LOCK DOWN procedure


LOCK DOWN procedure
Principals’ Training Center
PTCnet Survey Summary
Robert Tomalin
Colegio Gran Bretaña, COLOMBIA
See attached.
PTCnet survey
In the case of an immediate threat or danger on the school campus, EVERYONE
must seek cover immediately and await further instructions. The Messenger
System, or the Public Address system will be used to inform everyone to “take
On receiving the command or on hearing the siren to “take shelter”, all staff should
secure as best as possible their classrooms and office spaces for students and for
Make sure that doors are locked, lights are turned off and blinds are closed.
Students and staff should sit on the floor away from windows and doors and
remain silent until further directions. In every situation, teachers should use
common sense to shelter students in the classroom from an external threat.
Be patient, quiet and wait for further instructions.
Those who are outdoors or in an unprotected area should get to the nearest
enclosed space.
On becoming aware of a threat the Director shall immediately inform all
personnel to “Shelter in Place” through the use of public address system or
The Facilities Manager shall immediately contact campus areas not connected
through the public address system such as the campus apartments and the
The Director and/or Head of Security should immediately call the following to
request assistance:
RSO, US Embassy (24198675)
Chanakyapuri Police Station (2301-2003)
Police (Emergency) – 100
Principals remain in their respective offices and wait for further instruction from
the Director. All administrators should stay in contact through school extensions if
possible, keeping their cell phone line open for outside contact.
Lock all gates and remain in Guard Post.
Report movement of threat to Security Officer.
Await further instructions.
Emergency, Safety and Security Procedures Manual (Revised August 2014)
Classroom Lockdown (Imminent Danger OnCampus)
This action is taken when the threat of violence is identified on campus,
and it is necessary to prevent the perpetrator(s) from entering occupied
areas. During Lock Down, students are to remain in the classrooms or
designated locations at all times.
Possible Scenarios: Civil Disturbance, Threatening Intruder/Student/Staff
Member on Campus
1.The Director or Director Designee will make the decision to initiate
a lockdown by sounding 1 long burst of the school alarm.
2.If inside, teachers will instruct students to lie on the floor, lock doors or
obstruct entries with desk, and close any shades or blinds if it
appears safe to do so.
3.If outside, students will proceed to their classrooms if it is safe to do so.
If not, teachers or staff will direct students into nearby classrooms or
school buildings (e.g., performing arts center, library, gymnasium).
4.Teachers and students will remain in the classroom or secured area
until further instructions are given by the Director/Director Designee
or Security.
5.Teachers will report students who are absent and not on the absentee
list (via email or cell phone) to the Principal. The Principal will followup.
6.Teachers will report students who are in the classroom but not on their
class roster to the principal via email or cell phone. The Principal will
7.Security will lock the front entrances and no visitors other than
appropriate law enforcement or emergency personnel, have to be
allowed on campus.
Please note: If you notice suspicious individuals on campus, please
report a physical description and their whereabouts to the Main Office via
cell phone.
Crisis Response Plan
Dresden International School
Adapted from the KIBBS – Krisen-Interventions- und –Bewältigungsteam Bayerischer Schulpsychologinnen und Schulpsychologen
Important Phone Numbers
Wichtige Telefonnummern
Police / Polizei-Notruf:
Rescue Coordination Center & Fire Brigade / Notruf Feuerwehr:
Members of the School’s Crisis Response Team
Mitglieder des schulischen Krisenteams
Director / Leiter: Chrissie Sorenson
Medical / Beauftragte Medizinische Dienste: Joyce Larson
Security / Sicherheitsbeauftragte: Luise Heyne
Technology / Technologiebeauftragte: Jenn Janesko
Personel / Personalbeauftragte: Andrea Harnisch, Darija Hays, Evelyn Kuntzsch, Alex
von Hessen, Kerstin Wetzel
Parent Contact / Beauftragte Elternkontakt: Maria Rainelli, Kathleen Proppè
Counsellor / Schulpsychologe: Kerri Pack, Lilach Valfer
Advisor / Beratungslehrer: Steve Ellis, Tim Thomas
Pastoral Care / Seelsorger: Darren Acomb, Matthew Robinson, Heather Kavanagh
Objective Description
The safety and security of our students, especially in crisis situations, and also the resumption of normal classes are
the most important goals of this plan. The categories have been organized by degree of danger and the way in which
to respond:
Level 1: Measures within the responsibility of the school
Level 2: Measures, which require emergency call 110/112 or other assistance from outside of school, depending
upon degree of danger
Level 3: Regular cases of emergency call 110/112
In any case of danger, the members of the school crisis response team must be notified. Access to the school by the
public, and especially the Media, is to be restricted.
Sicherheit und Fürsorge in Krisensituationen, aber auch die Wiederherstellung eines normale Unterrichtsablaufes
sind die wichtigsten Ziele. Die Kategorien im Notfallplan sind eingeteilt nach dem Grad der Gefahr und der Art und
Weise, wie ihr zu begegnen ist:
Stufe 1: Maßnahmen in der Verantwortung der Schule
Stufe 2: Maßnahmen, die entweder den Notruf 110/112 erfordern oder andere außerschulische Hilfsdienste
beanspruchen, abhängig vom Grad der Gefährdung
Stufe 3: Notruf 110/112 als Regelfall
In Gefahrensituationen sind auf jeden Fall die verfügbaren Mitglieder des schulischen Krisenteams zu
benachrichtigen! Der Zugang der Öffentlichkeit und insbesondere der Medien zur Schule ist zu beschränken.
that are to be used in case of an emergency in communicating with personnel throughout the school (intercom, bullhorn, etc.)
Geben Sie den Krisenfall mit ruhiger Stimme bekannt.
Die Durchsage sollte kurz und prägnant sein.
Way out
Attention everyone on campus
We have a serious situation.
Stay in your classrooms and lock the doors.
The situation is being assessed. Stay calm
and wait for further instructions.
Do not use code words as these may not be known by everyone on campus.
die in der innerschulischen Kommunikation des Personals (Rundruf, Durchsage…) bei einem Notfall zu verwenden ist:
Geben Sie den Krisenfall mit ruhiger Stimme bekannt.
Die Durchsage sollte kurz und prägnant sein.
An alle Personen im Schulgebäude! Hier
spricht die Schulleitung!
Wir haben eine ernste Lage im
Bleiben Sie in den Klassenräumen und
schließen Sie die Türen ab!
Die Lage wird geklärt. Verhalten Sie sich ruhig
und warten Sie auf neue Anweisungen!
Keine Codewörter verwenden, da diese in der Regel nicht (mehr) allen Personen in der Schule bekannt sind.
Alcohol and Other Drugs / Harassment and Discrimination / Student is Missing / Loss of Power, Technical
Accident / Vandalism
Alkohol und andere Drogen / Belästigung und Diskriminierung / Schüler/in wird vermisst / Stromausfall,
technischer Unfall / Vandalismus
Alcohol and other Drugs
Measures taken by teachers
1. If a teacher suspects that a student is under the influence or in
possession of a banned substance, it must be immediately
reported to the responsible Principal and Director.
2. If a teacher knows about the possible abuse of drugs or alcohol
by a student, it should be discussed with the appropriate school
counselor. Next steps e.g. outside specialists to contact, should
be discussed.
Administrative Measures
1. Collaborative evaluation of the gravity of the occurrence and
assessment of additional help needed (e.g. police, child
protective services, counseling services…)
2. Identification of the students involved
3. Isolation of the students involved for questioning and
4. Notification of the parents/guardians
5. Discussion of the disciplinary consequences
6. Determination of the immediate and follow-up measures
7. Documentation of the incident / witness statements
Alkohol und andere Drogen
Maßnahmen der Lehrkraft / des Lehrpersonals
1. Wenn eine Lehrkraft den Verdacht hat, dass ein
Schüler/eine Schülerin unter dem Einfluss oder im Besitz
einer verbotenen Substanz steht, muss unverzüglich die
Schulleitung informiert werden.
2. Wenn eine Lehrkraft Kenntnis hat über möglichen
Drogen-bzw.Alkoholmissbrauch, sollte sie sich mit der
Schulpsychologe darüber austauschen und bezüglich
weiterer Schritte spezielle Fachkräfte konsultieren.
Administrative Maßnahmen der Schule
1. Gemeinsame Bewertung der Schwere des
Vorkommnisses und Einschätzung der benötigten
Hilfe (z.B. Polizei, Jugendamt, Beratungsstelle…)
2. Feststellung der beteiligten Personen
3. Isolierung der beteiligten Personen zur Befragung und
4. Benachrichtigung der Eltern/Erziehungsberechtigten
5. Erörterung von disziplinarischen Konsequenzen
6. Festlegung der sofortigen und Folgemaßnahmen
7. Dokumentieren des Vorkommnisses / der Zeugenaussagen
Belästigung / Diskriminierung
Harrassment / Discrimination
Verbale Drohungen, Erpressung, Schikanieren und
Mobbing, Bandenbildung und Einschüchterung
Verbal Threats, Blackmail, Bullying, Gangs and Intimidation
Measures taken by teachers
Maßnahmen der Lehrkraft / des Lehrpersonals
1. Assessment of the gravity of the incident and evaluation of the
assistance needed
2. Identification of the persons involved and de-escalation of the
situation through discussion
3. Documentation of the incident as soon as possible, pass on report
to appropriate Principal and Director
1. Bewertung der Intensität des Vorfalls und Einschätzung der
benötigten Hilfe
2. Feststellung der beteiligten Personen und De-Eskalierung der
Situation durch Ansprechen
3. Dokumentieren des Vorkommnisses sobald wie möglich,
Weiterleitung des Berichts an zuständige/r Schulleiter/in
Administrative Measures
Administrative Maßnahmen der Schule
Collaborative assessment of the gravity of the incident
Identification of the persons involved
If possible, written witness accounts
Discussion of disciplinary consequences
Decide whether authorities must be notified
Identification of immediate and follow-up measures if needed (Child
Protective Services, Counselor, Psychologist . . . )
7. Notification of parents/guardians
8. Report of incident including course of events and next steps
Gemeinsame Bewertung der Schwere des Vorfalls
Feststellung der beteiligten Personen
Wenn möglich, schriftliche Zeugenaussagen
Erörterung disziplinarischer Konsequenzen
Klärung darüber, ob eine Anzeige erfolgen soll
Festlegung von sofortigen und von Folgemaßnahmen,
falls nötig (Jugendamt, Psychologe…)
7. Benachrichtigung der Eltern/Erziehungsberechtigten
8. Bericht über Ablauf und Bewältigung des Vorkommnisses
Ein/e Schüler/in wird vermisst
Missing Student
Measures taken by teachers
Maßnahmen der Lehrkraft / des Lehrpersonals
1. If a student, who was in class, is missing, immediately contact the
school secretary
2. If the student returns, immediately inform the school secretary
3. For students who are not present at the beginning of class without
an excused absence, proceed as agreed (Staff handbook)
1. Wenn ein Schüler/eine Schülerin vermisst wird, die vorher
während des Unterrichts anwesend war, ist sofort das
Schulsekretariat zu verständigen
2. Wenn diese/r zurück kommt, muss sofort das Sekretariat darüber
informiert werden
3. Bei Schüler/inne/n, die zu Unterrichtsbeginn ohne vorliegende
Entschuldigung fehlen, ist wie vereinbart zu verfahren (Staff
Administrative Measures
1. Ask teachers and students whether student in question is really
missing. Follow up on unclear information
2. Sweep campus for missing student (Crisis Response Team)
3. Call for student over school’s intercom system, give name of
student to secretary
4. Check security cameras whether student has left campus
5. Inform parents/guardians
6. Include police in search early if deemed critical
7. Inform the Board
Administrative Maßnahmen der Schule
1. Bei Lehrerkräften und Schüler/inne/n erkundigen, ob
der/die Betreffende wirklich vermisst wird. Unsicheren
Informationen nachgehen
2. Das Schulgelände nach dem Vermissten absuchen (Notfallteam)
3. Den Namen des Vermissten über die Schul-Sprechanlage
bekannt geben, den Namen an das Sekretariat durchgeben
4. Durch Sicherheitskameras prüfen ob Schüler das Gelände
verlassen hat
5. Die Eltern/Erziehungsberechtigten der Vermissten telefonisch
6. Die Polizei angemessen und frühzeitig einbeziehen
7. Den Vorstand informieren
Loss of Power / Technical Accident
Stromausfall / Technischer Unfall
Measures taken by teachers
Maßnahmen der Lehrkraft / des Lehrpersonals
1. Teachers in the middle of lessons remain in their classrooms and
wait for further instructions
2. Teachers with free periods and other school staff report to the
reception / school secretary, where they will receive further
1. Die unterrichtenden Lehrkräfte bleiben in den Klassen und
erwarten weitere Anweisungen
2. Unterrichtsfreie Lehrkräfte und andere Angehörige des
Schulpersonals melden sich im Sekretariat, wo sie weitere
Anweisungen bekommen.
Maintenance responsibilities
Aufgaben des Hausmeisters der Schule
1. Identification of the extent of the technical trouble
2. Notification of the appropriate technical service
1. Feststellung des Ausmaßes der technischen Störung
2. Benachrichtigung der technischen Hilfsdienste
Administrative Measures
Administrative Maßnahmen der Schule
1. Contact maintenance; if personnel has been injured: follow proper
first aid protocol (possibly Emergency Services 112)
2. Collect information of responsible parties
3. Notification of incident to appropriate authority
4. Information tot he appropriate insurance carrier.
1. Kontakt mit dem Hausmeister aufnehmen; falls dieser beim
Unfall beeinträchtigt wurde: Weitere Hilfsmaßnahmen (evtl.
