Upcoming Events


Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
Preparatory Lessons
Learning music is a lifetime skill which can be enjoyed by children and
adults. Malone University offers music lessons for anyone aged 6 to
106. Lessons are 30 minutes once a week with instructors and music
students at Malone University. Please visit www.malone.edu/music to see
the list of lessons that are offered and to complete a registration for to signup for lessons. Please contact the Music Office with any questions at 330471-8231.
Malone University continues their commitment to excellence for their students,
faculty and community by announcing their plan to become an All-Steinway School.
Please contact the Office of Advancement with any questions at 330-471-8235.
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Malone University is an accredited institutional member of
the National Association of Schools of Music.
Summer Grier, voice
Deanna Parks, collaborative pianist
Andrew Ferguson, collaborative pianist
With student performers:
Seth Kenyon, piano
Joy Regimbal, violin
Monday, April 25, 2016
7:30 p.m.
Johnson Center for Worship and the Fine Arts
Dido and Aeneas ......................................................... Henry Purcell
When I am Laid in Earth
Orfeo ed Euridice ............................. Christoph Willibald von Gluck
Che faro senza Euridice?
Le Secret Op 23, no. 3 ................................................ Gabriel Faure
Ici-Bas Op 8, no. 3
Au bord de l’eau Op 8, no.1
En Priere
Mandoline Op 58, no.1
Romance, Op. 28..................................................................G. Faure
Joy Regimbal, Violin
Seth Kenyon, Piano
Frauen-Liebe und Leben ......................................... Robert Schmann
Seit ich ihn gesehen
III. Ich kann’s nicht fassen nicht glauben
IV. Du ring an meinem Finger
VII. An meinem Herzen, meiner Brust
Toccata in E-flat minor ...................................... Aram Khachaturian
Andrew Ferguson, piano
The Daisies Op. 2, No. 1 ............................................ Samuel Barber
Bessie Bobtail Op. 2, No. 3
Sure on this shining night Op.13, No. 3
Che faro senza Euridice
Che farò senza Euridice
Dove andrò senza il mio ben.
Euridice, o Dio, risponde
Io son pure il tuo fedele.
Euridice! Ah, non m´avvanza
più socorso, più speranza
ne dal mondo, ne dal cel.
What will I do without Euridice
What will I do without Euridice
Where will I go without my wonderul one.
Euridice, oh God, answer
I am entirely your loyal one.
Euridice! Ah, it doesn´t give me
any help, any hope
neither this world, neither heaven.
Le Secret
Je veux que le matin l'ignore
Le nom que j'ai dit à la nuit,
Et qu'au vent de l'aube, sans bruit,
Comme un larme il s'évapore.
The Secret
I want the morning not to know
the name that I told to the night;
in the dawn wind, silently,
may it evaporate like a teardrop.
Je veux que le jour le proclamee
L'amour qu'au matin j'ai caché,
Et sur mon coeur ouvert penché
Comme un grain d'encens il l'enflamme.
I want the day to proclaim
the love that I hid from the morning,
and (bent over my open heart)
to set it aflame, like a grain of incense.
Je veux que le couchant l'oublie
Le secret que j'ai dit au jour,
Et l'emporte avec mon amour,
Aux plis de sa robe pâlie!
I want the sunset to forget
the secret I told to the day
and to carry it away with my love
in the folds of its pale robe!
Ici-bas tous les lilas meurent,
Tous les chants des oiseaux sont courts,
Je rêve aux étés qui demeurent
Here Below
Here below, all the lilacs die,
All the bird songs are brief,
I dream of summer that remains
Ici-bas les lèvres effleurent
Sans rien laisser de leur velours,
Je rêve aux baisers qui demeurent
Here below, lips barely brush,
Leaving nothing of their velvet,
I dream of kisses that remain
Ici-bas, tous les hommes pleurent
Leurs amitiés ou leurs amours;
Je rêve aux couples qui demeurent
Here below, all the men weep
For their friendships or their loves;
I dream of couples who remain
Au Bord de L'eau
S'asseoir tous deux
au bord du flot qui passe,
Le voir passer;
At the water's edge
To sit, the two together,
at the edge of a stream passing by,
To watch it pass;
Tous deux,
s'il glisse un nuage en l'espace,
Le voir glisser;
Just the two together,
and if a cloud floats into view,
To watch it float;
A l'horizon
s'il fume un toit de chaume,
Le voir fumer;
In the horizon,
if a roof's chimney is smoking,
To watch it smoke;
Aux alentours,
si quelque fleur embaume,
S'en embaumer;
In the distance,
if a flower somewhere is giving off
its scent, To let it be fragrant;
Entendre au pied du saule
où l'eau murmure
l'eau murmurer;
If some fruit,
tasted by the bees,
Grows, to taste it;
Ne pas sentir tant
que ce rêve dure,
Le temps durer;
If some bird,
in the listening forest,
Sings, to listen to it;
Mais n'apportant
de passion profonde,
Qu' à s'adorer;
To hear, at the foot of the willow
where the water murmurs, The water
Sans nul souci
des querelles du monde,
Les ignorer;
To not feel, as long as this dream lasts,
The time passing by;
But not feeling any great passion
Et seuls tous deux
devant tout ce qui lasse,
Sans se lasser;
Besides the adoration of one another;
Without any care for the world's worries;
To ignore them all;
Sentir l'amour
devant tout ce qui passe,
Ne point passer!
