Upcoming Events - Malone University


Upcoming Events - Malone University
Upcoming Events
Thursday, February 18 ......................................................... Dining Room, JC
Jazz Ensemble
7:30 p.m.
Directed by Dr. Steven Grimo
Monday, February 22 ...................................................... Stewart Room, RCC
Faculty Artist Series Recital
7:30 p.m.
Cynthia Wohlschlager, mezzo-soprano
Josephine Suwanpoh, piano
Friday, February 26 ..........................................................Worship Center, JC
Symphonic Band Concert
7:30 p.m.
Directed by Dr. Steven Grimo
Monday, February 29 ..................................................................... Chapel, JC
Commercial Drumming, Production, and Performance Workshop 1 & 3 p.m.
Music Production Recital
7:30 p.m.
Please join us after the recital at Café Dante—serving coffee, tea, and hot
chocolate—located in Emma’s on the Barn’s first floor.
Malone University continues their commitment to excellence for their
students, faculty and community by announcing their plan to become an AllSteinway School. Please contact the Office of Advancement with any
questions at 330-471-8235.
Please refrain from loud noises and talking. All ringers on cell phones and pagers
should be turned off. Please keep exiting and re-entering the auditorium to a minimum
during the performance. If you must leave or enter, please do so only during the
applause. Thank you for your cooperation.
Gabriel Miller, voice
Eleanor Kear, collaborative pianist
Mark Thewes, collaborative pianist
Seth Kenyon, piano
Monday, February 15, 2016
7:30 p.m.
Stewart Room
Randall Campus Center
Where ‘Ere You Walk.......................................................... G.F. Handel
O cessate di piagarmi .............................................. Alessandro Scarlatti
Deh vieni alla finestra ................................. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Bella siccome un angelo .............................................Gaetano Donizetti
Im wunderschönen Monat Mai ................................... Robert Schumann
Ich will meine Seele tauchen
Ich grolle nicht
Der Nussbaum
Ave Maria ...................................................................... Charles Gounod
Mandoline .......................................................................... Gabriel Fauré
Les Matelots
Novelette in A minor ..................................................... Francis Poulenc
Seth Kenyon, piano
The Judge’s Song ............................................................ Arthur Sullivan
Modern Major-General’s Song
The Policeman’s Song
Gabriel Miller, voice
Mark Thewes, piano
Johanna ...................................................................... Stephen Sondheim
(b. 1930)
‘Til I Hear You Sing ........................................... Andrew Lloyd Webber
(b. 1948)
Gabriel Miller, voice
Seth Kenyon, piano
O cessate di piagarmi
O cessate di piagarmi,
O lasciatemi morir!
Luci ingrate, dispietate,
Più del gelo e più de' marmi
fredde e sorde a' miei martir.
O cease to wound me
O cease to wound me,
Or let me die!
Ungrateful, compassionless
Eyes too cold, too wounding
More than ice or marble walls.
Deh vieni alla finestra
Deh, vieni alla finestra,
o mio tesoro,
deh, vieni a consolar
il pianto mio.
Se neghi a me di dar
qualche ristoro,
davanti agli occhi tuoi
morir vogl’io.
O Come to the Window
O come to the window,
O come and dispel all my
If you refuse me some
Before your dear eyes
I will die.
Tu ch’hai la bocca dolce
più che il miele,
tu che il zucchero porti
in mezzo al core,
non esser, gioia mia,
con me crudele,
lasciati almen veder,
mio bell’amore!
Your lips are sweeter than
Your heart
is sweetness itself:
then be not cruel,
my angel,
I beg for one glance, my
Bella siccome un angelo
Bella siccome un angelo
in terra pellegrino.
Fresca siccome il giglio
che s'apre in sul mattino.
Occhio che parla e ride,
sguardo che i cor conquide.
Chioma che vince l'ebano
Sorriso incantator.
Beautiful as an angel
Beautiful as an angel
On earth as a pilgrim.
Fresh as a lily
That opens upon morning.
Eyes that speak and laugh,
Glances that conquer the
heart, hair that surpasses
ebony, enchanting smile!
Alma innocente e candida,
che sé medesma ignora;
modestia impareggiabile,
dolcezza che innamora
ai miseri pietosa,
gentil, buona, amorosa.
Il ciel l'ha fatta nascere
per far beato un cor.
A soul innocent and
ingenuous that ignores itself.
Modesty incomparable
Sweetness that that falls
Gentle, good, loving!
Heaven made her be born
To make a heart beat!
Im wunderschönen Monat
Im wunderschönen Monat
Als alle Knospen sprangen,
Da ist in meinem Herzen
Die Liebe aufgegangen.
In the Wonderfully
Beautiful Month of May
In the wonderfully beautiful
month of May
When all the buds are bursting
There, from my own heart,
Bursts forth my own love.
