Foreign Rights Catalogue NEW RELEASES
Foreign Rights Catalogue NEW RELEASES
Foreign Rights Catalogue NEW RELEASES Fall 2014 – Spring 2016 Dear Publishers, dear Editors, dear Agents, We control worldwide translation rights for all titles mentioned in this catalogue and for all Atlantis backlist titles. We would be delighted to provide reading copies or PDFs and more information on the titles (English rough translations). Please just contact me. Best regards, Sindhya Bergamin, February 2016 Rights Contact: SINDHYA BERGAMIN Atlantis / Orell Füssli Verlag Dietzingerstrasse 3 CH-8036 Zurich Switzerland Phone: ++ 41 44 466 74 33 Fax: ++ 41 44 466 74 12 Email: [email protected] Homepage: Contributions for children’s and youth literature The Swiss Arts Council Pro promotes the translation Swiss Contributions forHelvetia children’s and youthof high-quality literature children’s and youth literature by providing generous funding support. At the request of publisher’s, Pro Helvetia may assume the costs of having Swiss books written children or adolescents translated. From now on, publishers can also apply for a The Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia promotes the translation of high-quality Swiss contribution the acquisition costs of book licences. children’s andtowards youth literature by providing generous funding support. At the request of publisher’s, Pro Helvetia may assume the costs of having Swiss books written children orHelvetia adolescents translated. From now on, publishers can also apply for a Support from Pro Pro Helvetia assumes of thecosts translation These are arranged in line with contribution towards the 100% acquisition of bookcosts. licences. customary local rates. In addition, Pro Helvetia assumes 50% of the advance payment; at most, however, CHF 2,000 Support from per Prolicence. HelvetiaPro Helvetia does not pay any other royalties. zürich paris cairo johannesburg new delhi shanghai zürich paris roma, milano, venezia newcairo york johannesburg san francisco new delhi shanghai Pro Helvetia roma, milano, venezia Schweizer Kulturstiftung new york Hirschengraben 22 san francisco CH-8024 Zürich T +41 44 267 71 71 F +41 44 267 71 06 Pro Helvetia [email protected] Schweizer Kulturstiftung Hirschengraben 22 CH-8024 Zürich T +41 44 267 71 71 F +41 44 267 71 06 [email protected] Pro Helvetia assumes 100% of the translation costs. These are arranged in line with Conditions customary local rates. of promotion is conducted high-quality books aimedhowever, at ThisInform addition, Pro Helvetia assumes exclusively 50% of the for advance payment; at most, children and adolescents Swiss a rule, the participation CHF 2,000 per licence.and Prowritten Helvetiabydoes notauthors. pay any As other royalties. of a Swiss il-lustrator alone does not suffice for support. Bestseller Conditionstitles are generally not considered for promotion. Thereform is noofautomatic to exclusively support. for high-quality books aimed at This promotionentitlement is conducted children and adolescents and written by Swiss authors. As a rule, the participation Applications of a Swiss il-lustrator alone does not suffice for support. The licensed publisher must submit an application online via by a Bestseller titles are generally not considered for promotion. licensed publisher at the latest eight weeks before the beginning of publishing. The appliThere is no automatic entitlement to support. cation should include the typescript of the translation as well as the signed licence and translation Applicationscontracts. Pro Helvetia reserves the right to have the translation assessed by expert.publisher must submit an application online via by a Theanlicensed licensed publisher at the latest eight weeks before the beginning of publishing. The appliPayment modalities cation should include the typescript of the translation as well as the signed licence and Pro Helvetiacontracts. remits thePro pledged amount to thethe licensed it has received translation Helvetia reserves right topublisher have theafter translation assessed sample copies. The publisher is obliged to provide Pro Helvetia with evidence that the by an expert. translator has been duly paid. If so requested by the licensed publisher, Pro Helvetia re-mits share of the licensing costs directly to the grantor of the licence. Paymentitsmodalities Pro Helvetia remits the pledged amount to the licensed publisher after it has received Information sample copies. The publisher is obliged to provide Pro Helvetia with evidence that the Anna Schlossbauer, Society translator has been Literature duly paid. If&so requested by the licensed publisher, Pro Helvetia [email protected], +41 44 267 71 61 re-mits its share of the licensing costs directly to the grantor of the licence. Information Anna Schlossbauer, Literature & Society [email protected], +41 44 267 71 61 Pro Helvetia supports and promotes Swiss culture in Switzerland and throughout the world. Beiträge an Schweizer Kinder- und Jugendbücher Beiträge an Schweizer KinderJugendbücher Die Schweizer Kulturstiftung Pro Helvetia fördert dieund Übersetzung von qualitativ hochstehender Schweizer Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. Dazu bietet die Stiftung attraktive Finanzierungshilfen für Verlage aus dem In- und Ausland. Auf Anfrage von Verlagen kann Helvetia die Übersetzungskosten Schweizer KinDie Schweizer Kulturstiftung ProPro Helvetia fördert die Übersetzung von für qualitativ hochsteder- undSchweizer Jugendbücher übernehmen. Neu können lizenznehmende Verlage zusätzlich eihender Kinderund Jugendliteratur. Dazu bietet die Stiftung attraktive Finannen Beitrag an für die Verlage Lizenzkosten beantragen. zierungshilfen aus dem In- und Ausland. Unterstützung Pro Helvetia: Auf Anfrage vondurch Verlagen kann Pro Helvetia die Übersetzungskosten für Schweizer Kin• Pro Helvetia übernimmt die Übersetzungskosten zu 100%. Sie werden landesübderund Jugendbücher übernehmen. Neu können lizenznehmende Verlagenach zusätzlich eiTarifen nenlichen Beitrag an diebezahlt. Lizenzkosten beantragen. • Pro Helvetia übernimmt zusätzlich 50% des Lizenzvorschusses, jedoch höchstens CHF 2000/pro Lizenz. Helvetia zahlt keine weiteren Royalties. Unterstützung durch ProPro Helvetia: • Pro Helvetia übernimmt die Übersetzungskosten zu 100%. Sie werden nach landesübVoraussetzungen: lichen Tarifen bezahlt. Für die Helvetia Förderung kommenzusätzlich ausschliesslich qualitativ hochstehendejedoch Kinderund Jugend• Pro übernimmt 50% des Lizenzvorschusses, höchstens bücher Schweizer Autorschaft in Frage. Es reicht in derRoyalties. Regel nicht, wenn ein IllustraCHF mit 2000/pro Lizenz. Pro Helvetia zahlt keine weiteren tor oder eine Illustratorin aus der Schweiz involviert ist. Von einer Förderung grundsätzlich ausgenommen sind Bestseller-Titel. Ein Anspruch auf Förderung besteht nicht. Voraussetzungen: zürich paris cairo johannesburg new delhi shanghai zürich paris roma, milano, venezia newcairo york johannesburg san francisco new delhi shanghai Pro Helvetia roma, milano, venezia Schweizer Kulturstiftung new york Hirschengraben 22 san francisco CH-8024 Zürich T +41 44 267 71 71 F +41 44 267 71 06 Pro Helvetia [email protected] Schweizer Kulturstiftung Hirschengraben 22 CH-8024 Zürich T +41 44 267 71 71 F +41 44 267 71 06 [email protected] Für die Förderung kommen ausschliesslich qualitativ hochstehende Kinder- und JugendEinreichung von Gesuchen: bücher