And alone, happy among all the tiring things,
Without getting tired to feel the love,
amidst all that is passing by,
And to miss nothing!
En Priere
Si la voix d’un enfant
peut monter jusqu’à Vous,
Ô mon Père,
Écoutez de Jésus,
devant Vous à genoux,
La prière!
Si Vous m’avez choisi
pour enseigner vos lois
Sur la terre,
Je saurai Vous servir,
auguste Roi des rois
The Prayer
If the voice of a child
could reach up to you,
O my Father,
To be heard by Jesus,
kneeling before You,
The prayer!
If you have chosen me
to teach your laws
On Earth,
I would know how to serve you,
august King of kings.
Ô Lumière!
Sur mes lèvres,
Seigneur, mettez la vérité
Pour que celui qui doute,
avec humilité
Vous révère!
Ne m’abandonnez
pas, donnez-moi la douceur
Pour apaiser les maux,
soulager la douleur,
La misère!
O Light!
On my lips, Lord,
place the salutary
So that those who doubt,
with humility will
Revere you!
Do not abandon me,
but give me the Grace
necessary to
overcome evils,
and to relieve pain
And misery!
Reveal yourself to me,
Révélez Vous à moi,
Seigneur en qui je crois
Et j’espère:
Pour Vous je veux
souffrir et mourir sur la croix,
Au calvaire!
Reveal yourself to me, Lord in whom
I believe
And hope!
For You I want
to suffer and die on the cross,
On Calvary.
Les donneurs de sérénades
Et les belles écouteuses
Echangent des propos fades
Sous les ramures chanteuses.
The serenading swains
And their lovely listeners
Exchange insipid remarks
Under the singing boughs.
C’est Tircis et c’est Aminte,
Et c’est l’éternel Clitandre,
Et c’est Damis qui pour mainte
Cruelle fait maint vers tendre.
There is Tirmis and there is Aminta,
And the eternal Clitander,
And there is Damis, who for many cruel ladies
Fashions many tender verses.
Leurs courtes vestes de soie,
Leurs longues robes à queues,
Leur élégance, leur joie
Et leurs molles ombres bleues,
Their short silken vests,
Their long dresses with trains,
Their elegance, their gaiety
And their soft blue shadows
Tourbillonnent dans l’extase
D’une lune rose et grise,
Et la mandoline jase
Parmi les frissons de brise.
Whirl madly in the ecstasy
Of a moon rose and gray
And the mandolin chatters
Amid the trembling of the breeze.
Seit ich ihn gesehen
Seit ich ihn gesehen,
Glaub' ich blind zu sein;
Wo ich hin nur blicke,
Seh' ich ihn allein;
Wie im wachen Traume
Schwebt sein Bild mir vor,
Taucht aus tiefstem Dunkel,
Heller nur empor.
Ever since first seeing him
Ever since first seeing him,
I think I must have gone blind;
Wherever I happen to look
I can only see him alone;
As if I’m daydreaming,
his image hovers in front of me,
rising up even from the deepest darkness,
brighter and brighter still.
Sonst ist licht- und farblos
Alles um mich her,
Nach der Schwestern Spiele
Nicht begehr' ich mehr,
Möchte lieber weinen,
Still im Kämmerlein;
Seit ich ihn gesehen,
Glaub' ich blind zu sein.
Everything else around me
is missing light and color,
I no longer have any desire
to play games with my sisters,
I would rather be weeping
all alone in my little room;
Ever since first seeing him,
I think I must have gone blind.
Ich kann’s nicht fassen nicht
Ich kann's nicht fassen, nicht glauben,
Es hat ein Traum mich berückt;
Wie hätt' er doch unter allen
Mich Arme erhöht und beglückt?
I can’t believe it
Mir war's, er habe gesprochen:
Ich bin auf ewig dein -Mir war's -- ich träume noch immer,
Es kann ja nimmer so sein.
I think he said:
"I’m yours forever!”
A dream, I think,
Not real life …. Never!
O laß im Traume mich sterben,
Gewieget an seiner Brust,
Den seligsten Tod mich schlürfen
In Thränen unendlicher Lust.
So while still dreaming, let me die
Here cradled on his breast,
Embracing death with happiness,
By endless tears of joy possessed.
Du ring an meinem Finger
Du Ring an meinem Finger,
Mein goldnes Ringelein,
Ich drücke dich fromm an die Lippen,
Dich fromm an das Herze mein.
Thou ring on my finger
Thou ring on my finger,
my little golden ring,
I press thee piously upon my lips
piously upon my heart.
Ich hatt' ihn ausgeträumet,
Der Kindheit friedlich schönen Traum,
Ich fand allein mich, verloren
Im öden, unendlichen Raum.
