan.
The NYCHP is held annually during the summer. For more
information, visit our page at
or contact Lori Matoba at (415) 567-5505 or [email protected].
8 Spring 2011 - Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California
JCCCNC Cultural
Tours to Japan
Every fall, the JCCCNC sponsors a
Cultural Tour to Japan. It is the goal of the
tour to focus on a different region of Japan
every year.
In 2010, two tours to Japan were held.
One was in the winter of 2010 to attend
the Snow and Ice Festivals located
throughout the island of Hokkaido and the
second was held in mid-November focusing
on the prefectures of Nagano, Aichi and Kyoto.
Group photo at Matsumoto Castle
Tour coordinator Diane Matsuda
with Martha Suzuki
The participants were treated to the new JAL
direct flight from SFO to Tokyo’s Haneda Airport.
Tokyo was the first stop on the tour where
Asakusa’s Nakamise-dori, Kaminarimon, Sensoji
and the Edo Shitamachi Dento Kogeikan were
explored. Following this, the group boarded the
Shinkansen to Nagano Prefecture to experience
the famous Matsumoto Castle, and be treated to
a once in a lifetime experience at the Kanaguya
Ryokan at Shibu Onsen. The next morning, the
group hiked up the hill to Jigokudani Monkey
Park to see the world famous snow monkeys.
This was definitely the highlight of the entire journey!
A snow monkey at the Jigokudani Monkey Park
Following this experience, the group trekked west to Nagoya’s Osu Kannon Temple
market and then to Kyoto to see the fabulous fall colors. Experiencing fall within
Kinkaku-ji’s grounds and the illuminated night views of Kiyomizu Temple were
Onsen eggs
amazing. The next morning, the group had the choice of walking to the Nishiki food
district or attending the public opening of the Imperial Palace. A trip to Kyoto would not be complete without an ochazuke lunch
featuring over 20 different types of tsukemono so the final stop in Kyoto was a local restaurant at the foot of Kiyomizu Temple.
The tour ended in Tokyo, where participants had a free day to choose their own activitites. Many decided to take a short journey
over to see Mount Fuji and were happy to witness a clear view of this historic site.
The 2011 Tour will focus on the Chugoku Region of Japan. It is tentatively scheduled for mid-late October. For more information,
please contact Ruby Hata at (415) 567-5505.
2010 was the 13th year that the JCCCNC has offered annual cultural trips to Japan. These tours allow participants to experience the history,
culture and people in different regions of the country.
Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California - Spring 2011 9
Inside the JCCCNC
Inside the JCCCNC
Past, Present, Future
Always a Place to Call Home
This year we celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Opening
the Doors of the Japanese Cultural and Community
Center of Northern California (JCCCNC). The dream of
the JCCCNC was to create an everlasting home for the
community, a foundation where our culture, traditions and
heritage would be passed down to others; one that the
community would own, one that would be self-supporting,
one that would never be taken away from us and one that
would become our responsibility to secure its future for
and pass on to future generations.
Those who gathered to build this dream were pioneers
and visionaries, working together with determination,
commitment and pride. They shared the dream of a world
filled with more hope and joy so that their children’s
grandchildren would have a place to learn about their
Japanese culture and heritage. The stories to share and
customs to pass down would be told in a safe and nurturing
second home with their extended families.
Join us
as we
0f Our
Saturday, May 7
Children’s Day Festival
in Japantown Peace Plaza
Buchanan and Post Street
Saturday, May 14
- Friday, May 20
JCCCNC Community Open House & Photo Exhibit
Come and experience one of the JCCCNC’s
classes at an introductory session during our Open
House. Please call (415) 567-5505 to RSVP or for
more information and class details visit www. or stop by the JCCCNC Programs Office.
Please call (415) 567-5505 or
visit for more information.
10 Spring 2011 - Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California
Over the past twenty five years, the JCCCNC has
become that home in the community – a place to bring
family, see friends, explore culture and share experiences.
This is abundantly clear as you look at the over 185,000
smiling faces that have passed through our doors in the
last year to attend a program, class, workshop or special
event. This accomplishment is a tribute to every donor,
member, volunteer, board member, staff member, program
participant and community organization, all of whom have
devoted their time towards serving and bringing new life
to our community center.
Our 25th Anniversary of Opening our Doors is truly a
celebration of how far we have come and what we have
to look forward to. The dream of the JCCCNC was built
upon the foundation of generations, past, present and future.
And it is these generations, each with its own struggles,
adversity, determination, commitment and dreams that
shall write new chapters for our Center.
Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California - Spring 2011 11
Inside the JCCCNC
Gold Crane $50,000 and up
The Henri & Tomoye Takahashi
Charitable Foundation
Gold Crane $20,000 and up
Mr. Hatsuro & Mrs. Amey Aizawa
Gold Crane $10,000 and up
G. Kase
Gold Crane $5,000 and up
Mr. Masao & Mrs. Yuki Ashizawa
Mrs. Shigeko Marumoto
Mr. Kiyoshi Sakakura
Mrs. Julie Takahashi
Mrs. Violet Tanaka
Gold Crane $1,000 and up
Ms. Eiko Aoki
Mrs. Fumi Ashizawa
Mrs. Mary China
Ms. Florence Dobashi
Mrs. Alyce Furuya
Mr. Albert Haruyama
Dr. James & Mrs. Cindy Hayashi
Mr. Bret Hedican & Ms. Kristi
Mrs. Yo Hironaka
Mrs. Kiyo Hirose
Mr. Garrett Hisatake & Ms.
Phuong Bui
Mr. Lloyd & Mrs. Naomi Hiura
Mr. Kenneth & Mrs. Yoshiko Ho
Mrs. Michiko Horio
Ms. Emy Hynes
Mr. Daro Inouye & Ms. Patricia
Mr. Ben & Mrs. Mary Ishisaki
Mr. Greg Ishizaki
Mrs. Takako Ishizaki
Mrs. Naoko Ito
Mr. Satoru* & Mrs. Setsuko
Mrs. Mary Kawano
Dr.* & Mrs. William Kiyasu
Mr. Raymond & Mrs. Deo Konagai
Mrs. Fumiko Kunihara
Mr. Kaz Maniwa & Ms. Masako
Mr. Eddie & Mrs. Alice Moriguchi
Ms. Kayo Nakamura
Mr. Gerry Nakano & Ms. Dianne
Mrs. Mary Negi
Mr. Allen & Mrs. Patricia Okamoto
Mr. George & Mrs. Mary Okamoto
Mr. William & Mrs. Louise Osada
Mr. Wayne & Mrs. Sally Osaki
Ms. Marilyn Oshiro
Dr. Quintus & Mrs. Jean Sakai
Mr. Richard & Mrs. Amber Sakai
Mr. Robert & Dr. Alicia Sakai
Mr. Yone & Mrs. Daisy Satoda
Mr. Hiko & Mrs. Susan Shimamoto
and Mr. Kaz & Mrs. Cindy
Mr. Dale Shimasaki
Ms. Marumi Suyeyasu
Mr. Harry* & Mrs. Lorraine Suzuki
Mrs. Irene Takasuka
Mr. Donald Tamaki & Ms. Susan
Mr. Frank & Mrs. Edith Tanaka
Mr. Kenji Treanor & Ms. Kim
Dr. Himeo Tsumori & Ms. Louise
Mr. Masaji* & Mrs. Hiroko Uratsu
Mr. Kahn Yamada
Mr. Ted Yamasaki & Mr. Brian
Mr. Bradley Yee & Ms. Joyce
Dr. Craig Yonemura & Ms. Pamela
Mrs. Agnes Yoshimura
Silver Crane $500-999
Mr. Kazuo & Mrs. Jean Abey
Mr. William Ball
Mr. Alfred & Mrs. Arline Chinn
Mrs. Mitzi Fukami
Mr. Nobusuke & Mrs. Fumi
Mr. Bill & Mrs. Rose Fukumitsu
Mrs. Mutsumi Hada
Mr. Craig & Mrs. Lyn Hamakawa
Mr. Noboru Hanyu
Ms. Jane Hashimoto
Mr. Don & Mrs. Christina Hirose
Dr. Ronald & Mrs. Cynthia Hiura
Mr. Herbert & Mrs. Julieta Honma
Ms. Sumi Honnami
Mrs. Kazue Ihara
Mr. Frank & Mrs. Kiyoko Ikenaga
Ms. Janis Ito
Ms. Patricia Ito
Mr. Charlie Kagay & Ms. Teresa
Mr. Hiroshi & Mrs. Sadako
Mrs. Mitsuko Kawashiri
Mr. Lawrence Kern & Ms. Karen
Mr. Lowell Kimura & Ms. Donna
Mr. John & Mrs. Ruby Kobayashi
Ms. Donna Kotake
Mr. Ard Kozono
Dr. Randy Lee & Dr. Ann AzamaLee
Ms. Lori Matoba
Mr. George & Mrs. Teruko
Mrs. Shirley Murakami
Mr. Tats & Mrs. Arly Nagase
Mr. Scott & Mrs. Sandra
Mr. Frederick & Mrs. Joan
Mrs. Nell Noguchi
Ms. Kay Nomura
Ms. Rose Oda
Ms. J. June Ohara
Mr. Van Okamura & Ms. Glynis
Mr. Roy Okuno
Mr. William Olds
Mr. Keith Onishi
Mr. Ken & Mrs. Kay Onishi
Mrs. Misao Otsuki
Mr. Bill Sakai
Mrs. Haruko Sasaki
Mr. Joseph Siegelman & Ms.
