Upcoming Events - Malone University


Upcoming Events - Malone University
Upcoming Events
Monday, April 18................................................................... Stewart Room, RCC
Junior Recital: Paolo Parodi, bass-baritone
7:30 p.m.
Tuesday, April 19.................................................................................. Chapel, JC
Combined Ensemble Concert
7:30 p.m.
Friday, April 22 ...................................................................... Worship Center, JC
Spring Concert
7:30 p.m.
Malone University is an accredited institutional member of the
National Association of Schools of Music
Jessica Crowell, soprano
Josephine Suwanpoh, collaborative pianist
Joy Regimbal, violin
Friday, April 15, 2016
7:30 p.m.
Stewart Room
Randall Campus Center
Vocalise..................................................................... Sergei Rachmaninoff
with Joy Regimbal, violin
Hear ye, Israel! ............................................................. Felix Mendelssohn
from Elijah
Ach, ich fühl’s ........................................................................ W.A. Mozart
Non mi dir
from Don Giovanni
La Dame d’André ............................................................. Francis Poulenc
Il vole
from Fiançalles pour rire
Morgen ............................................................................... Richard Strauss
Selige Nacht ........................................................................... Joseph Marx
Ich danke, Fräulein............................................................. Richard Strauss
from Arabella
with Joy Regimbal, soprano and violin
Art is Calling For Me ...........................................................Victor Herbert
from The Enchantress
Ach, Ich fühl’s
Ach, ich fühl’s, es ist verschwunden,
Ewig hin der Liebe Glück!
Nimmer kommt ihr Wonnestunde
meinem Herzen mehr zurück!
Sieh’, Tamino, diese Thränen,
Fliessen, Trauter, dir allein!
Fühlst du nicht der Liebe Sehnen,
so wird Ruh’ im Tode sein!
Ah, I Feel It
Ah, I feel it, it has disappeared
forever gone, love’s happiness!
Nevermore will come the hour of bliss
back to my heart!
See, Tamino, these tears,
flowing, Beloved, for you alone!
If you don’t feel the longing of love
then there will be peace in death!
Non mi dir
Crudele? Ah, no, mio bene! Troppo
mi spiace allontanarti un ben che
lungamente la nostr’alma desia!
Ma il mondo, oh Dio! Non sedur
la mia costanza del sensibil mio core!
Abbastanza per te mi parla amore.
Do Not Tell Me
Cruel? Ah no, my love, I am too unhappy
at having to put off the joy which
we have both desired for so long.
But what would people say! Do not try
to shake the resolution of my poor heart.
Your love speaks for you!
Non mi dir, bell’idol mio,
che son io crudel con te.
Tu ben sai quant’io t’amai,
tu conosci la mia fé.
Calma, calma il tuo tormento,
se di duol non vuoi ch’io mora!
Do not tell me, my true love,
that I am cruel to you.
You know well how much I love you,
you know to whom I am pledged.
Calm your anguish,
if you do not wish me to die of grief!
Forse un giorno il cielo ancora
Sentirà pietà di me.
Perhaps someday Heaven
will have pity on me.
La dame d’André
André ne connaît pas la dame
Qu’il prend aujourd’hui par la main.
A-t-elle un coeur à lendemains
Et pour le soir a-t-elle une âme?
Au retour d’un bal campagnard
S’en allait-elle en robe vague
Chercher dans le meules la bague
Des fiançailles du hassard?
A-t-elle eu peur, la nuit venue,
Guettée par les ombres d’hier.
Dans son jardin lorsque l’hiver
Andre’s ladyfriend
André does not know the woman
whose hand he takes today.
Has she a heart for the future,
and for evening has she a soul?
Returning from a country dance,
did she in her loose-fitting gown
go and seek in the haystacks
the ring of random betrothal?
Was she afraid, when night fell,
watched by the ghosts of the past,
in her garden, when winter
Entrait par la grande avenue?
Il l’a aimée pour sa couleur
Pour sa bonne humeur de Dimanche.
Pâlira-t-elle aux feuilles blanches
De son album des temps meilleurs?
entered by the wide avenue?
He loved her for her complexion,
for her Sunday good humour.
Will she fade on the blank pages
of his album of better days?
Couple amoureux aus accents méconnus
Le violon et son joueur me plaisent.
Ah! j’aime ces gémissements tendus
Sur la corde des malaises.
Aux accords sur les cordes des pendus
À l’heure où les Lois se taisent
Le coeur en forme de fraise
S’offre à l’amour comme un fruit inconnu.
Loving couple of misapprehended sounds
Violin and player please me.
Ah! I love these long wailings
Stretched on the string of disquiet.
To the sound of strung-up chords
At the hour when Justice is silent
The heart shaped like a strawberry
Gives itself to love like an unknown fruit.
Fleurs promises, fleurs tenues dans tes bras,
Fleurs sorties des parenthèses d’un pas,
Qui t’apportait ces fleurs l’hiver
Saupoudrés du sable des mers?
Sable de tes baisers,
fleurs des amours fanées
Les beaux yeux sont de cendre et
dans la cheminée
Un coeur enrubanné de plaints
Brûle avec ses images saintes.
Promised flowers, flowers held in your arms,
Flowers from a step’s parentheses,
Who brought you these flowers in winter
Sprinkled with the sea’s sand?
Sand of your kisses,
flowers of faded loves
Your lovely eyes are ashes
and in the hearth
A moan-beribboned heart
Burns with its sacred images.
Und morgen wird
die Sonne wieder scheinen,
und auf dem Wege, den ich gehen werde
wird uns, die Glücklichen, sie wieder einen
inmitten dieser sonnenatmenden Erde…
Tomorrow again
Will shine the sun
And on my sunlit path of earth
Unite us again, as it has done,
And give our bliss another birth.
