Recognition of UMKC Orthodontic Alumni
Recognition of UMKC Orthodontic Alumni
SUMMER • 2015 A NEWSLETTER FOR ALUMNI & FRIENDS OF THE UMKC GRADUATE ORTHODONTICS PROGRAM Summer 2015 Recognition of UMKC Orthodontic Alumni: Dr. Gina Pinamonti & Dr. Fred Regenniter A 100+ crowd gathered together for the UMKC Orthodontic Alumni Lunch on Thursday, April 9, 2015. The main purpose of the lunch was to honor two UMKC Orthodontic Alumni for their outstanding contributions to UMKC and the profession. Dean Marsha Pyle presented Dr. Gina Pinamonti the Rinehart Foundation Medallion for Philanthropy. Our thanks to Gina for her support of the UMKC School of Dentistry. Gina and her husband, Brian, live in Pittsburg, Kan., with their three children Isabella, Zoe, and Sophia. As one of her last official duties as UMKC Orthodontic Alumni President, Dr. Nellie Kim-Weroha officiated the ceremony which awarded Dr. Fred Regenniter the title of 2015 UMKC Orthodontist of the Year. Dr. Regenniter has served as an assistant professor of dentistry at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine since 2001 and is the former program director of the orthodontic residency program at the Mayo Clinic. He is also a consultant to both the Division of Orthodontics and the Department of Dental Specialties at the Mayo Clinic. He holds master’s faculty privileges in dentistry in the Graduate School at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine. He currently serves as a site visitor for the Commission on Dental Accreditation. Our congratulations Dr. Regenniter and thanks for an outstanding career of service to the orthodontic profession. (L-R) Dr. Gina Pinamonti and Dean Marsha Pyle In this Issue: Passing the Alumni Board President’s Gavel 4 Schweitzer Symposium 5 Big Thank You 7 MDC 2015 8 Class of 2014 Muehlebach Seminar 11 Dr. Room Dedication 12& Faculty News 13 Lecture 15 Blackwell Series 1 Thursday afternoon orthodontic alumni and friends gathered for the annual luncheon and the presentation of the 2015 UMKC Orthodontist of the Year. 2 L-R: Drs. Steve Billings, Jim Osborne, Fred Regenniter, Nellie Kim-Weroha, and Mike Klein 3 Drs. Vance Dykhouse and Fred Regenniter During the lunch on Thursday, April 9th, Nellie Kim-Weroha (ORT ’07), immediate past president of the UMKC Alumni Board, was presented a commemorative plaque by Jim Osborne (DDS ’72, ORT ’76). Thank you Nellie for your service to the Orthodontic Alumni Association….and thank you to Dustin Burleson (ORT ’06) for taking over the reins as the 2015-2016 Alumni Board President. The luncheon gave an opportunity for everyone to catch-up on the year’s events. 2 3 1 2 We are pleased to note that it has been a banner year of recognition by the profession for UMKC alum Fred Regenniter (L) (Ort ’81). In April, during the 2015 Midwest Dental Conference in Kansas City, Mo., Dr. Regenniter was recognized by the UMKC Orthodontic Alumni Association as its 2015 Orthodontist of the Year. During the 2015 American Association of Orthodontists meeting in San Francisco, more than 250 people attended the American Board of Orthodontics annual luncheon meeting, during which the ABO recognized Dr. Regenniter as an exemplary senior clinician and Diplomate who demonstrated exceptional dedication to orthodontics through clinical excellence and devotion to teaching in the image of Dr. Dale B. Wade. Congratulations Fred and thank you for a lifetime of dedication to the profession. UMKC Alum Receives 2015 Dale B. Wade Award of Excellence in Orthodontics Bioethics Seminars Mentored by Dr. Cathleen Taylor-Osborne All UMKC Advanced Education Program residents are now able to meet CODA accreditation standards thanks to the hard work of Dr. Cathleen Taylor-Osborne. Cathleen completed her MA in Bioethics from Loyola University, Chicago, in 2011. We are very fortunate to have Dr. Taylor-Osborne’s expertise and guidance with the emerging issues of the day. The Bioethics Seminar is a yearly requirement that engages UMKC residents in topical issues they are likely to experience in their private practices. Happy 10th Anniversary to our 2005 and 2006 classes! Back Row: Class of 2006, Drs. Dustin Burleson, Don Sanchez, Mark Revels, and Brent Wood. Front Row: Class of 2005, Drs. Lindsay Resmer, Mike Ellis, Susan Bird, and John Roth Wow! 10 year goes by s the blink in o an eye. f 3 Dr. Eric J. Schweitzer Memorial Symposium Drs. Jodi Hentscher-Johson (L) and Julie Olson (R) were our guest speakers for the 2015 Schweitzer Symposium. Each year, UMKC Graduate Orthodontics organizes the Eric J. Schweitzer (Ort ’92) Memorial Symposium. The purpose of the symposium is to have recent orthodontic graduates return to Kansas City to make presentations to current orthodontic residents. This spring’s two guest speakers were Julie Olson (Ort ’11) and Jodi HentscherJohnson (Ort ’11). The benefactors of the Schweitzer Memorial Symposium have contributed to this endeavor so that orthodontic practitioners