Winter 2010 Sallie McCorkle Professor of Art, Director of the Doel Reed Center for the Arts Long Range Facilities Planning 1202 W. McElroy | Stillwater, OK 74078 Office: 405.744.1062 Cell: 405.714.3780 [email protected] OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY Debra C. Engle Oklahoma State University Foundation 400 South Monroe | Stillwater, OK 74074 [email protected] 405.385.5600 CONTACT INFORMATION Sonya Terpening Terpening with donor Jim Vallion TERPEN IN G ‘H ON ORED ’ TO BE F I RST V IS ITIN G ARTIS T I t is hard to imagine a better fit for the first visiting artist at the Doel Reed Center for the Arts than Sonya Terpening. Though she never met him, Terpening is connected to Doel Reed in several ways. First, she is a graduate of the OSU Department of Art that Reed founded. Like Reed, she is a Western artist, though oils and watercolors are her medium. And her husband, Mark, is a thirdgeneration OSU graduate whose grandmother studied under Reed. “I was incredibly honored to be the first visiting artist,” said Terpening, the 2010 Smelser Vallion Visiting Artist thanks to funding from alumnus Jim Vallion. “Jim Vallion is a very generous man, to allow a professional artist to go to Taos. That’s a very special gift to give to me and the Center.” Terpening had only been to Taos once before. This summer, she spent 20 days exploring the community she calls a mecca for artists. “I was right there on the Doel Reed property and got to paint it while it still looked like the personal property of the artist, through the eyes of another artist,” Terpening said. “You’ve got a 100-year-old adobe and a studio that looks like Doel just walked out the door. It’s not landscaped. It’s the way someone living on it would live right now. It just has that feel of the way it would have been when Doel was there.” Terpening came away impressed with the Doel Reed Center for the Arts and the students who were studying there. There are so many disciplinary facets other than art that are available,” Terpening said. “You have history there. Martha Reed is there to share her story, and she brings the fashion end of it with her time running Martha of Taos. That was an internationally known dress shop. You also have architecture. So many different disciplines can be accommodated. Terpening will be visiting the main OSU campus in Stillwater for a presentation of her work and experiences in Taos. One thing she will share with her audiences is that for her, Taos did live up to its reputation as being “magical” for artists. “That light everyone talks about, you hear it all the time in schools, ‘The magic light of Taos,’” Terpening said. “You think, ‘Yeah, right.’ You get out there and you know what? It is. It’s that pretty.” She will also interact with students and faculty while she is in Stillwater, which is yet another example of how the Doel Reed Center for the Arts is benefiting not just those lucky enough to visit Taos but the entire university system. news from the drca Dear Friends of the Doel Reed Center, I am happy to report that our expanded summer programming was very successful. In addition to our DRCA Internship course, we offered “Taos Sketchbook,” a drawing/painting course, and “Digital Diary,” a digital photography course. The Taos Art Museum provided space in the Fechin Studio for an OSU teaching and computer area and funds from the College and University supported the acquisition of the necessary technology. We are now well-prepared to expand our course offerings for the 2011 summer and our Programming Committee is soliciting course proposals from faculty across the University. In addition, we were able to distribute quite a number of scholarships and hope to do the same next summer. A Scholarship Committee already exists to assist with this activity. One priority for us is the expansion of our programming to include OSU alumni and other adult learners. We hope to have that opportunity up-and-running by Summer 2011. Our Artists/Scholars Residency Program began in 2010, as well, with Sonya Terpening as our first visiting artist, thanks to support from OSU alumnus Jim Vallion. It was a tremendous success for students and artist, alike, and Sonya will present her research at OSU this Spring. On top of everything, we have begun the work to repair and restore the Reed properties. So, we are growing by leapsand-bounds! I hope you will contact me with any questions and plan to visit us next year in Taos. Our course dates will, again, be in June and July. We will keep you updated! Best wishes, Sallie McCorkle Professor of Art Director, Doel Reed Center for the Arts Long Range Facilities Planning 1202 W. McElroy / Stillwater, OK 74078 Office 405-744-1062 / Cell 405-714-3780 / Fax 405-744-1070 