Notruf 112)
2. Sicherstellen der Information der Verantwortlichen
3. Benachrichtigung des zuständigen Amtes
4. Information des Schulaufwandsträgers
Maßnahmen der Lehrkraft / des Lehrpersonals
Measures taken by teachers
Assessment of the gravity of the incident
Determination of the assistance needed
Identification of the persons involved
Documentation of the incident and information from
Bewertung des Ausmaßes des Vorfalles
Bestimmung der benötigten Hilfe
Feststellung der beteiligten Personen
Dokumentieren des Vorkommnisses und Information des
Administrative Maßnahmen der Schule
Administrative Measures
1. Gemeinsame Bewertung der Schwere des
Vorkommnisses und Einshchätzung der benötigten Hilfe,
Sicherstellen von Beweisen, Fotos anfertigen
2. Benachrichtigung des Sachaufwandsträgers
3. Wenn möglich, Feststellung der beteiligten Personen
4. Wenn möglich, schriftliche Zeugenaussagen
5. Erörterung disziplinarischer Konsequenzen und anderer
6. Benachrichtigung und Einbeziehung der
7. Dokumentation
8. Festlegung einer Belohnung zur Aufklärung
9. Klärung der Entschädigungsfragen
1. Collaborative assessment of the gravity of the incident
and determination of the assistance needed, collect
evidence, take photos
2. Inform the appropriate insurance carrier
3. If possible, determine the persons involved
4. If possible, collect written witness statements
5. Discussion of disciplinary consequences and other
follow-up measures
6. Inform and include parents/guardians
7. Documentation of incident
8. Establish a reward for assistance in resolution
9. Clarification of restitution questions
Accidents, Death, Bomb Threat, Fights, Suicide Threat, Threat by Person
Unfälle, Todesfälle, Bombendrohung, Prügeleien, Suizid-Androhung, Bedrohung durch
Accident on campus
Unfall in der Schule
Measures taken by teachers
Maßnahmen der Lehrkraft / des Lehrpersonals
1. Evaluation and securing of accident location
2. Provision of first aid to victim
3. Call emergency services 110/112 (possibly mobile); ask responsible
students to request further asistance from closest teacher or
reception / school secretary
4. Secure victim in stable position (first aid) until medical help has
5. Inform person responsible for security (Crisis Response Team) and
6. Remove other students from the accident location and ensure
1. Einschätzung und Sicherung des Unfallortes
2. Versorgung der Unfallopfer
3. Notruf 110/112 anrufen (evtl. Handy!); vertrauenswürdigen
Schüler mit der Bitte um Hilfe an die nächste Lehrkraft oder
an Sekretariat schicken
4. Unfallopfer in der aufgefundenen Lage stabilisieren (Erste
Hilfe!), bis medizinisches Notfallpersonal eingetroffen ist
5. Sicherheitsbeauftragten und Schulleitung informieren
6. Übrige Schüler vom Unfallort wegbringen und Betreuung
sicher stellen
Administrative Measures
1. Inspection of the accident location to ensure the crisis response
team is at work
2. Supervice the calling of outside services
3. Inform the parents/guardians
Administrative Maßnahmen der Schule
1. Besichtigung des Unfallortes, um sicher zu stellen,
dass das Notfallteam im Einsatz ist
2. Kontrolle der Alarmierung der Hilfsdienste
3. Benachrichtigung der Eltern/Erziehungsberechtigten
Measures taken by teachers
Maßnahmen der Lehrkraft / des Lehrpersonals
1. Bewertung der Situation
2. Verantwortungsbewusste Person beauftragen, Notruf
110/112 anzurufen
3. Evtl. Reanimationsmaßnahmen durchführen (Erste Hilfe,
4. Zeugen suchen und auffordern, vor Ort zu bleiben
5. Notfallteam benachrichtigen (z.B. Durchsage-Code: „Medical
6. Ort sichern
7. Vorkommnis sobald wie möglich dokumentieren
Assessment of the situation
Ask responsible person to call emergency services 110/112
Possibly attempt reanimation measures (first aid, AED)
Look for witnesses and ask to remain at location
Inform emergency crisis response team (e.g. intercom: “Medical
6. Secure area
7. Document incident as soon as possible
Administrative Measures
Administrative Maßnahmen der Schule
Ensure that emergency services have been contacted
Identify students / persons who may need counseling
Activate emergency crisis response team
Secure and cordon-off location
Collect evidence
Inform the Board
Discuss follow-up measures; coordinate counseling
1. Sicher stellen, dass Notruf aktiviert wurde
2. Schüler / Personen identifizieren, die möglicherweise
psychischen Beistand benötigen
3. Notfallteam aktivieren
4. Ort sichern und abschirmen
5. Beweise sicherstellen
6. Den Vorstand informieren
7. Folgemaßnahmen erörtern; Fürsorge und Nachsorge
Bomb Threat
Measures taken by the recipient of the threat / teachers
Administrative Measures
1. Attempt to gain as many details from the caller and document
them. Try to get help, while on the line with the caller. Do not
interrupt the caller except to ask the following questions:
 When will the bomb explode?
 Where is the bomb?
 What does it look like?
 What kind of bomb is it?
 What will make it explode?
 Why are you doing this?
 Where are you calling from?
2. Do not hang up the phone. Try to alert the police from another
3. Assess the urgency and inform the administration and the
emergency crisis response team (e.g. activate evacuation)
4. Describe the call:
 Origin of call (local, long-distance, internal, mobile . . .)
 Description of the voice (male, female, estimated age, accent,
tone, other characteristics)
 Did the caller seem to know the campus
 Was there background noise
 Any other important comments
1. Call emergency services 110/112 and report the bomb threat
2. Contact the Board
3. The Director, police and fire department must determine
together the urgency of the situation and whether the building
must be evacuated
4. If an evacuation is determined as necessary, immediately begin
evacuation procedure
5. If the building is not to be evacuated:
 Maintenance and emergency crisis response team shall
search the building for suspicious objects
 If nothing is found after a thorough search, classes resume
as normal.
 If any suspicious items are found, evacuation procedure is
immediately implemented
6. A report is written and sent to the Board
7. Further consequences discussed with operation control
Maßnahmen des Empfängers der Drohung / der Lehrkraft / des
Administrative Maßnahmen der Schule
1. Den Anrufer möglichst um genaue Aussagen bitten und diese
aufschreiben. Versuchen, noch während des Anrufes Hilfe zu
bekommen. Den Anrufer nicht unterbrechen, außer, um folgende
Fragen zu stellen:
 Wann wird die Bombe explodieren?
 Wo ist die Bombe?
 Wie sieht sie aus?
 Was für eine Bombe ist es?
 Wie wird sie zur Explosion gebracht?
 Warum tun Sie das?
 Wer sind Sie?
 Von woher rufen Sie an?
2. Das Telefon nicht wieder auflegen, sondern möglichst von einem
anderen Apparat aus die Polizei alarmieren.
3. Bewertung der Dringlichkeit und Benachrichtigung der Verwaltung
und des Notfallteams (z.B. Evakuierung)
4. Beschreibung des Anrufs:
 Herkunft des Anrufs (örtlich, Ferngespräch, Hausruf, Mobil…)
 Beschreibung der Stimme (männlich, weiblich, geschätztes
 Akzent, Tonfall, andere Charakteristika)
 Schien der Anrufer die örtlichen Gegebenheiten zu kennen?
 Gab es Hintergrundgeräusche?
 Weitere wichtige Bemerkungen?
1. Polizei 110 anrufen und Bombendrohung melden
2. Vorstand kontaktieren
3. Schulleitung, Polizei und Feuerwehr sind verpflichtet, sich
gegenseitig sofort zu informieren bzw. sich über die
Ernsthaftigkeit der Drohung zu beraten und evtl. das Gebäude
zu evakuieren
4. Wenn die Evakuierung beschlossen ist, sofort alle Maßnahmen
dafür ergreifen
5. Wenn das Gebäude nicht evakuiert werden soll:
 Der Hausmeister und andere Helfer suchen das Gebäude
nach verdächtigen Objekten ab.
 Wenn nach einer sorgfältigen Durchsuchung nichts
gefunden wird, wird der Unterricht normal weiter geführt.
 Wenn irgendwelche verdächtige Objekte gefunden werden,
wird sofort der Evakuierungsplan in Kraft gesetzt.
6. Ein Bericht wird an den Vorstand gegeben.
7. Weitere Konsequenzen mit der Einsatzleitung absprechen
Suicide Threat
Suizid –Androhung
Measures taken by teachers
Maßnahmen der Lehrkraft / des Lehrpersonals
Generally all suicide threats are to be taken seriously and reported to
the Director
Generell gilt: Alle Androhungen ernst nehmen und weiterleiten an die
Assessment of the degree of danger:
Bewertung des Grades der Gefahr:
Degree A: Marginal threat (rumor or hearsay)
Grad A: Geringfügige Androhung (Gerücht oder Hörensagen)
1. Immediate discussion with advisor, counselor, possible phone
conversation with expert services
2. Discussion and decision of degree of danger
3. Contact parents/guardians in order to share impressions
4. Discuss recommendations and source of the information
1. Sofortiges Gespräch mit einer Beratungsfachkraft
(Betreuungslehrer, Schulpsychologe, Telefonat mit Fachdienst)
2. Beratung und Entscheidungsfindung
3. Kontakt mit Erziehungsberechtigten, um Eindrücke
4. Empfehlungen und die Quelle der Information diskutieren
Degree B: Moderate threat (the person needs psychological care
within a suitable time period)
Grad B: Mittelschwere Androhung (die Person braucht innerhalb
einer angemessenen Zeit psychologische Betreuung)
1. Immediate discussion with advisor, counselor, possible phone
conversation with expert services
2. Discussion and decision of degree of danger
3. Contact parents/guardians in order to share impressions
4. Work together with parents/guardians and experts to secure
suitable support
5. Receive permission from parents/guardians to release necessary
information to the support personnel
6. Inform the source of the information, that the case is being
pursued further
1. Sofortiges Gespräch mit einer Beratungsfachkraft
(Betreuungslehrer, Schulpsychologe, Telefonat mit Fachdienst)
2. Beratung und Entscheidungsfindung
3. Kontakt mit Erziehungsberechtigten, um Eindrücke
4. Zusammenarbeit mit Erziehungsberechtigten und Experten, um
eine angemessene Betreuung zu sichern
5. Genehmigung der Erziehungsberechtigten einholen für die
Weitergae der notwendigen Informationen an die Betreuer
6. Die Quelle der Informationen informieren, um sicher zu stellen,
dass der Fall nachhaltig verfolgt worden ist
Degree C: Acute threat (the person is at acute risk of harming
1. Do not leave the person alone, alert the crisis response team
2. Immediate discussion with advisor, counselor, possible phone
conversation with expert services
3. Protect person from curious onlookers
4. Contact parents/guardians and the police
5. Demand immediate meeting with parents/guardians
6. Provide assistance with parental decisions regarding next steps,
7. Inform the source of the information, that the case is being
pursued further
Grad C: Akute Androhung (die Person ist in akuter Gefahr, sich zu
1. Die Person nicht ohne Aufsicht lassen, das Notfallteam
2. Sofortige Beratung mit einer Fachkraft (s.o.)
3. Abschirmung der Person vor neugierigen anderen Personen
4. Kontakt mit Erziehungsberechtigten und der Polizei
5. Forderung nach einem sofortigen Gespräch mit
6. Diesen Entscheidungshilfe geben und ggf. bei Schritten weiterer
Beratung unterstützen
7. Die Quelle der Informationen informieren, um sicher zu stellen,
dass der Fall nachhaltig verfolgt worden ist
Threat by Person inside the Building
Bedrohung durch Person innerhalb des Gebäudes
Measures taken by teachers
Maßnahmen der Lehrkraft / des Lehrpersonals
1. Inform the reception / school secretary, describe the location and
actions of the person
2. Secure classrooms, student safety
3. Once classroom is secure, assess threat and decide how
necessary immediate action is
Administrative Measures
1. Sekretariat informieren, Person und ihren Aufenthaltsort sowie
ihre Handlung beschreiben
2. Klassenräume / Schüler/innen sichern
3. Wenn der Klassenraum gesichert ist, Bedrohung beurteilen
und feststellen, wie notwendig sofortiges Eingreifen ist
Administrative Maßnahmen der Schule
1. Discuss the extent of necessary measures
2. Activate the crisis response team
3. During the time of the threat, possibly announce code level („Code
Red: Lockdown“)
4. Call police 110/112, if possible, agree on access point to building
5. Localize the threatening person and assess the situation (security
6. One member of crisis response team awaits arrival of police and
informs them of current situation
7. Once situation is under control, give all clear signal
8. Inform the Board
1. Das Ausmaß der notwendigen Maßnahmen gemeinsam
2. Notfallteam aktivieren
3. Während der Bedrohungssituation evtl. Code-Durchsage („Code
Red: Lockdown“)
4. Polizei über 110 anrufen, wenn möglich bestimmten
Gebäudezugang verabreden
5. Die Person, von der die Bedrohung ausgeht, lokalisieren und
die Situation beurteilen (Sicherheitskamera)
6. Mitglied des Notfallteams erwartet die Polizei und weist sie ein
7. Wenn die Situation unter Kontrolle ist, Entwarnung geben
8. Den Vorstand benachrichtigen
Bedrohung durch Person außerhalb des Gebäudes
Threat by Person outside the Building
Measures of teachers
Maßnahmen der Lehrkraft / des Lehrpersonals
1. Determine the degree of threat, send responsible person with
specific directions to the school secretary / receptionist
2. Undertake safety measures for students, begin giving directions
(e.g. „Get inside the building! Move to another area! Get under
cover! Get down! . . .“)
3. Take the students into the building as soon as it is safe to do so
4. Stay in the classroom until the all clear is given
1. Grad der Bedrohung bestimmen, vertrauenswürdige Person
mit genauen Anweisungen in das Sekretariat schicken
2. Maßnahmen für die Sicherheit der Schüler/innen treffen, Kontrolle
übernehmen und Anweisungen erteilen (z.B. „Betretet das
Gebäude! Wechselt den Aufenthaltsort! Geht in Deckung! Werft
euch auf den Boden! …“)
3. Die Schüler/innen in das Schulgebäude bringen, sobald es sicher
4. In den Klassenräumen bleiben, bis Entwarnung gegeben wird
Administrative Measures
1. Discuss the extent of necessary measures
2. During the time of the threat, possibly announce code level („Code
Red: Lockdown“)
3. Call the police (110/112)
4. Activate the crisis response team
5. Await police, describe the person as well as their last known
6. Once situation is under control, give all clear signal
7. Inform Board
Administrative Maßnahmen der Schule
1. Das Ausmaß der notwendigen Maßnahmen gemeinsam
2. Während Gefahrensituation evtl. Durchsage („Code Red:
3. Polizei anrufen (110/112)
4. Notfallteam aktivieren
5. Polizei erwarten, Beschreibung der Person sowie Angabe ihres
letzten Aufenthaltsortes
6. Wenn die Situation unter Kontrolle ist, Entwarnung durchgeben
7. Den Vorstand informieren
Measures taken by teachers
Maßnahmen der Lehrkraft / des Lehrpersonals
1. Assess the difficulty of the situation, call closest help
2. Stay at the location of the incident, take the control,
demand that the fighting stop immediately
3. Send responsible person to reception / school secretary
to get help
4. Possibly apply first aid
5. Document incident as soon as possible
1. Bewertung der Schwierigkeit der Situation,
nächstmögliche Hilfe in Anspruch nehmen
2. Am Ort des Geschehens bleiben, Kontrolle übernehmen,
ausdrückliche Anweisung geben, die Prügelei zu stoppen
3. Vertrauenswürdige Person zum Sekretariat schicken, um
Hilfe zu holen
4. Evtl. Erste Hilfe leisten
5. Vorkommnis sobald wir möglich dokumentieren
Administrative Measures
1. Assess the gravity of the situation and decide what help
is needed (e.g. police, child protective services . . .)