can speak frankly of the joys and difficulties they encountered while embarking on their careers. The summer of 1945 was M UMENTAL The summer of 1945 was an important epoch in history: •USA, Russia, Britain and France agreed to split occupied Germany • US troops defeated Japanese forces on Okinawa • The United Nations Charter was signed by 50 Nations in San Francisco •James Osborne was born in McMinnville, Oregon. • And Abbott and Costello released the longest version of “Who’s on First” We are pleased to have witnessed the beginning of a new chapter for Dr. Oz… 4 HAPPY 70TH BIRTHDAY JIM! A Big THANK YOU to UMKC Orthodontic Alumni Many thanks to all our alums who have paid their 2015 Association Dues. Each contribution is directed to supporting the UMKC Orthodontic Program! If you have not paid your 2015 dues, please consider doing so. Joe Aday Las Cruces, NM Michael Albright Leavenworth, KS Ronald Albright Wier, KS Jack Austerman Oklahoma City, OK Dean Baesel Wichita, KS Michael Barlow St. Marys, GA Jeffrey Barlow Merritt Island, FL Edward Beatty Victoria, BC Rick Beckwith Longment, CO Steven Billings Parkville, MO Jim Boley Richardson, TX Dennis Brenkert Severance, CO Patrick Briscoe Longview, TX David Brockman Lincoln, NE Steve Cain Kansas City, MO Glenn Casey Germany Jerry Cash Springfield, MO Tara Cash Eugene, OR Michael Cassidy Topeka, KS Jeffrey Cavanaugh Manchester, MO Brenda Chockley Tulsa, OK Llon Clendenen Tulsa, OK Jonathan Cooper Tulsa, OK Bob Craven Liberty, MO Joseph Dankey Broomfield, CO Stephen Darmitzel Sante Fe, NM Donald Dennington Cape Girardeau, MO Fred Distelhorst Vail, CO David Dykhouse Blue Springs, MO Vance Dykhouse Blue Springs, MO Richard Elliott Highlands Ranch, CO Jerald Elrod Independence, MO Jeryl English Pearland, TX Richard Farmer Liberal, KS Forrest Faulconer Colorado Springs, CO Richard Foster Jarrell, TX Larissa Freytag Overland Park, KS Craig Gerken Ardmore, OK Barton Girdwood Lebabon, OH Bart Goldsberry Salt Lake City, UT Orthdontic Residents (L-R) Drs. Matt McCoy, Steven Shaw, Danielle Giblert, Whitney Hewitt, Kristen Sander, and Andrew McDonald are thankful for the help that they receive from alumni. Through alumni donations, the residents are able to attend orthodontic meetings. Lauren Gossett-Windhorst St. Joseph, MO Mark Gregston Parker, CO Henry Hammer San Antonio, TX Tradd Harter Athens, GA Genavieve Hendrickson Topeka, KS Jodi Henscher-Johnson Waterloo, IL French Hickman Midwest City, OK Bryant Hirsberg Oxford, MS Kurt Hoffman Leawood, KS Bill Hoffman Mission Hills, KS Gary Holt Highlands Ranch, CO James Indiveri Blue Springs, MO Richard Ingraham Corpus Christi, TX Laura Iwasaki Kansas City, MO Baxter Johnson Louisville, KY Gerald Johnson Mason, OH Alan Kawakami Sierra Vista, AZ Robert Kennemer Hays, KS Nellie Kim-Weroha Rochester, MN Michael Klein Bucyrus, KS John Lawson Rochester, MN Gregg Lindsey Centennial, CO Charles Low La Canada- Flintridge, CA John MacKinnon Eugene, OR Jesse Maize Lee’s Summit, MO Steven Malmstrom Topeka, KS William McReynolds Starkville, MS LM McRobert Kansas City, MO John Meschke Hutchinson, KS Robert Morrison Hutchinson, LS W Murphy MFN Home, AR George Myracle Sikeston, MO Ron Neugent Wichita, KS Jeffrey Nickel Kansas City, MO Jack Okenkstrom Fairway, KS Sara Oliver Prairie Village, KS Julie Olson Omaha, NE James Osborne Lake Winnebago, MO Gina Pinamonti Pittsburg, KS Charles Plett Gerogetown, TX Don Powell Springfield, MO Grady Price Jr. Ramer, AL Mark Reeves Oklahoma City, OK Lindsay Resmer Noblesville, IN David Ries Columbia, MO Scott Robinson Columbia, MO Donald Sanchez Mesa, AZ Adam Saylor Glen Ellyn, IL William Schacknel Sante Fe, NM Rebecca Schreiner Chesterfield, MO Charles Schumacher Effingham, IL Robert Simpson Littleton, CO James Smith Los Altos, CA Bradley Smith Overland Park, KS Dennis Sommers Minot, ND Gerald Spencer Sedalia, MO J. Don Spillers Warner Robins, GA Michael Strope Manhattan, KS Jim Suit Prescott, AZ R Wayne Thompson Shawnee Mission, KS Don Thompson Leawood, KS Kelly Toombs Prairie Village, KS Robert Toth Kansas City, MO Justin Trimmell Wichita, KS OB Vaughan Corpus Christi, TX John Warford III Bismarck, ND Richard White Dardenne Prairie, MO Robert Wilhelm Fort Morgon, CO Laura Willhoite Claremore, OK Dustin Wilson Jefferson City, MO Brent Wood Lawrence, KS William Wright Vernell, UT UMKC Orthodontic alumni and former and current presidents of the American Board of Orthodontics from left to right: Drs. O.B. Vaughn, Eladio DeLean, Jerry English and Vance Dykhouse. 