Journal 2260 - Patents Office
PATENTS OFFICE JOURNAL IRISLEABHAR OIFIG NA bPAITINNÍ Iml. 89 Cill Chainnigh 30 July 2014 Uimh. 2260 CLÁR INNSTE Cuid I Cuid II Paitinní Official Notice Applications for Patents Applications Published Patents Granted European Patents Granted Applications Withdrawn, Deemed Withdrawn or Refused Patents Lapsed Request for Grant of Supplementary Protection Certificate Patents Expired Trádmharcanna Leath 2733 2735 2736 2737 2738 2799 2800 3041 3042 Official Notice Applications for Trade Marks Oppositions under Section 43 Application(s) Amended Application(s) Withdrawn Trade Marks Registered Trade Marks Renewed Unpaid Renewal Fees Trade Marks Removed Surrender of Registered Trade Mark(s) International Registrations under the Madrid Protocol International Trade Marks Protected Cancellations effected under the Madrid Protocol Changes/Corrections in the International Register Errata Dearachtaí Designs Information under the 1927 Act Designs Expired 3048 Designs Information under the 2001 Act Designs Registered Design Rights Expired 3049 3050 The Patents Office Journal is published fortnightly by the Irish Patents Office. Each issue is freely available to view or download from our website at Leath 1140 1141 1167 1167 1167 1167 1168 1169 1172 1174 1175 1191 1193 1193 1193 © Government of Ireland, 2014 © Rialtas na hÉireann, 2014 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2733 Patents Office Journal Irisleabhar Oifig Na bPaitinní Cuid I Paitinní agus Dearachtaí No. 2260 Wednesday, 30 July, 2014 NOTE: The office does not guarantee the accuracy of its publications nor undertake any responsibility for errors or omissions or their consequences. In this Part of the Journal, a reference to a section is to a section of the Patents Act, 1992 unless otherwise stated. Official Notice - Patents Patents Rules 1992 – Rule 77 – Office Closure This Office will be closed to the public on Monday 4th August 2014 2734 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Register of Patent Agent Rules, 1992 September 2014 Examination Arrangements Subject to there being a demand therefor by a sufficient number of eligible candidates, the Patent Agents Board proposes to arrange with the UK Patent Examination Board (PEB) for the holding of some or all of the following written examinations in September, 2014 for the purpose of Rule 7(1) (c) of the above mentioned rules. The PEB has been authorised by the UK Intellectual Property Regulation Board (IPReg) to conduct the examinations in Advanced Patent Papers from 2014. Subject to the need to deal with any outstanding appeals, the Joint Examination Board (JEB) which previously conducted the examinations, is expected to cease operation in June 2014. Therefore, the 2014 examinations will be organised by the PEB and will be in the same format and for the same subjects as previously set by the JEB. The examinations will consist of the following Advanced Patent Papers of the PEB. Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 30th September, 2014 Paper P6 10.00a.m. – 3.00 p.m. 1st October, 2014 Validity and Infringement of Patent Specifications Paper P4 10.00a.m. – 1.00p.m. Amendment of Specifications 2nd October, 2014 Paper P3 10.00a.m. – 2.00p.m. Preparation of Patent Specifications Candidates wishing to be examined in these papers should register online with the PEB using the following URL: and pay the appropriate fee (currently £250.00 per subject) directly to the PEB. Candidates should not pay any fee to the Irish Patents Office. Irish candidates are advised that in order to proceed with the PEB registration form they should answer “yes” to Questions 2 and 4. This will then allow the candidate to access entry to the finals examinations listed in question 7. The PEB have indicated that they will be able to identify an Irish candidate by virtue of that candidate selecting the ‘Ireland’ venue and that Irish candidates are therefore not subject to the same progression rules as UK candidates. (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2735 Applications for Patents From 27/05/14 to 08/07/14 The names of applicants are in alphabetical order. In the case of joint applicants, each name is given independently. The title of the invention should not be regarded as an exhaustive indication of the subjectmatter. The date immediately following the title is that on which the application was filed; in the case of a divisional application, the filing date of the earlier application is added within parentheses. In the case of a Convention application the Convention country and priority date(s) claimed are given in square brackets and where an application claimed the priority of an earlier application filed at the office, this information is given within the square brackets. The number is that of the application and should be used for correspondence purposes up to the date of grant of a patent. The letter S preceding the number indicates that the application is for a short-term patent. A new number will be given when a patent is granted and this new number should be quoted in all correspondence subsequent to grant. BELL ROSE Non-surgical neck and jawline lift 08 July 2014 20140160 DOHERTY ROGER A method and device 27 June 2014 S20140158 DOWLING DARREN MARK ; DOWLING JOHN JOSEPH A flood barrier, and a S20140157 method for preventing ingress of flood waters through an opening in a wall of a building 02 July 2014 DOWLING JOHN JOSEPH; DOWLING DARREN MARK A flood barrier, and a S20140157 method for preventing ingress of flood waters through an opening in a wall of a building 02 July 2014 GRIFFIN MICHAEL JOHN An animal trunk movement restraining apparatus and a S20140153 method for restraining movement of the trunk of an animal 26 June 2014 HEALY RYAN DOMINICK PATRICK The merry-go-round re-imaged with S20140154 interactive steps 27 May 2014 O'SHEA MICHAEL Systems and methods for monitoring behaviour and 20140159 physiological parameters in animals 08 July 2014 SHANAHAN-PRENDERGAST DANIEL; SHANAHAN-PRENDERGAST LEO; SHANAHAN-PRENDERGAST JODY; SHANAHAN-PRENDERGAST KATE Mogroside V as agonist/stimulator/un-blocking agent for toll-like receptor 4 and adjuvant for use in human/animal vaccine and to stimulate immunity against disease agents. 02 July 2014 20140156 2736 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal SHANAHAN-PRENDERGAST JODY; SHANAHAN-PRENDERGAST DANIEL; (No. 2260) 20140156 SHANAHAN-PRENDERGAST LEO; SHANAHAN-PRENDERGAST KATE Mogroside V as agonist/stimulator/un-blocking agent for toll-like receptor 4 and adjuvant for use in human/animal vaccine and to stimulate immunity against disease agents. 02 July 2014 SHANAHAN-PRENDERGAST KATE; SHANAHAN-PRENDERGAST JODY; 20140156 SHANAHAN-PRENDERGAST DANIEL; SHANAHAN-PRENDERGAST LEO Mogroside V as agonist/stimulator/un-blocking agent for toll-like receptor 4 and adjuvant for use in human/animal vaccine and to stimulate immunity against disease agents. 02 July 2014 SHANAHAN-PRENDERGAST LEO; SHANAHAN-PRENDERGAST DANIEL; 20140156 SHANAHAN-PRENDERGAST JODY; SHANAHAN-PRENDERGAST KATE Mogroside V as agonist/stimulator/un-blocking agent for toll-like receptor 4 and adjuvant for use in human/animal vaccine and to stimulate immunity against disease agents. 02 July 2014 SPRING EMMETT Compacting system for metal containers 30 June 2014 20140155 Applications Published Under Section 28 The following applications become open to public inspection as from the date of this issue of the journal. The date given is the date of filing of the application or the earliest priority claimed. 2013 20130023 BILL LIAO; NOEL JOYCE, Cable holding and releasing device. 29 January 2013. Int. Cl. (2011) B65H 75/00; B65H 81/00. 20130024 SEAN LOUGHRAN, Seawater seaweed extract. 30 January 2013. Int. Cl. (2011) A61K 36/00. 20130362 HELEN MARGARET GUTTERIDGE; PHILIP GARETH LLEWELLYN GUTTERIDGE, Extendable frame, kit and method of use. 29 November 2012. Int. Cl. (2011) A61G 7/00. 20130364 JOHN O'REILLY, Hydrocarbon markers. 29 November 2012. Int. Cl. (2011) C10L 1/00. (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2737 Patents Granted Under Section 34 The number of a patent is given in heavy type; the letter S preceding the number indicates a short-term patent. The code numbers following the title of each invention are those of the International Patent Classification. The date of filing the application follows the proprietor’s name. The patent application number, which follows the date of application in parenthesis, has been superseded by the patent number. In the case of an application claiming the priority of an earlier application, the name of the country where the earlier application was made and the date of the earlier application are shown in square brackets. By virtue of Section 65(3), the application relating to any short-term patent appearing in the following list whose date of filing is later than the date which is 18 months prior to the date of this issue of the Journal becomes open to public inspection as and from the date of this issue of the Journal. S86418 A robust moisture resistant fire log that is clean to handle and can be lit directly with a naked flame without the necessity to use additional combustible materials. Int. Cl. (2011) C10L 11/00; C10L 5/00. PAUL DOYLE 24 September 2012 (S20120420) 86419 Data download to a camera. Int. Cl. (2011) G11B 7/00; H04B 1/00; H04B 10/00. ANDER GRAY OLARAN 30 November 2011 (20110524) S86420 Modular multi locker unit to be used for secure bicycle parking and storage of other goods. Int. Cl. (2011) B62H 3/00; E04H 6/00. YVONNE O'CONOR 14 March 2014 (S20140071) 2738 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Patents Granted Under European Patent Convention Designating Ireland The Irish serial number appears first followed, respectively, by the proprietor’s name, the date of filing of the application, the filing number and the European Patent Office publication number. If the specification of the European patent was published in French or German the word ‘French’ or ‘German’, as appropriate, will appear as the last item of information. Grants Published in EPO Bulletin No. 27/14, dated 2nd July 2014 1051114 Orthodyne, Inc. 20/01/1999 1051114 99904160.1 Cole, J., Dean 1063279 IDEMITSU KOSAN CO., LTD. 18/11/1999 1063279 99123107.7 1105768 Carl Zeiss Vision Australia Holdings 26/05/1999 1105768 99923318.2 Ltd. 1175071 MobileMedia Ideas LLC 11/05/2001 1175071 01111549.0 1180172 Fibria Celulose S.A. 27/04/2000 1180172 00926590.1 1223147 CECA S.A. 03/01/2002 1223147 02290007.0 1251611 BTICINO S.P.A. 20/07/2001 1251611 01202797.5 1263655 Reynolds Presto Products Inc. 15/09/2000 1263655 00965065.6 1268569 Chevron Phillips Chemical Company 28/12/2000 1268569 00990384.0 German French LP 1273183 Motorola Mobility LLC 10/04/2001 1273183 01979223.3 1299473 3M Innovative Properties Company 28/06/2001 1299473 01950610.4 1346408 Intel Corporation 15/11/2001 1346408 01993180.7 1360386 Putzmeister Engineering GmbH 11/01/2002 1360386 02711798.5 1411515 Rovi Europe Limited 29/09/1999 1411515 04001409.4 1415434 2Wire, Inc. 18/07/2002 1415434 02747067.3 1422138 The Boeing Company 15/11/2003 1422138 03026297.6 1427328 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON 29/08/2002 1427328 02766155.2 20/05/2003 1437518 03011385.6 German 15/12/2003 1439657 03028825.2 German German UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER 1437518 Geräte- und Pumpenbau GmbHDr. Eugen Schmidt 1439657 PHOENIX CONTACT GmbH & Co. KG 1448232 N.V. Nutricia 25/11/2002 1448232 02782020.8 1448251 Luther Needlesafe Products, Inc. 31/10/2002 1448251 02778715.9 1448949 3D SCANNERS LTD 22/11/2002 1448949 02803328.0 1465670 Immunomedics, Inc. 23/12/2002 1465670 02806337.8 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 1471902 Sound Pharmaceuticals Incorporated 03/01/2003 1471902 03701231.7 1478653 Basilea Pharmaceutica AG 24/02/2003 1478653 03714754.3 1486742 SANYO ELECTRIC CO., LTD. 18/05/2004 1486742 04252924.8 1492622 Oy Lifa Iaq Ltd. 10/04/2003 1492622 03712196.9 1509863 Nokia Corporation 07/05/2003 1509863 03722897.0 1515351 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY 10/09/2004 1515351 04255493.1 1531734 SUPER SONIC IMAGINE 20/08/2003 1531734 03758254.1 1534184 CeloNova Stent, Inc. 29/07/2003 1534184 03784110.3 1537094 Phyton Holdings, LLC 04/08/2003 1537094 03767262.3 1539046 Duckworth & Kent Limited 28/07/2003 1539046 03771155.3 1562385 Panasonic Corporation 06/10/2003 1562385 03748710.5 1567265 International Business Machines 13/11/2003 1567265 03775606.1 2739 French Corporation 1568305 Olympus Corporation 25/02/2005 1568305 05004145.8 1571443 ARKRAY, Inc. 22/10/2003 1571443 03809446.2 1576854 Universal Display Corporation 18/08/2003 1576854 03788618.1 1583789 BASF Fuel Cell Research GmbH 02/12/2003 1583789 03782267.3 German 1596004 Voith Patent GmbH 14/04/2005 1596004 05102931.2 German 1596669 Unilever N.V. 06/02/2004 1596669 04708755.6 Unilever PLC 1599679 Freni Brembo S.p.A. 30/01/2003 1599679 03706902.8 1604699 GAMBRO HOSPAL (Schweiz) AG 02/04/2001 1604699 05019650.0 1614965 Heizomat-Gerätebau + Energiesysteme 03/05/2005 1614965 05009658.5 German GmbH 1615794 ABB Sécheron SA 14/04/2004 1615794 04727205.9 1622996 The Lubrizol Corporation 10/07/2003 1622996 03764779.9 1623823 Toyo Seikan Group Holdings, Ltd. 14/05/2004 1623823 04733115.2 1639647 Micron Technology, Inc. 04/06/2004 1639647 04754340.0 1649038 Litron Laboratories Ltd. 28/06/2004 1649038 04777169.6 1650010 Herz, Franz-Josef 19/09/2005 1650010 05020380.1 1653918 The Gillette Company 10/08/2004 1653918 04780650.0 1658246 Johns Manville Europe GmbH 22/07/2004 1658246 04741211.9 1658838 L'Oréal 12/07/2005 1658838 05254363.4 1658979 HEWLETT-PACKARD 24/10/2005 1658979 05109876.2 German German DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, L.P. 1660275 Schrottner, Gerhard 06/09/2004 1660275 04764848.0 German 1660489 Morphochem Aktiengesellschaft Für 03/09/2004 1660489 04764810.0 German Kombinatorische Chemie 2740 1660594 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal Orion Engineered Carbons GmbH (No. 2260) 24/08/2004 1660594 04764417.4 German Riebel, Ulrich 1660876 PerkinElmer Health Sciences, Inc. 28/07/2004 1660876 04779414.4 1663664 Hueck Folien Ges.m.b.H 16/09/2004 1663664 04765267.2 1672005 Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. 01/09/2004 1672005 04772590.8 1673127 PulseCath B.V. 02/09/2003 1673127 03818424.8 1675468 Nestec S.A. 01/04/2004 1675468 04725019.6 1676514 LG Electronics Inc. 04/11/2005 1676514 05110345.5 1677858 Gambro Lundia AB 11/10/2004 1677858 04791681.2 1678299 c-LEcta GmbH 22/10/2004 1678299 04802647.0 1678396 Verti-Crete, LLC 30/09/2004 1678396 04789461.3 1680525 ATI Properties, Inc. 28/09/2004 1680525 04785174.6 1682095 Circ Pharma Research and 29/10/2004 1682095 04791793.5 German French German Development Limited 1701900 Pepperl + Fuchs GmbH 22/12/2004 1701900 04804232.9 1702486 Nokia Corporation 23/12/2004 1702486 04805186.6 1704092 Airbus Operations GmbH 12/01/2005 1704092 05700856.7 1705116 The Boeing Company 28/02/2006 1705116 06075461.1 1711513 Novo Nordisk Health Care AG 01/12/2004 1711513 04804635.3 1712016 Intel Corporation 24/12/2004 1712016 04815446.2 1718158 Andromeda Bio Tech Ltd. 27/01/2005 1718158 05703143.7 1724581 UNIVERSIDAD DE SALAMANCA 03/03/2005 1724581 05717192.8 1726410 Panasonic Corporation 26/05/2006 1726410 06010929.5 1726428 DS Smith Kaysersberg 19/05/2006 1726428 06114253.5 1731534 Asahi Glass Company, Limited 16/05/2006 1731534 06010107.8 1736773 Ajinomoto Co., Inc. 15/04/2005 1736773 05730576.5 1747000 ARCHER-DANIELS-MIDLAND 21/03/2005 1747000 05734844.3 15/11/2004 1749164 04821503.2 COMPANY 1749164 The Boeing Company German German French (30/07/2014) 1749415 Patents Office Journal De Beuil, Michel (No. 2260) 18/01/2005 1749415 05717436.9 2741 French Bosson, Jean-Marc Cronier, Thibault Cusin, Jacques-Pascal Desmoulins, Pierre-Eric Domange, Antoine Mamou, Ghislaine Mamou, Michael Poilpot, Loïc Poussot, Jean-Marie Thedrel, Alain Vernet, Philippe Barret, Patrick 1751064 Evoqua Water Technologies LLC 27/05/2005 1751064 05756552.5 1751136 AMGEN INC. 09/05/2005 1751136 05779977.7 1752241 Index-Werke GmbH & Co. KG Hahn & 02/08/2006 1752241 06016089.2 German Tessky 1756192 Exilica Limited 05/05/2005 1756192 05742444.2 1757525 K.M PLANNING CO., LTD. 19/05/2005 1757525 05740912.0 1759552 LG Electronics Inc. 07/06/2005 1759552 05749466.8 1763046 Schneider Electric Industries SAS 24/07/2006 1763046 06354022.3 1764328 Komori Corporation 05/09/2006 1764328 06018583.2 1765227 Transysteme - JMT Implants 31/05/2005 1765227 05752647.7 French French Couette, Philippe 1766334 Renishaw plc 21/06/2005 1766334 05758458.3 1767394 NMI Safety Systems Ltd. 14/08/2006 1767394 06016942.2 1768225 Metabowerke GmbH 23/09/2005 1768225 05020733.1 German FRIWO Gerätebau GmbH 1770125 TORAY INDUSTRIES, INC. 14/07/2005 1770125 05759945.8 1774315 PerkinElmer Health Sciences, Inc. 26/07/2005 1774315 05776372.4 1783388 Schaeffler Technologies GmbH & Co. 12/10/2006 1783388 06021387.3 German 07/06/2006 1786090 06115054.6 French KG 1786090 VALEO EQUIPEMENTS ELECTRIQUES MOTEUR 1788443 Agfa Graphics N.V. 18/11/2005 1788443 05110918.9 1788583 QSA GLOBAL, INC. 11/10/2001 1788583 07004512.5 1790234 Chr. Hansen A/S 24/11/2006 1790234 06388064.5 1790765 Trützschler Nonwovens GmbH 02/11/2006 1790765 06022788.1 German 2742 1794806 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal International Business Machines (No. 2260) 20/09/2005 1794806 05798479.1 Corporation 1799025 Yara Suomi Oy 28/09/2005 1799025 05790908.7 1799612 International Business Machines 29/09/2005 1799612 05791710.6 Corporation 1799859 Isis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 19/09/2005 1799859 05798891.7 1805630 SAP AG 22/09/2005 1805630 05789255.6 1808081 Kabushiki Kaisha Yakult Honsha 13/10/2004 1808081 04792313.1 1809133 Peeerfect Fit LLC 26/10/2005 1809133 05799424.6 1809734 Yeda Research and Development Co., 02/10/2005 1809734 05796118.7 20/12/2006 1816418 06126617.7 Ltd. 1816418 BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte German GmbH 1816893 Phonak AG 06/02/2006 1816893 06101322.3 1819326 Novartis AG 28/11/2005 1819326 05826219.7 09/12/2005 1819365 05853546.9 Novartis Pharma GmbH 1819365 Hartmann, Gunther Hornung, Veit Endres, Stefan, Prof. Dr. Alnylam Pharmaceuticals Inc. 1827483 Swedish Orphan Biovitrum AB (publ) 12/12/2005 1827483 05853972.7 1829408 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 01/12/2005 1829408 05815738.9 1831168 Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc. 15/12/2005 1831168 05854119.4 1833670 Schur Flexibles Dixie GmbH 16/11/2005 1833670 05823665.4 1838688 Archer-Daniels-Midland Company 09/12/2005 1838688 05853500.6 1839115 SanDisk Technologies Inc. 08/12/2005 1839115 05853602.0 1839899 Constantia Hueck Folien GmbH & Co. 29/03/2006 1839899 06006491.2 German German German KG 1841859 Evonik Degussa GmbH 29/12/2005 1841859 05823727.2 1842059 Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. 08/12/2005 1842059 05853322.5 1842577 BP Corporation North America Inc. 04/08/2004 1842577 07010850.1 1843774 SK CHEMICALS CO., LTD. 03/02/2005 1843774 05726607.4 1846618 Ten Cate Thiolon B.V. 03/02/2006 1846618 06716600.9 1847012 RF Micro Devices, Inc. 12/12/2005 1847012 05849398.2 1853134 Burkhardt Leitner Constructiv GmbH & 10/01/2006 1853134 06700459.8 Co. KG 1857074 HOYA CORPORATION 12/01/2006 1857074 06711614.5 1859044 Wageningen Universiteit 20/03/2006 1859044 06716692.6 German (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 1860841 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 29/05/2007 1860841 07010630.7 1869541 Swiftpoint Limited 30/01/2006 1869541 06704393.5 1873267 JX Nippon Mining & Metals 23/03/2006 1873267 06729790.3 2743 Corporation 1873515 ARKRAY, Inc. 19/04/2006 1873515 06732099.4 1874487 Leonhard Kurz Stiftung & Co. KG 26/04/2006 1874487 06724571.2 German 1876363 Schukra Gerätebau AG 17/08/2004 1876363 07018926.1 German 1881935 Celanese Acetate LLC 11/04/2006 1881935 06740807.0 1882196 Leica Geosystems AG 16/05/2006 1882196 06742941.5 1883297 Indian Oil Corporation Limited 29/11/2005 1883297 05850923.3 1883654 Evonik Degussa GmbH 03/05/2006 1883654 06763083.0 1885048 IDM S.R.L. 18/07/2007 1885048 07112701.3 1886099 Endress+Hauser Flowtec AG 05/05/2006 1886099 06755046.7 German 1887890 Laboratoires Inneov 15/05/2006 1887890 06794430.6 French 1891838 Tridonic GmbH & Co KG 09/05/2006 1891838 06742846.6 German 1892027 Lin, Yi-Chou 06/08/2007 1892027 07015409.1 1893004 Thermal Dynamics Corporation 27/08/2007 1893004 07016726.7 1893184 FLAMEL TECHNOLOGIES 24/05/2006 1893184 06763287.7 1893372 Renishaw plc 05/06/2006 1893372 06744109.7 1896158 FMC Technologies C.V. 09/06/2006 1896158 06757791.6 1900237 Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson 28/04/2006 1900237 06742736.9 German German (publ) 1901967 Bericap 07/07/2006 1901967 06778827.3 French 1903418 RAFI GmbH & Co. KG 15/06/2007 1903418 07011747.8 German 1903692 Panasonic Corporation 18/08/2006 1903692 06796529.3 1905149 Linear Technology Corporation 31/08/2005 1905149 05792954.9 1908585 Nitto Denko Corporation 27/07/2007 1908585 07252983.7 1910282 Nabriva Therapeutics AG 26/07/2006 1910282 06760805.9 1911922 Deceuninck NV 02/10/2007 1911922 07117766.1 1914831 BlackBerry Limited 28/11/2002 1914831 07123010.6 1915165 Brown University 04/08/2006 1915165 06789412.1 1919897 Hanmi Science Co., Ltd. 11/07/2006 1919897 06757770.0 1920108 ALBANY INTERNATIONAL CORP. 31/08/2006 1920108 06802733.3 1925891 Gamanis, George A. 20/11/2007 1925891 07386027.2 1926180 Tyco Electronics AMP GmbH 13/11/2007 1926180 07022007.4 1926431 Philips Intellectual Property & 01/09/2006 1926431 06795859.5 Standards GmbH Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2744 1931377 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et (No. 2260) 28/09/2006 1931377 06808209.8 French 13/10/2006 1938050 06806268.6 German aux Énergies Alternatives 1938050 Johnson Controls Automotive Electronics GmbH 1938337 United Pharmacy Partners, Inc. 22/09/2006 1938337 06804015.3 1942527 Korea Institute of Science and 17/07/2007 1942527 07112597.5 Technology 1944457 F. Athmer OHG 04/01/2008 1944457 08000096.1 German 1945803 Merlogen, LLC 16/08/2006 1945803 06801706.0 1947858 United Video Properties, Inc. 09/10/2001 1947858 08103148.6 1948194 Omnimedic Gbr 09/11/2006 1948194 06818441.5 German 1949025 Areva NC 16/10/2006 1949025 06807292.5 French 1951074 Swedish Match North Europe AB 07/11/2006 1951074 06812981.6 1954199 Biocomposites Limited 27/11/2006 1954199 06808680.0 1957794 Eksigent Technologies, LLC 22/11/2006 1957794 06838337.1 1958612 The Nisshin OilliO Group, Ltd. 29/11/2006 1958612 06833628.8 1963312 Amgen Inc. 17/11/2006 1963312 06838016.1 1965779 Mitsui Norin Co., Ltd 29/12/2005 1965779 05857259.5 The School of Pharmacy 1965905 BASF SE 30/11/2006 1965905 06830207.4 1973401 BASF SE 04/01/2007 1973401 07700250.9 1976177 ABB Technology AG 30/03/2007 1976177 07105380.5 1976291 Deutsche Telekom AG 29/02/2008 1976291 08003745.0 1976548 Vectus Biosystems Limited 08/12/2006 1976548 06817603.1 1976792 Université Blaise Pascal 16/11/2006 1976792 06851180.7 German German California Institute of Technology CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE (CNRS) 1976974 The UAB Research Foundation 28/12/2006 1976974 06850379.6 1978500 Bellutti, Arthur 01/04/2008 1978500 08006671.5 1981431 Linguaflex, Inc. 06/02/2007 1981431 07717576.8 1982819 Kdesign GmbH 17/04/2008 1982819 08007476.8 1984251 International Refills Company Limited 21/12/2006 1984251 06840531.5 1986199 Nexans 17/04/2008 1986199 08154662.4 1988425 Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung 04/05/2007 1988425 07009067.5 01/03/2007 1988814 07752068.2 der Wissenschaften e.V. 1988814 Boss Instruments, Ltd. German German French (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 1994055 Wyeth LLC 09/03/2007 1994055 07758256.7 1995865 Oilfield Equipment Development 08/02/2006 1995865 06733196.7 2745 Center Limited 1995902 3M Innovative Properties Company 21/05/2008 1995902 08156683.8 1996099 Warsaw Orthopedic, Inc. 01/03/2007 1996099 07757676.7 1997882 MAYEKAWA MFG. CO., LTD. 02/03/2007 1997882 07738109.3 Riken 2001792 MeadWestvaco Calmar, Inc. 13/03/2007 2001792 07758427.4 2001917 ARKEMA FRANCE 30/03/2007 2001917 07727552.7 2002634 Telecom Italia S.p.A. 27/03/2006 2002634 06723765.1 2007990 Acument Intellectual Properties, LLC. 03/04/2007 2007990 07759995.9 2010516 Janssen Pharmaceutica NV 19/04/2007 2010516 07728289.5 2013590 ASF-Keystone, Inc. 19/04/2007 2013590 07775819.1 2016643 BAE Systems PLC 08/05/2007 2016643 07733662.6 2016671 Digital Barriers Services Limited 25/04/2007 2016671 07732560.3 2016962 VOCO GmbH 18/07/2008 2016962 08160772.3 German 2019809 KHS GmbH 11/05/2007 2019809 07725136.1 German 2021674 BFM Technology Limited 02/05/2007 2021674 07793940.3 2023838 Cunliffe, Mark, Richard 21/05/2007 2023838 07732933.2 French Ness, Malcolm, Graham 2024493 Cellect Biotechnology Ltd. 31/05/2007 2024493 07736403.2 2024839 SanDisk Technologies Inc. 09/05/2007 2024839 07783548.6 2027833 Stryker Ireland Limited 21/08/2008 2027833 08252772.2 2030528 Safetool 05/05/2008 2030528 08155664.9 French 2030550 Miele & Cie. KG 19/08/2008 2030550 08014677.2 German 2030680 BASF SE 10/06/2002 2030680 08166458.3 German 2031566 BURG-WÄCHTER KG 03/09/2007 2031566 07017204.4 German 2031662 LANXESS Deutschland GmbH 21/08/2008 2031662 08162727.5 German 2033560 Miele & Cie. KG 08/08/2008 2033560 08014167.4 German 2035421 THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY 04/05/2007 2035421 07718845.6 2040220 Delphi Technologies, Inc. 24/09/2007 2040220 07018733.1 German 2040857 Aesculap AG 13/07/2007 2040857 07786052.6 German 2044038 Cornerstone Therapeutics Inc. 06/06/2007 2044038 07809388.7 2046259 STRYKER CORPORATION 28/06/2007 2046259 07812417.9 2049413 Graphic Packaging International, Inc. 26/07/2007 2049413 07813392.3 2052544 NDS Limited 07/08/2007 2052544 07789133.1 2056405 Gerdes OHG 31/10/2008 2056405 08075860.0 German 2746 2056435 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal Harman Becker Automotive Systems (No. 2260) 17/10/2008 2056435 08018214.0 GmbH 2056502 NTT DoCoMo, Inc. 17/08/2007 2056502 07792666.5 2057103 Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung 30/07/2007 2057103 07801216.8 German German der angewandten Forschung e.V. 2057267 Kosak, Hans 16/08/2007 2057267 07801710.0 2058086 Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal 27/07/2007 2058086 07791429.9 Corporation 2061122 Fraunhofer USA, Inc. 31/03/2008 2061122 08103278.1 2061764 Technion Research & Development 22/08/2006 2061764 06766230.4 Foundation LTD. 2065191 manroland web systems GmbH 17/10/2008 2065191 08018200.9 2066304 Dental Biotechnology Ltd. 15/08/2007 2066304 07790073.6 2066480 Dasso Industrial Group Co., Ltd. 28/09/2007 2066480 07825597.3 2069750 Cytyc Corporation 15/08/2007 2069750 07814134.8 2070528 Pieper, Gudrun 13/12/2007 2070528 07024212.8 German German Husmann, Karl-Heinz 2073484 BlackBerry Limited 21/12/2007 2073484 07124018.8 2074095 F.I.S.- Fabbrica Italiana Sintetici S.p.A. 15/11/2007 2074095 07849757.5 2077153 TYK Corporation 16/06/2008 2077153 08765651.8 2078378 QUALCOMM Incorporated 08/10/2007 2078378 07843975.9 2078985 FUJIFILM Corporation 09/01/2009 2078985 09000225.4 2080983 Navitime Japan Co., Ltd. 13/10/2006 2080983 06811740.7 2081796 Continental Automotive GmbH 16/10/2007 2081796 07821405.3 2083121 Yi, Zhijian 31/10/2007 2083121 07817187.3 2083686 Senseg OY 08/11/2007 2083686 07823234.5 2083710 Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc. 08/05/2007 2083710 07794660.6 2088021 GM Global Technology Operations 24/01/2009 2088021 09000987.9 German German LLC 2089269 AB VOLVO PENTA 30/11/2006 2089269 06824504.2 2090774 Earthfly Holding GmbH 12/02/2008 2090774 08151326.9 German 2092001 BASF Coatings GmbH 22/09/2007 2092001 07818350.6 German 2093449 Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha 18/02/2009 2093449 09250418.2 2093726 RFID Mexico S.A. de C.V. 12/10/2007 2093726 07834497.5 2094945 N & G Facility Management Gmbh & 19/12/2007 2094945 07856909.2 Co. Kg 2095107 Alere San Diego, Inc. 14/11/2007 2095107 07870895.5 2095397 Shimadzu Corporation 07/12/2007 2095397 07858782.1 German (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2095806 Kikusui Seisakusho Ltd. 21/12/2007 2095806 07859933.9 2096607 Saeco IPR Limited 18/12/2006 2096607 09007976.5 2096657 Schneider Electric Industries SAS 23/01/2009 2096657 09354003.7 2097435 Molecular International Research, Inc. 26/10/2007 2097435 07839791.6 2099706 Kone Corporation 21/12/2007 2099706 07858326.7 2100627 TOYOBO CO., LTD. 07/12/2006 2100627 06834182.5 2103833 Nisshinbo Industries, Inc. 16/03/2009 2103833 09155234.9 2104249 ZTE Corporation 21/12/2006 2104249 06828422.3 2104753 H.C. Starck GmbH 12/10/2007 2104753 07868426.3 2107988 KHS GmbH 29/10/2007 2107988 07856171.9 2108494 NGK Insulators, Ltd. 08/04/2009 2108494 09251057.7 2108712 Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal 09/08/2000 2108712 09164717.2 2747 French German Corporation NIPPON STEEL & Sumikin Coated Sheet Corporation 2109476 Dräger Medical GmbH 24/10/2007 2109476 07855999.4 German 2110292 ALSTOM Transport Technologies 10/04/2009 2110292 09157812.0 French 2110390 Adeka Corporation 07/01/2008 2110390 08702914.6 2111218 Syddansk Universitet 24/01/2008 2111218 08700945.2 2111414 Indiana University Research and 13/02/2008 2111414 08729769.3 Technology Corporation 2111796 Asahi Kasei Kabushiki Kaisha 21/01/2008 2111796 08703580.4 2114960 Momentive Performance Materials Inc. 21/12/2007 2114960 07867935.4 2116172 Olympus Medical Systems Corp. 29/02/2008 2116172 08721098.5 2119659 ThyssenKrupp Elevator AG 16/05/2008 2119659 08009094.7 2122096 NICE S.P.A. 31/01/2008 2122096 08709937.0 2122435 PREH GmbH 17/03/2008 2122435 08734636.7 2123329 Unilever PLC 16/04/2009 2123329 09158054.8 German German Unilever N.V. 2123849 MAX CO., LTD. 29/04/2009 2123849 09005934.6 2124739 St. Jude Medical, Atrial Fibrillation 21/12/2007 2124739 07869805.7 DivisionInc. 2124826 Medtronic, Inc. 15/02/2008 2124826 08725659.0 2125414 MACK TRUCKS, INC. 22/02/2007 2125414 07757331.9 2126067 Landing Biotech, Inc. 23/02/2007 2126067 07751643.3 2126192 Albany International Corp. 29/02/2008 2126192 08731089.2 2129467 Qiagen GmbH 02/04/2008 2129467 08735665.5 German 2129553 Robert Bosch GmbH 09/01/2008 2129553 08701354.6 German 2748 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2130196 ABB France 11/02/2008 2130196 08761870.8 French 2130704 Kögel Trailer GmbH & Co. KG 29/05/2009 2130704 09007243.0 German 2131381 Valeo Etudes Electroniques 02/06/2009 2131381 09161655.7 French 2135085 Vereniging voor Christelijk Hoger 03/04/2008 2135085 08737703.2 03/01/2008 2135866 08700582.3 08/05/2009 2136098 09159716.1 OnderwijsWetenschappelijk Onderzoek en Patiëntenzorg 2135866 Beijing Molecule Science and Technology Co., Ltd. 2136098 Sulzer Friction Systems (Germany) German GmbH 2136247 Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha 06/03/2008 2136247 08721489.6 2138079 Seb S.A. 18/06/2009 2138079 09305568.9 2139490 The Regents of the University of 14/04/2008 2139490 08745750.3 French Michigan 2142411 ALSTOM Transport Technologies 14/03/2008 2142411 08787999.5 2143075 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 05/05/2008 2143075 08757048.7 French IMEC 2144527 Beiersdorf AG 19/03/2008 2144527 08716618.7 German 2145479 Thomson Licensing 20/04/2007 2145479 07720870.0 2146022 Stobag 09/06/2009 2146022 09007598.7 2146636 Intellectual Ventures Fund 83 LLC 21/05/2008 2146636 08834944.4 2148716 Boston Scientific Limited 25/04/2008 2148716 08754926.7 2149214 Orange 20/05/2008 2149214 08805818.5 French 2150191 Phakos 27/05/2008 2150191 08805611.4 French 2150807 Endress+Hauser Conducta Gesellschaft 31/05/2007 2150807 07765302.0 German French German für Mess- und Regeltechnik mbH+Co. KG 2151178 DELAHOUSSE ET FILS 04/08/2009 2151178 09305731.3 2151547 Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba 06/08/2009 2151547 09010162.7 2153768 Miele & Cie. KG 11/08/2009 2153768 09010332.6 2153780 B. Braun Surgical, S.A. 14/08/2008 2153780 08014489.2 2154334 Rolls-Royce plc 30/07/2009 2154334 09251914.9 2157891 AMC International Alfa Metalcraft 17/06/2008 2157891 08757265.7 German Corporation AG 2157958 SCA Hygiene Products AB 21/05/2007 2157958 07748501.9 2160905 Surman, Philip 12/05/2008 2160905 08750579.8 2163352 KERMI GmbH 31/07/2009 2163352 09090011.9 2163790 Aisin Seiki Kabushiki Kaisha 11/09/2009 2163790 09170001.3 German (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2749 2164190 Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba 23/06/2009 2164190 09163464.2 2165786 Karat Industrial Corporation 02/02/2009 2165786 09151861.3 2167300 Mold-Masters (2007) Limited 17/07/2008 2167300 08783239.0 2168474 ESSILOR INTERNATIONAL 17/09/2009 2168474 09290707.0 French German (Compagnie Générale d'Optique) 2168974 Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH 11/08/1997 2168974 09100011.7 2169805 ABB Research Ltd. 30/09/2008 2169805 08165523.5 2169921 NEC Corporation 03/09/2009 2169921 09169313.5 2170373 The Trustees Of Columbia University 10/07/2008 2170373 08781619.5 In The City Of New York The Regents of the University of Michigan 2170634 BFS Diversified Products, LLC 05/06/2008 2170634 08770174.4 2171820 Lee, Han Sik 30/01/2008 2171820 08705007.6 2172950 Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 16/05/2008 2172950 08764313.6 2173932 Bloch, Klaus 25/01/2008 2173932 08707287.2 2174430 Electronics and Telecommunications 09/11/2007 2174430 07833957.9 Research Institute 2174606 Air Bag One Sarl 18/07/2008 2174606 08805389.7 2175269 NIPRO DIAGNOSTICS, INC. 04/04/2008 2175269 10150369.6 2176517 M-I LLC 10/07/2008 2176517 08781597.3 2178568 GE HEALTHCARE AS 04/07/2008 2178568 08793873.4 2179193 ZF Friedrichshafen AG 28/07/2008 2179193 08786500.2 2181848 Komori Corporation 28/10/2009 2181848 09013584.9 2182645 Thales Alenia Space Italia S.p.A. 29/10/2008 2182645 08425696.5 2182871 Buttermann M. D., Glenn R. 30/04/2008 2182871 08743411.4 2184126 Makita Corporation 10/11/2009 2184126 09014083.1 2187426 Shimadzu Corporation 09/08/2007 2187426 07792295.3 2188554 Federal-Mogul Corporation 11/09/2008 2188554 08830665.9 2191498 Arizona Board Of Regents For And On 12/09/2008 2191498 08830905.9 Behalf Of Arizona State University 2191736 JSP Limited 29/10/2009 2191736 09275104.9 2191873 Cybex International, Inc. 28/12/2004 2191873 10153538.3 2194418 SAAB AB 02/12/2008 2194418 08170492.6 2194609 Tyco Electronics Corporation 04/12/2009 2194609 09178066.8 2194854 St. Jude Medical AB 08/11/2007 2194854 07835189.7 German 2750 2197858 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal Korea Research Institute Of Chemical (No. 2260) 28/08/2008 2197858 08793562.3 Technology HanAll Biopharma Co., Ltd. 2198661 Orange 12/09/2008 2198661 08837230.5 2198969 Ueda Industries Co., Ltd. 03/09/2008 2198969 08829092.9 2199488 LEONARDO S.r.l. 01/12/2009 2199488 09177600.5 2199830 EUROPHOTON GmbH, Gesellschaft 19/12/2008 2199830 08172354.6 22/09/2008 2201778 08834418.9 für optische Sensorik Leibniz-Institut für Neurobiologie 2201778 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 2202453 Ichikoh Industries, Ltd. 10/12/2009 2202453 09178587.3 2203268 Danieli & C. Officine Meccaniche SpA 27/08/2008 2203268 08803242.0 2204842 Thermo Fisher Scientific (Bremen) 16/09/1999 2204842 10000216.1 GmbH 2205058 Aurora Office Equipment, Co. Ltd. 23/10/2008 2205058 08843959.1 2205739 University Court of The University of 22/09/2008 2205739 08806365.6 31/10/2007 2206181 07833738.3 Dundee 2206181 Daejung EM CO., LTD. Kokam CO., LTD. 2208588 Panasonic Corporation 11/01/2010 2208588 10000187.4 2210811 Goodrich Corporation 08/01/2010 2210811 10150339.9 2211034 TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI 11/11/2008 2211034 08849952.0 KAISHA 2212352 Mattsby-Baltzer, Inger 10/11/2008 2212352 08850370.1 2212391 Abbott Cardiovascular Systems Inc. 28/10/2008 2212391 08845192.7 2212742 MOLECULAR IMPRINTS, INC. 21/11/2008 2212742 08852249.5 2216345 The University of Tokyo 26/11/2008 2216345 08853302.1 2216419 Adelt, Milan 16/11/2009 2216419 09014285.2 Raclavsky, Milan Moulis, Vlastimil Gora, Pavel Leitner, Ekhard 2216925 Panasonic Corporation 28/11/2008 2216925 08855578.4 2217412 Robarts Research Institute 26/09/2008 2217412 08833254.9 2217662 SABIC Innovative Plastics IP B.V. 03/12/2008 2217662 08860493.9 2217701 Indiana University Research and 23/10/2008 2217701 08845852.6 Technology Corporation French (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2751 2218190 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 09/11/2007 2218190 07835416.4 2218919 THK CO., LTD. 30/10/2008 2218919 08845245.3 2219104 Wacom Co., Ltd. 22/01/2010 2219104 10000639.4 2220786 Rambus Inc. 02/09/2008 2220786 08843973.2 2221972 Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 12/01/2010 2221972 10150557.6 2222456 Toray Plastics (America), Inc. 11/12/2008 2222456 08860690.0 2222685 CAM-D Technologies GmbH 14/11/2008 2222685 08868589.6 German 2222882 Ipsen International GmbH 03/09/2008 2222882 08801261.2 German 2223040 TomTom International B.V. 20/12/2007 2223040 07856965.4 2224042 Johns Manville 26/02/2010 2224042 10001999.1 2224081 Talpe, Joseph 11/02/2003 2224081 10162579.6 2227564 Perkinelmer LAS, Inc. 24/11/2008 2227564 08859169.8 2229080 Visplay International AG 11/12/2007 2229080 07845620.9 2229811 Deere & Company 18/03/2009 2229811 09155481.6 2230200 Steinemann Technology AG 24/02/2010 2230200 10001888.6 2230283 Konica Minolta IJ Technologies, Inc. 08/03/2010 2230283 10155740.3 2231144 Sun Pharma Advanced Research 23/12/2008 2231144 08870171.9 German German Company Limited 2231945 Brunkeberg Systems AB 11/12/2008 2231945 08871516.4 2234228 Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 28/12/2007 2234228 07860522.7 2234973 Intervet International B.V. 16/12/2008 2234973 08863299.7 2235254 Compagnie Industrielle De La Matiere 22/01/2009 2235254 09703748.5 Vegetale CIMV 2236133 Orexo AB 24/09/1999 2236133 10001408.3 2237317 Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. 23/01/2009 2237317 09705131.2 2239073 Kyocera Corporation 23/10/2008 2239073 08866497.4 2239450 Bosch Corporation 01/08/2008 2239450 08792096.3 2239515 Imhotep Création 12/03/2010 2239515 10354010.0 2241383 Mitsubishi-Hitachi Metals Machinery, 15/01/2009 2241383 09704554.6 French Inc. 2241713 Hörmann KG Eckelhausen 01/04/2010 2241713 10159044.6 2241743 Continental Automotive GmbH 14/04/2009 2241743 09005323.2 2241787 SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG 24/04/2007 2241787 10007209.9 2243540 Babcock & Wilcox Power Generation 21/04/2010 2243540 10160624.2 German German Group, Inc. 2243586 KUKA Roboter GmbH 31/03/2010 2243586 10003621.9 German 2243998 Zumtobel Lighting GmbH 21/04/2010 2243998 10160543.4 German 2245116 ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions AG 24/01/2009 2245116 09707638.4 German 2752 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2245734 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 18/02/2008 2245734 08710075.6 2247782 Valmet Technologies, Inc. 12/02/2009 2247782 09715038.7 2247824 Rag Aktiengesellschaft 19/02/2008 2247824 08707765.7 2248468 Medison Co., Ltd. 23/04/2010 2248468 10160837.0 2249206 Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd. 06/03/2009 2249206 09716388.5 2249638 Klute, Oliver 26/02/2009 2249638 09717448.6 2250957 Bissell Homecare, Inc. 11/05/2010 2250957 10162486.4 2251133 Swiss Micro Laser GmbH 15/05/2009 2251133 09160436.3 2251972 STMicroelectronics Srl 15/04/2010 2251972 10159984.3 German Dora S.p.A. 2252403 Gebr. Pfeiffer SE 10/03/2009 2252403 09722364.8 2252649 Daikin America, Inc. 09/02/2009 2252649 09711468.0 German Daikin Industries, Ltd. 2252890 Orion Diagnostica Oy 20/02/2009 2252890 09713393.8 2252896 UNIVERSITE DE ROUEN 12/03/2009 2252896 09720766.6 2254016 ABB Technology AG 12/05/2010 2254016 10162747.9 2254492 MedShape, Inc. 27/02/2008 2254492 08730890.4 2254624 SHL Group AB 03/02/2009 2254624 09710510.0 2254927 BYK-Chemie GmbH 19/02/2009 2254927 09711814.5 2256018 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 04/03/2009 2256018 09719239.7 2256053 Invat S.r.l. con Socio Unico 14/05/2010 2256053 10005098.8 2256158 Borealis AG 26/05/2009 2256158 09161092.3 2257022 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 10/03/2009 2257022 09732873.6 2259716 Koninklijke Philips N.V. 25/02/2009 2259716 09718103.6 2260770 Vivasure Medical Limited 28/04/2006 2260770 10011576.5 2261411 Johns Manville International, Inc. 02/02/2006 2261411 10009320.2 2261438 CS - Coelho da Silva, S.A. 03/06/2009 2261438 09398003.5 2261481 Mazda Motor Corporation 20/05/2010 2261481 10005277.8 2261541 TRUPLAST KUNSTSTOFFTECHNIK 17/05/2010 2261541 10005121.8 GMBH 2261949 LG Innotek Co., LTD. 31/03/2003 2261949 10183473.7 2263283 Cardiac Pacemakers, Inc. 03/03/2009 2263283 09717702.6 2264492 Asahi Glass Company, Limited 06/04/2009 2264492 09730595.7 2265617 Bioniqs Limited 12/09/2008 2265617 08806244.3 2265826 Actuant Corporation 18/03/2009 2265826 09721948.9 2266596 SHISHKUV MLYN, a.s., (CZ) 25/03/2008 2266596 08767349.7 2266808 ZIH Corp. 26/08/2004 2266808 10183755.7 2267008 Allergan, Inc. 25/08/2000 2267008 10185355.4 German German German (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2267442 Hamilton Sundstrand Corporation 11/07/2005 2267442 10011074.1 2268042 Qualcomm Incorporated 10/03/2006 2268042 10009639.5 2269540 MyoPowers Medical Technologies SA 04/07/2008 2269540 10186652.3 2270347 JTEKT Corporation 22/04/2009 2270347 09734887.4 2273891 Intercontinental Great Brands LLC 01/05/2009 2273891 09739903.4 2276152 Mitsubishi Denki Kabushiki Kaisha 23/07/2002 2276152 10166813.5 2276340 Brandenburg (UK) Limited 30/04/2009 2276340 09738402.8 2276479 SineVir Therapeutics LLC 15/04/2009 2276479 09733171.4 2277558 The Procter & Gamble Company 20/07/2009 2277558 09165870.8 2277990 Guserbiot S.L.U. 22/07/2010 2277990 10170494.8 2277999 Novozymes A/S 30/03/2000 2277999 10180769.1 2278254 RP Topla Limited 13/03/2009 2278254 09750417.9 2279220 ID Biochem, Inc. 19/05/2009 2279220 09750745.3 2753 Hanmi Science Co., Ltd. 2279447 Bright Will Holdings Limited 26/05/2009 2279447 09753482.0 2280605 BASF SE 10/03/2009 2280605 09718891.6 2280607 BASF SE 13/03/2009 2280607 09720891.2 2281041 The U.S.A. As Represented By The 15/04/2009 2281041 09731523.8 Secretary, Department Of Health And Human Services Protiva Biotherapeutics Inc. 2281833 Zoetis P&U LLC 06/04/2000 2281833 10181675.9 2284067 Toyota Shatai Kabushiki Kaisha 29/01/2009 2284067 09762294.8 2284408 Iljin Co. Ltd. 03/11/2009 2284408 09174935.8 2284432 K.A. Schmersal Holding GmbH & Co. 12/08/2010 2284432 10008398.9 German KG 2284612 TOYOBO CO., LTD. 21/01/2009 2284612 09750292.6 2287303 Asuragen, Inc. 14/11/2005 2287303 10183538.7 2288594 F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG 08/06/2009 2288594 09761672.6 2289594 Pixium Vision SA 01/05/2001 2289594 10015489.7 2290311 Claudius Peters Projects GmbH 05/04/2004 2290311 10012783.6 2290631 HOCHIKI CORPORATION 17/04/2009 2290631 09738714.6 2291957 Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson 27/11/2008 2291957 08874732.4 (publ) 2292944 Victory Industrial Corporation 03/09/2010 2292944 10175288.9 2294531 Mitsubishi Electric R & D Centre 21/04/2009 2294531 09733872.7 Europe B.V. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation German 2754 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2294987 Ethicon LLC 21/05/1998 2294987 10011869.4 2295206 Robert Bosch GmbH 02/09/2008 2295206 09173425.1 2295374 Korea Research Institute of Bioscience 06/01/2009 2295374 09750701.6 German and Biotechnology 2295409 Merck Canada Inc. 22/01/2003 2295409 10182463.9 2296629 Evonik Corporation 11/05/2009 2296629 09762817.6 2298141 BIKOMA AG Spezialmaschinen 13/09/2010 2298141 10009479.6 2298406 Terumo Kabushiki Kaisha 07/04/2009 2298406 09738691.6 2298918 Mendel Biotechnology, Inc. 17/09/2004 2298918 10175334.1 2299027 Tubesca-Comabi 30/08/2010 2299027 10174512.3 French 2300198 Satisloh AG 11/05/2009 2300198 09741907.1 German 2300647 Spindelfabrik Suessen GmbH 21/04/2009 2300647 09735562.2 German 2300790 Brüel & Kjaer Sound & Vibration 12/05/2009 2300790 09746242.8 German Measurement A/S 2301885 Krones AG 18/08/2010 2301885 10173156.0 German 2303589 Gemalto SA 20/07/2009 2303589 09800040.9 French 2304191 Snecma 26/05/2009 2304191 09753872.2 French 2305027 Amgen Fremont Inc. 03/12/1997 2305027 10182932.3 2305093 Covidien LP 22/08/2008 2305093 10190543.8 2305864 Saurer Germany GmbH & Co. KG 14/07/2010 2305864 10007262.8 2308438 Hill-Rom Services, Inc. 11/05/2001 2308438 10179914.6 2309903 BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte 28/07/2009 2309903 09781186.3 German German German GmbH 2310266 Airbus Operations GmbH 23/07/2009 2310266 09777403.8 2310638 Koyo Bearings USA, LLC 04/09/2009 2310638 09792252.0 2312906 Trilliant Networks, Inc. 15/04/2002 2312906 10180739.4 2313777 GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences AB 17/08/2009 2313777 09808459.3 2314214 Codman & Shurtleff, Inc. 21/10/2010 2314214 10251830.5 2314341 Boston Scientific Limited 25/09/2002 2314341 10185632.6 2314522 Sulzer Mixpac AG 21/09/2010 2314522 10178037.7 German 2315415 Vodafone Holding GmbH 03/09/2010 2315415 10175245.9 German 2315785 Akzo Nobel N.V. 19/08/2009 2315785 09807939.5 Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. 2317042 Adler S.A.S. 29/10/2010 2317042 10189514.2 2318426 Raisio Nutrition Ltd 24/07/2009 2318426 09800103.5 French (30/07/2014) 2318615 Patents Office Journal Akin Nalca Tanitim Ve Tasarim (No. 2260) 04/08/2009 2318615 09788677.4 2755 Hizmetleri Limited Sirketi Nalca, Akin 2318637 Baker Hughes Incorporated 15/07/2009 2318637 09800812.1 2318841 Atlas Antibodies AB 01/09/2009 2318841 09810326.0 2319340 Nike International Ltd. 06/06/2005 2319340 10178434.6 2319572 ResMed Limited 23/04/2003 2319572 10184934.7 2320110 CNH Österreich GmbH 28/10/2010 2320110 10189255.2 2320157 Häberlein-Lehr, Ulla 28/10/2010 2320157 10014047.4 German 2320502 STMicroelectronics (Tours) SAS 27/10/2010 2320502 10189034.1 French 2321183 Zanichelli Meccanica S.p.A. 27/05/2009 2321183 09793897.1 2321279 Piramal Imaging SA 05/08/2009 2321279 09777654.6 2322263 DONALDSON COMPANY, INC. 13/10/2010 2322263 10187424.6 2326772 B+F Baumaschinen u. Factoring AG 04/09/2009 2326772 09740253.1 2326833 Skysails GmbH & Co. KG 20/08/2008 2326833 08785640.7 2329335 APPLE INC. 16/07/2009 2329335 09790546.7 2330424 Aposcience AG 02/07/2009 2330424 11159730.8 2330730 NXP B.V. 04/12/2009 2330730 09178092.4 2331258 BASF SE 01/09/2009 2331258 09782421.3 German 2331295 Tyrolit - Schleifmittelwerke Swarovski 15/05/2009 2331295 09775537.5 German 09/10/2009 2331393 09819526.6 German K.G. 2331393 Keppel Offshore & Marine Technology Centre Pte Ltd 2331747 Valmet Technologies, Inc. 23/09/2009 2331747 09816528.5 2332204 Daimler AG 29/10/2009 2332204 09749006.4 2333112 Janssen Diagnostics, LLC 18/02/2005 2333112 10178199.5 2333354 Skoda Auto A.S. 08/12/2010 2333354 10466032.9 2334889 Postacchini, Dante 30/09/2009 2334889 09760626.3 German German Postacchini, Roberto 2335990 AISIN AW CO., LTD. 19/11/2010 2335990 10191862.1 2336588 Schaeffler Technologies GmbH & Co. 13/12/2010 2336588 10015558.9 German German KG 2337047 Alstom Grid GmbH 18/12/2009 2337047 09015686.0 2338181 LG Innotek Co., Ltd 16/10/2009 2338181 09820792.1 2339013 GlycoFi, Inc. 27/06/2001 2339013 10012383.5 2339908 Atrium Data 20/12/2010 2339908 10196057.3 French 2339909 Atrium Data 20/12/2010 2339909 10196058.1 French 2340070 F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG 08/09/2009 2340070 09782728.1 2756 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2340455 Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 14/10/2009 2340455 09823498.2 2340593 Dehn + Söhne GmbH + Co. KG 20/10/2009 2340593 09748279.8 German 2340919 Kompernass Handelsgesellschaft MbH 09/12/2010 2340919 10194300.9 German 2341524 Philips Intellectual Property & 02/05/2007 2341524 11163449.9 15/10/2009 2341545 09821964.5 Standards GmbH Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2341545 TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2342138 F'REAL FOODS, L.L.C. 03/11/2009 2342138 09825314.9 2344167 Universiteit Gent 30/09/2009 2344167 09752310.4 2344769 Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum GmbH 14/09/2009 2344769 09782947.7 2344786 Volvo Lastvagnar AB 10/10/2008 2344786 08813380.6 2346496 Bayer Healthcare Llc 14/10/2009 2346496 09820892.9 2348106 Adaerata, Limited Partnership 08/05/2007 2348106 11159089.9 2348452 CompuGroup Medical AG 18/08/2010 2348452 10173163.6 2349043 Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc. 20/08/2009 2349043 09791727.2 2349490 The Procter & Gamble Company 24/11/2009 2349490 09775403.0 2351343 Zarlink Semiconductor (U.S.) Inc. 14/10/2009 2351343 09744829.4 2351747 Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH 15/11/2006 2351747 11163592.6 2352355 Panasonic Corporation 24/11/2009 2352355 09828823.6 2352558 Koninklijke Philips N.V. 12/10/2009 2352558 09741431.2 2353625 Human Med AG 16/11/2010 2353625 10191337.4 2354082 Toyo Jidoki Co., Ltd. 31/01/2011 2354082 11000730.9 2354572 UIP GmbH & Co. KG 18/01/2010 2354572 10000436.5 2354828 Huawei Marine Networks Co., Limited 11/03/2005 2354828 11003385.9 2355639 Hitachi, Ltd. 02/12/2008 2355639 08878559.7 2355664 UPFRONT CHROMATOGRAPHY 29/09/2009 2355664 09783540.9 German German German A/S 2355990 ZF Friedrichshafen AG 16/11/2009 2355990 09751928.4 German 2356027 Airbus Opérations SAS 02/12/2009 2356027 09801471.5 French 2357766 Cellco Partnership D/B/A Verizon 16/02/2011 2357766 11001268.9 Wireless 2358695 CIPLA LIMITED 24/11/2009 2358695 09756775.4 2360379 Hydac Technology Gmbh 05/04/2008 2360379 11002865.1 2360955 OLYMPUS CORPORATION 11/12/2009 2360955 09831965.0 26/08/2009 2361127 09791946.8 OLYMPUS MEDICAL SYSTEMS CORP. 2361127 Aspen Technology, Inc. German (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2361729 Vibropac B.V. 17/02/2011 2361729 11154856.6 2362448 LG Innotek Co., Ltd. 25/10/2010 2362448 10188775.0 2363102 Koninklijke Philips N.V. 06/09/2003 2363102 11164228.6 2363169 Qualiformed 02/03/2011 2363169 11156695.6 2363499 Fina Biotech, S.L.U. 03/11/2009 2363499 09828668.5 2363903 Seiko Epson Corporation 25/02/2011 2363903 11156110.6 2364120 Civco Medical Instruments Co., Inc. 23/09/2009 2364120 09792907.9 2365168 Krischke-Lengersdorf, Christian 11/03/2011 2365168 11002038.5 2365413 Nippon Telegraph And Telephone 12/08/2009 2365413 09831750.6 2757 French German Corporation 2366476 General Electric Company 10/03/2010 2366476 10156136.3 2366763 ExxonMobil Research and Engineering 02/06/2006 2366763 11167855.3 Company 2368032 Aircelle 23/11/2009 2368032 09795490.3 2369555 Stoneridge Electronics AB 22/02/2010 2369555 10154294.2 2369596 Konica Minolta Medical & Graphic, 11/11/2009 2369596 09828975.4 French Inc. 2369606 GIRA GIERSIEPEN GmbH & Co. KG 24/03/2011 2369606 11002436.1 2370628 ABB Research Ltd. 01/12/2008 2370628 08875398.3 2371122 Analog Devices, Inc. 11/12/2009 2371122 09832591.3 2371521 Techspace Aero S.A. 02/04/2010 2371521 10159064.4 2371924 Clearwater International LLC 12/05/2010 2371924 11005345.1 2372791 LG Innotek Co., Ltd. 02/12/2010 2372791 10193548.4 2374128 NDS LIMITED 03/01/2010 2374128 10703964.6 2375130 Thorn Europhane S.A. 09/04/2010 2375130 10290189.9 2375461 LG Innotek Co., Ltd. 11/03/2011 2375461 11157950.4 2375682 HTC Corporation 04/04/2011 2375682 11002791.9 2376729 Tyco Fire & Security GmbH 28/04/2009 2376729 09788761.6 2376992 Vernet 21/12/2009 2376992 09805772.2 2377039 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 25/11/2009 2377039 09832363.7 2378158 RUD Ketten Rieger & Dietz GmbH u. 15/02/2011 2378158 11154548.9 German French French German Co. KG 2378920 Conti, Giampaolo 11/12/2009 2378920 09796448.0 2379412 Resta S.r.l. 30/11/2009 2379412 09795950.6 2381249 Aber Instruments Ltd 19/04/2011 2381249 11163070.3 2381388 Amphenol-Tuchel Electronics GmbH 17/01/2011 2381388 11000319.1 2381394 Alcatel Lucent 20/04/2010 2381394 10305411.0 2382684 Elettronica S.p.A. 15/01/2010 2382684 10706767.0 German 2758 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2382913 CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA 15/04/2011 2382913 11162537.2 2383159 Novikov-Kopp, Ivan 05/01/2010 2383159 10726795.7 2383795 Kyocera Corporation 28/01/2010 2383795 10735853.3 2384180 Pure Precision Limited 05/03/2010 2384180 10707835.4 2384992 Mondi Halle GmbH 29/04/2011 2384992 11164338.3 2385209 Pilsl, Mario 03/05/2011 2385209 11450057.2 2385612 Moventas Gears Oy 06/05/2010 2385612 10162078.9 German German The Switch Drive Systems Oy 2386282 Peron, Giuseppe 05/05/2011 2386282 11165002.4 2386434 EPCOS AG 30/07/2007 2386434 11170178.5 German 2387055 ABB AG 10/05/2011 2387055 11003811.4 German 2387483 Ivoclar Vivadent AG 15/01/2010 2387483 10700388.1 German 2388337 NXP B.V. 30/04/2010 2388337 10161670.4 2388367 Meliconi S.p.A. 18/03/2011 2388367 11158783.8 2389282 Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH 13/01/2010 2389282 10700215.6 2390318 NEW ENGLAND BIOLABS, INC. 14/07/2008 2390318 11075105.4 2392225 Color Cosmetics s.r.l. 29/09/2010 2392225 10182041.3 2395213 Fiat Powertrain Technologies S.p.A. 16/06/2010 2395213 10425204.4 2396339 Dow AgroSciences LLC 11/02/2010 2396339 10704692.2 2397281 Dorco Co., Ltd 28/01/2010 2397281 10741351.0 2398819 Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. 22/02/2010 2398819 10744427.5 2400121 Nittan Valve Co., Ltd. 23/02/2009 2400121 09840363.7 2400359 Saudi Arabian Oil Company 25/06/2007 2400359 11155688.2 2401524 NACCO Materials Handling Group, 25/02/2010 2401524 10706869.4 27/02/2009 2402199 09840789.3 German Inc. 2402199 TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2402482 Mitsubishi Materials Corporation 04/11/2010 2402482 10828098.3 2403383 Thomas Beteiligungs- und Vermögens 02/03/2010 2403383 10706547.6 German GmbH & Co. KG 2403814 Sternini, Daniela 19/02/2010 2403814 10704824.1 2405051 Electrolux Home Products Corporation 06/07/2010 2405051 10168568.3 20/04/2011 2405110 11163179.2 N.V. 2405110 CLAAS Selbstfahrende Erntemaschinen GmbH 2405762 Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. 24/07/2009 2405762 09790806.5 2406518 Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. 12/03/2009 2406518 09841621.7 2407477 Korea Bone Bank Co., Ltd. 12/05/2010 2407477 10840220.7 German (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2759 2409436 Cisco Technology, Inc. 02/02/2010 2409436 10703587.5 2410198 KNORR-BREMSE Systeme für 14/07/2011 2410198 11173896.9 German Nutzfahrzeuge GmbH 2411428 Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 29/01/2010 2411428 10701684.2 German 2411706 SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG 11/03/2010 2411706 10710203.0 German 2412441 Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 18/02/2010 2412441 10755790.2 2412554 Aisin Seiki Kabushiki Kaisha 23/03/2010 2412554 10756054.2 2412590 Robert Bosch GmbH 25/07/2011 2412590 11175191.3 2413810 Cook Medical Technologies LLC 02/04/2010 2413810 10713076.7 2413849 Metamodix, Inc. 01/04/2010 2413849 10712852.2 2414507 Medical Research Council 05/04/2010 2414507 10723293.6 2416660 Infinity Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 07/04/2010 2416660 10762388.6 2416858 LYKKE.IT S.R.L. 26/03/2010 2416858 10761211.1 2417126 Bristol-Myers Squibb Company 06/04/2010 2417126 10714127.7 2417179 METABOLIX, INC. 06/04/2010 2417179 10712306.9 2417186 Rhodia Opérations 25/03/2010 2417186 10710058.8 French 2417251 Sanofi Pasteur 08/04/2010 2417251 10723229.0 French 2419591 ASSA ABLOY Entrance System AB 09/04/2010 2419591 10713206.0 2420138 EXEL INDUSTRIES 28/03/2011 2420138 11160010.2 French 2420400 Fliegl, Josef 14/07/2011 2420400 11174000.7 German 2420405 Nifco INC. 23/03/2010 2420405 10764208.4 2421154 KROHNE Messtechnik GmbH 22/08/2011 2421154 11006843.4 2421873 Givaudan SA 19/04/2010 2421873 10713981.8 2422701 Hitachi Medical Corporation 08/04/2010 2422701 10766964.0 21/04/2010 2423166 10767194.3 German FUJIFILM Corporation 2423166 KYOWA CHEMICAL INDUSTRY CO., LTD. 2423518 Audi AG 18/08/2011 2423518 11006741.0 German 2424087 Kabushiki Kaisha Yaskawa Denki 26/08/2011 2424087 11179036.6 2425031 Federal-Mogul Wiesbaden GmbH 26/04/2010 2425031 10718540.7 2426936 Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba 20/06/2011 2426936 11170564.6 2428153 Miele & Cie. KG 10/08/2011 2428153 11401567.0 German 2428260 J. Wagner AG 14/09/2010 2428260 10405171.9 German 2428466 SSI Schäfer Noell GmbH Lager-und 23/05/2007 2428466 11186977.2 German German Systemtechnik 2429139 Sony Corporation 24/08/2011 2429139 11178624.0 2429680 SMS Siemag Aktiengesellschaft 12/05/2010 2429680 10721972.7 2430262 Tymatic Ltd. 11/05/2010 2430262 10720649.2 German 2760 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2430829 United Video Properties, Inc. 10/05/2010 2430829 10722225.9 2431113 Panasonic Corporation 14/05/2010 2431113 10774991.3 2432678 Morelli, Angelo 14/05/2010 2432678 10718619.9 2433722 Nippon Steel & Sumikin Pipe Co. Ltd. 17/05/2010 2433722 10777728.6 Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation 2435429 Bristol-Myers Squibb Company 25/05/2010 2435429 10720511.4 2435568 MorphoSys AG 29/05/2010 2435568 10722101.2 2436400 Theranos, Inc. 10/05/2007 2436400 11180769.9 2437905 BASF SE 01/06/2010 2437905 10724437.8 German 2438419 Stotz, Thomas 26/07/2010 2438419 10740530.0 German 2439116 Messier-Bugatti-Dowty 14/12/2010 2439116 12150396.5 French 2440170 Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris 31/05/2010 2440170 10728851.6 French 2440334 Alfa Laval Corporate AB 11/06/2010 2440334 10727653.7 2440881 Rheinmetall Waffe Munition GmbH 01/06/2010 2440881 10722955.1 2441108 TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI 10/06/2009 2441108 09787972.0 German KAISHA Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH 2441361 Nestec S.A. 28/09/2011 2441361 11183062.6 2441701 Deutsche Post AG 15/10/2010 2441701 10187699.3 2441703 Deutsche Post AG 15/10/2010 2441703 10187789.2 2441817 Fushun Research Institute of Petroleum 13/10/2011 2441817 11185042.6 German and Petrochemicals, Sinopec China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation 2442590 Oticon A/S 24/11/2008 2442590 12150551.5 2442602 ZTE Corporation 11/12/2009 2442602 09846408.4 2442926 Heinrich Georg GmbH 16/06/2010 2442926 10732322.2 German Maschinenfabrik 2443945 G.D SOCIETA' PER AZIONI 20/10/2011 2443945 11186045.8 2444799 Vetco Gray Controls Limited 25/10/2010 2444799 10188689.3 2445082 Koninklijke Philips N.V. 09/10/2009 2445082 12150597.8 2445254 Deutsche Telekom AG 25/10/2010 2445254 10188684.4 2445270 Fujitsu Limited 20/10/2011 2445270 11186027.6 2447317 Bridgestone Corporation 26/06/2009 2447317 09846539.6 2447486 ElringKlinger AG 01/08/2009 2447486 12152181.9 German (30/07/2014) 2447910 Patents Office Journal Hitachi Information & (No. 2260) 26/09/2011 2447910 11182741.6 2761 Telecommunication Engineering, Ltd. 2448500 Universität Rostock 16/06/2010 2448500 10739484.3 2449674 Cambridge Silicon Radio Limited 16/07/2010 2449674 10734983.9 2449955 Fujifilm Corporation 03/11/2011 2449955 11187622.3 2450447 La Trobe University 21/04/2008 2450447 12153159.4 German Agriculture Victoria Services Pty Ltd 2450933 Shimadzu Corporation 09/08/2007 2450933 12150632.3 2451450 Institut Pasteur 06/07/2010 2451450 10740336.2 2451846 Evonik Röhm GmbH 25/05/2010 2451846 10722064.2 German 2452552 Bernard van Lengerich 09/11/2011 2452552 11008915.8 German German Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG 2452892 Theo Müller GmbH & CO. KG 10/11/2010 2452892 10014462.5 2452973 Denki Kagaku Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha 06/07/2010 2452973 10797116.0 2453426 Cedes AG 15/11/2010 2453426 10014615.8 German 2454403 Maschinenfabrik Rieter AG 09/07/2010 2454403 10734636.3 German 2455421 Lion Idemitsu Composites Co., Ltd. 13/07/2010 2455421 10799614.2 2456617 Global OLED Technology LLC 21/07/2010 2456617 10802841.6 2457708 Kabushiki Kaisha Ashida Seisakusho 26/09/2011 2457708 11182673.1 2458064 ELBI International S.p.A. 25/11/2011 2458064 11190689.7 2458112 greenhouse GmbH 22/11/2011 2458112 11009227.7 2458418 Panasonic Corporation 07/02/2008 2458418 12156019.7 2459095 Farin, Günter 27/07/2010 2459095 10737885.3 2459416 Magna Electronics Inc. 27/07/2010 2459416 10804947.9 2459551 Merck Sharp & Dohme B.V. 29/07/2010 2459551 10742796.5 2459603 Univation Technologies, LLC 27/07/2010 2459603 10737459.7 2460143 Astrium SAS 28/07/2010 2460143 10737065.2 2460308 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 19/07/2010 2460308 10742901.1 2461456 ABB Oy 03/12/2010 2461456 10193717.5 2461895 BASF SE 05/08/2010 2461895 10741936.8 2462520 Google Inc. 05/08/2010 2462520 10742974.8 2463453 Essmann GmbH 02/12/2011 2463453 11191765.4 2463940 FMC Corporation 27/08/2008 2463940 12157983.3 2464516 Dow Global Technologies LLC 12/08/2010 2464516 10745095.9 2468071 EldoLAB Holding B.V. 17/08/2010 2468071 10745681.6 2468819 M&G USA Corporation 11/03/2009 2468819 12160640.4 German German French German 2762 2469110 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal KOYO SEALING TECHNO (No. 2260) 22/12/2011 2469110 11195325.3 KABUSHIKI KAISHA JTEKT Corporation 2470666 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company 29/09/2010 2470666 10762828.1 2471066 SanDisk Technologies Inc. 23/08/2010 2471066 10747138.5 2472838 LG Electronics Inc. 15/12/2011 2472838 11009870.4 2472998 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 30/09/2010 2472998 10819919.1 2473026 GEA Farm Technologies, Inc. 03/09/2010 2473026 10755012.1 2474444 Burg Silvergreen GmbH 21/12/2011 2474444 11010064.1 2474535 Shandong New Time Pharmaceutical 24/08/2010 2474535 10813320.8 German Co., Ltd. 2475058 General Electric Company 21/12/2011 2475058 11194813.9 2475997 Cambridge Enterprise Limited 09/09/2010 2475997 10755224.2 2476341 Naber Holding GmbH & Co. KG 21/12/2011 2476341 11010058.3 German 2478028 Bayer Materialscience AG 04/09/2010 2478028 10751814.4 German 2478248 Scania CV AB 13/09/2010 2478248 10817514.2 2478314 Maerz Ofenbau AG 15/09/2010 2478314 10755140.0 2478793 Chang, Sung Yong 28/02/2012 2478793 12157325.7 2479087 ThyssenKrupp System Engineering 18/01/2012 2479087 12000271.2 German German German GmbH 2479365 Hettich-Heinze GmbH & Co. KG 07/01/2005 2479365 12164730.9 2479548 General Electric Company 16/11/2011 2479548 11189440.8 2480194 Cargill, Incorporated 21/09/2010 2480194 10759582.9 2480802 The Gates Corporation 24/09/2010 2480802 10763531.0 2480821 Koninklijke Philips N.V. 15/09/2010 2480821 10765497.2 2481109 Yazaki Corporation 22/09/2010 2481109 10773722.3 2481523 GeoSea NV 31/01/2011 2481523 11152681.0 2481975 Kösedag Tel Örme Sanayi Ve Ticaret 28/01/2011 2481975 11152615.8 Ithalat Ihracat A.S. 2482285 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 18/01/2012 2482285 12151635.5 2482835 The University Of Sydney 29/09/2010 2482835 10819736.9 2483948 Li-tec Battery GmbH 22/09/2010 2483948 10757049.1 2484606 Fike Corporation 23/03/2006 2484606 12166540.0 2485606 N.V. Nutricia 11/10/2010 2485606 10769081.0 2485734 Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 20/09/2010 2485734 10822415.5 2485748 Beech Tree Labs Inc. 30/07/2010 2485748 10822382.7 2487112 Wacker Chemie AG 07/02/2012 2487112 12154144.5 German 2487235 bioMérieux 14/09/2005 2487235 12167653.0 French German (30/07/2014) 2487270 Patents Office Journal Université Paris-Est Créteil Val de (No. 2260) 2763 08/11/2011 2487270 11188182.7 French Marne SAFT GROUPE SA Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) 2487757 Delphi Technologies, Inc. 10/02/2011 2487757 11001079.0 German 2488402 Ford Global Technologies, LLC 13/10/2010 2488402 10768470.6 German 2488581 Societe Industrielle Liegeoise des 15/10/2010 2488581 10766049.0 French 11/10/2010 2489076 10763706.8 Oxydes SA 2489076 Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) 2489612 HAUNI Maschinenbau AG 16/02/2012 2489612 12155818.3 German 2489698 The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company 13/02/2012 2489698 12155088.3 2490173 Thomson Licensing 03/02/2012 2490173 12153854.0 2492307 The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company 20/02/2012 2492307 12156193.0 2492401 GeoSea NV 13/02/2012 2492401 12155237.6 2492780 Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha 18/11/2010 2492780 10833138.0 2493116 ZTE Corporation 10/12/2009 2493116 09846045.4 2493351 L'Oréal 14/10/2010 2493351 10771212.7 2493858 Orion Corporation 27/10/2010 2493858 10781918.7 2493994 Tesa SE 08/10/2010 2493994 10766022.7 German 2494228 Schaeffler Technologies GmbH & Co. 07/10/2010 2494228 10786985.1 German German KG 2494265 OSRAM GmbH 26/11/2010 2494265 10787725.0 2494877 Philip Morris Products S.A. 14/08/2008 2494877 12168428.6 2494931 Hourglass Technologies, Inc. 10/10/2007 2494931 12153510.8 2494966 Chongqing Pharmaceutical Research 28/10/2010 2494966 10826091.0 Institute Co., Ltd. 2495381 ALTE TRANSPORTATION, S.L. 03/03/2011 2495381 11382056.7 2496191 Össur HF 04/11/2010 2496191 10779351.5 2496710 Centre Léon Bérard 02/11/2010 2496710 10771486.7 2497287 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 01/11/2010 2497287 10776101.7 2498643 Paul Hettich GmbH & Co. KG 04/11/2010 2498643 10781854.4 2498666 Alcon Research, Ltd. 28/10/2010 2498666 10830431.2 2499894 Robert Bosch GmbH 14/03/2011 2499894 11157994.2 2500363 Sumitomo Chemical Company, Limited 16/03/2012 2500363 12159864.3 2500613 OLI S.r.l. 14/03/2012 2500613 12159545.8 Lim-Mont D.O.O. German 2764 2500945 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et (No. 2260) 14/03/2012 2500945 12159362.8 French aux Énergies Alternatives Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble 2501616 Bonduelle 19/09/2011 2501616 11764802.2 French 2501657 Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies 08/11/2010 2501657 10773917.9 French Support 2501890 Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. 18/11/2010 2501890 10787154.3 2502009 Hilber, Franz 16/11/2010 2502009 10787670.8 2502803 JTEKT Corporation 20/02/2012 2502803 12156120.3 2502933 Konkuk University Industrial 12/08/2010 2502933 10831721.5 German Cooperation Corp. 2503561 Nitto Denko Corporation 28/03/2011 2503561 11765482.2 2503562 Nitto Denko Corporation 28/03/2011 2503562 11765483.0 2503567 Nitto Denko Corporation 28/03/2011 2503567 11765486.3 2503865 Thales 20/03/2012 2503865 12160320.3 2503869 CNH Industrial Belgium nv 15/11/2010 2503869 10776366.6 2504284 Judo Wasseraufbereitung GmbH 26/11/2010 2504284 10784304.7 2504296 Construction Research & Technology 13/09/2010 2504296 10751693.2 French German GmbH 2504301 BASF SE 22/11/2010 2504301 10781500.3 German 2504379 Clariant Finance (BVI) Limited 24/11/2010 2504379 10781623.3 German 2505466 Tektro Technology Corporation 30/03/2011 2505466 11160531.7 2506274 Nitto Denko Corporation 28/03/2011 2506274 11765492.1 2506681 Toshiba Lighting & Technology 20/03/2012 2506681 12160359.1 03/11/2010 2507134 10773863.5 German 02/12/2010 2507146 10805796.9 French Corporation 2507134 Diehl Aerospace GmbH Liebherr-Aerospace Lindenberg GmbH 2507146 Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) Universidad De Chile Universidad De Santiago De Chile 2507277 DSM IP Assets B.V. 29/11/2010 2507277 10784517.4 2507324 BASF SE 02/12/2010 2507324 10788297.9 2508144 Covidien LP 10/04/2012 2508144 12002535.8 2508158 Arjo Hospital Equipment AB 04/04/2011 2508158 11160978.0 2508289 AIR LIQUIDE WELDING FRANCE 21/02/2012 2508289 12156364.7 French 2508381 Magna Steyr Fahrzeugtechnik AG & Co 18/11/2011 2508381 11189719.5 German KG German (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2508426 General Electric Company 05/04/2012 2508426 12163280.6 2508950 Kyocera Document Solutions Inc. 02/04/2012 2508950 12162818.4 2509685 C-rad Positioning AB 06/12/2010 2509685 10836286.4 2509750 Finepart Sweden AB 10/12/2010 2509750 10793210.5 2509792 SICPA HOLDING SA 19/05/2010 2509792 10722053.5 2509874 Bonduelle 19/09/2011 2509874 11764801.4 2511115 Scania CV AB (publ) 11/04/2012 2511115 12163744.1 2514500 Viggiano, Vincenzo Donato 20/04/2011 2514500 11163166.9 2514565 Alenia Aermacchi S.p.A. 20/04/2012 2514565 12164951.1 2515719 Fixeeze Ltd 20/12/2010 2515719 10807632.4 2515881 Ambros Pharma S.r.l. 23/12/2010 2515881 10814747.1 2516265 Hispano Suiza 15/12/2010 2516265 10807337.0 2516489 W.R. Grace & CO. - CONN. 16/12/2010 2516489 10798895.8 2516550 Mitsubishi Chemical Europe GmbH 20/12/2010 2516550 10795693.0 2516835 Valeo Systèmes de Contrôle Moteur 22/12/2010 2516835 10795728.4 2517600 Glaspray Engineering & Manufacturing 28/04/2011 2517600 11164120.5 2765 French French French Co., Ltd 2518116 Rohm and Haas Company 22/03/2012 2518116 12160683.4 2518543 Nitto Denko Corporation 02/09/2011 2518543 12178358.3 2519508 Viamet Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 29/12/2010 2519508 10841687.6 2520191 WIK Far East Ltd. 30/04/2012 2520191 12166096.3 German 2520773 MAN Truck & Bus AG 13/12/2011 2520773 11009800.1 German 2520852 Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha 29/11/2010 2520852 10840838.6 2521718 Scientific Design Company Inc. 20/12/2010 2521718 10840020.1 2521750 OMG UK Technology Limited 06/01/2011 2521750 11700697.3 2522245 SEB S.A. 02/05/2012 2522245 12166322.3 2522249 Power Scheme Industries Limited 12/05/2011 2522249 11003929.4 2522551 Faurecia Automotive Industrie 10/05/2012 2522551 12167561.5 French 2522605 Krones AG 30/04/2012 2522605 12166168.0 German 2522699 Dow Global Technologies LLC 21/12/2007 2522699 12179707.0 2522881 SMS Meer GmbH 02/05/2012 2522881 12003042.4 2523175 GE Aviation Systems LLC 10/05/2012 2523175 12167418.8 2523206 Thermik Gerätebau GmbH 25/04/2012 2523206 12165518.7 2523885 I.E.S International Expanding Shafts 12/01/2011 2523885 11700834.2 S.R.L. 2524541 Teknologian Tutkimuskeskus VTT 12/01/2011 2524541 11732706.4 2524587 DEERE & COMPANY 29/03/2012 2524587 12162071.0 2524818 The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company 15/05/2012 2524818 12167982.3 French German 2766 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2524856 Schmitz Cargobull AG 20/05/2011 2524856 11166981.8 German 2526024 Hanpak Limited 25/11/2009 2526024 09764774.7 2526460 Leica Camera AG 18/01/2011 2526460 11701747.5 German 2526831 Moldovan, Adrian 11/05/2012 2526831 12450028.1 German 2526836 Huntleigh Technology Limited 11/05/2007 2526836 12181372.9 2527930 Richemont International S.A. 18/05/2012 2527930 12168537.4 2528136 IVECO MAGIRUS AG 27/05/2011 2528136 11167865.2 2528303 BlackBerry Limited 08/04/2009 2528303 12181192.1 2528380 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 23/04/2010 2528380 12180287.0 2529364 Avery Dennison Corporation 27/01/2011 2529364 11702365.5 2529647 SEB S.A. 25/05/2012 2529647 12169624.9 2530282 PRATT & WHITNEY CANADA 21/05/2012 2530282 12168745.3 French French CORP. 2531170 Gattefosse S.A.S. 20/01/2011 2531170 11704657.3 French 2532428 ROBERT BOSCH GMBH 10/04/2012 2532428 12163532.0 German 2532941 Air Liquide Santé France 03/05/2012 2532941 12166496.5 French 07/10/2010 2533329 12181286.1 L'AIR LIQUIDE, SOCIETE ANONYME POUR L'ETUDE ET L'EXPLOITATION DES PROCEDES GEORGES CLAUDE Air Liquide Santé (International) 2533329 SUMITOMO METAL MINING COMPANY LIMITED TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2533674 Koninklijke Philips N.V. 08/02/2011 2533674 11707483.1 2534348 McLaren Automotive Limited 17/03/2011 2534348 11711798.6 2534972 Pum-Tech Korea Co., Ltd 20/04/2010 2534972 10845846.4 F.S Korea Industries Inc 2536320 L'Eclipse 10/02/2011 2536320 11708545.6 French 2536519 IDRA S.R.L. 28/01/2011 2536519 11703128.6 German 2536727 Novartis AG 17/02/2011 2536727 11704225.9 2536872 Helfenberger Immobilien LLC & Co 18/02/2011 2536872 11709312.0 14/12/2010 2536964 10799129.1 22/06/2012 2538242 12173316.6 Textilforschungs- Und Entwicklungs KG 2536964 TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2538242 SOFTKINETIC SOFTWARE German (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2539784 Weiss GmbH 30/03/2011 2539784 11711481.9 2539885 Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Förderung 25/02/2011 2539885 11705571.5 2767 German der angewandten Forschung e.V. 2540184 ASICS Corporation 26/09/2007 2540184 12185980.5 2540577 TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI 26/02/2010 2540577 10846518.8 KAISHA 2540843 Genentech, Inc. 05/11/2009 2540843 12185155.4 2541031 Nippon Leakless Industry Co., Ltd. 21/02/2011 2541031 11744439.8 2541340 Konica Minolta Business Technologies, 03/12/2010 2541340 12185855.9 27/04/2010 2544568 10719996.0 14/02/2011 2545527 11714103.6 Inc. 2544568 Vel Vega - Design E Tecnologia Ind. German Unip. Lda. 2545527 Koninklijke Philips N.V. University Health Network 2547230 RPC Bramlage GmbH 15/03/2011 2547230 11713479.1 German 2547303 Orfit Industries 15/03/2010 2547303 10717558.0 2547705 BASF SE 14/03/2011 2547705 11707684.4 German 2547728 Compagnie Générale des 15/03/2011 2547728 11708261.0 French Etablissements Michelin MICHELIN Recherche et Technique S.A. 2547822 University Of Helsinki 18/03/2011 2547822 11715715.6 2548327 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 03/03/2011 2548327 11715298.3 2549204 Fujitsu General Limited 20/07/2012 2549204 12177323.8 2550306 BASF SE 23/03/2011 2550306 11709720.4 2550417 Combisafe International Aktiebolag 26/03/2010 2550417 10711661.8 2550606 SARL Creagest 23/03/2011 2550606 11709737.8 2550620 e-BO Enterprises 24/03/2011 2550620 11722337.0 2550901 DIRK A. BRÜGMANN 11/05/2012 2550901 12167665.4 09/09/2011 2550902 11180747.5 11/07/2012 2550903 12175939.3 German 12/07/2012 2550904 12176054.0 German 25/07/2011 2550994 11175253.1 French German KUNSTSTOFF-VERARBEITUNG GMBH & CO 2550902 Electrolux Home Products Corporation N.V. 2550903 BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 2550904 BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 2550994 INTERTECHNIQUE 2768 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2552251 Philip Morris Products S.A. 28/03/2011 2552251 11726493.7 2552367 Lameplast S.P.A. 15/03/2011 2552367 11716028.3 2552368 Lameplast S.P.A. 15/03/2011 2552368 11719624.6 2552667 Wema GmbH 23/12/2011 2552667 11863705.7 2552672 NV Bekaert SA 28/03/2011 2552672 11712217.6 2552758 Continental Teves AG & Co. oHG 29/03/2011 2552758 11711329.0 2552809 Rite-Hite Holding Corporation 25/03/2011 2552809 11712440.4 2552971 BASF SE 29/03/2011 2552971 11712229.1 2553203 TRACTO-TECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG 31/03/2011 2553203 11714933.6 German German German GDF SUEZ 2553247 Robert Bosch GmbH 31/03/2011 2553247 11712539.3 German 2553422 Snecma 01/04/2011 2553422 11717307.0 French 2554482 Hamilton Sundstrand Corporation 31/07/2012 2554482 12178659.4 2555252 Lintec Corporation 24/03/2011 2555252 11759532.2 2555466 SELEX ES S.p.A. 02/08/2012 2555466 12179118.0 2555690 Boston Scientific Scimed, Inc. 01/04/2011 2555690 11713641.6 2555885 Danieli & C. Officine Meccaniche SpA 04/04/2011 2555885 11722868.4 2557571 Tyco Electronics Corporation 08/08/2011 2557571 11176866.9 Tyco Electronics AMP GmbH 2558213 Acco UK Limited 25/03/2011 2558213 11719061.1 2558296 Velcro Industries B.V. 01/04/2011 2558296 11714471.7 2558303 Bundesdruckerei GmbH 31/03/2011 2558303 11711368.8 German 2558359 Skudelny, Kai 13/04/2011 2558359 11721725.7 German 2559095 TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI 12/04/2011 2559095 11728384.6 KAISHA 2559583 Valeo Schalter und Sensoren GmbH 13/06/2012 2559583 12171737.5 German 2560900 Bizerba GmbH & Co. KG 13/04/2011 2560900 11719171.8 German 2561490 iZettle Merchant Services AB 08/07/2011 2561490 11731339.5 2561781 Wong, Yan Kwong 15/08/2012 2561781 12180515.4 2561850 Schneider, Hartmut J. 22/08/2011 2561850 11006840.0 German 2561938 SONA BLW Präzisionsschmiede 30/07/2012 2561938 12005518.1 German GmbH 2562888 TE Connectivity Nederland B.V. 23/08/2011 2562888 11006882.2 2563516 Hosokawa Bepex GmbH 20/04/2011 2563516 11716182.8 German 2563666 Aircelle 14/03/2011 2563666 11713000.5 French 2564729 BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte 27/08/2012 2564729 12181840.5 01/09/2011 2564789 11179763.5 GmbH 2564789 Nitto Denko Corporation (30/07/2014) 2565252 Patents Office Journal Ocean's King Lighting (No. 2260) 30/04/2010 2565252 10850498.6 2769 Science&Technology Co., Ltd. 2566282 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 03/05/2011 2566282 11774426.8 2566838 V. Mane Fils 04/05/2011 2566838 11724462.4 2567321 Symantec Corporation 03/05/2011 2567321 11722651.4 2567999 Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. 08/08/2012 2567999 12005770.8 2568501 IMEC 10/09/2012 2568501 12183709.0 French Universiteit Gent 2568531 BlackBerry Limited 09/09/2011 2568531 11180794.7 2568662 ECI Telecom Ltd. 28/08/2012 2568662 12181989.0 2569178 Renault S.A.S. 06/05/2011 2569178 11723580.4 2569237 W + D Direct Marketing Solutions 11/05/2010 2569237 10719597.6 French GmbH 2569538 Universita' Degli Studi Roma Tre 13/05/2011 2569538 11731062.3 2570275 The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company 11/09/2012 2570275 12183820.5 2570378 Thyssenkrupp Elevator Innovation 24/08/2012 2570378 12382331.2 Center, S.A. 2570662 Aktiebolaget SKF 11/09/2012 2570662 12183818.9 2571767 Xpozer B.V. 18/05/2011 2571767 11722589.6 2571791 SIDEL S.p.A. con Socio Unico 21/05/2010 2571791 10736821.9 2572602 Su, Peter 26/09/2011 2572602 11182677.2 2573969 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 27/04/2011 2573969 11795047.7 2575938 British American Tobacco 17/05/2011 2575938 11719836.6 12/05/2011 2575939 11721732.3 German (Investments) Limited 2575939 British American Tobacco (Investments) Limited 2576038 Fillon Technologies 13/05/2011 2576038 11725168.6 French 2576201 Trani, Giorgio 31/05/2011 2576201 11735531.3 2576270 Schaeffler Technologies GmbH & Co. 11/04/2011 2576270 11714745.4 German 09/05/2011 2576483 11725136.3 French French KG 2576483 L'Air Liquide Société Anonyme pour l'Etude et l'Exploitation des Procédés Georges Claude 2577234 Moving Magnet Technologies 19/05/2011 2577234 11727234.4 2577375 Ricoh Company, Ltd. 06/06/2011 2577375 11792575.0 2577723 Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et 25/05/2011 2577723 11724393.1 31/05/2010 2579287 10732400.6 aux Énergies Alternatives 2579287 Ormazabal Y Cia., S.L.U. French 2770 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2580128 ISHIDA EUROPE LIMITED 10/06/2011 2580128 11728041.2 2580129 ISHIDA EUROPE LIMITED 10/06/2011 2580129 11728042.0 2580496 ZF Friedrichshafen AG 04/05/2011 2580496 11722350.3 German 2581396 Allnex IP S.à.r.l. 14/10/2011 2581396 11185176.2 German 2582684 OSRAM GmbH 31/05/2011 2582684 11725889.7 German 2583110 Alstom Technology Ltd. 15/06/2011 2583110 11724678.5 French 2583422 Markport Limited 16/06/2011 2583422 11729766.3 2584107 Franz Kaldewei GmbH & Co. KG 23/01/2012 2584107 13151731.0 German 2584320 KROHNE Messtechnik GmbH 30/08/2012 2584320 12006169.2 German 2585342 Peugeot Citroën Automobiles SA 25/05/2011 2585342 11726898.7 French 2585490 Dow Global Technologies LLC 27/07/2011 2585490 11745631.9 Carnegie Mellon University 2586083 BASF SE 17/06/2011 2586083 11725482.1 German 2586514 ESTA Apparatebau GmbH & Co.KG 27/09/2012 2586514 12006768.1 German 2586522 Etablissements Emily 26/10/2012 2586522 12190211.8 French 2587155 LAMTEC Meß- und Regeltechnik für 25/10/2012 2587155 12007331.7 German Feuerungen GmbH 2589462 Dental Machine s.r.l. 26/10/2012 2589462 12190131.8 2589534 Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. 08/12/2011 2589534 11192659.8 2589536 Zodiac Seats US LLC 30/03/2010 2589536 13153932.2 2589716 TECE GmbH 07/11/2012 2589716 12191643.1 2590802 Vito NV 29/06/2011 2590802 11743201.3 2591119 Novozymes North America, Inc. 15/07/2011 2591119 11743899.4 2591243 Aktiebolaget SKF 05/07/2011 2591243 11729421.5 German 2591274 L'AIR LIQUIDE, SOCIETE 19/05/2011 2591274 11727232.8 French German ANONYME POUR L'ETUDE ET L'EXPLOITATION DES PROCEDES GEORGES CLAUDE 2591537 BRUSA Elektronik AG 07/07/2011 2591537 11743874.7 2591995 Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha 07/11/2012 2591995 12191645.6 2592485 Brother Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha 30/08/2012 2592485 12182300.9 2593217 Univation Technologies, LLC 08/07/2011 2593217 11746338.0 2593261 L'AIR LIQUIDE, Société Anonyme 05/05/2011 2593261 11723564.8 French 05/05/2011 2593262 11723565.5 French pour l'Etude et l'Exploitation des Procédés Georges Claude 2593262 L'Air Liquide Société Anonyme pour l'Etude et l'Exploitation des Procédés Georges Claude (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2771 2593365 Smiths Heimann GmbH 18/05/2011 2593365 11721718.2 German 2593608 Maschinenfabrik KBA-MÖDLING 14/07/2011 2593608 11738389.3 German Aktiengesellschaft 2594167 CHEF'N CORPORATION 11/03/2010 2594167 13000669.5 2594735 Schlumberger Technology B.V. 28/10/2011 2594735 11290508.8 PRAD Research and Development Limited Services Pétroliers Schlumberger Schlumberger Holdings Limited 2594884 VAHTERUS OY 16/11/2011 2594884 11189322.8 2595091 Bayerische Motoren Werke 28/03/2008 2595091 13152207.0 German 20/07/2011 2596498 11752594.9 French Aktiengesellschaft 2596498 Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2596699 Yamabiko Corporation 22/11/2011 2596699 11009268.1 2596945 Ranpak Corp. 17/11/2009 2596945 12184327.0 2596963 The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company 22/11/2012 2596963 12193785.8 2598404 Pöppelmann Holding GmbH & Co. KG. 02/07/2011 2598404 11735787.1 2598476 Indoco Remedies Limited 26/07/2011 2598476 11768172.6 2598585 Essilor International (Compagnie 28/07/2011 2598585 11746510.4 25/07/2011 2598685 11760842.2 German Générale d'Optique) 2598685 F.M.B. Fabbrica Macchine Bologna S.p.A. 2599160 Calearo Antenne S.p.A. 27/07/2011 2599160 11748324.8 2601088 Voith Patent GmbH 16/05/2011 2601088 11720088.1 German 2601104 Andritz AG 20/07/2011 2601104 11748542.5 German 2601412 Gardner Denver Thomas GmbH 01/08/2011 2601412 11741441.7 2601426 B.E.C. Breitbach Engineering 01/08/2011 2601426 11751838.1 German Consulting GmbH 2602111 Bobst Bielefeld GmbH 09/12/2011 2602111 11192758.8 2602141 Valeo Systèmes Thermiques 07/12/2011 2602141 11290568.2 2602480 Universita' degli studi di Brescia 06/12/2012 2602480 12195818.5 2603329 R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company 10/08/2011 2603329 11746107.9 2603422 Ampelmann Operations B.V. 12/08/2011 2603422 11745842.2 2604157 SEB SA 06/12/2012 2604157 12195853.2 2604186 Panasonic Healthcare Co., Ltd. 18/03/2009 2604186 13159184.4 2604381 AUDI AG 14/11/2012 2604381 12007695.5 2605319 Hankook Tire Co., Ltd 06/11/2012 2605319 12191378.4 French German 2772 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2605818 Koninklijke Philips N.V. 17/08/2011 2605818 11761138.4 2605866 Chauvin 04/08/2011 2605866 11755371.9 2605935 Eessy B.V. 15/08/2011 2605935 11757962.3 2606811 Olympus Medical Systems Corp. 06/10/2011 2606811 11843038.8 2606872 Equashield Medical Ltd 27/04/2008 2606872 13156536.8 2607135 Volvo Car Corporation 22/12/2011 2607135 11195372.5 2607296 Haulotte Group 19/12/2012 2607296 12198179.9 2607470 Barokes PTY Ltd. 26/03/2012 2607470 12161341.8 2608700 L&P Property Management Company 25/08/2010 2608700 10749611.9 2608938 ABB Research LTD 25/08/2011 2608938 11761427.1 2609674 Sew-Eurodrive GmbH & Co. KG 27/07/2011 2609674 11749081.3 2611366 St. Jude Medical Puerto Rico LLC 17/08/2011 2611366 11749955.8 2611425 Grünenthal GmbH 01/09/2011 2611425 11760397.7 2611768 Kolb Distribution Ltd. 11/08/2011 2611768 11743533.9 2611923 Amyris, Inc. 29/08/2011 2611923 11755188.7 2612091 BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte 26/08/2011 2612091 11746589.8 French French German GmbH 2612533 Fujitsu Limited 31/08/2010 2612533 10760624.6 2612749 Honeywell International Inc. 02/01/2013 2612749 13150075.3 2615910 BASF SE 13/09/2011 2615910 11754688.7 2616913 Ullmann, Kay Dirk 27/06/2011 2616913 11748904.7 2617538 wolfcraft GmbH 16/02/2010 2617538 13164222.5 German 2618956 Serimax 23/09/2011 2618956 11768064.5 French 2619389 Aisin Seiki Kabushiki Kaisha 29/07/2011 2619389 11746035.2 2620300 Sumitomo Rubber Industries, Ltd. 22/01/2013 2620300 13152136.1 2621754 Johnson Controls GmbH 26/09/2011 2621754 11767922.5 2622056 Unilever N.V. 23/09/2011 2622056 11760487.6 German Unilever PLC 2625131 Demag Cranes & Components GmbH 04/10/2011 2625131 11764741.2 German 2625757 Weber AG 03/10/2011 2625757 11763954.2 German 2625943 AB Mähler & Söner 13/02/2012 2625943 12155188.1 2628222 Yazaki Corporation 14/10/2011 2628222 11778995.8 2628407 Zong Jing Investment, Inc. 03/08/2012 2628407 12179313.7 2628586 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 14/02/2012 2628586 12155365.5 2629494 LG Electronics 21/11/2012 2629494 12193674.4 2629679 NCS Lab S.r.l. 13/10/2011 2629679 11776901.8 2631203 Niederholz GmbH 01/06/2012 2631203 12170405.0 German 2632047 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 21/02/2012 2632047 12156353.0 German (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2773 2632074 BlackBerry Limited 01/10/2007 2632074 13168080.3 2632694 Robert Bosch GmbH 16/09/2011 2632694 11757630.6 German 2632721 Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH 20/10/2011 2632721 11770810.7 German 2635712 Shell Oil Company 03/11/2011 2635712 11785848.0 Shell Internationale Research Maatschappij B.V. 2635788 Aircelle 25/10/2011 2635788 11785745.8 2636185 Telecom Italia S.p.A. 05/11/2010 2636185 10774217.3 2636482 Supfina Grieshaber GmbH & Co. KG 07/03/2012 2636482 12158434.6 2636488 Jiin Haur Industrial Co., Ltd. 09/03/2012 2636488 12158935.2 2638001 Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH 07/11/2011 2638001 11778923.0 2638136 BASF SE 08/11/2011 2638136 11779435.4 2638314 Itrec B.V. 08/11/2011 2638314 11781883.1 2638614 Fiat Group Automobiles S.p.A. 12/11/2011 2638614 11782420.1 2640881 Autoneum Management AG 08/05/2012 2640881 12719966.9 2642201 Pro-Iroda Industries, Inc. 04/01/2013 2642201 13150241.1 2645881 Givaudan SA 30/11/2011 2645881 11788850.3 2648377 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. 20/03/2013 2648377 13160131.2 2648610 Koninklijke Philips N.V. 29/11/2011 2648610 11799852.6 French German German Philips Intellectual Property & Standards GmbH 2649123 Wacker Chemie AG 06/12/2011 2649123 11796957.6 German 2650155 Weidmann Plastics Technology AG 12/04/2012 2650155 12163910.8 German 2664897 SICK STEGMANN GmbH 16/05/2012 2664897 12168329.6 German 2664898 SICK STEGMANN GmbH 15/05/2012 2664898 12168056.5 German 2666694 Askion GmbH 22/05/2013 2666694 13168734.5 German 2667561 Aeroflex Limited 18/04/2013 2667561 13164369.4 2669548 OERLIKON GRAZIANO S.P.A. 24/04/2013 2669548 13165219.0 2679515 W.L. Gore & Associates GmbH 29/12/2009 2679515 13185762.5 2681165 Corning Incorporated 22/02/2012 2681165 12707003.5 2681690 Axiomatics AB 17/09/2012 2681690 12759450.5 2682024 King Slide Works Co., Ltd. 03/07/2012 2682024 12174734.9 King Slide Technology Co., Ltd. 2682343 TriNovate B.V. 29/04/2011 2682343 13185974.6 2686510 Kaba GmbH 19/03/2012 2686510 12716183.4 2687074 Kverneland Group Kerteminde AS 04/07/2013 2687074 13175118.2 2689861 Biotec Recycling AG 24/07/2012 2689861 12382299.1 2698336 J.D. Theile GmbH & Co. KG 24/07/2013 2698336 13177806.0 German German 2774 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2705847 PSoriasis+Creams Sweden AB 05/09/2012 2705847 12183189.5 2727489 Sellgren, Seppo 06/11/2012 2727489 12191387.5 Perälä, Petri Öhman, Niklas (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2775 Grants Published in EPO Bulletin No. 28/14, dated 9th July 2014 1176935 Draeger Medical Systems, Inc. 10/05/2000 1176935 00932240.5 1184647 Vetco Gray Scandinavia AS 28/08/2000 1184647 00810766.6 1224649 French, William W. 26/09/2000 1224649 00975209.8 1260498 Chemipro Kasei Kaisha, Ltd. 01/03/2001 1260498 01908206.4 1271117 Sensata Technologies Bermuda Ltd 12/01/2000 1271117 02022147.9 1279068 QuNano AB 04/05/2001 1279068 01928066.8 1330588 DIEBOLD, INCORPORATED 16/10/2001 1330588 01975865.5 1332527 Volvo Teknisk Utveckling AB 12/09/2001 1332527 01963690.1 11/12/2001 1341719 01995487.4 German German Volvo Personvagnar AB 1341719 Ningxia Guanghua Activated Carbon Co., Ltd Evoqua Water Technologies LLC 1354984 Gühring, Jörg, Dr. 20/03/2003 1354984 03006383.8 German 1364931 Eurenco 12/05/2003 1364931 03291108.3 French 1385622 Albemarle Netherlands B.V. 03/05/2002 1385622 02806707.2 1386438 TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET LM 03/05/2002 1386438 02740559.6 ERICSSON (publ) 1423826 Ericsson Inc. 02/05/2002 1423826 02771817.0 1424160 SKC di Tondini Claudio 08/05/2003 1424160 03009781.0 1428259 Bombardier Transportation GmbH 07/08/2002 1428259 02794581.5 1455310 Francotyp-Postalia GmbH 05/03/2004 1455310 04090093.8 1459076 3M Innovative Properties Company 04/12/2002 1459076 02790022.4 1475745 Panasonic Corporation 12/02/2003 1475745 03703336.2 1483289 GENE SIGNAL INTERNATIONAL 21/03/2003 1483289 03727609.4 German French SA 1487350 Evalve, Inc. 26/02/2003 1487350 03743721.7 1503837 Saipem S.p.A. 09/05/2003 1503837 03749888.8 1505998 S.S. STEINER, INC. 15/05/2003 1505998 03753062.3 1509770 GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences AB 28/05/2003 1509770 03738801.4 1550321 Nokia Corporation 06/10/2003 1550321 03807945.5 1558064 Panasonic Corporation 26/09/2003 1558064 03809438.9 1573369 Nokia Corporation 12/12/2003 1573369 03778372.7 1576286 ZF Wind Power Antwerpen NV 18/11/2003 1576286 03782747.4 1583579 Boston Scientific Limited 16/01/2004 1583579 04703003.6 1585909 Zimmer, Günther 03/01/2003 1585909 03704193.6 Zimmer, Martin German 2776 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 1587469 3M Innovative Properties Company 08/01/2004 1587469 04700903.0 1590804 Intrinsic ID B.V. 24/12/2003 1590804 03780530.6 1595598 International Business Machines 14/04/2005 1595598 05008120.7 Corporation 1601500 Sandvik Mining and Construction Oy 23/02/2004 1601500 04713560.3 1602702 Dow Global Technologies LLC 01/06/2004 1602702 04012885.2 1602748 Toyo Seikan Group Holdings, Ltd. 11/03/2004 1602748 04719634.0 1606551 GE Lighting Solutions, LLC 11/03/2004 1606551 04719749.6 1613465 Intelligent Energy, Inc. 05/04/2004 1613465 04758907.2 1648500 Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics, Inc. 30/07/2004 1648500 04809528.5 1659103 Otkrytoe Aktsionernoe Obschestvo 08/05/2003 1659103 03817493.4 "Borovichsky Kombinat Ogneuporov". 1676920 Imperial Innovations Limited 26/03/1998 1676920 05077712.7 1680211 Evoqua Water Technologies LLC 22/09/2004 1680211 04761327.8 1680703 Ophthocare Ltd. 03/11/2004 1680703 04799317.5 1681308 DAIKIN INDUSTRIES, LTD. 22/10/2004 1681308 04792860.1 1682351 Kurt, Lappe 10/11/2004 1682351 04797748.3 German 1684147 HONEYWELL AG 10/01/2006 1684147 06100207.7 German 1693765 SAP AG 09/05/2005 1693765 05010081.7 1696267 FUJIFILM Corporation 22/02/2006 1696267 06003591.2 1701902 Pepperl + Fuchs GmbH 22/12/2004 1701902 04804234.5 1712624 RIKEN 13/01/2005 1712624 05703522.2 1714991 NITTO DENKO CORPORATION 11/04/2006 1714991 06007613.0 1731557 International Center for Environmental 24/03/2005 1731557 05721380.3 German Technology Transfer Panasonic Corporation 1734858 BodyMedia, Inc. 22/03/2005 1734858 05732135.8 1739104 Japan Science and Technology Agency 07/03/2005 1739104 05720120.4 1744905 Giesecke & Devrient GmbH 05/04/2005 1744905 05730712.6 1747075 Novelis, Inc. 12/05/2005 1747075 05742599.3 1749319 Blue Spark Technologies, Inc. 21/04/2005 1749319 05738396.0 1751172 Galecto Biotech AB 23/05/2005 1751172 05741932.7 1751996 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 16/05/2005 1751996 05744793.0 1753738 Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc. 13/05/2005 1753738 05748073.3 1760109 Asahi Kasei Chemicals Corporation 14/06/2005 1760109 05751554.6 1788784 Accenture Global Services Limited 21/11/2005 1788784 05425821.5 1789093 Celldex Research Corporation 28/07/2005 1789093 05856893.2 German (30/07/2014) 1790465 Patents Office Journal Dieffenbacher GmbH Maschinen- und (No. 2260) 28/11/2006 1790465 06024607.1 12/09/2005 1792899 05782085.4 2777 German Anlagenbau 1792899 Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited 1793696 Nike International Ltd. 19/09/2005 1793696 05798648.1 1798364 BETTACARE LIMITED 08/08/2005 1798364 06077322.3 1802835 Dorma GmbH + Co. KG 09/09/2005 1802835 05782723.0 1803854 Tema - Technologies and Materials Srl 14/12/2006 1803854 06025896.9 1809166 Covidien LP 09/09/2005 1809166 05796875.2 1810206 Rolls-Royce Corporation 18/10/2005 1810206 05816262.9 1811508 LG Electronics Inc. 25/06/2004 1811508 07007645.0 1812080 Arena Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 01/11/2005 1812080 05818064.7 1819093 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 27/12/2005 1819093 05824070.6 1825224 Kreit, Darran 14/12/2005 1825224 05818080.3 1825860 The Pharmaceutical Factory of 29/12/2004 1825860 04802573.8 German Chengdu Hoist Inc., Ltd. 1827311 Neoptics AG 28/04/2005 1827311 05741035.9 1827617 SATIAN INDUSTRIES CO., LTD. 12/04/2005 1827617 05733113.4 1831446 Analyses Mesures Pollutions (A.M.P) 29/11/2005 1831446 05823019.4 1834321 Intersil Americas LLC 14/12/2005 1834321 05854008.9 1846018 ALLERGAN, INC. 29/12/2005 1846018 05855968.3 1847144 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 22/12/2004 1847144 04822592.4 1848745 Medarex, L.L.C. 17/02/2006 1848745 06720888.4 1849720 Huber Automation (Société a 24/04/2007 1849720 07300975.5 French German French Responsabilité Limitée) 1851038 Eisele, Michael 18/02/2006 1851038 06707073.0 1851980 Unwired Planet International Limited 21/02/2005 1851980 05711097.5 1853181 Kinamed, Inc. 26/10/2005 1853181 05823156.4 1853794 Lynx Drilling Tools Limited 21/02/2006 1853794 06707219.9 1857658 Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha 18/05/2007 1857658 07009987.4 1857768 The Boeing Company 03/05/2007 1857768 07075336.3 1858916 Fujirebio Europe N.V. 14/03/2006 1858916 06723429.4 1863608 Hydratight Operations, Inc. 29/09/2005 1863608 05802075.1 1871486 Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 25/03/2006 1871486 06723736.2 1871520 Expo-Net Danmark A/S 23/03/2006 1871520 06706133.3 1871690 IBCO SRL 13/04/2006 1871690 06790506.7 1878701 KYOWA CHEMICAL INDUSTRY 06/04/2006 1878701 06731734.7 CO., LTD. German 2778 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 1879689 Lubrizol Limited 01/05/2006 1879689 06752052.8 1879886 Array Biopharma, Inc. 01/05/2006 1879886 06758821.0 1883391 Bharat Biotech International Limited 18/05/2006 1883391 06745222.7 1885600 Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. 26/05/2006 1885600 06784479.5 1886112 WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY ST. 04/04/2006 1886112 06749116.7 LOUIS 1891463 Image Insight Inc. 26/02/2006 1891463 06848837.8 1891597 Biosensors International Group Ltd. 11/05/2006 1891597 06728347.3 1896249 Graphic Packaging International, Inc. 04/05/2006 1896249 06769995.9 1900182 Nokia Solutions and Networks GmbH 14/06/2006 1900182 06777333.3 10/07/2006 1902476 06786847.1 German & Co. KG 1902476 Merck Patent GmbH Leonhard Kurz Stiftung & Co. KG 1908086 Sunam Co. Ltd. 26/05/2006 1908086 06768654.3 1909630 S.C. JOHNSON & SON, INC. 05/05/2006 1909630 06752270.6 1915809 City University of Hong Kong 18/08/2006 1915809 06775418.4 1928943 Entrotech Composites, LLC. 27/09/2006 1928943 06825213.9 1928952 Entrotech Composites, LLC. 27/09/2006 1928952 06825214.7 1928972 3M Innovative Properties Company 07/09/2006 1928972 06814293.4 1933625 LAILA NUTRACEUTICALS 13/10/2005 1933625 05813785.2 1942696 Sony Corporation 09/02/2006 1942696 08101224.7 1949104 Nanotether Discovery Science Limited 10/11/2006 1949104 06808501.8 1954651 RWM Schweiz AG 09/11/2006 1954651 06828965.1 German (30/07/2014) 1958596 Patents Office Journal Biomet Merck France (No. 2260) 06/02/2008 1958596 08151130.5 2779 French Basseres, Bruno Benareau, Ignaki Besson, Christophe Cambuzat, Arnaud Cladiere, Frank Fornasieri, Christophe Guillaumie, Benoît Lamy, Henri Lantuejoul, Jean-Pierre Lenfant, Jacques Leroy, Jean-Michel Montbarbon, Eric Rizk, Serge Van Nieuwenhuyse, Nicolas M. Vinciguerra, Bruno 1963813 Smiths Detection-Montreal Inc. 15/12/2006 1963813 06848604.2 1965559 Société Française du Radiotéléphone 20/12/2007 1965559 07301714.7 1969115 Vitech International Inc. 12/12/2006 1969115 06849550.6 French Win Chemicals Limited 1975904 Kyffin, Irene 01/02/2008 1975904 08250395.4 1984503 CSL Behring GmbH 03/02/2007 1984503 07703248.0 1985938 DAIKIN INDUSTRIES, LTD. 13/02/2007 1985938 07708350.9 1986834 Medical Instill Technologies, Inc. 17/10/2006 1986834 06826337.5 1988793 Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. 22/02/2007 1988793 07715076.1 1988988 Biomass Worldwide Group Limited 08/02/2007 1988988 07756757.6 1993545 The Gillette Company 21/12/2006 1993545 06851982.6 1993617 3M Innovative Properties Company 25/01/2007 1993617 07717074.4 1994893 Corporació Sanitària Parc Taulí 24/05/2006 1994893 06755368.5 1996004 SMA Solar Technology AG 25/05/2007 1996004 07010429.4 2002228 Exelis Inc. 21/03/2007 2002228 07868185.5 2005367 Toyota Motor Europe 05/04/2007 2005367 07732309.5 German The University of Manchester 2007267 3M Innovative Properties Company 28/03/2007 2007267 07759533.8 2007272 Radiometer Medical ApS 29/03/2007 2007272 07711295.1 2007918 Edwards Limited 30/03/2007 2007918 07733597.4 2007942 Danisco US Inc. 10/04/2007 2007942 07755284.2 2011813 Evonik Degussa GmbH 06/05/2008 2011813 08155667.2 German 2780 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2012563 Vossloh-Schwabe Deutschland GmbH 06/05/2008 2012563 08008476.7 2014941 GM Global Technology Operations 20/05/2008 2014941 08156589.7 German LLC Steering Solutions IP Holding Corporation 2015820 Medical Components, Inc. 04/05/2007 2015820 07794591.3 2016100 The Rockefeller University 04/05/2007 2016100 07809043.8 2016336 Sit la Precisa S.p.a. 11/05/2006 2016336 06756288.4 2018264 EMMECI S.p.A. 07/05/2007 2018264 07734485.1 2018326 Graphic Packaging International, Inc. 15/05/2007 2018326 07794881.8 2019015 Linde Material Handling GmbH 30/05/2008 2019015 08009971.6 2019834 Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms- 24/05/2007 2019834 07729500.4 German Universität Bonn 2021323 ALLERGAN, INC. 17/05/2007 2021323 07797536.5 2021476 Monsanto Technology, LLC 24/05/2007 2021476 07797736.1 2021837 Rolic AG 07/05/2007 2021837 07720124.2 2022903 GEZE GmbH 23/06/2008 2022903 08158758.6 2026850 Providence Health System-Oregon d/b/a 23/05/2007 2026850 07795251.3 German Providence St. Vincent Medical Center 2027603 Evince Technology Limited 16/05/2007 2027603 07732831.8 2029840 INVUE Security Products, Inc. 23/05/2007 2029840 07777229.1 2030981 Onyx Therapeutics, Inc. 09/05/2005 2030981 08164241.5 2031361 Alstom Technology Ltd 19/08/2008 2031361 08162572.5 German 2033675 Vectura GmbH 04/09/2008 2033675 08163652.4 German 2035549 Children's Medical Center Corporation 31/05/2007 2035549 07795647.2 2036227 SAQUANT 26/03/2007 2036227 07727352.2 2042333 FUJIFILM Corporation 26/09/2008 2042333 08017049.1 2042494 Institute of Pharmacology and 15/08/2006 2042494 06775389.7 23/07/2007 2043506 07784667.3 11/03/2002 2045310 08021066.9 French Toxicology Academy of Military Medical Sciences P.L. A. China 2043506 Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation 2045310 Curtiss-Wright Flow Control Corporation 2058164 Maxi Miliaan B.V. 10/11/2008 2058164 08075868.3 2060855 Geberit International AG 13/11/2007 2060855 07405325.7 2063978 Dresser-Rand Company 17/09/2007 2063978 07838325.4 2065466 Asuragen, Inc. 31/05/2005 2065466 09154092.2 German (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2781 2066127 EchoStar Technologies L.L.C. 27/11/2008 2066127 08170122.9 2068921 CSL Limited 19/10/2007 2068921 07868508.8 2069362 SANOFI 19/09/2007 2069362 07848250.2 2073346 Yang, Tai-Her 17/12/2008 2073346 08254038.6 2073860 Lutonix, Inc. 16/05/2008 2073860 08767783.7 2074033 Intercontinental Great Brands LLC 29/08/2007 2074033 07837494.9 2074034 Greenfield Bin LLC 31/08/2007 2074034 07837625.8 2077373 He, Dexin 01/03/2007 2077373 07720290.1 2077655 Mitel Networks Corporation 05/12/2008 2077655 08170836.4 2077707 YAMAHA MOTOR CO., LTD. 05/10/2007 2077707 07829318.0 2079677 Albemarle Corporation 17/10/2007 2079677 07854116.6 2082626 Smiths Heimann GmbH 06/09/2007 2082626 07802171.4 2086568 The Scripps Research Institute 30/10/2007 2086568 07868617.7 2089330 Rockwool International A/S 25/10/2007 2089330 07819307.5 2090146 Danfoss Drives A/S 10/12/2007 2090146 07846409.6 2091675 Müller Weingarten AG 22/09/2007 2091675 07846245.4 2091691 Suntek Industries Ltd. 10/12/2007 2091691 07851363.7 2092087 Signature Diagnostics AG 01/11/2007 2092087 07870196.8 2092340 Axela Inc. 18/10/2007 2092340 07815991.0 2093960 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 16/05/2008 2093960 08748585.0 2094292 Ikor, Inc. 03/10/2007 2094292 07843765.4 2094448 Sandvik Mining and Construction Oy 19/12/2007 2094448 07858354.9 2100420 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 02/10/2007 2100420 07820850.1 2100662 Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 08/01/2008 2100662 08702961.7 2102935 Recylex S.A. 20/12/2007 2102935 07858001.6 French 2102976 Robert Bosch GmbH 02/10/2007 2102976 07820846.9 German 2106960 Delta Kogyo Co., Ltd. 19/08/2008 2106960 08014725.9 2110020 GEA Food Solutions Bakel B.V. 18/04/2008 2110020 08007605.2 2110985 Innovative Sonic Limited 15/04/2009 2110985 09005364.6 2115053 Biopolymer Network Limited 30/01/2008 2115053 08709915.6 2115794 Imperial Innovations Limited 31/01/2008 2115794 08701992.3 2117469 Boston Scientific Limited 05/02/2008 2117469 08725248.2 2120932 Nerviano Medical Sciences S.r.l. 14/12/2007 2120932 07857632.9 2123476 HUECK Rheinische GmbH 01/05/2009 2123476 09075213.0 2124020 Schneider Electric USA, Inc. 20/05/2009 2124020 09160708.5 2125884 Acceleron Pharma, Inc. 04/02/2008 2125884 08725179.9 2126030 The Clorox Company 13/12/2007 2126030 07865649.3 2126581 Becton Dickinson and Company 20/03/2008 2126581 08799589.0 French German German German 2782 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2127841 Kabushiki Kaisha Kobe Seiko Sho 24/01/2008 2127841 08703796.6 2129289 Roche Diagnostics GmbH 05/03/2008 2129289 08716244.2 German F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG 2130206 QUALCOMM Incorporated 06/03/2008 2130206 08743709.1 2130509 National University Corporation Shiga 25/03/2008 2130509 08738810.4 University OF Medical Science 2130706 Webasto SE 05/05/2009 2130706 09006126.8 2130774 G.D Societa' per Azioni 20/05/2009 2130774 09160844.8 2132905 Orckit - Corrigent Ltd. 11/12/2007 2132905 07849561.1 2133134 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. 