mit Schweizer Autorschaft in Frage. Es reicht in der Regel nicht, wenn ein IllustraLizenznehmende Verlage sollen spätestens 8 Wochenist. vorVon Druckbeginn ein Gesuch ein auf tor oder eine Illustratorin aus der Schweiz involviert einer Förderung grundsätzdemausgenommen elektronischen Gesuchsportal einreichen. Notwendige Belich sind Bestseller-Titel. Ein Anspruch auf Förderung besteht nicht. standteile des Gesuchs sind das Typoskript der Übersetzung, die unterschriebenen Lizenz- und Übersetzerverträge. Pro Helvetia behält sich eine Expertise der Übersetzung Einreichung von Gesuchen: vor. Lizenznehmende Verlage sollen spätestens 8 Wochen vor Druckbeginn ein Gesuch ein auf dem elektronischen Gesuchsportal einreichen. Notwendige BeZahlungsmodalitäten: standteile des Gesuchs sind das Typoskript der Übersetzung, die unterschriebenen LiPro überweist die gesprochene Summe nach Erhalt Belegexemplare an den zenz-Helvetia und Übersetzerverträge. Pro Helvetia behält sich eine der Expertise der Übersetzung lizenznehmenden Verlag. Dieser soll zudem gegenüber Prohelvetia ausweisen, den Übervor. setzer wie vereinbart bezahlt zu haben. Wenn der lizenzgebende Verlag es wünscht, zahlt Pro Helvetia den Lizenzkostenanteil direkt an den Lizenzgeber. Zahlungsmodalitäten: Pro Helvetia überweist die gesprochene Summe nach Erhalt der Belegexemplare an den Auskunft: lizenznehmenden Verlag. Dieser soll zudem gegenüber Prohelvetia ausweisen, den ÜberAnna Literatur Gesellschaft setzerSchlossbauer, wie vereinbart bezahlt und zu haben. Wenn der lizenzgebende Verlag es wünscht, zahlt [email protected], +41 44 267an 71den 61 Lizenzgeber. Pro Helvetia den Lizenzkostenanteil direkt Auskunft: Anna Schlossbauer, Literatur und Gesellschaft [email protected], +41 44 267 71 61 Die Stiftung Pro Helvetia fördert und vermittelt Schweizer Kultur in der Schweiz und rund um die Welt. ATLANTIS VERLAG TABLE OF CONTENTS Award winning titles Page 4 Best- and Longsellers Page 5 SPRING 2016 FALL 2014 Katharina Tanner / Lihie Jacob ZiegenHundeKrähenMama – oder: Was ist mit Mama los? GoatsDogsCrowsMum – or: What is Wrong with Mum? Page 6 Lorenz Pauli / Kathrin Schärer Da bist du ja! – There you are! Page 20 Lorenz Pauli / Kathrin Schärer Rigo und Rosa – Rip and Rosie Page 7 Peter Menne Wie Papa ein Kaninchen wurde – How Daddy Became a Rabbit Page 21 Lorenz Pauli / Sonja Bougaeva Fips hört ein Pieps – Philip Hears a Meep Page 87 Knut Laaser / Jasmin Schäfer Der späte Gast – A Late-Night Visitor Page 22 Max Bolliger / Jürg Obrist Kater Clemens – Clem the Tom Page 9 Narisa Togo Weihnachtsspuren im Winterwald – Tracks in a Christmas Forest Page 23 Eva Sixt Hasenfest und Hühnerhof – The Bunny and the Chicken Run Page 10 Maki / Eva Rust Peters Wutzauber – Peter’s Angry Magic Page 11 NON-FICTION FALL 2015 Anne Möller Über Land und durch die Luft – Over Land and trough the Air Page 25 Kathrin Schärer Der Tod auf dem Apfelbaum – Death in the Apple Tree Page 12 Max Bolliger / Vera Eggerman Alois – Alois Page 12 Maria Stalder Mein Rucksack ist mein Haus – My Rucksack is My Home Page 14 Anne Möller Zehn Blätter fliegen davon – Ten Leaves in the Wind Page 24 SCHELLEN URSLI Selina Chönz / Alois Carigiet Schellen-Ursli – A Bell for Ursli, and other titles by Alois Carigiet Page 26 SPECIAL SPRING 2015 Iris Muhl / Daniela Rütimann Theo und HAInz – Theo and Mark the Shark Page 15 Max Bolliger / Nele Palmtag Das Riesenfest – The Giants’Party Page 16 Lorenz Pauli / Miriam Zedelius Pass auf mich auf! – Look after me Page 17 Eva Roth / Artem Unter Bodos Bett – Under Bert’s Bed Page 18 Cinta Villalobos Fanny im Regenglück – Sunny in the Rain Page 19 3 Hans ten Doornkaat (Hrsg.) Alois Carigiet – Kunst Grafik Schellen-Ursli Page 27 AWARD WINNER Kathrin Schärer Johanna im Zug – Joanna in the Train Page 28 ATLANTIS VERLAG AWARD WINNING TITLES The White Ravens 2015 Lorenz Pauli / Miriam Zedelius PASS AUF MICH AUF LOOK AFTER ME! For more information please take a look on page 16. The Best Foreign Picture Book Award 2015 JAPAN Swiss Children’s Media Award 2011 Kathrin Schärer JOHANNA IM ZUG JOANNA IN THE TRAIN For more information please take a look on page 27. Prix Chronos de Littérature 2014 Anne-Kathrin Behl TOBI UND DIE ALTEN TOBY AND THE OLD ONES For more information please take a look at the backlist catalogue. Swiss Children’s Media Award 2013, Heinz Janisch / Hannes Binder ICH GING IN SCHUHEN AUS GRAS I WALKED IN SHOES OF GRASS For more information please take a look at the backlist catalogue. Ich ging in Schuhen aus Gras Heinz Janisch | Hannes Binder 4 LesePeter Dezember 2012 Lorenz Pauli / Kathrin Schärer NUR WIR ALLE JUST ALL OF US For more information please take a look at the backlist catalogue. Golden Pen of Belgrad 2009 Einar Turkowski DIE MONDBLUME THE MOON FLOWER For more information please take a look at the backlist catalogue. BIB (Biennial of Illustrations Bratisilava) Grand Prix Award 2007 Troisdorfer Bilderbuchpreis 2007 Spanish Visual Award Einar Turkowksi ES WAR FINSTER UND MERKWÜRDIG STILL IT WAS DARK AND EERILY QUIET For more information please take a look at the backlist catalogue. German Children’s book Award 2005 Anne Möller NESTER BAUEN, HÖHLEN KNABBERN BUILDING NESTS, DIGGING CAVES For more information please take a look at the backlist catalogue. Hans Christian Andersen Award in Gold Alois Carigiet SCHELLEN-URSLI A BELL FOR URSLI For more information please take a look on page 25. ATLANTIS VERLAG BEST- AND LONGSELLERS Pauli / Schärer PIPPILOTHEK??? – Eine Bibliothek wirkt Wunder FOX GOES LIBRARY Over 25’000 copies sold. For more information please take a look at the backlist catalogue. Pauli / Schärer MUTIG, MUTIG THE TEST OF COURAGE Over 65’000 copies sold! For more information please take a look at the backlist catalogue. Pauli / Schärer ICH MIT DIR, DU MIT MIR YOU AND ME Over 15’000 copies sold! For more information please take a look at the backlist catalogue. Kathrin Schärer JOHANNA IM ZUG JOANNA IN THE TRAIN Over 14’000 copies sold! Swiss children’s Media Award 2011. For more information please take a look on page 27. Kathrin Schärer SO WAR DAS! NEIN, SO! NEIN, SO! IT WAS LIKE THIS! NO, LIKE THIS! NO WAY! Over 16’000 copies sold! For more information please take a look at the backlist catalogue. 5 Kathrin Schärer WENN FUCHS UND HASE SICHT GUTE NACHT SAGEN WHERE FOX AND BUNNY SAY GOODNIGHT TO EACH OTHER Over 64’000 copies sold in Japan! For more information please take a look at the backlist catalogue. Spang / Bougeava DAS GROSSE GÄHNEN THE HUGE YAWN Over 16’000 copies sold! For more information please take a look at the backlist catalogue. Anne Möller NESTER BAUEN, HÖHLEN KNABBERN BUILDING NESTS, DIGGING CAVES Over 11’000 copies sold! For more information please take a look at the backlist catalogue. Anne Möller ROTSCHWÄNZCHEN LITTLE REDSTART Over 10’000 copies sold! For more information please take a look at the backlist catalogue. Hilde Heyduck-Huth TANZEN KÖNNEN AUCH DIE STEINE THE STONES ARE EVEN ABLE TO DANCE Over 18’000 copies sold! For more information please contact me. Anne Möller ÜBER LAND UND DURCH DIE LUFT OVER LAND AND TOUGH THE AIR Over 282’000 copies, sold by our partner, the Chinese Publishers THINKDOM! For more information please take a look on page 24. ATLANTIS VERLAG NEW TITLE SPRING 2016 Author: KATHARINA TANNER Illustrator: LIHIE JACOB Title: ZIEGENHUNDEKRÄHENMAMA … oder: Was ist mit Mama los? English title: GOATSDOGSCROWSMUM … or: What is Wrong with Mum? 2016 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 21 × 31 cm 5 years and up world rights available With additional internet material: «When a Parent Suffers from a Mental Disorder», for those affected, their families and schools Es war an einem grellgelben Nachmittag im Frühjahr, als Mama vom Sofa nicht mehr aufstehen wollte. Ihre Finger trommelten auf die Oberschenkel. Die Pantoffeln zappelten unter der Wolldecke. Die Augen schauten im Wohnzimmer unruhig hin und her. »Soll ich die Krümel vom Boden aufpicken?