5 Philanthropic Support for UMKC Orthodontics Takes Many Forms The Orthodontic Investment Fund • $484,528.59 This fund is directed by the Executive Board of the UMKC Orthodontic Alumni Association. Monies accrued through alumni dues, and profits from the Midwest Orthodontic Alumni Meeting are used to support a variety of endeavors associated with the UMKC Graduate Orthodontics Program. This fund also makes an annual contribution to the Department Discretionary Fund. Dr. Don Thompson Endowed Professorship • $934,286.99 As you are probably aware, there is an extreme shortage of orthodontic educators, and UMKC is no exception to this crisis. As a result of your generosity, we have established the Dr. Don Thompson Endowed Professorship. Our goal is to increase the fund to the level of Chair, approximately $1,500,000. The interest from this fund will support a much-needed full-time faculty salary line in the Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics similar to the Leo A. Rogers Endowed Chair currently held by Dr. Laura Iwasaki. 60,000 Discretionary Fund 50,000 Account Balance $ (as of July, 2015) The Department Discretionary Fund • $21,171.78 The funds from this account support the daily activities of the department. This includes the cost of purchasing equipment such as printers/scanners, the patient sign-in station, the graduation dinner, alumni reception at AAO, of travel by residents to meetings and speakers to our program, and hosting interviews for applicants to our program. Orthodontic Department Account Balances • July 2015 Schweitzer Fund Blackwell Lecture 40,000 Zervas Fund 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Orthodontic Department Account Balances • July 2015 1,500,000 Orthodontic Investment Fund Account Balance $ (as of July, 2015) Through the auspices of the Dr. Roy J. Rinehart Memorial Foundation, accounts have been formed to aid the mission of UMKC Orthodontics. The UMKC Orthodontic Alumni Board believes it’s important you know how your dollars are spent. The following are brief histories and current balances of accounts used by UMKC Orthodontics. We hope you will be pleased with the updates and give again. Please use the donor card included to make your next contribution to UMKC Orthodontics. Thompson Professorship Fund 1,200,000 900,000 600,000 300,000 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Dr. Eric J. Schweitzer Memorial Fund • $18,094.88 Each year, the UMKC Graduate Orthodontics Program organizes the Dr. Eric J. Schweitzer (1992) Memorial Symposium. The symposium invites recent orthodontic graduates to return to UMKC to make presentations to current orthodontic residents. The benefactors of the Schweitzer Memorial Symposium make it possible for our students to hear recent orthodontic graduates speak frankly about the joys and the difficulties they have encountered while embarking their careers. The Memorial Fund generates income to offset symposium costs. Dr. Dan Blackwell Lecture Series Fund • $4,365.00 To honor Dr. Blackwell’s commitment to UMKC orthodontics, a lecture series in his name began in 2009. Since then each year a guest lecturer is invited to share cutting edge knowledge with our residents, faculty, alumni and friends. Please consider attending and donating to this fund to sustain this important lectureship. Dr. Sperry Zervas Orthodontic Scholarship • $32,048.97 This fund was started in 2009 by the Zervas family to memorialize Dr. Sperry Zervas (ORT ’68). The interest from this fund will be used annually to support senior resident’s endeavors to travel to professional meetings. 6 Your Charitable Legacy As we confront the challenges of the future, we know that the generosity of those who assist UMKC Orthodontics, through the Rinehart Foundation, will make all the difference in our success. That is why we seek your support in a very special way. Charitable or educational organizations can often play an important role when setting up your estate plan. Providing support for UMKC Department of Orthodontics, through a planned gift to the Rinehart Foundation, helps with our long term commitment to orthodontic education and research and may also provide tax and/or financial benefits to you and your family. For example, with a specific bequest in your will or trust, you can designate a dollar amount or a percentage bequest of your estate to be distributed to a particular fund of the Rinehart Foundation which supports UMKC Orthodontics. A beneficiary designation on your life insurance policy or IRA can also be a very simple way to show your future support. Some donors also choose to help us in one additional and important way. That is, they let us know that they have included a gift provision to UMKC Orthodontics in their estate plan. They know their provisions will be kept confidential and they can change them at anytime should their personal circumstances change. The Rinehart Foundation respects each donor’s right to privacy and/ or anonymity. But, letting others know that you’ve made a planned gift can influence other UMKC alumni or friends who may also want to make a planned gift of their own someday. We hope you will consider making a planned gift to make a difference at UMKC Orthodontics. We would be pleased to share some ideas and confer with you in your planning. Most of all, we would appreciate having the opportunity to express our gratitude to you for creating such a special gift. If you would like to learn more about how you can make part of your estate a lasting legacy at UMKC’s School of Dentistry, please contact Hilary Wheat, Director of Development, School of Dentistry at 816-2352173. Or, you can simply write your request on the response card included with the UMKC BONDS Newsletter. We can help you and your advisors plan a gift for tomorrow that will help our future residents as well as you and your family. 