Charlene Shimada
Mrs. Mitzie Tarver
Ms. Marlene Tonai
Mr. Takeo & Mrs. Helen Utsumi
Ms. Barbara Wada
Mrs. Chiyo Wada
Ms. Patricia Wada
Dr. David Walton & Ms. Machiko
Mr. Thomas & Mrs. Hatsy
Mr. Peter & Mrs. Ayako Yee
Mrs. Lois Yonemoto
Dr. Todd Yonemura
Mr. Ronald & Mrs. Miye Yoshida
Red Crane $100-499
Mr. Tony Abantao
Mr. Mark Abey & Ms. Jeanne
Mr. Kenneth Abiko
Inside the JCCCNC
2 010 A n n u a l D o n o r s
Ms. Keiko Akashi
Mrs. Sumiko Akashi
Mr. Yoshihiro & Mrs. Fumie
Mr. Thomas & Mrs. Akiko Arikawa
Ms. Janice Aritomi
Mr. Peti Arunamata & Ms. Sherilyn
Mr. Thomas & Mrs. BJ Baba
Mr. Daniel Baumol & Ms. Sabrina
Mr. Bobby & Mrs. Cecilia Bell
Ms. Roberta Berteau
Mr. Jim Boddy & Ms. Betsy Dodd
Mrs. Ikue Burney
Mr. Gregory Campbell
Mr. Sherman & Mrs. Dori Chan
Mr. Harold Chan
Mr. Howard & Mrs. Mildred Choy
Mr. Alfred Chu & Ms. Kathy
Mr. Arthur & Mrs. Osame Doi
Mr. William J. Edick, Jr. & Ms.
Pamela Burns
Mr. Bill Fazio
Mr. Jerry & Mrs. Shelley Ferguson
Mrs. Marjorie Fletcher
Ms. Cynthia Foglesong
Dr. John & Mrs. Sue Fong
Mr. Raymond Fong
Mr. David & Mrs. Hiromi Fukuda
Mr. Hiroshi & Mrs. Janice Fukuda
Mr. Saburo & Mrs. Lucille Fukuda
The Honorable Warren & Mrs.
Lisa Furutani
Ms. Patricia Golumb
Mr. Simon & Mrs. Kristen
Mr. Steven & Mrs. May Gotanda
Ms. Donna Graves
Ms. Moriye Hama
Mr. Wallace & Mrs. Mildred
Ms. Dolly Hamamoto
Mme. Michiya Hanayagi
Ms. Irene Harada
Ms. Kazue Harada
Mr. Masaru & Mrs. Marcia
Mr. Rich Hashimoto
Ms. Sato Hashizume
Mr. Richard & Mrs. Ruby Hata
Mr. Henry & Mrs. Mary Hidekawa
Mr. Ken & Mrs. Lynn Higa
Mr. Jitsuo & Mrs. Kaye Higashi
Mr. Yoshikazu Hirota
Dr. Jon & Mrs. Ema Hiura
Mrs. Tsugiko Holdaway
Mr. Akira & Mrs. Kimi Sato Honda
Mr. Shoji Horikoshi
Mr. Shiro & Mrs. Marsha Horita
Mr. Tom & Mrs. Gaylene
Ms. Chidori Hoy
Ms. Helen Hoy
Mr. Daniel & Mrs. Judy Hruska
Ms. Rose Ichiyasu
Ms. Vivian Ikeda
Ms. Mary Ikenaga
Ms. Sueko Imagawa
Mr. Mas & Mrs. Sets Ishikawa
Mrs. Tomi Isono
Ms. Dawn Iwamoto
Mr. Roy Kumiy Iwao
Mr. Ronald & Mrs. Mimi Kagehiro
Ms. Hope Kamimoto
Mr. Hideyoshi & Mrs. Yaeko
Mr. Gary & Mrs. Sharon Kato
Ms. Stacia Kato
Mrs. Stella Kato & Ms. Cindy Kim
Mrs. Shigeko Kawabe
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Kawaguchi
Mr. Masaru Kawaguchi
Reverend Masato & Mrs. Alice
Mr. Thomas Kawakami
Mr. Eric & Mrs. Vera Kawamura
Ms. Kikuye Kayano
Mr. Todd Kimoto
Mrs. Pearl Kimura
Mr. Russell & Mrs. Harumi Kishida
Mr. Gary & Mrs. Barbara Kitagawa
Mrs. June Kitagawa
Ms. Madeline Kitagawa
Mr. Stephen & Mrs. Ella Kitagawa
Mr. Alan & Mrs. Sylvia Kitashima
Mr. Calvert & Mrs. Betty Kitazumi
Ms. Kayoko Kitsuda
Dr. Robert Kiyomura
Ms. Sachiko Kjerbo
Mr. Dick Kobashigawa
Ms. Debi Kobayashi
Mr. George Kobayashi
Ms. Kuniye Koga
Mr. Keith & Mrs. Priscilla Kojimoto
Mrs. Sharonlee Kotabe
Mr. Jonathan Kubo
Mr. Aki & Mrs. Michiko Kuramoto
Mr. Joseph & Mrs. Shirley* Kurata
Mr. George & Mrs. Joyce
Ms. Yaeko Kuwatani & Ms. Hiroko
Mrs. Mary Kyono
Mr. Mitchell Lam & Ms. Joan
Mr. Timothy Leach
Ms. Merijane Lee
Ms. Miyoko Lee
Ms. Susie Lee
Mr. Jeff & Mrs. Kathleen
Mr. Sherman Lim
Mr. Collen & Mrs. Rose Low
Mr. Greg Low
Mr. Frank & Mrs. Yoko Lum
Mrs. Yoko Maeda & Mr. Jason S.
Mr. Lincoln & Mrs. Katherine Mah
Mrs. Barbara Marumoto
Mr. Kazuo Maruoka
Mr. Howard Masamura
Ms. Sandi Matoba
Mr. Alan Matsuda
Mr. Tsukasa* & Mrs. June
Mr. Colbert & Mrs. Gail Matsumoto
Mr. Frank & Mrs. Hedy Matsuno
Mr. Chester Matsuoka
Mr. Jeffery Matsuoka
Ms. Masako Mayeda
Mrs. Yo Misaki
Mr. Tosh Mitsuda
Mr. Neal Miura
Mr. John Mizono
Dr. Ken & Dr. Mary Mizono
Mr. Wayne & Mrs. Patty Mizuiri
Mr. Akio Mochizuki
Mr. Bruce & Mrs. Joy Morimoto
Ms. Janet Morimoto
Dr. Leroy Morishita & Ms. Barbara
Mr. Satoru Munekawa & Ms. Anna
Mrs. Betty Murakami
Ms. Tsutaye Murakami
Ms. Susan Muranishi
Mr. Seiki Murono & Ms. Lynette
Ms. Barbara Nagareda
Ms. Nancy Nagareda
Ms. Kuniko Naito
Mrs. Nanami Naito
Mrs. Emiko Nakahiro
Mr. Hirokazu & Mrs. Grace Nakai
Mrs. Mitsuko Nakai
Ms. Nancy Nakai
Mr. Benh Nakajo
Mr. David Nakamura
Mr. Harry Nakamura
Ms. Mari Nakamura
N&A Marketing Inc.
Mr. Noboru & Mrs. Masaye
Mr. Rod & Mrs. Dianne Nakanishi
12 Spring 2011 - Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California
Mr. Curtis & Mrs. Jackie Nakano
Mr. Henry & Mrs. Frances Nanjo
Ms. Elizabeth Nguyen
Ms. Judy Niizawa
Ms. Julie Nishihara
Mr. David Nishimoto
Ms. Naomi Nishioka
Dr. Harry & Mrs. Anna Nomura
Mr. Robert & Mrs. Delphine
Ms. Susan Obata
Mr. Wilbur Obata & Ms. Jill Shiraki
Mrs. Alice Ochi
Mrs. Mickie Ochi
Ms. Harua Oda
Ms. Linda Oda
Mr. Mitsufumi & Mrs. Rumi Okabe
Mr. Thomas & Mrs. Amy Okagaki
Ms. Kumi Okamoto
Mr. Steven & Mrs. Diana Okamoto
Mr. Ricky & Mrs. Glenda Okamura
Mr. Tets & Mrs. Nancy Okano
Mr. Steve Omori & Ms. Linda
Ms. Thelma Ong
Ms. Hanaes Ono & Ms. Chiyeko
Ms. Teresa Ono
Mr. Paul Osaki
Mr. Fred Oshima
Dr. Jerry & Mrs. Eleanor Osumi
Mr. John Ota & Ms. Mari
Ms. Midori Otsuki
Ms. Lucille Owyoung Chin
Mr. Stan & Mrs. Yaeko Ozaki
Ms. Katherine Reyes
Dr. Bruce Richardson & Ms.