«, fragte Laute Lotte. »Soll ich einen Kaffee backen?«, fragte Kleiner Paul. »Soll ich die Schuhe duschen?«, fragte Laute Lotte. »Ne, ne«, meckerte Mama, »ne,ne.« Als Papa nach Hause kam, stülpte Kleiner Paul gerade einen Papierkorb über den Kopf von Laute Lotte. Sie hatte ihm ein Bein gestellt. »Seid lieb zueinander«, bat Papa. »Mama lümmelt.« »Lümmelt?«, wunderten sich Kleiner Paul und Laute Lotte. »Sie meckert aber wie eine Ziege.« 0707_ZiegenHundeKraehenMama_Inhalt_Z.indd 6 15.12.15 16:54 0707_ZiegenHundeKraehenMama_Inhalt_Z.indd 7 15.12.15 16:54 Loud Lottie and Little Paul are trying to cheer Mum up. But it is no use: Mum just bleats like a goat and does not get up from the sofa. For weeks, she is just staring into space, barking like a dog, then cawing like a crow. «Should we wish for Mum’s favourite weather?», the children wonder. In midsummer, Lottie and Paul trudge through deep snow, outside, day and night, before they fall into a deep sleep. When they wake up, their GoatsDogsCrowsMum changes back, and on an afternoon in early winter, Mum sings the Goat Song with everybody else. A book about a mother under mental strain – seen from her children’s perspective. Katharina Tanner grew up in Schaffhausen and now lives in Basle with her family. Having been an avid reader as a child, she trained as a bookseller first. Then she went to drama school in Berlin. After treading the boards for a short while, she began to write: stage and radio plays, documentary portraits, a novel and a children’s book. She was awarded the City of Jena Lenz Prize for New Drama and the Hermann Lenz Scholarship, among other prizes. She works for the Basle City Library, promoting children’s reading skills. Lihie Jacob grew up in Israel and Frankfurt am Main. She studied visual communication at Bezalel Art Academy in Jerusalem. She has lived in Berlin since 2011, working as a freelance illustrator with the Musenstube’studio community. Two books illustrated by her have recently been published in Israel. GoatsDogsCrowsMum is her first publication in German. 6 ATLANTIS VERLAG NEW TITLE SPRING 2016 Author: LORENZ PAULI Illustrator: KATHRIN SCHÄRER Title: RIGO UND ROSA English title: RIP AND ROSIE 2016 128 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 17,6 × 26,4 cm 5 years and up world rights available Rip and Rosie’s friendship is about little things and big things: About a little mouse’s big emotions and a big leopard’s little, wise sayings. In 28 stories, Rip and Rosie are developing ideas about trust, boredom, truth and other subjects. And everything they say echoes their friendship which is so colourful, warm, big and fat that it can’t really fit into a book. Lorenz Pauli gives both animals voices that fit them beautifully and Kathrin Schärer adds depth to their relationship; a friendship that makes us snuggle up closer when reading this book aloud. These zoo stories are an artistic synthesis to read and to look at. Lorenz Pauli, born in 1967, became a kindergarten teacher someday. He used to work and laugh with children for many years. Then days grew too short for work, and now he laughs when sitting at his keyboard and when telling stories on stage. Lorenz Pauli made the 2012 IBBY Honour List for his text in Grandma, Emma, Mom (2010, Atlantis). Look After Me! (Pauli / Zedelius, 2015, Atlantis) has been nominated for the 2015 Schweizer Kinder- und Jugendmedienpreis (Swiss Children’s and Young Adults’ Media Prize and is a White Raven 2015. Lorenz Pauli lives in Berne with his family. More about him, his bibliography and his readings: 7 Kathrin Schärer, born in Basle in 1969. She graduated as an art teacher as well as in arts and crafts from the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Basle. She teaches children with speech disorders and works as an illustrator. While she sometimes illustrates her own stories, she is best known for her longstanding and very successful collaboration with Lorenz Pauli. Kathrin Schärer has been nominated for the prestigious Hans Christian Andersen Award 2012 for her complete works. And Joanna in the Train (2009, Atlantis Publishers) was awarded the Swiss Childeren’s Media Award 2011. ATLANTIS VERLAG NEW TITLE SPRING 2016 Author: LORENZ PAULI Illustrator: SONJA BOUGAEVA Title: FIPS HÖRT EIN PIEPS English title: PHILIP HEARS A MEEP 2016 20 pages, board book, coloured illustrations size 23,5 × 20 cm 4 years and up world rights available Quietly, the mouse squeaks, «Meep!» «Hush», yells Philip. «Let me sleep!» But – miaow, miaow – the cat has already joined in, then the dog goes,«WOOF», annoying the neighbours who get angry at the dog’s owner ... The story about Philip is getting louder and louder; the sort of chain reaction that young children love. A variation on a classic theme, Lorenz Pauli’s text surprises the child looking at the book by making him or her part of the story: Finally you’ve made it here, Would you close the book, my dear? Lines repeated in the poem, witty pictures, an escalation that will amuse children no end: This is the perfect board book for every evening’s reading ritual. To learn more about Lorenz Pauli see prvious page. Sonja Bougaeva, born in St. Petersburg 1975, now living in Hamburg, studied book art and painting at the Academy of Arts. Subsequently, she trained as a designer for animated movies and worked for a cartoon film studio. Her first picture book was nominated for the German Children’s Book Award. 8 ATLANTIS VERLAG NEW TITLE SPRING 2016 Author: MAX BOLLIGER Illustrator: JÜRG OBRIST Title: KATER CLEMENS English title: CLEM THE TOM 2016 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 21,5 × 28,5 cm 5 years and up world rights available Like any other cat, Clem enjoys roaming the woods and the fields, stalking mice or basking in the sun. He also loves being popular, though. And that is why his fellow animals at the farm can easily talk Clem into anything: «You should wear glasses», says the hen. The cow adds: «These velvety feet of yours need shoes.» And the sheep suggests he should paint his claws red. But when Clem follows their advice, his new style is greeted with hoots of laughter. Startled, he runs away. When he returns a few days later, he is his old self again – and that is what makes him such a lovable tomcat! Max Bolliger, born in Schwanden / Braunwald (Canton of Glarus), was a primary teacher, studied remedial education and psychology and worked as a remedial teacher. He also played a decisive role in developing early children’s programmes for Swiss TV. Later, he taught young adult literature at the Primary Teachers’ Seminary in Zurich. He started to write poems and stories for adults in the nineteen-fifties, becoming one of Switzerland’s most successful children’s books authors later on. He was awarded, among many other prizes, the Deutsche Jugendliteraturpreis and the Dutch Silver Stylus as well as receiving an honorary doctorate from the theological faculty of Zurich University. Max Bolliger died in Weesen (Canton of Glarus) in 2013. Jürg Obrist was born in Zurich in 1947. After training as a retoucher, he studied photography at the Schule für Gestaltung, Zurich. He lived in New York as a photographer for nine years, working as an illustrator for publishing houses and children’s and young adults’ magazines. His first picture book was published in the United States in 1978; it was to be followed by many others. Jürg Obrist has been living in Zurich again, with his family, since 1985. He is a freelance writer and illustrator. In 1990, he was awarded the Schweizer Kinder- und Jugendmedienpreis. 