Atlanis_FBF 2014
Atlanis_FBF 2014
Foreign Rights Catalogue Fall 2014 Dear Publishers, dear Editors, dear Agents, We control worldwide translation rights for all titles mentioned in this catalogue and for all Atlantis backlist titles. We would be delighted to provide reading copies or PDFs and more information on the titles (English rough translations). Please contact Ms Anne Wieser until I am back from my parental leave in November 2014. Best regards, Sindhya Bergamin Rights Contact: ANNE WIESER Atlantis / Orell Füssli Verlag AG Dietzingerstrasse 3 CH-8036 Zurich Switzerland Phone: ++ 41 44 466 74 33 Fax: ++ 41 44 466 74 12 Email: [email protected] Homepage: ATLANTIS VERLAG TABLE OF CONTENTS Special News Page 2 Award winning titles Page 3 Best- and Longsellers Page 4 Lorenz Pauli / Miriam Zedelius Zum Mitnehmen - Please Help Yourself Page 24 PICTURE BOOKS Lorenz Pauli / Kathrin Schärer Nur wir alle – Just All Of Us Page 25 Lorenz Pauli / Kathrin Schärer Da bist du ja! – There you are! Page 5 Suse Schweizer Oh Schreck! ... und dann? – Shock! Horror! Page 26 Peter Menne Wie Papa ein Kaninchen wurde – How Daddy Became a Rabbit Page 6 Hilde Heyduck-Huth Weihnachten – Christmas Page 27 Knut Laaser / Jasmin Schäfer Der späte Gast – A Late-Night Visitor Page 7 Selina Chönz / Alois Carigiet Das grosse Buch vom Schellen-Ursli – The Big Book of Ursli Page 28 Narisa Togo Weihnachtsspuren im Winterwald – Tracks in a Christmas Forest Page 8 Einar Turkowski Der Rauhe Berg – The Rough Mountain Page 29 Sonja Bougaeva Wie Frau B. so böse wurde – How Mrs B. Became So Crabby Page 9 Erna Kuik Lieber, lieber Pulli – Jumper Dearest Page 30 Anne-Kathrin Behl Matze vor, tanz ein Tor! – Go, Matt, Go! Dance Us a Goal! Page 10 Lorenz Pauli / Kathrin Schärer Pippilothek ??? – Fox Goes Library Page 31 Eilika Mühlenberg Camping – Camping Page 11 Ermanno Libenzi / Adelchi Galloni Robin bei den Piraten – Robin and the Pirates Page 32 Doro Göbel / Peter Knorr Die schönste Seifenkiste der Welt – The Greatest Soapbox on Earth Page 12 Max Huwyler / Jürg Obrist Suse Schweizer / Manuel Süess Kind und Katze – Child and Cat Page 13 Lorenz Pauli / Kathrin Schärer Das Beste überhaupt – Best Ever Page 14 Georg Kohler / Claudia de Weck Jakob, das Krokodil – Jacob Crocodile Page 15 Alfons Weber / Jacqueline Blass Elisabeth wird gesund – Elizabeth Gets Well Page 16 Eilika Mühlenberg Katzen mit Haus – The House Comes with the Cats Page 17 Konrad Beck Alle einsteigen – All Aboard! Page 18 Hans-Christian Schmidt / Andreas Német Hase und Schneemann – The Rabbit and the Snowman Page 19 Cally Stronk / Andrea Peter Wir Nestbauer sind schlauer – Building Nests is Simply Smarter! Page 20 Anne-Katherin Behl Tobi und die Alten – Toby and the Old Ones Page 21 Parastu Karimi Unser Garten mitten in der Stadt – Our Garden in the Middle of the City Page 22 1 Heinz Janisch / Hannes Binder Ich ging in Schuhen aus Gras – I Walked in Shoes of Grass Page 23 Das Zebra ist das Zebra – A Zebra Is a Zebra Page 33 Lorenz Pauli / Katrin Schärer Oma, Emma, Mama – Grandma, Emma, Mom Page 34 Kathrin Schärer Johanna im Zug – Joanna in the Train Page 35 Lorenz Pauli / Kathrin Schärer Mutig, mutig – The Test of Courage Page 36 Lorenz Pauli / Kathrin Schärer Ich mit dir, du mit mir – You and Me Page 37 Kathrin Schärer So war das! Nein, so! Nein, so! – It Was Like This! No, Like This! No Way! Page 38 Sonja Bougaeva Zwei Schwestern bekommen Besuch – Two sisters have a visitor Page 39 NON-FICTION Anne Möller Zehn Blätter fliegen davon – Ten Leaves in the Wind Page 40 Anne Möller Rotschwänzchen, was machst du hier im Schnee? – Little Redstart, What do You do Here in the Snow? Page 41 Anne Möller Über Land und durch die Luft – Over Land and trough the Air Page 42 SCHELLEN URSLI Selina Chönz / Alois Carigiet Schellen-Ursli – A Bell for Ursli, and other titles by Alois Carigiet Page 43 ATLANTIS VERLAG SPECIAL NEWS We are proud and very happy to announce that TOBY AND THE OLD ONES by Anne Behl is the winner of the Prix Chronos de Littérature for more information please look at page 21. 2 ATLANTIS VERLAG AWARD WINNING TITLES Prix Chronos de Littérature Anne-Kathrin Behl TOBI UND DIE ALTEN TOBY AND THE OLD ONES For more information please take a look on Page 21. Swiss Picture Book Award 2006 Lika Nüssli UNTERM BETT EIN WUNDERSTEIN A MAGIC STONE UNDER MY BED For more information please contact me. Swiss Children’s Media Award 2013, Heinz Janisch / Hannes Binder ICH GING IN SCHUHEN AUS GRAS I WALKED IN SHOES OF GRASS For more information please take a look on Page 23. LesePeter Dezember 2012 Lorenz Pauli / Kathrin Schärer NUR WIR ALLE JUST ALL OF US For more information please take a look on page 25. Ich ging in Schuhen aus Gras Heinz Janisch | Hannes Binder Swiss Children’s Media Award 2011 Kathrin Schärer JOHANNA IM ZUG JOANNA IN THE TRAIN For more information please take a look on page 35. Golden Pen of Belgrad 2009 Einar Turkowski DIE MONDBLUME THE MOON FLOWER For more information please take a look at the backlist catalogue. BIB (Biennial of Illustrations Bratisilava) Grand Prix Award 2007 Troisdorfer Bilderbuchpreis 2007 Spanish Visual Award Einar Turkowksi ES WAR FINSTER UND MERKWÜRDIG STILL IT WAS DARK AND EERILY QUIET For more information please take a look at the backlist catalogue. 3 Swiss Picture Book Award 2006 Sandra Luchsinger PAOLO’S GLÜCK PAOLO’S HAPPINESS For more information please contact me. Hans Christian Andersen Award in Gold Alois Carigiet SCHELLEN-URSLI A BELL FOR URSLI For more information please take a look on page 43. German Children’s book Award 2005 Anne Möller NESTER BAUEN, HÖHLEN KNABBERN BUILDING NESTS, DIGGING CAVES For more information please take a look at the backlist catalogue. ATLANTIS VERLAG BEST- AND LONGSELLERS Pauli / Schärer PIPPILOTHEK??? – Eine Bibliothek wirkt Wunder FOX GOES LIBRARY Over 25’000 copies sold. For more information please take a look on page 27. Pauli / Schärer MUTIG, MUTIG THE TEST OF COURAGE Over 65’000 copies sold! For more information please take a look on page 32. Pauli / Schärer ICH MIT DIR, DU MIT MIR YOU AND ME Over 15’000 copies sold! For more information please take a look on page 33. Kathrin Schärer JOHANNA IM ZUG JOANNA IN THE TRAIN Over 14’000 copies sold! Swiss children’s Media Award 2011. For more information please take a look on page 31. Kathrin Schärer SO WAR DAS! NEIN, SO! NEIN, SO! IT WAS LIKE THIS! NO, LIKE THIS! NO WAY! Over 16’000 copies sold! For more information please take a look on page 34. 4 Kathrin Schärer WENN FUCHS UND HASE SICHT GUTE NACHT SAGEN WHERE FOX AND BUNNY SAY GOODNIGHT TO EACH OTHER Over 64’000 copies sold in Japan! For more information please take a look at the backlist catalogue. Stephan Brülhart LEOPOLD UND DER FREMDE LEOPOLD AND THE STRANGER Over 12’000 copies sold! For more information please take a look at the backlist catalogue. Spang / Bougeava DAS GROSSE GÄHNEN THE HUGE YAWN Over 16’000 copies sold! For more information please take a look at the backlist catalogue. Brigitta Garcia Lopez FLIEG, FLENGEL FLIEG FLY, FLANGEL FLY! Over 14’000 copies sold! For more information please contact me. Anne Möller NESTER BAUEN, HÖHLEN KNABBERN BUILDING NESTS, DIGGING CAVES Over 11’000 copies sold! For more information please take a look at the backlist catalogue. Hilde Heyduck-Huth TANZEN KÖNNEN AUCH DIE STEINE THE STONES ARE EVEN ABLE TO DANCE Over 18’000 copies sold! For more information please contact me. Anne Möller ROTSCHWÄNZCHEN LITTLE REDSTART Over 10’000 copies sold! For more information please take a look on page 37. Nele Maar / Verena Ballhaus PAPA WOHNT JETZT IN DER HEINRICHSTRASSE MY DAD HAS MOVED TO HENRY STREET Over 40’000 copies sold! For more information please contact me. ATLANTIS VERLAG NEW TITLE FALL 2014 Author: LORENZ PAULI Illustrator: KATHRIN SCHÄRER Title: DA BIST DU JA! DIE LIEBE, DER ANFANG – ALLÜBERALL English title: THERE YOU ARE! THE BEGINNING OF LOVE 2014 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 15,8 × 21 cm 4 years and up world rights available «Sometimes I love you so much I wish there were two of you.» «Why?» «So we could hold hands on both sides.» «Oh! But we can do that, even if there’s only one of me.» Impish, dreamy, rapturous or quiet; surprising themselves and each other, «the Smaller One» and «the Larger One» explore what it is like to be close to each other – to feel love, to feel at home. Love is a universe. Love conjures up worlds of togetherness. This is a story of creation. But a different one. For children... and for those walking hand in hand. Lorenz Pauli, born 1967, he trained as a kindergarten teacher and has been teaching sind 1989, while being much in demand as storyteller in recent years. And in 2012, Lorenz Pauli gained formal recognition as well: He was awarded a place on the IBBY Honour List for the extraordinary quality of his text for the picture book Grandma, Emma, Mom (2010, Atlantis Publishers). Kathrin Schärer, born in Basle in 1969. She graduated as an art teacher as well as in arts and crafts from the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Basle. She teaches children with speech disorders and works as an illustrator. While she sometimes illustrates her own stories, she is best known for her longstanding and very successful collaboration with Lorenz Pauli. Kathrin Schärer has been nominated for the prestigious Hans Christian Andersen Award 2012 for her complete works. And Joanna on the Train (2009, Atlantis Publishers) was awarded the Swiss Childeren’s Media Award 2011. 