2. Identify the persons involved
3. Determine the necessary medical assistance needed;
watch for possible internal injuries
4. Inform crisis response team
5. Inform school counselor
6. Discuss disciplinary consequences together
7. Inform parents/guardians and call into school for meeting
8. Establish the immediate and follow-up consequences
9. Document the incident for the files
Administrative Maßnahmen der Schule
1. Bewertung der Schwere des Vorkommnisses un
Bestimmen der Art der Benötigten Hilfe (z.B. Polizei,
2. Identifizierung der beteiligten Personen
3. Bestimmen der erforderlichen medizinischen Hilfe, auf
inner Verletzungen achten
4. Notfallteam informieren
5. Sculpsychologen informieren
6. Disziplinarische Konsequenzen gemeinsam besprechen
7. Erziehungsberechtigte informieren und zum Gespräch
8. Festlegen der unmittelbaren und der Folgemaßnahmen
9. Vorkommnis für die Akten documentieren
ALWAYS CALL 110 / 112
Explosion, Fire, Water Intrusion, Flooding, Gas Leak, Kidnapping, Medical Emergency,
Sexual Assault, Shooting, Guns on Campus, Amok, Storms
IMMER NOTRUF 110 / 112
Explosion, Feuer, Wassereinbruch, Hochwasser, Gasaustritt, Entführung, Medizinischer
Notfall, Sexueller Übergriff, Schießerei, Schusswaffen auf dem Schulgelände, Amok,
Measures taken by teachers
Maßnahmen der Lehrkraft / des Lehrpersonals
Pull fire alarm
Follow procedures for fire evacuation
Close doors and windows, turn off lights
Go directly to meeting place and determine attendance
Report missing students
Wait for further instructions
Reenter building only when all clear has been given
Feuermelder und Alarm betätigen
Die für Brandfälle festgelegten Maßnahmen ergreifen:
Türen und Fenster schließen; die Beleuchtung ausschalten
Sammelplätze aufsuchen und vollständige Anwesenheit
5. Fehlende Schüler/innen melden
6. Weitere Anweisungen abwarten
7. Das Schulgebäude erst betreten, wenn Entwarnung gegeben
worden ist
Administrative Measures
1. Begin evacuation of buildings by pulling alarm
2. Call 112 and, if possible, give specific details on location of
3. Support and supervise evacuation
4. Coordinate and help with the search of missing students and/or
other persons
5. When necessary, give the all clear
6. Inform the Board
Administrative Maßnahmen der Schule
Durch Auslösen des Alarms die Evakuierung veranlassen
112 anrufen und, wenn möglich, genaue Brandstelle angeben
Evakuierung unterstützen und kontrollieren
Hilfe bei der Suche nachvermissten Schüler/inne/n und
anderen Personen koordinieren
5. Wenn erforderlich, Entwarnung geben
6. Den Vorstand informieren
Measures taken by teachers
Maßnahmen der Lehrkraft / des Lehrpersonals
Feuermelder und Alarm betätigen
Die für Brandfälle festgelegten Maßnahmen ergreifen
Wenn möglich und sicher: Feuerlöscher einsetzen
Sekretariat und, falls angebracht, 112 (über Handy) informieren
Türen und Fesnter schließen, Licht ausschalten
Sammelplätze aufsuchen und vollständige Anwesenheit
7. Fehlende Schüler/innen melden
8. Weitere Anweisungen abwarten
9. Das Schulgebäude erst betreten, wenn Entwarnung gegeben
worden ist
Pull fire alarm
Follow procedures for fire evacuation
If possible and safe: use fire extinguisher
Inform reception / school secretary, and if necessary, call 112 (via
Close doors and windows, turn off lights
Go directly to meeting place and determine attendance
Report missing students
Wait for further instructions
Reenter building only when all clear has been given
Administrative Measures
Administrative Maßnahmen der Schule
1. Begin evacuation of buildings by pulling alarm
2. Call 112 and, if possible, give specific details on location of
3. Support and supervise evacuation
4. Coordinate and help with the search of missing students and/or
other persons
5. When the fire has been extinguished, support the fire department
6. When necessary, give the all clear
7. Inform the Board
Durch Auslösen des Alarms die Evakuierung veranlassen
112 anrufen und, wenn möglich, genaue Brandstelle angeben
Evakuierung unterstützen und kontrollieren
Hilfe bei der Suche nachvermissten Schüler/inne/n und
anderen Personen koordinieren
5. Wenn das Feuer gelöscht ist, Feuerwehr weiter unterstützen
6. Wenn erforderlich, Entwarnung geben
7. Den Vorstand informieren
Water Intrusion
Measures taken by teachers
Maßnahmen der Lehrkraft / des Lehrpersonals
1. Be prepared to evacuate if directed to do so
2. Keep people away from water or flooded areas
1. Auf Evakuierung vorbereitet sein, wenn dazu Anweisung
gegeben wird
2. Personen von Wasser und/oder wasserüberfluteten Stellen
Administrative Measures
Get an overview of the situation
Contact the fire department
Involve the insurance carrier and the city works
Cordon off the effected area
Possibly give the all clear
Administrative Maßnahmen der Schule
Measures taken by teachers
1. Be prepared to evacuate if directed to do so
2. Evacuate at a safe place
3. Keep people away from water or flooded areas
Maßnahmen der Lehrkraft / des Lehrpersonals
1. Auf Evakuierung vorbereitet sein, wenn dazu Anweisung
gegeben wird
2. An sichere Stelle evakuieren
3. Personen von Wasser überfluteten Stellen fernhalten
Administrative Measures
Überblick verschaffen
Kontakt mit Feuerwehr aufnehmen
Sachaufwandsträger und Stadtwerke einschalten
Die betroffene Stelle absperren
Evtl. Entwarnung geben
Get an overview of the situation
Implement evacuation procedure
Secure safe meeting place and inform all
Contact the authorities
Cordon off the effected areas
Inform the Board
Administrative Maßnahmen der Schule
Überblick verschaffen
Evakuierung über Durchsage anordnen
Sichere Sammelplätze festlegen und bekannt geben
Kontakt mit Behörden herstellen
Betroffene Stellen absperren
6. Den Vorstand informieren
Gas Leak
Measures taken by teachers
Maßnahmen der Lehrkraft / des Lehrpersonals
Evacuate the affected area
Avoid all electric contacts, do not use mobile phones
Pull fire alarm a safe distance from the suspected gas leak
Inform the appropriate Principal and the Director
If the gas shut off valve is within reach, turn it off
1. Das betroffene Gebiet evakuieren
2. Alle elektrischen Kontakte meiden, Handys nicht betätigen
3. Feuermelder an einer Stelle betätigen, die sich in sicherer
Entfernung von dem vermuteten Gasaustritt befindet
4. Schulleitung informieren
5. Wenn Gasabsperrventil erreichbar: Gas absperren
Administrative Measures
Contact maintenance
Implement evacuation, if necessary by going door-to-door
Call help 112
Inform the gas company
Reenter the building when given the all clear by the authorities
Inform the Board and the insurance carrier
Administrative Maßnahmen der Schule
Mit dem Hausmeister Kontakt aufnehmen
Evakuierung notfalls durch Tür-zu-Tür-Information durchführen
über 112 Hilfe anfordern
Gasversorger informieren
Gebäude erst wieder betreten, wenn die Behörden es
freigegeben haben
6. Vorstand und Sachaufwandsträger informieren
Measures taken by teachers
Maßnahmen der Lehrkraft / des Lehrpersonals
1. If a student that was present during lessons is reported missing,
inform the receptionist / school secretary
2. If the missing student returns, inform the receptionist / school
1. Wenn eine Schülerin / ein Schüler, die/der während der
Unterrichtszeit anwesend war, als vermisst gemeldet wird, das
Sekretariat informieren
2. Wenn die vermisste Person wieder eintrifft, ebenfalls
Information geben
Administrative Measures
Administrative Maßnahmen der Schule
Ask teachers and students where the student was last seen
Sweep campus for missing student (Crisis Response Team)
Call for student over school’s intercom system
Check security cameras whether student has left campus
Call the police (110 / 112)
Inform parents/guardians that police have been notified
Inform the Board
When police arrive, inform of all relevant facts
If the student is found, immediately inform parents/guardians and
the police
1. Sich bei Lehrkräften und Schüler/inne/n informieren, wo
der/die Vermisste zuletzt gesehen worden ist
2. Schule und Gelände nach der vermissten Person absuchen
3. Namen des/r Vermissten über Durchsage bekannt geben
4. Sicherheitskamera prüfen ob Schuler/innen das Gelände
verlassen hat
5. Polizei benachrichtigen (110 / 112)
6. Erziehungsberechtigte anrufen und darüber informieren,
dass die Polizei benachrichtigt wurde
7. Den Vorstand informieren
8. Wenn die Polizei eintrifft, über alle relevanten Fakten
9. Wenn der/die Vermisste gefunden wird,
Erziehungsberechtigte und Polizei informieren
Medical Emergency
Measures taken by teachers
Medizinischer Notfall
1. Get an overview of the accident location
2. Once secure, go to the accident victim and get an idea of the
seriousness of the injury
3. Call 110 / 112 or ask a responsible student to get help from the
closest teacher or reception / school secretary
4. Secure victim in a stable position and administer first aid;
CPR/AED if trained
5. Keep onlookers at a safe distance
6. Document the incident
Maßnahmen der Lehrkraft / des Lehrpersonals
1. Sich über die Unfallstelle einen Überblick verschaffen
2. Wenn die Unfallstelle gesichert ist, zum Unfallopfer gehen und
sich von der Schwere der Verletzung ein Bild machen
3. 110 /112 anrufen oder eine/n vertrauenswürdige/n Schüler/in
mit der Bitte um Hilfe an den nächsten Lehrer oder an das
Sekretariat schicken
4. Das Opfer in eine stabile Lage bringen und Erste Hilfe leisten;
Herz-Lungen-Wiederbelebung/AED, wenn dazu ausgebildet
5. Schaulustige auf Distanz halten
6. Vorkommnis dokumentieren
Administrative Measures
Possibly give the „Medical Alert“
Ensure that emergency help has been notified
Inform the medical person on the crisis response team
Go to the accident location and offer assistance if needed
Inform parents/guardians
Inform the Board
Document incident for the files
Administrative Maßnahmen der Schule
Evtl. Durchsage „Medizinischer Alarm!“ geben
Sicher stellen, dass Rettungskräfte alarmiert sind
Medizinischen Beauftragten des Notfallteams aktivieren
Zur Unfallstelle gehen und sich zur Hilfe bereit halten
Erziehungsberechtigte informieren
Den Vorstand informieren
Vorkommnis für die Akten dokumentieren
Sexual Assault
Sexueller Übergriff
Measures taken be teachers
Maßnahmen der Lehrkraft / des Lehrpersonals
Protect the victim and call for same-gender counselor or advisor
Investigate the incident and implement the necessary next steps
Inform the Director
Remain with the victim until the Director or his/her designate
1. Das Opfer abschirmen und für Betreuung durch
gleichgeschlechtliche Vertrauensperson sorgen
2. Das Vorkommnis untersuchen und erforderliche Handlungen
3. die Schulleitung informieren
4. beim Opfer bleiben, bis Vertreter der Schulleitung erscheinen
Administrative Measures
Administrative Maßnahmen der Schule
1. If necessary, administer first aid and call medical services
2. Request assistance from Police
3. Find a safe place for the victim and ask an adult to keep the
public out
4. Inform the Board
5. Document the incident for the files
1. Falls notwendig, Erste Hilfe leisten und medizinische
Hilfsdienste alarmieren
2. Polizeiliche Hilfe anfordern
3. Für das Opfer einen abgeschirmten Platz finden und
durch einen Erwachsenen von der Öffentlichkeit
4. Den Vorstand informieren
5. Vorkommnis für die Akten dokumentieren
Measures taken by teachers
Maßnahmen der Lehrkraft / des Lehrpersonals
1. If a shot is heard, tell students and staff to find cover
2. Determine perpetrator and location
3. Care for safety of students, take control and give directions (be
4. Call 110/112 (mobile): give the exact location, access and
seriousness of the threat
5. Inform the reception / school secretary (mobile, if necessary) and
possibly give warning “Code Red!”
6. Pay attention to any changes in the seriousness of the situation
7. Look for injured and check attendance
8. Find a safe place for all until the all clear is given
1. Wenn Schuss zu hören ist, Schüler/innen und Personal
anweisen, sich Deckung zu suchen
2. Verursacher und Stelle lokalisieren
3. Für Sicherheit der Schüler/innen sorgen, Kontrolle
übernehmen und Verhaltensanweisungen erteilen („autoritär“
4. 110 (Handy) alarmieren: genauen Ort, genauen
Zugang und Gefährdungslage durchgeben
5. Sekretariat informieren (notfalls Handy!) und evtl. Durchsage
„Code Red!“
6. Aufmerksam Veränderungen der Gefahrenlage beachten
7. Nach Verletzten suchen und/oder Anwesenheit der
Schüler/innen überprüfen
8. Für alle Personen einen sicheren Ort suchen, bis
„Entwarnung!“ gegeben wird
Administrative Measures
Ensure that police have been called
Implement appropriate alarm (e.g. “Lockdown!”)
Activate the crisis response team
Inform the Board
Be available for and cooperate with the operation control
Begin telephone tree for parents and organize meeting spot, away
from students
7. After the operation: discuss follow-up measures with crisis
response team
Administrative Maßnahmen der Schule
1. Sicher stellen, dass Polizei angefordert wurde
2. Entsprechende Alarmierung im Schulgebäude veranlassen
(z.B. “Lockdown!”)
3. Notfallteam aktivieren
4. Den Vorstand informieren
5. Für Einsatzleitung erreichbar sein und mit ihr kooperieren
6. Eltern durch Telefonkette benachrichtigen und für
Sammelplatz (getrennt von Schülern) sorgen
7. Nach dem Einsatz: mit Notfallteam Folgemaßnahmen
Schusswaffen auf Schulgelände
Guns on Campus
Maßnahmen der Lehrkraft / des Lehrpersonals
Measures taken by teachers
Die Situation prüfen und die Art der benötigten Hilfe bestimmen
Falls nötig, Tel. 110 / 112 rufen
Sekretariat informieren
Versuchen, potentielle gewaltsame Handlungen durch
Deeskalation zu verhindern
5. Für Schutz der Schüler/innen sorgen
6. Wenn die Person nicht kooperiert, Reaktions-Alternativen
 Isolieren
 Separieren
 Die Räumlichkeiten evakuieren
 Gebäude verschließen
Investigate the situation and decide on the type of help needed
If necessary, call 110 / 112
Inform the reception / school secretary
Attempt to de-escalate potential violent actions
Provide protection for the students
If the person does not cooperate, choose alternative reactions:
 Isolate
 Separate
 Evacuate the room
 Lock the buildings
Administrative Measures
Administrative Maßnahmen der Schule
1. If necessary, communicate “Code Red: Lockdown!”
2. Ensure that 110 / 112 has been called; if possible indicate where
to access building
3. Determine who will communicate with police
4. Activate crisis response team (help to de-escalate)
5. Inform the Board
6. Go to the location of the incident
7. Give the all clear, when the situation is under control
8. Inform parents either through telephone tree or (afterwards)
through a letter
9. Discuss and determine disciplinary measures
10. Document the incident
1. Evtl. mit Durchsage „Code Red: Lockdown!“ Anweisungen
2. Sicher stellen, dass 110 alarmiert ist; möglichst
Gebäudeeingang angeben
3. Jemanden bestimmen, der die Polizei einweist
4. Notfallteam aktivieren (Hilfe bei Deeskalation)
5. Den Vorstand informieren
6. An den Ort des Geschehens gehen
7. Entwarnung durchgeben, wenn die Situation unter Kontrolle ist
8. Erziehungsberechtigte durch Telefonkette oder (danach)
druch Brief informieren
9. Gemeinsam disziplinarische Maßnahmen festlegen
10. Vorkommnis dokumentieren
The signal for an evacuation is a long continuous ring of an electric bell or
in the event of a power failure, announcements made through the
Teachers line up the students and immediately leave the classroom in single file. The students
may bring no school bags or any other personal items out of the classroom. Order and silence
during evacuation procedures should always be maintained at all times.
Students and teachers should take the shortest route to an evacuation area away from the
danger zone as indicated in the Emergency Evacuation Plan.
Students at evacuation sites are grouped by homerooms and attendance is checked by the
Homeroom Teacher. The Homeroom teacher/subject teacher should inform the Principal
immediately if a student is missing from his/her class. Classroom teachers who have students
who evacuate to an area separate from the students’ homeroom must inform the Principal so
that their attendance can be checked via radio.