9 ATLANTIS VERLAG NEW TITLE SPRING 2016 Author/ Illustrator: EVA SIXT Title: HASENFEST UND HÜHNERHOF English title: THE BUNNY AND THE CHICKEN RUN 2016 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 20,6 × 31 cm 5 years and up world rights available The snow has hardly melted when they turn up in shops everywhere: rabbits and eggs. Can hens really lay eggs in rainbow colours? Or are they actually produced by bunnies?And what about our pet rabbits? Are they just a smaller version of hares? With a wealth of illustrations and easy-to-understand explanations, the book points out the difference between rabbits and hares, takes a look at a chicken run and describes all these animals’ life cycles. Eva Sixt grew up in rural Bavaria, studied biology and trained in scientific illustration. She then worked for several natural history museums for some years, mainly developing special exhibitions. After a training period in a book publisher’s editorial department, she now works in Munich as an editor, translator, writer and illustrator for publishing houses, children’s media and scientific institutes. 10 ATLANTIS VERLAG NEW TITLE SPRING 2016 Author: MAKI Illustrator: EVA RUST Title: PETERS WUTZAUBER English title: PETER’S ANGRY MAGIC 2016 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 20,5 × 27,4 cm 5 years and up world rights available Peter is obedient and disobedient by turns. But today, everything is going wrong: Watering the flowers, Daddy drenches him by mistake. Peter yells, «You stupid fridge!» WOOSH – there is a fridge standing in the garden, instead of Daddy. Peter keeps flying into tantrums: The dog is turned into a buffalo, Peter’s little sister into a tragic trombone and his kindergarten teacher into a sheep. Peter is beginning to enjoy himself. Nobody is spared – until an oppressive silence falls. There is nobody left to play with and nobody left to call names... A crazy, hilarious story about verbal aggression (all children throw the occasional tantrum...) and the magic words «I’m sorry». MAKI. Since Kim and Matthijs met at Groningen Art Academy, they have been inseparable. Soon after getting their degrees, they established MAKI together: their design studio. Peter’s Angry Magic is their first picture book. Eva Rust, born in 1986, studied scientific illustration in Lucerne and has been a freelance, not all that scientific, illustrator ever since. However, she is still happy to be inspired by the animal world and plant life. She has also been working as a textile designer and contributed to several animated films. 11 ATLANTIS VERLAG FALL 2015 Author/Illustrator: KATHRIN SCHÄRER Title: DER TOD AUF DEM APFELBAUM English title: DEATH IN THE APPLE TREE 2015 36 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 26,3 × 25,2 cm 4 years and up Theo wirft seine Pantoffeln ins Badezimmer und trottet hinterher. Er schimpft: »Immer diese blöde Baderei!« »Wasch dich auch hinter den Ohren, Spatz!«, ruft die Mutter aus der Küche. »Näg, näg, Ohrenwaschen …«, sagt Theo. Er zieht seinen Pullover über den Kopf und bleibt stecken. Rights sold to: France, Japan, Denmark, Taiwan, Korea, China world rights available An old fox catches a magical weasel. He lets the weasel go when it promises that from now on, any apple thief will get stuck to the tree – for evermore. Now the fox can enjoy his apples in peace... until his Death comes to claim him. The fox, however, does not want to die just yet. He asks Death to get him one last apple: Now Death is stuck in the tree and the fox triumphs. But he is getting older. His vixen dies, his children grow old and he does not belong anywhere, any more. Is he doomed to go on and on? Using a classic fairy tale motif, Kathrin Schärer tells her story about Death being part of Life with her trademark gentle wit. Kathrin Schärer, born in Basle in 1969. She graduated as an art teacher as well as in arts and crafts from the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Basle. She teaches children with speech disorders and works as an illustrator. While she sometimes illustrates her own stories, she is best known for her longstanding and very successful collaboration with Lorenz Pauli. Kathrin Schärer has been nominated for the prestigious Hans Christian Andersen Award 2012 for her complete works. And Joanna in the Train (2009, Atlantis Publishers) was awarded the Swiss Childeren’s Media Award 2011. 12 ATLANTIS VERLAG Author: Illustrator: Title: English title: Rights sold to: FALL 2015 MAX BOLLIGER VERA EGGERMANN ALOIS ALOIS 2015 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 29 × 22 cm 4 years and up China world rights available Alois, the bull calf, does not know his own strength. He tears across the meadows, damaging fences and hurting his fellow animals. When he even knocks down the little lamb he likes so much, he is scolded by the other animals, and the farmer takes him away to another meadow, far away. Cut off from his usual environment, Alois experiences the world around him in a new way. He squeezes under a fence, walks toward the sun and falls asleep under a bush at last, covered with sweetsmelling blossom. When Alois comes trotting back to the farm, garlanded with flowers, his fellow animals (if a bit surprised) warmly welcome him. Vera Eggermann’s new illustrations – depicting life on a farm lovingly and with an eye for detail – perfectly complement Max Bolliger’s classic story. Max Bolliger, born in Schwanden / Braunwald (Canton of Glarus), was a primary teacher, studied remedial education and psychology and worked as a remedial teacher. He also played a decisive role in developing early children’s programmes for Swiss TV. Later, he taught young adult literature at the Primary Teachers’ Seminary in Zurich. He started to write poems and stories for adults in the nineteen-fifties, becoming one of Switzerland’s most successful children’s books authors later on. He was awarded, among many other prizes, the Deutsche Jugendliteraturpreis and the Dutch Silver Stylus as well as receiving an honorary doctorate from the theological faculty of Zurich University. Max Bolliger died in Weesen (Canton of Glarus) in 2013. 