18/07/2007 2133134 07790937.2 2133276 Becton, Dickinson & Company 02/05/2006 2133276 09172097.9 2133525 National University Corporation 28/03/2008 2133525 08739850.9 German Toyohashi University of Technology TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2134957 Senior Automotive Blois SAS 26/02/2008 2134957 08775602.9 French 2136117 MAC Valves, Inc. 22/05/2009 2136117 09160942.0 2137873 Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales 04/04/2008 2137873 08787918.5 French 04/04/2008 2137874 08787919.3 French 04/06/2009 2138455 09354023.5 French (C.N.E.S.) 2137874 Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (C.N.E.S.) 2138455 Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2139672 Chesapeake Limited 19/03/2008 2139672 08718819.9 2142994 CA, Inc. 31/03/2008 2142994 08733022.1 2143710 Zeon Corporation 24/04/2008 2143710 08740823.3 2144027 Andolfatto, Marcello 15/06/2009 2144027 09162673.9 2145778 Bridgestone Corporation 07/05/2008 2145778 08752390.8 2146905 Süd-Chemie IP GmbH & Co. KG 28/03/2008 2146905 08734858.7 2150155 Petrolati, Cesare 30/05/2007 2150155 07729681.2 Rossi, Doriano 2150670 VKR Holding A/S 26/04/2007 2150670 07722701.5 2151237 PPTM INTERNATIONAL S.à r.l. 19/05/2008 2151237 08766675.6 2151557 TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI 02/05/2008 2151557 08752305.6 KAISHA 2151845 DENSO CORPORATION 04/08/2009 2151845 09010069.4 2152837 The Lubrizol Corporation 15/05/2008 2152837 08755501.7 (30/07/2014) 2153436 Patents Office Journal FREESCALE SEMICONDUCTOR, (No. 2260) 14/05/2007 2153436 07735889.3 11/05/2007 2155521 07789911.0 2783 INC. 2155521 FREESCALE SEMICONDUCTOR, INC. 2155888 LODERS CROKLAAN B.V. 27/05/2008 2155888 08750706.7 2158071 S.c. Des Paves Du Moulin Neuf 22/05/2008 2158071 08805834.2 French 2159323 Zürcher, Ralf 25/08/2009 2159323 09010841.6 German 2160849 Fundacio Privada Centre Tecnologic de 28/06/2007 2160849 07765706.2 Telecomunicacions de Catalunya 2160984 Covidien LP 02/09/2009 2160984 09252120.2 2162102 APOLLO ENDOSURGERY, INC. 22/05/2008 2162102 08769577.1 2164528 Garvey, James F. 16/05/2008 2164528 08755763.3 Lordi, John A. Wulf, James 2167752 Lim, Jee Keng James 09/05/2008 2167752 08741972.7 2168846 Rheinmetall Landsysteme GmbH 31/08/2009 2168846 09011110.5 2176673 Harris Stratex Networks Operating 08/08/2008 2176673 08797537.1 German Corporation 2177125 ING. COMOLI S.R.L. 09/10/2009 2177125 09172628.1 2183245 F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG 17/07/2008 2183245 08775170.7 2184321 CHEIL INDUSTRIES INC. 06/11/2009 2184321 09175271.7 2187987 Medinol. LTD. 26/03/2008 2187987 08807166.7 2195258 Reckitt & Colman (Overseas) Limited 22/09/2008 2195258 08806358.1 2196294 Shima Seiki Mfg., Ltd 24/09/2008 2196294 08833404.0 2200535 Cordis Corporation 16/10/2008 2200535 08840564.2 2200835 Advanced Track & Trace 15/09/2008 2200835 08870829.2 2203705 Her Majesty the Queen as represented 21/10/2008 2203705 08841602.9 French by the Minister of National Defence of Her Majesty's Canadian Government 2203797 Senseg OY 17/09/2008 2203797 08805437.4 2205641 Korea Research Institute of Bioscience 18/10/2007 2205641 07833415.8 and Biotechnology 2207216 Ulvac, Inc. 01/10/2008 2207216 08836407.0 2207534 Laboratorios del. Dr. Esteve, S.A. 03/10/2008 2207534 08835025.1 2207805 Genentech, Inc. 01/10/2008 2207805 08835102.8 2210665 CLONDIAG GmbH 16/01/2003 2210665 10158536.2 2213202 Rocada, S. L. 13/10/2009 2213202 09380163.7 German 2784 2215345 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal BORGWARNER EMISSIONS (No. 2260) 08/10/2008 2215345 08838445.8 SYSTEMS SPAIN, S.L.U. 2215583 Datalogic IP TECH S.r.l. 12/11/2007 2215583 07866760.7 2216411 Fukutome, Hirofumi 01/12/2008 2216411 08853739.4 2218511 Petreco International Limited 07/06/2001 2218511 10003516.1 2218729 Ajinomoto Co., Inc. 15/02/2010 2218729 10001535.3 2218897 Behr GmbH & Co. KG 12/02/2009 2218897 09290103.2 German MANN+HUMMEL GmbH 2219975 Plasticum Netherlands B.V. 22/10/2008 2219975 08845740.3 2222958 Grasso Products B.V. 24/11/2008 2222958 08851979.8 2223983 LG Chem, Ltd. 06/01/2009 2223983 09701072.2 2225486 Fisher Controls International LLC 25/11/2008 2225486 08857103.9 2226994 NTT DoCoMo, Inc. 24/12/2008 2226994 08867001.3 2227632 Wind en Water Technologie Holding 25/11/2008 2227632 08854284.0 B.V. 2227650 Plassim Fittings Ltd. 11/11/2008 2227650 08847134.7 2227774 University College Dublin, National 04/12/2008 2227774 08856807.6 University of Ireland Dublin 2228297 Telair International GmbH 09/03/2010 2228297 10155897.1 2229285 Day International, Inc. 25/11/2008 2229285 08854069.5 2229370 BASF SE 26/11/2008 2229370 08856285.5 2235214 Gen-Probe Incorporated 15/12/2008 2235214 08868739.7 2237002 Rolls-Royce plc 15/05/2009 2237002 10171193.5 2237003 Rolls-Royce plc 15/05/2009 2237003 10171194.3 2237621 Sony Corporation 18/08/2006 2237621 10164405.2 2238572 Real Imaging Ltd. 28/12/2008 2238572 08867385.0 2239595 BIRD Aerosystems Limited 10/03/2010 2239595 10002497.5 15/01/2009 2241382 09703122.3 German EADS Deutschland GmbH 2241382 Mitsubishi-Hitachi Metals Machinery, Inc. 2242305 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 26/01/2009 2242305 09708983.3 2245455 Technische Universität Dresden 16/01/2009 2245455 09702668.6 Medizinische Fakultät Carl Gustav Carus 2247496 Airbus Operations GmbH 03/02/2009 2247496 09716463.6 German 2248217 Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung 25/02/2009 2248217 09713690.7 German der angewandten Forschung e.V. VARTA Microbattery GmbH (30/07/2014) 2248609 Patents Office Journal Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal (No. 2260) 24/02/2009 2248609 09718398.2 2785 Corporation 2249194 OLYMPUS CORPORATION 04/05/2010 2249194 10004698.6 2249671 O'Leary, Paul 11/03/2009 2249671 09719128.2 2249862 GwoWei Technology Co., Ltd. 07/01/2009 2249862 09700993.0 2250394 Bright Technologies, Llc 04/02/2009 2250394 09707604.6 2253615 AstraZeneca AB 20/08/2008 2253615 10165133.9 2254834 Doobon Inc. 12/02/2009 2254834 09711940.8 Lee, Sung Wook Hyun, Dongho 2256509 Tektronix, Inc. 14/05/2010 2256509 10250930.4 2257764 Pharmatechnik Unternehmensberatung 12/03/2009 2257764 09720954.8 French S.A. 2258316 Daidalos Solutions B.V. 25/04/2000 2258316 10181226.1 2258401 Endocyte, Inc. 06/05/2003 2258401 10179448.5 2260619 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 01/04/2008 2260619 08735634.1 2261001 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 03/03/2009 2261001 09716266.3 2262706 Gagnon, Jean-Pierre 05/03/2008 2262706 08733540.2 2262894 Global Bio-Chem Technology Group 02/03/2009 2262894 09717464.3 German Company Limited 2263538 Becton, Dickinson and Company 06/05/2005 2263538 10181035.6 2263539 Becton, Dickinson and Company 06/05/2005 2263539 10181085.1 2263751 Novartis AG 10/10/2008 2263751 10174276.5 2265636 Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung 31/03/2009 2265636 09727116.7 der Wissenschaften e.V. 2265678 BASF SE 12/02/2009 2265678 09710907.8 2266043 Richardson, David R. 31/03/2009 2266043 09727694.3 German Scofield, Christopher L. Amazon Technologies, Inc. 2267401 TRW Airbag Systems GmbH 25/10/2007 2267401 10177661.5 French 2268587 Saint-Gobain Glass France 10/04/2009 2268587 09742308.1 French 2269685 Covidien LP 20/05/2010 2269685 10005270.3 2270114 San-Apro Limited 18/03/2009 2270114 09728259.4 2270570 Moog Inc. 28/04/2006 2270570 10176739.0 2271201 Monsanto Technology LLC 22/04/2009 2271201 09734233.1 2271238 Carl Freudenberg KG 25/04/2009 2271238 09741821.4 German 2271697 BASF SE 23/04/2009 2271697 09735325.4 German 2273740 Intel Corporation 04/08/2004 2273740 10185805.8 2786 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2274276 Merz Pharma GmbH & Co. KGaA 19/03/2009 2274276 09723583.2 2275108 Sanwa Kagaku Kenkyusho Co., Ltd 12/05/2009 2275108 09746569.4 2276521 Direction et Priorités SA 14/05/2009 2276521 09757732.4 French 2276642 Webasto SE 06/05/2008 2276642 08758037.9 German 2276924 AMSC Windtec GmbH 20/03/2009 2276924 09716196.2 2277889 Human Genome Sciences, Inc. 23/12/2002 2277889 10075466.2 2277953 Poly-Med Inc. 14/12/1999 2277953 10011618.5 2278352 BlackBerry Limited 20/07/2010 2278352 10170114.2 2279517 Micron Technology, Inc. 23/04/2009 2279517 09751098.6 2281007 Thrombosis Research Institute 14/04/2009 2281007 09730769.8 2281574 The University of Tokushima 30/03/2009 2281574 09728744.5 2282751 Beutler, Ralf 09/09/2008 2282751 08801930.2 12/08/2009 2284310 09010370.6 German SCHMIDT, Karlheinz, Prof. Dr. Dr. Merz Pharma GmbH & Co. KGaA 2284310 Electrolux Home Products Corporation N.V. 2285921 Sun Chemical B.V. 19/05/2009 2285921 09750083.9 2287443 Darcy Technologies Holdings Limited 25/06/2008 2287443 10013810.6 2288369 Merrion Research III Limited 07/05/2009 2288369 09743067.2 2290177 Peugeot Citroën Automobiles SA 31/05/2010 2290177 10164528.1 French 2291144 Karlsruher Institut für Technologie 14/05/2009 2291144 09745800.4 German 2294012 Salix Pharmaceuticals, Ltd. 07/05/2009 2294012 09743658.8 2300675 U-Shin France SAS 05/12/2008 2300675 08860151.3 2300741 Fisher Controls International LLC 05/05/2009 2300741 09758918.8 2301060 Soleras Advanced Coatings bvba 06/05/2009 2301060 09745681.8 2302011 Xerox Corporation 23/09/2010 2302011 10178598.8 2302048 Novozymes A/S 07/03/2001 2302048 10182163.5 2302437 Carl Zeiss Meditec AG 12/01/2007 2302437 10014151.4 2302741 Sumitomo Wiring Systems, Ltd. 19/08/2010 2302741 10008692.5 2303770 3M Innovative Properties Company 29/06/2009 2303770 09774224.1 2306150 Panasonic Corporation 07/12/2001 2306150 10181023.2 2306761 Alcatel Lucent 02/10/2009 2306761 09290758.3 2307731 Emerson Climate Technologies, Inc. 08/01/2010 2307731 10729558.6 2308437 Hill-Rom Services, Inc. 11/05/2001 2308437 10075577.6 2311477 Japan Science and Technology Agency 20/03/2007 2311477 10191552.8 2311778 Hanford, Douglas 18/10/2010 2311778 10187957.5 29/06/2009 2313076 09780004.9 French German Hanford, James 2313076 Henkel AG & Co. KGaA German (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2313177 Sartorius Stedim Biotech GmbH 11/08/2009 2313177 09777813.8 2314735 Yuken Industry Co., Ltd. 26/05/2009 2314735 09754691.5 2316161 Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg 17/08/2009 2316161 09777926.8 2787 German German Hahn-Schickard-Gesellschaft für angewandte Forschung e.V. 2316378 Karl Storz GmbH & Co. KG 02/11/2010 2316378 10189671.0 2316962 Cargill, Incorporated 07/03/2007 2316962 11000305.0 2321375 3M Innovative Properties Company 29/07/2009 2321375 09805370.5 2322177 Antropoli, Carmine 09/11/2010 2322177 10190564.4 2322221 Toray Industries, Inc. 05/08/2009 2322221 09805009.9 2322362 ZF Friedrichshafen AG 05/11/2010 2322362 10190067.8 2322643 Cargill, Incorporated 07/03/2007 2322643 11000304.3 2324108 Bio-Iliberis Research and Development 13/08/2009 2324108 09806437.1 German S.L. 2325029 ZF Friedrichshafen AG 09/11/2010 2325029 10190414.2 2327407 ASKA Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 24/09/2009 2327407 09816166.4 2327465 Tate & Lyle Ingredients Americas LLC 06/05/2004 2327465 11158110.4 2327532 Center For Scientific And Technical 13/08/2009 2327532 09811763.3 German Service Dinamika Voeykov, Vladimir Vasilyevich 2328089 Axxana (Israel) Ltd. 10/04/2006 2328089 11150100.3 2331210 Grünenthal GmbH 04/09/2009 2331210 09778335.1 2332012 Jarvis, Anthony 26/08/2009 2332012 09785526.6 DataLase Ltd 2333648 Wacom Co., Ltd. 06/09/2010 2333648 10175429.9 2334077 BlackBerry Limited 15/09/2010 2334077 10176746.5 2334782 Tetrahedron 28/08/2009 2334782 09809346.1 2335107 Apple Inc. 28/09/2009 2335107 09793068.9 2336788 Hitachi, Ltd. 28/07/2009 2336788 09811372.3 2337246 ZTE Corporation 24/07/2009 2337246 09813960.3 2338027 SAGEM DEFENSE SECURITE 16/10/2009 2338027 09760168.6 2338747 Dongyang Mechatronics Corp. 06/12/2010 2338747 10193770.4 2343028 Gore Enterprise Holdings, Inc. 15/12/2005 2343028 10015830.2 2348170 U-Shin Italia S.p.A. 15/12/2010 2348170 10195234.9 2349046 Rhythmia Medical, Inc. 20/10/2009 2349046 09824015.3 2349866 Mondelez UK Holdings & Services 14/10/2009 2349866 09747904.2 03/11/2009 2350522 09774924.6 French French French Limited 2350522 Mantinger, Karl German 2788 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2350839 Kaminario Technologies Ltd. 27/10/2009 2350839 09823182.2 2351417 Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson 13/05/2009 2351417 09788544.6 (publ) 2352997 Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. 02/12/2009 2352997 09765159.0 2353984 Felt GmbH 26/01/2011 2353984 11000598.0 2356726 Panduit Corp. 03/12/2009 2356726 09764682.2 2361472 Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson 12/11/2008 2361472 08875310.8 (PUBL) 2364522 Danfoss Solar Inverters A/s 06/11/2009 2364522 09748694.8 2364973 Array Biopharma, Inc. 17/05/2006 2364973 11003826.2 AstraZeneca AB 2365024 Konishi Co., Ltd. 04/12/2009 2365024 09830464.5 2365543 LG Innotek Co., Ltd. 09/03/2011 2365543 11157433.1 2367441 Unilever PLC 19/11/2009 2367441 09753123.0 21/11/2009 2367987 09805875.3 23/12/2008 2368268 08879253.6 Unilever N.V. 2367987 Szuster, Miroslaw Ekowodrol Sp.z O.o. 2368268 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 2369524 Nationz Technologies Inc. 22/10/2009 2369524 09828587.7 2371789 Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 11/12/2009 2371789 09831969.2 2372846 Delphi Technologies, Inc. 28/02/2011 2372846 11156176.7 2374182 Kathrein-Werke KG 22/04/2010 2374182 10718479.8 German 2374387 Strato AG 06/04/2011 2374387 11002874.3 German 2375302 Murata Machinery, Ltd. 01/04/2011 2375302 11160789.1 2375845 Sony Corporation 09/02/2006 2375845 10012176.3 2379114 Fundació Privada Institut Català de 15/12/2009 2379114 09768395.7 Nanotecnologia Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Universidad de Valencia Fundació Privada Institut de Recerca de L'Hospital de La Santa Creu i Sant Pau 2379639 BASF SE 11/12/2009 2379639 09765146.7 2381702 Siemens Corporation 21/04/2011 2381702 11163347.5 Siemens Medical Instruments Pte. Ltd. (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2384808 Valpaint S.P.A. 03/05/2011 2384808 11164675.8 2386318 Iogenetics, Inc. 14/05/2004 2386318 10179345.3 2386459 Siemens Rail Automation Holdings 06/05/2011 2386459 11165192.3 13/05/2011 2386465 11004000.3 2789 Limited 2386465 Steering Solutions IP Holding Corporation GM Global Technology Operations LLC 2387234 Harris Corporation 12/05/2011 2387234 11003927.8 2387738 Boomerang Systems. Inc. 15/01/2010 2387738 10732187.9 2387875 Schuurman Holding B.V. 17/05/2010 2387875 10163012.7 2388922 Linear Technology Corporation 18/05/2011 2388922 11004111.8 2390326 FUSO PHARMACEUTICAL 31/03/2006 2390326 11002048.4 INDUSTRIES LTD. OSAKA PREFECTURAL GOVERNMENT 2391926 Pequignet S.A. 23/12/2009 2391926 09801456.6 2393742 Fathi, Hacene 03/02/2010 2393742 10738182.4 2393893 Eastman Chemical Company 27/01/2010 2393893 10703139.5 2394644 Sanovel Ilaç Sanayi Ve Ticaret Anonim 03/05/2011 2394644 11164658.4 French Sirketi 2397510 Ingenia Polymers Inc. 13/09/2007 2397510 11174057.7 2398491 Expression Drug Designs, LLC 27/05/2009 2398491 09840935.2 2403235 Dolby International AB 22/02/2010 2403235 10745941.4 2404179 Tau Science Corporation 01/03/2010 2404179 10713042.9 2404808 Neumaier Industry GmbH & Co. KG 18/05/2011 2404808 11166565.9 2405384 Hierstar Limited 23/11/2009 2405384 09840976.6 2407509 Shanghai DRB&Tafu Industry Co., Ltd 30/07/2009 2407509 09841301.6 2409581 Krones AG 29/04/2011 2409581 11164305.2 2410880 British American Tobacco 23/02/2010 2410880 10704940.5 German German (Investments) Limited 2411032 Evoria GmbH 29/03/2010 2411032 10719722.0 2411294 LBP Manufacturing, Inc. 23/03/2010 2411294 10711120.5 2413978 C.R. Bard, Inc. 01/04/2010 2413978 10759409.5 2415774 Nanjing Chia Tai Tianqing 31/03/2010 2415774 10758053.2 Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Shanghai Institute of Pharmaceutical Industry German 2790 2415912 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal Research and Development Center, (No. 2260) 02/04/2010 2415912 10758067.2 Shanghai Institute of Ceramics Shanghai Institute Of CeramicsChinese Academy Of Sciences 2417112 Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH 30/03/2010 2417112 10713311.8 German 2418709 Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische 28/07/2011 2418709 11006201.5 German Hochschule Aachen (RWTH) 2419052 Warsaw Orthopedic, Inc. 14/04/2010 2419052 10714786.0 2419207 C-Tech Innovation Limited 15/04/2010 2419207 10716001.2 2420674 Epar Sp. z o.o. 29/12/2010 2420674 10461536.4 2422993 Heidelberger Druckmaschinen 18/07/2011 2422993 11174298.7 German Aktiengesellschaft 2424480 SCA Hygiene Products AB 30/04/2009 2424480 09844117.3 2424765 Ford Global Technologies, LLC 27/04/2010 2424765 10715841.2 2425750 Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. 01/05/2009 2425750 09844035.7 2426194 3M Innovative Properties Company 02/10/2008 2426194 11188035.7 2427078 Dexel S.A. 10/05/2010 2427078 10726893.0 2427318 Synventive Molding Solutions, Inc. 06/05/2010 2427318 10766142.3 2427771 Biomerieux, Inc 06/05/2010 2427771 10718002.8 2428111 Julien SA 06/09/2011 2428111 11180138.7 French 2429356 Levi, Mario 05/05/2010 2429356 10722979.1 French German French Levi, Jean-Pierre 2429563 Istituti Fisioterapici Ospitalieri 06/05/2010 2429563 10736805.2 2429912 Brasilata S.a Embalagens Metálicas 12/05/2010 2429912 10721625.1 2429980 BP Chemicals Limited 06/05/2010 2429980 10718264.4 2430178 Lankenau Institute for Medical 14/05/2010 2430178 10775596.9 Research 2430365 Polidoro, Aldo 20/04/2010 2430365 10716483.2 2430484 CCS Technology Inc. 12/05/2010 2430484 10721014.8 2430820 Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications 11/05/2009 2430820 09786383.1 AB 2430992 Covidien LP 09/09/2011 2430992 11250784.3 2431635 TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI 13/05/2009 2431635 09844619.8 KAISHA 2431965 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 31/05/2011 2431965 11168305.8 2432863 Reckitt Benckiser N.V. 18/05/2010 2432863 10722745.6 2433032 Miba Sinter Austria GmbH 20/05/2010 2433032 10727329.4 German (30/07/2014) 2433332 Patents Office Journal The Regents of the University of (No. 2260) 14/05/2010 2433332 10778170.0 2791 California 2433562 BIOTRONIK SE & Co. KG 29/08/2011 2433562 11179131.5 2434792 ZTE Corporation 17/09/2009 2434792 09844807.9 2435169 Airbus Operations GmbH 19/05/2010 2435169 10722305.9 2435257 Hendrickson USA, L.L.C. 28/05/2010 2435257 10721092.4 2435583 Università degli Studi di Roma "La 24/05/2010 2435583 10723982.4 27/05/2010 2436130 10730217.6 German German Sapienza" 2436130 Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (publ) 2436376 BIND Therapeutics, Inc. 31/03/2008 2436376 11186037.5 2436688 AnGes MG, Inc. 25/05/2010 2436688 10780549.1 2437933 The Boeing Company 05/05/2010 2437933 10736877.1 2438792 Qualcomm Incorporated 01/06/2010 2438792 10722502.1 2440398 Pirelli Tyre S.p.A. 31/05/2010 2440398 10728309.5 2442329 LSIS Co., Ltd. 13/10/2011 2442329 11185041.8 2442441 Postech Academy-Industry- Foundation 11/10/2011 2442441 11184702.6 2442499 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 26/05/2010 2442499 10799396.6 2443335 Valeo Systèmes de Contrôle Moteur 03/06/2010 2443335 10724740.5 2443376 Subsea Design A/S 15/06/2010 2443376 10728922.5 2447901 Accenture Global Services Limited 15/10/2010 2447901 10306127.1 2448970 Abbott Research B.V. 04/05/2010 2448970 10730827.2 2452245 Pierburg GmbH 19/05/2010 2452245 10721779.6 2452556 Frenzee Limited 11/11/2011 2452556 11188867.3 2453575 LG Electronics Inc. 26/05/2010 2453575 12154232.8 2454138 Continental Automotive Systems US, 16/07/2010 2454138 10735398.9 French German Inc. 2454149 Saipem SA 18/06/2010 2454149 10734270.1 2454766 Consorzio Delta Ti Research 14/07/2010 2454766 10742254.5 2455377 hameln rds gmbh 11/11/2010 2455377 10190813.5 2455547 De Scholde B.V. 23/11/2011 2455547 11190400.9 2456582 Huttenes Albertus France 09/07/2010 2456582 10751991.0 2456583 Iscar Ltd. 23/06/2010 2456583 10737103.1 2457270 BASF SE 23/07/2010 2457270 10737034.8 2458799 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 27/01/2011 2458799 11780065.6 2458903 ZTE Corporation 28/04/2010 2458903 10813258.0 2459903 Eaton Corporation 27/07/2010 2459903 10757824.7 2459933 Ansaldo Energia S.p.A. 28/07/2010 2459933 10773967.4 French German French German 2792 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2462946 National Research Council of Canada 16/08/2007 2462946 12157648.2 2464154 HTC Corporation 09/12/2011 2464154 11009730.0 2464241 Bioenol S.r.l. 13/08/2009 2464241 09743934.3 2465793 Macchiavelli S.r.l. 20/12/2011 2465793 11194715.6 2465844 BASF SE 13/12/2011 2465844 11193246.3 2469023 Ge Avio S.r.l. 21/12/2011 2469023 11195042.4 2469665 DAI-ICHI SEIKO CO., LTD. 20/12/2011 2469665 11194493.0 2470299 Centre National de la Recherche 24/08/2010 2470299 10763739.9 French German German Scientifique (CNRS) 2470407 Knorr-Bremse GmbH 17/08/2010 2470407 10743144.7 2470415 Arkel Inc. 20/08/2010 2470415 10814185.4 2471967 Befesa Aluminio, S.L. 28/12/2010 2471967 10382360.5 Casa Maristas Azterlan 2472763 ZTE Corporation 26/04/2011 2472763 11826190.8 2474284 Covidien LP 23/12/2011 2474284 11010177.1 2476493 Albatech Swiss Tecnology SA 11/01/2012 2476493 12405006.3 2477426 Intel Mobile Communications 29/08/2011 2477426 11179188.5 German Technology GmbH 2477789 3M Innovative Properties Company 01/04/2010 2477789 10723438.7 2478241 Scania CV AB 14/09/2010 2478241 10817515.9 2478286 Tridonic Jennersdorf GmbH 15/09/2010 2478286 10757585.4 2478317 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 15/09/2009 2478317 09849596.3 2478683 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 18/12/2009 2478683 09804024.9 2478777 Intercontinental Great Brands LLC 21/12/2006 2478777 12157450.3 2478781 Ceselsan Makina Sanayi ve Ticaret 09/01/2012 2478781 12150449.2 German Anonim Sirketi 2479388 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 14/09/2009 2479388 09849235.8 2480180 Bauerfeind AG 21/09/2010 2480180 10760922.4 2480796 Pem Management, Inc. 23/09/2010 2480796 10819432.5 2482628 LBP Manufacturing, Inc. 23/09/2010 2482628 10766402.1 2484352 Lyne Laboratories, Inc. 20/07/2007 2484352 11192965.9 2484919 Hamilton Sundstrand Corporation 31/01/2012 2484919 12153400.2 2485870 DE-STA-CO Europe GmbH 08/10/2010 2485870 10782526.7 2486856 Arthrex, Inc. 08/02/2012 2486856 12154469.6 2487990 Topinox Sarl 11/02/2011 2487990 11001122.8 German 2488361 Progeo Monitoring GmbH 14/10/2010 2488361 10768739.4 German 2488838 ONERA (Office National d'Etudes et de 12/10/2010 2488838 10784560.4 French Recherches Aérospatiales) German German (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2489599 Rehrig Pacific Company 20/02/2012 2489599 12156258.1 2490378 NTT DoCoMo, Inc. 18/02/2011 2490378 11154982.0 2491457 CAMERON PACE Group 08/10/2010 2491457 10823871.8 2491463 Blagoev, Lyuboslav Krumov 15/10/2010 2491463 10795603.9 2492523 Kunshan Rapidfix Fasteners Co., Ltd 25/02/2011 2492523 11156079.3 2493063 DET International Holding Limited 24/02/2011 2493063 11405218.6 2493752 Aker Engineering & Technology AS 28/10/2010 2493752 10787203.8 2493770 Nampak Plastics Europe Limited 25/08/2010 2493770 10757460.0 2493987 BASF SE 18/10/2010 2493987 10765463.4 2494262 Hella KGaA Hueck & Co 18/10/2010 2494262 10766053.2 2494274 L'Air Liquide Société Anonyme pour 29/10/2010 2494274 10778926.5 2793 German l'Etude et l'Exploitation des Procédés Georges Claude 2497655 Bridgestone Corporation 28/10/2010 2497655 10828241.9 2498966 Pirelli Tyre S.p.A. 04/11/2010 2498966 10787899.3 2500478 Korff, Michael 15/03/2012 2500478 12159664.7 2502897 Taisho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 18/11/2010 2502897 10831333.9 2504124 Toncelli, Luca 22/11/2010 2504124 10796144.3 2504851 Cotherm 27/10/2010 2504851 10785095.0 2505885 Kabushiki Kaisha Toyota Jidoshokki 27/03/2012 2505885 12161504.1 2506077 Fujifilm Corporation 29/02/2012 2506077 12157456.0 2506154 Clearswift Limited 30/03/2012 2506154 12162469.6 2506789 Erbe Elektromedizin GmbH 03/11/2010 2506789 10778958.8 2508183 THE TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY 04/05/2006 2508183 12173011.3 25/11/2010 2508192 10834824.4 German French German SYSTEM 2508192 Obshestvo S Ogranichennoj Otvetstvennostju "PARAFARM" 2508839 Carl Mahr Holding GmbH 07/04/2011 2508839 11161535.7 2510048 Dow Global Technologies LLC 11/12/2009 2510048 09851982.0 2510784 Amazonen-Werke H. Dreyer GmbH & 02/04/2012 2510784 12401055.4 German German Co. KG 2513494 Clampsafe International Pty Ltd 16/12/2010 2513494 10836852.3 2514583 Heinrich Kuper GmbH & Co. KG 18/04/2011 2514583 11003242.2 German 2519132 Seb S.A. 27/12/2010 2519132 10807712.4 French 2519466 Etablissements Perrier 28/12/2010 2519466 10808934.3 French 2520154 DEERE & COMPANY 24/04/2012 2520154 12165323.2 2520317 Berlin Heart GmbH 05/05/2011 2520317 11075080.9 2520897 Alenia Aermacchi S.p.A. 04/05/2012 2520897 12166744.8 German 2794 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2520960 CCS Technology, Inc. 05/05/2011 2520960 11164935.6 2521192 Consorzio Delta Ti Research 30/03/2012 2521192 12162646.9 2521230 CCS Technology, Inc. 05/05/2011 2521230 11164928.1 2521636 Syneron Medical Ltd. 15/08/2010 2521636 10842026.6 2522129 Koninklijke Philips N.V. 03/01/2011 2522129 11702083.4 2522513 Flexo Wash ApS 07/05/2012 2522513 12166932.9 2522953 Baggerwerken Decloedt en Zoon N.V. 09/05/2012 2522953 12167256.2 2523876 BITO-Lagertechnik Bittmann GmbH 10/05/2011 2523876 11719535.4 German 2524198 ELMOS Semiconductor AG 10/01/2011 2524198 11700061.2 German 2524295 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 11/01/2011 2524295 11703035.3 2524767 C.R.M. di Mazzoccato Arturo & Figli 18/05/2012 2524767 12168560.6 S.r.l. 2524845 Valeo Systèmes d'Essuyage 20/05/2011 2524845 11305619.6 2526814 GEKA GmbH 02/05/2012 2526814 12003144.8 2527099 Black & Decker Inc. 25/05/2012 2527099 12169435.0 2527754 Lennox Industries Inc. 02/05/2012 2527754 12166400.7 2529031 QIAGEN Gaithersburg, Inc. 28/01/2011 2529031 11705072.4 2529494 Eutelsat S.A. 21/01/2011 2529494 11700937.3 2529670 Covidien LP 24/05/2012 2529670 12169370.9 2531012 Middle Atlantic Products Inc. 03/05/2012 2531012 12166614.3 2531059 Fidlock GmbH 02/02/2011 2531059 11709657.8 German 2533935 WISCO Lasertechnik GmbH 02/02/2011 2533935 11703179.9 German 2534088 Moshe, Doron 10/02/2011 2534088 11710876.1 12/05/2008 2535718 12169163.8 German Moshe, Tiran 2535718 The Institutes for Pharmaceutical Discovery, LLC 2535737 Astrium GmbH 15/06/2012 2535737 12004514.1 2540999 Caterpillar Motoren GmbH & Co. KG 29/06/2011 2540999 11171882.1 2541181 Alfa Laval Corporate AB 30/06/2011 2541181 11172122.1 2543374 Catholic University Industry Academic 04/03/2011 2543374 11750939.8 23/02/2011 2545061 11704622.7 German Cooperation Foundation Hanlim Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 2545061 ILCO Chemikalien GmbH BASF SE 2545672 Cisco Technology, Inc. 20/01/2011 2545672 11701340.9 2545766 Black & Decker Inc. 14/07/2011 2545766 11174014.8 German (30/07/2014) 2548866 Patents Office Journal Obschestvo s ogranichennoy (No. 2260) 11/03/2011 2548866 11756610.9 2795 otvetstvennostyu "Polyar" (OOO Polyar) 2550195 B. Financial S.r.L. 18/03/2011 2550195 11722925.2 2550209 Wyeth LLC 11/03/2011 2550209 11713363.7 2550487 VNG - Verbundnetz Gas AG 22/03/2010 2550487 10718843.5 German 2550906 BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte 19/07/2012 2550906 12177001.0 German GmbH 2551879 ABB Technology AG 27/07/2011 2551879 11006149.6 2552361 Cappella, Inc. 04/04/2011 2552361 11713650.7 2553035 Sika Technology AG 25/03/2011 2553035 11709970.5 German 2554813 Kautex Textron GmbH & Co. KG 21/09/2011 2554813 12007406.7 German 2555661 Alfred Kärcher GmbH & Co. KG 01/04/2011 2555661 11714010.3 German 2556107 Nuplex Resins B.V. 07/04/2011 2556107 11713272.0 2556108 Nuplex Resins B.V. 07/04/2011 2556108 11715678.6 2556379 Avicenna Research Institute 28/10/2011 2556379 11836736.6 2557014 Traktionssysteme Austria GmbH 19/07/2012 2557014 12177073.9 2557048 Graphic Packaging International, Inc. 19/02/2004 2557048 12007587.4 2557180 Genentech, Inc. 24/04/2007 2557180 12179717.9 2557830 Deutsche Telekom AG 11/08/2011 2557830 11006594.3 2558210 Effective Energy Technologies GmbH 14/04/2010 2558210 10718417.8 2558470 Bayer CropScience AG 11/04/2011 2558470 11713786.9 2558736 Illinois Tool Works Inc. 06/04/2011 2558736 11714901.3 2559738 Luminex Corporation 11/10/2005 2559738 12184453.4 2559956 Manu Systems AG 16/08/2011 2559956 11177705.8 2560321 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 06/05/2011 2560321 11806235.5 2560761 KHD Humboldt Wedag GmbH 16/03/2011 2560761 11708467.3 2560771 SMS Innse S.p.A. 23/03/2011 2560771 11715750.3 2561650 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 19/04/2010 2561650 10715796.8 2562442 MAN Truck & Bus AG 19/04/2012 2562442 12002721.4 2562558 Remocean S.p.A. 24/08/2012 2562558 12425141.4 2562823 Adensis GmbH 08/08/2012 2562823 12005742.7 German 2563628 Alfred Kärcher GmbH & Co. KG 29/04/2010 2563628 10718955.7 German 2565861 Honeywell International Inc. 28/08/2012 2565861 12182097.1 2566028 RRC power solutions GmbH 05/09/2011 2566028 11180065.2 German 2566712 Recticel N.V. 02/05/2011 2566712 11720296.0 German 2567492 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 03/05/2011 2567492 11718707.0 German German German German 2796 2567757 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal Reifenhäuser GmbH & Co. KG (No. 2260) 07/09/2011 2567757 11180429.0 German Maschinenfabrik 2567823 Miyakoshi Printing Machinery Co., Ltd. 07/09/2012 2567823 12183413.9 2568640 InterDigital Technology Corporation 21/04/2008 2568640 12188412.6 2568841 Nike International Ltd. 07/04/2011 2568841 11722209.1 2569279 GE Healthcare Limited 13/05/2011 2569279 11721279.5 2569287 Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc. 12/05/2011 2569287 11731562.2 2569675 Rosemount, Inc. 09/05/2011 2569675 11721610.1 2571785 As Enko 06/07/2010 2571785 10731710.9 2572016 SiTec GmbH 17/05/2011 2572016 11720394.3 2573011 Poly-clip System GmbH & Co. KG 23/09/2011 2573011 11007775.7 2573602 Prysmian S.p.A. 06/09/2007 2573602 12187832.6 2575484 Unilever N.V. 17/05/2011 2575484 11720457.8 26/05/2011 2575762 11729200.3 Unilever PLC 2575762 Baxter International Inc Baxter Healthcare SA 2576203 The Gates Corporation 18/05/2011 2576203 11722264.6 2578128 Sovi GmbH 05/10/2011 2578128 11184015.3 2578362 Makita Corporation 27/09/2012 2578362 12186341.9 2578448 Iveco France S.A. 06/10/2011 2578448 11184154.0 2578586 Shanghai Sun-Sail Pharmaceutical 28/01/2011 2578586 11785979.3 German Science & Technology Co., Ltd 2579042 Affiris AG 04/10/2011 2579042 11183842.1 2580169 Beteiligungen Sorg GmbH & Co. KG 31/05/2011 2580169 11727914.1 2580900 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 02/05/2011 2580900 11724785.8 2581001 Gruppo Cimbali S.p.A. 12/10/2011 2581001 11425249.7 2581329 RSL Logistik GmbH & Co. KG 11/10/2012 2581329 12188177.5 German 2581597 ROBERT BOSCH GMBH 24/09/2012 2581597 12185618.1 German 2581910 Thomson Licensing 05/10/2012 2581910 12187428.3 2582207 Hella KGaA Hueck & Co 10/10/2011 2582207 11184490.8 2586660 DB Waggonbau Niesky GmbH 21/07/2012 2586660 12005342.6 2587168 LG Electronics Inc. 25/09/2006 2587168 13152131.2 2589483 AIRBUS HELICOPTERS 02/11/2011 2589483 11400051.6 DEUTSCHLAND GmbH 2589773 Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha 09/05/2012 2589773 12789813.8 2589923 Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 16/10/2012 2589923 12007156.8 2592025 SITMA MACHINERY S.p.A. 08/11/2012 2592025 12191879.1 2592084 Meiji Seika Pharma Co., Ltd. 13/08/2008 2592084 13154660.8 German German (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2797 2592723 Continental Automotive GmbH 14/11/2011 2592723 11464020.4 German 2592949 PepsiCo, Inc. 11/07/2011 2592949 11738107.9 2594175 SEB S.A. 16/11/2012 2594175 12193038.2 French 2594678 FagorBrandt SAS 16/11/2012 2594678 12192901.2 French 2594685 FagorBrandt SAS 16/11/2012 2594685 12192915.2 French 2595346 Broadcom Corporation 25/10/2012 2595346 12007350.7 2596404 Flint Group Germany GmbH 12/07/2011 2596404 11749752.9 German 2597420 KUKA Roboter GmbH 03/11/2009 2597420 13000946.7 German 2598233 TECMEC S.R.L. 13/05/2011 2598233 11728663.3 2598498 Janssen R&D Ireland 26/07/2011 2598498 11740622.3 2599153 Bayerische Motoren Werke 20/07/2011 2599153 11735390.4 German Aktiengesellschaft 2599695 Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha 31/10/2012 2599695 12190900.6 2600992 TRUMPF Maschinen Austria GmbH & 02/05/2011 2600992 11726643.7 German German Co. KG. 2601318 Sachtleben Chemie GmbH 22/07/2011 2601318 11761487.5 2601374 Roxar Flow Measurement AS 05/08/2011 2601374 11739094.8 2601438 Hella KGaA Hueck & Co 03/08/2011 2601438 11743501.6 2601748 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 05/08/2010 2601748 10855126.8 2601826 Black & Decker Inc. 08/12/2011 2601826 11192530.1 2602161 Deutsche Telekom AG 06/12/2012 2602161 12008156.7 2603209 NDM Technologies Limited 10/08/2011 2603209 11755104.4 2604400 Reifenhäuser, Uwe 12/12/2012 2604400 12196730.1 German 2605942 Robert Bosch GmbH 27/07/2011 2605942 11736102.2 German 2606043 Boehringer Ingelheim International 19/08/2011 2606043 11745792.9 German 23/12/2011 2607349 11382396.7 German German GmbH 2607349 Sociedad española de carburos metalicos, S.A. 2607569 FAKRO PP Sp. z o.o. 30/11/2012 2607569 12195024.0 2609699 Mantinger, Karl 24/08/2011 2609699 11755292.7 German 2611233 Thales 24/12/2012 2611233 12199366.1 French 2611261 Valeo Japan Co., Ltd. 20/12/2012 2611261 12198394.4 2612818 Marchesini Group S.p.A. 28/12/2012 2612818 12199689.6 2613212 Honeywell International Inc. 04/01/2013 2613212 13150325.2 2614460 Saudi Arabian Oil Company 26/08/2011 2614460 11767321.0 2615752 Alcatel Lucent 16/01/2012 2615752 12305053.6 2616101 F.HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 13/09/2011 2616101 11754693.7 2618736 Check-Cap Ltd. 22/09/2011 2618736 11782227.0 2798 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2618987 Sidel Participations 19/09/2011 2618987 11771223.2 French 2619239 BASF SE 31/08/2011 2619239 11754348.8 German 2619428 Palmer Labs, LLC 20/09/2011 2619428 11761791.0 8 Rivers Capital, LLC 2621373 Da Rold, Orlando 13/09/2011 2621373 11773860.9 German 2621789 JTEKT Corporation 28/09/2011 2621789 11781853.4 2622051 Firmenich SA 27/09/2011 2622051 11760782.0 2623012 Decitex 29/01/2013 2623012 13152986.9 French 2623374 MEKRA Lang GmbH & Co. KG 16/01/2013 2623374 13151456.4 German 2623550 Borealis AG 01/02/2012 2623550 12000652.3 2624946 Praxair Technology, Inc. 23/08/2011 2624946 11757700.7 2625121 COMPAGNIE GENERALE DES 07/10/2011 2625121 11779820.7 French ETABLISSEMENTS MICHELIN MICHELIN Recherche et Technique S.A. 2625149 Preciosa, A.S. 01/09/2011 2625149 11785282.2 2625689 Qualcomm Incorporated 10/10/2011 2625689 11773945.8 2627996 Institut Français des Sciences et 11/10/2011 2627996 11831828.6 French Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux 2629905 Newfrey LLC 11/05/2012 2629905 12720499.8 2633201 HILTI Aktiengesellschaft 24/08/2011 2633201 11761526.0 2634477 Toshiba Lighting & Technology 26/02/2013 2634477 13156833.9 03/11/2011 2635412 11791068.7 German Corporation Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba 2635412 International Tobacco Machinery Poland Sp. z o.o. 2635430 Continental Reifen Deutschland GmbH 25/08/2011 2635430 11748664.7 2636764 Seco Tools AB 07/03/2012 2636764 12158414.8 2638095 BASF SE 07/11/2011 2638095 11782405.2 2639971 Beceem Communications Inc. 17/08/2006 2639971 13002977.0 2643142 Gea Procomac S.p.A. 08/05/2012 2643142 12726205.3 2645396 Alstom Technology Ltd 26/03/2013 2645396 13160977.8 German 2646258 Bochumer Verein Verkehrstechnik 05/12/2011 2646258 11794100.5 German GmbH 2648769 Steelco Spa 31/10/2011 2648769 11796803.2 2657127 Beacon Finland Ltd OY 30/04/2012 2657127 12166135.9 German German (30/07/2014) 2660996 Patents Office Journal INRADIOS integrated radio solutions (No. 2260) 2799 17/05/2011 2660996 13178403.5 German GmbH 2661195 Julius Blum GmbH 26/04/2012 2661195 12720063.2 German 2662159 TRUMPF Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH 30/05/2011 2662159 13179482.8 German + Co. KG 2663061 BlackBerry Limited 08/05/2012 2663061 12167169.7 2665298 Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson 15/05/2012 2665298 12167974.0 (publ) 2669414 H. Stoll GmbH & Co. KG 30/05/2012 2669414 12170050.4 2670218 Panasonic Corporation 31/05/2013 2670218 13169945.6 2676416 BlackBerry Limited 15/02/2011 2676416 11767485.3 2682308 Huf Hülsbeck & Fürst GmbH & Co. 19/11/2010 2682308 13004210.4 06/03/2012 2683566 12714042.4 German German KG 2683566 TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2689369 Morpho 10/01/2012 2689369 12705317.1 2690450 ABB Technology AG 27/07/2012 2690450 12460047.9 2691910 ABB Research Ltd. 01/02/2013 2691910 13702064.0 Deemed to have been Withdrawn - Section 23(9) S20130206 An underground reservoir, and a method for forming an underground reservoir. EUGENE DENIS GERALD MORIARTY S20130210 A charging station for charging portable devices. JOHN FITZPATRICK DEEGAN S20130213 An adaptable buoy. BARRY PHELAN Refused - Section 31(1) 20120165 Int. Cl. (2011)A01G 9/00. Polytunnel assembly and connectors therefor. SEAN GALLAGHER 20120312 Int. Cl. (2011)C12N 5/00. Growing eukaryotic cells in culture using adult camel blood serum. PATRICK T PRENDERGAST 20120402 Perpetual motion with use of auger. SHANE O'DONOVAN French 2800 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Patents Lapsed Through Non-Payment of Renewal Fees 80457 Int. Cl. (2011)C10F 7/00; B01D 39/02. Improvements in and relating to biofiltration. BORD NA MONA 80972 Int. Cl. (2011)E04B 1/62. Curvable felt of fibrous material with random orientation. ISOVER SAINT-GOBAIN 81181 Int. Cl. (2011)B65D 88/00. A tank container. BRIDELAND SERVICES LIMITED 81744 Int. Cl. (2011)A63H 37/00. Christmas cracker manufacture. Scandanavian Design Limited 82878 Int. Cl. (2011)B41M 3/00; B41M 7/00. Printing method. THE KCM PARTNERSHIP 83351 Int. Cl. (2011)E01C 9/00; E01C 5/00; E04H 17/16. A roadway, hardstand, floor or fence/wall. L.H. WOODHOUSE & CO. LTD 83727 Int. Cl. (2011)G02B 6/42. Connection of optical waveguides to optical devices. FIRECOMMS LIMITED 84079 Int. Cl. (2011)B29C 33/40; B29C 33/42. A mould for a plastics laminate for a glazed door. TIMOTHY FRANCIS COSTELLO 84181 Int. Cl. (2011)B01D 39/02; B01D 53/00. Improvements in and relating to biofiltration. BORD NA MONA 84355 Int. Cl. (2011)A23C 9/13. Yoghurt processing. ASHPARK RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT LIMITED 84560 Int. Cl. (2011)C12C 12/00; C12C 11/00. A stout manufacturing process. HEINEKEN IRELAND LIMITED 84616 Int. Cl. (2011)B65B 43/00; B65B 47/00. A method of forming packaging board. THE KCM PARTNERSHIP 84637 Int. Cl. (2011)C12C 12/00; C12C 7/00. A stout brewing process. HEINEKEN IRELAND LIMITED S84718 Int. Cl. (2011)B65F 3/00; B60P 1/04; B62D 53/00. Articulated dump truck. Timoney Patents Limited 84817 Int. Cl. (2011)F21V 33/00; A47B 57/00; A47F 3/00; F21S 4/00. An illuminator. NUALIGHT LIMITED 85022 Int. Cl. (2011)B29C 47/02; B29C 47/06; B32B 27/08; B32B 27/20; B32B 27/30; E04D 13/15. An article comprising a PVC resin. XELTEK LIMITED 85197 Int. Cl. (2011)E04D 13/15. An article and a method for producing an article of plastics material. XELTEK LIMITED S85198 Int. Cl. (2011)E04D 13/15. An article and a method for producing an article of plastics material. XELTEK LIMITED (30/07/2014) 85344 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Int. Cl. (2011)G08G 1/123; G08G 1/127. A transport management system. Avego Limited S85466 Int. Cl. (2011)B01J 19/08; B01J 19/12; C02F 1/48. Apparatus for delivering electromagnetic energy into a solution. AUSTIN DARRAGH; DAVID DARRAGH 85709 Int. Cl. (2011)F21S 4/00; F21V 7/00; F21V 9/00. A display cabinet luminaire. NUALIGHT LIMITED S85770 Int. Cl. (2011)F21V 23/00; F21V 29/00; F21S 4/00. An LED-based light fitting. MSEMICON TAIGHDE TEORANTA S85963 Int. Cl. (2011)B62K 9/00. 2-up seat. TERRY BRADLEY S85976 Int. Cl. (2011)E05C 17/00; E05F 5/00. French door stopper. DES DONELON S86024 Int. Cl. (2011)G10G 7/00. A covering device for stringed musical instrument tuning pegs and tuning machine knobs for the purpose of improving grip and leverage. ALAN THOMAS LONERGAN S86069 Int. Cl. (2011)A01K 13/00. Improvements in and relating to animal drying apparatus and method of use thereof. PAULA AKSHAIR 0648741 Int. Cl.C07C 311/20 (2006.01); C07D 311/58 (2006.01); C07D 335/06 (2006.01); C07D 213/55 (2006.01); A61K 31/18 (2006.01). 1,2,3,4Tetrahydronaphthalene, chroman and thiochroman derivatives as antithrombotic agents. LES LABORATOIRES SERVIER 0648783 Int. Cl.C07K 16/28 (2006.01) C12N 15/13 (2006.01); C12N 15/62 (2006.01); C12P 21/08 (2006.01); A61K 39/395 (2006.01). TNF inhibitors. YEDA RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CO. LTD. 0649608 Int. Cl.A41C 3/00 (2006.01); A41C 1/06 (2006.01); A41C 3/08 (2006.01). Brassiere with bodice. RITA MCCALL 0654656 Int. Cl.G01M 3/32 (2006.01). Leak testing with wall projection against clogging. Lehmann, Martin 0680401 Int. Cl.B29C 45/17 (2006.01); B29C 67/00 (2006.01). METHOD FOR THE PREPARATION OF PRE-FILLED PLASTIC SYRINGES. BRACCO International B.V. 0707853 Int. Cl.A61K 31/58 (2006.01); A61K 9/08 (2006.01); A61K 47/18 (2006.01); A61K 47/24 (2006.01). Muscle relaxant pharmaceutical compositions. POLICHEM S.A. 0723602 Int. Cl.C23C 22/34 (2006.01); C23C 22/36 (2006.01). HYDROPHILIC COATINGS FOR ALUMINUM. CIRCLE-PROSCO, INC. 0724547 Int. Cl.C03B 23/03 (2006.01); C03B 27/044 (2006.01). GLASS SHEET BENDING APPARATUS AND METHOD. GLASSTECH, INC. 2801 2802 0726955 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Int. Cl.C12N 15/31 (2006.01); C12N 15/62 (2006.01); C07K 14/20 (2006.01); A61K 39/02 (2006.01); G01N 33/50 (2006.01); C07K 16/12 (2006.01). CHIMERIC PROTEINS COMPRISING BORRELIA POLYPEPTIDES: USES THEREFOR. Brookhaven Science Associates; RESEARCH FOUNDATION OF STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK 0746343 Int. Cl.A61M 1/00 (2006.01); A61M 31/00 (2006.01); A61M 37/00 (2006.01); C12N 5/00 (2006.01); A61F 2/02 (2006.01); C12M 3/06 (2006.01); C12N 5/08 (2006.01); A61M 1/34 (2006.01). BIOARTIFICIAL KIDNEY DEVICES COATED WITH CELLS SUITABLE FOR USE IN VIVO OR EX VIVO. THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 0769296 Int. Cl.A61K 31/42 (2006.01) A61K 31/275 (2006.01); A61K 31/44 (2006.01). Use of a sodium or lysin salt of crotonamide derivatives for the manufacture of a medicament for the treatment of cancers. SANOFI-AVENTIS DEUTSCHLAND GmbH 0769307 Int. Cl.A61M 25/10 (2006.01); A61M 29/02 (2006.01); A61M 25/00 (2006.01). Balloon catheter with delivery side holes. TARGET THERAPEUTICS, INC. 0770687 Int. Cl.C12P 17/12 (2006.01). Process for the preparation of nicotinic acid amide. Lonza AG 0773020 Int. Cl.A61K 31/205 (2006.01); A61K 31/22 (2006.01); A61K 31/05 (2006.01); A61P 9/00 (2006.01). Pharmaceutical compositions containing L-carnitine or derivatives thereof in combination with resveratrol or derivatives thereof, for the prophylaxis and treatment of cardiovascular disorders, peripheral vascular diseases and peripheral diabetic neuropathy. SIGMA-TAU Industrie Farmaceutiche Riunite S.p.A. 0782630 POLYCYSTIC KIDNEY DISEASE GENE. GENZYME CORPORATION; THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY 0784719 Int. Cl.D06F 59/02 (2006.01); D06F 41/00 (2006.01); D06F 17/04 (2006.01). DEVICE FOR DRYING, WASHING AND/OR DISINFECTING PROTECTIVE SUITS. Jannach, Helmut 0784723 Int. Cl.E02D 31/00 (2006.01). gas dispersal. PRESTIGE AIR TECHNOLOGY LIMITED 0787144 Int. Cl.C07K 14/22 (2006.01); A61K 39/02 (2006.01); G01N 33/569 (2006.01); C07K 16/12 (2006.01). MAJOR OUTER MEMBRANE PROTEIN CD OF MORAXELLA. Aventis Pasteur Limited 0789527 Int. Cl.A47D 13/00 (2006.01); A47D 13/02 (2006.01); A47D 13/08 (2006.01); A47C 16/00 (2006.01). SUPPORT PILLOW WITH LUMBAR SUPPORT FOR USE IN NURSING AND OTHER APPLICATIONS. Zenoff, Andrew R. (30/07/2014) 0789737 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Int. Cl.C09K 17/52 (2006.01) A01C 1/04 (2006.01); A01G 1/00 (2006.01); A01G 13/02 (2006.01); A01G 13/10 (2006.01); D21J 3/12 (2006.01). MULCH OR SEED MAT. Stevens, Ian Lawrence 0789792 Int. Cl.D01F 9/04 (2006.01); D01D 5/18 (2006.01); A61L 15/28 (2006.01). ALGINATE ROPES, METHOD OF PREPARATION AND USE. Convatec Technologies Inc. 0796111 Int. Cl.A61K 49/00 (2006.01). IN-VIVO DIAGNOSTIC PROCESS BY NEAR INFRARED RADIATION USING CYANINE DYES. Institut für Diagnostikforschung GmbH an der Freien Universität Berlin 0800492 Int. Cl.C03B 37/04 (2006.01). METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR PRODUCING MINERAL WOOL. ISOVER SAINT-GOBAIN 0801830 Int. Cl.H02G 3/08 (2006.01). INSERTION FRAME. THORSMAN & CO AB 0834316 Int. Cl.A61K 31/505 (2006.01); A61P 25/16 (2006.01); A61P 25/18 (2006.01). Use of sulbutiamine for the treatment of psychomotor or psycho-intellectual problems. LES LABORATOIRES SERVIER 0835833 Int. Cl.B65H 3/12 (2006.01) B65H 3/56 (2006.01). Method and device for separating stacked flat products and use of the device in the packaging of cigarettes. FABRIQUES DE TABAC REUNIES S.A. 0838235 Int. Cl.A61N 1/39 (2006.01); A61N 1/368 (2006.01). Defibrillator/cardioverter type active medical device with improved discrimination of tachycardia. ELA MEDICAL S.A. 0838928 Equalisation of multicarrier signals. RAI RADIOTELEVISIONE ITALIANA (S.p.A.) 0839892 Int. Cl.C10J 3/00 (2006.01); C10B 53/00 (2006.01); C10G 1/00 (2006.01); C10K 1/00 (2006.01). Process for the complete and emissionless application of synthesis raw gas by high temperature recycling and by fractional materialspecific conversion. THERMOSELECT AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 0841674 Int. Cl.H01H 13/70 (2006.01). Electrical push button. Apem 0850691 Int. Cl.B03B 4/02 (2006.01); B03B 9/06 (2006.01). Method and device for waste treatment. Herhof Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH 0853672 Int. Cl.C12N 15/53 (2006.01); C12N 15/11 (2006.01); C12N 15/82 (2006.01); C12N 9/02 (2006.01); A01H 5/00 (2006.01). DNA SEQUENCES CODING FOR A CINNAMOYL CoA REDUCTASE, AND APPLICATIONS THEREOF IN THE CONTROL OF LIGNIN CONTENTS IN PLANTS. CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE (CNRS); INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE AGRONOMIQUE (INRA) 0854837 Int. Cl.B67D 5/01 (2006.01) B67D 5/04 (2006.01); B65D 88/54 (2006.01). FILLING OF TANKS. Petro-Man Limited 2803 2804 0854995 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Int. Cl.F16K 11/085 (2006.01); A61H 31/02 (2006.01). APPARATUS COMPRISING A FLUID CONTROL VALVE AND A PRESSURE SOURCE. Hayek, Zamir 0856007 Int. Cl.C07K 14/75 (2006.01); C07K 7/64 (2006.01); A61K 38/12 (2006.01); G01N 33/68 (2006.01). CYCLOPEPTIDE DERIVATIVES. BIOMET DEUTSCHLAND GMBH 0856170 Int. Cl.G06F 9/44 (2006.01). METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR IMPLEMENTING SOFTWARE OBJECTS. Design Intelligence, Inc. 0857065 Int. Cl.A61K 31/27 (2006.01). USE OF 2-AMINO-4-(4FLUOROBENZYLAMINO)-1-ETHOXY-CARBONYLAMINOBENZEN E FOR PROPHYLAXIS AND TREATMENT OF SEQUELAE OF ACUTE AND CHRONIC REDUCED CIRCULATION IN THE BRAIN AND NEURODEGENERATIVE DISORDERS. VIATRIS GmbH & Co. KG 0858532 Int. Cl.E01C 23/12 (2006.01). APPARATUS FOR BREAKING CONCRETE OR THE LIKE. Badger State Highway Equipment, Inc. 0858572 Int. Cl.F17C 1/00 (2006.01); F17C 5/06 (2006.01); F17C 7/00 (2006.01). SHIP BASED SYSTEM FOR COMPRESSED NATURAL GAS TRANSPORT. Sea NG Corporation 0859613 USE OF FLUPIRTIN FOR THE PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF DISEASES WHICH ARE ASSOCIATED WITH DAMAGE TO THE HAEMOPOIETIC CELL SYSTEM. MEDA Pharma GmbH & Co. KG 0862391 Int. Cl.A61F 2/02 (2006.01); A01N 1/02 (2006.01); C12N 5/08 (2006.01). RETRIEVABLE BIOARTIFICIAL IMPLANTS. Islet Sheet Medical, Inc. 0862445 Combination of herpes simplex virus and chemotherapy for treating cancer. Arch Development Corporation; DANA-FARBER CANCER INSTITUTE 0862455 INTERFERON-POLYMER CONJUGATES AND PROCESS FOR PREPARING THE SAME. ENZON, INC. 0873073 CONTAINER WITH INTEGRAL MODULE FOR HEATING OR COOLING THE CONTENTS. OnTech Delaware, Inc. 0873346 Int. Cl.C07H 17/00 (2006.01). NEW CRYSTALLINE FORM OF MORPHINE6-GLUCURONIDE. CeNes Limited 0876332 Int. Cl.C07C 251/60 (2006.01) A01N 37/36 (2006.01). PHENYLACETIC ACID DERIVATIVES, PROCESS AND INTERMEDIATE PRODUCTS FOR USE IN PRODUCING THEM AND AGENTS CONTAINING THEM. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 0882968 Int. Cl.G01M 3/32 (2006.01). Leak testing with abutment surface and mechanical bias. Lehmann, Martin (30/07/2014) 0897378 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Int. Cl.C05B 9/00 (2008.01); C05B 7/00 (2008.01); C05B 17/00 (2008.01); C05B 13/00 (2008.01); C05B 13/06 (2008.01); C05G 3/00 (2008.01). INORGANIC PHOSPHORUS FERTILIZER. Safergro Laboratories, Inc.; Hsu, John 0909762 Int. Cl.C07F 15/00 (2006.01); C07B 53/00 (2006.01); C07D 207/00 (2006.01). Binuclear Iridium(I) phosphine complexes and their use as catalysts for the asymmetric hydroamination of olefins. LONZA A.G. 0911267 Int. Cl.B65D 5/54 (2006.01); B65D 5/66 (2006.01). Container comprising a lid with adhesive locking means. DS SMITH KAYSERBERG 0911268 Int. Cl.B65D 6/18 (2006.01). Collapsible container. C G Paxton Limited 0911672 Int. Cl.G02C 7/02 (2006.01). Multifocal ophthalmic lens. ESSILOR INTERNATIONAL COMPAGNIE GENERALE D`OPTIQUE 0911673 Int. Cl.G02C 7/02 (2006.01). Multifocal ophthalmic lens. ESSILOR INTERNATIONAL COMPAGNIE GENERALE D'OPTIQUE 0913394 Int. Cl.C07D 233/68 (2006.01). Process for the production of formylimidazoles. LONZA A.G. 0915294 Int. Cl.F23H 3/02 (2006.01). Watercooled combustion grate. FISIA BABCOCK ENVIRONMENT GMBH 0922758 Methods and compositions for obtaining mature dendritic cells. ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY; Merix Bioscience, Inc. 0929565 Int. Cl.C07J 41/00 (2006.01); A61K 31/57 (2006.01). NITRATE ESTERS OF CORTICOID COMPOUNDS AND PHARMACEUTICAL APPLICATIONS THEREOF. Nicox S.A. 0930888 PHARMACEUTICAL AND COSMETIC ANTIACNE FORMULATIONS CONTAINING PLANT EXTRACTS (KRAMERIA TRIANDRA OR MESUA FERREA). INDENA S.p.A. 0932972 Int. Cl.H04M 3/50 (2006.01); H04L 12/64 (2006.01); H04L 29/06 (2006.01). MULTIMEDIA CALL CENTRE. BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS public limited company 0934074 Int. Cl.A61K 35/78 (1980.01); A61P 43/00 (2006.01). USE OF GINKGO BILOBA FLAVONOIDIC EXTRACT COMPRISING UP TO 1% OF TERPENES, ASSOCIATED WITH CERAMIDES, FOR ORAL HYGIENE AND COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING SUCH EXTRACT. IPSEN PHARMA S.A.S. 0937068 Int. Cl.C07D 403/10 (2006.01). PROCESS FOR THE CRYSTALLIZATION OF LOSARTAN. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 2805 2806 0941241 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Int. Cl.C07K 14/235 (2008.01); C07K 19/00 (2008.01); A61K 38/16 (2008.01). BORDETELLA STRAIN EXPRESSING THE FHA HYBRID,. INSTITUT PASTEUR DE LILLE; INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA SANTE ET DE LA RECHERCHE MEDICALE (INSERM) 0941333 Int. Cl.C12N 15/31 (2006.01); C07K 14/245 (2006.01); A61K 39/108 (2006.01); A61K 39/39 (2006.01); C12N 1/21 (2006.01); C12Q 1/48 (2006.01); G01N 33/50 (2006.01); A01K 67/027 (2006.01); A61K 49/00 (2006.01). IMMUNOGENIC DETOXIFIED MUTANT E. COLI LT-A TOXIN. Novartis Vaccines & Diagnostics S.R.L. 0952959 Int. Cl.C01B 25/10 (2006.01); C08L 85/02 (2006.01). POLYHALOPHOSPHAZENE SOLUTIONS STABLE AGAINST GELATION. PARALLEL SOLUTIONS, INC. 0989869 Int. Cl.A61M 5/00 (2006.01). OUT-DWELLING SLIT VALVE AND VARIABLE CONTROL FOR CONTROLLING OPENING AND CLOSING THE SLIT. Catheter Innovations, Inc. 0992687 Valve operated discharge control of a household pump. Husqvarna AB 0993840 Lead implantable in the coronary veins for stimulating a left cavity of the heart. ELA MEDICAL (Société anonyme) 0993953 Method for manufacturing ferroelectric thin film device, ink jet recording head, and ink jet printer. Seiko Epson Corporation 0994375 Method of making a pair of multifocal progressive spectacle lenses. Essilor International 0995393 Int. Cl.A47L 13/16 (2006.01); D06M 23/00 (2006.01); D06M 15/263 (2006.01); D06M 15/333 (2006.01). Textile fabric with particle attracting finish. Contec, Inc. 0997204 Int. Cl.B21C 47/14 (2006.01); B21C 47/26 (2006.01). Cooling pot with vertically adjustable coil plate. SIEMENS INDUSTRY, INC. 0997435 Process for the manufacture of coarse aluminium hydroxide. Rio Tinto Alcan International Limited 0999327 Int. Cl.E05B 47/00 (2006.01); E05B 63/00 (2006.01). Control device for the opening of a door. Unitecnic 1001206 Int. Cl.F16L 55/165 (2006.01). Method and apparatus for renovating an old tubing buried in the ground. NordiTube Technologies AB 1004078 REGENERATION AGENT FOR BACK-UP SOFTWARE. Computer Associates Think, Inc. 1019130 Int. Cl.A61M 25/00 (2006.01). Peripheral vascular delivery catheter. Boston Scientific Limited (30/07/2014) 1021547 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) PAPILLOMA VIRUS CAPSOMERE VACCINE FORMULATIONS AND METHODS OF USE. LOYOLA UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 1023272 Int. Cl.C07D 249/12 (2006.01); C07C 281/04 (2006.01). PROCESS FOR PREPARING ALKOXYTRIAZOLINONES. Lonza AG 1023792 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR MAINTAINING A PREDEFINED TRANSMISSION QUALITY IN A WIRELESS MAN NETWORK. WI-LAN, Inc. 1024754 MECHANICAL ANASTOMOSIS SYSTEM FOR HOLLOW STRUCTURES. Innovative Interventional Technologies B.V. 1025148 Int. Cl.C08J 9/12 (2006.01). MICROCELLULAR DUROMER-FOAMS AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING THE SAME. Lonza AG 1025356 Int. Cl.F02M 27/04 (2006.01). MAGNETIC APPARATUS FOR TREATING FLUID FUELS. Münzing, Jürgen; Öko-Spin Klemenz, Lücke und Münzing OHG 1025490 MULTI-USER COMPUTER SYSTEM. Raritan Computer, Inc. 1027153 Int. Cl.B01J 23/52 (2006.01); C07C 67/055 (2006.01); B01J 23/89 (2006.01). VINYL ACETATE CATALYST COMPRISING METALLIC PALLADIUM AND GOLD, AND CUPRIC ACETATE. Celanese International Corporation 1027169 Int. Cl.B05D 1/00 (2006.01). METHOD FOR CORROSION-RESISTANT COATING OF METAL SUBSTRATES BY MEANS OF PLASMA POLYMERISATION. FRAUNHOFER-GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FÖRDERUNG DER ANGEWANDTEN FORSCHUNG E.V. 1027316 Int. Cl.C07C 43/20 (2006.01); C07C 41/16 (2006.01) C07C 253/30 (2006.01); C07D 307/79 (2006.01); C07D 311/58 (2006.01); C07D 313/08 (2006.01). SYNTHESIS OF ARYL ETHERS, METHODS AND REAGENTS RELATED THERETO. MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 1027365 Int. Cl.C07H 19/09 (2006.01); A61K 31/70 (2006.01). ANTITUMOUR URIDINE ANALOGUES. THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, as represented by THE SECRETARY, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES 1027440 INHIBITOR PROTEIN OF THE WNT SIGNAL PATHWAY. Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum Stiftung des Öffentlichen Rechts 1027456 Int. Cl.C12Q 1/68 (2006.01); G01N 33/50 (2006.01). EXPRESSION PROFILES IN ADULT AND FETAL ORGANS. Affymetrix, Inc. (a Delaware Corporation) 1027651 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR PROVIDING ROBUST ERROR RECOVERY FOR ERRORS THAT OCCUR IN A LOSSY TRANSMISSION ENVIRONMENT. SONY ELECTRONICS, INC. 2807 2808 1029029 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) ISOPARAFFINIC LUBE BASESTOCK COMPOSITIONS. ExxonMobil Oil Corporation 1029052 NEISSERIAL ANTIGENS. Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics S.r.l. 1029202 Int. Cl.F24F 12/00 (2006.01); F28D 19/04 (2006.01). REGENERATIVE HEAT EXCHANGER. SK-Elektronik GmbH 1032269 TREATMENT OF NEOPLASMS WITH INTERFERON-SENSITIVE, CLONAL VIRUSES. Wellstat Biologics Corporation 1032719 Int. Cl.C22C 45/00 (2006.01). AMORPHOUS NON-LAMINAR NICKEL AND/OR COBALT PHOSPHOROUS ALLOYS, THEIR PROCESS OF MANUFACTURE AND USES. Techmetals Inc. 1036403 PROTECTION OF ELECTRON-EMISSIVE ELEMENTS PRIOR TO REMOVING EXCESS EMITTER MATERIAL DURING FABRICATION OF ELECTRON-EMITTING DEVICE. Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 1040202 DNA POLYMORPHISM IDENTITY DETERMINATION USING FLOW CYTOMETRY. Los Alamos National Security, LLC 1041970 COMPOSITIONS OF MICROSPHERES FOR WOUND HEALING. Polyheal Ltd. 1042125 Int. Cl.B41M 3/06 (2008.01); B41M 1/18 (2008.01). METHOD FOR PRODUCING A PARTICULAR PHOTOLUMINESCENT POLYCHROMATIC PRINTED IMAGE, RESULTING IMAGE AND USES. Trantoul, François 1045652 COMPUTER GENERATED MULTI-WEB MOISTURE PROOF IDENTIFICATION BRACELET. Laser Band, LLC 1046276 SYSTEM FOR IDENTIFYING AND AUTHENTICATING LABELS. Jelev, Jivko Georgiev 1056680 Int. Cl.B66C 1/02 (2006.01). VACUUM GRIPPING APPARATUS. KCI Konecranes Plc 1073416 Int. Cl.A61K 9/12 (2009.01); A61K 9/72 (2009.01); A61K 31/155 (2009.01); A61K 31/195 (2009.01); A61K 31/27 (2009.01); A61K 31/52 (2009.01); A61K 33/00 (2009.01); A61K 33/08 (2009.01). USE OF INHALED NO AS ANTIINFLAMMATORY AGENT. THE GENERAL HOSPITAL CORPORATION 1090597 Int. Cl.A61B 18/00 (2006.01). Multi-port side-fire ionization coagulator. Covidien AG 1090598 Int. Cl.A61B 18/00 (2006.01). Deflectable ionizable-gas coagulator. Covidien AG 1090599 Swirling system for ionizable gas coagulator. Covidien AG 1091090 A method for improving the cooling effectiveness of a gaseous coolant stream, and related articles of manufacture. GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 1091170 A steam-raising system. EATON-WILLIAMS GROUP LIMITED 1094069 DNA encoding structural protein-1 of infectious salmon anaemia virus and uses thereof. Intervet International BV 1095669 Int. Cl.A61M 5/32 (2006.01); B23P 19/00 (2006.01). Apparatus for placing needle protection sheaths onto medical syringes. Arzneimittel GmbH Apotheker Vetter & Co. Ravensburg 1106077 Cow's milk and fodder for cows to obtain such a milk. DUMOULIN 1117689 BONE MORPHOGENETIC PROTEIN ANTAGONISTS BASED ON THE MATURE PROTEIN. BIOPHARM GESELLSCHAFT ZUR BIOTECHNOLOGISCHEN ENTWICKLUNG VON PHARMAKA mbH 1119386 Int. Cl.A61M 16/04 (2006.01). LARYNGEAL MASK AIRWAY DEVICE. Teleflex Life Sciences 1119567 Int. Cl.C07D 403/12 (2006.01); C07D 401/14 (2006.01); C07D 405/14 (2006.01); C07D 403/14 (2006.01); A61K 31/517 (2006.01). QUINAZOLINE DERIVATIVES. AstraZeneca AB 1119617 FUSIONS OF SCAFFOLD PROTEINS WITH RANDOM PEPTIDE LIBRARIES. Rigel Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 1120749 CHARGING DEVICE. AISIN SEIKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA; Toyota Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha 1121105 Int. Cl.A61K 31/05 (2006.01); A61P 25/20 (2006.01). PROPOFOL-BASED ANESTHETIC AND METHOD OF MAKING SAME. Teva Animal Health, Inc. 1121128 Amiloride analogues for use in a method of modulating ion channel functional activity and treating HIV infection. Biotron Limited 1121499 Int. Cl.E04D 13/068 (2006.01). GUTTERS. Marley Tile AG; MARLEY EXTRUSIONS LIMITED 1122253 Int. Cl.C07D 401/04 (2006.01); A61K 31/505 (2006.01). QUINAZOLINONE DERIVATIVES. Dainippon Sumitomo Pharma Co., Ltd. 1123001 CONTROLLED RELEASE FERTILIZER COMPOSITIONS. Everris International B.V. 1123048 ABSORBABLE POLYMERS AND SURGICAL ARTICLES FABRICATED THEREFROM. TYCO HEALTHCARE GROUP LP 1123109 Int. Cl.C07K 7/08 (2006.01); C07K 14/575 (2006.01); C07K 9/00 (2006.01); C07K 14/435 (2006.01); C12N 15/12 (2006.01); A61K 38/10 (2006.01); A61K 38/16 (2006.01). CONTULAKIN-G, ANALOGS THEREOF AND USES THEREFOR. THE SALK INSTITUTE FOR BIOLOGICAL STUDIES; University of Utah Research Foundation; Cognetix, Inc. 1123750 LIQUID CONSTANT RATE DISCHARGE METHOD. Musashi Engineering, Inc. 2809 2810 1124440 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Int. Cl.A23L 1/00 (2006.01). USE OF CALCAREOUS MATERIAL FOR FOODSTUFF AND COSMETIC MATERIAL. Aquacal Limited 1124599 DEVICE FOR MEASURING ACCESS FLOW BY DIALYSIS. Gambro Lundia AB 1124765 UNIFORM DISTRIBUTION QUENCHING OF FORMED GLASS SHEETS. Glasstech, Inc. 1124785 Int. Cl.C07C 67/317 (2006.01); C07C 333/02 (2006.01); C07C 51/377 (2006.01); C07C 69/738 (2006.01); C07C 59/84 (2006.01). A PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF ALPHA-ARYLALKANOIC ACIDS. DOMPE' S.p.A. 1124805 Int. Cl.C07D 239/50 (2006.01). METHOD FOR PRODUCING 4-[(2`,5`DIAMINO-6`- HALOPYRIMIDINE- 4`-YL)AMINO]- CYCLOPENT- 2ENYLMETHANOLS. Lonza AG 1124959 CELL SURFACE MOLECULE-INDUCED MACROPHAGE ACTIVATION. Neurotech USA, Inc. 1124990 COMPLEXITY MANAGEMENT AND ANALYSIS OF GENOMIC DNA. Affymetrix, Inc. 1126869 Int. Cl.A61K 38/18 (2008.01); A61K 38/17 (2008.01); A61K 48/00 (2008.01); A61K 31/7088 (2008.01); A61P 9/00 (2008.01); A61P 17/02 (2008.01); A61P 35/00 (2008.01); A61P 27/02 (2008.01); G01N 33/50 (2008.01); G01N 33/68 (2008.01). METHODS FOR REGULATING ANGIOGENESIS AND VASCULAR INTEGRITY USING THE TRK RECEPTOR LIGANDS BDNF, NT-3 AND NT-4. CORNELL RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INC.; CHILDREN'S MEDICAL CENTER CORPORATION 1126878 HEPARANASE ACTIVITY NEUTRALIZING ANTI-HEPARANASE MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY. InSight Biopharmaceuticals Ltd.; HADASIT MEDICAL RESEARCH SERVICES AND DEVELOPMENT LTD. 1129121 Int. Cl.C08G 18/67 (2006.01); C08G 18/81 (2006.01). MOULDED BODIES MADE FROM A POLYURETHANE MATERIAL, PRODUCTION AND USE THEREOF. FRITZ NAUER AG 1129153 PROCESS FOR CONVERSION OF HEAVY HYDROCARBONS INTO LIQUIDS. World Energy Systems Corporation 1134211 Int. Cl.C07C 51/09 (2006.01); C07C 63/26 (2006.01). Method of recovering chemical species by depolymerization of poly(ethylene terephthalate) and related use. Broccatelli, Massimo 1137450 APPARATUS FOR HOLDING AND OPERATING ONE OR MORE SYRINGES. Harvest Technologies Corporation 1137955 PHOTOCURABLE SILOXANE POLYMERS. AMO Groningen B.V. (30/07/2014) 1139853 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) ENDOSCOPE INSTRUMENT HAVING REDUCED BACKLASH DURING INSERTION. Boston Scientific Limited 1141751 POLYMER FOR INJECTABLE INTRAOCULAR LENSES. AMO Groningen B.V. 1144194 PRINTING BLOCK ENGRAVING PROCESS. PRINTING INTERNATIONAL 1180555 Int. Cl.D02G 3/18 (2006.01); D02G 3/38 (2006.01); D02G 3/44 (2006.01); A41D 31/00 (2006.01); A41D 19/015 (2006.01). Cut protective garment. Teijin Twaron GmbH 1181940 Int. Cl.A61K 49/00 (2006.01). In vivo diagnostics by near infrared radiation. Institut für Diagnostikforschung GmbH an der Freien Universität Berlin 1197435 Int. Cl.B65D 5/50 (2006.01). Container made of a flat blank and a film. DS SMITH KAYSERBERG 1197601 Cutter-breaker apparatus. AMTworks GmbH 1197806 Toner composition and method for fixing toner images. Punch Graphix International N.V. 1198108 Method and device for configuring an automation module on a TCP/IP network. Schneider Automation 1198991 Non-dairy products derived from rice. NUTRIZ N.V: 1199388 Group III nitride film containing aluminum with hexagonal system crystal structure. NGK Insulators, Ltd. 1199745 Method of forming vertical transistor trench capacitor DRAM with SOI logic devices. International Business Machines Corporation 1201624 Process for increasing the mechanical strength of cement matrixes, in particular at early stages, cement matrixes thus obtained and their uses. COATEX S.A.S. 1202602 Zoom microphone device. Panasonic Corporation 1203550 Goods display cabinet. Carrier Corporation 1203727 Paper bag. Kimmlinger, Karl 1205515 Ethylene-Alpha-Olefin belting. The Gates Corporation 1205993 Method for operating a fuel cell battery with a control arrangement. Hexis AG 1218471 Int. Cl.C10J 3/56 (2006.01); C10J 3/48 (2006.01). METHOD AND DEVICE FOR PRODUCING FUEL GASES WITH A HIGH CALORIFIC VALUE. Steer, Thomas 1219043 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR PREDICTING FAVORED SUPPLEMENTAL CHANNEL TRANSMISSION SLOTS USING TRANSMISSION POWER MEASUREMENTS OF A FUNDAMENTAL CHANNEL. QUALCOMM INCORPORATED 1219585 Method and apparatus for producing methanol making use of biomass material. MITSUBISHI HEAVY INDUSTRIES, LTD. 2811 2812 1221968 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) METHOD OF OBTAINING CELLULAR IMMUNE RESPONSES FROM PROTEINS. Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics, Inc. 1221988 SUTURE MATERIAL. Tyco Healthcare Group LP 1222418 CONNECTION PIECE. Uponor Innovation AB 1223813 PROCESS FOR PRODUCING CHEESE BY USING ATTENUATED KLUYVEROMYCES LACTIS CELLS. DSM IP Assets B.V. 1223821 Int. Cl.A24D 3/16 (2006.01); A24D 3/18 (2006.01); A24D 3/10 (2006.01). FILTER ELEMENT. Stavridis, Ioannis 1223856 MAGNETIC RESONANCE SPECTROSCOPY OF BREAST BIOPSY TO DETERMINE PATHOLOGY, VASCULARIZATION AND NODAL INVOLVEMENT. NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF CANADA; Institute for Magnetic Resonance Research 1223895 COMPOSITE BEARING INSERTS FOR TOTAL KNEE JOINTS. EXACTECH, INC. 1224088 Int. Cl.B60G 17/04 (2006.01); B60G 17/056 (2006.01). HYDROPNEUMATIC SUSPENSION SYSTEM. Mowag GmbH 1224328 GENETIC BIOSENSORS USING CHEMILUMINESCENCE. University College Cardiff Consultants Limited 1224455 METHOD FOR SEPARATING A CHEMICAL OR BIOLOGICAL COMPOUND IN A MIXTURE OF SIMILAR COMPOUNDS BY DIFFUSION IN A MEDIUM SUCH AS A GEL. CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE (CNRS) 1224533 Int. Cl.G06F 7/72 (2006.01). A CRYPTOGRAPHIC ACCELERATOR. AEP Systems Limited 1224664 Data storage device, apparatus and method for using same. Ultracard, Inc. 1226122 Int. Cl.C07D 223/16 (2006.01); A61P 7/12 (2006.01); C07D 495/04 (2006.01); C07D 243/12 (2006.01); C07D 401/12 (2006.01); C07D 403/12 (2006.01). BICYCLIC VASOPRESSIN AGONISTS. Vantia Limited 1226125 Int. Cl.C07D 235/00 (2006.01). METHOD FOR PRODUCING THERAPEUTIC AGENTS FOR ULCERS. Grünenthal GmbH 1226339 Int. Cl.F01N 1/08 (2006.01); F01N 1/12 (2006.01). A SILENCER. Silentor Holding A/S 1228039 Int. Cl.C07C 279/14 (2006.01); A61K 31/16 (2006.01). NGUANIDINOALKYLAMIDES, THEIR PREPARATION, THEIR USE, AND PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS COMPRISING THEM. SANOFIAVENTIS DEUTSCHLAND GmbH 1228150 INK JET INKS, INKS, AND OTHER COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING COLORED PIGMENTS. CABOT CORPORATION (30/07/2014) 1228465 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR MONITORING THE STATUS AND TRANSFER OF FOOD PRODUCTS. Salerno, Mark 1230517 Burner air/fuel ratio regulation method and apparatus. MEGTEC SYSTEMS, INC. 1232267 ACTIVATION OF HCV-SPECIFIC T CELLS. Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics, Inc. 1232491 Int. Cl.G09F 9/37 (2006.01). SIGN REPRESENTATION DEVICE. Grasmann, Josef 1234372 DEVICE AND METHOD FOR CONTROLLING SUPPLY OF CURRENT AND STATIC CAPACITANCE TO COMPRESSOR. LG Electronics, Inc. 1235179 System for collecting and storing of personspecific data and associated memoryelement and a method for saving of or medical healthcare for a living being in distress. Rehwald, Jörg, Dr. 1236289 SPREAD SPECTRUM RECEIVER AND RELATED METHOD. NXP B.V. 1238797 LAMINATED POLYESTER FILM. Toyobo Co., Ltd. 1240550 A process for separating a template from a substrate during imprint lithography, and associated imprint lithography process. The Board of Regents of The University of Texas System 1240664 Array of nonvolatile memory cells and manufacturing method thereof. Intel Corporation 1241135 High structure precipitated silica. Evonik Degussa GmbH 1242478 METALLOCENE AND CONSTRAINED GEOMETRY CATALYST SYSTEMS EMPLOYING AGGLOMERATED METAL OXIDE/CLAY SUPPORT-ACTIVATOR AND METHOD OF THEIR PREPARATION. W. R. Grace & Co.-Conn 1243046 Int. Cl.H01M 8/04 (2006.01). OPTIMISATION OF THE OPERATING PARAMETERS OF A DIRECT METHANOL FUEL CELL SYSTEM. Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH 1244558 A CLOSED INK DELIVERY SYSTEM WITH PRINT HEAD INK PRESSURE CONTROL AND METHOD OF SAME. Hewlett-Packard Industrial Printing Ltd. 1244736 POLYCARBONATE-CONTAINING LIQUID CHEMICAL FORMULATION AND METHODS FOR MAKING AND USING POLYCARBONATE FILM. Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 1275272 MULTI-CHANNEL SURROUND SOUND MASTERING AND REPRODUCTION TECHNIQUES THAT PRESERVE SPATIAL HARMONICS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. SNK Tech Investment L.L.C. 2813 2814 1281452 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) A sheet fabrication center and methods therefor of optimally fabricating worksheets. Finn-Power OY 1293075 MODULATOR WHICH USES AMPLITUDE RESTORATION. ST-Ericsson SA 1300419 Antibody of human origin for inhibiting thrombocyte aggregation. Affimed Therapeutics AG 1300938 System and method for frequency up-conversion. Parkervision, Inc. 1301024 Image processing method and apparatus, storage medium and program. CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA 1302216 Active implantable medical device of the implantable defibrillator/cardioverter type having means for detecting post-therapy sinus tachycardia. ELA MEDICAL 1302377 Coupling device for a non-autonomously driven transport means. TRIAS Transportwerktuigenindustrie B.V. 1302447 Process for the treatment of aqueous effluents containing methyl tert-butyl ether and/or methyl tert-amyl ether by Mycobacterium austroafricanum CNCM I-2562. Institut Français du Pétrole 1302904 Object modeling. Dassault Systemes SolidWorks Corporation 1302952 Process and circuit for the detection of the position of the armature of an electromagnet. Schultz, Wolfgang E., Dipl.-Ing. 1303043 Digital filter for suppressing glitches. ST-Ericsson SA 1303086 A hierarchical protocol classification engine. Alcatel Lucent 1303132 Printing apparatus, control method therefor, and storage medium. CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA 1304905 A hearing aid and a method of operating a hearing aid. GN Resound A/S 1306152 Rotatable tool for chip removing machining. Sandvik Intellectual Property AB 1306357 Coatings with reduced cement content. BASF SE 1308978 Fuse casing. OSRAM GmbH 1309018 Electrochemical cell having a multiplate electrode assembly housed in an irregularly shaped casing. Greatbatch Ltd. 1310600 Int. Cl.E02D 7/28 (2006.01); E21B 7/20 (2006.01); E21B 7/12 (2006.01). Drilling apparatus and method. BAUER Maschinen GmbH 1312742 Checking device for a tilting wing, in particular a pivoting-and-tilting wing of a window, door or the like, corresponding window and corresponding method for motor-driven and manual tilting. ROTO FRANK AG 1314829 Int. Cl.E04B 7/16 (2006.01); E04D 13/076 (2006.01); E04D 13/08 (2006.01); E04D 13/03 (2006.01); E04D 13/035 (2006.01). Building assembly for a telescopic roof with snow melting system. L.A.S.P. System Italia Srl 1317152 Method for transmitting short message service using tag. LG Electronics, Inc. (30/07/2014) 1322410 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Int. Cl.B01F 5/12 (2006.01); B01F 5/14 (2006.01). DEVICE FOR MIXING ADDITIVES AND INTRODUCING THE SAME INTO A POLYMER MELT STREAM. Lurgi Zimmer GmbH 1322976 PROXIMITY SENSOR CABLE COMPENSATION USING MULTIPLE FREQUENCIES. Honeywell International Inc. 1323813 Synthetic diesel fuel. ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company 1324417 LITHIUM SECONDARY CELL AND NONAQUEOUS ELECTROLYTE. Ube Industries, Ltd. 1324749 MEDICINAL AEROSOL FORMULATIONS. 3M Innovative Properties Company 1325340 Int. Cl.G01N 33/68 (2008.01); C07K 1/04 (2008.01). IDENTIFICATION OF PROTEIN BINDING SITES. PEPSCAN SYSTEMS B.V. 1325567 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR IMPLEMENTING A MULTI-BEAM ANTENNA WITHOUT DUPLEX FILTERS WITHIN A BASE STATION. TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET LM ERICSSON (publ) 1326595 PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION COMPRISING RESVERATROL FOR TREATING INFLAMMATORY RESPIRATORY DISORDERS. Imperial Innovations Limited 1326636 VACCINE COMPOSITION. Sanofi Pasteur 1326663 NEEDLELESS SYRINGE FOR THE SUBCUTANEOUS DELIVERY OF THERAPEUTIC AGENTS. Société de Commercialisation des Produits de la Recherche Appliquée - Socpra Sciences et Génie S.E.C. 1326705 GRANULES OBTAINED BY DRYING A MULTIPLE EMULSION. RHODIA CHIMIE 1326765 A BUMPER ARRANGEMENT. Gestamp HardTech Aktiebolag 1326993 PRODUCTION OF ALPHA-HYDROXY-CARBOXYLIC ACIDS USING A COUPLED ENZYME SYSTEM. Excelsyn Molecular Development Limited 1327336 PACKET SEQUENCE CONTROL. GOS Networks Limited 1327358 SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR SUPPLEMENTING ON-DEMAND MEDIA. United Video Properties, Inc. 1328230 PACKAGING DEVICE FOR RETRIEVING A TAMPON PLACED THEREIN. THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY 1328266 COMBINATION OF FENOFIBRATE AND COENZYME Q10 FOR THE TREATMENT OF ENDOTHELIAL DYSFUNCTION. Abbott Laboratories, Ireland, Limited 1328277 BISPHOSPHONIC COMPOUNDS FOR STRENGTHENING OF CORTICAL BONE. Bayer Schering Pharma Aktiengesellschaft 2815 2816 1328297 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) THE FUNCTION OF A HAPTOGLOBIN-HAEMOGLOBIN RECEPTOR AND THE USES THEREOF. Cytoguide ApS 1328552 CROSSLINKED AMIDE DERIVATIVES OF HYALURONIC ACID AND MANUFACTURING METHOD THEREOF. LG Life Sciences Ltd. 1328651 MONOCOTYLEDON PLANT CELLS AND PLANTS WHICH SYNTHESISE MODIFIED STARCH. Bayer CropScience AG 1329065 PROCEDURE AND SYSTEM FOR SCHEDULING A SHARED RESOURCE BETWEEN MULTIPLE INFORMATION PACKET FLOWS. Telecom Italia S.p.A. 1330455 Int. Cl.C07D 471/04 (2006.01); A61P 11/00 (2006.01); A61K 31/40 (2006.01). NOVEL 7-AZAINDOLES, USE THEREOF AS PHOSPHODIESTERASE 4 INHIBITORS AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING THE SAME. Biotie Therapies GmbH 1330456 N8,N13 -DISUBSTITUTED QUINO[4,3,2-KL]ACRIDINIUM SALTS AS THERAPEUTIC AGENTS. Cancer Research Technology Limited 1330525 NOD2 NUCLEIC ACIDS AND PROTEINS. THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 1330728 METHOD FOR VIRTUAL ON-DEMAND ELECTRONIC BOOK. Adrea LLC 1331569 ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM FOR CONTROLLING DISTRIBUTION OF CONTENT. Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. 1331855 AGED COMPANION PET DIET. Colgate-Palmolive Company 1331892 APPARATUS FOR PLASMA SKIN RESURFACING. Mattioli Engineering Limited 1331969 ACOUSTIC SWITCH AND APPARATUS AND METHODS FOR USING ACOUSTIC SWITCHES WITHIN A BODY. Remon Medical Technologies Ltd. 1332118 HIGH TEMPERATURE GLASS FIBERS. OWENS CORNING 1332308 OPEN TYPE WEDGETHREAD CONNECTION. Ramos, Beverly Watts; Watts, John Dawson 1332354 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR ANALYZING AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. Monsanto Technology LLC 1332511 Int. Cl.H01J 37/32 (2006.01); H05H 1/30 (2006.01). DEVICE FOR TREATING GAS WITH PLASMA. L'AIR LIQUIDE, Société Anonyme à Directoire et Conseil de Surveillance pour l'Etude et L'Exploitation des Procédés Georges Claude 1333423 Tremolo unit for string instrument. HOSHINO GAKKI CO. LTD 1333776 Int. Cl.A61F 2/00 (2006.01). IMPLANT FOR HOLDING THE FEMALE BLADDER. Johnson & Johnson Medical GmbH (30/07/2014) 1333864 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) LOW DENSITY RADIONUCLIDE-CONTAINING PARTICULATE MATERIAL. SIRTEX MEDICAL LIMITED 1333980 ACTUATOR ANCHOR. Memjet Technology Limited 1333981 MOVING NOZZLE INK JET WITH INLET RESTRICTION. Memjet Technology Limited 1334027 AN IMPROVED METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR HIGH SPEED PLASTIC CONTAINER UNSCRAMBLING. Pace Packaging Corporation 1334372 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR DETERMINING POSITION. abatec group AG 1334461 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR ANALYZING CELLS. TissueGnostics GmbH 1334520 FILM MATERIAL COMPRISING METAL SPIKES. GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH 1334625 METHOD FOR SWITCHING ON A SUBSCRIBER SIGNAL, CORRESPONDING SWITCHING CENTRE AND CORRESPONDING PROGRAMME. Nokia Siemens Networks GmbH & Co. KG 1334720 Int. Cl.A61K 31/198 (2008.01); A61K 9/06 (2008.01); A61P 3/10 (2008.01). NATEGLINIDE-CONTAINING PREPARATIONS. Ajinomoto Co., Inc. 1334721 Int. Cl.A61K 31/198 (2009.01); A61K 9/20 (2009.01); A61K 9/28 (2009.01); A61P 3/10 (2009.01). NATEGLINIDE-CONTAINING HYDROPHILIC DRUG PREPARATIONS. Ajinomoto Co., Inc. 1334964 PROCESS FOR PRODUCING B-FORM NATEGLINIDE CRYSTAL. Ajinomoto Co., Inc. 1335945 COATING PROCESS APPLYING A LOW TEMPERATURE CURING COMPOSITION. BASF CORPORATION 1338604 Int. Cl.C07K 5/08 (2008.01); A61K 38/06 (2008.01); A61P 25/04 (2008.01). NALKYLGLYCINE TRIMERES CAPABLE OF PROTECTING NEURONS AGAINST EXCITOTOXIC AGGRESSIONS AND COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING SAID TRIMERES. Diverdrugs, S.L. 1338683 Process for making an epitaxial layer of gallium nitride. Saint-Gobain Cristaux & Détecteurs 1341670 PRINTED MEDIA PRODUCTION. Memjet Technology Limited 1341865 METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION OF POLYCRYSTALLINE ABRASIVE GRIT. ELEMENT SIX (PTY) LTD 1342224 INTERACTIVE EDUCATION SYSTEM FOR TEACHING PATIENT CARE. Gaumard Scientific Company, Inc. 1346409 IC PACKAGE PRESSURE RELEASE APPARATUS. Intel Corporation 1352308 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT FOR A COMPUTING DEVICE. QUALCOMM INCORPORATED 2817 2818 1361957 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) NOZZLE POKER FOR MOVING NOZZLE INK JET. Memjet Technology Limited 1361959 METHOD OF ASSEMBLY OF SIX COLOR INKJET MODULAR PRINTHEAD. Silverbrook Research Pty. Limited 1362412 QUADRATURE FREQUENCY CONVERTER. QUALCOMM INCORPORATED 1369115 Methods of preventing breast cancer by the administration of Raloxifene. Eli Lilly & Company 1372320 Wireless LAN device storing and forwarding Internet data to a mobile terminal. Buffalo Inc. 1379027 Int. Cl.H04L 12/28 (2006.01). Wireless LAN device. Buffalo Inc. 1380295 Int. Cl.A61K 31/409 (2009.01); A61K 49/04 (2009.01); A61P 35/00 (2009.01); C07D 487/22 (2009.01). PHOTOSENSITISER AND METHOD FOR PRODUCTION THEREOF. Rada-Pharma International B.V. 1381440 MINIATURIZED PRESSURE DROP FILTER AND METHODS OF USING IT. Minerva Biotechnologies Corporation 1403378 Medium for detecting target microbes in a sample. IDEXX LABORATORIES, INC. 1404055 Wireless device for data transmission according to a plurality of wireless LAN standards. Buffalo Inc. 1405653 Implantable medical active device like pacemaker, defibrillator, cardioverter and/or multisite device, with discrimination of deleterious ventricular extrasystoles. ELA MEDICAL 1405654 Active implantable medical devices, such as defibrillators, cardioverters and/or multisite devices, comprising means for determining the average hemodynamic index. ELA MEDICAL 1406050 Condenser with gas balancing device. Linde Kältetechnik GmbH 1407702 Int. Cl.A47K 3/30 (2006.01); E05B 1/00 (2006.01). Grip arrangement for partition walls, particularly for shower cubicle doors and door with this grip arrangement. NAOMI Rechte GmbH 1407981 Double walled tankcontainer. WEW Westerwälder Eisenwerk GmbH 1408038 Int. Cl.C07D 405/04 (2008.01); A61K 31/4164 (2008.01); A61P 43/00 (2008.01); C07D 409/04 (2008.01); C07D 233/84 (2008.01). Imidazole deriviatives and their use as peripherally-selective inhibitors of dopamine-betahydroxylase. BIAL - Portela & Ca., S.A. 1408191 Opening and closing apparatus of vehicular opening and closing member. Mitsui Kinzoku ACT Corporation; HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD. (30/07/2014) 1408344 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Survey apparatus and survey method using a laserscanner. Geodata Ziviltechnikergesellschaft m.b.h. 1408477 Advertising system for a vehicle. Agripa Holdings Limited 1408647 Wireless LAN system and method for providing network services to an area determined by intersection of cells. Buffalo Inc. 1409449 ALPHA-KETOGLUTARATES OF ACTIVE INGREDIENTS AND COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING SAME. SIGMA-TAU Industrie Farmaceutiche Riunite S.p.A. 1410853 Apparatus and method for cleaning airfoil internal cavities. United Technologies Corporation 1412646 STEEL WASHER INTEGRAL WITH NUT/CAP ASSEMBLY. Industrial and Automotive Fasteners, L.L.C 1413201 Int. Cl.A01N 47/34 (2008.01); A61K 31/17 (2008.01); C07C 281/14 (2008.01); C07C 337/00 (2008.01). Use of neuronal sodium channel antagonists together with amitraz for the control of ectoparasites in homeothermic animals. Zoetis W LLC 1413330 Active implantable medical device, of the type pacemaker, defibrillator, cardioverter, and/or multisite device, with improved control of respiratory pauses or hypopneas. ELA MEDICAL 1413375 Clamping device for tool holder. Sandvik Intellectual Property AB 1413599 Composition and process for enhancing biomass production in greenhouses. Ciba Specialty Chemicals Holding Inc.; Ciba Specialty Chemicals S.p.A. 1413996 Circulating type bank note depositing and dispensing machine. Glory Ltd. 1414284 Cooling arrangement in frequency converter. Vacon Oyj 1416027 Mixtures for heat accumulators. SGL Carbon SE 1416298 Endpiece for underwater towed array. ATLAS ELEKTRONIK GMBH 1416379 Power down management block for use in a non-volatile memory system. SanDisk Technologies Inc. 1416635 Sensor device. OMRON CORPORATION 1416647 Data transmission method using antenna diversity. Nokia Siemens Networks Oy 1416742 A method to provide an operator selection service as well as a communications network and a call server therefore. Alcatel Lucent 1416748 Method for allocating access in a partially connected network. Thales 1417981 Medical Syringe. Schott AG 1418343 Control means for an integrated electrohydraulic actuator. KSB S.A.S 1418705 Network monitoring system using packet sequence numbers. Alcatel Lucent 1418733 Method for assigning a virtual network identifier to a terminal, terminal and dynamic host configuration server for implementing this method. Alcatel Lucent 2819 2820 1425682 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) DATABASE PROCESSOR FOR ON-LINE ANALYTICAL PROCESSING OF MULTIDIMENSIONAL DATA. Intellectual Ventures Holding 27 LLC 1427137 Measurement architecture to obtain performance characteristics in packet-based networks. Alcatel Lucent 1432450 Int. Cl.A61K 47/48 (2006.01); A61K 31/7088 (2006.01); C07H 21/04 (2006.01); A61P 35/00 (2006.01); A61P 19/02 (2006.01). THERAPEUTICALLY USEFUL TRIETHYLENEGLYCOL CHOLESTERYL OLIGONUCLEOTIDES. Bioniche Life Sciences Inc. 1432456 Fragrance disperser. CTR Consultoria Técnica e Representações, Lda. 1432707 AZABICYCLIC-SUBSTITUTED FUSED-HETEROARYL COMPOUNDS FOR THE TREATMENT OF DISEASE. Pharmacia & Upjohn Company LLC 1433257 A RECONFIGURABLE INTEGRATED CIRCUIT WITH A SCALABLE ARCHITECTURE. Meta Systems Sarl 1433352 DISTRIBUTED TRANSMISSION OF TRAFFIC FLOWS IN COMMUNICATION NETWORKS. Nokia Siemens Networks GmbH & Co. KG 1434185 SENSOR MANAGEMENT APPARATUS AND CORRESPONDING CONTROL METHOD. OMRON CORPORATION 1434536 PROSTATIC STENT AND DELIVERY SYSTEM. Boston Scientific Limited 1434588 2-(AMINO-3,4-DIOXO-1CYCLOBUTEN-1-YL)AMINO ALKYL -ACID DERIVATIVES FOR THE TREATMENT OF PAIN. Wyeth LLC 1434920 THERMAL-BREAK DEVICE FOR CONCRETE FLOOR, AND FLOOR EQUIPPED THEREWITH. KP1 1434960 FASTENER. Arbuckle, Wesley 1435101 Int. Cl.H01F 10/32 (2006.01); G11C 11/16 (2006.01); G11B 5/39 (2006.01); H01F 41/30 (2006.01). SPIN-VALVE MAGNETORESISTIVE DEVICE WITH ENHANCED PERFORMANCE. COMMISSARIAT A L'ENERGIE ATOMIQUE 1435878 SYSTEM FOR FIXATION OF ENDOLUMINAL DEVICES. Boston Scientific Limited 1435914 STABLE GALENIC FREEZE-DRIED PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATION OF RECOMBINED CARBOHYDRATE-BINDING POLYPEPTIDES. Viscum AG 1435983 Int. Cl.A61K 35/78 (1980.01); A23L 1/30 (2006.01). CONCENTRATE COMPRISING GREEN TEA, GRAPE SKIN EXTRACT AND GRAPE SEED EXTRACT, THE PRODUCTION THEREOF AND THE USE OF THE SAME. Novablend AG 1436043 CARDIAC RHYTHM MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. CARDIAC PACEMAKERS, INC. (30/07/2014) 1436069 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR FLUID PURIFICATION. Siemens Industry, Inc. 1436070 Int. Cl.B01D 63/08 (2006.01); B01D 65/04 (2006.01); B01D 69/06 (2006.01); C02F 3/06 (2006.01); B01D 69/10 (2006.01). PLATE FILTRATION MODULE. A3 Abfall-Abwasser-Anlagentechnik GmbH 1436077 Int. Cl.B01J 19/12 (2006.01); H05B 6/70 (2006.01). MICROWAVE HEATING APPARATUS. Biotage AB 1436263 A PROCESS FOR PREPARING BETA-KETOESTER COMPOUND. LG Life Sciences Ltd. 1436481 INSULATING GLAZING AND THE PRODUCTION METHOD THEREOF. SAINT-GOBAIN GLASS FRANCE 1436510 METHOD FOR OPTIMIZING THE OPERATION OF SEVERAL COMPRESSOR UNITS IN A NATURAL GAS COMPRESSION STATION. SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 1436768 AN OPTICAL SENSOR DEVICE AND A METHOD OF CONTROLLING ITS EXPOSURE TIME. Anoto AB 1436876 CONTROL SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR VOLTAGE STABILIZATION. Hatch Ltd. 1436909 SATELLITE POSITIONING SYSTEM RECEIVER WITH REFERENCE OSCILLATOR CIRCUIT AND METHODS THEREFOR. Motorola Mobility LLC 1436911 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR MANAGING IMBALANCE IN A COMMUNICATION SYSTEM. Qualcomm, Incorporated 1436984 SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR PROVIDING DIGITAL RIGHTS MANAGEMENT COMPATIBILITY. Rovi Solutions Corporation 1437950 CHAMOIS FOR CYCLING PANTS AND METHOD OF MAKING. Dashamerica, Inc. 1438098 MICRODEVICE OF DELIVERING OR WITHDRAWING A SUBSTANCE THROUGH THE SKIN OF AN ANIMAL. Becton, Dickinson and Company 1438278 METHOD FOR OBTAINING POLYMERISABLE VINYL CHLORIDE FROM A RAW PRODUCT DERIVED FROM PYROLYSIS OF 1,2DICHLOROETHANE. Kem One 1438363 FURNITURE POLISH COMPOSITION. S. C. Johnson & Son, Inc. 1438473 PRESSURE SENSING DEAD BOLT. The Hartwell Corporation 1438534 PROCESS TO REDUCE THE TEMPERATURE OF A HYDROGEN AND CARBON MONOXIDE CONTAINING GAS AND HEAT EXCHANGER FOR USE IN SAID PROCESS. Shell Internationale Research Maatschappij B.V. 2821 2822 1439006 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) LIQUID MATERIAL DELIVERING METHOD AND DEVICE THEREFOR. Musashi Engineering, Inc. 1439155 Reaction-resin mortar for two-component systems. fischerwerke GmbH & Co. KG 1439175 PYRIMIDINE COMPOUND AND MEDICINAL COMPOSITION THEREOF. Eisai R&D Management Co., Ltd. 1439348 IGNITOR. Tokai Corporation 1439759 Int. Cl.A23J 1/14 (2008.01); A23J 3/14 (2008.01). CANOLA PROTEIN ISOLATE FUNCTIONALITY II. Burcon Nutrascience (MB) Corp. 1439852 PEPTIDES AND RELATED COMPOUNDS HAVING THROMBOPOIETIC ACTIVITY. AMGEN INC. 1439875 Apparatus for delivery of medicaments to the respiratory system. Aerogen (Ireland) Limited 1439889 Exercise device to prevent DVT. McKenzie, Noel Robertson 1440083 MOLECULES. Medical Research Council 1440087 MYCOBACTERIAL GENES DOWN-REGULATED DURING LATENCY. Health Protection Agency 1440088 Int. Cl.C07K 14/435 (2008.01); D01D 5/253 (2008.01); D01B 7/00 (2008.01). PRECURSOR SILK FEEDSTOCK FOR FORMING FILAMENTS. Spin'tec Engineering GmbH 1440322 MICRO-SENSOR. austriamicrosystems AG 1440429 METHOD OF USING TACTILE FEEDBACK TO DELIVER SILENT STATUS INFORMATION TO A USER OF A HANDHELD WEAPON. Immersion Corporation 1440462 METHOD FOR THINNING AN INTEGRATED CIRCUIT DIE. CENTRE NATIONAL D'ETUDES SPATIALES 1440729 DEVICE FOR TREATING POWDER PARTICLES BY ROTARY FLOW. Nara Machinery Co., Ltd. 1440900 PACKAGING MATERIALS AND PACAKING CONTAINERS USING THE SAME. Aohata Corporation; Toppan Printing Co., Ltd. 1441320 INFORMATION PROCESSING DEVICE AND INFORMATION PROCESSING METHOD FOR SENSOR NETWORK SYSTEM. OMRON CORPORATION 1441714 COMBINATIONS COMPRISING A SELECTIVE CYCLOOXYGENASE-2 INHIBITOR. Novartis AG; Novartis Pharma GmbH 1441782 Interlocking endoluminal stent-graft. Boston Scientific Limited (30/07/2014) 1441800 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) BLOOD PROCESSING SYSTEMS AND METHODS THAT ALTERNATE FLOW OF BLOOD COMPONENT AND ADDITIVE SOLUTION THROUGH AN IN-LINE LEUKOFILTER. Fenwal, Inc. 1441886 PROCESS FOR MANUFACTURING A SHAPED PART OF ULTRA HIGH MOLECULAR WEIGHT POLYETHYLENE. DSM IP Assets B.V. 1442026 TRIAZOLE DERIVATIVES AS CYCLOOXYGENASE (COX) INHIBITORS. Astellas Pharma Inc. 1442030 THIOPENE- AMD THIAZOLESULFONAMIDES AS ANTINEOPLASTIC AGENTS. ELI LILLY AND COMPANY 1442114 BACTERIUM CAUSING POULTRY DISEASE AND VACCINE DERIVED THEREFROM. Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica S.A. de C.V. 1442269 POSITION MEASURING DEVICE. Dr. Johannes Heidenhain GmbH 1442449 DISPLAY DRIVERS FOR ELECTRO-OPTIC DISPLAYS. Cambridge Display Technology Limited 1442466 Low-voltage circuit breaker. ABB S.p.A. 1443024 IRON OXIDE PARTICLES AND METHOD FOR PRODUCTION THEREOF. MITSUI MINING & SMELTING CO., LTD. 1443046 Int. Cl.C07D 405/14 (2008.01); C07D 413/14 (2008.01); C07D 401/12 (2008.01); C07D 405/12 (2008.01); C07D 211/58 (2008.01); A61K 31/443 (2008.01); A61K 31/4525 (2008.01); A61K 31/453 (2008.01); A61K 31/454 (2008.01); A61K 31/4545 (2008.01); A61K 31/497 (2008.01); A61P 35/00 (2008.01). NOVEL 4-(2FUROYL)AMINOPIPERIDINES, INTERMEDIATES IN SYNTHESIZING THE SAME, PROCESS FOR PRODUCING THE SAME AND MEDICINAL USE OF THE SAME. KYORIN PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD.; Nisshin Pharma Inc. 1443322 CONCENTRATION MEASURING METHOD AND CONCENTRATION MEASURING DEVICE. ARKRAY, Inc. 1443477 Electronic line. Deutsche Telekom AG 1443954 TARGETED THROMBOSIS BY TISSUE FACTOR POLYPEPTIDES. THE SCRIPPS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 1444168 APPARATUS FOR DISINFECTING WATER USING ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION. Honeywell International Inc. 1444350 HIV-1 SUBTYPE ISOLATE REGULATORY/ACCESSORY GENES, AND MODIFICATIONS AND DERIVATIVES THEREOF. The South African Medical Research Council; University of Cape Town 1444683 DISPLAY DRIVER CIRCUITS FOR ELECTRO-OPTIC DISPLAYS. Cambridge Display Technology Limited 1445556 FREEZER. DAIKIN INDUSTRIES, LTD. 2823 2824 1445575 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Method and apparatus for evaluating the transmission signals of a touch probe system. Dr. Johannes Heidenhain GmbH 1446056 SUTURE ANCHOR. Stryker Corporation 1446301 VEHICLE DECK COVER DEVICE FOR COVERING THE LOAD. MULTILIFT OY 1446471 TABLET OF COMPACTED PARTICULATE CLEANING COMPOSITION. ISP INVESTMENTS INC. 1446652 CYTOMETER. BTF Pty Ltd. 1446659 SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR THE GENERATION OF CRYSTALLINE POLYMORPHS. The Regents of the University of Michigan 1446686 OPTICAL MULTI/DEMULTIPLEXER DEVICE, OPTICAL WAVELENGTH SELECTIVE FILTER AND METHOD OF MAKING A FILTER. Google Inc. 1446841 Int. Cl.H01L 33/00 (2006.01); H01S 5/22 (2006.01). A METHOD OF MANUFACTURING A SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE. Eblana Photonics Limited 1446867 CONVERTER AND METHOD FOR GENERATION OF AN OVERLOAD SIGNAL. SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG 1446891 SAFETY CONTROL SYSTEM FOR VEHICLES. Naboulsi, Mouhamad Ahmad 1448117 ENDOVASCULAR ANEURYSM REPAIR SYSTEM. Aptus Endosystems, Inc. 1448672 HIGH MOLECULAR WEIGHT POLY(IMIDE)S AND METHODS OF SYNTHESIS THEREOF. SABIC Innovative Plastics IP B.V. 1448851 METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING FILLER CONTAINING CHEMICAL PULP. M-Real Oyj 1449084 CONTROLLED PROGRAM EXECUTION BY A PORTABLE DATA CARRIER. Giesecke & Devrient GmbH 1449152 USER DEFINABLE IMAGE REFERENCE POINTS. Google Inc. 1450777 PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION CONTAINING CHALCONE OR ITS DERIVATIVES FOR MATRIX METALLOPROTEINASE INHIBITORY ACTIVITY. Angiolab Inc. 1450860 ANIMAL FEEDS INCLUDING ACTIVES. Rubicon Scientific LLC 1451888 DIGITAL BATTERY. DeNovo Research, LLC 1451948 MULTI-CHANNEL BROADBAND CONTENT DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. Broadlogic Network Technologies, Inc. 1453886 Silane-based resins that can be photochemically and/or thermally structured and single-step method for their production. Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. 1453911 PHYSICAL BLENDS OF POLYETHYLENES. TOTAL RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY FELUY (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 1455903 Exercising air footboard. Equbic Product Company, LLC 1456669 METHOD AND KIT FOR MONITORING RECRUITMENT OF PROTEINS TO THE INTRACELLULAR DOMAIN OF A RECEPTOR IN INTACT CELLS. Engelmann, Hartmut 1457595 TREATMENT OF FIBER WITH WATER CONTAINING FINE POWDER OF NOBLE METAL DISPERSED THEREIN. PHITEN CO., LTD. 1458825 Method of forming a three-dimensional object using an ultra-violet light curable hot melt composition. Stockwell, John S.; Holden, Susan Kay; 3D Systems, Inc.; Schmidt, Kris Alan; Doan, Vu A.; XU, Pingyong 1460393 A flow detector with magnetic sensor. FUGAS SPA 1461589 AIRPORT FEATURE DISPLAY SYSTEM AND DATA INTERCHANGE METHOD FOR CONFORMAL DISPLAY. GE Aviation Systems LLC 1461675 AIRPORT MAP SYSTEM WITH COMPACT FEATURE DATA STORAGE. GE Aviation Systems LLC 1461759 AIRCRAFT TAXI PLANNING SYSTEM AND METHOD. GE Aviation Systems LLC 1463774 NAPHTHYLTRIAZINES AS STABILIZERS FOR ORGANIC MATERIAL. BASF SE 1464036 AIRPORT MAP DISPLAY SYSTEM AND METHOD. GE Aviation Systems LLC 1464646 Thieno(2,3-C) Isoquinolines for use as inhibitors of Parp. PELLICCIARI, Roberto; MORONI, Flavio 1465663 READY-TO-USE PARACETAMOL INJECTION SOLUTIONS CONTAINING PROPYLENE GLYCOL AS THE ONLY COSOLVENT. BAXTER INTERNATIONAL INC.; BAXTER HEALTHCARE S.A. 1467952 METHOD FOR PURIFYING WATER AND DISPENSING PURIFIED WATER. Heyning, Hendrik Willem Lambertus 1471172 Harness for weaving loom. Picanol 1475441 Specific nucleic acids and polypeptides from pathogenic strains of Neisseria. Sanofi Pasteur; INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA SANTE ET DE LA RECHERCHE MEDICALE (INSERM) 1476342 GUARDRAIL ASSEMBLY. Robertson, Malcolm; Thorneley, Edwin 1485894 A REMOTE CONTROL DEVICE WITH APPLIANCE POWER AWARENESS. Universal Electronics, Inc. 1487501 A PHOSPHATASE ASSOCIATED WITH METASTASIS. The Johns Hopkins University 1491460 Closure for a two-component cartridge.. Sulzer Mixpac AG 2825 2826 1502415 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) METHOD OF HANDLING PHONE COMMUNICATIONS AND RELATED EQUIPMENTS ON LANS SUPPORTING VOICE AND DATA TRANSMISSION IN AN INTEGRATED WAY. C.D.C. S.R.L. 1504740 Latex bonded acquisition layer having temperature insensitive liquid handling properties. THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY 1506948 HONEYCOMB STRUCTURAL BODY. IBIDEN CO., LTD. 1514247 ARTICLE TRACKING SYSTEM AND METHOD. Amerasia International Technology, Inc. 1520951 A sliding device, a window having such a sliding device and a method for mounting a sash in such a window. VKR Holding A/S 1521166 Keyboard. HTC Corporation 1521408 Method and apparatus for scheduling uplink rates adaptively to fast rate ramping in a packet communication system. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 1521678 SECURITY ELEMENT FOR DOCUMENTS, BANK NOTES, SECURITY PAPER AND THE LIKE. Fedrigoni S.p.A. 1522300 Support device. Zimmer GmbH 1522343 Analytical testelement including a hydrophilic network for forming a capillary channel, its use and method for determining an analyte in a liquid.. Roche Diagnostics GmbH; F.HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 1522568 Adhesive and use thereof. BellandTechnology AG 1522750 Multi-layer sliding bearing. Taiho Kogyo Co., Ltd; Miba Gleitlager GmbH 1522870 Distance measurement. Triple-IN Holding AG 1523025 Field emission-type electron source. Panasonic Corporation 1523945 Module comprising electrolytically corrodible and non-corrodible sections for occlusion coils and and corrodible section. Dendron GmbH 1524009 Active implantable medical device comprising means for ajusting the maximal frequency of ventrical stimulation according to the hemodynamic state of the patient. ELA MEDICAL 1524035 Method for attaching a replaceable part to a pipetting device and an apparatus for such method. Sartorius Biohit Liquid Handling Oy 1524081 Locking device of the articulated lever type. VEP Automation S.r.l. 1524085 Power fastening tool. Panasonic Corporation 1524234 Elevator system. LM Liftmaterial GmbH 1524285 Epoxy resin composition for encapsulating optical semiconductor element and optical semiconductor device using the same. NITTO DENKO CORPORATION 1524511 Leak detection method and micro-machined device assembly. Delphi Technologies, Inc. (30/07/2014) 1524685 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Method for processing a semiconductor device comprising an silicon-oxy-nitride dielectric layer. IMEC; NXP B.V. 1524699 Method for forming CMOS semiconductor devices having a notched gate insulator and devices thus obtained. IMEC; NXP B.V. 1525876 Thermo-swellable cosmetic composition. L'Oréal 1525968 Method and apparatus for casting concrete elements. Elematic Oy Ab 1525998 Method and device for pasting advertising cards during gathering and stapling. Heidelberger Druckmaschinen Aktiengesellschaft 1526064 Scooter type motorcycle. Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha 1526224 Hold-down. Simpson Manufacturing Corporation 1526457 Context-aware automatic service discovery and execution engine in mobile adhoc networks. Sony Deutschland GmbH 1527665 Agricultural machine with towed frame and dome-shaped tire rollers. OTICO 1527789 Multi-adhesive medical appliance. ConvaTec Technologies Inc. 1528052 Process for the production of 4-amino-3,5-dichlorobenzotrifluoride with high purity commercial products being obtained in parallel. FINCHIMICA S.p.A. 1528106 Medium for detecting target microbes in a sample. IDEXX LABORATORIES, INC. 1528148 Method and apparatus for conducting the process of cooking cellulose pulp. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 1528289 Torsion vibration damper. ZF Friedrichshafen AG 1528326 Gas cooking plate and display method. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 1530197 Parameter control method and program therefor, and parameter setting apparatus. YAMAHA CORPORATION 1530284 Method and apparatus for regulating the rotational speed of a motor for a roller shutter. Somfy SAS 1531331 Method for the determination of glycosylated haemoglobin by means of an extraction layer. Roche Diagnostics GmbH; F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG 1531637 Method and system for actuating a service. Deutsche Telekom AG 1535928 Int. Cl.C07K 14/22 (2008.01); C12N 15/31 (2008.01); A61K 39/095 (2008.01). Vaccine compositions comprising Omp85 proteins of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Neisseria meningitidis. The University of Montana 1538160 Int. Cl.C07K 5/078 (2009.01); C07D 217/26 (2009.01); A61K 38/05 (2009.01); A61K 31/47 (2009.01). Substituted Isoquinolin-3-carboxyamides, their preparation and medical use. FIBROGEN INC. 1541197 Use of pipamperone and an SNDRI, SNRI or SSRI for the treatment of mood or anxiety disorders. PharmaNeuroBoost N.V. 2827 2828 1543963 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Method and means for correcting the positional deviation of a printing product. Rexroth Indramat GmbH 1545287 VASOREGULATING COMPOUNDS AND METHODS OF THEIR USE. THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICArepresented by THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 1545329 SHARPOINT NEEDLE. Tyco Healthcare Group LP 1546413 METHOD AND KIT FOR QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE DETERMINATION OF HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS. Cepheid 1546549 FRANCIS TURBINE. Alstom Hydro France 1547211 FREQUENCY STABILIZED LASER SYSTEM COMPRISING PHASE MODULATION OF BACKSCATTERED LIGHT. Renishaw plc 1548044 Method of preparing derivatives of polyarylene vinylene and method of preparing an electronic device including same. Universiteit Hasselt; IMEC 1548595 Method of monitoring status information of remote storage and storage subsystem. Hitachi, Ltd. 1548849 LIGHT EMITTING DIODE. Nichia Corporation 1549177 CONCEALED ADJUSTABLE MOUNTING DEVICE WITH IMPROVED FIXING SYSTEM TO THE TOP CORNER OF WALL-FURNITURE. LEONARDO S.r.l. 1549187 ROTATING SPIT. Tan Mutfak Makina, Gida Sanayi Ve Ticaret Ltd. Sti. 1549329 EXTRACT WITH ANTI-TUMOR AND ANTI-POISONOUS ACTIVITY. Unibioscreen S.A.; Université Libre de Bruxelles 1549878 RESIDENTIAL COMPRESSOR FOR REFUELING MOTOR VEHICLES THAT OPERATE ON GASEOUS FUELS. M.T.M. S.r.l. 1550194 A PROTECTION DEVICE FOR PREVENTING THE FLOW OF UNDESIRABLE DIFFERENTIAL MODE TRANSIENTS. Fultec Semiconductor Inc. 1550329 POLICY CONTROL FUNCTION FOR MULTIMEDIA BROADCAST/MULTICAST SYSTEM SERVICES. Intellectual Ventures I LLC 1551355 A DEVICE FOR DELIVERING FLUID TO THE BLADDER. GO Medical Industries Pty Ltd 1551409 USE OF THE QUINAZOLINE DERIVATIVE ZD6474 COMBINED WITH GEMCITABINE AND OPTIONALLY IONISING RADIATION IN THE TREATMENT OF CANCER. AstraZeneca AB 1551850 2" OXO-VORUSCHARIN AND DERIVATIVES THEREOF. Unibioscreen S.A.; Université Libre de Bruxelles (30/07/2014) 1551873 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) AGONISTS AND ANTAGONISTS OF THE HUMAN ODORANT RECEPTOR OR17-4 AND USES THEREOF. Symrise AG 1552103 DRILL HEAD STEERING. CMTE Development Limited 1552152 ROTARY PISTON VACUUM PUMP WITH WASHING INSTALLATION. Edwards Limited 1552333 IMPROVEMENTS IN AND RELATING TO IMAGING. Perkinelmer Singapore PTE Ltd. 1552396 DATA PROCESSING SYSTEM HAVING A HIERARCHICAL MEMORY ORGANIZATION AND METHOD FOR OPERATING THE SAME. Callahan Cellular L.L.C. 1552413 Method and system for providing on-demand content delivery for an origin server. Akamai Technologies, Inc. 1552531 DETECTION AND IDENTIFICATION OF BIOMOLECULES BY MEANS OF IMAGES CAPTURED BY SPM. Intel Corporation 1552574 PROTON-CONDUCTING POLYMER MEMBRANE COMPRISING SULFONIC ACID-CONTAINING POLYAZOLES, AND USE THEREOF IN FUEL CELLS. BASF Fuel Cell Research GmbH 1553166 Culture microscope apparatus. Olympus Corporation 1553943 Int. Cl.A61K 31/444 (2008.01); A61P 1/04 (2008.01); A61P 11/00 (2008.01); A61P 11/04 (2008.01); A61P 11/06 (2008.01); A61P 11/14 (2008.01). USE OF TENATOPRAZOLE FOR THE TREATMENT OF GASTROESOPHAGEAL REFLUX. Sidem Pharma SA; Mitsubishi Pharma Corporation 1553985 BIPHENYLS AS IMAGING AGENTS IN ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE. The Trustees of The University of Pennsylvania 1554009 Rotary manifold syringe. Navilyst Medical, Inc. 1554299 NOVEL PENTOSE DERIVATIVES AS ANTI-HYPERGLYCEMIC DRUGS. HADASIT MEDICAL RESEARCH SERVICES & DEVELOPMENT LIMITED; Yissum Research Development Company of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Ltd. 1554334 HYDROGENATED NITRILE RUBBER COMPOSITES WITH IMPROVED PROCESSABILITY. Lanxess Inc. 1554335 POLYMER COMPOSITES COMPRISING LOW MOLECULAR WEIGHT NITRILE RUBBER. Bayer Inc. 1554342 POLYMER BLENDS COMPRISING LOW MOLECULAR WEIGHT NITRILE RUBBER. Bayer Inc. 1554411 PRODUCTION METHOD OF AN ALLOY CONTAINING RARE EARTH ELEMENT. Showa Denko K.K. 1554413 Method for producing semiconducting devices. TEL Solar AG 2829 2830 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal 1554417 HYDRIDE VPE REACTOR AND PROCESS. Aixtron AG 1554434 FORMING IN-SITU PILINGS. Gunther, Johan M. 1554437 A PILLAR SINK MIXER WITH HAND SPRAY. TRIFLOW CONCEPTS (No. 2260) LIMITED 1554513 STOP VALVE. SAINT-GOBAIN PAM 1554531 REFRIGERATING DEVICE COMPRISING AN EVACUATABLE STORAGE COMPARTMENT. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 1554544 METHOD FOR ELECTRONICALLY ADJUSTING THE READOUT OSCILLATION FREQUENCY OF A CORIOLIS GYRO. LITEF GmbH 1554547 PROCESS MEASURING INSTRUMENT. Endress + Hauser Flowtec AG 1554788 ELECTRICAL APPARATUS. Moeller Gebäudeautomation GmbH 1554861 MOBILE RADIO TERMINAL FEATURING VISUALLY CONTROLLED MENU-ASSISTED OPERATION. Vodafone Holding GmbH 1554864 DIRECTORY ASSISTANT METHOD AND APPARATUS. Nuance Communications, Inc. 1554987 FUNCTIONAL NAVIGATOR. CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTIFICAS; UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE VALENCIA 1556067 PHENOLIC BINDING PEPTIDES. Danisco US Inc. 1556199 MODULAR CONSTRUCTION WATER FLOW GUIDE FOR UNDERWATER PELLETIZER. Gala Industries, Inc. 1556358 ENANTIOSELECTIVE ALKYLATION OF TRICYCLIC COMPOUNDS. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 1556362 BETA-AMINO HETEROCYCLIC DIPEPTIDYL PEPTIDASE INHIBITORS FOR THE TREATMENT OR PREVENTION OF DIABETES. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 1556450 AQUEOUS NON-IONICALLY STABILISED EPOXY RESINS. ALLNEX AUSTRIA GmbH 1556527 DEPOSITION PROCESSES USING GROUP 8 (VIII) METALLOCENE PRECURSORS. PRAXAIR TECHNOLOGY, INC. 1556651 ACTUATION DEVICE FOR A COOKING APPLIANCE. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 1556660 SAFETY FOR A GRENADE LAUNCHR BARREL LATCH. R/M Equipment, Inc. 1556793 DISTRIBUTED FILE SYSTEM AND METHOD. Bluearc UK Limited 1556881 ELECTRON BEAM EXPOSURE SYSTEM. MAPPER LITHOGRAPHY IP B.V. 1556923 DYNAMIC ANTENNA. TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET LM ERICSSON (publ) (30/07/2014) 1556971 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) METHOD AND MOBILE STATION FOR CONTROLLING COMMUNICATION VIA A RADIO LINK. Motorola Mobility LLC 1556983 TRANSMIT DIVERSITY PROCESSING FOR A MULTI-ANTENNA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM. Qualcomm, Incorporated 1557003 RANDOM ACCESS FOR WIRELESS MULTIPLE-ACCESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS. Qualcomm, Incorporated 1557056 DISPOSABLE MINI-APPLICATIONS. Nokia Corporation 1558246 PROLINE DERIVATIVES HAVING AFFINITY FOR THE CALCIUM CHANNEL ALPHA-2-DELTA SUBUNIT. Pfizer Limited; Pfizer Inc. 1558284 COMBINATION THERAPY WITH NAKED CLASS III ANTI-CEA MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES AND THERAPEUTIC AGENTS. Immunomedics, Inc. 1558299 A POLYURETHANE BASED COMPOSITION FOR FILLING OR SHORTCIRCUITING VASCULAR CAVITIES. Hudák, István; Doczi, Tamás 1558319 CONCENTRIC CONTROLLED TEMPERATURE PROFILE FLUID VAPORIZING DEVICE. Philip Morris USA Inc. 1558342 ANCHORING DEVICE. Winsafe Corp. 1558423 STENT COMPRESSION METHOD. Bard Peripheral Vascular, Inc. 1558571 NOVEL COMPOUNDS USEFUL IN TREATING PPAR MEDIATED DISEASES. High Point Pharmaceuticals, LLC 1558578 NOVEL ALKYNE COMPOUNDS HAVING AN MCH ANTAGONISTIC EFFECT AND MEDICAMENTS CONTAINING THESE COMPOUNDS. Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG 1558658 CONTROLLED STRUCTURE COPOLYMER COMPRISING AN AMPHOTERIC OR ZWITTERIONIC PART. RHODIA CHIMIE 1558659 POLYURETHANE DISPERSION AND ARTICLES PREPARED THEREFROM. Dow Global Technologies LLC 1558661 HEAT RESISTANT HIGH MOISTURE VAPOR TRANSMISSION THERMOPLASTIC POLYURETHANE. Lubrizol Advanced Materials, Inc. 1558690 AQUEOUS ADHESIVE COMPOSITION BASED ON LEGUME STARCH. Roquette Frères 1558762 AMPLICON MELTING ANALYSIS WITH SATURATION DYES. BioFire Diagnostics, Inc.; University of Utah Research Foundation 1558854 PLATE CYLINDER LOCKING MECHANISM. Stolle Machinery Company LLC 1558922 IDENTIFYING THERAPEUTIC COMPOUNDS BASED ON THEIR PHYSICAL-CHEMICAL PROPERTIES. Ampere Life Sciences, Inc. 1558934 A METHOD FOR ASSESSMENT OF PARTICLES. ChemoMetec A/S 2831 2832 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal 1559059 INDENTATION HARDNESS TEST SYSTEM. LECO CORPORATION 1559128 METHODS AND APPARATUS FOR GENERATING HIGH-DENSITY (No. 2260) PLASMA. Zond, Inc. 1559139 METHOD OF DETACHING A THIN FILM AT MODERATE TEMPERATURE AFTER CO-IMPLANTATION. Soitec; Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 1559159 ELECTRIC POWER SOURCE COMPRISING A FUEL CELL WITHOUT DISCHARGE OF MATTER OUTSIDE AND METHOD FOR CONTROLLING SUCH A POWER SOURCE. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 1559162 PROTON-CONDUCTING POLYMER MEMBRANE THAT CONTAINS POLYAZOLES AND IS COATED WITH A CATALYST LAYER, AND APPLICATION THEREOF IN FUEL CELLS. BASF Fuel Cell Research GmbH 1559164 PROTON-CONDUCTING POLYMER MEMBRANE CONTAINING POLYAZOLE BLENDS, AND APPLICATION THEREOF IN FUEL CELLS. BASF Fuel Cell Research GmbH 1559167 GLAZING PANEL WITH A RADIATION-REFLECTIVE COATING LAYER. AGC Glass Europe 1559209 CHANNEL ESTIMATION AND SPATIAL PROCESSING FOR TDD MIMO SYSTEMS. Qualcomm, Incorporated 1559278 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR MINIMIZING UNWANTED RENEGOTIATION OF A PASSIVE RFID TAG. Symbol Technologies, Inc. 1559287 ACCESS STRATUM MANAGER. BlackBerry Limited 1559698 METHOD FOR PRODUCING LIGHT GYPSUM BOARD. Yoshino Gypsum Co., Ltd. 1559772 LUBRICATING OIL. Nippon Oil Corporation 1560602 RADIOACTIVE TRANSITION METAL-IMIDO HETERO-DIPHOSPHINE COMPLEXES, THEIR PREPARATION AND RADIOPHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS THEREOF. Bracco Imaging S.p.A. 1560800 GYPSUM PRODUCT AND METHOD THEREFOR. Shoshany, Haggai 1560892 REFRIGERANT COMPOSITIONS. E.I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY 1561075 CONDENSATION HEAT EXCHANGER WITH PLASTIC CASING. GIANNONI FRANCE 1561219 METHOD FOR WRITING A LABEL ON AN OPTICAL DISC AND CORRESPONDING DRIVE. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1561365 Power control during a transmission pause. INTERDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION (30/07/2014) 1561784 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) FLUORORESIN COMPOSITION, MOLDED FLUORORESIN ARTICLES, FLUORORESIN LAMINATES AND USE OF THE LAMINATES. DAIKIN INDUSTRIES, LTD. 1562577 ACETYL-L-CARNITINE FOR THE PREVENTION AND/OR TREATMENT OF PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHIES INDUCED BY THALIDOMIDE. SIGMA-TAU Industrie Farmaceutiche Riunite S.p.A. 1562632 INDUCIBLE LIGAND FOR ALPHA1 BETA1 INTEGRIN AND USES. Boys Town National Research Hospital 1562640 METHODS FOR PURIFYING RADIOLABELLED COMPOUNDS. McMaster University 1562655 Method for compensating a pressure drop in a ventilator tube, ventilator and memory medium. CareFusion Germany 234 GmbH 1562761 PAINT ROLLER CLEANER. Dominey, Peter John 1562880 PROCESS FOR THE SELECTIVE HYDROGENATION OF ALKYNES. Catalytic Distillation Technologies 1562962 METHOD OF MAKING SULFUR CONTAINING ORGANOSILICON COMPOUNDS. Dow Corning Corporation 1562999 METHOD FOR PREPARING METAL CYANIDE CATALYSTS USING POLYMERIZABLE COMPLEXING AGENTS. Dow Global Technologies LLC 1563151 PROFILED SECTION FOR DOOR OR BAY FRAME. Digit 1563395 METHOD FOR REPRODUCING CONTENTS INFORMATION IN INTERACTIVE OPTICAL DISC DEVICE AND METHOD FOR PROVIDING CONTENTS INFORMATION IN CONTENTS PROVIDER SERVER. LG Electronics, Inc. 1563620 Lower complexity layered modulation signal processor. THE DIRECTV GROUP, INC. 1565135 CORDED HEARING PROTECTIVE DEVICE AND METHOD OF MANUFACTURING THE SAME. 3M Innovative Properties Company 1565304 METHODS AND DEVICES FOR STRETCHING POLYMER FILMS. 3M Innovative Properties Company 1565322 SHEET DISPENSERS. 3M Innovative Properties Company 1565585 PROCESS FOR EXTRACTING ZINC. D Wilson Investments Pty Ltd 1565622 AN IMPROVED DEVICE. Terminator IP II S.A. 1565900 FLEXIBLE DISPLAY. Creator Technology B.V. 1565936 NOVEL FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR AND METHOD OF FABRICATION. Intel Corporation 2833 2834 1567709 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) COMPOUND AND METHOD TO IMPROVE WRINKLE RESISTANCE IN FABRICS, AND FABRIC PROVIDED WITH SAID COMPOUND. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1568364 OSTEOGENESIS PROMOTER CONTAINING BETA-CRYPTOXANTHIN AS THE ACTIVE INGREDIENT. Kemin Foods L.C. 1568471 HEAT-RESISTANT FLEXIBLE LAMINATED BOARD MANUFACTURING METHOD. KANEKA CORPORATION 1570014 POLYSILAZANE-CONTAINING COATING SOLUTION. AZ Electronic Materials USA Corp. 1570365 TRANSACTION ACCELERATOR FOR CLIENT-SERVER COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS. Riverbed Technology, Inc. 1570476 METHOD FOR REPRODUCING DATA RECORDED ON AN INTERACTIVE RECORDING MEDIUM IN CONJUNCTION WITH ASSOCIATED AUXILIARY DATA. LG Electronics, Inc. 1570522 SELF ALIGNED SHALLOW TRENCH ISOLATION WITH IMPROVED COUPLING COEFFICIENT IN FLOATING GATE DEVICES. NXP B.V. 1570819 Urine drainage device. LARKIS Spólka z o.o. 1571194 OXONITRIDE PHOSPHOR AND METHOD FOR PRODUCTION THEREOF, AND LUMINESCENT DEVICE USING THE OXONITRIDE PHOSPHOR. Nichia Corporation 1572291 THE USE OF CYTOKINE ABLE TO BIND IL-18BP AND OF INHIBITING THE ACTIVITY OF A SECOND CYTOKINE. ARES TRADING S.A. 1573348 MAGNETIZATION PRIMER SEQUENCE FOR BALANCED STEADY STATE FREE PRECESSION MR IMAGING. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1573785 BOTTOM ANTI-REFLECTIVE COATINGS DERIVED FROM SMALL CORE MOLECULES WITH MULTIPLE EPOXY MOIETIES. Brewer Science, Inc. 1574079 METHOD FOR POST-PROCESSING A 3D DIGITAL VIDEO SIGNAL. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1575575 SAFE CHEMICAL UNCOUPLERS FOR THE TREATMENT OF OBESITY. High Point Pharmaceuticals, LLC 1575730 SUPPLYING A WINDING APPARATUS WITH MINERAL WOOL MAT. Paroc Oy Ab 1575763 BLOWING AGENT INTRODUCTION SYSTEMS. Trexel, Inc. 1576591 BIT-WISE OPTICAL DATA STORAGE UTILIZING ALUMINUM OXIDE SINGLE CRYSTAL MEDIUM. LANDAUER, INC. (30/07/2014) 1576653 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) SEMICONDUCTOR SUBSTRATE HAVING COPPER-DIAMOND COMPOSITE MATERIAL AND METHOD OF MAKING SAME. Kyocera America, Inc. 1578999 METHOD FOR MEASURING NON-TRANSFERRIN BOUND IRON. Yissum Research Development Company of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Ltd. 1579187 METHOD FOR INCREASING IONIZATION EFFICIENCY IN MASS SPECTROSCOPY. Target Discovery, Inc. 1579945 METHOD OF MANUFACTURING A BOXING JOINT WITH HIGH FATIGUE STRENGTH. Nippon Steel Corporation 1581298 RECIPROCATING CUTTING AND DILATING BALLOON. Boston Scientific Scimed, Inc. 1587409 DIAGNOSIS AND MONITORING OF ACUTE CORONARY SYNDROME. DMI Biosciences, Inc. 1590422 COKE DRUM BOTTOM THROTTLING VALVE AND SYSTEM. CurtissWright Flow Control Corp. 1592930 CONDENSER, IN PARTICULAR FOR A MOTOR VEHICLE AIR CONDITIONING CIRCUIT, AND CIRCUIT COMPRISING SAME. VALEO SYSTEMES THERMIQUES 1601726 COATING COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING ALKYL KETENE DIMERS AND ALKYL SUCCINIC ANHYDRIDES FOR USE IN PAPER MAKING. Spectra-Kote Corporation 1602337 Articulatable ionizable gas coagulator. Covidien AG 1608238 PREPARATION METHOD FOR MEAT BASED PRODUCTS, WITH DIRECT INCORPORATION OF OLIVE OIL AND ADDITION OF FETA TYPE CHEESE. CRETA FARM SOCIETE ANONYME INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL trading as CRETA FARM S.A. 1620479 POLYOLEFIN ADHESIVE COMPOSITIONS AND ARTICLES MADE THEREFROM. ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc. 1628690 APPARATUS AND FOR RAPID AND CONTINUOUS GENERATION OF PHOSPHINE GAS. United Phosphorus, Ltd. 1642825 Injection-molded window panel and related methods. The Boeing Company 1642829 Methods and systems for rain removal and de-icing of monolithic windshields. The Boeing Company 1643798 Microphone comprising two pressure-gradient capsules. AKG Acoustics GmbH 1645295 Controlled-release diffuser for room deodorants and/or perfumes, designed to be wall-mounted. OIKOS S.r.l. 1645640 Method for detecting chromosomal translocations. Affymetrix, Inc. 1645793 Cryogenic insulation device. Cryospace l'air liquide aerospatiale 2835 2836 1645908 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Positive resist composition and pattern-forming method using the same. FUJIFILM Corporation 1647303 Implantable active medical system with telemetric RF-circuit. ELA MEDICAL 1647956 Method for commissioning of wireless danger signal systems. SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 1647988 Method of replacement process and recording system. Sony Corporation 1649884 Implantable pump with detection of the placement of a refill instrument. Codman Neuro Sciences Sàrl 1649980 Torque limiting tool. Gautier, Jacques 1650224 Composition and method for repairing nerve damage and enhancing functional recovery of nerve. Taipei Veterans General Hospital 1650498 Safety cut-off for pressurized water vapour producing devices. CELAYA, EMPARANZA Y GALDOS, INTERNACIONAL, S.A. 1650506 Boiler unit for dual-function gas boilers and boiler with said unit. GV STAMPERIE S.p.A. 1650517 Adsorption dehumifier for granules of plastic materials. Moretto S.p.A. 1650831 Cable lug for an electrical connection comprising a reduced section. Mecatraction 1650990 Method and apparatus for routing short messages in mobile telephone networks. HEWLETT-PACKARD DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, L.P. 1652484 Instruments and kit for suture management. DePuy Products, Inc. 1652583 Pipette tip rack and pipette tip assembly. SYSMEX CORPORATION 1652677 Apparatus and method for maintaining recording head. Brother Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha 1652711 Motor vehicle body comprising a windshield having at least one water deflector. GM Global Technology Operations LLC 1652712 Split serial-parallel hybrid dual-power drive system. Yang, Tai-Her 1652742 Assembly with a reservoir for supplying an internal vehicle system. Fränkische Rohrwerke Gebr. Kirchner GmbH + Co KG 1653299 Process cartridge for an image-forming device. Brother Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha 1653664 Wireless/wired mobile communication device, method and computer program medium with option to automatically block wireless communication when connected for wired communication. Research In Motion Limited 1655318 High solids low-viscosity aqueous radiation curable urethane binder dispersions. Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH 1655383 Process and device for limiting the vibrations of aluminium or steel sheets during gas cooling. Cockerill Maintenance & Ingéniérie S.A. 1655410 Method of constructing a base layer. Kügler, Jost-Ulrich, Dipl.-Ing. (30/07/2014) 1655609 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Test tube stand with a movable section for shaking the sample.. F.HOFFMANNLA ROCHE AG; Roche Diagnostics GmbH 1657492 Gas cooking top with a gasvalve. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 1657819 Cooktop control. ZF Friedrichshafen AG 1658770 Cultivating channel for supporting substrate material and plants growing therein in a greenhouse. WDP Draadbewerking B.V. 1660297 NOZZLE HEAD FOR AN EXTRUDER. Rübbelke, Ingo 1665426 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR IMPROVING EFFICIENCY OF FUEL CELL IN PORTABLE DEVICES. Wistron Corporation 1666077 Surgical carrier material with silver particles, medical product containing the carrier material and method for detection of the carrier material as well as of adhesions. Aesculap AG 1667428 Non-CCD imaging device with Time Delay Integration (TDI) mode. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 1670385 NOVEL POROUS BIOMATERIALS. University of Washington 1670513 COX-2 INHIBITORS AND DENDRITIC CELLS FOR USE IN THE TREATMENT OF CANCER.. Cedars-Sinai Medical Center 1670573 METHOD FOR REMOVING AT LEAST ONE CONSTITUENT FROM A SOLUTION. Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast -Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek TNO 1670593 CENTRIFUGAL SEPARATOR FOR CLEANING GASES. 3Nine AB 1670681 SAIL WITH REINFORCEMENT STITCHING AND METHOD FOR MAKING. Baudet, Jean-Pierre 1670823 CHIMERIC MHC PROTEIN AND OLIGOMER THEREOF FOR SPECIFIC TARGETING. ProImmune Limited 1671030 ROTOR BLADE FOR A WIND POWER CONVERTER. REpower Systems SE 1671055 VALVE ASSEMBLY. Brooks Instrument LLC 1671063 LIGHT ASSEMBLY. Federal Signal Corporation 1671097 METHODS AND COMPOSITIONS FOR PRODUCING SECRETED TRIMERIC RECEPTOR ANALOGS AND BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE FUSION PROTEINS. Genhunter Corporation 1671513 METHODS AND APPARATUS TO EXTRACT CODES FROM A PLURALITY OF CHANNELS. The Nielsen Company (US), LLC 1671519 ARRANGEMENT FOR HEATING FOOD. INNOVAT Gesellschaft für Sondermaschinenbau, Mess- und Steuerungstechnik mbH 1671671 Carbon coated connectors for medical devices. ELA MEDICAL 1672268 METHOD OF SUPPRESSING WEAR IN TWO OBJECT FRICTION SYSTEM. Sumimoto Scientific Institute Co., Ltd.; Sumimoto, Morio 2837 2838 1672364 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Analytical system for analysis of a liquid sample by means of a test element.. F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG; Roche Diagnostics GmbH 1672991 FLEXIBLE BAND. Nike International Ltd. 1672999 FLAT MOP DEVICE WITH A FOLD-AWAY MOP HOLDER. ECOLAB INC. 1673000 DISHWASHER WITH INTEGRATED SPRAY CHANNELS. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 1673036 Int. Cl.A61F 2/84 (2009.01); A61F 2/01 (2009.01). RETRIEVAL CATHETER. Angiomed GmbH & Co. Medizintechnik KG 1673063 TRANSDERMAL PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION. RICHTER GEDEON VEGYÉSZETI GYÁR RT 1673214 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR TREATING SLUDGE. Nordic Water Products AB 1673256 MOTOR VEHICLE SEATBACK ASSEMBLY. RENAULT S.A.S. 1673311 DEWATERING TREATMENT SYSTEM AND METHOD. Electrokinetic Limited 1673476 METHODS FOR DETECTING NUCLEIC ACID IN BIOLOGICAL SAMPLES. Hai Kang Life Corporation Limited 1673564 DIVERTER VALVE. Amerikam, Inc. 1673616 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR TESTING COMBUSTION. Alstom Technology Ltd 1673684 CARRIER SEARCH METHODS AND APPARATUS. QUALCOMM Incorporated 1673715 METHOD FOR PRODUCTION OF A CARD WITH A DOUBLE INTERFACE AND MICROCIRCUIT CARD OBTAINED THUS. Oberthur Technologies 1673757 Electrowetting display device. Samsung LCD Netherlands R&D Center B.V. 1673828 PROTECTION METHODS, PROTECTION CIRCUITS AND PROTECTIVE DEVICES FOR SECONDARY BATTERIES, A POWER TOOL, CHARGER AND BATTERY PACK ADAPTED TO PROVIDE PROTECTION AGAINST FAULT CONDITIONS IN THE BATTERY PACK. Black & Decker Inc. 1673895 MEDIUM ACCESS CONTROL PRIORITY-BASED SCHEDULING FOR DATA UNITS IN A DATA FLOW. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (Publ) 1673911 METHOD OF AND APPARATUS FOR NOISE WHITENING FILTERING. TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET LM ERICSSON (publ) 1673913 Single antenna interference rejection by means of iterative interference estimation and spatio-temporal whitening. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (publ) (30/07/2014) 1673951 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) METHOD AND APPARATUS PROVIDING PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT FOR GPRS NEIGHBOUR CELL MEASUREMENT REPORTING WHEN PACKET BROADCAST CONTROL CHANNEL IS NOT AVAILABLE. Nokia Corporation 1674394 Process for production of pouches. THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY 1674447 Amide mixtures, polyolefin resin compositions, and polyolefin resin molded products. NEW JAPAN CHEMICAL CO., LTD. 1674994 Multi-user computer system. Raritan Computer, Inc. 1675479 LOW CARBOHYDRATE FIBER CONTAINING EMULSION. Unilever N.V.; Unilever PLC 1675505 MANUAL DEVICE FOR EXAMINING A BODY FLUID. F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG; Roche Diagnostics GmbH 1675513 INTER-BLADE SUPPORT. Cousin Biotech, S.A.S.; Smart Hospital S.R.L.; Petrini, Piero 1675544 APPARATUS, BED AND METHOD FOR DISPLACING A RECUMBENT PERSON TO A SITTING POSITION. JOCO Holding B.V. 1675546 BOTTLE, IN PARTICULAR BABY'S BOTTLE AND PRODUCTION METHOD THEREFOR. Bamed AG 1675583 SUSTAINED RELEASE PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING APLINDORE AND DERIVATIVES THEREOF. Wyeth LLC 1675591 PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION COMPRISING A MONOAMINE NEUROTRANSMITTER RE-UPTAKE INHIBITOR AND AN ACETYLCHOLINESTERASE INHIBITOR. NeuroSearch A/S 1675627 SYSTEM FOR INCREASING CONCENTRATION OF STERILANT IN REGION. American Sterilizer Company 1675775 Metal pallet. Bailey, Alexander William Marshall 1675847 SPIROCYCLIC HETEROCYCLIC DERIVATIVES AND METHODS OF THEIR USE. Adolor Corporation 1675859 MODULATORS OF SEROTONIN RECEPTORS. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company 1675973 ANTI-ABRASIVE LAYER. Gühring, Jörg 1676277 WRITE-ONCE OPTICAL DISC, AND METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR RECORDING/REPRODUCING DATA ON/FROM THE OPTICAL DISC. LG Electronics Inc. 1676291 ION MOBILITY TOF/MALDI/MS USING DRIFT CELL ALTERNATING HIGH AND LOW ELECTRIC FIELD REGIONS. Ionwerks, Inc. 1676350 ACTIVE PROTECTION CIRCUIT ARRANGEMENT. austriamicrosystems AG 2839 2840 1676403 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) METHOD FOR SERIAL ALLOCATION OF ADDRESSES AND MONITORING THE ADDRESS ALLOCATION IN A BUS SYSTEM. Johnson Electric Switzerland AG; ELMOS Semiconductor AG 1676404 COMMUNICATION SYSTEM AND ANTI-COLLISION METHOD. Navigator Remote Limited Liability Company 1676698 LAMINATED FILM. TORAY INDUSTRIES, INC. 1676709 LIQUID INJECTION DEVICE. Seiko Epson Corporation 1676895 ADHESIVE PATCH FOR EXTERNAL USE ON SKIN. Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Co., Inc. 1677455 A METHOD OF ANALYZING THE ACCESSING PROCESS OF THE SELECTED SERVICE IN THE WIRELESS LOCAL AREA NETWORK. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 1677497 Mobile terminal and method for contacting a person using a mobile terminal. LG Electronics Inc. 1677595 ANTIMICROBIAL COMPOSITES, FILMS, LABELSTOCKS AND LABELS. AVERY DENNISON CORPORATION 1677646 WASHING BRUSH. Alfred Kärcher GmbH & Co. KG 1677680 ANALYSIS OF AUSCULTATORY SOUNDS USING SINGULAR VALUE DECOMPOSITION. REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA; 3M Innovative Properties Company 1677717 LASER MACHINING. Carl Zeiss Meditec AG 1677725 ERGONOMIC COLLAPSIBLE CRUTCH. Millennial Medical Equipment LLC. 1677760 CONTROLLED RELEASE ANALGESIC SUSPENSIONS. McNeil-PPC, Inc. 1677821 A METHOD FOR INCREASING CD8+ CYTOTOXIC T CELL REPONSES AND FOR TREATING MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS. BAYLOR COLLEGE OF MEDICINE 1677827 COMBINATIONS FOR HCV TREATMENT. VERTEX PHARMACEUTICALS INCORPORATED 1677997 INTEGRAL ARM AXLE/SUSPENSION SYSTEM. Hendrickson International Corporation 1678038 HEAT TUNNEL FOR FILM SHRINKING. Douglas Machine, Inc. 1678108 HOMOGENEOUS PROCESS FOR THE HYDROGENATION OF DICARBOXYLIC ACIDS AND/OR ANHYDRIDES THEREOF. Davy Process Technology Limited 1678174 PROCESS FOR PREPARING 7-CHLORO-1-CYCLOPROPYL-6-FLUORO-4OXO-1,4-DIHYDRO-1,8-NAPHTHYRIDINE-3-CARBOXYLIC ACID. LG Life Sciences Ltd. (30/07/2014) 1678185 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Int. Cl.C07D 498/04 (2008.01); A61K 31/41 (2008.01); A61P 31/00 (2008.01). 2,3-DIHYDRO-6-NITROIMIDAZO [2,1-B] OXAZOLE COMPOUNDS FOR THE TREATMENT OF TUBERCULOSIS. OTSUKA PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD. 1678190 METAL COMPLEXES WITH BIPODAL LIGANDS. Merck Patent GmbH 1678199 METHODS AND COMPOSITIONS FOR MYCOPLASMA PNEUMONIAE EXOTOXINS. THE BOARD OF REGENTS, THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SYSTEM 1678202 HCV NS3-NS4A PROTEASE RESISTANCE MUTANTS. VERTEX PHARMACEUTICALS INCORPORATED 1678216 CONTINUOUS PREPARATION OF ETHYLENE HOMOPOLYMERS OR COPOLYMERS. Basell Polyolefine GmbH 1678261 DECORATIVE PAPER WITH SPRINKLED CORUNDUM, COATED WITH AN ADHESIVE. Kronoplus Technical AG 1678279 METHOD FOR PREDICTING AMOUNT OF GAS PRODUCED DURING COAL GASIFICATION. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research 1678295 METHODS OF PREPARING AND USING STEM CELL COMPOSITIONS AND KITS COMPRISING THE SAME. Vet-Stem Inc 1678332 METHOD FOR COATING LEATHER WITH DISPERSED SYNTHETIC RESIN. BASF SE 1678361 METHOD OF PRODUCING A NONWOVEN MATERIAL. SCA Hygiene Products AB 1678385 A CELLULOSE FIBRE BASED INSULATION MATERIAL. 3M Innovative Properties Co. 1678386 Insulating material consisting of a web of mineral fibres for wedging between beams. SAINT-GOBAIN ISOVER 1678427 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR LUBRICATING A SEALED BEARING ASSEMBLY BY SUPPLYING GREASE AND GAS THROUGH SEPARATE SUPPLY LINES. Tata Steel UK Limited 1678432 ADJUSTABLE SEALING MEANS. Fluoroseal Inc 1678500 Int. Cl.G01N 33/543 (2009.01); G01N 33/558 (2009.01); G01N 33/559 (2009.01). DIGITAL IMAGING OF SINGLE RADIAL IMMUNODIFFUSION ASSAYS. Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics S.r.l. 1678586 A METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR ENSURING THE INTEGRITY OF DATA. HEWLETT-PACKARD DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, L.P. 1678725 USE OF MIXED SINTERED CARBONATES FOR THE CONFINEMENT OF RADIOACTIVE CARBON. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2841 2842 1678753 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) HIGH PERFORMANCE STRAINED CMOS DEVICES. International Business Machines Corporation 1678813 DRIVE UNIT FOR GENERATING AN OSCILLATORY MOTION FOR ELECTRICAL SMALL-SCALE UNITS. Braun GmbH 1678861 CONVERGENCE DEVICE WITH DYNAMIC PROGRAM THROTTLING BASED ON POWER INDICATOR. Qualcomm Incorporated 1678870 HIGH SPEED MEDIA ACCESS CONTROL AND DIRECT LINK PROTOCOL. QUALCOMM INCORPORATED 1678879 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR ASYMMETRIC DUAL-MODE RADIO COMMUNICATIONS. TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET LM ERICSSON (publ) 1678881 LINK MARGIN NOTIFICATION USING RETURN FRAME. Xocyst Transfer AG L.L.C. 1678978 SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR MULTIPLEXING CONTROL DATA FOR MULTIPLE DATA CHANNELS ONTO A SINGLE CONTROL CHANNEL. QUALCOMM INCORPORATED 1679074 THERAPEUTIC AGENT FOR KERATOCONJUNCTIVE DISORDER. SANTEN PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD. 1679308 NOVEL INDAZOLE DERIVATIVE. Ube Industries, Ltd. 1679462 Pipe laying apparatus. Liebherr-Hydraulikbagger GmbH 1679474 Electrical power supply device. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 1679510 SPECIMEN ANALYSIS METHOD AND SPECIMEN ANALYSIS DEVICE. ARKRAY, Inc. 1679805 RADIO COMMUNICATIONS METHOD IN A WIRELESS LOCAL NETWORK. AIRGAIN, INC. 1680073 COMPOUNDS AND METHOD FOR TREATING CANCER. IGF Oncology, LLC 1680138 COMBINATION THERAPY. NOVO NORDISK A/S 1680140 FIBROBLAST GROWTH FACTOR RECEPTOR-1 INHIBITORS AND METHODS OF TREATMENT THEREOF. Imclone LLC 1680156 FLUID DISTRIBUTION MODULE AND EXTRACORPOREAL BLOOD CIRCUIT INCLUDING SUCH A MODULE. Gambro Lundia AB 1680170 CATHETER SYSTEM FOR STENTING BIFURCATED VESSELS. MINVASYS 1680310 METHOD FOR PRODUCING A MOTOR VEHICLE. AUDI AG; Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft; Andata Entwicklungstechnologie GmbH & Co. KG 1680312 OCCUPANT PROTECTION SYSTEM FOR A MOTOR VEHICLE. Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft; AUDI AG; Andata Entwicklungstechnologie GmbH & Co. KG (30/07/2014) 1680386 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) CONVERSION OF ALKANES HAVING AT MOST 5 CARBONATOMS TO ALCOHOLS AND/OR ALDEHYDES USING A PLATINUM COMPLEX CATALYST. Eskom Holdings Limited 1680479 NEW ORGANIC COMPOUND AND ORGANIC LIGHT EMITTING DEVICE USING THE SAME. LG Chem, Ltd. 1680541 STABILIZED BODY CARE PRODUCTS, HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS, TEXTILES AND FABRICS. BASF SE 1680563 Assembly for joining floor coverings. Profiline; Premium Floors Pty Ltd 1680566 APPARATUS FOR RELEASING MAGNETIC SECURITY DEVICE. Dubois Limited 1680571 DOUBLE SCREEN RAPID DOOR. NERGECO 1680607 NON-PYROLYTICALLY ACTUATED REDUCED-SHOCK SEPARATION FASTENER. Hi-Shear Technology Corporation 1680892 METHOD, APPARATUS, AND SYSTEM FOR MULTIPLEXING PROTOCOL DATA UNITS. QUALCOMM INCORPORATED 1680893 COMBINED ELECTRO-MECHANICAL AND SOLID STATE SWITCH. Cisco Technology, Inc. 1680928 METHODS OF PROCESSING DIGITAL IMAGE AND/OR VIDEO DATA INCLUDING LUMINANCE FILTERING BASED ON CHROMINANCE DATA. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 1680933 Wireless communication method and system coordinating node-b and supporting enhanced uplink transmissions during handover. InterDigital Technology Corporation 1681156 STRETCHED LAYERED FILM AND PROCESS FOR PRODUCING STRETCHED LAYERED FILM. Toppan Printing Co., Ltd. 1681306 HYALURONIC ACID COMPOUND, HYDROGEL THEREOF AND MATERIAL FOR TREATING JOINT. TEIJIN LIMITED 1682010 SYSTEM FOR TISSUE APPROXIMATION AND FIXATION. Ethicon EndoSurgery, Inc. 1682088 ORAL MICROEMULSION COMPOSITION COMPRISING BIPHENYLDIMETHYLDICARBOXYLATE AND SILYBIN. Hanmi Pharm. Co., Ltd. 1682111 eNos transcription enhancers for use in the cell therapy of ischemic heart diseases. Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH 1682154 PROCESS FOR PREPARING PHYTOSTEROL DISPERSIONS FOR APPLICATION IN BEVERAGES. The Coca-Cola Company 2843 2844 1682168 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) NON-PANCREATIC PROTEASES FOR CONTROLLING PLASMA CHOLECYSTOKININ (CCK) CONCENTRATION AND FOR TREATING PAIN. ELI LILLY AND CO. 1682598 RIGID POLYURETHANE FOAM BASED ON TOLUENE DIAMINEINITIATED POLYOLS. Dow Global Technologies LLC 1682610 POROUS FILLER OR COATING PIGMENT OF PAPER AND CARDBOARD AND A METHOD OF MANUFACTURING IT. Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT 1682656 Polypeptides having beta-glucosidase activity and polynucleotides encoding same. Novozymes Inc. 1682699 SPIRAL ELECTRODEIONIZATION DEVICE AND COMPONENTS THEREOF. Ionics, Incorporated 1682750 POWER PLANT. Alstom Technology Ltd 1682835 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF CARBON MONOXIDE AND/OR HYDROGEN AND/OR A MIXTURE OF HYDROGEN AND CARBON MONOXIDE BY CRYOGENIC DISTILLATION. L'AIR LIQUIDE, Société Anonyme pour l'Etude et l'Exploitation des Procédés Georges Claude 1682923 METHOD FOR LOCALISING AT LEAST ONE EMITTER. Thales 1683003 MOTHERBOARD FOR SUPPORTING MULTIPLE GRAPHIC CARDS. Alienware Labs Corporation 1683162 METHOD OF FABRICATION OF NUCLEAR FUEL PELLETS BASED ON MIXED OXIDES (U,PU)O2 OR (U,TH)O2. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives; AREVA NC 1683372 ARCHITECTURE FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF RADIO ACCESS BEARER MANAGER (RABM) AND PACKET DATA CONVERGENCE PROTOCOL (PDCP) PROCESS. INTERDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 1683804 PLATINUM COMPLEX AND LUMINESCENT ELEMENT. Takasago International Corporation 1684738 INHIBITORS OF YEAST FILAMENTOUS GROWTH AND METHOD OF THEIR MANUFACTURE. Agency for Science, Technology and Research 1684810 Polybiotin compounds for magnetic resonance imaging and drug delivery. THE GENERAL HOSPITAL CORPORATION 1684823 SAFETY SPINAL CATHETER. Custom Medical Applications, Inc. 1684842 SELF-ACTIVATING ENDOLUMINAL DEVICE. Besselink, Petrus Antonius; Markus, Willem P.; Hanssen, Johannes H.L. 1685125 Pyrrole derivatives useful for the treatment of proliferative diseases. Merck Patent GmbH (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal 1685216 Composition of mineral oil and an additive mixture. Innospec Leuna GmbH 1685224 SOLUBLE BUILDER SYSTEM. Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 1685270 Implantable medical device.. Medtronic, Inc. 1685743 AUDIO SIGNAL PROCESSING SYSTEM AND METHOD. DOLBY (No. 2260) LABORATORIES LICENSING CORPORATION 1686122 ANTITUMOR AGENT. Nihon Starch Co., Ltd. 1686883 A BASKET FOR DISHWASHERS. Arçelik Anonim Sirketi 1686956 Use of surfactant systems for reducing skin-intrinsic enzyme damage. Beiersdorf AG 1687051 SAFETY INJECTION DEVICE FOR SYRINGE. Tech Group Europe Limited 1687584 METHOD OF BLASTING MULTIPLE LAYERS OR LEVELS OF ROCK. Orica Explosives Technology Pty Ltd 1687833 CABLE WITH OFFSET FILLER. ADC, Incorporated 1687950 ARRANGEMENT FOR DISTRIBUTED MEASUREMENT SYSTEM FOR MEASUREMENT AND SIMULATION IN DISTRIBUTED CONTROL SYSTEMS, FOR EXAMPLE IN VEHICLES. Xinshu Management L.L.C. 1689246 IMPROVED NIXTAMALIZATION PROCESS. Frito-Lay North America, Inc. 1689251 SYSTEM FOR CONVEYING AND SLICING. Frito-Lay North America, Inc. 1689460 COMPOSITE BIOMATERIALS COMPRISING CALCIUM PHOSPHATE MATERIALS, COLLAGEN AND GLYCOSAMINOGLYCANS. Cambridge Enterprise Limited 1689529 TWO STAGE SEWAGE GRINDER PUMP. Crane Pumps & Systems, Inc. 1689598 FLEXIBLE AXLE HAVING A TRANSVERSE STIFFNESS WHICH IS INCREASED WITH THE AID OF AT LEAST ONE SPRING-CUP-FORMING PART, SPRING CUP AND CORRESPONDING VEHICLE. Auto Chassis International SNC; Peugeot Citroën Automobiles; TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 1689813 HIGH IMPACT STRENGTH FILM AND NON-PVC CONTAINING CONTAINER AND POUCH AND OVERPOUCH. Baxter Healthcare S.A.; BAXTER INTERNATIONAL INC. 1689885 Assessment of predisposition to cancer by quantitative determination of methylation in normal cells of healthy persons.. ST VINCENT'S HOSPITAL SYDNEY LIMITED; Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute 1690180 SYSTEM FOR DYNAMIC REGISTRATION OF PRIVILEGED MODE HOOKS IN A DEVICE. QUALCOMM INCORPORATED 1690297 FIELD-EFFECT MICROELECTRONIC DEVICE, CAPABLE OF FORMING ONE OR SEVERAL TRANSISTOR CHANNELS. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2845 2846 1690373 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) SERVICE DISCOVERY ARCHITECTURE AND METHOD FOR WIRELESS NETWORKS. Intel Corporation 1690381 DYNAMIC ROUTE DISCOVERY FOR OPTICAL SWITCHED NETWORKS. Intel Corporation 1690432 METHOD AND ARRANGEMENT IN A TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM. TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET LM ERICSSON (publ) 1691699 BONE FIXATION ASSEMBLY. Aesculap, Inc. 1692070 CARRIAGE AND GANTRY CRANE COMPRISING ONE SUCH CARRIAGE. CINETIC AUTOMATION 1692156 SELF-ASSEMBLING SPLIT-FLUORESCENT PROTEIN SYSTEMS. Los Alamos National Security, LLC 1692157 INHIBITORS OF SERINE PROTEASES, PARTICULARLY HCV NS3-NS4A PROTEASE. VERTEX PHARMACEUTICALS INCORPORATED 1692278 HBV VARIANTS DETECTION AND APPLICATION. Austin Health; Southern Health; Alfred Health; St. Vincent's Hospital (Melbourne) Ltd. trading as St. Vincent's Hospital Melbourne; Melbourne Health 1692363 SYSTEM FOR COUPLING ROLLER SHADE TUBES. Lutron Electronics Co., Inc. 1692366 THREAD PROCTECTOR FOR USE ON PIN END OF OILFIELD TUBULARS. Frank's International, Inc. 1692818 ACCESS TO CDMA/UMTS SERVICES OVER A WLAN ACCESS POINT, USING A GATEWAY NODE BETWEEN THE WLAN ACCESS POINT AND THE SERVICE PROVIDING NETWORK. TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET LM ERICSSON (publ) 1692904 LAYERED REUSE FOR A WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM. QUALCOMM INCORPORATED 1693065 FIBROBLAST-MOBILIZING AGENT CONTAINING G-CSF AND WOUND REMEDY. Keio University; CHUGAI SEIYAKU KABUSHIKI KAISHA 1693069 REMEDY FOR SOLID TUMOR. CHUGAI SEIYAKU KABUSHIKI KAISHA 1693464 METHOD FOR IDENTIFYING BIOLOGICAL SPECIES. Laboratorios Dr.F. Echevarne, Analisis, S.A. 1694297 CONTROLLED RELEASE ANALGESIC SUSPENSIONS. McNeil-PPC, Inc. 1694484 GLOSS ADJUSTMENT. Oerlikon Trading AG, Trübbach 1694796 HYDROFLUOROETHER AS A HEAT-TRANSFER FLUID. 3M Innovative Properties Company 1696666 IMAGING DEVICE AND RECORDING CONTROL METHOD. Sony Corporation (30/07/2014) 1697040 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) DEVICE AND PROCESS FOR THE DEPOSITION OF ULTRAFINE PARTICLES FROM THE GAS PHASE. Evonik Degussa GmbH 1697103 COMPRESSION MOULDING APPARATUS. SACMI Cooperativa Meccanici Imola Società Cooperativa 1697478 CATIONIC MICROSPHERES AND METHOD OF MAKING CATIONIC MICROSPHERES. 3M Innovative Properties Company 1698418 Angle sensor and display device for a miter saw. HITACHI KOKI CO., LTD. 1699841 COATING COMPOSITIONS WITH PERFLUOROPOLYETHERISOCYANATE DERIVED SILANE AND ALKOXYSILANES. 3M Innovative Properties Company 1700243 METHOD FOR DETERMINING CONSTRUCTIONAL PROTOTYPE DATA FOR A TECHNICAL LIGHTWEIGHT STRUCTURE. Stiftung AlfredWegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung 1700561 ACTINIC LIGHT COLPOSCOPE FOR SPECIFIC DETECTION OF LESIONS CAUSED BY THE HUMAN PAPILLOMA VIRUS IN THE LOWER FEMALE GENITAL TRACT. AVM Licensing Corporation 1701652 DEVICE FOR MEASUREMENT OF INTRA OCCULAR PRESSURE. Tonoguard Ltd. 1701750 STEERABLE ULTRASOUND CATHETER. FlowCardia, Inc. 1701860 IMPROVED FLOOR MOUNTED ON THE BOTTOM PLATE OF TRANSPORT VEHICLES FOR FASTENING CHAIRS / SEATS AND WHEELCHAIRS. Beheers & Beleggingsmaatschappij Verachtert B.V. 1703904 TAXOID-FATTY ACID CONJUGATES AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS THEREOF. The Research Foundation of the State University of New York 1704407 ASPHALT MICROWAVE DENSITY MEASUREMENT METHOD. TROXLER ELECTRONIC LABORATORIES, INC. 1706276 WEB PRINTING SYSTEM. Silverbrook Research Pty Ltd 1706525 FLAME RETARDED FIBERS AND FILAMENTS AND PROCESS OF PRODUCTION THEREFOR. Albemarle Corporation 1711574 HYDROFLUOROETHER AS A HEAT-TRANSFER FLUID. 3M Innovative Properties Company 1711613 GENE SILENCING BY USING MICRO-RNA MOLECULES. E.I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY 1711786 HIGH RESOLUTION SOLID STATE PRESSURE SENSOR. Given Imaging (Los Angeles) LLC 1712055 TRANSPARENT MULTI-MODE PAM INTERFACE. Rambus Inc. 1712213 DISPOSABLE WEARING ARTICLE. UNI-CHARM CO., LTD. 2847 2848 1713008 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Method and system for preserving access to deleted and overwritten documents by means of a system recycle bin. Kapur, Rajesh 1714794 V.I.P PAYMENT CARD (VARIANTS). Aibazov, Oleg Umarovich 1715331 Thermoanalytical sensor and method for its production. Mettler-Toledo AG 1722717 HYDROGELS HAVING CHARGED SURFACES FOR CARTILAGE REPLACEMENT. Mansmann, Kevin A. 1723574 AUTOMATICALLY-ACTIVATED HAND-SUPPORTABLE OMNIDIRECTIONAL LASER SCANNING BAR CODE SYMBOL READER. METROLOGIC INSTRUMENTS, INC. 1724979 Value-added electronic messaging services and transparent implementation thereof using intermediate server. Google Inc. 1735918 Methods and apparatus for selecting between multiple carriers based on signal energy measurements. QUALCOMM Incorporated 1743347 EMI FILTER TERMINAL ASSEMBLY WITH WIRE BOND PADS FOR HUMAN IMPLANT APPLICATIONS. Greatbatch Ltd. 1750879 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR MACHINING ROTATIONALLY SYMMETRICAL SURFACES OF A WORKPIECE. J.G. Weisser Söhne GmbH & Co. KG 1762047 METHOD FOR INFORMING THE AVAILABILITY OF RECEPTION OF TRAFFIC. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 1766901 A METHOD AND ARRANGEMENT FOR CONTROLLING A MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATION SESSION. TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET LM ERICSSON (publ) 1768313 Converter unit and method for controlling communication in a wireless communication network. Nokia Siemens Networks GmbH & Co. KG 1772263 Rotary press and process of operation thereof. Bosch Rexroth AG 1772296 Vehicle. Transport Industry Development Centre B.V. 1772560 Noise barrier next to high speed sections. Ed. Züblin AG 1772721 Hollow test body. WILO SE 1772855 Method for extending the spectral bandwidth of a speech signal. Nuance Communications, Inc. 1773098 A system and method for matching microphones. OTICON A/S 1774989 Treatment of cancer with high intensity focused ultrasound and chemotherapy. UST Inc. 1775002 Integrity testable multilayered filtration device. EMD Millipore Corporation 1775016 Ultrafiltration membranes rendered hydrophilic by hydroxyalkyl cellulose and method of making and use of such membranes. EMD Millipore Corporation (30/07/2014) 1775027 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Micro-droplet generator. INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH INSTITUTE 1775075 Handheld rotary tool. Techtronic Industries Co., Ltd. 1775110 Plastic molded part with a non-woven layer partially impregnated by a plastic material and with a textile surface and method of producing the same. Boshoku Automotive Europe GmbH 1775174 Occupant sensor and method for seat belt or other monitoring. Elesys North America Inc. 1775208 Straddle-type vehicle. Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha 1775563 Method and apparatus used on a testrig for locating the source of a sound. Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. 1775804 Apparatus for producing an electrical wiring. K.M.I. Trade S.R.L. 1775806 Method for the production of temporal rectangular ultra-short pulses. TRUMPF Laser GmbH + Co. KG 1775874 Apparatus and method for assigning sub-channels in an OFDMA system. Ericsson-LG Co., Ltd. 1775904 Roaming service method in a mobile broadcasting system, and system thereof. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 1775981 Method for determining if a first cell managed by a first base station is neighbour of a second cell managed by a second base station. Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe B.V.; MITSUBISHI DENKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA 1776942 Connector for enteral fluid delivery set. Covidien AG 1776968 Low-viscosity radiation-curable formulation for the preparation of ear pieces with antimicrobial properties. Dreve Otoplastik GmbH 1776981 Int. Cl.A61N 1/375 (2009.01). Active implantable medical device with RF telemetry provided with subcutaneous ECG collection electrodes. ELA MEDICAL 1777004 Self-correcting orifice plate installation for an orifice plate of a grinding machine. Weiler and Company, Inc. 1777006 Grinding machine having a hard material separating device with helical flute. Weiler and Company, Inc. 1777007 Wear distributing arrangement for wear parts of a grinding machine. Weiler and Company, Inc. 1777010 Savety system of a grinding machine. Weiler and Company, Inc. 1777040 Power tool. Makita Corporation 1777364 Magnetic plinth or door seal. Sorlin, Bernard 1777711 Method and Device for dismantling an internal component of a nuclear reactor pressure vessel. AREVA GmbH 2849 2850 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 1777718 Method and apparatus for installing a switch pad. Delphi Technologies, Inc. 1777789 Pre-assembled electrical installation unit. Weidmüller Interface GmbH & Co. KG 1777867 Apparatus and method for transmitting packet data using HARQ in a mobile communication system. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 1777873 Method and apparatus for delivery of data as part of a multimedia broadcast/multicast service. Motorola Mobility LLC 1777928 Branch exchange methods and apparatuses for switching telecommunications signals. Digium Inc 1779895 Cosmetic composition comprising at least one fixing polymer and at least a sulfonated polymer. L'Oréal 1779954 Heat exchanger manufacturing process. Zehnder Verkaufs- und Verwaltungs AG 1780137 Manual device to facilitate the emptying of tubes storing pasty products. Venteo Peinado, Florencio 1780203 Enantioselective alkylation of tricyclic compounds. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 1780293 Procedure for manufacturing of steel starting material by warm deforming. Saarstahl AG 1780324 Apparatus for needling a nonwoven material. Autefa Solutions Austria GmbH 1780410 Variable displacement hydraulic machine having a swash plate. POCLAIN HYDRAULICS 1780463 Lighting assembly for vehicles comprising a light guide. VALEO VISION 1780510 Route guidance system and route guidance method. Aisin AW Co., Ltd. 1780571 Zoom lens. FUJIFILM Corporation 1780736 R-T-B type alloy, production method of R-T-B type alloy flake, fine powder for R-T-B type rare earth permanent magnet, and R-T-B type rare earth permanent magnet. SHOWA DENKO K.K. 1780837 Electrical connection arrangement for a circuit board. Harting Electric GmbH & Co. KG 1780951 Node control using crossed ladder pattern in wireless sensor networks. Robert Bosch GmbH 1782746 A disposable surgical drape. N.G.C. Medical S.p.A. 1782920 System for satin finishing of sheet metal by means of mechanically fixed flap wheels. Olimpia 80 SRL 1783061 LIQUID SPOUTING NOZZLE WITH A PACKAGING BAG. Yushin Co., Ltd. 1783087 Double-effect emergency braking apparatus for elevator cars. Thyssenkrupp Elevadores, S.A. 1783296 Int. Cl.E04D 13/158 (2008.01). Roof eaves trim soffit attachment device. Raccords et Plastiques Nicoll (30/07/2014) 1783434 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Arrangement of an electric appliance in a built-in furniture and method to control it. E.G.O. ELEKTRO-GERÄTEBAU GmbH 1783466 Direct hopper measuring method and device. M.D.C.E. BVBA 1783600 Method for arbitrating audio data output apparatuses. HTC Corporation 1783787 Profiled insulation LAN cables. Nexans 1783866 Electrical connection device between a ground collector and a neutral collector and ground-neutral collector with such a device. Schneider Electric Industries SAS 1785360 Collapsible container. Linpac Allibert Limited 1785445 Double metal cyanide-catalyzed, low unsaturation polyethers from boroncontaining starters. Bayer MaterialScience LLC 1785550 Connection device. B & K Braun GmbH 1785612 High efficiency thermal machine. ONERA (Office National d'Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales) 1785658 Connecting piece. Industrie en Handelmaatschappij Bergschenhoek B.V 1785858 Arbitrating an appropriate back-end server to receive channels of a client session. MICROSOFT CORPORATION 1786026 Method of fabricating first and second separate active semiconductor zones and use for the fabrication of CMOS structures.. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives; ST MICROELECTRONICS S.A. 1786180 Communication terminal. Ericsson-LG Co., Ltd. 1787671 Holder for speech valve and/or heat-moisture exchanger. ISKIA GmbH & Co. KG 1787789 Stereolithographic process for the fabrication of three-dimensional articles by using polyester powder and article obtained by said process. Evonik Degussa GmbH 1788090 Method for preparing artificial chromosomes which are free of host DNA. Universität Regensburg 1788142 Apparatus for drying laundry by means of an air flow. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 1788486 Cooperative scheduling using coroutines and threads. SAP AG 1788797 Solid-state image pickup device. Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 1790217 Milking equipment. An Udder IP Company Ltd 1791423 COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF HYPERPROLIFERATIVE DERMATOLOGICAL CONDITIONS. Sami Labs Limited 1795180 Cosmetic composition comprising a cation, a solid fatty material and a sorbitan ester. L'Oréal 2851 2852 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 1796006 System and methods for extensible document generation. SAP AG 1796723 METHOD OF DIAGNOSING CANCER BY DETECTING THE EXPRESSION OF SPAG9 OR THE PRESENCE OF ANTI-SPAG9 ANTIBODIES. National Institute of Immunology 1796752 BIOMATERIALS CONSISTING OF SULPHATED HYALURONIC ACID AND GELLAN TO BE USED IN THE PREVENTION OF SPINAL ADHESIONS. Anika Therapeutics S.r.l. 1796976 WATERPROOF CARRYING BAG. Revels, Eric 1797711 LIGHT EMISSION CONTROL OF EXTERNAL FLASH FOR DIGITAL CAMERA. Inon, Inc. 1797885 Stable combinations of amlodipine besylate and benazepril hydrochloride. TEVA PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES LTD. 1798333 Apparatus for degassing a liquid or pasty medium, in particular a coating colour. Voith Patent GmbH 1799183 SELF-ADHESIVE DENTAL FLOSS. LTS LOHMANN Therapie-Systeme AG 1799259 BINDING MOLECULES FOR THE DETECTION OF CANCER. Crucell Holland B.V. 1799370 TOOL PACK ASSEMBLY. Zauhar, Mark L. 1799394 METHOD FOR WELDING A STRUCTURE. Johnson Controls GmbH 1799412 METHOD FOR REDUCING THE RELEASE OF VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (VOC) FROM WOOD AND WOOD CHIP PRODUCTS AND WOOD MATERIALS DERIVED THEREFROM IN PARTICULAR PARTICLE BOARDS. Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. 1799672 CGRP RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 1799682 REVERSIBLE INHIBITORS OF S-ADENOSYL-L-HOMOCYSTEINE HYDROLASE AND USES THEREOF. GENERAL ATOMICS 1799776 MICRONIZED WOOD PRESERVATIVE FORMULATIONS IN ORGANIC CARRIERS. Osmose, Inc. 1799817 MUTANT EXPANDASES. DSM Sinochem Pharmaceuticals Netherlands B.V. 1799818 POLYPEPTIDES HAVING PHYTASE ACTIVITY AND POLYNUCLEOTIDES ENCODING SAME. Novozymes A/S 1799828 Biosynthesis of phloroglucinol and preparation of 1,3-dihydroxybenzene therefrom. Board of Trustees of Michigan State University 1799876 Int. Cl.C23C 14/34 (2009.01); H01J 37/34 (2009.01). FLAT END-BLOCK FOR CARRYING A ROTATABLE SPUTTERING TARGET. Soleras Advanced Coatings NV 1800024 A LINEAR ACTUATOR. LINAK A/S (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal 1800047 PIPE COUPLING. WAVIN B.V. 1800274 PORTABLE COMPUTER FOR NAVIGATION TASKS. Inventis GmbH; (No. 2260) Lauterbach, Martin; Soriano-Lopez, Maria-Dolores 1800317 INSULATOR COATING AND METHOD FOR FORMING SAME. Georgia Tech Research Corporation 1800435 Reporting out-of-resources (OOR) conditions in a data network. Cisco Technology, Inc. 1800506 EARLY SERVICE LOSS OR FAILURE INDICATION IN AN UNLICENSED MOBILE ACCESS NETWORK. TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET LM ERICSSON (publ) 1800820 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR SCRIBING BRITTLE MATERIAL BOARD AND SYSTEM FOR BREAKING BRITTLE MATERIAL BOARD. Mitsuboshi Diamond Industrial Co., Ltd. 1802336 MALARIA PRIME/BOOST VACCINES. The Government of the United States, as represen- ted by the Secretary of the Army, on behalf of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research; Crucell Holland B.V.; GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals SA 1802342 IMMUNOADSORBER FOR TREATING INFLAMMATIONS. Heinrich, HansWerner, Prof. Dr. 1802362 Non-magnetic medical infusion device. Iradimed Corporation 1802404 WEB CLEANER METHOD. Predictive Maintenance Company Limited 1802571 METHOD AND INTERMEDIATES FOR THE PREPARATION OF DERIVATIVES OF N-(1-BENZHYDRYL-AZETIDIN-3-YL)-N-PHENYLMETHYLSULPHONAMIDE. Aventis Pharma S.A. 1802578 Int. Cl.C07D 213/76 (2008.01); C07D 213/69 (2008.01); C07D 401/12 (2008.01); A61K 31/4412 (2008.01); A61K 31/4439 (2008.01); A61K 31/444 (2008.01); A61P 9/10 (2008.01); A61P 25/28 (2008.01). 3,6-SUBSTITUTED 5ARYLAMINO-1H-PYIDINE-2-ONE DERIVATIVES AND RELATED COMPOUNDS AS POLY(ADP-RIBOSE)POLYMERASE (PARP) INHIBITORS IN THE TREATMENT OF TISSUE DAMAGE OR DISEASE CAUSED BY NECROSIS OR APOPTOSIS. Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH 1802586 HETEROARYL-SUBSTITUTED ALKYNE COMPOUNDS AND METHOD OF USE. Amgen Inc. 1802620 Int. Cl.C07D 471/04 (2008.01); C07C 315/02 (2008.01). METHOD FOR ENANTIOSELECTIVE PREPARATION OF SULPHOXIDE DERIVATIVES. Sidem Pharma S.A. 1802636 PI3 KINASES INHIBITORS. BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM INTERNATIONAL GMBH; Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG 2853 2854 1802661 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) ENZYME-RESISTANT STARCH AND METHOD FOR ITS PRODUCTION. Tate & Lyle Ingredients Americas LLC 1802662 SURFACE POLYMERISATION PROCESS AND POLYMER PRODUCT USING RAFT AGENT. THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY 1802776 METHOD FOR TAILORING ADMINISTRATION OF DRUGS BY QUANTITATION OF MRNA. Hitachi Chemical Company, Ltd.; HITACHI CHEMICAL RESEARCH CENTER, INC. 1802919 VENTILATION DEVICE. E.G.O. ELEKTRO-GERÄTEBAU GmbH 1803000 WELLBORE SIGNAL GENERATOR. Z-Seis Corporation 1803137 OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTION DEVICE PROVIDED WITH ARC CUTTING MEANS AND CORRESPONDING METHOD. ABB France 1803223 ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER WITH REDUCED AVERAGE INPUT CURRENT AND REDUCED AVERAGE REFERENCE CURRENT. Linear Technology Corporation 1803331 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR FEEDBACK AND CONTROL OF A LUMINAIRE. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1803787 LEVELING AGENT FOR FLOOR POLISH AND AQUEOUS FLOOR POLISH COMPOSITION. DAIHACHI CHEMICAL INDUSTRY CO., LTD. 1803808 LECITHINIZED SUPEROXIDE DISMUTASE COMPOSITION AND PROCESS FOR PRODUCING THE SAME. LTT Bio-Pharma Co., Ltd. 1804562 COMPOSITE MULTILAYER SUBSTRATE AND ITS MANUFACTURING METHOD. MURATA MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. 1804599 SHOE FOOTBED WITH INTERCHANGEABLE CARTRIDGES. The Timberland Company 1804610 CLEANING ARRANGEMENT FOR TOOTHBRUSHES WITH VIBRATION AND FILTER. Iginic HB 1804743 URINE COLLECTION BAG. Manojlovic, Nada Dorothy 1804794 SPIROPIPERIDINE COMPOUNDS USEFUL AS BETA-SECRETASE INHIBITORS FOR THE TREATMENT OF ALZHERMER S DISEASE. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp.; Sunesis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 1804928 EXERCISE MACHINE HAVING ROTATABLE WEIGHT SELECTION INDEX. Webb, Gregory M.; Nautilus, Inc. 1804992 DIE HOLDER ASSEMBLY FOR ROTARY CUTTING SYSTEM. WESTERN PRINTING MACHINERY COMPANY 1805012 METHOD FOR PREPARING A COMPOSITE PRODUCT OF A POLYOLEFINIC ARTICLE AND A CLOTH. Lankhorst Pure Composites B.V. 1805079 AIRCRAFT PASSENGER ACCOMMODATION UNIT WITH DEPLOYABLE BED. Beroth, Michael T.; BE AEROSPACE, INC. (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal 1805166 QUINOLINE DERIVATIVES. F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG 1805169 Int. Cl.C07D 409/12 (2009.01); C07D 417/12 (2009.01); C07D 405/12 (No. 2260) (2009.01); C07D 413/12 (2009.01); A61K 31/4025 (2009.01); A61P 25/00 (2009.01). HISTAMINE H3 RECEPTOR INHIBITORS, THEIR PREPARATION AND THERAPEUTIC USES. ELI LILLY AND COMPANY 1805184 IMIDAZO-BENZODIAZEPINE DERIVATIVES. F.HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 1805248 METHOD FOR DISSOLVING PPTA IN SULFURIC ACID USING A TWIN SCREW EXTRUDER. Teijin Aramid B.V. 1805250 INHERENTLY OPEN-CELLED POLYPROPYLENE FOAM WITH LARGE CELL SIZE. Dow Global Technologies Inc. 1805252 FLAME RETARDANT COMPOSITES. Saint-Gobain Ceramics and Plastics, Inc. 1805275 USE OF A SELF-ADHESIVE FILM COMPRISING AIR CHANNELS AND/OR AIR CHAMBERS FOR INSTALLING A FLOOR COVERING. Uzin Tyro AG 1805327 REPAIR OF NUCLEIC ACIDS FOR IMPROVED AMPLIFICATION. NEW ENGLAND BIOLABS, INC. 1805349 INTERNAL COOLING OF ELECTROLYTIC SMELTING CELL. BHP Billiton Innovation Pty Ltd 1805390 MODULAR PRESSURE CONTROL AND DRILLING WASTE MANAGEMENT APPARATUS FOR SUBTERRANEAN BOREHOLE OPERATIONS. M-I L.L.C. 1805430 Disc for a disc brake. Freni Brembo S.p.A. 1805446 PIPE JOINT. Maricap OY 1805450 THERMAL SCREEN FOR A PLASTIC PART. Federal Mogul Systems Protection 1805524 Active queue management method and device. Cisco Technology, Inc. 1805526 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR BUFFERING ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL SIGNALS DURING AN MRI PROCEDURE. Compumedics USA, Inc. 1805693 REVOCABLE BIOMETRICS WITH ROBUST DISTANCE METRICS. The Regents of the University of Colorado 1805695 TRANSPONDER SYSTEM. pro-micron GmbH & Co. KG modular systems 1805767 NANOSCALE LATCHES AND IMPEDANCE-ENCODED LOGIC FOR USE IN NANOSCALE STATE MACHINES, NANOSCALE PIPELINES, AND IN OTHER NANOSCALE ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS. HEWLETT-PACKARD DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, L.P. 2855 2856 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 1805776 MECHANISM FOR SAFETY SWITCH. Eaton Industries (Netherlands) B.V. 1805861 EARTH LEAKAGE CIRCUIT BREAKER. Eaton Industries (Netherlands) B.V. 1805863 CORDLESS POWER SYSTEM. Black & Decker, Inc. 1805874 AN ELECTRIC MOTOR AND A MANUFACTURING METHOD. Arçelik Anonim Sirketi 1805898 ANALOG SIGNAL SAMPLING SYSTEM AND METHOD HAVING REDUCED AVERAGE INPUT CURRENT. Linear Technology Corporation 1805899 PUNCTURING/DEPUNCTURING USING COMPRESSED DIFFERENTIAL PUNCTURING PATTERN. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 1805909 TRANSMIT POWER CONTROL TECHNIQUES FOR WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS. McMASTER UNIVERSITY 1805961 METHODS AND NODES IN A COMMUNICATION SYSTEM FOR CONTROLLING THE USE OF ACCESS RESOURCES. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (publ) 1805997 ADAPTIVE INTRA-REFRESH FOR DIGITAL VIDEO ENCODING. QUALCOMM INCORPORATED 1806342 3-CARBAMOYL-2-PYRIDONE DERIVATIVE. SHIONOGI & CO., LTD. 1806399 Nucleic acid molecules encoding a branching enzyme comprising bacteria of the genus Neisseria and method for producing alpha-1.6-branched alpha-1, 4glucanes. Bayer BioScience GmbH; Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V. 1806514 Clutch actuating device. Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG 1806611 IMAGING OPTICAL SYSTEM, EXPOSURE SYSTEM, AND EXPOSURE METHOD. NIKON CORPORATION 1806968 RNAi MODULATION OF RSV, PIV AND OTHER RESPIRATORY VIRUSES AND USES THEREOF. South Alabama Medical Science Foundation 1806989 LOOP-FORMING NONWOVEN MATERIAL FOR A MECHANICAL CLOSURE ELEMENT. Paul Hartmann AG 1807178 LIQUID-GAS SEPARATOR. HEWLETT-PACKARD DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, L.P. 1807190 REACTOR AND PROCESS FOR CARRYING OUT ENDOTHERMIC OR EXOTHERMIC CATALYTIC REACTIONS. Haldor Topsøe A/S 1807238 welding or flame-cutting apparatus. KEMPPI OY 1807396 2-AMINOPYRIDINE COMPOUNDS USEFUL AS BETA-SECRETASE INHIBITORS FOR THE TREATMENT OF ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 1807452 ADDITIVE FOR UV-SUNSCREEN PREPARATIONS. DSM IP Assets B.V. (30/07/2014) 1807460 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) POLYURETHANE CARPET BACKINGS MADE USING HYDROXYMETHYLATED POLYESTER POLYOLS. Dow Global Technologies LLC 1807461 AQUEOUS POLYURETHANE DISPERSIONS MADE FROM HYDROXYMETHYL CONTAINING POLYESTER POLYOLS DERIVED FROM FATY ACIDS. Dow Global Technologies LLC 1807463 POLYURETHANES MADE FROM HYDROXY-METHYL CONTAINING FATTY ACIDS OR ALKYL ESTERS OF SUCH FATTY ACIDS. Dow Global Technologies LLC 1807498 PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF GRANULATES / AGGLOMERATES FOR DETERGENT COMPOSITIONS. Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 1807506 MICROENCAPSULATION OF CELLS IN HYDROGELS USING ELECTROSTATIC POTENTIALS. GEORGIA TECH RESEARCH CORPORATION 1807598 SUPPORTING MEANS FACILITATING THE INSTALLATION OF A SCREENING DEVICE, AND A WINDOW FOR COOPERATION WITH THE SUPPORTING MEANS. VKR Holding A/S 1807599 Screening arrangement and a method of mounting the screening arrangement. VKR Holding A/S 1807608 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR HEAT RECOVERY. Wärtsilä Finland Oy 1807651 TEXTILE PROTECTION ELEMENT FOR A PLASTIC SUPPORT. Federal Mogul Systems Protection 1807673 PROCESS FOR MANUFACTURING TRACKABLE AMMUNITION. Companhia Brasileira de Cartuchos 1807805 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR RED-EYE DETECTION IN AN ACQUIRED DIGITAL IMAGE. DigitalOptics Corporation Europe Limited 1807906 Int. Cl.H01R 12/32 (2008.01). PLUG-IN CONNECTOR FOR PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS. ADC GmbH 1807999 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR LIMITING A WIRELESS COMMUNICATION DEVICE TO A SPECIFIED GEOGRAPHIC ZONE. Novatel Wireless, Inc 1808087 HEAT SOURCE ROD PRODUCTION MACHINE AND ITS PRODUCTION METHOD. Japan Tobacco, Inc. 1808135 Mechanical anastomosis system for hollow structures. Innovative Interventional Technologies B.V. 1808303 OFFSET PRINTING METHOD USING INK-JET SYSTEM AND PRINTED OBJECT BY SAME. Shuhou Co., Ltd. 2857 2858 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal 1808373 Aircraft heated floor panel. Goodrich Corporation 1808437 METHOD FOR PRODUCING PHOSPHORUS COMPOUNDS HAVING (No. 2260) PHOSPHATE-PHOSPHONATE BOND. DAIHACHI CHEMICAL INDUSTRY CO., LTD. 1808640 LIGHT EMITTING DEVICE. NIKON CORPORATION 1809251 TASTE-MASKED MULTIPARTICULATE PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING A DRUG-CONTAINING CORE PARTICLE AND A SOLVENT-COACERVATED MEMBRANE. Aptalis Pharma Limited 1809282 THIADIAZOLE COMPOUNDS AND METHODS OF USE. Amgen, Inc 1809297 Int. Cl.A61K 31/5517 (2008.01); A61P 25/00 (2008.01); A61P 25/18 (2008.01); A61P 25/22 (2008.01); A61P 25/28 (2008.01); A61P 43/00 (2008.01). IMIDAZO[1,5A]TRIAZOLO[1,5D]BENZODIAZEPINE DERIVATIVES FOR THE TREATMENT OF COGNITIVE DISORDERS. F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG 1809497 PUSH-PULL CONNECTOR AND AIR SPRING COMBINATION. BFS Diversified Products, LLC. 1809582 DICHROIC MIRROR. FLABEG Deutschland GmbH 1809673 MODULATORS OF HEPATOCYTE GROWTH FACTOR ACTIVATOR. Genentech, Inc. 1809675 POLYOLEFINS PREPARED FROM A METALLOCENE AND A NEW SINGLE SITE CATALYST COMPONENTS IN A SINGLE REACTOR. TOTAL RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY FELUY 1809721 PYROLYTIC PROCESS FOR PRODUCING ENHANCED AMOUNTS OF AROMATIC COMPOUNDS. Charlie Holding Intellectual Property, Inc. 1809748 MICRORNAS. THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY 1809899 WIND TURBINE AND METHOD FOR THE AUTOMATIC CORRECTION OF WIND VANE SETTINGS. REpower Systems SE 1809915 FIXING DEVICE. A. RAYMOND ET CIE 1809923 TRANSMISSION WITH CONVEX PULLEY SHEAVES AND A DRIVE BELT. ROBERT BOSCH GMBH 1810047 RF RECEIVE COIL ASSEMBLY WITH INDIVIDUAL DIGITIZERS AND MEANS FOR SYNCHRONIZATION THEREOF. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1810354 CURRENT INDUCED MAGNETORESISTANCE DEVICE. Korea Institute of Science and Technology 1810357 ELECTROCHEMICAL DEVICE. myFC AB (30/07/2014) 1810406 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) ANALOG SIGNAL SAMPLING SYSTEM AND METHOD HAVING REDUCED AVERAGE DIFFERENTIAL INPUT CURRENT. Linear Technology Corporation 1810423 RECONFIGURABLE SATELLITE PAYLOAD FOR ANALOG PROCESSING OF RADIOFREQUENCY SIGNALS. Astrium Limited 1810433 System and method for forward path gain control in a digital predistortion linearized transmitter. Powerwave Technologies, Inc. 1810456 SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR ACCELERATED LEARNING IN RING NETWORKS. Cisco Technology, Inc. 1810975 METHOD FOR PRODUCING PHOSPHONATES HAVING AN ALCOHOLIC HYDROXY GROUP. DAIHACHI CHEMICAL INDUSTRY CO., LTD. 1810994 CURABLE COMPOSITION. Kaneka Corporation 1811028 IMPROVED HYDROXYNITRILE LYASE. MITSUBISHI RAYON CO., LTD. 1811855 FOOD SUPPLEMENT CONTAINING FISH OIL. Smartfish AS 1812082 Toxins and radionuclides coupled to IGF-1 receptor ligands for the treatment of cancer. IGF Oncology, LLC 1812089 COMPOSITION FOR FILLING A BONE DEFECT. TBF - Banque de Tissus 1812099 INTRAVENOUS INDWELLING CATHETER. Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin 1812104 LEADLESS CARDIAC STIMULATION SYSTEMS. Boston Scientific Limited 1812115 Liposomes enclosing a radionuclide and doxorubicin for combination therapy. Algeta ASA 1812141 PORTABLE OXYGEN CONCENTRATOR. AIRSEP CORPORATION 1812382 METHOD FOR PRODUCING POLYISOCYANATES. BASF SE 1812402 PROCESS FOR PRODUCING BLOCKED ISOCYANATE COMPOUND. Showa Denko K.K. 1812416 ARYLSULFONYLMETHYL OR ARYLSULFONAMIDE SUBSTITUTED AROMATIC COMPOUNDS SUITABLE FOR TREATING DISORDERS THAT RESPOND TO MODULATION OF THE DOPAMINE D3 RECEPTOR. Abbott GmbH & Co. KG 1812475 IMMUNOGLOBULIN FRACTIONS. CSL Behring AG 1812563 METHODS OF GENERATING ANTIGEN-SPECIFIC CD4+CD25+ REGULATORY T CELLS, COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS OF USE. Benaroya Research Institute at Virginia Mason 1812565 Polypeptide having a phytase activity and nucleotide sequence coding therefor. AB Enzymes GmbH 1812575 Tomato plants having higher levels of resistance to Botrytis. Monsanto Invest N.V. 2859 2860 1812613 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Component with protective coating against corrosion and oxidation at elevated temperatures. SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 1812665 HYDRODEMOLITION MACHINE FOR INCLINED SURFACES. Mac & Mac Hydrodemolition Inc. 1812674 ACTUATOR. Julius Blum GmbH 1812700 METHOD OF INJECTING A GASEOUS FUEL INTO AN INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE. Westport Power Inc. 1812943 AUTOMATIC CIRCUIT BREAKER WITH TRIPPING DEVICE ACTIVATED BY A MOVABLE CONTACT. ABB S.p.A. 1812947 MULTI-BEAM MODULATOR FOR A PARTICLE BEAM AND USE OF THE MULTI-BEAM MODULATOR FOR THE MASKLESS STRUCTURING OF A SUBSTRATE. Vistec Electron Beam GmbH 1813069 SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR VECTOR POWER AMPLIFICATION. Parkervision, Inc. 1813609 NOVEL AMINOPYRIDINE DERIVATIVES HAVING SELECTIVE AURORA-A INHIBITORY EFFECT. MSD K.K. 1813966 SEABED RESOURCE EXPLORATION SYSTEM AND SEABED RESOURCE EXPLORATION METHOD. Aoyama, Chiharu 1814423 CARRYING HARNESS. Sandström, Ulf 1814473 PEDICLE SCREW SYSTEMS. X-spine Systems, Inc. 1814644 METHOD FOR REDUCING ALLERGENS IN AN ENCLOSURE. Pure Solutions LLC 1814645 METHOD FOR SCRUBBING FLUE GAS FLOWS FROM DIESEL ENGINES AND CORRESPONDING POWER STATION. Metso Power Oy 1814793 DRINK SERVING TEMPERATURE MAINTAINER. Tavlarides, Demetrios; Tavlarides, John; Tavlarides, Harriet 1814851 4-PHENYLSULFONAMIDOPIPERIDINES AS CALCIUM CHANNEL BLOCKERS. EURO-CELTIQUE S.A. 1815220 SENSOR DEVICE FOR PROVIDED WITH A REMOVABLE MEASURING ELEMENT. Thermatec Process Control 1815502 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR TREATING SUBSTRATES AND CORRESPONDING NOZZLE UNIT. Süss MicroTec Photomask Equipment GmbH & Co. KG 1815648 ESTIMATION OF BANDWIDTH REQUIREMENTS IN A COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK WITH ACCESS CONTROLS. Nokia Siemens Networks GmbH & Co. KG 1816174 Biodegradable adhesive film based on renewable raw materials. Logo tape Gesellschaft für Selbstklebebänder GmbH & Co. KG (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 1816599 PIXEL PROCESSOR. Ryobi System Solutions 1817107 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR COATING A SERIES OF SUPPORT BODIES. Umicore AG & Co. KG 1817124 FINE STRUCTURAL BI-FUNCTIONAL MONOLITHIC ELEMENT. Constellium France 1817157 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR MANUFACTURING A TYRE FOR VEHICLE WHEELS. Pirelli Tyre S.p.A. 1817219 LIFT INSTALLATION. Josef Wiegand GMBH & CO. KG 1817227 DUAL COUNTERWEIGHT BALANCING SYSTEM. Rolls-Royce Corporation 1817359 METHOD FOR CONTROLLED POLYMERIZATION OF O-CARBOXY ANHYDRIDES DERIVED FROM ALPHA-HYDROXY ACIDS. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS); Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse III) 1817585 Surface preparation method. Attana AB 1817893 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR INGRESS FILTERING USING SECURITY GROUP INFORMATION. Cisco Technology, Inc. 1818689 DEVICE AND SYSTEM FOR MEASURING AN EXTERNAL ELECTROSTATIC FIELD, AND SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR DETECTING STORMS. Aplicaciones Tecnologicas, S.A. 1819108 Systems and methods for dynamic bandwidth management on a per subscriber basis in a communication network. Nomadix, Inc. 1819270 POLARIZATION-SENSITIVE OPTICAL COHERENCE TOMOGRAPHY. THE GENERAL HOSPITAL CORPORATION 1819428 COMPOSITE SEMIPERMEABLE MEMBRANE, PRODUCTION PROCESS THEREOF, AND ELEMENT, FLUID SEPARATION EQUIPMENT AND METHOD FOR WATER TREATMENT USING THE SAME. TORAY INDUSTRIES, INC. 1819580 BICYCLE HANDLEBAR WITH REMOVABLE AND ADJUSTABLE AEROBAR. Compositech, Inc. 1819633 GALVANICALLY ISOLATED SIGNAL CONDITIONING SYSTEM. Analog Devices, Inc. 1820137 INTEGRATED ANISOTROPIC ROCK PHYSICS MODEL. ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company 1821349 ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE DETECTION ELEMENT AND ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE DETECTION DEVICE USING THE SAME. National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Incorporated Administrative Agency 2861 2862 1824450 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) COMPOSITIONS FOR INTRANASAL ADMINISTRATION. Nasaleze Patents Limited 1824500 PROBIOTIC LACTOBACILLUS STRAINS FOR IMPROVED VAGINAL HEALTH. PROBI AB 1825110 A DRILL RIG AND A METHOD FOR CONTROLLING A FAN THEREI. Atlas Copco Rock Drills AB 1825317 OPTICAL SYSTEM FOR CELL IMAGING. BATTELLE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE 1826903 SWITCHING CIRCUIT WHICH IS USED TO OBTAIN A DOUBLED DYNAMIC RANGE. Marvell Hispania S.L. 1827197 DISHWASHER WITH A LOW-MAINTENANCE FILTER SYSTEM. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 1827541 BLISTER FOR INHALERS. Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH; Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG 1828165 NOVEL AMINOPYRIDINE DERIVATIVES HAVING AURORA A SELECTIVE INHIBITORY ACTION. MSD K.K. 1828251 Methods and compositions for improving recombinant protein production. Janssen Alzheimer Immunotherapy; Wyeth LLC 1830688 WATER-CONDUCTING HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE AND METHOD FOR THE OPERATION THEREOF. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 1831123 METHOD FOR DEPOSING ON SODA-LIME GLASS COMPRISING A PREFLUORINATION STAGE. SGD S.A. 1831365 USE OF RNA TRANS-SPLICING FOR ANTIBODY GENE TRANSFER AND ANTIBODY POLYPEPTIDE PRODUCTION. VIRxSYS Corporation 1831570 PUMP, ESPECIALLY SLURRY PUMP. Jung, Herbert 1831966 CAP FOR AN ELECTRICAL CONNECTOR. FCI 1832005 METHOD FOR MULTI-PATH DETECTION IN SPREAD SPECTRUM RECEIVERS. Nokia Corporation 1833299 FUNGICIDAL ACTIVE INGREDIENT COMBINATIONS CONTAINING FLUOXASTROBIN. Bayer CropScience AG 1833348 HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 1833350 DISHWASHER WITH A DEVICE FOR DISSOLVING DETERGENT. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 1833868 STAR POLYMERS AND COMPOSITIONS THEREOF. The Lubrizol Corporation 1835485 Light emitting device and method of driving the same. LG Display Co., Ltd. 1836071 TRAFFIC SIGNAL HAVING A UNIFORM LIGHT SURFACE. GE Lighting Solutions, LLC (30/07/2014) 1836174 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) ARYL NITROGEN-CONTAINING BICYCLIC COMPOUNDS AND THEIR USE AS KINASE INHIBITORS. AMGEN INC. 1837977 Magnetic powder metal component stator. Burgess-Norton Mfg. Co., Inc. 1838201 INTEGRATED OPERATION DISPLAY DEVICE. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 1838202 WATER SUPPLY FOR A DISHWASHER. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 1840627 Method and device for determining the orientation of an eye. metaio GmbH 1840649 Device for holding an imprint lithography template. Board of Regents, The University of Texas System 1841491 Transdermal drug delivery device. Janisys Limited 1841495 DIALYSIS CONNECTOR WITH RETENTION AND FEEDBACK FEATURES. BAXTER INTERNATIONAL INC.; Baxter Healthcare S.A. 1844519 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR OPTIMIZING EFFICIENCY AND POWER OUTPUT FROM A VANADIUM REDOX BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM. JD Holding Inc 1844717 Percutaneous catheter directed constricting occlusion device. Aga Medical Corporation 1845833 METHOD FOR OPERATING A WATER-USING DOMESTIC APPLIANCE. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 1846566 STABLE NEEDLE-SHAPED CRYSTALS OF NATAMYCIN. DSM IP Assets B.V. 1849243 TRANSMITTER AND RECEIVER SIDE PROCESSING OF SIGNALS TRANSMITTED OR RECEIVED BY A SMART ANTENNA. Nokia Siemens Networks GmbH & Co. KG 1850314 Light emitting device and method of driving the same. LG Display Co., Ltd. 1850315 Light emitting device and method of driving the same. LG Display Co., Ltd. 1856351 SUPPORT BEARING ASSEMBLY. THE WILL-BURT COMPANY 1856471 THE DEVICE OFFERS A MEANS FOR AUTOMATIC CALIBRATION OF AN OPTICAL SIGHT FOR FIREARMS, BY FIRING ONE ROUND ONLY. Saab AB 1858092 PIEZOELECTRIC ELEMENT. MURATA MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. 1862083 CIGARETTE PRODUCTION MACHINE. Japan Tobacco, Inc. 1862084 CIGARETTE PRODUCTION APPARATUS. Japan Tobacco, Inc. 1862145 Prostatic stent. Boston Scientific Limited 1863674 PLATE FOR PRODUCING AN ELECTROLUMINESCENT NUMBER PLATE. Sauer, Arno Martin; Moderegger, Bernd; Sievers, Adolf 2863 2864 1865648 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Phase adjustment apparatus and method for a memory device signalling system. Rambus Inc. 1866334 INHIBITOR OF ENDOGENOUS HUMAN INTERFERON - GAMMA. Ivanov, Ivan; Tsanev, Rumen; Nacheva, Genoveva; Grigoleit, Hans-Guenther; Gunther, Rolf 1866791 LABEL APPLICATION DEVICE. Kabushiki Kaisha Sato 1867564 Method and apparatus for providing buoyancy. Aubin Limited 1872120 FREE THYROXINE AND FREE TRIIODOTHYRONINE ANALYSIS BY MASS SPECTROMETRY. GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY 1873067 Container for a flowable product, process of manufacture and the use thereof. Nestlé Waters Management & Technology 1888815 ORGANIC COMPOUND AND PROCESS FOR INHIBITING CORROSION ON METALLIC SURFACES. Kelkar, Anil 1900414 Air filter. MANN+HUMMEL GmbH 1906546 A BROAD-NARROW BAND INTEGRATED BOARD AND METHOD FOR TESTING SAID BOARD. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 1907628 ARTIFICIAL TURF STRUCTURE AND PRODUCTION METHOD THEREFORE. Italgreen S.p.A. 1908397 Fundus oculi observation devices and method. Kabushiki Kaisha Topcon 1908431 Medical device package including self-puncturable port. Tyco Healthcare Group, LP 1908433 Bridge framework as a dental prosthesis. DCM GmbH 1908485 Polymeric medical device entrapping antibiotics and method for producing same. Covidien AG 1908547 Welded assembly of two metal sheets. GM Global Technology Operations LLC 1908615 Rear door designed to be added to an automobile, assembly of two rear doors. Compagnie Plastic Omnium 1908694 Intermediate component for manufacturing packages particularly for horticultural products and food products in general with automatic packaging machines and package thus producible. Tenax S.p.A. 1909265 Interpolation and signalling of spatial reconstruction parameters for multichannel coding and decoding of audio sources. Dolby International AB 1911358 New composition for improving skin quality and a process for preparing the same. COMPAGNIE GERVAIS DANONE 1911435 Two-phase composition for improving curl retention. Kao Germany GmbH 1911594 Method of operating an inkjet print head. Agfa Graphics N.V. 1911833 Dosed or dosable washing agent. MIFA AG FRENKENDORF 1911918 Access door, particularly for boats. Besenzoni S.p.A. (30/07/2014) 1912049 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Method and apparatus for acoustic sensing using multiple optical pulses. AT&T Corp. 1912050 Method and apparatus for acoustic sensing using multiple optical pulses. AT&T Corp. 1912124 Apparatus and system for implementation of service functions. Bluearc UK Limited 1912361 Method, system and device for clock transmission between sender and receiver. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 1912386 System and method for managing IP sessions based on how many IP sessions are supported. BlackBerry Limited 1912477 Manufacturing methods and systems for rapid production of hearing-aid shells. Phonak AG 1913218 AN ELECTROMAGNETIC DOOR LOCK. SHANGHAI ONE TOP CORPORATION; Dierckx, Amélie; Lequy, Michel 1913708 DETERMINATION OF AUDIO DEVICE QUALITY. Microsoft Corporation 1913835 Packaging and application device. L'Oréal 1913850 Bedding. diamona Hermann Koch GmbH & Co. KG 1914031 Fastener with nutating gear reduction. Black & Decker Inc. 1914071 Rotary printing press. Dettke, Hubertus; Dettke, Christa; Dettke, Christoph 1914119 Interior storage device for an automobile. Faurecia Intérieur Industrie 1914121 Method for manufacturing a heat insulation. Zipper-Technik GmbH; Darmstädter GmbH 1914203 Method and plant for treating wastewater from a metal foundry. LK Metallwaren GmbH 1914425 High pressure lubricant pump for steelworks. DROPSA S.p.A. 1914532 Method and device for detecting leaks by optical emission spectroscopy. Adixen Vacuum Products 1914539 Test data processing apparatus and test data processing method. Nitto Denko Corporation 1914547 Device, measuring apparatus and method for drawing and examining or manipulating sample liquid on a microfluidic platform. Boehringer Ingelheim microParts GmbH 1915044 Protective door system for enclosures resistant to high internal pressures. Rockwell Automation Technologies, Inc. 1915918 Composites comprising a component suitable as an element of a surface fastener and manufacturing process thereof. RKW SE 1915926 Knitted shaped cover and seating furniture with a knitted shaped cover. Gebrüder Achter GmbH & Co. KG 2865 2866 1915971 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) A material for forming a dental coping in the preparation of a dental restoration. Shoher, Itzhak; Whiteman, Aharon E. 1916011 An electrical lead. Cathrx Ltd 1916045 Device for drilling a bore. APEX TOOL GROUP SAS 1916106 Method for compensating circumferential register errors caused by oscillation in a sheet-fed printing press. Heidelberger Druckmaschinen Aktiengesellschaft 1916135 Rear module designed to be added to an automobile. Compagnie Plastic Omnium 1916447 Gear brake device for a multi-stage manual transmission. ZF Friedrichshafen AG 1916456 Straddle-type vehicle. Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha 1916465 Vacuumed heat barrier. Vestel Beyaz Esya Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.S. 1916686 Sensor. elobau GmbH & Co. KG 1916708 Patterning of doped poly-silicon gates. IMEC 1916801 Access point for centralised scheduling in a IEEE 802.11e WLAN. Deutsche Telekom AG 1916831 Method of controlling operations and electronic device implementing the same. LG Electronics Inc. 1916853 Apparatus, and associated method, by which to store specific network identifiers at a wireless device. Research In Motion Limited 1918001 Pressure regulator valve for breathing apparatus. Clipper Data Limited 1918140 Vehicle door system with two vehicle doors. Ford Global Technologies, LLC 1918143 Tarpaulin roof assembly for a commercial vehicle. TSE Trailer-SystemEngineering GmbH & Co. KG 1918175 Steering shaft with torque measuring unit and assembly method. Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft 1918214 Phial comprising a hollow body and a head with the possibility of breakage between the body and the head. Seriplast 1918252 Water purification cartridge. BWT AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 1918315 Process for the production of stable polymers. Bayer MaterialScience AG 1918401 Steel alloy for machining tools. BÖHLER Edelstahl GmbH & Co KG 1918487 Movable platform having a lever-actuated retractable wheel. JLG Industries, Inc. 1918594 Guide fitting device for telescopic columns, in particular for lifting devices. Roger Mondelin SAS 1918600 Clutch for automobiles with means for centring the ramp on the pressure plate. Valeo Embrayages 1918631 Leak containment system for reactive gases. Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. 1918667 Heat exchanger with several cleaning devices. Maxxtec AG 1918776 Etching of nano-imprint templates using an etch reactor. Applied Materials, Inc. (30/07/2014) 1918843 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Method and apparatus for centrally managed encrypted partition. SAP Portals Israel Ltd. 1918845 Multiple security access mechanisms for a single identifier. EMC Corporation 1918861 Data carrier and data carrier system. Yoshikawa RF Semicon Co., Ltd. 1919167 Transmission of messages in a telecommunications network. Vodafone Holding GmbH 1920085 CONTINUOUS COATING PROCESS. Metokote Corporation 1920775 5'Triphosphate oligonucleotide induces anti-viral response. Hartmann, Gunther, Prof. Dr. 1921363 Method for making a flexible tube and the tube made thereby. IVG COLBACHINI S.p.A. 1921369 Tripod. Cartoni S.p.A. 1921462 Method of estimating the distance between two radio devices. FRANCE TELECOM 1921724 Spacer for ensuring a gap for partially insulated lightning protection systems. DEHN + SÖHNE GMBH + CO KG 1923252 Retaining strip. REHAU AG + Co 1923257 Seat attachment for a motor vehicle seat. GM Global Technology Operations LLC 1923384 Method for manufacturing 2-mercapto ethanol. BASF SE 1923672 Position measuring device. Dr. Johannes Heidenhain GmbH 1924018 TRANSMITTING APPARATUS AND TRANSMITTING METHOD. Panasonic Corporation 1925903 Armor. PLASAN SASA LTD. 1926341 Method for detecting an error in a measurement run. Miele & Cie. KG 1927480 Manufacturing method of a transparent emblem or a similar decorative member. Zanini S.p.A. 1927668 Restoration method for deteriorated part and restoration apparatus for deteriorated part. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. 1927676 Aluminium alloy with high seawater corrosion resistance and plate-fin heat exchanger. Kabushiki Kaisha Kobe Seiko Sho (Kobe Steel, Ltd.) 1927823 Rotary encoder. Dr. Johannes Heidenhain GmbH 1930059 Droplet separator. Sulzer Chemtech AG 1931193 METHOD FOR PROVIDING CUCUMBER FRUITS WITH AN EXTENDED SHELF LIFE. Enza Zaden Beheer B.V. 1931220 FLAVOUR MODULATING SUBSTANCES. Givaudan Nederland Services B.V. 1931271 BONE PLATE WITH CAPTIVE CLIPS. Synthes GmbH 2867 2868 1931282 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) STENT FOR INTRODUCING INTO HUMAN BODY CAVITIES, IN PARTICULAR INTO BLOOD VESSELS. Friebe, Michael; Baumgart, Dietrich 1931379 PROTEINS WITH IMPROVED SOLUBILITY AND METHODS FOR PRODUCING AND USING SAME. Health Protection Agency 1931398 ABSORBENT ARTICLE COMPRISING A THIN FILM INCLUDING AN ACTIVE AGENT. SCA Hygiene Products AB 1931418 ELECTRODE FOR STIMULATING BONE GROWTH, TISSUE HEALING AND/OR PAIN CONTROL. Washington University 1931478 ATOMIZING NOZZLE FOR TWO SUBSTANCES. Wurz, Dieter 1931479 DEVICE AND METHOD FOR REMOVING WET-PAINT OVERSPRAY. Dürr Systems GmbH 1931505 METHOD AND MACHINE FOR PRODUCING A URISHEATH. Nolato MediTech AB 1931691 ODCASE INHIBITORS FOR THE TREATMENT OF MALARIA. University Health Network 1931702 SILK PROTEINS. COMMONWEALTH SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH ORGANISATION 1931762 USE OF RECOMBINANT YEAST STRAIN PRODUCING AN ANTI INFLAMMATORY COMPOUND IN THE MANUFACTURE OF A MEDICAMENT TO TREAT COLITIS. Actogenix N.V. 1931793 METHOD FOR CULTURING MICROORGANISMS. TMO Renewables Limited 1932037 OPTICAL FIBRE CONNECTION DEVICES. Tyco Electronics Raychem BVBA 1932195 SCAVENGER MATERIALS IN FUEL CARTRIDGE. Societé BIC S.A. 1932217 ELECTRICAL CONNECTOR COMPRISING TWO LATCHES. FCI Automotive Holding 1932294 ROGUE ACCESS POINT DETECTION IN WIRELESS NETWORKS. Alcatel Lucent 1932385 ACCESS CONTROL IN RADIO ACCESS NETWORK HAVING PICO BASE STATIONS. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (publ) 1932487 Electrosurgical system employing multiple electrodes. Covidien AG 1932683 Mounting device for fitting roller units to the chassis of transport trolleys or similar. Fechtel Transportgeräte GmbH 1933699 SYSTEM FOR PULMONARY ARTERY PRESSURE SIGNAL ISOLATION. Cardiac Pacemakers, Inc. 1933739 Adjustable occipital plate. Alphatec Spine, Inc. 1933740 Cable and crimp for bone surgery. Synthes GmbH (30/07/2014) 1933988 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) VERTICAL AIR CONVEYOR FOR AGRICULTURAL SPRAYER MACHINES. Marcantoni, Ivano 1934039 STABLE FIBER LAMINATE, AND METHOD AND DEVICE FOR THE PRODUCTION THEREOF. Trützschler Nonwovens & Man-Made Fibers GmbH 1934126 COUNTERWEIGHT WITH PARTIALLY IMBEDDED BUFFER. Otis Elevator Company 1934248 SELECTIVE ALFAVBETA3 RECEPTOR PEPTIDE ANTAGONIST FOR THERAPEUTIC AND DIAGNOSTIC APPLICATIONS. Advanced Accelerator Applications 1934272 POLYURETHANE ELASTOMER. Perstorp Specialty Chemicals AB 1934279 BITUMEN/POLYMER COMPOSITIONS. TOTAL RAFFINAGE MARKETING 1934383 ELECTROLESS PLATING IN MICROCHANNELS. Velocys, Inc. 1934395 METHOD FOR REMOVING STAINS FROM FABRIC ARTICLES. The Procter & Gamble Company 1934439 SELF-DRAINING OIL FILTER ADAPTOR. KOHLER CO. 1934470 SUPPORT STRUCTURE FOR SEA WAVE ENERGY FARMS. Trident Energy Limited 1934563 TIMING WHEEL FOR TONER CARTRIDGE WITH DUAL SPRINGS. Clarity Imaging Technologies, Inc. 1934607 MULTIPLEX IN SITU IMMUNOHISTOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS. Fundação D. Anna Sommer Champalimaud E Dr. Carlos Montez Champalimaud 1934789 STRONG ANTI-REPLAY PROTECTION FOR IP TRAFFIC. Cisco Technology, Inc. 1934891 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR STORING AND READING INFORMATION. Printechnologics GmbH 1934941 BI-DIRECTIONAL TRACKING USING TRAJECTORY SEGMENT ANALYSIS. Microsoft Corporation 1935091 SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR TRANSFERRING SINGLE-ENDED BURST SIGNAL ONTO DIFFERENTIAL LINES, ESPECIALLY FOR USE IN BURST-MODE RECEIVER. Universiteit Gent (RUG); IMEC 1935126 METHOD OF FREQUENCY CHANNEL ASSIGNMENT USING EFFECTIVE SPECTRUM SENSING IN MULTIPLE FA SYSTEM. Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute 1935177 SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR RECORDING MULTIPLE PROGRAMS SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH A SINGLE TUNER. United Video Properties, Inc. 1935258 W1/O/W2-TYPE DOUBLE EMULSION DRESSING AND METHOD FOR PRODUCTION THEREOF. Knorr Foods Co., Ltd.; Ajinomoto Co., Inc. 2869 2870 1935418 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) COMPOSITION FOR RELIEVING SUBJECTIVE SYMPTOMS OF FATIGUE. Kyowa Hakko Bio Co., Ltd. 1935443 Single-use universal nutrition tubing for a pump with rotary peristalsis. Medwin France 1935480 PROCESS FOR PRODUCING A POROUS MULTILAYERED HOLLOWFIBER MEMBRANE. Asahi Kasei Chemicals Corporation 1935730 Windscreen wiper assembly and wiper arm for a vehicle. Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft 1935980 Mutant luciferase. Promega Corporation 1936180 Fuel injector valve. ROBERT BOSCH GMBH 1936270 Pulverized solid fuel burner. Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. 1936868 A method for monitoring quality of service in multimedia communication. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 1937052 AGRICULTURAL MACHINE WITH A CENTRE SECTION AND ON EITHER SIDE THEREOF FOLDING WING SECTIONS. Väderstad-Verken Aktiebolag 1937062 ACTIVE SUBSTANCE MIXTURES COMPRISING OPP AND AMINES, MICROBICIDAL AGENTS. LANXESS Deutschland GmbH 1937098 FLUID SYSTEM HAVING MULTIPLE PUMP CHAMBERS. Nike International Ltd. 1937195 INTRAORAL DEVICE. Hoffknecht, Rüdiger 1937196 MULTIFUNCTION WARMING DEVICE FOR PERIOPERATIVE USE. Arizant Healthcare Inc. 1937637 NEW N-ALKYL-HETEROCYCLYL CARBOXAMIDE DERIVATIVES. Bayer CropScience AG 1937688 IMIDAZO BENZODIAZEPINE DERIVATIVES. F.HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 1937692 METHOD FOR PREPARING DIORGANOMAGNESIUM-CONTAINING SYNTHESIS MEANS. Chemetall GmbH 1937696 PROCESS FOR THE SYNTHESIS OF HMG-CoA REDUCTASE INHIBITORS. LEK Pharmaceuticals d.d. 1937745 METHOD FOR CHEMICAL ANCHORING. DSM IP Assets B.V. 1937767 DIAROMATIC AMINES. CHEMTURA CORPORATION 1937773 IMPROVED LOW GLOSS MASS POLYMERIZED RUBBER-MODIFIED MONOVINYLIDENE AROMATIC COPOLYMER COMPOSITION. Styron Europe GmbH (30/07/2014) 1937822 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) NUCLEIC ACIDS AND PROTEINS ASSOCIATED WITH GALACTOMANNAN SYNTHESIS IN COFFEE. CORNELL RESEARCH FOUNDATION; Nestec S.A. 1937860 ALUMINUM STRIP FOR LITHOGRAPHIC PRINTING PLATE SUPPORTS. Hydro Aluminium Deutschland GmbH 1937927 INSULATING GLASS PANE AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING AN INSULATING GLASS PANE. SCHÜCO International KG 1937989 BEARING ASSEMBLY WITH A STRAIN SENSOR. Aktiebolaget SKF 1938115 Method for recovery of a controlled failover of a border gateway protocol speaker. Cisco Technology, Inc. 1938142 PAIR OF SPECTACLES WITH INTERCHANGEABLE LENSES. BONDET, Pierre 1938290 AN ARRANGEMENT AND A METHOD FOR PROVIDING A FINDER OF AN IDENTIFICATION ITEM WITH MEDICAL USER DATA ASSOCIATED WITH SAID IDENTIFICATION ITEM. Hosp, Daphne Roswita 1938360 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR CONVERTING PRECURSOR LAYERS INTO PHOTOVOLTAIC ABSORBERS. SoloPower, Inc. 1938396 FLAT SUBSTRATE HAVING AN ELECTRICALLY CONDUCTIVE STRUCTURE. Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. 1938515 APPLICATION-LEVEL ROUTING PROTOCOL FOR MULTIPARTY AUDIO-VIDEO CONFERENCING. Microsoft Corporation 1938530 APPLICATION-LEVEL MULTICASTING ARCHITECTURE. Microsoft Corporation 1938577 A METHOD AND A DEVICE FOR REDUCING MOTION DISTORTION IN DIGITAL IMAGING. Nokia Corporation 1938630 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR AUTOMATICAL POSITION DETERMINATION. QUALCOMM Incorporated 1939095 Machine for labelling receptacles. Krones AG 1939147 RADIATION SHIELDING GLASS AND METHOD FOR MANUFACTURE THEREOF. Nippon Electric Glass Co., Ltd. 1939321 SPUTTERING APPARATUS AND FILM FORMING METHOD. ULVAC, INC. 1940245 METHOD FOR TREATING AND/OR PREVENTING INFECTIONS IN INFANTS DELIVERED VIA CAESAREAN SECTION. N.V. NUTRICIA 1940260 DIP APPLICATOR. Schwan-STABILO Cosmetics GmbH & Co. KG 1940452 CGRP PEPTIDE ANTAGONISTS AND CONJUGATES. Amgen, Inc 2871 2872 1940466 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) ANTI-ADDL MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES AND USE THEREOF. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 1940633 DESKTOP ORGANIZER. Schulman, Carl H. 1940668 METHOD FOR THE DETECTION AND CONSIDERATION OF CROSSWIND LOADS IN A TRAVELING RAILWAY VEHICLE, AND THE ACCORDINGLY CONFIGURED LAST CAR THEREOF. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 1940722 LIFTING RAM FOR LIFTING PLATFORMS. HERRMANN, Johannes 1940736 PROCESS AND SYSTEM FOR GASIFICATION WITH IN-SITU TAR REMOVAL. Taylor Biomass Energy, LLC 1940814 PIPERAZINE DERIVATIVES AS ANTIMALARIAL AGENTS. Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 1940919 NOVEL ALKOXYAMINES CONTAINING UNSATURATED GROUPS. BASF SE 1940984 DUAL CURE COMPOSITION. Perstorp Specialty Chemicals AB 1940985 AQUEOUS BINDER COMPOSITION. BASF SE 1941018 DYNAMIC MULTI-PURPOSE COMPOSITION FOR THE REMOVAL OF PHOTORESISTS AND METHOD FOR ITS USE. Dynaloy, LLC 1941024 ATTENUATED SALMONELLA ENTERICA SEROVAR PARATYPHI A AND USES THEREOF. University of Maryland, Baltimore 1941037 MODULATION OF 11BETA-HYDROXYSTEROID DEHYDROGENASE 1 EXPRESSION FOR THE TREATMENT OF OCULAR DISEASES. Sylentis S.A. 1941154 FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM SUITABLE FOR LOW-VISCOSITY FUELS. Volvo Lastvagnar AB 1941165 COOLING SYSTEM FOR A WORK MACHINE. CATERPILLAR INC. 1941180 FIXTURE FOR ELONGATE, FLEXIBLE OBJECTS SUCH AS CONTROL CABLES. GM Global Technology Operations LLC 1941194 PIPE BRANCHING ARRANGEMENT. SUEDMO HOLDING GMBH 1941201 CONNECTING DEVICE WITH WELDED BODY. PARKER HANNIFIN MANUFACTURING France SAS 1941223 CENTRIFUGE DRYER WITH IMPROVED NIR-SPECTROSCOPY. FIMA Maschinenbau GmbH 1941239 Navigation system and navigation method. ROBERT BOSCH GMBH 1941285 METHOD FOR GENERATING A DATA RECORD, AND FIELD DEVICE AND SYSTEM FOR DETECTING THE QUALITY OF ELECTRICAL POWER FROM A POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM. SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal 1941308 LIGHT APPARATUS. S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc. 1941344 COMBINED SPEECH AND ALTERNATE INPUT MODALITY TO A (No. 2260) MOBILE DEVICE. Microsoft Corporation 1941462 AUTOMATIC PAYMENT AND/OR REGISTRATION OF TRAFFIC RELATED FEES. Cartime Technologies A/S 1941569 ELECTRODE FOR AN ALKALI FUEL CELL AND METHOD FOR MAKING A FUEL CELL INCLUDING AT LEAST ONE STEP OF MAKING SUCH AN ELECTRODE. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives; Université de Montpellier II; Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique 1941573 FUEL SUPPLY SYSTEMS HAVING OPERATIONAL RESISTANCE. Société BIC 1941608 AN ELECTRO-MECHANICAL WAVE DEVICE. PCB Motor Aps 1941621 VARYING SCRAMBLING/OVSF CODES WITHIN A TD-CDMA SLOT TO OVERCOME JAMMING EFFECT BY A DOMINANT INTERFERER. QUALCOMM Incorporated 1941628 METHOD, DEVICE AND PROGRAM PRODUCT FOR ESTIMATING PROPERTIES OF A TELECOMMUNICATION TRANSMISSION LINE. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (publ) 1941637 SIGNAL-TO-INTERFERENCE + NOISE RATIO ESTIMATOR AND METHOD, MOBILE TERMINAL HAVING THIS ESTIMATOR. ST-Ericsson SA 1941687 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR COMMUNICATION CHANNEL ESTIMATION. TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET LM ERICSSON (publ) 1941705 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR PROTECTING A SERVER ACCESS LINK. France Télécom 1941925 PROTECTOR AND NEEDLE SET. TERUMO KABUSHIKI KAISHA 1942118 FLUORORESIN WITH LOW FLUORINE-CONTAINING EMULSIFIER RESIDUAL AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING SAME. Asahi Glass Company, Limited 1942550 IRREVERSIBLE CIRCUIT ELEMENT. Hitachi Metals, Ltd. 1942718 PRONGS FOR AN AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT. Schumacher, Gustav 1942755 BRASSIERE CONSTRUCTION USING MULTIPLE LAYERS OF FABRIC. Invista Technologies S.à.r.l. 1942798 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR DETERMINING THE BLOOD PRESSURE OF A PATIENT. Philips Intellectual Property & Standards GmbH; Koninklijke Philips N.V. 1942836 SYSTEM FOR DYNAMIC VERTEBRAL STABILIZATION. Stryker Spine 1942916 Agent for protecting skin cells. Omnimedica AG 2873 2874 1942951 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) METHOD FOR THE PREPARATION OF BIOCIDAL ACTIVATED WATER SOLUTIONS. Aseptix Technologies B.V 1942961 Method for the production of an open-cell biocompatible coating for an implant. Smith & Nephew Orthopaedics AG 1943110 VEHICLE RECOVERY AND TRACTION LADDER. McCarthy, Bradley; McCarthy, Julie-Anne 1943128 PYROTECHNIC ACTUATOR WITH A CYLINDER HAVING COMMUNICATING CHAMBERS. GM Global Technology Operations LLC 1943201 METHOD FOR THE SYNTHESIS OF AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS FROM C1-C4 ALKANES, AND UTILIZATION OF A C1-C4 ALKANECONTAINING PRODUCT FLOW. BASF SE 1943243 KINASE INHIBITORS. ELI LILLY AND COMPANY 1943294 SILSESQUIOXANE-TITANIA HYBRID POLYMERS. Dow Global Technologies LLC 1943369 METHOD FOR COATING A COMPONENT. Praxair S.T. Technology, Inc. 1943413 AEROSOL SEPARATOR, COMPONENTS AND METHODS. DONALDSON COMPANY, INC. 1943496 CORROSION SENSOR. tecnet equity NÖ Technologiebeteiligungs-Invest GmbH; AC2T Research GmbH 1943507 NOX SENSOR AND METHODS OF USING THE SAME. Delphi Technologies Inc. 1943557 DEVICE FOR HOMOGENIZING LIGHT. LIMO Patentverwaltung GmbH & Co. KG 1943665 HYBRID CHUCK. ATT Advanced Temperature Test Systems GmbH 1943670 Semiconductor device. NXP B.V.; Philips Intellectual Property & Standards GmbH 1943758 METHODS AND APPARATUS FOR DETERMINING, COMMUNICATING AND USING INFORMATION INCLUDING LOADING FACTORS FOR INTERFERENCE CONTROL. QUALCOMM Incorporated 1943805 METHOD FOR SELECTING AN S-CSCF UNIT WITHIN AN IMS-BASED SERVICE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 1943824 METHOD AND ARRANGEMENT FOR CAPTURING OF VOICE DURING A TELEPHONE CONFERENCE. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 1943861 METHOD AND ARRANGEMENT FOR ACTIVITY DETECTION IN A TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 1943870 METHOD FOR TRANSMITTING DATA PACKETS WITH DIFFERRENT PRECEDENCE THROUGH A PASSIVE OPTICAL NETWORK. Telecom Italia S.p.A. (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal 1943880 LED LUMINARY SYSTEM. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1944092 ELECTROSTATIC ATOMIZER. Panasonic Corporation 1944409 OPAL-FINISHED FABRIC. SEIREN CO., LTD. 1944622 SPATIAL INFORMATION DETECTING DEVICE. Panasonic Corporation 1944626 Standoff radiation imaging detector. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN AS (No. 2260) REPRESENTED BY THE MINISTER OF NATIONAL DEFENCE OF HER MAJESTY'S CANADIAN GOVERNMENT 1944843 Device for fastening a component supporting rail to the frame of an electrical control panel. GEWISS S.p.A. 1944878 ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION RFID TAG AND ACCESS UNIT. International Business Machines Corporation 1945089 DISHWASHER AND OPERATING METHOD FOR A DISHWASHER. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 1945166 UNDERCARRIAGE FOR HOSPITAL BED. Linet Spol. S.R.O. 1945272 METHOD OF SCINTIGRAPHY. Novartis AG 1945307 SURFACTANT-FREE DISPERSIONS, COMPOSITIONS, AND USE IN TOPICAL FORMULATIONS. DPT Laboratories, LTD. 1945334 EFFICIENT MBR OPERATION IN WASTEWATER TREATMENT. GLV Finance Hungary Kft., Luxembourg Branch 1945416 A METHOD AND AN ARRANGEMENT FOR LOCATING AND PICKING UP OBJECTS FROM A CARRIER. Mabema AB 1945595 PIGMENTED IMAGES ON STONE. Arnold, George M. 1945617 HISTONE DEACETYLASE INHIBITORS WITH ARYL-PYRAZOLYL MOTIFS. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 1945630 PYRAZINE DERIVATIVES AS SODIUM CHANNEL MODULATORS FOR THE TREATMENT OF PAIN. Pfizer Limited 1945631 4- (3-AMINOPYRAZOLE) PYRIMIDINE DERIVATIVES FOR USE AS TYROSINE KINASE INHIBITORS IN THE TREATMENT OF CANCER. AstraZeneca AB 1945666 ANTIBODIES WITH ENHANCED ANTIBODY-DEPENDENT CELLULAR CYTOXICITY ACTIVITY, METHODS OF THEIR PRODUCTION AND USE. GTC Biotherapeutics, Inc.; Genzyme Corporation 1945696 METHOD OF IMPROVING ABRASION RESISTANCE OF PLASTIC ARTICLE USING FUNCTIONALIZED POLYMERS AND ARTICLE PRODUCED THEREBY. SABIC Innovative Plastics IP B.V. 1945768 MODIFICATION OF FLAVONOID BIOSYNTHESIS IN PLANTS. Agriculture Victoria Services Pty Ltd 2875 2876 1945778 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) METHODS OF INCREASING INFLUENZA VIRUS REPLICATION. MedImmune, LLC 1945798 METHOD FOR DETERMINING THE CLEAVABILITY OF SUBSTRATES. Forschungszentrum Borstel 1945820 TOLL LIKE RECEPTOR 3 MODULATORS, METHODS AND USES. Janssen Biotech, Inc. 1945826 HIGH STRENGTH CORROSION RESISTANT ALLOY FOR OIL PATCH APPLICATIONS. Huntington Alloys Corporation 1945828 WEAR RESISTANT COATED VEHICLE COMPONENT AND VEHICLE. Scania CV AB 1945865 Switching assembly for a batch feed waste disposer. Emerson Electric Co. 1945906 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR PERFORMING MULTIPLE DOWNHOLE OPERATIONS. Owen Oil Tools LP 1945914 NUCLEAR AND GAS TURBINE COMBINED CYCLE PROCESS AND PLANT FOR POWER GENERATION. Parsons Brinckerhoff Limited 1945943 WIND TURBINE BLADE. Alstom Wind S.L. 1946044 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR IDENTIFYING ROAD FEATURES. DASH NAVIGATION INC. 1946075 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR LOW ENERGY VAPORIZATION OF LIQUID OXIDIZING AGENTS OR SOLUTIONS. GEA Lyophil GmbH 1946083 METHOD FOR DETECTION OF BIOLOGICAL ORGANISMS USING RAMAN SCATTERING. Sword Diagnostics, Inc. 1946145 PULSE DOPPLER COHERENT METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR SNR ENHANCEMENT. Elta Systems Ltd. 1946179 Method of modifying a display apparatus. BAE Systems PLC 1946180 OPTICAL SYSTEM FOR 3-DIMENSIONAL DISPLAY. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1946349 SAFETY SWITCHING APPARATUS FOR THE FAILSAFE DISCONNECTION OF AN ELECTRICAL LOAD. Pilz GmbH & Co. KG 1946378 METHOD OF MANUFACTURING A SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE. NXP B.V. 1946416 TRANSLUCENT OR TRANSPARENT COVER AND DEVICE WITH SUCH A COVER. Motorola Mobility LLC 1946517 AUDIO DATA PACKET FORMAT AND DECODING METHOD THEREOF AND METHOD FOR CORRECTING MOBILE COMMUNICATION TERMINAL CODEC SETUP ERROR AND MOBILE COMMUNICATION TERMINAL PERFORMING SAME. SK Telecom Co., Ltd. (30/07/2014) 1946612 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) HRTFS INDIVIDUALISATION BY A FINITE ELEMENT MODELLING COUPLED WITH A CORRECTIVE MODEL. France Télécom 1946618 METHOD, SYSTEM AND REMOTE CONTROL FOR CONTROLLING THE SETTINGS OF EACH OF A MULTITUDE OF SPOTLIGHTS. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1946701 BRAIN FUNCTION ANALYSIS METHOD AND BRAIN FUNCTION ANALYSIS PROGRAM. Tokyo Denki University 1947128 THERMOSETTING RESIN COMPOSITION AND PHOTOSEMICONDUCTOR ENCAPSULATION MATERIAL. Asahi Kasei Chemicals Corporation 1947144 METHOD FOR MOLDING POLYTETRAFLUOROETHYLENE, POLYTETRAFLUOROETHYLENE MOLDED BODY, CROSSLINKABLE POLYTETRAFLUOROETHYLENE, CROSSLINKED POLYTETRAFLUOROETHYLENE POWDER, RESIN BLEND COMPOSITION, AND MOLDED BODY OF RESIN BLEND. DAIKIN INDUSTRIES, LTD. 1947180 ANTIBODY PRODUCING TRANSGENIC SILKWORMS AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING THE SAME. Nitto Boseki Co., Ltd.; NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF AGROBIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 1947359 CLUTCH ENGAGEMENT CONTROLLER AND VEHICLE HAVING THE SAME. Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha 1947453 METHOD FOR ANALYZING PROTEIN. Katayanagi Institute; National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology; Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha; Toppan Printing Co., Ltd. 1947484 COATER. Tokuyama Corporation 1947779 METHOD FOR PERFORMING INTER-FREQUENCY OR INTER-SYSTEM MEASUREMENTS AND USER EQUIPMENT. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 1947844 SOUND REPRODUCING APPARATUS AND AUDIOVISUAL SYSTEM. Panasonic Corporation 1947966 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR PROTECTING A BODYPART. Hövding Sverige AB 1947982 A WORKSTATION SYSTEM. OFI Investments Pty Ltd. 1948024 SWEPT SOURCE OCT APPARATUS. OTI-Ophthalmic Technologies Inc. 1948087 HEART VALVE IMPLANT. CARDIO SOLUTIONS 1948126 ORAL COMPOSITION CONTAINING MORIN. Colgate-Palmolive Company 1948130 TOPICAL PHARMACEUTICAL FOAM COMPOSITION. Precision Dermatology, Inc. 2877 2878 1948162 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING ERYTHRINE MULUNGU DERIVATIVES AND PROCESSES FOR THEIR PRODUCTION. Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio De Mesquita Filho-UNESP 1948176 DIARYL UREAS FOR TREATING PULMONARY HYPERTENSION. Bayer Schering Pharma Aktiengesellschaft 1948258 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR SYNOVIAL CELL-CHARGED COLLAGEN MEMBRANE OR GEL. ED. GEISTLICH SÖHNE AG FÜR CHEMISCHE INDUSTRIE 1948261 MEDICAL DEVICE WITH AFFIXATION MEANS. Cook Biotech Incorporated 1948277 Ventilation tube for use in a respiratory circuit. Intersurgical AG 1948344 PURIFIED WATER PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. Osmoflo Pty. Ltd. 1948517 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR STERILIZATION. Mercer Technologies Limited 1948548 ELECTROMAGNET AND ELEVATOR DOOR COUPLER. Otis Elevator Company 1948549 LOAD-LIFTING APPARATUS. Ehrenleitner, Franz 1948556 HIERARCHICAL NANOPATTERNS BY NANOIMPRINT LITHOGRAPHY. Agency for Science, Technology and Research 1948606 3, 5-DISUBSTITUTED PHENYL-PIPERIDINES AS MODULATORS OF DOPAMINE NEUROTRANSMISSION. NSAB, Filial af NeuroSearch Sweden AB, Sverige 1948665 THIENOPYRIMIDINONE DERIVATIVES AS MELANIN CONCENTRATING HORMONE RECEPTOR-1 ANTAGONISTS. BristolMyers Squibb Company 1948695 IMMUNOGENIC COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS OF USE. Artificial Cell Technologies, Inc. 1948876 A WORKING MACHINE AND A METHOD FOR OPERATING A WORKING MACHINE. Volvo Construction Equipment AB 1948985 IMPROVED FITTING WITH COMPLEMENTARY FITTING MATERIALS. Lokring Technology, LLC 1949089 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR ESTIMATING A MECHANICAL PROPERTY. ABB AB 1949214 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR OPTIMIZING MULTI-PATHING SUPPORT IN A DISTRIBUTED STORAGE SYSTEM ENVIRONMENT. NETWORK APPLIANCE, INC. (30/07/2014) 1949352 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) A METHOD AND APPARATUS PROCESSING PIXEL SIGNALS FOR DRIVING A DISPLAY AND A DISPLAY USING THE SAME. InnoLux Corporation 1949360 DISPLAY DEVICE AND DRIVING METHOD THEREFOR. Chimei InnoLux Corporation 1949367 Method and apparatus for audio signal processing. LG Electronics Inc. 1949525 ELECTRIC MOTOR. SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG 1949597 USE OF NEGATIVE CLASSIFIERS FOR INTERNET TRAFFIC. Cisco Technology, Inc. 1949666 INTERIOR REARVIEW MIRROR WITH DISPLAY. Magna Mirrors of America, Inc. 1949779 DEVICE AND METHOD OF INVERTING ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS. ISMECA Semiconductor Holding SA 1950285 ISOLATED HUMAN CELL, METHOD FOR OBTAINING THE SAME AND THEIR USE. GenomIdea Inc. 1950508 Volume flow regulator. Gruner AG 1950963 VIDEO REPRODUCING DEVICE, METHOD AND PROGRAM. Panasonic Corporation 1951016 FLEX-RIGID WIRING BOARD AND METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING THE SAME. IBIDEN CO., LTD. 1951231 CAMPTOTHECIN DERIVATIVES AS CHEMORADIOSENSITIZING AGENTS. California Pacific Medical Center; Catholic Healthcare West, Doing Business as St. Mary's Medical Center 1951596 CIGARETTE PACKAGE PROVIDED WITH INTERNAL ENVELOPS MADE FROM POLYMER FILM. Treofan Germany GmbH & Co.KG 1951625 ACTIVATED PEROXIDE SOLUTIONS AND PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION THEREOF. Aseptix Technologies B.V 1951675 TETRAHYDROISOQUINOLINE AS LXR MODULATORS. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company 1951676 N-ACYL BENZAZEPINE DERIVATIVES AS LXR MODULATORS. BristolMyers Squibb Company 1951781 SOLVENT RESISTANT POLYURETHANE ADHESIVE COMPOSITIONS. Momentive Performance Materials Inc. 1951801 IONIZING RADIATION STABLE THERMOPLASTIC COMPOSITION, METHOD OF MAKING, AND ARTICLES FORMED THEREFROM. SABIC Innovative Plastics IP B.V. 1951825 RADIATION DIFFRACTION COLORANTS. PPG Industries Ohio, Inc. 2879 2880 1951838 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING FLUOROOLEFINS AND USES THEREOF. E.I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY 1951916 METHOD AND FINISHING TRAIN FOR HOT-ROLLING STARTING MATERIAL. SMS Siemag AG 1951953 A METHOD AND AN APPARATUS FOR REMOVING EXTRACTIVES FROM FIBROUS SUSPENSION. Metso Paper, Inc. 1951982 WINDOW COMPRISING AN ADJUSTABLE AERATION SYSTEM. Fuchs, Dietrich Anton 1952015 WIND TURBINE BLADE WITH VARIABLE AERODYNAMIC PROFILE. Vestas Wind Systems A/S 1952051 AIRCRAFT FUEL PIPE COUPLING. Airbus Operations Limited 1952061 AN ANNULAR BURNER ASSEMBLY. Microgen Engine Corporation Holding B.V. 1952170 NMR MACHINE COMPRISING SOLENOID GRADIENT COILS. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 1952171 NMR MACHINE COMPRISING SOLENOID GRADIENT COILS WHICH ARE INCORPORATED INTO TUBES. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 1952253 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR PROVIDING SECURE DATA TRANSMISSION. Bloomberg Finance L.P. 1952644 INTELLIGENT PATCHING INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Hellermanntyton Data Limited 1952821 THERAPEUTIC AGENT FOR DENTIN-DENTAL PULP COMPLEX REGENERATION. OSAKA UNIVERSITY; KAKEN PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD. 1952918 METHOD FOR PRODUCING METAL PARTICLE DISPERSION, CONDUCTIVE INK USING METAL PARTICLE DISPERSION PRODUCED BY SUCH METHOD, AND CONDUCTIVE COATING FILM. Toyo Ink Mfg. Co., Ltd 1953083 QUIET PROPELLER. Kabushiki Kaisha Bellsion 1953257 MAGNETRON SPUTTERING APPARATUS. TOHOKU UNIVERSITY; Tokyo Electron Ltd. 1953542 METHOD OF QUANTIFYING MEMBRANE PROTEIN BY USING MASS SPECTROMETER. TOHOKU UNIVERSITY 1953724 CONTROL/MONITOR SIGNAL TRANSMISSION SYSTEM. Anywire Corporation 1954173 CLEANING TOOL. 3M Innovative Properties Company (30/07/2014) 1954194 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) RADIATION SHIELDING FOR TOMOGRAPHIC SCANNERS. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1954288 AMIDINE DERIVATIVES AND THEIR USES AS MEDICINE. IPSEN PHARMA 1954390 APPARATUS FOR CONTROLLING CATALYTIC COMBUSTION, WHERE SAID CATALYTIC COMBUSTION IS COUPLED TO ENDOTHERMIC REACTIONS. Tecnimont KT - Kinetics Technology S.p.A. 1954426 APPARATUS FOR COUPLING A COOLANT SUPPLY TO A ROLL. Georg Springmann Industrie- und Bergbautechnik GMBH; SMS Siemag AG 1954713 MODIFIED GREEN FLUORESCENT PROTEINS AND METHODS FOR USING SAME. Evrogen, JSC 1954753 PAINT CONTAINING METAL SALT OF PYRITHIONE AND CUPROUX OXIDE. Arch Chemicals, Inc. 1954827 RAPID PARALLEL NUCLEIC ACID ANALYSIS. GE Healthcare BioSciences Corp. 1955024 SENSOR FOR THE CONTACTLESS DETECTION OF THE LEVEL OF AN ADHERING LIQUID MEDIUM OF HIGH-CONDUCTIVITY, ESPECIALLY BLOOD, THROUGH A NON-METALLIC WALL OF A CONTAINER AND CORRESPONDING METHOD. Sie Sensorik Industrie-Elektronik GmbH 1955306 ALPHANUMERIC FONT FOR THE BLIND AND VISUALLY IMPAIRED. Elia Life Technology 1955307 DEVICES FOR DISPLAYING MODAL PATTERNS. Sonic Age Ltd. 1955642 ENDOSCOPE AND HYDROPHILIC CAP. OLYMPUS MEDICAL SYSTEMS CORP. 1956027 CARBAPENEM COMPOUND. NIPPON SODA CO., LTD. 1956292 SECONDARY COMBUSTION METHOD AND UNIT IN INCINERATION SYSTEM. KOBELCO ECO-SOLUTIONS CO., LTD. 1956756 MIMO WLAN system. Qualcomm Incorporated 1956940 DEVICE FOR COVERING A GAP. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 1957118 METHOD FOR BIO-OXIDATIVE DESULFURIZATION OF LIQUID HYDROCARBON FUELS AND PRODUCT THEREOF. Indian Oil Corporation Limited 1957565 REINFORCED COMPOSITE MATERIAL. Advanced Composites International Pty Ltd 1957632 TISSUE ENGINEERING USING PURE POPULATIONS OF ISOLATED NON-EMBRYOBLASTIC FETAL CELLS. Universität Zürich 1957640 MODIFIED TRANSKETOLASE AND USE THEREOF. DSM IP Assets B.V. 2881 2882 1957804 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) PRESSURE MEDIUM POWERED ROTARY APPARATUS UNIT AND SYSTEM. Raikamo, Esko 1958560 Hand-held cordless vacuum cleaner. Black & Decker, Inc. 1959695 Method and system for establishing or modifying a connection. Nokia Corporation 1960151 METHOD FOR PRODUCTION OF A WELDED CONNECTION BETWEEN ELECTRICAL CONDUCTORS BY MEANS OF AN ULTRASOUND WELDING METHOD. Schunk Sonosystems GmbH 1960157 METHOD OF MAKING A STRUCTURED ABRASIVE ARTICLE. 3M Innovative Properties Company 1961356 CYCLONE SEPARATING DEVICE OF A CLEANER. Tek Electrical (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. 1961464 CHESS PLAYING METHOD AND DEVICE FOR CARRYING OUT SAID METHOD. Zhukov, Aleksandr Dmitrievich; Ivanov, Valeriy Fillipovich; Tarpischev, Shamil Anvyarovich; Fetisov, Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich 1962789 VOLUMIZING HAIR TREATMENT AGENT. Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 1963426 THERMOPLASTIC VULCANIZATE ADHESIVE COMPOSITIONS. ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc. 1963483 NOVEL LACTOBACILLUS STRAINS AND THEIR USE AGAINST HELICOBACTER PYLORI. OrganoBalance GmbH 1963786 POSITIONING PATTERN. GCoder Systems AB 1964138 ELECTRICAL ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM. Batscap 1965555 Interaction between a signaling tag (RFID) and an application. Nokia Corporation 1965973 METHOD OF PRODUCING MULTICOLOURED FILMS. Benecke-Kaliko AG 1966094 APPARATUS FOR TREATMENTING OF SEWAGE USING SEMI-BATCH AND METHOD THEREOF. Essa Co., Ltd. 1966397 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR ADJUSTING HARDNESS OF A SHEET LIKE PRODUCT.. AGA AB 1967514 Phenolic compounds and recording materials containing the same. Nippon Soda Co., Ltd. 1968127 PIEZOELECTRIC CERAMIC, PROCESS FOR PRODUCING SAID PIEZOELECTRIC CERAMIC, PIEZOELECTRIC RESONATOR, AND PROCESS FOR PRODUCING PIEZOELECTRIC RESONATOR. MURATA MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. 1968803 INK COMPOSITION FOR MARKING GLASS AND CERAMIC SURFACES. GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY (30/07/2014) 1969071 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) INK COMPOSITION, MANUFACTURING METHOD OF INK, INK SET, AND RECORDING METHOD. Fujifilm Corporation 1971698 METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION OF A COMPOSITE MATERIAL OR A PRECURSOR PRODUCT FOR THE PRODUCTION OF A COMPOSITE MATERIAL. Neue Materialien Fürth GmbH 1972607 ANISOTROPICALLY SHAPED CERAMIC PARTICLES AND PROCESS FOR PRODUCTION OF THE SAME. Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 1973799 INSERTS FOR MULTIPLE COMPONENT CONTAINERS. CARBONITE CORPORATION 1974187 METHODS AND APPARATUS FOR MAGNETIC ARTICLE DETECTION. ALLEGRO MICROSYSTEMS INC. 1976197 A MULTICAST FLOW CONTROL METHOD,DEVICE AND SYSTEM IN PASSIVE OPTICAL NETWORK. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 1976761 ROCKET-POWERED VEHICLE RACING SYSTEM. Rocket Racing, Inc. 1978719 Mobile communication terminal and method of controlling broadcast output thereof. LG Electronics, Inc. 1979135 HANDLE FOR A TOOL TRANSMITTING A TORSIONAL MOMENT. FeloWerkzeugfabrik Holland-Letz GmbH 1981305 A paging method, a mobile station device and a base station device for executing the same. Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha 1983252 ILLUMINATING APPARATUS FOR DISPLAY DEVICE, DISPLAY DEVICE, AND TELEVISION RECEIVER. Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha 1989574 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR PERFORMING SPECTROSCOPY IN A BOREHOLE. Precision Energy Services, Inc. 1990295 Stacker apparatus for presses for manufacturing plastic articles such as cups and the like. WM Wrapping Machinery SA 1990337 QUINAZOLINE DERIVATIVES,PREPARATION METHODS AND USES THEREOF. Shanghai Allist Pharmaceutical., Inc. 1991271 ANTICOAGULANT ANTITHROMBOTIC DUAL INHIBITORS COMPRISING A BIOTIN LABEL. Merck Sharp & Dohme B.V. 1993075 Route Usage Evaluation. Deutsche Telekom AG 1995176 Shipping and dispensing carton. Graphic Packaging International, Inc. 1995279 Poly(arylene ether) composition and method of making. SABIC Innovative Plastics IP B.V. 1998296 Vending machine for hot beverages. F.A.S. International S.p.A. 1999591 MULTI-BIT-PER-CELL FLASH MEMORY DEVICE WITH NON-BIJECTIVE MAPPING. Ramot at Tel-Aviv University Ltd. 1999885 Password protection. NDS Limited 2883 2884 2000624 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Fire resistant partition. Malkowska, Renata; Malkowska, Magdalena; Malkowski, Marcin 2004393 SHRINK SLEEVE LABEL. Cryovac, Inc. 2005419 SPEECH POST-PROCESSING USING MDCT COEFFICIENTS. O'Hearn Audio LLC 2011572 Method for forming catalyst nanoparticles for growing elongated nanostructures. IMEC 2014290 Use of tenatoprazole for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease. Sidem Pharma SA; Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation 2015161 Event delivery for processors. Intel Corporation 2019119 Polymer treatment. INEOS Manufacturing Belgium NV 2028015 Recording sheet with improved image dry time. International Paper Company; HEWLETT-PACKARD DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, L.P. 2028536 In-plane switching liquid crystal display comprising compensation film for angular field of view using +A-plate and +C-plate. LG Chem, Ltd. 2034221 Power unit for a motor vehicle. hofer forschungs- und entwicklungs GmbH 2034455 Device for feeding coins into the aperture in a coin-operated apparatus. adp Gauselmann GmbH 2034691 Method, transmitter and receiver for the transmission of packets with compressed packet headers. Nokia Corporation 2039683 Vasculostatic agents and methods of use thereof. Targegen, Inc. 2042547 Benzocyclobutene based polymer formulations. Dow Global Technologies Inc. 2044885 Multi-channel non-invasive tissue oximeter. Nellcor Puritan Bennett LLC 2044965 Apparatus for body fluid flow control in extracorporeal fluid treatments. Renal Solutions, Inc. 2045006 Reactor or heat exchanger with distancers and thermal sheets for performing reactions with strong heat generation. DEG Engineering GmbH 2045047 Belt assembly for carrying a manually operated work device. Andreas Stihl AG & Co. KG 2045125 Device for securing a load. allsafe Jungfalk GmbH & Co. KG 2045158 Pressurised air supply device with leak analysis and method for operating same. KNORR-BREMSE Systeme für Nutzfahrzeuge GmbH 2045198 Automatic belt tracking system. ACRISON, INC. 2045311 System and process for the pyrolsation and gasification of organic substances. IN.SER. S.p.A. 2045420 Handle system, in particular of an espagnolette, designed to be installed on the external surface of a door, such as the door of a refrigerated truck. Pommier Furgocar S.r.l. (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2045451 Insulating device of a compensator. BDD Beteiligungs GmbH 2045493 Interconnection system, particularly for valve devices. ELBI International S.p.A. 2047879 Safety assembly for an injection syringe. Rexam Pharma La Verpillière 2047966 Preform for a Polypropylene container. Amcor Rigid Plastics USA, Inc. 2048004 Cycle wheel rim using a connecting sleeve and method of manufacturing such a rim. MAVIC S.A.S. 2048093 Multiply slotted hinge pin. Ammeraal Beltech Modular A/S 2048331 Combustion engine with mixed camshafts. Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft 2048392 Sliding bearing. Daido Metal Company Ltd. 2048397 Clutch mechanism, in particular for an automobile, with improved clutch assistance. Valeo Embrayages 2048428 Compressed air reservoir. IVECO MAGIRUS AG 2048440 Burner. Viessmann Werke GmbH & Co. KG 2048467 Fire interruptor in particular for automatic machine guns. Rheinmetall Landsysteme GmbH 2048489 Lightweight vehicle having a measuring device for monitoring the road surface friction. Institut für Baustoffe und Umwelt Lauta GmbH & Co. 2048538 Liquid crystal display device. Hitachi Displays, Ltd.; Panasonic Liquid Crystal Display Co., Ltd. 2048557 Optoelectronic sensor and mobile device and configuration method. SICK AG 2048678 Gassing insulator assembly, conductor assembly and electrical switching apparatus employing the same. Eaton Corporation 2050529 Cutting tool for drilling-out and turning and cutting insert for same. Ceratizit Austria Gesellschaft M.B.H. 2050673 Power distribution architecture for an ice protection system. ROSEMOUNT AEROSPACE INC. 2050695 Station for collecting products in collecting containers from product containers. Vanderlande Industries B.V. 2050697 Conveyor for transporting, sorting and/or handling objects. Gerthsen, Melf; Bruns, Rainer 2050954 Actuation via surface chemistry induced surface stress. LAWRENCE LIVERMORE NATIONAL LABORATORY; Karlsruher Institut für Technologie; Universität Bremen 2050956 Pump assembly. Delphi Technologies Holding S.à.r.l. 2050961 Hydraulic drive system. Liebherr-Machines Bulle SA 2051030 A method for temperature control of CO2 as well as metering and filling of CO2 systems. Agramkow Fluid Systems A/S 2885 2886 2051050 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Spectrometer with cylindrical lens for astigmatism correction and demagnification. Horiba Jobin Yvon Inc 2051102 Adjustable electro-optical measuring device. Leica Geosystems AG 2051147 Method of producing functional surface areas on a flat substrate. FraunhoferGesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. 2052618 Meat tenderizing device. INOX Meccanica S.R.L. 2052659 Cyclonic separation apparatus. HOOVER LIMITED 2052680 Electrocardiology diagnosis assistance device, in particular for diagnosing Brugada syndrome and ERS. Ela Medical 2052719 Curative drug for neurodegenerative diseases. NIPPON HYPOX LABORATORIES INCORPORATED 2052780 Method for the treatment of slag. Scherer & Kohl GmbH & Co. KG 2052789 Wear protection layer and method of its manufacture. Robert Bosch GmbH 2052809 Drilling machine for breaking chips formed by a drilling operation. P.V. Tools, Inc. 2052830 Method for heating an extruded plastic profile by means of infrared radiation. INOEX GmbH 2052868 Printer for printing out purchase receipts. BIXOLON Europe GmbH 2052869 Printing device, control method and program thereof. Brother Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha 2053003 Web processing apparatus. Océ-Technologies B.V. 2053019 Purification of noble gases using online regeneration of getter beds. Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. 2053079 Transparent conductive film, method for production thereof and touch panel therewith. Nitto Denko Corporation 2053172 Device for bridging an expansion joint with coated surface. MIGUA Fugensysteme GmbH & Co. KG. 2053259 Clutch operation assisting device. Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha 2053309 Gas burner. Electrolux Home Products Corporation N.V. 2053334 Heat transfer enhancing system and method for fabricating heat transfer device. GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY 2053338 Small or medium bore machine cannon. Krauss-Maffei Wegmann GmbH & Co. KG 2053339 Flat compound armour element. Krauss-Maffei Wegmann GmbH & Co. KG 2053340 Flat compound armour element. Krauss-Maffei Wegmann GmbH & Co. KG 2053346 Eddy current sensor assembly and method for measuring rotation, separation and rotation speed of rotating construction elements. Konrad Mess- und Regeltechnik GmbH (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal 2053354 Laser surveying system. Kabushiki Kaisha Topcon 2053391 Apparatus and method for nondestructive inspection of parts. The Boeing (No. 2260) Company 2053474 Chronograph timepiece. Omega SA 2053605 Optical information recording medium. TAIYO YUDEN CO., LTD. 2053670 An elongated actuator structure. Universität Potsdam 2053734 Motor control apparatus and motor system. Hitachi Ltd. 2053774 Method and device for data processing and communication system comprising such device. Nokia Siemens Networks Oy 2053784 Method of updating network settings and device for implementing said method. Société Française du Radiotéléphone 2053821 Method, apparatus and computer program product for service decomposition in IP-broadcast networks. Nokia Siemens Networks Oy 2053843 Camera and Image Recording Program Product. Nikon Corporation 2054380 TRYPSIN-LIKE SERINE PROTEASE INHIBITORS, AND THEIR PREPARATION AND USE. The Medicines Company (Leipzig) GmbH 2054913 PLASMA DISPLAY PANEL. LG Electronics Inc. 2055136 LOUDSPEAKER. Oswald, Willi Wolfgang 2055187 Agricultural field spraying device. Amazonen-Werke H. Dreyer GmbH & Co. KG 2055199 Dressing composition. Stepan Specialty Products, LLC 2055202 Cyclist trousers with protection pads. Assos of Switzerland S.A. 2055206 Cooler table. KETER PLASTIC LTD. 2055222 Mop holder and corresponding mop cover. VERMOP Salmon GmbH 2055225 Endorectal trocar. Aspide Medical; Cohen, Jean-Pierre 2055334 Syringe device with protective cap. Tech Group Europe Limited 2055387 Method of treating a mixture comprising granulates and argillaceous materials. Lafarge 2055424 Braze formulations and process for making and using. GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY 2055480 Operating device for controlling air dosing devices in sheet handling machines. Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG 2055483 Display device for machines for processing printing substrates. Heidelberger Druckmaschinen Aktiengesellschaft 2055520 Radiator cover and straddle-type vehicle having the same. Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha 2055610 Luggage rack for railway vehicles. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2887 2888 2055624 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Vehicle with unit swing engine and radiator. Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha 2055827 Control method of dryer. LG Electronics Inc. 2056005 Rotary valve. Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. 2056211 Reconfigurable coprocessor architecture template for nested loops and programming tools. Coreworks, S.A. 2056232 Passively transferrring radio frequency signals. Sirit Inc. 2056308 Solenoid. UNI-GERÄTE E. Mangelmann ELEKTROTECHNISCHE FABRIK GmbH 2056394 Cavity resonator. Alcatel Lucent 2056464 Data processing apparatus and method. Sony Corporation 2056489 Method for transmitting multiplexed rate-limited and push-to-talk voice communications. CS Systèmes d'Information 2056510 Data processing apparatus and method. Sony Corporation 2056549 Data processing apparatus and method. Sony Corporation 2056550 Data processing apparatus and method. Sony Corporation 2056591 Image processing apparatus. Omron Corporation 2056649 Holder for an electric heater and electric heating device and method for production. E.G.O. Elektro-Gerätebau GmbH 2056650 Holder for an electric heater, electric heating device and method for its production. E.G.O. Elektro-Gerätebau GmbH 2056780 REDUCTIVE COLOUR REMOVAL. Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 2057116 NEW PHENYLSULFAMOYL BENZAMIDE DERIVATIVES AS BRADYKININ ANTAGONISTS. Richter Gedeon Nyrt. 2057781 METHOD FOR CONTROLLING THE OUTPUT OF DEVICES IN THE NETWORK. LG Electronics Inc. 2058167 Active headrest. Nihon Technica Co. Ltd 2058269 Industrial truck with a combustion engine and an electric generator. STILL GmbH 2058528 Two-step telescopic cylinder. Kobelco Cranes Co., Ltd. 2058622 Heat jacket for a gun barrel. Rheinmetall Waffe Munition GmbH 2059125 VIRUCIDAL COMPOSITION. ECOLAB INC. 2060017 METHOD FOR MANAGING THE POWER IN THE WIRELESS NETWORK. LG Electronics Inc. 2060213 Method for controlling and regulating the cooking of foodstuff on the spit. Lo Spiedo di Matteo Breda 2060313 Method for fractioning oxidic nanoparticles with cross-stream membrane filtration. Evonik Degussa GmbH (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2060412 Pneumatic tyres for a vehicle. Continental Reifen Deutschland GmbH 2060459 Braking system for a railway vehicle and method of braking the railway vehicle and brake control for such a braking system. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2060843 Heat insulated pipe and method of its manufacturing. Jarus GmbH 2060993 An awareness detection system and method. Delphi Technologies, Inc. 2061050 Electrical switchgear with rotating mobile contact(s). Schneider Electric Industries SAS 2061054 Electric switch. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2061058 Device for controlling electrical switchgear and electrical switchgear including same. Schneider Electric Industries SAS 2061059 Device for controlling electrical switchgear and electrical switchgear including same. Schneider Electric Industries SAS 2061269 METHOD FOR PROVIDING ACCESS MODE SELECTION TO MULTIMODE TERMINAL, SYSTEM AND APPARATUS THEREOF. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2061759 CYCLIC MODULATORS OF CHEMOKINE RECEPTOR ACTIVITY. BristolMyers Squibb Company 2062698 Hand tool machine with striking tool holder. HILTI Aktiengesellschaft 2062734 Method for calibrating an inkjet printhead and inkjet printing apparatus. OcéTechnologies B.V. 2062995 Amorphous Ge/Te deposition process. Advanced Technology Materials, Inc. 2063015 Ironing underlay. LEIFHEIT AG 2063064 A window covering safety device. Whole Space Industries Ltd 2063325 Mechanical watch movement. Richemont International S.A. 2063396 System and method for identifying an element of a structure in an engineered environment. The Boeing Company 2063633 Display processing apparatus, display processing system, and display processing method. Sony Corporation 2064290 FLUOROGENIC PH SENSITIVE DYES AND THEIR METHOD OF USE. Life Technologies Corporation 2065521 Fitting for fixing an equipment in a mounting hole of a support plate.. Fritz Egger GmbH & Co. OG 2065990 Electrical cabinet. RITTAL GmbH 2068870 THIOPHENE COMPOUNDS. National Health Research Institutes 2069129 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR CLOSE TOLERANCE FORMING OF AREAS IN FIBRE REINFORCED RESIN COMPOSITE COMPONENTS. SHORT BROTHERS PLC 2069269 HYDROGENATION PROCESS. BP Oil International Limited 2889 2890 2069411 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) CHAIN END FUNCTIONALIZED FLUOROPOLYMERS HAVING GOOD ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES AND GOOD CHEMICAL REACTIVITY. The Penn State Research Foundation; Daikin America, Inc. 2069601 DEVICE FOR DETECTING AN OBSTACLE AT THE REAR OF A VEHICLE. Renault S.A.S. 2069646 THREADED FASTENER WITH PREDETERMINED TORQUE. Wellmac Ltd 2069805 INTEGRATED ENERGY METERING SYSTEM. Analog Devices, Inc. 2069819 ACTIVE TRANSPONDER, PARTICULARLY FOR SYNTHETIC APERTURE RADAR, OR SAR, SYSTEMS. SPACE ENGINEERING S.p.A. 2070146 POWER GENERATION CAPACITY INDICATOR. Honeywell International Inc. 2070161 INSTALLATION SWITCHING DEVICE. ABB AG 2070177 BATTERY CHARGER USER INTERFACE. Eveready Battery Company, Inc. 2070532 O/W/O EMULSION CONTAINING LIGNAN COMPOUNDS, AND COMPOSITION CONTAINING THE SAME. Suntory Holdings Limited 2070614 PLUG MEMBER AND ATTACHMENT/DETACHMENT DEVICE FOR THE SAME. Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation 2070744 Suspension with releasable locking system. INVACARE CORPORATION 2070840 Container with pill dispensing insert. Capitol Plastic Products, LLC 2070987 TWO-PART THERMOCURABLE POLYIMIDE RESIN COMPOSITION AND CURED PRODUCT THEREOF. Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company, Inc. 2071318 Ultraviolet radiation protective effect evaluation method and device. Shiseido Company, Limited 2071767 A HANDOVER METHOD AND HANDOVER SYSTEM BETWEEN HETEROGENEOUS ACCESS SYSTEMS. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2071818 A DIAL PROMPT SYSTEM AND METHOD. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2071924 VIBRATION-ATTENUATING HARD-MOUNTED PYLON. Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. 2072135 Immunoassay process. EMD Millipore Corporation 2072642 METHOD OF PREPARING ELECTROLYTIC COPPER SOLUTION ACIDIFIED WITH SULFURIC ACID. MITSUI MINING & SMELTING CO., LTD. 2072857 Tooth belt. ContiTech Antriebssysteme GmbH 2073167 IMAGE PROCESSING DEVICE, IMAGE PROCESSING METHOD, AND IMAGE PROCESSING PROGRAM. Nikon Corporation 2073526 FUNCTION UPDATING SYSTEM AND FUNCTION UPDATING METHOD. NTT DoCoMo, Inc. (30/07/2014) 2073623 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) DEVICE FOR RECOVERING CHAFF ON A COMBINE HARVESTER. Bon, Alain 2073659 FASTENER SYSTEMS FOR SEAT CUSHIONS. VELCRO INDUSTRIES B.V. 2073669 AIR CONDITIONED BED. Gentherm Incorporated 2073770 EARPLUG WITH ARTICULATING STEM AND LOCKING FEATURE. 3M Innovative Properties Company 2073848 WATER-DISPERSIBLE ORAL, PARENTERAL, AND TOPICAL FORMULATIONS FOR POORLY WATER SOLUBLE DRUGS USING SMART POLYMERIC NANOPARTICLES. The Johns Hopkins University 2073900 SURFACTANTS AND METHODS FOR USING IN EMULSION POLYMERIZATION REACTIONS AND POLYMER DISPERSIONS, AND FOR STABILIZING EMULSION POLYMERS AND POLYMER DISPERSIONS. Cognis IP Management GmbH 2073939 WET PROCESSING APPARATUS USING A FLUID MENISCUS. Materials and Technologies Corporation 2073957 IMPACT WRENCH WITH A LUBRRI CATED IMPACT MECHANISM. Atlas Copco Industrial Technique AB 2074015 LOADING SYSTEM. Framo Engineering AS 2074029 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR FORMING TUBES IN NETS. POLYCLIP SYSTEM CORP. 2074041 A PIVOTING COVER WITH A FASTENING DEVICE. Ropak Corporation 2074083 NEW SULFONAMIDE DERIVATIVES AS BRADYKININ ANTAGONISTS. Richter Gedeon Nyrt. 2074089 ORGANIC COMPOUNDS. Novartis AG 2074132 GLYCOMIMETIC REPLACEMENTS FOR HEXOSES AND N-ACETYL HEXOSAMINES. GlycoMimetics, Inc. 2074186 LIQUID COLOR OR ADDITIVE CONCENTRATE USING BIO-DERIVED OILS. PolyOne Corporation 2074205 DETERGENT COMPOSITIONS AND THE USE OF ENZYME COMBINATIONS THEREIN. Novozymes A/S 2074327 VIBRATION ISOLATOR. Edwards Limited 2074403 Sensor that compensates for deterioration of a luminescable medium. RIC Investments, LLC. 2074431 CONVEYOR OF SPECIMEN CONTAINERS WITH SPUR UNITS IN LABORATORY AUTOMATION SYSTEMS. Inpeco Holding Ltd 2074446 Light guide including prismatic films, and backlight incorporating same. Cambridge Flat Projection Displays Limited 2891 2892 2074456 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) OPTICAL FIBRE INSTALLATION APPARATUS. BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS public limited company 2074584 SEGMENTING INFARCT IN DIFFUSION-WEIGHTED IMAGING VOLUME. Agency for Science, Technology And Research 2074700 RADIOELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AND RECEPTION MODULE MAINLY INTENDED FOR BROAD-BAND RADIOCOMMUNICATIONS. Thales 2074771 MANAGEMENT OF ACCESS TO ADDRESS DATA. HEWLETT-PACKARD DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, L.P. 2074776 Method and arrangement for power minimization in a multi-tone transmissionbased communication system. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 2074808 METHOD AND ARRANGEMENT FOR LOOP QUALIFICATION IN A DIGITAL SUBSCRIBER LINE (DSL) SYSTEM. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 2074858 DYNAMIC CARRIER SELECTION. APPLE INC. 2074869 STRUCTURES FOR COLOR-CHANGING LIGHT DEVICES. S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc. 2075241 METHOD FOR PRODUCING A BIPHENYL DERIVATIVE. Haqyashi, Tamio; Toray Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd. 2075371 LEATHER-LIKE SHEET AND PROCESS FOR PRODUCTION THEREOF. Toray Industries, Inc. 2075814 MAGNETIC FLUX MEASURING APPARATUS OF STATIONARY INDUCTION ELECTRIC DEVICE, MAGNETIC FLUX MEASURING METHOD THEREOF, AND SYNCHRONOUS SWITCH CONTROL APPARATUS OF CROSSING GATE. Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba 2075956 A METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR IMPLEMENTING THE DISASTER RECOVERY OF IP IMS. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2075979 METHOD FOR RELEASING THE CALL DURING THE MULTIMEDIA SERVICE INTERCONNECTING IN THE SEPARATED FRAMEWORK. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2076113 PLANT GROWTH DEVICE. Philips Intellectual Property & Standards GmbH; Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2076123 PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF SUBSTITUTED BROMOBENZENES. Syngenta Limited; Syngenta Participations AG 2076146 RESPIRATOR THAT USES A PREDEFINED NOSE FOAM SHAPE. 3M Innovative Properties Company 2076149 APPARATUS FOR MITIGATING SPINAL CORD INJURY. THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA (30/07/2014) 2076250 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) CO-PROCESSED MICROCRYSTALLINE CELLULOSE AND SUGAR ALCOHOL AS AN EXCIPIENT FOR TABLET FORMULATIONS. FMC Corporation 2076271 INHIBITION OF CHOLERA TOXINS BY GALATOOLIGOSACCHARIDES (GOS). Friesland Brands B.V. 2076397 PRINTING ON A ROTATING SURFACE. Fujifilm Dimatix, Inc. 2076474 SINTERED AND DOPED PRODUCT BASED ON ZIRCON + NB2O5 OR TA2O5. Saint-Gobain Centre de Recherches et d'Etudes Européen 2076496 AMINOMETHYL-2-IMIDAZOLES WITH AFFINITY WITH THE TRACE AMINE ASSOCIATED RECEPTORS. F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG 2076573 FLUOROPOLYMER COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING NITROGENCONTAINING AROMATIC MATERIALS. 3M Innovative Properties Company 2076574 METHOD OF PRODUCING FLEXIBLE LAMINATES. Ashland Licensing and Intellectual Property LLC 2076645 BELT FOR ELECTROMAGNETIC SUCKER. Digit 2076652 ARRANGEMENT FOR FOUNDATION. Turun Ammattikorkeakoulu 2076670 HYDROELECTRIC APPARATUS FOR GENERATING ELECTRIC POWER MAINLY FROM TIDAL CURRENTS. Poupinet, Georges 2076679 SONIC ABSORPTION DEVICE FOR AN AIR PIPELINE OF AN AIRCRAFT, IN PARTICULAR OF AN AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM OF AN AIRCRAFT. Airbus Operations GmbH 2076691 SYNCHRONIZED GEAR SHIFT SYSTEM. Magna Powertrain USA, Inc. 2076733 DETERMINING SURFACE AND THICKNESS. Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus 2076742 FILTER ARRANGEMENT FOR RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY SYSTEM. Renishaw PLC 2076814 OPHTHALMIC LENS DISPENSING METHOD AND SYSTEM. Carl Zeiss Vision Australia Holdings Ltd. 2076836 Real-time identification of an asset model and categorization of an asset to assist in computer network security. Arcsight, Inc. 2076868 TRANSCEIVING CIRCUIT FOR CONTACTLESS COMMUNICATION. NXP B.V. 2077002 WLAN NETWORK INFORMATION CACHING. Research In Motion Limited 2077027 SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR PROVIDING ONLINE COLLABORATIVE SUPPORT. Citrix Systems, Inc. 2077034 CONTROL DEVICE AND METHOD FOR CHANNEL SEARCHING IN IMAGE DISPLAY DEVICE. LG Electronics Inc. 2893 2894 2077038 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) SCALABLE VIDEO CODING WITH FILTERING OF LOWER LAYERS. APPLE INC. 2077078 WIG AND PRODUCTION METHOD THEREOF. Aderans Company Limited 2077254 GLASS RIBBON PRODUCING APPARATUS AND PROCESS FOR PRODUCING THE SAME. Nippon Electric Glass Co., Ltd. 2077256 SEMICONDUCTOR CERAMIC COMPOSITION AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING THE SAME. Hitachi Metals, Ltd. 2077259 PROCESS FOR PRODUCTION OF 2,6-DIMETHYL-1-NAPHTHALDEHYDE. Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company, Inc. 2077287 METHOD FOR PRODUCING SOFT POLYURETHANE FOAM. Asahi Glass Company, Limited 2077291 BIS(AMINOPHENOL) DERIVATIVE, PROCESS FOR PRODUCING THE SAME, POLYAMIDE RESIN, POSITIVE PHOTOSENSITIVE RESIN COMPOSITIONS, PROTECTIVE FILM, INTERLAYER DIELECTRIC, SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, AND DISPLAY ELEMENT. Sumitomo Bakelite Company, Ltd. 2077571 Electromagnetic contactor. ABB France 2077582 LIGHT DETECTING DEVICE. Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. 2077583 LIGHT DETECTING DEVICE. Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. 2077590 Field-effect transistor. Nippon Kayaku Kabushiki Kaisha; Hiroshima University 2077716 A RAT TRAP. Paf Holding APS 2077735 AIRBAG DYEING PROCESSES and Product obtained. Nike International Ltd. 2077768 DEVICES FOR TREATING OBESITY AND GERD BY INTUSSUSCEPTING A PORTION OF STOMACH TISSUE. Hourglass Technologies, Inc. 2077826 METHOD TO ENHANCE TISSUE REGENERATION. Children's Medical Center Corporation; The General Hospital Corporation 2077838 METHODS FOR THE TREATMENT OF AMYLOID-BETA RELATED DISORDERS AND COMPOSITIONS THEREFOR. The Rockefeller University 2077943 HEAT-SEALABLE COMPOSITE POLYESTER FILM. DuPont Teijin Films U.S. Limited Partnership 2077959 Procedure for regulating or controlling a servo drive unit in a steering system of a vehicle and corresponding steering system. Robert Bosch GmbH 2077982 Process for producing phenylalkanes of desired 2-phenyl content. UOP LLC 2077987 MANDELIC ACID DERIVATIVES AND PREPARATION THEREOF. TransTech Pharma, Inc. 2077992 INDOLE ANTAGONISTS OF P2Y1 RECEPTOR USEFUL IN THE TREATMENT OF THROMBOTIC CONDITIONS. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (30/07/2014) 2077993 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) METHOD FOR THE SEPARATION OF S-(-)-AMLODIPINE FROM RACEMIC AMLODIPINE. CJ Cheiljedang Corp. 2078002 2-AMINOTHIAZOLE-4-CARBOXYLIC AMIDES AS PROTEIN KINASE INHIBITORS. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 2078035 PEPTIDES HAVING ACTIVITIES OF EPIDERMAL GROWTH FACTOR AND ITS USES. Caregen Co., Ltd. 2078093 METHODS FOR DIAGNOSING CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME. EV Med Research 2078109 USE OF AN AQUEOUS SUSPENSION AND/OR DISPERSION OF MINERAL MATERIALS CONTAINING A HYDROPHOBIC GROUP WATER-SOLUBLE COPOLYMER FOR MAKING A PAPER SHEET. COATEX S.A.S. 2078183 Optical guiding and taxiing assistance device for an aircraft having a dedicated symbology. THALES 2078199 MAGNETIC AND/OR ELECTRIC LABEL ASSISTED DETECTION SYSTEM AND METHOD. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2078242 IMAGE FORMING DEVICES, HARD IMAGING METHODS, AND METHODS OF DETERMINING A TRANSFER FUNCTION. Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 2078300 ELECTROLUMINESCENT DISPLAY WITH VOLTAGE REGULATION. Global OLED Technology LLC 2078324 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR SENSOR-BASED WIRELESS RECEIVE DIVERSITY. QUALCOMM Incorporated 2078593 RAZOR. Kai R & D Center Co., Ltd. 2078678 FILLING NOZZLE. Toyo Seikan Kaisha, Ltd. 2078875 SLIDE BEARING. Toyota Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha 2078917 Lock system for a multi-barrel weapon. Blaser Finanzholding GmbH 2078969 MOLDED PRODUCT AND PRODUCTION METHOD THEREOF. Mitsubishi Rayon Co. Ltd. 2079119 PROCESS FOR MANUFACTURING A SEPARATOR FOR A NONAQUEOUS ELECTROLYTE SECONDARY BATTERY. Toyo Tanso Co., Ltd.; Asahi Kasei Chemicals Corporation 2079307 FARNESOID X RECEPTOR AGONISTS. GlaxoSmithKline LLC 2079339 REDUCED THICKNESS DOCUMENT CASE. MORAND, Pascal François Jean 2079341 INSECT PROTECTION SCREEN. Institut National De La Recherche Agronomique; L'Universite De Franche Comte; MDB Texinov SA 2079480 HCV NS3 PROTEASE INHIBITORS. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 2895 2896 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal 2079491 N-SUBSTITUTED MONOMERS AND POLYMERS. Reva Medical, Inc. 2079510 ELECTRODE ASSEMBLY FOR A STIMULATING MEDICAL DEVICE. (No. 2260) Cochlear Limited 2079530 DUAL EXTINGUISHMENT FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM USING HIGH VELOCITY LOW PRESSURE EMITTERS. Victaulic Company 2079564 STEERABLE MULTI-LINKED DEVICE HAVING A MODULAR LINK ASSEMBLY. Carnegie Mellon University 2079594 LEAF FOR THE COMPOSITION OF A PHOTO ALBUM AND PHOTO ALBUM PROVIDED WITH SUCH A LEAF. Unibind Limited 2079691 SUBSTITUTED INDENO[1,2-B]INDOLE DERIVATIVES AS NOVEL INHIBITORS OF PROTEIN KINASE CK2 AND THEIR USE AS TUMOUR THERAPEUTIC AGENTS, CYTOSTATICS AND DIAGNOSTIC AIDS. Autodisplay Biotech GmbH 2079693 ETHER DERIVATIVES DUAL MODULATORS OF THE 5-HT2A AND D3 RECEPTORS. F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG 2079728 N-ARYL PYRAZOLE COMPOUNDS FOR USE AGAINST DIABETES. Amgen Inc. 2079735 N- (2 -HYDROXYETHYL) -N-METHYL- 4- (QUINOLIN- 8-YL (1(THIAZOL-4- YLMETHYL) PIPERIDIN- 4 -YLIDENE) METHYL) BENZAMIDE, THE PROCESS OF MAKING IT AS WELL AS ITS USE FOR THE TREATMENT OF PAIN, ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION.. AstraZeneca AB 2079740 TRICYCLIC HETEROARYL COMPOUNDS USEFUL AS INHIBITORS OF JANUS KINASE. Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 2079800 THERMOPLASTIC COMPOSITION HAVING LOW GLOSS AND LOW TEMPERATURE IMPACT PERFORMANCE. Bayer MaterialScience LLC 2079801 IMPACT-RESISTANT COMPOSITION BASED ON A POLYAMIDE RESIN AND ON A BLEND OF AT LEAST ONE GRAFT COPOLYMER WITH POLYAMIDE BLOCKS AND A LOW-DENSITY ETHYLENE POLYMER. ARKEMA FRANCE 2079860 MICROTUBES AND METHODS OF PRODUCING SAME. Technion Research & Development Foundation Ltd. 2079861 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR TREATING A FIBRE CABLE. Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co. KG 2079862 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF A FIBRE. Spin'tec Engineering GmbH 2079884 WATER ECONOMISER WITH MANUAL PULSE CONTROL TO BE MOUNTED ON A TAP SPOUT. Boutte (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal 2079960 SUPPORT ARM. Stichting Escrow TV-Motions 2080004 DEVICE FOR CONVEYING A SUBSTANCE PROVIDED WITH AN (No. 2260) OPTICAL LEAK DETECTOR. Genesis France 2080046 PHOTONIC-BASED INTERCONNECTS FOR INTERCONNECTING MULTIPLE INTEGRATED CIRCUITS. HEWLETT-PACKARD DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, L.P. 2080151 DEVICE AND METHOD FOR OPERATING A READ/WRITE DEVICE. Legic Identsystems AG 2080179 System and method for providing real time traffic information.. Garmin Switzerland GmbH 2080199 PARTITIONED SOFT PROGRAMMING IN NON-VOLATILE MEMORY. SanDisk Technologies Inc. 2080649 Self-propelling work machine with a vehicle cabin. CLAAS Selbstfahrende Erntemaschinen GmbH 2080839 Sanitary flushing assembly comprising a device for adding a fragrance. VIEGA GmbH & Co. KG 2080976 Heat exchanger. KIOTO Clear Energy AG 2081347 A METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR NEGOTIATING THE SESSION DESCRIPTION PROTOCOL VERSION. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2081509 STRUCTURES FOR CONSTRAINING SPINAL PROCESSES WITH SINGLE CONNECTOR. Simpirica Spine, Inc. 2081675 BIODIESEL SYNTHESIS. Renewable Holdings Limited 2081772 METHOD OF SETTING THE SPACING BETWEEN PRINT STROKES, AND CORRESPONDING PRINTER. DOMINO PRINTING SCIENCES PLC 2081790 AIR MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR HEAVY DUTY TRUCK UNDERHOOD HEAT CONTROL. Enviro-Cool, Inc. 2081849 CONTAINER LID FORMED AS A LAMINATE HAVING A BUILT-IN OPENING FEATURE, CONTAINER INCORPORATING SAME, AND METHOD FOR MAKING SAME. Sonoco Development, Inc. 2082025 AUTOMATIC DOSING SYSTEM. MIFA AG FRENKENDORF 2082050 Delta-8 desaturases and their use in making polyunsaturated fatty acids. E.I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY 2082103 An installation method to connect floor panels in rows by vertical folding. Välinge Innovation AB 2082141 ANCHOR FOR EXPANSION IN COVER PANELS. Zimmer, Günther; Zimmer, Martin 2082142 ANCHOR FOR ENGAGING BEHIND COVER PANELS AND EXPANSION IN COVER PANELS. Zimmer, Günther; Zimmer, Martin 2897 2898 2082160 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) THIN ILLUMINATION DEVICE, DISPLAY DEVICE AND LUMINARY DEVICE. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2082188 COMPUTER ARRANGEMENT FOR AND METHOD OF MATCHING LOCATION DATA OF DIFFERENT SOURCES. TomTom Global Content B.V. 2082190 ROUTE SELECTION METHOD. Peugeot Citroën Automobiles Société Anonyme 2082222 SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR DETERMINING A SUBSTANTIALLY HEMATOCRIT INDEPENDENT ANALYTE CONCENTRATION. Lifescan Scotland Limited 2082233 METHOD FOR IN VITRO DIAGNOSIS OF PVL-PRODUCING STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS. Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL); BIOMERIEUX; Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM) 2082262 3D ULTRASONIC COLOR FLOW IMAGING WITH GRAYSCALE INVERT. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2082297 PROCESS AUTOMATION SYSTEM FOR DETERMINING, FOR MONITORING AND/OR FOR INFLUENCING DIFFERENT PROCESS VARIABLES AND/OR STATE VARIABLES. Endress+Hauser GmbH+Co. KG 2082346 PROTECTION AGAINST SIDE CHANNEL ATTACK WITH AN INTEGRITY CHECK. Gemalto SA 2082359 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR CUSTOMISING A PORTABLE ELECTRONIC ENTITY. Oberthur Technologies 2082373 PROGRAMMABLE BLENDING IN A GRAPHICS PROCESSING UNIT. QUALCOMM Incorporated 2082382 MULTI-MODE TAGS AND METHODS OF READING THE SAME. Kovio, Inc. 2082445 MONOLITHIC PIEZOACTUATOR WITH TRANSITION REGION AND SAFETY LAYER AND USE OF THE PIEZOACTUATOR. Continental Automotive GmbH; Kyocera Corporation 2082454 SPLICE FOR DOWN HOLE ELECTRICAL SUBMERSIBLE PUMP CABLE. Quick Connectors, Inc. 2082508 MONITORING LINK AGGREGATION LINKS. Verizon Patent and Licensing Inc. 2082513 METHOD AND NODE FOR THE CONTROL OF A CONNECTION IN A COMMUNICATION NETWORK. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 2082514 Acknowledgement channel for wireless communications. QUALCOMM Incorporated (30/07/2014) 2082556 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) METHODS AND DEVICES OF A QUEUE CONTROLLER FOR DUAL MODE BIDIRECTIONAL AUDIO COMMUNICATION. Motorola Mobility LLC 2082562 DISPLAY CONTROL FOR CELLULAR PHONE. Marvell World Trade Ltd. 2082613 HEARING DEVICE. Phonak AG 2082614 HEARING AID HAVING AN OCCLUSION REDUCTION UNIT, AND METHOD FOR OCCLUSION REDUCTION. Siemens Audiologische Technik GmbH 2082615 HEARING AID HAVING AN OCCLUSION REDUCTION UNIT, AND METHOD FOR OCCLUSION REDUCTION. Siemens Audiologische Technik GmbH 2082824 plasma cutting apparatus. Koike Sanso Kogyo Co., Ltd. 2083007 Tiotropium salts, method for creating same and medicinal formulations containing same. BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM INTERNATIONAL GMBH; Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG 2083048 RUBBER COMPOSITION FOR VULCANIZATION. DAISO CO., LTD. 2083049 CURABLE POLYORGANOSILOXANE COMPOSITION. Momentive Performance Materials Japan LLC 2083697 INTRAORAL DENTAL RADIOLOGY POSITIONING DEVICE FOR USE WITH X-RAY RECEPTOR. Diederich, Jennifer A. 2083750 PLANAR STRUCTURE AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING A PLANAR STRUCTURE. Nonwotecc Medical Gmbh 2083773 WOUND CARE SYSTEM WITH VACUUM-LIGHT THERAPY. Thermotek, Inc. 2083778 OPHTHALMIC APPARATUS FOR POSITIONING AN EYE OF A PATIENT IN A PREDETERMINED NOMINAL POSITION. Carl Zeiss Meditec AG 2083786 CAPSULE FORMATION. CAPSUGEL BELGIUM NV 2083787 TRANSFER LINE. Capsugel Belgium NV 2083814 DMAE AS SOLE AGENT FOR THE TREATMENT OF MILD COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT. Pierre Fabre Médicament 2083853 SHIGELLA IPAD PROTEIN AND ITS USE AS A VACCINE AGAINST SHIGELLA INFECTION. Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale; Université Libre de Bruxelles; Rijksuniversiteit Groningen; Institut Pasteur 2083875 COATED SURGICAL MESH. Atrium Medical Corporation 2083919 THULIUM-BASED CAPSULE AND DEVICES FOR USE IN HIGH DOSE RATE BRACHYTHERAPY. Shani, Gad 2899 2900 2083926 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) SELF-BELAY SET AS WELL AS SYSTEM WITH BELAY POINTS. Strasser, Philipp 2083969 FASTENER DRIVING DEVICE WITH MECHANISMS TO LIMIT MOVEMENT OF NAILS. Stanely Fastening Systems, L.P. 2083972 BLADE FOR A CUTTING TOOL FOR CUTTING A PLATE AND TOOL FITTED WITH SUCH A BLADE. Etablissements Pierre Grehal et Cie SA 2084003 A FLEXIBLE, IMPACT-RESISTANT LAMINATE AND A METHOD OF MANUFACTURING SAME. Stirling Moulded Composites Limited 2084004 A METHOD OF MANUFACTURING A FLEXIBLE, IMPACT- RESISTANT LAMINATE. Stirling Moulded Composites Limited 2084010 DEVICE FOR PRINTING TWO-DIMENSIONAL PARTS, PARTICULARLY PLASTIC CARDS. Atlantic Zeiser GmbH 2084057 COMPOSITE AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES WITH HAT STIFFENERS. The Boeing Company 2084092 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR GLUING THE FREE EDGE OF A LOG OF WEB MATERIAL IN A REWINDING MACHINE. Fabio Perini S.p.A. 2084139 OXAZOLIDINIUM COMPOUNDS AND USE AS HYDRATE INHIBITORS. BAKER HUGHES INCORPORATED 2084146 CYCLIC DERIVATIVES AS MODULATORS OF CHEMOKINE RECEPTOR ACTIVITY. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company 2084165 POSITIVELY CHARGED WATER-SOLUBLE PRODRUGS OF OXICAMS AND RELATED COMPOUNDS WITH VERY HIGH SKIN PENETRATION RATE. Techfields Biochem Co. Ltd; Yu, Chongxi 2084216 RADIATION CURABLE HYBRID COMPOSITION AND PROCESS. Cytec Surface Specialties, S.A. 2084295 METHOD FOR SEQUENCING A POLYNUCLEOTIDE TEMPLATE. Illumina Cambridge Limited 2084321 METHOD FOR THE TREATMENT OF SUBSTRATES. BASF SE 2084345 STAIR FORMING METHOD AND APPARATUS. SRB Construction Technologies Pty Ltd. 2084432 OILING DEVICE, GEARBOX AND A METHOD TO LUBRICATE A GEARBOX. Scania CV AB (PUBL) 2084443 LEAD-THROUGH. Wallman Eriksson, Marie 2084446 TUBULAR CONNECTION. Saint-Gobain PAM 2084577 HIGH SOLIDS LIQUID TONER CONCENTRATE AND METHOD OF ITS PRODUCTION. Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 2084644 COMPUTER TOOL FOR MANAGING DIGITAL DOCUMENTS. INRIA Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (30/07/2014) 2084675 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) REPRESENTATION OF THE RESULT OF AN INSPECTION STEP IN AN INTELLIGENT DOCUMENT. Deutsche Post AG 2084686 OPTICAL USER INTERFACE SYSTEM FOR AUTOMOTIVE MODULES. Gentex Corporation 2084813 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING. Calrec Audio LTD 2084897 CAMERA SYSTEM FOR MONITORING A ROOM REGION. Pilz GmbH & Co. KG 2084937 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR RECORDING, TRANSMITTING, AND PLAYING BACK SOUND EVENTS FOR COMMUNICATION APPLICATIONS. Pavel, Andreas Max 2085135 METHOD OF PREPARATING GLOBULAR RUBBER ADJUVANTS. Jiangsu Sinorgchem Technology Co., Ltd 2085272 KNEE AIR BAG WITH COLUMN. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2085291 POSITION ADJUSTING DEVICE FOR STEERING WHEEL. NSK Ltd. 2085432 METHOD FOR PRODUCING DRY ORGANIC PIGMENT. DIC Corporation 2085472 D-SERINE DEHYDRATASE AND USE THEREOF. National University Corporation Nagoya University 2085627 OUTER RING FOR ROCKING BEARING, RETAINER FOR ROCKING BEARING, ROCKING BEARING, AND AIR DISC BRAKE. NTN Corporation 2085637 FRICTION PAD ASSEMBLY FOR DISK BRAKE. Akebono Brake Industry Co., Ltd. 2085747 Portable laser projector and enclosure. THE BOEING COMPANY 2085819 Projector and cooling system. Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd. 2085823 METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE USING QUADRUPLE-LAYER LAMINATE. Nissan Chemical Industries, Ltd. 2086221 IMAGING DEVICE HOLDING STRUCTURE AND IMAGING DEVICE. Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. 2086341 SOLUBLE FOAMING BEVERAGE POWDER. Nestec S.A. 2086429 HAND-HELD MEDICAL DEVICE. Geuder AG 2086563 COMPOSITION FOR TREATING ATOPIC DERMATITIS COMPRISING EXTRACTS OF BAMBOO AND SCUTELLARIA. Unigen, Inc. 2086577 CONJUGATES OF THE PLASMODIUM FALCIPARUM SURFACE PROTEIN PFS25 AS MALARIA VACCINE. The Government of the United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services 2086679 CONTAINER FOR ANALYZING LIQUID. 77 Elektronika Müszeripari Kft. 2901 2902 2086686 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) RENEWABLE ENERGY RECOVERY FROM MSW AND OTHER WASTES. BioEnergy Technology Company Limited 2086736 TREAD FOR A RETREADED TIRE, MOULD FOR A TREAD AND RETREADED TIRE. Compagnie Générale des Etablissements Michelin; Michelin Recherche et Technique S.A. 2086831 DEVICE FOR DELAYING BOUNDARY LAYER SEPARATION. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2086908 SINTERED MATERIAL COMPRISING STABILIZED ZIRCONIA, ALUMINA AND RARE EART ALUMINATE PLATELETS,MANUFACTURING METHOD AND USES. Vita Zahnfabrik H. Rauter GmbH & Co. KG 2086909 SINTERED MATERIAL COMPRISING STABILIZED ZIRCONIA, ALUMINA AND RARE EARTH ALUMINATE PLATELETS, MANUFACTURING METHOD AND USES. Vita Zahnfabrik H. Rauter GmbH & Co. KG 2086939 PYRIDINE CARBOXAMIDES AS 11-BETA-HSD1 INHIBITORS. AstraZeneca AB 2086959 SUBSTITUTED 2-IMIDAZOLES AS MODULATORS OF THE TRACE AMINE ASSOCIATED RECEPTORS. F.HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 2086988 MERCAPTOFUNCTIONAL SILANE AND PROCESS FOR ITS PREPARATION. Momentive Performance Materials Inc. 2087019 HYDROPHOBICALLY MODIFIED CATIONIC COPOLYMERS. Construction Research & Technology GmbH 2087023 SOLUTIONS OF CAPPED POLYIMIDES OR POLYAMIDE IMIDES. Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH 2087065 FLUORESCENT COATING FOR HIGH OUTPUT LAMPS WITH COLOR TEMPERATURES OF LESS THAN 2700 KELVIN. OSRAM GmbH 2087093 INCORPORATION OF ACTIVE MOLECULES INTO MICROALGAE. Oreal, Henri; Brune, Jean-Pierre 2087104 MEDIUM SUPPLEMENT FOR VIRUS PRODUCTION. AVIR GREEN HILLS BIOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT TRADE AG 2087351 METHODS TO UTILIZE INVERTEBRATE CHEMOSENSORY PROTEINS FOR INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL USES. Woods, Daniel, F.; Dimitratos, Spiros, D.; Justice, Robin, W. 2087398 METHOD FOR PROTECTING SPECTACLES ARMS, MEMBER BOARD AND METHOD FOR MAKING THE MEMBERS. Daniel, Pierre 2087410 ROTARY ACTUATOR WITH A MAGNETICALLY PRODUCED TACTILE SENSE. PREH GmbH (30/07/2014) 2087482 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) METHOD FOR CONTROLLING OUTPUT OF DISPLAY UNIT AND SYSTEM ENABLING OF THE METHOD. LG Electronics Inc. 2087521 LOW DEFECT Si:C LAYER WITH RETROGRADE CARBON PROFILE. International Business Machines Corporation 2087561 ELECTRIFIED CEILING FRAMEWORK UNDERSIDE CONNECTORS. Armstrong World Industries, Inc. 2087566 ELECTRIFIED CEILING FRAMEWORK CONNECTORS. Armstrong World Industries, Inc. 2087577 ELECTRIC MOTOR ACTUATING DRIVE. Brose Fahrzeugteile GmbH & Co. KG, Würzburg 2087622 CELLULAR COMMUNICATION SYSTEM, COMMUNICATION UNIT AND METHOD FOR BROADCAST COMMUNICATION. Nvidia Corporation 2087644 Retrieval of Performance Indicator from an Electronic Device. Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 2087765 AUTOMATICALLY DETECTING A RESIDENT GATEWAY OF THE UNIVERSAL MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM TYPE. FRANCE TELECOM 2087944 METHOD FOR COATING PLASTIC MOLDED ARTICLE. Kansai Paint Co., Ltd; Toyota Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha 2088027 Airplane seat. Lufthansa Technik AG 2088082 STRIP-PACK APPARATUS, AND GRIPPING DEVICE AND UNWRINKLING DEVICE FOR USE IN THE APPARATUS. ISHIDA CO., Ltd. 2088426 MASS SPECTROMETRY OF BIOLOGICAL SAMPLE USING IMMUNOPRECIPITATION. Shimadzu Corporation 2088472 RESIN COMPOSITION FOR TONER, AND TONER USING THE RESIN COMPOSITION. Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. 2088695 METHOD FOR NUMBERING WORKING TRAFFIC ON PATH PROTECTION RING. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2088777 ELECTRONIC APPARATUS. Nikon Corporation 2088952 DEVICES FOR TREATING TISSUE COMPRISING A COOLING SURFACE. Syneron Medical Ltd. 2088954 EXTERNALLY RELEASABLE BODY PORTAL ANCHORS AND SYSTEMS. MEDTRONIC, INC. 2089030 AGENT FOR PROPHYLAXIS OR TREATMENT OF ALCOHOL DEPENDENCE OR DRUG DEPENDENCE. Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation 2089081 INFUSION SET. Unomedical A/S 2903 2904 2089168 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) DEVICE AND METHOD FOR OPTICALLY SORTING BULK MATERIAL. Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. 2089212 PULLER SPEED CONTROL DEVICE FOR MONITORING THE DIMENSIONS OF AN EXTRUDED SYNTHETIC WOOD COMPOSITION. STRANDEX CORPORATION 2089296 CONVEYOR BELT WITH INTERMODULAR SUPPORTED ROLLERS. Habasit AG 2089323 MEMBRANE STATION WASTE TREATMENT PROCESS. Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies Support 2089367 PYRAZOLINE COMPOUNDS AS MINERALOCORTICOID RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS. Pfizer Products Inc. 2089405 PROCESS FOR PREPARING 2-HYDROXY-4-METHYLSELENOBUTYRIC ACID, ALONE OR AS A MIXTURE WITH ITS SULPHUR-CONTAINING ANALOGUE, AND USES THEREOF IN NUTRITION, IN PARTICULAR IN ANIMAL NUTRITION. Tetrahedron 2089414 USE OF IONIC LIQUIDS FOR MEMBRANE PROTEIN EXTRACTION. Merck Patent GmbH 2089432 ANTI-GLYCOPROTEIN VI SCFV FRAGMENT FOR TREATMENT OF THROMBOSIS. INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA SANTE ET DE LA RECHERCHE MEDICALE (INSERM) 2089433 Therapy targeting cathepsin s. Fusion Antibodies Limited 2089491 PRINTABLE MEDIUM FOR ETCHING OF OXIDIC, TRANSPARENT AND CONDUCTING LAYERS. Merck Patent GmbH 2090021 METHOD FOR MONITORING A PLURALITY OF EQUIPMENTS IN A COMMUNICATION NETWORK. France Télécom 2090066 METHODS AND APPARATUSES FOR TRANSPORTING SIGNALLING CONNECTIVITY STATUS INFORMATION RELATING TO THE SIGNALLING CONNECTION BETWEEN A TERMINAL AND A P-CSCF IN AN IMS. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 2090199 Torso. Kabushiki Kaisha Bandai 2090655 Magnetic isolation and purification of nucleic acids. Promega Corporation 2090682 NONWOVEN FABRIC. Uni-Charm Corporation 2091169 AN ERROR CORRECTION METHOD FOR SYNCHRONIZATION FRAMES. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2091459 AN IMAGE GUIDED WHOLE BODY STEREOTACTIC NEEDLE PLACEMENT DEVICE WITH FALLING ARC. Sahni, Hirdesh 2091733 MULTI-LAYER COATED PRODUCT AND PREPARATION METHOD THEREOF. Byd Company Limited (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2091830 RESEALABLE CLOSURE. Crown Packaging Technology, Inc 2091941 MAPK/ERK KINASE INHIBITORS. Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited 2091984 WETTING AGENTS AND DISPERSANTS BASED ON MIXTURES OF STRUCTURED COPOLYMERS. BYK-Chemie GmbH 2092201 ANCHOR FOR ENGAGING BEHIND COVER PANELS. Zimmer, Günther; Zimmer, Martin 2092202 CAGE NUT. A. Raymond et Cie. 2092411 IDENTIFICATION AND VISUALIZATION OF TRUSTED USER INTERFACE OBJECTS. Microsoft Corporation 2092518 AUDIO INTERFACE FOR CONTROLLING A MOTION SIGNAL. D-Box Technologies Inc. 2092537 HIGH VOLTAGE CABLE. ABB Research Ltd. 2092599 VEHICLE-MOUNT ANTENNA ASSEMBLIES HAVING SNAP-ON OUTER COSMETIC COVERS WITH COMPLIANT LATCHING MECHANISMS FOR ACHIEVING ZERO-GAP. Laird Technologies, Inc. 2092710 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR REMOTE FORENSIC ACCESS. Evidence Talks Limited 2092872 DEVICE FOR INTRODUCTION INTO SUBJECT. Olympus Corporation; Olympus Medical Systems Corp. 2093094 HEAD-UP DISPLAY DEVICE. Nippon Seiki Co., Ltd. 2093180 THREAD SPOOL. Shimano, Inc. 2093300 Process for production of granular metallic iron and equipment for the production. Kabushiki Kaisha Kobe Seiko Sho 2093395 OIL PAN STRUCTURE FOR ENGINE. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2093607 TRANSFLECTIVE TYPE LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY DEVICE. Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha 2093650 User interface system based on pointing device. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2093730 FIRE DETECTOR. Panasonic Corporation 2093748 DISPLAY DEVICE AND ITS DRIVING METHOD. Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha 2093936 METHOD AND NETWORK DEVICE FOR SOLVING ADDRESS CONFLICT. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2093950 A METHOD AND DEVICE FOR REALIZING AUTOMATICAL DISTRIBUTION OF QinQ BUSINESS LABEL TERMINAL TO TERMINAL. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2094150 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR MONITORING EARLY FORMATION OF STEAM POP DURING ABLATION. Biosense Webster, Inc. 2094371 PROCESS FOR OBTAINING CARBON DIOXIDE. Lurgi GmbH 2905 2906 2094469 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Method of manufacturing an endless conveyor belt and a flexible web therefor.. Textiles Coated Incorporated 2094502 SECURITY FEATURE COMPRISING LIQUID CRYSTAL LAYERS. Giesecke & Devrient GmbH 2094532 DOOR LINING, ESPECIALLY FOR A MOTOR VEHICLE, AND PRODUCTION METHOD. Johnson Controls Interiors GmbH & Co. KG 2094617 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR PATTERNING COMPONENTS USING A MATERIAL BASED ON SILICON OXIDE. FHR Anlagenbau GmbH 2094692 MODULATORS OF GLUCOCORTICOID RECEPTOR, AP-1 AND/OR NFKAPPAB ACTIVITY AND USE THEREOF. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company 2094802 MOLDED PARTS FROM HOT MELT ADHESIVES. Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 2095009 HYDROGEN FILLING METHOD AND STATION. L'AIR LIQUIDE, Société Anonyme pour l'Etude et l'Exploitation des Procédés Georges Claude 2095115 GENERAL PROGNOSTIC PARAMETERS FOR TUMOUR PATIENTS. Stoiber, Wolfgang; Loibner, Hans 2095202 JOYSTICK FOR A CARGO LOADING SYSTEM. Rheinmetall Defence Electronics GmbH 2095265 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR BLOCKING SPAM DATA, AND METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR TRANSMITTING DATA FOR BLOCKING SPAM DATA. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 2095799 Injection moulded urisheath. Coloplast A/S 2095842 DEVICE FOR OPTIMISING FUNCTIONAL STATUS OF VEGETATIVE SYSTEMS OF AN ORGANISM. "TST-Group" LLC. 2096183 APPARATUS FOR PRODUCING POROUS BODY AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING POROUS BODY. Mitsubishi Materials Corporation 2096697 DIAPHRAGM FOR SOLID POLYMER FUEL CELL AND MEMBRANEELECTRODE ASSEMBLY. Tokuyama Corporation 2096834 METHODS FOR QUERYING PARAMETER INFORMATION, AND APPARATUS FOR RETURNING PARAMETER INFORMATION. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2096907 NON-CIRCULAR WIRE CROP PICK-UP TOOTH. Deere & Company 2096975 HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE WITH PROJECTED DISPLAY. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 2097225 HAND-HELD POWER TOOL. Robert Bosch GmbH 2097541 NUCLEIC ACID BEACONS FOR FLUORESCENT IN-SITU HYBRIDISATION AND CHIP TECHNOLOGY. miacom Diagnostics GmbH 2097580 STAIN MASKING CUT RESISTANT GLOVES AND PROCESS FOR MAKING SAME. E.I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2098240 AGENT FOR PROMOTING HEALING OF LIVING BODY. Aureo Co., Ltd. 2098301 PAINT APPLICATION CARTRIDGE. ABB K.K. 2098347 PROCESS FOR PRODUCING PLUGGED HONEYCOMB STRUCTURE. NGK Insulators, Ltd. 2098880 MAGNETIZATION ANALYSIS METHOD, MAGNETIZATION ANALYSIS DEVICE, AND COMPUTER PROGRAM. Hitachi Metals, Ltd. 2099682 APPARATUS FOR PROVIDING ZIPPER TO A PACKAGE MAKING MACHINE. Illinois Tool Works Inc. 2099718 UPFLOW BIOREACTOR WITH SEPTUM AND PRESSURE RELEASE MECHANISM. UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY 2099869 MODIFIED PIGMENTS AND METHODS FOR MAKING AND USING THE SAME. Sensient Colors Inc. 2099942 NUCLEAR FUEL CLADDING FROM AN ERBIUM-CONTAINING ZIRCONIUM ALLOY AND METHOD FOR PREPARING AND SHAPING THE SAME. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2100040 LINEAR COMPRESSOR AND GAS THRUST BEARING THEREFOR. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 2100218 MODELING AND MANAGEMENT OF RESERVOIR SYSTEMS WITH MATERIAL BALANCE GROUPS. ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company 2100980 MIXED MATERIAL WITH HIGH EXPANSION RATE FOR PRODUCING POROUS METALLIC SINTERED BODY. Mitsubishi Materials Corporation 2101643 DESIGN OF SWALLOWABLE MULTI-NOZZLE, DOSING DEVICE FOR RELEASING MEDICINES IN THE GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT. Medimetrics Personalized Drug Delivery B.V. 2101957 ELECTRIC DEVICE WITH LOCKED-ON ROTATABLE OPERATING ELEMENT. Robert Bosch GmbH 2101960 MOTOR-DRIVEN MACHINE TOOL. Robert Bosch GmbH 2101963 WORM-LIKE MECHANISM. Robotics Technology Leaders GmbH 2102043 WIPER BLADE. Robert Bosch GmbH 2102251 PROCESS OF MAKING POLYMER BLENDS. ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc. 2102463 DEVICE FOR MIXING EXHAUST GASES FROM INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES WITH ADDITIVES. Tenneco GmbH 2102595 A NAVIGATION DEVICE AND METHOD FOR USING A TRAFFIC MESSAGE CHANNEL. TomTom International B.V. 2102598 NAVIGATION SYSTEM WITH FUEL CONSUMPTION CALCULATION. TomTom International B.V. 2907 2908 2102678 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) METHOD FOR DETECTING A VERTICAL MISALIGNMENT OF A RADAR SENSOR. Robert Bosch GmbH 2102695 METHOD AND ARRANGEMENT FOR COLLIMATED MICROSCOPIC IMAGING. Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH 2103299 Oxidizing hair colourant compositions. The Procter & Gamble Company 2103315 Sanitary napkins with hydrophobic lotions. The Procter & Gamble Company 2103971 PHOTONIC BANDGAP FIBER. Fujikura, Ltd. 2104648 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR CARBONATION OF DEIONIZED WATER. MKS Instruments, Inc. 2104938 APPARATUS FOR PROCESSING AUDIO AND/OR VIDEO DATA AND METHOD TO BE RUN ON SAID APPARATUS. Nokia Siemens Networks GmbH & Co. KG 2105463 Mixes of copolymers grafted onto flexible blocks of polyamides and polyolefins. ARKEMA FRANCE 2106335 METHOD FOR FILTERING SUBSTRATE MATERIALS. Bayer MaterialScience AG 2106500 FUEL INJECTOR. Robert Bosch GmbH 2106951 WORKING VEHICLE WITH A HYDRAULIC STEPLESS TRANSMISSION. Yanmar Co., Ltd. 2107876 FOLDABLE FOOTWEAR. The Bacup Shoe Holding Company Limited 2107979 WIPER ARM. Robert Bosch GmbH 2108038 WASHING OR CLEANING AGENT WITH STABLE VISCOSITY. Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 2108373 Treatment of tumor metastases and cancer. ED. GEISTLICH SÖHNE AG FÜR CHEMISCHE INDUSTRIE 2109521 ARRANGEMENT OF CUTTING ELEMENTS IN A DEVICE FOR CUTTING UP FRUIT. Barthel, Ralf Detlef 2109535 IMPACT-RESISTANT LIGHTWEIGHT POLYMERIC LAMINATES. Chung, Sengshiu 2109954 ACK PRIORITIZATION IN WIRELESS NETWORKS. Sony Corporation 2109963 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR BUS ARBITRATION, CONVERTER AND MANUFACTURING INSTALLATION. SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co. KG 2111195 A FORCED AIR WARMING UNIT. Arizant Healthcare Inc. 2111332 METHOD FOR PROCESSING THE SURFACE OF POLYMER SUBSTRATES, SUBSTRATES THUS OBTAINED AND USE THEREOF IN THE PRODUCTION OF MULTILAYERED MATERIALS. L'AIR LIQUIDE, Société Anonyme pour l'Etude et l'Exploitation des Procédés Georges Claude (30/07/2014) 2112848 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Methods to route a bearer via circuit switching to an internet protocol multimedia system node using session initiation protocol contact header. Research In Motion Limited 2114457 COMPOSITION FOR PROMOTING BONE REGENERATION AND RESTORATION. Hans Biomed. Cor 2114596 A NEGATIVE INSERT FOR CUTTING MACHINING. Seco Tools AB 2114661 METHOD OF MAKING THERMOPLASTIC COMPOSITE PARTS HAVING INTEGRATED METAL FITTINGS. The Boeing Company 2114687 INK PRESSURE REGULATOR WITH REGULATOR CHANNEL FLUIDICALLY ISOLATED FROM INK RESERVOIR. Silverbrook Research Pty. Ltd 2114761 SHIP AND ASSOCIATED METHODS OF FORMATION AND OPERATION. Keck, Larry Bradly 2117892 WINDSHIELD WIPER DRIVE FOR VEHICLES. Robert Bosch GmbH 2118500 METHOD FOR OPERATING A HYDRAULIC SYSTEM, AND HYDRAULIC SYSTEM. Hydac Filtertechnik GmbH 2119116 WIRELESS NETWORK SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATION METHOD IN A WIRELESS NETWORK. LG Electronics Inc. 2120668 A rag plate having an attachment apparatus for a rag. LG Electronics Inc. 2122249 COOKING TOP. Indesit Company S.p.A. 2124291 Antenna arrangement. D-Per Technologies Ltd. 2125280 DEVICE FOR MACHINING WORKPIECES. IHT Automation GmbH & Co. KG 2126252 MOTOR VEHICLE STORAGE AND PARKING DEVICE. Reuss, Marcus 2127120 METHOD TO DETERMINE A FIELD STRENGTH BY A READER FOR TELEMETRY UNITS. Ingecom Sàrl 2129492 SOCKET FOR A WRENCH AND METHOD OF LOOSENING A FASTENER. American Grease Stick Company 2133349 Kinase inhibitors. Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited 2133618 METHOD FOR RESTORING A PIPELINE AND A PIPELINE. Abuev, Alexzander Gebekovich; Kravchenco, Dmitri Vladimirovich; Snigur, Gennadi Nikolaevich 2134264 DEVICE FOR ACTIVE PROTECTION OF THE MARGINS OF AN INCISION. Touati, Gilles 2135392 CONNECTIVITY FAULT MANAGEMENT IN A PROVIDER BACKBONE BRIDGE TRAFFIC ENGINEERING (PBB-TE) DOMAIN. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 2909 2910 2135424 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) IMPROVEMENTS IN MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATION. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 2135955 Biosynthesis of polyketide synthase substrates. The Board of Trustees of The Leland S. Stanford Junior University 2136099 ALARM OF CLUTCH DEVICE. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. 2138935 Information handling system including dynamically merged physical partitions. International Business Machines Corporation 2140755 Irrigation emitter unit. HYDROPLAN ENGINEERING LTD. 2142399 HOLDING UNIT POSITIVELY CONNECTED TO A COMPONENT. A. Raymond et Cie.; Key Plastics Germany GmbH 2145607 Delivery system for graft. TriVascular, Inc. 2151971 Transcoding video data. Saffron Digital Limited 2153721 Agricultural or horticultural fungicide composition and method of controlling plant disease. ISHIHARA SANGYO KAISHA, LTD. 2157490 TARGET ROUTE GENERATION SYSTEM. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2159262 Optical waveguide comprising a resin film. Hitachi Chemical Company, Ltd. 2159972 A METHOD AND DEVICE FOR ACCESSING AN ORIGINAL NETWORK BY USING A TEMPORARY IDENTIFIER OF AN EVOLUTION NETWORK. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2161524 Rotary hearth furnace. Kabushiki Kaisha Kobe Seiko Sho 2163631 Expression cassettes for guard cell-preferential expression in plants. SunGene GmbH 2168290 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR DYNAMIC ACK/NACK REPETITION FOR ROBUST DOWNLINK MAC PDU TRANSMISSION IN LTE. BlackBerry Limited 2169993 Detecting legacy spoofing in a user terminal. QUALCOMM Incorporated 2171782 METHOD FOR PRODUCING LEAD-BASE ALLOY GRID FOR LEAD-ACID BATTERY. The Furukawa Battery Co., Ltd. 2172282 Process for controlling rolling of a sheet metal strip. Converteam Technology Ltd 2172342 Thermal head and printer. Seiko Instruments Inc. 2172512 Granular stabilizer for polymer and production process thereof. Sumitomo Chemical Company, Limited 2172661 Wheel bolts. Hui, David 2172735 Method for determining a resilience matrix of a three dimensional sensor for arbitrary orientations. Carl Zeiss Industrielle Messtechnik GmbH 2172822 Complete integration of stand-alone batch operator interface capabilities into generic human machine interface using self-contained software objects. FisherRosemount Systems, Inc. (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal 2172916 Photoelectric smoke detector. NOHMI BOSAI LTD. 2172956 A mechanism for the synchronized operation of closing and opening of a (No. 2260) switching device and a selector device in a switchgear. Schneider Electric Industries SAS 2172960 Chromatic aberration corrector for charded particle beam system and correction method therefor. JEOL Ltd. 2173072 Personalized storage accounts in an electronic file delivery system. Accenture Global Services Limited 2173086 Image processing apparatus, color processing method and printer apparatus. Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 2174542 Hardened purse ring. Gois, John F. 2174679 Infusion device for drugs. Cane' S.p.A. 2174764 Process of manufacturing pellets from recycled materials. Centre d'étude et de recherche pour l'automobile (CERA) 2174767 Injection molding valve gated hot runner nozzle. Mold-Masters (2007) Limited 2174839 Retaining system for a separation element between a passenger compartment and a cargo compartment of a vehicle. Fibro S.p.A. 2174843 Air-bag. Autoliv Development AB 2174857 VEHICLE STEERING CONTROL DEVICE. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2174965 Preparation of propylene copolymer with dynamically operated reactor. Borealis AG 2174967 Polyisocyanates suitable for the formulation of paints and varnishes with a low solvent content, and process for the preparation thereof. Societa' Azionaria per l'Industria ChimicaItaliana S.A.P.I.C.I. S.p.A. 2174994 Ink jet ink, ink jet recording method, and ink cartridge. CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2174995 Ink jet ink, ink jet recording method, and ink cartridge. CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2174996 Ink jet ink, ink jet recording method, and ink cartridge. CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2175018 Process of clean cloning. Icon Genetics GmbH 2175072 Method of using recycled materials to make safety cones. Lee, Chin-Tai 2175108 Injector for a fluid injection system. Eaton Corporation 2175134 Methods and systems for determining operating states of pumps. General Electric Company 2175142 Accumulator piston position-measuring device. Eaton SAS 2911 2912 2175145 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Lock and connection device for fixing the rods of two distinct frames in a reciprocal position. VIBO S.p.A. 2175149 Locking device of an operating rod to a pedal. Batz, S.Coop. 2175153 Friction clutch. Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha 2175175 Control device and control method for continuously variable transmission. JATCO Ltd 2175233 Apparatus and method for measuring three-dimensional shape by using multiwavelength patterns. Koh Young Technology Inc. 2175252 Pressure sensor using strain gauges. Metallux AG 2175280 Mounting system for torsional suspension of a mems device. Honeywell International Inc. 2175298 System for stabilising a rigid structure subjected to thermoelastic deformations. Astrium SAS 2175330 Method and device for operating crush guard function in an electric sealing machine. Robert Bosch GmbH 2175357 Portable electronic device and method of controlling same. Research In Motion Limited 2175417 Method of filtering an image dataset. TomTec Imaging Systems GmbH 2175454 Method and terminal for providing controlled access to a memory card. Vodafone Holding GmbH 2175455 Method for providing controlled access to a memory card and memory card. Vodafone Holding GmbH 2175458 Linear motor for positioning optical systems. Karl Storz GmbH & Co. KG 2175495 Sealed device. FUJIFILM Corporation 2175508 Battery pack. Samsung SDI Co., Ltd. 2175569 Transmission device for creating an analog modulated pulse train and for transmitting the same and reception device for receiving a corresponding signal. Universität Ulm 2175618 Procedure and installation for the distribution of input data. Frequentis AG 2175631 Communication terminal apparatus. Oki Data Corporation 2175645 Picture signal processing system, playback apparatus and display apparatus, and picture signal processing method. Sony Corporation 2177192 Cassette lift for vehicles. U-Lift AB 2177195 Dental apparatus having an adjustable articulated arm. Dental Equipment LLC d/b/a Pelton & Crane Company 2177227 Use of hyaluronidase for the prevention or treatment of arterial hypertension.. Burgard, Gunter, Dr. (30/07/2014) 2177290 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Method for defining a punching tool set for punching of work pieces, such a punching tool set and punching machine with such a punching tool set. TRUMPF Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH + Co. KG 2177293 Machine tool and method for removing a workpiece part. TRUMPF Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH + Co. KG 2177300 Laser processing machine having programmable focus positioning function. Yamazaki Mazak Corporation 2177302 Method of removing layered material of a layered construction with a laser beam, with a preliminary grooving step and a removing step. Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg Gemeinnützige Stiftung 2177331 Mould for manufacturing agglomerated cork stoppers. Meacci S.r.l. 2177345 METHOD OF MANUFACTURING PNEUMATIC TIRE. Sumitomo Rubber Industries, Ltd. 2177347 Rotary bag machine. CMD Corporation 2177350 Body with surface structure improving friction performance. OVD Kinegram AG; Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V. 2177396 Seat back frame structure of seat for vehicle and seat for vehicle with seat back frame structure field of the invention. NHK SPRING Co., Ltd. 2177442 Housing adapted for placing on a pallet. Scholte's Metaalbewerking B.V. 2177450 Liquid distribution device equipped with a sealing element that can move under the effect of pressure from a user. Rexam Pharma La Verpillière 2177476 Method for separating carbon monoxide from a HCl raw gas. Bayer MaterialScience AG 2177543 Hybrid catalyst composition for polymerization of olefins. Basell Polyolefine GmbH 2177583 Pressure-sensitive adhesive composition and use thereof. Nitto Denko Corporation 2177600 Fungus having activity of controlling disease of gramineous plant, controlling agent using the same, method of controlling and biological material. Kureha Corporation 2177653 An arc flash protection, multiple-use nonwoven fabric structure. Norafin Industries (Germany) GmbH 2177654 Method for manufacturing a non-woven fabric compound material and device for executing the method. Mondi Consumer Packaging Technologies GmbH 2177656 Drum for a laundry dryer. Miele & Cie. KG 2177657 Drum for a washing machine. Miele & Cie. KG 2913 2914 2177690 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Holding device for a safety component, in particular for security walls or nets. Weglage, Georg 2177728 Method and device for thermal regeneration of particulate filters on combustion engines with a catalytic burner. DEUTZ Aktiengesellschaft 2177793 Device. AB SKF 2177796 Tubular valve device. Karl Dungs GmbH & Co.KG 2177798 Assembly comprising a housing supplied with compressed fluid and equiped with a pressure-limitting device. SAGEM DEFENSE SECURITE 2177822 BACKLIGHT UNIT. Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha 2177868 Articulating measuring arm with laser scanner. Hexagon Metrology, Inc 2177874 Universal remote control device. EchoStar Global B.V. 2177903 Inspection apparatus. GE Inspection Technologies, LP 2177904 Underwater remote surface inspection method and apparatus for reactor constituting member. Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd. 2177909 Solid support with enhanced density of signal material and method of detecting target material using the same. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 2177962 Electronic timepiece. Seiko Epson Corporation 2177967 Volume flow measuring device and volume flow regulator with same. Schneider Elektronik GmbH 2178085 Optical pickup device. Funai Electric Co., Ltd. 2178154 Electric cable arrangement. Robert Bosch GmbH 2178166 Loop antenna including impedance tuning gap and associated methods. HARRIS CORPORATION 2178204 Minimum feedback radio architecture with digitally configurable adaptive linearization. Apple Inc. 2178223 Method for reception of a signal and corresponding transmission method. Thomson Licensing 2178265 System and method for mobile IP. Alcatel Lucent 2178267 Method for providing services in a decentralised data network. SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 2178279 Generation method and mobile terminal for optimizing mobile terminal operation sequence. Huawei Device Co., Ltd. 2178293 Active pixel sensor circuit. AU Optronics Corporation 2178323 Protection of services in mobile network against CLI-spoofing. Koninklijke KPN N.V. 2178326 Method for assigning bandwidth in the call admission control of lub interface. Vodafone Group PLC; Vodafone España, S.A. (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal 2179653 Tempering tunnel and method for operation of the same. Völkl, Thomas 2179664 Apparatus for the treatment of a vegetable product. Noform S.r.l. 2179685 Dishwasher. Electrolux Home Products Corporation N.V. 2179687 Endoscope apparatus and control method therefor. FUJIFILM Corporation 2179692 Patient positioning monitoring apparatus. Humanscan Ltd 2179704 Endodontic system employing simultaneous liquefaction and acoustic (No. 2260) debridgement. Johnson, Douglas B. 2179712 Orthosis for elongated holding of flexible bony structures. Pohlig GmbH 2179727 Water insoluble polymer: modified starch derivative-based film coatings for colon targeting. Roquette Freres 2179748 Deodorizing system. The Procter & Gamble Company 2179755 Flexible medicine reservoir with an internal reservoir port. F.HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG; Roche Diagnostics GmbH 2179758 Device and apparatus for fractionation and infusion of radioactive drugs. Tema Sinergie S.r.l. 2179760 Modular Aerosol Delivery System. Trudell Medical International 2179768 Flame-retardant/smoke extraction device. TROX GmbH 2179771 Play device with random selection of exercise. LIAB ApS 2179814 Laser and/or plasma cutting nozzle in two connected parts. Czaban, Marco 2179837 Profile joining system. Murat Makina Sanayi Ve Ticaret Limited Sirketi 2179910 Method of making a composite component and component. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2179926 Sterile, single-use device for preparing a radiopharmaceutical drug, system and method implementing this device. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2179927 Seal system for packaging machine tools with integrated lifting rod. Multivac Sepp Haggenmüller GmbH & Co. KG 2179928 Method for producing a package and packaging machine. Multivac Sepp Haggenmüller GmbH & Co. KG 2179934 Packaging device and system for mostly flat objects, such as lithium-ion cells. Li-Tec Battery GmbH 2180017 Polybutylene naphthalate-based resin composition and electric wire using the polybutylene naphthalate-based resin composition. Hitachi Cable Ltd. 2180047 Biorhythm information acquisition method. Sony Corporation 2180120 Locking apparatus for rear doors of trailers or cargo containers. Pommier Furgocar S.r.l. 2180124 Door closer. Hsu, Chun-Pu 2915 2916 2180163 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Turbine housing and method for its production. Benteler Automobiltechnik GmbH 2180247 Fixing means for fixing a recessed spotlight in an opening made in a wall and recessed spotlight equipped with this type of fixing means. Tekna, Besloten vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid 2180305 Method for testing and/or testing the function of at least one environment sensor installed in a motor vehicle and corresponding device. Audi AG; Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft; Audi Electronics Venture GmbH 2180345 Removing seismic interference using simultaneous or near simultaneous source separation. Geco Technology B.V. 2180363 Control method of a microscope. Olympus Corporation 2180388 Method for projecting a bus-oriented programmable electric installation. Schneider Electric Industries SAS 2180396 Control device with haptic feedback. DAV 2180411 Methods and apparatuses for intra-document reference identification and resolution. Xerox Corporation 2180448 X-ray diagnosis apparatus and image processing apparatus. Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba; Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation 2180499 Method for substrate-protecting removal of hard coatings. EITEC Gesellschaft für metallisches Hartstoffbeschichten GmbH & Co. KG; Hüser, Michael Hermann 2180523 A roof with an integrated solar panel. Stafier Solar Systems B.V. 2180534 Energy conversion devices and methods. Corning Incorporated 2180540 Rechargeable battery with multiple galvanic cells. Li-Tec Battery GmbH 2180543 Systems and methods for a gimbal mounted optical communication device. Honeywell International, Inc. 2180563 Mode-locked laser device, ultrashort pulse light source device, broad bandwidth light source device, non-linear optical microscopy device, recording device and optical coherence tomography device. Fujifilm Corporation 2180611 A method for transmission of data signals using a switched mode power amplifier, a switched mode power amplifier and a communication network therefor. Alcatel Lucent 2180626 Distributed turbo encoder for block fading channels. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2180678 Device and method for adjusting bandwidth in a telecommunications network and accompanying computer program product. Gigaset Communications GmbH 2180680 Separation device and method for transmitting voice signal. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2180690 Image forming apparatus and control method thereof. Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 2180774 Heat-dissipating structure for expansion board architecture. Moxa Inc. 2181579 Agricultural vehicle with traction control. Deere & Company 2181586 A method of cleaning animal cages. Detach AB 2181615 Clothing especially for patients and persons with reduced moveability. Technicka Univerzita v Liberci 2181683 Wheelchair. Invacare International Sàrl 2181724 Fluid system. Völker, Manfred 2181747 Fuel filter with purging device and filter cartridge for such a filter. FILTRAUTO 2181748 Hydrodynamic separator for cleaning a fluid stream. Hydroconcept 2181795 Heat transferring member for solder handling device with an inner copper tube coated with alumina ; Electric soldering and desoldering tool with such heat transferring member. Hakko Corporation 2181796 Device and method for submerged arc welding with a powder housing comprising powder feeding and exhaust ports. Kjellberg Finsterwalde Schweißtechnik und Verschleißschutzsysteme GmbH 2181812 Compliant shifting mechanism for right angle drill. Black & Decker Inc. 2181822 Device and method for adjusting the degree of mixing. Kabushiki Kaisha Kobe Seiko Sho (Kobe Steel, Ltd.) 2181860 Construction element made of wood material with special haptic characteristics and method for producing such a construction element. Fritz Egger GmbH & Co. OG 2181866 Drive axle with air passage for tire inflation system. ArvinMeritor Technology, LLC 2181868 Tow bar. MVG Metallverarbeitungsgesellschaft mbH 2181870 An independent rear suspension for an agricultural vehicle.. CNH Italia S.p.A. 2181884 Traveling guidance system, traveling guidance method, and computer program. AISIN AW CO., LTD. 2181900 Windshield wiper control unit and windshield wiper control method. Toyota Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha 2181943 Container with retractable lateral retaining devices. Sicom Containers S.p.A. 2182000 Silyl (meth)acrylate compound containing a siloxy group having a bulky substituent and its production method. Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd. 2182015 Weather resistant thermoplastic resin having excellent low gloss characteristics and method of preparing the same. CHEIL INDUSTRIES INC. 2182028 Rubber composition and tire. Sumitomo Rubber Industries, Ltd. 2182104 Clothes dryer. Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba; Toshiba Consumer Electronics Holdings Corporation; Toshiba Home Appliances Corporation 2917 2918 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal 2182114 Heating for railway switches. Heatpoint B.V. 2182185 Crankcase ventilation system for engine. MAHLE Filter Systems Japan (No. 2260) Corporation 2182198 Pressure container for high-temperature use and a method for production of same. MT Aerospace AG 2182232 Linear ball bearing, load carrying element therefor, production method and forming device for a blank of the load carrying element. Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG 2182233 Synchronised hub. Hoerbiger Antriebstechnik GmbH 2182246 Twin clutch transmission, and vehicle equipped therewith. Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha 2182251 Transmission for a work machine. Deere & Company 2182270 Vehicle headlamp. ICHIKOH INDUSTRIES, LTD. 2182341 Electric device for detecting wear of elastomeric dynamic seals. ROBERT BOSCH GMBH 2182347 Method for measuring the wear on carbon-ceramic friction discs and device for the same. SGL Carbon SE; Audi AG 2182376 Position determination method. Astrium GmbH 2182401 Image display apparatus. CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2182402 Method and system for operating a near-to-eye display. Honeywell International Inc. 2182472 Radio frequency identification tag and antenna. FUJITSU LIMITED 2182523 Charge sampling device and method based on a MOS-transmission line. CSEM Centre Suisse d'Electronique et de Microtechnique SA -Recherche et Développement 2182556 Process for manufacturing solar cell. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 2182560 Method for manufacturing piezoelectric device. Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 2182561 Method for manufacturing electronic device and method for manufacturing piezoelectric device. Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 2182562 Method for producing piezoelectric composite substrate. Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 2182566 cylindrical secondary battery having structure in which electrode assembly is connected with sealing cover via combination of current collector plate and current collector lead. Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd. 2182568 Electrodes for an electric device operating according to galvanic principles, such as a lithium-ion cell, and method for its manufacture. Li-Tec Battery GmbH 2182611 Arrangement for cooling of an electrical machine. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2182615 Wiring component for motor coil. Aisin Seiki Kabushiki Kaisha (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2182617 Arrangement for cooling of an electrical machine. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2182622 Circuit for power factor correction. GE Energy Power Conversion Technology Limited 2182707 Ambient sound detection and recognition method. FRANCE TELECOM 2182751 Methods and apparatuses of spectrum utilization in a wireless cellular environment. NTT DoCoMo, Inc. 2182755 Method of packet element transmission in wireless communication system. HTC Corporation 2182759 Method and equipment for improving radio network communications. Alcatel Lucent 2182779 Discharge lamp lighting device and illumination fixture. Panasonic Corporation 2182780 High pressure discharge lamp lighting device, and illumination fixture and illumination system using the same. Panasonic Corporation 2182782 Arrangement of electronic pre-switching device and dimming control device connected to it and method for operating a lamp. OSRAM AG 2182789 Heat dissipation window and communication equipment. HUAWEI DEVICE CO., LTD 2183853 ROBUST TWO MICROPHONE NOISE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM. Motorola Mobility LLC 2183957 A method for opening and closing a tailgate of a round baler.. CNH Belgium N.V. 2183987 Cigar cutter. ST Dupont 2183996 Storage item with drawer(s). Paperflow 2184040 Epicondylitis strap. Bauerfeind AG 2184081 Catheter shaft. Biotronik VI Patent AG 2184115 Water-repellent coating in in-built condensers. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2184127 Laser marking method, use of a laser marking device and lens element. 3DMicromac AG 2184141 Method and device for manufacturing a punch. Spilker GmbH 2184147 Device for cutting a strand of plastic material with at least one adjustment device for displacing a carrier section for a cut-off length of the strand. Hans Lingl Anlagenbau und Verfahrenstechnik GmbH & Co. KG 2184157 System, method and apparatus for making tapered looped suture. Covidien LP 2184160 Device for conveying a product into a container. GARBUIO S.p.A. 2184232 Apparatus and method for in-flight detection of airborne water droplets and ice crystals. Rosemount Aerospace Inc. 2184243 Method for winding material web and device for executing the method. Voith Patent GmbH 2919 2920 2184323 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Tire manufactured using a thermoplastic resin composition. The Yokohama Rubber Co., Ltd. 2184333 Quantum dot electroluminescent device and method for fabricating the same. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 2184389 Weft insertion method and weft insertion device of rapier loom. TSUDAKOMA KOGYO KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2184399 FABRIC MATERIAL FOR SPORTS. Teijin Limited 2184450 Rotation piston fastener with clock spring. Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG 2184510 Shifting assembly. ZF Friedrichshafen AG 2184638 Rear projection image display device. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 2184852 Latch circuit including data input terminal and scan data input terminal, and semiconductor device and control method. FUJITSU LIMITED 2186455 Drinks machine. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 2186544 Use of amorphous mineral expanded particles for improving perfume tenacity; perfuming composition thereof and process for treating human body odours using said composition.. L'Oréal 2186610 ROBOT AND TASK EXECUTION SYSTEM. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2186661 Adjustable support for a helical compression spring or similar for a vehicle. Audi AG 2186692 Seat belt retractor and seat belt apparatus having the same. Takata Corporation 2186705 Instrumented roller bearing assembly for railway axle and corresponding method of assembling. SNR Roulements 2186922 Method for deposting a nanocomposite layer on a substrate using chemical vapor deposition. Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. 2187274 Radio controlled timepiece. CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD. 2187482 Pre-assembled connector system. Amphenol-tuchel Electronics GmbH 2187517 IMAGE REJECTION MIXER AND WIRELESS COMMUNICATION DEVICE. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 2188236 ONE-STAGE CONTINUOUS PROCESS FOR HYDROFORMYLATING HIGHER OLEFINS OR OLEFIN MIXTURES. Evonik Degussa GmbH 2188321 PROCESS FOR PREPARING POLYETHYLENENAPHTHALATE WITH 2,6NAPHTHALENEDICARBOXYLIC ACID. Hyosung Corporation 2188421 PREPARATION OF VERY HIGH MOLECULAR WEIGHT POLYAMIDE FILAMENTS. Invista Technologies S.à.r.l. 2189056 Glasshouse structure comprising closed profiles having grooves forming rails. Filclair (30/07/2014) 2189180 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Implantable active medical device comprising means for calculating atrioventricular delay. ELA MEDICAL 2189182 Implantable active medical device comprising means for atrial capture testing. ELA MEDICAL 2189193 Bladder for a ball. adidas International Marketing B.V. 2189412 Escalator or travelator. ThyssenKrupp Elevator Innovation Center S.A. 2189447 Enantioselective alkylation of tricyclic compounds. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 2189573 Artificial turf structure and method of manufacturing thereof. Italgreen S.p.A. 2189676 Drive key for wheel and wheel adapted therefor. Messier-Bugatti-Dowty 2189767 Automatic calibration of brightness sensors in buildings. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2189986 Delay adjustment device, semiconductor device and delay adjustment method. Renesas Electronics Corporation 2190742 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR LIGHTNING PROTECTION OF A COMPOSITE STRUCTURE. The Boeing Company 2191083 Connection for floor panels. HAMBERGER INDUSTRIEWERKE GmbH 2191321 METHOD OF MANUFACTURING AND PROCESSING SILICON CARBIDE SCANNING AND OPTICAL MIRRORS. MERSEN Deutschland Holding GmbH & Co. KG 2191771 Portable device for measuring blood pressure and method therefor. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 2191778 Directionally biased staple. Tyco Healthcare Group LP 2191986 Apparatus and method for detecting decrease in tire air pressure and program for detecting decrease in tire air pressure. Sumitomo Rubber Industries, Ltd. 2192059 Device for packaging articles. Krones AG 2192293 Particle filter regeneration strategy. Peugeot Citroën Automobiles SA 2192316 Friction clutch, vehicle equipped with the same, and assembly method of friction clutch. Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha 2192321 Internally ventilated brake disc for motor vehicles, in particular for commercial vehicles. MAN Truck & Bus AG 2192339 Cable assembly for a pressurised fluid and method for producing same. VERITAS AG 2192586 Signal processing system. Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba 2192658 Connection device. Neutrik Aktiengesellschaft 2192817 BROADCAST SERVICE (BC) IMPROVING METHOD, DEVICE AND SYSTEM. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2192940 METERED DOSE VALVE. 3M Innovative Properties Company 2921 2922 2193114 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) METHOD FOR PRODUCING AMINES BY NITRILE COMPOUND HYDROGENATION. Rhodia Opérations 2193137 ORGANIC/INORGANIC HYBRID NANOPARTICULATES MADE FROM IRON CARBOXYLATES. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS; Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines 2193853 Device for provisional support and handling of a rear door of an automobile on the assembly line. Peugeot Citroën Automobiles SA 2193962 Windscreen wiper device in a vehicle. Robert Bosch GmbH 2193970 Buffer for a railway vehicle. Bombardier Transportation GmbH 2193973 Method and device for testing units that influence trains with status data of track signals in relay interlocking systems. Siemens Schweiz AG 2194150 Lead-free free-cutting silicon brass alloy with high zinc and its manufacturing method. Xiamen LOTA International Co., Ltd 2194259 VEHICLE DRIVE UNIT CONTROL APPARATUS. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2194273 VARIABLE DISPLACEMENT COMPRESSOR. Sanden Corporation 2194395 Modular radar system. Robert Bosch GmbH 2194461 Shared resource arbitration. MediaTek, Inc 2194550 Side key module for mobile communication terminal. Hanbit Precision Co., Ltd. 2194936 MEDICAL BANDAGING PRODUCT. BSN Medical, Inc. 2195169 INK JET PRINTING. Videojet Technologies, Inc. 2195237 LOAD DETECTION IN AN AIRCRAFT LANDING GEAR. Messier-Dowty Limited 2195261 FOAM PRODUCTION PUMP NOT CAUSING CONTAMINATION OF CONTENTS. Chong Woo Co., Ltd. 2195295 METHOD FOR THE PREPARATION OF MONTELUKAST ACID IN IONIC LIQUID MEDIUM. Hanmi Science Co., Ltd. 2195365 CURING COMPOSITION AND CURED PRODUCT PREPARED BY USING THE SAME. LG Chem, Ltd. 2195398 METHOD OF FORMING A CERAMIC SILICON OXIDE TYPE COATING, METHOD OF PRODUCING AN INORGANIC BASE MATERIAL, AGENT FOR FORMING A CERAMIC SILICON OXIDE TYPE COATING, AND SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE. Dow Corning Toray Co., Ltd.; Dow Corning Corporation 2195419 METHODS FOR DRYING BACTERIOPHAGE AND BACTERIOPHAGECONTAINING COMPOSITIONS. Omnilytics Incorporated 2195438 METHODS FOR TRANSFERRING MOLECULAR SUBSTANCES INTO PLANT CELLS. Dow AgroSciences LLC (30/07/2014) 2195456 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) USE OF POLYMORPHISMS IN THE TMEM132D GENE IN THE PREDICTION AND TREATMENT OF ANXIETY DISORDERS. Max-PlanckGesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V. 2195558 METHOD FOR THE EMERGENCY CONTROL OF AN AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION. ZF Friedrichshafen AG 2195632 SAMPLE HOLDER FOR A THERMO-MECHANICAL ANALYSER. Lacerta Technology Limited 2195685 IMAGING DEVICE WITH A SCINTILLATOR. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2195816 PROCESS AND ARRANGEMENT FOR ELECTRICALLY INSULATING A COIL OF AN ELECTRIC DEVICE. Whirlpool S.A. 2195919 METHOD FOR CALCULATING, USING A COMPUTER, A THREE-PHASE REGULATOR OF A THREE-PHASE SYSTEM HAVING A THREE-PHASE MODEL. Université De Poitiers 2196238 Active implantable medical cardiac device, including means of antitachycardiac auricular stimulation and antibradycardiac ventricular stimulation. ELA MEDICAL 2196398 Method for controlling a machine for handling containers. KRONES Aktiengesellschaft 2196404 PACKING BODY. Unicharm Corporation 2196514 ADHESIVE COMPOSITION, ELECTRONIC-COMPONENT-MOUNTED SUBSTRATE AND SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE USING THE ADHESIVE COMPOSITION. Hitachi Chemical Company, Ltd. 2196523 PROCESS FOR PRODUCING HIGHLY PURIFIED ORANGE ROUGHY OIL. NIPPON SUISAN KAISHA, LTD. 2196537 METHOD FOR SYNTHESIS OF SINGLE- OR DOUBLE-STRANDED DNA, AND KIT FOR THE SYNTHESIS. Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd. 2196564 ISOTOPE DIAMOND LAMINATE. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology 2196751 REFRIGERATION CYCLE APPARATUS. Panasonic Corporation 2196876 Method and control device palette for preliminary setup of a control device train. AVL List GmbH 2197154 METHOD, SYSTEM AND CORRELATIVE APPARATUS FOR TRANSMITTING A RPC COMMAND. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2197309 ARTICLE OF FOOTWEAR WITH SOLE STRUCTURE. Nike International Ltd. 2197381 VASCULATURE AND LYMPHATIC SYSTEM IMAGING AND ABLATION. The Invention Science Fund I, LLC 2923 2924 2197428 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) IMPROVED PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION CONTAINING A PYRROLIDONE ANTICONVULSANT AGENT AND METHOD FOR THE PREPARATION THEREOF. Pharmathen S.A. 2197525 NASAL DELIVERY DEVICES. Optinose AS 2197586 ROLLER MILL. FLSmidth A/S 2197591 METERING DEVICE. Grbesic, Thomas 2197664 ADVANCED ANTIBALLISTIC MATERIALS. Novameer B.V. 2197682 LIQUID TANK WITH VENT-TO-ATMOSPHERE MECHANISM. Ricoh Company, Ltd. 2197692 PAIR OF COMPASSES HAVING A JOINT WITH A LOCKING DEVICE. Draw.TEC GmbH & Co. KG 2197759 TAMPER RESISTANT CONTAINER WITH LOCKING RIM. McCormick&Company, Incorporated 2197766 CANISTER FOR DESICCANTS AND OTHER MATERIAL. Airsec S.A.S. 2197795 LITHIUM ARGYRODITE. Universität Siegen 2197805 METHOD OF FASTENING LAMELLAE OF A LAMELLAR MATERIAL TO A SUITABLE SUBSTRATE. UNIVERSITÉ PIERRE ET MARIE CURIE (PARIS VI); Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2197894 DEGENERATE OLIGONUCLEOTIDES AND THEIR USES. Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC 2197938 USE OF HYPERBRANCHED POLYESTERS FOR SEPARATING OIL-INWATER EMULSIONS. BASF SE 2197996 CLEAVABLE SURFACTANTS. Promega Corporation 2198008 METHOD AND KIT FOR RAPID ISOLATION OF HUMAN FOXP3+ TREG CELLS. Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin (MDC) 2198052 METHOD FOR ADMINISTERING ANTICOAGULATION THERAPY. Marshfield Clinic 2198163 COMPRESSOR HAVING IMPROVED VALVE PLATE. Emerson Climate Technologies, Inc. 2198272 MICROGLOSS MEASUREMENT OF PAPER AND BOARD. Honeywell International Inc. 2198333 OPTICAL DEVICE WITH SUPERIMPOSED PHOTONIC CIRCUITS FOR COUPLING TO ONE OR MORE OPTICAL GUIDES. Institut National Des Sciences Appliquees; Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2198350 MICROPROCESSOR, SYSTEM FOR CONTROLLING A DEVICE AND APPARATUS. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 2198384 TAMPER-DETECTING ELECTRONIC SYSTEM. NDS Limited (30/07/2014) 2198556 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) AN ARRANGEMENT AND A METHOD FOR HANDLING FAILURES IN A NETWORK. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 2198577 INTERNET-BASED INFORMATION SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR ASCERTAINING A DATA-RECIPIENT-SPECIFIC DATA RECORD. DCI Database for Commerce and Industry AG 2198669 METHODS AND APPARATUS FOR CONTROLLING RESPECTIVE LOAD CURRENTS OF MULTIPLE SERIES-CONNECTED LOADS. Philips SolidState Lighting Solutions, Inc. 2198876 A method for reducing the likelihood of implantation failure in a subject. Nora Therapeutics, Inc. 2199306 VEGF-specific human antibody. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology 2199420 AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEEL. Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation 2199423 Thermally injected surface layer and orthopaedic implant. Sulzer Metco AG 2199578 Torque control device and method for internal combustion engine. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2199658 LIGHT EMITTING ELEMENT LAMP AND LIGHTING EQUIPMENT. Toshiba Lighting & Technology Corporation 2199814 MAGNETO-IMPEDANCE ELEMENT AND MAGNETO-IMPEDANCE SENSOR. Aichi Steel Corporation 2200366 Method for evolved multimedia broadcast/multicast service. Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute 2200395 MANAGING METHOD, SYSTEM AND DEVICE FOR AN APPEARANCE PACKET. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2200447 PROCESS FOR FOIL RIPENING OF CHEESE. DSM IP Assets B.V. 2200498 ILLUMINATING AN ORGAN. Optomed Oy 2200516 SMALL CALIBER LAPAROSCOPE SURGICAL APPARATUS. National Cancer Center 2200545 ADJUSTABLE POSTERIOR SPINAL ORTHOSIS. Orthomerica Products, Inc. 2200656 CONTRAST AGENTS. GE Healthcare AS 2200671 METHOD FOR PREPARING POROUS SCAFFOLD FOR TISSUE ENGINEERING. INSERM (Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale); Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 2200829 AMBIENT PLASMA TREAMENT OF PRINTER COMPONENTS. Eastman Kodak Company 2200831 INK SUPPLY SYSTEM. Videojet Technologies Inc. 2200834 FILTER FOR INK SUPPLY SYSTEM. Videojet Technologies Inc. 2925 2926 2200841 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) MULTILAYER BODY AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING A MULTILAYER BODY. OVD Kinegram AG 2200848 ELECTROMAGNETIC SHOCK ABSORBER FOR VEHICLE. KAYABA INDUSTRY CO., LTD.; Toyota Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha; JTEKT Corporation 2200855 METHOD FOR DISPLAYING INFORMATION. Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft 2200859 METHOD FOR OPERATING A DIALOGUE SYSTEM IN A MOTOR VEHICLE. Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft 2200864 GEAR STAGE. KEIPER GmbH & Co. KG 2200882 GUIDEWAY COUPLING SYSTEM. The Texas A&M University System 2200889 MOTOR VEHICLE UNDERBODY FAIRING. Renault S.A.S. 2200907 PACKAGE FOR CONTAINERS. Graphic Packaging International, Inc. 2200971 CONTRAST AGENTS. GE Healthcare AS 2201052 MOLECULARLY IMPRINTED POLYMERS FOR THE RECOGNITION OF GLUTATHIONE GSH, METHODS FOR PREPARING SAME AND USES THEREOF. Polyintell 2201057 ALIPHATIC DIOL-BASED POLYCARBONATES, METHOD OF MAKING, AND ARTICLES FORMED THEREFROM. SABIC Innovative Plastics IP B.V. 2201062 POLYORGANOSILOXANE WITH A PIPERIDINE FUNCTION, DEVOID OF TOXICITY UPON CONTACT WITH THE SKIN, AND USE THEREOF IN COSMETIC COMPOSITIONS. Bluestar Silicones France 2201084 METHOD FOR THE CONSERVATION OF A PLANT MATERIAL. Dejmek, Petr; Sjöholm, Ingegerd; Galindo, Federico Gómez; Phoon, Pui Yeu 2201091 PRESSED, WAXY, SOLID CLEANING COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS OF MAKING THEM. Ecolab Inc. 2201098 METHOD FOR PRODUCING A FOAMING AGENT. Unilever PLC; Unilever N.V. 2201230 PROCESS FOR CONTROLLING THE INJECTION OF UREA IN A SELECTIVE CATALYTIC REDUCTION SYSTEM. Peugeot Citroën Automobiles Société Anonyme 2201248 LINEAR COMPRESSOR. LG Electronics, Inc. 2201326 METHOD FOR DETERMINING DISTANCE. IFM Electronic GmbH 2201341 APPARATUS FOR METERING AND MIXING POURABLE MATERIAL COMPONENTS. Plast-Control GmbH 2201367 COMPOSITION AND METHOD FOR MEASURING THALLIUM INFLUX AND EFFLUX. Life Technologies Corporation 2201385 METHOD FOR ADJUSTING THE CALIBRATION OF DIAGNOSIS TESTS. Diagnostica Stago (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal 2201418 AN OPTICAL FIBRE CONNECTOR. Firecomms Limited 2201423 SPECTACLE FRAME. Bellinger A/S 2201435 DEVICE FOR CONTROLLING TEMPERATURE OF AN OPTICAL (No. 2260) ELEMENT. Carl Zeiss SMT GmbH 2201525 VISUALIZATION OF TEMPORAL DATA. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2201577 PACKAGE ASSEMBLIES AND INTERNAL SUPPORT STRUCTURES FOR TRANSPORT AND STORAGE OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS. Areva Federal Services LLC 2201579 HIGHLY FOAMED COAXIAL CABLE. LS Cable Ltd. 2201639 BATTERY MODULE. Robert Bosch GmbH 2201655 SAPPHIRE SPARKING PLUG AND METHOD OF ITS MANUFACTURE. Towit Machinery Trading Ag. 2201670 METHOD FOR OPERATING A SWITCHING POWER SUPPLY. SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 2201674 METHOD FOR ANALYSING THE OPERATION OF AN ELECTROMECHANICAL ACTUATOR FOR THE POWERED MANOEUVRE OF A SCREEN, AND ACTUATOR FOR IMPLEMENTING SAME. Somfy SAS 2201713 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR UPLINK CONTROL SIGNALING. QUALCOMM Incorporated 2201728 Enhanced UL rate violation detection. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 2201730 METHOD AND ARRANGEMENT FOR SCHEDULING DATA PACKETS IN A COMMUNICATION NETWORK SYSTEM. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 2201736 System and method for transmitting/receiving signal in a communication system. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 2201784 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR PROCESSING A DEPTH-MAP. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2201847 FROZEN NOODLES, METHOD OF PRODUCING THE FROZEN NOODLES AND COATING SOLUTION FOR PREVENTING FREEZER BURN. Nisshin Foods Inc. 2201858 Hair dryer. Tai Wah Distributors Pte Ltd 2202059 METHOD FOR LAMINATION OF DECORATIVE METAL FILM ON RESIN BASE MATERIAL, AND RESIN BASE MATERIAL HAVING DECORATIVE METAL FILM THEREON. Ulvac, Inc. 2202130 STEERING DEVICE FOR VEHICLE. JTEKT Corporation 2927 2928 2202131 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) TRANSMISSION RATIO VARIABLE MECHANISM AND STEERING DEVICE FOR VEHICLE EQUIPPED WITH IT. JTEKT Corporation 2202178 HEAT INSULATED CONTAINER. Tokan Kogyo Co., Ltd. 2202207 GLASS COMPOSITION FOR SUBSTRATE AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING THE SAME. Asahi Glass Company, Limited 2202226 3-ALKOXY-1-PHENYLPYRAZOLE DERIVATIVE AND PEST CONTROL AGENT. Kumiai Chemical Industry CO., LTD.; IHARA CHEMICAL INDUSTRY CO., LTD. 2202247 SUPPORTED NON-METALLOCENE CATALYST AND ITS PREPARATION METHOD. Sinopec Yangzi Petrochemical Company Ltd. 2202282 ACRYLIC ADHESIVE COMPOSITION AND PRESSURE-SENSITIVE ADHESIVE SHEET USING THE SAME. National Institute for Materials Science 2202306 RECOMBINANT FACTOR X WITH NO GLYCOSYLATION AND METHOD FOR PREPARING THE SAME. The Chemo-Sero-Therapeutic Research Institute 2202337 SEPARATOR FOR ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS COMPRISING AROMATIC POLYAMIDE NANOFIBER. Teijin Limited 2202486 DESTINATION DISPLAY DEVICE AND DESTINATION DISPLAY METHOD. Panasonic Corporation 2202605 INFORMATION PROCESSOR, OPERATION CONTROL METHOD, AND OPERATION CONTROL PROGRAM. Fujitsu Limited 2202787 THIN FILM ACTIVE ELEMENT, ORGANIC LIGHT EMITTING DEVICE, DISPLAY DEVICE, ELECTRONIC DEVICE AND METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING THIN FILM ACTIVE ELEMENT. Sumitomo Chemical Company, Limited 2202808 LIGHT-EMITTING DEVICE, VEHICULAR LIGHTING FIXTURE COMPRISING THE DEVICE, AND HEAD LAMP. Stanley Electric Co., Ltd.; Denki Kagaku Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha 2202880 AUDIO POWER AMPLIFIER. Toa Corporation 2202968 VIDEO REPRODUCTION DEVICE AND VIDEO REPRODUCTION METHOD. Sony Corporation 2203120 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR CREATING TISSUE DOPPLER IMAGE USING SYNTHETIC IMAGE. MEDISON CO., LTD. 2203128 SURGICAL IMPLANT, IN PARTICULAR ARTIFICIAL SPHINCTER WITH ADJUSTED PRESSURE. Zephyr Surgical Implants 2203146 MULTI-FUNCTIONAL, MULTI-PHASE SKIN CARE PRODUCT. The Procter & Gamble Company (30/07/2014) 2203180 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) SINGLE IFN-BETA FUSED TO A MUTATED IGG FC FRAGMENT. Merck Serono S.A. 2203194 METHOD FOR PREPARING POROUS SCAFFOLD FOR TISSUE ENGINEERING, CELL CULTURE AND CELL DELIVERY. Inserm (Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Scientifique); Université Paris Diderot Paris 7 2203207 Laryngeal mask with tape tab. The Laryngeal Mask Company Ltd 2203217 BIOMEDICAL ELECTRO-STIMULATOR. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2203218 ELECTROMAGNETIC POSE SENSING OF HDR BRACHYTHERAPY APPLICATOR. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2203319 MEMBER DEFINING A HOLDER FOR A DEVICE AND TYRE INCLUDING SUCH MEMBER. COMPAGNIE GENERALE DES ETABLISSEMENTS MICHELIN; MICHELIN Recherche et Technique S.A. 2203331 AIRBAG DEVICE FOR PROTECTING A VEHICLE PASSENGER. Takata AG 2203374 SYNTHETIC SLING WHOSE COMPONENT PARTS HAVE OPPOSING LAYS. Slingmax, Inc. 2203375 HOISTING CRANE AND OFFSHORE VESSEL. Itrec B.V. 2203494 POLYACRYLIC MOISTURE CURABLE COPOLYMER. Illinois Tool Works Inc. 2203504 COMPOSITION WITH UV PROTECTION. Bayer MaterialScience AG 2203532 TWO-COMPONENT COATING COMPOSITIONS. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company 2203549 MICROORGANISM CONCENTRATION PROCESS AND AGENT. 3M Innovative Properties Company 2203587 HEAT-SEALABLE SHEET-LIKE TEXTILE STRUCTURE, PRODUCTION OF THE SAME AND USE. Kufner Textil GmbH 2203594 TRACKWAY FOR PERSONAL RAPID TRANSPORT SYSTEMS. ULTra Global Limited 2203668 CONTROL VALVE. Danfoss A/S 2203710 TURBOMACHINE, GAP-MEASURING SYSTEM, AND METHOD FOR DETERMINING A ROTOR GAP. MTU Aero Engines GmbH 2203712 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR MEASURING CLEARANCES AND FLUSHFITTING BETWEEN COMPONENTS FIXED TO AN ASSEMBLY IN THE ABSENCE OF ONE OF THESE COMPONENTS. Peugeot Citroën Automobiles SA 2929 2930 2203721 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) A METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR DETECTING DEPOSIT BUILDUP WITHIN AN ULTRASONIC FLOW METER. Daniel Measurement and Control, Inc. 2203750 PPM1E PROTEINS AND NUCLEIC ACIDS AS TARGETS FOR NEURODEGENERATIVE DISEASES. Evotec AG 2203752 METHOD OF DETERMINING THE PARTICLE SENSITIVITY OF ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS. European Aeronautic Defence And Space Company EADS; Airbus Operations; ASTRIUM SAS 2203767 MULTIMODE FIBER. Draka Comteq B.V. 2203902 COIN SENSOR. MEI, Inc. 2203927 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR ROTATING AN ANODE IN AN X-RAY SYSTEM. The Boeing Company 2203940 Array of microcavity plasma devices with microcavities having curved sidewalls and method of forming such array. The Board Of Trustees Of The University Of Illinois 2204002 Data processing apparatus and method. Sony Corporation 2204036 SESSION INITIATION PROTOCOL MESSAGE PAYLOAD COMPRESSION. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 2204064 FAST RANDOM ACCESS FOR AN ENHANCED UPLINK DEDICATED CHANNEL. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (publ) 2204079 ASYMMETRIC DIELECTRIC FILMS AND PROCESS FOR FORMING SUCH A FILM. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company 2204144 Facet arthroplasty devices and methods. Gmedelaware 2 LLC 2204334 WATER SOLUBLE SEALING PACKAGING MATERIAL. Aicello Chemical Co., Ltd. 2204344 NIP DEVICE AND NIP METHOD. Konica Minolta Holdings, Inc. 2204395 POLYURETHANE RESIN. Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. 2204397 Biodegradable copolymer hydrogels. Industrial Technology Research Institute 2204420 SYNTHETIC RESIN COMPOSITION AND AUTOMOTIVE INTERIOR/EXTERIOR MATERIAL. Adeka Corporation 2204425 THERMAL EXPANSION TYPE REMOVABLE ACRYLIC PRESSURESENSITIVE ADHESIVE TAPE OR SHEET AND METHOD OF REMOVAL. NITTO EUROPE N.V; Nitto Denko Corporation 2204436 APPARATUS FOR PRODUCING GAS HYDRATE PELLETS. Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. 2204464 EQUIPMENT FOR PRODUCING HOT DIP GALVANIZED STEEL PLATE. JFE Steel Corporation 2204570 Fuel injector. Robert Bosch GmbH (30/07/2014) 2204646 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) ULTRAVIOLET PROTECTION EFFECT EVALUATION METHOD, EVALUATION DEVICE, EVALUATION PROGRAM, AND RECORDING MEDIUM WHERE THE PROGRAM IS RECORDED. Shiseido Company, Ltd. 2204787 COMMUNICATION SYSTEM AND ALARM. HOCHIKI CORPORATION 2205032 MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM, BASE STATION APPARATUS, MOBILE STATION APPARATUS AND MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS METHOD. Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha 2205063 CURDS CUTTING TOOL. Equipements Techniques des Industries Alimentaires et Connexes-TECNAL 2205100 METHOD FOR DECREASING BITTERNESS AND IMPROVING TASTE OF PROTEIN-FREE AND HYDROLYZED INFANT FORMULAS. Mead Johnson Nutrition Company 2205247 USE OF NORGESTIMATE AS A SELECTIVE INHIBITOR OF TRPC3, TRPC6 AND TRPC7 ION CHANNELS. SANOFI 2205339 REGENERATIVE ADSORPTION GAS DRYER. Walker Filtration Limited 2205344 MEMBRANE HOLDER. Demand Holding B.V. 2205345 STATIC MIXER FOR AN EXHAUST GAS SYSTEM OF AN INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE-DRIVEN VEHICLE, IN PARTICULAR MOTOR VEHICLE. Tenneco Emmission Control Europe; Audi AG 2205349 HYDROGEN GENERATOR. QinetiQ Limited 2205370 PROCESS AND APPARATUS FOR PRODUCING A HOLLOW BODY, AND HOLLOW BODY. ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG 2205390 ROTATING SHAFT TOOL, IN PARTICULAR MULTI-STAGE REAMER. Gühring OHG 2205412 HAIR TRIMMER. Braun GmbH 2205429 METHOD OF AND DEVICE FOR ANCHORING A DOWEL USING MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS. Woodwelding AG 2205432 METHOD FOR PRODUCING STRIP GOODS HAVING DIAGNOSTIC AIDS. F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG; Roche Diagnostics GmbH 2205484 METHODS FOR FUEL-EFFICIENT TRANSPORTATION OF CARGO BY AIRCRAFT. Helou, Elie Jr. 2205485 DISPLAY MODULE FOR DISPLAYING PASSENGER-SPECIFIC DISPLAY INFORMATION. Airbus Operations GmbH 2205488 SPRAYING INSTALLATION. VESTERGAARD COMPANY A/S 2205498 PACKAGING SYSTEM WITH AN OVERCAP. The Folger Coffee Company 2205513 IMPROVED REWINDING METHOD AND REWINDING MACHINE THAT CARRIES OUT THIS METHOD. M T C - Macchine Trasformazione Carta S.r.l . 2931 2932 2205514 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION OF MULTI-PIECE PRINTED PRODUCTS. Ferag AG 2205605 HYDRATED CRYSTALLINE ESTERS OF CAMPTOTHECIN FOR THE TREATMENT OF CANCER. The Christus Stehlin Foundation For Cancer Research 2205608 PREPARATION OF DIHYDROTHIENO[3, 2-D]PYRIMIDINES AND INTERMEDIATES USED THEREIN. Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH; Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG 2205620 Amorphous form of (11beta,16alpha)-9-fluoro-11-hydroxy-16,17-[(1methylethyliden)bis(oxy)]-21-[[4- [(nitrooxy)methyl]benzoyl]oxy]-pregna-1,4dien-3,20-dione. Nicox S.A.; Ferrer Internacional, S.A. 2205653 NON-SINTERING ISOCYANATE MODIFIED EPOXY RESIN FOR FUSION BONDED EPOXY APPLICATIONS. Dow Global Technologies LLC 2205655 POLYISOCYANATE CONTAINING URETHANE GROUPS. BASF SE 2205715 SUBSTANCE-DISTRIBUTING SYSTEM FOR AN EGG INJECTION DEVICE. Egg-Chick Automated Technologies 2205722 METHOD FOR STIMULATING THE PROLIFERATION OF DIFFERENTIATED CELLS BELONGING TO THE CHONDROGENIC LINEAGE. MACO PHARMA 2205731 USE AND PRODUCTION OF CITRATE-STABLE NEUTRAL METALLOPROTEASES. Danisco US Inc. 2205769 METALLURGICAL IMPACT PAD. FOSECO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 2205804 A ROOF WINDOW. Valentini, Fabio 2205848 MONITORING SYSTEM AND MONITORING METHOD. Airbus Opérations SAS 2205870 SUPERCHARGED COMPRESSOR AND METHOD FOR CONTROLLING A SUPERCHARGED COMPRESSOR. KNORR-BREMSE Systeme für Nutzfahrzeuge GmbH 2205945 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR DETERMINING INTERSECTION RIGHTOF-WAY FOR VEHICLES. Kapsch TrafficCom AG 2205957 METHOD FOR OPERATING A DENSITY MEASURING APPARATUS AND APPARATUS FOR DENSITY MEASUREMENTS. Krohne AG 2205967 DISSOLUTION RATE VERIFICATION. Syneron Medical Ltd. 2206018 OPTICAL UNIT, ILLUMINATION OPTICAL APPARATUS, EXPOSURE APPARATUS, EXPOSURE METHOD, AND DEVICE MANUFACTURING METHOD. Nikon Corporation 2206024 METHOD FOR MONITORING THE QUALITY OF A CONTROL SYSTEM IN A POWER PLANT. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft (30/07/2014) 2206025 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) METHOD FOR ORCHESTRATING SERVICES OF A SERVICE-ORIENTED AUTOMATION SYSTEM. SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC AUTOMATION GMBH 2206072 RFID ANTENNA SELECTION SYSTEM AND METHOD. Stanley Black & Decker, Inc. 2206074 METHOD FOR THE ADAPTIVE DETERMINATION OF A THRESHOLD VALUE FOR IDENTIFYING VEHICLE HEADLIGHTS USING A CAMERA SYSTEM. ADC Automotive Distance Control Systems GmbH 2206093 AUTOMATIC MOVIE FLY-PATH CALCULATION. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2206119 METHOD FOR RECORDING OF INFORMATION IN MAGNETIC RECORDING ELEMENT AND METHOD FOR RECORDING OF INFORMATION IN MAGNETIC RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY. SNU R&DB Foundation 2206136 X-RAY ROTATING ANODE PLATE, AND METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION THEREOF. Reis, Hans-Henning; Melzer, Dieter 2206200 TERMINAL BLOCK HAVING A CONNECTOR. ABB AG 2206220 ROTOR FOR ELECTRIC MOTOR, ELECTRIC MOTOR AND DENTISTRY HANDPIECE. Kaltenbach & Voigt GmbH 2206225 ELECTRIC-MOTOR AUXILIARY DRIVE FOR VEHICLES, AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING AND MOUNTING A DRIVE OF THIS TYPE. Valeo Systèmes d'Essuyage 2206247 METHOD FOR DOUBLY BACKING UP FILES ASYNCHRONOUSLY. Alcatel Lucent 2206268 IMPROVED RE-TRANSMISSION CAPABILITY IN SEMI-PERSISTENT TRANSMISSION. Nokia Corporation 2206297 QUALITY OF SERVICE (QOS) MANAGEMENT FOR MESSAGE FLOWS ACROSS MULTIPLE MIDDLEWARE ENVIRONMENTS. The Boeing Company 2206307 Method and system for adaptive peak to average power ratio reduction in OFDM communication networks. Apple Inc. 2206316 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR SYNCHRONIZING A GROUP OF ENDTERMINALS. Koninklijke KPN N.V.; Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast -Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek TNO 2206409 DIMMER JITTER CORRECTION. NXP B.V. 2206617 AIR CONDITIONER FOR VEHICLE. Sanden Corporation 2206652 Device and method for handling two superimposed films and bag produced according to said method. Fresenius Medical Care Deutschland GmbH 2933 2934 2206731 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) SOLID TITANIUM CATALYST COMPONENT, OLEFIN POLYMERIZATION CATALYST, AND OLEFIN POLYMERIZATION METHOD. Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. 2206744 LIQUID CRYSTALLINE POLYESTER RESIN COMPOSITION. Polyplastics Co., Ltd. 2206760 PRESSURE-SENSITIVE ADHESIVE FILM OR SHEET. Du Pont-Mitsui Polychemicals Co., Ltd. 2206771 BACTERIUM CAPABLE OF FERMENTING GLUCOSE, MANNOSE AND XYLOSE SIMULTANEOUSLY, AND METHOD FOR PRODUCTION OF BIOETHANOL USING THE BACTERIUM. National University Corporation Tottori University 2206904 INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE CONTROLLER. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2206921 TERMINAL DEVICE FOR ELECTRIC COMPRESSOR. Sanden Corporation 2206932 DEVICE AND METHOD OF PRODUCING BALL JOINT. Ogino Industrial Co., Ltd. 2207056 ENDOSCOPE DEVICE. Olympus Corporation 2207127 Encoded paper for optical reading. Anoto AB 2207166 AN AUDIO DECODING METHOD AND DEVICE. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2207298 Method and apparatus for improving channel capacity. POSTECH AcademyIndustry Foundation 2207324 Communication server, radio base station, communication system, and communication method. FUJITSU LIMITED 2207336 METHOD, SYSTEM AND DEVICE OF CALL FORWARDING. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2207374 Peer-to-peer communication in ad hoc wireless network. Qualcomm Incorporated 2207399 A METHOD, SYSTEM AND DEVICE FOR PROCESSING THE SERVICE IN THE CIRCUIT SWITCHING DOMAIN. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2207426 DEVICE FOR EXTRACTING THE FLANK BONES OF BEHEADED, SLAUGHTERED FISH HAVING OPEN ABDOMINAL CAVITIES AND FILLETING MACHINE FOR FILLETING BEHEADED, SLAUGHTERED FISH HAVING OPEN ABDOMINAL CAVITIES COMPRISING SUCH A DEVICE. Nordischer Maschinenbau Rud. Baader GmbH + Co. KG 2207438 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING. Becon Pty Ltd 2207444 PIVOTING HEADGEAR SYSTEM. 3M Innovative Properties Company 2207460 SINK INSERT. Wenko-Wenselaar GmbH & Co. KG (30/07/2014) 2207555 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) OLIGONUCLEOTIDES FOR THE TREATMENT OR ALLEVIATION OF EDEMA. InDex Pharmaceuticals AB 2207579 MEDICAL IMPLANT FORMED FROM POROUS METAL. Zimmer Spine, Inc. 2207605 ACTION FIGURE FABRICATION TOY. Bandai America Incorporated 2207641 METHOD FOR BORING BOTTLE-LIKE HOLES HAVING A DEFINED GEOMETRY BY MEANS OF PULSED LASER RADIATION. PRELATEC GmbH 2207656 APPARATUS FOR FORMING SLEEVES ON PLASTIC PIPES. Schnallinger, Helmuth; Schnallinger, Christian 2207666 DEVICE AND METHOD FOR ATTACHING A LABEL TO A SUBSTRATE. Brady Worldwide, Inc. 2207690 INDEPENDENT WHEEL SUSPENSION. ZF Friedrichshafen AG 2207713 VESSELS WITH ROLL DAMPING MECHANISM. Itrec B.V. 2207747 BOAT INSTALLATION FRAME FOR TRANSPORTATION TANKS. M-I LLC 2207762 PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF ISO-PROPANOL BY LIQUID PHASE HYDROGENATION. INEOS Phenol GmbH & Co. KG 2207795 PROCESS FOR PRODUCING MATURE RECOMBINANT MITE GROUP I ALLERGEN. ALK-Abelló A/S 2207801 METHODS OF INHIBITING VIRAL INFECTION. Functional Genetics, Inc. 2207806 ANTIBODIES WHICH BIND SELECTIVELY TO HAIR OF ANIMALS AND AN ANTIBODY BASED DRUG DELIVERY SYSTEM FOR ANIMALS. Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH 2207818 PROCESS FOR MANUFACTURING CLEAN FLUOROPOLYMERS. 3M Innovative Properties Company 2207840 METHOD OF BONDING SILICONE RUBBER PARTS. Dow Corning Toray Co., Ltd. 2207844 FLAME-RETARDANT POLYCARBONATES COMPRISING POLYOLS. Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH 2207850 THERMALLY RESISTANT ANAEROBICALLY CURABLE COMPOSITIONS. Henkel Corporation 2207857 AQUEOUS BINDER OR SIZING COMPOSITION. 3M Innovative Properties Company 2207866 COATED PHOSPHOR PARTICLES WITH REFRACTIVE INDEX ADAPTION. Merck Patent GmbH 2207872 NOVEL NITRILE AND AMIDOXIME COMPOUNDS AND METHODS OF PREPARATION. EKC TECHNOLOGY, INC. 2935 2936 2207905 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) METHOD FOR PRODUCING STAINLESS STEEL USING DIRECT REDUCTION FURNACES FOR FERROCHROME AND FERRONICKEL ON THE PRIMARY SIDE OF A CONVERTER. SMS Siemag AG 2207961 LINEAR COMPRESSOR. LG Electronics, Inc. 2207969 HYDRAULIC DRIVE SYSTEM AND DIAGNOSTIC CONTROL STRATEGY FOR IMPROVED OPERATION. Westport Power Inc. 2207977 VEHICLE, PARTICULARLY A MOTORCYCLE HAVING A TORQUELIMITING UNIT. Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft 2207997 LUMINAIRE. OSRAM SYLVANIA Inc. 2207999 CANDLE CONTAINER AND CANDLE WITH EXTINGUISHING PROPERTIES. Ser S.p.A. 2208012 CASING FOR INSENSITIVE MUNITIONS AND PROCESS FOR MAKING SAME. Israel Military Industries Ltd. 2208019 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR DETERMINING AN OBJECT FROM HYBRID MEASUREMENTS. Kuster, Pius 2208020 YAW RATE SENSOR. Robert Bosch GmbH 2208075 AUTOMATIC DETECTION OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES. Biocartis SA 2208083 SYSTEM FOR THE PRECISION LOCALIZATION OF A TARGET ON THE GROUND BY A FLYING PLATFORM AND ASSOCIATED METHOD OF OPERATION. SELEX Galileo S.p.A. 2208086 MONITORING DEVICE FOR THE BLIND SPOT OF VEHICLES AND METHOD. Robert Bosch GmbH 2208087 METHOD FOR POSITRON EMISSION TOMOGRAPHY AND PET SCANNER. Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH 2208204 APPARATUS AND PROCESS FOR GENERATING A NEUTRON BEAM. Dent, William V. Jr. 2208257 CONNECTOR CLAMP WITH OPENING UNIT. Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG 2208269 PROTECTION DEVICE FOR PROTECTING AGAINST CONTACT WITH ELECTRICAL LINES IN A POWER DISTRIBUTING UNIT. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2208292 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR RADIATING A RADIOELECTRIC SIGNAL THROUGH A COMBINATION OF SECTOR ANTENNAS. Telecom Italia S.p.A. 2208310 Method for the dynamic supply of a service flow to communication terminals connected to an MBS area in a local wireless communication network, and related base station and MBS server. Alcatel Lucent (30/07/2014) 2208334 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) MULTIHOME SUPPORT METHOD AND APPARATUS. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 2208403 OPERATING DEVICE FOR CONTROLLING THE WARM-UP TIME OF A LAMP. Tridonic GmbH & Co KG 2208560 MEMBER COVERED WITH HARD COATING FILM AND PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF THE MEMBER. Hitachi Tool Engineering, Ltd. 2208600 Compound for producing ceramic parts. Robert Bosch GmbH 2208691 FLEXIBLE WET-SHEET PACKAGE AND LABEL FOR THE FLEXIBLE PACKAGE. Unicharm Corporation 2208756 WATER-ABSORBING RESIN COMPOSITION AND PROCESS FOR PRODUCTION OF THE SAME. Nippon Shokubai Co., Ltd. 2208798 MicroRNA (miRNA) for the diagnosis and treatment of heart diseases. Medizinische Hochschule Hannover 2208974 Wavelength detecting apparatus and focus detecting apparatus having the same. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 2208986 METHOD OF QUANTIFYING AUTOINDUCER-2. Kao Corporation 2209228 AN OPTICAL LINE TERMINAL, A REMOTE NODE UNIT, AN OPTICAL TRANSIMISSION METHOD AND SYSTEM THEREOF. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2209268 Wireless ATM network with high quality of service scheduling. Wistron Corporation; MStar Semiconductor, Inc. 2209326 AUDITORY SENSE CORRECTION DEVICE. Clarion Co., Ltd. 2209331 Mobile Telecommunications Network Roaming. Vodafone Group PLC 2209376 NOVEL SEH INHIBITORS AND THEIR USE. GlaxoSmithKline LLC 2209389 BICYCLIC CAMPHOLENIC DERIVATIVES. V. Mane Fils 2209391 METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION OF RAW SAUSAGE IN MOLDED SAUSAGE LOAVES. Böklunder Plumrose GmbH & Co. KG 2209456 LINKERS FOR MULTIPART DOSAGE FORMS FOR RELEASE OF ONE OR MORE PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS, AND THE RESULTING DOSAGE FORMS. Capsugel Belgium NV 2209481 USE OF MICROVESICLES (MVS) FOR PREPARING A MEDICAMENT HAVING ADJUVANT ACTIVITY ON ENDOTHELIAL CELL TRANSPLANTATION, PARTICULARLY IN THE TREATMENT OF DIABETES BY PANCREATIC ISLET TRANSPLANTATION, AND RELATED METHOD. Fresenius Medical Care Deutschland GmbH 2209484 COMBINATION PRODUCTS FOR TREATING CANCER. Cayla; INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA SANTE ET DE LA RECHERCHE MEDICALE (INSERM) 2209515 RECIRCULATION MINIMIZING CATHETER. Navilyst Medical, Inc. 2937 2938 2209516 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) MEDICAL DEVICE IN THE FORM OF A CATHETER FOR SUPPLYING FLUID TO, REMOVING FLUID FROM BODY CAVITIES. Allomed Medizintechnik Gmbh 2209548 METHOD OF BUILDING VISCOSITY AND VISCOELASTICITY IN SURFACTANT SOLUTIONS BY ADDING NANOPARTICLES AND COMPOSITIONS THEREOF. University Of Delaware; Unilever PLC; Unilever N.V. 2209553 WATER STORAGE TANK. BYK-Chemie GmbH 2209566 SCREEN CLAMP. M-I LLC 2209579 BUILD-UP WELDING METHOD OF A WORKPIECE, IN WHICH CERAMIC PARTICLES ARE INCORPORATED WITH THE WELD.. Etudes Et Diffusions Metallurgiques Igle E.d.m.; Steeltech Services Sprl 2209585 PLATE MADE OF GLASS OR CERAMIC HAVING A RECESS FOR MOUNTING A CARRIER COMPONENT, AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING SUCH A PLATE BY LASER MACHINING. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 2209598 CONTINUOUS CASTING DEVICE FOR PRODUCING PELLETS FROM PLASTIC MATERIAL AND METHOD FOR OPERATING THE SAME. Automatik Plastics Machinery GmbH 2209607 METHOD OF PRODUCING A STRUCTURAL PART MADE FROM A THERMOSETTING RESIN BY DRAWING. Airbus Opérations SAS 2209622 THERMALLY PROTECTIVE MATERIALS. W.L. Gore & Associates GmbH; Gore Enterprise Holdings, Inc. 2209635 PRINT HEAD DIE SLOT RIBS. Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 2209641 FLUID EJECTION DEVICE. Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 2209644 INKJET PRINTER WITH SELECTIVELY ISOLATABLE PUMP. Silverbrook Research Pty. Ltd 2209651 FILM ELEMENT FOR PROTECTING AN OBJECT. OVD Kinegram AG 2209669 SEAT DEVICE, PARTICULARLY AIRPLANE SEAT DEVICE. Recaro Aircraft Seating GmbH & Co. KG 2209677 WINDSCREEN WIPER ARM. Valeo Systèmes d'Essuyage 2209709 JETTISONABLE ARMOR. Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. 2209713 DISTRIBUTED ACTIVE VIBRATION CONTROL SYSTEMS AND ROTARY WING AIRCRAFT WITH SUPPRESSED VIBRATIONS. LORD CORPORATION 2209720 COMPOSITE DOUGH CAN RECYCLABLE AS AN ALL-PAPER PRODUCT. Sonoco Development, Inc. (30/07/2014) 2209793 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) SUPPORTED IONIC LIQUIDS OR ACTIVATING SUPPORTS. TOTAL RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY FELUY; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) 2209801 MANUFACTURE, COMPOSITIONS AND USES OF COAGULATIONFACTOR VIIA MODULATOR. PHARMACYCLICS, INC. 2209911 DNA SEQUENCING WITH NON-FLUORESCENT NUCLEOTIDE REVERSIBLE TERMINATORS AND CLEAVABLE LABEL MODIFIED NUCLEOTIDE TERMINATORS AND A DEOXYINOSINE ANALOGUE WITH A REVERSIBLE TERMINATOR GROUP. The Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York 2209993 ACTIVELY CONTROLLED VALVE AND METHOD OF OPERATING SAID VALVE. Burckhardt Compression AG 2210002 METHOD OF MAKING A FASTENING APPARATUS. Popenoe, Charles H. 2210007 COUPLING APPARATUS AND PNEUMATIC SYSTEM. Scania CV AB (publ) 2210035 SUSPENSION ARRANGEMENT FOR DIRECTIONAL EQUIPMENT. Flir Systems AB 2210095 Percutaneous biological fluid sampling and pre shaking devices and methods. Boditechmed Inc. 2210147 APERIODIC MULTILAYER STRUCTURES. Universita Degli Studi Di Padova; Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche 2210190 CONTENT DELIVERY PROXY SYSTEM AND METHOD. Verimatrix, Inc. 2210234 METHOD FOR ADAPTING AN OBJECT MODEL TO A THREEDIMENSIONAL POINT CLOUD. Pilz GmbH & Co. KG 2210238 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR GENERATION OF ATTENUATION MAP. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.; Philips Intellectual Property & Standards GmbH 2210246 PROXIMITY DETECTION SYSTEM. Strata Proximity Systems, LLC 2210256 NON-EQUAL THRESHOLD VOLTAGE RANGES IN MLC NAND. Micron Technology, Inc. 2210276 Method for producing an electrode made with molybdenum oxide. Saint-Gobain Glass France 2210281 JUNCTION BOX FOR A PHOTOVOLTAIC SOLAR PANEL. Applied Materials, Inc.; Multi-Holding AG 2210405 ALARM SYSTEM CALL HANDLING. Tyco Safety Products Canada Ltd. 2210425 A COMMUNICATION DEVICE WITH COMBINED ELECTRICAL SOCKET AND MICROPHONE OPENING. GN Netcom A/S 2210437 SECURE WIRELESS COMMUNICATION. Alcatel Lucent 2939 2940 2210443 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) STORING LOCATION INFORMATION TO LOCATE A FEMTO CELL AT A USER EQUIPMENT DATABASE. QUALCOMM Incorporated 2210447 METHOD FOR DETECTING RADIO LINK FAILURE FOR TRANSMISSION OVER ENHANCED DEDICATED CHANNEL IN A CELL_FACH STATE. InterDigital Patent Holdings, Inc. 2210609 AGENT FOR PROMOTING THE SECRETION OF ADIPONECTIN AND/OR INHIBITING THE DECREASE IN THE SECRETION OF ADIPONECTIN. Megmilk Snow Brand Co., Ltd. 2210749 PNEUMATIC TIRE. Bridgestone Corporation 2210836 CONVEYOR TABLE OF CUTTING MACHINE. Shima Seiki Mfg., Ltd 2210878 THERAPEUTIC AGENT FOR OVERACTIVE BLADDER. Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd 2211347 RECORDING MEDIUM, REPRODUCING DEVICE, RECORDING DEVICE, REPRODUCING METHOD, AND RECORDING METHOD. Panasonic Corporation 2211568 Method of obtaining service information to receive broadcasting service in a user equipment. Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute 2211624 USE OF HUMIC SUBSTANCES AS ACTIVATORS OF MOLECULAR AGENTS SPECIFIC TO PLANT IRON ABSORPTION. Timac Agro International 2211641 FORTIFIED BOUILLON CUBE. Unilever N.V.; Unilever PLC 2211704 IMPLANTABLE SYSTEM FOR FLOW MEASUREMENT INCLUDING CHARGE AMPLIFIER. MEDTRONIC, INC. 2211726 DEVICE FOR ADHERING TO THE SKIN OF A PATIENT. Close-it B.V. 2211801 APPARATUS FOR GENTLE LASER TREATMENT OF THE RETINA. Medizinisches Laserzentrum Lübeck GmbH 2211820 MULTI-COMPARTMENTED CONTAINER. Capsugel Belgium NV 2211849 Dexanabinol with inhibitors of BRAF or MEK for the treatment of melanoma.. E-Therapeutics plc 2211875 USE OF MICROVESICLES (MVS) DERIVED FROM STEM CELLS FOR PREPARING A MEDICAMENT FOR ENDO/EPITHELIAL REGENERATION OF DAMAGED OR INJURED TISSUES OR ORGANS, AND RELATED IN VITRO AND IN VIVO METHODS. Fresenius Medical Care Deutschland GmbH 2211930 DIALYSIS SYSTEM HAVING NON-INVASIVE FLUID VELOCITY SENSING. Baxter International Inc.; Baxter Healthcare SA 2211987 APPARATUS FOR THE STIMULATION OF NEURAL NETWORKS. Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH (30/07/2014) 2212011 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) PROCESSING OF TAIL GASES OF A CLOSED UNIT ON AN OPTIMISED LINE OF CATALYSTS. IFP Energies nouvelles 2212025 FLUID DISPLACEMENT TISSUE CONTAINER FOR MOLECULAR AND HISTOLOGY DIAGNOSTICS. Becton, Dickinson and Company 2212035 DEVICE AND METHOD FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF TRANSPARENT COMPONENTS IN A MATERIAL FLOW. Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. 2212050 AN INERT GAS SHIELD FOR WELDING OR HEAT TREATMENT. RollsRoyce plc 2212072 METHOD OF MAKING MOUNTING MATS FOR MOUNTING POLLUTION CONTROL ELEMENT. 3M Innovative Properties Company 2212082 INJECTION MOLDING APPARATUS HAVING MAGNETIC VALVE PIN COUPLING. Mold-Masters (2007) Limited 2212093 METHOD FOR PRODUCING A DOUBLE-WALLED THERMOPLASTIC CORRUGATED PIPE HAVING A CONNECTING SLEEVE. UNICOR GmbH 2212094 Blow molding machine and associated mechanisms. Graham Packaging Company, L.P. 2212123 WHEEL MOUNTING ASSEMBLY. General Electric Company 2212124 NON-PNEUMATIC TIRE. Chemtura Corporation 2212128 MEMBER DEFINING A HOLDER FOR A DEVICE AND TYRE INCLUDING SUCH MEMBER. COMPAGNIE GENERALE DES ETABLISSEMENTS MICHELIN; MICHELIN Recherche et Technique S.A. 2212137 METHOD FOR CONTROLLING AN AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM IN A VEHICLE. Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft 2212173 METHOD FOR DETERMINING THE ACTUAL STATE OF A HYBRID DRIVE TRAIN. ZF Friedrichshafen AG 2212175 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR INCREASING THE SAFETY IN A MOTOR VEHICLE. Continental Teves AG & Co. oHG 2212202 MODULARIZED AIRPLANE GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT CART. Illinois Tool Works Inc. 2212269 SEPARATING OLEFIN STREAMS. Exxon Mobil Chemical Company; Lummus Technology Inc. 2212271 PATCHOULOL ODORANT. Firmenich S.A. 2212292 AMIDES USEFUL AS INHIBITORS OF VOLTAGE-GATED SODIUM CHANNELS. Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated 2212298 DEUTERATED ETRAVIRINE. Concert Pharmaceuticals Inc. 2941 2942 2212307 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) HIGH PURITY SYNTHETIC PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF DODECAHYDRO-NAPTHO-FURANYL-CARBAMIC ACID ESTER INTERMEDIATES. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 2212318 THIAZOLE DERIVATIVES AS PROTEIN KINASE INHIBITORS. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 2212338 POLYMORPHIC FORMS OF IBANDRONATE SODIUM AND PROCESSES FOR PREPARATION THEREOF. Chemo Ibérica, S.A. 2212350 Treating chronic viral infection by targetting TIM-3. Governing Council of the University of Toronto; The Regents of the University of California 2212394 FLUOROPOLYMER-SILICON COMPOUNDS AND METHOD FOR PRODUCTION. Wacker Chemie AG 2212400 RARE-EARTH DOPED ALKALINE-EARTH SILICON NITRIDE PHOSPHOR, METHOD FOR PRODUCING AND RADIATION CONVERTING DEVICE COMPRISING SUCH A PHOSPHOR. Leuchtstoffwerk Breitungen GmbH; Tridonic Jennersdorf GmbH 2212415 STRESS TOLERANT BIFIDOBACTERIA. Nestec S.A. 2212484 A FLOOR ASSEMBLY. INFRA + B.V. 2212491 HYDROMASSAGE SPA TUB OR MINI POOL. Jacuzzi Europe Spa 2212495 VEHICLE HANDLE WITH IMPROVED SENSOR. Valeo S.p.A. 2212533 ENGINE BRAKE DETECTION. Volvo Lastvagnar AB 2212555 LINEAR COMPRESSOR. LG Electronics, Inc. 2212573 ROLLER BEARING FOR MOUNTING THE WHEEL OF A COMMERCIAL VEHICLE. KNORR-BREMSE Systeme für Nutzfahrzeuge GmbH 2212575 DEVICE FOR FRICTIONALLY COUPLING TWO COAXIAL COMPONENTS. Wernecke, Jan 2212584 FLYWHEEL ASSEMBLY. Kohler Co. 2212596 TAP COCK. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 2212870 EMERGENCY SIGNAL BRACELET. Evacuaid AS 2212885 METHOD FOR READ-OUT OF INFORMATION IN MAGNETIC RECORDING ELEMENT AND METHOD FOR READ-OUT OF INFORMATION IN MAGNETIC RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY. SNU R&DB Foundation 2212887 THREE-DIMENSIONAL MEMORY MODULE ARCHITECTURES. HewlettPackard Development Company, L.P. 2212943 SEPARATOR FOR GEL ELECTROLYTE STORAGE BATTERIES. Exide Technologies GmbH 2212945 MICROPOROUS MEMBRANES AND METHODS FOR MAKING AND USING SUCH MEMBRANES. Toray Battery Separator Film Co., Ltd. (30/07/2014) 2212946 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) MICROPOROUS MEMBRANES AND METHODS FOR MAKING AND USING SUCH MEMBRANES. Toray Battery Separator Film Co., Ltd. 2212958 AUXILIARY POWER UNIT. Volvo Lastvagnar AB 2212997 DRIVE CIRCUIT FOR A POWER SWITCH COMPONENT. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 2213022 SPECTRAL TILT COMPENSATION. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 2213024 SYNCHRONIZATION OF HAPTIC EFFECT DATA IN A MEDIA TRANSPORT STREAM. Immersion Corporation 2213037 FAULT DETECTION IN EXPONENTIATION AND POINT MULTIPLICATION OPERATIONS USING A MONTGOMERY LADDER. Certicom Corp. 2213052 DIGITAL MULTIMEDIA NETWORK WITH PARAMETER JOIN MECHANISM. U-MAN Universal Media Access Networks GmbH; Networked Audio Solutions (Proprietary) Limited 2213080 VRRP AND LEARNING BRIDGE CPE. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 2213105 AN EAR BUD EARPHONE WITH VARIABLE NOISE ISOLATION, A CUSHION FOR AN EAR BUD EARPHONE AND A CORRESPONDING METHOD. Creative Technology Ltd. 2213140 FLOW-THROUGH INDUCTION HEATER. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2213220 ENDOSCOPE SYSTEM. Olympus Medical Systems Corp. 2213295 A method for obtaining data useful in the identification of a patient at risk of having difficulty in sustaining a pregnancy. Nora Therapeutics, Inc. 2213381 SUCK BACK VALVE SYSTEM AND VALVE-CLOSING-OPERATION CONTROL METHOD FOR THE SAME. Surpass Industry Co., Ltd. 2213387 MAGNESIUM ALLOY HOT-ROLLING MILL. IHI Metaltech Co., Ltd.; IHI Corporation 2213424 Joint assembly. Sprintus GmbH 2213484 PNEUMATIC TIRE. Bridgestone Corporation 2213618 PLASMA REACTOR. NGK Insulators, Ltd. 2213651 RESOLUTION OF 4,5-DIMETHOXY-1-(METHYLAMINOMETHYL)BENZOCYCLOBUTANE. Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co., Ltd. 2213660 5-SUBSTITUTED INDOL-3-CARBOXYLIC ACID DERIVATIVES EXHIBITING ANTIVIRAL ACTIVITY A METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION AND USE THEREOF. Research and development company Medbiopharm Ltd. 2943 2944 2213673 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) PYRIDONE-SUBSTITUTED-DIHYDROPYRAZOLOPYRIMIDINONE DERIVATIVE. MSD K.K. 2213678 PRODUCTION METHODS FOR SOLUBILIZED LIGNIN, SACCHARIDE RAW MATERIAL AND MONOSACCHARIDE RAW MATERIAL, AND SOLUBILIZED LIGNIN. NIPPON STEEL & SUMIKIN CHEMICAL CO., LTD. 2213705 Bright Pigment. Nippon Sheet Glass Company, Limited 2213868 LIQUID TRAP DEVICE FOR GAS. Keihin Corporation 2213891 HYDROSTATIC SLIDE DEVICE AND GRINDING DEVICE EQUIPPED WITH HYDROSTATIC SLIDE DEVICE. Bosch Corporation 2213916 VALVE ASSEMBLY. TAIHO KOGYO CO., LTD. 2213997 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR INSPECTING PINHOLE IN SYNTHETIC RESIN BOTTLE. Toyo Seikan Kaisha, Ltd. 2214204 MOUNTING STRUCTURE. Panasonic Corporation 2214361 METHOD FOR ADJUSTING SIGNAL SPEED, MEDIA GATEWAY AND MEDIA GATEWAY CONTROLLER. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2214430 AN ACCESS AUTHENTICATION METHOD APPLYING TO IBSS NETWORK. China Iwncomm Co., Ltd 2214477 BAIT STATION. Killgerm Group Limited 2214596 IMPLANT. Tutogen Medical GmbH 2214631 Hair shampoo having a surfactant/thickening combination. Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 2214637 STABILIZED PEDIATRIC SUSPENSION OF CARISBAMATE. SK Biopharmaceuticals Co., LTD 2214644 WATER-IMMISCIBLE MATERIALS AS VEHICLES FOR DRUG DELIVERY. Bausch & Lomb Incorporated 2214676 SUBSTITUTED DIAZEPAN OREXIN RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 2214683 UNIT DOSAGE FOR BRAIN HEALTH. N.V. Nutricia 2214732 MULTIFUNCTIONAL TITANIUM SURFACES FOR BONE INTEGRATION. Politecnico di Torino 2214827 MULTI-CHAMBERED TISSUE CONTAINMENT SYSTEM FOR MOLECULAR AND HISTOLOGY DIAGNOSTICS. Becton, Dickinson and Company 2214914 METHOD FOR PRODUCING A SECURITY FEATURE FOR A DOCUMENT AND CORRESPONDING DOCUMENT. Bundesdruckerei GmbH (30/07/2014) 2214919 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) TYRE AND FLEXIBLE MEMBER ASSEMBLY. COMPAGNIE GENERALE DES ETABLISSEMENTS MICHELIN; MICHELIN Recherche et Technique S.A. 2214941 SYSTEM FOR DETERMINING A SETPOINT ASSOCIATED WITH THE POSITION OF A PEDAL IN AN AUTOMOBILE. Renault s.a.s. 2214963 MAINTENANCE AND CONTROL SYSTEM FOR GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT. Illinois Tool Works Inc. 2214997 DEVICE FOR COLLECTING A TRAILING CABLE. GEDA-Dechentreiter GmbH & Co. KG. 2215057 PROCESS FOR PRODUCING ALKYLBENZENE HYDROPEROXIDE. Sumitomo Chemical Company, Limited 2215104 11 -FLUORO-3-ACETOXYESTRA-3,5-DIENE-17-ON AND METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION THEREOF. Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH 2215130 GLYOXALATED POLY(N-VINYLAMINE). BASF SE 2215155 POLYOLEFIN NANOCOMPOSITES MATERIALS. Basell Poliolefine Italia S.r.l. 2215270 DIAGNOSTIC AND THERAPEUTIC PROTOCOLS. Alfred Health 2215286 PROVISION OF WATER-CARRYING COMPONENTS MADE FROM BRASS ALLOYS WHICH RELEASE REDUCED QUANTITIES OF METAL IONS. Hansgrohe SE 2215293 DRAWING FRAME. Oerlikon Textile Components GmbH 2215348 FUEL EXTRACTION DEVICE FOR FUEL TANKS. Webasto AG 2215426 METHOD OF CASTING AN EXPLOSIVE MATERIAL AND CASTING DEVICE EMPLOYING SUCH A METHOD. NEXTER Munitions 2215532 WARNING DEVICE. Cadama Technology, S.L. 2215534 METHOD OF OPERATION OF A HOME-AUTOMATION INSTALLATION FOR EVALUATING THE ENERGY IMPACT OF ACTIONS OF A HOMEAUTOMATION APPARATUS ON A PREMISES. Somfy SAS 2215622 Method of selecting a backlight illumination level based on a histogram for an image subdivided in blocks. Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha 2215685 ANTENNA ARRANGEMENT AND METHOD. Blaupunkt Antenna Systems GmbH & Co. KG 2215707 A SUPERCONDUCTING ELECTRICAL MACHINE. Rolls-Royce plc 2215709 DEVICE ARRANGED FOR CONVERTING AN AC INPUT VOLTAGE TO A DC OUTPUT VOLTAGE. Eltek Valere AS 2215721 INFORMATION FEEDBACK OR MESSAGE TO END-USER FOR LED LIGHT CONTROL SYSTEMS. LITE-ON IT Corporation 2945 2946 2215737 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) TRANSMISSION STRUCTURE SUPPORTING MULTI-USER SCHEDULING AND MIMO TRANSMISSION. QUALCOMM Incorporated 2215770 Merging of overlay networks in distributed data structures. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (publ) 2215824 IMAGE PROCESSING APPARATUS AND METHOD. Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 2216413 Method of pretreating sample for measurement of glycated amine and method of measuring glycated amine. ARKRAY, Inc. 2216443 AN ARTIFICIAL TURF AND A METHOD THEREOF. Guangzhou Act Corporation 2216539 FUEL PRESSURE MEASURING DEVICE, FUEL PRESSURE MEASURING SYSTEM, AND FUEL INJECTION DEVICE. Denso Corporation 2216540 FUEL INJECTION VALVE AND FUEL INJECTION DEVICE. Denso Corporation; Nippon Soken, Inc. 2216702 Collarless circularly magnetized torque transducer and method for measuring torque using same. Magna-Lastic Devices, Inc. 2216915 Time division duplexing data transmission. China Academy of Telecommunications Technology 2217086 INSTANT BEVERAGE PRODUCT. Nestec S.A. 2217122 CYCLONIC SEPARATING APPARATUS. Dyson Technology Limited 2217132 INSERTABLE SURGICAL IMAGING DEVICE. The Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York 2217313 RESPIRATION BAG. Micro BVM Ltd. 2217322 DEVICE FOR STIMULATING LIVING TISSUE BY MICROELECTRODES, AND REMOVABLE MODULE AND USE THEREOF. Groupe Ecole Superieure D'ingenieurs En Electronique Et Electrotechnique; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS); Université Bordeaux 1 2217390 APPARATUS FOR SEPARATING IMPURITIES IN MASSES OF INCOHERENT MATERIALS AND RELATIVE METHOD. PAL Srl 2217404 ABRASIVE ARTICLES WITH NOVEL STRUCTURES AND METHODS FOR GRINDING. Saint-Gobain Abrasives, Inc.; SAINT-GOBAIN ABRASIFS 2217409 HAND POWER TOOL WITH A HANDLE. Robert Bosch GmbH 2217414 CUTTING DEVICE. Schmidt & Heinzmann GmbH & Co. KG 2217447 INK JET PRINTING. Videojet Technologies, Inc. 2217461 POWER TAKE-OFF SHAFT ARRANGEMENT. AGCO GmbH 2217484 CARRIER FRAME OF A UTILITY VEHICLE. AGCO GmbH 2217493 EMERGENCY EXIT HATCH FOR EXITING A CABIN MODULE IN AN EMERGENCY AND ENTERING THE SAME. Airbus Operations GmbH (30/07/2014) 2217528 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) HYDROGEN GENERATING APPARATUS USING STEAM REFORMING REACTION. SK Innovation Co., Ltd. 2217565 COMPOUNDS WHICH MODULATE THE CB2 RECEPTOR. Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH; Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG 2217574 METHOD FOR PRODUCING IONIC LIQUIDS BY ANION EXCHANGE. BASF SE 2217596 BICYCLIC HETEROCYCLE DERIVATIVES AND THEIR USE AS MODULATORS OF THE ACTIVITY OF GPR119. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 2217698 METHOD FOR OPTIMIZING BLOOD CELL TRANSPLANTS. Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6); Assistance Publique Hôpitaux De Paris; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2217755 WATER-BEARING DOMESTIC APPLIANCE. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 2217807 WIND TURBINE WITH HYDRAULIC SWIVEL. CHAPDRIVE AS 2217817 ROLLING BEARING WITH BRAKE MECHANISM. Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG 2217883 DEVICE AND METHOD FOR THE DISPLAY AND OPERATION OF LISTS. Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft 2217927 VISUAL GLUCOSE SENSOR AND METHODS OF USE THEREOF. Becton, Dickinson and Company 2217930 MALDI MS-BASED HIGH-THROUGHPUT SCREENING METHOD FOR SUBSTANCES INHIBITING AGGREGATION OF ALZHEIMER'S AMYLOID BETA PEPTIDES. Tallinn University Of Technology 2218005 A METHOD FOR TESTING IN A RECONFIGURABLE TESTER. Teradyne, Inc. 2218035 DETECTING REDEYE DEFECTS IN DIGITAL IMAGES. DigitalOptics Corporation Europe Limited 2218123 PHOSPHORESCENT OLED DEVICE WITH CERTAIN FLUORANTHENE HOST. Global OLED Technology LLC 2218129 FUEL CELL DRIVE FOR A MOTOR VEHICLE. Daimler AG 2218151 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR PROTECTING A HIGH-POWER LASER APPARATUS AND HIGH-POWER-LASER OPTICAL SYSTEM EMPLOYING SUCH A DEVICE. Imagine Optic; Amplitude Technologies 2218176 LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER. Hittite Microwave Norway AS 2218180 SOUND PRESSURE LEVEL CALIBRATION FOR ULTRASOUND BASED GESTURE LIGHT CONTROLLED SYSTEM. Lite-On It Corporation 2947 2948 2218182 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) MENU CONTROL FOR 1D GESTURE LIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM. LITEON IT Corporation 2218188 MOBILE TERMINAL AND METHOD OF SETTING ALARM THEREIN. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 2218213 METHODS AND APPARATUS TO PROVIDE A VIRTUAL NETWORK INTERFACE. QUALCOMM Incorporated 2218214 NETWORK LOCATION SERVICE. Extreme Networks, Inc. 2218228 MODULAR POWERLINE ADAPTERS AND METHODS OF USE. Belkin International, Inc. 2218261 AUTOSTEREOSCOPIC DISPLAY DEVICE. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2218293 METHOD AND APPARATUS RELATED TO CONTROLLING TRAFFIC IN A WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM USING SHARED AIR LINK TRAFFIC RESOURCES. QUALCOMM Incorporated 2218296 INDICATING E-DCH RESOURCES FOR E-RACH. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2218492 METHOD FOR REMOVAL OF ClO3F. Central Glass Company, Limited 2218684 PROCESS FOR PRODUCTION OF DISPERSION OF FLUORINATED NANO DIAMOND. Central Glass Company, Limited 2218690 BENDING APPARATUS AND BENDING METHOD FOR GLASS PANE. Asahi Glass Company, Limited 2218697 INTERMEDIATE FILM FOR LAMINATED GLASS AND LAMINATED GLASS. Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. 2218699 COMPREHENSIVE ADDITIVE FOR A CONSTRUCTIONAL MIXTURE. Chernyakov, Andrey Valerievich 2218756 PIGMENT DISPERSION COMPOSITION, CURABLE COLOR COMPOSITION, COLOR FILTER AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING THE SAME. FUJIFILM Corporation 2218780 NUCLEIC ACID AMPLIFICATION METHOD, AND REAGENT AND REAGENT KIT FOR USE IN THE METHOD. Eiken Kagaku Kabushiki Kaisha 2218786 MAMMALIAN ARTIFICIAL CHROMOSOME VECTOR COMPRISING HUMAN CYTOCHROME P450 GENE (CLUSTER), AND NON-HUMAN MAMMALIAN ANIMAL RETAINING THE SAME. Chromocenter Inc.; National University Corporation Tottori University 2218801 STEEL PLATE WITH YIELD STRENGTH OF 800MPA GRADE AND LOW WELD CRACKING SENSITIVITY, AND MANUFACTURE METHOD THEREOF. Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. 2218818 Woven fabric for airbag. Toyobo Co., Ltd. (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal 2218819 FABRIC FOR AIR BAG. Toyobo Co., Ltd. 2219189 Address generating and detection method. Hitachi Consumer Electronics Co., (No. 2260) Ltd. 2219383 2D/3D display system, 2D/3D display apparatus and control method of 2D/3D display apparatus. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 2219508 WATER-CARRYING HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 2219520 METHOD FOR CALCULATING PRESSURES IN A FLUID STREAM THROUGH A TUBE SECTION, ESPECIALLY A BLOOD VESSEL WITH ATHEROSCLEROTIC PLAQUE. CABRA TECHNOLOGY A/S 2219530 A DEVICE FOR MINIMIALLY INVASIVE REPAIR OF A VALVE LEAFLET IN A BEATING HEART. Neochord Inc. 2219566 ORTHOSIS JOINT. Gottinger Handelshaus oHG 2219583 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR MANUFACTURING FILLED LINKERS. Capsugel Belgium NV 2219689 CONTAINER FOR EVAPORATING VOLATILE SUBSTANCES AND METHOD OF MANUFACTURING SAID CONTAINER. Zobele España, S.A. 2219703 BALANCED FLOW DIALYSIS MACHINE. Baxter International Inc.; Baxter Healthcare SA 2219827 SYSTEM FOR REMOVING MATERIAL FROM COMPONENTS. General Electric Company 2219924 DRIVER ASSISTANCE SYSTEM FOR MONITORING DRIVING SAFETY AND CORRESPONDING METHOD FOR DETECTING AND ASSESSING THE MOVEMENT OF A VEHICLE. Robert Bosch GmbH 2219964 PACKAGE FOR A DISPENSING DEVICE COMPRISING A POUCH. AstraZeneca AB 2220024 METHOD FOR PRODUCING FATTY ACID ALKYL ESTER AND/OR GLYCERIN. Nippon Shokubai Co., Ltd. 2220078 BENZOMORPHOLINE DERIVATIVES AND METHODS OF USE. Amgen, Inc 2220273 HOT-MELT ADHESIVE POLYESTER CONJUGATE FIBER. ES FiberVisions Co., Ltd.; ES FiberVisions Hong Kong Limited; ES FiberVisions LP; ES Fibervisions APS 2220333 FLEXIBLE PIPE SUPPORT. Wellstream International Limited 2220380 HYDRAULIC VALVE DEVICE. Hydac Filtertechnik Gmbh 2220506 BIOMARKERS FOR THE DETECTION OF EARLY STAGE OVARIAN CANCER. Vermillion, Inc.; The Board of Regents,The University of Texas System 2949 2950 2220568 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) METHODS AND SYSTEMS FOR PROVIDING EFFICIENT PROVISIONING OF DATA FLOWS. Verizon Patent and Licensing Inc. 2220642 DOCUMENT COMPRISING AN INTEGRATED DISPLAY DEVICE. Bundesdruckerei GmbH 2220651 HIGH SPEED LOW POWER MAGNETIC DEVICES BASED ON CURRENT INDUCED SPIN-MOMENTUM TRANSFER. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY 2220706 ACCUMULATOR. VB Autobatterie GmbH & Co. KGaA 2220709 FUEL CELL ASSEMBLY. Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. 2221807 Spectrum coding apparatus, spectrum decoding apparatus, acoustic signal transmission apparatus, acoustic signal reception apparatus and methods thereof. Panasonic Corporation 2221821 Address generating and detecting method and reproducing and recording apparatus. Hitachi Consumer Electronics Co., Ltd. 2222289 TREATMENT OF ORAL PHARYNGEAL DYSPHAGIA. Nestec S.A. 2222427 A GATE INSERT. Husky Injection Molding Systems Ltd. 2222453 A METHOD OF MANUFACTURING A COMPOSITE PART FROM RESINPREIMPREGNATED FIBRES. Vestas Wind Systems A/S 2222488 CLOSED LEVEL CONTROLLER FOR A VEHICLE. Continental Teves AG & Co. oHG 2222498 THREADED SPINDLE ADJUSTMENT DRIVE. Robert Bosch GmbH 2222802 AQUEOUS INKJET INK COMPRISING SELF-DISPSERSING PIGMENT. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company 2223473 COMMUNICATION COMPONENT, NETWORK COMPRISING SUCH A COMMUNICATION COMPONENT AND METHOD FOR OPERATION. Metaphysics SA 2223948 SALT COMPOUND, CATIONIC POLYMERIZATION INITIATOR AND CATIONICALLY POLYMERIZABLE COMPOSITION. Adeka Corporation 2223996 TRANSFORMANT TRANSFECTED WITH FLAVIN ADENINE DINUCLEOTIDE-BINDING GLUCOSE DEHYDROGENASE GENE AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING FLAVIN ADENINE DINUCLEOTIDEBINDING GLUCOSE DEHYDROGENASE USING THE SAME. Amano Enzyme Inc. 2224106 VARIABLE VALVE GEAR, ENGINE DEVICE WITH SAME, AND TRANSPORTATION DEVICE. Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha 2224121 Air cleaner assembly. Kohler Co. 2224222 TEST CONTAINER, TEST PIECE, TEST KIT AND TEST METHOD. Morinaga Milk Industry Co., Ltd. (30/07/2014) 2224341 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) NODE SYSTEM, SERVER SWITCHING METHOD, SERVER DEVICE, AND DATA TRANSFER METHOD. NEC Corporation 2224743 VEHICLE PERIPHERY MONITORING DEVICE, VEHICLE, AND VEHICLE PERIPHERY MONITORING PROGRAM. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2225001 RADIOTHERAPY APPARATUS. Elekta AB (PUBL) 2225036 ANION EXCHANGE POLYMERS, METHODS FOR MAKING AND MATERIALS PREPARED THEREFROM. General Electric Company 2225080 METHOD FOR PRODUCING COMPOSITE COMPONENTS. Daimler AG 2225343 IMPROVED ENHANCED OIL RECOVERY SURFACTANT FORMULATION AND METHOD OF MAKING THE SAME. Chevron Oronite Company LLC; Chevron U.S.A., Inc. 2225450 FUEL INJECTION CONTROL APPARATUS OF INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2225873 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR SELECTING PROGRAMS TO RECORD. Shenzhen TCL New Technology LTD 2225899 PROTECTIVE DEVICE. Robert Bosch GmbH 2226383 NOVEL ATP:CITRATE LYASE GENES. Suntory Holdings Limited 2226798 Information recording-reproducing method, information reproducing methods, and information recording method.. Hitachi Consumer Electronics Co., Ltd. 2226986 Geographical network initiated wireless device feature control. Motorola Mobility LLC 2227091 MACHINE AND PROCESS FOR ROASTING ALIMENTARY GRAINS. Bratos S.r.l. 2227201 APPARATUS FOR FORMING INCISIONS IN OCULAR TISSUE AND METHODS OF USE. Refocus Group, Inc. 2227810 FAULT-TOLERANT NON-VOLATILE INTEGRATED CIRCUIT MEMORY. Micron Technology, Inc. 2227902 INTERPOLATION FRAME GENERATION APPARATUS, INTERPOLATION FRAME GENERATION METHOD, AND BROADCAST RECEIVING APPARATUS. Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba 2228126 Use and applications of a hollow fibre membrane. Gambro Lundia AB 2228913 Method and apparatus for power line communication. Panasonic Corporation 2229300 WINDSHIELD WIPER DRIVE. Robert Bosch GmbH 2229680 MEMORY CONTROLLER SUPPORTING RATE COMPATIBLE PUNCTURED CODES. Micron Technology, Inc. 2230121 AC Drive system for electrically operated vehicle. Textron Innovations Inc. 2231355 System comprising a chuck. Illinois Tool Works Inc. 2951 2952 2231780 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) FLAMEPROOF THERMOPLASTIC RESIN COMPOSITION AND METHOD FOR PREPARING THE SAME. CHEIL INDUSTRIES INC. 2231968 DOOR LATCH. Agco SA 2232446 METHOD FOR PRIOR IMAGE CONSTRAINED IMAGE RECONSTRUCTION. Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation 2232601 ENERGY CONVERTER PRODUCED FROM FILM-FORMING AQUEOUS POLYURETHANE DISPERSIONS. Bayer MaterialScience AG 2232874 ADAPTIVE FILTERING. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (publ) 2233268 High-pressure mixing apparatus, with a scraping device. Afros S.P.A. 2233480 Chemical compounds. AstraZeneca AB 2234768 Swash drive of a hand-held machine tool. Robert Bosch GmbH 2234778 MACHINE TOOL DEVICE AND METHOD WITH SUCH A MACHINE TOOL DEVICE. Robert Bosch GmbH 2234828 METHOD FOR CONTROLLING A MOTOR VEHICLE CHASSIS. Continental Teves AG & Co. oHG 2234849 WINDSHIELD WIPER DRIVE FOR A MOTOR VEHICLE. Robert Bosch GmbH 2234886 NACELLE FOR TURBOJET ENGINE. Aircelle 2234936 TREATMENT METHOD FOR OPTICALLY TRANSMISSIVE BODIES. Raytheon Company 2235311 TRANSMISSION UNIT AND DRIVE TRANSMISSION UNIT. Robert Bosch GmbH 2235553 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR ADAPTIVE PROCESSING OF SIGNALS RECEIVED FROM SATELLITE NAVIGATION SYSTEMS. Topcon GPS, LLC 2237088 Back light unit and liquid crystal display using the same. LG Display Co., Ltd. 2237236 FIRE DISTINGUISHING DEVICE. HOCHIKI CORPORATION 2237344 Monitoring system for electric power tool, battery pack for electric power tool, and battery charger for electric power tool. Makita Corporation 2237690 INSULATIVE MATERIAL. The Boeing Company 2237901 LINEAR BEARING PLATE FOR ROLLING MILL. Corts Engineering GmbH & Co. KG 2237919 HIGH-QUALITY HOLE CUTTING USING VARIABLE SHIELD GAS COMPOSITIONS. Hypertherm, Inc. 2237971 SPOKED WHEEL FOR TUBELESS TYRES. In-Motion S.R.L. 2238370 TRANSMISSION. Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG; ZF Friedrichshafen AG 2238963 Flexible multiple compartment medical container with preferentially rupturable seals. B. Braun Medical, Inc. (30/07/2014) 2239735 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) OPTICAL INFORMATION RECORDING MEDIUM AND RECORDING AND PLAYBACK METHOD THEREOF. Sony Corporation 2239856 Concatenated encoding and decoding for multilayer communication protocol. Qualcomm Incorporated 2239883 Method, device, system, client node, peer node and convergent point for preventing node from forging identity. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2239929 Method and system for filtering incoming messages to a mobile device. HTC Corporation 2240339 MOTOR VEHICLE POWER TRAIN. Voith Patent GmbH 2241022 METHODS AND ARRANGEMENTS IN A COMMUNICATION SYSTEM. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (publ) 2241024 METHOD FOR IMPROVING RECEPTION AND RECEPTION SYSTEM. Robert Bosch GmbH 2241363 Air cleaner assembly. Kohler Co. 2241410 Charging system for electric power tool, battery pack for electric power tool, and battery charger for electric power tool. Makita Corporation 2241607 Light-emitting device using oxynitride phosphor. Nichia Corporation 2241785 METHOD FOR OPERATING A POWER ROTARY ACTUATOR AND A POWER PLANT FOR CARRYING OUT SAID METHOD. Permotors GmbH 2242181 Concatenated encoding and decoding for multilayer communication protocol. Qualcomm Incorporated 2242290 Method and apparatus for hard handoff in a broadcast communication system. Qualcomm Incorporated 2243037 MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR FINGERPRINTING POSITIONING. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 2243543 Agent for increasing rejection with a permeable membrane, process for increasing the rejection, permeable membrane and process for water treatment. Kurita Water Industries Ltd. 2243564 Measuring device for measuring the degree of purity of a medium. SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 2243710 Container for packaging and displaying products and method for forming it. Tiber Pack, S.r.l. 2243807 White inkjet ink improved for dispersion stability. AGFA Graphics NV 2244436 High data rate interface. Qualcomm Incorporated 2244437 High data rate interface. Qualcomm Incorporated 2244455 Physical quantity detecting device and imaging apparatus. Sony Corporation 2246116 DEVICE FOR CONTROLLING COAL MILL. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. 2953 2954 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2246157 Electric power tool, tool body, and battery pack. Makita Corporation 2246796 DATABASE INDEX KEY UPDATE METHOD AND PROGRAM. Kousokuya, Inc. 2247054 Selection of pilot pattern according to channel characteristics for a MIMOOFDM system. Qualcomm Incorporated 2247367 METHOD FOR COMPRESSING CARBON DIOXIDE. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2247426 RECONFIGURABLE HOT RUNNER. Husky Injection Molding Systems Ltd. 2248670 Method of sealing a liquid container, liquid filling apparatus and sealed liquid container. Ricoh Company Ltd. 2248806 Quinazoline derivatives as tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Shanghai Allist Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 2250667 ASSEMBLY INCLUDING A WIRE MEMBER AND A MICROELECTRONIC CHIP WITH A NOTCH, INCLUDING AT LEAST ONE STUD FOR HOLDING THE WIRE MEMBER. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2250884 NOVEL ALPHA-GALACTOSIDASES. Velico Medical, Inc. 2251176 Method and apparatus for melt accumulation in a shooting pot reservoir of an injection molding machine. Husky Injection Molding Systems S.A. 2252191 METHOD FOR SELF-CLEANING OF A CONTINUOUS DISHWASHER AND CORRESPONDING DISHWASHER. MEIKO Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG 2255358 SCALABLE SPEECH AND AUDIO ENCODING USING COMBINATORIAL ENCODING OF MDCT SPECTRUM. QUALCOMM Incorporated 2255478 A METHOD AND A TRANSCEIVER FOR REDUCING RETRANSMISSIONS IN A TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (publ) 2255754 Prosthesis for simulating natural kinematics. Biomet UK Limited 2255755 Prosthesis for simulating natural kinematics. Biomet UK Limited 2255756 Prosthesis for simulating natural kinematics. Biomet UK Limited 2256025 Retrieval system. FRAMO ENGINEERING AS 2256262 Wood structure module, method for its manufacture and application. Naturbau Gschwend Gschwendbau GmbH 2256743 Media container with band header. Atlas AGI Holdings, LLC 2257910 MOBILE DEVICE WITH IMAGE RECOGNITION PROCESSING CAPABILITY. Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB 2258194 Pesticidal composition. MAKHTESHIM CHEMICAL WORKS LIMITED (30/07/2014) 2260967 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Arrangement for forming one or more separated scores in a surface of a substrate. Advanced Laser Separation International (ALSI) B.V. 2263393 SYSTEMS AND METHODS OF REDUCING SIGNALING IN A NETWORK HAVING A DATABASE SERVER. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (publ) 2263535 System for withdrawing blood. Roche Diagnostics GmbH; F.HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 2263895 Device for closing an opening in the body of an automobile including balancing means and automobile with such a device. Advanced Comfort Systems France SAS - ACS France 2264175 Fibroblast growth factor homologs. ZymoGenetics, Inc. 2265106 PLANTING DEVICE FOR PLANTING SEEDLINGS. Meriläinen, Antti 2265613 QUINAZOLINE LINKED PYRROLO[2,1-C][1, 4]BENZODIAZEPINE HYBRIDS AS POTENTIAL ANTICANCER AGENTS AND PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION THEREOF. Council Of Scientific & Industrial Research 2266359 SEMI-DISTRIBUTED, QUALITY-OF-SERVICE-BASED SCHEDULING PROTOCOLS, WITH MINIMUM CONTROL PLANE SIGNALING. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (PUBL) 2267192 METHOD OF PULLING SINGLE CRYSTAL SILICON USING A VITREOUS SILICA CRUCIBLE AND METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING QUARTZ GLASS CRUCIBLE. Japan Super Quartz Corporation 2267575 Electronic device for reducing power consumption of computer motherboard and motherboard thereof. Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. 2268070 MOBILE COMMUNICATION METHOD AND EXCHANGE. NTT DoCoMo, Inc. 2269261 NON-AQUEOUS ELECTROLYTE SOLUTION AND ELECTROCHEMICAL DEVICE COMPRISING THE SAME. LG Chem, Ltd. 2269833 Laser-markable molding masses, products obtained therefrom and method for laser marking. Ticona GmbH 2269884 Systems and methods for control of a vehicle. iRobot Corporation 2270934 Stimulated brillouin scattering mirror system, laser system and amplifying method. Metal Improvement Company, LLC.; Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC 2271175 Method and device of thermal monitoring of inductive heatable cooking vessel. Electrolux Home Products Corporation N.V. 2271647 C2-FLUORO SUBSTITUTED PIPERAZINE LINKED PYRROLO[2,1-C][1,4] BENZODIAZEPINE DIMERS AND A PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION THEREOF. Council Of Scientific & Industrial Research 2955 2956 2271648 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) ISOXAZOLINE LINKED PYRROLO [2,1-C][1,4]BENZODIAZEPINE HYBRIDS AS POTENTIAL ANTICANCER AGENTS AND THE PROCESS FOR PREPARATTION THEREOF. Council of Scientific & Industrial Research 2271857 GEARBOX WITH LOAD DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. Smart Manufacturing Technology Ltd. 2273165 Pinch faucet. Anheuser-Busch, LLC 2273840 Method and apparatus for estimating available transmission power in a wireless communication system. Qualcomm Incorporated 2275156 An angiographic injection system. ACIST Medical Systems, Inc. 2275702 Disc for a disc brake. Freni Brembo S.p.A. 2276307 Method and apparatus for identifying a data rate for receiving packet data via at least one set of a first set of channels in a wireless communications system. Qualcomm Incorporated 2277622 Method for the preparation of catalysts having enhanced stability, efficiency and/or activity for alkylene oxide production. Dow Technology Investments LLC 2277655 Device and method for plasma keyhole welding with change of the gas volumic flow and/or the gas composition depending of at least one boundary condition of the welding process. Linde AG 2277758 Systems and methods for control of a vehicle.. iRobot Corporation 2277895 Nucleic acids and proteins from streptococcus groups A & B. J. Craig Venter Institute, Inc.; Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics S.r.l. 2277924 Process for the polymerization of olefins; polyethylenes, and films and articles produced therefrom. Westlake Longview Corporation 2278001 Protease variants and compositions. Novozymes A/S 2278744 Method and apparatus for maintaining a predefined transmission quality in a wireless MAN network. WI-LAN, Inc. 2278800 A METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR TERMINAL TO OBTAIN DECRYPTION AND DESCRAMBLING INFORMATION. ZTE Corporation 2278840 Handover in a communication network comprising plural heterogeneous access networks. Panasonic Corporation 2278846 Method and apparatus for receiving a plurality of packet data via at least one of a first set of channels in a wireless communication system. Qualcomm Incorporated 2279867 Memory system and method for the print head of a printer. ZIH Corp. 2283197 FITTING FOR A DISPLACEABLE SASH OF WINDOWS OR DOORS. SIEGENIA-AUBI KG 2283570 POWER CONVERTING DEVICE AND POWER SUPPLY APPARATUS. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2284001 High speed interfolder. C.G. BRETTING MANUFACTURING CO., INC. 2284271 Mutant luciferase. Promega Corporation 2285175 Method and apparatus for transmitting packet data via at least one of a first set of channels in a wireless communication. Qualcomm Incorporated 2286852 Universal external control device for use by multiple conditional access users with varying access to functionality of an implantable medical device. Codman Neuro Sciences Sàrl 2287255 Thermoplastic resin composition and laminate and tire manufactured using the same. The Yokohama Rubber Co., Ltd. 2287740 Method of error correction in MBC flash memory. Ramot at Tel-Aviv University Ltd. 2288219 Method and apparatus for transmitting packet data via at least one of a first set of channels in a wireless communications system. Qualcomm Incorporated 2290362 Synchronized analyte testing system. F.HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 2290815 Method and system for reducing effects of noise producing artifacts in a voice codec. Mindspeed Technologies, Inc. 2292797 Improved bisulfite conversion of DNA. Epigenomics AG 2295009 Intraocular lens implant. Quest Vision Technology, Inc. 2295947 CODING METHOD, DECODING METHOD,AND CODING APPARATUS. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2298103 Article of footwear with a stretchable upper and an articulated sole structure. Nike International Ltd. 2298106 ARTICLE OF FOOTWEAR WITH ARTICULATED SOLE STRUCTURE. Nike International Ltd. 2298658 Transport holder. Canon Giessen GmbH 2298752 Alpha-form or beta-form crystal of acetanilide derivative. Astellas Pharma Inc. 2299713 System and method for enhanced broadcasting and interactive television. THE WALT DISNEY COMPANY 2301369 Opening/closing apparatus and helmet including the same. HJC Co., Ltd. 2301385 Furniture drive. Julius Blum GmbH 2301411 ENDOSCOPE SYSTEM. Olympus Medical Systems Corp. 2301442 ULTRASONIC PROBE. Olympus Medical Systems Corp. 2301606 Power injection system with powerhead having a remote control. Mallinckrodt LLC 2301737 Coininjection molding apparatus. Mold-Masters (2007) Limited 2302023 Synergistic organoborate compositions and lubricating compositions containing same. Vanderbilt Chemicals, LLC 2302027 Alpha-amylase mutants. Novozymes A/S 2957 2958 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2303573 LMP BUS BAR AND PANEL OF LAMINATED GLASS. AGC Glass Europe 2305042 System for storing products. Poly-clip System GmbH & Co. KG 2305043 Method and system for weighing products. Poly-clip System GmbH & Co. KG 2305044 Handling system for transporting, removing or insterting rod-like elements. Polyclip System GmbH & Co. KG 2305425 Device for capturing material during dry ice blasting. Linde AG 2305483 Method for producing printed products with a tactile overprint. Raunjak Intermedias GmbH 2305500 Open roof construction for a vehicle. Inalfa Roof Systems Group B.V. 2305506 Adaptive soft buttons for a vehicle user interface. Tesla Motors, Inc. 2305620 The use of a concrete material comprising aggregates, cement and a cement additive comprising a mixture of three zeolites for making a prefab construction material.. MGX Patent B.V. 2305662 Alkoxylated glycerol acetals and their derivatives. Cognis IP Management GmbH 2305835 3'-O-Fluorescently modified nucleotides and uses thereof. Korea Institute of Science and Technology 2305876 Sorption dryer with zeolite. ZEO-TECH Zeolith Technologie GmbH 2306054 Turning head valve. Wolfgang Barth GmbH & Co. KG 2306156 Encoder. SICK STEGMANN GmbH 2306329 Multi-user computer system. Raritan Computer, Inc. 2306371 Method for making a protected radio-frequency identifying device. Smart Res Societa' Per Azioni 2306426 Device for detecting vehicles on a traffic surface. Kapsch TrafficCom AG 2306465 BWR nuclear fuel assembly with non-retained partial length fuel rods. Areva NP 2306466 Nuclear fuel bundle with mixed spacer types. Global Nuclear Fuel-Americas, LLC 2306482 Main circuit terminal assembly for vacuum circuit breaker. LS Industrial Systems Co., Ltd. 2306506 Method of producing a semiconductor device having a through-wafer interconnect. ams AG 2306622 Stator assembly for an electric motor. ebm-papst Mulfingen GmbH & Co. KG 2306648 Duplex data transfer via portable electronic device and field device. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2306757 Method and apparatus of multicast control channel acquisition in wireless communication system. Innovative Sonic Corporation 2308311 NOODLE STRIP CUTTING DEVICE AND NOODLE STRIP SEPARATING PLATE. Nissin Foods Holdings Co., Ltd. (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2308350 Upholstered furniture system. Loddenkemper Polstermöbel GmbH 2308359 Cooking device. John Bean Technologies AB 2308403 Bone screw and system. NORMED Medizin-Technik GmbH 2308442 Hospital and care bed with anti-tip element. Joh. Stiegelmeyer GmbH & Co. KG 2308635 Spindle device for machine tool. JTEKT CORPORATION 2308664 Injection nozzle for guiding molten masses. HASCO Hasenclever GmbH + Co KG 2308693 Anti-puncture device for non-pneumatic assembly in a two-wheeled vehicle and an assembly fitted therewith. Hutchinson 2308710 Commercial vehicle tank. Erhard GmbH 2308713 Adaptive audible feedback cues for a vehicle user interface. Tesla Motors, Inc. 2308734 Control apparatus for hybrid vehicle. JATCO Ltd 2308735 Cooling braking resistors of a track bound vehicle. Bombardier Transportation GmbH 2308738 Protective shroud for the coupler head of a train coupler. Dellner Couplers AB 2308747 Two-wheeled vehicle with a drive control apparatus. Tecnomobility SRL 2308757 Method for producing packaging and packaging for conserving foods. Südpack Verpackungen GmbH & Co. KG 2308777 Wheel assembly of an automated warehouse shuttle and shuttle with said wheel assembly. ICAM S.r.l. 2308789 Toeguard and method of deployment. Prudhomme SA 2308790 Device for lifting a load and assembly of two formwork devices connected by two such lifting devices. Sateco 2308792 Crane with a boom tensioning device. Liebherr-Werk Ehingen GmbH 2308991 Multi-analyte test strip with inline working electrodes and shared opposing counter/reference electrode. Lifescan Scotland Limited 2309037 Component with a component core and method for manufacturing the component. HDO -Druckguss- und Oberflächentechnik GmbH 2309134 Mechanical coolant pump. Pierburg Pump Technology GmbH 2309150 Actuator arrangement. Goodrich Actuation Systems Limited 2309213 Air conditioning system and method for controlling operation thereof. LG Electronics Inc. 2309349 Case for a timepiece with multiple configurations. Bovet Fleurier SA 2309351 Safety control. SICK AG 2309354 Device and method for simulation. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2309474 Surveillance system for an approaching aircraft. Thales 2959 2960 2309559 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Piezoelectric actuating structure comprising an integrated piezoresistive strain gauge and manufacturing method thereof. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2309562 Charge carrier device. Hitachi Ltd. 2309566 Organic light-emitting device. Samsung Display Co., Ltd. 2309580 Solid oxide fuel stack. Ikerlan, S. Coop. 2309583 Battery pack and charging control method thereof. Samsung SDI Co., Ltd. 2309612 Moulded edge for cable channels. Tehalit GmbH 2309632 Half bridge resonant DC-DC control device. STMicroelectronics Srl 2309641 Method and device for error-free monitoring of an electric motor drive. SICK AG 2309642 Bias circuit. NTT DoCoMo, Inc. 2309678 An ethernet network component. NXP B.V. 2309700 A method and a system for transferring data in a telecommunication network, a server, a storage, a computer program and a computer program product. Alcatel Lucent 2309816 Method and system for supplemental channel request messages in a wireless network. Research In Motion Limited 2311107 SEMICONDUCTOR LIGHT EMITTING DEVICE AND METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING THE SAME. LG Innotek Co., Ltd 2311303 Centrifugal spreader. Amazonen-Werke H. Dreyer GmbH & Co. KG 2311312 Machine and method for processing a food product. ELCHIAN SRL 2311327 System for shaking items inside a pressurised device, in particular an autoclave. Steriflow 2311328 Device for removing a core from harvested heading plants. Ploeger Agro B.V. 2311341 ARTICLE OF FOOTWEAR WITH ARTICULATED SOLE STRUCTURE. Nike International Ltd. 2311349 A furniture device. PASS of Sweden AB 2311351 Sales counter. Hertel, Günther 2311365 IMAGING DEVICE AND ENDOSCOPE. Olympus Medical Systems Corp. 2311370 Magnetic disturber detection method and detector, object-localizing method and system, recording medium for these methods. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2311568 Cutting assembly with safety distance ring measurer. Power Tools GmbH 2311578 Sorting device for separating cardboard. Wagensveld BV 2311583 Method for measuring the thickness of a workpiece with a bending machine and such bending machine. TRUMPF Maschinen Austria GmbH & Co. KG. 2311596 Method for edgebanding of workpieces. IMA Klessmann GmbH Holzbearbeitungssysteme (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2311599 Five-axis milling machine. Worldmec S.r.l. 2311610 A tool for separating cardboard blanks. Zaklad Produkcji Opakowan Karton-Pak S.A. 2311622 Injection molded body having excellent barrier property. Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company, Inc. 2311625 Mould carrier with drive device. Krones AG 2311646 Security document. Hueck Folien Ges.m.b.H. 2311651 Transport device and wheel unit control. Novoscen AB 2311665 An amphibious vehicle. Gibbs Technologies Ltd. 2311687 Device for reducing friction coefficient in vertical lashing. Friedrich von Lien AG 2311688 A rotatable holder for a mobile phone or other electronic device with a screen. BURY Sp. z o.o. 2311690 Vehicle body structure for fitting pillar garnish and fender panel. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2311692 Improvements in or relating to airbags. Autoliv Development AB 2311699 Braking system for motorcycle. Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha; Continental Automotive Corporation; Continental Teves AG & Co. oHG 2311700 Braking system for motorcycle. Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha; Continental Automotive Corporation; Continental Teves AG & Co. oHG 2311702 Braking system for motorcycle. Continental Automotive Corporation; Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha; Continental Teves AG & Co. oHG 2311703 Braking system for motorcycle. Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha; Continental Automotive Corporation; Continental Teves AG & Co. oHG 2311704 Braking system for motorcycle. Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha; Continental Automotive Corporation; Continental Teves AG & Co. oHG 2311708 Seat with a safety member. FB Industries; Calmet, Damien 2311726 Marine propeller with reverse thrust cup. Powers, Charles Steven 2311748 Drink additive delivery lid system. Thermos L.L.C. 2311781 Method for producing quartz glass preform. Asahi Glass Company, Limited 2311792 Friedel-Crafts acylation for synthesis of aryl and heteroaryl-(3-ethyl-4-nitrophenyl)-methanones. Roche Diagnostics GmbH; F.HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 2311891 Viscosity stabiliser for hot-melts. Rhein Chemie Rheinau GmbH 2312019 Use of anticorrosion additives to protect aluminum and /or aluminum alloys in a finishing process. Rhein Chemie Rheinau GmbH 2312043 Washing machine including a hydraulic water-distribution circuit provided with a vent device connected to an external wastewater network. FagorBrandt SAS 2961 2962 2312050 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Method and device for cutting a woven textile sleeve. Dannewitz GmbH & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft 2312099 Device for storing large and/or small items. Bedrunka & Hirth Gerätebau GmbH 2312109 Window assembly for a vehicle and vehicle provided with said window assembly. Sguinzi Pietro S.p.A. 2312124 Seal assembly for use with gas turbine engine. Kawasaki Jukogyo Kabushiki Kaisha 2312141 Gas fuel supply apparatus. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2312169 Valve for controlling oil flow to a single acting cylinder. Hyva International B.V. 2312187 Device with a linearly adjustable lifting part. Unovatis GmbH 2312202 Lamp. Sunonwealth Electric Machine Industry Co., Ltd. 2312252 Waste heat boiler and method for cooling synthesis gas. Lurgi GmbH 2312258 Protection device for a grating of the body of a vehicle. NEXTER Systems 2312261 Device for monitoring the precision of machine tools and measuring devices. Dreier Lasermesstechnik GmbH 2312270 Device for testing the accuracy of a circuit of a machine tool to be performed by a work spindle and/or a machine table. Dreier Lasermesstechnik GmbH 2312288 Temperature sensor with multi-layer circuit board. JUMO GmbH & Co. KG 2312324 Impact detector and packaging container. Ricoh Company Ltd. 2312329 Reliability test with monitoring of the results. STMicroelectronics Srl 2312332 Method for detecting at least one object and radio node network. FraunhoferGesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. 2312335 Radar with high angular precision, in particular for the function for detecting and avoiding obstacles. Thales 2312346 Optical film and a method for fabricating the same. LG Innotek Co., Ltd. 2312410 Method of contactless monitoring of turbines, particularly the individual blades of a steam or gas turbine in an electric generating station, and a system for carrying out that method. Starman, Stanislav 2312413 Fuel filtration monitoring system. Nissan Motor Manufacturing (UK) Ltd. 2312427 User interface for a touchscreen display. BlackBerry Limited 2312450 Electronic device, control method thereof and recording medium. Seiko Epson Corporation 2312528 Method for identifying a tooth region. Carestream Health, Inc. 2312529 A method for locating an interproximal tooth region. Carestream Health, Inc. 2312536 Vehicle device for a street toll system. Kapsch TrafficCom AG 2312604 Electrical device with a multi-chamber housing. ABB Technology AG 2312606 Circuit-breaker with a common housing. ABB Technology AG 2312607 Plasma display apparatus to reduce EMI emission. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (30/07/2014) 2312609 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Method and apparatus of pretreatment of an electron gun chamber. ICT Integrated Circuit Testing Gesellschaft für Halbleiterprüftechnik mbH 2312615 Light source device. Ushio Denki Kabushiki Kaisha; Energetiq Technology, Inc. 2312659 Light emitting apparatus. LG Innotek Co., Ltd. 2312668 Organic light-emitting diode and method of manufacturing the same. Samsung Display Co., Ltd. 2312673 Accumulator. HOPPECKE Batterien GmbH & Co. KG 2312709 Gas insulated switchgear. ABB Technology AG 2312775 Physical time-stamping. Alcatel Lucent 2312813 Circuit apparatus for recognizing earphone in mobile terminal. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 2312892 Method for performing a handover in a mobile communication system. Teliasonera AB 2313945 FRONT-END CIRCUIT FOR IMPROVED ANTENNA PERFORMANCE. Epcos AG 2314144 Reduced-weight plant-cutting assembly for a header. CNH Belgium N.V. 2314147 Apparatus and method for automatically controlling the settings of an adjustable crop residue spreader of an agricultural combine.. CNH Belgium N.V. 2314189 Whisking disc attachment for food processor appliance. Conair Corporation 2314217 Method and device for fast measurement of frequency response with scalable short chirp signals. Tallinn University of Technology; OÜ Eliko Tehnoloogia Arenduskeskus 2314270 Hair cleaning product. Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 2314358 A dumbbell. Personality Gym AB 2314360 Device for heating a golf ball. Nike International Ltd. 2314365 Diatomaceous earth filter apparatus. Pentair Water Pool and Spa, Inc. 2314387 Apparatus and method for sorting flat material from waste material. Bollegraaf Patents and Brands B.V. 2314405 Method for producing bevel gears having hypocycloidal teeth in the continuous forming method using corresponding tools. Klingelnberg AG 2314410 Thermal material processing method with an electron beam with compensation of geometrical and magnetical errors of the positioning of the electron beam on a workpiece. pro-beam AG & Co. KGaA 2314421 Battery-powered power tools. Makita Corporation 2314442 Cross link batches containing marker substances, new cross linkable rubber mixtures and a method for producing and using same. Rhein Chemie Rheinau GmbH 2314449 Material board comprising a coated inorganic mounting plate. Falquon GmbH 2963 2964 2314462 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Method of manufacturing a cement-bound board with a printed decorative layer. Falquon GmbH 2314469 Bearing for the free end of a support strut element. Goldhofer Aktiengesellschaft 2314483 Folding rollover protection system. DEERE & COMPANY 2314511 Modified atmosphere packaging apparatus and method with automated bag production. CVP Systems, Inc. 2314515 Tamper-evident closure for a box with alarm sensor. Deutsche Post AG 2314517 Method for reinforcing a post of a shipping pallet. Magna International Inc. 2314534 Method and apparatus for lowering and folding fabric at amount same as fabric knitted and unloaded by a circular knitting machine. Pai Lung Machinery Mill Co., Ltd. 2314538 Device and method for loss-free filling of continuously mixed products in containers. Krones AG 2314549 Method for manufacturing a birefringent optical fiber and its preform. OFS Fitel, LLC 2314565 Fluorene Derivative, Light-Emitting Element, Light-Emitting Device, Electronic Device, and Lighting Device. SEMICONDUCTOR ENERGY LABORATORY CO., LTD. 2314597 Kit and method for the labelling of biomolecules. Cyanagen Srl 2314650 Electroconductive pressure-sensitive adhesive tape with separator. Nitto Denko Corporation 2314732 Method for coating a substrate with a TCO coating and thin film solar cell. Von Ardenne Anlagentechnik GmbH 2314768 Rail bridge dampening for reducing noise on railway tracks. Vossloh Werke GmbH 2314769 Joint elements for slabs. Plakabeton S.A. 2314820 Device for supporting a roller shutter, and roller shutter to be installed using such a device. Zurfluh Feller 2314841 Spark-ignition internal combustion engine. Mazda Motor Corporation 2314850 Method for controlling a wastegate in a turbocharged internal combustion engine. Magneti Marelli S.p.A. 2314855 Valve for controlling a fluid flow. Behr Thermot-tronik GmbH 2314862 Method of controlling knocking in an internal combustion engine equipped with a device for controlling the opening of inlet valves. Magneti Marelli S.p.A. 2314948 Boiler. Viessmann Werke GmbH & Co. KG 2314979 Irritant spray device. Carl Hoernecke Chem. Fabrik GmbH & Co. KG 2314983 Heterodyne interferometer. Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 2314984 Form measuring device and method of aligning form data. Mitutoyo Corporation (30/07/2014) 2315046 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Method and device for pre-processing Doppler ultrasound data. TomTec Imaging Systems GmbH 2315053 Method and device for measuring the receiving times of impulses. Riegl Laser Measurement Systems Gmbh 2315055 Interpretation method for repetitive seismic data. IFP Energies nouvelles 2315084 Error-proof locking system. SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 2315088 Safety control. SICK AG 2315200 Adaptive MIMO filtering in dynamically adjusted transformation areas. Deutsche Telekom AG 2315202 Optical disk drive apparatus. TDK Corporation 2315293 Battery pack. Samsung SDI Co., Ltd.; Robert Bosch GmbH 2315297 Bus bar holder and battery pack including the same. Samsung SDI Co., Ltd.; Robert Bosch GmbH 2315327 Built-in electrical installation device with spreaders. ABB AG 2315405 Method and device for error phase detection of PSK and/or QAM modulated signals. STMicroelectronics (Grenoble 2) SAS 2315499 LED power supply. Lunatone Industrielle Elektronik GmbH 2315509 Suspension board with circuit and producing method thereof. Nitto Denko Corporation 2316265 Spinning-Reel Fishing Line Guide Mechanism. Shimano, Inc. 2316279 Sugar free confectionery; methods of making same; and use in preparing multilayered confectionery.. Intercontinental Great Brands LLC 2316285 Post acting as a container for small pieces of waste, in particular cigarette butts. Quadria 2316295 Quick Release Buckle Assembly. National Molding-Duraflex, LLC 2316299 Part comprising a structure made from inorganic material and an elastomer covering and method for obtaining such a part. BIWI S.A. 2316315 Barbecue grill. Ulusu, Cüneyt 2316317 Device for commercial kitchen, in particular a food-tray delivery cart. HUPFER Metallwerke GmbH & Co. KG 2316327 Image display device, image display method, and image display program. Olympus Medical Systems Corp. 2316369 System for monitoring ablation size. Vivant Medical, Inc. 2316389 Hydraulic dampeners for prosthetic and orthopaedic devices. Streifeneder ortho.production GmbH 2316408 Ethanol-free perfume oil microemulsion. Symrise AG 2316514 Composite lung therapy device. Comedica Incorporated 2316544 Golf ball with projections adjacent dimples. Nike International Ltd. 2965 2966 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2316576 Hybrid dust particulate collector system. Alstom Technology Ltd 2316584 Electrochemical anti-fouling system for structures wetted by sea water. Stiftung Alfred-Wegener-Institut Für Polar- Und Meeresforschung 2316610 Multi-spindle machining machine with tool changing mechanism. Shenq Fang Yuan Technology Co., Ltd. 2316632 A surmoulded threaded insert and process for making the same. Bollhoff Otalu S.A. 2316650 Printing apparatus and printing method. Seiko Epson Corporation 2316664 Pneumatic tire. Sumitomo Rubber Industries, Ltd. 2316665 Pneumatic tire. Sumitomo Rubber Industries, Ltd. 2316673 Connection device for a trailer coupling or a load bearer. WESTFALIA Automotive GmbH 2316677 Air outlet. Behr GmbH & Co. KG 2316684 Cooling system of electric vehicle. Hitachi Ltd. 2316693 Mirror head with overlapping field of view. MEKRA Lang GmbH & Co. KG 2316709 Motor vehicle, external control device and method for moving a motor vehicle out of a parking place. Audi AG 2316727 High-lift device track. Asco Industries 2316744 Element for reclosing a can. Marfá Pages, Cayetano; José Fuentes, Rafael 2316766 Diverter station for cardboard blanks and method for producing and diverting cardboard blanks. Wilhelm Bahmüller Maschinenbau-Präzisionswerkzeuge GmbH 2316769 Spine formation device, bookbinding system, and control method therefor. Ricoh Company Ltd. 2316774 Elevator cabin. Lenzi S.p.A. 2316778 Device and method for setting up a lifting unit for lifting vehicles. MAHA Maschinenbau Haldenwang GmbH & Co. KG 2316780 Mast for a stacker crane. viastore systems GmbH 2316785 Interconnection structure in a cavity having one or more contact rises on the walls of the cavity and manufacturing method thereof. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2316798 Formation of microstructured fiber preforms using porous glass deposition. OFS Fitel, LLC 2316845 Specific binding agents of human angiopoietin-2. Amgen Inc. 2316908 Process for hydrotreating renewable sources with indirect heating. IFP Energies nouvelles 2316909 Process for hydrotreating renewable sources with indirect heating implementing a molybdenum catalyst. IFP Energies nouvelles (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal 2316932 Enzyme-functionalized supports. Gambro Lundia AB 2317013 Gabion and assembly of at least two gabions. Rapid'Gabions 2317015 Entry shaft to subterranean concrete structures. Schaffer, Christian 2317081 Variable geometry turbine and/or compressor. Bosch Mahle Turbo Systems (No. 2260) GmbH & Co. KG 2317099 High-temperature-flow engine brake with valve actuation. International Engine Intellectual Property Company, LLC 2317129 Systems and methods for testing a wind turbine pitch control system. General Electric Company 2317132 Systems and methods for determining the angular position of a wind turbine rotor. General Electric Company 2317166 Sensor mounting cover for a rolling-contact bearing. Aktiebolaget SKF 2317185 Automatic transmission and protection method thereof. JATCO Ltd; Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 2317191 A valve for support and control of a load comprising an obturator. Bosch Rexroth Oil Control S.p.A. 2317199 Hose clip. NORMA Germany GmbH 2317215 Light with at least one LED. Mannheim, Volker 2317246 Multi-part frame for plate-shaped modules. Späte, Frank 2317298 Fluid tightness testing assembly. DÖLCO-Exquisit 2317332 NMR mas rotor assembly with porous ceramic bearings. Bruker BioSpin Corporation 2317355 Light guiding panel assembly for display, signboard, surface illumination or the like. Meitaku Industry Co., Ltd. 2317357 Coupling device for optical fibre ducts. Elkuch, Roland 2317367 Stereoscopic reproduction system. Dominguez-Montes, Juan 2317377 High-power electromagnetic sum frequency generator system. Advalight ApS 2317406 Fixation without force-fitting or bonding of a hard part on an axe. Nivarox-FAR S.A. 2317409 Device and method for operating a field device with integrated image processing module. VEGA Grieshaber KG 2317459 Defining image features and using features to monitor image transformations. Snell Limited 2317470 Image inpainting apparatus and method using restricted search region. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 2317477 Reconstruction of 3D image datasets from X-ray cone-beam data. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2317506 Tone signal processing apparatus and method. Yamaha Corporation 2967 2968 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2317526 System comprising at least one superconducting cable. Nexans 2317553 Double-sided semiconductor structure and method for manufacturing the same. STMicroelectronics Srl 2317611 Fused interlocked socket with rotary disconnect switch. GEWISS S.p.A. 2317612 Interlocked socket with modular automatic protection switch. GEWISS S.p.A. 2317641 Condensive load protection device of self-excited generator. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2317645 Capacitive sensor. NXP B.V. 2317701 Priority-based hierarchical bandwidth sharing. Broadcom Corporation 2317728 Method, apparatus, and server for spreading file transfer notifications in time. Alcatel Lucent 2317773 Method for inspecting the fit of an otoplastic comprising an acoustic regulation element in a human ear. Audio Lab Austria GmbH 2317800 Method and apparatus for signal monitoring in a wireless communication network. Research In Motion Limited 2317809 Scheduling of up-link transmissions of a wireless communication system. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (Publ) 2319289 Drive unit for a reel and a chaff spreader of a combine. John Deere Brasil Ltda 2319309 Fungicidal compositions comprising fluoxastrobin and boscalid. Bayer CropScience AG 2319351 Wall arrangement for dividing a storage volume, such as the internal storage volume of a suitcase. Estrems, Wilfrid; Greiner, Daniel 2319438 Screw implant and system for locking a screw in an implant plate. X-spine Systems, Inc. 2319607 Process and device to control a wet washer. LAB SA 2319692 Recording apparatus. Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 2319705 Recording medium. Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 2319718 Power transmission system for use in vehicle. Denso Corporation 2319764 System of tie rods enabling shock-free holding and release of space appendages. Thales 2319769 Shrink tunnel. Krones AG 2319787 Method and apparatus for controlling the slitting of a web-like material. Metso Paper Inc. 2319790 Winding device with manual actuation. Schneider Electric Industries SAS 2319805 Device and method for ammonia recovery. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. 2319813 Structured glass pane and a photovoltaic module with such a glass pane. SaintGobain Glass France 2319823 Process for producing nitroalcohols. Rohm and Haas Company (30/07/2014) 2319969 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Knitting method of knitted fabric, and knitted fabric. Shima Seiki Manufacturing., Ltd. 2320051 Emission control system for an engine having a two-stage turbocharger. International Engine Intellectual Property Company, LLC 2320190 Device for programming a fuze of a projectile. Nexter Munitions 2320191 Sensor Head for Film Measusrements. Plast-Control GmbH 2320203 Vibration measurement device and method. Prüftechnik Dieter Busch AG 2320239 Substrate for use in measuring electric characteristics. Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 2320246 Partial ambiguity fixing for multi-frequency ionospheric delay estimation. Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V. 2320294 Electronic connection device for an area temperature regulation assembly for regulating the area temperature in areas heated by hot water. AFRISO-EuroIndex GmbH 2320295 Circuit for generating a reference voltage. STMicroelectronics Srl 2320296 Circuit for generating a reference voltage with compensation of the offset voltage. STMicroelectronics Srl 2320331 Bricks for building a network on a chip. Kalray 2320356 Method for manufacturing inlays for card-shaped data carriers. Giesecke & Devrient GmbH 2320398 Fire sensor and method of detecting fire. Honeywell International Inc. 2320403 Estimation of travel times using Bluetooth. Siemens Corporation; Siemens Industry, Inc. 2320406 Displaying weather forecast for own air vehicle. The Boeing Company 2320516 Antenna and communication device equipped with the same. Panasonic Corporation 2320532 Device for installing a frame upright on the bottom of an electric box and electric box including such a device. Legrand France; Legrand SNC 2320678 Microphone device with accelerometer for vibration compensation. NXP B.V. 2320681 Hearing instrument comprising a divided wax filter. Oticon A/S 2320697 METHOD FOR SWITCHING MSC-POOL INTER OFFICES. ZTE Corporation 2320965 IMPLANT DEVICE. Nobil Bio Ricerche S.r.l. 2322064 Non-reversible waffle maker intended for uniform cooking of waffle batter. Lagrange 2322075 FLUORESCENCE OBSERVATION DEVICE. Olympus Medical Systems Corp. 2322317 Guide device for a hand machine tool and hand machine tool. Festool Group GmbH & Co. KG 2322349 Recording apparatus. Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 2969 2970 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2322370 Fixing system for the cover of a roof storage compartment. AUDI AG 2322379 Reversible child seat with single seat belt passages. Dorel France SA 2322396 Method for preventing the clearance between two parts of a mechanism linked to one another with a certain play. Flexngate Automotive Iberica, S.A. 2322488 Joined unit of glass base members, airtight envelope, and method for producing glass structural unit. Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 2322561 Anti-NIK antibodies and uses thereof. YEDA RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD. 2322769 Camshaft drive with a camshaft and a camshaft hub. Hilite Germany GmbH 2322791 Apparatus for shutting off power supply for vehicle. Volvo Construction Equipment Holding Sweden AB 2322820 Toothed power transmission belt. Mitsuboshi Belting Ltd. 2322831 Pipe press coupling, in particular for swaging multi-layer tubing and method for applying a pipe press coupling. Reckzeh, Thomas; Reckzeh, Manfred 2322833 Tensioning device for bridging two neighbouring elements. Felber, Winfried 2322965 Method and device for stabilising the lighting performance of a light beam and microscope. Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH 2323139 Ignition Cable That Eliminates Negative Magnetically Inductive Impedance. Top 1 Green Development Co., Ltd. 2323194 Battery module having improved end plate. SB LiMotive Co., Ltd. 2323274 System and method for performing weighted processing on uplink signal. Huawei Device Co., Ltd. 2323375 Image pickup apparatus. CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2323448 Determination by a terminal of the ability of a base station to support correctly power saving mode. Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 2323452 System and method for performing weighted processing on down link signal. Huawei Device Co., Ltd. 2323470 Thermally-protected chamber for a temperature-sensitive consumer electronic device. Delphi Technologies, Inc. 2324754 INSERTION SECTION OF ENDOSCOPE. Olympus Medical Systems Corp. 2324770 Strain relief apparatus for probe and method of manufacturing the same. MEDISON CO., LTD. 2324873 One piece low drag septum. Becton, Dickinson and Company 2325064 Lane guidance method for a vehicle, in particular for a commercial vehicle, and lane guidance system. MAN Truck & Bus AG 2325087 Back-to-back bundle strapping machine. Illinois Tool Works Inc. 2325126 Method for detecting the position of a moving apparatus such as lifts and the like and device therefor. Stem S.r.l. (30/07/2014) 2325291 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Olefin Copolymer VI improvers and lubricant compositions and uses thereof. Afton Chemical Corporation 2325372 Washing machine with a wash drum lighting device. Electrolux Home Products Corporation N.V. 2325510 Coupling with a ring-shaped coupling. Centa-Antriebe Kirschey GmbH 2325525 Transmission. KANZAKI KOKYUKOKI MFG. CO., LTD. 2325783 Two-dimensional code display system, two-dimensional code display method, and program. A.T Communications Co., Ltd. 2325805 Authorisation checking method and system. Deutsche Telekom AG 2325806 Method for generating toll transactions. Kapsch TrafficCom AG 2325878 Wafer-scale encapsulation process of electronic devices. STMicroelectronics (Tours) SAS 2325924 Secondary battery comprising a short circuit inducing member. Samsung SDI Co., Ltd.; Robert Bosch GmbH 2325925 Electrode assembly and rechargeable battery using the same. SB LiMotive Co., Ltd. 2326042 Method for detecting an attack by fault injection. STMicroelectronics (Rousset) SAS 2327292 Device for ensiling plant material. Sattler AG 2327512 Method for keying the surface of a component, in particular a bearing of a cylinder of a combustion engine. Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft 2327613 Warning lamp device for vehicles. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2327694 Substituted 4-amino-picolinic acids and their use as herbicides. Dow AgroSciences LLC 2327901 Method for transferring a power train of a motor vehicle from coasting to normal. Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft 2328164 A Key Assembly for an Electronic Device Having A Connected Keycap. BlackBerry Limited 2328393 Printed circuit board and fuel cell. NITTO DENKO CORPORATION 2328801 JOYSTICK CONTROLLED MARINE MANEUVERING SYSTEM. ZF Friedrichshafen AG 2328939 ACTIVATING SUPPORTS BASED ON PERFLUORINATED BORONIC ACIDS. TOTAL RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY FELUY; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (C.N.R.S) 2329159 HOLLOW SHAFT CONNECTION DEVICE. ZF Friedrichshafen AG 2329160 REAR DRIVE MODULE WHEEL DISCONNECT. Eaton Corporation 2329747 Tension device for curtain rope. Inventex Establishment 2971 2972 2329750 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Basket insert for cooking food. WMF WÜRTTEMBERGISCHE METALLWARENFABRIK AG 2329869 Anti-roll back assembly with linear magnetic positioning. Disney Enterprises, Inc. 2329956 HEAT-SENSITIVE RECORDING BODY AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING SAME. Oji Paper Co., Ltd. 2330041 Method and device for applying a sleeve lable. Krones AG 2330053 Desiccant container. TSAI, Feng-Der 2330071 Closer. Krones AG 2330265 Safety device against wrong operation for an espagnolette fitting. Aug. Winkhaus GmbH & Co. KG 2330347 Method for determining the carbon dioxide emitted as a result of the combustion of fuel gas. E.ON New Build & Technology GmbH 2330500 System and method for using a branch mis-prediction buffer. Ceva D.S.P. Ltd. 2330536 Object, image data, image data transmission method, card, game mat, card game system, image analysis apparatus and image analysis method. Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. 2330559 Computed tomographic device. Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation; Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba 2330812 Apparatus for generating a panoramic image, method for generating a panoramic image, and computer-readable medium. Sony Corporation 2331298 IMPLEMENT HAVING AN OVERRUNNING CLUTCH. Wacker Neuson Produktion GmbH & Co. KG 2331320 FIBRE REINFORCED COMPOSITE STRUCTURES AND METHOD OF MANUFACTURE. Short Brothers Plc 2331768 ROOF WITH MODULAR PLANT COVERING. Dang Vu, Toan; Hermans, M. Marc 2331809 FUEL SUPPLY SYSTEM FOR HEAVY OIL COMMON RAIL INJECTION SYSTEMS. Robert Bosch GmbH 2331846 VENTILATION DEVICE FOR TRANSMISSIONS WITH LUBRICANT COMPRISING WATER. MAGNA STEYR Fahrzeugtechnik AG & Co KG 2331925 SENSOR MEMBRANE. Kistler Holding AG 2332121 HIGH CONTRAST IMAGING AND FAST IMAGING RECONSTRUCTION. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.; Philips Intellectual Property & Standards GmbH 2332240 SYSTEM AND METHOD OF CONTROLLING START-UP OF A SWITCHED RELUCTANCE MOTOR. Shop Vac Corporation (30/07/2014) 2332245 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) SYSTEM AND METHOD OF CONTROLLING CURRENT DRAW OF A SWITCHED RELUCTANCE MOTOR FOR A VACUUM CLEANER. Shop Vac Corporation 2332741 Adjustable character stamp. PEDDINGHAUS CORPORATION 2332914 Substituted 4-amino-picolinic acids and their use as herbicides. Dow AgroSciences LLC 2333138 Safety belt and method for manufacturing the same. Autoliv Development AB 2333184 Device for connecting water pipes. KE-KELIT Kunststoffwerk Gesellschaft m.b.H. 2333249 Center housing of a turbocharger. Bosch Mahle Turbo Systems GmbH & Co. KG 2333262 Method for processing pollutants contained in exhaust gases, in particular of an internal combustion engine, and facility using such a method. IFP Energies nouvelles 2333376 AUTOMATIC TENSIONER. MITSUBOSHI BELTING LTD. 2333963 Data processing apparatus and method. Sony Corporation 2334024 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR TERMINAL MANAGEMENT BASED ON RIGHT CONTROL. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2334051 Method and apparatus for generating new images by using image data that vary along time axis. Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. 2334099 Preprogrammed hearing assistance device with program selection using a multipurpose control device and method. Schumaier, Daniel R. 2334169 UNMANNED VEHICLE COMPRISING A PROTECTION DEVICE. Lely Patent N.V. 2334283 RESILIENT PERSONAL CARE COMPOSITION COMPRISING POLYALKYL ETHER CONTAINING SILOXANE ELASTOMERS. The Procter & Gamble Company 2334457 METHOD FOR PRODUCTION OF AN ACID PROOF, SEEMLESS PRESSURE VESSEL. Tool Tech AS 2334461 COMPONENT FOR A GAS TURBINE AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING THE COMPONENT. MTU Aero Engines GmbH 2334476 ALL-PURPOSE CUTTER WITH A SITTING ELEMENT FOR CONSTANT THICKNESS. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 2334480 HEAD PIECE FOR A PLACEMENT DEVICE. Böllhoff Verbindungstechnik GmbH 2334486 METHOD FOR PRODUCING A CONCAVE-SHAPED IN PARTICULAR USHAPED PIECE IN A COMPOSITE MATERIAL AND DEVICE FOR CARRYING OUT THE SAME. Airbus Operations 2334487 POLYMERIC MATERIALS. Victrex Manufacturing Limited 2973 2974 2334491 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) REINFORCED COMPOSITE MATERIAL AND PREPARATION METHOD AND APPLICATIONS THEREOF. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company 2334497 FLUID-JET DISPENSING DEVICE. Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 2334517 BUMPER FACEPLATE WITH PORTS. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2334537 STEERING COLUMN COVER. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2334542 REAR SUSPENSION FOR A TWO-WHEEL VEHICLE. Cycles Lapierre 2334558 SOUND ABSORBER FOR AN AUXILIARY ENGINE OF AN AIRCRAFT. Airbus Operations GmbH 2334559 AIR INTAKE ARRANGEMENT FOR AN AIRCRAFT. AIRBUS OPERATIONS (SAS) 2334572 CARRIER WITH LOCKING FEATURES. Graphic Packaging International, Inc. 2334581 DEVICE FOR ORIENTING SECURITY PAPERS. Wincor Nixdorf International GmbH 2334586 CONNECTION BRACKET. Spanset-Secutex GmbH 2334623 PROCESS FOR THE RECOVERY OF MONOETHYLENE GLYCOL. Shell Internationale Research Maatschappij B.V. 2334779 CLEANING COMPOSITION. Arkema France 2334806 METHOD FOR IDENTIFYING GENE-ACTIVATING ACTIVE SUBSTANCES. Thiesen, H.-J. 2334846 METHOD AND INSTALLATION FOR ELECTROLYTIC TINNING OF A CONTINUOUSLY RUNNING STEEL STRIP IN AN ELECTRODEPOSITION UNIT. Siemens Vai Metals Technologies SAS 2334848 METHOD FOR MAKING SIDE GROWTH SEMICONDUCTOR NANOWIRES AND TRANSISTORS OBTAINED BY SAID METHOD. Ecole Polytechnique; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2334884 RETRACTION DEVICE. KARL SIMON GmbH & Co. KG 2334902 GAS EVOLVING OIL VISCOSITY DIMINISHING COMPOSITIONS FOR STIMULATING THE PRODUCTIVE LAYER OF AN OIL RESERVOIR. TCTM Limited 2334909 SEALING BETWEEN A COMBUSTION CHAMBER AND A TURBINE DISTRIBUTOR IN A TURBINE ENGINE. Snecma 2334960 SEAL FOR ROLLING BEARING, IN PARTICULAR FOR ROLLING BEARING USED IN A WIND TURBINE. Aktiebolaget SKF 2334962 VALVE FOR DISTRIBUTING FLUIDS. Eaton Corporation 2334970 ELECTROFUSION FITTING. Pioneer Lining Technology Limited (30/07/2014) 2335014 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) METHOD FOR DETERMINING SHAPE CHANGES OF A WORKPIECE. ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG 2335088 UPLOAD AND DOWNLOAD OF POSITION REFERENCE DATA. Nokia Corporation 2335225 AUTOMATIC DIAMETER DETERMINATION OF COINS. Novotech Elektronik Gesellschaft m.b.H. 2335325 ELECTRICAL CONNECTION ELEMENT WITH THIN CONNECTORS AND ELECTRICAL CONNECTION USING SAID CONNECTION ELEMENT. Viemme SRL 2335348 OSCILLATOR DEVICE. NXP B.V. 2335357 REDUCTION METHOD AND APPARATUS. NXP B.V. 2335384 RSVP-TE GRACEFUL RESTART UNDER FAST RE-ROUTE CONDITIONS. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (PUBL) 2335490 ROASTED COFFEE BEANS AND A METHOD OF STORING ROASTED COFFEE BEANS. Suntory Beverage & Food Limited 2335642 Self-dispensing dental floss applicator. Tiphonnet, Joel 2335957 Sliding door for a vehicle. DURA Automotive Body and Glass Systems GmbH 2336080 Locking headplate for adjustable saddle tree. Intec Corporation 2336082 Translating and rotation micro mechanism. He, Siyuan; Ben-Mrad, Ridha 2336387 Workpiece mount device. Oerlikon Trading AG, Trübbach 2336419 Clothes dryer. Panasonic Corporation 2336537 WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM OF INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE. Sanden Corporation 2336547 Injection valve with device for testing of the cylinder head gasket. Robert Bosch GmbH 2336833 ADJUSTER. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 2336879 Methods and apparatus for dynamically merging an array controller with an array processing element. Altera Corporation 2336981 Manipulation-proof tacograph device. Continental Automotive GmbH 2337292 Random access for wireless multiple-access communication systems. Qualcomm Incorporated 2337421 METHOD AND TERMINAL FOR OBTAINING FREQUENCY DIFFERENCE. Huawei Device Co., Ltd. 2337442 GATE SYSTEM TO GRANT AN ANIMAL ACCESS TO A SPACE. Lely Patent N.V. 2337465 REAR LOCK OF A BRASSIERE. Fildan, Gerhard 2975 2976 2337509 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) DEVICE FOR REVERSING THE BLOOD FLOW FOR AN EXTRACORPOREAL BLOOD TREATMENT DEVICE AND METHOD FOR DETERMINING THE REVERSAL OF THE BLOOD FLOW DURING AN EXTRACORPOREAL BLOOD TREATMENT. Fresenius Medical Care Deutschland GmbH 2337547 HYDROXYPROPYL METHYLCELLULOSE-CONTAINING SUNSCREEN COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS OF USE. Dow Global Technologies LLC 2337562 ANTIFUNGAL COMPOUNDS CONTAINING BENZOTHIAZINONE, BENZOXAZINONE OR BENZOXAZOLINONE AND PROCESS THEREOF. Council of Scientific & Industrial Research; Fdc Limited 2337639 PROCESS FOR APPLYING A POWDER COATING. Akzo Nobel Coatings International B.V. 2337646 INTERNAL BROACHING TOOL. Spezialwerkzeuge GmbH Zella-Mehlis 2337649 Thread former having molding. Komet Group GmbH 2337655 ABRASIVE MOLTEN GRAINS. Saint-Gobain Centre de Recherches et d'Etudes Européen 2337667 DEVICE AND METHOD FOR PROCESSING LIGHT-POLYMERIZABLE MATERIAL FOR THE LAYERED ASSEMBLY OF MOLDS. Ivoclar Vivadent AG; Technische Universität Wien 2337668 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR PROCESSING LIGHT-POLYMERIZABLE MATERIAL FOR BUILDING UP AN OBJECT IN LAYERS. Technische Universität Wien; Ivoclar Vivadent AG 2337686 SECTION FOR TRANSPORTING PRINTED PRODUCTS OF VARIABLE CUTOFFS IN A PRINTING PRESS FOLDER. Goss International Americas, Inc. 2337696 AIR CONDITIONING ARRANGEMENT. Bombardier Transportation GmbH 2337705 LOCKING DEVICE, ESPECIALLY FOR AN ADJUSTMENT FITTING AND ESPECIALLY FOR A VEHICLE SEAT, AND VEHICLE SEAT. Johnson Controls GmbH 2337711 ANTITHEFT LATCH FOR AN AUTOMOBILE. Valeo Sécurité Habitacle 2337712 STEERING ANTITHEFT DEVICE FOR AN AUTOMOBILE. Valeo Sécurité Habitacle 2337714 STEERING ANTITHEFT DEVICE FOR AUTOMOBILE. Valeo Sécurité Habitacle 2337742 BAG DEFLATION DEVICES AND METHODS FOR DEFLATING BAGS. Nestec S.A. 2337753 CAPSULE FOR PREPARING A BEVERAGE. Ethical Coffee Company SA 2337757 FEEDER FOR ROBOTS, AUTOMATION MEANS AND THE LIKE. Ars S.r.l. (30/07/2014) 2337804 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) FLUORINATED POLYOXYALKYLENE GLYCOL DIESTER SURFACTANTS. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company 2337806 METHOD FOR PRODUCING POLYOL DISPERSIONS CONTAINING SILICA. BASF SE 2337816 COMPOSITION BASED ON A VINYL HALIDE POLYMER. SOLVAY SA 2337883 METHOD FOR PRODUCING A MONOFILAMENT, A MONOFILAMENT, AND USE OF THE MONOFILAMENT. BASF SE 2337912 HIGH RISE BUILDING WITH A STAIR WELL AND A INTAKE AIR SHAFT. Swiss Raltec GmbH 2337944 FUEL RAIL VENT SYSTEM. Federal-Mogul Corporation 2338067 BIOSENSOR WITH QUADRUPOLE MAGNETIC ACTUATION SYSTEM. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2338085 METHOD FOR ADJUSTING AND FOR DISPLAYING THE ADJUSTMENT OF A CAMERA LENS. Arnold&Richter Cine Technik GmbH&Co. Betriebs KG 2338157 DEVICE FOR THE ON LINE MEASUREMENT OF RAPID AND EPITHERMAL NEUTRONS. SCK.CEN; Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2338184 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR PRODUCING A PIEZOELECTRIC MEMBER. Continental Automotive GmbH 2338190 LITHIUM ION BATTERY. Dritte Patentportfolio Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 2338229 SWITCHED-CAPACITOR PIPELINE STAGE. Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 2338262 SERVICE PROVIDER ACCESS. Liu, Jin; Nokia Siemens Networks OY 2338320 PROTECTIVE COVER FOR A FLEXIBLE PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD. Swoboda KG; Conti Temic Microelectronic GmbH; Carl Freudenberg KG 2338330 Antimicrobial composites, films, labelstocks and labels. Avery Dennison Corporation 2338379 Adjustment mechanism for inclination adjustable seat. Nuna International B.V. 2338380 SELF-CONTAINED TEMPERATURE-REGULATING SYSTEM FOR STREET FURNITURE. Sapje SL 2338673 Apparatus for compacting rubbish. Ecologia Soluzione Ambiente S.p.A. 2338749 RAILCAR BRAKE CONTROL DEVICE. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 2338783 TWIN SKEG SHIP. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. 2338925 PI-ELECTRON CONJUGATED COMPOUND, MANUFACTURING METHOD THEREFOR, AND PI-ELECTRON CONJUGATED POLYMER OBTAINED USING SAME. Kuraray Co., Ltd. 2977 2978 2338933 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) PROCESS FOR PRODUCING POROUS ETHYLENE/TETRAFLUOROETHYLENE COPOLYMER AND POROUS ETHYLENE/TETRAFLUOROETHYLENE COPOLYMER. Asahi Glass Company, Limited 2338935 FLUORINE-CONTAINING COPOLYMER COMPOSITION AND PROCESS FOR PRODUCTION THEREOF. Asahi Glass Company, Limited 2339019 A FLUID TEST STRIP AND METHOD THEREOF. Actherm Inc. 2339086 JOINING AND FIXING SYSTEM FOR SECTIONS OF PROFILES OF A GUTTER. Uralita Sistemas de Tuberias, S.A. 2339087 Clamping strap e. g. for a snow guard system on a metal roof. Treiber, Rudolf, Dipl.-Ing. 2339259 A ventilation device. TUNAL BVBA 2339536 Image processing system, image processing apparatus, image processing method, and program. Sony Corporation 2339673 LITHIUM SECONDARY BATTERY WITH IMPROVED ELECTRODE EFFICIENCY AND ENERGY DENSITY CHARACTERISTICS. LG CHEM, LTD. 2339675 POSITIVE ELECTRODE ACTIVE MATERIAL WITH ENHANCED ELECTRODE EFFICIENCY AND ENERGY DENSITY CHARACTERISTICS. LG CHEM, LTD. 2339831 Solid-state image pickup device and method for driving the same. Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 2339927 PUFFED STARCH MATERIAL. Cargill, Incorporated 2340016 TOPICAL FORMULATION OF 3-(2,2,2-TRIMETHYLHYDRAZINIUM) PROPIONATE DIHYDRATE. Grindeks, A Joint Stock Company 2340019 WATER INSOLUBLE POLYMER: INDIGESTIBLE WATER-SOLUBLE POLYSACCHARIDE FILM COATINGS FOR COLON TARGETING. Roquette Freres 2340130 SCREENING MACHINE. Bühler AG 2340133 Method for setting a drive load for multiple drives on a mill train to mill milled items, control and/or regulating device, storage medium, program code and mill train. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2340145 LATHE. Traub Drehmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG 2340149 ADJUSTABLE BELT SANDER. Fischer, Josef 2340159 METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION OF HOT WATER RESERVOIR MADE OF A FIBER-REINFORCED PLASTIC. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 2340178 AIR NOZZLE. Dr. Schneider Kunststoffwerke GmbH (30/07/2014) 2340184 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) A SEAT PORTION OF A VEHICLE SEAT. C.R.F. Società Consortile per Azioni 2340192 DETERMINATION OF A MAXIMUM STEERING ANGLE FOR A VEHICLE. Continental Teves AG & Co. oHG 2340196 DOOR SPACER FOR A VEHICLE ASSEMBLY LINE. Coutier Industrie S.A.R.L. 2340203 AIRPLANE HAVING ENGINES PARTIALLY ENCASED IN THE FUSELAGE. Snecma 2340205 CONTAINER FOR RECEIVING AND STORING LIQUIDS AND VISCOUS SUBSTANCES AND METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION AND USE THEREOF. MT Aerospace AG 2340214 COOLER BOX WITH HANDLE. Graphic Packaging International, Inc. 2340288 TEXTILE SUBSTRATE, ADHESIVE STRIP THEREWITH AND WIRE HARNESS THEREWITH. TESA SE 2340352 WORK STRING MOUNTED CLEANING TOOL AND ASSEMBLY METHOD. Specialised Petroleum Services Group Limited 2340360 CONSTRUCTED CAMSHAFT AND METHOD OF MANUFACTURING. Neumayer Tekfor Holding GmbH 2340370 MANAGING METHOD. Ragazzini S.r.l. 2340373 SCREW AND CONNECTION PRODUCED THEREWITH. SFS intec Holding AG 2340376 BALL JOINT AND METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION THEREOF. ShaftForm-Engineering GmbH 2340378 TORSIONAL VIBRATION DAMPING ARRANGEMENT, PARTICULARLY FOR THE POWER TRAIN OF A VEHICLE. ZF Friedrichshafen AG 2340386 CERAMIC MULTILAYER MICROVALVE AND USE THEREOF. Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung 2340409 DEVICE AND METHOD FOR VIBRATING A SOLID AMPLIFICATION MEMBER WITHIN A GYROLASER. THALES 2340420 FILL-LEVEL MEASURING DEVICE. Endress+Hauser GmbH+Co. KG 2340426 MEASURING DEVICE AND METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION THEREOF. Endress+Hauser GmbH+Co. KG 2340439 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR DETECTING THE CONSUMPTION OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2340527 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR PROVIDING A LAYERED DEPTH MODEL OF A SCENE. Koninklijke Philips N.V.; Philips Intellectual Property & Standards GmbH 2340534 OPTIMAL DEPTH MAPPING. RealD Inc. 2979 2980 2340535 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DELIVERY OF ALIGNED MULTICHANNEL AUDIO. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (PUBL) 2340561 MULTI-TRANSISTOR MEMORY CELL. NXP B.V. 2340573 MINIATURIZED PIEZOELECTRIC DRIVEN MOUNT DEVICE. Creaholic SA 2340606 CONTROL DEVICE AND METHOD FOR CONTROLLING AN ELECTRONICALLY COMMUTATED MOTOR, AND MOTOR. Robert Bosch GmbH 2340613 SIGMA-DELTA MODULATOR. NXP B.V. 2340621 CHANNEL-ASSISTED ITERATIVE PRECODER SELECTION. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (publ) 2340651 GROUP MANAGEMENT IN A COMMUNICATION NETWORK. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (PUBL) 2340652 POLICY AND CHARGING CONTROL METHOD, SERVER, COMPUTER PROGRAM AND USER TERMINAL THEREFOR. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (publ) 2340678 QOS MANAGEMENT IN LTE FOR A SELF-BACKHAULING BASE STATION. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (publ) 2340683 REMOTE ANTENNA INSTALLATION FOR A PLURALITY OF BASE STATIONS SHARING A SINGLE HF SUPPLY LINE FOR TRANSMITTING HF, CONTROL AND MONITORING SIGNALS AND THE SUPPLY DIRECT VOLTAGE. Kathrein-Werke KG 2340688 CIRCUIT FOR THE OPERATION OF AT LEAST ONE LED. Tridonic GmbH & Co KG; Tridonic AG 2340806 OILY SOLID COSMETIC. Shiseido Company, Ltd. 2340934 MULTILAYER STRETCHED POLYAMIDE FILM. Gunze Limited; Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation 2340969 KNEE AIRBAG DEVICE FOR FRONT PASSENGER SEAT. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2340970 AIRBAG INFLATOR. Autoliv ASP, Inc. 2341056 CRYSTALLIZING METHOD OF ERYTHROMYCIN. Sunshine Lake Pharma Co., Ltd 2341327 SENSOR-EQUIPPED BEARING FOR WHEEL. NTN Corporation 2341629 Data processing apparatus and method. Sony Corporation 2341764 HEAT EXCHANGE DEVICE AND HEAT GENERATING ELEMENT CONTAINING DEVICE USING SAME. Panasonic Corporation 2341772 SYNTHESIS OF DECITABINE. ScinoPharm Taiwan Ltd. 2341882 FLEXIBLE CARRIER MOLD. The Procter & Gamble Company (30/07/2014) 2341917 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) A TOPICAL COMPOSITION COMPRISING EXTRACTS OF A. INDICA AND M. CHARANTIA OR S. INDICUM. UNILEVER NV; Unilever PLC 2341999 FILTER ELEMENT FOR CLEANING AN AIR STREAM THAT IS CHARGED WITH PARTICLES AND FILTER DEVICE THAT IS EQUIPPED WITH SAID ELEMENT. Kappa Filter Systems GmbH 2342036 INTERNAL BROACHING TOOL. Spezialwerkzeuge GmbH Zella-Mehlis 2342048 DEVICE FOR CLAMPING AN OPTICAL WORKPIECE BLOCKED ON A BLOCK PIECE, PARTICULARLY EYE GLASS LENSES, FOR PROCESSING AND/OR COATING SAME. Satisloh AG 2342091 TYRE HAVING A BELT PLY WITH CORDS DISPOSED ALONG THE CIRCUMFERENCE OF THE TIRE TO REDUCE THE TIRE NOISE. COMPAGNIE GENERALE DES ETABLISSEMENTS MICHELIN; MICHELIN Recherche et Technique S.A. 2342101 A VEHICLE CAMERA. Sabanci Universitesi 2342114 METHOD FOR ROUTING DATA BETWEEN AT LEAST ONE GUIDED VEHICLE AND A GROUND NETWORK. Siemens SAS 2342145 DEVICE FOR FASTENING A CAP FIGURE TO A BEVERAGE BOTTLE. PCO Group GmbH 2342154 TEXTILE PROTECTIVE TUBE FOR A LIFTING MEANS AND MEANS FOR LIFTING LOADS. Spanset Inter AG 2342171 PROCESS FOR RECOVERING PHENOL FROM A BPA WASTE STREAM. Badger Licensing, LLC 2342183 1,3 IMIDAZOLIDINE DERIVATIVES AND THEIR USE IN THE PRODUCTION OF CARBAPENEM. ACS DOBFAR S.p.A. 2342236 A PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF A SUPERABSORBENT POLYMER. Evonik Degussa GmbH 2342242 PROCESS FOR PREPARING AQUEOUS COPOLYMER DISPERSIONS. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company 2342253 SCRATCH- AND WEATHER-RESISTANT VARNISH CURABLE BY MEANS OF ACTINIC RADIATION OR CURABLE BY HEAT AND BY MEANS OF ACTINIC RADIATION. BASF Coatings GmbH 2342259 IMPROVED PROCESS FOR PREPARING A POLY(ARYL ETHER KETONE) USING A HIGH PURITY 4,4'-DIFLUOROBENZOPHENONE. Solvay Specialty Polymers USA, LLC. 2342272 PREPARATION OF NANOSTRUCTURED MICROPOROUS COMPOSITE FOAMS. University Of Newcastle 2981 2982 2342274 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) SULFUR-CONTAINING CYCLOALI PHATIC COMPOUND, FILLED SULFUR-VULCANIZABLE ELASTOMER COMPOSITION CONTAINING SULFUR-CONTAINING CYCLOALIPHATIC COMPOUND AND ARTICLES FABRICATED THEREFROM. Momentive Performance Materials Inc. 2342275 SULFUR-CONTAINING CYCLOALIPHATIC COMPOUND, PROCESS FOR ITS PREPARATION, FILLED SULFUR-VULCANIZABLE ELASTOMER COMPOSITION CONTAINING SAME AND ARTICLES FABRICATED THEREFROM. Momentive Performance Materials Inc. 2342283 A FUNCTIONALIZED CYANINE HAVING A SILANE LINKER ARM, A METHOD OF PREPARING THEREOF AND USES THEREOF. Universita' Degli Studi di Torino 2342418 INSERT FOR AN ATTACK TOOL, METHOD FOR MAKING SAME AND TOOLS INCORPORATING SAME. Element Six Limited; Baker Hughes Incorporated 2342433 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR COLD STARTING AN INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE. Volvo Lastvagnar AB 2342454 WIND POWER STATION. Hehenberger, Gerald 2342472 COUPLING SYSTEM INCLUDING CLEARANCE-FREE ROTATIONAL LINKING MEANS AXIALLY ADJUSTABLE BETWEEN THE FLYWHEEL AND THE REACTION PLATE. Valeo Embrayages 2342538 TELECOMMUNICATIONS NETWORK AND METHOD OF TRANSFERRING USER DATA IN SIGNALLING MESSAGES FROM A COMMUNICATION UNIT TO A DATA PROCESSING CENTRE. Koninklijke KPN N.V.; Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast -Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek TNO 2342553 METHOD FOR ANALYTICAL CONTROL OF A DEPOSITION ELECTROLYTE SERVING TO DEPOSIT SAID METAL COATING. Atotech Deutschland GmbH 2342574 FAULT LOCATION IN ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY GRIDS USING THE DISTANCE PROTECTION PRINCIPLE. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2342589 CONDUCTIVE POLYMER-BASED CURABLE COATING COMPOSITION PROVIDING COATED ARTICLES WITH ENHANCED ANTISTATIC PROPERTIES. Essilor International (Compagnie Générale d'Optique) 2342592 LIGHT SOURCE. Geuder AG 2342593 LOW PROFILE SIDE EMISSION TIR LENS FOR LED. Bierhuizen, Serge J.; Eng, Gregory W.; Philips Lumileds Lighting Company LLC; Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal 2342596 Laser beam interleaving. Trumpf Photonics, Inc. 2342682 METHOD FOR PRODUCING DATA CARRIERS AND SEMI-FINISHED (No. 2260) DATA CARRIERS, AND DATA CARRIER AND SEMI-FINISHED DATA CARRIER. Giesecke & Devrient GmbH 2342701 LIGHT RECEIVER DEVICE HAVING A SHIELDING DEVICE EXTENDING ON A BACK SIDE OF A SUBSTRATE. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2342702 LIFE SAFETY DEVICE WITH AUTOMATIC BATTERY DISCHARGE AT THE END OF LIFE. Walter Kidde Portable Equipment, Inc. 2342736 HALOGEN BULB FOR VEHICLE HEADLIGHTS AND VEHICLE HEADLIGHT. OSRAM AG 2342801 OUTER ROTOR TYPE TRANSVERSE FLUX MOTOR AND DRIVING METHOD. Leantec Motor GmbH & Co. KG 2342813 DEVICE FOR DETECTING A CHANGE OF A GENERATOR OUTPUT SIGNAL OF A VEHICLE GENERATOR. Robert Bosch GmbH 2342819 CASCODE AMPLIFIER WITH INCREASED LINEARITY. Saab AB 2342879 MUROS MODULATION USING LINEAR BASEBAND COMBINATIONS WITH LINEAR GAUSSIAN PULSE SHAPING FOR TWO USERS ON ONE TIMESLOT USED BY NON-DARP AND DARP REMOTE STATIONS. QUALCOMM Incorporated 2342960 Method of manufacturing molded components. The Gillette Company 2343324 Glyoxalated poly(n-vinylamine). BASF SE 2343446 FUEL TANK. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2343535 FLUORESCENT LABELING MATERIAL AND FLUORESCENT LABELING AGENT. National University Corporation Shimane University 2343754 BATTERY CARTRIDGE, AND BATTERY MODULE COMPRISING SAME. LG Chem, Ltd. 2343832 METHOD, SYSTEM AND DEVICE OF EXITING TRAINING RAPIDLY. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2343987 TEA COMPOSITION. Unilever NV; Unilever PLC 2344033 DIAGNOSIS OF ACUTE STROKES. Orsan Medical Technologies Ltd. 2344274 PROCESS, DISPERSIONS AND USE. FUJIFILM Imaging Colorants Limited 2344302 TOOL DEVICE FOR CONNECTION OF A PLASTIC PIPE. Uponor Innovation AB 2344303 DEVICE FOR MARKING OR PROCESSING A SURFACE. Leica Geosystems AG 2983 2984 2344315 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) COMPOSITE MATERIAL DETECTABLE BY A METAL DETECTOR, ARTICLE OF SAID MATERIAL AND METHOD FOR OBTAINING SUCH AN ARTICLE. P.r. Nastri Trasportatori S.n.c. Di Rubino Vincenzo&Rubino Attilio 2344329 METHOD OF MAKING A MULTILAYER ADHESIVE LAMINATE. Mylan Inc. 2344334 MOVEABLE PRINTING PLATE REGISTRATION MEMBER. Eastman Kodak Company 2344336 SUBLIMATION PRINTING. Hoggard, Peter John 2344337 FLUID EJECTION CARTRIDGE. Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 2344350 TYRE FOR VEHICLE WHEELS. Pirelli Tyre S.P.A. 2344352 TRACTOR CAB AIR FILTER HOUSINGS. AGCO GmbH 2344354 TRACTOR CAB AIR FILTER HOUSINGS. AGCO GmbH 2344359 POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM. Toyota Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha 2344374 TRUNK LINER METHOD AND APPARATUS. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2344388 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR ALLEVIATING THE EFFECT OF WAKE VORTICES LEFT BY AN AIRCRAFT DURING TAKE-OFF OR LANDING. Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V. 2344397 CLOSURE FOR A BOTTLE. Scholle Corporation 2344409 LOAD SUPPORT FOR A JACK, HAVING BENDED PARTS.. Arikan Kriko Ve Makina Sanayi Ticaret Anonim Sirketi 2344410 CLOSING DEVICE FOR CONTAINERS HAVING A STERILE SPACE. Krones AG 2344413 FUEL VAPOR MANAGEMENT SYSTEM WITH PROPORTIONED FLOW SPLITTING. MeadWestvaco Corporation 2344515 METHOD AND INTERMEDIATES FOR PREPARING 2-ALKOXY AND 2ARYLOXY ESTROGEN COMPOUNDS. Naxospharma S.R.L. 2344525 EPITOPES DERIVED FROM SATB2 AND USES THEREOF. Atlas Antibodies AB 2344554 COPOLYMER FOR PRODUCING MOLDED BODIES THAT ARE DIMENSIONALLY STABLE UNDER HEAT FROM MOLDING COMPOUNDS OR CAST GLASS. Evonik Röhm GmbH 2344558 METHOD FOR PRODUCING ABA-TRIBLOCK COPOLYMERS WITH A WIDELY DISTRIBUTED B-BLOCK. Evonik Röhm GmbH; Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 2344589 DISAZO COMPOUNDS AND THEIR USE IN INK-JET PRINTING. FUJIFILM Imaging Colorants Limited; FUJIFILM Corporation (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal 2344607 ORGANIC ELECTROLUMINESCENT DEVICES. Merck Patent GmbH 2344664 BIOLOGICAL ARTICLES AND METHODS FOR MONITORING (No. 2260) STERILIZATION PROCESSES. 3M Innovative Properties Company 2344665 USE OF EEF1A AS BIOMARKER FOR SCREENING OF METAP2 INHIBITORS. Merck Patent GmbH 2344668 METHOD FOR FAST DETECTION AND IDENTIFICATION OF MICROORGANISMS. Check-Points Holding B.V. 2344700 DEVICE FOR COMPENSATING FOR HYDRAULIC EFFECTIVE PRESSURES. Hydac System GmbH 2344734 METHOD FOR SELECTIVE CATALYTIC REDUCTION OF NITROGEN OXIDES IN EXHAUST GAS OF INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES. Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft 2344754 WINDMILL BLADES AND METHOD FOR PRODUCTION THEREOF. Astrium SAS 2344773 PRESSURE REGULATOR DEVICE, ESPECIALLY OF THE HYDRAULIC REMOTE-CONTROL TYPE. Bosch Rexroth D.S.I. 2344774 HYDRAULIC CYLINDER ROD POSITION SENSOR. Clark Equipment Company 2344787 SEAL FOR ROLLING BEARING, IN PARTICULAR FOR ROLLING BEARING USED IN A WIND TURBINE. Aktiebolaget SKF 2344802 COMPONENT FOR DRILLING AND PRODUCTION OF A HYDROCARBON WELL. VALLOUREC MANNESMANN OIL & GAS FRANCE 2344804 RISER CLAMP WITH VIBRATION ISOLATION. J. van Walraven Holding B.V. 2344835 METHODS AND DEVICES FOR ENABLING SAFE/ARM FUNCTIONALITY WITHIN SMALL WEAPONS. Omnitek Partners LLC 2344884 SEMI-SEQUENTIAL ASSAY FOR DETECTION OF AN ANALYTE IN A SAMPLE. GYROS PATENT AB 2344931 VOLUME HOLOGRAM COMPRISING EXPANSION AGENT LAYER OR CONTRACTION AGENT LAYER FOR CREATING COLOR PATTERNS. OVD Kinegram AG 2344937 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR CONTROLLING THE AUTOMATIC LANDING/TAKE-OFF OF A DRONE ON OR FROM A CIRCULAR LANDING GRID OF A PLATFORM, IN PARTICULAR A NAVAL PLATFORM. DCNS 2344938 JET DEFLECTION DEVICE. Biosurfit, S.A. 2985 2986 2345018 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) COMMUNICATION SYSTEM AND METHOD. Johnson Controls Technology Company 2345023 DISPLAY DEVICE WITH COMPENSATION FOR VARIATIONS IN PIXEL TRANSISTORS MOBILITY. Global OLED Technology LLC 2345059 MASS DISCRIMINATOR. The Science and Technology Facilities Council 2345084 SOLAR CELL AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING THE SAME. Robert Bosch GmbH 2345090 SOLAR CELL AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING THE SAME. Robert Bosch GmbH 2345126 METHOD AND CIRCUIT FOR TRANSMITTING AND RECEIVING RADIO WAVES WITH A SINGLE OSCILLATORY CIRCUIT ANTENNA. IDS Microchip AG 2345139 DIRECT-CURRENT ELECTRIC MOTOR, PARTICULARLY FOR OPERATING AUTOMATIC SLIDING DOORS. ENTREMATIC ITALY S.P.A. 2345146 MOTOR DRIVER AND METHOD OF CONTROLLING THE SAME. Toyota Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha 2345169 TRANSCEIVER. EADS Deutschland GmbH 2345204 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR DYNAMIC PROVISIONING. Redknee Inc. 2345231 INTERNETWORKING DOMAIN AND KEY SYSTEM. Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation 2345250 MODIFICATION OF THE THROUGHPUT OF A DATA STREAM BROADCAST IN A MONOFREQUENCY NETWORK. TDF 2345279 USE OF A CELL ID AND MASK TO RETRIEVE HOME NODE B GATEWAY ADDRESS. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (PUBL) 2345303 HEATED VEHICLE WINDOW. PILKINGTON Automotive Deutschland GmbH 2345342 Cosmetic applicator assembly. Albéa Services 2345360 FLUID CONTAINER UNIT. Saraya Co., Ltd.; Olympus Medical Systems Corp. 2345549 ARM BLANK AND METHOD OF MANUFACTURING SAME. Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation 2345688 PROCESS FOR PRODUCING RESIN COMPOSITION. Kao Corporation 2345701 System for producing radiation diffractive material. PPG Industries Ohio, Inc. 2346050 Electrical conductor with high tensile strength. HEW-KABEL GmbH 2346195 WAVELENGTH LOCKING METHOD, APPARATUS AND SYSTEM. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2346205 A METHOD AND DEVICE FOR PREVENTING NETWORK ATTACK. Chengdu Huawei Symantec Technologies Co., Ltd. (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2346319 BEDBUG TRAP. Dakem 2346329 A METHOD OF INHIBITING HEPATITIS C VIRUS BY COMBINATION OF A 5,6-DIHYDRO-1H-PYRIDIN-2-ONE AND ONE OR MORE ADDITIONAL ANTIVIRAL COMPOUNDS. Anadys Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 2346365 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR MOUNTING AND CALIBRATING A HELMET-MOUNTED DISPLAY. Gentex Corporation 2346370 VIAL FOR A LIQUID OR PASTY COSMETIC PRODUCT WITH A RETRACTABLE APPLICATION ELEMENT. Chanel Parfums Beauté 2346398 CARDIAC- AND/OR RESPIRATORY-GATED IMAGE ACQUISITION SYSTEM FOR VIRTUAL ANATOMY ENRICHED REAL-TIME 2D IMAGING IN INTERVENTIONAL RADIOFREQUENCY ABLATION OR PACEMAKER PLACEMENT PROCEDURES. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2346503 KV1.3 CHANNEL BLOCKING SUBSTANCES FOR THE TREATMENT OF DISEASES ASSOCIATED WITH INTIMAL HYPERPLASIA. Universidad de Valladolid; Hospital Clinic i Provincial de Barcelona 2346539 POLYMERIZABLE MULTI-COMPONENT PROSTHESIS STARTING MATERIAL, PARTICULARLY FOR DENTAL PROSTHESES. Retec Kunststofftechnik GmbH 2346584 APPARATUS FOR CONSTRUCTING A SMALL PLAYING FIELD. USP Holding GmbH & Co. KG 2346595 CAPILLARY MEMBRANE FILTRATION MODULE. Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek (VITO) 2346599 CATANIONIC VESICLES, PROCESS FOR PREPARING SAME AND APPLICATIONS THEREOF. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2346614 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR SPRAYING MIXTURES OBTAINED FROM THE REACTION OF POLYMER MATERIALS. Stemma S.R.L. 2346616 LASER CLADDING OF A THERMOPLASTIC POWDER ON PLASTICS. Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek (VITO) 2346625 METHOD FOR SETTING A RUN-OFF THICKNESS FOR A MILLED ITEM THAT PASSES THROUGH A MULTIPLE SCAFFOLD MILL TRAIN, CONTROL AND/OR REGULATING DEVICE AND MILL TRAIN. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2346633 Spindle arrangement for tools or work pieces. Traub Drehmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG 2346642 COOLING DEVICE EQUIPPED WITH TEMPERATURE SENSOR FOR SHRINK FIT CHUCK. Franz Haimer Maschinenbau KG 2987 2988 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal 2346648 PNEUMATIC DRIVING MACHINE. HITACHI KOKI CO., LTD. 2346657 DUAL LOOP CONTROL OF CERAMIC PRECURSOR EXTRUSION (No. 2260) BATCH. Corning Inc. 2346673 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR REINFORCING A SUBSTRATE OR A FABRIC IN A CORE STRUCTURE OF A COMPONENT. Airbus Operations GmbH 2346691 PRINT HEAD HAVING INTEGRATED DEFLECTING ELECTRODES. KBAMetronic GmbH 2346703 TYRE COMPRISING A CONDUCTING WIRE PASSING THROUGH ELECTRICALLY NONCONDUCTING CROWN-REINFORCING PLIES AND ASSOCIATED METHOD. COMPAGNIE GENERALE DES ETABLISSEMENTS MICHELIN; MICHELIN Recherche et Technique S.A. 2346706 A TYRE COMPRISING AN ELECTRONIC UNIT. Pirelli Tyre S.P.A. 2346713 CHARGING CONNECTOR, AND CHARGING CABLE UNIT. YAZAKI CORPORATION; Toyota Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha 2346716 LONGITUDINAL ADJUSTER FOR A VEHICLE SEAT. KEIPER GmbH & Co. KG 2346722 SYSTEM FOR BLOCKING THE AESTHETIC LINING ON DASHBOARD OF A VEHICLE ENSURING PROPER OPENING OF THE INTEGRATED AIR BAG DOOR. Maserati S.P.A. 2346740 TRANSPORT OF GOODS. Mechana CC 2346745 PACKING UNIT, SHIPPING UNIT AND A METHOD OF MANUFACTURING A PACKING UNIT. Ecolean AB 2346746 VALVE. DS Smith Plastics Limited 2346750 SEALING MEANS FOR BEVERAGE CONTAINER. Onecafé International AB 2346757 DEVICE FOR SEPARATING AND ALIGNING THE POSITION OF METAL CONTAINER SEALS. Gassner GmbH 2346759 DEVICE AND METHOD FOR ISOLATING SECURITIES OF A STACK OF SECURITIES. Wincor Nixdorf International GmbH 2346771 MODERNISATION METHOD FOR LIFT SYSTEMS. Inventio AG 2346772 A CONTAINER HANDLING SYSTEM COMPRISING A CRANE AND A PLURALITY OF BASE ELEMENTS WHICH CAN BE MOUNTED ON TOP OF CONTAINERS FOR SUPPORTING THE CRANE AND TRANSPORTING THE CONTAINERS. Herold, Jens-Christian 2346816 Chemically stable ingredients as lemon odorant. Firmenich S.A. 2346818 SUBSTITUTED SULPHONAMIDO PHENOXYBENZAMIDES. Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH (30/07/2014) 2346861 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) THIOPHENE CONTAINING ANALOGUES OF FLUCONAZOLE AS ANTIFUNGAL AGENTS AND PROCESS THEREOF. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research; Fdc Limited 2346923 FLUORINATED POLYOXYALKYLENE GLYCOL DIAMIDE SURFACTANTS. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company 2346942 INJECTION MOLDED ARTICLE AND METHOD FOR THE MANUFACTURE THEREOF. SABIC Innovative Plastics IP B.V. 2346972 METHOD FOR PRODUCING FATTY ACID ESTERS OF MONOVALENT OR POLYVALENT ALCOHOLS USING SPECIAL HYDROXYFUNCTIONAL QUATERNARY AMMONIUM COMPOUNDS AS CATALYSTS. Balchem Corporation; Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. 2347047 AN ARC FLASH PROTECTION, MULTIPLE-USE NONWOVEN FABRIC STRUCTURE. Norafin Industries (Germany) GmbH 2347054 INTEGRAL HYDRAULIC OR ELECTRICAL CONDUIT COUPLER. Clark Equipment Company 2347056 APPARATUS FOR TRANSPORTING CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT IN AN ENCLOSED CONTAINER WITHIN THE HOLD OF A VESSEL. Prinz, Adalberto; Ledezma, Hugo M.; Prinz, Alejandro A. 2347057 MODULAR CONSTRUCTION SYSTEM. Calder 2347075 HINGE FOR CONNECTING A LEAF TO A FRAME SO AS TO BE HINGED ABOUT A HINGE AXIS. Dr. Hahn GmbH & Co. KG 2347094 METHOD FOR RECOVERING HEAVY/VISCOUS OILS FROM A SUBTERRANEAN FORMATION. BP Corporation North America Inc. 2347098 SEAL FOR A ROTARY PISTON MACHINE. Mahle König Kommanditgesellschaft GmbH & Co 2347123 VORTICAL FLOW TURBINE. Green-Tide Turbines Limited 2347145 TORSIONAL VIBRATION DAMPER FOR THE DRIVE TRAIN OF A VEHICLE. ZF Friedrichshafen AG 2347146 LINEARLY ACTING TENSIONING ELEMENT. Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG 2347152 IMPROVEMENTS IN VALVES. Priestly, Toby 2347183 PROCESS AND DEVICE FOR THE EXTRACTION OF COMBUSTION PRODUCTS FROM A COMBUSTION APPARATUS. Clyde Bergemann Drycon GmbH 2347219 LASER GYRO COMPRISING A CYLINDRICAL SOLID-STATE ROD LASER AMPLIFIER, AND ASSOCIATED METHOD OF EXCITING A CYLINDRICAL SOLID-STATE ROD LASER GYRO AMPLIFIER. THALES 2989 2990 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2347228 Data collector. Aktiebolaget SKF 2347229 Data analyzer. Aktiebolaget SKF 2347230 Signal analyzer. Aktiebolaget SKF 2347243 OPTICAL FLOW CYTOMETER AND METHOD OF ANALYSIS. Diatron MI ZRT. 2347244 MOUNTABLE ELECTRODE. Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek TNO 2347270 Construction system for a capacitive sensor. Green Seas Ventures, Ltd 2347304 METHOD FOR PERFORMING PHOTOLITHOGRAPHY USING BARCS HAVING GRADED OPTICAL PROPERTIES. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 2347426 A SWITCH DEVICE AND A SWITCHGEAR PROVIDED THEREWITH. ABB Research Ltd. 2347432 THEFT-PROOF ELECTRIC LAMP AND LUMINAIRE WHICH IS EQUIPPED WITH A LAMP OF THIS TYPE. claviLUX UG (haftungsbeschränkt) 2347481 SYSTEM FOR LIGHT EMISSION IN A POLARITON MODE WITH ELECTRICAL INJECTION OF QUANTUM WELLS. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - CNRS 2347488 AN ELECTRIC POWER DISTRIBUTION ARRANGEMENT AND A SWITCHGEAR PROVIDED THEREWITH. ABB Technology AG 2347506 FRAME-SHAPED MEMS PIEZORESISTIVE RESONATOR. NXP B.V. 2347509 AN ADC. NXP B.V. 2347526 RESOURCE SHARING IN RELAY OPERATIONS WITHIN WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS. Motorola Mobility LLC 2347540 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR SENDING ENCRYPTION PARAMETERS. Motorola Solutions, Inc. 2347562 IP MULTIMEDIA SUBSYSTEM USER IDENTITY HANDLING. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (PUBL) 2347619 APPARATUS AND METHOD OF CONTROLLING SPORADIC TRANSMISSIONS OF SILENCE INSERTION DESCRIPTOR (SID). Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (PUBL) 2347639 ILLUMINATION DEVICE COMPRISING TWO PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS. OSRAM GmbH 2347643 COOLING STRUCTURE FOR ELECTRONIC DEVICE, AND A METHOD. ABB OY 2347645 Distributor device for a self-propelled harvesting machine. CLAAS Selbstfahrende Erntemaschinen GmbH 2347678 Seat assembly with an elastomer torsion-spring element. Stoll Giroflex AG (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2347964 Collapsible transport and/or storage container. Robert Bosch GmbH 2348021 ROTAXANE COMPOUND AND ANTITUMOR AGENT. Fukuoka University; Wan Station Co., Ltd; Tokyo Institute of Technology; Kinki University 2348049 APPLICATION OF AIMP1 POLYPEPTIDE. SNU R&DB Foundation 2348070 METHOD OF PRODUCING POLYVINYL CHLORIDE RESIN COMPOSITIONS. Kuraray Co., Ltd.; Kuraray Europe GmbH 2348261 OPTICAL SENSOR HOLDER FOR TRACKING SUNLIGHT. TM Tech Co., Ltd. 2348316 A METHOD FOR TESTING A LIQUID. Actherm Inc. 2348427 Speech retrieval apparatus and speech retrieval method. Ricoh Company Ltd. 2348644 UPSTREAM POWER BACK-OFF METHOD IN DIGITAL SUBSCRIBER LINE AND THE DEVICE AND THE SYSTEM THEREOF. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2348807 Selective harvesting of a land parcel by means of a fruit harvesting machine. CNH France S.A. 2348838 AN ANTIMICROBIAL COMPOSITION. Unilever NV; Unilever PLC, A Company Registered in England and Wales under Company no. 41424 2348846 DISUBSTITUTED AZEPAN OREXIN RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 2348851 COMPOSITION CONTAINING GLUCOSYLGLYCEROL. Bitop AG 2348856 2,4-DISUBSTITUTED PYRROLIDINE OREXIN RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 2348896 METHOD FOR ASSIGNING A STONEFRUIT TO A PREDETERMINED CLASS AND A DEVICE THEREFOR. Belgian Electronic Sorting Technology 2348897 AN APPARATUS FOR MARKING OLIVES. Ralo' S.r.L. 2348941 DISHWASHER USING OZONE WATER. Arçelik Anonim Sirketi 2348945 DEVICE FOR DETECTING THE LIQUID LEVEL IN THE WASHING BATH OF A WASHING MACHINE. ELBI International S.p.A. 2349003 METHOD AND DEVICE ENABLING AN ATHLETE TO DETERMINE AND THEN CONTROL THE RATE OF DISPLACEMENT OF A MASS. Myotest SA 2349004 ANGIOGRAPHIC IMAGE ACQUISITION SYSTEM AND METHOD WITH AUTOMATIC SHUTTER ADAPTATION FOR YIELDING A REDUCED FIELD OF VIEW COVERING A SEGMENTED TARGET STRUCTURE OR LESION FOR DECREASING X-RADIATION DOSE IN MINIMALLY INVASIVE X-RAY-GUIDED INTERVENTIONS. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2349011 DEVICES FOR APPLYING MULTIPLE SUTURE ANCHORS. Ethicon EndoSurgery, Inc. 2991 2992 2349141 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) CONDOM AND METHOD FOR MANUFACTURE THEREOF. Zhang, Jian Hong 2349158 CARRIER MOLD. The Procter & Gamble Company 2349169 CRUTCH EQUIPPED WITH RESTRAINING SAFETY MEANS. Zordan, Valter; Fioravanzo, Matteo; Schiavi, Cesare 2349218 METHOD FOR PRODUCING CONTROLLED-RELEASE ORAL DOSAGE FORMS. BASF SE 2349251 TOPICAL FORMULATIONS WITH A TERTIARY AMINE OXIDE. Bausch & Lomb Incorporated 2349256 HETEROCYCLIC BENZIMIDAZOLES AS TRPM8 MODULATORS. Janssen Pharmaceutica NV 2349291 AGONISTS OF TOLL-LIKE RECEPTOR 5 FOR THE TREATMENT OF GRAFT-VERSUS-HOST DISEASE. Emory University 2349294 COMPOSITION COMPRISING A COMBINATION OF AN ELDER EXTRACT AND A STRAIN OF L. PARACASEI, L. CASEI, L. BULGARICUS OR S. THERMOPHILUS. Pierre Fabre Médicament; Compagnie Gervais Danone 2349335 LEVETIRACETAM IMMUNOASSAYS. ARK Diagnostics, Inc. 2349359 MEDICAL IMPLANT HAVING BIO-FUNCTIONALIZED SURFACE. Fachhochschule Gelsenkirchen 2349389 BLOOD TREATMENT APPARATUS AND METHOD. Gambro Lundia AB 2349429 SYSTEM FOR DELIVERY OF BIOLOGIC AGENTS. Medtronic, Inc. 2349476 INCLINED BEAMLINE MOTION MECHANISM. Henderson, Toby D. 2349511 GAMBLING TERMINAL HAVING A DIGITAL CAMERA. MORPHO 2349542 LEAK TESTING OF A PRESSURE VESSEL. Gambro Lundia AB 2349648 QUICK-CHANGE SOCKET AND HEX KEY RETAINER ASSEMBLY FOR A FASTENER INSTALLATION TOOL. Huck Patents, Inc. 2349650 PNEUMATIC DRIVING MACHINE. Hitachi Koki CO., LTD. 2349707 WATERPROOF MEMBRANE. Sika Technology AG 2349718 METHOD FOR ILLUSTRATING PRINTED IMAGE CARRIERS. manroland sheetfed GmbH 2349733 ID CARDS WITH BLOCKED LASER ENGRAVING WRITABILITY. Bayer MaterialScience AG 2349745 MOTORCYCLE TYRE. Pirelli Tyre S.p.A. 2349746 PNEUMATIC VEHICLE TIRE. Continental Reifen Deutschland GmbH 2349754 CONDENSER FAN CONTROL SYSTEM. AGCO SA (30/07/2014) 2349766 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR DETERMINING THE ABILITY OF A DRIVER OF A HYBRID VEHICLE AND VEHICLE EQUIPPED WITH SUCH A SYSTEM. Renault Trucks 2349772 CLUTCH COMPRESSOR AND POWER STEERING SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR CONTROLLING THE SAME. KNORR-BREMSE Systeme für Nutzfahrzeuge GmbH 2349777 TRAILER FOR TRANSPORTING FREIGHT CONTAINERS AND METHOD OF USE. Max-Atlas 2349817 STEERING DEVICES. AGCO GmbH 2349832 FORCE TRANSMISSION UNIT AND CONTROL UNIT INCLUDING SUCH A UNIT. Fly By Wire Systems France 2349855 TRANSPORT AND STORAGE CONTAINER. Georg Utz Holding AG 2349877 CHAIN FOR ARTICLES CONVEYOR. Rexnord Marbett S.r.l. 2349881 TRANSPORT SYSTEM. KHS GmbH 2349884 A DEVICE FOR DIVIDING A SINGLE FILE OF PRODUCTS INTO AT LEAST TWO FILES.. AZIONARIA COSTRUZIONI MACCHINE AUTOMATICHE-A.C.M.A.-S.p.A. 2349893 PLY TRANSFER BELT INCLUDING METAL REINFORCEMENTS. COMPAGNIE GENERALE DES ETABLISSEMENTS MICHELIN; MICHELIN Recherche et Technique S.A. 2349896 THREAD BRAKE AND METHOD OF USING THE THREAD BRAKE. Picanol 2349898 FILAMENT SPOOL. Stratasys, Inc. 2349930 Process for producing mixed metal rare earth metal halide solutions in organic solvents. Chemetall GmbH 2349986 METHOD FOR PRODUCING ISOCYANATES. BASF SE 2349993 SULFONIUM DERIVATIVES AND THE USE THEROF AS LATENT ACIDS. BASF SE 2349998 A NOVEL PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF ELETRIPTAN. Biophore India Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. 2350021 BRIDGED TETRAHYDRONAPHTHALENE DERIVATIVES. Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 2350061 2,3-DISUBSTITUTED PIPERIDINE OREXIN RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 2350066 2,5-DISUBSTITUTED PIPERIDINE OREXIN RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 2350074 SUBSTITUTED PYRIDINES HAVING A HERBICIDAL EFFECT. BASF SE 2993 2994 2350093 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) SUBSTITUTED 4,5,6,7-TETRAHYDROTHIENOPYRIDINES AS KCNQ2/3 MODULATORS FOR TREATING PAIN, EPILEPSY AND URINARY INCONTINENCE. Grünenthal GmbH 2350098 PYRROLOBENZODIAZEPINES. Spirogen Sàrl 2350138 SYSTEMS USING MASS FLOW PROMOTING INSERT WITH GAS PURGING AND METHODS THEREOF. Univation Technologies, LLC 2350149 COPOLYMERS HAVING LONG-CHAIN ACRYLATES. BASF SE 2350151 METHOD FOR PRODUCING TELECHELICS HAVING A WIDE MOLECULAR WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION. Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 2350157 METHOD FOR PRODUCING VISCOELASTIC POLYURETHANE FLEXIBLE FOAMS. BASF SE 2350186 EXTRUSION BLOWN MOLDED BOTTLES WITH HIGH STIFFNESS AND TRANSPARENCY. Borealis AG 2350195 ELECTRON BEAM CURED, NONFUNCTIONALIZED SILICONE PRESSURE SENSITIVE ADHESIVES. 3M Innovative Properties Company 2350295 LCMV-GP-VSV-PSEUDOTYPED VECTORS AND TUMOR-INFILTRATING VIRUS-PRODUCING CELLS FOR THE THERAPY OF TUMORS. ViraTherapeutics GmbH 2350324 METHOD FOR OPERATING A BLAST FURNACE. Paul Wurth S.A. 2350326 ULTRA-HIGH STRENGTH STAINLESS ALLOY STRIP, A METHOD OF MAKING SAME, AND A METHOD OF USING SAME FOR MAKING A GOLF CLUB HEAD. CRS Holdings, Inc. 2350344 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR APPLYING OR EMBEDDING PARTICLES TO/IN A LAYER APPLIED BY PLASMA COATING. Bam 2350361 COMBING DEVICE COMPRISING A PIVOTABLE FRAME. Maschinenfabrik Rieter AG 2350442 ADJUSTING SYSTEM FOR CAMSHAFTS OF AN INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE. ZF Friedrichshafen AG 2350485 METHOD OF MAKING A CENTRIFUGAL CLUTCH. BRP-Powertrain GmbH & Co. KG 2350500 SHIFTING DEVICE FOR A MANUAL TRANSMISSION OF A MOTOR VEHICLE. Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG 2350512 FIRE RETARDANT STRUCTURES. Clough, Jonathan; McCann, Jamie 2350533 COOKING APPLIANCE WITH A FLOW DIRECTING DEVICE. Rational AG 2350553 BALLISTIC COLLAR. Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek TNO 2350574 VORTEX FLOWMETER BODY WITH A GROOVE IN THE BACKWARD FACING SURFACE. Rosemount Inc. (30/07/2014) 2350591 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) STRAIN MEASUREMENT OF ROTATING COMPONENTS. Rolls-Royce PLC 2350599 GEOCHEMICAL MONITORING OF A GEOLOGICAL CO2 STORAGE SITE USING RARE-GAS RATIOS. IPGP; IFP Energies nouvelles 2350628 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR ON-LINE ESTIMATION AND FORECASTING OF SPECIES CONCENTRATION DURING A REACTION. Sanjuan, Marco E. 2350669 METHODS OF PROGNOSIS IN CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE. ST VINCENT'S HOSPITAL SYDNEY LIMITED 2350736 POLARIZATION-INDEPENDENT LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY DEVICES INCLUDING MULTIPLE POLARIZATION GRATING ARRANGEMENTS AND RELATED DEVICES. North Carolina State University 2350746 METHOD OF MAKING A BOTTOM PLATE FOR A WATCH. The Swatch Group Research and Development Ltd. 2350747 SYSTEMS AND METHODS TO CONTROL ENERGY CONSUMPTION EFFICIENCY. Optimum Energy, Llc 2350927 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR PERSONALIZING A PORTABLE DATA STORAGE DEVICE. Giesecke & Devrient GmbH 2351017 METHOD FOR RECOGNIZING NOTE PATTERNS IN PIECES OF MUSIC. Oertl, Stefan M. 2351065 LOW-PRESSURE DISCHARGE LAMP. OSRAM AG 2351120 FIBROUS MATERIAL IN FORM OF A PERMANENT PASTING SHEET FOR AN OPEN AND/OR SEALED BATTERY, AND OPEN AND/OR SEALED BATTERY COMPRISING A PERMANENT PASTING MATERIAL. Bernard Dumas 2351126 ELECTRODE COMPRISING A MODIFIED COMPLEX OXIDE AS ACTIVE SUBSTANCE. Batscap; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2351136 ELECTROLYTE WITH REDUCED RIGIDITY, AND ELECTROCHEMICAL SYSTEM INCLUDING SUCH AN ELECTROLYTE. Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique 2351139 MIXED LITHIUM NICKEL COBALT OXIDE AND LITHIUM NICKEL MANGANESE COBALT OXIDE CATHODES. BASF Corporation 2351140 BATTERY PACK INPUT/OUTPUT CONTROL SYSTEM. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2351143 COMPACT RADIOFREQUENCY COUPLER. THALES 2351173 SPARKPLUG WITH INTEGRATED COIL. Delphi Technologies, Inc. 2351203 METHOD FOR OPERATING AN ELECTRIC MOTOR. Zentrum Mikroelektronik Dresden AG 2995 2996 2351221 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) SYSTEM FOR DETECTING A RESET CONDITION IN AN ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT. Certicom Corp. 2351225 Pipelined ADC calibration. Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 2351299 ETHERNET FRAME BROADCAST EMULATION. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (PUBL) 2351316 Method and system for token-based authentication. International Business Machines Corporation 2351318 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR BILLING AND SECURITY ARCHITECTURE FOR VENUE-CAST SERVICES. QUALCOMM Incorporated 2351386 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR DETERMINING THE CONTEXT OF AN ENTITY. Telecom Italia S.p.A. 2351453 CONTENTION-BASED RANDOM ACCESS METHOD WITH AUTONOMOUS CARRIER SELECTION. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (PUBL) 2351460 OPERATING CONNECTION FOR LIGHT EMITTING DIODES. Tridonic GmbH & Co KG; Tridonic AG 2351500 TILTABLE CHAIR. Sidiz, Inc. 2351689 RECEIVING AND CLAMPING DEVICE FOR PACKING BAG IN FILLING MACHINE. Bengbu Zhongzheng Industrial Co., Ltd. 2351691 Improved package having recloseable pour spout. Innoflex Incorporated 2351762 NOVEL PYRIMIDINE DERIVATIVE AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING HMG-CoA REDUCTASE INHIBITOR INTERMEDIATE. KANEKA CORPORATION 2351784 MASTER BATCH FOR COLORING SYNTHETIC RESIN. Toyo Aluminium Kabushiki Kaisha 2351843 Rabies virus vector systems and compositions and methods thereof. The Government of the United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services 2351874 MODULAR ARRAY OF CONTAINERS FOR ELECTROWINNING OR ELECTROREFINING. Novel Composites Technologies S.A. 2351943 Bicycle hub assembly. Shimano, Inc. 2351963 LIGHTING DEVICE FOR VEHICLE. Koito Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 2351970 DESICCANT AIR CONDITIONING DEVICE. Yanmar Co., Ltd. 2352000 Apparatus for measuring in-situ stress of rock using thermal crack. Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (30/07/2014) 2352006 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) DEVICE AND METHOD FOR DETECTING STOPPED STATE OF VEHICLE, AND ALIGNMENT ADJUSTING DEVICE. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2352017 Method for testing a capacitive measuring device. Uster Technologies AG 2352018 Device for determining a dielectric property of a capacitor arrangement. Uster Technologies AG 2352026 LIQUID TEST STRIP AND THE METHOD. Actherm Inc. 2352265 RELAY TRANSMISSION METHOD AND DEVICE. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2352406 AN APPLICATOR-RECEPTACLE SECURING SYSTEM. Nestec S.A. 2352415 HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE HAVING AN AIR DRYING DEVICE AND/OR FLUID HEATING UNIT, AND ASSOCIATED METHOD. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 2352471 COMPOSITE ELASTIC MATERIAL. BRIGHTWAKE LIMITED 2352555 DEVICE AND METHOD FOR DETERMINING CONTROL PARAMETERS FOR AN IRRADIATION UNIT. GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH; Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2352589 METHOD FOR OPERATING A WATER SOFTENING SYSTEM INCLUDING THE DETERMINATION OF REMAINING REGENERATIONS THAT CAN BE CONDUCTED. Judo Wasseraufbereitung GmbH 2352590 MICROFLUIDIC MULTIPLEXED CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR ANALYSIS DEVICE AND METHOD. Dublin City University 2352623 FLUID DISPENSING HAIR REMOVAL DEVICE. The Gillette Company 2352652 RECORDING SHEET FOR INK-JET PRINTING. OCE-Technologies B.V. 2352866 SETTING THE SEPARATION. Maschinenfabrik Rieter AG 2352871 A METHOD AND AN APPARATUS FOR PRODUCING A MULTIAXIAL FABRIC. Vestas Wind Systems A/S 2352876 TREATED TEXTILE MATERIAL FOR USE IN AQUATIC ENVIRONMENTS. BASF SE 2352906 Turbine blade provided with means of adjusting its cooling fluid flow rate and corresponding turbine. Snecma 2352917 A METHOD FOR CONTROLLING OPERATION OF A WIND TURBINE. Vestas Wind Systems A/S 2352940 HOT SIDE ONLY SPRING RETURN USED ON SINGLE LEVER HOT/COLD FAUCET WITH LOCKING MECHANISM. Emerson Electric Co. 2352983 RHEOMETER FOR HIGH-VISCOSITY MATERIALS. Putzmeister Engineering GmbH 2353018 INTEGRATED CIRCUIT AND TEST METHOD THEREFOR. NXP B.V. 2997 2998 2353038 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) ARRAY INCLUDING SUB-ARRAYS WITH LIGHT-SCATTERING PATTERN BLOCKS. Saint-Gobain Glass France 2353053 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR ATTENUATING THE EFFECTS OF TURBULENCE ON AN AIRCRAFT. Airbus Operations (Société par actions simplifiée) 2353159 AUDIO SOURCE PROXIMITY ESTIMATION USING SENSOR ARRAY FOR NOISE REDUCTION. QUALCOMM Incorporated 2353177 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR HEATING A LAYER OF A PLATE BY PRIMING AND LIGHT FLOW. Soitec 2353201 MEASUREMENT ARRANGEMENT. Convion Oy 2353242 SYSTEMATIC AND PARITY BIT SOFT ESTIMATION METHOD AND APPARATUS. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (PUBL) 2353287 A METHOD AND DIGITAL IMAGING APPLIANCE FOR SELECTING A FOCUS SETTING WITH A NORMALIZED FIGURE-OF-MERIT. HewlettPackard Development Company, L.P. 2353291 DISPLAY DEVICE, METHOD OF CONTROLLING A LIGHT EMITTING DIODE ARRAY OF THE DISPLAY DEVICE, AND COMPUTER PROGRAM PRODUCT. TP Vision Holding B.V. 2353338 TRANSMISSION SCHEDULING OPTIMIZATION METHOD AND WIRELESS USER EQUIPMENT DEVICE. QUALCOMM Incorporated 2353669 Device for detecting and displaying the striking of a ball. Frank Hellwig und Ahmad Keyaniyan Kick Star GbR 2353884 Pneumatic tyres for a vehicle. Continental Reifen Deutschland GmbH 2353886 Run strip profile of a vehicle tyre. Continental Reifen Deutschland GmbH 2353898 Electric heating device and vehicle air conditioner. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. 2353947 KNEE AIRBAG DEVICE FOR VEHICLE. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2354013 PROCESS FOR APPLYING A PROTECTIVE DEVICE TO BEVERAGE RECIPIENTS. CBE - Companhia Brasileira de Embalagens S/A 2354028 Liquid spouting nozzle with a packaging bag. Yushin Co., Ltd. 2354164 Anti-NIK antibodies and uses thereof. YEDA RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD. 2354409 Window with high thermal insulation coefficient. Alpi Fenster GmbH - Srl 2354924 Method for persisting software objects. Ricoh Company, Ltd 2355374 METHOD, SYSTEM AND OPTICAL LINE TERMINAL FOR MESSAGE TRANSMISSION IN AN OPTICAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEM. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (30/07/2014) 2355677 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) FEATHERY INTERMEDIATE MOUNTING PIECE FOR ROTATING STOOLS. Tepe-Walser, Silvia 2355684 VACUUM CLEANER AIR OUTLET. Aktiebolaget Electrolux 2355911 METHOD FOR PURIFYING AN ALCOHOL FROM A FERMENTATION BROTH USING A FALLING FILM, A WIPED FILM, A THIN FILM OR A SHORT PATH EVAPORATOR. Metabolic Explorer 2355958 PORTABLE ROBOTIC ARM. Kinova 2356000 INTERFERENCE-COMPENSATED SENSOR. ELMOS Semiconductor AG; Mechaless Systems GmbH 2356047 SEGMENT BODY AND SCRAPER FOR A CONVEYOR BELT SCRAPER. Rema Tip Top GmbH 2356096 METHODS OF MAKING CYCLIC, N-AMINO FUNCTIONAL TRIAMINES. Union Carbide Chemicals & Plastics Technology LLC 2356101 PYRIMIDINE- AND TRIAZINE-SULFONAMIDE DERIVATIVES AS BRADYKININ B1 RECEPTOR (B1R) INHIBITORS FOR THE TREATMENT OF PAIN. Grünenthal GmbH 2356196 SR2S15N8 LUMINOUS SUBSTANCE EMITTING RED AND LIGHT SOURCE COMPRISING A LUMINOUS SUBSTANCE OF SAID KIND AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING THE LUMINOUS SUBSTANCE. OSRAM GmbH 2356263 METHOD FOR PRODUCING AN IMPROVED ELECTRICAL STEEL STRIP. Voestalpine Stahl GmbH 2356280 TWIN FABRIC FORMING SECTION WITH MULTIPLE DRAINAGE SHOES. AstenJohnson, Inc. 2356333 INTEGRATED GENERATOR DEVICE FOR PRODUCING ENERGY FROM ZERO-EMISSION RENEWABLE ALTERNATIVE SOURCES RESPECTING AND PRESERVING THE ENVIRONMENT. Perregrini, Vittorio 2356365 CLOSING DEVICE. Continental Teves AG & Co. oHG 2356512 OPTICAL ANALOGUE TO DIGITAL CONVERTER. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson 2356626 ANALYZING AN AT LEAST THREE-DIMENSIONAL MEDICAL IMAGE. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.; Philips Intellectual Property & Standards GmbH 2356707 SOLUTION PROCESSING METHOD FOR FORMING ELECTRICAL CONTACTS OF ORGANIC DEVICES. IMEC; Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, K.U. Leuven R&D 2356784 RECEIVER WITH CHANNEL ESTIMATION CIRCUITRY. ST-Ericsson SA 2999 3000 2356884 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) AUTOMATIC TIMING ADJUSTMENT SYSTEM FOR OCCUPANCY SENSORS. Schneider Electric USA, Inc. 2357104 VEHICLE POWER SOURCE UNIT COOLING STRUCTURE. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2357132 System and method for air conditioning at least one section of an aircraft. Airbus Operations GmbH 2357168 METHOD FOR PRODUCING FLUOROSULFURIC ACID ESTER. Central Glass Company, Limited 2357785 Passive radiometric imaging device and corresponding method. Sony Corporation 2358234 PANEL INSTALLATION SYSTEM. Inter IKEA Systems B.V. 2358235 SHELF SUPPORT SYSTEM. Inter IKEA Systems B.V. 2358411 POLYMER COATINGS WITH CATALYST FOR MEDICAL DEVICES. Boston Scientific Scimed, Inc. 2358430 DEVICE FOR CONDITIONED DESYNCHRONIZED STIMULATION. Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH 2358452 DOLL WITH DRESS THAT TRANSFORMS TO WINGS. Mattel, Inc. 2358466 STIRRER FOR A BIOREACTOR. Sartorius Stedim Biotech GmbH 2358487 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR MANUFACTURING SPIRALREINFORCEMENTS FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE. Schnell S.p.A. 2358519 DEVICE FOR CONSTRUCTING A CARCASS FOR A VEHICLE TIRE. Continental Reifen Deutschland GmbH 2358555 METHOD FOR REGULATING A ROTATIONAL SPEED. Robert Bosch GmbH 2358598 APPARATUS AND METHODS FOR INSERTING FOOD PRODUCTS INTO PACKAGES. Kraft Foods Group Brands LLC 2358610 CONTAINER. British American Tobacco (Investments) Ltd 2358645 GLASS FEEDER DEVICE AND METHOD FOR MOVING A PLUNGER OF A GLASS FEEDER DEVICE. Zwiesel Kristallglas AG 2358650 SELF-LEVELLING REFRACTORY CONCRETE. Saint-Gobain Centre De Recherches Et D'etudes Europeen 2358702 PIPERIDINE COMPOUNDS, PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION COMPRISING THE SAME AND ITS USE. SK Biopharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. 2358962 FURNITURE HINGE WITH ROTATION DAMPER. Julius Blum GmbH 2359040 VALVE AND ASSEMBLY METHOD. Robert Bosch GmbH 2359333 VISUAL TRACKING OF OBJECTS IN IMAGES, AND SEGMENTATION OF IMAGES. ISIS INNOVATION LIMITED (30/07/2014) 2359339 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) COMPUTER-ASSISTED DESIGN METHOD FOR GENERATING A SURFACE IN A COMPLEX SYSTEM. SNECMA 2359382 Ignition apparatus for ARC sources. Oerlikon Trading AG, Trübbach 2359458 ELECTRICAL MACHINE. Feaam GmbH 2359537 METHOD FOR SETTING THE OPERATION OF A ROUTING NODE OF AN ASYNCHRONOUS WIRELESS COMMUNICATION NETWORK, NETWORK NODE AND COMMUNICATION NETWORK IMPLEMENTING THE METHOD. Telecom Italia S.p.A.; Pirelli & C. S.p.A. 2359565 REASSEMBLING STREAMING DATA ACROSS MULTIPLE PACKETIZED COMMUNICATION CHANNELS. International Business Machines Corporation 2359568 METHODS AND SYSTEMS FOR RESUMING, TRANSFERRING OR COPYING A MULTIMEDIA SESSION. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (PUBL) 2359605 LUMINOUS MEANS AND PROJECTOR COMPRISING AT LEAST ONE LUMINOUS MEANS OF THIS TYPE. OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH 2359642 CELL RELAY NETWORK ATTACHMENT PROCEDURES. QUALCOMM Incorporated 2359719 Play yard assembly. Wonderland Nurserygoods Company Limited 2359738 Household device, in particular installed household device with a controllable operating display. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 2359870 Sterilisation method for air-conditioning chambers. Thermo Electron LED GmbH 2360392 TRANSMISSION. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2360684 AUDIO REPRODUCING DEVICE AND AUDIO REPRODUCING METHOD. Panasonic Corporation 2361063 METHOD OF TRANSFERRING A STENT DEVICE FROM A CRIMPING HEAD TO AN OUTER SHEATH OF A STENT DEVICE DELIVERY SYSTEM. Angiomed GmbH & Co. Medizintechnik KG 2361162 APPARATUS FOR DECELERATING AND TEMPORARILY ACCUMULATING HOT ROLLED PRODUCT. Siemens Industry, Inc. 2361163 APPARATUS FOR STRAIGHTENING METAL PROFILES AND THE LIKE AND METHOD FOR ADJUSTING STRAIGHTENING MEMBERS IN SUCH AN APPARATUS. Schnell S.p.A. 2361173 Device for manufacturing elongate rotationally symmetrical elements. SIIMO, SAS 2361218 OXYGEN SEPARATION ASSEMBLY AND METHOD. Praxair Technology, Inc. 3001 3002 2361236 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) METHODS AND APPARATUS FOR CASTING CERAMIC SHEETS. Corning Incorporated 2361284 FLUORINATED BIS-(PHTHALOCYANYLALUMINOXY)SILYL PIGMENTS. Global OLED Technology LLC 2361438 ELECTRICALLY ACTUATED DEVICE AND METHOD OF CONTROLLING THE FORMATION OF DOPANTS THEREIN. HewlettPackard Development Company, L.P. 2361442 MAGNETOCALORIC THERMAL GENERATOR. Cooltech Applications S.A.S. 2361564 Forceps for pathological diagnosis. Chi Mei Medical Center 2361575 Introducer device for use in nuss procedure. Chi Mei Medical Center 2361674 PAN COATING DEVICE. Freund Corporation 2361746 Method of magnetic valve pin coupling. Mold-Masters (2007) Limited 2361838 Package structure with a flat display unit packed therein and package structure for packing a flat display unit. Hitachi Consumer Electronics Co., Ltd. 2362737 FROZEN CONFECTION. Unilever PLC, a company registered in England and Wales under company no. 41424; Unilever NV 2362741 TELESCOPIC VIAL FOR A LIQUID OR PASTY COSMETIC PRODUCT. Chanel Parfums Beauté 2362743 USER-FRIENDLY INTERFACE FOR A BEVERAGE MACHINE. Nestec S.A. 2362763 SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR TIGHTENING OPHTHALMIC SURGICAL NEEDLES. Bausch & Lomb Incorporated 2362814 CAM-BASED CLASSIFIER FOR THE TREATMENT OF HETEROGENEOUS MASSES OF MATERIALS. Globus S.R.L. 2362815 BENDING PRESS HAVING SUPPORT BEARING DEVICE FOR DRIVE MEANS. Trumpf Maschinen Austria GmbH & CO. KG. 2362826 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR FORMING HIGHLY CONTOURED COMPOSITE PARTS. The Boeing Company 2362920 CONDUCTIVE TEXTILE FABRIC HAVING LENO WEAVE. W. Zimmermann GmbH & Co. KG 2362965 CODING SCHEME SELECTION FOR LOW-BIT-RATE APPLICATIONS. QUALCOMM Incorporated 2362974 MATE-ASSIST WITH AN OFF-CENTRE LEVER. FCI Automotive Holding 2363202 PAN COATING DEVICE. Freund Corporation 2363400 NOVEL COMPOUND WITH SPIRO CHIRAL CARBON BACKBONE, PREPARATION METHOD THEREOF, AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION CONTAINING THE SAME. SNU R&DB Foundation 2363476 Magnetic isolation and purification of nucleic acids. Promega Corporation (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal 2363615 Friction pad assembley for disc brake. Akebono Brake Industry Co., Ltd. 2363965 Relay transmission method and device. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2363980 Method and apparatus for identifying components of a network having high (No. 2260) importance for network integrity. E-Therapeutics plc 2364050 Process and receiver for recovering paging message. ST-Ericsson SA 2364061 Circuits and methods for driving light sources. O2 Micro, Inc. 2364131 BRACE FOR DYNAMICALLY CORRECTING THE BENDING OF THE JOINTS OF THE LOWER LIMB. Cerioli, Mario 2364172 MATING MECHANISM FOR A PRESSURIZING UNIT AND CORRESPONDING SLEEVE IN A MEDICAL FLUID INJECTION DEVICE. Acist Medical Systems, Inc. 2364195 SCRAPPING DEVICE FOR A PRESSURISED FILTRATION PLANT. Gaudfrin 2364240 OPHTHALMIC MACHINE AND METHOD FOR MACHINING AND/OR POLISHING A LENS. Monnoyeur, Guy 2364258 ACTUATION MEANS FOR A ROTATABLY SUPPORTED FLAP IN AN AUTOMOBILE COMPRISING A PUSH-PUSH KINEMATICS. Itw Automotive Products GmbH 2364266 AN ADJUSTER AND A PACKAGING MACHINE COMPRISING SAID ADJUSTER. ELOPAK SYSTEMS AG 2364295 3-(BENZYLAMINO)-PYRROLIDINE DERIVATIVES AND THEIR USE AS NK-3 RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS. F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG 2364311 TROPANE UREA DERIVATIVES, PREPARATION THEREOF AND THERAPEUTIC APPLICATION THEREOF AS MODULATORS OF THE ACTIVITY OF 11BETAHSD1. SANOFI 2364383 APPARATUS FOR PRODUCING A WOUND COTTON WOOL BALL. Maschinenfabrik Rieter AG 2364386 IRONING BOARD. Kuse, Kolja; Göckelmann-Pesch, Angelika 2364456 DEVICE FOR THE OPTICAL GUIDING OF A LIGHT BEAM. Optinvent 2364500 PULL SWITCH APPARATUS. Products UK Limited 2364570 TRANSMISSION WITH HOPPING FOR PEER-TO-PEER COMMUNICATION. QUALCOMM Incorporated 2364786 Postal sorting device and method with selective weighing. Solystic 2364929 Workpiece holder, designed as a plastic container. Fritz Schäfer GmbH 2365775 ANALYTICAL TEST STRIP INSTRUMENT WITH A DIRECT CURRENT MOTOR AND GEAR. F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG; Roche Diagnostics GmbH 2365787 A METHOD FOR MAKING A DENTAL WORKPIECE. 3M Innovative Properties Company 3003 3004 2365791 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) PROCESSES AND SYSTEMS FOR LOADING MEDICAL IMPLANTS WITH STIMULATIVE GROWTH AGENTS. Alphatec Spine, Inc. 2365849 SOLDIER SUPPORT SYSTEM IN A VEHICLE. BMI Defense Systems, Inc. 2365990 ETHYLENE COPOLYMER WITH IMPROVED IMPACT RESISTANCE. SK Innovation Co., Ltd. 2365995 POLYETHYLENE HAVING FASTER CRYSTALLIZATION RATE AND IMPROVED ENVIRONMENTAL STRESS CRACKING RESISTANCE. Equistar Chemicals, LP 2366065 METHODS AND SYSTEMS FOR CONTROLLING THE ENGINE SPEED OF AGRICULTURAL VEHICLES. AGCO CORPORATION 2366067 ROAD ENERGY SYSTEM. Ozdemir, Cenk 2366239 HANDLING DISCONTINUOUS TRANSMISSION INDICATION BITS. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (publ) 2366250 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR SECURE DISTRIBUTION OF AUDIOVISUAL DATA ENCAPSULATED ACCORDING TO A PLURALITY OF TRANSPORT PROTOCOLS. NAGRA FRANCE SAS 2366257 METHODS AND SYSTEMS FOR FAST NETWORK ENTRY AND REENTRY IN MULTIPLE ACCESS NETWORKS. QUALCOMM Incorporated 2366598 VEHICLE WITH A BATTERY UNIT HEATING. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2366699 8-SUBSTITUTED ISOQUINOLINE DERIVATIVE AND USE THEREOF. Asahi Kasei Pharma Corporation 2366739 Conductive resin composition and chip-type electronic component. Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 2366762 Synergistic organoborate compositions and lubricating compositions containing same. Vanderbilt Chemicals, LLC 2366845 Active thermal insulation method and device for implementing said method. Orion Financement 2367296 Relay transmission method and device. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2367417 NET, IN PARTICULAR FOR A BASKET FOR PISICULTURE AND A METHOD AND DEVICE FOR PRODUCTION THEREOF. Geobrugg AG 2367472 HEART FAILURE DECOMPENSATION DETERMINATION. Medtronic, Inc 2367593 IMPLANTABLE MEDICAL DEVICE CROSSTALK EVALUATION AND MITIGATION. Medtronic, Inc. 2367635 FILE SHREDDER HAVING A METAL DETECTOR. Schwelling, Hermann 2367976 MACHINE FOR PRODUCING AND/OR TREATING A FIBER WEB. Voith Patent GmbH (30/07/2014) 2368132 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) CONCEPT OF GENERATING MESSAGES FOR UPDATING A REFERENCE DATABASE. Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. 2368141 ELECTROMAGNETIC SURVEY USING METALLIC WELL CASINGS AS ELECTRODES. PRAD Research and Development Limited; Schlumberger Technology B.V.; Services Pétroliers Schlumberger; Schlumberger Holdings Limited 2368241 RETRACTABLE BANNER STANDS. Skyline Displays, Inc. 2368650 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR MANUFACTURING BENT PRODUCT. Sumitomo Pipe & Tube Co., Ltd.; Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation 2369435 Bayesian approach to identifying sub-module failure. Hamilton Sundstrand Corporation 2369571 Display device and its driving method. Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha 2369913 HEATABLE FLOOR FOR LIVESTOCK STALLS. MIK INTERNATIONAL AG 2369955 CONTAINER FOR RAZOR BLADE CARTRIDGES. Eveready Battery Company, Inc. 2369961 FOOD PROCESSING APPARATUS AND METHOD. Nestec S.A. 2369963 INFUSION UNIT. SGL ITALIA S.R.L. CON UNICO SOCIO 2370012 IMPLANT AND BONE SCREW HAVING INTERLOCKING CAMS. Universität Rostock 2370151 IMPLANTABLE MEDICAL DEVICE CROSSTALK EVALUATION AND MITIGATION. Medtronic, Inc. 2370153 ELECTRICAL STIMULATION LEADS HAVING RF COMPATIBILITY AND METHODS OF MANUFACTURE. Boston Scientific Neuromodulation Corporation 2370174 IMPLANTABLE CARDIOVERTER DEFIBRILLATOR CAPACITOR ASSEMBLY WITH FLEX CIRCUIT. Medtronic, Inc. 2370189 TRANSPORT OF AN OBJECT ACROSS A SURFACE. FraunhoferGesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. 2370236 UTILITY CUTTER. ADCO Industries - Technologies L.P. 2370330 CONTAINER FEEDING MEANS. KHS GmbH 2370499 PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF ACRYLIC AND METHACRYLIC ESTERS OF POLY(TRIMETHYLENE ETHER) GLYCOL. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company 2370714 ELECTROMAGNETIC ACTUATING UNIT. Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG 3005 3006 2370727 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) SUSPENDED, WALL, OR CEILING LUMINAIRE. RZB Rudolf Zimmermann, Bamberg GmbH 2371055 METHOD AND CONTROL DEVICE FOR CONTROLLING AN ELECTRIC MOTOR. Robert Bosch GmbH 2371629 COLLISION DETERMINATION SYSTEM, OCCUPANT RESTRAINT SYSTEM, AND VEHICLE. Takata Corporation 2372793 LED package mounting structure. Hitachi Consumer Electronics Co. Ltd. 2372921 Interactive sound reproducing. Bose Corporation 2373070 METHOD FOR BASE STATION TO OBTAIN RADIO CAPABILITY INFORMATION OF USER EQUIPMENT IN LONG TERM EVOLUTION SYSTEM. ZTE Corporation 2373237 ANGULATED LOCKING PLATE/SCREW INTERFACE. OsteoMed LLC 2373258 INFUSION OF DRUGS. Milux Holding SA 2373613 LINEAR AMINE FUNCTIONALIZED POLY(TRIMETHYLENE ETHER) COMPOSITIONS. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company 2373893 IMPROVED TUNNEL VENTILATION DEVICE. Mosen Ltd 2374116 METAL OXIDE SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE FOR USE IN UHF ELECTRONIC ARTICLE SURVEILLANCE SYSTEMS. Tyco Fire & Security GmbH 2375120 Support arm. Stichting Escrow TV-Motions 2375193 Operating method for air conditioner with multiple compressors. LG Electronics Inc. 2375287 Radiation sensitive composition. Founder Fine Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.; Wang, Tung-Chi; Yeh, Ching-Yu 2375482 FUEL CELL SYSTEM. Samsung SDI Co., Ltd. 2375886 A ROTARY PARLOUR FOR MILKING OF ANIMALS. DeLaval Holding AB 2376192 ISOLATION OF SENSING AND STIMULATION CIRCUITRY. Medtronic, Inc. 2376299 ANTI-SKID PROTECTION DEVICE FOR VEHICLE WHEELS HAVING ERGONOMIC HANDLE. RUD Ketten Rieger & Dietz GmbH u. Co. KG 2376986 HOROLOGICAL MOVEMENT WITH AUTOMATIC WINDING AND MOVING ESCAPEMENT. La Fabrique Du Temps Sa 2377108 WIRELESS ELECTRONIC ARTICLE SURVEILLANCE SYNCHRONIZATION SYSTEM AND METHOD WITH DATA TRANSFER. Sensormatic Electronics, LLC 2378436 Virtual customer database. Accenture Global Services Limited 2378666 Digital controller for automatic rate detection and tracking of audio interface clocks. Dialog Semiconductor GmbH (30/07/2014) 2378927 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) DEVICE FOR DEMONSTRATING AND TESTING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF AN ANTI-REFLECTIVE TREATMENT OF AN OPHTHALMIC LENS. Essilor International (Compagnie Générale d'Optique) 2379386 ACTUATING DEVICE AND METHOD FOR ACTUATING SUCH AN ACTUATING DEVICE. WABCO GmbH 2379388 ELECTROMECHANICAL BRAKE BOOSTER. Robert Bosch GmbH 2379799 HEADBOX FOR A MACHINE FOR PRODUCING A FIBROUS WEB. Voith Patent GmbH 2379800 HEADBOX FOR A MACHINE FOR PRODUCING A FIBROUS WEB. Voith Patent GmbH 2380193 COMPONENT HAVING A VIA, AND A METHOD FOR PRODUCING THE COMPONENT. Robert Bosch GmbH 2380483 ENDOSCOPE. OLYMPUS MEDICAL SYSTEMS CORP. 2380568 Method of producing and crystallizing reduced coenzyme Q10. KANEKA CORPORATION 2380630 Expandable brachytherapy apparatus. Cianna Medical, Inc. 2380889 Thiazolyl MGLUR5 antagonists and methods for their use. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 2381664 Systems and methods of synchronizing ring tone cycles and delivery of DTMF tones. BlackBerry Limited 2381699 Microphone. Knowles Electronics Asia PTE. Ltd. 2382116 WINDSHIELD WIPER UNIT, PARTICULARLY FOR A MOTOR VEHICLE. Robert Bosch GmbH 2382516 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR RECOGNIZING THE WORKING RANGE OF A MOBILE TOOL. Robert Bosch GmbH 2382533 IMPROVED ELECTRONIC LABEL SYSTEM, IN PARTICULAR FOR DISPLAYING DATA AT A POINT OF SALE. Store Electronic Systems 2382543 GRANULAR APPLICATION DATA LIFECYCLE SOURCING FROM A SINGLE BACKUP. Symantec Corporation 2382939 MULTI-JOINT MANIPULATOR DEVICE AND ENDOSCOPE SYSTEM HAVING THE SAME. OLYMPUS MEDICAL SYSTEMS CORP. 2383002 Oxigenator with integrated arterial filter including filter frame. Sorin Group Italia S.r.l. 2383226 Process for making titanium dioxide. E.I. Du Pont De Nemours And Company 2383503 Fluid Transfer Assembly. Dow Corning Corporation 2383810 Method of forming a device with a piezoelectric transducer. Fujifilm Dimatix, Inc. 3007 3008 2384034 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) METHOD, APPARTUS AND SYSTEM FOR REALIZING SERVICE ROAMING. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2384768 Phenylpropionamide compounds and the use thereof. Purdue Pharma LP 2385738 Communicating protocol data unit in a radio access network. Nokia Corporation 2385880 MULTIJET NOZZLE HAVING PLATE SLIDE VALVE. Mankiewicz Gebr. & Co. (GmbH & Co. KG) 2386250 Cardiac parameter measurement. Cardiogal Ltd. 2388002 Antidepressant containing heterocyclic compound having specific structure. ZENYAKU KOGYO KABUSHIKIKAISHA 2388340 Method of detecting H7 avian influenza virus. EIKEN KAGAKU KABUSHIKI KAISHA; JAPAN as represented by DIRECTOR GENERAL OF NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES 2388604 High voltage liquid dielectric test vessel. Megger Instruments Limited 2389043 Method and system for handover between different types of access systems. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2389332 AN EXPANDABLE SHAFT. Lindale Produkter 2389340 REACTOR FOR PRODUCING POLYCRYSTALLINE SILICON USING THE MONOSILANE PROCESS. Schmid Silicon Technology Gmbh 2389487 MODULAR CONTAINER SYSTEM. Peck, Gunnar 2389902 Minimally invasive lateral intervertebral fixation system. International Spinal Innovations, LLC 2390338 Delta-8 desaturases and their use in making polyunsaturated fatty acids. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company 2390339 Delta-8 desaturases and their use in making polyunsaturated fatty acids. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company 2390389 Hot-melt adhesive polyester conjugate fiber. ES FiberVisions Hong Kong Limited; ES FiberVisions Co., Ltd.; ES FiberVisions LP; ES FiberVisions APS 2392846 Pipe coupling. Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics Corporation; Saint-gobain Performance Plastics Asti 2392911 Method and apparatus for simulating electrical characteristics of a coated segment of a pipeline. Saudi Arabian Oil Company 2393117 Solid state image sensor, imaging apparatus, and electronic device. Sony Corporation 2393131 Semiconductor light emitting device and method for manufacturing same. Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba 2393636 SENSOR ASSISTED INDUSTRIAL ROBOT. SMS Siemag AG 2394575 Detection of congestion from monitoring patient response to a recumbent position. CARDIAC PACEMAKERS, INC. (30/07/2014) 2394582 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) ULTRASOUND OBSERVATION APPARATUS. OLYMPUS MEDICAL SYSTEMS CORP. 2394586 Sharpoint needle. Covidien LP 2395894 Cleaning device with rotating brushes. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2395895 Cleaning device with rotating brushes. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2396385 ALKALINE EARTH METAL SILICATE LUMINOPHORES AND METHOD FOR IMPROVING THE LONG-TERM STABILITY THEREOF. Leuchtstoffwerk Breitungen GmbH 2396575 GASKETS HAVING ADDITIONAL SEALING ELEMENT. Federal-Mogul Sealing Systems GmbH 2397094 Elbow fracture fixation system. BIOMET C.V. 2397096 Bending tool for shaping a bone plate. BIOMET C.V. 2397191 Self-belay set as well as system with belay points. Strasser, Philipp 2397740 Fitting for tube and pipe. Swagelok Company 2398557 REPLACEABLE CARTRIDGE FOR LIGHT-BASED DERMATOLOGIC TREATMENT DEVICE. Shaser, Inc. 2399763 System and method for assembling a tire and a wheel. Android Industries LLC 2400177 Clutch with clearance recovery devices. ADLER S.p.A. 2400188 System for controlling an automatic transmission with clutches for shifting gears without any wheel interruption. RENAULT S.A.S. 2400362 Adaptable security mechanism for preventing unauthorized access of digital data. Microsoft Corporation 2400642 Current mode PWM control with adaptive current decay mode selection. STMicroelectronics Srl 2401038 ELEMENT FOR THE ATTACHMENT OF PARTS OF A SAFETY HARNESS. Camp S.p.A. 2402179 System and method for assembling a tire and a wheel. Android Industries LLC 2402533 Hinge for connecting a leaf with a frame so as to be hinged around a hinge axle. Dr. Hahn GmbH & Co. KG 2402587 Fuel injection valve and fuel injection device. DENSO CORPORATION; Nippon Soken, Inc. 2402837 Powered device classification in a wired data telecommunications network. Cisco Technology, Inc. 2403318 Circuits and methods for driving light sources. O2 Micro, Inc. 2404539 Water distributor for a water conducting domestic appliance. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 2404914 Agrochemical compositions comprising alkoxylated glycerol acetals and their derivatives. Cognis IP Management GmbH 3009 3010 2404941 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Method of manufacturing rubbery polymer and rubber reinforced thermoplastic resin composition using the same. LG Chem, Ltd. 2405783 LUGGAGE. Samsonite IP Holdings S.a.r.l 2407113 Device for taking at least one sample of tissue. Coloplast A/S 2407191 Air separator extracorporeal fluid treatment sets. Gambro Lundia AB 2407255 METHOD FOR OPERATING A FACILITY FOR THE BIOMETHANISATION OF SOLID ORGANIC WASTE AND FACILITY FOR SAME. Romero Batallan, Carlos 2410888 EXTENSIBLE CLASP FOR A BRACELET, IN PARTICULAR A WATCHSTRAP. Thi Technologies Horlogère Industrielle S.A. 2414697 BRAKE DISK. Faiveley Transport Witten GmbH 2417065 REPLACEABLE CARTRIDGE FILTER FOR FILTERING SYSTEMS, PARTICULARLY FOR THE TREATMENT OF DRINKING WATER, AND FILTERING SYSTEM INCLUDING SAID FILTER. Laica S.p.a. 2418914 Mobile terminal, network entity and method related thereto. Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. 2419190 COMBINATION OF A FILTER ELEMENT AND A CORE ELEMENT, AND A FILTER ELEMENT. Parker Hannifin Manufacturing Netherlands (Filtration) B.V. 2420178 ENDOSCOPE. OLYMPUS MEDICAL SYSTEMS CORP. 2420816 Assembly for measuring the hardness of semi-solid materials. Petrotest Instruments GmbH & Co. KG 2421160 Data processing apparatus and method. Sony Corporation 2421161 Data processing apparatus and method. Sony Corporation 2421162 Data processing apparatus and method. Sony Corporation 2421163 Data processing apparatus and method. Sony Corporation 2421164 Data processing apparatus and method. Sony Corporation 2421165 Data processing apparatus and method. Sony Corporation 2421166 Data processing apparatus and method. Sony Corporation 2421262 Video signal receiption device and video signal transmission system. Thine Electronics, Inc. 2421341 Electronic component and method of manufacturing the same. FUJITSU LIMITED 2421342 Method of manufacturing an electronic component. FUJITSU LIMITED 2423916 Methods, apparatus and computer program product for frame erasure recovery. Qualcomm Incorporated 2423988 Semiconductor light emitting device. Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba (30/07/2014) 2425535 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Mobile phone with improved keyboard scanning and component reduction and method. Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB 2425760 ENDOSCOPE SYSTEM. Olympus Medical Systems Corp. 2425822 Sustained release tablets with hydromorphone. Acino Pharma AG 2425902 Dust-removing apparatus. SHINKO CO., LTD. 2425905 Metal rolling method. JP Steel Plantech Co. 2426823 Data processing apparatus and method. Sony Corporation 2427994 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR INCREASING THE SPEED OF SUCCESSFUL ENTANGLEMENT CREATION AND QUANTUM REPEATER USING THE SAME. Inter-University Research Institute Corporation Research Organization of Information and Systems; HewlettPackard Development Company, L.P. 2428579 Improved methods for BEAMing. The Johns Hopkins University 2431972 Method and apparatus for multi-sensory speech enhancement. Microsoft Corporation 2432178 System and method for updating presence information in instant messaging applications on a mobile device. BlackBerry Limited 2433499 Noodle scraper. Nissin Foods Holdings Co., Ltd. 2433876 Stackable low depth tray. Rehrig Pacific Company 2433931 New method for the preparation of erlotinib. F.I.S.- Fabbrica Italiana Sintetici S.p.A. 2434795 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR OBTAINING WIRELESS LOCAL AREA NETWORK ACCESS POINT DEPLOYMENT PLAN. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2435281 WIPER BLADE FOR A WINDSHIELD WIPER. Robert Bosch GmbH 2436433 Odour preventing air filter assembly for a vehicle. Volvo Car Corporation 2436457 Ring manufacturing method. Mokumeganeya Co. Ltd. 2436623 Method and device for removing a row of stacks. Adolf Mohr Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG 2436632 Holding device for a winding material suction gun. Starlinger & Co. Gesellschaft m.b.H. 2437001 Service device for cleaning and maintenance of a solar panel arrangement. Manu Systems AG 2437003 Solar panel for glazing system. Sunstrip AB 2437091 Optical fibre coil with a self-supporting coil of a fibre optic coil and method for producing same. ATLAS Elektronik GmbH 2437134 Low electromagnetic emission driver. STMicroelectronics (Rousset) SAS 3011 3012 2437256 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) METHOD AND DEVICE FOR REALIZING TRACE OF BACKGROUND NOISE IN COMMUNICATION SYSTEM. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2437337 Cathode, method of preparing the same, and lithium battery including the cathode. Industry-University Cooperation Foundation Hanyang University; Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 2437377 Permanent magnet rotor for an electric motor. ZF Friedrichshafen AG 2437448 Method for Processing Received OFDM Data Symbols and OFDM Baseband Receiver. Blue Wonder Communications GmbH 2437469 Method and apparatus for establishing a security association. TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET LM ERICSSON (publ) 2437528 Method for dual sim dual standby terminal. ST-Ericsson SA 2437529 Technique for managing measurements for multiple subscriptions in a mobile terminal. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 2437555 Network initiated detach with reattach. HTC Corporation 2437584 HEAT DISSIPATER, HEAT DISSIPATION METHOD FOR COMMUNICATION DEVICE, AND COMMUNICATION DEVICE. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2438806 Motive device for shaking rods of a harvesting machine. Pichler, Wilhelm 2438808 Work device with an electric drive motor. Andreas Stihl AG & Co. KG 2438836 Assembly of at least one lightweight construction board with a carrier plate comprising a power supply and lightweight furniture. Halemeier GmbH & Co. KG 2438883 Stool, in particular for dentistry. CEFLA SOCIETA' COOPERATIVA 2438884 Endodontic system. VDW GmbH 2438974 Buoyant cleaning assembly. Gabelgaard, Keld 2439022 Bidirectional transmission power tool. Hung, Fu-Tung; Winpower Energy Technology Company Limited 2439027 Slicing machine for food products. Rollmatic S.r.l. 2439028 Paperboard slitter machine. Tzu-Che, Lin 2439054 Apparatus and process for automatic continuous production of preforms. Eurocopter Deutschland GmbH 2439076 Control of the production of bookbinding articles through image recognition from printing files. Meccanotecnica S.p.A. 2439080 A pneumatic tire with a woven or knitted reinforcement. The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company 2439081 A pneumatic tire with a woven or knitted reinforcement. The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company (30/07/2014) 2439088 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Energy-efficient controlling of air conditioning system. Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH 2439089 Motor vehicle air conditioning. Behr France Rouffach SAS 2439095 Automatic locking device for fuel tanks. Köhler Automobiltechnik GmbH 2439103 Sheath for installing a headrest on a backrest of an automotive vehicle seat. Centre d'Etude et de Recherche pour l'Automobile (CERA) 2439104 Device for preventing the sliding of a metal rod for attaching a headrest to a backrest of an automotive vehicle seat. Centre d'Etude et de Recherche pour l'Automobile (CERA) 2439106 Power fold mechanism. SMR Patents S.à.r.l. 2439113 Inflatable airbag for pedestrian impact. Autoliv Development AB 2439118 Hybrid vehicle and method of controlling a hybrid vehicle. Mitsubishi Jidosha Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha 2439122 Control system of vehicle. Toyota Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha 2439131 Air guide plate for the underside of a motor vehicle. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2439135 Door assembly, in particular for a helicopter, provided with an emergency release device. AGUSTAWESTLAND S.p.A. 2439140 Spigot fastener comprising means for measuring the loads generated by an aircraft engine.. Airbus Operations (S.A.S.) 2439142 Device for transporting and inserting goods to be packed. Uhlmann Pac-Systeme GmbH & Co. KG 2439147 Closing device for a drink can. Schütz, Fabian; Hermann, Andreas 2439149 Bag packaging. Amcor Flexibles Kreuzlingen Ltd. 2439234 Polymer Composition. Borealis AG 2439238 Polypropylene with living hinge properties. Borealis AG 2439241 Moisture-thickening heat-conductive silicone grease composition. Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd. 2439329 Washer-dryer with a drying unit. Miele & Cie. KG 2439343 Covering cut stone. Berding Beton GmbH 2439440 Coupling device with locking by threaded clamps and coupling including such a device. Staubli Faverges 2439502 Device for detecting the presence of a fluid, such as a liquid fluid, in a space of a container and method using such a device. IFP Energies Nouvelles 2439531 Assay for identifying a malignant, follicular tumour. Skova Services Ltd. 2439559 Method for operating of a metal detection system and metal detection system. Mettler-Toledo Safeline Limited 2439560 Method for monitoring the operation of a metal detection system and metal detection system. Mettler-Toledo Safeline Limited 3013 3014 2439570 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Modular support system for optical fiber trays. 3M Innovative Properties Company 2439613 Keyboard having key with integral biometric input device. Research In Motion Limited 2439678 Smart card. NXP B.V. 2439679 A single-antenna vehicle transponder with a power-save function. Kapsch TrafficCom AB 2439700 Method and Arrangement for Identifying Virtual Visual Information in Images. Alcatel Lucent 2439777 Tunnel field effect transistor. NXP B.V. 2439808 Device for the electrical connection of battery modules. SAFT 2439826 Cable entry seal for motor-driven compressor. Kabushiki Kaisha Toyota Jidoshokki 2439862 Determination of a maximum transmission distance for heterogeneous types of optical fibre. Alcatel Lucent 2439885 Method for digital communication between a plurality of nodes connected by a serial field bus and corresponding system, in particular a field control system or field surveillance system. Honeywell International Inc. 2439905 Data channel set up latency reduction. Research In Motion Limited 2439958 A method of determining parameters in an adaptive audio processing algorithm and an audio processing system. Oticon A/S 2439969 Authentication of personal data over telecommunications system. TeliaSonera AB 2439989 Method of handling a network attach procedure for a machine-typecommunication (MTC) device selecting a new PLMN and related MTC device. HTC Corporation 2441326 Flow metering device for milking plants. INTERPULS S.P.A. 2441352 Reinforced shelving upright. Interges.Com 2441393 Surgical instrument. Eberle GmbH & Co. KG 2441424 Wheelchair provided with foot-rest. Segula Matra Technologies 2441425 Wheelchair. Segula Matra Technologies 2441508 Filter disc, disc filter and filtration method. BOKELA Ingenieurgesellschaft für Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik mbH 2441533 A tool for stamping workpieces and a method for sorting stamped workpieces. Kirchhoff Polska Sp. z o.o. 2441535 Method for seaming T profiles and apparatus for implementing the method. DALLAN S.P.A. (30/07/2014) 2441546 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Method and apparatus to form selective emitter areas on a solar cell. Innovavent GmbH; JENOPTIK Optical Systems GmbH 2441555 Method for manufacturing rubber granulates or rubber powders. Continental Reifen Deutschland GmbH 2441571 Proces for manufacturing a composite component. General Electric Company 2441574 Method and device for constructing open bases at end sections of tubular bag bodies. Starlinger & Co Gesellschaft m.b.H. 2441577 In-mold label and method for producing the same. NAN YA PLASTICS CORPORATION 2441592 Parquet floor board. Schulte, Guido 2441599 Connecting element for chains, in particular for tyre chains. RUD Ketten Rieger & Dietz GmbH u. Co. KG 2441601 Turntable for the intersection of two vehicles with a jointed connection. Hübner GmbH 2441607 Air guidance device for an electrochemical energy storage unit and method for manufacturing an air guidance device. Behr France Rouffach SAS 2441608 Sunroof apparatus. Yachiyo Industry Co., Ltd. 2441614 Driving-assistance method of an automobile. Renault s.a.s. 2441629 Motor vehicle comprising means to automatically replace a battery and corresponding method of replacing batteries. BA Systèmes 2441655 Assembled transmission device with bi-rotating directional input and constant rotating directional output. Yang, Tai-Her 2441664 Submarine. ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems GmbH 2441666 Door assembly, in particular for a helicopter, provided with an emergency release device. AGUSTAWESTLAND S.p.A. 2441667 Door assembly, in particular for a helicopter, provided with an emergency release device. AGUSTAWESTLAND S.p.A. 2441672 Device for attaching a fitting to a fixing structure of a vehicle. Diehl Service Modules GmbH 2441676 Aircraft nacelle including a continuous joining area between an outer wall and a front frame and fabrication method. Airbus Opérations SAS 2441683 Sealing station and method for cutting a cover film. MULTIVAC Sepp Haggenmüller GmbH & Co KG 2441690 Cartoning machine. Tinarelli S.r.l. 2441692 An apparatus and a method for removing a sterile product from a sterile package containing the product. CO.RI.M.A. S.r.l. 2441695 Improved container for liquids. SMURFIT KAPPA ITALIA S.P.A. 2441700 Holder assembly with reinforcement element. Schneider, Ekkehard, Dipl.-Ing. 3015 3016 2441710 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) A method and an apparatus for transferring articles from a packaging machine to containers. Marchesini Group S.p.A. 2441711 A method and an apparatus for transferring syringes. Marchesini Group S.p.A. 2441786 Glass-fiber reinforced polyoxymethylene. Ticona GmbH 2441803 Flame retardant organopolysiloxane composition. Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd. 2441813 High abrasion resistance tape. PLASTO 2441876 Device for dispensing liquid products. FagorBrandt SAS 2441880 Method for drying clothes in a drier and a moisture estimation control to obtain an automatic cycle termination. Whirlpool Corporation 2441917 Root adapting device and method of attaching a blade in a recess of a rotatable shaft of a steam turbine. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2441966 Control device for a hydraulic consumer. Hydac Filtertechnik GmbH 2441967 Control device for a hydraulic consumer. Hydac Filtertechnik GmbH 2441968 Fluid electric connection device and valve battery. FESTO AG & Co. KG 2441992 Hydraulic seat valve. HAWE Hydraulik SE 2441997 A pipe coupling. Sandvik Intellectual Property AB 2442034 A cooking hob with a balance system and a method for adjusting the temperature of a cooking vessel. Electrolux Home Products Corporation N.V. 2442088 Clamping device for turbine blade. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2442096 Determination of electromagnetic properties of samples. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, K.U. Leuven R&D; IMEC 2442114 Accelerometer based on the measurement of Casimir force fluctuations. Research In Motion Limited 2442115 Clamp meter with detachable clamp and clamp storage area. Milwaukee Electric Tool Corporation 2442177 Backlight unit and liquid crystal display device. Hitachi Displays, Ltd.; Panasonic Liquid Crystal Display Co., Ltd. 2442287 Failsafe signal transmission for wireless sensor mesh. Honeywell International Inc. 2442291 Traffic event monitoring. Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH 2442314 Auxiliary system for assisting a movement system of fuel elements of a nuclear reactor. Ansaldo Nucleare S.p.A. 2442319 Feedthrough for high voltage discharge lines in oil transformers. ABB Technology AG 2442320 Mould for producing hollow cylinder moulded parts. ABB Technology AG 2442321 Feedthrough for high voltage discharge lines in oil transformers. ABB Technology AG 2442322 Oil transformer isolation module. ABB Technology AG (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2442323 Oil transformer isolation module. ABB Technology AG 2442332 Method for manufacturing sealed contactor. LSIS Co., Ltd. 2442337 Key contactor device. Sewosy, Société Par Actions Simplifiée 2442345 Electromagnetic switching apparatus. LSIS Co., Ltd. 2442348 Photomultiplier tube. Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. 2442388 Spinel type lithium-transition metal oxide. Mitsui Mining & Smelting Co., Ltd 2442399 Battery pack. Makita Corporation 2442456 Antenna diversity for magnetic induction radio. NXP B.V. 2442462 Method and apparatus for supplying power to a connection device. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (publ) 2442480 Communications device with adaptive clock frequency. NXP B.V. 2442481 Obtaining a control word to reveal a client device identity. Irdeto B.V. 2442504 Method and devices for device control via instant messaging. Research In Motion Limited 2442537 System and method for controlling functions on electronic devices. Research In Motion Limited 2442600 Near-field communication (NFC) system providing nfc tag geographic position authentication and related methods. Research In Motion Limited 2442953 DEVICE AND METHOD FOR EDGING WORKPIECES. IMA Klessmann GmbH Holzbearbeitungssysteme 2443935 Edible product. Fuji Oil Europe 2443939 Acrylamide mitigation and color management in a potato fry. ConAgra Foods RDM, Inc. 2443953 Fastening device in particular for sports footwear. GI.DI. Meccanica S.p.A. 2443967 Backrest for a seat and seat. Stoll Giroflex AG 2444035 Dynamic shoulder joint orthotic, in particular shoulder abduction orthotic, with floating upper arm rail part. Albrecht GmbH 2444128 Adjustable exercise device. Chen, Paul 2444146 Method and apparatus for mixing liquids. DEKA Products Limited Partnership 2444167 Adapter for screen elements. Metso Minerals (Sweden) AB 2444172 Device for unloading fine blanked or fine stamped pieces from a tool of a press. Feintool Intellectual Property AG 2444176 Axial/radial ring rolling system and method of operating such an axial/radial ring rolling system. C. Groene Consulting, Unip LDA 2444187 Whirling cutting device. Reika GmbH & Co. KG 2444198 System for the insertion of a gasket in the bell joint of a pipe in plastic material and for the simultaneous control of the gasket position. IPM S.R.L. 2444208 Handling device. FESTO AG & Co. KG 3017 3018 2444244 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) composite material and process for manufacturing that material. Universität Stuttgart 2444248 Tampon printing press and method for at least two-stage printing of an object. Teca-Print AG 2444249 Tampon printing press and method for at least two-stage printing of an object. Teca-Print AG 2444254 Aluminum alloy strip for electrochemical roughening and method for producing same. Hydro Aluminium Rolled Products GmbH 2444260 Synchronization of tyre bead breaker tools. Snap-on Equipment Srl a unico socio 2444261 Coupling system for connection devices for a multiple use vehicle. Hako GmbH 2444267 A fuel tank. Coskunoz Metal Form, Makina Endustri Ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi 2444282 Pulsed indication unit for vehicles. SMR Patents S.à.r.l. 2444285 Height-adjustable loading floor. Skoda Auto A.S. 2444287 Clamping device. Sauermann, Hans 2444309 Bicycle disc brake. Tektro Technology Corporation 2444317 Hydraulic circuit for actuating a landing gear and methods for extending and raising a landing gear using such a circuit. Messier-Bugatti-Dowty 2444324 Deep draw packaging machine and method for stretching a sheet of film. Multivac Sepp Haggenmüller GmbH & Co. KG 2444332 Dispensing device suitable for avoiding burnishing of the plastic wall thereof when said device contains a coloured or oxidation-sensitive product. Soupletube 2444340 System and method for gripping and raising objects. Multivac Sepp Haggenmüller GmbH & Co. KG 2444353 Suspension device for lifting chains. Kröger, Ernst-Günther 2444363 Method and device for capping containers with container closures. Krones AG 2444364 Isobaric machine for filling contaniers with liquids. Gruppo Bertolaso S.p.A. 2444373 Method for producing polycrystalline silicon rods. Wacker Chemie AG 2444426 Method for producing block copolymers. Rohm and Haas Company; Dow Global Technologies LLC 2444456 Self-adhesive hardener composition. Wacker Chemie AG 2444515 Rough dense ceramic sealing surface in turbomachines. United Technologies Corporation 2444534 Movement setting device for detaching roller of comber. Kabushiki Kaisha Toyota Jidoshokki 2444535 Method and means for measured control of tape-like warps for shedding and taking-up operations. Tape Weaving Sweden AB 2444553 Ramming and traction device. ABI Anlagentechnik-BaumaschinenIndustriebedarf Maschinenfabrik und Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2444561 A panel. Soft Cells A/S 2444586 Removable Ladder System for Housing and Storage Modul, and Ladder therefor. Tractel SAS 2444592 Rotor assembly and corresponding gas turbine engine. Rolls-Royce plc 2444593 Friable ceramic rotor shaft abrasive coating. United Technologies Corporation 2444614 System intended for reducing the amount of NOx in the exhaust gaz of a motor vehicle. Aaqius & Aaqius S.A. 2444651 Valve assembly for an injection valve and injection valve. Continental Automotive GmbH 2444677 Pneumatic actuator for ejecting a payload carried by an aircraft and related ejection method. DASSAULT AVIATION 2444682 Stop of slide for transmission structure. Wen, Shih-Chou 2444687 Insulating coating with mass amplification. EUROCOPTER 2444691 Rope crossing and rope toy and method for manufacturing a rope crossing and device for executing the method. Berliner Seilfabrik GmbH & Co. 2444704 Pipe coupling. SC Sunpower Concept Est. 2444710 Acoustic elbow for fluid transport pipelines. Raccords et Plastiques Nicoll 2444744 Module for assembling a heater. Zehnder Verkaufs- und Verwaltungs AG 2444777 Mode switching technique for a navigation device. Elektrobit Automotive GmbH 2444786 A pressure measuring glow plug for a combustion engine. Sensata Technologies, Inc. 2444798 Wide temperature range ph-meter. COMMISSARIAT A L'ENERGIE ATOMIQUE ET AUX ENERGIES ALTERNATIVES 2444817 Current detection circuit for a power semiconductor device. Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. 2444818 A pulse-echo ranging system and method. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2444861 Function selector. Audemars Piguet (Renaud et Papi) SA 2444866 Control device for operating an automated machine. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2445087 A generator, in particular for a wind turbine. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2445104 Very high efficiency flexible travelling wave amplifier. Thales 2445174 Push to release cover for a portable electronic device. Research In Motion Limited 2445236 Method of operating a base station of a cellular communications network. Alcatel Lucent 2445316 Lighting device and illumination fixture using the same. Panasonic Corporation 2445318 LED signal lamp with constant current operation. Thales Deutschland GmbH 2446402 MATRIX WITH ADHESIVE RFID-IDENTIFICATION LABELS. IER 2446724 Agricultural machine. John Deere Fabriek Horst B.V. 3019 3020 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2446727 A cutting element for a hedge trimmer. Tecomec S.r.l. 2446728 Walk-behind lawn mower. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2446748 Method for producing a chocolate mass and device for same. LIPP Mischtechnik GmbH 2446774 Height-adjustment device and height-adjustable table. Sedus Stoll AG 2446780 Chair, in particular an office chair. Dauphin Entwicklungs- u. Beteiligungs GmbH 2446782 Support for slats of a slatted bed frame. Hartmann, Siegbert 2446827 Providing a body mark in an ultrasound system. Samsung Medison Co., Ltd. 2446841 Bolt and tool with anti-torque features. Stryker Trauma SA 2446875 Mixing device and method for reconstructing or mixing a medicinal liquid. Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH 2446939 Golf ball with changeable dimples. Nike International Ltd. 2446975 Method for manufacturing a flexible piping device for an exhaust gas system of a motor vehicle. Sjm Co., Ltd. 2446999 Method for processing a workpiece using a grinding wheel. Supfina Grieshaber GmbH & Co. KG 2447000 Method for processing a workpiece using a surface grinding machine. Supfina Grieshaber GmbH & Co. KG 2447001 Double-sided surface grinding machine. Supfina Grieshaber GmbH & Co. KG 2447013 Method and device for machining robot-guided components. INSYS Industriesysteme AG; MTU Aero Engines GmbH 2447022 Chain brake device for a chain saw operated by pressurised air. Spitznas Maschinenfabrik GmbH 2447065 Method of ink rheology control in a variable data lithography system. Palo Alto Research Center Incorporated 2447076 Recording apparatus. Brother Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha 2447080 Cartridge assembly, cartridge holder, and printer. Seiko Epson Corporation 2447084 Liquid ejection apparatus. Brother Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha 2447088 Hub manufacturing method and wheel provided with the hub. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2447092 Tire tread. The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company 2447093 Tire tread. The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company 2447140 Straddle-ride type vehicle. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2447141 Front structure for saddle-type vehicle. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2447142 Saddle riding type vehicle. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2447150 Surround for an opening made in an aircraft panel, and method of fitting it. Airbus Operations (S.A.S.) (30/07/2014) 2447151 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Aircraft panel comprising an opening equipped with a surround. Airbus Operations (S.A.S.) 2447156 Rotorcraft provided with hoisting means and associated method. EUROCOPTER 2447160 Adaptable boom for in-flight refuelling system. EADS Construcciones Aeronauticas, S.A. 2447171 Deep draw packaging machine and method for operating the same. Multivac Sepp Haggenmüller GmbH & Co. KG 2447186 Hand-held dispenser for croquettes, food articles, drugs and granular products in general. Pack to Market S.r.l. 2447194 Star wheel conveyor. Krones AG 2447200 Method for producing a coiled roll of an extended good. THE Machines Yvonand SA 2447204 Industrial vehicle. Kabushiki Kaisha Toyota Jidoshokki 2447224 Glass machine for producing container glass. Saint-Gobain Oberland AG 2447305 Polyetherimide Stitched Reinforcing Fabrics And Composite Materials Comprising The Same. General Electric Company; The Boeing Company 2447315 Pneumatic tire with tire layer and barrier layer adhered thereto and method of making the same.. The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company 2447316 Tire with tie layer and method of making same.. The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company 2447510 Powerplant of an aircraft, aircraft and method for piloting said aircraft. EUROCOPTER 2447535 Controller for a motor-driven compressor. Kabushiki Kaisha Toyota Jidoshokki 2447547 Hydraulic pressure control apparatus. Jatco Ltd 2447570 Swash-plate type gearing. Puchhammer, Gregor 2447571 Tranmission for hybrid vehicle. Aisin Seiki Kabushiki Kaisha 2447605 Heating element and method of manufacturing a base body of a heating element. Electrolux Home Products Corporation N.V. 2447717 Rapid method for targeted cell (line) selection. Lonza Biologics plc. 2447728 Spectroscopic battery-cell-impedance measurement arrangement. NXP B.V. 2447731 Magnetic sensor. Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 2447733 Optoelectronic sensor. Sick AG 2447737 Method and device for fault analysis and redundancy switching in a power supply for an instrument cable towed in water. KONGSBERG SEATEX AS 2447762 Display apparatus. LG ELECTRONICS INC. 2447773 Method for producing a pattern, method for producing a MEMS structure, use of a cured film of a photosensitive composition as a sacrificial layer or as a component of a MEMS structure. Fujifilm Corporation 3021 3022 2447775 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Resist underlayer film composition and patterning process using the same. ShinEtsu Chemical Co., Ltd. 2447781 Electrophotographic photosensitive member, process cartridge, and electrophotographic apparatus. Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 2447843 Method for verifying an application program of an error-free memoryprogrammable control device and memory-programmable control device for carrying out the method. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2447882 Method and device for assigning sources and sinks to routes of individuals. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2447927 System and process for estimating the availability and/or occupied status of car parks located in a given urban area at a given time. Bmob Sagl 2447940 Method of and apparatus for providing audio data corresponding to a text. FRANCE TELECOM 2447964 Machine for winding toroidal components of electrical machines. MARSILLI & CO. S.P.A. 2447969 Switching device for low voltage electrical circuits. ABB S.p.A. 2448067 Electrical plug for a portable electronic device. Research In Motion Limited 2448072 Media bar and table. Sedus Stoll AG 2448114 Method and apparatus for efficient and distortion compensated digital Class-D amplifier ternary modulation scheme. ST-Ericsson SA 2448120 Semiconductor device and ultrasonic diagnostic apparatus using the same. Hitachi, Ltd. 2448159 Multidirectional add and drop devices for an optical network element. Alcatel Lucent 2448205 Method and apparatus for soft-decision sphere decoding. Intel Mobile Communications Technology Dresden GmbH 2448225 Navigation tool holder. BlackBerry Limited 2449920 Device for locking panels of a folding table, table-supporting leg and ping-pong table provided with such a device. Cornilleau SAS 2449923 Elastic belt. Mayr, Dietmar; Weingartner, Josef 2450061 Absorbent core comprising a not cross-linked polycarboxylic acid based polymer. The Procter & Gamble Company 2450091 Filter device. Bunri Incorporation 2450166 Method for cutting a length of food into slices. Reifenhäuser, Uwe 2450199 Pneumatic tire. Sumitomo Rubber Industries, Ltd. 2450213 Device for lifting and lowering the roof of a load vehicle supported on telescopic posts. F. Hesterberg & Söhne GmbH & Co. KG (30/07/2014) 2450245 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) A braking apparatus for a vehicle and a vehicle comprising said braking apparatus. Meritor Technology, LLC 2450259 Motor vehicle with electric power steering. Audi AG; Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft 2450270 Bicycle front fork. Yuan Min An Enterprise Co., Ltd. 2450410 Hase-thickened composition. Rohm and Haas Company; Dow Global Technologies LLC; ANGUS Chemical Company 2450416 Methods and compositions for suspending fluids in a wellbore. Schlumberger Technology B.V. (STBV); Services Pétroliers Schlumberger; Schlumberger Holdings Limited; PRAD Research and Development Limited 2450607 Fluidic device unit structure. Surpass Industry Co., Ltd. 2450747 Electrophotographic photosensitive member, method for producing the same, process cartridge, and electrophotographic apparatus. Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 2450761 Apparatus and process for diving a closing device comprising a stepper motor. Compliss 2450834 Method and machine for processing moving mail with matrix accumulators. Solystic 2450929 Push-push electric switch. Legrand France; Legrand SNC 2450991 Plant and process for the treatment of exhausted accumulators and batteries. ECO Recycling s.r.l. 2451027 Electrical device for a portable electronic device. Research In Motion Limited 2451082 Method and device for configuring electric and/or electronic circuits. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives 2451744 INSTALLATION AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING ACTIVE CARBON. Blücher GmbH 2452590 Wood material-based table top. Werzalit GmbH + Co. KG 2452596 Drink preparation machine with sensor assembly. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 2452597 Drink preparation device with different acoustic patterns. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 2452658 Tailor-made compression/containment orthosis for reinforcing the muscularaponeurotic pump of the calf. Innothera Topic International 2452790 Processing station for a stamping machine and method for removing a test blank. Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG 2452817 Film transfer device with variable guidance system. Heidelberger Druckmaschinen Aktiengesellschaft 2452836 Heavy duty pneumatic tire. Sumitomo Rubber Industries, Ltd. 3023 3024 2453116 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Method for checking the activation of a selective catalytic reduction system. PSA Peugeot Citroen Automobiles S.A. 2453253 A multi-directional active sensor system and a method for sensing electromagnetic radiation. Raytheon Company 2453406 Ultrasonic image processing apparatus. Hitachi Aloka Medical, Ltd. 2453415 Method and arrangment for determining passing times at control points, in particular for sport events. SPORTident GmbH 2454870 SUPPORT IN HSS FOR EMERGENCY TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 2455175 Cutting machine. Makita Corporation 2455200 Universal hair tapering method. Nittchoyamato Co., Ltd. 2455201 Paper perforator. Esselte Leitz GmbH & Co. KG 2455241 Connection socket for trailers. ConWys AG 2455412 Hydrophobically modified alkylene oxide urethane polymer. Rohm and Haas Company 2455431 Ink and ink set for inkjet recording. Fujifilm Corporation 2455589 Abrasive cutter formed by thermal spray and post treatment. United Technologies Corporation 2455913 Specular object pose estimation. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 2456077 Data processing apparatus and method. Sony Corporation 2456186 Door station of a building communication system. ABB AG 2457434 Concave with at least one deconstructable insert. Deere & Company 2457726 Packaging material for metallic objects susceptible to corrosion. Mondi Gronau GmbH 2457728 Method for laminating substantially board-shaped workpieces. Robert Bürkle GmbH 2457780 Gas lance for an air belt, air belt and method for fitting a gas lance in an air belt. Berger GmbH & Co. Holding KG 2457941 Polyoxymethylene polymer compositions having improved creep. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company 2458259 Standalone greaser provided with optical signalling. NTN-SNR Roulements 2458320 Contact type shape measuring apparatus. Canon Kabushiki Kaisha 2458425 Illumination system of a microlithographic projection exposure apparatus. Carl Zeiss SMT GmbH 2458567 Media Cassette. NCR Corporation 2458663 Positive active material for rechargeable lithium battery, method for manufacturing the same, and rechargeable lithium battery including the same. Samsung SDI Co., Ltd. (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal 2458946 Communication system for controlling electrical loads. ABB AG 2459427 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR DETECTING THE DERAILMENT OF A (No. 2260) GUIDED VEHICLE. Siemens SAS 2460684 Swivel seat. KEIPER GmbH & Co. KG 2460920 Needling device. Texnology S.R.L 2461181 Sensor assembly for recognising objects. Sick AG 2461208 Dual view display. Delphi Technologies, Inc. 2462984 Power supply for light-based dermatologic treatment device. Shaser, Inc. 2462985 Power supply for light-based dermatologic treatment device. Shaser, Inc. 2462986 light-based dermatologic treatment device. Shaser, Inc. 2462987 Light-based dermatologic treatment device. Shaser, Inc. 2463038 Panel-bending machine tool with improved movement of the sheet-pressing device and of the blade-holder device. XP Technology S.r.l. 2463532 Sealing washer assembly for large diameter holes on flat surfaces. Hamilton Sundstrand Corporation 2463565 Pipe connection assembly. McAven, Oscar 2463955 Antenna. Fujitsu Limited 2464621 METHOD FOR PREPARING POLYAMINE COMPOUNDS. Dow Global Technologies LLC 2464680 ABSORBENT STRUCTURES COMPRISING POST-CROSSLINKED WATER-ABSORBENT PARTICLES. THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY 2465588 Mounting arrangement for elements of a safety binding on a ski. Skis Rossignol 2465869 Method for manufacturing L-amino acids using improved strains of the enterobacteriaceae family. Evonik Degussa GmbH 2466607 Electromagnetic actuator with at least two coils. Schneider Electric Industries SAS 2466611 Electrical protection device comprising the differential protection function. Schneider Electric Industries SAS 2466989 Method for manufacturing an electrical heating device. Eberspächer catem GmbH & Co. KG 2468504 Method and device for producing a laminating film. Esselte Leitz GmbH & Co. KG 2469296 Optoelectronic sensor and method for recording and determining the distance of an object. Sick AG 2469411 A distributed object storage system. Amplidata NV 3025 3026 2471061 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) MULTI-MODE AUDIO SIGNAL DECODER, MULTI-MODE AUDIO SIGNAL ENCODER, METHODS AND COMPUTER PROGRAM USING A LINEAR-PREDICTION-CODING BASED NOISE SHAPING. FraunhoferGesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. 2471365 Synergistic combination of flumetsulam with thiabendazole. Dow Global Technologies LLC 2471413 Seat and/or lounger. Helmert, Werner 2473733 CONTROL DEVICE FOR A HYDRAULIC MOTOR. Eaton Corporation 2474253 Brewing element for a coffee machine. Severin Elektrogeräte GmbH 2474813 Airport feature data interchange method for conformal display. GE Aviation Systems LLC 2475498 ROTARY INDEXING TABLE HAVING A DIRECT DRIVE OF THE TRANSPORT CAM. Weiss GmbH 2477445 Method and base station. LG Electronics Inc. 2478519 REVERBERATOR AND METHOD FOR REVERBERATING AN AUDIO SIGNAL. Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. 2478673 RECOVERY OF TRAFFIC IN A CONNECTION-ORIENTED NETWORK. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (publ) 2479008 A gripping device of a container. G.F. S.p.A. 2479044 Reduction element for tyre chain and tyre chain. RUD Ketten Rieger & Dietz GmbH u. Co. KG 2479534 Optoelectronic sensor. Sick AG 2481286 Synergistic combination of flumetsulam or diclosulam with diiodomethyl-ptolysulfone. Dow Global Technologies LLC 2481511 Gold removal from electronic components. Raytheon Company 2482679 GRINDER-DISPENSER APPARATUS FOR FROZEN MATERIAL. Starstatus Trading Internacional Lda 2483006 ASSEMBLY OF A PLATEN AND A PRESSURE RING FOR EXTRUSION PRESS AND EXTRUSION PRESS COMPRISING SUCH AN ASSEMBLY. Danieli & C. Officine Meccaniche SpA 2483099 DISPLAY UNIT. Johnson Controls GmbH 2483203 PRODUCTION OF CALCIUM CARBONATE. Calcitech Synthetic Minerals Ltd. 2484060 Technique for controlling data forwarding in computer networks. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) (30/07/2014) 2484166 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR INITIAL RANGING FOR ESTABLISHING A TIME REFERENCE FOR A PREDEFINED SIGNATURE SIGNAL. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 2484399 Safety medical syringe with retractable needle. Midland Medical Devices Holdings, LLC 2484604 Package for the preservation and cooking of food products and method of its use. Pastificio Rana S.p.A. 2484742 Shale hydration inhibition agent and method of use. M-I L.L.C. 2485575 Supporting and driving assembly for a blade carrier disc of a rotary multiple-disc mowing machine. Gribaldi & Salvia S.p.A. 2485577 COMPRESSION ROLL HOUSING. AGCO GmbH 2485627 PORTIONED SYSTEM FOR PREPARING A NUTRITIONAL PRODUCT. Nestec S.A. 2485661 SURGICAL INSTRUMENT. Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc. 2485683 ENUCLEATION BALL AND METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING SUCH A BALL. Kasios 2485697 METHOD FOR EMBOSSING AN ABSORBENT ARTICLE USING A SEGMENTED ANVIL. The Procter & Gamble Company 2485699 HOSPITAL BED. Flotteor 2485728 WNT PATHWAY ANTAGONISTS. Siena Biotech S.p.a. 2485858 SINTERED COUPLING RING. Miba Sinter Austria GmbH 2485865 PART HOLDER FOR MACHINE TOOL WITH PRELOADING OF A HYDROSTATIC SUPPORTING BEARING. Hpt Sinergy S.r.l. 2485866 WORKPIECE HOLDER OF A MACHINE TOOL WITH MEANS FOR ESTIMATING THE ECCENTRICITY OF THE WORKPIECE. Hpt Sinergy S.r.l. 2485905 COMPOSITION, METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR BALANCING A ROTARY SYSTEM. Carnehammar, Lars Bertil 2485911 REDIRECTING TRANSMISSION. Oberaigner, Wilhelm 2485929 HANDLE BRAKE DEVICE. Invacare International Sàrl 2485931 COUPLING WITH INJECTION- MOULDED PLASTIC HOUSING. KnorrBremse Systeme für Nutzfahrzeuge GmbH 2485932 FLOOR PAN FOR HIGH-SPEED TRAINS. Offene Aktiengesellschaft "Russische Eisenbahnen"; Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2485936 UTILITY VEHICLE CAB SUSPENSION. Agco SA 2485945 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR FORMING AND PACKAGING MOLDED TOBACCO PIECES. Philip Morris Products S.A. 3027 3028 2486007 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) SPECIFIC NON COMPETITIVE PEPTID AND PEPTIDOMIMETIC MODULATORS OF THE GLYCOPROTEIN P. Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS 2486014 MODULATORS OF G PROTEIN-COUPLED RECEPTOR 88. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company; Lexicon Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 2486030 MODULATORS OF G PROTEIN-COUPLED RECEPTOR 88. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company; Lexicon Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 2486041 HYDROXYL, KETO, AND GLUCURONIDE DERIVATIVES OF 3-(4-(7HPYRROLO[2,3-D]PYRIMIDIN-4-YL)-1H-PYRAZOL-1-YL)-3CYCLOPENTYLPROPANENITRILE. Incyte Corporation 2486066 METHOD FOR RE-WETTING SURFACE POST-CROSS-LINKED, WATERABSORBENT POLYMER PARTICLES. BASF SE 2486088 RUBBER COMPOSITION COMPRISING A 1,2,4-TRIAZINE DERIVATIVE COMPOUND. COMPAGNIE GENERALE DES ETABLISSEMENTS MICHELIN; MICHELIN Recherche et Technique S.A. 2486091 CURING ACTIVATORS. Bridgestone Corporation 2486092 RUBBER COMPOSITION COMPRISING A THIADIAZOL COMPOUND. COMPAGNIE GENERALE DES ETABLISSEMENTS MICHELIN; MICHELIN Recherche et Technique S.A. 2486171 CATHODE FOR ELECTROLYTIC PROCESSES. Industrie De Nora S.P.A. 2486176 COMBING MACHINE HAVING A SLIVER-GUIDING MEANS. Maschinenfabrik Rieter AG 2486181 METHOD FOR TREATING FOAM, CORRESPONDINGLY PROGRAMMED CONTROL DEVICE AND CORRESPONDING LAUNDRY TREATMENT MACHINE. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 2486202 ACOUSTIC PANEL. Brown, Petter 2486303 DRIVE BELT PROVIDED WITH A LAMINATED SET OF STEEL RINGS. Robert Bosch GmbH 2486325 CASCADING ONCE THROUGH EVAPORATOR. NEM Energy B.V. 2486328 COMBUSTION APPARATUS. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2486334 METHODS AND DEVICES FOR DISPLACING BODY CONVECTION AND PROVIDING A CONTROLLED PERSONAL BREATHING ZONE. Airsonett AB 2486354 MACHINE FOR DESCALING CELLULAR BODIES OF AN AIR-WATER HEAT EXCHANGER. Arts 2486361 APPARATUS FOR CLEANING TUBES OF A HEAT EXCHANGER. Tube Tech International Ltd. (30/07/2014) 2486395 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) METHOD AND DEVICE FOR THE AUTOMATIC INSPECTION OF A CABLE SPOOL. COMPAGNIE GENERALE DES ETABLISSEMENTS MICHELIN; MICHELIN Recherche et Technique S.A. 2486401 METHODS AND APPARATUS FOR DESIGNING A CEMENT COMPOSITION. Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. 2486403 BREATH SENSOR. Autoliv Development AB 2486440 LIQUID CRYSTAL LENSES HAVING ATTENUATED SWITCHING NOISE. VOLFONI R&D 2486602 Device and method for removing coatings from solar modules. Komax Holding AG 2486648 SLOW SPEED OPERATION OF BRUSHLESS DIRECT CURRENT MOTORS BY GATING PULSE WIDTH MODULATION DRIVE. Microchip Technology Incorporated 2486658 EFFICIENT SIGNALING FOR CLOSED-LOOP TRANSMIT DIVERSITY. Qualcomm Incorporated 2486733 CUSTOMIZED AUDIO/ANTENNA MODULE. GETTOP Europe R&D ApS 2486756 METHODS AND SYSTEMS FOR REGISTRATIONS AND SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS IN PEER-TO-PEER NETWORKS VIA CELLULAR OVERLAYS. Qualcomm Incorporated 2486763 METHODS AND APPARATUS FOR SCALING TRANSMIT POWER OF SIGNALS IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. Qualcomm Incorporated 2487154 Pyrrolidinyl beta-amino amide-based inhibitors of dipeptidyl peptidase IV and methods. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company 2487411 Heat sink for LED lighting device. Zumtobel Lighting GmbH 2488012 METHOD FOR DETERMINING THE IDENTITY OF AN ANIMAL AT AT LEAST A FIRST LOCATION. N.V. Nederlandsche Apparatenfabriek NEDAP 2488050 METHIONINE-RICH COMPOSITION FOR FEEDING ANIMALS. Roquette Freres 2488062 SLIDING ARRANGEMENT. Karl Simon GmbH & Co. Kg 2488076 ESPRESSO MACHINE OR FULLY AUTOMATIC COFFEE MACHINE HAVING AUTOMATIC DETERMINATION OF THE GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION AND/OR THE DEGREE OF GRINDING OF GROUND COFFEE. WMF Württembergische Metallwarenfabrik Aktiengesellschaft 2488134 OPHTHALMOSURGICAL MEASURING DEVICE. Carl Zeiss Meditec AG 2488143 Wheelchair having a height-adjustable and inclination-adjustable seat. Otto Bock Mobility Solutions GmbH 2488149 DERMATOLOGICAL AND/OR COSMETIC COMPOSITION USED TO REGENERATE SKIN. Laboratoire Cosmetique De Lecousse 3029 3030 2488183 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Composition for inhibiting TGF-beta comprising imidazopurine derivatives. Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences 2488215 METHOD FOR DEACTIVATING UNDESIRED CONTAMINATIONS IN LEECH EXTRACTS. Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH 2488230 OCCLUSION RECOGNITION IN AN ADMINISTERING APPARATUS. Tecpharma Licensing AG 2488285 OPTIMIZED WORK EXCHANGER SYSTEM. AQUALYNG AS 2488340 .A COMPACT MACHINE FOR DIFFERENTIATED RECUPERATION OF INDUSTRIAL SCRAP. MG Recycling S.r.L. 2488377 LINING ASSEMBLY FOR A PIVOT ARM OF A VEHICLE DOOR. DURA Automotive Body & Glass Systems GmbH 2488392 COVER FOR THE LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT OF A MOTOR VEHICLE. Centre d'Etude et de Recherche pour l'Automobile (CERA) 2488401 LED-TYPE LUMINOUS SIGNALING DEVICE AND RELATIVE CONTROL METHOD. SOLARI DI UDINE SPA 2488424 PEEL-SEAL FOIL FOR REALIZING A VALVE. Mondi AG 2488479 PROCESS FOR STARTING UP A SEPARATING PROCESS FOR PURIFICATIVE REMOVAL OF ACRYLIC ACID CRYSTALS FROM A SUSPENSION S OF CRYSTALS THEREOF IN MOTHER LIQUOR. BASF SE 2488498 Methods and devices for the production of aqueous solutions of cyanopyridines. Lonza Ltd 2488526 COMPOUNDS FOR THE TREATMENT OF HEPATITIS C. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company 2488538 METHOD OF PRODUCING AN AMINOALKYLALKOXYSILANE. Dow Corning Corporation 2488556 PROCESSES FOR PREPARATION OF CYCLIC ACYCLIC DIENE COPOLYMER AND RUBBER COMPOSITION. Bridgestone Corporation 2488568 METHOD FOR PRODUCING HYPERBRANCHED POLYHYDROXYBENZOIC ACID ALKOXYLATES. BASF SE 2488577 COMPOSITE MATERIALS HAVING GRAPHENE LAYERS AND PRODUCTION AND USE THEREOF. Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH 2488633 IN VITRO METHOD FOR OBTAINING INTRAHEPATIC FIBROBLASTS INFECTED WITH HEPATITIS C VIRUS. Assistance Publique Hôpitaux De Paris; Université Paris Descartes 2488653 Using cell debris generated from PHA recovery for enhanced cell growth. Bio On S.r.l. 2488677 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR PRODUCTION OF ROTATABLE SPUTTERING TARGETS. Gradel S.à.r.L. (30/07/2014) 2488686 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) A SYSTEM FOR SUPPORTING AND ORIENTATING FOR A CURVEDNEEDLE SEWING MACHINE. Ciucani Mocassino Machinery S.r.l. 2488711 Hinge covering for a roof window. CSA Lundegaard Holding APS 2488725 TURBINE WHEEL HAVING AN AXIAL RETAINING RING LOCKING THE BLADES IN RELATION TO A DISC. Turbomeca 2488823 DEVICE FOR CHECKING BRAKED AND UNBRAKED WHEELS OF VEHICLES. Lambrecht, Willy; Lambrecht, Johan 2488846 A LEAK CONTROL SYSTEM FOR A WATER SUPPLY. Dantaet Electronics A/S 2488854 IMAGING METHOD AND SYSTEM USING SUBSTRATE FUNCTIONALIZATION. Université de Technologie de Troyes 2488926 LOW POWER REFERENCE. Energy Micro AS; Faerevaag, Erik Fossum 2489053 A HYBRID CIRCUIT BREAKER. ABB Research Ltd. 2489089 METHOD FOR PRODUCING ELECTRODE CATALYST FOR FUEL CELL. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA; Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH 2489100 CLAMPING SCREW WITH COVER AND INSTALLATION SWITCHING DEVICE. ABB AG 2489137 A terminal for communicating with a satellite and a device of a short range network. Astrium Limited 2489139 DEVICE AND METHOD FOR RADIO RESOURCE CONTROL IN A SATELLITE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM. THALES 2489159 METHOD OF ASSOCIATING OR RE-ASSOCIATING DEVICES IN A CONTROL NETWORK. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2489187 METHOD FOR CODING SYMBOLS FROM A DIGITAL IMAGE SEQUENCE. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2489529 Anti slip device for a wheel and a method for mounting the anti slip device. Thule Sweden AB 2489604 ARRANGEMENT FOR A DROPPER. Quimenton, Marcos Antonio 2489765 Apparatus for the production of yarn. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company; Magellan Systems International, LLC 2490094 Hinge capable of absorbing stress. Yuan Deng Metals Industrial Co., Ltd. 2490514 Printed wiring board, method of soldering quad flat package IC, and air conditioner. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 2490549 PROCESS FOR MANUFACTURING LEAF TEA. Unilever PLC; Unilever NV 2490554 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR RECOVERING HEAT FROM INTERMITTENTLY AND BRIEFLY RELEASED BLOW-OFF STEAM CHARGES. Doomernik Consulting Engineers B.V. 3031 3032 2490581 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) MILK FROTHING METHOD AND MILK FROTHING DEVICE FOR IMPLEMENTING THE METHOD. Elektra S.R.L. 2490646 DISPENSING HEAD FOR A FLUID DISPENSER. Aptar France SAS 2490749 GUIDE TUBE FOR NEEDLES OF A TATTOO MACHINE. Surbone, Andrea 2490799 VESSEL FOR CONTAINING CATALYST IN A TUBULAR REACTOR. Davy Process Technology Limited 2490818 CYCLONE SEPARATOR FOR HIGH GAS VOLUME FRACTION FLUIDS. FMC Separation Systems, BV 2490840 HOLDING DEVICE FOR HOLDING AN OBJECT SUCH AS A WIRE BLANK. Forsberg, Bengt 2490848 Milling cutter and method of constructing a milling cutter. Iscar Ltd. 2490856 PROCESS MONITORING FOR HIGH-SPEED JOINING. Böllhoff Verbindungstechnik GmbH 2490857 IMPROVED PICK-UP VERTICAL LATHE. Siecab S.r.l. 2490858 GRINDING MACHINE COMPRISING TWO SPINDLE SETS. Schaudt Mikrosa GmbH 2490859 GRINDING MACHINE AND METHOD FOR GRINDING AND DEBURRING. Schaudt Mikrosa GmbH 2490860 DEVICE FOR STIFFENING A WORKPIECE BY MEANS OF A CLAMPING PLATE, AND METHOD FOR RETAINING AND PROCESSING A WORKPIECE HAVING A CLAMPING PLATE. Fooke GmbH 2490865 PROTECTIVE SENSOR SYSTEM FOR A HAND-HELD POWER TOOL. Robert Bosch GmbH 2490885 VULCANIZING PRESS. COMPAGNIE GENERALE DES ETABLISSEMENTS MICHELIN; MICHELIN Recherche et Technique S.A. 2490887 TRANSFER DEVICE FOR TRANSFERRING A FOLDING BOX. IWK Verpackungstechnik GmbH 2490912 DISPLAY INSTRUMENT HAVING A POINTER. Johnson Controls Automotive Electronics GmbH 2490914 IMPROVED FILLING SYSTEM FOR VEHICULAR FLUID CONTAINER. Inergy Automotive Systems Research (Société Anonyme) 2490928 PUSH DEVICE WITH CLEARANCE COMPENSATION FOR RACK-ANDPINION STEERING OF A MOTOR VEHICLE. JTEKT Europe 2490942 APPARATUS FOR WRAPPING STACKED GOODS WITH A FILM. Dücker Automation GmbH 2490962 FILTERING AND PERMEABLE CONTAINER FOR SUBSTANCES SUITABLE FOR THE PREPARATION OF BEVERAGES. Rapparini, Gino (30/07/2014) 2490963 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) CARTRIDGE FOR THE PREPARATION OF BEVERAGES. Kraft Foods R & D, Inc. 2490965 DEVICE FOR FORMING PRODUCT BATCHES IN ORDER TO LOAD SAME IN RECEPTACLES. Marel France 2491007 Inhibitors of the microsomal prostaglandin E2 synthase-1. Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH 2491031 FUSED HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUNDS AS OREXIN RECEPTOR MODULATORS. Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. 2491063 COPOLYMERS INCLUDING PHOSPHONATES AND/OR PHOSPHONIC ACID GROUPS USEFUL FOR FORMING FUEL CELL MEMBRANES. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2491100 PROCESS FOR THE EXTRACTION OF UNSAPONIFIABLE MATTER FROM RENEWABLE RAW MATERIAL.. Valagro Carbone Renouvelable Poitou-Charentes 2491107 TUBULAR PHOTOBIOREACTOR. Wacker Chemie AG 2491163 COMPOSITION AND PROCESS FOR IMPROVED ZINCATING OF MAGNESIUM AND MAGNESIUM ALLOY SUBSTRATES. Atotech Deutschland GmbH 2491168 DEVICE FOR OBTAINING A MULTICRYSTALLINE SEMICONDUCTOR MATERIAL, IN PARTICULAR SILICON, AND METHOD FOR CONTROLLING THE TEMPERATURE THEREIN. Saet S.p.A. 2491182 VEHICLE RESTRAINT SYSTEM WITH BALLAST BODY. Heintzmann Sicherheitssysteme GmbH & Co. KG 2491234 TURBINE FOR TURBOCHARGER, TURBOCHARGER, VEHICLE AND METHOD FOR OPERATING A TURBOCHARGER. Continental Automotive GmbH 2491279 SEAL BETWEEN TWO ELEMENTS HAVING SEPARATE THERMAL EXPANSION COEFFICIENTS. Technetics Group France SAS; Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives; ARMINES 2491290 VENTILATION DUCT. Malmö Air AB 2491293 POLYGONAL LNG VESSEL. GAZTRANSPORT ET TECHNIGAZ 2491304 CYCLONE SEPARATOR FOR THE PHASE SEPARATION OF A MULTIPHASE FLUID STREAM, STEAM TURBINE SYSTEM HAVING A CYCLONE SEPARATOR AND ASSOCIATED OPERATING METHOD. AREVA GmbH 2491331 DEVICE FOR CLEANING THE INSIDE OF THE BARREL OF A FIREARM. NIEBLING technische Bürsten GmbH 3033 3034 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal 2491334 IDENTIFICATION DEVICE. QinetiQ Limited 2491336 SELF-MIXING INTERFERENCE DEVICE WITH WAVE GUIDE (No. 2260) STRUCTURE. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2491347 MODE SWITCHING TECHNIQUE FOR A NAVIGATION DEVICE. Elektrobit Automotive GmbH 2491367 METHOD FOR DETERMINING THE SOFTNESS OF TISSUE PAPER. Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V.; Technische Universität Dresden 2491453 BAR FOR SPECTACLES AND SPECTACLES COMPRISING THIS BAR. Prada SA 2491492 AUTOMATION SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR OPERATING AN AUTOMATION SYSTEM. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 2491527 METHOD FOR CREATING A MOSAIC IMAGE USING MASKS. Tomtom Belgium N.V.; Tom Tom Polska SP. Z.O.O. 2491558 DETERMINING AN UPPERBAND SIGNAL FROM A NARROWBAND SIGNAL. Qualcomm Incorporated 2491588 ESD/ANTENNA DIODES FOR THROUGH-SILICON VIAS. Synopsys, Inc. 2491644 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR OFFSETTING THE INPUT VOLTAGE UNBALANCE IN MULTILEVEL INVERTERS OR THE LIKE. Bticino S.p.A. 2491659 TIME AND FREQUENCY ACQUISITION AND TRACKING FOR OFDMA WIRELESS SYSTEMS. QUALCOMM Incorporated 2491687 AGGREGATE POLICING APPLYING MAX-MIN FAIRNESS FOR EACH DATA SOURCE BASED ON PROBABILISTIC FILTERING. Cisco Technology, Inc. 2491698 METHOD AND ARRANGEMENT FOR LOCATING SERVICES IN A PEERTO-PEER NETWORK. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 2491727 HEARING AID SYSTEM WITH LOST PARTNER FUNCTIONALITY. Widex A/S 2491732 WIRELESS ACCESS POINT. Ubiquisys Limited 2493335 METHOD FOR OBTAINING A CURCUMA RHIZOME JUICE. Wembi, Lomena; Sonntag, Jean-Claude 2493345 ARTICLE OF FOOTWEAR WITH STRAPS. Nike International Ltd. 2493422 A SPEECH VALVE, A TOOL FOR FACILITATING INSERTION OF A SPEECH VALVE AND A TOOL FOR HOLDING A SPEECH VALVE. The University Of Hull 2493452 STABLE PROTECTIVE COATINGS FOR PHARMACEUTICAL DOSAGE FORMS. BASF SE (30/07/2014) 2493462 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) PTEROSTILBENE (PTER) FOR USE IN THE PREVENTION AND/OR TREATMENT OF SKIN DISEASES, DAMAGES OR INJURES. Green Molecular, S.L. 2493553 OFFSET ELECTRODE. Ethicon, Inc 2493563 IDENTIFICATION AND TREATMENT OF JUNCTIONAL RHYTHMS. Medtronic, Inc 2493622 SIDE WALL FOR A ROLLER PRESS. KHD Humboldt Wedag GmbH 2493654 COOLANT ADAPTER. Gregory, Jason Nicholas; Dewfall, Christopher John; Evans, Clive Jenkin; Pimble, Mark Stephen 2493740 DATA BUS FOR A HYBRID VEHICLE. ZF Friedrichshafen AG 2493741 DEFORMABLE ASSEMBLY ACTING AS AN INTERCOMMUNICATING GANGWAY BETWEEN TWO CONSECUTIVE BODIES HAVING WHEELED BASES. Lohr Industrie 2493753 PARTIALLY SUBMERSIBLE WIND TURBINE TRANSPORT VESSEL. Windflip AS 2493756 WATER CRAFT. Hoerbiger Automatisierungstechnik Holding GmbH 2493760 STORAGE COMPARTMENT MODULE WITH AN INTEGRATED SUPPLY CHANNEL FOR OPTIMIZED INSTALLATION. Airbus Operations GmbH 2493775 A LID FOR CONTAINERS SUCH AS CANS AND THE LIKE. Corima International Machinery S.r.l. 2493779 PACKAGING CONTAINER WITH OVERPRESSURE RELIEF, PACKING METHOD AND SYSTEM. Mandzsu, Zoltan; Mandzsu, Jozsef, Id.; IFJ. Mandzsu, József 2493792 DEVICE FOR GRIPPING A CONTAINER HAVING A NECK AND UNIT PROVIDED WITH A TRANSPORT DEVICE COMPRISING AT LEAST ONE SUCH GRIPPING DEVICE. Sidel Participations 2493815 THERMAL DESALINATION. Surrey Aquatechnology Limited 2493880 HETEROBICYCLE-SUBSTITUTED AZOLYL BENZENE FUNGICIDES. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company 2493937 SLURRY PHASE POLYMERISATION PROCESS. INEOS Manufacturing Belgium NV 2493940 PROCESS FOR THE ISOLATION OF SULFONYL FLUORIDE POLYMERS AND POLYMERS OBTAINED THEREFROM. Solvay Specialty Polymers Italy S.p.A. 2493948 USE OF TIN CATALYSTS FOR THE PREPARATION OF POLYURETHANE COATINGS. Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH 2493962 METHOD FOR PRODUCING (HYDROXYMETHYL)POLYSILOXANES. Wacker Chemie AG 3035 3036 2493993 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) SURFACE PROTECTIVE COATING AND METHODS OF USE THEREOF. Momentive Performance Materials Inc. 2494003 POLYMERIZABLE COMPOUNDS AND USE THEREOF IN LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAYS. Merck Patent GmbH 2494004 POLYMERISABLE LC MATERIAL AND POLYMER FILM WITH NEGATIVE OPTICAL DISPERSION. Merck Patent GmbH 2494069 METHOD FOR DETECTING BALANCED CHROMOSOMAL ABERRATIONS IN A GENOME. Roche Diagnostics GmbH; F.HOFFMANNLA ROCHE AG 2494156 GAS TURBINE STARTING PROCESS. Siemens Energy, Inc. 2494162 POWER TRAIN FOR HYBRID VEHICLE. Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft 2494192 Wind sensor system using blade signals. SSB Wind Systems GmbH & Co. KG 2494229 HYDROSTATIC ACTUATOR. Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG 2494249 PIPE COUPLING WITH SEAL PRESSING DEVICE. Krausz Industries Development Ltd. 2494346 IMPROVED COUPLING MEDIUM SUPPLY OF AN ULTRASONIC TEST DEVICE. GE Sensing & Inspection Technologies GmbH 2494630 ELECTROCHEMICAL CELL. Li-Tec Battery GmbH 2494631 BATTERY CELL SYSTEM. MAGNA STEYR Battery Systems GmbH & Co OG 2494639 DEACTIVATION OR DISCONNECTION OF AN ENERGY STORE. Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft 2494647 COOLING SYSTEM FOR ELECTRIC APPARATUS. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2494827 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR TIMESTAMPING UPLINK MESSAGES. Qualcomm Incorporated 2494837 COORDINATED SIGNALING OF SCHEDULING INFORMATION FOR UPLINK AND DOWNLINK COMMUNICATIONS. Sony Mobile Communications AB 2494839 SCHEDULING SIMULTANEOUS TRANSMISSIONS IN WIRELESS NETWORK. Qualcomm Incorporated 2495659 Architecture using integrated backup control and protection hardware. Hamilton Sundstrand Corporation 2496122 VACUUM CLEANER HAVING A WATER RECEPTACLE WITH NO FASTENING MEANS THEREINBETWEEN. Senur Elektrik Motorlari San. Ve Tic. A.S. (30/07/2014) 2496140 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Lancet hook for use in a lancet device. Roche Diagnostics GmbH; F.HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 2496141 DEVICE FOR TAKING A SAMPLE OF A BODY FLUID AND METHOD FOR IMPLEMENTING SAME. Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Besançon; Etablissement Français du Sang; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Université de Franche-Comté 2496382 METHOD FOR GRINDING THE MAIN AND PIN BEARINGS OF A CRANKSHAFT BY MEANS OF EXTERNAL CYLINDRICAL GRINDING AND GRINDING MACHINE FOR PERFORMING SAID METHOD. Erwin Junker Maschinenfabrik GmbH 2496456 METHOD FOR ACTUATING A STARTING PROCESS. ZF Friedrichshafen AG 2496460 RESTRAINING BELT FOR CHILDREN IN A SHOPPING CART. Sonnendorfer, Horst; Wieth, Franz 2496504 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR PRODUCING A CONTINUOUS PAPER WEB HAVING WATERMARKS. Giesecke & Devrient GmbH 2496548 Esters as perfuming ingredients. Firmenich S.A. 2496655 ADHESIVE POLYMER MADE OF N-BUTYLACRYLATE, ETHYLACRYLATE, VINYLACETATE AND ACID MONOMER. BASF SE 2496656 LABELS REMOVABLE BY WASHING LIQUIDS. BASF SE 2496756 DOMESTIC DRYER WITH A LINT FILTER AND METHOD FOR CLEANING A LINT FILTER. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 2496784 PROFILE ELEMENT FOR ROLLER SHUTTERS. Rehau AG + Co 2496929 A NANOHOLE ARRAY BIOSENSOR. Waterford Institute Of Technology 2497142 FUEL CELL ARRANGEMENT WITHIN ENCLOSURE. Baxi Innotech GmbH 2497233 DISJOINT PATH COMPUTATION ALGORITHM. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (PUBL) 2498410 Base Station and Communication Method. FUJITSU LIMITED 2498851 STORAGE DEVICE FOR A VENTILATION MASK. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 2498936 CUTTING TOOL. Iscar Ltd. 2498965 METHOD OF PRODUCING AN ARTICLE OF FIBER-REINFORCED MATERIAL. Dr. Ing. h.c.F. Porsche Aktiengesellschaft; Karlsruher Institut für Technologie 2499073 POTENTIAL FLUIDIZATION DEVICE FOR CONVEYING POWDER MATERIALS ONTO A HYPERDENSE BED. Rio Tinto Alcan International Limited 2499108 PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF PHENOL FROM CUMENE. versalis S.p.A. 3037 3038 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal 2499198 FLUOROPOLYMER EMULSIONS. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company 2499352 FUEL INJECTOR. Robert Bosch GmbH 2499501 DEVICE FOR EXTRACTING CONTAINERS AND PACKAGING (No. 2260) MACHINE. Robert Bosch GmbH 2499630 DISPLAY. ASPRE AG 2499753 DYNAMIC CONTROL OF THE ROUTING CAPABILITY OF SATELLITE SIGNALS WITH A DIGITAL TRANSPARENT PROCESSOR WITH FAST RECONFIGURATION.. Thales 2501462 METHOD FOR REDUCING NITROGEN OXIDES FROM THE EXHAUST GAS OF A COKE OVEN. ThyssenKrupp Uhde GmbH 2501590 WIPER BLADE OF FLAT BEAM CONSTRUCTION. Robert Bosch GmbH 2501730 ACRYLIC POLYMER. DSM IP Assets B.V. 2501889 FACILITY HAVING FANNED SEABED-TO-SURFACE CONNECTIONS. Saipem SA 2502300 FUEL CELL SYSTEM WITH GAS-LIQUID SEPARATOR IN ANODE RECIRCULATION PATH. Daimler AG 2502352 OPEN LOOP AND CLOSED LOOP ANTENNA TUNING. Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB 2503280 Sensor head and method for operating same. Dr. Johannes Heidenhain GmbH 2504197 ADJUSTING DEVICE. FGS Vermögensverwaltungs - Und Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH 2504212 METHOD FOR INCREASING THE LOAD OF A HEAT ENGINE. Peugeot Citroën Automobiles SA 2505249 Honeycomb structure and method of manufacturing honeycomb structure. IBIDEN CO., LTD. 2507102 METHOD FOR ACTUATING A SWITCHING VALVE IN A HYDRAULIC MOTOR VEHICLE BRAKE SYSTEM. Robert Bosch GmbH 2508051 COOLING DEVICE. Hydac Cooling GmbH 2508529 Transposon end compositions and methods for modifying nucleic acids. Epicentre Technologies Corporation 2509745 KIT FOR RETROFITTING AN ELECTRODE GRINDING DEVICE AND ELECTRODE GRINDING DEVICE. Tamm, Rolf 2509747 ELECTRODE GRINDING DEVICE. Tamm, Rolf 2509749 ELECTRODES GRINDING DEVICE. Tamm, Rolf 2509904 SELF-COMPENSATING FILAMENT TENSION CONTROL DEVICE WITH EDDY CURRENT BRAKING. RJS Corporation 2510215 FUEL INJECTOR. Robert Bosch GmbH 2510235 PUMP ARRANGEMENT. Robert Bosch GmbH (30/07/2014) 2510370 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) DETERMINING THE INTERNAL RESISTANCE OF A BATTERY CELL OF A TRACTION BATTERY THAT IS CONNECTED TO A CONTROLLABLE MOTOR/GENERATOR. Robert Bosch GmbH 2510371 MAGNETIC FIELD SENSOR. Robert Bosch GmbH 2510593 CONNECTING DEVICE FOR CONNECTING A HIGH-FREQUENCY (HF) CABLE TO AN HF INTERFACE. Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG 2512139 Video encoding method and decoding method, apparatuses therefor, programs therefor, and storage media which store the programs. Nippon Telegraph And Telephone Corporation 2512275 ADJUSTABLE STRAP ASSEMBLY, SLIDER AND CONNECTOR. Talon International, Inc. 2512729 AUXILIARY DEVICE FOR PERFORMING MANUAL WORK. Robert Bosch GmbH 2512752 HAND-POWER TOOL. Robert Bosch GmbH 2512859 METHOD FOR CONTROLLING AN ELECTRIC VEHICLE. Robert Bosch GmbH 2512879 WINDSCREEN WIPER DEVICE. Robert Bosch GmbH 2513713 PHOTOCHROMIC OPTICAL ARTICLE COMPRISING A SATURATED PHOTOCHROMIC COATING AND A FILM ABSORBING UV RADIATION. Essilor International (Compagnie Générale d'Optique) 2514023 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR REDUCING THE HUMIDITY OF A GAS IN A BATTERY HOUSING INTERIOR. Samsung SDI Co., Ltd.; Robert Bosch GmbH 2514038 ELECTRIC CONTACT FOR PLUG CONNECTIONS. Robert Bosch GmbH 2514614 Tyre chain with jointly encased holding means for tensioning. RUD Ketten Rieger & Dietz GmbH u. Co. KG 2516806 LAVAL NOZZLE. Robert Bosch GmbH 2516857 PISTON PUMP FOR AN HYDRAULIC VEHICLE BRAKING SYSTEM. Robert Bosch GmbH 2517344 BIDIRECTIONAL DC CONVERTER WITH BUFFER CAPACITOR AND CONTROLLABLE VOLTAGE AT THE CAPACITOR. Woodward IDS Switzerland AG 2519396 VENTILATION NOZZLE AND PLASTIC FILM STRETCHING SYSTEM HAVING AN ASSOCIATED VENTILATION NOZZLE. Brückner Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. Kg 2521412 Method for improving random access procedure in wireless communications system and related communication device. HTC Corporation 3039 3040 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 2522805 Bead chain type pull cord mechanism for a window shade. Zhu, Xiangrong 2523576 MODULAR HOLDER FOR AT LEAST ONE KEY AND/OR AT LEAST ONE TOOL. Ege, Halil; Antunovic, Ante; Jagust, Drazen 2523810 DEVICE FOR BEARING ONE OR MORE CYLINDERS OF A PRINTING PRESS. Koenig & Bauer Aktiengesellschaft 2529449 CABLE SHOE WITH SHELL-SHAPED PROFILE AND FASTENING DEVICE. Auto-Kabel Management GmbH 2530891 A MULTICAST FLOW CONTROL METHOD, DEVICE AND SYSTEM IN A PASSIVE OPTICAL NETWORK. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2535661 Modular type assembly system for the installation of photovoltaic system. Doors Sistem S.r.L. 2541867 Method and device for terminal management based on right control. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2541868 Method and device for terminal management based on right control. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2549227 Method for determining the tilt of an image sensor. Axis AB 2567926 Circuit device, safety device and lift device. Cedes AG 2567928 Sensor, safety device and lift device. Cedes AG 2569917 METHOD OF COMMUNICATION OF A SUBSCRIBER TERMINAL WITH A SERVICE. Siemens Enterprise Communications GmbH & Co. KG 2572979 Rotor blade erosion protection method. Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. 2579485 Method and system for receiving an optical-duo-binary signal. u2t Photonics AG 2581701 An apparatus for determining a dimension of a selected surface of an object. King Saud University 2581728 Calibration device for a thermal cycler. CYCLERtest B.V. 2586346 Cooking utility. AMT Alumetall Gießtechnik GmbH (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 3041 Request for Grant of Supplementary Protection Certificate The name and address of the requestor follow the number allocated to the request. The date in brackets following the name and address is the date of receipt of the request. The Patent number is that under which the product in respect of which a certificate is sought is, allegedly, protected. Market Authorisation references in respect of the product concerned are also shown. 2014036 BIOGEN IDEC MA INC., 14 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142, United States of America (25 June 2014) Patent No: 2137537; Compositions and Uses for Treating Multiple Sclerosis Product: Dimethyl-fumarate. Market Authorisation: Ireland EU/1/13/837/001-EU/1/13/837/002, 30/01/2014 2014037 BIOGEN IDEC INTERNATIONAL GMBH, Landis & Gyr-Strasse 3, 6300 Zug, Switzerland (25 June 2014) Patent No: 1131065; DIALKYLFUMARATES FOR THE TREATMENT OF AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES Product: Dimethyl-fumarate Market Authorisation: Ireland EU/1/13/837/001-EU/1/13/837/002, 30/01/2014 2014038 ASTRAZENECA AB, SE-151 85, Södertälje, Sweden (07 July 2014) Patent No: 1506211; C-ARYL GLUCOSIDE SGLT2 INHIBITORS AND METHOD Product: A combination of dapagliflozin or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof and metformin and pharmaceutically salts thereof as a protected by basic patent EP1506211 B1 Market Authorisation: Ireland EU/1/13/900/001-005, 16/01/2014 3042 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Patents Expired 68162 Int. Cl. (2011) A61M 37/00. Method and apparatus for forming a transdermal drug device. NOVEN PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. 0631968 Int. Cl. B66B 11/04 (2006.01); B66B 11/00 (2006.01); B66B 17/12 (2006.01). Traction sheave elevator with drive machine below. KONE CORPORATION 0631721 Int. Cl. A01K 79/02 (2006.01). Control of sharks. NATAL SHARKS BOARD 73271 Int. Cl. (2011) G06F 17/30. A method of producing an interface display control system. Skillsoft Ireland Limited 73446 Int. Cl. (2011) F16B 2/02. A cable support bracket. Timothy Joseph Conway 0707599 Int. Cl. C07K 2/00 (2006.01); C12N 15/62 (2006.01). REGULATION OF SITE-SPECIFIC RECOMBINATION BY SITE-SPECIFIC RECOMBINASE/NUCLEAR RECEPTOR FUSION PROTEINS. EUROPEAN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY LABORATORY 0689368 Int. Cl. H04Q 7/22 (2006.01). Message transmission arrangement in a mobile communication system. Swisscom AG 75741 Int. Cl. (2011) E04D 3/02. Pre-fabricated structure. HANNAH S. ALLPORT; BRIAN C. ALLPORT; PHILLIP B. ALLPORT; SUSAN M. ALLPORT; MARK C. ALLPORT 0707445 Int. Cl. A01N 25/04 (2006.01). STABLE, READY-TO-USE, MULTIPHASE AQUEOUS PESTICIDE FORMULATIONS AND METHODS OF PREPARING THEM. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 0631796 Int. Cl. A62C 33/02 (2006.01). Device for retracting a flexible hose. KUIKEN, N.V. 0705512 Int. Cl. H04L 25/02 (2006.01). METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DETERMINING THE DATA RATE OF A RECEIVED SIGNAL. QUALCOMM INCORPORATED 0629349 Int. Cl. A23C 19/05 (2006.01); A23C 19/068 (2006.01). Process for the preparation of a 20+cheese or cheese product. Friesland Brands B.V. 0631967 Int. Cl. B66B 11/00 (2006.01); B66B 11/08 (2006.01); B66B 11/04 (2006.01). Traction sheave elevator. KONE CORPORATION 0707659 Int. Cl. C12Q 1/68 (2006.01). SALMONELLA IDENTIFICATION BY THE POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION. Olsen, John Elmerdahl; Aabo, Soren; Bioneer A/S (30/07/2014) 0658152 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Int. Cl. C04B 40/02 (2006.01); C04B 28/18 (2006.01). METHOD AND COMPOSITION FOR FABRICATING CONCRETE ELEMENTS HAVING REMARKABLE COMPRESSION RESISTANCE AND FRACTURATION ENERGY, AND ELEMENTS THUS OBTAINED. LAFARGE 0707561 Int. Cl. C07C 45/68 (2006.01); C07C 47/565 (2006.01). PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF 2-HYDROXYARLALDEHYDES. AVECIA LIMITED 0706512 Int. Cl. C07C 317/44 (2006.01); C07C 323/60 (2006.01); C07D 213/56 (2006.01); C07D 213/40 (2006.01); A61K 31/16 (2006.01); A61K 31/44 (2006.01). Acetamide derivatives and their use for modifying feeding behaviour modifiers. TEVA SANTE 0706474 Int. Cl. B65B 9/20 (2006.01); B65B 39/00 (2006.01). APPARATUS AND METHODS FOR PRODUCING PACKETS. UNILEVER PLC 0632017 Int. Cl. C07C 255/20 (2006.01); C07C 255/21 (2006.01); C07C 255/23 (2006.01); C07C 255/31 (2006.01); C07C 255/30 (2006.01); C07C 255/28 (2006.01); A61K 31/275 (2006.01). N-phenyl-2-cyano-3-hydroxy propenamides, their tautomeres and salts, their use as medicaments and compositions containing them. AVENTIS PHARMA S.A. 80824 Int. Cl. (2011) B01J 3/00; C01B 21/00. Method for producing cubic boron nitride. SHOWA DENKO K.K. S83750 Int. Cl. (2011) F24B 9/00; F24B 1/00. A method of manufacturing a wrap-around back boiler. ALLEY ENTERPRISES LIMITED S83816 Int. Cl. (2011) A61J 1/14; B65D 81/18; B65D 85/00. An apparatus for the collection of samples for liquid based cytology tests. DANIEL HOBAN S83832 Int. Cl. (2011) G07F 19/00; G07F 7/08. Co-ordinated card transaction processing with inter-computer communication. FRANCIS ENDA MURPHY S84120 Int. Cl. (2011) A62B 35/00; A41D 13/02. Combined garment and safety harness. CELTIC TIES LIMITED S84320 Int. Cl. (2011) E06B 7/00; E05F 5/00. Door jamb finger guard. BRIAN OWEN KELLY 0629611 Int. Cl. C07C 273/14 (2006.01); C07C 273/16 (2006.01); C07C 273/04 (2006.01). Process for reducing the ammonia content of a gaseous effluent from urea production plants. SNAMPROGETTI S.p.A. 0629714 Int. Cl. C22C 38/60 (2006.01). Martensitic stainless steel with improved machinability. Ugitech 3043 3044 0630971 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Int. Cl. C12Q 1/68 (2006.01). Method, reagents and kits for detecting Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis. F HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 0631966 Int. Cl. B66B 11/00 (2006.01); B66B 11/08 (2006.01); B66B 11/04 (2006.01). Arrangement for attaching an elevator machinery to a building. Kone Corporation 0632039 Int. Cl. C07D 477/00 (2006.01) A61K 31/40 (2006.01). 2-[1-(1,3Thiazolin-2-yl)azetidin-3-yl]thio-carbapenem derivatives. PFIZER JAPAN INC 0633317 Int. Cl. C12N 15/82 (2006.01); C12N 15/29 (2006.01); C12N 5/00 (2006.01); C12N 1/21 (2006.01); A01H 5/00 (2006.01). Isolated DNA sequence able to function as a termination region in chimeric genes for plant transformation. Bayer S.A.S. 0634175 Int. Cl. A61K 38/55 (2006.01) A61K 45/06 (2006.01). Pharmaceutical combination, containing a renin-angiotensin-system inhibitor and an endothelin antagonist. F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 0635240 Int. Cl. A61B 17/06 (2006.01). Multi-faceted surgical needle. Covidien AG 0636370 Int. Cl. A61K 31/485 (2006.01); A61K 9/16 (2006.01); A61K 9/20 (2006.01). Sustained release compositions containing morphine. EuroCeltique S.A. 0637453 Int. Cl. A61M 25/00 (2006.01). Method for manufacturing a catheter with at least one high-pressure lumen and catheter. CORDIS EUROPA N.V. 0639374 Int. Cl. A61K 31/135 (2006.01). New treatments using phenethyl derivatives. WYETH 0640689 Int. Cl. C07K 14/54 (2006.01); C12N 15/24 (2006.01); C12N 5/06 (2006.01); A61K 38/22 (2006.01). p40 Homodimer of interleukin-12. F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 0655278 Int. Cl. B01J 29/04 (2006.01); C01B 33/20 (2006.01). STRUCTURE MATERIAL OF THE ZEOLITE TYPE WITH ULTRALARGE PORES AND A LATTICE COMPRISED OF SILICONE AND TITANIUM OXIDES; ITS SYNTHESIS AND UTILIZATION FOR THE SELECTIVE OXIDATION OF ORGANIC PRODUCTS. CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTIFICAS; UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE VALENCIA 0656203 INJECTABLE MICROFOAM CONTAINING A SCLEROSING AGENT. BTG INTERNATIONAL LIMITED (30/07/2014) 0666871 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Int. Cl. C08B 30/04 (2006.01). PROCESS FOR THE CENTRIFUGAL TREATMENT OF A SUSPENSION CONTAINING STARCH. Westfalia Separator AG 0700430 Int. Cl. C12N 5/08 (2006.01); A61K 35/14 (2006.01); C12N 5/20 (2006.01); C12P 21/08 (2006.01). METHODS FOR SELECTIVELY STIMULATING PROLIFERATION OF T CELLS. REPLIGEN CORPORATION; THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN; The United States of America as Represented by the Secretary of the Navy 0702517 Int. Cl. A01N 31/14 (2006.01); A01N 33/12 (2006.01); A01N 37/02 (2006.01); A01N 37/06 (2006.01); A01N 37/10 (2006.01); A01N 43/16 (2006.01); B27K 3/00 (2006.01); B27K 3/34 (2006.01); B27K 3/36 (2006.01); B27K 3/38 (2006.01); C07C 211/63 (2006.01); A01N 33/02 (2006.01); A01N 33/04 (2006.01). QUATERNARY AMMONIUM AND WATERPROOFING/PRESERVATIVE COMPOSITIONS. LONZA INC. 0702717 GENERATION, CONCENTRATION AND EFFICIENT TRANSFER OF VSV-G PSEUDOTYPED RETROVIRAL VECTORS. The Regents of the University of California 0702729 Int. Cl. C12Q 1/68 (2006.01). CHEMICAL PROCESS FOR AMPLIFYING AND DETECTING NUCLEIC ACID SEQUENCES. IMCLONE SYSTEMS, INC. 0702815 Int. Cl. G06F 11/14 (2006.01). WRITE ANYWHERE FILE-SYSTEM LAYOUT. Network Appliance, Inc. 0702854 Int. Cl. H02K 23/00 (2006.01); H02P 1/18 (2006.01); H02P 3/08 (2006.01); H02P 5/06 (2000.01); H02P 7/06 (2006.01); E06B 9/32 (2006.01); E06B 9/307 (2006.01). HEAD RAIL-MOUNTED MINIBLIND ACTUATOR. HARMONIC DESIGN INC. 0703772 Int. Cl. A61K 6/00 (2006.01); C08K 3/18 (2006.01); C08K 3/10 (2006.01). DENTURE ADHESIVE. BLOCK DRUG COMPANY, INC. 0703847 Int. Cl. B24B 39/02 (2006.01); B24B 1/00 (2006.01). MAGNETORHEOLOGICAL POLISHING DEVICES AND METHODS. QED Technologies International, Inc. 0703902 Int. Cl. C07D 211/22 (2006.01); C07D 211/32 (2006.01); C07D 221/20 (2006.01). PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF PIPERIDINE DERIVATIVES. Albany Molecular Research, Inc. 3045 3046 0703926 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Int. Cl. C07K 16/00 (2006.01); C07K 14/705 (2006.01); A61K 47/48 (2006.01). RECOMBINANT DISULFIDE-STABILIZED POLYPEPTIDE FRAGMENTS HAVING BINDING SPECIFICITY. THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA as represented by the SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES 0705062 Int. Cl. A23C 9/16 (2006.01); A23P 1/02 (2006.01). A METHOD AND A PLANT FOR AN AGGLOMERATED PRODUCT. SPX Flow Technology Danmark A/S 0705099 Int. Cl. A61K 31/165 (2006.01) A61P 11/00 (2006.01). USE OF MODAFINIL FOR THE TREATMENT OF SLEEP APNOEA AND VENTILATION PROBLEMS OF CENTRAL ORIGIN. TEVA SANTE 0705256 Int. Cl. C07D 309/28 (2006.01). PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF N-ACETYL NEURAMINIC ACID DERIVATIVES. BIOTA SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT PTY. LTD. 0705275 Int. Cl. C07K 14/62 (2006.01); A61K 38/28 (2006.01). ASP-B28 INSULIN CRYSTALS. NOVO NORDISK A/S 0706370 Int. Cl. A61K 7/48 (2000.01); A61K 31/07 (2006.01); A61K 47/08 (2006.01); A61K 47/14 (2006.01). USE OF NON-IONIC SURFACTANTS IN STABLE TOPICAL RETINOID COMPOSITIONS. Astellas Pharma Europe B.V. 0706502 Int. Cl. C04B 28/02 (2006.01) C04B 20/00 (2006.01); C04B 41/60 (2006.01); C04B 14/48 (2006.01). METAL FIBER CONCRETE COMPOSITION FOR CASTING A CONCRETE ELEMENT, ELEMENTS OBTAINED AND METHOD OF THERMAL CURING. LAFARGE 0706571 Int. Cl. C12N 15/31 (2006.01); C12N 15/13 (2006.01); C12N 1/21 (2006.01); C07K 14/35 (2006.01); C07K 16/12 (2006.01); A61K 39/04 (2006.01); C12Q 1/04 (2006.01). TUBERCULOSIS VACCINE. Statens Serum Institut 0707476 COMPOUNDS FOR THE PHOTODECONTAMINATION OF PATHOGENS IN BLOOD. Cerus Corporation 0707644 Int. Cl. C12N 15/11 (2006.01); C07K 14/82 (2006.01); C12N 15/86 (2006.01); A61K 31/70 (2006.01) A61K 35/76 (2006.01). USE OF PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS FOR THE TREATMENT OF NEURODEGENERATIVE DISEASES. Aventis Pharma S.A. (30/07/2014) 0710108 Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Int. Cl. A61K 31/19 (2006.01); A61K 9/00 (2006.01); A61K 47/18 (2006.01). LIQUID PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION FOR ORAL USE CONTAINING 2-(4-ISOBUTYLPHENYL)PROPIONIC ACID. ZAMBON GROUP S.p.A. 0710122 Int. Cl. A61K 47/18 (2006.01) A61K 38/11 (2006.01). STABILIZED PHARMACEUTICAL PEPTIDE COMPOSITIONS. FERRING B.V. 0710253 Int. Cl. C07K 16/40 (2006.01); A61K 39/395 (2006.01); G01N 33/543 (2006.01); C12N 9/64 (2006.01); G01N 33/577 (2006.01). ANTIBODIES SPECIFIC FOR HUMAN PROSTATE GLANDULAR KALLIKREIN. MAYO FOUNDATION FOR MEDICAL EDUCATION AND RESEARCH 0712474 Int. Cl. F16L 55/00 (2006.01). AXIALLY SWAGED FITTING. THE DEUTSCH COMPANY 0722601 Int. Cl. G09G 1/00 (2006.01); G09G 1/28 (2006.01); G01C 11/00 (2006.01); G01C 11/26 (2006.01); G02B 27/01 (2006.01). ELECTROOPTIC VISION SYSTEMS WHICH EXPLOIT POSITION AND ATTITUDE. Criticom Corporation 0774971 Int. Cl. C07K 14/16 (2006.01); A61K 38/00 (2006.01); A61K 39/12 (2006.01); C12Q 1/70 (2006.01); G01N 33/53 (2006.01). SYNTHETIC PEPTIDE INHIBITORS OF HIV TRANSMISSION. Duke University 0779233 Int. Cl. B66B 11/04 (2006.01). Traction sheave elevator. Kone Corporation 0784030 Int. Cl. B66B 11/00 (2006.01); B66B 11/04 (2006.01); B66B 11/08 (2006.01). Traction sheave elevator. Kone Corporation 0800993 Int. Cl. B65B 51/30 (2006.01) B65B 9/20 (2006.01). Apparatus for producing packets. UNILEVER PLC 0804223 Int. Cl. A61K 38/27 (2006.01). HGH CONTAINING PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS. Merck Serono S.A. 0804552 Int. Cl. C12N 5/10 (2006.01); C12N 15/00 (2006.01); C12N 15/11 (2006.01); C12N 15/63 (2006.01). REDIRECTION OF CELLULAR IMMUNITY BY RECEPTOR CHIMERAS. THE GENERAL HOSPITAL CORPORATION 0818144 Int. Cl. A01N 43/54 (2006.01). Microbicides. SYNGENTA PARTICIPATIONS AG. 0924210 Int. Cl. C07D 417/04 (2006.01). 2-(1-(1,3-Thiazolin-2-yl)azetidin-3yl)thio-carbapenem derivatives. Pfizer Japan Inc. 3047 3048 1026147 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Int. Cl. C07C 59/86 (2006.01); C07C 69/738 (2006.01). Compounds useful as intermediates in the production of piperidine derivatives. Albany Molecular Research, Inc. 1153603 New treatments using phenethylamine derivatives. Wyeth 1306341 Traction sheave elevator. Kone Oyj (Kone Corporation) 1369409 Process for preparing compounds useful as intermediates. Albany Molecular Research, Inc. 1419766 Int. Cl. A61K 9/28 (2006.01); A61K 9/50 (2006.01). Controlled-release formulations coated with aqueous dispersions of ethylcellulose. EUROCELTIQUE S.A. 1477162 Int. Cl. A61K 9/16 (2008.01); A61K 31/485 (2008.01); A61P 25/04 (2008.01). Controlled-release formulations coated with aqueous dispersions of ethylcellulose. EURO-CELTIQUE S.A. 1505160 Method for detecting a target DNA molecule. THIRD WAVE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 1584622 Compounds for the photodecontamination of pathogens in blood. Cerus Corporation Copyright in Designs Expired 12822 14-03 A remote control apparatus. 13949 14-02 A keyboard. 13105 09-03 A confectionery carton. 13162 15-03 A tea cup liner. 13181 19-08 A label. 13217 07-01 A set of articles comprising two plates and a bowl. 13679 26-06 A light fitting for a car. (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 3049 Designs Registered Under The Industrial Designs Act, 2001 21815 21-01; 19-07 COLM Ó hANLUAIN Windmill Cottage, Bóthar and Teampaill Mhóir, Cloch Shiurdáin, Co. Thiobraid Árainn, Ireland Address for service is c/o COLM Ó hANLUAIN Windmill Cottage, Bóthar and Teampaill Mhóir, Cloch Shiurdáin, Co. Thiobraid Árainn, Ireland Date of Registration: 14 May 2014. The design can be described as a trapezoidal teaching device used to create a multi-tiered user experience whereby access to educational experiences can be gained from each of the four sides of the design. The design can sit on any flat surface. The design can also stack; thereby saving space in the learning environment. The four sides of the design have different appearances and functionalities including but not limited to drilled holes, tapered slots and holes in various spacing to accommodate items such as pulleys, balance beams, inclined planes and gears. 3050 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Designs Registered Under The Industrial Designs Act 2001, which have expired due to non-renewal Design number 21147 21148 21163 21164 Class 19-08 23-03 20-03 20-03 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) 1140 Patents Office Journal Irisleabhar Oifig Na bPaitinní Cuid II Trádmharcanna No. 2260 Wednesday, 30 July, 2014 NOTE: The office does not guarantee the accuracy of its publications nor undertake any responsibility for errors or omissions or their consequences. In this Part of the Journal, unless the context otherwise requires, a reference to the 1963 Act means the Trade Marks Act, 1963, a reference to the 1963 Rules means the Trade Marks Rules, 1963, a reference to the 1996 Act means the Trade Marks Act, 1996 and a reference to the 1996 Rules means the Trade Marks Rules, 1996. Official Notice - Trade Marks Patents Rules 1992 – Rule 77 – Office Closure This Office will be closed to the public on Monday 4th August 2014 Written Statement of the Grounds of a Decision – Open to public inspection. Trade Mark No's 244394, 244395 & 244396 Decision following Opposition 1141 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) Application for Registration of marks published under Section 43(1) of the 1996 Act following acceptance Notice is hereby given that Applications for the Registration of the undermentioned trade marks have been accepted. Any person who desires to oppose the registration of these trade marks may within three months from the date of this Journal give notice to the Controller, Patents Office, Government Buildings, Hebron Road, Kilkenny, in accordance with the provisions of Rule 18. It should be noted that under the provisions of Rule 63(2) no extension of the opposition period is allowed for lodging opposition under Rule 18. It is desirable before lodging formal opposition that a communication should be addressed to the Applicant affording him an opportunity to withdraw his application for registration. In this way cost of opposition proceedings may be avoided. non-dairy milk; table waters; tomato juice [beverage]; vegetable juices; vegetable drinks; vegetable juice concentrates; waters; effervescent (sherbet) tablets and effervescent powders for drinks; smoothies; fruit based smoothies; vegetable-based smoothies; malt wort; malt beer. SUPER FRUITA 250773 07 March 2014 Class 32. Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other nonalcoholic beverages; fruit beverages, fruit juices; fruit drinks; fruit juice concentrates; syrups and other preparations for making beverages; aerated water; ale; lager; porter; shandy; stout; kvass; low-alcohol beer; nonalcoholic ciders; non-alcohol wines; non-alcoholic aperitifs; beverages containing vitamins; beverages enriched with added vitamins; whey beverages; non-alcoholic cocktails; energy drinks; energy drinks containing caffeine; fruit based energy drinks; vegetable based energy drinks; flavoured carbonated beverages; fruit juice; guarana drinks; honeybased beverages; isotonic beverages; isotonic drinks; hypertonic drinks (for use and/or as required by athletes); hypotonic drinks (for use and/or as required by athletes); sports drinks; nonalcoholic malt free beverages; TESCO STORES LIMITED, Tesco House, Delamare Road, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire EN8 9SL, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o STOBBS (IP) LTD, Endurance House, Vision Park, Chivers Way, Cambridge CB24 9ZR, United Kingdom. SEASONAL SPARKLING LOVE 250774 07 March 2014 Class 32. Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other nonalcoholic beverages; fruit beverages, fruit juices; fruit drinks; fruit juice concentrates; syrups and other (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal preparations for making beverages; aerated water; ale; lager; porter; shandy; stout; kvass; low-alcohol beer; nonalcoholic ciders; non-alcohol wines; non-alcoholic aperitifs; beverages containing vitamins; beverages enriched with added vitamins; whey beverages; non-alcoholic cocktails; energy drinks; energy drinks containing caffeine; fruit based energy drinks; vegetable based energy drinks; flavoured carbonated beverages; fruit juice; guarana drinks; honeybased beverages; isotonic beverages; isotonic drinks; hypertonic drinks (for use and/or as required by athletes); hypotonic drinks (for use and/or as required by athletes); sports drinks; nonalcoholic malt free beverages; non-dairy milk; table waters; tomato juice [beverage]; vegetable juices; vegetable drinks; vegetable juice concentrates; waters; effervescent (sherbet) tablets and effervescent powders for drinks; smoothies; fruit based smoothies; vegetable-based smoothies; malt wort; malt beer. TESCO STORES LIMITED, Tesco House, Delamare Road, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire EN8 9SL, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o STOBBS (IP) LTD, Endurance House, Vision Park, Chivers Way, Cambridge CB24 9ZR, United Kingdom. THE FIXER 250775 07 March 2014 Class 32. Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other non- (No. 2260) 1142 alcoholic beverages; fruit beverages, fruit juices; fruit drinks; fruit juice concentrates; syrups and other preparations for making beverages; aerated water; ale; lager; porter; shandy; stout; kvass; low-alcohol beer; nonalcoholic ciders; non-alcohol wines; non-alcoholic aperitifs; beverages containing vitamins; beverages enriched with added vitamins; whey beverages; non-alcoholic cocktails; energy drinks; energy drinks containing caffeine; fruit based energy drinks; vegetable based energy drinks; flavoured carbonated beverages; fruit juice; guarana drinks; honeybased beverages; isotonic beverages; isotonic drinks; hypertonic drinks (for use and/or as required by athletes); hypotonic drinks (for use and/or as required by athletes); sports drinks; nonalcoholic malt free beverages; non-dairy milk; table waters; tomato juice [beverage]; vegetable juices; vegetable drinks; vegetable juice concentrates; waters; effervescent (sherbet) tablets and effervescent powders for drinks; smoothies; fruit based smoothies; vegetable-based smoothies; malt wort; malt beer. TESCO STORES LIMITED, Tesco House, Delamare Road, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire EN8 9SL, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o STOBBS (IP) LTD, Endurance House, Vision Park, Chivers Way, Cambridge CB24 9ZR, United Kingdom. 1143 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) BLUE MATTER 250776 07 March 2014 Class 32. Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other nonalcoholic beverages; fruit beverages, fruit juices; fruit drinks; fruit juice concentrates; syrups and other preparations for making beverages; aerated water; ale; lager; porter; shandy; stout; kvass; low-alcohol beer; nonalcoholic ciders; non-alcohol wines; non-alcoholic aperitifs; beverages containing vitamins; beverages enriched with added vitamins; whey beverages; non-alcoholic cocktails; energy drinks; energy drinks containing caffeine; fruit based energy drinks; vegetable based energy drinks; flavoured carbonated beverages; fruit juice; guarana drinks; honeybased beverages; isotonic beverages; isotonic drinks; hypertonic drinks (for use and/or as required by athletes); hypotonic drinks (for use and/or as required by athletes); sports drinks; nonalcoholic malt free beverages; non-dairy milk; table waters; tomato juice [beverage]; vegetable juices; vegetable drinks; vegetable juice concentrates; waters; effervescent (sherbet) tablets and effervescent powders for drinks; smoothies; fruit based smoothies; vegetable-based smoothies; malt wort; malt beer. TESCO STORES LIMITED, Tesco House, Delamare Road, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire EN8 9SL, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o STOBBS (IP) LTD, Endurance House, Vision Park, Chivers Way, Cambridge CB24 9ZR, United Kingdom. 250777 10 May 2014 Class 43. Restaurants; Restaurant services; Delicatessens [restaurants]; Grill restaurants; Hotel restaurant services; Restaurant information services; Restaurant reservation services; Carvery restaurant services; Restaurants (Self-service -); Self-service restaurants; Booking of restaurant seats; Take-out restaurant services; Fast food restaurant services; Self-service restaurant services; Carry-out restaurants; Reservation of restaurants; Fast-food restaurants; Provision of information relating to restaurants; Restaurant services provided by hotels; Making reservations and bookings for restaurants and meals; Restaurant services for the provision of fast food; Provision of food and drink in restaurants. Bo & Wei Ltd., 15 Capel Street, Dublin 1, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Bo & Wei Ltd., 15 Capel Street, Dublin 1, Ireland. The mark in use is/will be in the colour(s) Red and Black 250778 10 May 2014 Class 43. Restaurants; Restaurant (30/07/2014) (No. 2260) 1144 Patents Office Journal services; Delicatessens [restaurants]; Grill restaurants; Hotel restaurant services; Restaurant information services; Restaurant reservation services; Carvery restaurant services; Restaurants (Self-service -); Self-service restaurants; Fastfood restaurants; Reservation of restaurants; Carry-out restaurants; Self-service restaurant services; Fast food restaurant services; Take-out restaurant services; Booking of restaurant seats; Restaurant services provided by hotels; Restaurant services incorporating licensed bar facilities; Provision of information relating to restaurants; Provision of food and drink in restaurants; Restaurant services for the provision of fast food; Making reservations and bookings for restaurants and meals. Bo & Wei Ltd., 15 Capel Street, Dublin 1, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Bo & Wei Ltd., 15 Capel Street, Dublin 1, Ireland. The mark in use is/will be in the colour(s) Red GOLDEN PRIDE 250780 09 May 2014 Class 29. Class 30. Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs; milk and milk products; edible oils and fats; broth and broth concentrates; preserved fish; tinned fish; preserved meat; tinned meat; peanut butter. Coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee; rice; tapioca and sago; flour and preparations made from cereals; bread, pastry and confectionery; ices; sugar, honey, treacle; yeast, bakingpowder; salt; mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice; biscuits; cereal bars; ketchup; pasta; pasta sauces. GOLDEN PRIDE EXPORT LIMITED, 29 Mollison Avenue, Enfield EN3 7NJ, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o ALISTAIR PAYNE, c/o Matheson Trade Mark Advisers, 70 Sir John Rogerson's Quay, Dublin 2, Ireland. GOLDEN CELEBRATION 250781 12 May 2014 Class 32. 250779 11 May 2014 Class 28. Sports training apparatus. Noel Prendergast, 61 St Patrick's Rd, Greenhills, Dublin 12, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Noel Prendergast, 61 St Patrick's Rd, Greenhills, Dublin 12, Ireland. Mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic beverages; fruit beverages and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages; vegetable juices. 1145 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal GOLDEN PRIDE EXPORT LIMITED, 29 Mollison Avenue, Enfield EN3 7NJ, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o ALISTAIR PAYNE, c/o Matheson Trade Mark Advisers, 70 Sir John Rogerson's Quay, Dublin 2, Ireland. (No. 2260) JOSEPH O'CONNOR, Ronnoco House, Caherbreagh, Ballyseedy, Tralee, Co. Kerry, Ireland. Address for service is c/o PETER O'DEA, O'Connor O'Dea Solicitors, 40 South Quay, Newcastle West, Co. Limerick, Ireland. The application for registration is proceeding based on honest concurrent use with Community Trade Mark No. 009744211. The mark in use is/will be in the colours black, blue JAI KUDO INFINITY XT 250784 250782 18 April 2013 11 May 2014 Class 9. Class 21. Sports bottles [empty]. Lee Mc Closkey, Lower Rath, Riverstown, Dundalk, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Lee Mc Closkey, Lower Rath, Riverstown, Dundalk, Ireland. The mark in use is/will be in the colour(s) grey. Lenses, frames, spectacles, contact lenses and sunglasses; containers for contact lenses; spectacle and sunglasses' cases, spectacle and sunglasses' chains and cords; magnifying glasses, telescopes and binoculars; optical apparatus and instruments; apparatus for the cleaning of eyewear, spectacles and sunglasses; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. PURE TECHNOLOGY LIMITED TRADING AS JAI KUDO, Unit 290 Centennial Park, Centennial Avenue, Elstree, Hertfordshire WD6 3SU, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o PURE TECHNOLOGY LIMITED TRADING AS JAI KUDO, Unit 290 Centennial Park, Centennial Avenue, Elstree, Hertfordshire WD6 3SU, United Kingdom. 250783 07 March 2014 Class 41. Education information (30/07/2014) BARRACUDA 250785 11 December 2012 Class 6. (No. 2260) 1146 Patents Office Journal Non-electric metal cables and wires; iron and steel wire coated or non-coated; wire fencing; barbed wire; all the aforementioned goods expressly excluding metal fastening materials, ironmongery, small items of metal hardware and pins of metal. VIGNOBLES ROUSSELLET 250787 13 January 2014 Class 33. Alcoholic beverages (except beers); alcoholic wines; red wine; white wine; rosé wine. ALDI STORES (IRELAND) LIMITED, Newbridge Road, Naas, Co. Kildare, Ireland. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. ARCELORMITTAL SHEFFIELD LIMITED, Birley Vale Close, Sheffield, S12 2DB, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o PRONOVEM - MAYERS & VAN MALDEREN S.A., 261 route d'Arlon, L8002 Strassen, Luxembourg. 250788 16 August 2013 Class 1. Class 7. 250786 11 February 2014 Class 41. Health and fitness club services MINT HEALTH & FITNESS LTD. T/A MINT FITNESS, 24 Rossmore Drive, Templeogue, Dublin 6W, Ireland. Address for service is c/o MINT HEALTH & FITNESS LTD. T/A MINT FITNESS, 24 Rossmore Drive, Templeogue, Dublin 6W, Ireland. The mark in use is/will be in the colours blue, black and white Class 16. Filtering materials [chemical preparations]; ceramic materials in particulate form for use as filtering preparations; ceramic materials in particulate form, for use as filtering media. Filters, filter cartridges, filtration apparatus for internal combustion engines, filters (parts of machines or engines) Filtering paper; filtering paper based on cellulose fibers impregnated with phenolic, epoxy or acrylic resins; filtering paper with a fine layer based on cellulose fibers with synthetic micro fibers and pre-filter layer based on synthetic fibers. WIX-FILTRON Sp. z o.o., Wroclawska 145 Str, Gostyn, 63-800, Poland. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. 1147 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) SOLAS 250789 15 August 2013 Class 9. Class 16. Class 41. Instructional and teaching apparatus and instruments; videos, DVD’s, cassettes and software but not including statistical analysis software, all relating to education and training; audio-visual teaching apparatus. Instructional and teaching material (other than apparatus); printed matter; manuals; books; newspapers; magazines; periodicals; photographs; stationery; diaries; calendars. Educational, training and instructional services; teaching; publishing of books and texts; organisation of competitions, training courses, seminars, conferences and correspondence courses; certification of education, training and skill awards. Class 17. Class 20. Class 22. Class 24. curative purposes; blankets, pads and overlays for beds, all being electrically heated; fittings for furniture included in this class. Materials for use in packing, padding, cushioning and stuffing; cotton wool for packing. Furniture, mattresses, mattress bases, divans, bedding (other than bed clothing), pillows, bolsters and cushions; sleeping bags; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Padding and stuffing materials; raw fibrous textile materials. Bed linen, covers for furniture, mattresses, cushions, pillows and for bolsters; quilts, duvets and eiderdowns; bed and table covers. GT GLOBAL TRADEMARKS AG, Sihlbruggstrasse 105, CH-6340 Barr, Switzerland. Address for service is c/o MACLACHLAN & DONALDSON, 2b Clonskeagh Square, Clonskeagh Road, Dublin 14, Ireland. AN FORAS AISEANNA SAOTHAIR, 27-33 Upper Baggot Street, Dublin 2, Ireland. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. SLUMBERSYSTEM 250792 SLUMBERLAND 250790 09 September 1998 Class 6. 17 December 1997 Class 6. Class 10. Springs and assemblages of springs for incorporation into mattresses, upholstered furniture and the like goods; metal fittings for furniture included in this class. Mattresses, cushions and pillows; covers therefor; all for surgical, medical or Class 10. Ironmongery and small items of metal hardware as far as included in class 6, namely springs and assemblages of springs as well as metal fittings for mattresses and furniture including upholstered furniture. Beds and bedding (except linen) for surgical, medical or curative purposes, namely mattresses, cushions, pillows, covers, blankets, pads, (30/07/2014) Class 17. Class 20. Class 22. Class 24. (No. 2260) 1148 Patents Office Journal padding and overlays for beds; electrically heated pads or paddings and electrically heated bedding, particularly electric blankets and heating cushions. Materials for use in packing, padding, cushioning and stuffing; cotton wool for packing. Furniture, including beds and divans as well as parts and accessories thereof (as far as included in class 20) and bedding (except linen), namely mattresses, mattress bases, pillows, bolsters and cushions as well as nonmetallic fittings; sleeping bags (for camping). Padding and stuffing materials (except of rubber or plastics); raw fibrous textile materials. Bed linen, covers for furniture, mattresses, cushions, pillows and for bolsters; quilts, duvets and eiderdowns; bed and table covers. ARCO 250793 30 April 2013 Class 35. Class 41. Class 42. GT GLOBAL TRADEMARKS AG, Sihlbruggstrasse 105, CH-6340 Barr, Switzerland. Address for service is c/o MACLACHLAN & DONALDSON, 2b Clonskeagh Square, Clonskeagh Road, Dublin 14, Ireland. Class 45. Retail services related to safety clothing, safety footwear, workwear, safety apparatus, safety articles, hygiene products, devices and equipment for use in the workplace (such as factories, foundries, construction sites, workshops, offices, none of the foregoing relating to sports, camping or recreation. Training services in health and safety; education in health and safety; workshops and seminars relating to health and safety matters; publication of texts, literature and dvds on health and safety matters. Technical risk assessment services relating to health and safety; technical safety assessment services relating to health and safety; consultancy, advisory and information services relating to the aforesaid services; provision of reports on all the aforesaid. Security risk assessment services; health and safety risk assessment services; safety risk assessment services in the workplace; consultancy, advisory and information services relating to the aforesaid services; provision of reports on all the aforesaid; safety in the workplace consultancy services. ARCO LIMITED, P.O. Box 21, Waverley Street, Hull, North Humberside, HU1 2SJ, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o TOMKINS & CO., 5 Dartmouth Road, Dublin 6, Ireland. 1149 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal CLICK N COLLECT 250794 29 January 2014 Class 16. Class 41. Betting slips; tokens; diaries; calendars; stationery; books; programmes; magazines; periodicals; newspapers; printed matter; scratch cards; vouchers; paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials included in Class 16; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists’ materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastics material for packaging included in Class 16; printers’ type; printing blocks. Betting, gambling and gaming services and information services relating thereto; offshore telephone betting services; provision of information relating to sporting events; entertainment; organization and conducting competitions; provision of gaming and betting services transmitted via a global computer network such as the Internet. (No. 2260) MAX TASTE 250795 06 August 2013 Class 16. Class 28. Comics; comic books; comic strips; children’s comics; comic strips’ comic features. Games, toys and playthings; and gymnastic and sporting articles, playing cards, electronic games, decorations for Christmas trees, balloons, dolls, masks, action figure toys, action toys, toy action figurines, toy environments for use with action figures, action skill games, board games, card games, miniatures for use in games, party games, all included in class 28 KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN (GREAT BRITAIN) LIMITED, 32 Goldsworth Road, Woking, Surrey GU21 1JT, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o TOMKINS & CO., 5 Dartmouth Road, Dublin 6, Ireland. PADDY POWER PLC, Power Tower, Belfield Office Park, Beech Hill Road, Clonskeagh, Dublin 4, Ireland. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. 250796 11 March 2014 Class 41. Music entertainment services CLAIRE MARY MCGLINCHEY, 61 Hillview Heights, Clane, Co. Kildare, Ireland. Address for service is c/o CLAIRE MARY MCGLINCHEY, 61 Hillview Heights, Clane, Co. Kildare, Ireland. (30/07/2014) 250797 Patents Office Journal 11 March 2014 Class 41. Photography. CLAIRE MARY MCGLINCHEY, 61 Hillview Heights, Clane, Co. Kildare, Ireland. Address for service is c/o CLAIRE MARY MCGLINCHEY, 61 Hillview Heights, Clane, Co. Kildare, Ireland. The mark in use is/will be in the colours pink, blue, white WHY WEIGHT WHY WEIGHT IRELAND Application is for a Series of 2 Trade Marks. 250798 02 July 2013 Class 41. Fitness instruction, personal training, group personal training, kids fitness instruction, fitness bootcamps, online fitness classes, online personal training, fitness classes and personal training for special populations; providing education, training, instruction, equipment and facilities for physical conditioning, exercise, fitness, (No. 2260) 1150 dance, weight-loss and nutrition namely by means of arranging and conducting individual and group consultations, workshops, classes and courses and distributing course materials in conjunction therewith; health and fitness club and centre services; personal trainer services; writing and publication of periodicals, books, texts and audio-visual recordings (other than publicity texts and recordings) related therewith; providing on-line electronic publications, nondownloadable, related therewith; providing educational and recreational information; organisation of sporting and gymnastic activities; training instructors in the field of physical conditioning, exercise and fitness education; consultancy, enquiry, information and advisory services relating to any of the aforesaid services. HANNAH NOLAN TRADING AS WHY WEIGHT, 11 Beechwood Park, Tinahely, Co. Wicklow, Ireland. Address for service is c/o HANNAH NOLAN TRADING AS WHY WEIGHT, 11 Beechwood Park, Tinahely, Co. Wicklow, Ireland. 1151 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) energy collectors for electricity generation; Electronical sensors for measuring solar radiation. Quentin Gargan, Ardnashee, Coomanore North, Bantry, Co. Cork, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Quentin Gargan, Ardnashee, Coomanore North, Bantry, Co. Cork, Ireland. 250799 29 January 2013 Class 33. Wines PERNOD RICARD SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD, 2nd Floor, Cape Quarter, 7 Somerset Road, Cape Town, South Africa. Address for service is c/o TOMKINS & CO., 5 Dartmouth Road, Dublin 6, Ireland. 250801 09 May 2014 Class 8. The mark for which protection is sought is a 3D bottle shape upon which a label has been applied for featuring the words 'Gecko Ridge' and a depiction of a Gecko'. ConstructionPV 250800 09 May 2014 Class 9. Solar panels; Photovoltaic solar modules; Solar powered radios; Solar wafers; Solar modules; Solar cells; Solar batteries; Solar powered telephones; Solar panel arrays; Solar battery chargers; Solar batteries for domestic use; Solar panels for electricity generation; Solar cells for electricity generation; Solar batteries for industrial use; Portable solar panels for generating electricity; Solar Class 9. Class 10. Agricultural hand tools; Agricultural implements, hand-operated; Agricultural sprayers [hand operated]; Animal shearing implements; Blade sharpening instruments; Blades for shears; Blades [hand tools]; Cattle marking tools [hand-operated]; Cattle shearers; Cattle shearers [hand-operated]; Clippers for use on animals [handoperated]; Electric hair clippers for animals [hand instruments]; Farriers' knives; Hair clippers for animals [hand instruments]; Hair cutting scissors; Paring knives; Penknives; Pocket knives; Scissors; Shears [hand operated tools]; Sprayers for use in agriculture [hand tool]; Sprayers (knapsack -) [nonelectric] for carrying on the back. Electric fence energisers; Electrified fences; Electronic data carriers; Electronic security tags; Electronic tags; Encoded identity cards. Veterinary apparatus and instruments; Veterinary obstetric aids for use in the birth of live animals; Tubes (30/07/2014) Class 17. Class 31. (No. 2260) 1152 Patents Office Journal for veterinary use; Teats. Plastic substances, semiprocessed. Agricultural products not included in other classes. Mullinahone Co-operative Dairy Society Ltd, Mullinoly, Mullinahone, Co Tipperary, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Mullinahone Co-operative Dairy Society Ltd, Mullinoly, Mullinahone, Co Tipperary, Ireland. 250803 10 February 2014 Class 44. The mark in use is/will be in the colour(s) green and blue Dental services, dental surgery IVORY DENTAL CARE, No. 2 Old Street, Malahide, Co. Dublin, Ireland. Address for service is c/o IVORY DENTAL CARE, No. 2 Old Street, Malahide, Co. Dublin, Ireland. The mark in use is/will be in the colours ivory & green 250802 04 February 2014 Class 41. Medical and safety training and education services; provision of training and education on the care of people; such services provided both online and one to one. iControl 250804 14 May 2014 Class 39. Parcel shipping services. ADRIAN MCCARTHY, 4 Heatherfield, Waterfall, Cork, Ireland. Address for service is c/o ADRIAN MCCARTHY, 4 Heatherfield, Waterfall, Cork, Ireland. GLS Ireland, Unit 1, Stadium Business Park, Ballycoolin Road, Dublin 11, Ireland. Address for service is c/o GLS Ireland, c/o Maja Sobolak, Unit 1, Stadium Business Park, Ballycoolin Road, Dublin 11, Ireland. The mark in use is/will be in the colours blue, grey and white The mark in use is/will be in the colour(s) dark navy blue and yelllow 1153 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) CATHERINE BUGGY, 13 Pembroke Cottages, Donnybrook, Dublin 4, IrelandSUZANNE LYNCH, 73 St. Helens Road, Booterstown, Co. Dublin, Ireland. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. The first mark in the series in use is/will be in the colours purple (pantone 2582c), black and white Application is for a Series of 2 Trade Marks. 250805 15 January 2014 Class 16. Class 29. Class 30. Paper cake decorations; printed matter; books; menus; recipe books; newsletters; stationery; calendars; diaries; paper packaging; instructional material. Fruit desserts; yoghurt desserts; desserts made from milk products; yoghurt; dairy products; milk shakes; milk based beverages; jellies; jams; compotes; preserved, frozen and cooked fruits and vegetables; edible nuts; peanuts; processed nuts. Bakery mixes; bread mixes; cakes mixes; brownie mixes; flour; confectionery; bread; biscuits; biscuit mixes; doughnut mixes; desserts made from flour, chocolate, caramel, mousse, custard, sugar, fruit rice, muesli, oats, cereals or rice; dessert sauces; chocolates; pizzas; baking powder; mixes for hot chocolate; coffee; tea; preparations made from cereals; cake decorations; chocolate decorations for cake; icing; ice creams; edible decorations for cakes; prepared desserts; chilled desserts; dough; pastry; yeast; waffles; waffle mixes; fudge; stuffing; sausage rolls; meat pies; sandwiches; sauces; salad sauces; condiments. TEA BAG TECHNOLOGY TEABAG TECHNOLOGY Application is for a Series of 2 Trade Marks. 250806 30 April 2014 Class 17. Class 20. Class 21. Class 24. Plastic sheeting; plastic webbing; sheets and webs for weed suppressing; ground cover sheeting; bubble insulation; weed suppressing membranes; screening; plastic mesh and netting; parts and fittings for the aforesaid goods. Plant supports and containers; hanging baskets; compost bins; tree ties and tree guards; plant ties of plastic; hooks, clips and fastenings; parts and fittings for the aforesaid goods. Containers, tubs and pots for flowers and plants; holders for flowers and plants; plant holders made of plastic materials; plant propagators [non electric]; indoor terrariums [plant cultivation]; plant growing trays, seed trays; plant irrigating trays and containers; pot plant support sticks; parts and fittings for the aforesaid goods. Bags or sacks of textile material for use with plants; (30/07/2014) Class 31. (No. 2260) 1154 Patents Office Journal garden fleece and capillary matting; weed control fabrics and membranes; weed suppressant fabrics and membranes; fabrics and membranes for weed control; parts and fittings for the aforesaid goods. Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products and grains; plants; live plants, house plants, nursery plants, potted plants, plants for ponds; dried plants and flowers for the purposes of decoration; flowers; plant propagation material; plant propagation kits; plant/seed kits containing compost, coir or soil; grow bags; seeds; plant seeds; seedlings; seeds for turf; turf; plant bulbs; flower bulbs; shrubs; herbs; logs; Christmas trees; ornamental trees. Priority Date Claimed: 24 March 2014 United Kingdom B&Q PLC, B&Q House, Chestnut Avenue, Eastleigh, Hampshire, SO53 3LE, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o SIPARA LIMITED, Black Horse House, Wallbrook Court, Oxford, OX2 0QS, United Kingdom. Application is for a Series of 3 Trade Marks. 