5 ATLANTIS VERLAG NEW TITLE FALL 2014 Author / Illustrator: PETER MENNE Title: WIE PAPA EIN KANINCHEN WURDE English title: HOW DADDY BECAME A RABBIT 2014 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 29 × 22 cm 5 years and up world rights available Aunt Connie has brought Charles a conjuring set. «Nonsense», says Daddy when Charles tries to pull a white rabbit from a hat. «Absolutely impossible.» Next morning, however, there are weirdly long whiskers growing in his face. At the office, his ears attract attention, as do his front teeth. Daddy is embarrassed by his metamorphosis. He goes into hiding. But he is tracked down by some paparazzi – now there is no way back: He appears in talk-shows and becomes an advertising star for Cooper’s Carrots. His family is getting tired of it all. Daddy’s last chance is to trust in Charles’s and Aunt Connie’s conjuring abilities... Peter Menne, born in Delbrück (Westphalia) in 1962, studied graphics design (focusing on illustration) in Bielefeld. He admits to having started his career in the art room there, drawing nudes and managing to reduce top models to cartoons. He works as an illustrator and a caricaturist for numerous dailies, specialist journals and publishing houses. 6 ATLANTIS VERLAG Author: Illustrator: Title: English title: NEW TITLE FALL 2014 KNUT LAASER JASMIN SCHÄFER DER SPÄTE GAST A LATE-NIGHT VISITOR 2014 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 22 × 25 cm 5 years and up e Tür klopft, Hund, nliches Bedürfnis: n. rhund sich laufend anz sich selber ist (und bleibt), gutes Ende – Franz einen Anfang. 7 Knut Laaser & Jasmin Schäfer Der späte Gast world rights available First, there is a knock at the door, then a muzzle pushes through the letter slot. «Good evening, would you let me in, please? I’m catching cold out here!» Franz opens the door to a dachshund carrying an umbrella. A strange guest and an even stranger dog. He sounds hectoring, although all he wants to do is please the boy. He fulfills every wish he thinks the boy might have, turning himself into all kinds of things, before Franz finally gets a word in – «Dogs are my favourite animals!» Now the dachshund has found a home, a friend and himself! Knut Laaser & Jasmin Schäfer Knut Laaser, born in Berlin in 1981, studied social sciences in Hamburg and London, getting his doctorate in Glasgow. He had started writing short stories while still very young. A Late-Night Visitor is his first picture book text. Being a dog-lover himself, Knut Laaser is looking forward to the strange dachshund’s arrival. Jasmin Schäfer, born in Frankfurt am Main in 1981, studied illustration at HAW Hamburg. She illustrates, writes and collects children’s books. Much like Der Kragenbär / The Black Bear (Bajazzo, 2011), A Late-Night Visitor charms with its own brand of headstrong but impish humour. ATLANTIS VERLAG Author/ Illustrator: Title: English title: NEW TITLE FALL 2014 NARISA TOGO WEIHNACHTSSPUREN IM WNTERWALD TRACKS IN A CHRISTMAS FOREST 2014 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 21,5 × 21,5 cm 3 years and up world rights available It’s freezing outside; surely, there is nothing to see. But Mum says, «Let’s go for a walk! You never know...» And then, it is the girl who discovers something. «Look at this little fir tree!» «Could it be a Christmas tree?», Mum asks. «Yes, this is where the rabbits celebrate Christmas. They decorate the tree with berries and bits of lichen.» And so, a question-and-answer game begins, which, based on a child’s imagination, encourages a dialogue when read aloud. The sequence of «discovery» and «explanation» is accessible to children from a very young age. And the winter fairy tale at the end once again enumerates all the stops along this quietly magical Christmas journey. Narisa Togo, born in Japan in 1987, studied ecology at the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology before her interest in illustration brought her to England. Studying children’s illustration at the Cambridge School of Art, she sketched plants, birds and landscapes in her leisure time. She wants her books to reflect how fascinating nature can be to children. 8 ATLANTIS VERLAG NEW TITLE SPRING 2014 Author / Illustrator: SONJA BOUGAEVA Title: WIE FRAU B. SO BÖSE WURDE ... und warum sie jetzt wieder nett ist English title: How Mrs B. Became So Crabby ... and Why She Is So Much Nicer Now 2014 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 27 × 23,5 cm 5 years and up Rights sold to: Spain, Catalonia, Denmark world rights available Sonja Bougaeva’s books are beloved by children as well as critically acclaimed and have been awarded numerous prizes. Everybody is afraid of Mrs B., especially the children. She loves to sit near the playground – all the better to hate kids.One day, she watches a boy bullying a little girl. THIS scene touches a nerve and makes Mrs B. remember, and we find out what she experienced and why she became the way she is now. Now – in the present – Mrs B. stands up for the little girl and wins back her peace of mind. Sonja Bougaeva’s pictures have the power to fascinate not just by being drastic and witty; her brushstroke also creates an atmosphere that is instantly recognizable. Sonja Bougaeva, born in St.Petersburg 1975, now living in Hamburg, studied book art and painting at the Academy of Arts. Subsequently, she trained as a designer for animated movies and worked for a cartoon film studio. Her first picture book was nominated for the German Children’s Book Award. 9 ATLANTIS VERLAG NEW TITLE SPRING 2014 Author/Illustrator: ANNE-KATHRIN BEHL Title: MATZE VOR, TANZ EIN TOR! English title: GO, MATT, GO! DANCE US A GOAL! 2014 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 23,5 × 29 cm 4 years and up Rights sold to: Denmark Matt likes to play with his friend, Emil. But Matt LOVES ballet dancing. «Ballet is for girls!’, the other boys think. They are training for the football match against the Bumpkinsville Bombers. On the great day, Matt is only watching the game from the sidelines. But when their best striker is injured and carried off the pitch, it is Matt’s turn - Matt, of all people! Matt, who is afraid of the ball! But Matt quickly finds out how to bring his ballet expertise into play... With wit and a light touch, Anne Behl captures the drive and energy of the game. Anne-Kathrin Behl was born in 1983. Her mother being a bookseller and her father a forester, it is no wonder she went on to study illustration at HAW in Hamburg, and that she is particularly fond of drawing animals. Today, Anne-Kathrin lives in Leipzig. Touring with the satirical cabaret group teewurst, she sings songs for grown-ups while also organising creative workshops for children. 10 ATLANTIS VERLAG NEW TITLE SPRING 2014 Author / Illustrator: EILIKA MÜHLENBERG Title: CAMPING - URLAUB MIT WIND UND WIRBEL. Eine Wimmel-Geschichte English title: CAMPING – A WINDY, WHIRLING HOLIDAY. A Hidden Object Book 2014 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 23 × 29,4 cm 3 years and up world rights available Camping on the lakeside – the ultimate in summery delight and holiday fun (there is a lot going on, even when it is raining!). Our protagonist is a large – or, to children, a gigantic – inflatable crocodile. Carried away by the wind, it sails through the pages, only to return at last, having a rest after the happy ending. And, of course, there are many characters figuring throughout the book, each with his or her own story. Eilika Mühlenberg belongs to the school of illustrators picturing people of any age with an eye for their eccentricities and with a sense of humour. She draws children and adults alike with much flair for their everyday lives as well as for their holiday pleasures. After The House Comes With the Cats, Camping is Eilika Mühlenberg’s second picture book published by Atlantis – and very much inspired by the artist’s own life ... 11 TLANTIS VERLAG NEW TITLE SPRING 2014 A Author: DORO GÖBEL Illustrator: PETER KNORR Title: DIE SCHÖNSTE SEIFENKISTE DER WELT English title: THE GREATEST SOAPBOX ON EARTH 2014 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 23,5 × 29 cm 4 years and up world rights available Ben and Mia want to join the soapbox derby. They cannot wait to get started, so they ask the carpenter next door for a large, wooden board. He does not mind giving them one, but asks them to help him sweep out his workshop in return. The same thing happens with the youths tinkering with their mopeds, at the gardener’s and in the grocery shop, where they ask for a box to use as their bonnet. Giving and taking, working and tinkering ... and, finally, everybody is watching their first drive! Doro Göbel (born in Bad Kreuzach in 1958) and Peter Knorr (born in Munich in 1956) met while studying art in Mainz. They are married, living in Nierstein am Rhein with their two daughters. As freelance illustrators, they have illustrated numerous children’s books and designed book covers, e.g. for novels by Erich Kästner, Peter Härtling, Klaus Kordon, Willi Fährmann and Rafik Schami. For some years now, they have also been designing hidden object books for first readers. Doro Göbel and Peter Knorr have been awarded prizes in the Die schönsten deutschen Bücher* competition. * The most beautiful German books 12 TLANTIS VERLAG NEW TITLE SPRING 2014 A Illustrator: SUSE SCHWEIZER Concept: SUSE SCHWEIZER/MANUEL SÜESS Title: KIND UND KATZE English title: CHILD AND CAT 2014 20 pages, board book, coloured illustrations size 16,5 × 16,5 cm 2 years and up world rights available The cat is stretching her cat’s back – the child is rubbing her tired eyes. The cat is licking up milk from her bowl – the child is drinking from her baby’s bottle. The cat is cleaning her fur with her tongue – the child is washing with a flannel. This board book for very young children accompanies a child and her cat through the day. From getting up to falling asleep, small children can follow the course of a typical day, recognizing themselves and their surroundings. The juxtaposition motivates children to speak; comparisons improve basic vocabulary. A book to encourage even the youngest children to help tell its story. Suse Schweizer, born in 1973, studied at Bauhaus University, Weimar, and is a prize-winning freelance illustrator. Manuel Süess is a graphics designer with a passion for drawing. For years, he has been lucky enough to be able to do what he likes best, namely the typography for picture books. 