2015 Midwest Dental Conference Orthodontics Lectures Dr. Jim Osborne (DDS ’72, Ort ’76) and Dr. Nellie Kim-Weroha (ORT ’07) chaired the Midwest Orthodontic Lectures and Activities. Over Thursday and Friday, April 9 and 10, more than 250 attendees crowded into the orthodontic lecture hall at the Sheraton Crown Plaza to hear presentations by Mr. Landy Chase, Dr. Shane Langley, Mr. Chuck Hill, and Mr. Mike Brewer. The speakers delivered presentations that ranged from practice management to orthodontic technique. The lectures were well received by attendees, and we offer our thanks to Unitek for their support of the Midwest Orthodontic Meeting. Attendees to the orthodontic lectures listened to a variety of topics presented during five lectures over two days. The focus of discussions ranged from practice management to orthodontic techniques, and provided both staff and doctors with new information relevant to the dayto-day functions of private practice. Over 250 practitioners and staff registered for the Midwest Orthodontic Meeting! 7 Resident Research: Congratulations to Drs. Curry, Ponikvar, and Tima who have completed their MS Degrees Meet Our Class of 2014 Graduates NDACE YE SH 8 AN Y J O CU RR Y TO R Y TI M A KA AR IKV E The success of our recently graduated residents was celebrated during our graduation gala held December 11, 2014. Some 60+ family, residents, staff and faculty gathered to honor Drs. Brittany Curry (L), Michael Ponikvar, and Lori Tima (R). Clinic instructor Dr. Brad Smith was nominated as the “Instructor of the Year” by the graduating residents. Now that our three newly minted alums have graduated, they are very busy with families and new homes to establish. Lori and her husband, Tory, relocated to Gillette, Wyo., where Lori will be starting her private practice career. Michael Ponikvar is headed to a private A E H L PO practice in Canada, just outside MIC N of Toronto in Bellview, Ontario. & Brittany and her husband, Josh, are now in Arkansas, where Brittany has started practice in Hot Springs. & B RIT T LO R I& Drs. Tima and Ponikvar celebrate with Dr. Brad Smith, the 2014 Orthodontic Instructor of the Year. Dr. Michael Ponikvar “Effect of Delayed Polymerization Time and Bracket Manipulation on Orthodontic Bracket Bonding” This study examined the effect of bracket manipulation in combination with delayed polymerization times on orthodontic bracket shear bond strength and degree of resin composite conversion. Orthodontics brackets were bonded to extracted third molars in a simulated oral environment after a set period of delayed polymerization time and bracket manipulation. After curing the bracket adhesive, each bracket underwent shear bond strength testing followed by micro-Raman spectroscopy analysis to measure the degree of conversion of the resin composite. Results demonstrated the shear bond strength and the degree of conversion of ceramic brackets did not vary over time. However, with stainless steel brackets there was a significant effect (p ≤ 0.05) of delay time on shear bond strength between the 0.5 min and 10 min bracket groups. In addition, stainless steel brackets showed significant differences related to degree of conversion over time between the 0.5 min and 5 min groups, in addition to the 0.5 min and 10 min groups. This investigation suggests that delaying bracket adhesive polymerization up to a period of 10 min then adjusting the orthodontic bracket may increase both shear bond strength and degree of conversion of stainless steel brackets while having no effect on ceramic brackets. Dr. Lori Tima Dr. Brittany Curry “Intraoral Corrosion of Self-Ligating “Effects of Topical Fluoride Metallic Brackets and Archwires and Prophylactic Agents on the the Effect on Friction” Mechanical Properties of Orthodontic Nickel-Titanium Closed The purpose of this study was to investigate how the frictional coefficient was affected due to intraoral use. A secondary aim of Coil Springs and Stainless Steel this study was to determine whether or not there was a relationship Closed Coil Springs” between corrosion of orthodontic alloys and friction via scanning electron microscopic qualitative analysis. Orthodontic brackets and 0.019 x 0.025 inch stainless steel archwires were collected and divided into three groups of n=10: used bracket and used wires (UBUW), used brackets and new wires (UBNW), and new brackets and new wires (NBNW). “New” materials were as-received from the manufacturer, and “used” materials were clinically used bracket and wires collected from patients following orthodontic treatment. Archwires were pulled through bracket slots at a rate of 0.5 mm/min while friction forces were measured. Following a cleaning process, the surface topography of the bracket slots was examined under a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Based on a 1-factor MANOVA, there was no significant group effect (all p>0.05) on frictional forces. Partial eta squared values indicated that intraoral exposure had only a small effect on frictional forces (≤ 3%). Qualitative analysis of SEM images did not show an association between surface characteristics of the bracket slots and magnitude of frictional force. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of topical fluoride prophylactic agents on the mechanical unloading properties of nickel-titanium (NiTi) and stainless steel (SS) closed coil springs. Springs were stored at 37˚C under static load in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and treated with either neutral sodium fluoride (NaF) or acidulated phosphate fluoride (APF) five days per week for two minutes. Mechanical testing was done in a dH2O bath at 37˚C at 0-, 1-, 4-, 8-, and 12 weeks. Unloading forces for NiTi and SS springs were measured at 9-, 6-, and 3 mm and 2-, 1.5-, and 1 mm, respectively. Scanning electron microscopy was used to evaluate surface topography of selected springs after 12 weeks. Based on a 1-Factor ANOVA and Dunnett’s post hoc, 3M NiTi springs showed a significant decrease (p <0.01) in the unloading force at each extension following exposure to both fluoride treatments, but only after 12 weeks. The AO NiTi springs showed a significant decrease in unloading force at each extension after 12 weeks following exposure to NaF. However, with SS springs, there was no significant effect of either fluoride treatment on the SS springs at any extension or time point. SS also springs showed no significant surface topography changes, irrespective of storage conditions, which correlates with the lack of fluoride effects on SS mechanical property effects. In contrast, while there were NiTi surface topography changes (pitting and mottling) following PBS+APF exposure, those changes could not be directly linked to the observed changes in mechanical properties. Results suggest topical fluoride used with NiTi springs could potentially lead to prolonged treatment time due to decreased unloading properties. However, topical fluoride used with SS springs should not affect treatment duration. 9 1 Meet the UMKC Ortho Residents Class of 2015 Danielle Gilbert U. of Alabama at Birmingham, 2013 Hometown: Birmingham, Alabama Matthew McCoy Creighton University, 2013 Hometown: Salt Lake City, Utah Kristen Sander UMKC, 2013 Hometown: Wichita, Kansas Class of 2016 Whitney Deforest-Shaw UMKC, 2014 Hometown: St. Charles, MO Andrew McDonald Creighton University, 2014 Hometown: Tucson, AZ Steven Shaw Baylor University, 2014 Hometown: McKinney, TX UMKC at the AAO Room 2016 of the Sheraton Marquis was a bustling locale for 50+ UMKC orthodontic alums. 1 UMKC residents Drs. Danielle Gilbert (L) and Whitney Hewlett (center) engaged in animated discussion with Drs. Dan Ranjbar (R) (DDS ’91, Ort ’93) and Vesna Ferrier (foreground). 2 Dr. Robert Craven (ORT ‘71) and Mrs. Rose Mary Craven. Dr. James Boley (MS Ort ’67) and Mrs. Sabrina Bowley. 3 4 Drs. Ed Johnson (ORT ‘71) and Laura Iwasaki (Rogers Endowed Chair of Orthodontics) 5 L-R: Dr. Clarence Simmons (ORT ‘98) and Mrs. Khia Simmons with Dr. Tradd Harter (DDS ’99) 2 Class of 2017 Andrew Eichholtz Marquette U., 2011 Hometown: East Troy, WI 3 10 Mark Greenburg U.Colorado, 2015 Hometown: Wheat Ridge, CO Kelcey Loveland UNLV, 2015 Hometown: Hurricane, UT 5 4 On Friday, Dec. 12, 2014, the UMKC School of Dentistry held a ceremony in Room 364 to dedicate the newly renovated space in recognition of the legacy of Dr. George Muehlebach. Dr. Muehlebach was a part-time clinical instructor in the Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics for over 30 years until his untimely death in 2005. He was much beloved as an instructor by all the residents he came in contact with and much admired by his colleagues. This state-of-the-art seminar room was made possible by fundraising that was spearheaded by the Tweed Study Club of the Midwest and involvied the donations from many alumni and friends. The ceremony was attended by Dr. Muehlebach’s wife and many of his children and their families, plus former colleagues and residents. Also on hand were current UMKC staff, residents and faculty. The Department gratefully acknowledges the donors and all of those who helped to facilitate the fund-raising, design, renovations, and equipment installation for the Dr. George Muehlebach Seminar Room. 1 Dedication of the Dr. George Muehlebach Seminar Room 1 2 The Muehlebach Family gathered to celebrate the dedication of the seminar room. 3 L-R: Drs. Frank Crist (ORT ‘93), Michael Klein (ORT ‘87), James Indiveri (ORT ‘90) and Steve Billings (ORT ‘79). 