Security and maintenance personnel should be spread out across the school to switch off
electricity, close the doors, and clear the bathrooms before proceeding to an evacuation site.
Security guards manage the gates, not allowing any students or outsiders to enter or exit the
school. They will open the gates and clear the school driveway for fire trucks, ambulances or
other emergency vehicles.
The school nurse is to set up a first aid station in the Dragon’s Dome or at an alternative venue
if required. Students may only return to classes when instructed to do so by the School
Superintendent. Students will return to classes as quickly as possible. Classes should resume
immediately after the all clear has been given.
When the time or situation warrants the suspension of classes, the Superintendent seeks
whatever communication channels are available at the time of the emergency. In this event, the
students are released only to their parents, guardians or authorized persons.
The earthquake drill differs from the normal evacuation drill in the following manner:
During an earthquake all people on campus should move away from glass windows and take
cover under tables or desks. Otherwise everyone must remain calm and stationary and must not
move during the earthquake.
Following the Earthquake:
All people on campus should follow instructions from the PA system or megaphones. If there
are no instructions, they must wait until the major tremors subside then, following the
emergency evacuation plan, proceed to the nearest safe, evacuation rally point.
The lockdown signal is an alternating siren sound.
On hearing the lockdown signal everyone is to stay where they are. Classroom teachers are to:
Quickly glance outside the room to direct any students or staff members in the hall into their
room immediately. Lock the door and lower or close any blinds. Guide students to the “safe
corner’ so that the intruder cannot see them looking in the door. Turn out lights and computer
monitors and keep students silent.
Physical education classes being held in the gym should move into a locker room. Any students
in the cafeterias should move to the nearest classrooms. If students and teachers are outside
the school building, they should stop, drop, and remain still. You will be directed where to
relocate depending on the situation. If teachers or students are in the bathrooms, they should
move to a stall, lock it and stand on the toilet. Anyone in the hallway should move to the closest
classroom immediately. Office staff/janitors/cafeteria workers should stay in the area they are in,
secure the doors, and turn out the lights.
Stay in safe areas and never open doors during a lockdown, unless hearing an announcement
over the intercom or hearing the all-clear signal.
American School of Guatemala
General Evacuation Procedures in High School Section
(Update version August 2013)
In the event of an emergency in which students must move away from the classroom areas, the following
procedures should be followed to evacuate any of the designated areas.
Preparation: In each classroom, there is a poster with the HS map. Each teacher will receive a red folder
that has the evacuation procedures and evacuation map. It is the responsibility of each teacher to review
the Emergency Manual or any additional information about emergency procedures.
Signal to leave rooms: An alarm will be sounded to indicate that teachers must lead students in the
following procedures and exit the rooms. However, in the case that there is no electricity, then either a
whistle will be blown or announcements made verbally to signal the need to exit the rooms.
Duck and cover: Teachers and students should take cover underneath tables and count to 60 before
leaving the room.
Leaving the room: Teachers will ask that students quietly and orderly stand up and in a single file leaving
the classroom. The teacher in charge of the group is responsible for bringing the red Emergency folder and
ensuring that the doors remain closed, but not locked. Any teachers with planning periods or in meetings
must participate in the evacuation as well. Students must walk in single file lines, according to the
evacuation route, to the designated location. Everyone must cover their heads with their hands while
Evacuation Routes : specific evacuation routes have been established. Students at the swimming pool,
auditorium, music classes, library, medical clinic, counselor department, should follow the teachers’
instruction to the designated area.
Designated meeting area: Softball Field.
All subject teachers must stay with the assigned section.
Attendance: On a daily bases, the secretaries will file a copy of the staff and student attendance
summaries in the Emergency Folder.
At the softball field, Karen Miranda will receive the student’s attendance report, by the grade level
coordinator. Thelma de Juarez will walk around to check the staff attendance.
Counselors will help with the groups, to maintain calm and orderly behavior. Should a student or staff
member begin to overreact, the counselors will be responsible for isolating the individual from the group ad
begin crisis management procedures.
Teachers and students should wait in SILENCE for instructions from the Principal.
Individual Responsibilities:
Karen Miranda
Thelma de Juarez
Myrna Hernandez
Zoila Noriega
Magda de Pérez
Dora de Marroquín
Jembli Miranda
Mabel de Moreno
Manoela Cano
Dagen Bendxen
Edward Langlais
Office radio and emergency folder (students and staff list)
Megaphone and Emergency contacts binder, HS Office, teachers’ room
silla de ruedas
Library Boys and Girls restrooms
CE25, CE-46, auditorium restrooms, CE13, CE14, CE15, MS Cafeteria
CE3, CE4, CE5, HS Cafetería, 17-S, 16-S, 15-S, 14-S, restrooms 13-S
rooms 1-S, 2-S, 3-S, 4-S, 5-S, 6-S, 7-S, boys restrooms.
rooms 18-S, 19-S, 20-S, 21-S, 22-S, 23-S, and 24-S.
8-S, 9-S, 10-S, 11-S, 12-S)
Art rooms.
go straight to the baseball field
The Emergency Committee has established various phases to the school’s
emergency procedures.
Phase 1: Evacuation from buildings:
Phase 2: Students meet at a specific area:
Phase 3: School Evacuation with Parents help:
General Instructions for Emergency Procedure:
a. General instructions will be given at all times in Spanish and afterwards in English.
b. During the evacuation drills, all people located inside the school at that time are required to participate.
Procedures for phase 1: Evacuation from buildings
A. The drill or emergency will begin when the designated signal sounds.
B. School community will follow the established emergency procedure:
a. Duck and cover for 60 seconds
b. Leave the areas quickly with hands on your head
c. Walk to your designated area:
Early Childhood:
parking lot in front of the ES ICT lab
Elementary School:
green area in front of Elementary School
Middle School and High School:
Softball field
C. Once you have arrived to the designated area:
a. Take attendance and report any absence to your grade level coordinator who will then report to the
principal (Gr. 9: Mrs. Chang, Gr. 10: Mr. Soto, Gr. 11: Mr.Luna, Gr. 12: Ms. Castellanos)
b. Remain silent while receiving instructions.
c. The Decision Making and Area Revision Committees will convene and proceed according to the
Procedures for phase 2: Students meet at a specific area
For phase 2, the objective is to gather all students in a meeting point, so that they are located near the exit
for the time their parents come to pick them up.
The green area beside the gym has been assigned as the site for phase 2, considering that it is an ample
space, and that there is no risk of fallen trees, there is a covered area (gym) and restrooms.
Students will be lined up by grade and section. The teacher, advisor or homeroom teacher will remain with
the students.
During phase 2, EC and ES students will be moved to the “papi-fut” field, near the gym.
MS and HS students will remain in the areas near the softball field.
a. Phase 2 procedures will only be practiced when indicated by the General Director or the assigned
b. The school community will remain silent during the whole practice.
c. While EC and ES students move to phase 2, CAG staff will join their assigned committees (e.g.
Medical Committee, Doors Committee, etc.)
d. If the Decision Making Committees consider that evacuation of the School is necessary, an SMS
message will be send to the community.
Procedure for evacuation phase 3: School Evacuation with Parents help
a. CAG personnel will be prepared to receive parents and/or guardians, who will enter through the Front
Gate and North Gate, and they will be directed to the area where students are located.
b. If there is access to the parking lots, vehicles will be allowed to enter parking lot No.1.
c. When the parents and/or guardians who come to pick up a student enter the school, he/she will receive
and fill out an information form. When leaving the school, the adult must submit the form to a
designated person.
d. When the parent or guardian picks up the students, he/she must sign the teachers list. Teachers must
not receive any form.
In EC and ES the list will be inside the emergency folder.
In MS and HS, the section secretaries will submit these lists to the teachers when phase 2 begins.
e. The Medical Committee will attend all emergencies.
f. CAG has enough supplies to cover our community needs for a maximum of 48 hours. Cafeteria
personnel will collaborate with food and drinks distribution. However, the teacher in charge of each
section is responsible keeping order and supervising that every student gets the corresponding
The secretaries’ team and administrative personnel will be located at the gates. They will have a
binder with the students’ names and their contacts in case of an emergency. They will be responsible
for verifying that students leave with the authorized person.
g. The Decision Making Committee is the only one that can change any procedure.
End of Evacuation Practice
The practice ends when the General Director (or his delegate) indicates the next procedure to return to the
classrooms. Adults return the equipment they used to the committee coordinator and return to their posts.
Procedures for Dealing “Face to Face” with an Armed, Irate
And/or Violent Intruder on the Campus
(Revised September 18, 2006)
An adult/older adolescent who is coming into the building to threaten, to hurt someone, hold someone hostage,
brandish a weapon or kidnap a child without permission, or an unauthorized photographer and could possibly
disrupt the whole school.
A. If someone sees or hears a dangerous person, they should inform the Director (Mr. Gronniger) or
Business Manager (Mr. García) immediately.
B. If someone is on another part of the campus and a staff member walks by and is concerned that the
situation is out of control, send another adult to the office.
C. Office will call 110 or 120 to report concern and ask for immediate assistance.
D. If you are the one confronted by the violent intruder:
1. Don't show panic and do remain calm.
2. Be reasonable and prudent, remember safety comes first.
3. Do as the hostage taker says and do nothing to agitate him/her. The first moments of a hostage
situation are extremely dangerous, cooperate fully.
4. Do not talk to the hostage taker unless spoken to, and then respond in a calm tone. Do not
volunteer any information, but do not lie to the hostage taker either. If you are forced, give imprecise
information; (be evasive).
5. Although this situation is extremely rare, it could be extremely explosive and dangerous. Provide
debriefing and follow-up support for those involved.
Lockdown Instruction Checklist
(Revised September 18, 2006)
Sound the Lockdown siren “LONG SIREN SOUND” (like Police siren).
Notify the police at 110 or 120: “Tenemos un intruso violento en el Colegio Americano de Guatemala,
11 Calle 15-79 Zona 15 V. H. III, y el teléfono es 2368-8543”. (Director’s or Business Manager
Upon hearing the alarm, every student and staff member who is out of class should go to
the nearest room/office/bathroom immediately.
Keep students silent to make the room appear vacant.
Inside the room lock all doors, shut and lock the windows, close curtains and blinds if any. Tape paper on
windows up to adult eye level.
Get on the floor, preferably under desks or furniture providing protection far from windows.
If alarm sounds during recess or lunch in cafeteria take cover under tables and remain quiet.
If alarm sounds during PE or playground time, hide in closest bushes around the
perimeter of the fields or ditch/protected area as directed by supervising adult.
Do NOT respond to knocks or voices at the door.
If a student is locked-out in the hall, s/he should hide in the nearest place (bathrooms,
CRT will maintain mobile phone or radio contact with each other.
Do NOT respond any verbal instruction to evacuate the rooms. This might be a “hoax”.
Remain with students and await further instructions or “all clear”.
The classroom doors should ONLY be opened when there is a confirmed “all clear”
The “all clear” will be given by sending a green paper to all rooms either attached to a window or under the
Calm children with your strong and positive behavior but don’t give too many details or
Watch for anxious children. Let kids know they are safe and the adults are in control.
Procedures for practice during an emergency situation
while the students are in route to the buses:
a. Sit only 2 students per seat.
b. Remind all bus users that in any emergency situation, the driver is the authority inside the bus.
c. Inform students that the buses will have a visual alarm which will be installed on the ceiling of the bus that
will activate in case of emergency.
d. When bus users see the light and hear the phrase “alerta, al suelo”, they must get on their knees in front of
the seat and protect their head with their hands. If their height allows them to do so, they should get under
the seat.
e. The bus users must stay in that position until the driver indicates a change.
f. In the moment of an emergency, it is important to protect their lives. Do not try to look out the window.
Avoid the desire to know what is happening on the street, or anywhere you are.
g. In case that a person is hurt inside the bus, keep calm. Stay in your position and wait for the driver’s
Emergency Cancellation of Bus Routes
If for any reason, including security, natural disaster, etc, we consider the cancellation of (a) bus route (s); the
following procedures will take place:
1. The Director, Business Manager, Security Coordinator and Transportation Coordinator will meet in
emergency session to take proper decisions, based on approved data collection.
2. An information statement will be posted on our website
3. Parents will be contacted by Emergency Committee by telephone, dividing the responsibility among
department of transportation and sections secretaries. No messages will be left with employees or
voicemail. Parents will be told to come and pick up their children personally.
4. Principals will be contacted individually and by Directors Office of Business Office to inform them of
5. Division of dismissal responsibilities will be as follows> one principal will stand by the buses, one Principal
will go to pasarella, one Principal will oversee the auditorium. All will have radios in hand.
6. All students will enter their buses as usual (since they do not know about cancellation)
7. Principal s will enter buses to lead students from the buses into the lobby and or auditorium m space. They
should have bus lists in hand for attendance purposes.
8. Some administrators will be stationed on the pasarella, to communicate with parents.
9. Radio communication between pasarella, parking lot and auditorium will be continuous.
10. Parents will be encouraged to enter campus to retrieve their EC an ES children from the auditorium.
11. Ms and HS students can be called by radio when their transportation arrives.
12. Family employees must register with security to enter and retrieve children lists must be verified with
Principals before releasing the student.
13. Principals keep list of students who were released
14. In emergencies, turn in to Channel 2 on our radios.
Evacuation for Natural Disasters, Severe Weather, Fire, or
Other Life-Threatening Emergencies (excluding Earthquake)
All buildings should post an emergency evacuation diagram in all instructional and office spaces. An evacuation
plan should include adult assignments needed to carry out the plan. Plans should be individualized for each area.
When there is a situation that requires an emergency evacuation, ALL PERSONS MUST LEAVE THE BUILDING.
Instructing students in the appropriate procedures prior to the emergency insures the safe evacuation of all
students. Every person in the building has a responsibility to assist with the safe evacuation process.
BASIC RULE: Get out of the building through the designated exit.
A. Teacher Responsibilities
1. Instruct all students on the evacuation procedures from the classroom or from the classroom or from
alternative spaces (bathroom) or in unusual situations (e.g. teacher is out of the room) in the building in
early September.
2. During the evacuation, walk behind the class to be sure that all students exit the building.
3. Take students to the designated area – “meeting point”.
4. Take a "head count" and report any discrepancies to supervisory personnel near you.
5. Return to the building only after the "all clear" has been sounded.
6. Appoint one student in each classroom to be in charge of closing windows and lights.
B. Student Responsibilities
1. Stand and walk quickly in a single file out of the classroom, through the hallway and out of the building.
Stop for clothing only to protect from extreme cold weather.
2. Provide assistance to the teacher (when designated by the teacher)
a) Hold classroom door open.
b) Close windows and shut off lights.
3. Know how to:
a) Form a human chain by grasping the clothes of the person ahead when visibility is obstructed. Don't
join hands - it is important to have one hand free.
b) Drop to the floor in a smoke filled corridor.