I had dreamt it,
the tranquil, lovely dream of childhood,
I found myself alone and lost
in barren, infinite space.
I can’t believe it,
Dreaming’s affected my brain!
With so many to choose from,
Why pick me? I’m so plain!
Du Ring an meinem Finger,
Da hast du mich erst belehrt,
Hast meinem Blick erschlossen
Des Lebens unendlichen Werth.
Thou ring on my finger,
thou hast taught me for the first time,
hast opened my gaze unto
the endless, deep value of life.
Ich werd ihm dienen, ihm leben,
Ihm angehören ganz,
Hin selber mich geben und finden
Verklärt mich in seinem Glanz.
I want to serve him, live for him,
belong to him entire,
Give myself and find myself
transfigured in his radiance.
Du Ring an meinem Finger,
Mein [goldnes]1 Ringelein,
Ich drücke dich fromm an die Lippen,
Dich fromm an das Herze mein.
Thou ring on my finger,
my little golden ring,
I press thee piously upon lips,
piously upon my heart.
An meinem Herzen,
an meiner Brust
An meinem Herzen, an meiner Brust,
Du meine Wonne, du meine Lust!
Das Glück ist die Liebe,
die Lieb ist das Glück,
Ich hab's gesagt und nehm's
nicht zurück.
In my heart,
at my breast,
In my heart, at my breast
You, my joy and all that’s best;
To be happy is to love
And love is happiness –
I said that and believe it. Yes.
Hab überschwenglich
mich geschätzt
Bin überglücklich aber jetzt.
Nur die da säugt, nur die da liebt
Das Kind, dem sie die Nahrung giebt;
Nur eine Mutter weiß allein
Was lieben heißt und glücklich sein.
I thought myself the happiest on
earth, but I am happier now; for she
alone who feeds the child to whom
she’s given birth, only she knows
what the words love and happiness
are worth. So, I am sorry for all men
who cannot feel as mothers do.
O, wie bedaur' ich doch den Mann,
Der Mutterglück nicht fühlen kann!
Du lieber, lieber Engel, du
Du schauest mich an und
lächelst dazu!
My dearest angel, smiling as you rest,
In my heart and at my breast,
You my joy and all that’s best.
Summer Nicole Grier is currently a 5th year Music Ministry major
at Malone University with a minor in Art with an emphasis on
Photography. She is active in both the University Chorale as the
alto section leader, historian, and librarian, and Symphonic Band in
her second year as band president. Summer previously was
involved with the Malone Opera Theater, Women’s Chorus, and
Jazz Band. She studies voice with Melissa Sorohan and will
resume private conducting lessons with Dr. Jon Peterson in the fall.
Andrew Ferguson is currently a junior pursuing a Bachelor of
Science in Music Education with a choral emphasis at Malone
University. He is active in numerous ensembles at Malone
including Symphonic Band, University Chorale, Piano Ensemble,
and Men's Glee. Andrew studies piano, his primary instrument,
with Dr. Michael Benson, organ with Mark Thewes, and voice
with Rachael Pavloski.
Seth Kenyon is pursuing the Bachelor of Science in Music
Education with piano as his primary instrument at Malone
University. Seth attended Cuyahoga Community College where he
studied piano with Ms. Mi Kwon before transferring to Malone.
His applied teachers at Malone include Dr. Michael Benson
(piano), Mr. Mark Thewes (organ) and Mr. Peter Bush
(voice). Mr. Kenyon has toured with the Malone University
Chorale and Dr. Jon Peterson, Director of Choral Activities at
Malone, as well as internationally with the Malone University
Chamber Choir's recent tour of Italy. Seth plans to pursue graduate
music studies in composition and to further his piano studies. Mr.
Kenyon is from Garfield Heights, Ohio.
Joy Regimbal is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Arts with an
emphasis in Music Performance. Ms. Regimbal studies voice with
Cynthia Wohlschlager and is an active member of the Malone
University Chorale and the Malone University Chamber Choir
under the direction of Jon Peterson. She is also a member of the
Malone Opera Theatre under the direction of Cynthia
Wohlschlager. She studies violin with the Assistant Principal
Second Violinist of the Cleveland Orchestra, Eli Matthews. Before
starting at Malone, she was a part of the Akron Youth Symphony
for three seasons, under director Christopher Lees and Levi
Hammer. She was also part of the Cleveland Orchestra Youth
Orchestra under conductor James Feddeck for two seasons and
joined them on their inaugural tour of Europe.
Deanna Parks graduated from Mount Vernon Nazarene
University with a BA in Music Education with a piano emphasis.
She taught K-4 music for South Euclid - Lyndhurst city schools for
seven years. She also has taught at Weaver Child Development
Center and St. Joan of Arc School. Deanna was church
accompanist for many churches including Canton First Church of
the Nazarene and Willoughby Hills Evangelical Friends Church.
Deanna has accompanied high school choirs at Brush High School
and Glen Oak High School. Deanna is a collaborative artist for
Malone University’s Department of Music