13 ATLANTIS VERLAG Author: LORENZ PAULI Illustrator: KATHRIN SCHÄRER Title: DAS BESTE ÜBERHAUPT English title: BEST EVER 2013 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 26 × 23,5 cm from 4 years on Rights sold to: Denmark, China and France world rights available A bustle to the left, a melee to the right, teeming crowds all around and Guy Guinea Pig in the thick of it! If he were taller, he would stand out, or if he could whistle a song. And if he could ... But at that moment, Guy realises that the others have left. They are on their way to the meeting place where the «Best Guinea Pig Ever” is to be elected. On the way, everybody tries to impress everybody else: with cleverness, with daring or just with jumping very far. And right before the election, the boasting reaches fever pitch. Suddenly, somebody yells, «Let’s get to the point! Why don’t we vote for Guy? Guy doesn’t have to be special to be happy. He does all he can, as best as he can!’ When he is voted «Best Guinea Pig Ever», Guy feels a little lonely on the winner’s throne. He wants the best thing ever: To be right in the middle of everything. A bustle to the left, a melee to the right and teeming crowds all around. An aboveaverage book about the joys of being average – by Pauli/ Schärer, of course. Lorenz Pauli, born 1967, he trained as a kindergarten teacher and has been teaching sind 1989, while being much in demand as storyteller in recent years. And in 2012, Lorenz Pauli gained formal recognition as well: He was awarded a place on the IBBY Honour List for the extraordinary quality of his text for the picture book Grandma, Emma, Mom (2010, Atlantis Publishers). Kathrin Schärer, born in Basle in 1969. She graduated as an art teacher as well as in arts and crafts from the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Basle. She teaches children with speech disorders and works as an illustrator. While she sometimes illustrates her own stories, she is best known for her longstanding and very successful collaboration with Lorenz Pauli. Kathrin Schärer has been nominated for the prestigious Hans Christian Andersen Award 2012 for her complete works. And Joanna on the Train (2009, Atlantis Publishers) was awarded the Swiss Childeren’s Media Award 2011. 14 ATLANTIS VERLAG Author: GEORG KOHLER Illustrator: CLAUDIA DE WECK Title: JAKOB, DAS KROKODIL English title: JACOB CROCODILE 2013 40 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 22 × 31,4 cm from 5 years on world rights available Children’s books often tell stories about animals in unusual surroundings, in a comical and fanciful way. This story, however, is true. A jazz musician comes home from a tour abroad, bringing along a present for his children: a crocodile. But Jacob grows. Finally, the family turn one room of their flat into a jungle. School classes come to marvel at the animal. Even when their children move out, the parents continue to live with their special pet. Jacob reaches the ripe old age of 42, which is practically unheard-of for a crocodile in captivity. The illustrations show a modern family flat. But Claudia de Weck treats this true story (which took place in the Zurich region) not as a local curiosity but as a situation that - however incredible became part of the daily routine of an actual family. There is an appendix explaining zoological matters and Georg Kohler’s epilogue encourages readers to consider the ethics of keeping pets. Georg Kohler, Prof. em., PhD, lic. iur., born in 1945, is lecturing as a visiting professor at the TU Dresden, Germany, at the moment. He studied philosophy, literature and law in Zurich and Basel. From 1983 to 1991, he was a journalist as well as managing a family business. After teaching at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, he moved to Zurich in 1994 and lectured on philosophy at its university until 2010, specialising in political philosophy. He has written an afterword to Jacob Crocodile, encouraging readers to reflect on two-legged creatures keeping four-legged ones as pets. Claudia de Weck was born in Zurich. She trained as an artist, locally as well as in Paris and Hamburg. Today, she is an illustrator and a writer. 15 ATLANTIS VERLAG Author: ALFONS WEBER Illustrator: JACQUELINE BLASS Title: ELISABETH WIRD GESUND English title: ELIZABETH GETS WELL 2013 40 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 30,5 × 21,7 cm from 4 years on world rights available Elizabeth’s belly hurts. The kindergarten teacher sends her home. When the pain does not stop, Elizabeth’s family start to worry. Elizabeth is examined by a pediatrician and diagnosed with appendicitis. She needs surgery. At the hospital, she meets the other little patients in her room. There is also a visit from the hospital clown. At the end, it is hard to say good-bye. Apprehensive and fearful at first, Elizabeth is now trustful and interested. When ’Elizabeth Gets Well’ was published in 1969, it caused a stir: It was perfectly knowledgeable yet perfectly suitable for children – the first of its kind. 26 editions in Switzerland and 12 in Germany have made this picture book an enduring bestseller. There being a great demand, a new edition was published in 2004, its text updated by the author and its pictures adapted by the illustrator to depict the daily routine of a modern hospital. 16 Alfons Weber, MD, (1921 – 2013), studied medicine in Zurich and Basel. 1965 he was appointed to a position at the Zurich Children’s Hospital. As a senior physician, he often found his little patients to be frightened because nobody had explained to them why they were in hospital at all; at least not in terms they could understand. Elizabeth Gets Well, written by a competent doctor and critically examined by his four children, became a sensation (and a sensational success) in 1969. Jacqueline Blass-Tschudi, born in 1934, studied at the Kunstgewerbeschule and at the Académie Julian in Paris. The youngest of her three children fell ill with leukemia in 1965. She came to know not only the children’s hospital but also the fears of children who had to go there. As a freelance illustrator, she was happy to oblige when asked if she would illustrate a picture book on the subject. Elizabeth Gets Well was published in 1969. The artist still enjoys drawing, if mostly for her six grandchildren. ATLANTIS VERLAG Author/ Illustrator: EILIKA MÜHLENBERG Title: KATZEN MIT HAUS English title: THE HOUSE COMES WITH THE CATS 2013 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 29 × 24 cm from 4 years on world rights available Two cats are watching a removal van pull up to the house. A man, a woman, a boy and a little girl start lugging cardboard boxes and furniture into the house. The two cats have always lived here, so they sneak in. They are hardly through the cat flap when the woman trips over one of then, crying out in surprise. «You’ve frightened them!», yells the boy. «They’ve frightened ME!», says the mother. How do you stop cats caterwauling at night? Who likes whom... and who does not? The family are settling in, the cats are learning, too. Soon, their purring is more important than their paw tracks on the sofa. In the evening, under the bedcovers, the mother mumbles, «Don’t cats belong at the foot end?» But nobody hears her, everybody is asleep. With humour and with a light touch, but always keeping within familiar day-to-day routine, the illustrator tells us about people and animals who need to get along with each other, who want to and who finally manage pretty well. Eilika Mühlenberg was born in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, in 1969. She studied art education in her native city and children’s book illustration at the Design Academy in Hamburg. After sharing a studio for several years, she has her own rooms now. Her favourite subjects are people and animals in motion. She lives in Hamburg with her husband and two sons and she was happy to move into a house that came complete with two cats... 17 ATLANTIS VERLAG Author/ Illustrator: KONRAD BECK Title: ALLE EINSTEIGEN English title: ALL ABOARD! – TRAVELLING BY TRAIN 2013 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 21 × 31 cm from 4 years on Rights sold to: France world rights available A busy station in the morning, the same view in the evening, and in between: everything that happens before a train departs, passengers changing to buses or boats, a suitcase on its way from A to B, but also the reloading of goods from Rhine barges to train wagons, a rolling stock workshop and a track construction site - all those (and more) are shown in twelve large spreads depicting the day-to- day routine of the Swiss Federal Railways. In