4 2015 Graduating residents Drs. Brittany Curry and Michael Ponikvar prepare the seminar room computer system for a case presentation. The Dr. George Muehlebach Seminar Room being put through its paces, with high tech AV capabilities and functional working spaces for comprehensive examinations. 2 3 4 11 PA L A N News from our New Faculty Members GO We are pleased to welcome Dr. Shankar Rengasamy Venugopalan, BDS (2004, Tamil Nadu Medical University); DMSc Ortho (2014, Harvard); PhD (2010, TAMU Baylor) to our department. Dr. Venugopalan agreed to uproot himself from the East coast and join the School of Dentistry as an assistant professor. It’s not Shankar’s first time to live in the middle of the U.S; Shankar completed his PhD at Baylor College of Dentistry. From there he moved to Harvard, where he completed his orthodontic residency and DMSc in 2014. Dr. Venugopalan will have responsibilities for teaching didactic courses to dental students and orthodontic residents, as well as supervise in the undergraduate orthodontic clinic. It didn’t take very long for Dr. Venugopalan to get busy at UMKC. Our congratulations to him for receiving 2015 AAOF and AAO Awards. Dr. Venugopalan also has quickly made his UMKC presence felt at a national level. Firstly, he has been awarded an Orthodontic Faculty Development Award from the American Association of Orthodontists Foundation. His four-part application was named the 2015 Willie and Earl Shepard Fellowship Award for the most meritorious application in this category. His research project for this Fellowship is entitled: “Genomic Studies in Hemi-facial Microsomia and Pierre-Robin Patients.” Following this terrific news, the steering committee of the American Association of Orthodontists Task Force for the Recruitment and Retention of Faculty announced that it would award Dr. Venugopalan an AAO sponsorship to attend the 2015 Academy of Academic Leadership Program in Atlanta, Ga. The goals of this program are “to help participants refine teaching skills that will enhance the quality of their interactions with students and develop other skills that will facilitate confidence, job satisfaction, and professional growth in the academic environment.” Congratulations to Dr. Venugopalan! We are excited to announce that Dr. Vesna-Lea Sustiguer Ferrer, DMD & Orthodontic Certificate (Manila Central University), PhD (University of Connecticut Health Center), and Orthodontic Certificate (University of Nebraska Medical Center) has joined our department as a clinical assistant professor. Dr. Ferrer received her dental and orthodontic education in the Philippines and worked in private practice there. She then came to the U.S. and graduated with a PhD on the topic: Dlx genes in mineralization using murine models. Next, she lived in Lincoln, Neb., where she completed the Advanced Education in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics program. For the past two and half years, Dr. Ferrer has been working as an orthodontist in San Antonio Texas. Dr. Ferrer has previous teaching experience at her alma mater, Manila Central University in the Philippines. She also spent two years as a research fellow at Niigata University in Japan. We are grateful that Dr. Ferrer has decided to share her clinical, teaching and research experiences with us here at UMKC. To start out at the SOD, Dr. Ferrer will be teaching primarily in the pre-doctoral orthodontic program. .F ERRER DR . VENU The 42nd Annual Moyers Symposium, 2015, in Ann Arbor, Mich. DR March 6–8 marked the dates for this year’s gathering for the annual Moyers Symposium at the University of Michigan. UMKC faculty member Dr. Shanker Venugopalan presented his research concerning the “Biological Basis for Dental Anomaies in AxenfeldRieger Syndrome.” Following the Moyers Symposium presentations, the UMKC crew took speakers Dr. David Hatcher and Dr. Venugopalan to a local Italian restaurant for a revitalizing meal. Braving the warm March evening in Ann Arbor are (L-R) Drs. Jeff Nickel (UMKC Program Director), Shanker Venugopalan (UMKC Faculty and Invited Speaker), Steven Shaw (resident), David Hatcher (Oral Maxillofacial Radiologist, Invited Speaker), Andrew McDonald (Resident), Matt McCoy (Resident), Whitney Hewitt (Resident), and Laura Iwasaki (Leo Rogers Chair) 12 Your Full Time Faculty: Expanding the Influence of UMKC Orthodontics UMKC full-time faculty have a variety of obligations in addition to teaching and clinical activities. One other area where considerable effort is directed is that of research and researchrelated activities. Drs. Laura Iwasaki and Jeff Nickel continue their service obligations as reviewers of grant applications submitted to a variety of NIDCR study sections and the AAOF. Drs. Iwasaki and Nickel are the principal investigators of a $3 million dollar award from the NIH. This much needed