13 Vera Eggermann, born in 1967, studied illustration at the Hochschule in Lucerne. In 1994, she was the first winner of the Swiss Picture Book Contest, with Nina Wants to Fly. Since then, she has published various books winning numerous awards. After living in London for an extended period of time, she has returned to mainly living in Lucerne. She likes to read to schoolchildren, her target audience, whose feed-back, she feels, greatly enriches her creative work. ATLANTIS VERLAG FALL 2015 Author/Illustrator: MARIA STALDER Title: MEIN RUCKSACK IST MEIN HAUS English title: MY RUCKSACK IS MY HOME 2015 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 20,7 × 28,4 cm 4 years and up world rights available US IN HA T ME erafina S I K SAC the S or RUCK ated for f in ward MEIN m A ie o t een n ung Talen e Akadem b s a h h o c Y s t e u , th De r. 2015 rs by the ndliteratu ge ato r u t J s d lu Il - un inder für K John puts it all into his rucksack: his favourite things and provisions. «This won’t fit into your rucksack», remarks his mother. «Sure it will», says John. «My rucksack is my home.» He says good-bye and sets off, for the the forest. He eats everything he has brought, then he slips into his rucksack for the night. It begins to snow. The forest animals are surprised by the spring snow, and they are seeking shelter with John: His rucksack becomes a cozy, warm animal refuge. In the morning, John’s father and mother discover their child, hugging him among the scattering animals. Maria Stalder has taken up a subject vital to growing up – leaving home and coming back – skillfully dissolving the boundaries between reality and magic. Maria Stalder, born in 1986, studied illustration at the Hochschule Design & Kunst in Lucerne and has been living there ever since. At the moment, she is teaching arts and crafts at the Kollegium Stans as well as working for magazines and children’s publishers. Her favourite activity is creating illustrations for children’s books, but she also enjoys listening to stories or baking cakes. Mein Rucksack ist mein Haus is her first picture book for a trade publisher. 14 ATLANTIS VERLAG Author: Illustrator: Title: English title: Rights sold to: SPRING 2015 IRIS MUHL DANIELA RÜTIMANN THEO UND HAINZ THEO AND MARK THE SHARK 2015 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 24 × 22 cm 4 years and up Theo wirft seine Pantoffeln ins Badezimmer und trottet hinterher. Er schimpft: »Immer diese blöde Baderei!« »Wasch dich auch hinter den Ohren, Spatz!«, ruft die Mutter aus der Küche. »Näg, näg, Ohrenwaschen …«, sagt Theo. Er zieht seinen Pullover über den Kopf und bleibt stecken. Taiwan, Denmark world rights available Theo does not like water. Looking behind the shower curtain, he finds a shark. «Hi», says the shark. «Hi, shark», says Theo. Mark the Shark is elderly and cannot see too well anymore. He keeps losing his way underwater, appearing in the most unlikely places. Theo lends him his father’s diving goggles and cleans his dentures. Now the two of them are ready for their great adventure. The bathtub becomes an ocean where Theo, at play with Mark, loses his fear of water. Daniela Rütimann turns a tiled bathroom into a wonderful deep-sea playground that goes perfectly with Iris Muhl’s witty dialogue. Iris Muhl was born in Zurich in 1970. After a fascinating odyssey through TV, radio and print journalism, she began to write non-fiction, screenplays and novels. Mark the Shark was inspired by her childhood fear of sharks which prevented her from learning to swim for the longest time. Iris Muhl lives in Zurich with her family. Daniela Rütimann, born in 1968, studied textile design at the Schule für Gestaltung, Basle, and illustration at the Lucerne Hochschule Design & Kunst. She has been drawing for various text book publishers, magazines and cultural institutions since 2001. Daniela Rütimann lives in Zurich. 15 TLANTIS VERLAG SPRING 2015 A Author: MAX BOLLIGER Illustrator: NELE PALMTAG Title: DAS RIESENFEST English title: THE GIANTS’ PARTY 2015 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 20,8 × 30,8 cm 4 years and up Dann warteten alle gespannt, welche Aufgabe sich der älteste Riese diesmal ausgedacht hatte. »Hört zu!« rief er, »König der heutigen Tages soll derjenige sein, der den größten Bissen verschlucken kann.« »Bravo! Bravo!« schrien die Riesen. Das war ganz nach ihrem Sinn. »Ich verschlucke eine Torte!« sagte einer. »Ich verschlucke einen Kürbis!« prahlte ein anderer. »Ich verschlucke einen Käselaib!« schrie der große Riese. »Da kann ich nicht mitmachen«, dachte der kleine Riese. Rights sold to: Korea, Taiwan, Denmark, China world rights available In the Country of the Giants, there are tall and short giants. Like any child, the young one wants to go along to the giants’ party. So they set out, the tall one taking long steps, the short one taking short ones. At the party, one of the giants is to be elected president: The one able to swallow the largest object wins! The tall ones strut and boast, but the short giant promises to eat a complete apple tree. He swallows – an apple pip, planting another one in the ground. All the giants make fun of him. The following year, however, a little apple tree has grown. Much impressed, the tall giants vote for the short one to be president. Not just for one day, but for a whole year! The Giants’ Party is a memorable fable about true greatness. Nele Palmtag has created new and impressive illustrations to Max Bolliger’s classic story first published in 1981. Max Bolliger, born in Schwanden / Braunwald (Canton of Glarus), was a primary teacher, studied remedial education and psychology and worked as a remedial teacher. He also played a decisive role in developing early children’s programmes for Swiss TV. Later, he taught young adult literature at the Primary Teachers’ Seminary in Zurich. He started to write poems and stories for adults in the nineteen-fifties, becoming one of Switzerland’s most successful children’s books authors later on. He was awarded, among many other prizes, the Deutsche Jugendliteraturpreis and the Dutch Silver Stylus as well as receiving an honorary doctorate from the theological faculty of Zurich University. Max Bolliger died in Weesen (Canton of Glarus) in 2013. 16 Nele Palmtag, born in Böblingen, Germany, in 1973, trained to be an occupational therapist before studying illustration in Bremen and Hamburg. She lives in Hamburg with her family, working as a freelance illustrator. She draws, makes collages and writes texts for her books, some of which have also been recorded for children’s radio programmes. TLANTIS VERLAG SPRING 2015 A Author: LORENZ PAULI Illustrator: MIRIAM ZEDELIUS • The White Raven 2015 Title: PASS AUF MICH AUF! English title: LOOK AFTER ME! 2015 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 20 × 28,5 cm 4 years and up Rights sold to: Taiwan, China, Spain, Catalonia, Korea Überholt ein Fahrrad. Überholt den Traktor. world rights available F! AU or H f C I F M inated edia U S A om sM PAS een n ildren’ wiss b h eS has wiss C by Th ’s S n 5 the d 201 hildre K JM) r C a SI Aw te for edia ( rs u he it M Inst outh s Teac Y is and he Sw LCH). ( T and ciation o A ss Here, the adult asks the child how best to look after children. And the child admonishes him when the man’s suggestions lead to dangerous games. But that is not the whole story yet: Why does Mr Snip not fall from his hammock when you turn the book upside down? Or does he? And where are Yuri and him when they fly into space? Simply hold up the book and, right before your eyes, the two will fall back into the pages ... With a twinkle in his eye, Lorenz Pauli sides with the children who have hovering «helicopter parents». With the characters from Please Help Yourself (Atlantis, 2012) he invents a new version of an upside-down world. And Miriam Zedelius continues the game in her pictures. Lorenz Pauli, born 1967, he trained as a kindergarten teacher and has been teaching sind 1989, while being much in demand as storyteller in recent years. And in 2012, Lorenz Pauli gained formal recognition as well: He was awarded a place on the IBBY Honour List for the extraordinary quality of his text for the picture book Grandma, Emma, Mom (2010, Atlantis Publishers). Miriam Zedelius was born in Heidelberg in 1977 and lives in Leipzig with her family. She also studied there at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst. Today, she’s a freelance illustrator, designing postcards, posters and picture books in her own small silk-screen printing workshop with great success. Her two children enjoy being their mum’s test audience – she has already published two picture books with their seal of approval, both of them written by Lorenz Pauli. 