C. Director's Responsibilities
1. Have an up-to-date plan including the delegation of responsibilities in the event that the Director is absent.
2. Inform and instruct staff regarding the procedures.
3. Supervise the execution of the evacuation.
4. Review the results of each evacuation.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................. 3
Emergency Phone Numbers .................................................................................................. 4
Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 5
Fire or Exit Procedure ............................................................................................................ 6
Bomb Threats ........................................................................................................................ 8
Bomb Threat Telephone Call Recipient ................................................................................. 9
Shelter-in-Place Procedure .................................................................................................. 10
Evacuation Procedure ......................................................................................................... 11
Evacuation of Gymnasium ................................................................................................... 11
Emergency Lockdown / Intruder Alert Procedure ................................................................. 12
Response to Fights .............................................................................................................. 14
Threats - Verbal and Physical .............................................................................................. 15
Responding to Tragedy........................................................................................................ 16
Death in the Community ...................................................................................................... 18
Child Abuse as a Threat ...................................................................................................... 19
Sexual Assault ..................................................................................................................... 21
Kidnapping/ Missing Person ................................................................................................ 22
Suicide Threat ..................................................................................................................... 23
Suicide in the Community .................................................................................................... 25
Helping Children Cope with Disaster and/or Tragedy ........................................................... 27
Mental Health Checklist ....................................................................................................... 28
Health Care and Safety Issues ............................................................................................ 29
Field Trip Incident ................................................................................................................ 30
External Hazardous Materials Accident ............................................................................... 31
Internal Hazardous Materials Accident................................................................................. 32
Resources on Helping Children Cope .................................................................................. 33
Curacao Resources ............................................................................................................. 34
Further Resources ............................................................................................................... 35
Resources Available in the ISC Library ................................................................................ 36
Handbook References ......................................................................................................... 39
Appendices .......................................................................................................................... 40
Exit Route to Plaza Reggie Venlo ................................................................................ 40
Exit Route to Golf Club................................................................................................. 41
Plan of Golf Course...................................................................................................... 42
Evacuation Duties ........................................................................................................ 43
International School of Curacao
Emergency Phone Numbers
Police/Emergency/Fire Dept: 911
Police general: 917
Ambulance: 912
Hospital: 910
Coastguard: 913
School Nurse ext 7224/ 513-2353
St. Elisabeth Hospital
Policlinic 432-1026 (Head of Clinic)
Advent Ziekenhuis, Groot Davelaar #1
737-0611 (general number)
Taams Kliniek (+ polikliniek)
Warawaraweg # 4
Refineria Isla Policlinic (24 hours)
Isla Refinery
Security Department: 466-2900 / 466-2800 / 466-2700
Mr. Terence Smith: 5183055
Carol Assang (Board President)
511-0746 or 528-2044
International School of Curacao
Crisis management focuses on how to identify, confront, and resolve time-limited problems
that threaten the health, safety, and welfare of students and school employees. Everyone
involved needs to understand and follow the procedures in detail for each crisis listed in this
handbook. The Crisis Management Team, will review the crisis information annually and
update it as appropriate. Members of the Crisis Management Team are the key
communicators to convey information to others about a crisis. However, the Director will be
the individual to communicate to the media, if that is indeed necessary, so as to contain
rumors and maintain a consistent message. Throughout this handbook, ‘Director’ can be
taken to mean either Dr. Elhage or the designated substitute in her absence. Please review
the information provided and be aware of your own responsibilities for each crisis. It is our
sincerest wish that our community is safe and the well being of our students maintained. We
hope these crisis events do not occur, however, proper forethought is the responsibility of us
Thank you,
Crisis Management Team
Margie Elhage-Cancio, Director
Douglas Vaughan, High School Principal
Jennifer van Grieken, Middle School Principal
Alex Querales, Elementary School Principal
Angelica Galicia, Director of IT
Sini Murali, IB Coordinator
Marisabel Figueroa, High School Guidance Counselor
Jihan Rigaud-Elhage, School Psychologist
Nathania Da Costa Gomez, School Nurse
International School of Curacao
Fire or Exit Procedure
Procedure in event of fire/emergency
Three signals are used on the P.A. system. The first indicates that there is a fire or
other reason for which the school needs to be evacuated. A second signal is used for
“lock down” in cases when all students need to be kept in their classrooms until the
threat is over. A third signal is used for “all clear” to indicate that the threat is over and
students and teachers can leave their rooms. The sounds of the signals will be
reviewed with teachers and students at the beginning of the school year.
The person sighting the emergency must advise the Director or main office
Teachers without classes at this time should proceed quickly to link with their
homeroom class, if applicable. Staff members with specific duties should attend to
their delegated emergency duties (see below) and then assist in taking the students
to the assembly zone. Finally, everyone must report to the assembly zone.
Treat every emergency drill as REAL and SERIOUS and the SAFETY OF
STUDENTS AND FACULTY AS PARAMOUNT. Homeroom teachers are to discuss
this procedural statement with students several times throughout the year as fire drills
take place.
Students exit their rooms and proceed under the supervision of the period teacher.
Students are expected to move QUICKLY AND QUIETLY. There must be NO
RUNNING OR SPEAKING by students. Unless instructed otherwise, all classes must
assemble on the soccer field at the High School side.
Teachers should take a student list with them to take attendance. Once the school
has been evacuated and the students assembled, the Director (or nominated
representative) will check with each teacher to confirm that all students are accounted
for. Staff must be able to account for each student in their class.
If the decision is made to move students away from campus, the Director will instruct
staff to commence a telephone tree to contact all parents.
If the danger continues, any remaining students and staff will go to Plaza Reffie Venlo
(on the other side of the Music School) or the Golf Course in Emmastad where
parents can collect their children.
Delegated duties:
Office staff: to phone the Police/Fire Department; to open Elementary/Middle School
gates; to use cones to stop the traffic; to take additional class lists and phone trees
with them.
High School Principal: to check smooth evacuation in the High School area
Middle School Principal: to open gate next to the science lab.
International School of Curacao
Librarian & IT Coordinator: to check the IT Office, Library, Elementary Library,
Computer Lab,
Library Assistant: to assist in keeping student flow orderly in the area by the middle
Accounts Manager: to secure office records
Learning Resource Teacher/s: to check staff room and elementary restrooms
Persons in charge of megaphones: bring the megaphone to the assembly area
Director: to check that all staff and students are in the assembly area
PLEASE NOTE: In the event of a terrorist attack, civil unrest, natural disaster (or
similar event) the procedure is different. The tone on the P.A. system will indicate a
“lock down”. The emergency situation must be treated as serious and potentially
dangerous. Students and teachers must stay in their room with door locked until such
time as they are advised to follow some other course of action. (Students should
shelter under class desks for additional safety). See Emergency Lockdown/Intruder
Alert Procedure in this handbook.
International School of Curacao
Bomb Threats
Any suspicious items should be reported to the Director.
Take all threats seriously.
Call the police or other emergency personnel. (911)
The decision regarding evacuation to a safe location will be determined by the
Director. Notify all appropriate school administrators of the entire situation.
The police will contact ISLA and/or neighboring schools at their discretion.
The appropriate alarm tone will sound and/or an announcement will be made to
indicate a calm and quiet exit to the appropriate location. Be aware that student
knowledge of the situation may cause curiosity and further complications. Notify
only staff if possible.
Calmly evacuate students and staff to safe place away from the threatened area.
(Follow the Evacuation Procedure outlined in this handbook).
Close all doors to the immediate vicinity. Leave the doors unlocked.
Conduct a head count to ensure that all students and staff are safe and
accounted for. A teacher will be allocated the duty of taking a staff register.
Report all missing persons immediately to the authorities.
Contain the crisis by preventing student or staff contact with the threatened
Arriving parents or visitors should be directed to a predetermined location.
A sweep of the school by the appropriate officials will take place. The Crisis
Management Team will assist authorities.
Wait for the all clear signal.
International School of Curacao
Bomb Threat Telephone Call Recipient
Keep caller on telephone for as long as possible.
Do not hang up telephone.
Lay receiver down until police arrive.
Write down everything the caller says.
Find out what time the bomb is supposed to explode.
Make an educated guess at the age, sex, and race of the caller.
Note any accent in caller's voice.
Note any background noises.
International School of Curacao
Shelter-in-Place Procedure
Shelter-in-Place should be conducted when you are instructed to do so by emergency
personnel or your radio or television; or if you see a vapor cloud or smell an unusual odor
Gather all children/staff/visitors inside.
Call 911 if you haven't already done so; director or designee should turn on and listen
to the local radio station (Easy FM/97.9); listen for emergency information from your
local fire or police department.
Director or facility maintenance person to turn off all fans and air conditioners.
Close and lock windows and doors (Locked windows seal better) and close as many
interior doors as possible.
Close off non-essential rooms.
Seal gaps around windows, doors, air conditioning vents, bathroom and kitchen
exhaust fans, and stoves.
Stay alert to loudspeaker announcements; emergency personnel from your local
police or fire departments may give you specific instructions via loudspeaker or doorto-door.
If you are told there is danger of explosion, close the window shades, blinds, or
curtains; to avoid injuries, keep children away from windows.
Director should stay in touch with responding agencies/emergency personnel.
Director and emergency personnel in charge will determine whether to stay sheltered
in place or to evacuate.
Advise parents not to pick children up from the School until told to do so. The
presence of parents searching for their children will only cause confusion and may
lead to exposure to toxic chemicals. Once sheltered in place you will not want to open
the door to let parents in and out.
Have the phone tree handy.
Once the incident is over; inform parents, take down seals, turn air conditioners back
Director will report incident to Board of Directors.
International School of Curacao
Evacuation Procedure
In the event of an evacuation from the school grounds, please follow the procedure outlined
Students must stay with the teacher with whom they are evacuating until they reach
the plaza/golf course.
During the walk AND at the plaza/golf course, all teachers and students must remain
silent in order to hear further instructions.
Once at the plaza, students must gather according to their homeroom with their
homeroom teacher. Students must stay with their homeroom teachers – they must
NOT gather with their siblings. See the attached map of the plaza.
All instructions for the group should be given a minimum of three times to ensure all
have heard before anyone starts moving.
If further evacuation to the golf course is required, Kindergarten classes may be given
rides and other staff members will assume duties as outlined in the Evacuation Duties
page. Note: grades 10, 11 and 12 are “class partners”, meant to help with younger
Class partners can keep the little ones walking in a straight line behind their
homeroom teacher and can help them carry their backpacks.
Upon arrival at the golf course, students must remain with their homeroom teachers
(see attached map of golf course).
Siblings are NOT to go to one another. They must wait and be dismissed by their
respective homeroom teachers when their names are called to be taken home.
A list showing responsibilities of each staff member is contained in the appendix
The school nurse will set up a first aid station either at the centre of the plaza, or at
the golf course. Staff with first aid training are requested to give assistance to the
nurse, if necessary.
Evacuation of Gymnasium
If the gymnasium is in use when an evacuation is necessary, the following should be
Any audience should evacuate through the 4 side doors (right half of the gym out the
right side, left half of the gym out the left side) and proceed through the parking lot
gate and/or through the HS entrance to the road.
Persons on the stage should evacuate through the loading gate, stage right, towards
the playing field and then on to the HS entrance to the road.
Persons in the Green Room (Kayena/Alablanca rooms) should evacuate through the
HS entrance and then on to the road.
International School of Curacao
Emergency Lockdown / Intruder Alert Procedure
From time to time, schools have been faced with the threat of unauthorized individuals
entering the facility. An intruder is defined as any visitor who, through act or deed, poses a
perceived threat to the safety and welfare of children and employees. If at any time you are
dealing with a person you feel uncomfortable around or are fearful for your safety or the
safety of others, then you may be faced with an intruder situation.
There are key recommendations to implement regarding a lockdown, including those
conducted because of an intruder:
It is important that all members of the staff understand, support and participate in the
Intruder Alert procedures.
It is important to practice the Intruder Alert procedure in the facility several times per
year, just as you practice fire drills.
Lockdown information will be given to parents upon enrollment. Parents will be
notified of all lockdown drills and events. The facility will provide written materials for
parents to help children understand and cope.
Parents will be given a pre-designated alternate pick up site if children and staff are
evacuated. Parents should not try to enter the facility during a lockdown and may be
kept away from the School until authorities determine it is safe.
Director or Designee Responsibilities - Intruder Alert
If a person(s) comes into the facility, assess the situation. If you are uneasy or suspicious of
the person(s) immediately have someone call 911.
If a weapon is present, DO NOT CONFRONT - give pre-determined hand signal (hold up the
wrist of one hand with the other hand) to another staff member for them to call 911
If no weapon is suspected, confront the intruder in the following manner:
Approach the individual in a non-confrontational manner with the assistance of
another staff member.
Introduce yourself and the person with you to the individual in a non-confrontational
Ask the individual who they are and how you can be of assistance.
Inform the individual of the policy that all visitors need to sign in and guide him/her to
the area where that is done.
If the individual refuses, do not confront him/her. Give the other staff member the predesignated hand signal (hold up the wrist of one hand with the other hand) to call
International School of Curacao
If it is determined that the safety and health of students and staff are in jeopardy:
Intruder Alert Procedure: If the intruder is already inside the School, a hand signal (hold up
wrist of one hand with the other hand) shall be made to the first staff member seen. That staff
member will pass on the hand signal to others throughout the School and will call 911.
If the suspected intruder is not yet in the School, the lockdown tone will be sounded to alert
the staff of potential danger. The lockdown tone at ISC is an intermittent, low, harsh tone, as
opposed to the constant tone of the evacuation tone.
If students are outside when the lockdown tone is sounded, or shots are heard/fired,
teachers will quickly direct and move students back into the School and into the nearest
classroom for lockdown.
Upon hearing the lockdown announcement or tone, the following steps must be taken:
Staff should quickly check the hall and restrooms closest to their classrooms to get
students into the rooms.
Lock all doors, close and lock all windows, close blind or cover all windows and
doors, and turn off lights.
Keep students away from windows and doors; position students in a safe place
against walls or on the floor; turn a classroom table on its side to use as a buffer.
Staff will maintain (as best they can) a calm atmosphere in the room, keeping alert to
emotional needs of the students. (Tip: gather in a story circle behind the table.)
Teachers will keep all children in the classroom until the all clear signal has been
Director or designee will immediately call 911 and stay on the phone until help
arrives. Await further instructions from emergency response personnel. You will be
informed when it is safe to move about and release students from your rooms.
Students should not be released to parents until an "all clear" has been called.
Upon arrival, the local police, in conjunction with the Director, will assume controlling
responsibility and may evacuate the School per police standard operating procedures.
International School of Curacao
Response to Fights
Do not physically intervene; physical harm can come to you. If the Director/designee
is not available, teachers/supervisors should implement the fight response plan.
Be aware of three stages of a fight:
 Escalation: Combatants engage in aggressive provocation (taunts, insults,
remove jackets) posturing for a fight.
 Students engage in all out fighting.
 Violence subsides and enters a lull stage.
Stage 1 Intervention – Posturing to Fight:
 Make loud, diverting sounds (blow whistle, set-off personal alarm).
 Use short clear commands and use student’s names (“John, Back off!”)
 When you issue your command, the one who looks at you first is most likely
the victim. He is looking for help and will usually comply immediately.
 Set limits. If students continue to face off, give choice and remind them of the
consequences. (“Stop now. I’ll take the time right now to talk with you.
Fighting will only mean suspension.”)
Stage 2 Intervention – Intense Fighting
 Do not intervene physically.
 Send for back-up at once.
 Use short, clear commands to stop the fighting. (Diversions such as squirting
water is often effective, blowing a whistle or personal alarm will get attention
and divert them from the fighting to get their attention.)
Stage 3 Interventions – Lull in Fight
 Use short, clear commands (“John, you stay there. Mike, you come with me.”)
 Without endangering your safety, carefully pull injured student away and
escort to safety. Move one student out of view of the other.