Und zu dem Strand,
Dem weiten, wogenblauen,
Serden wir still und langsam niedersteigen,
Stumm werden wir uns
In die Augen schauen, und auf uns sinkt
des Glückes stummes Schweigen…
The spacious beach,
Under wave-blue skies
We’ll reach by descending soft and slow,
And mutely gaze
in each other’s eyes, as over us
rapture’s great hush will flow.
Selige Nacht
Im Arm der Liebe schliefen wir selig ein,
Am offnen Fenster lauschte
der Sommerwind,
Und unsrer Atemzüge Frieden
Trug er hinaus in die helle Mondnacht.—
Blissful Night
In the arms of love we fell blissfully asleep;
At the open window
the summer wind listened
And carried the peacefulness of our breath
Out into the bright, moonlit night.
Und aus dem Garten tastete zagend sich
Ein Rosenduft an unserer Liebe Bett
Und gab uns wundervolle Träume,
Träume des Rausches —so reich an
And out of the garden, feeling its way randomly,
The scent of roses came to our bed of love
And gave us wonderful dreams,
Dreams of intoxication, rich with
Ich danke Fräulein
Aber der Richtigewenn’s einen gibt für mich
auf dieser Weltder wird einmal dastehn, da vor mir,
und wird mich anschauen und ich ihn,
und keine Zweifel warden sein
und keine Fragen,
und selig, und selig werd’ich sein
und gehorsam wie ein Kind.
But the right one –
if there is one for me
in this world
will stand there once, before me
and will look at me and I him
and no doubt will be,
and no questions
and blessed, and blessed I shall be
and obedient as a child.
Ich weiβ nicht wie du bist, ich weiβ nicht,
ob du Recht hastdazu hab’ ich dich viel zu lieb!
Ich will nur, daβ du glücklich wirst mit einem,
der’s verdient! Und helfen will ich dir dazu.
So hat ja die Prophetin es gesehn,
sie ganz im Licht, und ich hinab ins Dunkel.
Sie ist so schön und so lieb- ich werde gehn,
und noch im Gehn werd’ich dich segnen,
werd ich dich segnen, meine Schwester.
I know not what you want, I do not know,
Whether you are right,
this has gone too far!
I just want you to be happy with a man
You deserve! And I will help you to do so.
So yes, the fortune teller has seen it,
They have light to see, and I am in the dark.
My sister is so beautiful and lovely, I will go
and as I leave, I'll bless you
I bless you, my sister.
Jessica Crowell is in her senior year on scholarship at Malone University
pursuing a bachelor's in Vocal Performance. She is currently the music and
youth director at First Christian Church in Massillon, Ohio as well as an
accompanist for Malone University. Jessica is a current staff member of the
All Ohio State Fair Youth Choir Staff which she plans to continue with well
into the future. She has previously been featured in the roles of Monica in
Menotti’s “The Medium” during Malone’s fall ’15 scenes program,
Cinderella in Spring ’15 “Into the Woods” performance and Susanna in
spring '14 premier of Mozart's “Le Nozze di Figaro”. Other roles have
included: Rusalka; Musetta & Mimi-“La Boheme” and Roselinda-Die
Fledermaus, in the ’13 ’14 opera scenes performances. Jessica has also been
featured in the Malone Honors Recital for the past 5 semesters. Jessica is the
second place recipient of the 2015 VOCI scholarship. Outside of Malone,
she has been featured in the roles of Esmeralda, “Bartered Bride” and
Papagena, “Magic Flute” with Opera Circle Cleveland. She currently
studies with Cynthia Wohlschlager in voice. Jessica has been a member of
many ensembles throughout her college career. She is also a member of
ACDA and is currently student conductor of the Malone University
Chorale. She is conducting under the direction and guidance of Dr. Jon C.
Peterson. Jessica will graduate in December of 2016 and intends to pursue
her masters in vocal performance.
Joy Regimbal is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Arts with an emphasis
in Music Performance. Ms. Regimbal studies voice with Cynthia
Wohlschlager and is an active member of the Malone University Chorale
and the Malone University Chamber Choir under the direction of Jon
Peterson. She is also a member of the Malone Opera Theatre under the
direction of Cynthia Wohlschlager. She studied violin with the Assistant
Principal Second Violinist of the Cleveland Orchestra, Eli Matthews.
Before starting at Malone, she was a part of the Akron Youth Symphony
for three seasons, under director Christopher Lees and Levi Hammer.
She was also part of the Cleveland Orchestra Youth Orchestra under
conductor James Feddeck for two seasons and joined them on their
inaugural tour of Europe.
Josephine Suwanpoh is a native Indonesian. She holds Master of Music
Degrees in Voice Performance and Collaborative Piano from The
University of Akron. Josephine earned her Bachelor of Music Degree in
Classical Music, majoring in Piano Performance from the UCSI
University in Kuala Lumpur. In addition, she received Licentiate
Performer’s Diplomas (LTCL) with Distinction in both Piano and Voice
from the Trinity Guildhall College London. She has been awarded the
first prize in the Malaysian Youth Orchestra Festival Diploma Voice
Category, as well as second place in the Sixth Annual James
Tannenbaum Memorial Scholarship Competition and Tuesday Musical
Scholarship Competition in 2013. Josephine is a member of the music
honors organization Pi Kappa Lambda. Josephine currently serves as a
Collaborative Pianist at Malone University as well as for Malone Opera
Theater in addition to holding a private studio in the greater Cleveland
area. In the summer of 2015, Josephine worked with the Vocal Arts
Program at Interlochen Center for the Arts as a Vocal Coach and
Collaborative Pianist, where she will return this coming summer.