Susan Kawamoto
Mr. Don & Mrs. Ada Sadler
Mr. Hiroshi Sakamoto
Mr. Giichi & Mrs. Nancy Sakurai
Ms. Yumi Sam
Mr. David & Mrs. Cindi Sasaki
Mr. George & Mrs. Doris Sasaki
Ms. Nancy Satoda
Ms. Michiyo Schmidt-Petersen
Mr. Sam & Mrs. Yuki Seiki
Mr. Walter & Mrs. Harumi Serata
Ms. Karen Seriguchi
Mr. Kaz Shibao & Ms. Boni Cruz
Ms. Laurie Shigekuni
Mr. Roy & Mrs. Rosemary
Ms. Lia Shigemura & Ms. Helen Zia
Mr. Randy & Mrs. Linda Shigio
Mr. & Mrs. Masahiko Shima
Mr. Fred & Mrs. Ellen Shimasaki
Ms. Kiku Shimazaki
Mr. George Shimizu
Dr. Dennis & Mrs. Wendy Shinbori
Mr. Frank & Mrs. Mitsue Shindo
Mrs. Taeko Shiozaki
Mr. James & Mrs. Mary Anne
Mr. Shiro & Mrs. Annie Suenaga
Mr. Marshall & Mrs. Misako
Mr. Tatsuo & Mrs. Yoko Sumida
Ms. Nancy Summersgill
Ms. Akiko Sutton
Mrs. Mary Suzuki
Mr. Tom Swartz & Mrs. Marilyn
Mr. Charles Ingram & Ms. Midori
Ms. Alice Takahashi
Mrs. Mary Takai
Mr. Ron Takasugi
Mr. Kaz & Ms. Michi Takata
Mr. Russell & Mrs. Linda Takei
Mr. Ko & Mrs. Hisako Takemoto
Ms. Atsuko Takeshita
Mr. Ben & Mrs. Fumiko Takeshita
Mrs. Hideko Takeshita
Mrs. Sumako Takeshita
Mr. John Takeuchi
Mr. Minoru & Mrs. Akiko Takeuchi
Mr. Masato & Mrs. Miyeko Tanabe
Ms. Rose Tanaka
Mrs. Mary Taniguchi
Mr. Neal Taniguchi & Ms. Emily
Mr. Kyle Tatsumoto & Ms. Carole
Mrs. Tomie Tomita
Mrs. Yae Tondo
Dr. Reiko True
Ms. Kazuko Tsuchiya
Mr. Robert* & Mrs. Betty Tsugawa
Ms. Joanne Tsujisaka
Mr. John & Mrs. Marge Tsukamoto
Ms. Emi Tsutsumi
Ms. Sharon Umene
Mr. Marvin & Mrs. Miyo Uratsu
Mrs. Tokiko Ushijima
Ms. Doris Uyeda
Mr. Keith & Mrs. Pam Uyeda
Mrs. Shinako Wada
Reverend Lloyd & Mrs. Marion
Mr. Bernard & Mrs. Kazuko
Mr. Jay Wang & Ms. Cathy
Mrs. Natsuyo Wong
Mr. Neil & Mrs. Rita Wun
Yamada Scott Family Fund at the
Hawaii Community Foundation
Mr. Minoru & Mrs. Suzanne
Mr. John & Mrs. Laverne
Mrs. Masu Yamaguchi
Ms. Irene Yamasaki
Mr. Masaru & Mrs. Helen
Mr. Gary Yano & Ms. Akemi
Mr. Glenn & Mrs. Diane Yasuda
Mr. Benjamin & Mrs. Candace Yee
Mrs. Tomoko Yeh
Mrs. Namiko Yokoyama
Mr. James & Mrs. Mary Yonemoto
Mr. Benjamin & Mrs. Miyeko
Mr. Jeff Yoshioka
Mr. Robert & Mrs. Susan Yoshioka
Mr. Fred Yung & Ms. Jane
Ms. Grace Abiko
Ms. Karen Aizawa
Mr. Terry Akiyama
Mr. Atlas & Mrs. Janet Arakawa
Ms. Mutsuko Arima
Ms. Michie Asato
Ms. Deena Baker
Mr. Jerry & Mrs. Lindsay Belden
Ms. Rhoda Chang
Ms. Leslie Chew
Mr. Ray Chew & Ms. Christine
Iwanaga Chew
Mrs. Grace Choi
Mr. Jeffrey Chu
Mrs. Elsie Chung
Mr. Byron & Mrs. Jan Der
Mrs. Saeko Devine
Mr. James Eller
Mr. Franklin & Mrs. Nancy Fong
Mr. Jordon Fong & Ms. Sharon
Ms. Grace Fujimoto
Ms. Yasuko Fujita
Mr. Koichi & Mrs. Mutsuko Fukuda
Mr. Takashi & Mrs. Kazuko
Mrs. Kiku Funabiki
Ms. Louise Fung
Mr. Shig & Mrs. Terrie Furuta
Mr. Yas* & Mrs. Emiko Furuya
Ms. Shirley Gatlin
Ms. Tiko Gong
Mr. Claude & Mrs. Anna Guichard
Dr. Hajime & Mrs. Judy
Mr. Kenzo & Mrs. Nancy Handa
Ms. Nelly Handa
Mr. Toshiye Handa
Mr. Harry Hanen
Ms. Susan Haramoto
Ms. Jennifer Hasegawa
Dr. Walter Hashimoto
The Hatakeyama Family
Mr. Kazuo & Mrs. Aiko Hayashi
Ms. Yukiyo Hayashi
Mr. Sady & Mrs. Amy Hayashida
Mr. Stephen Higashi & Ms. Laura
Ms. Yoneko Higashigawa
Mr. Nolan Highbaugh & Ms. Janet
Mr. Brian & Mrs. Lyn Hirahara
Mrs. Mary Hiromoto
Mr. Bill & Mrs. May Hirose
Ms. Kazuko Hishida
Dr. Jerrold Hiura & Ms. Lucia Cha
Ms. Marian Hiyama
Mrs. Elsie Honda
Ms. Suzanne Hosokawa
Ms. Setsuko Ichimoto
Mr. James* & Mrs. Nobuko Ikeda
Ms. Martha Imai
Ms. Aya Ino
Mrs. Hatsumi Ishii
Mr. Paul Iwamasa & Ms. Shelly
Mrs. Mitsuko Iwatsu
Mr. Frank & Mrs. Jane Iyama
Ms. Jane Jens
Mr. Gordon & Mrs. Linda Joo
Mr. Joe & Mrs. Miyeko Kamikawa
Mr. Isamu Kang
Ms. Miyeko Kanoh
Ms. Edith Kaplan
Ms. Noriko Kashiwabara
Mrs. Kiyo Kato
Ms. Grace Kawamoto
Ms. Jessica Kawamura
Mrs. Miyako Kazama
Ms. Kyoko Keenon
Ms. Nancy Kikuchi
Mr. Richard Kishimoto
Ms. Yoshiko Kitawaki
Dr. Howard Kline & Dr. Ellen
Ms. Kikuko Koba
Dr. Tom & Mrs. Kay Koike
Mr. Tommy & Mrs. Florence Kono
Ms. Jamie Kozono
Ms. Marie Kurihara
Ms. Velma Kurihara
Ms. Rachel Kuruma
Mr. Keith Kuwatani
Mrs. Kazue Kyono
Ms. Ibuki Lee
Mr. Kenneth & Mrs. Ann Lew
Mr. Dii Lewis & Ms. Joyce Oishi
Ms. Sylvia Louie
Ms. Vickie Louie
Mr. Thomas Machida
Mr. Ken Maeshiro & Ms. Saori
Mr. Jun & Mrs. Kay Maeyama
Ms. Lynn Maeyama
Ms. Francisca Maher
Mr. Robert & Mrs. Gail Mametsuka
Mr. Albert Mamiya
Mr. Scott & Mrs. Kimberly Mamiya
Mrs. Michiko Mango
Ms. Harumi March
Ms. Ruth Mark
Ms. Esther Marks
Mr. Gary Masada
Ms. Carolyn Masuda
Mrs. Etsuko Masuda
Ms. Diane Matsuda
Ms. Alice Matsumoto
Mr. Robert & Mrs. Diane
Mrs. Sachiko Matsumura
Mrs. Betty Matsuo
Mr. Isao Matsuura
Mr. Melvyn Mayeda
Mr. Gerard & Mrs. Rosie
Ms. Ria McIntosh
Mr. Dale Minami & Ms. Ai Mori
Mr. David & Mrs. Carole Minkin
Mr. Wataru & Mrs. Katie Misaka
Ms. Diane Misumi
Mr. Mike Miumi
Ms. Mey Miura
Mrs. Ko Miyamoto
Mr. Steven Miyao
Ms. Mabel Miyasaki
Mr. Thomas Miyoko
Mr. Albert & Mrs. Sachiko Mizuhara
Mr. Kenneth Moriguchi
Dr. Keith Muramoto
Mr. Roy & Mrs. Rose Mutobe
Ms. Haruko Nagaishi
Mr. Toshiaki & Mrs. Setsuko
Dr. Donald & Mrs. Alice Nakahata
Ms. Ellen Nakai
Mr. Hiroshi & Mrs. Joyce Nakai
Ms. Haruko Nakamoto
Mr. Michael & Mrs. Megumi
Mrs. Diane Nakano
Mr. Isamu Nao
Ms. Alice Neishi