a word: What children now and then catch a glimpse of is given context and becomes part of a system. There is very little text but all the more to see. The concept was designed in cooperation with Swiss Federal Railways experts. Illustrator Konrad Beck has condensed every subject into a beautifully- crafted scene. He has taken photographs and sketched on the spot and has peopled these stages with staff and passengers. The ultimate hidden object picture book for children, railway buffs and tourists! Konrad Beck was born in 1980. After training as a primary teacher and working in his job for three years, he went on to study illustration in Lucerne and Brussels. His degree thesis, Love Town, was published by Edition Moderne in 2010. He works as a freelance illustrator and comic strip artist vor various print media, advertising agencies and educational publishers. You can have a look at his work including his own comic strip, cartoon and picture book projects: 18 ATLANTIS VERLAG Author: Illustrator: Title: English title: HANS-CHRISTIAN SCHMIDT ANDREAS NÉMET HASE UND SCHNEEMANN THE RABBIT AND THE SNOWMAN 2013 16 pages, board book coloured illustrations size 20,5 × 20,5 cm with cu from 3 years on t-o world rights available Dann schuf er ohne Schwierigkeiten einen mittelgroßen zweiten. ut ope nings A small rabbit rolls a large snowball down into the valley. Then, he shapes another medium-sized one and puts it on top of the first. And a third one to complete the figure: It’s a snowman! The rabbit says to him, «Must fly! Why don’t you take a walk? Good-bye!» A few hours later, the rabbit returns. The sun is shining, the snowman has gone. He has only left his hat. «Travel safely! Best of luck!», the rabbit calls after him, waving. The snow that the rabbit rolls away from the left-hand page and piles up on the right-hand page is punched out of the cardboard material and glued back on in its new place – abracadabra, a three-dimensional snowman, no 3D-glasses necessary! This simple but brilliant twist by renowned board book authors Német/ Schmid enables children to see the story and feel its shapes – even the hat left behind in the field. Hans-Christian Schmidt, who was born in the winter of 1973, is a high school German and history teacher. He lives in Dresden, Germany, and has two children who have not quite outgrown building snowmen. He is very proud of having won various awards in the ongoing contest Tenants’ Best Snowman. With Andreas Német, he has had several very successful picture books published, this latest one now by Atlantis. We shall definitely root for him next winter! Andreas Német, born in 1973, trained first as a china painter at the Staatliche Porzellanmanufaktur Meissen and then as a cabinet maker. In Schneeberg, Germany, he studied wood design and product design at the Hochschule für Angewandte Kunst. He has been working as a freelance illustrator, commercial artist and product designer. He specialises in illustrating children’s books which he usually plans with Hans-Christian Schmidt. Andreas Német lives in Dresden, he has got two sons. 19 ATLANTIS VERLAG Author: CALLY STRONK Illustrator: ANDREA PETER Title: WIR NESTBAUER SIND SCHLAUER English title: BUILDING NESTS IS SIMPLY SMARTER! 2013 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 20 × 25 cm from 4 years on Rights sold to: Denmark world rights available When Squeaky Squirrel spots the excavator, she is shocked. Luckily, her friends help her fight the giant monster. Cheering, the animals watch as the walls built by the «two-legged aliens» collapse. But then, the squirrel sa ys, «Don’t humans have children, too? Where are they going to live now?» And suddenly, the tide has turned: Every animal knows how to build a nest, and soon Chief Beaver shows the workers which trees will make the best timber for building. There is a buzz of unheard-of activity, and as a human family enters their newly-built home, the last animals are making themselves scarce – through the back windows. Cally Stronk, born in 1977, studied social communication and economics communication at the Universität der Künste, Berlin. After various freelance projects in editing, film and music, Colly Stronk has been working mainly as a children’s author since 2010. Rhyming or unrhymed, board books, poetic non-fiction, riddles or adventure stories – she feels at home in a great many genres. Andrea Peter, born in 1982, studied illustration after training as an elementary school teacher. Nowadays, she has got an artist’s studio in Berne as well as one in Berlin. She moves between free design and commissioned work, between silk-screen printing and specifications with the greatest of ease. 20 ATLANTIS VERLAG Author/ Illustrator: ANNE-KATHRIN BEHL Title: TOBI UND DIE ALTEN English title: TOBY AND THE OLD ONES 2013 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 25.3 × 23.5 cm from 4 years on Rights sold to: Denmark, France, Korea and Brazil world rights available fragt Tobi. die Karte her?« Wo hast du denn er erlebt ...«, » habe viele Abenteu ich selbst Pilot und »Früher, da war . hlen erzä mann zu beginnt Herr Geiß Toby is bored to TEARS! There is nobody to play with in the whole city - just old people feeding pigeons and pushing their walking frames about. Only when his red ball ends up in old Mr Billygoat’s lap, it gets another ball rolling in Toby’s mind. Mr Billygoat used to be a pilot, and he has got lots of stories to tell. Toby is listening, captivated, forgetting that he ever found old folks boring. And after hearing Mrs Hornhilda (a former diva of the stage) and Mr Greybeard (an ex-master detective) talk about their past, Toby knows what he wants to be when he grows up... By responding to the memories of an older generation, Toby forgets his prejudices and becomes an avid listener. Playing and moving about are parts of life; stories give it a richer texture. Anne-Kathrin Behl was born in 1983. Her mother being a bookseller and her father a forester, it is no wonder she went on to study illustration at HAW in Hamburg, and that she is particularly fond of drawing animals. Today, Anne-Kathrin lives in Leipzig. Touring with the satirical cabaret group teewurst, she sings songs for grown-ups while also organising creative workshops for children. 21 ATLANTIS VERLAG Author/ Illustrator: PARASTU KARIMI Title: UNSER GARTEN – MITTEN IN DER STADT English title: OUR GARDEN IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CITY 2013 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 21 × 31 cm from 4 years on Rights sold to: Denmark world rights available Tete has never walked as far along the wall, and suddenly, he sees an idle plot of land: space for a green island that could grow here, like plants grow from cracks in the walls! He tells his friends about his idea. They ask for tools and seeds at home, then they set out. Secretly, the three children cultivate the land between the old walls. Some plants grow, some do not. One day, they discover a chick between heads of lettuce. And a man looks across the back wall, asking whether they have seen his little runaway. Mr Mika invites the children to his side of the wall: He has been working here for years; he needs his garden so he can relax after his work at the office. Child’s play becomes a community project and a summer party suddenly involves several generations. With its visions of rampant greenery as well as with realistic scenes, Parastu Karimi’s first picture book promotes awareness of our need for green spaces and introduces children to the joys of gardening. Parastu Karimi lives and works as an illustrator in Berlin. Her work is much influenced by urban impressions as well as by flora and fauna. At first glance, many of her pictures seem poetic and dreamy, disclosing their bizarre and enigmatic nature only gradually. In addition to her illustrations for children, she draws comic strips for adults, paints murals and experiments with installation art. 22 ATLANTIS VERLAG Author: Illustrator: Title: English title: HEINZ JANISCH HANNES BINDER • Swiss Children’s Media Award 2013 ICH GING IN SCHUHEN AUS GRAS I WALKED IN SHOES OF GRASS 2013 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 19 × 26 cm world rights available Ich ging durch einen hellen Garten mit hohen Figuren und Schatten, die sich bewegten. Eine Katze sprang vom Fensterbrett und schmiegte sich an meine Beine. I walked in shoes of grass through a city of stone. Everything was strange. (...) I could hear animals, and I saw them, too. The first person narrator in Heinz Janisch’s poem suddenly stands in front of a door. There is a bright garden behind it; a stairway takes him or her up to a house, a woman, a man, a cat-home! Hannes Binder tells exactly the same story which is vastly different: He translates the magic of the poem into the poetry of his pictures. So, in the end, the child’s journey takes us beyond the text, into fantastic realms. Hannes Binder’s illustrations have hardly ever been as close to the way children experience the world. His scraperboard artwork gently welcomes the dreamer, even in its surreal moments, therefore some pictures have been nuanced in subtle, friendly colour. Ich ging in Schuhen aus Gras Heinz Janisch | Hannes Binder 23 Heinz Janisch, born in 1960, studied German and journalism in Vienna. There are many books for children and young adults among his publications. He was awarded the Austrian State Prize for Children’s Poetry, the Bologna Ragazzi Award, the Austrian Children and Young Adult Book Prize as well as many other