 Get assistance and refer incident to Director/Principal for disciplinary action.
 Document incident on discipline form.
International School of Curacao
Threats - Verbal and Physical
Call the police (911)
Ensure student and staff safety by moving everyone away from the person and to a
safe location.
Assess the situation-identify the ‘who, what, when, where, why and how’.
Do not escalate the situation or underestimate the deadliness of a weapon, if one is
If weapons are involved
Do what the person says. Do not put anyone in a potentially escalated situation by
interjecting your own comments.
If possible, assign someone to notify all appropriate administrators of the entire
Contain the crisis, if possible, to prevent further student or staff contact with the
Prevent the person from entering classrooms or having contact with students or staff,
if possible.
Implement lock-down procedures to contain students.
Account for all students and staff.
Arriving parents or visitors should be directed to a predetermined location.
Note: If the individual has a gun, instruct all staff and students to seek cover or lay flat on the
ground. Stay away from doors and windows.
Be prepared to state
The location of the disturbance.
Approximate number of assailants involved.
The kind of weapon(s) involved.
Assign a staff member to maintain contact with or keep track of the assailant's
Ensure that medical care has been provided for injured parties.
International School of Curacao
Responding to Tragedy
When a tragedy strikes, teachers and staff are torn between the need to deal with children's
reactions, whilst at the same time coping with their own reactions. With some advanced
planning, this process can be much smoother than when tragedy takes a School by surprise.
Director will determine whether or not to maintain normal schedules or to set aside
the normal schedule for an all out effort to deal with the situation. Depending on the
situation, it may be necessary to close the School for the day.
Director will determine if parent notification becomes an item of priority (by initiating
the phone tree or by using the ISC website) or can wait for a letter to go home in the
If school specific - Director will keep the local radio station Easy FM (97.9) informed
as to the status of the School so parents will have accurate information.
Identify high risk students, staff and parents likely to be most affected by the news
(e.g. children of the teacher who is deceased/injured, or parents whose children are
in the same class as the deceased).
Gather and inform closest friends of the victims, provide support and information to
them before a general announcement is made. If close friends or classmates are
absent, assure that a supportive adult gives the news to them, ensuring that they do
not get initial information from the media, or from classmates.
Prepare a formal statement for initial announcement. Include minimum details and
note additional information will be forthcoming. Also prepare statements for telephone
and media inquiries. Have someone who does not get overly emotional to answer the
Give teachers the facts about the tragedy and instructions on how to share the
information with the students as well as suggestions for assisting children to cope.
Send a letter home to parents explaining the situation. Include specific factual
information and information on how the School is handling the situation. Some
parents will need to be contacted by phone, particularly if their child's reaction to the
crisis is severe.
Determine if additional community resources are needed to be on "stand by" to
effectively manage the crisis. It is essential to minimize the number of "strangers"
standing around.
Facilitate a staff meeting and, if possible, a parent meeting to provide information
related to the crisis. The following are some suggestions:
 Assist with children's processing of information about the crisis
 Provide counselors to work with children/staff individually or in groups in a variety
of locations
 Provide support and counseling for parents
 Provide helpful, factual information to parents
 Have an individual assist with answering phones, providing information and
handling non-media inquiries
International School of Curacao
 Maintain a record of offers of assistance and ensure that proper personnel
 Deal with the "empty chair/desk" problem. For example, a counselor would
provide therapy while sitting in the child's chair. The chair would then be moved to
the back of the classroom. Finally the chair would be removed. Make sure
children are part of the entire process.
The Director will deal with media/reporters promptly and factually.
Provide information as requested by police, hospital, or other agencies.
When appropriate, contact the friends/family of the deceased to get information
regarding funeral arrangements and pass on information to child care staff and
parents who may wish to attend
Director will report incident to Board of Directors.
Arrange for a School debriefing 48-72 hours after the event.
Director will complete a written incident report at the earliest opportunity.
Other considerations:
Have designated locations for the use of media, family, friends and workers, as
needed. Such locations may include: meeting room; ES library; Director’s office;
counselors’ offices.
Have transportation available to assist the family.
Young members of the victim's family should be cared for if possible.
Children and staff should be empowered to feel a range of emotions. Typically,
individuals go through a sequence of emotional reactions following a crisis: acute
anxiety, denial, anger, remorse, grief and reconciliation.
ISC’s School Psychologist and counselor are on hand to help in this situation. They
may decide to refer students for grief counseling through local professionals: Mr.
Rodney Stewart (738-1826/523-3838); Mrs. Geraldine Hollander (737-6937); Mrs.
Marie-Anne Moron (747-2409)
International School of Curacao
Death in the Community
Typical responses of students to Crisis, Trauma, Death and Grief
Each child will react to a traumatic incident differently. It is important to remember that
children will interpret experiences within the context of their current stage of development.
Even within those stages of development each child may respond/react in their own
individual manner. Children look to adults to see how they are handling their grief, as well,
so it is important to model to children that adults communicate how they are feeling and that
there is no “right or wrong” way to grieve. Accepting their feelings and supporting one
another is the best model you can provide for a child. Listed below are some common
reactions which vary according to age. This brief list is also valuable to remember if your
family is moving or in transition, as children experience grief and loss of friendships during
this time, as well, and may exhibit some of the same behavior. Reactions vary according to
Preschool Children: Crying, clinging, irritability, confusion, eating/sleeping problems,
immobility, sadness, speech problems, baby talk, sensitivity to loud noises, fears of animals,
darkness, needing people and/or lights on in order to sleep, wanting help with eating/getting
dressed, loss of bowel/bladder control, fear of being left alone/strangers, reenactments and
play about the traumatic event
Elementary School Children (6-11 years old): Irrational fears, headaches, nausea, visual
problems, hearing problems, disobedience, distractibility, trouble concentrating, fighting, peer
problems, social withdrawal, school refusal and/or behavioral problems in school, inability to
enjoy previously pleasurable activities, emotional numbness
Pre/Adolescent Children (12-17 years old): Headaches or other physical complaints,
depression, possibly with suicidal ideation, confusion, poor performance, aggressive
behavior, withdrawal and social isolation, sleep disturbances (including excessive sleep),
academic/behavioral school problems, antisocial behavior (including stealing and vandalism),
being judgmental about their own behavior or of others, eating disorders, being angry at the
unfairness of traumatic event.
Some symptoms occur immediately, while others may not show until weeks later. All of
these behaviors are considered normal reactions, as long as they do not last for more than
several weeks. If you do feel concern, please do not hesitate to contact the School
International School of Curacao
Child Abuse as a Threat
Since threat situations are defined as any threat or action suggesting the possibility that
serious physical injury or death may be caused to another, child abuse must be considered a
form of threat which should be addressed with a plan of response. The World Health
Organization defines: “Child abuse or maltreatment constitutes all forms of physical and/or
emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent treatment or commercial or other
exploitation, resulting in actual or potential harm to the child’s health, survival, development
or dignity in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or power.”
The following chart by the Childhelp Organization indicates types of abuse with physical and
behavioral indicators which will assist in determining child abuse occurrences:
Report any concerns directly to the School Psychologist (Compliance Officer).
Behavioral and Physical Indicators of Possible Abuse
Physical Indicators
Behavioral Indicators
unexplained bruises (in various stages of
 self-destructive
healing), welts, human bite marks, bald
 withdrawn and aggressive behavioral
Physical Abuse
unexplained burns, especially cigarette
 uncomfortable with physical contact
unexplained fractures, lacerations or
 arrives at school early or stays late as
if afraid to be at home
 chronic runaway (adolescents)
 complains of soreness or moves
 wears clothing inappropriate to weather
to cover body
Physical Neglect
 regularly displays fatigue or
unattended medical needs
constant lack of supervision
listlessness, falls asleep in class
dress, poor hygiene, lice, distended
stomach, emaciated
 steals or begs food
 reports no caretaker at home
 frequently absent/tardy
 self-destructive
 school dropout (adolescents)
International School of Curacao
Physical Indicators
Behavioral Indicators
 withdrawal, chronic depression
 excessive seductiveness
 role reversal, overly concerned for
Sexual Abuse
 torn, stained or bloody underclothing
 pain or itching in genital area
 difficulty walking or sitting
 bruises or bleeding in external genitalia
 venereal disease
 frequent urinary or yeast infections
 poor self-esteem, self-devaluation, lack
of confidence
 peer problems, lack of involvement
 massive weight change
 suicide attempts
 hysteria, lack of control
 sudden school difficulties
 threatened by physical contact
 promiscuity
 inappropriate or premature
understanding of sex
Emotional Maltreatment
 habit disorders (sucking, rocking)
 antisocial and/or destructive
 speech disorders
 delayed physical development
 substance abuse
 ulcers, asthma, severe allergies
 neurotic traits (sleep disorders,
inhibition of play)
 passive and aggressive behavioral
 developmentally delayed
 delinquent behavior (especially
International School of Curacao
Sexual Assault (Revised August 11, 2014)
The sexual assault of a student or staff member is always shocking. Due to the emotional
trauma involved in addition to the assault itself, keep in mind that the victim's privacy should
be maintained if possible.
Inform the Director and the Designated Compliance Officer, who will call 911 Police
Director/Compliance Officer
Ensure the victim is in a safe, private area and assist to make him/her comfortable.
Director will inform the principals and administration if deemed appropriate.
Notify parents, guardian, spouse, or the individual listed to be contacted in case of an
Be prepared to give as much of the following information as possible to the Police
Your name
Your location
What happened
Victim's age
Location of the victim
Please refer to the Parent/Student handbook for more information on procedures for dealing
with child protection issues.
International School of Curacao
Kidnapping/ Missing Person
At every location there is the possibility of removing a student from the school by a noncustodial parent or other person without the custodial parent's permission and knowledge. If
you suspect this has occurred take the following protective actions:
Inform the Director/Principal.
Remain calm. First search for the student to verify that he/she is missing.
Ask the student, via the intercom, to report to the office.
Call the parent or guardian.
Check the school records to determine if there may be a legal custody issue. If there
is and the student was taken by the non-custodial parent call the school’s lawyer for
advice on how to proceed.
If the child remains missing, the Director/Principal will call 911 Police.
Be prepared to:
State when and where the student was last seen.
Give a description of student's clothing.
Give possible suspect's name.
Give license plate number and/or make/model of vehicle.
The attending member of the Administration will inform other members of the
administrative team of the entire situation (Director, Principals, and School
Psychologist and counselor).
Be aware that student knowledge of the situation may cause curiosity and further
complications. Notify only staff if possible.
International School of Curacao
Suicide Threat
If a suicide threat occurs in school, you should inform the Director/Principal, who will
call 911 Police
Any time the risk of suicide exists, an appropriately trained professional, such as a
school psychologist, counselor, or social worker should manage the situation.
Arrangements will be made by the Director/Principal attending.
Under no circumstances should an untrained individual attempt to assess the severity
of suicidal risk.
Staff members can also be at risk for self-destructive behavior. As with students, staff
members' comments or gestures need to be considered carefully.
Ensure that the individual is seen as soon as possible by the School Psychologist,
counselor, or another member of the Crisis Management Team, who will assess the
Make appropriate parental or guardian contact.
Provide a safe environment for other students by either evacuating the students to a
safe area or taking the suicidal individual to another location.
Actions for People Who Suspect Suicide Risk
If you sense that a student is seriously considering self-destruction, step in. You are in a
position to save a life, and you are obligated to interfere no matter how difficult the act and no
matter how thoroughly he/she dislikes your “meddling”. Remember, if he or she did not want
your help, you would not have become aware of the problem. Even if the knowledge comes
second-hand from another student, the student in question is crying for help. Contact the
School Psychologist and/or counselor immediately with your concern.
Take any threat seriously. Know it is a cry for help. Never minimize a student’s
distress by making comparison or comments like “that doesn’t seem serious”. Do not
treat the student with horror or deny his/her thinking.
Do not dismiss the student’s problems as trivial. To the student, his/her problems
matter a great deal and are making him/her unhappy. Take every complaint and
feeling seriously. Do not dismiss or discount his/her concerns. Let the student know
you understand his/her perspective. Do not make statements such as, “You shouldn’t
feel that way”, or “Why don’t you snap out of it”. It is not that simple. Let the student
know that he/she is important and that his/her problem is an important one.
Indicate concern for the student. The fact that someone cares about him/her may
make the big difference whether or not that student actually takes any direct action
against him/herself. Show acceptance and a caring attitude toward the student.
International School of Curacao
Do not agree to keep a secret. You have a higher obligation to save a life than to
keep a secret. If the student did not want your help, you would not have been made
aware of the situation. Explain that you may need to contact another responsible
person to best help him or her. Contact the School Psychologist immediately.
International School of Curacao
Suicide in the Community
If a staff member is concerned that a student may be contemplating suicide or student is selfreferred or referred by a friend/parent/guardian/teacher, that student is considered ‘at risk’
Factors which may indicate suicidal risk:
 verbal remarks of sadness, hopelessness, worthlessness, failure, death
 family history or recent suicide in family, recent loss of parent, close friend,
 psychosomatic illness
 marked personality change
 vengeful behavior
 diagnosed mental illness/psychiatric disorder.
 custody issues between parents
 self-destructive behavior, unnecessary risk-taking, alcohol and/or drug abuse
 suspected eating disorder
 inability to express feelings or emotion
 end of a love relationship
 sexual promiscuity
 romanticizing death
 familiarity with weapons, hoarding of pills, knives, ropes, etc.
 changed relationship with friends and classmates
 self mutilation-cutting, scratching
 truancy/absenteeism
 attempts to put personal affairs in order
 out of touch with reality
 previous suicide attempts
 recent revelation of a personal secret
 running away
 loner, social isolation, participation in a cult/fringe group
Comments should be taken seriously. All staff should be observant. If you have concerns
about a student's emotional well being, contact the School Psychologist immediately and
inform the Director and Principal.
The Team will help gather information to assess the seriousness of the situation and develop
an appropriate plan. The referring staff member will usually be involved in this process.
Adults Can Help Children/Adolescents Deal with the Aftermath of Suicide
Talk with children, providing simple accurate information to questions. Allow them to
tell their story about what happened.
Talk with children about your own feelings.
Listen to what children say and how they say it. Repeating children’s words,
recognizing fear, anxiety, and insecurity may be very helpful; for instance, “You are
afraid that…” or “You’re wondering why Johnny wanted to die”. This helps both you
and the children clarify feelings.
International School of Curacao
Reassure children with statements such as, “We are together”, and “We care about
Respond to repeated questions.
reassurances many times.
Provide comfort and support. Providing a comforting touch on the shoulder or holding
their hand is important for children during this period.
Spend extra time with the children. Talk and offer assurance.
Observe children during unstructured time. Listen to what is said and how the
children act. Frequently, young children express feelings of fear or anger while
playing with dolls, trucks, or friends.
Provide young children with play experiences to relieve tension. Work with play
dough and paint; play in water; give them something safe, like a pillow, ball or balloon
to allow them to get rid of their anxiety.
Provide adolescents with opportunities to talk or write.
Allow children to mourn and grieve.
You may need to repeat information and
International School of Curacao
Helping Children Cope with Disaster and/or Tragedy
Disasters and/or tragedies can be very frightening and traumatic, especially for young
children. There are several things that you can do to help the children in your care cope with
their feelings.
Reassure the children that they will not be left alone and that you are there to protect
Be aware of changes in a child's behavior but also know that some children may not
outwardly show their distress.