Mr. Harold & Mrs. Loretta Nekota
Mrs. Tokie Nerio
Mr. Bryan & Mrs. Linda Nishimoto
Mr. Clifford & Mrs. Irene Nishimoto
Mr. Edward & Mrs. Ayako
Mr. Hank Nogawa
Mrs. Saye Noguchi
Ms. Gladys Noritake
Mr. Somao Ochi
Mr. Kazumatsu Ohno
Ms. Colleen Oinuma
Mr. Gordon Oishi
Mr. Sukeo & Mrs. Teiko Oji
Mr. Myron Okada & Ms. Lynne
Mr. Michael Okagaki & Ms. Wendy
The Okamura Family
Ms. Alice Okazaki
Ms. Courtney Okuhara
Mrs. Barbara Okumura
Mr. George & Mrs. Suzie Omura
Mrs. Marie Onitsuka
Ms. Colette Ono
Mr. Grant Ono
Mr. Jerry Ono
Ms. Kristee Ono
Mrs. Linda Ono
Mr. Victor Ono
Dr. Dean Osumi
Ms. Mary Ota
Ms. Miyo Ota
Mr. Guy Otoshi
Mr. Joel & Mrs. Dorise Ouye
Mr. Phil Owyoung & Ms. Jennifer
Mr. Koji & Mrs. Betty Ozawa
Ms. Melissa Parker
Ms. Betty Parodi
Mr. Eugene & Mrs. Loretta Pennisi
Mrs. Roberta Pilsbury
Mr. Robert Rieder
Mrs. Shelley Momii Roberts
Ms. Joyce Sakai
Mr. Sterling & Mrs. Sharon Sakai
Mr. Wesley & Mrs. Susan
Mr. Marion Sakurai
Mr. Ken & Mrs. Helen Sato
Mrs. Midori Satow
Mr. & Mrs. Tsutomu Sawamoto
Mr. Vicenza Scarpaci
Mr. Joel Schoolaih & Ms. Seibi
Agnes Lee
Mr. James M. Seff & Ms. Margene
Ms. Shizue Seigel
Mr. Donald Seiki
Mr. Sim & Mrs. T. Sue Seiki
Mr. Rylan Sekiguchi
Mrs. Mary Shek
Dr. Fumio Shibata
Ms. Grace Shimono
Mr. Harry & Mrs. Mary Shin
Mr. Gordon Shiozaki & Mrs. Dona
Mrs. Chiz Shiro
Mr. Ernest Shiroma
Mr. Ronald & Mrs. Shirley
Mr. Steven Sholly & Ms. Dianne
Ms. Elaine Skinner
Mr. Thomas Souza & Mrs. Elayne
Mr. David Spiegelman & Ms. Maki
Mr. Satoshi & Mrs. Elaine
Mr. Thomas & Mrs. June Sugihara
Ms. Marie Sugiyama
Ms. Kazuye Sumida
Mr. Seiji & Mrs. Nancy Suzuki
Ms. Asaye Takagi
Mr. Makoto Takahashi
Mr. Vernon Takasuka
Mrs. Mineko Takata
Ms. Mae Takeda
Mr. Jimmie Takeuchi
Ms. Louise Takeuchi
Mrs. Betty M. Tanaka
Mr. Isago & Ms. Setsuko Tanaka
Mr. Richard Tanaka
Ms. Shigeko Tanaka
Ms. Virginia Tanakatsubo
Mrs. Takeko Tanisawa
Ms. Chiyo Tashiro
Mr. George Tashiro
Mr. Kenji & Mrs. Mary Tomita
Ms. Dorothy Tong
Ms. Mitsuko Toyama
Mr. Keith & Mrs. Stacey Tsuchiya
Mr. Robert Tucker & Ms. Keija
Mr. David & Mrs. Teruko Turner
Mr. Richard Untalan & Ms. Kerry
Mr. Gary & Mrs. Cammie Uyeda
Ms. Keiko Wada
Ms. Joyce Warren
Ms. Katherine Watanabe
Mr. Jimmy & Mrs. Caroline Wong
Mr. Nelson Dong & Ms. Diane
Mr. Stuart & Mrs. Irene Wong
Mr. Ted & Mrs. Jennifer Yamagishi
Mr. Gary & Mrs. Karen Yamamoto
Ms. Michiko Yamamoto
Mr. Tsuyoshi & Mrs. Joyce
Mrs. Pat Yamamura
Mrs. Mako Yamauchi
Mr. John & Mrs. Chibi Yasumoto
Ms. Ellen Yip
Mr. Takanori & Mrs. Miki Yokoro
Mr. David & Mrs. Jan Yonemoto
The Yoshifuji Family
Mr. Todd Eshima & Ms. Shellin
(*notes deceased)
In-Kind Donations
Mr. Duane Kurisu
Mr. Edward & Mrs. Ruth Shikada
Employee Giving
The following companies made
contributions in 2010 on behalf of
their employee(s) or trustee(s):
Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation
Mr. Craig Hamakawa
Bank of America Matching Gifts
Ms. Shellin Young
Chevron Texaco (Employee Giving)
Mr. Edward M. Oda
Community Health Charities
Ms. Susan Muranishi
Gap Foundation
Ms. Mari Kobara
Give With Liberty
Ms. Donna Hori (In Recognition of
Viola Hori)
Heffernan Insurance Brokers
Ms. Marcia Kawabata
IBM Corporation, US
Ms. Mutsuko Arima
Kaiser Permanente Community
Giving Campaign
Mr. Peti Arunamata
Ms. Louise Tsumori-Lee
Local Independent Charities of
Ms. Donna Kotake
Mr. David Tambara*
Mr. Keith Uyeda
Network For Good
PG&E Corporation Campaign
for the Community
Mr. Kameron Kitajima
The Ford Foundation
Ms. Irene Hirano
Ms. Barbara Low
Mr. Todd Mathes
Mrs. Joann Wong
United Way California Capital
Ms. Carole Hayashino
Ms. Janet Naito
Ms. Teresa Ono
United Way of the Bay Area
Mr. Kyle Tatsumoto
Wells Fargo Community
Support Campaign
Ms. Denise M. Compos
Ms. Shirley A. Gatlin
Ms. Mariko Humphrey
Mr. Jonathan Shindo
Mr. Marcus & Mrs. Jamie Wong
Mr. Milton Wong
Every effort is made to include gifts received between
January 2010 and December 2010, but if a name has been
inadvertently omitted, please let us know at (415) 567-5505 or
[email protected].
Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California - Spring 2011 13
Inside the JCCCNC
Inside the JCCCNC
2010 Program/Event Sponsors
In Honor and In Memory of Donors
The following companies and individuals gave in support of the following programs and events:
Annual Corporate Partners
Tabemasho: From
Generation to Generation
Jero Concert
Ms. Grace Fujimoto
Mr. Wallace & Mrs. Mildred
Kodomo No Hi and School
Visit Program
Event Supporters
The Henri and Tomoye
Takahashi Charitable
Hatsuro and Aimey Aizawa
Family Charitable Trust
San Francisco Japantown
Community Arts and Education
Program of the San
Francisco Arts Commission
Kristi Yamaguchi’s Always
Dream Foundation
Event Partners
Consulate General of Japan in
San Francisco
Japanese Community Youth
Kintetsu International Travel
Prize Sponsors
Sakura of America
Sanrio Inc.
Viz Media
Ms. Madeline Kitagawa
Nikkei Open
Hole Sponsors
Darlene Masamori Insurance
Drs. Hiura & Hiura Optometrist
Ms. Marjorie Fletcher & Mrs.
Tsugiko Holdaway
Mrs. Yo Hironaka
Mr. Daro Inouye
Mr. Robert Kawamoto
Mr. Robert Koshiyama
Mr. Kaz Maniwa
Moriwaki, Imai & Fujita, Inc.