awards. Hannes Binder, born in 1947, studied art at the Kunstgewerbeschule in his native town Zurich. He worked in Milan as a graphic designer and spent three years in Hamburg as an illustrator. Today, he lives in Zurich again, lecturing at Lucerne’s Kunsthochschule and working as a freelance illustrator and artist – mostly in his favourite technique, scraperboard. In addition to several crime classics by Friedrich Glauser, he has illustrated Lisa Tetzner’s The Black Brothers and works by Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Urs Widmer, Peter Bichsel, Eduard Mörike and Klaus Merz. ATLANTIS VERLAG Author: Illustrator: Title: English title: Rights sold to: LORENZ PAULI MIRIAM ZEDELIUS ZUM MITNEHMEN PLEASE HELP YOURSELF 2012 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations Size 21 × 31 cm From 4 years on Denmark, Brazil, Taiwan, China world rights available There are so many ripe apples that Mr Snip fills a large basket, writing »Please Help Yourself« on a piece of paper. A little boy (who can’t read yet) sees the fruit, grabs an apple and runs, convinced that he has stolen it. He’s hardly gone when a woman arrives: She reads «Please Help Yourself» and is very happy about the pretty basket. There is no end of confusion. A park bench is carried off, a boy is suspected of having eaten a bicycle – but finally, there’s apple-pie for everybody. Lorenz Pauli has invented a delightful succession of misunderstandings and newunderstandings, a sequence of situational humour that children will enjoy – not least because they can see through the calamities. And Miriam Zedelius has staged the punch lines in a world of vivid colour and simple shapes. Also available: an English rough translation. Lorenz Pauli, born 1967, he trained as a kindergarten teacher and has been teaching sind 1989, while being much in demand as storyteller in recent years. And in 2012, Lorenz Pauli gained formal recognition as well: He was awarded a place on the IBBY Honour List for the extraordinary quality of his text for the picture book Grandma, Emma, Mom (2010, Atlantis Publishers). Miriam Zedelius was born in Heidelberg in 1977 and lives in Leipzig with her family. She also studied there at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst. Today, she’s a freelance illustrator, designing postcards, posters and picture books in her own small silk-screen printing workshop with great success. Her two children enjoy being their mum’s test audience – she has already published two picture books with their seal of approval, both of them written by Lorenz Pauli; last year saw the publication of H.C. Andersen’s The Wild Swans by Stämpfli Publishers. 24 ATLANTIS VERLAG Author: Illustrator: Title: English title: Rights sold to: LORENZ PAULI KATHRIN SCHÄRER NUR WIR ALLE JUST ALL OF US 2012 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations Size 30 × 23.8 cm from 4 years on Denmark, China, Korea, Russia world rights available A stag (slightly bored), a mouse (who practises her balance), a fish (who wants to belong so much that he actually develops a voice), a meerkat (unusually excited) and a bear (allegedly hungry) – they all play their parts in this story. When the bucket containing the fish starts to leak, they save him in a joint effort, and with a bit of luck. Their adventure gives them a sense of community and the mouse nods, «Playing? Just all of us? That would be fun … » At first, they’re strangers to each other, but finally they manage to combine their wildly divergent ideas. If they had rejected each other as being too strange, there would only have been several rather boring stories to tell. However, together they are able to fuse the strands into one single, exciting story! Lorenz Pauli tells it in his inimitably mischievous way, bearing out children’s dayto-day experience. And Kathrin Schärer once again manages to illustrate (and gently mock) the animals’ typical character traits with her wonderful pictures. Also available: an English rough translation. Lorenz Pauli, born 1967, he trained as a kindergarten teacher and has been teaching sind 1989, while being much in demand as storyteller in recent years. And in 2012, Lorenz Pauli gained formal recognition as well: He was awarded a place on the IBBY Honour List for the extraordinary quality of his text for the picture book Grandma, Emma, Mom (2010, Atlantis Publishers). Kathrin Schärer, born in Basle in 1969. She graduated as an art teacher as well as in arts and crafts from the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Basle. She teaches children with speech disorders and works as an illustrator. While she sometimes illustrates her own stories, she is best known for her longstanding and very successful collaboration with Lorenz Pauli. Kathrin Schärer has been nominated for the prestigious Hans Christian Andersen Award 2012 for her complete works. And Joanna on the Train (2009, Atlantis Publishers) was awarded the Swiss Childeren’s Media Award 2011. 25 ATLANTIS VERLAG Author/ Illustrator: Title: English title: SUSE SCHWEIZER OH SCHRECK! ...UND DANNN? SHOCK! HORROR! 2012 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations Size 23 × 16 cm from 3 years on world rights available Some children are playing outside. A boy peeks around the corner, gapes, and yells, «SHOCK! HORROR!» They all run inside. All the children, all the chairs, EVERYTHING! And then – turn the page - we are in the children’s hiding place. They are all listening with rapt attention to what’s going on outside; one child quietly asks another what she’s afraid of. «Of witches», «of our neighbour’s dog», «of my parents»... «Of you!» – «Of me?» «Of you!» – «Of you!» – the children point at each other, laughing. They are sitting in their hiding place together. It looks like a fortress - or maybe like a monster? But children are looking out of it, all over, and they ask, «What shall we play now? Suse Schweizer uses very few words to create a hectic, crazy, but then again very quiet sequence of events. Just like child’s play: A simple idea leading to lots and lots of fun! Also available: an English rough translation. Suse Schweizer, born in 1973, studied at Bauhaus University, Weimar, and is a prize-winning freelance illustrator. 26 ATLANTIS VERLAG Author/ Illustrator: Title: English title: Rights sold to: HILDE HEYDUCK-HUTH WEIHNACHTEN CHRISTMAS 2012 20 pages, board book, coloured illustrations Size 20 × 23.3 cm from 2 years on GB/USA, Netherlands world rights available In simple scenes extremely generous for a cardboard book, Hilde Heyduck-Huth tells the story of Christmas: the star leading the way, an angel calling. Shepherds, the Magi, women, men and many children come to the stable. There’s a content baby lying in the manger. Everyone who has seen him happily returns home, telling everybody else. It would be hard to find a simpler retelling of the birth in the stable. By focusing instead of reducing, the artist manages to convey a meditative atmosphere; her pictures radiate great calm. The cardboard book was first published in 1971. New lithographs have now been created from the originals and have been slightly enlarged, so the pictures can unfold their full effect. A quiet retelling for very young children, unmatched in its simplicity. Also available: an English rough translation. Hilde Heyduck-Huth, born in 1929, studied painting, graphic design and pedagogics in Kassel, Germany. In 1963, she was awarded the Premio Grafico di Bologna, her first international prize, for Three Birds (Ravensburg). Her books have been published throughout the world, from Japan via Iceland and South Africa to the USA. The Stones Are Even Able To Dance, a perennial long-seller, has seen eleven editions so far. Hilde HeyduckHuth’s books are famous for their uncompromising quality and reflect the artist’s respect for children. For her book TANZEN KÖNNEN AUCH DIE STEINE – THE STONES ARE EVEN ABLE TO DANCE please contact me. 27 ATLANTIS VERLAG Author: Illustrator: Title: English title: SELINA CHÖNZ ALOIS CARIGIET DAS GROSSE BUCH VOM SCHELLEN-URSLI THE BIG BOOK OF URSLI 2012 120 pages, bound, coloured illustrations Size 31.1 × 24 cm from 4 years on world rights available Ursli, Swiss picture book hero extraordinaire, would have deserved a special edition like this years ago! Based on early prints, new lithographs have been created, with the colours the way the artist originally intended them to be. The so-called Engadine Trilogy, the three stories about Ursli and Florina, are available in a single volume for the first time, complemented by articles about Alois Carigiet and Selina Chönz, about the book’s history and its importance. Also available: an English rough translation: A BELL FOR URSLI, FLORINA and THE SNOWSTORM. Selina Chönz was a writer and a kindergarten teacher from the Engadine Valley. In 1945, her «Uorsin» story appeared in print for the first time. Illustrated by painter Alois Carigiet, the picture book became a world-wide bestseller. Ursli is the protagonist in a tale about setting out and coming home, about acting autonomously and proving one’s worth. Soon, there was a second book, about his sister, Florina, and another about their adventures during The Big Snow. Compared to Heidi, in terms of international sales, Ursli might be her little brother. From an artistic viewpoint, however Alois Carigiet’s illustrations made Ursli a monument of 20th century Swiss graphic design, an icon of Swiss children’s literature and a genuine ambassador of Alpine self-assertion. Tourists from all over the globe come to see Ursli’s world every year. Even more important, though, is his perennial popularity as a big hero of little heroes. 