17 TLANTIS VERLAG SPRING 2015 A Author: EVA ROTH Illustrator: ARTEM Title: UNTER BODOS BETT English title: UNDER BERT’S BED 2015 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 20 × 25 cm 4 years and up Rights sold to: Taiwan world rights available There is a knock from under Bert’s bed: It seems to come from the tool box. There is a goat in the box! Bert helps it out, and together they redecorate his room. The chest of drawers becomes a marble run, the tilted bed is perfect for somersaults and from the top of the wardrobe, the two can see into the flat above. Soon, Dad and the neighbours come to complain, but to them, the goat is invisible – of course. A goat who peeks through holes in living-room floors – unbelievable! Artem’s art makes this impish story unexpectedly powerful: It takes place in one room only, but there is so much going on – and then some! Eva Roth, born in 1974, writes prose and dramatic texts. She used to teach primary school, then ran a day-care centre. Since 2014, she has been an editor at Atlantis publishing house. She lives in Zurich with her family. Artem Kostyukewitsch was born in Omsk in 1971 and studied illustration at HAW Hambug. He lives in St. Petersburg with his family. Artem Kostyukewitsch (who has always used his first name as his pen name) works as an illustrator for newspapers and magazines and has won numerous awards, the Österreichische Kinder- und Jugendbuchpreis 2008 among them. Under Bert’s Bed is his fourth picture book. 18 TLANTIS VERLAG SPRING 2015 A Author/ Illustrator: CINTA VILLALOBOS Translated: from the Spanish by EVA ROTH Title: FANNY IM REGENGLÜCK English title: SUNNY IN THE RAIN 2015 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 20 × 27,7 cm 3 years and up Rights sold to: Taiwan, Korea world rights available Sunny loves rain. When everybody else shelters under a roof, she grabs her raincoat and her umbrella. Outside, she explores the colours of the clouds, the smell of clean air, the dampness on her skin. Fred the bear trots after her, grumbling and growling. But then, they hoof it through drizzles and storms, they paddle through pools and splash in puddles. And when a ray of sunlight pierces the clouds, the rain glitters in all colours. Sometimes, it is actually not raining. Sunny is pleased, as this means it is about to start again soon. The cheerfulness of the illustrations is infectious. Forget about the weather report and enjoy this book! It is nicer than any umbrella. Cinta Villalobos, born in Santander, Spain, in 1983, studied art in Salamanca and Toulouse. Because she had always enjoyed drawing and loved books, too, it soon became clear she wanted to be an illustrator. Cinta Villalobos has illustrated children’s and young adults’ books for several Spanish publishing houses and is working on her own projects as well. She lives in Barcelona. 19 ATLANTIS VERLAG FALL 2014 Author: LORENZ PAULI Illustrator: KATHRIN SCHÄRER Title: DA BIST DU JA! DIE LIEBE, DER ANFANG – ALLÜBERALL English title: THERE YOU ARE! THE BEGINNING OF LOVE 2014 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 15,8 × 21 cm 4 years and up Rights sold to: China, Denmark, Taiwan world rights available «Sometimes I love you so much I wish there were two of you.» «Why?» «So we could hold hands on both sides.» «Oh! But we can do that, even if there’s only one of me.» Impish, dreamy, rapturous or quiet; surprising themselves and each other, «the Smaller One» and «the Larger One» explore what it is like to be close to each other – to feel love, to feel at home. Love is a universe. Love conjures up worlds of togetherness. This is a story of creation. But a different one. For children... and for those walking hand in hand. Lorenz Pauli, born 1967, he trained as a kindergarten teacher and has been teaching sind 1989, while being much in demand as storyteller in recent years. And in 2012, Lorenz Pauli gained formal recognition as well: He was awarded a place on the IBBY Honour List for the extraordinary quality of his text for the picture book Grandma, Emma, Mom (2010, Atlantis Publishers). Kathrin Schärer, born in Basle in 1969. She graduated as an art teacher as well as in arts and crafts from the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Basle. She teaches children with speech disorders and works as an illustrator. While she sometimes illustrates her own stories, she is best known for her longstanding and very successful collaboration with Lorenz Pauli. Kathrin Schärer has been nominated for the prestigious Hans Christian Andersen Award 2012 for her complete works. And Joanna on the Train (2009, Atlantis Publishers) was awarded the Swiss Childeren’s Media Award 2011. 20 ATLANTIS VERLAG FALL 2014 Author / Illustrator: PETER MENNE Title: WIE PAPA EIN KANINCHEN WURDE English title: HOW DADDY BECAME A RABBIT 2014 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 29 × 22 cm 5 years and up Rights sold to: Denmark, Taiwan world rights available Aunt Connie has brought Charles a conjuring set. «Nonsense», says Daddy when Charles tries to pull a white rabbit from a hat. «Absolutely impossible.» Next morning, however, there are weirdly long whiskers growing in his face. At the office, his ears attract attention, as do his front teeth. Daddy is embarrassed by his metamorphosis. He goes into hiding. But he is tracked down by some paparazzi – now there is no way back: He appears in talk-shows and becomes an advertising star for Cooper’s Carrots. His family is getting tired of it all. Daddy’s last chance is to trust in Charles’s and Aunt Connie’s conjuring abilities... Peter Menne, born in Delbrück (Westphalia) in 1962, studied graphics design (focusing on illustration) in Bielefeld. He admits to having started his career in the art room there, drawing nudes and managing to reduce top models to cartoons. He works as an illustrator and a caricaturist for numerous dailies, specialist journals and publishing houses. 21 ATLANTIS VERLAG Author: Illustrator: Title: English title: Rights sold to: FALL 2014 KNUT LAASER JASMIN SCHÄFER DER SPÄTE GAST A LATE-NIGHT VISITOR 2014 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 22 × 25 cm 5 years and up Denmark, Taiwan e Tür klopft, Hund, nliches Bedürfnis: n. rhund sich laufend anz sich selber ist (und bleibt), gutes Ende – Franz einen Anfang. 