Email: [email protected] Website: http://drca.okstate.edu/ The Doel Reed Center for the Arts Committee: Linda and James Burke, Malinda Berry Fischer, Ann Hargis, Nancy and Smith Holt, Robert Parks, Lela and Mark Sullivan, Cat and Bill Thompson, and Jeanette and Kent Young. NEED TO UPDATE YOUR INFORMATION? Visit: www.OSUgiving.com/update or Call: 1-405-385-5100 FUNDRAISING INITIATIVES >> Have you thought about donating a piece of Doel Reed art to the Center? As a gift-in-kind, it will still earn you a tax deduction and will help us in our goal to have the largest collection of Reeds in the world. Make A Gift Today! To make a gift or get additional information on giving opportunities, visit OSUgiving.com/DoelReed or contact Debra Engle at (405) 385-5600 or [email protected]. Program Support $50,000 annually or $1 million endowment Goal: Endowed Student Internships and Scholarships Goal: $50,000/ea.* * To learn how you can take advantage of the Pickens Legacy Scholarship Match please visit: OSUgiving.com/pickensmatch PI CK ENS ’ PR O G R AM C R E ATES R A R E OP P O R TU N ITY TO I NCR EA S E Y O U R IM PAC T D onors have generously stepped up to establish scholarships that empower our students to enjoy the unique experience of the Doel Reed Center for the Arts. Now, thanks to Oklahoma State University’s biggest donor, T. Boone Pickens, you have the opportunity to double or even triple the impact of a scholarship gift if you make a commitment before the program ends on Feb. 26 or when the matching funds run out, whichever comes first. The Pickens Legacy Scholarship Match was established by a $100 million testamentary challenge gift from Pickens, and the funds are being committed rapidly. To qualify for a match, gifts must meet certain criteria. Outright gifts of at least $50,000 for scholarships or fellowships and paid by the Feb. 26 deadline qualify for a 2:1 match. Jim Donors at the Doel Reed property Vallion and his friends banded together to contribute at least Photo courtesy: S. McCorkle $130,000 to the Smelser Vallion Endowed Scholarship for There is also a deferred gift component. To qualify, the estate gift must be at least $200,000 and the donor agrees to jumpstart the scholarship through equal annual contributions for not more than 10 consecutive years that total 50 percent of the amount of the estate gift commitment. These gifts qualify for a 1:1 match, so a $1 million estate gift and 10 annual payments of $50,000 would both be matched, leading to a total impact of $3 million. the Doel Reed Center for the Arts. With the Pickens Match, this endowment will be worth at least $390,000, producing $19,500 in annual scholarships. Pledges of at least $50,000 and paid in full within at least five years will be matched 1.5:1, so a $250,000 pledge will become an endowment of at least $625,000. This Match also includes the opportunity for multiple people to pool their resources to maximize their impact. Mission T H E MISSION O F T H E D O EL R E E D C E NTE R F O R THE A R TS I S TO PRO V ID E A N OSU CAM P US I N TAO S , N.M., F O R P R O G R A MM I NG THAT R E FLE C TS A SYNE RG IST I C, M ULT I - D I S CI P L I NE D A P P R O A C H TO TE A C HI NG , RE S EA RCH AN D OUT R EAC H R E L ATE D TO THE S O U THW E S T F O R O SU STUDENTS , FACULT Y, AL UM N I A ND F R I E NDS . STUDENT PROFILE: DRCA Scholars Tim Grischkowsky Tim Grischkowsky describes the two weeks he spent at the Doel Reed Center for the Arts last summer as “one of the best trips I’ve ever been on.” “I’ve never had a class like that before,” the junior studio art major said. “We traveled every day in the Taos area sketching architectural sites, plants, landscapes and similar things.” His favorite location was the gorge, which features the iconic Rio Grande Gorge Bridge, hot springs and a picturesque riverbed. “That whole area was my favorite,” Grischkowsky said. “There’s not really anything like that in Oklahoma.” The Stillwater native said the Center provided an incredible experience that he has encouraged others to pursue. “It influences what I do now,” Grischkowsky said. “I’m doing more observational drawing of local things in the Stillwater area because of the sketching I did in Taos.” He was fortunate to be a recipient of the Estelle Hammond Scholarship, endowed by Margaret Hammond in honor of her mother-in-law. As a student who pays his own bills, Grischkowsky said he was especially appreciative of Hammond’s generosity. Grischkowsky repeated his excitement about the Doel Reed Center for the Arts and what it is doing for OSU. “I hope they keep expanding it,” he added. Winter 2010 OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY Photo courtesy: S. McCorkle
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