28 Detail from «The Rough Mountain» ATLANTIS VERLAG Author/ Illustrator: Title: English title: Rights sold to: EINAR TURKOWSKI DER RAUHE BERG THE ROUGH MOUNTAIN 2012 32 pages, bound, black-and-withe illustrations Size 19,6 × 32,5 cm Japan, Spain and Latin America, South Africa world rights available In a country where it rains from the ground, there is an uncanny mountain shrouded in legend. However, one man dares approach. At the foot of the mountain, he is greeted by a sign, «See, if you can». Taken aback, the man walks on, starting to look at things more closely. The path takes him through a dark forest, past strange creatures. Ever steeper becomes the climb, and ever more dangerous. An artist’s parable, a story about daring to take a closer look, staged brilliantly by Einar Turkowski whose worlds always include the discovery of tiny detail and whose art focuses on the infinitesimal, only to unfold into sweeping, breathtaking vistas. Also available: an English summary. The BIB Grand Prix for his debut, It Was Dark and Eerily Quiet was only the first of a number of prestigious awards that continued with Turkoswki’s second book, The Moon Flower, which received the 2009 Golden Pen of Belgrade. Einar Turkowski lives and draws in Schleswig-Holstein near Kiel. He gives readings and offers workshops. 29 ATLANTIS VERLAG Author/ Illustrator: Title: English title: Rights sold to: ERNA KUIK LIEBER, LIEBER PULLI JUMPER DEAREST 2012 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations Size 29 × 24 cm from 5 years on China world rights available Consumer behaviour? Throwaway society? Whatever – every child has got a favourite piece of clothing he or she would NEVER part with. And so does Bastian, who, by accident, spatters his favourite jumper with paint. But when his friend Pip washes the jumper in hot water, it shrinks! Pip has a guilty conscience - and an idea: He creates new clothes out of old trousers, jackets, socks. But will a colourful patchwork jumper really comfort Bastian? Unexpectedly, the smallest rabbit finds a solution ... Even in Erna Kuik’s rabbit children’s world, one sometimes has to let go of something. And just like these «children», who forget the world around them while painting or making things, the Dutch artist glories in vibrant colour and keeps finding new ways of expressing herself. Also available: an English rough translation. Erna Kuik, was born 1967, studied free graphic design at Kampen Art Academy and was awarded the Greta and Adri Pieck Prize for young artists. Today she works as art teacher for children. She is a passionate painter, often taking her inspiration from the world of children. She also designs and creates felt animals. For more books by Erna Kuik please take a look at the backlist catalogue. 30 ATLANTIS VERLAG Author: Illustrator: Title: English title: Rights sold to: LORENZ PAULI KATHRIN SCHÄRER PIPPILOTHEK??? – EINE BIBLITOHEK WIRKT WUNDER FOX GOES LIBRARY 2011 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations Size 24 × 24 cm from 5 years on France, Brazil, Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands, Spain and Latin America, Korea, China, Taiwan, Japan, Italy, USA, UK, Arabic Language Worldwide and Iran world rights available Bestseller! Over 10’000 copies sold in 12 weeks. Fox is chasing a mouse, in through the cellar window, around the corner, along a narrow corridor. And suddenly, they both find themselves in a room with lots of bookshelves and even more books. «This is a library», the mouse explains. «A lie-brary?», Fox asks. But then, he begins to like the books – even if that means he’ll have to learn to read. With a chicken teaching him, no less! There’s information on just about anything – chicken bones as well as magic spells – in the library. Everybody finds something that interests them. And in the middle of such a multitude of books, even a fox and a chicken can get along. Kathrin Schärer perfectly translates Lorenz Pauli’s wit into wonderful pictures of an impish mouse an her two (very different) companions. Also available: an English and Italian rough translation. Lorenz Pauli, born 1967, he trained as a kindergarten teacher and has been teaching sind 1989, while being much in demand as storyteller in recent years. And in 2012, Lorenz Pauli gained formal recognition as well: He was awarded a place on the IBBY Honour List for the extraordinary quality of his text for the picture book Grandma, Emma, Mom (2010, Atlantis Publishers). Kathrin Schärer, born in Basle in 1969. She graduated as an art teacher as well as in arts and crafts from the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Basle. She teaches children with speech disorders and works as an illustrator. While she sometimes illustrates her own stories, she is best known for her longstanding and very successful collaboration with Lorenz Pauli. Kathrin Schärer has been nominated for the prestigious Hans Christian Andersen Award 2012 for her complete works. And Joanna on the Train (2009, Atlantis Publishers) was awarded the Swiss Childeren’s Media Award 2011. 31 ATLANTIS VERLAG Author: Illustrator: Title: English title: ERMANNO LIBENZI ADELCHI GALLONI ROBIN BEI DEN PIRATEN ROBIN AND THE PIRATES 2010 64 pages, bound coloured illustrations size 24 × 27.5 cm from 6 years on Rights sold to: France, Finland, Sweden, Denmark and China world rights available A kraken guarding a golden treasure, a ghost ship, an island teeming with pirates – as soon as Robin puts to sea, the wildest adventures begin! Yesterday, he was living peacefully in his grandfather’s lighthouse – today he has to help Moby Dick hide and he becomes Captain Hook’s apprentice, meeting all sorts of weird and wonderful (and some very well-known) people: Captain Nemo, for example, aboard his submarine, or an inventor who helps Robin fly home in the end, in a pigeonshaped airship. Ermanno Libenzi is an expert teller of tall tales from the high seas, alluding to popular heroes galore, while Adelchi Galloni – an «old master» belonging to Tomi Ungerer’s generation, steeped in Yellow Submarine imagery – has created a wonderful buccaneer fantasy, Seventies style! Also available: an English summary. A French, Italian and Spanisch translation. Ermanno Libenzi, born in Milan in 1936, studied literature and pedagogics and has worked as a journalist and editor as well as writing for children and young adults – more that 30 books. His stories are full of fascinating historical and scientific detail, while fantasy and ecological thinking complement each other in his nature descriptions. Adelchi Galloni, born in 1936, grew up in Milan and had his art first exhibited when he was hardly out of school. He has designed animated cartoons and worked for national and international advertising agencies, magazines and newspapers while always illustrating childrens’ books. His work has been the subject of numerous exhibitions and he has been awarded several prizes. He was also an university lecturer and directed an animation film after a text by Dario Fo. 32 ATLANTIS VERLAG Author: Illustrator: Title: English title: Rights sold to: MAX HUWYLER JÜRG OBRIST DAS ZEBRA IST DAS ZEBRA A ZEBRA IS A ZEBRA 2010 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 21,5 × 29 cm from 5 years on Russia, Denmark, France, Moroco, China, Taiwan, Korea and Iran world rights available Is a zebra’s fur white with black stripes, or black with white stripes? The little zebra racks his brains, and his dreams are curiously shaped and dotted with colourful patterns. «Are you sick?», the other zebras ask. «I’m thinking», replies the zebra, wishing he wasn’t striped at all, for a change. But that can’t be the solution, either. Who am I, and where do I belong? A thoughtful story by Max Huwyler, to help children with their inevitable, age-old question, complemented by Jürg Obrist’s bold pictures of the little zebra’s philosophical quest, but also of his feeling safe and secure. Also available: an English and an Italian rough translation. Max Huwyler writes short as well as absolutely tiny stories, song lyrics, radio and stage plays, idylls, poems, stories and language games for children. He has published numerous children’s stories, individually or in anthologies and textbooks. He has been awarded several prizes for children’s literature, poetry and radio plays. Projects with artists from other fields inspire him; he has been working with musicians, designers and illustrators. Jürg Obrist was born in Zurich in 1947. After training as a retoucher, he studied photography at the Schule für Gestaltung, Zurich. He lived in New York as a photographer for nine years, working as an illustrator for publishing houses and children’s and young adults’ magazines. His first picture book was published in the United States in 1978; it was to be followed by many others. Jürg Obrist has been living in Zurich again, with his family, since 1985. He is a freelance writer and illustrator. In 1990, he was awarded the Schweizer Kinder- und Jugendmedienpreis. 