Keep to routines such as meals and activities, as much as possible.
Avoid allowing young children to watch or listen to news coverage of the situation.
Give simple but truthful answers to children's questions and make sure children
understand your answers. Don't give more information than the children can use and
Give children opportunities to express their feelings through activities such as playacting, using dolls, storytelling, painting, or drawing.
Be especially supportive of the children's feelings and need to be close. Give lots of
hugs, smiles, and kind words.
Reassure children that they are not responsible for the situation. Listening to
children's stories and feelings about disasters and tragedies may help.
If possible, take a moment away from the children and make sure you address your
own fears and anxieties by talking with other adults.
Seek professional assistance when needed. The Mental Health Checklist may help
you in determining the need for additional assistance. Your own knowledge of the
child and your instincts about the child's needs will also help you make a decision.
When in doubt, call for professional help, firstly by contacting the School
Psychologist, counselor or the Director/Principal.
A couple of local resources for Children's Mental Health Information and/or grief
counseling are:
Mr. Rodney Stewart: 738-1826/523-3838
Mrs. Geraldine Hollander: 737-6937
Mrs. Marie-Anne Moron: 747-2409
International School of Curacao
Mental Health Checklist
This checklist can assist parents and teachers in determining if a child is in need of
professional counseling following a disaster or traumatic event. Add up the pluses and
minuses to obtain a final score. If the child scores more than 35, it is suggested you seek a
mental health consultation.
Has the child had more than one major stress within a year BEFORE this disaster
such as a death, molestation, major illness or divorce? If yes, +5.
Does the child have a network of supportive, caring individuals who relate to him
daily? If yes, -10.
Has the child had to move out of his/her house because of this disaster? If yes,
Was there reliable housing within one week of the disaster with resumption of the
usual household members living together? If yes, -10.
Is the child showing severe disobedience or delinquency? If yes, +5.
Has the child shown any of the following as a NEW behavior for more than three
weeks after the disaster:
Nightly states of terror? +5
Waking from dreams confused or in a sweat? +5
Difficulty concentrating? +5
Extreme irritability? +5
Loss of previous abilities in toilet or speech? +5
Onset of stuttering or lisping? +5
Persistent severe anxiety or phobias? +5
Obstinacy/stubbornness? +5
New or exaggerated fears? +5
Rituals or compulsions? +5
Severe clinging to adults? +5
Inability to fall asleep or stay asleep? +5
Startling at any reminder of the disaster? +5
Loss of ambition in the future? +5
Loss of pleasure in usual activities? +5
Loss of curiosity?+5
Persistent sadness or crying? +5
Persistent headaches or stomach aches? +5
Hypochondria? +5
Was anyone in the child's immediate family killed or severely injured in the
disaster (including injury to the child)? If yes, +15
NOTE: Any child presenting a preoccupation with death, unusual accident proneness, or
suicidal threats should be referred for immediate consultations. It is also recommended that
any child who has been seriously injured or who has lost a parent, sibling or caregiver to
death have a psychological evaluation.
International School of Curacao
Health Care and Safety Issues (Revised Jan 31, 2014)
Medical Examination:
It is school policy to promote active concern for the medical well being of the
A physical examination report is required of all new students before starting school.
Medical Forms need to be on file before students start school.
The school has personal injury insurance.
Students are insured against accidents on school premises during school hours and
during field trips.
The maximum coverage for injuries is Nafl. 1000.-
Procedure in the event of Injury and Illness:
The teacher on the scene will escort the student to the school Health Center where
first aid and care is available from the School Nurse (ext: 7224)
In case of a mild injury or illness the school nurse or office staff will telephone the
student’s parents and arrange for appropriate action to be taken.
Procedure in the event of a serious injury:
Ensure that the nurse (ext. 7224/513-2353) and the director (ext. 7204/560-5787) are
called and provide them with any updated information about the emergency. Provide
exact location inside or outside the school.
In case an ambulance is needed the director will assign a staff member to meet the
ambulance personnel to expedite their movement to the patient.
DO NOT move the victim(s), especially if you suspect a head or neck injury, unless
safety is a concern (fire, explosive atmosphere, etc).
Disperse onlookers and keep others from congregating in the area, if possible, isolate
the victim(s).
In the case of a student notify victim(s) parents, legal guardians or emergency contact
of illness or injury; including type of injury/illness, medical care given, and location of
If the child/staff member is being transported to a medical facility-the director makes
the final decision-request parent/family member/guardian, or emergency contact to
meet the child/staff and school staff member at the medical facility.
Be aware of class transition-director or person assigned by director should monitor
If needed, assign a staff member to accompany victim(s) to the hospital.
Nurse fills out an accident report and submits it to the office and HR department, HR
informs school staff of accident and follow up in case of staff member. In the case of
a student the nurse debriefs the concerned teacher.
International School of Curacao
The following staff members of ISC are currently trained in first aid and basic CPR:
(Revised August 2014)
Nathania Da Costa Gomez
Monique Da Costa Gomez
Douglas Vaughan
Fritjof Troll
Iviana Rimon
Mark Wheatley
Field Trip Incident
Before leaving for a field trip, make sure the teacher has the following information:
Child list by assigned vehicle
Supervisor/Chaperone list by assigned vehicle
Children's emergency and medical information
Accompanying staff and chaperones should be provided with the telephone
numbers of the school, the teacher in charge, and each other
 List of important phone numbers significant to the trip (including children's
emergency contact information and chaperone cell phone numbers)
 First aid kit
Attend to any medical needs if there are injuries or complaints of pain.
Call 911 if emergency medical treatment or police are required.
Contact School and provide update and actions being taken.
Director/Principal may consider deploying personnel to the scene, hospital, or to
appropriate locations.
Director/Principal will contact parents and give update of actions being taken; indicate
meeting locations or pick-up times at the School.
Director and teacher in charge of field trip will fill out incident report.
Director will notify Board of Directors.
Insurance company will be notified if applicable.
International School of Curacao
External Hazardous Materials Accident
In the event of a hazardous materials incident outside of the school, staff should report to the
Director/Principal, who will call 911 immediately
The "Shelter in Place" procedure will be initiated, unless staff are directed to do otherwise by
emergency personnel.
Have the following items ready for police and fire personnel:
Location and description (liquid, gas) of hazard, if known
Number of students in school, faculty, staff, and visitors
Floor plan and internal systems information
Follow instructions given by responding agency for either "Shelter in Place" or
Site Evacuation
If evacuated, call on transportation resource to take children and staff to alternate
site; our transportation resource is:
Baltini Transport: 461-8122 (Angelique)
Notify parents, using the phone tree, of move to alternate site location
If "Shelter-in-Place" occurs, and media attention is significant, call parents to let
them know of situation
Director will complete an incident report at earliest opportunity
Board of Directors will be notified of the incident
International School of Curacao
Internal Hazardous Materials Accident
In the event a person comes into direct contact with a suspected hazardous
material, follow safety precautions posted on-site or listed on the container. Call
the hospital emergency room (via #910) for additional instruction. Contact poison
control center (via #912) for further information.
Call 911 if further additional assistance is needed
Director will report incident to Board of Directors
It is strongly suggested that all potentially Hazardous Materials be removed from within
the School. Cleaning substances will be stored under lock and key.
International School of Curacao
Resources on Helping Children Cope
National Institute of Mental Health (NiMH) information
Resources and Inquiries Branch 6001 Executive
Blvd, Rm. 8184, MSC 9663
Bethesda, MD 20892-9663
PTSD/Anxiety Disorders Publications: 1-88-88-ANX1ETY
Public Inquiries: 301-443-4513 TTY: 301-443-8431
E-mail: [email protected] Web site: http://www.nimh.nih.gov
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's (SAMHSA)
National Mental Health Information
P.O. Box 42490 Washington, DC 20015 Phone: 1-800-789-2647 TTY: 866-889-2647
Email: [email protected] Web site: http://www.mentalhealth.samhsa.gov/
Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS)
Emergency Services and Disaster Relief Branch
5600 Fishers Lane, Room 17C-20 Rockville, MD 20857
Phone: 301-443-4735
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: http://www.mentalhealth.org/cmhs/emergencyservices/index.htm
American Academy of Pediatrics
141 Northwest Point Boulevard
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007-1098
Phone: 847-434-4000
Web site: http://www.aap.org/advocacy/releases/disastercomm.htm
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, DC
Phone: 1-800-USA-LEARN TTY: 1-800-4370833
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: http://www.ed.gov
American Red Cross
National Headquarters
431 18th Street NW Washington DC 20006
Phone: 202-639-3520
Web site: http://www.redcross.org
Federal Emergency (Management Agency
(Information for children and adolescents)
P.O. Box 2012
Jessup, MD 20794-2012
Publications: 1-800-480-2520
Web site: http://www.fema.gov/kids
American Academy of Child &
Adolescent Psychiatry
3615 Wisconsin Ave., N.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20016-3007
Phone: 202-966-7300
Web site:
International School of Curacao
Curacao Resources
Fundashon pa Proteha Bienestar di Mucha (formerly Stichting Kinderbescherming/ Child
Protection Foundation)
Kaya Senior 6, Scharloo
Tel: 461-3148
Tel: 461-4444
Fax: 461-8125
DARE (Drugs and Alcohol Awareness)
[email protected]
Tel: 866-6142
Tel: 866-6143
Skuchami (Matters relating to the protection of children and young people)
Tel: 433-6100
[email protected]
[email protected]
Puntra-Papia (Ask-Speak helpline) – gives advance to teenagers concerning home school
and personal issues
Languages: Papiamentu/Dutch/Spanish/English
Tel: 918
Yudaboyu-Children Psychiatric Clinic
Barendslaan 11, Rio Canario
Tel: 738-9551
Tel: 738-9552
Fax: 738-9553
International School of Curacao
Further Resources
SMHAI (Suicide and Mental Health Association International)
Helpful Books for Suicide Survivors
On-line Reference Material on Child Abuse
(This is a comprehensive web-site with prevention, as well as, survival resources)
International School of Curacao
Resources Available in the ISC Library
Sarafino, Edward P.,Child and adolescent development / by Edward Sarafino and
James W. Armstrong. St. Paul, MN : West Publishing company, c 1986. 624 p. :
Bratman, Fred.Everything you need to know when a parent dies / Fred Bratman. New
York : Rosen Pub. Group, 1991. 64 p. :Reading Program: Accelerated Reader AR, IL:
UG, RL: 4.3, Points: 1.0
Bramblett, John.When good-bye is forever : learning to live after the loss of a child.
New York : Ballantine Books, 1991. 170 p. ;
Giddens, Sandra.Coping with grieving and loss / Sandra and Owen Giddens. New York
: Rosen, 2003. 124 p. ;
Gravelle, Karen.Teenagers face to face with bereavement / Karen Gravelle, Charles
Haskins. Englewood Cliffs, NJ : J. Messner, c1989. vii, 134 p. ;
Grollman, Earl A.Talking about death : a dialogue between parent and child / Earl A.
Grollman ; drawings by Susan Avishai. Boston : Beacon, 1990. 118 p. :
Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth.Living with death and dying / Elisabeth Kübler-Ross. New York
: Collier Books, 1984, c1981. 181 p. :
Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth.On death and dying. [New Yo k] : Macmillan, [1969] viii, 260
p. ;
The Kids' book about death and dying / by and or kids ; the Unit at Fayerweather
Street School ; edited and coordinated by Eric E. Rofes. Boston : Little, Brown, c1985.
x, 119 p. ;
Strauss, Linda Leopold.Coping when a parent has cancer / Linda Leopold Strauss.
New York, N.Y. : Rosen Pub. Group, 1988. 185 p. ;
Wilson, Antoine.You and a death in your family / Antoine Wilson. New York : Rosen
Central, 2001. 48 p. :Reading Program: Accelerated Reader AR, IL: UG, RL: 6.7,
Points: 1.0
Chicken soup for the teenage soul on tough stuff : stories of tough times and lessons
learned / [compiled by] Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Kimberly Kirberger.
Deerfield Beach, FL : Health Communications, c2001. xxv, 343 p. ;
International School of Curacao
Ennew, Judith,Exploitation of children / Judith Ennew. Austin, Tex. : Raintree SteckVaughn, c1997. 64 p. :Reading Program: Accelerated Reader AR, IL: UG, RL: 7.7,
Points: 2.0
Edwards, Gabrielle I.Coping with discrimination / Gabrielle I. Edwards. New York :
Rosen, 1992. 143 p. :
362.292 O'Neill, Catherine.Focus on alcohol / by Catherine O'Neill ; illustrated by David
Neuhaus. Frederick, MD : Twenty-first century books, 1990. 56 p. :
362.292 Coffey, Wayne R.When your parent drinks too much : a book for teenagers / Eric
Ryerson. New York, N.Y. : Facts on File, c1985. xv, 122 p. ;
362.292 Seixas, Judith S.Living with a parent who drinks too much / by Judith Seixas. New York
: Beech Tree Books, 1979. 116 p. ;
362.292 Seixas, Judith S.Living with a parent who drinks too much / Judith S. Seixas. New York
: Greenwillow Books, c1979. x, 116 p. ;
Hyde, Margaret O.Sexual abuse--let's talk about it / Margaret O. Hyde. Philadelphia :
Westminster, c1987. 107 p. ;
Landau, Elaine.Child abuse : an American epidemic / Elaine Landau. Englewood Cliffs,
NJ : J. Messner, c1990. 138 p. ;
Domestic violence / Tamara L. Roleff, book editor. San Diego : Greenhaven Press,
c2000. 176 p. :
Hicks, John,Dating violence : true stories of hurt and hope / John Hicks. Brookfield,
Conn. : Millbrook Press, c1996. 112 p. ;
Madison, Arnold.Suicide and young people / Arnold Madison. New York : Seabury
Press, c1978. 146 p. ;
Moe, Barbara A.Coping with eating disorders / Barabara Moe. New York : Rosen Pub.
Group, 1995. 149 p. ;Reading Program: Accelerated Reader AR, IL: UG, RL: 7.0,
Points: 6.0
Stewart, Gail,Teens & depression / by Gail B. Stewart ; photographs by Theodore E.
Roseen. San Diego, CA : Lucent Books, c1998. 96 p. :
Pelzer, David J.A child called "It" : one child's courage to survive / David Pelzer.
Deerfield Beach, Fla. : Health Communications, c1995. xi, 184 p. ;Reading Program:
Accelerated Reader AR, IL: UG, RL: 5.8, Points: 5.0
Pelzer, David J.The lost boy : a foster child's search for the love of a family / Dave
Pelzer. Deerfield Beach, Fla. : Health Communications, c1997. xi, 340 p. ;Reading
Program: Accelerated Reader AR, IL: UG, RL: 5.1, Points: 9.0
Pelzer, David J.A man named Dave : a story of triumph and forgiveness / Dave Pelzer.