federal grant funding allows the continuation of their research into the variables that contribute to degenerative joint disease. Additionally, Drs. Iwasaki and Nickel are co-investigators on grants awarded by the AAOF. Firstly, an Education Innovation Award provides funding to bring together investigators at the University of Michigan, University of North Carolina, University of Kentucky, Virginia Commonwealth University, University of Connecticut, University of California San Francisco, and UMKC. The project’s aim is to improve the success rate of junior faculty seeking grant funding and promotion and tenure at universities. Secondly, it was recently announced that Drs. Nickel and Iwasaki, together with faculty members from University of North Carolina and Oregon Health Sciences University, were awarded an AAOF Center Award. The 3-year award provides $75,000 to support two Innovators’ Workshops in 2014 and 2016. The aim of these workshops is to facilitate the development of collaborations among leaders in research endeavors relevant to the practice of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics. The first Innovators’ Workshop was held in Itasca, Illinois, on September 11-14, 2014. The next Workshop is planned for West Palm Beach, Fla., September 8-11, 2016. An important role of our faculty is to push at the boundaries of science, and in particular to address scientific issues that directly affect orthodontics and orthodontic education. Here is a list of recent publications, and other scholarly activity of the Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics. Publications by your UMKC Orthodontic Faculty Li X., Venugopalan SR, H. Cao, F. Pinho, M.L. Paine, M.L. Snead, E.V. Semina, B.A. Amendt, (2014). “A Model for the Molecular Underpinnings of Tooth Defects in Axenfeld–Rieger Syndrome” Human Molecular Genetics; 23(1):194–208 Nickel JC, Liu H, Marx DM, Iwasaki LR (2014): Effects of mechanical stress and growth on velocity of human tooth movement. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop 145:S74-81. DeForest WN, Hentscher-Johnson JK, Liu Y, Liu H, Nickel JC, Iwasaki LR (2014): Human tooth movement by continuous high and low stresses. Angle Orthod 84:102-8. Hajati A-K, Cevidanes LHS, Iwasaki L, Nickel J, Kapila S (2014): TMJ image based diagnosis and clinical applications. In: Cone Beam Computed Tomography in Orthodontics: Indications, Insights and Innovations, Kapila S (ed), Wiley Publishers. Allareddy V, Venugopalan SR, SVK Eswaran, S Rampa, S Anamali, RP Nalliah, K Shin, V Allareddy, S Elangovan. (2015) “Important Impact of Gingival and Periodontal Conditions on Outcomes in SCT Recipients” Bone Marrow Transplantation; 50(4): 604-606 Khawaja SN, Nickel JC, Iwasaki LR, Crow HC, Gonzalez Y (accepted): Association between waking-state oral parafunctional behaviors and bio-psychosocial characteristics. J Oral Rehabil Iwasaki LR, Covell Jr DA, Frazier-Bowers SA, Kapila S, Huja SS, Nickel JC (2015): Personalized and precision orthodontic therapy. Orthod Craniofac Res 18(Suppl 1):1-7. Iwasaki LR, Gonzalez YM, Liu H, Marx DB, Gallo LM, Nickel JC (2015): A pilot study of ambulatory masticatory muscle activities in TMJD diagnostic groups. Orthod Craniofac Res 18(Suppl 1):146155. Iwasaki LR, Liu H, Gonzalez YM, Marx DB, Nickel JC (2015): Modeling of muscle forces in humans with and without temporomandibular disorders. Orthod Craniofac Res 18(Suppl 1):170-179. Gallo LM, Iwasaki LR, Gonzalez YM, Liu H, Marx DB, Nickel JC (2015): Diagnostic group differences in temporomandibular joint energy densities. Orthod Craniofac Res 18(Suppl 1):164-169. Khawaja SN, McCall Jr W, Dunford R, Nickel JC, Iwasaki LR, Crow HC, Gonzalez YM (2015): In-field masticatory muscle activity in subjects with pain-related TMD diagnosis. Orthod Craniofac Res 18(Suppl 1):137-145. Khawaja S, Iwasaki L, Dunford R, Nickel J, McCall W, Crow H, Gonzalez Y (2015): Association of masseter muscle activities during awake and sleep periods with self-reported anxiety, depression, and physical symptoms. J Dent Health Oral Disord Ther 2:00039. Iwasaki LR (2015). Markers of paradental tissue remodeling in the gingival crevicular fluid and saliva of orthodontic patients. Chapter 10 in Biological Mechanisms of Tooth Movement, Second Edition, Davidovitch Z, Krishnan V (eds), Wiley Blackwell, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., West Sussex UK, pp. 138-144. Nickel JC, Liu H, Iwasaki LR (2015): Effects of mechanical stress and growth on velocity of human tooth movement. In Expedited Orthodontics: Improving the Efficiency of Orthodontic Treatment Through Novel Technologies, Kapila SD, Nervina J, Hatch N, (eds), Monograph 51, Craniofacial Growth Series, Department of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry and Center for Human Growth and Development, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, pp 27-46. 