Im wunderschönen Monat
Als alle Vögel sangen,
Da hab' ich ihr gestanden
Mein Sehnen und Verlangen.
In the wonderfully beautiful
month of May
When all the birds are singing,
So have I confessed to her
My yearning and my longing.
Ich will meine Seele tauchen
Ich will meine Seele tauchen
In den Kelch der Lilie hinein;
Die Lilie soll klingend
Ein Lied von der Liebsten
I Want to Delve My Soul
I want to delve my soul
Into the cup of the lily;
The lily should give
A song belonging to my
Das Lied soll schauern und
Wie der Kuß von ihrem
Den sie mir einst gegeben
In wunderbar süßer Stund'.
The song should shudder and
Like the kiss
from her lips
That she once gave me
In a wonderfully sweet hour.
Ich grolle nicht
Ich grolle nicht, und wenn das
Herz auch bricht,
Ewig verlor'nes Lieb ! Ich
grolle nicht.
Wie du auch strahlst in
Es fällt kein Strahl in deines
Herzens Nacht.
Das weiß ich längst.
I Don’t Complain
I don't complain
though I may die of pain.
Love now forever lost
I don't complain
And when you shine
With diamonds clear and
bright. I see your heart
Remains in darkest night.
I know it well.
Ich grolle nicht, und wenn das
Herz auch bricht,
Ich sah dich ja im [Traum],
Und sah die Nacht in deines
Herzens [Raum],
Und sah die Schlang', die dir
am Herzen frißt,
Ich sah, mein Lieb, wie sehr
du elend bist. Ich grolle nicht.
I don't complain
Though I may die of pain.
And ever, when I'm dreaming,
I see the night that through
your soul is streaming,
I see the serpent that devours
your heart,
I see, my darling, how forlorn
you are. I don't complain.
Der Nussbaum
Es grünet ein Nussbaum vor
dem Haus,
Duftig, luftig breitet er blättrig
die Blätter aus.
The Walnut Tree
Green before the house a
walnut stands.
spreading, fragrant, airy, its
leafy branches.
Viel liebliche Blüten stehen
Linde Winde kommen, sie
herzlich zu umfahn.
Es flüstern je zwei zu zwei
Neigend, beugend zierlich
zum Kusse die Häuptchen zart.
Many lovely blossoms it
gentle winds visit them with
loving embrace.
Paired together,
They whisper,
Gracefully inclining delicate
heads to kiss.
Sie flüstern von einem Mägdlein,
Das dächte die Nächte und
Tage lang, Wußte, ach! selber
nicht was.
Whisper of a
Who night and day pondered,
ah, and knew not what.
Sie flüstern - wer mag
verstehn so gar leise Weis'? Flüstern von Bräut'gam und
nächstem Jahr.
Whisper - who can understand
so soft a song? of a husband-to-be, of next
Das Mägdlein horchet, es
rauscht im Baum;
Sehnend, wähnend sinkt es
lächelnd in Schlaf und Traum.
Then maiden listens, the tree
rustles; yearning, hoping, she
sinks, smiling, into sleep and
Ave Maria
Áve María, grátia pléna,
Dóminus técum.
Benedícta tu in muliéribus,
et benedíctus frúctus véntris
túi, Iésus.
Sáncta María, Máter Déi,
óra pro nóbis peccatóribus,
nunc et in hóra mórtis nóstrae.
Hail Mary
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed are you among
women, and blessed is the
fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our
death. Amen
Les donneurs de sérénades
Et les belles écouteuses
Échangent des propos fades
Sous les ramures chanteuses.
The singers of serenades
Whisper their faded vows
Unto fair listening maids
Under the singing boughs.
C'est Tircis et c'est Aminte,
Et c'est l'éternel Clitandre,
Et c'est Damis qui pour
Cruelle [fait] maint vers
Tircis, Aminte, are there,
Clitandre is over-long,
And Damis
For many a fair
Tyrant makes many
a song.
Leurs courtes vestes de soie,
Leurs longues robes à queues,
Leur élégance, leur joie
Et leurs molles ombres bleues,
Their vests, silken and bright,
Their long pale silken trains,
Their elegance of delight,
Twine soft blue silken chains.
Tourbillonnent dans l'extase
D'une lune rose et grise,
Et la mandoline jase
Parmi les frissons de brise.
And the mandolines and they,
Faintlier breathing, swoon
Into the rose and grey
Ecstasy of the moon.
Les Matelots
Sur l'eau bleue et profonde
Nous allons voyageant,
Environnant le monde
D'un sillage d'argent,
Des îles de la Sonde,
De l'Inde au ciel brûlé,
Jusqu'au pôle gelé!