New York : Plume, [2000], c1999. x, 290 p. ;Reading Program: Accelerated Reader
AR, IL: UG, RL: 5.9, Points: 15.0
International School of Curacao
E 152.4
Berry, Joy Wilt.Every kid's guide to coping with childhood trauma. Chicago : Childrens
Press, c1988. 48 p. :
E 155.9
Brown, Laurene Krasny.When dinosaurs die : a guide to understanding death / Laurie
Krasny Brown and Marc Brown. Boston : Little, Brown, c1996. 32 p. :
E 306.9
Thomas, Pat,I miss you : a first look at death / Pat Thomas ; illustrated by Lesley
Harker. Hauppauge, NY : Barron's, c2001. 29 p. :
Cohn, Janice.I had a friend named Peter : talking to children about the death of a friend
/ Janice Cohn ; illustrated by Gail Owens. New York : W. Morrow, c1987. [32] p. :
FIC MYE Myers, Walter Dean,Autobiography of my dead brother / Walter Dean Myers ; art by
Christopher Myers. New York : HarperTempest, 2006, c2005. 212 p. :
TC 155.9 Goldman, Linda,Life & loss : a guide to help grieving children / Linda Goldman.
Philadelphia, Pa. : Accelerated Development, c2000. xvii, 203 p. :
TC 155.9 Hewett, John H.,After suicide / by John H. Hewett ; [Wayne E. Oates, editor]. Louisville,
Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, c1980. 119 p. ;
TC 155.9 Lewis, Paddy Greenwall,Helping children cope with the death of a parent : a guide for
the first year / Paddy Greenwall Lewis and Jessica G. Lippman. Westport, CT : Praeger,
2004. xiii, 165 p. ;
TC 248.8 Kolf, June Cerza.When will I stop hurting? : dealing with a recent death / June Cerza
Kolf. Grand Rapids, MI : Baker Books, c2001. 73 p. ;
TC 371.4 Poland, Scott.Suicide intervention in the schools / Scott Poland. New York : Guilford
Press, c1989. x, 213 p. ;
TC 613.9 Kemp, Kristen.Healthy sexuality / Kristen Kemp. New York : Franklin Watts, c2004. 80
p. :WWW: http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/ecip048/2003019771.html
Levenkron, Steven,Cutting : understanding and overcoming self-mutilation / Steven
Levenkron. New York : W.W. Norton, c2006. 275 p. ;
Winkler, Kathleen.Cutting and self-mutilation : when teens injure themselves / Kathleen
Winkler. Berkeley Heights, NJ : Enslow, c2003. 64 p. :
How to raise a drug free child 1 vidieocassette :
Abusive relationships Schlessinger Video Productions ; InVision Communications ;
produced, directed and written by Jimmy Caiola. Bala Cynwyd, PA : Schlessinger Video
Productions, c1994. 1 videocassette (30 min.) :
Depression beyond the darkness / ABC News. [Oak Forest, Ill.] : MPI Home Video,
c1990. 1 videocassette (50 min.) :
International School of Curacao
Handbook References
The Dougy Center. Helping Children Cope with Death. Portland: 1997.
Goldman, Linda. Life and Loss A Guide to Help Grieving Children. Livittown, Pa.:
Accelerated Development. 1994.
Kolf, June Cerza. When Will I Stop Hurting? Grand Rapids: Baker Book House
Company. 1987.
Overseas School Advisory Council, Department of State. Emergency Procedures
Handbook Creating a Comprehensive Emergency Procedures Manual for AmericanSponsored Overseas Schools. Washington D.C. 2003
Schmidt, John J. Counseling in Schools Essential Services and Comprehensive
Programs. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. 1996.
Crisis Handbook
Revised by:
Alex Querales
Douglas Vaughan
Jennifer van Grieken
Nathania Da Costa Gomez
August 2014
International School of Curacao
Staff Telephone Tree
Class Telephone Tree
Maps and Routes of Exiting School
Staff Duties during Evacuation
Exit Route to Plaza Reggie Venlo
International School of Curacao
Exit Route to Golf Club
International School of Curacao
Plan of Golf Course
International School of Curacao
Evacuation Duties
Director/Principals liaise with Authorities
First Steps
Walk students from clubhouse:
Kindergarten assistants
Sarah V
Sara S
Radios outside:
Staff lounge check:
Alex, Kathelijne*, Jennifer, Douglas, Beatriz*
Angie*#, Nicholas#, Carol#, Loraine#
Gustavo# , Golid#
Ivonne, Camille, Lilianne, Mary Ann (transport)
ES Jihan, HS Marisabel
Bathroom check:
ES Alex/Monique, MS Jennifer, HS Ulises/Sandra
Staff marked * should bring a megaphone
Staff marked # should bring a traffic 'lollipop'
Staff Register:
Health Point:
Nathania, Jihan, Marisabel
A lock down procedure will be used in an attempt to
minimize the risk of violence and increase the safety of
students, employees and guests by restricting access
and visibility by a threatening person or event internal or
external to the school which may include:
aggressive or violent Intruder
armed forces
siege/hostage incident
dangerous animals
armed robbery
lightening/severe storms
 First person to detect an identified threat will notify
closest adult.
 Adult will contact Campus Director and/or Security
Manager who will activate Lockdown Alarm.
 When the following signal is activated, the following
must take place:
 If you are outside of a classroom when the alarm sounds, immediately
return to CLOSEST classroom.
Move away from the windows and doors. Remain
seated on the floor; look for the ¨Safe Corner¨.
Stay off cellular phones.
Wait for further instructions.
Everyone shall stay in the classroom until the building is secure and
the end of Lock Down signal is heard. Do not open doors or windows
until the signal is heard.
If your are not in the building, go to nearest classroom or secured
space without running.
•Hallways- move to the closest classroom immediately.
•Cafeteria – remain there and locate to safe corner away from windows
and doors.
•Library – remain in the library and locate the safe corner.
•Students´ entrance/dismissal area or recess areas- report to nearest
safe zone.
Preschool building (nursery area) closest classroom
When the threat is over/the signal will be heard over the
speakers. Everyone returns to normal activities.
Procedures for Dealing “Face to Face” with an Armed,
And/or Violent Intruder on the Campus
(Revised November 2013)
An adult/older adolescent who is coming into the building to threaten, to hurt someone, hold someone hostage,
brandish a weapon or kidnap a child without permission, or an unauthorized photographer and could possibly
disrupt the whole school.
If someone sees or hears a dangerous person, they should inform the Director (Mr. Gronniger) or
Business Manager (Mr. García) immediately.
If someone is on another part of the campus and a staff member walks by and is concerned that the
situation is out of control, send another adult to the office.
Office will call 110 or 120 to report concern and ask for immediate assistance.
If you are the one confronted by the violent intruder:
Don't show panic and do remain calm.
Be reasonable and prudent, remember safety comes first.
Do as the hostage taker says and do nothing to agitate him/her. The first moments of a hostage
situation are extremely dangerous, cooperate fully.
Do not talk to the hostage taker unless spoken to, and then respond in a calm tone. Do not
volunteer any information, but do not lie to the hostage taker either. If you are forced, give imprecise
information; (be evasive).
Although this situation is extremely rare, it could be extremely explosive and dangerous. Provide
debriefing and follow-up support for those involved.
Lockdown Instruction Checklist
Sound the Lockdown siren “LONG SIREN SOUND” (like Police siren).
Notify the police at 110 or 120: “Tenemos un intruso violento en el Colegio Americano de Guatemala,
11 Calle 15-79 Zona 15 V. H. III, y el teléfono es 25009595”. (Director’s or Business Manager
Upon hearing the alarm, every student and staff member who is out of class should go to
the nearest room/office/bathroom immediately.
Keep students silent to make the room appear vacant.
Inside the room lock all doors, shut and lock the windows, close curtains and blinds if any. Tape
paper on windows up to adult eye level.
Get on the floor, preferably under desks or furniture providing protection far from windows.
If alarm sounds during recess or lunch in cafeteria take cover under tables and remain quiet.
If alarm sounds during PE or playground time, hide in closest bushes around the
perimeter of the fields or ditch/protected area as directed by supervising adult.
Do NOT respond to knocks or voices at the door.
If a student is locked-out in the hall, s/he should hide in the nearest place (bathrooms,
CRT will maintain mobile phone or radio contact with each other.
Do NOT respond any verbal instruction to evacuate the rooms. This might be a “hoax”.
Remain with students and await further instructions or “all clear”.
The classroom doors should ONLY be opened when there is a confirmed “all clear”
The “all clear” will be given by sending a green paper to all rooms either attached to a window or
under the door.
Calm children with your strong and positive behavior but don’t give too many details or
Watch for anxious children. Let kids know they are safe and the adults are in control.
Evacuation for Natural Disasters, Severe Weather, Fire, or
Other Life-Threatening Emergencies (excluding Earthquake)
All buildings should post an emergency evacuation diagram in all instructional and office spaces. An evacuation
plan should include adult assignments needed to carry out the plan. Plans should be individualized for each area.
When there is a situation that requires an emergency evacuation, ALL PERSONS MUST LEAVE THE
BUILDING. Instructing students in the appropriate procedures prior to the emergency insures the safe evacuation
of all students. Every person in the building has a responsibility to assist with the safe evacuation process.
BASIC RULE: Get out of the building through the designated exit.
Teacher Responsibilities
Instruct all students on the evacuation procedures from the classroom or from the classroom or from
alternative spaces (bathroom) or in unusual situations (e.g. teacher is out of the room) in the building in
early September.
During the evacuation, walk behind the class to be sure that all students exit the building.
Take students to the designated area – “meeting point”.
Take a "head count" and report any discrepancies to supervisory personnel near you.
Return to the building only after the "all clear" has been sounded.
Appoint one student in each classroom to be in charge of closing windows and lights.
Student Responsibilities
Stand and walk quickly in a single file out of the classroom, through the hallway and out of the building.
Stop for clothing only to protect from extreme cold weather.
Provide assistance to the teacher (when designated by the teacher)
Hold classroom door open.
Close windows and shut off lights.
3. Know how to:
Form a human chain by grasping the clothes of the person ahead when visibility is obstructed. Don't
join hands - it is important to have one hand free.
Drop to the floor in a smoke filled corridor.
Director's Responsibilities
Have an up-to-date plan including the delegation of responsibilities in the event that the Director is absent.
Inform and instruct staff regarding the procedures.
Supervise the execution of the evacuation.
Review the results of each evacuation.
Agosto 2013
Lockdown Facts
Page Content
Please take some time to read the information below. In the event of an actual
lockdown, it is crucial for parents, staff, and students to be aware of the following:
A lockdown can be established for many reasons, and calling a
Lockdown Alert does not necessarily mean that there is an attacker on
campus. Other reasons that we might call a lockdown could include:
o A chemical spill or other hazardous material exposure
o A medical emergency or accident that we don’t want students to
witness or make more complicated
o A wild animal on campus
o Some type of civil disturbance or protest where the local authorities
are involved
The school will be inaccessible until the situation is resolved and the
All-Clear is given. The gates will be locked. and no one will be able to enter
or exit the campus until after the All-Clear is given.
Students should not be calling their parents; likewise, parents should
not be calling their children. We need to keep the phone networks open so
we can communicate with the local authorities. Additionally, phone calls from
outside the school to students, teachers, security, or school administrators
could alert a would-be attacker to a person’s presence, placing them and
everyone in their vicinity at risk.
The main switchboard will be unattended. A parent who tries to call the
school should expect that no one will be able to answer their calls until after
the situation is resolved.
Security does not have the time or the means to inform the students
and employees of any details regarding the nature of the crisis. Until the
situation is resolved or the police take over the response effort, most people
within the school will not know anything about what caused the lockdown or
how long it will last.
Parents, students and employees must wait until the event runs its
course. Depending on the nature of the situation, a lockdown can last for
several hours.
Following a lockdown, we might need to cancel school for the rest of
the day. This decision will be made by the School administrators in
cooperation with the local police. Parents should look to ISB channels of
communication such as emails, text messages, and updates posted on the
Dragons’ Gate for information.
Lorraine Wicks
High School Assistant Principal
International School of Beijing
A lock down procedure will be used in an attempt to minimize the risk of violence and increase the safety of students, employees and guests by
restricting access and visibility by a threatening person or event internal or external to the school which may include: aggressive or violent Intruder,
armed forces, siege/hostage incident, dangerous animals, armed robbery and lightening/severe storms. The lockdown should include the
whole school campus.
 First person to detect an identified threat will notify Campus Director and/or Security Manager who will activate Lockdown
Procedure. Use radios or mobile if available, if not, address verbally. Do not send a student, send an adult runner (someone who
can run and relay information verbally to main authority).
 During a lockdown situation, parents or visitors are not allowed to enter the building until the area has been secured by local law
enforcement officers.
 When the Lockdown signal is heard, the following must take place:
o Security personnel will close all external access doors.
o Teachers are responsible for making a quick sweep of the hallway. Students are to be cleared from the halls immediately and to
report to nearest available classroom (not necessarily their homeroom classroom). Close and lock the classroom door.
o Cleaning lady assigned to floor restroom will make a bathroom sweep and report with students to nearest available classroom.
o If a student is outside of a classroom when the alarm signal goes off, the student immediately returns to CLOSEST classroom.
o Assist those needing special assistance
o Close and lock all windows and doors and do not leave for any reason
o Lower or close any existing blinds.
o Move people away from the windows and doors. Keep the students sitting on the floor; look for the ¨Safe Corner¨. Turn off the
lights and computer monitors. Keep students quiet. Take attendance of students in each classroom.
o Students are to stay off cellular phones.
o If parents or visitors are in the classroom, they do not know our procedures. Therefore, the person in charge of classroom be
directive and clear, since they are in control of the situation in the room. Parents are to stay off cellular phones.
o Wait for further instructions.
o Everyone shall stay in the classroom until the building is secure and the ‘All clear’ signal (see below) has been given. Do
not open doors or windows until the ‘All clear’ signal is given
o Security will sweep the building, helping guide students and visitors who are not in classrooms to a safe place.
 If students and staff are not in the buildings, teachers on duty should immediately direct all students, staff, and visitors into the
nearest classroom or secured space without running.
o Anyone in the hallway should move to the closest classroom immediately.
o Any students in the cafeteria or Le Café should remain there, turn of lights and locate to safe corner away from windows
and doors.
o Nurses/cafeteria workers/support staff should stay in the area they are in, secure the doors, and turn off the lights.
o Students and staff in the library should remain in the library. Librarians should lock the doors, turn of the lights, and locate
the safe corner.
o Anyone in students´ entrance/dismissal area or recess areas report to nearest safe zone. Teachers on duty will help direct
students to the assigned area.
 Preschool building (nursery area) closest classroom
 Cafeteria
 Gym
 When the threat is over/the announcement is made over the loud speakers with the “All clear” signal ”. Everyone returns to normal activities.
In the event of a real lock down procedure, once “All clear” signal is given, the emergency evacuation procedures will immediately takes place.
 Communication Dept. will notify parents and staff of lockdown through portal
 Campus Director will activate phone tree of homeroom mothers to relay information
1.- What do I do if I am in the restrooms?
Cleaning ladies assigned to floor restrooms will make a bathroom sweep and direct students to the nearest classroom
2.- What do I do if I am missing a student?
Nothing. Security staff will make sure nobody is left in open areas. When the “All clear” signal is given, if your missing student does
not return to the classroom, you should send a runner and report it to your principal/viceprincipal.
3.- What happens during recess time?
 Teachers on duty will gather the children and direct them to the nearest “safe zone”
Preschool building (nursery area) closest classroom
4.- What happens during dismissal time?
Teachers on duty will direct the students to the nearest “safe zone”
Preschool building (nursery area) closest classroom
5. What do I do if I am a homeroom teacher?
 Make a quick sweep of your hallway area and direct everyone inside the nearest available classroom.
What do I do if I’m a special teacher or not a homeroom teacher?
 Make a quick sweep of your hallway area and direct everyone inside the nearest available classroom.