22 Knut Laaser & Jasmin Schäfer Der späte Gast world rights available First, there is a knock at the door, then a muzzle pushes through the letter slot. «Good evening, would you let me in, please? I’m catching cold out here!» Franz opens the door to a dachshund carrying an umbrella. A strange guest and an even stranger dog. He sounds hectoring, although all he wants to do is please the boy. He fulfills every wish he thinks the boy might have, turning himself into all kinds of things, before Franz finally gets a word in – «Dogs are my favourite animals!» Now the dachshund has found a home, a friend and himself! Knut Laaser & Jasmin Schäfer Knut Laaser, born in Berlin in 1981, studied social sciences in Hamburg and London, getting his doctorate in Glasgow. He had started writing short stories while still very young. A Late-Night Visitor is his first picture book text. Being a dog-lover himself, Knut Laaser is looking forward to the strange dachshund’s arrival. Jasmin Schäfer, born in Frankfurt am Main in 1981, studied illustration at HAW Hamburg. She illustrates, writes and collects children’s books. Much like Der Kragenbär / The Black Bear (Bajazzo, 2011), A Late-Night Visitor charms with its own brand of headstrong but impish humour. ATLANTIS VERLAG Author/ Illustrator: Title: English title: FALL 2014 NARISA TOGO WEIHNACHTSSPUREN IM WNTERWALD TRACKS IN A CHRISTMAS FOREST 2014 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 21,5 × 21,5 cm 3 years and up world rights available It’s freezing outside; surely, there is nothing to see. But Mum says, «Let’s go for a walk! You never know...» And then, it is the girl who discovers something. «Look at this little fir tree!» «Could it be a Christmas tree?», Mum asks. «Yes, this is where the rabbits celebrate Christmas. They decorate the tree with berries and bits of lichen.» And so, a question-and-answer game begins, which, based on a child’s imagination, encourages a dialogue when read aloud. The sequence of «discovery» and «explanation» is accessible to children from a very young age. And the winter fairy tale at the end once again enumerates all the stops along this quietly magical Christmas journey. Narisa Togo, born in Japan in 1987, studied ecology at the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology before her interest in illustration brought her to England. Studying children’s illustration at the Cambridge School of Art, she sketched plants, birds and landscapes in her leisure time. She wants her books to reflect how fascinating nature can be to children. 23 ATLANTIS VERLAG NON FICTION Author/ Illustrator: ANNE MÖLLER Title: ZEHN BLÄTTER FLIEGEN DAVON English title: TEN LEAVES IN THE WIND 2008 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 20.7 × 27.4 cm from 3 years on Rights sold to: France, Denmark, Netherlands, Korea, Thailand, China, Brazil, United Arabic Emirates and Taiwan world rights available Over 9’000 copies sold. An autumn storm rips ten willow leaves from their twigs, carrying them away. One leaf ends up in the water, others on the ground. People and animals welcome them: Children gather the leaves to make little boats, lanterns and pictures. A squirrel carries a leaf away for its nest, a grasshopper uses another as a life raft. And an earthworm finally pulls the last leaf underground: He eats and digests it. The leaf becomes fertilizer for the willow tree which will grow new leaves come spring ... Where do leaves fall? Never leaving a child’s world of experience, Anne Möller tells her lyrical tale with great care – for the diversity of nature and the circle of life. Also available: an English rough translation. Anne Möller was born in Freiburg, Germany, in 1970. After high school, she studied illustration and design at the Fachhochschule Hamburg. Since graduating in 1998 she has been a freelance illustrator for various publishers. Her Atlantis picture book NESTER BAUEN, HÖHLEN KNABBERN won the Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis (Non-Fiction) 2005! For more titles by Anne Möller please take a look at the following page and at the backlist catalogue. 24 ATLANTIS VERLAG NON FICTION Author/ Illustrator: ANNE MÖLLER Title: ÜBER LAND UND DURCH DIE LUFT English title: OVER LAND AND TROUGH THE AIR 2001 36 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 21 x 28 cm from 5 years on Rights sold to: Denmark, Slovenia, Russia, United Arabic Emirates, France, Japan, Thailand, Korea, China and Taiwan world rights available Over 282‘000 copies sold by our partner, the Chinese publishers THINKINGDOM. If people want to travel, they take the train, the car or even the plane. And for shorter journeys there are bikes. Or our own feet. With plants this looks differently. But nevertheless they meet at the most unexpected places. For example in the sand-box. Or in the gutter. How did they get there? Plants travel as well. Overland and through the air. But plants don’t travel themselves, they send their seeds travelling. Some seeds use the wind to fly away. Other travel with animals by whom they are eaten. And in those places where the seeds are put down, new plants can grow. For example in the sand-box. Or in the gutter. Also available: all plant names in Latin. Anne Möller was born in Freiburg, Germany, in 1970. After high school, she studied illustration and design at the Fachhochschule Hamburg. Since graduating in 1998 she has been a freelance illustrator for various publishers. Her Atlantis picture book NESTER BAUEN, HÖHLEN KNABBERN won the Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis (Non-Fiction) 2005! For more titles by Anne Möller please take a look at the backlist catalogue. 25 ATLANTIS VERLAG HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN AWARD IN GOLD Author: SELINA CHÖNZ OR ALOIS CARIGIET Illustrator: ALOIS CARIGIET Title: SCHELLEN-URSLI English title: A BELL FOR URSLI 1971, 48 pages, bound, coloured illustrations Size 31 × 24 cm, Form 5 years on Rights sold to:Japan, Korea, China, Iran, Italy and Taiwan Longseller! Over 500’000 copies sold! This Swiss childrens´s book classic tells of Schellen-Ursli and his search for a big cowbell so he can head the spring festival´s proces sion in his village. To get this bell he goes alone to his family´s summer-hut high up in the mountains and spends a lonely scary night there. Carigiet (1902-1985) was a famous Swiss artist depicting life in his native Engadine Alps. Also available: an English, a French and an Italian translation. 26 Title: ZOTTEL, ZICK UND ZWERG English title: ZOTTEL, ZICK AND ZWERG 1971, 40 pages, bound, coloured illustrations Size 31 × 24 cm, Form 5 years on Rights sold to: Japan and China Longseller! Maurus, the goatherd, discovers that the 3 goats Zottel, Zick and Zwerg got lost in the mountains. He sets off on a dangerous search with his dog, survives a storm, crosses a torrent, wounding his foot. Finally, he finds the runaways on a cliff and brings them back to the village. Title: FLURINA UND DAS WILDVÖGELEIN English title: FLURINA AND THE WILD BIRD 1971, 28 pages, bound, coloured illustrations Size 31 × 24 cm, Form 5 years on Title: BIRNBAUM, BIRKE, BERBERITZE English title: PEAR TREE, BIRCH TREE, BARBERRY BUSH 1971, 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations Size 31 × 24 cm, Form 5 years on Rights sold to: UK, Iran, Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan Longseller! Rights sold to: Japan, Korea and China Longseller! Flurina finds a wild baby bird and rears it with loving care at home until the time comes to set the bird free. As autumn comes, Flurina climbs high up in the mountains in search of her bird. Instead of the bird she finds a beautiful, perfect cristal. Also available: an English translation. A story of a