O.C. Jones Construction
Ms. Marilyn Oshiro
Oto Bailey Fukumoto &
Mishima, Inc.
Palmer Electric Inc.
Pika Pika
Pyramid Printing
Mr. Ross Sakamoto & Ms.
Angela McKillen
San Francisco Associates
San Francisco Drakes
San Francisco Enchantees
San Francisco/Bay Area Nikkei
T. Okamoto and Co.
Ms. Teresa Serata
Dr. Craig Yonemura
Dr. Todd Yonemura
Union Bank
Uoki K. Sakai Co.
Wampler Katsura DDS, Inc.
Event Supporters
Alta Sierra Country Club
Bidwell Park Golf Course
Boulder Creek Golf and
Country Club
Boundary Oak Golf Course
Callippe Golf Preserve
Cherry Blossom Festival Golf
Crystal Springs Golf Course
Franklin Canyon Golf Course
Mrs. Tsugiko Holdaway
Hukilau Restaurant
Mr. Tedman Jung
Kimochi Golf Tournament
Mr. Eric Kubota
Mr. Bernie Lee
La Conch Spa Salon
Mr. Lance Wong
Las Positas Golf Course
Mr. Jeff Maruyama
Mr. Howard Masamura
Naomi Obana/Eric Sui
Ozumo Restaurant
Peninsula Golf and Country
Presidio Golf Course
Primo Beer
Takara Sake
Sapporo Beer
Sharp Park Golf Course
Silver Legacy Hotel and
Tokyo Fish Market
Mr. Jeremy Umland
Union Bank of California Japantown Branch
Yasukochi’s Sweet Stop
Dr. Craig Yonemura
Nikkei Youth Cultural
Heritage Program
Hatsuro and Aimey Aizawa
Family Charitable Trust
The Henri and Tomoye
Takahashi Charitable
Best Buy
Pyramid Printing
Presenting Sponsors
Japan Airlines
The Henri and Tomoye
Takahashi Charitable
Union Bank
Benefactor Sponsor
Patron Sponsors
Japanese Chamber of
Commerce of Northern
Kikkoman Sales USA, Inc.
Pacific Gas and Electric
Hosoda Bros.
Wells Fargo
3D Investments, LLC
Betelnut Pejiu Wu
Ms. Pamela Burns & Mr.
William Edick, Jr.
Christ Episcopal Church (Sei
Ko Kai)
Christ United Presbyterian
Consulate General of Japan
Friends of Marcia Hashimoto
Fukami/Nakano Family
Mrs. Adelyn Fukuda
Mr. Hiroshi & Mrs. Janice
Mrs. Alyce Furuya
Hayes Street Grill
Mrs. Yo Hironaka
Ms. Dina Hirahara Honda
Mr. Herbert & Mrs. Julieta
Mrs. Rose Ichiyasu
Ms. Vivian Ikeda
Mrs. Naoko Ito
Japan International Foods
(Megumi Natto)
Japantown Task Force
Japanese Community Youth
Mr. Gordon & Mrs. Linda Joo
Mr. Lawrence Kern & Ms.
Karen Nunotani-Kern
Kristi Yamaguchi’s Always
Dream Foundation
Mr. Aki & Mrs. Michi Kuramoto
La Mar Cebicheria
Ms. Ann Lew
Mr. Kaz Maniwa & Ms. Masako
Mum’s - Home of Shabu
Mr. Donald Munakata
Mrs. Betty M. Murakami
Mr. Shigeo & Mrs. Kay Yasuko
Mrs. N. Naito
Mr. Harold & Mrs. Loretta
Nikkei and Retirement
Mr. Bryan & Mrs. Linda
Nombe Restaurant
Ms. Susan Obata
Mr. Myron Okada & Ms. Lynn
Mr. Thomas & Mrs. Amy
Ms. Chieko Ono & Ms. Hanaes
Mr. Joel & Mrs. Dorise Ouye
Osaki Family
Ms. Midori Otsuki
Ozumo Restaurant
Mr. Richard & Mrs. Amber
Mr. Robert & Dr. Alicia Sakai
San Francisco Associates
San Francisco Drakes
Sapporo Beer
Mrs. Haruko Sue Sasaki
Ms. Teresa Serata & Mr.
Charles Kagay
Mr. George Shimizu
Mr. Frank Shindo
Mr. Satoshi & Mrs. Elaine
Sundance Kitchen
Suruki Supermarket
Mrs. Marilyn Swartz
Ms. Mary Takai
Tomioka/Matsumoto Families
Ms. Sharon Umene
Ms. Tokiko Ushijima
Mr. Gary & Mrs. Cammie Uyeda
Mr. Thomas & Mrs. Hatsy
Ms. Shellin Young
Dr. Craig Yonemura & Ms.
Pamela Matsuda-Yonemura
In Honor of:
Mrs. Ikue Burney
Ms. Rhoda Chang
Mr. Byron & Mrs. Jan Der
Mr. James Eller
Mrs. Marjorie Fletcher
Mr. Thomas Kawakami
Mr. Eric & Mrs. Vera Kawamura
Mr. Lowell Kimura & Ms. Donna
Mr. Sherman Lim
Ms. Carolyn Masuda
Ms. Lori Matoba
Mr. Melvyn Mayeda
Mr. David & Mrs. Carole Minkin
Mrs. Nanami Naito
Mr. Paul Osaki
Ms. Betty Parodi
Mr. Eugene & Mrs. Loretta Pennisi
Mr. Donald Seiki
Mr. John & Mrs. Marge Tsukamoto
Ms. Katherine Watanabe
Mrs. Masu Yamaguchi
In Memory of Jin & Kay
Ms. Kay Nomura
In Memory of Lucille Fujita
Ms. Mari Nakamura
In Memory of Bob Kojimoto
San Francisco Drakes
In Memory of Derrell Gee
Mrs. Barbara Marumoto
In Memory of Mits Kojimoto
Mr. Keith & Mrs. Priscilla Kojimoto
In Memory of Alice Graves
Ms. Donna Graves
In Memory of Nellie Kono
Mrs. Mary Shek
In Memory of Wally Nunotani
Mr. George & Mrs. Teruko
In Honor of Lois Y. Morimoto
Ms. Janet Morimoto
In Memory of Kenji Hirano
Mr. Nobusuke & Mrs. Fumi
In Honor of Arthur T. Ono
Ms. Rose Ichiyasu
In Memory of Ann R. Hirata
Mr. Jeff Yoshioka
In Memory of Gary Kozono
Mr. Ard Kozono
Ms. Lori Matoba
Ms. Marlene Tonai
In Memory of Takeo & Kay
Mr. Steven & Mrs. Diana
In Honor of Chiyo Wada
Ms. Patricia Wada
In Memory of Rev. Eishi
William Hirose
Ms. Miyoko Lee & Family
In Memory of Patricia La Croix
Mr. Allen & Mrs. Patricia Okamoto
In Memory of Kay Onishi’s
Mr. Wayne & Mrs. Sally Osaki
In Honor of 442nd Regimental
Combat Team
Ms. Judy Niizawa
In Honor of Fumi Ashizawa
Mr. Bradley Yee & Ms. Joyce
In Honor of Auntie Mary’s Boys
San Francisco / Bay Area Nikkei
In Honor of Yas* & Alyce
Mr. Milton Wong & Ms. Diane
In Honor of Glenn Osaki’s
Colon Cancer Event
Mr. Wayne & Mrs. Sally Osaki
In Honor of Fred Hoshiyama
Mr. Bill Sakai
In Honor of Naoko Ito
Ms. Patricia Ito
In Honor of Tadayuki Kawaguchi
Mr. Masaru Kawaguchi
In Honor of Robert Watada &
Rosa Sakanishi
Mr. Vicenza Scarpaci
In Honor of Jane Hara Wong
Reverend Masato & Mrs. Alice
In Honor of Jared Wong
Mrs. Mitzie Tarver
In Honor of the Yoshifuji Family
New Years Day Get Together
Mr. Gary & Mrs. Sharon Kato
Mr. Aki & Mrs. Michiko Kuramoto
Mr. Gerald G. & Mrs. Rosie
Ms. Linda Sekino-Omori
Mr. Kaz & Mrs. Michi Takata
Mrs. Yae Tondo
Yoshifuji Family
In Memory of:
In Memory of Lucy Adachi
Mr. Kazuyuki & Mrs. Alice Adachi
Track Meet
Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation
Mr. Gregory Campbell
Mr. Craig & Mrs. Lyn
Hoops for Friends, Inc.
14 Spring 2011 - Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California
The following is a list of donors who gave gifts in memory or in honor of someone special.