The Sailors
Upon the blue, deep water
We shall travel,
Encircling the world
With a silver wake.
From the Sunda Islands,
From India of the burning sky,
As far as the frozen pole!
Nous pensons à la terre
Que nous fuyons toujours,
À notre vieille mère,
À nos jeunes amours ;
Mais la vague légère
Avec son doux refrain
Endort notre chagrin.
We think of the land
Which we always flee,
Of our aging mother,
Of our young loves.
But the easy wave
With its sweet refrain,
Lulls our grief to sleep!
Existence sublime!
Bercés par notre nid,
Nous vivons sur l'abîme
Au sein de l'infini;
Des flots rasant la cime,
Dans le grand désert bleu
Nous marchons avec Dieu!
Sublime existence!
Rocking in our nest.
We live upon the abyss,
On the breast of the infinite,
Grazing the crests of the
waves. In the great blue desert
We go with God!
Gabriel Miller is a Senior Bible and Theology and Music double major.
He is involved in one of the many Community Worship Teams on
campus and serves as the ministry’s Representative. He served on the
Celebration Worship Team and he currently helps out with Morning
Prayer services on Malone’s campus. He is presently one of the Worship
Leaders for John Knox Presbyterian Church in North Canton. Gabriel is
the President, Co-Student Conductor, and Bass Section Leader of
Chorale and is an active member in the Chamber Chorus as well as
ensemble groups like Malone Opera Theater, in which he has played
roles such as The Baker from Into the Woods, Cornelius Hackl from
Hello Dolly, Sky Masterson from Guys and Dolls, Marcello from La
Boheme, and other varieties of characters. Gabriel has been singing since
he was five years old and has taken guitar lessons with Michael Curtis,
vocal lessons with Melissa Sorohan, and he is currently taking vocal
lessons with Cynthia Wohlschlager. He has been involved in musical
theater and other musical groups since middle school and has many
experiences acting and singing both solo and with ensembles.
Eleanor Kear is a graduate of McKinley High School and Kent State
University. She taught vocal music in the Canton City Schools and was
a staff pianist for the University of Akron. She has played for many
musicals, operas, and vocal recitals. Eleanor is currently a collaborative
pianist for Malone University.
Seth Kenyon is pursuing the Bachelor of Science in Music Education
with piano as his primary instrument at Malone University. Seth attended
Cuyahoga Community College where he studied piano with Ms. Mi
Kwon before transferring to Malone. His applied teachers at Malone
include Dr. Michael Benson (piano), Mr. Mark Thewes (organ) and Mr.
Peter Bush (voice). Mr. Kenyon has toured with the Malone University
Chorale and Dr. Jon Peterson, Director of Choral Activities at Malone, as
well as internationally with the Malone University Chamber Choir's
recent tour of Italy. Seth plans to pursue graduate music studies in
composition and to further his piano studies. Mr. Kenyon is from
Garfield Heights, Ohio.
Mark Thewes is a resident of Massillon, full-time Organist-Director of
Music at Westbrook Park United Methodist Church in his 38th year there
in 2015. He holds both a Bachelor's Degree, and Master's Degree of
Music in Organ Performance from the University of Akron, and received
his Certification in Church Music from Baldwin Wallace College. He is
the current Dean of the Canton Chapter of the American Guild of
Organists and is a published composer with Morning Star Publishing
Co., CPP Belwin-Warner Bros. Co., Abingdon Press, Beckenhorst Press
and writes reviews of organ music for the Worship Arts magazine, the
national publication of the Fellowship of United Methodist Musicians.
One of his compositions “Trumpet Tune in Eb” was featured on
“Pipedreams,” a national public radio station that airs weekly broadcasts
of music written for the organ. He is also a performing member of the
Canton MacDowell Club and the Director of the MacDowell Chorale.
Mark is also an adjunct faculty member at Malone University in organ
and is the accompanist for the Malone Chorale. Currently he serves as
the Dean of the Canton Chapter of the American Guild of Organists. He
has studied organ with Phillip Hodel of Canton, Richard Shirey and
Barbara MacGregor from the University of Akron. Mark is also the
accompanist for A Chorus for a Cause. Mark is part of a performing duo
with local musician Chad Pittman in presenting organ duet concerts
started in the fall of 2013 under the name “Two Men and a Bench”
Since then have been invited to performed at Crossroads United
Methodist Church (Canton), Westbrook Park United Methodist Church
(Canton), Christ Episcopal Church (Warren),
Trinity Episcopal
Cathedral (Pittsburgh), Shiloh United Church of Christ (Dayton), St.
Paul’s Lutheran Church (Alliance), St. Mark’s Episcopal Church
(Canton). And recently received an invitation to perform on the 2016
summer recital series at the Methuen Music Hall just outside of Boston.