Barley and Malt Union
Barley and Malt Union
Barley and Malt Union with the participation of The Union of Russian Brewers, Research and Teaching Institute for Brewing in Berlin (VLB), Research Center Weihenstephan for Brewing and Food Quality, Technical University of Berlin Federation Council Committee on Agriculture, Food Policy and Fishery, State Duma Committee on Agrarian Questions and Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation invites you to participate in The Third International Scientific Seminar RAW MATERIALS FOR MALTING AND BREWING PRODUCTION 25 to 26 October, 2011 Venue: Moscow, Business Center of VSK Insurance House, Ostrovnaya st., 4 General sponsor Participants: Malting barley breeders, seed farms, producers and traders of malting barley, hops producers, producers of enzymes, representatives of agricultural projects and procurement departments of malt and brewing companies, manufacturers of plant protection products, fertilizers, agricultural machinery and equipment. The seminar will be attended by members of Russian Federation Council, deputies of State Duma, representatives of Federal Service for the Regulation of the Alcohol Market and the Ministry of Agriculture. We expect about 150-200 attendees. Language: Reports will be presented in Russian, as well as in English and German, with translation into Russian. Pdf versions of all presentations and reports will be distributed to the participants in Russian. Seminar fees: Cost of participation in a two-day seminar is 20 000 rubles per person, the cost of participation with your stand is 40 000 rubles per person, the participation of one person with a report is 60 000 rubles. Prices do not include VAT. Companies - members of the Union get 25% discount per participant and 50% for second and subsequent participants. The fee includes transfer of participants from Krylatskaya metro station to the seminar venue and back by a comfortable bus, coffee breaks, lunch (2 days), hardcopies of reports, translation fees for German and English. PRELIMINARY PROGRAM of the Third International Seminar «Raw Materials for Malting and Brewing Production»* 1. Complimentary speech of Sergey Tzikaliuk, Chairman of the board, VSK Insurance House, Russia. 2. World and Russian market of barley, hops, malt and beer Alexander Mordovin, President of the Barley and Malt Union, Russia 3. Legal aspects of state regulation of production and turnover of beer production: the role and importance of consolidation of the branch associations of the production chain "malting barley-beer" in solution of intersectoral issues Vyacheslav Mamontov, President of the Union of Russian Brewers, Russia 4. Insurance as an effective tool for financial sustainability of the food and processing enterprises Roman Frolov, Deputy Director General of Insurance House VSK (Страховой дом «ВСК»), Russia 5. Thermostable beta-glucanase - a world innovation in malting barley Prof. Dr. Frank Rath, Brewing Institute VLB, Germany 6. Malting barley: the present and the future of agriprojects Sergey Goncharov, portfolio manager of crops, Company "Syngenta", Russia 7. A new fungicide of "DuPont" Ltd. Igor Redkozubov, Regional Coordinator for Central Russia "DuPont Science and Technologies" Ltd., Russia. 8. Agriculture technology and climatic factors influencing the quality parameters of malting barley Prof. Dr. Frank Rath, Brewing Institute VLB Berlin e.V., Germany 9. From the farmer to the brewer - marketing strategies and prospects for malting barley in 2011/12 Oliver Balkhausen, Alfred C. Toepfer International G.m.b.H, Germany 10. Berlin Programme 2010/2011 - latest results Prof. Dr. Frank Rath, Brewing Institute VLB, Germany 11. New technologies of kvass production with specific character of row material base Dipl.-Ing. Konrad Müller-Auffermann, Dr.-Ing. Fritz Jacob, Weihenstephan Institute, Germany 12. Malting barley varieties of Limagrain Company Andrey Voropay, Director General of Limagrain Company 13. Reduction of losses during storage of seed and malting barley by cooling Marcel Berendsen, Fregortec GmbH, Germany. 14. Actual situation in the hop world market Elvira Bartle, Sales Eastern Europe, Simon H. Steiner, Hopfen, GmbH, Germany 15. Effectiveness of the use of YARA fertilizers on malting barley resulting in increasing the number and quality of crops Elena Denyakina, JSC "Yara" 16. Crisis of independent malting industry in Russia: "Who is to blame and what to do?" Alexander Mordovin, President of Barley and Malt Union, Russia 17. The services of Weihenstephan Institute for enterprises of the production chain "malting barley - beer" Dipl.-Ing. Konrad Müller-Auffermann, Dr. Ing. Fritz Jacob, Weihenstephan Institute, Germany 18. New entries of malting barley varieties represented by BayWa for the Russian Market Maria Barskaia, Sales & Marketing Northern Europe, Russia, Ukraine, BayWa Züchtervertrieb, Germany Dr. Stephan Hilbers, Head of Sales & Marketing International, BayWa Züchtervertrieb, Germany 19. Balance control: harvest - cost of grain. Plant protection products as a tool to improve productivity and reduce costs Elena Sokolova, PhD, Head of Technical Marketing of "Syngenta" Company, Russia 20. Varieties of Saatzucht Josef Breun in Russian market Dr. Ernst-Adolf Loop, International Sales Malting Barley, Saatzucht Josef Breun GmbH & Co. KG, Germany 21. Products of the „Bayer Crop Science“ in malting barley cultivation Nikolay Komkov, Pruducts and verieties manager, ZAO „Bayer CropScience“, Russia 22. A unique industrial method of sorting batches of commercial barley in terms of protein Dipl.-Ing. Konrad Müller-Auffermann, Dr. Ing. Fritz Jacob, Weihenstephan Institute, Germany 23. Minibatt – the best friend of agronomist. Innovation of the Russian market – portable combine harvester for taking samples Aleksey Rubtsov, Assistant General Director of OOO „Art-Agro“, Russia * Please note that the list of speakers and topics is tentative and may be edited and changed. As a part of the Seminar will be summed up the results of “Competition for the best producer of malting barley in Russia in 2011” in memory of Vadim Gorozhankin and “Competition for the best agro project of malting and brewing companies” LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING YOU AT THE SEMINAR! Sincerely, Press office Barley and Malt Union Orlikov lane 1 / 11 107139 Moscow Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Tel.: +7 (495) 988-77-91