In Memory of Jack Hirose
Hawaii Chamber of Commerce of
Northern California
In Memory of Jin Kinoshita
Ms. Rose Ichiyasu
Mr. Frank & Mrs. Edith Tanaka
In Memory of Peter & Margaret
Mr. Gary & Mrs. Barbara
In Memory of Teiko Kitagawa
Ms. Ellen Yip
In Memory of William Kiyasu
Ms. Sumi Honnami
Mrs. William Kiyasu
Mr. Wayne & Mrs. Sally Osaki
Mrs. Tomoye Takahashi
Mr. Frank & Mrs. Edith Tanaka
In Memory of Ruby C. Leong’s
Mrs. Mary Hiromoto
In Memory of Stan Lyman
Mr. Nobusuke & Mrs. Fumi Fukuda
In Memory of Arleen Honda
Mr. Matthew & Mrs. Akemi Wayne
In Memory of Shigeko Mamiya
Mr. Daniel & Mrs. Judy Hruska
In Memory of George & Tae
Ms. Mary Ikenaga
In Memory of Yuka Matoba
Ms. Lori Matoba
Mr. Paul Osaki
In Memory of Harvey Itano
Mrs. Marjorie Fletcher
Mrs. William Kiyasu
Ms. Kayo Nakamura
Mr. Wayne & Mrs. Sally Osaki
In Memory of Jack Mayeda
Mr. Paul Osaki
Mr. Wayne & Mrs. Sally Osaki
In Memory of Peter Ito
Mr. Saburo & Mrs. Lucille Fukuda
Ms. Janis Ito
Mrs. Naoko Ito
Ms. Patricia Ito
In Memory of Robert Jung
Mr. Yone & Mrs. Daisy Satoda
In Memory of May Minami
Mr. Wayne & Mrs. Sally Osaki
In Memory of Carolyn Mitsuda
Mr. Tosh Mitsuda
In Memory of Minoru &
Hamako Mitsuyoshi
Mr. Jeff Yoshioka
In Memory of Satoru Kagehiro
Mrs. Setsuko Kagehiro
In Memory of George & Mary
Mr. Todd Kimoto
In Memory of Koji Kawaguchi
Mr. Yone & Mrs. Daisy Satoda
In Memory of Kay Mori
Mrs. Betty M. Tanaka
In Memory of Ron China
Mrs. Mary China
In Memory of Gene Kawamoto
Mr. Nobusuke & Mrs. Fumi Fukuda
In Memory of Tokuo Murakami
Mrs. Shirley Shigeko Murakami
In Memory of Masami “March”
Mr. Daro Inouye & Ms. Patricia
In Memory of Sakae Kawashiri
Mrs. Mitsuko Kawashiri
In Memory of Hisaichi & Some
Nakagawa, Nakagawa
Siblings and In-laws
Ms. Emy Hynes
In Memory of Roy Y. Ashizawa
Mrs. Fumi Ashizawa
Mr. Bradley Yee & Ms. Joyce
In Memory of Pamela Nunotani
Ms. Grace Abiko
Mr. William Ball
In Memory of Hisako Kimura
Mr. Robert Tucker & Ms. Keija
In Memory of Michikazu Nakai
Mrs. Mitsuko Nakai
Ms. Ellen Nakai
In Memory of Diane Nakamura
Ms. Patricia Ito
Ms. Kayo Nakamura
Mr. Paul Osaki
In Memory of Florence M.
Mr. Harry Nakamura
In Memory of Kikumi Nakamura
Mr. Neil & Mrs. Rita Wun
In Memory of Baron & Alice
Ms. Julie Nishihara
In Memory of Aki Nishimura
Mr. Harry* & Mrs. Lorraine
In Memory of Takara & Kaoru
Mr. Tom Swartz & Mrs. Marilyn
In Memory of Mori Noguchi
Mrs. Nell Noguchi
In Memory of Chie Sakai
Ms. Mabel Miyasaki
In Memory of Mark & Marjorie
Mr. Hiroshi & Mrs. Janice Fukuda
In Memory of Mike Sato
Mr. Nobusuke & Mrs. Fumi Fukuda
In Memory of Matao & Toshiko
Mr. Randy & Mrs. Linda Shigio
In Memory of Matao Shigio
Ms. Kayo Nakamura
In Memory of Clyde Kunio
Mr. Joseph Siegelman & Ms.
Charlene Shimada
In Memory of Maye Fujiye
Mrs. Nell Noguchi
In Memory of Mary Wong Sit
Mr. Saburo & Mrs. Lucille Fukuda
In Memory of Harry T. Suzuki
Ms. Lori Matoba
Mr. Paul Osaki
Mr. Frank & Mrs. Edith Tanaka
Mrs. Lorraine Suzuki
In Memory of Katsuto Takei
Mrs. Sharon Kato
Mrs. Barbara Marumoto
Ms. Diane Matsuda
Mr. Gerry Nakano & Ms. Dianne
Mrs. Martha Suzuki
Mr. Kyle Tatsumoto & Ms. Carole
Mrs. Yae Tondo
Mr. Keith & Mrs. Stacey Tsuchiya
In Memory of Kazuo Takasuka
Mrs. Irene Takasuka
In Memory of Esao Tada
Mr. Yone & Mrs. Daisy Satoda
In Memory of Richard Yukinori
Ms. Michie Asato
Mr. Shig & Mrs. Terrie Furuta
Mrs. Yo Hironaka
Mr. Don & Mrs. Christina Hirose
Mrs. Kiyo Hirose
Mr. Kenneth & Mrs. Yoshiko Ho
Mrs. Hatsumi Ishii
Mr. Paul Iwamasa & Ms. Shelly
Ms. Suzanne Hosokawa
Mr. Daniel & Mrs. Judy Hruska
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Kawaguchi
Mr. George & Mrs. Joyce
Mr. Mitchell Lam & Ms. Joan
Ms. Sylvia Louie
Ms. Vickie Louie
Mr. Jun & Mrs. Kay Maeyama
Ms. Lynn Maeyama
Mr. Robert & Mrs. Gail
Mr. Albert Mamiya
Mr. Scott & Mrs. Kimberly Mamiya
Mrs. Nanami Naito
Mr. Isamu Nao
Mrs. Nell Noguchi
Mrs. Saye Noguchi
Mr. George & Mrs. Suzie Omura
Mr. Richard Untalan & Ms. Kerry
Mr. Wayne & Mrs. Sally Osaki
Mr. Paul Osaki
Mr. Robert & Dr. Alicia Sakai
Mr. Marion Sakurai
Mr. Yone & Mrs. Daisy Satoda
Mr. Sim & Mrs. T. Sue Seiki
Mr. & Mrs. Masahiko Shima
Mrs. Taeko Shiozaki
Mr. Ron Takasugi
Mr. Frank & Mrs. Edith Tanaka
Mr. Stuart & Mrs. Irene Wong
Mrs. Mako Yamauchi
Mr. David & Mrs. Jan Yonemoto
In Memory of Joe Tondo
Mr. Gary & Mrs. Sharon Kato
Mrs. Yae Tondo
In Memory of Yori Wada
Ms. Katherine Reyes
In Memory of Florence
Shigeko Yamada
Mrs. Roberta Pilsbury
Mrs. Mary Shek
Mr. Kahn Yamada
In Memory of Anne Yamasaki
Mr. Masao & Mrs. Yuki Ashizawa
Mr. Ray Chew & Ms. Christine
Mr. Rich Hashimoto
Mr. Kenneth & Mrs. Yoshiko Ho
Mrs. William Kiyasu
Mr. John Mizono
Mr. Eddie & Mrs. Alice Moriguchi
Mr. Benh Nakajo
Mr. Allen & Mrs. Patricia Okamoto
Mr. Koji & Mrs. Betty Ozawa
In Memory of Shogo Yamato
Mr. Nobusuke & Mrs. Fumi
In Memory of Karl Yoneda
Mr. Dick Kobashigawa
In Memory of Yoneo “Bo”
Ms. Eiko Aoki
Ms. Mutsuko Arima
Ms. Deena Baker
Ms. Kazuko Benjamin
Ms. Ruby Brown
Ms. Eunice Chue
C. Chung
Mrs. Elsie Chung
Mrs. Marjorie Fletcher
Mr. James M. Seff & Ms.
Margene Fudenna
Mr. Gerry Nakano & Ms. Dianne
Mr. Nobusuke & Mrs. Fumi
Mr. Saburo & Mrs. Lucille Fukuda
Mrs. Kiku Funabiki
Mr. Shig & Mrs. Terrie Furuta
Mrs. Mutsumi Hada
Dr. Hajime & Mrs. Judy
Mr. Phil Owyoung & Ms. Jennifer
Mr. Michael Okagaki & Ms.