brother and sister from the Engadine Mountains who, over the season, follow the history of a thieving magpie in her birch tree, a pair of crows in their pear tree and the nesting of the garden warbler couple in their protective barberry bush. Title: DER GROSSE SCHNEE English title: THE SNOWSTORM 1971, 32 pages, bound, coloured illustrations Size 31 × 24 cm, Form 5 years on Title: MAURUS UND MADLEINA English title: MAURUS AND MADLEINA 1971, 44 pages, bound, coloured illustrations Size 31 × 24 cm, Form 5 years on Rights sold to: Iran, Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan Longseller! Rights sold to: Japan and China Longseller! On a winter-evening Flurina returns home to the farm. On the way she looks for a whimpering animal under an old tree. In that moment, an avalanche thunders down to the valley and buries Flurina. Brother Ursli searches for her. Luckily the branches have protected her and Ursli carries her home. Also available: an English and a French translation. Madleina lives in Zürich and shows her cousin Maurus, the goatherd from the mountains, city-life. In turn Maurus introduces Madleina to his native mountain village and they even participate in a mountain-rescue-operation and fly in the helicopter. ATLANTIS VERLAG SPECIAL Editor: HANS TEN DOORNKAAT Title: ALOIS CARIGIET KUNST – GRAFIK – SCHELLEN-URSLI English title: ALOIS CARIGIET ART – GRAPHIC DESIGN – ‘A BELL FOR URSLI’ 2015 104 pages, bound, coloured illustrations size 16 × 21 cm Ein Sinnbild paradiesischer Schönheit und Reinheit Regula Moser Realität und künstlerische Freiheit bei Alois Carigiet Die touristische und verkehrstechnische Erschließung des Alpenkantons Graubünden bringt seit der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts große bauliche Veränderungen mit sich. Nicht nur die Architektur, sondern auch die Sicht der Fotografen auf die bestehenden Bauten ist neu. Erste Foto grafen kommen um 1860 mit dem Aufkommen des Tourismus nach Graubünden.1 Kunstaffine und wohlhabende Gäste verlangen nach pitto resken Souvenirs: Berglandschaften, Grandhotels und Engadiner Häuser sind gefragte Motive. Das Dorf Guarda – Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts ein verarmtes Dorf – zeigt diese Entwicklung exemplarisch. Indem Alois Carigiet sich dem Text des Uorsin annimmt, wird der Bündner Oberländer zum Künstler des Enga dins. Mehrfach weilt er während des Illustrierens, das sich über sechs Jahre hinzieht, im Haus, das die Familie Könz seit 1939 in Guarda bewohnt. Häuserfassaden, Einrichtungen, Tiere, Menschen und Landschaften ver dichtet er zu einem EngadinBild, das mit seinem großen Wiedererken nungswert zu einer der stärksten Werbebotschaften der Schweiz wird. »Hoch in den Bergen, weit von hier, da wohnt ein Büblein so wie wir. In diesem Dörfchen, arm und klein, ganz unten steht sein Haus allein.« Das »Dörfchen«, von dem die Autorin eher unbestimmt schreibt, trägt in Carigiets Inszenierung Züge von Guarda. Aber wie verhält sich Carigiets Darstellung tatsächlich zur Realität? Seine Zeichnungen zeigen das kleine Dorf bescheiden, aber idyllisch und »aufgeräumt«. Urslis Haus malt er mit massiven Steinmauern, einem Eingangstor in den Sulèr, vertieften Fenstern, einem Erker und Verzierungen in SgraffitoTechnik. Die kleinen Fenster, die Carigiet genussvoll auf der Hausfassade verstreut, und die verzerrten Perspektiven zeigen seinen künstlerischen Umgang mit Architektur. Da sich die Häuser in Guarda wie eine Herde auf kleinstem Raum zusammen drängen, ergeben sich tatsächlich merkwürdig verzerrte Hausformen.2 Es gibt aber auch Unterschiede zur realen Vorlage: Bis in die Nachkriegs zeit findet sich in Guarda kein freistehendes Haus. Das Dorf, das Carigiet im Schellen-Ursli malt, ist in einer leichten Senke eingebettet und erinnert in der Anzahl und Anordnung der Häuser eher an das ebenfalls im Unter engadin gelegene Sur En. Wahrscheinlich aber handelt es sich schlicht um ein »prototypisches« Engadiner Dörfchen, das aus verschiedenen Inspira tionen künstlerisch frei dargestellt wird. Dem realen, auf der Sonnenter rasse exponierten Guarda entspricht vielmehr das Dorfbild in Flurina und das Wildvöglein und Der grosse Schnee. world rights available Schellen-Ursli, 1945. Guarda um 1900 (Datierung durch I. U. Könz an Fotograf E. Widmer) Der grosse Schnee, 1957. Flurina und das Wildvöglein, 1952. 76 0557_Alois Carigiet_Inhalt.indd 76 20.06.15 10:37 0557_Alois Carigiet_Inhalt.indd 77 20.06.15 10:37 A concise introduction to the complete works, a fresh look at ‘Ursli’ And we used to think we knew Uorsin... … but now a team of experts has looked at Alois Carigiet’s works from a different angle, finding intriguing new connections: The story by Selina Chönz is about Chalandamarz as it is celebrated in the village of Zuoz while Carigiet’s pictures show the traditional festival taking place in a different village: Guarda. Village depictions vary in the three Engadine stories, while always reflecting the ‘local heritage’ ideal then propagated. A local mentor of this movement was none other than the author’s husband, architect I.U. Könz. Anyway, these ‘timeless’ picture books contain much more zeitgeist and cultural policy than anyone looking at them for the first time would suspect. The book’s publishing date coincides with the opening date of the exhibition. However, it is not a catalogue but an independent publication, developed in cooperation with the Swiss National Museum. With essays by Felix Graf, Stephan Kunz, Dora Lardelli, Regula Moser, Chasper Pult, Mevina Puorger, Hans ten Doornkaat, Christine Tresch and Rico Valär. 27 ATLANTIS VERLAG AWARD WINNER Author/ Illustrator: KATHRIN SCHÄRER • The Best Foregain Picture Book (Japan) 2015 • Swiss Children’s Media Award 2011 Title: JOHANNA IM ZUG English title: JOANNA IN THE TRAIN 2009 34 pages and 12 half pages, bound, coloured illustrations, size 26.3 × 23.8 cm from 5 years on Rights sold to: France, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Hungary, Italy, UK / USA, Korea, Spain and Latin America, China , Taiwan, Japan, Brazil world rights available Bestseller! Over 14’000 copies sold. Also a bestseller in the Netherlands! The illustrator draws a train, then its passengers. A pig wants to know what she’s called. Thus, a story unfolds, the tale of a train journey full of meetings and surprises. But then, the pig wants the artist to go back one page. It’s possible in a book – but in real life? A wonderful story game, a story about a lovable, rebellious pig and about how stories may develop ... and those who want to read more into it, will find hints in the pictures and on Kathrin Schärer’s desk, for that is where the story begins! Also available: an English and an Italian rough translation. Kathrin Schärer, born in Basle in 1969. She graduated as an art teacher as well as in arts and crafts from the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Basle. She teaches children with speech disorders and works as an illustrator. While she sometimes illustrates her own stories, she is best known for her longstanding and very successful collaboration with Lorenz Pauli. Kathrin Schärer has been nominated for the prestigious Hans Christian Andersen Award 2012 for her complete works. And Joanna on the Train (2009, Atlantis Publishers) was awarded the Swiss Childeren’s Media Award 2011. 28 DOWNLOAD THE RIGHTS CATALOGUE WITH OUR BACKLIST TITLES visit > KINDERBÜCHER > RIGHTS