33 ATLANTIS VERLAG Author: Illustrator: Title: English title: Rights sold to: LORENZ PAULI KATHRIN SCHÄRER OMA, EMMA, MAMA GRANDMA, EMMA, MOM 2010 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 29.3 × 28 cm from 5 years on France, Brazil, Sweden, China, Denmark, Korea and South Africa world rights available Bestseller! Over 9’000 copies sold. Emma wants to play hide-and-seek. But Grandma laughs – chameleons are practically invisible, anyway. Emma sulks, «Whenever I’ve got an idea, nobody will help me. And whenever I want to do something on my own, I mustn’t.» This sounds familiar to Grandma, so she begins to count while Emma is looking for a hiding place: in the stinkyflower bush? With the tenrecs? Behind a tree? But already, Mom is calling her. She’s looking for Grandma. And Grandma rolls her eyes. «Whenever I want to do something on my own, I mustn’t...» Playing hide-and-seek becomes role-play. Maybe Grandma’s, Mom’s and Emma’s experiences aren’t all that different? A placating and cheerful story by Lorenz Pauli about different generations trying to get along. And Kathrin Schärer doesn’t just make Emma change colours, but uses the illustrator’s art to make us believe in metamorphosis. Also available: an English and an Italian rough translation. 34 Lorenz Pauli, born 1967, he trained as a kindergarten teacher and has been teaching sind 1989, while being much in demand as storyteller in recent years. And in 2012, Lorenz Pauli gained formal recognition as well: He was awarded a place on the IBBY Honour List for the extraordinary quality of his text for the picture book Grandma, Emma, Mom (2010, Atlantis Publishers). Kathrin Schärer, born in Basle in 1969. She graduated as an art teacher as well as in arts and crafts from the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Basle. She teaches children with speech disorders and works as an illustrator. While she sometimes illustrates her own stories, she is best known for her longstanding and very successful collaboration with Lorenz Pauli. Kathrin Schärer has been nominated for the prestigious Hans Christian Andersen Award 2012 for her complete works. And Joanna on the Train (2009, Atlantis Publishers) was awarded the Swiss Childeren’s Media Award 2011. ATLANTIS VERLAG Author/ Illustrator: KATHRIN SCHÄRER • Swiss Children’s Media Award 2011 Title: JOHANNA IM ZUG English title: JOANNA IN THE TRAIN 2009 34 pages and 12 half pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 26.3 × 23.8 cm from 5 years on Rights sold to: France, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Hungary, Italy, UK / USA, Korea, Spain and Latin America, China , Taiwan, Japan, Brazil world rights available Bestseller! Over 14’000 copies sold. Also a bestseller in the Netherlands! The illustrator draws a train, then its passengers. A pig wants to know what she’s called. Thus, a story unfolds, the tale of a train journey full of meetings and surprises. But then, the pig wants the artist to go back one page. It’s possible in a book – but in real life? A wonderful story game, a story about a lovable, rebellious pig and about how stories may develop ... and those who want to read more into it, will find hints in the pictures and on Kathrin Schärer’s desk, for that is where the story begins! Also available: an English and an Italian rough translation. Kathrin Schärer, born in Basle in 1969. She graduated as an art teacher as well as in arts and crafts from the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Basle. She teaches children with speech disorders and works as an illustrator. While she sometimes illustrates her own stories, she is best known for her longstanding and very successful collaboration with Lorenz Pauli. Kathrin Schärer has been nominated for the prestigious Hans Christian Andersen Award 2012 for her complete works. And Joanna on the Train (2009, Atlantis Publishers) was awarded the Swiss Childeren’s Media Award 2011. 35 ATLANTIS VERLAG Author: LORENZ PAULI Illustrator: KATHRIN SCHÄRER Title: MUTIG, MUTIG English title: THE TEST OF COURAGE 2006 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 29.3 × 23.8 cm from 5 years on Rights sold to: Brazil, United Arabic Emirates, Iran, France, Spain and Latin America, Netherlands, Hungary, Denmark, Korea, Taiwan and China, English worldwide world rights available Longseller! Over 65’000 copies sold! The four friends Mouse, Snail, Sparrow and Frog meet by the pond, and suddenly, some one comes up with the idea of a competition. Who can think of the most outrageous test of courage – and pass it himself? Who is the most courageous of them all? When Mouse – such bravery! – swims underwater all the way across the pond, Frog thinks it’s no big deal. And when Frog gobbles down a water lily, Snail just says: «That’s delicious, not brave!» So, there’s a smattering of applause, but everybody is disappointed – until, finally, it’s Sparrow’s turn. He hesitates, coyly, and in the end he says: «Count me out. I’m not doing anything.» Is that courage? The friends wonder, wavering, but then, they cheer as one: «Yes, that’s real courage!» A book about friendship and not giving in to peer pressure. Also available: an English and an Italian rough translation. Lorenz Pauli, born 1967, he trained as a kindergarten teacher and has been teaching sind 1989, while being much in demand as storyteller in recent years. And in 2012, Lorenz Pauli gained formal recognition as well: He was awarded a place on the IBBY Honour List for the extraordinary quality of his text for the picture book Grandma, Emma, Mom (2010, Atlantis Publishers). Kathrin Schärer, born in Basle in 1969. She graduated as an art teacher as well as in arts and crafts from the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Basle. She teaches children with speech disorders and works as an illustrator. While she sometimes illustrates her own stories, she is best known for her longstanding and very successful collaboration with Lorenz Pauli. Kathrin Schärer has been nominated for the prestigious Hans Christian Andersen Award 2012 for her complete works. And Joanna on the Train (2009, Atlantis Publishers) was awarded the Swiss Childeren’s Media Award 2011. 36 ATLANTIS VERLAG Author: LORENZ PAULI Illustrator: KATHRIN SCHÄRER Title: ICH MIT DIR, DU MIT MIR English title: YOU AND ME 2008 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 29.3 × 23.8 cm from 5 years on Rights sold to: Denmark, Netherlands, Israel, France, Brazil, United Arabic Emirates, China, Korea, Taiwan, New Zealand and Australia world rights available Bestseller! Over 15’000 copies sold. The dormouse has got a pipe, the bear, a soft pillow: «Shall we swap?» Sure! But then, the bear’s paws are too large to play the dormouse’s pipe, and the dormouse can’t relax - the squealing is horrible. So here they go again, swapping the pipe for some music, a bear’s dance for a lucky pebble, a lucky pebble for a handful of hazelnuts: «You win, I win.» Swapping is a game for children ... and a serious business. Pleasure and hesitation are but the two sides of one coin. This is where Lorenz Pauli comes in. He addresses mixed feelings, he talks about bartering, claiming and swapping and shows us that adding up doesn’t have anything to do with friendship. And Kathrin Schärer has captured the noisy and the quiet moments ... as well as the heartfelt ones towards the end of this lovely book. Also available: an English and an Italian rough translation. Lorenz Pauli, born 1967, he trained as a kindergarten teacher and has been teaching sind 1989, while being much in demand as storyteller in recent years. And in 2012, Lorenz Pauli gained formal recognition as well: He was awarded a place on the IBBY Honour List for the extraordinary quality of his text for the picture book Grandma, Emma, Mom (2010, Atlantis Publishers). Kathrin Schärer, born in Basle in 1969. She graduated as an art teacher as well as in arts and crafts from the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Basle. She teaches children with speech disorders and works as an illustrator. While she sometimes illustrates her own stories, she is best known for her longstanding and very successful collaboration with Lorenz Pauli. Kathrin Schärer has been nominated for the prestigious Hans Christian Andersen Award 2012 for her complete works. And Joanna on the Train (2009, Atlantis Publishers) was awarded the Swiss Childeren’s Media Award 2011. 37 ATLANTIS VERLAG Author/ Illustrator: KATHRIN SCHÄRER Title: SO WAR DAS! NEIN, SO! NEIN, SO! English title: IT WAS LIKE THIS! NO, LIKE THIS! NO WAY! 2007 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 26.3 × 23.8 cm from 5 years on Rights sold to: France, Denmark, Catalonia, Spain and Latin America, Brazil, Korea, China and Taiwan world rights available Bestseller! Over 16’000 copies sold. It was like this», Badger says. «My friend Bear and me built this tall stack of stones. Then Fox came « by, kicked it over and totally destroyed it!» «No», Fox says, «no, it was like that ... !» Of course, Bear has a third version, and here they go again, arguing. And when Squirrel interrupts them with his own «outside view», yet another quarrel erupts. Sometimes, arguments happen. The crucial thing is to find a solution. So Kathrin Schärer’s strikingly simple set-up of differing views becomes a plea for listening to each other and playing together. Also available: an English and an Italian rough translation. Kathrin Schärer, born in Basle in 1969. She graduated as an art teacher as well as in arts and crafts from the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Basle. She teaches children with speech disorders and works as an illustrator. While she sometimes illustrates her own stories, she is best known for her longstanding and very successful collaboration with Lorenz Pauli. Kathrin Schärer has been nominated for the prestigious Hans Christian Andersen Award 2012 for her complete works. And Joanna on the Train (2009, Atlantis Publishers) was awarded the Swiss Childeren’s Media Award 2011. 