Wendy Hanamura
Mr. Kenzo & Mrs. Nancy Handa
Ms. Nelly Handa
Mr. Toshiye Handa
Ms. Susan Haramoto
Ms. Sato Hashizume
Mr. Richard & Mrs. Ruby Hata
Mr. Henry & Mrs. Mary Hidekawa
Ms. Yoneko Higashigawa
Mrs. Yo Hironaka
Ms. Patricia Ito
Mrs. Miyako Kazama
Ms. Yoshiko Kitawaki
Mr. Keith Kuwatani
Ms. Susie Lee
Ms. Harumi March
Ms. Lori Matoba
Ms. Sandi Matoba
Ms. Diane Matsuda
Mr. Dale Minami & Ms. Ai Mori
Mr. Mike Miumi
Mr. John Mizono
Ms. Susan Muranishi
Mrs. Emiko Nakahiro
Mrs. Mitsuko Nakai
Ms. Kayo Nakamura
Mrs. Nell Noguchi
The Okamura Family
Mr. Ken & Mrs. Kay Onishi
Ms. Teresa Ono
Mr. Paul Osaki
Mr. Wayne & Mrs. Sally Osaki
Dr. Dean Osumi
Dr. Jerry & Mrs. Eleanor Osumi
Pacific Cargo Management, Inc.
S. Handa Sons, Inc.
Mr. Ken & Mrs. Helen Sato
Mr. Walter & Mrs. Harumi Serata
Mr. Kaz Shibao & Ms. Boni Cruz
Mr. Shiro & Mrs. Annie Suenaga
Mr. Thomas & Mrs. June Sugihara
Ms. Asaye Takagi
Mrs. Tomoye Takahashi
Mrs. Irene Takasuka
Mr. Vernon Takasuka
Mrs. Mineko Takata
Mr. Masato & Mrs. Miyeko Tanabe
Mr. Frank & Mrs. Edith Tanaka
Mr. George Tashiro
Mrs. Yae Tondo
Dr. Himeo Tsumori & Ms. Louise
Mr. Takeo & Mrs. Helen Utsumi
Ms. Doris Uyeda
Ms. Patricia Wada
Mr. Jordon Fong & Ms. Sharon
Mrs. Pat Yamamura
Ms. Irene Yamasaki
Mrs. Agnes Yoshimura
Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California - Spring 2011 15
Inside the JCCCNC
Inside the JCCCNC
Cooking Classes for Kids and Teens with Alice Kawahatsu
“Cook and Book” - Bento Making
Saturday, May 14 • 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. at the JCCCNC
Do you ever read stories about chocolate chip cookies or huge dinner feasts
and fantasize about eating some yourself? “Cook and Book” will focus on one
book per class that centralizes on a certain food. After reading the book, we will
create it!
The May 14th class will be focused on the book “Yoko”
by Rosemary Wells. On her first day of school, Yoko
brings sushi bento for lunch and is teased by her
classmates. On International Day, Yoko’s mom decides
to make sushi for the class so they can try it. Soon,
Yoko’s classmates overcome their fear of “differences”
and fall in love with sushi.
After reading, we will create our own bento boxes! In this class children (ages
6-10) and their parents and grandparents will learn what a bento is and onigiri,
spam musubi, Hawaiian style takuan pickles and much more!
Fee: $35 JCCCNC members / $45 non-members.
For more information on either class, please contact Jennifer Hamamoto at (415)
567-5505 or e-mail [email protected].
Alice Kawahatsu has
been involved in the
Japanese American
Community for
over 20 years. She
enjoys volunteering
at various community
events and can often
be seen helping at the Konko Church and
at the JCCCNC. Her passion for food and
Japanese culture encouraged her to offer
cooking classes and share her knowledge
with communities outside of Japantown.
Alice worked on the food committee
for JCCCNC’s annual fundraising event
“Tabemasho” which was focused around the
exchange of family recipes and stories and to
bring together people of different generations.
She met many inspiring people and decided to
collaborate with them to bring their stories
and family recipes to the community to share
in a relaxed and entertaining environment.
“Making Home From War: Stories of Japanese American
Exile and Resettlement” Book Events
With honesty and an eye for detail, Making Home from War is the long-awaited sequel to the awardwinning From Our Side of the Fence. Written by twelve Japanese American elders who gathered
regularly at the Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California, Making Home
from War is a collection of stories about their exodus from concentration camps into a world that in
a few short years had drastically changed.
Edited by Brian Komei Dempster. Written by: Florence Ohmura Dobashi, Kiku Hori Funabiki,
Sato Hashizume, Fumi Manabe Hayashi, Naoko Yoshimura Ito, Florence Miho Nakamura (in
memorium, with Kristen Langewisch Marchetti), Ruth Y.
May 24, 6:30 pm
Okimoto, Yoshito Wayne Osaki, Sally Osaki (co-author),
San Francisco Main Library
Toru Saito, Daisy Uyeda Satoda, Harumi Serata and Michi
Tashiro. Produced by the JCCCNC. Published by Heyday. Major funding for more details
provided by the California State Library – Civil Liberties Public Education Program.
For more information or to coordinate a book event, contact Jill Shiraki at (510) 277-2164 or [email protected].
“These stories tiptoe gently into the heart, wipe clear the windows of our memories, and
release the frozen tears of our outrage and triumphs. A deeply moving accounting of life after
imprisonment, its lingering stigma, and the true meaning of freedom.
-- Dr. Satsuki Ina, Producer of “Children of the Camps”
16 Spring 2011 - Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California
Ways to Give! How to Help the JCCCNC, Your Way
Stay connected through our e-newsletter and Facebook fan page
Become a member
Join us today. Your membership
provides support to the JCCCNC
to carry out its educational, cultural,
recreational and social programs.
Be a part of our family where future
generations will learn about our
community, culture and traditions. To
sign up or to get more information
check our website at www.jcccnc.
org or fill out our membership
form, which can be obtained at the
Participate in a JCCCNC
Sign up for our monthly e-newsletter!
Get up-to-date information about
JCCCNC programs, events and member
only deals. It’s easy to sign up – just
click on the “sign up for our e-mail
newsletter” button on our website at and enter your e-mail
You can also become a fan of the
JCCCNC on Facebook. Just log
into your Facebook account, search
“JCCCNC,” and click “like.” Fans
get the latest information on events
going on at the Center.
Are you interested in learning about
Japanese culture? Maybe you are in to
dance and music? With over 80 ongoing classes and programs in a wide
variety of areas from arts, dance and
music to Japanese culture and sports,
there is something
for people of all
ages. If you cannot
make one of our
on-going classes,
you can try one
of our one day
workshops. For
more information
or to sign up,
please contact the
programs department by phone at
(415) 567-5505 x227, by email at
[email protected] or stop by the Center.
Have your employer
double your donation
Corporate fund matching
programs or work place giving
Did you know that many
corporations offer to match
their employee’s donations to
non-profit organizations or have
a work place giving program?
Corporate fund matching
programs are a great way to
increase your donation and in
most cases double your donation.
Work place giving programs
make it fast and easy to give a
gift because you can have your
donation automatically deducted
from your paycheck. Consult your
human resources department to
find out more on how you can
support the JCCCNC through
work place giving.
For questions on giving to the JCCCNC, email us at [email protected] or call (415) 567-5505. All information and inquiries are kept confidential.
Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California - Spring 2011 17
Inside the JCCCNC
Membership Benefits
Premier Discounts
Japan Airlines (JAL) is JCCCNC’s preferred
airline carrier to Japan
Japan Airlines (JAL) is the JCCCNC’s
corporate partner and preferred airline
to travel to Japan. Escape to Japan
and take advantage of the great deals!
JCCCNC members are eligible to receive
our exclusive group and individual rates
on Japan Airlines. Travel packages can be
arranged with our Preferred Agent—
Kintetsu International in San Jose. For
more information, please contact Ruby Hata at (415)
567-5505 x225. Restrictions on travel dates and airport
departures may apply, depending on seasons and blackout
dates determined by JAL..
Hawaiian Airlines
Book online with Hawaiian
Airlines, receive the lowest
available web fare and earn bonus miles for JCCCNC
at a rate of one mile for every dollar spent.Visit and enter the Affiliate
Program Code: AMWEBJCC. Here is the latest
special: 5% off roundtrip web fares - travel between
Mainland U.S. and Hawaii.
My Japan Phone
FREE Japan cell phone rental for
ONE WEEK! 30% off on additional
days of rental fee. Call (800) 5539057 or visit by using
promotion code “JCCCNC”.
Hawaii Prince Hotel Waikiki
Preferred room rates
starting at $179 per room
per night at the Hawaii
Prince Hotel Waikiki.
Special $65 golf rate at the Hawaii Prince Golf
Club. Please call the JCCCNC at (415) 567-5505 to
receive the special booking code for the JCCCNC
Member discount.
Hotel Kabuki
1625 Post St., San Francisco
(415) 922-3200
Special JCCCNC Guest Room Rates:
January 1, 2011 – March 31, 2011
Deluxe Guest Room: $114 Single/Double
Upgraded Guest Room: $134 Single/Double
April 1, 2011 – October 31, 2011
Deluxe Guest Room: $134 Single/Double
Upgraded Guest Room: $154 Single/Double
November 1, 2011 – December 31, 2011
Deluxe Guest Room: $114 Single/Double
Upgraded Guest Room: $134 Single/Double
* Restrictions apply. Please visit the JCCCNC
website for details.