13 The Strength of Our Program Rests in Our Part-Time Clinical Faculty The Legacy of the UMKC Orthodontic Alumni Tournament We want everyone to know how fortunate we are at UMKC Orthodontics to have dedicated clinical instructors to help mentor our residents. Thank you to all who give so generously of their time. For the past decade, every September is blessed with sunny skies and an opportunity to break out the old BILLY BARUE for 9 holes of fun. So if you are looking forward to coming back for some Kansas City golf, contact Dr. Andrew McDonald ([email protected]) to get all the details about this year’s UMKC Orthodontic Alumni Tournament. 2014 Thompson Cup Winners: Team Billings UMKC Orthodontic Alumni Board at Work for You! The UMKC Board met early on Thursday, April 9, 2015, to discuss issues relevant to projects and plans of our alumni. Dr. Nellie Kim-Weroha, president of the Alumni Board, presided over the meeting. Alumni Board members include Drs. Jim Indiveri, Steve Billings (Secretary), Steve Malmstrom, Mike Klein, Laura Iwasaki (ex officio, Leo Rogers Chair of Orthodontics), R. Wayne Thompson, Jim Osborne (Treasurer), Nellie Kim-Weroha (President 2014-2015), Clarence Simmons, Patrick Briscoe, Michael Barcon, Ian Ballou, and Dustin Burleson (President Elect 2015-2016). Issues discussed included finances and policies of the organization, donation of monies to the UMKC Graduate Orthodontic Program, and planning for the 2016 meeting. Jim Osborne (DDS ’72, Ort’76) Director Orthodontic Clinic Frank Crist (DDS ’90, Ort’93) Thursday afternoon Steve Billings (DDS ’77, Ort’79) Friday afternoon Scott Hamilton (DDS ’84, Baylor MS Ort ’86) Thursday afternoon Brad Smith (DDS ’97, Ort ’00) Tuesday afternoon Jeff Thompson Don Wilson (DDS ’93, Ort ’95) Thursday afternoon Dustin Burleson (DDS ’04, Ort’06) Wednesday morning Kurt Hoffman (DDS ’94, Ort ’96) Wednesday afternoon Michael Klein (DDS ’84, Ort ’87) Friday morning Cameron Walker (U. Chicago DDS, Friday pre-doc clinic Steve Malmstrom Starting Fall 2015 14 (DDS ’89, Washington U. Ort ’91 ) Wednesday morning Ph.D., U. North Carolina Ort ‘12) (DDS ’77, MS Ort ’80) Friday morning Dan Ranjibar (DDS ’91, Ort ’93) Friday morning Dr. Nan Hatch, University of Michigan “Pharmaceutical Control of Orthodontic Tooth Movement and Relapse: Current Concepts and Translation to Clinical Practice” N DA L. BL ACKWE LL DR . NAN DR . This lecture series was established April 3, 2008, in recognition and honor of Dr. Dan L. Blackwell for his years of dedication and service to the orthodontic profession and the UMKC School of Dentistry, Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics. HA TCH On Friday, June 5th more than 30 guests attended the 7th annual Blackwell Lecture. Dr. Nan Hatch was our invited speaker. Nan is an Associate Professor in the Department of Orthodontics and Pedodontics, University of Michigan. Dr. Hatch’s lecture focused on the variables of biology and mechanics that affect the velocity of tooth movement. As well, Dr. Hatch’s lecture included how the coming age of personalized and precision therapies will involve biomarkers. In the near future, these biomarkers can inform the orthodontic practitioner concerning treatment efficacy of orthopedic appliances, velocity of tooth movement, and succeptibility for root resorption. Nan’s presentation brought to the fore the future of orthodontic diagnosis. N L I N A MORE 2015 Blackwell Lecture: O -UR IBE Let’s set a date for the 2016 Blackwell Lecture… Friday June 3, 2016 Our featured speaker is Dr. Lina MorenoUribe, DDS, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Orthodontics, University of Iowa. Dr. Moreno-Uribe will talk about “Genetic Studies of Malocclusion”. We look forward to seeing you then. Remember, there are CE credits, and attendance is free for this 4 hour morning lecture. Dr. Lina Moreno-Uribe is originally from Medellin, Colombia, where she received her DDS in 1991 from the Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud CES. She completed her first orthodontic residency at the University of Antioquia in 1995 and practiced orthodontics for 3 years. In 1998 she emigrated to the U.S to engage in her PhD studies in Oral Sciences, with a concentration in human genetics, at the University of Iowa. Lina completed her PhD studies in 2004. Following 2 years of postdoctoral training, She completed a 2nd orthodontic residency in 2008 and became an Assistant Professor in the Department of Orthodontics at the University of Iowa. Dr. Moreno-Uribe currently serves as a staff orthodontist with the Cleft Palate Team at the University of Iowa. She also has an orthodontic practice which is primarily focused on the care of patients with craniofacial anomalies. 15 University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Dentistry 650 East 25th Street Kansas City, MO 64108 We have not been in touch with you since last year! Here is wishing you a HAPPY NEW YEAR from all of us at UMKC Orthodontics!
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