38 ATLANTIS VERLAG Author/ Illustrator: SONJA BOUGAEVA Title: ZWEI SCHWESTERN BEKOMMEN BESUCH English title: TWO SISTERS HAVE A VISITOR 2005 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 28.9 × 22.9 cm from 5 years on Rights sold to: Taiwan, Romania, Korea, New Zealand, Australia and UK, Denmark, United Arabic Emirates, China, Spain, Catalonia and Netherlands world rights available Innocently and without a care in the world, two sisters live on a tiny island. But one day the ferry delivers a postcard: «Expect me on Tuesday, your cousin John.» «Tuesday? But – this is Tuesday!» Actually, their cousin has arrived by the same ferry. At first, the sisters are pleased, visits being a rare event on their island. However, Cousin John finding fault with everything soon becomes a bit tiring. True, he’s good at repairing things, but with the cat and dog banned from the house and the freshly-weeded garden looking bleak, all coziness is disappearing fast. Eventually, the cousin decides to paint the house a new colour, and ... A story about a different way of life, a plea for keeping an open mind, and, most of all, a wise and witty fable. Also available: an English and an Italian rough translation. Sonja Bougaeva, born in St.Petersburg 1975, now living in Hamburg, studied book art and painting at the Academy of Arts. Subsequently, she trained as a designer for animated movies and worked for a cartoon film studio. Her first picture book was nominated for the German Children’s Book Award. For more titles by Sonja Bougeava please take a look at the backlist catalogue. 39 ATLANTIS VERLAG NON FICTION Author/ Illustrator: ANNE MÖLLER Title: ZEHN BLÄTTER FLIEGEN DAVON English title: TEN LEAVES IN THE WIND 2008 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 20.7 × 27.4 cm from 3 years on Rights sold to: France, Denmark, Netherlands, Korea, Thailand, China, Brazil and United Arabic Emirates world rights available Over 9’000 copies sold. An autumn storm rips ten willow leaves from their twigs, carrying them away. One leaf ends up in the water, others on the ground. People and animals welcome them: Children gather the leaves to make little boats, lanterns and pictures. A squirrel carries a leaf away for its nest, a grasshopper uses another as a life raft. And an earthworm finally pulls the last leaf underground: He eats and digests it. The leaf becomes fertilizer for the willow tree which will grow new leaves come spring ... Where do leaves fall? Never leaving a child’s world of experience, Anne Möller tells her lyrical tale with great care – for the diversity of nature and the circle of life. Also available: an English rough translation. Anne Möller was born in Freiburg, Germany, in 1970. After high school, she studied illustration and design at the Fachhochschule Hamburg. Since graduating in 1998 she has been a freelance illustrator for various publishers. Her Atlantis picture book NESTER BAUEN, HÖHLEN KNABBERN won the Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis (Non-Fiction) 2005! For more titles by Anne Möller please take a look at the following pages and at the backlist catalogue. 40 ATLANTIS VERLAG NON FICTION Author/ Illustrator: ANNE MÖLLER Title: ROTSCHWÄNZCHEN WAS MACHST DU HIER IM SCHNEE? English title: LITTLE REDSTART WHAT DO YOU DO HERE IN THE SNOW? 2003 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 21 × 28 cm from 5 years on Rights sold to: Netherlands, France, Poland, Slovenia, Taiwan, China, United Arabic Emirates, Denmark world rights available Over 10’000 copies sold. hen the days grow shorter lots of birds fly south. This time Little Redstart cannot fly with them. W His hurt wing is healing well, but for a long journey the little bird is still too weak. How does a migrant survive in the cold? Little Redstart watches other animals looking for food. Blackbirds and tits show him what they eat. Hedgehog and mouse want to help him. They all have their own ways of getting through winter. But none of them works for Little Redstart. Finally, with deers and wild boars he can find something to pick. An animal story which tells us vividly about survival in winter. Also available: an English rough translation. Anne Möller was born in Freiburg, Germany, in 1970. After high school, she studied illustration and design at the Fachhochschule Hamburg. Since graduating in 1998 she has been a freelance illustrator for various publishers. Her Atlantis picture book NESTER BAUEN, HÖHLEN KNABBERN won the Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis (Non-Fiction) 2005! For more titles by Anne Möller please take a look at the backlist catalogue. 41 ATLANTIS VERLAG NON FICTION Author/ Illustrator: ANNE MÖLLER Title: ÜBER LAND UND DURCH DIE LUFT English title: OVER LAND AND TROUGH THE AIR 2001 36 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 21 x 28 cm from 5 years on Rights sold to: Denmark, Slovenia, Russia, United Arabic Emirates, France, Japan, Thailand, Korea, China and Taiwan world rights available Over 45’000 copies sold by our partner, the Chinese publishers THINKINGDOM. If people want to travel, they take the train, the car or even the plane. And for shorter journeys there are bikes. Or our own feet. With plants this looks differently. But nevertheless they meet at the most unexpected places. For example in the sand-box. Or in the gutter. How did they get there? Plants travel as well. Overland and through the air. But plants don’t travel themselves, they send their seeds travelling. Some seeds use the wind to fly away. Other travel with animals by whom they are eaten. And in those places where the seeds are put down, new plants can grow. For example in the sand-box. Or in the gutter. Also available: all plant names in Latin. Anne Möller was born in Freiburg, Germany, in 1970. After high school, she studied illustration and design at the Fachhochschule Hamburg. Since graduating in 1998 she has been a freelance illustrator for various publishers. Her Atlantis picture book NESTER BAUEN, HÖHLEN KNABBERN won the Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis (Non-Fiction) 2005! For more titles by Anne Möller please take a look at the backlist catalogue. 42 ATLANTIS VERLAG HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN AWARD IN GOLD Author: SELINA CHÖNZ OR ALOIS CARIGIET Illustrator: ALOIS CARIGIET Title: SCHELLEN-URSLI English title: A BELL FOR URSLI 1971, 48 pages, bound, coloured illustrations Size 31 × 24 cm, Form 5 years on Rights sold to:UK, Japan, Korea, China, Iran and Italy Longseller! Over 500’000 copies sold! This Swiss childrens´s book classic tells of Schellen-Ursli and his search for a big cowbell so he can head the spring festival´s procession in his village. To get this bell he goes alone to his family´s summer-hut high up in the mountains and spends a lonely scary night there. Carigiet (1902-1985) was a famous Swiss artist depicting life in his native Engadine Alps. Also available: an English, a French and an Italian translation. 43 Title: ZOTTEL, ZICK UND ZWERG English title: ZOTTEL, ZICK AND ZWERG 1971, 40 pages, bound, coloured illustrations Size 31 × 24 cm, Form 5 years on Rights sold to: Japan, Korea and China Longseller! Maurus, the goatherd, discovers that the 3 goats Zottel, Zick and Zwerg got lost in the mountains. He sets off on a dangerous search with his dog, survives a storm, crosses a torrent, wounding his foot. Finally, he finds the runaways on a cliff and brings them back to the village. Title: FLURINA UND DAS WILDVÖGELEIN English title: FLURINA AND THE WILD BIRD 1971, 28 pages, bound, coloured illustrations Size 31 × 24 cm, Form 5 years on Title: BIRNBAUM, BIRKE, BERBERITZE English title: PEAR TREE, BIRCH TREE, BARBERRY BUSH 1971, 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations Size 31 × 24 cm, Form 5 years on Rights sold to: UK, Iran, Japan, Korea and China Longseller! Rights sold to: Japan, Korea and China Longseller! Flurina finds a wild baby bird and rears it with loving care at home until the time comes to set the bird free. As autumn comes, Flurina climbs high up in the mountains in search of her bird. Instead of the bird she finds a beautiful, perfect cristal. Also available: an English translation. A story of a brother and sister from the Engadine Mountains who, over the season, follow the history of a thieving magpie in her birch tree, a pair of crows in their pear tree and the nesting of the garden warbler couple in their protective barberry bush. Title: DER GROSSE SCHNEE English title: THE SNOWSTORM 1971, 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations Size 31 × 24 cm, Form 5 years on Title: MAURUS UND MADLEINA English title: MAURUS AND MADLEINA 1971, 44 pages, bound, coloured illustrations Size 31 × 24 cm, Form 5 years on Rights sold to: Iran, Japan, Korea and China Longseller! Rights sold to: Japan, Korea and China Longseller! On a winter-evening Flurina returns home to the farm. On the way she looks for a whimpering animal under an old tree. In that moment, an avalanche thunders down to the valley and buries Flurina. Brother Ursli searches for her. Luckily the branches have protected her and Ursli carries her home. Also available: an English and a French translation. Madleina lives in Zürich and shows her cousin Maurus, the goatherd from the mountains, city-life. In turn Maurus introduces Madleina to his native mountain village and they even participate in a mountain-rescue-operation and fly in the helicopter.