Hotel Tomo
1800 Sutter St., San Francisco
(415) 921-4000
Special JCCCNC Guest Room Rates:
February 2, 2011 – May 31, 2011
Deluxe Guest Room: $109 Single/Double
Upgraded Guest Room: $129 Single/Double
June 1, 2011 – October 31, 2011
Deluxe Guest Room: $129 Single/Double
Upgraded Guest Room: $149 Single/Double
November 1, 2011 – December 31, 2011
Deluxe Guest Room: $109 Single/Double
Upgraded Guest Room: $129 Single/Double
* Restrictions apply. Please visit the JCCCNC
website for details.
JCCCNC Members are eligible to receive discounts at participating merchants. You must present your
current and valid JCCCNC Membership card and photo ID. If you have questions about merchant discounts,
please contact the JCCCNC at (415) 567-5505 or [email protected].
Show your card and save!
Do you have trouble remembering all the amazing businesses that offer JCCCNC member
discounts? Now all you have to do is look for the JCCCNC Member Supporter sticker on the
windows of participating merchants.
1638 Post St., San Francisco.
(415) 440-4959
10% discount during brunch or lunch
only. Cannot be combined with any other
offer. Not valid at Bushi-Tei Bistro.
Café Mums
1800 Sutter St., San Francisco.
(415) 931-6986
10% discount on food only, drinks not
Cannot be combined with any other offer.
1723 Buchanan St., San Francisco.
(415) 292-6002
10% discount on dinner only.
Cannot be combined with any other offer.
Hukilau San Francisco
5 Masonic Ave., (415) 921-6242
Hukilau San Jose
230 Jackson St., (408) 279-4888
10% discount on food only, drinks not
Cannot be combined with any other offer.
Juban Burlingame
1204 Broadway, (650) 347-2300
Juban Menlo Park
712 Santa Cruz Ave., (650) 473-6458
Juban San Francisco
1581 Webster St., (415) 776-5822
10% discount on food only, drinks not
Cannot be combined with any other offer.
On the Bridge
1581 Webster St., #205, San Francisco.
(415) 922-7765
Choice of free soup, salad, or homemade
drink with any purchase. Cannot be
combined with any other offer.
Ongoing Promotions
Pick up vouchers at JCCCNC. *All movie
ticket pricing includes a handling fee
charged by the JCCCNC.
AMC Theatres
Silver Movie Vouchers (Valid
2 weeks after release) $6.50*/ticket.
Gold Movie Vouchers (Valid anytime) $8*/ticket.
Cinemark Century Theatres
Classic Supersaver tickets (valid 2 weeks
after release) $6.50*/ticket.
Platinum Supersaver tickets
(valid anytime) - $8*/ticket.
Krispy Kreme
Krispy Kreme Discount
Card - $10/card, buy 1
dozen, get 1 dozen free.
San Francisco MTA
Parking Cards $20/card
See’s Candies
Gift Certificates - $13.50 for
one pound box of candy.
Merchant Discounts
Aloha Warehouse
1731 Buchanan St., San Francisco.
(415) 346-7553
10% discount on all items.
Food and sale items not included.
#150 Asakichi Antiques & Arts
(415) 921-2147
#207 Asakichi Cast Iron Teapot
& Bronze
(415) 921-3821
#209 Asakichi Incense
(415) 921-8292
#203 Shige Kimono
(415) 346-5567
1730 Geary Blvd., San Francisco.
10% discount on general items.
Sale items and green tea not included.
Citron Clothing
1615 Montana Ave., Santa Monica
(310) 458-6089
10% discount on any purchase.
Japan Town Acupuncture &
Oriental Medicine, Inc.
1581 Webster St., #245, San Francisco.
(415) 922-2100
$5 off on acupuncture treatments.
Not valid on supplements.
Japan Video and Media
1737 Post St., #305, San Francisco.
(415) 563-5220
10% discount on all merchandise.
1737 Post St., #345, San Francisco.
(415) 346-0332
10% discount. Cannot be combined with
any other offer.
Paper Tree
1743 Buchanan Mall, San Francisco.
(415) 921-7100
10% discount on all paper items
(origami paper, art paper, etc.).
Sale items not included.
Cannot be combined with any other offer.
Pika Pika
1581 Webster St., #225, San Francisco.
(415) 673-7898
Buy 6 pictures on photo machines
(value $6 or more), get the 7th free
(free picture may not be used on
machines valued $9 and up). Also
receive a 10% discount on photo related
services, including film and digital photo
processing and printing, photo stamps,
and golf ball stamps. Cannot be combined
with any other offer.
Sanko Cooking Supply
1758 Buchanan St., San Francisco.
(415) 922-8331
10% off all merchandise. 5% discount on
cookbooks and electronics.
Cannot be combined with any other offer.
Security Public Storage
43 Page St., San Francisco.
(415) 861-5100
50% off first three months and 10% off
per month thereafter until 12/31/2011.
Valid at all Bay Area SPS locations.
18 Spring 2011 - Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California
Susan Skin Care
1610 Post St., #100, San Francisco.
(415) 771-2020
10% off all services. Not valid on
T. Okamoto & Co.
1832 Buchanan St., #202, San Francisco.
(415) 931-6290 x102
As a special member benefit you will
be able to obtain low cost automobile
insurance through T. Okamoto & Co.,
serving Japantown since 1946. Please call
for a competitive premium quote.
Other Specialties
Belly Good Café & Crepes
1737 Post St., #393, San Francisco.
(415) 346-8383
10% discount.
Cannot be combined with any other offer.
Benkyodo Co.
1747 Buchanan St., San Francisco.
(415) 922-1244
Buy one dozen manju, get one manju free.
Charles M. Schulz Museum and
Research Center
2301 Hardies Ln., Santa Rosa.
(707) 579-4452
$1 off one adult admission (good for
up to 4 people). Not valid on any other
discounts or offers. Pick up coupon at the
Hayes Auto Body
2401 Bush St., San Francisco.
(415) 346-7061
10% discount on general maintenance
(oil change, brake check, tires, rotation,
belts, hoses, fluids). Cannot be combined
with any other offer.
Murata’s Café Hana
1737 Post St., #368, San Francisco.
(415) 567-9133
Free cup of coffee with any $10 purchase.
San Francisco Zoo
1 Zoo Rd., (415) 753-7080
$2 off adult general admission and $1
off child general admission for up to five
family members or friends for every zoo
visit. In addition to the discount, you will
also receive a 10% discount at all Zoo
restaurants and stores. Each card must
be signed and is not valid with any other
discounts or offers. Pick up coupon at the
Yasukochi’s Sweet Stop
1790 Sutter St., San Francisco.
(415) 931-8165
-Purchase a wreath, get one danish free.
-Purchase one dozen cookies and get
one cookie of your choice free.
-Purchase a cream cake from the
showcase at 5% discount.
Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California
1840 Sutter St., San Francisco, California 94115-3220
(415) 567-5505 Fax (415) 567-4222
[email protected]
Permit No. 10383
San Francisco, California
JCCCNC’s Preferred Airline
Upcoming Events
Japanese Heritage Night
Join us as
we celebrate the
“Opening 0f Our Doors”
Proceeds from every ticket sold will be donated to the Northern
Japan Earthquake Relief Fund established by the JCCCNC
JCCCNC Community
Open House & Photo
5:00-7:15 p.m. - Fundraising festival in Seals Park
7:15 p.m. - Giants vs. Rockies game
JCCCNC View Reserve Package: $24 Members / $26 General
Special Event Ticket Package Includes •
Seat in the Japanese Heritage section • Pregame fundraising
festival • Sumo Lou Seal bobblehead (only with this ticket)
For tickets or info, please call Courtney Okuhara at
(415) 567-5505 or e-mail [email protected].
10:00 a.m. –
12:00 p.m.
Colma Japanese lean-up
Cemetery Community C
t, Remembering
Honoring the Pas
e Passed On
Those Who Hav
Come help clean
Colma Ja
Cemetery and pa
and honor our pa
by calling the JC
at (415
day, May 20
Saturday, May 14 - Fri
e one of the JCCCNC
Come and experienc
tory session during
classes at an introduc
5) 567-5505 to RSVP
House. Please call (41
ss details visit www.jcc
information and cla
Programs Office.
stop by the JCCCNC
May The Untoreldams Finally Realized:
Stories of Califor
6:00 p.m. –
7:30 p.m.
nia Nisei
Forced out of Higher Ed
Southern California Sc
University of California,
Los Angeles
Kaufman 101 (pending)
Light refreshments provid
For more information, ple
contact Courtney Okuha
ra at
(415) 567-5505 or e-mail
[email protected]