250807 24 October 2013 Class 9. Computer hardware, computer software; computer programs; data storage media; modems; discs; CD-ROMs, compact discs; radio apparatus; apparatus for recording, transmission and reproduction of sound and images; magnetic data carriers; video tapes; video cassettes; recorded programmes for radio and television; telecommunications apparatus and instruments; communications apparatus and instruments; sound and video recordings; electrical and electronic apparatus for use in broadcasting; electrical and electronic apparatus for use in production and presentation of radio and television programmes; electronic publications provided online from databases or the internet (downloadable); news reports and magazines downloaded via the Internet or other communications network; electronic magazines, reports, directories and newsletters (downloadable); computer programs and data related to the publishing, multimedia, computer and entertainment 1155 (30/07/2014) Class 16. Class 35. Patents Office Journal industries; publications in electronic form; games and quizzes supplied by or played on the Internet (downloadable); interactive videos, films, tapes, cassettes and podcasts; articles, columns and written/published articles contained and/or supplied in or by electronic media; digital music, news and information provided from the internet or MP3 Internet websites or other communications network; podcasts. Printed matter; printed publications; paper; periodicals; magazines; newspapers; supplements; brochures; printed journals; books; stationery, stationery products; promotional materials; diaries; personal organisers; calendars; pens; pencils; photographs; postcards; drawings (graphic), stickers. Advertising; promotional services; advertising services; providing services to advertisers including, creative, planning and strategic services; provision of advertising space; rental of advertising space; dissemination of advertising materials; classified advertising; electronic advertising services; graphic advertising services; planning of marketing strategies; production of advertising material; advertising analysis; advice relating to advertising and marketing; arranging exhibitions for advertising purposes; brand creation services; business advice including business advice relating to advertising and marketing; collection and compilation of information relating to advertising; collection and compilation of information relating to market analysis; collection and (No. 2260) Class 38. compilation of information relating to market research; collection and compilation of commercial or business information; conducting of market research; conducting of marketing studies; organising and/or conducting exhibitions and presentations about advertising and for advertising or commercial purposes; market research; marketing analysis; provision of information relating to advertising and business; news clipping services; public relations including preparation of media releases and preparation of publicity material; consultancy relating to public relations; publicity columns preparation; organisation of exhibitions for trade fairs for commerce; opinion polling; statistical information; the bringing together for the benefit of others, via the internet, of a variety of retailers and wholesalers through a virtual shopping mall, enabling customers to conveniently view, purchase and make use of goods belonging to these retailers and wholesalers by means of telecommunications; promotional marketing; advertising information and business services; marketing, public relations, publicity and promotional services; exhibition services; advertising, information and business services provided online from a computer database or from the Internet or other communications network; compilation of advertisements for use as web pages on the Internet; classified advertising services. Radio and television broadcasting services; electronic communications services; broadcasting or transmission of audio, visual and audio visual programmes; (30/07/2014) Class 41. Patents Office Journal cable and satellite broadcasting services; telecommunications; broadcasting services; communications services; transmission of radio and television programmes; data transmission; transmission of messages, sound and images; transmission of information by electronic means; receiving and exchange of information, messages, images and data; electronic mail services; teletext services; news agency services; messages sending; electronic bulletin board information services; providing on-line links to information, news and reference material; providing multiple user access to computer networks and bulletin boards for the transfer and dissemination of a wide range of information; linking with other websites; transmission, provision or display of information for business, domestic and electronic commerce from a computer database or from the Internet; data transmission services; interactive communications services; transmission of information by electronic means; receiving and exchange of information, messages, images and data; texting services; digital communication services; delivery of digital music, pictures, videos, clips and news by telecommunications and other digital communications network; digital transmission services; information and advisory services relating to any of the aforesaid services. Production, presentation, syndication, networking and rental of material with a visual and/or audio element, namely television and radio programmes, films, sound and video recordings, interactive (No. 2260) 1156 entertainment, CDIs, CDRoms, computer games, live shows; radio entertainment services; news programme services; provision of news and information relating to current events, current affairs, politics, sports, culture, education and entertainment services; publishing services; information services relating to conferences, exhibitions, publishing and publication; sports information services; organisation of competitions, quizzes, games, live performances and concerts; news programme services; sports programme services; current affairs programme services; organisation of entertainment and cultural events; radio and television entertainment; production, presentation and rental of television and/or radio programmes, films, sound recordings and/or video recordings; production, presentation and rental of interactive entertainment; musical entertainment; entertainment provided by means of the Internet, cable television, satellite, terrestrial and digital terrestrial television and radio; production of television programmes, production of programmes for video; production of radio programmes; publication services, provision of recording studio facilities, studio production services; arranging and conducting exhibitions for cultural and educational purposes; electronic games services provided by means of the Internet; news syndication; digital music, news and discussion (not downloadable) provided via the internet or other digital platforms; all the aforesaid services also provided on-line from a 1157 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) computer database or from the Internet; all the aforesaid services also provided by radio or television programmes; all the aforesaid services also provided by digital means or other communications network. health education; dietary education services; teaching of diet education; physical fitness education services; training and education services; production of course material distributed at professional courses; production of course material distributed at professional seminars; production of course material distributed at professional lectures; provision of educational health and fitness information; educational examination; educational assessment services; instruction courses relating to health; training courses; seminars; providing of training in the field of health care and nutrition; conducting classes in nutrition; instruction in nutrition [not medical]; exercise [fitness] training services; exercise [fitness] advisory services. NEWS 106 LIMITED, Marconi House, Diggs Lane, Dublin 2, Ireland. Address for service is c/o LK SHIELDS SOLICITORS, 39/40 Upper Mount Street, Dublin 2, Ireland. The second mark in use in the series is/will be in the colours red and black ISSN DIPLOMA 250808 07 May 2014 Class 16. Class 41. Handbooks [manuals]; instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); printed matter; printed publications; reference books; textbooks; teaching materials [except apparatus]. Arranging of workshops; arranging of seminars; arranging teaching programmes; arranging of lectures; arranging of conferences; arranging professional workshop and training courses; provision of educational services relating to health; provision of educational services relating to diet; provision of educational services relating to exercise; provision of educational services relating to fitness; education services; education services relating to health; education services relating to nutrition; sports education services; physical GURU PERFORMANCE LIMITED, The Guildyard, 51 Colegate, Norwich, Norfolk NR3 1DD, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o Francis Gorman and Fiona Gorman, C/O F. F. Gorman & Co, 15 Clanwilliam Square, Dublin 2, Ireland. 250809 13 May 2014 Class 25. Clothes for sports; Maternity clothing; Wearable garments (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal and clothing, namely, shirts; Clothing for Dance, Yoga and Pilates. Heaslip Media Limited, Coliemore House, Coliemore Road, Dalkey, Dublin, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Heaslip Media Limited, Coliemore House, Coliemore Road, Dalkey, Dublin, Ireland. SMAK 250810 21 February 2014 Class 32. Class 39. Soft drinks; mineral and aerated waters and other nonalcoholic beverages; fruit beverages and fruit juices. Distribution services connected with beverages. BRUCE HARKNESS, 35 Ballymena Road, Ballymoney, Antrim BT53 7EX, United KingdomSAMUEL HARKNESS, 35 Ballymena Road, Ballymoney, Antrim BT53 7EX, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o MACLACHLAN & DONALDSON, 2b Clonskeagh Square, Clonskeagh Road, Dublin 14, Ireland. 250811 12 May 2014 Class 3. Skin care preparations; Skin care oils [cosmetic]; Essences (No. 2260) 1158 for skin care; Skin care creams [cosmetic]; Skin care lotions [cosmetic]; Cosmetic preparations for skin care; Milky lotions for skin care; Skin care (Cosmetic preparations for -); Nonmedicated skin care preparations; Skin care oils [non-medicated]; Cosmetic creams for skin care; Wrinkle removing skin care preparations; Cleansing milks for skin care; Exfoliants for the care of the skin; Skin care creams, other than for medical use; Essential oils for the care of the skin; Compounds for skin care after exposure to the suns rays; Bath lotion; Hair lotion; Baby lotion; Shaving lotion; Skin lotion; Facial lotion; Styling lotions; Cleansing lotions; Baby lotions; Aftershave lotions; Aromatherapy lotions; Shaving lotions; Eye lotions; Skin lotions; Hand lotions; Age retardant lotion; Skin cleansing lotion; Suntan lotion [cosmetics]; Hair protection lotions; After-sun lotions; Hair care lotions; Sun care lotions; Eye wrinkle lotions; Hair styling lotions; Hand lotion (Non-medicated -); Facial lotions [cosmetic]; Moisturising body lotion [cosmetic]; Cosmetic sun milk lotions; Bath lotions (Nonmedicated -); Non-medicated hair lotions; Hair strengthening treatment lotions; Perfumed lotions [toilet preparations]; Make-up removing lotions; Nonmedicated skin lotions; Moisturising skin lotions [cosmetic]; Lotions for cellulite reduction; Lotions for cosmetic purposes; Tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; Lotions (Tissues impregnated with cosmetic -); Non-medicated skin clarifying lotions; Perfumed body lotions [toilet preparations]; 1159 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal Lotions for strengthening the nails; Cosmetics in the form of lotions; Moist wipes impregnated with a cosmetic lotion; Moist paper hand towels impregnated with a cosmetic lotion; Skin toners; Facial toners [cosmetic]; Non medicated skin toners; Facial cleansers; Skin cleansers; Hand cleansers; Facial cleansers [cosmetic]; Skin cleansers [cosmetic]; Skin cleansers [non-medicated]; Wipes impregnated with a skin cleanser; Exfoliants; Exfoliant creams; Exfoliants for the cleansing of the skin; Essential oils; Blended essential oils; Terpenes [essential oils]; Emulsified essential oils; Aromatic essential oils; Bath oil; Hair oil; Body scrub; Facial scrubs; Facial scrubs [cosmetic]; Body cream; Eye cream; Cuticle cream; Facial cream; Sunscreen cream; Cold cream; Shaving cream; Lip cream; Hand cream; Nail cream; Hair cream; Skin cream; Night cream; Body creams; Facial creams; Face creams; Aromatherapy creams; Sunscreen creams; Cold creams; Shaving creams; Cleansing creams; Hand creams; Tanning creams; Sun creams; Perfumed creams; Hair creams; Aftershave creams; Day creams; Conditioning creams; Creams (Cosmetic -); Cosmetic creams; Shower creams; Skin creams; Washing creams; Skin cleansing cream; Bronzing creams; Body mask cream; Anti-aging cream; Wrinkle resistant cream; Antiwrinkle cream; Body creams [cosmetics]; Moisturiser; Skin moisturisers; Cosmetic moisturisers; Moisturisers [cosmetics]; Hair moisturisers; Body moisturisers; Facial moisturisers [cosmetic]; Non- (No. 2260) medicated moisturisers; After sun moisturisers. Neu Botanicals, 10 Cloghoge Heights, BT358BA, Newry, United KingdomM Rene Beyers, 10 Cloghoge Heights, BT358BA, Newry, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o M Rene Beyers, 10 Cloghoge Heights, BT358BA, Newry, United Kingdom. The mark in use is/will be in the colour(s) Dark Green: Pantone 341 Light Green: Pantone 390 Blue: Pantone Process Cyan 250812 07 May 2014 Class 30. Iced cakes; Cakes. Custom Cakes Ltd, Dublin Rd, Drogheda, Louth, Ireland. Address for service is c/o Custom Cakes Ltd, Dublin Rd, Drogheda, Louth, Ireland. CHIP-A-DEE-DOO-DAH! 250813 09 May 2014 Class 29. Chips; French fries; oven chips; frozen chips. Priority Date Claimed: 04 December 2013 United Kingdom (30/07/2014) (No. 2260) 1160 Patents Office Journal MCCAIN FOODS (GB) LIMITED, Havers Hill, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, YO11 3BS, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o FRANCIS & FIONA GORMAN, c/o F.F. GORMAN & CO., 15 Clanwilliam Square, Dublin 2, Ireland. 1.1: 250815 06 March 2014 Class 3. Class 4. 2.1: Class 8. Class 18. Application is for a Series of 2 Trade Marks. 250814 Class 20. 12 March 2014 Class 25. Clothing and headgear. MARK'S EXPERIMENT, 17 Talbot Park, Malahide, Dublin, Ireland. Address for service is c/o MARK'S EXPERIMENT, 17 Talbot Park, Malahide, Dublin, Ireland. The mark in use is/will be in the colours black and white Class 21. Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices; bathroom toiletries; bath oils; body scrubs/exfoliators; fragrances; room fragrances, room fresheners; potpourris. Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions; fuels (including motor spirit) and illuminants; candles; wicks for lighting; floating candles; fragranced candles. Cutlery for the table. Animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; luggage and luggage sets; bags; umbrellas and parasols; walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; cushions; baskets; rattan; bins (not of metal). Household or kitchen utensils and containers (not of precious metal or coated therewith); baskets; vases; soap dishes; jars, holders, dispensers, canisters and jugs, all for household and bathroom use; combs and sponges; brushes (except paintbrushes); brush-making materials; articles for cleaning 1161 (30/07/2014) Class 24. Class 25. Class 26. Class 27. Class 28. Patents Office Journal purposes; steelwool; unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building); glassware, porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes; tableware made of ceramics, earthenware, glass, porcelain or plastics; services not of precious metal; glassware; hollowware; drinking glasses; cutlery holders; cutlery rests; cutlery trays; cookware; saucepans; pans; cheese boards; oil/vinegar sets and cruets; wine holders; wine buckets; coffee, tea and sugar holders; bread bins; bread boards; bread baskets; leather and imitations of leather table mats and candle holders. Textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes; bed covers; towels; throws; table covers; covers for cushions; duvets; sheets; pillowcases; rugs; furniture coverings made of fabric; coasters and drink mats; table linen, napkins, table runners, tablemats; mats. Clothing, footwear, headgear Lace and embroidery, ribbons and braid; buttons, hooks and eyes, pins and needles; artificial flowers Carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum and other materials for covering existing floors; wall hangings (nontextile) Decorations for Christmas trees. BLUE MOBILE SOLUTIONS, Unit K2, Aerodrome Business Park, Rathcoole, Dublin 24, Ireland. Address for service is c/o MCKENNA DURCAN SOLICITORS, 66 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin 2, Ireland. 250816 (No. 2260) 09 May 2014 Class 41. Translation services; language interpreter services. LOCALEYES LIMITED, Robert Scott House, 6 St. Patrick's Quay, Cork, Ireland. Address for service is c/o CRUICKSHANK & CO., 8A Sandyford Business Centre, Sandyford, Dublin 18, Ireland. 250817 24 February 2014 Class 35. Provision of business services in relation to real estate investment namely business administration, accountancy, consultancy and company secretarial services. ALTAMONT INVESTMENT SERVICES LIMITED, 13 Upper Mount Street, Dublin 2, Ireland. Address for service is c/o ALTAMONT INVESTMENT SERVICES LIMITED, 13 Upper Mount Street, Dublin 2, Ireland. The mark in use is/will be in the colours brown and grey (30/07/2014) (No. 2260) 1162 Patents Office Journal SOUS LE SIGNE DU LION 250818 24 March 2014 Class 14. Jewellery; cases for jewellery and jewels; precious stones; precious metals; charms; cufflinks; decorative pins; tie pins; brooches; medallions; medals; horological and chronometric instruments; watches, clocks, watch bands, watch straps, watch bracelets; cases for watches and clocks; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. 250820 26 August 2013 Class 9. CHANEL LIMITED, Queensway, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 4DL, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o PATRICIA MCGOVERN, C/o DFMG Solicitors, Embassy House, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. 250819 20 January 2014 Class 28. Teddy Bears TOM SCOTT, No. 2 Pearse Square, Youghal, Co. Cork, Ireland. Address for service is c/o TOM SCOTT, No. 2 Pearse Square, Youghal, Co. Cork, Ireland. The mark in use is/will be in the colours purple and yellow. Class 36. Magnetically encoded cards for carrying data; multifunction cards for financial services; charge cards, cash cards, bank cards, cheque cards, credit cards, debit cards; computer software and publications in electronic form supplied online from databases or from facilities provided on the Internet; ATM (automated teller machine) cards, access cards, identification cards, integrated chip cards and prepaid cards and supporting systems related thereto; ATM machines, point of sale card readers, remote access devices; data carriers; computer software for the provision of banking services, financial services, bank account management services, monetary transfer services, payment services, financial analysis and financial reports, financial management services, and information services relating to banking and finance; publications, newsletters, magazines, periodicals, pamphlets and leaflets, all in electronic form supplied on-line from databases or from facilities provided on the Internet or provided by CD-ROM or disk. Financial, monetary and banking affairs, transactions and operations; financial, monetary and banking affairs, transactions and operations connected to deposits, demand accounts, fixed-term accounts, bank books, current accounts, 1163 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal foreign currency, bills of exchange and written orders, cheques, securities and dividend coupons, credit opening, advances and credit arrangements, documentary credits and acceptance credits, financing services, loans, guarantee, del credere and security transactions, discount and re-discount transactions; issuing of bonds and bearer bonds; trading in precious metals, coins and medals; information and mediation regarding banking and financial transactions, financial information and mediation; issuing, trading in and keeping of moveable goods and marketable securities; financial management and consultancy, investment and trust transactions; performing financial services for the benefit of clients; investment in shares, bonds and certificates of deposit and other securities, financial transactions via computer, services in connection with preparatory studies and feasibility studies in the financial area; insurance brokerage; insurance services; life assurance, damage insurance, car insurance, fire insurance, insurance against theft, legal assistance insurance, professional insurance, shipping and air insurance, transport insurance, medical insurance, insurance against loss of income, insurance against natural disasters, business managers’ insurance, family insurance, travel insurance, insurance against political risks, insurance against export risks, insurance or credit risks and exchange risks (hedging), reinsurance, debt balance insurance, group insurance, accident insurance, commercial policies. (No. 2260) KBC BANK IRELAND PLC, Legal Unit, Sandwith Street, Dublin 2, Ireland. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. The application for registration is proceeding with the consent of the proprietors of Registered CTM No.s 961227, 956649, 961185, 2510477, 4401766, 6772214, 6838122 & 8789794. The mark in use is/will be in the colours blue, white, black KBC. THE BANK OF YOU 250821 26 August 2013 Class 9. Magnetically encoded cards for carrying data; multifunction cards for financial services; charge cards, cash cards, bank cards, cheque cards, credit cards, debit cards; computer software and publications in electronic form supplied online from databases or from facilities provided on the Internet; ATM (automated teller machine) cards, access cards, identification cards, integrated chip cards and prepaid cards and supporting systems related thereto; ATM machines, point of sale card readers, remote access devices; data carriers; computer software for the provision of banking services, financial services, bank account management services, monetary transfer services, payment services, financial analysis and financial reports, financial management services, and information services relating to banking and finance; publications, (30/07/2014) Class 36. (No. 2260) 1164 Patents Office Journal newsletters, magazines, periodicals, pamphlets and leaflets, all in electronic form supplied on-line from databases or from facilities provided on the Internet or provided by CD-ROM or disk. Financial, monetary and banking affairs, transactions and operations; financial, monetary and banking affairs, transactions and operations connected to deposits, demand accounts, fixed-term accounts, bank books, current accounts, foreign currency, bills of exchange and written orders, cheques, securities and dividend coupons, credit opening, advances and credit arrangements, documentary credits and acceptance credits, financing services, loans, guarantee, del credere and security transactions, discount and re-discount transactions; issuing of bonds and bearer bonds; trading in precious metals, coins and medals; information and mediation regarding banking and financial transactions, financial information and mediation; issuing, trading in and keeping of moveable goods and marketable securities; financial management and consultancy, investment and trust transactions; performing financial services for the benefit of clients; investment in shares, bonds and certificates of deposit and other securities, financial transactions via computer, services in connection with preparatory studies and feasibility studies in the financial area; insurance brokerage; insurance services; life assurance, damage insurance, car insurance, fire insurance, insurance against theft, legal assistance insurance, professional insurance, shipping and air insurance, transport insurance, medical insurance, insurance against loss of income, insurance against natural disasters, business managers’ insurance, family insurance, travel insurance, insurance against political risks, insurance against export risks, insurance or credit risks and exchange risks (hedging), reinsurance, debt balance insurance, group insurance, accident insurance, commercial policies. KBC BANK IRELAND PLC, Legal Unit, Sandwith Street, Dublin 2, Ireland. Address for service is c/o FRKelly, 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. The application for registration is proceeding with the consent of the proprietors of Registered CTM No.s 961227, 956649, 961185, 2510477, 4401766, 6772214, 6838122 & 8789794. MOY PARK GOODNESS IN EVERYTHING Moy Park Goodness in Everything Application is for a Series of 2 Trade Marks. 250822 17 December 2013 Class 29. Meat, fish, poultry, game and sea food and foodstuffs made from the aforesaid; prepared meals consisting principally of meat; food products and foodstuffs containing chicken; snack foods consisting principally of meat; preserved vegetables; dairy products, 1165 (30/07/2014) Class 30. Patents Office Journal cheese, milk, yoghurts; fruits and vegetables all being chilled, frozen, preserved, canned, bottled or cooked; savoury vegetable based foods. Pasta, noodle, rice, and pastry based prepared meals; pasta, noodle, rice, and pastry based snack foods; sandwiches; foodstuffs and food products made from cereals; pasta and pasta products; confectionery, puddings and sweets; farinaceous products, pies, biscuits, bread; pizza and toppings for pizza; cereals and cereal products. MOY PARK LIMITED, The Food Park, 39 Seagoe Industrial Estate, Craigavon BT63 5QE, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o WALKER MORRIS LLP, Kings Court, 12 King Street, Leeds, LS1 2HL, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom. (No. 2260) Class 30. canned, bottled or cooked; savoury vegetable based foods. Pasta, noodle, rice, and pastry based prepared meals; pasta, noodle, rice, and pastry based snack foods; sandwiches; foodstuffs and food products made from cereals; pasta and pasta products; confectionery, puddings and sweets; farinaceous products, pies, biscuits, bread; pizza and toppings for pizza; cereals and cereal products. MOY PARK LIMITED, The Food Park, 39 Seagoe Industrial Estate, Craigavon BT63 5QE, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o WALKER MORRIS LLP, Kings Court, 12 King Street, Leeds, LS1 2HL, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom. MOY PARK GOOD GRILL MOY PARK GOOD KITCHEN CHEF SPECIALS Moy Park Good Kitchen Chef Specials Moy Park Good Grill Application is for a Series of 2 Trade Marks. 250824 17 December 2013 Class 29. Application is for a Series of 2 Trade Marks. 250823 17 December 2013 Class 29. Meat, fish, poultry, game and sea food and foodstuffs made from the aforesaid; prepared meals consisting principally of meat; food products and foodstuffs containing chicken; snack foods consisting principally of meat; preserved vegetables; dairy products, cheese, milk, yoghurts; fruits and vegetables all being chilled, frozen, preserved, Class 30. Meat, fish, poultry, game and sea food and foodstuffs made from the aforesaid; prepared meals consisting principally of meat; food products and foodstuffs containing chicken; snack foods consisting principally of meat; preserved vegetables; dairy products, cheese, milk, yoghurts; fruits and vegetables all being chilled, frozen, preserved, canned, bottled or cooked; savoury vegetable based foods. Pasta, noodle, rice, and pastry based prepared meals; pasta, noodle, rice, and pastry based snack foods; sandwiches; (30/07/2014) (No. 2260) 1166 Patents Office Journal foodstuffs and food products made from cereals; pasta and pasta products; confectionery, puddings and sweets; farinaceous products, pies, biscuits, bread; pizza and toppings for pizza; cereals and cereal products. biscuits, bread; pizza and toppings for pizza; cereals and cereal products. MOY PARK LIMITED, The Food Park, 39 Seagoe Industrial Estate, Craigavon BT63 5QE, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o WALKER MORRIS LLP, Kings Court, 12 King Street, Leeds, LS1 2HL, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom. MOY PARK LIMITED, The Food Park, 39 Seagoe Industrial Estate, Craigavon BT63 5QE, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o WALKER MORRIS LLP, Kings Court, 12 King Street, Leeds, LS1 2HL, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom. MOY PARK GOOD KITCHEN MOY PARK GOOD GRILL BIG BITES Moy Park Good Grill Big Bites Moy Park Good Kitchen Application is for a Series of 2 Trade Marks. 250826 17 December 2013 Class 29. Application is for a Series of 2 Trade Marks. 250825 17 December 2013 Class 29. Class 30. Meat, fish, poultry, game and sea food and foodstuffs made from the aforesaid; prepared meals consisting principally of meat; food products and foodstuffs containing chicken; snack foods consisting principally of meat; preserved vegetables; dairy products, cheese, milk, yoghurts; fruits and vegetables all being chilled, frozen, preserved, canned, bottled or cooked; savoury vegetable based foods. Pasta, noodle, rice, and pastry based prepared meals; pasta, noodle, rice, and pastry based snack foods; sandwiches; foodstuffs and food products made from cereals; pasta and pasta products; confectionery, puddings and sweets; farinaceous products, pies, Class 30. Meat, fish, poultry, game and sea food and foodstuffs made from the aforesaid; prepared meals consisting principally of meat; food products and foodstuffs containing chicken; snack foods consisting principally of meat; preserved vegetables; dairy products, cheese, milk, yoghurts; fruits and vegetables all being chilled, frozen, preserved, canned, bottled or cooked; savoury vegetable based foods. Pasta, noodle, rice, and pastry based prepared meals; pasta, noodle, rice, and pastry based snack foods; sandwiches; foodstuffs and food products made from cereals; pasta and pasta products; confectionery, puddings and sweets; farinaceous products, pies, biscuits, bread; pizza and toppings for pizza; cereals and cereal products. 1167 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal MOY PARK LIMITED, The Food Park, 39 Seagoe Industrial Estate, Craigavon BT63 5QE, United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o WALKER MORRIS LLP, Kings Court, 12 King Street, Leeds, LS1 2HL, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom. Application(s) deemed to be Withdrawn under Section 45(2) of the 1996 Act 249432 249449 249477 249478 Opposition(s) under Section 43 of the 1996 Act Irish Water. Opposition filed 03 July 2014 249230 249479 248384 ZEEBOX LIMITED. Application withdrawn 10 July 2014 249727 249076 ZEEBOX LIMITED. Application withdrawn 10 July 2014 249746 249832 249833 Any person who desires to oppose the registration of these trade marks may within three months from the date of this Journal give notice to the Controller, Patents Office, Government Buildings, Hebron Road, Kilkenny, in accordance with the provisions of Rule 18. 247070 Advertised in Journal No: 2205 on 20/06/2012. Specification of goods amended to read: Cl. 9. Smartphone software application for interactive discount vouchers excluding those in relation to transport ticketing, parking payment terminals, and public information terminals. Application(s) Withdrawn after Advertisement under the 1996 Act 250063 250764 DESMOND CROSDALE ALLIED IRISH BANKS PLC EVAN DOHERTY PAUL MEADE SABINA BRENNAN SABINA BRENNAN Trade Marks Registered under the 1996 Act 250111 Application(s) Amended after Advertisement under the 1996 Act (No. 2260) 249851 249886 249911 249916 249917 249929 249931 249932 249941 249958 249965 249975 249978 249996 250003 250010 250019 250027 (2239) Cl. 25. TANYIA DEANE (2242) Cl. 29. M&M WALSHE LTD T/A RIBWORLD (2245) Cl. 18 25 28. ACUSHNET COMPANY (2246) Cl. 18 25 28. ACUSHNET COMPANY (2247) Cl. 36 45. DAS LEGAL EXPENSES INSURANCE COMPANY (2247) Cl. 36 45. DAS LEGAL EXPENSES INSURANCE COMPANY (2248) Cl. 10. CF PHARMA LTD (2248) Cl. 44. GABY WIELAND (2249) Cl. 3 7 11. I.W.S. NOMINEE COMPANY LIMITED (2249) Cl. 9 14 16 18 21 24 25 28 36 42. 123 MONEY LIMITED (2249) Cl. 36 42. 123 MONEY LIMITED (2249) Cl. 29 30. SOCIÉTÉ DES PRODUITS NESTLÉ S.A. (2249) Cl. 6 7 9 12 16 19 35 36 38 39 41 42 45. THE NATIONAL TRANSPORT AUTHORITY (2249) Cl. 6 7 9 12 16 19 35 36 38 39 41 42 45. THE NATIONAL TRANSPORT AUTHORITY (2249) Cl. 9 16 29 30 32 33 35 39 41 43. WHEATLAND INVESTMENTS LIMITED (2249) Cl. 35. STUART MARSHALL (2249) Cl. 9 42 44. WYETH LLC (2250) Cl. 29 30. HOUSE OF SPICE LTD (2250) Cl. 35 37 42. DRUMREAGH (2250) Cl. 41. IMELDA SCALLAN (2250) Cl. 5. PHARMATON S.A. (2250) Cl. 16 25 35 41 45. MCCANN FITZGERALD, SOLICITORS (2250) Cl. 35. GERARD MOLLOY (2250) Cl. 35 36 44. DISCOVERY HOLDINGS LIMITED (30/07/2014) 250030 250034 250035 250040 250041 250042 250050 250061 250065 250069 250070 250071 250072 250078 250080 250082 250085 250090 250093 250094 250095 250097 Patents Office Journal (2251) Cl. 35. PROFESSIONAL RISK MANAGEMENT LTD. (PRML) (2251) Cl. 32. RICHARD SIBERRY (2251) Cl. 41. LIVE & BREATHE PILATES (2251) Cl. 36. JOHN LAING ENVIRONMENTAL ASSETS GROUP LIMITED (2251) Cl. 42. ABBVIE INC. (2251) Cl. 44. ABBVIE INC. (2251) Cl. 30. MICHAEL HEALY (2251) Cl. 16 39. BUS ÁTHA CLIATH/DUBLIN BUS (2251) Cl. 30. S & B HERBA FOOD LTD (2251) Cl. 35 42. TIM HAEUSSLER (2251) Cl. 31. WILLIAM P. KEELING & SONS (2251) Cl. 31. WILLIAM P. KEELING & SONS (2251) Cl. 36 41. THE INSURANCE INSTITUTE OF IRELAND (2251) Cl. 30. ALDI STORES (IRELAND) LIMITED (2251) Cl. 32. CARLSBERG BREWERIES A/S (2251) Cl. 25. TRU TRADING COMPANY LTD (2251) Cl. 3 5 16. UNILEVER PLC. (2251) Cl. 41. NICHOLAS COSTELLO (2251) Cl. 26. AURORA HAIR PRODUCTS LIMITED (2251) Cl. 3. BOURJOIS LIMITED (2251) Cl. 35 36. MASTERCARD INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED (2251) Cl. 20. MICHAEL HEALY 75501 75777 76397 76573 108433 108460 108461 108624 109304 110068 110300 110364 110365 110980 111005 111279 113311 114104 114643 114787 115222 116054 228949 228950 229201 229202 229203 229406 Renewal of Registrations Under Section 48 of the 1996 Act 45302 45488 45489 45609 45642 45836 46730 47539 64418 65131 65199 75051 75190 Cl. 30. WM. Wrigley JR. Company Cl. 9. Parker Intangibles LLC Cl. 12. Parker Intangibles LLC Cl. 34. IMPERIAL TOBACCO LIMITED Cl. 5. THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY Cl. 16. Europe Brands S.à r.l. Cl. 1. SUPPLYTRADE LTD Cl. 16. BIC U.K. LIMITED Cl. 5. GLAXO GROUP LIMITED Cl. 5. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT. Cl. 29. Carapelli Firenze, S.p.A. Cl. 1. Cognis IP Management GmbH Cl. 10. Covidien AG 229407 229408 (No. 2260) 1168 Cl. 16. SCA Capital NV Cl. 29, Cl. 30. Largo Foods Cl. 12. TRIPLEX SAFETY GLASS COMPANY LIMITED Cl. 5. BABYGRO LIMITED Cl. 9. PEP West, Inc. Cl. 9. Orafol Americas Inc. Cl. 17. Orafol Americas Inc. Cl. 5. ASTRAZENECA UK LIMITED Cl. 12. FORD-WERKE AG Cl. 10. Ansell Limited Cl. 5. BAUSCH & LOMB B.V. Cl. 5. Heraeus Kulzer GmbH Cl. 10. Heraeus Kulzer GmbH Cl. 12. THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY Cl. 30. Hero AG Cl. 29. Switzerland Cheese Marketing AG (SCM) Cl. 3. L'OREAL Cl. 3. ALBION CO., LTD. Cl. 3. L'OREAL Cl. 25. SIMON HART LIMITED Cl. 30. WM. WRIGLEY JR. COMPANY Cl. 10, Cl. 17, Cl. 21. ANSELL (U.K.) LIMITED Cl. 36. Mobile Mortgages Ltd Cl. 36. Mobile Mortgages Ltd Cl. 33. Spirits Product International Intellectual Property B.V. Cl. 33. Spirits Product International Intellectual Property B.V. Cl. 33. Spirits Product International Intellectual Property B.V. Cl. 9, Cl. 14, Cl. 16, Cl. 18, Cl. 21, Cl. 24, Cl. 25, Cl. 28, Cl. 41. THE OFFICERS FOR THE TIME BEING OF THE FERMANAGH COUNTY BOARD OF THE GAELIC ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Cl. 9, Cl. 14, Cl. 16, Cl. 18, Cl. 21, Cl. 24, Cl. 25, Cl. 28, Cl. 41. THE OFFICERS FOR THE TIME BEING OF THE SLIGO COUNTY BOARD OF THE GAELIC ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Cl. 9, Cl. 14, Cl. 16, Cl. 18, Cl. 21, Cl. 24, Cl. 25, Cl. 28, Cl. 41. THE OFFICERS FOR THE TIME BEING OF THE CAVAN COUNTY BOARD OF THE GAELIC ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 1169 (30/07/2014) 229607 Cl. 9, Cl. 14, Cl. 16, Cl. 18, Cl. 21, Cl. 24, Cl. 25, Cl. 28, Cl. 41. THE OFFICERS FOR THE TIME BEING OF THE DONEGAL COUNTY BOARD OF THE GAELIC ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Cl. 16, Cl. 35, Cl. 41. SMALL FIRMS ASSOCIATION Cl. 29. Mary Burns Cl. 36. PFDS Holdings, LLC Cl. 5. BASF SE Cl. 16, Cl. 38. STEFAN HALLENIUS Cl. 5. NOVARTIS AG Cl. 16, Cl. 36, Cl. 41, Cl. 44. IRISH CANCER SOCIETY Cl. 16, Cl. 36, Cl. 41, Cl. 44. IRISH CANCER SOCIETY Cl. 16, Cl. 36, Cl. 41, Cl. 44. IRISH CANCER SOCIETY Cl. 16, Cl. 36, Cl. 41, Cl. 44. IRISH CANCER SOCIETY Cl. 16, Cl. 36, Cl. 41, Cl. 44. IRISH CANCER SOCIETY Cl. 25. ALDI STORES (IRELAND) LIMITED Cl. 5. Norton Healthcare Limited Cl. 36. MERRION CAPITAL GROUP LIMITED Cl. 3, Cl. 5, Cl. 10, Cl. 16, Cl. 35, Cl. 40, Cl. 44. BOFH HOLDINGS LIMITED TRADING AS HEALTH EXPRESS Cl. 9, Cl. 16, Cl. 39. BUS ATHA CLIATH/DUBLIN BUS Cl. 5. BASF SE Cl. 5. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 31. MARS FOODS IRELAND LIMITED Cl. 5. BASF Aktiengesellschaft Cl. 5, Cl. 10. GLAXO GROUP LIMITED Cl. 35, Cl. 37, Cl. 39. WOOD CONCEPTS LIMITED Cl. 18. FORD MOTOR COMPANY Cl. 7. EBARA CORPORATION Cl. 6, Cl. 14, Cl. 20, Cl. 21. CUMANN LÚTHCHLEAS GAEL Cl. 6, Cl. 14, Cl. 20, Cl. 21. CUMANN LÚTHCHLEAS GAEL Cl. 9, Cl. 14, Cl. 16, Cl. 18, Cl. 21, Cl. 24, Cl. 25, Cl. 28, Cl. 41. THE OFFICERS FOR THE TIME BEING OF THE DERRY COUNTY BOARD OF THE GAELIC ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Cl. 41. THE NETWORK CLUB LTD Cl. 9, Cl. 42. CORVIL LIMITED Cl. 1. Florentaise 229882 229904 229948 229952 229966 230000 230124 230125 230126 230127 230128 230135 230140 230143 230159 230220 230223 230226 230306 230365 230393 230465 230474 230475 230547 230548 230629 230751 230778 230862 Patents Office Journal 230940 231068 231069 231070 231109 231110 231243 231399 231794 231878 231886 232086 232267 232274 233060 233218 234267 236186 245984 (No. 2260) Cl. 33. VIÑA DASSAULT-SAN PEDRO S.A. Cl. 3. Mr. Neil Moynihan Cl. 3. Mr. Neil Moynihan Cl. 3. Mr. Neil Moynihan Cl. 3. Mr. Neil Moynihan Cl. 3. Mr. Neil Moynihan Cl. 37, Cl. 42. LEXMARK INTERNATIONAL, INC. Cl. 33. VIÑA DASSAULT-SAN PEDRO S.A. Cl. 18, Cl. 25, Cl. 35. FL Europe Holdings, Inc. Cl. 9, Cl. 14, Cl. 21. THE OFFICERS FOR THE TIME BEING OF THE MEATH COUNTY BOARD OF THE GAELIC ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Cl. 16, Cl. 18, Cl. 24, Cl. 25, Cl. 28, Cl. 41. The Officers For the Time Being of the Armagh County Board of the Gaelic Athletic Association Cl. 9, Cl. 14, Cl. 21. THE OFFICERS FOR THE TIME BEING OF THE ARMAGH COUNTY BOARD OF THE GAELIC ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Cl. 9, Cl. 14, Cl. 21. THE OFFICERS FOR THE TIME BEING OF THE LONGFORD COUNTY BOARD OF THE GAELIC ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Cl. 9, Cl. 14, Cl. 16, Cl. 18, Cl. 21, Cl. 24, Cl. 25, Cl. 28, Cl. 41. THE OFFICERS FOR THE TIME BEING OF THE CORK COUNTY BOARD OF THE GAELIC ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Cl. 5, Cl. 10. NORTON HEALTHCARE LIMITED Cl. 41, Cl. 43. COCOON HEAD START CENTRES LIMITED Cl. 25. AHLERS AG. Cl. 9, Cl. 16, Cl. 39. BUS ATHA CLIATH/DUBLIN BUS Cl. 35. DENISE MORONEY Renewal Fees unpaid at date of expiry of Registration or renewal thereof - Rule 39(1) of the 1996 Rules 44349 44391 Cl. 11, Cl. 12. 04 May 2014. T.I. MILLER LIMITED Cl. 8. 31 May 2014. The Gillette Company (30/07/2014) 45503 46501 46538 46693 47482 64129 64130 74915 74918 74921 74976 75034 75099 75247 75391 75635 76134 107654 107665 107859 107860 108047 108048 108385 108390 108396 108404 108494 108753 108772 109092 Patents Office Journal Cl. 32. 15 May 2014. Apollinaris Brands GmbH Cl. 4. 31 May 2014. Chevron Intellectual Property LLC Cl. 3. 02 May 2014. Wella GmbH Cl. 7. 27 May 2014. MEZ BRNO, STATNI PODNIK Cl. 33. 31 May 2014. DISTILLEERDERIJEN ERVEN LUCAS BOLS B.V. Cl. 3. 07 May 2014. Wella GmbH Cl. 3. 07 May 2014. Wella GmbH Cl. 5. 04 May 2014. AMERICAN HOME PRODUCTS CORPORATION Cl. 5. 12 May 2014. PFIZER INC. Cl. 1. 20 May 2014. Cognis IP Management GmbH Cl. 3. 26 May 2014. Balenciaga Cl. 33. 29 May 2014. ENGEL OVERSEAS LTD Cl. 5. 04 May 2014. SANOFI Cl. 31. 15 May 2014. UNIFRUCO LIMITED Cl. 8. 01 May 2014. WILKINSON SWORD GmbH Cl. 9. 12 May 2014. WIMA Spezialvertrieb elektronischer Bauelemente GmbH & Co. KG Cl. 9. 08 May 2014. KEYSWITCH RELAYS LIMITED Cl. 1. 08 May 2014. Grace Silica GmbH Cl. 25. 23 May 2014. afis - international - Schuhproduktionsgesellschaft m.b.H. Cl. 29. 15 May 2014. DAIRY CREST LIMITED Cl. 5. 15 May 2014. NISSAN CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED Cl. 5. 04 May 2014. Abbott Healthcare Products B.V. Cl. 5. 04 May 2014. Abbott Healthcare Products B.V. Cl. 32. 01 May 2014. Joker (Société par Actions Simplifiée) Cl. 5. 15 May 2014. Astellas Pharma Europe B.V. Cl. 12. 16 May 2014. HONDA GIKEN KOGYO KABUSHIKI KAISHA HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD. Cl. 4. 29 May 2014. CASTROL LIMITED Cl. 28. 19 May 2014. WILSON SPORTING GOODS CO. Cl. 18. 09 May 2014. Societe Nationale des chemins de Fer Français Cl. 10. 25 May 2014. LRC PRODUCTS LIMITED Cl. 3. 08 May 2014. L'OREAL 109241 109243 109397 109573 110676 111245 111454 111729 111730 111739 111740 111921 a 113431 113876 113877 113878 115066 119976 120975 124224 132116 135052 176442 229303 229336 229345 229357 229359 229435 229437 (No. 2260) 1170 Cl. 12. 09 May 2014. Federal-Mogul Italy S.r.l. Cl. 3. 11 May 2014. UNILEVER PLC Cl. 7. 01 May 2014. BRUSH RESEARCH MANUFACTURING CO., INC. Cl. 25. 10 May 2014. WRANGLER APPAREL CORP Cl. 5. 23 May 2014. ASTRAZENECA UK LIMITED Cl. 3, Cl. 14, Cl. 21, Cl. 24, Cl. 29. 25 May 2014. WWF-WORLD WIDE FUND FOR NATURE (Formerly WORLD WILDLIFE FUND) Cl. 9. 29 May 2014. QUANTEGY MEDIA CORPORATION Cl. 12. 22 May 2014. SEAT S.A. Cl. 12. 22 May 2014. SEAT S.A. Cl. 7, Cl. 9. 24 May 2014. FIAT AUTO S.p.A. Cl. 12. 24 May 2014. FIAT AUTO S.p.A. Cl. 12. 29 May 2014. MICHELIN RECHERCHE ET TECHNIQUE S.A. Cl. 29. 18 May 2014. SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE S.A. Cl. 5. 10 May 2014. JOHN WYETH & BROTHER LIMITED Cl. 5. 10 May 2014. JOHN WYETH & BROTHER LIMITED Cl. 5. 10 May 2014. JOHN WYETH & BROTHER LIMITED Cl. 3. 17 May 2014. AMERICAN GREASE STICK COMPANY Cl. 9. 09 May 2014. OHMITE MANUFACTURING COMPANY INC. Cl. 3. 23 May 2014. RECKITT BENCKISER (UK) LIMITED Cl. 33. 16 May 2014. CONSTELLATION BRANDS, INC. Cl. 2. 23 May 2014. Valspar Powder Coatings Limited Cl. 32. 08 May 2014. Atlantic Industries Cl. 3. 03 May 2014. Unilever Ireland Holdings Limited Cl. 5. 07 May 2014. JOHN GODFREY Cl. 35, Cl. 42. 12 May 2014. STEORN LIMITED Cl. 19. 17 May 2014. OSB GROUP Cl. 8. 20 May 2014. Frost Cutlery Company LLC Cl. 9, Cl. 16. 20 May 2014. ANKER INTERNATIONAL PLC. Cl. 35, Cl. 36. 07 May 2014. Ciara Sherlock Cl. 34. 28 May 2014. GALLAHER LIMITED 1171 (30/07/2014) 229438 Cl. 16, Cl. 44. 28 May 2014. ROSS REYNOLDS Cl. 29, Cl. 30. 13 May 2014. SOCIÉTÉ DES PRODUITS NESTLÉ S.A. Cl. 5. 10 May 2014. BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB COMPANY Cl. 34. 28 May 2014. GALLAHER LIMITED Cl. 5. 14 May 2014. HYGEIA GROUP LIMITED Cl. 12. 14 May 2014. HALFORDS LIMITED Cl. 6, Cl. 19, Cl. 37. 14 May 2014. GLOBAL ROOFING SOLUTIONS (PTY) LIMITED Cl. 6, Cl. 19, Cl. 37. 14 May 2014. GLOBAL ROOFING SOLUTIONS (PTY) LIMITED Cl. 5. 07 May 2014. JOHN GODFREY Cl. 36, Cl. 38, Cl. 42. 19 May 2014. AVIVA GROUP IRELAND PLC Cl. 31. 11 May 2014. AGRI-SEEDS LIMITED t/a AGRITECH Cl. 9, Cl. 35. 11 May 2014. UNITED PARCEL SERVICE OF AMERICA, INC. Cl. 9, Cl. 35. 11 May 2014. UNITED PARCEL SERVICE OF AMERICA, INC. Cl. 33. 17 May 2014. Eunan Ryan Cl. 9, Cl. 14, Cl. 16, Cl. 18, Cl. 21, Cl. 24, Cl. 25, Cl. 28, Cl. 41. 06 May 2014. THE OFFICERS FOR THE TIME BEING OF THE KILKENNY COUNTY BOARD OF THE GAELIC ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Cl. 29, Cl. 30. 11 May 2014. McCAIN FOODS (GB) LIMITED Cl. 34. 28 May 2014. GALLAHER LIMITED Cl. 9, Cl. 35. 11 May 2014. UNITED PARCEL SERVICE OF AMERICA, INC. Cl. 33. 26 May 2014. ICON DISTILLERS LTD. Cl. 30. 07 May 2014. SEAN MORAN Cl. 3, Cl. 25, Cl. 30, Cl. 32. 01 June 2014. DIANE ROONEY Cl. 25. 31 May 2014. PHYSIQUE FASHIONS Cl. 5. 05 May 2014. BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB COMPANY Cl. 29. 26 May 2014. Irish Biscuits Cl. 33. 26 May 2014. ICON DISTILLERS LTD Cl. 41. 05 May 2014. THOMAS KEANE 229456 229461 229462 229480 229491 229496 229497 229498 229516 229517 229518 229519 229526 229536 229537 229540 229564 229566 229569 229577 229579 229583 229588 229589 229596 Patents Office Journal 229608 229610 229620 229637 229646 229647 229650 229651 229655 229673 229678 229683 229684 229690 229692 229693 229694 229697 229698 229703 229717 229742 229748 229749 (No. 2260) Cl. 16. 07 May 2014. MOHH PUBLISHING LIMITED Cl. 9, Cl. 35. 25 May 2014. UNITED PARCEL SERVICE OF AMERICA, INC. Cl. 35. 17 May 2014. DR. JAMES G. KINANE Cl. 19. 18 May 2014. OSB GROUP Cl. 31, Cl. 39, Cl. 44. 19 May 2014. LUCY YEATES Cl. 3. 19 May 2014. BARE ESCENTUALS, INC. Cl. 26. 18 May 2014. SALLY BEAUTY INTERNATIONAL, INC. Cl. 16, Cl. 17, Cl. 25, Cl. 28. 10 May 2014. NEWCASTLE WEST GOLF CLUB Cl. 9, Cl. 35. 25 May 2014. UNITED PARCEL SERVICE OF AMERICA, INC. Cl. 16, Cl. 41. 01 June 2014. NI Group Limited Cl. 40. 27 May 2014. CITY PRINT LIMITED Cl. 2. 14 May 2014. TIMOTHY JOHN HEALY BRINDLEY Cl. 9, Cl. 35. 18 May 2014. UNITED PARCEL SERVICE OF AMERICA, INC. Cl. 25. 18 May 2014. THE TJX COMPANIES, INC. Cl. 9, Cl. 35. 18 May 2014. UNITED PARCEL SERVICE OF AMERICA, INC. Cl. 3. 20 May 2014. TOM STEWART Cl. 9, Cl. 35. 18 May 2014. UNITED PARCEL SERVICE OF AMERICA, INC. Cl. 41, Cl. 43, Cl. 44. 31 May 2014. GALWAY BAY GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB LIMITED Cl. 18, Cl. 25, Cl. 28, Cl. 35, Cl. 41, Cl. 43, Cl. 44. 31 May 2014. GALWAY BAY GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB LIMITED Cl. 36. 05 May 2014. PATRICK J DILLON Cl. 36. 01 June 2014. PERMANENT TSB Cl. 36. 01 June 2014. WORLDWIDE PROPERTY INVESTMENTS Cl. 25. 20 May 2014. LONGFORD TOWN FOOTBALL CLUB Cl. 43. 31 May 2014. KF MARQUEES LIMITED (Monica Sood, Keith Fahy) (30/07/2014) 229764 229765 229790 229865 229868 229870 229872 229906 229942 229951 229960 229961 229962 229986 230004 230008 230013 230027 230134 230169 230170 230186 230191 230326 230394 230439 230468 230500 Patents Office Journal Cl. 32. 12 May 2014. The Concentrate Manufacturing Company of Ireland also trading as Seven-Up International Cl. 30. 12 May 2014. Irish Biscuits Cl. 14. 11 May 2014. BRIAN PILLOW Cl. 16, Cl. 25, Cl. 41. 24 May 2014. Stretch-n-Grow Ireland Limited Cl. 8. 20 May 2014. Frost Cutlery Company LLC Cl. 32. 24 May 2014. SILKENEARTH IRELAND LIMITED Cl. 9, Cl. 16, Cl. 35. 24 May 2014. Athlone Voice Limited Cl. 42. 13 May 2014. MICROWORKS ICT LTD Cl. 16. 24 May 2014. KILLIAN KAVANAGH Cl. 34. 28 May 2014. GALLAHER LIMITED Cl. 42. 13 May 2014. MICROWORKS ICT LTD Cl. 9, Cl. 16, Cl. 35. 24 May 2014. Athlone Voice Limited Cl. 11. 17 May 2014. BSH BOSCH UND SIEMENS HAUSGERATE GMBH Cl. 35. 26 May 2014. MANAGEMENT RESOURCE INSTITUTE Cl. 16, Cl. 25. 18 May 2014. TRUSTEES OF WATERFORD GAELIC ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Cl. 35, Cl. 36, Cl. 37, Cl. 38, Cl. 41, Cl. 42. 10 May 2014. JARVIS PLC Cl. 35, Cl. 42. 28 May 2014. KEVIN O'BRIEN Cl. 14. 21 May 2014. R PLATNAUER LIMITED Cl. 16, Cl. 28, Cl. 41. 07 May 2014. AN POST NATIONAL LOTTERY COMPANY Cl. 20. 04 May 2014. ELITE TOOL & DIE CO. LIMITED Cl. 43. 04 May 2014. GREGORY O'KANE Cl. 9. 13 May 2014. ANTO YAU Cl. 29, Cl. 30, Cl. 43. 13 May 2014. ECO RESTAURANT LIMITED Cl. 9, Cl. 25. 12 May 2014. JASON KELLY Cl. 38, Cl. 42. 28 May 2014. Voicesage Global Holdings Limited Cl. 6, Cl. 12, Cl. 21. 19 May 2014. Vermop Salmon GmbH Cl. 35, Cl. 41, Cl. 42. 12 May 2014. PETER T. LAWLESS Cl. 14. 19 May 2014. R PLATNAUER LIMITED 230563 230564 230627 230631 230655 230884 231108 231229 231230 231616 232350 232351 233236 234675 (No. 2260) 1172 Cl. 38, Cl. 42. 28 May 2014. Voicesage Global Holdings Limited Cl. 38, Cl. 42. 28 May 2014. Voicesage Global Holdings Limited Cl. 41. 24 May 2014. FELIX McCANN Cl. 9, Cl. 16, Cl. 41, Cl. 42. 07 May 2014. THE EUROPEAN COMPUTER DRIVING LICENCE FOUNDATION LIMITED Cl. 30, Cl. 32, Cl. 43. 20 May 2014. GEAROID McMAHON Cl. 9. 26 May 2014. JAKKS PACIFIC, INC. Cl. 45. 18 May 2014. CHERISH LIMITED Cl. 38, Cl. 40, Cl. 41. 11 May 2014. MR. TOBY CAMBELL Cl. 38, Cl. 40, Cl. 41. 11 May 2014. MR. TOBY CAMBELL Cl. 9, Cl. 41. 26 May 2014. DIVEOLOGY LIMITED Cl. 9, Cl. 16, Cl. 28, Cl. 38, Cl. 41. 10 May 2014. Chart Show Channels Limited Cl. 9, Cl. 16, Cl. 28, Cl. 38, Cl. 41. 10 May 2014. Chart Show Channels Limited Cl. 29, Cl. 30, Cl. 35. 12 May 2014. OASIS SAVORY SNACKS LIMITED Cl. 3. 12 May 2014. AZTEC FINANCE CORPORATION LIMITED Trade Marks Removed from the Register under Section 48 and Rule 39(2) of the 1996 Act and Rules. 43866 43970 44996 46203 63901 63912 64064 64071 64124 64202 64423 74342 Cl. 30. TREBOR BASSETT LIMITED Cl. 1. Kodak Limited Cl. 5. VITALUXAN LIMITED. Cl. 26. TALON INTERNATIONAL, INC. Cl. 29. The British Margarine Company Limited Cl. 32. Western Wines Holding Limited Cl. 2. PPG INDUSTRIES OHIO, INC. Cl. 32. NANNERL NAHRUNGSMITTELSPEZIALITATEN GESELLSCHAFT mbH Cl. 5. E.R. SQUIBB & SONS, L.L.C. Cl. 5. BUCKMAN LABORATORIES INTERNATIONAL, INC. Cl. 12. BENTLEY MOTORS LIMITED Cl. 1. Cognis IP Management GmbH 1173 (30/07/2014) 74347 74348 74566 74567 74625 74668 74669 74716 75231 Cl. 1. Polimeri Europa S.p.A. Cl. 17. Polimeri Europa S.p.A. Cl. 4. Shell Brands International AG Cl. 4. Shell Brands International AG Cl. 24. KLOPMAN HOLDINGS S.àr.l. Cl. 22. Sattler AG Cl. 23. Sattler AG Cl. 24, 25, 27. DESCAMPS S.A. Cl. 16. PELIKAN VERTRIEBSGESELLSCHAFT MBH and Co. KG Cl. 7. THE CEMENTATION COMPANY LIMITED Cl. 29, 30. Unilever Ireland Limited Cl. 29, 30. Unilever Ireland Limited Cl. 13. DYNAMIT NOBEL AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 21. Manufaktur Rödental GmbH Cl. 10. Covidien AG Cl. 5. MADAUS GmbH Cl. 5. CSL Behring GmbH Cl. 7. Actuant Corporation Cl. 11. CONSTRUCTIONS INDUSTRIELLES DE LA MÉDITERRANÉE - CNIM Cl. 33. BODEGAS FAUSTINO MARTINEZ S.A. Cl. 3. THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY Cl. 9. ADC GmbH Cl. 1. RHODIA CHIMIE Cl. 33. RHUMS MARTINQUAIS SAINT JAMES - R.M.S.J. Cl. 5. Monsanto Technology LLC Cl. 5. ABBOTT PRODUCTS SAS Cl. 5. BIOFARMA Cl. 24, 25. KABUSHIKI KAISHA BANDAI NAMCO Games Cl. 20, 24. VRK HOLDING A/S Cl. 17. POLYANE Cl. 30. SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE S.A. Cl. 5. BASF Agro Trademarks GmbH Cl. 5. BASF Agro Trademarks GmbH Cl. 5. BASF Agro Trademarks GmbH Cl. 5. BASF Agro Trademarks GmbH Cl. 1. AUSIMONT S.p.A. Cl. 4. AUSIMONT S.p.A. Cl. 17. AUSIMONT S.p.A. Cl. 16. PENTHOUSE INTERNATIONAL, LTD. Cl. 16. PENTHOUSE INTERNATIONAL, LTD. Cl. 30. KRAFT FOODS UK LTD. Cl. 32. THE COCA-COLA COMPANY 75765 75862 75865 76387 78701 106465 106669 107012 107198 107199 107203 107204 107206 107208 107212 107213 107381 107570 108135 108238 108262 108266 108960 108961 108962 108963 109065 109066 109067 109552 109553 110287 110550 Patents Office Journal 111435 111438 111452 112695 112696 112697 112698 115507 117002 135070 228329 228331 228339 228382 228383 228386 228388 228390 228392 228393 228394 228434 228440 228463 228464 228472 228477 228483 228484 228493 228494 228496 228509 228515 228540 228559 228562 228604 228617 (No. 2260) Cl. 7, 12. MR. RAYMOND KEITH FOSTER KEITH MANUFACTURING COMPANY Cl. 17. AEROBORD LIMITED Cl. 3. LANCOME PARFUMS ET BEAUTE & CIE Cl. 16. THOSE CHARACTERS FROM CLEVELAND, INC. Cl. 16. THOSE CHARACTERS FROM CLEVELAND, INC. Cl. 28. THOSE CHARACTERS FROM CLEVELAND, INC. Cl. 28. THOSE CHARACTERS FROM CLEVELAND, INC. Cl. 29. ABBA SEAFOOD AB Cl. 5. GLAXO GROUP LIMITED Cl. 30. BOYNE VALLEY Cl. 5. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. Cl. 4, 8, 16, 20, 21, 24, 27. FENN, WRIGHT AND MANSON LIMITED Cl. 25. JOHN HEGARTY Cl. 9, 16, 35. Athlone Voice Limited Cl. 9, 16, 35. Athlone Voice Limited Cl. 25. CHRISTIAN DIOR COUTURE Cl. 10, 41. Kyphon SARL Cl. 5. McDERMOTT LABORATORIES LIMITED, trading as GERARD LABORATORIES Cl. 32. LIDL STIFTUNG & Co. KG Cl. 32. PEPSICO, INC. Cl. 10. Kyphon SARL Cl. 32. Anheuser-Busch, LLC Cl. 5. McDERMOTT LABORATORIES LIMITED, trading as GERARD LABORATORIES Cl. 7, 11, 20. Ronan Buckley Cl. 5. WYETH LLC Cl. 11. Salton, Inc. Cl. 16. VOLAC INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Cl. 25. FRANK MURPHY Cl. 25. FRANK MURPHY Cl. 25. FRANK MURPHY Cl. 19. NEW WORLD DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED Cl. 35. MS ANN HONAN CROKE Cl. 33. RIEBEEK KELDER BEPERK Cl. 5. RECKITT BENCKISER HEALTHCARE (UK) LIMITED Cl. 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 18, 21, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 41, 42, 43, 44. Rosemary Conley Diet & Fitness Clubs Limited Cl. 42. PHILIP GEOGHEGAN Cl. 5. Intervet International B.V. Cl. 41. High/Scope Educational Research Foundation Cl. 29, 30. LIDL STIFTUNG & Co. KG (30/07/2014) 228623 228624 228625 228631 228632 228636 228637 228638 228639 228679 228694 228700 228732 228748 228750 228754 228776 228783 228836 228862 228866 228877 229101 229165 229195 229261 229381 229420 229421 Patents Office Journal Cl. 29. ALDI STORES (IRELAND) LIMITED Cl. 9, 11, 21. Panasonic Corporation Cl. 12. DAEWOO HEAVY INDUSTRIES & MACHINERY, LTD. Cl. 37. O'MALLEY HOMES & DEVELOPMENTS LTD Cl. 37. O'MALLEY HOMES & DEVELOPMENTS LTD Cl. 25. JOHN & JAMES STAUNTON Cl. 25. JOHN & JAMES STAUNTON Cl. 25. JOHN & JAMES STAUNTON Cl. 25. JOHN & JAMES STAUNTON Cl. 16, 28. Martin Hanley Cl. 37, 41, 42, 45. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY - An Ghníomhaireacht Um Chaomhnú Comhshaoil Cl. 32. GLENCAR (WWW) LIMITED Cl. 44. REGINA GROOME Cl. 29, 30. KRAFT FOODS UK LTD Cl. 6, 9. JOHN DOUGLAS Cl. 29, 30. McCAIN FOODS (GB) LIMITED Cl. 16, 28. Martin Hanley Cl. 16. SCAPA TAPES IRELAND LIMITED Cl. 5. PINEWOOD LABORATORIES LIMITED Cl. 5, 30. Wrigley Ireland Limited Cl. 9, 16, 38. DOME MOBILE SERVICES LTD Cl. 7, 8, 9, 11, 28, 29, 30, 32. Rosemary Conley Diet and Fitness Clubs Limited Cl. 35. 4 Home Stores Limited Cl. 11. SWISS ECO PATENT SA Cl. 29, 30, 43. Iglo Foods Group Limited Cl. 41. JASAON KELLY Cl. 19, 37. RAYMOND MOAN Cl. 3, 4, 8, 16, 18, 21, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 32, 39, 41. FRANK MURPHY Cl. 16. Patricia McCrossan and Patrick McCrossan 229422 229423 229424 229447 229448 229593 229649 229745 229812 229813 229814 229866 230189 230397 232420 (No. 2260) 1174 Cl. 16. Patricia McCrossan and Patrick McCrossan Cl. 16. Patricia McCrossan and Patrick McCrossan Cl. 16. Patricia McCrossan and Patrick McCrossan Cl. 16. Patricia McCrossan and Patrick McCrossan Cl. 16. Patricia McCrossan and Patrick McCrossan Cl. 16, 18, 21, 25, 29, 30, 32. MOLKEREI ALOIS MÜLLER GMBH & CO. KG Cl. 41. GSMC LTD. Cl. 25. ALDI STORES (IRELAND) LIMITED Cl. 9, 16, 18, 25, 28, 35, 38, 41, 42. CELTIC LEAGUE ASSOCIATION Cl. 9, 16, 18, 25, 28, 35, 38, 41, 42. CELTIC LEAGUE ASSOCIATION Cl. 9, 16, 18, 25, 28, 35, 38, 41, 42. CELTIC LEAGUE ASSOCIATION Cl. 9. ARB CRUNCHER Cl. 30. UNILEVER PLC Cl. 9, 16, 35, 41. NATIONAL IRISH SAFETY ORGANISATION Cl. 36, 44. SIMPLYHEALTH ACCESS Surrender of Registered Trade Mark(s) - Rule 36 of 1996 Trade Mark Rules 140423 Class 16. KIMBERLY-CLARK WORLDWIDE, INC.. Surrender in respect of all goods. 1175 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) International Registrations under the Madrid Protocol seeking protection in the State. Any person desiring to oppose the conferring of protection in the State to the undermentioned marks may, within three months from the date of this Journal give notice to the Controller, Patents Office, Government Buildings, Hebron Road, Kilkenny, in accordance with the provisions of Rule 18. It should be noted that under the provisions of Rule 63(2) no extension of the opposition period is allowed for lodging opposition under Rule 18. It is desirable before lodging formal opposition that a communication should be addressed to the holder affording him an opportunity to withdraw his application for protection of the International Registration in the State. In this way cost of opposition proceedings may be avoided. pouches, bumbags, fanny packs; backpacks, rucksacks. DEXON 0799800 QWSTION GmbH, Talwiesenstrasse 17, CH-8045 Zürich, Switzerland 26/02/2014 Class 9. Data processing apparatus and computers. Representative: RA Mag. Florian Proxauf, Rechtsatelier Proxauf, Adamgasse 11, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria Address for service: Mag. Florian Proxauf, RECHTSATELIER PROXAUF, Adamgasse 11, A6020 Innsbruck, Austria DEXON Systems Kft., Barros u. 165, H-2040 Budaors, Hungary Representative: DEXON Systems Kft., Barros u. 165, H-2040 Budaors, Hungary QWSTION 1081126 05/02/2014 Class 18. Bags namely briefcases, dispatch cases, map cases, wallets, billfolds, bags with wheels, shoulder bags, handbags, purses, traveling bags, bags for beach purposes, carrier bags, handle bags, tote bags, wash bags, sponge bags, toilet bags, satchels, school bags, book bags, shopping bags, carry-all and belt 1102722 14/04/2014 Class 9. Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and (30/07/2014) (No. 2260) 1176 Patents Office Journal instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; walkietalkies; portable telephones, photocopying apparatus and machines; data carriers, including video tapes, CDROMs, dvds and other magnetic and/or optical data carriers, electronic memory storage devices; personal stereos; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; automatic cash dispensing machines, ticket dispensers, automatic photographic booths; apparatus for games adapted for use with television receivers only, not coinoperated video games; amusement apparatus adapted for use with television receivers only; cash registers, calculating machines; data processing equipment and computers; machine readable data carriers with programs installed; electronic publications (downloadable); computer programs and software; computer games programs; mouse pads; navigation apparatus for vehicles; protective clothing, including protective spectacles, protective masks, protective helmets, in particular for sports purposes; protective shields, including ear, body and face protective shields; spectacles, spectacle frames, spectacle cases and holders, sunglasses, goggles for sports; headphones; breathing apparatus for divers, swimming belts and water wings; special purpose containers (cases, sheaths, housings) suitable for apparatus and instruments included in this class; light, marker, life-saving and Class 16. Class 38. signaling buoys; wind socks for indicating wind direction; electric batteries and accumulators; magnets; luminous signs, luminous advertising signs; luminous or mechanical signaling panels; petrol pumps for service stations; fire-extinguishing apparatus; encoded identification bracelets, magnetic. Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials namely paper towels, table napkins, filter paper, handkerchiefs of paper, toilet paper, nappies of paper, packaging of paper or cardboard; packaging containers and bags; printed matter including leaflets, brochures and folders; bookbinding material; photographs; posters, transparencies, flags (of paper); signboards of paper or cardboard; clipboards; stationery; transfers, stickers; labels, including iron-on labels not of textile; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials, including drawing, painting and modeling materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (included in this class); printers' type; printing blocks; slates and black boards; writing and drawing implements; self-adhesive plastic films for decorative purposes; money clips. Telecommunications; transmission of radio and television programs; electronic bulletin board services; providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network, telecommunications routing and junction services, 1177 (30/07/2014) Class 41. Class 42. Patents Office Journal teleconferencing services, providing user access to a global computer network; providing access to databases; voice mail services. Education; providing of training; entertainment, including musical performances and radio and television entertainment; sporting and cultural activities, including the staging of sports competitions; night clubs and discotheque services; organization of trade fairs and exhibitions for cultural, sporting and educational purposes; rental of video tapes and cassettes, CD-ROMs and DVDs, film production; videotaping and microfilming; publication of electronic books and journals on-line, electronic desktop publishing, providing on-line electronic publications, game services provided on-line; providing karaoke services; digital imaging services; music composition services; layout services, other than for advertising purposes. Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; computer programming; data conversion of computer programs and data (not physical conversion); computer system design; conversion of data or documents from physical to electronic media; creating and maintaining websites for others, hosting computer sites; installation of computer software; industrial design; engineering; consultancy in the field of energy-saving; research in the field of environmental protection. (No. 2260) Red Bull GmbH, Am Brunnen 1, A-5330 Fuschl am See, Austria Colour Claimed: Red and black. Address for service: DERMOT P. CUMMINS & CO., 2b Clonskeagh Square, Clonskeagh Road, Dublin 14, Ireland WED'ZE 1171717 19/04/2013 Class 9. Class 18. Class 25. Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity, directional compasses, guidance systems (GPS), probes, not for medical use, clothing and gloves for protection against accidents, protective helmets, ski masks, search apparatus for avalanche victims, contact lenses, spectacles, spectacle cases, telephone apparatus, walkie-talkies, pedometers, whistles. Trunks and suitcases, umbrellas, backpacks, sports bags, rucksacks and alpenstocks, bags for campers, wallets, garment bags (for travel), purses, key cases (leather goods), sling bags for carrying infants, wheeled bags, fanny packs, money belts (not of precious metal). Clothing, footwear, headgear; underwear for use in sports, (30/07/2014) Class 28. Class 35. (No. 2260) 1178 Patents Office Journal skirts, dresses, trousers, jackets, coats, shirts, belts, gloves (clothing), waterproof clothing, anoraks, skiing suits, hats, bonnets, caps, socks, stockings, tights, footwear (except orthopedic footwear), soles, boots; sports shoes, footwear for skiing and snowboarding, sportswear, climbing and hiking clothing, waterproof clothing, scarves, sweaters. Games, toys; gymnastic and sporting articles (except clothing, mats, footwear); climbing walls; (toy) building blocks, hang gliders, paragliders, limb protectors, (sports articles), knee pads, shin guards, elbow guards (sports articles), machines for physical exercises and physical training apparatus, chest expanders (exercisers), stationary exercise bicycles, body-building benches, abdominal-muscle exercisers, trampolines, running mats, rowing machines, skis, ski bindings, edges of skis, ski poles, knee boards, monoskis, snowboards, waterskis, ice skates, roller skates, skateboards, surf boards, bobsleighs, snowshoes (sports articles), sleds, ski cases, covers for surfboards. Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; retail store services, wholesale store services, retail store services provided on all online (Internet), mobile, wireless or remote communication means, all the aforementioned services connected with the sale of clothing, footwear, headgear, optical goods, sports articles and equipment, multipurpose sports bags; the bringing together for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods, namely clothing, footwear, headgear, optical goods, sports articles and equipment and multi-purpose sports bags, (excluding the transport thereof), enabling consumers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; presentation of clothing, footwear, headgear, optical goods, sports articles and equipment and multi-purpose sports bags, on communication media, for retail purposes; marketing services; publication of advertising texts; direct mail advertising via leaflets, prospectuses, printed matter, samples; bill-posting; demonstration of goods; sales promotion for others; commercial information and advice for consumers; administrative processing of purchase orders; customer loyalty services for commercial, promotional and/or advertising purposes; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; personnel recruitment. Priority Date Claimed: 26 November 2012 France PROJETCLUB, 4 boulevard de Mons, F-59650 VILLENEUVE D'ASCQ, France Representative: TMARK CONSEILS, 31 rue Tronchet, F-75008 PARIS, France Address for service: T MARK Conseils, 31, rue Tronchet, 75008 PARIS, France Sudarshan Kriya 1183126 08/07/2013 Class 9. Pre-recorded video tapes and DVDs; pre-recorded audio 1179 (30/07/2014) Class 16. Class 38. Class 41. Patents Office Journal cassettes and compact disks; sound and video recordings; electronic publications (downloadable); downloadable music; all the aforesaid goods concerning music, musicians or musical instruments. Printed matter, namely books, booklets, brochures, handbooks, manuals, newsletters, pamphlets, photographs and printed instructional material in the fields of yoga, yoga as lifestyle, meditation and relaxation; teaching materials. Providing access to portals on the Internet to build up social networking portals. Entertainment, education and training services; arranging and conducting classes, seminars, conferences, conventions, exhibitions and instructor training in the fields of yoga instruction, yoga philosophy, yoga theory and practice, allopathic physical systems, integration of medical and yogic systems, yoga therapy, marketing of yoga services, physical fitness, meditation, selfawareness, mental training and discipline, health, and distributing course materials in connection therewith; organization of sporting and cultural activities; ticket reservation services (entertainment); information services regarding entertainment; performing artists' services; provision of club sporting facilities, provision of gymnasium facilities, organizing of gymnastic events, sports coaching, provision of keepfit facilities, leisure center services, provision of physical education facilities; providing on-line information relating to yoga, sports, entertainment and education; editorial and publication services for books, (No. 2260) magazines, leaflets and printed matter relating to yoga, sports, entertainment and education; theatrical entertainment services; provision of information relating to the aforesaid services; information relating to entertainment and recreational services in connection with the aforesaid services by electronic means; rental of cinematographic films, video tapes, audio tapes, compact disks, CDROMs, laser disks; production of radio and television programs, recording studio services; lending library services, library services; provision of information and consultancy services in the field of the aforesaid services; provision of electronic publications on line. Priority Date Claimed: 08 January 2013 Switzerland International Art of Living Foundation, Renggstrasse 33, CH-6052 Hergiswil, Switzerland Representative: 1183415 R. A. Egli & Co., Patentanwälte, Baarerstrasse 14, CH-6300 Zug, Switzerland 01/07/2013 Class 18. Leather and imitation leather, animal skins; animal hides, artificial leathers, stout leathers; goods made of leather, imitation leather or synthetic materials, namely, travel bags, valises, wallets, handbags, backpacks for carrying babies, leather and stout leather boxes for storing (30/07/2014) Class 35. (No. 2260) 1180 Patents Office Journal greeting cards, leather hat boxes for travel; make-up cases sold empty, toiletry bags sold empty, vanity cases sold empty, tool bags sold empty; book bags; carrying cases for documents, briefcases, backpacks, school bags, leather shopping bags, leather cases for banknotes; umbrellas, sun umbrellas, namely, parasols and canes; whips, harnesses and saddlery, stirrups, horse bridles. Advertising agencies services, marketing and publicity bureaus services namely commercial or advertisement exhibition and trade fair organization services; providing office functions; secretarial services; business management; business administration; business management and organization consultancy, accounting; import and export agencies; business investigations, evaluations, expert business appraisals; auctioneering; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of leather and imitations of leather, namely, travel bags, handbags, wallets, backpacks, school bags, animal skins, hides, trunks and travelling bags, umbrellas and parasols, walking sticks, whips, harness and saddlery, clothing, footwear, headgear (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; all of the aforementioned services may be provided by retail stores, wholesale outlets, through mail order catalogues or by means of electronic media, for example, through web sites or television shopping programmes. Priority Date Claimed: 20 May 2013 Turkey BILKONT DIS TICARET VE TEKSTIL SANAYI ANONIM SIRKETI, Keresteciler Sitesi, Mehmet Akif Caddesi, Kasim Sokak No:1, Merter - Güngören - Istanbul, Turkey Representative: DESTEK PATENT ANONIM SIRKETI, Lefkose Caddesi, NM Ofis Park B Blok No: 36/5, TR-16110 Besevler - Nilüfer Bursa, Turkey KODAK 1184780 05/11/2013 Class 9. Ophthalmic lenses; spectacle lenses, including plastic lenses, corrective lenses, progressive lenses, sunglass lenses, polarizing lenses, tinted lenses, light-sensitive lenses, photochromatic lenses, treated lenses, coated lenses, anti-reflective lenses, semifinished lenses, spectacle lens blanks, semi-finished spectacle lens blanks; cases for all the aforesaid goods. Eastman Kodak Company, 343 State Street, Rochester, NY 14650, United States of America Notings: The application for registration is proceeding with the consent of Registered Irish Trade Mark No's 143574, 126365, 36186 and the Holders of International Registration No. 0798190. Representative: Dianne G. Harrington, 343 State Street, Rochester NY 14650, United States of America Address for service: TOMKINS & CO., 5 Dartmouth Road, Dublin 6, Ireland 1181 1184944 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal 06/06/2013 Class 14. Class 18. Class 20. Class 21. 1188494 Jewelry goods including their imitations; gold, jewels, precious stones and jewelry manufactured thereof, cufflinks, tie pins, statues of precious metal and trinkets; watches and time measuring devices, chronometers, and their parts, watch straps. Processed or unprocessed leather and hides, artificial leather, cowhide, lining leather. Furniture made of any kinds of substances and materials; pillows; wood or synthetic panels, picture frames for paintings; boxes of wood or plastic, ornaments and decorative articles included in this class made of wood, wax, bee wax, plastic or plaster; baskets. Pots and pans, vases of precious metals; ornaments and decorative articles made of glass, porcelain, ceramic and clay; perfume burners, perfume sprayers and vaporizers, boxes for toilet articles; unworked or semiworked glass, mosaics of glass and powdered glass not for construction, glass fibers other than for textile use and insulation. DEKORNAME DEKORASYON HEDIYELIK ESYA SANAYI VE TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI, Halide Edip Adivar Mahallesi, Çiftcevizler Deresi Sokak No:2, Akin Plaza Kat: 4, SISLI ISTANBUL, Turkey Representative: Ankara Patent Bureau Limited, Bestekar Sokak No:10, TR06680 Kavaklidere Ankara, Turkey (No. 2260) 12/10/2013 Class 1. Class 4. Class 35. Chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; unprocessed artificial resins; unprocessed plastics; preparations for tempering and soldering metals; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; tanning substances; adhesives used in industry. Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions; fuels (including motor spirit) and illuminants. Retail services connected with the sale of chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry, unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics, preparations for tempering and soldering metals, chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs, tanning substances, adhesives used in industry, industrial oils and greases, lubricants, dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions, fuels (including motor spirit) and illuminants; wholesale services connected with the sale of chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry, unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics, preparations for tempering and soldering metals, chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs, tanning substances, adhesives used in industry, industrial oils and greases, lubricants, dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions, fuels (30/07/2014) (including motor spirit) and illuminants. Treatment of materials, namely treatment of solid, fluid or gaseous hydrocarbons and mineral oils, namely chemical conversions, isolating of ingredients and/or separation of unwanted components excluding wiring harness. Class 40. (No. 2260) 1182 Patents Office Journal MEMBACK 1193536 23/08/2013 Class 5. Pharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical preparations for human use. Priority Date Claimed: 21 August 2013 Czech Republic Priority Date Claimed: 12 April 2013 Germany HCS GmbH, Schlengendeich 17, 21107 Hamburg, Germany Representative: Zentiva Group, a.s., U Kabelovny 130, CZ-102 37 Praha 10 - Dolní Mecholupy, Czech Republic Representative: Rott, Ruzicka & Guttmann Patentové, známkové a advokátní kanceláre JUDr. Vladimír Rott, Vinohradská 37, CZ-120 00 Praha 2, Czech Republic Address for service: MACLACHLAN & DONALDSON, 2b Clonskeagh Square, Clonskeagh Road, Dublin 14, Ireland Habermann, Hruschka & Schnabel, Montgelasstr. 2, 81679 München, Germany INFLAXIB 1193535 30/08/2013 Class 5. Pharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical preparations for human use. Priority Date Claimed: 27 August 2013 Czech Republic Zentiva Group, a.s., U Kabelovny 130, CZ-102 37 Praha 10 - Dolní Mecholupy, Czech Republic Representative: Rott, Ruzicka & Guttmann Patentové, známkové a advokátní kanceláre JUDr. Vladimír Rott, Vinohradská 37, CZ-120 00 Praha 2, Czech Republic Address for service: MACLACHLAN & DONALDSON, 2b Clonskeagh Square, Clonskeagh Road, Dublin 14, Ireland 1195661 15/10/2013 Class 9. Computer software and computer programs, namely, compilers, assemblers, visual development software, software tools and utilities for use in creating, modeling, monitoring, controlling, administering and managing applications and other programs and for providing secure communications and data exchange between programs and computers in a distributed or networked environment; program and application development 1183 (30/07/2014) Class 41. Patents Office Journal software, software tools and utilities for use in designing, developing, writing, tracking changes in and implementing user-specific applications, secure communications applications, digital certificate implementation and verification, and general purpose applications programs; object-oriented and client/server programming development software, software tools and utilities; development software, software tools and utilities for use in designing and implementing programs for secure and/or encrypted access to and for exchange of secure communications and data in environments containing local area networks, enterprise networks, internal networks, extranets, corporate information networks, wide area networks, the Internet and globally interconnected computer networks linked by common or diverse protocols; programming software tools for use in developing, maintaining, enhancing, providing security for and operating computer programs and computer systems, and computer utility programs, and user manuals sold therewith as a unit. Educational services and training services, namely, conducting seminars and courses relating to computers, computer software, computer networking, computer software applications, software development and implementation, and business process automation; organizing and presenting conferences, seminars and user group meetings on computers, computer software and computer networking; conducting training classes, seminars, conferences, and (No. 2260) Class 42. workshops in the field of business opportunities and strategies in electronic commerce; conducting training classes, seminars, conferences, and workshops for the development of business models for use in an electronic environment; computer education training in the transformation, adaptation and use of existing software application programs for use on web sites and in electronic commerce and use of computer software, and use, configuration and implementation of local area and other computer communications networks; publishing and editing of books, newspapers and periodicals. Design and development of computer software for others; software engineering and compatibility testing services; software programming services; professional and technical consulting services in relation to computers, computer software, networking, programming and application development, user interfaces, client/server and remote computing applications, computer systems operations tools and utilities, global computer information network, enterprise, wide area and local area networking access, operations and systems management, development tools and utilities, and monitoring, control and management of computer systems; maintenance and support services for computer software, namely telephone consultation, debugging computer software, updating computer software, providing on-line database of electronic reference information, and web sites, all in the fields of computers, computer software (30/07/2014) (No. 2260) 1184 Patents Office Journal and computer systems and computer software development consulting services; consulting services regarding configuration and implementation of computer systems, reengineering of computer systems, and enhancing, transforming, integrating, and maintaining software applications; providing services relating to infrastructure-as-a-service technology, namely, developing software to enable infrastructure-as-a-service technology and providing maintenance and technical support for such software; providing services relating to cloud computing, namely, consulting services related to implementation of cloud computing services; computer software consultancy, namely, providing systematic strategy approaches to customers for service-oriented architecture (SOA) deployments; consulting services regarding use, configuration and implementation of local area and other computer and communications networks. Priority Date Claimed: 15 April 2013 United States of America Micro Focus IP Development Limited, The Lawn, 2230 Old Bath Road, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 1QN, United Kingdom Representative: Ann K. Ford DLA Piper LLP (US), 500 Eighth Street, NW, Washington DC 20004, United States of America Address for service: TOMKINS & CO., 5 Dartmouth Road, Dublin 6, Ireland DS1 1196216 18/01/2014 Class 9. Class 25. Motorcycle helmets, motorcycle goggles. Motorcycle clothing, motorcycle boots, motorcycle gloves. Stuart William Procter, 11 Ribblesdale Road, Fleet Estate, Dartford Kent DA2 6JH, United Kingdom Young Life 1200473 24/03/2014 Class 25. Class 45. Baseball caps; beanies; coats for men and women; golf shirts; hooded sweat shirts; infant and toddler one piece clothing; jackets; knit shirts; long-sleeved shirts; polo shirts; shirts; short-sleeved or long-sleeved t-shirts; shorts; sweat shirts; t-shirts; vests; visors. Evangelistic and ministerial services. Young Life, 420 N. Cascade Ave., Legal Department, Colorado Springs CO 80903, United States of America 1185 1202909 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) content viewing, namely, active 3D glasses, passive 3D glasses, and virtual reality glasses; high definition multimedia interface (HDMI) cables; stereo headphones; computer-gaming software [recorded]; downloadable software for playing video and audio internet content; set top boxes; power charger kit composed of cables and power adapters; computer hardware and software for converting, supplying and transmitting of data and information; software that may be downloaded via global computer networks and electronic communication networks, namely, gaming software, and software for playing video and audio internet content; downloadable films and television programs featuring comedy, action, drama, and documentaries provided via a video-on-demand service. Electronic device for playing games and for playing video and audio internet content on a television. 31/10/2013 Class 9. Televisions and monitors; liquid crystal display televisions; DVD players; Blu-ray players; portable media players; digital media streaming devices; electronic docking stations; audio speakers; home theater systems comprising of audio and video receivers and audio speakers; home theater systems, namely, sound bars containing audio speakers; batteries and battery chargers; computers; notebook computers; computer peripheral devices; handheld computers; personal computers; laptops; cameras; digital cameras; tablet computers; accessories for tablet computers; personal digital assistants (PDAs); electronic book readers; portable and handheld digital electronic devices for recording, organizing, transmitting, manipulating, and reviewing text, data and audio files; computer software for use in organizing, transmitting, manipulating, and reviewing text, data and audio files on portable and handheld digital electronic devices; portable listening devices, namely, MP3 players; wireless communication devices for voice, data or image transmission; audio speakers, USB cables, microphones and earphones; wireless routers; remote controls for televisions and audio equipment; stereoscopic lenses for 3D Class 28. Vizio, Inc., 39 Tesla, Irvine CA 92618, United States of America Representative: Julie L. Dalke, Latham & Watkins LLP, 650 Town Center Drive, Suite 2000, (043665-24WO002), Costa Mesa CA 92626, United States of America CONSORT 1203009 21/01/2014 Class 6. Door handles of metal; door fittings of metal; ironwork for (30/07/2014) (No. 2260) 1186 Patents Office Journal doors; locks (other than electric) of metal; springs (metal hardware); hardware of metal for doors; small items of metal hardware for buildings; architectural hardware of metal; locks of metal; metal parts for locks. Representative: Pablo Meles, Pablo Meles PA, 304 Indian Trace No. 710, Weston FL 33326, United States of America Daniel Patrick May, Mill Hill Farm, School Lane, Forthampton, Gloucestershire GL19 4QB, United Kingdom Representative: TAYLOR WESSING, Benrather Str. 15, 40213 Duesseldorf, Germany 1203509 1203018 27/11/2013 24/01/2014 Class 30. Class 32. Beers. MAURIZIO ARDUINI, Via Parini, n.29/C, CATTOLICA (RN), Italy Representative: AVVOCATO FABRIZIO SIGNORINI, Via Corbucci, N.2, I-47842 SAN GIOVANNI IN MARIGNANO (RN), Italy GURKHA 1203410 31/03/2014 Class 34. Cigarettes; Cigarillos; Cigars. K. Hansotia & Co., Inc., 6600 Hiatus Road, Tamarac FL 33321, United States of America Biscuits, chocolates, pastries, crackers, wafers, cakes, pastry and bakery products, chocolate bars, tarts, pies, breakfast cereals, bread, popcorn and rice crisp. Priority Date Claimed: 21 November 2013 Turkey ETI GIDA SANAYI VE TICARET ANONIM SIRKETI, Organize Sanayi Bolgesi 11 Cadde, ESKISEHIR, Turkey Colour Claimed: Black, red, orange, brown and white. Representative: GRUP OFIS PATENTS & TRADEMARKS AGENCY LIMITED, Ataturk Bulvari 211/11, TR-06680 Kavaklidere - ANKARA, Turkey 1187 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal (No. 2260) pitch, bitumen, plaster. kuru 1203665 Henkel AG & Co. KGaA, Henkelstr. 67, 40589 Düsseldorf, Germany 16/04/2014 Class 25. Priority Date Claimed: 08 July 2013 Germany Shoes. Colour Claimed: Nelwood Corp., 4390 S. Century Drive, Salt Lake City UT 84123, United States of America Representative: Chad Rasmussen, Alpina Legal, PO Box 723, Provo UT 84603, United States of America 1204020 12/03/2014 Class 9. 1203992 06/12/2013 Class 2. Class 17. Class 19. Black, white, blue, red, orange, yellow, green, purple, brown and pink. Paints, varnishes, lacquers; rust protection products, wood preservatives and dyes, stains, mastics (natural resins), colors, binding preparations for paints, anti-corrosion agents. Packing, stopping and insulating materials; sealing tapes, heat insulation and sound insulation materials, acrylic and silicone sealants, polyurethane foam for insulation, adhesives for sealing purposes, putties. Building materials (nonmetallic), plaster, cement plaster for building, mortar, concrete, cement, asphalt, Accumulators, electric, for vehicles; batteries, electric, for vehicles; accumulator jars; battery jars; batteries for lighting; anode batteries; high tension batteries; galvanic batteries; photovoltaic cells; solar batteries; batteries, electric; galvanic cells; accumulators, electric; battery chargers. Shenzhen Motoma Power Co., Ltd., 12/F, Shenmao Building, Xinwen Road, Futian, Shenzhen, 518000 Guangdong, China Representative: Shenzhen Zhongzhi Patent & Trademark Agent Co., Ltd., 1&11/F, Science Building, 1001 Shangbu Zhong Road, Futian District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China (30/07/2014) (No. 2260) 1188 Patents Office Journal ALTRO TRANSFLOR FIGURA MucoDrill 1204845 1204663 10/03/2014 Class 27. 02/04/2014 Class 5. Materials for covering floors, walls and stairs; materials for covering floors, walls and stairs, all for use in vehicles and transportation conveyances, apparatus and installations. Priority Date Claimed: 11 September 2013 United Kingdom Priority Date Claimed: 09 October 2013 France PIERRE FABRE MEDICAMENT, 45 place Abel Gance, F-92100 BOULOGNE BILLANCOURT, France Representative: Altro Limited, Works Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 1NW, United Kingdom Representative: Pharmaceutical products; medicine used for the treatment of cough. ROUSSEAU Pierick PIERRE FABRE S.A. - Direction Propriété Intellectuelle, 17 avenue Jean Moulin, F-81106 CASTRES CEDEX, France Barker Brettell LLP, 100 Hagley Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B16 8QQ, United Kingdom MTX ARCHITECTURAL EMBROIDERY ORIFLAME IMAGINATION 1204883 14/02/2014 Class 26. 1204826 04/02/2014 Class 3. Perfumes for women. Priority Date Claimed: 07 August 2013 Benelux Trademark Office (BBM) and Benelux Designs ORIFLAME COSMETICS S.A., 24, Avenue Emile Reuter, L-2420 LUXEMBOURG, Luxembourg Class 40. Class 42. Lace and embroidery, ribbons and braid; buttons, hooks and eyes, pins and needles; artificial flowers and plants; haberdashery (except thread and yarn); lace trimmings; wigs; fastenings or clasps for clothing; hair ornaments. Dressmaking; printing; embroidery services; engraving services; gilding services; tin plating; dyeing services; clothing alteration; treatment of textiles; bookbinding services; framing of works of art; photographic printing; photographic film development; silkscreen printing; photoengraving services; glass blowing; taxidermy. Research and development of 1189 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal new products for others; technical project study; architecture; design of interior decor; graphic design services; styling (industrial design); authentication of works of art. (No. 2260) START LAB 1205230 18/03/2014 Class 35. Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions. Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs. Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities. Priority Date Claimed: 14 August 2013 France MONTEX, 3 rue de Montyon, F-75009 PARIS, France Class 36. Representative: Class 41. CHANEL - Yves Alain Sauvage, 135 avenue Charles de Gaulle, F-92521 NEUILLY SUR SEINE CEDEX, France Priority Date Claimed: 02 December 2013 Italy UNICREDIT S.P.A., Via Alessandro Specchi, 16, I00186 ROMA (Roma), Italy Representative: SOFIA VERGARA 1205160 ING. C. CORRADINI & C. S.R.L., Piazza Luigi di Savoia, 24, I-20124 MILANO, Italy 01/05/2014 Class 3. Fragrances and perfume; nonmedicated skin care preparations, namely, body lotion, body wash, body spray, body oil, bath salts, bubble bath, bath oil; cosmetics; hair lotions; hair color; hair sprays; nonmedicated hair treatment preparations for cosmetic purposes; skin and facial moisturizers; facial cleansers; facial toners; home fragrances. Priority Date Claimed: 19 November 2013 United States of America 1205308 Vergara, Sofia, 3470 NW 82nd Ave Suite 670, c/o Latin World Entertainment, Doral FL 33122, United States of America Representative: Taylor Sitzler, Esq., Cowan, DeBaets, Abrahams & Sheppard LLP, 41 Madison Avenue, 34th Floor, New York NY 10010, United States of America 26/03/2014 Class 6. Junctions of metal for pipes; pipework of metal; elbows of metal for pipes; collars of metal for fastening pipes; wall hooks of metal for pipes; reinforcing materials of metal for pipes; clips of metal for cables and pipes; cable joints of metal, non-electric; ropes (30/07/2014) (No. 2260) 1190 Patents Office Journal of metal; railway material of metal. Priority Date Claimed: 08 January 2014 China Qingdao Madison Industrial Co., Ltd., 2 Zhengyang Street, Xishanqian, Huanxiu Office, Jimo, Shandong, China Representative: Beijing Janlea Trademark Agency Co., Ltd., B1-1101, No.9 Chegongzhuang Avenue, Xicheng District, 100044 Beijing, China 1205548 14/01/2014 Class 21. Glassware for table arts, namely drinking glasses, decanters, glass tableware, cups, vases, porcelain items for table arts, trinket baskets of porcelain, tableware of porcelain, earthenware for table arts. ECOTINT 1205461 11/04/2014 Class 2. Paints; varnishes; lacquers; preservatives against rust and against deterioration of wood; colorants; mordants; raw natural resins; metals in foil and powder form for painters, decorators, printers and artists. Priority Date Claimed: 23 July 2013 France HERMES INTERNATIONAL, 24 rue Faubourg Saint-Honoré, F-75008 PARIS, France Representative: LEONICE SOCIETE ANONYME TRADING AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY OF VARNISHES AND PAINTS, 1, Koletti Street, Penteli, GR-152 36 Attica, Greece Representative: Annick de CHAUNAC HERMES INTERNATIONAL, 24 rue du Faubourg SaintHonoré, F-75008 Paris, France GEORGIOS DEDES, 2-4 Nikitara Street, GR-106 78 Athens, Greece BIPRO 1205550 14/02/2014 Class 5. Proteins for use as nutritional supplements for human consumption, all these products particularly in liquid, solid, powder and/or food bar form; food bars or powders based on proteins for human consumption for use as nutritional supplements; 1191 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal protein dietary supplements. Proteins for human consumption, all these products particularly in liquid, solid, powder and/or food bar form; energy bars based on proteins, gelatine for food; food bars or powders based on proteins for human consumption; whey protein for human consumption; whey; albumin milk; dairybased beverages. Class 29. Priority Date Claimed: 28 November 2013 Switzerland Davisco Foods International, Inc., 12, Avenue des Morgines, CH-1213 Petit-Lancy, Switzerland (No. 2260) Cl. 28 0925410 (2251) Denard Ltd. Offices of Aleman, Cordero, Galindo & Lee Trust (BVI) Limited of Virgin Islands (British) Cl. 12, 25, 28 0936559 (2251) Sammelt, Martin of Germany März, Joachim of Germany Cl. 7, 17 0981198 (2251) YPS IÇ VE DIS TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI of Turkey Cl. 18 1077250 (2251) SUSINO UMBRELLA CO., LTD. of China Cl. 3 1086693 (2251) LVMH FRAGRANCE BRANDS of France Cl. 7, 12 1107630 (2251) URSUS Spólka Akcyjna of Poland Cl. 1 1120834 (2251) Rudong Zhenfeng Yiyang Chemical Co., Ltd. of China GLOBALINER 1205631 Cl. 32 1152504 (2251) PYC Corp. of Greece 11/04/2014 Class 36. Credit insurance underwriting. Priority Date Claimed: 25 October 2013 France COMPAGNIE FRANCAISE D'ASSURANCE POUR LE COMMERCE EXTERIEUR, 1 Place Costes et Bellonte, F-92270 BOIS COLOMBES, France Representative: Cl. 9, 38, 42 1151116 (2251) DataDobi CVBA of Belgium NOVAGRAAF FRANCE, 122 rue Edouard Vaillant, F-92593 LEVALLOIS PERRET CEDEX, France International Trade Marks protected in the State Cl. 32, 33 0868023 (2251) ZAKRYTOE AKTSIONERNOE OBCHTCHESTVO "LA VINCHI" of Russian Federation Cl. 36, 42 1152577 (2251) Tovarystvo z obmezhenoiu vidpovidalnistiu "Simcord" of Ukraine Cl. 1, 2, 6 1153361 (2251) Henkel AG & Co. KGaA of Germany Cl. 1, 5 1160661 (2251) VECTALYS, SAS of France Cl. 9, 28 1161456 (2251) TALEWORLDS ENTERTAINMENT IKISOFT, YAZILIM BILGI VE ILETISIM, EGITIM TEKNOLOJILERI, VE HIZMETLERI ELEKTRONIK, SANAYI VE TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI of Turkey Cl. 9, 16, 25, 28, 32, 35, 41, 43 Continental Hockey League, Limited Liability Company of Russian Federation 1162430 (2251) (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal Cl. 6, 7 1165951 (2251) BARKOM GRUP SONDAJ MAKINE VE EKIPMANLARI SANAYI TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI of Turkey (No. 2260) 1192 Cl. 43 1184791 (2251) Hero Certified Burgers Inc. of Canada Cl. 25 1184819 (2251) SMASH 2005, S.L. of Spain Cl. 3, 5, 30 1170040 (2251) MANUKA DOCTOR LIMITED of New Zealand Cl. 41 1184857 (2251) Million Dollar Mark Pty Ltd of Australia Cl. 42 1171104 (2251) Datapipe, Inc. of United States of America Cl. 24, 25 1184982 (2251) PLANETE TORTUE of France Cl. 19 1171374 (2251) CERAMICAS GALA, S. A. of Spain Cl. 5, 29, 30 1185090 (2251) LEADER & VERMAN NUTRITION OY of Finland Cl. 30 1175532 (2251) SOREMARTEC S.A. of Luxembourg Cl. 30 1175536 (2251) SOREMARTEC S.A. of Luxembourg Cl. 30 1175685 (2251) SOREMARTEC S.A. of Luxembourg Cl. 33, 35 1176409 (2251) China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd. of China Cl. 9, 14, 18, 25, 35 1177473 (2251) Oasis Fashions Limited of United Kingdom Cl. 30 1177739 (2251) SOREMARTEC S.A. of Luxembourg Cl. 1 1185354 (2251) CHONGQING CHUANDONG CHEMICAL (GROUP) CO., LTD. of China Cl. 7, 8, 12 1185422 (2251) KUHN-AUDUREAU S.A. of France Cl. 11, 20, 21 1185463 (2251) BLANCO GmbH + Co KG of Germany Cl. 26 1185485 (2251) KIM, So Hee of Republic of Korea Cl. 7, 17, 20 1185506 (2251) ROBERT BOSCH GMBH of Germany Cl. 43 1185589 (2251) NATURPLASURES, LDA. of Portugal Cl. 9 1181498 (2251), Inc. of United States of America Cl. 30 1186136 (2251) RIGAS DZIRNAVNIEKS, AS of Latvia Cl. 1, 19, 31 1181883 (2251) Knauf Insulation Holding GmbH of Germany Cl. 32, 33 1186205 (2251) TSN Brands LTD of Virgin Islands (British) Cl. 9 1182283 (2251) Suzhou Raycan Technology Co., Ltd of China Cl. 3, 5, 44 1186416 (2251) Bandi Cosmetics sp. z o.o. of Poland Cl. 41 1182503 (2251) Feed The Children, Inc. of United States of America Cl. 29, 30, 32 1186576 (2251) Sonnentracht GmbH of Germany Cl. 3 1182652 (2251) KIRMIZIGÜL KOZMETIK VE TURIZM SANAYI TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI of Turkey Cl. 41 1184706 (2251) SOUNDTRADE S.C. Kamil BERKOWSKI, Pawel BERKOWSKI of Poland Cl. 27 1186598 (2251) Altro Limited of United Kingdom Cl. 11 1187179 (2251) ZHONGSHAN ENAITER ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES CO., LTD. of China Cl. 21 1187485 (2251) HERMES INTERNATIONAL of France 1193 (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal Cl. 30 1187676 (2251) Nielsen-Massey Vanillas, Inc. of United States of America Cl. 5 1187812 (2251) KRKA, tovarna zdravil, d.d., Novo mesto of Slovenia Cl. 9, 12 1187986 (2251) STEEL MATE CO., LTD. of China Cancellations effected for the following goods/services under the Madrid protocol 1039615 123 educate me. Cancellation in respect of all goods and services registered at WIPO on 24/06/2014. 1062404 SKINNY MINI Cancellation in respect of all goods and services registered at WIPO on 19/06/2014. 1184904 ENKEPLO Cancellation in respect of all goods and services registered at WIPO on 21/05/2014. Changes/Corrections in the International Register 1162477 Advertised as accepted in Journal No: 2254 on 07 May 2014. Limitation received from the International Bureau amending classes 9, 10 and 42 as follows: 09 Scientific, measuring, signaling, checking and teaching apparatus and instruments; particularly biomedical sensors and biomedical sensors contained in clothing and compression clothing; software, particularly software for biomedical sensors. 10 Biomedical sensors and biomedical sensors contained in clothing and compression clothing. 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto, particularly in connection with medical care, well-being, sporting purposes and applications; industrial analysis and (No. 2260) research services; namely analysis of biomedical data; design and development of computers and software; particularly software for biomedical sensors. Errata - Trade Marks Trademarks Removed from the Register under Section 48 and Rule 39 (2) of the 1996 Act and Rules 221753 In Journal Number 2166 of 22nd December 2010, in the list of Trademarks Removed through NonPayment of Renewal Fees, trademark number 221753 was listed in error. This Trademark is still in force. Trademarks Removed from the Register under Section 48 and Rule 39 (2) of the 1996 Act and Rules 221754 In Journal Number 2166 of 22nd December 2010, in the list of Trademarks Removed through NonPayment of Renewal Fees, trademark number 221754 was listed in error. This Trademark is still in force. Trademarks Removed from the Register under Section 48 and Rule 39 (2) of the 1996 Act and Rules 221755 In Journal Number 2166 of 22nd December 2010, in the list of Trademarks Removed through NonPayment of Renewal Fees, trademark number 221755 was listed in error. This Trademark is still in force. Application for Registration of marks published under Section 43(1) of the 1996 Act following Acceptance 250559 In Journal Number 2257 of 18 June 2014 under the heading Application for Registration of marks published under Section 43(1) of the 1996 Act following Acceptance, Class 40 of Trademark No. 250559 should have appeared as follows: Class 40: Treatment and transformation of materials namely textile, leather and fur treatment; treatment of waste materials and treatment of hazardous materials, recycling and waste treatment; stripping finishes; waste treatment [transformation]; abrasion; clothing alteration; tailoring; applying finishes to textiles; pattern printing; material treatment information; taxidermy; cloth treating; wool treating; fabric bleaching; bookbinding; dyeing services; dental (30/07/2014) Patents Office Journal technician (services of a -); printing; cloth edging; freezing of foods; decontamination of hazardous materials; photographic film development; processing of oil; photographic printing; photogravure; production of energy; window tinting treatment, being surface coating; leather staining; fur dyeing; shoe staining; cloth dyeing; dyeing (textile -); cloth fireproofing; cinematographic films (processing of -); photocomposing services; millworking; galvanization; tanning; glass-blowing; gold-plating; engraving; metal tempering; planing [saw mill]; woodworking; timber felling and processing; cadmium plating; permanent-press treatment of fabrics; fruit crushing; firing pottery; boilermaking; warping [looms]; creaseresistant treatment for clothing; food and drink preservation; cloth pre-shrinking; cryopreservation services; laser scribing; leather working; lithographic printing; air freshening; air purification; air deodorising; fur glossing; magnetization; flour milling; dressmaking; metal treating; metal casting; fur mothproofing; textile mothproofing; offset printing; paper finishing; paper treating; fur conditioning; electroplating; metal plating; burnishing by abrasion; optical glass grinding; quilting; refining services; framing of works of art; food smoking; recycling of waste and trash; sawing [saw mill]; sandblasting services; fur staining; saddlery working; silkscreen printing; slaughtering of animals; grinding; key cutting; blacksmithing; (No. 2260) 1194 soldering; sorting of waste and recyclable material [transformation]; embroidery; colour separation services; incineration of waste and trash; chromium plating; gilding; rental of generators; rental of air conditioning apparatus; rental of space heating apparatus; knitting machine rental; destruction of waste and trash; nickel plating; silver-plating; tin-plating; vulcanisation (material treatment); fulling of cloth; laminating; water treating; cloth waterproofing; skin dressing; custom assembling of materials (for others); custom fashioning of fur; cloth cutting.
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